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Automated Software Quality and Testing Tools

CodePro AnalytiX

for Eclipse, Rational® and MyEclipse

Defect Detection, Repair

and Reporting
Automated JUnit Test Generation
JUnit Test Editor
Code Coverage Analysis
Static Code Analysis

“ We are impressed with the capabilities of CodePro.

The dynamic audit facility allows us to enforce
programming standards and best practices at development
time, instead of having to rely on extensive and lengthy
Key Features of CodePro Analyti

Defect detection, repair and reporting

code reviews. This results in cost savings and ensures that

■ Define, distribute and enforce quality
we deliver our software on time. standards across development teams
—Rich Main, Director, Java Development Environments, SAS ■ Static code analysis (960+ audit rules)
■ Duplicate code analysis
■ Advanced audit filtering
Download a risk-free trial copy: ■ Powerful management reporting ■ Code metrics with drilldown & triggers
■ Auditing for Java,™ JSP, JSF, Struts,
Hibernate and XML
■ Automated JUnit test generation
■ JUnit test editor
CodePro AnalytiX™ is
ition developed by the experts Code coverage analysis
d Ed

Th i r e r 2 0 0 who brought you the Dependency analysis and reporting

popular book ■ Integrated team collaboration
■ Seamless integration with Eclipse,
Building Commercial
Rational,® WebSphere® and MyEclipse;
Quality Plugins —
supports Rational Application Developer v7.
Eric Clayberg & Dan Rubel

Get CodePro Profiler™—the perfect complement

to CodePro AnalytiX™ +1-503-598-4900 1-800-808-3737

No one has more experience building
Eclipse software quality tools
© Copyright 2008 Instantiations, Inc. CodePro AnalytiX and CodePro Profiler are trademarks of Instantiations. All other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.
CodePro AnalytiX
™ Automated Software Quality and Testing Tools
CodePro Analytix is a comprehensive set of software analysis tools composed of a collection of native Eclipse plugins. CodePro seamlessly integrates
into any Eclipse-based Java desktop development environment, adding code audit, metrics, test generation, JUnit test editing, code coverage,
and team collaboration features and functionality.
Code Analysis and Metrics JUnit Test Editor Dependency Analysis
Dynamic, extensible tools that detect, report and A rich JUnit test editing environment that enables Automated tools that analyze and visually depict
repair instances of non-compliance with predefined rapid creation, organization and modification of unit tests. the dependencies between projects, packages,
coding standards and style conventions. and types.
Catches 960+ Audit Violations
Manual and Dynamic Code Auditing
Audit Popular Java Frameworks (JSF, Struts & Hibernate)
Date-Delimited Audit Filtering
Time-Delimited Audit Filtering
Duplicate Code Analysis
Metrics with Drill-Down, Triggers and Reports Analyze Projects, Packages or Types
Generation of Management Reports Supports both ‘source’ and ‘tabular’ style
Identify Complex, Cyclical Dependencies
JUnit test editing
Multiple Report Formats (HTML, XML, CSV) Reduce Coupling Between Modules
Create JUnit tests faster and more accurately
QuickFixes for 350+ Violations Invoke Move and Rename refactorings
Lets you easily compare inputs and assertions for
Audit Explorer View multiple tests Generate Detailed Dependency Reports and Metrics
Audit Series Editor Performs background execution of tests
Customization of Provides visual feedback of test results in the editor Collaboration
Audit Rules and Metrics
Includes preference options for flexible editor layout Sophisticated team collaboration facility that
Keyword Audit Rule Search Helps find problems early; fosters consistency enables sharing of tasks, preferences and
Ability to Define Multiple messages in a distributed development setting.
Audit Rule Sets and Metric Sets
Audit Rule Creation Wizard
JUnit Test Generation Share Team Audit
Local Control of Disabling Audit Rules Timesaving facility that automates the creation Standards World-Wide
Project-Level Defaults of comprehensive JUnit regression test cases. Share Eclipse Environment
Settings World-Wide
Rational Code Review Integration Generate High-Quality JUnit
Remotely Configure
Detailed Charts and Graphs Regression Tests
Hundreds of Eclipse
Support for Design by Contract Workstations
Leverage Integrated Team
Support for Factory Classes Communication and
Automatic Test Suite Generation Messaging
Ability to Update Tests as Distribute rules and rule sets
Base Code Changes Track Bug Reports and Perform Collaborative
Test Case Outline View Code Reviews
Define and Monitor Team Work Flow Items
Code Coverage Create and Schedule Remote, Automated Tasks
Audit Rule Categories
Powerful tools that measure what percentage
Coding Style Miscellaneous System Requirements
Modifier Usage
of code is being executed using generated test
Comments Operating System
Dead Code Naming Conventions
■ Microsoft Windows® 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP or Vista
Eclipse Plugins Performance ■ Linux (Motif ) RedHat or SUSE
Exceptions Portability
Java Development Environments
Formatting Possible Errors
■ IBM Rational® Application Developer
Hibernate Potential Refactorings
6.0, 7.0 or higher
Import Usage Program Complexity
■ IBM WebSphere® Studio 5.1 or higher
Inheritance Property Files
■ Eclipse 2.1, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 or higher
Internationalization Security
Analyze Individual Test Cases or Entire Test Suites ■ MyEclipse 5.0 or higher
J2EE (EJB, JSP, Semantic Errors
Portlets and Servlets) Analyze Any Executable Application
Spell Checking
Javadoc Conventions Spring Utilize Eclipse Java Editor Integration
Java Server Faces (JSF) Struts Generate Detailed Coverage Reports Download a risk-free trial copy:
JDBC Usage Threading Access Detailed Data at Any Level of Granularity
JUnit Usage UI Specific Track Historical Coverage Data and Trends
Logging (JCL, log4j) XML Files +1-503-598-4900 1-800-808-3737

© Copyright 2008 Instantiations, Inc. CodePro AnalytiX and CodePro Profiler are trademarks of Instantiations. All other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.

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