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Lab No. : 012201050086 Permanent No.

: 71773
NAME : Mr. MANOJ KUMAR Sample Coll Dt : 05/Jan/2022 03:28PM
Age / Sex : 49 Y 0 M 0 D /Male Sample Recd Dt : 05/Jan/2022 03:28PM
Referred By : - Report DateTime : 05/Jan/2022 09:03PM
Pat. Address : Centre : WALK IN

Department of Molecular biology


Test Result
(Real Time RT PCR Qualitative)
Cycle Threshold (Ct value) of E-gene 22.8
Cycle Threshold (Ct value) of Orf1A-gene 20.83
Methodology: Chip based Real Time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT PCR).
Sample Type : Nasopharyngeal & Oropharyngeal swab in viral lysis medium.
Temperature at the time of sample receipt: OK. Cold chain maintained
Positive (High/Medium/Low/Very low) SARS-CoV-2 Viral RNA detected within the linear range
Negative SARS-CoV-2 Viral RNA not detected or below limit of detection.
Invalid A repeat test on fresh sample is recommended.
1.Laboratory is NABL accreditated (MC-3430).
2.COVID-19 test conducted as per kits validated by ICMR.
3.Target genes are Egene , Orf1A gene , RNase P.
4. Limit of detection is 407 genomic copies/ml.
5.Please note that these results are not to be used for any thesis or presentations or for publication in
any journal, print or electronic media without the prior written permission of the Director General, ICMR.
6.We will share all patient reports with defined Govt. bodies as per the guidelines of Govt of India / ICMR.
7.Test conducted on Truenat system approved by ICMR.

ICMR Registration Number : DRCGUP

Clinical Significance:
1.      Detection of COVID-19 RNA is seen in patients with COVID-19 infection.Clinical correlation with patient’s history 
          and other  diagnostic information is necessary to determine patients’infection status.
2. Positive results should be considered in conjunction with the clinical history and other data available to the physician.
3. Negative results does not rule out the possibility of Covid-19 infection. Presence of inhibitors , mutations and
insufficient RNA specific to SARS-CoV-2 can influence the test result
4. Kindly consult referring physician / Authority Govt. hospital and correlate clinically
1. This test is intended for use in conjunction with clinical presentation and other laboratory markers.
2. Improper specimen collection, handling, storage and transportation may result in false negative results.
The report represents only the specimen received in laboratory

References :

*** End of Report ***

Authenticated On : 05/Jan/2022 09:03PM

Print DateTime : 05/Jan/2022 9:07 PM

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