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Online test for Spring Semester 2021-22

Time: --- Hrs., Full Marks 40, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, 2021-2022
4 Yr. B. Tech. (H)/M. Tech. (Dual)
Instructions: Answer ALL questions.
All parts of a question must be answered together.

Q1. Use a binary-coded Genetic Algorithm to minimize the function f ( x ) = x 2 + 2 y 2 x , where

1  x  10 and y  2 with x + y = 5 . Use random population of size N = 6, tournament selection, a

two-point crossover, flip-bit mutation and twelve-bit strings to represent the variable x and y . Show
only three iterations by hand calculation. (20)

Q2. Consider the problem of finding the shortest route through several cities, such that each city is visited
only once, starting city B and the end city F. The distance (in Km) from one city to another city is
given below. Solve this problem using Genetic Algorithm, considering random population of size
N = 8, use appropriate GA operators, show only three iterations by hand calculation. (20)
Distance Matrix
City A City B City C City D City E City F City G
City A 0 35 57 40 81 90 74
City B 35 0 55 67 116 83 140
City C 57 55 0 45 27 88 63
City D 40 67 45 0 135 70 52
City E 81 116 27 135 0 60 85
City F 90 83 88 70 60 0 50
City G 74 140 63 52 85 50 0

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