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1 abcess paru J85.2

2 ARDS (Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome) J80
3 Asthma J45.9
4 bekas TB Z86.1
5 Bekas Tb (sequele) Masih pengobatan B90.9
6 Bronchiectasis J47
7 Bronchiolitis J21.9
8 Bronchopneumonia J18.0
9 CA Paru C34.9
10 cavum nasi D14.0
11 collapse paru/ Atelektasis J18.9
12 COPD exerbasi akut J44.1
13 edema paru J81
14 Efusi Pleura J90
15 gagal nafas J96.0
16 Haemoptysis R04.2
17 Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis J98.4
18 IPF (Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis) J84.1
19 ISPA/ URTI J06.9
20 OSNA/ Obstruksi saluran nafas atas J44
21 Pneumonia/ CAP J18.9
22 PPOK/ COPD J44.9
23 respiratory distress Adult J80
24 TB Paru A16.2
25 TB putus obat Z91.1
26 suspected tuberculosis Z03.0
27 Acute Respiratory Failure J96.0
28 Chronic Respiratory Failufre J96.1
29 gagal nafas/Respiratory Failure j96.9
TB milier a19.2
ETT 96.04
fungsi pleura 34.91
Insertion of intercostal catheter for drainage/ WSD 34.04
jika venti < 3 hari 96.71
jika venti > 3 hari 96.72
postural drainage/ perkusi 93.99
retensi sputum R09.3
RJP 99.60
Nebulizer 93.94
1 ALL (Akut Lymphablastic Leukemia) C91.0
2 anorexia R63.0
4 Bacterial Infection A49.9
5 Bacterial Infection A49.9
6 BBLR/ lower weight P07
7 BCB di bawah 1000 P07.0
8 BCB di bawah 2500 P07.1
9 BCB SC di atas 2500 P03.4
10 bronchiolitis J21.9
11 common cold J00
12 dermatitis L30.9
13 diare/GEA A09.9
14 Elevated Liver Enzymes R94,5
15 Epistaxis R04.0
16 exanthema S21
17 exanthema subitum M08.2
18 Fetus and newborn affected by caesarean delivery P03.4
19 GDD/ global delayed development R62.9
20 GEFS R56,0
21 HSP R69.0
22 Hypereactive broncus J68.3
23 hyperpirexia/ febris R50.9
24 IVH I61.5
25 KDK/ KDS/ kejang demam/ Febrile convulsions R56.0
26 konstipasi K59.0
27 kontrol bayi lahir normal/ spontan Z38.0
28 lahir sc P03.4
29 laryngomalacia Q31.5
30 Meteorismus R14
31 morbili B05.9
32 Mumps/ parotitis B26.9
33 NEC (necrotizing enterocolitis) P77
34 Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia/ NH P59.9
35 PJB/ Penyakit jantung Bawaan Q24.9
36 poisoning food T62.9
37 SNA/ Nephotic Syndrom N04.9
38 Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome L00
39 Tetralogy of Fallot Q21.3
40 thalasemia D56.9
41 tonsilitis J03.9
42 tonsilitis kronis/ chronic tonsilitis J35.0
43 tonsilofaringitis J06.8
44 varicella B01.9
45 varicella + encefalitis B01.1 + G05.1
46 vomiting & nausea/ mual muntah R11
47 well baby / bayi sehat Z38.0
Hirschsprung's disease Q43.1
Educational Terapi 93.82
Transfusi Labu 99.04
Nebulizer 93.94
1 GBS / Guillain Barre Syndrome G61.0
2 BPPV/ Benign paroxysmal vertigo h81.1
3 Brachialgia m54.1
4 canalis stenosis/ spinal stenosis M48,0
5 CDA (congenital Dysenrythropoietic anemia) d64.4
6 cephalgia r51
7 cervical syndrome m53.1
8 CIDP G61.9
CKB ( Cedera Kepala Berat) s09.9
CKR, CKS ( Cedera Kepala, Ringan, Sedang) S09.8
10 Compression of brain G93.5
11 CP (Cerebral Palsy) g80.9
12 CVD I67.9
13 CVD hemorajik i61.4
14 CVD infark i63.9
15 Down Syndrome Q90.9
16 Dysphagia R13
17 Dysphasia and aphasia R74.0
18 EDH (epidural hematom) s06.4
19 Fascialis Plantar m72.2
20 General Weakness r53
21 Gross Motor Delay f82
22 GTCS R56.8
23 Headache/ Cephalgia R51
24 Hemiparesis/ Hemiplegia G81.9
25 HNP (Herniation Nucles Pulposus) Cervical m50.2
26 HNP (Herniation Nucles Pulposus) Lumbal m51.2
27 hydrocephalus G91.1
28 Hyperlipidemia/ Dislipidemia e78.5
29 ICH/ Intracerebral haemorrhage i61.9
30 Impigment Shoulder m75.4
31 IVH / Intracerebral haemorrhage, intraventricular I61.5
32 LBP/ Low Back Pain m54.5
33 Mechanical complication of ventricular intracranial shunt/ shu T85.0
34 Meningoencephalomyelopathy g96.9
35 Myelodysplasia d46.9
36 myofacial pain / Fibromyalgia M79.0
37 OA M19.9
38 OA genu m15.0
39 OA KNEE m17.9
40 omsk a98.1
41 paraparisis g82.2
42 Parestesi G57.1
43 Penurunan Kesadaran r40,1
44 PHN b02.2
45 Piriformis syndrome G57.0
46 Polyneuropathy G62.9
47 postherpetic, postzoster B02.2† G53.0*
48 Psikosomatis/ psychophysiological f45.9
49 Rotator cuff syndrome m75.1
50 SAB (Subarahnoidblooding) i60.9
51 SAH (Sub Aranoid Haemorragik) i60.9
52 SI Joint (Sacroliac Joint) m53,3
53 SOL r90
54 stress ulcer k27.9
55 Syncope and collapse R55
56 Syringomyelia and syringobulbia G95.0
57 TB Otak a17.8†G07*
58 TBI 'trauma brain injury' s06.9
59 Tension-type headache/ TTH g44.2
60 transient ischemic (TIA) G45.9
61 Tuberculous meningitis A17.0†G01*
62 Vascular dementia, unspecified F01.9
Tigeminal Neuralgia B02.2† G53.0*
HFS/ hemifacial spasm G51.3
squale stroke i64.9
CT Brain 87.03
excision or avulsion of cranial and peripheral nerves 04.07
guide injection 04.2
MRI/ see imaging see magnetic resonance 88.97
Removal of ventricular shunt 02.43
TENS (Transcutaneus Electrical Nerve Stimulation) 93.39
Ventricular shunt 02.34
Other craniotomy 01.24
1 AF/ Atrial fibrillation i48
2 AMI i21.9
3 Aneursm Aorta Ascending i71,2
4 Aortic (valve) stenosis/ AS I35.0
5 AR (Regurgidation) i38
6 AS i35.0
7 AS (Aorta Stenosis) q25.3
8 ASD (Atrial Septal Defect) Q21.1
9 AV block (Atrialventricular block) i44.3
10 CAD i25.1
11 CAP i28.9
12 Cardiac arrest I46.9
13 Completed AV Block/ Atrioventricular Block/TAVB I44.2
14 CPC i27.9
15 CVI (Chronic Venous Insufficiency) i87.2
16 DCM (dilated Cardiomyopaty) i42.0
17 DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) I80.2
18 First degree AV Block/ Atrioventricular Block I44.0
19 hhd i11.9
20 HOCM (Hypertropic Obstruktif Cardiomyopathi) i42.1
21 KAD/ketoacidosis diabetes E14.1
22 komplikasi pemsasangan alat cardoivascular ringan T82.5
23 LBBB/ Left bundle-branch block I44.7
24 Mati Seketika R96.0
25 Moderate PS q25.6
26 MS/ Mitral Stenosis i05.0
27 MVP i34.1
HHD + CHF i11.0
HHD + CHF + CKD i13.2
28 NSTEMI/ Subendocard Miocard Infark I21.4
29 PA (Pulmonari Arteri) i27,0
30 PAD (Peripheral Arterial Disease) I73,9
31 PDA (Patent Ductus Arteriosus) Q25.0
32 PH (Pulmonary Heart) i27.9
33 PH (Pulmonary Hypertensi) i27,2
34 PPCM (Peripartum Cardiomyopathy) o90,3
35 PS q25.8
36 RBBB i45.1
37 Second degree AV Block/ Atrioventricular Block I44.1
38 Shock Cardiogenic r57.0
39 Sick Sinus Syndrome i49.5
40 SKA (Syndrome Koroner Akut) i20.0
41 SSS ( i45.5
42 Stemi i21.9
43 Stemi anterior i21.0
44 Stemi inferior i21.1
45 STEMI/ Acute Miocard Infark i21.9
46 SVT (Supra Ventricular Takicardi) i47.1
47 THD E07,9
48 TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack) G45.9
49 TOF (Tetraligy of Fallot) q21,3
50 UAP (Unstabble Angina Pectoris )/ SKA (Syndrome Koroner Akut) i20.0
51 VES i49.4
52 VSD i23.2
53 VT (Ventrikular Takikardia) I47.2
54 WPW (Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome) i45.6
55 NCD Non Comunicate
PVC / Premature Ventricular Cronic I49.3
IPAH (idiopatic pulmonary arterial hypertension)
NHML /Non-hodgkin's lymphoma C85.9
ACS I249
Automatic implantable cardioverter / defibrillator (AICD) check 83.49
Cardiac retraining/ treadmill : pada pasien fisioterapi 93.36
Cardiovascular stress test using treadmill 89.41
C-ARM = Fluoroscopy -see Radiography 00.33
Computerized axial tomography of thorax/ CT cardiac 87.41
CORANGIO/ Coronary Arteriography 88.55
Coronary arteriography 88.55
CVP / Central venous pressure 89.62
DC Shock / Kardioversi 99.62
Echocardiography 88.72
EKG/Electrocardiogram 89.52
ETT 96.04
PCI stent, drug- eluting 36.07
PCI stent, Non Drug Eluting 36.06
PPM/ Insertion of permanent pacemaker 37.80
TPM/ temporary transvenous pacemaker 37.78
1 TMJ Disorder K07.6
2 pendarahan gusi/ Hemorrhage gum K06.8
3 Impaction K01.1
4 fibroma K21.9
5 gangren pulpa/ necrosis pulp K04.1
6 pulpitis K04.0
7 Persistence K00.6
8 Fracture of tooth S02.5
9 tooth, teeth, abnormal K00.6
10 abscess periaptikal K12,2
11 kista mandibula K09,2
12 gangren radix R02
13 labioschiza bilateral / cleft palate with cleft lip / bibir sumbing Q37.0
Periodontitis K05.3
Dental caries, unspecified K02.9 
abscess submandibula k12,2
aff heacting area mulut 97.38
Cabut Gigi 23.09
curretage gigi 24.2
heacting gigi / Other operations on gum 24.39
incisi tooth 24.0
kuret gigi/Removal of residual root 23.11
Odontectomy 23.19
PSA gigi 23.70
tambal gigi 23.2
scaling 96.54
1 Amblyopia h53.0
2 AMC/ Astigmatism h52.2
3 ART h33.4
4 Central Serous Retinopathy (CSR) H35.7
5 cicatrix cornea h17.9
6 CN (Oculo Motor) H51.9
7 conjungtivitis h10.9
8 CSR (Central Serous Retinopaty) H35.7
9 DKM (Diabetik Katarak)/ KSI h25.8
10 Dry Eye h04.1
11 Edema Makula H35.8
12 Floaters H43,3
13 Hordeolum H00.0
14 Hypertropia h50.2
15 kontrol mata Z01.0
16 KSI +DM e11.3
17 Low Vision h54.1
18 MS/ Multiple Sclerosis
19 ODNL (Obstruktif Ductus Nato Lacrimale) h04.5
20 OMSK h66.4
21 OSSN (Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasm) c69.9
22 Other senile cataract/ KSI H25.8
23 PACG h40.2
24 papilantrophy h47.2
25 papiledema h47.1
26 PDR / Diabetic retinopathy
27 Primary Open Angle Glaucoma (POAG) h40.1
28 pseudophakia z96.1
29 pteregyum h11.0
30 Refractive Error H52.7
31 Scleritis h15.0
32 TRD/ Traction Retina Detactment H33.4
33 Uveitis h20.9
Myopia H52.1
Presbiopia H52.4
avulisi pteregyum 11.32
ECCE 13.59
epilasi 08.93
foregh body eye without incision / exterpasi benda asing tanpa incisi pada mata 98.21
Fundus photography 16.21
IOL/SICS 13.71
Irrigation Of Eye 96.51
Phaco 13.41
tonometri 89.11
1 membrane tympanic perforation H72.1
2 CHL (Conduction Hearing loss) H90.2
3 CHL (Hypertricosis Lanuginosa Congenital) q84,2
4 dysfungsi tube h69.9
5 Hypertrophy chonca/ Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates J34.3
6 Jar Granulasi L92.9
7 Loss Hearing h91.9
8 LPA/ laryngopharyngitis acute j06.0
9 MT (Membrane Tymphani) h72.9
10 NIHL H83.3
11 oe h60.9
12 omsk/ Otitis Media h66.9
13 OSAS g47.3
14 pendarahan Gusi k06.8
15 Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSNHL) h90.5
16 TKH (Tonsilitis Kronic Hipertropi) J35.1
17 tumor cavum nasi/ CN d14.0
18 Turbinate Hypertropy j34.3
Tonsilitis Acute J03.9
Tonsilitis Chronis J35.0
Sinusitis Acute j01.9
Sinusitis Chronis j32.9
Rhinofaringitis/Commond Cold J00.0
Tonsilofaringitis j06.8
Audiometry 95.41
Cerumen Ear 96.52
Drainage / Incisi Buccal 27.0
eksterpasi benda asing/ Removal foreign body ear 98.11
irigasi telinga 96.52
mini Fess/ operations on nasal sinuses 22.9
pasang tampon hidung 21.02
RLFO / Laringos copy (tanpa spesial prosedur) 31.42
turbinectomy 21.69
Tonsillectomy with adenoidectomy 28.3
1 Cellulitis of finger and toe L03.0
2 DIC/ Disseminated intravascular coagulation D65
3 Excision soft tissue i84.5
4 GIST/ gastro intestinal Tumor sistem D13.9
5 hemoroid ekternal i84.5
6 hemoroid internal i84.2
7 hernia femoralis incaserata (gangrene) k41.4
8 hernia inguinal (HIL) k40.9
9 Hysprung q43.1
10 IDC/ invasif ductal carcinoma D50.9
11 Labio Schizis q35.9
12 LGP q37.4
13 neoplasma brachi'i d23.6
14 post prosedural M96.9
15 Squamous Cell Carcinoma c44.9
16 Squamous Cell Carcinoma c44.9
17 TIA/ transient ischemic Attack G45.9
18 UDT (Undesnsus Testis) q53.9
19 ulcus pedis/ tinea pedis b35.3
ulkus dekubitus L899
limpadenopati coli r59.1
ulcus decubitus L89.3
clavus pedis L84
Ulks Pedis L97
hernia inguinal (HIL)
Wound dehiscence T81.3
adhesiolysis 54.59
Appendectomy 47.09
Buka Jahitan perut 97.89
buka jahitan Unspesific 97.89
cabut kuku 86.23
Endoskopi 45.11
excisi + flap palpebra 08.22
Excision of hemorrhoids 49.46
excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of skin 86.3
Excision soft tissue breast 85.20
Excision soft tissue hand 82.29
Excision soft tissue NEC 83.39
Excisional debridement of wound, infection, or burn 86.22
herniorrhaphy 53.00
herniorrhaphy with Mess 53.05
Insertion of intercostal catheter for drainage/ CTT 34.04
Nonexcisional debridement of wound 86.28
rawat luka 93.59
tissue of skin and subcutaneous tissue 86.3
businasi anal 96.23
businasi urethal
Ultrasonic fragmentation of urinary stones (URS) 59.95
Other cystoscopy 57.32
limpadenectomy 4029
varicocelectomy 63.1
pull through trans anal 4840
flap 86.74
3 Abortus incomplet O05.1
4 Abortus incomplet tanpa perdarahan O05.4
5 ASC US N85.9
6 astma pada kehamilan O99.5
7 bekas SC O34.2
8 Blighted ovum / BO O02.0
9 Cevisitis N72
10 CIN 1 n87,0
11 CPD (Cephalopelvic Disproportion) O33.0
12 Cyst Endometrium n85.8
13 death conceptus O02.1
14 Dysmenor n94.6
15 Ectopic Pregnancy O00.9
16 Flour Albus (Leukorrhea) n89.8
17 gagal induksi persalinan O61.9
18 gagal lahir o36.4
19 ganguan menstruasi N92,6
20 gawat janin/ fetal distress P20.9
21 gravida normal z34.9
22 HEG (Hyperemesis Gravidium) o21.0
23 HPP (Hemoragic Post Partum) o72.1
24 IUD z97.5
25 IUFD/ dead conseptus o36.4
26 KET (Kehamilan Etopik Terganggu) O00.9
27 KP o62.0
28 Letak Sungsang o32.9
29 melahirkan bayi mati o36,4
30 Menometrorrhagia n92.1
31 Menorrhagia n92.0
32 Mole Partial o01.1
33 NOK / kista ovarium N83.2
34 PCO (Polystic Ovarium) e28.2
35 PEB O14.1
36 persalinan normal O80.9
37 PID N73.9
38 Postpartum After Delevery z39.0
39 Postpartum Rutin z39.2
40 PPI (Partus Premature Imminens) O60
41 Premature rupture of membranes/ KPD O42.9
42 PUA N93.9
43 PUD N93.8
44 PVP o98,9
45 SC O82.9
46 Single live birth Z37.0
47 terlilit tali Pusar O69.1
48 vulvaginitis N76.8
Eclampsia in pregnancy O15.0 
Infections of bladder in pregnancy / ISK dalam kehamilan O23.1
Kehamilan Letak Sungsang O32.1
Premature rupture of membranes, unspecified/KPD O42.9
Curretage Uterus Ab/Melahirkan 69.52
dilation and curettage 69.09
persalinan normal 73.59
salpingo-oophorectomy 65.49
sc 74.99
SCTP / Cesarean section of other specified type 74.4
TVH (Total Vagina Hysterectomy) 68.59
usg gravida 88.78
hysterectomy 6841
1 Acute leukaemia /ALL C95,9
2 Acute Myeloid leukaemia /AML C92.9
3 AIHA (Auto Immune Hemolitic Anemia) D59.1
4 AKI (Akut Kidney Injury) n17,9
5 Alkalosis e87.3
6 Anemia ( Transfusi) d64.9
7 Anemia (Folat) D52.9
8 Anemia perdarahan d50.0
9 Ascites r18
10 atelectasis j98.1
11 CAD i25.1
12 CAP/Pnemonia j18.9
13 Calculus kidney n20.0
14 CHF I50.0
15 CHF + CKD + HT I13.2
16 Chikungunya a92.0
17 Cholecystitis k81.9
18 cirrhosis hepatis/ sirosis hati k74.6
19 CKD/ ESRD n18.9
20 CML (Colic Myeloid Leukemia) c92.9
21 Colic Abdomen r10.4
22 COPD Exerbasi Akut J44.1
23 COPD/ PPOK J44.9
24 Cushing Syndrome E24.9
25 destroyed lung j98.4
26 DF/ dengue fever a90
27 DHF a91
28 DIG (Drug Induced Gastropaty) k92.9
29 DILI/OAT k71.9
30 DM + Abcess e11.5
31 DM + CKD e11.2
32 DM + Coma Hypoglicemia e11.0
33 DM + Katarak E14.3† H28.0*
34 DM + Neurologi (Neurophaty) E14.4† G63.2*
35 DM Type II/ DM Saja E11.9
36 Dyslipidemia E78.5
37 electrolit imbalan e87.8
38 ESRD n18.0
39 fatty liver k76.0
40 fatty liver Alcoholic k70.0
41 Fibromyalgia M79.0
42 gastritis K29.6
43 Gastropathy k31,9
44 GEA A09.9
45 GERD K21.9
46 Hematochezia k92.1
47 hepatitis cv/ Chronic viral b18.2
48 HHD I11.9
49 HHD + CHF i11.0
50 HHD + CKD I12.0
51 HONK e14.0
52 HT i10
53 Hyperthyroidism e05.9
54 hypoglicemia e16.2
55 hypokalemi e87.6
56 hypokalemi paralysis G72.3
57 hyponatraemia e87.1
58 IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) k58.9
59 intake sulit r63.3
60 intoksikasi alkohol y90.7
61 ITP (Idiopathic Trombocitopenik Purpura) D69.3
62 ISK N39,0
63 ITP (Idiopathic Trombocitopenik Purpura) d693
64 KDS (Kejang Demam Sederhana) R56.0
65 Leprosy / MH morbus hunsen A30.9
66 MDS D46.9
67 MDS/ Myelodysplastic syndrome D46.9
68 morbili b06.9
69 Penurunan Kesadaran r40,1
70 PSMBA/ Gastritis Erosifa K25.4 k92,2
71 RHD i099
72 sepsis a41.9
73 SLE (systemik Lupus Erythematosus) m32.9
74 SN/ neprotic syndrome N04,9
75 tb a16.3
76 Thyroid Heart Deseases
77 Typhoid A01.0
78 Viral infection b34.9
gangguan lain karena post hd t82.4
Persiapan HD z49.0
Lymphadenopathy R59.1
SNNT E07.9
postprosedural disorder digestive system K91.9
bekas tb z861
varises esofagus i850
hepatoma c22
polikistik liver discarl q446
CML (Colic Myeloid Leukemia) dokti c95.1
transfusi 99.04
hypoalbumin e88
Catheter Double Lumen for Hemodialisa/ CDL 38.95
CT Abdomen 88.01
CT Torax 87.42
ENDOSCOPY 44.13 44.43
Gastrik Lavage / Bilas lambung 96.33
Hemodealisa 39.95
Other computerized axial tomography/ CT scan selain kepala 88.38
Removal of arteriovenous shunt for renal dialysis/ AFF CDL 39.43
1 ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) s83.5
2 Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder M75.0
3 AIS/ idiopathic scoliosis M41.2
4 appearance syndrome q87,0
5 BPI (Brachial Plexus Injury) s14.3
6 brachial plexus g54,0
8 cervical radiculopathy m54.1
9 coxydynitis m53.3
10 CTEV/ Congenita Talipes Equino Varus Q66,0
11 de quervain M65.4
12 Gonarthrosis, unspecified M17.9
13 Medial Epicondylitis m77.0
14 Median Nerve Compresion g56.0
15 Nonunion of fracture [pseudarthrosis], upper arm M84.12
16 OA knee m17.9
17 open #suprakondilar humerus m25.6
18 Orthopaedic follow-up care Z47.9
19 Osteopenia m85.8
20 Platar Fasciitis m72.2
21 Postprocedural musculoskeletal disorder, unspecified M96.9
22 Rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified M06.9
23 Unequal Limb Leght m21.76
LBP M54.5
tenosinovitis m6599
median nerve compression/cts g560
tendosinusitis shoulder joint
Fractures of other parts of femur, closed S72.80
Unequal limb length (acquired), lower leg M21.76
bone graft of radius + ulna
buka jahitan orthopedic
cast removal / lepas gips
Closed reduction of fracture of humerus with internal fixation
Closed reduction of fracture of humerus without internal fixation
guide injection orthopedic/ injeksi intra artikuler
hardware removal/ removal implant
Open reduction of fracture of other specified bone, except facial bones, with internal fixation
partial hip replecment
skeletal traction
skin flap di tangan
Split / elastis perban
Total hip replacement
nerve decompression excision
Open reduction of fracture of tibia and fibula, with internal fixation
Partial hip replacement
Tendon pulley reconstruction
1 AFF Catheher/ aff DJ Stent z46.6
2 AOB/ over active blader N32,8
3 batu ginjal n20.0
4 batu ureter (calculus ureter) n20.1
5 BPH/ Benign Prostate hyperplasia N40
6 Calculus of kidney with calculus of ureter N20.2
7 Calculus of ureter/ batu ureter N20.1
8 Cystitis N30.9
9 dsd /disorders of psychological development f88
10 hydronephrosis N13.3
11 Hydronephrosis ec Batu pyelum N13.2
12 Hydronephrosis ec Stenosis ureter n13.1
13 ISK /UTI n39.0
14 LUTS (Lower Urinary Track Symptoms) R39.8
15 meatal stenosis/ stenosis ureter/ stricture urethral n35.9
16 Nephrolithiasis/ batu ginjal n20.0
17 OAB (Overactive Bladder)/ pendarahan bladder n32.8
18 Pelvic Ureteric Junction Obstruction (PUJO) n13.5
19 PNC n11.1
20 Hydronephrosis ec Batu Ureter ec CKD N13.2
21 Pyonephrosis N13.6
22 Tumor Bulli d30.3
23 UDT Q53.9
24 ulcus penis n48.5
25 urogenital implans/ dj stant z96.0
26 vesicolithyasis / calculus in blader n21.0
hypospadia Q54.9
hypospadia periscrotal q541
biopsi mukosa buli /Open biopsy of bladder 57.34
bno-ivp 87.73
Cabut cateter 97.64
circumsisi 64.0
CT Kidney 87.71
Diagnostic ultrasound of urinary system/ USG 88.75
Endoscopic excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of urethra 58.31
ESWL 98.51
ESWL/ Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy 98.51
insersi Djstent 59.8
Other cystoscopy 57.32
pasang kateter 57.94
Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy dan nephrolithotripsy (PCNL) 55.01
Pyelolithotomy/ Pyelotomy 55.11
Release of urethral stricture 58.5
Removal of ureterostomy tube and ureteral catheter 97.62
Removal of urethral stent/ AFF Dj Stent 97.65
TUR BULI 57.33
TURP 60.29
Ultrasonic fragmentation of urinary stones 59.95
Ureterotomy 56.2
URS 59.95
aff DJ Stent 97.65
litotripsi 57
inst dj stent 598
neprolitotom 5501
uretroplasty 56.89
cordectomy 6498
vesicolithotomy 5719
orcidopexy 62.5
uretrolitotomy 562
nefrostomy 55.02
cordectomy 6442
nefectomy 55.51
Pyelotomy 55.11
litotripsi 560
Acrodermatitis L30.8
Bacterial Vaginitis b96.8
Bacterid L40.3
Candidiasis b37.9
Cervicitis N72
Clavus l84
combustio/ burn injury
Condyloma Acuminata A63.0
Cutaneus Larva Migran B76.9
dermatitis contact alergi/ DKA L23.9
dermatitis seborrhoeic L21.9
DKI L24.9
Drug Eruption / FDE L27.0
Foliculitis L73.9
GO (Gonorrhea) A54.9
Granuloma Pygenicum, L98.0
Granuloma Pyogenic l98.0
herpes zoster b02.9
HFMD (Hand Foot and Mouth Diseases) B08.4
Impetigo L01.0
Inguis, L60.0
kesundut Rokok X09.8
Molluscum Contagiosum B08.1
Morbus Hansen (Kusta) a30.9
neurofibromatosis q85.0
Onychomycosis b35.1
Parunicia L03.0
Pemfigus Bullosa L10.9
Pemphigus foliaceus L10.2
Phitiriasis b85.3
PHN/ post herpetik neuralgia G53.0
PPE (Pruritic Papular Eruption) L29.9
psoriasis vulgaris L40.0
Slit Smear Skin 91.61
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome L00
Tine Vesicolor B36.0
tinea capitis b35.0
Tinea Corporis B35.4
tinea cruris b35.6
Urethritis N34.2
Urtikaria L50.9
veruca vulgaris b07
Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis / TEN L51.2
Aspirasi 86.01
cabut kuku 86.23
Chlor Atil Spray 93.57
Eksterpation clavus 18.39
electro surgery 86.3
Elliptical Excision 83.39
Excholeasion 86.3
Excisional Debridement 86.22
Extirpatie 86.3
Female Genita Examoination 61.19
Genital Incision 86.3
Genital Smears 91.49
Heacting 86.59
heacting Aff 93.57
injeksi keloid 99.23
Nail Avulsion 86.23
Non Excisional Debridement 86.28
Non Genital Excision 86.3
Podophylline Spots Application 93.57
Punch Biopsy 86.11
Punch Excision 86.3
Skin Scraping 91.64
Skin Slit Smear/ Biopsi pada kulit 91.69
Woods Light Examination 86.19
destruction of lesion of penis 64.2
Full-thickness skin graft to other sites 86.63
Other local excisison or destruction of local lesion of skin 86.3
Ankylosis of joint m24.6
balance disorders e87.8
bell's palsy G51.0
BPI/Injury of brachial plexus S14.3
cancel Z53.9
cervical radiculophati M54.1
CIDP G62,9
CP / cerebral palsy g80.9
CST/Carpal tunnel syndrome G56.0
delayed speech F80.9
foot deformity m21.6
frozen shoulder m75.0
gangguan ambulasi/mobilisasi G25.9
gangguan belajar F81.9
gangguan makan/ eating disorder F50.9
gangguan pendengaran H95.9
ganguan mobilisasi M62.3
GDD / Global Delayed Development R62.9
gross motor delayed R62.0
hip pain / pain in limb m79,6
HRB J68.3
Impingement syndrome of shoulder M75.4 
median nerve g56,1
MVR I34.1
myalgia m79.1
OA genu m15.0
Plantar fascial fibromatosis M72.2
POST z86
Postlaminectomy syndrome M96.1
Rotator cuff syndrome M75.1
SCI/ AIS M41.2
sequale stroke I69.4
Stiffness of joint, m25.6
Suspectes /Observations Z03.8
syndrome cervical m53.1
tendinitis M77.9
THA/ tension Type Headache g44.2
triger finger M65.3
upper back pain/ dorsalgia M54.9
Problem feeding R63.3
MTPS (Myofascial Trigger Poin Syndrome G50.0
Assisting exercise 93.19
barium enema 87.64
Chest therapi/ respiratory procedures/ postural drainage 93.99
diatermi 93.34
IR 93.35
Other passive musculoskeletal exercise 93.17
parafin 93.11
Traksi lumbal 93.21
TW 93.75
uji fungsi 93.05
low laser therapi 93.39
DOA r96,1
Heacting / Suture of skin and subcutaneous tissue of other sites 86.59
kontrol BU tanpa GV/ AFF heackting namun pasien Post op Z09.0
kontrol dengan obat Z09.8
kontrol Fisio terapi Z50.9
Kontrol HD Z49.1
kontrol ortho dengan GV Z47.0
kontrol ortho tanpa GV Z47.9
kontrol post pengobatan CA Z08.8
kontrol tanpa obat Z71.9
kontrol umum dengan GV/ AFF heackting Z48.0
Pasang NGT 96.07
suspectes /Observations Z03.8
no diagnosa = diagnosa
1 Bekas Sequelae
Manus tangan
Suture Jahitan
colli leher
PPD test / skin test TBC
TFA/ Tonsillopharyngitis Acute
TMJ temporo mandibular joint
Hapus AJA

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