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CHFD220 Human Sexuality

American Public University System (APUS)

CHFD220 Week 1 Assignment Human Sexuality Throughout History Time-


Assignment 1: Human Sexuality Throughout History Time-line
Our readings describe the various historical-cultural influences that have
affected human sexuality. These historical-cultural influences include such
events as the sexual revolution, the control of conception, the emergence
of contraception, as well as the redefining of gender roles throughout
history. Many of these events changed the way sexuality is viewed today.
Using Prezi (, PowerPoint, or Word create a time-line
and identify at least 7 important historical events that you believe
influence sexuality today. Evaluate each of these events according to its
significance in history and culture. Place the date, a brief description, or
even a video clip of the historical-cultural influence. Please include
visual elements for whichever format you choose.  Please read the
grading rubric below for additional guidance with this assignment.
All assignments and forums in the class are designed for you to
demonstrate your understanding and your knowledge of the material
content. It is never acceptable or appropriate to simply provide
information that is copied and pasted from a source - any source. Even if
the information were cited properly, copying and pasting does not
demonstrate knowledge.


CHFD220 Week 1 Discussion - Introductions and Autobiography Matrix -

Your Own Sexuality Education

W1: Introductions and Autobiography Matrix - Your

Own Sexuality Education
First, share a little about yourself like, where you live, how you came to be at APUS, your
family, pets, hobbies and what you would like to gain from this course.
Next, as the readings  described, human sexuality involves the
interrelationship of a person's biological, psychological, and sociocultural
characteristics (e.g. the three dimensions of human sexuality). Evaluate
each of the dimensions according to their significance in your life. Based
on the experiences you noted in your Autobiography Matrix, what was the
course of most of your information about sexuality as you grew up? How
did your experiences with parents, teachers, and peers influence your
views of sexuality today?


CHFD220 Week 2 Discussion Debate on Comprehensive Sexuality Education

The local school board is meeting in a few days to vote on the inclusion of
a comprehensive sexuality education curriculum for all grades.  The
curriculum will be called,   ALL ABOUT ME (for elementary students),
CHANGING BODIES (for middle school students) AND TAKING CARE OF
OUR BODIES AND MINDS (for high school students).  The opinion is
based on the ACOG opinion paper and the research that supported it (see
below) .  Some community members are opposed to having this
curriculum in the schools, while others are in support of a comprehensive
sexuality education curriculum. You are the school board president, and
your area has seen a rise in pre-teen and teen pregnancy.  Your school
system has also been sued for permitting sexual harassment of female,
homosexual, and nonbinary students at all grade levels.  Pressures have
been building from many sides, and after a Title IX review, the team
conducting the review recommended instituting a comprehensive sex
education program that started in preschool as recommended by ACOG. 
After much consideration, the school superintendent and the school board
have agreed that this is the best solution. Regardless of your personal
views, write an argument that responds to parental opposition to this
decision.   Be sure to support your argument with information from our
readings or other appropriate research-based information. 
The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Committee on
Adolescent Health,  has published an opinion paper on Comprehensive
Sexuality Education. Select here to read the opinion.
1) PAY ATTENTION TO  the difference between the terminologies of "sex"
and "sexuality" education" WHEN WRITING YOUR POST.
CHFD220 Week 3 Discussion It's About That Time

Imagine that your 9 year old daughter has just told you that her best
friend has started her period. She wants to know when she is going to
start hers. She also is confused about what a period even is.

Write out a potential script you could use to answer your daughter's
questions. Explain when she can expect to begin her period and describe
what occurs during the menstrual cycle.


CHFD220 Week 4 Discussion Exploration of Sexual Response and Arousal

Many factors influence male and female sexual response and arousal. Describe
how the three dimensions of sexuality (biological, psychological, and
sociocultural) influence sexual response and arousal.


CHFD220 Week 5 Effective Communication in Intimate Relationships

Effective Communication in Intimate Relationships

Imagine a scenario in which two partners are discussing getting tested for
sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In this scenario, the partners
demonstrate through discussion their understanding of the symptoms of
STIs, the methods used to test for STIs, and the way in which STIs are
treated as well as their capacity to engage in effective communication
with one another about this sensitive topic.

Write out a role-play conversation between the partners in which they

make use of effective verbal and nonverbal communication strategies
(including active listening, "I" statements, and emotional validation) to
discuss getting tested for and the possibility of getting treated for STIs. At
the end of your role play, produce a brief, 1-paragraph summary of how
effective communication was used.

Your script must be at least 650 words long. Your script should
demonstrate accurate knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases, and
how to test for them as well as knowledge of communication strategies.
Use at least 2 references to support your work.
If you would like, you may write a script for a couple that differs from
your personal experience (culturally or in terms of orientation, for
example) or even write a script detailing how you would convince two
clients of yours to get tested.


CHFD220 Week 5 Discussion Talking About Sex Education

Read this article on sex education from National Public Radio.  Were you
encouraged to discuss issues of power in your own sex education?  Do you agree
or disagree with the interviewee's perspective, and why?


CHFD220 Week 6 Discussion Contraception Communication

Compare a contraceptive's perfect use with its typical use.  Identify some
factors that prevent people from engaging in contraception use or use
that is not perfect.  What solutions people can use to overcome these
challenges. How can these solutions be conveyed? 

Note:  in this Discussion, students often reveal their own preferences for
contraception.  That's perfectly OK, but rest assured-- there is no need to
disclose this kind of personal information if you'd rather not.  We respect
your privacy!


CHFD220 Week 7 Assignment Sexual Tolerance The Times They Are


Assignment 7: Sexual Tolerance: The Times They Are A'changing

People in the United States vary widely in their acceptance of the sexual
and gender choices and orientations. The impact of those with views of
lesser acceptance is felt the hardest by the most vulnerable among us-
our children.

Watch the following video of a Ft. Worth City Councilman speaking about
his experiences as a young man marginalized based on his sexual
orientation and consider the impact such a message would have on a
young person in a similar situation and on an adult who is intolerant of
the LGBTQ community.

· Joel Burns: It Gets Better

v=ax96cghOnY4 (transcript located on YouTube site)

Compare and contrast what you believe the experiences of these two
individuals (the insecure LGBTQ youth and the intolerant adult) viewing
this message would be. How might it reinforce existing beliefs about
themselves or motivate them to see themselves and/or the world
differently? What additional information would you propose to share with
either or both of these individuals to persuade them into such a paradigm

Write a 5-paragraph essay that includes each of the elements listed below
in the grading rubric. Be sure to use at least 2 references to support your
essay. Your paper must meet the minimum 750-word count requirements
AND use the 5 paragraph structure.

All assignments and forums in the class are designed for you to
demonstrate your understanding and your knowledge of the material
content. It is never acceptable or appropriate to simply provide
information that is copied and pasted from a source - any source. Even if
the information were cited properly, copying and pasting does not
demonstrate knowledge.

All assignments are submitted to Turnitin, which is a plagiarism checking tool.  Any
assignment receiving a score of 30% or better raises serious concerns about the originality
of your work.  An originality score should generally be no more than 20%.  Assignments
with originality scores between 20 and 50% will have points deducted. Any originality score
over 50%  after review will be graded with a 0.  Please keep this in mind as you are
submitting work.  

CHFD220 Week 7 Discussion Gender and the Media

Gender-based stereotypes are presented through the mass media. Locate

an article, cartoon, or advertisement that conveys a gender message.
Analyze the message by answering the following questions. Also, please
attach your media or share the media's url address.
1. What is the message the media is trying to convey?

2. What examples are used to convey this message?

3. Does the message fit a gender-role stereotype? Why?

4. Is the gender message consistent with your beliefs about gender?


CHFD220 Week 8 Discussion Ethics and Mortality in Human Sexuality

This week we are discussing the topic of ethics and morality when it comes to
human sexuality.  With that in mind, please choose one of these two topics:
Prostitution or Pornography  which many consider a moral issue.  

Read the required reading: Ethical Decision Making and then apply the Ethical
Problem Solving Model to your topic answering the 5 questions. Please see the
model outlined below. 

Ethical Problem Solving Model 

Answer the five questions when trying to resolve a moral issue: 

1. What benefits and what harms will each course of action produce, and
which alternative will lead to the best overall consequences? 
2. What moral rights do the affected parties have, and which course of action
best respects those rights? 
3. Which course of action treats everyone the same, except where there is a
morally justifiable reason not to, and does not show favoritism or
4. Which course of action advances the common good? 
5. Which course of action develops moral virtues? 
Remember that all situations are unique and not one set of rules applies in all
cases. (Velasquez, Andre, Shanks, & Meyer, 2015) 

Manuel Velasquez, Claire Andre, Thomas Shanks, S.J., and Michael J. Meyer . 
(2015, Aug 1) Thinking Ethically. Santa Clara University-Markkula Center for
Applied Ethics.


CHFD220 Week 8 Issues of Sex and Gender

Issues of Sex and Gender in Society Today

Identify an issue that is facing our society today that is in some way
related to sex and/or gender and has opposing sides. Consider a law that
was recently put into or taken out of effect or is being debated. You could
also look to the statements or actions of a public figure or organization
that has generated significant attention from the media. The issue you
select should have ample material from which you may pull to gain insight
into the details surrounding it. Feel free to email your instructor if you
would like to verify that an issue is appropriate or if you would like some
suggestions as to what you could cover.
Explore multiple sides of the issue you have selected until you have a
good understanding as to why each side believes it is right. Research the
historical events that have caused the circumstances of this issue. Engage
in discussions with others who have strong feelings about the issue to
learn the reasons why they feel they way they do.
Make sure you research both sides thoroughly as your goal with
this paper will be to write it in a manner that does not allow the
reader to know which side of the issue that you are on. You will
not be condoning or condemning either side- your goal is to be as
objective as possible in reviewing the issue you select.
Construct a 1,000-1,250 word essay that demonstrates your
understanding of the following:
 The issue that you have identified (a concise synopsis of what the
issue is)
 Historical context (previous events in history that have contributed
to the rise of the issue)
 Both sides of the current argument (provide an objective review-
the reader should not know which side of the issue that you
personally are on)
 At least two possible resolutions to the issue (include the potential
ramifications of each resolution for both sides)
Your paper should include an introduction and conclusion, at least 5 cited
references (only 2 of which may be your discussions with others,
excluding those identified as subject matter experts in your writing), and
must adhere to APA formatting.


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