Descriptive Text

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KD. 3.3.


Pengertian, Tujuan, dan Ciri-ciri Descriptive Text

1. Descriptive Text is a text that contain the description of an object, which is an animal,
place, people, thing, etc.

Descriptive Text adalah bentuk teks yang berisi gambaran tentang suatu objek.

2. Communicative purpose of descriptive text is to describe particular participant.

Tujuan dari Descriptive Text adalah mendeskripsikan atau menggambarkan suatu objek


3. Generic Structure

Struktur Descriptive Text terdiri dari dua bagian.

A. Identification (Identifikasi), berisi tentang topik objek apa yang akan dibahas.

B. Description (Deskripsi), berisi tentang gambaran suatu objek mengenai detail objek

tersebut seperti keadaan fisik objek, asal-usul hingga fakta-fakta unik lainnya

4. Grammatical Feature ( Ciri-ciri teks )

a. Berisi deskripsi yang fokus hanya pada satu objek saja. Biasanya deskripsinya detail.
Misalnya Descriptive Text tentang hewan. Teks tersebut dapat berupa memuat beragam
informasi tentang deskripsi fisik, makanan, habitat dan asal usul, perkembang biakkan,
hingga fakta-fakta unik terkait hewan tersebut. 

b. Tense nya berbentuk simple present tense.

Example of Descriptive Text

1. Animal

My father bought me a present I’ve wanted for years. It’s a dog. A puppy to be exact. I called
him Ross (identification).
Ross is a small puppy. His size is as big as the palm of my hand. Ross is so fragile.
Sometimes I afraid I will hurt him if I want to take him up. Dad said he found Ross near our
house, crying looking for his mom. But Dad can’t see her, so Dad decides to bring him home and
give him some comfort. Ross is a good eater. He always finished everything we gave him. Now,
it’s been a year since Ross come to our family. His small body has grown up into a size of a
football ball. Ross is a good dog, and we love him so much (description).

2. Place

My room is my favorite place in my house (identification).

My room is in second floor, next to my big sister’s room. My room is painted light grey.
There is big bed inside my room where I sleep every day. I put some pictures on my desk. There
are my family picture, my picture with my friends, and my pictures with my pet, Luna, a persian
cat. I also have drawers where I put all my clothes inside. My room is not big, but it is the best
place in my house for me (description).

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