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Vision, Mission, Core Values

and Objectives
Educational Institution
• Place where learners of different ages gain education
• Follows a grade system:
• preschool
• primary
• intermediate
• secondary level (junior and senior high school)
• tertiary level (colleges and university)
• Carry out activities that engage students with various learning
environments and spaces
Educational Institution
• Classified based on structure and format:
1. Formal
• Done within a conventional classroom setup
• Follows a structured curriculum set by a technical committee appointed by the
• Learning materials (books, journals, etc.) are determined by the curriculum
• Takes place in a stipulated period
2. Informal
• Done outside a conventional classroom setup
• Not restricted to a certain location
• Skills and competencies are gained from various learning environments (home, cultural
setting, schools) and behavioral skills primarily through daily interaction and exploration
Vision and Mission Statements

• conveys the DESIRED END of an academic institution
• usually one-sentence statement
• should be CLEAR, MEMORABLE and CONCISE with an average length
of 14 words.
Vision Statement
“To be a recognized university in the Asia Pacific Region by 2022.”
Vision and Mission Statements

• one-sentence statement relating to the INTENTION of an institution's
• “What you do” or “Who you do this for?”
• simple, clear with an average of 5-20 words
Mission Statement

“Spreading Ideas” by TED

“The increase and diffusion of knowledge” by Smithsonian
“LPU-B, espousing the ideals of Jose P. Laurel, is dedicated to the
holistic development of the individual constantly in pursuit of truth and
acts with fortitude (Veritas Et Fortitudo) to serve God and country (Pro
Deo Et Patria). It is committed to provide quality education and develop
leaders, lifelong learners and globally competitive professionals who
possess the 4C’s – competence, commitment, credibility and
Vision Mission
Function It inspires to give the best an It defines the key measure of
shapes your understanding of the institution's success
WHY you are in the institution
Developing Statement When do we want to reach What do we do today?
success? For whom do we do it?
Where do we want to go Why do we do what we do?
How do we want to do it?
Time Talks about the future Talks about the present
leading to the future
Question Where do you aim to be? What makes you different?
Where do you want to be? How will you get where you
want to be
Value Statement/Core Values
• List of fundamental doctrines the guide and direct the educational
• Sets the moral direction of the institution and its academic community
• Guides decision-making
• Things to consider in developing a value statement:
1. What values are distinct to our educational institution?
2. What values should direct our institution?
Value Statement/Core Values

LPU-B aims to develop and strengthen the following core values:

G – God Centeredness

L – Leadership

I – Integrity

N – Nationalism
• Short statements that learners should achieve within or at the end of
educational experience
• Must follow the SMART criteria
• Specific
• Measurable
• Attainable
• Realistic
• Time-bound

• LPU-B's objectives and goals is enshrined in the 4Cs

• Competent

• Committed

• Credible

• Collaborative

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