Fuel Control System: September 2020

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Fuel control system

Patent · September 2020

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Ibrahim Sanusi


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US 20200284207A1
( 19 ) United States
( 12 ) SANUSI
al .
Publication ((4310)) Pub
Pub.. Date
No .: :US 2020/0284207 A1
Sep. 10 , 2020
( 71 ) Applicant: ROLLS - ROYCE plc , London (GB ) A control system of a gas turbine engine is provided . The
engine has a fuel flow metering valve which regulates a fuel
( 72 ) Inventors : Ibrahim SANUSI , Derby (GB ) ; flow to the engine, and one or more variable geometry
Andrew R. MILLS , Derby ( GB ) ; components which are movable between different set points
Derek S. WALL , Derby (GB ) to vary an operating configuration of the engine . The control
( 21 ) Appl. No .: 16 /794,620 system has an engine fuel control sub -system which pro
vides a fuel flow demand signal for controlling the fuel flow
(22) Filed : Feb. 19, 2020 metering valve . The control system further has a variable
geometry control sub - system which determines current set
( 30 ) Foreign Application Priority Data points to be adopted by the variable geometry components
given the current engine operating condition in order to
Mar. 7 , 2019 ( GB ) 1903062.6 comply with one or more engine constraints. The control
system further has an optimiser that receives the current set
Publication Classification points and determines adjusted values of the set points
which optimise , while complying with the engine con
( 51 ) Int. CI. straints, an objective function modelling a performance
F02C 9/52 ( 2006.01 ) characteristic of the engine, the objective function adapting
F02C 9/54 ( 2006.01 ) to change in engine performance with time . The control
(52) U.S. CI. system further has a feedback loop in which the adjusted
??? F02C 9/52 ( 2013.01 ) ; F02C 9/54 values of the set points thus -determined are sent to the
( 2013.01 ) ; F05D 2270/44 (2013.01 ) ; F05D variable geometry control sub -system to vary the current set
2270/30 (2013.01 ) ; F05D 2270/303 (2013.01 ) points .

2 81
e (t) K
? 70 AWE
dNH *
WfM ( t)
AWf dt
fa H
iny , ? Wf(t)
x NH *,
IP TT: 72 5
6 fB
7 TP, TT
Patent Application Publication Sep. 10, 2020 Sheet 1 of 6 US 2020/0284207 A1

2 81

? 70 AWf
1 dNH

Wim ( t)
AWf " ' fa inv .
1X Wf(t)
maling ? s NH *TP, IT, 72
6 fB
7 1 , 71,

FIG . 1
Patent Application Publication Sep. 10, 2020 Sheet 2 of 6 US 2020/0284207 A1

15 17

12 22
A 20
30 26 16

FIG . 2

36 30 28 26
9 32 34

FIG . 3
Patent Application Publication Sep. 10 , 2020 Sheet 3 of 6 US 2020/0284207 A1

arr 32


FIG . 4
Patent Application Publication Sep. 10 , 2020 Sheet 4 of 6 US 2020/0284207 A1

} 1
1 Conventional
} 100 framework
FN demand Controller
102 Set Gas turbine
Variable engine
Rotor speeds geometry points
compressor schedules
pressures etc.

Parameter estimation
Schedules update and optimisation of
response surfaces of 104
objectives and

FIG . 5
Patent Application Publication Sep. 10 , 2020 Sheet 5 of 6 US 2020/0284207 A1


100 Trim Variable , LP & HP set

FN points

scheduler HP Sensors: FN ,
Schedule variables: Nx, Px, etc.

Enable only at steady -state

12 offset
?x ,
Trim variable such as WFE , SEARCH
turbine pressure ratio , shaft Optimal LP set point ( OPTIMISATION
speed 1
periodic update
Optimal HP set points periodic

FIG . 6
Patent Application Publication Sep. 10 , 2020 Sheet 6 of 6 US 2020/0284207 A1

25 0.577
* 0.516
204 * .515
* 0512
$ 1.511
d)egre s
( 5

-6 -4 --2
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
LP VIGV (degrees)
FIG . 7
25 0,517
20 no 0.573

d)egre s 10
( 0509

0.515 0.517
ma 2 0 2 4 6 8 12
LP VIGV ( degrees)
FIG . 8
US 2020/0284207 A1 Sep. 10 , 2020

FUEL CONTROL SYSTEM ment AWf at summing junction 5. The aggregate fuel flow
demand signal Wf(t) is supplied to one input of a lowest
CROSS - REFERENCE TO RELATED wins logic block for comparison with a maximum fuel flow
APPLICATIONS signal. A further minimum fuel flow limit signal is compared
[ 0001 ] This specification is based upon and claims the with the output of block by a highest wins comparison . The
benefit of priority from United Kingdom patent application resulting trimmed aggregate fuel flow demand signal , WFE ,
number GB 1903062.6 filed on Mar. 7 , 2019 , the entire then controls operation of the fuel flow metering valve
contents of which are incorporated herein by reference . which regulates the flow of fuel to the engine .
[ 0009 ] The Wfss * versus NH * characteristic of engine
BACKGROUND inverse model block 3 can be modified by input signals
( temperature , pressure , air bleed , guide vanes etc. ) to select
Field of the Disclosure the most appropriate member of a family of characteristics
and to scale or correct the selected member in order to
[ 0002 ] The present disclosure relates to engine control compensate for the changes in operating conditions.
systems , particularly for gas turbine engines having one or [ 0010 ] The feedback loop 4 of the RRIM receives WfM
more variable geometry components . where the subscript indicates a general fuel flow feedback
Description of the Related Art input to the inverse model . For example , that input can be
the fuel flow demand, Wf( t ), rather than the trimmed fuel
[ 0003 ] A purpose of an engine fuel control system is to signal as fed to the fuel flow metering valve . The RRIM
provide an engine with fuel in a form suitable for combus subtracts from the fuel flow feedback at summer junction 6
tion and to control the rate of fuel flow for accurate control the estimated steady state fuel signal Wfss * . The difference
of engine speed and acceleration . It is known to control the is then multiplied at 8 by the estimated rate of change of
thrust of a gas turbine engine using an Electronic Engine engine speed with fuel increment (NHdot/AWf) * to provide
Control (EEC ) , the thrust of the engine being indirectly an estimate of engine acceleration dNH * /dt. The value for
measured using shaft speed , Engine Pressure Ratio ( EPR) or (NHdot /AWf) * comes from a subsidiary loop which gener
Turbine Power Ratio ( TPR) . The EEC also controls (i ) the ates (NHdot/AWf) * as a function of the estimate of the
shaft speeds within safe operational limits , and (ii ) the engine's speed NH * produced by integrator 7. More spe
temperature and pressure at different parts of the engine to cifically, the value for NH * is passed from the integrator 7
avoid undesirable conditions such as surge or stall , and to to a second engine model block 70 , which generates the
ensure the integrity of the engine. Environmental consider value for (NHdot/AWf) *. Similarly to the first engine
ations as well as growing power demands of modern aircraft inverse model block 3 , the (NHdot /AWf * versus NH *
require control systems that are robust and optimised to the characteristic of block 70 can be modified by input signals
operating conditions of the aircraft. ( temperature, pressure , air bleed , guide vanes etc. ) to select
[ 0004 ] Electronic closed - loop fuel control systems have the most appropriate member of a family of characteristics .
an integrating action which helps to ensure accurate control The (NHdot /AWf) * value generated by engine model block
of the engine while meeting the pilot's demands for thrust 70 is also inverted at inverter 71 to produce the (AWf/
and complying with safety limits . Such systems offer distinct Nhdot ) * value , which is multiplied with the NHdot , signal
advantages in the achievement of accurate acceleration at 72 to provide the overfuelling requirement AWf sent to
control under normal operating conditions. summing junction 5 .
[ 0005 ] The architecture of one such engine fuel control [ 0011 ] The dynamics of the RRIM are tuned to the
system , known as the Rolls -Royce Inverse Model (RRIM ) is requirements of the engine via the data within nonlinear
shown in FIG . 1. It is also described in United States patent modules, fg and fq, of the first 3 and second 70 engine model
application US 2010/017093 A1 . blocks respectively . The data within these tables can be
[ 0006 ] In the RRIM , fuel flow to the engine is controlled calculated using an elaborate engine model which relates the
by a fuel flow metering valve in response to an aggregate output NH ( s ) to the input Wf( s ), where “ s ” is the Laplace
fuel flow demand signal. This signal comprises an element complex variable . Nonlinear module f? which is a piecewise
computed in accordance with instantaneous engine speed continuous function is responsible for the high frequency
and an overfuelling element computed in accordance with a gain of this relationship and nonlinear module fg which is a
pilot's thrust or speed demand (NHD ). differentiable function contains the inverted static process
[ 0007] The system of FIG . 1 employs a first control loop characteristic of the engine regarding fuel flow to NH . The
1 , which is shown having a generic control error circuit 2 . state of the control system models NH and is input to
Signal " y ,” (which in practice would correspond to a given nonlinear modules f? and fp. The aggregate fuel flow
thrust or speed demand ) into circuit 2 is a vector of the demand signal, Wf(t ), is a summation of the steady state fuel
reference values of controlled engine outputs and signal “ y ” flow requirement associated with NH * (t ), Wfss* , and the
is the vector of the actual values of those controlled outputs . incremental fuel flow demand , AWf, required to fulfil the
Variable gain 81 acts on the error output e (t) of circuit 2. The acceleration demand NHdots. The acceleration demand
overfuelling requirement Awf generated by the control loop reduces to zero and the NH * approaches to NH as the control
1 is produced when the NHdot , signal which outputs from error reduces to zero due to the integral action within the
variable gain 81 is multiplied at 72 with a (AWf/NHdot) * RRIM .
value ( see below) . [ 0012 ] The variable geometry components of the engine,
[ 0008 ] An estimated engine steady state fuel flow require such as the variable inlet guide vanes, operate between fixed
ment Wfss * is computed by engine inverse model block 3 of low speed positions (closed position) and high speed posi
second ( feedback ) loop generally indicated at 4 , and this tions (open position) to maintain optimum angle of attack on
signal is arithmetically summed to the overfuelling require the compressor blades , and maintain system stability. In
US 2020/0284207 A1 Sep. 10 , 2020

particular, the vanes are moved in response to system existing certification evidence . In other words , providing the
conditions to create adequate safe margins from surge , stall engine constraints are respected , the engine fuel control
and other undesirable compressor conditions . The steady sub -system allows a pilot's thrust demand to be met inde
state vane positions can be determined by set -point sched pendently of the variable geometry components.
ules which are designed to provide efficient operation of the [ 0021 ] According to a second aspect there is provided a
engine whilst also providing safe margins for worst case gas turbine engine for an aircraft comprising: a fuel flow
system conditions for the entire life of the engine. metering valve which regulates a fuel flow to the engine, one
[ 0013 ] The most efficient set -point for a given variable or more variable geometry components which are movable
geometry and the safety constraints on that set- point are between different set points to vary an operating configura
affected by engine power setting, compressor boundary tion of the engine; and a control system according to any one
conditions ( such as inlet temperature , flow , pressure etc. ), of the previous claims .
amount of air bleed, degradation of engine health state and [ 0022 ] Optional features of the present disclosure will now
engine - to -engine variation. In general, only a subset of these be set out . These are applicable singly or in any combination
are measurable, and the relationship between measurable with any aspect of the present disclosure .
variables and variable geometry effect on the system is [ 0023 ] The variable geometry control sub - system may
time -varying and unpredictable. Conventionally, schedules contain one or more set point schedules for the variable
accept shaft speeds , pressures and temperatures and use geometry components, the schedules determining the cur
physics - based calculations for a nominal engine behaviour rent set points to be adopted by the variable geometry
to determine the best - set points. However, the calculations components given the current engine operating condition in
are not responsive to changes in the system behaviour. order to comply with the engine constraints. The variable
[ 0014 ] In particular, degradation of engine health state and geometry control sub - system can then further include one or
engine -to -engine variation make it difficult to determine in more variable offsets which tune the set point schedules; and
advance optimum control laws for the positions of variable the adjusted values of the set points can be sent to the
geometry components of an engine. variable geometry control sub -system to vary the current set
[ 0015 ] An aim of the present disclosure is to better opti points by varying the offsets. Thus although the schedules
mise the variable geometry components ' positions whilst may be fixed and identical for a given engine type within a
respecting stability constraints . production standard, by varying their respective offsets,
SUMMARY engine -to -engine variation can be produced.
[ 0024 ] The fuel flow demand signal may be an aggregate
[ 0016 ] According to a first aspect there is provided a fuel flow demand signal , the engine fuel control sub - system
control system of a gas turbine engine having a fuel flow including: a summing junction which generates the aggre
metering valve which regulates a fuel flow to the engine, and gate fuel flow demand signal by summing a first output
one or more variable geometry components which are signal which converges on a steady state fuel flow require
movable between different set points to vary an operating ment value , and an overfuelling demand signal which is
configuration of the engine, the control system having : derived from a thrust or speed demand signal; and a further
[ 0017 ] an engine fuel control sub - system which provides feedback loop which generates the first output signal in
a fuel flow demand signal for controlling the fuel flow response to the aggregate fuel flow demand signal.
metering valve ; and [ 0025 ] The performance characteristic modelled by the
[ 0018 ] a variable geometry control sub -system which objective function may be any one of, or any combination of
determines cui set points be adopted by the variable two or more of: engine specific fuel consumption , engine
geometry components given the current engine operating life , engine emissions and engine temperature . Further the
condition in order to comply with one or more engine objective function may vary over a given engine mission ,
constraints; e.g. optimising specific fuel consumption at one part of the
[ 0019 ] wherein the control system further has an optimiser mission and engine emissions at another part of the mission .
that receives the current set points and determines adjusted [ 0026 ] The objective function may model the performance
values of the set points which optimise , while complying characteristic as a function of variables which include: the
with the engine constraints, an objective function modelling set points of the variable geometry components, and a trim
a performance characteristic of the engine, the objective variable indicative of engine power output. For example, the
function adapting to change in engine performance with trim variable can be the demanded fuel flow provided by the
time ; and wherein the control system further has a feedback engine fuel control sub - system , or it can be a related
loop in which the adjusted values of the set points thus measurable variable such as a turbine pressure ratio or a
determined are sent to the variable geometry control sub shaft speed.
system to vary the current set points. [ 0027] The one or more variable geometry components
[ 0020 ] The optimised set -points can thus be unique to a may include either or both of: one or more sets of compres
specific engine , which enables the system to accommodate sor variable inlet guide vanes and one or more sets of
differences of build and age between different engines. In compressor bleed valves .
addition , splitting responsibility for fuel control and variable
geometry control between the engine fuel control sub [ 0028 ] The one or more engine constraints may include
system and a separate variable geometry control sub -system any or more of: one or more compressor surge margins, one
allows the overall control system to use a conventional or compressor stall margins, and one or more compressor
engine fuel control sub - system , such as the RRIM . Advan pressure ratios.
tageously, this reduces the certification burden of the control [ 0029 ] The control system may be configured to tempo
system , since the primary fuel control loop can remain rarily discontinue use of the optimiser and the feedback loop
unchanged allowing certification of the loop to exploit during engine transient manoeuvres .
US 2020/0284207 A1 Sep. 10 , 2020

[ 0030 ] The control system may be part of an on -board, engine core may further comprise a second turbine , a second
electronic engine controller. compressor, and a second core shaft connecting the second
[ 0031 ] According to a third aspect there is provided a turbine to the second compressor. The second turbine, sec
method of controlling a gas turbine engine having a fuel flow ond compressor, and second core shaft may be arranged to
metering valve which regulates a fuel flow to the engine, and rotate at a higher rotational speed than the first core shaft.
one or more variable geometry components which are [ 0042 ] In such an arrangement, the second compressor
movable between different set points to vary an operating may be positioned axially downstream of the first compres
configuration of the engine, the method including repeatedly sor. The second compressor may be arranged to receive ( for
performing the steps of: example directly receive, for example via a generally annu
[ 0032 ] providing a fuel flow demand signal for controlling lar duct ) flow from the first compressor.
the fuel flow metering valve ; [ 0043 ] The gearbox may be arranged to be driven by the
[ 0033 ] determining current set points to be adopted by the core shaft that is configured to rotate ( for example in use) at
variable geometry components given the current engine the lowest rotational speed ( for example the first core shaft
operating condition in order to comply with one or more in the example above ) . For example, the gearbox may be
engine constraints ; arranged to be driven only by the core shaft that is config
[ 0034 ] determining adjusted values of the set points which ured to rotate ( for example in use) at the lowest rotational
optimise , while complying with the engine constraints, an speed ( for example only be the first core shaft, and not the
objective function modelling a performance characteristic of second core shaft, in the example above ) . Alternatively, the
the engine, the objective function adapting to change in gearbox may be arranged to be driven by any one or more
engine performance with time ; and shafts, for example the first and/or second shafts in the
[ 0035 ] using the adjusted values of the set points thus example above .
determined to vary the current set points . [ 0044 ] The gearbox may be a reduction gearbox ( in that
[ 0036 ] The method of the third aspect thus corresponds to the output to the fan is a lower rotational rate than the input
the system of the first aspect . Accordingly, optional features from the core shaft ). Any type of gearbox may be used . For
of the first aspect apply also to the method of the third example , the gearbox may be a “ planetary ” or “ star ” gear
aspect . box , as described in more detail elsewhere herein . The
[ 0037] According to a fourth aspect there is provided a gearbox may have any desired reduction ratio (defined as the
computer program comprising code for optimising the rotational speed of the input shaft divided by the rotational
operation of a gas turbine engine having a fuel flow metering speed of the output shaft ), for example greater than 2.5 , for
valve which regulates a fuel flow to the engine, and one or example in the range of from 3 to 4.2 , or 3.2 to 3.8 , for
more variable geometry components which are movable example on the order of or at least 3 , 3.1 , 3.2 , 3.3 , 3.4 , 3.5 ,
between different set points to vary an operating configura 3.6 , 3.7 , 3.8 , 3.9 , 4 , 4.1 or 4.2 . The gear ratio may be , for
tion of the engine , the code , when run on a computer, example, between any two of the values in the previous
causing the computer to perform the method of the third sentence . Purely by way of example , the gearbox may be a
aspect . " star" gearbox having a ratio in the range of from 3.1 or 3.2
[ 0038 ] According to a fifth aspect there is provided a to 3.8 . In some arrangements , the gear ratio may be outside
computer readable medium storing the computer program these ranges.
according to the fourth aspect . [ 0045 ] In any gas turbine engine as described and / or
[ 0039 ] As noted elsewhere herein , the present disclosure claimed herein , a combustor may be provided axially down
may relate to a gas turbine engine. Such a gas turbine engine stream of the fan and compressor(s ). For example, the
may comprise an engine core comprising a turbine, a com combustor may be directly downstream of ( for example at
bustor, a compressor, and a core shaft connecting the turbine the exit of) the second compressor, where a second com
to the compressor. Such a gas turbine engine may comprise pressor is provided . By way of further example, the flow at
a fan ( having fan blades ) located upstream of the engine the exit to the combustor may be provided to the inlet of the
core . second turbine, where a second turbine is provided. The
[ 0040 ] Arrangements of the present disclosure may be combustor may be provided upstream of the turbine ( s ).
particularly , although not exclusively, beneficial for fans that [ 0046 ] The or each compressor ( for example the first
are driven via a gearbox . Accordingly, the gas turbine engine compressor and second compressor as described above) may
may comprise a gearbox that receives an input from the core comprise any number of stages , for example multiple stages .
shaft and outputs drive to the fan so as to drive the fan at a Each stage may comprise a row of rotor blades and a row of
lower rotational speed than the core shaft. The input to the stator vanes , which may be variable stator vanes (in that
gearbox may be directly from the core shaft, or indirectly their angle of incidence may be variable ). The row of rotor
from the core shaft, for example via a spur shaft and / or gear. blades and the row of stator vanes may be axially offset from
The core shaft may rigidly connect the turbine and the each other.
compressor, such that the turbine and compressor rotate at [ 0047] The or each turbine ( for example the first turbine
the same speed (with the fan rotating at a lower speed ). and second turbine as described above ) may comprise any
[ 0041 ] The gas turbine engine as described and /or claimed number of stages , for example multiple stages . Each stage
herein may have any suitable general architecture . For may comprise a row of rotor blades and a row of stator
example, the gas turbine engine may have any desired vanes . The row of rotor blades and the row of stator vanes
number of shafts that connect turbines and compressors , for may be axially offset from each other.
example one , two or three shafts. Purely by way of example , [ 0048 ] Each fan blade may be defined as having a radial
the turbine connected to the core shaft may be a first turbine, span extending from a root ( or hub ) at a radially inner
the compressor connected to the core shaft may be a first gas -washed location , or 0 % span position , to a tip at a 100 %
compressor, and the core shaft may be a first core shaft. The span position . The ratio of the radius of the fan blade at the
US 2020/0284207 A1 Sep. 10 , 2020

hub to the radius of the fan blade at the tip may be less than the values in the previous sentence ( i.e. the values may form
( or on the order of) any of: 0.4 , 0.39 , 0.38 0.37 , 0.36 , 0.35 , upper or lower bounds ) , for example in the range of from
0.34 , 0.33 , 0.32 , 0.31 , 0.3 , 0.29 , 0.28 , 0.27 , 0.26 , or 0.25 . 0.28 to 0.31 or 0.29 to 0.3 .
The ratio of the radius of the fan blade at the hub to the [ 0052 ] Gas turbine engines in accordance with the present
radius of the fan blade at the tip maybe in an inclusive range disclosure may have any desired bypass ratio , where the
bounded by any two of the values in the previous sentence bypass ratio is defined as the ratio of the mass flow rate of
( i.e. the values may form upper or lower bounds) for the flow through the bypass duct to the mass flow rate of the
example in the range of from 0.28 to 0.32 . These ratios may flow through the core at cruise conditions. In some arrange
commonly be referred to as the hub - to -tip ratio . The radius ments the bypass ratio may be greater than (or on the order
at the hub and the radius at the tip may both be measured at of) any of the following: 10 , 10.5 , 11 , 11.5 , 12 , 12.5 , 13 ,
the leading edge (or axially forwardmost) part of the blade . 13.5 , 14 , 14.5 , 15 , 15.5 , 16 , 16.5 , 17 , 17.5 , 18 , 18.5 , 19 , 19.5
The hub - to - tip ratio refers, of course , to the gas -washed or 20. The bypass ratio may be in an inclusive range
portion of the fan blade , i.e. the portion radially outside any bounded by any two of the values in the previous sentence
platform . (i.e. the values may form upper or lower bounds ) , for
[ 0049 ] The radius of the fan may be measured between the example in the range of from 13 to 16 , or 13 to 15 , or 13 to
engine centreline and the tip of a fan blade at its leading 14. The bypass duct may be substantially annular. The
edge. The fan diameter (which may simply be twice the bypass duct may be radially outside the engine core . The
radius of the fan ) may be greater than ( or on the order of) any radially outer surface of the bypass duct may be defined by
of: 220 cm , 230 cm , 240 cm , 250 cm ( around 100 inches ), a nacelle and / or a fan case .
260 cm , 270 cm (around 105 inches ), 280 cm ( around 110 [ 0053 ] The overall pressure ratio of a gas turbine engine as
inches ) , 290 cm (around 115 inches ), 300 cm ( around 120 described and / or claimed herein may be defined as the ratio
inches ) , 310 cm , 320 cm ( around 125 inches ), 330 cm of the stagnation pressure upstream of the fan to the stag
( around 130 inches ), 340 cm ( around 135 inches ), 350 cm , nation pressure at the exit of the highest pressure compressor
360 cm ( around 140 inches ), 370 cm ( around 145 inches ), ( before entry into the combustor ). By way of non- limitative
380 ( around 150 inches ) cm , 390 cm ( around 155 inches ), example, the overall pressure ratio of a gas turbine engine as
400 cm , 410 cm ( around 160 inches ) or 420 cm ( around 165 described and /or claimed herein at cruise may be greater
inches ). The fan diameter may be in an inclusive range than (or on the order of) any of the following: 35 , 40 , 45 , 50 ,
bounded by any two of the values in the previous sentence 55 , 60 , 65 , 70 , 75. The overall pressure ratio may be in an
( i.e. the values may form upper or lower bounds ) , for inclusive range bounded by any two of the values in the
example in the range of from 240 cm to 280 cm or 330 cm previous sentence ( i.e. the values may form upper or lower
to 380 cm. bounds ) , for example in the range of from 50 to 70 .
[ 0050 ] The rotational speed of the fan may vary in use . [ 0054 ] Specific thrust of an engine may be defined as the
Generally, the rotational speed is lower for fans with a net thrust of the engine divided by the total mass flow
higher diameter. Purely by way of non - limitative example, through the engine. At cruise conditions, the specific thrust
the rotational speed of the fan at cruise conditions may be of an engine described and / or claimed herein may be less
less than 2500 rpm , for example less than 2300 rpm . Purely than (or on the order of) any of the following: 110 Nkg -' s,
by way of further non- limitative example , the rotational 105 Nkg - s, 100 Nkg - s, 95 Nkg- s, 90 Nkg - s, 85 Nkg 1

speed of the fan at cruise conditions for an engine having a s or 80 Nkg-1 s . The specific thrust may be in an inclusive
fan diameter in the range of from 220 cm to 300 cm ( for range bounded by any two of the values in the previous
example 240 cm to 280 cm or 250 cm to 270 cm) may be in sentence (i.e. the values may form upper or lower bounds),
the range of from 1700 rpm to 2500 rpm , for example in the for example in the range of from 80 Nkg-? s to 100 Nkg -1
range of from 1800 rpm to 2300 rpm , for example in the s , or 85 Nkg-? s to 95 Nkg -1 s . Such engines may be
range of from 1900 rpm to 2100 rpm . Purely by way of particularly efficient in comparison with conventional gas
further non - limitative example, the rotational speed of the turbine engines.
fan at cruise conditions for an engine having a fan diameter [ 0055] A gas turbine engine as described and /or claimed
in the range of from 330 cm to 380 cm may be in the range herein may have any desired maximum thrust. Purely by
of from 1200 rpm to 2000 rpm , for example in the range of way of non - limitative example, a gas turbine as described
from 1300 rpm to 1800 rpm , for example in the range of and / or claimed herein may be capable of producing a
from 1400 rpm to 1800 rpm . maximum thrust of at least (or on the order of) any of the
[ 0051 ] In use of the gas turbine engine , the fan (with following: 160 kN , 170 kN , 180 kN , 190 kN , 200 kN , 250
associated fan blades ) rotates about a rotational axis . This KN , 300 kN , 350 kN , 400 kN , 450 kN , 500 kN , or 550 kN .
rotation results in the tip of the fan blade moving with a The maximum thrust may be in an inclusive range bounded
velocity Utip. The work done by the fan blades 13 on the flow by any two of the values in the previous sentence ( i.e. the
results in an enthalpy rise dH of the flow . A fan tip loading values may form upper or lower bounds ). Purely by way of
may be defined as dH /Utip ?, where dH is the enthalpy rise example , a gas turbine as described and /or claimed herein
( for example the 1 - D average enthalpy rise) across the fan may be capable of producing a maximum thrust in the range
and Utip is the (translational) velocity of the fan tip , for of from 330 kN to 420 kN , for example 350 kN to 400 kN .
example at the leading edge of the tip (which may be defined The thrust referred to above may be the maximum net thrust
as fan tip radius at leading edge multiplied by angular at standard atmospheric conditions at sea level plus 15
speed ). The fan tip loading at cruise conditions may be degrees C. ( ambient pressure 101.3 kPa, temperature 30
greater than (or on the order of) any of: 0.28 , 0.29 , 0.3 , 0.31 , degrees C. ) , with the engine static .
0.32 , 0.33 , 0.34 , 0.35 , 0.36 , 0.37 , 0.38 , 0.39 or 0.4 (all units [ 0056 ] In use , the temperature of the flow at the entry to
in this paragraph being Jkg -' K- / ms- 1) ). The fan tip the high pressure turbine may be particularly high. This
loading may be in an inclusive range bounded by any two of temperature, which may be referred to as TET, may be
US 2020/0284207 A1 Sep. 10 , 2020

measured at the exit to the combustor, for example imme [ 0061 ] As used herein , cruise conditions may mean cruise
diately upstream of the first turbine vane, which itself may conditions of an aircraft to which the gas turbine engine is
be referred to as a nozzle guide vane . At cruise, the TET may attached . Such cruise conditions may be conventionally
be at least (or on the order of) any of the following: 1400K , defined as the conditions at mid - cruise , for example the
1450K , 1500K , 1550K , 1600K or 1650K . The TET at cruise conditions experienced by the aircraft and / or engine at the
may be in an inclusive range bounded by any two of the midpoint (in terms of time and / or distance ) between top of
values in the previous sentence ( i.e. the values may form climb and start of decent.
upper or lower bounds ) . The maximum TET in use of the
engine may be , for example, at least (or on the order of) any [ 0062 ] Purely by way of example, the forward speed at the
of the following: 1700K , 1750K , 1800K , 1850K , 1900K , cruise condition may be any point in the range of from Mach
1950K or 2000K . The maximum TET may be in an inclusive 0.7 to 0.9 , for example 0.75 to 0.85 , for example 0.76 to
range bounded by any two of the values in the previous 0.84 , for example 0.77 to 0.83 , for example 0.78 to 0.82 , for
sentence ( i.e. the values may form upper or lower bounds ), example 0.79 to 0.81 , for example on the order of Mach 0.8 ,
for example in the range of from 1800K to 1950K . The on the order of Mach 0.85 or in the range of from 0.8 to 0.85 .
maximum TET may occur, for example, at a high thrust Any single speed within these ranges may be the cruise
condition, for example at a maximum take - off (MTO ) con condition . For some aircraft, the cruise conditions may be
dition . outside these ranges, for example below Mach 0.7 or above
[ 0057] A fan blade and / or aerofoil portion of a fan blade Mach 0.9 .
described and / or claimed herein may be manufactured from [ 0063 ] Purely by way of example, the cruise conditions
any suitable material or combination of materials . For may correspond to standard atmospheric conditions at an
example at least a part of the fan blade and / or aerofoil may
be manufactured at least in part from a composite , for altitude that is in the range of from 10000 m to 15000 m
r , for
example a metal matrix composite and / or an organic matrix example in the range of from 10000 m to 12000 m , for
composite , such as carbon fibre. By way of further example example in the range of from 10400 m to 11600 m (around
at least a part of the fan blade and / or aerofoil may be 38000 ft ), for example in the range of from 10500 m to
manufactured at least in part from a metal , such as a titanium 11500 m , for example in the range of from 10600 m to 11400
based metal or an aluminium based material ( such as an m , for example in the range of from 10700 m ( around 35000
aluminium - lithium alloy ) or a steel based material. The fan ft) to 11300 m , for example in the range of from 10800 m
blade may comprise at least two regions manufactured using to 11200 m , for example in the range of from 10900 m to
different materials . For example, the fan blade may have a 11100 m , for example on the order of 11000 m . The cruise
protective leading edge , which may be manufactured using conditions may correspond to standard atmospheric condi
a material that is better able to resist impact ( for example tions at any given altitude in these ranges .
from birds , ice or other material) than the rest of the blade .
Such a leading edge may, for example, be manufactured [ 0064 ] Purely by way of example, the cruise conditions
using titanium or a titanium -based alloy. Thus, purely by may correspond to : a forward Mach number of 0.8 ; a
way of example, the fan blade may have a carbon - fibre or pressure of 23000 Pa ; and a temperature of -55 degrees C.
aluminium based body ( such as an aluminium lithium alloy ) Purely by way of further example, the cruise conditions may
with a titanium leading edge. correspond to : a forward Mach number of 0.85 ; a pressure
[ 0058 ] fan as described and / or claimed herein may of 24000 Pa ; and a temperature of –54 degrees C. (which
comprise a central portion, from which the fan blades may may be standard atmospheric conditions at 35000 ft ).
extend, for example in a radial direction . The fan blades may [ 0065 ] As used anywhere herein , “ cruise” or “ cruise con
be attached to the central portion in any desired manner. For ditions ” may mean the aerodynamic design point. Such an
example , each fan blade may comprise a fixture which may aerodynamic design point (or ADP ) may correspond to the
engage a corresponding slot in the hub ( or disc ) . Purely by
way of example, such a fixture may be in the form of a conditions ( comprising, for example , one or more of the
dovetail that may slot into and / or engage a corresponding Mach Number, environmental conditions and thrust require
slot in the hub / disc in order to fix the fan blade to the ment ) for which the fan is designed to operate. This may
hub / disc . By way of further example, the fan blades maybe mean , for example, the conditions at which the fan (or gas
formed integrally with a central portion. Such an arrange turbine engine) is designed to have optimum efficiency.
ment may be referred to as a blisk or a bling . Any suitable [ 0066 ] In use , a gas turbine engine described and / or
method may be used to manufacture such a blisk or bling . claimed herein may operate at the cruise conditions defined
For example, at least a part of the fan blades may be elsewhere herein . Such cruise conditions may be determined
machined from a block and / or at least part of the fan blades by the cruise conditions ( for example the mid - cruise condi
may be attached to the hub / disc by welding, such as linear tions ) of an aircraft to which at least one ( for example 2 or
friction welding.
[ 0059 ] The gas turbine engines described and / or claimed 4 ) gas turbine engine may be mounted in order to provide
herein may or may not be provided with a variable area propulsive thrust.
nozzle ( VAN ). Such a variable area nozzle may allow the [ 0067] The skilled person will appreciate that except
exit area of the bypass duct to be varied in use . The general where mutually exclusive, a feature or parameter described
principles of the present disclosure may apply to engines in relation to any one of the above aspects may be applied
with or without a VAN . to any other aspect . Furthermore , except where mutually
[ 0060 ] The fan of a gas turbine as described and / or exclusive , any feature or parameter described hereinmay be
claimed herein may have any desired number of fan blades , applied to any aspect and/ or combined with any other
for example 14 , 16 , 18 , 20 , 22 , 24 or 26 fan blades . feature or parameter described herein .
US 2020/0284207 A1 Sep. 10 , 2020

BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 34 constrains the planet gears 32 to precess around the sun
[ 0068 ] Embodiments will now be described by way of gear 28 in synchronicity whilst enabling each planet gear 32
example only, with reference to the Figures, in which : to rotate about its own axis . The planet carrier 34 is coupled
[ 0069 ] FIG . 1 shows schematically architecture of an via linkages 36 to the fan 23 in order to drive its rotation
engine fuel control system ; about the engine axis 9. Radially outwardly of the planet
[ 0070 ] FIG . 2 is a sectional side view of a gas turbine gears 32 and intermeshing therewith is an annulus or ring
engine; gear 38 that is coupled , via linkages 40 , to a stationary
supporting structure 24 .
[ 0071 ] FIG . 3 is a close up sectional side view of an [ 0081 ] Note that the terms “ low pressure turbine ” and
upstream portion of a gas turbine engine; “ low pressure compressor” as used herein may be taken to
[ 0072 ] FIG . 4 is a partially cut- away view of a gearbox for mean the lowest pressure turbine stages and lowest pressure
a gas turbine engine ; compressor stages (i.e. not including the fan 23 ) respectively
[ 0073 ] FIG . 5 shows an overview of a control system of and / or the turbine and compressor stages that are connected
the engine of FIGS . 2 to 4 ; together by the interconnecting shaft 26 with the lowest
[ 0074 ] FIG . 6 shows more detail of the control system of rotational speed in the engine ( i.e. not including the gearbox
FIG . 5 ; output shaft that drives the fan 23 ) . In some literature , the
[ 0075 ] FIG . 7 show an example contour plot of SFC as it “ low pressure turbine” and “ low pressure compressor ”
varies with VIGV angles at a given fuel flow setting and a referred to herein may alternatively be known as the “ inter
given engine degradation cycle; and mediate pressure turbine ” and “ intermediate pressure com
[ 0076 ] FIG . 8 shows feasible (not shaded ) and infeasible pressor ” . Where such alternative nomenclature is used , the
( shaded ) regions created by constraints on a different SFC fan 23 may be referred to as a first, or lowest pressure ,
contour plot ; compression stage.
[ 0082 ] The epicyclic gearbox 30 is shown by way of
example in greater detail in FIG . 3. Each of the sun gear 28 ,
planet gears 32 and ring gear 38 comprise teeth about their
[ 0077] Aspects and embodiments of the present disclosure periphery to intermesh with the other gears. However, for
will now be discussed with reference to the accompanying clarity only exemplary portions of the teeth are illustrated in
figures. Further aspects and embodiments will be apparent to FIG . 3. There are four planet gears 32 illustrated, although
those skilled in the art . it will be apparent to the skilled reader that more or fewer
[ 0078 ] FIG . 2 illustrates a gas turbine engine 10 having a planet gears 32 may be provided within the scope of the
principal rotational axis 9. The engine 10 comprises an air claimed invention . Practical applications of a planetary
intake 12 and a propulsive fan 23 that generates two air epicyclic gearbox 30 generally comprise at least three planet
flows: a core airflow A and a bypass airflow B. The gas gears 32.
turbine engine 10 comprises a core 11 that receives the core [ 0083 ] The epicyclic gearbox 30 illustrated by way of
airflow A. The engine core 11 comprises, in axial flow series, example in FIG . 3 and FIG . 4 is of the planetary type, in that
a low pressure compressor 14 , a high -pressure compressor the planet carrier 34 is coupled to an output shaft via
15 , combustion equipment 16 , a high -pressure turbine 17 , a linkages 36 , with the ring gear 38 fixed . However, any other
low pressure turbine 19 and a core exhaust nozzle 20. A suitable type of epicyclic gearbox 30 may be used . By way
nacelle 21 surrounds the gas turbine engine 10 and defines of further example, the epicyclic gearbox 30 may be a star
a bypass duct 22 and a bypass exhaust nozzle 18. The bypass arrangement, in which the planet carrier 34 is held fixed,
airflow B flows through the bypass duct 22. The fan 23 is with the ring (or annulus) gear 38 allowed to rotate .
attached to and driven by the low pressure turbine 19 via a [ 0084 ] In such an arrangement the fan 23 is driven by the
shaft 26 and an epicyclic gearbox 30 . ring gear 38. By way of further alternative example, the
[ 0079 ] In use , the core airflow A is accelerated and com gearbox 30 may be a differential gearbox in which the ring
pressed by the low pressure compressor 14 and directed into gear 38 and the planet carrier 34 are both allowed to rotate .
the high pressure compressor 15 where further compression [ 0085 ] It will be appreciated that the arrangement shown
takes place . The compressed air exhausted from the high in FIGS . 3 and 4 is by way of example only, and various
pressure compressor 15 is directed into the combustion alternatives are within the scope of the present disclosure .
equipment 16 where it is mixed with fuel and the mixture is Purely by way of example, any suitable arrangement may be
combusted . The resultant hot combustion products then used for locating the gearbox 30 in the engine 10 and / or for
expand through , and thereby drive , the high pressure and connecting the gearbox 30 to the engine 10. By way of
low pressure turbines 17 , 19 before being exhausted through further example, the connections ( such as the linkages 36 , 40
the nozzle 20 to provide some propulsive thrust. The high in the FIG . 3 example ) between the gearbox 30 and other
pressure turbine 17 drives the high pressure compressor 15 parts of the engine 10 ( such as the input shaft 26 , the output
by a suitable interconnecting shaft 27. The fan 23 generally shaft and the fixed structure 24 ) may have any desired
provides the majority of the propulsive thrust. The epicyclic degree of stiffness or flexibility. By way of further example,
gearbox 30 is a reduction gearbox . any suitable arrangement of the bearings between rotating
[ 0080 ] An exemplary arrangement for a geared fan gas and stationary parts of the engine ( for example between the
turbine engine 10 is shown in FIG . 2. The low pressure input and output shafts from the gearbox and the fixed
turbine 19 ( see FIG . 2 ) drives the shaft 26 , which is coupled structures, such as the gearbox casing) may be used , and the
to a sun wheel , or sun gear, 28 of the epicyclic gear disclosure is not limited to the exemplary arrangement of
arrangement 30. Radially outwardly of the sun gear 28 and FIG . 2. For example, where the gearbox 30 has a star
intermeshing therewith is a plurality of planet gears 32 that arrangement (described above) , the skilled person would
are coupled together by a planet carrier 34. The planet carrier readily understand that the arrangement of output and sup
US 2020/0284207 A1 Sep. 10 , 2020

port linkages and bearing locations would typically be determines adjusted values of the set points which optimise ,
different to that shown by way of example in FIG . 2 . while complying with the engine constraints , an objective
[0086 ] Accordingly, the present disclosure extends to a function modelling a performance characteristic of the
gas turbine engine having any arrangement of gearbox styles engine, the objective function adapting to change in engine
( for example star or planetary ), support structures, input and performance with time . More particularly, engine measure
output shaft arrangement, and bearing locations . ments from the engine 10 , such as shaft speeds , tempera
[ 0087] Optionally, the gearbox may drive additional and / tures, and engine pressure ratios, are used to give estimates
or alternative components ( e.g. the intermediate pressure of the achieved parameters : engine thrust, specific fuel
compressor and / or a booster compressor ). consumption ( SFC ) and surge margin ( SM) magnitudes. The
[ 0088 ] Other gas turbine engines to which the present desired cost function (e.g. SFC , engine life, emissions ,
disclosure may be applied may have alternative configura temperature , or combinations of these and other attributes )
tions . For example, such engines may have an alternative and system operational constraints are modelled as functions
number of compressors and / or turbines and / or an alternative of a trim variable , the LP VIGV set point and the HP VIGV
number of interconnecting shafts . By way of further set point, using the engine measurements, the trim variable
example, the gas turbine engine shown in FIG . 2 has a split being an indicator of engine power output. One option for
flow nozzle 18 , 20 meaning that the flow through the bypass the trim variable is the WFE , but other possible trim
duct 22 has its own nozzle 18 that is separate to and radially variables which can be used by the optimiser are a measured
outside the core exhaust nozzle 20. However, this is not turbine pressure ratio or a measured shaft speed (e.g. the LP
limiting , and any aspect of the present disclosure may also shaft speed) . The model is used in an optimisation scheme
apply to engines in which the flow through the bypass duct to determine the VIGV set points that minimise the cost
22 and the flow through the core 11 are mixed, or combined , function while satisfying the engine constraints. Feedback
before (or upstream of) a single nozzle , which may be from the optimiser then updates the set point schedules of
referred to as a mixed flow nozzle . One or both nozzles the sub - system 102 over a range of flight conditions and
(whether mixed or split flow ) may have a fixed or variable engine life.
area . Whilst the described example relates to a turbofan [ 0093 ] The optimiser 104 and its feedback may be used
engine, the disclosure may apply, for example , to any type only during steady state operation of the engine . In particu
of gas turbine engine, such as an open rotor (in which the fan lar, as a precaution to guarantee adequate SM magnitudes,
stage is not surrounded by a nacelle ) or turboprop engine, for during transient manoeuvres their use may be discontinued
example. In some arrangements, the gas turbine engine 10 and the set points determined solely by the un -updated
may not comprise a gearbox 30 . ( conventional) schedules .
[ 0089 ] The geometry of the gas turbine engine 10 , and [ 0094 ) Conveniently the updating is achieved by varying
components thereof, is defined by a conventional axis sys offsets which tune the set point schedules . Thus although the
tem , comprising an axial direction (which is aligned with the schedules may be fixed and identical for a given engine type
rotational axis 9 ) , a radial direction ( in the bottom - to - top within a production standard, by varying their respective
direction in FIG . 3 ) , and a circumferential direction (per offsets, engine - to - engine variation can be produced . The
pendicular to the page in the FIG . 2 view ) . The axial, radial optimiser takes advantage of this by adapting its model to
and circumferential directions are mutually perpendicular. account for differences between build and age of engine so
[ 0090 ] As shown schematically in FIG . 5 , the gas turbine that the updated set points are unique to a given engine at a
engine 10 has an EEC which provides a fuel control sub given time.
system 100 , of the type described above in relation to FIG . [ 0095 ] This approach to fuel control and set point deter
1 , to control the fuel flow delivered to the combustion mination for the variable geometry components can allow
equipment 16 by a fuel flow metering valve of the engine. the continued use of conventional thrust demand control
[ 0091 ] The engine 10 also has variable geometry compo loops, such as the RRIM . Advantageously, this reduces the
nents, such as low pressure compressor variable inlet guide certification burden of the control system , since the primary
vanes (LP VIGVs ), a high -pressure compressor variable fuel control loop can remain unchanged allowing certifica
inlet guide vanes (HP VIGVs ), which operate between fixed tion of the loop to exploit existing certification evidence .
low speed positions ( closed position ) and high speed posi Related to this , the approach can maintain guarantees on
tions ( open position) to maintain appropriate angles of attack thrust control response whilst nonetheless reducing fuel
on the compressor blades , and maintain system stability. The consumption.
movement of the vanes is responsive to system conditions [ 0096 ] Another schematic, showing more detail of the
( engine rotor speeds , compressor pressures and / or altitude ) optimiser 104 is shown in FIG . 6. During operation, the fuel
under the control of a variable geometry control sub - system control sub - system 100 in response to a demanded thrust FN
102 of the EEC , and creates adequate safe margins from computes the required fuel flow WFE , while set points for
surge , stall and other undesirable compressor conditions . the corresponding LP and HP VIGV angles as - determined
Specifically, the sub -system 102 has set point schedules by a VIGV scheduler of the variable geometry control
which determine steady - state vane positions designed to sub -system 102 are tuned according to offsets determined by
provide safe margins for worst case systems conditions for an offset calculator of the variable geometry control sub
the entire life of the engine. Providing the constraints system . The optimiser 104 uses both objective and constraint
imposed by these margins are met , closed loop control of models, which are response surfaces between control inputs
thrust by fuel control sub -system 100 determines the (trim variable , VIGV, ... ) and objectives ( SFC , ... ) and
required fuel flow to meet the pilot's thrust demand ( FN) , constraints ( SM , ... ) . These are adapted to gradual engine
independently of the variable geometry components . deterioration over time , and the effect of degradation recov
[ 0092 ] The EEC also has an optimiser 104 (described in ery actions such as compressor wash and routine mainte
more detail below ) that receives the current set points and nance . A test signal may be periodically injected into the
US 2020/0284207 A1 Sep. 10 , 2020

variable geometry to excite the system allowing the behav sure ratio limits for safety reasons , shaft speed limitations to
iour of the system to be measured and updated . preserve component life, and thrust limitations for safety
[ 0097] Suitable model structures for the response surface and aircraft controllability reasons .
models can be selected from offline system analysis of [ 0106 ] Engine deterioration ( aging ) causes the engine
input / output data from the gas turbine engine . Engine dete operating points to change gradually, and the optimisation
rioration causing the engine operating points to change with scheme continually identifies the optimal/ feasible set points
time can be reflected in the parameters of the response for the variable guide vanes and controller parameters.
surface models. For example, adaptation of the models in an [ 0107] FIG . 7 show a typical example contour plot of the
online setting can be achieved using a Kalman filter frame objective ( SFC ) as it varies with VIGV angles of an engine
work that is able to successively track both the objective and ( actually a three shaft engine having HP and intermediate
constraints parameters using new engine measurements . pressure (IP ) VIGVs, but similar plots are obtained for the
Other approaches, however, can also be used . A search LP and HP VIGVs of the engine of FIGS . 2 to 4 ) at a given
( optimisation ) process is performed using the adapted fuel flow setting (i.e. trim variable ) and a given engine
engine response models to determine both optimal and degradation cycle . The SFC surface is rather convex , with
feasible set -points of vane angle, for given fuel flow settings monotonically decreasing contour lines , and this general
determined by the conventional thrust controller feedback shape is preserved for other fuel flow settings and engine
loop . degradation cycle .
[ 0098 ] The optimisation can be performed using conven [ 0108 ] This property can thus be further explored in the
tional optimisation algorithms. Indeed , the ability to use optimisation framework.
many types of optimiser allows the response surfaces to [ 0109 ] FIG . 8 shows feasible (not shaded ) and infeasible
incorporate non - linear relations, non - convex constraints ( shaded ) regions created by the constraints on a different
and / or multi -modal surfaces. In general, the model struc contour plot of SFC as it varies with VIGV angles at a given
tures are simplified off- line to enable simpler optimisation fuel flow setting and a given engine degradation cycle. In
techniques to be applied on -board with stronger conver general, there are few constraint violations at the start of the
gence guarantees. engine cycle , and operating at minimum fuel flow setting, at
[ 0099 ] An off - line variant is possible where measurements cruise conditions . However, as the controller fuel flow
are transferred to a ground based station , where model setting is increased to the maximum level and as the engine
building and optimisation , as per the above description , are deteriorates with further cycles the constraint violations can
performed to generate an optimised schedule that may be create the bifurcation in the feasible operating regions
uploaded to the engine. Information from a fleet of engines shown in FIG . 8. This poses a challenge to the optimisation
can be incorporated in the model building. problem .
[ 0100 ] The criteria selected for optimisation by the objec
tive function ( SFC , life , emissions , engine temperature etc. ) Modelling
may be dynamically weighted to reflect different needs at
different operating envelope points, routes, operators, or [ 0110 ] In order to be able to optimise SFC ( or other
economic climates. criterion ) through the required fuel flow and the variable
[ 0101 ] Further details of the variable geometry control guide vane adjustments in the real -time optimisation com
sub - system 102 and the optimiser 104 are provided in the pressor scheme, models of SFC and system operational
following sections. constraints, as functions of the controller settings ( trim
Response Surface variable, LP and HP VIGV) are determined . In the following
discussion , WFE is used as the trim variable .
[ 0102 ] The main function of an engine controller is to [ 0111 ] These models are used in an optimisation scheme in
generate thrust in response to a pilot or autopilot demand. which the decision variables are LP VIGV and HP VIGV.
Core gas turbine engine sensor measurements used for The fuel flow setting WFE is determined by the RRIM
engine performance and monitoring purposes are usually the controller 100. The objective function can therefore be
shaft speed measurements (NL and NH , and also NI in the formulated as :
case of a three - shaft engine ), pressure measurements such as SFC = function (WFE ,LP ,HP )
P30 , engine pressure ratio measurements, and temperature
measurements (e.g. T30 , T41 , 140 and T44 ) . The achieved [ 0112 ] The system operational constraints which are the
thrust, SFC and SM can be calculated from these engine restrictions on the values that can be assigned to the decision
measurements . variables are also modelled via mathematical expressions as
[ 0103 ] Variable engine components such as vane angles the constraint functions. Typical system operational con
are controlled through scheduling, which is feed - forward straints are:
controlled from rotor speeds , compressor pressures and [ 0113 ] LP surge margin limit ( % )
altitude, with transition from open to increasingly closed
over acceleration or deceleration . The schedules are
[ 0114 ] HP surge margin limit (% )
designed to reduce SFC at a given operating point but also [ 0115 ] HP nozzle guide vane ( NGV ) air system driving
to be conservative in the set points to maintain safe opera pressure ratio limit (P30/P40)
tion . [ 0116 ] HPT inter - stage cavity air system driving pressure
[ 0104 ] Thus these movements of the vanes are responsive ratio limit
to system conditions and create adequate safe margins for [ 0117 ] HPT rear cavity air system driving pressure ratio
surge margins and other undesirable compressor conditions . limit
[ 0105 ] These undesirable compressor conditions could [ 0118 ] LPT front cavity air system driving pressure ratio
include temperature , pressure and air system driving pres limit
US 2020/0284207 A1 Sep. 10 , 2020

[ 0119 ] Investigations show that, with X as the decision agement optimisation can include non - convex constraints,
variable vector, SFC can be modelled as a quadratic (2nd algorithms that can handle both convex and non - convex
degree polynomial model ) function given as : constraints are preferred. For example, these include : gra
dient based augmented lagrangian multiplier, interior point,
sequential quadratic programming and conservative convex
LP LP separable approximation methods. Other possibilities are
211 212 213
S?C = [LP HP WFE] 221 222 223 HP + [b1 b2 63] HP +c derivative - free local search methods such as constrained
031 032 033 WFE WFE optimisation by linear approximations (COBYLA ) and
SÊC = XT AX + BX + C
direct grid search methods.
Recursive Estimation of Time- Varying Measurements
[ 0120 ] With the decision variables ( WFE , LP and HP ) [ 0126 ] Engine deterioration ( aging) causes the engine
independent of one another, and therefore ignoring cross operating points to change with time . This engine variation
product terms, SFC can then be modelled as a second order can be reflected in the parameters of the engine models.
polynomial function using only the main / linear terms and Adapting the parameters of a system model to slow varia
the quadratic effect terms as given by : tions in system dynamics is therefore desired in an online
M(x )= Bo + Byx + Byx2 + € situation with continuous new observations. Algorithms
[ 0121 ] Where ß? are the linear effect parameters , and 32 such as the recursive least squares ( RLS ) with forgetting
are the quadratic effect parameters. This reduces the number factor which is a special case of a simple local regression
of unique terms to be estimated to only seven and reduces model with varying coefficients have been proposed in and
the risk of collinearity which is caused by having too many reported to be superior to the classical RLS method . Numer
variables for estimation . ous literatures have equally reported other variations of the
[ 0122 ] Performance objective and constraint functions can RLS algorithm to handle situations where the variations in
then be modelled as a quadratic ( second - order) polynomial the coefficients are time-varying. These situations can be
model given by: handled by using the RLS algorithm with a vector forgetting
factor or by using the Kalman filter. With specific assump
:: tions about the covariance matrix of the parameter varia
I)= q11LP²+ a22HP? + a 33WFE² +b ,LP +b2HP+ b3WFE + tions , it can be shown easily that the RLS algorithm is a
[ 0123 ] Parameters of the polynomial model can be deter special case of the Kalman filter. The Kalman filter is well
mined using the least squares estimates by minimising the known to be an optimal estimator among all linear estima
sum of the squares of the estimate residuals . The best values tors , in the sense that it produces estimates with the mini
for each of the parameters are therefore determined by mum conditional estimation error covariance under assump
formulating the sum of the squares of the residuals, S , as : tions . Being optimal , the Kalman filter is able to produce the
most statistically accurate estimates of the time- varying
parameters, and generally outperforms the RLS algorithms.
:: S , = [ 0127] A Kalman filter framework is able to achieve the
n following:
i= 1
(y;– {c + b? LP + au LP2 + b2 HP + a22HP2+ b3 WFE + Q33 WFE? })? = [ 0128 ] Successive update and tracking of the second
order polynomial model with new measurements to
S , = Y - OP reflect system model deterioration over time .
[ 0129 ] Overcome the problem of ill -conditioning from
1 LP LP HP HP WFE WFE attempting to fit a model to less spread of data each
bi time .
011 1 LP2 LP HP2 HP WFE WFEZ [ 0130 ] The objective and constraint function models can
where: B = 62 , 0 = : : : : : thus be represented using a simple second - order polynomial
022 : : : : model, and a Kalman filter framework for gradual adaptation
b3 n LPn LP HPn HP WFE , WFE of the models as the engine evolves over time . These system
033 models can then be used in an optimisation framework to
determine the controller VIGV set points that give the
optimal SFC , and within acceptable system operational
limits as the engine evolves over time .
Y= Other Matters
[ 0131 ] Embodiments may be described as a process which
is depicted as a flowchart, a flow diagram , a data flow
diagram , a structure diagram , or a block diagram . Although
[ 0124 ] The optimal values using least squares are given as : a flowchart may describe the operations as a sequential
process, many of the operations can be performed in parallel
þ = ((070 )- ' 07) or concurrently. In addition , the order of the operations may
Optimisation Algorithm be re -arranged . A process is terminated when its operations
are completed, but could have additional steps not included
[ 0125 ] Optimisation algorithms differ in the choice of step in the figure. A process may correspond to a method , a
length and search direction . As real -time compressor man function , a procedure , a subroutine, a subprogram , etc.
US 2020/0284207 A1 Sep. 10 , 2020

When a process corresponds to a function , its termination mined are sent to the variable geometry control sub
corresponds to a return of the function to the calling function system to vary the current set points.
or the main function . 2. The control system according to claim 1 , wherein :
[ 0132 ] The term “ computer readable medium ” may rep the variable geometry control sub - system contains one or
resent one or more devices for storing data , including read more set point schedules for the variable geometry
only memory (ROM) , random access memory (RAM ), components, the schedules determining the current set
magnetic RAM , core memory , magnetic disk storage medi points to be adopted by the variable geometry compo
ums , optical storage mediums , flash memory devices and / or nents given the current engine operating condition in
other machine readable mediums for storing information . order to comply with the engine constraints;
The term “ computer -readable medium ” includes, but is not the variable geometry control sub - system further includes
limited to portable or fixed storage devices, optical storage one or more variable offsets which tune the set point
devices, wireless channels and various other mediums schedules; and
capable of storing , containing or carrying instruction ( s) the adjusted values of the set points sent to the variable
and / or data . geometry control sub - system vary the current set points
[ 0133 ] Furthermore, embodiments may be implemented by varying the offsets.
by hardware , software, firmware, middleware, microcode, 3. The control system according to claim 1 , wherein the
hardware description languages, or any combination thereof. performance characteristic modelled by the objective func
When implemented in software , firmware, middleware or tion is any one of, or any combination of two or more of:
microcode, the program code or code segments to perform engine specific fuel consumption , engine life , engine emis
the necessary tasks may be stored in a computer readable sions and engine temperature.
medium . One or more processors may perform the necessary 4. The control system according to claim 1 , wherein the
tasks . A code segment may represent a procedure, a function , objective function models the performance characteristic as
a subprogram , a program , a routine , a subroutine, a module , a function of variables which include : the set points of the
a software package, a class , or any combination of instruc variable geometry components, and a trim variable indica
tions , data structures, or program statements . A code seg tive of engine power output.
ment may be coupled to another code segment or a hardware 5. The control system according to claim 4 , wherein the
circuit by passing and /or receiving information , data , argu trim variable is the demanded fuel flow provided by the
ments, parameters, or memory contents . Information , argu engine fuel control sub -system , a measured turbine pressure
ments, parameters, data , etc. may be passed , forwarded , or ratio or a measured shaft speed .
transmitted via any suitable means including memory shar 6. The control system according to claim 1 , wherein the
ing , message passing , token passing , network transmission, one or more variable geometry components include either or
etc. both of: one or more sets of compressor variable inlet guide
[ 0134 ] It will be understood that the invention is not vanes and one or more sets of compressor bleed valves .
limited to the embodiments above -described and various 7. The control system according to claim 1 , wherein the
modifications and improvements can be made without one or more engine constraints include any or more of: one
departing from the concepts described herein . Except where or more compressor surge margins, one or compressor stall
mutually exclusive, any of the features may be employed margins, and one or more compressor pressure ratios.
separately or in combination with any other features and the 8. The control system according to claim 1 , which is part
disclosure extends to and includes all combinations and of an on -board , electronic engine controller.
sub - combinations of one or more features described herein . 9. A gas turbine engine for an aircraft comprising: a fuel
We claim : flow metering valve which regulates a fuel flow to the
1. A control system of a gas turbine engine having a fuel engine, one or more variable geometry components which
flow metering valve which regulates a fuel flow to the are movable between different set points to vary an operating
engine, and one or more variable geometry components configuration of the engine; and a control system according
which are movable between different set points to vary an to claim 1 .
operating configuration of the engine, the control system 10. The gas turbine engine for an aircraft according to
having: claim 9, further comprising:
an engine fuel control sub - system which provides a fuel an engine core comprising a turbine, a compressor, and a
flow demand signal for controlling the fuel flow meter core shaft connecting the turbine to the compressor;
ing valve; and a fan located upstream of the engine core , the fan com
a variable geometry control sub - system which determines prising a plurality of fan blades ; and
current set points to be adopted by the variable geom a gearbox that receives an input from the core shaft and
etry components given the current engine operating outputs drive to the fan so as to drive the fan at a lower
condition in order to comply with one or more engine rotational speed than the core shaft.
constraints; 11. The gas turbine engine according to claim 10 ,
wherein the control system further has an optimiser that wherein :
receives the current set points and determines adjusted the turbine is a first turbine, the compressor is a first
values of the set points which optimise , while comply compressor, and the core shaft is a first core shaft;
ing with the engine constraints, an objective function the engine core further comprises a second turbine, a
modelling a performance characteristic of the engine, second compressor, and a second core shaft connecting
the objective function adapting to change in engine the second turbine to the second compressor; and
performance with time ; and the second turbine, second compressor, and second core
wherein the control system further has a feedback loop in shaft are arranged to rotate at a higher rotational speed
which the adjusted values of the set points thus -deter than the first core shaft .
US 2020/0284207 A1 Sep. 10, 2020

12. A method of controlling a gas turbine engine having

a fuel flow metering valve which regulates a fuel flow to the
engine, and one or more variable geometry components
which are movable between different set points to vary an
operating configuration of the engine, the method including
repeatedly performing the steps of:
providing a fuel flow demand signal for controlling the
fuel flow metering valve ;
determining current set points to be adopted by the
variable geometry components given the current engine
operating condition in order to comply with one or
more engine constraints ;
determining adjusted values of the set points which opti
mise , while complying with the engine constraints, an
objective function modelling a performance character
istic of the engine, the objective function adapting to
change in engine performance with time ; and
using the adjusted values of the set points thus-determined
to vary the current set points .

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