Week 4 Activity 3 Encircle The Correct Answer.: GSLPLM

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Encircle the correct answer.
1. Taking an overall view of the scene of the crime. It show the direction and location of the
crime scene.
a. General View
b. Medium View
c. Close-up View
d. Extreme-Close up view
2. Is the taking of the photograph of the scene of the crime by dividing it into section. This
view will best view the nature of the crime.
a. General View
b. Medium View
c. Close-up View
d. Extreme-Close up view
3. Is the taking of individual photograph of the evidence at the scene of the crime. It is
design to show the details of the crime.
a. General View
b. Medium View
c. Close-up View
d. Extreme-Close up view

4. Commonly design in laboratory photographing using some magnification such as

Photomacrography and photomicrography.
a. General View
b. Medium View
c. Close-up View
d. Extreme-Close up view
5. Taking a magnified photograph of a small object through attaching a camera to the ocular
of a compound microscope so as to show a minute details of the physical evidence
a. Photomicrography
b. Photomacrography
c. Microphotography
d. Macrophotography


1. Personal Identification- is considered to be the first application of photography is police

work. Alphonse Bertillon was the first police who utilized photography in police work as a
supplementary identification in his Anthropometry system.
2. For Communication- Photograph is considered to be one of the most universal methods
of communication considering that no other language can be known universally than
3. For Record Purposes- Considered to be the utmost used of photography in police work.

Different views in photographing

a. General View- taking an overall view of the scene of the crime. It show the direction and
location of the crime scene.
b. Medium View- is the taking of the photograph of the scene of the crime by dividing it into
section. This view will best view the nature of the crime.
c. Close up View- is the taking of individual photograph of the evidence at the scene of the
crime. It is design to show the details of the crime.
d. Extreme Close up View- commonly design in laboratory photographing using some
magnification such as Photomacrography and photomicrography.

4. For Preservation- crime scene and other physical evidence requires photograph for
preservation purposes. Crime scene cannot be retain as is for long period of time but
through photograph the initial condition of the scene of the crime can be preserved
5. For discovering and proving- photography can extend human vision in discovering and
proving things such as:

a. The use of Magnification

Photomicrography- Taking a magnified photograph of a small object through attaching

a camera to the ocular of a compound microscope so as to show a minute details of the
physical evidence
Photomacrography- Taking a magnified (enlarged) photograph of small object by
attaching an extended tube lens (macro lens) to the camera.
Microphotography-is the process of reducing into a small strips of film a scenario. It is
the first used in filmmaking.
Macrophotography-used synonymously with photomacrophotography.

b. Used of artificial light such as x-ray, ultra violet and infra-red rays to show
something which may not be visible with the aid of human eye alone.
6. For Court Exhibits- almost all evidence presented in court before formally be
accepted requires that they satisfy the basic requirements for admissibility which is
relevancy and competency. A question of relevancy is usually proved by proving the
origin of the evidence and its relation to the case and this is usually supplemented by
photograph of the evidence giving reference as to where it came from.

Evidence presented in court once accepted became known as Exhibit. Either Exhibit
1,2,3 etc. for defense or Exhibit A, B, C etc. for prosecution.

7. Crime preservation- with the used of video camera (hidden camera) and other
advanced photographic equipment crimes and being detected more easily and even to
the evident of preventing them from initially occurring.

8. Police Training- modern facilities are now being used as instructional material not
only in police training as well as in other agencies.

9. Reproducing & Copying- with the use of photography any number of reproduction of
the evidence can be made those giving unlimited opportunity for its examination and
even allow other experts of person to examine the specimen without compromising the


1. A photograph is the mechanical result of photography.

2. To produce a photograph, light is needed aside from sensitized materials.
3. Lights reflected or radiated by a subject must reach the sensitized materials while all
other lights must be excluded.
4. The exclusion of all unwanted and unnecessary lights is achieved by placing the
sensitized material inside the camera.
5. The amount of light on the sensitized material after exposure is not immediately visible to
the eyes.
6. To make the formed image visible, it must undergo the development process.
7. The visual effect that results from the chemical processing is dependent on the quantity
and quality of the exposing light.
8. More light will yield an opaque or black shade on the sensitized material after
9. Too little light will produce a transparent or white shade.
10. The varying shade of gray will finally form the complete image.


1. Considered to be the utmost used of photography in police work.

2. Taking an overall view of the scene of the crime. It show the direction and location of the
crime scene.
3. If Exhibit 1,2,3 is for defense how about Exhibit A, B, C is for?
4. It is the first used in filmmaking.
5. It is design to show the details of the crime.
6. Used of artificial light such as __________, ultra violet and infra-red rays to show
something which may not be visible with the aid of human eye alone.
7. A photograph is the chemical result of photography. TRUE or FALSE?
8. commonly design in laboratory photographing using some magnification such as
Photomacrography and photomicrography.
9. What is your Subject Title?
10. Last name of your Instructor in this subject/course.



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