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When business survival is at staKe,

it pays to have a discontinuity plan

Second, managers need to rethink

;\L\STUH.:I. .\SS forecasting by setting new ROI rates and
timings that reflect the flexibility
implicit in discontinuous
transformation. Conventional ROI
yardsticks fail to recognise the nature of
progress at such moments, and it can be
a mistake to discontinue projects
because they don't seem to be making
AnMiF can boostyoursalary, your "enough" headway early on.
connections and yourcareerprospects ­ Third, executives should not
but what willyou actually learn? In an underestimate what they can do with
occasional series, we showcase the work qf savings in times of discontinuous
teachers at top-ranked businessschools. transformation. Big cost reductions can
flow from dismantling an existing
Standing still is not an option for any business in favour ofa new model.
business. The world is always changing, Liquidity will surely be a big issue for
and companies can either keep up or go financial managers as they navigate a
under. In most circumstances, keeping Wind in its sails: an Orsted turbine recovery from the economic impact of
pace need only involve incremental coronavirus, so such savings could be a
change - the company protects its wobbles were seen as a factor in the chief lifeline for many companies.
business model while aiming to boost executive's early departure in 2017. Finally, and on the other side ofthe
sales of existing products and services. Finance plays a key role in this type of ledger, liquidity can also be protected by
Anything more drastic is too risky. rethinking andreorientation. not prematurely dismantling existing
But theCovid-19 era is not most Traditional forecasting methods and revenue streams that can help fund the
circumstances. Such leisurely change is return on investment (ROI) transformation. The key is to tap these
no longer an option for many benchmarks may need re-evaluation. sources while not allowing them to
companies. The crisis has torpedoed The types oflinear progress that finance impede progress by providing a false
whole sectors, their customer bases managers have historically soughtwill sense ofsecurity.
taken away overnight. become obsolete at many companies Beyond changes to fmancial
So for many business and industries, because ofthe economic disruption benchmarks, discontinuous change also
recovery from the coronavirus crisis will caused by coronavirus. requires a mindset adjustment. It is
instead require "discontinuous Research that I and my colleagues "emergent", more like a gap-year
transformation" - a change notjust in have conducted at a big telecoms backpacking adventure than a strictly
the rate but also the direction of travel, company facing technological timetabled coach excursion. For
and not through mere incremental disruption has yielded four important financial managers, this can require
moves. Such radical reassessment of insights into discontinuous accepting that the goal and path are not
capabilities, operations and even the transformation. They will be relevant to completely clear from the start - an
business model itself could become a businesses ofall sizes as they navigate unsettling prospect for professionals
routine necessity. cash-strapped months and years ahead. trained to cherish clarity.
The Danish energy company Orsted is First, transformation can occur . This is not the only cultural shift that
agood illustration ofa company that without large capital expenditures ­ leaders need to assimilate. Traditional
moved sharply in a new direction ­ indeed, new capital will not help if the hierarchies and routines loosen during
reflected in its decision to change its approach is wrong to begin with. The discontinuous transformation, with
name in 2017 from Danish Oil and trajectory ofchange is difficult to employees becoming empowered to
Natural Gas. Beginning in 2012, it discern at the start, and becomes clear think and act in new ways, and new
moved aggressively away from fossil only as the journey unfolds. types ofcollaboration across functions
fuels into offshore wind farms. By committing large sums up front, and teams emerging. The adaptations
It did not merely diversify into before the steps required are apparent, involved in working from home, as
existing wind power systems and price management creates a risk ofsignificant many have had to in recent months, will
structures, but pursued an ambitious waste; if backtracking is needed, there help catalyse such developments.
programme to make wind power more will be heavy capital loss as well as delay While hierarchy serves a valid
competitive. The company chose to to factor in. Paradoxically, slower corporate purpose, that ofensuring
embark on a new way ofdoingthings, spending speeds up change: to borrow accountability, it can also stifle
rather than settling for doing things the the US Navy Seals' saying: "slow is creativity if it is too rigid. As companies
old way in a new business. smooth, and smooth is fast:' emerge into the new economic
By contrast, General Electric sought landscape that coronavirus has given
at the beginning ofthe last decade to rise to, the capacity for creativity will be
transform its industrial equipment more valuable than ever. In an era of
business through digital technology, and
Discontinuous change is discontinuity, "business as usual" is a
created a new GE Digital unit. But more like a gap-year high-risk proposition.
pressure to deliver on short-term goals
(a linear rather than discontinuous
backpacking adventure Kishore Sengupta is reader in operations
approach) distracted it from longer­ than a coach excursion management at CambridgeJudge
term innovation goals. GE Digital's Business School

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