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6/25/11 <Jazzikinns>Do any of you guys want to rp? <RemixedMagic>I might have to sleep at some point though.

:c <Jazzikinns>ono <neaumont>Sleep is for the weak. :U <RemixedMagic>>:U <ten-chan>then I'm weak

<RemixedMagic> <neaumont>FFFfUUUU-<Jazzikinns>Hah <Jazzikinns>Probably weak as well <Jazzikinns>Is that a no on all sides, then? ono <Black-Ratchet>}:C <Black-Ratchet>SPAR??? <Jazzikinns>YES <Jazzikinns>SPAR IS GOOOD <neaumont>SPARRR <RemixedMagic>YAAAAAAY <Black-Ratchet>get clearly in there, he can spar with us <Jazzikinns>Yussus. =u= <RemixedMagic>What---but what if I have to sleep? * Black-Ratchetcan't stop listening to caramelldansen }:I <RemixedMagic>On second thought. <RemixedMagic>Okay.

<Black-Ratchet> Eeeeexcellent. . . . <Jazzikinns>Yaaay]] <neaumont>> n > <Jazzikinns>Who's starting?]] <RemixedMagic>Uh, where do we want to start?) <Black--Ratchet>Jenner: *walks up to Addy's door, knocking sharply* Master Addule. It is time. <Black-Ratchet>getting right to the point }:U )) <Jazzikinns>Heee~ Yay]] <Jazzikinns>Addule: *was reading in is bed and sits boltright up at the knock, then scrambles to get to the door at the sound of Jenner's voice* Wh-what? <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: You promised me a sparring match. I trust you are prepared. <RemixedMagic>[Clearly waited in the training room, hopping on his feet as he patiently braced for his sparring partners to hasten themselves.] <Black-Ratchet>Oi, Neau, get in here }:U ))

<neaumont>Ffffuuu-- ] <neaumont>B-But. ] <Jazzikinns>Addule: *blinks* Oh. Oh. R-right. *he walks out and closes the door behind him, feeling pretty nervous* I-I am as prepared as I'll ever be. L-let's go, then... <Black-Ratchet>>__> )) <Jazzikinns>...]] <Jazzikinns>>.>]] <Jazzikinns><.<]] <Jazzikinns>Neau. Get Gio's ass in there. BV]] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *nods, turning on his heel and heading for the Magical Room * <neaumont>kdaskjdbakj ] <RemixedMagic>Will this be team-based or are going to battle all-out?) <Jazzikinns>Addule: *trails after Jenner, fidgeting nervously all the way* <Jazzikinns>Mmm... I don't know. Either that or a free for all?]] <Black-Ratchet>We'll figure it out }:U )) <Black-Ratchet>Although I'd love to team up with Clearly for once~~~)) <Jazzikinns>Pft. I'd feel sorry for whoever Addy is partnered up with.]] <ten-chan>night guys) <RemixedMagic>Night, ten!) <Jazzikinns>Night night Kenz <3]] ** ten-chan has left [connection closed] <RemixedMagic>Hmm, I'd like to have Clearly fight against Gio though...) <neaumont>... Hnnnn, temptinggg... ] <Black-Ratchet>That works, Jenner/Clearly vs Addy/Gio )) <RemixedMagic>So it's gonna be team based?) <Black-Ratchet>prolly easier that way <Black-Ratchet>*)) <RemixedMagic>Alright. We're doing this in order of username, right?) <Jazzikinns>Yup.]] <Black-Ratchet>2 out of 3 falls, and that's that)) <Black-Ratchet>that'd work)) <RemixedMagic>-gets the recording going-) <neaumont>... Hnnn, fine, fine. -throws Gio in there- ] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *pushes the door to the Magical Room open* . . . . Master Clearly. . . *nods* ** AlleraLunar has left [connection closed] <RemixedMagic>[Clearly turns his head to the sound of opening doors.] "Ahh, Lord Jenner, Addy. And Gio. Nice t' see you fellas again." [He chuckled.] <neaumont>Thanks for automatically putting him in there. :U lol ] <RemixedMagic>Lol np) <Jazzikinns>Addule: *initially blinks in confusion, raising a finger at Clearly, then drops it and just nods to him, sighing* Cl-clearly. <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *walks to the middle of the room, taking his shirt and tie off, and cracking his knuckles loudly* . . . . <neaumont>Gioele: -Perks his head up from the floor at the new arrivals, not too sure how he got himself in this, but if it was for practice, it was for practice and he wasn't

going to pass that up; he stares at Jenner dresses down.<RemixedMagic>Clearly: "S'me." [He spins around and tapped his feet a few times to get them motivated.] <neaumont>Don't you dare make any Jennoele comments. > n > ] <RemixedMagic>PFFFFFFFFFFF) <Jazzikinns> read my mind Neau]] <Jazzikinns>I was just about to.]] <Black-Ratchet>hehehehehe)) <neaumont>He's just staring because... it was different, that's all. >://c ] <Jazzikinns>Addule: *starts trying to size up the others present, currently a big ball of nerves* <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *stetches his tanned, sinewy limbs* )) <neaumont>FFFFFFFFFFFfff-- ]

<Black-Ratchet> )) <neaumont>I-I SAID DON--FFFFFFFF ] <RemixedMagic>This is going to be fun. CB ) <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *turns and gestures to Clearly* Master Clearly. . . would you honor me by being my partner for this exercise. . . ? *bows deeply* <RemixedMagic>Er, since this is in order, Jazzi and neau can go first. c: ) <Black-Ratchet>yeah, better get in formation now)) <Jazzikinns>Pfft, okay]] <Jazzikinns>Addule: *blinks and turns to look at Gio* Th-that means we're partners for this then, I guess. *he moves over towards him, still fidgeting* <Black-Ratchet>sometime tonight, Neau }:U )) <neaumont>WOULD YOU GIVE ME MORE THAN A MINUTE ] <neaumont>SHEESH ] <Black-Ratchet>LESS WHINING, MOAR RP)) <Jazzikinns>xDD]] <neaumont>Gioele: "..." -He greets his newly acquired partner with a silent nod, noticing the obvious fidgeting. He figured he should give some comforting words.- "... Nothing to worry too much about... I'm not sure about the smoky fellow, but I've fought Jenner before. All that's going to happen is a near-death experience, just thought I will give a warning." <Black-Ratchet>LOL)) <RemixedMagic>[Clearly notified Jenner's request, then gave a smirkful shrug.] "Whyever not? Nothing should go too wrong." <neaumont>Heeee~ ] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *nods* Nothing ever goes wrong when we spar. . . *smirks, and calls to the other two* We will fight until one member is incapacitated, whereupon we shall reset and begin anew. The first Team to have a member fall twice will concede. Is this acceptable. . . ? <RemixedMagic>Does he literally mean 'fall' or is it the term for 'defeat'?)

<Black-Ratchet>Stunned or otherwise incapacitated for 3 seconds. First team to have that happen twice loses. )) <RemixedMagic>Okay.) <Black-Ratchet>Jenner's learning how to use a point system rather than a "grievous injury" system)) <Jazzikinns>Addule: *grimaces and finally stops fidgeting, settling for just balling up his hands into fists and muttering to himself* G-great. Exactly what I need. More broken bones. Oh--*he shuts up and nods when Jenner speaks, glancing nervously over to Gio* I-it's fine by me. *that doesn't sound too bad, really* <Black-Ratchet>. . . that's what Jenner thought when he fought Bell. . . *shivers* )) <neaumont>Gioele: "..." -Those rules sounded different from the ones they followed when they fought, but, oh well. It was at least better than the old method.- "Ah, sure, it's fine." <RemixedMagic>Clearly: "Fine by me in anyway." [He gives a final stretch in his arms.] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *nods* Then it is settled. As soon as you are ready, Master Addule, Master Gioele. . . *his eyes beging glowing brightly, a shimmering haze of heat forming around him* <Jazzikinns>Addule: *clenches his teeth out of nerves at Jenner's heat haze and glances over to Gio again* I-I'm ready when he is. *a faint breeze starts to kick up dust around the edges of the room* <neaumont>Gioele: "..." -Glanced at everyone, then smushed out his cigarette, disposing of it in his pocket for now.- "And I'm ready when everyone else is." -He rubbed his hands together subtly, preparing them for conjuring up water.<RemixedMagic>[Clearly wasn't the type who waited for the bell to ring. Not all the time. Right when Gio said his words, he suddenly charged with a rapid leap towards them, but it wasn't clear who he was aiming for specifically.] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *an instant after Clearly takes off, Jenner likewise sprints at his opponents, hands trailing bright tendrils of flame behind him* <Jazzikinns>Addule: *goes into panic mode, just thinking something along the lines of "ohshitohshitohshit" at the sight of the two accelerating towards him and Gio. He rushes several feet off to the side, simultaneously creating a barrier of high-speed wind around himself as he moves, impairing his vision somewhat* <neaumont>Gio: ... > n > Thanks, Addy. ] <Black-Ratchet>heeeee)) <Jazzikinns>Addy: Sorry bro. BI Every man for himself.]] <neaumont>Gioele: -With the sudden absence of his partner by his side, with quick thinking, he is sure to try and get the hell out of Jenner's way, momentarily forgetting about the other demon, focused on the one that could scorch him alive, kthanx. His palms begin to moisten, a few droplets of water forming and dripping off.<RemixedMagic>[Clearly had been practically playing eenie-meenie-miney-mo in his head to quickly decide who to attack first. He flicked his hand out in the direction of Addule to envelope his eyes in a blindfold of darkness. It would wear off in a short time eventually, but meanwhile he dashed forward and spun a kick at Gioele---] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *as he dashes towards the other side of the room, Jenner flings a series of small, brightly-burning darts into the ceiling, smashing several of the overhead lights and replacing them with erratically jumping burning brands, causing the room to

fill with dancing, constantly shifting shadows. Now seeing Addy disabled, he homed in on him, drawing in a deep lungful of air* <RemixedMagic>...pffft. -sees Jenner doing the Kirby tactic-) <Black-Ratchet>Have fun, partner~ )) <neaumont> /lol'd ]

<RemixedMagic>Oh, I will. ) <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *inhales, swallowing Addy whole* )) <neaumont>Oh God, that would traumatize Addy for life. ] <Jazzikinns>xDD Yes. Yes it would. ]] <Jazzikinns>Addule: *gasps as everything goes dark. His ears twitch, and he's now relying on his hearing to get him through this. Luckily, in his demon form it was so strong he regularly operated via echolocation. Unluckily, this ability is somewhat reduced in human form, and the winds around him are muffling all outside sounds. The winds quickly die down and he takes a deep breath, listening intently. He hears someone approaching at high speed and hastily draws back up his wind barriers, intensifying them. At this rate, he hopes it'll be enough to not only protect him from attack but possibly throw off an attacker before they get too close, but he can't be certain* <neaumont>Gioele: -As soon as the lights began rapidly flickering, something to do with Jenner he was able to catch before it happening, his eyes narrowed, trying to make out his surroundings. He had a keen sense of perception due to his Father's teachings, but was not fast enough to avoid the sharp kick from Clearly, landing a blow to his arm. Ignoring the flash of pain, he flung the same arm out, a clenched fist, hoping to hit his attacker.<Jazzikinns>...this big pause makes me feel nervous. o-o]] <RemixedMagic>[With a wide grin, Clearly clapped his hands down on Gio's shoulders and hoisted himself upright and upside-down to dodge the incoming punch. Then he tipped over to freefall into the shadow behind him, trailing white smoke and a glowing demeanor. For Clearly, lights out meant playtime.] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *seeing Addy strengthen his barriers, and knowing full well they can grow strong enough to throw him aside, Jenner strafes past the wind demon, exhaling a steady stream of small fireballs that get swept up into Addy's maelstrom, swirling madly in the winds before detonating, each one releasing flames that are quickly drawn away by the wind, but superheating the air Addy is using to shield himself with* <Black-Ratchet>why yes, I queued my attack. }:U )) <Jazzikinns>Lolol. Lovely Blatchet]] <neaumont>Hehehe. ] <Black-Ratchet>q 3 p ~~~<3 )) <RemixedMagic>c:< b ) <neaumont>Derp fase~ ] <Jazzikinns>Addule: *a look of confusion passes over his face as the air around him heats up, then he scowls. So it was Jenner attacking him. The winds around him die down for a split-second and then, with Addy nervously biting his lip and hoping this works, pick up again, but this time are being concentrated into first a cyclone, then a ball of

compressed and heated air in front of him. He "throws" the ball at the direction that he's hearing Jenner's movements from and hopes that his trick works. If it does, the supercompressed oxygen should explode. If not, it should still generate enough pressure to knock Jenner off his feet, providing it actually hits close to him in the first place* <RemixedMagic>Oh shoot, I think my mind's starting to go bonkers now...) <neaumont>... CAFFEINE, MAGIC ] <neaumont>GO GET CAFFEINE ] <RemixedMagic>BUT MY PARENTS WILL KNOW) <RemixedMagic>AND THEN I GET IN TROUBLE) <neaumont>FFFFF-- ] <RemixedMagic>Wait, lemme see if I can make it to my post. Keep typing.) <Jazzikinns>|D Okay]] <Jazzikinns>Caffeine. Or sugar. :v]] <neaumont>... orz; I took the liberty of trying to describe where--I assume--Clearly took Gio. Excuse me if I'm wrong. ;;; ] <neaumont>Gioele: "--!!" -Gaping his mouth open, the uncomfortable feeling of no longer on your own two feet washed over his back, soon over his whole body. His vision was enveloped by complete black, unable to make out anything, and that honestly, gave him a chill. Where exactly did that shady being take him? And then it hit him--physically too, landing on surprisingly solid ground, with an eeriely echoing thud. After opening his eyes from the discomfort, an overwhelming sensation of knowing he was lost, abruptly was realized without a moment's delay; it was so dark, even standing up was a challenge. Why was he lost, though? Well... he was in the demon's playground, subject to whatever pleased it. He gulped, flexing his hands, small, steady streams of water flowing to the floor... or whatever he was on. He would look around, but that would, unfortunately, be absolutely no help to him, and that, once again, gave him a chill.<RemixedMagic>[Clearly had taken Gioele into the realm of shadows, where pure darkness reigns in a forever world of black. In a matter of moments, Clearly expected the human to pass out from the lack of oxygen in the shadows and eventually expire, but before that the shadow demon planned to have some fun with him. He shot out his tail from the 'ground' so as to trip Gio, opening up his bud to then release---] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *on instinct, flings a fire dart at the incoming projectile, eyes widening as he remembers Addy doing something similar with the purloined O2 tanks from Mika's "training exercise". Too late to redirect the shots, he reaches out, arms wide, as the ball detonates, enveloping the Ifrit and rocking the room with the force of the explosion. From within the cloud, his form is just barely visible, uniform shredding in the blast, hair torn out of its loose ponytail and fanning around him* . . . . !!!b <Black-Ratchet>. . . I love the "b" in there. . . Jenner's blow'd up, but still giving a thumbs up ^ u ^ b )) <RemixedMagic>LOL) <Jazzikinns>xDD]] <neaumont>LOL ] <Black-Ratchet>You get some wake up juice, Magic? )) <RemixedMagic>...Mwhat?) <Jazzikinns>Addule: *gasps at the effectiveness of the move, covering up his ears from all the noise, and hastily conjures up some wind between himself and the explosion. He's

a bit too late, though, and light as he is he's still knocked over by its force, though he manages to escape being burned. He scrambles to his feet, a loose cyclone still spinning around his body, and listens out for Jenner, not entirely sure of where he is now* <Black-Ratchet>Just hoping you won't pass out on us, is all~)) <RemixedMagic>Ah, thanks. c; ) <RemixedMagic>The shadow blindfold might wear out pretty soon, btw) <Jazzikinns>Yeah. That would be really unfortunate. ono]] <Jazzikinns>Ooh, okay. ]] <neaumont>Gioele: "--!!!" -The sudden trip was expected, yet unexpected as it /did/ come from... literally nowhere. Falling once more on his backside, he, as he would come to horribly discover was an terrible, terrible mistake, gasped. And... no oxygen. So that's why the air was so ominously still... a hand instantly clutched his throat, lungs wanting something that wasn't there, as he held himself up with the other arm, unsteadily. And as he did that, that... he recognized a sensation he remembered, very, very clear. The unpleasant burning in the lungs due to lack of oxygen. He remembers that from a few years ago, and while Jenner cured him off drowning his sorrows ironically in smoke, it did not mean it still did not make him furiously angry. With choking breaths, he hurriedly stumbled to his feet, and, rather clumsily, lashed out with his fists. He could smell this peculiar gas leaking from somewhere, and tried to follow the source to where the scent was strongest, and perhaps, he could stop it--though, not very likely at all, and he could keel over at any given moment.<RemixedMagic>Kay, my dad's egging me to go to sleep so after this post...) <Jazzikinns>ono Awww]] <Jazzikinns>Okay]] <Jazzikinns>We'll pick up tomorrow or something?]] <RemixedMagic>After my post, yeah. Sorry. OTL) <Jazzikinns>|D Okay. It's fine though, Magic]] <neaumont>Bawww... but yeah, it's alright. It's almost 3 AM anyway. ... Holy crap, it's almost 3 AM. ] <RemixedMagic>I broke a record. @_@) <Jazzikinns>wow. It is indeed almost 3 am. xD]] <RemixedMagic>[Clearly had chosen to release sweet fragrance instead of poison gas to confuse his opponent rather then to send him further into suffering. Gioele looked as though he would tip over very soon, and then the first victory would belong to Clearly's team. From behind Gio, Clearly rushed in from the darkness to strike at him with his claws---] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *desperately trying to pull the fireball into himself, the force of the blast sends him flying across the room, through the space Gio and Clearly occupied moments before. Just as he gets the flame under control, he slams into the far wall with a teeth-rattling crash, falling limply to the floor in a smoldering heap. . . unconscious* . . . . . . . ((all right, we'll call it here for tonight. Point for team Gio/Addy.))

<Jazzikinns>...I cannot believe Addy did that.


<RemixedMagic>Okay. -brain dead-) <Black-Ratchet>Night, Magic. <3 )) <Jazzikinns>|D Night then Magic~ <3]] <RemixedMagic>Nighters guys. <3333) * Jazzikinnslogs everything]] <neaumont>Night Magic~ <333 ]
6/26/11 - Continued

<Black-Ratchet>Ready whenever you all are)) <RemixedMagic>Anytime is a good time.) <3712>Oh, lawl :v rp ... )) <Black-Ratchet>yeah, we do that sometimes in here, Mysty. . . YOU SHOULD TRY IT SOMETIME }:U )) <Jazzikinns>Aah.]] <Jazzikinns>Okay]] <Jazzikinns>Wait. I was next, right?]] <Black-Ratchet>yep.)) <Jazzikinns>Okay]] <3712>:V;;; But I get scared of crowds, too many here. )) <Omegatutumon>... :U excuse) <RemixedMagic>I can relate to that.) <Jazzikinns>=A=]] <3712>It's actually very true I8 )) <3712>Why do you think I'm so silent? )) <Black-Ratchet>*clears throat* I also haven't seen Rina in a while. . . >__> )) <Double-AA-202>lol ratchet. ]] <Omegatutumon>U: ahmygawd you too ratchet?) <Omegatutumon>:U me neither) <Blood-and-Spice>you know us all though mysty <Blood-and-Spice>) <Blood-and-Spice>where's the rp? )) <Blood-and-Spice>i just noticed there's shields)) <3712>I knew my classmate too, she still scared me :v )) <Black-Ratchet>sheesh, Blood, SHIELDS PLZ }:U ))

<Black-Ratchet> )) <Blood-and-Spice>if there's an rp wher eis it?)) <3712>EVERYONE SCARES ME, EVEN MYSELF. )) <Blood-and-Spice>oh god!__ <Blood-and-Spice>)) <Omegatutumon>:U /doesn't feel too Rinaish to rp) <Omegatutumon>..... /scared) <Double-AA-202>jazzi is starting it. :0 ]]

<Double-AA-202>WELL I SCARE EVERYONE SO IT'S TO BE EXPECTED :V ]] <3712>Actually, you don't scare me much. )) <Double-AA-202>........... ]] <Double-AA-202>well damn :U ]] <Black-Ratchet>we were sparring last night and Addy knocked Jenner the f*** out }:U )) <Jazzikinns>Addule: *he finally uncovers his ears and still unable to see anything, lowers his barrier and starts moving towards the direction of the rather sickening crash, stumbling slightly and trying to make sure he doesn't trip up. From the sound of it, Jenner's down, but he can't be certain, so he's highly on edge* J-Jenner..? <Blood-and-Spice>WOW go ADDY )) <Blood-and-Spice>always beatin' up people )) <Jazzikinns>|D]] <Jazzikinns>Two words: oxygen bomb]] <Black-Ratchet>I know, he's so mean. . . q __ q )) <Jazzikinns>|DD;;;]] <Blood-and-Spice>lol well if you need me tag me. otherwise i probably will be derpy and check on you kiddies from time to time )) <Black-Ratchet>we'll skype you, ok Blood? )) <Black-Ratchet>rp starts again ---> playlist gets to Yakety Sax. }:U )) <RemixedMagic>PFFFFT) <Jazzikinns>...LOL]]\ <Omegatutumon>...oh speaking of skype...) <Black-Ratchet>. . . yus. . . ? )) <Omegatutumon> :U oh nothing... just remind me to open it lolol) <RemixedMagic>neau, you're typing, right? Just making sure.) <neaumont>YES ] <neaumont>I AM ] <neaumont>SHEESH ] <neaumont> /attitude >:c ] <RemixedMagic>Juuuust checking. -patpat- |D) <wrath-kakerou>LOL )) ** 3712 has left [timed out] ** 3712 has joined <RemixedMagic>wb) <wrath-kakerou>wb)) <Jazzikinns>Wb]] <neaumont>Gioele: -He was having no luck whatsoever, and that just frustrated him further, fists not coming in contact with anything; he was merely wandering around in the darkness, making a complete fool of himself, on the brink of passing out. Not long after these thoughts crossed his mind, there came a searing pain cascading over his back, around the shoulder blades, to which he fell to his knees, crying out. In the direction he believed it came from, he swung his arm towards, slugging around a fist, but he once again, hit nothing, and collapsed on the ground, sensing something moist dripping from his back, to which the pain was incredible, but was not enough to keep him conscious, coughing and wheezing until his body went limp.-

** ten-chan has left [connection closed] ** 3712 has left [timed out] ** 3712 has joined <RemixedMagic>[Clearly skidded past Gioele, talons coated with blood, and observed the human making a weak strike at the black air. He quietly watched his opponent then reduce to the floor, falling into a motionless thud. At once, Clearly lifted himself up and proceeded to calmly drag Gio out of the shadows before he had to suffer any further harm. He whistled a merry tune casually as he went.] <RemixedMagic>wb) <3712>You guys sure I should't leave? |D;;; I'm gonna dc a lot unless I talk pretty much constantly. )) ** mangaklutz has joined <mangaklutz>SO MANY PEOPLE TODAY )) <Jazzikinns>Hey Klutz]] <Jazzikinns>IKR?]] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *laying still against the far wall of the Magical Room, surrounded by bits of broken plaster and soot, and, apparently, little else. A few scorched remnants of his uniform pants still clung to his charred belt, and his burned boots, but everything else seemed to have been consumed in the blast. The faint clinking sound of cooling ceramics came from the crater in the wall behind him, and there was the barest indication of his chest moving, drawing in air as the Ifrit lay prone, eyes closed* . . . . . <Jazzikinns>Aww]]] <Black-Ratchet>hola Klutz)) <mangaklutz>Hey Jazz)) <mangaklutz>Buenos dias Ratchet)) <neaumont>That was a dick move to strike at his back, Clearly. >:c ] <Black-Ratchet>That's Clearly for you)) <Black-Ratchet>He fights to WIN)) <RemixedMagic>Yeah, I only remembered about his back just when I read your post, neau. |D) <neaumont>MHMM. >:C ] <RemixedMagic>AVENGE YOURSELF GIO) <neaumont>HE WILL ] <Black-Ratchet>U MAD, NEAU??? )) <neaumont>FFFFFFFFF ] <Jazzikinns>Addule: *his ears twitched as he approached, trying to pick up any sign of movement. He didn't know if Jenner could come out of that and still fight, but it wouldn't at all surprise him if he could, and right now his wind barrier was down, leaving him pretty vulnerable to an attack. As he approached, he confirmed that the only noise around him seemed to be Jenner breathing, and breathing very shallowly at that* <RemixedMagic>...y'know, if Jenner gets his clothes burnt/damaged any further...) <Black-Ratchet>. . . yes, Magic. . .? )) <neaumont>OH NO MAGIC DON'T ] <neaumont>People will start making jokes, and giving me images. ] <neaumont>So stop right there. BC ] <RemixedMagic>Lol I wasn't going to continue anyway.)

<mangaklutz>xDDDD)) <neaumont>GOOD >:C ] <Black-Ratchet>Don't worry, I've already thought of teh nakedness. Jener has a plan. )) <Black-Ratchet>Jener :P )) <Jazzikinns>But you're so funny when you get images.]] ** mangaklutz has left [connection closed] <neaumont>... Jener. HEE--NO I'M NOT STOP SHUSH >:C ] <neaumont>SHUSH BC ] <Black-Ratchet>U SHUSH, AND POST ALREADY }:U )) <neaumont>fjekjebrekjr W-WOULD YOU GIVE ME SOME TIME ] <neaumont>I'M SORRY I CAN'T CREAT MIRACLES ] <neaumont>... create* ] <Black-Ratchet>STOP ANSWERING ME AND POST, NOODLEBOY }:U )) <McPancakes>o3o)) <RemixedMagic>MANCAKES where did you creep from!?) ** mangaklutz has joined <Black-Ratchet>hola, Pnacksea q 3 p )) <Black-Ratchet>and Klutz, wb)) <Omegatutumon> /clings to panny) <mangaklutz>ty ^^)) <McPancakes>O3O /clings back)) <McPancakes>allo everyone)) ** 3712 has joined <Jazzikinns>Wb]] ** 3712 has left [timed out] <3712>OTL Want me to leave so you won't have random dc'ing? )) <Jazzikinns>Nooooo]] <Jazzikinns>Stick around. ono]] <Jazzikinns>And heya Pnacksea *late*]] <3712>.o. You sure? )) <McPancakes>staaayyy and allo jazzi)) <Double-AA-202>shut up and stay. :U ]] <Jazzikinns>Yuss.]] <3712>jtrogj6porthj pc just freaked on me a sec. )) <neaumont>Gioele: -Being unconscious was no different from where he was; they were both literally nothing, and terribly dark. As Clearly brought him back from the shadow realm, the back of his uniform was ripped, slashed open by the same demon's murderous claws, leaking a dark and thick liquid, heavily at that. His lungs function once more, giving the sweet bliss of fresh air, but he doesn't wake up still, and the breaths are very shallow. He had the liveliness of a puppet as he was dragged, awfully silent.<McPancakes>i wonder how i could throw mint in there...)) <Jazzikinns>Hng. She goes to the training room to practice?]] <neaumont>She'd have to just watch though. ] <McPancakes>lol shes never trained)) <RemixedMagic>[Once Gioele's full body was out of the shadows, Clearly let him go and looked towards the other team. Apparently Jenner was also unconcious just like

Gioele, and no harm seemed to have truly reached Addule. The shadow blindfold on the wind demon should have worn off by now.] "Looks like one from each city is out of town," [he sighed in an actor's way.] <Jazzikinns>|D Darn]] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *slowly, the heap on the floor stirred, dragging itself into a sitting position and coughing out a mixture of plaster dust and black soot, and cracking open a bleary eye* I believe. . . you have gotten the best of me, Master Addule. . . . <McPancakes>*rolls into the lurk box*)) <Jazzikinns>Addule: *he retreats a step and starts to pull that back up his barrier when he heard Jenner start to talk, then gaped for a good few seconds until he realized that he was also now hearing Clearly. Blinking, he realized he was now able to see again and he looked around for the shadow demon. It would appear that he'd beaten Gio. Biting his lip, he started to summon a gust of air* Wh-what? <neaumont>Gioele: "..." -He was not a master of strength, and frankly, what had happened, wore him out. After being let go, he simply laid there, muscles not moving an inch, body ever so subtly giving hint to life as he breathed. The blood had now significantly spread over the course of his whole back and uniform, soaking into the seams, staining it a dark crimson color.<RemixedMagic>[Clearly observed his handiwork as it spread out slowly on Gio's clothes. Well. He certainly went a bit far.] <neaumont>... Ya think, Clearly? >:c ] <neaumont>Opened up his scars, man. ] ** 3712 has left [timed out] <RemixedMagic>Tehehe) <RemixedMagic>Sorry, Gio.) <McPancakes>hardcore clearly is hardcore)) <Blood-and-Spice>don't kill eachother lol )) <RemixedMagic>In fact, I don't think he even knows about his back scars.) <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *frowns as he peers at Gio* That. . . . seems a bit like excessive force, does it not, Master Clearly? Perhaps we should get the boy some medical attention. . . . *gets shakily to his feet, frowning at the breeze on his knees* . . . wretched, shoddy garments. . . . *snarling, he kicked his boots off, and unbuckled his belt, letting the rest of the uniform fall off* <McPancakes>Mint: O3O *starts looking for her bills*))

<Black-Ratchet> )) <neaumont>Nahhh. I remember whose seen them... Jenner, Cilli, Winter, Evie, Bell, and Vince. :U Definitely Vince. ] ** 3712 has joined <RemixedMagic>Lolz_ <neaumont>And Kai. U: ] <Black-Ratchet>OHOHOHOHO )) <neaumont>S-SHHHHHHHHHHH ] <McPancakes>hurrr))

<Omegatutumon>U:....) <Jazzikinns>Addule: *bites his lip* Y-you should get s-some treatment as well, I think... Um. S-so abandon the match for now, then? <Black-Ratchet>Don't worry, Gio, Naked!Jenner will take care of you~~~ )) <neaumont>kjxgbldkgbl.jfbs;lewktrhew;lrhew ;ewrewj rhewor ] <neaumont>SHUT UP ] <neaumont>SHUT ] <neaumont>UP ] <RemixedMagic>-restrained chortle-)

<Black-Ratchet> )) <Omegatutumon>i came in at a strange time :U) <Black-Ratchet>LOL, all our rps are strange, Tutu)) <neaumont>ALL OF THEM >:U ] <Omegatutumon>no i never doubted the rps being strange) <McPancakes>i wont deny any of that)) <Omegatutumon>just one of the many times i come in at a time i shouldn't be :U) <McPancakes>8U nu stay)) <McPancakes>join us in our weirdness)) <Omegatutumon>no U: ) <Omegatutumon>i'm not in a rina mood :u) <neaumont>Gioele: "..." -The longer the delay, the more and more the blood flow increases, and the more dangerous it might be for him to stay unconscious in such a situation. Nonetheless, he himself is unaware, and remains motionless.<McPancakes>not even... a rina DATE mood? )) <McPancakes><_< )) <Omegatutumon>:u no....not rly) <McPancakes>>_>))

<McPancakes> we still need to finish that)) <Black-Ratchet>Poor Mint's been on that date FOREVER )) <Omegatutumon>:U nnnnhhh) <Omegatutumon>U': ) <McPancakes>tch. mint's had it pretty bad since shes shown up)) <McPancakes>that date doesnt happen til we finish it)) <Omegatutumon>i forget where we left off) <McPancakes>dont worry about it <333)) <McPancakes>tbh im hazy on it myself. just that mint was cornered <_<)) <Jazzikinns>Brb guys]] <RemixedMagic>"I suppose I could feel sorry for Gio," [Clearly promptly said as he

made effort to lift up the lifeless human, putting one of his arm around his shoulder.] "Direct us to the doctor's office, if you please." <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *glowers at Addy* Tch. You scored a solid blow, Master Addule, but I will be fine soon enough. I merely. . . *chuckles darkly* had the wind knocked out of me, as they say. *goes to slip an arm under the other side of Gio* Yes, Master Addule, the door, if you would be so kind. . . . *helps Clearly lift the bleeding human* <Jazzikinns>BV Back]] <RemixedMagic>1 point for each team?) <RemixedMagic>wb) <Black-Ratchet>good, you're up }:U )) <Jazzikinns>Yup]] <Black-Ratchet>and yeah, that was a double KO )) <neaumont>Gio: BV Stop touching me, Jenner. You're naked, do not like. ] <Black-Ratchet>Next round, Gio drowns Clearly and Jenner fries Addy simultaneously }:U )) <McPancakes>you know what)) <McPancakes>i cant wait to see jace's reaction this time)) <Omegatutumon>:U /stays away from this rp for a long time) <Black-Ratchet>Oh yes you do, Gio }:3 )) <Jazzikinns>Addule: *winces at the joke and hurries ahead to open the door* Um, I-I could take him... *he gestures towards Gio* <McPancakes>he might think jenner's trying to seduce him)) <RemixedMagic>Make the drowning good, Gio!) <Jazzikinns>xD that would be a great match]] <McPancakes>Jenner: *naked* i bring you fresh corpses, my love)) <Black-Ratchet>. . . trying? You mean, "succeeding" )) <RemixedMagic>Clearly: "Oh, thank you. He's kinda heavy for me." [He heaves Gio over to Addy.] (Clearly, you is weak.) <McPancakes>is he now?? good)) <neaumont>:U Skip over me, why don't you. ] <McPancakes>eeeeexcellent~)) <neaumont>Oh well, Gio's unconscious anyway. ] <Black-Ratchet>Jace lurves Jenner, he keeps the old drunkard busy)) <neaumont>And yes, Clearly, clearrrly, you are weak. ] <RemixedMagic>-pun hounds on neau-) <neaumont>kdjbfalekjrbkjrvewkjrvwk ] <Black-Ratchet>. . . not as weak as that joke)) <neaumont>BV Shushu. ] <Blood-and-Spice>okay fill me in. )) <McPancakes>jenner's naked bringing jace fresh bodies)) <McPancakes>er, sacrifices)) <Omegatutumon>.....:U) <McPancakes>mint and rina are having emo lesbian sex somewhere)) <McPancakes>aaaand)) <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *nods to Addy and starts for the door, pausing only to breath out a thin stream of dark smoke and wrapping himself in it. The effect was. . . dubious, but

the best he could do on short notice* . . . . <McPancakes>everyone else is passed out)) <Omegatutumon>.... LOL) <Omegatutumon>panny no :U) <McPancakes>ok ok)) <McPancakes>mint and rina are loving each other with their hands tied <_<)) <Omegatutumon>.... :U mildly better) <Jazzikinns>Addule: *staggers under Gio's weight initially, then heaves him up and moves from half-dragging him to carrying him as gently as he can at present. He looks up and down the corridor* Wh-which floor is the infirmary on, again? <Blood-and-Spice>..... )) <Black-Ratchet>. . . . )) <RemixedMagic>. . . . ) <neaumont>. . . . ] <Blood-and-Spice>uh... )) <Black-Ratchet>Jenner could find the infirmary in his sleep }:U )) <McPancakes>why so many dots?)) <Blood-and-Spice>lol )) <Omegatutumon>its a disease) <RemixedMagic>[-time skips to infirmary] <Blood-and-Spice>uh.... uh.... uh.... no one's naked right? )) <McPancakes>FRECKLES, FRECKLES EVERYWHERE)) <McPancakes>not anymore i dont think)) <Blood-and-Spice>anymore?(( <McPancakes>jenner's covered, but with shadows?)) <Blood-and-Spice>I'm so confused. )) <McPancakes>or smoke?)) <Black-Ratchet>>__> technically, no. . . )) <neaumont>Just Jenner. ] <Blood-and-Spice>WHY IS HE NAKED?! )) <neaumont>:U ] <neaumont>LOL ] <Black-Ratchet>smoke, yeah)) <McPancakes>BECAUSE HES A FREE SPIRIT)) <McPancakes>er, demon)) <Black-Ratchet>He got asploded }:I )) <Blood-and-Spice>.... Jace hates you guys. )) <Blood-and-Spice>just wanna inform you that. )) <McPancakes>mint could cheer him up?)) <RemixedMagic>And we love him too. <3) <Black-Ratchet>He managed to save his shirt and tie, but that'd just be ridiculous to walk around pantsless }:U )) <Jazzikinns>xD]] <McPancakes>WHY IS THAT RIDICULOUS?)) <McPancakes>i see jenner starting a bottomless party)) <Black-Ratchet>. . . hmmm . . . ))

* Black-Ratchetstarts planning )) <neaumont>... BV ] <neaumont>No. ] <McPancakes>yes.)) <Black-Ratchet>btw, it's upstairs, on the ground floor. The infirmary)) <Blood-and-Spice>Jace: *minding his own business, enjoying the peace of the base* <Black-Ratchet>Ha, what a chump)) <neaumont>PEACE ] <neaumont>HAH ] <Black-Ratchet>I bet Jace is the only one that likes it when the RP dies down in here }:U )) <Blood-and-Spice>HE DOES)) <Blood-and-Spice>It means everyone's well and fine. )) <Blood-and-Spice>and not dying. )) <Black-Ratchet>. . . and then they get bored, and need to CUT LOOSE }:U )) <Black-Ratchet>. . .or cut Gio, whatevs)) <McPancakes>doesnt matter)) <neaumont>... BV ] <Jazzikinns>Addule: *manages to transport Gio up the stairs and to the infirmary, where he bursts through the door and looks around the room for Jace* <Jazzikinns>Pfft.]] <McPancakes>*suddenly pictured addy's entrance as a cowboy entering a bar*)) <neaumont>HEEEE ] <Omegatutumon>mmm chaps) <Blood-and-Spice>Jace: *looks over slowly, and instantly glares. This was unfortunate. Unfortunate indeed.* ... <neaumont>No. BV No chaps. ] <Black-Ratchet>. . . addy in chaps? I have an app for that. . . )) <McPancakes>((Jace: QAQ but opera just started...)) <McPancakes>operah*))) <Black-Ratchet>heee Oprah~~)) <McPancakes>however you spell her name)) <McPancakes>YEAH)) <McPancakes>*is blonde*)) * Black-Ratchetpats Pnacksea)) <Omegatutumon>lolol) <Omegatutumon>chaps) ** wrath-kakerou has left [timed out] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: I wish to say now, Doctor, that this was not my doing. <Blood-and-Spice>where'd clearly go? )) <Blood-and-Spice>he was apart of this wasn't he? )) <Jazzikinns>Addule: *spots Jace blinks, shrinking back from the glare* Um. H-hi. Hhe--*raises Gio slightly, indicating to him*--wasn't <i>my</i> doing, b-by the way. <Black-Ratchet>>__> )) <Black-Ratchet><__< )) <RemixedMagic>Sorry for brbing by accident. ;; )

<Black-Ratchet>. . .where's Magic. . . ? )) <Black-Ratchet>there you are }:U )) <neaumont>... :U ] <Blood-and-Spice>like what's happened to gio? like how is everyone hurt. INFO GUYS )) <RemixedMagic>[Clearly smiled and waved.] "Long time no see, Jace." <Black-Ratchet>Jenner's mostly okay, he just got stunned pretty hard. Clearly slashed Gio's back, and maybe poisoned him with his stun spore attack }:U )) <RemixedMagic>Clearly nearly suffocated Gio in the shadow realms and sliced his back) <RemixedMagic>But there was no poison.) <Black-Ratchet>oh, good)) <RemixedMagic>And I think it's poison powder in pokemon terms) <RemixedMagic>Or poison gas. Yeah.) <Black-Ratchet>I guess he got off easier than Jenner did }:U )) <McPancakes>*guttered*)) <Black-Ratchet>heee)) * Omegatutumongot her toe nails done and feels purdy) <Black-Ratchet>o3o )) <McPancakes> *is jelly*)) <Omegatutumon>:U /wriggles toes~) <neaumont>... /mind went to the gutter too orz; ] <Blood-and-Spice>pfff. troublemakers. )) <RemixedMagic>-not guttered lol- ) <McPancakes>*pats pagic*)) <McPancakes>dude thats a fun word to say)) <RemixedMagic>Nah, I think Jenner managed longer more than Gio did.) <RemixedMagic>-patted- 83) <Blood-and-Spice>Jace: *shakes his head.* but somehow you're always involved.... *he gets up and walks over leading them to a bed and placing him on his stomach, getting to work, not making eyecontact with the three troublemakers* <Black-Ratchet>Heeeee, yes, Jenner's stamina is legendary. )) <neaumont>> n > ] <RemixedMagic>IT'S THE BROW POWER) <McPancakes>apparently)) <Blood-and-Spice>*gutterbrained* )) <RemixedMagic>BROWER) <neaumont> /gutter brained too orz;;;; ]

<Black-Ratchet> PROBLEM, NEAU? )) <neaumont>kjkjfbgdkjfbdjfbds SHUSHHHHHHHHHHH ] <neaumont>SHUSHHHHH ] <McPancakes>oh god))

<McPancakes>*just imagined a troll mint*)) <Black-Ratchet>. . . Jace is right. Clearly, Addy and Jenner are like a deadlier version of the Three Stooges)) ** 3712 has left [timed out] <RemixedMagic>PFFFFFFT) <neaumont>FFFFFFFFFF-- ] <RemixedMagic>They should form an alliance.) <Jazzikinns>xDD]] <Omegatutumon>LOLOL) <Omegatutumon>curly, shemp or curly-joe? <Omegatutumon>*) <Black-Ratchet>Shemp = Addy }:U )) <McPancakes>i see curly as clearly)) <Black-Ratchet>yeah)) <McPancakes>Clearly: WHOOPwhopwooobwoobwobo)) <Omegatutumon>XDD) <Black-Ratchet>So we get Moe, Curly and Shemp }:U )) <Omegatutumon>:U no larry?) <Omegatutumon>i think addy is larry) <Black-Ratchet>that might work)) ** 3712 has joined <Omegatutumon>yay the original stoogies~) <RemixedMagic>-now distracting self with Stooges on YT scuse me) <Omegatutumon>pppfftt) <Blood-and-Spice>...??? )) <Jazzikinns>Addule: *just stands there awkwardly looking all guilty* Umm... Sh-should I go? <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *stands silently watching Jace work* . . .

<Black-Ratchet>Jenner and Addy: )) <RemixedMagic>[Clearly strolls over to Jace's desk and makes mental notes of what's on it.]

<McPancakes>Jace: .....yeeeeeesssssss????)) ** Blood-and-Spice has left [connection closed] ** Blood-and-Spice has joined <Blood-and-Spice>sorry. )) <RemixedMagic>wb lol) <Black-Ratchet>. . . I guess we should leave. . . or raid Jace's booze OHAI BLOOD, WB ))

<McPancakes>Jace's Desk: *has random hidden camera pictures on it*)) <RemixedMagic>Clearly: -hisses at camera cuz he hates them) <McPancakes>Camera: *hisses back cause this is DAMMED and anything is possible*)) <Black-Ratchet>Sad but true)) <neaumont>> A > ] <Blood-and-Spice>Jace: No! You're going to explain yourselves! There is no excuse to keep hurting eachother like you guys do! *he glares at Clearly* Away from there! <Black-Ratchet>Waiting for an animated camera pet now }:I )) <neaumont>I'm gonna go take a shower, guys. Just leave Gio to his unconscious self. :U ] <Jazzikinns>*late*wb]] <RemixedMagic>GO TAKE A SHOW NEAU) <Black-Ratchet>. . . and think of Jenner~ )) <Blood-and-Spice>*doesn'tleavehimtohimselfatall* )) <neaumont>OKAY--kjzsbfkjlbr wkjebr qk;lwbr j;qwkrbqwkj;rbwq;r qwl ] <McPancakes>*sets up camera pet in neau's shower* e3e)) <neaumont>SHUSH RATCHET JUST SHUSH--askjfbekjrbwj;lrbwlrnk wl ] <neaumont>GEEZ ] <neaumont>WHAT IS WITH YOU PEOPLE ] <RemixedMagic> might want to take showers earlier from now on, neau.) <neaumont>HNNN ] <Black-Ratchet>heeeee)) <neaumont>BV Don't judge me, Magic. ] <neaumont>Anywayyyy... ] <RemixedMagic>-JUDGEJUDGEJUDGE-) <McPancakes>dont drop the soap~)) <neaumont>FFFFFFF-- ] <neaumont>kjsbfwkjlbfrekjwbrekjwbr [ <Jazzikinns>Addule: *flinches and looks down. He doesn't want to be the first one to speak here* <Blood-and-Spice>so much ooc )) <neaumont>PANCAKES SHHHHHHHH ] <RemixedMagic>[Clearly holds his hands up jokingly and backs away from the desk with a chuckle.] "Alright, I wil." <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *shrugs* I honestly do not understand your anger, Doctor. This is not a usual Medical assignment; we are not standard recruits. <McPancakes>hey man just a fair warning)) <RemixedMagic>*will) <3712>NIGHTNIGHT <3 )) <Black-Ratchet>Night Mysty)) <Jazzikinns>Night~]] <Blood-and-Spice>Jace: Just because you're demons does not mean you have to act like beasts. I will be reporting this to Captain Belikov and i WILL be making sure he gives out proper punishments. I have warned you for the last time. <RemixedMagic>NIGHT) <3712><3 *Flee* )) <Blood-and-Spice>night. ))

** 3712 has left [connection closed] <RemixedMagic>". . . ." [Clearly puts his hands behind his back and doesn't say anything.] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *sighs* I understand. Perhaps we should devour our victims. It would be less work for everyone all around. <RemixedMagic>-thinks about Jenner and his joke about gelatin- LOOOOOL) <Black-Ratchet>heh)) <McPancakes>Mint: O-O *will never fight jenner*)) ** mangaklutz has left [connection closed] <RemixedMagic>brb) <Blood-and-Spice>Jace: I hardly consider that funny Jenner. And i would ask you think well before you next words and actions because you seem to be lacking in doing that lately. Or better yet, stay silent. Do you understand me recruit? <Jazzikinns>Addule: *he'd been keeping quiet, but he can't stop himself from facepalming at Jenner's comment* <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: I do understand, Doctor. I have walked in this skin for less than a year. We are training for war with demons, beside humans new to their power. I apologize for the crassness, but please try to understand we all have to come if we wish to survive. The scalpel now, or the shovel later, Doctor. I apologize for speaking out of turn. *bows* <Black-Ratchet>LOL awesome typo)) <Black-Ratchet>*we all have to come a great way )) <RemixedMagic>Pffffft) <Black-Ratchet>too bad Neau missed that one)) <RemixedMagic>I'll save it for him.) <Jazzikinns>xDD]] <Jazzikinns>Addule: *almost sighs at Jenner's next words, then frowns and nods his head slightly. At the very least, what Jenner is saying is making sense to him, even if his timing and the situation could be a bit better* ** Omegatutumon has left [connection closed] <Blood-and-Spice>Jace: *he shook his head. * you're not teaching them anything by bringing them to me but how it feels to lay in bed for a week. So why don't you just coe a little bit further and listen to the ones that have been doing this for a little bit LONGER. <Blood-and-Spice>*come a <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: I endeavored to set the terms of the sparring much lower than I usually do, in deference to your orders, Doctor. It seems that the heat of battle tends to make some of us. . . over zealous. *glances at Clearly* <RemixedMagic>[Clearly's smile didn't falter, but he stayed quiet as he was.] ". . . ." <Black-Ratchet>it's true, I swear. It was 2 falls out of three, 3-second pin. IT'S NOT JENNER'S FAULT }:U )) <Jazzikinns>Addule: *frowns and raises his hand slightly* Um... "this" w-would be what, sir...? <RemixedMagic>HAR) <Blood-and-Spice>Jace just DOESNT like jenner. )) <Black-Ratchet>I've noticed. None of the staff do. . . . }:C )) <RemixedMagic>Let him flex and they'll perhaps change their minds.)

<Black-Ratchet><__< )) <Blood-and-Spice>"Working as a human and demon team. Understanding how we should treat eachother. and NOT to maim eachother. you know. Simple stuff." He keeps patching up the smoker. <McPancakes>[link] )) <RemixedMagic>-suddenly hit by derpsease-) <McPancakes>*pats pagic* welcome to the club~)) <Jazzikinns>Addule: *nods* Oh. *not that simple if you ask him, but who cares* <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *nods solemnly* Perhaps you should suggest to Captain Belikov, along with the report of this incident, that recruits are only to spar in the presence of a ranking staff member. This . . . life is new to us. We do not fight for recreation, we do it because we must be strong enough to protect our partners. At least, that is what drives me. *looks away* <Blood-and-Spice>Jace: *sighs and shakes his head* Just go on. I'll handle it. <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *seems about to say something esle, but stops, sighs heavily and turns to leave quietly, looking troubled* . . . . <RemixedMagic>[Without a word to contribute to, Clearly made his way out the door.] <Jazzikinns>Addule: *nods, looking pretty worried himself, and mumbles and apology to Jace for the trouble as he makes his way towards the door* <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *stalking down the hall, grumbling to himself as he heads back to the training room to collect his things* . . . . . <Blood-and-Spice>lol such different reactions. )) <Black-Ratchet>Jenner hates being the white-headed stepchild }:C )) <Blood-and-Spice>Clearly: Dododo do do Jenner: Hrmmmm.... }8C Addy: QAQ )) <RemixedMagic>Exactly. XDD) <Black-Ratchet>heh, so true)) <Jazzikinns>Addule: *hurries after Jenner; he wants to talk with him for a moment* UUm Jenner... <RemixedMagic>[Clearly strolled down with the group, a little surprised that Jace did not interrogate the specific perpetrator for Gio's wounds.] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *sighs and slows a bit* . . . yes, Master Addule. . . ? <Blood-and-Spice>that's cus he's gonna get ya'll in trouble clearly )) <Jazzikinns>Addule: *picks up his pace to catch up with him, highly awkward* Uh... I-I wanted to apologize for... um... well, th-that last attack, I guess... <RemixedMagic>Seems like there's not gonna be a round 2. :c ) <Jazzikinns>Yeah. ono]] <Blood-and-Spice>lol )) <Blood-and-Spice>i don't know if they'll survive a round two. )) <RemixedMagic>Well it's a tie anyway lol) <neaumont>Backkk~ ] <RemixedMagic>Enjoyed your show?) <neaumont>It was refreshing. = w = Yes. ] <Blood-and-Spice>you know what they shoulda done is found a holey demon so they don't have to go to Jace)) <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *swivels his head to regard Addy, frowning* Why in the Nine Hells would you apologize? It was a sound strike, and defeated me with. . . minimal

injury. I was quite proud of you. Do not make me reevaluate my opinion. <neaumont>Holey... ] <Jazzikinns>HOLEY]] <neaumont>Holey demon... ] <Jazzikinns>HOLEY]] <Jazzikinns>HOLEY]] <Blood-and-Spice>shhhhh )) <neaumont>HOLEY ] <RemixedMagic>LOLOLOLOLOL) <Blood-and-Spice>holy )) <neaumont>HOLEY ] <Jazzikinns>HOLEY]] <Blood-and-Spice>Shushu )) <neaumont>HOLEY ] <Black-Ratchet>most of us end up holey after sparring. . . *shot* )) <Jazzikinns>Heh heh]] <Jazzikinns>orz]] <RemixedMagic>-lolololol just forgets to lock the hounds up-) <Jazzikinns>Addule: *blinks* O-oh. I-I see. Um, o-okay then. I just... kind of panicked during the attack, so... uh... yeah. *looks surprised but strangely pleased at Jenner's response* <Black-Ratchet>Also, we're REALLY short on Holy demons atm, Blood }:C )) <Jazzikinns>Yeah. ono]] <Jazzikinns>There's like 1 holy pair, right?]] <RemixedMagic>-looks at Micro- >_> ) <Black-Ratchet>MICRO MUST SPAR WITH US }:U )) <Blood-and-Spice>lol )) <Blood-and-Spice>Micro will kick ya'll asses. )) <Black-Ratchet>Probably. . . orz )) <Jazzikinns>xDD]] <Jazzikinns>Yes.]] <RemixedMagic>He would. :U) <Blood-and-Spice>Not even addy can beat that little sucker up. )) <Blood-and-Spice>just one look and he'll be on the ground. Defeating him with his death stare. )) <Blood-and-Spice>as bad ass as chuck norris. )) <Jazzikinns>xDD]] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: On the contrary, Master Addule. You attacked from instinct, not letting your fear override your actions. I suspect not being able to see your assailant helped in that regard. Try to keep that visceral response close at hand for battle. . . but only for battle. <RemixedMagic>[Clearly wondered if he should apologize to Gio later on... if he could somehow sneak in, that is.] <Jazzikinns>Addule: *nods* O-okay. I will. Um, thanks, Jenner. <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *entered the Magical Room and collected his uniform shirt, tie, boots and belt, glared at them, and shrugging, put them back on, letting the smoke cover

for his pants* . . . I trust that you will, Master Addule. <Blood-and-Spice>*snuffles into lurkbox* I'll punish you kids later)) <Blood-and-Spice>snuffles... )) <Black-Ratchet>}:I )) <Blood-and-Spice>whatever i'm leavin' it! )) <Black-Ratchet>looking forward to it. }:I )) <Jazzikinns>ono Likewise]] <RemixedMagic>Errmmm. Maybe. ;;; ) <Jazzikinns>xDD]] <Blood-and-Spice>Yur not gettin' away magic. :I )) <RemixedMagic>fjdfk;lasjkdjfds ) <Jazzikinns>Addule: *nods to him, turns around and starts making his way slowly back to his room* <Jazzikinns>xDD]] <Jazzikinns>Kinda wish]] <Jazzikinns>that it'd happen sooner than later. Like, much sooner. orz]] <RemixedMagic>[Clearly turns on his heels and gives a wave at Jenner.] "I'll see you around and about, Lord Jenner." <RemixedMagic>Yeah, I'd rather not go anxious about it.) <Blood-and-Spice>GIVE ME TIME MON )) <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *nods to Clearly* I have little doubt of that, Master Clearly. I am sure we will have adjoining stakes in the sun. *frowns and heads to his room to get some fresh clothes* <RemixedMagic>OKAY. :V) <Jazzikinns>BV]] <RemixedMagic>[Clearly gave a low, brief chuckle, but not in a very cheerful manner. Sun? Summer? Heat? Good grief. He made his way out and away.] <Jazzikinns>That was fun. orz]] <RemixedMagic>Quite it was. OTL) <Black-Ratchet>Oh yes. *glares at Magic* ))

<RemixedMagic> ) <Blood-and-Spice>LMAO )) <Black-Ratchet>THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS, CLEARLY }:U )) <Blood-and-Spice>the stakes. )) <neaumont>YEAH, Clearly. BV ] <Black-Ratchet>Shushu, Neau. If Gio wasn't so delicate, we'd have been fine }:U )) <RemixedMagic>YEAH, CLEARY. BC wait what) <RemixedMagic>*Clearly) <neaumont>jebwfrkjewbrwjk ] <neaumont>I can't help it he's delicate. BV ] <RemixedMagic>Think of this. You can get back at him whenhelearnsiceattackscoffcoff <neaumont>S-SHUSH ]

<Black-Ratchet> wuss )) <neaumont>BVVV ] <neaumont>SHUSHU ] <neaumont>SHUSHU ALL OF YOU ] <RemixedMagic>-patpat- :3 ) <Black-Ratchet>I actually expected an ice combo attack from them, but then Addy cheesed it as soon as we attacked }:U )) <neaumont>YEAH ADDY BV ] <Jazzikinns>xD]] <Jazzikinns>Hey]] <neaumont>BV ] <neaumont>NO HEYS ] <Jazzikinns>He doesn't know anything about teamwork. >n>]] <neaumont>EXCUSES BV ] * Black-Ratchetsprays everyone with the blamethrower )) <RemixedMagic>jdskfsldaj;dff -burned- ) <Jazzikinns>|DD]] <Jazzikinns>Ouch]]<Double-AA-202>oh neau. ]]<Double-AA-202>since you're still at my did you ever see that I drew the bouncer? :U ]]<neaumont>YES. I DID. 8U IT WAS AWESOME ]<Double-AA-202>:0 ]]<Double-AA-202>alright lol. wanted to ask since you're also obessed with the song. ]]<neaumont>BOUNCER HEY BOUNCER-Yes, yes I am. ]<Jazzikinns>I'd really wanted Addy to get hurt this time around... Darn.]]<Double-AA-202>ah god. just dragged my tab into a new window. ]]<BlackRatchet>stop getting better, then }:U ))** Double-AA-202 has left [connection closed]** Double-AA-202 has joined<RemixedMagic>I'd like to see Clearly in deep water fighting Gio. nopunintended.)<Jazzikinns>>n>]]<Jazzikinns>Fine.]]<Jazzikinns>Well]]<Jazzikinns>N ot fine]]<Jazzikinns>but whatever. ]]<neaumont>I would like that. Very much. B) ] <Black-Ratchet>You just gotta get the silent little maniac angry))<neaumont>Yes, yes you do. ]<RemixedMagic>How? o_o)<Black-Ratchet>ask Jenner }:U ))<neaumont>Lol, yes, ask Jenner. :U ]<Black-Ratchet>Mostly, just calling him weak, and foolish will get him going, espcially if you can relate it to his family and dead girlfriend. ))* BlackRatchetfights dirty))<neaumont>Fiance* ]<RemixedMagic>Clearly doesn't really taunt, though. XD Shields down?<Black-Ratchet>whatevs, she's worm food now. )) <neaumont>But yes, those things will get Gio very angry. <neaumont>... Worm food. <neaumont>Ahah, calling her that would get him riled up for sure. <Black-Ratchet>So whatever happened to Crazy Dad? Rustam?> <neaumont>Well, let's see. :U <Black-Ratchet>Jenner misses him. <RemixedMagic>I doubt Clearly would taunt or use verbal tactics, though. <neaumont>Got himself banned from DAMMED. U: <Black-Ratchet>a pity. verbal taunts are a great weapon <RemixedMagic>A pity indeed. <neaumont>Got himself locked up. :U <Double-AA-202>hm lets see how this works.

<neaumont>Escaped. U: <Jazzikinns>Mhmm. <Jazzikinns>xD <Double-AA-202>FIRST PERSON TO SHOUT OUT THEIR DAMMED CHARACTERS NAME I'LL DRAW :U <neaumont>GIOELE <Jazzikinns>Addy <Jazzikinns>fff <RemixedMagic>Clearly? <RemixedMagic>Oh nvm <RemixedMagic>XDD <Black-Ratchet>}:I <Jazzikinns>Literally <Double-AA-202>OKAY :U <Jazzikinns>less than a second after Neau. <neaumont>CB <333 <Jazzikinns>xDD * Black-Ratchetwas watching that on Aimee's joinme and couldn't get over in time. }:I <Double-AA-202>aww. <Jazzikinns>Awww... <Double-AA-202>I'll do it again when I'm done gio. <Jazzikinns>But yeah. Addy responds so well to verbal taunts it's not funny <Double-AA-202>SO BE PREPARED <Jazzikinns>especially if they're about Winter. BV <Jazzikinns>xD <Jazzikinns>Okay <Black-Ratchet>nah, it's cool, you already did a lovely Jenner pic o3o <Double-AA-202>:0 <Double-AA-202>when. <Black-Ratchet>months ago * Black-Ratchetgoes digging through his files <RemixedMagic>I still like the past DAMMED charrie drawings you did. c: <neaumont>Can Clearly taunt through his actions? :U <Double-AA-202>I've found two jenners so far. :0 <RemixedMagic>No, he gets straight to the cutting and slashing and choking and other dirty tricks. <Double-AA-202>and lol, I've only drawn jenner twice. <Double-AA-202>and I've drawn gio ... <Double-AA-202>many times. :v <neaumont>Heeeeee. CB <33333 <RemixedMagic>I still have those Gio doodles... do you want them by any chance, neau? <neaumont>... Gio doodles? :U <RemixedMagic>The color pencil ones? <neaumont>... The ones you've already drawn? ... Like, what do you mean by want? 8I * neaumontis slightly confused <RemixedMagic>As in... do you want me to mail it to you for keepsakes?

<neaumont>8DDDDD <neaumont>I-I'D LOVE THAT <neaumont>But. 8I <neaumont>The rents. <RemixedMagic>Rents? <neaumont>You'd need my address. <RemixedMagic>Ahh. <neaumont>Rents as in Neaurents. <RemixedMagic>And that means my return address too. ;;; <Blood-and-Spice>i think i may have a punishment now gais <Black-Ratchet>YAY. . .wait <RemixedMagic>Oh ffffff <Black-Ratchet>kk, shields back up? ))

<RemixedMagic> <Blood-and-Spice>LOL ) <Jazzikinns>xDD]]

<Black-Ratchet> )) <Jazzikinns>:iconclearlyscreaplz:]] <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha: *walks downt he hallway looking for the stooges* <Jazzikinns>pfft]]

<Jazzikinns> ]] <Jazzikinns>That]] <RemixedMagic>Those should be lined up together.) <Black-Ratchet>agreed))



<Black-Ratchet> )) <Double-AA-202>WHORE I TYPE FASTER THAN YOU :U ]] <Blood-and-Spice>LMAO )) <Black-Ratchet>Mine are aligned right }:U )) <Double-AA-202>nah. :0 I wanted addy in the middle. so he didn't look left out. ]] <Blood-and-Spice>jesus i'm laughing so hard i love you guys. )) <Jazzikinns>So am I]] <Jazzikinns>And so do I]] <Double-AA-202>lol bood. keep your eyes peeled for when I say the drawing dammed peeps thing. :0 so you can give it a shot too. V: ]] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *steps out of his room, now dressed properly, and heads back to the Mess Hall to await his doom* <Blood-and-Spice>huh?)) <Blood-and-Spice>*missed something * )) <RemixedMagic>[Clearly was in the library, looking for a book to read.] <Double-AA-202>when I type, " FIRST PERSON TO YELL OUT THEIR CHARACTERS NAME I WILL DRAW THEM :U or something. lol. ]] <Blood-and-Spice>where?)) <Blood-and-Spice>on )) <Jazzikinns>Addule: *has cleaned himself up and is currently reading a book in his room* <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha: *stomps into the library* Clearly! <Double-AA-202>no here. :0 ]] <Double-AA-202>if it was on no one would ever notice. :| ]] <RemixedMagic>[Clearly flinched out of surprise and turned around.] "Yeeeeees?" <Black-Ratchet>I would have. >__> )) <Blood-and-Spice>oh okay )) <Double-AA-202>only you, probably. :0 ]] <Double-AA-202>iluandrew. ]] <Blood-and-Spice>i'm watching! )) <Black-Ratchet>ilu too Aimee~~~ o3o )) <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha: Go to the front gate now and await further orders. <RemixedMagic>Clearly: (rather cheerfully) "Will do!" [He goes to a shadow next to him and vanishes away to the front gates.] <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha: *stomps off and finds Jenner next* Jenner! <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *turns and salutes* Captain. <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha: Report at the front gate and wait there for me. *not happy* <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha: *never happy really but the stick is further up his butt* <McPancakes>WRONG TIME TO RETURN)) <RemixedMagic>-SNORTLE-) <Blood-and-Spice>LOL )) <Jazzikinns>LO]]

<Jazzikinns>...]] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: Understood, Captain. *salutes again, and doubletimes it to the front gates, face devoid of any expression* <Jazzikinns>*LOL]] <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha: *grumbling as he tracks Addy down, slamming his door open* >:c <Jazzikinns>Addule: *panics from the sudden noise and falls over, the scrambles to his feet and nervously salutes when he sees who it is* S-s-sir! <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha: *glares at him* Get to the front gate now! <Jazzikinns>Addule: *nods his head and practically trips over his feet in his efforts to obey the command as promptly as possible* <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha: *walkes up tot he front gate soon after addy gets there, followed by shamira, Mika, and Dante, who was holding a small egg carton for whatever reason* I'm sure you all very well know what you did wrong? <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *nods silently, eyes fixed onto a point off in the distance, not meeting anyone's gaze* <Blood-and-Spice>*noms dramacorn* )) <RemixedMagic>[Clearly gave a minor nod with his usual smile, but said nothing else and stood unusually very still.] <Jazzikinns>Addule: *frowns for a moment, then nods, his eyes nervously shifting from each of the officer's faces* <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha: Good. Then there's no need for that speech. *he points to a vehicle* Get in the trunk. We're going for a ride. (an army jeep btw with no top) ** Jazzikinns has left [timed out] <Black-Ratchet>You killed Jazzi }:O )) <RemixedMagic>Nooooo!) <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *salutes, turns on his heel and climbs silently into the vehicle* <RemixedMagic>[Clearly hops into the transportation ride without a word.] <Blood-and-Spice>IM SO SORRYYY)) <RemixedMagic>Shall we pretend Addy got on too?) <Black-Ratchet>Addy: *faints* )) <Blood-and-Spice>no addy's standing there like 'which seat do i take' )) <Black-Ratchet>FFFFFFFFFFFFFF)) <Blood-and-Spice>i just made Addy about 10x scarier )) <RemixedMagic>-SNORTICLES-) <Black-Ratchet>so true)) <Double-AA-202>FIRST PERSON TO SAY THEIR DAMMED CHARACTERS NAME GETS A DRAWING DONE OF THEM :U ohfuckjazzi ]] <Blood-and-Spice>CLEARLY )) <Double-AA-202>V: ]] ** Jazzikinns has joined <Double-AA-202>THEIR ]] <Jazzikinns>=A=]] <Double-AA-202>NOT SOMEONE ELSES :U ]] <Jazzikinns>What I miss?]] <RemixedMagic>YO WHAT THE)

<Black-Ratchet>lawl, wb Jazzi, we thought you ran away }:U )) <Blood-and-Spice>YOU NEVER SAID I COULDNT)) <Double-AA-202>missed me saying the character draswing thing. ]] <Double-AA-202>drawing ]] <Jazzikinns>ono I'd never run away]] <Double-AA-202>I SAID THEIR CHARACTER ]] <Jazzikinns>and ty]] <Double-AA-202>NOT SOMEONE ELSES ]] <Double-AA-202>GET IT RIGHT ]] <Jazzikinns>My internet derped]] <Jazzikinns>surprise surprise]] <Blood-and-Spice>YOU SAID A DAMMED CHARACTER )) <Blood-and-Spice>Addy: FRIDAY FRIDAY )) <Double-AA-202>FIRST PERSON TO SAY THEIR DAMMED CHARACTERS NAME ]] <Double-AA-202>READ. ]] <RemixedMagic>Silly blood. -shovels you-) <Blood-and-Spice>YUR ALL MY CHARACTERS. QuQ My beloved babbies)) <Double-AA-202>BABBIES ]] <Blood-and-Spice>YES BABBIES)) <Black-Ratchet>>__> )) <RemixedMagic>BABBIES) <Double-AA-202>:I ]] <Double-AA-202>no one said THEIR characters name. ]] <Double-AA-202> /offer expired. ]] <Blood-and-Spice>Jazzi just have Addy get in the vehicle. )) <Blood-and-Spice>:c )) <Jazzikinns>....]] <Jazzikinns>wait, what?]] <Double-AA-202>ill do it again in a minute. hopefully WILL ACTUALLY GET SOMEONE :U ]] <Black-Ratchet>I wanted someone else to get the chance to have you draw their OC, i already have some~~~<3 )) <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha: Good. Then there's no need for that speech. *he points to a vehicle* Get in the trunk. We're going for a ride. (an army jeep btw with no top) <Blood-and-Spice>repost for jazzi )) <Jazzikinns>Ah. Okay]] <Black-Ratchet>Oh good, I though Zasha had cracked and was yelling at the people in the Jeep to get in and stop backtalking }:U )) <RemixedMagic>Yeah, I know how much Jazzi wanted the offer. X3) <Jazzikinns>Addule: *nervously eyes the jeep and climbs into it as quickly as he can* <Blood-and-Spice>*feels selfish if she calls her own especially with all the lovely mika love* )) <Double-AA-202>FIRST PERSON TO SAY THEIR OWN DAMMED CHARACTERS NAME WILL GET A DRAWING OF THEM :U ]] <Blood-and-Spice>Mika: *grinning at them like OOOOO you're in trooouuublllllle*

<Double-AA-202>oh and if neauface is around gio is finished if he wanted to see him. :U ]] <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: *takes the wheel, zasha sitting beside her and the other two in the back with them* *they start zooming away, off the base grounds * <Jazzikinns>ADDY]] <Double-AA-202>thank you jazzi. EVERYONE ELSE WHO WAS NOT SAYING THINGS CAUSE THEY WANTED JAZZI TO GET IT ARE LAME >:C ]] <Blood-and-Spice>*is lamemclamelamethen* )) <RemixedMagic>-is lamer than you-) <Jazzikinns>...]] <Jazzikinns>Ilu guys]]

<Jazzikinns> ]] <RemixedMagic>CB <3 ) <Jazzikinns><3333333]] <Double-AA-202> /draws addy badass :U ]] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *sits quietly, barely taking note of the vehicle's destination, seemingly lost in his own thoughts* . . . . <RemixedMagic>[Clearly sits patiently and remains quiet throughout the ride.] <Jazzikinns>Addule: *fidgets in his seat a few times but stays silent for all of the ride* <Blood-and-Spice>Dante: *glares at Jenner the whole ride* <Blood-and-Spice>*they pull up to a forest edge and they get out, zasha motioning for them to follow, and Dante reluctantly stopping his glare* <Blood-and-Spice>i realise Jenner has a lot of enemies and friends... )) <RemixedMagic>[Clearly hops off and follows the group with some tap steps.] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *silently climbs out of the vehicle, trailing after Zasha* <Jazzikinns>Addule: *fumbling slightly, exits the van after the other two* <Black-Ratchet>. . . was there more to that thought, Blood. . . ? )) <Blood-and-Spice>nope...that was...pretty uch it... derp)) <Blood-and-Spice>ugh i cant keep switching. )) <Black-Ratchet>heh, fair enough }:U )) <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha nods at Dante dante opens the carton taking out three eggs. Written on them were Dominic, Winter, and London. "These are your humans. I want you to take note of how fragile they are." Dante hands the partners out to their respective owners. <Blood-and-Spice>switching to para if you don't mind. )) <Black-Ratchet>go for it)) <RemixedMagic>[Clearly looked at his egg and placed his partner's face on it. He can't help but give an amused chuckle at his imagination.] <Jazzikinns>Addule: *stares at his egg for several seconds and just nods* <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *mechanically takes the egg, staring down at it* <Blood-and-Spice>"you are all demons. You are the swords, and the shields. In comparison, alone, us humans are weak and fragile, compared to the natural strength that

comes with being a demon. Your partner, is the body that can force you forward and make you stronger then you ever were before though. But if hit struck, they will break much easier then you." Zasha lectures <Blood-and-Spice>*-hit <Blood-and-Spice>sh-should i...continue? )) <Jazzikinns>Yes. |D]] <Blood-and-Spice>i didn't wanna wall o text you )) <RemixedMagic>Please do. ;;; ) <Black-Ratchet>please, I think we were all waitng for more }:U )) <Blood-and-Spice>LOL sorryyy)) <Double-AA-202>Addy is scary looking. v: ]] <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha points at the other three that joined them. "Today these three will be your enemies. They will try to attack your 'bodies'. And if there is even a slight crack, on your egg, that person will be eating and drinking nothing but leftovers and water. for the next month. But you'll have to be careful. You see, humans are fragile so you could easily break them yourself. Are you understanding me now?" <Black-Ratchet>. . . I, Black Ratchet, hereby apologize for the following post. )) <Blood-and-Spice>QAQ )) <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *finally looks up at Zasha, eyes cold as stones* I believe so, Captain. *still looking straight into Zasha's eyes, holds the egg up and crushes the egg in his hand* <neaumont>... I knew he was going to do that. ] <neaumont>I just knew. ] <RemixedMagic>O_O) <Jazzikinns>NOt surprising in the least. o-o]] <RemixedMagic>At the same time... he would do that. He would.) <Jazzikinns>Addule: *he audibly gasps as Jenner smashes the egg, his ears twitching at the crunch the shell makes. His eyes go from Zasha to Jenner, waiting to see what each will do next* <RemixedMagic>[Clearly looked at Jenner's direction and stared, slightly gaping in great, genuine surprise.] <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha's face doesn't falter, not surprised someone would do this the hard way. "And tell me what you just accomplished Jenner?" <Blood-and-Spice>Mika was like woah wtf, and Dante was like AMG you killed a human!egg and shamira just looks like ugh oh no you didn't. <Blood-and-Spice>just thought i'd add that there)) <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *heats the remnants of the egg in his hand, it sizzling and frying it in his palm, not saying anything, just meeting Zasha's gaze steadily* <RemixedMagic>[Clearly looked back at his egg, and stared at it for a long time.] ". . . ." [Then he broke through the top with his thumb and lifted the egg up, calmly slurping out the contents.] <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha's eyes went to Addy. Staring. <Double-AA-202>oh neau. you spoke. :U ]] <Double-AA-202>DID YOU SEE GIO? U: ] <neaumont>YES I DID ekrjbekjrnew <3 AMAZING AS ALWAYS FFF ; w ; <333 ] <Jazzikinns>Addule: *smacks the palm of his hand against his head, sighs and, his eyes

moving steadily from Jenner to Clearly to Zasha, drops his egg on the ground, where it cracks and start spilling its gooey contents* <Double-AA-202>addy done. :v ]] <Blood-and-Spice>With that Zasha closed his legs, a look of true dissapointment on his face. He rubbed his temple. "Fine. I honestly didn't expect you three to be quite this bad, but you certainly proved me wrong." <Blood-and-Spice>EYES )) <Blood-and-Spice>NOT HIS LEGS)) <Blood-and-Spice>omg )) <Black-Ratchet>LAWL)) <Double-AA-202>LOL ]] <Blood-and-Spice>orz )) <neaumont>LOLOL ] <Double-AA-202>DAMN WHORE, SHUT THEM LEGS. :U ]] <Blood-and-Spice>i...don't know how that word got there. )) <Black-Ratchet>someone needs to save that for Baffu)) <neaumont>THAT CONTEXT IS PERFECT ] <Double-AA-202>LOL IT IS ]] <Jazzikinns>LOL]] <RemixedMagic>Can I see?) <RemixedMagic>To Batteries, Imean) <Double-AA-202>[link] ]] <Blood-and-Spice>QAQ don't show anyone that was BAD )) <RemixedMagic>-late snorticles to Blood btw) <neaumont>Geez, Zasha, didn't know you were so UNGRATEFUL. ] <RemixedMagic>[Once the contents were gone, Clearly dropped the eggshell to the ground and licked his lips with a smile.] "Let me tell you something, Captain. This egg isn't my partner. Should he be this fragile as to be represented in a juvenile form shielded by such a delicate shell as this, I'd be already dead a long time ago. Really, agreeing to describe my partner as that fragile is quite, quite, quite insulting. What a joke." [He snickered.] <Jazzikinns>...I love Clearly.]] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *without looking away from Zasha, nods* Just so, Master Clearly. <Black-Ratchet>. . . thank you, Clearly. Jenner didn't wanna have to say it. <3 )) <Double-AA-202>FIRST PERSON TO SAY THEIR OWN CHARACTERS NAME GETS A DRAWING OF THEIR CHARACTER :U ]] <Double-AA-202>for the fourth time. :u ]] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner. . .? )) <Double-AA-202>is that a question. ]] <Double-AA-202>U: ]] <Double-AA-202>don't ask me. ask yourself. ]] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner! }:U )) <neaumont>Ask yourself. :U That's deep, man. ] <Double-AA-202>Good, GOOD! :U ]] <Jazzikinns>Addule: *he shrugs, staring at the ground* W-Winter may not b-be as... um,

hardy as Jenner and Cl-Clearly's partners, b-but I-I agree with them on that. *he takes a deep breath and looks Zasha in the eye*She is not an egg. <RemixedMagic>Clearly: Your welcome, Ratchet. -smile-) <RemixedMagic>*You're?)

<Black-Ratchet> )) <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha shakes his head. "It's nice that you have confidence in your partner i will give you that, but then ask yourself what their bodies can take then what yours can? hmm? I have no problem being compared to an egg with Aitoux as my holder. U know the limitations of my body, but have none for how useful i can be to him. If you think your partners are as invincible as you, you are horribly mistaken and you will not last long. Technically, you're dead right now. <Blood-and-Spice>*" <Blood-and-Spice>I KNOW * <Blood-and-Spice>not u know. )) <Blood-and-Spice>oh god. orz)) <Blood-and-Spice>why )) <RemixedMagic>-pats Blood- XD) <Black-Ratchet>It's okay, Blood. We lub ur tippos o3o )) <Blood-and-Spice>when i originally wrote it it said Zasha shakes their head... )) <RemixedMagic>Clearly: "I wouldn't like to think about my partner dead. I'd rather think about how to make sure he's not dead. We're here to teach our partners how to survive in this dog-eat-dog world, aren't we? Or demon-eat-human, however you like it. Well, if my teaching don't apply to my partner soon enough, than that is my responsibility and his alone. Not anyone else's." <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *flicks the fried mess out of his hand, onto the ground at his feet* Besides, humans are more than capable of holding their own against our kind, Captain. Even without our partner's abilities. *nods ever so slightly to Shamira* <Jazzikinns>Addule: *raises his hand slightly* Um. Wh-what they said. A-also, j-just nnitpicking here, but to be honest, I'm probably more fragile than Winter physically, considering how, y-you know, easily my bones break and all... S-so--um--y-yeah... *his voice trails off in embarrassment and he nudges the cracked egg on the ground with his boot* <RemixedMagic>Clearly: (stepping into Addy's trailing) "Aside from that, every individual in the world has to live on independently in some way. If one has to rely on somebody else to always look after them, it would be simply overworking that protector. And then possiblities of who would die will explode from then on. Relying on others is a form of selfishness, in several certain cases." <RemixedMagic>(Sorry for butting in so much ;; ) <Jazzikinns>Pft, nothing to be sorry for, imo. ovo]] <RemixedMagic>Btw The second they get back to base, I have to go the sleep. ;; ) <Jazzikinns>Awww, okay]] <Blood-and-Spice>"Even shamira worked in a group and needed weapons to aid her to murder your kind." he says looking down at the ground, still looking disappointed. "That

is what the military thinks of you. That is what you are. Weapons. Nothing more. And just like she needed them your partners need their weapon for protection too. That is what the military sees of you. And there is no independence any more Clearly. I'm rather sure I've said that plenty of times. As far as i'm concerned, in life, you and your partner are one person. " <RemixedMagic>Clearly: "One person, different mindsets. Different views. Different goals. Different everythings. Might as well be organized into two categories, two things." <Blood-and-Spice>"Just the other half clearly. That's all you are" <Double-AA-202>Jenner done. v: ]] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *something in Jenner seems to change as Zasha speaks, a subtle drawing in and closing off as his posture straightened slightly, and his eyes clouded beneath the shadow of his brow.* <Blood-and-Spice>Jo's gonna have to talk to jenner after this lol )) <Black-Ratchet>. . . yeeeaaaaahhh. )) <Blood-and-Spice>he'll be all like "YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN" )) <Jazzikinns>Addule: *frowns. He really doesn't like the sound of that, considering himself as being hopefully more than just a weapon* D-d-do you consider our human ppartners as only s-such, sir? A-as just a w-weapon, or one h-half of one? *he can't believe he's questioning a commanding officer now, he really can't* <RemixedMagic>Clearly: "What will happen if my partner separates from me? Or strays off the path on his own and is all by himself? He can't afford to waste time to look for me when he should be looking out for himself. If he is so reliant on me to have him watching over his life, which I literally doubt, then he should learn to do so himself." <Jazzikinns>Pft]] <Jazzikinns>I think I have to go very soon too guys. ono]] <Black-Ratchet>OnO )) <Double-AA-202>DAMMED CHARACTER PLZ TO DRAW AFTER MY SUPALONGPOST ON MSN :U ? ]] <Jazzikinns>...shit]] <Jazzikinns>actually I think I ahve to go now]] <Black-Ratchet>y'all should do it, Aimee's on a roll)) <RemixedMagic>Er, Clearly.) <Double-AA-202>OK :U ]] <Black-Ratchet>Awww, night, Jazzi~~)) <RemixedMagic>Oh no, Jazzi. ono) <RemixedMagic>Night Jazzi~) <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha shakes his head. "My personal feelings is that you are indeed half of one. But....I'd like to see you as more then weapons some day... However that is up to you. It will not be achieved by doing the things you have been showing. Especially harming humans. Understand that humans are afraid of you. If you keep giving them reasons to be afriad, or make the...higher ups more upset they could cut the program." He sighs at Clearly's comeback, seeming to not get his point still. "he knows how to take care of himself already Clearly. He's an adult. He should. It's not like normal partners. It's even closer then lovers. you should watch out for him and he should watch out for you because if one of you die both of you die do you understand? It doesn't matter where you are, or

how far apart. " Shamira crosses her arms. "Hey. They failed the test so how about you stop with you sob talk and get them back?" <Blood-and-Spice>baiiii QAQ )) <Jazzikinns>ono Bye]] <Jazzikinns>I'll try and be back]] ** Jazzikinns has left [connection closed] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *merely quirks an eyebrow at Zasha in response to Shamira's question* <RemixedMagic>Actually, I better go myself. Otherwise, my dad will nag at me again.) <Black-Ratchet>}:C )) <RemixedMagic>Can one of you save whatever else happens after I leave?) <Black-Ratchet>I'l miss you, Magic o3o )) <Blood-and-Spice>I don't have a word program. :c)) <RemixedMagic>Aww, I'll miss you too, Ratchet. <33) <Black-Ratchet>OI, NEAU. GET RECORDING }:U )) <Blood-and-Spice>bye magic. )) <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha sighed. "go ahead and take them. I'll walk back..." <RemixedMagic>Nighters, lovely people! <3) <Black-Ratchet>Night))

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