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Edited by Norman A. Ross

Introduction by Frank Matero


Frederick, Maryland
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Trade catalogues from Avery Library [microform].

Titles selected by Herbert Mitchell.

Accompanied by a printed guide.
Bibliography: p.
Includes index.
1. Building materials-Catalogs. 2. Building fittings—Catalogs. 3. Catalogs,
Commercial. 4. Avery Library. I. Ross, Norman A., 1942- . II. Mitchell,
Herbert. III. Avery Library. IV. UFA Academic Editions (Firm)
[HD9715.8] 1989 690'.074'7471 89-5754
ISBN 1-55655-202-5 (microfiche)


An imprint of Congressional Information Service
44 North Market Street
Frederick, Maryland 21701

International Standard Book Number 155655-202-5

Copyright, 1989 by University Publications of America

Manufactured in the United States of America



INTRODUCTION by Frank Matero xi




1. General 1
2. Sitework 3
3. Concrete 5
4. Masonry 7
5. Metals 10
6. Wood & Plastics 16
7. Thermal & Moisture Protection 23
8. Doors & Windows 26
9. Finishes 32
10. Specialties 37
11. Equipment 41
12. Furnishings 43
13. Special Construction 49
14. Conveying Systems 53
15. Mechanical 54
16. Electrical 60





NOTE: Due to changes in library cataloging rules over time, company names appear
in one of two formats. They may be found in this guide under the first name or
initial or under the first letter of the last name.


Several years ago Clearwater Publishing undertook the microfilming of the trade
catalogs held by the library at the Winterthur Museum in Delaware, and the collection, as
it then existed, was made available on microfiche. Although trade catalogs were being
collected and used in a growing number of research libraries, this was, to our knowledge,
the first time such a collection had been reproduced and published. Acceptance by the
academic community was rapid and extremely favorable.

The Winterthur Museum had organized its collection according to 30 subject categories,
(including one on "Ceramics and Glassware" and another on "Architectural Building Plans
& Materials"). As a result, scholars and libraries were able to acquire just those catalogs
needed to support their own research interests. In the process we realized anew the great
diversity in these catalogs and the large number of such special collections around the

Primarily as the result of our initial efforts with the Winterthur collection, we were
able to reach agreements with the Corning Museum and with the Avery Architectural and
Fine Arts Library at Columbia University to publish their collections of trade catalogs. Thus
it was that in 1987 we issued Trade Catalogs from the Corning Museum of Glass, in
conjunction with the Rakow Library of the Corning Museum, and in 1988 the collection of
architectural trade catalogs described in the present volume.

As with the Winterthur collection, the Corning trade catalogs were also divided into
various categories, so that both broad and narrow collecting interests could be served. The
subject divisions were provided by the staff of the Rakow Library. The division of the
Avery collection into broad categories was a bit more difficult, however, since a very large
number of class headings had been used by the library for its own purposes and the number
was too large for our purposes.

A solution nevertheless presented itself when we discovered that one of the significant
components of the Avery collection was the multi-volume series known generally as the
Sweets Architectural Catalogs. (The title varies.) These volumes, published annually since
1906, contain the architectural trade catalogs of innumerable American firms, organized and
indexed, over time, according to various schemes. It was suggested to use the 16 categories
in current use by Sweets to group the Avery trade catalogs into the broad categories
desirable for this project. The user will therefore find that all of the microfiche in the Avery
collection follow the modern Sweets arrangement, albeit with some exceptions and

The first major departure from Sweets is the first category, which for the Sweets
Catalogs pertained to computers and computerized equipment. There are no such catalogs
in the in the microfiche edition of the Avery holdings, so it was decided to use the vacant
category for those catalogs not easily incorporated in any of the 15 other sections. Thus the
first section in the microfiche edition is "General," which otherwise would more logically
fall at the end.

Herbert Mitchell, the curator of the collection at the Library, was then able to provide
a table indicating the numerous Avery subject headings that fell into each Sweets category

and each catalog was thus assigned to the appropriate section. These class headings were
then also used to generate the Subject Index.

The microfiche, therefore, are organized into 16 categories and, within each category,
alphabetically by company name (and then chronologically within each company). The
alphabetizing is systematic, but due to changes in library cataloging rules, company names
appear in one of two formats. They may be found under the first name or initial or under
the the first letter of the last name. For example, the H. W. Johns Manufacturing Co. is
alphabetized under the letter H and the P. & F. Corbin [Co.] is alphabetized under the letter
C. It is therefore advisable for the reader to look in more than one place if a first attempt
is unsuccessful.


The first section of this book provides a guide to the subjects that fall under each of
the sixteen Sweet's categories. This will permit readers to get a general understanding of
the subject breakdown by Sweet's category. The second section provides a table of contents
to the microfiche, listing all of the catalogs alphabetically within each of the 16 Sweets
categories, just as they are found in the microfiche set. For each company we have
provided the essential bibliographic items: name of the company, title of the catalog, date
of printing or publication, place of publication, number of pages, number of microfiche and
item number within the category.

The third section is a single alphabetical listing of all of the companies, with reference
to the section or sections in which they will be found. Fourth is a geographical guide
organized according to the place names in the catalog records of the library. Fifth is a
chronological guide. And sixth is a subject index. It is library practice to enclose in
brackets information not found on the title page of items being cataloged. The user checking
the catalog card (reproduced in the first frame of the first fiche of each catalog) will find
such place names bracketed, as one would expect. In this printed guide, however, the
brackets have been eliminated. Similarly, bracketed dates have been used as if they are firm
and approximate dates have been accepted as actual dates. The purpose of the geographical
and chronological guides, after all, is to assist the user of the microfiche who is searching
for companies from a particular area or a period of time. The technical differences, e.g.,
between "ca. 1930" and "1930," or between "187-" and "1870," were deemed unimportant
for the purposes of this guide.


There are some inconsistencies and flaws in the collection: two catalogs assigned the
same sequential number within a single Sweets category, for instance, or a number not
assigned. (In the first case, the second catalog has the letter "a" appended to the number.
In the second case, the omission is noted in sequence.) The editor regrets these and any
other anomalies one may find.

This collection was filmed and published by Clearwater Publishing in cooperation with
the Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library. Thanks and appreciation must be expressed
to several individuals who worked long and hard on this project: Eleonora Bertacchi,
Caroline Murphy, Khrishnaraj Kapadia and Alex Vazquez. The staff and patrons of the
Avery Library who suffered with our camera in their midst for nearly two years are to be

congratulated for their patience and understanding. And special thanks must go to Herbert
Mitchell, who watches over the collection with the utmost concern and who shepherded us
through the microfilming.

During the final phases of filming this collection, the publishing side of Clearwater
Publishing was sold to Congressional Information Services, of Bethesda, Maryland. The
process of manufacturing the duplicate fiche and of filling the orders thus fell to them, and
any inquiries, suggestions or, perish the thought, complaints, should be brought to their
attention. Clearwater, nevertheless, accepts full responsibility for the contents of this

Although the trade catalogs included in the microfiche have been cataloged in RLIN,
it was not feasible to download that information in order to use the data for purposes of this
publication. It was therefore necessary to re-keyboard all of the essentials, and this was
done, using DBASE III. Once the data was captured, it was possible to generate all of the
microfiche headers and the sections of this Guide, outputting the data through Word Perfect
4.2 and typesetting it on a Hewlett Packard Laser Jet Series II (in Times Roman). This
book, then, is an example of "desktop publishing."

Norman A. Ross
November 1, 1988
New York, NY


by Frank Matero

The trade catalog is a modern phenomenon. It is an outgrowth of the Industrial

Revolution, and its message and form, if not the particular products offered, are familiar to
most of us. As part of a larger species of literature now classified as "ephemera" or nonbook
printed matter designed for short-term use or disposal, trade catalogs--including broadsides,
trade cards, bill - and letterheads, labels and business directories--are invaluable documentary
sources on the history, manufacture and use of many mass-produced products as well as for
information on the manufacturers themselves. In its many guises architectural trade literature
offers insight into the gradual changes that occurred in the architectural profession and the
building industry as a result of increasing industrialization, new technologies and mass
consumerism during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Moreover, trade catalogs are fine
examples of commercial art reflecting the development of advertising and marketing
strategies combined with advancing printing technology and their effect on the shaping of
popular taste.

This publication of architectural trade literature from Columbia University's Avery

Architectural and Fine Arts Library establishes the importance of these otherwise overlooked
resources and seeks to encourage further studies in the relationship between architecture, the
architect, the building trades and the consumer. The enormous diversity in the products and
formats of these catalogs clearly indicates the extent to which trade literature affected the
lives of both the professional and the public.

Until the advent of the Industrial Revolution in England in the eighteenth century, the
idea of distributing illustrated catalogs of mass-produced artifacts available for purchase was
virtually unknown. Design books such as Thomas Chippendale's Gentleman and Cabinet-
Maker's Director of 1754 were early attempts to present furniture patterns that could then
be made to order. It was, however, the hardware manufacturers of Birmingham and Sheffield
who, around 1760, invented the trade catalog-prepared for use by their agents in Europe,
Russia, and North America. These earliest catalogs consisted of volumes of finely detailed
copper engravings of the models offered for sale, generally depicted in full scale and often
with multiple perspectives. Order or model numbers were always included as well as prices,
the latter usually inserted by the agent.

The American Colonies and early Republic imported most factory-made goods from
England and France. American building products in that period were usually hand crafted
and created largely for local markets. With the increasing industrialization of America in
the early nineteenth century, however, manufacturers, following European precedent,
developed catalog advertising between the 1830s and 1850s. These catalogs generally were
small and of poor pictorial quality in contrast to the earlier eighteenth-century European
examples, and the products marketed tended toward small building elements such as metal
hardware and wood moldings. Prompted by their desire to sell as much as possible to the
exploding populations on the East Coast and in the states and territories to the west,
manufacturers' distribution of this merchandise sold by catalog was made possible only by
the concurrent building of a national transportation network of canals and railroads.

Increasing production and a steadily expanding market after the Civil War favored the
trade catalog as the principal means of product advertising. Yet the enormous success of
this commercial vehicle would not have been possible without parallel innovations in the

printing industry. As already mentioned, eighteenth-century catalogs employed copper
engravings to depict products offered. In the nineteenth century, cheaper and easier-to-print
techniques replaced copper engraving. By 1850, wood engraving and lithography had become
the media for most illustrations. These developments, coupled with the introduction of
inexpensive wood pulp paper, made possible a revolution in mass printing and advertising.

Of the many printing innovations that occurred during the second half of the nineteenth
century, perhaps none had more influence on commercial advertising than chromolithog-
raphy. Invented in Europe in the 1830s and introduced to America several years later,
chromolithography was adopted for catalog advertising by 1865. It was widely used by
manufacturers such as the ready-mix paint companies for its strong visual ability to depict
elaborate paint colors and schemes. In addition to chromolithography, electrotypography--
the transfer of engraved wood blocks to durable metal plates--and later, around 1890,
photographic halftone printing permitted the inexpensive printing of engravings and
photographs in quantity, thus providing greater pictorial realism in advertising.

With these printing innovations at their disposal, manufacturers launched aggressive

advertising campaigns using a variety of graphic formats and marketing strategies aimed at
targeted buyers to increase their sales. In addition to product information, manufacturers
offered their consumer audiences literature advising on good taste or on the use of their
products, instruction by humorous or moralistic stories, attractive collectible trade cards and
even useful items such as calendars. Architects, builders, and the home owner were
bombarded by an array of printed matter incorporating mounted samples as well as
trademarks, testimonials and endorsements.

Of the many markets open to manufacturers of building supplies, perhaps none was
more exploited than the American home. Comfort, convenience, and aesthetic respectability
became mandatory concerns of the ever-increasing numbers of urban and suburban home
owners, and manufacturers seized the opportunity to promote a wide variety of products,
from stoves and toilets to paints and wallpapers. With continuing technological improve-
ments in production and marketing and an increase in public awareness of stylistic choices,
residential building quickly changed from a handmade product to a complex assemblage of
machine-made elements. Throughout the first half of the nineteenth century, architectural
pattern books provided both design sources and technical information for housewrights,
carpenters, and architects. With the increasing industrialization and specialization of the
building trades after mid-century, these books were gradually supplanted by manufacturer-
sponsored mail order catalogs of designs, plans, specifications, and even "ready-cut" buildings
available for quick and easy assembly.

Manufacturers were neither shy nor subtle in their competitive efforts to promote their
products to the American public. Often followers rather than leaders in matters of taste,
manufacturers nevertheless used trade literature to educate the general public on good design
and modern living.

Despite the fact that domestic conveniences were already well in place in most middle-
class dwellings by the end of the century, manufacturers were constantly repackaging and
updating their products and catalogs to suit current taste. By the beginning of this century,
the architect, builder, and public alike had become victims of the catalog mania. To remedy
this problem The Architectural Record devised, compiled, and edited an annual "Book of
Catalogues" in 1906, which attempted to bring together all available trade literature for the
architect and builder. This publication continues today as Sweets Catalog and remains the
encyclopedia and dictionary of modem building products and manufactories.

The history of the systematic collecting of trade catalogs in the United States can be
outlined briefly. The earliest surviving collection was established by chance around 1830
at the Essex Institute, Salem, Massachusetts. While soliciting gifts for its library, the
Institute received in response many then-outdated eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century
English hardware catalogs. Today, this collection contains some of the best examples of early
trade literature found in America. By far the largest accumulation of trade literature,
consisting of over 320,000 items, belongs to the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
Founded in 1846, the Smithsonian has acquired catalogs as essential documents in what has
become our national museum of science and technology. It has also received by gift or
purchase a number of private collections, including several of the most extensive ever
assembled. In this century, institutions such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art have
recognized the artistic and historic value of early trade literature. Three great early twentieth-
century collectors of business and advertising printed matter were Bella Landauer, Isadore
Warshaw, and Jefferson Burdick. Their material later formed the nuclei of the collections of
the New York Historical Society (Landauer), the Smithsonian Institution (Warshaw) and the
Metropolitan Museum of Art (Burdick). Realizing the importance of trade literature as
valuable documentary source material for scholars, the Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur
Museum in Delaware began to build its collection of catalogs in the 1950s to illustrate the
history of American material culture. In the 1970s, the Avery Architectural Library at
Columbia University and the Northwest Architectural Archives, University of Minnesota
Libraries, St. Paul, began to collect in order to support research in the history of American
architecture and the building arts. The Hagley Museum and Library, Wilmington, Delaware,
whose field is the history of business and technology, has nearly 20,000 catalogs issued by
manufacturing and retail firms primarily from the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States.
Additional specialty collections also exist at the Athenaeum of Philadelphia and the Corning
Museum of Glass in Corning, New York.

Ironically, many fine catalogs of the most important American manufacturers of the last
half of the nineteenth century were originally among the thousands of architectural volumes
comprising the Avery Collection in 1895. Now almost 100 years later, cultural historians and
institutions have begun to realize the value of what Bella Clara Landauer and other early
collectors saw in these transient minor documents of everyday life. As she wrote at the end
of her life in 1959:

I still marvel that the ephemera, which for so

many years has been spurned, now has finally
become important and desirable.


Guide to the subjects included under each of the sixteen Sweet's Categories.


Blue Printing Machinery; Motors

Construction Equipment Photography - Apparatus, Photographs
Drawing Materials Planes (hand tools)
General Catalogs Surveying - Instruments
General Directories Tools
General Works Woodworking Machinery
Machine Molding (founding)


Bridges Pavements, Wooden

Fountains Pipe; Pipe, Clay; Pipe,
Garden Ornaments and Furniture Cast-iron
Gates; Fences; Wire Fencing Railroads - Passenger Cars
Landscape Architecture; Railroads - Passenger Cars -
Landscape Architectural Firms Heating


Cement; Cement Coating Concrete Construction

Concrete; Concrete - Molds Reinforced Concrete


Bricks Fire-Bricks
Brickmaking Machinery Hollow Tiles
Building Stones Marble
Chimneys Pavements, Brick
Cinder Blocks Terra-Cotta


Aluminum Metal-work
Brasswork Architectural Metal-work
Buildings - Joints Staircases
Columns (Metal, Wood, Etc.) Steel, Stainless; composite
Fire-escapes materials
Ironwork Steel, Structural
Architectural Ironwork Steel Flooring


Birch Millwork (Woodwork)

Building Materials Moldings
Building, Wooden Nails
Cypress Oak
House Framing Paneling
Joinery - Equipment and Supplies Pine
Laminated Plastics Redwood
Lumber Simulated Wood
Lumber - Drying Walnut
Mahogany Woodwork


Asbestos Insulating Paper

Building, Fireproof Panels (Engraving)
Fireproofing Agents Roofing; Siding
Flashing Shingles
Humidity - Control - Equipment Skylights
and Supplies Waterproofing
Insulating Materials


Cabinet Hardware Metal Doors

Door Fittings Shop Fronts
Revolving Doors Vault Lights
Doorways Walls
Glass; Glass, Ornamental Windows
Glass Construction Windows - Thermal Properties
Hardware; Locks and Keys Wire Screens
Hinges Wooden Doors; Cabinet-work


Acoustical Materials Stains and Staining

Ceilings Stencil Work
Floors, Concrete Terrazzo
Floor Polishing Machines Tiles; Mosaics
Floors (as a structural element) Wall Board
Flooring, Wooden Wall Coverings
Linoleum Wall-Paper
Oil-Cloth Wood Finishing
Plaster; Stucco
Protective Coatings
Rugs; Carpets


Bathrooms Marking Devices

Fire Extinction Equipment Postal Service - Equipment
Fireplaces Schools - Furniture, Equipment
Flags Sign Painting
Grilles Signs and Sign-boards
Lightning Conductors Telephone -Apparatus
Mantels; Fireplaces Vanes (weather vanes)


Bakers and Bakeries Office Equipment and Supplies

Barbers', Beauty Parlors Pianos
Bells Organs
Dishwashing Machines Refrigerators
Hospitals Restaurants - Equipment
Kitchens; K. Cabinets Show-windows
Ladders Soda Fountains
Library Fittings Store Fixtures
Meat Industry and Trade Washing-machines


Banks and Banking Drapery

Beds and Bedsteads Furniture; Office Furniture
Built-in Beds Interior Decoration
Built-in Furniture Mirrors
Chairs Picture Frames
Church Decoration Plaster Casts
Church Furniture Pottery
Church Vestments Sculpture
Crepe Paper Silver Plated Ware
Decoration and Ornament Souvenirs, etc.
Decoration and Ornament, Stained Glass
Architectural Textile Fabrics


Architecture, Domestic Farm Buildings

Automobiles; Service Stations Garages
Awnings; Tents Industrial Buildings
Barns Log Cabins
Birdhouses Sepulchral Monuments
Buildings, Portable Silos
Camping - Outfits, Supplies Stables
Church Architecture Swimming Pools
Concrete Houses War Memorials
Domes; Vaults (architectural) Water Tower; Tanks


Cranes, Derricks Escalators



Air Conditioning Plumbing - Equipment

Drinking Fountains Pumping Machinery
Gas Appliances Radiators
Gas - Machines Septic Tanks
Heating - Equipment Stoves
Plumbing Windmills


Clocks and Watches Lighting

Electric Apparatus Lampshades
Electric Lines Traffic Signs
Electric Power Wire

1: Acme White Lead and Color Works, Souvenir of the opening of the administra-
tion building..., Detroit, Mich., [1906], 32 p., 1 mf
2: Aladdin Company, Furnishings for the home: [catalog], Bay City, Mich., 1918, 96
p., 2 mf
3: Baker, Smith & Company, Heating, ventilation, power equipment..., New York,
[1943?], 57 p., 1 mf
4: Berkshire Mfg. Co., [Catalog], [Cleveland, Ohio], [1906], 23 p., 1 mf
5: C. F. Pease Company, Everything for blue printing, Chicago, 111., [c!918], 272,
[1] p., ill., 5 mf
6: C. F. Pease Company, Instructions for making blue prints..., Chicago, Illinois,
[1925], 15 p., 1 mf
7: C. Jennings & Co., [Catalog], Bristol [England], [1912?], 267 p., 4 mf
8: Chesebro-Whitman Company, Safe ladders and scaffolding: contractors
accessories, New York, [191-?], 48 p., 1 mf
9: Chicago House Wrecking Co., Catalog no. 157..., Chicago, [1909?], 384 p., 5 mf
10: Chicago House Wrecking Co., Highest grade products usually at less than cost
of manufacture..., [Chicago, 111.], 1910, 442 p., 6 mf
11: Compendium Publishing Company, The contractors', merchants', and estate
managers compendium..., London, 1907, 438 p., 7 mf
12: Deline Engineering Co., Inc., ...Manufacturers of wire rope blocks and sheaves,
winches..., [Brooklyn, N.Y.], [191-?], 32 p., 1 mf
13: Devoe & Raynolds Company, Inc., Priced catalogue of artists' materials..., [New
York?], [c!900], 336, [5] p., ill., 6 mf
14: Devoe & Raynolds Company, Inc., Priced catalogue of artists' materials..., [New
York?], [1914], 358, [5] p., ill., 6 mf
15: Dutton, Andrew, Catalogue of furniture coverings, furniture supplies...,
Boston, Mass., [1906?], 112 p., 2 mf
16: Dykes Lumber Company, Doors, turnings, ornaments, building specialties..., New
York, [c!924], 55 p., 1 mf
17: E. G. Soltmann (Firm), Illustrated price list of drawing materials: architects'...,
New York, [c!901], 280 p., 6 mf
18: Frost & Adams, Descriptive catalogue, S. Framingham, Mass, 1886, 164 p., 3 mf
19: General City Service Co., Everything for municipalities: waterworks, streets,
sewers..., Detroit, Mich., [1943], 66 p., 2 mf
20: Gould, George L., Historical sketch of the paint, oil, varnish..., [Boston,
Mass.?], [1914], 148 p., 4 mf
21: Gurley, W. & L. E., A manual of the principal instruments used in American...,
Troy, N.Y., 1856, 79, xii p., 2 mf
22: Harris Brothers Company, ...Building material, millwork, lumber, Harris
homes..., [Chicago, 111.], [192-?], 232 p., 4 mf
23: Harris Brothers Company, Catalog no. 187, [Chicago, 111.], [c1923], 200 p., 3 mf
24: Harris Brothers Company, Building material, millwork, lumber...and heating
systems, Chicago, [c!924], 408 p., 6 mf
25: Harris Brothers Company, Great advance sale, Fall 1925: 40 pages of big
bargains..., [Chicago, 111.], [c!925], 35 p., 1 mf

2 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 1: General (cont.)

26: Harris Brothers Company, Building material, millwork, lumber..., New York,
[C1925], 96 p., 2 mf
27: Harris Brothers Company, Building material: lowest prices from our factory
direct to you, Chicago, [c!928], 212 p., 4 mf
28: Harris Brothers Company, Harris book of bargains: greatest values on record,
[Chicago, 111.], [c!932], 32 p., 1 mf
29: Harris Brothers Company, New low prices: effective August 15, 1949, Chicago,
111., 1949, 63 p., 2 mf
30: Hodgson (E. F.) Company, Hodgson's in and outdoor equipment..., Boston, Mass.,
[C1927], 48 p., 1 mf
31: J. C. Rochester & Co., Building specialties, New York, 1929, 74 p., 2 mf
32: Janentzky & Weber, Illustrated price list of artists' materials..., Philadelphia,
Pa., [1884], 280 p., 5 mf
33: Johns-Manville Corporation, 101 practical suggestions on home improvements,
[New York], [c!934], 24 p., 1 mf
34: Johns-Manville Corporation, 101 practical suggestions for home improvements,
[New York], [c!936], 31 p., 1 mf
35: Keuffel & Esser Co., ...Manufacturers and importers: drawing materials,
surveying..., New York, [c!921], 482 p., 8 mf
36: Montgomery Ward, Ward's complete catalog of plumbing, heating, building
materials..., [Chicago, 111.?], [c!933], 96 p., 2 mf
37: Nason Manufacturing Company, Illustrated lists of prices for wrought and cast
iron pipe..., New York, 1902, 583 p., 7 mf
38: Nason Manufacturing Company, Nason Manufacturing Company's 1907 reference
book ..., New York, [c!906], 1124 p., 12 mf
39: P. Pryibil (Firm), ...Manufacturer of wood working machinery, shafting,
pulleys..., New York, N.Y., 1884, 72 p., 2 mf
40: Peck, Stow and Wilcox Company, Illustrated catalogue and price list of
tinsmiths' tools..., Southington, Ct., 1885, 651 p., 11 mf
41: Pickett's Manufacturing Establishment, The leading topic of the day: Pickett's
patent automatic trestle, [Akron, Ohio], [c!900], 1 p., 1 mf
42: Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, Glass, history, manufacture and its universal
application, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1923, 215 p., 4 mf
43: Shoemaker-Sims Co. Ltd., Encyclopedic catalogue of building materials...,
Philadelphia, [191-?], 101 p., ill., 2 mf
44: Soule Art Company, Catalog of architectural photographs..., Boston, 1885, 14
p., 1 mf
45: Spear & Company, Happy home bargain book: new low credit terms, Pittsburgh,
Pa., [1928], 142 p., 3 mf
46: Spear & Company, [Catalog], Pittsburgh, Pa., [1931], 134 p., 2 mf
47: Tiffany and Company, [Catalog], [New York], 1878, 65 p., 1 mf
48: W. H. Anderson Tool & Supply Company, Contractors' tools and equipment/W.
H. Anderson Tool & Supply Co., Detroit, Mich., [1919], 527 p., 8 mf
49: W. J. Dennis & Company, Dennis weather strip, screen moulding, K.D. frames,
window cleaners..., Chicago, [1933?], 32 p., 1 mf
50: William Cooper, Ltd., Illustrated catalogue of goods manufactured and
supplied..., [London], 1903-5, 415 p., 6 mf
51: William Cooper, Ltd., The gardeners'and poultry keepers' guide & illustrated
catalogue..., [London], [1910], 638 p., 10 mf
52: Wolfe, Milton G.,, Jones Iron Works, 1815-1941, [Buffalo], [1981?], 199 p., 4 mf
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 3

53: Woodbury, Merrill, Patten & Woodbury Air Engine, [Boston?], 1889, 21 p. 1 mf


1: Aberthaw Construction Company, Concrete-steel arch bridges: ransome system,

Boston, 1902, 11 p., 1 mf
2: American Fence Construction Company, Catalog no. 35, New York, N.Y., [192-],
20 p., 1 mf
3: American Fire Proof Steel Car Co., [Brochure], [Chicago, 111.?], [1890?], 4 p.,
ill., 1 mf
4: American Greenhouse Manufacturing Company, American greenhouses: a book of
conservatories, show houses..., Chicago, [1928?], 192 p., 3 mf
5: Anchor Post Iron Works, Art & service in wrought iron: gates, railings,
vestibule doors..., New York, N.Y., [c!907], 16 p., 1 mf
6: Arms Palace Horse Car Company, [Catalog], [Chicago, 111.], [1889?], 25 p., 1 mf
7: Barrett Company, Coal tar paving pitch..., New York, [1908?], 35 p., 1 mf
8: Berlin Iron Bridge Company, [Catalog]: The Berlin Iron Bridge Company..., [East
Berlin, Ct.?], [1890], 180 p., 6 mf
9: Boston Fire Brick Works, [Catalog], [Boston, Mass.?], [1878], 16 p., 1 mf
10: Bridgeport Brass Company, "Plumrite" brass pipe: prepared for architects,
engineers..., Bridgeport, Conn., [c!929], 18, [21] p., ill., 1 mf
11: Cincinnati Iron Fence Co., ...Manufacturers of plain and ornamental steel and
iron fencing, Cincinnati, Ohio, [c!910], 144 p., 3 mf
12: Cincinnati Iron Fence Co., Ornamental iron work: iron fence and gates,
Cincinnati, Ohio, [c!925], 96 p., 2 mf
13: Cyco Manufacturing Company, Home Kraft furniture for your garden, Des
Moines, Iowa, [c!930], 20 p., 1 mf
14: E. G. Smyser's Sons Co., Illustrated catalog of ornamental iron vases, York,
Pa., [187-?], 19 p., 1 mf
15: Electric Axle Light and Power Company, Train electric lighting and car
refrigeration from the axle, New York, N.Y., [c!900], 40 p., 1 mf
16: Elmore Studios, Garden ornaments, antique and modern..., New York, [c!910], 19
p., 1 mf
17: F. E. Carpenter Co., Iron railing and wire fencing, New York, [cl910], 40 p., 1
18: Fischer & Jirouch Company, Catalog of garden, conservatory and hall furni-
ture..., Cleveland, Ohio, [191-?], 37 p., ill., 1 mf
19: Fiske, J. W., Ornamental iron and zinc fountains, New York, [1927?], 64 p., 1
20: Galloway Terra Cotta Company, Terra cotta and pottery for garden, terrace,
and interior..., Philadelphia, Pa., [c!905], 46 p., 1 mf
21: Galloway Terra Cotta Company, Galloway pottery for garden & interior,
Philadelphia, Pa., [c!910], 24 p., 1 mf
22: Glen Manufacturing Company, ...Exclusive manufacturers of Hartman steel picket
lawn fence..., Ellwood City, Pa., [1907], 30 p., 2 mf
23: Greenwich Pottery (Firm), ...Manufacturer of steam pressed vitrified drain,
sewer..., New York, [1873], 28 p., 1 mf
24: Hartmann-Sanders Company, The pergola, Chicago, 111., [c!928], 64 p., 1 mf
25: Henry Hope & Sons, Hope's leadwork for the garden, New York, 1931, 38 p., 1
26: Home Fence Company, Catalogue "F", Cincinnati, Ohio, [1914], 96 p., 4 mf
4 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 2: Sitework (cont.)

27: Hoosier Fence Company, [Catalog], Frankton, Indiana, 1913, 32 p., 2 mf

28: Howard Studios, Inc., [Catalog], [New York, N.Y.], [192-?], 40 p., 1 mf
29: Howard Studios, Inc., Howard Studios Inc., 110 East Fifty-Seventh Street, New
York City, New York, N.Y., 1920, 40 p., 1 mf
30: Hudson Nurseries (Firm), Complete landscape service: general landscape
planting..., New York, [c!929], 35 p., ill., 2 mf
31: Ideal Garden & Specialty Co., My ideal garden: factory for you, Milan, Mich.,
[1930], 12 p., 1 mf
32: Iron Substructure Company, Illustrated pamphlet of the Iron Substructure
Company, Columbus, Ohio, 1885, 16 p., 1 mf
33: J. W. Fiske Iron Works, Wrought iron railing, entrance gates, wire fencing...,
New York, [C1915], 63 p., 2 mf
34: John P. White (Firm), [Catalog], [Bedford, England], [c!900], 8 p., 1 mf
35: King Bridge Company, The King Bridge Company, Cleveland, Ohio: iron and
steel bridges..., [Cleveland, Ohio], [1897], 64 p., 1 mf
36: Kitselman Brothers, [Catalog], [Muncie, Ind.], [1902], 31 p., 1 mf
37: Long-Bell Lumber Company, The book of lawn furniture..., Kansas City, Mo.,
1936, 32 p., 1 mf
38: Lord & Burnham Co., Catalog of greenhouses..., Irvington, N.Y., [c!903], 75 p.,
2 mf
39: Lord & Burnham Co., Categoryal iron frame greenhouses that we have
designed..., New York, [c!907], 68 p., 2 mf
40: Lord & Burnham Co., Categoryal iron frame greenhouses that we have
designed..., Irvington, N.Y., [c!910], 98 p., 2 mf
41: Lord & Burnham Co., Glass gardens as we know them, [Irvington, N.Y.],
[192-?], 45 p., 1 mf
42: Mast, Foos & Co., Manufacturers of Buckeye wrought iron fencing, [Springfield,
Ohio], [188-?], 53 p., 1 mf
43: Mathews Manufacturing Company, Catalog of garden furniture, porch furniture,
sun room furniture..., Cleveland, Ohio, [c!920], 116 p., 2 mf
44: Mellert Foundry and Machine Company, ...Manufacturers of cast-iron pipe for
water and gas..., Reading, Pa., 1891, 34 p., 1 mf
45: Mott, J. L., Iron Works, Entrance gates, railings, etc..., [New York, N.Y.],
[C1904], 62 p., 1 mf
46: Mott, J. L., Iron Works, Fountains, ground basins and basin rims..., [New
York?], [c!905], 128 p., 8 mf
47: National Cedar Post & Pole Company, Naturalistic and practical applications of
rustic..., Omaha, Nebraska, [1934], 24 p., 1 mf
48: New Jersey Fence Company, The new Lincraft book of fences & furniture,
Burlington, N.J., [c!931], 39 p., 1 mf
49: Ohio Quarries Company, "Buckeye Berea" sidewalks, Cleveland, Ohio, [191-?], 23
p., 1 mf
50: Paul, Charles Edward, Highway trestles, bridges and culverts..., New Orleans,
1918, 88 p., 2 mf
51: Penn Bridge Company, Iron highway bridges: as built by the Penn Bridge
Company..., [Beaver Falls, Pa.], [1886?], 28 p., 1 mf
52: Plastic Products Company, ...Designers, craftsmen and manufacturers in
plaster..., Milwaukee, Wis., 1924, 16 p., 1 mf
53: Portland Cement Association, Vaulted concrete sidewalks, [Chicago], [1929], 11
p., 1 mf
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 2: Sitework (cont.)

54: Portland Stone Ware Co., Illustrated catalog of the Portland Stone Ware
Company..., [Portland, Me.], [c!895], 67 p., 2 mf
55: Pulham & Son, Price list of vases, tazzae, pedestals, balustrades, fountains...,
London, England, [c!905], 55, [ill], p., 1 mf
56: Robert C. Reeves Co., An introduction to beauty, protection, privacy for
estates..., New York, [c!928], 23 p., 1 mf
57: Roebling Firm, Wire Manufacturers, Roebling cables for the Hudson River
Bridge..., [Trenton, N.J.?], [1930?], 157 p., 3 mf
58: Sears, Roebuck and Company, Ornamental fencing: lawn vases, lawn settees,
lawn swings, Chicago, [c!910], 20 p., 1 mf
59: Southern Pine Association, What the cities say about creosoted wood block
pavements..., New Orleans, La., [1916?], 22 p., 1 mf
60: Statuemakers, Statuemakers fountain and statuary catalog, [Hollywood, Calif.],
[1949], 80 p., 2 mf
61: Stewart Iron Works, Stewarts iron fence: standard of the world, Cincinnati,
Ohio, [C1914], 80 p., 2 mf
62: Stewart Iron Works Company, Plain and ornamental iron fence and entrance
gates..., Cincinnati, Ohio, [1908?], 104 p., 4 mf
63: Stewart Iron Works Company, Plain and ornamental iron fence & entrance
gates..., Cincinnati, Ohio, [c!920], 96 p., 2 mf
64: Stewart Iron Works Company, Good taste in good fencing, [Cincinnati, Ohio],
[1927], 16 p., 1 mf
65: Stewart Iron Works Company, Stewart industrial property fences, Cincinnati,
Ohio, [C1928], 8 p., 1 mf
66: Stewart Iron Works Company, Standard designs, Stewart chain link fences,
Cincinnati, Ohio, [c!928], 12 p., 1 mf
67: Unadilla Silo Co., Inc., Yard & garden decorations: [catalog], Unadilla, N.Y.,
[C1927], 31 p., 1 mf
68: Up-to-date Mfg. Co., Annual catalogue..., Terre Haute, Ind., 1903, 48 p., 2 mf
69: Walbridge & Company, Iron Reservoir vases..., Buffalo, N.Y., [190-?], 58 p., 1 mf
70: Ward Fence Company, Catalog no. 85A: department A, ornamental wire fence
and gates..., Decatur, Ind., [1908?], 112 p., 2 mf
71: Westervelt, A. B. & W. T., Illustrated catalogue and price list: settees, chairs,
tables..., New York, N.Y., [c!900], 36 p., 1 mf
72: William Adams & Company, Fence and hitching posts..., [Philadelphia, Pa.],
[18--], 1 p., 1 mf
73: Young, Charles D., A short Treatise on the system of wire fencing, gates,
etc..., Edinburgh, 1850, 155 p., ill., 6 mf


1: Aberthaw Construction Company, Concrete stairs: ransome system, Boston,

[190-?], 16 p., 1 mf
2: Aberthaw Construction Company, Reinforced concrete as used in manufacturing
plants, [Boston], [c!902], 31 p., 1 mf
3: Ajax Portland Cement Company, Portland cement as an investment, Pattenburg,
N.J., [1903], 32 p., 1 mf
6 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 3: Concrete (cont.)

4: Alpha Portland Cement Company, Alpha Portland cement for eternity, Easton,
Pa., [c!910], 48 p., 2 mf
5: Alpha Portland Cement Company, How to make concrete posts, fence posts,
gate posts..., [Easton, pa], [c1910], 8 p., 1 mf
6: Alpha Portland Cement Company, Alpha the guaranteed Portland cement: how to
use it, Easton, Pa., [c1917], 96 p., 2 mf
7: American Steel & Wire Company, New York City tests triangle mesh concrete
reinforcement..., [New York], [c1911], 113 p., 2 mf
8: Associated Expanded Metal Companies, The expanded metal system of fireproof
building construction..., unknown, [1910?], 176 p., ill., 3 mf
9: Atlas Portland Cement Company, Concrete construction for the home and the
farm..., New York, 1915, 160, [4] p., ill., 3 mf
10: Best Bros. Keene's Cement Co., Best Bros. Keene's cement: specifications and
directions for use, Medicine Lodge, Kan, [c1915], 28 p., 1 mf
11: Blaw-Knox Company, Blawforms for roads and streets..., unknown, [c1920], 23
p., 1 mf
12: Colorcrete Industries, Colorcrete, the new gateway to money-making oppor-
tunities, Holland, Mich., [1932?], 22 p., 1 mf
13: Corrugated Bar Company, Inc., Corr-mesh for quick, economical fireproof
construction..., Buffalo, N.Y., [c1917], 53 p., 1 mf
14: Earley, John Joseph, The concrete of the architect and sculptor/by John J.
Earley, Chicago, [1926], 11, [1] p., ill., 1 mf
15: Edison Portland Cement Company, [Catalog], New Village, N.J., [1908?], 64 p., 2
16: Edison Portland Cement Company, The Edison aggregate: made of Edison
Portland cement, [New Village, N.J.], [c1912], 14 p., 1 mf
17: Federal-American Cement Tile Co., Featherweight concrete insulating roof
slabs..., Chicago, [c!931], 48 p., 1 mf
18: General Fireproof ing Company, Herringbone houses..., Youngstown, Ohio,
[1907?], 32 p., 1 mf
19: Genfire Steel Company, Genfire firesafe building products..., Youngstown, Ohio,
[C1928], 31 p., 1 mf
20: Koehring, Philip, Built to endure: comparative examples of notable ancient...,
Milwaukee, Wis., [c1922], 31 p., 1 mf
21: Lehigh Portland Cement Company, Concrete for town and country: a service
book of information..., Allentown, Pa., [c!922], 189 p., 3 mf
22: Lehigh Portland Cement Company, Permanent satisfaction in your farm
building..., [Allentown, Pa.?], [c1925], 48 p., 3 mf
23: Lehigh Portland Cement Company, Permanent improvements to the home and
grounds, [Allentown, Pa.], [c1927], 16 p., 1 mf
24: Milwaukee Corrugating Company, Milcor 3/4-inch stay-rib no. 3 reinforcing
lath..., Milwaukee, Wis., [1928?], 15 p., 1 mf
25: National Steel Fabric Co., National steel fabric: as used for reinforcement...,
Pittsburgh, Pa., [1926?], 27, [1] p., ill., 1 mf
26: New Expanded Metal Company, Ltd., Expanded steel in armoured concrete and
plaster construction..., London, England, [1903?], I l l p., 4 mf
27: New York Stone Contracting Company, Illustrations of structures made or
repaired by the New York..., Brooklyn, N.Y., [1881?], 36 p., 2 mf
28: New York Stone Contracting Company, Beton Coignet and Goodridge system of
constructing..., New York, 1885, 71 p., 1 mf
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 3: Concrete (cont.)

29: Northwestern States Portland Cement Company, Northwestern States Portland
Cement Company: [prospectus], [Minneapolis, Minn], [c1906], 124 p., 2 mf
30: Palmer Lime & Cement Company, French imported Caen stone cement..., [New
York], [C1925], 20 p., 1 mf
31: Portland Cement Association, Concrete masonry construction, [Chicago], [1925?],
47 p., 1 mf
32: Portland Cement Association, Today's practice in concrete, [Chicago], [c1928],
23 p., 1 mf
33: Portland Cement Association, Monolithic concrete buildings, Chicago, [c1929], 47
p., 1 mf
34: Portland Cement Association, Concrete improvements around the home/Portland
Cement Association, Chicago, 111., [1950?], 38 p., 1 mf
35: Ransome Concrete Machinery Company, Ransome Concrete Machinery Company:
[handbook], [Dunellen, N.J.], [1908?], 196, 76 p., ill., 4 mf
36: Raymond Concrete Pile Company, Concrete pile construction/Raymond Concrete
Pile Company, New York, [c1910], 160 p., 3 mf
37: Sandusky Portland Cement Company, Medusa waterproofed white Portland
cement..., Cleveland, Ohio, [1916?], 32 p., 1 mf
38: Stockade Corporation, Stockade wall construction, Chicago, [192-?], 32 p., 1 mf
39: Trussed Concrete Steel Company, Kahn system standards: a handbook on
reinforced concrete, Youngstown, Ohio, [c1913], 127 p., 2 mf
40: Universal Portland Cement Company, Concrete in the country, Philadelphia, Pa.,
[c!910], 112 p., 2 mf
41: Universal Portland Cement Company, Small farm buildings of concrete, Chicago,
1912, 158 p., 3 mf a booklet of practical information
42: Virginia Portland Cement Company, The diversified uses of Portland cement,
Ford wick, Va., 1905, 84 p., 2 mf
43: Wadsworth, Howland & Co., Inc., The original Bay State brick and cement
coating ..., [Boston], [1910?], 16 p., 1 mf
44: Western Cement Company, Louisville cement, Louisville, Ky., 1901, 56 p., 1 mf
45: Western Cement Company, Reliability and economy of Louisville hydraulic
cement..., Louisville, Ky, 1905, 16 p., 1 mf


1: A. Hall Terra Cotta Co., [Catalogue]: the A. Hall Terra Cotta Co., Perth Amboy,
N.J., [Perth Amboy, NJ?], [1884], 17 p., 1 mf
2: Aberthaw Construction Company, Aberthaw cast stone: for trimmings of
buildings and other uses, Boston, [c!903], 16 p., 1 mf
3: Alphons Custodis Chimney Construction Co., Radial brick chimneys/Alphons
Custodis Chimney Construction Co., New York, [c!924], 92 p., 2 mf
4: American Clay Machinery Company, The American Clay Machinery Company,
much the largest..., [Bucyrus, Ohio?], [1918?], 441 p., 5 mf
5: American Enameled Brick and Tile Co., Catalog of standard colors, sizes, and
shapes of enameled brick..., New York, N.Y., [c!913], 25 p., 1 mf
6: American Face Brick Association, A manual of face brick construction...,
Chicago, [c!920], 115 p., 2 mf
8 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 4: Masonry (cont.)

7: Association of Marble Dealers, Marble in the home and garden, Cleveland, Ohio,
[C1928], 63 p., 1 mf
8: Association of Marble Dealers, Marble in semi-public buildings, Cleveland, Ohio,
[c1928], 64 p., 1 mf
9: Atlas Portland Cement Company, Atlas white Portland cement: pure white...,
New York, [c1926], 19 p., 1 mf
10: Bloom Studios Inc., Bloom Studios Inc.: contracting plasterers, Philadelphia, Pa.,
[1908?], 60 p., 2 mf
11: Bradford Pressed Brick Company, "Red" catalogue/Bradford Pressed Brick
Company, Bradford, Pa., [c1913], 32 p., 1 mf
12: Brecher Co., Mantel-pieces and fireplace accessories, Louisville, Ky., [1931], 72
p., 2 mf
13: Cambridge Wheatley Company, Wheatley hand fashioned chimney tops, Cincin-
nati, Ohio, [1920?], 12 p., 1 mf
14: Carver, William, Brick, how to build and estimate: a manual..., Cleveland, Ohio,
1929, 95 p., 2 mf
15: Cast Stone Institute, Cast stone, [Chicago, 111.], [1930?], 27 p., 1 mf
16: Century Cement Machine Company, Catalogue of the Century Cement Machine
Company..., Rochester, N.Y., 1907, 65 p., 2 mf
17: Cleveland Stone Company, [Illustrated Catalogue]: the Cleveland Stone Company,
miners..., [Cleveland, Ohio], 1887, 40 p., 1 mf
18: Conkling-Armstrong Terra Cotta Co., Terra cotta details..., Philadelphia, Pa.,
1914, 54 p., 2 mf
19: Continental Clay Products Corporation, Fallston ferro-glazed brick for
interiors..., Pittsburgh, Pa., [c1927], 27 p., 1 mf
20: Curt Teich & Co., Visit the world's largest marble exhibit at Vermont Co....,
Chicago, [c1963], 14 p., 1 mf
21: E.M. Freese & Co., E.M. Freese & Company, Galion, Ohio: manufacturers of
clay ..., Galion, Ohio, [1907?], 39 p., 2 mf
22: Eastern Clay Products Association, Flues and flue linings..., Philadelphia, Pa.,
1927, 31 p., 1 mf
23: Eastern Hydraulic-press Brick Company, Suggestions in brickwork, with
illustrations..., Philadelphia, Pa., 1895, 195 p., 4 mf
24: Economy Concrete Company, Many examples of the use of decorative concrete
stone, New Haven, Conn., 1915, 103 p., 3 mf
25: Ferguson Synstone Co., Synstone (synthetic stone) system: revolution in
building..., Denver, Colo., [1916?], 12 p., 1 mf
26: Fiske & Company, Inc., Some good brick work, [United States], [190-], 16 p., 1
27: Fiske & Company, Inc., Tapestry brick work..., Boston, New York, [c1909], 39,
[1] p., ill., 1 mf
28: Fiske & Company, Inc., Tapestry brickwork no. 11-F, Boston, New York,
[C1913], 47, [1] p., ill., 2 mf
29: Genesee Brick & Sup'ply Corporation, Cinder concrete building units...,
[Rochester, N.Y.?], [c1927], 35 p., 1 mf
30: Henry Martin (Firm), Illustrated catalogue of the latest and best improved
brick..., Lancaster, Pa., 1886, 32 p., 1 mf
31: Hocking Valley Products Company, "Greendale" face brick: a line of distinctive
blends and textures..., Logan, Ohio, [c1924], 17 p., 1 mf
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 4: Masonry (cont.)

32: Hollow Building Tile Association, Hollow tile for the home, Chicago, 1925, 63
p., 2 mf
33: Hydraulic-Press Brick Company, Catalogue of moulded and ornamental bricks...,
[St. Louis, Mo.?], 1909, 139 p., 3 mf
34: Hydraulic-Press Brick Company, Genuine economy in home building, Saint Louis,
Mo., [c1914], 63 p., 1 mf
35: Hydraulic-Press Brick Company, Shape book, St. Louis, Mo., [C1925], 40 p., 1 mf
36: Hydraulic-Press Brick Company, Equitable book, [St. Louis, Mo.], [c1927], 63 p.,
1 mf
37: Indiana Limestone Co., Distinctive houses of Indiana limestone..., Bedford, Ind.,
[C1927], 48 p., 1 mf
38: Indiana Limestone Company, [Catalog], [Bedford, Ind.?], 1926, 8, [11] p., ill., 1
39: Indiana Limestone Quarrymen's Association, Indiana limestone, the aristocrat of
building materials, Bedford, Ind., [1917], 36 p., 1 mf
40: Indiana Limestone Quarrymen's Association, Indiana limestone, the aristocrat of
building materials, Bedford, Ind., 1919, 36 p., 1 mf
41: Indiana Limestone Quarrymen's Association, Designs for houses built of Indiana
limestone..., Bedford, Ind., 1922, 40 p., 1 mf
42: Jarden Brick Company, Catalogue of colored, moulded and ornamental bricks,
[Philadelphia], 1891, 28 p., 1 mf
43: Kansas City Hydraulic-Press Brick Company, Catalog and price list bricks...,
Kansas City, Mo., [1904], 139 p., 3 mf
44: Macomb Sewer Pipe Works, Macomb vitrified salt glazed hollow building
blocks..., [Macomb, 111.], [c1919], 43 p., 1 mf
45: Mason City Brick and Tile Company, Blue book of Denison details, Mason City,
Iowa, [C1938], 20 p., 1 mf
46: National Association of Marble Dealers, Standard specifications for interior
marble work..., [Cleveland, Ohio], [1926?], 7, [42] p., ill., 2 mf
47: National Cinder Concrete Products Association, Straub cinder building blocks...,
[United States], [c1925], 208 p., 4 mf
48: National Fire Proofing Company, Fireproof construction: for houses and other
buildings..., Pittsburgh, Pa., 1911, 93 p., 2 mf
49: National Fire Proofing Company, Long span fire proof construction of rein-
forced Natco hollow tile..., [Pittsburgh, Pa.], [c1915], 55 p., 1 mf
50: National Fire Proofing Company, Builders handbook of Natco Hollow tile
construction, [Pittsburgh, Pa.], [c!916], 31 p., 1 mf
51: National Fire Proofing Company, Natco wall construction, Pittsburgh, Pa.,
[C1922], 32 p., 1 mf
52: New Haven Duntile Company, Duntile builds better buildings cheaper, [New
Haven, Conn.], [19--?], 15 p., 1 mf
53: New York Cut Stone Company, [Catalog], New York, [1910], 28 p., ill., 1 mf
54: Northwestern Steel and Iron Works, Northwestern concrete machinery..., [Eau
Claire, Wise.], [190-?], 40 p., 1 mf
55: Northwestern Terra-Cotta Company, [Catalogue]: the Northwestern Terra Cotta
Company, Chicago, [Chicago, 111.?], [1906?], 71 p., 2 mf
56: Ohio Hollow Block Company, ...Manufacturers and shippers of building blocks,
drain tile..., [Canton, Ohio?], [1894?], 12 p., 1 mf
10 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 4: Masonry (cont.)

57: Ohio Quarries Company, Buckeye gray sandstone, [Ohio], [c1921], 32 p., ill., 1
58: Old Virginia Brick, Old time bricks for new time fire places and chimneys,
Salem, Virginia, [c1928], 4 p., 1 mf
59: Old Virginia Brick, Having spoken of fireplaces, let's speak of other things,
Salem, Virginia, [c1929], 4 p., 1 mf
60: Onondaga Litholite Company, Onondaga cut cast stone, Syracuse, N.Y., [c1925],
47 p., 1 mf
61: Peerless Brick Company, Isometrical diagrams of a few molded and ornamental
bricks, Philadelphia, [c1887], 34 p., 2 mf
62: Philadelphia & Boston Face Brick Company, Sketch book of the Philadelphia &
Boston Face Brick Company..., Boston, Mass., 1895, 81 p., 2 mf
63: Philadelphia & Boston Face Brick Company, Sketch book of the Philadelphia &
Boston Face Brick Company, Boston, Mass., [1917?], 120 p., 2 mf
64: Pittsburgh Terra Cotta Lumber Company, Pittsburgh Terra Cotta Lumber
Company...: [brochure], Pittsburgh, Pa., [1891?], 26 p., 1 mf
65: Port Costa Brick Works, Building with brick and hollow tile: some
information..., [Porta Costa, Ca.?], [1926?], 32 p., 1 mf
66: Purington Paving Brick Company, [Catalog], [Galesburg, 111.?], [1911], 18 p., 1
67: Sayre & Fisher Company, Brick, enameled and front..., New York, N.Y., [c!914],
24 p., 1 mf
68: Sears, Roebuck and Company, Catalogue of cement block machines..., Chicago,
[1907], 159 p., 3 mf
69: Sears, Roebuck and Company, Concrete machinery: Triumph, Wizard and Knox
block machines..., Chicago, 111., [c1915], 48 p., 1 mf
70: Troy Fire Brick Works, Circular, Troy, N.Y., [1861], 1 p., 1 mf
71: Vermont Marble Company, Little picture of a big industry, Proctor, Vt., [192-?],
27 p., 1 mf
72: Vermont Marble Company, The book of Vermont marble: a reference for
architects and builders. 3rd ed., Proctor, Vt., [c1929], 45 p., 1 mf
73: Vermont Marble Company, Old American Buildings: reprinted from advertise
ments..., Proctor, Vt., [1930?], 12 p., 1 mf
74: Vermont Marble Company, Marble goes modern, Proctor, Vt., [c1940], 28 p., 1
75: Virebent freres, Recueil des dessins des ornamens en terre cuite de la
fabrique..., Toulouse, [c1835], 26 p., 1 mf
76: Waldo Brothers (Firm), [Distributor's catalog], [Boston, Mass.], [188-?], 6 p., 1
77: Whitacre-Greer Fireproofing Company, Hollow tile fire clay fireproofing in
modern building construction, Waynesburg, Ohio, [192-?], 56 p., 1 mf
78: Zagelmeyer Cast Stone Block Machinery Company, The Zagelmeyer system of
casting plain and granite..., Bay City, Mich., [1923?], 46 p., 1 mf


1: Aluminum Company of America, Architectural aluminum, Pittsburgh, Pa., [c1929],

29 p., 1 mf
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 11

Category 5: Metals (cont.)

2: American Brass Company, Anaconda architectural bronze extruded shapes...,

[Waterbury, Conn.], [c1929], 180 p., ill., 4 mf
3: American Brass Company, Anaconda architectural extruded shapes..., Waterbury,
Conn., [C1937], 424 p., 7 mf
4: American Column Company, American Column Co. Limited: [brochure], Battle
Creek, Mich., [c1906], 32 p., 1 mf
5: Andrew Handyside & Co., Works in iron..., London, England, 1868, 104 p., 2 mf
6: Architectural Cap. Company, Catalogue no. 10, New York, 1903, 15 p., 1 mf
7: Arthur C. Harvey Company, Iron, steel, metals, Boston, Mass., 1915, 240 p., 4
8: Badger Wire and Iron Works, Catalog no. 9, Milwaukee, Wis., [c1900], 48 p., 1
9: Barbezat & Cie., Ornements en fonte de fer, Paris, France, [1858?], ISlchfly ill
p., 4 mf
10: Berger Manufacturing Company, ...Manufacturers of Berger's patent eave
through..., Canton, Ohio, [c1894], 131 p., 2 mf
11: Berger Manufacturing Company, Catalog no. 10..., [Canton, Ohio?], [c1905], 170
p., 3 mf
12: Bessler Movable Stairway Co., The modern way up, Akron, Ohio, [191-], 24 p.,
1 mf
13: Bonfils & Fesquet, Anciens etablissements Perin-Grados..., [Paris, France], 1904,
167 p., 5 mf
14: Bottomley, Joseph, Fan lights, sky lights, sashes, sash heads..., [London],
[1794?], 28 p., 1 mf
15: C. P. Hollingsworth & Co., Architectural sheet metal work, Chickasha, [Okla.],
[1892], 18 p., 1 mf
16: Central Iron & Wire Works, General Catalog no. 420, Milwaukee, Wis., [c1927],
64 p., 2 mf
17: Champion Iron Co., Miniature Catalog no. 12: jail work, structural iron work...,
Kenton, Ohio, [188-?], 32 p., 1 mf
18: Chase Brothers & Co., ...Illustrated catalogue of useful and ornamental bronzed
iron..., Boston, Mass., [186-?], 62 p., 1 mf
19: Composite Iron Works Company, Illustrated catalog of composite chilled iron
work..., New York, 1871, 39 p., 2 mf
20: Composite Iron Works Company, [Illustrated catalog of composite iron work],
[New York], [c1890], 123 p., 4 mf
21: Cottam & Company, [Catalog], [London, England], [186-?], 115[i.e.,101] p., 3 mf
22: Covert Fire Escape Company, [Catalog], Troy, N.Y., [1908?], 24 p., ill., 1 mf
23: Curtis Companies, Inc., Stair & stair parts for better built homes, Clinton,
Iowa, [c1924], 15 p., 1 mf
24: Daniel Gushing & Co., ...Manufacturers of plain and ornamental galvanized iron
work..., Lowell, Mass., 1872, 22, [1] p., ill., 1 mf
25: David Lupton's Sons Company, Architectural sheet metal work, the Lupton
window, [Philadelphia, Pa?], [1906?], 164, [1] ill p., 3 mf
26: Dickelman-Bowers Mfg. Co., ...Manufacturers of patent reversible eaves
trough..., [Forest, Ohio?], [c1900], .79 p., 3 mf
27: Dunn & Witt, ...Manufacturers of ornamental galvanized iron cornices, louvers...,
Cincinnati, Ohio, 1870, 61 p., 2 mf
12 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 5: Metals (cont.)

28: E. T. Barnum, Wire and Iron Work, Builders wire and iron work: roof cresting,
balcony railings..., [Detroit, Mich.], [c1895], 62 p., 2 mf
29: E. T. Barnum, Wire and Iron Work, Builders' catalog no. 514: wire, iron, brass
and steel work..., Detroit, Mich., [1916?], 40 p., 1 mf
30: E. T. Barnum, Wire and Iron Work, No. 750 hardwae catalog, Detroit, Mich.,
[c1929], 68 p., 2 mf
31: Edwards Manufacturing Co., Edwards metal roofing: siding, ornamental
ceilings..., Cincinnati, Ohio, [c1923], 224 p., 4 mf
32: Eller Mfg. Co., General catalog no. 24" pressed standing seam roofing...,
Canton, Ohio, [1924?], 192 p., 3 mf
33: Eller Mfg. Co., Revised net price of Eller sheet metal building products...,
Canton, Ohio, [1929], 124 p., 2 mf
34: Emmel, Charles, Architectural modelings for exterior and interior uses...,
Boston, Mass., [c1897], 23 p., 1 mf
35: Ferro Studio, Inc., Wrought iron work for the Brooklyn Diocesan Seminary...,
New York, [1930], 16 p., 1 mf
36: Fred J. Meyers Manufacturing Company, ...Catalog: window guards, bank &
office railings..., Hamilton, Ohio, [190-?], 149 p., 3 mf
37: Friedly & Voshardt, Chicago, ...Manufacturers of architectural sheet metal
ornaments..., Chicago, 111., [c1923], 247 p., 4 mf
38: Gandillot & Cie., Album de grilles en fer creux et fer massif, Paris, France,
[C1865], 32, 1 p., ill., 1 mf
39: Gate City Iron Works, Ornamental iron for enduring beauty and strength,
Omaha, Nebraska, [c1940], 32 p., 1 mf
40: George Smith & Co., Catalog of architectural and ornamental castings...,
Glasgow, [187-?], 231 p., ill., 4 mf
41: Gorham Manufacturing Company, Bronze, [New York, N.Y.], [c1915], 55 p., 2 mf
42: Hart, Son, Peard & Co., Examples of metal work for ecclesiastical and domestic
use..., [London, England?], 1870, 79, [ill], p., 3 mf
43: Hartmann Brothers Mfg. Company, Catalogue no. 19, Mount Vernon, N.Y., 1904,
48 p., 1 mf
44: Hartmann-Sanders Company, Chicago, Price list and catalogue, 40, Chicago, 111.,
1913, 31 p., 1 mf
45: Hartmann-Sanders Company, Chicago, Catalog and price list, no. 48, Chicago,
111., 1946, 56 p., 1 mf
46: Hecla Iron Works, Illustrated catalogue..., [New York, N.Y.], [189-?], 129 p., 4
47: Hecla Iron Works, Illustrations of ornamental iron and bronze work, [New York,
N.Y.], [190-?], 38 p., 2 mf
48: Henry Hope & Sons, Hope's leadwork, New York, 1927, 85 p., 2 mf
49: Henry Hope & Sons, Hope's lead rainwater heads, pipes & gutters, New York,
1931, 32 p., 1 mf
50: Henry Sanders Company, Catalogue no. 19, Chicago, 1907, 48 p., 2 mf
51: Henry-Bonnard Bronze Company, Recent examples of architectural bronze work,
[Mt. Vernon, N.Y.], [1894], 12 p., 1 mf
52: Hope (Henry) & Sons, [Hope's leadwork], [New York], [1917], 45, [ill.] p., 1 mf
53: Hopkins & Company, ..Manufacturers of every variety of plain and ornamental
iron..., [New York, N.Y.?], [1895?], 33 p., 1 mf
54: Houtes, William, Key to the centennial stair builder..., [Philadelphia?], [c1877],
16, [4] p., ill., 1 mf
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 13

Category 5: Metals (cont.)

55: International Nickel Company, Practical design in Monel metal..., New York,
N.Y., [C1931], 70 p., 2 mf
56: International Steel & Iron Company, International service, Evansville, Ind.,
[191-?], 24 p., 1 mf
57: Irving Iron Works Company, Irving subway: the fireproof ventilating flooring...,
[Long Island City], [c1923], 80 p., 2 mf
58: J. G. Braun (Firm), Stamped iron ornaments, Chicago, 111., [192-?], 8 p., 1 mf
59: J. S. & G. F. Simpson (Firm), Illustrated catalogue of all the latest designs of
stoop rails..., Brooklyn, N.Y., 1886, 118 p., 2 mf
60: J. S. Thorn Architectural Sheet Metal Works, Catalogue of sheet metal building
trimmings..., [Philadelphia, Pa.], [c1895], 56, [3] p., ill., 2 mf
61: J. T. Cowles, ...Inventor and proprietor of the improved stand-pipe & fire
escape, Chicago, 111., [1883?], 13 p., 1 mf
62: James Ackroyd & Sons, [Catalog], Albany, N.Y., [190-?], 83 p., 2 mf
63: John Polachek Bronze & Iron Co., Distinctive metal work, Long Island City,NY,
[C1917], 7 p., 1 mf
64: Julius Blum & Co., Inc., Catalog no. 4..., New York, N.Y., [c1930], 112 p., 2 mf
65: King Iron Bridge & Manufacturing Co., [Promotional brochure], [Cleveland,
Ohio], [188-?], 2 p., 1 mf
66: L. Brandt (Housing designer), How to build your house with steel framing,
Pittsburgh, Pa., 1929, 20 p., 1 mf
67: La Crosse Steel Roofing and Corrugating Company, Second annual catalogue and
price list of ...La Crosse Steel..., La Crosse, Wise., 1897, 72 p., 2 mf
68: Lally Column Company, [Catalog]: the United States Column Company...,
[Boston, Mass.?], [1917?], 64 p., 2 mf
69: Ledkote Products Company, Ledkote ornamental cast-lead stamped lead-coasted
copper products, [L.I.C., N.Y.], [192-?], 48 p., 1 mf
70: Ludlow-Saylor Wire Co., [Catalog of metalwork designs], [St. Louis, Mo.],
[1895], 53 p., 2 mf
71: Ludlum Steel Company, Ludlite: Silcrome stainless steel: simple to apply...,
Watervliet, N.Y., [c1938], 6 p., 1 mf
72: Luxfer Co., Architectural metalwork..., [London, England?], [c1915], 38 p., 2 mf
73: M. Clements, Architectural Iron & Jail Works, Jail cells & cages, Cincinnati,
Ohio, [188-?], 28 p., 1 mf
74: Manhattan Brass Company, Manhattan Brass Company: nothing but bronze and
brass..., New York, [c1900], 24 p., 1 mf
75: Manly & Cooper Manufacturing Co., [Catalog], [Philadelphia, Pa.], 1884, 64 p., 2
76: McDowall, Steven & Co., [General catalog], Glasgow, Scotland, [1885?], 344, [ill]
p., 5 mf
77: Midwest Metal Art Co., [Catalog], [Cincinnati, Ohio?], [191-?], 1 p., 1 mf
78: Milcor Steel Company, Milcor price list, June 1, 1935: revised prices..., Canton,
Ohio, 1935, 129 p., 2 mf
79: Milliken Brothers, This catalog contains useful information and tables..., [New
York], [1905], 449,ill incl p., 8 mf
80: Milwaukee Corrugating Co., Milcor sheet metal products: for building exterior
and interiors, Milwaukee, Wis., [c1915], 268 p., 5 mf
81: Milwaukee Corrugating Co., The Milcor sheet metal handbook, Milwaukee, Wis.,
[192-?], 127 p., 2 mf
14 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 5: Metals (cont.)

82: Milwaukee Corrugating Co., Milcor architectural sheet metal guide: a reference
book on Milcor, Milwaukee, Wis., [c1924], 63 p., 2 mf
83: Milwaukee Corrugating Co., Milcor architectural sheet metal guide..., Milwaukee,
Wis., [C1928], 70 p., 2 mf
84: Mott, J. L., Iron Works, Castings: manhole frames and covers, curb gratings,
gutters..., New York, [190-?], 63 p., 1 mf
85: Mott, J. L., Iron Works, Mott gates, grills and railings..., New York, N.Y.,
[C1915], 31 p., 1 mf
86: N. B. Handy Company, Catalogue and price list..., [Lynchburg, Va.], 1910, 141
p., 3 mf
87: National Lead Company, Hoyt hardlead architectural & ornamental leadwork,
New York, [c1930], 77 p., 2 mf
88: Nutting, Wallace, Early American ironwork..., [Saugus, Mass.], [c1919], 24 p., 1
89: Passaic Steel Company, ...Manufacturers of open hearth structural steel...,
[Paterson, N.J.], [1903], 73 p., 3 mf
90: Pearson-Page Company, Limited, Pearson-Page Company, Limited, Birmingham
and London, England..., [Birmingham, Eng.], [1920], 116 p., 4 mf
91: Pearson-Page Company, Limited, Pearson-Page Compnay, Limited, Birmingham
and London: new catalog, [Birmingham, Eng.], [1925], 186 p., 6 mf
92: Pearson-Page Company, Limited, Skinner-Hill Company, Inc.:...New catalogue and
revised prices..., [Birmingham], [1925], 229 [ill.] p., 4 mf
93: Penn Metal Ceiling and Roofing Co., Ltd., Catalog of roofing, sidings and
accessories..., Boston, Mass., [c1914], 44 p., 2 mf
94: Phoenix Iron Company, Useful information for architects, engineers and
workers..., Philadelphia, Pa., [c1885], 160 p., 3 mf
95: Pierre Duvinage, Catalog of iron work for buildings: spiral stairs, New York,
[1913?], 32 p., 1 mf
96: Rauschenbach, Otto, Allgemeines Musterbuch fur Schlosser und Schmiede...,
Berlin, [1891?], [12], xxx p., 2 mf
97: Renner & Maras, Inc., Wrought in metal..., Long Island City,NY, [c1932], 44, ill.
p., 2 mf
98: Rhodes, Dickelman & Co., Ninth annual catalogue and price list of Rhodes,
Dickelman & Co. ..., Forest, Ohio, 1897, 134 p., 3 mf
99: Saint Paul Corrugating Company, General Catalogue G: complete line of sheet
metal products, St. Paul, Minn., [c1927], 238 p., 4 mf
100: Scherpe & Koken, ...Manufacturers of all kinds of plain and ornamental cast...,
[St. Louis, Mo.], 1887, 96 p., 2 mf
101: Snead & Company, Illustrations of ornamental iron work, Louisville, Ky.,
[C1890], 22 p., 1 mf
102: South Boston Iron Company, List of patterns, etc..., Boston, 1851, 88 p., 2 mf
103: St. Paul Roofing, Cornice & Ornament Company, Catalogue D, 1898 of the St.
Paul Roofing, Cornice & Ornament..., St. Paul, Minn., 1898, 56 p., 1 mf
104: Stark Rolling Mill Co., Evidence: Toncan metal, [Canton, Ohio], [1914?], 60 p.,
1 mf
105: Steel Roofing and Stamping Works, Twelfth annual Catalog..., [Des Moines,
Iowa?], [1907?], 56 p., 1 mf
106: Stewart Iron Works Company, Stewarts iron fence: entrance gates, settees,
hitch posts..., Cincinnati, Ohio, [1910?], 24 p., 1 mf
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 15

Category 5: Metals (cont.)

107: Tri-lok Company, Tri-lok open steel flooring, concrete armoring, safety
steps..., [Pittsburgh, Pa.?], [192-?], 20 p., 1 mf
108: Truscon Steel Company, Truscon buildings: standardized for all industrial
requirements..., Youngstown, Ohio, 1930, 48 p., 1 mf
109: Twinco Stamping Works, Advance sheets of our regular catalogue..., Rome,
N.Y., [1907], 30 p., 1 mf
110: Tyler Company, Ornamental iron & bronze, Cleveland, Ohio, [c1905], 170 p., 3
111: Tyler Company, Ornamental iron & bronze, Cleveland, Ohio, [c1910], 18 p., 1
112: Union Metal Manufacturing Company, Ancient beauty for modern buildings,
Canton, Ohio, [c1923], 39 p., 1 mf
113: Union Metal Manufacturing Company, Ancient beauty for modern buildings,
Canton, Ohio, [c1927], 55 p., 1 mf
114: United Lead Company, Architectural & ornamental lead work in Hoyt hardlead...,
[New York, N.Y.], [c1925], 40, [ill.] p., 2 mf
115: United States Column Company, Views of Salem Fire ruins, [Cambridge, Mass.],
[1914], 12 p., 1 mf
116: Van Dorn Iron Works Company, ...Manufacturer's of wrought iron fencing,
vault doors..., Cleveland, Ohio, [188-?], 23 p., 1 mf
117: Van Dorn Iron Works Company, ...Sole manufacturers of the Cleveland wrought
iron fence..., [Cleveland, Ohio], [1884?], 11 p., 1 mf
118: Van Dorn Iron Works Company, [Catalog], Cleveland, Ohio, [c1900], 44 p., 1
119: Variety Iron Works, Illustrated catalog of iron work for buildings..., York, Pa.,
[187-?], 8 p., 1 mf
120: Vulcan Company, Catalog N, Detroit, Mich., [c1905], 200 p., 3 mf
121: W. F. Norman Sheet Metal Manufacturing Co., ...Manufacturers of patent
galvanized roof crestings..., Nevada, Mo., 1904-5, 47 p., 1 mf
122: W. H. Mullins Company, Architectural metal work..., [Salem, Ohio?], 1897, 68
p., 2 mf
123: W. H. Mullins Company, Architectural sheet metal work..., Salem, Ohio, [c1909],
81 p., 3 mf
124: Walter Macfarlane & Co., Examples book of Macfarlane's castings, Glasgow,
[1876?], 78 p., 2 mf
125: Walter Macfarlane & Co., Illustrated examples of Macfarlane's architectural
ironwork..., Glasgow, [188-?], 137 p., 3 mf
126: Walter Macfarlane & Co., Illustrated catalog of Macfarlane's castings, Glasgow,
[1882], 399, [ill.] p., 6 mf
127: Wickersham, John B., A new phase in iron manufacture: embracing a descrip-
tion..., [New York, N.Y.], 1853, 38 p., 1 mf
128: Wickersham, John B., A new phase in iron manufacture: embracing a descrip-
tion..., [New York, N.Y.], 1855, 50 p., 1 mf
129: William Donald Mitchell, American art in bronze and iron..., [New York],
[C1906], 27 p., 1 mf
130: Winslow Bros. Company, Ornamental iron: reproductions from photographs of
ornamental iron, Chicago, 111., [c1894], 165 p., 3 mf
131: Winslow Bros. Company, Photographs and sketches of ornamental iron and
bronze..., [Chicago, 111.], [c1901], 272 p., 5 mf
16 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category S: Metals (cont.)

132: Winslow Bros. Company, Ornamental iron & bronze..., Chicago, [1910], 228,
[ill.] p., 4 mf
133: Wm. H. Jackson Company, ...Artisans in all metals: Bronze, brass and iron,
[New York, N.Y.], [1911?], 219 p., 7 mf
134: Wood (Alan) Steel Company, "A.W." rolled steel floor plates..., [Philadelphia,
Pa.], [1920?], 15 p., 1 mf

1: A. C. Brown (Firm), Spring & summer of 1879: wholesale price list..., Chicago,
111., 1879, 35 p., 1 mf
2: A. Teachout Company, General catalog number 39, Cleveland, Ohio, [c1915], 200
p., 4 mf
3: A. Teachout Company, General catalog number 43, Cleveland, Ohio, [c1920], 208
p., 4 mf
4: American Molding Company, ...Makers of wall moldings, [New York], [191-?], 12
p., 1 mf
5: American Steel & Wire Company, Catalog of U.S.S. American nails..., [Cleveland,
Ohio?], 1942, 116 p., 2 mf
6: American Wall Paper Co., Illustrations for Majert's improved transfer graining
paper..., Chicago, 111., [c1893], 1 p., 1 mf
7: American Walnut Association, American black walnut: "the aristocrat of
American hardwoods", Louisville, Ky., 1915, 16 p., 1 mf
8: American Walnut Manufacturers' Association, American walnut for interior
woodwork and paneling, Chicago, [c1925], 23, [1] p., ill., 1 mf
9: American Walnut Manufacturers' Association, American walnut: the cabinet-wood
of the ages..., [Chicago, 111.], [c1927], 45 p., 1 mf
10: American Walnut Manufacturers' Association, Veneer and plywood (panels),
Chicago, 111., [C1934], 8 p., 1 mf
11: Arkansas Soft Pine Bureau, Arkansas soft pine: satinlike interior trim, Little
Rock, Ark., [c1916], 62 p., 2 mf
12: Associated Manufacturer's of Bilt-Well Millwork, Designs of bilt-well millwork,
Omaha, Nebraska, [c1937], 142 p., 3 mf
13: Barber & Henderson (Firm), ...Wholesale rooms..., [Philadelphia, Pa.], 1878, 64
p., 2 mf
14: Bennett Lumber Corporation, Bennett bargain book of lumber, millwork and
building materials, N. Tonawanda, N.Y., [c1925], 59 p., 2 mf
15: Boston Blower Company, The Boston hot blast apparatus..., Boston, Mass., 1891,
24 p., 1 mf
16: Bowles, John J., Joiners' tools..., [Hartford, Conn..], [1850?], 1 p., 1 mf
17: Bradley & Currier Co., Limited, Illustrated catalogue of doors, windows, blinds,
mouldings..., New York, 1877, 100 p., 2 mf
18: Bradley & Currier Co., Limited, The Bradley & Currier Co., Ltd.: Catalogue and
price list 1894, New York, 1894, 48 p., 1 mf
19: Bradley & Currier Company, Limited, ...Pocket catalog and price list of stock
goods only, [New York, N.Y.?], [1889?], 24 p., 1 mf
20: Brockway-Smith Corporation, Condensed catalog, Boston, Mass., [1920], 129 p., 2
21: Brooklyn Moulding and Planing Mill, [Catalog], [Brooklyn, N.Y.], [185-?], 41 p.,
1 mf
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 17

Category 6: Wood & Plastics (cont.)

22: California Redwood Association, California redwood, San Francisco, Ca., [1933],
23 p., 1 mf
23: Calmar Manufacturing Company, Standard catalog..., Calmar, Iowa, [1919?], 368
p., 6 mf
24: Carr, Ryder & Adams Company, Catalog no. 30: sash, doors and all kinds of
mill work, Dubuque, Iowa, [c1915], 538 p., 8 mf
25: Carr, Ryder & Adams Company, Bilt well mill work, Dubuque, Iowa, [c1925], 351
p., 6 mf
26: Carr-Trombley Mfg. Co., Catalog number 10: sash, doors and all kinds of mill
work, St. Louis, Mo., [c1920], 384 p., 6 mf
27: Chas. A. Millen & Company, Mouldings and building trimmings, stair rails...,
Boston, Mass., 1889, 76 p., 2 mf
28: Chas. C. Kellogg & Co., Illustrated price list of mouldings, brackets, orna-
ments..., Utica, N.Y., 1877, 44 p., 1 mf
29: Chicago & Riverdale Lumber Company, Catalog no. 36: lumber, millwork,
hardware..., Chicago, 111., [1915], 144 p., 3 mf
30: Chicago & Riverdale Lumber Company, Catalog no. 39: high grade interior
trim..., Chicago, 111., [c1920], 200 p., 3 mf
31: Chicago Millwork Supply Company, Catalog #12 from Chicago Millwork Supply
Co..., Chicago, [1904], 208 p., 4 mf
32: Chicago Millwork Supply Company, Official net price catalog: number twenty...,
Chicago, 111., 1908, 128 p., 2 mf
33: Chicago Millwork Supply Company, Millwork and building material that satis-
fy..., Chicago, 1929, 96 p., 2 mf
34: Chicago Millwork Supply Company, Millwork and building material..., Chicago,
111., [1940], 78 p., 2 mf
35: Chidester & Company, Wood mouldings: beads and architraves..., Jersey City,
N.J., [1870], 58 p., 2 mf
36: Cincinnati Sash & Door Company, Designs of millwork specialties, Cincinnati,
1934, 87 p., 2 mf
37: Cincinnati Sash & Door Company, Regular dealer price guide: no. 500, Cincin-
nati, 1935, 93 p., 2 mf
38: Cleveland Window Glass & Door Company, Wholesale net price list..., Cleveland,
Ohio, [1916], 112 p., 2 mf
39: Clinton Lumber Company, Catalog of brackets, columns, posts, newels, rails,
etc..., Clinton, Mass., [c1900], 16 p., 1 mf
40: Collier-Barnett Company, Bilt-well mill work for the interior and exterior...,
Toledo, Ohio, [c1920], 410, [ill.] p., 7 mf
41: Collins & Naugle (Firm), [Catalog of wood mouldings]..., [New York, N.Y.], 1871,
80, [ill], p., 2 mf
42: Cream City Sash and Door Company, Catalogue of designs and patterns,
Milwaukee, Wis., [1901], 300 p., 5 mf
43: Curtis & Yale Company, Official price list-manufacturers of sash, doors, and
blinds..., Minneapolis, Minn., 1896, 119 p., 2 mf
44: Curtis Bros. & Co., The Curtis combined book, [Clinton, Iowa], [1904], 285, [ill.]
p., 5 mf
45: Curtis Bros. & Co., Official catalogue, 1908-1909: a most complete edition...,
Clinton, Iowa, [1908], 440 p., 7 mf
46: Curtis Companies, Inc., Curtis catalog, general millwork..., [Clinton, Iowa?],
18 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 6: Wood & Plastics (cont.)

[1914], 383, [ill.] p., 6 mf

47: Curtis Companies, Inc., Woodwork, the permanent furniture for your home...,
[Clinton, Iowa?], [c1917], 382, [ill.] p., 6 mf
48: Curtis Companies, Inc., Architectural interior and exterior woodwork standard
ized..., Clinton, Iowa, 1920, 252, [14] p., ill., 4 mf
49: Curtis Companies, Inc., Moldings and trim..., Clinton, Iowa, [c1927], 39 p., 1 mf
50: Curtis Companies, Inc., Frames and exterior woodwork by Curtis..., Clinton,
Ohio, [C1927], 31 p., 1 mf
51: Curtis Companies, Inc., Cabinet and stair work by Curtis..., [Clinton, Iowa],
[1927?], 47 p., 1 mf
52: Curtis Companies, Inc., Curtis design book of architectural woodwork..., Clinton,
Iowa, [1932?], 251 p., 4 mf
53: Curtis Companies, Inc., Curtis design book of architectural woodwork...,
[Clinton, Iowa?], [c1938], 229 p., 4 mf
54: Curtis Companies, Inc., Curtis design book of architectural woodwork...,
[Clinton, Iowa?], [c1946], 189 p., 3 mf
55: Deats Sash & Door Co., Deats Sash & Door Co.: detail mill work: sash and
doors, frames..., Los Angeles, Calif., [c1923], 262 p., 4 mf
56: Douglas Fir Plywood Association, Dri-Bilt with plywood: a better way to
build1..., Tacoma, Wash., [c1939], 7 p., 1 mf
57: Douglas Fir Plywood Association, Douglas fir plywood..., Tacoma, Wash., [1940?],
15 p., 1 mf
58: Dykes Lumber Company, Period mouldings: carried in stock, New York, [c1920],
72 p., 2 mf
59: E. L. Roberts & Company, Price supplement number 500., Chicago, 1903, 48 p.,
1 mf
60: E. L. Roberts & Company, Number 600, general catalog..., [Chicago, 111.],
[c1908], 381 p., 6 mf
61: E. L. Roberts & Company, Price supplement number 600, Chicago, 111., [1908], 48
p., 1 mf
62: Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing Company, ...Manufacturers of sash, doors,
blinds, mouldings..., Dubuque, Iowa, 1898, 341 p., 5 mf
63: Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing Company, General catalog no. 9, Dubuque,
Iowa, [C1910], 732 p., 11 mf
64: Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing Company, Qualitybilt millwork: the final
choice, Dubuque, Iowa, [1923?], 320 p., 5 mf
65: Formica Insulation Company, Formica: for wall covering, window stools, basing,
cabinet tops..., [Cincinnati, Ohio], [193-?], 12 p., 1 mf
66: Formica Insulation Company, Colorful and modern Formica wall covering...,
Cincinnati, Ohio, [1938?], 8 p., 1 mf
67: Foster-Munger Company, ...Wholesale manufacturers [of] doors, glazed sash,
blinds..., [Chicago], [c1895], 267 p., 4 mf
68: Foster-Munger Company, Official price list...wholesale manufacturers: doors,
blinds..., Chicago, 111., [c1899], 542 p., 8 mf
69: Foster-Munger Company, Stock mouldings: kept in dust-pro moulding vaults,
Chicago, 1901, 24 p., 1 mf
70: Foster-Munger Company, Official price list-wholesale manufacturers: doors,
blinds..., [Chicago, 111.], [c1902], 752 p., 12 mf
71: Fuller (W.P.) & Company, Pacific Northwest millwork catalog: no. 4..., Portland,
Or., [C1927], 130 p., 2 mf
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 19

Category 6: Wood & Plastics (cont.)

72: Fuller (W.P.) & Company, Modern woodwork by Curtis, [San Francisco Ca?],
[1941], 44 p., 1 mf
73: G. V. Selden (Firm), Special edition of the new universal moulding book...,
Chicago, 1887, 92 p., 2 mf
74: General Millwork Corporation, Price guide no. 10..., [New York State], [1934],
182 p., 3 mf
75: Gordon-Van Tine Company, Grand millwork catalog for home builders...,
Davenport, Iowa, [1908?], 96 p., 4 mf
76: Gordon-Van Tine Company, Grand millwork catalog: for homebuilders...,
Davenport, Iowa, [1913], 146 p., 2 mf
77: Gordon-Van Tine Company, Building material, [Davenport, Iowa], 1917, 144 p., 5
78: Gordon-Van Tine Company, Building material, Davenport, Iowa, [c1918], 104 p.,
4 mf
79: Gordon-Van Tine Company, Building material, Davenport, Iowa, [1919], 104 p., 4
80: Gordon-Van Tine Company, Building material sale: sale begins the day you get
this bargain..., Davenport, Iowa, [1920?], 31 p., 1 mf
81: Gordon-Van Tine Company, Building material, [Davenport, Iowa], [192-?], 102 p.,
4 mf
82: Gordon-Van Tine Company, Fall building material sale1, Davenport, Iowa, 1921,
15 p., 1 mf
83: Gordon-Van Tine Company, Building material, Davenport, Iowa, [1925?], 102 p.,
4 mf
84: Gordon-Van Tine Company, Building materials, Davenport, Iowa, 1938, 72 p., 2
85: Gould Manufacturing Company, Official vest-pocket price list..., Oshkosh, Wis.,
1904, 212 p., 4 mf
86: Gum Lumber Manufacturers Association, Red gum facts, Memphis, Tenn.,
[1914?], 16 p., 1 mf
87: Gum Lumber Manufacturers Association, Technical information about red gum...,
Memphis, Tenn., [1915?], 16 p., 1 mf
88: Heaton & Wood, Artistic wood grilles, [Philadelphia], [19--?], 1 p., 1 mf
89: Hinkle & Company, ...New book on building, Cincinnati, 1869, 89, [1] p., ill., 2
90: Hussey-Williams Company, Morgan woodwork, [Oshkosh, Wis.], [c1940], 156 p., 3
91: Huttig Brothers Manufacturing Company, ...Manufacturers of doors, glazed sash,
blinds, mouldings..., [Muscatine, Iowa], [1900], 348 p., 5 mf
92: Huttig Manufacturing Co., General catalogue of Hutting Manufacturing Co.,
[Muscatine, Iowa], [c1903], 442 p., 6 mf
93: Hyde-Murphy Company, Sash, doors and blinds: erected trim, cabinet work...,
Ridgway, Pa., [c1914], 344 p., 6 mf
94: J. W. Bailey & Sons, Catalog for carpenters and builders, Boston, Mass., 1883,
48 p., 1 mf
95: J. W. Bailey & Sons, Catalog for carpenters and builders, Boston, Mass., 1886,
64 p., 2 mf
96: J. W. Bailey & Sons, Catalog for carpenters and builders, Boston, Mass., 1890,
72 p., 2 mf
20 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 6: Wood & Plastics (cont.)

97: Jackson & Newton Company, Unglazed and glazed windows, doors, blinds...,
Boston, Mass., 1915, 112 p., 2 mf
98: John A. Gauger & Company, White city salesman: John A. Gauger & Co.: sash,
mouldings..., Chicago, 1903, 128 p., 2 mf
99: John A. Gauger & Company, Official list: sash, doors, blinds..., Chicago, 111.,
1907, 158 p., 3 mf
100: Johns-Manville Corporation, 40 points you should consider in building your new
home, [New York], [c1936], 32 p., 1 mf
101: Lamb, George N., The Mahogany Book, Chicago, 111., [c1930], 68 p., 2 mf
102: Lidell & Williams (Firm), Supplement to 1897 catalog..., [Chicago, 111.], [1897],
36 p., 1 mf
103: Loetscher Jaeger Manufacturing Company, General catalog no. 9..., Des Moines,
Iowa, 1912, 768 p., 12 mf
104: Lovell & Hall, ...Doors, windows, frames, and blinds, [Boston, Mass.?], [191-?],
63 p., 2 mf
105: M. Thomas & Sons, Auctioneers, Assignee's sale-extensive and valuable stock
of doors, sash..., [Philadelphia, Pa.], [1873], 15 p., 1 mf
106: Montgomery Ward, Building material: lighting systems..., [New York, N.Y.?],
[1914?], 108 p., 2 mf
107: Montgomery Ward, Building materials, Chicago, 111., [c1921], 64 p., 2 mf
108: Montgomery Ward, Building materials: everything for the complete home,
[Chicago, 111.?], [c1925], 48 p., 2 mf
109: Montgomery Ward, Building materials shipped direct from factory to you...,
[Chicago, 111.?], [c1929], 48 p., 2 mf
110: Morgan Company, Adding distinction to the home, Chicago, 111., [c1916], 32 p., 1 mf
111: Morgan Company, Building with assurance, [Chicago], [c1921], 408 p., 6 mf
112: Morgan Company, Building with assurance, prospectus, [United States], [c1922],
19 p., 1 mf
113: Morgan Company, Building with assurance, [Chicago, 111.?], [c1923], 439 p., 7 mf
114: Morgan Company, Correct woodwork for the Spanish home..., [Chicago, 111.],
[c1930], 16 p., 1 mf
115: Morgan Company, Build your home architecturally correct: consult an archi
tect..., [Chicago, 111.], [c1930], 1 p., 1 mf
116: Morgan Company, Morgan price supplement: number 32, Baltimore, Md., [1932],
1 p., ill., 3 mf
117: Morgan Company, Morgan authentic woodwork, Oshkosh, Wis., [c1935], 73 p., 2 mf
118: Morgan Company, The handbook of early American and Colonial woodwork...,
Oshkosh, Wis., [c1939], 88 p., 2 mf
119: Morgan Company, Morgan woodwork: catalog and price list no. 550..., [Oshkosh,
Wis.?], [c1950], 160 p., 3 mf
120: Morgan Company, Morgan woodwork: catalog and price list: April, 1954,
Baltimore. Md., 1954, 176 p., 3 mf
121: Muscatine Sash & Door Co., ...Manufacturers and quick shippers of everything
in the line..., Muscatine, Iowa, 1899, 351 p., 5 mf
122: National Lumber Manufacturers Association, The use of lumber on the farm,
Washington, D.C., [c1928], 38 p., 1 mf
123: Northern Hemlock & Hardwood Mfrs.' Assoc., Birch interiors: a book of
information upon birch..., Oshkosh, Wis., [c1910], 40 p., 1 mf
124: O. B. Williams Co., Catalogue & net prices: sash & doors., Seattle, Wash.,
[C1921], 50 p., 2 mf
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 21

Category 6: Wood & Plastics (cont.)

125: Ohio Sash & Door Company, Korelock veneered doors, Cleveland, Ohio, [1911],
344 p., 5 mf
126: Pacific Spruce Corporation, An illustrated story reprinted from the Lumber
world review..., Toledo, Ohio, [1924?], 93 p., 2 mf
127: Paine Lumber Company, Ltd., Combined price list..., Chicago, 111., 1891, 325 p.,
5 mf
128: Paine Lumber Company, Ltd., Special birch catalogue/Paine Lumber Company,
Ltd., Oshkosh, Wisconsin, [1902], 40 p., 2 mf
129: Palmer Fuller & Co., ...Wholesale manufacturers of sash, doors, blinds, stairs...,
Chicago, 1889, 84 p., 2 mf
130: Palmer, Fuller & Company, ...Wholesale manufacturers of doors, sash, blinds,
stairs..., [Chicago, 111.], 1879, 90 p., 2 mf
131: Palo Alto Planing Mill, Palo Alto Planing Mill: sash, doors and general mill
work, Palo Alto, Calif., [1904], 208 p., 4 mf
132: Pease Company, ...Manufacturers of building material..., [Cincinnati, Ohio],
[190-?], 96 p., 2 mf
133: Penna Door & Sash Co., ...Manufacturers and dealers [in] doors, glazed sash,
blinds..., New York, [1902], 137 p., 3 mf
134: Peter J. Seippel Lumber Co., Home builders guide: for those who want best
value for their money, Dubuque, Iowa, [1915], 128 p., 2 mf
135: Pettyjohn & Thornhill (Firm), ...Manufacturers of sash, doors and blinds,
frames..., [Lynchburg, Va.?], [1892?], 152 p., 3 mf
136: Philippine Mahogany Mfrs.' Import Assoc., [Catalog], Los Angeles, Calif.,
[C1937], 12 p., 1 mf
137: Pittsburgh Hardwood Door Company, Korelock veneered doors, Pittsburgh, Pa.,
[1911], 344 p., 6 mf
138: R. McMillen & Company, ...Manufacturers of white pine lumber, doors, sash,
blinds..., Chicago, 111., 1895, 374, [12] p., 6 mf
139: Robbins Door & Sash Co., ...Wholesale millwork and building materials,
[Scranton, Pa.], 1950, 86 p., 2 mf
140: Rock Island Sash & Door Works, 1902 catalog of sash, doors, blinds, stair work,
etc. etc., Rock Island, 111., [c1902], 493 p., 8 mf
141: Rock Island Sash & Door Works, Handy pocket size edition illustrated catalog...,
Rock Island, 111., [1910?], 371 p., 6 mf
142: Sanger, Rockwell & Co., ... Manufacturers of doors, sash, blinds, mouldings...,
Milwaukee, Wis., 1889, 160 p., 3 mf
143: Schaller-Hoerr Co., Schoerr brand guaranteed millwork & building materials,
Chicago, [1910?], 14 p., 1 mf
144: Sears, Roebuck and Company, Catalog of illwork: windows, doors, blinds...,
Chicago, 111., [1905?], 44 p., 2 mf
145: Sears, Roebuck and Company, Mill work and building materials..., Chicago, 111.,
[1907], 64, [20] p., ill., 3 mf
146: Sears, Roebuck and Company, Building materials and mill work..., Chicago, 111.,
[1908], 95 p., 3 mf
147: Sears, Roebuck and Company, Lumber: [catalog], Chicago, [1923?], 12 p., 1 mf
148: Sears, Roebuck and Company, Building material and millwork..., [Chicago, 111.?],
[C1925], 80 p., 2 mf
149: Sears, Roebuck and Company, Building material, millwork and roofing...,
Philadelphia, [c1926], 78 p., 2 mf
22 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 6: Wood & Plastics (cont.)

150: Sears, Roebuck and Company, Building materials, millwork, lumber, roofing...,
[Chicago, 111.?], [C1928], 88 p., 2 mf
151: Sears, Roebuck and Company, Honor bilt building materials, [Chicago, 111.],
[c1931], 78 p., 2 mf
152: Sears, Roebuck and Company, Honor bilt building materials, Philadelphia, Pa.,
[C1935], 40 p., 1 mf
153: Sears, Roebuck and Company, Sears building materials: millwork, lumber,
roofing, insulation, Philadelphia, [c1936], 40 p., 1 mf
154: Shevlin Pine Sales Company, Log cabins, up to date: built with Shevlin log
siding, Minneapolis, Minn., [1931?], 15 p., 1 mf
154a: Shevlin, Carpenter & Clarke Company, Specify Shevlin Pine: characteristics,
physical properties, uses and place..., Minneapolis, Minn., [c1927], 31 p., 1 mf
155: Shevlin, Carpenter & Clarke Company, Pine homes and pine interiors, Min
neapolis, Minn., [c1930], 30 p., 1 mf
156: Slattery, Hardy & Company, Size list of doors, sashes, blinds..., Boston, Mass.,
[1884], 20 p., 1 mf
157: South Side Lumber Company, [Catalog], [Chicago, 111.], [1901], 48 p., 1 mf
158: Southern Cypress Manufacturers' Association, "What it is": U.S. Government
Report on cypress..., [New Orleans, La], 1916, 44 p., 1 mf
159: Southern Cypress Manufacturers' Association, A Versatile wood for interiors,
Jacksonville, Fla., [c1929], 24 p., 1 mf
160: Southern Hardwood Producers, Southern hardwood interiors: beautiful treatments
of trim, walls..., Memphis, Tenn., [1937], 28 p., 1 mf
161: Southern Pine Association, Southern Pine lattice trusses: economical, efficient...,
New Orleans, La., [c1919], 21 p., 1 mf
162: Southern Pine Association, New standard moulding book: southern yellow pine
mouldings..., New Orleans, La., 1925, 52 p., 1 mf
163: Standard Wood Turning Company, The Standard Wood Turning Co.: [catalog],
Jersey City, N.J., [c1882], 32 p., 1 mf
164: Standard Wood Turning Company, [Catalog], [Jersey City, NJ?], [1891], 38 p., 1
165: Stearns (A. T.) Lumber Company, Cypress lumber and its uses, Boston, [c1895],
64, [1] p., ill., 1 mf
166: Timber Engineering Company, Typical lumber designs: with quantities and
material lists..., Washington, D.C., [1942], 11 p., 1 mf
167: Townshend, J. H., Oak, the sovereign wood: the charm of the sovereign wood...,
Memphis, Tenn., 1918, 71 p., 2 mf
168: United States Gypsum Company, How to modernize and make it pay, [Chicago?],
[C1939], 84 p., 2 mf
169: Universal Catalogue Bureau, Universal millwork design book no. 20..., Dubuque,
Iowa, [c1920], 396 p., 6 mf
170: Universal Catalogue Bureau, Universal design book no. 25 on builder's wood
work..., Dubuque, Iowa, 1927, 356 p., 6 mf
171: Webber Lumber & Supply Company, The home, from cellar to shingles,
Fitchburg, Mass., [1927?], 47 p., 1 mf
172: West Side Lumber Co., Catalog of mouldings, doors, sash veneeried panels...,
New York, [c1920], 104 p., 2 mf
173: Weyerhaeuser Sales Company, Standard specifications for house framing..., [St.
Paul, Minn.], [1932], 21 p., 1 mf
174: Wholesale Sash, Door & Blind Mfrs Assoc. of NW, Universal design book...,
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 23

Category 6: Wood & Plastics (cont.)

Chicago, 111., [1905], 416 p., 7 mf

175: Wholesale Sash, Door & Blind Mfrs Assoc. of NW, Universal design book...,
Chicago, 111., 1908, 471 p., 7 mf
176: Wholesale Sash, Door & Blind Mfrs Assoc. of NW, National moulding book:
containing the latest styles..., Chicago, 111., [c1908], 139 p., 3 mf
177: Wholesale Sash, Door & Blind Mfrs Assoc. of NW, Universal design book...,
Chicago, 111., [1911], 460 p., 7 mf
178: Wholesale Sash, Door & Blind Mfrs Assoc. of NW, Universal design book...,
Chicago, 111., [C1914], 346 p., 5 mf


1: American Iron Roofing Co., The guaranteed iron roofing, Middletown, Ohio,
[c1915], 32 p., 1 mf
2: Armstrong Cork Company, Nonpareil corkboard insulation: for cold storage...,
Pittsburgh, Pa., [c1909], 118 p., 2 mf
3: Armstrong Cork Company, Nonpareil corkboard, whence it comes, whither it
goes..., Pittsburgh, Pa., [c1911], 69 p., 2 mf
4: Armstrong Cork Company, Armstrong's corkboard insulation, Pittsburgh, Pa.,
[C1926], 66 p., 2 mf
5: Barrett Company (New Jersey), Handbook of Barrett products..., [New York,
N.Y.?], [C1927], 104 p., 2 mf
6: Barrett Company (New Jersey), Architect's and engineer's reference manual,
[New York, N.Y.], [c1932], 63 p., 1 mf
7: British Challenge Glazing Co., The roof glazing, a challenge..., [London], [1929],
93 p., 2 mf
8: Canton Iron Roofing Co., T.C. Snyder & Co. illustrated catalogue: iron roofing,
siding..., [Canton, Ohio], [1887?], 32 p., 1 mf
9: Celotex Corporation, Build better for less money with Celotex building products,
Chicago, 111., [C1940], 27 p., 1 mf
10: Chicago House Wrecking Co., The price wrecker, special edition no. 46: roofing,
siding..., Chicago, 111., [191-?], 57 p., 1 mf
11: Cincinnati Corrugating Co., ...Superior corrugated and standing steam crimped
sheet metal, Cincinnati, Ohio, [1885], 31 p., 1 mf
12: Copper and Brass Research Association, Copper flashings: a handbook of data
on the use of copper..., New York, 1925, [6]. 66 p., 2 mf
13: Cortright Metal Roofing Co., [Catalog], [Philadelphia, Pa?], [1895], 16 p., 1 mf
14: Cortright Metal Roofing Co., Rightly roofed buildings: an illustrated guide for
the seeker..., [Philadelphia, Pa?], [c1907], 56 p., 1 mf
15: Cortright Metal Roofing Co., The clinching argument about that roof...,
Philadelphia, Pa., [c1915], 32 p., 1 mf
16: Crescent Sales & Mfg. Company, Crescent waterproofing products, [Chicago],
[1920?], 18 p., 1 mf
17: E. H. Martin & Co., Sample E.H. Martin & Go's, hard sheathing: for use..., [New
York, N.Y.], [1880], 1 p., 1 mf
18: E. H. Martin & Co., Sample E.H. Martin & Go's, waterproof rosin sized house
sheathing.., [New York, N.Y.], [1880], 1 p., 1 mf
19: E. P. Russell (Firm), Russell's patent mastic roofing: patented February 12,
1856, [Manlius, N.Y.], [1857?], 1 p., 1 mf
24 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 7: Thermal & Moisture Protection (cont.)

20: Edwards Manufacturing Co., Shingles and Spanish tile of copper..., [Cincinnati,
Ohio?], [191-], 16 p., 1 mf
21: Edwards Manufacturing Co., A few facts plainly told setting forth the merits of
Edwards..., Cincinnati, Ohio, [c1909], 112 p., 2 mf
22: F. W. Bird & Son, Neponset prostate roofing: the attractice permanently
colored..., [E Walpole, Mass.?], [191-?], 1 p., 1 mf
23: F. W. Bird & Son, Repairing and building: shingles, roofing..., East Walpole,
Mass., 1915, 20 p., 1 mf
24: G. Drouve Company, Anti-pluvius (trade mark) puttyless skylights (patented)...,
Bridgeport, Conn., [c1912], 78 p., 2 mf
25: Garry Iron and Steel Roofing Co., Garry's patent iron roofing: for buildings of
all descriptions..., [Cleveland, Ohio], [1875], 16 p., 1 mf
26: Garry Iron and Steel Roofing Co., Garry's patent iron and steel roofing: for
buildings..., [Cleveland, Ohio?], [1888?], 32 p., 1 mf
26a: Garry Iron & Steel Company, 35th annual catalog, Cleveland, Ohio, [1905], 127
p., 2 mf
27: General Fireproofing Company, The fireproofing hand-book: a book dealing with
the problems..., Youngstown, Ohio, 1916, 111 p., 2 mf
28: General Fireproofing Company, The waterproofing handbook, Youngstown, Ohio,
[C1927], 79 p., 2 mf
29: General Insulating and Manufacturing Co., Better living: in a home that's cooler
in summer..., [Alexandria, Ind.], [193-?], 12 p., 1 mf
30: Genuine Bangor Slate Co., Inc., Slate and its uses: a handy book of helpful
facts..., Easton, Pa., [c1906], 71 p., 2 mf
31: Globe Iron Roofing & Corrugating Co., Descriptive catalog of steel and iron
roofings..., [Cincinnati, Ohio], [c1890], 48 p., 1 mf
32: H. W. Johns Manufacturing Company, H.W. Johns' asbestos materials..., New
York, [C1891], 32 p., 1 mf
33: H. W. Johns Manufacturing Company, Asbestos: descriptive price list, New York,
1900, 62 p., 2 mf
34: H. W. Johns-Manville Co., Pipe & boiler coverings and their uses, New York,
[C1904], 12 p., 1 mf
35: H. W. Johns-Manville Co., Johns-Manville building materials, [New York],
[C1920], 100 p., 2 mf
36: Indiana Paint & Roofing Co., ...Manufacturers of rubber roofing, sheathing
papers..., [Indianapolis, Ind], [c1885], 40 p., 1 mf
37: Insulite Company, Increasing home enjoyment..., Minneapolis, Minn., 1928, 24 p.,
1 mf
38: Insulite Company, Facts about roof insulation, Minneapolis, Minn., [c1936], 22
p., 1 mf
39: J. A. & W. Bird & Co., Rex Flinkote roofing: exhibit is palace of varied
industries..., Boston, [c1904], 24 p., 1 mf
40: James Ackroyd & Sons, ...Manufacturers of skylights, marquees, sash operators,
Albany, N.Y., [192-?], 48 p., 1 mf
41: Johns-Manville Corporation, Comfort that pays for itself, [New York], [c1936],
20 p., 1 mf
42: Joseph Stelwagon's Son, Building paper: Ajax brand two & three ply roofing...,
[Philadelphia, Pa?], 1892, 11 p., 1 mf
43: Kanneberg Roofing Co., ...Manufacturers of the Kenneberg patent folded lock
seam steel..., [Canton, Ohio], [1891], 48 p., 1 mf
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 25

Category 7: Thermal & Moisture Protection (cont.)

44: Keystone Fireproofing Company, The fireproofing system with thirty years of
proof..., New York, [c1924], 52 p., 1 mf
45: Mellowes & Co., Ltd., Patent "Eclipse" roof glazing: tin, lead and steel bar...,
[London, England?], 1903, 31 p., 1 mf
46: Mica Roofing Company, ...Manufacturers of improved roofing materials: col-
phones roofing..., [New York, N.Y.], [1867?], 1 p., 1 mf
47: Milwaukee Corrugating Co., Titelock metal shingles and Spanish tile: invisible
joint steel..., Milwaukee, Wis., [c1915], 44 p., 1 mf
48: Monmouth Products Company, The Science of re-humidifying indoor air,
Cleveland, Ohio, [c1936], 15 p., 1 mf
49: National Fire Proofing Company, The city unburnable and the building on which
it can be modeled..., Pittsburgh, Pa., [1920?], 14 p., 1 mf
50: National Sheet Metal Roofing Co., Practical hints to builders and those
contemplating building..., New York, N.Y., 1890, 100 p., 2 mf
51: North-Western Expanded Metal Co., Handbook of fire-proof construction...,
Chicago, 111., [1918], 72 p., 2 mf
52: Number not assigned.
53: Penn Metal Ceiling and Roofing Co., Ltd., Penn metal products department:
plaster reinforcement ..., Boston, Mass., [c1911], 32 p., 1 mf
54: Penn Metal Ceiling and Roofing Co., Ltd., Fireproofing products for modern
buildings..., [Boston, Mass.], [c1913], 40 p., 2 mf
55: Porter Iron Roofing Co., ...The largest manufacturers of sheet iron roofing in
the U.S..., [Cincinnati, Ohio], 1884, 29 p., 1 mf
56: Samuel Cabot Incorporated, Build warm houses with Cabot's quilt, Boston,
Mass., [1940?], 7 p., 1 mf
57: Sheet Steel Trade Extension Committee, Steel roofing, its use and application,
Cleveland, Ohio, [c1929], 28 p., 1 mf
58: Trucson Steel Company, Trucson ferroclad structural panels, Youngstown, Ohio,
[192-?], 19 p., 1 mf
59: Union Fibre Company, Insulation for cold temperatures, Winona, Minn., 1911,
140 p., 3 mf
60: United States Gypsum Company, A catalog of building materials manufactured
and sold by..., [Chicago, 111.?], [c1936], 106 p., 2 mf
61: United States Gypsum Company, Weather as you like it: a yardstick for
selecting insulation, [Chicago, 111.], [c1939], 25 p., 1 mf
62: Vieille Montagne Zinc Mining Company, Examples of the application of zinc for
covering houses..., [London?], [1855], 27 p., 1 mf
63: W. G. Hyndman & Co., References, [Cincinnati, Ohio], [1883?], 1 p., 1 mf
iron roofing & siding...
64: W. H. Heywood & Co., Patent roof glazing & iron roofs, Huddersfield, Eng.,
[C1900], 39 p., 1 mf
65: Wheeling Corrugating Company, Illustrated catalog and price list..., Wheeling,
W.Va., [C1895], 44 p., 1 mf
66: Wheeling Metal & Manufacturing Co., Glendale Leadclad roofs: all that a roof
should be, Wheeling, W.Va., [c1929], 39 p., 1 mf
26 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category


1: Allith Manufacturing Co., Reliable door hangers & hardware specialties...,

Chicago, [192-?], 48 p., 1 mf
2: American Cabinet & Door Company, [Catalog], Chicago, 111., [191-?], 48 p., 1 mf
3: Benjamin H. Shoemaker (Firm), [Catalog], Philadelphia, Pa., 1875, 55 p., 1 mf
4: Biddle Hardware Company, [Catalog], New York, N.Y., [1910?], 1111 p., ill., 17 mf
5: Blanchard, Robert L., Around the world with Van Kannel..., [New York],
[C1929], 86 p., 2 mf
6: Bommer Spring Hinge Company, Catalog 55, Brooklyn, N.Y., [c1933], 72 p., 2 mf
7: Bommer Spring Hinge Company, Bommer spring hinges are the best, Brooklyn,
N.Y., [c1939], 76 p., 2 mf
8: Brasco Manufacturing Company, Brasco copper store fronts, Chicago, 111.,
[c1920], 28 p., 1 mf
9: Brasco Manufacturing Company, Touched by the magic wand, Brasco: a portfolio
..., [Chicago, 111.], [C1921], 24 p., 1 mf
10: Bridgeport Hardware Mfg. Co., The door that glides..., Bridgeport, Conn.,
[C1900], 32 p., 1 mf
11: C. B. Keogh & Company, Keogh & Thome, price list and illustrated catalog...,
[New York, N.Y.], 1873, 62 p., 2 mf
12: California Door Company, ...Manufacturers and dealers in doors, sash, blinds...,
[Los Angeles, Ca.?], [c1923], 262 p., 4 mf
13: Casement Hardware Co., Things you ought to know about casement windows,
Chicago, 111., [1937?], 20 p., 1 mf
14: Chamberlin Metal Weather Strip Co., Chamberlin details for wood sash and
doors, [Detroit, Mich.], [c1927], 50 p., 1 mf
15: Charles Hess Co., (Door hardware in iron) / designed and executed by Charles
Hess Co., Brooklyn, N.Y., 1910, 17 p., 1 mf
16: Chas. P. Parish & Co., Curtain poles and trimmings, shade, carpet, and picture
hardware.., Chicago, 111., 1891, 40 p., 1 mf
17: Circle "A" Products Corporation, Circle A sectional office partitions...,
Champaign, 111., [1920?], 28 p., 1 mf
18: Concrete Engineering Company, Ceco residence casements, casement doors...,
[Omaha, Neb.?], [c1930], 48 p., 1 mf
19: Corbin, P. & F., [Catalog], New Britain, Conn., 1871, 408 p., ill., 6 mf
20: Corbin, P. & F., Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of hardware..., New
Britain, Conn., 1885, 631 p., ill., 10 mf
21: Corbin, P. & F., Artistic hardware, New Britain, Conn., [c1895], 49 p., 2 mf
22: Corbin, P. & F., Hardware ..., New Britain, Conn., 1905, 1084 p., ill., 16 mf
23: Corbin, P. & F., Colonial and early English hardware..., New Britain, Conn.,
[191-?], 48 p., 1 mf
24: Corbin, P. & F., Corbin specialties: some of the newer and more prominent
articles.., [New Britain, Ct.], [1913], 50 p., 2 mf
25: Corbin, P. & F., Corbin automatic exit fixtures and hardware..., New Britain,
Conn., [192-?], 53 p., 1 mf
26: Corbin, P. & F., Colonial and early English hardware..., New Britain, Conn.,
[C1931], 95 p., 2 mf
27: Corbin, P. & F., Locks and builders' hardware, New Britain, Conn., [c1932], 594,
p., ill., 11 mf
28: Corbin, P. & F., Residence hardware, New Britain, Conn., [c1938], 48 p., 1 mf
29: Crittall Casement Window Company, Crittall standardized casements, [Detroit,
Mich.], [c1925], 31 p., 1 mf
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 27

Category 8: Doors & Windows (cont.)

30: Curtis Companies, Inc., Entrances and exterior doors for better built homes,
Clinton, Iowa, [c1924], 23 p., 1 mf
31: Curtis Companies, Inc., Interior doors..., Clinton, Iowa, [c1927], 22 p., 1 mf
32: Curtis Companies, Inc., Windows by Curtis: architectural interior and exterior
woodwork..., Clinton, Iowa, [c1927], 23 p., 1 mf
33: Curtis Companies, Inc., Entrances and exterior doors by Curtis..., Clinton, Iowa,
[C1927], 39 p., 1 mf
34: David Lupton's Sons Company, Lupton service products, Philadelphia, Pa.,
[c1916], 98 p., 2 mf
35: David Lupton's Sons Company, Air and light in power houses..., Philadelphia,
Pa., [C1918], 31 p., 1 mf
36: David Lupton's Sons Company, Pond continuous sash: Pond roof design: Pond
operating device, Philadelphia, [192-?], 44 p., 1 mf
37: David Lupton's Sons Company, Lupton service products, Philadelphia, [c1922],
191 p., 4 mf
38: David Lupton's Sons Company, Lupton steel pivoted windows: operating device,
commercial..., Philadelphia, Pa., [c1927], 51 p., 1 mf
39: Detroit Steel Products Co., Detroit Fenestra window sash: wrought steel,
standard sizes, Detroit, [191-?], 36 p., 1 mf
40: Detroit Steel Products Co., Window walls: their cost and their advantages,
Detroit, Mich., [c1920], 30 p., 1 mf
41: Detroit Steel Products Co., Fenestra steel windowalls: the blue book of steel
windows, Detroit, Mich., [1924?], 116 p., 2 mf
42: Detroit Steel Products Co., Decorating with casements: a book of practical
suggestions..., [Detroit, Mich.], [c1928], 31 p., 1 mf
43: Dibble Manufacturing Co., Illustrated price list of hemacite goods..., [Trenton,
N.J.], [1885?], 20 p., 1 mf
44: E. A. Carlisle & Pope Company, [Catalog], Boston, Mass., 1910, 45 p., 1 mf
45: E. T. Burrows & Co., Wire screens, Portland, Me., [c1892], 26 p., 1 mf
46: E. T. Burrows & Co., Burrowes' wire screens for windows and doors..., Portland,
Maine, [c1897], 30 p., 1 mf
47: Earle Hardware Manufacturing Company, ...Manufacturers of builders' hard-
ware..., Los Angeles, Calif., [1928], 155 p., 3 mf
48: Earle Hardware Manufacturing Company, Period Hardware..., Reading, Pa.,
[c1930], 28 p., 1 mf
49: Fells-Lent-Cantor-Katz Corp'n, Copper store fronts, bronze doors..., [L.I.C.,
N.Y.], [192-?], 31 p., 1 mf
50: Fontaine et Vaillant, [Catalog of door hardware], Paris, [189-?], 146 p., 5 mf
51: Frantz Manufacturing Company, Price book no. 9..., Sterling, 111., [1933], 20 p.,
1 mf
52: Frantz Manufacturing Company, Frantz guaranteed builders hardware, Sterling,
111., [1937?], 167 p., 3 mf
53: Frantz Manufacturing Company, Price book no. 21..., Sterling, 111., [1937], 22 p., 1 mf
54: Gardner Sash Balance Co., ...Manufacturers and dealers in sash pulleys,
aluminum, bronze..., [Chicago], [1892], 64 p., 2 mf
55: General Woodcraft Co., Inc., Woodco panel windows 19-E-l, [N. Bergen, N.J.?],
[1953?], 4 p., 1 mf
56: Geo. L. Mesker & Co., What our customers think of us: testimonials...,
[Evansville, Ind.?], [1905?], 54 p., 1 mf
28 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 8: Doors & Windows (cont.)

57: Geo. L. Mesker & Co., Store fronts, Evansville, Ind., 1910, 31 p., 1 mf
58: Gould-Mersereau Co. Inc., Catalogue of upholstery and carpet hardware..., New
York. N.Y., 1908, 164 p., ill., 3 mf
59: Hardwood Products Corporation, Veneered doors: pine and spruce solid doors...,
Neenah, Wis., [191-7], 191 p., 2 mf
60: Hardwood Products Corporation, The Receivador, "your automatic servant",
Neenah, Wis., [1917?], 1 p., ill., 1 mf
61: Hart, Bliven & Mead Manufacturing Co., Catalogue, appendix no. 2, [New York,
N.Y.?], 1875, 31 p., 1 mf
62: Hart, Bliven & Mead Manufacturing Co., [Catalog], New York, N.Y., 1876, 117
p., 2 mf
63: Hartmann-Sanders Company, Colonial entrances of character & distinction,
[Chicago, 111.], [C1925], 24 p., 1 mf
64: Hartmann-Sanders Company, Colonial entrances of character & distinction,
Chicago, 111., [c1930], 40 p., 1 mf
65: Hecla Iron Works, Price list of articles..., [Utica, N.Y.], 1866, 35 p., I mf
66: Hecla-Winslow Company, Inc., The Winslow window: australbalance, solid rolled
steel window..., New York, N.Y., 1915, 33 p., 1 mf
67: Hope (Henry) & Sons, Metal casements and wrought-steel sashes. 2nd ed.,
Birmingham, [Eng.], [c1909], 121 p., 2 mf
68: Hopkins & Dickinson Manufacturing Co., Illustrated catalogue of fine locks,
builders' hardware..., Brooklyn, N.Y., 1890, 415 p., 6 mf
69: Howarth Reversible Sash and Sash Center Co., Howarth's reversible sash
centers, Detroit, Mich., 1900, 38 p., ill., 1 mf
70: Huck-Gerhardt Company, Inc., A porchful life guaranteed by the designers...,
Philadelphia, Pa., [c1929], 23 p., 1 mf
71: International Casement Co., Inc., ...Manufacturers: rolled steel and drawn
bronze..., [Jamestown, N.Y.], 1922, 223 p., 4 mf
72: International Casement Co., Inc., International Cotswold casements in standard
sizes, Jamestown, N.Y., [1930?], 43 p., 1 mf
73: J. B. Miller Keyless Lock Co., [Catalog], Kent, Ohio, [1904?], [22] p., ill., 1 mf
74: J. B. Shannon & Sons, Illustrated catalog of building hardware, Philadelphia,
Pa., 1883, 32 p., 1 mf
75: J. B. Shannon & Sons, Illustrated catalogue of builders' hardware, Philadelphia,
Pa., 1887, 112 p., 2 mf
76: J. G. Braun (Firm), New ideas in aluminum and iron store fronts, [Chicago,
111.?], [C1930], 1 p., ill., 1 mf
77: J. G. Wilson Corporation, Doors for industrial buildings, [New York], [c1923], 16
p., 1 mf
78: J. G. Wilson Corporation, Wilson rolling steel doors..., New York, 1923, 72 p., 3
79: J. Jacob Shannon & Co., Catalogue of builders' hardware, Philadelphia, 1888,
292 p., 5 mf
80: Jackson, Peter H., Improvement in building construction..., [San Francisco, Ca],
[C1890], 57 p., 1 mf
81: Jackson, Peter H., Improvement in building constuction..., [San Fransisco, Ca],
1899, 27, [1] p., ill., 1 mf
82: Jacob Mark (Firm), Illustrated catalog of illuminating concrete tiles..., New
York, N.Y., [1884?], 56, [4] p., ill., 1 mf
83: Kawneer Company, Kawneer solid copper store front construction, Niles, Mich.,
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 29

Category 8: Doors & Windows (cont.)

1925, 32 p., 1 mf
84: Kawneer Company, Kawneer new and improved store front construction..., Niles,
Mich., [c1929], 63 p., 2 mf
85: Kinnear Manufacturing Company, Kinnear's steel rolling doors, shutters and
partitions..., Columbus, Ohio, [1900?], 36 p., 1 mf
86: Levi Boles & Son, [Catalog], Boston, Mass., [187-?], 16 p., 1 mf
87: Levi Boles & Son, Doors, glazed windows, blinds and glass..., [Boston, Mass.],
[1873], 1 p., 1 mf
88: Martin & Hood, Designs for ornamental window glass: with explanatory re-
marks..., London, 1847, 51 p., 2 mf
89: McCabe Hanger Manufacturing Co., ...Manufacturers of the McCabe ball-bear-
ing-hangers..., New York, 1906, 35 p., 1 mf
90: McKinney Manufacturing Company, McKinney hinges and butts hardware,
[Pittsburgh, Pa.], [c1923], 280 p., 5 mf
91: McKinney Manufacturing Company. Forge Division, Forged iron hardware,
Pittsburgh, Pa., [c1929], 95 p., 2 mf
92: Mesker Bros. Iron Co., Mesker Bros. Iron Co., St. Louis, Mo.: steel windows,
[St. Louis, Mo.?], [c1925], 23 p., 1 mf
93: Mesker Brothers, Mesker Brothers book of hospital windows, [St. Louis, Mo.?],
[C1945], 15 p., 1 mf
94: Metal Door & Trim Company, Metal doors and trim: hollow metal construc-
tion..., La Porte, Ind., [c1928], 187 p., 3 mf
95: Morgan Company, The door beautiful: portfolio D, original door designs,
Oshkosh, Wisconsin, [c1911], 48 p., 1 mf
96: Morgan Company, Adding distinction to the home, Chicago, 111., [c1916], 32 p.,
1 mf
97: Morgan Company, Masterpieces of doorcraft, [Oshkosh, Wis.?], [c1918], 23 p., 1
98: Morgan Company, Authentic woodwork for the colonial home, [Chicago],
[C1930], 48 p., 1 mf
99: National Manufacturing Company, Builders' hardware, Sterling, 111., [1929], 176
p., 3 mf
100: National Manufacturing Company, Builders' hardware, Sterling, 111., 1932, 176 p.,
4 mf '
101: Norwalk Lock Company, [Catalog], South Norwalk, Ct., 1933, 287 p., ill., 6 mf
102: Norwalk Lock Company, Locks and builders' hardware, South Norwalk, Ct.,
[C1950], 23 p., 1 mf
103: Oscar C. Rixson Company, Rixson Uni-check: a unique device for interior
doors..., Chicago, 111., [c1938], 4 p., 1 mf
104: Owens-Illinois Glass Company, The new story in pictures, [Toledo, Ohio?],
[1937?], 24 p., 1 mf
105: P. E. Guerin, Inc., [Catalog], New York, N.Y., [c1914], [205] p., 4 mf
106: P. H. Jackson & Co., Text book of improved vault constuction for San
Francisco..., San Francisco, [1885?], 155 p., 3 mf
107: Paine Lumber Company, Ltd., Korelock selected white birch veneered front
doors..., Oshkosh, Wis., [1906?], 80 p., 2 mf
108: Penn Hardware Company, Price list and illustrated catalogue of hardware...,
Reading, Pa., 1892, 711 p., 11 mf
109: Philadelphia Decorative Glass Co., [Catalog], Philadelphia, Pa., 1896, 46 p., 1 mf
30 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 8: Doors & Windows (cont.)

110: Pittsburgh Corning Corporation, Glass blocks: a modular product..., [Pittsburgh,

Pa.], [c1947], 35 p., 1 mf
111: Pittsburgh Corning Corporation, More light, more beauty, more comfort in your
home with PC..., [Pittsburgh, Pa.], [c1948], 22 p., 1 mf
112: Pittsburgh Corning Corporation, Glass blocks in industrial, commercial, and
public structures..., [Pittsburgh, Pa.?], [c1949], 40 p., 1 mf
113: Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, Easyset system of glass setting..., [Pittsburgh,
Pa.?], [191-7], 41 p., 1 mf
114: Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, Practical ways to wake up your home with
glass, [Pittsburgh], [c1953], 27 p., 1 mf
115: Porter Manufacturing Company, Price list of Porter's patent window...,
[Montpelier, Vt.?], [1885?], 24 p., 1 mf
116: Reading Hardware Company, Illustrated catalog and price list..., [Reading, Pa.],
[1870], 143, [10] p., ill., 3 mf
117: Reading Hardware Company, Illustrated catalog of locks and hardware...,
Reading, Pa., 1897, 671, [308] p., 17 mf
118: Reading Hardware Company, Illustrated catalogue of fine locks and builders'
hardware..., Reading, Pa., 1899, 448 p., 8 mf
119: Reading Hardware Company, Locks and hardware..., Reading, Pa., [1909?], 806
p., 11 mf
120: Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Co., Modern hardware for your home, Aurora, 111., [192-?],
33 p., 1 mf
121: Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Co., Catalog no. 60, [Aurora, 111.?], [192-], 456 p., 7 mf
122: Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Co., Modern hardware for your home, Aurora, 111., [1922],
24 p., 1 mf
123: Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Company, Door hangers, grindstones and hardware
specialties, Aurora, 111., [c1914], 296 p., 5 mf
124: Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Company, General Catalog, Aurora, 111., [c1927], 504 p., 8
125: Roddis Lumber & Veneer Company, Roddis doors., Marshfield, Wis., [1916], 100
p., 2 mf
126: Roddis Lumber & Veneer Company, Roddis flush & french doors, Marshfield,
Wis., [1922], 78 p., 2 mf
127: Roddis Lumber & Veneer Company, Roddis doors, arshfield, Wis., [c1924], 80 p.,
2 mf
128: Rolscreen Company, Collection of ideas, Pella casement windows, [Pella, Iowa?],
[195-?], 23 p., 1 mf
129: Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company, Real compression bronze door knobs &
escutcheons..., [New Britain, Ct.], 1873, 39 p., 1 mf
130: Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company, Price list and descriptive catalogue of
hardware..., New Britain, Conn., 1874, 488 p., 8 mf
131: Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company, Builders' hardware, New Britain,
Conn., 1897, 276 p., ill., 5 mf
132: Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company, Russwin hardware, [New Britain, Ct.],
[191-?], 71 p., 2 mf
133: Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company, Catalogue of hardware, [New Britain,
Ct.], [193-?], 548 p., 18 mf
134: Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company, Russwin semi-concealed door closer:
no. "400"..., New Britain, Conn., [1937?], 16 p., 1 mf
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 31

Category 8: Doors & Windows (cont.)

135: Saint-Gobain, Chauny et Cirey, Societe anonyme des manufacturers de glaces...,

Paris, 1923, 84 p., 2 mf
136: Sargent & Company, Illustrated catalog and price list of hardware..., New York,
1869, 447 p., 7 mf
137: Sargent & Company, Colonial hardware, [New Haven, Conn.], [c1910], 56 p., 1 mf
138: Sargent & Company, Sargent book of designs..., New Haven, Conn., [c1910], 75
p., 2 mf
139: Sargent & Company, Sargent locks and hardware, New Haven, Conn., 1926, 534
p., 9 mf
140: Sargent & Company, Hardware for utility and ornamentation, New Haven, Conn.,
[C1927], 62 p., 2 mf
141: Sargent & Company, Sargent locks and hardware: revised to 1936..., New Haven,
Conn., [1936?], 594 p., 12 mf
142: Sharon Hardware Mfg. Co., Price sheet effective June 6, 1932: applying to
catalog no. 14, Sharon, Pa., [1932], 29 p., 1 mf
143: Sharon Hardware Mfg. Co., Price sheet no. 31 effective June 1, 1933..., Sharon,
Pa., [1933], 12 p., 1 mf
144: Sickels, Sweet & Lyon, Illustrated catalogue of hardware, New York, N.Y., 1894,
1080 p., ill., 16 mf
145: Snead & Company, Illustrations of ornamental iron work, Louisville, Ky.,
[C1890], 22 p., 1 mf
146: St. Pancras Ironwork Co., Ltd., Basement lighting engineers, London, [1897?], 57
p., 1 mf
147: Stanley Works, Wrought hardware steel, brass, bronze, [New Britain, Ct.], 1914,
260 p., 5 mf
148: Stanley Works, Detail drawings showing application of Stanley products..., [New
Britain, Ct.], [c1922], 115 p., 2 mf
149: Stanley Works, Stanley hardware, New Britain, Conn., [1937?], 298 p., 5 mf
150: Stanley Works, Stanley hardware, New Britain, Conn., [1938?], 78 p., 2 mf
151: Stearns, E. C. & Company, Illustrated price list of Warner's patent adjustable...,
[Syracuse, N.Y.], 1882, 14, [1] p., ill., 1 mf
152: Stern & Matzner (Firm), [Catalog of metal door decorations], New York,
[192-?], 10 p., 1 mf
153: Swindell Brothers, Price list of rough, ribbed, ground, enameled... glass,
Baltimore, Md., [c1900], 34 p., 1 mf
154: The National Glass Distributers Association, Glass and glazing..., [St. Louis?],
[C1916], 46 p., 1 mf
155: Thomas Jones Decorative Glass Company, [Catalog], Brooklyn, N.Y., [c1910], 72
p., 2 mf
156: Towne, Henry Robinson, Locks and builders hardware, New York, 1904, 1119
[i.e.,1095] p., 17 mf
157: Van Kannel Revolving Door Company, Revolving doors: always closed: styles,
types, designs..., New York, [19--?], 64 p., 1 mf
158: Victor Manufacturing Company, Illustrated catalogue of tin armored fireproof
doors..., Newburyport, Mass., [c1904], 39, [4] p., ill., 1 mf
159: W. A. Daunt Company, Ornamental glass booklet: art & leaded glass products...,
New York, [191-?], 30 p., 1 mf
160: W. D. Crooks & Sons, ...Specialists in the manufacture of hardwood veneered
doors..., Williamsport, Pa., [c1920], 67 p., 2 mf
32 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category
Category 8: Doors & Windows (cont.)

161: William Bayley Company, Bayley-Springfield steel windows: universal types,

Springfield, Ohio, [c1926], 80 p., 2 mf
162: Wm. Hall & Company, Outside door trimmings, Boston, Mass., 1907, 41 p., 1 mf
163: Wm. King & Bro., ...Importers of French window and picture glass..., Baltimore,
Md., [C1880], 51, [19] p., ill., 2 mf
164: Wm. M. McClure & Brother, Catalog of building hardware and tools, Philadel-
phia, Pa., [186-?], 40 p., 1 mf
165: Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company, Catalog no. 12, Stamford, Conn., 1889,
564 p., 9 mf
166: Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company, Art metal work, [Stamford, Conn.],
1897, 202 p., ill., 4 mf
167: Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company, Locks and hardware, New York, [1917],
353 p., 6 mf
168: Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company, Catalog no. 29: builders' locks and
hardware, door closers, Stamford, Conn., [193-?], 401, 45 p., ill., 8 mf
169: Zouri Drawn Metals Company, Zouri store fronts: fabricated in solid rolled
bronze or copper..., Chicago Heights, IL, [c1929], 31 p., 2 mf
170: [s.n.], [Catalog of art metal fittings.], [Austria?], 1800, 54 p., 2 mf


1: A. Northrop & Company, All about the iron ceilings, side walls, etc., Pitts-
burgh, Pa., [1890?], 16 p., 1 mf
2: American Mason Safety Tread Company, Karbolith flooring: sanitary base and
wainscotting..., Boston, Mass., [c1910], 18 p., 1 mf
3: American Monolith Company, Monolith composition flooring: a sanitary and
fireproof material..., [Milwaukee, Wis.], [1910], 13 p., 1 mf
4: Anti-Kalsomine Company, Plastico solid relief: also for plain, wallwork..., [Grand
Rapids, Mi?], [1888], 1 p., 1 mf
5: Armstrong Cork Company, Detailed directions for laying and caring for
linoleum..., Lancaster, Pa., [c1918], 19 p., 1 mf
6: Armstrong Cork Company, Armstrong's linoleum: plain, printed, inlaid, jaspe,
Lancaster, Pa., 1921, 175 p., 3 mf
7: Armstrong Cork Company, Armstrong's linoleum floors: description and
specifications, Lancaster, Pa., 1927, 40 p., 1 mf
8: Armstrong Cork Company, Floors that keep homes in fashion, Lancaster, Pa.,
[C1936], 36 p., 1 mf
9: Armstrong Cork Company, Floors that keep homes in fashion, Lancaster, Pa.,
[C1937], 36 p., 1 mf
10: Armstrong Cork Company, Tomorrow's ideas in home decoration, [Lancaster,
Pa.], [c1940], 30 p., 1 mf
11: Batchelder-Wilson Company, Batchelder pavers: a catalog of tiles made for
pavement work..., Los Angeles, Calif., 1927, 339 [i.e.,39], i p., 1 mf
12: Beaver Mfg. Co., Facts in wall building and decoration, Buffalo, N.Y.,
[C1909], 72 p., 2 mf
13: Berger Manufacturing Company, Classic metal ceilings, Canton, Ohio, [c1906], 32
p., 1 mf
14: Berger'Manufacturing Company, Classic steel ceilings showing all new and
beautiful designs, Canton, Ohio, [c1916], 80 p., 2 mf
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 33

Category 9: Finishes (cont.)

15: Berger Manufacturing Company, Expanded metal lath: its use and application...,
[Canton, Ohio], [c1918], 46 p., 1 mf
16: Berger Manufacturing Company, Berloy steel ceilings: a complete series of
period designs..., Canton, Ohio, [c1927], 156 p., 3 mf
17: Boston Metal Ceiling & Mfg. Company, Catalogue A, Boston, Mass., [c1912], 80
p., 3 mf
18: Boston Metal Ceiling & Mfg. Company, Booklet A: showing latest designs in
Bosco metal ceilings..., Boston, Mass., [1920], 1 p., ill., 1 mf
19: Boughton & Terwilliger, [Catalog], [New York, N.Y.?], [c1886], 31 p., 1 mf
20: Boulinikon Floor Cloth & Manufacturing Company, Illustrated designs printed on
boulinikon (or buffalo hide)..., Salford, Manchester, [1876], 22 p., 1 mf
21: Bridgeport Wood Finishing Co., Brenig's lithogen silicate paint...., [Bridgeport,
Ct.?], [1890?], 56, [7] p., ill., 1 mf
22: Bridgeport Wood Finishing Co., The way to the artistic home: a story of those
who found it, [New Milford, Ct.], [191-?], 10 p., 1 mf
23: Brier Hill Steel Company, Stamped metal ceilings, [Youngstown, Ohio], [1915],
40 p., 1 mf
24: Brown, Hazel Dell, The attractive home: how to plan its decoration, Lancaster,
Pa., [C1926], 24 p., 1 mf
25: Brown, Hazel Dell, Dream kitchens for 1940..., [Lancaster, Pa.], [c1939], 15 p., 1
26: C. H. Pepper (Firm), Concerning C.H. Pepper's linoleum and improvement...,
[Boston], [188-?], 8 p., 1 mf
27: Canton Metal Ceiling Company, A presentation of Art Kraft metal ceiling...,
Canton, Ohio, 1915, 74 p., 3 mf
28: Canton Steel Ceiling Company, Canton Line steel ceilings, Canton, Ohio,
[191-?], 47 p., 1 mf
29: Canton Steel Ceiling Company, Canton Line stamped steel ceilings..., New York,
[C1915], 143 p., 3 mf
30: Carson Pirie & Scott, Chicago, Floor coverings and lace curtains for 1927,
Chicago, [1927], 88 p., ill., 2 mf
31: Celotex Corporation, Acousti-Celotex: used in buildings of all types..., Chicago,
[c1925], 16 p., 1 mf
32: Celotex Corporation, Celotex carpenters manual for interior finish, [Chicago,
111.], [C1938], 88 p., 2 mf
33: Clinton Wire Cloth Company, Handbook containing descriptions, drawings:
tables, methods..., Clinton, Mass., [c1914], 103 p., 2 mf
34: Congoleum-Nairn, Inc., The book of beautiful rooms: featuring sealex floors and
walls, [Kearny, N.J.], [c1934], 16 p., 1 mf
35: Congoleum-Nairn, Inc., Resilient floors of Nairn linoleum for architects...,
Kearny, N.J., [c1939], 200 p., 3 mf
36: Congoleum-Nairn, Inc., Which floor goes where, [Kearny, N.J.], [c1956], 20 p., 1
37: Cornell Wood Products Company, 165 uses for Cornell wood board, [Chicago,
111.?], [c1920], 14 p., 1 mf
38: Cornell Wood Products Company, Cornell wood board: oatmeal finish, mill
primed, triple sized, Chicago, 111., [c1920], 20 p., 1 mf
39: Detroit White Lead Works, Care of floors: being a brief treatise on the use of
Rogers..., Detroit, [c1900], 16 p., 1 mf
34 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 9: Finishes (cont.)

40: Duraflex Company, Duraflex-A: permanent, easy tread flooring, Baltimore, Md.,
[1926?], 66 p., 2 mf
41: E. B. Moore and Company, ...Manufacturers of parquet floors, Chicago, 111.,
[1893], 48, [4] p., ill., 2 mf
42: E. L. Bruce Company, Colonial distinction in plank oak floors / by Bruce,
Memphis, Tenn., [c1928], 12 p., 1 mf
43: Eaglesfield Hardwood Flooring Co., Wood floors of distinction, Indianapolis,
Ind., [19--?], 24 p., 1 mf
44: Edwards Manufacturing Company, Metal ceilings, [Cincinatti, Ohio?], [191-?], 44
p., 2 mf
45: Edwards Manufacturing Company, Edwards pressed steel ceilings and walls...,
Cincinnati, Ohio, [191-?], 64 p., 2 mf
46: Edwards Manufacturing Company, Edwards metal ceilings, walls, etc., Cincinnati,
Ohio, 1917, 32 p., 1 mf
47: Eller Mfg. Co., Eller's "Perfect fit" steel ceilings, Canton, Ohio, 1917, 207 p., 6
48: Eller Mfg. Co., Eller's "Perfect fit" steel ceilings..., Canton, Ohio, [c1930], 159
p., 3 mf
49: Flexrock Company, It's just good sound hourse sense ruggedwear repairs
concrete..., Philadelphia, Pa., [1938?], 4 p., 1 mf
50: Friedley & Voshardt, Catalogue no. 45, Chicago, 111., [C1920], 108 p., 4 mf
51: General Fireproof ing Company, "Trussit": the ideal reinforcement for solid
partitions..., Youngstown, Ohio, [192-?], 16, [2] p., ill., 1 mf
52: Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, Beautiful floors: of enduring charm for
fine homes, Akron, Ohio, [c1929], 16 p., 1 mf
53: Grippin Manufacturing Company, Grippin's wood, crack and crevice filler...,
Newark, N.J., [1910?], 8 p., 1 mf
54: H. Peretmere, entrepreneur (Firm), Carrelage-mosaique en pierre et marbre...,
Paris, France, [c1865], 32, [3] p., ill., 2 mf
55: Homasote Company, Homasote presents panelyzed insulation, Trenton, N.J.,
[C1940], [6] p., 1 mf
56: Insulite Company, Modern interiors by Insulite, [Minneapolis, Minn], [1936?], 16
p., 1 mf
57: Interior Hardwood Company, Parquet floors and borders..., Indianapolis, Ind.,
[c1892], 21 p., 1 mf
58: Interior Hardwood Company, Book of designs, ornamental parquet floors and
borders, [Indianapolis, Ind], [c1892], 24 p., 1 mf
59: Interior Hardwood Company, Parquet floors and borders: design book, [Indi-
anapolis, Ind], [c1895], 18, [ill], p., 1 mf
60: Interior Hardwood Company, Fine hardwood floors, Indianapolis, Ind., [c1911],
47 p., 2 mf
61: International Steel & Iron Company, International steel ceilings and side walls,
Evansville, Ind., [191-?], 77 p., 3 mf
62: J. and J. G. Low (Firm), Illustrated catalogue of fine art tiles made by J. and
J.G. Low..., [Chelsea, Mass.?], [c1882], 7, [ill], p., 2 mf
63: Jacobson & Company, Jacobson and Company submit a few plates of geometrical
ceilings..., [New York?], [192-?], 23 p., 1 mf
64: John Lucas & Co., Lucas stencil designs: for use with Lu-Co-Flat..., Philadel-
phia, Pa., [1918?], 8 p., 1 mf
65: John W. Boughton (Firm), ...Manufacturer and proprietor of wood carpet,
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 35

Category 9: Finishes (cont.)

parquet..., [Philadelphia, Pa.], [c1880], 42 p., 1 mf

66: Kayser & Allman, Lithograph friezes: Kayser & Allman, we know how...[etc.],
[Philadelphia, Pa?], [191-7], 23 p., 1 mf
67: Kayser & Allman, Sketch book 1911: with the sincere hope that our efforts...,
[Philadelphia, Pa?], [1911?], 33 p., 1 mf
68: Keighley Metal Ceiling & Mfg. Company, Artistic interiors in sheet metal,
Pittsburgh, Pa., [191-7], 142 p., 5 mf
69: Kinnear & Gager Company, Interior decorations, Columbus, Ohio, [189-?], 32 p.,
1 mf
70: Long-Bell Lumber Company, Beautiful floors, Kansas City, Mo., [c1927], 39 p., 1
71: Lowe Brothers Company, A handbook for housepaint users, Dayton, Ohio,
[C1899], 16 p., 1 mf
72: M. H. Birge & Sons Co., A book of illustrations of new patterns of paper
hangings..., [Buffalo, N.Y.], [c1914], 25 p., 1 mf
73: Marsh Wall Products, Inc., Marlite for creating beautiful home interiors, Dover,
Ohio, [c1938], 15 p., 1 mf
74: Mason Fibre Company, Specifications and details, Masonite structural insula-
tion..., Chicago, 111., [1926], 16, [1] p., ill., 1 mf
75: Masonite Corporation, Genuine Masonite structural insulation..., [Chicago, 111.],
[c1936], 18 p., 1 mf
76: Master Builders Company, Colormix concrete hardener, waterproofer and
dustproofer..., Cleveland, Ohio, [1923], 16 p., 1 mf
77: Master Builders Company, Plain talk about concrete floors, [Cleveland, Ohio],
[1928], 28 p., 1 mf
78: Mastic Wall Board and Roofing Mfg. Co., Asphalt mastic products: save money,
save time, save labor..., Cincinnati, Ohio, [19117], 40 p., 1 mf
79: Maw & Co., Patterns: geometrical and Roman mosaics, encaustic tile pave
ments..., [Shropshire?], [1870], 34, [ill], p., 1 mf
80: Milwaukee Artistic Metal Ceiling Company, Artistic interior decorations-
French renaissance, gothic..., Milwaukee, Wis., [c1906], 136 p., 4 mf
81: Mintons Ltd., Mintons tiles: selected patterns of enamelled tiles..., Straf
fordshire, Eng, [18--?], 18, [14] p., ill., 1 mf
82: Nairn Linoleum Co., Linoleum manufactured by the Nairn Linoleum Company,
[Kearney, N.J.], 1890, 56, 47 p., ill., 2 mf
83: Nairn Linoleum Co., [Nairn inlaid linoleum], Newark, N.J., [191-7], 21 p., 2 mf
84: National Kellastone Company, Walls that endure, Chicago, [192-?], 28 p., 1 mf
85: National Kellastone Company, The story of Kellastone imperishable stucco,
Chicago, 111., [192-?], 22 p., 1 mf
86: New York Metal Ceiling Company, Catalogue M, New York, [191-7], 112 p., 4
87: Oak Flooring Bureau, Tips on buying or building a house, [Chicago, 111.], [1917],
6 p., ill., 1 mf
88: Oak Flooring Bureau, How and where to use oak floors, Chicago, 111., 1924, 15
p., 1 mf
89: Oak Flooring Bureau, The story of oak floors... 9th ed., Chicago, 1924, 24 p., 1
90: Oak Flooring Manufacturer's Association, Oak floors for everlasting economy...,
Chicago, 111., 1922, 19 p., 1 mf
36 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 9: Finishes (cont.)

91: Parker Rust-proof Co., A new finishing system for architectural iron and steel
products..., Detroit, Mich., [1931], 14 p., 1 mf
92: Penn Culvert Company, Beautiful interiors with Penco metal ceilings...,
Cambridge, Mass., [192-?], 31 p., 1 mf
93: Penn Metal Ceiling and Roofing Co., Ltd., Sagendorph's patent sectional metal
ceiling and side-wall finish, Philadelphia, Pa., 1902, 172 p., 6 mf
94: Penn Metal Ceiling and Roofing Co., Ltd., Metal ceiling department: 39th series
catalogue, Boston, Mass., [1911?], 82 p., 2 mf
95: Philip Carey Company, Beautiful walls..., [Cincinnati, Ohio?], [c1915], 48 p., 1
96: Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, Plastic Velumina: a new type of decorative
plastic paint, [Pittsburgh, Pa.?], [1925?], 15 p., 1 mf
97: Ponsell Floor Machine Co., Beautiful floors at a saving of hundreds of dollars,
[New York], [c1926], 12 p., 1 mf
98: Portland Cement Association, Concrete floor finishes, [Chicago?], [192-?], 23 p.,
1 mf
99: Portland Cement Association, The key to firesafe homes..., [New York], [1928?],
20 p., 1 mf
100: S. C. Johnson & Son, Ornamental hardwood floors: parquetry, borders, strips...,
Racine, Wis., [c1901], 24 p., 1 mf
101: S. C. Johnson & Son, The proper treatment for floors, woodwork and furni-
ture..., [Racine, Wis.], [c1905], 32 p., 1 mf
102: S. C. Johnson & Son, A book of practical information for lovers of up-to-date
homes..., Racine, Wis., [c1905], 48 p., 1 mf
103: Samuel Cabot Inc., School houses, [Boston, Mass.], [1903], 16 p., 1 mf
104: Sheet Metal Mfg. Company, Ornamental metal ceilings..., Niles, Ohio, [c1909],
135 p., 4 mf
105: Sherwin-Williams Company, Our family paint.../ manufactured by the Sher-
win-Williams Co., Cleveland, [189-?], 10 p., ill., 1 mf
106: Sherwin-Williams Company, Stencils & stencil materials, [Cleveland, Ohio],
[191-], 39 p., 1 mf
107: Simplex Steel Products Company, The simplex system of partition and ceiling
construction..., Chicago, 111., [c1920], [20] p., 1 mf
108: Solvay Process Company, Solvay rust-resisting paints: for protecting iron and
steel..., Syracuse, N.Y., [1915?], 15 p., 1 mf
109: Southern Pine Association, Beauty plus service in floors..., New Orleans, La.,
[C1920], 22 p., 1 mf
110: St. Paul Roofing, Cornice & Ornament Company, Steel ceilings and side
walls..., St. Paul, Minn., [c1915], 112 p., 2 mf
111: Standard Table Oil Cloth Company, The house that Ann built, [New York,
N.Y.], [191-?], 16 p., 1 mf
112: Standard Varnish Works, Architectural finishes and stains, [New York], [192-?],
70 p., 1 mf
113: Stencil Co. of New York, Stencil designs / [by A. Wiggers, J. Trischka], [New
York, N.Y.?], [c1888], 12 p., 1 mf
114: Structural Gypsum Corporation, Gypsteel pre-cast fireproof floors/Structural
Gypsum Corporation, Linden, N.J., [1925?], 35 p., 1 mf
115: Tiffin Art Metal Company, Art metal ceilings and side walls..., Tiffin, Ohio,
[c 191X0], 56 p., 2 mf
116: United States Gypsum Company, Oriental stucco, Chicago, [c1924], 24 p., 1 mf
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 37

Category 9: Finishes (cont.)

117: United States Gypsum Company, Interiors of red top weatherwood, [Chicago,
111.?], [C1934], 29 p., 1 mf
118: United States Gypsum Company, Sheetrock in wood grained finishes: true
reproductions..., [Chicago, 111.?], [c1935], 16 p., 1 mf
119: Upson Company, Interiors beautiful..., [Lockport, N.Y.?], [c1915], 16 p., 1 mf
120: Upson Company, Upson fibre-tile, Lockport, N.Y., [c1923], 16 p., 1 mf
121: Upson Company, Characterful walls and ceilings that reflect beauty..., [Lock
port, N.Y.?], [c1929], 31 p., 1 mf
122: Upson Company, Upson relief ceilings: the aristocrat of ceilings..., [Lockport,
N.Y.?], [c1929], 11 p., 1 mf
123: Vitrolite Company, Vitrolite: better than marble, Chicago, 111., [1917?], 20 p., 1
124: W. F. Norman Sheet Metal Manufacturing Co., ...Manufacturers of Hi-Art steel
ceilings..., Nevada, Mo., [190-], 64 p., 2 mf
125: W. F. Norman Sheet Metal Manufacturing Co., Steel ceilings: made in the
west, they are the best, Nevada, Mo., [1906], 24 p., 1 mf
126: W. H. S. Lloyd Co., Inc., Anaglypta with which is incorporated the best
selection..., [London], [1928?], 263 p., 7 mf
127: Wads worth, Rowland & Co., Incorporated, The house that was reformed: a little
story of the Wilson's..., [Boston, Mass.], [19-?], 22 p., 1 mf
128: Western Ceiling and Stamping Company, Perfection metal ceilings..., Dubuque,
Iowa, [1920?], 127 p., 2 mf
129: Wheeling Corrugating Company, [Catalog], Wheeling, W.Va., [1897?], 96 p.,
2 mf
130: Wheeling Corrugating Company, Wheeling ceilings made of steel, Wheeling,
W.Va., [C1910], 167, [ill], p., 6 mf
131: Wheeling Corrugating Company, Wheeling metal ceilings, Wheeling, W.Va.,
[191-?], 233 p., 6 mf
132: Wheeling Corrugating Company, Wheeling ceilings: Wheeling Corrugating
Company, Wheeling, W.Va., [c1911], [ill.], 217 p., 7 mf
133: Wheeling Corrugating Company, Wheeling metal ceilings: artistic, permanent,
economical..., Wheeling, W.Va., [c1911], 32 p., 2 mf
134: Wheeling Corrugating Company, Wheeling ceilings, Wheeling, W.Va., [c1914],
270 p., 8 mf
135: Wheeling Corrugating Company, Steel ceilings, Wheeling, W.Va., [c1930], 160 p.,
3 mf
136: Wilke Manufacturing Company, Fine hardwood floors and parquetry..., [Ander-
son, Ind?], 1904, 32 p., 1 mf
137: Wood-mosaic Flooring & Lumber Company, Wood-mosaic flooring..., Rochester,
N.Y., [c1908], 15 p., 1 mf


1: Aldine Manufacturing Company, The Aldine patent fire-place: the only perfect
hard coal grate..., [Grand Rapids, Mi], 1890, 32 p., 1 mf
2: American Face Brick Association, The home fires: a few suggestions in face
brick fireplaces, Chicago, [c1925], 47 p., 1 mf
3: American Flag Manufacturing Company, How to decorate artistically with flag
decoration..., Easton, Pa., [1912?], 16 p., 1 mf
38 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 10: Specialties (cont.)

4: Arnold & North, Inc., [Catalogue supplement], New York, N.Y., [191-?], 5 p., 1
5: Austral Sales Corp., Austral windows, wardrobes, folding partitions, New York,
N.Y., [1933], 125 p., 2 mf
6: Bennett Fireplace Corporation, Bennett bonded fireplace, Norwich, N.Y., [c1930],
18 p., 1 mf
7: Bennett-Ireland, Inc., Flexscreen, [Norwich, N.Y.], [c1956], 31 p., 1 mf
andirons, firesets and other hearth accessories
8: C. B. Atkin (Firm), From forest to fireside..., [Dayton, Ohio?], [c1902], 58 p., 1
9: C. M. Kinney Co., [Catalog], [New York, N.Y.], [c1913], 32 p., 1 mf
10: Cahill Company, Cahill fireplaces furnishings, gas heaters..., Chattanooga, Tenn.,
[1934], 108 p., 3 mf
11: Cahill Company, Cahill fireplace furnishings and building specialties, Chat-
tanooga, Tenn., [1936], 105 p., 3 mf
12: Carron Company, Architects' catalog..., Stirlingshire, U.K., [191-?], 427 p., 7 mf
13: Carron Company, Catalogue of register grates, interiors, dog grates..., Stir-
lingshire, U.K., 1911, 113 p., 4 mf
14: Central Mantel Co., Artistic mantels and fireplace trimmings..., St. Louis, Mo.,
[C1905], 110 p., 2 mf
15: Central Mantel Company, The science of mantel making: a beautiful variety of
wood mantels..., St. Louis, Mo., [1895], 79 p., 2 mf
16: Chas. C. Janney, [Photos. Examples of their signs painted on buildings and
smokestacks.], ?, [1899?], 55 p., 2 mf
17: Chas. F. Lorenzen & Co., Inc., Artistic fire places: wood mantels, grates, tiles
and grilles, Chicago, 111., [190-], 96 p., 2 mf
18: Chas. F. Lorenzen & Co., Inc., Fire places of wood, tile and brick: consoles and
grilles..., Chicago, [190-?], 100 p., 2 mf
19: Chas. Williams' Sons, [Illustrated catalog of slate mantels], Philadelphia, [c1880],
34 p., 1 mf
20: Chattanooga Implement & Manufacturing Co., Catalog number 45, Foundry Dept.:
fireplace grates..., Chattanooga, Tenn., [1923], 48 p., 2 mf
21: Corbin Cabinet Lock Company, Corbin post office equipments: lock boxes...,
New Britain, Conn., [190-?], 56 p., 1 mf
22: Cutler Mail Chute Co., The Cutler mail chute: the modern method of posting
letters..., Rochester, N.Y., [c1917], 8 p., 1 mf
23: Decorators Supply Co., Mantels, Chicago, 111., [c1925], 80 p., 2 mf
24: Detroit School of Lettering, Illustrated catalog: letterer's sign-painter's...,
Detroit, Mich., [190-], 24 p., 1 mf
25: Diamond Manufacturing Company, Architectural grilles of perforated metal,
Wyoming, Pa., [c1928], 31 p., 1 mf
26: Donley Brothers Company, Donley book of successful fireplaces, Cleveland,
Ohio, 1929, 68 p., 2 mf
27: Donley Brothers Company, The Donley book of successful fireplaces...,
Cleveland, Ohio, [c1936], 64 p., 1 mf
28: Donley Brothers Company, Book of successful fireplaces: how to build them,
Cleveland, Ohio, 1940, 64 p., 1 mf
29: Edwin A. Jackson & Bro., Inc., The Jackson ventilating grate..., [New York,
N.Y.?], [1895], 40 p., 2 mf
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 39

Category 10: Specialties (cont.)

30: Edwin A. Jackson & Bro., Inc., Catalogue of ventilating grates for the year
1906, New York, N.Y., 1906, 40 p., 1 mf
31: Edwin A. Jackson & Bro., Inc., Wood mantel-pieces and fire places, New York,
N.Y., 1925, 64 p., 2 mf
32: Edwin Jackson, Inc., Complete fireplace units ready to use with electric fires...,
New York, N.Y., [1932?], 15 p., 1 mf
33: Elkhart Brass Manufacturing Company, Special catalog no. 29 of fire protection
equipment..., Elkhart, Ind., [192-?], 25 p., 1 mf
34: Elzey Company, Elzey's brick mantel designs: no moulded, shaped or special
brick.., Parkersburg, W. Va., [c1916], 48 p., 1 mf
35: Fairfacts Company, Fairfacts fixtures: special process, New York, [c1925], 32 p.,
1 mf
36: Fiske, J. W., Illustrated catalogue of artistic wrought iron, brass and bronze...,
[New York, N.Y.], [c1891], 182 p., 3 mf
37: Fiske, J. W., Copper weather vanes: illustrated catalogue..., [New York], [c1921],
36 p., 1 mf
38: Foamite-Childs Corporation, Correct protection against fire, [Utica, N.Y.],
[c1927], 24 p., 1 mf
39: Gamewell Fire Alarm Telegraph Company, Municipal fire alarm systems:
[catalog], Newton U.F., Mass., 1917, 77 p., 2 mf
40: Goshen Lightning Rod Co., Lighting rods: good goods from Goshen, Goshen,
Ind., [c1924], 31 p., 1 mf
41: Hancock Iron Works, [Hancock outdoor Fireplaces], Pontiac, Mich., [1939], 10,
p., ill., 1 mf
42: Haney-White Co., Wood mantels, Philadelphia, Pa., 1903, 64 p., 2 mf
43: Hart Manufacturing Company, Fireplace fixtures, Louisville, Ky., [c1935], 63 p.,
2 mf
44: Heatilator Company, Heatilator: the modern fireplace that circulates heat...,
[Syracuse, N.Y.], [c1937] p., 1 mf
45: Hendrick Manufacturing Company, Ltd., Perforated metal grilles..., Carbondale,
Pa., [c1929], 36 p., 1 mf
46: Hudson River Slate Co., [Catalog], New York, [19--?], 2 p., 1 mf
47: Innes & Company, Illustrated catalog no. 10, Cincinnati, Ohio, [188-?], 72 p., 2
48: J. G. Wilson Corporation, Categoryfold and rolling partitions: hygienic school
wardrobes, [New York, N.Y.], [c1924], 40 p., 1 mf
49: J. Rider, [Mantel designs], [England], [1850], 40 p., 1 mf
50: J. W. Bailey & Sons., [Illustrated catalog of mantels], [Boston, Mass.], [189-?],
56 p., 1 mf
51: Jacobson & Company, Chimney-pieces..., [New York, N.Y.], [191-?], 119 p., 2 mf
52: Janusch Manufacturing Company, Fireplace fixtures, New York, [1925?], 248 p.,
4 mf
53: Jenkins Manufacturing Company, Bathroom accessories, New York, N.Y., [c1935],
15 p., 1 mf
54: Kentucky Metal Products Co., Wire work, Louisville, Ky., [c1930], 39 p., 1 mf
55: L. W. Gushing and Sons, Catalog of weather vanes..., Waltham, Mass., [c1883],
20 p., 1 mf
56: Logan Company, Logan grilles for screen doors & office fixtures, Louisville,
Ky., [c1928], 24 p., 1 mf
40 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 10: Specialties (cont.)

57: Logan Company, Fast-selling fire screens and fenders, [Louisville, Ky.], [c1930],
26 p., 1 mf
58: Metalace Corporation, [Catalog], South Boston, Mass., [c1928], 32 p., 1 mf
59: Miami Cabinet Company, Miami steel bathroom cabinets and fixtures, Mid-
dletown, Ohio, [c1930], 16 p., 1 mf
60: Mosaic Tile Co., Faience mantels, Zanesville, Ohio, [192-?], 40 p., 1 mf
61: Mott, J. L., Iron Works, Warming, ventilating and sanitary appliances for public
schools, New York, [c1895], 40 p., 1 mf
62: N. Stafford Co., Brass and silver plated signs of all descriptions..., [New York],
[190-?], 16 p., 1 mf
63: Newman Manufacturing Co., Perforated and cast Newman grilles, [Cincinnati,
Ohio], [C1930], 39 p., 2 mf
64: Paine's Furniture Mfg. Co., Paine's Furniture Co.: [wood mantel catalogue],
Boston, Mass., [1892], 61 p., 1 mf
65: Penrhyn Slate Company, ...Illustrated catalogue of enameled slate mantels...,
[New York, N.Y.], [c1869], 48 p., 1 mf
66: Philadelphia Sign Co., Electrical advertising, Philadelphia, Pa., [1921], 14 p., 1
67: S. W. Reese & Co., [Catalog], New York, N.Y., 1904, 68 p., 2 mf
68: Spanjer Brothers, ...Manufacturers of advertsising & decorative woodwork...,
[Newark, N.J.?], [1916?], 92 p., 2 mf
69: Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co., Modern bathrooms: with a few suggestions
about plumbing..., Pittsburgh, Pa., 1905, 98 p., 2 mf
70: T. W. Corbett (Firm), Illustrated catalog of wood mantels, New Haven, Conn.,
[189-?], 40 p., 1 mf
71: Todhunter, Inc., Mantels, New York, N.Y., [192-?], 4 p., ill., 1 mf
72: Todhunter, Inc., Georgian Mantels, New York, [192-?], 12 p., 1 mf
73: Todhunter, Inc., Colonial mantels: authentic..., New York, [1928], 20 p., 1 mf
74: Todhunter, Inc., Early English mantelpieces, New York, N.Y., [1929], 16 p., 1 mf
75: Todhunter, Inc., Andirons and firetools..., [New York, N.Y.], [1929?], 27 p., 1 mf
76: United Metal Box Company, Inc., Steel bathroom cabinets, Brooklyn, N.Y.,
[c1930], 23 p., 1 mf
77: W. D. & A. S. Nichols, Illustrated catalogue of mantels & grates..., New York,
[c1880], 35 p., 1 mf
78: W. L. Evans (Firm), Pictures that talk: Evans vanishing door, [Washington,
Ind.], [191-?], 16 p., 1 mf
79: W. L. Evans (Firm), A trip thru the home of the vanishing door with Mr.
Evans, [Washington, Ind.], [c1920], 24 p., 1 mf
80: W. L. Evans (Firm), Evans vanishing door, Washington, Ind., [c1924], 24 p., 1
81: Weber Illuminated Sign Company, "Do you believe in signs?" business getters1,
Reading, Pa., [191-?], 8 p., 1 mf
82: West Virginia Mantel Co., Illustrated catalogue of artistic wood mantels,
[Parkersburg, W.V.], 1911, 93 p., 2 mf
83: White Mantel and Tile Company, The advance courier: our abridged catalog,
Knoxville, Tenn., [1904], 48 p., 1 mf
84: WhitwelFs patent, Whitwell's patent "save all waste" fire grates: for burning
coal..., Gloucester, England, [1876], 16 p., 1 mf
85: Wm. M. Taylor Mantel & Grate Co., [Catalog], [Chicago, 111.?], [191-?], 31, [ill].
p., 1 mf
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 41


1: Alaska Refrigerator Co., Alaska grocers & butchers refrigerators, Muskegon,

Mich., [191-], 40 p., 1 mf
2: Art Metal Construction Company, Metallic book stacks and furniture for
libraries..., [Buffalo], [1901], 55 p., 1 mf
3: B. A. Stevens Co., Stevens open pan cooling rooms, Toledo, Ohio, 1906, 64 p., 1
4: Bastian-Blessing Company, Details of construction and floor plans..., [Chicago,
111.?], [192-?], 31 p., 1 mf
5: Bicycle Step Ladder Company, Descriptive catalogue of the bicycle step ladder
for stores..., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1893, 12 p., 1 mf
6: Cecil Manufacturing Co., Inc., Cecilware quality products: for hotels, res-
taurants..., New York, N.Y., [c1932, 80 p., 2 mf
7: Columbus Show Case Company, Store interiors, Columbus, Ga., [1905?], 72 p., 2
8: Cooper & McKee, Manufacturers, 1895 illustrated catalog..., [Brooklyn, N.Y.?],
[1895?], 50 p., 1 mf
9: Coppes Brothers & Zook, Specially designed unit systems for all types of
building, Nappanee, Ind., [1927?], 39 p., 1 mf
10: Coppes, Inc., Coppes Napanee custombuilt kitchens..., [Nappanee, Ind.], [1939?],
30 p., 1 mf
11: Curtis Companies Service Bureau, Let us tell you about kitchen planning with
Curtis, [Clinton, Iowa], [c1939], 30 p., 1 mf
12: Domestic Science Kitchen Unit Corporation, Significant new kitchens for
homes and apartments..., Frankfort, Ind., [c1930], 23 p., 1 mf
13: Duparquet, Huot & Moneuse Co., Catalogue no. 13..., New York, N.Y., 1928, 336
p., 5 mf
14: Emerson Piano Co., ...Manufacturers of grand, square and upright pianos...,
[Boston, Mass.], 1890, 19 p., 1 mf
15: Emil J. Paidar Company, Beauty parlor equipment, Chicago, [1928], 96 p., 2 mf
16: Estey Organ Company, Information about Estey pipe organs: for churches,
residences..., Brattleboro, Vt., 1923, 100 p., 2 mf
17: Frank S. Betz Company, "Whitekraft" built-in steel casework for hospitals...,
[Hammond, Ind.], [1928?], 66 p., 1 mf
18: Frederick, Christine McGaffey, You and your kitchen: from experience...,
Newcastle, Ind., [c1915], 46 p., 1 mf
19: Frigidaire Corporation, Frigidaire automatic refrigeration, [Dayton, Ohio],
[c1929], 35 p., 1 mf
20: G. I. Sellers & Sons Company, Sellers catalog of kitchen furniture and sales
manual, Elwood, Ind., [c1930], 16 p., 1 mf
21: General Electric Company, General Electric refrigerator: makes it safe to be
hungry, [Schenectady, NY?], [c1929], 23 p., 1 mf
22: Grand Rapids Store Equipment Corporation, Drug stores for walls people, Grand
Rapids, Mich., [c1929], 47 p., 1 mf
23: Gus. V. Brecht Butchers' Supply Company, ...Manufacturers and dealers in
butchers, sausage makers..., [St. Louis, Mo.], [c1910], 296 p., 5 mf
24: H. M. C. Sales Corporation, [Portfolio of kitchen designs], Newcastle, Ind.,
[C1929], 12 p., 1 mf
25: H. M. C. Sales Corporation, Hoosier Kitchen Plan Book, Newcastle, Ind.,
42 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 11: Equipment (cont.)

31 p., 1 mf
26: Hamilton Beach Manufacturing Company, Hamilton Beach modern fountain
equipment, [Racine, Wis.?], [c1933], 21 p., 1 mf
27: Hendrick Manufacturing Company, Ltd., Cold storage and freezing warehouses...,
Carbondale, Pa., [c1897], 76 p., 2 mf
28: Hoosier Manufacturing Co., The kitchen plan book..., Newcastle, Ind., [c1920],
55 p., 2 mf
29: I-XL Furniture Company, An extraordinary showing of popular sizes of bases...,
Goshen, Ind., 1928, 18 p., 1 mf
30: I-XL Furniture Company, Distinctive furniture of quality for the kitchen,
Goshen, Ind., 1935, 24 p., 1 mf
31: J. R. Palmenberg's Sons, Illustrated catalog and price-list of display fixtures...,
[New York, N.Y.], [c1893], 172 p., 3 mf
32: Janes & Kirtland, Inc., The kitchen that make a house a home: [catalog], [New
York], [C1927], 11 p., 1 mf
33: Jones & Company, Jones & Company, bell founders, and proprietors..., Troy,
N.Y., [1870?], 78 p., 2 mf
34: Kelvinator Corporation, Kelvinator and some of its users, [Detroit, Mich.],
[C1925], 28 p., 1 mf
35: L. Holzhauer Sons (Firm), L. Holzhauer Sons: manufacturers and dealers..., Troy,
N.Y., [1915], 184 p., 3 mf
36: Lalance & Grosjean M'f'g Co., [Catalog], [New York, N.Y.], [1881], 218 p., 4 mf
37: Lawrence Ellerbrock, Inc., ...Manufacturers of complete kitchen and serving
equipment..., Baltimore, Md., [192-?], 80 p., 2 mf
38: Lowe Brothers Company, "High Standard" paint windows, [Dayton, Ohio?],
[1900?], 16 p., ill., 1 mf
39: Maneely & Company, Church bells, peals and church chimes..., Watervliet, N.Y.,
[C1912], 64 p., 1 mf
40: Milbradt Manufacturing Company, Illustrated and descriptive catalog no. 28...,
[St. Louis, Mo.], [190-?], 27 p., 1 mf
41: Morandi-Proctor Co., Hotel and institution cooking apparatus, Boston, Mass.,
[c1910], 189 p., 3 mf
42: Morgan Company, Your modern kitchen: sectional wood cabinets..., [Oshkosh,
Wis.], [1952?], 31 p., 1 mf
43: Mussgiller-Mangels Company, We handle every article used by a baker, New
York, [1900?], 207 p., 6 mf
44: National Lumber Manufacturers Association, Modern home interiors..., [Washing-
ton, D.C.?], [C1929], 32 p., 1 mf
45: New Departure Mfg. Company, Catalogue B, Bristol, Conn., [189-?], 19 p., 1 mf
46: Norwich Nickel and Brass Company, Illustrated catalog no. 17 and price list of
display frames..., Norwich, Conn., [c1912], 389 p., 6 mf
47: Office Specialty Mfg. Company, The best and most complete line of metallic
vault..., [Rochester, N.Y.], [1892], 24 p., 1 mf
48: Ottenheimer Bros., Refrigerators, sanitary store fixtures and ice machines...,
Baltimore, Md., [191-?], 39 p., 2 mf
49: Peerless Fixtures Co., The sanitary line..., [Marshall, Mich.?], [1914?], 35 p., 1
50: Quincy Show Case Works, Quincy special show cases and modern store
equipment..., [Quincy, 111.], [c1910], 128 p., 3 mf
51: Saginaw Show Case Company, Limited, ... Manufacturers of show cases and
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 43

Category 11: Equipment (cont.)

store fixtures..., Saginaw, Mich., [1914?], 80 p., 2 mf
52: Sterling Organ Co., Illustrated catalog, Derby, Conn., [1882], 22 p., 1 mf
53: Theo. A. Kochs (Firm), Illustrated catalog: Theo. A. Kochs barber supplies,
Chicago, 1893, 95 p., 3 mf
54: United Soda Fountain Company, United soda fountains, Boston, [c1928], 39 p., 1
55: W. C. Heller & Company, ...Manufacturers of the "shelving with brains"...,
Montpelier, Ohio, [c1922], 117 p., ill., 4 mf
56: Walker Dishwasher Corporation, Modern kitchens designed with new apprecia-
tion..., Syracuse, N.Y., [c1928], 23 p., 1 mf
57: Walker Patent Pivoted Bin Co., Modern grocery fixtures, Philadelphia, Pa.,
[1907?], 71, [1] p., 2 mf
58: Wells Brothers, Wm. Eaton's patent washing machine sold wholesale and retail...,
[Milford, Conn.?], [1872?], 15 p., 1 mf
59: Wolf, Sayer & Heller, Sausage casings, packers', butchers' and sausage makers'
tools..., [Chicago, 111.?], [c1900], 288 p., 5 mf
60: Wyse, Lois, Your kitchen and you..., Newcastle, Ind., [c1925], 32 p., 1 mf

1: A. Bohachek (Firm), Classic carving, West Troy, N.Y., [190-?], 16 p., 1 mf

2: A. C. Bosselman & Co., ...Manufacturers and importers: postal cards, view
books..., [New York, N.Y.], [c1910], 28 p., 1 mf
3: A. H. Vilas Company, Forty-first general catalog of goods..., [Chicago?],
[1913?], 160 p., 3 mf
4: A. Ludwig, Manufacturer, Illustrated catalogue no. 7 of ornamental brass
trimmings, [New York, N.Y.?], [19--?], 147 p., 3 mf
5: A. P. Lombard & Co., Architectural ornamentation, Boston, Mass., [19--?], 48 p.,
2 mf
6: A. S. Klein Company, Moulding catalogue no. 64..., [Chicago, 111.?], [1909], 80
p., 2 mf
7: Ad. Harnisch (Firm), Catalogue of plastic stucco decorations for interior and
exterior, Syracuse, N.Y., [19--?], 126 p., 2 mf
8: Ad. Harnisch (Firm), Catalog of stucco decoration designs..., [Syracuse, N.Y.],
[190-?], 95 p., 3 mf
9: Ad. Harnisch (Firm), Catalogue of plastic stucco decorations for interior...,
Syracuse, N.Y., [191-?], 48 p., 2 mf
10: Aeroshade Company, Make hot days cool and airy with Aerolux..., [Waukesha,
Wis.], [C1920], 8 p., 1 mf
11: Aladdin Company, Aladdin interiors, Bay City, Mich., [1912], 16 p., 1 mf
12: Albert Komp, Manufacturer, [Catalog]: Albert Komp, Manufacturer, natural
wood embossed..., [New York], [188-?], 5 p., 1 mf
13: American Seating Company, Ars ecclesiastica: the wood carving studios...,
[United States], [c1922], 47 p., 1 mf
14: Angel Novelty Company, Standardized interior woodwork, Fitchburg, Mass.,
1930, 87 p., ill., 2 mf
15: Angel Novelty Company, Standardized interior woodwork, [Fitchburg, Mass.],
[1931], 136 p., 3 mf
16: Angus McKay & Company, [Catalog], [Chicago], [1901], 80 p., 2 mf
44 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 12: Furnishings (cont.)

17: Architectural Decorating Company, [Catalog], Chicago, 111., [190-?], 251 p., 4 mf
18: Architectural Decorating Company, ...Manufacturers of artistic relief ornamenta-
tion..., Chicago, 111., [c1909], 229 p., 4 mf
19: Architectural Decorating Company, Book of designs, plastic ornaments, Chicago,
[C1928], 232 p., 4 mf
20: Art Metal Construction Company, [Photographs], [Jamestown, N.Y.], [1900?], 63
p., 2 mf
21: Art Metal Construction Company, Metallic filing devices, fixtures and furni-
ture..., Jamestown, N.Y., [c1902], 72 p., 2 mf
22: Baker Furniture, Inc., Period and contemporary furniture..., [Holland, Mich.?],
[1930], 136 p., 3 mf
23: Bakewell & Mullins, Designs of architectural ornaments: manufactured in sheet
zinc..., New York, 1887, 196 p., 3 mf
24: Benziger Brothers, Church goods catalogue, [United States], [c1927], 168, [11]
p., ill., 4 mf
25: Bielefeld, Charles Frederick, On the use of the improved papier-mache in
furniture..., London, 1850, 140 p., ill., 4 mf
26: Boynton & Company, Book 16: Boynton & Company, manufacturers of em-
bossed..., [Chicago?], [190-?], 63 p., 1 mf
27: C. F. Koran Company, Inc., Catalogue of ecclesiastical gold and silver plate...,
[Los Angeles, Ca.], [192-?], 80 p., 2 mf
28: C. Hennecke & Company, Hennecke's art studies, [Milwaukee, Wis.?], 1889, 103
p., ill., 3 mf
29: Charles F. Bielefeld (Firm), Tariff of ornaments manufactured in the improved
papier mache..., [London?], [1850], 30 p., 1 mf
30: Charles W. Spurr Company, Designs of wood carvings (Spurr's patent),
manufactured solely..., [New York], [189-?], 27 p., 1 mf
31: Chicago Embossed Moulding Company, Catalogue of the Chicago Embossed
Moulding Co.: manufacturers..., [Chicago], [1904], 80 p., 2 mf
32: Church Art Work Company, Marble, mosaics, onyx, and bronze ecclesiastical
work..., Mount Vernon, N.Y., [c1913], 88 p., 3 mf
33: Da Prato, A., Company, Ecclesiastical art inspirations, Boston, Mass., [c1929],
312 p., 5 mf
34: Daprato Statuary Company, Creations in ecclesiastical art: statuary, altars,
windows, etc...., Chicago, 111., [c1921], 111 p., 2 mf
35: Daprato Statuary Company, Creations in ecclesiastical art: statuary, altars,
windows, etc., Chicago, 111., [c1928], 530 p., 16 mf
36: Darvel Fabrics, Crettones and their decorative uses / Darvel Fabrics, [New
York], [c1930], 31 p., 1 mf
37: Decorators Supply Co., Illustrated catalogue of plastic ornaments..., Chicago,
[191-?], 176 p., 3 mf
38: Decorators Supply Co., Decorators Supply Co-Manufacturers of architectural...,
[Chicago], 1914, 64 p., 2 mf
39: Decorators Supply Co., Illustrated Catalogue of plastic ornaments..., Chicago,
1925, 320 p., 5 mf
40: Decorators Supply Co., Illustrated booklet of plaster ornaments, Chicago,
[193-?], 16 p., 1 mf
41: Decorators Supply House, Ornamental drapery fittings..., [Los Angeles, Ca.],
[1930], 59 p., ill., 2 mf
42: Dennison Manufacturing Company, Art & Decoration in crepe & tissue paper,
[United States], [1896?], 144 p., 3 mf
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 45

Category 12: Furnishings (cont.)

43: Dennison Manufacturing Company, Dennison's Bulletin no. 29: window back
ground, [Framingham, Mass?], [1917], 8 p., 1 mf
44: Detroit Decorative Supply Company, Architectural and decorative plaster
ornaments, Detroit, Mich., (c1929], 206, [ill], p., 4 mf
45: Doehler Metal Furniture Company, Inc., Doehler metal furniture for hotels and
institutions..., New York, [193-?], 28 p., 1 mf
46: Ellin, Kitson & Company, [Book of ornamentation], [New York?], [188-?], 12 p.,
1 mf
47: Emmel, Charles, Specimens of relief ornamentation for interior and exterior...,
[Boston], [1895], 37 p., 2 mf
48: Emmel, Charles, Specimens of relief ornamentation for interior and exterior...,
Boston, [1900], 46 p., 2 mf
49: F. Herhold & Sons, ...Manufacturers of bent and sawed stock chairs, Chicago,
111., [188-?], 44 p., 2 mf
50: F. J. Newcomb Mfg. Co., Catalogue of architectural ornaments: for exterior and
interior..., New York, [19-?], 48 p., 2 mf
51: Finsven, Inc., Aalto design, [New York, N.Y.], [c1948], 16 p., 1 mf
52: Fischer & Jirouch Company, Catalogue of interior and exterior decorative
ornament..., Cleveland, Ohio, [191-?], 123 p., 2 mf
53: Fischer & Jirouch Company, Catalogue of interior and exterior decorative
ornament..., Cleveland, Ohio, [191-?], 254 p., 4 mf
54: Fischer & Jirouch Company, Interior & exterior decorative ornament, Cleveland,
Ohio, [c1931], 205 p., 3 mf
55: Frank A. Seifert Plastic Relief Company, Illustrated catalogue no. 2 of plastic
relief ornaments..., St. Louis, Mo., [c1909], 125 p., 2 mf
56: Fred Albrecht (Firm), [Catalog]: Fred Albrecht, manufacturer of machine-em-
bossed..., [Cincinnati, Ohio?], [1903?], 16 p., 1 mf
57: G. E. Walter (Firm), Duretta: an exact, fireproof imitation of plain and
carved..., New York, [c1920], 15 p., 1 mf
58: Galvanoplastie Massive Delaunay, [Catalog], [Paris, France?], [188-?], 59 p., 2 mf
59: Gebruder Thonet, ...Manufacturers and importers of Thonet bentwood furniture,
[New York, N.Y.], [1915], 163 p., 3 mf
60: Gebruder Thonet, Catalog no. 53, New York, N.Y., [c1938], 64 p.
61: Geo. Mertz's Sons, [Catalog]: Geo. Mertz's Sons, Manufacturers of patent
turned art..., [Port Chester, NY], 1898, 48 p., 2 mf
62: Gleason Wood Ornament Company, Natural wood ornaments: for furniture
manufacturers..., Grand Rapids, Mich., 1883, 23 p., 1 mf
63: Globe Furniture Company, Catalogue of pulpit & platform furniture, Northville,
Mich., [189-?], 56 p., 2 mf
64: Globe Furniture Company, Catalogue of pews & church seatings, Northville,
Mich., [1893?], 48 p., 2 mf
65: Gorham Manufacturing Company, Church furnishings, New York, [1908?], 22 p.,
1 mf
66: Gorham Manufacturing Company, Ecclesiastical Department, New York, [c1914],
188 p., 2 mf
67: Gorham Manufacturing Company, Bronze, misc. ornaments: a collection of
rosettes, mouldings..., [New York, N.Y.?], [c1916], 42 p., 2 mf
68: Graber Company, Marie Graber's window decorating book, Middleton, Wis.,
[C1965], 96 p., 2 mf
46 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 12: Furnishings (cont.)

69: Grand Rapids Carved Moulding Company, Art moulding: Grand Rapids Carved
Moulding Company..., [Grand Rapids, Mi], [1894], 55 p., 1 mf
70: Grand Rapids Wood Carving Company, Supplementary Catalogue of wood
carvings, mouldings, rosettes..., Grand Rapids, Mich., [190-?], 44 p., 2 mf
71: Hale, Kilburn & Company, Illustrated price list of looking-glass and picture
frames..., [Philadelphia, Pa?], [1874], 63 p., 2 mf
72: Halladay, J. Stuart, Decorative hand-blocked window shades and wall panels...,
New York, [1928], 42 p., 1 mf
73: Hartman & Durstine, Descriptive catalogue of Hartman's patent inside sliding
window..., Wooster, Ohio, [c1887], 52 p., 1 mf
74: Hartshorn, Stewart, Hartshorn's automatic curtain rollers..., [New York],
[187-?], 1 p., 1 mf
75: Hartshorn, Stewart, Hartshorn's Self-Acting Shade Rollers, [New York], 1870, 2
p., 1 mf
76: Henry Hope & Sons, Curtains, window drapery & screening..., New York,
[1930?], 39 p., 1 mf
77: Henry Klein & Company, Inc., Driwood period mouldings in ornamented wood...,
Elmhurst, NY, [c1928], 28 p., 1 mf
78: Henry Klein & Company, Inc., Driwood period mouldings in ornamented wood...,
New York, [c1929], 28 p., 1 mf
79: Hochschild-Kohn & Company, Beauty in the home, inside and outside, Baltimore,
Md., [192-?], 9 p., ill., 1 mf
80: Huntoon, L., Huntoon's patent window blind operator and lock..., [Natick,
Mass.], [1881?], 1 p., 1 mf
81: J. C. Iversen & Co., ...Manufacturers of mouldings and looking glasses...,
Milwaukee, [1874], 36 p., 1 mf
82: J. G. Braun (Firm), Catalogue no. 17, 1914: J. G. Braun...plain and ornamental...,
[Chicago, 111.?], [c1914], 110 p., 2 mf
83: J. G. Braun (Firm), Wrought iron ornaments/J. G. Braun Company, [Chicago,
111.?], [1928?], 48 p., 2 mf
84: J. G. Braun (Firm), Light iron ornaments and iron products..., [Chicago, 111.?],
[1929?], 32 p., 1 mf
85: J. G. Braun (Firm), Steel moulding/J. G. Braun Company...[etc.], [Chicago],
[1930?], 77 p., 2 mf
86: J. G. Braun (Firm), Architectural Shapes in Alcoa Aluminum, Chicago, 111.,
1930, 18 p., 1 mf
87: J. Godfrey Wilson (Firm), Complete catalog of Wilson's specialties..., [New
York], [1897], 78 p., 2 mf
88: J. Jos. Heilingenthal (Firm), Recueil des dessins d'ornements d'architecture...,
[Strasbourg], [1827?], 112, [ill], p., 4 mf
89: Jacob & Josef Kohn, Wien (Firm), Extract from catalogue:...Inventors and
Manufacturers..., New York, N.Y., [188-?], 4 p., 1 mf
90: Jacobson & Company, The general catalogue of Jacobson & Company, New
York, 1915, 188, [ill], p., 3 mf
91: Jacobson & Company, A handbook of notable interiors..., New York, [192-?], 13
p., 1 mf
92: Jacobson & Company, A book of old English designs: 47 plates of historical...,
New York, [c1921], 52 p., 2 mf
93: Jacobson & Company, The general catalogue of Jacobson & Company, New York,
1924, 189, [ill], p., 3 mf
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 47

Category 12: Furnishings (cont.)

94: Jacobson & Company, A second book of old English designs: 51 plates..., New
York, [c1928], 51 p., 1 mf
95: Jacobson & Company, The general catalogue of Jacobson & Company, New York,
1929, 258, [ill], p., 4 mf
96: Jacobson Manufacturing Company, Architectural and decorative ornaments...,
New York, [c1895], 34, [ill], p., 2 mf
97: Jenney, Edgar W., Beautiful interiors and how to achieve them..., [Chicago],
[c1928], 23 p., 1 mf
98: John Hartmann (Firm), [Catalog], Chicago, [190-?], 71 p., 2 mf
99: John Moore & Company, ...Illustrated catalogue of latest improved patent
extension..., Syracuse, N.Y., 1882, 28 p., 1 mf
100: Jordan & Moriarty, Illustrated catalogue, [New York], [188-?], 32 p., 1 mf
101: Kenneth Lynch & Sons, Liturgical art, [New York?], [c1940], 202 p., 6 mf
102: Kirsch Manufacturing Company, Distinctive draping, Sturgis, Mich., [192-?], 23
p., 1 mf
103: Konig, F., lithographer, Modelle fur Empire und Biedermaier Beschlage fur
Mobel..., [Vienna, Austria?], [182-?], 14 p., 1 mf
104: Kroder Reubel Co., A complete line of drapery hardware and carpet..., New
York, [1928?], 188 p., 4 mf
105: L. A. Romagnesi (Firm), Recueil des dessins representant les sculptures ...,
[France?], [182-?], 90 p., 3 mf
106: Le mobilier ecclesiastique, Le mobilier ecclesiastique, [France?], [18—], 68 p.,
ill., 3 mf
107: Lombard & Ludwig, Inc., Relief ornament for exterior and interior decora-
tions..., Washington, D.C., [191-?], 40 p., 2 mf
108: Luetke & Company, ...ecclesiastical art workers..., [New York], [1900], 40 p., 1
109: Maple & Company, Ltd., An illustrated catalogue of chairs, sofas and settees...,
London, [191-?], 185 p., 3 mf
110: Marshall & Stearns Company, Oscillating portal wall beds: a steel and malleable
iron..., San Francisco, Ca., [c1915], 24 p., 1 mf
111: Marshall & Sterns Company, Building for the future: a collection of floor
plans..., [San Francisco?], [c1918], 63 p., 2 mf
112: Martin J. Frand & Co., Catalogue of architectural ornaments: manufactured in
sheet zinc..., Camden, N.J., [1900], 100 p., 3 mf
113: Maxwell, Forbes & Stillman Company, Architectural ornaments in exterior and
interior..., Milwaukee, Wis., 1909, 143 p., 3 mf
114: Mayhew Studios, Ceiling decorations..., [New York], [c1910], 11 p., ill., 1 mf
115: Metal Fabric Company, Metal fabric, New York, [191-?], 12 p., 1 mf
116: Metropolitan Furniture Company, Lace curtains: Nottingham, bobbinette, corded
Arabians..., Springfield, Mass., [1910?], 28 p., 1 mf
117: Miller & Doing, Inc., Architectural sheet metal ornaments, Brooklyn, N.Y.,
[191-?], 80 p., 2 mf
118: Miller (Herman) Furniture Co., Inc., Catalog supplement..., Zeeland, Mich.,
[1940?], 28 p., 1 mf
119: Minnesota Roofing and Archit. Sheet Metal Works, Illustrated catalog..., [St.
Paul, Minn.], [1885?], 37 p., 1 mf
120: Morris & Company, Decorators, Ltd., Decoration..., [London, England?], [1910],
47 p., ill., 1 mf
48 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 12: Furnishings (cont.)

121: Murphy Door Bed Company, More home in less space, [New York?], [192-?], 31
p., 1 mf
122: Murphy Door Bed Company, The Murphy Door Bed Company: yearbook, New
York, [1924], 32 p., 1 mf
123: Murphy Door Bed Company, Murphy's blue print manual, New York, [c1925], 42
p., 1 mf
124: Murphy Door Bed Company, Efficiency in building/Murphy Door Bed Company,
Kansas City, [1930?], 22 p., ill., 1 mf
125: Mutual Furniture Company, Hints on house furnishing: with compliments...,
New York, [1887], 16 p., 1 mf
126: New York Carved Moulding Co., ...Manufacturers of carved, turned and twist
mouldings, [New York, N.Y.], [c1900], 48 p., 1 mf
127: Old Hickory Furniture Company, Old Hickory presents American home furniture:
[catalog], Martinsville, Ind., [1951?], 44 p., 1 mf
128: Ornamental Products Company, Stock designs of lignine carvings: unbreakable,
Detroit, Mich., 1909, 34 p., 2 mf
129: Ornamental Products Company, Stock designs of lignine (wood) carvings:
unbreakable, Detroit, Mich., [1916?], 44 p., 1 mf
130: P. Poussielgue-Rusand [Firm], Manufacture d'orfevrerie et de bronzes pour les
eglises, Paris, France, 1865, 230, [79] p., ill., 2 mf
131: Pacific Bamboo & Rattan Products, ...Invitation, [Los Angeles, Ca.?], [1950], 1
p., ill., 1 mf
132: Paine's Furniture Mfg. Co., Catalog of artistic furniture at Paines furniture
warerooms, Boston, [1884?], 48 p., 1 mf
133: Premier Standardized Woodwork, Manufacturers, Premier built-in conveniences,
El Paso, Texas, [192-?], 48 p., 1 mf
134: Pyrogravure Company, Catalogue B, New York, [c1894], 28 p., 2 mf
135: R. M. Lambie (Firm), ok holders: catalog and price list, New York, 1887, 20 p.,
1 mf
136: R. M. Lambie (Firm), Book holders: catalog and price list, New York, 1889, 20
p., 1 mf
137: Robsjohn-Gibbings Ltd., ...Furniture today, [New York], [1950], 20 p., 1 mf
138: Rookwood Pottery Company, Rookwood pottery, Cincinnati, Ohio, [1902], 47 p.,
1 mf
139: S. E. Overton (Firm), ...Manufacturer of embossed and plain mouldings,
balusters..., Chicago, [1904], 80 p., 2 mf
140: Scranton Lace Company, Window draping with net and lace..., Scranton, Pa.,
1924, 69 p., 2 mf
141: Scranton Lace Company, New outlooks for every home..., Scranton, Pa., 1924,
69 p., 2 mf
142: Simmons Company, Simmons standard U.S. Government furniture and equip-
ment, [New York, N.Y.?], [c1942], 60 p., 2 mf
143: Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co., Illustrated catalog and price list of fine electro...,
[Wallingford, Ct.], [1878], 186 p., 8 mf
144: Steel Equipment Corporation, Modern desks for modern business..., Avenel,
N.J., [1930], 32 p., 1 mf
145: Stephen Bilek Company, Manufacturer of embossed mouldings..., [Chicago],
[1904?], 72 p., 2 mf
146: Stereo Relief Decorative Company, [Catalog], New York, [189-?], 32 p., 2 mf
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 49

Category 12: Furnishings (cont.)

147: Tiffany Glass & Decorating Company, A synopsis of the exhibit of the Tiffany
Glass and Decorating Co..., Chicago, 111., 1893, 32 p., 1 mf
148: Tirrart (Firm), Recueil de dessins, d'ornemens, d'architecture lithographies...,
[Paris, France], [1830], 108 p., 4 mf
149: Tognarelli & Voigt Company, Relief work, Philadelphia, Pa., [19--], 130 p., 2
150: Voigt Company, [Catalog], Philadelphia, Pa., 1928, 229, [ill], p., 4 mf
151: W. H. Mullins Company, Catalogue of architectural ornaments and statuary...,
[Salem, Ohio?], [1894?], 168 p., 3 mf
152: Waddell Manufacturing Company, Rosettes, mouldings, and carvings: revised
price list no. 16..., Grand Rapids, Mich., [1900], 102 p., 2 mf
153: Waddell Manufacturing Company, Catalogue and revised price list..., [Grand
Rapids, Mi], [1902], 200 p., 3 mf
154: Waddell Manufacturing Company, Catalogue and revised price list..., [Grand
Rapids, Mi], [1904], 218 p., 4 mf
155: Wakefield Rattan Company, Illustrated catalogue and price-list of rattan and
reed furniture..., [Boston, Mass.], 1884, 44 p., 1 mf
156: Warren McArthur Corporation, [Aluminum furniture designs], New York,
[1936?], 70 p., 2 mf
157: Watson Manufacturing Company, Watson interior equipment: steel and bronze
for banks..., Jamestown, N.Y., [c1924], 55 p., 1 mf
158: Wilier Manufacturing Company, The "Wilier" sliding blinds, the "Wilier" folding
blinds..., Milwaukee, Wis., [c1890], 47 p., 1 mf
159: William Leavens & Co., Price list of Leavens furniture: October 1, 1928,
Boston, Mass., 1928, 20 p., 1 mf
160: Witzel, Broschart & Braun, Artistic architectural sheet metal ornaments..., New
York, [189-?], 48 p., 1 mf
161: Wrampelmeier Furniture Mfg. Company, [Catalog], Louisville, Ky., [c1900], 52
p., 2 mf


1: Aladdin Company, Aladdin plan of industrial housing--2nd ed., Bay City, Mich.,
[C1920], 92 p., 2 mf
2: Alfred E. Gwynn Co., A book of California bungalows.--3rd ed., new and enl.,
Los Angeles, Calif., [c1920], 109 p., 2 mf
3: Alpha Portland Cement Company, Concrete houses: porches, floors, walks, steps:
strong..., [Easton, Pa.], [c1910], 8 p., 1 mf
4: American Patent Portable House Mfg. Co., Buildings of any size or design: wind
or water proof..., New York, 1886, 36 p., 1 mf
5: Anonymous, Your own home book of plans by America's leading architects,
[New York ?], [c1946], 31 p., 1 mf
6: Assoc. of American Portland Cement Mfrs., Competitve designs for concrete
houses of moderate cost..., Philadelphia, Pa., [1907?], 54 p., 2 mf
7: Atlas Portland Cement Company, Concrete garages: the fireproof home for the
automobile..., New York, [c1920], 48 p., 1 mf
8: Atlas Portland Cement Company, Choosing the garage, New York, [c1921], 15 p.,
1 mf
9: Baker, C. J., Caleb J. Baker, manufacturer of tents and awnings..., Kansas City,
50 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 13: Special Construction (cont.)

Mo., [1898], 110 p., 2 mf

10: Barre Granite Association, War memorials of reverence: summarized descriptions
of the war..., [Barre, Vt.?], [c1945], 56 p., ill., 2 mf
11: C. D. Pruden Company, Prudential portable fire proof steel shelters..., Balti-
more, Md., [1911], 16 p., 1 mf
12: Charles C. Kellogg & Sons Co., 101 years of service, Utica, N.Y., [c1927], 184
p., 3 mf
13: Circle "A" Products Corporation, Churches/Circle "A" Products Corporation,
Pittsburgh, Pa., [c1920], 8 p., 1 mf
14: Close-to-Nature Company, Portable buildings of all kinds: canvas houses...,
Coif ax, Iowa, [1929], 64 p., 2 mf
15: Coburn Trolley Track Mfg. Co., Coburn line of improved garage door hangers,
Holyoke, Mass., [191-?], 47 p., 1 mf
16: Craig & Richards Granite Co., ...Designers, sculptors, manufacturers of
mausoleums, sarcophagi..., Quincy, Mass., [c1900], 24 p., 1 mf
17: Crescent Company, Bird architecture, Toms River, N.J., [1916?], 48 p., 1 mf
18: Ducker Portable House Co., Illustrated catalog..., New York, [c1888], 51 p., 1 mf
19: E. C. Young Company, Young's garages and bungalows: summer camps, road side
stands..., Randolph, Mass., [192-?], 36 p., 1 mf
20: East Waverly Steam Granite Works, Modern monuments and where to buy
them..., [Waverly, N.Y.?], [c1900], 16 p., 1 mf
21: F. P. Smith Wire and Iron Works, Stable fittings..., [Chicago, 111.?], [c1911], 44
p., 1 mf
22: Farrington Gould Hoagland, Inc., Photographs of mausoleums, [New York?],
[191-?], 42 p., 3 mf
23: Fiske, J. W., Illustrated catalog and price list..., [New York, N.Y.], [190-?], 184
p., 3 mf
24: G. J. Seedman Company, Catalog of service station equipment, Brooklyn, N.Y.,
[1940?], 93 p., 1 mf
25: Garden City Company of California, Ideal homes in garden communities: a book
of stock plans..., Los Angeles, Calif., [c1916], 80 p., 2 mf
26: General Bronze Corporation, Bronze memorials and honor roll tablets..., New
York, N.Y., [c1946], 33, [ill], p., 1 mf
27: Gordon-Van Tine Company, Practical plans built by our patrons, Davenport,
Iowa, [1900], 2 p., 1 mf
28: Gordon-Van Tine Company, Gordon-Van Tine's ready-cut homes, Davenport,
Iowa, [C1916], 98 p., 2 mf
29: Gordon-Van Tine Company, Farm buildings, Davenport, Iowa, [1917?], 76 p., 2 mf
30: Gordon-Van Tine Company, The proof of the pudding, Davenport, Iowa, 1926,
23 p., 1 mf
31: Gorham Manufacturing Company, Gorham memorial tablets made in bronze,
brass, marble..., New York, N.Y., [c1905], 80 p., ill., 2 mf
32: Hettrick Bros. Company, Hettrick store and residence awnings..., Toledo, Ohio,
[190-?], 11 p., 1 mf
33: Homasote Company, Precision-built homes and the simplified method of
planning, Trenton, N.J., [c1930], 12 p., 1 mf
34: Homasote Company, Precision-built homes: precision construction..., Trenton,
N.J., [c1930] p., 1 mf
35: Hunt, Helm, Ferris & Company, The Star line, comprising dairy barn equip-
ment..., Harvard, 111., [c1919], 348 p., ill., 4 mf
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 51

Category 13: Special Construction (cont.)

36: Indianapolis Tent and Awning Company, Tents, awnings, camp furniture,
rain-proof covers, flags, Indianapolis, [1910?], 32 p., 1 mf
37: Jackson, James L., & Brother, Illustrated catalog of new and improved stable
fixtures..., New York, [1871], 51, [i.e.,70], i p., 3 mf
38: Jacobs Bird-house and Manufacturing Company, About birds and bird-houses: a
few simple facts about birds..., Waynesburg, Pa., 1923, 43, [1] p., ill., 1 mf
39: Jake Lampert Yards (Firm), Our new book of practical farm buildings...,
[Illinois?], [c1928], 96 p., 2 mf
40: James Manufacturing Company, The James way: a book showing how to build...,
Ft. Atkinson, Wis., [c1914], 255 p., 4 mf
41: James Manufacturing Company, The James way: a book showing how to build
and equip..., Ft. Atkinson, Wis., [c1919], 334 p., 5 mf
42: John Boyle & Company, Tents/John Boyle & Co...., New York, [c1905], 20 p., 1
43: Kuntz-Sternenberg Lumber Company, Our farm and building book..., Austin,
Tex., [C1916], 160 p., 3 mf
44: L. F. Garlinghouse Company, Wee homes, [Topeka, Kansas], [c1938], 40 p., 1 mf
45: L. F. Garlinghouse Company, Garlinghouse lake shore and mountain cottages,
Topeka, Kan., [195-?], 32 p., 1 mf
46: L. F. Garlinghouse Company, Garlinghouse ranch and suburban homes, Topeka,
Kan., [195-], 80 p., 2 mf
47: Lewers & Cooke, Limited, Homes in Hawaii: suggestions for the home builder,
Honolulu, Hawaii, [19--?], 79 p., 2 mf
48: Lewis Manufacturing Company, New Liberty homes by Lewis Mfg. Co., Bay City,
Mich., [193-?], 47 p., 1 mf
49: Lewis Manufacturing Company, Liberty homes: finest tremendous
savings, Bay City, Mich., [195-?], 48 p., 1 mf
50: Loetscher & Burch Mfg. Company, A home of your own, Des Moines, Iowa,
[192-?], 23 p., 1 mf
51: Louden Machinery Company, Louden barn plans, Guelph, Ontario, [c1915], 112
p., 2 mf
52: Louden Machinery Company, Louden barn plans, Fairfield, la., [c1917], 112 p., 2
53: Louden Machinery Company, Louden: hay unloading tools, barn and garage door
hangers..., Fairfield, Iowa, [c1923], 240 p., 4 mf
54: Louden Machinery Company, Louden barn plans, Fairfield, la., [c1925], 112 p., 2
55: Louis Bossert & Sons, Bosdset redibilt buildings, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1915, 35 p., 1
56: Louis Bossert & Sons, Bossert houses: ready cut sectional excelsior, Brooklyn,
N.Y., [C1926], 46 p., 1 mf
57: McCleer Brothers, Catalogue of the Michigan plank frames..., Gregory, Mich.,
[1902], 22 p., 1 mf
58: Montgomery Ward, Building plans of modern homes, Chicago, [1912], 80 p., 2 mf
59: Montgomery Ward, Building plans of modern homes, New York, [1914?], 100 p.,
2 mf
60: Montgomery Ward, Book of homes, Chicago, [1915], 88 p., 2 mf
61: Montgomery Ward, Book of homes, New York, [1917?], 79 p., 2 mf
52 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 13: Special Construction (cont.)

62: Montgomery Ward, Ward way homes, Chicago, [c1918], 68 p., 2 mf

63: Montgomery Ward, Ward way homes, Chicago, [c1928], 100 p., 2 mf
64: Mott, J. L., Iron Works, Stable fittings, cow house and piggery fittings, [New
York, N.Y.], [C1910], 253 p., 4 mf
65: Mugler Steel Products Corporation, The latest gas station invention..., New
York, [1930], 1 p., 1 mf
66: National Fire Proofing Company, Natco imperishable silo: built of vitrified
hollow clay tile, [Pittsburgh, Pa.], [c1915], 47 p., 1 mf
67: National Manufacturing Company, National garage hardware, Sterling, 111.,
[192-], 40 p., 1 mf
68: National Plan Service, Inc., Garages: [catalog], [Chicago, 111.], [192-?], 32 p., 1
69: Nationwide House Plan Service, Popular Cape Cod colonial homes: new ideas by
small home architects, [Providence, R.I.], [193-?], 16 p., 1 mf
70: Norwood Sash and Door Mfg. Co., ...Already cut houses, Cincinnati, Ohio,
[1917?], 44 p., 1 mf
71: Paraffine Companies, The Pabco home builder's handbook, San Francisco,
[C1930], 56 p., ill., 1 mf
72: Portland Cement Association, Swimming pools, [Chicago, 111.], [1930], 32, [1] p.,
ill., 1 mf
73: R. Guastavino Co., Timbrel vault construction, [New York?], [1914], 5 p., 1 mf
74: Ramp Buildings Corporation, The modern garage: with particular reference to
d'Humy..., New York, N.Y., 1929, 39 p., 1 mf
75: Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Company, Garage door hardware, Aurora, 111., [c1924], 143
p., 3 mf
76: Richards-Wilcox Mfg., Co., Garage door hardware, Aurora, 111., [c1928], 160 p., 3
77: Robert Caterson (Firm), Robert Caterson: general monumental work: mausole
urns, vaults..., New York, [1905?], 161 p., 2 mf
78: Sears, Roebuck and Company, Build your barn now on easy payments, Chicago,
111., [191-?], 1 p., ill., 1 mf
79: Sears, Roebuck and Company, The book of barns: honor-bilt, already cut,
Chicago, [1918], 52 p., 2 mf
80: Sears, Roebuck and Company, Modern farm buildings already cut and fitted:
barn equipment, Philadelphia, Pa., [c1928], 48 p., 1 mf
81: Sears, Roebuck and Company, Simplex sectional garages, Philadelphia, [c1929], 8
p., 1 mf
82: Shanklin Manufacturing Company Inc., Shady-way Awning Division. Better
Awnings., [Springfield, 111.], [192-?], 12 p., 1 mf
83: Shoppell's modern houses, [Catalog], [New York], [c1886], 64 p., 1 mf
84: Southern Cypress Manufacturers' Association, The Cypress bird-house book...,
New Orleans, La., 1919, 283 p., 5 mf
85: Southern Pine Association, The home-built garage, New Orleans, La., [c1920], 16
p., 1 mf
86: Southern Pine Association, Southern pine garages and how to build them, New
Orleans, La., [c1926], 48 p., 1 mf
87: Spindel, Gilbert Donald, Your future home guide: 50 popular priced house
plans..., [Jacksonville, Fl.], [1945], 52 p., 2 mf
88: Steel Frame House Company, Steel framing for dwellings ..., Pittsburgh, Pa.,
[C1928], 16 p., 1 mf
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 53

Category 13: Special Construction (cont.)

89: Steel Frame House Company, Homes of steel, [Pittsburgh, Pa.], [c1929], 31 p., 1
90: Structural Clay Products Institute, Your home in brick..., Washington, D.C.,
[c1947], 86 p., 2 mf
91: Surface Combustion Corp. [?], Let's plan a peacetime home: a guide to home
planning, [Toledo, Ohio?], [c1945], 111 p., 2 mf
92: Togan-Stiles (Co.), Togan garages models 126 to 220: the most for your money,
Grand Rapids, Mich., [c 1921], 4 p., 1 mf
93: Unadilla Silo Co., Inc., Unadilla silos: keep silage prime regardless of clime,
[Unadilla, N.Y.], 1925, 32 p., 2 mf
94: United States Gypsum Company, Structolite homes: fireproof, permanent,
economical..., Chicago, 1925, 16 p., 1 mf
95: W. A. Snow & Co., Illustrated catalog of wrought and cast iron stable
fixtures..., Boston, [c1894], 148 p., 3 mf
96: W. E. Caldwell Co., Incorporated, ...Manufacturers of all kinds of tanks, towers
and tubs..., [Louisville, Ky.7], [1901?], 36 p., 1 mf
97: W. E. Caldwell Co., Incorporated, Caldwell tanks & towers of wood & steel...,
Louisville, Ky., [1924?], 48 p., 1 mf
98: W. H. Mullins Co., Statues in stamped copper and bronze, Salem, Ohio, [c1913],
79 p., 2 mf
99: Wagner, Harry L., One pine home/design & drawings by Harry L. Wagner,
Kansas City, Mo., [1930?], 31 p., 1 mf
100: Wakefield Branch Company, Small homes, Wakefield, R.I., [1925], 48 p., ill., 2
101: Whittredge Portable Buildings Company, Whittredge garages and other build
ings..., West Lynn, Mass., [1926], 31 p., 1 mf
102: Wood Preserving Corp., Log cabins: [catalog], Boston, Mass., [193-?], 9 p., 1
103: [s.n.], Model homes, [Baltimore, Md.?], [189-?], 26, [6] p., ill., 1 mf
104: [s.n.], Sheidler's balloon frame barn and self-supporting roof..., [Coldwater,
Mich.], 1902, 18 p., 1 mf


1: A. B. See Electric Elevator Company, [Catalog], New York, [c1908], 23 p., 1 mf

2: American Hoist & Derrick Company, [Catalog], St. Paul, Minn., [c1897], 44 p., 2 mf
3: Charles K. Ernst, Manufacturer, Ernst basement elevators and specialties,
Buffalo, N.Y., [191-?], 20 p., 1 mf
4: Ellithorpe Safety Air-Cushion Company, Ellithorpe air cushions for elevators,
[New York], [c1900], 24 p., 1 mf
5: Energy Elevator Company, The Energy productions, Philadelphia, Pa., [c1905],
20 p., 1 mf
6: F. Rosenberg Elevator Company, Rosenberg's elevators: electric, hydraulic belt
power..., Milwaukee, Wis., [19—?], 15 p., 1 mf
7: J. W. Reedy Elevator Manufacturing Co., Illustrated catalog.-.passenger &
freight, steam, hydraulic..., Chicago, [c1890], 20 p., 1 mf
8: Otis Elevator Company, Otis residence elevators, [New York?], [c1910], 16 p., 1
54 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 14: Conveying Systems (cont.)

9: Otis Elevator Company, Hand power elevators, [New York?], [191-], 28 p., 1 mf
10: Otis Elevator Company, [Catalog], [New York], [191-?], 58 p., 3 mf
11: Otis Elevator Company, Otis escalators, [New York?], [c1912], 36, [6] p., ill., 1
12: Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Company, Richard-Wilcox ideal elevator door equipment
and checking devices, Aurora, 111., [c1920], 24 p., 1 mf
13: Sedgwick Machine Works, Inc., Sedgwick hand power dumb waiters and
elevators, New York, [c1927], 31 p., 1 mf
14: Storm Manufacturing Company, Dumb waiters, elevators and hardware special-
ties, Newark, N.J., 1892, 28 p., 1 mf
15: Tyler Company, Elevator enclosures and cars: architectural iron and bronze,
Cleveland, Ohio, [c1919], 127 p., 3 mf
16: Tyler Company, Elevator cars, elevator entrances, Cleveland, Ohio, [c1927], 195
p., 3 mf
17: Warsaw Elevator Company, Elevators, Warsaw, N.Y., [191-], 42 p., 2 mf

1: A. A. Griffing Iron Co., 1888 & 9: [catalog], Jersey City, N.J., [1888], 100 p., 2
2: A. A. Griffing Iron Co., [Catalogs], Jersey City, N.J., [1888], 100 p., ill., 2 mf
3: A. Carr, Manufacturer, Illustrated catalogue of brass work & supplies for
plumbers..., [New York, N.Y.?], 1873, 192 p., 3 mf
4: Abram Cox Stove Company, One hundred healthfully heated homes, Philadelphia,
Pa., [c1909], 108 p., 2 mf
5: Alberene Stone Co., [Catalog], [New York, N.Y.?], [1899], 32, [8] p., ill., 1 mf
6: American Blower Company, Illustrated sectional catalogue no. 111 of the ABC
disc..., Detroit, Mich., [c1899], 32 p., 1 mf
7: American Radiator Company, The ideal fitter, Chicago, 111., [1904], 223 p., 4 mf
8: American Radiator Company, Radiation and decoration, Chicago, 111., [c1905], 46
p., 1 mf
9: American Radiator Company, Ideal arcola hot water heating boiler..., [Chicago,
111.], [1918], 24 p., 1 mf
10: American Radiator Company, Better warmth and better health with ideal gas
boilers..., [Chicago, 111.], [192-?], 16 p., 1 mf
11: American Radiator Company, The ideal fitter, [New York], [c1925], 343 p., 5 mf
12: American Stove Company, Hand book on gas ranges for architects and builders,
St. Louis, Mo., [C1925], 31 p., 1 mf
13: Angell, Edmund R., A great advance in sanitation: all the convenience..., [Derry,
N.H.?], [1866], 4 p., 1 mf
14: Anthracite Industries, Inc., A man's home is his castle, [New York, N.Y.],
[c1936], 29 p., 1 mf
15: Anthracite Industries, Inc., Modern anthracite equipment: newest developments
in automatic ..., [New York, N.Y.], [c1937], 29 p., 1 mf
16: B. C. Bibb Stove Co., Bibb's original Baltimore fire-place heaters, Baltimore,
Md., [1905], 30 p., 1 mf
17: Babcock & Wilcox Company, Steam, its generation and use..., New York, 1894,
182 p., 3 mf
18: Babcock & Wilcox Company, High pressure steam, New York, 1895, 35, [32] p.,
ill., 1 mf
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 55

Category 15: Mechanical (cont.)

19: Baker, Smith & Company, Warming and ventilating by steam and water, [New
York, N.Y.?], [1885], 104 p., 2 mf
20: Bussey, McLeod & Co., [Spring catalog of ranges and cooking stoves], Troy,
N.Y., 1877, 16 p., 1 mf
21: Charles J. Jager Company, Illustrated catalog of windmills, tanks and pumps...,
Boston, Mass., [189-?], 106, [2] p., ill., 2 mf
22: Chester, William F., The Johnson system of heat regulation..., Boston, Mass.,
[1888?], . p., 1 mf
23: Chicago House Wrecking Co., Cold weather comfort, Chicago, [c1909], 128 p., 3
24: Chicago House Wrecking Co., Plumbing and water supply systems: direct to user
at factory prices...., Chicago, Illinois, [c1912], 66, [8] p., ill., 2 mf
25: Chicago House Wrecking Co., New Perfection wick blue flame oil cook-stove is
the best..., [Chicago, 111.?], [1913?], 24 p., 1 mf
26: Combination Gas Machine Co., Combination gas machine..., [Detroit, Mich.],
[188-?], 6 p., 1 mf
27: Compagnie nationale des radiateurs, Le chauffage par radiateurs ideal, Paris,
France, [192-], 15 p., 1 mf
28: Consolidated Gas Company of New York, Catalog of gas appliances, [New York],
[C1910], 68 p., 3 mf
29: Cortland Howe Ventilating Stove Co., The famous Cortland Howe ventilator...,
[Cortland, N.Y.], [c1895], 8 p., 1 mf
30: Crane Company, Plumbing suggestions for home builders, Chicago, 1924, 96 p., 2
31: Crane Company, New ideas for bathrooms: suggesting floor plans..., Chicago,
111., [C1926], 23 p., 1 mf
32: Crane Company, Bathrooms for out-of-the ordinary homes, Chicago, 111., [c1929],
13 p., 1 mf
33: Crook, Homer & Co., ...Manufacturers and jobbers of plumbing, steam, gas and
water..., Baltimore, Md., 1900, 568 p., 9 mf
34: Dalton-Ingersoll Company, Price-list of plumbers brass work, copper, iron...,
[New York, N.Y.], 1866, 60, 22 p., 2 mf
35: Dalton-Ingersoll Company, Sanitary specialties, [Boston, Mass.], 1889, 199 p., 2
36: Denslow Heater Co., The Denslow steam heating and ventilating apparatus,
Philadelphia, Pa., [1891?], 16 p., 1 mf
37: Detroit Stove Works, Jewel stoves, ranges and furnaces, Detroit, 1907, 368 p., 6
38: Durham House Drainage Company, The Durham patent system of screw-joint
iron house-drainage..., [Boston, Mass.?], 1887, 34 p., 1 mf
39: Electrol Inc. of Missouri, Electrol...: the oil burner with the master control...,
[St. Louis, Mo.], [C1927], 31 p., 1 mf
40: Electrol Inc. of Missouri, A summary of the most approved practice in the
application..., St. Louis, [c1928], 24 p., 1 mf
41: Elkay Manufacturing Co., Elkay products: pantry sinks, scullery sinks and
drainboards..., Chicago, 111., 1929, 47 p., 1 mf
42: Elterich Art Tile Stove Works, The Elterich art tile stove, New York, N.Y.,
[1890?], [8], [3] p., 1 mf
43: Excelsior Stove & Manufacturing Co., National ranges, cooking stoves and
56 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category IS: Mechanical (cont.)

heaters..., Quincy, 111., [1940?], 40 p., 1 mf

44: F. E. Myers & Bro. Co., Catalog no. 55: with price list of pumps, hay unloading
tools..., Ashland, Ohio, [191-?], 392 p., 6 mf
45: Fiat Metal Manufacturing Co., The royal bath, Chicago, 111., [c1927]?, 32 p., 1
46: Forest City Foundries Company, Niagara: gravity and winter air conditioning
heating units, [Cleveland, Ohio], [1947], 13 p., 2 mf
47: Fuller-Warren Co., Regina radiators and Fowler & Wolf wall radiators,
Milwaukee, Wis., [190-?], 8 p., 1 mf
48: General Electric Company, Interesting facts about air conditioning: for
business..., [United States], [1937?], 16 p., 1 mf
49: General Electric Company, Luxurious automatic heat and air conditioning in a
single unit..., [New York], [1937?], 5 p., 1 mf
50: General Fire Extinguisher Company, Grinnell, Neracher, Hill and other
automatic fire extinguishing..., Providence, R.I., 1895, 36 p., 1 mf
51: General Gas Light Company, ...Manufacturers of Humphrey gas unit heaters,
Kalamazoo, Mich., [c1930], 41 p., 2 mf
52: H. F. Jenks Co., Drinking fountains: for horses: for people, Pawtucket, R.I.,-
[190-?], 4 p., 1 mf
53: Halsey W. Taylor Co., Halsey Taylor drinking fountains..., Warren, Ohio, [c1928],
51 p., 1 mf
54: Hardwick Stove Co., Hardwick: [catalog], Cleveland, Tenn., [1940?], 28 p., 1 mf
55: Hercules Iron & Supply Co., Plumbing and steam supplies..., Anniston, Ala.,
1905, 209 p., 4 mf
56: Herman Nelson Corporation, Herman Nelson invisible radiators: immured type
and paneled type..., [Moline, 111.], [c1930], 48 p., 1 mf
57: Holland Furnace Company, What is this thing called air conditioning?, [Holland,
Mich.], [1931], 36, [8] p., 1 mf
58: Hotpoint Company, Hotpoint electric ranges, hotplates and water heaters,
Chicago, 111., [1927], 40 p., 1 mf
59: Huff & Brainard (Firm), [Catalog], New York, N.Y., [188-?], 8 p., 1 mf
60: Hughes Electrical Heating Co., A range for every kitchen1: a stove to meet
every condition..., Chicago, 111., [c1915], [2] p., 1 mf
61: ILG Electric Ventilation Company, Ventilation for offices, stores, factories,
public buildings..., [Chicago, 111.], [192-?], 8 p., 1 mf
62: International Heater Company, Your comfort comes first: international self
cleaning carton..., [Utica, N.Y.], [c1928], 24 p., 1 mf
63: International Nickel Company, Modern sinks any home can afford, [Salem,
Ohio?], [193-?], 2 p., 1 mf
64: Isaac D. Smead & Company, The Smead system of dry closets in the Cleveland
H.S. building, [Toledo, Ohio?], [1889], 51 p., 1 mf
65: Issac A. Sheppard & Co., Illustrated trade catalogue no. 42, [Philadelphia, Pa?],
[C1904], 110 p., 2 mf
66: J. F. Pease Furnace Company, Catalog of the economy combination steam and
warm air heaters..., Syracuse, N.Y., 1890, 40 p., 1 mf
67: J. F. Pease Furnace Company, The economy ventilating hot water heaters,
Syracuse, N.Y., [c1892], 8 p., 1 mf
68: J. Stone & Company, J. Stone & Co.'s ironwork for drainage works, [London,
England], 1898, 97 p., 2 mf
69: James B. Clow & Sons, ...Manufacturers of supplies for water and gas works...,
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 57

Category IS: Mechanical (cont.)

[Chicago, 111.], 1899, 552 p., 9 mf

70: John Simmons Co., Illustrated catalogue and price list: wrought and cast iron
pipe..., New York, 1906, 432 p., 7 mf
71: John Simmons Company, Wrought, cast iron and steel pipe, boiler tubes..., [New
York, N.Y.?], 1893, 533, [4] p., 9 mf
72: Kalamazoo Stove Co., Kalamazoo's great prosperity sale1: new low 1924 prices,
Kalamazoo, Mich., [1924?], 72 p., 2 mf
73: Kalamazoo Stove Co., Kalamazoo factory prices, [Kalamazoo, Mich.], [1926?], 92
p., 2 mf
74: Kalamazoo Stove Co., Kalamazoo factory prices, [Kalamazoo, Mich.], [193-?], 68
p., 1 mf
75: Kaustine Company, Scientific sewage disposal for country and suburban homes,
[Perry, N.Y.], [1928?], 18 p., 1 mf
76: Keeley Stove Co., The Columbian stoves, ranges, furnaces and hot water
specialties, Columbia, Pa., [1907?], 180 p., 3 mf
77: Keeley Stove Co., The Columbian stoves, ranges, furnaces and hot water
specialties, Columbia, Pa., [1914], 207 p., 4 mf
78: Keeley Stove Co., Columbian stoves, ranges, furnaces, Columbia, Pa., 1941, 34,
[8] p., 1 mf
79: Keenan Structural Slate Company, Genuine Bangor sanitary slate fixtures,
Bangor, Pa., [c1910], 83 p., 2 mf
80: Kelsey Furnace Company, A book of information concerning the Kelsey warm
air generator..., Syracuse, N.Y., [1898?], 67 p., 2 mf
81: Keystone Brass and Rubber Co., Catalog no. 11: manufacturers & distributors of
plumbing..., [Philadelphia, Pa?], [1927], 44 p., 1 mf
82: Keystone Safety Gas Machine Company, [Catalog], [Philadelphia, Pa.], [1870?], 8
p., 1 mf
83: King Ventilating Company, The king system of ventilation..., Owatonna, Minn.,
[C1916], 60 p., 2 mf
84: Kohler Company, Porcelain enameled iron sanitary ware, Kohler, Wise., 1914,
356 p., 6 mf
85: Lalance & Grosjean M'f'g' Co., L.& G. seamless wrought steel kitchen and
pantry sinks..., New York, N.Y., 1904, 28 p., 1 mf
86: Lehman Sprayshield Co., Lehman shower bath enclosures..., [Philadelphia, Pa.],
[cl930], [1] p., 1 mf
87: Litterer Bros. Manufacturing Co., Ferrometal showers: A complete shower unit
for all purposes, Chicago, 111., [192-?], 14 p., 1 mf
88: Locke Stove Company, Warm morning coal heater: 1944-45 advertising portfolio,
[Kansas City, Mo.], [1944?], 56 p., 1 mf
89: Mahony Warming and Ventilating Establishment, A circular on the warming and
ventilation of school houses ..., Troy, N.Y., [1887?], 34 p., 1 mf
90: Mahony Warming and Ventilating Establishment, Catalog of the Mahony hot
water heater: for heating residences..., Troy, N.Y., [1888], 40 p., 1 mf
91: Majestic Company, Majestic coal windows: underground garbage receivers...,
[Huntington, Ind.?], [1927?], 24 p., 1 mf
92: Merchant & Co., Incorporated, The star ventilator: superior to all others...,
Philadelphia, [c1891], 20 p., 1 mf
93: Michigan Stove Company, Catalog no. 29, Detroit, Mich., [1900?], 103, [1] p., 4
58 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 15: Mechanical (cont.)

94: Milner & Kettig Co., Plumbers' supplies: manufacturers' and mill supplies...,
[Birmingham, Ala.], [1885], xxiv, 429 p., 7 mf
95: Monitor Closet Co., Manufacturers' attention is called to the time registering
closet.., [Warehouse Pt., Ct], [1892], 6 p., 1 mf
96: Montgomery Ward, Heating the home, [Chicago, 111.], [c1917], 40 p., 1 mf
97: Moore Corporation, Moore's modern coal heaters and ranges..., Joliet, 111., 1935,
40 p., 1 mf
98: Mott, J. L., Iron Works, Description of stoves, furnaces, bath tubs, and garden
vases..., New York, [c1843], 24 p., 1 mf
99: Mott, J. L., Iron Works, Illustrated catalog of the plumbing & sanitary
department..., [New York, N.Y.], 1881, 248 p., 4 mf
100: Mott, J. L., Iron Works, Patent water closet apparatus..., [New York, N.Y.],
1885, 96 p., 2 mf
101: Mott, J. L., Iron Works, Imperial porcelain lavatories, [New York, N.Y.],
[C1900], 80 p., 2 mf
102: Mott, J. L., Iron Works, Drinking fountains..., [New York], [c1901], 80 p., 5 mf
103: Mott, J. L., Iron Works, Mott's water closets for residences, stores, schools,
factories..., New York, [c1907], 52 p., 2 mf
104: Mott, J. L., Iron Works, Light weight solid imperial porcelain baths: Pontiac,
Putnam..., [New York, N.Y.], [c1915], 15 p., 1 mf
105: Mott, J. L., Iron Works, Modern plumbing: number twelve, Trenton, N.J.,
[C1919], 63 p., 1 mf
106: National Electric Service Co., The Johnson heat regulating apparatus in
schools..., [New York?], [1887?], 16 p., 1 mf
107: National Radiator Corporation, Don't be hoodwinked on your air conditioning
problem, [Johnstown, Pa.], [c1938], 12 p., 1 mf
108: Ohio Foundry & Manufacturing Company, Brilliant fire gas heaters, Steuben
ville, Ohio, [c1950], 31 p., 1 mf
109: Orr, Painter & Co., 1873 catalogue and price list..., Reading, Pa., 1873, 74 p.,
2 mf
110: Peerless Manufacturing Corporation, Peerless gas heaters and circulators...,
Louisville, Ky., [1937], 24 p., 1 mf
111: Perry & Co., Catalogue of stoves and hot air furnaces: Oriental Stove Works,
Albany, N.Y., 1868, 48 p., 1 mf
112: Public Service Gas Company, The conservation kitchen saves food, fuel, labor,
[United States], [c1918], 64 p., 2 mf
113: Richardson & Boynton Co., Comfort with economy in heating: warm air
heaters, steam boilers..., New York, N.Y., [c1920], 51 p., 1 mf
114: Richardson & Boynton Co., Heat at low cost..., [New York, N.Y.], [1920?], 15
p., 1 mf
115: Richardson & Boynton Co., Perfect: a safe symbol of good heating: warm air
heaters..., Reading, Pa., 1920, 56 p., 1 mf
116: Richardson & Boynton Company, ...Manufacturers of warm-air heating and
ventilating furnaces..., [New York, N.Y.], [1883?], 67 p., 2 mf
117: Richardson & Boy ton Co., "Perfect" furnaces and ranges, New York, N.Y.,
[1888?], 34, [10] p., 1 mf
118: Richardson and Boynton Co., Perfect furnaces..., [New York], [c1900], 53 p., 1
119: Richmond Stove Company, Illustrated and descriptive catalogue and price list...,
Richmond, Virginia, 1881, 88 p., 2 mf
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 59

Category IS: Mechanical (cont.)

120: Rundle-Spence Manufacturing Company, Bubbling fountains, Milwaukee, Wis.,

[19--], 70 p., 2 mf
121: S. B. Sexton Stove & Mfg. Corp., A comprehensive catalogue of Sexton stoves,
ranges and furnaces..., Baltimore, Md., 1927, 132 p., 2 mf
122: S. M. Howes Co., Catalog and price list of stoves, ranges, furnaces..., Boston,
Mass., [1890?], 46 p., 1 mf
123: Safety Furnace Pipe Company, Safety furnace pipe: manufactured on scientific
principles..., Detroit, Mich., 1918, 24 p., 1 mf
124: Sears, Roebuck and Company, Stoves..., Chicago, [1907?], 72 p., 2 mf
125: Sears, Roebuck and Company, Modern heating systems: hot water, steam, warm
air, Chicago, 111., [1912?], 48 p., 2 mf
126: Sears, Roebuck and Company, Modern plumbing, [Chicago, 111.], [c1919], 44 p.,
1 mf
127: Sears, Roebuck and Company, Instructions for installing modern plumbing
systems..., [Chicago, 111.?], [c1922], 40 p., 1 mf
128: Sears, Roebuck and Company, Modern plumbing and heating systems..., [Chicago,
111.?], [c1924], 56 p., 1 mf
129: Sears, Roebuck and Company, Complete illustrated instructions for installing
Hercules steam..., [Chicago, 111.], [c1935], 16 p., 1 mf
130: Simonds Manufacturing Company, Descriptive catalog and price list of hot
water... s, New York, [c1879], 29 p., 1 mf
131: Smead & Northcott, Warming & ventilation, Chicago, 111., 1886, 127 p., 2 mf
132: Smith & Winchester (Firm), Illustrated catalog of steam, water, gas and
plumbing supplies..., Boston, Mass., 1894, xix, 784 p., 12 mf
133: Standard Manufacturing Company, Porcelain enameled baths and plumbing
goods, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1898, 342 p., 5 mf
134: Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co., Standard baths and plumbing fixtures,
Pittsburgh, Pa., [c1911], 674 p., 10 mf
135: Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co., Standard plumbing goods, Pittsburgh, Pa.,
1920, 637 p., 11 mf
136: Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co., Standard plumbing fixtures for the home,
[Pittsburgh, Pa.?], [c1925], 88 p., 2 mf
137: Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co., Color and style in bathroom furnishing
and decoration, [Pittsburgh, Pa.?], [c1929], 55 p., 1 mf
138: Sturtevant, B. F., Co., Ventilation and heating: principles and application...,
[Boston, Mass.], [c1896], 169 p., 3 mf
139: Sturtevant, B. F., Co., Sturtevant puts air to work, Boston, Mass., [c1937], 24
p., 1 mf
140: T. W. Twyford, Sanitary Potter, Twyford's catalogue of sanitary specialties...,
England, 1894, [6], 140 p., 5 mf
141: Thomas, Roberts, Stevenson Co., 1899 illustrated^catalogue and price list of
stoves, ranges..., Philadelphia, Pa., 1899, 224 p., 4 mf
142: Thos. Kelly & Bros., 1888-9 catalog and price list..., [Chicago, 111.], [1888], 16
p., 1 mf
143: Trane Company, Trane: heat cabinets, heating specialties & pumps, [La Crosse,
Wis.], [1927], 7 v. in 1 p., 2 mf
144: Trenton Potteries Company, Bathrooms of character, Trenton, N.J., 1929, 52 p.,
1 mf
145: Tuttle & Bailey Mfg. Co., Registers, ventilators, grilles, screens, [New York],
60 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category IS: Mechanical (cent.)

[1912?], 72 p., 2 mf
146: Tuttle & Bailey Mfg. Co., New artistry in radiator concealment, New York,
N.Y., [c1929], 20 p., 1 mf
147: United Brass Company, The United Brass Company plumbers' catalog..., [New
York, N.Y. ], [c1885], xviii, 389 p., 6 mf
148: United States Radiator Corporation, The complete line: [catalog], [Detroit,
Mich.], [1920], 258 p., 4 mf
149: United States Wind Engine and Pump Company, ...Manufacturers of Halladay's
standard windmills..., [Batavia, 111.], [1879], 48 p., 1 mf
150: Wayne Company, Modern home heating..., Fort Wayne, Ind., [c1926], 27 p., 1
151: Webster, Warren, & Co., Where is the radiator?, Camden, N.J., [c1945], 18 p., 1
152: Wehrle Company (Licking Stove Works Division), Licking stoves, ranges:
America's most complete stove line, [Newark, Ohio], [c1934], 64 p., 2 mf
153: Weir Stove Company, Cabinet Glenwood: a modern range built on lines of
elegant..., [Taunton, Mass.], [191-?], 12 p., 1 mf
154: Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., Electrical equipment for heating
and ventilating systems..., Pittsburgh, Pa., [192-?], 23 p., 1 mf
155: Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., How to buy air conditioning,
Mansfield, Ohio, [1938], 23 p., 1 mf
156: Williams Oil-O-Matic Heating Corporation, Oil heating: what it means to the
architect, Bloomington, 111., [c1925], 23 p., 1 mf
157: Williams Oil-O-Matic Heating Corporation, Oil heating at its best..., Blooming-
ton, 111., [C1927], 24 p., 1 mf


1: Allen-Sparks Gas Light Co., Illustrated catalogue no. 50 of Little giant lighting
system, Lansing, Mich., [c1900], 47 p., 1 mf
2: Angle Mfg. Co., The light that never fails1: no danger, no smoke, no odor...,
New York, N.Y., [c1910], 16 p., 1 mf
3: Ansonia Electrical Co., Electrical house goods: [catalog], Ansonia, Conn.,
[c1925], 64 p., 1 mf
4: Arrow-Hart & Hegeman Electric Co., H & H fine switches and wiring devices:
[catalog], Hartford, Conn., [c1929], 108 p., 2 mf
5: Arrow-Hart & Hegeman Electric Co., Your home with adequate wiring, Hartford,
Conn., [c1938], 15 p., 1 mf
6: Beardslee Chandelier Manufacturing Company, Electric light fixtures...,
[Chicago], [C1910], 172 p., 3 mf
7: Beardslee Chandelier Manufacturing Company, Catalog no. 20 supplement,
Chicago, 111., [C1913], 54 p., 1 mf
8: Benjamin Electric Manufacturing Company, Benjamin-Starrett lighting panel
boards and cabinets..., Chicago, [c1928], 80 p., 2 mf
9: Best & Lloyd, Best lamps and lighting fixtures, Birmingham, Eng., [c1920], 90
p., 2 mf
10: Best Light Company, The "Best" system of lighting: all kinds of lamps for
lighting..., Canton, Ohio, [1906?], 48 p., 1 mf
11: Cambridge Electric Light Company, Make the old home bright: no house is too
old to be wired..., [Cambridge, Mass.], [c1920], 11 p., 1 mf
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 61

Category 16: Electrical (cont.)

12: Capitol Light Company, Catalogue no. 50, Pittsburgh, Pa., [c1925], 35 p., 2 mf
13: Central Electric Company, General catalogue of electrical supplies, Chicago, 111.,
[1903], 601 p., 9 mf
14: Champion Incandescent Light Company, The complete lighting furniture house,
[Philadelphia, Pa.], [c1920], 64 p., 1 mf
15: Charles J. Weinstein Co., ...Importers and manufacturers of distinctive lighting
effects..., New York, [c1927], 55 p., 2 mf
16: Chase Brass & Copper Company, Chase lighting fixtures, New York, [c1934], 99
p., 2 mf
17: Coleman Company, Inc., Coleman catalog number 36: containing illustrations...,
[Wichita, Kans.?], [1919], 63 p., 2 mf
18: Coombs, Robert Duncan, Reinforced concrete poles..., Chicago, [c1910], 58 p., 1
19: Corning Glass Works. Macbeth-Evans Division, Corning lighting glassware:
fixture and architectural..., Charleroi, Pa., [1939?], 40 p., 2 mf
20: Crescent Brass Products Co., Crescent standardized productions in lighting
fixture parts..., Cleveland, Ohio, [1921?], 43 p., 1 mf
21: Grouse-Hinds Company, Flexible fixture hangers..., Syracuse, N.Y., [c1924], 16
p., 1 mf
22: Crouse-Hinds Company, Traffic signals and controls, Syracuse, N.Y., [c1936], 1
v. looself p., 4 mf
23: Cutler-Hammer, Inc., Cutler-Hammer control in Chicago, Milwaukee, Wis., 1913,
79 p., 2 mf
24: Dalton Lighting Fixture Company, Modern home lighting: combined with catalog
no. 8, Boston, Mass., [1924?], 157 p., 3 mf
25: Day-Brite Reflector Co., Day-Brite: the light that never fails..., [St. Louis,
Mo.], [C1927], 32 p., 1 mf
26: DeWitt Wire Cloth Co., ...Manufacturers of brass, copper and German silver
wire..., [Belleville, N.J.?], 1885, 64 p., 1 mf
27: Decorators Supply Co., [Catalog], [Chicago], [191-?], 96 p., 2 mf
28: Duplex Lighting Works, The Duplex lighting system as applied to commercial
requirements, [New York?], [c1920], 24 p., 1 mf
29: E. B. Latham & Company, Electric fan motors, New York, [1900], 28 p., 1 mf
30: E. B. Latham & Company, Electric light, railway, marine, telegraph, and
telephone..., New York, [c1912], 527 p., 8 mf
31: E. P. Gleason Manufacturing Co., Catalog of electrical appliances..., New York,
1888, 160 p., 3 mf
32: Edison Electric Light Co., The Edison system of municipal lighting..., New York,
1887, 20 p., 1 mf
33: Edwin F. Guth Company, Quality illumination diffused by redirecting from
ceiling, [St. Louis, Mo.?], [1930?], 28 p., 1 mf
34: Edwin F. Guth Company, Illustrating the Brascolite and other products, St.
Louis, Mo., [C1923], 14 p., 1 mf
35: Efcolite Corporation, Efcolite lighting fixtures, [Trenton, N.J.], [c1930], 24 p., 1
36: Electric Supply & Equipment Co., Lighting fixtures of character, Wilkes-Barre,
Pa., 1927, 23 p., 1 mf
37: Erie Fixture Supply Co., Ready to hang lighting fixtures of the latest designs,
Erie, Pa., [c1920], 28 p., 1 mf
62 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 16: Electrical (cont.)

-38: Forty-Fort Fixture Co., Lighting fixtures for the modern home: the famous sand
blast..., Forty-Fort, Pa., [192-?], 14 p., 1 mf
39: Frank H. Stewart Electric Company, Net wholesale prices..., Philadelphia, Pa.,
1920, 92 (i.e., 42) p., 2 mf
40: Frank H. Stewart Electric Company, Aladdin household fixture sets, Philadel-
phia, [C1920], 92 [i.e., 42] p., 1 mf
41: Frank H. Stewart Electric Company, New price schedule: November, 1927,
Philadelphia, Pa., [1927], 56 p., 1 mf
42: Frank H. Stewart Electric Company, Net wholesale prices: March, 1928,
Philadelphia, Pa., 1928, 56 p., 1 mf
43: Frankelite Co., Lighting equipment of charm, [Cleveland, Ohio], [1926?], 24 p.,
1 mf
44: Garden City Plating & Mfg. Co., Reflectors for show case, wall cases, theatres,
art galleries..., Chicago, [1928], 24 p., 1 mf
45: General Electric Company, Edison incandescent lamps: standard, special and
miniature..., Schenectady, N.Y., [1900], 110 p., 2 mf
46: General Electric Company, Ornamental novalux, Schenectady, N.Y., 1924, 26 p.,
1 mf
47: General Electric Company, The home of a hundred comforts, Bridgeport, Conn.,
1925, 39 p., 1 mf
48: General Electric Company, General Electric clocks, Schenectady, N.Y., [1930], 60
p., 1 mf
49: General Electric Company, General Electric ventilating fans, [United States],
[1936], 4 p., 1 mf
50: General Electric Supply Corp., Electrical home appliances, Grand Rapids, Mich.,
[C1931], 136 p., 3 mf
51: General Electric Supply Corporation, Net wholesale prices: November-December
1928, Philadelphia, Pa., 1928, 72 p., 2 mf
52: General Electric Supply Corporation, Lighting equipment for commercial,
industrial and footlighting..., [Bridgeport, Conn.], [c1936], 199 p., 3 mf
53: General Gas Light Company, The Humphrey arc: [catalog], [Kalamazoo, Mich.],
[190-?], 40 p., 1 mf
54: George Cutter Company, Sololux industrial lighting reflectors and fixtures...,
South Bend, Ind., 1918, 12 p., 1 mf
55: Gilbert & Barker Manufacturing Company, How best to light our country homes
and resorts..., [New York, N.Y.?], 1906 ], 89 p., 2 mf
56: Gilmore Electric Company, Series, multiple and miniature incandescent lamps,
rosettes, South Boston, Mass., [c1900], 32 p., 1 mf
57: Globe Gas Light Company, Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of plain...,
[Boston, Mass.], [1877?], 32 p., 1 mf
58: Gorham Manufacturing Company, Bronze lighting fixtures: a collection of lamp
standards..., New York, N.Y., [c1916], 14 p., 1 mf
59: Graybar Electric Company, Commercial lighting: office, school, hotel, hospital...,
[New York, N.Y.?], [1928?], 23 p., 1 mf
60: Harvey Hubbell, Inc., Electrical specialities: [catalog], Bridgeport, Conn.,
[C1921], 104 p., 2 mf
61: Harvey Hubbell, Inc., Hubbell wiring devices for the home, [Bridgeport, Conn.],
[C1924], 29 p., 1 mf
62: Horn & Brannen Manufacturing Co., Illustrated catalogue, no. 28..., Philadelphia,
Pa., [1904], 74 p., 2 mf
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 63

Category 16: Electrical (cont.)

63: Horn & Brannen Manufacturing Co., Introducing H. & B. celestialites.... the
light supreme, Philadelphia, Pa., [1922?], 12 p., 1 mf
64: I. Albert Co., Distinctive crystal, [New York], [1941?], 59 p., 2 mf
chandeliers, brackets, girandoles...
65: I. P. Frink (Firm), Modern illumination for insurance companies and banks...,
[New York, N.Y.], [c1912], 31 p., 1 mf
66: Janusch Manufacturing Company, Lamps: table, junior, bridge, New York,
[C1920], 39 p., 1 mf
67: John C. Virden Co., Decorative residential and commercial lighting, [Cleveland,
Ohio], [1931], 40 p., 1 mf
68: John C. Virden Co., Decorative lighting, [Cleveland, Ohio], [c1932], 30 p., 1 mf
69: John C. Virden Co., Decorative lighting, [Cleveland, Ohio], [1933?], 24 p., 1 mf
70: John C. Virden Co., Decorative lighting, [Cleveland, Ohio], [cl934], 45 p., 1 mf
71: Joseph E. Frechie & Co., Gas and electric lighting, glassware, lighting
fixtures..., Philadelphia, Pa., [c1920], 18 p., 1 mf
72: Joseph E. Frechie & Co., Frechie's fixtures: commercial, industrial & residential
lighting.., [Philadelphia, Pa], [c1921], 264 p., 4 mf
73: Kayline Company, The Kayline-radiant unit, [Cleveland, Ohio], [c1930], 24 p., 1
74: Ketch, James M., Special lighting applications for industrial processes...,
[Cleveland, Ohio], [1933], 23 p., 1 mf
75: Klemm & Company, Catalogue of patent diamond diffusive reflectors and
lamps..., Philadelphia, Pa., [190-?], 32 p., 1 mf
76: Klemm & Company, American Reflector Co. patent diamond diffusive reflect-
ors..., [Philadelphia, Pa.], [c1910], 40 p., 1 mf
77: Liberty Incandescent Light Co., The latest complete catalog, 1916: the leader in
light, Chicago, 111., 1916, 200 p., 6 mf
78: Lighting and lamp trade directory and catalog, Where to buy lighting fixtures,
lamps and shades..., New York, [c1927], 372 p., 6 mf
79: Lightolier Company, Interchangeable fixture parts: staple brackets, fittings...,
New York, [c1919], 32 p., 1 mf
80: Lightolier Company, After sunset Lightolier: the charm of a well lighted room,
[New York], [c1920], 31 p., 1 mf
81: Lightolier Company, Granada series: [catalog of lighting equipment], New York,
[192-?], 10 p., 1 mf
82: Lightolier Company, After sunset Lightolier: the charm of a well lighted room,
[New York], [c1920], 32 p., 1 mf
83: Lightolier Company, [Lighting designs], [New York], [192-?], 164 p., 3 mf
84: Lightolier Company, Sales book L: the red book of better illumination, New
York, N.Y., [c1924], 112 p., 2 mf
85: Lightolier Company, [Portfolio of lighting designs], [New York], [1925?], 29 p.,
1 mf
86: Lightolier Company, Are you paying to much for too little light?, New York,
[c1926], 24 p., 1 mf
87: Lightolier Company, New lamps for the new age: flexible focus lamps..., [New
York], [c1935], 31 p., 1 mf
88: Lightolier Company, Lighting, architectural and decorative—catalogs..., New
York, N.Y., [c1940], 100, [1] p., 2 mf
89: Luminous Unit Company, Brascolite illumnation: pure, soft, white light, [St.
64 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category

Category 16: Electrical (cont.)

Louis, Mo.], [c1916], 28 p., 1 mf

90: Luminous Unit Company, Brascolite: diffusion plus reflection: pure, soft, white
light, St. Louis, [191-7], 1228 p., 1 mf
91: Macbeth-Evans Glass Company, Macbeth glassware for commercial lighting,
Charleroi, Pa., [c1930], 31 p., 1 mf
92: Macbeth-Evans Glass Company, Scientific illumination: good light as an asset...,
Pittsburgh, Pa., 1911, 48 p., 1 mf
93: Maison G. Mary, L'abat-jour a la mode, Paris, France, [191-?], [2], [10] p., 1
94: Manhattan Electrical Supply Company, Something electrical for everybody, [New
York?], [c1905], 144 p., 3 mf
95: Marietta Manufacturing Company, The new crescent electric ceiling, column and
desk fans..., Marietta, Pa., 1899, 32 p., 1 mf
96: Market Electric Products, Inc., Markel electric products, [Buffalo, N.Y.],
[1935?], 100 p., 2 mf
97: McKenney & Waterbury Company, Gas catalog G, illustrated..., Boston, Mass.,
[190-?], 146 p., 3 mf
98: McKenney & Waterbury Company, Lighting fixtures of the better sort, Boston,
Mass., [c1910], 11 p., 1 mf
99: Milhender Electric Supply Company, The Milhender book on good taste in
lighting, Boston, Mass., [192-?], 136, [1] p., 3 mf
100: Mitchell, Vance & Co., Designers and manufacturers of artistic gas fixtures...,
New York, 1876, 6 p., 1 mf
101: Mitchell, Vance & Co., Catalog no. 15: electric fixtures, New York, [1908], 36
p., 2 mf
102: Moe-Bridges Company, Electric lighting fixtures: portable lamps..., [Milwaukee,
Wis.?], [c1920], 65 p., 3 mf
103: Moe-Bridges Company, Moe-Bridges residential and commercial lighting
equipment, Milwaukee, Wis., [192-?], 79 p., 3 mf
104: Moe-Bridges Company, Electric lighting equipment, [Milwaukee, Wis.?], [c1920],
47 p., 1 mf
105: Montgomery Ward, Lighting fixtures and electrical goods..., [Chicago], [C1923],
64 p., 2 mf
106: Morris Sklar Company, In Philadelphia they light their churches, schools,
stores..., [Philadelphia], [1920], 14 p., 1 mf
107: Morris Sklar Company, Skylar's lighting fixtures..., Philadelphia, Pa., [192-?],
20 p., 1 mf
108: Mott, J. L., Iron Works, Good street lighting: a municipal asset, New York,
N.Y., [C1911], 16 p., 1 mf
109: National Tube Company, ...Manufacturers of tubular steel poles for telegraph...,
[Pittsburgh, Pa.], [191-?], 142 p., 3 mf
110: National X-Ray Reflector Co., The Curtis portable lamp, [Chicago], [c1914], 18
p., 1 mf
111: New York Lighting Fixture Mfg. Co., Exclusive designs: lighting fixtures, [New
York], [c1920], 55 p., 1 mf
112: New York and New Jersey Globe Gas Light Co., Circular and catalog..., New
York, N.Y., 1879, 43 p., 1 mf
113: O. C. White Company, Adjustable holders for incandescent lamps, Worcester,
Mass., [C1900], 16 p., 1 mf
114: Opalux Company, Lux et veritas..., Chicago, 111., [c1911], 125 p., 2 mf
Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category 65

Category 16: Electrical (cont.)

115: Pass & Seymour, Inc., P & S handy electrical wiring devices..., Solvay, N.Y.,
[1915], 80 p., 2 mf
116: Perfeclite Company, Lighting fixtures and glassware, Cleveland, Ohio, [c1930],
64 p., 1 mf
117: Pettingell-Andrews Company, Catalog of electrical merchandise..., [Boston,
Mass.], [C1910], 715, viii p., 11 mf
118: Pettingell-Andrews Company, Central station catalog: showing only such
principal materials..., Boston, [c1920], 107 p., 2 mf
119: Philip Cass & Company, Cass electric fixture catalog, Philadelphia, Pa., [c1920],
16 p., 1 mf
120: Philip Cass & Company, Cass' electric fixture catalog, [Philadelphia, Pa.],
[1924?], 80 p., 2 mf
121: Philip Cass & Company, Cass' electric fixture catalog, [Philadelphia, Pa.],
[c1925], 91 p., 2 mf
122: Philip Cass & Company, Cass electric fixture catalog, Philadelphia, Pa., 1927,
96 p., 2 mf
123: Philip Cass & Company, Cass' electrical fixture catalog: for home, store,
office, theatre, [Philadelphia], [1929?], 20 p., 1 mf
124: Philip Cass & Company, The Cass electrical fixture catalog for home, office,
store..., [Philadelphia, Pa.], [1930?], 80 p., 2 mf
125: Philip Cass & Company, The Cass' catalog no. 97: electrical fixtures and
appliances..., [Philadelphia, Pa.], [c1930], 88 p., 2 mf
126: Philip Cass & Company, Cass bulletin: supplement and price changes to catalogs
96 and 97..., [Philadelphia, Pa.], [1932], 26 p., 1 mf
127: Philip Cass & Company, Cass' quality lighting fixtures, Philadelphia, [c1940],
98 p., 2 mf
128: Pitner Gasoline Lighting Co., The famous Pitner lighting system, Chicago, 111.,
[c1906], 207 p., 4 mf
129: Pitner Gasoline Lighting Co., Pitner lights, Chicago, 111., [191-?], 44 p., 1 mf
130: Pittsburgh Reflector Company, ...Pocket catalog..., Pittsburgh, Pa., [1926], 55
p., 1 mf
131: Pittsburgh Reflector Company, Pocket Catalog: Permaflectors, the silver plated
glass..., Pittsburgh, Pa., 1928, 80 p., 2 mf
132: Pittsburgh Reflector Company, Permaflector lightning, Pittsburgh, Pa., [1932], 51
p., 1 mf
133: Pittsburgh Reflector Company, Show window lighting, [Pittsburgh, Pa.?], 1924,
32 p., 1 mf
134: Pollak Brothers, [Catalog of interior light fixtures], [New York], [192-?], 12 p.,
1 mf
135: Public Service Electrical Supply Co., Inc., Lighting equipment, [Baltimore,
Md.?], [c1930], 128 p., 3 mf
136: Quandrangle Mfg. Co., Quad lighting units: industrial and commercial, [Chicago],
[1930], 45 p., 1 mf
137: R. E. Dietz Company, [Catalog]: Dietz..., [New York], [1894?], 57 p., 1 mf
138: R. Williamson & Co., ...Manufacturers of electric and combination fixtures,
brackets..., [Chicago, 111.], [190-?], 6, 22-565, v p., 6 mf
139: Reidon Company, Reidon lighting fixtures: exclusively designed for Willys
Light, Toledo, Ohio, [191-?], [160] p., 3 mf
140: Republic Electric Company, ...Jobbers of electrical suppplies, Cleveland, Ohio,
66 Guide to the Microfiche by Sweets Category
Category 16: Electrical (cont.)

[C1916], 1136 p., 17 mf

141: Richmond, A. E., The new wonder of the world: Buffalo, the electric city...,
Buffalo, N.Y., [c1892], 40 p., 1 mf
142: Robert Paries, Paries patent adjstable electric lamp holders, shades, port
ables..., [Decatur, 111.], [c1900], 98 p., 2 mf
143: Rodale Mfg. Co., Rodale: bulletin no. 565: Spring & Summer 1936, Emaus, Pa.,
1936, 20 p., 1 mf
144: S. B. P. (Firm), Eletrische Beleuchtungskorper, [Dresden?], [192-?], [61], [36]
p., 6 mf
145: S. B. F. (Firm), Beleuchtungskorper Neuheiten, [Dresden?], [192-?], [407] p., 3 mf
146: Sears, Roebuck and Company, Lightmaster lighting fixtures, [Boston, Mass.],
[c1938], 32 p., 1 mf
147: Shapiro & Aronson, Inc., S & A semi-indirects: several semi-indirect lighting
fixtures..., New York, [c1916], 12 p., 1 mf
148: Shapiro & Aronson, Inc., Lighting fixtures: designs..., [New York, N.Y.?],
[193-?], 28 p., 1 mf
149: Simes Company, Inc., A valuable reference of lighting in all its branches...,
New York, N.Y., [c1939], 2, [1], 98 p., 2 mf
150: Tab Electric Supply Company, Portfolio of decorative illumination, [Trenton,
N.J.], [192-?], 24 p., 1 mf
151: The Lamp Guild, Lamps..., Los Angeles, Calif., [1939?], 32 p., 2 mf
152: Thomson-Houston Electric Company, ...Proprietors of the Thomson-Houston
system of electric lighting, [Boston, Mass.], [c1885], 52 p., 1 mf
153: Todhunter, Inc., Hand wrought lanterns: authentic reproductions..., [New York,
N.Y.?], [C1929], 16 p., 1 mf
154: Todhunter, Inc., Lighting fixtures, lamps and candlesticks..., [New York, N.Y.?],
[C1928], 24 p., 1 mf
155: Toledo Lighting Equipment Company, Kensington lighting fitments, [Toledo,
Ohio], [192-?], 4 p., 1 mf
156: Tomberg Electric Supply Co., Glassware and lighting fixtures: commercial
lighting..., [Wilkes-Barre, Pa.], [1940], 236[i.e.,140] p., 3 mf
157: U.S. Automatic Lighting Co., Saxonia: [Catalog], Springfield, Mass., 1909, 16 p., 1 mf
158: Union Metal Manufacturing Co., Union metal lamp standards for ornamental
street lighting, Canton, Ohio, [c1915], 92 p., 2 mf
159: Union Metal Manufacturing Co., Union metal entrance standards, wall brackets,
exterior newels..., Canton, Ohio, [c1915], 32 p., 1 mf
160: United States Electric Lighting Company, ...Manufacturers of apparatus for
electric lighting by arc..., [New York, N.Y.], [1882?], 47 p., 1 mf
161: Virden Lighting, Virden: elegance in lighting, [Cleveland, Ohio], [c1967], 88 p.,
2 mf
162: Westall, Carroll, The house electrical: bring a brief description..., Boston,
Mass., [C1912], 47 p., 1 mf
163: Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., Commercial lighting equipment:
Sollux, Sollaire, Sollite..., Cleveland, Ohio, 1932, 41 p., 1 mf
164: Westinghouse Electric Supply Company, ...A national distributing organization:
electrical apparatus..., [New York], [c1941], 704 p., 11 mf
165: Wetmore-Savage Company, Lighting fixtures for the home..., Boston, Mass.,
[1924], 51 p., 2 mf
166: Wetmore-Savage Company, Toledo lighting fitments: product of Riddle, [Boston,
Mass.?], 1930, A-K [plates] p., 1 mf

Companies Section:Item

A. A. Griff ing Iron Co., [1888] 15: 1
A. A. Griffing Iron Co., [1888] 15: 2
A. B. See Electric Elevator Company, [c1908] 14: 1
A. Bohachek (Firm), [190-?] 12: 1
A. C. Bosselman & Co., [c1910] 12: 2
A. C. Brown (Firm), 1879 6: 1
A. Carr, Manufacturer, 1873 15: 3
A. H. Vilas Company, [1913?] 12: 3
A. Hall Terra Cotta Co., [1884] 4: 1
A. Ludwig, Manufacturer, [19--?] 12: 4
A. Northrop & Company, [1890?] 9: 1
A. P. Lombard & Co., [19--?] 12: 5
A. S. Klein Company, [1909] 12: 6
A. Teachout Company, [c1915] 6: 2
A. Teachout Company, [c1920] 6: 3
Aberthaw Construction Company, 1902 2: 1
Aberthaw Construction Company, [190-?] 3: 1
Aberthaw Construction Company, [c1902] 3: 2
Aberthaw Construction Company, [c1903] 4: 2
Abram Cox Stove Company, [c1909] 15: 4
Acme White Lead and Color Works, [1906] 1: 1
Ad. Harnisch (Firm), [19--?] 12: 7
Ad. Harnisch (Firm), [190-?] 12: 8
Ad. Harnisch (Firm), [191-?] 12: 9
Aeroshade Company, [C1920] 12:10
Ajax Portland Cement Company, [1903] 3: 3
Aladdin Company, 1918 1: 2
Aladdin Company, [1912] 12:11
Aladdin Company, [c1920] 13: 1
Alaska Refrigerator Co., [191-] 11: 1
Alberene Stone Co., [1899] 15: 5
Albert Komp, Manufacturer, [188-?] 12:12
Aldine Manufacturing Company, 1890 10: 1
Alfred E. Gwynn Co., [c1920] 13: 2
Allen-Sparks Gas Light Co., [c1900] 16: 1
Allith Manufacturing Co., [192-?] 8: 1
Alpha Portland Cement Company, [c1910] 3: 4
Alpha Portland Cement Company, [c1910] 3: 5
Alpha Portland Cement Company, [c1917] 3: 6
Alpha Portland Cement Company, [c1910] 13: 3
Alphons Custodis Chimney Construction Co., [c1924] 4: 3
Aluminum Company of America, [c1929] 5: 1
American Blower Company, [c1899] 15: 6
American Brass Company, [c1929] 5: 2
American Brass Company, [c1937] 5: 3
American Cabinet & Door Company, [191-?] 8: 2
American Clay Machinery Company, [1918?] 4: 4

68 Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche

Companies Sectiotr.Item

American Column Company, [c1906] 5: 4

American Enameled Brick and Tile Co., [c1913] 4: 5
American Face Brick Association, [c1920] 4: 6
American Face Brick Association, [c1925] 10: 2
American Fence Construction Company, [192-] 2: 2
American Fire Proof Steel Car Co., [1890?] 2: 3
American Flag Manufacturing Company, [1912?] 10: 3
American Greenhouse Manufacturing Company, [1928?] 2: 4
American Hoist & Derrick Company, [c1897] 14: 2
American Iron Roofing Co., [c1915] 7: 1
American Mason Safety Tread Company, [c1910] 9: 2
American Molding Company, [191-?] 6: 4
American Monolith Company, [1910] 9: 3
American Patent Portable House Mfg. Co., 1886 13: 4
American Radiator Company, [1904] 15: 7
American Radiator Company, [c1905] 15: 8
American Radiator Company, [1918] 15: 9
American Radiator Company, [192-?] 15:10
American Radiator Company, [c1925] 15:11
American Seating Company, [c1922] 12:13
American Steel & Wire Company, [c1911] 3: 7
American Steel & Wire Company, 1942 6: 5
American Stove Company, [c1925] 15:12
American Wall Paper Co., [c1893] 6: 6
American Walnut Association, 1915 6: 7
American Walnut Manufacturers' Association, [c1925] 6: 8
American Walnut Manufacturers' Association, [c1927] 6: 9
American Walnut Manufacturers' Association, [c1934] 6:10
Anchor Post Iron Works, [c1907] 2: 5
Andrew Handyside & Co., 1868 5: 5
Angel Novelty Company, 1930 12:14
Angel Novelty Company, [1931] 12:15
Angell, Edmund R., [1866] 15:13
Angle Mfg. Co., [c1910] 16: 2
Angus McKay & Company, [1901] 12:16
Ansonia Electrical Co., [c1925] 16: 3
Anthracite Industries, Inc., [c1936] 15:14
Anthracite Industries, Inc., [c1937] 15:15
Anti-Kalsomine Company, [1888] 9: 4
Architectural Cap. Company, 1903 5: 6
Architectural Decorating Company, [190-?] 12:17
Architectural Decorating Company, [c1909] 12:18
Architectural Decorating Company, [c1928] 12:19
Arkansas Soft Pine Bureau, [c1916] 6:11
Arms Palace Horse Car Company, [1889?] 2: 6
Armstrong Cork Company, [c1909] 7: 2
Armstrong Cork Company, [c1911] 7: 3
Armstrong Cork Company, [c1926] 7: 4
Armstrong Cork Company, [c1918] 9: 5
Armstrong Cork Company, 1921 9: 6
Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche 69

Companies Section:Item

Armstrong Cork Company, 1927 9: 7

Armstrong Cork Company, [c1936] 9: 8
Armstrong Cork Company, [c1937] 9: 9
Armstrong Cork Company, [c1940] 9:10
Arnold & North, Inc., [191-?] 10: 4
Arrow-Hart & Hegeman Electric Co., [c1929] 16: 4
Arrow-Hart & Hegeman Electric Co., [c1938] 16: 5
Art Metal Construction Company, [1901] 11: 2
Art Metal Construction Company, [1900?] 12:20
Art Metal Construction Company, [c1902] 12:21
Arthur C. Harvey Company, 1915 5: 7
Assoc. of American Portland Cement Mfrs., [1907?] 13: 6
Associated Expanded Metal Companies, [1910?] 3: 8
Associated Manufacturer's of Bilt-Well Millwork, [c1937] 6:12
Association of Marble Dealers, [c1928] 4: 7
Association of Marble Dealers, [c1928] 4: 8
Atlas Portland Cement Company, 1915 3: 9
Atlas Portland Cement Company, [c1926] 4: 9
Atlas Portland Cement Company, [c1920] 13: 7
Atlas Portland Cement Company, [c1921] 13: 8
Austral Sales Corp., [1933] 10: 5

B. A. Stevens Co., 1906 11: 3
B. C. Bibb Stove Co., [1905] 15:16
Babcock & Wilcox Company, 1894 15:17
Babcock & Wilcox Company, 1895 15:18
Badger Wire and Iron Works, [c1900] 5: 8
Baker Furniture, Inc., [1930] 12:22
Baker, C. J., [1898] 13: 9
Baker, Smith & Company, [1943?] 1: 3
Baker, Smith & Company, [1885] 15:19
Bakewell & Mullins, 1887 12:23
Barber & Henderson (Firm), 1878 6:13
Barbezat & Cie., [1858?] 5: 9
Barre Granite Association, [c1945] 13:10
Barrett Company, [1908?] 2: 7
Barrett Company (New Jersey), [c1927] 7: 5
Barrett Company (New Jersey), [c1932] 7: 6
Bastian-Blessing Company, [192-?] 11: 4
Batchelder-Wilson Company, 1927 9:11
Beardslee Chandelier Manufacturing Company, [c1910] 16: 6
Beardslee Chandelier Manufacturing Company, [c1913] 16: 7
Beaver Mfg. Co., [c1909] 9:12
Benjamin Electric Manufacturing Company, [c1928] 16: 8
Benjamin H. Shoemaker (Firm), 1875 8: 3
Bennett Fireplace Corporation, [c1930] 10: 6
Bennett Lumber Corporation, [c1925] 6:14
Bennett-Ireland, Inc., [c1956] 10: 7
Benziger Brothers, [c1927] 12:24
70 Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche

Companies Section:Item

Berger Manufacturing Company, [c1894] 5:10

Berger Manufacturing Company, [c1905] 5:11
Berger Manufacturing Company, [c1906] 9:13
Berger Manufacturing Company, [c1916] 9:14
Berger Manufacturing Company, [c1918] 9:15
Berger Manufacturing Company, [c1927] 9:16
Berkshire Mfg. Co., [1906] 1: 4
Berlin Iron Bridge Company, [1890] 2: 8
Bessler Movable Stairway Co., [191-] 5:12
Best & Lloyd, [c1920] 16: 9
Best Bros. Keene's Cement Co., [c1915] 3:10
Best Light Company, [1906?] 16:10
Bicycle Step Ladder Company, 1893 11: 5
Biddle Hardware Company, [1910?] 8: 4
Bielefeld, Charles Frederick, 1850 12:25
Blanchard, Robert L., [c1929] 8: 5
Blaw-Knox Company, [c 1920] 3:11
Bloom Studios Inc., [1908?] 4:10
Bommer Spring Hinge Company, [c1933] 8: 6
Bommer Spring Hinge Company, [c1939] 8: 7
Bonfils & Fesquet, 1904 5:13
Boston Blower Company, 1891 6:15
Boston Fire Brick Works, [1878] 2: 9
Boston Metal Ceiling & Mfg. Company, [c1912] 9:17
Boston Metal Ceiling & Mfg. Company, [1920] 9:18
Bottomley, Joseph, [1794?] 5:14
Boughton & Terwilliger, [c1886] 9:19
Boulinikon Floor Cloth & Manufacturing Company, [1876] 9:20
Bowles, John J., [1850?] 6:16
Boynton & Company, [190-?] 12:26
Bradford Pressed Brick Company, [c1913] 4:11
Bradley & Currier Co., Limited, 1877 6:17
Bradley & Currier Co., Limited, 1894 6:18
Bradley & Currier Company, Limited, [1889?] 6:19
Brasco Manufacturing Company, [c1920] 8: 8
Brasco Manufacturing Company, [c1921] 8: 9
Brecher Co., [1931] 4:12
Bridgeport Brass Company, ]c1929] 2:10
Bridgeport Hardware Mfg. Co., [c1900] 8:10
Bridgeport Wood Finishing Co., [1890?] 9:21
Bridgeport Wood Finishing Co., [191-?] 9:22
Brier Hill Steel Company, [1915] 9:23
British Challenge Glazing Co., [1929] 7: 7
Brockway-Smith Corporation, [1920] 6:20
Brooklyn Moulding and Planing Mill, [185-?] 6:21
Brown, Hazel Dell, [c1926] 9:24
Brown, Hazel Dell, [c1939] 9:25
Bussey, McLeod & Co., 1877 15:20
Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche 71
Companies Section:Item

C. B. Atkin (Firm), [c1902] 10: 8
C. B. Keogh & Company, 1873 8:11
C. D. Pruden Company, [1911] 13:11
C. F. Koran Company, Inc., [192-?] 12:27
C. F. Pease Company, [c1918] 1: 5
C. F. Pease Company, [1925] 1: 6
C. H. Pepper (Firm), [188-?] 9:26
C. Hennecke & Company, 1889 12:28
C. Jennings & Co., [1912?] 1: 7
C. M. Kinney Co., [c1913] 10: 9
C. P. Rollings worth & Co., [1892] 5:15
Cahill Company, [1934] 10:10
Cahill Company, [1936] 10:11
California Door Company, [c1923] 8:12
California Redwood Association, [1933] 6:22
Calmar Manufacturing Company, [1919?] 6:23
Cambridge Electric Light Company, [c1920] 16:11
Cambridge Wheatley Company, [1920?] 4:13
Canton Iron Roofing Co., [1887?] 7: 8
Canton Metal Ceiling Company, 1915 9:27
Canton Steel Ceiling Company, [191-?] 9:28
Canton Steel Ceiling Company, [c1915] 9:29
Capitol Light Company, [c1925] 16:12
Carr, Ryder & Adams Company, [c1915] 6:24
Carr, Ryder & Adams Company, [c1925] 6:25
Carr-Trombley Mfg. Co., [c1920] 6:26
Carron Company, [191-?] 10:12
Carron Company, 1911 10:13
Carson Pirie & Scott, Chicago, [1927] 9:30
Carver, William, 1929 4:14
Casement Hardware Co., [1937?] 8:13
Cast Stone Institute, [1930?] 4:15
Cecil Manufacturing Co., Inc., [c1932 11: 6
Celotex Corporation, [c1940] 7: 9
Celotex Corporation, [c1925] 9:31
Celotex Corporation, [c1938] 9:32
Central Electric Company, [1903] 16:13
Central Iron & Wire Works, [c1927] 5:16
Central Mantel Co., [c1905] 10:14
Central Mantel Company, [1895] 10:15
Century Cement Machine Company, 1907 4:16
Chamberlin Metal Weather Strip Co., [c1927] 8:14
Champion Incandescent Light Company, [c1920] ,16:14
Champion Iron Co., [188-?] 5:17
Charles C. Kellogg & Sons Co., [c1927] 13:12
Charles F. Bielefeld (Firm), [1850] 12:29
Charles Hess Co., 1910 8:15
Charles J. Jager Company, [189-?] 15:21
Charles J. Weinstein Co., [c1927] 16:15
72 Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche

Companies Section:Item

Charles K. Ernst, Manufacturer, [191-?] 14: 3

Charles W. Spurr Company, [189-?] 12:30
Chas. A. Millen & Company, 1889 6:27
Chas. C. Janney, [1899?] 10:16
Chas. C. Kellogg & Co., 1877 6:28
Chas. F. Lorenzen & Co., Inc., [190-] 10:17
Chas. F. Lorenzen & Co., Inc., [190-?] 10:18
Chas. P. Parish & Co., 1891 8:16
Chas. Williams' Sons, [c1880] 10:19
Chase Brass & Copper Company, [c1934] 16:16
Chase Brothers & Co., [186-?] 5:18
Chattanooga Implement & Manufacturing Co., [1923] 10:20
Chesebro-Whitman Company, [191-?] 1: 8
Chester, William F., [1888?] 15:22
Chicago & Riverdale Lumber Company, [1915] 6:29
Chicago & Riverdale Lumber Company, [c1920] 6:30
Chicago Embossed Moulding Company, [1904] 12:31
Chicago House Wrecking Co., [1909?] 1: 9
Chicago House Wrecking Co., 1910 1:10
Chicago House Wrecking Co., [191-?] 7:10
Chicago House Wrecking Co., [c1909] 15:23
Chicago House Wrecking Co., [c1912] 15:24
Chicago House Wrecking Co., [1913?] 15:25
Chicago Millwork Supply Company, [1904] 6:31
Chicago Millwork Supply Company, 1908 6:32
Chicago Millwork Supply Company, 1929 6:33
Chicago Millwork Supply Company, [1940] 6:34
Chidester & Company, [1870] 6:35
Church Art Work Company, [c1913] 12:32
Cincinnati Corrugating Co., [1885] 7:11
Cincinnati Iron Fence Co., [c1910] 2:11
Cincinnati Iron Fence Co., [c1925] 2:12
Cincinnati Sash & Door Company, 1934 6:36
Cincinnati Sash & Door Company, 1935 6:37
Circle "A" Products Corporation, [1920?] 8:17
Circle "A" Products Corporation, [c1920] 13:13
Cleveland Stone Company, 1887 4:17
Cleveland Window Glass & Door Company, [1916] 6:38
Clinton Lumber Company, [c1900] 6:39
Clinton Wire Cloth Company, [c1914] 9:33
Close-to-Nature Company, [1929] 13:14
Coburn Trolley Track Mfg. Co., [191-?] 13:15
Coleman Company, Inc., [1919] 16:17
Collier-Barnett Company, [c1920] 6:40
Collins & Naugle (Firm), 1871 6:41
Colorcrete Industries, [1932?] 3:12
Columbus Show Case Company, [1905?] 11: 7
Combination Gas Machine Co., [188-?] 15:26
Compagnie nationale des radiateurs, [192-] 15:27
Compendium Publishing Company, 1907 1:11
Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche 73
Companies Section:Item

Composite Iron Works Company, 1871 5:19

Composite Iron Works Company, [c1890] 5:20
Concrete Engineering Company, [c1930] 8:18
Congoleum-Nairn, Inc., [c1934] 9:34
Congoleum-Nairn, Inc., [c1939] 9:35
Congoleum-Nairn, Inc., [c1956] 9:36
Conkling-Armstrong Terra Cotta Co., 1914 4:18
Consolidated Gas Company of New York, [c1910] 15:28
Continental Clay Products Corporation, [c1927] 4:19
Coombs, Robert Duncan, [c1910] 16:18
Cooper & McKee, Manufacturers, [1895?] 11: 8
Copper and Brass Research Association, 1925 7:12
Coppes Brothers & Zook, [1927?] 11: 9
Coppes, Inc., [1939?] 11:10
Cor bin Cabinet Lock Company, [190-?] 10:21
Corbin, P. & F., 1871 8:19
Corbin, P. & F., 1885 8:20
Corbin, P. & F., [c1895] 8:21
Corbin, P. & F., 1905 8:22
Corbin, P. & F., [191-?] 8:23
Corbin, P. & F., [1913] 8:24
Corbin, P. & F., [192-?] 8:25
Corbin, P. & F., [c1931] 8:26
Corbin, P. & F., [c1932] 8:27
Corbin, P. & F., [c1938] 8:28
Cornell Wood Products Company, [c1920] 9:37
Cornell Wood Products Company, [c1920] 9:38
Corning Glass Works. Macbeth-Evans Division, [1939?] 16:19
Corrugated Bar Company, Inc., [c1917] 3:13
Cortland Howe Ventilating Stove Co., [c1895] 15:29
Cortright Metal Roofing Co., [1895] 7:13
Cortright Metal Roofing Co., [c1907] 7:14
Cortright Metal Roofing Co., [c1915] 7:15
Cottam & Company, [186-?] 5:21
Covert Fire Escape Company, [1908?] 5:22
Craig & Richards Granite Co., [c1900] 13:16
Crane Company, 1924 15:30
Crane Company, [c1926] 15:31
Crane Company, [c1929] 15:32
Cream City Sash and Door Company, [1901] 6:42
Crescent Brass Products Co., [1921?] 16:20
Crescent Company, [1916?] 13:17
Crescent Sales & Mfg. Company, [1920?] 7:16
Crittall Casement Window Company, [c1925] 8:29
Crook, Homer & Co., 1900 15:33
Crouse-Hinds Company, [c1924] 16:21
Crouse-Hinds Company, [c1936] 16:22
Curt Teich & Co., [c1963] 4:20
Curtis & Yale Company, 1896 6:43
Curtis Bros. & Co., [1904] 6:44
74 Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche
Companies Section:Item

Curtis Bros. & Co., [1908] 6:45

Curtis Companies Service Bureau, [c1939] 11:11
Curtis Companies, Inc., [c1924] 5:23
Curtis Companies, Inc., [1914] 6:46
Curtis Companies, Inc., [c1917] 6:47
Curtis Companies, Inc., 1920 6:48
Curtis Companies, Inc., [c1927] 6:49
Curtis Companies, Inc., [c1927] 6:50
Curtis Companies, Inc., [1927?] 6:51
Curtis Companies, Inc., [1932?] 6:52
Curtis Companies, Inc., [c1938] 6:53
Curtis Companies, Inc., [c1946] 6:54
Curtis Companies, Inc., [c1924] 8:30
Curtis Companies, Inc., [c1927] 8:31
Curtis Companies, Inc., [c1927] 8:32
Curtis Companies, Inc., [c1927] 8:33
Cutler Mail Chute Co., [c1917] 10:22
Cutler-Hammer, Inc., 1913 16:23
Cyco Manufacturing Company, [c1930] 2:13
Da Prato, A., Company, [c1929] 12:33
Dalton Lighting Fixture Company, [1924?] 16:24
Dalton-Ingersoll Company, 1866 15:34
Dalton-Ingersoll Company, 1889 15:35
Daniel Cushing & Co., 1872 5:24
Daprato Statuary Company, [c1921] 12:34
Daprato Statuary Company, [c1928] 12:35
Darvel Fabrics, [c1930] 12:36
David Lupton's Sons Company, [1906?] 5:25
David Lupton's Sons Company, [c1916] 8:34
David Lupton's Sons Company, [C1918] 8:35
David Lupton's Sons Company, [192-?] 8:36
David Lupton's Sons Company, [c1922] 8:37
David Lupton's Sons Company, [c1927] 8:38
Day-Brite Reflector Co., [c1927] 16:25
DeWitt Wire Cloth Co., 1885 16:26
Deats Sash & Door Co., [c1923] 6:55
Decorators Supply Co., [c1925] 10:23
Decorators Supply Co., [191-?] 12:37
Decorators Supply Co., 1914 12:38
Decorators Supply Co., 1925 12:39
Decorators Supply Co., [193-?] 12:40
Decorators Supply Co., [191-?] 16:27
Decorators Supply House, [1930] 12:41
Deline Engineering Co., Inc., [191-?] 1:12
Dennison Manufacturing Company, [1896?] 12:42
Dennison Manufacturing Company, [1917] 12:43
Denslow Heater Co., [1891?] 15:36
Detroit Decorative Supply Company, [c1929] 12:44
Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche 75

Companies Section:Item

Detroit School of Lettering, [190-] 10:24

Detroit Steel Products Co., [191-?] 8:39
Detroit Steel Products Co., [c1920] 8:40
Detroit Steel Products Co., [1924?] 8:41
Detroit Steel Products Co., [c1928] 8:42
Detroit Stove Works, 1907 15:37
Detroit White Lead Works, [c1900] 9:39
Devoe & Raynolds Company, Inc., [c1900] 1:13
Devoe & Raynolds Company, Inc., [1914] 1:14
Diamond Manufacturing Company, [c1928] 10:25
Dibble Manufacturing Co., [1885?] 8:43
Dickelman-Bowers Mfg. Co., [c1900] 5:26
Doehler Metal Furniture Company, Inc., [193-?] 12:45
Domestic Science Kitchen Unit Corporation, [c1930] 11:12
Donley Brothers Company, 1929 10:26
Donley Brothers Company, [c1936] 10:27
Donley Brothers Company, 1940 10:28
Douglas Fir Plywood Association, [c1939] 6:56
Douglas Fir Plywood Association, [1940?] 6:57
Ducker Portable House Co., [c1888] 13:18
Dunn & Witt, 1870 5:27
Duparquet, Huot & Moneuse Co., 1928 11:13
Duplex Lighting Works, [c1920] 16:28
Duraflex Company, [1926?] 9:40
Durham House Drainage Company, 1887 15:38
Dutton, Andrew, [1906?] 1:15
Dykes Lumber Company, [c1924] 1:16
Dykes Lumber Company, [c1920] 6:58

E. A. Carlisle & Pope Company, 1910 8:44
E. B. Latham & Company, [1900] 16:29
E. B. Latham & Company, [c1912] 16:30
E. B. Moore and Company, [1893] 9:41
E. C. Young Company, [192-?] 13:19
E. G. Smyser's Sons Co., [187-?] 2:14
E. G. Soltmann (Firm), [c1901] 1:17
E. H. Martin & Co., [1880] 7:17
E. H. Martin & Co., [1880] 7:18
E. L. Bruce Company, [c1928] 9:42
E. L. Roberts & Company, 1903 6:59
E. L. Roberts & Company, [c1908] 6:60
E. L. Roberts & Company, [1908] 6:61
E. P. Gleason Manufacturing Co., 1888 16:31
E. P. Russell (Firm), [1857?] 7:19
E. T. Barnum, Wire and Iron Work, [c1895] 5:28
E. T. Barnum, Wire and Iron Work, [1916?] 5:29
E. T. Barnum, Wire and Iron Work, [c1929] 5:30
E. T. Burrows & Co., [c1892] 8:45
E. T. Burrows & Co., [c1897] 8:46
76 Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche

Companies Section:Item

E. M. Freese & Co., [1907?] 4:21

Eaglesfield Hardwood Flooring Co., [19--?] 9:43
Earle Hardware Manufacturing Company, [1928] 8:47
Earle Hardware Manufacturing Company, [c1930] 8:48
Earley, John Joseph, [1926] 3:14
East Waverly Steam Granite Works, [c1900] 13:20
Eastern Clay Products Association, 1927 4:22
Eastern Hydraulic-press Brick Company, 1895 4:23
Economy Concrete Company, 1915 4:24
Edison Electric Light Co., 1887 16:32
Edison Portland Cement Company, [1908?] 3:15
Edison Portland Cement Company, [c1912] 3:16
Edwards Manufacturing Co., [c1923] 5:31
Edwards Manufacturing Co., [191-] 7:20
Edwards Manufacturing Co., [c1909] 7:21
Edwards Manufacturing Company, [191-?] 9:44
Edwards Manufacturing Company, [191-?] 9:45
Edwards Manufacturing Company, 1917 9:46.
Edwin A. Jackson & Bro., Inc., [1895] 10:29
Edwin A. Jackson & Bro., Inc., 1906 10:30
Edwin A. Jackson & Bro., Inc., 1925 10:31
Edwin F. Guth Company, [1930?] 16:33
Edwin F. Guth Company, [c1923] 16:34
Edwin Jackson, Inc., [1932?] 10:32
Efcolite Corporation, [c1930] 16:35
Electric Axle Light and Power Company, [c1900] 2:15
Electric Supply & Equipment Co., 1927 16:36
Electrol Inc. of Missouri, [c1927] 15:39
Electrol Inc. of Missouri, [c1928] 15:40
Elkay Manufacturing Co., 1929 15:41
Elkhart Brass Manufacturing Company, [192-?] 10:33
Eller Mfg. Co., [1924?] 5:32
Eller Mfg. Co., [1929] 5:33
Eller Mfg. Co., 1917 9:47
Eller Mfg. Co., [c1930] 9:48
Ellin, Kitson & Company, [188-?] 12:46
Ellithorpe Safety Air-Cushion Company, [c1900] 14: 4
Elmore Studios, [c1910] 2:16
Elterich Art Tile Stove Works, [1890?] 15:42
Elzey Company, [c1916] 10:34
Emerson Piano Co., 1890 11:14
Emil J. Paidar Company, [1928] 11:15
Emmel, Charles, [c1897] 5:34
Emmel, Charles, [1895] 12:47
Emmel, Charles, [1900] 12:48
Energy Elevator Company, [c1905] 14: 5
Erie Fixture Supply Co., [c1920] 16:37
Estey Organ Company, 1923 11:16
Excelsior Stove & Manufacturing Co., [1940?] 15:43
Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche 77

Companies Section:Item

F. E. Carpenter Co., [c1910] 2:17
F. E. Myers & Bro. Co., [191-?] 15:44
F. Herhold & Sons, [188-?] 12:49
F. J. Newcomb Mfg. Co., [19--?] 12:50
F. P. Smith Wire and Iron Works, [c1911] 13:21
F. Rosenberg Elevator Company, [19--?] 14: 6
F. W. Bird & Son, [191-?] 7:22
F. W. Bird & Son, 1915 7:23
Fairfacts Company, [c1925] 10:35
Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing Company, 1898 6:62
Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing Company, [c1910] 6:63
Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing Company, [1923?] 6:64
Farrington Gould Hoagland, Inc., [191-?] 13:22
Federal-American Cement Tile Co., [c1931] 3:17
Fells-Lent-Cantor-Katz Corp'n, [192-?] 8:49
Ferguson Synstone Co., [1916?] 4:25
Ferro Studio, Inc., [1930] 5:35
Fiat Metal Manufacturing Co., [c1927?] 15:45
Finsven, Inc., [c1948] 12:51
Fischer & Jirouch Company, [191-?] 2:18
Fischer & Jirouch Company, [191-?] 12:52
Fischer & Jirouch Company, [191-?] 12:53
Fischer & Jirouch Company, [c1931] 12:54
Fiske & Company, Inc., [190-] 4:26
Fiske & Company, Inc., [c1909] 4:27
Fiske & Company, Inc., [c1913] 4:28
Fiske, J. W., [1927?] 2:19
Fiske, J. W., [c1891] 10:36
Fiske, J. W., [c1921] 10:37
Fiske, J. W., [190-?] 13:23
Flexrock Company, [1938?] 9:49
Foamite-Childs Corporation, [c1927] 10:38
Fontaine et Vaillant, [189-?] 8:50
Forest City Foundries Company, [1947] 15:46
Formica Insulation Company, [193-?] 6:65
Formica Insulation Company, [1938?] 6:66
Forty-Fort Fixture Co., [192-?] 16:38
Foster-Munger Company, [c1895] 6:67
Foster-Munger Company, [c1899] 6:68
Foster-Munger Company, 1901 6:69
Foster-Munger Company, [c1902] 6:70
Frank A. Seifert Plastic Relief Company, [c1909] 12:55
Frank H. Stewart Electric Company, 1920 16:39
Frank H. Stewart Electric Company, [c1920] 16:40
Frank H. Stewart Electric Company, [1927] 16:41
Frank H. Stewart Electric Company, 1928 16:42
Frank S. Betz Company, [1928?] 11:17
Frankelite Co., [1926?] 16:43
Frantz Manufacturing Company, [1933] 8:51
78 Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche

Companies Section:Item

Frantz Manufacturing Company, [1937?] 8:52

Frantz Manufacturing Company, [1937] 8:53
Fred Albrecht (Firm), [1903?] 12:56
Fred J. Meyers Manufacturing Company, [190-?] 5:36
Frederick, Christine McGaffey, [c1915] 11:18
Friedley & Voshardt, [c1920] 9:50
Friedly & Voshardt, Chicago, [c1923] 5:37
Frigidaire Corporation, [c 1929] 11:19
Frost & Adams, 1886 1:18
Fuller (W.P.) & Company, [c1927] 6:71
Fuller (W.P.) & Company, [1941] 6:72
Fuller-Warren Co., [190-?] 15:47

G. Drouve Company, [c1912] 7:24
G. E. Walter (Firm), [c1920] 12:57
G. I. Sellers & Sons Company, [c1930] 11:20
G. J. Seedman Company, [1940?] 13:24
G. V. Selden (Firm), 1887 6:73
Galloway Terra Cotta Company, [c1905] 2:20
Galloway Terra Cotta Company, [c1910] 2:21
Galvanoplastie Massive Delaunay, [188-?] 12:58
Gamewell Fire Alarm Telegraph Company, 1917 10:39
Gandillot & Cie., [c1865] 5:38
Garden City Company of California, [c1916] 13:25
Garden City Plating & Mfg. Co., [1928] 16:44
Gardner Sash Balance Co., [1892] 8:54
Garry Iron & Steel Company, [1905] 7:26
Garry Iron and Steel Roofing Co., [1875] 7:25
Garry Iron and Steel Roofing Co., [1888?] 7:26
Gate City Iron Works, [c1940] 5:39
Gebruder Thonet, [1915] 12:59
Gebruder Thonet, [c1938] 12:60
General Bronze Corporation, [c1946] 13:26
General City Service Co., [1943] 1:19
General Electric Company, [c1929] 11:21
General Electric Company, [1937?] 15:48
General Electric Company, [1937?] 15:49
General Electric Company, [1900] 16:45
General Electric Company, 1924 16:46
General Electric Company, 1925 16:47
General Electric Company, [1930] 16:48
General Electric Company, [1936] 16:49
General Electric Supply Corp., [c1931] 16:50
General Electric Supply Corporation, 1928 16:51
General Electric Supply Corporation, [c1936] 16:52
General Fire Extinguisher Company, 1895 15:50
General Fireproofing Company, [1907?] 3:18
General Fireproofing Company, 1916 7:27
General Fireproofing Company, [c1927] 7:28
Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche 79

Companies Section:Item

General Fireproofing Company, [192-?] 9:51

General Gas Light Company, [c1930] 15:51
General Gas Light Company, [190-?] 16:53
General Insulating and Manufacturing Co., [193-?] 7:29
General Millwork Corporation, [1934] 6:74
General Woodcraft Co., Inc., [1953?] 8:55
Genesee Brick & Supply Corporation, [c1927] 4:29
Genfire Steel Company, [c1928] 3:19
Genuine Bangor Slate Co., Inc., [c1906] 7:30
Geo. L. Mesker & Co., [1905?] 8:56
Geo. L. Mesker & Co., 1910 8:57
Geo. Mertz's Sons, 1898 12:61
George Cutter Company, 1918 16:54
George Smith & Co., [187-?] 5:40
Gilbert & Barker Manufacturing Company, [1906] 16:55
Gilmore Electric Company, [c1900] 16:56
Gleason Wood Ornament Company, 1883 12:62
Glen Manufacturing Company, [1907] 2:22
Globe Furniture Company, [189-?] 12:63
Globe Furniture Company, [1893?] 12:64
Globe Gas Light Company, [1877?] 16:57
Globe Iron Roofing & Corrugating Co., [c1890] 7:31
Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, [c1929] 9:52
Gordon-Van Tine Company, [1908?] 6:75
Gordon-Van Tine Company, [1913] 6:76
Gordon-Van Tine Company, 1917 6:77
Gordon-Van Tine Company, [c1918] 6:78
Gordon-Van Tine Company, [1919] 6:79
Gordon-Van Tine Company, [1920?] 6:80
Gordon-Van Tine Company, [192-?] 6:81
Gordon-Van Tine Company, 1921 6:82
Gordon-Van Tine Company, [1925?] 6:83
Gordon-Van Tine Company, 1938 6:84
Gordon-Van Tine Company, [1900] 13:27
Gordon-Van Tine Company, [c1916] 13:28
Gordon-Van Tine Company, [1917?] 13:29
Gordon-Van Tine Company, 1926 13:30
Gorham Manufacturing Company, [c1915] 5:41
Gorham Manufacturing Company, [1908?] 12:65
Gorham Manufacturing Company, [c1914] 12:66
Gorham Manufacturing Company, [c1916] 12:67
Gorham Manufacturing Company, [c1905] 13:31
Gorham Manufacturing Company, [c1916] 16:58
Goshen Lightning Rod Co., [cJ924] 10:40
Gould Manufacturing Company, 1904 6:85
Gould, George L., [1914] 1:20
Gould-Mersereau Co. Inc., 1908 8:58
Graber Company, [cl965] 12:68
Grand Rapids Carved Moulding Company, [1894] 12:69
Grand Rapids Store Equipment Corporation, [c1929] 11:22
80 Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche

Companies Section:Item

Grand Rapids Wood Carving Company, [190-?] 12:70

Graybar Electric Company, [1928?] 16:59
Greenwich Pottery (Firm), [1873] 2:23
Grippin Manufacturing Company, [1910?] 9:53
Gum Lumber Manufacturers Association, [1914?] 6:86
Gum Lumber Manufacturers Association, [1915?] 6:87
Gurley, W. & L. E., 1856 1:21
Gus. V. Brecht Butchers' Supply Company, [c1910] 11:23

H. F. Jenks Co., [190-?] 15:52
H. M. C. Sales Corporation, [c1929] 11:24
H. M. C. Sales Corporation, display 11:25
H. Peretmere, entrepreneur (Firm), [c1865] 9:54
H. W. Johns Manufacturing Company, [c1891] 7:32
H. W. Johns Manufacturing Company, 1900 7:33
H. W. Johns-Manville Co., [c1904] 7:34
H. W. Johns-Manville Co., [c1920] 7:35
Hale, Kilburn & Company, [1874] 12:71
Halladay, J. Stuart, [1928] 12:72
Halsey W. Taylor Co., [c1928] 15:53
Hamilton Beach Manufacturing Company, [c1933] 11:26
Hancock Iron Works, [1939] 10:41
Haney-White Co., 1903 10:42
Hardwick Stove Co., [1940?] 15:54
Hardwood Products Corporation, [191-?] 8:59
Hardwood Products Corporation, [1917?] 8:60
Harris Brothers Company, [192-?] 1:22
Harris Brothers Company, [c1923] 1:23
Harris Brothers Company, [c1924] 1:24
Harris Brothers Company, [c1925] 1:25
Harris Brothers Company, [c1925] 1:26
Harris Brothers Company, [c1928] 1:27
Harris Brothers Company, [c1932] 1:28
Harris Brothers Company, 1949 1:29
Hart Manufacturing Company, [c1935] 10:43
Hart, Bliven & Mead Manufacturing Co., 1875 8:61
Hart, Bliven & Mead Manufacturing Co., 1876 8:62
Hart, Son, Peard & Co., 1870 5:42
Hartman & Durstine, [c1887] 12:73
Hartmann Brothers Mfg. Company, 1904 5:43
Hartmann-Sanders Company, [c1928] 2:24
Hartmann-Sanders Company, [c1925] 8:63
Hartmann-Sanders Company, [c1930] 8:64
Hartmann-Sanders Company, Chicago, 1913 5:44
Hartmann-Sanders Company, Chicago, 1946 5:45
Hartshorn, Stewart, [187-?] 12:74
Hartshorn, Stewart, 1870 12:75
Harvey Hubbell, Inc., [c1921] 16:60
Harvey Hubbell, Inc., [c1924] 16:61
Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche 81
Companies Section:Item
Heatilator Company, [C1937] 10:44
Heaton & Wood, [19--?] 6:88
Hecla Iron Works, [189-?] 5:46
Hecla Iron Works, [190-?] 5:47
Hecla Iron Works, 1866 8:65
Hecla-Winslow Company, Inc., 1915 8:66
Hendrick Manufacturing Company, Ltd., [c1929] 10:45
Hendrick Manufacturing Company, Ltd., [c1897] 11:27
Henry Hope & Sons, 1931 2:25
Henry Hope & Sons, 1927 5:48
Henry Hope & Sons, 1931 5:49
Henry Hope & Sons, [1930?] 12:76
Henry Klein & Company, Inc., [c1928] 12:77
Henry Klein & Company, Inc., [c1929] 12:78
Henry Martin (Firm), 1886 4:30
Henry Sanders Company, 1907 5:50
Henry-Bonnard Bronze Company, [1894] 5:51
Hercules Iron & Supply Co., 1905 15:55
Herman Nelson Corporation, [c1930] 15:56
Hettrick Bros. Company, [190-?] 13:32
Hinkle & Company, 1869 6:89
Hochschild-Kohn & Company, [192-?] 12:79
Hocking Valley Products Company, [c1924] 4:31
Hodgson (E. F.) Company, [c1927] 1:30
Holland Furnace Company, [1931] 15:57
Hollow Building Tile Association, 1925 4:32
Homasote Company, [c1940] 9:55
Homasote Company, [c1930] 13:33
Homasote Company, [c1930] 13:34
Home Fence Company, [1914] 2:26
Hoosier Fence Company, 1913 2:27
Hoosier Manufacturing Co., [c1920] 11:28
Hope (Henry) & Sons, [1917] 5:52
Hope (Henry) & Sons, [c1909] 8:67
Hopkins & Company, [1895?] 5:53
Hopkins & Dickinson Manufacturing Co., 1890 8:68
Horn & Brannen Manufacturing Co., [1904] 16:62
Horn & Brannen Manufacturing Co., [1922?] 16:63
Hotpoint Company, [1927] 15:58
Houtes, William, [c1877] 5:54
Howard Studios, Inc., [192-?] 2:28
Howard Studios, Inc., 1920 2:29
Howarth Reversible Sash and Sash Center Co., 1900 8:69
Huck-Gerhardt Company, Inc., [c1929] 8:70
Hudson Nurseries (Firm), [c1929] 2:30
Hudson River Slate Co., [19--?] 10:46
Huff & Brainard (Firm), [188-?] 15:59
Hughes Electrical Heating Co., [c1915] 15:60
Hunt, Helm, Ferris & Company, [c1919] 13:35
Huntoon, L., [1881?] 12:80
82 Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche

Companies Section:Item

Hussey-Williams Company, [c1940] 6:90

Huttig Brothers Manufacturing Company, [1900] 6:91
Huttig Manufacturing Co., [c1903] 6:92
Hyde-Murphy Company, [c1914] 6:93
Hydraulic-Press Brick Company, 1909 4:33
Hydraulic-Press Brick Company, [c1914] 4:34
Hydraulic-Press Brick Company, [c1925] 4:35
Hydraulic-Press Brick Company, [c1927] 4:36
I-XL Furniture Company, 1928 11:29
I-XL Furniture Company, 1935 11:30
I. Albert Co., [1941?] 16:64
I. P. Frink (Firm), [c1912] 16:65
ILG Electric Ventilation Company, [192-?] 15:61
Ideal Garden & Specialty Co., [1930] 2:31
Indiana Limestone Co., [c1927] 4:37
Indiana Limestone Company, 1926 4:38
Indiana Limestone Quarrymen's Association, [1917] 4:39
Indiana Limestone Quarrymen's Association, 1919 4:40
Indiana Limestone Quarrymen's Association, 1922 4:41
Indiana Paint & Roofing Co., [c1885] 7:36
Indianapolis Tent and Awning Company, [1910?] 13:36
Innes & Company, [188-?] 10:47
Insulite Company, 1928 7:37
Insulite Company, [c1936] 7:38
Insulite Company, [1936?] 9:56
Interior Hardwood Company, [c1892] 9:57
Interior Hardwood Company, [c1892] 9:58
Interior Hardwood Company, [c1895] 9:59
Interior Hardwood Company, [c1911] 9:60
International Casement Co., Inc., 1922 8:71
International Casement Co., Inc., [1930?] 8:72
International Heater Company, [c1928] 15:62
International Nickel Company, [c1931] 5:55
International Nickel Company, [193-?] 15:63
International Steel & Iron Company, [191-?] 5:56
International Steel & Iron Company, [191-?] 9:61
Iron Substructure Company, 1885 2:32
Irving Iron Works Company, [c1923] 5:57
Isaac D. Smead & Company, [1889] 15:64
Issac A. Sheppard & Co., [c1904] 15:65

J. A. & W. Bird & Co., [c1904] 7:39
J. B. Miller Keyless Lock Co., [1904?] 8:73
J. B. Shannon & Sons, 1883 8:74
J. B. Shannon & Sons, 1887 8:75
J. C. Iversen & Co., [1874] 12:81
J. C. Rochester & Co., 1929 1:31
Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche 83

Companies Section:Item

J. F. Pease Furnace Company, 1890 15:66

J. F. Pease Furnace Company, [c1892] 15:67
J. G. Braun (Firm), [192-?] 5:58
J. G. Braun (Firm), [c1930] 8:76
J. G. Braun (Firm), [c1914] 12:82
J. G. Braun (Firm), [1928?] 12:83
J. G. Braun (Firm), [1929?] 12:84
J. G. Braun (Firm), [1930?] 12:85
J. G. Braun (Firm), 1930 12:86
J. G. Wilson Corporation, [c1923] 8:77
J. G. Wilson Corporation, 1923 8:78
J. G. Wilson Corporation, [c1924] 10:48
J. Godfrey Wilson (Firm), [1897] 12:87
J. Jacob Shannon & Co., 1888 8:79
J. Jos. Heilingenthal (Firm), [1827?] 12:88
J. R. Palmenberg's Sons, [c1893] 11:31
J. Rider, [1850] 10:49
J. S. & G. F. Simpson (Firm), 1886 5:59
J. S. Thorn Architectural Sheet Metal Works, [c1895] 5:60
J. Stone & Company, 1898 15:68
J. T. Cowles, [1883?] 5:61
J. W. Bailey & Sons, 1883 6:94
J. W. Bailey & Sons, 1886 6:95
J. W. Bailey & Sons, 1890 6:96
J.W. Bailey & Sons., [189-?] 10:50
J. W. Fiske Iron Works, [c1915] 2:33
J. W. Reedy Elevator Manufacturing Co., [c1890] 14: 7
J. and J. G. Low (Firm), [c1882] 9:62
Jackson & Newton Company, 1915 6:97
Jackson, James L., & Brother, [1871] 13:37
Jackson, Peter H., [c1890] 8:80
Jackson, Peter H., 1899 8:81
Jacob & Josef Kohn, Wien (Firm), [188-?] 12:89
Jacob Mark (Firm), [1884?] 8:82
Jacobs Bird-house and Manufacturing Company, 1923 13:38
Jacobson & Company, [192-?] 9:63
Jacobson & Company, [191-?] 10:51
Jacobson & Company, 1915 12:90
Jacobson & Company, [192-?] 12:91
Jacobson & Company, [c1921] 12:92
Jacobson & Company, 1924 12:93
Jacobson & Company, [c1928] 12:94
Jacobson & Company, 1929 12:95
Jacobson Manufacturing Company, [c1895] 12:96
Jake Lampert Yards (Firm), [c1928] 13:39
James Ackroyd & Sons, [190-?] 5:62
James Ackroyd & Sons, [192-?] 7:40
James B. Clow & Sons, 1899 15:69
James Manufacturing Company, [c1914] 13:40
James Manufacturing Company, [c1919] 13:41
84 Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche

Companies Section:Item

Janentzky & Weber, [1884] 1:32

Janes & Kirtland, Inc., [c1927] 11:32
Janusch Manufacturing Company, [1925?] 10:52
Janusch Manufacturing Company, [c1920] 16:66
Jarden Brick Company, 1891 4:42
Jenkins Manufacturing Company, [c1935] 10:53
Jenney, Edgar W., [c1928] 12:97
John A. Gauger & Company, 1903 6:98
John A. Gauger & Company, 1907 6:99
John Boyle & Company, [c1905] 13:42
John C. Virden Co., [1931] 16:67
John C. Virden Co., [c1932] 16:68
John C. Virden Co., [1933?] 16:69
John C. Virden Co., [c1934] 16:70
John Hartmann (Firm), [190-?] 12:98
John Lucas & Co., [1918?] 9:64
John Moore & Company, 1882 12:99
John P. White (Firm), [c1900] 2:34
John Polachek Bronze & Iron Co., [c1917] 5:63
John Simmons Co., 1906 15:70
John Simmons Company, 1893 15:71
John W. Boughton (Firm), [c1880] 9:65
Johns-Manville Corporation, [c1934] 1:33
Johns-Manville Corporation, [c1936] 1:34
Johns-Manville Corporation, [c1936] 6:100
Johns-Manville Corporation, [c1936] 7:41
Jones & Company, [1870?] 11:33
Jordan & Moriarty, [188-?] 12:100
Joseph E. Frechie & Co., [c1920] 16:71
Joseph E. Frechie & Co., [c1921] 16:72
Joseph Stelwagon's Son, 1892 7:42
Julius Blum & Co., Inc., [c1930] 5:64

Kalamazoo Stove Co., [1924?] 15:72
Kalamazoo Stove Co., [1926?] 15:73
Kalamazoo Stove Co., [193-?] 15:74
Kanneberg Roofing Co., [1891] 7:43
Kansas City Hydraulic-Press Brick Company, [1904] 4:43
Kaustine Company, [1928?] 15:75
Kawneer Company, 1925 8:83
Kawneer Company, [c1929] 8:84
Kayline Company, [c1930] 16:73
Kayser & Allman, [191-?] 9:66
Kayser & Allman, [1911?] 9:67
Keeley Stove Co., [1907?] 15:76
Keeley Stove Co., [1914] 15:77
Keeley Stove Co., 1941 15:78
Keenan Structural Slate Company, [c1910] 15:79
Keighley Metal Ceiling & Mfg. Company, [191-?] 9:68
Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche 85
Companies Sectiomltem

Kelsey Furnace Company, [1898?] 15:80

Kelvinator Corporation, [c1925] 11:34
Kenneth Lynch & Sons, [c1940] 12:101
Kentucky Metal Products Co., [c1930] 10:54
Ketch, James M., [1933] 16:74
Keuffel & Esser Co., [c1921] 1:35
Keystone Brass and Rubber Co., [1927] 15:81
Keystone Fireproof ing Company, [c1924] 7:44
Keystone Safety Gas Machine Company, [1870?] 15:82
King Bridge Company, [1897] 2:35
King Iron Bridge & Manufacturing Co., [188-?] 5:65
King Ventilating Company, [c1916] 15:83
Kinnear & Gager Company, [189-?] 9:69
Kinnear Manufacturing Company, [1900?] 8:85
Kirsch Manufacturing Company, [192-?] 12:102
Kitselman Brothers, [1902] 2:36
Klemm & Company, [190-?] 16:75
Klemm & Company, [c1910] 16:76
Koehring, Philip, [c1922] 3:20
Kohler Company, 1914 15:84
Konig, F., lithographer, [182-?] 12:103
Kroder Reubel Co., [1928?] 12:104
Kuntz-Sternenberg Lumber Company, [c1916] 13:43

L. A. Romagnesi (Firm), [182-?] 12:105
L. Brandt (Housing designer), 1929 5:66
L. F. Garlinghouse Company, [c1938] 13:44
L. F. Garlinghouse Company, [195-?] 13:45
L. F. Garlinghouse Company, [195-] 13:46
L. Holzhauer Sons (Firm), [1915] 11:35
L. W. Cushing and Sons, [c1883] 10:55
La Crosse Steel Roofing and Corrugating Company, 1897 5:67
Lalance & Grosjean M'f'g Co., [1881] 11:36
Lalance & Grosjean M'f'g' Co., 1904 15:85
Lally Column Company, [1917?] 5:68
Lamb, George N., [c1930] 6:101
Lawrence Ellerbrock, Inc., [192-?] 11:37
Le mobilier ecclesiastique, [18—] 12:106
Ledkote Products Company, [192-?] 3:21
Lehigh Portland Cement Company, [c1925] 3:22
Lehigh Portland Cement Company, [c1927] 3:23
Lehman Sprayshield Co., [c1930] 15:86
Levi Boles & Son, [187-?] 8:86
Levi Boles & Son, [1873] 8:87
Lewers & Cooke, Limited, [19--?] 13:47
Lewis Manufacturing Company, [193-?] 13:48
Lewis Manufacturing Company, [195-?] 13:49
Liberty Incandescent Light Co., 1916 16:77
Lidell & Williams (Firm), [1897] 6:102
86 Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche

Companies Section:Item

Lighting and lamp trade directory and catalog, [c1927] 16:78

Lightolier Company, [c1919] 16:79
Lightolier Company, [c1920] 16:80
Lightolier Company, [192-?] 16:81
Lightolier Company, [c1920] 16:82
Lightolier Company, [192-?] 16:83
Lightolier Company, [c1924] 16:84
Lightolier Company, [1925?] 16:85
Lightolier Company, [c1926] 16:86
Lightolier Company, [c1935] 16:87
Lightolier Company, [c1940] 16:88
Litterer Bros. Manufacturing Co., [192-?] 15:87
Locke Stove Company, [1944?] 15:88
Loetscher & Burch Mfg. Company, [192-?] 13:50
Loetscher Jaeger Manufacturing Company, 1912 6:103
Logan Company, [c1928] 10:56
Logan Company, [c1930] 10:57
Lombard & Ludwig, Inc., [191-?] 12:107
Long-Bell Lumber Company, 1936 2:37
Long-Bell Lumber Company, [c1927] 9:70
Lord & Burnham Co., [c1903] 2:38
Lord & Burnham Co., [c1907] 2:39
Lord & Burnham Co., [c1910] 2:40
Lord & Burnham Co., [192-?] 2:41
Louden Machinery Company, [c1915] 13:51
Louden Machinery Company, [c1917] 13:52
Louden Machinery Company, [c1923] 13:53
Louden Machinery Company, [c1925] 13:54
Louis Bossert & Sons, 1915 13:55
Louis Bossert & Sons, [c1926] 13:56
Lovell & Hall, [191-?] 6:104
Lowe Brothers Company, [c1899] 9:71
Lowe Brothers Company, [1900?] 11:38
Ludlow-Saylor Wire Co., [1895] 5:70
Ludlum Steel Company, [c1938] 5:71
Luetke & Company, [1900] 12:108
Luminous Unit Company, [c1916] 16:89
Luminous Unit Company, [191-?] 16:90
Luxfer Co., [c1915] 5:72

M. Clements, Architectural Iron & Jail Works, [188-?] 5:73
M. H. Birge & Sons Co.,[cl914] 9:72
M. Thomas & Sons, Auctioneers, [1873] 6:105
Macbeth-Evans Glass Company, [c1930] 16:91
Macbeth-Evans Glass Company, 1911 16;92
Macomb Sewer Pipe Works, [c1919] 4:44
Mahony Warming and Ventilating Establishment, [1887?] 15:89
Mahony Warming and Ventilating Establishment, [1888] 15:90
Maison G. Mary, [191-?] 16:93
Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche 87

Companies Section:Item

Majestic Company, [1927?] 15:91

Maneely & Company, [c1912] 11:39
Manhattan Brass Company, [c1900] 5:74
Manhattan Electrical Supply Company, [c1905] 16:94
Manly & Cooper Manufacturing Co., 1884 5:75
Maple & Company, Ltd., [191-?] 12:109
Marietta Manufacturing Company, 1899 16:95
Markel Electric Products, Inc., [1935?] 16:96
Marsh Wall Products, Inc., [c1938] 9:73
Marshall & Stearns Company, [c1915] 12:110
Marshall & Sterns Company, [c1918] 12:111
Martin & Hood, 1847 8:88
Martin J. Frand & Co., [1900] 12:112
Mason City Brick and Tile Company, [c1938] 4:45
Mason Fibre Company, [1926] 9:74
Masonite Corporation, [c1936] 9:75
Mast, Foos & Co., [188-?] 2:42
Master Builders Company, [1923] 9:76
Master Builders Company, [1928] 9:77
Mastic Wall Board and Roofing Mfg. Co., [1911?] 9:78
Mathews Manufacturing Company, [c1920] 2:43
Maw & Co., [1870] 9:79
Maxwell, Forbes & Stillman Company, 1909 12:113
Mayhew Studios, [C1910] 12:114
McCabe Hanger Manufacturing Co., 1906 8:89
McCleer Brothers, [1902] 13:57
McDowall, Steven & Co., [1885?] 5:76
McKenney & Waterbury Company, [190-?] 16:97
McKenney & Waterbury Company, [c1910] 16:98
McKinney Manufacturing Company, [c1923] 8:90
McKinney Manufacturing Company. Forge Division, [c1929] 8:91
Mellert Foundry and Machine Company, 1891 2:44
Mellowes & Co., Ltd., 1903 7:45
Merchant & Co., Incorporated, [c1891] 15:92
Mesker Bros. Iron Co., [c1925] 8:92
Mesker Brothers, [c1945] 8:93
Metal Door & Trim Company, [c1928] 8:94
Metal Fabric Company, [191-?] 12:115
Metalace Corporation, [c1928] 10:58
Metropolitan Furniture Company, [1910?] 12:116
Miami Cabinet Company, [c1930] 10:59
Mica Roofing Company, [1867?] 7:46
Michigan Stove Company, [1900?] 15:93
Midwest Metal Art Co., [191-?] 5:77
Milbradt Manufacturing Company, [190-?] 11:40
Milcor Steel Company, 1935 5:78
Milhender Electric Supply Company, [192-?] 16:99
Miller & Doing, Inc., [191-?] 12:117
Miller (Herman) Furniture Co., Inc., [1940?] 12:118
Milliken Brothers, [1905] 5:79
88 Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche

Companies Section:Item

Milner & Kettig Co., [1885] 15:94

Milwaukee Artistic Metal Ceiling Company, [c1906] 9:80
Milwaukee Corrugating Co., [c1915] 5:80
Milwaukee Corrugating Co., [192-?] 5:81
Milwaukee Corrugating Co., [c1924] 5:82
Milwaukee Corrugating Co., [c1928] 5:83
Milwaukee Corrugating Co., [c1915] 7:47
Milwaukee Corrugating Company, [1928?] 3:24
Minnesota Roofing and Archit. Sheet Metal Works, [1885?] 12:119
Mintons Ltd., [18-?] 9:81
Mitchell, Vance & Co., 1876 16:100
Mitchell, Vance & Co., [1908] 16:101
Moe-Bridges Company, [c1920] 16:102
Moe-Bridges Company, [192-?] 16:103
Moe-Bridges Company, [c1920] 16:104
Monitor Closet Co., [1892] 15:95
Monmouth Products Company, [c1936] 7:48
Montgomery Ward, [c1933] 1:36
Montgomery Ward, [1914?] 6:106
Montgomery Ward, [c1921] 6:107
Montgomery Ward, [c1925] 6:108
Montgomery Ward, [cl929] 6:109
Montgomery Ward, [1912] 13:58
Montgomery Ward, [1914?] 13:59
Montgomery Ward, [1915] 13:60
Montgomery Ward, [1917?] 13:61
Montgomery Ward, [c1918] 13:62
Montgomery Ward, [c1928] 13:63
Montgomery Ward, [c1917] 15:96
Montgomery Ward, [c1923] 16:105
Moore Corporation, 1935 15:97
Morandi-Proctor Co., [c 1910] 11:41
Morgan Company, [c 1921] 6:111
Morgan Company, [c 1922] 6:112
Morgan Company, [c1923] 6:113
Morgan Company, [c 1930] 6:114
Morgan Company, [c 1930] 6:115
Morgan Company, [1932] 6:116
Morgan Company, [c1935] 6:117
Morgan Company, [c 1939] 6:118
Morgan Company, [c1950] 6:119
Morgan Company, 1954 6:120
Morgan Company, [c1911] 8:95
Morgan Company, [c1916] 8:96
Morgan Company, [c1918] 8:97
Morgan Company, [c1930] 8:98
Morgan Company, [1952?] 11:42
Morris & Company, Decorators, Ltd., [1910] 12:120
Morris Sklar Company, [1920] 16:106
Morris Sklar Company, [192-?] 16:107
Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche 89

Companies Section:Item

Mosaic Tile Co., [192-?] 10:60

Mott, J. L., Iron Works, [c1904] 2:45
Mott, J. L., Iron Works, [c1905] 2:46
Mott, J. L., Iron Works, [190-?] 5:84
Mott, J. L., Iron Works, [c1915] 5:85
Mott, J. L., Iron Works, [c1895] 10:61
Mott, J. L., Iron Works, [c1910] 13:64
Mott, J. L., Iron Works, [c1843] 15:98
Mott, J. L., Iron Works, 1881 15:99
Mott, J. L., Iron Works, 1885 15:100
Mott, J. L., Iron Works, [c1900] 15:101
Mott, J. L., Iron Works, [c1901] 15:102
Mott, J. L., Iron Works, [c1907] 15:103
Mott, J. L., Iron Works, [c1915] 15:104
Mott, J. L., Iron Works, [c1919] 15:105
Mott, J. L., Iron Works, [c1911] 16:108
Mugler Steel Products Corporation, [1930] 13:65
Murphy Door Bed Company, [192-?] 12:121
Murphy Door Bed Company, [1924] 12:122
Murphy Door Bed Company, [c1925] 12:123
Murphy Door Bed Company, [1930?] 12:124
Muscatine Sash & Door Co., 1899 6:121
Mussgiller-Mangels Company, [1900?] 11:43
Mutual Furniture Company, [1887] 12:125

N. B. Handy Company, 1910 5:86
N. Stafford Co., [190-?] 10:62
Nairn Linoleum Co., 1890 9:82
Nairn Linoleum Co., [191-?] 9:83
Nason Manufacturing Company, 1902 1:37
Nason Manufacturing Company, [c1906] 1:38
National Association of Marble Dealers, [1926?] 4:46
National Cedar Post & Pole Company, [1934] 2:47
National Cinder Concrete Products Association, [c1925] 4:47
National Electric Service Co., [1887?] 15:106
National Fire Proofing Company, 1911 4:48
National Fire Proofing Company, [c1915] 4:49
National Fire Proofing Company, [c1916] 4:50
National Fire Proofing Company, [c1922] 4:51
National Fire Proofing Company, [1920?] 7:49
National Fire Proofing Company, [c1915] 13:66
National Kellastone Company, [192-?] 9:84
National Kellastone Company, [192-?] 9:85
National Lead Company, [c1930] 5:87
National Lumber Manufacturers Association, [c1928] 6:122
National Lumber Manufacturers Association, [c1929] 11:44
National Manufacturing Company, [1929] 8:99
National Manufacturing Company, 1932 8:100
National Manufacturing Company, [192-] 13:67
90 Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche

Companies Section:Item

National Plan Service, Inc., [192-?] 13:68

National Radiator Corporation, [c1938] 15:107
National Sheet Metal Roofing Co., 1890 7:50
National Steel Fabric Co., [1926?] 3:25
National Tube Company, [191-?] 16:109
National X-Ray Reflector Co., [c1914] 16:110
Nationwide House Plan Service, [193-?] 13:69
New Departure Mfg. Company, [189-?] 11:45
New Expanded Metal Company, Ltd., [1903?] 3:26
New Haven Duntile Company, [19—?] 4:52
New Jersey Fence Company, [c1931] 2:48
New York Carved Moulding Co., [c1900] 12:126
New York Cut Stone Company, [1910] 4:53
New York Lighting Fixture Mfg. Co., [c1920] 16:111
New York Metal Ceiling Company, [191-?] 9:86
New York Stone Contracting Company, [1881?] 3:27
New York Stone Contracting Company, 1885 3:28
New York and New Jersey Globe Gas Light Co., 1879 16:112
Newman Manufacturing Co., [c1930] 10:63
North-Western Expanded Metal Co., [1918] 7:51
Northern Hemlock & Hardwood Mfrs.' Assoc., [c1910] 6:123
Northwestern States Portland Cement Company, [c1906] 3:29
Northwestern Steel and Iron Works, [190-?] 4:54
Northwestern Terra-Cotta Company, [1906?] 4:55
Norwalk Lock Company, 1933 8:101
Norwalk Lock Company, [c1950] 8:102
Norwich Nickel and Brass Company, [c1912] 11:46
Norwood Sash and Door Mfg. Co., [1917?] 13:70
Nutting, Wallace, [c1919] 5:88

O. B. Williams Co., [c1921] 6:124
O. C. White Company, [c1900] 16:113
Oak Flooring Bureau, [1917] 9:87
Oak Flooring Bureau, 1924 9:88
Oak Flooring Bureau, 1924 9:89
Oak Flooring Manufacturer's Association, 1922 9:90
Office Specialty Mfg. Company, [1892] 11:47
Ohio Foundry & Manufacturing Company, [c1950] 15:108
Ohio Hollow Block Company, [1894?] 4:56
Ohio Quarries Company, [191-?] 2:49
Ohio Quarries Company, [c1921] 4:57
Ohio Sash & Door Company, [1911] 6:125
Old Hickory Furniture Company, [1951?] 12:127
Old Virginia Brick, [c1928] 4:58
Old Virginia Brick, [c1929] 4:59
Onondaga Litholite Company, [c1925] 4:60
Opalux Company, [c1911] 16:114
Ornamental Products Company, 1909 12:128
Ornamental Products Company, [1916?] 12:129
Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche 91

Companies Section:Item

Orr, Painter & Co., 1873 15:109

Oscar C. Rixson Company, [c1938] 8:103
Otis Elevator Company, [c1910] 14: 8
Otis Elevator Company, [191-] 14: 9
Otis Elevator Company, [191-?] 14:10
Otis Elevator Company, [c1912] 14:11
Ottenheimer Bros., [191-?] 11:48
Owens-Illinois Glass Company, [1937?] 8:104

P. E. Guerin, Inc., [c1914] 8:105

P. H. Jackson & Co., [1885?] 8:106
P. Poussielgue-Rusand [Firm], 1865 12:130
P. Pryibil (Firm), 1884 1:39
Pacific Bamboo & Rattan Products, [1950] 12:131
Pacific Spruce Corporation, [1924?] 6:126
Paine Lumber Company, Ltd., 1891 6:127
Paine Lumber Company, Ltd., [1902] 6:128
Paine Lumber Company, Ltd., [1906?] 8:107
Paine's Furniture Mfg. Co., [1892] J0:64
Paine's Furniture Mfg. Co., [1884?] 12:132
Palmer Fuller & Co., 1889 6:129
Palmer Lime & Cement Company, [c1925] 3:30
Palmer, Fuller & Company, 1879 6:130
Palo Alto Planing Mill, [1904] 6:131
Paraffine Companies, [c1930] 13:71
Parker Rust-proof Co., [1931] 9:91
Pass & Seymour, Inc., [1915] 16:115
Passaic Steel Company, [1903] 5:89
Paul, Charles Edward, 1918 2:50
Pearson-Page Company, Limited, [1920] 5:90
Pearson-Page Company, Limited, [1925] 5:91
Pearson-Page Company, Limited, [1925] 5:92
Pease Company, [190-?] 6:132
Peck, Stow and Wilcox Company, 1885 1:40
Peerless Brick Company, [c1887] 4:61
Peerless Fixtures Co., [1914?] 11:49
Peerless Manufacturing Corporation, [1937] 15:110
Penn Bridge Company, [1886?] 2:51
Penn Culvert Company, [192-?] 9:92
Penn Hardware Company, 1892 8:108
Penn Metal Ceiling and Roofing Co., Ltd., [c1914] 5:93
Penn Metal Ceiling and Roofing Co., Ltd., [cl911] 7:53
Penn Metal Ceiling and Roofing Co., Ltd., [c1913] 7:54
Penn Metal Ceiling and Roofing Co., Ltd., 1902 9:93
Penn Metal Ceiling and Roofing Co., Ltd., [1911?] 9:94
Penna Door & Sash Co., [1902] 6:133
Penrhyn Slate Company, [c1869] 10:65
Perfeclite Company, [c1930] 16:116
Perry & Co., 1868 15:111
92 Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche

Companies Section:Item

Peter J. Seippel Lumber Co., [1915] 6:134

Pettingell-Andrews Company, [c1910] 16:117
Pettingell-Andrews Company, [c1920] 16:118
Pettyjohn & Thornhill (Firm), [1892?] 6:135
Philadelphia & Boston Face Brick Company, 1895 4:62
Philadelphia & Boston Face Brick Company, [1917?] 4:63
Philadelphia Decorative Glass Company, 1896 8:109
Philadelphia Sign Co., [1921] 10:66
Philip Carey Company, [c1915] 9:95
Philip Cass & Company, [c1920] 16:119
Philip Cass & Company, [1924?] 16:120
Philip Cass & Company, [c1925] 16:121
Philip Cass & Company, 1927 16:122
Philip Cass & Company, [1929?] 16:123
Philip Cass & Company, [1930?] 16:124
Philip Cass & Company, [cl930] 16:125
Philip Cass & Company, [1932] 16:126
Philip Cass & Company, [c1940] 16:127
Philippine Mahogany Mfrs.' Import Assoc., [c1937] 6:136
Phoenix Iron Company, [c1885] 5:94
Pickett's Manufacturing Establishment, [c1900] 1:41
Pierre Duvinage, [1913?] 5:95
Pitner Gasoline Lighting Co., [c1906] 16:128
Pitner Gasoline Lighting Co., [191-?] 16:129
Pittsburgh Corning Corporation, [c1947] 8:110
Pittsburgh Corning Corporation, [c1948] 8:111
Pittsburgh Corning Corporation, [cl949] 8:112
Pittsburgh Hardwood Door Company, [1911] 6:137
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 1923 1:42
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, [191-?] 8:113
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, [c1953] 8:114
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, [1925?] 9:96
Pittsburgh Reflector Company, [1926] 16:130
Pittsburgh Reflector Company, 1928 16:131
Pittsburgh Reflector Company, [1932] 16:132
Pittsburgh Reflector Company, 1924 16:133
Pittsburgh Terra Cotta Lumber Company, [1891?] 4:64
Plastic Products Company, 1924 2:52
Pollak Brothers, [192-?] 16:134
Ponsell Floor Machine Co., [c1926] 9:97
Port Costa Brick Works, [1926?] 4:65
Porter Iron Roofing Co., 1884 7:55
Porter Manufacturing Company, [1885?] 8:115
Portland Cement Association, [1929] 2:53
Portland Cement Association, [1925?] 3:31
Portland Cement Association, [c1928] 3:32
Portland Cement Association, [c1929] 3:33
Portland Cement Association, [1950?] 3:34
Portland Cement Association, [192-?] 9:98
Portland Cement Association, [1928?] 9:99
Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche 93
Companies Section:Item

Portland Cement Association, [1930] 13:72

Portland Stone Ware Co., [c1895] 2:54
Premier Standardized Woodwork, Manufacturers, [192-?] 12:133
Public Service Electrical Supply Co., Inc., [c1930] 16:135
Public Service Gas Company, [c1918] 15:112
Pulham & Son, [c1905] 2:55
Purington Paving Brick Company, [1911] 4:66
Pyrogravure Company, [c1894] 12:134

Quandrangle Mfg. Co., [1930] 16:136
Quincy Show Case Works, [c1910] 11:50

R. E. Dietz Company, [1894?] 16:137
R. Guastavino Co., [1914] 13:73
R. M. Lambie (Firm), 1887 12:135
R. M. Lambie (Firm), 1889 12:136
R. McMillen & Company, 1895 6:138
R. Williamson & Co., [190-?] 16:138
Ramp Buildings Corporation, 1929 13:74
Ransome Concrete Machinery Company, [1908?] 3:35
Rauschenbach, Otto, [1891?] 5:96
Raymond Concrete Pile Company, [c1910] 3:36
Reading Hardware Company, [1870] 8:116
Reading Hardware Company, 1897 8:117
Reading Hardware Company, 1899 8:118
Reading Hardware Company, [1909?] 8:119
Reidon Company, [191-?] 16:139
Renner & Maras, Inc., [c1932] 5:97
Republic Electric Company, [c1916] 16:140
Rhodes, Dickelman & Co., 1897 5:98
Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Co., [192-?] 8:120
Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Co., [192-] 8:121
Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Co., [1922] 8:122
Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Company, [c1914] 8:123
Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Company, [c1927] 8:124
Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Company, [c1924] 13:75
Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Company, [c1920] 14:12
Richards-Wilcox Mfg., Co., [c1928] 13:76
Richardson & Boynton Co., [c1920] 15:113
Richardson & Boynton Co., [1920?] 15:114
Richardson & Boynton Co., 1920 15:115
Richardson & Boynton Company, [1883?] 15:116
Richardson & Boyton Co., [1888?] 15:117
Richardson and Boynton Co., [c1900] 15:118
Richmond Stove Company, 1881 15:119
Richmond, A. E., [c1892] 16:141
Robbins Door & Sash Co., 1950 6:139
Robert C. Reeves Co., [c1928] 2:56
94 Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche

Companies Section:Item

Robert Caterson (Firm), [1905?] 13:77

Robert Paries, [c1900] 16:142
Robsjohn-Gibbings Ltd., [1950] 12:137
Rock Island Sash & Door Works, [c1902] 6:140
Rock Island Sash & Door Works, [1910?] 6:141
Rodale Mfg. Co., 1936 16:143
Roddis Lumber & Veneer Company, [1916] 8:125
Roddis Lumber & Veneer Company, [1922] 8:126
Roddis Lumber & Veneer Company, [c1924] 8:127
Roebling Firm, Wire Manufacturers, [1930?] 2:57
Rolscreen Company, [195-?] 8:128
Rookwood Pottery Company, [1902] 12:138
Rundle-Spence Manufacturing Company, [19—] 15:120
Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company, 1873 8:129
Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company, 1874 8:130
Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company, 1897 8:131
Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company, [191-?] 8:132
Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company, [193-?] 8:133
Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company, [1937?] 8:134

S. B. F. (Firm), [192-?] 16:144
S. B. F. (Firm), [192-?] 16:145
S. B. Sexton Stove & Mfg. Corp., 1927 15:121
S. C. Johnson & Son, [c1901] 9:100
S. C. Johnson & Son, [c1905] 9:101
S. C. Johnson & Son, [c1905] 9:102
S. E. Overton (Firm), [1904] 12:139
S. M. Howes Co., [1890?] 15:122
S. W. Reese & Co., 1904 10:67
Safety Furnace Pipe Company, 1918 15:123
Saginaw Show Case Company, Limited, [1914?] 11:51
Saint Paul Corrugating Company, [c1927] 5:99
Saint-Gobain, Chauny et Cirey, 1923 8:135
Samuel Cabot Inc., [1903] 9:103
Samuel Cabot Incorporated, [1940?] 7:56
Sandusky Portland Cement Company, [1916?] 3:37
Sanger, Rockwell & Co., 1889 6:142
Sargent & Company, 1869 8:136
Sargent & Company, [c1910] 8:137
Sargent & Company, [c1910] 8:138
Sargent & Company, 1926 8:139
Sargent & Company, [c1927] 8:140
Sargent & Company, [1936?] 8:141
Sayre & Fisher Company, [c1914] 4:67
Schaller-Hoerr Co., [1910?] 6:143
Scherpe & Koken, 1887 5:100
Scranton Lace Company, 1924 12:140
Scranton Lace Company, 1924 12:141
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [c1910] 2:58
Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche 95
Companies Section:Item

Sears, Roebuck and Company, [1907] 4:68

Sears, Roebuck and Company, [c1915] 4:69
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [1905?] 6:144
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [1907] 6:145
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [1908] 6:146
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [1923?] 6:147
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [c1925] 6:148
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [c1926] 6:149
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [c1928] 6:150
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [c1931] 6:151
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [c1935] 6:152
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [c1936] 6:153
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [191-?] 13:78
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [1918] 13:79
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [c1928] 13:80
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [c1929] 13:81
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [1907?] 15:124
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [1912?] 15:125
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [cl919] 15:126
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [c1922] 15:127
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [c1924] 15:128
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [c1935] 15:129
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [c1938] 16:146
Sedgwick Machine Works, Inc., [c1927] 14:13
Shanklin Manufacturing Company Inc., [192-?] 13:82
Shapiro & Aronson, Inc., [c1916] 16:147
Shapiro & Aronson, Inc., [193-?] 16:148
Sharon Hardware Mfg. Co., [1932] 8:142
Sharon Hardware Mfg. Co., [1933] 8:143
Sheet Metal Mfg. Company, [c1909] 9:104
Sheet Steel Trade Extension Committee, [c1929] 7:57
Sherwin-Williams Company, [189-?] 9:105
Sherwin-Williams Company, [191-] 9:106
Shevlin Pine Sales Company, [1931?] 6:154
Shevlin, Carpenter & Clarke Company, [c1927] 6:154
Shevlin, Carpenter & Clarke Company, [c1930] 6:155
Shoemaker-Sims Co. Ltd., [191-?] 1:43
Shoppell's modern houses, [c1886] 13:83
Sickels, Sweet & Lyon, 1894 8:144
Simes Company, Inc., [c1939] 16:149
Simmons Company, [c1942] 12:142
Simonds Manufacturing Company, [c1879] 15:130
Simplex Steel Products Company, [c1920] 9:107
Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co., [1878] 12:143
Slattery, Hardy & Company, [1884] 6:156
Smead & Northcott, 1886 15:131
Smith & Winchester (Firm), 1894 15:132
Snead & Company, [c1890] 5:101
Snead & Company, [c1890] 8:145
Solvay Process Company, [1915?] 9:108
96 Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche

Companies Section:Item

Soule Art Company, 1885 1:44

South Boston Iron Company, 1851 5:102
South Side Lumber Company, [1901] 6:157
Southern Cypress Manufacturers' Association, 1916 6:158
Southern Cypress Manufacturers' Association, [c1929] 6:159
Southern Cypress Manufacturers' Association, 1919 13:84
Southern Hardwood Producers, [1937] 6:160
Southern Pine Association, [1916?] 2:59
Southern Pine Association, [c1919] 6:161
Southern Pine Association, 1925 6:162
Southern Pine Association, [c1920] 9:109
Southern Pine Association, [c1920] 13:85
Southern Pine Association, [c1926] 13:86
Spanjer Brothers, [1916?] 10:68
Spear & Company, [1928] 1:45
Spear & Company, [1931] 1:46
Spindel, Gilbert Donald, [1945] 13:87
St. Pancras Ironwork Co., Ltd., [1897?] 8:146
St. Paul Roofing, Cornice & Ornament Company, 1898 5:103
St. Paul Roofing, Cornice & Ornament Company, [c1915] 9:110
Standard Manufacturing Company, 1898 15:133
Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co., 1905 10:69
Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co., [c1911] 15:134
Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co., 1920 15:135
Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co., [c1925] 15:136
Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co., [c1929] 15:137
Standard Table Oil Cloth Company, [191-?] 9:111
Standard Varnish Works, [192-?] 9:112
Standard Wood Turning Company, [c1882] 6:163
Standard Wood Turning Company, [1891] 6:164
Stanley Works, 1914 8:147
Stanley Works, [c1922] 8:148
Stanley Works, [1937?] 8:149
Stanley Works, [1938?] 8:150
Stark Rolling Mill Co., [1914?] 5:104
Statuemakers, [1949] 2:60
Stearns (A. T.) Lumber Company, [c1895] 6:165
Stearns, E. C. & Company, 1882 8:151
Steel Equipment Corporation, [1930] 12:144
Steel Frame House Company, [c1928] 13:88
Steel Frame House Company, [c1929] 13:89
Steel Roofing and Stamping Works, [1907?] 5:105
Stencil Co. of New York, [c1888] 9:113
Stephen Bilek Company, [1904?] 12:145
Stereo Relief Decorative Company, [189-?] 12:146
Sterling Organ Co., [1882] 11:52
Stern & Matzner (Firm), [192-?] 8:152
Stewart Iron Works, [c1914] 2:61
Stewart Iron Works Company, [1908?] 2:62
Stewart Iron Works Company, [c1920] 2:63
Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche 97

Companies Section:Item

Stewart Iron Works Company, [1927] 2:64

Stewart Iron Works Company, [c1928] 2:65
Stewart Iron Works Company, [c1928] 2:66
Stewart Iron Works Company, [1910?] 5:106
Stockade Corporation, [192-?] 3:38
Storm Manufacturing Company, 1892 14:14
Structural Clay Products Institute, [c1947] 13:90
Structural Gypsum Corporation, [1925?] 9:114
Sturtevant, B. F., Co., [c1896] 15:138
Sturtevant, B. F., Co., [c1937] 15:139
Surface Combustion Corp. [?], [c1945] 13:91
Swindell Brothers, [C1900] 8:153

T. W. Corbett (Firm), [189-?] 10:70
T. W. Twyford, Sanitary Potter, 1894 15:140
Tab Electric Supply Company, [192-?] 16:150
The Lamp Guild, [1939?] 16:151
The National Glass Distributers Association, [c1916] 8:154
Theo. A. Kochs (Firm), 1893 11:53
Thomas Jones Decorative Glass Company, [c1910] 8:155
Thomas, Roberts, Stevenson Co., 1899 15:141
Thomson-Houston Electric Company, [c1885] 16:152
Thos. Kelly & Bros., [1888] 15:142
Tiffany Glass & Decorating Company, 1893 12:147
Tiffany and Company, 1878 1:47
Tiffin Art Metal Company, [c1910] 9:115
Timber Engineering Company, [1942] 6:166
Tirrart (Firm), [1830] 12:148
Todhunter, Inc., [192-?] 10:71
Todhunter, Inc., [192-?] 10:72
Todhunter, Inc., [1928] 10:73
Todhunter, Inc., [1929] 10:74
Todhunter, Inc., [1929?] 10:75
Todhunter, Inc., [c1929] 16:153
Todhunter, Inc., [c1928] 16:154
Togan-Stiles (Co.), [c1921] 13:92
Tognarelli & Voigt Company, [19--] 12:149
Toledo Lighting Equipment Company, [192-?] 16:155
Tomberg Electric Supply Co., [1940] 16:156
Towne, Henry Robinson, 1904 8:156
Townshend, J. H., 1918 6:167
Trane Company, [1927] 15:143
Trenton Potteries Company, 1929 15:144
Tri-lok Company, [192-?] 5:107
Troy Fire Brick Works, [1861] 4:70
Trucson Steel Company, [192-?] 7:58
Truscon Steel Company, 1930 5:108
Trussed Concrete Steel Company, [c1913] 3:39
Tuttle & Bailey Mfg. Co., [1912?] 15:145
98 Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche

Companies Section:Item

Tuttle & Bailey Mfg. Co., [c1929] 15:146

Twinco Stamping Works, [1907] 5:109
Tyler Company, [c1905] 5:110
Tyler Company, [c1910] 5:111
Tyler Company, [c1919] 14:15
Tyler Company, [c1927] 14:16

U.S. Automatic Lighting Co., 1909 16:157
Unadilla Silo Co., Inc., [c1927] 2:67
Unadilla Silo Co., Inc., 1925 13:93
Union Fibre Company, 1911 7:59
Union Metal Manufacturing Co., [c1915] 16:158
Union Metal Manufacturing Co., [c1915] 16:159
Union Metal Manufacturing Company, [c1923] 5:112
Union Metal Manufacturing Company, [c1927] 5:113
United Brass Company, [c1885] 15:147
United Lead Company, [c1925] 5:114
United Metal Box Company, Inc., [c1930] 10:76
United Soda Fountain Company, [c1928] 11:54
United States Column Company, [1914] 5:115
United States Electric Lighting Company, [1882?] 16:160
United States Gypsum Company, [c1939] 6:168
United States Gypsum Company, [c1936] 7:60
United States Gypsum Company, [c1939] 7:61
United States Gypsum Company, [c1924] 9:116
United States Gypsum Company, [c1934] 9:117
United States Gypsum Company, [c1935] 9:118
United States Gypsum Company, 1925 13:94
United States Radiator Corporation, [1920] 15:148
United States Wind Engine and Pump Company, [1879] 15:149
Universal Catalogue Bureau, [c1920] 6:169
Universal Catalogue Bureau, 1927 6:170
Universal Portland Cement Company, [c1910] 3:40
Universal Portland Cement Company, 1912 3:41
Up-to-date Mfg. Co., 1903 2:68
Upson Company, [c1915] 9:119
Upson Company, [c1923] 9:120
Upson Company, [c1929] 9:121
Upson Company, [c1929] 9:122

Van Dorn Iron Works Company, [188-?] 5:116
Van Dorn Iron Works Company, [1884?] 5:117
Van Dorn Iron Works Company, [c1900] 5:118
Van Kannel Revolving Door Company, [19--?] 8:157
Variety Iron Works, [187-?] 5:119
Vermont Marble Company, [192-?] 4:71
Vermont Marble Company, [c1929] 4:72
Vermont Marble Company, [1930?] 4:73
Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche 99

Companies Section:Item

Vermont Marble Company, [c1940] 4:74

Victor Manufacturing Company, [c1904] 8:158
Vieille Montagne Zinc Mining Company, [1855] 7:62
Virden Lighting, [c1967] 16:161
Virebent freres, [c1835] 4:75
Virginia Portland Cement Company, 1905 3:42
Vitrolite Company, [1917?] 9:123
Voigt Company, 1928 12:150
Vulcan Company, [c1905] 5:120

W. A. Daunt Company, [191-?] 8:159
W. A. Snow & Co., [c1894] 13:95
W. C. Heller & Company, [C1922] 11:55
W. D. & A. S. Nichols, [c1880] 10:77
W. D. Crooks & Sons, [c1920] 8:160
W. E. Caldwell Co., Incorporated, [1901?] 13:96
W. E. Caldwell Co., Incorporated, [1924?] 13:97
W. F. Norman Sheet Metal Manufacturing Co., 1904-5 5:121
W. F. Norman Sheet Metal Manufacturing Co., [190-] 9:124
W. F. Norman Sheet Metal Manufacturing Co., [1906] 9:125
W. G. Hyndman & Co., [1883?] 7:63
W. H. Anderson Tool & Supply Company, [1919] 1:48
W. H. Hey wood & Co., [c1900] 7:64
W. H. Mullins Co., [c1913] 13:98
W. H. Mullins Company, 1897 5:122
W. H. Mullins Company, [c1909] 5:123
W. H. Mullins Company, [1894?] 12:151
W. H. S. Lloyd Co., Inc., [1928?] 9:126
W. J. Dennis & Company, [1933?] 1:49
W. L. Evans (Firm), [191-?] 10:78
W. L. Evans (Firm), [cl920] 10:79
W. L. Evans (Firm), [c1924] 10:80
Waddell Manufacturing Company, [1900] 12:152
Waddell Manufacturing Company, [1902] 12:153
Waddell Manufacturing Company, [1904] 12:154
Wadsworth, Howland & Co., Inc., [1910?] 3:43
Wadsworth, Howland & Co., Incorporated, [19--?] 9:127
Wagner, Harry L., [1930?] 13:99
Wakefield Branch Company, [1925] 13:100
Wakefield Rattan Company, 1884 12:155
Walbridge & Company, [190-?] 2:69
Waldo Brothers (Firm), [188-?] 4:76
Walker Dishwasher Corporation, [c1928] 11:56
Walker Patent Pivoted Bin Co., [1907?] 11:57
Walter Macfarlane & Co., [1876?] 5:124
Walter Macfarlane & Co., [188-?] 5:125
Walter Macfarlane & Co., [1882] 5:126
Ward Fence Company, [1908?] 2:70
Warren McArthur Corporation, [1936?] 12:156
100 Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche

Companies Section:Item

Warsaw Elevator Company, [191-] 14:17

Watson Manufacturing Company, [c1924] 12:157
Wayne Company, [c1926] 15:150
Webber Lumber & Supply Company, [1927?] 6:171
Weber Illuminated Sign Company, [191-?] 10:81
Webster, Warren, & Co., [c1945] 15:151
Wehrle Company (Licking Stove Works Division), [c1934] 15:152
Weir Stove Company, [191-?] 15:153
Wells Brothers, [1872?] 11:58
West Side Lumber Co., [c1920] 6:172
West Virginia Mantel Co., 1911 10:82
Westall, Carroll, [c1912] 16:162
Western Ceiling and Stamping Company, [1920?] 9:128
Western Cement Company, 1901 3:44
Western Cement Company, 1905 3:45
Westervelt, A. B. & W. T., [c1900] 2:71
Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., [192-?] 15:154
Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., [1938] 15:155
Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., 1932 16:163
Westinghouse Electric Supply Company, [c1941] 16:164
Wetmore-Savage Company, [1924] 16:165
Wetmore-Savage Company, 1930 16:166
Weyerhaeuser Sales Company, [1932] 6:173
Wheeling Corrugating Company, [c1895] 7:65
Wheeling Corrugating Company, [1897?] 9:129
Wheeling Corrugating Company, [c1910] 9:130
Wheeling Corrugating Company, [191-?] 9:131
Wheeling Corrugating Company, [c1911] 9:132
Wheeling Corrugating Company, [c1911] 9:133
Wheeling Corrugating Company, [c1914] 9:134
Wheeling Corrugating Company, [c1930] 9:135
Wheeling Metal & Manufacturing Co., [c1929] 7:66
Whitacre-Greer Fireproofing Company, [192-?] 4:77
White Mantel and Tile Company, [1904] 10:83
Whittredge Portable Buildings Company, [1926] 13:101
Whitwell's patent, [1876] 10:84
Wholesale Sash, Door & Blind Mfrs Assoc. of NW, [1905] 6:174
Wholesale Sash, Door & Blind Mfrs Assoc. of NW, 1908 6:175
Wholesale Sash, Door & Blind Mfrs Assoc. of NW, [c1908] 6:176
Wholesale Sash, Door & Blind Mfrs Assoc. of NW, [1911] 6:177
Wholesale Sash, Door & Blind Mfrs Assoc. of NW, [c1914] 6:178
Wickersham, John B., 1853 5:127
Wickersham, John B., 1855 5:128
Wilke Manufacturing Company, 1904 9:136
Wilier Manufacturing Company, [c1890] 12:158
William Adams & Company, [18--] 2:72
William Bayley Company, [c1926] 8:161
William Cooper, Ltd., 1903-5 1:50
William Cooper, Ltd., [1910] 1:51
William Donald Mitchell, [c1906] 5:129
Alphabetical Guide to the Microfiche 101
Companies Section:Item

William Leavens & Co., 1928 12:159

Williams Oil-O-Matic Heating Corporation, [c1925] 15:156
Williams Oil-O-Matic Heating Corporation, [c1927] 15:157
Winslow Bros. Company, [c1894] 5:130
Winslow Bros. Company, [c1901] 5:131
Winslow Bros. Company, [1910] 5:132
Witzel, Broschart & Braun, [189-?] 12:160
Wm. H. Jackson Company, [1911?] 5:133
Wm. Hall & Company, 1907 8:162
Wm. King & Bro., [c1880] 8:163
Wm. M. McClure & Brother, [186-?] 8:164
Wm. M. Taylor Mantel & Grate Co., [191-?] 10:85
Wolf, Sayer & Heller, [c 1900] 11:59
Wolfe, Milton G.,, [1981?] 1:52
Wood (Alan) Steel Company, [1920?] 5:134
Wood Preserving Corp., [193-?] 13:102
Wood-mosaic Flooring & Lumber Company, [c1908] 9:137
Woodbury, Merrill, Patten & Woodbury Air Engine, 1889 1:53
Wrampelmeier Furniture Mfg. Company, [c1900] 12:161
Wyse, Lois, [c 1925] 11:60

Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company, 1889 8:165
Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company, 1897 8:166
Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company, [1917] 8:167
Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company, [193-?] 8:168
Young, Charles D., 1850 2:73

Zagelmeyer Cast Stone Block Machinery Company, [1923?] 4:78
Zouri Drawn Metals Company, [c1929] 8:169


** Akron, Ohio
Bessler Movable Stairway Co. 5:12
Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company 9:52
Pickett's Manufacturing Establishment 1:41

** Albany, N.Y.
James Ackroyd & Sons 5:62
James Ackroyd & Sons 7:40
Perry & Co. 15:111

** Alexandria, Ind.
General Insulating and Manufacturing Co. 7:29

** Allentown, Pa.
Lehigh Portland Cement Company 3:21
Lehigh Portland Cement Company 3:22
Lehigh Portland Cement Company 3:23

** Anderson, Ind.
Wilke Manufacturing Company 9:136

** Anniston, Ala.
Hercules Iron & Supply Co. 15:55

** Ansonia, Conn.
Ansonia Electrical Co. 16:3

** Ashland, Ohio
F. E. Myers & Bro. Co. 15:44

** Aurora, 111.
Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Co. 8:120
Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Co. 8:122
Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Co. 8:121
Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Co. 8:123
Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Co. 8:124
Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Co. 13:75
Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Co. 14:12
Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Co. 13:76

*For the purposes of this Guide, place names have been edited to omit question marks and
brackets, so that although this information has been supplied for many of the catalogs, the
supplied information has been accepted as being accurate. In addition, place names and
spellings have been standardized to the best of the editor's ability. The actual original
information still appears in the first section of this Guide, as well as on the microfiche
headers and in the cataloging in the first frame of each fiche.

104 Geographical Guide to the Microfiche


** Austin, Tex.
Kuntz-Sternenberg Lumber Company 13:43

** Austria
[s.n.] 8:170

** Avenel, N.J.
Steel Equipment Corporation 12:144

** Baltimore, Md.
B. C. Bibb Stove Co. 15:16
C. D. Pruden Company 13:11
Crook, Homer & Co. 15:33
Duraflex Company 9:40
Hochschild-Kohn & Company 12:79
Lawrence Ellerbrock, Inc. 11:37
Morgan Company 6:116
Ottenheimer Bros. 11:48
Public Service Electrical Supply Co., Inc. 16:135
S. B. Sexton Stove & Mfg. Corp. 15:121
Swindell Brothers 8:153
Wm. King & Bro. 8:163
[s.n.] 13:103

** Baltimore. Md.
Morgan Company 6:120

** Bangor, Pa.
Keenan Structural Slate Company 15:79

** Barre, Vt.
Barre Granite Association 13:10

** Batavia, 111.
United States Wind Engine and Pump Company 15:149

** Battle Creek, Mich.

American Column Company 5:4

** Bay City, Mich.

Aladdin Company 1:2
Aladdin Company 12:11
Aladdin Company 13:1
Lewis Manufacturing Company 13:48
Lewis Manufacturing Company 13:49
Zagelmeyer Cast Stone Block Machinery Company 4:78

** Beaver Falls, Pa.

Penn Bridge Company 2:51
Geographical Guide to the Microfiche 105

** Bedford, England
John P. White (Firm) 2:34

** Bedford, Ind.
Indiana Limestone Co. 4:37
Indiana Limestone Company 4:38
Indiana Limestone Quarrymen's Association 4:39
Indiana Limestone Quarrymen's Association 4:40
Indiana Limestone Quarrymen's Association 4:41

** Belleville, N.J.
DeWitt Wire Cloth Co. 16:26

** Berlin
Rauschenbach, Otto 5:96

** Birmingham, Ala.
Milner & Kettig Co. 15:94
Pearson-Page Company, Limited 5:92

** Birmingham, England
Best & Lloyd 16:9
Hope (Henry) & Sons 8:67
Pearson-Page Company, Limited 5:90
Pearson-Page Company, Limited 5:91

** Bloomington, 111.
Williams Oil-O-Matic Heating Corporation 15:156
Williams Oil-O-Matic Heating Corporation 15:157

** Boston, Mass.
A. P. Lombard & Co. 12:5
Aberthaw Construction Company 2:1
Aberthaw Construction Company 3:1
Aberthaw Construction Company 4:2
Aberthaw Construction Company 3:2
American Mason Safety Tread Company 9:2
Arthur C. Harvey Company 5:7
Boston Blower Company 6:15
Boston Fire Brick Works 2:9
Boston Metal Ceiling & Mfg. Company 9:17
Boston Metal Ceiling & Mfg. Company 9:18
Brockway-Smith Corporation 6:20
C. H. Pepper (Firm) 9:26
Charles J. Jager Company 15:21
Chas. A. Millen & Company 6:27
Chase Brothers & Co. 5:18
Chester, William F. 15:22
Da Prato, A., Company 12:33
Dalton Lighting Fixture Company 16:24
106 Geographical Guide to the Microfiche

Dalton-Ingersoll Company 15:35

Durham House Drainage Company 15:38
Dutton, Andrew 1:15
E. A. Carlisle & Pope Company 8:44
Emerson Piano Co. 11:14
Emmel, Charles 5:34
Emmel, Charles 12:48
Emmel, Charles 12:47
Globe Gas Light Company 16:57
Gould, George L. 1:20
Hodgson (E. F.) Company 1:30
J. A. & W. Bird & Co. 7:39
J. W. Bailey & Sons 6:94
J. W. Bailey & Sons 6:95
J. W. Bailey & Sons 6:96
J. W. Bailey & Sons. 10:50
Jackson & Newton Company 6:97
Lally Column Company 5:68
Levi Boles & Son 8:86
Levi Boles & Son 8:87
Lovell & Hall 6:104
McKenney & Waterbury Company 16:97
McKenney & Waterbury Company 16:98
Milhender Electric Supply Company 16:99
Morandi-Proctor Co. 11:41
Paine's Furniture Mfg. Co. 10:64
Paine's Furniture Mfg. Co. 12:132
Penn Metal Ceiling and Roofing Co., Ltd. 5:93
Penn Metal Ceiling and Roofing Co., Ltd. 7:53
Penn Metal Ceiling and Roofing Co., Ltd. 9:94
Penn Metal Ceiling and Roofing Co., Ltd. 7:54
Pettingell-Andrews Company 16:118
Pettingell-Andrews Company 16:117
Philadelphia & Boston Face Brick Company 4:62
Philadelphia & Boston Face Brick Company 4:63
S. M. Howes Co. 15:122
Samuel Cabot Inc. 9:103
Samuel Cabot Incorporated 7:56
Sears, Roebuck and Company 16:146
Slattery, Hardy & Company 6:156
Smith & Winchester (Firm) 15:132
Soule Art Company 1:44
South Boston Iron Company 5:102
Stearns (A. T.) Lumber Company 6:165
Sturtevant, B. F., Co. 15:139
Sturtevant, B. F., Co. 15:138
Thomson-Houston Electric Company 16:152
United Soda Fountain Company 11:54
W. A. Snow & Co. 13:95
Wadsworth, Rowland & Co., Inc. 3:43
Geographical Guide to the Microfiche 107

Wadsworth, Rowland & Co., Incorporated 9:127

Wakefield Rattan Company 12:155
Waldo Brothers (Firm) 4:76
Westall, Carroll 16:162
Wetmore-Savage Company 16:165
Wetmore-Savage Company 16:166
William Leavens & Co. 12:159
Wm. Hall & Company 8:162
Wood Preserving Corp. 13:102
Woodbury, Merrill, Patten & Woodbury Air Engine 1:53

** Boston, N.Y.
Fiske & Company, Inc. 4:27
Fiske & Company, Inc. 4:28

** Bradford, Pa.
Bradford Pressed Brick Company 4:11

** Brattleboro, Vt.
Estey Organ Company 11:16

** Bridgeport, Conn.
Bridgeport Brass Company 2:10
Bridgeport Hardware Mfg. Co. 8:10
Bridgeport Wood Finishing Co. 9:21
G. Drouve Company 7:24
General Electric Company 16:47
General Electric Supply Corporation 16:52
Harvey Hubbell, Inc. 16:60
Harvey Hubbell, Inc. 16:61

** Bristol, Conn.
New Departure Mfg. Company 11:45

** Bristol, England
C. Jennings & Co. 1:7

** Brooklyn, N.Y.
Bommer Spring Hinge Company 8:6
Bommer Spring Hinge Company 8:7
Brooklyn Moulding and Planing Mill 6:21
Charles Hess Co. 8:15
Cooper & McKee, Manufacturers 11:8
Deline Engineering Co., Inc. 1:12
G. J. Seedman Company 13:24
Hopkins & Dickinson Manufacturing Co. 8:68
J. S. & G. F. Simpson (Firm) 5:59
Louis Bossert & Sons 13:55
Louis Bossert & Sons 13:56
Miller & Doing, Inc. 12:117
108 Geographical Guide to the Microfiche


New York Stone Contracting Company 3:27

Thomas Jones Decorative Glass Company 8:155
United Metal Box Company, Inc. 10:76

** Bucyrus, Ohio
American Clay Machinery Company 4:4

** Buffalo, N.Y.
Art Metal Construction Company 11:2
Beaver Mfg. Co. 9:12
Charles K. Ernst, Manufacturer 14:3
Corrugated Bar Company, Inc. 3:13
M. H. Birge & Sons Co. 9:72
Markel Electric Products, Inc. 16:96
Richmond, A. E. 16:141
Walbridge & Company 2:69
Wolfe, Milton G., 1:52

** Burlington, N.J.
New Jersey Fence Company 2:48

** Calmar, Iowa
Calmar Manufacturing Company 6:23

** Cambridge, Mass.
Cambridge Electric Light Company 16:11
Penn Culvert Company 9:92
United States Column Company 5:115

** Camden, N.J.
Martin J. Frand & Co. 12:112
Webster, Warren, & Co. 15:151

** Canton, Ohio
Berger Manufacturing Company 5:10
Berger Manufacturing Company 9:13
Berger Manufacturing Company 9:14
Berger Manufacturing Company 9:16
Berger Manufacturing Company 5:11
Berger Manufacturing Company 9:15
Best Light Company 16:10
Canton Iron Roofing Co. 7:8
Canton Metal Ceiling Company 9:27
Canton Steel Ceiling Company 9:28
Eller Mfg. Co. 5:32
Eller Mfg. Co. 5:33
Eller Mfg. Co. 9:47
Eller Mfg. Co. 9:48
Kanneberg Roofing Co. 7:43
Milcor Steel Company 5:78
Geographical Guide to the Microfiche 109

Ohio Hollow Block Company 4:56

Stark Rolling Mill Co. 5:104
Union Metal Manufacturing Co. 16:158
Union Metal Manufacturing Co. 16:159
Union Metal Manufacturing Company 5:112
Union Metal Manufacturing Company 5:113

** Carbondale, Pa.
Hendrick Manufacturing Company, Ltd. 10:45
Hendrick Manufacturing Company, Ltd. 11:27

** Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Bicycle Step Ladder Company 11:5

** Champaign, I11.
Circle "A" Products Corporation 8:17

** Charleroi, Pa.
Corning Glass Works. Macbeth-Evans Division 16:19
Macbeth-Evans Glass Company 16:91

** Chattanooga, Tenn.
Cahill Company 10:10
Cahill Company 10:11
Chattanooga Implement & Manufacturing Co. 10:20

** Chelsea, Mass.
J. and J. G. Low (Firm) 9:62

** Chicago, I11.
A. C. Brown (Firm) 6:1
A. H. Vilas Company 12:3
A. S. Klein Company 12:6
Allith Manufacturing Co. 8:1
American Cabinet & Door Company 8:2
American Face Brick Association 4:6
American Face Brick Association 10:2
American Fire Proof Steel Car Co. 2:3
American Greenhouse Manufacturing Company 2:4
American Radiator Company 15:7
American Radiator Company 15:8
American Radiator Company 15:9
American Radiator Company 15:10
American Wall Paper Co. 6:6
American Walnut Manufacturers' Association 6:8
American Walnut Manufacturers' Association 6:10
American Walnut Manufacturers' Association 6:9
Angus McKay & Company 12:16
Architectural Decorating Company 12:19
Architectural Decorating Company 12:17
110 Geographical Guide to the Microfiche

Architectural Decorating Company 12:18

Arms Palace Horse Car Company 2:6
Bastian-Blessing Company 11:4
Beardslee Chandelier Manufacturing Company 16:7
Beardslee Chandelier Manufacturing Company 16:6
Benjamin Electric Manufacturing Company 16:8
Boynton & Company 12:26
Brasco Manufacturing Company 8:8
Brasco Manufacturing Company 8:9
C. F. Pease Company 1:5
C. F. Pease Company 1:6
Carson Pirie & Scott, Chicago 9:30
Casement Hardware Co. 8:13
Cast Stone Institute 4:15
Celotex Corporation 9:31
Celotex Corporation 7:9
Celotex Corporation 9:32
Central Electric Company 16:13
Chas. F. Lorenzen & Co., Inc. 10:18
Chas. F. Lorenzen & Co., Inc. 10:17
Chas. P. Parish & Co. 8:16
Chicago & Riverdale Lumber Company 6:29
Chicago & Riverdale Lumber Company 6:30
Chicago Embossed Moulding Company 12:31
Chicago House Wrecking Co. 1:9
Chicago House Wrecking Co. 15:23
Chicago House Wrecking Co. 7:10
Chicago House Wrecking Co. 15:25
Chicago House Wrecking Co. 1:10
Chicago House Wrecking Co. 15:24
Chicago Millwork Supply Company 6:31
Chicago Millwork Supply Company 6:33
Chicago Millwork Supply Company 6:32
Chicago Millwork Supply Company 6:34
Coombs, Robert Duncan 16:18
Cornell Wood Products Company 9:38
Cornell Wood Products Company 9:37
Crane Company 15:30
Crane Company 15:31
Crane Company 15:32
Crescent Sales & Mfg. Company 7:16
Curt Teich & Co. 4:20
Daprato Statuary Company 12:34
Daprato Statuary Company 12:35
Decorators Supply Co. 12:37
Decorators Supply Co. 12:39
Decorators Supply Co. 12:40
Decorators Supply Co. 10:23
Decorators Supply Co. 12:38
Decorators Supply Co. 16:27
Geographical Guide to the Microfiche 111


E. B. Moore and Company 9:41

E. L. Roberts & Company 6:59
E. L. Roberts & Company 6:61
E. L. Roberts & Company 6:60
Earley, John Joseph 3:14
Elkay Manufacturing Co. 15:41
Emil J. Paidar Company 11:15
F. Herhold & Sons 12:49
F. P. Smith Wire and Iron Works 13:21
Federal-American Cement Tile Co. 3:17
Fiat Metal Manufacturing Co. 15:45
Foster-Munger Company 6:69
Foster-Munger Company 6:68
Foster-Munger Company 6:70
Foster-Munger Company 6:67
Friedley & Voshardt 9:50
Friedly & Voshardt, Chicago 5:37
G. V. Selden (Firm) 6:73
Garden City Plating & Mfg. Co. 16:44
Gardner Sash Balance Co. 8:54
Harris Brothers Company :24
Harris Brothers Company :27
Harris Brothers Company :29
Harris Brothers Company :22
Harris Brothers Company :23
Harris Brothers Company :25
Harris Brothers Company :28
Hartmann-Sanders Company 2:24
Hartmann-Sanders Company 8:64
Hartmann-Sanders Company 8:63
Hartmann-Sanders Company, Chicago 5:44
Hartmann-Sanders Company, Chicago 5:45
Henry Sanders Company 5:50
Hollow Building Tile Association 4:32
Hotpoint Company 15:58
Hughes Electrical Heating Co. 15:60
ILG Electric Ventilation Company 15:61
J. G. Braun (Firm) 5:58
J. G. Braun (Firm) 12:86
J. G. Braun (Firm) 8:76
J. G. Braun (Firm) 12:82
J. G. Braun (Firm) 12:83
J. G. Braun (Firm) 12:84
J. G. Braun (Firm) 12:85
J. T. Cowles 5:61
J. W. Reedy Elevator Manufacturing Co. 14:7
James B. Clow & Sons 15:69
Jenney, Edgar W. 12:97
John A. Gauger & Company 6:98
John A. Gauger & Company 6:99
112 Geographical Guide to the Microfiche

John Hartmann (Firm) 12:98

Lamb, George N. 6:101
Liberty Incandescent Light Co. 16:77
Lidell & Williams (Firm) 6:102
Litterer Bros. Manufacturing Co. 15:87
Mason Fibre Company 9:74
Masonite Corporation 9:75
Montgomery Ward 13:58
Montgomery Ward 13:60
Montgomery Ward 13:62
Montgomery Ward 13:63
Montgomery Ward 6:107
Montgomery Ward 1:36
Montgomery Ward 6:108
Montgomery Ward 6:109
Montgomery Ward 15:96
Montgomery Ward 16:105
Morgan Company 8:96
Morgan Company 6:113
Morgan Company 6:114
Morgan Company 6:115
Morgan Company 6:111
Morgan Company 8:98
National Kellastone Company 9:84
National Kellastone Company 9:85
National Plan Service, Inc. 13:68
National X-Ray Reflector Co. 16:110
North-Western Expanded Metal Co. 7:51
Northwestern Terra-Cotta Company 4:55
Oak Flooring Bureau 9:89
Oak Flooring Bureau 9:88
Oak Flooring Bureau 9:87
Oak Flooring Manufacturer's Association 9:90
Opalux Company 16:114
Oscar C. Rixson Company 8:103
Paine Lumber Company, Ltd. 6:127
Palmer Fuller & Co. 6:129
Palmer, Fuller & Company 6:130
Pitner Gasoline Lighting Co. 16:128
Pitner Gasoline Lighting Co. 16:129
Portland Cement Association 3:33
Portland Cement Association 3:34
Portland Cement Association 13:72
Portland Cement Association 9:98
Portland Cement Association 2:53
Portland Cement Association 3:31
Portland Cement Association 3:32
Quandrangle Mfg. Co. 16:136
R. McMillen & Company 6:138
Geographical Guide to the Microfiche 113

R. Williamson & Co. 16:138

S. E. Over ton (Firm) 12:139
Schaller-Hoerr Co. 6:143
Sears, Roebuck and Company 2:58
Sears, Roebuck and Company 4:68
Sears, Roebuck and Company 6:147
Sears, Roebuck and Company 13:79
Sears, Roebuck and Company 15:124
Sears, Roebuck and Company 4:69
Sears, Roebuck and Company 6:144
Sears, Roebuck and Company 6:145
Sears, Roebuck and Company 6:146
Sears, Roebuck and Company 13:78
Sears, Roebuck and Company 15:125
Sears, Roebuck and Company 6:148
Sears, Roebuck and Company 6:150
Sears, Roebuck and Company 15:127
Sears, Roebuck and Company 15:128
Sears, Roebuck and Company 6:151
Sears, Roebuck and Company 15:126
Sears, Roebuck and Company 15:129
Simplex Steel Products Company 9:107
Smead & Northcott 15:131
South Side Lumber Company 6:157
Stephen Bilek Company 12:145
Stockade Corporation 3:38
Theo. A. Kochs (Firm) 11:53
Thos. Kelly & Bros. 15:142
Tiffany Glass & Decorating Company 12:147
United States Gypsum Company 9:116
United States Gypsum Company 13:94
United States Gypsum Company 7:60
United States Gypsum Company 9:117
United States Gypsum Company 9:118
United States Gypsum Company 7:61
United States Gypsum Company 6:168
Universal Portland Cement Company 3:41
Vitrolite Company 9:123
W. J. Dennis & Company 1:49
Wholesale Sash, Door & Blind Mfrs Assoc. of NW 6:174
Wholesale Sash, Door & Blind Mfrs Assoc. of NW 6:175
Wholesale Sash, Door & Blind Mfrs Assoc. of NW 6:176
Wholesale Sash, Door & Blind Mfrs Assoc. of NW 6:177
Wholesale Sash, Door & Blind Mfrs Assoc. of NW 6:178
Winslow Bros. Company 5:130
Winslow Bros. Company 5:132
Winslow Bros. Company 5:131
Wm. M. Taylor Mantel & Grate Co. 10:85
Wolf, Sayer & Heller 11:59
Zouri Drawn Metals Company 8:169
114 Geographical Guide to the Microfiche

S e c t i o n : I t e m * *

C. P. Hollingsworth & Co. 5:15

** Cincinnati, Ohio
Cambridge Wheatley Company 4:13
Cincinnati Corrugating Co. 7:11
Cincinnati Iron Fence Co. 2:11
Cincinnati Iron Fence Co. 2:12
Cincinnati Sash & Door Company 6:36
Cincinnati Sash & Door Company 6:37
Dunn & Witt 5:27
Edwards Manufacturing Co. 5:31
Edwards Manufacturing Co. 7:21
Edwards Manufacturing Co. 7:20
Edwards Manufacturing Company 9:44
Edwards Manufacturing Company 9:45
Edwards Manufacturing Company 9:46
Formica Insulation Company 6:66
Formica Insulation Company 6:65
Fred Albrecht (Firm) 12:56
Globe Iron Roofing & Corrugating Co. 7:31
Hinkle & Company 6:89
Home Fence Company 2:26
Innes & Company 10:47
M. Clements, Architectural Iron & Jail Works 5:73
Mastic Wall Board and Roofing Mfg. Co. 9:78
Midwest Metal Art Co. 5:77
Newman Manufacturing Co. 10:63
Norwood Sash and Door Mfg. Co. 13:70
Pease Company 6:132
Philip Carey Company 9:95
Porter Iron Roofing Co. 7:55
Rookwood Pottery Company 12:138
Stewart Iron Works 2:61
Stewart Iron Works Company 2:62
Stewart Iron Works Company 2:63
Stewart Iron Works Company 2:65
Stewart Iron Works Company 2:66
Stewart Iron Works Company 5:106
Stewart Iron Works Company 2:64
W. G. Hyndman & Co. 7:63

** Cleveland, Ohio
A. Teachout Company 6:2
A. Teachout Company 6:3
American Steel & Wire Company 6:5
Association of Marble Dealers 4:7
Association of Marble Dealers 4:8
Berkshire Mfg. Co. 1:4
Geographical Guide to the Microfiche 115


Carver, William 4:14

Cleveland Stone Company 4:17
Cleveland Window Glass & Door Company 6:38
Crescent Brass Products Co. 16:20
Donley Brothers Company 10:26
Donley Brothers Company 10:27
Donley Brothers Company 10:28
Fischer & Jirouch Company 2:18
Fischer & Jirouch Company 12:52
Fischer & Jirouch Company 12:53
Fischer & Jirouch Company 12:54
Forest City Foundries Company 15:46
Frankelite Co. 16:43
Garry Iron & Steel Company 7:26
Garry Iron and Steel Roofing Co. 7:26
Garry Iron and Steel Roofing Co. 7:25
John C. Virden Co. 16:67
John C. Virden Co. 16:68
John C. Virden Co. 16:69
John C. Virden Co. 16:70
Kayline Company 16:73
Ketch, James M. 16:74
King Bridge Company 2:35
King Iron Bridge & Manufacturing Co. 5:65
Master Builders Company 9:76
Master Builders Company 9:77
Mathews Manufacturing Company 2:43
Monmouth Products Company 7:48
National Association of Marble Dealers 4:46
Ohio Quarries Company 2:49
Ohio Sash & Door Company 6:125
Perfeclite Company 16:116
Republic Electric Company 16:140
Sandusky Portland Cement Company 3:37
Sheet Steel Trade Extension Committee 7:57
Sherwin-Williams Company 9:105
Sherwin-Williams Company 9:106
Tyler Company 5:110
Tyler Company 5:111
Tyler Company 14:15
Tyler Company 14:16
Van Dorn Iron Works Company 5:116
Van Dorn Iron Works Company 5:118
Van Dorn Iron Works Company 5:117
Virden Lighting 16:161
Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co. 16:163

** Cleveland, Tenn.
Hardwick Stove Co. 15:54
116 Geographical Guide to the Microfiche

** Clinton, Iowa
Curtis Bros. & Co. 6:45
Curtis Bros. & Co. 6:44
Curtis Companies Service Bureau 11:11
Curtis Companies, Inc. 5:23
Curtis Companies, Inc. 6:48
Curtis Companies, Inc. 6:49
Curtis Companies, Inc. 6:52
Curtis Companies, Inc. 8:30
Curtis Companies, Inc. 8:31
Curtis Companies, Inc. 8:32
Curtis Companies, Inc. 8:33
Curtis Companies, Inc. 6:46
Curtis Companies, Inc. 6:47
Curtis Companies, Inc. 6:53
Curtis Companies, Inc. 6:54
Curtis Companies, Inc. 6:51

** Clinton, Mass.
Clinton Lumber Company 6:39
Clinton Wire Cloth Company 9:33

** Clinton, Ohio
Curtis Companies, Inc. 6:50

** Coldwater, Mich.
[s.n.] 13:104

** Colfax, Iowa
Close-to-Nature Company 13:14

** Columbia, Pa.
Keeley Stove Co. 15:76
Keeley Stove Co. 15:77
Keeley Stove Co. 15:78

** Columbus, Ga.
Columbus Show Case Company 11:7

** Columbus, Ohio
Iron Substructure Company 2:32
Kinnear & Gager Company 9:69
Kinnear Manufacturing Company 8:85

** Cortland, N.Y.
Cortland Howe Ventilating Stove Co. 15:29

** Davenport, Iowa
Gordon-Van Tine Company 6:75
Geographical Guide to the Microfiche 117


Gordon-Van Tine Company 6:76

Gordon-Van Tine Company 6:78
Gordon-Van Tine Company 6:79
Gordon-Van Tine Company 6:80
Gordon-Van Tine Company 6:82
Gordon-Van Tine Company 6:83
Gordon-Van Tine Company 6:84
Gordon-Van Tine Company 13:27
Gordon-Van Tine Company 13:28
Gordon-Van Tine Company 13:29
Gordon-Van Tine Company 13:30
Gordon-Van Tine Company 6:77
Gordon-Van Tine Company 6:81

** Dayton, Ohio
C. B. Atkin (Firm) 10:8
Frigidaire Corporation 11:19
Lowe Brothers Company 9:71
Lowe Brothers Company 11:38

** Decatur, 111.
Robert Paries 16:142

** Decatur, Ind.
Ward Fence Company 2:70

** Denver, Colo.
Ferguson Synstone Co. 4:25

** Derby, Conn.
Sterling Organ Co. 11:52

** Derry, N.H.
Angell, Edmund R. 15:13

** Des Moines, Iowa

Cyco Manufacturing Company 2:13
Loetscher & Burch Mfg. Company 13:50
Loetscher Jaeger Manufacturing Company 6:103
Steel Roofing and Stamping Works 5:105

** Detroit, Mich.
Acme White Lead and Color Works 1:1
American Blower Company 15:6
Chamberlin Metal Weather Strip Co. 8:14
Combination Gas Machine Co. 15:26
Crittall Casement Window Company 8:29
Detroit Decorative Supply Company 12:44
Detroit School of Lettering 10:24
Detroit Steel Products Co. 8:39
118 Geographical Guide to the Microfiche

Detroit Steel Products Co. 8:40

Detroit Steel Products Co. 8:41
Detroit Steel Products Co. 8:42
Detroit Stove Works 15:37
Detroit White Lead Works 9:39
E. T. Barnum, Wire and Iron Work 5:29
E. T. Barnum, Wire and Iron Work 5:30
E. T. Barnum, Wire and Iron Work 5:28
General City Service Co. 1:19
Howarth Reversible Sash and Sash Center Co. 8:69
Kelvinator Corporation 11:34
Michigan Stove Company 15:93
Ornamental Products Company 12:128
Ornamental Products Company 12:129
Parker Rust-proof Co. 9:91
Safety Furnace Pipe Company 15:123
United States Radiator Corporation 15:148
Vulcan Company 5:120
W. H. Anderson Tool & Supply Company 1:48

** Dover, Ohio
Marsh Wall Products, Inc. 9:73

** Dresden
S. B. F. (Firm) 16:144
S. B. F. (Firm) 16:145

** Dubuque, Iowa
Carr, Ryder & Adams Company 6:24
Carr, Ryder & Adams Company 6:25
Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing Company 6:62
Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing Company 6:63
Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing Company 6:64
Peter J. Seippel Lumber Co. 6:134
Universal Catalogue Bureau 6:169
Universal Catalogue Bureau 6:170
Western Ceiling and Stamping Company 9:128

** Dunellen, N.J.
Ransome Concrete Machinery Company 3:35

** East Berlin, Conn.

Berlin Iron Bridge Company 2:8

** East Walpole, Mass.

F. W. Bird & Son 7:22
F. W. Bird & Son 7:23

** Easton, Pa.
Alpha Portland Cement Company 3:4
Geographical Guide to the Microfiche 119

Alpha Portland Cement Company 3:6

Alpha Portland Cement Company 13:3
Alpha Portland Cement Company 3:5
American Flag Manufacturing Company 10:3
Genuine Bangor Slate Co., Inc. 7:30

** Eau Claire, Wis.

Northwestern Steel and Iron Works 4:54

** Edinburgh
Young, Charles D. 2:73

** El Paso, Texas
Premier Standardized Woodwork, Manufacturers 12:133

** Elkhart, Ind.
Elkhart Brass Manufacturing Company 10:33

** Ellwood City, Pa.

Glen Manufacturing Company 2:22

** Elmhurst, N.Y.
Henry Klein & Company, Inc. 12:77

** Elwood, Ind.
G. I. Sellers & Sons Company 11:20

** Emaus, Pa.
Rodale Mfg. Co. 16:143

** England
J. Rider 10:49
T. W. Twyford, Sanitary Potter 15:140

** Erie, Pa.
Erie Fixture Supply Co. 16:37

** Evansville, Ind.
Geo. L. Mesker & Co. 8:57
Geo. L. Mesker & Co. 8:56
International Steel & Iron Company 5:56
International Steel & Iron Company 9:61

** Fairf ield, Iowa

Louden Machinery Company 13:52
Louden Machinery Company 13:54
Louden Machinery Company 13:53

** Fitchburg, Mass.
Angel Novelty Company 12:14
120 Geographical Guide to the Microfiche

Angel Novelty Company 12:15

Webber Lumber & Supply Company 6:171

** Fordwick, Va.
Virginia Portland Cement Company 3:42

** Forest, Ohio
Dickelman-Bowers Mfg. Co. 5:26
Rhodes, Dickelman & Co. 5:98

** Fort Wayne, Ind.

Wayne Company 15:150

** Forty-Fort, Pa.
Forty-Fort Fixture Co. 16:38

** Framingham, Mass.
Dennison Manufacturing Company 12:43

** France
L. A. Romagnesi (Firm) 12:105
Le mobilier ecclesiastique 12:106

** Frankfort, Ind.
Domestic Science Kitchen Unit Corporation 11:12

** Frankton, Ind.
Hoosier Fence Company 2:27

** FL Atkinson, Wis.
James Manufacturing Company 13:40
James Manufacturing Company 13:41
** Galcsburg, 111.
Purington Paving Brick Company 4:66

** Gallon, Ohio
E.M. Freese & Co. 4:21

** Glasgow, Scotland
George Smith & Co. 5:40
McDowall, Steven & Co. 5:76
Walter Macfarlane & Co. 5:124
Walter Macfarlane & Co. 5:125
Walter Macfarlane & Co. 5:126

** Gloucester, England
Whitwell's patent 10:84

** Goshen, Ind.
Geographical Guide to the Microfiche 121


Goshen Lightning Rod Co. 10:40

I-XL Furniture Company 11:29
I-XL Furniture Company 11:30

** Grand Rapids, Mich.

Aldine Manufacturing Company 10:1
Anti-Kalsomine Company 9:4
General Electric Supply Corp. 16:50
Gleason Wood Ornament Company 12:62
Grand Rapids Carved Moulding Company 12:69
Grand Rapids Store Equipment Corporation 11:22
Grand Rapids Wood Carving Company 12:70
Togan-Stiles (Co.) 13:92
Waddell Manufacturing Company 12:153
Waddell Manufacturing Company 12:154
Waddell Manufacturing Company 12:152

** Gregory, Mich.
McCleer Brothers 13:57

** Guelph, Ontario
Louden Machinery Company 13:51

** Hamilton, Ohio
Fred J. Meyers Manufacturing Company 5:36

** Hammond, Ind.
Frank S. Betz Company 11:17

** Hartford, Conn.
Arrow-Hart & Hegeman Electric Co. 16:4
Arrow-Hart & Hegeman Electric Co. 16:5
Bowles, John J. 6:16

** Harvard, 111.
Hunt, Helm, Ferris & Company 13:35

** Holland, Mich.
Baker Furniture, Inc. 12:22
Colorcrete Industries 3:12
Holland Furnace Company 15:57

** Hollywood, Calif.
Statuemakers 2:60

** Holyoke, Mass.
Coburn Trolley Track Mfg. Co. 13:15

** Honolulu, Hawaii
Lewers & Cooke, Limited 13:47
122 Geographical Guide to the Microfiche

** Huddersf ield, England

W. H. Heywood & Co. 7:64

** Huntington, Ind.
Majestic Company 15:91

** Illinois
Jake Lampert Yards (Firm) 13:39

** Indianapolis, Ind.
Eaglesfield Hardwood Flooring Co. 9:43
Indiana Paint & Roofing Co. 7:36
Indianapolis Tent and Awning Company 13:36
Interior Hardwood Company 9:57
Interior Hardwood Company 9:60
Interior Hardwood Company 9:58
Interior Hardwood Company 9:59

** Irvington, N.Y.
Lord & Burnham Co. 2:38
Lord & Burnham Co. 2:40
Lord & Burnham Co. 2:41

** Jacksonville, Fla.
Southern Cypress Manufacturers' Association 6:159
Spindel, Gilbert Donald 13:87

** Jamestown, N.Y.
Art Metal Construction Company 12:21
Art Metal Construction Company 12:20
International Casement Co., Inc. 8:72
International Casement Co., Inc. 8:71
Watson Manufacturing Company 12:157

** Jersey City, N.J.

A .A. Griffing Iron Co. 15:1
A. A. Griffing Iron Co. 15:2
Chidester & Company 6:35
Standard Wood Turning Company 6:163
Standard Wood Turning Company 6:164

** Johnstown, Pa.
National Radiator Corporation 15:107

** Joliet, 111.
Moore Corporation 15:97

** Kalamazoo, Mich.
General Gas Light Company 15:51
Geographical Guide to the Microfiche 123

General Gas Light Company 16:53

Kalamazoo Stove Co. 15:72
Kalamazoo Stove Co. 15:73
Kalamazoo Stove Co. 15:74

** Kansas City, Mo.

Baker, C. J. 13:9
Kansas City Hydraulic-Press Brick Company 4:43
Locke Stove Company 15:88
Long-Bell Lumber Company 2:37
Long-Bell Lumber Company 9:70
Murphy Door Bed Company 12:124
Wagner, Harry L. 13:99

** Kearny, N.J.
Congoleum-Nairn, Inc. 9:35
Congoleum-Nairn, Inc. 9:34
Congoleum-Nairn, Inc. 9:36
Nairn Linoleum Co. 9:82

** Kent, Ohio
J. B. Miller Keyless Lock Co. 8:73

** Kenton, Ohio
Champion Iron Co. 5:17

** Knoxvillc, Tenn.
White Mantel and Tile Company 10:83

** Kohlcr, Wis.
Kohler Company 15:84

** La Crosse, Wis.
La Crosse Steel Roofing and Corrugating Company 5:67
Trane Company 15:143

** La Porte, Ind.
Metal Door & Trim Company 8:94

** Lancaster, Pa.
Armstrong Cork Company 9:5
Armstrong Cork Company 9:6
Armstrong Cork Company 9:7
Armstrong Cork Company 9:8
Armstrong Cork Company 9:9
Armstrong Cork Company 9:10
Brown, Hazel Dell 9:24
Brown, Hazel Dell 9:25
Henry Martin (Firm) 4:30
124 Geographical Guide to the Microfiche

** Lansing, Mich.
Allen-Sparks Gas Light Co. 16:1

** Linden, N.J.
Structural Gypsum Corporation 9:114

** Little Rock, Ark.

Arkansas Soft Pine Bureau 6:11

** Lockport, N.Y.
Upson Company 9:120
Upson Company 9:119
Upson Company 9:121
Upson Company 9:122

** Logan, Ohio
Hocking Valley Products Company 4:31

** London, England
Andrew Handyside & Co. 5:5
Bielefeld, Charles Frederick 12:25
Bottomley, Joseph 5:14
British Challenge Glazing Co. 7:7
Charles F. Bielefeld (Firm) 12:29
Compendium Publishing Company 1:11
Cottam & Company 5:21
Hart, Son, Peard & Co. 5:42
J. Stone & Company 15:68
Luxfer Co. 5:72
Maple & Company, Ltd. 12:109
Martin & Hood 8:88
Mellowes & Co., Ltd. 7:45
Morris & Company, Decorators, Ltd. 12:120
New Expanded Metal Company, Ltd. 3:26
Pulham & Son 2:55
St. Pancras Ironwork Co., Ltd. 8:146
Vieille Montagne Zinc Mining Company 7:62
W. H. S. Lloyd Co., Inc. 9:126
William Cooper, Ltd. 1:50
William Cooper, Ltd. 1:51

** Long Island City, N.Y.

Fells-Lent-Cantor-Katz Corp'n 8:49
Irving Iron Works Company 5:57
John Polachek Bronze & Iron Co. 5:63
Ledkote Products Company 5:69
Renner & Maras, Inc. 5:97
Geographical Guide to the Microfiche 125

** Los Angeles, Calif.

Alfred E. Gwynn Co. 13:2
Batchelder-Wilson Company 9:11
C. F. Horan Company, Inc. 12:27
California Door Company 8:12
Deals Sash & Door Co. 6:55
Decorators Supply House 12:41
Earle Hardware Manufacturing Company 8:47
Garden City Company of California 13:25
Pacific Bamboo & Rattan Products 12:131
Philippine Mahogany Mfrs.' Import Assoc. 6:136
The Lamp Guild 16:151

** Louisville, Ky
Western Cement Company 3:45

** Louisville, Ky.
American Walnut Association 6:7
Brecher Co. 4:12
Hart Manufacturing Company 10:43
Kentucky Metal Products Co. 10:54
Logan Company 10:56
Logan Company 10:57
Peerless Manufacturing Corporation 15:110
Snead & Company 5:101
Snead & Company 8:145
W. E. Caldwell Co., Incorporated 13:97
W. E. Caldwell Co., Incorporated 13:96
Western Cement Company 3:44
Wrampelmeier Furniture Mfg. Company 12:161

** Lowell, Mass.
Daniel Gushing & Co. 5:24

** Lynchburg, Va.
N. B. Handy Company 5:86
Pettyjohn & Thornhill (Firm) 6:135

** Macomb, HI.
Macomb Sewer Pipe Works 4:44

** Manlius, N.Y.
E. P. Russell (Firm) 7:19

** Mansfield, Ohio
Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co. 15:155

** Marietta, Pa.
Marietta Manufacturing Company 16:95
126 Geographical Guide to the Microfiche

** Marshall, Mich.
Peerless Fixtures Co. 11:49

** Marshfield, Wis.
Roddis Lumber & Veneer Company 8:125
Roddis Lumber & Veneer Company 8:126
Roddis Lumber & Veneer Company 8:127

** Martinsville, Ind.
Old Hickory Furniture Company 12:127

** Mason City, Iowa

Mason City Brick and Tile Company 4:45

** Medicine Lodge, Kans

Best Bros. Keene's Cement Co. 3:10

** Memphis, Tenn.
E. L. Bruce Company 9:42
Gum Lumber Manufacturers Association 6:86
Gum Lumber Manufacturers Association 6:87
Southern Hardwood Producers 6:160
Townshend, J. H. 6:167

** Middlcton, Wis.
Graber Company 12:68

** Middletown, Ohio
American Iron Roofing Co. 7:1
Miami Cabinet Company 10:59

** Milan, Mich.
Ideal Garden & Specialty Co. 2:31

** Milford, Conn.
Wells Brothers 11:58

** Milwaukee, Wis.
American Monolith Company 9:3
Badger Wire and Iron Works 5:8
C. Hennecke & Company 12:28
Central Iron & Wire Works 5:16
Cream City Sash and Door Company 6:42
Cutler-Hammer, Inc. 16:23
F. Rosenberg Elevator Company 14:6
Fuller-Warren Co. 15:47
J. C. Iversen & Co. 12:81
Koehring, Philip 3:20
Maxwell, Forbes & Stillman Company 12:113
Milwaukee Artistic Metal Ceiling Company 9:80
Milwaukee Corrugating Co. 5:80
Geographical Guide to the Microfiche 127


Milwaukee Corrugating Co. 5:81

Milwaukee Corrugating Co. 5:82
Milwaukee Corrugating Co. 5:83
Milwaukee Corrugating Co. 7:47
Milwaukee Corrugating Company 3:24
Moe-Bridges Company 16:103
Moe-Bridges Company 16:102
Moe-Bridges Company 16:104
Plastic Products Company 2:52
Rundle-Spence Manufacturing Company 15:120
Sanger, Rockwell & Co. 6:142
Wilier Manufacturing Company 12:158

** Minneapolis, Minn.
Curtis & Yale Company 6:43
Insulite Company 7:37
Insulite Company 7:38
Insulite Company 9:56
Northwestern States Portland Cement Company 3:29
Shevlin Pine Sales Company 6:154
Shevlin, Carpenter & Clarke Company 6:154
Shevlin, Carpenter & Clarke Company 6:155

** Molinc, 111.
Herman Nelson Corporation 15:56

** Montpclier, Ohio
W. C. Heller & Company 11:55

** Montpelier, Vt.
Porter Manufacturing Company 8:115

** Mount Vernon, N.Y.

Church Art Work Company 12:32
Hartmann Brothers Mfg. Company 5:43
Henry-Bonnard Bronze Company 5:51

** Muncic, Ind.
Kitselman Brothers 2:36

** Muscatinc, Iowa
Huttig Brothers Manufacturing Company 6:91
Huttig Manufacturing Co. 6:92
Muscatine Sash & Door Co. 6:121

** Muskegon, Mich.
Alaska Refrigerator Co. 11:1

** N. Bergen, N.J.
General Woodcraft Co., Inc. 8:55
128 Geographical Guide to the Microfiche


** N. Tonawanda, N.Y.
Bennett Lumber Corporation 6:14

** Nappanec, Ind.
Coppes Brothers & Zook 11:9
Coppes, Inc. 11:10

** Natick, Mass.
Huntoon, L. 12:80

** Nccnah, Wis.
Hardwood Products Corporation 8:59
Hardwood Products Corporation 8:60

** Nevada, Mo.
W. F. Norman Sheet Metal Manufacturing Co. 5:121
W. F. Norman Sheet Metal Manufacturing Co. 9:124
W. F. Norman Sheet Metal Manufacturing Co. 9:125

** New Britain, Conn.

Corbin Cabinet Lock Company 10:21
Corbin, P. & F. 8:19
Corbin, P. & F. 8:20
Corbin, P. & F. 8:21
Corbin, P. & F. 8:22
Corbin, P. & F. 8:23
Corbin, P. & F. 8:25
Corbin, P. & F. 8:26
Corbin, P. & F. 8:27
Corbin, P. & F. 8:28
Corbin, P. & F. 8:24
Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company 8:130
Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company 8:131
Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company 8:134
Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company 8:129
Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company 8:132
Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company 8:133
Stanley Works 8:149
Stanley Works 8:150
Stanley Works 8:147
Stanley Works 8:148

** New Haven, Conn.

Economy Concrete Company 4:24
New Haven Duntile Company 4:52
Sargent & Company 8:138
Sargent & Company 8:139
Sargent & Company 8:140
Sargent & Company 8:141
Geographical Guide to the Microfiche 129

Sargent & Company 8:137

T. W. Corbett (Firm) 10:70

** New Milford, Conn.

Bridgeport Wood Finishing Co. 9:22

** New Orleans, La.

Paul, Charles Edward 2:50
Southern Cypress Manufacturers' Association 13:84
Southern Cypress Manufacturers' Association 6:158
Southern Pine Association 2:59
Southern Pine Association 6:161
Southern Pine Association 6:162
Southern Pine Association 9:109
Southern Pine Association 13:85
Southern Pine Association 13:86

** New Village, N.J.

Edison Portland Cement Company 3:15
Edison Portland Cement Company 3:16

** New York State

General Millwork Corporation 6:74

** New York, N.Y.

A. B. See Electric Elevator Company 14:1
A. C. Bosselman & Co. 12:2
A. Carr, Manufacturer 15:3
A. Ludwig, Manufacturer 12:4
Alberene Stone Co. 15:5
Albert Komp, Manufacturer 12:12
Alphons Custodis Chimney Construction Co. 4:3
American Enameled Brick and Tile Co. 4:5
American Fence Construction Company 2:2
American Molding Company 6:4
American Patent Portable House Mfg. Co. 13:4
American Radiator Company 15:11
American Steel & Wire Company 3:7
Anchor Post Iron Works 2:5
Angle Mfg. Co. 16:2
Anonymous 13:5
Anthracite Industries, Inc. 15:14
Anthracite Industries, Inc. 15:15
Architectural Cap. Company 5:6
Arnold & North, Inc. 10:4
Atlas Portland Cement Company 3:9
Atlas Portland Cement Company 4:9
Atlas Portland Cement Company 13:7
Atlas Portland Cement Company 13:8
Austral Sales Corp. 10:5
130 Geographical Guide to the Microfiche


Babcock & Wilcox Company 15:17

Babcock & Wilcox Company 15:18
Baker, Smith & Company 1:3
Baker, Smith & Company 15:19
Bakewell & Mullins 12:23
Barrett Company 2:7
Barrett Company (New Jersey) 7:5
Barrett Company (New Jersey) 7:6
Biddle Hardware Company 8:4
Blanchard, Robert L. 8:5
Boughton & Terwilliger 9:19
Bradley & Currier Co., Limited 6:17
Bradley & Currier Co., Limited 6:18
Bradley & Currier Company, Limited 6:19
C. B. Keogh & Company 8:11
C. M. Kinney Co. 10:9
Canton Steel Ceiling Company 9:29
Cecil Manufacturing Co., Inc. 11:6
Charles J. Weinstein Co. 16:15
Charles W. Spurr Company 12:30
Chase Brass & Copper Company 16:16
Chesebro-Whitman Company 1:8
Collins & Naugle (Firm) 6:41
Composite Iron Works Company 5:19
Composite Iron Works Company 5:20
Consolidated Gas Company of New York 15:28
Copper and Brass Research Association 7:12
Dalton-Ingersoll Company 15:34
Darvel Fabrics 12:36
Devoe & Raynolds Company, Inc. 1:13
Devoe & Raynolds Company, Inc. 1:14
Doehler Metal Furniture Company, Inc. 12:45
Ducker Portable House Co. 13:18
Duparquet, Huot & Moneuse Co. 11:13
Duplex Lighting Works 16:28
Dykes Lumber Company 1:16
Dykes Lumber Company 6:58
E. B. Latham & Company 16:29
E. B. Latham & Company 16:30
E. G. Soltmann (Firm) 1:17
E. H. Martin & Co. 7:17
E. H. Martin & Co. 7:18
E. P. Gleason Manufacturing Co. 16:31
Edison Electric Light Co. 16:32
Edwin A. Jackson & Bro., Inc. 10:30
Edwin A. Jackson & Bro., Inc. 10:31
Edwin A. Jackson & Bro., Inc. 10:29
Edwin Jackson, Inc. 10:32
Electric Axle Light and Power Company 2:15
Ellin, Kitson & Company 12:46
Geographical Guide to the Microfiche 131


Ellithorpe Safety Air-Cushion Company 14:4

Elmore Studios 2:16
Elterich Art Tile Stove Works 15:42
F. E. Carpenter Co. 2:17
F. J. Newcomb Mfg. Co. 12:50
Fairfacts Company 10:35
Farrington Gould Hoagland, Inc. 13:22
Ferro Studio, Inc. 5:35
Finsven, Inc. 12:51
Fiske, J. W. 2:19
Fiske, J. W. 10:36
Fiske, J. W. 13:23
Fiske, J. W. 10:37
G. E. Walter (Firm) 12:57
Gebruder Thonet 12:60
Gebruder Thonet 12:59
General Bronze Corporation 13:26
General Electric Company 15:49
Gilbert & Barker Manufacturing Company 16:55
Gorham Manufacturing Company 12:65
Gorham Manufacturing Company 12:66
Gorham Manufacturing Company 13:31
Gorham Manufacturing Company 16:58
Gorham Manufacturing Company 12:67
Gorham Manufacturing Company 5:41
Gould-Mersereau Co. Inc. 8:58
Graybar Electric Company 16:59
Greenwich Pottery (Firm) 2:23
H. W. Johns Manufacturing Company 7:32
H. W. Johns Manufacturing Company 7:33
H. W. Johns-Manville Co. 7:34
H. W. Johns-Manville Co. 7:35
Halladay, J. Stuart 12:72
Harris Brothers Company 1:26
Hart, Bliven & Mead Manufacturing Co. 8:62
Hart, Bliven & Mead Manufacturing Co. 8:61
Hartshorn, Stewart 12:74
Hartshorn, Stewart 12:75
Hecla Iron Works 5:46
Hecla Iron Works 5:47
Hecla-Winslow Company, Inc. 8:66
Henry Hope & Sons 2:25
Henry Hope & Sons 5:48
Henry Hope & Sons 5:49
Henry Hope & Sons 12:76
Henry Klein & Company, Inc. 12:78
Hope (Henry) & Sons 5:52
Hopkins & Company 5:53
Howard Studios, Inc. 2:29
Howard Studios, Inc. 2:28
132 Geographical Guide to the Microfiche

Hudson Nurseries (Firm) 2:30

Hudson River Slate Co. 10:46
Huff & Brainard (Firm) 15:59
I. Albert Co. 16:64
I. P. Frink (Firm) 16:65
International Nickel Company 5:55
J. C. Rochester & Co. 1:31
J. G. Wilson Corporation 8:78
J. G. Wilson Corporation 10:48
J. G. Wilson Corporation 8:77
J. Godfrey Wilson (Firm) 12:87
J. R. Palmenberg's Sons 11:31
J. W. Fiske Iron Works 2:33
Jackson, James L., & Brother 13:37
Jacob & Josef Kohn, Wien (Firm) 12:89
Jacob Mark (Firm) 8:82
Jacobson & Company 12:90
Jacobson & Company 12:91
Jacobson & Company 12:92
Jacobson & Company 12:93
Jacobson & Company 12:94
Jacobson & Company 12:95
Jacobson & Company 10:51
Jacobson & Company 9:63
Jacobson Manufacturing Company 12:96
Janes & Kirtland, Inc. 11:32
Janusch Manufacturing Company 10:52
Janusch Manufacturing Company 16:66
Jenkins Manufacturing Company 10:53
John Boyle & Company 13:42
John Simmons Co. 15:70
John Simmons Company 15:71
Johns-Manville Corporation 1:33
Johns-Manville Corporation 1:34
Johns-Manville Corporation 6:100
Johns-Manville Corporation 7:41
Jordan & Moriarty 12:100
Julius Blum & Co., Inc. 5:64
Kenneth Lynch & Sons 12:101
Keuffel & Esser Co. 1:35
Keystone Fireproofing Company 7:44
Kroder Reubel Co. 12:104
Lalance & Grosjean M'f'g Co. 11:36
Lalance & Grosjean M'f'g' Co. 15:85
Lighting and lamp trade directory and catalog 16:78
Lightolier Company 16:79
Lightolier Company 16:81
Lightolier Company 16:86
Lightolier Company 16:84
Lightolier Company 16:88
Geographical Guide to the Microfiche 133

Lightolier Company 16:80

Lightolier Company 16:82
Lightolier Company 16:83
Lightolier Company 16:85
Lightolier Company 16:87
Lord & Burnham Co. 2:39
Luetke & Company 12:108
Manhattan Brass Company 5:74
Manhattan Electrical Supply Company 16:94
Mayhew Studios 12:114
McCabe Hanger Manufacturing Co. 8:89
Metal Fabric Company 12:115
Mica Roofing Company 7:46
Milliken Brothers 5:79
Mitchell, Vance & Co. 16:100
Mitchell, Vance & Co. 16:101
Montgomery Ward 13:59
Montgomery Ward 13:61
Montgomery Ward 6:106
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 5:84
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 10:61
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 15:98
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 15:103
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 5:85
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 16:108
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 2:45
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 13:64
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 15:99
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 15:100
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 15:101
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 15:104
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 2:46
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 15:102
Mugler Steel Products Corporation 13:65
Murphy Door Bed Company 12:122
Murphy Door Bed Company 12:123
Murphy Door Bed Company 12:121
Mussgiller-Mangels Company 11:43
Mutual Furniture Company 12:125
N. Stafford Co. 10:62
Nason Manufacturing Company 1:37
Nason Manufacturing Company 1:38
National Electric Service Co. 15:106
National Lead Company 5:87
National Sheet Metal Roofing Co. 7:50
New York Carved Moulding Co. 12:126
New York Cut Stone Company 4:53
New York Lighting Fixture Mfg. Co. 16:111
New York Metal Ceiling Company 9:86
New York Stone Contracting Company 3:28
134 Geographical Guide to the Microfiche

New York and New Jersey Globe Gas Light Co. 16:112
Otis Elevator Company 14:8
Otis Elevator Company 14:9
Otis Elevator Company 14:11
Otis Elevator Company 14:10
P. E. Guerin, Inc. 8:105
P. Pryibil (Firm) 1:39
Palmer Lime & Cement Company 3:30
Penna Door & Sash Co. 6:133
Penrhyn Slate Company 10:65
Pierre Duvinage 5:95
Pollak Brothers 16:134
Ponsell Floor Machine Co. 9:97
Portland Cement Association 9:99
Pyrogravure Company 12:134
R. E. Dietz Company 16:137
R. Guastavino Co. 13:73
R. M. Lambie (Firm) 12:135
R. M. Lambie (Firm) 12:136
Ramp Buildings Corporation 13:74
Raymond Concrete Pile Company 3:36
Richardson & Boynton Co. 15:113
Richardson & Boynton Co. 15:114
Richardson & Boynton Company 15:116
Richardson & Boy ton Co. 15:117
Richardson and Boynton Co. 15:118
Robert C. Reeves Co. 2:56
Robert Caterson (Firm) 13:77
Robsjohn-Gibbings Ltd. 12:137
S. W. Reese & Co. 10:67
Sargent & Company 8:136
Sayre & Fisher Company 4:67
Sedgwick Machine Works, Inc. 14:13
Shapiro & Aronson, Inc. 16:147
Shapiro & Aronson, Inc. 16:148
Shoppell's modern houses 13:83
Sickels, Sweet & Lyon 8:144
Simes Company, Inc. 16:149
Simmons Company 12:142
Simonds Manufacturing Company 15:130
Standard Table Oil Cloth Company 9:111
Standard Varnish Works 9:112
Stencil Co. of New York 9:113
Stereo Relief Decorative Company 12:146
Stern & Matzner (Firm) 8:152
Tiffany and Company 1:47
Todhunter, Inc. 10:72
Todhunter, Inc. 10:73
Todhunter, Inc. 10:71
Todhunter, Inc. 10:74
Geographical Guide to the Microfiche 135

Todhunter, Inc. 16:153

Todhunter, Inc. 16:154
Todhunter, Inc. 10:75
Towne, Henry Robinson 8:156
Tuttle & Bailey Mfg. Co. 15:146
Tuttle & Bailey Mfg. Co. 15:145
United Brass Company 15:147
United Lead Company 5:114
United States Electric Lighting Company 16:160
Van Kannel Revolving Door Company 8:157
W. A. Daunt Company 8:159
W. D. & A. S. Nichols 10:77
Warren McArthur Corporation 12:156
West Side Lumber Co. 6:172
Westervelt, A. B. & W. T. 2:71
Westinghouse Electric Supply Company 16:164
Wickersham, John B. 5:127
Wickersham, John B. 5:128
William Donald Mitchell 5:129
Witz'el, Broschart & Braun 12:160
Wm. H. Jackson Company 5:133
Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company 8:167

** Newark, N.J.
Grippin Manufacturing Company 9:53
Nairn Linoleum Co. 9:83
Spanjer Brothers 10:68
Storm Manufacturing Company 14:14

** Newark, Ohio
Wehrle Company (Licking Stove Works Division) 15:152

** Newburyport, Mass.
Victor Manufacturing Company 8:158

** Newcastle, Ind.
Frederick, Christine McGaffey 1 :18
H. M. C. Sales Corporation 1 :24
H. M. C. Ssles Corporation 1 :25
Hoosier Manufacturing Co. 1 :28
Wyse, Lois 1 :60

** Newton U.F., Mass.

Gamewell Fire Alarm Telegraph Company 10:39

** Niles, Mich.
Kawneer Company 8:83
Kawneer Company 8:84

** Niles, Ohio
136 Geographical Guide to the Microfiche

Sheet Metal Mfg. Company 9:104

** Northville, Mich.
Globe Furniture Company 12:63
Globe Furniture Company 12:64

** Norwich, Conn.
Norwich Nickel and Brass Company 11:46

** Norwich, N.Y.
Bennett Fireplace Corporation 10:6
Bennett-Ireland, Inc. 10:7

** Ohio
Ohio Quarries Company 4:57

** Omaha, Nebraska
Associated Manufacturer's of Bilt-Well Millwork 6:12
Concrete Engineering Company 8:18
Gate City Iron Works 5:39
National Cedar Post & Pole Company 2:47

** Oshkosh, Wis.
Gould Manufacturing Company 6:85
Hussey-Williams Company 6:90
Morgan Company 6:117
Morgan Company 6:118
Morgan Company 6:119
Morgan Company 8:97
Morgan Company 11:42
Morgan Company 8:95
Northern Hemlock & Hardwood Mfrs.' Assoc. 6:123
Paine Lumber Company, Ltd. 8:107
Paine Lumber Company, Ltd. 6:128

** Owatonna, Minn.
King Ventilating Company 15:83

** Palo Alto, Calif.

Palo Alto Planing Mill 6:131

** Paris, France
Barbezat & Cie. 5:9
Bonfils & Fesquet 5:13
Compagnie nationale des radiateurs 15:27
Fontaine et Vaillant 8:50
Galvanoplastie Massive Delaunay 12:58
Gandillot & Cie. 5:38
H. Peretmere, entrepreneur (Firm) 9:54
Maison G. Mary 16:93
Geographical Guide to the Microfiche 137

P. Poussielgue-Rusand [Firm] 12:130

Saint-Gobain, Chauny et Cirey 8:135
Tirrart (Firm) 12:148

** Parkersburg, W. Va.
Elzey Company 10:34
West Virginia Mantel Co. 10:82

** Paterson, N.J.
Passaic Steel Company 5:89

** Pattenburg, N.J.
Ajax Portland Cement Company 3:3

** Pawtucket, R.I.
H. F. Jenks Co. 15:52

** Pella, Iowa
Rolscreen Company 8:128

** Perry, N.Y.
Kaustine Company 15:75

** Perth Amboy, N.J.

A. Hall Terra Cotta Co. 4:1
** Philadelphia, Pa.
Abram Cox Stove Company 15:4
Assoc. of American Portland Cement Mfrs. 13:6
Barber & Henderson (Firm) 6:13
Benjamin H. Shoemaker (Firm) 8:3
Bloom Studios Inc. 4:10
Champion Incandescent Light Company 16:14
Chas. Williams' Sons 10:19
Conkling-Armstrong Terra Cotta Co. 4:18
Cortright Metal Roofing Co. 7:15
Cortright Metal Roofing Co. 7:13
Cortright Metal Roofing Co. 7:14
David Lupton's Sons Company 8:36
David Lupton's Sons Company 8:37
David Lupton's Sons Company 8:34
David Lupton's Sons Company 8:35
David Lupton's Sons Company 8:38
David Lupton's Sons Company 5:25
Denslow Heater Co. 15:36
Eastern Clay Products Association 4:22
Eastern Hydraulic-press Brick Company 4:23
Energy Elevator Company 14:5
Flexrock Company 9:49
Frank H. Stewart Electric Company 16:40
138 Geographical Guide to the Microfiche

Frank H. Stewart Electric Company 16:39

Frank H. Stewart Electric Company 16:41
Frank H. Stewart Electric Company 16:42
Galloway Terra Cotta Company 2:20
Galloway Terra Cotta Company 2:21
General Electric Supply Corporation 16:51
Hale, Kilburn & Company 12:71
Haney-White Co. 10:42
Heaton & Wood 6:88
Horn & Brannen Manufacturing Co. 16:62
Horn & Brannen Manufacturing Co. 16:63
Houtes, William 5:54
Huck-Gerhardt Company, Inc. 8:70
Issac A. Sheppard & Co. 15:65
J. B. Shannon & Sons 8:74
J. B. Shannon & Sons 8:75
J. Jacob Shannon & Co. 8:79
J. S. Thorn Architectural Sheet Metal Works 5:60
Janentzky & Weber 1:32
Jarden Brick Company 4:42
John Lucas & Co. 9:64
John W. Boughton (Firm) 9:65
Joseph E. Frechie & Co. 16:71
Joseph E. Frechie & Co. 16:72
Joseph Stelwagon's Son 7:42
Kayser & Allman 9:66
Kayser & Allman 9:67
Keystone Brass and Rubber Co. 15:81
Keystone Safety Gas Machine Company 15:82
Klemm & Company 16:75
Klemm & Company 16:76
Lehman Sprayshield Co. 15:86
M. Thomas & Sons, Auctioneers 6:105
Manly & Cooper Manufacturing Co. 5:75
Merchant & Co., Incorporated 15:92
Morris Sklar Company 16:107
Morris Sklar Company 16:106
Peerless Brick Company 4:61
Penn Metal Ceiling and Roofing Co., Ltd. 9:93
Philadelphia Decorative Glass Company 8:109
Philadelphia Sign Co. 10:66
Philip Cass & Company 16:127
Philip Cass & Company 16:119
Philip Cass & Company 16:122
Philip Cass & Company 16:120
Philip Cass & Company 16:121
Philip Cass & Company 16:124
Philip Cass & Company 16:125
Philip Cass & Company 16:126
Philip Cass & Company 16:123
Geographical Guide to the Microfiche 139

Phoenix Iron Company 5:94

Sears, Roebuck and Company 6:149
Sears, Roebuck and Company 6:153
Sears, Roebuck and Company 13:81
Sears, Roebuck and Company 6:152
Sears, Roebuck and Company 13:80
Shoemaker-Sims Co. Ltd. 1:43
Thomas, Roberts, Stevenson Co. 15:141
Tognarelli & Voigt Company 12:149
Universal Portland Cement Company 3:40
Voigt Company 12:150
Walker Patent Pivoted Bin Co. 11:57
William Adams & Company 2:72
Wm. M. McClure & Brother 8:164
Wood (Alan) Steel Company 5:134

** Pittsburgh, Pa.
A. Northrop & Company 9:1
Aluminum Company of America 5:1
Armstrong Cork Company 7:2
Armstrong Cork Company 7:3
Armstrong Cork Company 7:4
Capitol Light Company 16:12
Circle "A" Products Corporation 13:13
Continental Clay Products Corporation 4:19
Keighley Metal Ceiling & Mfg. Company 9:68
L. Brandt (Housing designer) 5:66
Macbeth-Evans Glass Company 16:92
McKinney Manufacturing Company 8:90
McKinney Manufacturing Company. Forge Division 8:91
National Fire Proofing Company 4:48
National Fire Proofing Company 4:51
National Fire Proofing Company 7:49
National Fire Proofing Company 4:49
National Fire Proofing Company 4:50
National Fire Proofing Company 13:66
National Steel Fabric Co. 3:25
National Tube Company 16:109
Pittsburgh Corning Corporation 8:112
Pittsburgh Corning Corporation 8:110
Pittsburgh Corning Corporation 8:111
Pittsburgh Hardwood Door Company 6:137
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company 1:42
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company 8:113
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company 9:96
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company 8:114
Pittsburgh Reflector Company 16:130
Pittsburgh Reflector Company 16:131
Pittsburgh Reflector Company 16:132
Pittsburgh Reflector Company 16:133
140 Geographical Guide to the Microfiche

Pittsburgh Terra Cotta Lumber Company 4:64

Spear & Company 1:45
Spear & Company 1:46
Standard Manufacturing Company 15:133
Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co. 10:69
Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co. 15:134
Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co. 15:135
Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co. 15:136
Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co. 15:137
Steel Frame House Company 13:88
Steel Frame House Company 13:89
Tri-lok Company 5:107
Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co. 15:154

** Pontiac, Mich.
Hancock Iron Works 10:41

** Port Chester, N.Y.

Geo. Mertz's Sons 12:61

** Porta Costa, Calif.

Port Costa Brick Works 4:65

** Portland, Maine
E. T. Burrows & Co. 8:46

** Portland, Me.
E. T. Burrows & Co. 8:45
Portland Stone Ware Co. 2:54

** Portland, Or.
Fuller (W.P.) & Company 6:71

** Proctor, Vt.
Vermont Marble Company 4:71
Vermont Marble Company 4:72
Vermont Marble Company 4:73
Vermont Marble Company 4:74

** Providence, R.I.
General Fire Extinguisher Company 15:50
Nationwide House Plan Service 13:69

** Quincy, 111.
Excelsior Stove & Manufacturing Co. 15:43
Quincy Show Case Works 11:50

** Quincy, Mass.
Craig & Richards Granite Co. 13:16
Geographical Guide to the Microfiche 141

** Racine, Wis.
Hamilton Beach Manufacturing Company 11:26
S. C. Johnson & Son 9:100
S. C. Johnson & Son 9:102
S. C. Johnson & Son 9:101

** Randolph, Mass.
E. C. Young Company 13:19

** Reading, Pa.
Earle Hardware Manufacturing Company 8:48
Mellert Foundry and Machine Company 2:44
Orr, Painter & Co. 15:109
Penn Hardware Company 8:108
Reading Hardware Company 8:117
Reading Hardware Company 8:118
Reading Hardware Company 8:119
Reading Hardware Company 8:116
Richardson & Boynton Co. 15:115
Weber Illuminated Sign Company 10:81

** Richmond, Virginia
Richmond Stove Company 15:119

** Ridgway, Pa.
Hyde-Murphy Company 6:93

** Rochester, N.Y.
Century Cement Machine Company 4:16
Cutler Mail Chute Co. 10:22
Genesee Brick & Supply Corporation 4:29
Office Specialty Mfg. Company 11:47
Wood-mosaic Flooring & Lumber Company 9:137

** Rock Island, 111.

Rock Island Sash & Door Works 6:140
Rock Island Sash & Door Works 6:141

** Rome, N.Y.
Twinco Stamping Works 5:109

** S. Framingham, Mass
Frost & Adams 1:18

** Saginaw, Mich.
Saginaw Show Case Company, Limited 11:51

** Saint Louis, Mo.

Hydraulic-Press Brick Company 4:34
142 Geographical Guide to the Microfiche


** Salem, Ohio
International Nickel Company 15:63
W. H. Mullins Co. 13:98
W. H. Mullins Company 5:123
W. H. Mullins Company 5:122
W. H. Mullins Company 12:151

** Salem, Virginia
Old Virginia Brick 4:58
Old Virginia Brick 4:59

** Salford, Manchester
Boulinikon Floor Cloth & Manufacturing Company 9:20

** San Francisco, Calif.

California Redwood Association 6:22
Fuller (W.P.) & Company 6:72
Jackson, Peter H. 8:80
Marshall & Stearns Company 12:110
Marshall & Sterns Company 12:111
P. H. Jackson & Co. 8:106
Paraffine Companies 13:71

** San Fransisco, Calif.

Jackson, Peter H. 8:81

** Saugus, Mass.
Nutting, Wallace 5:88

** Schenectady, N.Y.
General Electric Company 16:45
General Electric Company 16:46
General Electric Company 16:48
General Electric Company 11:21

** Scranton, Pa.
Robbins Door & Sash Co. 6:139
Scranton Lace Company 12:140
Scranton Lace Company 12:141

** Seattle, Wash.
O. B. Williams Co. 6:124

** Sharon, Pa.
Sharon Hardware Mfg. Co. 8:142
Sharon Hardware Mfg. Co. 8:143

** Shropshire
Maw & Co. 9:79
Geographical Guide to the Microfiche 143

** Solvay, N.Y.
Pass & Seymour, Inc. 16:115

** South Bend, Ind.

George Cutter Company 16:54

** South Boston, Mass.

Gilmore Electric Company 16:56
Metalace Corporation 10:58

** South Norwalk, Conn.

Norwalk Lock Company 8:101
Norwalk Lock Company 8:102

** Southington, Conn.
Peck, Stow and Wilcox Company 1:40

** Springfield, 111.
Shanklin Manufacturing Company Inc. 13:82

** Springfield, Mass.
Metropolitan Furniture Company 12:116
U.S. Automatic Lighting Co. 16:157

** Springfield, Ohio
Mast, Foos & Co. 2:42
William Bayley Company 8:161

** St. Louis, Mo.

American Stove Company 15:12
Carr-Trombley Mfg. Co. 6:26
Central Mantel Co. 10:14
Central Mantel Company 10:15
Day-Brite Reflector Co. 16:25
Edwin F. Guth Company 16:34
Edwin F. Guth Company 16:33
Electrol Inc. of Missouri 15:40
Electrol Inc. of Missouri 15:39
Frank A. Seifert Plastic Relief Company 12:55
Gus. V. Brecht Butchers' Supply Company 11:23
Hydraulic-Press Brick Company 4:35
Hydraulic-Press Brick Company 4:33
Hydraulic-Press Brick Company 4:36
Ludlow-Saylor Wire Co. 5:70
Luminous Unit Company 16:90
Luminous Unit Company 16:89
Mesker Bros. Iron Co. 8:92
Mesker Brothers 8:93
Milbradt Manufacturing Company 11:40
144 Geographical Guide to the Microfiche

Scherpe & Koken 5:100

The National Glass Distributers Association 8:154

** St. Paul, Minn.

American Hoist & Derrick Company 14:2
Minnesota Roofing and Archit. Sheet Metal Works 12:119
Saint Paul Corrugating Company 5:99
St. Paul Roofing, Cornice & Ornament Company 5:103
St. Paul Roofing, Cornice & Ornament Company 9:110
Weyerhaeuser Sales Company 6:173

** Stamford, Conn.
Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company 8:165
Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company 8:168
Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company 8:166

** Sterling, 111.
Frantz Manufacturing Company 8:51
Frantz Manufacturing Company 8:52
Frantz Manufacturing Company 8:53
National Manufacturing Company 8:99
National Manufacturing Company 8:100
National Manufacturing Company 13:67

** Steubenville, Ohio
Ohio Foundry & Manufacturing Company 15:108

** Stirlingshire, England
Carron Company 10:12
Carron Company 10:13

** Staffordshire, England
Mintons Ltd. 9:81

** Strasbourg, France
J. Jos. Heilingenthal (Firm) 12:88

** Sturgis, Mich.
Kirsch Manufacturing Company 12:102

** Syracuse, N.Y.
Ad. Harnisch (Firm) 12:7
Ad. Harnisch (Firm) 12:9
Ad. Harnisch (Firm) 12:8
Crouse-Hinds Company 16:21
Crouse-Hinds Company 16:22
Heatilator Company 10:44
J. F. Pease Furnace Company 15:66
J. F. Pease Furnace Company 15:67
John Moore & Company 12:99
Geographical Guide to the Microfiche 145

Kelsey Furnace Company 15:80

Onondaga Litholite Company 4:60
Solvay Process Company 9:108
Stearns, E. C. & Company 8:151
Walker Dishwasher Corporation 11:56

** Tacoma, Wash.
Douglas Fir Plywood Association 6:56
Douglas Fir Plywood Association 6:57

** Taunton, Mass.
Weir Stove Company 15:153

** Tcrre Haute, Ind.

Up-to-date Mfg. Co. 2:68

** Tiffin, Ohio
Tiffin Art Metal Company 9:115

** Toledo, Ohio
B. A. Stevens Co. 11:3
Collier-Barnett Company 6:40
Hettrick Bros. Company 13:32
Isaac D. Smead & Company 15:64
Owens-Illinois Glass Company 8:104
Pacific Spruce Corporation 6:126
Reidon Company 16:139
Surface Combustion Corp. [?] 13:91
Toledo Lighting Equipment Company 16:155

** Toms River, N.J.

Crescent Company 13:17

** Topeka, Kans.
L. F. Garlinghouse Company 13:45
L. F. Garlinghouse Company 13:46
L. F. Garlinghouse Company 13:44

** Toulouse, France
Virebent freres 4:75

** Trenton, N.J.
Dibble Manufacturing Co. 8:43
Efcolite Corporation 16:35
Homasote Company 9:55
Homasote Company 13:33
Homasote Company 13:34
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 15:105
Roebling Firm, Wire Manufacturers 2:57
Tab Electric Supply Company 16:150
Trenton Potteries Company 15:144
146 Geographical Guide to the Microfiche


** Troy, N.Y.
Bussey, McLeod & Co. 15:20
Covert Fire Escape Company 5:22
Gurley, W. & L. E. 1:21
Jones & Company 11:33
L. Holzhauer Sons (Firm) 11:35
Mahony Warming and Ventilating Establishment 15:89
Mahony Warming and Ventilating Establishment 15:90
Troy Fire Brick Works 4:70

** Unadilla, N.Y.
Unadilla Silo Co., Inc. 2:67
Unadilla Silo Co., Inc. 13:93

** United States
American Seating Company 12:13
Benziger Brothers 12:24
Dennison Manufacturing Company 12:42
Fiske & Company, Inc. 4:26
General Electric Company 15:48
General Electric Company 16:49
Morgan Company 6:112
National Cinder Concrete Products Association 4:47
Public Service Gas Company 15:112

** Utica, N.Y.
Charles C. Kellogg & Sons Co. 13:12
Chas. C. Kellogg & Co. 6:28
Foamite-Childs Corporation 10:38
Hecla Iron Works 8:65
International Heater Company 15:62

** Vienna, Austria
Konig, F., lithographer 12:103

** Wakef ield, R.I.

Wakefield Branch Company 13:100

** Wallingford, Conn.
Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. 12:143

** Waltham, Mass.
L. W. Cushing and Sons 10:55

** Warehouse Pt., Conn.

Monitor Closet Co. 15:95

** Warren, Ohio
Halsey W. Taylor Co. 15:53
Geographical Guide to the Microfiche 147


** Warsaw, N.Y.
Warsaw Elevator Company 14:17

** Washington, D.C.
Lombard & Ludwig, Inc. 12:107
National Lumber Manufacturers Association 6:122
National Lumber Manufacturers Association 11:44
Structural Clay Products Institute 13:90
Timber Engineering Company 6:166

** Washington, Ind.
W. L. Evans (Firm) 10:80
W. L. Evans (Firm) 10:78
W. L. Evans (Firm) 10:79

** Waterbury, Conn.
American Brass Company 5:3
American Brass Company 5:2

** Watcrvliet, N.Y.
Ludlum Steel Company 5:71
Maneely & Company 11:39

** Waukesha, Wis.
Aeroshade Company 12:10

** Waverly, N.Y.
East Waverly Steam Granite Works 13:20

** Waynesburg, Ohio
Whitacre-Greer Fireproofing Company 4:77

** Waynesburg, Pa.
Jacobs Bird-house and Manufacturing Company 13:38

** West Lynn, Mass.

Whittredge Portable Buildings Company 13:101

** West Troy, N.Y.

A. Bohachek (Firm) 12:1

** Wheeling, W.Va.
Wheeling Corrugating Company 7:65
Wheeling Corrugating Company 9:129
Wheeling Corrugating Company 9:130
Wheeling Corrugating Company 9:131
Wheeling Corrugating Company 9:132
Wheeling Corrugating Company 9:133
Wheeling Corrugating Company 9:134
Wheeling Corrugating Company 9:135
Wheeling Metal & Manufacturing Co. 7:66
148 Geographical Guide to the Microfiche

** Wichita, Kans.
Coleman Company, Inc. 16:17

** Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Electric Supply & Equipment Co. 16:36
Tomberg Electric Supply Co. 16:156

** Williamsport, Pa.
W. D. Crooks & Sons 8:160

** Winona, Minn.
Union Fibre Company 7:59

** Wooster, Ohio
Hartman & Durstine 12:73

** Worcester, Mass.
O. C. White Company 16:113

** Wyoming, Pa.
Diamond Manufacturing Company 10:25

** York, Pa.
E. G. Smyser's Sons Co. 2:14
Variety Iron Works 5:119

** Youngstown, Ohio
Brier Hill Steel Company 9:23
General Fireproofing Company 3:18
General Fireproofing Company 7:27
General Fireproofing Company 7:28
General Fireproofing Company 9:51
Genfire Steel Company 3:19
Trucson Steel Company 7:58
Truscon Steel Company 5:108
Trussed Concrete Steel Company 3:39

** Zanesville, Ohio
Mosaic Tile Co. 10:60

** Zccland, Mich.
Miller (Herman) Furniture Co., Inc. 12:118

** 1794
Bottomley, Joseph 5:14

** 1800
Le mobilier ecclesiastique 12:106
Mintons Ltd. 9:81
William Adams & Company 2:72
[s.n.] 8:170

** 1820
Konig, F., lithographer 12:103
L. A. Romagnesi (Firm) 12:105

** 1827
J. Jos. Heilingenthal (Firm) 12:88

** 1835
Virebent freres 4:75

** 1843
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 15:98

** 1847
Martin & Hood 8:88

** 1850
Bielefeld, Charles Frederick 12:25
Bowles, John J. 6:16
Brooklyn Moulding and Planing Mill 6:21
Charles F. Bielefeld (Firm) 12:29
J. Rider 10:49
Young, Charles D. 2:73

** 1851
South Boston Iron Company 5:102

** 1853
Wickersham, John B. 5:127

** 1855
Vieille Montagne Zinc Mining Company 7:62
Wickersham, John B. 5:128

** 1856
Gurley, W. & L. E. 1:21
* Years shown are either those actually printed in the catalog or as supplied by the catalogers
at Avery Library. Where an approximate date is used in the cataloging entry, it has been
"rounded off" for the purpose of this index.

150 Chronological Guide to the Microfiche

** 1857
E. P. Russell (Firm) 7:19

** 1858
Barbezat & Cie. 5:9

** 1860
Chase Brothers & Co. 5:18
Cottam & Company 5:21
Wm. M. McClure & Brother 8:164

** 1861
Troy Fire Brick Works 4:70

** 1865
Gandillot & Cie. 5:38
H. Peretmere, entrepreneur (Firm) 9:54
P. Poussielgue-Rusand [Firm] 12:130

** 1866
Angell, Edmund R. 15:13
Dalton-Ingersoll Company 15:34
Hecla Iron Works 8:65

** 1867
Mica Roofing Company 7:46

** 1868
Andrew Handyside & Co. 5:5
Perry & Co. 15:111

** 1869
Hinkle & Company 6:89
Penrhyn Slate Company 10:65
Sargent & Company 8:136

** 1870
Chidester & Company 6:35
Dunn & Witt 5:27
E. G. Smyser's Sons Co. 2:14
George Smith & Co. 5:40
Hart, Son, Peard & Co. 5:42
Hartshorn, Stewart 12:74
Hartshorn, Stewart 12:75
Jones & Company 11:33
Keystone Safety Gas Machine Company 15:82
Levi Boles & Son 8:86
Maw & Co. 9:79
Reading Hardware Company 8:116
Variety Iron Works 5:119
Chronological Guide to the Microfiche 151


** 1871
Collins & Naugle (Firm) 6:41
Composite Iron Works Company 5:19
Corbin, P. & F. 8:19
Jackson, James L., & Brother 13:37

** 1872
Daniel Gushing & Co. 5:24
Wells Brothers 11:58

** 1873
A. Carr, Manufacturer 15:3
C. B. Keogh & Company 8:11
Greenwich Pottery (Firm) 2:23
Levi Boles & Son 8:87
M. Thomas & Sons, Auctioneers 6:105
Orr, Painter & Co. 15:109
Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company 8:129

** 1874
Hale, Kilburn & Company 12:71
J. C. Iversen & Co. 12:81
Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company 8:130

** 1875
Benjamin H. Shoemaker (Firm) 8:3
Garry Iron and Steel Roofing Co. 7:25
Hart, Bliven & Mead Manufacturing Co. 8:61

** 1876
Boulinikon Floor Cloth & Manufacturing Company 9:20
Hart, Bliven & Mead Manufacturing Co. 8:62
Mitchell, Vance & Co. 16:100
Walter Macfarlane & Co. 5:124
Whitwell's patent 10:84

** 1877
Bradley & Currier Co., Limited 6:17
Bussey, McLeod & Co. 15:20
Chas. C. Kellogg & Co. 6:28
Globe Gas Light Company 16:57
Houtes, William 5:54

** 1878
Barber & Henderson (Firm) 6:13
Boston Fire Brick Works 2:9
Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. 12:143
Tiffany and Company 1:47
152 Chronological Guide to the Microfiche


** 1879
A. C. Brown (Firm) 6:1
New York and New Jersey Globe Gas Light Co 16:112
Palmer Fuller & Co. 6:129
Simonds Manufacturing Company 15:130
United States Wind Engine and Pump Company 15:149

** 1880
Albert Komp, Manufacturer 12:12
C. H. Pepper (Firm) 9:26
Champion Iron Co. 5:17
Chas. Williams' Sons 10:19
Combination Gas Machine Co. 15:26
E. H. Martin & Co. 7:17
E. H. Martin & Co. 7:18
Ellin, Kitson & Company 12:46
F. Herhold & Sons 12:49
Galvanoplastie Massive Delaunay 12:58
Huff & Brainard (Firm) 15:59
Innes & Company 10:47
Jacob & Josef Kohn, Wien (Firm) 12:89
John W. Boughton (Firm) 9:65
Jordan & Moriarty 12:100
King Iron Bridge & Manufacturing Co. 5:65
M. Clements, Architectural Iron & Jail Works 5:73
Mast, Foos & Co. 2:42
New York Stone Contracting Company 3:27
Van Dorn Iron Works Company 5:116
W. D. & A. S. Nichols 10:77
Waldo Brothers (Firm) 4:76
Walter Macfarlane & Co. 5:125
Wm. King & Bro. 8:163

** 1881
Huntoon, L. 12:80
balance & Grosjean M'f'g Co. 11:36
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 15:99
Richmond Stove Company 15:119

** 1882
J. and J. G. Low (Firm) 9:62
John Moore & Company 12:99
Standard Wood Turning Company 6:163
Stearns, E. C. & Company 8:151
Sterling Organ Co. 11:52
United States Electric Lighting Company 16:160
Walter Macfarlane & Co. 5:126

** 1883
Gleason Wood Ornament Company 12:62
Chronological Guide to the Microfiche 153


J. B. Shannon & Sons 8:74

J. T. Cowles 5:61
J. W. Bailey & Sons 6:94
L. W. Gushing and Sons 10:55
Richardson & Boynton Company 15:116
W. G. Hyndman & Co. 7:63

** 1884
A. Hall Terra Cotta Co. 4:1
Jacob Mark (Firm) 8:82
Janentzky & Weber 1:32
Manly & Cooper Manufacturing Co. 5:75
P. Pryibil (Firm) 1:39
Paine's Furniture Mfg. Co. 12:132
Porter Iron Roofing Co. 7:55
Slattery, Hardy & Company 6:156
Van Dorn Iron Works Company 5:117
Wakefield Rattan Company 12:155

** 1885
Baker, Smith & Company 15:19
Cincinnati Corrugating Co. 7:11
Corbin, P. & F. 8:20
DeWitt Wire Cloth Co. 16:26
Dibble Manufacturing Co. 8:43
Indiana Paint & Roofing Co. 7:36
Iron Substructure Company 2:32
McDowall, Steven & Co. 5:76
Milner & Kettig Co. 15:94
Minnesota Roofing and Archit. Sheet Metal Works 12:119
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 15:100
New York Stone Contracting Company 3:28
P. H. Jackson & Co. 8:106
Peck, Stow and Wilcox Company 1:40
Porter Manufacturing Company 8:115
Soule Art Company 1:44
Thomson-Houston Electric Company 16:152
United Brass Company 15:147

** 1886
American Patent Portable House Mfg. Co. 13:4
Boughton & Terwilliger 9:19
Frost & Adams 1:18
Henry Martin (Firm) 4:30
J. S. & G. F. Simpson (Firm) 5:59
J. W. Bailey & Sons 6:95
Penn Bridge Company 2:51
Phoenix Iron Company 5:94
ShoppelFs modern houses 13:83
Smead & Northcott 15:131
154 Chronological Guide to the Microfiche


** 1887
Bakewell & Mullins 12:23
Canton Iron Roofing Co. 7:8
Cleveland Stone Company 4:17
Durham House Drainage Company 15:38
Edison Electric Light Co. 16:32
G. V. Selden (Firm) 6:73
Hartman & Durstine 12:73
J. B. Shannon & Sons 8:75
Mahony Warming and Ventilating Establishment 15:89
Mutual Furniture Company 12:125
National Electric Service Co. 15:106
Peerless Brick Company 4:61
R. M. Lambie (Firm) 12:135
Scherpe & Koken 5:100

** 1888
A .A. Griffing Iron Co. 15:1
A. A. Griffing Iron Co. 15:2
Anti-Kalsomine Company 9:4
Chester, William F. 15:22
Ducker Portable House Co. 13:18
E. P. Gleason Manufacturing Co. 16:31
Garry Iron and Steel Roofing Co. 7:26
J. Jacob Shannon & Co. 8:79
Mahony Warming and Ventilating Establishment 15:90
Richardson & Boyton Co. 15:117
Stencil Co. of New York 9:113
Thos. Kelly & Bros. 15:142

** 1889
Arms Palace Horse Car Company 2:6
Bradley & Currier Company, Limited 6:19
C. Hennecke & Company 12:28
Chas. A. Millen & Company 6:27
Dalton-Ingersoll Company 15:35
Isaac D. Smead & Company 15:64
Palmer, Fuller & Company 6:130
R. M. Lambie (Firm) 12:136
Sanger, Rockwell & Co. 6:142
Woodbury, Merrill, Patten & Woodbury Air Engine 1:53
Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company 8:165

** 1890
A. Northrop & Company 9:1
Aldine Manufacturing Company 10:1
American Fire Proof Steel Car Co. 2:3
Berlin Iron Bridge Company 2:8
Bridgeport Wood Finishing Co. 9:21
Charles W. Spurr Company 12:30
Chronological Guide to the Microfiche 155

Composite Iron Works Company 5:20

Elterich Art Tile Stove Works 15:42
Emerson Piano Co. 11:14
Fontaine et Vaillant 8:50
Globe Furniture Company 12:63
Globe Iron Roofing & Corrugating Co. 7:31
Hecla Iron Works 5:46
Hopkins & Dickinson Manufacturing Co. 8:68
J. F. Pease Furnace Company 15:66
J. W. Bailey & Sons 6:96
J. W. Bailey & Sons. 10:50
J. W. Reedy Elevator Manufacturing Co. 14:7
Jackson, Peter H. 8:80
Kinnear & Gager Company 9:69
Nairn Linoleum Co. 9:82
National Sheet Metal Roofing Co. 7:50
New Departure Mfg. Company 11:45
S. M. Howes Co. 15:122
Sherwin-Williams Company 9:105
Snead & Company 5:101
Snead & Company 8:145
Stereo Relief Decorative Company 12:146
T. W. Corbett (Firm) 10:70
Tirrart (Firm) 12:148
Wilier Manufacturing Company 12:158
Witzel, Broschart & Braun 12:160
[s.n.] 13:103

** 1891
Boston Blower Company 6:15
Chas. P. Parish & Co. 8:16
Denslow Heater Co. 15:36
Fiske, J. W. 10:36
H. W. Johns Manufacturing Company 7:32
Jarden Brick Company 4:42
Kanneberg Roofing Co. 7:43
Mellert Foundry and Machine Company 2:44
Merchant & Co., Incorporated 15:92
Paine Lumber Company, Ltd. 6:127
Pittsburgh Terra Cotta Lumber Company 4:64
Rauschenbach, Otto 5:96
Standard Wood Turning Company 6:164

** 1892
C. P. Hollingsworth & Co. 5:15
E. T. Burrows & Co. 8:45
Gardner Sash Balance Co. 8:54
Interior Hardwood Company 9:57
Interior Hardwood Company 9:58
J. F. Pease Furnace Company 15:67
156 Chronological Guide to the Microfiche


Joseph Stelwagon's Son 7:42

Monitor Closet Co. 15:95
Office Specialty Mfg. Company 11:47
Paine's Furniture Mfg. Co. 10:64
Penn Hardware Company 8:108
Pettyjohn & Thornhill (Firm) 6:135
Richmond, A. E. 16:141
Storm Manufacturing Company 14:14

** 1893
American Wall Paper Co. 6:6
Bicycle Step Ladder Company 11:5
E. B. Moore and Company 9:41
Globe Furniture Company 12:64
J. R. Palmenberg's Sons 11:31
John Simmons Company 15:71
Theo. A. Kochs (Firm) 11:53
Tiffany Glass & Decorating Company 12:147

** 1894
Babcock & Wilcox Company 15:17
Berger Manufacturing Company 5:10
Bradley & Currier Co., Limited 6:18
Charles J. Jager Company 15:21
Grand Rapids Carved Moulding Company 12:69
Henry-Bonnard Bronze Company 5:51
Ohio Hollow Block Company 4:56
Pyrogravure Company 12:134
R. E. Dietz Company 16:137
Sickels, Sweet & Lyon 8:144
Smith & Winchester (Firm) 15:132
T. W. Twyford, Sanitary Potter 15:140
W. A. Snow & Co. 13:95
W. H. Mullins Company 12:151
Winslow Bros. Company 5:130

** 1895
Babcock & Wilcox Company 15:18
Central Mantel Company 10:15
Cooper & McKee, Manufacturers 11:8
Corbin, P. & F. 8:21
Cortland Howe Ventilating Stove Co. 15:29
Cortright Metal Roofing Co. 7:13
E. T. Barnum, Wire and Iron Work 5:28
Eastern Hydraulic-press Brick Company 4:23
Edwin A. Jackson & Bro., Inc. 10:29
Emmel, Charles 12:47
Foster-Munger Company 6:67
General Fire Extinguisher Company 15:50
Hopkins & Company 5:53
Chronological Guide to the Microfiche 157

Interior Hardwood Company 9:59

J. S. Thorn Architectural Sheet Metal Works 5:60
Jacobson Manufacturing Company 12:96
Ludlow-Saylor Wire Co. 5:70
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 10:61
Philadelphia & Boston Face Brick Company 4:62
Portland Stone Ware Co. 2:54
R. McMillen & Company 6:138
Stearns (A. T.) Lumber Company 6:165
Wheeling Corrugating Company 7:65

** 1896
Curtis & Yale Company 6:43
Dennison Manufacturing Company 12:42
Philadelphia Decorative Glass Company 8:109
Sturtevant, B. F., Co. 15:138

** 1897
American Hoist & Derrick Company 14:2
E. T. Burrows & Co. 8:46
Emmel, Charles 5:34
Hendrick Manufacturing Company, Ltd. 11:27
J. Godfrey Wilson (Firm) 12:87
King Bridge Company 2:35
La Crosse Steel Roofing and Corrugating Company 5:67
Williams (Firm) 6:102
Reading Hardware Company 8:117
Rhodes, Dickelman & Co. 5:98
Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company 8:131
St. Pancras Ironwork Co., Ltd. 8:146
W. H. Mullins Company 5:122
Wheeling Corrugating Company 9:129
Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company 8:166

** 1898
Baker, C. J. 13:9
Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing Company 6:62
Geo. Mertz's Sons 12:61
J. Stone & Company 15:68
Kelsey Furnace Company 15:80
St. Paul Roofing, Cornice & Ornament Company 5:103
Standard Manufacturing-Company 15:133

** 1899
Alberene Stone Co. 15:5
American Blower Company 15:6
Chas. C. Janney 10:16
Foster-Munger Company 6:68
Jackson, Peter H. 8:81
James B. Clow & Sons 15:69
158 Chronological Guide to the Microfiche


Lowe Brothers Company 9:71

Marietta Manufacturing Company 16:95
Muscatine Sash & Door Co. 6:121
Reading Hardware Company 8:118
Thomas, Roberts, Stevenson Co. 15:141

** 1900
A. Bohachek (Firm) 12:1
A. Ludwig, Manufacturer 12:4
A. P. Lombard & Co. 12:5
Aberthaw Construction Company 3:1
Ad. Harnisch (Firm) 12:7
Ad. Harnisch (Firm) 12:8
Architectural Decorating Company 12:17
Art Metal Construction Company 12:20
Badger Wire and Iron Works 5:8
Boynton & Company 12:26
Bridgeport Hardware Mfg. Co. 8:10
Chas. F. Lorenzen & Co., Inc. 10:17
Chas. F. Lorenzen & Co., Inc. 10:18
Clinton Lumber Company 6:39
Corbin Cabinet Lock Company 10:21
Craig & Richards Granite Co. 13:16
Crook, Homer & Co. 15:33
Detroit School of Lettering 10:24
Detroit White Lead Works 9:39
Devoe & Raynolds Company, Inc. 1:13
Dickelman-Bowers Mfg. Co. 5:26
E. B. Latham & Company 16:29
Eaglesfield Hardwood Flooring Co. 9:43
East Waverly Steam Granite Works 13:20
Electric Axle Light and Power Company 2:15
Ellithorpe Safety Air-Cushion Company 14:4
Emmel, Charles 12:48
F. J. Newcomb Mfg. Co. 12:50
Fiske & Company, Inc. 4:26
Fiske, J. W. 13:23
Fred J. Meyers Manufacturing Company 5:36
Fuller-Warren Co. 15:47
General Electric Company 16:45
General Gas Light Company 16:53
Gilmore Electric Company 16:56
Gordon-Van Tine Company 13:27
Grand Rapids Wood Carving Company 12:70
H. F. Jenks Co. 15:52
H. W. Johns Manufacturing Company 7:33
Heaton & Wood 6:88
Hecla Iron Works 5:47
Howarth Reversible Sash and Sash Center Co. 8:69
Hudson River Slate Co. 10:46
Chronological Guide to the Microfiche 159


Huttig Brothers Manufacturing Company 6:91

James Ackroyd & Sons 5:62
John Hartmann (Firm) 12:98
John P. White (Firm) 2:34
Kinnear Manufacturing Company 8:85
Klemm & Company 16:75
Lewers & Cooke, Limited 13:47
Lowe Brothers Company 11:38
Luetke & Company 12:108
Manhattan Brass Company 5:74
Martin J. Frand & Co. 12:112
McKenney & Waterbury Company 16:97
Michigan Stove Company 15:93
Milbradt Manufacturing Company 11:40
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 5:84
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 15:101
Mussgiller-Mangels Company 11:43
N. Stafford Co. 10:62
New Haven Duntile Company 4:52
New York Carved Moulding Co. 12:126
Northwestern Steel and Iron Works 4:54
O. C. White Company 16:113
Pease Company 6:132
Pickett's Manufacturing Establishment 1:41
R. Williamson & Co. 16:138
Richardson and Boynton Co. 15:118
Robert Paries 16:142
Rundle-Spence Manufacturing Company 15:120
Swindell Brothers 8:153
Tognarelli & Voigt Company 12:149
Van Dorn Iron Works Company 5:118
Van Kannel Revolving Door Company 8:157
W. F. Norman Sheet Metal Manufacturing Co. 9:124
W. H. Heywood & Co. 7:64
Waddell Manufacturing Company 12:152
Wadsworth, Howland & Co., Incorporated 9:127
Walbridge & Company 2:69
Westervelt, A. B. & W. T. 2:71
Wolf, Sayer & Heller 11:59
Wrampelmeier Furniture Mfg. Company 12:161

** 1901
Angus McKay & Company 12:16
Art Metal Construction Company 11:2
Cream City Sash and Door Company 6:42
E. G. Soltmann (Firm) 1:17
Foster-Munger Company 6:69
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 15:102
S. C. Johnson & Son 9:100
Shoemaker-Sims Co. Ltd. 1:43
160 Chronological Guide to the Microfiche


South Side Lumber Company 6:157

W. E. Caldwell Co., Incorporated 13:96
Western Cement Company 3:44
Winslow Bros. Company 5:131

** 1902
Aberthaw Construction Company 2:1
Aberthaw Construction Company 3:2
Art Metal Construction Company 12:21
C. B. Atkin (Firm) 10:8
Foster-Munger Company 6:70
Kitselman Brothers 2:36
McCleer Brothers 13:57
Nason Manufacturing Company 1:37
Paine Lumber Company, Ltd. 6:128
Penn Metal Ceiling and Roofing Co., Ltd. 9:93
Penna Door & Sash Co. 6:133
Rock Island Sash & Door Works 6:140
Rookwood Pottery Company 12:138
Waddell Manufacturing Company 12:153
[s.n.] 13:104

** 1903
Aberthaw Construction Company 4:2
Ajax Portland Cement Company 3:3
Architectural Cap. Company 5:6
Central Electric Company 16:13
E. L. Roberts & Company 6:59
Fred Albrecht (Firm) 12:56
Haney-White Co. 10:42
Huttig Manufacturing Co. 6:92
John A. Gauger & Company 6:98
Lord & Burnham Co. 2:38
Mellowes & Co., Ltd. 7:45
New Expanded Metal Company, Ltd. 3:26
Passaic Steel Company 5:89
Samuel Cabot Inc. 9:103
Up-to-date Mfg. Co. 2:68
William Cooper, Ltd. 1:50

** 1904
American Radiator Company 15:7
Bonfils & Fesquet 5:13
Chicago Embossed Moulding Company 12:31
Chicago Millwork Supply Company 6:31
Curtis Bros. & Co. 6:44
Gould Manufacturing Company 6:85
H. W. Johns-Manville Co. 7:34
Hartmann Brothers Mfg. Company 5:43
Horn & Brannen Manufacturing Co. 16:62
Chronological Guide to the Microfiche 161

Issac A. Sheppard & Co. 15:65

J. A. & W. Bird & Co. 7:39
J. B. Miller Keyless Lock Co. 8:73
Kansas City Hydraulic-Press Brick Company 4:43
balance & Grosjean M'f'g' Co. 15:85
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 2:45
Palo Alto Planing Mill 6:131
S. E. Overton (Firm) 12:139
S. W. Reese & Co. 10:67
Stephen Bilek Company 12:145
Towne, Henry Robinson 8:156
Victor Manufacturing Company 8:158
W. F. Norman Sheet Metal Manufacturing Co. 5:121
Waddell Manufacturing Company 12:154
White Mantel and Tile Company 10:83
Wilke Manufacturing Company 9:136

** 1905
American Radiator Company 15:8
B. C. Bibb Stove Co. 15:16
Berger Manufacturing Company 5:11
Central Mantel Co. 10:14
Columbus Show Case Company 11:7
Corbin, P. & F. 8:22
Energy Elevator Company 14:5
Galloway Terra Cotta Company 2:20
Garry Iron & Steel Company 7:26
Geo. L. Mesker & Co. 8:56
Gorham Manufacturing Company 13:31
Hercules Iron & Supply Co. 15:55
John Boyle & Company 13:42
Manhattan Electrical Supply Company 16:94
Milliken Brothers 5:79
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 2:46
Pulham & Son 2:55
Robert Caterson (Firm) 13:77
S. C. Johnson & Son 9:101
S. C. Johnson & Son 9:102
Sears, Roebuck and Company 6:144
Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co. 10:69
Tyler Company 5:110
Virginia Portland Cement Company 3:42
Vulcan Company 5:120
Western Cement Company 3:45
Wholesale Sash, Door & Blind Mfrs Assoc. of NW 6:174

** 1906
Acme White Lead and Color Works 1:1
American Column Company 5:4
B. A. Stevens Co. 11:3
162 Chronological Guide to the Microfiche

Berger Manufacturing Company 9:13

Berkshire Mfg. Co. 1:4
Best Light Company 16:10
David Lupton's Sons Company 5:25
Dutton, Andrew 1:15
Edwin A. Jackson & Bro., Inc. 10:30
Genuine Bangor Slate Co., Inc. 7:30
Gilbert & Barker Manufacturing Company 16:55
John Simmons Co. 15:70
McCabe Hanger Manufacturing Co. 8:89
Milwaukee Artistic Metal Ceiling Company 9:80
Nason Manufacturing Company 1:38
Northwestern States Portland Cement Company 3:29
Northwestern Terra-Cotta Company 4:55
Paine Lumber Company, Ltd. 8:107
Pitner Gasoline Lighting Co. 16:128
W. F. Norman Sheet Metal Manufacturing Co. 9:125
William Donald Mitchell 5:129

** 1907
Anchor Post Iron Works 2:5
Assoc. of American Portland Cement Mfrs. 13:6
Century Cement Machine Company 4:16
Compendium Publishing Company 1:11
Cortright Metal Roofing Co. 7:14
Detroit Stove Works 15:37
E.M. Freese & Co. 4:21
General Fireproofing Company 3:18
Glen Manufacturing Company 2:22
Henry Sanders Company 5:50
John A. Gauger & Company 6:99
Keeley Stove Co. 15:76
Lord & Burnham Co. 2:39
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 15:103
Sears, Roebuck and Company 4:68
Sears, Roebuck and Company 6:145
Sears, Roebuck and Company 15:124
Steel Roofing and Stamping Works 5:105
Twinco Stamping Works 5:109
Walker Patent Pivoted Bin Co. 11:57
Wm. Hall & Company 8:162

** 1908
A. B. See Electric Elevator Company 14:1
Barrett Company 2:7
Bloom Studios Inc. 4:10
Chicago Millwork Supply Company 6:32
Covert Fire Escape Company 5:22
Curtis Bros. & Co. 6:45
E. L. Roberts & Company 6:60
Chronological Guide to the Microfiche 163


E. L. Roberts & Company 6:61

Edison Portland Cement Company 3:15
Gordon-Van Tine Company 6:75
Gorham Manufacturing Company 12:65
Gould-Mersereau Co. Inc. 8:58
Mitchell, Vance & Co. 16:101
Ransome Concrete Machinery Company 3:35
Sears, Roebuck and Company 6:146
Stewart Iron Works Company 2:62
Ward Fence Company 2:70
Wholesale Sash, Door & Blind Mfrs Assoc. of NW 6:175
Wholesale Sash, Door & Blind Mfrs Assoc. of NW 6:176
Wood-mosaic Flooring & Lumber Company 9:137

** 1909
A. S. Klein Company 12:6
Abram Cox Stove Company 15:4
Architectural Decorating Company 12:18
Armstrong Cork Company 7:2
Beaver Mfg. Co. 9:12
Chicago House Wrecking Co. 1:9
Chicago House Wrecking Co. 15:23
Fiske & Company, Inc. 4:27
Frank A. Seifert Plastic Relief Company 12:55
Hope (Henry) & Sons 8:67
Hydraulic-Press Brick Company 4:33
Maxwell, Forbes & Stillman Company 12:113
Ornamental Products Company 12:128
Reading Hardware Company 8:119
Sheet Metal Mfg. Company 9:104
U.S. Automatic Lighting Co. 16:157
W. H. Mullins Company 5:123

** 1910
A. C. Bosselman & Co. 12:2
Ad. Harnisch (Firm) 12:9
Alaska Refrigerator Co. 11:1
Allen-Sparks Gas Light Co. 16:1
Alpha Portland Cement Company 3:4
Alpha Portland Cement Company 3:5
Alpha Portland Cement Company 13:3
American Cabinet & Door Company 8:2
American Mason Safety Tread Company 9:2
American Molding Company 6:4
American Monolith Company 9:3
Angle Mfg. Co. 16:2
Arnold & North, Inc. 10:4
Associated Expanded Metal Companies 3:8
Beardslee Chandelier Manufacturing Company 16:6
Bessler Movable Stairway Co. 5:12
164 Chronological Guide to the Microfiche


Biddle Hardware Company 8:4

Bridgeport Wood Finishing Co. 9:22
Canton Steel Ceiling Company 9:28
Carron Company 10:12
Charles Hess Co. 8:15
Charles K. Ernst, Manufacturer 14:3
Chesebro-Whitman Company 1:8
Chicago House Wrecking Co. 1:10
Chicago House Wrecking Co. 7:10
Cincinnati Iron Fence Co. 2:11
Coburn Trolley Track Mfg. Co. 13:15
Consolidated Gas Company of New York 15:28
Coombs, Robert Duncan 16:18
Corbin, P. & F. 8:23
Decorators Supply Co. 12:37
Decorators Supply Co. 16:27
Deline Engineering Co., Inc. 1:12
Detroit Steel Products Co. 8:39
E. A. Carlisle & Pope Company 8:44
Edwards Manufacturing Co. 7:20
Edwards Manufacturing Company 9:44
Edwards Manufacturing Company 9:45
Elmore Studios 2:16
F. E. Carpenter Co. 2:17
F. E. Myers & Bro. Co. 15:44
F. Rosenberg Elevator Company 14:6
F. W. Bird & Son 7:22
Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing Company 6:63
Farrington Gould Hoagland, Inc. 13:22
Fischer & Jirouch Company 2:18
Fischer & Jirouch Company 12:52
Galloway Terra Cotta Company 2:21
Geo. L. Mesker & Co. 8:57
Grippin Manufacturing Company 9:53
Gus. V. Brecht Butchers' Supply Company 11:23
Hardwood Products Corporation 8:59
Hettrick Bros. Company 13:32
Indianapolis Tent and Awning Company 13:36
International Steel & Iron Company 5:56
International Steel & Iron Company 9:61
Jacobson & Company 10:51
Kayser & Allman 9:66
Keenan Structural Slate Company 15:79
Keighley Metal Ceiling & Mfg. Company 9:68
Klemm & Company 16:76
Lombard & Ludwig, Inc. 12:107
Lord & Burnham Co. 2:40
Lovell & Hall 6:104
Luminous Unit Company 16:90
Maison G. Mary 16:93
Chronological Guide to the Microfiche 165


Maple & Company, Ltd. 12:109

Mayhew Studios 12:114
McKenney & Waterbury Company 16:98
Metal Fabric Company 12:115
Metropolitan Furniture Company 12:116
Midwest Metal Art Co. 5:77
Miller & Doing, Inc. 12:117
Morandi-Proctor Co. 11:41
Morris & Company, Decorators, Ltd. 12:120
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 13:64
N. B. Handy Company 5:86
Nairn Linoleum Co. 9:83
National Tube Company 16:109
New York Cut Stone Company 4:53
New York Metal Ceiling Company 9:86
Northern Hemlock & Hardwood Mfrs.' Assoc. 6:123
Ohio Quarries Company 2:49
Otis Elevator Company 14:8
Otis Elevator Company 14:9
Otis Elevator Company 14:10
Ottenheimer Bros. 11:48
Pettingell-Andrews Company 16:117
Pitner Gasoline Lighting Co. 16:129
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company 8:113
Quincy Show Case Works 11:50
Raymond Concrete Pile Company 3:36
Reidon Company 16:139
Rock Island Sash & Door Works 6:141
Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company 8:132
Sargent & Company 8:137
Sargent & Company 8:138
Schaller-Hoerr Co. 6:143
Sears, Roebuck and Company 2:58
Sears, Roebuck and Company 13:78
Sherwin-Williams Company 9:106
Standard Table Oil Cloth Company 9:111
Stewart Iron Works Company 5:106
Thomas Jones Decorative Glass Company 8:155
Tiffin Art Metal Company 9:115
Tyler Company 5:111
Universal Portland Cement Company 3:40
W. A. Daunt Company 8:159
W. L. Evans (Firm) 10:78
Wadsworth, Howland & Co., Inc. 3:43
Warsaw Elevator Company 14:17
Weber Illuminated Sign Company 10:81
Weir Stove Company 15:153
Wheeling Corrugating Company 9:130
Wheeling Corrugating Company 9:131
William Cooper, Ltd. 1:51
166 Chronological Guide to the Microfiche


Winslow Bros. Company 5:132

Wm. M. Taylor Mantel & Grate Co. 10:85

** 1911
American Steel & Wire Company 3:7
Armstrong Cork Company 7:3
C. D. Pruden Company 13U1
Carron Company 10:13
F. P. Smith Wire and Iron Works 13:21
Interior Hardwood Company 9:60
Kayser & Allman 9:67
Macbeth-Evans Glass Company 16:92
Mastic Wall Board and Roofing Mfg. Co. 9:78
Morgan Company 8:95
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 16:108
National Fire Proofing Company 4:48
Ohio Sash & Door Company 6:125
Opalux Company 16:114
Penn Metal Ceiling and Roofing Co., Ltd. 7:53
Penn Metal Ceiling and Roofing Co., Ltd. 9:94
Pittsburgh Hardwood Door Company 6:137
Purington Paving Brick Company 4:66
Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co. 15:134
Union Fibre Company 7:59
West Virginia Mantel Co. 10:82
Wheeling Corrugating Company 9:132
Wheeling Corrugating Company 9:133
Wholesale Sash, Door & Blind Mfrs Assoc. of NW 6:177
Wm. H. Jackson Company 5:133

** 1912
Aladdin Company 12:11
American Flag Manufacturing Company 10:3
Boston Metal Ceiling & Mfg. Company 9:17
C. Jennings & Co. 1:7
Chicago House Wrecking Co. 15:24
E. B. Latham & Company 16:30
Edison Portland Cement Company 3:16
Edwards Manufacturing Co. 7:21
G. Drouve Company 7:24
I. P. Frink (Firm) 16:65
Loetscher Jaeger Manufacturing Company 6:103
Maneely & Company 11:39
Montgomery Ward 13:58
Norwich Nickel and Brass Company 11:46
Otis Elevator Company 14:11
Sears, Roebuck and Company 15:125
Tuttle & Bailey Mfg. Co. 15:145
Universal Portland Cement Company 3:41
Westall, Carroll 16:162
Chronological Guide to the Microfiche 167

** 1913
A. H. Vilas Company 12:3
American Enameled Brick and Tile Co. 4:5
Beardslee Chandelier Manufacturing Company 16:7
Bradford Pressed Brick Company 4:11
C. M. Kinney Co. 10:9
Chicago House Wrecking Co. 15:25
Church Art Work Company 12:32
Corbin, P. & F. 8:24
Cutler-Hammer, Inc. 16:23
Fiske & Company, Inc. 4:28
Gordon-Van Tine Company 6:76
Hartmann-Sanders Company, Chicago 5:44
Hoosier Fence Company 2:27
Penn Metal Ceiling and Roofing Co., Ltd. 7:54
Pierre Duvinage 5:95
Trussed Concrete Steel Company 3:39
W. H. Mullins Co. 13:98

** 1914
Clinton Wire Cloth Company 9:33
Conkling-Armstrong Terra Cotta Co. 4:18
Curtis Companies, Inc. 6:46
Decorators Supply Co. 12:38
Devoe & Raynolds Company, Inc. 1:14
Gorham Manufacturing Company 12:66
Gould, George L. 1:20
Gum Lumber Manufacturers Association 6:86
Home Fence Company 2:26
Hyde-Murphy Company 6:93
Hydraulic-Press Brick Company 4:34
J. G. Braun (Firm) 12:82
James Manufacturing Company 13:40
Keeley Stove Co. 15:77
Kohler Company 15:84
M. H. Birge & Sons Co. 9:72
Montgomery Ward 6:106
Montgomery Ward 13:59
National X-Ray Reflector Co. 16:110
P. E. Guerin, Inc. 8:105
Peerless Fixtures Co. 11:49
Penn Metal Ceiling and Roofing Co., Ltd. 5:93
R. Guastavino Co. 13:73
Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Company 8:123
Saginaw Show Case Company, Limited 11:51
Sayre & Fisher Company 4:67
Stanley Works 8:147
Stark Rolling Mill Co. 5:104
Stewart Iron Works 2:61
United States Column Company 5:115
168 Chronological Guide to the Microfiche


Wheeling Corrugating Company 9:134

Wholesale Sash, Door & Blind Mfrs Assoc. of NW 6:178

** 1915
A. Teachout Company 6:2
American Iron Roofing Co. 7:1
American Walnut Association 6:7
Arthur C. Harvey Company 5:7
Atlas Portland Cement Company 3:9
Best Bros. Keene's Cement Co. 3:10
Brier Hill Steel Company 9:23
Canton Metal Ceiling Company 9:27
Canton Steel Ceiling Company 9:29
Carr, Ryder & Adams Company 6:24
Chicago & Riverdale Lumber Company 6:29
Cortright Metal Roofing Co. 7:15
Economy Concrete Company 4:24
F. W. Bird & Son 7:23
Frederick, Christine McGaffey 11:18
Gebruder Thonet 12:59
Gorham Manufacturing Company 5:41
Gum Lumber Manufacturers Association 6:87
Hecla-Winslow Company, Inc. 8:66
Hughes Electrical Heating Co. 15:60
J. W. Fiske Iron Works 2:33
Jackson & Newton Company 6:97
Jacobson & Company 12:90
L. Holzhauer Sons (Firm) 11:35
Louden Machinery Company 13:51
Louis Bossert & Sons 13:55
Luxfer Co. 5:72
Marshall & Stearns Company 12:110
Milwaukee Corrugating Co. 5:80
Milwaukee Corrugating Co. 7:47
Montgomery Ward 13:60
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 5:85
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 15:104
National Fire Proofing Company 4:49
National Fire Proofing Company 13:66
Pass & Seymour, Inc. 16:115
Peter J. Seippel Lumber Co. 6:134
Philip Carey Company 9:95
Sears, Roebuck and Company 4:69
Solvay Process Company 9:108
St. Paul Roofing, Cornice & Ornament Company 9:110
Union Metal Manufacturing Co. 16:158
Union Metal Manufacturing Co. 16:159
Upson Company 9:119
Chronological Guide to the Microfiche 169

** 1916
Arkansas Soft Pine Bureau 6:11
Berger Manufacturing Company 9:14
Cleveland Window Glass & Door Company 6:38
Crescent Company 13:17
David Lupton's Sons Company 8:34
E. T. Barnum, Wire and Iron Work 5:29
Elzey Company 10:34
Ferguson Synstone Co. 4:25
Garden City Company of California 13:25
General Fireproof ing Company 7:27
Gordon-Van Tine Company 13:28
Gorham Manufacturing Company 12:67
Gorham Manufacturing Company 16:58
King Ventilating Company 15:83
Kuntz-Sternenberg Lumber Company 13:43
Liberty Incandescent Light Co. 16:77
Luminous Unit Company 16:89
Morgan Company 8:96
National Fire Proofing Company 4:50
Ornamental Products Company 12:129
Republic Electric Company 16:140
Roddis Lumber & Veneer Company 8:125
Sandusky Portland Cement Company 3:37
Shapiro & Aronson, Inc. 16:147
Southern Cypress Manufacturers' Association 6:158
Southern Pine Association 2:59
Spanjer Brothers 10:68
The National Glass Distributers Association 8:154

** 1917
Alpha Portland Cement Company 3:6
Corrugated Bar Company, Inc. 3:13
Curtis Companies, Inc. 6:47
Cutler Mail Chute Co. 10:22
Dennison Manufacturing Company 12:43
Edwards Manufacturing Company 9:46
Eller Mfg. Co. 9:47
Gamewell Fire Alarm Telegraph Company 10:39
Gordon-Van Tine Company 6:77
Gordon-Van Tine Company 13:29
Hardwood Products Corporation 8:60
Hope (Henry) & Sons 5:52
Indiana Limestone Quarrymen's Association 4:39
John Polachek Bronze & Iron Co. 5:63
Lally Column Company 5:68
Louden Machinery Company 13:52
Montgomery Ward 13:61
Montgomery Ward 15:96
Norwood Sash and Door Mfg. Co. 13:70
170 Chronological Guide to the Microfiche


Oak Flooring Bureau 9:87

Philadelphia & Boston Face Brick Company 4:63
Vitrolite Company 9:123
Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company &467

** 1918
Aladdin Company 1:2
American Clay Machinery Company 4:4
American Radiator Company 15:9
Armstrong Cork Company 9:5
Berger Manufacturing Company 9:15
C. F. Pease Company 1:5
David Lupton's Sons Company 8:35
George Cutter Company 16:54
Gordon-Van Tine Company 6:78
John Lucas & Co. 9:64
Marshall & Sterns Company 12:111
Montgomery Ward 13:62
Morgan Company 8:97
North-Western Expanded Metal Co. 7:51
Paul, Charles Edward 2:50
Public Service Gas Company 15:112
Safety Furnace Pipe Company 15:123
Sears, Roebuck and Company 13:79
Townshend, J. H. 6:167

** 1919
Calmar Manufacturing Company 6:23
Coleman Company, Inc. 16:17
Gordon-Van Tine Company 6:79
Hunt, Helm, Ferris & Company 13:35
Indiana Limestone Quarrymen's Association 4:40
James Manufacturing Company 13:41
Lightolier Company 16:79
Macomb Sewer Pipe Works 4:44
Mott, J. L., Iron Works 15:105
Nutting, Wallace 5:88
Sears, Roebuck and Company 15:126
Southern Cypress Manufacturers' Association 13:84
Southern Pine Association 6:161
Tyler Company 14:15
W. H. Anderson Tool & Supply Company 1:48

** 1920
A. Teachout Company 6:3
Aeroshade Company 12:10
Aladdin Company 13:1
Alfred E. Gwynn Co. 13:2
Allith Manufacturing Co. 8:1
American Face Brick Association 4:6
Chronological Guide to the Microfiche 171


American Fence Construction Company 2:2

American Radiator Company 15:10
Atlas Portland Cement Company 13:7
Bastian-Blessing Company 11:4
Best & Lloyd 16:9
Blaw-Knox Company 3:11
Boston Metal Ceiling & Mfg. Company 9:18
Brasco Manufacturing Company 8:8
Brockway-Smith Corporation 6:20
C. F. Horan Company, Inc. 12:27
Cambridge Electric Light Company 16:11
Cambridge Wheatley Company 4:13
Carr-Trombley Mfg. Co. 6:26
Champion Incandescent Light Company 16:14
Chicago & Riverdale Lumber Company 6:30
Circle "A" Products Corporation 8:17
Circle "A" Products Corporation 13:13
Collier-Barnett Company 6:40
Compagnie nationale des radiateurs 15:27
Corbin, P. & F. 8:25
Cornell Wood Products Company 9:37
Cornell Wood Products Company 9:38
Crescent Sales & Mfg. Company 7:16
Curtis Companies, Inc. 6:48
David Lupton's Sons Company 8:36
Detroit Steel Products Co. 8:40
Duplex Lighting Works 16:28
Dykes Lumber Company 6:58
E. C. Young Company 13:19
Elkhart Brass Manufacturing Company 10:33
Erie Fixture Supply Co. 16:37
Fells-Lent-Cantor-Katz Corp'n 8:49
Fischer & Jirouch Company 12:53
Forty-Fort Fixture Co. 16:38
Frank H. Stewart Electric Company 16:39
Frank H. Stewart Electric Company 16:40
Friedley & Voshardt 9:50
G. E. Walter (Firm) 12:57
General Fireproof ing Company 9:51
Gordon-Van Tine Company 6:80
Gordon-Van Tine Company 6:81
H. W. Johns-Manville Co. 7:35
Harris Brothers Company 1:22
Hochschild-Kohn & Company 12:79
Hoosier Manufacturing Co. 11:28
Howard Studios, Inc. 2:28
Howard Studios, Inc. 2:29
ILG Electric Ventilation Company 15:61
J. G. Braun (Firm) 5:58
Jacobson & Company 9:63
172 Chronological Guide to the Microfiche

Jacobson & Company 12:91

James Ackroyd & Sons 7:40
Janusch Manufacturing Company 16:66
Joseph E. Frechie & Co. 16:71
Kirsch Manufacturing Company 12:102
Lawrence Ellerbrock, Inc. 11:37
Ledkote Products Company 5:69
Lightolier Company 16:80
Lightolier Company 16:81
Lightolier Company 16:82
Lightolier Company 16:83
Litterer Bros. Manufacturing Co. 15:87
Loetscher & Burch Mfg. Company 13:50
Lord & Burnham Co. 2:41
Mathews Manufacturing Company 2:43
Milhender Electric Supply Company 16:99
Milwaukee Corrugating Co. 5:81
Moe-Bridges Company 16:102
Moe-Bridges Company 16:103
Moe-Bridges Company 16:104
Morris Sklar Company 16:106
Morris Sklar Company 16:107
Mosaic Tile Co. 10:60
Murphy Door Bed Company 12:121
National Fire Proofing Company 7:49
National Kellastone Company 9:84
National Kellastone Company 9:85
National Manufacturing Company 13:67
National Plan Service, Inc. 13:68
New York Lighting Fixture Mfg. Co. 16:111
Pearson-Page Company, Limited 5:90
Penn Culvert Company 9:92
Pettingell-Andrews Company 16:118
Philip Cass & Company 16:119
Pollak Brothers 16:134
Portland Cement Association 9:98
Premier Standardized Woodwork, Manufacturers 12:133
Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Co. 8:120
Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Co. 8:121
Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Company 14:12
Richardson & Boynton Co. 15:113
Richardson & Boynton Co. 15:114
Richardson & Boynton Co. 15:115
S. B. F. (Firm) 16:144
S. B. F. (Firm) 16:145
Shanklin Manufacturing Company Inc. 13:82
Simplex Steel Products Company 9:107
Southern Pine Association 9:109
Southern Pine Association 13:85
Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co. 15:135
Chronological Guide to the Microfiche 173


Standard Varnish Works 9:112

Stern & Matzner (Firm) 8:152
Stewart Iron Works Company 2:63
Stockade Corporation 3:38
Tab Electric Supply Company 16:150
Todhunter, Inc. 10:71
Todhunter, Inc. 10:72
Toledo Lighting Equipment Company 16:155
Tri-lok Company 5:107
Trucson Steel Company 7:58
United States Radiator Corporation 15:148
Universal Catalogue Bureau 6:169
Vermont Marble Company 4:71
W. D. Crooks & Sons 8:160
W. L. Evans (Firm) 10:79
West Side Lumber Co. 6:172
Western Ceiling and Stamping Company 9:128
Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co. 15:154
Whitacre-Greer Fireproofing Company 4:77
Wood (Alan) Steel Company 5:134

** 1921
Armstrong Cork Company 9:6
Atlas Portland Cement Company 13:8
Brasco Manufacturing Company 8:9
Crescent Brass Products Co. 16:20
Daprato Statuary Company 12:34
Fiske, J. W. 10:37
Gordon-Van Tine Company 6:82
Harvey Hubbell, Inc. 16:60
Jacobson & Company 12:92
Joseph E. Frechie & Co. 16:72
Keuffel & Esser Co. 1:35
Montgomery Ward 6:107
Morgan Company 6:111
O. B. Williams Co. 6:124
Ohio Quarries Company 4:57
Philadelphia Sign Co. 10:66
Togan-Stiles (Co.) 13:92

** 1922
American Seating Company 12:13
David Lupton's Sons Company 8:37
Horn & Brannen Manufacturing Co. 16:63
Indiana Limestone Quarrymen's Association 4:41
International Casement Co., Inc. 8:71
Koehring, Philip 3:20
Lehigh Portland Cement Company 3:21
Morgan Company 6:112
National Fire Proofing Company 4:51
174 Chronological Guide to the Microfiche


Oak Flooring Manufacturer's Association 9:90

Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Co. 8:122
Roddis Lumber & Veneer Company 8:126
Sears, Roebuck and Company 15:127
Stanley Works 8:148
W. C. Heller & Company 11:55

** 1923
California Door Company 8:12
Chattanooga Implement & Manufacturing Co. 10:20
Deals Sash & Door Co. 6:55
Edwards Manufacturing Co. 5:31
Edwin F. Guth Company 16:34
Estey Organ Company 11:16
Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing Company 6:64
Friedly & Voshardt, Chicago 5:37
H. M. C. Sales Corporation 11:25
Harris Brothers Company 1:23
Irving Iron Works Company 5:57
J. G. Wilson Corporation 8:77
J. G. Wilson Corporation 8:78
Jacobs Bird-house and Manufacturing Company 13:38
Louden Machinery Company 13:53
Master Builders Company 9:76
McKinney Manufacturing Company 8:90
Montgomery Ward 16:105
Morgan Company 6:113
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company 1:42
Saint-Gobain, Chauny et Cirey 8:135
Sears, Roebuck and Company 6:147
Union Metal Manufacturing Company 5:112
Upson Company 9:120
Zagelmeyer Cast Stone Block Machinery Company 4:78

** 1924
Alphons Custodis Chimney Construction Co. 4:3
Crane Company 15:30
Crouse-Hinds Company 16:21
Curtis Companies, Inc. 5:23
Curtis Companies, Inc. 8:30
Dalton Lighting Fixture Company 16:24
Detroit Steel Products Co. 8:41
Dykes Lumber Company 1:16
Eller Mfg. Co. 5:32
General Electric Company 16:46
Goshen Lightning Rod Co. 10:40
Harris Brothers Company 1:24
Harvey Hubbell, Inc. 16:61
Hocking Valley Products Company 4:31
J. G. Wilson Corporation 10:48
Chronological Guide to the Microfiche 175


Jacobson & Company 12:93

Kalamazoo Stove Co. 15:72
Keystone Fireproofing Company 7:44
Lightolier Company 16:84
Milwaukee Corrugating Co. 5:82
Murphy Door Bed Company 12:122
Oak Flooring Bureau 9:88
Oak Flooring Bureau 9:89
Pacific Spruce Corporation 6:126
Philip Cass & Company 16:120
Pittsburgh Reflector Company 16:133
Plastic Products Company 2:52
Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Company 13:75
Roddis Lumber & Veneer Company 8:127
Scranton Lace Company 12:140
Scranton Lace Company 12:141
Sears, Roebuck and Company 15:128
United States Gypsum Company 9:116
W. E. Caldwell Co., Incorporated 13:97
W. L. Evans (Firm) 10:80
Watson Manufacturing Company 12:157
Wetmore-Savage Company 16:165

** 1925
American Face Brick Association 10:2
American Radiator Company 15:11
American Stove Company 15:12
American Walnut Manufacturers' Association 6:8
Ansonia Electrical Co. 16:3
Bennett Lumber Corporation 6:14
C. F. Pease Company 1:6
Capitol Light Company 16:12
Carr, Ryder & Adams Company 6:25
Celotex Corporation 9:31
Copper and Brass Research Association 7:12
Crittall Casement Window Company 8:29
Decorators Supply Co. 10:23
Decorators Supply Co. 12:39
Edwin A. Jackson & Bro., Inc. 10:31
Fairfacts Company 10:35
General Electric Company 16:47
Gordon-Van Tine Company 6:83
Harris Brothers Company 1:25
Harris Brothers Company 1:26
Hartmann-Sanders Company 8:63
Hollow Building Tile Association 4:32
Hydraulic-Press Brick Company 4:35
Janusch Manufacturing Company 10:52
Kawneer Company 8:83
Kelvinator Corporation 11:34
176 Chronological Guide to the Microfiche


Lehigh Portland Cement Company 3:22

Lightolier Company 16:85
Louden Machinery Company 13:54
Mesker Bros. Iron Co. 8:92
Montgomery Ward 6:108
Murphy Door Bed Company 12:123
National Cinder Concrete Products Association 4:47
Onondaga Litholite Company 4:60
Palmer Lime & Cement Company 3:30
Pearson-Page Company, Limited 5:91
Pearson-Page Company, Limited 5:92
Philip Cass & Company 16:121
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company 9:96
Portland Cement Association 3:31
Sears, Roebuck and Company 6:148
Southern Pine Association 6:162
Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co. 15:136
Structural Gypsum Corporation 9:114
Unadilla Silo Co., Inc. 13:93
United Lead Company 5:114
United States Gypsum Company 13:94
Wakefield Branch Company 13:100
Williams Oil-O-Matic Heating Corporation 15:156
Wyse, Lois 11:60

** 1926
Armstrong Cork Company 7:4
Atlas Portland Cement Company 4:9
Brown, Hazel Dell 9:24
Crane Company 15:31
Duraflex Company 9:40
Barley, John Joseph 3:14
Frankelite Co. 16:43
Gordon-Van Tine Company 13:30
Indiana Limestone Company 4:38
Kalamazoo Stove Co. 15:73
Lightolier Company 16:86
Louis Bossert & Sons 13:56
Mason Fibre Company 9:74
National Association of Marble Dealers 4:46
National Steel Fabric Co. 3:25
Pittsburgh Reflector Company 16:130
Ponsell Floor Machine Co. 9:97
Port Costa Brick Works 4:65
Sargent & Company 8:139
Sears, Roebuck and Company 6:149
Southern Pine Association 13:86
Wayne Company 15:150
Whittredge Portable Buildings Company 13:101
William Bayley Company 8:161
Chronological Guide to the Microfiche 177


** 1927
American Walnut Manufacturers' Association 6:9
Armstrong Cork Company 9:7
Barrett Company (New Jersey) 7:5
Batchelder-Wilson Company 9:11
Benziger Brothers 12:24
Berger Manufacturing Company 9:16
Carson Pirie & Scott, Chicago 9:30
Central Iron & Wire Works 5:16
Chamberlin Metal Weather Strip Co. 8:14
Charles C. Kellogg & Sons Co. 13:12
Charles J. Weinstein Co. 16:15
Continental Clay Products Corporation 4:19
Coppes Brothers & Zook 11:9
Curtis Companies, Inc. 6:49
Curtis Companies, Inc. 6:50
Curtis Companies, Inc. 6:51
Curtis Companies, Inc. 8:31
Curtis Companies, Inc. 8:32
Curtis Companies, Inc. 8:33
David Lupton's Sons Company 8:38
Day-Brite Reflector Co. 16:25
Eastern Clay Products Association 4:22
Electric Supply & Equipment Co. 16:36
Electrol Inc. of Missouri 15:39
Fiat Metal Manufacturing Co. 15:45
Fiske, J. W. 2:19
Foamite-Childs Corporation 10:38
Frank H. Stewart Electric Company 16:41
Fuller (W.P.) & Company 6:71
General Fireproofing Company 7:28
Genesee Brick & Supply Corporation 4:29
Henry Hope & Sons 5:48
Hodgson (E. F.) Company 1:30
Hotpoint Company 15:58
Hydraulic-Press Brick Company 4:36
Indiana Limestone Co. 4:37
Janes & Kirtland, Inc. 11:32
Keystone Brass and Rubber Co. 15:81
Lehigh Portland Cement Company 3:23
Lighting and lamp trade-directory and catalog 16:78
Long-Bell Lumber Company 9:70
Majestic Company 15:91
Philip Cass & Company 16:122
Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Company 8:124
S. B. Sexton Stove & Mfg. Corp. 15:121
Saint Paul Corrugating Company 5:99
Sargent & Company 8:140
Sedgwick Machine Works, Inc. 14:13
178 Chronological Guide to the Microfiche


Shevlin, Carpenter & Clarke Company 6:154

Stewart Iron Works Company 2:64
Trane Company 15:143
Tyler Company 14:16
Unadilla Silo Co., Inc. 2:67
Union Metal Manufacturing Company 5:113
Universal Catalogue Bureau 6:170
Webber Lumber & Supply Company 6:171
Williams Oil-O-Matic Heating Corporation 15:157

** 1928
American Greenhouse Manufacturing Company 2:4
Architectural Decorating Company 12:19
Association of Marble Dealers 4:7
Association of Marble Dealers 4:8
Benjamin Electric Manufacturing Company 16:8
Cincinnati Iron Fence Co. 2:12
Daprato Statuary Company 12:35
Detroit Steel Products Co. 8:42
Diamond Manufacturing Company 10:25
Duparquet, Huot & Moneuse Co. 11:13
E. L. Bruce Company 9:42
Earle Hardware Manufacturing Company 8:47
Electrol Inc. of Missouri 15:40
Emil J. Paidar Company 11:15
Frank H. Stewart Electric Company 16:42
Frank S. Betz Company 11:17
Garden City Plating & Mfg. Co. 16:44
General Electric Supply Corporation 16:51
Genfire Steel Company 3:19
Graybar Electric Company 16:59
Halladay, J. Stuart 12:72
Halsey W. Taylor Co. 15:53
Harris Brothers Company 1:27
Hartmann-Sanders Company 2:24
Henry Klein & Company, Inc. 12:77
I-XL Furniture Company 11:29
Insulite Company 7:37
International Heater Company 15:62
J. G. Braun (Firm) 12:83
Jacobson & Company 12:94
Jake Lampert Yards (Firm) 13:39
Jenney, Edgar W. 12:97
Kaustine Company 15:75
Kroder Reubel Co. 12:104
Logan Company 10:56
Master Builders Company 9:77
Metal Door & Trim Company 8:94
Metalace Corporation 10:58
Milwaukee Corrugating Co. 5:83
Chronological Guide to the Microfiche 179

Milwaukee Corrugating Company 3:24

Montgomery Ward 13:63
National Lumber Manufacturers Association 6:122
Old Virginia Brick 4:58
Pittsburgh Reflector Company 16:131
Portland Cement Association 3:32
Portland Cement Association 9:99
Richards-Wilcox Mfg., Co. 13:76
Robert C. Reeves Co. 2:56
Sears, Roebuck and Company 6:150
Sears, Roebuck and Company 13:80
Spear & Company 1:45
Steel Frame House Company 13:88
Stewart Iron Works Company 2:65
Stewart Iron Works Company 2:66
Todhunter, Inc. 10:73
Todhunter, Inc. 16:154
United Soda Fountain Company 11:54
Voigt Company 12:150
W. H. S. Lloyd Co., Inc. 9:126
Walker Dishwasher Corporation 11:56
William Leavens & Co. 12:159

** 1929
Aluminum Company of America 5:1
American Brass Company 5:2
Arrow-Hart & Hegeman Electric Co. 16:4
Blanchard, Robert L. 8:5
Bridgeport Brass Company 2:10
British Challenge Glazing Co. 7:7
Carver, William 4:14
Chicago Millwork Supply Company 6:33
Close-to-Nature Company 13:14
Crane Company 15:32
Da Prato, A., Company 12:33
Detroit Decorative Supply Company 12:44
Donley Brothers Company 10:26
E. T. Barnum, Wire and Iron Work 5:30
Elkay Manufacturing Co. 15:41
Eller Mfg. Co. 5:33
Frigidaire Corporation 11:19
General Electric Company 11:21
Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company 9:52
Grand Rapids Store Equipment Corporation 11:22
H. M. C. Sales Corporation 11:24
Hendrick Manufacturing Company, Ltd. 10:45
Henry Klein & Company, Inc. 12:78
Huck-Gerhardt Company, Inc. 8:70
Hudson Nurseries (Firm) 2:30
J. C. Rochester & Co. 1:31
180 Chronological Guide to the Microfiche


J. G. Braun (Firm) 12:84

Jacobson & Company 12:95
Kawneer Company 8:84
L. Brandt (Housing designer) 5:66
McKinney Manufacturing Company. Forge Division 8:91
Montgomery Ward 6:109
National Lumber Manufacturers Association 11:44
National Manufacturing Company 8:99
Old Virginia Brick 4:59
Philip Cass & Company 16:123
Portland Cement Association 2:53
Portland Cement Association 3:33
Ramp Buildings Corporation 13:74
Sears, Roebuck and Company 13:81
Sheet Steel Trade Extension Committee 7:57
Southern Cypress Manufacturers' Association 6:159
Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co. 15:137
Steel Frame House Company 13:89
Todhunter, Inc. 10:74
Todhunter, Inc. 10:75
Todhunter, Inc. 16:153
Trenton Potteries Company 15:144
Tuttle & Bailey Mfg. Co. 15:146
Upson Company 9:121
Upson Company 9:122
Vermont Marble Company 4:72
Wheeling Metal & Manufacturing Co. 7:66
Zouri Drawn Metals Company 8:169

** 1930
Angel Novelty Company 12:14
Baker Furniture, Inc. 12:22
Bennett Fireplace Corporation 10:6
Cast Stone Institute 4:15
Concrete Engineering Company 8:18
Cyco Manufacturing Company 2:13
Darvel Fabrics 12:36
Decorators Supply Co. 12:40
Decorators Supply House 12:41
Doehler Metal Furniture Company, Inc. 12:45
Domestic Science Kitchen Unit Corporation 11:12
Earle Hardware Manufacturing Company 8:48
Edwin F. Guth Company 16:33
Efcolite Corporation 16:35
Eller Mfg. Co. 9:48
Ferro Studio, Inc. 5:35
Formica Insulation Company 6:65
G. I. Sellers & Sons Company 11:20
General Electric Company 16:48
General Gas Light Company 15:51
Chronological Guide to the Microfiche 181

General Insulating and Manufacturing Co. 7:29

Hartmann-Sanders Company 8:64
Henry Hope & Sons 12:76
Herman Nelson Corporation 15:56
Homasote Company 13:33
Homasote Company 13:34
Ideal Garden & Specialty Co. 2:31
International Casement Co., Inc. 8:72
International Nickel Company 15:63
J. G. Braun (Firm) 8:76
J. G. Braun (Firm) 12:85
J. G. Braun (Firm) 12:86
Julius Blum & Co., Inc. 5:64
Kalamazoo Stove Co. 15:74
Kayline Company 16:73
Kentucky Metal Products Co. 10:54
Lamb, George N. 6:101
Lehman Sprayshield Co. 15:86
Lewis Manufacturing Company 13:48
Logan Company 10:57
Macbeth-Evans Glass Company 16:91
Miami Cabinet Company 10:59
Morgan Company 6:114
Morgan Company 6:115
Morgan Company 8:98
Mugler Steel Products Corporation 13:65
Murphy Door Bed Company 12:124
National Lead Company 5:87
Nationwide House Plan Service 13:69
Newman Manufacturing Co. 10:63
Paraffine Companies 13:71
Perfeclite Company 16:116
Philip Cass & Company 16:124
Philip Cass & Company 16:125
Portland Cement Association 13:72
Public Service Electrical Supply Co., Inc. 16:135
Quandrangle Mfg. Co. 16:136
Roebling Firm, Wire Manufacturers 2:57
Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company 8:133
Shapiro & Aronson, Inc. 16:148
Shevlin, Carpenter & Clarke Company 6:155
Statuemakers 2:60
Steel Equipment Corporation 12:144
Truscon Steel Company 5:108
United Metal Box Company, Inc. 10:76
Vermont Marble Company 4:73
Wagner, Harry L. 13:99
Wetmore-Savage Company 16:166
Wheeling Corrugating Company 9:135
Wood Preserving Corp. 13:102
Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company 8:168
182 Chronological Guide to the Microfiche

** 1931
Angel Novelty Company 12:15
Brecher Co. 4:12
Corbin, P. & F. 8:26
Federal-American Cement Tile Co. 3:17
Fischer & Jirouch Company 12:54
General Electric Supply Corp. 16:50
Henry Hope & Sons 2:25
Henry Hope & Sons 5:49
Holland Furnace Company 15:57
International Nickel Company 5:55
John C. Virden Co. 16:67
New Jersey Fence Company 2:48
Parker Rust-proof Co. 9:91
Sears, Roebuck and Company 6:151
Shevlin Pine Sales Company 6:154
Spear & Company 1:46

** 1932
Barrett Company (New Jersey) 7:6
Cecil Manufacturing Co., Inc. 11:6
Colorcrete Industries 3:12
Corbin, P. & F. 8:27
Curtis Companies, Inc. 6:52
Edwin Jackson, Inc. 10:32
Harris Brothers Company 1:28
John C. Virden Co. 16:68
Morgan Company 6:116
National Manufacturing Company 8:100
Philip Cass & Company 16:126
Pittsburgh Reflector Company 16:132
Renner & Maras, Inc. 5:97
Sharon Hardware Mfg. Co. 8:142
Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co. 16:163
Weyerhaeuser Sales Company 6:173

** 1933
Austral Sales Corp. 10:5
Bommer Spring Hinge Company 8:6
California Redwood Association 6:22
Frantz Manufacturing Company 8:51
Hamilton Beach Manufacturing Company 11:26
John C. Virden Co. 16:69
Ketch, James M. 16:74
Montgomery Ward 1:36
Norwalk Lock Company 8:101
Sharon Hardware Mfg. Co. 8:143
W. J. Dennis & Company 1:49
Chronological Guide to the Microfiche 183

** 1934
American Walnut Manufacturers' Association 6:10
Cahill Company 10:10
Chase Brass & Copper Company 16:16
Cincinnati Sash & Door Company 6:36
Congoleum-Nairn, Inc. 9:34
General Millwork Corporation 6:74
John C. Virden Co. 16:70
Johns-Manville Corporation 1:33
National Cedar Post & Pole Company 2:47
United States Gypsum Company 9:117
Wehrle Company (Licking Stove Works Division) 15:152

** 1935
Cincinnati Sash & Door Company 6:37
Hart Manufacturing Company 10:43
I-XL Furniture Company 11:30
Jenkins Manufacturing Company 10:53
Lightolier Company 16:87
Markel Electric Products, Inc. 16:96
Milcor Steel Company 5:78
Moore Corporation 15:97
Morgan Company 6:117
Sears, Roebuck and Company 6:152
Sears, Roebuck and Company 15:129
United States Gypsum Company 9:118

** 1936
Anthracite Industries, Inc. 15:14
Armstrong Cork Company 9:8
Cahill Company 10:11
Crouse-Hinds Company 16:22
Donley Brothers Company 10:27
General Electric Company 16:49
General Electric Supply Corporation 16:52
Insulite Company 7:38
Insulite Company 9:56
Johns-Manville Corporation 1:34
Johns-Manville Corporation 6:100
Johns-Manville Corporation 7:41
Long-Bell Lumber Company 2:37
Masonite Corporation 9:75
Monmouth Products Company 7:48
Rodale Mfg. Co. 16:143
Sargent & Company 8:141
Sears, Roebuck and Company 6:153
United States Gypsum Company 7:60
Warren McArthur Corporation 12:156
184 Chronological Guide to the Microfiche


** 1937
American Brass Company 5:3
Anthracite Industries, Inc. 15:15
Armstrong Cork Company 9:9
Associated Manufacturer's of Bilt-Well Millwork 6:12
Casement Hardware Co. 8:13
Frantz Manufacturing Company 8:52
Frantz Manufacturing Company 8:53
General Electric Company 15:48
General Electric Company 15:49
Heatilator Company 10:44
Owens-Illinois Glass Company 8:104
Peerless Manufacturing Corporation 15:110
Philippine Mahogany Mfrs.' Import Assoc. 6:136
Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company 8:134
Southern Hardwood Producers 6:160
Stanley Works 8:149
Sturtevant, B. F., Co. 15:139

** 1938
Arrow-Hart & Hegeman Electric Co. 16:5
Celotex Corporation 9:32
Corbin, P. & F. 8:28
Curtis Companies, Inc. 6:53
Flexrock Company 9:49
Formica Insulation Company 6:66
Gebruder Thonet 12:60
Gordon-Van Tine Company 6:84
L. F. Garlinghouse Company 13:44
Ludlum Steel Company 5:71
Marsh Wall Products, Inc. 9:73
Mason City Brick and Tile Company 4:45
National Radiator Corporation 15:107
Oscar C. Rixson Company 8:103
Sears, Roebuck and Company 16:146
Stanley Works 8:150
Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co. 15:155

** 1939
Bommer Spring Hinge Company 8:7
Brown, Hazel Dell 9:25
Congoleum-Nairn, Inc. 9:35
Coppes, Inc. 11:10
Corning Glass Works. Macbeth-Evans Division 16:19
Curtis Companies Service Bureau 11:11
Douglas Fir Plywood Association 6:56
Hancock Iron Works 10:41
Morgan Company 6:118
Simes Company, Inc. 16:149
Chronological Guide to the Microfiche 185


United States Gypsum Company 6:168

United States Gypsum Company 7:61

** 1940
Armstrong Cork Company 9:10
Celotex Corporation 7:9
Chicago Millwork Supply Company 6:34
Donley Brothers Company 10:28
Douglas Fir Plywood Association 6:57
Excelsior Stove & Manufacturing Co. 15:43
G. J. Seedman Company 13:24
Gate City Iron Works 5:39
Hardwick Stove Co. 15:54
Homasote Company 9:55
Hussey-Williams Company 6:90
Kenneth Lynch & Sons 12:101
Lightolier Company 16:88
Miller (Herman) Furniture Co., Inc. 12:118
Philip Cass & Company 16:127
Samuel Cabot Incorporated 7:56
Tomberg Electric Supply Co. 16:156
Vermont Marble Company 4:74

** 1941
Fuller (W.P.) & Company 6:72
I. Albert Co. 16:64
Keeley Stove Co. 15:78
Westinghouse Electric Supply Company 16:164

** 1942
American Steel & Wire Company 6:5
Simmons Company 12:142
Timber Engineering Company 6:166

** 1943
Baker, Smith & Company 1:3
General City Service Co. 1:19

** 1944
Locke Stove Company 15:88

** 1945
Barre Granite Association 13:10
Mesker Brothers 8:93
Spindel, Gilbert Donald 13:87
Surface Combustion Corp. [?] 13:91
Webster, Warren, & Co. 15:151
186 Chronological Guide to the Microfiche

** 1946
Anonymous 13:5
Curtis Companies, Inc. 6:54
General Bronze Corporation 13:26
Hartmann-Sanders Company, Chicago 5:45
** 1947
Forest City Foundries Company 15:46
Pittsburgh Corning Corporation 8:110
Structural Clay Products Institute 13:90

** 1948
Finsven, Inc. 12:51
Pittsburgh Corning Corporation 8:111
** 1949
Harris Brothers Company 1:29
Pittsburgh Corning Corporation 8:112
** 1950
L. F. Garlinghouse Company 13:45
L. F. Garlinghouse Company 13:46
Lewis Manufacturing Company 13:49
Morgan Company 6:119
Norwalk Lock Company 8:102
Ohio Foundry & Manufacturing Company 15:108
Pacific Bamboo & Rattan Products 12:131
Portland Cement Association 3:34
Robbins Door & Sash Co. 6:139
Robsjohn-Gibbings Ltd. 12:137
Rolscreen Company 8:128

** 1951
Old Hickory Furniture Company 12:127
** 1952
Morgan Company 11:42

** 1953
General Woodcraft Co., Inc. 8:55
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company 8:114
** 1954
Morgan Company 6:120

** 1956
Bennett-Ireland, Inc. 10:7
Congoleum-Nairn, Inc. 9:36
Chronological Guide to the Microfiche 187


** 1963
Curt Teich & Co. 4:20

** 1965
Graber Company 12:68

** 1967
Virden Lighting 16:161

** 1981
Wolfe, Milton G., 1:52


** Acoustical Materials
Celotex Corporation, c1925 9: 31
Samuel Cabot Inc., [1903] 9:103

** Air Conditioning
General Electric Company, [1937?] 15: 48
Holland Furnace Company, [1931] 15: 57
Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., [1938] 15:155

** Aluminum
Aluminum Company of America, c1929 5: 1
J. G. Braun (Firm), 1930 12: 86

** Architectural Ironwork
Andrew Handyside & Co., 1868 5: 5
Central Iron & Wire Works, c1927 5: 16
Champion Iron Co., [188-?] 5: 17
Composite Iron Works Company, 1871 5: 19
Composite Iron Works Company, [c1890] 5: 20
Cottam & Company, [186-?] 5: 21
Daniel Gushing & Co., 1872 5: 24
E. T. Barnum, Wire and Iron Work, [c1895] 5: 28
E. T. Barnum, Wire and Iron Work, [c1929] 5: 30
Fred J. Meyers Manufacturing Company, [190-?] 5: 36
Gandillot & Cie., [c1865] 5: 38
Gate City Iron Works, [c1940] 5: 39
George Smith & Co., [187-?] 5: 40
Hart, Son, Peard & Co., 1870 5: 42
John Polachek Bronze & Iron Co., [c1917] 5: 63
M. Clements, Architectural Iron & Jail Works, [188-?] 5: 73
McDowall, Steven & Co., [1885?] 5: 76
Rauschenbach, Otto, [1891?] 5: 96
Scherpe & Koken, 1887 5:100
Van Dora Iron Works Company, [c1900] 5:118
Variety Iron Works, [187-?] 5:119
Walter Macfarlane & Co., [1876?] 5:124
Walter Macfarlane & Co., [188-?] 5:125
Walter Macfarlane & Co., [1882] 5:126
Wickersham, John B., 1853 5:127
Wickersham, John B., 1855 5:128
William Donald Mitchell, [c1906] 5:129
Winslow Bros. Company, [c1894] 5:130

** Architectural Metal-work
American Brass Company, c1929 5: 2
American Brass Company, c1937 5: 3
Berger Manufacturing Company, c1894 5: 10
190 Subject Index

Berger Manufacturing Company, [c1905] 5: 11

Bonfils & Fesquet, 1904 5: 13
Bottomley, Joseph, [1794?] 5: 14
C. P. Hollingsworth & Co., [1892] 5: 15
David Lupton's Sons Company, [1906?] 5: 25
Dickelman-Bowers Mfg. Co., [c1900] 5: 26
Edwards Manufacturing Co., c1923 5: 31
Eller Mfg. Co., [1924?] 5: 32
Eller Mfg. Co., [1929] 5: 33
Gorham Manufacturing Company, [c1915] 5: 41
Hecla Iron Works, [189-?] 5: 46
Hecla Iron Works, [190-?] 5: 47
Henry-Bonnard Bronze Company, [1894] 5: 51
Hopkins & Company, [1895?] 5: 53
International Nickel Company, [c1931] 5: 55
J. S. Thorn Architectural Sheet Metal Works, [c1895] 5: 60
James Ackroyd & Sons, [190-?] 5: 62
Julius Blum & Co., Inc., [c1930] 5: 64
La Crosse Steel Roofing and Corrugating Company, 1897 5: 67
Ludlow-Saylor Wire Co., [1895] 5: 70
Luxfer Co., [c1915] 5: 72
Manhattan Brass Company, [c1900] 5: 74
Midwest Metal Art Co., [191-?] 5: 77
Milcor Steel Company, 1935 5: 78
Milwaukee Corrugating Co., c1915 5: 80
Milwaukee Corrugating Co., [192-?] 5: 81
Milwaukee Corrugating Co., [c1924] 5: 82
Milwaukee Corrugating Co., [c1928] 5: 83
Mott, J. L., Iron Works, c1915 5: 85
N. B. Handy Company, 1910 5: 86
Penn Metal Ceiling and Roofing Co., Ltd., c1914 5: 93
Renner & Maras, Inc., c1932 5: 97
Rhodes, Dickelman & Co., 1897 5: 98
Saint Paul Corrugating Company, [c1927] 5: 99
St. Paul Roofing, Cornice & Ornament Company, 1898 5:103
Stark Rolling Mill Co., [1914?] . 5:104
Steel Roofing and Stamping Works, [1907?] 5:105
Twinco Stamping Works, [1907] 5:109
Tyler Company, c1905 5:110
Tyler Company, [c1910] 5:111
Vulcan Company, [c1905] 5:120
W. F. Norman Sheet Metal Manufacturing Co., 1904-5 5:121
W. H. Mullins Company, 1897 5:122
W. H. Mullins Company, c1909 5:123
Winslow Bros. Company, c1901 5:131
Winslow Bros. Company, [1910] 5:132
Wm. H. Jackson Company, [1911?] 5:133
See also Decoration and Ornament, Architectural

** Architecture, Domestic
Aladdin Company, [c1920] 13: 1
Alfred E. Gwynn Co., [c1920] 13: 2
Subject Index 191

Anonymous, [c1946] 13: 5

Assoc. of American Portland Cement Mfrs., [1907?] 13: 6
Charles C. Kellogg & Sons Co., [c1927] 13: 12
Garden City Company of California, [c1916] 13: 25
Gordon-Van Tine Company, [c1916] 13: 28
Gordon-Van Tine Company, 1926 13: 30
Homasote Company, [c1930] 13: 33
Homasote Company, [c1930] 13: 34
L. F. Garlinghouse Company, [c1938] 13: 44
L. F. Garlinghouse Company, [195-?] 13: 45
L. F. Garlinghouse Company, [195-] 13: 46
Lewers & Cooke, Limited, [19--?] 13: 47
Lewis Manufacturing Company, [193-?] 13: 48
Lewis Manufacturing Company, [195-?] 13: 49
Loetscher & Burch Mfg. Company, [192-?] 13: 50
Louis Bossert & Sons, 1915 13: 55
Louis Bossert & Sons, [c1926] 13: 56
Montgomery Ward, [1912] 13: 58
Montgomery Ward, [1914?] 13: 59
Montgomery Ward, [1915] 13: 60
Montgomery Ward, [1917?] 13: 61
Montgomery Ward, [c1918] 13: 62
Montgomery Ward, [c1928] 13: 63
Nationwide House Plan Service, [193-?] 13: 69
Norwood Sash and Door Mfg. Co., [1917?] 13: 70
Paraffine Companies, [c1930] 13: 71
Shoppell's modern houses, c1886 13: 83
Spindel, Gilbert Donald, [1945] 13: 87
Steel Frame House Company, [c1928] 13: 88
Steel Frame House Company, [c1929] 13: 89
Structural Clay Products Institute, c1947 13: 90
Surface Combustion Corp. [?], c1945 13: 91
Wagner, Harry L., [1930?] 13: 99
Wakefield Branch Company, [1925] 13:100
[s.n.], [189-?] 13:103

** Asbestos
H. W. Johns Manufacturing Company, c1891 7: 32
H. W. Johns Manufacturing Company, 1900 7: 33
H. W. Johns-Manville Co., [c1904] 7: 34
H. W. Johns-Manville Co., [c1920] 7: 35

** Automobiles, Service Stations

G. J. Seedman Company, [1940?] 13: 24
Mugler Steel Products Corporation, [1930] 13: 65

** Awnings; Tents
Baker, C. J., [1898] 13: 9
Hettrick Bros. Company, [190-?] 13: 32
Indianapolis Tent and Awning Company, [1910?] 13: 36
John Boyle & Company, [c1905] 13: 42
192 Subject Index

Shanklin Manufacturing Company Inc., [192-?] 13: 82

See also Camping - Outfits, Supplies

** Bakers and Bakeries

Mussgiller-Mangels Company, [1900?] 11: 43

** Banks and Banking

Watson Manufacturing Company, c1924 12:157

** Barbers', Beauty Parlors

Emil J. Paidar Company, [1928] 11: 15
L. Holzhauer Sons (Firm), [1915] 11: 35
Theo. A. Kochs (Firm), 1893 11: 53

** Barns
Gordon-Van Tine Company, [1900] 13: 27
Gordon-Van Tine Company, [1917?] 13: 29
Hunt, Helm, Ferris & Company, c1919 13: 35
James Manufacturing Company, [c1914] 13: 40
James Manufacturing Company, [c1919] 13: 41
Louden Machinery Company, c1915 13: 51
Louden Machinery Company, c1917 13: 52
Louden Machinery Company, c1923 13: 53
Louden Machinery Company, c1925 13: 54
McCleer Brothers, [1902] 13: 57
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [191-?] 13: 78
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [1918] 13: 79
Sears, Roebuck and Company, c1928 13: 80
[s.n.], 1902 13:104

** Basement Lighting
See Vault Lights

** Bathrooms
Fairfacts Company, [c1925] 10: 35
Jenkins Manufacturing Company, [c1935] 10: 53
Miami Cabinet Company, [c1930] 10: 59
Mott, J. L., Iron Works, c1895 10: 61
Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co., 1905 10: 69
United Metal Box Company, Inc., c1930 10: 76
See also Plumbing - Equipment

** Beauty Shops
See Barbers', Beauty Parlors

** Bells
Jones & Company, [1870?] 11: 33
Maneely & Company, c1912 11: 39
New Departure Mfg. Company, [189-?] 11: 45

** Birch
Northern Hemlock & Hardwood Mfrs.' Assoc., [c1910] 6:123
Subject Index 193

Paine Lumber Company, Ltd., [1902] 6:128

** Birdhouses
Crescent Company, [1916?] 13: 17
Jacobs Bird-house and Manufacturing Company, 1923 13: 38
Southern Cypress Manufacturers' Association, 1919 13: 84

** Blinds
See Drapery

** Blue Printing
C. F. Pease Company, [1925] 1: 6

** Brass work
Pearson-Page Company, Limited, [1920] 5: 90
Pearson-Page Company, Limited, [1925] 5: 91
Pearson-Page Company, Limited, [1925] 5: 92
See also Decoration and Ornament, Architectural

** Brick Pavements
See Pavements, Brick

** Brickmaking Machinery
American Clay Machinery Company, [1918?] 4: 4
E.M. Freese & Co., [1907?] 4: 21
Henry Martin (Firm), 1886 4: 30

** Bricks
American Enameled Brick and Tile Co., c1913 4: 5
American Face Brick Association, [c1920] 4: 6
Bradford Pressed Brick Company, [c1913] 4: 11
Carver, William, 1929 4: 14
Continental Clay Products Corporation, [c1927] 4: 19
Eastern Hydraulic-press Brick Company, 1895 4: 23
Fiske & Company, Inc., [190-] 4: 26
Fiske & Company, Inc., [c1909] 4: 27
Fiske & Company, Inc., [c1913] 4: 28
Hocking Valley Products Company, [c1924] 4: 31
Hydraulic-Press Brick Company, 1909 4: 33
Hydraulic-Press Brick Company, [c1914] 4: 34
Hydraulic-Press Brick Company, c1925 4: 35
Hydraulic-Press Brick Company, c1927 4: 36
Jarden Brick Company, 1891 4: 42
Kansas City Hydraulic-Press Brick Company, [1904] 4: 43
Old Virginia Brick, [c1928] 4: 58
Old Virginia Brick, [c1929] 4: 59
Peerless Brick Company, [c1887] 4: 61
Philadelphia & Boston Face Brick Company, 1895 4: 62
Philadelphia & Boston Face Brick Company, [1917?] 4: 63
Sayre & Fisher Company, [c1914] 4: 67
Waldo Brothers (Firm), [188-?] 4: 76
194 Subject Index

** Bridges
Aberthaw Construction Company, 1902 2: 1
Berlin Iron Bridge Company, [1890] 2: 8
Iron Substructure Company, 1885 2: 32
King Bridge Company, [1897] 2: 35
Paul, Charles Edward, 1918 2: 50
Perm Bridge Company, [1886?] 2: 51
Roebling Firm, Wire Manufacturers, [1930?] 2: 57

** Bronze Ornament
See Decoration and Ornament, Architectural

** Building Materials
Gordon-Van Tine Company, [c1918] 6: 78
Gordon-Van Tine Company, [1919] 6: 79
Gordon-Van Tine Company, [192-?] 6: 81
Johns-Manville Corporation, c1936 6:100
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [c1931] 6:151
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [c1935] 6:152
United States Gypsum Company, [c1939] 6:168

** Building Stones
Cleveland Stone Company, 1887 4: 17
Indiana Limestone Co., [c1927] 4: 37
Indiana Limestone Company, 1926 4: 38
Indiana Limestone Quarrymen's Association, [1917] 4: 39
Indiana Limestone Quarrymen's Association, 1919 4: 40
Indiana Limestone Quarrymen's Association, 1922 4: 41
New York Cut Stone Company, [1910] 4: 53
Ohio Quarries Company, [c1921] 4: 57
See also Marble

** Building, Fireproof
General Fireproofing Company, 1916 7: 27
Keystone Fireproofing Company, c1924 7: 44
National Fire Proofing Company, [1920?] 7: 49
North-Western Expanded Metal Co., [1918] 7: 51
Penn Metal Ceiling and Roofing Co., Ltd., [c19ll] 7: 53
United States Gypsum Company, c1936 7: 60

** Building, Iron and Steel

See Steel, Structural

** Building, Wooden
Timber Engineering Company, [1942] 6:166

** Buildings, Portable
American Patent Portable House Mfg. Co., 1886 13: 4
C. D. Pruden Company, [1911] 13: 11
Subject Index 195

Ducker Portable House Co., [c1888] 13: 18

** Built-in Beds
Marshall & Stearns Company, c1915 12:110
Marshall & Sterns Company, [c1918] 12:111
Murphy Door Bed Company, [192-?] 12:121
Murphy Door Bed Company, [1924] 12:122
Murphy Door Bed Company, [1930?] 12:124

** Built-in Furniture
Angel Novelty Company, 1930 12: 14
Angel Novelty Company, [1931] 12: 15
Murphy Door Bed Company, [c1925] 12:123
Premier Standardized Woodwork, Manufacturers, [192-?] 12:133

** Butchers - Equipment and Supplies

See Meat Industry and Trade - Equipment and Supplies

** Cabinet Hardware
[s.n.], 1800 8:170

** Cabinet Work
See Wooden Doors; Cabinet Work

** Camping - Outfits, Supplies

Close-to-Nature Company, [1929] 13: 14

** Canvas Tents
See Awnings; Tents

** Cast Stone
See Cinder Blocks

** Carpets
See Rugs; Carpets

** Carton-Pierre Ornament
See Decoration and Ornament, Architectural

** Ceilings
A. Northrop & Company, [1890?] 9: 1
Berger Manufacturing Company, [c1906] 9: 13
Berger Manufacturing Company, [c1916] 9: 14
Berger Manufacturing Company, [c1927] 9: 16
Boston Metal Ceiling & Mfg. Company, c1912 9: 17
Boston Metal Ceiling & Mfg. Company, [1920] 9: 18
Brier Hill Steel Company, [1915] 9: 23
Canton Metal Ceiling Company, 1915 9: 27
Canton Steel Ceiling Company, [191-?] 9: 28
Canton Steel Ceiling Company, [c1915] 9: 29
Edwards Manufacturing Company, [191-?] 9: 44
Edwards Manufacturing Company, [191-?] 9: 45
196 Subject Index
Edwards Manufacturing Company, 1917 9: 46
Eller Mfg. Co., 1917 9: 47
Eller Mfg. Co., [c1930] 9: 48
Friedley & Voshardt, [c1920] 9: 50
International Steel & Iron Company, [191-?] 9: 61
Jacobson & Company, [192-?] 9: 63
Keighley Metal Ceiling & Mfg. Company, [191-?] 9: 68
Kinnear & Gager Company, [189-?] 9: 69
Milwaukee Artistic Metal Ceiling Company, [c1906] 9: 80
New York Metal Ceiling Company, [191-?] 9: 86
Perm Culvert Company, [192-?] 9: 92
Perm Metal Ceiling and Roofing Co., Ltd., 1902 9: 93
Perm Metal Ceiling and Roofing Co., Ltd., [1911?] 9: 94
Sheet Metal Mfg. Company, c1909 9:104
St. Paul Roofing, Cornice & Ornament Company, [c1915] 9:110
Tiffin Art Metal Company, [c1910] 9:115
W. F. Norman Sheet Metal Manufacturing Co., [190-] 9:124
W. F. Norman Sheet Metal Manufacturing Co., [1906] 9:125
Western Ceiling and Stamping Company, [1920?] 9:128
Wheeling Corrugating Company, [1897?] 9:129
Wheeling Corrugating Company, [c1910] 9:130
Wheeling Corrugating Company, [191-?] 9:131
Wheeling Corrugating Company, c1911 9:132
Wheeling Corrugating Company, c1911 9:133
Wheeling Corrugating Company, c1914 9:134
Wheeling Corrugating Company, c1930 9:135

** Cement; Cement Coating

Ajax Portland Cement Company, [1903] 3: 3
Best Bros. Keene's Cement Co., [c1915] 3: 10
Edison Portland Cement Company, [1908?] 3: 15
Edison Portland Cement Company, c1912 3:16
General Fireproofing Company, [1907?] 3: 18
Northwestern States Portland Cement Company, c1906 3: 29
Palmer Lime & Cement Company, c1925 3: 30
Sandusky Portland Cement Company, [1916?] 3: 37
Virginia Portland Cement Company, 1905 3: 42
Wadsworth, Rowland & Co., Inc., [1910?] 3: 43
Western Cement Company, 1901 3: 44
Western Cement Company, 1905 3: 45

** Chairs
F. Herhold & Sons, [188-?] 12: 49
Gebruder Thonet, [1915] 12: 59
Gebruder Thonet, c1938 12: 60
Jacob & Josef Kohn, Wien (Firm), [188-?] 12: 89
Maple & Company, Ltd., [191-?] 12:109

** Chimneys
Alphons Custodis Chimney Construction Co., c1924 4: 3
Cambridge Wheatley Company, [1920?] 4: 13
Eastern Clay Products Association, 1927 4: 22
Subject Index 197

** Church Architecture
Circle "A" Products Corporation, [c1920] 13: 13

** Church Decoration and Ornament

Benziger Brothers, [c1927] 12: 24
C. F. Horan Company, Inc., [192-?] 12: 27
Church Art Work Company, [c1913] 12: 32
Da Prato, A., Company, c1929 12: 33
Daprato Statuary Company, c1921 12: 34
Daprato Statuary Company, [c1928] 12: 35
Gorham Manufacturing Company, [1908?] 12: 65
Gorham Manufacturing Company, c1914 12: 66
Kenneth Lynch & Sons, c1940 12:101
Luetke & Company, [1900] 12:108
P. Poussielgue-Rusand [Firm], 1865 12:130
Tiffany Glass & Decorating Company, 1893 12:147

** Church Furniture
American Seating Company, c1922 12: 13
Globe Furniture Company, [189-?] 12: 63
Globe Furniture Company, [1893?] 12: 64
Le mobilier ecclesiastique, [18—] 12:106

** Cinder Blocks
Aberthaw Construction Company, [c1903] 4: 2
Atlas Portland Cement Company, [c1926] 4: 9
Bloom Studios Inc., [1908?] 4: 10
Cast Stone Institute, [1930?] 4: 15
Century Cement Machine Company, 1907 4: 16
Economy Concrete Company, 1915 4: 24
Ferguson Synstone Co., [1916?] 4: 25
Genesee Brick & Supply Corporation, [c1927] 4: 29
National Cinder Concrete Products Association, c1925 4: 47
New Haven Duntile Company, [19--?] 4: 52
Northwestern Steel and Iron Works, [190-?] 4: 54
Onondaga Litholite Company, [c1925] 4: 60
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [1907] 4: 68
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [c1915] 4: 69
Zagelmeyer Cast Stone Block Machinery Company, [1923?] 4: 78

** Clocks and Watches

General Electric Company, [1930] 16: 48

** Columns (Metal, Wood, Etc.)

American Column Company, [c1906] 5: 4
Architectural Cap. Company, 1903 5: 6
Emmel, Charles, c1897 5: 34
Hartmann Brothers Mfg. Company, 1904 5: 43
Hartmann-Sanders Company, Chicago, 1913 5: 44
Hartmann-Sanders Company, Chicago, 1946 5: 45
Henry Sanders Company, 1907 5: 50
198 Subject Index
Lally Column Company, [1917?] 5: 68
Union Metal Manufacturing Company, c1923 5:112
Union Metal Manufacturing Company, [c1927] 5:113
United States Column Company, [1914] 5:115

** Composition Ornament
See Decoration and Ornament, Architectural

** Concrete Coating
See Cement; Cement Coating
** Concrete; Concrete - Molds
Colorcrete Industries, [1932?] 3: 12
Barley, John Joseph, [1926] 3: 14
Ransome Concrete Machinery Company, [1908?] 3: 35

** Concrete Construction
Aberthaw Construction Company, [190-?] 3: 1
Alpha Portland Cement Company, [c1910] 3: 4
Alpha Portland Cement Company, [c1910] 3: 5
Alpha Portland Cement Company, [c1917] 3: 6
Atlas Portland Cement Company, 1915 3: 9
Blaw-Knox Company, [c1920] 3: 11
Koehring, Philip, [c1922] 3: 20
J^ehigh Portland Cement Company, [c1922] 3: 21
I^ehigh Portland Cement Company, c1925 3: 22
Lehigh Portland Cement Company, [c1927] 3: 23
New York Stone Contracting Company, [1881?] 3: 27
New York Stone Contracting Company, 1885 3: 28
Portland Cement Association, [1925?] 3: 31
Portland Cement Association, [c1928] 3: 32
Portland Cement Association, [1950?] 3: 34
Stockade Corporation, [192-?] 3: 38
Universal Portland Cement Company, c1910 3: 40
Universal Portland Cement Company, 1912 3: 41

** Concrete Houses
Alpha Portland Cement Company, [c1910] 13: 3
United States Gypsum Company, 1925 13: 94
** Concrete, Reinforced
See Reinforced Concrete
** Construction Equipment
Chesebro-Whitman Company, [191-?] 1: 8
Pickett's Manufacturing Establishment, [c1900] 1: 41
W. H. Anderson Tool & Supply Company, [1919] 1: 48

** Cranes, Derricks
American Hoist & Derrick Company, c1897 14: 2
Subject Index 199

** Crepe Paper
Dennison Manufacturing Company, [1896?] 12: 42
Dennison Manufacturing Company, [1917] 12: 43

** Cypress
Southern Cypress Manufacturers' Association, 1916 6:158
Southern Cypress Manufacturers' Association, [c1929] 6:159
Stearns (A. T.) Lumber Company, c1895 6:165

** Decoration and Ornament

Konig, F., lithographer, [182-?] 12:103

** Decoration and Ornament, Architectural

A. Bohachek (Firm), [190-?] 12: 1
A. H. Vilas Company, [1913?] 12: 3
A. Ludwig, Manufacturer, [19--?] 12: 4
A. P. Lombard & Co., [19--?] 12: 5
Ad. Harnisch (Firm), [19--?] 12: 7
Ad. Harnisch (Firm), [190-?] 12: 8
Ad. Harnisch (Firm), [191-?] 12: 9
Albert Komp, Manufacturer, [188-?] 12: 12
Angus McKay & Company, [1901] 12: 16
Architectural Decorating Company, [190-?] 12: 17
Architectural Decorating Company, [c1909] 12: 18
Architectural Decorating Company, c1928 12: 19
Bakewell & Mullins, 1887 12: 23
Bielefeld, Charles Frederick, 1850 12: 25
Boynton & Company, [190-?] 12: 26
Charles F. Bielefeld (Firm), [1850] 12: 29
Charles W. Spurr Company, [189-?] 12: 30
Chicago Embossed Moulding Company, [1904] 12: 31
Decorators Supply Co., [191-?] 12: 37
Decorators Supply Co., 1914 12: 38
Decorators Supply Co., 1925 12: 39
Decorators Supply Co., [193-?] 12: 40
Detroit Decorative Supply Company, c1929 12: 44
Ellin, Kitson & Company, [188-?] 12: 46
Emmel, Charles, [1895] 12: 47
Emmel, Charles, [1900] 12: 48
F. J. Newcomb Mfg. Co., [19--?] 12: 50
Fischer & Jirouch Company, [191-?] 12: 52
Fischer & Jirouch Company, [191-?] 12: 53
Fischer & Jirouch Company, c1931 12: 54
Frank A. Seifert Plastic Relief Company, [c1909] 12: 55
Fred Albrecht (Firm), [1903?] 12: 56
G. E. Walter (Firm), [c1920] 12: 57
Galvanoplastie Massive Delaunay, [188-?] 12: 58
Geo. Mertz's Sons, 1898 12: 61
Gleason Wood Ornament Company, 1883 12: 62
Gorham Manufacturing Company, [c1916] 12: 67
Grand Rapids Carved Moulding Company, [1894] 12: 69
Grand Rapids Wood Carving Company, [190-?] 12: 70
200 Subject Index

Henry Klein & Company, Inc., c1928 12: 77

Henry Klein & Company, Inc., c1929 12: 78
J. G. Braun (Firm), c1914 12: 82
J. G. Braun (Firm), [1928?] 12: 83
J. G. Braun (Firm), [1929?] 12: 84
J. G. Braun (Firm), [1930?] 12: 85
J. Jos. Heilingenthal (Firm), [1827?] 12: 88
Jacobson & Company, 1915 12: 90
Jacobson & Company, [192-?] 12: 91
Jacobson & Company, c1921 12: 92
Jacobson & Company, 1924 12: 93
Jacobson & Company, c1928 12: 94
Jacobson & Company, 1929 12: 95
Jacobson Manufacturing Company, [c1895] 12: 96
John Hartmann (Firm), [190-?] 12: 98
L. A. Romagnesi (Firm), [182-?] 12:105
Lombard & Ludwig, Inc., [191-?] 12:107
Martin J. Frand & Co., [1900] 12:112
Maxwell, Forbes & Stillman Company, 1909 12:113
Mayhew Studios, [c1910] 12:114
Metal Fabric Company, [191-7] 12:115
Miller & Doing, Inc., [191-?] 12:117
Minnesota Roofing and Archit. Sheet Metal Works, [1885?] 12:119
New York Carved Moulding Co., [c1900] 12:126
Ornamental Products Company, 1909 12:128
Ornamental Products Company, [1916?] 12:129
Pyrogravure Company, c1894 12:134
S. E. Overton (Firm), [1904] 12:139
Stephen Bilek Company, [1904?] 12:145
Stereo Relief Decorative Company, [189-?] 12:146
Tirrart (Firm), [1830] 12:148
Tognarelli & Voigt Company, [19--] 12:149
Voigt Company, 1928 12:150
W. H. Mullins Company, [1894?] 12:151
Waddell Manufacturing Company, [1900] 12:152
Waddell Manufacturing Company, [1902] 12:153
Waddell Manufacturing Company, [1904] 12:154
Witzel, Broschart & Braun, [189-?] 12:160
See also Architectural Metal-work
Church Decoration and Ornament

** Dishwashing Machines
Walker Dishwasher Corporation, c1928 11: 56

** Domes; Vaults (architectural)

R. Guastavino Co., [1914] 13: 73

** Door Bells
See Bells
Subject Index 201

** Door Fittings
Allith Manufacturing Co., [192-?] 8: 1
Bommer Spring Hinge Company, c1933 8: 6
Bommer Spring Hinge Company, [c1939] 8: 7
Charles Hess Co., 1910 8: 15
Corbin, P. & F., [d895] 8: 21
Corbin, P. & F., [191-?] 8: 23
Corbin, P. & F., [192-?] 8: 25
Corbin, P. & F., c1931 8: 26
Dibble Manufacturing Co., [1885?] 8: 43
Earle Hardware Manufacturing Company, [1928] 8: 47
Earle Hardware Manufacturing Company, [c1930] 8: 48
Fontaine et Vaillant, [189-?] 8: 50
J. B. Shannon & Sons, 1887 8: 75
McCabe Hanger Manufacturing Co., 1906 8: 89
McKinney Manufacturing Company. Forge Division, [c1929] 8: 91
National Manufacturing Company, 1932 8:100
Oscar C. Rixson Company, [c1938] 8:103
P. E. Guerin, Inc., [c1914] 8:105
Reading Hardware Company, 1899 8:118
Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Company, c1914 8:123
Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Company, [c1927] 8:124
Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company, 1873 8:129
Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company, 1897 8:131
Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company, [191-?] 8:132
Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company, [193-?] 8:133
Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company, [1937?] 8:134
Sargent & Company, [c1910] 8:137
Sargent & Company, [c1910] 8:138
Sargent & Company, c1927 8:140
Stearns, E. C. & Company, 1882 8:151
Stern & Matzner (Firm), [192-?] 8:152
Wm. Hall & Company, 1907 8:162
Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company, 1897 8:166
Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company, [1917] 8:167

** Doors, Metal
See Metal Doors

** Doors, Revolving
See Revolving Doors

** Doors, Screen
See Wire Screens

** Doors, Wooden
See Wooden Doors; Cabinet-work

** Doorways
Curtis Companies, Inc., c1924 8: 30
Curtis Companies, Inc., c1927 8: 33
202 Subject Index

Hartmann-Sanders Company, [c1925] 8: 63

Hartmann-Sanders Company, [c1930] 8: 64
Huck-Gerhardt Company, Inc., [c1929] 8: 70

** Drapery
Aeroshade Company, [c1920] 12: 10
Decorators Supply House, [1930] 12: 41
Graber Company, [c1965] 12: 68
Halladay, J. Stuart, [1928] 12: 72
Hartman & Durstine, [c1887] 12: 73
Hartshorn, Stewart, [187-?] 12: 74
Hartshorn, Stewart, 1870 12: 75
Henry Hope & Sons, [1930?] 12: 76
Hochschild-Kohn & Company, [192-?] 12: 79
Huntoon, L., [1881?] 12: 80
J. Godfrey Wilson (Firm), [1897] 12: 87
John Moore & Company, 1882 12: 99
Kirsch Manufacturing Company, [192-?] 12:102
Kroder Reubel Co., [1928?] 12:104
Metropolitan Furniture Company, [1910?] 12:116
Scranton Lace Company, 1924 12:140
Scranton Lace Company, 1924 12:141
Wilier Manufacturing Company, c1890 12:158
** Drawing Materials
C. F. Pease Company, c1918 1: 5
Devoe & Raynolds Company, Inc., [c1900] 1: 13
Devoe & Raynolds Company, Inc., [1914] 1: 14
E. G. Soltmann (Firm), [c1901] 1: 17
Frost & Adams, 1886 1: 18
Janentzky & Weber, [1884] 1: 32
Keuffel & Esser Co., [c1921] 1: 35
** Drinking Fountains
H. F. Jenks Co., [190-?] 15: 52
Halsey W. Taylor Co., [c1928] 15: 53
Mott, J. L., Iron Works, c1901 15:102
Rundle-Spence Manufacturing Company, [19-] 15:120

** Drugstores - Equipment and Supplies

See Store Fixtures

** Electric Apparatus
Ansonia Electrical Co., [c1925] 16: 3
Arrow-Hart & Hegeman Electric Co., [c1929] 16: 4
Arrow-Hart & Hegeman Electric Co., [c1938] 16: 5
Benjamin Electric Manufacturing Company, c1928 16: 8
Central Electric Company, [1903] 16: 13
Grouse-Hinds Company, [c1924] 16: 21
Cutler-Hammer, Inc., 1913 16: 23
E. B. Latham & Company, [1900] 16: 29
E. B. Latham & Company, [c1912] 16: 30
Subject Index 203

Frank H. Stewart Electric Company, [1927] 16: 41

Frank H. Stewart Electric Company, 1928 16: 42
General Electric Company, 1925 16: 47
General Electric Company, [1936] 16: 49
General Electric Supply Corp., c1931 16: 50
General Electric Supply Corporation, 1928 16: 51
Harvey Hubbell, Inc., [c1921] 16: 60
Harvey Hubbell, Inc., [c1924] 16: 61
Manhattan Electrical Supply Company, [c1905] 16: 94
Marietta Manufacturing Company, 1899 16: 95
Pass & Seymour, Inc., [1915] 16:115
Pettingell-Andrews Company, c1910 16:117
Pettingell-Andrews Company, c1920 16:118
Republic Electric Company, [c1916] 16:140
Rodale Mfg. Co., 1936 16:143
Westall, Carroll, [c1912] 16:162
Westinghouse Electric Supply Company, [c1941] 16:164

** Electric Lines
Coombs, Robert Duncan, c1910 16: 18
National Tube Company, [191-?] 16:109

** Electric Power
Frank H. Stewart Electric Company, 1920 16: 39
Richmond, A. E., c1892 16:141

** Elevators
A. B. See Electric Elevator Company, c1908 14: 1
Charles K. Ernst, Manufacturer, [191-?] 14: 3
Ellithorpe Safety Air-Cushion Company, [c1900] 14: 4
Energy Elevator Company, c1905 14: 5
F. Rosenberg Elevator Company, [19--?] 14: 6
J. W. Reedy Elevator Manufacturing Co., [c1890] 14: 7
Otis Elevator Company, [c1910] 14: 8
Otis Elevator Company, [191-] 14: 9
Otis Elevator Company, [191-?] 14: 10
Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Company, [c1920] 14: 12
Sedgwick Machine Works, Inc., c1927 14: 13
Storm Manufacturing Company, 1892 14: 14
Tyler Company, c1919 14: 15
Tyler Company, [c1927] 14: 16
Warsaw Elevator Company, [191-] 14: 17

** Escalators
Otis Elevator Company, c1912 14: 11

** Fabrics
See Textile Fabrics

** Fans (Machinery)
See Electric Apparatus
204 Subject Index

** Farm Buildings
Jake Lampert Yards (Firm), c1928 13: 39
Kuntz-Sternenberg Lumber Company, c1916 13: 43
See also Barns

** Fences
See Gates, Fences, Wire Fencing

** Finishes, Wood
See Wood Finishing

** Fire Extinction Equipment

Elkhart Brass Manufacturing Company, [192-?] 10: 33
Gamewell Fire Alarm Telegraph Company, 1917 10: 39

** Fire Extinguishers
Foamite-Childs Corporation, c1927 10: 38

** Fire - Prevention and Control - Equipment

and Supplies
See Metal Doors

** Fire Sprinklers
See Plumbing

** Fire-Bricks
Troy Fire Brick Works, [1861] 4: 70

** Fire-escapes
Covert Fire Escape Company, [1908?] 5: 22
J. T. Cowles, [1883?] 5: 61

** Fireplaces
Aldine Manufacturing Company, 1890 10: 1
Bennett-Ireland, Inc., [c1956] 10: 7
Cahill Company, [1934] 10: 10
Cahill Company, [1936] 10: 11
Carron Company, [191-?] 10: 12
Donley Brothers Company, 1929 10: 26
Donley Brothers Company, [c1936] 10: 27
Donley Brothers Company, 1940 10: 28
Hancock Iron Works, [1939] 10: 41
Hart Manufacturing Company, [c1935] 10: 43
Heatilator Company, [c1937] 10: 44
Janusch Manufacturing Company, [1925?] 10: 52
Logan Company, [c1930] 10: 57
Todhunter, Inc., [1929?] 10: 75
Whitwell's patent, [1876] 10: 84
See also Mantels; Fireplaces
Subject Index 205

** Fireproof Building
See Building, Fireproof

** Fireproofing Agents
Perm Metal Ceiling and Roofing Co., Ltd., [c1913] 7: 54

** Flags
American Flag Manufacturing Company, [1912?] 10: 3

** Flashing
Copper and Brass Research Association, 1925 7: 12

** Floor Coverings
See Rugs; Carpets

** Floor Polishing Machines

Ponsell Floor Machine Co., [c1926] 9: 97

** Flooring, Wooden
Bought on & Terwilliger, c1886 9: 19
E. B. Moore and Company, [1893] 9: 41
E. L. Bruce Company, [c1928] 9: 42
Grippin Manufacturing Company, [1910?] 9: 53
Interior Hardwood Company, c1892 9: 57
Interior Hardwood Company, c1892 9: 58
Interior Hardwood Company, c1895 9: 59
Interior Hardwood Company, c1911 9: 60
John W. Boughton (Firm), [c1880] 9: 65
Long-Bell Lumber Company, [c1927] 9: 70
Oak Flooring Bureau, 1924 9: 88
Oak Flooring Bureau, 1924 9: 89
Oak Flooring Manufacturer's Association, 1922 9: 90
S. C. Johnson & Son, c1901 9:100
S. C. Johnson & Son, c1905 9:101
S. C. Johnson & Son, [c1905] 9:102
Southern Pine Association, [c1920] 9:109
Wilke Manufacturing Company, 1904 9:136
Wood-mosaic Flooring & Lumber Company, c1908 9:137

** Floors (as a structural element)

American Mason Safety Tread Company, [c1910] 9: 2
American Monolith Company, [1910] 9: 3
Boulinikon Floor Cloth & Manufacturing Company, [1876] 9: 20
Detroit White Lead Works, [c1900] 9: 39
Duraflex Company, [1926?] 9: 40
Eaglesfield Hardwood Flooring Co., [19--?] 9: 43
Flexrock Company, [1938?] 9: 49
Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, [c1929] 9: 52
Master Builders Company, [1928] 9: 77
Oak Flooring Bureau, [1917] 9: 87
Portland Cement Association, [1928?] 9: 99
206 Subject Index

** Floors, Concrete
Master Builders Company, [1923] 9: 76
Portland Cement Association, [192-?] 9: 98
Structural Gypsum Corporation, [1925?] 9:114

** Formica
See Laminated Plastics

** Fountains
Fiske, J. W., [1927?] 2: 19
Mott, J. L., Iron Works, c1905 2: 46

** Furniture; Office Furniture

Art Metal Construction Company, [1900?] 12: 20
Art Metal Construction Company, [c1902] 12: 21
Baker Furniture, Inc., [1930] 12: 22
Doehler Metal Furniture Company, Inc., [193-?] 12: 45
Finsven, Inc., c1948 12: 51
Jordan & Moriarty, [188-?] 12:100
Miller (Herman) Furniture Co., Inc., [1940?] 12:118
Morris & Company, Decorators, Ltd., [1910] 12:120
Mutual Furniture Company, [1887] 12:125
Old Hickory Furniture Company, [1951?] 12:127
Pacific Bamboo & Rattan Products, [1950] 12:131
Paine's Furniture Mfg. Co., [1884?] 12:132
R. M. Lambie (Firm), 1887 12:135
R. M. Lambie (Firm), 1889 12:136
Robsjohn-Gibbings Ltd., [1950] 12:137
Simmons Company, c1942 12:142
Steel Equipment Corporation, [1930] 12:144
Wakefield Rattan Company, 1884 12:155
Warren McArthur Corporation, [1936?] 12:156
William Leavens & Co., 1928 12:159
Wrampelmeier Furniture Mfg. Company, [c1900] 12:161
See also Built-in Beds
Built-in Furniture
Cabinet Hardware
Picture Frames
Schools - Furniture, Equipment

** Furniture, Outdoor
See Garden Ornaments and Furniture

** Garages
Atlas Portland Cement Company, [c1920] 13: 7
Atlas Portland Cement Company, [c1921] 13: 8
Coburn Trolley Track Mfg. Co., [191-?] 13: 15
E. C. Young Company, [192-?] 13: 19
National Manufacturing Company, [192-] 13: 67
National Plan Service, Inc., [192-?] 13: 68
Subject Index 207

Ramp Buildings Corporation, 1929 13: 74

Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Company, c1924 13: 75
Richards-Wilcox Mfg., Co., [c1928] 13: 76
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [c1929] 13: 81
Southern Pine Association, [c1920] 13: 85
Southern Pine Association, [c1926] 13: 86
Togan-Stiles (Co.), [c1921] 13: 92
Whittredge Portable Buildings Company, [1926] 13:101

** Garden Ornaments and Furniture

American Greenhouse Manufacturing Company, [1928?] 2: 4
Cyco Manufacturing Company, [c1930] 2: 13
E. G. Smyser's Sons Co., [187-?] 2: 14
Elmore Studios, [c1910] 2: 16
Fischer & Jirouch Company, [191-?] 2: 18
Galloway Terra Cotta Company, [c1905] 2: 20
Galloway Terra Cotta Company, [c1910] 2: 21
Hartmann-Sanders Company, c1928 2: 24
Henry Hope & Sons, 1931 2: 25
Howard Studios, Inc., [192-?] 2: 28
Howard Studios, Inc., 1920 2: 29
Ideal & Specialty Co., [1930] 2: 31
John P. White (Firm), [c1900] 2: 34
Long-Bell Lumber Company, 1936 2: 37
Lord & Burnham Co., c1903 2: 38
Lord & Burnham Co., c1907 2: 39
Lord & Burnham Co., c1910 2: 40
Lord & Burnham Co., [192-?] 2: 41
Mathews Manufacturing Company, [c1920] 2: 43
Plastic Products Company, 1924 2: 52
Pulham & Son, [c1905] 2: 55
Statuemakers, [1949] 2: 60
Unadilla Silo Co., Inc., [c1927] 2: 67
Walbridge & Company, [190-?] 2: 69
Westervelt, A. B. & W. T., [c1900] 2: 71

** Garden Structures
See Garden Ornaments and Furniture

** Gas Appliances
Consolidated Gas Company of New York, [c1910] 15: 28
Public Service Gas Company, [c1918] 15:112

** Gas - Machines
Combination Gas Machine Co., [188-?] 15: 26
Keystone Safety Gas Machine Company, [1870?] 15: 82

** Gates; Fences; Wire Fencing

American Fence Construction Company, [192-] 2: 2
Anchor Post Iron Works, [c1907] 2: 5
Cincinnati Iron Fence Co., [c1910] 2: 11
208 Subject Index

Cincinnati Iron Fence Co., [c1925] 2: 12

F. E. Carpenter Co., [c1910] 2: 17
Glen Manufacturing Company, [1907] 2: 22
Home Fence Company, [1914] 2: 26
Hoosier Fence Company, 1913 2: 27
J. W. Fiske Iron Works, [c1915] 2: 33
Kitselman Brothers, [1902] 2: 36
Mast, Foos & Co., [188-?] 2: 42
Mott, J. L., Iron Works, [c1904] 2: 45
National Cedar Post & Pole Company, [1934] 2: 47
New Jersey Fence Company, [c1931] 2: 48
Robert C. Reeves Co., c1928 2: 56
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [c1910] 2: 58
Stewart Iron Works, [c1914] 2: 61
Stewart Iron Works Company, [1908?] 2: 62
Stewart Iron Works Company, [c1920] 2: 63
Stewart Iron Works Company, [1927] 2: 64
Stewart Iron Works Company, c1928 2: 65
Stewart Iron Works Company, c1928 2: 66
Up-to-date Mfg. Co., 1903 2: 68
Ward Fence Company, [1908?] 2: 70
William Adams & Company, [18-] 2: 72
Young, Charles D., 1850 2: 73

** General Catalogs
Aladdin Company, 1918 1: 2
C. Jennings & Co., [1912?] 1: 7
Chicago House Wrecking Co., [1909?] 1: 9
Chicago House Wrecking Co., 1910 1: 10
Compendium Publishing Company, 1907 1: 11
Dutton, Andrew, [1906?] 1: 15
Dykes Lumber Company, [c1924] 1: 16
General City Service Co., [1943] 1: 19
Harris Brothers Company, [192-?] 1: 22
Harris Brothers Company, c1923 1: 23
Harris Brothers Company, [c1924] 1: 24
Harris Brothers Company, c1925 1: 25
Harris Brothers Company, c1925 1: 26
Harris Brothers Company, c1928 1: 27
Harris Brothers Company, [c1932] 1: 28
Harris Brothers Company, 1949 1: 29
Hodgson (E. F.) Company, c1927 1: 30
J. C. Rochester & Co., 1929 1: 31
Johns-Manville Corporation, [c1934] 1: 33
Johns-Manville Corporation, c1936 1: 34
Montgomery Ward, c1933 1: 36
Nason Manufacturing Company, 1902 1: 37
Nason Manufacturing Company, c1906 1: 38
Peck, Stow and Wilcox Company, 1885 1: 40
Spear & Company, [1928] 1: 45
Spear & Company, [1931] 1: 46
Tiffany and Company, 1878 1: 47
Subject Index 209

W. J. Dennis & Company, [1933?] 1 49

William Cooper, Ltd., 1903-5 1 50
William Cooper, Ltd., [1910] 1 51

** General Directories
Gould, George L., [1914] 1: 20
Shoemaker-Sims Co. Ltd., [191-?] 1: 43

** General Works
Acme White Lead and Color Works, [1906] 1: 1
Baker, Smith & Company, [1943?] 1: 3
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 1923 1: 42
Wolfe, Milton G.,, [1981?] 1: 52

** Glass Blocks
See Glass Construction

** Glass Construction
Owens-Illinois Glass Company, [1937?] 8:104
Pittsburgh Corning Corporation, [c1947] 8:110
Pittsburgh Corning Corporation, [c1948] 8:111
Pittsburgh Corning Corporation, c1949 8:112

** Glass, Ornamental
Benjamin H. Shoemaker (Firm), 1875 8: 3
Levi Boles & Son, [187-?] 8: 86
Martin & Hood, 1847 8: 88
Philadelphia Decorative Glass Company, 1896 8:109
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, [c1953] 8:114
Saint-Gobain, Chauny et Cirey, 1923 8:135
Swindell Brothers, [c1900] 8:153
The National Glass Distributers Association, [c19l6] 8:154
Thomas Jones Decorative Glass Company, [c1910] 8:155
W. A. Daunt Company, [191-?] 8:159
Wm. King & Bro., [c1880] 8:163

** Gravestones
See Sepulchral Monuments

** Greenhouses
See Garden Ornaments and Furniture

** Grilles
Diamond Manufacturing Company, [c1928] 10: 25
Fiske, J. W., c1891 10: 36
Hendrick Manufacturing Company, Ltd., [c1929] 10: 45
Kentucky Metal Products Co., [c1930] 10: 54
Logan Company, c1928 10: 56
Metalace Corporation, c1928 10: 58
Newman Manufacturing Co., [c1930] 10: 63
210 Subject Index
** Hardware; Drapery
See Drapery

** Hardware; Locks and Keys

Biddle Hardware Company, [1910?] 8: 4
Chas. P. Parish & Co., 1891 8: 16
Corbin, P. & F., 1871 8: 19
Corbin, P. & F., 1885 8: 20
Corbin, P. & F., 1905 8: 22
Corbin, P. & F., [1913] 8: 24
Corbin, P. & F., c1932 8: 27
Corbin, P. & F., [c1938] 8: 28
Frantz Manufacturing Company, [1933] 8: 51
Frantz Manufacturing Company, [1937?] 8: 52
Frantz Manufacturing Company, [1937] 8: 53
Gould-Mersereau Co. Inc., 1908 8: 58
Hart, Bliven & Mead Manufacturing Co., 1875 8: 61
Hart, Bliven & Mead Manufacturing Co., 1876 8: 62
Hopkins & Dickinson Manufacturing Co., 1890 8: 68
J. B. Miller Keyless Lock Co., [1904?] 8: 73
J. B. Shannon & Sons, 1883 8: 74
J. Jacob Shannon & Co., 1888 8: 79
McKinney Manufacturing Company, [c1923] 8: 90
National Manufacturing Company, [1929] 8: 99
Norwalk Lock Company, 1933 8:101
Norwalk Lock Company, [c1950] 8:102
Penn Hardware Company, 1892 8:108
Reading Hardware Company, [1870] 8:116
Reading Hardware Company, 1897 8:117
Reading Hardware Company, [1909?] 8:119
Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Co., [192-?] 8:120
Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Co., [192-] 8:121
Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Co., [1922] 8:122
Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company, 1874 8:130
Sargent & Company, 1869 8:136
Sargent & Company, 1926 8:139
Sargent & Company, [1936?] 8:141
Sharon Hardware Mfg. Co., [1932] 8:142
Sharon Hardware Mfg. Co., [1933] 8:143
Sickels, Sweet & Lyon, 1894 8:144
Snead & Company, c1890 8:145
Stanley Works, 1914 8:147
Stanley Works, [c1922] 8:148
Stanley Works, [1937?] 8:149
Stanley Works, [1938?] 8:150
Towne, Henry Robinson, 1904 8:156
Wm. M. McClure & Brother, [186-?] 8:164
Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company, 1889 8:165
Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company, [193-?] 8:168
See also Cabinet - Hardware
Door Fittings
Subject Index 211

** Heating - Equipment
Abram Cox Stove Company, c1909 15: 4
American Blower Company, [c1899] 15: 6
American Radiator Company, [192-?] 15: 10
American Radiator Company, c1925 15: 11
Anthracite Industries, Inc., c1936 15: 14
Anthracite Industries, Inc., c1937 15: 15
B. C. Bibb Stove Co., [1905] 15: 16
Babcock & Wilcox Company, 1894 15: 17
Babcock & Wilcox Company, 1895 15: 18
Baker, Smith & Company, [1885] 15: 19
Chester, William F., [1888?] 15: 22
Chicago House Wrecking Co., c1909 15: 23
Denslow Heater Co., [1891?] 15: 36
Electrol Inc. of Missouri, [c1927] 15: 39
Electrol Inc. of Missouri, [c1928] 15: 40
Forest City Foundries Company, [1947] 15: 46
General Electric Company, [1937?] 15: 49
General Gas Light Company, [c1930] 15: 51
Hardwick Stove Co., [1940?] 15: 54
ILG Electric Ventilation Company, [192-?] 15: 61
International Heater Company, [c1928] 15: 62
J. F. Pease Furnace Company, 1890 15: 66
J. F. Pease Furnace Company, [c1892] 15: 67
Kalamazoo Stove Co., [193-?] 15: 74
Kelsey Furnace Company, [1898?] 15: 80
King Ventilating Company, [c1916] 15: 83
Locke Stove Company, [1944?] 15: 88
Mahony Warming and Ventilating Establishment, [1887?] 15: 89
Mahony Wanning and Ventilating Establishment, [1888] 15: 90
Majestic Company, [1927?] 15: 91
Merchant & Co., Incorporated, [c1891] 15: 92
Montgomery Ward, c1917 15: 96
Mott, J. L., Iron Works, [c1843] 15: 98
National Electric Service Co., [1887?] 15:106
National Radiator Corporation, [c1938] 15:107
Ohio Foundry & Manufacturing Company, [c1950] 15:108
Peerless Manufacturing Corporation, [1937] 15:110
Richardson & Boynton Co., c1920 15:113
Richardson & Boynton Co., [1920?] 15:114
Richardson & Boynton Co., 1920 15:115
Richardson & Boynton Company, [1883?] 15:116
Richardson & Boyton Co., [1888?] 15:117
Richardson and Boynton Co., [c1900] 15:118
Safety Furnace Pipe Company, 1918 15:123
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [1912?] 15:125
Sears, Roebuck and Company, c1924 15:128
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [c1935] 15:129
Simonds Manufacturing Company, [c1879] 15:130
Smead & Northcott, 1886 15:131
Sturtevant, B. F., Co., c1896 15:138
Sturtevant, B. F., Co., c1937 15:139
212 Subject Index

Trane Company, [1927] 15:143

Wayne Company, [c1926] 15:150
Webster, Warren, & Co., c1945 15:151
Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., [192-?] 15:154
Williams Oil-O-Matic Heating Corporation, [c1925] 15:156
Williams Oil-O-Matic Heating Corporation, [c1927] 15:157
See also Stoves

** Hinges
Hecla Iron Works, 1866 8: 65

** Hollow Tiles
Hollow Building Tile Association, 1925 4: 32
Macomb Sewer Pipe Works, c1919 4: 44
Mason City Brick and Tile Company, c1938 4: 45
National Fire Proofing Company, 1911 4: 48
National Fire Proofing Company, c1915 4: 49
National Fire Proofing Company, [c1916] 4: 50
National Fire Proofing Company, [c1922] 4: 51
Ohio Hollow Block Company, [1894?] 4: 56
Pittsburgh Terra Cotta Lumber Company, [1891?] 4: 64
Port Costa Brick Works, [1926?] 4: 65
Whitacre-Greer Fireproofing Company, [192-?] 4: 77

** Hospitals
Frank S. Betz Company, [1928?] 11: 17

** House Framing
Weyerhaeuser Sales Company, [1932] 6:173

** House Plans
See Architecture, Domestic

** Houses, Concrete
See Concrete Houses

** Houses
See Architecture, Domestic

** Humidity - Control - Equipment and Supplies

Monmouth Products Company, c1936 7: 48

** Illuminating Vault Covers

See Vault Lights

** Insulating Materials
Armstrong Cork Company, [c1909] 7: 2
Armstrong Cork Company, [c1911] 7: 3
Armstrong Cork Company, [c1926] 7: 4
Celotex Corporation, [c1940] 7: 9
General Insulating and Manufacturing Co., [193-?] 7: 29
Subject Index 213

Insulite Company, 1928 7: 37

Insulite Company, fc1936] 7: 38
Johns-Manville Corporation, [c1936] 7: 41
Samuel Cabot Incorporated, [1940?] 7: 56
Union Fibre Company, 1911 7: 59
United States Gypsum Company, [c1939] 7: 61

** Insulating Paper
E. H. Martin & Co., [1880] 7: 17
E. H. Martin & Co., [1880] 7: 18

** Interior Decoration
Aladdin Company, [1912] 12: 11
Jenney, Edgar W., [c1928] 12: 97

** Ironwork
Badger Wire and Iron Works, [c1900] 5: 8
Barbezat & Cie., [1858?] 5: 9
Chase Brothers & Co., [186-?] 5: 18
E. T. Barnum, Wire and Iron Work, [1916?] 5: 29
Ferro Studio, Inc., [1930] 5: 35
International Steel & Iron Company, [191-?] 5: 56
J. G. Braun (Firm), [192-?] 5: 58
J. S. & G. F. Simpson (Firm), 1886 5: 59
King Iron Bridge & Manufacturing Co., [188-?] 5: 65
Manly & Cooper Manufacturing Co., 1884 5: 75
Mott, J. L., Iron Works, [190-?] 5: 84
Nutting, Wallace, [c1919] 5: 88
Phoenix Iron Company, [c1885] 5: 94
Pierre Duvinage, [1913?] 5: 95
Snead & Company, c1890 5:101
South Boston Iron Company, 1851 5:102
Stewart Iron Works Company, [1910?] 5:106
Van Dora Iron Works Company, [188-?] 5:116
Van Dorn Iron Works Company, [1884?] 5:117
See also Decoration and Ornament, Architectural

** Ironwork, Architectural
See Architectural Ironwork

** Joinery - Equipment and Supplies

Bowles, John J., [1850?] 6: 16

** Kitchens; Kitchen Cabinets

Coppes Brothers & Zook, [1927?] 11: 9
Coppes, Inc., [1939?] 11: 10
Curtis Companies Service Bureau, [c1939] 11: 11
Domestic Science Kitchen Unit Corporation, [c1930] 11: 12
Duparquet, Huot & Moneuse Co., 1928 11: 13
Frederick, Christine McGaffey, C1915 11: 18
G. I. Sellers & Sons Company, c1930 11: 20
H. M. C. Sales Corporation, c1929 11: 24
214 Subject Index

H. M. C. Sales Corporation, c1923 11: 25

Hoosier Manufacturing Co., [c1920] 11: 28
I-XL Furniture Company, 1928 11: 29
I-XL Furniture Company, 1935 11: 30
Janes & Kirtland, Inc., [c1927] 11: 32
balance & Grosjean M'fg Co., [1881] 11: 36
Lawrence Ellerbrock, Inc., [192-?] 11: 37
Morandi-Proctor Co., [c1910] 11: 41
Morgan Company, [1952?] 11: 42
National Lumber Manufacturers Association, c1929 11: 44
Wyse, Lois, [c1925] 11: 60

** Ladders
Bicycle Step Ladder Company, 1893 11: 5
Milbradt Manufacturing Company, [190-?] 11: 40

** Laminated Plastics
Formica Insulation Company, [193-?] 6: 65
Formica Insulation Company, [1938?] 6: 66

** Lampshades
Macbeth-Evans Glass Company, c1930 16: 91
Maison G. Mary, [191-?] 16: 93
Opalux Company, c1911 16:114

** Landscape Architecture; Landscape Architectural Firms

Hudson Nurseries (Firm), c1929 2: 30

** Lead-work
Henry Hope & Sons, 1927 5: 48
Henry Hope & Sons, 1931 5: 49
Hope (Henry) & Sons, [1917] 5: 52
Ledkote Products Company, [192-?] 5: 69
National Lead Company, [c1930] 5: 87
United Lead Company, [c1925] 5:114

** Lettering
See Sign Painting

** Library Fittings
Art Metal Construction Company, [1901] 11: 2

** Lighting
Allen-Sparks Gas Light Co., [c1900] 16: 1
Angle Mfg. Co., [c1910] 16: 2
Beardslee Chandelier Manufacturing Company, [c1910] 16: 6
Beardslee Chandelier Manufacturing Company, c1913 16: 7
Best & Lloyd, [c1920] 16: 9
Best Light Company, [1906?] 16: 10
Cambridge Electric Light Company, [c1920] 16: 11
Capitol Light Company, [c1925] 16: 12
Champion Incandescent Light Company, [c1920] 16: 14
Subject Index 215

Charles J. Weinstein Co., [d927] 16: 15

Chase Brass & Copper Company, [c1934] 16: 16
Coleman Company, Inc., [1919] 16: 17
Corning Glass Works. Macbeth-Evans Division, [1939?] 16: 19
Crescent Brass Products Co., [1921?] 16: 20
Dalton Lighting Fixture Company, [1924?] 16: 24
Day-Brite Reflector Co., [c1927] 16: 25
Decorators Supply Co., [191-?] 16: 27
Duplex Lighting Works, c1920 16: 28
E. P. Gleason Manufacturing Co., 1888 16: 31
Edison Electric Light Co., 1887 16: 32
Edwin F. Guth Company, [1930?] 16: 33
Edwin F. Guth Company, c1923 16: 34
Efcolite Corporation, [c1930] 16: 35
Electric Supply & Equipment Co., 1927 16: 36
Erie Fixture Supply Co., [c1920] 16: 37
Forty-Fort Fixture Co., [192-?] 16: 38
Frank H. Stewart Electric Company, [c1920] 16: 40
Frankelite Co., [1926?] 16: 43
Garden City Plating & Mfg. Co., [1928] 16: 44
General Electric Company, [1900] 16: 45
General Electric Company, 1924 16: 46
General Electric Supply Corporation, [c1936] 16: 52
General Gas Light Company, [190-?] 16: 53
George Cutter Company, 1918 16: 54
Gilbert & Barker Manufacturing Company, 1906 ] 16: 55
Gilmore Electric Company, [c1900] 16: 56
Globe Gas Light Company, [1877?] 16: 57
Gorham Manufacturing Company, c1916 16: 58
Graybar Electric Company, [1928?] 16: 59
Horn & Brannen Manufacturing Co., [1904] 16: 62
Horn & Brannen Manufacturing Co., [1922?] 16: 63
I. Albert Co., [1941?] 16: 64
I. P. Frink (Firm), c1912 16: 65
Janusch Manufacturing Company, [c1920] 16: 66
John C. Virden Co., [1931] 16: 67
John C. Virden Co., [c1932] 16: 68
John C. Virden Co., [1933?] 16: 69
John C. Virden Co., [c1934] 16: 70
Joseph E. Frechie & Co., [c1920] 16: 71
Joseph E. Frechie & Co., [c1921] 16: 72
Kayline Company, [c1930] 16: 73
Ketch, James M., [1933] 16: 74
Klemm & Company, [190-?] 16: 75
Klemm & Company, [c1910] 16: 76
Liberty Incandescent Light Co., 1916 16: 77
Lighting and lamp trade directory and catalog, c1927 16: 78
Lightolier Company, [c1919] 16: 79
Lightolier Company, [c1920] 16: 80
Lightolier Company, [192-?] 16: 81
Lightolier Company, [c1920] 16: 82
Lightolier Company, [192-?] 16: 83
216 Subject Index

Lightolier Company, c1924 16: 84

Lightolier Company, [1925?] 16: 85
Lightolier Company, [c1926] 16: 86
Lightolier Company, [c1935] 16: 87
Lightolier Company, [c1940] 16: 88
Luminous Unit Company, [c1916] 16: 89
Luminous Unit Company, [191-?] 16: 90
Macbeth-Evans Glass Company, 1911 16: 92
Markel Electric Products, Inc., [1935?] 16: 96
McKenney & Waterbury Company, [190-?] 16: 97
McKenney & Waterbury Company, [c1910] 16: 98
Milhender Electric Supply Company, [192-?] 16: 99
Mitchell, Vance & Co., 1876 16:100
Mitchell, Vance & Co., [1908] 16:101
Moe-Bridges Company, [c1920] 16:102
Moe-Bridges Company, [192-?] 16:103
Moe-Bridges Company, [c1920] 16:104
Montgomery Ward, [c1923] 16:105
Morris Sklar Company, [1920] 16:106
Morris Sklar Company, [192-?] 16:107*
Mott, J. L., Iron Works, c1911 16:108
National X-Ray Reflector Co., [c1914] 16:110
New York Lighting Fixture Mfg. Co., [c1920] 16:111
New York and New Jersey Globe Gas Light Co., 1879 16:112
O. C. White Company, [c1900] 16:113
Perfeclite Company, [c1930] 16:116
Philip Cass & Company, [c1920] 16:119
Philip Cass & Company, [1924?] 16:120
Philip Cass & Company, [c1925] 16:121
Philip Cass & Company, 1927 16:122
Philip Cass & Company, [1929?] 16:123
Philip Cass & Company, [1930?] 16:124
Philip Cass & Company, [c1930] 16:125
Philip Cass & Company, [1932] 16:126
Philip Cass & Company, [c1940] 16:127
Pitner Gasoline Lighting Co., C1906 16:128
Pitner Gasoline Lighting Co., [191-?] 16:129
Pittsburgh Reflector Company, [1926] 16:130
Pittsburgh Reflector Company, 1928 16:131
Pittsburgh Reflector Company, [1932] 16:132
Pittsburgh Reflector Company, 1924 16:133
Pollak Brothers, [192-?] 16:134
Public Service Electrical Supply Co., Inc., [c1930] 16:135
Quandrangle Mfg. Co., [1930] 16:136
R. E. Dietz Company, [1894?] 16:137
R. Williamson & Co., [190-?] 16:138
Reidon Company, [191-?] 16:139
Robert Paries, [c1900] 16:142
S. B. F. (Firm), [192-?] 16:144
S. B. F. (Firm), [192-?] 16:145
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [c1938] 16:146
Shapiro & Aronson, Inc., [c1916] 16:147
Subject Index 217

Shapiro & Aronson, Inc., [193-?] 16:148

Simes Company, Inc., [c1939] 16:149
Tab Electric Supply Company, [192-?] 16:150
The Lamp Guild, [1939?] 16:151
Thomson-Houston Electric Company, [c1885] 16:152
Todhunter, Inc., c1929 16:153
Todhunter, Inc., c1928 16:154
Toledo Lighting Equipment Company, [192-?] 16:155
Tomberg Electric Supply Co., [1940] 16:156
U.S. Automatic Lighting Co., 1909 16:157
Union Metal Manufacturing Co., [c1915] 16:158
Union Metal Manufacturing Co., [c1915] 16:159
United States Electric Lighting Company, [1882?] 16:160
Virden Lighting, [c1967] 16:161
Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., 1932 16:163
Wetmore-Savage Company, [1924] 16:165
Wetmore-Savage Company, 1930 16:166
See also Lampshades

** Lightning Conductors
Goshen Lightning Rod Co., [c1924] 10: 40

** Linoleum
Armstrong Cork Company, [c1918] 9: 5
Armstrong Cork Company, 1921 9: 6
Armstrong Cork Company, 1927 9: 7
Armstrong Cork Company, [c1936] 9: 8
Armstrong Cork Company, [c1937] 9: 9
Armstrong Cork Company, [c1940] 9: 10
Brown, Hazel Dell, [c1926] 9: 24
Brown, Hazel Dell, [c1939] 9: 25
C. H. Pepper (Firm), [188-?] 9: 26
Congoleum-Nairn, Inc., [c1934] 9: 34
Congoleum-Nairn, Inc., [c1939] 9: 35
Congoleum-Nairn, Inc., [c1956] 9: 36
Nairn Linoleum Co., 1890 9: 82
Nairn Linoleum Co., [191-?] 9: 83

** Locks and Keys

See Hardware; Locks and Keys

** Log Cabins
Wood Preserving Corp., [193-?] 13:102

** Lumber
National Lumber Manufacturers Association, [c1928] 6:122
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [1923?] 6:147
See also Building Materials

** Lumber - Drying
Boston Blower Company, 1891 6: 15
218 Subject Index

Pacific Spruce Corporation, [1924?] 6:126

** Machine Molding (founding)

Berkshire Mfg. Co., [1906] 1: 4

** Machinery; Motors
Deline Engineering Co., Inc., [191-?] 1: 12
Woodbury, Merrill, Patten & Woodbury Air Engine, 1889 1: 53

** Mahogany
Lamb, George N., [c1930] 6:101
Philippine Mahogany Mfrs.' Import Assoc., c1937 6:136

** Mantels; Fireplaces
American Face Brick Association, c1925 10: 2
Arnold & North, Inc., [191-?] 10: 4
Bennett Fireplace Corporation, [c1930] 10: 6
C. B. Atkin (Firm), c1902 10: 8
Carron Company, 1911 10: 13
Central Mantel Co., [c1905] 10: 14
Central Mantel Company, [1895] 10: 15
Chas. F. Lorenzen & Co., Inc., [190-] 10: 17
Chas. F. Lorenzen & Co., Inc., [190-?] 10: 18
Chas. Williams' Sons, [c1880] 10: 19
Chattanooga Implement & Manufacturing Co., [1923] 10: 20
Decorators Supply Co., [c1925] 10: 23
Edwin A. Jackson & Bro., Inc., [1895] 10: 29
Edwin A. Jackson & Bro., Inc., 1906 10: 30
Edwin A. Jackson & Bro., Inc., 1925 10: 31
Edwin Jackson, Inc., [1932?] 10: 32
Elzey Company, c1916 10: 34
Haney-White Co., 1903 10: 42
Hudson River Slate Co., [19-?] 10: 46
Innes & Company, [188-?] 10: 47
J. Rider, [1850] 10: 49
J. W. Bailey & Sons., [189-?] 10: 50
Jacobson & Company, [191-?] 10: 51
Mosaic Tile Co., [192-?] 10: 60
Paine's Furniture Mfg. Co., [1892] 10: 64
Penrhyn Slate Company, c1869 10: 65
T. W. Corbett (Firm), [189-?] 10: 70
Todhunter, Inc., [192-?] 10: 71
Todhunter, Inc., [192-?] 10: 72
Todhunter, Inc., [1928] 10: 73
Todhunter, Inc., [1929] 10: 74
W. D. & A. S. Nichols, [c1880] 10: 77
West Virginia Mantel Co., 1911 10: 82
White Mantel and Tile Company, [1904] 10: 83
Wm. M. Taylor Mantel & Grate Co., [191-?] 10: 85

** Marble
Association of Marble Dealers, [c1928] 4: 7
Subject Index 219

Association of Marble Dealers, [c1928] 4: 8

Brecher Co., [1931] 4: 12
Curt Teich & Co., [c1963] 4: 20
National Association of Marble Dealers, [1926?] 4: 46
Vermont Marble Company, [192-?] 4: 71
Vermont Marble Company, [c1929] 4: 72
Vermont Marble Company, [1930?] 4: 73
Vermont Marble Company, [c1940] 4: 74

** Marking Devices
S. W. Reese & Co., 1904 10: 67

** Masonry
See Building Stones

** Meat Industry and Trade

Gus. V. Brecht Butchers' Supply Company, [c1910] 11: 23
Wolf, Sayer & Heller, [c1900] 11: 59

** Memorial Tablets
See Sepulchral Monuments

** Memorials, War
See War Memorials

** Metal Ceilings
See Ceilings

** Metal Doors
J. G. Wilson Corporation, [c1923] 8: 77
J. G. Wilson Corporation, 1923 8: 78
Kinnear Manufacturing Company, [1900?] 8: 85
Metal Door & Trim Company, c1928 8: 94
Victor Manufacturing Company, c1904 8:158

** Metal-work
Arthur C. Harvey Company, 1915 5: 7
Dunn & Witt, 1870 5: 27
Friedly & Voshardt, Chicago, [c1923] 5: 37
See also Decoration and Ornament, Architectural

** Metal-work, Architectural
See Architectural Metal-work

** Millwork (Woodwork)
A. Teachout Company, c1915 6: 2
A. Teachout Company, [c1920] 6: 3
American Walnut Manufacturers' Association, [c1925] 6: 8
Associated Manufacturer's of Bill-Well Millwork, [c1937] 6: 12
Barber & Henderson (Firm), 1878 6: 13
Bennett Lumber Corporation, c1925 6: 14
Bradley & Currier Co., Limited, 1877 6: 17
220 Subject Index

Bradley & Currier Co., Limited, 1894 6: 18

Bradley & Currier Company, Limited, [1889?] 6: 19
Brockway-Smith Corporation, [1920] 6: 20
Calmar Manufacturing Company, [1919?] 6: 23
Carr, Ryder & Adams Company, [c1915] 6: 24
Carr, Ryder & Adams Company, [c1925] 6: 25
Carr-Trombley Mfg. Co., [c1920] 6: 26
Chas. A. Millen & Company, 1889 6: 27
Chas. C. Kellogg & Co., 1877 6: 28
Chicago & Riverdale Lumber Company, [1915] 6: 29
Chicago & Riverdale Lumber Company, [c1920] 6: 30
Chicago Millwork Supply Company, [1904] 6: 31
Chicago Millwork Supply Company, 1908 6: 32
Chicago Millwork Supply Company, 1929 6: 33
Chicago Millwork Supply Company, [1940] 6: 34
Cincinnati Sash & Door Company, 1934 6: 36
Cincinnati Sash & Door Company, 1935 6: 37
Cleveland Window Glass & Door Company, [1916] 6: 38
Clinton Lumber Company, [c1900] 6: 39
Collier-Barnett Company, [c1920] 6: 40
Cream City Sash and Door Company, [1901] 6: 42
Curtis & Yale Company, 1896 6: 43
Curtis Bros. & Co., [1904] 6: 44
Curtis Bros. & Co., [1908] 6: 45
Curtis Companies, Inc., [1914] 6: 46
Curtis Companies, Inc., c1917 6: 47
Curtis Companies, Inc., 1920 6: 48
Curtis Companies, Inc., c1927 6: 50
Curtis Companies, Inc., [1927?] 6: 51
Curtis Companies, Inc., [1932?] 6: 52
Curtis Companies, Inc., c1938 6: 53
Curtis Companies, Inc., c1946 6: 54
Deals Sash & Door Co., [c1923] 6: 55
Dykes Lumber Company, [c1920] 6: 58
E. L. Roberts & Company, 1903 6: 59
E. L. Roberts & Company, c1908 6: 60
E. L. Roberts & Company, [1908] 6: 61
Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing Company, 1898 6: 62
Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing Company, [c1910] 6: 63
Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing Company, [1923?] 6: 64
Foster-Munger Company, [c1895] 6: 67
Foster-Munger Company, c1899 6: 68
Foster-Munger Company, c1902 6: 70
Fuller (W.P.) & Company, c1927 6: 71
Fuller (W.P.) & Company, [1941] 6: 72
G. V. Selden (Firm), 1887 6: 73
General Millwork Corporation, [1934] 6: 74
Gordon-Van Tine Company, [1908?] 6: 75
Gordon-Van Tine Company, [1913] 6: 76
Gordon-Van Tine Company, 1917 6: 77
Gordon-Van Tine Company, [1920?] 6: 80
Gordon-Van Tine Company, 1921 6: 82
Subject Index 221

Gordon-Van Tine Company, [1925?] 6: 83

Gordon-Van Tine Company, 1938 6: 84
Gould Manufacturing Company, 1904 6: 85
Heaton & Wood, [19-?] 6: 88
Hinkle & Company, 1869 6: 89
Hussey-Williams Company, [c1940] 6: 90
Huttig Brothers Manufacturing Company, [1900] 6: 91
Huttig Manufacturing Co., [c1903] 6: 92
Hyde-Murphy Company, [c1914] 6: 93
J. W. Bailey & Sons, 1883 6: 94
J. W. Bailey & Sons, 1886 6: 95
J. W. Bailey & Sons, 1890 6: 96
Jackson & Newton Company, 1915 6: 97
John A. Gauger & Company, 1903 6: 98
John A. Gauger & Company, 1907 6: 99
Lidell & Williams (Firm), [1897] 6:102
Loetscher Jaeger Manufacturing Company, 1912 6:103
Lovell & Hall, [191-?] 6:104
M. Thomas & Sons, Auctioneers, [1873] 6:105
Montgomery Ward, [1914?] 6:106
Montgomery Ward, [c1921] 6:107
Montgomery Ward, c1925 6:108
Montgomery Ward, c1929 6:109
Morgan Company, [c1921] 6:111
Morgan Company, c1922 6:112
Morgan Company, c1923 6:113
Morgan Company, [c1930] 6:114
Morgan Company, [c1930] 6:115
Morgan Company, [1932] 6:116
Morgan Company, c1935 6:117
Morgan Company, [c1939] 6:118
Morgan Company, c1950 6:119
Morgan Company, 1954 6:120
Muscatine Sash & Door Co., 1899 6:121
O. B. Williams Co., [c1921] 6:124
Ohio Sash & Door Company, [1911] 6:125
Paine Lumber Company, Ltd., 1891 6:127
Palmer Fuller & Co., 1889 6:129
Palmer, Fuller & Company, 1879 6:130
Palo Alto Planing Mill, [1904] 6:131
Pease Company, [190-?] 6:132
Penna Door & Sash Co., [1902] 6:133
Peter J. Seippel Lumber Co., [1915] 6:134
Pettyjohn & Thornhill (Firm), [1892?] 6:135
Pittsburgh Hardwood Door Company, [1911] 6:137
R. McMillen & Company, 1895 6:138
Robbins Door & Sash Co., 1950 6:139
Rock Island Sash & Door Works, c1902 6:140
Rock Island Sash & Door Works, [1910?] 6:141
Sanger, Rockwell & Co., 1889 6:142
Schaller-Hoerr Co., [1910?] 6:143
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [1905?] 6:144
222 Subject Index

Sears, Roebuck and Company, [1907] 6:145

Sears, Roebuck and Company, [1908] 6:146
Sears, Roebuck and Company, c1925 6:148
Sears, Roebuck and Company, c1926 6:149
Sears, Roebuck and Company, c1928 6:150
Sears, Roebuck and Company, c1936 6:153
Slattery, Hardy & Company, [1884] 6:156
South Side Lumber Company, [1901] 6:157
Southern Pine Association, c1919 6:161
Standard Wood Turning Company, [c1882] 6:163
Standard Wood Turning Company, [1891] 6:164
Universal Catalogue Bureau, c1920 6:169
Universal Catalogue Bureau, 1927 6:170
Webber Lumber & Supply Company, [1927?] 6:171
West Side Lumber Co., [c1920] 6:172
Wholesale Sash, Door & Blind Mfrs Assoc. of NW, [1905] 6:174
Wholesale Sash, Door & Blind Mfrs Assoc. of NW, 1908 6:175
Wholesale Sash, Door & Blind Mfrs Assoc. of NW, [1911] 6:177
Wholesale Sash, Door & Blind Mfrs Assoc. of NW, c1914 6:178
See also Building Materials
Built-in Furniture
Flooring, Wooden
Wooden Doors; Cabinet-work

** Mirrors
J. C. Iversen & Co., [1874] 12: 81

** Moldings
A. C. Brown (Firm), 1879 6: 1
American Molding Company, [191-?] 6: 4
Brooklyn Moulding and Planing Mill, [185-?] 6: 21
Chidester & Company, [1870] 6: 35
Collins & Naugle (Firm), 1871 6: 41
Curtis Companies, Inc., c1927 6: 49
Foster-Munger Company, 1901 6: 69
Southern Pine Association, 1925 6:162
Wholesale Sash, Door & Blind Mfrs Assoc. of NW, c1908 6:176
Also see Millwork

** Mosaics
See Tiles; Mosaics

** Nails
American Steel & Wire Company, 1942 6: 5

** Oak
Townshend, J. H., 1918 6:167
Subject Index 223

** Office Equipment and Supplies

Office Specialty Mfg. Company, [1892] 11: 47

** Office Furniture
See Furniture; Office Furniture

** Oil-Cloth
Standard Table Oil Cloth Company, [191-?] 9:111

** Ornament
See Decoration and Ornament, Architectural

** Organs
Estey Organ Company, 1923 11: 16
Sterling Organ Co., [1882] 11: 52

** Outdoor Furniture
See Garden Ornaments and Furniture

** Paint
Anti-Kalsomine Company, [1888] 9: 4
Lowe Brothers Company, [c1899] 9: 71
Sherwin-Williams Company, [189-?] 9:105
Solvay Process Company, [1915?] 9:108
Wadsworth, Rowland & Co., Incorporated, [19-?] 9:127
See also Protective Coatings

** Panels (Engraving)
Trucson Steel Company, [192-?] 7: 58

** Paper Mache Ornament

See Decoration and Ornament, Architectural

** Pavement Lights
See Vault Lights

** Pavements
Barrett Company, [1908?] 2: 7
Ohio Quarries Company, [191-?] 2: 49
Portland Cement Association, [1929] 2: 53

** Pavements, Brick
Purington Paving Brick Company, [1911] 4: 66

** Pavements, Tile
Batchelder-Wilson Company, 1927 9: 11

** Pavements, Wooden
Southern Pine Association, [1916?] 2: 59

** Pergolas
See Garden Ornaments and Furniture
224 Subject Index

** Photography
Soule Art Company, 1885 1: 44

** Pianos
Emerson Piano Co., 1890 11: 14

** Picture Frames
A. S. Klein Company, [1909] 12: 6
Hale, Kilbura & Company, [1874] 12: 71

** Pine
Shevlin Pine Sales Company, [1931?] 6:154
Shevlin, Carpenter & Clarke Company, c1927 6:154

** Pipe; Pipe, Clay; Pipe, Cast-Iron

Boston Fire Brick Works, [1878] 2: 9
Bridgeport Brass Company, ]c1929] 2: 10
Greenwich Pottery (Firm), [1873] 2: 23
Mellert Foundry and Machine Company, 1891 2: 44
Portland Stone Ware Co., [c1895] 2: 54
See also Plumbing

** Plaques, Plaquettes
See Signs and Sign-boards
Sepulchral Monuments

** Plaster Casts
C. Hennecke & Company, 1889 12: 28

** Plaster; Stucco
Berger Manufacturing Company, c1918 9: 15
Clinton Wire Cloth Company, [c1914] 9: 33
General Fireproofing Company, [192-?] 9: 51
National Kellastone Company, [192-?] 9: 84
National Kellastone Company, [192-?] 9: 85
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, [1925?] 9: 96
United States Gypsum Company, c1924 9:116

** Plasterwork, Decorative
See Decoration and Ornament, Architectural

"** Plastics, Laminated

See Laminated Plastics

** Plumbing
Durham House Drainage Company, 1887 15: 38
General Fire Extinguisher Company, 1895 15: 50
Isaac D. Smead & Company, [1889] 15: 64
J. Stone & Company, 1898 15: 68
John Simmons Co., 1906 15: 70
John Simmons Company, 1893 15: 71
Subject Index 225

Sears, Roebuck and Company, c1922 15:127

See also Pipe; Pipe, Clay; Pipe, Cast-iron

** Plumbing - Equipment
A. Carr, Manufacturer, 1873 15: 3
Alberene Stone Co., [1899] 15: 5
Angell, Edmund R., [1866] 15: 13
Chicago House Wrecking Co., [c1912] 15: 24
Crane Company, 1924 15: 30
Crane Company, c1926 15: 31
Crane Company, [c1929] 15: 32
Crook, Horner & Co., 1900 15: 33
Dalton-Ingersoll Company, 1866 15: 34
Dalton-Ingersoll Company, 1889 15: 35
Elkay Manufacturing Co., 1929 15: 41
Fiat Metal Manufacturing Co., c1927? 15: 45
Hercules Iron & Supply Co., 1905 15: 55
International Nickel Company, [193-?] 15: 63
James B. Clow & Sons, 1899 15: 69
Keenan Structural Slate Company, c1910 15: 79
Keystone Brass and Rubber Co., [1927] 15: 81
Kohler Company, 1914 15: 84
Lalance & Grosjean M'f'g' Co., 1904 15: 85
Lehman Sprayshield Co., [c1930] 15: 86
Litterer Bros. Manufacturing Co., [192-?] 15: 87
Milner & Kettig Co., [1885] 15: 94
Monitor Closet Co., [1892] 15: 95
Molt, J. L., Iron Works, 1881 15: 99
Mott, J. L., Iron Works, 1885 15:100
Mott, J. L., Iron Works, c1900 15:101
Mott, J. L., Iron Works, [c1907] 15:103
Mott, J. L., Iron Works, c1915 15:104
Mott, J. L., Iron Works, c1919 15:105
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [c1919] 15:126
Smith & Winchester (Firm), 1894 15:132
Standard Manufacturing Company, 1898 15:133
Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co., c1911 15:134
Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co., 1920 15:135
Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co., [c1925] 15:136
Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co., [c1929] 15:137
T. W. Twyford, Sanitary Potter, 1894 15:140
Thos. Kelly & Bros., [1888] 15:142
Trenton Potteries Company, 1929 15:144
United Brass Company, [c1885] 15:147

** Plywood
See Woodwork

** Portable Buildings
See Buildings, Portable
226 Subject Index

** Postal Service - Equipment

Corbin Cabinet Lock Company, [190-?] 10: 21
Cutler Mail Chute Co., c 1917 10: 22

** Pottery
Rookwood Pottery Company, [1902] 12:138

** Protective Coatings
Parker Rust-proof Co., [1931] 9: 91

** Pumping Machinery
F. E. Myers & Bro. Co., [191-?] 15: 44
See also Windmills

** Radiators
A. A. Griffing Iron Co., [1888] 15: 1
A. A. Griffing Iron Co., [1888] 15: 2
American Radiator Company, [1904] 15: 7
American Radiator Company, c1905 15: 8
American Radiator Company, [1918] 15: 9
Compagnie nationale des radiateurs, [192-] 15: 27
Fuller-Warren Co., [190-?] 15: 47
Herman Nelson Corporation, [c1930] 15: 56
Tuttle & Bailey Mfg. Co., [1912?] 15:145
Tuttle & Bailey Mfg. Co., c1929 15:146
United States Radiator Corporation, [1920] 15:148

** Railroads - Passenger Cars

American Fire Proof Steel Car Co., [1890?] 2: 3
Arms Palace Horse Car Company, [1889?] 2: 6
Electric Axle Light and Power Company, c1900 2: 15

** Redwood
California Redwood Association, [1933] 6: 22

** Reflectors
See Lighting

** Refrigerators
Alaska Refrigerator Co., [191-] 11: 1
B. A. Stevens Co., 1906 11: 3
Cooper & McKee, Manufacturers, [1895?] 11: 8
Frigidaire Corporation, c1929 11: 19
General Electric Company, c1929 11: 21
Hendrick Manufacturing Company, Ltd., c1897 11: 27
Kelvinator Corporation, [c1925] 11: 34
Oltenheimer Bros., [191-?] 11: 48

** Reinforced Concrete
Aberthaw Construction Company, [c1902] 3: 2
American Steel & Wire Company, [c1911] 3: 7
Associated Expanded Metal Companies, [1910?] 3: 8
Subject Index 227

Corrugated Bar Company, Inc., c1917 3: 13

Federal-American Cement Tile Co., [d931] 3: 17
Genfire Steel Company, c1928 3: 19
Milwaukee Corrugating Company, [1928?] 3: 24
National Steel Fabric Co., [1926?] 3: 25
New Expanded Metal Company, Ltd., [1903?] 3: 26
Portland Cement Association, [c1929] 3: 33
Raymond Concrete Pile Company, [c1910] 3: 36
Trussed Concrete Steel Company, [c1913] 3: 39

** Restaurants - Equipment
Cecil Manufacturing Co., Inc., [c1932 11: 6

** Revolving Doors
Blanchard, Robert L., [c1929] 8: 5
Bridgeport Hardware Mfg. Co., [c1900] 8: 10
Van Kannel Revolving Door Company, [19--?] 8:157

** Roofing; Siding
American Iron Roofing Co., c1915 7: 1
Barrett Company (New Jersey), c1927 7: 5
Barrett Company (New Jersey), [c1932] 7: 6
Canton Iron Roofing Co., [1887?] 7: 8
Chicago House Wrecking Co., [191-?] 7: 10
Cincinnati Corrugating Co., [1885] 7: 11
Cortright Metal Roofing Co., [1895] 7: 13
Cortright Metal Roofing Co., c1907 7: 14
Cortright Metal Roofing Co., c1915 7: 15
E. P. Russell (Firm), [1857?] 7: 19
Edwards Manufacturing Co., [191-] 7: 20
Edwards Manufacturing Co., c1909 7: 21
F. W. Bird & Son, [191-?] 7: 22
F. W. Bird & Son, 1915 7: 23
Garry Iron and Steel Roofing Co., [1875] 7: 25
Garry Iron and Steel Roofing Co., [1888?] 7: 26
Garry Iron & Steel Company, [1905] 7: 26
Genuine Bangor Slate Co., Inc., c1906 7: 30
Globe Iron Roofing & Corrugating Co., c1890 7: 31
Indiana Paint & Roofing Co., c1885 7: 36
J. A. & W. Bird & Co., c1904 7: 39
Joseph Stelwagon's Son, 1892 7: 42
Kanneberg Roofing Co., [1891] 7: 43
Mica Roofing Company, [1867?] 7: 46
Milwaukee Corrugating Co., c1915 7: 47
National Sheet Metal Roofing Co., 1890 7: 50
Porter Iron Roofing Co., 1884 7: 55
Sheet Steel Trade Extension Committee, [c1929] 7: 57
Vieille Montagne Zinc Mining Company, [1855] 7: 62
W. G. Hyndman & Co., [1883?] 7: 63
Wheeling Corrugating Company, [c1895] 7: 65
See also Shingles
Tiles; Mosaics
228 Subject Index

** Rugs; Carpets
Carson Pine & Scott, Chicago, [1927] 9: 30

** Sanitation - Equipment and Supplies

See Plumbing

""" Schools - Furniture, Equipment

Austral Sales Corp., [1933] 10: 5
J. G. Wilson Corporation, [c1924] 10: 48
W. L. Evans (Firm), [191-?] 10: 78
W. L. Evans (Firm), [c1920] 10: 79
W. L. Evans (Firm), c1924 10: 80

** Screen Doors
See Wire Screens

** Septic Tanks
Kaustine Company, [1928?] 15: 75
See also Plumbing

** Sepulchral Monuments
Craig & Richards Granite Co., [c1900] 13: 16
East Waverly Steam Granite Works, [c1900] 13: 20
Farrington Gould Hoagland, Inc., [191-?] 13: 22
General Bronze Corporation, c1946 13: 26
Gorham Manufacturing Company, [c1905] 13: 31
Robert Caterson (Firm), [1905?] 13: 77
See also War Memorials

** Service Stations
See Automobiles - Service Stations

** Sewerage - Equipment and Supplies

See Plumbing

** Sewer-pipe
See Plumbing

** Shingles
Wheeling Metal & Manufacturing Co., c1929 7: 66
See also Roofing

** Show-windows
Lowe Brothers Company, [1900?] 11: 38

** Shower-Baths
See Plumbing

** Sidewalk Lights
See Vault Lights
Subject Index 229

** Sidewalks
See Pavements

** Siding
See Roofing; Siding

** Sign Painting
Chas. C. Janney, [1899?] 10: 16
Detroit School of Lettering, [190-] 10: 24

** Signs and Sign-boards

C. M. Kinney Co., c1913 10: 9
N. Stafford Co., [190-?] 10: 62
Philadelphia Sign Co., [1921] 10: 66
Spanjer Brothers, [1916?] 10: 68
Weber Illuminated Sign Company, [191-?] 10: 81
See also Traffic Signs

** Silos
National Fire Proofing Company, c1915 13: 66
Unadilla Silo Co., Inc., 1925 13: 93

** Silver Plated Ware

Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co., [1878] 12:143

** Simulated Wood
American Wall Paper Co., [c1893] 6: 6

** Sinks
See Plumbing

** Skylights
British Challenge Glazing Co., [1929] 7: 7
G. Drouve Company, c1912 7: 24
James Ackroyd & Sons, [192-?] 7: 40
Mellowes & Co., Ltd., 1903 7: 45
W. H. Hey wood & Co., [c1900] 7: 64

** Slate
See Mantels
Plumbing - Equipment

** Soda Fountains
Bastian-Blessing Company, [192-?] 11: 4
Hamilton Beach Manufacturing Company, c1933 11: 26
United Soda Fountain Company, c1928 11: 54

** Souvenirs, etc.
A. C. Bosselman & Co., [c1910] 12: 2
230 Subject Index

** Sprinklers, Fire
See Plumbing

** Stables
F. P. Smith Wire and Iron Works, c1911 13: 21
Fiske, J. W., [190-?] 13: 23
Jackson, James L., & Brother, [1871] 13: 37
Mott, J. L., Iron Works, c1910 13: 64
W. A. Snow & Co., c1894 13: 95

** Stains and Staining

Standard Varnish Works, [192-?] 9:112
See also Wood Finishing

** Stained Glass
See Glass, Ornamental

** Staircases
Bessler Movable Stairway Co., [191-] 5: 0
Curtis Companies, Inc., c1924 5: 23
Routes, William, [c1877] 5: 54

** Steel Flooring
Irving Iron Works Company, [c1923] 5: 57
Tri-lok Company, [192-?] 5:107
Wood (Alan) Steel Company, [1920?] 5:134

** Steel, Stainless; composite materials

Ludlum Steel Company, c1938 5: 71

** Steel, Structural
L. Brandt (Housing designer), 1929 5: 66
Milliken Brothers, [1905] 5: 79
Passaic Steel Company, [1903] 5: 89
Truscon Steel Company, 1930 5:108

** Stencil Work
John Lucas & Co., [1918?] 9: 64
Sherwin-Williams Company, [191-] 9:106
Stencil Co. of New York, [c1888] 9:113

** Stone
See Building Stones

** Stone, Artificial
See Cinder Blocks

** Stone, Cast
See Cinder Blocks

** Store Fixtures
Columbus Show Case Company, [1905?] 11: 7
Subject Index 231

Grand Rapids Store Equipment Corporation, c1929 11: 22

J. R. Palmenberg's Sons, c1893 11: 31
Norwich Nickel and Brass Company, c1912 11: 46
Peerless Fixtures Co., [1914?] 11: 49
Quincy Show Case Works, c1910 11: 50
Saginaw Show Case Company, Limited, [1914?] 11: 51
W. C. Heller & Company, cl922 11:55
Walker Patent Pivoted Bin Co., [1907?] 11: 57

** Store Fronts
Brasco Manufacturing Company, [c1920] 8: 8
Brasco Manufacturing Company, [c1921] 8: 9
Fells-Lenl-Cantor-Katz Corp'n, [192-?] 8: 49
Geo. L. Mesker & Co., [1905?] 8: 56
Geo. L. Mesker & Co., 1910 8: 57
J. G. Braun (Firm), c1930 8: 76
Kawneer Company, 1925 8: 83
Kawneer Company, c1929 8: 84
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, [191-?] 8:113
Zouri Drawn Metals Company, c1929 8:169
See also Show-windows

** Stoves
American Stove Company, [c1925] 15: 12
Bussey, McLeod & Co., 1877 15: 20
Chicago House Wrecking Co., [1913?] 15: 25
Cortland Howe Ventilating Stove Co., [c1895] 15: 29
Detroit Stove Works, 1907 15: 37
Elterich Art Tile Stove Works, [1890?] 15: 42
Excelsior Stove & Manufacturing Co., [1940?] 15: 43
Hotpoint Company, [1927] 15: 58
Huff & Brainard (Firm), [188-?] 15: 59
Hughes Electrical Heating Co., [c1915] 15: 60
Issac A. Sheppard & Co., c1904 15: 65
Kalamazoo Stove Co., [1924?] 15: 72
Kalamazoo Stove Co., [1926?] 15: 73
Keeley Stove Co., [1907?] 15: 76
Keeley Stove Co., [1914] 15: 77
Keeley Stove Co., 1941 15: 78
Michigan Stove Company, [1900?] 15: 93
Moore Corporation, 1935 15: 97
Orr, Painter & Co., 1873 15:109
Perry & Co., 1868 15:111
Richmond Stove Company, 1881 15:119
S. B. Sexton Stove & Mfg. Corp., 1927 15:121
S. M. Howes Co., [1890?] 15:122
Sears, Roebuck and Company, [1907?] 15:124
Thomas, Roberts, Stevenson Co., 1899 15:141
Wehrle Company (Licking Stove Works Division), [c1934] 15:152
Weir Stove Company, [191-?] 15:153
232 Subject Index

** Street-lighting
See Lighting

** Stucco
See Plaster; Stucco

** Stucco Ornament
See Decoration and Ornament, Architectural

** Surveying - Instruments
Gurley, W. & L. E., 1856 1: 21

** Swimming Pools
Portland Cement Association, [1930] 13: 72

** Tanks
See Water Towers; Tanks

** Tents
See Awnings; Tents

** Terra-Cotta
A. Hall Terra Cotta Co., [1884] 4: 1
Conkling-Armstrong Terra Cotta Co., 1914 4: 18
Northwestern Terra-Cotta Company, [1906?] 4: 55
Virebent freres, [c1835] 4: 75

** Textile Fabrics
Darvel Fabrics, [c1930] 12: 36

** Tile Pavements
See Pavements, Tile

** Tiles; Mosaics
H. Peretmere, entrepreneur (Firm), [c1865] 9: 54
J. and J. G. Low (Firm), [c1882] 9: 62
Maw & Co., [1870] 9: 79
Mintons Ltd., [18-?] 9: 81

** Tin Ceilings
See Ceilings

** Toilets
See Plumbing

** Tombs
See Sepulchral Monuments

** Traffic Signs
Crouse-Hinds Company, c1936 16: 22
See also Signs and Sign-boards
Subject Index 233

** Vault Lights
Jackson, Peter H., [c1890] 8: 80
Jackson, Peter H., 1899 8: 81
Jacob Mark (Firm), [1884?] 8: 82
P. H. Jackson & Co., [1885?] 8:106
St. Pancras Ironwork Co., Ltd., [1897?] 8:146

** Vaults (Architectural)
See Domes; Vaults (Architectural)

** Varnish and Varnishing

See Stains and Staining

** Veneers and Veneering

See Woodwork

** Ventilation
See Heating - Equipment

** Wall Board
Beaver Mfg. Co., c1909 9: 12
Celotex Corporation, c1938 9: 32
Cornell Wood Products Company, [c1920] 9: 37
Cornell Wood Products Company, [c1920] 9: 38
Homasote Company, c1940 9: 55
Insulite Company, [1936?] 9: 56
Marsh Wall Products, Inc., c1938 9: 73
Mason Fibre Company, [1926] 9: 74
Masonite Corporation, c1936 9: 75
Mastic Wall Board and Roofing Mfg. Co., [1911?] 9: 78
Philip Carey Company, [c1915] 9: 95
Simplex Steel Products Company, [c1920] 9:107
United States Gypsum Company, c1934 9:117
United States Gypsum Company, c1935 9:118
Upson Company, c1915 9:119
Upson Company, c1923 9:120
Upson Company, c1929 9:121
Upson Company, c1929 9:122

** Wall Coverings
Vitrolite Company, [1917?] 9:123
W. H. S. Lloyd Co., Inc., [1928?] 9:126

** Wail-Paper
Kayser & Altaian, [191-?] 9: 66
Kayser & Altaian, [1911?] 9: 67
M. H. Birge & Sons Co., [c1914] 9: 72

** Walls
Circle "A" Products Corporation, [1920?] 8: 17
234 Subject Index

** Walnut
American Walnut Manufacturers' Association, c1927 6: 9

** War Memorials
Barre Granite Association, [c1945] 13: 10
W. H. Mullins Co., c1913 13: 98
See also Sepulchral Monuments

** Washing-machines
Wells Brothers, [1872?] 11: 58

** Water Tower; Tanks

W. E. Caldwell Co., Incorporated, [1901?] 13: 96
W. E. Caldwell Co., Incorporated, [1924?] 13: 97

** Waterproofing
Crescent Sales & Mfg. Company, [1920?] 7: 16
General Fireproof ing Company, c1927 7: 28

** Weather Vanes
Fiske, J. W., [c1921] 10: 37
L. W. Cushing and Sons, c1883 10: 55

** Windmills
Charles J. Jager Company, [189-?] 15: 21
United States Wind Engine and Pump
Company, [1879] 15:149
See also Pumping Machinery

** Window - Shades
See Drapery

** Window - Valances
See Drapery

** Windows
Casement Hardware Co., [1937?] 8: 13
Concrete Engineering Company, [c1930] 8: 18
Crittall Casement Window Company, [c1925] 8: 29
Curtis Companies, Inc., c1927 8: 32
David Lupton's Sons Company, c1916 8: 34
David Lupton's Sons Company, c1918 8: 35
David Lupton's Sons Company, [192-?] 8: 36
David Lupton's Sons Company, [c1922] 8: 37
David Lupton's Sons Company, c1927 8: 38
Detroit Steel Products Co., [191-?] 8: 39
Detroit Steel Products Co., c1920 8: 40
Detroit Steel Products Co., [1924?] 8: 41
Detroit Steel Products Co., c1928 8: 42
Gardner Sash Balance Co., [1892] 8: 54
General Woodcraft Co., Inc., [1953?] 8: 55
Hecla-Winslow Company, Inc., 1915 8: 66
Subject Index 235

Hope (Henry) & Sons, [c1909] 8: 67

Howarth Reversible Sash and Sash Center Co., 1900 8: 69
International Casement Co., Inc., 1922 8: 71
International Casement Co., Inc., [1930?] 8: 72
Mesker Bros. Iron Co., [c1925] 8: 92
Mesker Brothers, [c1945] 8: 93
Rolscreen Company, [195-?] 8:128
William Bayley Company, c1926 8:161

** Windows - Thermal Properties

Chamberlin Metal Weather Strip Co., [c1927] 8: 14

** Wire
DeWitt Wire Cloth Co., 1885 16: 26

** Wire Fencing
See Gates, Fences, Wire Fencing

** Wire Screens
E. T. Burrows & Co., [c1892] 8: 45
E. T. Burrows & Co., c1897 8: 46
Porter Manufacturing Company, [1885?] 8:115

** Wood
See Specific Wood

** Wood Carvings
See Decoration adn Ornament, Architectural

** Wood Construction
See Building, Wooden

** Wood Finishing
Bridgeport Wood Finishing Co., [1890?] 9: 21
Bridgeport Wood Finishing Co., [191-?] 9: 22
See also Stain and Staining

** Wooden Doors; Cabinet-work

American Cabinet & Door Company, [191-?] 8: 2
C. B. Keogh & Company, 1873 8: 11
California Door Company, c1923 8: 12
Curtis Companies, Inc., c1927 8: 31
E. A. Carlisle & Pope Company, 1910 8: 44
Hardwood Products Corporation, [191-?] 8: 59
Hardwood Products Corporation, [1917?] 8: 60
Levi Boles & Son, [1873] 8: 87
Morgan Company, c1911 8: 95
Morgan Company, [c1916] 8: 96
Morgan Company, c1918 8: 97
Morgan Company, [c1930] 8: 98
Paine Lumber Company, Ltd., [1906?] 8:107
236 Subject Index

Roddis Lumber & Veneer Company, [1916] 8:125

Roddis Lumber & Veneer Company, [1922] 8:126
Roddis Lumber & Veneer Company, [c1924] 8:127
W. D. Crooks & Sons, [c1920] 8:160

** Wooden Pavements
See Pavements, Wooden

** Wood, Simulated
See Simulated Wood

** Woodwork
American Walnut Association, 1915 6: 7
American Walnut Manufacturers' Association, c1934 6: 10
Arkansas Soft Pine Bureau, [c1916] 6: 11
Douglas Fir Plywood Association, [c1939] 6: 56
Douglas Fir Plywood Association, [1940?] 6: 57
Gum Lumber Manufacturers Association, [1914?] 6: 86
Gum Lumber Manufacturers Association, [1915?] 6: 87
Shevlin, Carpenter & Clarke Company, c1930 6:155
Southern Hardwood Producers, [1937] 6:160
See also Millwork (Woodwork)
Wood Finishing

** Woodworking Machinery
P. Pryibil (Firm), 1884 1: 39

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