Koinswap Whitepaper

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KOINSWAP token or KST token believes that blockchain technology is

one of the foundations for the next generation of information
technology, alongside emerging technologies such as AR, VR, AI, IoT, 5G
and more. With the technology’s immutable and tamper-proof
characteristics, blockchain, as an infrastructural technology, is uniquely
positioned to enable unprecedented value and data transfer among a
wide set of users in a trust-less manner, boosting the efficiency and
authenticity of information transfer itself.

KST vision of lowering the barrier and enabling established business

with blockchain technology to create value and solve real world
economic problems has been clear to us from the very beginning. To
achieve and fully harness this technology that will enable mass public
adoption, we have identified the three major phases of blockchain
evolvement – Technical Consensus, Business Consensus, and
Governance Consensus. These phases will be the foundation and
strategy to enable the KST token blockchain to be adopted as the
world’s premier choice of blockchain.


In this phase, technical developers are the major force to build up the
initial infrastructure protocols based on imaginations and projections.
The competition is about programming language, protocol, algorithm
and technical developer community.

Applications in this early stage of blockchain adoption are coming from

the more obvious use cases that leverage features and functionalities of
the blockchain technology, such as ICOs, DAOs, and betting
applications (or gaming with betting features), along with infrastructure
applications as needed like explorers, wallets, decentralized exchange.

Very few applications for the traditional business world are created in
this phase, much less affecting and improving business use cases and
activities. Blockchain platforms that focus on use cases such as
traceability, anti-counterfeiting, food safety, intellectual property
management, product life-cycle management and all kinds of data
provenance categories are rarely to be seen.


Business Consensus would be the second major phase in the

blockchain evolvement, where we will see business owners and
enterprises become the major force to drive blockchain technology
development and adoption, based on business needs and demands.
This phase is all about understanding business needs, blockchain
technology adoption and integration, user friendly interfaces, agile
system structure, and business developers community. In this phase,
blockchain applications are built to enable cross enterprise
collaborations and new collaborative values would be generated,
following the first business moves to blockchain.

The first initialization of collaborative ecosystems gets started with

common business goals and consent economic motivations among
multiple business owners including big corporations, small enterprises
and individuals. Blockchain infrastructure applications are introduced
to full fill natural business and enterprise demands, such as custodian
services, payment services, Blockchain-as-a-Service (“BaaS”), and
privacy protections along with technology evolvements.

We anticipate that large corporations with existing market dominant

positions and ecosystem resources are able to exert influence over the
adoption of blockchain technology, including but not limited to
Internet giants such as Facebook, Amazon, Google, Alibaba and
Tencent, but also traditional players such as Walmart, DNV GL, PwC and
so on. Basically, they are able to move their own existing ecosystem to
be running on reliable blockchain platforms and look for expansions
and interconnections to others.


Regulation and legislation are naturally demanded by citizens

regardless of country to protect the people and guide new technology
to maximise societal and economic utility. We believe that the ultimate
consensus in the blockchain space is the consensus among
governments and legal authorities around the world. #Creating
Valuable TXs 3 In this phase, authorities along with or against big
corporations and insightful technical players are the major forces to
drive the regulatory development of Blockchain technology and

The recent development by the intergovernmental FATF (Financial

Action Task Force) has proven that with effort, consensus among
nations and financial regulators is possible, but it is still in a very early
stage. The race for blockchain adoption in this stage is about merging
regulatory requirements with advanced features of blockchain

We believe that the key to achieving the requirements of this race is

working towards a comprehensive governance consensus for the
blockchain protocol with balanced levels of centralization and

At this point, more business activities are moving to ecosystems and

new collaborative business models creating new values to the world.
Besides the regulatory requirements like KYC and AML, more
supportive applications are expected to be developed and adopted by
governments and financial regulators, including the introduction of
new crypto-assets such as stable coins, settlement coins, ecosystem
utility tokens within an incentive system and so on.

With blockchain interest in the spotlight as a result of the push by nations and
governments, the level and prevalence of global collaborations is reaching to a
new maturity. Creativeness and innovations within blockchain ecosystems
with a focus on enabling new business values are popping up everywhere. The
existing Internet giants are facing their biggest challenges yet in terms of
deciding on disrupting their existing offerings in favour of blockchain
platforms, while traditional business owners that took the risk to run PoCs and
trials in the previous phase of adoption are sitting solid and concrete by
focusing on improving the essence of business through means of a mature
blockchain platform – quality and scalability of products and services. New
giants that focus on providing a reliable and proven blockchain ecosystem
would be taking over the place by taking advantage of the technology and
bringing together even more stakeholders onto the ecosystem, rallying
partners with a common goal to solve business problems.

While blockchain adoption has reached the Governance Consensus stage, it

also means that it is running concurrently with the previous phases,
progressing forward in parallel with each other. To truly provide a mature and
reliable blockchain platform and ecosystem, technology providers such as
KST need to understand that achieving consensus is a result of mutual effort
and understanding the different requirements of all phases mentioned above

Even at the Governance Consensus stage where blockchain awareness

reaches new heights, it will not be a surprise that there would still be a
sceptical feeling towards blockchain technology by existing entrepreneurs
and even traditional tech enthusiasts. When Amazon and Alibaba first started
the E-Commerce business idea and campaign 20 years ago, nobody was
confident or believed that E-Commerce is going to be the disruptive new way
of doing business, as even the adoption and practice of going online and
surfing the web was inconvenient at that time, where internet access was
limited. Yet, both Amazon and Alibaba succeeded in their endeavours by
focusing on two major factors. Firstly, they have been constantly educating
the entire world, and setting up the right motivations in the consumer’s mind
by charging minimal fees and providing incentives to sellers to move their
business online. Secondly, they have been focused on building up a powerful
and reliable infrastructure and all necessary accessibility and ease-of-use
services and tools such as one stop service for E-Commerce site, payment tool,
logistics service, digital marketing campaigns, arbitration, and shared
customer services, to enable people to take advantage of their platform even
without any E-Commerce technology and knowledge.

KST Token positioning in the blockchain ecosystem is now an Enabler,
which will enable everyone in the world to create valuable transactions
as big or small parts of future collaborative ecosystems. By working
together with our aligned partners and providing all of the necessary
tools and services, KST Token mission is to enable the blockchain
community, business owners, enterprises, governments or any other
individual to move their business activities to blockchain effortlessly,
similar to opening an online store in Amazon or Alibaba with just a few
clicks without technical knowledge required. KST will full fill our mission
and vision of achieving all phases of the consensus mentioned above by
working relentlessly.


Decentralized Finance is the fastest growing sector within the global

blockchain ecosystem, yet it’s still nascent and has much-untapped
potential. An increasing number of developers are producing
sophisticated dApps (decentralized applications) for various financial
use-cases, seeking to create an alternative to existing financial services.
These use-cases range from simple transactions (i.e., peer to peer
payments) to much more complex and multiparty applications such as
loans, asset trading, insurance, exchanges, asset tokenization, and more.

The financial industry bases most of its activities on traditional

contractual agreements, which often involve trusted third-parties to
validate the fulfilment of terms outlined in the corresponding
paperwork of the agreement. This method is outdated, slow, and, most
importantly, not cost-effective for today’s financial institutions. KST
smart contracts are basic lines of code that are stored on a blockchain
and automatically execute when certain conditions are met, enabling
developers to build dApps that are highly scalable, secure, and low cost
to execute. An essential tool for all blockchain developers, smart
contracts have accelerated the adoption of blockchain technology and
contributed to the increasing momentum of the DeFi industry as a

Unfortunately, DeFi developers are facing many challenges with

existing smart contracts options that prevent many of their dApps from
gaining mainstream adoption:

High Execution Costs: The fees needed to interact and execute

smart contracts on legacy networks are very high, often putting the
economic viability into question, and creating a barrier to entry that
undermines the security of the blockchain by incentivizing bad
Scalability & Speed: The first generation block consensus times
remain quite slow and also suffer from regular forking, making it
impossible to scale to millions of users, since the slow transaction
speeds cause congestion and fuel a lack of trust in the network.

Security Issues: Legacy smart contracts have a number of bugs that
can put assets in a smart contract at risk For DeFi to be welcomed
into mainstream adoption and become an alternative for real-world
use cases, it has to solve these issues. Otherwise, DeFi will stay on
course for being a fringe use case of the financial industry and will
be known simply as an experiment rather than a legitimate
ecosystem.To advance ahead, DeFi needs a next-generation open-
source, permission less blockchain that has solved the blockchain
trilemma of being decentralized, scalable, and secure with a
foundational network that has the built-in transactional speed and
low fees to power real-world use-cases. KST has become that de-
facto platform for many developers and is gaining traction with
many dApps being built within 1-year of the MainNet launch.


KOINSWAP Token is releasing its latest version of Smart Contracts (KST )

which provide the foundational attributes of security, scale, and
decentralization while adding the functionality directly into KST Layer-1
primitives. This allows developers to take advantage of the network
without sacrificing the speed, cost-effectiveness, and simplicity that
their applications require. KST also provides simplified tools and
examples of custom complex dApps that can serve as the basis for a
wide range of applications. Removing the technical barriers that
undermine blockchain adoption, KST Smart Contracts are highly flexible
and reliable in that they are executed on a tamper-proof (trust less)
network providing complete transparency, with error-free, immutable,
and accurate applications. KST Smart Contracts are powering
developers building large scale complex programs that can rival
existing financial services today.

Many companies and individuals prefer to create a letterhead template

in a word processor or other software application. This generally
includes the same information as pre-printed stationery but without
the additional costs involved.

Letterhead can then be printed on stationery (or plain paper) as needed

on a local output device or sent electronically. That heading usually
consists of a name and an address, and a logo or corporate design, and
sometimes a background pattern. The term "letterhead" is often used
to refer to the whole sheet imprinted with such a heading.

The benefits of DeFi applications are too many, too big, and too
important to be stalled by the shortcomings of the first generation
blockchains. DeFi gives the world access to an essentially unlimited
number of financial products and services, helping the 1.7 Billion people
who are unbanked worldwide, including in the U.S. (25% of U.S. are
unbanked or underbanked).

Check out KST other capabilities and learn how KST is designed for
building scalable, secure, and fast financial applications for the
future with: Asset Tokenization, KST Standard Assets using an easy
way to create customizable assets that can be used for Real-Time
Gross Settlement for payments.

Atomic transfers that simultaneously transfer a number of assets

among many parties instantly in a secure manner with no need for
escrow or reliance on time-locked contracts. With Truly Atomic
transfers, payment latency and counterparty risks are removed
speeding up market transactions and loosening collateral

Rekeying offers the flexibility for users and custody providers to

changes Private Spending Keys anytime without changing Public
Addresses, giving Public address more permanence and reducing
operational overhead while allowing for account novation.

Providing a Common, Scalable Interoperable Platform standard that

speeds up application development, increases iteration and results
in faster deployments with more cost-efficient capabilities.

KST Break through Open-Source Blockchain Platform

KST was created by , a team of highly skilled blockchain experts who

are working on many protocols since 8 years in cryptography. He and a
team of world-renowned cryptographers, technologists, researchers,
and economists studied the first-generation blockchain, found several
short comings, and decided to re-construct a new blockchain – a next-
generation blockchain that required no compromises on security,
scalability, or technical features, with advances in speed, reliability, and
usability. A blockchain that solves real-life problems that are ready for
deployment. KST protocol uses Pure Proof of Stake, has no miners, and
will never fork.
KST provides a common, scalable, and interoperable platform that
speeds up application development increases iteration, and results in
faster deployments with more cost-efficient capabilities.



In traditional finance, an escrow account is one in which funds are kept

locked up until some predetermined event occurs or some set of
conditions have been fulfilled. An example of an escrow-based
application is if KST needs a loan, and her lender Bob provides it on the
condition that she puts another asset aside in an escrow account that
Bob can claim if KST is unable to pay him back (a collateralized loan).
The funds can be released in either of two conditions: 1) KST does not
pay back the loan after an expiration period and Bob can claim KST
asset or 2) KST does pay back the loan prior to the expiration period and
KST can reclaim her asset from the escrow account. The event or
condition that “unlocks” the funds, in traditional finance, is usually
governed by a centralized, trusted intermediary, like a bank, and
therefore is subject to high fees and transfer friction.

On KST, this same concept is implemented using Stateless Smart

Contracts as escrow accounts. With this technology, the same two
conditions required to release the funds are encoded, and thus secured,
by the logic of the contract account itself, eliminating the need for a
centralized authority to determine if a condition has been fulfilled and
then have to moderate the transaction. Claiming funds when
conditions are met through a contract account on KST is then a simple
atomic transfer, taking less than 5 seconds with fees of less than a

Synthetic cryptocurrency assets enable investors to use their
cryptocurrency holdings to purchase stakes in various assets, such as
fiat currency or commodities like gold, without leaving the blockchain
ecosystem. More interestingly, it provides a way for investors to mitigate
the volatility of their crypto holdings while preserving the speed and
security advantages of investing in a decentralized exchange. This is all
possible through the implementation of smart contracts, which peg
stakes of a native token against the value of a synthetic asset and
adjusts that stake by an equivalent amount when the asset goes up or
down in value.

Synthetics are helping drive the DeFi movement forward, as they give
investors from all around the world open-access to traditional financial
systems without having to ever own a real stake in the asset.

Stable coins

Like synthetic cryptocurrency assets, the primary appeal of stable coins

is that they minimize the risk of high volatility levels of digital currencies
that are taken on by the stakeholder. This increased volatility is one of
the greatest obstacles slowing down the widespread adoption of digital
currencies, as people are hesitant to invest in tokens where the value is
not commonly accepted as a standard.

Stable coins drastically reduce the risk taken on by investors, as the

stable coin is pegged to stable assets like the USD or EURO using smart
contracts. In this way, stakeholders will be able to experience all of the
same speed, security, and interoperability capabilities as a native token,
without taking on more risk. Tether and USDC, two of the industry’s
leading stable coins, are going to launch KST blockchain, enabling
organizations and financial institutions to build fast, scalable
applications on the blockchain with reduced counterparty risk.

Credit and Lending

DeFi applications present a vast array of solutions for modern-day

problems, but one of the more valuable applications is in the credit and
lending space. The decentralized, secure, and scalable nature of the KST
blockchain opens up new lending opportunities for individuals who lack
access to traditional financial services.

Lending in a decentralized financial environment enables borrowers to

circumnavigate the normal limitations of borrowing from a centralized
firm, like a poor credit score. However, lenders cannot trust borrowers
blindly without an intermediary of some sort. Traditionally, this
validation process would require a third party that takes out an
additional fee, but smart contracts offer the value proposition of
replacing that intermediary with self-executing lines of code that either
accept or reject whether the conditions of the agreement were met.
Due to the lack of compliance costs associated with smart contract
integration, organisations will be able to offer more credit at a lower
cost. As a result, more people will have access to cheaper loans that are
best suited for their needs.

Exchanges and Liquidity

Decentralized exchanges are built on the blockchain and allow for

seamless transactions between peers consisting of the blockchain’s
native token. The smart contract built into the exchanges then
automatically matches, verifies and finalizes these transactions without
an intermediary. These exchanges offer increased levels of liquidity to
investors, as the investors can swap digital assets in a matter of seconds
for whatever use it might be needed for. For example, say KST needs to
pay Bob. Bob will only accept KST (KST) as a means of payment, but KST
only has Bitcoin (BTC) in her digital wallet. However, through a
decentralized exchange, KST is able to make this swap in seconds and
have access to her newly acquired KST, which he can then send to Bob.
Decentralized exchanges lead to greater interoperability between
chains and will be an integral part of gaining mainstream adoption of
digital currencies, but they aren’t perfect for every organization's needs.
KST will latest release, which introduces Stateful Smart Contracts in
Layer-1, enables developers to build stateful applications that keep track
of buy and sell offers and matches them up so that anyone across the
network can trade with anyone else, without needing to hand over their
assets to an exchange.

Margin Trading

Powered by KST Smart Contracts , margin trading with digital assets provides
investors with the ability to use borrowed funds from a broker to trade a
financial asset, which forms the collateral for the loan from the broker. KST
have the ability to automatically enforce custom rules and logic, making it
possible to margin trade without working through traditional financial
gatekeepers, cutting the cost of the trade, and improving the potential return
from it.

The end goal in margin trading digital currencies is to get a higher percentage
return in the form of leveraged pay-outs. This gives borrowers the ability to
further leverage their existing cryptocurrency holdings, increasing both the
potential rewards gained and the risk associated with the trade. The more
money that is leveraged, the more collateral that an investor must lock in to
experience the leverage associated with it. For example, making a margin
trade that is leveraged at 2x means that the potential value lost or gained is
doubled. Margin trading allows traders to capitalize more heavily on the
volatile nature of cryptocurrencies, hopefully timing their leveraged
investment with a market upswing. That being said, they can also short a
digital asset using margin trading, enabling investors to capitalize on both up
and downswings of the market.

Alternative Savings

An Alternative savings account serves the same purpose as a traditional

savings account provided by a bank, in that the funds placed into these
accounts are transferred into currency pools to be lent out to willing
borrowers. From this pool, borrowers gain access to the funds and lenders
reap the rewards. These alternative savings accounts are built using smart
contracts, offering a wide range of advantages over traditional savings
accounts. Since the smart contracts self-execute in a trust less manner, there
is no need for an intermediary that would otherwise take a cut out of the
interest earned on lent funds. With DeFi savings, rewards will be distributed to
savings account holders based on the amount of interest accumulated from
the loans. Where typically a traditional savings account will result in KST of
around 1%, some alternative savings accounts can earn KST of over 5%. Finally,
these applications provide access to new investment vehicles for the
unbanked and allow their funds to enter the global financial ecosystem. It also
enables individuals who are not entirely familiar with digital currencies to take
advantage of its benefits by accumulating higher interest rates on deposited
funds rather than invest it with limited knowledge.

Payment Solutions

Payment-based applications have the primary purpose of transferring

funds from one party to another. The KST Mobile Wallet is one example
of a payment-based application. KST provides standard payment
transactions using its native token, the KST as currency. Payment
applications may also be implemented with a different underlying
currency or token, like stable coins, that are represented as KOINSWAP
TOKEN Standard Assets. KST transactions are final in less than five
seconds on average.
Trading assets between two or more parties requires trust that the
other party will hold up their end of the deal. To mitigate this risk, we
often use a trusted intermediary, like a bank, to foster and guarantee
the exchange. This centralized bank often comes with high fees and
slow transfer times, especially for international transfers. On the KST
blockchain, the guaranteed trade of two or more assets is simplified
into a simple technological innovation that does not require the trust of
the other party or a centralized intermediary. It is called an atomic
transfer. Atomic transfers on KOINSWAP TOKEN OR KST are built at
Layer-1 and are simply transactions that have been grouped (up to 16
transactions can belong to a group) and sent to the network together. If
any transaction fails, all will fail. These atomic transfers can be used with
any type of KST transaction, including payments, Asset transfers, smart
contract calls, etc.


Today’s online marketplaces are dominated by centralized entities, such

as Amazon or eBay, who dictate the terms of trade on the site and take
a commission from all transactions made on their platform.
Decentralized marketplaces, powered by smart contracts, are peer-to-
peer networks where sellers can directly sell their goods to buyers
without the presence of middlemen. Additionally, when control over the
marketplace is centralized, it leaves the marketplace exposed as
hackers can deploy large amounts of computing power to potentially
manipulate the server. Smart contracts give users the power to dictate
the terms of trade between buyers and sellers and protect those terms
of trade from fraudulent activity throughout the trade process.

Smart contracts can be used to create independent decentralized
marketplaces, or improve the current processes we know and use
extensively today. For example, say there is a dispute on an existing
marketplace between a buyer and a seller, the smart contract would
easily be able to resolve the dispute as the assets being transacted are
not released until all the conditions of the agreement created
beforehand are met. Another issue that decentralized exchanges solve
is that of data privacy, as there is not the need for sensitive information
to be shared between the network's users and an intermediary for
verification. This information does not need to be exchanged because
smart contracts, executed correctly, do not allow for fraudulent
behaviour to take place, as the coded conditions of the contract must
be met for a transaction to be finalized. All-in-all, smart contracts power
the decentralized exchanges of the future which offer users open-
access to a global market of goods in a cheaper, more efficient, and
secure way.


The adoption of DEFI ( Decentralized finance) solutions has finally

arrived with hugely successful projects like Uniswap and compound
bringing billions of trading volume to the cryptocurrency market, while
taking an increasing market share from the centralized exchanges .This
success comes with a number of great challenges, especially in terms of
scalability , with EHTEREUM Network fees skyrocketing and slow
platform performances. Which leaves end-users frustrated. Users are
demanding cheap transactions, secure ultra- fast swaps, user-friendly
design and the possibility to buy and move assets between blockchains.
The future of decentralised finance won’t be tied to one chain and
interoperability is already becoming the must – have feature of the Defi
future. To overcome such issue KOINSWAP was born on binance chain
where users can do transactions much faster than uniswap at lowest
transaction cost.

KST token is a permission less DEX built for cross-chain token pools and
auctions, enabling project to raise capital on a decentralized and
interoperable environment based on KST token.

With KST, decentralized projects will be able to raise and exchange

capital cheap and fast. Users will be able to participate in secure and
compliant environment and to use assets that go way beyond the
current ERC20 standard. The future of decentralized. The future is
Interoperable. The future of KST token.


KST has a diverse global group of partners representing the technology,

venture capital, cryptocurrency, and financial services communities.

Supply Chain
Stable coins
Fund raising
Financial Institutions
Digital Assets
Financial Institutions

Features of KST DEX

Cross chain swaps
Fixed and dynamic swap
Fiat currency swap
Bitcoin and other coin swap
Anti-scam features
Full kyc integration
Governance model
Permission less listing
White listed pools

KST token is a permission less DEX built for cross-chain token pools and
auctions, enabling project to raise capital on a decentralized and
interoperable environment based on KST token.

With KST, decentralized projects will be able to raise and exchange

capital cheap and fast. Users will be able to participate in secure and
compliant environment and to use assets that go way beyond the
current ERC20 standard. The future of decentralized. The future is
Interoperable. The future of KST token.


While the crypto world is bullish about the latest craze in DeFi, there’s
another sector that’s quickly gaining attraction. We are talking about
the Non-Fungible Token (NFT) industry that has registered nearly $3.5
million in volumes over the last month.
Chances are you might have not heard about NFTs before, or you have a
brief idea. Well, remember Crypto Kitties? The Ethereum-blockchain-
based non-fungible collectible token that clogged up the entire
network during the crypto market bull run of 2017.

Basically, a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) is a blockchain-based

cryptographic token representing a unique asset. NFTs can be
tokenized versions of real-world assets or digital assets. As the name
suggests NFTs are ‘non-fungible’ meaning they’re not mutually
NFTs are used to create digital ownership for some unique digital items
like crypto art, crypto-gaming, or crypto-collectibles. They also create
the facility of asset interoperability across multiple platforms.
Non-fungible Tokens also called ‘nifty’, are currently making much noise
in the crypto space. There’s some massive amount of funds flowing in
the NFT over the last few months. NFT data aggregator
nonfungible.com shows that there have been 32501 sales over the last
month with nearly $3.5 million in trade volumes. The average USD price
for a single NFT during the same period is $106.95. Since the NFT
economy is seeing a great surge, let’s look at some of the top-
performing NFT tokens over the last month.

1. Crypto Punks
This proof-of-ownership ERC-721 NFT leads the charts as the top-
performing NFT. Inspired by the modern Crypto Art movement, Crypto
punks NFT power digital art and collectibles.
Over the last month, there have been 433 Crypto punks NFT token sales
worth $462,945.38 USD in trade volumes. The average price of the
Crypto punks NFT has been $1,069.16 USD. Just over the last week, the
average price has shot to $2,481.69 USD as the NFT registers $32,261.98
USD in trade volume.
2. Sorare
This fantasy soccer game allows users to trade official blockchain player
cards. with Sorare, users can collect limited-edition digital collectibles,
manage teams, and earn prizes.
Over the last month, Sorare registered 11651 sales with a total of
$751,366.58 USD in trade volume. The average price of Sorare NFT over
the last month has been $64.49 USD.
3. Crypto-Kitties:- One of the most popular NFTs, Crypto Kitties is are
digital collectible cats built atop the Ethereum blockchain. The Crypto
Kitties tokens can be bred to create new cats with different traits and
varying characteristics. The possibilities of breeding are endless. The
Crypto Kitties NFT can be traded using ETH.
Over the last month, Crypto Kitties has registered 4675 sales worth
$146,119.83 USD in trade volume. The average price of Crypto Kitties NFT
for the last month has been $31.26 USD. Among NFTs, Crypto Kitties
holds the crown of having the highest all-time trading volumes of
$37,585,613.05 USD.
4. Crypto voxels
This NFT presents a virtual world on the Ethereum blockchain in order
to build, develop, and sell properties. Your land and your ownership-
record will remain permanently on the blockchain.

Over the last month, Crypto voxels registered 226 sales worth
$128,794.53 USD in trade volume at an average price of $569.89 USD.

5. Gods Unchanged
This is another NFT that lets users select between 6 unique gods with
distinct playstyles. The NFT combines the best of Magic the Gathering
and Hearthstone in a strategic and competitive card game.
Over the last month, Gods Unchanged registered 357 sales worth
$50,316.67 USD at an average price of $194.94.



Koinswap is conducting an ICO in 5 different rounds. Each round has KST token
price which increases in every round.

Round 1 : 15% o KST tokens will be allocated to Round 1 at the price of $0.0005

Round 2 : 20% o KST tokens will be allocated to Round 1 at the price of $0.001

Round 3 : 30% o KST tokens will be allocated to Round 1 at the price of $0.002

Round 4: $0.004

Round 5 price : $0.008




Telegram- https://t.me/Koinswap_io

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