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Revitalization of Kamaishi - Mitigation of Social and Physical Vulnerabilities

towards Holistic Sustainability

Thesis · March 2013

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23131.82727


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Khuplianlam Tungnung
Amity University


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- ホリスティックな持続可能性に向かって
Revitalization of Kamaishi
Mitigation of Social and Physical Vulnerabilities towards Holistic Sustainability

Khuplianlam TUNGNUNG/総合デザイン専攻 11ID010 ● 指導教員/小玉祐一郎 印

トウンノン クプリャンラム

釜石は 3.11 後、深刻な社会的・物理的な課題に直面している。人口の約 31.2%が 65 歳以上である超高齢社会の釜石では、人やコミュ

ニティを力づけるために「全ての世代のための社会・環境」を作りたい。3.11 災害は、約 4548 戸、約 11 ㎢の地域を破壊した。現地調査に

1. Research Background and Aims When vulnerabilities meet hazard, disasters occur with damages
Post 3.11, a vulnerable valley town, Kamaishi is confronted with depending on the locality’s preparedness. This project’s responds
its morphological, economics and social challenges. This project to “What Revitalization does and what it is?” It empowers the
essentially seeks social and physical revitalization within the people and community and provides social and physical resiliency.
vulnerable lowland, Tobu without relocation. It also fulfills the The revitalization as a community based participatory planning that
citizens’ wish to live near their workplaces and the place they have aims to empower the people and community through participatory
built up over the years. Its holistic revitalization mandates physical planning to promote social kizuuna, design programs, festivals and
and social measures for pre-disaster and post-disaster conditions. remembrance. It is a resiliency measure through design expressions
The elderly ratio, above 64 years, 3.3% in 1955 and 31.2% in 2005 in the architecture and urbanism landscape and land-use planning.
necessitates creation of a “Society and Environment for all Ages”. Tobu district’s basic needs of social and structure resiliency, health
3.11 disasters damaged 4,548(28%) houses, 11k㎡ of urban area and renewable energy have to be accounted for. The micro
(2.4%) and 1228 people were missing or death (Fig: 1, 2). intervention measures like the city hall, memorial park and
Vulnerability, manmade or natural, like「危機, Kiki」, presents collective housing integrates and connects the social and physical
challenges and opportunities. resiliency requirements of the people.

Fig-1: Preconditions of damage existing in the project site, Tobu. Fig-2: Preconditions-Liquefaction, part damage concrete structure
2. Research Methods
2-1. Analysis of pre-conditions, challenges and opportunities
2-2. Environmental Performance Analysis by Computer Simulation

2-1. Analysis of Pre-Conditions, Challenges and Opportunities

Site as well as literature surveys highlighted the varied
vulnerabilities of physical structure and socio-economics. Damage
to concrete buildings was confined to non-structural elements,
lateral force of debris deformed steel frames and wooden structures
were devastated. In Kamaishi, liquefaction range between 20cm to
3m approx. (Fig: 1, 2). Flexible application of existing building Fig-3: JR-Line over Kasshi River and energy plants
and land-use regulations to facilitate buying up of land to relocate
from vulnerable lowland and river bank needs to be expedited. 2-2. Environmental Performance Analysis by Computer
The pre-conditions of “challenges and opportunities” in fishery, This methodology analyze the environmental performances of the
forestry, steel works, farming or eco-tourism, super-aging and proposed built environment to synchronize the Tono vernacular
declining birth rates, etc needs to be tangibly incorporated in the architecture influenced design and local climate towards energy
urban regeneration. The city of steel, fish and rugby, Kamaishi’s saving. Fresh air enters through windward openings and gets
dwindling Nippon Steel has barely 150 workers as of 2005. But, exhausted in the leeward opening. CFD simulation was carried out
manufacturing industry is generating and the planning should with the prevalent wind direction, S-South East in August at
envisage inviting industries towards eco-town revitalization. 3m/sec with average air temperature of 26°C. In winter wind is
Fishing industry with 29.7% of self-employment holds potentials from the West or N-West and temperature ranges between -5°C to
for development through consolidation and organization of fishing 15°C.
cooperatives and sectoral fishing rights management. The fact that,
Japan as of 2009, consumes 90 million m3 wood products though 3. Proposals: Urbanism
it produces only 19 million m3 have presented wood industry as a The urbanism concept mainly aims to connect the socio-economic
possible economic opportunity despite the challenges of small and safety needs of the people with the physical interventions. This
scale private ownership (58%), steep terrains, thinning people-centered reconstruction, besides valorizing the locality and
requirements and overseas competitions. Eco-tourism or farming, contexts to strengthen Kizuuna, social bonding, takes into account
besides its socio-cultural benefits could be use to evolve local Tobu’s basic needs of the economic and structure resiliency, health
farming into “Local Culture” and turning that into an economic and renewable energy through its urban and architecture
industry. Towards inclusive design considerations, integration of revitalization.. The main economic revitalization includes eco-town
medical care, social welfare and nursing care through ubiquitous initiatives to attract younger generations, eco-tourism and local
ICT network could translate into 38% reduction in car journeys per farming to create a locally sustainable economy by converting local
person per week. While the eco-town initiatives attract the younger farming culture into an industry for the elderly and thereby,
generations, eco-tourism and local farming aims to create locally integrate the elderly into the new town as an essential component of
sustainable economy for the elderly. To facilitate JMA’s or mobile the social fabric. Each intervention measure has been strategically
companies’ initiatives in EEW (Earthquake Early Warning), Large connected with the people’s social and physical resiliency
Zone scheme base stations can be installed. Climatically, Kamaishi requirements. As an eco-town initiative, industries utilizing various
has 4 mild seasons due to its proximity to the sea. Kamaishi diversified energy sources, best combinations, local energy and
Municipality, formed in 1955 by merging Kasshi, Kurihashi, exhaust heat, etc could be invited. Land-use management
Unosumai and Toni to Kamaishi, has 2 main branches, the considerations envisaged relocating residences in highland and
legislative council (20 councilors, 2011) and the executive and the using lowland as industries and commercial after land filling, TOD
independent administrative committees. The logistics of Kamaishi (Transit Oriented Development) planning, creation of ARZ (Auto
includes JR-lines and NH-283 and 45 and the sea port. A series of Restricted Zones), integrating the elevated NH-45 with the
renewable energy generation and smart eco-town concepts of memorial park and shifting heavy machineries to the wharf
recycling society are envisaged. (Fig: 3). projected into the sea to humanize the waterfront Tobu and
Fig-4: Machineries that needs to be shift to humanize the coast line Fig-5: Torii gate & bamboo like structures as a passive resilient
expression surrounded by Rias Style Japanese Garden
revitalize the immediate sea front as an elevated memorial park
while creating a quiet, healthy residential zones near the mountain 4-1. City Hall
foothills. (Fig: 2, 4). The macro structure resiliency planning Located in vulnerable lowland, the design expression has been
envisions varied composite redundant measures encompassing conceptualized as a passive and resilient way of protecting the
non-infrastructure as well as infrastructure intervention measures building from debris in case of future tsunami. The City Hall
like land-use re-designation, festivals, elevated memorial parks, through the expression of Torii gate, bamboo groove and spatial
evacuation towers, elevated rail and evacuation routes, mountain programs aims to conquer Tobu’s vulnerable environment in a
foothill residences, etc. The basic resiliency strategies are passive resilient manner while integrating the socio-economics,
Circumvention (relocation of residences to higher altitudes), resiliency and energy needs. It aims to be a catalyst towards
Dispersion (gabion walls and tetrapods at the waterfront) and “Consciousness, Co-operation, Co-existence” in the face of
Suppression (suppressed and reduce tsunami energy to prevent disasters. (Fig: 5). The city hall will be the locus of the evolution
catastrophic disasters through tsunami prevention forests grooves, of the society’s needs, values, traditions and above all an agora
resilient passive building structures with pilotis that allows tsunami where the city’s reconstruction will continue to evolve with
to pass through but stops the debris from damaging the structures). time as a dialogue in progress with the society and its environment.
Towards citizens’ health, high quality urban landscape congruent The City Hall will offer a range of critical and experimental
with the neighborhood and soundscape is envisaged. The self-experience from social, educational, eco-tourism to folklore
reconstruction timeline takes into account the experiences in Kanto monogatari’s to residents as well as visitors besides serving as the
or Hanshin Awaji earthquake as well as the project schedule City Hall.
proposed by Iwate Prefecture (2011-2018).

4. Proposals: Architecture
The micro architecture projects aims to respond to “What
revitalization is? and “What it does?” to rehabilitate a sustainable
resilient community. The concepts valorize “Reconstruction by the
People for the People” with the architects, engineers and
governments serving as enablers. Accordingly, based on the idea of
reconstruction as a way of rebuilding community bond, Kizuuna and
social resiliency, the City Hall is proposed first as a symbol of
resiliency and to be the locus of reconstruction initially and further Fig-6: Social plaza at ground use as per diurnal motion of sun and

serve as the centre of the evolution of the society’s needs, values Kids area for education with iPad mapping on floor at the center

and traditions in response to the times and conditions.

The City Hall’s program encompasses fluidal use social plazas at
the first floor, memorial theatres and exhibition halls in the second
floor and city offices, evacuation and belvedere terraces above.
The ground level social plazas are fluidal spaces that will be use as necessities, 3 design axis, Remembrance (A), Healing (B), Hope
per the sun’s diurnal motion and seasonal conditions as well as the (C) axis are proposed. Remembrance Axis-A seeks to provide the
programs requirement of light. (Fig: 6). Operable mobius strips are people self-experience and remembrance of tsunami. (Fig: 9). The
fixed in the double skin to control light entry. 70% or 30% light Healing Axis-B is a symbolic traditional affirmation of life and
entry is achieved by turning the twisted points of the strip. Further, rebirth through deciduous trees that expressed renewal of life in
conduction, convection and radiation are regulated through the their own annual cycles. The Hope Axis-C would essentially
insulating double skins, floor or ceiling and greenhouse effect. The function as a viewing belvedere to its surrounding. The evergreen
L-shape office block layout mutually shades each other and its coniferous trees represent Hope towards renewed resiliency.
layout enables wind circulation through the creation of voids in
between office blocks. (Fig: 5). The passive resilient structure
includes deep piles and earthquake dampers as the substructure and
light ductile concrete slabs, lattice columns and bamboo like
vertical and oblique columns as the superstructure. The city hall’s
landscape is a symbolic representation of rias style coast to awaken
disaster awareness and further serves as bio-purifiers, bio-swale,
aquifer recharge and also provides communal and individual spaces
for repose and meditation. (Fig: 7).
Fig-9: View of the Memorial Park’s 3 Design Axis-A, B, C

4-3. Collective Housing

This social housing with the theme, “Socio-Praxis”, aims to provide
shared “Spaces for Everybody” through the terrace garden, veranda,
engawa or piloti ground community gardens. It aims to engineer
socio-community bond, Kizuuna and resiliency between the fishery,
farming, steel works, manufacturing and other communities. It’s
basically a high ground residence for people living in the lowland
areas before 3.11 disasters. The project aims to stretch housing
function as an agora style civic space, beyond providing mere
Fig-7: Rock Garden with spaces for repose and meditation. shelter. With abundant public spaces and the principles of Miesm’s
Plan Libre, these Gassho-zukuri style houses allows dwellers to
4-2. Memorial Park interact and gives the flexibility to make changes later. And, the
The memorial park with the theme, “Landscape as Mindscape: exposed wooden strutted or steel like the Gassho-zukuri houses
Memento Mori”, is a reminder of mortality to the people and serves structure mainly provides a resilient structure-grid from debris, in
as a place for social events, place of prayer, social bonding, sea case of tsunami. The flexible walls and sliding doors allow share
view recreational belvedere and above resilient sea wall. (Fig: 8). housing or other modifications, later.
Towards tangible integration of social and physical resiliency.

Fig-8: A-Axis: Reflective Stainless Steel Cenotaph reflects sea to Fig-10: Improvised Gassho-zukuri style Collective housing with
mimic 3.11 and give self-experience of tsunami wave to visitors. terrace garden, veranda, engawa or piloti for collective usage.
Meteorologically, “Inner Garden ・ 坪庭” inspired large central
courtyard and the elevated building with pilotis will make way for
air changes to cool down the building, while primarily serving as a
community plaza. (Fig: 10, 11).

Fig-11: Inner Garden・坪庭” with pilotis used as socio-community

plaza, eco-tourism, wheel chair gardens

5. Meteorological Architecture: Environmental Performance

Analysis by Computer Simulation for City Hall
Meteorological Architecture seeks to integrate the metric design Fig-12: CFD Simulation with +ve & -ve pressure of wind with
parametric compositions with wind, heat and light design respect to summer’s S-South East wind and opening sizes.
parameters. In view of the S-South East wind direction in summer, Workstations proposed on +ve side and stationeries on –ve side.
partitions, window openings and shutters are arranged to scoop and
facilitate efficient wind flow and mixing. Work stations are located
on the +ve pressure side and stationeries’ on the -ve pressure areas
of the wind. (Fig: 12).

Volume of air flow depends on the area, height and location of

openings, etc. Greenhouse effect, heat vaporization, double skin,
external air source and air buoyancy due to temperature differences
are utilized to regulate the building’s thermal environment. In
winter, openings are closed and through greenhouse effect suns
radiation is absorbed by the trees, furniture’s, etc and converted to
heat energy. However, in summer S-South East Wind (3m/sec) will
be use to achieve force convective ventilation to exhaust the heat
and moisture. (Fig: 12, 13). Heat loss or gain would be further
control using trombe walls, ventilators at the ceiling level, radiant
heating on floor, moisture absorption with wooden ceilings,
regulating conduction in the walls through moveable furniture’s
like carpets or double skin glasses and permanent insulating
materials like fiberglass, rock wool, double glass, etc. Light
penetration is maneuver spontaneously and automatically with
mobius strips in the double skin. When the twisted points are
horizontal the longer ends becomes vertical to let 70% light
penetrate and 30% when the twisted point is vertical. (Fig: 13). Fig-13: Details of building skin to control Light, heat, wind,
conduction, convection, radiation controls.
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