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Toyota make high-quality, efficient vehicles that last long. They are always
researching to come up with better products that give consumers a continually
improved user experience
The company consistently invests in innovation and new technologies, keeping
the market well supplied with better, safer vehicles and Reliable vehicles
Hybrid Smaller capacity engine vehicle with four-seater. Less maintenance as well
as few replacement parts, this is because of the electric motor and electronic
braking system which decelerate vehicle which will extend the life of brake pads
lotter, plus the hybrid batteries designed to last the life the vehicle. Longer hybrid-
specific warranties of 8 years / 100,000 miles when comes to engine transmission


Toyota produces both “economy” vehicles and top-of-the-range products,

meeting the consumer’s mobility needs fully.
competitive based pricing strategy must be used, this is because the data on
competitors is easily available due to many competitors that exists within the
It also takes costs into consideration to set prices for a few products for which
either information is not available on competitors, or are costlier to make,
When come to pricing strategy it changes depending on product type, for the new
product economically affordable competitive based pricing needs to be used

sells its products through two marketing channels. The first is where it sells
directly to its customer through its online website. The second is where it sells
through dealers which is main form sell cars
Delivering new cars to customers preferred locations for test drive rather than the
customer visiting to us


online and social media advertising, which is cheaper and beneficial due to the
increasing usage of the internet, increase number of users and people checking
previous customer review at the initial stage of the buying process
undergoes various sales promotion taking part in various trade exhibitions and
events around the year
Already Toyota a well-established brand; customer always have a perception on
mind their how the end would be,

Toyota has embraced a lean production model hence it is able to produce just-in-
time products. Proper management has reduced wastage and production cost
thus increasing efficiency. This has enabled the company to capture a huge
market share

The company is keen to empower its entire workforce in the service and
production line. This has made its workers to become creative and customer
friendly. As a result, it has boosted the company’s self image and its ability to
respond to consumers’ expectations
Toyota has people working in its customer service department. These are
contacted by customers in case of any issues within the product, and these
people guide customers through the process of getting the issues resolved. These
people are trained to respect the customers and try their best to get their issues

Physical evidence

Toyota has an online website that is user-friendly and allows customers to view its
products in high quality images taken from various angles

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