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Test on mobility of factors of production 2 name:________( )

When _______________________, the occupational mobility of labour of an economy will decrease.

A. fares on most forms of public transport increases
B. the government lowers its subsidies for continuing education
C. more mobile applications about recruitment are made available
D. more companies lower their requirements on employees’ education level

In which of the following situations will the occupational mobility of property agents increase?
(1) The requirements for property agents qualifying examination is lowered.
(2) People have to obtain an additional new licence to become property agents.
(3) Salaries of property agents decrease relative to other industries.

A. (1) and (2) only

B. (1) and (3) only
C. (2) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3)

The geographical mobility of labour in Country A is higher than that of Country B. This may be because
A. the government of Country A provides more on-the-job training to its workers.
B. it is easier for workers in Country A to obtain information about job vacancies.
C. the education level of workers in Country A is higher.
D. the transport network in Country A is better.

In 2014, the Hong Kong government announced plans for seven new rail projects, which will cost around $110 billion. After this
expansion, the railway network will cover areas inhabited by 75% of the population and 85% of job locations. Discuss the effect
of the plan on labour mobility. (3 marks)








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