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De La Salle University - Manila

Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business

Department of Decision Sciences and Innovation

COURSE CODE: DSILYTC (Introduction to Analytics)

Instructor: ________________________________ Contact Details: ___________________________

Consultation hours: ________________________ Class schedule: ___________________________
Term, AY: Term 2, AY 2021-2022
Room/ Recurring Zoom link: ___________________________________________________________


___ Service learning ___ Hybrid ✓ ly online ___ In-person


This is an introductory course in data analytics designed to provide RVR-COB students with the
basic concepts of data analysis for business and research. The main objective is to provide students
with pragmatic tools for assessing statistical claims in research and business applications. The
concepts learned in this class should help learners identify opportunities in which business analytics
can be used to improve performance and support important decisions within an organization.
This course introduces the use of m a t h e m a t i c a l a n d statistical tools and methods in
decision–making for business and research.


On completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to do the following:

ELGA1 Critical and PLO1 Assess business CLO1 Extract data from primary
creative environment and industry and secondary sources and
thinker structure using different convert them into
theoretical or conceptual processed information
framework useful for decision-making
CLO2 Determine appropriate
statistical test to be used
based on the data
PLO2 Formulate and execute CLO3 Identify the appropriate
strategic direction and statistical techniques for
action plan by analyzing, quantitative problems
recommending, and CLO4 Apply statistical analysis
justifying courses of action to the problems found in
of possible solution to an managing a business.
existing challenge or issue.
ELGA2 Effective PLO2 Formulate and execute CLO5 Construct and present
communicator strategic direction and information using data-

action plan by analyzing, appropriate visualization
recommending, and tools and techniques.
justifying courses of action CLO6 Report statistical results
of possible solution to an following the APA format.
existing challenge or issue.
PLO4 Identify and develop new CLO7 Identify research problems
ideas, processes, and Of significance
systems by keeping abreast aimed at finding solutions
with economic trends, new to address societal
technologies, and issues. problems or at generating
sustainable value for
business and society at
CLO8 Recommends a research-
based and statistically
sound course of action for
an issue with social or
business relevance.
ELGA3 Service- PLO3 Demonstrate managerial CLO9
Driven and leadership skills by Practice professional values and
Citizen being able to work business ethics in all aspects of
effectively and doing the research
independently in multi-
disciplinary and multi-
cultural teams.


As evidence of attaining the above learning outcomes, the student is required to do and submit the
following during the indicated dates of the term.
Learning Outcome Required Output Due Date
CLO1: Homework Week 7
CLO2: Problem Set Weeks 5 and 8
CLO3: Quizzes Week 4
CLO4: Quizzes Week 7 and 11
CLO5: Problem Set Week 9
CLO6: Research Paper Week 6
CLO7: Research Paper Week 13
CLO8: Paper Presentation Week 13
CLO9: Attendance in webinars Depending on schedule
announced by The Libraries
during the first three weeks of
the term.


For Final Paper:

Business The submitted The submitted The submitted The
Relevance and work manifests work manifests work partially submitted
Importance of qualities which the required manifests the work does not
Research Topic go beyond the qualities. required qualities. manifest any
requirements. Certain aspects are of the
either incomplete requirements.
or incorrect.
Methodological The submitted The submitted The submitted The

Rigor and work manifests work manifests work partially submitted
Accuracy qualities which the required manifests the work does not
go beyond the qualities. required qualities. manifest any
requirements. Certain aspects are of the
either incomplete requirements.
or incorrect.
Appropriate The submitted The submitted The submitted The
Use of work manifests work manifests work partially submitted
Statistics / qualities which the required manifests the work does not
Treatment of go beyond the qualities. required qualities. manifest any
Data requirements. Certain aspects are of the
either incomplete requirements.
or incorrect.
Academic tone The submitted The submitted The submitted The
and persuasion work manifests work manifests work partially submitted
in discussing qualities which the required manifests the work does not
results and go beyond the qualities. required qualities. manifest any
concluding requirements. Certain aspects are of the
either incomplete requirements.
or incorrect.
Completeness The submitted The submitted The submitted The
of paper and work manifests work manifests work partially submitted
proper format qualities which the required manifests the work does not
(APA citation go beyond the qualities. required qualities. manifest any
& referencing) requirements. Certain aspects are of the
either incomplete requirements.
or incorrect.

For Paper Presentation:

Confidence The submitted The submitted The submitted work The
and academic work work manifests partially manifests submitted
tone manifests the required the required qualities. work does not
qualities that qualities. Certain aspects are manifest any
go beyond the either incomplete or of the
requirements. incorrect. requirements.

Event- The submitted The submitted The submitted work The

appropriate work work manifests partially manifests submitted
visual aids manifests the required the required qualities. work does not
qualities that qualities. Certain aspects are manifest any
go beyond the either incomplete or of the
requirements. incorrect. requirements.

Completeness The submitted The submitted The submitted work The

of content work work manifests partially manifests submitted
manifests the required the required qualities. work does not
qualities that qualities. Certain aspects are manifest any
go beyond the either incomplete or of the
requirements. incorrect. requirements.

Accuracy of The submitted The submitted The submitted work The

answers to work work manifests partially manifests submitted
questions from manifests the required the required qualities. work does not
panel qualities that qualities. Certain aspects are manifest any
go beyond the either incomplete or of the
requirements. incorrect. requirements.

Audience and The submitted The submitted The submitted work The
Overall impact work work manifests partially manifests submitted
manifests the required the required qualities. work does not
qualities that qualities. Certain aspects are manifest any
go beyond the either incomplete or of the
requirements. incorrect. requirements.

For Problem Sets:

Accuracy of The submitted The submitted The submitted work The
Answers work work manifests partially manifests submitted
manifests the required the required qualities. work does not
qualities that qualities. Certain aspects are manifest any
go beyond the either incomplete or of the
requirements. incorrect. requirements.

Completeness The submitted The submitted The submitted work The

of submission work work manifests partially manifests submitted
manifests the required the required qualities. work does not
qualities that qualities. Certain aspects are manifest any
go beyond the either incomplete or of the
requirements. incorrect. requirements.

Logical The submitted The submitted The submitted work The

Organization work work manifests partially manifests submitted
and proper manifests the required the required qualities. work does not
formatting qualities that qualities. Certain aspects are manifest any
(APA) go beyond the either incomplete or of the
requirements. incorrect. requirements.


Aside from the final output, the student will be assessed at other times during the term by the
 Draft Submissions
 Group Presentations
 Self-Tests

The student will be graded according to the following:
 Asynchronous Activities 30%
(Seatwork, Homework, Case Analysis, Lab Exercises)
 Quizzes 30%
 Final Exam 20%
 Final Paper 20%
TOTAL 100%
Attendance in research-oriented webinars and trainings of DLSU’s The Libraries will be incentivized.
Grades will be recorded in Canvas using percentage scores and translated to the final grade using the
conversion below:
 97.00 – 100 4.0
 93.00 – 96.99 3.5
 89.00 – 92.99 3.0
 85.00 – 88.99 2.5
 80.00 – 84.99 2.0

 75.00- 79.99 1.5
 70.00 -74.99 1.0
 < 70 0.0

This course is three units, which translates into, at least, 105 hours of workload for the entire term. This
means that you are expected to spend roughly 7.5 hours, on average, per week on this course. This
includes 1.5 to three hours of lectures or seminars per week and 4.5 to six hours of “out of class”
(asynchronous) time spent on preparatory readings, studying time for exams as well as time spent on
preparing your assignments.
CLO4 Orientation
Synchronous (3 hours)
Introduction to Course Syllabus
Business Analytics 1 Orientation to the course
(Important Terms) Discussion and Demonstration
Three Categories of
Business Analytics
Business Analytics in

CLO5 Data Wrangling 2 Websites and videos to Synchronous (1.5 hours)
be viewed: Discussion and Demonstration
Types of Data and
Level of cel2016/sorting-data/1/ Asynchronous (1.5 hours)
Measurements Laboratory Exercises
Techniques in
preparing data for cel2016/conditionalformatting
analysis : /1/
Sorting, Filtering,
Formatting, Pivot
CLO1 Synchronous (1.5 hours)
CLO5 Websites and videos to
3 be viewed: Discussion and Demonstration
Data Visualization
and Presentation Asynchronous (1.5 hours)
using a spreadsheet
and statistical Laboratory Exercises
Summarizing Data =9IIgH0hNtgk
using Graphs and
Charts using
Various Software m/watch?app=desktop&v
Distribution using
Countif Function
and Pivot Table en/excel2016/charts/1/


CLO1 Descriptive Analytics 4

CLO3 Anderson, D. R., Synchronous (1.5 hours)
CLO4 Case Analysis : Sweeney, D. J.,  Discussion and
CLO5 Demonstration
Applications of
Numerical Measures Williams, T. A., Camm,  Quiz 1
J. D., & Cochran, J. J.
(2018). Modern Business Asynchronous (1.5 hours)
Statistics with Microsoft
office Excel (6th ed.).

CLO4 Sampling Methods Anderson, D. R.,

5 Sweeney, D. J., Synchronous (3 hours)
Probability and Williams, T. A., Camm,  Discussion and
Non-Probability J. D., & Cochran, J. J. Demonstration
(2018). Modern Business
Statistics with Microsoft
Slovin’s Formula office Excel (6th ed.).  Problem Set
CLO3, Asynchronous (1.5 hours)
CLO4, Resources Online:
CLO6, Preparation of Writing an Article Synchronous (1.5 hours)
CLO9 Statistical Topic  Writing a Scientific
Research Proposal Research Article

CLO2 , Supplementary Video: Synchronous
CLO3, Procedures in
CLO4 Hypothesis Testing
using the p-value

Quiz # 2
Statistical Tests for
Business Research
using Excel and

CLO2 Anderson, D. R., Asynchronous (3 hours)

CLO4 10 Sweeney, D. J.,


Statistical Tests for

Business Research Williams, T. A., Camm, Independent
Applications J. D., & Cochran, J. J. Learning Session
Analysis of Variance (2018). Modern Business
Testing for Equality of Statistics with Microsoft
K Populations office Excel (6th ed.).

CLO1 11-12 Synchronous (4.5 hours)

CLO2 Supplementary Videos:  Discussion and
CLO4 Techniques and tools Demonstration
for Predictive
Analytics Asynchronous (1.5 hours)
F4  Problem Set
 Data Collection
Predictive Analytics
and Modeling for Quiz # 3
Business and Research
Using Regression
Camm, J., Cochran, J.,
Fry, M., Ohlmann, J.,
Anderson, D., Sweeney,
D. and Williams T.
(2015). Essential of
Business Analytics 2nd

CLO1, Revising and

CLO2, Presentation of Editing a
CLO8, Synchronous (3 hours)
Final Paper Research Paper
CLO9 13 Presentation of Group
Final Papers

Final Examination

Online Resources:
Guide to presenting a
research paper
Tips on doing a paper
Finalizing the research article
Submitting the final paper
Final Examination Synchronous (2 hours)

Webinars /
4th hour Activities Videos/Seminars

The teaching of the course shall be anchored on active learning with the following techniques
 Socratic discussion
 Think-pair-share
 Working in groups

 Flipped classroom


Anderson, D. R., Sweeney, D. J., Williams, T. A., Camm, J. D., & Cochran, J. J. (2018). Modern
Business Statistics with Microsoft office Excel (6th ed.). Cincinnati, OH: South-Western/Thomson

Camm, J., Cochran, J., Fry, M., Ohlmann, J., Anderson, D., Sweeney, D. and Williams T. (2015).
Essential of Business Analytics 2nd edition. Cengage Learning

Bowerman, B. L., & O’Connell, R. T. (2007). Business Statistics in Practice (4th ed.). Boston, MA:

Aczel, A. D., & Sounderpandian, J. (2002). Complete Business Statistics (5th ed.). Boston, MA:

Berenson, M. L., Levine, D. M., Krehbiel, T. C. (2006). Basic Business Statistics: Concepts and
Applications (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. Mann, P. S. (2007).

Introductory Statistics (6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Taylor, S. (2007). Business Statistics for Non-
mathematicians (2nd ed.). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

 The specific statistical software/s will be chosen based on productivity and availability as deemed
by the professor of the course.
 The homework, problem sets and quizzes will be weighted based on the total number of points,
not equally.
 It is the responsibility of the student to be mindful of his/her absences/tardiness and performance
in an online discussions including collaboration with other students within the course.
 Specific class policies on attendance, make-up quizzes, academic honesty, grading system, dress
code, classroom management, netiquettes and others not mentioned above, are to be discussed by
the faculty member on the first day of classes.
 The faculty will communicate and respond to students within 24 hours from the receipt of the
 Properly observe the online learning decorum from the AnimoSpace Manual which can be found
in your AnimoSpace account, including the netiquettes reiterated below.
 If there are conflicts in the final examination schedule, follow the University policies on order of
 Please observe the virtual consultation hours/schedule of the faculty member.
When posting on the discussion boards and chat rooms, it is important to understand how to interact
with one another online through netiquette. Your AnimoSpace Manual enumerates the netiquettes
 Treating other users with respect. Remember that you are talking with human beings behind the
 Always using your professors’ proper title. Unless specifically invited, do not refer to them by first
 Reading all messages in a discussion thread before replying so as not to repeat someone else’s post

without adding something of your own to it
 Using clear and concise language with correct spelling and grammar
 Keeping discussion posts brief but thorough, on topic and within the scope of the course material
 Reviewing your posts before sending to ensure you are avoiding slang terms, texting abbreviations
and caps lock
 Being open minded of other’s opinions even when they differ from your own
 Muting your microphone in a conference if it is not your time to talk in order to minimize
background sound
 Sending private messages to individuals instead of flooding the public chat


As a business leader I recognize my role in society.
 My purpose is to lead people and manage resources to promote human development and the
common good and to create value that no single individual can create alone.
 My decisions affect the well-being of individuals inside and outside my enterprise, today and
Therefore, I promise that:
 I will manage with loyalty and care, and will not advance my personal interests at the expense of
my enterprise or society.
 I will promote socially useful products and services which serve human development, keeping in
mind reasonable access for the poor and underprivileged.
 I will understand and uphold, in letter and spirit, the laws and contracts governing my conduct and
that of my enterprise.
 I will refrain from corruption, unfair competition, or business practices harmful to society.
 I will respect the human rights and dignity of all people affected by my enterprise, and I will
oppose discrimination and exploitation.
 I will promote a humane and enabling work community within my organization.
 I will promote the just allocation of resources for all stakeholders of the company.
 I will respect the right of future generations to advance their standard of living and enjoy a healthy
 I will report the performance and risks of my enterprise accurately and honestly.
 I will invest in developing myself and others, helping the management profession continue to
advance and create sustainable and inclusive prosperity.
 In exercising my professional duties according to these principles, I recognize that my behavior
must set an example of integrity, eliciting trust and esteem from those I serve. I will remain
accountable to my peers and to society for my actions and for upholding these standards.
Adapted from:
The Global Business Oath ( )
Vocation of the Business Leader (


We therefore pledge and commit to:
 Recruit, train and develop our employees and managers to be the best that they can be irrespective
of gender, alma mater, age, ethnicity and religion; provide just compensation and benefits;
promote meritocracy and encourage work-life harmony;
 Provide only quality products and services that are of continuing value to our customers;
 Treat our goods, service and funds providers fairly, ethically and with respect as we expect them
to treat their own workers in their supply chain the same way;
 Be actively involved in the communities where we operate in with particular attention to the needs
of the disadvantaged in those communities;
 Protect and preserve the environment for the benefit of current and future generations by
employing environment friendly technologies in all aspects of business operations; and
 Deliver reasonable and just returns to and fair treatment of our controlling and non-controlling
*Adapted from: Philippine Business Group's Covenant of Shared Prosperity (November 5, 2020)

Prepared by:

_________________________ _________________________
Ma. Theresa Concepcion Gerial Dr. Wilson Cordova, LPT

Noted by:

Patrick Hariramani
Vice Chair, Department of Decision Sciences and Innovation


_____________________ __________________________
Dr. Manuel R. Tanpoco Dr. Emilina R. Sarreal
Chair, Department of Decision Sciences and Innovation Dean, RVR-College of Business

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