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Advanced Reiki Techniques Page 1


The Law of Correspondence with Absentee Thumb Technique

Treatments in First Degree Accelerating Time/Squaring the Energy
Another Visualization Technique for First Degree Technique
A Method for Sending Absentee Treatments in Working with non-physical entities...
Second Degree Reiki
Doing Reiki on a List of Recipients
Flame/Candle Technique
Crystal Reiki Grid Technique
Continuously Resonating Field of Reiki Energy
Reiki Manifestation Grid
Some Methods for Sending Absentee Treatments
The Law of Correspondence with Absentee Treatments in First Degree

In first degree Reiki class, we teach a very simple method of sending Reiki at a
distance (absentee treatments. The simplest is to use a photo of someone, or an object
(stuffed teddy bear, pillow, piece of paper, anything, etc.) that you intend to represent
the recipient. There is a Universal Law that can be called forth to assist in this
technique: the 'Law of Correspondence' or the 'Law of Similarity'. This is the means
for which you, the practitioner, tell the Universal Beings of Healing what you are
intending to do, and how you are proposing to do that. Then they will help to hold
your intent in place while you are the conduit of the energy of Reiki. Simply, the 'Law
of Correspondence' states: "Each component within a system or thing retains its own
characteristics and takes on the characteristics of the system or thing as a total sum of
its parts". Hence, one human represents another or all other humans; or one thing
represents any other thing. And the "Law of Similarity" simply states: "If a person,
object, or condition bears any likeness or resemblance in color, shape, smell, action or
sequence of events, it can be used for many psychic purposes as if it were the person,
object, or condition itself, because of this likeness". Similar things have the same
energy. So it is important to use either of these laws when doing any kind of distance
treatments. You would take a photo, or object you intend to use, and hold it in your
hands, thinking about the person you intend to send energy to. When you feel a
connection between the energy of that person and a similar sense of the energy in the
object you are holding, then the connection is complete. You would then state,
mentally or verbally these words: "By the Law of Correspondence (or "Similarity"),
this (name of object) represents (name of person)". Next, you would mentally state,
"By the 'Law of Correspondence', as long as I am giving Reiki to this object, (name[s]
of person/recipient) receives a complete and continuous Reiki treatment. Then you
would hold that object between your hands, and simultaneously visualize the image of
the person you are sending energy to. As long as you hold the image of that person,
you are connecting with them (through the object) and they are receiving extra energy
into their body. You can see that it is important to hold the visual image, so a
disciplined, focused mind is necessary to fully accomplish this technique. You can
also make the same object represent more than one person, but it is necessary to be
able to hold the mental image of each person you are sending to (this takes a highly
trained mind). One technique you can use to make this a bit easier, is to
imagine/visualize each person you are sending to sitting on a sofa (this helps you keep
all the visual images in one space. If you have more than will fit the sofa, see
additional people standing, sitting, or kneeling around the sofa.

Another method is to hold the empowered object on your heart; this is the area of your
body emitting the strongest field of energy, because your hands are an extension of
your heart (same level in the body) and you are creating a continuous loop of energy
out through your hands, into the object, back into your heart and out through your
arms/hands once again. You could also place the object over each of your body
positions; as you are receiving Reiki in each of these hand-placement positions, the
recipient(s) is also receiving a treatment. It would strengthen the distant treatment if
you would intend and state, "By the 'Law of Correspondence', my (name of body/hand
position) represents (name of body/hand position) of (name of recipient) receiving
Reiki. As you do your daily self-treatment, each person your object is empowered to
represent also receives a whole body treatment. Again, if you do this for more than
one distant recipient, you must be able to hold the visual image of each person during
the energy treatment. We teach a simplified version of an absentee treatment to our
first degree students because each person has one or more family members or friends
that could use some balancing and/or healing/wholing. This technique can also be
made stronger by adding a prayer to the Highest and Best Good for the person(s)
being sent to. And it can be even stronger if you call upon your personal guides,
masters, and teachers (Reiki or other modalities) by name. More on this in the second
level techniques.

Another Visualization Technique for First Degree

Here is yet another method for creating more effective treatment sessions. It is a
visualization technique from Diane Stein's Essential Reiki. Imagine that you have 12
pairs of arms attached to your torso, like "Matahari" or "Shiva". Visualize laying them
on yourself or a client simultaneously, and intend to feel the increased energy flow
through your hands at one time, covering all 12 of the body positions at once. With a
little practice, this method will increase your awareness, and you will sense a greatly
enhanced flow of Reiki through you.

A Method for Sending Absentee Treatments in Second Degree Reiki

In second degree Reiki, we teach the following techniques; first the more simple and
then the more advanced are listed here. In Second degree class, the students are
attuned to the 'sacred' symbols' and then they can increase the efficiency of their
healing work by using them. The simplest technique for sending Reiki to someone at a
distance, is through the use of a photo; a first generation 'Polaroid' is best; the more a
photo is copied, the weaker the energy connection to that person through the photo.
But with the use of Reiki symbols, that connection can be strengthened. Physically
draw the three symbols (with writing instrument or with finger and always say the
names of each symbol three times) on the photo and say (mentally or verbally), "By
the 'Law of Correspondence', this photo is filled with unlimited Reiki treatments".
Then draw the symbols on the photo again, and say, "By the 'Law of Correspondence',
this photo represents (insert name of recipient, age, location, and condition)". Then
draw the symbols once more onto/over the photo, and say "By the 'Law of
Correspondence', as long as I do Reiki on this photo, (insert name of recipient) also
receives a complete and continuous treatment". You can then place the photo between
your hands, on your heart, on each body/hand position, or any way that you have been
taught or create intuitively. One way we send treatments is by the knee/thigh method:
we draw the three symbols (say names of each three times) on our right knee and we
say, "By the 'Law of Correspondence', my right knee represents the four head
positions of (insert name of recipient)". Then we put the photo on our right knee, our
hands over the photo and do Reiki as if we were doing a hands-on treatment. We hold
for a minimum of five (5) minutes, or longer as guided by intuition or inner-knowing.
Then we draw the three symbols (say names of each three times) on our right thigh
and we say, "By the 'Law of Correspondence', my right thigh represents the four front
positions of (name of recipient)". Then we put the photo on our right thigh, our hands
over the photo and do Reiki as if we were doing a hands-on treatment. We hold for a
minimum of five (5) minutes, or longer as guided by intuition or inner-knowing. We
repeat again, this time using the left thigh to represent the four (4) back positions of
the intended recipient. At this time, we can finish or if we are led to do more, we
usually add the left thigh, stating our intention that it represents the 'joy' level, cause
of any imbalance on any/all levels, the consciousness or awareness, or anything that
we might have picked up intuitively after doing a standard treatment on all twelve
(12) body/hand positions. If you feel anything amiss while doing any of the grouped
body/hand positions, and you would like to find out precisely where in the recipient's
body the imbalance is, you can do the following. Say that you feel something in the
'front positions' (right thigh), then you can empower each of the knees and
thighs.....the right knee would represent 'front position #1', right thigh would represent
'front position #2', left knee would represent 'front position #3', and left thigh would
represent 'front position #4'. You would use the symbols and names in the same way
described above. This should help you to become more sensitive to the exact location
of any imbalance (trauma, injury, memory, implanted thought form, etc.) and you
would probably want to treat that or any other area of imbalance you may find with
extra treatment time. And of course, on any of these and other techniques, you would
increase the energy going into the recipient with any extra Power symbols that you
would use, while doing Reiki on any body/hand position. This would specifically
work on any imbalances you find in the physical level. And if you suspect that the
causation of any problem might be on the mental, or emotional levels, you would
want to add extra Mental/Emotional symbols together with extra power symbols, and
the Reiki will work deeper on those levels. If you suspect that a discovered imbalance
might be spiritual in nature, then it would be wise to add additional Distance symbols,
along with extra Mental/Emotional and Power symbols. This would work with
Karmic debts being held onto in the recipient's energy fields. Knowing that Reiki
cannot hurt any individual on any level, we strongly recommend to our students that
they use all three symbols while doing Reiki on anyone, or any object. This would
insure that all energy bodies would be equally worked with; it sometimes takes quite a
lengthy time of practice to begin feeling the more subtle energy imbalances beyond
the physical level.
How to Send Reiki to Multiple Recipients - Techniques for
Second Degree and Above
There are several way to send to more than one person at a time; not all are listed
here, as there are no limits to the number of methods that are being used by Reiki
practitioners - worldwide. These are some of the ones that Adonea and I learned, and
teach in various levels of Reiki classes. If you know of more, we ask the you send
them to us through email, and we will pick out several of the best ones for inclusion in
this part of our website.
Doing Reiki on a List of Recipients

You can also do Reiki on an entire list of people, where each receives a complete
Reiki treatment. This is particularly helpful when you might have many more than a
few people requesting Reiki simultaneously. Obviously, if you do an absentee
treatment on one requestee at a time, you will become more sensitive to imbalances,
their type and location and can work longer on specific areas of the body that are in
need of healing/re-balancing. But , when the numbers of requestees don't permit
individual case-work, then this method can help save time, and still give each person a
good treatment. You would empower the paper as before, intending it to be stored
with unlimited Reiki treatments, then you would write the names, ages , locations, and
conditions (the more information that defines a person, the better the chance that the
energy will go to that particular person requesting it). There are many people in the
same city with the same names, same ages, same locations, and possibly with similar
symptoms/conditions. So, to insure the energy goes to the right person, it is useful to
empower each person with a separate set of symbols, stating the intentions that the
paper represents the name of each person to receive Reiki. When the entire list is
empowered, then do one last set of symbols, and state, "By the 'Law of
Correspondence', as long as this list receives Reiki, each person individually receives
a complete and continuous Reiki treatment simultaneously". Then you can choose the
method that you treat the list (see options above). A good treatment can be done in
about 15 minutes, because at this dimension of body/mind/Spirit, there is less
impedance/limiting thoughts that can block out the fullness of the Reiki being
transferred; hence, the treatment can be done in a shorter period of time. And of
course, you can always increase the energy of the treatment by using the additional
techniques described above.
Flame/Candle Technique

We have also learned or intuitively received other techniques of absentee treatments

that can help you to be a better 'energy worker'. We often use a flame (oil lamp or
candle) to represent a requestee list, especially a large one with many names. We still
set-up the list the same way as described above. Then we place a candle on the list,
light it, and empower the flame to represent the list, then repeat the symbols, and
intend (mentally or verbally) that as long as the flame burns, the list and everyone that
it represents receives an individual, complete and continuous Reiki treatment.
Occasionally, as I pass the flame, I will add extra energy by drawing extra Power
symbols onto the flame.
Crystal Reiki Grid Technique

Of course, there is also the 'Crystal Power Grid' made popular by William Rand. You
would secure, buy, find, or dig for eight similarly sized quartz crystals, holding the
intent/purpose of 'healing' in thought as you pick them.. You would choose a center
quartz crystal (sphere, cluster, or multi-terminated) and a photo-copy of the
'Antahkarana' symbol or your choice of sacred symbol (preferably purple in color).
You would cleanse all the crystals in a sea-salt and distilled or purified water bath, for
a period of 24 or more hours. Then we would also suggest that the crystals be placed
outside for a minimum of two days and two nights. This will empower the crystal with
a full charge of masculine (Sun) and feminine (Moon) energies. You would physically
pick up each crystal and empower them individually with all three of the Reiki
symbols (using symbol with 'Law of Correspondence'), and place three sets of
intentions onto each crystal: 1. To empower the crystals with unlimited Reiki
treatments; 2. To place the intent of the crystal's use for healing purposes; and 3. To
place an unlimited supply of power symbols into each crystal. Then empower the
symbol (Antahkarana). Find a 'sacred space' for the grid, that only you will have
access to. Place the center crystal on the symbol, and from the batch of crystals,
intuitively choose one that feels like it has strong 'Yang' or masculine energy as the
'charging crystal'. Then place the six remaining crystals (points facing inward toward
the center crystal) in a circle, evenly distributed like the numbers of a clock. Invoke
the guidance and assistance from your personal guides (angels, Ascended Beings,
Reiki Masters and teachers) to charge and attune the grid with Divine Love/Wisdom
for the Highest Good of all concerned. Pick up the charging crystal and place it in
your dominate hand, point downwards over the grid of crystals. Place the point of the
charging crystal over the center crystal and draw pie-shaped triangles over each of the
crystals in a counter-clockwise direction. Draw a line from the center crystal out to
one of the crystals, then move counter-clockwise to the next crystal, then back to the
center, then back out to the crystal you just left, and move counter-clockwise to the
next crystal, moving around the circle several times, until you feel that the grid is
strongly empowered. Add to this movement the following chant/mantra/affirmation:
"I charge, I charge, I charge this grid, this grid, this grid with healing energy, with
healing energy, healing energy to heal, to heal, to heal". Then replace the words
"healing energy" with words like "love, balance, awareness, compassion, clarity,
worthiness, acceptance wholeness, etc You will want to do this last procedure every
couple of days to cleanse, rebalance, and empower the grid with a strong 'healing'
energy. And between re-empowerments, you can draw Power symbols over the grid
every time you walk by it. Now place your list of healing requestees into the center of
the grid and intend for it to send complete and continuous Reiki energy to every
individual on the list. If you are going to be traveling or for some reason you will not
be able to re-charge your grid every couple of days, take a photo (preferably a first-
generation 'Polaroid') and empower it to represent your grid. Take the photo and the
'charging crystal' with you and every couple of days, you can charge the grid using the
photo as a surrogate/representation for the grid. You can also add additional people,
situations or relationships onto the photo to send continuous treatments to the list.
Other Advanced Uses/Ideas for Second Degree and Above
Continuously Resonating Field of Reiki Energy

Another 'crystal' technique is the "Continuously Resonating Field of Reiki Energy".

With this method, you would set up a defined area of space to hold a continuous field
of energy that will benefit any life-form. You will need four (4) similarly sized
crystals. You will want to clear and purify them as described above. Then you will
want to empower each crystal with unlimited Reiki treatments; plant and empower the
intent for the field of energy to be stimulated each time the molecules in the crystals
move or vibrate (continuous action in all matter). Then you place the four crystals in
the corners of a room or on the outside corners of a house/building, or on the
boundaries of a garden, at the corners of a pet's house/space, etc. and visualize the
energy fields connecting all crystals, creating an energy field that continues upward
above the ground, as well as downward beneath the ground. Then draw/visualize the
symbols toward the resonating field of energy, and empower the enclosed space with
unlimited power symbols; then repeat the symbols and intend the resonating field of
Reiki energy to continue its action with each molecular vibration. Everything within
the space of the crystals will continue to receive an on-going treatment of Reiki. You
might even do this around your should help you to sleep and remain more
relaxed and healthy.
Reiki Manifestation Grid

A really favorite technique of ours is the "Manifestation Grid" (from Diane Stein's
Essential Reiki); and who today doesn't have money, things, situations and/or
relationships that they would like to have created in their life? This technique is
composed of several other modalities, but it works so well with Reiki; we include it
here. We must be able to determine what we would like to have in our lives, and a
good way to do that is to sit down and list everything on a piece of paper that would
make life more enjoyable, easier, and useful to us in our everyday experience. Once
you have listed all that you can think of in one setting (you can always add or delete
as you go along), then you need to put those visual images into some concrete form
for the Universe to energetically work with. The next step is to search though
magazines, newspapers, idea books, and trade journals that are of particular interest to
you. Look for photos that best represent the items that you have listed. Look also for
words that best describe what you want in your life; words cut out of magazines,
newspapers, trade journals, etc. And find some photos of yourself, your partner,
whoever is in your life, or perhaps a representation of someone that you want to be in
relationship with. You can also use clipart, photos, and printed 'phrases/words' from
the computer/internet. Choose the photos of yourself/partner that are not your
favorites; cut out the heads and put onto the photos of people that are doing the kinds
of activities that you want for yourself. Remember, you can always add to the grid as
you go now have enough of the essential basics to begin to build the
grid. You will need a poster board (your choice of color, but white may be best), some
fast-drying glue (a glue-stick works very well), some markers of various colors. Now,
draw a large circle on the poster board; this will represent the Earth. Then draw in
representations of the land masses (continents, islands, etc.) that you would see from
space. Color the land, and the water their appropriate colors. Then draw in some
clouds over the land and water. What you should have is a pretty good representation
of the Earth (similar to that taken by the Apollo astronauts from space). Next, using a
ruler, draw a grid of lines over most of the poster board, including drawing them over
the earth. This should look like 'waffle squares'; horizontal and vertically intersecting
lines with the ends going out beyond the large box of squares. Draw the lines boldly
with a black marker pen. Then begin to place the photos and the words that describe
your desires all over the poster board, and when you like the placement, glue all of the
photos/words onto the poster board. Then when you are finished, you will want to
draw (with the hand/fingers or with a writing instrument) the Reiki symbols over the
whole grid. Empower the grid using the formula described above. And tack or hang
the "Manifestation Grid" on the wall, or on the back of a door (if you don't want
others to see it) or over the bed (on the ceiling). Every time you walk by or look at the
grid, draw or visualize the 'double power symbols' over the poster board. Whenever
you look at the grid, project an image of you in the middle of the grid, as if you
already were enjoying the fruits of your desires. You can add positive affirmations to
your Reiki work, and that will help your conscious and non-conscious mind accept the
success of manifesting everything that you desire that is represented on the grid. Have
fun with can even use meditation work by focusing on the grid with eyes
open, drawing Reiki symbols over the poster board, repeating positive affirmations,
and then closing your eyes, and creating a visual picture of the grid in your mind, and
repeating the sequence of techniques that you did with eyes open. Before long, these
objects, situations, relationships, etc. will begin to appear in your life. And so it is.....

For more information about Reiki Ryoho or comments on this web page contact:

Southwestern Usui Reiki Ryoho Association at:
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Thumb Technique The Law of Correspondence with Absentee Treatments in

Accelerating Time/Squaring the Energy Technique First Degree
Working with non-physical entities...

Another Visualization Technique for First Degree


A Method for Sending Absentee Treatments in Second

with non-physical entities... Degree Reiki
Byosen Reikan-ho

on a List of Recipients
Doing Reiki

More on working with Guides/Angels Flame/Candle Technique

Reiki Marathon

Crystal Reiki Grid Technique

Continuously Resonating Field
of Reiki Energy

Reiki Manifestation Grid

Thumb Technique
Another technique that we use often is the 'thumb method'. If you do not have the use of both hands to send
absentee treatments, then you can empower the thumb of your non-dominate hand to represent a person,
situation or relationship (this is a good one for job interviews, tense situations, angry people, dis-eased/dying,
etc.). Wrap the remaining fingers of your non-dominate hand around your thumb and as you do Reiki on
your thumb, you are doing Reiki on the person, situation, or relationship. And of course, any of the above
additional techniques can be applied to this equally well.

Accelerating Time/Squaring the Energy Technique

Another way to increase the available energy to your service work is little known, but it does come with a
!WARNING!.....This is not a technique to be taken frivolously.....using it indiscriminately may have a
negative effect on your energy fields/health. We have used this technique and have not necessarily had any
negative results, but then again, we do not yet know if it has, and it just has not become apparent to us yet.
Our first Reiki Master actually gave the "Warning", and she was not someone to run around yelling "The sky
is falling......". We have to say that our first Master did overuse and overwork all the techniques that she
discovered or was taught; this allowed her to try it on herself before passing the information on to others.....if
there was any adverse effects from using the techniques, then they would only affect herself. The technique
is designed to 'speed up time' and to "greatly increase" the amount of Reiki being transferred. These
techniques should only be used in extreme cases.....perhaps 'life threatening dis-eases' or severe injuries
sustained in some form of accident. In order to call in greater amounts of healing energy, you would
draw/visualize the symbols (mentally repeating their names 3 times each) over or toward the intended target;
mentally say to yourself and to the higher dimensional beings that help humans evolve and grow spiritually,
"By the 'Law of Correspondence' I call forth the technique of 'time acceleration' and 'energy squaring'. With
each increasing number I count, time will accelerate to the equivalence of one hour of normal Reiki 1/8
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an outdated, with each
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.It was will
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itself". Then you begin to count 's-l-o-w-l-y' by single numbers beginning with "1" or by multiple numbers
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like "5's", or some arbitrary system of counting that you choose. You will want to create some system of
visualizing these techniques happening on the physical plane......perhaps you will mentally see a clock's
hands speeding up one hour for each number you s-l-o-w-l-y count. And you may visualize a block of
'energy' increasing exponentially (multiplying by itself) with each number you s-l-o-w-l-y count. And you
will want to 'feel' these things happening in your own reality and project this reality to the client/recipient as
you proceed. If you use this indiscriminately, you may find that speeding up time will begin to show on you
as age, or that any imbalance/dis-ease that you are currently experiencing within yourself, may begin to
worsen. Again, I implore you to use this system only when great amounts of healing energy are needed
quickly. Use this technique with discrimination.

Working with Non-physical Entities: Ascended Reiki Masters, Teachers, Guides,

There is one more advanced technique that is being discovered by more dedicated Reiki practitioners, and
that is working with the beings on non-corporeal dimensions. We have read about and are just beginning to
work with Beings of Energy that exist on other dimensions beyond the physical. It has occurred to us, and
apparently to increasing numbers of other practitioners that our physical brains are not yet developed enough
nor have we developed a practiced level of concentrated focus to strongly affect our physical reality. But we
are getting closer to the understanding where we will be able to instantly manifest any desire by developing
our inherent psychic abilities. This being so, very few of us can actually see vibrational fields beyond the
range of our physical eyes. This is the planes of the devas, fairies, energy beings that are the ones that
actually do most of the work to hold physical objects in time, space and form. There are many different
beings that have volunteered their time and lives to assisting the human level of existence to reach upwards
from the dense fields of vibrations to the more subtle, faster/higher fields, where we will be able to manifest
with our minds and will. Until then, there are Beings that we can call upon to help us in our daily chores and
lessons, and they are willing to help us, but we must learn that we have to call upon their particular services;
they will not interfere, even if it is in our highest good. We have learned that we do not necessarily need to
know their specific names to do so, but only need to ask them for help.

When we are doing any and all Reiki work, we have made it a practice to first set the space where the work
will take place as sacred; we do this by visualizing light surrounding the entire room. Then we take a few
moments/minutes in silence, sensitize our mind/body unit to awareness beyond the normal focus of our
physical bodies. We then invoke/invite the Beings that work with healing/energy systems to come forth, to
add their energy, direction, and intelligence to the work that is about to be performed. We particularly call
upon the Beings that we work with; some of these are Mother/Father/Creator God, the Mahatma (the Highest
aspect of our wholeness), the Over-lighting Deva of Healing, the Great White Brotherhood (particularly
those that work with healing systems), the Avatar of Reiki (direct agent for God who holds the system of
Reiki in the consciousness of humans), the Masters, Teachers, Guides of all Reiki branches/systems (past,
present, and future), the Solar Angels that assist us Humans with our intentions of
healing/attunements/lessons on this and all planes/dimensions, and our own guides that have been and are
working with us for our Highest and Best Good. We have found that our attunements, our treatments, our
distance work, and even our understanding of Reiki has deepened, become more pronounced, more
perceptible on this and other dimensions of consciousness. We have truly come to know that it is not us, our
small ego-identities, that do the work, but rather the 'pan-dimensional' beings that do the work. We humans
do a dance, and it is the Higher Entities that accomplish the tasks according to your intent and desires. Please
begin to be sensitive to this yet untapped realm of energy that awaits our bidding. We suggest that you keep a
journal of your experiences after each treatment/attunement, so that you can feel the increased energy that is
made available to us to accomplish the will, desire and design of Mother/Father/Creator-God. Blessings on
your discoveries..... 2/8
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Following is the technique as taught in the west.

You can scan the body using your two "sensitized" hands held about 1 - 3 inches above the body. Determine
what it is that you want to respond to….stickiness in aura, hot spots, cold spots, etc., and move your hands
slowly from the top of the head to the soles of the feet. Be aware of how your hands feel, and when they
detect anything different (your intended "response") then remember the location(s) of these sensations.
Finish scanning the entire body. When finished, go back to the areas that had sensations, and place your
hands on the body….then slowly raise your hands straight above that area until you feel a sensation;
sometimes your hands feel a stickiness (or other sensations) there. Hold your hands at that height for about 5
minutes or until you feel a "lightening" of that sensation. You can also ask your "Reiki guide/intuition if that
area is complete. Then continue to raise your hands until you feel you are beyond the auric field…in most
people, it is about 3 feet. Repeat this procedure for each location you felt "response" during scanning. Follow
up this procedure with a complete "hands-on" treatment.

More on Working with Guides/Angels

How do I call upon my Angel/Guide(s)?

Just call upon Them. Here is an example: "Most beloved name of your Angel/Guide , I humbly ask that you
join me now (or I humbly call upon you now) and help me to fill in the blank ." When you are completed
with your request or work that you are doing Thank your Angel/Guide for their help.

The more you do this the stronger your connection will feel with your Angel/Guide. You can also sing their
name at least 3 times, use your inner guidance on pitch and tone. Kind of like a chant of sorts.

How can I open wider to the energy of my Angel/Guide or allow them to do their work through me?

Call upon your Angel/Guide and ask them to use your vehicle/body to do their work, or to merge with you to
do your work. Also here are a few other things you can do to strengthen your connection with your Guide:

1. Before you go to sleep at night, ask your Angel/Guide to come to you in your dream and give you a
message or what ever. Then when you first wake up write down on a piece of paper any impressions,
or messages you got and/or about any dreams you may have had. It is possible that they will give you
messages in visual images in your dream.
2. Talk to them during the day and ask for help when you feel stuck with something. Always listen to the
small quiet voice (intuition, gut feelings) you get and act on them, this is your guide or your High Self
communicating with you.
3. Do guided meditation where you meet with you Guide/Angel. It is very easy to make one on your
own, go to a book store and look up Meditation, Guided Meditation or Guided Visualization and see if
you can find a book which has various meditations in it. Pick the parts you like, add some of your own
and record it on a tape player. Then listen to it daily until your connection to her is very strong. 3/8
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The Reiki Marathon

Published in the May 1999 issue of "The Messenger"

Most Reiki practitioners have been taught Reiki is a healing technique. We have no argument with that, as
long as it is not thought to be only a technique for healing. Reiki is not limited to healing; it is a spiritual
discipline which calls more of our Spirit essence into the physical body, thus connecting together more of our
"wholeness" with our multi-dimensional selves and with the Godhead.

This means we have more energy to work with in this plane of existence, and therefore, less wear and tear on
the body. When we do not have much Spirit residing in our body, we get out of balance, and begin to put
strain/stress on the systems which keep us in good health and balance. This can lead to imbalances that if not
corrected, will have to be dealt with by medications, or even surgery. And if not corrected, we may meet with
death because of system failures.

Reiki practitioners have been taught the only task necessary to ‘charge our batteries’ is to place our hands on
specific areas of our body and the energy will act as a slow-charge to the organs that keep our systems in
good working order. But most practitioners have also been taught it only requires one hour-per-day to return
our depleted systems to full energy and vibrant health. For some, this may be true, but for many others, one
hour-per-day has not proven to be sufficient. Every body requires varying amounts of energy before
"enough" has been stored to begin the re-balancing of all bodily systems.

We teach practitioners that a minimum of three days of treatments is necessary before the body can begin to
draw upon the ‘charged’ energy and start to eliminate/change the conditions that have limited the body’s
flow of energy. More often than not, a person who has had a long-standing or chronic condition(s) will need
much more than three consecutive days of Reiki treatments. Of course this is difficult because of time
constraints and busy schedules of both the practitioner and the recipient alike. When time just does not allow
for three or more consecutive treatments, some practitioners have learned to give whatever they can; some
Reiki is better than none. This is true to a point, but if a recipient hopes and desires to regain health and
vitality, then some Reiki may only be a ‘teaser’ and may not be enough to show any change of conditions.
What can be done? How can a recipient receive enough Reiki energy to sufficiently ‘quick-start’ the re-
balancing (purification) of a dis-eased organ or system?

The Reiki Marathon may be the answer. We know the word ‘marathon’ means "An event or activity which
requires prolonged effort or endurance." The Reiki marathon, then, is a specific chosen period of treatment
time performed by multiple practitioners. Here is one way this may work. Talk to all the Reiki practitioners
you know in the area. Ask your Reiki friends to contact their Reiki friends for a soon-to-be-held Reiki
Marathon. Schedule a convenient date for the recipient when s/he will be available for the whole day, or the
greatest part of it. Schedule a minimum of one practitioner to do hands-on treatment every hour throughout
the day. Try to cover every hour without break. The more practitioners who can give treatment, the stronger
the energy flow, and hence, the more benefit to the recipient. Ultimately, it would be extremely beneficial to
schedule about 5 practitioners for each hour during the day. A practitioner can stay one or more hours, just as
long as every hour has one or more practitioners giving treatments for the entire day. If the recipient has to
get off the table to use the bathroom, the practitioners present would do absentee sending of the energy while
the recipient is off the table. In addition to scheduling practitioners to do hands-on treatments, it is beneficial
to also line up many practitioners to send distance Reiki treatments to the recipient throughout the day.

Large groups of Reiki practitioners have gathered who dedicate their service to those in need, either in-
person or via distance treatments. They can be found on the Internet by doing a search for "Reiki + healing
requests"; give them the details of the marathon…when, times, who, where, why. Ask for a rallying of
practitioners to be available to the needs of the recipient. 4/8
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treatments. "Healing" is an on-going process of change which is the sole responsibly of each individual, but
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as practitioners, we can all assist and support others in their own process by offering additional amounts of
energy known to move imbalances through various healing stages toward balance/health. With the Reiki
Marathon, one may see great change, and sometimes complete alleviation of symptoms, occasionally a
reversal of the causative level of dis-ease. The Reiki Marathon can be the ‘kick-start’ to help a person begin
the purification cycle that can be the "hope" needed to continue through the process of change. Let us hear of
your Reiki Marathon stories. Blessings to all.

Byosen Reikan-ho
Byosen Reikan-ho – The method for sensing imbalances with your hands. (From the teachings of Mikao
Usui, presented in Adonea's Okuden Reiho Manual).

The words Byosen Reikan describes the energy of a disease. It can be detected with your hands, will vary
depending on the severity and condition of the disease and from person to person. Byosen Reikan literally
means energy sensation of sickness (imbalance/disease). Byo means ‘disease, sickness’ and Sen means
‘before, ahead, previous, future, precedence’, Rei means ‘energy, soul, spirit’ and kan means ‘emotion,
feeling, sensation’. This is an original technique from Usui, which can be done on yourself or others.

When detecting a Byosen you will feel sensations such as tingling, tickling, pulsating, or piercing, biting,
pain, numbness, heat, cold and so forth; these sensations are called ‘Hibiki’. Your arms may ache clear up to
your shoulders in extreme cases. Whenever disease is present there will be a Byosen, even when the client is
unaware of a physical condition. If you sense a Byosen in someone’s body and work on it until it disappears,
the related disease (or potential disease) will either completely heal or never manifest on the physical level.

It is important to note that the Byosen may show up in a place, which is obvious (like over or near the
diseased part), or somewhere that seems completely unrelated. Here are a few examples of Byosens which
show up in unrelated places: stomach disease often shows up in the forehead, roundworm under the nose,
liver problems in the eyes and so on.

The ability to sense a Byosen will vary greatly from person to person. Some students will readily detect it
and others will take time to develop this ability. Anyone can develop the ability to detect Byosen in time, by
doing Reiho daily hands-on treatments on themselves and others. Once you can sense a Byosen do the
following technique:

The technique:

1. Sit or stand comfortably next to the recipient.

2. Gassho, calm the mind and say silently “I begin Byosen Reikan-ho now”.
3. Place your hands on or slightly above the body, move them around and notice. What you are looking
for are areas where you feel something different from the overall general sensation (i.e. heat, cold,
tingling, an absence of sensation, etc.).
4. When you sense a Hibiki, hold your hands over that area. The Hibiki will increase and then decrease;
this is one cycle, which will repeat as long as your hands are on the body. The longer you hold your
hands over a spot the more cycles you will feel; with each cycle, the peak of the Hibiki diminishes
slightly. Keep your hands over the Hibiki for a minimum of one cycle.
5. Move your hands to the next Byosen and repeat step 4.
6. When you have completed the entire body Gassho and give thanks. 5/8
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The method for generating greater amounts of Reiki, which facilitates Spiritual growth. (From the teachings
of Mikao Usui, presented in Adonea's Okuden Reiho Manual).

A technique which, cleanses the energetic body and cultivates a greater flow of Reiki energy. Self-cleansing,
meditation and movement from Taoist qigong. Hatsu means, “to generate something”; Rei means, “spirit or
soul”; Ho means, “treatment, method, or way”. This is an original technique from Usui.

(Note from Adonea 10-14-2002: We have been working with Hatsurei ho now since 1999, and have come to
a new level of understanding about what this technique does and its' importance in Reiho. If done on a
regular basis (i.e. every day or two) Hatsurei ho cleanses, aligns, balances, increseses and refines one's
energy system, calms the mind and emotions (for and increased sense of peace and well being), and builds or
enhances one's Reiki flow. It has a similar effect for a Shoden (First Degree) or Okuden (second degree)
student... as a Shinpiden (Master/Teacher) giving oneself Self Reiju or a Self Attunement regularly.)

The technique:

1. Kihon Shisei – Half lotus posture

Sit comfortably in a chair or on the
floor (Seiza). Close your eyes and relax. Place your focus onto
your hara (or tanden), located 1 ½” below navel and 1” in body. Place hands on your lap, palms down.
2. Mokunen - Focus the mind

Say to yourself “I begin Hatsurei-ho now”.

3. Kenyoku - Dry bathing or Brushing off
a. Place your right-hand fingertips near
the top of the left shoulder (where collarbone and shoulder
meet). Hand is flat, palm toward body.
b. Breathe in. Hold breath as you move the hand downward in a diagonal line, from left shoulder to
right hip. Release breath forcefully, and shake hand as you move off the hip.
c. Repeat movements with left hand, on the right side of body. Move hand downward in a diagonal
line, from right shoulder to left hip.
Do movements a and b again (right hand on left side of body). Now place the right hand on the
middle of the left forearm, palm down, hand flat, fingertips pointing outwards. (movement can
be done from the shoulder as well)
Breathe in. Hold breath as you move the right hand, down
the arm, to the fingertips, all the while keeping the left arm straight and parallel to the floor in
front of you. Release breath forcefully, and shake hand as you move off the fingertips.
movements with left hand on the right arm. Do movements e and f again (right hand on left
4. Connect to Reiki - Bringing in the Light
Raise your hands above your head, visualize
and feel the Light of Reiki flowing down through your
hands into and through your whole body.
5. Joshin Kokyu-ho – Cleansing Breath
a. Hands on lap, palms up, relaxed
fingers. Breathe through your nose while focusing on your hara
(or tan tien) and relax.
b. While breathing in, visualize the Light of Reiki (or white light) entering your crown chakra
moving to your hara and expanding until your whole body is filled with Reiki Light, dissolving
all tensions, anxiety and stress completely.
c. On the out-breath, visualize the Light of Reiki expanding beyond your skin, filling your aura and
then out to infinity in every direction.
d. Repeat for a couple of minutes or as long as you like.
6. Gassho – Prayer mudra
Put your hands in prayer position slightly above your heart.
7. Seishin Toitsu – Concentration Breath
Hands remain in Gassho, visualize that
you are breathing through your hands. This is when Reiju can
be done on students by the teachers. 6/8
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b. On the out-breath, visualize light moving from the hara to the hands filling them with Reiki
c. Repeat for a couple of minutes or as long as you like.
8. Mokunen
Place hands back on lap palms down. Say to yourself "I have finished Hatsurei-ho".
a. Open your eyes and shake your hands vigorously at the wrists, for a few seconds to help bring
you back into your body.

As stated earlier, there is no limit to the number of methods that one can use to send energy to another
person. When we first learned Reiki, our imagination would 'fly' and we would ask our Master if we could
do Reiki this or that way, and her stock answer was always, "Try it, if it works for you, then use it. If it
changes and no longer works, then create a different method". So we pass this on to you......there is no right
or wrong way to do Reiki, hands-on or absentee. If you can imagine it, and feel it, then it will work. Put
Reiki into the shower head so that it empowers the flowing water, put Reiki into a tub of water and receive a
treatment while you take a bath, empower a light bulb with Reiki and receive a continuous treatment as long
as the light is on, put Reiki into any moving object (clocks, fans, doors, wind chimes, flowing water,
television images, computer keyboards, computer mouse's, telephones, pagers, laptops, watches, etc.
Whenever any intended movement happens, you can receive a Reiki treatment once you have empowered
that object with your intent. Make sure that you empower your automobile, your favorite chair, your bed,
your pillows , kitchen counters, stove, coffee maker, food processor, or any object/place that you use
repeatedly or spend a lot of time on/in. And make sure that you re-empower the object/place and your
original intent every couple of days; just place additional power symbols over the objects thereby re-
strengthening your intent. You life, health, relationship with objects/things and the Universe will change;
take on a deeper significance in your daily life experiences. Happy Reiki-ing.

For more information about Reiki or comments on this web page:

Email the Southwestern Usui Reiki Ryoho Association at:

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