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Unit 2-1:2

Explain the value of play for young children in the following development areas:

Physical- Play helps children understand the world and discover how their bodies work.
Explore the benefits of play and find out how to encourage rich playtime experiences.

Social- Playing can help children develop their social skills with others. By listening,
paying attention and sharing play experiences, this helps a child: explore their feelings.
develop self-discipline.

Emotional- Play is vital for a child’s emotional development; the emergence of their
experience, expression and understanding. From processing ideas and feelings to
developing empathy, emotional resilience and coping with anxiety, play is a natural way
for children to develop the skills they need to understand the world they live in.

Intellectual- It helps children develop language and reasoning skills, encourages

autonomous thinking and problem solving as well as helps improve their ability to focus
and control their behavior.

Language- They learn how to get along with others, to problem solve, and how to
communicate and use language effectively.

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