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Part 1:

There are two interesting ways to improve health and performance. Firstly, experts have recently come
to the conclusion that relaxing and thinking positively can significantly improve your physical heath.
However, it is far more complex than it seems. The key to getting well is to control your emotions by
reorganizing your life and using self-help technique. Secondly, while it is common that everybody scares
of unfamiliar situations, there is no point in avoiding them. The best strategy to overcome quaking is to
understand your own feelings and be confident in your competency.

Part 2:

The line graph depicts changes in coffee export levels in three South American countries from 2002 to
2012, measured in millions of kilograms. Overall, despite some variations, export levels increased in all
three countries during the period.

The most coffee was grown in Brazil and Costa Rica. They began at a comparable level of between 12
and 15 million kilograms in 2002, but as coffee exports from Brazil gradually climbed over the next four
years, Costa Rican exports fell significantly to approximately 7.5 million. Costa Rica and Brazil then,
however, followed a similar pattern, progressively expanding to 20 million and 25 million, respectively.

Colombia's export trend was more unpredictable than the other two countries. In 2002, exports were 5
million kilograms per year, which was less than Costa Rica or Brazil. They surpassed Costa Rica in 2006,
with exports reaching 12 million, but then fell precipitously to 2.5 million in 2008. Following this, exports
climbed dramatically, reaching 15 million by the end of the period.

Part 3:

Respect for senior citizens is uncommon in many countries these days. This could be due to a shift in
lifestyle and a more autonomous mindset. This essay will give reason to why this is the case and provide
some examples of problems this phenomenon may cause.

Nowadays, the way of life has changed dramatically. People used to live in large families that included
some senior members. However, as adults, most people prefer to separate themselves and live in their
own homes. This creates a gap between them and their family, particularly their elderly relatives.
Citizens of Western countries, notably the United States, are prime examples of this. Furthermore,
independence gives younger people the impression that they do not need to rely on anyone, so they
may believe that paying respect to older people is no longer necessary.

On the other hand, society has shifted its perspective on how vital relationships are. Not only do families
require more human attraction, but so do all communities. People would be depressed sooner if they
could not nurse or care for their elderly. Most of them have difficulties in retirement since they are
alone. As a result, production may be dropping while illness replaces it, isolation or even discrimination
may increase. Everyone argues that social life cannot improve and that someone cannot handle it. In
other words, the psychological state may not improve after such a negative attitude toward elderly
people. For example, the number of elderly patients at clinics with a psychology department has
increased in recent decades across the world.
In conclusion, from my perspective, showing respect by the younger to the senior has been decreased
due to the change of living lifestyle and freedom attitude. Because of this, the senior may live more
difficult compared to the past due to older citizen’s wellbeing ignorance.

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