Flexi Learning Toolkit in SPED 507

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SPED 507 Practicum Dr. Fortunato G. Thursday
Vendivel Jr. 5:30-8:30 PM

PNU Flexible Learning Delivery: KAWAY-ARALAN sa BAGONG KADAWYAN

The Philippine Normal University welcomes you to academic year 2020-2021.

We have entered a new age in education. The COVID-19 pandemic hastened Education 4.0.
Teaching has been altered re-shaping our educational landscape. Amidst these changes, it is
imperative that as the National Center for Teacher Education, we become active participants in
molding the new normal.

In navigating the new terrain in education, indigenous concepts and ideas could be utilized to
appropriate concepts and cushion the impact of change as we embrace the challenges. In doing
so, a working concept where foreign influences and local peculiarities could be integrated is
welcomed. Thus, we wish to call this new era in terms of our local concept, Bagong Kadawyan1
(our translation of New Normal).

Given the challenges and opportunities at hand, the new era in education is open for anyone who
actively shape and define its parameters and dynamics. PNU shall continue to provide the
leadership in this Bagong Kadawyan in Philippine Education knowing that “the future belongs to
those who have the vision to see it.”

Kaway-Aralan (Flexible Learning Delivery)

The nomenclature is derived from the Filipino words for bamboo (kawayan) and a place for
studying (aralan). The bamboo sways/waves (kaway) which characterizes flexibility and like the
bamboo’s resilience, Philippine education’s approach to the imminent new habits should take
inspiration from the modest bamboo. As narrated by PNU’s notable alumnus, I.V. Mallari, in the
literature classic, Pliant like the bamboo: “Verily, the Filipino is like the bamboo tree. In its grace,
in its ability to adjust itself to the peculiar and inexplicable whims of fate, the bamboo tree is his
expressive and symbolic national tree.” By branding our learning delivery as Kaway-Aralan, we
tap the imagination of educators to explore appropriate pedagogies. Kaway-Aralan provides a
platform to contextualize and localize teaching theories, approaches, and strategies.


(TERM 1, SY 2020-2021)

kadawyan (f. dawi). n. custom; habit; usage, a. regular, normal (234); normal: adj. kadawyan (707) from Carlo
R. Galvez Rubino, Ilocano: Ilocano-English, English-Ilocano: Dictionary and Phrasebook. (New York:
Hippocrene Books, 1998/2005).

In the delivery of the graduate education programs of the PNU College of Graduate Studies and
Teacher Education Research (CGSTER), the proposed flexible learning mode (FLM) is made in
the context of the University graduate education, the principles of adult learning, and the nuances
of the graduate programs that respond to the principles of the Outcomes-Based Graduate
Teacher Education Curriculum (OBGTEC), which aims to produce research scholars, educational
leaders and expert practitioners.

This toolkit has been designed to make learning experiences for graduate students productive
and interesting for Term 1. The twelve-week sessions include the tasks to be accomplished, the
activities to be undertaken, the rubrics for evaluation, and the links for other resources. These are
all contained in the toolkit according to a specific schedule to facilitate use by graduate students.

Please take note that additional materials for reading and further study are given even for
assigned topics for discussion so as not to restrict your desire to explore and add more
information to your reservoir of knowledge and for sharing with others.

Rubrics are likewise provided to afford you the chance to evaluate your own performance and
these are located in the final part of this tool kit. You may read the rubrics in advance so as to
acquaint you on how your presentation and the outputs you will be submitting will be evaluated.

The course hopes to accomplish the following learning outcomes:

1. update knowledge on: a. the DepEd New Organizational Structures – DepEd Order
No. 52 s. 2015; b. the History of SPED in the Philippines; c. the K to 12 Program; d.
the DepEd Program on Inclusive Education, how I-SPED or inclusive education is
implemented in the DepEd K to 12 Program in your respective SPED classes; the
problems met and the ways and means you employ to minimize, if not eliminate, them;
2. hone content knowledge and contemporary instructional systems/teaching skills in your
respective areas of specialization;
3. assess the present SPED programs in general and the instructional strategies in
particular as well as identify where and how you can apply what you have learned; and
4. do a simulated demonstration teaching.

Classes will be delivered in a flexible distance learning modality on both synchronous and
asynchronous online modes. For each week, a scheduled topic based on the syllabus/migration
matrix will be the focus. Asynchronous classes can be accessed through the ePNU Learning
Management System (LMS) at https://lms.pnu.edu.ph/.

All members of the class are asked to login to our LMS classroom every class session. Your
additional materials as well as your outputs are likewise be uploaded in our LMS classroom.

Our synchronous session will be held using the social media platform that the class will agree on:
MS Teams, Google Meet, and Facebook Messenger.

Students are expected to participate in both synchronous and asynchronous discussions and
other activities as specified in the schedule and to submit responses to worksheets or activities,
occasional outputs and other requirements on time.

Consultation period is to be agreed upon with the faculty concerned on the first day of classes.
Please contact your Course Professor upon receipt of this Tool Kit at: Globe

Or via messenger: Fortunato Vendivel.

OBGTEC Course Migration Matrix

PNU shall become internationally recognized and nationally

responsive teacher education university. As the established producer
of knowledge workers in the field of education, it shall be the primary
PNU Vision
source of high-quality teachers, education managers, and research
scholars that can directly inspire and shape the quality of education
system, Filipino students, and graduates in the country and the world.

PNU is dedicated to nurturing innovative teachers, education leaders,

PNU Mission
and research scholars.

As the National Center for Teacher Education, the Philippine Normal

University commits to provide leadership in teacher education and
nurture innovative teachers and education leaders imbued with
values of truth, excellence, and service. The University further
PNU Quality Policy commits to the continual improvement of its Quality Management
System through compliance with International Quality Standards and
statutory and regulatory requirements. PNU shall achieve these
commitments through its core functions of instruction, research,
extension, and production.

1. Improve competence in educational research;

2. Provide leadership in curriculum and instruction;
Objectives of CGSTER 3. Increase research productivity and publication; and
4. Create educational alternatives that are responsive to the needs of
the country

1. Apply effective leadership practices and principles in managing

exceptional learners or educational programs in special education.
2. Exhibit ability to contribute in the development of educational
Program Outcomes programs, practices, and policies in special education
Addressed by the 3. Display mastery of the essential and emerging concepts, theories,
Course models, frameworks, and principles in special education
4. Display capability to communicate research findings and their
implications to research, theory and practice in special education
5. Design, develop and implement community-based programs
and projects using theories and principles in the SPED discipline.
Practicum is the terminal course for MAED SPED students in their
respective specializations. The course focuses on the current
implementation of the DepEd 2015 New Organizational Structures and
the Inclusive Special Education Program (I-SPED) that promotes
Inclusive Education (IE) or the mainstreaming of students with special
needs (SSN) in the regular classes. The practicum venues are the
students’ own SPED classes and those assigned by the SPED Program
in schools where there are students with: 1. Intellectual or
Course Description
Developmental Disabilities; 2. Giftedness and Talent; 3. Visual
Impairment; and 4. Hearing Impairment. It is a culminating field
experience that gives prospective special education teachers the
opportunity to apply and synthesize educational theory and teaching
strategies as they demonstrate skills and abilities in teaching students
with disabilities for a full-time of 150 teaching hours in a special school
with the guidance of a cooperating teacher. The course enables
students to do the following: a) professionally and ethically perform the
duties of a special education teacher; b) demonstrate proficiency in
instructional management and specially designed instruction, student
engagement and motivation, curriculum planning, learning theory,
problem solving in an educational setting, c) select, adapt, and use
instructional strategies, adaptations, assessments, and materials
according to the characteristics of the learner and d) apply knowledge
about the characteristics of children with disabilities to educational
practices in the school setting.

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

1. update their knowledge on: a. the DepEd New Organizational
Structures – DepEd Order No. 52 s. 2015; b. the History of SPED
in the Philippines; c. the K to 12 Program; d. the DepEd Program
on Inclusive Education, how I-SPED or inclusive education is
implemented in the DepEd K to 12 Program in their respective
Course Intended SPED classes; the problems they meet and the ways and means
Learning Outcomes they are employing to minimize, if not eliminate, them;
2. hone their content knowledge and contemporary instructional
systems/teaching skills in their areas of specialization;
3. assess their present SPED programs in general and instructional
strategies in particular and identify where and how they can apply
what they have learned; and
4. do a simulated demonstration teaching.

1. Gender-fair language in communication.

3. Gender representation in media, art, and literature
GAD Themes
4. (En)gender(ed) (in)equality across disciplines
5. Diversity of learners

References Booth, Tony and Mel Ainscow. 2016. Index for Inclusion a guide to
school development led by inclusive values 4th ed. Index for
Inclusion Network.
Friend, Marlyn. 2011. Special Education: Contemporary
Perspectives for School Professionals. Pearson, NY

Gargiulo, R. 2006. Special Education in Contemporary Society.

Thompson Learning, Inc. Belmont, CA

Handout: History of the Influences in the Development of the

Theories of Intelligence & the Intelligence Testing Movement

Haring N. & McCormick, L. Exceptional children and youth. 4th

ed. Charles Merrill Publishing Company. Sydney.

Heward, W., Alber-Morgan, S., & Konrad, M. (2017). Exceptional

Children An Introduction to Special Education Eleventh
Edition. Pearson Education, Inc.

Kail, Robert V. and John C. Cavanaugh. 2013. Human

Development A Life Span View. 6th ed. Cengage Learning
Asia Pte Ltd. New Tech Park, Singapore.

Lahey, Benjamin B. 2009. Psychology: An Introduction. 10th

Edition. Mc-Graw Hill, Inc.

Martin, Garry. 2015. Behavior Modification What it is and How to Do it

10th ed. Pearson.

Santrock, John W. 2009. Life Span Development. McGraw-Hill

Higher Education, New York.











Class participation 20%

Written and Creative Outputs 25%
Grading System Final Examination 30%
Term Project 25%
Total 100%


COURSE: SPED 507 - Practicum in Special Education


1. update their knowledge on:
a. the DepEd New Organizational Structures – DepEd Order No. 52 s. 2015;
b. the History of SPED in the Philippines;
c. the K to 12 Program;
d. the DepEd Program on Inclusive Education, how I-SPED or inclusive education is implemented in
the DepEd K to 12 Program in SPED classes; the problems they meet and the ways and means
employed to minimize, if not eliminate, them;
2. hone their content knowledge and contemporary instructional systems/teaching skills in their areas
of specialization;
3. assess their present SPED programs in general and instructional strategies in particular and identify
where and how they can apply what they have learned; and
4. do a simulated demonstration teaching.
1 Class Online: Online: List of expectations Rubrics
CILO: orientation & Synchronous Syllabus
orient sharing of Online Video of PNU
students expectations Discussion via VMGO
about the Lecture, use of group meeting
course and on-line app (MS Offline:
course resources and Teams or Syllabus
requirements discussions. Google Meet) PNU VMGO,
Course Quality Policy
Overview Offline: Class Policies
Giving of Viewing of and
assignments/ video Guidelines
group tasks Reading of
Class rules, Written Class
both for F2F Policies,
and Guidelines and
online/offline end of the term
mode requirement
Setting of
2 I. The New Online: Links to A paper comparing Rubrics
CILO: Organizational Synchronous DepEd the old and new
update their Structures of the mode website or organizational
knowledge DepEd – Lecture/Discus articles structures of the
on the Central, sion with video DepEd with emphasis
DepEd New Regional and clip and ppt on implications to
Organization Division Offices presentation special education
al Structures DepEd Order A reflection paper on
– DepEd No. 52 s. 2015. Offline: the issues in SPED
Order No. 52 The SPED -Readings and how these could
s. 2015 Program in - Consultation possibly be resolved.
the New via email or
Organizatio agreed upon
nal social media
Structures platform
3 Vision, Policy, Online: Powerpoint An analysis of the Rubrics
CILO: Goals and Synchronous presentation film, Every Child is
update their Objectives of mode Video clips Special
knowledge Special Lecture/Discus
on the Education sion with video
DepEd New clip and ppt
Organization presentation
al Structures
– DepEd Offline:
Order No. 52 -Readings
s. 2015 - Consultation
via email or
agreed upon
social media
4 II. The K to 12 synchronous/ Video with A paper explaining Rubrics
CILO: Curriculum asynchronous embedded ppt the implications of the
update their The SPED discussion via presentation K to 12 Curriculum to
knowledge Programs in the meeting room SPED Programs
on the K to 12 or chatroom Links to Three annotated
the K to 12 Curriculum (MS Teams, DepEd bibliographies related
Program  Inclusive LMS or website or to inclusive education
Education – Facebook articles
full or partial Messenger,
mainstreami whichever is
ng available)
 Adaptations
of the
 Kindergarten
, Grades 1 to
6, Junior and

Classes in the
SPED Center or
Resource Room
5 The SPED synchronous/ Video with An analysis of the Rubrics
CILO: Programs in the asynchronous embedded ppt film, Miracle Worker.
update their K to 12 discussion via presentation
knowledge Curriculum meeting room A video clip on
on the or chatroom Links to adaptations used in
the K to 12 (MS Teams, DepEd special education.
Program LMS or website or
Facebook articles
whichever is
6 III. History of synchronous/ Powerpoint In matrix form, Rubrics
CILO: SPED in the asynchronous presentation present the historical
update their Philippines discussion via timelines and the
knowledge  Vision, meeting room Handouts pioneers in special
on the history Policy, Goal, or chatroom education, together
of SPED in and (MS Teams, Or with their significant
the Objectives of LMS or contributions
Philippines SPED Facebook Links to
 Historical Messenger, YouTube Annotated
Perspectives whichever is videos or bibliography on the
Legal Bases available) articles legal bases of special
of SPED education

A paper on synthesis
of the legislations in
special education
here (locally) and
7 IV. The Online and PPT A critique on a Rubrics
CILO: Concepts and Offline: research undertaken
update their Core Provisions Synchronous Video clips on the effectiveness
knowledge for Today’s I – mode of Inclusive
on the SPED Programs Lecture Education program
DepEd for Learners discussion of any local school in
Program on with Special - Readings the country
Inclusive Education - Consultation
Education, Needs via email or A reflection paper on
how I-SPED agreed social the pros and cons of
or inclusive media platform Inclusive Education
education is
in the DepEd
K to 12
Program in
classes; the
they meet
and the ways
and means
employed to
minimize, if
not eliminate,
8  I-SPED for Online and PPT A sample of an I- Rubrics
CILO: Students Offline: SPED Program –
update their With: Synchronous Video clips Partial or Full
knowledge 1. High mode Mainstreaming; Self-
on the Incidence Lecture Contained Class;
DepEd Disabilities – discussion Assessment Program
Program on IDD and - Readings to determine
Inclusive Specific Types, - Consultation students’ eligibility to
Education, LD, EBD via email or I-SPED, indicating
how I-SPED 2. Low agreed social a. Types and
or inclusive Incidence media platform number of
education is Disabilities - VI, students with
implemented HI, PD special needs
in the DepEd b. SPED-trained
K to 12 faculty and other
Program in ancillary services
SPED personnel/staff
classes; the involved
problems c. Inclusive
they meet education
and the ways placement in K-
and means 12, other types of
employed to placement
minimize, if d. Physical facilities
not eliminate, – SPED Center,
them Resource Room in
a Regular School
e. Instructional
systems and

A reflection paper on
the implications of I-
SPED for High
Incidence and Low
9 V. Knowledge synchronous/ PPT Gathering of personal Rubrics
CILO: and Skills asynchronous statements on being
hone their Standards for discussion via Video clips a SPED Teacher
content SPED meeting room An essay on the
knowledge Specialists or chatroom attributes of an ideal
and con- (MS Teams, Special Education
temporary LMS or teacher
instructional Facebook
systems/teac Messenger,
hing skills in whichever is
their areas of available)
10 Group synchronous/ Multimedia A list of behavioral Rubrics
CILO: presentation asynchronous presentation objectives in the
hone their discussion via prepared by cognitive, affective,
content Models of meeting room students (pair and cognitive domain.
knowledge Teaching or chatroom or group)
and con- Learners with (MS Teams, A sample semi-
temporary Special LMS or (Submitted at detailed lesson plan
instructional Education Facebook an earlier date for children with
systems/teac Needs Messenger, to the faculty intellectual disability.
hing skills in whichever is but will be
their areas of available) uploaded to Annotated
specialization the system for bibliography on
the entire models of teaching
class to view LSEN
on scheduled
11 Articulation of Viewing/ Simulation An analysis of the Rubrics
CILO: teaching Critiquing exercise: film, Front of the
do a theories and teaching Class.
simulated models in the synchronous/ LSEN
demonstra- classroom asynchronous An abstract on any
tion teaching discussion via Video clips of recent research or
meeting or actual study pertinent to the
chatroom (MS teaching from use of instructional
Teams, LMS or YouTube or materials in teaching
Facebook recorded LSEN.
Messenger, demo
whichever is teaching Based on the lesson
available) plan made earlier,
preparation of a
suitable set of
instructional materials
for the simulated
12 FGD Synchronous Video with Annotated Rubrics
CILO: Trends and Online embedded ppt Bibliography on
assess their Issues in Discussion via presentation trends and issues in
present Pedagogy for group meeting special education
SPED Learners with app (Zoom, MS Assigned text Lesson Exemplar
programs in Special Teams, Google or article as Sample videos or
general and Education Meet) reference of video clips of actual
instructional Needs the discussion teaching of Learners
strategies in with Special
particular Education Needs (on-
and identify line submission)
where and
how they can
apply what
they have

Week 1 – Orientation
Watch PNU VMGO, Quality Policy

Please be reminded that this tool kit is prepared solely for use of graduate students for Term 1 of
School Year 2020-2021. All materials, including/but not limited to handouts, linked readings,
illustrations, rubrics are strictly to be used only in the SPED 507 class.

To reiterate, no part of this tool kit must be reproduced in any form without written permission
from the Faculty.

Read through this course migration matrix so that you could be provided with pertinent
information on the course and the new flexible delivery mode that is being implemented by the
College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research (CGSTER) for Term 1 of the
current school year. This will be discussed during the first meeting session.

Platform should have been agreed upon already, following prior communication with your Course
Professor. See page 2.

Write a Reflection Paper focusing on the following:
1. Expectations in the course and personal assessment of how the course will be of help
to you.
2. Possible challenges to maximize learning in the course.
(One to two pages’ word document output using Arial font, 11 pts., to be submitted
before the first formal meeting/session. You will be asked to share this in the
synchronous discussion in class).
Week 2 – Introduction to the Course

Initial Activity
Focusing Questions:
1. What are the recurring issues in the education of Learners with Special Education Needs
2. What are the features of the new organizational structures of the DepEd?
3. What could be the impact of these new organizational structures on the provision of
SPED education and services in the country?
4. In a nutshell, how important is the preparation (mental, emotional, social, and academic) of
the SPED teacher in effectively handling the needs of LSEN?

Read articles in the given link:
3. https://work.chron.com/roles-responsibilities-special-education-teachers-11790.html

View Division Order in the given link:


View the links below:

6. https://www.deped.gov.ph/about-deped/central-office/

Be ready to share your ideas in the class discussion.

1. A paper comparing the old and new organizational structures of the DepEd with emphasis on
implications to special education
2. A reflection paper on the issues in SPED and how these could possibly be resolved

Week 3 – The Vision, Policy, Goal and Objectives of Special Education

Initial Activity
Watch the film “Every Child is Special” using the given link.

Link for subtitle: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jIUd045ZuNOuVAn2-DEs-


Focusing Questions:
1. Identify the symptoms/characteristics demonstrated by the main character.
2. What type of exceptionality does he fall under? Cite any two (2) related studies.
3. What insights did you gain from watching the movie about learning disabilities?
4. As a teacher, what are your reflections about persons with learning disability like the main
character and how could they be helped?

Discussion Questions:
1. Explain the Vision, Policy, Goal and Objectives of Special Education.

View the power point presentations in the given links.


Write an analysis of the film, Every Child is Special. Include in the analysis your answers to the
focusing questions.

Weeks 4 – The K to 12 Curriculum

1. Read and analyze the K to 12 Curriculum. Use the links below:

Focusing Questions
1. What is the K to 12 Curriculum all about?
2. What is the rationale behind its implementation?
3. What have been the attitudes toward this educational innovation by:
a. teachers?
b. parents?
c. students? and
d. school administrators?

1. Explain substantially the implications of the K-12 curriculum in the education of Learners with
Special Education Needs (LSEN).
2. Prepare three annotated bibliographies related to inclusive education (Outputs to be
submitted and shared next session).

Week 5 – The SPED Programs in the K to 12 Curriculum

Initial Activity
Watch the film “The Miracle Worker” using the given link.

Focusing Questions:
1. Why is it difficult to teach a child with multiple disabilities like Helen Keller?
2. Was the teacher successful in teaching Helen what she needed to learn?.
3. What insights did you gain from watching the movie about a child with multiple disabilities?
4. In Inclusive Education necessary for an individual like Helen?

1. What is inclusive education? Use the following links:
2. What are the adaptations used in special education?
3. What are self-contained classes?
4. How does a SPED Center differ from a SPED Resource Room?

1. Write an analysis of the film, Miracle Worker. Include in the analysis your answers to the
focusing questions.
2. Submit a video clip on adaptations used in special education.

Week 6 – History and Legal Bases of Special Education in the


Initial Activity
Give a response to the following questions:
1. Suppose you were a lawmaker. What legislations would you be an advocate of and why?
2. Why are legislations necessary? Justify.

View the power points in the given link



Guide Questions:
1. Discuss the important historical timelines in the evolution of special education, highlighting the
people who have contributed to the advancement of the field.
2. What are the different foreign and local legislations pertinent to special education?
3. Cite the significance of these legislations in the education and psychology of Learners with
Special Education Needs (LSEN).

Be ready to share your ideas in the class discussion.

1. In matrix form, present the historical timelines and the pioneers in special education, together
with their significant contributions.
2. Annotated bibliography on the legal bases of special education
3. A paper on synthesis of the legislations in special education here (locally) and abroad.
Week 7 – The Concepts and Core Provisions for Today’s I – SPED
Programs for Learners with Special Education Needs

Initial Activity
1. What do you know about Inclusive Education?


2. What are the important concepts and core provisions for Inclusive-SPED programs
currently for LSEN in general?

Focusing Questions:
1. What is the rationale behind Inclusive Education? Will it do well combining regular
students with those with special education needs?
2. What may be the advantages and the disadvantages of Inclusive Education?
3. If you were a teacher, would you advocate for Inclusive Education? Why or why not?
4. What may be the pros and cons of online learning for students with disabilities?

View the article in the given link:


1. A critique on a research undertaken on the effectiveness of Inclusive Education program
of any local school in the country.
2. A reflection paper on the pros and cons of Inclusive Education

Week 8 - I-SPED for Students with High Incidence Disabilities – IDD and
Specific Types, LD, EBD and Low Incidence Disabilities - VI, HI, PD
Initial Activity
Exchange of ideas on the literature read pertinent to high and low incidence disabilities focusing
on the implications of Inclusive SPED on these disabilities
Sharing and Presentation of assigned topics: High Incidence Disabilities – Intellectual and
Developmental Disabilities, Learning Disabilities, and Emotional/Behavior Disturbances; and Low
Incidence Disabilities – Visual Impairment, Hearing Impairment, and Physical Disabilities

Online links for researches

Visit the PNU library to access online resources: https://opac.pnu.ph

Focusing Questions:
1. What are the important concepts and core provisions for Inclusive-SPED programs currently
for high incidence disabilities?


2. What are the important concepts and core provisions for Inclusive-SPED programs currently
for low incidence disabilities?


1. A sample of an I-SPED Program – Partial or Full Mainstreaming; Self-Contained Class;
Assessment Program to determine students’ eligibility to I-SPED, indicating
f. Types and number of students with special needs
g. SPED-trained faculty and other ancillary services personnel/staff involved
h. Inclusive education placement in K-12, other types of placement
i. Physical facilities – SPED Center, Resource Room in a Regular School
j. Instructional systems and materials
2. A reflection paper on the implications of I-SPED for High Incidence and Low Incidence

Week 9 – Knowledge and Skills Standards for SPED Specialists

Focusing Questions:
1. What are the knowledge and skills standards for Special Education specialists?
2. Why must SPED specialists be adequately prepared in terms of academic qualifications and
emotional-psychological well-being?

1. Read articles in the given links:




1. Gathering of personal statements on being a SPED Teacher
2. An essay on the attributes of an ideal Special Education
Week 10 – Preparation of Semi-Detailed Lesson Plans for LSEN
Initial Activity
Exchange of ideas on construction of instructional objectives and on preparation of lesson plans

Read the link below

Guide Questions:
1. Why is there a need to determine the instructional objectives when teaching?
2. How important are lesson plans?
3. What must be considered when constructing instructional objectives? When preparing lesson

1. List of behavioral objectives in the cognitive, affective, and cognitive domain.
2. A sample semi-detailed lesson plan for children with intellectual disability.
3. Annotated bibliography on models of teaching LSEN
Visit the PNU library to access online resources: https://opac.pnu.ph

Week 11 – Gathering/Preparation of Resource Materials for

Teaching LSEN
Initial Activity
Students exchange ideas on the different instructional or resource materials for Learners with
Special Education Needs (LSEN). Focus is on their offered advantages and disadvantages or

Sharing and Presentation of Assigned Topic: Classification of Resource Materials in Special
Online links for researches
Visit the PNU library to access online resources: https://opac.pnu.ph

Watch the film “Front of the Class” using the given link:

Focusing Questions:
1. Describe the teacher in terms his skills in instructional materials preparation.
2. How is he as a teacher of grade school pupils?
3. Was he successful in his teaching through his choice of resource materials?
4. What insights did you gain from watching the movie about a teacher with disability and his
passion to become a teacher despite his condition?

1. Write an analysis of the film, Front of the Class. Include in the analysis your answers to
the focusing questions.
2. Read any recent research or study pertinent to the use of instructional materials in
teaching LSEN.
3. Based on the lesson plan made earlier, prepare a suitable set of instructional materials in
preparation for the simulated demonstration teaching.

Week 12 – Simulated Demonstration Teaching & Critiquing

Students are expected to present their demonstration teaching in a simulation exercise using their
semi-detailed lesson plan and the instructional materials they have prepared with their
classmates serving as critics following the rubric below:
Name of Student Teacher:
Demo Class Level and Description:
Subject: Topic:
Name of Evaluator:
CRITERIA Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectation Falls Below Expectations
(12.5 pts.) (10.5 pts.) (9 pts.)

Targeted performance is Acceptable performance Unacceptable

TIMING evidenced by a is evidenced by a performance is evidenced
presentation that lasts presentation that lasts 25- by a presentation that
exactly 30 minutes 35 minutes lasts less than 25 or more
than 35 minutes
Targeted performance is Acceptable performance Unacceptable
OBJECTIVES evidenced by a clear is evidenced by performance is evidenced
statement of objectives at objectives that are by a lesson with no
the beginning of the class implied but not clearly perceivable objectives.
Targeted performance is Acceptable performance Unacceptable
CONTENT evidenced by content is evidenced by content performance is evidenced
which is appropriate for that is appropriate for by content that is not
grade level and grade level appropriate for grade
challenges students level
beyond their current
Targeted performance is Acceptable performance Unacceptable
ENGAGEMENT OF evidenced by a class that is evidenced by content performance is evidenced
THE STUDENTS is highly student centered that is appropriate for by content that is not
and one in which the grade level appropriate for grade
students are eagerly level
Appropriate, very Lesson includes some Lesson includes no
MEDIA/VISUALS/ engaging visuals, media use of visuals, media or visuals, media or
TECHNOLOGY or technology is used technology technology

All information in lesson Information in lesson is generally

Lesson contains definite
ACCURACY is accurate accurate with inaccuracies
one or two ambiguous
Lesson plan is Lesson plan follows a Lesson plan sequencing
LESSON PLAN exceptionally detailed solid format and contains is incomplete or illogical
some details or major details are
Reflection shows high Reflection attends to key Reflection touches only
REFLECTION level of thought and strengths and weaknesses on surface feature of the
suggests ideas for teaching experience

Total Score:___________
Comments and Suggestions:
Other Rubrics

1. Rubric for Infographics (Adapted from Jim White by SNCerbo)

Performance Task Infographic

Create an Infographic to create awareness and

understanding of learners with Intellectual Disability

The infographic will include ideas, photos, clips of information

Description of the Task to create positivity to everyone and enable them to have
acceptance and respect for learners with Intellectual Disability

The infographic could be created alone, by pair or by a small

Instructions group of 3-4. It will be uploaded at the LMS and presented to
the class during the last day of classes.

4 3 2 1
Excellent Satisfactory
Satisfactory Improvement
Design (Layout, Color
Scheme, Fonts) 20%
a. Layout is
organized and
uses consistent
3 or ALL of 2-1 of the 0-1 of the
style 2 of the given
the given given given
b. Color scheme indicators are
indicators indicators are indicators are
has visual appeal evident
are evident evident evident
and works with
c. Fonts are legible
and consistent

Content (Terms, Facts,

Quantity of data,
Quality of data) 20%
a. Appropriate
terms, vocab,
jargon defined
and used
4 or ALL of 0-1 of the
b. More than 3 of the given 2 of the given
the given given
enough data to indicators are indicators are
indicators indicators are
present content evident evident
are evident evident
c. Data clearly
recent and
relevant content
d. Data from good
Clarity (Simple and
Concise, Efficiency,
Makes clear
impression) 30%
a. Main idea is
obvious and easy 3 or ALL of 2-1 of the 0 or none of
2 of the given
to understand the given given the given
indicators are
b. No unnecessary indicators indicators are indicators are
graphics or are evident evident evident
c. Infographic
makes a good
initial impression

(Design complements
Careful choice of
visuals, Data
visualization matches
content and claim) 25%
a. Design elements
are clearly 3 or ALL of 2-1 of the 0-1 of the
2 of the given
informed by the given given given
indicators are
content indicators indicators are indicators are
b. Visuals show are evident evident evident
connection to
content and
create a visual
c. Visualizations fit
the data and the

5. Promptness in the Submitted

Submitted 1 Submitted 2 Submitted 3
submission of the on or before
day after the days after the days after the
infographic 5% the
deadline. deadline. deadline.
2. Rubric for Professional Readings (Developed by Dr. Shirley N. Cerbo and Prof. Leigh
Anne Calapardo, PNU)

Submission of Professional Readings on Researches in

Performance Task
Special Education
Submit a well-written reflection paper/analysis on
Objectives professional readings on researches read related to topics
of discussion;

The students are assigned to look for, read, and submit

Task Description reflections/analysis on related researches on the specified
topics of discussion, published or unpublished.

Instructions Analysis/Reflections of the researches will be evaluated

based on the given criteria.

4 3 2 1
Excellent Poor
Satisfactory y
Choice of Research Study
The study selected 0 or none
3 or ALL of 1 of the
a. is recent (2010 up to present) 2 of the given of the
the given given
b. is relevant to the topic criteria are given
criteria are criteria are
c. provides complete information evident criteria is
evident evident
(has a definite problem, or related evident
researches that support
conclusions, etc.)
Components of Research are
present in the paper submitted
The presenters presented all
components of the research/
study which include:
a. Rationale
10-12 of the
b. Research Problems 4-6 of the 0-3 of the
given criteria 7-9 of the
c. Conceptual Framework given given
are evident given criteria
d. Related Literature criteria are criteria are
are evident
e. Research Design evident evident
f. Data Gathering Procedures
g. Participants
h. Research Instruments
i. Data Analysis/ Statistics
j. Results
k. Conclusions
l. Recommendations
Quality of Reflection/Analysis 6 of the given 2-3 of the 0-1 of the
4-5 of the
45% criteria are given given
given criteria
a. Shows clear comprehension on evident criteria are criteria is
are evident
the flow of the study. evident evident
b. Ideas in keeping with
professional analysis.
c. Ideas are clearly articulated.
d. Sound reasoning is evident.
e. Important information are
stressed as regards the study’s
relevance to the teaching of
learners with special needs.
f. The paper is free from
grammatical/ typographical/
mechanical errors.
3. Rubric for Professional Readings (Developed by Dr. Shirley N. Cerbo and Prof. Leigh
Anne Calapardo, PNU)

Submission of Professional Readings on Researches in

Performance Task
Special Education
Submit a well-written reflection paper/analysis on
Objectives professional readings on researches read related to topics
of discussion;

The students are assigned to look for, read, and submit

Task Description reflections/analysis on related researches on the specified
topics of discussion, published or unpublished.

Instructions Analysis/Reflections of the researches will be evaluated

based on the given criteria.

4 3 2 1
Excellent Poor
Satisfactory y
Choice of Research Study
The study selected
0 or none
a. is recent (2010 up to present) 3 or ALL of 1 of the
2 of the given of the
b. is relevant to the topic the given given
criteria are given
c. provides complete information criteria are criteria are
evident criteria is
(has a definite problem, or related evident evident
researches that support
conclusions, etc.)

Components of Research are

present in the paper submitted
The presenters presented all
components of the research/
study which include:
a. Rationale
b. Research Problems 10-12 of the
4-6 of the 0-3 of the
c. Conceptual Framework given criteria 7-9 of the
given given
d. Related Literature are evident given criteria
criteria are criteria are
e. Research Design are evident
evident evident
f. Data Gathering Procedures
g. Participants
h. Research Instruments
i. Data Analysis/ Statistics
j. Results
k. Conclusions
l. Recommendations
Quality of Reflection/Analysis
a. Shows clear comprehension on
the flow of the study.
b. Ideas in keeping with
professional analysis. 6 of the given
2-3 of the 0-1 of the
c. Ideas are clearly articulated. criteria are 4-5 of the
given given
d. Sound reasoning is evident. evident given criteria
criteria are criteria is
e. Important information are are evident
evident evident
stressed as regards the study’s
relevance to the teaching of
learners with special needs.
f. The paper is free from
grammatical/ typographical/
mechanical errors.
4. Rubric for Oral Presentation (Developed by Dr. Shirley N. Cerbo and Prof. Leigh Anne
Calapardo and adapted by Dr, Fortunato G. Vendivel Jr., PNU)

Performance Task Oral Presentation and Written Report

The presenter is expected to:
1. Demonstrate mastery of the assigned topic;
Objectives 2. Show effective communication skills;
3. Sustain interest of listeners/audience;
4. Show skills in the art of questioning; and
5. Manifest creativity and innovativeness.
Alloted time for presentation: 30-40 minutes.

**Presentation must include the following:

 Motivation in the form of video clip, game, brain teaser, or
Task Description activity that will set the mood for listening
 Powerpoint presentation of topic in a readable format and
including only the salient parts of the topic
 Soft copy of powerpoint and word document of topic for
sharing with the class

Presenter’s performance will be rated based on the criteria specified in

this rubric. Indicator that is evident during presentation will be ticked
Instructions and the numerical scale will be written on the appropriate column.
Computation of the final grade will be based on the weight assigned to
each criterion.

4 3 2 1
Excellent Satisfactory Poor
1. Physical
Appearance 5%
The presenter
4 or ALL of 3 of the given
a.Wears appropriate 2of the given 0-1 of the given
the given indicators are
attire indicators are indicators are
indicators are manifested
b.Has good grooming manifested by manifested by the
manifested by by the
the student student
c.Has good posture the student student
d.Has pleasing
2. Mastery of the
Topic 40%
The presenter 4 or ALL of 3 of the given
a.Presents accurate 2of the given 0-1 of the given
the given indicators are
information on the indicators are indicators are
indicators are manifested
assigned topic manifested by manifested by the
manifested by by the
the student student
b.Discusses the topic the student student
4 3 2 1
Excellent Satisfactory Poor
c.Answers questions
confidently and
d.Asks good
questions to facilitate
3. Delivery 20%
The presenter:
a.Shows no
b.Acts naturally
c.Has good diction/ 5-7 of the
7 or ALL of 3-4 of the
pronunciation given 0-2 of the given
the given given
d.Has modulated indicators are indicators are
indicators are indicators are
manifested manifested by the
voice manifested by manifested by
by the student
e.Maintains focus and the student the student
f.Vibrant while
gHas no grammatical
4. Instructional Aids
a.Readable and
b.Combination and
contrast of colors are
pleasing to the eye
c.Uses multimedia for 4-5 of the
6 or ALL of 2-3 of the
clearer presentation of given 0-1 of the given
the given given
concept, if needed indicators are indicators are
indicators are indicators are
manifested manifested by the
d.Uses relevant and manifested by manifested by
by the student
appropriate the student the student
instructional materials
e.Free from errors
such as grammatical
and mechanical
fReferences are
shown at the end of
the presentation
10. Time 4 or ALL of
3 of the given 2 of the given
Management 10% the given 0-1 of the given
indicators are indicators are
a. The presentation indicators are indicators are
manifested manifested by
started and ended on manifested by manifested by the
by the group the group
time. the group group presenters
presenters presenters
4 3 2 1
Excellent Satisfactory Poor
b. Only 5-10 minutes
are allotted for
possible technical
c. Manages time
e. Did not exceed
beyond the allowed
Day 12 Presentation of Term Project and Final Examination


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