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Such poems must be an enigma to most men, but

It should be noted that this ``recovered sulphur,'' which is equal

Jesus, which have been preserved in documents other than

ABBADIE, JAKOB (1654?-1727), Swiss Protestant divine,

ADMIRAL, the title of the general officer who commands a

culture characteristic of the western area of Africa, such as

Alava is very mountainous, especially on the north, where

enemies. Alexander's diplomacy, however, turned the tide, and

sometimes ulceration occurs around the rim of the metal button,

Arts, and in 1841 treasurer of the Chemical Society. In

goats is excellent; that of the latter is preferred by the

but the discovery of fulminate of mercury in 1799 finally

new crops more widely used. But the Civil War and the

all. Every aesthetic object is something unique, differing in

welfare, as the supreme test of government. In this labour,

contrary both to law and religion. How far it was considered

south. Naturally, however, Stanley's discoveries were keenly

the history of the exploration of the High Alps, but the two

with acid solutions of copper has been patented by A. Frank

masters in the craft, and also something, like the writing

386 m. by rail W.S.W. of Sydney. Pop. (1901) 5821. It stands

Kuro Shiwo, is now held to be the general eastward drift of the

sq. m., and in its northern and central portions is a high

by strokes to the left the runes by strokes to the right of

Z. Prison.

railway carriages and even public streets are thus littered

practice of the fundamental processes of husbandry--ploughing,

Vermont, and in January 1777 declared the independence of the

On the sex division, 935,305 were in 1905 males, and 879,321

common pains and penalties of nonconformists, -- e.g. he was

forced to head off to the north-west, being finally overtaken

Henry IV. of England; but the defeat of Donald at Harlaw near

officer commanding the station, and afterwards as an assembly

containing the sentiment that ``all are by nature free'';

losses, Cornwallis marched rapidly through North Carolina,

Poetry is concerned with the observation of common life and

Ireland. It is noteworthy, however, that Ireland year by

text has been much adapted and altered is certain; not less

who stoutly resisted any attempt to commute this service for

its fretted ceilings and the veil-like transparency of its

on Raimon Lull was fathered the boast, ``Mare tingerem si

groups of two or three guns each, and usually each group

Narrative of the British Mission to Theodore [1865-1868]

--in which stock are distributed over the several sections

and to the Sayan mountains. The backbone of the region is

CONGREGATIONALISM.) But in spirit he remained a man of

fixed weight is placed on one coil and the current is varied

name of religion which are abhorrent to Yahweh, because they

correspondents throughout the country for the purpose of bringing

(1883), the American Society of naturalists (1883), the

of choice. This curious and obscure principle of action

on agriculture . Farms are small compared with those in

the sultan and, like the Tosks, are much employed as kavasses

certain areas, especially on the shores of the Gulf of Guinea

bear to the primary alcohols. They are of importance, since

cock---and hung up votive tablets, on which were recorded their

ALARD, JEAN DELPHIN (1815-1888), French violinist and teacher,

SKITTAGETAN, Brit. Col.; Takilman, Or.; TANYOAN, Mex.;

Reading. The choir is long and aisleless; an hexagonal tower

one time, besides relieving the poor of the vicinity twice a

over the Austrians under the Archduke Louis and Genegal Hiller.

holding an already established position. Their institution

of his own compositions in London, performing on various

native chiefs, an even larger number having been concluded

A.M. (Artium Magister), Master of Arts.

1866. The great meteor shower of 1866 turned his attention

NaCd2 is plainly shown. These three examples are taken

house, the jail and the surrogate's office; and about 2 m.

flesh was boiled off the bones at once (``scarification''), or

left. On the 22nd of August he crossed the Narrows to the

throne. In consequence of an oracle which had commanded him

constituted it a royal academy with an endowment fund.

region, including the future of the church of Ephesus (xx.

Scarl Pass (Scarl to Santa Maria Munster), carriage road. . . . . . . .7,386

though somewhat longer, road by Aeclanum was of later date.

put out, or make a great fine or else pay more rent.'' This

for burden, but also for riding. It gets over incredible

unfitted him for dealing with the problems of history in

Aix-la-Chapelle possesses several fine secular buildings:

kinds and coffee. Above 10,000 ft. the crops are confined
passed by parliament in 1892 was an attempt to appease the rural

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