Chapter 3 4 BSN 3B 2C

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Chapter 3

Presentation and Discussion of Findings

This chapter deals with

Embracing Change: The Learning Experiences of Student Nurses

Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic

This study primarily aims to explore the learning

experiences of student nurses in the University of the

Cordilleras amidst COVID-19 pandemic.


It is represented in this chapter by the different

concepts, insights and real life experience of the

participants which are the result of the collected data during

the interview. Through data analysis, the researchers were

able to formulate three themes: 1) Learning Issues and

Disquiets: a)Environmental Disruptions, b)Connectivity Issues,

c)Lack of Hands-on Learning, d)Lack of Equipments,

e)Psychological Stressors; 2)Strengths and Value : a)Self

Improvement, b)Self-Motivation, c)Safety and Security,

d)Lesser Expenses, e)Innovations; 3)Options for Learning

Success: a)Time Management, b)Workloads, c)Academic Services,

d)Building Positive Mindset

Learning Issues and Disquiets

These are the issues that make the students or give the

student nurses difficulty in acquiring nursing education. Five

sub-themes were identified, namely, environmental disruptions,

connectivity issues, lack of hands-on learning, lack of

equipment and psychological stressors.

A. Environmental Disruptions

These are external factors that cause distractions to the

students while they are learning online. The participants

experienced some environmental disruptions during online

distance learning which can distract them in focusing with

their lessons and school activities. As Zoomy stated,

Line 41-44

“While I was in the province with my family, I did not

have that much liberty to do things on my own. I have to

consider the household chores and other responsibilities

I am expected to do.”

In addition, Streamer also verbalized her experiences as

she stated,

Line 28-35

“siguro yung environment ko now kuya, yun lang naman po.

Dito sa bahay kuya at sa shop namin kuya. Minsan po ang

gulo ng mga tao dito sa bahay, tapos minsan we have house

hold chores to do hehe minsan ako po yung nagbabantay sa

shop namin here sa La Trinidad that's why yung focus ko

nahahati tlga since both I have responsibilities as a

student and as a mabuting anak”. (Maybe my environment.

Sometimes, people in our house are very noisy and I have

to do household chores. I also managed our shop here in

La Trinidad that’s why my focus is divided since I have

to do my responsibilities as a student and as a good


Lappy also stated,

Line 19-22

“Online classes come with a lot of challenges , first

when you are at home suddenly , some visitors may come at

home, they may sit in the living room, they can distract

you and there is a noisy environment around our house”.

B. Connectivity Issues

These are problems that hinders the student nurses in

accessing the different online platforms necessary for online

distance learning. Some of which are poor internet connection

and sudden power interruption. As Zoomy stated,

Line 39-41

“In the province, the internet connection is poor to the

point that I go to places to find a spot with at least

fair connection.
Docs also had the same problem,

Line 24-27

“So, just like everyone else, there are several factors I

had encountered during online classes such as the

inability to access quality internet and sudden power


Lagger stated,

Line 21-24

”...Marami like having an unstable internet connection,

power interruption and difficulty in doing a recorded

return demonstration kasi dahil din wala namang ding

actual interaction sa instructor tas wala pang mga

equipment kung meron man kulang kulang pa.”

(There’s a lot like having an unstable internet

connection, power interruption and difficulty in doing a

recorded return demonstration and also because of no

actual interaction with the instructor and limited tools

to use.)

GoSurfer also added,

Line 38

“Yeah I’m really having problems with my internet

C. Lack of Hands-On Learning

The participants also struggled with the lack of actual

learning experience in the nursing setting. Hands-on learning

experiences are important especially that nursing is a skill-

based profession. Through this, the students are able to

experiment on their strengths and weaknesses and understand

the concepts better which therefore leads to increased


As Lappy stated,

Line 95-98

“Nalilimitan po yung galaw namin halimbawa na lang po pag

sa pregnant woman hindi po namin masakto yung dapat na

gagawin namin tas yung maexperience po namin dapat.

Naging creative nga po kami pero lack po kami sa


(Our movements are being restricted. For example, for the

pregnant woman, we cannot really measure what we need to

do and experience what we should be experiencing in the

actual. We are becoming creative but still we lack the


Streamer also mentioned that,

Line 17-19

“We have enough knowledge naman po in terms of theories

discussion pero it's not enough at all since walang

application na face to face.”

(We have enough knowledge regarding theories however, it

is not enough at all since there is no actual application

in face-to-face.)

Docs added that,

Line 121-126

“I sadly admit that I am not able to gain much skill due

to lack of face to face learning. The concept of

experiencing things as I’ve mentioned a while ago is

still different as experiences tend to stick to our minds

and helps us remember facts.”

D. Lack of Equipment

There is an inadequate accessibility and unavailability

of materials which makes students unable to perform most of

their practical skills completely and appropriately. Most of

them would often use improvised household materials in

conducting their return demonstrations.

Docs stated that,

Line 13-16

“...The skill setting is more challenging to cope up with

due to lack of actual equipment that can be used for the

return demonstration wherein we were mandated to still

submit our videos for return demonstration using

improvised equipment.”

As Lappy stated,

Line 76-77

“Nalilimit po yung mga tools na gagamitin namin

especially po pag skills namin.”

(The tools we use are limited, especially when it comes

to our return demonstration.)

When asked what problems did he encounter during the ODL,

Loader mentioned,

Line 54-55

“[The] unavailability of proper tools or kits for the

RD’s (return demonstration).”

E. Psychological Stressors

These are triggers to the students’ mental health. Online

distance learning has been a big impact of stress to the

participants in their duties and classroom. The limited tools

to use during return demonstration, poor internet connections,

and power interruptions. Because of these reasons it affects

their behavior and increases stress.

As Lagger stated,

Line 47-50

“Because of this pandemic, naisip ko noon na wag ng mag

enroll kasi sobrang layo kasi ng online class sa face to

face classes."(Because of this pandemic, I was thinking

not to enroll in online class because it is better for

Face to face.) This pandemic is the reason why we are

having an online class and this gives us more stress in

terms of our education.”

As Docs stated,

Line 155-160

“When the semester was coming to an end last semester, I

felt unmotivated to study for my final exams anymore.

Perhaps it was due to the fact that I am used to studying

with my friends before the exams and we would often

question one another as our means of reviewing and

remembering concepts. So perhaps, the absence of my

friends’ presence has also kept me unmotivated.”

As Mutetant stated,
Line 97-102

“I am not confident enough if I gain knowledge and skills

or not. This current pandemic affected my level of

motivation to take my education seriously.”

Strengths and Value

These are the students’ positive learning experiences

that have influenced and guided them in their actions and

decisions during this pandemic. These are factors that help

them to continue to face difficulties during the online class.

The sub-themes identified here are, self improvement, self-

motivation, safety & security, lesser expenses and


A. Self-Improvement

It is the effort of the student nurses for the

enhancement of their knowledge, skills and attitude. Despite

the limitations and difficulties encountered, the participants

were able to identify factors that help in the improvement of

themselves as well as their current educational state.

As Zoomy stated,

Line 47
“I was able to cope with these problems and challenges by

being innovative and resourceful enough to address such


When asked how the pandemic affected her education or her

in attending her online class, she responded by saying,

Line 80-82

“I became more creative because I am required to do

things on my own. It made me do things I haven’t done


Mutetant then added,

Line 41-43

“[For him], by being resilient at times of problem is

needed to overcome the problem. Being innovative and

resourceful; Stay motivated and goal oriented; Seek

support from whom I trusted.”

Loader also stated,

Line 58-59

“We future nurses should be creative wherein we should

improvise or make ways for us to do the given tasks.”

Lappy stated,

Line 160-161
“[The] ODL helps me to become more creative if we need to

improvise materials for our RD and duty.”

Lappy also added,

Line 61-66

“Ask help din po sa mga kasama ko po sa groupmates kase

meron po yung alam nila na hindi ko po alam ganon po.

Nagtatanong po kami sa isat’isa. Tapos po nag papatulong

din po kami sa mga higher years na mga kakilala namin sa

mga hindi namin alam ganon po”

(Ask help through my groupmates the things that they know

because there are things that I don’t understand but they

do. We learn from each other. We also ask our seniors

whom we close to help us with the work we're doing.)

When asked about the advantage of ODL, she repeated her

statement saying,

Line 92

“Mas naging creative po siguro kami ganon.” (I think we

[students] become more creative.)

When asked how the pandemic affected her education or

attending her online class, she said ,

Line 131-132
“On the good side, maybe I found out that I can also be

productive even if I am not in school.”

One participant mentioned about adapting the changes

during online distance learning. Lagger stated that

Line 38-39,

“I guess, one thing that ODL taught me is to be adaptive

to changes which is good characteristic or attitude of a


GoSurfer was receptive as he mentioned that,

Line 59-60

“It [ODL] was a new experience so I'm trying to get used

to it and learn how to use the online work.”

Docs also mentioned that her classroom attendance has

improved during the ODL as she stated,

Line 152-153

“I was rarely late actually, during the ODL in attending

my virtual classes.”

B. Self-Motivation
The participants were able to motivate themselves by

continuing to achieve their own goals and complete their tasks

even if it is challenging. As Zoomy stated,

Line 46-47

“I was able to cope with these problems and challenges by

being innovative and resourceful enough to address such


Streamer said,

Line 42-45

"Just go with flow because in the end of the day it just

let go as itself, just try to calm when I feel things get

complicated ...just a Little break in a Day"

She Also Added

Line 117-118

"yes kuya i was inspired more tlga to take serious on

this online learning of nursing education po."

(Yes, I was more inspired to take online learning seriously)

Docs added,

Line 44

“I choose to be optimistic about the situation.”

C. Safety and Security

Ensuring safety and security during this pandemic is

important, students will stay at home because this will

minimize the spread of the said virus and protect them from

the virus. They find it safer if they are in their home with

their families while having the online classes. They see it as

more comfortable yet less worrying for them. As Zoomy stated,

Line 74-75

“Since we are attending our online classes in our homes,

it made us safe enough from being affected by the COVID-


GoSurfer also said,

Line 54

“The safety of the students in this pandemic it’s more

comfortable than face to face.”

D. Lesser Expenses

Doing online class within the house is less

expensive because you don’t need to think more about the

everyday expenses you need such as allowances. This is

one of the advantages of having online class. Most

especially, those who have a stable internet at home as

well as those who are staying at their own place. As

mentioned by Lagger,

Line 42-44

“Online class is convenient in a way that you don't need

to leave your house for people lalo na sa mga

estudyanteng may internet connection sa bahay nila.”

(Online class is convenient in a way that you don’t need

to develop your house for people, especially for those

students who have internet connection in their house.)

Docs also said that,

Line 151-153

“It is also money saving which is perhaps one advantage

to our parents as we no longer need daily allowances as much

as we did before.”

Mutetant added

Line 87-90

“Maybe the advantage for ODL is that sometimes we have

our self-paced learning and it is not expensive learning

at home, like I will not think about my allowance already

since I am at my room learning and getting my needs at


TAB stated,

Line 43-46
“It is readily convenient because you can take it at

home. It has helped to learn self-discipline, it helps to

connect people globally. It showed me that I can still learn

at home.”

E. Innovations

Being in an online class was indeed challenging where

students will engage themselves in difficult problems

especially that they don’t have enough materials or equipment

used in RD not only in RD but also on duty days because it is

virtual. Here, they become innovative. This will use their

imagination, creativity to improvise and come up with a good

output and how will they present it.

As Zoomy stated,

Line 46-49

“I was able to cope with these problems and

challenges by being innovative and resourceful enough to

address such things. Since I am already at home, in the

province, I would go to our municipal library because of

the fair internet connection.”

The participant was asked about the advantages of online

distance learning during this pandemic and she answered,

Line 72-73

“During this pandemic, online distance learning has

brought out many skills from within. Because of the lack

of equipment, I learned how to be innovative”

Line 80-82

“Then, from the positive outlook, I became more creative

because I am required to do things on my own. ”

Loader stated,

Line 58-59

“Sa RD naman, we future nurses should be creative wherein

we should improvise or make ways for us to do the given


Lappy stated,

Line 97-98

“Naging creative nga po kami pero lack po kami sa

experience” (We have been creative but we lack


Line 160-161
“Regarding the skills, ODL helps me to become more

creative if we needed to improvise materials for our RD

and duty”

TAB said,

Line 42-44

“It is readily convenient because you can take it at

home. It has help to learn self-discipline, it helps to

connect people globally. It showed me that I can still

learn at home.”

Options for Learning Success

These are the options preferred and recommended by the

students that help in enhancing effective learning during the

online distance learning. The identified sub-themes are,

time-management, workloads, academic service and building a

positive mindset.

A. Time Management

These are the strategies of student nurses in managing

their time during online distance learning. Some of which is

by setting up their time through dividing their schedules for

school, personal matters and work at home.

Mutetant said that,

Line 115-117

“By setting my schedule in my calendar with time. Also I

tend to post my activity with the set of time and

dates in front of my room, in front of my table or even

my notebook.”

Lappy also stated,

Line 44-48

“Ano lang siya, uhm sa totoo lang time management and

adjustment lang talaga yung ginagawa ko tapos, for

example may gagawin tapos maglalaan ako sa kanya ng 30

minutes tapos may gagawin akong household chores

maglalaan din ako doon ng 30 minutes para hindi ngay

matambakan kasi minsan nakakafrustrate din siya.”

(Actually, time management and adjustment are the things

that I do. For example, I will allocate 30 minutes to

finish my requirements and another 30 minutes for my

household chores. I do this to decrease my workloads

because sometimes, it’s frustrating if there are a lot of

pending activities for me to do.)

Streamer added,

Line 86-88

“Usually half day in the morning po ang klase from 7:30

to 11:30AM po tapos sa hapon pahinga lang, yung personal

things ko po ganun them assignments and activities sa

gabi po ako gumagawa”(Usually our class is 7:30 to 11:30

in the morning, break time in the afternoon, and

Assignments and Activities at night.)

She also added,

Line 69-72

"natutunan kong imanage yung time ng nursing school at

working hehe so ayun enjoy mo lang, proper time

management and know your responsibilities and priorities

ok ka na jan wala nang problema hehe" (I learned to

manage my time in nursing school and my work so there, I

just enjoy. Proper time management and knowing your

responsibilities and priorities is the key to resolve


GoSurfer verbalized,
Line 72-74

“I managed my time by adapting my previous time

management method which consists of waking up and

sleeping early, by this way I can set my priorities and

finish assignments and other activities.”

B. Workloads

These are the different school requirements and

activities given by the clinical instructors to the students

to gauge their knowledge and understanding towards a specific

topic. Some of these activities are assignments, quizzes, e-

learning and examinations.

Some of the participants were requesting that the

workloads be decreased or to remove some of the activities.

Streamer requested that,

Line 101, 104-105

“Pwede po ba tanggalin yung e learning? Ang tagal tagal

nya kase kuya at padagdag sa mga activities and

assignments namin and any other requirements pa”

(Can they remove the e-learning? It takes long to finish

and it just adds up to our activities, assignments and

other requirements).
When asked what he will recommend to improve the

students’ learning experiences, Loader mentioned that,

Line 90-92

“They should not give exams at the same time, such as e-

learning, comprehension exam with the lecture and skills

exam because there is too much information overload.”

GoSurfer also stated,

Line 78

“In my opinion I don’t think we need more assignments.”

C. Academic Services

These are the academic services and support that the

school administration provides for the students. Participants

have been through a lot of pressure, stress, difficulties and

disappointments but they are handling this through the

assistance and guidance of their instructors giving them

educational methods or sources to help them accelerate their

learning progress, catch up with their peers, meet learning

standards, or generally succeed in school.

Docs stated,

Line 106-108
“The best support that I have received from the school

administration is their openness to entertaining my

questions regarding the e-learnings and things like


Mutetant stated,

Line 126-131

“For me since we really cannot have any face to face as

of the moment my main suggestion is that be really

flexible in terms of the activity to be given to all the

students and that they should not bombarded us with

activities and mandate us on some webinars instead they

will focus on education and imparting knowledge to us.

That is my main suggestion to our department, so that we

will meet half way indeed.”

D. Building Positive Mindset

Even though there are a lot of stressors during online

classes the participants tend to have a positive mindset and

stay calm whenever they are stressed. Adapting and coping with

the current changes is much healthier to the students’ health.

As Docs stated,

Line 44-48

“To be honest, I choose to be optimistic about the

situation. I myself also had my fair share of

difficulties however I choose to do my part as a student

regardless of the everyday stressors I had encountered. I

simply complied with the deadlines of activities, I

attended my classes as it should, and I took my exams on


She also added,

Line 51-54

“For now, one of my coping mechanisms in response to the

stress brought by the challenges of online learning is I

would watch comedy movies. It’s a nice feeling to have a

good laugh and be able divert my attention from reality

even just for a while. I would also listen to music.”

Zoomy also stated,

Line 64-66

“I managed to surface above the current problem and tried

to be more positive and think about what good the online

learning offers.”

TAB verbalized,

Line 83-87
“I recommend other student nurses to accept the only

learning because now there is nothing we can do, take it

easy with their instructor and to do their requirements

as required or to do what is intended to do and building

a positive thinking habits because will help them to

achieve more.”

Lagger said,

Line 38-39

“I guess, one thing that ODL taught me is to be adaptive

to changes which is good characteristic or attitude of a


GoSurf stated,

Line 59-60

“it was a new experience so I'm trying to get used to it

and learn how to use the online work”


The student nurses experienced different challenges and

problems while studying during this pandemic. However, they

were also able to identify positive influences of the current

learning system towards their student lives. They were able to

state their own preferences and options which may help improve

their learning experiences. The online distance learning is

the new learning modality commonly implemented in every school

institution worldwide. Due to the spread of this disease and

the closure of physical classes, online learning through the

uses of several devices like computers, laptops, tablets and

mobile phones with internet access in synchronous and

asynchronous environments become the alternative learning

methods (Selvanathan, Hussin, & Azazi, 2020). Through these

learning methods and environments, students have a freedom in

learning and get connected with their teachers anywhere they

want (Singh and Thurman, 2019). However, online learning can

be challenging to the disabled, underprivileged, and

marginalized students who have limited resources and

accessibility to online learning (The Regional Risk

Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) Working Group,

2020). This may cause problems, learning issues and disquiets

which may therefore, cause the students to lose interest and

motivation in seeking knowledge.

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the student nurses’

learning. In order to make learning effective, online study

was started by educational institutions such as that of the

University of the Cordilleras. Computers and the internet are

the basic requirements for online learning however, it has its

limitations including problems with internet access, poor

internet connection quality, and insufficient digital skills

of the respondents (Kaur & Sharma, 2020). Some of the

participants agreed that inadequate facilities such as lack of

computer, internet facility, were the major factors that

limited their engagement in online education. Similarly, poor

electricity service, unavailability and accessibility issues,

network issues, etc. also created lots of problems for

education during the COVID-19 lockdown. The finding is in line

with the assertion of (Onyema,, 2020) that COVID-19

pandemic created multiple problems for the education sector

leading to decreased education opportunities for

underprivileged learners and those in rural areas.

Sometimes, a students’ environmental conditions are a big

factor in their learning. Other research findings suggest that

the physical environment can have such an impact on students

that it could affect a student’s academic progress by as much

as 25% (Warfield, 2016). Some of the participants mentioned

that their environmental situations cause distractions during

their learning and that they have certain roles and

responsibilities within their homes that they have to perform.

These as well as unexpected visitors limit their focus and

attention towards accomplishing their school activities. This

finding is similar to a study conducted in India about the

required essentialities of online teaching-learning in

education amid the pandemic and it suggest that some of their

female students accepted that they did not have conducive

learning environment at home and they were assigned in

household chores during the lockdown period, consequently,

their studies were adversely affected and left them into

dejection and despair (Mishraa, Gupta & Shree, 2020).

Nurses’ competence is based on the knowledge and skills

taught to them. Nursing is a combination of theoretical and

practical learning experience that enables student nurses to

acquire knowledge, skills, and attitude for providing nursing

care.(Jamshidi, Mlazem, Sharif, Torabizadeh, and Kalyani,

2016). However, since the pandemic happened, clinical practice

of nursing students in hospital, community and school has been

discontinued but is still done through online distance

learning. Students experienced hardships in acquiring

knowledge and skills due to inadequate availability of

materials and equipment to be used for their clinical

practice. Students prefer hands-on and actual experience

rather than relying on their concept of imagination, in the

internet and videos prepared by their clinical instructors.

Because nursing education consists much of clinical practice,

student nurses are concerned about their being inadequate in

clinical skills development.

It was determined that the students perceived moderate

levels of stress, especially today online learning (Hakime,

2020). In this study, our findings suggest that the COVID‐19

pandemic has definitely affected the stress levels of the

student nurses. In the literature, conducted studies with

nursing students have found that many factors such as giving

care to sick individuals, lack of self‐ confidence in practical

applications, insufficient support from instructors, and

communication problems with other health professionals affect

students' stress levels. The COVID‐19 pandemic has affected the

entire world, and it has also affected nursing students in

different ways (Hakime Aslan & Hatice Pekince, 2020). Our

study found that the stress levels of nursing students in UC

have increased during this online class pandemic. There were

measures conducted to address mental health problems of the

students. This includes webinars, mental health campaigns, as

well as the support and availability of school counsellors

through the different online platforms.

Most of the participants that we interviewed especially

those from levels two to four have increased experience in

stress and anxiety with regards to the online learning.

Students from level one were able to describe their learning

experiences positively than students from levels two to four.

This claim is similar to studies conducted by Siritongthaworn

et al (2006) and Teo et al (2011) which reported that younger

students tend to adapt to e-learning. One factor that

contributes to this finding is the difference in curriculum of

each year levels. Student nurses from levels two to four have

courses involving the nursing theories, acquisition of skills

and the incorporation of the two in the practice setting (both

in the hospital and community setting). Such courses require

the need of actual practice and the use of laboratory sessions

to further improve the students’ knowledge and skills.

However, with the lack of face-to-face learning caused by the

strategies to control the pandemic, return demonstrations as

well as clinical and community duties were made available

virtually. Professional skills and application of knowledge

in practice was limited as verbalized by some of the

participants in this study. This resulted in the lack of

motoric skills experiences, less chance of direct consultation

with the instructors and less practical assignments that were

normally served as the reinforcement to the theory class

(Amir, Tanti, Maharani, Wimardhani, Julia, Sulijaya &

Puspitawati, 2020). Whereas, student nurses from level one are

focused more on theoretical courses containing basic medical

knowledge and skills which can be catered through pictures and

video representations.

Despite the challenges of student nurses during the

online distance learning, students find ways to manage their

time staying at home, continues access to online activities

using different online educational platforms to help them

easier, learning at their own pace, and comfortable

surroundings (Baczek, Szpringer, Jaroszynski, Kaplon, 2020).

Through it students develop personal growth in which they

become creative, and innovative(Luis, Miguel, Dos, & Santos,

2020). Learning online can contribute to goal-setting

behaviors and self-discipline (Halupa, 2016). According to the

University of Leicester, enterprise skills are a key skill a

person needs in life as motivation, initiative, creativity,

individuality, and strategic thinking. Online education has

its roots in distance education and the emergence of digital

technologies that facilitate the efficient and reliable source

(, 2020). Online learning provides students

in rural and other areas in more diverse educational

experiences. In addition, with the advent of the internet

information is widely available for today’s youth with just a

few keystrokes, butI it is important to take note to balance

technology use with other activities that promote

relationships, creativity and development. Because excessive

use can negatively impact physical, mental, emotional, and

social development of youth (Halupa, 2016).

In order to make effective learning, and to overcome the

hurdles of online study, there should be a proper time

schedule, adequate network facilities, effective student-

teacher interaction activities, sufficient educational

learning materials etc. It would be important to improve the

interaction between teachers and parents, improve online

learning, provide better explanations for assignments, and

clarify student assessment methods.(Zamira Hayenesi Duraku,

Linda Hoxha, 2020). Hence, student’s perception regarding

online learning not only will help to assess pedagogical

approach but also helps the institutions to prepare internet

based online education delivery which will be beneficial for

students during pandemics such as COVID-19 or emergency


This study was able to present important findings that

help in exploring the learning experiences of the student

nurses. However, it also has its own limitations. First,

inadequate time was allotted for the data gathering. Second,

there is no actual interaction with our participants to

effectively assess what they actually mean. Third, the study

focused on the students as its participants. The lack of

triangulation may result in a partiality towards the

experiences of the students alone. Fourth, the interview guide

questions focused on the students’ views and experiences.

Their academic performances were not assessed and were not

related to their learning experiences. A previous study by

Persky, Lee & Schlesselman (2020) found a weak correlation

between the student perception of learning with the actual

gain of knowledge. The students’ experiences may not

accurately reveal the students’ understanding of their course

syllabus. This needs to be further explained. Regardless of

these limitations, the results of this study presents valuable

information of the experiences of student nurses in the online

distance learning which is an alternative learning modality

during this COVID-19 pandemic.


There are varied learning experiences based on the

personal insights of nursing students in acquiring nursing

education and it also differs depending on the prominence of

the student that practically, not all students are blessed and

have the full access to everything that they need during this

online distance learning system. There are a lot of learning

problems and challenges that give them bad time physically and

psychologically to perform their tasks and there are some

students that are challenged emotionally as well to surpass

the current state of nursing education because of COVID-19


Online distance learning is not a joke, it has many

disadvantages to all student nurses during this pandemic

especially to those who are currently living in different

geographical locations where connectivity and access is an

issue. It is worthy to note that it's been almost a year that

we are studying through online and it is very difficult for us

especially that we have an unstable internet connection and

access, limited technology, no comfortable place or

environment to stay while studying and very noisy

surroundings. Because of this research we are able to learn,

understand, and explore varied experiences from student nurses

and that we are not only the one who are having learning

difficulties in terms of studying and acclimating to this

flexible online learning as a new and innovative way of

learning. With the findings we as student nurses learned to

start and continue embracing the change of the new normal as

it is the unexpected and inevitable effect of COVID-19

Pandemic with positive attitude and creative thinking.

Chapter 4


Student nurses from the University of the Cordilleras

have varying experiences during the online distance learning.

Their learning experiences are summarized into three

categories which are: learning issues and disquiets, strengths

and value and options for learning success. The students

mentioned that external factors within their homes cause

disruptions in their learning. These factors limit their focus

and attention towards accomplishing their school activities.

They also experience problems such as poor Internet connection

and power disruptions which made them unable to attend their

online classes and caused them great anxiety. The lack of the

actual learning experience has also made them discouraged and

anxious that they may be unable to acquire the necessary skill

needed in the professional field of nursing. Furthermore, the

unavailability of the equipment necessary for the video-

recorded return demonstrations has also contributed to their

worries especially those who cannot be able to improvise due

to limited resources. These anxieties and problems along with

other external stressors have affected their mental health and


Regardless of these issues and challenges, the students

were able to identify positive learning experiences during

this pandemic. One of which would be their safety and security

against the deadly respiratory virus for they are within the

comforts of their home and away from suspected crowds. Another

one would be the changes that they noticed within themselves

that helped them stay motivated and improve on areas that

needed improvement. Through this, they were able to recognize

innovations that helped them cope towards their problems and

challenges in school.

In addition, the researchers identified options for

better learning that should be taken to make online teaching

and learning more interactive and functional which will

increase the student nurses’ focus and productivity. Better

management of time is the key to this. Most of the students

mentioned scheduling and prioritizing as their commonly used

time management plan as well as gradually decreasing their

heavy workloads. Speaking of which, the students would prefer

to have their workloads reduced for both the classroom and

clinical duties. They also wish that the academic services

provide a variety of options and improve their services for

the students’ better learning experiences.

A year has already passed since the pandemic started and

the lockdown which caused the closures of school institutions

occurred, however, the student nurses were able to embrace the

changes and properly adapt to the online distance learning


Based on the findings of the study it confirms the need

to further conduct research on other institutions using a

large number of participants with enough time and having an

actual interaction with the student nurses to know and explore

their live experiences amidst COVID-19 Pandemic to compare

with the results, if they have the same or different

experiences. In addition, we would like to recommend that

future researchers should also include nursing instructors,

faculty members and administrators of the College of Nursing

in University of the Cordilleras to be their participants in

conducting a study regarding their experiences and coping

mechanisms during the online distance learning.

Moreover, we would want to suggest for the faculty

members and administrators to allow student nurses to have

limited face to face learning even only at school in which

they will turn this as a hospital setting for the students to

catch-up with the duties and return demonstrations that did

not practiced in actual due to pandemic. Workload are some of

the student’s complaints during this time of online distance

learning where exams, clinical duties and e-learning were

simultaneously done. Therefore, they should limit, equalize,

have specific time and schedule for such activities.

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