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Name: Muhammad Ari Firdausi

NIM: T20196079

Research Title



Research Background

1st paragraph

Main idea: Radford (1989) said that grammar is a model of native language ability that
allows them to speak and speak their language fluently.

Supporting sentences

1. Reflected grammatical competence in native speaker

2. Manipulating and combining words or pieces of words to form a longer unit of


2sd paragraph

Main idea: Thornbury (1999) defines Grammar is a description of the rules for forming
sentences, including an account of the meanings that these forms convey.

Supporting sentences:

1. How to make grammar correctly

2. The purpose of grammar is to do ease readers understand

3. Made by grammatically correct and meaningful sentences

3rd paragraph

Main idea: Nunan (2005) state that writing is a combination of process and product of
discovering ideas, putting them on paper

Support sentences
1. Communicating and delivering ideas

2. Creating ideas in writing form

4th paragraph

Main idea: Writing is form of communicate to deliver though I'm or express feeling
(Harmer, 2010)

Supporting sentences

1. Creating and delivering ideas

2. Producing words, sentences, paragraphs, and composition.

3. Created by conductive learning

5th paragraph

Main idea: Descriptive text is a text which is intended to describe a particular person,
place or things (Siahaan, 2013)

Supporting sentences

1. Giving information about a particular person, place and thing

2. Differentiating from the report

6th paragraph

Main idea: Grammar mastery

Dykes (2007) Grammar mastery refers to the students understanding in using the correct
rules of English by changing the form of words correctly and joining them into sentence.

Supporting sentences

1. Changing the forms of word

2. Students understanding in correct rules of English

7th paragraph

Main paragraph: Webster (1981) stated that Writing achievement is students' mastery on
writing or performance by student in learning writing.

Supporting sentences
1. Students' success in achieving English

2. Certain writing learning process

Research Question

How is the correlation between students' grammar mastery and their achievement in
writing descriptive text?

Research Objective

To measure the correlation between students' grammar mastery and their achievement in
writing descriptive text

Research Significances

Theoretical Significance

The result of the study is expected to confirm the theories related to the correlation
between students' grammar mastery and their achievement in writing descriptive text

Practical Significance

1. For researcher

It is expected that the study can be useful for the researcher to have experience in
conducting quantitative research.

2. For teachers

The result of this research can give information for the teachers about the correlation
between students' grammar mastery and their achievement in writing descriptive text.

3. For students

The result of this research can motivate the students in learning English especially in
writing descriptive text truly
Research Scope

Research Variables

Grammar mastery and students' writing descriptive text both are obtained of eleventh
grade at MA Mambaul Hikam 01 Lumajang

Variable Indicators

The indicators of the research are obtained from the grand theory of the variables.
Indicators for the first variable is “Grammar mastery ". It refers to the students
understanding in using the correct rules of English by changing the form of words
correctly and joining them into sentence. Some experts in grammar defined grammar in
different ways as the following.

And the second variable is writing achievement. Achievement means the students'
mastery of a particular syllabus or the material taught in the class (Heaton, 1975: 163).
According to Webster, achievement is performance by a student in course, quality and
quantity of a students' works during a given period (Webster, 1981: 16). Writing
achievement is the students' mastery on writing or performance by student in learning
writing. The writing achievement is defined as the student's success in achieving English
writing achievement through certain learning processes. The result of this achievement
presented in a list of students' writing scores in one of instructional objective of writing
skill from syllabus senior high school to write a simple paragraph.

Definition of Key term

1. Students' grammar mastery

Students' grammar mastery is the students' skill to construct sentences which tell or show
daily activities or general truth in either the nominal or verbal form of positive, negative,
interrogative, and negative interrogative sentences using its particular time signals that
especially using simple past only2 . Students' achievement Writing Descriptive
TextStudents' achievement in writing descriptive text is the differences of achievement in
students to express ideas, feelings, and thoughts in written form to describe and give
information about a particular place, person and things truly.

Literature Review

Previous Studies
Several previous studies have been conducted regarding the correlation between students'
grammar mastery and their achievement in writing descriptive text.
The first research conducted by Putri from Syah Kuala University entitled (2016) was
"the correlation betweem grammar mastery and writing ability". This study was
conducted to determine the relationship between grammar and writing mastery of SMA
Negeri 1 Banda Baru students. The method used is a descriptive method with a
quantitative approach. The research subjects were second grade students of Bandar Baru
State Senior High School with a total of 247 students using simple random sampling.
Pearson product moment correlation formula is used in analyzing this research data. The
conclusion of this study shows that there is a significant relationship between students'
grammar mastery and writing skills of SMA Negeri 1 Bandar Baru students.
Previous research has also been conducted by Istiqomah (2011) entitled "the correlation
between grammar mastery and writing descriptive ability" in 2nd grade SMA Teusan
Nunyai Central Lampung. The method used is correlation study or ex-faxto. The research
subjects were all second grade students of SMAN 1 Teusan Nunyai. The researcher used
an instrument to collect data. This research shows a significant correlation level as a high
level correlation.
The difference between this study and the two previous studies is the number of samples.
a large previous study reached about 200 students. While this study has a sample of 25
students of grade 2 MA Mambaul Hikam 01 Lumajang. The difference between this
study and the two previous studies is also in the English material taught. This study
received material 2 times a week while the previous 2 studies received material 3 times a
Table 1. Similarities and Differences of the Studies
Previous Studies
(Title, Type,
No Similarities Differences
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1. “The correlation This research was equally The sample of this study
between grammar conducted on eleventh amounted to 243 students
mastery and grade Senior high school while the research research
writing ability” students. amounted to 25 students
(Putri, 2016)
2. The correlation This study has the same The difference between this
between grammar research in researching research and the research of
Previous Studies
(Title, Type,
No Similarities Differences
(1) (2) (3) (4)
mastery and students' descriptive researchers is that this
descriptive writing writing ability where the research focuses on ex-
ability” focus is on the descriptive. post-facto research, while
(Istiqomah, 2011) the research uses
correlation only.

Theoretical Framework
1. Writing: Deporter and Heracki (2002) stated that writing is an activity to
formulate ideas to convey the goals of the author to the reader presented
in a text.
2. Descriptive text
Descriptive text is a text that clearly describes a person, place, or thing in
such a way that the reader visualizes the topic into the writing experience
(Evawina, 2010).

Research Assumption
There is a correlation between students' grammar mastery and their
achievement in writing descriptive text
Hypothesis is a statement of the relationship between two or more variables

being studied. Based on the problem and research objectives, this study has two

research hypotheses, namely as follows:

1. H0 (zero hypothesis) H0: 0

There is no relationship between students' grammar mastery and their

achievement in writing descriptive text at eleventh grade MA Mambaul Hikam

01 Lumajang

2. H1 (Alternative Hypothesis)

H1: p 0

There is a significant relationship between students' grammar mastery and their

achievement in writing descriptive text at eleventh grade MA mambaul Hikam 01

Research Methods
Research Approach and Design
Population and Sample
Data Collection Technique and Instruments Try Out
Data Collection Technique
Instrument Try Out
Data Analysis

Harmer (2010) The Practice of English Language Teaching. 4th ed. London: Longman.

Linse, CT & Nunan, D. (2005). Practical English Language Teaching: Young Learners. New
York: McGraw-Hill.

Radford A. 1989. Transformational Grammar. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Siahaan, Juanita. 2013. An Analysis of Students' Ability in Difficulties in Writing Descriptive
Text Journal English and Education. Vol. 1 Issues., retrieved on
April 2nd, 2016.

Thornbury, S. (1999). How to Teach Grammar. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.



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