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Entropy in the life and the universe

Rudolf Clausius was the first to introduce the property of entropy in science. Entropy is one of the most important thermodynamic variables. His relationship with chaos theory opens a new field of study and research the concept. Defined in various ways, but all definitions are consistent and not contradict each other: Measure a system's ability to perform useful work Determines the direction of time. Distinguish between events in time Measure of disorder of a system

Entropy, for measuring the order (or disorder) of a system is defined as an absolute amount, but what can be measured is the difference between the initial entropy and the entropy of a system end. It makes no sense to talk about entropy but in terms of a change in the conditions of a system. In the second law (Clausius), we find the relationship with entropy and the energy released in a process. If we think of an engine, we noticed that requires a source of energy for work. Gasoline, along with the motor system, provides the chemical energy of combustion, can make a car move. The energy used by the automobile for travel, was consumed, so that the energy released is no longer usable for an engine to produce work. The motor power consumed, the energy does not disappear by the principle of conservation of energy, but dissipates and transfers to the environment where as heat.

Across the board, the entropy is defined as follows: All natural processes tend to a state of greater disorder, and therefore increases the total entropy of the Universe Therefore, the entropy in an isolated system always increases when the system undergoes an irreversible or reversible, but to a lesser extent the latter. The variables for calculating the entropy is as follows S Entropy Change Quantity of heat Q Temperature T SI unit of entropy Joule / Kelvin (J / K)

Example The Butterfly Effect By 1960, the meteorologist Lorenz Edwards was devoted to study the behavior of the atmosphere, trying to find a mathematical model to make weather predictions based on simple variables. Lorenz suffered a big surprise when he noted that small differences in baseline data led to large differences in predictions of the model, altering the outcome. Exemplify achieved as follows: the single flap of a butterfly across the planet could disturb the system leading to the prediction of a storm. Maybe the butterfly flapping brings a genuinely new way of thinking about reality and so arises the "disorder" or disorderly conduct will no longer be seen as ridiculous, or a wrinkle in the cloth of the universe, but as a feature unexceptional, showing that even the slightest variation in a system alters the outcome. In other words, we can say that the "chaotic phenomena" are those in which very small causes are able to make much difference in effects. Thus, within an existing system with multiple relationships between its various parts, despite what that may be distant, if a party produces an effect is altered in unexpected and such a system much larger scale than its initial cause. Origin of the Universe How did the universe? Where did we come? How it all began? These are questions that someone did it before us. In 1929 Edwin Hubble found that galaxies were closer than thought; postulated the theory of the expanding universe. " There is a theory that 14 million years ago all the galaxies were at one point, and while a gas cools as it expands during this compression must have been a high temperature. Belgian cosmologist Georges Lematre and the Russian-American physicist George Gamow proposed that the universe had begun with a big bang: the Big - Bang. The explosion would have affected the primitive atom, which had a high density and high temperature. Later it was found that was very likely that hydrogen and helium were created in the moment of the universe. But the rest of the chemical elements were formed inside stars and supernovas. For this reason, the approach of Georges Lematre and George Gamow was dismissed and was forgotten for years. Thanks to the airwaves was found that the Big-Bang theory could be true, using an antenna spatial background noise captured in the band of radio

waves. The noise seemed to come from all over the universe. He was immediately identified as the radiation of the large initial burst. Radio waves were used to calculate the current temperature of the universe. This established that the radiation received corresponds to the same body that emits a -270 C, so that would be the temperature of the universe expanded after the thermometer still decline further. It is difficult to understand that an explosion may have originated the universe. You just need to see pictures of the universe as the images captured by satellites of different galaxies, with their variety of impressive ways to ask: How? Or just the fact of thinking that the earth is a needle in a haystack in the Milky Way galaxy, the Milky Way and it is in the universe, is it not difficult to understand how it came around? Can a universe infinite? The explosion was the beginning for the creation of Earth, enjoying a beautiful perfection and in which living beings with life; us. It is true that after the explosion happened many things, many changes, so that finally existisemos us, but why not think that we come from cosmic dust, that any particle in that immense mass of compressed some day become us. To better understand our Universe, here's a reflection, in which we see reflected what was discussed earlier about the laws of thermodynamics: Fictional situation: It is considered that the entire space is occupied by a uniform gas particles. Before applying the laws of thermodynamics to the gas that fills the universe, explain the difference between a closed object inside gas and the universe, the universe as opposed to object, has no limits and is infinite say, is enclosed on itself. The universe expands by itself and not because its limit moves. If you place a huge triangle floating in space, the triangle would expand as the universe ages. The same applies to gas in the universe. The photon gas that fills the universe is pressure, but there are no walls that contain it. What then is the cause of this pressure? It is tempting perhaps the idea that what causes this pressure is the expansion of the universe. But that idea is not correct. The expansion of the universe is the expansion of space itself, not of something in the space of the universe. The photon gas pressure must then the photons are energetic particles moving at the speed of light, following each trajectory and hitting everything that stands in it. Photon bombardment that produces a radiation pressure. The correct application of thermodynamics to the whole universe then becomes a powerful conceptual and computational tool. Applying this thermodynamic approach to the universe as it appears today, physicists regard as a gas that fills everything with everything in the universe. The universe is composed of two main elements. The first is the matter: galaxies, stars and all the invisible dark matter (basically as a "gas" of massive objects that does not move much). The second component of the universe is radiation: the photon gas microwavy (discovered by scientists Penzias and Wilson). However, the two elements mentioned, according to Einstein's theory of gravity, the mass density of the universe determines its rate of expansion: the greater the mass density, the slower expansion. If we calculate the contribution of matter to the universal mass density of today and compare it to the mass-energy density of photons, we see that the density of matter is at least one thousand times therefore concludes in the universe that dominates the field, not radiation, which leads to the conclusion that the universal gravitational dynamics of today (the expansion) is controlled by the content of the matter and no radiation.

End of the Universe Theory From the moment we are created, living beings suffer an inevitable process of degeneration. Our cells deteriorate, age and die. Question arises: will the same with the universe? If so, do you have anything to do with the 2nd law of thermodynamics and hence the entropy? The scientists suggest that in the very distant future, the universe would cease to exist. According to some, die frozen at 0 K or charred thousands of millions of degrees. Of course these claims are not based on philosophical ideas or thoughts, but data and scientific experiments. What does the 2nd law of thermodynamics and entropy to the universe? When a cold substance is mixed with another hot and allowed to pass the time, both will be exactly the same temperature. This simple fact is, however, key to understanding the causes of the future death of the universe. The existence of planets, stars, galaxies and life depends precisely the thermodynamic disequilibrium. While there is a difference in temperature, energy can be transformed and used. When the total has reached thermal equilibrium, it is not possible to extract energy and harness it for any specific purpose. The second law of thermodynamics is deeply linked to another important concept: entropy. This disorder can be described as inherent in a system. The entropy of the universe always increases, and nothing can be done about it. Everything that exists passes gradually from one ordered state to another messy. An example of this: Imagine a box divided into two halves tightly closed. In each of the two halves has been poured hot and cold water, respectively. In this state, we can say that the box is an ordered system. But when you remove the central panel that divides the box into two, hot and cold water begin to mix randomly. When water is mixed, the ordered state disappears. The entropy of the system increases as the order decreases. In the end, when all the water is neither hot nor cold, the initial ordered state will be completely gone, and the system is at its moment of maximum entropy. Just as in the example, the cold interstellar space is at 0 K, but is spotted by a multitude of hot bodies: stars, globular clusters, galaxies, planets and continuously emanating heat into space. In the same way as in the example of the box and the water will come a time when heat and cold are balanced. When everything is at the same temperature, the ordered structures of the universe, planetary systems, galaxies, people, cars, atoms, etc .- have disappeared, and the entropy is maximized. However, the cosmos may come to an end in several ways, mainly two. Everything depends on whether the expansion trend continues, or if, conversely, comes to be reversed at some point. These two theories are known as open universe model and closed universe model. The first posits that the universe will continue expanding until proton decay to the last (before this happens all the heavenly bodies will be attracted and consumed by black holes, which eventually disintegrate as physicist Stephen Hawking). The second, also called the Big Crunch theory says that if expansion stops at some point, begin a process of contraction. The universe will become more and more small, to be reduced to a microscopic point behind, but of infinite density, a point similar to that makes about 15,000 million years, exploded to give rise to anything that exists today. All this depends on the matter in the universe is, say, if this "gravityforming or not able to resist the expansion.

If the universe happens to be open, ie, in the event that the matter had not needed to stop the expansion, death would take place in six stages. In the end, as predicted by the second law of thermodynamics, thermal equilibrium is reached and the state of maximum entropy. The first phase occurs after one hundred trillion years have elapsed since the Big Bang. So far only been 15,000 million years. By then all the stars will be out of fuel and turn off. In a second stage, the stars, turned into a kind of coals, turning off, lose their planets by the gravitational disturbance will cross with other stars. It is estimated that this process will be over 1017 years have elapsed. Certainly none of the people living today, or they live in the next billions of years, you can see how the universe dies. The question of cosmic order is not something that affects us in the short term, although as a species and general lifestyle. If humanity continues to exist for when the time comes to worry, it stands to reason that technology will have unimaginable today, thanks to which it can survive almost until the end. Although no one has the slightest doubt, the end will occur sooner or later. Against that there is nothing that man, no matter how evolved you are, you can do. Conclusion In conclusion one could argue that thermodynamics is definitely present in our lives, either from the example of a simple tea to the infinite, the universe. On the other hand, entropy is present in all processes that take place daily, contributing to the total entropy of the universe, and getting closer to chaos. With the continued expansion of the universe, this will cool, as it heads toward a state of constant temperature, in which all the energy will be completely degraded and the entropy has reached its maximum level, is not possible then any real process. Moreover, taking into account the theory of a closed universe in which there would come a point where the universe would start to contract and create what many called the Big Crunch. Whereas the theory of the Big Crunch would make us the idea of an eternal cycle. Perhaps the universe has gone through several Big-Bang, and may have been many universes with different characteristics that we believe or we know. The truth is that the Universe did not have accurate knowledge, there are many unanswered questions. While scientists have discovered much about it, the big question that man has always taken is still there, unanswered, from whence we came and where we go? Do they know enough to survive future generations to chaos, or worse, the disintegration of the Universe? For now dedicate ourselves to researching, studying our universe to leave this place before we have answered some of our questions. "Physics" Wilson Buffa - Chapter 12 (Fifth Edition)

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