Food Policy: Elena Castellari, Claudio Soregaroli, Thomas J. Venus, Justus Wesseler

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Food processor and retailer non-GMO standards in the US and EU and the
driving role of regulations

Elena Castellaria, Claudio Soregarolia, , Thomas J. Venusb, Justus Wesselerc
Dipartimento di Economia Agro-alimentare, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Via Emilia Parmense 84, 29122 Piacenza, Italy
Agricultural Production and Resource Economics Group, Technical University of Munich, Alte Akademie 14, 85354 Freising, Germany
Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy Group, Wageningen University, Hollandsweg 1, 6706 KN Wageningen, The Netherlands


Keywords: In the last two decades, voluntary standards have played an increasing role in reshaping the non-GMO labeling
GMO schemes in the EU and the US. This work compares the mandatory and voluntary labeling schemes for food
Private and public standards produced from or with GMO in these two markets. After reviewing the EU and US regulatory frameworks, we
Non-GMO regulation introduce the incentives for the implementation of private and public voluntary standards. We describe the
experiences of voluntary standards adoption by highlighting the development of non-GMO labeled products
markets in EU and US. We emphasize the similarities between EU and US frameworks, the convergence between
public and private standards, and identify the potential for future development of the non-GMO market. We
conclude by describing the policy and economic implications of the development of the non-GMO labeled
products markets and consequences of the regulation that will apply to crops derived by new genetic mod-
ification techniques.

1. Introduction (voluntary public standards); examples are the “Label Rouge” in France
and the Geographical Indications defined within the EU legislation.
Retailers and food processors in the European Union (EU) and the Differently, all functions in private voluntary standards related to the
United States (US) introduced non-GMO standards in the early 2000s. establishment and operation of a system of standards occur privately.1
These standards have evolved over time in their characteristics, adop- Voluntary private standards emerged in the last two decades in many
tion, and legislative frameworks. Standards can be defined as the industrial sectors, with agri-food as the first and most involved sector
agreed criteria or rules “by which a product or a service’s performance, (Raynolds et al., 2014). These standards “go beyond” mandatory and
its technical and physical characteristics, and/or the process and con- public voluntary standards because they can be more stringent in terms
ditions under which it has been produced or delivered, can be assessed” of product and process requirements or they can suggest the im-
(Nadvi and Waltring, 2004, p. 56). Henson and Humphrey (2010) plementation of additional controls as compared to those defined by
classify a standard according to its public/private and mandatory/vo- regulations (Henson and Humphrey, 2010). A variety of voluntary
luntary nature and define four types of standards: (1) regulations private standards can be described in agri-food chains distinguishing
(public/mandatory), (2) legally-mandated private standards (private/ between collective standards (e.g. British Retail Consortium, GLO-
mandatory), (3) public voluntary standards (public/voluntary), and (4) BALG.A.P.2) and individual firm standards (e.g. Field-to-Fork by Marks
private voluntary standards (private/voluntary). and Spencer, Filière Qualité by Carrefour). This distinction is particu-
In agri-food chains, regulations typically define minimum quality larly useful in highlighting the main incentives of private standard
standards, which generally arise as a response to food safety issues. In setting.
addition, standards developed by the private sector can be legally The case of modern agricultural biotechnologies is interesting for
mandated by the regulator within a “co-regulation” framework (Garcia discussing the role of at least three categories of the above-defined
Martinez et al., 2013). The public sector can also define standards that standards: regulations, voluntary public, and private standards. In the
private entities can adopt and implement on a voluntary basis case of agricultural biotechnology, regulations on genetically modified

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (E. Castellari), (C. Soregaroli), (T.J. Venus), (J. Wesseler).
These functions can be distinguished in: standard setting, adoption, implementation, conformity assessment, and enforcement (Henson and Humphrey, 2010).
GLOBALG.A.P. is an internationally recognized standard. They offer the following certifications: Food safety and traceability; Environment ; Workers’ health, safety and welfare;
Animal welfare; Integrated Crop Management (ICM); Integrated Pest Control (IPC); Quality Management System (QMS), and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP).
Received 9 February 2018; Accepted 19 February 2018
0306-9192/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Castellari, E., Food Policy (2018),
E. Castellari et al. Food Policy xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

organisms (GMOs) leave room for voluntary public and private stan- two markets. Understanding these dynamics helps to define future
dards on products that do not fall within the scope of the GMO reg- market scenarios for traded commodities (e.g., soybeans). Under-
ulation. For further enrichment of this discussion on the role of stan- standing if the two markets will converge or not towards similar stan-
dards, we consider the evolution of voluntary non-GMO standards in dards and management practices have sizeable economic implications
two different markets: the United States and the European Union. for all stakeholders operating along the supply chain. For example,
The regulations on GMOs in the two markets start from the same having two similar markets will facilitate the sourcing of the raw ma-
premise: GMOs that receive approval are safe for human consumption terial, the trade between the two markets, the definition of common
and the environment. Nevertheless, the regulations differ with respect strategies and the introduction of new plant breeding techniques.
to the approval procedures, their definition of a GMO, and the labeling This results in important questions: Did different regulations lead to
standards (Smart et al., 2017). Until recently, the United States had not the emergence of a similar path of voluntary private standards devel-
required labeling of GMO products but this changed and mandatory opment? How do they differ in terms of characteristics and adoption?
labeling standards are currently under development (Bovay and Alston, More generally, is there a convergence between public and private
this issue). According to EU legislation, a product must be labeled as standards in the United States and the European Union?
GMO if it contains more than 0.9 percent of EU-approved GMO material This paper will tackle the questions stated above as a first objective.
for any of its ingredients considered individually. Voluntary public and The answers will allow assessing, as a second objective, the potential for
private standards provide the possibility to exempt food products that future development of the non-GMO market, opening the discussion to
are produced with the help of GMOs but which are not from or do not a set of policy implications for the classification of new plant breeding
contain GMOs (e.g., products from animals fed with GMO feed do not techniques, trade, coexistence, segregation, and identity preservation as
require a GMO label).3 well as other topics related to the governance of the supply chain.
Some companies are willing to ensure that their food products The paper is organized as follows. The next section discusses the
follow some non-GMO production rules (e.g., comes from animals fed regulations with a focus on the mandatory labeling standards of the
with non-GMO feed) by complying with a respective private or public United States and the European Union and highlights the differences.
voluntary standard. However, labeling is not always the ultimate goal; Then we assess the incentives for the emergence of voluntary standards
some companies label their products as non-GMO whereas others adopt and relate the assessment to the non-GMO standards in the United
a non-GMO supply chain strategy without explicit labeling (Wesseler, States and the European Union. We discuss the non-GMO standards in
2014). Non-GMO voluntary private standards emerged in the European their characteristics and adoption across the two markets. Finally,
Union at the end of the ‘90s and - following the “right to know” cam- policy implications will be discussed.
paign by anti-GMO activists - are also currently gaining a momentum in
the United States with several retailers and manufacturers introducing 2. Regulations on GMO labeling in the European Union and the
non-GMO labels (Bain and Dandachi, 2014). United States
At the same time, mandatory labeling initiatives are evolving. More
and more US states have discussed the enactment of their own GMO 2.1. United States
labeling laws. Three states (Connecticut, Vermont, and Maine) passed
GMO labeling laws. However, shortly after the Governor of Vermont Regarding food safety in general, the Food and Drug Administration
signed the bill that would require GMO labeling in Vermont to go into (FDA) states in its Statement of Policy that “safety concerns should be
effect in July 2016, President Obama signed bill S. 764 that will require characteristics of the food product, rather than the fact that new
disclosure of GMO food in the United States to avoid a patchwork methods are used” (FDA, 1992). With regard to GMO foods, the FDA
system in which each state has its own labeling law. In the European stated that it “has no basis for concluding that bioengineered foods
Union, the mandatory labeling applies to all Member States, but a differ from other foods in any meaningful or uniform way, or that, as a
patchwork of voluntary public and private standards on non-GMO la- class, foods developed by the new techniques present any different or
beling emerged over the last two decades. Some Member States im- greater safety concern than foods developed by traditional plant
plemented national legislation or guidelines, or prohibit non-GMO la- breeding” (FDA, 1992). The statement implies that GMO products
beling. subject to FDA regulation must comply with the same safety standards
The introduction of a new standard, such as the non-GMO one, has as their non-GMO counterparts. Based on the Statement of Policy, the
several implications for the value chain. Several studies analyze the link FDA placed the regulation of GMO foods within the same existing
between public and private standards under different perspectives: the statutory system that regulates similar products developed using other
reasons to introduce voluntary private standards (for a review see methods. The FDA, responsible for food and feed, has the role to ensure
Giraud-Héraud et al., 2012a) and their legitimacy (e.g. Fuchs et al., that the crop is safe for human consumption. The Environmental Pro-
2011); the relation of voluntary private and public standards (e.g. tection Agency (EPA) is responsible that the crop does not harm the
Smith, 2009; Garcia Martinez et al., 2013); the effect of voluntary environment. In addition, the United States Department of Agriculture
private standards on supply chain governance (e.g. Ghozzi et al., 2016; (USDA) makes sure that the crop is safe to grow. The three government
Gereffi et al., 2005; Humphrey and Schmitz, 2002); and their impact on agencies regulate the GMO products within their jurisdiction.
trade with developing countries with a particular focus on market ac- The FDA’s position is that GMO foods must be labeled only if they
cess by smallholders (e.g. Schuster and Maertens, 2013; Lee et al., differ significantly from their conventional counterparts in a way that
2012). With respect to the labeling of GMOs, a large literature compares might pose a risk to the consumers. An example given by the FDA is a
the mandatory labeling scheme of the European Union and the volun- GMO tomato with a peanut protein. In this case, consumers that are
tary labeling option of the United States with the aim of comparing the allergic to peanuts may not expect tomatoes to contain peanut proteins
efficiency and adequacy of the respective systems (e.g., Caswell, 1998a, exposing them to the risk of consuming allergens.
1998b; Kirchhoff and Zago, 2001; Crespi and Marette, 2003; Huffman Contrary to FDA’s position, GMO labeling has received strong sup-
and McCluskey, 2014; Roe et al., 2014; Bonroy and Constantatos, port from the public opinion polls (Wohlers, 2013). Many states have
2015). However, there is a lack of literature assessing the commonal- attempted to make policy changes in favor of GMO food labeling. Map 1
ities and divergences of the evolution of the non-GMO schemes in the shows the states in which some initiatives in support of GMO labeling
legislation were taken, and in which the legislation passed.
The signing of bill S. 764 in 2016 to require labeling of GMO pro-
Later in the document the emergence of new technologies that may reshape the de- ducts should prevent a patchwork system of GMO labeling require-
finition of GMO in the future will be briefly described. ments. A preemption section in the bill prohibits individual states from

E. Castellari et al. Food Policy xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Map 1. Food labeling activity in the United States.

Source: Based on “2016 State Labeling Legislation Map” and “GE Food Labeling: States Take Action”, Center for Food Safety (online).

applying their own mandatory GMO labeling laws. The system under S. March 2015. The Directive allows EU Member States to demand that
764 conflicts with the FDA’s long-held policy that GMOs should not be part or all of its territory be exempt from the applications without any
labeled. Despite objections by the FDA, the federal government placed justification or to opt out by restricting or banning GMO cultivation
the regulation of GMO labeling in the hands of the USDA. based on reasoned grounds (e.g., land use, socio-economic reasons,
According to the definition of bioengineering in the US regulation, public policy). The Directive only applies to cultivation but not the
labeling rules only apply where the genetic modification cannot import of GMOs. By October 2015, 19 EU Member States opted out of
otherwise be obtained through conventional breeding or found in GMO crop cultivation (Map 2).
nature. Unlike the EU regulation, S. 764 does not require labeling of The Genetically Modified Food and Feed Regulation concerns GMOs for
products such as oil from GMO soybeans or rapeseed, or starches from food use, food containing or consisting of GMOs, and food produced
GMO maize; these products do not contain (or contain very small from or containing ingredients produced from GMOs. The regulation
amounts of) DNA.4 specifies the GMO authorization process for cultivation and import. An
applicant submits an application to the National Competent Authority,
which forwards the application to the European Food Safety Authority
2.2. European Union (EFSA). The EFSA publishes its opinion to the public and sends it to the
Commission, which drafts and submits a proposal for granting or re-
The European Union regulates GMOs in a three-part GMO reg- fusing an authorization to the Standing Committee. The Commission
ulatory system (Begley, 2017). The system consists of the 2001 Delib- adopts the decision if the Standing Committee reaches a qualified ma-
erate Release Directive (Directive 2001/18/EC), the Genetically Modified jority in favor of EFSA’s opinion. If the Committee’s decision is different
Food and Feed Regulation (Regulation (EC) 1829/2003), and the Trace- from the EFSA’s opinion, it must provide a detailed description of the
ability and Labeling Regulation (Regulation (EC) 1830/2003). According differences. If the Committee does not reach a favorable opinion, then
to the Deliberate Release Directive, each new GMO trait submitted for the Council of Ministers votes. If the council does not reach a qualified
marketing in the European Union requires a case-by-case environ- majority, the commission must adopt the decision within three months.
mental risk assessment. This assessment applies to farming as well as The market authorization is valid for 10 years (Smart et al., 2015).
import of GMO products. Until 2015, the directive allowed Member The idea of the Traceability and Labeling Regulation is to facilitate the
States to provisionally ban or restrict a GMO on their territory based on withdrawal of products whose unforeseen adverse effects on human
new or additional scientific knowledge regarding a risk to human health, the environment, or animal health become apparent (European
health or the environment. After thirteen Member States requested the Union, 2004). It should also ensure accurate information to operators
Commission to base their decisions also on other reasons than food and and consumers to enable them to use their freedom of choice. The
environmental safety, the European Union adopted a new Directive in regulation specifies a 0.9 percent “de minimis” threshold of ad-
ventitious presence of EU-approved GMOs.
To avoid demonstrations by anti-GMO activist groups and the risk of
For a deeper discussion of the S.764 and the controversies regarding the GMO defi-
nition please refer to the paper: Bovay and Alston (this issue) “GMO Food Labels in the
boycotts, manufacturers, and retailers (with a few exceptions) do not
United States: Economic Implications of the New Law”. commercially offer products with a GMO label in the European Union

E. Castellari et al. Food Policy xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Map 2. Member States that opted out of GMO crop cultivation.

Source: Based on USDA FAS (2015).

(e.g., Gruere, 2006). The United Kingdom is one of the EU Member linked to managing food safety failures, and (3) the liability costs. Costs
States with some GMO-labeled products (GM Freeze Online, 2017). not only relate to the occurrence of a food safety failure. In fact, in the
Similar to S. 764 in the United States, the EU Genetically Modified non-GMO case, some companies choose to adopt the standard to avoid
Food and Feed Regulation does not require GMO labeling of livestock appearing in the naming and shaming lists of anti-GMO activists as this
food products, only because animals were fed with GMO feed. The GMO appearance might negatively affect a company’s reputation.
attribute in livestock products can be considered a process attribute. Voluntary public standards can emerge out of similar objectives.
Because consumers are unable to distinguish livestock products derived The legislator can set voluntary public standards to create a basis of
from GMO and non-GMO feed, several consumer and environmental minimum requirements for private standards. Furthermore, legislators
groups actively lobbied for labeling these products to give consumers can replace private initiative either to speed up the process or to avoid
the freedom of choice. In both the European Union and the United the presence of too many private standards that can create confusion to
States, the private sector has implemented non-GMO labeling standards the final consumer and can limit the gains in standardization and
on a voluntary basis. procurement costs as e.g. in Germany (Venus et al., this issue).

3. Incentives for voluntary standards 3.2. Benefit maximization

3.1. Cost minimization While collective voluntary private standards are usually business-to-
business standards and not advertised to consumers, individual volun-
From a buyer-driven perspective, food suppliers can introduce vo- tary private standards generally show a high degree of “visibility” to
luntary private standards to reduce procurement transaction costs and consumers (Hammoudi et al., 2015). In the second case, the logic in
to minimize food safety risks. With the increasingly global procurement setting the standard is mainly a “differentiation” strategy. Effective
of agri-food supply and the emergence of multinational players (espe- differentiation is linked to the process of building a brand and its
cially retailers), the purchasing activity is particularly complex when equity, which is strictly correlated to a consumer’s loyalty and firm’s
facing a multitude of heterogeneous suppliers and products. Suppliers long-term profitability. Firms use food quality attributes to differentiate
can reduce procurement costs if a large number of them implement the their offer and build brand equity. These attributes have for large part
same standard (Holleran et al., 1999), that is, if they set a collective “credence” characteristics (Darby and Karni, 1973), that is, they are not
voluntary private standard. In doing so, standards are justified in their verifiable by consumers not even after purchase and consumption.
collective nature as an open access to enlarge adoption (Giraud-Héraud Fitting this domain are attributes such as sustainability, fair trade, non-
et al., 2012b). GMO, and green labels for which segments of consumers have a higher
Similarly, collective standards represent an ex-ante solution to re- willingness to pay.
duce the risk of incurring several types of ex-post costs related to food Labels based on voluntary private standards are often firm-specific
safety failures: (1) the costs of reputation loss; (2) the operational costs and present unique characteristics, which allow gaining or defending a

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competitive advantage. This uniqueness can depend on individual vo-

luntary private standards. These standards are usually a mix between
company-, product-, or process-specific certified characteristics and
company-selected public or collective voluntary standards. Because
competitive advantage is a dynamic concept, firms need to introduce
new company-specific attributes progressively to sustain differentia-
tion. In fact, public and collective standards will progressively in-
corporate successful individual voluntary private standards leading to a
“standardization of standards.” This standardization happened for non-
safety attributes, such as environmental and employment practices in-
corporated in GLOBAL G.A.P. (Hammoudi et al., 2015).
Voluntary public standards can also have a differentiation purpose,
as is, for example, the case of the already mentioned EU Geographic
Indications or French “Label Rouge.” In this case, the guarantee of the
public authority can be important to consumers to give credibility to
the label. In the United States, for example, Roe and Teisl (2007) find Fig. 1. The supply chain for soybean and maize. Arrows indicate the product flow.
that consumers viewed FDA-certified claims as most credible. Voluntary
public standards, as Geographical Indications, can also be driven by a
governance of the supply chain (Varacca et al., 2014). In general, in-
public authority to favor the coordination of different stakeholders in a
gredients are classified based on the degree of potential risks of ad-
territory and provide benefits for its development.
ventitious presence. Any ingredients that are at risk of containing GMOs
must be tested prior to their use and, after the test, must respect rig-
4. Characteristics of the non-GMO voluntary standards orous traceability and segregation practices along the supply chain.
Third-party certification bodies check through audits and inspections
The definition of the non-GMO voluntary standards varies according the effective segregation between GMO and non-GMO raw materials as
to the public legislation and the product category. Voluntary standards well as the compliance with other product and process required by
can be set by the public sector (voluntary public standard) or by a retailer standards (Passuello et al., 2015).
private organization (voluntary private standards). In general, a vo- Depending on the product, the non-GMO standards define its
luntary public or private non-GMO standard defines rules regarding the characteristics and the production process, including audit and quali-
use of GMOs in the process and thresholds on the maximum GMO fication of the actors involved, the handling of the product, its sampling
content in the final product. These standards usually require that the and control procedures, and the management of non-compliances and
food is derived from non-GMO ingredients but can encounter GMOs consequent liability. In general, both the supply chain management and
along the processing phase (e.g., enzymes produced by GMO bacteria) the vertical arrangements are similar across different non-GMO volun-
or can contain adventitious GMO traces up to a defined threshold. We tary standards; what differs is the strictness of the technical require-
can find two different types of non-GMO labeling: (1) plant-based ments and the burden of controls. The standards provide a framework
products obtained from non-GMO ingredients with no GMO traces or to assist farmers, processors, and manufacturers in avoiding or reducing
traces below a defined threshold; and (2) livestock products (e.g., meat, the risk of GMO adventitious presence. However, each voluntary stan-
dairy products, eggs) from non-GMO-fed animals. If a livestock product dard has its own specificities.
contains several ingredients, then a combination of the two non-GMO In the United States, given the absence of voluntary public stan-
labeling types emerges.5 dards, the “Non-GMO verified” project is the most widely applied non-
Because a large part of the soy and maize that farmer worldwide GMO standard; it is a third-party certifier that ensures the compliance
grow are genetically modified, it can be challenging to assure the of some “best practices” for GMO avoidance (The Non-GMO Project,
compliance to the non-GMO feed classification along the whole supply 2016). Since 2005, the multi-stakeholder nonprofit organization “Non-
chain. Soybean and maize supply chains are in many aspects similar in GMO Project” sets voluntary private standards for labeling products as
terms of structure and actors involved (Fig. 1). Both chains include non-GMO, following the protocol of the “Non-GMO Project verified”
domestic farmers and international trades at the top and proceeding certification, which defines threshold values in its non-GMO production
downstream, soybean crushers and maize mills, compound feed pro- standard.6 The project, in alignment with the European Union, allows a
ducers, distributors, livestock producers, processors, and retailers. threshold of 0.9 percent of GMO sources in food ingredients to obtain
Compound feed producers often vertically integrate crushers and mills. the non-GMO verification. For certification of livestock products, the
Depending on the country, the relevance of domestic and international threshold for GMO traces in the feed is 5 percent. However, all parti-
production differs; for example, the European Union is largely depen- cipants are required to improve continuously in order to get closer to
dent on soybean and soybean meal imports used as protein feed. For achieving a final goal of the complete absence of GMO sources (The
tracing purposes and transparency, international certifiers are im- Non-GMO Project, 2016). The standards to label a product as non-GMO
portant within this framework to certify traded non-GMO products. are set on a consensus-based document to which many stakeholders and
The different actors need to preserve the identity of the non-GMO industry experts have contributed.
product along the supply chain. Identity preservation costs arise be- In Europe, a harmonized legislation defining “non-GMO”, “GMO-
cause the common handling and processing of bulk commodities in- free” or similar labeling terms does not (yet) exist. Instead, several EU
creases the likelihood of accidental or technically unavoidable GMO Member States, as well as Switzerland, have defined different rules and
presence (often referred to as adventitious GMO presence). Therefore, guidelines for labeling non-GMO products. A European Commission
segregation and traceability practices need to be implemented (Smyth
and Phillips, 2002). These practices, and the related coordination me-
chanisms implemented along the supply chain, also translate into a 6
The threshold values are maximum share of GMO content in a particular food or feed
higher degree of dependency among actors and affect the overall ingredient or seeds, for which action is required. Within the “non-GMO Project verified”
requirements these thresholds are: 0.25 percent for seed and other propagation materials;
0.9 percent for inputs to human food, ingredients, supplements; 5 percent for livestock
Depending on the specific standards differentiations are possible with respect to the feed and supplements, including those used for animal-derived inputs to human food
use of vaccines and feed and food additives. productions; and 1.5 percent for inputs to packaging, cleaning products, textiles.

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Table 1
Different non-GMO livestock product labeling legislation in Europe.

Facilitating legislation Highly restrictive legislation Prohibitive legislation

Countries Austria, Germany, France, Hungary, Croatia*, Greece*, Luxembourg* The Netherlands, Finland, Switzerland Belgium, Sweden

Threshold for feed 0.1 or 0.9 percent adventitious presence Zero threshold

Threshold for food 0.1 percent or zero threshold Zero threshold

Feeding Allows GMO feed some period before milking, laying eggs, or slaughtering Non-GMO feed during the whole animal lifetime

Label Wording and/or labeling design is specified and must be used

* These countries are in the preparation process.

report discusses a potential harmonization of non-GMO standards In the United States, retailers were the first to respond to the poli-
(European Commission, 2015). Furthermore, the non-profit organiza- tical debate over GMO labeling. In 2001, Trader Joe’s, owned by the
tion “Donau Soja” created a non-GMO standard, which it handed over German retailer Aldi Nord, first introduced a non-GMO private label
to agricultural ministers of 15 countries along the Danube river in line followed, in 2009, by Whole Foods, which quickly became the
October 2016.7 The standard is based on the labeling guidelines es- largest retailer of non-GMO products, and by Target in 2013 (Bain and
tablished by the Austrian organization for non-GMO food products and Dandachi, 2014). Some food processors followed the path that retailers
only applies to adopters in a respective country once it gets transposed traced and converted their own brands partially or completely to non-
into national law. The standard should be the first step to a harmoni- GMO. Greene et al. (2016) show that, since 2010, the adoption of the
zation of non-GMO labeling and guide countries that do not have their “Non-GMO Project verified” label has grown rapidly from less than
own national approaches for non-GMO labeling. 1000 products with Universal Product Codes (UPC), to almost 12,500
The current EU Member State schemes of countries that have na- UPC in 2014. Over half of the non-GMO verified products were also
tional voluntary public standards range from legislation that facilitates labeled organic. Even though the USDA already prohibits the use of
non-GMO labeling to legislation that bans labeling altogether; and be- GMOs in organic production, some organic producers decided to
tween the two extremes, there are legislations that are highly restrictive highlight the non-GMO characteristic of their product at very low in-
(Table 1). Facilitating legislations in Austria, Germany, France, and cremental costs.
recently Hungary define threshold values for adventitious presence of In 2015, more than 3000 brands and 30,000 items were listed as
GMOs. These legislations also allow feeding of GMO feed over some compliant with the “non-GMO Project verified” requirements (Table 2).
period before deriving the livestock product. The periods differ by The market of non-GMO products grew fast, registering an increase of
country and are specific for different animals. Further countries around $3 billion in annual sales in 2012 to around $5 billion in 2013,
(Croatia, Greece, and Luxembourg) are preparing similar regulatory $8.5 billion in 2014 (Genetic Literacy Project, 2017), and $11 billion in
frameworks. 2015 (Greene et al., 2016). In March 2017, almost 44,000 UPC and
By 2015, 18 EU Member States did not become directly involved in 3800 items received the non-GMO label under “non-GMO Project ver-
non-GMO labeling schemes. For example, the Italian government does ified” standards (Table 2).
not have an official position on non-GMO labeling, leaving Italian re- Bain and Dandachi (2014) point out that the growth in non-GMO
gions free to develop their own positions. In Italy, the national ac- products has synergies with consumers increasing interest in organic
creditation body, Accredia, developed a technical document (RT-11) and natural products; a market that has increased by 13.5 percent in
defining the minimum requirements for the certification of products 2011–2012 and reached $81.3 billion dollars in sales. In 2015, more
commonly referred to as “non-GMO”8 (Boccaletti et al., 2012). than 40 percent of items and brands comply both with the “non-GMO
Project verified” standards and also with an organic certification. In
2017, the share of verified products that also have an organic re-
5. Adoption of non-GMO voluntary standards cognition has dropped to 36.4 percent (Table 2). In 2015, many cate-
gories (such as dairy products, as well as the plant and seeds and baby
5.1. Adoption in the United States food and infant formula categories) had over 70 percent of their pro-
ducts certified, both as non-GMO and organic. Plant and seeds products
In the United States, in contrast to the principle of substantial labeled both as non-GMO and organic dropped by almost 10 percent
equivalence applied by the FDA, the anti-GMO movement has quickly during the period December 2015-March 2017 (from 62.2 percent in
grown among several states.9 The main standpoint of the movement is 2015 to 52.9 percent in 2017), confirming that over time the market of
that consumers have the “right to know” what they are buying and to non-GMO products is gaining its own independent recognition. To re-
voluntarily decide whether to consume GMO foods. The “right to know” spond to the growing non-GMO food demand, the largest private trader
initiatives rose consumer awareness on issues related to GMOs and may of grain and other agricultural commodities, Cargill, announced in
have increased firms’ opportunity costs of not using the non-GMO la- March of 2017 that it received Non-GMO Project verification for several
beling option. of its supplied food ingredients (Cargill Online, 2017).
Another activity promoted by the “Non-GMO Project” since 2010 is
These countries are: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech the “Non-GMO Month”, one of largest in-store outreach campaigns to
Republic, Germany (Bavaria, Baden Wuerttemberg), Hungary, Italy (Trentino Alto Adige, draw consumers’ attention to the concerns surrounding GMOs. Many
Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Emilia-Romana, Lombardia, Piemont, Vallée d'Aoste), stores (located in the United States and Canada as well as online stores)
Moldova, Poland (Dolnoslaskie, Opolskie, Slaskie, Swietokrzyskie, Podkarpackie, have participated in this campaign during the recent past years.10 Map
Malopolske), Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Switzerland, Ukraine
(Uschgorod, Tschernowzy, Winniza, Odessa, Lwow, Ternopol, Chmelnizkij, Iwano-
3 shows 4050 of non-GMO Project registered retailers located in the
Frankovsm). United States. Visually comparing Map 3 with Map 1, we can observe
According to this document, non-GMO food must not contain random traces of ge-
netically modified DNA above 0.1 percent for food compared to the species-specific total
DNA; these values go down to 0.01 percent for seeds and up to 0.9 percent for feed use. 10
The non-GMO project website list 2030 stores participating to the “Non-GMO
Please ref Bain and Dandachi (2014) for a more detailed explanation of how the non- Month” campaign in 2015, 1816 stores in 2016 and 2358 stores already enrolled for the
GMO movement grew in the USA. year 2017 (source, accessed May 9th 2017).

E. Castellari et al.

Table 2
Number of products with Universal Product Codes (UPC), and brands compliant with “non-GMO Project Verified” standards by market category at December 2015 and March 2017.
Source: Based on Non-GMO Project-verified data.

Category Number of non-GMO UPC Number of non-GMO UPC also % non-GMO UPC with organic Number of non-GMO Number of brands with at least one % of brands with at least one UPC also
labeled organic label brands UPC also labeled organic labeled organic

2015 2017 2015 2017 2015 2017 2015 2017 2015 2017 2015 2017

Alternative Dairy Products 774 822 199 232 25.7% 28.2% 50 55 19 25 38.0% 45.5%
Baby Food and Infant Formula 499 695 359 486 71.9% 69.9% 16 29 12 21 75.0% 72.4%
Beverages 2712 4274 1486 2133 54.8% 49.9% 240 335 141 178 58.8% 53.1%
Body Care Products 579 744 176 255 30.4% 34.3% 36 45 14 21 38.9% 46.7%
Bread and Baked Goods 1246 2489 314 436 25.2% 17.5% 142 202 47 62 33.1% 30.7%
Candy, Chocolate, Desserts, and 2222 3202 1032 1397 46.4% 43.6% 210 283 120 153 57.1% 54.1%
Cereal and Breakfast Foods 1516 1776 701 769 46.2% 43.3% 146 168 59 70 40.4% 41.7%
Condiments, Oils, Dressings, 2867 4347 1140 1513 39.8% 34.8% 345 475 163 208 47.2% 43.8%
and Spread
Dairy Products 292 470 211 314 72.3% 66.8% 18 31 14 19 77.8% 61.3%

Fruits and Vegetables 2811 4095 1112 1388 39.6% 33.9% 247 339 109 137 44.1% 40.4%
General 42 22 16 7 38.1% 31.8% 20 15 7 5 35.0% 33.3%
Grains, Beans, and Flour 2379 3155 1061 1193 44.6% 37.8% 234 310 110 130 47.0% 41.9%
Herbs, Spices, and Other 1987 2901 1130 1283 56.9% 44.2% 108 153 48 55 44.4% 35.9%
Meat, Fish, and Eggs 783 1236 312 374 39.8% 30.3% 83 117 33 33 39.8% 28.2%
Mercantile 76 94 0 13 0.0% 13.8% 7 11 0 4 0.0% 36.4%
Packaged and Frozen Meals 356 457 156 223 43.8% 48.8% 59 63 26 28 44.1% 44.4%
Pasta 851 1299 279 328 32.8% 25.3% 68 95 29 37 42.6% 38.9%
Pet Products 92 168 43 67 46.7% 39.9% 13 19 8 9 61.5% 47.4%
Planting Seed and Animal Feed 212 429 160 254 75.5% 59.2% 28 49 17 27 60.7% 55.1%
Snack Foods and Bars 4256 6312 1361 1838 32.0% 29.1% 375 531 160 204 42.7% 38.4%
Soups and Sauces 458 565 204 257 44.5% 45.5% 64 85 27 34 42.2% 40.0%
Spirits, Wine, and Beer 82 121 51 64 62.2% 52.9% 13 22 7 13 53.8% 59.1%
Tofu, Tempeh, and Alternative 330 440 120 136 36.4% 30.9% 36 41 17 22 47.2% 53.7%
Meat Prod
Vitamins and Supplements 1420 1993 379 580 26.7% 29.1% 103 134 53 61 51.5% 45.5%
Wholesale Ingredients 703 1823 179 456 25.5% 25.0% 100 189 39 68 39.0% 36.0%

Total 29,545 43,929 12,181 15,996 41.2% 36.4% 2761 3796 1279 1624 46.3% 42.8%
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E. Castellari et al. Food Policy xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Map 3. Stores registered in the non-GMO Project in the United States (N = 4050).
Source: Our elaboration on data collected from

how the stores’ activities of the Non-GMO Project are higher in states, example, defining clear certification, monitoring, and control rules.
where initiatives in favor of mandatory GMO labeling were promoted. These voluntary private standards are developed, for example, by multi-
This comparison may indicate that NGO and consumers’ movements, as stakeholder associations (e.g., in Germany) comprising retailers, pro-
well as the political debate, are driving incentives to offer non-GMO cessors, farmers, consumers, and consumer and environmental non-
labeled products. governmental organizations (NGOs). Also, in the EU Member States
In the last decade, the Non-GMO Project had a strategic role in that do not have national legislation (e.g., the UK, Slovenia, the Czech
coordinating stakeholders’ actions to respond to a growing interest in Republic, Poland, and Spain) some retailers developed their own vo-
non-GMO certified products. During these years of action, the role of luntary private standards (Moses and Brookes, 2013).13
the nonprofit organization received support from retailers and manu- Labeling is not always the goal. Some companies label their pro-
facturers that have strategically decided to invest in this growing ducts as non-GMO whereas others adopt a non-GMO strategy without
market. Besides certification and membership fees, donations and labeling. Several private organizations in Member States with or
grants that the Non-GMO Project receives increased from around without national legislation require from their suppliers not to use any
$78,000 in 2007 to $575,698 in 2013.11 GMO inputs.
While the non-GMO Project is the major player on product ver- In Austria, the Ministry of Health implemented a Directive in 1998
ification, other options became available in 2015. The federal admin- for defining non-GMO production (Federal Ministry of Austria, 2010)
istration has proposed a fee-based product verification process, handled shortly after 1.2 million people signed a referendum against the use of
by the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) with the assistance GMOs in food and feed (Seifert, 2002). Also in 1998, Germany im-
of a qualified AMS auditor (Greene et al., 2016). Moreover, since 2015, plemented its first voluntary public standards as part of its regulation
also the NSF International organization,12 incorporating elements from on novel food. While the Austrian standard facilitates non-GMO la-
the European Union’s and Vermont’s GMO labeling requirements, beling, the German standard was very strict and made it difficult and
launched the “NSF Non-GMO True North Program” to offer non-GMO very expensive to implement. In 2008, non-GMO labeling in Germany
certification for intermediate and retail products (Greene et al., 2016). became part of the federal law on genetic engineering and now, similar
to the Austrian regulatory framework, facilitates non-GMO labeling. In
France, non-GMO labeling is regulated in the Decree by the Ministry of
5.2. Adoption in the European Union Economics, Finance, and Industry (2012–128) and has been in force
since July 2012. Also, South Tyrol covers non-GMO labeling by law.
In the European Union, the national legislation specifies minimum The latest EU Member State that implemented a facilitating non-GMO
requirements that a firm has to follow when labeling products as non- voluntary public standard was Hungary. In 2015, 3.5 percent of new
GMO. Based on these minimum requirements, voluntary private stan-
dards can be defined to operationalize the national legislation by, for
After Brexit UK might decide to diversify GMO regulation from the rest of EU. In a
Self-reported at according to IRS form 990 tax returns reported parliamentary answer of October 21st 2016 the minister of agriculture in charge George
income. Eustice has declared that the government will consider a revision of regulations sur-
The Public Health and Safety Organization, rounding genetically modified crops after UK leaves EU.

E. Castellari et al. Food Policy xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Table 3
Number of dairy and animal-based products, companies, and brands compliant with “non-GMO” standard in Austria, year 2017.
Source: Based on ARGE Online (2017).

Category Number of non-GMO labeled products Number of companies Number of brands Share of non-GMO labeled organic

Butter 2 2 2 50%
Cheese 426 16 55 19%
Dairy products 473 15 41 22%
Milk 112 16 36 21%
Eggs 122 18 25 40%
Fish frozen 1 1 1 100%
Meat 218 11 19 24%
Sausage products 107 8 9 32%
Others 866 51 83 79%

Total 2325 55 147 44%

product launches in Germany and 2.4 percent in Italy had a non-GMO European Union, a zero threshold applies for GMOs that do not have an
claim. approval. Earlier this year, for example, the European Union had to
The non-GMO labeling standards in Austria and Germany are well withdraw GMO petunias, although not a food crop, from the market as
established and the organizations that are responsible for the issuing of these plants have no approval for the EU or for the US market
a non-GMO standard in those countries list all registered companies and (Malakoff, 2017).
products. Table 3 and 4 report the data of Austria and Germany, re- A second similarity is that both regions introduced mandatory la-
spectively. In both countries, livestock products play the major role for beling. While the introduction in the European Union was in the early
non-GMO labeling. 2000s, it just recently was in the United States. One of the reasons for
Comparing Tables 3 and 4 with Table 2, where the expansion of the earlier introduction in the European Union is that the EU Member
non-GMO products in the United States is presented, we can notice how States that asked for mandatory labeling had the legislative power to
the label “organic” in the European Union is more distinct from the block the approval of GMOs for import, processing, and cultivation,
“non-GMO” one. The share of non-GMO labeled products that also have while the federal US states did not have this power (Wesseler and
an organic label is higher in the US than in Austria and Germany. Kalaitzandonakes, 2011). In the United States, the driving force was the
Moreover, within Europe, in Austria we observe higher product shares possibility of different standards being introduced at state level with the
of non-GMO labeled organic products than in Germany. fear of compromising domestic trade. The federal government in-
For 2014, ProTerra and DanubeSoya estimate the consumption of tervened by introducing a nationwide mandatory labeling legislation.
non-GMO soy in Europe at approximately 5 million metric tons dis- Detailed specifications of the standards for the US legislation are still
tributed as follows: Germany with 1 million tons, Italy with 0.8 million missing. One of the missing specifications is, for example, a threshold
tons, France with 0.7 million tons, and Scandinavian countries with level for adventitious GMO presence in unlabeled food. In the European
0.75 million tons (Peter and Krug, 2016). Union, a threshold level of 0.9 percent threshold level applies for food.
An alignment of the US threshold to the EU threshold might be a rea-
sonable expectation as this would facilitate trade (Felbermayr et al.,
6. Discussion 2013). However, as long as asynchronous approval exists, that is, as
long as the GM events that are approved in the European Union differ to
While the GMO regulatory frameworks in the European Union and the events approved in the United States, the alignment would not fa-
United States had different starting points and followed different paths, cilitate trade to the full extent possible. Using a general zero threshold
today, they have several important similarities, which suggest that the level for mandatory labeling would likely result in labeling of most food
two markets are experiencing an apparent convergence towards similar products as GMO, because US farmers widely plant GM crops and
solutions. The first similarity is that both regions allow a GMO in the manufacturers widely use GMOs in food production.
food system only if it has received approval to be safe for human and A third similarity is that both the EU and the US market exclude
animal consumption as well as for the environment if the authorization products derived with GMOs from mandatory labeling. Examples are
pertains to cultivation. However, there are differences to what con- products derived with GMO bacteria or GMO yeast cells. These bacteria
stitutes and requires approval as a GMO as well as what those re- or cells are often part of the food production process for bread or
quirements are (Smart et al., 2017). For both the United States and the

Table 4
Number of dairy and animal-based products, companies, and brands compliant with “non-GMO” standard in Germany, year 2017.
Source: Based on VLOG Online (2017).

Category Number of non-GMO products Number of companies Number of brands Share of non-GMO labeled organic

Beef 24 7 7 0%
Cheese 471 36 91 1%
Chevon and Lamb 2 1 1 0%
Dairy products 1007 57 155 9%
Eggs 349 99 132 0%
Poultry 1333 14 62 0%
Sausage products 121 11 10 12%
Pork 58 6 5 0%
Others 848 68 83 10%

Total 4503 266 467 8%

E. Castellari et al. Food Policy xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

cheeses. Similarly, animal products derived from animals fed with GMO 7. Policy implications
feed do not fall within the scope of the EU and US mandatory labeling
schemes. In both regions, an increasing number of retailers list non- Aside from the impacts on the direct trade of labeled final products,
GMO labeled animal products such as eggs, fresh milk, cheese, and the developments of GMO production and usage have also potential
meat. At present, the non-GMO standards are heterogeneous in the impacts for international trade in agricultural commodities. The most
European Union. While some EU Member States prohibit non-GMO widely planted GMO crops (soybeans, maize, and cotton) are mainly
labeling, others facilitate the implementation of public voluntary used as feed for livestock production or as feedstock for industry rather
standards, and some others did not get directly involved in non-GMO than as food. For example, 94 percent of soybeans and 92 percent of
labeling schemes. In the United States, the private sector Non-GMO corn in the United States were genetically modified in 2015, and ap-
Project introduced a nationwide “Non-GMO verified” standard in 2007, proximately 98 percent of soybean meal goes to animal feed, and 88
which is now one of several non-GMO labeling standards. The revenue percent of corn is used either for animal feed or as industrial feedstock
generated with Non-GMO Project verified products made about 0.4 (mainly ethanol) (Zilberman et al., 2015; Herring and Paarlberg, 2016).
percent of the total food sales revenue in 2012. However, the revenue In the European Union, cultivation plays a less important role, because
more than tripled from 2012 until 2014 in the United States. The initial Bt maize made up only 1.51 percent of total EU maize production in
driving forces are in both regions NGOs prompting restaurants, retail 2015 and was almost entirely cultivated in Spain. However, the Eur-
chains, and food producers to eschew GMOs in food products. Some opean Union imports around 65 percent of the consumed soybean meal,
private sector entities implemented the label for reputation purposes mostly from Brazil and Argentina where, respectively, 91 and 99 per-
and because a non-GMO label allows product differentiation to generate cent of total soybean cultivation is GMO. If the market for non-GMO
additional profits, in particular for those selling the final product (e.g., labeled products increases, demand for non-GMO feed will also in-
retailers). However, whether the products differentiation merely re- crease. This will be particularly important for the soybean market with
distributes rents to producers or consumers are really better of knowing its large imports to the European Union and its high share of herbicide-
the ingredients is still an open question which can be tackled by future resistant GMO soybeans. This development offers opportunities for
research. herbicide-resistant soybeans that are not categorized as GMO.
A fourth similarity is that in both regions, private standards for non- An increasing non-GMO market will also have implications on co-
GMO labeling have emerged in parallel. From about the mid of the existence between GMO and non-GMO products because most GMO
2000s, food producers, retailers, and chain restaurants started to ad- crops are used as feed for livestock production. A larger non-GMO
vertise non-GMO products. A recognizable market for those products market may increase economies of scale of non-GMO supply chains and
emerged from about 2010 onwards in both regions. certification systems, and hence, lower the costs of segregating non-
There are some notable differences with respect to the current la- GMO from GMO products. However, a growing market may also lead to
beling schemes. The US legislation offers food producers more flexibility further challenges of coexistence at farm-level in the United States and
allowing them to disclose GMOs in barcodes. In the European Union, a also in the European Union if it authorizes further GMO crops for cul-
label on the package or product must clearly state the presence of GMOs. tivation. Coexistence costs highly depend on the defined coexistence
Another difference to the EU regulation is that some products derived requirements and strict measures can significantly increase costs for
from GMOs such as soybean oil derived from GMO soybeans or sugar cultivating GMO crops (Venus et al., 2016). Since the non-GMO attri-
derived from GMO sugar beets currently do not fall within the scope of bute cannot be identified with tests based on the PCR-method (Varacca
the US labeling legislation. The US legislation also exempts restaurants. and Soregaroli, 2016), a certification system must cover the whole
In the European Union, most major retailers announced not to list supply chain and is mainly based on documentation (Venus et al., this
GMO-labeled food products, while in the United States, this has been issue).
limited (so far) to retailers specialized in selling mainly organic food The larger market implications will depend on the regulation of
products. An announcement to eschew GMOs would be more difficult crops derived by various new genetic modification techniques (e.g.,
for non-specialized US food retailers considering the wide use of GMO CRISPR\Cas9). These techniques are often referred to as new plant
crops for maize, soybeans, and oilseed rape in the United States. breeding techniques (NPBTs) (e.g., Lusser and Davies, 2013).14 The
We expect that the non-GMO market will further grow in the current regulatory system is binary: GMO or not. Because a range of
coming years. In particular, products will enter that already comply NPBTs exists, one could think of several categories of regulation instead
with the non-GMO standards but are not labeled as such. In the of the binary system. However, it is likely that there will be a whole
European Union products may enter this market that follow a non-GMO continuum of NPBTs in the future, and many categories would make the
supply chain strategy already, for example, products produced under regulatory system complex. Furthermore, if the United States regulated
the three EU-wide quality logos: protected designation of origin (PDO), NPBTs differently than the European Union, then the trade implications
protected geographical indication (PGI), and traditional specialty could be substantial. Some environmental organizations claim that the
guaranteed (TSG). The economic advantage of those products is that the industry can strategically use NPBTs to avoid GMO regulation (Pollack,
production process is already well documented and certified and hence, 2015). These organizations have positioned themselves against the use
additional costs for a non-GMO label are relatively low. of NPBTs and favor regulating them as GMOs (Sprink et al., 2016).
We also expect that the non-GMO standards within the European Hence, even if NPBTs will not fall within the scope of GMO regulation,
Union and between the European Union and the United States will it is possible that consumers and environmental organizations will ad-
further converge to increases the potential market size and facilitate vocate labeling of non-GMO products, including products derived from
trade. The GLOBALG.A.P. standard developed similarly to the non-GMO NPBTs. Such a labeling system would require careful documentation
standards; it started as an initiative by medium-sized retailers in the because the NPBT attribute (similar to the GMO attribute after GM feed
European Union and became an international private voluntary stan- is processed into a livestock product) is a process attribute that cannot
dard. Further, for internationally operating food companies using har- be traced through identification tests. NPBTs will challenge the identity
monized standards allows to benefit from the collective private stan- preservation systems, including coexistence issues at the farm level
dards in different markets since consumers as well as lobby groups seem because some NPBTs only introduce minimal changes to the genome of
to care more about the label to eschew GMO crops than the specific
characteristics. More generally, the labeling debate focuses more on the
political economic implications than on the science aspects, as GMOs 14
Main categories of NPBTs are site-specific mutagenesis, cisgenesis and intragenesis,
are similar to organic products in that they are a political construct breeding with transgenic inducer line, grafting techniques, and agro-infiltration techni-
(Herring and Paarlberg, 2016). ques.

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