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MELC 1 and 2

Introduction to Statistics
MELC 1: Pose real-life problems that can be solved by Statistics

A. Introduction and Discussion

For many years, people have been observing and gathering data as bases for their
decision making. Nations need to collect data such as number of births, marriages, deaths,
and other essential variables that a country needs to look into. As a student, have you ever
realized that you are applying Statistics to manage your time properly and how you budget
your allowance? You may think you know nothing about Statistics. The truth is, you are
exposed to Statistics in one form or another each time you watch television or read
newspapers. This is how significant Statistics is.

In this module, you will learn to:

1. Define Statistics;
2. Explain the basic concepts, uses, and importance of Statistics; and
3. Pose questions and problems that may be answered using Statistics.

Statistics is the study of collection, organization, analysis, and interpretation of data.

It deals with all aspects of these, including the planning of data collection in terms of the
design of surveys and instruments.

The study of Statistics is important because society frequently organizes and

expresses data numerically. We are exposed to Statistics every day from weather
predictions, newspaper ads, election results, surveys, to report cards, to name a few.
Statistics shapes our lives and influences our decisions.

With the advancement of communication and our increased reliance on media for
information, the amount of data collected and presented to the public through television,
magazines, newspapers, and the internet, among others, has increased enormously. In
some cases, it is almost impossible to verify whether the data presented are authentic and
valid simply because we do not have enough information.

Some uses of Statistics:

1. It helps in providing a better understanding and exact description of a
phenomenon of nature.
2. It helps in proper and efficient planning of a statistical inquiry in any field of study.
3. It helps in collecting an appropriate quantitative data.
4. It helps in presenting complex data in a suitable tabular and graphic form for an
easy and clear comprehension of the data.
5. It helps in drawing valid inferences, along with a measure of their reliability about
the population parameters from the sample data.

Data are individual pieces of information recorded and used for the purpose of
analysis. It is the raw information from which Statistics is created. Statistics is the result of
data analysis – its interpretation and presentation. Often this type of Statistics is referred to
as ‘statistical data’.

A statistical question is a question that can be answered by collecting data that

vary, that is, not all the data are the same. Statistical question is a question that should
have different answers, while non – statistical question gives an exact answer.

There are two types of data:
1. Numerical Data – in this data set, every value in the set is a number.
2. Categorical Data – this data set can be taken on non-numerical values, such as
names of colors, labels, etc. Example: “large”, “medium” or “small”.

A. Illustrative Examples

Imagine you want to find out about the height of students in your class using
statistics. Some of the questions below are statistical questions and some are not.
Explanation is provided for each answer.

Question Is it Explanation
1. How tall are you? No The answer is just my height so there is no
variability in the data.
2. How tall, in inches, was No The answer is just Marco’s height on his last
Marco on his birthday so there is no variability in the data.
last birthday?
3. How tall are the Yes The students in my class don’t have the same
students in your class, in height so there would be variability in the data.
4. Is Preston taller than 60 No To answer this question, you just have to know
inches? Preston’s height, so there is no variability in the
5. How do the heights of Yes To answer this question, you would need to know
the students in your class the heights of all the students in your class and
compare with the heights the heights of all the Grade 7 students in your
of all Grade 7 students in school, so there would be variability in the data.
your school?
6. How do the heights of Yes To answer this question, you would need to know
the Grade 7 students in the heights of all the Grade 7 and the heights of
your school compare with all the Grade 8 in your school, so there would be
the heights of the Grade 8 variability in the data.
students in your school?
7. How do the heights of Yes To answer this question, you would need to know
the Grade 7 in your school the heights of all the Grade 7 in your school and
compare with the heights the heights of all the Grade 7 in another school,
of Grade 7 in another so there would be variability in the data.

More examples of statistical questions

1. How much time do the students in the Mathematics class spend in a day?
2. Do the students in Mathematics class spend more time in online games than
answering their modules?
3. Do students who spend more time in online games do better in exams?


Statistics is the study of collection, organization, analysis, and interpretation

of data. It deals with all aspects of this, including the planning of data collection in
terms of the design of surveys and instruments.

MELC 2: Formulate simple statistical instruments

A. Introduction and Discussion

It is now clear to us the importance of Statistics. In this second competency, you will
learn to:

1. Describe a statistical instrument;

2. Differentiate the two areas of Statistics;
3. Explain the basic terms in Statistics; and
4. Differentiate the two types/nature of data

A statistical instrument is any process that aims at describing a phenomenon by

using any instrument or device, however the results may be used as a control tool.
Examples of statistical instruments are questionnaire and survey sampling.

Two Areas of Statistics

1. Descriptive Statistics is the collection, presentation, and description of sample data.
2. Inferential Statistics is the process of making decisions and drawing conclusions
about populations.

Basic Terms in Statistics

 Population: a collection, or set of individuals or objects or events whose properties
are to be analyzed.
 Sample: a subset of population.
 Variable: A characteristic about each individual element of a population or sample.
 Data (singular): The value of the variable associated with one element of population
or sample. This value may be a number, a word, or a symbol.
 Data (plural): the set of values collected for the variable from each of the elements
belonging to the sample.
 Experiment: a planned activity whose results yield a set of data.
 Parameter: a numerical value summarizing all the data of an entire population.
 Statistic: a numerical value summarizing the sample data.

The Nature of Data

Some data sets consist of numbers (such as weights), and others are non-numerical
(such as color). The terms quantitative data and qualitative data are often distinguished
between these two types.

1. Quantitative Data consist of numbers representing counts or measurements.

2. Qualitative Data can be separated into different categories that are distinguished by
some nonnumeric characteristics.

B. Illustrative Examples

1. A teacher is interested in learning about the average age of students in Grade 7.

 Population: The age of all Grade 7 students in the school.
 Sample: Any subset of the population. For example, we might select 10
students and determine their age.
 Variable: The age of each Grade 7 student.
 Data (singular): The age of a specific Grade 7 student.
 Data (plural): The set of values in the sample.
 Experiment: The method used to select the ages forming the sample and
determining the actual age of each Grade 7 student in the sample.

 Parameter: The average age of all Grade 7 students in the school.
 Statistic: The average age for all Grade 7 students in the sample.

2. Population vs. Sample

Population Sample
All 2,500 Grade 7 students of Bagong 100 students from Grade 7–
Pag Asa National High School Pythagoras, Euclid, and Descartes
50 total recovered COVID-19 patients in 10 recovered COVID-19 patients are
the province of Pangasinan today. from the municipalities of Asingan,
Binalonan, and San Manuel

3. Qualitative Data vs. Quantitative data

Qualitative Data Quantitative Data
 eye color  number of modules answered by a student
 gender  time spent in accomplishing a module
 taste of a sandwich  weight of a student
 smell of a flower  distance from home to school


A statistical instrument is any process that aims at describing a

phenomenon by using any instrument or device, however the results may be used
as a control tool. Examples of statistical instruments are questionnaire and survey


A. Directions: Determine which of the following are statistical questions and which are
1. What did you eat for lunch?
2. Did you get up on time this morning?
3. How many siblings do you have?
4. What did the class eat for lunch?
5. What time did the students in your Math class get up this morning?

B. Directions: Identify which among the basic terms in Statistics is described in the following

A teacher wants to know the average amount of time spent by the Grade 7 students in
answering their module in Mathematics.
1. Amount of time you spent in answering the module in Mathematics.
2. Amount of time spent by students in one barangay in answering the module in
3. Amount of time spent by all students in answering the module in Mathematics.
4. The average amount of time spent by all students in answering their module in
5. The average amount of time spent by students in one barangay in answering their
module in Mathematics.

C. Directions: Determine whether the data is qualitative or quantitative.

1. number of hours you spent in playing mobile legends

2. temperature in your bedroom
3. color of your cell phone
4. weight of your bag
5. taste of your favorite Jollibee meal

Qualitative 5.
Quantitative 4.
Qualitative 3.
Quantitative 2.
Quantitative 1.

Statistic 5.
Parameter 4.
Population 3.
Sample 2.
Data(singular) 1.

statistical question 5.
statistical question 4.
not statistical question 3.
not statistical question 2.
not statistical question 1.


A. Directions: Choose the most sensible answer. Write the letter of the correct answer on
your answer sheet.

1. It is the study of collection, organization, analysis, and interpretation of data. It deals

with all aspects of these, including the planning of data collection in terms of the
design of surveys and instruments.
a. Data b. Population c. Statistical instrument d. Statistics
2. It is the raw information from which statistics are created.
a. Data b. Population c. Statistical instrument d. Statistics
3. It is a question that should have different answers.
a. Descriptive question c. Variable question
b. Inferential question d. Statistical question
4. It is a collection, or set of individuals or objects or events whose properties are to be
a. Experiment b. Population c. Sample d. Variable

5. It is a planned activity whose results yield a set of data.
a. Experiment b. Population c. Sample d. Variable
6. It consists of numbers representing counts or measurements.
a. Experimental data c. Quantitative data
b. Qualitative data d. Variable data
7. It is a subset of population.
a. Experiment b. Parameter c. Sample d. Variable
8. It is the process of making decisions and drawing conclusions about populations.
a. Experimental data c. Qualitative data
b. Inferential Statistics d. Descriptive Statistics
9. Which of the following is NOT an example of qualitative data?
a. body scent b. body weight c. gender d. hair color
10. Which of the following is an example of a statistical question?
a. Who is your favorite actor?
b. What is the height of your close friends?
c. What is the name of your father?
d. How much time did you spend in answering the module?

B. Directions: Identify which among the basic terms in Statistics is described in the
following situations.

A teacher wants to know the average height of the grade 7 students.

1. Height of Kenneth, a Grade 7 student.

2. Height of students in section A of Grade 7.
3. Height of all Grade 7 students.
4. The average height of all students in Grade 7.
5. The average height of students in section A of Grade 7.

C. Directions: Determine whether the data is qualitative or quantitative.

1. the temperature in Baguio City

2. your blood type
3. the brand of your t shirt
4. genre of music you play
5. your height


Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines. Mathematics Grade 7
Learner’s Material. First Edition. Pasig City: Department of Education, 2013

Nivera, Gladys C., Grade 7 Mathematics, Salesiana Books, Copyright 2014

Oronce, Orlando A., et. al, E-Math, Rex Bookstore, Third Edition 2012

Grade 7 Statistics (

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