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Quick Start Guide


Table of Contents
Step 1 – Create a ToneNET Profile3
Step 2 – Update or Download AmpliTube 55
Step 3 – Access ToneNET Inside AmpliTube 57
Step 4 – AmpliTube 5 ToneNET8
4.1 – The Filters Column9
4.2 – Saving a Preset10
4.3 – Share a Preset on ToneNET13

­­­­­­­­­2 Contents

Step 1 – Create a ToneNET Profile

To access ToneNET you need:

1. An active IK Multimedia account (If you don’t have an IK account you can create one here:
2. Complete the ToneNET wizard here:

If you already have an IK account and have completed the wizard please proceed as follows:

Go to www.Tone.NET website and select “Get Started”.

­­­­­­­­­3 1 - Create a ToneNET Profile


Enter your IK account credentials and log in to ToneNET

If you are new to IK please click here. You will be redirected to the IK Multimedia website to create an IK user
account. Select Register next to New User and fill out your details

Once you have an IK user account navigate to to start the wizard setup. You
will be asked to create a nickname for your ToneNET account and some optional info. Once you complete the
wizard, log in to ToneNET with your new IK user account.

­­­­­­­­­4 1 - Create a ToneNET Profile


Step 2 – Update or Download AmpliTube 5

Launch the Product Manager: Log in to the IK Product Manager and use your IK account credentials.

Log in to the IK Product Manager.

After you log in to the IK Product Manager select Manage My Products.

­­­­­­­­­5 2 - Update or Download AmpliTube 5


Select the Software tab and click Install AmpliTube 5.

Wait for the installation to complete.

After installation is done, select authorize in the IK Product Manager.

­­­­­­­­­6 2 - Update or Download AmpliTube 5


Step 3 – Access ToneNET Inside AmpliTube 5

Launch AmpliTube 5.

Click on the ToneNET button positioned at the upper-right corner of AmpliTube 5.

Please note: The green light inside the ToneNET button indicates that you are connected to the Internet and
your IK account is logged into the IK Product Manager. If the light is red, there is no Internet connection or you
are not logged in to the IK Product Manager. Make sure you repeat the steps mentioned above.

­­­­­­­­­7 3 - Access ToneNET Inside AmpliTube 5


Step 4 – AmpliTube 5 ToneNET

Once you have access to ToneNET inside AmpliTube 5, you can navigate the feed where posted presets are
displayed. Presets are arranged vertically here according to the date of publication, with the most recent at the
top. The feed shows 25 presets at a time and autoloads new presets while scrolling down the matrix.

The feed matrix is divided in columns:

• Gear Icon: Showing a reference gear image chosen by the uploader when posting the preset (see more in
the Uploading Preset section of this manual).
• Name: Name of the preset chosen by the uploader.
• Artist: Name of the song artist or artist name of the uploader.
• Song: Name of the song posted by the uploader.
• Demo: The play button allows you hear an audio demo of the preset (see more in the Uploading Preset
section of this manual). For copyright reasons, this column is currently available for US-users only.
• User: Shows a profile picture of the uploader. The image can be set when registering a ToneNET account
through the wizard or in the user profile section of www.Tone.NET.
• Rating: A Thumbs up icon allows you to “like” a preset which will show up in both the like section of
ToneNET and in the posted presets.

­­­­­­­­­8 4 - AmpliTube 5 ToneNET


4.1 – The Filters Column

On the left of the interface, a filter column is displayed.

Search bar: Here you can type and search by artist, preset name, song, album,
keywords, gear and more.

All Presets: Click on this button to return to the main feed. The refresh button
reloads the feed and searches for newly posted presets.

Liked Presets: Click on it to display only the presets that you liked.

Filters: Refine your preset search using filters for Sound Character, Genre,
Instrument, Instrument Type, Pickup Position, Pickup Type or Song Part.

Preset Info: When selecting a preset from the feed, the Preset Info button lets
you display more information on the preset. Here you can find an image of the
AmpliTube chain used to create the preset and information on the preset Author.
Clicking on “Go to User Profile” button it will open up your Internet browser on
the www.Tone.NET website and display the Author user profile.

­­­­­­­­­9 4 - AmpliTube 5 ToneNET


4.2 – Saving a Preset

Select a preset from the feed and click on the download icon positioned in the top bar of AmpliTube 5 ToneNET

A pop-up window will open up. From here you can insert metadata and save the preset on your computer for
offline use.

After saving, you can close the ToneNET tab and find the saved preset in the AmpliTube 5 preset browser.

­­­­­­­­­10 4 - AmpliTube 5 ToneNET


Presets that include one or more gears that you don’t own will be downloaded from ToneNET, but the gear you
don’t own will be locked. In the AmpliTube 5 preset browser, select the preset including the missing gear(s) and
click on the triangle icon displayed in the chain.

A pop-up window will open, here you can choose to either demo the gear for 72 hours or purchase from the IK
Multimedia webstore.

Click Try Now to activate the demo trial for 72 hours.

­­­­­­­­­11 4 - AmpliTube 5 ToneNET


Once the demo is activated, on the right panel inside AmpliTube 5 click on the clock icon to see the remaining
time left on the trial.

Click Buy Now to be redirected on the IK Multimedia webstore to purchase the gear(s). After completing the
purchase, go back to AmpliTube 5 and click on the Restore Purchase button to activate your new gear(s).

­­­­­­­­­12 4 - AmpliTube 5 ToneNET


4.3 – Share a Preset on ToneNET

From the AmpliTube 5 preset browser, select the preset you want to upload and click on the share icon
positioned in the top bar of AmpliTube 5 ToneNET interface.

Please note: Presets containing gear you have not purchased cannot be shared on ToneNET.

Please note: AmpliTube 4 presets cannot be shared on ToneNET.

A pop-up window will open up. From here you can insert metadata and share the preset on ToneNET.

Metadata: Here you can type metadata to enrich the info on your preset. In the “Note” section you can insert
a description of the preset, a comment to another ToneNET user (using the “@”) or a hashtag. Make sure you
fill in as much data as you can, our algorithm will detect the preset using a wide range of data, including the
completeness of the information provided in the metadata.

­­­­­­­­­13 4 - AmpliTube 5 ToneNET


Social Links: To add a YouTube video, paste the video link in the YouTube field. Make sure you paste a link that
can be shared (not private) otherwise it will not be recognized.

To add a SoundCloud file, copy/paste a song link into the SoundCloud field. You can use the “Copy Link” button
in SoundCloud to easily paste a link into the SoundCloud field.

Audio Demo: In the last portion of the sharing pop-up window you can choose to upload an audio demo or
to record one from scratch. The audio demo will be attached to your preset so that other ToneNET users can
hear the preset before trying. Each audio demo can be a maximum of 30 seconds long. If you choose to record
an audio demo, click on the record icon to start the recording. A countdown of 3 seconds will begin before the
recording starts. If you choose to upload an audio file instead, click on Add File and a system dialog will open
up. The accepted formats are: *.wav *.aiff and *.aif. Choose the file from your computer and click OK. If you want
your file to be processed by the AmpliTube chain click on the “DI” button.

After you recorded or uploaded an audio demo insert the Recording Artist Name in the dedicated field or the
audio will not be uploaded.

Please note: Only *.wav *.aiff and *.aif formats will be recognized. If you try to upload a different file format the
system will block the process.

Please note: For copyright reasons, the audio demo feature is currently available for US-only users. Non-US
users can use the SoundCloud and YouTube sharing option to provide audio examples of the preset.

Icon: Choose a gear icon for reference. This icon will be shown in the preset card on www.Tone.NET and on the
AmpliTube 5 feed

­­­­­­­­­14 4 - AmpliTube 5 ToneNET

IK Multimedia Production Srl IK Multimedia US, LLC IK Multimedia Asia
Via dell’Industria, 46, 590 Sawgrass Corporate Pkwy. TB Tamachi Bldg. 1F, MBE #709
41122 Modena Sunrise, FL 33325 4-11-1 Shiba
Italy USA Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0014

AmpliTube®, ToneNET™, Tone.NET™ are trademarks property of IK Multimedia Production Srl. All other product names and images,
trademarks and artists names are the property of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with IK Multimedia.
Product names are used solely for the purpose of identifying the specific products that were studied during IK Multimedia’s sound model
development and for describing certain types of tones produced with IK Multimedia’s digital modeling technology. Use of these names
does not imply any cooperation or endorsement.

All specifications are subject to change without further notice.

Document Version: 1.0

Latest revision: 2022/03/28

© 2022 IK Multimedia. All rights reserved.

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