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MM : 360 PRACTICE TEST SERIES Time : 1½ Hrs.

21/08/2022 (for NEET-2023)

Test – 6

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MM : 360 PRACTICE TEST SERIES Time : 1½ Hrs.

21/08/2022 (for NEET-2023)

Test – 6

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10. Answer (3) 18. Answer (2)
/= g=__! A
Violet-? 24 2
Red- Multiplier 102 1
V= 4 x - =2 V
Sliver- Tolerance 10% 2
11. Answer (2) 19. Answer (3)
Kirchoff's current rule is based on conservation of Current will be same throughout the length of
charge wire.
12. Answer (2) 20. Answer (2)
V= E-ir H= f Rt=16x4x10=640 J
=iR=ir [R= r] 21. Answer (3)
ir = E- ir P= VI
. E
tr = - I= p

E E 100
V= E--=-
2 2 250
13. Answer (4) =0.4A
ampere-second is the unit of charge 22. Answer (4)
14. Answer (4) V= JR
Resistivity is the material property, does not
depend on the dimension R=(�Jn
15. Answer (1)
30 R=p-
/=- x 1.4 =1A A
16. Answer (4)
1= 100 x 10-2
2 p 2 x 10-6

So angle is zero.
23. Answer (3)
17. Answer (2)
10 x 10+5 x 10 1max =­
Average current=----- r
100+50 = 150 _ 3
= = 7 5A
20 20

24. Answer (3) 2.303 -a-
t= log
Unit of rate constant for nth order reaction = k a-x
( mt}-n s-1 2.303 100
t= log
2.303 X 10- 3 10
25. Answer (3)
Chemical kinetics help us to study rates of
reaction and their mechanism. t=1000 s
26. Answer (1) 27. Answer (1)
Since unit of rate constant is s-1 hence it is a first A+2B➔C
order reaction. Rate= k[A] [B]2

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28. Answer (4) 36. Answer (3)
k = Ae-Ea/RT t.T
K' = K(2) 10
E 1
In k = In A - __i!_ x -
R T = K(2)3 = 8 K
37. Answer (4)
In k For exothermic reaction

a5 E.(f)
Ea C:
w Reactants
Slope =-R
29. Answer (1)
Reaction coordinate
r = K[A] [B] Here, Ea(f) < Ea(b).
If [A] taken as excess then new rate law is r = 38. Answer (1)
In the Arrhenius equation, the factor e-EatRT
New order of reaction is 1. corresponds to the fraction of molecules that
30. Answer (2) have kinetic energy greater than Ea.
At = Ao - kt = 1 - 0.02 x 20 = 0.6 M 39. Answer (3)
31. Answer (3) 2A➔B
The number of reacting species taking part in an _ d[A] d[B]
r= =+
elementary chemical reaction, which must collide 2 dt dt
simultaneously in order to bring about a chemical
40. Answer (4)
reaction is called molecularity of reaction.
According to Arrhenius equation, k = Ae-EatRT
32. Answer (1)
41. Answer (4)
The decomposition of gaseous ammonia on a hot
Order of a reaction is an experimental quantity. It
platinum surface at high pressure is an example
can be zero and even a fraction but molecularity
of zero order reaction.
cannot be zero or a non-integer.
33. Answer (4)
42. Answer (3)
t112 = 24 minutes
A catalyst does not alter Gibbs energy LiG of a
72 minutes means 3 half lives
[A ] [A ] 43. Answer (2)
So, amount of reactant left is � = _o_
(2) 8
For first order reaction t112 is independent of [Ao]
34. Answer (1) 44. Answer (3)
Unit of rate constant for nth order reaction For first order reaction
1-n _ 0.693
_ mol
- (- ) s-1 t 1I2-- -

For first order reaction unit of rate constant is s-1. 45. Answer (2)

35. Answer (2) R = K [A]1'2 [B]1'2

Acidic hydrolysis of ester is an example of Overall order of reaction = ..!. + ..!. = 1

pseudo first order reaction. 2 2

Page No - 4
46. Answer(4) parental gene combination that were much higher
In Drosophila, there is a clear differentiation of than the non-parental type. He also observed that
the sexes- the male and female flies are easily two genes do not segregate independently and F2
distinguishable. Males are heterogametic. ratio deviate very significantly from 9 : 3 : 3 : 1
47. Answer(3) ratio.
In a dihybrid cross of T.H. Morgan, yellow bodied 58. Answer(1)
and white eye Drosophila is crossed with wild Sturtevant prepared first genetic map.
type and obtained 98.7% offspring to be parental
59. Answer(3)
type and 1.3% as recombinant type in F2
generation. In birds, both the sexes possess two sex
48. Answer(3) chromosomes. The female contain
heteromorphic sex chromosome while male have
The recombination frequency is directly
homomorphic sex chromosome.
proportional to the distance between genes, if
recombination frequency is 10% then the 60. Answer(4)
distance between the genes is 10 map units. Mutation is a phenomenon which result in
49. Answer(1) alteration of DNA sequence and consequently
XX-XO type of sex-determination is observed in results in changes in the genotype and the
large number of insects e.g. Grasshopper. It phenotype of an organism.
shows male heterogamety condition. 61. Answer(2)
50. Answer(2) The female humans have 22 pair of autosomes
1 with XX sex chromosomes.
In each pregnancy there is always 50% or
2 62. Answer(4)
probability of either a male or a female child. Human being show male heterogamety. In
51. Answer(2) butterflies, female individual produce two
Both chromosomes as well as genes occur in pair different types of gamete, thus egg determines
in the somatic or diploid cells. the sex of the offspring.
52. Answer(4) 63. Answer(4)
In female honey bee, gametes are formed as a Male heterogametic condition is observed in
result of meiosis. An egg contains 16 Drosophila.
64. Answer(2)
53. Answer(3)
In Drosophila, the recombination frequency
A classical example of point mutation is sickle cell
between genes of eye colour and wing size is
54. Answer(1)
65. Answer(2)
If A, B, C gene control skin colour, then its
recessive form i.e., a, b and c will exhibit lightest Change in single base pair of DNA is known as
skin colour. point mutation.
55. Answer(2) 66. Answer(2)
The term recombination is used to describe the Hanking observed a specific nuclear structure in
generation of non-parental gene combination. a few insects.
56. Answer(3) 67. Answer(1)
In human beings, XV types of sex determination Physical association of genes on a chromosome
is observed where both male and female have is termed as linkage
same number of chromosomes. 68. Answer(3)
57. Answer(3) Walter Sutton united the knowledge of
For dihybrid cross by T.H. Morgan he already chromosomal segregation with Mendelian
knew that genes were located on the X­ principle and named it as Chromosomal Theory
chromosome and concluded proportion of of Inheritance.

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69. Answer(4) 79. Answer(1)
Bobcat is a placental mammal. Industrial melanism is an example of natural
70. Answer(2) selection.
Alfred Wallace came to similar conclusions as 80. Answer(3)
that of Darwin around the same time. Darwin's finches evolved from seed eating
71. Answer(2) ancestral finches.
During sea voyage, Darwin concluded that 81. Answer(4)
existing living forms share similarities to varying The conditions on early earth were high
degrees with extinct forms also. temperature, volcanic storms, reducing
atmosphere containing CH4, NH3 etc.
72. Answer(2)
82. Answer(2)
Triceratops is three horned herbivores dinosaurs.
Homologous organs are the result of divergent
73. Answer(1)
Hypothesis for chemical origin of life was given 83. Answer(3)
by Oparin of Russia and Haldane of England.
Anteater and mole are placental mammals.
74. Answer(3)
Numbat is marsupial anteater.
Igneous and metamorphic rocks undergo 84. Answer(1)
changes with course of time.
Variations enable to survive better in natural
75. Answer(4) conditions.
Wings of birds, bats and insects are analogous 85. Answer(2)
organs. Conventional religious literature tells us about the
76. Answer(1) theory of special creation.
The pattern of bones in the forelimbs of mammals Agriculture came around 10,000 years back.
show homology. They have the same structural 86. Answer(3)
pattern but are adapted to different functions. In 1920, after industrialisation, there were more
They exhibit divergent evolution. dark-winged moths.
77. Answer(4) 87. Answer(4)
In these plants, thorns and tendrils both are Analogous structures are a result of convergent
axillary in position and are modifications of evolution.
axillary buds. But they differ in their functions - 88. Answer(1)
thorns provide protection to the plant and tendrils Adaptive radiation in Darwin's finches is an
help the plant in climbing. Rest are example of example of natural selection.
analogous organs. 89. Answer(2)
78. Answer(4) Oparin and Haldane postulated the theory of
Observation made by Ernst Haeckel based upon chemical evolution.
the certain features during embryonic stage 90. Answer(3)
common to all vertebrates that are absent in Lichens can be used as industrial pollution
adult. indicator.

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