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Cloud Computing

Introduction to Cloud Computing Evolution of Cloud

- Cloud helps the client in renting their services - Cloud computing evolution
and IT components, thus making customers lives a. In 1960’s, John McCarthy introduced
easier mainframe time – sharing systems. This
- Cloud works on Internet theory focuses on providing multiple users of
- Instead of building your own kingdom, you just a system and have their own control. This
hire what you wish according to the needs and very concept of time – sharing has built a
pay for it strong foundation for cloud computing. John
- Here are some of the components cloud service McCarthy made a note that “computation may
providers facilitate someday be organized as public utility”
1. Infrastructure b. In 1969’s, ARPANET is one of the most
2. Storage important foundations of the internet.
3. Collaboration ARPANET stands for Advanced Research
4. Application Projects Agency Network. It was invented by
5. Database J.C.R. Licklider. His main aim was to have a
6. Servers global computer network to access data
- Using cloud, users can access the software anywhere
whenever and wherever they wish to c. In 1970’s, the magic of virtual machines first
- Cloud computing is cloud of master systems came into picture. Just imagine the buzz that
- Cloud refers to a network or internet where data would have been created when the physical
is stored machines were being replaced with virtual
- There is a centrally located web server which ones. VM’s were first introduced by IBM.
takes care of your storage Shared resources concept also gave birth to
- It’s a technology where data is stored, configured this model. This concept facilitated the
and manipulated in a remote location, securely creation of more operating system to run one
- There are several ways that cloud can be physical platform
connected to : d. In 1997’s, Cloud computing was coined by
1. Laptop Professor Ramnath Chellapa. He referred to
2. Smartphone cloud computing as a computer paradigm.
3. Servers Here, the boundaries of computing were not
4. Mobile determined by technical limits alone.
5. Network Economic rationale also plays a major role in
6. Tablet computer it.
7. Database e. In 1999’s, considered as a major milestone in
- Cloud computing always provide extra bonanza cloud computing is the ability to use websites
which allures the customers on the internet. Salesforce has been one of the
- Cloud computing – Architecture best examples of cloud services. Software
a. Front – end programs are configured using the internet for
1) Consists of the client infrastructure the simplicity of end users
2) Is connected to that of the back – end
layer through internet - Major milestone in cloud computing
3) Is visible to the clients or users a. Amazon web services
4) The components include : (1) Computer 1. Around 2002, the e – commerce giant
system (2) Client’s network and (3) Web Amazon thought of a perfectly wonderful
browsers idea – AWS
b. Back end 2. AWS came into the picture and has
1) It provides : (1) Storage, (2) Virtual become quite good at running
machines, (3) Security model, (4) infrastructure services
Deployment model, (5) Servers, (6) 3. AWS helps in :
Services 1) Running app services
2) Web development services
3) Mobile app development services
4) Code deployment and corporate
b. Google Docs
1. Google has launched Google Docs
2. It’s overwhelming to know that Google
has changed the way documents are
3. Google Docs allows the users to create
and edit documents online
4. It is possible because all the credits go to
5. End users use the concept of cloud,
without even realizing, to share
documents with other users
c. Drop box
1. Dropbox is a powerful technology which
acts a cloud storage
2. It was created for file hosting purposes
3. The functionality of DropBox is to enable
users to store files on remote cloud servers
4. Thus, all your files can be saved securely
at ease on the cloud by using dropbox
d. IoT (Internet of Things)
1. The next milestone which is a blockbuster
in techie world is the Internet of Things
2. It helps in enabling the objects to gather
and transmit the data over the internet
3. IoT and cloud are closely affiliated with
each other. Without one, the other cannot
function and execute.
Why cloud computing

- There are several reasons why we need to use

cloud technologies
1. Data privacy
a. For SaaS (software as a service)
providers, GDPR is very much important
b. GDPR refers to the General Data
Protection Regulation which contains a set
of regulations to be followed by cloud
vendors according to the regions
c. Hence, SaaS vendors are obliged to
protect their customer’s data securely
d. Any chances of data privacy breach may
lead to adverse situations
2. Work from anywhere
a. All you need is an internet connection and
a device to begin work with the
b. VPN connections can also be set up in
order to establish contact with the
c. One can get the benefit of using the data
without considering the location
3. Customer centric
a. Cloud is becoming a customer – centric
b. A customer – centric approach is a key
factor in the success of the cloud
c. It follows the approach of show rather that
d. This makes a customer choose from a
wide range of options available
4. Latest technology
a. If you are a tech freak, then you will love
what cloud can do for a business
b. There are different technologies across the
cloud that make it interesting to learn
c. Starting from a diverse platform solution
to an enterprise – wide hybrid solution,
the cloud is packed with new technologies
to offer.
d. Software upgrades are also considered as
an added advantage
5. Financial savings
a. Profits are highly achievable when you
bring cloud into the business
b. Because it’s actually a big deal when we
speak about the cloud
6. 24 / 7 support
a. You obviously feel happy when you see a
24 / 7 signboard in your mobile network
provider’s advertisements
b. There is a strong reason behind it which is
the support they provide you irrespective
of date and time
c. This, in turn means there is someone who
can support us in any case with complete
7. Device and location independent
a. Storage was a great concern during the
past years and there were portability
issues too
b. Cloud has erased all these issues by
making cloud platform a device and
location independent
8. Wide range of options
a. Cloud offers a wide range of options to its
customers, thus making the services
flexible and cost – effective
b. Subscription options also make the cloud
an interesting platform to learn and utilize
9. No babysitting required
a. Babysitting many a time can be painful
b. And, that’s the very reason cloud services
are capable of leveraging automation
c. this makes cloud a greener path for the
customers to have a hassle – free
10. all in one formula
a. in general, cloud vendors categorize their
services offered according to different
b. it’s the choice of the customer to choose
what suits best for the business
c. there are also customizatble add – ons
available for the customer to make use of
11. Ads
12. A sd

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