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Thanking you in advance for taking your time to help me carry out this research on “OD
Intervention Techniques and its impact on Training and Development programs -
a comparative study between Public and Private sector banks” by filling the
questionnaire. I assure you that the information provides will be treated with utmost
confidentially and your identity will not be revealed. Kindly read instruction before filling the

1. Name of respondent
2. Name of the Bank & Branch
3. Type of the Bank (1) Public (2) Private
4. Gender (1) Male (2) Female
5. Age (1) 18-25 (2) 26-30 (3) 31-40 (4) 41-50 years
(5) Above 50 years
6. Education Qualification: (1) Senior Secondary (2) Diploma
(3) Graduate (4) Post Graduate
7. Marital status (1) Married (2) Unmarried
8. Monthly Incomes (1) Less than 10,000 (2) 10,000-20,000 (3) 20,000-30,000
(4) 30,000-40,000 (5) Above 50,000

1. Please give your level of agreement on the following five point likert scale
towards the Organization Development Interventions Tools of Training and
Development Programmes for bank employees.

Scale Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
Coding 5 4 3 2 1

S. Parameters SA A N D SD
No (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
1 The goals of banks surely achieve with the help of          
Organization Development Interventions Tools of
Training and Development Programmes
2 Organization Development creates a continuous          
cycle of improvement of bank’s employees
3 Organization Development intervention strategies          
introduces enough new policies and procedures in
4 It increases the opportunity for Organizational          
(Bank) development
5 It is helpful for the Organizational (Bank) analysis          

6 It support cost benefit analysis in banks (reducing          

the man power and efficient working through

7 It increases bank’s goodwill          

8 It also helps to increases productivity and          


2. Following parameters are given for the perception of public and private bank’s
employees towards the training & development as organizational development tool.
Please give your level of satisfaction on the following five point likert scale.

Scale Highly Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly

Satisfied Dissatisfied
Coding 5 4 3 2 1

S. Parameters HS S N D HD
No. (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
1 Organizational development helps in making
employees align with the vision of the bank
2 Organization encourage bank’s employees for
training and development
3 Organization helps the use of technologies learned in
training programme
4 Organization make employee aware for the
Organization development
5 Organization development intervention tools and
techniques that creates a positive work atmosphere
which encourage employees effectiveness
6 Organization development increases communication
7 It creates an environment of mutual trust among
8 It improves interpersonal skills
9 It solves problems and conflicts
10 It create an environment of trust so that employees
willingly accept change
11 It increases cooperation and collaboration among
bank employees.

Please tick on following five point likert scale that Training Increases the Efficiency of
Work and Playing the Role for Organization Development, which is an important tool
for Banks development and its overall improvement.
Whereas scale values are showing as Strongly Agree =5, Agree =4, Neutral = 3, Disagree =
2, and Strongly Agree = 1.

S. Parameters SA A N D SD
No (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
1 Training raises the efficiency and productivity of
2 It reduces cost of production
3 It improves the quality of production
4 It reduces expenditure on supervision as trained
5 It reduces accidents and avoid mistakes
6 It brings stability to labor force by reducing turnover
of managerial personnel
7 Training reduces expenditure
8 Training creates skilled and efficient manpower
9 Training facilitates the introduction of new
management techniques
10 Training creates a pool of trained and capable
11 It raises the morale of employees.
12 Training provides proper guidance and instructions to
newly appointed employees
13 Training creates a feeling of confidence among the
14 It provides opportunity for quick promotion and self-
15 It provides attractive remuneration and other monetary
benefits to employees
Service Satisfaction by the Use of OD Intervention Techniques
16 Being proper trained, employees of bank have the
knowledge and skills to answer customer questions
17 Trained employees always willing to help customers
18 Feel happy to work with experienced management
19 Problem solving through instant information
20 Training gives bank support for error-free transaction
21 Training makes user friendly working system
22 It makes customer friendly environment at Bank
23 It encourage the customer feedback services

Please give your valuable suggestion for the OD intervention techniques and its impact on
training and development programs to the public and private banks?

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