Integration Broker Setup and Verification 8.48

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Integration Broker Setup & Verification

PeopleTools Release 8.48+

Last Updated 3/2009

Table of Contents Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 General Setup PING Verify Environmental Setup Troubleshooting

Section 1 Integration Gateway Setup

Step 1 Create a Gateway within the Integration Broker
This procedure will create a Gateway in the Integration Broker. The Integration Broker- pub/sub requires a Gateway definition be created before any transactions can occur using the Integration Gateway. Note: The following steps should be performed in order; each step builds upon the previous step. For our purposes here we will be using a predefined and delivered Gateway definition. Navigate to PeopleTools>Integration Broker >Configuration>Gateways Click the Find an Existing Value tab or link

Enter LOCAL as the Gateway ID

NOTE: If you are adding a remote gateway, do not Select Local Y/N check box if there is already a local gateway present (only one local gateway allowed per database) Click the button.

NOTE: We deliver standard connectors with the LOCAL Gateway ID. They must be loaded to the newly defined gateway. You must save the Gateway URL first then load the connectors. Modify the Gateway URL. Enter http://LOCALHOST/PSIGW/PeopleSoftListeningConnector NOTE: When you click on Ping Gateway the following message should appear:

Click the


When the Save button is clicked the system will respond with:

Click on the OK button.

Click OK

Click the


Step 2 Modify the IntegrationGateway.Properties file to add Node information

Click on the Link on the Gateway Page.

Enter the User ID and the Password for your gateway. By default this is administrator and password but your system administrator may have changed this.

Nodes set in the IntegrationGateway.Properties file

A. Default Node Within any inbound message, the only information the integration gateway requires is the names of the message and the sending node. If the message was sent by an Integration Broker system, it also includes the name of the target node. The gateway searches the IntegrationGateway.Properties file for the Jolt connect string properties for the specified target node, so it can properly direct the message.

However, the integration gateway can fail to determine the correct target node in the following situations: The sending node isn't a PeopleSoft Integration Broker system, or it doesn't specify a target node. The Jolt connect string settings for the specified target node are missing from the IntegrationGateway.Properties file. The message format doesn't allow for a target node specification. To handle these cases, you can specify a default target node for the gateway to use if no valid target node can be determined. Use the default Jolt connect string properties: Non-Default Nodes Jolt Connection String for specified Target Node contained in messages sent through Integration Broker. Note: It is the Application Server URL and the JOLT port that is entered. Enter the values in the IntegrationGateway.Properties file with care. The Node name must be entered as it is defined in the node definition, the APP Server URL must be preceded by two forward slashes (//), the User id and password must be valid, and the tools release must include the patch level. If errors are made, the integration broker will not function properly.

Section 2 PING Verify Environmental Setup

After any Node setup is complete, the PING should be exercised and log results verified to determine if the environmental configuration is correct. If the PING does not result in a SUCCESS status STOP do not publish. Begin troubleshooting activities to correct integration issues.

While in the Gateway Properties page, click on the definition.

button against each node

Optionally, you can Ping nodes through the node definition. Navigate to PeopleTools>Integration Broker >Integration Setup>Nodes Enter the Node definition that you want to Ping.

And then click Click on the Connector Tab.

And the Click on


Section 3 Troubleshooting
The Log Files for the Integration Gateway, msgLog.html and ErrorLog.html, are located at PS_HOME/webserv/peoplesoftH900G2AP/applications/peoplesoft/PSIGW/ For debugging purposes, the ig.log.level in the IntegrationGateway.Properties file should be set to 5. From the gateway properties page:

Click on the Link. And then scroll down in the file until you locate the ig.log.level parameter Set the value = 5 and SAVE.

Each Connector processes both a request and a response. Listening Connectors receive a request immediately, and later in processing return a synchronous response to the requestor. Target Connectors generate a request, send it, and wait for a response from the external system. PeopleSoft-delivered Connectors conform to an implementation in which each Connector must log the actual, raw request and response sent/received. Connectors also create log entries when an error condition is encountered. Each section of the log file will be described below.
Section 1

This log entry was created when the IBListeningConnector received a request most likely from the Broker Engine running on the PS Application Server. Note that the format is not XML, but MIME (the internal messaging standard for the Integration Broker). Section 2

Mirroring the Section 1 entry above, the IBListeningConnector has logged the actual response that it sent back to the requesting system, most likely a Broker Engine on the PS Application Server. Section 3

An error condition has been encountered, and thus a log entry is generated. Note that this log differs from standard message logging, such as Section 2 above. The Java stack trace is displayed for debugging purposes. Also, if and when possible the internal IBRequest or IBResponse is displayed to help in tracking down why a problem has be

Common Errors:
Scenario One If the node has no Connector ID on the node definition

the following error will be seen:

Correction Procedure On the Connector page of the node definition, insert a Connector ID.

Scenario Two If the node is a PeopleSoft node and it is not defined in the IntegrationGateway.Properties file, a Ping will result in:

Correct by adding the node to the IntegrationGateway.Properties file.

Scenario Three: A ping will use the ANONYMOUS node of the database you are trying to Ping. The ANONYMOUS node needs a valid Default UserID defined on the node definition. If not, you will see: UserName not defined in database (158,55)

In this case PSADMIN is not a valid User ID. Once the Default User ID is changed to a valid User ID, the ping will go to SUCCESS.

Scenario Four: At times the Ping of the gateway, the nodes or even loading the connectors will result in a very generic error message: "Integration Gateway: General Connection Failed (158,10836) This error is thrown when there is no valid response. Possible errors include: Bad gateway URL Sync Service Time-out set and Service actually timed out. Java exception thrown - Check Application Server for possible Java exception." (See screenshot)

When this happens, set the ig.log.level = 5 in the IntegrationGateway.Properties file and then test again. Review the ErrorLog.html to see what the actual problem is.

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