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How To Identify Sustainable Resources

Almost everything on this planet has been harnessed, farmed, or cultured for mans various needs. These have benefited man in many ways such as providing electricity, fuel for transportation, and food on your table. However, it is a sad fact that as humans multiply rapidly, these resources have decreased proportionally. In some particular cases, resources have even dwindled much faster because of abuse. The time has indeed come for shifting our focus to the sustainable resources to make these as suppliers of mans needs. Resources are those that can be replenished through natural means primarily or through mans interventions secondarily. For these to be called sustainable, the pace and amount of replenishment should be greater than the speed and volume of consumption. If not, it should, at least, equal the rate it is being consumed. Otherwise, it loses its sustainability. There can be many aspects in appreciating sustainable resources, and terms like center, definition, group, degree, international, etc. can come out often. However, if you need some examples of these resources, the following can be of help.
1. Forests are resources that can be and should be sustained. With all the recurring natural disasters in different countries around the world due to climate change, the destruction of forests should be stopped. The trees should be allowed to replenish and to increase forest cover. Instead of cutting trees for commerce, these should be protected and promoted for sustainable ecotourism. 2. Wind cannot be depleted, therefore it is sustainable. Energy generated by wind has been used by some countries to supply electricity. Windmills or wind-powered generators are the most common machines that utilize its power, making it a sustainable industry. Ads by Google Siemens answers Efficient energy supply - Answers for the environment.

3. Aquatic resources, particularly fishes that are not farmed or cultured, can sustain themselves. However, man has been over-fishing for some years now. This has led to endangering some fish species. The problem is now being solved by certain restrictions covered by sustainable conservation laws of many countries. 4. As the worlds population balloons, food scarcity has become a problem. One solution being currently promoted is rural sustainable agriculture. This agricultural production for food does not rely on inorganic farm inputs. Therefore, it keeps the soils natural richness, enabling it to sustain plant growth even without the introduction of chemical and, sometimes, toxic fertilizers.

Humans, in their effort to survive, have designed various forms of intervention to ensure the sustainability of very important resources. Scientific studies and social researches have been advanced to find ways of developing sustainable projects, which can empower people to meet economic needs without relying on methods that can adversely affect the environment. Humans, after all, are one of the most important resources. Sustainable resources should not be mistaken for renewable resources. While the former are used up slowly, the latters consumption is at rapid rates, requiring the involvement of humans to renew its supply. Most of the worlds electricity is generated by non-renewable resources such as petroleum, natural gases, and nuclear energy.

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How To Manage Sustainable Resources

The planet Earth is blessed with natural resources that have continually sustained the growth and development of the human population for thousands of years. Unfortunately, some of these natural resources are being depleted at a rapid rate, which may one day cause them to totally disappear. It should be the goal of every human being to find ways to manage sustainable resources for the benefit of the present and future generations. The World Commission on Environment and Development has defined sustainable development as meeting the present needs without necessarily compromising the future generations ability of meeting their own needs. At the United Nations General Assembly Conference in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, Agenda 21 was born. It is the blueprint for implementing sustainable developmental actions. This involves coming up with practices of using the Earths resources in a way that preserves and sustains it for generations to come. For years now, the need to develop and implement strategies for managing sustainable resources continues to escalate. There are two kinds of resources:

1. Renewable resources are those that can replenish themselves. Examples are trees, fishes, agricultural stocks, water, oxygen, solar and wind power. 2. Non-renewable resources are resources that cannot renew themselves or will take eons to replenish. For example, minerals mined from the earth and fossil fuels (oil, coal, natural gas).

Humans are using both types of resources at a rate that is greater than they can be sustained. The key to resource sustainability is consuming it at the same rate that it replenishes itself. For example, trees should only be cut down when new trees reach maturity. This is called optimumconsumption. However, humans have been practicing over-consumption for decades. Resources are consumed at a faster rate than they can replenish themselves. Over-consumption is a pressing issue, especially if you look at the dwindling forests and the continuing extermination of species. The management of sustainable resources falls on the shoulders of, well, everybody.
1. Global organizations like the United Nations should continue to develop strategies for sustainable resource management and assist its member nations in implementing such programs. 2. Individual governments must enforce stricter laws on natural resource use, waste management and protection of ecosystems. Their goal of sustainable conservation of natural resources must include support for sustainable industry initiatives, sustainable ecotourism programs and urban and rural sustainable projects. Public education on resource degradation and sustainable management issues is required. Governments must work with businesses, NGOs and individuals in finding solutions to this pressing concern. 3. Non-governmental organizations like the International Institute for Sustainable Development should continue to spearhead research and educational campaigns championing sustainable resource management. 4. Companies and business owners need to include sustainable resource management as part of their mission and vision. Their profit should not come at a high price, that is, the degradation and depletion of the resources. There should be more companies engaged in both environmental management and community development, like Clark Sustainable Resource Development Ltd. 5. Consumers or individuals should seriously consider finding ways to buy and use products made from sustainable materials. Everyone should make informed choices in their daily living.

Individual governments are not solely responsible for coming up with and implementing programs for managing sustainable resources. Each person should be involved in the fight against the continued depletion and degradation of the planets wealth. Use the web in finding out what your government is doing in terms of sustaining your countrys natural resources and mitigating the effects of over-consumption. Find out what local and global initiatives are out there and how you can be a part of the solution.

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Resources Management Resource Development Natural Green Living Home & Garden Academia Clark Sustainable Resource Development Ltd. Ecotourism Education Environment International Institute Law Natural Resource Oil Renewable Resource Rio De Janeiro Sustainability

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