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1. Action Research Proposals must be subjected to evaluation by the Division
Appraisal Team.
2. The proponents must refer to the Matrix of Recommendation/Correction to
improve the proposal (when necessary) before the approval.
3. The proponent must return the corrected manuscript with the “Action Taken
4. Approved proposals should be implemented.
5. Presentation of the completed action researches must be done in the respective
schools and in the Division or Region when requested.
6. The Division Appraisal Team will recommend researches to be included in the
Division Research Journal.
7. The recommended format should be followed. The following must also be
specifically observed in submitting the proposal and the completed study
a. the font size should be 12” and the font style can either be Times New
Roman or Arial;
b. use short bond paper;
c. the left, right, top and bottom margin must be 1”;
d. double spacing;
e. bold headings;
f. use APA (American Psychology Association) referencing style;
g. the use of personal pronoun (I or we) is allowed in writing action research
since it is qualitative in nature.
The use of personal pronouns is allowed in action research. In qualitative
approach, the writer brings himself or herself into the study, “the personal
pronoun "I" is used” (Qualitative Research Paradigm Guide)
h. Tenses: for the proposal, use future tense; for the completed study, use
past tense except for the description of the data and the insights of the
researcher, use present tense (ex. The table shows…);future plans should
be in future tense.

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Action Research Proposal Format




Name : ____________________________________

Position : ____________________________________

Number of Years in Service: ___________________________________

Name of School : ____________________________________

School Head : ____________________________________

I. Introduction
- Background of the Study
- Research Questions
- Significance of the study

II. Method
- Description of the Action and Implementation Plans
- Study Participants and Selection
- Research Instrument and Data Collection
- Ethical Considerations


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Problem; Purpose; and OF 7TH GRADERS
Recipients of the Action)
Background of the Filipinos as second language learners of English, the
Study/Introduction: language of the world, are beset with the challenge of using
This section indicates the language appropriately in different contexts. Using English
 description of the in writing is very crucial since the language is prevalently used
problem; in various domains. In school, writing in English is necessarily
 who are involved in the taught because of the established need to gain competencies
problem, which are useful for academic success. The writing proficiency
 reasons why it exists, that students need to acquire will also remain functional for
and how it was explored their future undertakings when they are at work and when they
(as a teacher, how do you interact with professionals.
know there is a problem). However, it can be observed that the writing abilities of
 You can include other the students who are already in the 7 th Grade do not exhibit
details and may cite what are expected of them knowing that they have been into
authorities who served as series of writing classes since preschool years. Still, the
your guide in exploring the teacher is confronted with the writing crises which include
problem. mechanics, grammar and the worst, the blank sheets of paper
 This section should also submitted after the writing class.
show that you express The writing outputs of the class that I handle are
your eagerness to solve majority disappointing. To mention a few, spelling errors are
the problem. prevalent, margins are not set and indentions are not properly
observed. Even the use of capital and non capital letters shows
poor writing skills. The contents are not only incoherent but
also show poor use of the language.
When I asked my students about their writing difficulties,
they revealed that they dislike writing since they really find it
very difficult. They do not know how to begin the writing and or
to expand their ideas and organize these ideas to complete the
writing tasks. They also lack basic knowledge of mechanics
and grammar. From the manifested agonies of the students, I
have found their need of scaffolding. They need the assistance
of the teacher.
Similarly, when I had some informal chats with my fellow
teachers, they also expressed the same sentiments with
regards to the writing skills of the same group of students.
They mentioned that there are many questions in Science,
MAPEH and TLE subjects where English is the medium of
instruction which are left unanswered. The situation is not
attributed to lack of understanding only but lack of writing skills
is evident as well.
As an English language teacher, there is a need to

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ponder on what Izumi (2002) states: "Most students, both in

their native language and in the second language, have
received minimal or no instruction in learning how to write”.
This is indeed a simple observation that calls for a reflection of
teaching approaches to help students become successful
writers. Based on the problem and its causes being explored, I
felt the pressing need to address the problem by using Guided
Writing approach in every writing task the grade 7 students will
undertake. This will serve as an answer to the students’ plea
that they do not really know what to write and how to begin
writing. My fellow teachers also suggested the techniques and
there are many literatures accounted by a lot of writers and
researcher (Izumi, 2002; Radwan, 2005; Wong, 2003) to
support that the technique is indeed helpful.
Research Questions
The research questions Research Questions
will serve as your guide in This action research aims to determine if guided writing
exploring about the action you can help in improving the writing skills of Grade 7 students at
would like to apply or implement. XYZ National High School.
The generic questions presented Specifically, it seeks answers for the following
below can be modified however, questions:
according to Cuizon (2014), the 1. How is guided writing being done in the class?
essence of the action research is 2. What improvements are observed in the writing skills of
the action per se; hence, the the students after using the approach?
experiences about the action, the 3. What are the difficulties encountered by the students
changes observed and the while the teacher uses the approach?
suggestions to improve the 4. What are the suggestions to improve the approach?
action should be investigated.
The research questions
section should have a general
statement and specific
This action research
aims to determine if the use of
Guided Writing can improve
the writing skills of the grade 7
pupils. (General Statement)
Specifically, it seeks to
answer the following research
questions: (Specific)
1. How is guided writing
being done in the Grade
7 class? (This tells “what
did we actually do?”; this
is to involve our students
or the recipients of the

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action, on how they have

viewed and understood
the kind of action we have
2. What improvements in
the writing skills are
observed among grade 7
students? (This tells
“what changes are
noticeable on the
performance of the
3. How can guided writing
help in improving the
writing skills of
students? (This tells
“what are the relationships
if there are any between
the action done and the
observed changes?”.)
4. What are the
suggestions to help
improve the use of
guided writing in
improving the skills of
students? (The answers
to this question will be
utilized to improve the
action should you intend
to use it again in the
future; and will be utilized
as the baseline data in
order to come up with new Significance of the Study
plans to address the same
or similar problem.) The researcher as the subject teacher finds it necessary
to pursue the study in order to determine if the problem can be
Significance of the Study addressed by patterned or guided writing approach. This action
research is an offshoot to mind boggling situations confronting
Discuss, explain or point out why the teachers in the series of attempts to better facilitate
the study is important for the learning to the students.
target beneficiaries, for the For the students, this research is specially spelled out
teacher/researcher, for the for them as the target clientele of this education system. These
school and other stakeholders. students need assistance and brilliant techniques to push them
This will tell the importance and attain their potentials.
conducting the study and not the For future use, the research can also be relevant for
importance of the action being those who would like to use the approach or similar approach

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in teaching writing. They can utilize the result as one of their

research resources or guides.

This section should tell how
you conduct the study so others
can do the same when
necessary. This should include:
Description of the Action and Implementation Plans
 Description of the
The action to address the identified problem is called
Action and
Guided or Patterned Writing. This is a teaching approach to
Implementation Plans
writing where students will fill out the blanks to complete the
(how would you like to
sentences in the writing activities. Writing activities to be done
implement the action;
are those which the students can use for academic success
describe what would you
and those that are enumerated as competencies for Grade 7
like to do and how you will
(3rd and 4th quarter). Types of writing to be explored and to be
do it)
practiced will include descriptive, informative or expository,
cause and effect, narrative, and comparison and contrast
which are all very necessary in academic writing. The topics
will be taken from their TLE, Math, Science and MAPEH
subjects since they are already familiar with such and concepts
are already explained to them. Competencies to be practiced
will include writing a personal narrative, journal writing,
travelogue, personal letter to a friend, relative and other
people, simple informative texts, writing from a graphic
organizer, and biography of a person.
For every writing activity to be done, students are
oriented about the margin, capitalization and punctuation
marks since these are basics in writing but still they are found
poor on such. Patterns and guides will be provided after the
brief explanation about how the writing activity is to be done,
the purpose of writing it and in what context of communication,
the writing activity can be best applied for. It is very important
that they know the reasons of their learning so they will be
better engaged or become more motivated to learn.
The writing outputs will be checked using the rubric. All
grammar errors in the writing outputs will be corrected and the
students will rewrite them. The original and the corrected
writing output will be compiled by the students for their future
references when writing the same activity and for the
researcher to use in evaluating the results of the action. Since
the students do not have full grasp of English language yet,
translation is inevitable. The students will naturally ask the
teacher about the English terms of their vernacular; hence, the
teacher required them to record the English-vernacular
translations every time they ask terms. This is for easy
reference when they need to ask the word again.

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The writing practice will be done during ICL period and

during regular classes where the writing competencies will be
practiced. Sample writing activities will also be attached in this
The chart below describes the timeline of the proposed
study. The Gantt Chart shows the schedule of activities in the
conduct of this research from proposal until the presentation of
the results.

Activities Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar.

3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

of the
Revision of
the Proposal
of Writing
Use of the
Writing in
the Class
Conduct of
 Study Participants and Analysis
Selection (who are Presentation
included in the study; the of Findings
recipients of the action) Note: You can have your own way of presenting your time tables and
schedule of activities.
According to Creswell (2007),
qualitative research (like action Study Participants and Selection
research) employs purposive
This action research will make use of purposive
sampling since the research will
sampling. In this study, only the Grade 7 class will receive the
determine who will receive the
intervention and so they will also be considered as the
participants of the study. The same group will be utilized for the
series of Focus Group Discussions.
 Research Instrument
and Data Collection
(described what you will

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do to answer the research

Research Instrument and Data Collection
This section will introduce
the techniques in determining the In order to answer the questions posed in the beginning
information to be used in the of the study, the research instruments will be used in data
study. It tells the instruments you gathering will include the output of the students as compiled in
will use to gather data to serve their portfolios and the Focus Group Discussion (FGD)
as bases to answer your questions. The output of the students are the writing activity
research questions. Information results with the use of the guided writing; and the FGD
can be taken from journals where questions will compose of main questions and the probe
you will record your personal questions in order to elicit relevant responses from the
observations; you can also use students. For triangulation purposes, the researcher will also
Focus Group Discussions (FGD), use the observation sheets which will be filled out while the
interviews, different kinds of students are undergoing their writing activities.
performance outputs, portfolios, Data gathering will commence while the activity is in
etc. progress. The teacher’s journal will be used to record what
Describe also how you will have transpired while the writing activity is done. The FGD will
gather the data and what will you be conducted after the series of writing activities. These data
do with the data gathered. being gathered will undergo thematic analyses.
Note: Do not rely on 1
information source;
triangulation is needed.

 Ethical Considerations
(what will you do to
secure the data and the
identity of the
respondents; how will you Ethical Considerations
process the data in order The researcher will ensure that the ethical
to maintain its reliability) considerations are properly applied in the study. This paper will
undergo screening and evaluation by the Division Appraisal
Team. Revisions will be done should the committee finds out
some issues and concerns.
The participants of the study shall be given the informed
consent for the researcher to know if they are willing to take
part in the study as participant of the FGD. The consent will
specifically state that their participation in the study is strictly
voluntary. The participants will also be allowed to use the
vernacular during the FGD.
Moreover, before the data gathering of the study will
start, the researcher will inform the participants about the aims
of the research and they will be assured of the confidentiality of
the data they will disclose to the researcher. The data
gathered will only be used solely for this study. Students’
identity will not be mentioned in the study.

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Series of FGD for triangulation and interaction with the

participants must be carefully considered. I will also be
conscious of getting rid of unreliable information and ensure
that only the necessary information will be used. I will also
keep the original transcripts of the interviews and other
information sources.

References References
Use APA format to cite the
authors you have mentioned or Izumi S (2002). Output, input enhancement, and the noticing
cited in the study. hypothesis: An experimental study of ESL
relativization. Studies in Second Language Acquisition
24 541–577.

Action Research Completed Format


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Name : ____________________________________

Position : ____________________________________

Name of School : ____________________________________

School Head : ____________________________________

I. Background of the Study

- Research Questions
- Significance of the Study

II. Method
- Description of the Action and Implementation Plans
- Study Participants and Selection
- Research Instruments and Data Collection
- Ethical Considerations

III. Results and Discussion

IV. Learning and Insights
V. Initial Plans in Trying Out New Action



(Completed SBAR)

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Problem; Purpose; and 7TH GRADERS

Recipients of the Action)
Background of the Filipinos as second language learners of English, the
Study/Introduction: language of the world, are beset with the challenge of using the
This section indicates language appropriately in different contexts. Using English in
 description of the writing is very crucial since the language is prevalently used in
problem; various domains. In school, writing in English is necessarily
 who are involved in the taught because of the established need to gain competencies
problem, which are useful for academic success. The writing proficiency
 reasons why it exists, that students need to acquire will also remain functional for their
and how it was explored future undertakings when they are at work and when they
(as a teacher, how do interact with professionals.
you know there is a However, it can be observed that the writing abilities of
problem). the students who are already in the 7 th Grade do not exhibit
 You can include other what are expected of them knowing that they have been into
details and may cite series of writing classes since preschool years. Still, the teacher
authorities who served as is confronted with the writing crises which include mechanics,
your guide in exploring grammar and the worst, the blank sheets of paper submitted
the problem. after the writing class.
 This section should also The writing outputs of the class that I handle are majority
show that you express disappointing. To mention a few, spelling errors are prevalent,
your eagerness to solve margins are not set and indentions are not properly observed.
the problem. Even the use of capital and non capital letters shows poor
writing skills. The contents are not only incoherent but also
show poor use of the language.
When I asked my students about their writing difficulties,
they revealed that they dislike writing since they really find it
very difficult. They do not know how to begin the writing and or
to expand their ideas and organize these ideas to complete the
writing tasks. They also lack basic knowledge of mechanics and
grammar. From the manifested agonies of the students, I have
found their need of scaffolding. They need the assistance of the
Similarly, when I had some informal chats with my fellow
teachers, they also expressed the same sentiments with
regards to the writing skills of the same group of students. They
mentioned that there are many questions in Science, MAPEH
and TLE subjects where English is the medium of instruction
which are left unanswered. The situation is not attributed to lack
of understanding only but lack of writing skills is evident as well.
As an English language teacher, there is a need to
ponder on what Izumi (2002) states: "Most students, both in
their native language and in the second language, have
received minimal or no instruction in learning how to write”. This
is indeed a simple observation that calls for a reflection of
teaching approaches to help students become successful

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writers. Based on the problem and its causes being explored, I

felt the pressing need to address the problem by using Guided
Writing approach in every writing task the grade 7 students will
undertake. This will serve as an answer to the students’ plea
that they do not really know what to write and how to begin
writing. My fellow teachers also suggested the techniques and
there are many literatures accounted by a lot of writers and
researcher (Izumi, 2002; Radwan, 2005; Wong, 2003) to
Research Questions support that the technique is indeed helpful.
The research questions
will serve as your guide in Research Questions
exploring about the action you This action research aimed to determine if guided writing
would like to apply or can help in improving the writing skills of Grade 7 students at
implement. The generic Saguing National High School.
questions presented below can Specifically, it sought answers for the following
be modified however, according questions:
to Cuizon (2014), the essence of 1. How the approach helps in improving the writing skills of
the action research is the action the students?
per se; hence, the experiences 2. What improvements are observed in the writing skills of
about the action, the changes the students after using the approach?
observed and the suggestions to 3. What are the difficulties encountered by the students
improve the action should be while the teacher uses the approach?
investigated. 4. What are the suggestions to improve the approach?
The research questions
section should have a general
statement and specific

Significance of the Study

Significance of the Study
Discuss, explain or point out
why the study is important for The researcher as the subject teacher finds it necessary
the target beneficiaries, for the to pursue the study in order to determine if the problem can be
teacher/researcher, for the addressed by patterned or guided writing approach. This action
school and other stakeholders. research is an offshoot to mind boggling situations confronting
This will tell the importance the teachers in the series of attempts to better facilitate learning
conducting the study and not to the students.
the importance of the action For the students, this research is specially spelled out for
being investigated them as the target clientele of this education system. These
students need assistance and brilliant techniques to push them
and attain their potentials.
For future use, the research can also be relevant for
those who would like to use the approach or similar approach in
teaching writing. They can utilize the result as one of their
research resources or guides.

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This section should tell how
you conduct the study so others
can do the same when
necessary. This should include:
Description of the Action and Implementation Plans
 Description of the
The action to address the identified problem is called
Action and
Guided or Patterned Writing. This was a teaching approach to
Implementation Plans
writing where students will fill out the blanks to complete the
(how would you like to
sentences in the writing activities. Writing activities done were
implement the action;
those which the students can use for academic success and
describe what would you
those that were enumerated as competencies for Grade 7 (3 rd
like to do and how you
and 4th quarter). Types of writing being explored and practiced
will do it)
were descriptive, informative or expository, cause and effect,
narrative, and comparison and contrast which are all very
necessary in academic writing. The topics were from their TLE,
Math, Science and MAPEH subjects since they are already
familiar with such and concepts are already explained to them.
Competencies being practiced included writing a personal
narrative, journal writing, travelogue, personal letter to a friend,
relative and other people, simple informative texts, writing from
a graphic organizer, and biography of a person.
For every writing activity being done, students were
oriented about the margin, capitalization and punctuation marks
since these are basics in writing but still they are found poor on
such. Patterns and guides were provided after the brief
explanation about how the writing activity is to be done, the
purpose of writing it and in what context of communication, the
writing activity can be best applied for. It is very important that
they know the reasons of their learning so they will be better
engaged or become more motivated to learn.
The writing outputs were checked using the rubric. All
grammar errors in the writing outputs were corrected and the
students revised their output. The original and the corrected
writing output were compiled by the students for their future
references when writing the same activity and for the
researcher to use in evaluating the results of the action. Since
the students did not have full grasp of English language yet,
translation was inevitable.
The writing practice was done during ICL period and
during regular classes where the writing competencies were be
practiced. Sample writing activities were attached in this paper.
The chart below described the timeline of the proposed
study. The Gantt Chart shows the schedule of activities in the
conduct of this research from proposal until the presentation of
the results.
Activities Months/Week

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Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar.

3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

of the
Revision of
the Proposal
of Writing
Use of the
Writing in
the Class
Conduct of
 Study Participants and
of Findings
Selection (who are Note: You can have your own way of presenting your time tables and schedule
included in the study; the of activities.
recipients of the action)
Study Participants and Selection
According to Creswell
(2007), qualitative research (like This action research made use of purposive sampling. In
action research) employs this study, only the Grade 7 class received the intervention and
purposive sampling since the so they were considered as the participants of the study. The
research will determine who will same group was utilized for the series of Focus Group
receive the action. Discussions.

 Research Instrument
and Data Collection
(described what you will
do to answer the
research questions) Research Instrument and Data Collection
This section will introduce In order to answer the questions posed in the beginning
the techniques in determining of the study, the research instruments used in data gathering
the information to be used in the included the output of the students as compiled in their
study. It tells the instruments

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you will use to gather data to portfolios and the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) questions.
serve as bases to answer your The output of the students were the writing activity results with
research questions. Information the use of the guided writing; and the FGD questions composed
can be taken from journals of main questions and the probe questions in order to elicit
where you will record your relevant responses from the students. For triangulation
personal observations; you can purposes, the researcher used the observation sheets which
also use Focus Group were filled out while the students are undergoing their writing
Discussions (FGD), interviews, activities.
different kinds of performance Data gathering commenced while the activity was in
outputs, portfolios, etc. progress. The teacher’s journal was used to record what had
Describe also how you transpired while the writing activity was done. The FGD was
will gather the data and what will conducted after the series of writing activities. The gathered
you do with the data gathered. data underwent thematic analyses.
Note: Do not rely on 1
information source;
triangulation is needed.

 Ethical Considerations
(what will you do to
secure the data and the
identity of the
respondents; how will
you process the data in Ethical Considerations
order to maintain its The researcher ensured that the ethical considerations
reliability) were properly applied in the study. This paper underwent
screening and evaluation by the Division Appraisal Team.
Revisions were to resolve issues and concerns.
The participants of the study were given the informed
consent for the researcher to know if they are willing to take part
in the study as participant of the FGD. The consent specifically
stated that their participation in the study is strictly voluntary.
The participants were allowed to use the vernacular during the
Moreover, before the data gathering of the study started,
the researcher informed the participants about the aims of the
research and they were assured of the confidentiality of the
data they will disclose to the researcher. The data gathered
were used solely for this study. Students’ identities were not
mentioned in the study.
There were series of FGD for triangulation and
interaction with the participants. I was also conscious of getting
rid of unreliable information and ensured that only the
necessary information will be used. I also kept the original
transcripts of the interviews and other information sources.

Results and Discussion Results and Discussion

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-The results are answers to the

research questions posed in the How the guided writing is done
beginning of the study. These
answers are taken from the data Guided writing is done every ICL period when there is
you have gathered using your writing activity. The teacher gives some writing tasks which can
research instruments like FGD, be of different topics. The students supply the title and follow
interview, portfolio, journals, the guide by filling out the blanks and the needed information.
etc.). Some will show tables “Butangan namo ug words ang mga blank para makabuo mi
while others will only narrate the paragraph”. (some portion deleted; this portion is more
results. Sources may be cited elaborate in the original paper-refer to the samples attached).
which can support or dispute the
results of your study. (there are more results and discussions to be added here based on the
results of the FGD and Interview)
-Arrange the results according
to the sequence of your Improvements Observed in the Writing Skills of the Students
research questions.
-Give the results and then (DO THE SAME. Narrate and discuss the results based on the data
discuss each. gathered)

Difficulties Encountered by the Students While the Teacher

Uses the Approach

No approach is considered perfect and effective in

addressing the diverse needs of students (xyz, 2000). Results
in the study showed that not all of the students are helped in
improving their writing skills through guided writing. While there
are those who expressed gratitude for using guided writing,
there are also those who told the teacher they are confused
when guided writing is used. For those who claimed they have
improved their writing skills because guided writing is used, they
found the approach very helpful since the introductory
statements which they can develop into paragraph are
“Ganahan ko sa guided writing mam kay magamit naku
pang sugod sa mga writing activity sa Science. Example muana
si maam nga compare, kabalo na ko unsaon pagsugod ug
unsay isulat kung mucompare.”

(DO THE SAME. Narrate and discuss the results based on the data

Suggestions to Improve the Guided Writing Approach

(DO THE SAME. Narrate and discuss the results based on the data

Learning and Insights Learning and Insights

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(What you have learned in your If only I have enough time to teach basic writing to my
study; what you have realized) students, I believe their writing skills will improve. I am caught
with the dilemma of teaching them how to write and how to use
Others call this section as the language. I am confused on where to start, teacher them
implication of the study. This the words of the language or let them write and ask me the
describes what you have words they could not express in English so I can translate those
learned about the action you words. Doing the latter is favorable for me since I agree with the
have done. You may also concept of using the language in context for better learning;
express your gratitude for the however, in most instances, it seems that I am the ones putting
participation of the students, the English words to the writing tasks of the students because
colleagues in your study, and they kept on asking me the English terms as translations of the
manifest your eagerness to vernacular.
improve or enhance your way of When the students told me that they hate English, they
teaching/practice towards the hate writing and reading, I do not really know how to make them
students/recipients of your realize that learning the language should not be a burden to
action. them…… (portions were deleted)
Initial Plans in Trying Out New Initial Plans in Trying Out New Action
This research tells me to improve the use of guided writing in
This is also considered as the class. One thing I intend to do is to limit the use of guided
recommendation part of the writing for those identified students who have writing difficulties
study. This is an expression of while for those who do not exhibit such, they will receive
your willingness to improve your different writing approach. .. (portions deleted)
approach to solve the problem
or to find another solution and
try another action research.
References References
Use APA format to cite the Izumi S (2002). Output, input enhancement, and the noticing
authors you have mentioned or hypothesis: An experimental study of ESL
cited in the study. relativization. Studies in Second Language Acquisition
24 541–577.

Appendices (Attach some lesson plans, activities, portfolios and other

evidences related to the research conducted)

Republic of the Philippines

Region XII
Capitol Compound, Amas, Kidapawan City

Continuous Improvement (CI) Project

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for the Action Research Proposal
of _________________________ entitled


Date: __________________

Appraisal Committee:

Parts of the Evaluation Checklist: The Proposal Suggestions/

Proposal contains the… Recommendations/Corrections
Yes No
Title Action
Recipient/s of the Action
Background Description of the Problem
Description of who are
involved in the study
Reasons why the problem
Discussion on how the
problem will be explored
Eagerness of the
proponent to solve/address
the problem
Research General statement
Questions Specific research question
on how the action is done
Specific research question
on what improvements are
Specific research question
on suggestions for
Significance of Description of the group of
the study individuals to be benefited
of the study/.reasons why
the action research must
be conducted

Continuous Improvement (CI) Project

CI P a g e | 19

Description of the Description of the action

Action and Ways to implement the
Implementation action are specified
Plans Plans that are clearly
Scope and limitation of
the planned action
Presentation of Timelines
and schedule of activities
Study participants Description of the
and selection participants and how they
are selected
Research Description of the
Instruments and information sources and
Data Collection how they are used in the
Discussion/description of
how the data will be
gathered or collected
Ethical Provisions on how ethical
Considerations standards in research
should be adhered in the
course of the study

General Comments/Suggestions/Recommendations:



Continuous Improvement (CI) Project

CI P a g e | 20

Note: This will be filled out based on the copy of the Matrix of Correction.

Name of Researcher: _______________________________________

Action Taken
(describe what you have done
considering the
Parts of the Proposal Recommendations/Suggestions
recommendations and
suggestions; indicate the page
where modification is done)

Checked and Verified:

Republic of the Philippines

Region XII
Capitol Compound, Amas, Kidapawan City

Continuous Improvement (CI) Project

CI P a g e | 21

for the Action Research Proposal
of _________________________ entitled


Date: __________________

Appraisal Committee:

Parts of the Evaluation Checklist: The Suggestions/

Research Proposal contains the… Recommendations/Corrections
Yes No
Significance of
the study
Description of the
Action and
Study participants
and selection
Instruments and
Data Collection

Results and Answers and
Discussion discussion of the
answers of the research
Future Plans

Continuous Improvement (CI) Project

CI P a g e | 22

General Comments/Suggestions/Recommendations:



Note: This will be filled out based on the copy of the Matrix of Correction.

Continuous Improvement (CI) Project

CI P a g e | 23

Name of Researcher: _______________________________________

Action Taken
(describe what you have done
Parts of the Recommendations/ considering the
Proposal Suggestions recommendations and
suggestions; indicate the page
where modification is done)

Checked and Verified:


Boston, Mass. Mills, Geoffrey. E., (2007) Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher
Researcher, Pearson Education, USA.

Creswell, J. (2007). Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Continuous Improvement (CI) Project

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Cuizon, R. (2014). Doing Action Research. Jeefra Publishing.

Gempes, G. and Cuizon, R. (2014). Instructional Manual on Non-Experimental

Quantitative Research Design.

Mertler, C.A. & Charles, C.M., (2008) Introduction to education research, 6th Edition,
Allyn & Bacon,

Qualitative Research Paradigm Guide

Sagor, R. (2005). The Action Research Guidebook: A Four-Step Process for

Educatorsand School Teams. Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press-A Sage Publication
Company, California, USA.

Vanderstoep, S. and Johnston, D. (2009). Research Methods for Everyday Life.

Blending Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches.Jossey-Bass.San Francisco.

Continuous Improvement (CI) Project

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