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pS tc7.U sl STATISTICS AND EPIDEMIOLOGY EPIDEMIOLOGY- study of occurrences and distribution of diseases as well ECR CReiesl tee TR ents R OS a WICC ACCS ETS tl PO UCUCMETRet ee Mom nth accor nse ta eye BOE RemetRay ROR Cece ee Coe Bcc ota Cet Letras Pests Me WsloToVeT ECs Ye MCU TSsteteacsLestramrete ever Cekoyatcte ts orrvton ENDEMIC- usual occurrence of a disease within a population. EPIDEMIC- sudden and great increase in the occurrence of a disease within a population. It may also be the first occurrence of an entirely new disease. PANDEMIC- rapidly emerging outbreak of a disease that affects populations across a Preece eee Crane one g Toy CRe Ma eee Manni z a conta tas tR eta ee Ce CU MCh eomC cect nacre tomar ts Meroe eer Coca ic ere cnticismn tore tance iD TORT n ta winter, the outbreak would be considered an epidemic. If a new variety of influenza Caer ence Nor Urano mcr ince even Uber reel Precis TOOLS DEMOGRAPHY- the statistical study of human populations especially with reference to size and density, distribution, and vital statistics (births, deaths, marriages, divorce, immigration and emigration and a regular census of population). -statistics of the disease (morbidity), and death (mortality). -NSO, National Statistics Office- age, sex, distribution of the population. births and deaths are registered in the Office of the Local Cicil registral of the municipality or the city. City Health Departmentwhere births and deaths are registered in cities. HEALTH INDICATORS CRUDE BIRTH RATE- measure of one characteristic of the natural growth or increase in Protea CBR- No. of births in a year/Total population size x 100, 000 CRUDE DEATH RATE: measure of one mortality from all causes which may result in a decrease of population. CDR-No. of deaths in a year/Total population size x 100,000 INFANT MORTALITY RATE- measure the risk of dying during the 1* year of life. IMR. Total No. of death under 1 year of age in a given calendar yeat/ Total NO. of registered er Rome Rite oe aces Ree) MATERNAL MORTALITY RATE: measures the risk of dying from causes related to Perce nomen ely ta NEM Betca asin VII ea et eer UN encore eee Ne Ret, Total no. of live births registered of the same year x 1,000 SPECIFIC RATES OF MORTALITY SPECIFIC DEATH RATE- describes more accurately the risk of exposure of certain classes or groups to particular diseases. Set ono o WSOC Ue eK Re ea ee eyo eon teen cts eee eee tea eee eee eee Cyt Re heres eke AGE SPECIFIC DEATH RATE: No. of deaths in a particular age group registered in a given calendar year/ Esti. Population as of July 1 in the same group of the same year x 100, 000 SEX SPECIFIC DEATH RATE: No. of deaths of certain sex registered in a given calendar year/Esti. Population as of July 1 in the same sex for same year x 100, 000 All Cause Mortality (Top 20), Philippines: January to December, 2019 & 2020 Leading causes of morbidity in the Philippines in 2018, by disease ACUTE UPPER AND LOWER RESPIRATORY INFECTION i) Oi) ACUTE WATERY DIARRHEA BRONCHITIS Ue aa Nah) Plata at ai8 ACUTE FEBRILE ILLNESSES -goes by other medical terminologies including Acute Undifferentiated Fever (AUF), Acute Fever (AF) or Short Febrile Illness (SFI) is eee eee BCU eee mC AUR RCo m Ee MOCHA CSR EME cue kaee Rk cuate ak mmc

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