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‫ﻣﻮﻗﻊ دروس ﺗﻌﻠﯿﻤﯿﺔ اون ﻻﻳﻦ‬

Connect 5 Name : ……….……

Class : …….…….…

Unit 1 ** The weather ‫الطقس‬

the weather ‫الطقس‬ sunny ‫مشمس‬
cloudy ‫غائم‬ rainy ‫ممطر‬
windy ‫عاصف‬ foggy ‫ضبابى‬
snowy ‫مثلج‬ storm ‫عاصفة‬
thunder storm ‫عاصفة رعدية‬ hurricane ‫اعصار‬
overcast ‫ملبد بالغيوم‬ frost \ freeze ‫مجمد‬
dew ‫الندى‬ rainbow ‫قوس قزح‬
: ‫*نسأل عن الطقس باستخدام‬
How is the weather today?
: ‫*أو‬

What is the weather like today?

: ‫*و اإلجابة ستكون باستخدام‬

It's + ‫حالة الطقس‬

* What is the weather like today?

- It's sunny.

* How is the weather today?

- It's rainy.

1 1st Term *** Connect 5 *** Zaitoun School
‫ﻣﻮﻗﻊ دروس ﺗﻌﻠﯿﻤﯿﺔ اون ﻻﻳﻦ‬

How is rainbow formed? ‫كيف يتكون قوس قزح؟‬

properties ‫خصائص‬ behavior ‫سلوك‬
light ‫الضوء‬ interact ‫يتفاعل‬
droplets ‫قطرات الزاز‬ observer ‫مشاهد \ مالحظ‬
nature ‫الطبيعة‬ colorful ‫ملون‬
Meteorological ‫األرصاد الجوية‬ form ‫يتكون \ يتشكل‬
sunlight ‫ضوء الشمس‬ scattered ‫متناثر \ متبعثر‬
raindrops ‫قطرات المطر‬ spherical ‫كروى‬
teardrops ‫دموع‬
How is rainbow formed? ‫كيف يتكون قوس قزح؟‬
The properties and behavior of light , and how it interacts with
droplets of water ,five ruse to one of nature's most colorful
meteorological events ( the rainbow).
‫*تؤدى خصائص و سلوك الضوء و كيفية تفاعله مع قطرات المطر إلى أحد أكثر أحداث األرصاد‬
.‫الجوية الملونة فى الطبيعة و هو قوس قزح‬
Rainbow is formed when sunlight scattered from raindrops into the
eyes of an observer.
.‫*يتشكل قوس قزح عندما ينتشر ضوء الشمس من قطرات المطر فى عيون المراقب‬

Most raindrops are spherical rather than the often depicted

"tear drops" shape and it is spherical shape that provides the
conditions for rainbow to be seen.
‫*معظم قطرات المطر كروية بدال من شكل الدمعة الذى يتم تصويره غالبا وهذا الشكل الكروى هو‬
.‫الذى يوفر الظروف لقوس قزح ليتم رؤيته‬

The position of the sun and the raindrops in relation to the observer
need to be just right for a rainbow to form.
.‫*يجب أن سكون موضع الشمس و قطرات المطر بالنسبة للمراقب مناسبا تماما لتكوين قوس قزح‬

The sun needs to be behind the viewer.

.‫*يجب أن تكون الشمس خلف المشاهد‬

2 1st Term *** Connect 5 *** Zaitoun School
‫ﻣﻮﻗﻊ دروس ﺗﻌﻠﯿﻤﯿﺔ اون ﻻﻳﻦ‬

1)Read and complete :

sunny - How - morning – fine - weather
Adel : Good morning ,Eyad.
Eyad : Good ………………………, Adel.
Adel : ……………….….. are you today?
Eyad : I'm …………………… thanks.
Adel : What is the ……………….. like today?
Eyad : It's …………………………… .

2) Underline the correct answer from the brackets :

1- ………. is the weather today?
a) Why b) When c) Who d) How
2-It ……….…. windy today.
a) am b) is c) are d) has
3-It's cold and ………………… in winter.
a) sunny b) hot c) warm d) rainy
4-What is the weather ……….….. today?
a) live b) like c) love d) luck
5-The rain and the …………helps to form the rainbow.
a) moon b) stars c) sun d) lake
6-What is the ……….….. like today?
a) water b) whether c) weather d) feather
7-It's ………….. today. I can't see well.
a) hot b) cold c) sunny d) foggy
8-How is rainbow ………….. ?
a) formed b) called c) cleaned d) played

3- Order the words to make correct sentences:

1) formed – How – rainbow – is ?

2) the viewer – The sun – behind – needs to – be.


3) the – What – is – weather – like - today ?


3 1st Term *** Connect 5 *** Zaitoun School
‫ﻣﻮﻗﻊ دروس ﺗﻌﻠﯿﻤﯿﺔ اون ﻻﻳﻦ‬

‫فعل يكون‬ Verb to be

‫فاعل‬ ‫فعل فى المضارع‬ ‫فعل فى الماضى‬
I am( not ) was (not)
He – she - it is ( not ) was ( not )
You – we - they are ( not ) were ( not )
:‫مالحظات هامة‬
am not ( 'm not) – is not ( isn't ) – are not( aren't ) : ‫( مع النفى‬not) ‫* نستخدم‬
was not ( wasn't ) - were not (weren't )
*I am happy . * I am not happy.
*He is at school. *He isn't at school.
*They are running. *They aren't running.
*She was at home yesterday. * She wasn't at home yesterday.
*We were at the cinema. *We weren't at the cinema.

*They are playing. :‫ مكان‬- ing – ‫ ) الصفات‬be ( ‫*يأتى بعد‬

*He isn't at home now.
*She is happy.
Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d:
1- …………is nine years old.
a) He b) They c) I d) You
2- I …… grade six.
a) am b) is c) are d) do
3-He ……a boy.
a) am b) is c) are d) does
4-………. are happy.
a) We b) He c) She d) I
5-I ………playing.
a) am b) is c) are d) isn't
6-Sama………... swimming.
a) am b) is c) are d) aren't
7- ………….is walking to school.
a) I b) They c) Mona d) Friends
8-She………at home yesterday.
a) is b) isn't c) was d) were
8-They………at the club last Monday.
a) are b) aren't c) was d) were

4 1st Term *** Connect 5 *** Zaitoun School
‫ﻣﻮﻗﻊ دروس ﺗﻌﻠﯿﻤﯿﺔ اون ﻻﻳﻦ‬

Present Simple Tense ‫زمن المضارع البسيط‬

:‫*يعبر عن عادة متكررة أو حقيقة ثابتة أو المواعيد الثابتة‬
*Cows give us milk. ) ‫( حقيقة‬
*He goes to school every day. ) ‫( عادة متكررة‬
*The train leaves the station at 10 a.m. ) ‫( مواعيد ثابتة‬
Form :
I – you – we – they + ‫اسم جمع‬ + ‫( الفعل بدون اضافات ) مصدر الفعل‬
He – she – it + ‫اسم مفرد‬ + ‫ مصدر الفعل‬+ s \ es \ ies
Negative :
I – you – we – they ) ‫(اسم جمع‬ + don't + ‫مصدر الفعل‬
He – she – it ) ‫) اسم مفرد‬ + doesn't + ‫مصدر الفعل‬
Ex: I don't wear a wig.
*He doesn't talk on the phone.
Do + I – you – we – they \ ) ‫ ) اسم جمع‬+ ‫ مصدر الفعل‬+ ……..…?
Does + he – she - it \ ) ‫ ( اسم مفرد‬+ ‫ مصدر الفعل‬+ ........... ?
Ex: Does she play tennis? -Yes, she does. \ -No,she doesn't.
*Do you like pizza? -Yes, I do. \ -No,I don't.
Words :
‫دائما‬ ‫عادة‬ ‫غالبا‬ ‫أحيانا‬ ‫بالكاد‬ ‫أبدا‬ ‫من قبل‬
Always – usually – often – sometimes – hardly ever – never - ever
‫ كل‬Every ( day – month – year – winter , …..)
Ex: She always watches TV in the evening.
*They never get up early.
:‫مالحظات هامة‬
:(Verb to be) ‫ تأتى ظروف التكرار قبل الفعل األساسى و بعد‬-1
Ex:He always comes early. *He is always early.
:) ‫) يكون فى المصدر ( بدون اضافات‬don't – doesn't ( ‫ الفعل بعد‬-2
Ex:They don't play football. *He doesn't like fish.
: ‫( مع المفرد الغائب‬s( ‫) يعطى معنى النفى مع عدم حذف‬hardly ever – never) ‫استخدام‬-3
*He never eats meat. *They hardly ever walk to school.
:‫( فى السؤال و عند اإلجابة على السؤال نستبدلها بأحد ظروف التكرار‬ever) ‫تستخدم‬-4
*Do you ever wear a wig? *No, I never wear a wig.
Ex:He is at home. :‫ ( فى زمن المضارع البسيط‬verb to be ) ‫يستخدم‬-5
Ex:She has a doll. :‫ ( فى زمن المضارع البسيط‬verb to have) ‫يستخدم‬-6

5 1st Term *** Connect 5 *** Zaitoun School
‫ﻣﻮﻗﻊ دروس ﺗﻌﻠﯿﻤﯿﺔ اون ﻻﻳﻦ‬

Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d:

1-Samy never ………….to school on Friday.
a) go b) goes c) going d) went
2- ………..….she ever play tennis?
a) Do b) Does c) Are d) Is
3-We …….…go to school on Friday.It's holiday.
a) ever b) never c) always d) usually
4-He doesn't …..……to music.
a) listens b) listen c) listening d) listened
5-Where does your friend ………….?
a) live b) lives c) lived d) living
6-An engineer ………..…… new schools.
a) build b) is built c) builds d) building
7-They ……………..…up late.
a)usually get b)get usually c) usually gets d) gets usually
8- She ………………..late for school.
a) never is b) always is c) usually is d) is never
9-When …………you play with your computer?
a) does b) doing c) is doing d) do
10- The sun …………us heat and light.
a) gives b) giving c) is giving d) give
Read and correct the underlined words:
1-She don't like fish. (…...………….)
2-Salma plays always tennis. (…..….……….)
3-Adel always do homework at home. (…..….……….)
4-They writes English well. (…..….……….)
5-Do you like reading? -Yes , I am. (…..….……….)
6- He usually play football. (…..….……….)
7-Adel always is busy. (…..….……….)
8-We don't goes to school on Fridays. (…..….……….)

6 1st Term *** Connect 5 *** Zaitoun School

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