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1. What does George Ritzer mean by "McDonaldization of the Contemporary Society"?

Give at least one example of a McDonaldized process to expound your answer.

What does George Ritzer mean by “Mcdonaldization of the Contemporary Society”

George Ritzer mean by Mcdonaldization is one of the results of the elements formal rationality
from efficiency, predictability, quantifiability and control. Ritzer implied on Mcdonaldization of
the contemporary society is geared towards the increased control particularly replacing people
with nonhuman technologies. The prevalent problem from achieving a formal rationalization is
the human uncertainty and unpredictability, thus with nonhuman technology it is ample for less
error, efficiency and gain control compare to humans. This process is evident in our course in
Architecture and in the professional field, Students and architects before used to draft manually
by hand with the aid of tools such as ruler and triangle. However, precision using hands pertaining
to measurements, lines, and modeling isn’t accurate enough, possible errors might arise from
miscalculation, inaccurate perceive modelling of structure or incorrect measurements. As
technological innovation progress, the development of software such as CAD (Computer Aided
Design) and Sketch Up (3d Modelling), replaced the traditional way of drafting or designing both
for students and architects. This nonhuman technology has eliminated some of the human
uncertainty from the job because it provided tools for more accurate data, precision, curvilinear
geometric models that solves the common human errors and could never be recreated by hands.
From the word Aided Design, there is a vast decline in the amount of skill required on the job. I
am afraid that one day designs would be easily generated by computer machines because I’ve
seen design layouts for website, posters, powerpoint design presentation easily generated by

2. In what sense is "McDonaldization" a globalizing force?

Mcdonalization is a globalizing force because of the nature of globalization that involves

technology, information and market and people. As mentioned in the article by George Ritzer,
transnational companies like the Mcdonalds fast food restaurant are gradually changing its service
with nonhuman technologies therefore controlling people served by the system. Other
transnational companies are incorporating Mcdonalization into their system like Waze using
global satellite to locate wayfinding and easy access routes. The process of Mcdonalization
requires the integration of Globalization as a primary component because it is supplemented by
technological innovation, information and market.

3. In what sense is advertisement a globalizing agent?

Advertisement is a globalizing agent because of how these brands such as Nike, Levis, and
Mcdonalds became international brands by incorporating transnational marketing through
advertisements in different forms. For example, through social media platforms and the internet,
brands can now transcend to national borders as it will reach more users globally, commercial
advertisements in TV whom have access on cable and satellite tv. How advertisement works
influence the lifestyle, culture and preferences of people, switching from local to international
product. In conclusion, advertisement is a globalizing agent mainly because it is everywhere,
embedded in our daily activities.

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