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Thesis submitted to the SASTRA Deemed to be University

in partial fulfilment of the requirements
for the award of the degree of

B. Tech. Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Submitted by
(REG NO: 222005022)
(REG NO: 222005025)
(REG NO: 222005046)

JAN 2022

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering


Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Bona-fide Certificate

This is to certify that the thesis titled “DUAL AXIS SOLAR TRACKING SYSTEM”

submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of B. Tech.

Electrical and Electronics Engineering to the SASTRA Deemed to be University, is a bona-fide

record of the work done by Mrs. ISAIGNANI S (Reg. No.222005022),

Mrs. JAYAPRABHA K (Reg. No.222005025), Mrs. SHIVASHANKARI S (Reg. No.

222005046) during the final semester of the academic year 2021-22, in the SRINIVASA

RAMANUJAN CENTRE under my supervision. This thesis has not formed the basis for the

award of any degree, diploma, associateship, fellowship or other similar title to any candidate of

any University.

Signature of Project Supervisor :

Name with Affiliation :
Date :
Project Viva voce held on _____________

Examiner 1 Examiner 2

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

We declare that the thesis titled “DUAL AXIS SOLAR TRACKING SYSTEM”

submitted by us is an original work done by us under the guidance of Prof. KANNABIRAN. A,

School of EEE, SRC, SASTRA Deemed to be University during the final semester of the

academic year 2021-22, in Srinivasa Ramanujan Centre. The work is original and wherever, we

have used materials from other sources, we have given due credit and cited them in the text of the

thesis. This thesis has not formed the basis for the award of any degree, diploma, associateship,

fellowship, or other similar title to any candidate of any University.

Signature of the candidate(s) :

Name of the candidate(s) : ISAIGNANI. S

Date :


At the foremost, we thank Lord Almighty for the bountiful blessings he showered and for being
our shield and fortress.

We express our heartfelt gratitude to our beloved Vice-Chancellor Dr. S. Vaidhya Subramaniam
for giving us an opportunity to be the student of renowned institution.

We also express our thanks to Dr. R. Chandramouli, Registrar, for giving us an opportunity to
do our B. Tech degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

We are greatly indebted to Dr. V. Ramaswamy, Dean, SRC for allowing us to utilize all the
facilities in the campus.

We wish to express our deep sense of gratitude and thanks to Dr. V. Dharmalingam, Head of the
Department, EEE for his kind cooperation in completing this project.

We place on record our gratitude to Mr. KANNABIRAN .A, Assistant Professor-III, for his
valuable guidance throughout the duration of this project.

We take immense pleasure in thanking the project coordinator Mr. KANNABIRAN. A for
guiding us through various steps in submitting the project.

We would also like to acknowledge our teamwork in designing the project “DUAL AXIS
We also convey our deep sense of gratitude and profound thanks to all Teaching and non-
Teaching staff of our department who have directly and indirectly helped for successful
completion of the project.

Table Of Contents
Title Page No
Bona - fide Certificate 2
Declaration 3
Acknowledgement 4
List of Figures 6
List of Tables 7
Abstract 8
1.Introduction 9
1.1 Solar Cell 10
1.2 Silicon 11
1.2.1 Monocrystalline 12
1.2.2 Polycrystalline 12
1.2.3 Thin film 13
1.3 Working of Solar Cell 14
1.4 Bandgap Energy 15
1.4.1 Increasing Efficiency 16
1.5 Gear DC Motor 17
1.5.1 Inline Helical Geared Motor 17
1.5.2 Parallel Shaft Geared Motor 18
1.6 Problems & Solutions 19
1.7 Benefits of Photovoltaic 19
1.8 Literature Survey 19
2.Objective 21
3.Methodology 22
3.1 Components 22
3.1.1 LDR 22
3.1.2 Solar panel 23
3.1.3 L293D IC 23
3.2 Block Diagram 25
3.2.1 Block Diagram description 25
3.3 Technical Parameters 26
3.4 Circuit Diagram 26
3.5 Solar Charger 28
3.5 Background 28
3.6.1 Design Requirements 29
3.7 Electrical System 29
3.7.1 Design and Requirement 29
3.7.2 Panel assembly 29
3.7.3 Base assembly 30
3.7.4 Assembly 30
3.8 Tracking System 30
3.8.1 Passive Tracking 31
3.8.2 Active Tracking 31
3.9 Types of solar Tracker 31

4.Conclusion 32
5.References 33

Figure No List Of Figures Page No
1.1 Dual Axis Solar Panel 9
1.2 Solar Cell 10
1.3 Silicon 11
1.4 Monocrystalline 12
1.5 Polycrystalline 13
1.6 Thin Film 13
1.7 Layers Of Thin Film 14
1.8 Working Of Solar Panel 15
1.9 Efficiency Of Solar Panel 16
2.0 Inline Helical Geared Motor 17
2.1 Parallel Shaft Geared Motor 18
3.1 LDR 22
3.2 Solar Panel 23
3.3 L293D IC 24
3.4 Block Diagram of Dual Axis 25
Solar Tracker
3.5 Circuit Diagram of Dual Axis 26
Solar Tracker
3.6 Solar Charger 28
3.7 Hardware Setup 30

Table No List Of Tables Page No
3.1 LDR Intensity Measurement 22
3.2 Solar panel 23
3.3 Technical Parameters 26
3.4 Types of Solar Tracker 31

Dual axis solar tracker can track sun’s radiation in both horizontal and vertical axis. In order to
achieve maximum efficiency, the device tracks seasonal variations and daily tilt. On moving from
east to west the plane is perpendicular, as a result electricity generation will be higher. The work
focuses on the design and fabrication of automatic dual axis solar tracker prototype along with
fundamental of solar panel parameter and its use. The device is able to stimulate the sun’s tracking
of 12 months within few minutes thus, implementing automation mechanism in tracking system.
The dual axis solar tracking system’s operation include latitudinal axis capability, longitudinal
capability, dual axis capability and manual mode.
Specific Contribution
• Planning and Modelling of hardware prototype.
Specific Learning
• Solar power generation and utilization methods.
Ethical Challenges faced
• Specific modes of operation can be demonstrated by the prototype.

Solar energy is a readily available and easily accessible source of energy in nature. Solar energy
obtained from nature is quite important for electricity generation. Photovoltaic cells transform light
energy into electrical energy in solar cells. Solar cells are the building blocks of solar panels, with
layers of silicon, phosphorous for negative charge, and boron for positive charge. Only 30 to 40%
of incident solar radiation is converted into electrical energy by solar panels. The active sensors
monitor the amount of sunshine and rotate the panel towards the direction where the amount of
sunlight is greatest. The top and bottom LDRs are used to track the movement of sun in north and
south direction, while the left and right LDRs track the sun’s movement in the east and west
directions. Solar panels are gradually becoming use. The goal of this project is to increase
efficiency by ensuring that sunshine beams land perpendicularly on the solar panel, resulting in
the most solar energy possible.

Fig 1.1 Dual Axis Solar Panel

while working with a cell comprised of metal electrodes in a conducting fluid in 1839, French
physicist Edmond Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic phenomenon. He noticed that when the
cell was exposed to light, it produced more electricity. Charles Fritz, an American inventor,
invented the first functional selenium solar cell in 1883. This solar cell was a crucial fore runner
of today’s technology.
Mousa Zadeh et al. conducted review research in 2009 that resulted in the classification of solar
tracking systems into two categories: energy source and degree of freedom. He also mentions the
use of differential lighting of paired electro sensors to generate a differential signal, which is then
sent to a controller.

1.1 Solar Cell:
A solar cell is an electrical device that absorbs light and converts it into electricity immediately. It
is also known as a photovoltaic cell (PV). Semiconductor material makes up the PV cell. The
quantity of electrical power produced by a PV cell in comparison to the energy emitted by light is
referred to as the cell’s efficiency. The amount of electricity generated by PV cells is determined
by factors such as intensity and wavelength. Solar cells can be grouped into arrays, which are
enormous groups of cells. These arrays, which are made up of thousands of individual cells, can
act as central power plants, converting sunlight into electrical energy for distribution. In many
isolated places where traditional electric power sources are unavailable, solar cell panels are
employed to supply electricity. The bandgap is the most important feature of a PV semiconductor.
The cell can use available energy if the bandgap of the semiconductor matches the wavelength of
light on the PV cell. Silicon is a popular semiconductor material for photovoltaic cells.

Fig 1.2 Solar Cell

It is most used material in solar cell. It is a type of semiconductor. It is neither conductor nor
insulator, they do not conduct electricity but under certain conditions we can make them to conduct
electricity. Solar cell is a sandwich of two different layers of silicon that can doped so they will let
electricity flow through them in a particular way. The lower layer is doped so it has few electrons.
It is called p-type. The upper layer is doped so it has many electrons. It is called n-type. Silicon
solar panels have varying sizes to suit various applications.

Fig 1.3 Silicon

o In power plants, it provides necessary energy to boil water and produce steam that can
rotate turbines to produce electricity.
o In households, these are placed on top of the roof can serve as stand-alone system used to
heat water for home consumption.
o In agricultural field, stand-alone solar power system using silicon solar panel to power
water pump to pump water to a field.
o For lighting applications, stand-alone systems using silicon solar panel can power a street.

Types of silicon solar panels

• Monocrystalline
• Polycrystalline
• Thin film

1.2.1 Monocrystalline:
These are constructed from silicon PV cells that have been cut. All the cells are a uniform black
color. Because of the pyramid pattern of the crystal, the PV cells in the panel provide a greater
collection surface. When sunlight strikes a monocrystalline solar panel, the cells absorb the energy
and create an electrical field in the process. This electric field generates power by combining
voltage and current. This electricity can be utilized to power devices that operate on direct current
(DC). An inverter can also transform this power into (AC) alternating current. Monocrystalline
solar panels have an efficiency of 15-20%.

Fig 1.4 Monocrystalline

o To reduce reflection and increase absorption, the cells are coated with silicon nitride
o Longevity up to 30 years
o Exhibit greater heat resistance
o It has pyramid pattern which offers a larger surface area to collect more energy from the
sun’s rays
1.2.2 Polycrystalline:
PV cells sliced from several silicon crystals are used to make these. Silicon is melted and placed
into square mould. The silicon is sliced into exact square shape after it cools in the moulds. It
distinguishes between monocrystalline and polycrystalline cells. Because there is less silicon
waste, these cells are less expensive than monocrystalline cells. When photons from the sun strike
the PN junction, they give energy to the electrons, allowing them to flow as an electric current.

o These cells are eco-friendly than monocrystalline cells.
o Less wastage of silicon heat tolerance.
o Acceptable maximum temperature is 85 degree Celsius and acceptable minimum
temperature is -40 degree Celsius.
o High power density and temperature coefficient.

Fig 1.5 Polycrystalline

1.2.3 Thin film:
It is also known as amorphous cells. It comprises a substance on which thin layers of amorphous
silicon is deposited. It has low efficiency, so they are used in small applications such as pocket
calculators. The thin flexible arrangement of the layers helps to produce very thin form of cells
that is more efficient than the conventional silicon wafer cells.

Fig 1.6 Thin Film

o Easy to handle
o More flexible
o Cheap
o Available as thin wafer sheets
o Complex structure
o Less efficiency
o Very careful in handling

Fig 1.7 Layers of Thin Film

o Home light applications
o Solar fields
o Electronic powering circuits
1.3 Working of Solar Cell:
When light reaches the p-n junction, photons can readily pass through the thin p-n type layer and
into the junction. The photons in the light energy supply the junction with enough energy to build
number of electron-hole pairs. The incoming light causes the junction’s thermal equilibrium to be
broken. The depletion region’s free electrons can swiftly reach the n-type side of the junction.
Similarly, depletion holes can quickly reach the p-type side of the junction. Once the freshly
formed free electrons reach the n-type side of the junction, they are unable to cross it due to the
junction’s barrier potential.
Similarly, as the freshly generated holes reach the p-type side of the junction, they are no longer
able to cross it and have the same barrier potential as the junction. The p-n junction will function
like a tiny battery cell when the concentration of electrons increases on one side, i.e., the n-type

side of the junction, and the concentration of holes increases on the other side, i.e., the p-type side
of the junction. A voltage is established which is referred to as photovoltage. There will be a
modest current flowing through the junction if we attach a small load across it.
o There is not any pollution related with it
o It needs to last a long period
o No maintenance cost

Fig 1.8 Working of Solar Panel

o it has a hefty installation cost
o it performs poorly
o the energy cannot be produced on overcast days, and we will not receive solar energy at
1.4 Bandgap Energy
The bandgap energy is the least amount of energy required to remove an electron from a crystal
structure in semiconductor physics. Photons, which are small packets of electromagnetic radiation
produced from the sun, deliver this energy to solar cells. Sunlight consists of a wide range of
photons with varying wavelength and energies. A photon that has less energy than the band gap
strikes a solar cell and is absorbed as thermal energy. It has a chance of “knocking” an electron
loose and producing an electrical current if it has enough energy.

Fig 1.9 Efficiency of Solar Panel
The band gap energy silicon is 1.12 electron volt. There is still a difficulty with the light that can
be absorbed. Any energy that exceeds the band gap energy is converted to heat. This reduces
efficiency because the heat energy is not being put to any good use. Not all the electrons that are
made available will make it to the metal contact and generate energy. This is because the voltage
inside the semiconductor will not accelerate some of them sufficiently. The potential efficiency of
silicon PV cells is around 33% due to the reasons cited.

1.4.1 Increasing Efficiency

There are number of strategies to raise the efficiency of PV cells, all of which come at a cost.
Reduce the quantity of semiconductor impurities and crystal structural deformities, for example
monocrystalline cells. Incoming photons have a better probability of interacting with pure and
homogeneous cell. A more efficient semiconducting semiconductor, such as Gallium Arsenide, is
another option. Gallium arsenide has an ideal band gap of 1.4 electron volts, which allows for a
greater amount of the sun’s energy to be harvested, while being much more uncommon and
expensive than silicon. P-n junction or many layers of semiconductor material, can also be
employed to boost cell efficiency. Because each junction has a different band gap energy, these
multi junction cells can harvest energy from numerous parts of the sun spectrum. Concentrated
photovoltaics can also help to boost efficiency. This method entails concentrating the sun’s
radiation using a variety of techniques in order to improve the amount of energy reaching the solar

1.5 Gear DC Motor:
A geared motor is a component whose mechanism controls the motor’s speed, allowing it to work
at a specific space. The gearhead functions as a torque multiplier, allowing small motors to
generate higher speeds. Geared motors can deliver high torque at low speeds.
A geared motor is also known as a gear reducer since it is essentially a combination of a speed
reducer and a motor that functions as a gearbox to reduce speed and so provide more torque.
• Inline helical geared motor
• Parallel shaft geared motor
1.5.1 Inline helical geared motor
Helical gear units are coaxial units with the output shaft of the gear unit aligned with the motor
shaft. Inline helical motors are typically utilized in applications requiring low speed and high
o Torque range (90 to 550 Nm)
o Excellent efficiency
o Coaxial design
o Five gearbox sizes
o Three housing designs

Fig 2.0 Inline Helical Geared Motor

1.5.2 Parallel shaft geared motor
This is a geared motor that reduces speed through the use of gear. In this geared motor, the motor
shaft and the speed reducer shaft are in parallel planes.
The transmission of the parallel shaft geared motor can be accomplished using three different types
of gears.
Spur gears are commonly used. The teeth on the gear wheel are straight and parallel to the speed
reducer’s drive shaft.
The teeth of helical gears are oblique to the rotational axis. They transmit more power and speed
while remaining reasonably silent and long lasting.
To avoid axial thrust, double helical gears are used, with the shaft itself causing rotation.

Fig 2.1 Parallel Shaft Geared Motor

1.6 Problems & Solutions
The major goal is to maintain the solar PV panels perpendicular to the sun throughout the day to
maximize energy production. The use of Dual axis solar tracking system can help to improve the
efficiency of solar cells.
The catastrophic problem of pollution, which affects both biotic and abiotic components of our
home, can be addressed by adopting solar energy as the primary source of power generation.
Natural resources such as fossil fuels, woodlands, and so on.
Which have a finite number of resources, can be preserved from extinction. Dual axis solar
tracking system may be a beneficial decision for individual in the intermediate future due to its
higher efficiency and lower detrimental affects. As a result, this project can show individual
impacts of this variation in a practical way.

1.7 Benefits of Photovoltaic

Solar photovoltaic panels generate limitless, nonpolluting electricity, which contributes to long-
term sustainability while also supporting local jobs. It can also be sold to the electrical grid or used
in isolated places without access to a conventional electrical network. As a result, it is useful
alternative for remote and rural areas where electric power lines are not available or difficult or
expensive to install, as well as sunny countries. The cost of installing and maintaining solar panels
have an average usable life over 300 years, has reduced significantly in recent years as photovoltaic
technology has advanced. It requires an initial investment as well as a little operational
expenditure. However, once the photovoltaic system is established, the “fuel” is free and available
for the rest of our life.
1.8 Literature Survey
Hafez, A; Yousef, A; Harag, N. Solar tracking systems: Technologies and trackers drive types – a
review. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 1028, 91, 754-782. This paper encloses several data of sensor
used to track the exact location of sun in east-west direction. The aim is to enhance the efficiency
by using dual axis sun tracker.
Quesada, G; Guillon, L; Rousse, D.R; Mehrtash, M; Dutil, Y; Paradis, P.- L. Tracking strategy for
photovoltaic solar systems in high latitudes. Energy convers. Manag. 2015, 103, 147-156. This
paper shows that the elevation points and azimuth point is used for vertical movement. The double
pivot solar tracker detects the position of sun towards the greatest force of light.
Yousif, H. Comparison study between the performance of tracking and fixed solar photovoltaic
systems in Malta. In proceedings of the PV in Europe from PV Technology to Energy Solutions
Conference & Exhibition, ETA-Florence, Rome, Italy, 7-11 October 2002; pp. 1065-1068. This
survey explains the slightest movement of sun. the DC motor is used to detect the output from its

Zsiboracs, H; Baranyai, N.H; Vincze, A; Haber, I; Weihs, P; Gutzer, C; Pinter, G. Changes of
Photovoltaic Performance as a Function of Position Relative to the Focus Points of a Concentrator
PV Module: Case study. Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 3392. In this paper lead acid battery is used to generate
energy from PV panels by charge controller. IC timer was installed to give information for the
motor to turn.
Amir, A; Selvaraj, J; Rahim, N. Study of the MPP tracking algorithm: Focusing the numerical
method techniques. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 2016, 62, 350-371. This paper uses more types
of sensors to follow sun rays and control the solar panel motors. For this, they created a
chronological structure. This will rotate at fixed rate for whole day.
Veira, R; Guerra, F; Vale, M; Araujo, M. Comparative performance analysis between static solar
panels and single-axis tracking system on a hot climate region near to the equator. Renew. Sustain.
Energy Rev. 2016, 64, 672-681. In this paper mechanism is implemented using the image
processing software. It combines the sensor’s effect and image of processed sun and controls the
solar panel also.
Muhammad, J.Y; Jimoh, M.T; Kyari, I.B; Gele, M.A; Musa, I.A Review on Solar Tracking
System: A Technique of Solar Power Output Enhancement. Eng. Sci. 2019, 4, 1-11. This paper
provides maximum efficiency in wide areas, dual axis trackers are used.
Frydrychowicz - Jastrzebska, G; Bugata, A. Modeling the Distribution of Solar Radiation on a
Two-Axis Tracking Plane for Photovoltaic Conversion. Energies 2015, 8, 1025-1041. This paper
has horizontal axis trackers mainly used in tropical regions and automated system is required
which should be capable to constantly rotate solar panel.
Trzmiel, G; Gluchy, D; Kurz, D. The impact of shading on the exploitation of photovoltaic
installations. Renew. Energy 2020, 150, 480-498. In this paper active sensors constantly monitor
the sunlight and rotate the panel towards the direction where the intensity of sunlight is maximum.
Due to rotation of earth, panels cannot maintain their position always in front of sun.
Al – Rousan, N; Isa, N.A.M; Desa, M.K.M. Advances in solar photovoltaic tracking system: A
review. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 2018, 82, 2548-2569. This explains how the solar energy is
used for electrical energy generation and shows the ability to reprogram the Arduino and customize
as they need.

2.1 Objective:
The main objective of this project is to generate maximum amount of electricity using solar energy.
It is possible when the sun rays are perpendicular to the panel used. For that, we are going to track
the sun rays with their intensities fall. The panel moves towards the maximum intensity side, and
thus the generation of electricity is more than usual.

o Solar panel
o Light dependent diode (LDR)
o L293D IC

3.1.1 LDR:
Light dependent diode also known as photo resistor in which the resistance decreases with increase
in intensity of sun light. Also, it exhibits photo conductivity. Sometimes the resistance of LDR be
high about 1Mohms. The light resistance will drop after it gets illuminated.

Fig 3.1 LDR

Light intensity measurement:

Light intensity LDR O/P

Dark 0.6
Average 4.0
Bright 4.6

Table 3.1 LDR Intensity Measurement

Device which converts light energy to electricity. They are called as ‘solar’ panel because the main
source of light comes from sun directly. It is the assembly of photovoltaic cells mounted in a
framework for installation.

Fig 3.2 Solar Panel

Cell Type Monocrystalline Cell
Cell Size 125 mm x 125 mm
Cells 6 x 12
Dimensions 1580 mm x 808 mm x 50 mm
STC Power Rating 175 W
PTC Power Rating 156.5 W
Voltage at Maximum Power 35.3 V
Current at Maximum Power 4.96 A
Panel Efficiency 13.7%

Table 3.2 Solar Panel

3.1.3 L293D IC:
It is motor driver IC, which receives signal from the microprocessor and gives signal to
motors. It is mainly used to move the motor in either direction. It is 16 pin IC and it control 2 DC
motor simultaneously.

Fig 3.3 L293D IC
L293D Logic table:
• Pin 2 = Logic 1 and Pin 7 = Logic 0 | Clockwise Direction

• Pin 2 = Logic 0 and Pin 7 = Logic 1 | Anticlockwise Direction

• Pin 2 = Logic 0 and Pin 7 = Logic 0 | Idle [No rotation] [Hi-Impedance state]

3.2 Block Diagram:

Fig 3.4 Block Diagram of Dual Axis Solar Tracker

Dual axis solar panel controller works as follows:
• 4 LDR sensors are arranged in set of 2 pairs, each pair was used to track the sun
• 2 set of window comparators are used to compare the LDR’s output with a
reference input.
• The output of the comparator was fed into a hex inverter to invert the logic output.
• The output from the inverter again fed into a motor driver to drive the motor.
• We do have 2 DC motors simply swivels the solar panel in right to left and left to
right directions also tilt the solar panel in up and down directions and vice versa.
Battery charger works as follows:
• A constant current source was used to charge the battery.
• The current source simply controlled by a comparator.
• The comparator simply detects the battery voltage and allows the battery to
charge if the voltage drops below 11.7 V
• stops the charging process if it exceeds 14.4V.

3.3 Technical Parameters:
3HP 5HP 7.5HP 10HP
Max Module 46 square meters 55 square meters 120 square 162 square
Area meters meters
Max No of 10 16 24 32
Solar Panels
Layout 5x2 8x2 8x3 8x4
Weight Approx. x 240 Approx. x 400 Approx. x 600 Approx. x 800
Without kg kg kg kg

Tracking Dual axis Tracking

Tracking Manual
Elevation Linier
Elevation 0 to 40°
Azimuth Range 0 to 360°
Positioning 0.5 degree
Wind Speed 150 km/hour
Remote Optional
Table 3.3 Technical Parameters
First, we must secure the four LDRs to the solar panel’s four edges. The LDR1 and LDR2 are
fixed at the solar panel’s borders along the X-axis in this circuit, while the M1 motor rotates the
solar panel along the X-axis.

Fig 3.5 Circuit Diagram of Dual axis Solar Tracker

For X-axis Rotation :
When the intensity of the light falling on the LDR1 surface is larger than LDR2, the LDR1’s
resistance value is lower than LDR2. The low input voltage is then applied to pins 4 and 7 of the
comparators A1 and A2, respectively. In this situation, the comparator A1’s output (IC pin2) turns
high, and this output is connected to the motor driver IC’s input pin 7. As a result, the M1 motor
is rotated in a different direction (clockwise / X-axis) by the motor driver IC, and the solar panel
rotates in the same direction.
The resistance value of the LDR2 is less than LDR1 when the value of light intensity falling on
the LDR2 surface is larger than LDR1. Then it provides a high input voltage to comparators A1
and A2 pins 4 and 7. In this situation, the comparator A2’s (IC pin1) turns high, and this output is
connected to the motor driver IC’s input pin 2. As a result, the M1 motor rotates in one direction
(anti-clockwise / X-axis), while the solar panel rotates in the opposite direction.
For Y-axis Rotation:
The resistance value of the LDR3 is less than LDR4 when the value of light intensity falling on
the LDR3 surface is greater than LDR4. Then it provides a high input voltage to comparators A3
and A4 pins (and 10, respectively. In this situation, the comparator A3’s output (IC pin 14) swings
high, and this output is connected to the motor drive IC’s input pin 10. As a result, the M2 motor
is rotated in one direction (anti-clockwise / Y-axis) by the motor driver IC, and the solar panel is
rotated in the same way.
The resistance value of the LDR4 is less than LDR3 when the value of light intensity falling on
the LDR4 surface is greater than LDR3. The low input voltage is then applied to pins 9 and 10 of
the comparators A3 and A4, respectively. In this situation, the comparator A4’s output (IC pin 13)
turns high, and this output is connected to the motor driver IC’s input pin 15. As a result, the M2
motor is rotated in a different direction (clockwise / Y-axis) by the motor driver IC, and the solar
panel rotates in the same direction.


Fig 3.6 Solar Charger

3.6 Background:
The efficiency of the solar cell and the intensity of light falling on the cell determine the power
output of a solar panel. The price of the solar panel and power production per square area are
determined by cell technology which determines the efficiency.
The crystalline silicon cell, which is roughly 13 percent to 20 percent efficient, is the type of cell
now in use commercially, 1000 W/m2 sun radiation and 25℃ are the standard test conditions
(STC). PV cells are tested using the temperature of the PV module. As a result, a cell that is 20%
efficient per square meter.
The only option to improve power production when a solar panel with a specific solar cell is to
increase the amount of light falling on the panel. The efficiency of a PV panel is welcomed by a
light source that is completely perpendicular to it, the angle of incidence is zero. The measured
power output of the solar panel is dependent on the angle of incidence of the light. In order to
maintain a perpendicular angle with the sun in a real-world setting, the PV panel must move with
the sun. Therefore, in order to obtain the most power out of a solar panel, solar tracking is
Solar tracking system, like much modern technology, come in a wide range of prices. Efficacy and
dependability are only a few examples. If critical components of the application’s requirements
are overlooked, the solar tracker may underperform a well-placed fixed PV panel.

3.6.1 Design Requirements:
• The functional model should be a three-piece assembly that can be dissembled into the
panel, frame support, and base
• All parts should be designed, including a panel with dimensions of 1.58m x 0.18m.
• The three disassembled parts must fit within the design envelope.
• The function model should be able to be put together or taken part in under two minutes.
• The panel’s azimuth (vertical) axis should be able to rotate 360 degrees.
• The polar (horizontal) axis of the panel should be able to tilt a maximum of 80 degrees.
• During outdoor use, the model should be able to use either the solar panel or the 110v
power source.
• When using an AC outlet indoors, when the two power sources are unavailable, the model
should have an internal battery.
• The parts should be simple to obtain and compatible with the rest of the assembly.
• The prototype must be simple to construct.
Dual axis solar tracker follows the sun’s movement regardless of the rotation axis. It includes both
a horizontal and vertical axis, allowing them to track the sun’s apparent motion in the sky from
anywhere on the planet. By maintaining the panels in direct sunlight, dual axis motion maximizes
total power output.
3.7.1 design and Requirement:
Two vertical beams or dual towers, two vertical cross beams to support the panel, and a linear
actuator in place of the screw jack made up the base.
3.7.2 Panel Assembly:
Two vertical cross beams constructed of thick wood utilized to attach the solar panel to the tracker
frame. They were bolted to four metal brackets and to the gear motor. It can be linked to the panel
in the middle. It would be connected to a rotating linear actuator around the horizontal axis.
Another horizontal beam was linked to the tower beams on the side. It was attached to a bracket
that supports the bottom end of the linear actuator that rotated the panel. The linear actuator’s
upper end was linked to the center of the wood.
The panel model could be attached to the base module, which is the lower part of the tracker. The
tracker is stabilized by the base module, which has a DC motor and gears for rotation along the
vertical axis and includes an electronic box for control system as a battery.

Fig 3.7 Hardware Setup
3.7.3 Base assembly:
The base module began with the legs, which were joined together. Two smaller spur gears were
built, each with a pitch diameter of 1.25’’. A bar mechanism connected one of the gears to the
motor and another gear to the first gear. The gear connection with the motor is disengaged or
engaged by moving the bar left or right. When the gears are disengaged, the tracker can be
manually rotating. The tracker would not work without this component, which is worm gear motor.
The tracker would not be rotatable unless the motor turns. The guide blocks would be used to
attach the base module and panel module together.
3.7.4 Assembly:
The panel module and base module can be connected together by sliding the dual tower tubing
onto the guide blocks on the upper plate of the base module. Finally, the solar panel wires, sensors,
and linear actuator were connected to the appropriate ports on the electric box. The power cable is
flexible attached to the wood outlet to charge the battery and run the tracker. The panel and base
module might also be linked together to create a configuration for easy use. The tracker makes use
of the casters and handles.
3.8 Tracking system:
o Passive tracking
o Active tracking

3.8.1 Passive Tracking:
The tracker is moved by pressurized gas in passive trackers. A change in gas pressure is formed
depending on the angle of sunlight with gas containers. This causes the tracker to move until it
reaches equilibrium. The benefit of a passive tracker is that the tracking system does not need to
be turned on. There is no need for controller. Passive trackers, on the other hand, are sluggish to
respond and prone to wind gusts.
3.8.2 Active Tracking:
This solar tracker is positioned using an electromechanical device to keep the panel perpendicular
to the sun. Trackers that use sensors to detect the sun’s position send data to the controller unit,
which controls the tracker’s motors and actuators. There are trackers in place that make use of a
solar map. A solar map shows where the sun is in relation to our location. Throughout the year, at
various times of the day. Sensors are not required for trackers that employ a solar map to keep an
eye on the sun. Sensors and a solar map are used by certain trackers. When the weather is nice, the
sun would be tracked using sensors. The information from the solar map would be used under
cloudy situations.
Types Specification
active solar tracker Tracks the sun from east to west using electronic sensors
and motor. Automatically tracks the brightest area of the
sky for capturing the maximum amount of sunlight
Passive solar tracker Tracks the sun but doesn’t need any external source even
from us. Natural warmth and gravity give necessary
energy for moving
Chronological solar tracker Works with rotation of earth.
Use controllers to calculate the moment and position of
the earth with respect to the sun at a given time and
single axis tracker usually oriented only in one direction.
Facing toward east in morning and west in afternoon
Dual axis tracker Tracks the sun in all directions to collect more solar
Table 3.4 Types of Solar Tracker

In this paper the dual axis solar tracker is designed, built, and tested successfully. The proposed
system is simple and do not require any computer programming and computer interface. The
outcome of the dual axis solar tracker system is compared with the fixed or static solar panel and
is found that the dual axis solar tracker possesses better performance and efficiency. As we know
the single axis solar tracker is not capable of covering all intensity of the sunlight, dual axis solar
tracker is proved more practical for capturing the maximum sunlight supply. There are few more
techniques other than solar tracker such as power towers, central receiver concentrator etc., which
are more efficient and capable of producing more electricity, but they are too expensive to setup.
If our proposed project work is compared to all other available system, the dual axis solar tracker
is proved to be cost effective, efficient and for easy setup.
The applications of the dual axis solar tracker are as follows:
o Stand alone inverter to power entire system
o Used in moving platforms with sun trackers
o Ability to move in two axes
o Ability to adjust tracking accuracy

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