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, , - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 •1111 Insi~e Tbis cbapter lll•,------- ---

13.1. Introduction 13.2. Types of Retaining Walls 13.3. Earth Pressure on Retaining Walls 13.4. Forces
on a Cantilever Retaining Wall 13.5. Stability of a Cantilever Retaining Wall 13.6. Proportioning of the
Cantilever Retaining Wall 13.7. Structural Behaviour and Design of a Cantilever Retaining Wall

Retaining walls are used to retain earth or other loose materials. These walls are commonly
constructed in the following cases:
1. In the construction of building basements.
2. As wing wall or abutment in the bridge construction.
3. In the construction of embankments.

The material which is retained by the retaining wall is called as Backfill. The sloping backfill
is called as "Inclined Surcharge". The term surcharge means the backfill above the level of the top
of the wall.


Following are the common types of retaining walls:
1. Gravity retaining wall
2. Cantilever retaining wall
3. Counterfort retaining wall
4. Buttress retaining wall .

1. Gravity Retaining Wall

A gravity retaining wall is that retaining wall in which the weight of the retaining wall pr~::jve
stability against the pressure exerted by the backfill. Gravity retaining walls are made up of m
stone masonry or plain concrete.



Gra,'ity Wat

Cantiewr Retanng WaD ('FShape)
(a) (b)



B.S!slab Plan

\c) Cantilever retaining ·w all (L-sh:ipe) Counterfort retaining wall

of~~- • (d)walls..
Fig . 13.1. Types ._cu:,mmg

2. Cantilever Re t a in i ng Wall .
· • a wall which consists of a vemcal wall called as stem.
It is the most common n'TIP.
~;r- of retallllilo
. Fo 10
l3.l(b) and (c). As all the three components o f this w all
heel slab and the toe slab as- shov.-n
called mas can·tile"er
• retainino wall. These walls can be Lor inverted T
act as cantileYers. the wall ~ .
walls are used up to a height of 6 m.
iliaped_The cantileYer retammg

3 Co . · g Wall
t rfo rt Retaanm
· un e bei•ht is to be retained and the required height of cantile,•er
When the backfill 6of greater_t
then 1 be;omes uneconomical
. to provide cantilever retaining wall. In
"'laining wall exceeds m. . . • wall is to be provuled. In these walls. counterforts are prO\ ided
such cases. counterfort retauune • the length of the wall. on the backfill side. as shown in
· val alone d · h b kfill ·
at suitable
13.l(d). These10ter
counterlorts are conceale mt e ac • and he the vertical stem and bee:

slab tooether.
b . w~r 1· 0 the backfill
. Th .
results in its saturation and thus a considerable
. Accumulation of ressure nun a ctin•
lilcrease in the earth p . _,in water.
o on the v.all. s may result m unstable condiuons There are

ee boles in the ~ · .
· · 0a this •~ all
ll;J,,o ways of ~
(1) By providing w P rared drain pipe with filter.
(2) By prov1"dino
pl"efo •
. . ._:!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::____R.c.c. DEs1ott t) AHo


'J he main force that acts on a retaining
wall is the lateral force developed due to
the earth prc1.twrc or press ure due to
retained material. The dcrcrminatwn of this
earth pressure is done t,y using principles
of i,oiJ mechanics which you must have
read in earlier ch1sscs. H
The magnitude of th(,., lateral earth
pressure varies Ji nearly with depth as shown
in Pig. J3.2 and is given by the foJJowing
equation 1
H/a '
J :====='::- ,"~
p •

p = Ky/f
where p is the lateral earth pressure which I• ~,
can be active or passive. Fig . 13.2. Lateral earth pressure distribution
Active earth pressure (p) is exerted
on the waJJ when the waJI has a tendency to move away from the backfill while passive earth
pressure (ph) is exerted on the waJJ when the wall has a tendency to move towards the backfill.
y is the unit weight of the retained material
If JS the depth of the retained material below the earth surface.
K JS the coefficient of earth pressure. It is written as K 0 for coefficient of active earth pressure
and KP for coefficient of passive earth pressure.
(a) For horizontal backfiJI of cohen.sionles.s soil

K = l - sin <I>
a 1 + sin <I>
where is the angle of internal friction or angle of repose.
(hJ Por sloping back1iJl

cos e- cos e - cos $ ]
Ka -_ [ ----;::::=====
. COS 8

cos 0 + Jcos 2 0 - cos 2 $

where (J 15 the angle of inclination of backfiJJ with respect to the horizontal. f the
The faternJ force U\) C,;.Xertcd on the wall due to the earth pressure is given by e area
triangular porti<Jn.
-( KpyH) .H
1\ = ( K 11 yll) .II or
2 2

" - 2 "y
1 K 112
or 21 K PYf-1 2
This lateral force acts at a height from the ba<;c of the wall.
~•4' . . all as shown rn · 13.3. The vario us forc es acting on the
. Fig.
cantilever retam rng w
'd a
cons1 er
as follows:
~,all are
sure actin g at a heig ht ~ from the base .
I. The lateral force (P ah) due to activ e earth pres

11i ·abt of the earth supp orte

d on heel slab (W1)
2. vve1o
J. Weight of the stem ( W2)
Weight of the base slab (W3)
In addition to the abov e forc es , ther e is weig ht of
the earth retai ned above the toe slab (W.J and
th assive earth pres sure P ph exer ted on the wall
. Thes e two are negl ecte d in the desi gn of retai ning
cons erva tive side by negl ectin g them .
\\:as these are sma ll in size and the desi gn is on the

Gl ,..,__ _...__ p ah = _f<a_

. Forc es on canti lever r etain ing wall

F 19. 13. 3 .


following ways:
. . . all may fail in
A cantilever retai rung w
1. Ove rturn ing
2. Slid ing
3. Failu re of the unde rsoil
• Ove rtu rni ng d
A re . . wall is subj ected ~o ov~rturning mom ents unde r the actio n of later al forc e deve lope
the toe end Th .
tami ng e which tnes to overturn the wall abou t . e O\! ertu mmg
due to later al earth pres sur ,
lllom ent (M ) is give n as:
Mo = pah X H
282 ~
A.C.C. DES,ot1

K0 yH3 ~
Mo= 6

The resisting moment (MR) is provided by the weight of backfiJI, surcharge and .
the retaining wall. If ,EW is the resultant vertical load made up of self weight of ret;J.'f.e_ f we,g1u 01
the weight of backfiJJ on the base slab, then resisting moment is given as: ining WaJJ 4lld

MR= rw.x
where x i:,. the position of the resultant vertical load er W) from toe end.
A:; per IS A56

/,1 ~ 1.4

2. Sliding
The lateral earth pressure tries to slide the
retaining wall away from the backfill. This is
opposed by the frictional force developed between
the base slab and the soil Ifµ is the coefficient of
friction between the concrete and soil. then the
frictional force resisting the sliding is given as:
FR = µ_EW
The lateral force causing the sliding is Pah·

Fs -P - KayHz
- ah - Siear'1ej
Then factor of safety against sliding lfs2) is Passive earth
given as
Fig. 13.4
= 0.9FR -> I .4
If the factor of safety against sliding comes out be less than 1.4 then a shear key !Il3Y .~
provided as shown in Fig. 13.4. shear key increases the resistance against sliding as the pa.~ire
earth pressure developed on the shear key provides additional resistance against sliding.

3. failure of the Under SoH

The base width of the retaining wall is designed
in such a way that the maximum pressure on the
under soil caused due to load distribution must not
exceed the safe bearing capacity of the soil. In addition
to that it is to be ensured that, no tension is developed
anywhere on the section i.e., the resultant load must
fall in the middle third zone [as per the middle third
ruJeJ so that negative pressure (tension) is not
developed any where. The resultant pressure
distribution under the base slab is shown in Fig. 13.5. Fig. 13.5. Base pressure
w~~~' - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -

~ Pmo-,. -
[i 6e1
_ r,bw -1

Pmin -
_rw[ 6"1
1 b
uld be Jess 1.h:m the sale bearing c;ip
presi;u rc at the bas e r.e., P,110 ,. ,ho
fhe maximum
(,oil. • be negative.
0 The minimum pressu re t.e., Pm1ri should not
Here, e is the eccentricity of the resultant
load and can
bt obtained as below:
Total moment at toe end A
g mo me nt at A
:: Rer;isting moment about A - Ove rtur nin
::Mn-Mo I

Total vertical load = L W A

z ,.1~0,.i
M" - Mc, b/2 ,. l
X - }:W
; I'

b FJg.13 .6
Eccentricity, e = 2 - x

1. Depth of Fo un da tio n
e's for mu la
is delcrminec.l on the bas h; of Ran kin
The minimum depth of the roun dat ion
J - sin <I> ) q o
hmin = J +bin (j) y

h 6ur face
where hmln is the dep th of fou nda tion belo w the eart
q 0 = :;afe bea ring cap acit y of the soil
y = unit wei ght of the soH
<I> = ang le of inte rna l fric
tion or ang le of rep ose

2. He igh t of the · Re tai nin g Wo ll (H)

(h) is given.
The heig ht of the mat eria l tcJ be retained
If = h ➔ hm1n

3• Base Wi dth (b)

h - 0 4 // lo 0.6 If

4 • Thi ckn ess of ea se Slo b

ss oJ huHe Hlab Ii; IIHH Utn ed to he 10 lo
For prelim ina ry anHlysis, the thic kne E·

5. Th idc nes .s of fhe Ste m

1br nt¼ikc:-:t,1, a5 ~~ ~ or w"'Al
u ~~ by the ~ ~ ~ .
~F~e~is~~ '-~--
a v e s l i t . e a ~ . ~ W • . ::r.
beb i:i .? r:: =5 r:: =: ::, ~o ;B 5' )r=
ao ~- -.. ea ~, ~~ ~~ Vl i:1! --..::.~.
m~ ~t ": .eJ !es s~ J( J) !J c:: ::i ~.t ::. :e~ <A ~~
Zl CC ie~ Gf ste
8 10 I~ of ~ la(Z ) ~ of ~ r-etz
::::::::z vd J « C;i;;:l Be ~ ·- - ~ Ee,
10 E-ie ~
ID OI Ile .il ~

O DESIQ H OF A CAJml.£VER. 1tf::WJ1ai -~

1 13 ,7. STRUCTURAL BEHAVIOUR AH ::;:ij ,_
13.7 ~ ei c:::: ::1il ~e;- ~& ;:~ -z ~rl l ~ CoD ~ lz'...; ~ k
~ u.e fi,,-~ - -

1. Ste m
cz::: jU:.- ""Ti" ~ ~ w z t-- ic- ~ ~ ? '-' •
T~ ~~~ w2!1 « ste m ~ like <' t:..- £:e-.::. ~
7 ~ r::: e,;; ~m y: -~ e ~ -~ ~ ~.:- oose. ~ ~s. ~ Gf
fig . 13.
rnz,;i:rn::-:m ~: o: z i11¢17"'Z1 (J.;f.,
= -,K
2 •
~)f JY .-

C1.. \

Gt- -= = ~ -~=~~ ~= == ::: :::) 0 - Ol lia '~

_ . .
A g.1 3.7 . Di.i'V'..m ~ ~ ddl tt& -J- ""' VI
~ &- _ . -
I .i1 idiJ. i a:..: :z::q :»ot U1L in"«3
'T!TIJI'!' •--.

lect s as ~"D • • ,.._ .~-

fi,., 13• ,- c.. ~: ~ ~
of the reta inin i ~;J J def m ue
Tiie stem ~~ me ~ AB-
i_. 7

Tiie refo re. ma in rcin fo;- rem etu is ~

f: AB et:( • the ea:rtn. •
ace • r: ""mmg
2. He eJ SJa b
6e ~t' J
tnh .. --...r
The• neei slab is ~J~ to an ~ ~a-rd soi l ""
pn. s.sw e and a rlm,...r.-n war l eSS C;: ~
~ ·
~ a , ...,.
fi11 sup por ted on hee l t.- •
T°!al;e resn lU2 rl! pci S~- e is
of the ~dd
. as Suu1,,n m fig . 13 • _
ssure •
• ~ ~ is ~ 61ID
_ ~~
two and is dovJ nv; zrd as the :?l'e
subtractm~ the se ~ to ~et ~•w _of
opv1ard sod pre ssu re. lms causes ten
sion 00 tile ~
top fzre i..e•• BC and neo ce
pro vid ed alo ng this face.
- - - - - - 285 J
- - i~
- - - - ......
- ----------
WALLS: : . - - - - - - -
R E f~ ,N ~
roe Slab
3, The roe slab is al
so su b je ct ed to
il p re ss u re a n
d a D ow nw ard Weight
+ Downward pressura
rd so du e to weigh! of
upW a d u e to th e w ei g h
t of fro nt fill backfill
an ard pressure
do\\'DW rt ed o n t~ e sl ab
f the frontfill su p p o ·~
T h e w ei g h t o f
' 1' ' C
.8 . ' ' I B
sh ow n in F ig. 13 H
sm all an d h en ce Toe slab Heel slab
:e frontfill is very
lt an t p re ss u re o n
oeolected so the re su
d w h ic h ca u se s
lh; toe sl ab is u p w
tt o
m fa ce o f th e to e
n on the b o
d h e n c e m ai n
slab i.e., G F an .
t al o n g th is fa ce
reinforcement is p u
s w il l ex p la in
Following E x am p le er
the method o f d es
ig n in g a ca n ti le v se slab
13 .8 . Pr essu re distribution on ba
retaining wall. Fig .

lled ea rt h
r re ta in in ; w al l r et ai ni ng leve .
n th e st em o f a R C ca n ti leve /m an d an gl e o f r ep ose as 3 0°
D es ig 18 kN
"* E xa m p le 13.1.
5 m above b as e le v el . T a k e th e d e ns ity o f ea rt h as
an d th ic kn es s o f b as e sJ ab as 450 m m . Use
ro je ct io n 1. 7 m , R TU 20 12 an d U PT U 20
Toe pr oj ec ti on 1.
8 m , h eel p [B TE

and Fe 41 5. 2
.fy = 415 N/mni2
Solution. G iv en
: fck = 2 0 N /m m3 <I>= 30° 41 5)
(f or M 20 nnd F e
y = 18 kN /m Ru = 2. 76
h = 5m
1 - si n <I>
rt h pr es su re = k = 1 + sin <I>
C oe ff ic ie nt o f ea
1 - sin 30 ° 1
ka = I + si n 30 ° = 3

S te m
• T h ic k n es s o f = k 0y/J
o f th e st em
P re ss ur e at ba se
= - x l8 X 5
= 30 kN /n,2
l Ii
n yl ,) " '
se o f the ~ter = 2( 1. ."
M omen t at th e ba 5
= x 30 x 5 x 3
= 125 kN lll
t = 1.5 x 12'i
Fa ct or ed m om en m
M u = 187.5 kN
2.:!:8~6~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___R_.c_ ._c_.-=-D-=ES:.:.:IG~NAN0Q
~ ~
Depth required
187 .5 X 10
= 2 .76 X 1000
dreqd• = 260 mm
Toking 60 mm effective cover, minimum depth required = 320 mm
Howe~·er. providing a total depth of 400 mm at base of the stem and a minimum thickness of 150 rnrn
at top.
■ Area of steel for stem

M. = 0.87 J,A,,. d[ 1- ;,:;~ ] [d = 400 - 60 = 340 mm]

6 [ 415As,
187.5 X 10 = 0.87 X 415 X As, X 340 1 - 20 X 1000 X 340
A s,reqd =1710 mm2
314 X 1000
Using 20 mm dia bars spacing required= = 183 mm
Hence, provide 20 mm bars @ 150 mm c/c at base of stem.

■ Curtailment of bars
Curtailment of steel bars can be done as stem behaves like a cantilever.
Development length Ld for 20 mm bars
0 .87 ! y~
4't bd

0.87 X 415 X 20
= 940 mm
Therefore, no bar can be curtailed upto a distance of 940 mm from base. Curtailing bars at a disance
of 1.0 m from base
5000 - 1000 = 4000 mm from top
250 x 4.0 = 350 mm
Total depth at this section = 150 +
Effective depth = 350 - 60 = 290 mm

Moment at this section = .!.. x k yh 3

6 a

1 1 3
6 3 xl8x4.0

= 64kNm
Mu = 1.5 x 64 =96 kNm
Area of steel required for this moment= 988 mm2

Spacing required for 20 mm bars = 314 x 1000

=317 mm
~~ m
. but as per IS 456, 12~ or dis prOVI'dCdbcyond tbe poinl ..or
a,nce, half of the bars can be curtailed

ell~,nn1ent. b of@the 0bars

Hence,, curtailing half
at /a distance (1 + 0.34 = 1.34 m) say 1·5 m from base of stem
•ding 20 mm ars 30 mm c c. ·
tbUS p[\)VI
One u\ore curtailment can be done at 3 m from base
1 1 3
M = 6x3xl8X2.0

= 8 k.Nm
Mu = 1.5 X 8
= 12kNm

. 314xl000
As, provided at this section = 600
2 2
= 523 mm > Asrmin (330 mm)

_ Q:gxl000(150+400)
1 Distribution steel As, - 100 2
= 330 rrun

Using 8 mm diameter bars spacing = o.3 x lOOO == 152 mm
Providing g mm bars @ 150 mm c/c on interface of stem as distribution steel and on outer face as
temperature and shrinkage remforcmeent .
.m both ct·irections.

1 Check for shear

Critical section for shear is at a distance d from base
h =5.0 - 0.34 =4.66 m

Shear force at this section

= ½(½ X 18 X4.66) X4,66

= 65.2 kN
V == 1.5 X 65.2
= 97.7 kN

· shear stress
No mmal -- -bd -- ~
V,, 97.7 X 10
I 000 x 340
'tv = 0.29 N/mrn
314 X )000
For -- .:::.:..:----:-
]000 )( 340

p = 0.92%
r 2
't == o.60 N/mm > 'tv Hence OK.
288 --"~--"=•-C,C. D1-1a1aN ANo 0
The-: Fig, \3 Q ,hl'", 1hc1 n•tnfoh t'll\t'nl tklnits ot lhl sll,111,

,~ #2001'100 C/o

◄ ---·~- -

,;' #N O SOO c.'c

- - ◄300~
~m mm
#Sa 1so ere

#~ c, 300 cto • -

~moo ,soo1c

..i. . 1. ,~lsm
#20 lb 150 c/c

,, 400mm •I
(n) \..Se-rn01t Cl/ Sum
(h) L-sr<'tion tlf Srrm slmwing ('11rt11i1111c•11t of nan
Fig. 13.9.
• Example 13~. Design n cnntileyer retaining wnll to retnin horizontal enrthen embankment
of height 4 m nbove the ground Ienl. The earthen bnckfill is hnving n density of 18 kN/m and
angle of intern:il friction ns 30°. The snfe benring copncity of the soil is 180 kN/m • The coefficieor
of uiccion between soil and concrete is ~umed to be 0.45. Use ~ 120 concrete nnd Fe 415 steel.
Solution. Ghen: fr¼. = 10 N/mm~
~ = -l15 N/mm~
t1i =
µ =0.45
y = 18 kN/m3
SJ.:·e bearing c:iplCll} of sotl = q0 = 180 kN/m~
He.gtH of earthen emb:mlmenr = -l.O m
• Coefficient of acth, earth pressure (K 0 )
Ka =l- sm ~ = l - sin J0°
1 + sm ¢ 1 + s1n 30°

• 3
K = .!.
■ ~finimum depth of foundation (/rm1n)

/,min = qo ( 1- s'.n (jl)) = 180 (.!. f

~ 1 + sm $ 18 3J
hmin = L 11 m SO) 1.2 m
II• --(\w;.1..L8
\'I (l\f\l t..•
~ ~ ~ ~ : : : : : : ~ ; - :~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -2n
. liou the depth ol loun<lution us 1., m
\\itl\l hctghl ol 1ctuinmg wull ~ Dcplh ol lounuution

= 1.2 ·I l0
I I lcight ol cmhunkmcnt
\\iltll hl:1t1,hl ol ,ctaining Wttll (/I) = S.2 m

• ,,.,11 11m1·y db11cnslo11s ol' th,, rct11l11lug wnll

( I)1nos< Wldlh (/1): It va11cs Illllll 0..1 Tl to 0.(1 Tl
,\ss\11\\i\\S I> 'l ,8 m
1 cngth or toe slab O. 311 to O 4b
;;;; 850 mm (say)

(l) ThlcknC::tS of Unsc Slnb

Thickness of ba,e sl11b is assunied to be fo - 500 mm.

(3)Thickness of vertical wall or Stem (Refer Fig. 13.10)

Tlnckness of stem may be assumed as !i. at base but here depth required from BM consideration is
calculated. [h =5.2 - 0.5 =4.7 m]
Pressure al the base of the stem = K0 yh
= lx1Sx4.7
3 2
= 28.2 kN/m

Moment at the base of the stem = l.(Kayh).

2 h . !!.
3 4 .7

= ~ X(28.2)X4.7X4;?
= 103.83 kNm
Factored moment at the base of the stem
= 1.5 X 103.83
= 155.74 kNm
Fig. 13.10.
Minimum depth required for a balance section is

d,oqd = Jh
Ru= 2.76, for M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel
155 .74 X 10
6 ----~
drcqd = -2.76X 1000
155 .74 X 10~
-2.76X 1000
=- 2'38 mm
Assuming 60 mm c over,
Total depth required = 238 + 60 0
trial Hence
takin g D -
section. o = 298 mlll 11 " "' \ I h h
mm al base of sicm und reducing it 1n ISO "' Ill iop. hgure la. • ' " l e
...,,2=9;;::-0_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____,:_

-- ~


4m !

5.2 m

GL W21

,_ 0.85m W2:i 1.6 m

1.2 m '

I -,

lw 3
- 0
2.8m .. ,
Fig.13.11 .

■ Forces Acting on the Retainin g WaJI: Refer Fig. 13.11

Types of force Magnitude of Position of force Bending moment

force (kN) from toe end O (m) at toe end O (k.Nml

(1) Overturn ing force

pah = 2 (Ka yH).H ½x(½ x18x5.2)x5.2 H
3 =3
= 1.733 81.12 X 1.733 I
= 81.12 = 140.61
IMo =140.61
(2) Restoring forces
(a) Weight of backfill (W1) 1.6 X 4.7 X 18 = 135.36 2.8-~ =2.0 270 72
(b) Weight of stem
0 5
(i) Weight of rectangular 0.15 X 4.7 X 25 0.85 + 0.35 - ~
portion (W21 ) = 17.625 = 1.125 19.828

(ii) Weight of triangular z1 X 0.2 X 4. 7 X 25 0.85 + J2 X 0.2

portion (W22 ) = 11.75 = 0.983 11.554

(c) Weight of base slab (W3) 0.5 X 2.8

1:W = 199.735
X 25 = 35 ~=14
2 .

I,MR :: 351.1

• ·t y C h e ck s
f • • CT

t I) 0 Q-.... 3 5 1 1 0
- l-t-0.61
e OK.
== 2 .1 > 1. 4 he nc

(2) Sliding
~ 1.4
.88 h~
== µ}:TV== 0.45 x 199.735 == 89
1 .kt~
F s == Pmi == 81 .1
0. 9F R 0 .9 X89.46
== S I. I 2 =0.99 < lA
st an ce against slid
to in cr ea se th e re si
e_ sh ea r ke y is to b e p ro v id ed
(3) B as eP re sm re
t a t to e en d O
= .'.1R - '"\10
Resultant m o m en
= 351 - 140.61
= 210.49 kN m
rt ic al lo ad = LW= 199.73 k N
T he re su lt an t ve
to e
ac ts at a di st an ce x fr o m th e
.1 2)
rad O (refer Fig. 13
i _ 210.49
x= 1. 05 m
b - 1. 4 m
e:::. 2 -x == 1 .4 -1 .0 5
2. 8 m
e:::.0.35 ID
ne Fig . 13 .1 2.
m id dl e th ir d zo
'lrhich lies in th e
. b
ce O K
le .,
re (0 .4 66 m ). H en
6 from cent
·Maxunurn p re ss u re a t to e en d 0
Pma.x = - b -
L w[ 1 + 6e] = 192.9.873 [1 + 6 x2.o835]
o f soil). H en ce O K
2 < 18 0 k.N
/m' (s nf e B C
kN /m
Pmax = 12 4. 83
I . . en d = p m in
~urn P re ss u re a t h eel

Pm in
= LbW[l - 6be]
.3 5 ]
199.73 [ l - 6X208
= - -2.:-8 - ..
hi ch is po s1 uve.
= 17.83 kN/m2, w slab
nce O l( ve lo ps an yw he re on the ba se
lie ' as no te ns io n de
1. Design of Stem
The depth required for stem is already checked while assuming the
preliminary dime
:. D = 350 ns1on~

d = 350 - 60 = 290 mm
Mui.m um moment at base of stem= 155.73 k:Nm

■ Area of steel (As,) in stem f1 f

M,1 = 0.81fyAs,dll - fckbd
As, ]
155.73 x 1Q 6 = 0.87 4 5
X 415 X As, X 290[1 - l Au ]
20x lOOO x 290
As, - 13979.23As, + 20794392.5 = 0
On solving the equation
A st regd = 1693 mm2
Using 16 mm diameter bars, A$ = 201 mm2
201 1
Spacing required = x OOO = 118 mm
Hence , provid e 16 mm diameter, Fe 415 bars@ 100 mm c/c.
■ Distribution steel
Distrib ution steel is provided @ 0.12% of total x-sectional area 0.12 x 1000 x (150 + 350)

100 2
[(150 + 350).1s the
average thickness of the stem 1
Asr = 300 mm2
Using 8 mm diameter bars, A$ = 50.3 mm2
Spacing required = 50 ·3 x lOOO = 167 .5 mm
Hence, provide 8 mm diameter Fe 415 bars @ 150 mm c/c, on the inner face
of the stem as distribution steel
Similarly provide 8 mm diameter Fe 415 bars @ 150 mm c/c in both
directions at the outer face
(front face) of the stem as temperature and shrinkage reinforcement
since this face is exposed to weather.
■ Check for shear
The critical section for shear is at a distan ced from base of stem i.e.,
h = 4.7 - 0.29 = 4Al
Shear force at this section of the stem = ~ (½ x 18 x 4.41) x4.41 = 58.3 kN

V,, = 1.5 X 58.3 '

V, = 87 .52 KN

Nominal shear stress - ~

- bd
= 87.52 xl000 =0 0N/ 2
'tv 1000 x 290 ·3 mm
For 201 X 1000
P, = 1000 X 290 = 0 •69%
,4 1)
'tc = 0.54 N/mm2 (from Tbl
a t
'tc = 0.54 N/mn l > t 11 hence OK.
~ e n t of tension reinforce ment
• . . all behaves like a cantilever the bendin

A> the stem of retammg w ·

. the top of the wall and becomes zero at the top Therefi• . g_ moment goes on reducing
a the height of the stem. . ore, tension reinforcement be curtailed

i>evetopment length, LIP for 16 mm diameter bars

0.87/7 0
L = 0.87x41 5xl6 _
"' 4xL6xl. 2 - mm
Therefore, no bar can be curtailed up to a distance of 752 mm from base of the stem. Cartailin bars
distance 1000 mm from base of the stem i.e.. g
4700 - 1000 = 3700 mm from top of the stem
200 3700
Total depth at this section = 150 + x
=3ITT mm
Effective depth at this section = 307 - 60 = 247 mm
Moment due to earth pressure at 3.7 m from top
= KaYh = l(.!..x18x 3.7 ]
6 6 3
= 50.7 kNm
Mu = 1.5 X 50.7
Mu = 76:kNm
Area of steel required for an ultimate bending moment of 76 kNm
415Asr ]
76 x 106 = 0.87x415X Asr x247 [ 1-20xl00 0x247
= 924mID
Asr reqd
On solving, we get
Using 16 mm diameter bars,
= 201xlOOO = 217 mm
Spacing required 924
urtailed but as per IS code, 12cj) or d distance, whichever is more, is to
Hence, half of the bar~ can be c . . ent. Hence. curtailmen t the bars at 1.3 m from base or 3.4 m from
be provided beyond the polilt of c ~ e t e r bar!> @ 200 mm c/c after a distance of 1.3 m from base of
top of stem. Thus providing IIlJll
stream. . ent can be done at 1.5 m from top of stem.
Similarly, one xnore curtaiJnl ( 18 X 1.5 3 )

t this section - 3x 6
Molllent a
=3.375 kNm
Mu = 1.5 X 3.375 = 5.1 kNm
at this section = 150 + 4700 x 3200
pep tb
= 286 mm
R.c.c. DU!aH 4Ho O,t
d =286 - 60 =226 mm
4 5
- 20 t AII - ]
5.1 x 10 = 0.87 x 415 x Alf x 226[1
,. I000 x 226
2 2
AJ/ rcqd = 65 mm < A,, min i.e., 300
tailing another half of the bars at 1.5 m from top and providing J6 mm
Hence, cur
2. Design of Heel Slab
is shown in Fig. 13.13.
The pressure distnbution on heel slab
W= (18 X 4.7) kN/m



I }m,n=17.83
1....__ 124.83-17.83 ) Xl.6 =78.4 k.\'./m?-
I .......____
17.83 + ( _
\ (124.83-17.83) =92 .35 kN/m
17.83 + _ xl. 95

Fig. 13.13.
x 4.7 = 84.6 kN/m
Weight of earth supported on heel= 18
25 =12.5 kN/m
Self weight of heel slab =0.5 x 1.0 x
Total load = 97 .1 kN/m

97.l X 1.6 2 17.83 X 1.62 _ ..!_(78.4 -17.83) X 1.6 X 136
Maximum bending moment at B
2 2 2
= 101.5 - 25.8
= 75.7 kNm
Mu = 1.5 X 75.7 = 113 .6 kNm
11 36 xto 6
= = 202 mm< 440 mm . Hence OK
2_76 x 1000

■ Area of steel for hee l slab

415An )
11 3.5 X 106 = 0.87 X 415 X 440(1 -
20 X 1000 X 440
A1, = 741 mm
- - -_ _ i 295
5 ~~--- ,=: ;:,- '
0W~ LL --- -------
~1~1~ . l13 xlO O0
,ff Sp aci ng of 12 mm ba rs = - - - - - 152 mm
ba rs @ 15 0 mm c/~ at the
top face of the heel 11lab i.e ' /JC
. provide 12 mm dia me ~e r
ed @ 0. 12 % of sec tio na l
me a in the other direction
··. 'b tion ste el is pro vid
p1strl U
~~ x 1000 x 500 = 60 0 mm

, spa cin g req uir ed = JOO
ter ba rs, A, = 78 .5 mm
. lO mm dia me .
using ba rs @ 10 0 mm c/c in the
oth er direction.
Hence, provide sam e 10 mm d1a

Design of Toe Slab culated at the face

1 ov e the toe sla b is ne gle cte d an d ma xim um mo me nt is cal
The weight of frontfill ab
oflhe stem. 2 2
92 .35 X 0.85
(124.83 - 92 .35 ) X 0.85 X J /4 0.85
Ma xim um mo me nt = 2 2
= 33 .36 + 7.8 2 = 41.2 kN m
Mu = 1.5 X 41.2 =61.8 kN m
Area of steel for toe sla b 4l5 As , ]
= 0.8 7 X 415 X As, X 44 0 [ 1- 20 X lOOO X 44 0
61 .80 X

A~ -21 20 9.8 8A s, + 82 51 00 1.3 =0 2

20 mm. )
As, = 39 6 mm < As, min (60
diameter bars @ 100 mm
mm2. Therefore, provide 10 mm
_Hence, providing minimum are a of ste el of 600
c/c m both directions.
4· Design of Sh ear key in Fig . 13.14.
din g, she ar ke y is to be pro vid ed be]ow the ste m as shown
As the wa ll is no t saf e in sli
Pressure at fac e of she ar ke y
= 92.35 kN /m
. ear th pre ssu re
Coefficient 0 f pas siv e = 1 + sin <I>
sin <I>

Kp = 1.5 =3
a -2oom m
Le t the dep th of ke y = a Pas sive
pre ssu re
Resistan ce Of fer ed by she ar ke y = 3 x 92.35 x a
Fig . 13 .14.
= 27 7 .05 a
Fact . . .
or of saf ety ar key
against sli din g alo ng wi th she
X 89 .88 + 277.05ci = l.4
= 0.9 µ} : W + 27 7 05 a = 0.9

. a = 0. 1J8 m
liow eve r p
1ne detail' rov1de a 200 mm x 20 0 mm she ar key.
s of the r . e1 orc em ent are sho wn in Fig. 13. l 5.

1/f ~

- 16 mm bars O 400 mm c/c
400mm t...,.-
.,,... 16mm bar
0 400mmr /c
8mm O 150mmc/ c ~

8 E
~ ..r
200mm ... >
16 mm bars O 200 mm c/c
E mm bars
E 200mmc :ic
8 mm bars O 150 mm c/c

8 mm bars O 150 mm c/c both ways

16 mm bars O 100 mm c/c

mm ,_ mm bars
12 mm bar O 150 mm c/c E 1oommc lc
~ -
f= 10 t,a, 0 ,oo mm o<

~ V
8 (")
.... Iii • • • • • •
~. 1O mm bar O 360 mm c/c both way• ..'"
10 mm bars O 100 mmc/c 10 mm bar O 300 mm c/c z
~ 10 mm O 100 mm c/c
850 mm l 1600 mm "1 (/J) L-St·c 1io11 <H Stem
\' .f~ mrr,
2800mm "1
I' (a) Section
Fig. 13.15, C11nlllt•v •·•• Jh·lulnln l! V\'nll


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