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en 1, Colurnns are marked a8 Cy in which suffix | and j refer to the horlzontal (i) and vertical (sri lines intersecting at Oe Beams are marked serially a8 Bm, Bnz etc, starting from the top left comer and pi Slabs are marked serially as S,3, Spo etc,, starting from the panel in top left comer and Pi rightwards. EXAMPLE-1 Draw the layout plan indicating the positioning of columns and beams for the line diagram shown below. 2m Wide Carridor Room Room 3mx4m 3mx4m LAYOUT PLAN Columns (300 x Beams 300 mm widey —————— TE roceeding downwards and then rightwards (bay wise) seq, roceeding vertically downwards bay wise » (0c: & scanned with OKEN Scanner ~BEUGRESIEN structavat PLANwinG AND MARKING OF FRAME COMPONENTS aay Redraw the figure given below and mark the columns and beams as per Grid Reference Scheme. GRID REFERENCE SCHEMI (Sept. 2021; March/April, 2021) & scanned with OKEN Scanner Column Reference Scheme ; EXAMPLE-3 Redraw the given structural plan and mark the columns and beams using grid reference sch nce scheme and column reference scheme. (Sepu0e. & scanned with OKEN Scanner ‘BEERS staucrauat PLanninc ano MaRKiNe‘OF FRAME COMPONENTS ar GRID REFERENCE SCHEME: =! Column Reference Scheme : & scanned with OKEN Scanner {ctural planning of buildings. ‘ples each for positioning of columns and beams in structural pla See (March/April. 2021; Jue; 1. State any two guiding pri 2. State any four guiding principles for positioning of columns in structural planning of buildings. t. 2020 ; MarchiAps,; 3. State any four guiding principles for positioning of beams in the structural planning of the buildings. (0c ri Sepi0. 4. Explain the spanning of slabs with the help of relevant diagrams. Sen 5. Draw the following plan of the frame and show the Columns as per the Column and Grid reference scheme. (cto ' 6. Mark the position of columns in the given diagram and name them as per ‘Grid Reference Scheme’ (de. Room Room 4000 x 3600 2000 x 3600 7. Name the columns and beams in the given diagram with ‘column reference scheme’. & scanned with OKEN Scanner

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