Competency Evaluation Result Summary

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Competency Evaluation Result Summary

Candidate’s Name:

Assessor’s Name:

Title of Qualification /
Cluster of Units of

Assessment Center:  Date:

The performance of the candidate in the following unit(s) Satisfactory  Not

of competency and corresponding methods  Satisfactory

Units of Competency




Note: Satisfactory Performance shall only be given to candidate who demonstrated

successfully all the competencies identified in the above-named Qualification/Cluster of
Units of Competency

Recommendation:  ❑ For issuance of For submission of ❑ For re-

NC/COC (Indicate additional documents  assessment (pls. 
title of COC, if full Specify: specify)
Qualification is _______________ 
not met) ______________________

Did the candidate overall performance meet the required ❑ ❑ NO

evidences/standards?  YES 

OVERALL EVALUATION  ❑ Competent  ❑ Not Yet Competent

General Comments [Strengths/Improvements needed]

Candidate’s Date:

Assessor’s signature:  Date:

Assessment Center Date:

Manager Signature: 

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