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Listening part 2:

-The Bridge Hotel is part of the compact group, set in a quiet residential area, on the attractive
outskirts of Belford, caters for a wide range of people, from business to leisure
-After refurbishment, it now has 25 double rooms and 20 singles.
-The Bridge Hotel is set in three and a half hectares of ground with:
+ An open-air swimming pool, and four tennis courts.
+ A newly-opened gym, considered to be best equipped in the area with non-resident
membership is available.
+ Fully-licensed restaurant, for residents and non-residents, with a particular focus on dishes
from around the world. 
+ Designated business rooms with phone links.
+ The conference facilities cater for up to 200 delegates
- The Hotel offers three short-break packages: two-day, three-day and five-day
- For more information, call extension 3469
Listening part 4:
- Peregrine falcons are found on all continents except from Antarctica
- The name Peregrine implies that they’re wanderers, but not in Australia
- known to be the world’s fastest creature, however there is some dispute about how fast they
can actually fly
- Female Peregrine falcons are almost a third larger than their male counterparts.
- The female stays close to the nest to protect the eggs and the young chicks, the male is
mostly occupied looking for food
- Peregrines lay 2 or 3 eggs per nest:
+ At 20 days old, chicks start to fly
+ At 28 days old they are fully grown
+ Two months after hatching they leave their nest for good.
+ Young falcons are not good at feeding themselves so during the first year, about 60% of them
+ Once manage to live to breeding age, at two years old, they generally go on to live for 6 or 7
- Procedure used for research on Peregrine falcon chicks,
+ the first thing is catch the chicks before they’re able to fly
+ then attach identification rings to their legs
+ Thirdly, note the sex of the chicks
+ The next thing is to take the blood sample from the chicks to check the level of pesticide in
their bodies
+ Finally, check the birds thoroughly for their general health

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