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Rationale Teaching beginners is considered by many Now, turn your attention to that vague As students move up the developmental
to be the most challenging level of curricular territory that we call ladder, getting closer and closer to their
language instruction. Since students at this intermediate, where students have goals, developing fluency along with a
level have little or no prior knowledge of progressed beyond novice stages to an greater degree of accuracy, able to handle
the target language, the teacher (and ability to sustain basic communicative virtually any situation in which target
accompanying techniques and materials) tasks, to establish some minimal fluency, language use is demanded, they become
becomes a central determiner in whether to deal with a few unrehearsed situations, "advanced" students; At the very top of
students accomplish their goals. This can to self-correct on occasion, to use a few this ladder is what the ACTFL Proficiency
also be the most tangibly rewarding level compensatory strategies, and generally to Guidelines describe as the "superior" level,
for a teacher because the growth of "get along" in the language beyond mere comparable in most aspects to an
students' proficiency is apparent in a survival. The picture changes somewhat. educated native-speaker level. Few if any
matter of a few weeks. Your role and the students' capacities ESL classes are designed for the superior
At the beginning or even false-beginning change. Consider the same ten factors. level, so in order to be more in keeping
level, your students have little language with reality, we will simply focus on what
"behind" them. You may therefore be the Guidelines describe as the "advanced"
tempted to go along with the popular level.
misconception that the target language
cannot be taught directly, that you will
have to resort to a good deal of talking
"about" the second language in the
students' native language. Such is clearly
not the case, as beginning language
courses have demonstrated for many
decades. But you do have to keep in mind
that your students' capacity for taking in
and retaining new word, structures, and
concepts is limited. Foremost on your mind
as a teacher should be the presentation of
material in simples segments that don't
overwhelm your students. Remember,
they are just barely beginning!
The following ten factors - and the words
of advice accompanying each - will help
you to formulate an approach to teaching
beginners. As you adopt a theoretical
stance on each factor, you will be able to
design classroom techniques that are
consistent with your approach.

Students’ In those first days and even weeks of At the intermediate stage some automatic As competence in language continues to
cognitive language learning, virtually all of the processing has taken hold. Phrases, build, students can realize the full
learning students' processing with respect to the sentences, structures, and conversational spectrum of processing, assigning larger
processes second language itself is in a focal, rules have been practiced and are and larger chunks to automatic modes and
controlled mode. Therefore, you can increasing in number, forcing the mental gaining the confidence to put the formal
expect to engage in plenty of repetition of processes to automatize. I like to think of structures of language on the periphery so
a limited number of words, phrases, and automaticity as placing elements of that focal attention may be given to the
sentences. Don't become frustrated if a language into the "hard drive" of our interpretation and negotiation of meaning
considerable period of time goes by with neurological computers. Our immediately and to the conveying of thoughts and
little change in theses learning modes. controlled "desktops" (limited in capacity) feelings in interactive communication.
Even in the first few days of class, are too small to contain all the information Some aspects of language, of course, need
however, you can coax your students into we need. One of your principal goals at this focal attention for minor corrections,
some peripheral processing by getting level is to get students to continue to refinement, and other "tinkering";
them to use practiced language for automatize, to continue to allow the bits otherwise, teacher would almost be
genuinely meaningful purposes. For and pieces of language that might clutter unnecessary. So your task at this level is to
example, getting information from a the mind to be relegated to automaticity. assist in the ongoing attempt to
classmate whom a student does not know There, in their linguistic hard drives, those automatize language and in the delicate
will require using newly learned language bits and pieces are beneath the surface, as interplay between focal and peripheral
("What's your name?" "Where do you it were, yet readily available for immediate attention to selected aspects of language.
live?"), but with a focus on the purposes (automatic) use whenever needed.
to which the language is put, not on the
forms of language. The forms themselves,
although still controlled (limited in
capacity), nevertheless move into a
peripheral mode as students become
immersed in the task of seeking genuine
The role of Beginning students are highly dependent You are no longer the only initiator of On the surface, your job may appear easier
the teacher on the teacher for models of language, and language. Students should be encouraged with advanced students; you can sit back
so a teacher-centered or teacher-fronted to ask questions, make comments, and and let their questions and self-generated
classroom is appropriate for some of your negotiate certain options in learning curiosity take over. In reality, the
classroom time. Students are able to where appropriate. More student-student independence that students have acquired
initiate few questions and comments, so it interaction can now take place in pairs, must be cleverly channeled into classroom
is your responsability to "to keep the ball small groups, and whole class activity. routines that benefit most of the students
rolling". Still, your beginning level classes Learner-centered work is now possible for most of the time. No mean task! The most
need not be devoid of a modicum of more sustained lengths of time as students common occurrence in advanced level
student-centered work. Pair work and are able to maintain topics of discussion teaching is that your class runs away with
group work are effective techniques for and focus. By its very nature, the itself and you are left with only a quarter
taking students' focus off you as the center intermediate level is richly diverse; that or half your plans fulfilled. So, while you
of attention and for getting them into an diversity can work to your advantage with want to take advantage of the self-starting
interactive frame of mind even at most carefully designed cooperative activities personalities in your class, orderly plans
beginning level. that capitalize on differences among are still important. A directive role on your
It follows that the degree of control of students. Don't set equal expectations for part can create effective learning
classroom time also leans strongly in the all students, however, since abilities, opportunities even within a predominantly
direction of the teacher at the beginning especially speaking abilities, can vary learner-centered classroom.
levels. In a second language context where widely.
instruction is carried out in the target
language, virtually all of your class time will
be teacher-controlled. Since students have
no means, in the second language anyway,
of controlling the class period, the onus is
on you to plan topics, activity types, time-
on-task, etc. As students gain in their
proficiency, they will be able to initiate
questions and comments of their own that
may then occasionally shift the locus of
control. In a foreign language situation,
where your students speak the same
native language (and you speak it as well),
some negotiation might be possible in the
native language, allowing for a small
amount of student control (see #3 below).
Teacher talk Your input in the class is crucial. Every ear Most of your oral production can be Natural language at natural speed is a must
and eye are indeed focused on you. Your sustained at a natural pace, as long as your at this level. Make sure your students are
own English needs to be clearly articulation is clear. Teacher talk should challenged by your choice of vocabulary,
articulated. It is appropriate to slow your not occupy the major proportion of a class structures, idioms, and other language
speech somewhat for easier student hour; otherwise, you are probably not features. But, after all, they are still
comprehension, but don't slow it so much giving students enough opportunity to learning the language, so remember that
that it loses its naturalness. And talk. You should be using less of the native they have not yet turned into native
remember, you don't need to talk any language of the learners at this level, but speakers. The amount of teacher talk
louder to beginners than to advanced some situations still demand it. should be commensurate with type of
students if your articulation is clear. Use activity. Make sure your students have
simple vocabulary and structures that are ample opportunities to produce language
at or just slightly, beyond their level. so that our role as a provider of feedback
Is it appropriate to use the students' native takes prominence. For some of your
language? As noted above, in second students, this is the last chance to benefit
language situations, especially multilingual from informed, systematic feedback on
classes, your use of a student's native their performance; from here on out, they
language is seldom an issue. In foreign will be "out there" where people, out of
language situations, however, it becomes politeness or respect, rarely give
an option. It is important now to let your corrections.
classes go to excess in the use of the Very little, if any, reliance on the students'
students' native language. The rule of native language is now justified.
thumb here is usually to restrict classroom Discipline, explanations, and other more
language to English unless some distinct complex language functions can be
advantage is gained by the use to their carried out in English. Occasionally, a
native language, and then only for very teacher of an advanced class will resort to
brief stretches of time. Examples of such a word or two (a definition, for example)
advantages include: a) negotiation of in the native language in order to help a
disciplinary and other management student who is "stuck".
factors; b) brief descriptions of how to
carry out a technique; c) brief explanations
of grammar points; d) quick pointers on
meanings of words that remain confusing
after students have had a try at defining
something themselves, and; e) cultural
notes and comments.
Authenticity The language that you expose your At this level students sometimes become Everything from academic prose to
of language students to should, according to principles overly concerned about grammatical literature to idiomatic conversation
of CLT, be authentic language, not just correctness and may want to wander into becomes a legitimate resource for the
because students are beginners. Simple esoteric discussions of grammatical classroom. Virtually no authentic language
greeting and introductions, for example, details. This penchant for analysis might material should be summarily disqualified
are authentic and yet manageable. Make get them too far afield from authentic, real at this stage. Certain restrictions may come
sure utterances are limited to short, language. Make sure the stay on the track. to bear, depending on how advanced your
simple phrases. At times such language class is, of course.
may appear to be artificial because of all
the repetition needed at this stage. Don't
despair; your students will appreciate the
opportunity to practice their new
Fluency and Fluency is a goal at the level but only within The dichotomy between fluency and At this level most, if not all of your students
accuracy limited utterance lengths. Fluency does accuracy is a crucial concern here, more so are "fluent" in that they have passed
not have to apply only to long utterances. than at either of the other ends of the beyond the breakthrough stage and are no
The "flow" of language is important to proficiency spectrum. some students are longer thinking about every word or
establish, from the beginning, in likely to become overly concerned about structure they are producing or
reasonably short segments. Attention to accuracy, possible rerating themselves for comprehending. A handful or two of
accuracy should center on the particular the mistakes they make and demanding problems still need attention. If errors are
grammatical, phonological, or discourse constant corrections for every slip-up. relatively rare, an occasional treatment
elements that are being practiced. Others may slide into a self-satisfied run in from you or from peers may be quite
In teaching speaking skills, it is extremely which they actually become quite fluent, in helpful.
important at this stage that you be very the technical sense of the term, but in
sensitive to students' need to practice which they become very difficult to
freely and openly without fear of being comprehend. Be on the lookout for both
corrected at every minor flaw. On the types of student and be prepared to offer
other hand, you need to correct some individualized attention to each.
selected grammatical and phonological In general, fluency exercises (saying or
errors so that students don't fall into the writing a steady flow of language for a
trap of assuming that "no news is good short period of time without any self- or
news" (no correction implies perfection). other correction at all) are a must at this
Pronunciation work (on phonemes level. They help to get students over the
phonemic patterns, intonation, rhythm, hump of always having to say or write
and stress) is very important at this stage. everything absolutely correctly. You want
Neglecting phonological practice now may them in due course of time to go through
be at the expense of later fluency. Your the "breakthrough" stage of language
job, of course, is to create the perfect learning, often thought of as a stage after
balance. which a learner looks back and says,
"Wow! I just carried on a whole
conversation without thinking about my
grammar!" A big part of your task with
most students is to maintain their flow
with just enough attention to error to keep
them growing.
Student The ultimate goal of learning a language is The fact that some of this new language is The joy of teaching at this level is in those
creativity to be able to comprehend and produce it now under control gives rise to more moments of student performance when
in unrehearsed situations, which demands opportunities for the students to be you know that they are now able to apply
both receptive and productive creativity. creative. Intelanguage errors such as: classroom material to real contexts
But at the beginning level, students can be "Does John can sing?" "What means this?" beyond. Make sure that students keep
creative only within the confines of a "I must to make a lot of money." - are a their eyes fixed on those goal. Be ever wary
highly controlled repertoire of language. good indication of the creative application of classroom activity that simply ends right
Innovation will come later when students of a system within the learner's mind. Try there in the classroom.
get more language under their control. to recognize this form of creativity as a
positive sign of language development and
of the internalization of a coherent system.
Students are also becoming more capable
of applying their classroom language
unrehearsed situations. In EFL settings
those situations may be more difficult to
find, but through the various forms of
media and the written world, applications
to the real world, therefore unrehearsed in
the classroom, are available and should be
Techniques Short, simple techniques must be used. Because of the increasing language Techniques can now tap into a full range of
Some mechanical techniques are capacities of your students, techniques can sociolinguistic and pragmatic
appropriate - choral repetition and other increase in complexity. Common competencies. Typical of this level are
drilling, for example. A good many teacher- interactive techniques for intermediates activities like group debates and
initiated questions dominate at this level, include chain stories, surveys and polls, argumentation, complex role-plays,
followed only after some time by an paired interviews, group problem solving, scanning and skimming reading material,
increase in simple student-initiated role-plays, story telling, and many others. determining and questioning author's
questions. Group and pair activities are intent, and writing essays and critiques.
excellent techniques as long as they are Often at this level students have specific
structured and clearly defined with specific purposes for which they are planning to
objectives. A variety of techniques is use English. Focus on those purposes as
important because of limited language much as possible.
Listening and Listening and speaking functions for The linguistic complexity of At this level students can focus more
speaking beginners are meaningful and authentic communicative listening-speaking goals carefully on all the sociolinguistic nuances
goals communication tasks. They are limited increases steadily. Along with the creation of language. Pragmatic constraints are
more by grammar, vocabulary, and length of novel utterances, students can common areas needing work as students
of utterance than by communicative participate in short conversations, ask and fine-tune their production and
function. It is surprising how many answer questions, find alternative ways to comprehension in terms of register, style,
language functions can be achieved with convey meaning, solicit information from the status of the interlocutor, the specific
very uncomplicated language. others, and more. The functions context of a conversational exchange,
themselves may not be intrinsically more turn-taking, topic nomination and
complex, but the forms they use are. termination, topic-changing, and culturally
conditioned language constraints.
Reading and At this level reading and writing topics are Increasing complexity in terms of length, Reading and writing skills similarly
writing goals confined to brief but nevertheless real-life grammar, and discourse now characterizes progress closer and closer to native-
written material. Advertisements, forms reading material as students read speaker competence as students learn
and recipes are grist for the beginner's paragraphs and short, simple stories, and more about such things as critical reading,
reading mill, while written work may are beginning to use skimming and the role of schemata in interpreting
involve forms, lists, and simple notes and scanning skills. Writing is similarly more written texts, and writing a document
letters. The most important contextual sophisticated. related of one's profession (laboratory
factor that you should bear in mind in reports, records of experimental research
teaching reading and writing to beginners findings, etc.).
is their literacy level in their own native
Grammar Whether a curriculum or textbooks is billed Grammar topics such as progressive verb The concern at the intermediate level for
functional, communicative, structural, or tenses and clauses typify intermediate basic grammatical patterns now graduates
whatever, grammar and grammar level teaching. Students can benefit from beyond some of the elements of level 4 in
sequencing is an issue. As the charts show, small doses of short, simple explanations figure 7.1 to functional forms, to
a typical beginning level will deal at the of points in English. Whether through sociolinguistic and pragmatic phenomena,
outset with very simple verb forms, English or the native language medium, ant to building strategic competence .
personal pronouns, definite and indefinite such over attention to "sore spots" in Linguistic metalanguage may now serve a
articles, singular and plural nouns, and grammar can, in fact, be exceedingly more useful role as students perceive its
simple to complex. helpful at this stage. Students have been relevance to refining their language. Your
Whether or not you choose to overtly known to flounder in a sea of inductivity classes need not become saturated with
"explain" grammar in the classroom is until one cogent tip from a teacher sets language about language, but well-
another issue. If you are teaching EFL (in a them back on a straight course. I once targeted deductive grammar has its place.
non-English-speaking country)and your encountered a student who, for too many You have now had a chance to
students all speak the same native months (or years?), when referring to past contemplate quite a number of variables
language, you may profit from occasionally events would say things like: "She can kept that changes as you teach lower or higher
using their native language to explain her child." "He must paid the insurance levels of proficiency. The age and
simple grammatical points. In ESL {premium}." One day, a simple explanation proficiency variables are two extremely
situations, where you must rely only on from his teacher about modal auxiliaries in important issues to incorporate into any
English in the classroom, grammatical the past tense "cured" him when all the attempt to plan and conduct language
explorations of any complexity would at outright corrections in the world hadn't lessons.
this level overwhelm the students. seemed to make an impact.
Therefore, an inductive approach to Keep grammatical metalanguage to an
grammar with suitable examples and ideal minimum at this level; otherwise,
patterns will be more effective. your students will become English
grammarians instead of English speakers.
Remember, you are interested in grammar
because that is where some of your
training has been, but you don't need to
make budding Ph.D.’s in linguistics out of
your students! Overt grammatical
explanation has its place, in the wings, if
you will, as a prompter of sorts, but now as
the dominant focus of student attention.

SOURCE: Excerpt from the book “Teaching by principles”, written by the author H. D. Brown.

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