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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Educ ation

National Capital Region
Manila Educat ion Center Arroc eros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila


Quarter 1 Week 6 Module 6

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

1. Self-assesses health-related fitness (HRF).Status, barriers
to physical activity assessment participation and one’s diet.
2. Sets Frequency Intensity Time Type (FITT) goals based on
training principles to achieve and/or maintain health-related
fitness (HRF).
3. Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities
(MVPAs) for at least 60 minutes most days of the week in a
variety of settings in- and out-of school.
4. Observes personal safety protocol to avoid dehydration,
overexertion, hypo- and hyperthermia during MVPA

Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will
disturb you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions
below to successfully enjoy the objectives of this kt. I have fun!
 Expectations – These
1. Follow carefully allare
thewhat you will
contents andbe able to know
instructions after completing
indicated in
the lessons in the module.
every page of this module.
 Pre-test
2. Write–on This
yourwill measurethe
notebook your prior knowledge
concepts about theand the concepts
lessons. Writing to
be mastered throughout the lesson.
enhances learning that is important to develop and keep in mind.
 Looking
3. PerformBackall to
theyour Lesson
provided – Thisin
activities section will measure what
the module.
learnings and facilitator/
4. Let your skills did you understand
guardian assessfrom
yourthe previous
answers lesson.
using the
 Briefanswer
key card. – This section will give you an overview of the lesson.
 Activities
5. Analyse– conceptually
This is a set oftheactivities
post-testyouand will perform
apply whatwith a partner.
you have
 Remember
learned.– This section summarizes the concepts and applications of
6. lessons.
Enjoy studying!
 Check your Understanding – It will verify how you learned from the
 Post-test – This will measure how much you have learned from the
entire module.

Directions: Prior to any physical activity, it is just right to assess your general
health through the PAR–Q & YOU questionnaire. Fill up the PAR-Q as pre-requisite
to check readiness for physical activity. Please fill-up and answer the questions
honestly. Please read the questions carefully and answer each one honestly: check
YES or NO.

Great, you finished answering the questions.

You may request your facilitator to check your work.

Congratulations and keep on learning!

LESSON 1: Health and Skill Related Fitness

This module will help you to:

 Understand Health and Skill Related Fitness

 Perform each fitness components
 Realized the importance of health and skill related fitness in different

What does it mean to be physically “fit?” Physical fitness is defined as
“a set of attribute that people have or achieved that relates to the ability to
perform physical activity” (USDHHS, 1996). In other words, it more than
being able to run a long distance or lift a lot of weight at the gym. Being fit is
not defined only by what kind of activity you do, how long you do it, or what
level of intensity. While these are important measures of fitness, they only
address single areas. Overall fitness is made up of health and skill related
fitness components.
Guide Questions:
1. What does it mean to be physically “fit”?
2. What are the physical fitness components?
3. How can we measures our fitness?

What is Health Related Fitness?

Health-related physical fitness is primarily associated with disease

prevention and functional health. Participating in regular health-related
fitness helps you control your weight, prevents diseases and illness, improves
your mood, boosts energy, and promotes better sleep.
It is made up of five sections: cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength,
muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Lets take a closer
look at the five sections of health-related fitness:
 Cardiovascular endurance is the ability of your heart, blood cells, and
lungs to work continuously for extended periods of time. This is how
efficiently your body takes in, transports, and uses oxygen while
exercising. Having efficient heart and lungs leads to increased energy
throughout the day.
 Muscular strength is the maximum amount of force a muscle can
produce in a single effort or how much you can lift in one attempt.
Performing exercises that use your own body weight, free weights, or
weights on a machine are excellent ways to develop muscle strength.
Having muscular strength will ensure that you have the strength
needed to lift a heavy object, for example a box full of books.
 Muscular endurance is your ability to contract your muscles several
times without excessive fatigue. Another way to think about it is the
length of time your muscles can continue to work before tiring. What
this means is once you have picked up that heavy box of books, you
can then carry that box for a long period of time before you need to
take a break.

 Flexibility is the range of motion that your joints have during
movement. Maintaining flexibility can improve your performance in
physical activities in addition to decreasing your risk of injuries by
helping your joints move through their full range of motion, therefore,
allowing your muscles to work most effectively. Stretching and yoga
can be done to help improve your flexibility.
 Body composition is the ratio of water, bone, muscle, and fat in the
body. A healthy body composition indicates that you may have less risk
of developing obesity-related diseases, such as diabetes, high blood
pressure, and even some cancers.

Two of the ways to measure body composition are body mass index,
(BMI), which is a measure of body fat based on height and weight, and the
skin fold test, which measures total fat percentages by measuring the layer of
fat that is directly under the skin.

What is Skill Related Fitness?

Skill- or performance-related fitness involves skills that will

enhance one’s performance in athletic or sports events. Health-related fitness
involves skills that enable one to become and stay physically healthy.

There are six skill-related fitness components. Skilled athletes typically excel
in all six areas.

 Agility is the ability to change and control the direction and

position of the body while maintaining a constant, rapid motion. For
example, changing directions to hit a tennis ball.
 Balance is the ability to control or stabilize the body when a person is
standing still or moving. For example, in-line skating.
 Coordination is the ability to use the senses together with body
parts during movement. For example, dribbling a basketball. Using
hands and eyes together is called hand-eye coordination.
 Speed is the ability to move your body or parts of your body
swiftly. Many sports rely on speed to gain advantage over your
opponents. For example, a basketball player making a fast break to
perform a layup, a tennis player moving forward to get to a drop shot,
a football player out running the defense to receive a pass
 Power is the ability to move the body parts swiftly while applying
the maximum force of the muscles. Power is a combination of both
speed and muscular strength. For example, fullbacks in football
muscling their way through other players and speeding to advance the
ball and volleyball players getting up to the net and lifting their bodies
high into the air.
 Reaction Time is the ability to reach or respond quickly to what you
hear, see, or feel. For example, an athlete quickly coming off the blocks
early in a swimming or track relay, or stealing a base in baseball


Before starting the activity, remind the students for etiquette and
safety reminders.

Instruct them to form lines and tell them that while doing the exercise
they should analyze what kind of exercise they are performing. If it is aerobic,
bone or muscle strengthening in preparation for the evaluation of the

1. Based from the previous lesson, do the following activity below

WARM-UP Done or undone
100 Jumping jacks or 10 minutes jumping
Stretching from top to bottom
20 minutes of Jogging in place/ jogging
around an open space
10 repetitions 3 sets of Push up, Squats, sit
ups, leg raises
30 seconds, 3 sets of Isometric exercises:
center planks, side planks, bridges.
Additional exercise you have done

Physical Fitness Testing

Assessing one’s health status will help the person know about one’s
strengths and weaknesses. Awareness of individuals’ health-related fitness
and its relevant interpretations will aid the person to efficiently create an
action plan in observing a healthy lifestyle and selecting appropriate activities
for areas that need improvement.
II. Self –testing Activities for Health-Related Fitness

I. Anthropometric Measurements
Purpose: To measure body composition.
Equipment needed: weighing scale, tape measure
Goal: Take body measurements.
Preliminary: Prepare needed materials.

1. Height. Stand with trunk straight. Measure the distance from the floor to
the top of the forehead. Record the score in centimeters (cm).
2. Weight. Stand on a weighing scale free from any object for
weight accuracy. Record in kilograms (kg).

3. Waistline. Locate your upper hipbone. Find the

proper spot by placing your hands around your waist,
squeezing slightly, and then moving your fingers
downward until you feel the top curve of your hips.
Place a tape measure around your bare stomach just
above the upper hipbone. Record in centimeters (cm).
4. Hipline. Place tape measure in the widest part of
hip in line with the pubis.
5. Computation/s

a. BMI- Body Mass Index - measure of body mass

based on height and weight that aid in determining
weight categories.

BMI = Weight in kg
Height in m2

b. Waist to Hip Ratio - measure stored body fats percentage by the

relative measurement of waist and hip

WHR = Waist Circumference (cm)

Hip Circumference (cm)

II. 3 – Minute Step Test

Purpose: Test for Cardiovascular
Endurance level based on how quickly
your heart rate will come back down after
a physical activity

Equipment needed: stopwatch, 12-inch

bench box, a metronome
Goal: In a constant pace, step on and off
the bench for 3 minutes straight
1. Stand close to the 12-inch bench box while partner will set the
metronome in 96 beats per minute (bpm).
2. When ready to begin, start the stopwatch, step one foot at a time to
the beat (up, up, down, down). When 3 minutes is up, stop
immediately get your pulse rate.
3. Record the Exercise Heart Rate: bpm

III. Hamstring and Hip Flexor Test

Purpose: To test flexibility of the Hamstring

and hips
Equipment needed: protractor
Goal: Keeping both legs straight, lift one leg
to the maximum angle with other leg remain
flat on the floor.
Preliminary: Illustrate angles on a poster
board and paste it on the wall.

1. Lie on your back on the floor beside a wall.
2. Slowly lift one leg off the floor. Keep the other leg flat on the floor.
3. Keep both legs straight.
4. Continue to lift the leg until either leg begins to bend or the lower leg
begins to lift off the floor.
5. Place a yardstick against the wall to mark the spot to where the leg was
lifted. Lower the leg.
6. Using a protractor, measure the angle created by the floor and the
yardstick. The greater the angle the better your score.
7. Repeat with other leg.

IV. Zipper Test

Purpose: Test for the shoulder flexibility

Equipment needed: tape measure
Goal: Raise one arm across back with bent elbow
reaching down fingers of the other hand
Preliminary: Prepare needed materials

1. In standing position, raise one arm across you back,
bend the elbow and reach down as far as possible, simultaneously, bring
other arm down and behind the back trying to cross fingers over those with
the other hand.
2. Measure the distance of overlapped fingers in cm. If they fail to meet score
as a minus or <0. Write zero if the fingertips just touched with no overlap.
3. Repeat the procedure with the other hand. Record the score.

V. Curl – up (Dynamic)

Purpose: Test abdominal muscles strength Tape marks, 4 ½

and endurance
Equipment needed: mat, adhesive tape
Goal: Perform curl-up with proper pacing (3 seconds
per curl)
Preliminary: Prepare the mat. Place two tape marks
4 ½ inches apart on the floor.
1. Sit on a mat in a long sitting position. Bend your legs more than 90
degrees with feet remaining flat on the floor.
2. Lay down with arms extended at the sides, palm facing down with fingers
extended touching the 1st tape mark.
3. From that position, curl your trunk up with heels in contact with the floor
until your fingers reach the 2nd marker.
4. Upon reaching, lower back to the starting position. Repeat one-curl up
every 3 seconds.
5. Continue the curl-ups and stop when you are unable to keep the pace.

Record the number of repetitions

VI. 90-degree Push–up (Dynamic)

Purpose: Test for the muscles of the upper arm strength and endurance
Equipment needed: mat
Goal: To perform a proper push–up
Preliminary: Prepare needed material

1. From prone lying position, place the hands just outside the shoulders
with elbows bent.
2. Men: Support the body in a push-up position from the toes with back, hip
and legs align.
Women: Support the body in a push–up position from the knees instead of
toes, with back, hip, and legs aligned.
3. Lower the body until the upper arm is parallel to the floor or a 90 degrees
angle of the bent elbow.
4. Repeat as many times as possible.

VII. Flexed-Arm Support (Static)

Purpose: Test the muscular

strength of the shoulder and upper
Equipment needed: mat,
Goal: Hold the push-up
position not more than 35
1. Use the Push- up procedure 1 & 2 for preparatory position. From the
starting position, lower the body until the upper arm is parallel to the floor
and elbow flexed at 90 degrees ( see illustration above).
2. Hold the position as long as possible.
3. Record the obtained holding position.

Measuring your fitness level is one way to find out your level of physical fitness.
Below are references for interpretation.

II. Self –testing Activities for Skill-Related Fitness


Tire Drill Run 30 Agility
through tires
(hoops or
Weave 3 Agility
Cones Run as
fast as you
can weaving
through cones
Balance at 30 Balance
Three Levels
Use balance
board or
block. Move
to a low level
and balance
(10 seconds).
Move to a
medium level
and balance
(10 seconds).
Move to a high
level and
balance (10
Baseball Pitch 30 Balance
Perform the
motion of a
pitcher. Go
from a
position to a
motion of the
pitch, to a
position at the
end of the

Sprints 30 Speed
Perform short
sprints (about
8 yards). As
soon as you
finish one
sprint, sprint
back to the
starting line.
Repeat for
time period.
Shuttle Run 30 Speed
shuttle run
Drop and 30 Reaction time
Catch Hold a
ball in one
hand and
Attempt to
catch the ball
with the same
hand just
before it hits
Jump Up to 30 Power
Box Perform
jumps to an
1–2 feet). Step
down and
jump again.
Repeat for
time period.
Wall Ball 30 Coordination
Throw ball
against wall
and move to
try and catch
the ball. If
possible, use
specially made
ball that
Participating in regular health and skill-related fitness helps you
control your weight, prevents diseases and illness, improves your mood,
boosts energy, and promotes better sleep.


Health-related fitness components

Cardiovascular endurance
is the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels
to supply oxygen to your body tissues during
sustained physical activity. This allows the body to
endure physical movement for a period of time.
Also, efficient delivery of oxygen to its tissues will
take place giving the person a lower breathing rate
and the ability to perform the task longer.

is the maximum amount of force a muscle can exert

in a single effort. Achievement of muscular strength
Muscular Strength depends on factors like gender, age, and inherited
physical attributes. Having strong muscles is
beneficial to everyday living. The muscles support
the skeleton enabling movement to occur and the
strength to support the body while standing up.
Muscular Endurance
is the ability of the muscle to continue to perform
without fatigue.

is the ability to bend and move the joints through
the full range of motion.

Composition is the percentages of fat, bone, water, and muscle in
a human body; it is often the ratio of lean tissue to
fat tissue in the body.

Skill -related fitness components

Power the ability of the muscle to produce a single burst


the ability to travel in a shortest time possible
from Point A to Point B

ability to move in rapid direction without
changing it speed.

Coordination ability of the two or more body parts to move

in a coordinated pattern

Balance ability of the body to maintain equilibrium

Reaction Time ability to react on a given stimulus


Activity No. 1- Let’s Be a Blogger!

Instruction: (You can do it with other family members for more fun)
CREATE A 5 to 10 MINS. VIDEO showing some Health and Skill -Related
Fitness on the day to day activities. (e.g. flexibility – arms/elbow: washing the
• Wear clothes that are comfortable and easy to move around.
• The video must be 5 to 10 minutes long and students can use the
camera on their computer, flip camera or mobile phone.
• Submit video via messenger or email on or before the next P.E. session.
• Happy blogging, be physically fit and healthy in this pandemic period.


Name: Grade & Section:
Let’s Think and Act!
Directions. Answer the following questions. Have fun and enjoy!

1. How do you find health and skill -related fitness and its components?

2. Explain the importance of being physically fit, now that we are facing the pandemic?

1. Self – Assessment Card: Health – related fitness status. After the
physical fitness test, write the result below.

2. Test Your Knowledge: Choose the correct answer.

1. Which of the following best describes the ability to jump and touches the
basketball ring.
A. Speed C. Agility
B. Power D. Coordination
2. Which of the following best describes the ability to travel in a shortest time
A. Speed C. Agility
B. Power D. Coordination
3. Which of the following best describes the ability to change in directions
without changing its speed.
A. Speed C. Agility
B. Power D. Coordination
4. It is a jeepney driver who collects fare while driving has a good skill in .
A. Speed C. Agility
B. Power D. Coordination
5. It is the ability of a person to perform a prolonged activity without getting
early onset of fatigue
A. Cardiovascular Endurance C. Flexibility
B. Muscular strength D. BMI
6. It is a unique character of an athlete who can perform 180 degrees of splits
a. Cardiovascular Endurance c. Flexibility
b. Muscular strength d. BMI
7. It derived from weight over height to determine fitness status.
A. Cardiovascular Endurance C. Flexibility
B. Muscular strength D. BMI
8. It is the ability to the muscle to sustain the amount of energy against an
A. Cardiovascular Endurance C. Flexibility
B. Muscular strength D. BMI
9. It measure the percentage of every parts of the body
A. Cardiovascular Endurance C. body composition
B. Muscular strength D. Balance
10. The ability of a person to maintain its equilibrium
A. Cardiovascular Endurance C. body composition
B. Muscular strength D. Balance

END OF 5th WEEK *************

WHO (World Health Organizations)
DepEd Learners Manual for HOPE 1
Physical Activity & Fitness @
Department of Health Advisories

3 minutes step test procedure. Retrieved from

q=3+minute+step+test+procedure&sxsrf=ALeKk029dN d7-

Hip to waist ratio. Retrieved from

q=waistline+vs+hipline&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjJtK GYsr_pAhWEBaYKHSpACA0Q2-

McGraw-Hill Fitness testing: Retrieved from

Laura Williams, (2020). 6 Skill-Related Elements to Athletic Training. Retrieved from

Management Team:
Malcolm S. Garma, Regional Director
Genia V. Santos, CLMD Chief
Dennis M. Mendoza, Regional EPS In Charge of LRMS
Maria Magdalena M. Lim, CESO V, Schools Division
Aida H. Rondilla, CID Chief
Lucky S. Carpio, EPS In Charge of LRMS

Writers: Alvaro Uy, T-III, Carpio, Aurine P. MT II,
Editors: Conrado S. Contreras Jr., HT-VI
Reviewer: Luis M. Anchilo, PSDS & Supervisor-in-
Charge (MAPEH)
Layout Artist:

Copyright 2020


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