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Syllabus Template Draft 4: April 5, 2010 Note: Required elements are in bold face. Suggested elements are regular.

Course title: DEPT XXX: Title of this course as it is shown in the College Catalog A more refined title: For use with courses that carry a generalized Catalog title Instructor name: Instructor contact information: Office hours Office location E-mail address Phone number Catalog description: This is the description that would be found online, in the printed catalog, and in the course outline Course description: This space allows for a professors individualized and expanded description of the material to be covered. Course prerequisites, co-requisites, or permissions: Text(s) and other required materials: Course content: The student learning outcomes found in the course outline should be reflected in the syllabus. The professor may meld language from the course content into the student learning outcomes if that makes the outcomes more understandable. College wide abilities: The syllabus should list the college wide abilities as shown on the course outline. Only the CWAs incorporated in the course outline need appear in the syllabus. Sample language: This course prepares students to: 1. Communicate effectively. 2. Think logically and critically. 3. Evaluate and process quantitative and symbolic data. 4. Understand themselves in relation to others in a multicultural world. 5. Understand ethical responsibilities and consequences. How the student will be evaluated: Description of assignments, tests, and other graded items Numerical weighting of assignments Grading scale Policy for late work and make-up tests

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Date of Final Exam or Culminating Project: Sample language for final exams: The final exam is scheduled for ___. The college requires us to use this exam period, and so attendance is on this date is mandatory. Exams will not be given early. Sample language for portfolios or culminating projects: The final portfolio/project is
due on __________ by 4 p.m. in my office. This is the first day of finals week. This deadline is firm.

Key dates: You can refer students to the college webpage: o Sample language: Please check the college webpage for important dates. The academic calendar can be found at: o The final exam calendar can be found here: al-Exam-Schedule.pdf o The registration calendar can be found here: mission-registration-calendar.pdf An alternative is to list specific dates such as: Advising Day (for day classes) Test dates or key assignment due dates o Notation can be made that dates of tests and assignments may change but notice of those changes will be announced in class or online as appropriate. Dates on which class will not be held (faculty days, holidays) Final day of instruction The professor can also refer students to a more detailed calendar included as part of the syllabus packet Course or classroom expectations: Attendance policy Appropriate behavior and consequences o Sample language: This course will include lecture and discussion. The college encourages diversity of belief and the free expression of ideas. However, freedom of expression also requires respect for differing opinions. Disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated. Disrespectful behavior includes, but is not limited to: talking in small groups while someone else has the floor, monopolizing the discussion, or making disparaging comments. Students who continually disrupt the class will be referred to the Vice President of Student Services. In this class you will be expected to demonstrate the work habits that will help you succeed in college and work. These
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include regular attendance, being ready to begin work at the beginning of the class period, bringing your text and materials to class, turning assignments in on time, and refraining from behavior that distracts you and others. Students are expected to behave in a way that enhances the learning environment for all those in the classroom. Rude and/or disrespectful behavior is not acceptable. Students exhibiting such behavior will be warned and then asked to leave (as per the student code of conduct). This type of absence will affect the students participation grade. Talking out of turn while the instructor is talking to the class is considered rude behavior. Socializing in class is distracting to the teacher and to other students. If you do this or engage in other disruptive behavior you may be asked to change your seat assignment. Tardiness policy Use of laptops or other technology o Sample language: This classroom is a learning environment. Turn off all cell phones, pagers, and electronic devices (other than instructor approved aids) before entering the classroom. Laptop use is not allowed.

What you can expect from the professor: The instructor will be in his/her office during office hours except if called away Papers/homework will be returned within a specific time frame Policies: Definition of and penalties for academic dishonesty o Sample language (Language that follows is a direct quote from the Code of Rights and Responsibilities): Academic dishonesty includes cheating; plagiarism; knowingly furnishing false information to the college; intentionally initiating or causing to be initiated any false report, warning, or threat of fire, explosion, or other emergency, on college premises or at any college-sponsored activity; forgery; alteration or use of college documents or instruments of identification with intent to defraud. Students who are suspected of academic dishonesty will (some choices could include :) be referred to the Vice President of Student Services. receive a failing grade on the assignment. receive a failing grade in the class. be subject to an oral examination over the same material. Refer students to Student Code of Rights and Responsibilities: of_rights.pdf Students with Disabilities statement o Sample language: Students who are eligible for learning accommodations must make arrangements with the Office of Disability Support Services. Students who have a letter of accommodation

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should meet with the instructor as soon as possible, preferably during the first week of class. Policy on I (incomplete) grades Reminder that withdrawal might affect financial aid o Sample language: Please check with the Enrollment Services staff or the Financial Aid office to determine how a withdrawal will affect your academic or financial aid standing. Campus closure/class cancellation information Procedures for formatting and submitting papers and assignments; i.e. font, spacing, stapled, in a folder, electronic submission, beginning of the class or anytime that day, etc.

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