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Terms Definitions abstain (v) To hold oneself back: forbear, hold off, keep, refrain, withhold adulterate (v)

To make impure or inferior by deceptively adding foreign sub stances: debase, doctor, load, sophisticate apathy (n) Lack of emotion or interest: disinterest, impassivity, incuriosity, incuriousness, indifference, insensibility, insensibleness, lassitude, lethargy, listlessness, phlegm, stolidity, stolidness, unconcern, uninterest, unresponsiv eness audacious (adj) Having or showing courage: bold, brave, courageous, dauntl ess, doughty, fearless, fortitudinous, gallant, game, hardy, heroic, intrepid, m ettlesome, plucky, stout, stouthearted, unafraid, undaunted, valiant, valorous capricious (adj) Following no predictable pattern: changeable, erratic, fan tastic, fantastical, fickle, freakish, inconsistent, inconstant, mercurial, temp eramental, ticklish, uncertain, unpredictable, unstable, unsteady, variable, vol atile, whimsical corroborate (v) To present evidence in support of: back (up), buttress, subs tantiate desiccate (v) To make or become free of moisture: dehydrate, dry (out), ex siccate, parch engender (v) To cause to come into existence: beget, breed, create, fathe r, hatch, make, originate, parent, procreate, produce, sire, spawn ephemeral (adj) Lasting or existing only for a short time: evanescent, fle et, fleeting, fugacious, fugitive, momentary, passing, short-lived, temporal, te mporary, transient, transitory gullible (adj) Easily imposed on or tricked: credulous, dupable, easy, ex ploitable, naive, susceptible homogenous (adj) All of the same or similar kind or nature laconic (adj) Marked by or consisting of few words that are carefully chosen: br ief, compendious, concise, lean, short, succinct, summary, terse laudable (adj) Deserving honor, respect, or admiration: admirable, commen dable, creditable, deserving, estimable, exemplary, honorable, meritorious, prai seworthy, reputable, respectable, worthy loquacious (adj) Given to conversation: chatty, conversational, garrulous, talkative, talky, voluble mitigate (v) To make less severe or more bearable: allay, alleviate, assu age, comfort, ease, lessen, lighten, palliate, relieve pedant (n) One who pays undue attention to book learning and formal rules pragmatic (adj) Having or indicating an awareness of things as they really are: down-to-earth, hard, hardheaded, matter-of-fact, objective, practical, pra gmatical, prosaic, realistic, sober, tough-minded, unromantic propriety (n) The quality of being proper; appropriateness vacillate (v) To move back and forth or from side to side, as if about to fall: oscillate, sway, teeter, totter, waver, weave, wobble volatile (adj) Following no predictable pattern: capricious, changeable, erratic, fantastic, fantastical, fickle, freakish, inconsistent, inconstant, mer curial, temperamental, ticklish, uncertain, unpredictable, unstable, unsteady, v ariable, whimsical

1.vicarious 2.bovine 3.aghast 4.tacit 5.berbesk 6.zephyr 7.naiive 8.sinister 9.congenial 10.dextrous 11.cessation 12.Vehement 13.Palatable 14.cede 15. Palpable 16. Flinch cohort a group or band of people

didactic Intended to instruct. aleck jagged fagged parley ale pied one who considers himself smarter than others notched, rough too tired, exhausted negotiation, discussion between enemies fermented alcoholic beverage similar to but heavier than beer of various colors

gourmand a person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess

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