Applied 1963 Science Teh Wwi Rich

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From the collection of the

^riodicals Indexed

ult pages ix to xii

Z m lem & Ind — Chemistry and

lem Eng — Chemical Eneineering

lem Eng Prog — Chemical Engineering Prog-

o PreTingera
vil Eng— Civil Engineering, the Magazine of
Engineered Construction
al Age — Coal Age
ibrary Tonics
m & Electronics — Communication
mbustion — Combustion
and Elec-

p mp Air Mag — Compressed Air

ntrol Eng — Control Engineering
rrosion — Corrosion

5sel Equip Supt— Diesel Equipment Superin-

San Francisco, California

m Eng — Domestic Engineering
ug & Cosmetic
lustry Ind— Drug and Cosmetic In-
on Geol— Economic Geology and the Bulletin
It the bociety of Economic Geologists
ic Com — Electrical Communication
!C Constr & Maint— Electrical Construction
Jid Maintenance

c Eng — Electrical Engineering
c World — Electrical World
ictro - Tech — Electro- Technology
'^'B.'-'i.'. cnem Soc J — Journal o^ine
ii4ctrochem chemicalSocSociety J — Journal of the Electro-
Oil Chemists' Society ^ Electronic Eng — Electronic Engineering
Am meUcs Perfumer — American Perfumer and Cos-
Electronic Ind — Electronic Industries
Am Rocket Soc J. See ARS J Electronic Tech — Electronic Technology
Am Scientist— American Scientist Electronics — Electronics
Am Soc C E Proo — Proceedinits of the Ameri- EngStand
& Instrumentation. See J Res Nat Bur
can Society of Civil Engineers
Soc Heat J Refria & Air-Cond Eng J. See Eng & Min J — Engineering and Mining Journal
Eng J — Engineering Journal
Am Soc IVIech Eng Trans. See A S M E Trans Eng N — Engineering News-Record
Am Water Works Assn J— Journal American Engineer — Engineer
Water Works Association
Engineering — Engineering
Anal Chem — Analytical Chemistry
Applications &. Ind — Applications and Industry
zme Forum— Architectural
of Buildine Forum. The Maga- Food Eng — Food Engineering
Food Tech — Food Technology
Arch Rec — Architectural Record Foundry — Foundry
Archives Environmental Health— Archives of
Environmental Health Franklin
tute Inst J — Journal of the Franklin Insti-
Assn for Computing Mach J— Journal of the Fundamentals. See Ind & Eng Chem
Association for CompuLingr Machinery
Astronautics & Aerospace Eng — Astronautics
and Aerospace EnKineerinff
Audio — Audio Gas— Gas
Audio Eng Soc J — Journal of the Audio Entrt- Gas Age — Gas Age
neerlnK Society
Automation — Geol Socciety of America
Bui— Bulletin of the Geological So-
Automation. the Magazine of
Automatic ManufacturinK Operations Geophysics — Geoohysica
Automobile Eng— Automobile Entrlneer Glass Ind — Glass Industrj'
Automotive Ind— Automotive Industries
Heating-Piping Heating. Piping and Air Con-
Bell Lab Rec — Bell Laboratories Record ditioning
System Tech J— Bell System Technical Hydraulics & Pneumatics — Hydraulics and
Brit Inst Radio Eng J— Journal of the British Hydrocarbon Process & Pet Refiner — Hydro
Institution of Radio Engineers carbon Processing and Petroleum Refiner
Brit Plastics— British Plastics
IEEE Proc — Proceedings of the IEEE
Chem Process— Canadian Chemical Proc- IEEE Trans Applications & Ind — lEKE Trans-
actions on Application.'; and Indu.siri'
^^" J ical
Chem Eng— Canawlian Journal of Chem- IEEE Trans Com &. Electronics — HOKE Trans-
Engineering action.'^ on Conmumicalion and Eleclronics
IEEE Trans Povwer Apparatus & Systems —
Min &. MetBulletin
Bui— Canadian Mining and lEER Transactions on Power .\pparatus and
Cer Ind — Ceramic Industry I S A J— ISA Journal
News A. Eng N — Chemical and Engineering Ilium Eng — Illuminating Engineering. The Jour-
nal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
& Ena Chem — Industrial and Engineering Oil & Gas J— Oil and Gas Journal
Op Res — Operations Research
Ind Chem — Industrial Chemist
Ind Electronics — Industrial iSlectronics
Ind Finishing — Industrial Finishing Paper Ind — Paper Industry
Ind Med — Industrial Medicine and Surgery Pet Management — Petroleum Management
Ind Phot — Industrial Photography Phys & Chem. See J Res Nat Bur Stand
Ind Quality Control — Industrial Quality Control Phys Today — Physics Today
Inland canPtr/Am Lithogr — Inland Printer/ Ameri- Pit & Quarry— Pit and Quarry
Ldthographer Plant Eng — Plant Engineering
Instof Electrical
E E Proc Engineers — Proceedings of the Institution Plastics Tech— Plastics Technology
Inst Mech Eng Proc — Proceedings of the Insti- Plastics World— Plastics World
tution of Mechanical Engineers Plating — Plating
Inst Metals J — Journal of the Institute of Power — Power
Metals Power Apparatus & Systems — Power Apparatus
Inst Pet J — Journal of the Institute of Pe- and Systems
Power Eng — Power Engineering
Inst Radio Eng Engineers
tute of Radio Proc — Proceedings of the Insti- Proc Design. See Ind & Eng Chem
Instrument Soc Am J. See I S A J Product Eng — Product Engineering
Instruments & Control Systems — Instruments Product Res & Develop. See Ind &• Eng Chem
and Control Systems Prog Arch — Progressive ArchitectiiFe
Iron Age — Iron Aee Pub Roads— Public Roads / '-
Iron & Steel Eng — Iron and Steel Engineer Pub Works — Public Works
Steel&. Institute
Steel Inst J— Journal of the Iron and
J Sciences
Aerospace Sci — Journal of the Aerospace RCA R— RCA Review
J and
Agri Food
& Food Chem — Journal of Agricultural
Chemistry R Sci Instr — Review of Scientific Instruments
Radio & Electronic Eng— Radio and Electronic
J Ap Chem— Journal of Applied Chemistry Radio Corp Am R. See RCA R
J Ap Mech. See A S M E Trans
J Ap Phys— Journal of Applied Physics Radio- Electron ics — Radlo-Electronlcs
J Basic Eng. See ASMS Trans Radio Propagation. See J Res Nat Bur Stand
J Colloid Sci— Journal of Colloid Science Res/Develop — Research/Development
J Eng Ind. See A S M E Trans Research — Research. Applied in Industry
J Eng Power. See A S M E Trans Roads iS. Sts — Roads and Streets
J Geol — Journal of Geology Rock Prod- Rock Products
J Heat Transfer. See A S M E Trans RoyAeronautical
Soc J— Journal of the Royal
■' r^nysics
tI^^**? *■ Phys— Journal of Mathematics and Rubber Age — Rubber Age
J Metals — Journal of Metals Rubber Chem
Technology & Tech— Rubber Chemistry and
J Nutrition— Journal of Nutrition
Rubber World— Rubber World
J Pet Tech— Journal of Petroleum Technology
■' the
,5®^ National
ff^}, ^H'' Bureau
Stand— Journal of Research of
of Standards S A E J— SAB Journal
J Sci Instr — Journal of Scientific Instruments SMPTE J— Journal, of
Picture and Television the Society of Motion
Light Metal Age— Light Metal Age Safety Maint — Safety Maintenance
Lub Eng — Lubrication Engineering Sci Am — Scientific American
Soap & Chem
cialties Spec— Soap and Chemical Spe-
Soc Automotive Eng J. See S A B J
M ach — Machinery Soc Dyers & Col J— Journal of the Society of
Machine Design — Machine Design Dyers and Colourists
Mag of Stand— Magazine of Standards
Manuf Chem — Manufacturing Chemist ®°SMPTE
Sound j"
— Sound: P'''=*'"'«
Its Uses *■and TV Control
Eng J. See
M^tL"^ , Eng/Log— Marine Engineering/Log Space/Aeronautics — Space/Aeronautics
Steel— Steel
EngJnLerlng""'^" Eng-Materials in Design
"standartS*^ * Stand— Materials Research and TappI — Tappi
Math & Math Phys. See J Res Nat Bur Stand
Mech Eng— Mechanical Tech Assn Pulp & Paper Ind. See Tappi
Engineering Textile Ind— Textile Industries
Metal Finishing— Metal Finishing
Metal Prog — Metal Progress Textile Res J— Textile Research Journal
Textile World— Textile World
"^mIuIs^'^"*^"'*""'"^'*- *^ British Journal of Tool & Manuf
ii»ngineer Eng— Tool and Manufacturing
Mill & Factory— Mill & Factory
Min Cong J— Mining Traffic Q — Traffic Quarterly
Congress Journal
MIn Eng — Mining Engineering

Mod Handling-Modem Materials
Metals— Modem Metals
Mod Phot— Modem Photography TolVeifr^'SSlf °' ""^ '^^'^'^ ^°"""°" Con-
.Mod Plastics— Modern Plastics ^Works*
Water ®*"^3* Works— Water & Sewage
Works Eng— Water Works Engineering
Mod Textiles Mag— Modem Welding Eng— Welding Engineer
Textiles Magazine Welding J— Welding Jotumal
Westinghouse Eng— Westlnghouse Engineer
Naval Eng J— Naval Engineers Journal Wire A Wire Prod— Wire and Wire Products
N ucleon ics— Nucleonics Wireleis World— Wireless World
Applied Science &
Technology Index

Applied Science &
Technology Index







c 1


Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 14-5408 rev 2

In addition to the staff members whose names
appear on the title page we wish to acknowledge the
contributions of the following who indexed for the
1963 volume part-time during the year: Ronald S.
Berman, Daniel Glatzer, Jane C. Luhks, Mary M.
Raymond, Anneliese Sommerlad. E. T.
Abbreviations of Periodicals Indexed
For full information consult pages ix to xii

A I A A J— A I A A Journal Chem & lnd^<;hemistry and Industry

A I Ch E J — Journal of the Ajnerlcan Institute Chem Eng — Chemical Engineering
of Chemical Engineers Chem
ress Eng Prog — Chemical Engineering Prosr-
ARS J— ARS Journal
ASHRAE J— ASHRAE Journal Civil Eng — Civil Engineering, the Magazine of
A S M E Trans — Transactions of the Ainerlcan Engineered Construction
Society of Mechanical Knj^ineers Coal Age — Coal Age
Aerospace Eng — Aerospace EngineerinK Com & Electronics — Communication and Elec-
Air Cond Heat & Ven — Air Condltionlns Heat- Combustion — Combustion
ing and Ventilating
Aircraft Eng — Aircraft Engineering Comp Air Mag — Compressed Air Magazine
Am Assn Pet Geologists Bui — Bulletin of the Control Eng — Control Engineering
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Corrosion — Corrosion
Am Cer Soc Bui — Bulletin of the American
Ceramic Society
Am Cer Soc J — Journal of the American Ce-
ramic Society Diesel Equip Supt — Diesel Equipment Superin-
Am Chem Soc J — Journal of the American tendent
Chemical Society Oom Eng — Domestic Engineering
Am Concrete Inst J — Journal of the American Drug & Cosmetic Ind — Drug and Cosmetic In-
Concrete Institute
Am Dyestuff Rep — American Dyestuft Reporter
Am Gas Assn Mo — American Gas Association
Am Inst Chem Eng J. See A I Ch E J Econ Geol — Economic Geology and the Bulletin
of the Society of Economic Geologists
Am J Clinical Nutrition — American Journal of Elec Com — Electrical Communication
Clinical Nutrition
Am J Phys — American Journal of Physics Elec Constr & Maint — Electrical Construction
and Maintenance
Am J Pub Health — American Journal of Public Elec Eng — Electrical Engineeiing
Health and Uie Nation's Health Elec World — Electrical World
Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf — American Ma-
chinist/Metal working Manufacturing Electro -Tet;h — Electro-Technology
Am Mineralogist — American Mineralogist, ElectrochemchemicalSoc
Journal of the SOneralogical Society of Society J — Journal of the Electro-
America Electronic Eng — Electronic Engineering
Am Oil Chem Soc J — Journal of the American Electronic Ind — Electronic Industries
AmOil Chemists'— Society
metics American Perfumer and Cos- Electronic Tech — Electronic Technology
Am Rocket Soc J. See ARS J Electronics — Electronics
Eng & Instrumentation. See J Res Nat Bur
Am Scientist — American Scientist Stand
Am Soc C E Proc — Proceedings of the Ameri- Eng & Min J — Engineering and Mining Journal
can Society of Civil Engineers Eng J — Engineering Journal
Soc Heat J Refrig & Alr-Cond Eng J. See Eng N — Engineering News-Record
Am Soc Mech Eng Trans. See A S M E Trans Engineer — Engineer
Am Water Works Assn J — Journal American Engineering — Engineering
Water Worlds Association
Anal Chem — Analytical Chemistry
Applications & Ind — Applications and Industry Food Eng — Food BngineerinK
Arch Forum — Arcliitectural Forum. The Maga- Food Tech — Food Technology
zine of Building
Arch Rec — Architectural Record Foundry — Foundry
Archives Environmental Health — Archives of Franklin Inst J — Journal of the Franklin Insti-
Environmental Health tute
Assn for Computing Mach J — Journal of the Fundamentals. See Ind & Eng Chem
Association for Computing Machinery
Astronautics & Aerospace Eng — Asti'Onautics
and Aerospace Engineering
Audio — Audio Gas— Gas
Audio Eng Soc J — Journal of the Audio Engl- Gas Age — Gas Age
neerinff Society Geol Socciety of America
Bui — Bulletin of the Geological So-
Automation — Automation, the Magazine of Au-
tomatic Mainifaeturing Operations Geophysics — Geophysics
Automobile Eng — Automobile Engineer Glass Ind — Glass Industry
Automotive Ind — Automotive Industries
ditioningPiping — Heating. Piping and Air Con-
Bell Lab Rec — Bell Laboratories Record
System Tech J— Bell System Technical Hydraulics
Pnemnaiics &. Pneumatics — Hydraulics and
Inst Radio En^ J — Journal of the British Hydrocarbon Process & Pet Refiner — Hydrocar-
of Itadio Kngineers bon Processing and Petroleum Refiner
Brit Plastics — British Plastics
IEEE Proc— Proceedings of the IEEE
Can Chem Process — Canadian Chemical Proc- IEEE Trans Applications & Ind — IEEE Trans-
essing actions on Applications and Industrv
Can J Chem Eng — Canadian Journal of Chem- IEEE Trans Com <£. Electronics— IKEF, Trans-
ical Engineering .artions on Comnumicalion and Kleolronics
Can MIn & Met Bui — Canadian Mining and .'^xstf ms
IEEE Trans Power Apparatus & Systems —
Metallurgical Bulletin lF,rOE Tran.sactions on Power .\pparatus and
Cer Ind — Ceramic Industry I S A J— ISA Journal
News & Eng N — Chemical & BnarlneerlnR Ilium Eng — Illuminating
nal of the Illuminating Engineering.
Ensrlneerlng TheSociety
Ap Sci Ann/63

tnd & Eng Chem— Industrial and Enslneerlrut on & Gas J— Oil and Gas Journal
Chemistry Op Res — Operations Research
Ind Chem — Industrial Chemist
Ind Electronics — Industrial ElecLronics
Ind Finishing — Industrial FinishinK Paper Ind — Paper Industry
Ind Med — Industrial Medicine and Surgery Pet Management — Petroleum Management
Ind Phot — Industrial PhotOKraphy Phys & Chem. See J Res Nat Bur Stand
Ind Quality Control — Industrial Quality Central Phys Today — Physics Today
Inland ican Ptr/Am Lithogr — Inland Printer/ Amer-
Lithographer Pit & Quarry — Pit and Quarry
Inst E E Proc — Proceedings of the Institution Plant Eng— Plant Engineering
of Electrical Engineers Plastics Tech — Plastics Technology
Inst Mech Ena Proc — Proceedings of the Insti- Plastics World — Plastics World
tution of Mechanical Engineers Plating — Plating
Inst Metals J — Journal of tlie Institute of Metals Power — Power
Inst Pet J — Journal of the Institute of Petro-
Power Apparatus & Systems — Power Apparatus
and Systems
Inst Radio
tute of Radio Eng Engineers
Proc — Proceedings of the Insti-
Power Eng — Power Engineering
Instrument Sec Am J. See I S A J Proc Design. See Ind & Eng Chem
Instruments & Control Systems — Instruments Product Eng — Product Engineering
and Contix>l Systems Product Res & Develop. See Ind & Eng Chem
Iron Age — Iron Age
Iron & Steel Eng — Iron and Steel Engineer Prog Arch — Progressive Architecture
Iron & Steel Inst J — Journal of the Iron and Pub Roads — Public Roads
Steel Institute Pub Works — Public Works

J Aerospace Sci — Journal of the Aerospace Sci- Q S T— QST

J Agri & Food Chem — Journal of Agricultural
and Food Chemistry RCA R— RCA Review
J Ap Chem — Journal of Applied Chemistry R Sci Instr — Review of Scientific Instruments
J Ap Mech. See A S M E Trans
Radio & Electronic Eng — Radio and Electronic
J Ap Phys — Journal of Applied Physics Engineer
J Basic Eng. See A S M E Trans Radio Corp Am R. See RCA R
J Colloid Scl — Journal of Colloid Science Radio- Electronics — Radio- Electronics
J Eng Ind. See A S M E Trans Radio Propagation. See J Res Nat Bur Stand
J Eng Power. See A S M E Trans Res/Develop — Research/Development
J Geol — Journal of Geology Research — Research. Applied In Industry
J Heat Transfer. See A S M E Trans Roads & Sts^Roads and Streets
J Math & Phys — Journal of Mathematics and Rock Prod — Rock Products
Physics RoyAeronautical
Aeronautical Society
Soc J — Journal of the Royal
J Metals — Journal of MetaJs
J Nutrition — Journal of Nutrition Rubber Age — Rubber Age
J Pet Tech — Journal of Petroleum Technology Rubber Chem
Technology & Tech — Rubber Chemistry and
J Res Nat Bur Stand — Journal of Research of Rubber World — Rubber World
the National Bureau of Standards
J Scl Instr — Journal of Scientiflc Instruments
S A E J— SAE Journal
Light Metal Age— Light Metal Age SMPTE J — Journal of the Society of Motion
Picture and Television Engineers
Lub Eng — Lubrication Engineering Safety Maint — Safety Maintenance
Sci Am — Scientiflc American
Soap & Chem Spec — Soap and Chemical Spe-
Mach — Machinery
Machine Design — Machine Design Soc Automotive Eng J. See S A E J
Mag of Stand — Magazine of Standards SocDyers
Dyersand& Colourists
Col J — Journal of the Society of
Manuf Chem — Manufacturing Chemist Soc Motion Picture & Tv Eng J. See SMPTE J
Marine Eng/Log — Marine Engineering/Log Sound — Sound: Its Uses and Control
Materials in Design Ena — Materials in Design
Engineering Space/Aeronautics — Space/Aeronautics
Materials Res & Stand — Materials Research Steel— Steel
and Standards
Math & Math Phys. See J Res Nat Bur Stand
Mech Eng — Mechanical Engineering Tappi — Tappi
Metal Finishing — Metal Finishing Tech Assn Pulp & Paper Ind. See Tappi
Metal Prog — Metal Progress Textile Ind — Textile Industries
Metallurgia — Metallurgia. the British Journal of Textile Res J — Textile Research Journal
Metals Textile World — Textile World
Mill & Factory— Mill & Factory Tool &
EngineerManuf Eng- Tool and Manufacturlnx
MIn Cong J — Mining Congress Journal Traffic Q — Traffic Quarteriy
MIn Eng — Mining Engineering
Materials Handling — Modern Materials
WPCF trol
J— Federation
Journal of the Water Pollution Con-
Mod Metals — Modern Metals
Mod Phot — Modem Photography Water & Sewage Works — Water & Sewage
Mod Plastics — Modern Plastics Water Works Eng — Water Works Engineerinu
Mod Textiles Mag — Modem Textiles JIagazlne Welding Eng — Welding Engineer
Welding J — Welding Journal
Westinahouse Eng — Westlnghouse Engineer
Naval Eng J — Naval Engineers Journal Wire & Wire Prod — Wire and Wire Products
Nucleonics — Nucleonics Wireless World — Wireless World

Ap Sci Ann/b3
List of Periodicals Indexed
AIAA Journal. $30 m American Institute of American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Aeronautics and Astronautics. Inc. 1290 Transactions. See ASME Transactions
Avenue of the Americas. New Yorit American Water Works Association Journal.
Combining A_RS Journal aJid Journal of m American Water Works Assn, Inc, 2 Park
the Aerospace Sciences; changed January, Av, New York 16
1963 Analytical Chemistry. $5 m American Chemical
A I Ch E Journal. $25 bi-m American Institute Society, 1155 16 th St. N.W. Washington 6,
of Chemical Engineers. 345 E 47th St. New D.C.
York 17 „ Applications and Industry. $10 bi-m Institute
ARS Journal. $18 m American Rocket Society, of Electrical and Elecronics Engineers. Inc,
Inc. and American Interplanetary Society. 500 Box A, Lenox Hill Station, New York 21
Fifth Av. New York 36 Name changed to IEEE Transactions on
Combined with Journal of the Aerospace Applications and Industry March. 1963
Sciences with new name. AIAA Journal; Architectural Forum. The Magazine of Build-
chanered January, 1963 ing. $7 m Time, Inc, 540 N. Michigan Av,
ASHRAE Journal. $5 m American Society of Chicago 11. III.
Healing, Refrigerating and Air- Conditioning Architectural Record. $5.50 m McGraw-Hill, Inc,
Engineers, Inc. 345 E 47th St. New York 17 330 W 42d St. New York 36
ASME Transactions. $15 American society of Extra nmnber published in Mid-Mav
Mechanical Engineers, 345 E 47th St. New Archives of Environmental Health, $12 m
York 17 American Medical Association, 535 N Dear-
Published in 5 parts: ser A. Journal of born St, Chicago 10
Engineering for Power, q (Ja) ; qser(F);B, ser
Jour- Association for Computirig Machinery Journal.
nal of Engineering for Industry, C, $15 q Association for Computing Machinery,
Journal of Heat Transfer, q (F) ; ser D. 211 E 43d St, New York 17
Journal of Basic Engineering, q (Mr) ; ser E. Astronautics and Aerospace Engineering, $10
Journal of Applied Mechanics, q (Mr) m American Institute of Aeronautics and
$7.50 to members and afHUates Astronautics, 500 Fifth Av, New York 36
Aerospace Engineering, $10 ni Institute of the Formerly Aerospace Engineering; changed
Aeronautical Sciences, Inc, 2 E 64th St. New February. 1963
York 21 Audio, $5 m Radio Magazines, Inc, 204 Front St,
Name changed to Astronautics and Aero- Square Station, New York 10
space Engineering February, 1963 Audio Engineering Society Journal. $11 q Audio
Air Conditioning, Heating and Ventilating. $5 m Engineering Society. P.O. Box 383, Madison
Industrial Press, 93 Worth St, New York 13 Square Station, New York 10
Aircraft Engineering. 4Ss; U.S. $7.50; Canada Automation; The Magazine for Manufacturing
$7.50 m Bunhill Publications. Ltd. 12 Blooms- Systems Engineering. $10 m Penton Pub Co.
bury Square, London, W.C. 1 Penton Bldg, Cleveland 13
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Automobile Engineer. £4; U.S. $12; Canada
Bulletin, troleum $30 mGeologists,
American Association of Pe-1, $12 m Iliffe Production Publications, Ltd,
Inc, Box 979, Tulsa Dorset House. Stamford St, London, S.E. 1
Ok la. Extra number published in Mav
American Ceramic Society Bulletin, $6 m Amer- Automotive Industries, $10 s-m Chilton Co,
ican Ceramic Society, 4055 N High St, Colum- Chestnut & 56th Sts, Philadelphia 39
bus 14, Ohio
American Ceramic Societyiety. Journal; Ceramic
Abstracts. Ceramic
American J15 inclujlingig Cc Ceramic __BulJetin _m Bell Laboratories Record. $2 m Bell Telephone
4055 N High St, Laboratories. Inc. 463 West St, New York 14
Columbus 14. Ohio Bell System Technical Journal. $5 bi-m Amer-
American Chemical Society Journal. $30 s-m ican Telephone and Telegraph Co. 195 Broad-
American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St, way. New York 7
N.W. "Washington British Institution of Radio Engineers Journal.
American Concrete 6.InstituteD.C. Journal. $18 m £5 IDs ne rs,m9 Bedford
British Square,
Institution of Radio
American Concrete Institute. P.O. Box 4754 London, W C.Engi-
Redford Station, Detroit 19, Mich. Name changed to Radio and Electronic En-
American Dyestuff Reporter. $7.50 bi-w Howes gineer January, 1963
Pub. Co. Inc. 44 E 23d St. New York 10 British Plastics. £3 10s; U.S. $11,50; Canada
American Gas Association Monthly. $5 m (bi-m $11.50 m Iliffe Indu.strial Publications. Ltd.
Av, New York 16 American Gas Assn. Inc, 605 Third Dorset House, Stamford St, London, S.E. 1
American Institute of Chemical Engineers Jour-
nal, See A I Ch E Journal Canadian Chemical Processing. $6: U.S. $10 m
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. $15 m Southam-Maclean Publications, Ltd. 1450 Don
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Mills Rd, Don Mills, Ontario, Canada
Inc, 455 Lexington Av, New York 17
American Journal of Physics. $10 m American Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. $6:
Institute of Physics, Inc, 335 E 45th St. New U.S. $8.50 bi-m Chemical Institute of Canada,
York 17 48 Rideau St, Ottawa 2, Ont.
American Journal of Public Health and the Canadian Mining and Metallurgical Bulletin.
Health Health. $15 Inc, m1790American
Broadwav, Public
New ?10; U.S. $12 ra Canadian Institute of Min-
York 19 ing and Que,
Montreal, Metallurgy, 906 Drummond Bldg,
American IVIachinist/Metalworking Manufactur- Ceramic Industry. $5 m Cahners Pub. Co Inc,
42d St,ing, $3 bi-w
New McGraw-Hill
York 36 Pub. Co. Inc, 330 W 5 So. Wabash Av, Chicago 3
American Mineralogist. Journal of the Miner- Chemical &. Engineering News. $6 w Amer-
aloglcal Society of America, bi-m U.S. Geo- ican Chemical Society, 1155 16th St, N.W,
logical Survey. Washington 25, D.C. Washington G, D.C.
American Oil Chemists' Society Journal. $8 m Chemical Engineering. $S bi-w McGraw-Hill,
Drive. Chicago Oil Chemists'
1 Society, 35 E Wa.cker Inc. 330 W 42d St. New York 36
American Perfumer and Cosmetics. $5 m Al- Chemical Engineering Progress. $25 m Ameri-
lured Pub. Corp. 1031 South Blvd. Oak Park, can Institute of Chemical Engineers, 345 E
ni. 47th St, New York 17
October is Documentary Edition. $5 Chemistry and Industry. £5 w Society of
American Rocket Society Journal. See ARS Chemical Industry, 14 Belgrave Square, Lon-
Journal don, S.W. 1
American Scientist. $3.50 g Sigma Xi, 51 Pros- Civil Engineering, the Magazine of Engineered
pect St, New Haven 11, Conn. Construction. $5 m American Society of Civil
American Society of Civil Engineers Proceed- Engineers, 345 E 47th St, New York 17
ings, m American Society of Civil Engineers,
345 E 47th St. New York 17 Coal Age, $3 m McGraw-Hill, Inc, 330 W 42d
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and St, New York 36
Air-Conditioning Combustion. $4 m Combustion Pub. Co Inc,
ASHRAE Journal Engineers Journal. See 305 Madison Av, New York 17
Ap Sd Anny63
Communication and Electronics. $10 bi-m Insti- Geophysics. $10 bi-m Society of Exploration
tute of Kleotrical and Klectronics Ensrinoers. Geophv.sicists. Howard R. Breck, Business
Inc. Box A. Lenox Hill Station. New York 21 Manager, Shell BIdg. Tulsa 19. Okla.
Name chanBed to lEKE Tran.saction.s on Glass Industry. $6 m The Oeden Group. Reuben
Commnniealion and Filectronics March ISC'! H. 17
York Donnelley Corp. 466 Lexington Av, New
Compressed Air Magazine. $5 m Compros.sed
Air MaKuzin.^ Co. 942 Memorial Parkwav.
Control N'.J.
Engineering. $3 m McGraw-Hill. Inc. Heating, Piping and Air Conditioning. $5 ra
3X0 W r>a St. Xew York 36 Keeney Pub. Co. 6 N Michigan Av. Chicago 2
Corrosion. .$10 m National Association of Cor- Hydraulics and Pneumatics. $8.50 m Industrial
Houston rosion Ensineers. Inc. 9S0 M & M BldK
2. Tex. I'ub. Corp. 812 Huron Rd. Cleveland 15
Hydrocarbon Processing and Petroleum Refiner.
$3 m Gulf Pub. Co, P.O. Box 260S. Houston
1, Tex.
Diesel Equipment Superintendent. $4 m Diesel
Publications. Inc. 80 Lincoln Av. Stamford,
Domestic Engineering. .53 m Medalist Publica- IEEE Proceedings. $22 m Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers. Inc, Box A, Lenox
tions Inc. ISOl Pi-airie Av. Chicapo 16 Hill Station, New York 21
Drug and Cosmetic Industry. $3 m Drug Formerly Institute of Radio Engineers Pro-
Markets. Inc. 101 W 31st St. New York 1 ceedings: changed January, 1963
IEEE Transactions on Applications and In-
Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the So- dustry, $17 bi-m Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers, Inc, Box A, Lenox
ciety of Economic Geologists. $S.50 s-q Eco-
nomic Geology Pub. Co. M. M. Leighton. Hill Station, New
Formerly Y'ork 21
Applications and Industry:
Business Mprr. Urbana. 111. changed March, 1963
Electrical Communication. $2 q International IEEE Transactions on Communication and
.Xew York 22 and Telegraph Corp. 320 Park Av, Electronics. $10 bi-m Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers. Inc, Bo.x A,
Electrical Construction and Maintenance. $13 m Leno.x Hill Station. New Y'ork 21
York 36 Inc, 330 W 42d St, New FormerlyMarch. Communication and Electronics:
changed 1963
Extra number published in Mid-September IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and
Electrical Engineering. $12 m Institute of Elec- Systems. $10 bi-m Institute of Electrical
trical and Electronics Engineers, Box A, and Electronics Engineers, Inc, Box A, Lenox
Lenox Hill Station. New December
Y'ork 21 1963 num- Hill Station, New York 21
Discontinued with the FormerlyApril,Power
changed 1963 Apparatus and Systems:
W 42d St,World. New York $8 w36 McGraw-Hill, Inc, 330 ISA Journal, $i m Instrument Society of Amer-
Electro-Technology, $15 m Conover-Mast Pub- Vi?" Pt-nn-Sheraton
PI. Pittsburgh. 19 Hotel. 530 William Penn
lications. Inc. 203 E 42d St. New York 17 Illuminating Engineering, the Journal of the
Electrochemical Society Journal, $24 m Elec- Illuminating Engineering Society. SIS in Illu-
trochemical Society. 30 E 42d St, New York 17 luiiiating Engineering Society. 345 E 47th
Electronic Engineering. £1 16s: U.S. $5; St. New York 17
Canada $.5 m Morgan Brothers. Ltd. 2S Essex Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. m
St. Strand. Ix)ndon. W.C. 2 American Chemical Society. 1155 16th St.
Electronic Industries. $10 m Chilton Co Chest- N.W. ^\ashington 6. D.C.
nut & 56th Sts. Philadelphia 39 To^i?
Electronic Technology. £3 7s: U.S. and Canada IXtRC °"'^ quarterlies: '" combination Process with Design one and
or moreDe-
$9 50 m Iliffe Electrical Publications Ltd. velopment (Ja): Fundamentals (Fl : Product
Dorset House. Stamford St. London. S E 1 Research and Development (Mr) One quar-
Name tober. changed
1962 to Industrial Electronics Oc- terly $3: two $5: three $7. Subscriptions must
begin with Januarj' and end with December.
330 W 42d St, y McGraw-Hill
New York Pub.36 Co, Inc, '"Jl'^L'"'^'
33 Tqthill Chemist. St. Westminster. 50s m Tothill London.Press.
S W Ltd.1
Extra number. Buyers' Guide July 25 Industrial Electronics. £3: U.S. and Canada
E"aineer. £5 10s: Canadian subs £5 5s w $10 m Ihffe Electrical Publications. Ltd.
Morgan Dorset House, Stamford St. London. S.E 1
London. Bi-others,
W.C. 2 Ltd, 28 Essex St, Strand. Formerly 1962 Electronic
October. Technology: changed
Engineering. £5 10s: Canadian subs £5 5s w Industrial Finishing. $3 m Practical Publica-
Engmeermg Ltd. 36 Bedford St. London, tons. Inc 1142, N. Meridian St. Indianapolis 4
Industrial Medicine and Surgery. $6 m
Engineering and Instrumentation, See Journal trial Medicine Pub. Co. P.O. BoxIndus- 306,
Tanuanii Station, Miami 44. Fla.
ardsResearch of the National Bureau of Stand-
of Industrial Photography. $6 m United
Publications. Inc. 200 Madison Av. New
Eiigineering and Mining Journal, $4 m Mc- ^ ork 16
Graw-Hill, Inc. 330 W 42d St. New Y^ork 36 Industrial Quality Control. $9 m American So-
Engineering Journal. $6 m Engineering Insti- Inc, 161 W AViscon-
tute of Canada. 2050 Mansfield St. Montreal 2.
Quality Control.
sin Av.ciety forMilwaukee 3
Que Inland Printer/American Lithographer. $5 m
Chicago 3 unter Pub. Corp. 79 W Monroe St.
Inc. 330 W 42d St. New 5^ York ■^ McGraw-Hill.
36 '"stitute of Metals Journal, m Institute of
, ^Irt-'iJ'^' of
Institute IJ Petroleum
Relgrave Square.
£G 6s S.W m In-1
56th Sts. Philadelphia
''°^£^^S?''"^S'K"^,- P, f" 39
Chilton Co. Chestnut & .stitute
London, W. 1 of Petroleum. 61 New Cavendish St,
Food Technology. $8.50 m Institute of Pood Institute of Radio Engineers Proceedings. $18
Technologists. 176 West Adams St, Chicago 3 UX Institute of Radio Engineers. Inc. 1 E
Foundry. 70lh St. New York 21
Cleveland$1013 m Penton Pub. Co, Penton Hide,
Franklin Institute Journal, $20 m Franklin In- Institution
„.^';'^"Y9r3'^''"'^'''' '" IEEE Engineers
of Electrical ProceedingsProceed-
stitute of the State of Pennsylvania, Ren1a-
aelpnia 3 Ixindon.ings. W.C
£10 m 2The Institution. Savov Place,
!r',"i..'^''?"''''" Parkway at 20th St, Phila- Published in 2 parts: pt A. Power Engineer-
Fundamentals, See Industrial and Engineering ing, bi-m (Fl: Pt B. Electronic and Com-
' nf mistry rniinication Engineering (including Radio En-
gineeringt bi-m (.la)

°^T?v,-,*'i ,"l,*^*i\!**" ^°' ^"'^^ * Chestnut Sts. ,j,Changed to monthly beginning January,
Philadelphia 39 Institution of Mechanical Engineers Proceed-
ings, separate papers Institution of Mechan-
''^ .^?^- ?5 rn Moore Pub. Co, Inc, Ojibwav ical Engineers 1 Birdcage Walk. Westmin-
2. Minnes ota "J'"wa> ster. London. S.W. I
Changed Duluth
Building. to monthly beginning October, Instrurnent Society of America Journal. See
Is \ .Tournnl
Geological Society of America Bulletin. $2.'; m Instruments and Control Systems. $4 m Instru-
Geological Socfety of America. 231 E 46th
St. New York '."""•^ burgh 12
,^"'' '^^ ''"■ "^S R'dge Av. Pitts-
Ap Sci Anny63
Iron Age. $25 w Chilton Co. Inc. Chestnut & Metailurgia, the British Journal of Metals 30s
56th Sts. Philadelphia 39 chc^iter
m Kennedy 3 Press. Ltd. 31 King St. W Man-
Iron and Steel Engineer. 57.50 m Association
of Iron and Steel aigineers, 1010 Empire Mill & Factory. $10 m Conover-Mast Publica-
Bids-. Pittshursh 22 tions. Inc. 205 E 42d St. New York 17
Iron and Steel Institute Journal. £1S m Iron Mmmg Congress Journal. $3 m American Min-
and Steel Institute, i Grosvenor Gardens. ing Congress. Ring Bldg. Washington 6. DC.
London. S.W. 1 Mmmg Engmeering. $10 m American Institute
ot Jlmmg. Metallurgical and Petroleum Engi-
neers. Inc. 345 E 47th St. New York 17
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Modern Materials Handling. $8 m Modem Ma-
S2M bi-m American Chemical Society, 1155 terials Handling. 221 Colmnbus Av. Boston
16th St. N.W. Wa.shinston 6. D.C. 16
Journal of Applied Chemistry. £15 m Society Modern Metals. $10 m Modern Metals Pub. Co.
of Chemical Industry. 14 Belgrave Square, .."'■i-' ^- Photography
Modern Michigan Av,, $5 Chicago 11
London. S.W. 1 m Modem Photog-
Journal of Applied Mechanics. See ASME raphy. 165 W 46th St. New York
Transactions Modern^ Plastics. $S m Breskin Publications,
Journal of Applied Physics. S20 m American Modern
^. 'li'" '^.;1 Lexington Av. New
Institute Textiles Magazine. $5 m York
Rayon21 Pub
York 17 of Physics, 335 E 45th St, New Corp. 303 Fifth Av. New York 16
S15 to members and associate members of AA i r number. Third Annual Conference of
, E^tfa-
the American Institute of Physics
Transactions of Basic Engineering. See ASME
Journal of Colloid Science. S2S 9 times a yr Naval Engineers Journal. $20 bi-m American
Academic Press Inc. Ill 5th Av. New York 3 Society of Naval Engineers. Inc. 1012 14th St.
Journal of Engineering for Industry. See ASME ^.^^. Washington 5. D.C
Transactions '^ySI^°"'"-
330 W 42d SSSt. mNew
York 36 Pub Co Inc.
Journal of Engineering for Power. See ASME
Journal of Geology. $14 bi-m University of Oil and Gas Journal. $6 w Petroleum Pub Co.
Chicago Press. 5750 Ellis Av. Chicago 37 211 bonth Cheyenne. Tulsa, Okla.
tions of Heat Transfer. See ASME Transac- Operations., Research. $10 bi-m Operations Re-
Journal of Mathematics and Physics $8 q search bociety of America. Mt Royal and
Massachuset Guilford Avs. Baltimore 2
ts Institute of Technology. Cam-
bridge 39. Mass
Journal of Metals. SIO m American Institute Paper Industry, $3 m Paper Industry Manage-
ot Mining. Metallurgical and Petroleum Engi-
ment 10 N. Clark St. Chicago 60602
neers. Inc. 345 E 47th St. New York 17
Journal of Nutrition. $22.50 m Wistar Institute Petroleum Assn. Management. $6 m (s-m Jl) Petro-
?1 -f ",*^°r"J' ^"'i
Philadelphia 4 Biology. 36th St at Spruce. las 2 leum Engineer Pub. Co. 800 Davis Bldg. Dal-
Journal of Petroleum Technology. $S m Society Physics and Chemistry. See Journal of Re-
of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 6300 North search of the National Bureau of Standards
Central Expressway. Dallas 6 Physics Today .54 m American InsUtute of
Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Physics. 335 E 45th St. New York 17
Standards. Superintendent of Documents Pit and Quarry. $7 m Pit and Quarry Publica-
\\ ashmgton 25. D.C. tions. Inc. 4:-il S Dearborn St. Chicago 5
Published in 4 sections: A. Physics and 308.
on"o* E,:F"t3'"®^'"'J?9-
James St. Barrington.Jl" ™ TechnicalIll Pub. Co,
Mathematic hi-m: $2.25
- ^-^Physics B. Mathematic s and
q: C Engineer- Plastics Technology. $7 m Plastics Technology
Magazine. 630 Third Av. New York 17
ing and Instrument $4 hi-mation $2.25 q"; D Radio Plastics World
Journal of Scientific Instruments. £8 m In- River Road. Cos$8 Cob. m Cleworth
Conn Pub. Co. Inc. 1
stitute of Physics and the Physical Society. Plating $5 m American Electroplaters' Society.
47 Belgrave Square. London. S.W 1 Inc. 443-445 Broad St. Newark N.J
Journal of the Aerospace Sciences. $20 m In- Power.
New York $3 m 36McGraw-Hill, Inc. 330 W 42d St,
2 E 64th.9^^St.theNew AeronauUca
?*'$,''*?. York 21 l Sciences. Inc.
Combined with ARS Journal with new sUtute of Electrical
J^?r,t/""'/'"|.^"^ and Electronics
?"'' Sy^.t^'S?- 510 ti-mEngl-
name. ALAA. Journal; changed January. 1963
New^YoiSk'^h changed to^- IEEE^"""'^ Transaction
""■ Station,
s on
Light Metal Age. $6 bi-m Roy Fellom. Jr. 693 Power Apparatus and Systems April, 1963
Mission St. San Francisco 5 30b L James St. Barrington.
Lubrication Engineering. $6 m American Soci- ^'S'lV^Tl^f^Tt^-tll'' .m PowerIll Engineering,
ety of Lubrication Engineers. 838 Busse High- Process trialDesign and Developmen
and Engineering t'. See Indus-
way. Park Ridge. 111. Product Engineering. $3Chemistry bi-w McGraw-Hill
Product Research and Development. See In-
dustnal and
Penton Bldg.Design. Cleveland $10 bi-w 13 Penton Pub Co Inc. 330 W 42dEngineeri St. New ng York
y "'"•
Machinery. $10 m Industrial Press. 93 Worth ^"r^r^^^lXn D'''=^'*f'=*"!;?- »20 m Reinhold Pub.
St. New York 13 public Roads. $1 bi-m
D u fP',-,''20jP*r'^ Av. New Yorkndent
Superinte 22
Magazine of Standards. $7 m American Stand- of Docu-
ards Association. Inc. 10 E 40th St New ^ments. Works.
Public Washington $5 m 25.Public D.C
York 16 Works Joumal
Corp. 200 S Broad St. Ridgewood. N J
Manufacturing Chemist and Aerosol News £3-
I .S. »9 m Grampian Press, Ltd. The Tower.
229-243 Shepherds
London. W. 6 Bush Road, Hammersmith.
Marine Engineering/Log. $4 m (s-m in June) iib Main St. Newmgton. Conn.
*^f ?"=;• M,.!^ 4?^^r°^". ^^° Relay League. Inc.
Simmons-Boardman Pub. Corp. 30 Church
St, New York 7
Materials in Design Engineering. $3 m Reinhold ^fp'^ ^RT-T-
Pub. Corp. 430 Park Av. New York 22 ica^ RCA 7*^" ^.'^'^!° Corporation
Laboratories Division. of Amer-
Extra number published in Mid-October Radio and Electronic Engineer. £5 10s m In-
Materials Research and Standards. $5 m Amer- 9 Bedford Square. London.
f pi',!?,^ ,i°^a ^'''="'°?'^ S-""^ &<3io W C 1Engineers.
St. Philadelphi y 1°'' a 3Testing Materials, 1916 Race ^;„2IJ!^^'i^ gineers British Institution of Radio
Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, See Joumal: changed January. 1963 En-
Journal of Research of the National Bureau ^}n'^ Cof^Poration of America Review. See
of Standards rct. .A. KevieTv ^
Mechanical Engineering. $7 m American Society
of Mechanica l Engineers. 345 E 47th St. New
1 ork 17 ^i?iL°-?^n?"/4^^hi?.'"N?4'-"Yt?k^\r"''"-''--
Research, Applied in Industry. 65s: US
Metal Finishing. $5 m Metals and Plastics Pub- $10 75
wood. N.J. lications. Inc. 99 Kinderkamack Road West-
wa.?"L'o^^o°n"''fv^c"''y°^"°"^- ^"- ^8 •Krn''gl?
Metals. Metals Park.
'^ArfIoi^'"°T?r'"t^^- I? P Ohio
American Society for Publicationselo%'^'i^n^
Resi|f.We^^ . Inc. 201!'-m
N. Wells St, ChhSgS
°r%^-Tj,'o ^,^pson 6
Ap Sci Ann/63
Review of Scientific Instruments. $11 m Amer- Tappl. m Technical A-ssocLation of the Pulp
ican Institute of Physics. 335 E 45th St. New and
York Paper
17 Industry. 360 Lexington Av. New
York 17
$11 to members of aclentlflc societies Technical
Roads and Streets. $6 m The Gillette Group. industry. Association
See Tappi of the Pulp and Paper
Mapazine Pub. Div. The Reuben H, Donnelley Textile industries. $2 m W. R. C. Smith Pub.
Coil), 46G Lexinston Av. New York 17
Rocl< Products. $3 m Maclean-Hunter Pub. Co, 1760 Peachtree Rd, N.W. Atlanta 9
Corp. 79 W Monroe St. Chicago 3 Extra number published in Mid-September
Royal Aeronautical Society Journal, £10 10s m Textile Research Journal. $25 m Textile Re-
Royal Aeronautical Society. 4 Hamilton search Institute. Inc. Publications Depart-
l^lace. London W. 1 ment. P.O. Box 625. Princeton. N.J.
Rubber Age. $5 m Palmerton Pub. Co. Inc. 101 Textile World. $2 m McGraw-Hill Pub. Co. Inc.
W 31st St. New York 1 330 W 42d St. New York 36
Rubber Chemistry and Technology $9.50 5
times a yr American Chemical Society Divi- Tool and Manufacturing Engineer. $6 m Amer-
sion of Rubber Chemistry, Prince and Lemon ican Society of Tool and Manufacturing Engi-
Sts. Lancaster. Pa. neers. 10700 Puritan Av, Detroit 38
Rubber World. $7 m Bill Brothers Pub. Corp. Traffic Quarterly, q Eno Foundation for High-
630 3d Av. New York 17 way Traffic Control, Inc. Saugatuck, Conn.
Price on request
SAE Journal. $12 m Society of Automotive
Ens^ineers. Inc. 485 Lexington Av. New York Water & Sewage Works. $5 m Scranton Pub.
Co. Inc. 35 E. Wacker Drive. Chicago 1
SMPTE Journal. $16 m Society of Motion Pic- Two numbers published In October, in-
ture and Television Engineers. 9 E 41st St, cluded in annual subscription
New York
Safety Maintenance. $4 m Alfred M. Best Co. Water Pollution Control Federation Journal.
Inc. 75 Fulton St. New York 38 $10 m Water Pollution Control Federation.
Scientific American. $6 m Scientific American. 4435 Wisconsin Av, N.W. Washington 16,
Inc. 415 Madison Av. New York 17
Soap and Chemical Specialties. $4 m MacNalr- Water Works Engineering. $5 m Water Works
Dorland Co. Inc. 254 W 31st St, New York 1 Engineering. 466 Lexington Av. New York 17
Soap Blue Book is extra number
Society of Automotive Engineers Journal. See Welding Engineer. $3 m Welding Engineer
SAE Journal Publications. Inc. P.O. Box 28. Morton Grove,
Society of Dyers and Colourlsts Journal. £7 m Dl.
Society of Dyers and Colourlsts. Dean House, E.xtra number published in Mid-Jime
19 Piccadilly. Bradford 1. Yorkshire. Eng- Welding Journal. $8 m American Welding So-
land ciety. 345 E 47th St, New York 17
Society of Motion Picture and Television Engl,
neers Journal. See SMPTE Journal Westinghouse Engineer. $2.50 bi-m Westing-
Sound; Its Uses and Control. $8 bl-m Sound. house Engineer. P.O. Box 2278, 3 Gateway
335 E 45th St. New York 17 Center. Pittsburgh 30
Space/Aeronautics. $15 m Conover-Mast Pub- Wire and Wire Products. $8 m Quinn-Brown
lications, Inc. 205 E 42d St, New York 17 Pub. Corp. 299 Main St. Stamford. Conn.
Extra number. Research and Development
Technical Handbook July Wireless World. £2 2s: U.S. $6.50 Canada $6.50
Steel. $25 w Penton Pub. Co. Penton Bldg. m llifte Electrical Publications, Ltd, Dorset
Cleveland 13 House, Stamford St, London. S.E. 1

Ap Scl Ann/63
Key to General Abbreviations
+ continued on later July
pages of the issue Mr March
abr abridged
August N November
April n s
no new series
arch architect number
bibliog bibUography 0 October
comp Jl
compiled or compiler P
cond condensed page

cont continued
D December portrait
diag pseudonym
diagram pseud
ed edited or edition or revpor revised
February S part
F September
il Pl
illustrations supplement
translated or translation
inc incorporated or translator
tr Pt volume
January V

Ja yearbook
Je yrbk

Sample entry: ELECTRIC lamps. Fluorescent

S40-cycle economy; anaJyses of two hlgh-
trequency fluorescent liBhtine: Installations.
T. E. Sparling and J. J. Silvers. 11 diags
Elec Constr & Maint 62:57-61+ Ja '63
Explanation: An Illustrated article with diagrams, on the
subject ELECTRIC lamps. Fluorescent
entitled "840-cycle economy: analyses of
two high-frequency fluorescent llKhting
installations." by T. E. Sparling and J. J.
Silvers, will be found In volume 62 of Elec-
trical Construction and Maintenance, page
57-61 (continued on later pages of the same
Issue) the January 1963 number

Aj> Sd Ann/63
Applied Science 8C Technology Index

ABS (alkyl benzenesultonate). See Benzene- Durability of concrete in service, diags Am

sulfonates Concrete Inst J 59:1771-820 bibIiog(p 1816-
ACTH 19) D of'62;soil Discussion. 60:2071-80 pt 2 Je '63
ACTH molecule, C. H. Li. il diass Sci Am Effect on resistance to abrasion of
a wool fabric. M. A. Morris and others.
Entire 39-unit Jl '63 ACTH molecule synthesized. Textile Res J 33:424-31 Je '63
Experimental abrasion; frosting and defrost-
Chem & Ens
Studies on polypeptides. N 41:44-5K.AeHofmann
5 '63 and oth- ing of quartz grains. P. H. Kuenen and
ers. biblioK il Am Chem Soc J 84:4470-86 W. G. Perdok. bibliog diag J Geol 70:648-
D 5 '62
Studies on polypeptides; synthesis and bio- 58, pi 1-2 N observations
Microscopical '62 of abrasion phe-
logical evaluation of a triccsapeptide pos- nomena in cotton. I. V. deGruy and others,
sessing essentially the full bioloeical activi- bibliog il Textile Res J 32:873-82 N '62
ty of ACTH. K. Hofmann and others, bib- Selection and performance of abrasion-resist-
ant materials in the mining and quarrying
lioK Am Chem Soc J 84:4475-80 D 5 '62 industries. J. Lampman. il Pit & Quarry
Studies on polypeptides; the adrenocortico-
tropic potency of an eico.sapeptide amide 55:114-17+
Valley abrasion Mr tester
'63 for titanium dioxide
corresponding to the N-terminal portion of
the ACTH molecule: contribution to the re- Pigments.
ABRASIVE belts S. S. Cole. Tappi 46:124-6 P '63
lation between peptide chain-length and Acme abrasive belt finishing machine can
biological activity. K. Hofmann and others,
bibliog il Am Chem Soc J 84:4481-6 D 5 '62 handle tapered or contoured parts, il diag
Synthesis of a biologically active pentadeca- Arn Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:160 My
peptide corresponding to an altered se-
quence in the adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) Air13 '63
bearings suit abrasive belt machine;
structure. C. H. Li and others, bibliog Production engineering research associa-
Am Chem Soc J 85:1895-6 Je 20 '63 tion. Engineering 194:710 N 30 '62
ADS. See Association of Diesel specialists Coated abrasives descale steel, il diag Iron
AALTO, Alvar Age 191:132-3
Contact wheels Ap for 25abrasive
'63 belts; reference
Aalto's recent work in West Germany, por
Arch Forum 118:120-5 Mr '63
Alvar Aalto today, por Arch Rec 133:135-50 5?°K, ,^'}<=®'?- '^- K. Seward,107:63+
Mach/Metalworking Manuf Ap Am
il diags 29-
ABRASIVE My 13 '63
disks. See Grinding machines
Ap '63
Abbreviations for scientific and engineering ABRASIVE wheels. See Grinding wheels
terms. J Pet Tech 14:1352 D '62
See also Abrasive advances previewed. Iron Age 191:
ABERRATION (optics) 45 Ap 11machining;
Abrasive '63 how good is it? L P
Measurement of longitudinal spherical aber- Tarasov.
63 Tool & Manuf Eng 50:103-6' Ap
ration in the extra-axial region of lenses. Abrasive machining trims milling costs. Ma-
F. E. Washer and W. R. Darling, il diags
J Res Nat Eur Stand 66C:185-95 Jl '62 Abrasive terialsslurry
in Designhandled Eng 57:135-6+ Mr '63
by special pumps.
Stereospeciflc syntheses of the isomeric
deisopropyldehydroabietic acids. S. N. Abrasives tumble finer finishes. R. D. Ander-
Mahapatra and R. M. Dodson. bibliog diags .soii. il upswing
Definite My Age"for
Iron 'Ts "^'^^ ^'"°"S 5^ '63^'^^' ^"^ ^°-
Chem & Ind p253-4 F 9 '63 abrasive grinding. K. W.
ABILITY Bennett, il Iron Age 191:105 My 9 '63
See also End face seals in abrasive service. H.
Creative ability Tankus.
li.ngineered il bond
diags reduces
Lub Engcost 19:403-9 O '63
ABILITY tests in abrasive
machining; V62. R. LeGrand. il Am Mach/
Doubtful methods in personnel appraisal. P. Metalworking Manuf 107:66-8 Jl 22 '63
Moon, bibliog il Eng J 46:42-6 S '63 iine art of fiat lapping; how to get maximum
How aptitude testing helps you when you results on a semi-automatic machine. C.
hire. S. M. Burt. Inland Ptr/Am Lithogr
152:49-50 O '63 107:78-80
?nl^4- on" Ag , Am 5 63Mach/Metalworking Manuf
Inside look at psychological testing. J. R. Glass beads as an abrasive, il Comp Air
JETS mailsChemresults
Conley. Eng of 70:230+
aptitude Jetests. 10 '63 Chem How
Mag 68:26-7 Ap '63
to find profit in abrasive machining J.
& Eng N 41:50-1 My 6 '63
Measuring the man. N. E. Gilmour. jr Res/
Develop 14:20-2 Jl '63 f53:?2"6^f!'^ ?6"^6.f ■ ^^ ^™^''>- " ^^^' ^'^^'
Psychological research; aid to engineer selec-
tion and recruitment. P. Moon, bibliog
Can Min & Met Bui 56:142-5 F '63 New abrasive wheels brighten mullions for
ABLATION shielding. See Shielding (heat)
ABRASION skyscraper,
Quality il Mod Metals 19:86 S '63
control applications in the coated
Abrasion of materials by suspended matter. abrasives industr>-. R. S. Bingham, jr. bib-
?,•• ^-o ^?J<^'^„^""5 H. Marquis. 11 diags Can
Min62 & Met Bui 55:773-82 bibliog(p781-2) N iy:.T-l4i
l'o°1 ,'i°Vr IN f^^^*-
62 '3'^*fs In'J Quality Control
Abrasion-reinforcement: methods of evalua- Structure and properties of vitrified bonded
abrasives. W. D. Kingery and others, bib-
• Vi°1-. A. E. Juve and A. G. Veith. bibliog
Dil P'ags
62 Rubber Chem & Tech 35:1276-307 ■i?'^ Ji •J'^ffs Am Cer Soc Bui 42:297-303
iVlV cyclone
b.'i handles hot and abrasive slurries.
Coating titanium for protection against abra-
sion and wear. C. Levy and J. B. Romolo. WTiich abrasive is best N for26 you?
il Chem Eng 69:78+ '62
E. A Borch
U Metal Finishing 60:61-5 O; 56-62 N '62 il Foundry 91:139-40+ S '63
Correlation of laboratory abrasion testers. L See
Abrasive belts also
Metal flnlshlni;
ABSENTEEISM (labor) Influence of operating and staUc liquid hold-
Absenteeism and turnover. R. C. Gamier. ups on gas absorption rates in chemically
Am Water Works Assn J 55:435-40 Ap rtacting systems. R. M. Secor and R. W.
bpulhworth. bibliog A I Ch B J 9:561-6
Disability absences of workers after heart
attacks. R. D. Ketchum. bibllog Ind Med Low-temp absorption plant cost estimates
within ten per cent. J. M. Hillsman. Pet
32:131-4 Ap '63recordlner; accurate or Inac-
niness-absence Management 35:211-13 Ap '63
uxygen absorption in low- frequency
curate? J. S. Felton. biblioK Archives En- ly vibrating liquid columns. vertical-
vironmental Health 5:495-504 N '62 Buchanan and others, bibliog diag RInd H.&
Manpower ism, andwastaije; accidents. laborF. turnover, J. Gaudet.absentee- Mech
Ene 85:38-9 disease Jl '63 absenteeism Ti^^"^f^^f""
ri^i^' glycerol^'■°<^, Design
absorpuon 2:173-7
by Jl '63
ion exchange
Respiratory In a larere
industry. M. N. Newquist. Archives Envi- Reaction kinetics In the absorption
ronmental Health 6:7-9; Discussion. 14-16 chlorine into '■
aqueous'"' media.
3^l'l'r^S3" °'""°«-
^- C. of
^AY'^hE^9^8 W
Ja '63 Spaming. bibliog diag A I Ch E J 8:685-9
ABSOLUTE pitch. See Pitch (sound)
ABSOLUTE zero Sharper separations with this process E J
Ultrasonic thermometer measures near
absolute zero. Space/Aeronautics 39:171-1- Simultaneous gas absorption and liquid phase
Ja '63
ABSORBENTS chemlca reaction in an agitated vessel.
Fouled diethanolamine solution comes clean.
diag Cheni Eng 70:40-1 Mr 4 63 Unsteady state absorption of carbon dloxMe
How to combine centrifugal and absorption *^^"
units for low operating costs. F. F. Steven- , o?cll^^"l 'n°|
.j^°?i,"'" hydroxide ^'"S ^il'""'^T. <'"^'^«
?o":ilO°-'r4solutions. R. Rehm
Water absorpuon
-ivo?^ others. 11 Chem Eng Prog. 58:52
of elastomers G J. DBrigga '62
How to son, design il Heating-Piping centrifugal-absorption 34:123-7 D '62 systems
for low operating costs. F. F. Stevenson,
il diags Heating-Piping 35:160-6 Ja '63 See gelalso
How to estimate operating costs for centrif- 36:621 41^71 'U Rubber Chem & Ti^
ugal-absorption systems. F. F. Stevenson, Sound — Absorption
il Heating-Piping ABSORPTION (physiology)
Industrial absorbents; 35:126-30 right Mr '63
selection and
proper use can cut bill in half. S. Jaffe. il
Plant Ene 16:146-8 N '62 ^:iflTs ^^^'^'^°"- I3'"UB & Cosmetic Ind 91:
ABSORPTION ^^^u^Ji |l«tary regimen on molecules
cessation of In-
Absorption of carbon dioxide by aqueous am- „tlV°i absorption of large (clos-
monia in a packed tower. G. Vassilatos and ?i!.L'" y^®T^"%"^^l P'<f and lamb. J. Q.
F 63 bibliog diag Can J Chera Eng 41:7-11
Absorption of carbon dioxide by sodium hy- transfer
^'JS?' P' of ''.-sorbitol
nutrienUon from
WtTo^nT8f26?:8°N'^6°2"'^°- '"'"'°'^
the mother " ^ ^u-
absorption and
droxide on a sieve plate. I. J. Harris and to fetus.
G. H. Roper, bibliog Can J Chem Eng 41: ^Jii V- , NutrlUon
Clinical xtT.^^'^P and others,N '62
11:533-6 bibliog Am J
158-61 Ag of'63 carbon
Absorption dioxide into alkaline oL- "J?® against preferential Intestinal ab-
solutions in packed towers. G. Astarita. sorption of Physiologic quantities of llver-
bibliog Ind & Eng Chem Fundamentals bpiind vltam n Bu by patients with per-
2:294-7 N '63 bibllog Am J Clinical Nutrition 11:568-73 D
Carbon dioxide absorption and desorption In
a packed tower using water and solutions h\h\?^^ a2?'^'^,M W. Sullivan and others,
Evidence concerning the human requirement
of sodium carbonate and of triethanolamine, for vitamin Bis: tise of the whole bodv
L. van den Berg, bibliog diag Can J Chem counter for determination of absorption of
Eng 40.250-3of Dgeometric
Comparison '62 absorption factors
with geometric mean beam lengths. J. A. r'^n^V" o?!'- P- ^P: Bozian and others!
Wiebelt. diag A S M E Trans ser C 85: llo^(p-'l2
Factors. '63''"'^'"on°" and ''■'"■''
affecting requiremenU; """
287-8 Ag '63
Continuous absorption removes acid fumes nl!^'^'"^ "^A*^ "I'nerals. W. A. Krehl. bib-
J. P. Allen and D. Cooper, diag Chem Eng Jy'^g^ags Am J Clinical Nutrition 11:389-99
69:144 N 26 '62 ^'iS'' fi'i'J"'°^"J°", a"d availability of nutrients
Determination of average molar absorptivity
for self-adsorption of fluorescent radiation
in fluorescein solution. K. K. Rohatgi and
G. S. Singhal. bibliog Anal Chem 34:1702-6 NutrUi'Si' ri^^^L^'^'^lt"- ^"> J Clinical
Presence of lactose In Intestinal tissue. F W
D '62 fd?a°g^''ilS"p'eVu';];Li?'7^^iririk"?6^3
Lengemann and C. L. Comar. blbllok ^- ^"'^'-
Differential absorption of varnish bv paper. U
B. Hsu. bibliog J Colloid Sci 18:41-51 Ja '63 '63 ■"""»
Differential vapour absorption and moving J Nutrition 81:95-8 Oacid
w/rS=^''"K.K?:'"'"°. utillzaUon. A. E.
bed chromatography. B. J. Bradley and
P. F. Tiley. diag Chem & Ind p743-4 My N^62°^
tion of calcium
llt??2-8 relationship Clinical theNutrlUon
-^between absorp-
4 '63 and phosphorus
Effective interfacial area In packed col- Holemans and B. J. Meyer bibllne- KAm C i
umns for absorption with chemical reac- Clinical Nutrition 12:30-5 Ja '63 •'
tion. F. Yoshida and T. Miura. bibliog diag ^^^}^°"y.,y.u ''^". absorption. E. Rentier and
A I Ch E J 9:331-7 My '63
Gas absorption in agitated gas-liquid con- Syrnposium on mechani.sms
^ Clinical Nutrition l-
of gastrolntest 11:
tactors. P. Toshida and T. Mlura. Ind & 559-67 D -62
Eng Chem Proc Design 2:263-8 O '63 Utilization
Gas absorption with simultaneous Irreversi- of methionine
Nutrf.^5;5'^,'^T61-2*2?''Afr by the 'adult^""'=^
''es "^ rat.
A^'®,I ISJ'"?,'"''^''
Ch E J 8:710-12 reaction. N E.'62 N. LIghtfoot.
Gas absorption with zero-order chemical re- Uon"80?6^"7l'tll^?6%fv
l.*^i']?i'l„^T, '^5;".6^"'"
and cholesterol absorption '^"f'"
°^ ' In the
action G. Astarita and G. Marrucci. Ind &
Eng Chem Fundamentals 2:4-7 F '63 S'^N.'lfr^tio'?,- TrA^Tl^^^A '■ ^'"'^- •""""^
Gas-llciuld kinetics; the ab.sorption of carbon ^'4lS'"m!^afoX?f^°2n^e*,^^^^L'"lf Fcfi^-L-^e?
dioxide in diethanolamine. R. J. Nunce
9^469^4 JI'gT "■ '""""^ ^^^^ ■*■ I Ch E J Vitamin D and the Intestinal ^absorption
?ftftr,'?ion^l2^7ri"jT'6^'*'"°'^ "^ ^""'-'
Gettering properties of tantalum. E G. Iron and cobalt. T. Masuhara and B B
107i-D O 'lpl'OB
r/!iS'<i'"_' 63 diag Electrochem Soc J 110: M^gicovsky. bibllog J Nutrition S0:332-'6 jj
How acid ga-s loadings affect physical prop- ABSORPTION apparatus
Dynamics of a packed gas absorber hv fre-
kVI'i?^ °-L ¥^^^ solutions. J. (?. Dingman. quency re.sponse analysis. R r Qrnv and
42-189^91n s'^63^'^ Process & Pet Refiner
Hydrocarbo gas analysis using differential H.vdrpdvnamlos of slat travs. B D Oiica
H^fUSfii W^ w'""?"?"
B. Innes^"'^ 9:2lT-irrMr°'63''""'°'' """^ dike Al'ch E J
detectors. andi'*'^'^ Ionization
others, bibliog T-ni" A- I- I'P:<'en. bibllog flow sheVt dli^"^
dlajts Anal Chem 35:1198-203 A« '63 '" ^63 "^ ""^ ^°'^ Design 2:188-92 Jl
ABSORPTION apparatus — Continued More atom-smashers wanted. 11 diag Elec-
New approa^ih used in liquid-gas contactor: Numerical tronicsdesign 36:28 F 8 of'63 axially symmetric elec-
turbulent motion of plastic spiieres between
retaining grids raises superficial gas velo- trostatic ion accelerators. G. Rohringer.
city limit, diags Cliem & Eng N 41:44-5 R Sci Instr
Optimum isothermal34:198-9 acceleration
F '63 of a plasma
Ag 26 '63
Why Signal selected , ,
a two- tower absorber- ^ with constant magnetic field. J. H. Drake,
stripper. W. G. Delaney. flow diag il Oil bibliog diags AIAA J 1:2053-7 S '63
& Gas J 61:108-10 Je 24 '63 Plasma accelerator works shows promise;
ABSORPTION of rays symposium. Electronics
Beta ray absorption in polymers and determi- Plasma-electrode phenomena36:38-41 of the Aprail26 type
nation of first and second-order transition of accelerator. D. L. Clingman and T. L.
temperatures. R. Zannetti and others, diags Rosebrock. diag ARS J 32:1613-14 O '62
Rubber Chem & Tech 36:459-72 Ap 'B3 Portable neutron generators, il Engineering
Detecting one part in a million; super sleuth-
ing. H. L.. Kalm. il diags Res/Develop 14: Portable neutron source; N.V. Philips 'sgloel- e
lampen S fabrieken.
196:313 6 '63 Eindhoven, diags Engi-
24-7 Je '63
Dopplometer will measure ionospheric , . ab- ^ neer 215:499-500 Mr 15 '63
•63 Rapid, nondestructive determination of beryl-
Far infraredsorption. radiation Electronics model
36:67-9 ofJathe25 earth.
"63 R. lium using Van de Graaft X-rays. C. A.
A. McGee. bibliog diag AIAA J 1:2184-5 S Levine and'63 J. P. Surls, jr. il diags Anal
Infrared transmission of several non-silicate Structure34:1614-17
Chem of nucleiN probed '62 by new Van de
glass systems. F. C. Lin. bibliog Glass Ind Graaff. D. A. Bromley, bibliog diags Nucle-
44:19-23. S7-91-I- Ja-F "63 onics 21:48-55 My
Superconductivity aids atom smashing. Steel '63
Optical tion propertiescoefficientsofand powders; optical absorp-
the absolute value
of the diffuse reflectance; properties of 152:864- My 13
Transportable neutron '63 generators. II Engineer
luminescent powders. N. T. Melaraed. bib- 216:17 Jl 5 '63
Use of ballistic pendultims with pulsed
Radiantliog absorption
diag J Ap Phys 34:560-70 of
characteristics Mr concave
'63 plasma accelerators. T. J. Gooding and
cylindrical surfaces. E. M. Sparrow, diags others. ARS J 32:1599-600 O '62; Discussion.
A S M E Trans ser C ultraviolet
84:283-93 N absorber
'62 AIAA
Van de Graaft J 1:246. energy 1233-5 resolution.
Ja. Mv '63 G. C. Kyker,
Relationship between
structural tjT)es and photostabilization of jr. and R. M. Williamson. R Sci Instr 33;
plastics. A. F. Strobel and S. C. Catlno. bib- Tale872 hails
Ag '62the Emperor. Elec Eng 82:295 Ap
liog diag Ind & Eng Chem Product Res &
Develop 1:241-8
Techniques for studjTng D '62 the relationship of See also
UV absorbers and dye lightfastness. D. R. Linear accelerators
Baer and others, il diag Am DyestufE Rep Synchrotron
52:168-71 Mr 4 '63 ACCELERATORS,
celerators Electron. See Electron ac-
Triplet state may be basis for useful photo-
cliromics. il diag Chem & Eng N 41:53-4-)- ACCELEROMETERS
Je See
3 '63also Digital integrating accelerometer provides
Black body velocity data. W. J. Talon. Spacey Aero-
Gamma rays— Absorption nautics 40:124-6 S
Hall effect accelerometer. M. Nalecz and H. '63
Spectrophotometry Ziornecki. bibliog II diags Franklin Inst J
X rays — Absorption 276:14-25 Jl 63
ABSORPTION spectra. See Spectrum — ^Absorp- Inertial switches. R. C. Dix. diag Machine
tion spectra
ABSTRACTS Design 35:191-4 S 26 '63
Semi-automatic calibration for linear ac-
Electronic aids to translating, abstracting celerometers.'63 R. D. Bronson. il Space/
and editing. H. Dagnall. bibliog diag Wire- Aeronautics 39:115-16
Theory of an inertial system. V. A Karaka- Ap '63
Informationless World service 69:242-6 for My the '63 American food shev. diags AIAA J 1:1491-6 Je 63
industry. J. C. Mover. Food Tech 17:324- Tiny pickup gauges line vibration. R. Teng-
JaSee'63 also wall and H. D. Fischer, jr. II diag Elec
Chemical abstracts (periodical) World 159:71 Ap 22 '63
Two-phase accelerometer. J. Law. jr and D.
ACCELERATION oW 1 4- 7Novotny.
o u3 bibliog 11 diag Elec Eng 82:
Change in human center gravity produced Testing
by change in direction of acceleration. J. W.
Chaffee, bibliog il diags ARS J 32:1677-80 N Accelerometer resonant frequency. D.
Pennington, il diag Instruments & Control
Determination of the linear acceleration of Systems
an object with respect to a set of arbitrary Easy way 35:80-1 to testD '62 accelerometers H. W.
fixed axes of mea.surement. M. Z. Litvin- Hossfeld. II diag Electronics 36:82-4 Jl 19
Sedoy. bibliog diags AIAA J 1:2222-4 S '63
Eight-channel oscillograph for recording ac- ACCIDENT
measures prevention. See Safety devices and
celerations. I.B. Laker. 11 diags Electronic
Eng 35:434-8 Jl '63in a nonuniform accelera- ACCIDENTS
Interface stability Accidental poisoning; emergency calls to In-
tion field. L. L. Lengyel. AIAA J 1:215-16 dustrial concerns for help; public health
Ja '63
Measuring acceleration by magnetic suspen- and legal implications. G. M. Naimark.
sion. F. W. Kear. diags Electronics 35:62- bibliog
Can we Indswitch Med oft-the-job
.S2:135-7 Ap accidents
'63 to a
5 O 12 '62 safety channel? R. B. Jordan. Safety Maint
ACCELERATORS. See Vulcanization— Ac- 125:12-134- Mr '63
celerators Engineering law: children and their rescue.
ACCELERATORS (particles) E. Mitchell. approach
Engineer to216:429-30
Engineering developments, 1962: accelera- Epidemiologic accident Scausation.
13 '63
tors, il Elec performance
Experijnental Eng 81:948-9 of D a '62crossed-fleld
plasma accelerator. V. H. Blackman and R. Epidemiology
#2:17''d8-if '^"-'62 of summer ^''"'"^ ^camp ' accidents.
^"^ ^^"^R.
J. Sunderland, bibliog il diags AIAA J 1: J. Meyer and others, bibliog Archives En-
2047-52 S '63 vironmental Health 7:325-30 S '63
Gas flow regulator for an rf ion source. Safety in sewer and treatment plant opera-
B. L. White and others. R Sci Instr 33: tion. V. T. Mann, bibliog WPCP J 35:222-66
1111-12 O -62 F '63
He-, Hi-, and other negative ion beams Searching for the truth. K. A. Carney. Ind
available from duoplasmatron ion source MedSee 32:361-3
also S '63
with gas charge exchange. B. B. Carter and
R H Davis, bibliog diag R Scl Instr 34: Automobile accidents
93-6 Ja '63 .\\'iation — .\rci dents
H^NT ion energy accumulation In the tan- Building accidents
dem Van de Graaft accelerator. C. D. Moak Burns and scalds
TTh'e — Injuries
S-JV^ - ot"^";?-. bibliog diag R Sci Instr 34: Fires
853-6 Ag '63 First aid in illness and Injury
Liverpool university's Van de Graaff ac- Gas companies — Accidents
Magnetic Induction celerator, il Engineering 194:762 D 7 "62
parameter for Lorentz Safety devices and measures
accelerators. H. Beckmann. AIAA J 1:1434 Safety education
Safety movement
See also
Psychological aspects Cost accounting
Psychosomatic aspects of accidents. B. C. Depletion
Sachs. Ind Med 31:525-32 D '62 Invoices
Statistics Time keeping
Di-sability days due to injury. G. A. Gleeson. also subdivision
subjects, e.g. Accoimting under special
Ind Med 32:288-95 Jl '63 Chemical industries
ACCIDENTS, Industrial Contractors
Acute trichloroethylene narcosis, E. O. Lone- Food factories
ley and K. Joiie.s. diae Archives Environ- Gas companies
Paper and pulp mills
Air force mental seminar Health 7:249-52
zeroes- Aein '63
on human error Petroleum refineries
in materials handling safety, diag Mod Public utilities
Textile mills
Analysis shows 45 per cent of '63accidents in
Materials Handling 18:7 Mr Waterworks
printinK industry occur in pressroom. In- Mechanical aids
Crushing land Ptr/Am
machine LithoRr 152:65 O Rock
accidents. '63 Prod 65: Computer locates rail shipments in seconds.
63-1- D -62 11 Elec World
Howard savings159:28 Je 24 '63case history in
Death in a hole. P. A. Breysse. Ind Med real-time data processing. J. J. Feldman. il
32:95-7 Mr '63 diags IEEE Trans Com & Electronics p367-
Do disablins injury rates tell the whole stor^-? Plant work-loading system. 11 Engineer 215:
L.. J. Voland. Safety Maint 125:10-11 Je '63
European safety awareness surges. R. Iron- 72 Jl computer
Small 'mJe 28 '63 fulfills small utility s study
man. Rock Prod 66:S0-t- S '63 need; ville.Municipal
Tex. G. K, piiblic Weir, ilutilities.
Elec WorldBrowns-
How press operators really set hurt. E. D.
Sallee. II Safety Maint 124:14-17-f- D •62; 54-5-1- Je 3 '63
125:16-20 Ja '63 Using data processing in aA-counting and
Industrial accidents: read all about them. marketing. S. M. Berman. Foundry 91:64-
Engrineering 196:312 S 6 '63 See also
Learnine the hard way. Safety Maint 125:25 Calculating
6 S '63 machines
NixMr the '63 Six canipaisn; (ras industry drive on ACCRA. Ghana
six most common accidents. Safety Maint See also
Housing — Accra. Ghana
120:25-6 Ak '63 ACCUMULATORS. Hydraulic. See Hydraulic
Persons injured while at work. C. S. Wilder. accumulators
Ind Med 32:191-6 My '63 ACENAPHTHENE
Psvcholop:ical cotnplications in industrial in- Long-range coupling in the nuclear magnetic
juries. J. C. Nemiah. Archives Environ- resonance spectra of acenaphthene deriva-
mental Health 7:481-6 O '63 tives. M. J. S. Dewar and R. C. Fahey.
Revised standard defines factors for analyzlne
work injuries. F. R. McElroy. Mag of Stand bibliog
ACENAPHTHENONE Am Chem Soc J 85:2704-8 S 20 '63
34:80 Mr '63 Interaction of diphenylketene with 2-benzyI-
Systematictalline enzyme therapy:
chvmotryppin use of oral
in industrial crys-
medicine. ideneacenaphthen-1-one. N. Campbell and
P. S. Davison, bibliog Chem & Ind p2012-13
B. O. Nemoitin. bibliog Ind Med 32:458-90
Unsafe-acts inspection. R. N. Stapleton. N 24 -62 addition to olefins; the stereo-
Chem Eng 70:185-6 Aer 19 '63 chemistry of addition of deuterium halldes
Vigilance, the price of safety. R. A. Wil- to acenaphthvlene. M. J. S. Dewar and
R. C. Fahey. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85;
liams. WPCF J 35:344-6 Mr '63
^pp. also 2245-8 Ag 5 '63
Building accidents
Burns and scalds Alkvlations at the y-position of acetotalde-
Coal mines and mining — Accidents and ex- hvde and a-benzylacetoacetaldehyde through
plosions their dicarbanions. T. M. Harris and others,
Dust explosions bibliog Am of Chemdiphenvlacetaldehyde.
Soc J 85:3273-6 O J. 20 W.'63
Employers liability Atitoxidation
Explosions Huffman and R. P. Elliott, bibliog Chem &
Eye — Injuries Tnd pn5n-1
Effect of blanching, An 20 '63storage temperature, and
First aid in illness and injury
Gas companies — Accidents container atmosphere on acetaldehyde and
Machinery— Safety devices alcohol production and off-flavor formation
Mine accidents In frozen snap-beans. T. Fuleki and J. J.
Safety devices and measures David, dissipation
bibliog Food
Safety education Energy fromTech 17:1313-16
excited O '63
Safety organization molecules. C. S. Parmenter and W. A.
Trauma Noves. ir. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:416-21
Costs Polymeric forms of acetaldehyde. E. C.
How high the cost of serious bums! J. A. F 20 '63 and
Craven others, bibliog diags J Ap
Houghton. Safety Maint 126:46-8-1- S '63 Chem 12:526-35 D '62
Psychological aspects Utilisation of ethanol; the alcohol-acetalde-
hvde dehvdrocenase s>'stPms in the livers
Psychosomatic aspects of accidents. B. C. of alcohol -treated rats. R. M. Daiani and
Sachs. Ind Med 31:525-32 D '62 others, bibliog J Nutrition 80:196-204 Je '63
Records Manufacture
American standard method of recording and Ethylene enters '63 a new field; acetyl chemicals
'63 work injury experience, dlags by direct oxidation. H. C. Bozeman. il plan
Am Water Works Assn J 54:1429-42 N '62 diags Oilaldehvd*^
German &'63 Gas technique J 60:216-21 canO 15now '62 make
Statistics ketones, flow diag diags Chem Eng 70:48-f-
19S2 work injurie.s. Safety Maint 125:23-1- My Turning out the basics at Varennes; Rhaw-
30 '63Chemicals. 11 diag Can Chem Process
Thr m Inj r Saf M 1
ee onth ury ates. ety aint 24: 47-64-6
Jl -ns
ACC 13 D '62 in the hom Acetal resin fixtures; designed for peg-board
Pcsficidc pni.c^ning eaccidents among young use II Plastics World 21:73 Je '63
children. H. M. Cann. blbllog Am J Pub Characterization and determination of alde-
Honllh 5:!:lt18-26 S '63 hvdes by the ultmviolet spectral changes
ACCOUNTANTS resulting from acetal formation. E. P.
Oil close* recnilting-.salarj' gap. Oil & Gas J Crowell and others. Anal Chem 35:184-9 F
61:93 Jl 15 '63
ACCOUNTANTS. National conference of elec- Crea te d In perf abst
tric and gas utility. See National conference B tiveBigl. nDrug
enci &
es Cosmetic umerInd 92:641 ractMy
of electric and gas utility accountants v;
ACETALS — Continued Surface properties of silica gels; influence
L>u Jr'ont drops Ceicon suit against Celanese. of acid concentration in the preparation
Chem & of Kng N 41:21 of Myaceials 13 '63in protium from .sodium silicate and acetic acid. J. D.
Kinetics iiydrolysis Madeley and K. S. W. Sing, bibliog J Ap
and deuterium oxides. iVI. Kiipatricli. bibliog
Ain Cliem Soc J !i5:lU3t)-S Ap 2U '63 Chem 12:49i-9
IJnusual nuclear Nmagnetic
'62 resonance dilution
Polaris gets improved fuel from new nitro- shift for acetic acid in acetic anhydride.
piasticizers; process tiowslieet. K. Uuc- N. Muller and P. I. Rose. Am Chem Soc J
cione. il Ciiem
PolyacetaJs carve out Kng growing
70:62-4 niarliet.
Ap 1 '6311 Can 85:2173-4 Jl 20 '63
Chem Process 47:65-6 O '63 See alsoacid
Spectropliotoiliioronietric studies of some Phenoxyacetic acid
aromatic aldehydes and their acetais. E. P. Trichloroacetic acid
Crowell and C. J. Varsel. Anal Chem 35:
1S'J-U2 F '63 Manufacture
Wash-wear finislies for cotton from DMEU Acetic acid from aliphatic hydrocarbons, il
and glutaraldehyde-pentaerythritol acetais.
R. M. H. Kullman and others, bibliog Am Ind Chem rotile
Alternate 38:553-5 to Nacetic
'62 acid, diag Can
WhatDyestuft engineers Rep 52:43-4 shouldJa know
21 '63 about acetal
Chem Process
Celanese expands 47:67-8 acetyl S plants
'63 in Texas, il
O 63 J. D. Young, il Metal Proe S4:162-6 Chem & starts
Distillers Eng N up41:23-4 new Je 24 '63acid process:
ACETAMIDE direct oxidation of light petroleum fraction,
Diffusion coefficients, densities, and viscosi-
ties of solutions of acetamide in water. H. il Chem & of Eng
Economics N 40:50 Nacetic
recovering 12 '62acid. W. V.
J. Christolt'ers and G.S 5Kegeles. bibliog Am Brown, bibliog (low diags il Chem Eng
Chem Soc J So:2562-5 '63
ACETAMIDO group Prog
ACETIC anhydride59:65-8 O '63
Syntliesis of 2-acetainido-2-deoxy-L-xylose. Acid-base indicators in the binary solvent,
M. L,. Wolfrom and others, bibliog Chem & acetic anhydride-acetic acid. O. W. Kolling
Ind p41 Ja 5 '63 and T. L. Stevens, bibliog Anal Chem 34:
Application of mass spectrometry to struc- 1653-5 N '62
Rearrangement of pyridine N-oxide with
ture problems; acetates of partially methyl- acetic anhydride: kinetics and mechanism.
ated pentoses and hexoses. D. G. De Jongh J. H. Markgraf and others, bibliog Am
and K. Biemann. bibliog Ain Chem Soo J
i)5:22sa-94 As 5 '63 Chem
Studies Soc
of the J 85:958-61 acetylation Ap of 5 '63 steroids us-
Application of mass spectrometry to struc- ing l-carbon-14-acetic anhydride. O. V.
ture problems; acetates of pentoses and Dominguez and others, bibliog Anal Chem
hexoses. K. Biemann and others, bibliog
Am Chem Soc J S5:1763-U Je 20 '63 35:1243-7nuclear
Unusual Ag '63 magnetic resonance dilution
Biogenetically patterned in vitro oxidation- shift for acetic acid in acetic anhydride.
cyclization of fariiesyl acetate. E. E. van N. Muller and P. I. Rose. Am Chem Soc J
Tamelen and others, bibliog Am Chem
Soc J S5:3295-6 O of 20 '63sugar acetates and 85:2173-4 Jl 20 '63
Chromatography Reversible blocking of protein amino groups
methyl ethers on Magnesol. M. L,. Wolfrom by the acetimidyl group. M. L. Ludwig and
and others, bibliog Anal Chem 35;13o(-9 R. Byrne, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:4160-
5 '63
Effect of diet on the uptake of carbon-14- ACETOACETATES
2 N 5 "62
labeled acetate, glucose and leucine into
lipids of the cliick. J. E. Marion and H. M. Sucrose acetoacetates. L. K. Dalton. bibliog
Edwards, jr. bibliog J Nutrition 81:55-9 S J Ap Chem 13:277-81SeeJl Glycerides '63
Guide to clear sheet forming. W. A. Neitzert. ACETOIN. See Hydroxybutanone
il diags Mod Plastics 40:140-3 Mr '63 ACETOLYSIS
SubsLituent effects in pyrolysis; a p-cr correla- Acetolysis of l.o-diphenyl-cis-3-bicycIo[3.1.0]-
tion in the pyrolysis of 1-arylethyl ace- hexyl j)-toluenesulfonate. E. J. Corey and
tates. R. Taylor and others, bibliog Am
Chem Soc J 84:4817-24 D 20 '62 H. Uda. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1788-92
See also Enhancement of acetolysis rates by charge-
Nickel acetate Je 20 '63 complexing.
transfer A. K. Colter and S.
ACETIC acid S. Wang, •63bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:114-15
Acid- base indicators In the binary solvent, Highly
acetic anhydride-acetic acid. O. W. Kolling
and T. L,. Stevens, bibliog Anal Chem 34: Ja 5 sisstrained bicyclic systems; the acetoly-
'63of 5.5-dimethylbicyclo[2.1.1]hexyl 2S-
1653-5 N '62 p-toluenesulfonate. J. Meinwald and P. G.
Analysis of soaps with hydrogen bromide in Gassman. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:57-9
glacial acetic acid. E. T. Haeberer and
G. Maerker. bibliog Am Oil (Jhem Soc J Ionic
Ja 5 reactions
'63 in bicyclic systems: stereo-
40:274-5 Jl chemistry of the acetolysis of (+)-endo-
Behavior of '63ethylenimine with cellulose In bicyclo(2.2.2]oct-5-en-2-yl p-toluenesulfo-
the presence of acetic acid. L. Segal and nate. H. L. Goering and D. L. Towns, bib-
F. V. Eggerton. bibliog Textile Res J 33:
739-45 S 63 ACETONEliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2295-8 Ag 5 '63
Bromination of fluorene in aqueous and gla- Acetone as a nucleophile. H. Weiner and
cial acetic acid. U. J. P. Zimmerman and R. A. Sneen. Am Chem Soc J 85:2181 Jl 20
E. Berliner, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:
Acetone removes carbon dioxide in new gas-
CorrosionO of
3953-9 20 '62metals by acetic acid. C. M. cleanup technique. Chemof Eng 70:86 JlB.8 '63
Eisenbrown and P. R. Barbis. il diags Chem Alkaline condensation acetone. C.
Eng 70:148-1-
Isotope effectsAp on29 acidity '63 of deuterated Back-yard rocket uses cold fuel, '63
Craven. J Ap Chem 13:71-7 F il diag Ma-
formic, acetic, pivalic. and benzoic eicids.
A. Streitwieser. jr. and H. S. Klein, bib- Carbon chine Design 34:142-3
monoxide yieldsN in22 the
'62 photolysis of
liog Am Chem Soc J 85:2759-63 S 20 '63 acetone. J. Caldwell and D. E. Hoare. bib-
Kinetics of the acid-catalyzed transformation Improved liog Am design
Chem Soc
for J acetone
N 5 '62 M.
of peroxyacetic acid to acetyl peroxide in
acetic acid. Y. Ogata and others, bibliog Bashar. Chem Eng 70:1744- F 18 '63
Am Chem Soc J 85:961-2 Ap 5 '63 Photo-oxidation of acetone vapor. J. Cald-
Metabolism of fructose and gluco."i8 by acetic well and D. E. Hoare. bibliog Am Chem
acid bacteria. J. G. Carr and others. Chem Soc J 84:3990-3
Separation of metals N 5 '62by cation exchange in
6 Ind p 1279 Ag 3 '63 acetone-water-hydrochloric acid. J. S. Fritz
Phase study of the system; oxalic acid/
acetic acid/water: its significance in oxalic and T, A. Rettig. bibliog Anal Chem 34:1562-
acid crystal growth. J. Strassburger and
J. L. Torgeson. bibliog diags J Res Nat Solvolysis
N 'fi2 and ''O-equilibration ofinbenzhydryl
Bur Stand 67A:347-5n Jl '63 acetone. H. L. Goering and J. F. aqueous
Levy, bib-
Radical-induced addition of acetic acid and
Its derivatives to olefins. J. C. Allen and liog Am Chem Soc J 84:3853-7 O 20 '62
others. Chem & Ind p 1621-2 S 8 '62 Steroids; a novel Michael addition-aldol con-
Sorption of acids by wool from mixtures of densation reaction between acetone and
acids; sorption of hydrochloric acid and A'»-12.20-diketopregnenes. M. E. Wall and
acetic acid. P. Larose and R. Donovan. others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1844-60
Soc Dyers & Col J 79:418-21 S '63
Je 20 '63


ACETONE — Continued
Structure and Droperties of some siiifur Chemicals from acetylene. S. A. Miller, bib-
analogs of acetoneuridine. K. w. chambers liog flow sheets diags Chem & Ind p4-16
and V. Kurkov. bibliotr Am Chem Soc J
Determination of trace amounts of C«-Ci
acetone Jl to20 remove
'63 , .^
carbon dioxide. ^, ,^
H. H. Ja 5 '63
acetylenes in determination
hydrocai'bons; by hydration
Stotler. flow diae Hydrocarbon Process carl>onyls and ultravioletto
& Pet Refiner 42:154-6 O '63 spectrophotometry of 2.4-dinitrophenylhy-
drazoiies, M. W. Scoggins and H. A. Price.
Manufacture Anal addition
Chem 35:48-60 Ja '63 to an acetylene.
New process for acetone and MEK. J. Smidt Double of a carbene
and H. Krekeler. dlae Hydrocarbon Process W, Mahler. Am Chem Soc J 84:4600-1 D B
& Pet Refiner 42:149-52 Jl '63; Abstract. How to handle acetylene fires. Safety Maint
Chem & En^ N 41:50-1 Jl 8 '63
ACETONITRILE 126:39 Ag '63 the hydroboratlon of olefins,
Acetonitrile-nitromethane mixtures as media acetylenes and dienes with thexylborane.
for aromatic ciilorination and chlorine addi- G. Zweitel and H. C. Brown, bibliog Am
tion reactions. R. M. Keefer and L. J. An-
drews. biblioK Am Chem Soc J 84:3635-8 Chem Soc
Infrared J •6385:2066-72
study Jl 20 '63 of CHi and
of the reactions
O 5 '62
Calculated and experimental conductometric , , NH with CjHj and CjHj in solid argon.
titration curves of intermediately strong M. E. Jacox and D. E. Milligan. bibliog
acids and bases in acetonitrile. I. M. Am concepts
New Chem SocstemJ 85:278-82
from freeF radical
5 '63 work
Kolthoff and M. K. Chantooni. jr. bibliOK at Esso Research. A. A. Oswald and others,
Am Chem
Effect Soc J 85:426-30 onF acid-base
of heteroconjugation 20 '63 con- il Chem
Photochemical & Engreactions:
N 41:40-2+ O 28 reactions
addition '63
benzoic acid ductometric titration curves I.
in acetonitrile. of M.
Kolthoff of olefins and acetylenes with benzonitrile.
and M. K. Chantooni, jr. bibliog Am Chem J. G. Atkin.son and others, bibliog Ajn
Soc J 85:2195-201 Ag 5 in'63 acetonitrile and Chem Soo J 85:2257-63
Polymerization of acetylene Ag In5 '63
fluldized beds:
Polarographic studies abstract. L.. Massimilla and others. Ind
dimethylformamide; the formation of ben- Chem 38:539-40
zvne. S. Wawzonek and J. H. Wasen- Radiation- induced Oaddition
'62 of hydrogen sul-
knecht. bibliog Blectrochem Soc J 110:420-2 fide to substituted acetylenes; synthesis of
•63 vinylthiols. F. W. Stacey and J. P. Harris,
My '63 of triethylamine at platinum anodea
Reaction jr. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:963-5 Ap 6
in acetonitrile solution: solvent background
with perchlorate supporting electrolyte. C. Vapor phase hydration of acetylene. A, J.
D. Russell bibliog Anal Chem 35:1291-2 Ag Szonyi and W. F. Graydon. bibliog flow diag
ACETOXY compounds diag Can J Chem Eng 40:183-7 O '62
Inversion of antipodal reactivity in hydrolysis See also flame
of ethyl a-acetoxypropionate by a-chymo- Oxyacetylene
trvpsin. S. Q. Cohen and others. Am Chem Oxyacetylene welding
ACETYLACETONEJ 84:4163-4 N 5 '62 Manufacture
Coordination compounds of trivalent metals Acetylene and ethylene production by elec-
with unsymmetrical bidentate
fluoroacetvlacetonates. R. C. Fayligands;
and T.tri-
S. tric arc process: abstract. M. Gladisch. Ind
Piper, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:500-4 Chem crude
Crack 39:271-2 My '63to acetylene. H Kroper
Mr 5 '63 autoxidatlon of metal chelates:
Destructive and R. Platz. bibliog diag Hydrocarbon
effects of additives on the reaction: metal Process & Pet
Diamond .fVJkali claims RefinerItalian
42:153-5 Jl '63 proc-
acetylacetonates as radical sources. E. M.
Arnett and M. A. Mendelsohn, bibliog Am ess failed. Chem & Eng N 41:22 Ap 29 "63
New technology might lower acetylene's cost,
Chem Soc J 84:3821-4 O 20 '62 il Chem &ofEng N 41:54-8 Jl 22partial
tone. C.complexDjordjevi<5 formationand V. with acetylace-
Katovi(5. Chem Production acetylene by the oxida-
tion of methane. E. M. Hughes and others.
& Ind p411
ACETYLCHOLINESTERASE Mr 9 '63 Chem & Ind p 189-96 F
Submerged flame makes acetylene from crude 2 '63
Estimation of insecticide residues In foods oil. diag Chem Eng 70:92-3 O 14 '63
through parallel screening methods. W. F.
Phillips and others, bibliog J Agrl & Food Spectra
Chem 10:486-90 N '62 Hot bands In the infrared spectra of acety-
ACETYL compounds lenes In solution. C. S. Kraihanzel and R.
Celanese expands acetyl plants in Texas. 11 West, bibliog diag Am Chem Soc J 84:3670-
Chem & Eng N 41:23-4 Je 24 '63
2 O 5 '62 compounds
Nitration of methyl oleate with acetyl ni- Acetylenic acids in comandra pallida and
trate: a synthesis of methyl aminostearate. osyrls alba seed oils. K. L. Mikolajczak
D. C. Malins and C. R. Houle. bibliog diag and others, bibliog Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:
Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:43-5 F '63
ACETYLATION Bis342-3 Ag '63-mercuric Ion complexes.
(alkyne) W. L.
Changes in certain structural and mechanical Budde and R. E. Dessy. bibliog Chem &
properties of cotton cellulose with pro- Ind P735-6 My 4 '63
gressive acetylation. C. M. Conrad and Double bonds that are different: abstract and
others, bibliog il Textile Res J 33:784-94 discussion R. N. Haszeldlne. Chem & Ind
O '63
Complex '63 removes hazard from acetylation. P852-3 ofMy acetylenic
25 '63
Effect molecules on cathodlo
il Chem & Engof Nalkoxy 40:48-9groupsS 3 '62in alkoxysi- overvoltagp on steel In acid solutions. E. J.
Determination Duwell. bibliog diag Electrochem Soc J 109:
lanes by acid-catalyzed acetylation. J. A.
Magnuson. bibliog Anal Chem 35:1487-9 S 1013-17 N '62
Equilibration of cyclic allenes and acety-
Ferric hydroxamate determination of hydroxvl lenes. W. R. Moore and H. R. Ward. bib-
groups after acid-catalvzed acetylation. G. Hog Am Chem Soc J 85:86-9 Ja 5 '63
Gutnikov and G. H. Schenk. bibliog Anal Novel acetylenic complex of tungsten (0)
Chem 34:1316-19 carbonyl. D. P. Tate and J. M. Augl. Am
Organic chemistry S of'62 ferrocene: acetylation Chem Soc J 85:2174-5 Jl 20 '63
of mono-, di- and trl-bridged ferrocenes. Nucleophilic substitution at an acetylenlo
K. L. Rinehart, jr. and others, bibliog carbon: acetylenic thloethers from haJo-
dlags Am Chem Soc J 85:970-82 Ap 5 '63 alk>Ties and sodium thiolates. G. R. Zlegler
Selective acetylation of terminal hydroxy! and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1648-
groups In deoxyrlbo-ollgonucleotldes. A.
Stuart and H. G. Khorana. Am Chem 51 Je 5 '63
Reaction between deuterium and dlalkyl-
Soc J 85:2346-7 Ag 5 '63 acetylenes on palladium cataly.sts. E. F.
Studies of the acetylation of steroids us- Meyer and R. Ij. Burwell. jr. bibliog Am
ing l-carbon-14-acetlc anhydride O V.
Domlnguez and others, bibliog Anal Chem Chem Soc J 85:2877-80 O 5 '63
35:1243-7 Ag '63 Analysis
Studies on the specific synthesis of C(3')-
C(5') Inter-rlhonucleotlde bond: quantitative Spectrophotometrlc determination of acety-
acetylation of the 2'-hydroxyl group In lenic compound.'^ em mercuric acetate com-
urldlne-3' phosphate. Y. Lapldot and H. O. plexes. S. Siggia and C. R, Stahl. bibliog
Khorana. Chem & Ind p 166-7 Ja 26 '63 Anal Chem 36:1740-3 O '63
ACID handling Comparison of the relative acidic strengths
See also of the isomeric dinitrophenols in benzene
Carboys and water. M. M. Davis, bibliog Am Chem
ACID mists. See Mists, Acid Soc J 84:3623-7
Coordination O 5 'G2
in solutions: acid strengths of
ACID resisting materials phenol derivatives in water. L.. B. Magnus-
Protection ot materials during acid cleaning son and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:
of large boilers. A. M. L.eyer. diags Com- 1711-15 Jeand
Corrosion 20 '63
electrochemical properties of
busuon 34:2U-5 N 62
Thin Penton linintr for concrete acid tank. titanium, zirconium and titanium- zirconium
alloys in acid solutions. V. V. Andreeva and
Why Eniiineerins
11 does stainless l;)lj:325 S 13resist
steel '63 acid? U. K. A. 1. Glukhova. il J Ap Chem 12:457-68 O '62
Evans, bibliog Chem & Ind p 1779-81 O 13 Deformation-free acid drilling of single crys-
'tl2; tals. R. F. Tinder. 11 diags R Sci Instr
also 215:22a F 1 '63
34:1049-50of acids S '63 on scorching and vulcaniza-
Steel. Stainless Influence
ACID waste tion of carboxylic rubbers. N. D Zakharov
New mill steps up efficiency of waste acid and T. A. Shadricheva. Rubber Chem &
treatment, il Ironwaste Age 190:132-3 Tech 36:575-9 Ap '63of free acid In iron(III)
Steel mill treats acids. P. N Harsha.
29 •62 lodometric titration
solutions and determination of basic
il diass Water & Sewage Works 110:R2S6-8 irondlll compotmds. K. Starke, bibliog
O 31 '63 of oil wells. See Petroleum — ^Acida-
ACIDATION Anal Chemrates 35:1310-11 Ag acids.
Uon of wells Ionization of weak J. E. Hof-
mann and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J
ACiuiTY 85:3000-0 O 5 '63
Acidities of weak acids in dimethyl sulfoxide. Ion-radicals; the reaction of thioaromatic
B. C. Steiner and J. M. Gilbert. Am Chem compounds with acids: diplienyi disulfide,
thianthrene and thianthrene o.\ides. H. J.
Soc J dependence
Acidity 85:305-4-5 O in 5 '63the nitration of quino- Shine and L. Piette. bibliog Am Chem
iine and i-soquinoline. R. B. Moodie and Soc J 84:4798-806 D 20 '62of 1,2-cyclohexane-
others. Chem & Ind p 12S3-4 Ag 3 '63 Keto-enol transformation
Acidity dependence of acid-catalyzed reac- dione; acid catalysis in strongly acidic
tions and changing mechanism in moder- media. F. A. Long and R. Bakule. bibliog
ately concentrated sulfuric acid. D. S. Am Chem Soc J S5:2313-1S
Novce and M. J. Jorgenson. bibliog Am Mechanisms of acid- catalyzedAg reaction;
5 '63 the
Chem Soc J 85:2427-9 Ag 20 '63 kinetics of ring opening of styrene epi-
Acidity dependence of the carbon-protonation sulflde. H. Kwart and J. A. Herbig. bibliog
of phloroglucinol and its methyl ethers. W. Am Chem Socby J strong
M. Schubert and R. H. Quacchia. bibliog Polymerisation acids;Myabstract
20 •es and
Am Chem Soc J 84:3778-9; 85:1278-84 O 5 discussion. D. C. Pepper. Chem & Ind p 1026
'62, My 5 '63
Acidity of hydrocarbons. A. Streitwieser, jr. Preparation
and others, bibliog diag Am Chem Soc J 85: Lewis •es and
Je 22 acid structures of metal cyanide-
bridge compounds. D. F. Shriver.
1757-63 coefficients
Activity Je 20 '63 of indicators in sulfuric bibliog Am
Pyridine as a Chem Soc for
reagent J 85:1405-8
detection Myof 20 '63
acid solutions; the relationships between on paper chromatograms. J. Cerbulis and
indicator acidity functions. R. H. Boyd. M. W. Taylor, bibliog Anal Chem 35:114
Carbon Am Chem
orbital hybridizations Soc J 85:1555-61
and acidity 5 '63
Je. of Ja '63
the bicyclobutane system. G. L. Closs and Pyridoxlne and pyridoxal analogs; acid-base
equilibria of Schiff bases. D. Heinert and
U E. Closs. Am Chem Soc J 85:2022-3 Jl 5 A. E. Martell. Am Chem Soc J 85:188-93
Critical re-evaluation of the Hammett acidity
function at moderate and high acid con- Ja 20 ^63of free acid by liquid-diffusion frac-
centrations of sulfuric acid; new ifo values tionation. R. F. Hunter and I. H. Spinner,
based solely on a set of primary aniline diag Ind & Eng Chem Fundamentals 2:247-8
indicators. M. J. Jorgenson and D. K.
Hartter. bibliog Ain Chem Soc J 85:878-83 Rest
Ag potentials in the platinum-oxygen-acld
Ap 5 '63 system. J. P. Hoare. bibliog diag Electro-
Effects of platinum area and surface acidity chem Soc J 109:858-65 S '62
on hydrocracklng activity. O. A. Larson Structures of the conjugate acids of cis and
and others. Ind & Bng Chem Proo Design trans-azobenzenes. J. H. Collins and H. H.
1:300-5ofO substituents
Effects '62 on acidities ,. . of. organic Jaffe. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:4708-12
acids in water: thermodynamic theory of Studies
the Hammett equation. L. G. Hepler. bib- D 20 on '62 haematoxylin and haematein. the
colouring principles of logwood; fading of
Enhancementliog Am Chemof acidity Soc J of 85:3089-92
very weak O 20acids'63 haematein in aqueous acidic solutions. Q.
in tertiary butyl alcohol. L. W. Marple and C. Lalor. diag Soc Dyers & Col J 78:549-51
J. S. Fritz. Anal onChem 35:1431-4 S '63 N '62of the titration of selected substituted
Isotope effects acidity of deuterated
formic, acetic, pivalic. and benzoic acids. phenylureas as acids in m-butylamlne.
A. Streitwieser. jr. and H. S. Klein, bib- M. L. Cluett. bibUog diag Anal Chem 34;
liog Am Chem Soc J 85:2759-63 S 20 '63 1491-5 O '62
See also
ACIDS Acidity
Acid-base equilibria in concentrated salt solu- Boronic acids
tions; acid-base titrations and measure- Chromic acid
ments of pH and Ho. D. Rosenthal and J. Hydrochloric acid
S. Dwj-er. bibliog Anal Chem 35:161-6 F '63 Sulfuric acid
Acid-base equilibria in the system PbO-Si02. Analysis
H. Flood and W. J. Knapp. bibliog Am
Cer Soc J 46:61-5 P '63 of 4-dimethoxy- Chromatography, indicator salts detect weak
Acid-catalyzed hydrolysis acids; abstract. L. Kesner. Chem & Eng N
methylpyridinium ion. M. W. Fuller and W.
M. Schubert, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85: 41:44 Ja 28 '63
Indirect polarographic determination of acids.
108-10 Ja esteriflcation.
Acid-olefln 5 '63 L. O. Raether and
others. Ind & Eng Chem Product Res & Chem 35:859-63
r'-v,^- 4&''t.°c'„' Je ^-.J^"-
<?o"'i 63 Collat. bibliog Anal
Develop 2:133-8 Je '63 Potentiometric titration of acids in an N.N-
Acid•63 retardation: simple physical method dimethyl fatty amide. C. A Reynolds and
for separation of strong acids from their others,Fatty bibliog Anal Chem 35:973-6 Jl 'SS
salts. M. J. Hatch and J. A. Dillon, bibliog ACIDS,
Ind & Eng Chem Proc Design 2:253-63 O Acetylenio acids in comandra pallida and
osyris alba seed oils. K. L. Mikolajczak and
Acid soaked soot flakes in flue gases; their others. bibUog Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:342-3
formation and prevention. W. Grimm, bib- Ag C3
Hog strength
Combustion of 35:38-47 S '63
the aquo-alkyltin(IV) ions. Action of linoleic and arachidonic acids upon
B. A. Nevett and R. S. Tobias, bibliog the eicosatrienoic acid level in rat heart
and liver. R. O. Peluffo and others, bibliog
Chem & Ind p40-l
Acidities of weak acids in dimethyl sulfoxide. Ja 5 '63
J Nutrition 81:110-16 O '63
E. C. Steiner and J. M. Gilbert. Am Chem Analysis of separation factors applicable in
Soc J 85:3054-5 the gas-liquid chromatography of unsatu-
Beryllium binding O by5 '63bovine serum albumin rated fatty acid methyl esters on a polyes-
at acid pH. S. Belman. bibliog Am Chem ter substrate. R. G. Ackman. bibliog Am
Soc J 85:2154-9 Jl 20 'SS Oil Chem Soc J 40:564-7 O •OS
ACJDS, Fatty — Continued Influence of dietary fatty acids and environ-
Argentation in countercurrent distribution to mental temperature on the fatty acid com-
separate isologues and geometric isomers position of teieost fish. R. Reiser and
of faity acid esters. C. K, Scliolfield and others,
5u?-13 O bibliog 63 11 Am oil Chem Soc J 4u:
others, bibiios Anal Chem 35:16S!j-ai O '63 Influence of dietary menhaden oil on growth
Branciied chain compounds in cosmetics; sur-
vey. M. G. deNavarre. Am Perfumer 78: rate and tissue fatty acids of the cluck,
79-Sl O '63 H. M, Edwards, jr. and J, B, Marion, bib-
Changes in succinic dehydrogenase activity liog J Nutrition 81:123-30 O 63
and fatty acid composition ot rat liver Influence of pyndoxine and dietary fat on
mitochondria in essential fatty acid de- the distribution of serum fatty acids in
ficiency. T. Hayashida and O. W. Portman. dogs, Li. boderhjelra, bibliog ij J Nutrition
bibliog J Nutrition Sl:103-9 O '63 78:438-44 D '62
Comparison ot the effects o( the polyun- Methods for improving yields of cyclic acid
saturated fatty acids of cuttlefish liver oil from linseed oil. J. P. Friedrich and others,
and cottonseed oil on cholesterol diag Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:584-7standardsO '63
metabolism. T. Kaneda and R. B. Alfln- 2-Methylalkanoic acids as internal
Slater. bibliog Am Oil Chem Soc J 40: in gas liquid chromatographic assay of
33li-S Ag 'USof fatty acids of cod liver oil: fatty acids, E. A. Napier, jr. Anal Chem
Constitution 35:1294-5 Ag '63
abstract and discussion. K. W. DeWitt Miscibility of glycerol with fatty acids and
Chem & Ind p393-5 Mr 9 '63 glycerides. L. Hartman, Am Oil Chem Soc
Cyclic fatty acid yields from linseed oil. R.
A. Eisenhauer and others, bibliog flow J 40:142 Ap '63
N,N-bis(2-acyloxyethyl) amides of long chain
sheet Am Oil Chem fatty acids as plasticizers, F, C. Magne
Cyclopropenoid faity Socacids J 40:129-31
of Ap '63
bombax and others, bibliog Am Oil Chem Soc J
olea.gineum seed oil. J. A. Cornelius and
G. Shone, bibliog Chem & Ind p 1246-7 JI Neo40:541-5
acids Oplant '63 will use two-step synthesis.
27 '63
Determination of structure of unsaturated ^Newdiag phosphorylation
Chem & Eng reaction N 41:46-7 of Agolefins; 5 '63 de-
fatty acids via reductive ozonolvsis. O. S. rivatives of some unsaturated fatty ma-
Privett and C. Nickell. bibliog il diag Am terials. B. Jungermann and others, bibliog
Oil'62Chem Soc J 39:414-19 S '62
Distribution of fatty acids between the a*- and NewAm type Oil Chem reactions. Soc JH. 40:41-3 F '63 bibliog
J. Harwood,
B- positions of egg phosphatidylcholine. Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:204-6 My '63fatty
J. C. Hawke. bibliog Chem & Ind p 1761 O 6 Nitrogen derivatives of long-chain
acids, R, A. Reck, bibliog Am Oil Chem
Effect of desoxypyridoxine-induced vitamin Soc J 39:461-4 O '62 of cyclic fatty acids.
Bo deficiency on polyunsaturated fattv acid Nitrogenous derivatives
metabolism in human beings. .T. F. Mueller W. J. DeJarlais and H. M. Teeter, Am Oil
and J. M. lacono. bibliog Am J Clinical Chem Soc J 39:421-4 O '62
Nutritionof 12:358-67 Oriented organic film; soft X-ray diffraction
Effect glucagon, My phenmetrazine '63 and grating. Chem & Bug N 40:43 D 3 62
epinephrine on hunger, food Intake and Phosphorus derivatives of fatty acids R.
plasma nonesterified fatty acids. S. B. Sasin. bibliog Am Oil Chem Soc J 39:448-9
Penick and L. E. Hinkle. .ir. bibliog Am
J Cbnical Nutrition 13:110-14 Ag '63 Plasma
O '62 lipid fatty acids during fasting. K.
Effect of previous dietary intake on the fatty Imaichi and others, bibliog Am J Clinical
acid composition of the plasma cholesterol Nutrition 13:226-31 O '63
esters. B. J. Fairhurst and C. Waterhouse. Polyoxyethylene fatty acid esters. L. L,
bibliog il Am J Clinical Nutrition 13:92-7 Walton, bibliog Am Perfumer 77:41-3 O '62
Ag '63of storage on the total lipides and the Preparation and properties of some syn-
Effect thetic glycerides. J. E. Jackson and W. O.
fatty acid coinposition of potatoes. N I. Lundberg.
276-8 JI 63 bibliog Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:
Mondy and others, bibliog J Agri & Food
Chem 11:328-9 Jl
Effect of type of oil and site of administra- '63 Preparation of highly purified fatty acids
tion on the fate of fatty acids in sheep. via liquid- liquid partition chromatography.
E. S. Erwin and others, bibliog Am Oil O, S. Privett and E, C, Nickell, bibliog
Chem resins Soc J from 40:344-7 il Am
Preparation Oil ofChem pure Soc J 40:189-93fattyMv acids
unsaturated '63
Epoxy fattvAg esters
'63 derived from and esters, J. H. Skellon. bibliog il Manuf
cyclohexane and epoxycyclohexane. F.
'63 and others, bibliog Ain Oil Chem Chem
Quantitative 33:405-8preparation O '62 of methyl esters of
Soc J 40:229-31 Je
Essential fatty acid deficiency and rat liver '63 fatty acids for gas chromatography, C, W,
homogenate oxidations. J. Smith and H. F. Gehrke and D, F, Goerlitz, Anal Chem 35:
DeL,uca. bibliog J Nutrition 79:416-22 Ap 76-80 Ja '63
Quantitative separations of higher fatty acid
Esterified serum fatty acids in subjects eat- methyl esters by adsorption chromatography
ing high and low cholesterol diets. R. F. on silica impregnated with silver nitrate,
Scott and others, bibliog Am J Clinical B. De Vries. bibliog Am Oil Chem Soc J
Nutrition 13:82-91 Ag '63 40:184-6 My '63
Fatty acid composition of maturing vernonia Reaction of rivativescyclopropenoid
with hydrogen fattv acidA de-
halides. V.
anthelmintica (L,.) Willd. seeds: dihy- Bailey and others. Am Oil Chem Soc J
droxyoleic acid, a possible precursor of
epoxyoleic acid. T. K. Miwa and others, 40:69-70 ofF fatty
Reaction '63 acids with N-methyl tau-
bibliog Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:225-9 Je '63 rine. L. W. Burnette and M. B. Chiddix.
Fatty acid contents of margarines and other Am Oil Chem Soc J 39:477-8 N '62
table fats. P. Bernfeld and others, bibliog Reactions of ozone; ozonization of fatty acids
Am J Clinical Nutrition 11:554-8 D '62; and their derivatives. A, Maggiolo, bib-
Discussion. 12:253 Mr '63
Fatty acid derivatives in polvurethanes L, Recent liog progress
Am Oil Chemin Soc J 40:161-4 ofAp mono-
autoxidation '63
A. Goldblatt. bibliog Am Oil Chem Soc J ethenoid fatty acids and their esters. J H
Skellon and D. M. Wharry, bibliog Chem
39:502-8 N '62
Free fatty acids in wheat flour; abstract. & Ind P929-32
Separation of Je fatty 8 '63 ester-mercuric acetate
W.63 R. Morrison. Chem & Ind p 1196 JI 20 adducts of alumina. H. B. White, jr. and
F. W. Quackenbush. bibliog Am Oil Chem
Hydrazine-reduced linolenic acids as a .source Soc J procedure
Simple 39:511-13 D for'62 obtaining docosahex-
of Co. Cij, and Cw dibasic acids. H. J. aenoic acid. V. F. Stout. Am Oil Chem
Dutton and others, bibliog Am Oil Chem
Soc J 40:175-9 My '63 Soc J methods
Special 40:40 Ja '63 of purifying fattv acids N,
Hydroxy fatty acid; new outlet for foots: Pelick and others, bibliog diags Am OH
NRC fermentation of soanstock to fattv Chem Soc J 40:119-25 S '63
acids arousing widespread interest. Can
Chem Process 47:53-4-1- Ae '63 Structural correlation of unsaturated fatty
Impaired pigmentation in Chinook salmon fed acid esters through graphical comparison
diets deficient in essential fatty acids. N. of gas-liquid chromatographic retention
Nicolaides and A. N. Woodall. bibliog II J times on a polyester substrate. R. G Ack-
nmn. bibliog Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:558-64
Nutrition 78:431-7 D '62
/n Diuo antioxidants and polyunsaturated add Structural
'63 information of long-chain fattv
metabolism; symposium, bibliog flow sheet obtained rapidly and conveniently
Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:353-71 Ag '63 by the use of -X-rnv diffraction studies of
Inadvertent isomerization of polyunsaturated single crystals of urea and thiourea adducts.
acid.s during ester preparation. H J Ast. N. >Jlcolaules and F. Lave.s. bibliog 11 diags
Anal Chem 36:1539-40 S '63 Am on Chem .Soc J 40:400-13 S '63
ACIDS. Fatty — Continued , , ,
Structure of highly unsaturated fatty acias Coulometric determination of organic acids.
of fish oils by high resolution nuclear R. O. Crisler and R. D. Conlon. bibliog il
maenetic resonance spectral analysis. T. diags Am Oil ofChem
Hashimoto and oUiers. Am Oil Chem Soo Determination tracesSoc ofJ 39:470-3
organic Na^ids
'62 in
J 4U:124-S small samples; gas liquid chromatography
Study of theAp hypocholesterolemic
'63 . . of•
activity of the total concentrate. V. M. Riddle.
the ethyl esters of the polyunsaturated fat- diags Anal miciodetermination
Chem 35:853-9 Je '63of alpha-
ty acids of cod Uver oil in the chicken. S. Fluorometric
G. Kahn and others, bibliog J Nutrition 8U: keto acids. J. E. Spikner and J. C. Towne.
4U3-34 AE Ii3 . , . bibliog AnalacidsChemof blueberries.
34:1468-71 OP. '62
a-SuJfo fatty acids and derivatives: synthesis, Nonvolatile Markakls
properties and use. A. J. Stirton. biblioe and others, bibliog J Agri & Food Chem
Am Oil
Three newChem oilseedsSoc Jrich
3U:4'J0-6 N '62
in cis-ll-eicosenoic ACNE11:8-11 Ja '63
acid. K. L. MikolajczaU and others, bibliog Insulin for acne. Drug & Cosmetic Ind 93:
Am Oil Chem Soc J 4U:294-5 Jl '63
Use of fattv acids in cosmetics and per- 116 Jl -63 products.
Medicated Drug & Cosmetic Ind
fumery. K. T. Zilch. Am Perfumer 77:41-3
92:637 My '63
UseN '62of isopropyl fatty esters in cosmetic tories
ACOUSTIC laboratories. See Sound labora-
formulations. G. Holzner. Am Perfumer 7S:
S9-93 O '63 ACOUSTIC patents
See also Patents.
Sound Published in bi-monthly numbers of
Linoleic acid
Oleic acid ACOUSTIC resonance. See Resonance
Palmitic acid ACOUSTICS. See Sound
Stearic acid
Analysis ACOUSTICS, Architectural
Acoustic clouds may roll by; Philharmonic
Analysis of cis- trans fatty acid isomers using Hall, il Engproblems
N 170:21 in Ap American
11 '63
gas-Uquid chromatography. C. Litchfield Acoustical school-
and others, biblios Ain Oil Chem Soc J
houses, Sound
Acoustical treatment 1:43 Nof '62
classrooms in use.
40:302-9 Jland'63
Chemical biological assay of essential. ,
fatty acids. M. C. Williams and R. Reiser, Sound
Acoustics 1:45
and N architecture.
'62 R. B. Newman.
bibliog Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:237-41 Je '63 Sound 2:15-17 Jl '63music departments. L. S.
Determination of cyclic fatty acids by gas- Acoustics for school
liquid chromatography. L.. T. Black and
R. A. Kisenhauer. bibliog Am Oil Chem Goodfriend. in'63iluse.
Classrooms plansD. Fitzroy.
Sound 2:28-32 Ja 2:16-
il Sound '63
Soc J 40:272-4
Distribution of Jl '63
individual , in
fatty acids . the
18 Ja people
'63 help tune Philharmonic hall,
Arnold and A. fractious
D. Milloy.ofbibliog
lard. Am
L. Oil
K. il Machine to Design 35:8 Ap H.11 C.'63Hardy,
Introduction school acoustics.
Chem acids
Fatty Soc Jof40:296-7 lard. S.Jl F.
'63 Herb and others, plan Sound 2:9-11measurement
Ja '63
Problems in the of reverbera-
bibliog Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:83-8 tion time. T. J. Schultz. bibliog diags Audio
Quantitative analysis of short chain Mrfatty
acids using gas liquid chromatography. Eng Soc J of
Retlectivity 11:307-17 O '63 in concert halls.
panel arrays
B. M. Craig and others, bibliog Am Oil B. G. Walters and others, il plan diags
Chem Soc J 40:61-3 F '63 Sound auditorium.
2:26-30 My W. '63 J. Cavanaugh. bibliog
Quantitative School
mation of gas liquidfatty
volatile chromatographic esti-
acids in aqueous il Sound 2:19-27 Jain '63the American school-
media. R. G. Ackman and R. D. Burgher, Sound of change
bibliog Anal Chem 35:647-52 My '63 house. J. King, bibliog Sound 2:12-15 Ja
Simple method of calibrating a GLC column Sound reinforcement at Philharmonic hall.
for quantitative fatty acid analysis. H. M.
Edwards, jr. and J. E. Marion. Am Oil D. Saslaw. il diags Audio 47:38+ Ap '63
Chem Soc J 40:299-300 Jl '63 See also
Sound absorbent materials
Tuna fatty acids. "VV. T. Roubal. bibliog diags ACOUSTICS of music. See Music — Acoustics
Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:213-18 Je '63 and physics
ACIDS, Organic
Conjugate acids of 2.5-dimethylpyrrole. E. ACRYLAMIDE
B. Whipple and others, bibliog Am Chem Determination of traces of polyacrylamides in
Soc J 85:26-30 Ja 5 '63 water. W. B. Crummett and R. A. Hummel,
Decarboxylation of B-ketoacids; a study of bibliog Am Water Works Assn J 55:209-19
the decarboxylation of 1-carboxy-bicyclo TwoF '63new organic reactions use phosphorus:
[3,3.1] nonane derivatives. J. P. Ferris and element reacts with acrylonitrile and acryl-
N. C. Miller, bibliog diags Am Chem Soo J
amide to make phosphine oxides, and with
85:1325-8 My 5 '63 organometallics to give phosphines. Chem
Dimer acids. J. C. Cowan, bibliog Am Oil
Chem Soc J 39:534-45 bibliog(p544-5) D '62 C& Eng N 40:44-5 N 19 '62
Effects of substituents on acidities of organic Brief look at reactive acrylics. A. C. Nuessle.
acids in water: thermodynamic theory of
the Hammett equation. L. G Hepler. bib- bibliog Am
Canadian acrylate Dyestuff Rep looms.
prospect 52:692-6CanS Chein
2 '63
liog Am Chem Soc J 85:3089-92 O 20 '63 Process and 47:60-1- ify '63 of floor polish com-
Organic acids in metal cleaning and finishing. Function performance
T. A. Downey, bibliog il Metal Finishing ponents. A. J. JuUan. Soap & Chem Spec
60:50-7-f O '62 38:74-6-1- of
Grafting N '62 poly (1.1-dihydroperfluoroalkyl
Stereospecific total synthesis of two 5-amino- acrylates) on wool. A. G. Pittman bibliog
5.6-dideoxy-DL-hexonic acids, a novel class
of aminosugar related compounds. B. Textile Res J 33:817-24 O '63
Belleau and Y. K. Au- Young, bibliog Am Spectrophotomotric determination of the
Chem Soc J 85:64-71 Ja 5 '63 methyl ether of hydroquinone in ethyl acry-
late in the presence of hvdroquinone. J. C.
SiUfur derivatives of long-chain acids. G. S. Stone,monomers
diag Analderived Chem 35:1552-3
Sasin. bibliog Am Oil Chem Soc J 39:488- Vinyl from fats S and
'63 oils.
90 N '62 and properties of highly hindered H. M. Teeter. Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:143-56
Synthesis biblioglo 155-6) Ap '63
aliphatic acids. M. S. Newman and T. See also
Fukunaga. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85: Plastics. Transparent
1176-8 Ap 20 '63
See also Analysis
Adipic acid Gas chromatographic analysis of poly(ethylena
Benzoic acid ethyl acrylate) and poly(ethylene vinyl
Carboxylic acids acetate) pyrolyzates. E. M. Barrall, 2d and
Citric acid
Croconic acid others, bibliog Anal Chem 35:73-6 Ja '63
Eburicoic acid ACRYLIC fibers
Fumaric acid Acrylic fiber prices lowered. 11 Chem & Bnif
Muconic acid N 40:21-2 O 8 '62
Oxalic acid American
Resin acids yam. TypeCyanamid's new acrylic
63. A. R. Loosli filament
and others. Mod
Terephthalic acid Textiles Mair 43:46-50-1- N '62


ACRYLIC fibers — Continued ACTIVATED sludge method. See Sewage dis-
Effect of spinneret hole length on fiber diam- posal— Activated sludge method; Trade
eter; a means for measurinK polymer solu- waste disposal — Activated sludge method
tion inhomogeneities. C. O. Bostwicit. il ACTIVATION
diae Texule Ites J :i2:S19-24 O 62 Activation analysis applied to steel produc-
EverlastinK canopies: acrylic outdoor fabric tion. G. I. Crawford and others, bibliog il
Iiiiluence of coagulation 11 Textile Ind variables 126:137-9 Non '62the diags Radio & Electronic Eng in26:251-9 S '63
Activation analysis lor sodium the sodium
structure and physical properties of an ac- tungsten bronzes. R. J. Reuland and A. F.
rylic fiber. J. P. Knudsen. bibliOK ii diaK Voigt. bibliog diag Anal Chem 35:1263-7 Ag
Textile Kes J 33:13-2U Ja 6:!
Two-bath spinning process improves acrylic Activation energies for reorientation proc-
U.K.fiber. steps Textile up Worldsynthetic113:106fiberO '63capacity, il esses in ferrocene and some of its de-
rivatives; a study of proton magnetic res-
Chem & EnK N 41:33-40 O 14 '63 onance spectra. L. N. Mulay and A. At-
See also talla. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:702-6 Mr
Dyes and dyeing — Acrylic fibers
Dynel Activation
20 '63 drogen energies from bond energies; hy-
Orion transfer reactions. H. S. Johnston
ACRYLIC plastics. See Plastics. Transparent and C. Parr, bibliog .tVm Chem Soc J 85:
Analysis S 5foods '63 by neutron-activation tech-
ABS joins plastics that can be plated, il niques. J. D. Buchanan and V. P. Guinn.
Application & Eng- of the N 41:48-9
theory of Mr paracrystaJs
25 '63 to . bibliog activation
Anionic il Food Tech of C-H 17:17-22.
bondscover Ja '63
in olefins.
A. Schriesheim and otliers. bibliog Am
acrylonitrile. P. H. Lindenmeyer ofandpoly-
the crystal structure analysis R. Chem Soc Jactivation 85:2111-18 entropy Jl 20 '63 in the iron
Hosemann. bibliog il diags J Ap Phys 34: Anomalous
42-5 Ja '03 ill)-manganese(lll) reaction. M. J. Nicol
Effects of gamma radiation and D. R. Rosseinsky. Chem & Ind p 1166
irradiation reactions. F. A.on Blouin
C. Arthur, jr. bibliog il Textile Res J 33: Apparent chemical kinetics of surface reac-
727-38 S '63 ABS. but the motor, il Mod Jl 13 '63 tions in external flow systems; diftusionai
Everything falsification of a<;tivation energy and reac-
Plastics 40:92-3 put Mr zip'63 in acrylonitrile out- tion order. D. E. Rosner. bibliog A I Ch E J
Export marliets 9:321-31 Myof '63
Correlation volume of activation, solvent
put. Chem
High-strength cellulosic & Eng N 40:11-12 D 31 '62
materials through polarity and reactant charge type for var-
internal polymerization. L.. W. Lyncii. bib- ious organic reactions. K. R. Brower. bib-
Imperial liog il Tappi chemical 46:480-5 Ag '63 and British
industries liog Am Chem of Soc
Determination micro J 85:1401-4
amounts My of 20 '63
Hydrocarbon form new joint company to in potassium chloride by neutron activa-
build acrylonitrUe plant. Chem & Eng N tion analysis. F. W. E. Strelow and H.
41:46 Apspinning 15 '63 from a mixed polymer sys- SUirk. bibliog of Anal
Determination oxygen Chemin gallium
35:1154-9 arsenide
Ag '63
tem: a multivariable study. G. K. Morbey by neutron activation analysis. R. F.
and J. C. Whitwell. bibliog Textile Res J Bailey and D. A. Ross, bibliog Anal Chem
a fresh S '63 look at low cost styrene 35:791-4 Je '63of phosphorus in hypereutec-
acrylonitrile. J. E. Hauck. il Materials in tio aluminum-silicon alloys by a neutron
activation method. R. Blackburn and B. F.
Three Eng 57:82-5 Jelines '63 yield AB.S plastics G. Peters, diag Anal Chem 35:10-13 Ja '63
array: process tiowsheet. N. P. Chopey. il Determination of submicrogram quantities of
aluminum In natural diamonds bv neutron
Two diagsnewChem organicEng reactions
69:154-6 S use 17 '62phosphorus; activation analysis. E. C. Lightowlers. bib-
element reacts with acrylonitrile and acryl- liog Anal Chem
Determination 34:1398-402 O quantities
of submlcrogrEuti '62 of
amide to make phosphine oxides, and with
organometallics to give phosphines. Chem manganese, sodimn, and copper in natural
& Eng N acrylonitrile 40:44-5 N 19 price '62 diamonds b.v neutron activation analysis.
Unrealistic upped. Chem E. C. Lightowlers. bibliog Anal Chem 35:
1285-90 Ag '63
Which route to ethylene? '63
& Eng N 41:24 Mr 25 W. F. Stevens and Determination of tantalum in tungsten by
activation analysis. R. Corth. Anal Chem
G. Thodos. Pet Management 35:197-200 O '63 'fi:-l
Manufacture 34:1607-8 N '62of the total oxygen content
of organic materials by fast neutron ac-
Du Pont, IBM acliieve dynamic optimization tivation. R. A. Stallwood and others, bib-
of nonlinear acrylonitrile process, i] Chem liog diags Analof total Chem sulfur35:6-10 inJa water'63
& EnglookN at41:60-2 F 18 '63P. W. Sherwood. Determination by
Fresh ■63 acrylonitrile. neutron activation analysis. C. H. Wayraan.
bibliog il Pet Management 34:173-6 Ag; 218- bibliog Ajial of Chemtrace35:768-9 My '63
21 S '62 switches Determination quantities of uranium
Goodrich to propylene in acrylo- by neutron activation analysis. D. Decat
nitrile process. Chem & Eng N 41:29 Jl 29 and others, bibliog Anal Chem 35:845-7 Je
New acr pro rev of rec Developments 'l',2 in radioactivation analysis. D.
developments. P. W. ces Sherwood, iewil Ind ent
Chem Taylor, bibliog il Engineering 196:378-9 S
nit ses '63
39:242-5 My rile'63 ; Emission
Petrochemical developments: new data on 20 '63 spectra
of (Zn.Cd)S phosphors. W.
bibliog Electrochem Soc J 110:
others, ilacrylo process.
diag Hydrocarbon F. Process
Veatch & and Pet 754-8 Jl '63of mercury In biological material
Refiner 41:187-90 N '62 by neutron activation analysis. H. Smith.
Sohio. Distiller.s go to court over acrylonitrile Anal Chemof 35:635-6 My '63in biological ma-
proce,sses. Chem & Eng N 41:29 N 4 '63 Estimation strontiimi-S4
ACTINIDE series terial by neutron activation analysis. H.
MicroacUvation analysis for oxygen in the Smith. Anal ofChema previously 35:749-51 Myunassigned
actinide metals. A. C. Demildt. bibliog diag Identification
Anal Chem 35:1228-30 Ag '63 five-second bromine activity and its use
ACTINIUM in neutron activation analysis. O. U.
Analysis Anders, bibliog Anal Chem 34:1678-80 D
Radiochemical determination of actinium in Iridium compound activates Oa and Hj.
uranium mill effluents. H. G. Petrow and 1.. Va.ska. il Chem & Eng N 41:384- Je 10
R. J.
ACTINOMYCETESAllen. Anal Chem 35:747-9 My '63
Neutron activation analysis expands. 11 Steel
Chemical aspects of actinomycete metabolltea 152:103 activationJe 10 '63 analysis of alloy steel and
as contributors of taste and odor. R. L. Neutron
Morris and others, bibliog fiow diag Am electro-etch residues for sixteen elements.
Water Works J 65:1380-90 O '63 I. J. Gruverman and W. A. Henninger. bib-
Studies on actinomycetes and their odors. A.
H. Romano and R. S. Saffennan. bibliog Neutronliog activation Anal Chem analysis 34:1680-3 of D aluminum:
'62 de-
Am Water Works Assn J 56:169-76 F '63 termination of gamma-emitting Impurities
ACTINOSPECTACIN. See Antibiotics with long half lives. F. Girardi and R.
Pietra. bibliog diag Anal Chem 36:173-7
ACTIVATED carbon. See Carbon. Activated F '63
ACTIVATION — Contiimed Electrophillc addition to olefins. M. J. S.
Neutron activation and radiochemical ae- Dewar and R. C. Fahey. blbUoe Am Chem
termination of the molybdenum, chromium, Soc J 85:2245-52 Ag 5 '63
and iron content of individual stainless Free-radical additions to norbomadiene. D. J.
steel microspheres. P. A. Benson and C. Trecker and J. P. Henry, bibliog diags Am
E. Gleit. biblioK il Anal Chem 35:1029-32 Chemradical
Free Soc J reactions85:3204-12 initiated
O 20 '63 by lonlzine
Jl '63
Neutron flux monitoring for activation anal- radiation; rate constants for hydrogen atom
ysis of oxygen. J. T. Gilmore and D. E. addition reactions with monooleflns. buta-
HuU. bibliosr diag Anal Chem 35:1623-5 O diene and benzene. K. Yang, blbliofr Am
Rapid determination of aluminum in minerals HydrogenSocisotope
Chem J ■63
effectsO and 20 '62the mechanism
and rocks by thermal neutron activation of cycloaddition. T. J. Katz and R. Dessau,
analysis. D. F. Rhodes and W. E. Mott. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2172-3 Jl 20
dlaK Anal
Routine Chem 34:1507-8
activation analysis. O11 '62
I S A J 9: Kinetics and equilibrium of the system living
33-t- D '62 a-methylstyrene dlmer -|- monomer » the
Simplified method for determining sensitivi- living
reactor trimer;for studies application of a stirred-fiow
of reversible addition
ties in activation analysis. B. T. Kenna and reactions. C. L, Lee and others. Am Chem
L. A. Kemia. biblioK Anal Chem 35:1766-8
O '63 Soc J 85:912-14
Kinetics Ap 5 '63
of the photochemical dlmerizatlon of
ACTIVITY coefficients olefins to cyclobutane derivatives; intra-
Activity coefficients of indicators in sulfuric molecular addition. R. Srinlvasan. bib-
acid solutions: the relationships betvreen liog Am Chem Soc J 84:4141-5 N 5 '62
indicator acidity functions. R. H. Boyd, Macro rings: stereochemistry of a 1,6-cyclo-
biblioff Am Chem Soc Jand85:1555-61 Je 5 the
'63 addition reaction. D. J. Cram and others,
Polar effects on rates equilibria; bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1088-93 Ap 20
effect of solvent on the transmission of
polar effects. J. Hine and others, biblios Molecular addition compounds of some phos-
Am of Chemdisplacement
Soc J 85:1473-6 My in 20 '63 phazenes and 1.3,5-triazines. S. K. Das and
Role reactions the de- others. Chem group cS: Indreactions;
p866 My reactions
25 '63
termination of activities in alloys with the Neighboring of
aid of galvanic cells. C. Wagner and A. 3- (o-haloalkyl) -3-phenyl-2-benzofuranones
Werner, bibliog diags Electrochem Soc J with secondary amines: trapped tetrahedral
110:326-32 Ap '63 intermediates in a carbonyl addition reac-
ACYL compounds tion. H. E, Zaugg and others, bibliog Am
Comparison of the bimolecular and intramo- Chemtype '63
J 84:4567-73 D 5Harwood.
lecular nucleophilic catalysis of the hydrol- New H. J. bibliog
ysis of substituted phenyl acylates by the Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:204-6 My of '63 BPi
dimethvlamino group. T. C. Bruice and Nuclear magnetic resonance studies
S. J. Benkovic. bibliog diags Am Chem addition compounds; the exchange of BFi
Soc J synthesis85:1-8 Ja 5of '63acyldienes developed. R. between
C. Rutenberg (CH3)20-BF3and others. and Am (CiHcljG-BFs.
Chem Soc A,J
F. Heck. Chem & Eng N 41:40 Jl 1 '63 85:2702-4 S 20 '63
Photochemical reactions: addition reactions of
amidines and potentiometric titration of B.acyl-
related compounds. H. olefins and acetylenes with benzonltrile.
Beggs and R. D. Spencer, bibliog Anal J. G. Atkinson and others, bibliog Am Chem
Chem 34:1590-4 N '62 Soc J 85:2257-63 Ag
Radiation-induced 5 '63 of hydrogen sulfide
Phosphite complexes of alkyl- and acyl-cobalt to substituted acetylenes; synthesis of
carbonyls. R. F. Heck, bibliog Am Chem
Soc J 85:1220-3 My 5 '63 vinylthiols. F. W. Stacey and J. F. Harris,
ACYL group Jr. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:963-6 Ap 6
Approach to the specific cleavage of peptide Radical-Induced addition of acetic acid and
bonds: the acyl migration in dipeptides its derivatives to olefins. J. C. Allen and
containing hydroxyamino acids in anhy- others. Chem & Ind effect p 1621-2in SCH3 8 "62and CF«
drous hydrogen fluoride. S. Sakakibara and Secondary deuterium
others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:4921-8 D addition reactions. M. Feld and others, bib-
20 '62and electronic effects in the dissocia-
Steric liog Am Chem of
Stereochemistry Soc metal
J 84:4451-3addition D 5to'62 conlu-
tion of cobalt carbonyl derivatives; acylco- gated systems. N. L. Bauld. Am Chem Soo
balt carbonyls. R. F. Heck, bibliog Am
Chem Soc J 85:651-4 Mr 20 '63 J 84:4345-8 N 20 '62
Steric course of some carbenold additions to
ACYLATION olefins. G. L. Closs and others, bibliog Am
Acylated cyclodextrins as stationary phases
for comparative gas liquid chromatography. Chem Soc J 84:4985-6 D 20 '62
H. Schlenk and others, bibliog Anal Chem Studies of irreversibility of CFs addition; re-
34:1529-32 N '62 actions with some cis and trans isomers
Acylatlon by a metal-ion salt-quinone sys- and the problem of cis-trans isomeriza-
tem. E. J. Corey and H. KOnig. bibliog Am tion. H. Komazawa and others, bibliog Am
Chem Soc J 84:4904-8 D 20 '62 Chem Soc J 85:2043-7 Jl 20 '63
Enamine alkylation and acylation of carbonyl Substitution and addition reactions of the
compounds. G. Stork and others, bibliog fluoroolefins: the electrophillc addition of
Am Chem Socreactions J 85:207-22 Ja 20 '63of the mercuric fluoride to fluoropropenes in hy-
Intramolecular in acylation drogen fluoride. W. T. Miller. Jr. and M. B.
cyclooctatetraene dianion. T. S Cantrell Freedman. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85;
and H. Shechter. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 180-3 Ja 20Food. '63 See Food additives
85:3300-1 O 20 '63 ADDITIVES,
ADAMANTANE. See Tricyclodecane ADENINE
ADAPTATION (biology) Consumer verification of quality maintenance
Adaptation of rats to diets containing ethio- induced by JV'-benzyladenine in the storage
nine or excesa leucine. P. D. Spolter and of celery (anium graveolens) and broccoli
A. E. Harper, bibliog J Nutrition 80:386-90 (brassica oleracea var. Itallca). R R.
Dedolph and others, bibliog Food Tech 17:
Visual '63 performance
Ag under conditions of 1323-4 O of'63 Interaction of 9-methvladenlne
transient adaptation. R. M. Boynton and Enthalpy
N. D. Miller, bibliog diag Illiim Ene 58:541- and 1-methylthymine in water. S. J. Gill
50'62 Ag '63 and others, bibliog diags Am Chem Soc J
ADDING machines
Voice recognition. 11 Ind Electronics 1:24 O 85:706-8 Mr•6320 '63
adenines of and the anomeric
the identification7-D-ribofuranosyl-
of the
ADDITION compounds nucleoside from pseudovitamin Bu. J. A.
Acetonitrile-nitromethane mixtures as media Montgomery and H. J. Thomas, bibliog Am
for aromatic chlorination and chlorine addi- Chem Soc J 85:2672-3 S 5 '63
tion reactions. R. M. Keefer and L J. An- Synthesis of 3-B-D-ribofuranosyIadenine. N.
drews, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:3635-8 J. Leonard and R. A. Laursen. bibliog Am
O 5 '62 Chem Soc J 85:2026-8 Jl 5 '63
Addition of unsaturated monomers to rubber ADENOSINE
and similar polymers. C. Pinazzi and Schramm deoxyadenoslne synthesis. J. A.
Ja 63 Rubber Chem & Tech Carbon. Chem & Ind P529-30 Mr 30 '63
ADENOSINE phosphates
Electrophillc addition to carboxyllc acids and ATP may form at three sites. D. B. Green
their derivatives M H. Palmer. bibUog and others. Chem & Eng N 41:40-1 Ap 29
Chem & Ind p689-94 Ap 13 '63
ADHESION Adhesive gains challenge ptirchasing agents.
Adhesion of paint coatings. L. Domnlkov. Iron Agesubstances 191:107 My studied i '63 for dental appli-
diaes Metal Finishing 61:50-1 F '63 Adhesive
Bond in heteroeeneous interfaces. B. Stever- cations. R. L. Bowen. Franklin Inst J 274:
ding. bibliog diag Electrocliera Soc J 110:
712-16 Jl '63 233-4 S '62for extreme-low-temperature appli-
Elastomer structure and adhesion. V. G. cations. J. Hertz, bibliog il Electro-Tech
Raevskii and others, bibliog Rubber Chem
& Tech 35:1041-51 O '62 on steel: effect of 70:93-6 S for
Adhesives '62 industry; new laboratory at the
Electroless nicliel deposits Silvertown factory of Duche & Knight ltd.
heat treatment on adhesion. Li. Domnikov. il Ind Chem
bibliOE Metal Finishing 61:78-9-1- Ja '63 Adhesives for 38:577 optical N and '62 electro-optical ap-
Fundamentals of glass-to-metal bonding; na- plications. I. Katz. Electro-Tech 71:161-2-1-
ture of wetting and adherence. J. A. Pask
and R. M. Fulrath. bibliog Am Cer Soc J Adhesives likely to be encountered in waste-
45:593-6 D 1 '62 paper.
Ap '63 C. F. Witzmann. Tappi 46:sup 152A-
Glass surfaces as a contributing factor to
good labeling. J. J. Hazdra. diag Cer Ind Adhesives
3A Mr '63progressing; joining light metaJs.
80:45-7-t- ofMyconstitution
Influence '63 on adhesion. W. A. Areil you
Light overlooking Metal Age adhesives. 21:7 Je il '63 Iron Age
Zisman. il diags Ind & Eng Chem 55:18-38 191:116 F 14 '63
'62 O '63 Assembly with adhesives. J. W. Janson. diags
Maximum adhesion: what to consider L. Automation
Heard. Ind Finishing 39:77-8 O '63 Bonding bead 10:66-9 board;Ap florist
'63 supplier builds
Polyolefln surface treating methods. J. J. cold room with polystyrene foam and ad-
ZiccarelU. 11 diags Mod Plastics 40:126-1- N
Bonding ofhesive, polyethylene
l Plastics World 21:34-5 andJe rubber
to metals '63
Relation between base metal composition, with hydrogenated polybutadiene. A. I.
surface composition, pickling rate, and Yakubchik and others. Rubber Chem &
direct-on adherence. H. N. Rahn and oth- Tech 35:1060-2 O '62 with adhesive; draw-
ers, bibliog il Am Cer Soc J 45:581-5 D 1 '62 Bonding sheet metal
Solubility and adhesion of Ameripol OB. ings with text. •63 F. Strasser. Product Eng
p.62 V. Sarbach. il Rubber World 147:74-8 N 34:64-5 Je container 24 '63
Cartridge offers two-component
Theory gives direction to adhesion work. L sealing the simple way. il Mod Plastics
H. Sharpe and H. Schonhorn. 11 Chem &
Eng Ntyre 41:67-8 Ap 15 '63 in wet conditions. 40:94 Apadhesive
Ceramic '63 bonding of refractory met-
Where meets road als; a preliminary investigation. R. K.
Engineering 195:829 Reeder, jr. and R. A. Long, bibliog Am
Why do materials stick21 '63
Je together? il Bell Cer Soc adhesiveBui 42:337-9
Lab Rec 41:208-9 My '63 Charged curesJe itself;
'63 electrical cur-
See also ing concept generates heat at the bond line
Cohesion of mating parts, diag Iron Age 192:89 Ag 29
Collection and classification of information
Correlation of the coefficient of adhesion on deinking contaminants. W. Rosenblatt
with various physical and mechanical prop- and L. I. Osipow. Tappi 45:sup 155A-7A
erties of metals. M. E. Sikorski. bibliog il N '62
A S adhesionM E Trans ser release
D 85:279-85 Designing mth structural adhesives. W. C.
Quick test for papers.Je TappI
Tanner, diags Machine Design 192-1- Mr 14
46:sup 140A N '62
ADHESIVE tape Finishes which lubricate; what metal finish-
Adhesive bonding plus riveting lowers struc- ers should know about bonded lubricant
tural stresses, il Iron Age 191:100-1 Ja coatings. J. R. Jones, il Metal Finishing
17 '63 and classification of Information on
Collection 60:44-9
How to form N '62 and join vinyl-clad aluminum
deinking contaminants; adhesive tapes W sheet. J. K. Wareham and W. M, Rogerson.
Rosenblatt and L. I. Osipow. Tappl 45:sup bibliog il diags Product Eng 34:98-102 Ap
157A-8A N '62 Influence of constitution on adhesion. W. A.
Epoxy tape Improves aircraft construction; 15 '63
Zisman. il diags Ind & Eng Chem 55:18-38
Epon adhesive 927. il Mod Plastics 40:121
NewMy premium
'63 handling method, il Soap & Joining and fastening
bibliog(p37-SI O '63 of materials: adhesives:
Chem Spec 38:69-71 D '62 tables, diass Materials in Design Eng 58:
Pressure-sensitive-adhesive electrical tapes. 49S-500 the
Keeping Mid-Opack '63 together, il Manuf Chem
I.62 Katz. bibliog Electro Tech 70:181-4-f- As '63
Room temperature adhesive for aluminum Look
33:506what D '62you can do with adhesives. il
il Light Metal Age 20:10-11 F '63 Steel automotive
More 153:36-9 Ag uses 5 '63 seen for adhesives.
Tape adhesive bonds the Boeing 727. il Ma-
chine Design 35:14 Ja 17 '63 NewMaterials
chemicals in Design Eng 58:196-f-
and materials: S '63 and
Testing latexes. Ind & Eng Chem 55:78-1- S '63 ad-
New curing concept for structural film
Method and equipment for measurement of hesive, il Automation 10:22 S '63
adhesion, of low-adhesion pressure-sensitive New process gives tailored coatings A. J.
62 W. T. Diefenbach. 11 Tappl 45:840-2 N Kompanek. jr. and G. A. Collins, jr. 11 diags
ADHESIVE tape. Plastic Materials in Design Eng 58:90-2 O '63
Flexible adhesive One- part adhesives bond rubber and metal.
labels made on the spot. Materials in Design Eng 58:124-5 Ae "63
il Materials in Design Eng 56:170-)- O '62 Outlook for adhesives in electronics. E. F.
Iwo-l.-iced pre.ssure-sensitive
unusual urethane uses, il tape;Plastics new World
and Hess, il diag Electronic Ind 22 :G 10-13 Je
21 :2l-o My '63
ADHESIVES Peeling tension of paper and paperboard
Adhesive applicator cut.s carton-closing costs. adhints. J. J. Rikerman and W. 'Whitney,
U diag Food Eng 35:85 Ae '63 diags Tappl circulation, 46:420-4 Jl '63
Adhesive bonded autos. Mech Eng 85:58-9 O Preparation, and storage of cor-
63 rugaling adhesive. F. G. Ewing. bibliog 11
Adhesive bonding cuts labor cost 75 per cent diag Tappi 46:sup 190A-4A S '63
in production of aluminum-stvrofoam Pre- wired adhesive; heating elements em-
bedded in film cvire bond electrically, II
panels. J B. Fogelgren. il Mod Me'tals 19: Plastics World 21:40-1 S '63
Adhesive bonding gains auto-Industry back- Properties of foams, adhesives. and plastic
ing. Machine Design 3.S:14 Jl 4 '63 films at cryogenic temperatures. R. N.
Miller and others, il diag Ind & Eng Chem
19:34-1- OJ^°.l3'"^ 63 (to "''ht
be cont) metals. 11 Mod Metals Product Res & Develop 1:257-61 D '62
Adhesive bonding pavs off. T. M. Richards. Reclnse pack system extended to include
polyethylene after successful tests, it Plas-
11 Tool & Manuf Eng 61:87-90 Ae '63
Adhesive consumption factors for A. B and tics World 21:24
Rubber-metal bondJe failures.
'63 C. H. Peterson.
?A ""i'^^.-^o^''
7A Ja 63 ^'■^- Buttery. Tappl 46:sup 166A- 11 diags Rubber Age 93:929-32 S '63
Seven ways (o assemble with adhesives:
Adhesive film has built-in heater, il Mill & drawings with text. B. T. Amllrani. Product
Factory 73:82-3 O '63
Eng 34:80-1 Ap 16 '63
ADHESIVES — Continued Drying of air by fixed bed adsorption with
Stickiness explained by new adhesion theory. molecular sieves. J. I. Nutter and G. Bur-
Machine Desisn net, jr. bibliog flow sheet A I Ch E J 9:
Structural adliesive35:10 Ap 25 aluminum
bondinpr '63 hull. 202-6process
Mr '63 upgrades impure hydrogen. 11
il Liaht Metals Age 21:15-16 As '63 A. O. Esso
Structural adhesives for civil engineers. Chem &boehmite; Eng N 41:52 Jl 8 adsorbent
Frearson. il dias EnKineerine 194:837-9 D Fibrillar a new for §as
28 "62 solid chromatography. J. J. Kirkland. bib-
Structural adhesives; they may solve your liog Anal
desipn problems. W. C. Tanner, il diags Isolation of Chem antibody 35:1295-7 Ag '63 of an im-
by means
munological specific adsorbent. A. Malley
Theory of the 48:55-6-1-
Welding Eng opacity Je of '63
films of coating and D. H, Campbell, bibliog Am Chem Soc
pigment and adhesive: method for calcu- J 85:487-8sieves
Molecular F 20 are '03 advantageous, diag Can
lating the opacity of coatings. J. V. Robin-
son and E. Gf. Linke. bibliog Tappi 46:
384-90 Je '63 Molecular sieves 47:51-2
Chem Procc.';g In epoxyMr resin '63 tooling. D.
Three factors hold key to successful adhe- J. Waythomas and R. L, Mays. bibUoK 11
sive bonding of truck bodies: abstract. S. Mod Plastics
A. Earnest. S A E J 71:75 F '63 Molecular sieves40:159-1- performN '62 well in sweetening
Two-step adhesive system makes polyester light-hydrocarhon liquids. E, L. Clark,
tire cord work, il Chem & Eng N 41:52-3 F More IsoSiv units announced.N Oil
diags Oil & Gas J 60:178-9 12 '62
& Gas J
25 '63
Untreated polyethylene joined to metals, 61:93-4 S 30 '63
New adsorbents for gas chromatography. Li,
diags Materials in Design Eng 57:83 F '63 B. Rogers and A, G, Altenau. bibliog Anal
See also
Binding materials Chem straight-chain
Pure 35:915-16 Je '63components; new goal
Resinous products — Adhesives for molecular sieves. D. H. Stormont. 11
Testing diags Oil & separations
Quantitative Gas J 61:64-6 Mr 11fatty
of higher '63 acid
Apparatus methyl esters by adsorption chromatogra-
adhesives. for R. theJ. Fort testing
and ofR. low-strength
P. Sheldon. phy on silica impregnated with silver ni-
diag J Sci Instr trate. B, De Vries, bibliog Am Oil Chem
SAE introduces recommended '63practice for
40:264 My
Soc J 40:184-6 My '63
testing bonded brake shoes, il diags S A E J ADSORPTION
71:47-52 Ag '63 Activated carbon now in sheet form, 11 Ma-
New hair wave reagent. G. T. Walker, il Activatedterials incellulose
Design Engfor 57:93 My '63
Drug & Cosmetic Ind 92:709-)- Je '63 chromatography. C. IC. Miller and others,
ADIPONITRILE bibliog Analand
Adsorption Chemcollective 35:93-5 Japaramagnetism.
Electrochemical process yields organics: Mon- P. W. Selwood. Review, by E, K. Rideal.
•63 santo development could lead to economic,
large-scale manufacture of adiponitrile, C. Chem & Ind
Adsorption p644-5 Ap 20derivatives.
by organo-clay '63 G. B.
A. Hochwalt. Chem & Eng N 41:69-70 O 14 Street and D, White. J Ao Chem 13:288-91
ADIPOSE tissue. See Fat Jl 63
Adsorption flow method for specific metal
ADIRONDACK MOUNTAINS surface area determination, H, D, Gruber,
Hornblendes formed during progressive meta- bibliog diag Anal Chem 34:1828-31 D '62
morphism of ampliibolites, northwest Ad- Adsorption isotherms by a rapid flow meth-
irondack Mountains. N.Y. A. E. J. Engel od. K. R. Lange, bibliog diag J Colloid
and C. G. Engel. map Geol Soc Bui 73:1499- Sci 18:65-72modification Ja '63
514 biblioglp origin 1513-14) D '62 parts of the Adsorption of fillers and struc-
Metasomatic of large ture formation in solutions of polymers,
Adirondack phacoUths. A. E. J. Engle and A, B. Taubman and others, bibliog Rubber
C. G. Engel. plan Geol Soc Bui 74:349-52, Chem & Tech 36:143-6
Adsorption of admixtures on Portland cement, Ja '63
Pi 1-2; Discussion. A. P. Buddington. 353 B, Blank and others, bibliog Am Cer Soc J
Mr '63 46-395-9 Agof '63
ADMINISTRATION, Public Adsorption aromatic hydrocarbons at the
See also
Water departments gold electrolyte interface. H. Dahms and
ADRENAL glands M. Green, bibliog diag Electi-ochem Soc J
Relative effects of rapeseed oil and corn oil 110:1075-80 ofO iron
Adsorption '63 during etching of lithium
on rats subjected to adrenalectomy, cold fluoride crystals, G, Rosenblatt and M, B,
or pyridoxine deprivation, J. L, Beare and
bibliog J Nutrition Ives, il Electrochem
Adsorption of normal Socparaffins J 110:1088-90 O '63
and sulfur
Some of high and low 80:157-61
sodium Je '63
intake compounds on activated carbon, R, J. Grant
during pregnancy in the rat; granulation and others, bibliog A I Ch E J 8:403-6 Jl
of'63 renal juxtaglomerular cells and zona '62: Correction. 9:566 Jl '63
glomerulosa width. J. M. Wardlaw and R. Adsorption of phenol bv organo-clav deriva-
D. Pike, bibliog il J Nutrition 80:355-64 Ag tives. G, B. Street and D, White, bibliog
Hormones J Ap Chem 13:203-6 My '63
Discriminating chew; paraffin test enables Adsorption of several pre-emergence her-
bicides by Hawaiian sugar cane soils,
the mineral balance of the saliva to be H, W. Hilton and O. H. Yuen, J Agri &
ADRENALIN Ind Med 31:sup24 N '62 Food Chem 11:230-4 My '63
Effect of glucagon, phenmetrazine and epi- Adsorption of solutes at the liquid-gas inter-
nephrine on hunger, food intake and plasma face as measured by gas chromatography
nonesterii^ed fatty acids. S. B, Penick and and Gibbs equation, R. L. Martin, bibliog
L, E. Hinkle, jr. bibliog Am J Clinical Anal Chem 35:116-17 Ja '63
Nutrition 13:110-14 Ag '63 Adsorption of water and methanol by organic-
ADRENOCORTICOTROPIN. See ACTH complexes of montmorillonites, W, H,
Slabaugh and G. H, Kennedy, bibliog J
Acid-treated florisil as an adsorbent for AdsorptionScion18:337-42
Colloid inorganic Ap materials;
'63 reaction
cohmin chromatography. K, K. Carroll, of cadmium sulfide with cooperdll, mer-
bibliog flow sheet il Am Oil Chem Soc J cury (II) and silver(I). H, O. Phillips and
40:413-19 S '63 K. A, Kraus. Am Chem Soc J 85:486-7 F
Bleaching of refined cottonseed oil with mod-
ified alumina adsorbents, W. A. Pons, jr. Agents
and others, bibliog Am Oil Chem Soc J 20 '63 modify polymer surface properties.
40:10-13 Ja '63 Cliem & Eng
Apparatus for Nmeasuring
41:44-t- Ap relative
8 '63 roughness
Carbon web gives high adsorption; powdered factors of inert metals bv the adsorption
carbon bonded with a nonresinous binder of radioactive iodine. M, K. Testerman and
to fibers of pulpwood or other materials, II R, D. Hartman, bibliog diags J Ap Phys
Chem & Eng N 41:50-1 Ap 1 '63 34:1492-4 My '63 from solution. W. V, Loeb-
Conoco will have first Molex unit in U,S, Batch adsorption
to make straight- chain paraffins, Chem & ensteln. bibliog J Res Nat Bur Stand 66A:
Eng N 41:24 Jl S '63 503-15 N '62
Dehumidiflcation by solid adsorbents. A, Hasa. Chrnnoootentlometric Investigation of the ad-
il diag Heating-Piping 35:173-8 Ja '63; Dis- .sorption of iodine at platinum electrodes.
cussion. R, W, Upham, 36:96-)-; Reply, 98+ R. A. Osteryoung, Anal Chem 35:1100-2
S '63
Jl '63
ADSORPTION— Continued , , Surface properties of precipitated alumina;
Compacts of powdered material as poroiis adsorption
bodies for use In sorption studies. P. J. ing chlorideof ions.
J. W.on Lucas
samples and contain-
Sereda and K. F. Feldman. bibllog J Ap
Chem bibliog
Transmission J Ap Chem
squawk 13:265-72
traced to Je '63
Datum 13;150-S
point for Ap esUmatine
'63 , adsorbed
the , ^ ^ adsorption. W. P Doyle and others. S A E J
water in hydrated Portland cement. K. F.
Feldman and P. J. Sereda. bibliOB J Ap Use71:80-1 N '63
of compacts to study plaster
acteristics of powdered the sorption
of Paris.char-
Chem 13:375-82
Determination of Ssurface
'63 , ,
areas of phosphates F, Feldman and P. J. Sereda. bibliog J Ap
from ousadsorption
media. R. E.measurements in nonaque-
Mesmer and R. R. Irani. UseChem 13:158-67 Ap gauge
of thermocouple '63 heads in the meas-
Direct Anal Chem 35:1067-9 Jl '63 of radio-
of adsorption tion. J. urement of surface areas
Doliimore by krypton
and others, adsorp-
bibliog diag
labeled compounds. D. C. Walker and H. Chem & Ind p742-3 My 4 '63
E. Ries. jr. bibliOK il diaB J Colloid Sci See also
17:789-800 D '62 , , with . >. Absorption
Drying of air by fixed bed adsorption Adsorbents
molecular sieves. J. I. Nutter and G. Bur- Chromatographic analysis
net, jr. bibliog (low sheet A I Ch B J 9: Desorption
202-6 Mr '63 ADSORPTION apparatus
Dynamic behavior of fixed-bed adsorbers.
D. E. Marks and others, biblios J Pet Tech Considerations in the isolation and measure-
15:Trans 4«-9 Ap '63 , oxidation
^ . ment of organic refractories in water. H.
Effect of adsorption and electrode N. Myrick and D. W. Ryckman. bibliog
on the o.xidaUon of oxalic acid at platinum diags Am Water Works Assn J 55:783-96
electrodes. F. C. Anson and F. A. Schultz. Je ^63
bibliog Anal
Electrical doubleChem layer 35:1114-16
capacities Ag '63adsorp- Printing
tion of alcohols on gold. G. M. andSchmid and
N. Hackerman. bibliog Electrochem Soc Today's trends In tjTJographic design. G. H.
J 110:440-4 My '63 of ethylenedianunetetra- Petty, il Inland Ptr/Am Llthogr 151:54-6
acetocobaltdli at platinum electrodes: Typographic
Je '63 scoreboard. A. Lawson. Inland
effects of anion adsorption. F. C. Anson,
bibliog Electrochem Soc J 110:436-40 My Ptr/Ani Llthogr 151:53 Je; 75 S '63
Extension of the Nelsen-Eggertsen continuous Want ads
flow method of surface area measurement.
A. J. Haley, bibliog diags J Ap Chem 13: Hiring
392-9 S '63 blackout.vs strikes:
D. K. Merris.New York's newspaper
11 Product Eng
Gas-processing cost studies^. show , which ^. ^ ,to
use: adsorption or refrigeration? L. L. 34:92 F 18 '63 Pictorial
Integration Oil of & single-sweep
Gas J 61:81-3 Ap 8 '63
oscillopolarograms. Ad parade. 11 Drug & Cosmetic Ind 91:443,
R. A. Osteryoung and others, bibliog diag 584. 720;
Nudes in 92:46, 435. 721ilO Drug
advertising, '62-Ja,& Ap, Je '63
Kinetics Soc J 110:926-32
ofF. MacRitchie
adsorption of proteins Ag at ^63
faces. and A. E. Alexander, Ind 93:24-5-1- Jl '63
bibliog J Colloid Sci
Kinetics of adsorption on carbon from solu- 18:453-69 Je '63 Hickorj' Hill farm, where they reap grade A
tion. W. J. Weber, jr. and J. C. Morris, photos. M. C. Feinstein. 11 Ind Phot 12:
bibliog Am Soc C E Proc 89 [SA 2 no
27-30 F '63
Kinetics of chlorideAp '63 desorption from soils. Q. ADVERTISING
W. Thomas. J Agri & Food Chem 11:201-3 See also
Moving pictures In advertising
NewMy '63source of hydrogen: refinery off gases, Television advertising
also subdivision Advertising under special
il Oil & Gasmicrobalance J 61:78-9 JI and 8 '63its use In the subjects, e.g.
Null-reading Agricultural machinery industry
study of the infrared spectra of adsorbed Chemical Industries
molecules. D. A. Seanor and C. H. Amberg. Electric utilities
diag R Sci Instr 34:917-19 As '63 Gas industry
Open tube columns with Impregnated thin Gasoline Industry
layer support for gas chromatography. I. Oil companies
Haldsz and C. HorvAth. bibUog Anal Chem Plumbing trade
35:499-505 Ap '63 Government Investigation
Oxidation has role in olfaction mechanism.
H. L. Rosano and S. Q. Scheps. diag Chem
Trouble for co-op advertising. P. 'Vautin.
& Eng N 41:61-2 S 23 '63 Drug & Cosmetic Ind 92:409-10-1- Ap '63
Physical adsorption in the multilayer region ADVERTISING, Cooperative
on heterogeneous Trouble for co-op advertising. P. Vautin.
faces. C. Pierce and and homogeneous
B. Ewing. bibliog sur-
Drug & Cosmetic
ADVERTISING, Ind 92:409-10-t- Ap '63
Am Chem Soc J 84:4070-5 N 5 '62
Porous glass as an adsorption medium for Story of Am Gas .-Vssn Mo 45:34 S '63
gas chromatography. H. L*. MacDonell and ADVERTISING, Fraudulent
others, bibliog Anal Chem 35:1253-5 Ag '63 Court decisions. H. N. Morse. Drug &
Propane-propylene adsorption on silicagel: Cosmetic Ind 92:54 Ja '63
sinusoidal response. L.. W. Morgan and M. Elusive mock-ups In tv. Drug & Cosmetic
A. Plummer. 11 Chem fing Prog 58:48-9
D '62 Ind 92:432-3-1- Outdoor
Rate equation for adsorption of a neutral See also
substance at a metal-electrolyte Interface. Billboards
P. Delahay and D. M. Hohilner. bibliog ADVERTISING displays
diags Am Chem Soc J 84:4247-52 N 20 '62 Now it's powdered PE for displays. 11 Mod
Reaction kinetics and adsorption equilibria
In the vapor-phase dehydration of ethanol. Plastics
ADVERTISING 40:104-54-
literature Mr '63
R. L,. Kabel and L. N. Johanson. bibliog Sales-savvy siding maker cashes in on dealer
diags A I Ch E J 8:621-8 N '62 aids. II diags Mod Metals 19:76-t- My '63
Selective adsorption studies at the air-solu- Bibliography
tion Interface of aqueous solutions of sur-
factant mixtures by radio tracer technique. Automated warehousing: catalogs for the
K. Shinoda and K. Klnoshita. bibliog J
Colloid Sci 18:174-7 F '63 lob: your quick-reference guide. 11 Mod
Sol-coated capillary adsorption columns for Materials Handling 18:64-8 Ja '63
gas chromatography. R. D. Schwartz and Literature from the International engineering
exhibition stands. London. April 23-May 2.
others, bibliog Anal Chem 35:490-9 Ap '63 Engineering 195:560. 696 Ap 19-26 '63
Sorption behavior of cystlne-modlfled wool. New literature. Published In monthly num-
I. C. Watt, bibliog Textile Re.o J 33:631-8 bers of Automation
Ag '63 New literature. Published in monthly numbers
Sorption studies using automation and com- of Metal progress
Sutation, J. Li, Lundberg and others, bibliog
lags Ind & Eng Chem Fundamentals 2:37- New literature. Published In monthly num-
bers of Research/development
43 F '63
ADVERTISING literature— Bibliography — Cont. Boundary layer
New literature for manufacturing and main- Magnus effect
tenance. Publislied in monthly numbers of Shock waves
Mill and factory , , _^ n. v. Turbulence
Suppliers' lished in literature,
monthly numbers books, ofreports. . Pub-in
Materials Vortex motion
design engineering ^^ . t^. . Winds
Wind tunnels
Trade literature supplement. Heating-Piping Tables, calculations, etc.
35:1-67 pt 2 Ap; 1-S3 pt 2 S '63
AERATION Aerodynamic aspects of boundary layer con-
See also trol for high lift at low speeds. J. Williams
Sewage disposal — Aeration and S. F. J. Butler, bibliog diags Roy Aero-
Trade wajste disposal — Aeration Estimation nautical ofSoc Jmaximum 67:201-23 lift Ap of'63 swept wings
Water — Aeration at low Mach numbers. C. L,. Bore and A. T.
AERIAL mapping. See Mapping. Aerial Boyd, bibliog Roy Aeronautical Soc J 67:
AERIAL photography. See Photograpliy. Aerial 227-39 ofAp flexible '63
AERIAL surveying. See Surveying. Aerial Theory aerodynamic surfaces. J. N.
AERIAL tramways. See Cableways Nielsen, diags A S M E Trans ser E 30:435-
AERIALS. Three-dimensional
42 S '63 effects in viscous wakes.
tennas See Radio antennas; Television an- M. H. Steiger and M. H. Bloom, bibliog
AERODYNAMICS, Hypersonic J 1:776-82 Ap '63
Aerodynamic effects of top-dressing opera-
tions. B. P. G. de Bray. 11 dlags Roy Aero- Air condensation in a hypersonic wind tun-
nautical Soc J 66:631-6 O '62 . nel. F. L,. Daum. bibliog AIAA J 1:1043-6
Aerodynamic forces in thermogravimetry. L.
Cahn and H. Schultz. ii diag Anal Chem Approximate determination of position of the
35:1729-31 O "63 sonic'63 line for a blunt body in hypersonic
Aerodynamic processes in the^ ^
downwasn- ,. flow. M. A. Rahman, diag J Aerospace Sci
impingement problem. R. J. Vidal. bibliog 29:1485-6 D method '62
diags J Aerospace Sci 59:1067-75-1- S 62; Approximate for hypersonic non-
[cont as] AIAA J 1:726-7 Mr '63 equilibrium blunt body airflows. D. Elling-
Aerodynamics and practical aspects. P. Cam- ton, bibliog AIAA J 1:1901-4and Ag theory
'63 and
bridge. 1 diags Engineering 196:334-5 S 13 Blast-hypersonic flow analogy
application. J. Lukasiewicz, bibliog ARS J
Aerodynamics and space frames help shape 32:1341-6 Scorrelation '62
modem sports cars. K. E. Ludvigsen. II Blast-wave of pressures on blunt-
nosed cylinders in perfect- and real-gas
diags S A E Jof 70:64-7
Aerodynamics sails. OA. '62 Millward.^ „11 diags
^. flows at hypersonic speeds. D. M. Kuehn.
Roy Aeronautical Soc J 66:760-4 D '62 AIAA of
Bodies J 1:716-17
revolution Mr '63at angle of attack in
Approximate method for calculating the com- high supersonic flow. I. Ginzel. AIAA J 1:
tinuouslylaminar boundary
distributed layerW. with
suction. con-
Pechau. 484-5 F '63of theory with experiment on a
BAG J 1:933-4 Ap '63
aerodynamic ^ . ^B. J.^
design. blunt axisymnietric body In hypersonic
Prior, diags Aircraft Eng 35:149-52 My 63 flow. C. C. Horstman. AIAA J 1:1688-9
Change of satellite orbit plane by aero- Control of angular motion of a body by
dynamic maneuvering. H. S, London, bib- JI '63 of rotors. M. Z Lltvin-Sedoy. bib-
liog diags J Aerospace Sci 29:323-32 Mr '62; means
[cont as] AIAA J 1:2414-15perturbations
O '63 Criterion liog diags
for AIAA slip near J 1:275-7 Ja '63 edge of
the leading
Computing temperature on
thin-skin panels. F. S. Brunschwig. diag a flat plate in hypersonic flow. L. Talbot,
AIAA J 1:2163-4 S
Concave surfaces in free molecule flow. M. J. '63 bibliogwings
Delta AIAA ofJ shapes 1:1169-71 amenable
My '63 to exact
diaes AIAA shock-wave theory. T. Nonweiier. diags Roy
Drop from J rapidly
1:1716-17 moving
Jl '63„liquid_^
Aeronautical Soc J 67:39-40 Ja '63; Dis-
sheets. R. P. Eraser and others, bibliog cussion. 67:301
11 diags A I Ch E J 8:672-80 N '62 Determination of My '63
h\'Tiersonic flow flelds by the
Effect of air drag on the motion of a fila- method of characteristics. S. A. Powers and
ment struck transversely by a high-speed J B. O'Neill,influence diags AIAA J 1:1693-4 Jl '63
projectile. F. L. McCrackin. bibliog il diags Downstream of mass transfer at
the nose of a slender cone. R. J. Crescl
Effect of Nat
J Res degreeBurof Stand thermal660:317-22 O '62 on
accommodation and P. A. Libby. bibliog i! diags J Aero-
free molecule aerodmamic coefficients. L. space Sci 29:815-26 Jl '62; Discussion. M.
H. Sentman. bibliog diag ABS J 32:1408-10 Vlnokur. AIAA J 1:1711-12: Reply. 1712-13
S '62
Nonequilibrium flow past a wedge. R. Capiaux D.^Tlamic and aeroelastic problems of lifting
and M. "Washington, bibliog diags AIAA J JIre-entry
'63 bodies. J. Hedgepeth and E.
1:650-60 Mr '63 Widmayer, jr. dlags Aerospace Eng 22:
Panel flutter research. T. C. Fung, bibliog 11 14<!-53 of Janose'63bltmtness on the flow around a
diags German
AIAA J contributions 1:898-909 Ap '63 Effect
Recent to aerodynamics tynical ballistic shape. D. W. Eastman and
and flight dynamics. H. Blenk. bibliog 11 L. P. Radtke. diags AIAA J 1:2401-2 O '63
diags Roy Aeronautical Soc J 66:617-30 O Effect
drag ofshapes skin friction on optimum
•62: Correction, 66:726 N '62 In hypersonic flow. H.minimum-
Rotating aerofoils and flaps. S. Neumark.
bibliog diags Roy Aeronautical Soc J 67; Effect of wave interactions onD pressure
J Aerospace Sol 29:1486-7 '62 dis-
47-61; Discussion. 61-3 Ja '63 tributions in supersonic and hypersonic
Scout-vehicle aerodvnamic-noise measure- flow. G. A. Bird, bibliog diags AIAA J
ments. D. A. Hilton, bibliog diagis Sound 2:
28-31 S '63in quasi-two-dimensional, laminar, 1:634-9 ofMrcontrolled
Effects '63 roughness on boimdary-
Separation layer transition at a Mach number of 6.0.
boundary-layer flow. A. K. Ray. J Aero- J. R. Sterret and P. F. Holloway. AIAA J
space Sci 29:1481-2 D '62 1:1951-3of Aecooling
Effects '63 on boundary-layer transi-
Single species assumption In the application
of free molecule tion on a hemisphere in simulated hyper-
mosphere. L. H. theory
Sentman. In the earth's
bibliog ARS at-J sonic flow. R. Dunlap and A. M. Kuethe.
32:1933-4 D '62 bibliog 11 dlags J Aerospace Sci 29:1454-61
Speed of sound and Mach number effects. D '62 of exhaust nozzle recombination on
S. L.. Bragg and S. F. Smith. Roy Aero- hypersonic ram.l6t performance. E. A. Lez-
nautical Soc J 67:669-70 O '63 berg and L. C. Franciscus. bibliog diags
Survey of yacht research at Southampton AIAA J 1:2071-83 S '63
university. T. Tanner, bibliog diags Roy Effects of mass addition on the stability of
Aeronautical Soc J 66:642-8 O '62; Dis- slender cones at hypersonic speeds. C. A.
cussion. 67:127-9 F '63 Syvertson and J. B. McDevItt. AIAA J 1:
Trfends In unsteady aerodynamics. W. P. 939-40 Ap '63 probe for the measurement
Jones, il diags Roy Aeronautical Soc J Electromagnetic
67:137-51 bibllogip 150-1); Discussion. 151-2 of hypersonic flow velocity at a point. P. L.
Mr '63 Leath and T. Marshall. 11 dlags AIAA J 1:
See also 948-50 Ap '63observation of the Mach- and
Aeronautics Experimental
Air flow Reynolds-number Independence of cylinders
Airplane stability and stabilizers in h^'^)e^sonic flow. G. M. Qregorek and K.
Airplanes — Design D. Korkan. bibliog AIAA J 1:210-11 Ja '63
AERODYNAMICS, Hypersonic— Continue*
i-xperimeius with two-dimensional, trans- flows. S M. Bogdonoff hypersonic
and I B separated
Vas hih-
hog 11 diags ARS J 32:1564-72
versely impinging- jets. D. S. Dosanjh and borne pressure-dra 0'62
g effects of rounding the
1^320-rj finite-dif
Explicit V%''i'"' ference
'*'''"°^ method
" <^'*5^ AIAA J vtte ^^^f^,.°S hypersonic inlets E F
for calcula-
i,'!?.''^',""'??'. csty^it^-'"^-
body AIAA J 1:1918-19
of R a'63 ClTow
btoddard. AI.\A '^"f' J turbulent
l:21C4-5 S flows.
'63 F. J „.?"'^"°v,".,P°'.'"
nosed ,heat
in low-density blunt-
H-xternal hypersonic flows. A. Ferri and R ^,^'^}'°,'^ diag. AIAA J 1:1220-2 My '63
aimensional and axisymmetric
bibfio°'.pfri'r-Ja^6'°'''^"^ ^"^ '2:23-31 rtimtn'=°iIl^o^°"" .^'eloc.ity gradient bodies
on two-in

^ALVa'jS;?73^^Tp"'^?|<= Stagnati on
Force- balance determination '■'^■^"'■^- H- W«"-
of supersonic/ ?92T-?d''62 region ■ ^-in D- rarefied
Korkan ARS
high 5 32:
^e*7eT;^°p"= ^combustion-inlet
ieveis. i'. H. Kutschenreuter. perfomiance
jr J Aero-
space Sci 29:1389-90 N '02
speed scanner for transverse radiation
^"biHiiio^r a"i°a ?• i^3f-rsf hf ^- ^ ^^--
S?|K:^'"T'")'^ t °^ luminous h>^Ser^n°i? Transltion to turbulence bibUog
in the J 1:168-
78+ Ja '63 ic
^dil'^'il^A'j- j2Ys'6°'"8l"^63°"^'^^^-
environment; heat """'"^ In"
multicomponent gases. S. M. Scala Aero- TT,?bodies.
, ?■ ^S''^- b'b'iog AHS J 32:1420-1 S ■(;2
Hvpersonic flow oyer bibliog(p20-2,
slender double Ja wedges.
'63 hoHi'J.'!^ J. A. Fay and^wake^
T hypersonic A. Go behind
dburg bibliog
H,%;o ^.""'^an- diae AIAA J 1:1927 Ae '63
il diags uringAIA.\ ratesO '63
J 1:2264-72
heat transfer d'O'ios
flS? DlL'le ''p ''°i"^ ^■°"' °'"I A KAveat-coofed ,frinl""v;1!',^"'. thin-wall technique in hvpersonic
in meas-

^"=°" aE£^
^-J incompressible j"l°
LP., slender channe^ s.^"^.
^'?i^°"J^^S2^^''^S^'^^^, C. Williams flow
'"^'i^'ur'af"Ii?i,°S "i:1Ts"o:5""mT '^f '°"- ^-
ifJ^.S,''°" .,°'.. electromagnetic waves with vJl'^l'°l ^!^5« AIAA -J l:lS6-95vehicle.
Ja '63
pasmas of hypersonic flows. H S Gllck. ^eihoJi^'^'K-l,-'^" oscillating S. L.'
blbhog dlag ARS J 32:1359-64 S '62 1344.64-' n'^6'°*^ "^ Aerospace Sci 29:
Interactions between a hypersonic wake
and ^#,y,5„o ^I'P^'ihea.ter hypersonic tunnel. R.
tery and
?aS^"?^ others,
h"£^^p^ ''?,°". '? projecti
il AIAA le. R.AoE.SIat-
J 1:974-5 'es JlSee
™3 ^^^^ Comp Air Mag 68:26-8
Airplanes. Hypersonic
bodiei "k' ^^"l(7L"n '*'^^- ^^f^ /"■ hypersonic
Laminar ?62^"-
hypersoni '^'^'^ ^ Aerospace Set Heating effect
c trail in the expansion.
^%i°J^^f^'^'^ heating studies of leading edges
r,, s. Lykoudi^.Ti!,'.?o"^
"^r^rrr-.^iit^,transition and subsequent h°r,'^'"A£Xb?'"l';f'0'=i'y
blbhog ARS J 32:1386-8 wings.
S '62 J. A. Nixon,
S^alte?v''l^i"T,.''^/§^'"A?'°<='S>' spheres. RE. tion data. between
t?Ai;'"^"'?" H Hidalgotheory
and and
L P.flight abla-
9 I ilibri ^^- " ■'^^^ -^ 32:1427- b.bliog onil AIAA J 1:41-5 Ja '63
Nonenu um-dissociated bound comparis of five methods of calculating
with a reacting inviscid flow. G ary layers
R. Inglr aerodynamic stagnation-point heat transfer
blbhog AIAA J 1:2057-61 S '63 at velocities of 25.000 to 40,000 fps S.
Nonequihbrium dissociating flow over
cusped body. C. T. Hsu and J E. Ander^a
son. bibliog diag AIAA J l:17S4-9 A? 'el 430-7'l''-'63 E Trans ser E 30:
"" A S Mheating
*^°i,7,?il''''°" offlight
at zero angleto ofcones
layers " with
?a"yer"s wi',T arbitrary,
Jlh^"'"''"" P°i"t catalycitv.
surface boSndary
•^■^Vgj'ncer. bibliog diag AIAA J 1:1776-84 Ag ^'3 ti^"^hapker.
Correlatio of surface bibliog AIAA
temperatu J effect
nonequihhnum heat transfer. re G. R Inger
shock "P^rS^^
'^sh^^t shape at?ff^,9ts_on
Jlf = 8.5cone pressure
to 12 9 N andR
Wood, bibliog il AIAA J 1:1929-30' Ag '63 blbhog alARS
Cylindric heatJ 32:1743-4 '62
flow withN arbitrary 'heating
"■^vlth^'o", •'"*^"5?'' ><3'<'s '" hypersoni? flow rates. J. E. Phythian. AIAA J 1:925-7 Ap
^nJt T J.?i"^y-'t,,f"'^''Pr". ^oefflcient. A. Miele Effect of radiation on flow properties behind
PArV,,,.h„t^'"'*- prcduced
Perturbations blbhog AIAA J 1:2289-93 O '63
in a plasma strong shook waves in air. N. H. Johan-
idly moving body. L P bv a rap- Mr 63
Pitaevskii bib- ??'''*,5„and H. Hoshizaki. AIAA J 1:713-14
hog diag AIAA J 1:994-1000 Ap 'el •
Effect of .surface distortions on the heat
inieH.'"^fl^ii;"^iti-"''§" for hypersonic boundary- ijansfer to a wine at hypersonic speeds.
2T9!r9 o^fi.'?^^- ^- Sastry. diag AIAA J 1: M. H. Bertram and M. M. Wiggs. bibliog
wakes. W. w i?^T,7'^i??"^tlon
K. Wa.shburn and of hypersonic
J. C Keck il diagsental
Experim AIAA effect
J 1:1313-19 Je '63
of bluntnes
11 s
diags ARS J 32:1280-2 Ag '62 rarefaction on drag coefficients and and gas
=Ulfoi°""*=°2^*"=''0" tion heat transfer on axisvmmetric shapes
sphere m hypersonic. interaction
flow. H around
Kennet bib-
a in hypersonic flow. D. E. Bloxsom and B V
Rhodes. J Aerospac Sci 29:1429-32 D '62
T,l'S<ln1""'^. ^^^ J 32:1616-17 O '62 • ^ 1- actors affecting thee surface temperature of
=?itt,?P. ^'"°'"-
stagnation oomt nonisothermal
of a hypersonicgasesblunt tobody.
the a hypprsonic aircraft. C. S. Sinnott. Roy
Aeronautic S'-c J 67:672-4 O ■63
S '62 blbhog dlag ARS J 32:1374-7 Honeycombal wind tunnel models give fast
edge. E. Bendor. "°.^
AIAAnearJ 1:956-8
a sharp leading
Ap '63 13n""o ■rS^^°"^^-
Hyperyelocl '1 Space/Aeronautics 40:
Recent advances in hypersonic flow research. jy heat tran.sfer reduction for a

"ogrp^306-?o''"F"'63^^ ' '■'''-''' •'"'- Hvperyelocify laminar convective flat plateJ

32fl28^6-7'Ag '6? ''"" ^^ ^- ^^'"«'". ARS
Klly "e'?.e?
Y. ?dTn"l"
L. Al Slaira^&v\'^,iS: HjTierveloc
V740-.?'n ity
^62stagnation bibliogheat
Hanley. point J 32:
ARS transfer
'pert and L,?" in a carbon dioxide atmosphere. R. M.
Pitaevskii. diags AIAA
J 1:1001-8 Ap '63
6.3 and others, bibliog AIAA J 1:2173-5
ers"'^^°'"w'" M=*'S'^ In laminar boundary lay- Laminar, transitional, and turbulent heat
Ja -63' Maslen. bibliog AIAA J 1:33-40
transfer to a corie-cylinder-flare body at
Second-order theory of entry mechanics into
a,, planetary atmosphere. W. h! T I.oh Iny}^
A'b^'5? ^'^<^^ J Aerospace Scl 29:1210-21-^ bibliog ■ Jof
« ^ J^a^ttavScl and C. J.4- Callahan,
kinetic e heating n '(">
O 62: Correct ion. AIAA J 1:727-8 Mr 'GV unmanned re-entry vehicles. A .1 d Craig wUh
Discussion. 1:977-8 Ap 'OS ' diags Roy Aeronautical Soc J 66:764-6 D '62
Shock polars for dissoclailne gases G R
%r &' G\?,la'i"n in modern gasdynamics.
{■17Tl-'5"A"-6f ^^'^- bibliog dials AIAA j
^'kIU'i'"''^ °' h^-personlc flows over slender AIAAj''l'l',T7,3':S5 Je'''63"''"- '^"^"°« ^"^
bodies In nonequilibrlum dissociated eaoes ^S?!,^,
Mbrlum effects and
convective correlations
heat In nonequl-
transfer. DE
Ji ^i ■ '''bllOK diag AIAA J 1:46-53
ISM-MJl -M ^ •' 1 -1550-5 blbllOK (P
AERODYNAMICS, Hypersonic— Heating effect Effects of orthotropicity orientation on su-
— Continued personic panel flutter. J. M. CaJligeros and
Simultaneous gas-phase and surface atom re- J. Dusundji. diags AIAA J l:218ij-2 S '63
combination tor siagnauon boundary layer. Estimation of the non-linear lift of delta
P. M. Cliung and S. W. l^iu. bibliog AtAA wings at supersonic speeds. L. C. Squire,
J 1:929-31 Ap '63effects on direct measure- bibliog Roy Aeronautical Soc J 67:476-80
Step- temperature
ments of dras. J. C. Westkaemper. AlAA J Fluttrr
Ag '63 analysis of flat rectangular panels
1:17US-10 Jl '63 based on three-dimensional supersonic
Test tune in a 1.5-inch-diameter hieh-stae- potential flow. H. J. Cunningham, bibliog
nation-enllialpy shocls tube. V. A. Sand-
born and otliers. biblios AIAA J 1:1236-7 Growth AIAA
diags of theJ ttirbulent 1:1795-801 wake Ag '63 behind a
My '63 supersonic sphere. C. H. Murphy and E. R.
Total heating load on blunt axisymmetric Dickinson, bibliog 11 diags AIAA J 1:339-42
bodies in low-density flow. J. L. Potter F '63
and J. T. Miller, bibliog AIAA J 1:480-1 Magnetohydrodynamic Mach cones. E. Cum-
F '63 Tables, calculations, etc. berbatch. bibliog diags J Aerospace Sci 29:
1476-9 detonation
Obliciua D '62 waves. R. A. Gross, diag
Approximate sible flow region determination in front ofofthe incompres-
a blunt body AIAA
Quasi-steady J 1:1225-7 aspects My of'63 the adjustment of
in hypersonic flow. M. A. Rahman, diag separated■r,:! flow regions to transient external
AIAA J 1:485-6 F '63 flows. H. K. Ihrig, jr. and H. H. Korst.
Blunt-leading-edge problem in hypersonic bibliog diag
flow. H. Oguchi. bibliog diag AIAA J 1: Secondary gas AIAA J 1:934-7
injection in a Apconical
'63 rocket
Bow 361-8shock F '63 correlation for slightly blunted nozzle. R. E. Walker and others, bibliog il
cones. J. H. Klaimon. bibliog AIAA J 1: diags AIAA J 1:334-8
Similarity rule estimation methods for cones. F '63
490-1 F '63 E. F. Blick.
Characteristics of lateral range during con-
stant-altitude glide. H. E. Wang and R. S. Singular line ofAIAA J 1:2415-16
the method O '63
of integral rela-
tions. C. P. Kentzer. bibliog AIAA J 1:928-9
Skulsky. bibliog AIAA J 1:703-4 Mr '63
Compressible itial thickness. M.shear
free R. Denison layer withand E.finite
Baum. in- Steady
Ap '63 magnetohydrodynamic flow past a
nonconducting wedge. C. K. Chu and Y. M.
Correlation diags AIAA J 1:342-9 F '63 Lynn, bibliog diags AIAA J 1:1062-7 My
from bluntof slender hypersonic cones. static-stability
J. D. Whitfield data
Supersonic drag of porous wire screens. E. R.
and W^. Wolny. diag AIAA J 1:486-7 F '63 Benton and D. A. Knapton. 11 ARS J 32:
bounded byof agasvacuum. clouds H. and Mirels
and J.jets F. 1608-10 O '62
Supersonic interference lift. F. Mysliwetz.
Mullen, bibliog diags AIAA J 1:596-602 Mr diags AIAA J 1:1432-4
Support interference effectsJe on '63the supersonic
numbersaffecting from 5 lift-drag to 20. T. ratios at Mach
P. Goebel and wake. B. Dayman, jr. U diag AIAA J
others, bibliog diags AIAA J 1:640-50 Mr 1:1921-3 Ag investigations
Theoretical '63 of a supersonic
Lift of slender delta wings according to New- laminar boundary layer with foreign-gas
tonian theory. A. F. Messiter. bibliog diag injection. S. I. Freedman and others bib-
AIAA J 1:794-802plasma
Nonequilibrium Ap '63 characteristics in Theory liog ofdiag the AIAA cylindrical
J 1:148-58 ejector
Ja '63supersonic
propelling nozzle; discussion. Roy Aeronau-
hypersonic one-dimensional flow. F. Meyer
and other.s. AI.AA J 1:1199-200 My '63 tical Soc J 67:64-5.supersonic
Three-dimensional 670-1 Ja.flow O '63computa-
Oblique shock functions at hypersonic speeds. tions. G. Moretti. diag AIAA J 1:2192-3
A. B. Walburn and P. Hamer. Space/Aero-
Satellite lifetimes nautics 39:111-12inbiblioglp 129) F J. '63
elliptic orbits. Kork. Uniformly
S '63 valid second-order solution for
supersonic flow over cruciform surfaces. J.
Wallace and J. H. Clarke, bibliog diag
Shape of the porous two-dimensional N hyper-
bibliog J Aerospace Sci 29:1273-90-1- '62
sonic sail. E. A. Boyd. AIAA J 1:1177-8 AIAA J 1:179-85 Ja '63
Mv exact '63 See also
Aerodynamics. Hypersonic
Some analytical solutions of planetary
entry. W. H. T. Loh. bibliog diag AIAA J Airplanes. Supersonic
1:836-42 Ap '63 Boundary layer
Theory of asymmetric hypersonic blunt-body
flows. R. J. Swigart. bibliog diags AIAA J Heating effect
l:10:;!-4'! My
Transition in the viscous wakes of blunt '63 Boundary layer and a stabilized gaseous dis-
bodies at hypersonic speeds. H. Hidalgo charge in the presence of diffuse radiation.
and others, bibliog il diags J Aerospace Sci E. A. Romishevskyi.
Conduction in thin-skinned AIAA heat
J 1:2449-51
transfer O and
of local similarity N '62 concepts in hypersonic recovery temperature models. A. R. George
viscous interaction problems. C. F. Dewey. and W. G. Reinecke. bibliog AIAA J 1:1956-
jr. bibliog
Variable-lift diagre-entry AIAA atJ 1:20-33 Ja '63 and
superorbital Forced-convection
8 Ag '63 heat transfers with time-
orbital speeds. H. E. Wang and S. T. Chu. dependent surface temperatures. E. L.
diag .\IAA J 1:1047-55 Knuth. AIAA ofJ boundary- 1:1227-9 Mv layer'63 heat trans-
AERODYNAMICS. SupersonicMy '63 Fundamentals
fer with streamwise temperature varia-
Aeroelastic stability of orthotropic panels in tions. M. A. Biot. bibliog diags J Aerospace
supersonic flow. A. A. Perlmutter. bibliog Sci 29:55S-67-f My '62; Discussion. AIAA J
diags J ofAerospace
Analysis the fluid Sci mechanics29:1332-8-1- N '62
of secondary 1:19Bl-3 Ag '63and flow characteristics over
iniection for thrust vector control. J. E. Heat transfer
a lenticular aerodynamic body. H. IJershIn
Broadwell. biblioa diags AIAA J 1:1067-75 and K. J. Schneider. 11 diags ARS J 32:1269-
Mv ■(,?.
Approximations for supersonic now over
cones. W. E. Simon and L. A. Walter. Influence
72 Ag '62of calorimeter heat transfer gages
on aerodynamic heating. T. Sprinks. AIAA
AIAA J 1:1696-8 Jl '63
Characteristic of conical super.sonic nozzles. J 1:497-8
Missile flightF is '63 short but hot. T. E. Chappell
D Mis-dal and F. Landis. bibliog diags and J. I. Gonzalez, diags S A E J 71:86-8
ARS J 32:1898-901 D '62
Configurations for high supersonic speeds de- Ja '63
Skin-friction-work recovery by aerodynamic
rived from simplfl shock-waves and expan- heating of skin coolants. J. H. Judd. AIAA
sions. J. W. Flower. diag.=i Roy Aero-
nautical Soc J 67:287-90 My '63 J 1:477-8 F '63
Determination of supersonic panel flutter of Supersonic tyre il testing; Dunloo'sEngdynamom-
cvlindrica! shells with in-plane stresses. H. eter facilities, diag Aircraft 35:173-4
Saunders, diags AIAA J 1:209 Ja '63 Surface
JB '63 temperature distribution on an
Double-shock shock tuba for simulating blast aerodynamically heated projectile covered
loading in supersonic fiow. B. Lemcke.
diags AIA.\ J 1:1417-18 Je '63 with a thin conducting skin. S. P. Sutera.
Dynamic matching of inlet duct airflow with diag ARS ionization J 32:1421-4 behindS '62
englno airflow. J. S. Alford and others. Thermal strong shock
S A E J 71:46-7 My '63 waves. R. W. Truitt. AIAA J 1:2175-6 S '63
Effect of wave interactions on pressure dis- Wind tunnel studies of booster base heating.
tributions in super?onIc and hypersonic M. A. Beheim and L. J. Oberv. bibliog il
flow. G. A. Bird, bibliog diags AIAA J 1: diags Astronautics & Aerospace Eng 1:111-
S34-9 Mr '63
17 F '63
AERODYNAMICS, Supersonic — Continued Tables, calculations, etc.
Tables, calculations, etc. Accuracy of linear piston theory when ap-
plied to cylindrical shells. H. Krumhaar.
Conical flaxlnga in uniform suMrsonic flow bibliog AIAA J 1:1448-9 J» '63 makes a Jet-
at zero angle of attack. W. Lt Chow. AIAA J Aeroelastic studies show what
flap helicopter rotor stable in forward and
1;950 Ap
Effecta '63
of atmosphere and aircraft motion on hovering flight. R. P. White, Jr. and A. R.
the location and intensity of a sonic boom. Trenka. and diag synthesis S A E J 71:50-4 Ap '63
M. P. Friedman and others, bibliog diaes Analysis of a particular class
AIA,\ ofJ thin 1:1327-35 of satellite attitude-control systems. C. T.
Flutter platesJe under
'63combined ^_ ^ shear , Leondes and others, bibliog diags J Aero-
and normal edee forces. J. G. Elsley and space Scl 29:1433-53 D '62
G. Luessen. bibliog diag AIAA J 1:620-6 Application of the Mangier transformation
to a special class of power law bodies.
Mr "63
Heat transfer to a hemisphere-cylinder at AW. Maddox. AIAA J 1:1186-7 Mv '63con-
low Reynolds numbers. R. S. Hickman Calibration of a cruciform wind vane
and•63W. H. Giedt. bibliog il diags AIAA J figuration at subsonic and supersonic speeds.
1:665-72 method Mr 'BSfor calculation of supersonic P. W. Dee and D. G. Mabey. diag Roy
InteETal Aeronautical
laminaj boundary layer with heat transfer Conical segmentSocmethod J 67:267-8 Ap '63
for analyzing open
on yawed cone. S. M. Ten and N. A. crown shells of revolution for edge loading.
Thyson. bibliog dlaff AIAA J 1:672-5 Mr R. R. Meyer and M. B. Harmon, biblioe
diag AIAA
Design of structure J 1:886-91 Ap Jet
to resist '63 noise fatigue.
Some boundaiT layer measurements on a
slender wing at supersonic speeds. R. T. B. L. Clarkson. bibliog II diags Roy Aero-
Griffiths, hiblioc il diaga Roy Aeronautical nautical Soc J 66:603-13: Discussion. 613-16
Soc .T 67:2fll-5 Mv '63 forces O '62
Unsteady aerodynamic on slender Digital method for redundant structural
bodies. J. E. Yates with
supersonic aircraft and flexible
E. F. E. "wlngs and
Zeydel. analysis. R. F. O'Connell. diags J Aerospace
Sci 29:1414-20
Initial behavior Dof '62 a gun-tunnel piston. T.
bibliog diags AIAA J 1:350-3 F '63
-Sakurai. CourantJ for 1:11S0-1 Mv '63 functlon-
Aeroelastic studies show what makes a let- als. T. Butler and A. V. Martin. J Math &
flap helicopter rotor stable in forward and
hovering flight. R. P. White, jr. and A. R. Phys 41:291-9 vortex
NonequIIIbrium D '62 flow In a dissociating
Trenka. diag effects
Aeroelasticity S A E of J 71:50-4 Ap '63
high temperatures: gas. R. A. Greenberg. J Aerospace Scl 29:
reports, bibliog diags Aerospace Eng 22:139- 1484-5 D '62
Reliability and confidence criteria In struc-
64 Ja -63 ,
Analysis of helicopter aeroelastic. characteris- ^ . , tural design. H. Serbin. diags Aerospace
tics in high-speed flight. W. Gerstenberger Eng 21:37-40
Rotor dynamicsD '62 and helicopter stability.
and E. R. Wood, bibliog diags AIAA J 1: H. L. Price, diags Aircraft Eng 35:68.
2366-81 O flutter
Subsonic '63 of panels on continuous 72. 109-12. 168-72. 195-9 Mr-Ao. Je-Jl '63
elastic foundations, J. Dugund.ii and others, fto bo cont>
Transient vibrations of missiles and space
Unsteady il diaga
aerodynamic AIAA Jforces
on Mv
slender'63 vehicles. W. A. Benfield and others, bib-
supersonic aircraft with flexible wings and llog diag of
Unification Aircraft matrixEngmethods 34:360-76 D '62
of structural
bodies. J. B, Yates and E. F, E. Zevdel.
analysis F. V. Filho. bibliog AIAA J 1:916-
bibliog diagsengineering
AERONAUTIC AIAA J 1:350-3 F '63 17 An '63; Discussion. 1:2413 O '63
Our expanding scientiflc and technological Useof oflaterally
Macauley's loaded brackets
struts In andthe tie-bars.
challenge. L. E. Root. Aerospace Eng 21:
8-9-(- Dmetallurgy
'62 . ,. ^. S. A. Urry. diag AIAA J 1:462-3 F '63
Powder in aerospace applications. See also
Airplane stability and stabilizers
J. C.National
SAE Barrett. aeronautic
11 J Metalsand15:349-51 My '63
space engineer- Airplanes — Stresses
ing and manufacturing meeting. Los AERONAUTIC engineers
Angeles; with abstracts of papers. Automo- Technical mfinpower planning for aerospace
tive Ind 127:116-1- research
D 15 '62 and development engineering. E. A. Ledeen. Tappi 46:sup
Space/Aeronautics 53A-I- Je '63 instruments
technical handbook. 1963-1964. Published by AERONAUTIC
Conover-Mast publications. 205 E. 42d st. Airborne moving map display for aircraft
New York 17 '63 ($5)
See also Allnavigation.
weather landing; 11 Engineerreport 216:443
on the S 13Interna-
Aerodynamics tional federation of airline pilot's associa-
Aerodynamics. Supersonic tions symposium. Amsterdam. Oct. 17-19.
Aeronautic research Aircraft Eng reckoning. 34:380-3 D E.'62M. Flschel. diag
Aeronautic^* Case for dead
Airplanes — Design Control navigator,
Eng 9:71-2 ilO '62
Calculating machines — Aeronautic applications Doppler Engineer 215:1087 Je
•63 Bibliography Instrument aids for take-oft. K. Feamslde. II
Library shelf (contl. Aircraft Ene 35:83. 114. diags
14 '63 Roy Aeronautical Soc J 67:544-51;
20S Mr-Ap. publications.
Professional Jl '63 Aircraft . „Eng 35: Discu.ssion.
Little Guy heads 557-8 for
S '63the big time. II diags
16. 47. 89. 108. 174. 206. 241 Ja-Ap, Je-Ag Machine
Simple Design detector
upcurrent 35:160-5 keeps
O 10 "63
glider soar-
History ing. T. Demu. 11 Control Eng 10:121 Ap '63
Bristol gas turbines: flrst decade; ninth See al30
Barnwell memorial lecture. P. M. Owner, Altimeters
il diags Roy Aeronautical Soc J 67:427-36 Gyro compass
JI '63
Contributions of Theodore von Karman; re- Gyrotron
view. H. L. Dryden. il Astronautics & Radio aids to aviation
Radio apparatus on aircraft
Aerospace Eng 1:12-17 Jl '63 Radio beacons
Theodore von K&rmdn. honorary fellow, ISSl- Television apparatus on aircraft
1963. J. L. Pritchard and others, bibliog Roy
Aeronautical Soc J 67:611-17 O '63 Lighting
Study and teaching Electroluminescent lamps Improve alrcra'
Imperial college. University of London; Aero- instrument lighting. O. L. Van Wink"
nautical engineering department. A. J. diags S A E J 71:78-81 Mv '63
Taylor-Russell, il Aircraft Ene 35:45-7 F '63 Manufacture
Northampton college of advanced technology, Glass In space. R. C. Remington. II dla—
London; Department of aeronautics and
space technology. G. A. Tokaty. 11 diag Air- Glass Ind 44:198-2014-
Testing Ap '63
craft Eng 35:230-3 Ag '63
Queen's university of Belfast; Aeronautical Alignment and testing of Instrument landing
engineering dept. A. V. Stephens. 11 Air- systems. J. B. .Supper and D J. Gallagher.
craft EnK 35:106-8 Ap '63 bibliog il diags Inst E E Proc 109 pt B:447-
UnJversdty of Glasgow; Aeronautical en- 55 N 62
gineering department. A. W. Bablster. blb- Flight Instrumentation air tests. Engineer
no» 11 Aircraft Enjt 36:78-9 Mr '63 216:276-7 Ajt 16 '63
AERONAUTIC laboratories ^ . History
Aircraft coolins systems laboratory. Engineer Kitty Hawk museum, il plans Prog Arch 44:
214:7:U-p O 2G 62
Canned space for earth use: Space environ- 112-19 Ag '63
ments laboratory.laboratori'.
U I S A J Royal
9:1S4- aircraft
As; ■62 Laws and regulations
Coolirii; svsiems
establishment. Farnborough. il Aircraft Eng Crime in aircraft. R. Wilberforce. Roy
34:oo5 N C2 Aeronautical Soc J 67:175-80; Discussion.
See also lSO-3 liabilities
Le.:;al Mr '63 arising out of aircraft de-
TestinK laboratories — Vacuum chambers sign and manufacture. K. M. Beaumont;
Wind tunnels C. B. "White. Roy Aeronautical Soc J 67:
296-300 My '63
center. Grandblock.Rapids.Aerospace Mich.develop-
H. E. Patents
B Anderson, il Plant Eng 17:'J4 Jl '63 at British patent abridgments. Published In
Hydraulic circuit test ris; test facility monthly ntmibers of Aircraft engineering
Dunlop's aviation division, Coventry, il U.S. patent specifications. Published in
monthly numbers of Aircraft engineering
plan lift
New Aircraft
engines Ensneed 35:S0-1 new test Mr beds,'63 il En-
Great Britain
Quick-chansegineering 195:237-8rigF for
test 8 '63BEA jet engmes.
Rotorcraft work at the aeroplane and arma-
il Engineering 196:35 Jl equipment,
12 '63 ment experimental establishment. J. Poole,
'fi:< mes,and
Research testing;
techniques and projects, il Aircraft
program- bibliog il Rov Aeronautical Soc J 67:501-12;
Ens 35:56. 86. 116. 181. 209. 246 F-Ap. Je-Ag Discussion. 512-13 Ag '63
Test bed for vectored thrust power plants Anglo-French supersonic transport. Aircraft
at Bristol Siddeley's Patchway works, il Eng 34:313 '63
Delta-wine N '62
configurations for the supersonic
Two- Eng 35:77 forMr aerodynamics
inch launcher '63 models. transport J. D. Jones, jr. and others, bib-
A. E. Seigel. il diag J Aerospace Sci 29:1383- liog Astronautics & Aerospace Eng 1:
4 N '62 74-81 million
Multi Jl '63 dollar question; can supersonic
AERONAUTIC meteorology. See Meteorology. transports '63 pay off? R. D. Kelly. S A E J
AERONAUTIC research New shapeN in
70:54-6 '62 the sky by 1966; Concord, the
Air force streamlines r&d laboratory umts. Anglo-French supersonic airliner, il diags
Steel 153:29for
Countdown S 9metaJworking.
'63 R. J. Raude- Engineeringcivil
Shori-haul 194:734-5 D 7 '62 il Engineer
jet aircraft,
Panel il Iron Age 191:69
research. Y. C.MrFung,28 '63bibliog 11 216:334-5 Ag 30 '63
Supersonic civil transport, diags Engineer
diags AIAA J 1:898-909 Ap '63 Supersonic
214:993 D transport
7 '62 challenge. N. E. Halaby.
Part pia>'
G. M.wind tunnels
Lilley. in modern
bibliog il diags aero-
Aeronautical Soc J 67:463-73; Discussion. il Astronautics & Aerospace Eng 1:30-3 Ag
473-5 Ag '63 Supersonic transport: international airline
Space/Aeronautics research and development takes a look; Qantas. R. R. Shaw, diag
technical handbook, 1963-1964. Published by S A E J transports.
71:30-2 Je '63Sci Am 209:48-9 Ag
Conover-Mast publications. 205 E. 42d St, Supersonic
New York 17 '63 ($5)
See also Take-off and landing of the supersonic trans,
Aeronautic laboratories port. F. B. Greatrex. map diags Aircraft
Airplanes. Experimental
Rocket sleds Transport aircraft;
Eng 35:221-4-1- Ag '63illustrations with text.
Space research VtolEngineer
air bus215:22-3
slated Jafor4 '63
short hauls. H. L.
United ."States — National aeronautics and
space administration Hibbard. S A E J 71:104-5 O '63
Wind tunnels See also
Bibliography Airlines
Research reports and memoranda. Published Airports
in Australia
ing monthly ntunbers of Aircraft engineer-
kins, bibliog internal air Roy
il maps transport. J. L. Wat-
Aeronautical Soc
AERONAUTICAL society, Royal. See Royal
aeronautical society J 67:11-36; Discussion. 36-8 Ja '63
Aeronautics in 1962. il Engineer 215:59-62 Elliott firebrigade; computer-based air de-
Ja 11 '63 fence system, diags Aircraft Eng 35:234-5-1-
1963 preview; aero-space transport. K. K.
U Civil Eng 32:32 D '62
changes in aviation journalism. O. Ag See'63 also
Airplane carriers
Stewart, bibliog Aircraft Eng 35:175-9 Je Airplanes. Military
Helicopters — Military use
See also Weapons systems
Aerodynamics France
Airfoiis Development of guided, tactical missiles in
Airplane stability and stabilizers France. E. Stauff. il Roy Aeronautical Soc
Airports J 67:481-6 Ag '63
Electronics in aeronautics United States
Gliders See also
Helicopters United States — Air force
Seaplanes AEROSOL products. See Containers. Pres-
Space flight surized
Surveying. Aerial AEROSOLS
Bibliography Aerosol particle
neous condensation encapsulation by simulta-
and polymerization.
In print. Astronautics & Aerospace Sn? 1: E. C. Bobbins and others. J Colloid Sci IS:
153 F; 131 S '63 4S3-5 Ja '63 ,,..,_..,
Library; reviews, additions to the library, Aerosols consisting of spherical particles oi
reports. Published in monthly numbers of sodium chloride. E. Matijevli; and others,
Journal of the Royal aeronautical society bibliog il aerosol
J Colloiddelivery Sci 18:91-4 inhalation
Ja '63
Automatic periments P. V Marsh, for il diag Archives ex-
French aircraft at the Paris air show. 11 Environmental Health
Behavior of an aerosol cloud in a plastic6:649-50 My '63
Engineering 195:762-3 Je 7 '63 chamber. A Lieberman and J. Rosinski.
New fluid power products at British aJr bibliog J Colloid Sci 17:814-22of Dradioactive
show. Farnborough. il diags Hydraulics & Coagulation and scavenging
Pneumatics 16:101-1- Mr '63 aero.=ols, J. Rosinski and others, bibliog 11
Salon international da I'a^ronautique et de diags J Colloidof Sciaerosol 17:703-16
I'espace. 25th. Paris. June 6-16. Roy Aero- Determination sizeO distributions
nautical Soc J 67:sup9-10-l- My '63; il Air- from diffusional decay measurements. S.
craft Ene 35:156-62. 188-94 Je-Jl '63: Engi- Twomey. bibliog Franklin Inst J 275:121-38
neer 215:1090-1. 1130-4 Je 14-21 '63
F '63
AEROSOLS — Continued Shock spectra for nonlinear spring-mass sys-
Device lur continuous isokinetic aerosol sam- tems and their applications to design. D,
pling. L, H. Princen and L.. A. Clarenburg.
diags R Sci Instr 34:742-4 Jl '63 }S]"?r.,?-",^ .others, bibliog diags AlAA J 1:
Exposures to ortlio-chlorobenzylidene malo- Space; a galaxy of new materials concepts.
nonitrile; controlled human exposures. C.
ll 153:32-9 in
technology Jl We.stern
1 '63
L. Punte and others, biblioe Archives En- tjratland. il diags AstronauticsEurope. K. W.
& Aerospace
vironmental Health
Hiiih aerosol nrobe for sensinc (ras- 6:366-74 Mr '63
JitHg 1:80-7 S '63
Technical manpower and recruitment. Space/
eous tcniueratura in a two-com-
ponent How. R. P. Benedict, il diass Aeronautics 40 no 2::!21-34 '63-64
ASM K Transfor ser Technical manpower planning for aerospace
New instrument the A continuous
S5:245-8 Jl measure-
'63 u3A-l-
fnEineeringJe C3 E. A. Ledeen. Tappl 46:sup
ment of condensation nuclei. G. F. Skala.
bibliOB il diags Anal Chem 35:702-6 My 63 U.S. airforce aerospace fluids and lubricants
Photometer used in nionitorinK radioactive conference. San Antonio; abstracts of
materials can be adapted to measurins gas papers.63 Materials in Design Eng 58:77-80
flow in pipes or ducts. R. W. Schneider, Ag
il Chem Entr 70:1124- S 30 '63 U.S.interview
needs electronic capability for space;
Predetermined dosimetry of inhaled parti- with Dr Edward C. Welsh. Elec-
cles in man. C. L. Punte and others, bib- tronic Ind 22:28+ S '63aerospace? R. R Kay
lios flow diag il Archives Environmental What s ahead now for
Recoverv 6:273-9
Health of aerosolized F '63 bacteria ^ from ^hu- ll Iron will
Where Age we 192:132be Oin 10the'63 seventies? Space/ '
mans: recovery from nasal mucus. C. E. Aeronautics 39:13+ Ja: 11+ F '63
Mever.s and others, bibliog Ai'chives En- Why patents should be rewarded. Space/
Theory of thermal vironmental Healthforces
6:643-8 acting
My '63 on aerosol Aeronautics 40:17-19+ Jl '(;:',
particles. J. R. Brock, bibliog J Colloid Sci AEROSPACE sciences, Institute of the. See
Institute of the aerospace sciences
17:768-80 O '62 AFRICA
AEROSPACE industries
Advanced production. I. Stambler. il diags See alsoe.g.subdivision Africa under special
Aeronautical industry 39:84-8
Space/Aeronautics in theAp Europe '63 of to-
morrow R. Bloch. Roy Aeronautical Soc J Iron ores
67:279-86 engineers
Aerospace My '63 and their technical socie- Mines and mineral resources
'63 ties. Space/Aeronautics 40:11+ O '63 Petroleum industry and trade
Aerospace Arms list 1972 equipment needs. Television
Water supply broadcasting
Steel 151:68-9 D 10 '62 Native races
Analytical design for environmental condi-
tions. R. W. Little. Res/Develop 14:48-9 Jl Serum lipids in three nomadic tribes of
Northern Kenya. A. G. Shaper and others,
Autoprod; systems concept integrated from ;nap Am J Clinical Nutrition 13:135-46 bib-
idea to customer: abstract. G. O. Philip, il liogrpl45-61 factors S '63
S A E Jbigger
Building 71:99 My horses '63 for the chariots of Sociocultural in the epidemiology of
Zulu hypertension. N. A. Scotch, biblioe
Business forecast, A-ok 153:46-52
space, il diags Steel west ofJl the 15 '63moon: AmSrt--;J Pub
also Health 53:1205-13 Ag '63
big new markets, space, il Steel 152:92-7 Je P>'gmies
10 '63 with the information explosion, diag
Coping AFTER burners. See Automobile engines —
After burners
Dept. of defense downgrades 39:49-1- Ap military '63 judg- AFTER images
ment in selecting weapons. Space/Aero- Afterimages. .. _. OG. _. 63S. Brlndley. il diags Sci Am
nautics 39:34-5 Ja '63 209:84-90+
Does it pay to bid for every job? R. R. Kay. AFTERGLOW. See Electric discharges
Iron business
Doing Age 191:114 with Jethe13 government. '63 Space/ AGE
Aeronautics 30:11+ Ap: 11+ My '63; Dis- Age related changes in the fibrous proteins
cussion. W. A. Davis. Jr. 40:156+ Ag '63 of the lungs. J. A. Pierce, bibliog Archives
Europe shows growing interest in standardi- Environmental Health 6:50-4; Discussion,
zation. M. P. McFadden. S A E J 71:50-1 54-V Ja
Aging and'03auditory thre.sholds in men and
P -63
Government engineers look at industry. women. J. P. Corso. bibliog Archives En-
How Space/Aeronautics
government engineers 40:11+ Ag see '63 their job. Aging and foodvironmental Health 6:350-6changes
restriction: Mr '63
in body
Space/ Aeronautics 40:11+ S '63 composition and hydroxyproline content of
How to get your products into orbit, 11 Steel selected tissues. H. Fisher and P. Grim-
153:78-84 Jl 29 '63 inger. lung;
Aging bibliogfunctionalJ Nutrition aspects.S0:.'!50-4
E, D. AgRobin. '63
Industry is invited to feed on NASA space- Archives Environmental Health 6:44-50
related byproducts. H. M. Gadberry, il
diag S A E J 71:54-7 Mr '63 Effect
Ja '63of methionine and age of rat on the
Industry's ethics could be better. Space/ occurrence of hemorrhagic diathesis in rats
Aeronautics 39:11-1- Mr '03 fed a ration containing irradiated beef. O.
Monitoring of manufacturing r&d. G. O. P. Malhotra and E. F. Reber. bibliog J
Philip and L.. E. Portertleld. Automation Nutrition 80:80-90 My '63
10:46-9 F '63 Iron content of liver in relation to age.
New foundry produces aerospace castings. N. Kaufman and others, bibliog J Nutrition
N. F. Wood, il Foundry 91:127+ S '63 78:3:i8-<0
Meat diets; Neffect ■62 of the age of rats on their
Nonferrous metals in aerospace: summary of ability to withstand the low calcium intake
the symposium. J Metals 15:635-7 S '63 induced by a diet of minced beef. T. Moore
Numerical control gets boost: aerospace in- and others, bibliog il J Nutrition 80:162-70
dustry expands tape control use. R. H,
E.shelman. il Iron Age 190:129 O 11 '62 Phosphatides and cholesterol In the rat body;
Je '63 of growth
Patents and profits; rights to companies, effects diet and age. T F. Zucker
but•G3rewards to Inventors, Space/Aeronau- and L. M. Zucker. bibliog J Nutrition 80:20-
tics 39:11+ Je '63
Portable vacuum chambers permit electron See '63
4 My also
beam welding of large structures, Longevity
Old age
G. V. Anderson. II diags S A E J 71:86-9 My
AGE, Geological. .See Geological time
Powder metallurgy in aerospace applications. AGE and employment
J. C, Barrett, ll J Metals 15:349-51 My '63 Employment outlook, 1963. Chem Eng 70:122+
Precision devices for the space age from
Pacific Coast manufacturer. G. B. Ashmead.
Ja look at salaries shows; older engineers
II Mach 69:132-7 My '63 take 21 It'63on the chin. R. A. Lablne. Chem
Progress in aerospace technology': 7th an-
nual ASM Monterey seminar. Metal Prog Eng 70:173-4+ Ap 15 '63
84:138+ Jl T.-A See also
Shipbuilder joins aerospace firm to build AGE of poultry. See Poultry. Age of
rocket case. E. Addco. II ding Am Mach/
Metalworking Manuf 107:166-7 Je 10 '63 AGE of rocks. See Rocks — Ajfe
AGGLOMERATION Three- in-one spells versatile; Western In-
AK^IonieraLion and reinforcement of syn- diana Aggregates. J. H. Bergstrom. il diags
thetic latexes by freezing. L,. Talalay. bib- Rock threat
Prod 65:00-4 N '62 plant: West sand &
liort il Rubber Chem Ai Tech 36:551-96 Jl Triple aggregate
gravel co. J. H. Bergstrom. flow sheet 11
AsTKlomeration of aqueous suspensions of RockSteelProdmarketing 66:54-8 O slag '63 from Geneva mill,
graphite. J. P. Sutherland. bibliOK dieiE U.S.
an J Chem Eng 40:268-72 D '62 Versatile portable plant Odelivers
il Pit & Quarry 56:94-6 '63 up to 750
Agglomeration of superfine fly ash in high-
velocity gas streams. K. R. Mitchell and itph of sub- base materials, il Pit & Quarry
G. K. L,e6. blbtiog il diag Can Min & Met
Virginia program Mr '63 to counter aggregates de-
Bui 55:768-72 N '62 pletion. E. W. Stearn. map Rock Prod 66:
Berj'llimn agglomeration process, il Light
Metal Age 20:1S F '63 j&'ee <ilso
64-54- O '63
Pelletizing discs press to fore. W. H. Engel- Concrete — Aggregates
leitner. il diags asRoclt
Reagglomeration Prod of 66:94-t-
a cause tread Aggroove'63 Road materials
cracking. W. M. Hess and K. A. Burgess. Sand
bibliog il Rubber Chem & Tech 36:754-76 Sand and gravel plants
Jl '63; Same cond. Rubber World 147:57- Manufacture
65 Ja '63
Settling fine suspensions fast: agglomerative Gravel production for concreting in Rocky
'63 by a bridging agent. Chem Eng Mountain molybdentim mine. W. E. Trauf-
Spherical F 18agglomeration
'63 put to work, flow fer. II Pit & Quarry 55:117-184- Je '63
diag il diag Can Chem Process 47:79-87 O Metro/rock:
aggregates and Phoenix's
H. F. producer of
Utley. il Pit
AG & Quarry
Third rotarj' 55:123-4 kiln at Je '63
Keatlite plant ups capac-
AGggRrE ind rev and for ity to 330.000 tons annually; Ohio River
u eca
AeT Herod, strilie map Pitiew& Quarry 55:106-
B.egGatC. st sand CO.
Utility soon il toPitprofit & Quarry
from fiy 55:40ash;N sintering
Aggregates JaE S from fossils. H. B. Goldman, . il
'63 s : plant next to Detroit Edison station ex-
Rock Prod pectedgregateto convert
for concrete. Elec World 160:55 ag-Jl
1,200 tons daily into
Annual Kansas65:65-8 rock Nproducts
'62 conference. 5th.
Lawrence, Kan. March 14-15; with abstracts
of papers. Pit & Quarry 55:41 My most'63 AGING.
15 '63See Old age
Are aggregate producers making the of AGING of metals. See Metals — ^Aging
the highway market? J. N. Bell, il diag
Rock Prod 66:964- F: 67-9+ Mr '63 AGITATION
Asphalt contractor makes own aggregates In Agitation of liquid systems requiring a high
200-tph plant at San Jose, Calif.: L. S. shear characteristic P. L. Fondy and R. L.
Smith CO. H. F. Utley. flow sheet il Pit & Bates, bibliog 11 A I Ch E J in9:338-42 My '63
Concentration fluctuations a stirred
Black base55:146-6-t-
Quarry road-mixed Ap '63with local aggregate baffled vessel. F. S. Manning and R. H.
Wilhelm. bibUog diags A I Ch E J 9:12-19
Central Illinois stone co.& B.StsC. 106:54-7-1-
blend, il plan Roads Herod, il JlPit '63&
Quarry 55:135-64- Mixing
Ja '63 rates in stirred tanks. R. D. Biggs,
Colorful Colorado Naggregates '62 supplied to bibliogrequirements
il A I Ch EandJ 9:636-40 S '63in the
nationwide market; Colonna and co. of Power blend times
Colorado, inc. B. C. Herod, il Pit & Quarry agitation of pseudoplastic fluids. E. S. God-
55:124-74-meet F '63sink or swim challenge of leski and J. C. Smith, bibliog diag A I Ch
Dredges E J 8:617-20 N '62: Discussion. A. B. Metz-
underwater deposits. C. P. Kaufmann. il
ner. 9:555 Jl '63
Golddiagsdredge Rock proves Prod equally
66:89-934- Je '63
efficient for aggre- kinetics.reactor
F. E.forFord
and D.surface-catalyzed
D. Perlmutter.
gates, il Rock Prod 66:118 Je '63 il diag Chem
AGITATORS Eng Prog 58:45-6 D '62
Impact mixing ok'd for Ohio specifications. 11 Batch mixing of viscous liquids. J. B. Gray.
Roads mineral
Indiana & Sts 105:102-3 aggregates D '62association annual
convention. Indianapolis, March 18-19. Pit & il diags propeller
Selecting Chem Eng Prog A. 59:55-9
mixers. Mr '6311
P. Weber.
Quarry 55:464- My
Limestone finds new farm uses. A. E. Ken- '63 diags Chem Eng 70:91-64- S 2 '63
See also
nerly. il Rock Prod 66:864- O '63 Shaking apparatus
Method for preparing thin sections of ag-
gregate particles coated with bitiunlnous Stirrers
binders. L. W. Tubey. 11 Chem & Ind p31- AGRICULTURAL chemicals
3 Ja 5 '63
Midwest producer goes underground; Malcolm American cyanamid co. research centeril Anal
centrates on agricultural chemicals,
stone CO.producer
Missouri il Rock Prod 66:98-100
capitalizes on Apclean 'G3 raw Chem 34:sup91A-3A N '62
material reserves; lignite-free sand gravel; CPI's
icals. 1962 record,Engthe 70:100-1
il Chem key to 1963;
Ja 21Ag-chera-
C. 'W. Roweth CO. B. C. Herod, il Pit & Occupational disease in California attributed
Quarry plant
Modern 55:143-44- keeps Appace'63 with varied market to pesticides and other agricultural chem-
needs; Madison limestone co. B. C. Herod. Researchicals. activities
1961. Ind Med of32:279-85 ScottishJl agricultural
il Pitblast& furnace Quarry slag 55:81-34- industries. J. S. S. Reay. il Chem & Ind
More for roadD making,
'62 il
Engineering 196:174 Ag 9 '63 P265-70
Silent F 16 R.
spring. '63 Carson. Review, by W. J.
Nytralite barged down Hudson to New York
Darby. Chem & Eng N 40:60-1- O 1 '62;
plan Pit area & "W. Quarry E. 55:86-95
Trauffer. flow diag il Same. Chem
Sterilizing insects & Ind
withp chemicals.
1782-4 O 13 Food'62 Tech
Nytralite is newest contender F in '6.'!lightweight
.scramble. J. H. Bergstrom. il diags Rook United
17:70 Jafront'63 urged to Improve agricultural
Prod 6.":58-fi2 D 62 chemicals Image. P. Alampl. Chem &
Pacific Northwest producer boosts output of
treated base material using new asphalt Eng
See N also
40:26 S 24 '62
emulsion. II Pit & Quarry 55:171-2 My '63 Insecticides
Plastic and gravel from tools, il Iron Age 192: Pesticides
135 Ag 15 '63 AGRICULTURAL chemistry
Relation of absolute viscosity of asphalt Chemical reactions and movement of ferti-
bmders to stability of asphalt mixtures. lizers in soil: .symposium, bibliog 11 diags
J. Y. Welbom and others. Pub Roads 32: J See
Agri also& Food Chem 11:182-207 My '63
'62 p 144) F '63
Riverbed supplies freeway aggregate; Antelope Soil analysis
Valley freeway. 11 diag Rock Prod 65:54-8 N AGRICULTURAL colleges
Work of the National college of agricultural
Road stone from Spencer'.i slag: Llanwem engineering. P. C. J. Payne. Engineer 214:
'63 ltd. II Engineering 195:643 My 10 '63
Slag 713-15 O 26 '62 engineering
San Diego producer serves multiple markets. AGRICULTURAL
R. S. Torgerson. il Rock Prod 66:62-8 Ag National power farming conference. 12th.
Cheltenham. Feb. 13-14: with abstracts of
Sla pro at Lla il Eng 215: papers.
See alsoEngineer 215:360-1 F 22 '63
910-11 cMy
ess 17 '63 nwe ine Agricultural machinery
Specification ingbase materialm. from uneven er pits Drainage
il Roads & Sts 105:50-14- N '62 Electricity on the farm

AGRICULTURAL limestone. See Lime as fer- Australia

tilizer Manual of Australian agriculture. I. Molnar
AGRICULTURAL machinery ^ „. „ and others, eds. Review, by E. G. Halls-
Agri-Kobot; autonmied plow. C. Sielins ana worth. Chem & Ind p 1708-9 S 29 '62
H. li. Westenbers;. il dians S A ti J 71:
36-7 S '63 Canada
Bleed valves control,speedJ of, self-propelled ,, ,, J Fixed nitrogen industry and its future in
vegetable loader. J. E. Roeers. il diags Canada. A. W. iSirnie. Can Min & Met Bui
Farm equipment: & Pneumatics
an illustrated 10:94-6
review.S '63
C. J. Use55:811-15
of limestoneN '62 in Canadian agriculture.
Kelly. Automotive Ind 128:74-7 Je 15 G3 A. J. MacLean. bibliog Can Min & Met
Farm equipment power is up A A. Thorn-
brouKh. Automotive Ind 128:65-6 Je 15 63 Bui 55:806-10 N '62
Future farms will need single, all-purpose Russia
machine: SABs Farm, construction, and
industrial machinery meeting. Milwaukee. Agricultural aviation In the U.S.S.R.; ab-
stract. E. A. Srairnov. 11 Roy Aeronautical
S A E J of
Institution 70:111-17 N '62 engineers annual
conference. London. April 25: abstracts of Soc J 67:224
Lysenko affair.Ap D.'63Joravsky. il map diags
papers. Engineer
National power farming 215:834 My 3 '63
conference. 12th. Sci Am 207:41-9 N '62
Cheltenham, Feb. 13-14: with abstracts of Southern states
papers. Engineer 215:360-1 F 22 '63 Development of the U.S. south. A. Gold-
This month's equipment superintendent. schmidt. il map Sci Am 209:224-30-1- S '63
Elmer Fahey; Bruce Church, inc. il Diesel AGRICULTURE, Cooperative
See alsoSupt 40:16-18 N '62 See also
Farmers cooperative associations
Agricultural engineering AGSTONE. See Lime as fertilizer
Sugar beets AIR
Tractons. Farm .. . Air alpha proportional counter insensitive to
Exhibitions atmospheric humidity. A. M. R. Ferrari
and C. J. Borkowski. diag R Sci Instr 33:
Royal agricultur al society of England's
Stoneleigh . Warwicks, an-
nual Royal show. Air-cavity
1047-50 O particles. e.xplosive
'62 charge for accelerating
July 2-5. il Engineer 216:10-11. 49-52 Jl 5-12 discrete
Wellnitz. bibliog 11 diags J Ap Phys 34:
R. F. Rolsten and J. N.
Roval Smithfleld show and agricultural _ma-
c'hinery exhibition. London. Dec. 3-7. il Chart
2910-12accounts S '63 for density in determining
Engineer 214:984-7, 1030-2 D 7-14 '62 air mixture temperatures: data sheet. F.
Manufacture Caplan.rapidly
Chart Heating-Piping determines35:135-6 Ap '63
Beating profits into plowshares, il Steel 151: bustion air requirements; data D,
How« O Deere
1 '62 saves with . ^gas-metal , ,arcwelding.
, .. Csathy. Heating-
Convective resistances Pipingof 34:141-2
air spacesD '62
il Steel 152:68-70 Je 24 '63 in walls, floor, or ceiling. F. W. Hutchin-
Technical management in action; Deere & son and M. O, Cotter. Air Cond Heat &
CO. il Metal Prog S3:G4A-64T F '63 Ven 60:56-60
Drying of air Fby'63fixed bed adsorption with
AGRICULTURAL machinery industry molecular sieves. J. I. Nutter and G. Bur-
Farm tool sales forecasLa rise, il Iron Age net, jr. bibliog flow sheet A I Ch E J 9:
191:55 Ap 4 '63 Effect
202-6 ofMrair'63on hot mre thermal conductivity
1964 farm tool sales take root; farm income
boosts optimism of equipment makers. K. detectors. J. S. Parsons and others. Anal
W. Bennett, il Iron Age 191:93 My 30 63
Chem 34:1337 of nitrogen, S '62 excess hydrogen, and
Advertising water additions on hydrogen-air flames. G.
Hickory Hill farm, where they reap grade A Dixon-Lewis and A. Williams, bibliog AL\A
'63 M. C. Feinstein. il Ind Phot 12:27-
photos. Effects
J 1:2416-17 of water O '63on the burning velocity ot
30 F '63 Great Britain hvdrogen-air flames. D. K. Kuehl. bib-
Engineering review for . 1963: agricultural liog ARS J 32:1724-6 N '62: Discussion. A.
engineering, il Engineering 195:126-8 Ja 18 Lew. electromagnetic
E.l.f. AIAA J 1:1239 My '63
radiation from small
explosive '63charges in air and water. G. D.
AGRICULTURAL manual. See Agriculture — Curtis, bibliog il diags Inst Radio Eng Proc
Handbooks, manuals, etc. •63
AGRICULTURAL products Field measurements
60:2208-301 N '62 of air infiltration In ten
See also electrically-heated houses. C. W. Coblentz
Rubber and P. R. Achenbach. bibliog il plans
Gas J 5:69-74 Jl an
chromalo:,'raphv: '63 experimont.a! studv
Bread and peace. J. G. Harrar. il Chera & of nir peaks. R. Kieselbach. bibliog diags
Eng N investment
Canners 41:126-31 Ap in29 research.
'63 Food Tech ,'\nal of Chem
Heat reaction :!:,:! ofr: 12--i S '63
nir blowing asphalt. D. B.
Smith and H. F.. Schweyer. bibliog diag Ind
17:564 My '63 & Eng Chem Proc antennasDesign 2:209-14
Batdorf. ilchmate in the
diags Air Cond laborator>'.
Heat & VenR. 60: O. Impedances of long In air Jland'63 in
dissipatlvp media D W. Gooch and others,
54-6 O '63 bibliog J Res Nat Bur Stand G7D:355-60 My
Symposium on "C in agricultural research;
abstracts of papers. Chem & Ind p 197-8, Linear air trough.
682-3 F 2. Ap 27 '63 Leighton. 11 diags H.
Am 'V.
J Neher and R. Ap
Phys 31:255-62 B.
See also
Soil research Melting relations of CaO-manganese oxide
AGRICULTURE and MgO-nianganese oxide mixtures in air.
Fond. N. .S. Scrimshaw, il map „Scl , Am . 209: P. 'V Riboud and A. Muan. bibliog Am Cer
72-80 .S '63 Soc J 46:33-6
Nomograph Ja '63
determines temperature of air or
See also water mixtures; data sheet. F. Caplan,
Agricultural machinery
Airplanes in agriculture Heating-Piping 34:155-6 N '62
Drainage Nomograph for free-convection heat transfer
Fertilizers with air; reference data. Air Cond Heat &
Food and agriculture organization of the Ven 60:99-102 Ap '63
United nations Paschen law and shock-excited breakdown
Irrigation In air. A. Cornforth and L. Jacob. J Ap
Handbooks, manuals, etc. Phys 34:2914
Research S '63 thermal conduclivlly of
Manual of Australian agriculture. I. Molnar natural air at verv low pressures. C. A.
and others, eds Review, by E. G. Halls- ■W^lilehu^sl and '\V. H Chapman, bibliog
worth. Chem & Ind p 170S-9 S 29 '62 11 diagsInslnbilHy
ITeatlng-Plplng 35:129-34 O '63 a
Study and teaching Tavlor of a liquid film around
F!ee also long, horlzonlal. circular cylindrical bodv
In still air. S. L. Lee. 11 diafcs A S M B
Agricultural colleges
Trans sor E 30:443-7 S '63
AIR — Continued) How old runway was resurfaced to split-hair
Theoretical performance analysis of a con- evenness: Randolph air force base, San
stant velocity MHD generator for combus- Antonio, il creates
Permafrost Roads &problems
Sts 106:78-1- S '63 air
at Thule
tion products of hydrocarbon and air. S.
Blecher. bibliosr properties
AKS J 32:1394-6 S '62 base, Greenland, il diag Eng N 170:95 Ap
Thermodynamic of air and nitro- 4 '63 on jet runway force resurfacing job
Lewis and E. G. Burgess. 3d. bibliog C.
gen to 15.000°K with application. AIAAH. at Selfridge air force base. Eng N 171:49
J l:192S-9of Agair'63viscosity with temperature.
Variation AIR-blast
O 10 '63circuit breakers. See Electric cir-
M. Mclnally. diag Am J air.
Phys F.31:732-3 S '63 cuit breakers — Oilless
Viscosity of dissociated K. Moore, AIR brakes
bibliog ARS
Warm-air J 32:1415-16
coking S '62 flow in some
halts sand Automatic air brake adjustors simple to in-
wells: abstract. P. L. Terwilliger and oth- stall, cut maintenance, il Diesel Equip Supt
Seeers. also
Oil & Gas J 61:122-3 O 14 '63 AIR 41:30
carriers O '63
Aerodynamics See also
Atmosphere. Upper
Atmospheric pressure AIR cleaners
Compressed air Annual equipment specification digest: air
Humidity distribution, il Air Cond Heat & Ven 60:
Analysis 73-4-1- Ja '63
Application Clean air indoors; Honeywell controls ltd,
hvdrazone ofmethod the 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolone
for atmospheric analysis il diags
of aliphatic aldehydes. A. P. Altshuller and Clean warmEngineering air needed 194:564 for cleanO 26 '62 finishing.
L. J. Leng. bibliog Anal Chem 35:1541-2 DustInd Finishing
is an engine 39:70 killer.
Ja '63 R. Day. il Rock
DuS '63Pont introduces analyzer to monitor
phosgene in air. Chem & Bng N 41:46-7 OvenProd air66:102-1- cleanliness. Jl '63 Ind Finishing 39:107 O
Ag new
Five 12 '63methods for the spectrophotometric Removing lint from chilled air at American
determination of alkylating agents including & Eflrd Mills, il Textile World 113:116-17
some extremely sensitive autocatalytic
methods: application to air pollution. E. Superclean
O '63 air cuts glove rejects in half.
Sawicki and others, bibliog Anal Chem Rubber taken Age '62 93:414 Je '63
Turbines to the cleaners. M G Mund
and others, ■63 il diags S A E J 70:84-9 N '62
35:1479-86 monitoring
Galvanic S '63 of ozone in air. P.
Hersch and R. Deuringer. diag Anal Chem
35'S97-9 Je *63 Air See filtersalso
Gas chromatographic analysis of Ci to Cj AIR cleaning
hydrocarbons in the parts per million range Ventilation effectiveness for indoor air clean-
in air and in vaporized liquid oxygen. C. J. ing. P. Kranz. bibliog ASHRAE J 5:27-31
Kuley. bibliog diag Anal Chem 35:1472-5
S '63
Miniaturized air analyzer measures gaseous AIR 5 compressors
pollutants: abstract. B. B. Saltzman and Air compression in waste treatment. W. G.
A. L. MendenhaJl. Chem & Eng N 41:75-6 Brown, bibliog il diag Pub Works 94:96-
S 23 '63for uranium and Plutonium in air.
Monitor 94- F '63
Air-compressor unit twinned to mud pump.
il Engineer 214:1041 D 14of '62 B. McGhee. il Oil & Gas J 60:1244- O 22
Reviews of applications analyses. A. P.
Altshuller. Anal Chem 35 [no 5]:3R-10R Air comp 11 Engi 215: F 22
re ne 366-
bibliog(p8R-10R) Ap '63
Stabilized diazonium salts as analytical Air comp ssors. fiuid erpowe co7m
reagents for the determination of air-borne selectionresscharts. Hydraulics r & Pneumatics pon
phenols and amines. G. A. Lugg. Anal Chem ors;
35:899-904 spectrophotometric
Je '63 Air16:111compressors,
Ja '63 how to select and install
Ultraviolet determination them. G. V. Swan, il diags Plant Eng
of benzene in air samples adsorbed on silica 17:121-3 O: 139-424- N '63
gel. H B. Elkins and others, bibliog Ana! Air starters,and il experimental Comp Air Mag 68:21 S '63
Chem 34:1797-801 D '62of concentrations of Analytical investigation of
Volumetric determination multiplebibliog disk ilpumps and compressors.
sulfurvl fluoride in air. S. G. Heuser. Anal Rice, diags ASMS Trans ser 'W.A
Chem 35:1476-9 S '63 85:191-8: Discussion. 199-200 Jl '63
See also Automated air supply; how rotary compres-
Air sampling sors perforin in finishing; Graniteville (S.C.)
AIR bases, Military CO. ilcompressor,
Axial Textile Ind il 126:1064- Iron & Steel D '62Eng 40:201
Air force plans net to survive nuclear attack.
J. B.andBestic Cotton gin. J. L. Parker, il Comp Air Mag
City U.S. il airElectronics
force share36:28-30
use ofMr$70-miI-
22 '63 Jl '63
67:14-16 D '62
lion airport, il map Eng N 171:54-6
Lime-soda Fjludge recirculation experiments O 10 '63 system.rulesD. forW. updating Benner. your Textile compressed-air
World 113:
at Vandenberg air force base. C. H. Law-
rance. il diag Am Water Works Assn J 55: 114-18 Mr flue
Fluid-imit '63 gases now power air com-
177-92 F '63system at Tinker air force base. pressor at Sinclair refinery. N. B. Fen-
Run-around nels and others, il diags Oil & Gas J 61:
L. S. Savage, diag Heating- Piping 35:150-2 86-84- atAg Etitte '63 '63 Hill. R. J. Nemmers. il map
Ja '63 Growth
See also How Compto Air selectMaga compressed 67:8-13 D '62air svstem. D. W.
Guided missile bases
Bpnner. pencils;
Making Fond Eng Eberhard35:86-8 F.tber
.Ta '63 co. A. F.
Centralized control means big savings for Keenan. il
Mining moly: Climax molybdenum Como Air Mag 68:8-13 co.My R.'63 J.
Maxwell air force base. C. H. Bergmann.
jr. il map Power Eng 67:48-50 Jl '63 Nemmers. bases
Minufeman il ComoR. Air Mag 68:8-13
M. Moon, il plansAp diags '63
Designing a 300-hp hydraulic aircraft tug.
J. O. Bvers. jr. il diag Hydraulics & Pneu- Comp Air Taylor
Operating Mag 67:11-15
hydraulicN '62 compressor, il
matics 16:704- Ag '63 ComptheAirairMag 68:24-5 O that
'63 fits vour needs.
Pick compressor
Maintenance and repair G. L. Taft.
Air force programs improve facilities mainte- Portable snow: il Plant
Skimont Bng recreation
17:126-7 Jecenter.
nance, il Plant Eng 17:157-8 Ja '63 R James, il Comp Air Mag 68:12-13 Mr
Power Sel you air com D. W. Ben
ect r Systems ner35:
Power for defense in the Far North, plant diags ing Instruments p&ressControl
or. .
at Goose air force base, Labrador, il Power
111-12 N '62 automated
Underground air plant, R. J.
Eng 67:44-6 Mr '63 Nemmers. il Comp Air Mag 68:8-11. cover
'63 Runways s 'fi:!
Demands of air strategy force speedy run- Sre also
way construction: Robins air force base. Air pumps
near Macon. Ga. il Eng N 170:40-1 Ap 18 Compressed air
AIR compressors — Continued of radiant cell-
Room temperature dynamics
Control ing and air-conditioning comfort systems.
K E. Boyar. diags 2 ASHRAE J 4:o9-66 , D
Automation of the MllUken compressor plajit.
J. E. Moyle and others. diaKs Can Mln & Shall we use a 2-. 3-. or 4-plpe system for
Met Bui 56:227-31 Mr 63 air conditioning? answers, diags Power 107.
Cooling 172-3 S '63 house uses % hp for air condi-
Isothermal compressor. 11 diaes Enclneer ASHRAE tioning J H4:58-62 N '62bibliog
E Thomason.
11 diags
^ „
216:414-16 S 6 '63 Solutions to hvdrauUc problems In heating
Design and air conditioning. J. R. Hamish. diags
Adlabatlc compression or expansion of air; Air Cond checkout
Spacecraft Heat & building
Ven 60:73-9
servedJe '63
by 3000
nomofrraph: reference data. F. Caplan. Air ton system. W. G. Carlson and P. Nardone.
Cond Heat & Ven 5S:S5 N '62 il Hcatlng-Plpine 35:149-50 S '63 _ _,
Analysis of ajclal compressor cascade aero- Summer air conditioning and the effective-
dynamics. G. L.. Mellor. blblloe diaRs ness of home evaporative coolers in Texa^.
A S M 10 Trans ser D 81:362-86 S '59; Cor- R. B. Orion, map ASHRAE J 5:65-70 F '63
Annulus wall 84:619-21
rection. boundary D '62 layers In axial com-
Air See also
pressor staces. J. H. Horlock. blblloK dia^s Air conditioning from central stations
A S M E Trans ser D 85:55-62; Discussion. Air purification
62-5 Mr "63compressor. 11 diass Engineer Cooling
Isothermal Dehumldifl cation
216:414-16 S 6 63 Exhaust systems
Lubrication Gas in air conditioning .
Ventilation ^,^, , .
Fire-resistant compressor lubricant. II Hy- also subdivision Air conditioning under
draulics & Pneumatics 16:60-J- My '63 special subject.'!, e.g.
How special oil solved (Ire problem In com- Airport bulldmgs
pressed air lines. J. Q. Howell, il Plant Eng Animal buildings
17:142-3 ofMy lubricants '63 Apartment hou.^es
Intiuence on explosions In com- Atomic research laboratories
pressed air systems. N. D. Morgan. Can Bank buildings
Min & Met Hul 56:19-21 Ja '63 Biological laboratories
Use the correct oil for lubricating com- Churches
College buildings
pressor. Ind Finishing 39:110-11 Mr '63 Cot'on mills
Maintenance and repair processing service centers
Always give air equipment regular, thorough Factories
Greenhouses •63
maintenance. Welding Eng 48:68-+- Ap '63 Hospitals
How to maintain vour compressed air sys- Laboratories
tem. D. W Benner. dias.s Food Eng 35:
56-7 F 63: Excerpt. 11 Instruments & Con- Liltrar\' buildings
Medical buildings
Maintenancetrol Systems of 36:115 Ja '63
reciprocating compressors. Motor trnrU.'j
Office buildings
C. W. Gibbs. II diags Comp Air Mag 67: Office buildings. Industrial
10-14 Ap: 22-6 My; 26-8 Jl; 24-7 Ag; 28-30 School buildings
S: 32-3 air
Powerful O: 26-8 N; 27-30is Das '62strong as Its
compressor Ships
Store buildings
solder, il Welding J 41:1020 N '62 Submarine boats
Noise Textile mills Bibliography
Noise control for reciprocating compressors;
abstract, R. M. Hoover and L. J. Williams. Book reviews. Air Cond Heat & Ven 60:111-
13 Mr; 116-18 Ap; 112 My; 106 Jl; 92-3 O
Sound 1:53-4 S '62
Safety measures Books and reports. Published In monthly
numbers of Heating, piping and air con-
Fires and explosions in compressed air sys- ditioning
tems; texts of papers. Can Min & Met Bui Trade literature. Published In monthly num-
56:18-23 Ja '63 bers of Heating, piping and air conditioning
Valves Trade literature supplement. Heating-PIpIng
Maintenance of reciprocating compressors; 35:1-67 pt 2 An; 1-83 pt 2 S '63
valves C. W. Gibbs. 11 diags Comp Air Mag
67:26-8 N '62 Effect of exterior building construction and
AIR conditioning •63
Air conditioning and architecture, flow diags air conditioning .systems upon the cost of
11 map plans diags Prog Arch 44:148-210 heating.
How to combine G. H. Green.
centrifugal Eng Jand 46:23-6 F '63
O '6:i
Air conditioning for modernization. II plans units for low operating costs F. F Steven-
diags Air Cond Heat & Ven 60:50-68 Ap
How to son,design
II Heating-Piping
centrifugal-absorption 34:123-7 D systems
Air con to be a pub util in for low operating costs. F. F, Stevenson.
Hartford: d iti Illustration with l ic
text. Civility Eng
oni II diags Heating-Piping 35:160-6 Ja '63
32 SI Al- 62ng How to estimate operating costs for centrif-
Analysis of solar energy data applicable to ugal-absorption systems. F. F. Stevenson.
building design. B. Y. H. Liu and R. C.
Jordan, bibliog 11 maps diags ASHRAE J 11 Henting-Plplng 35:126-30 Mr '63
Load diversification cuts Installed cost of
4:31-414- D 62 church air conditioning .svstem. H. J.
Are viiu guilty of neglecting these design Miller. II Air Cond Heat & Ven 60:89 Ag
considers "ions? S. R. Lewis. Heating-Plplng
35:167 Ja '63.•sola'- heat
Calculating loads D. W. Mac- Minimizing reheat. M. A, Ranisev. diags
Curdy. II diags air. Proglight,
43:124-9 D '62 Air Cond Heat & Ven 60:85-8 S: 73-6 O '63
'CS controLs 11 dlag Eng Southern Methodist university revisited: sec-
ond look at university air conditioning
N 171:105 O 10 '63 costs, D. C, Pfeiffer. Heating- Piping 35:
Construction specifications: heating, ventilat-
ing, air conditioning . U. E. Wallln. II Plant
Enit 17:140-7 Mr; 149-504- Ap: 148-504- My 179-81 Ja '63
Hygienic aspects
FHA cool sta W. J. McG Air conditioning and health. E. C. Rllev and
in n d uln
Prog Archg 44:176 arSds.'63 n R. L. Rllev. bibliog Archives Environ-
Heating and air conditioning In Italy.
mental Health 7:359-66 S '63
Urdahl. 11 Heating-Piping 34:112-13 O '62
1963 energy systems design sur\pv: alr-con- Standards
dltlonlng .qyslom.H. Power I07:sup29-38 O "63 Standards page H. P. Tinning. ASHRAE J
Problems of thin shell design solved In
fdanelnrlum air conditioning. H P. Brohm. 6:94 Ja: 934- F ^63
Study and teaching
I Hoallng-Plplng 34:107-10 D '62
Research center for climate control; Inter- UA^a instructor training program enters
view with Professor W. E. Fontaine. II tenth year at Purdue. II Heating-Piping
Air Cond Heat & Ven 60:46-8 Mr '63 36:98-100 Ag ^63
AIR conditioning — Continued Double-duct, air-conditioning flow and mix-
Tables, calculations, etc. ing in high-velocity mixing chambers. C. M.
Harman and D. W. Nelson, bibliog diags
Predicting annual heating-cooling loads. T. ASHRAE J 5:105-8 F 63
T. Porembski. Air Cond Heat & Ven 60:66- How can we pipe seawater for condenser
coolin.g service? answer. J. A. Fife. Heat-
76 Mr '63 room sound
Simplifying power calculations.
How to control ing-Piping 35:87-8 Jl '63
centrifugal-absorption sys-
C. M. Asiiley. diag ASHKAE J 5:61-9 Jl '63 tems. F. F. Stevenson, diags Heating-
AIR conditioning. Industrial
Air conditioning: systeiujs. components, con- HowPiping
to plan 35:122-7 air Jlconditioning
'63 for today and
trols, il plan diag
More favorable Plant forlingindustry;
climate 17:1US-1SairAp con-
'63 tomorrow. H. E. Tweitmeyer. Safety Maint
ditioning, ilMill & Factory 72:60-7 My '63 125:50-2-1- Mr
Minimizing reheat. '63 M. A. Ramsey, diags Air
See also
Factories — Air conditioning Cond Heat
1903 energy systems & Ven design 60:85-8 survey;
S; 73-6 air-con-
O '63
Machine shops — Air conditioning
AIR conditioning equipment Predicting ditioning air-vapor systems. Power mixtures.107:sup29-38
M. Ramsey. O '63
Air conditioning and architecture; through- Air Cond Heat &
Predicting the effectiveness of air distribution.Ven 60:71-4 F '63
wall performance. G. F. Moe. jr. il Prog
Arch 44:174-5 O 63 W. Waeldner. diag Air Cond Heat & Ven
Air-conditioning equipment; Carter thermal 60:43-5chart Mr '63
Psych has the answers I M. Ramsey.
cooled condensers; ltd. il Engineer
how do 214:780 N 2 up
they stack '62
Air Cond
for air conditioning today? J. Rose, il diag Study of a Heat solar &air Venconditioner, 60:165-9 Jawith'63 solar
Dom Eng 201:126-1- specification
Ap '63 energy supply from a flat-plate collector.
Amiual equipment digest; air J. A. Duffle and others, bibliog flow diag
conditioning, il Air Cond Heat & Ven 60; il diag Mechcontrols Eng play S5;31-5 keyAg role '63 in air-
43-4-t- Ja 63 Temperature
Clean air from America, il Engineering 195; conditioning system design. D. W. Grus-
632 My path 3 '63 method; time-saving technique zynski. theil chart
Using diags Power to design; 107:88-91
how O the '63 psy-
Critical chrometric chart is used to design an air
for project scheduling. R. J. Valenti. flow
chart il Air Cond Heat & Ven 60:49-51 conditioning system. M. Ramsey. Air Cond
My '63 air conditioning; Airajust; Carter Heat & Ven 60:63-5 Mr: 87-8 Ap '63
thermal engineering ltd. diag Engineering Exhibitions
194:662 N 23 developments. '62 International heating and air conditioning
Equipment Published in exposition. 16th. New Tork, Feb. 11-14;
monthly numbers of Heating, piping and products on display, floor plans, list of
air conditioning
How to select air washers for summer aJr exhibitors. Heating-
International heating and Pipingair conditioning
35:237-60 Ja ex- '63
conditioning. A. D. Passey. diags Heating- position. 16th. New York. Feb. 11-14; pro-
Pipingof 35:98-102
News equipmentF '63 and materials. Published gram, floor plans, exhibitors. ASHRAE J
in monthly numbers of Air conditioning, 5:45-64 F '63 heating, ventilating and air con-
heating and ventilating ditioning exhibition. London, il Engineer
Omaha company develops cooling plan. R.
Smith, and il diags Gas 39:78-80 Jl '63 214:586-7. 619-21 O 5-12 '62
Parts products. Published in monthly Installation
numbers of ASHRAE journal
Record year for air coolers? il Iron Age 191: Air conditioning and architecture; slip-form
core speeds mechanical installation, il plana
168 F 21on '631963 products; illustrations with
SpotUte diags Prog
La\'ing out Arch mechanical 44:156-9 equipment
O '63 rooms.
te.xt. Dom Eng heating/cooling.
Thermoelectric 201:92-100 Mr; 120-5 W. J.Ap Mc- '63 C. J. AJlen. diag Air Cond Heat & Ven 59;
Guinness. foril air
IJrethane Progconditioner,
Arch 43:174il SMod'62 Plastics 44-7 D '62protection at wall openings for
40:114 O insultant;'62 duct or man and "Pipe; reference data.
G. Hollands. Air CondH. D.Heat Good-&
Urethane low K factor is key to
compact "WliispAir air conditioner, il Plas- Ven 60:81-4 F '63
Ucs World 21:47 F '63 Maintenance and repair
See also
Air filters Biological deposits in air conditioning spray
Air pines units; problems and their control. C. W.
Cooling equipment
Dehumidifiers GasRegutti.
engine il Plant air-conditionerEng 17:127-32 Ja '63G. K.
Gas in air conditioning Bachmann. Gas 130:22-4 S '63
Heat pump Noise
■63 Control Control of noise in air conditioning systems;
Air-conditioning control at Fylingdales; B.M. with reference data. G. Furgiuele. diags
E.W.S. station, il Engineer 215:437-8 Mr 8 Air Cond noise Heat in& high- Ven velocity
60:64-8 air O '63
Controlling distribu-
Control systems for air conditioning, which tion systems. J. W. Spradling. diag Air
type is best? W. Hoipkemier. il Plant Eng Cond Heat theory & Ven for 59:55-60 N '62
17:111-12 Ad '63 Generalized computing noise from
Electronic control in heating and air-condi- turbulence in aerodynamic systems. H. C.
tioning. F. B. Rider, il diags Ind Electronics Hardy, bibliog ASHRAE J 5:95-100
1:354-8 Ap '63 Noise
Four-pipe system control. D. H. Spethmann. Ja '63 control;report
Building research institute
on noise in electrical
Howdiags packaged
ASHRAE air J conditioners 5:32-7 S '63are control- and mechanical systems, bibliog diags Air
led. S. N. Ludwig and O. B. Wert, diags Cond controlHeat &forVenreciprocating 60:53-64 Jecompressors.
Air wordCond inHeat & Ven 60:49-55controls;
Ag '63Paco- Noise
Last air-conditioning R. M. Hoover and L. J. Williams, diag
let's huge New Holland mill il Textile Ind Heating-Piping
Procedure for computin.g 34:113-18 the N '62subjective re-
127:62-9 Jl '63 action to complex noise from sound power
RP5 studies air-conditioning jvstem control.
H. W. AJyea and W. P. Chapman. data. R. J. 'Wells and V/. E. Blazier, Jr.
ASHRAE J 4:75 D '62 bibliog ASHRAE
Simplifying room sound J 5:82-84-
power Je calculations.
Time adjusted valves eliminate heating-cool- C. M. fan A.shley.
ing changeover problems. G. H. Avery, diag Supply noisediag in ASHRAE J 5:51-9 K.
return svstems. Jl '63
Heating-Piping 35:140-1 My '63 Traub. diags ASHRAE J 5:75-7 Ag '63
Design Rating
Air conditioning and architecture; design Testing and rating of refrigeration and air-
parameters. S. J. Greenleaf. flow diags conditioning equipment. F. J. Reed, bibliog
Prog Arch 44:152-5 O '63 ASHRAE J 5:109-11-1- Je '63
Control of noise in air conditioning systems;
with reference data. G. Purgiuele. diags Specifications
Air Cond Heat & Ven 60:64-8 O '63 Unitary approach to air conditioning com-
Details of streamline ductwork; reference mercial and industrial buildings; large
data, diags Air Cond Heat & Ven 60:77-80 capacity unitary equipment. Air Cond Heat
Mr '63 & Ven 59:84-6 O; 97 N '62
AIR Continued
conditioning equipment — Specifications — Ground
68:49-59 effect '63. il diags Marine
. ,, „ .. S '63 „ ,. t^ Eng/Log o< na
Usinf? the chart to specUy. M. Ramsey. Air Hovercraft conversion kit. U Mech Eng . 84. /»,,
Cond Heat & Ven 6U;8;-au My; t:5-7 Je; 65- D '62
7 Ak G:i . ., . , Hovercraft for Thames passenger service. 11
What you should know about specif/ing air Engineer 215:1079 Je 14 '63 . , .
condilioninK equipment. M. M. Kabili. 11 How does a hovercraft react to snow and Ice?
Mill it Factory 72:G;i--t My '63 il Engineering 195:148 Ja 25, '63 ^ _,
Standards Improving GEM vehicle performance. J.,,W.
Certifying room air conditioners. ASHRAE Ebert.
Its name 11 diags S A
is Caraljao. R. Dyment. E J 71:60-2 My '63
11 diags
J 5:41-7
Sound ralinsis Ab '63 and standards. W. E. Blazler, Comp Air Mag 68:20-1 Ag '63
Lightweight mer: air-supported sea vehicle SKRMskim-1.
sandwich for heavyweight
jr. Air Cond Heat & Ven 60:54-5 Je '63
Testing PerformancePlastics
11 Mod and force40:91 Jlcoupling
'63 effects due
Create temperature to turning vanes in an annular jet. A. M.
for missile launch extremes
sites. P. toF.test a-c units
Little, flow Jackes. diag J Aerospace Sci 29:1483
diag 11 Heating-PipinK 35:91-5 Ag 63 Republic hovercraft. Automotive Ind D 129:'62
How air How tests are performed under
ADC's test code. H. Straub and G. Syl- 1064-
SKMR-1 O 15
research'63 Hydroskimmer program.
vester. 1 diag HeaUng-PipinK 35:128-33 S R. E. Stark and J. R. Gauthey. II diags
Naval Eng J 75:597-603 Ag '63: Abstract.
Manual for testing and balancing air distribu- 5 A E J 71:113
Symposium on hovercraftO '63 was held Jointly by
tion systems. Heating-Piping 36:103 Ap '63 the University of Southampton and the
conditioningand rating of refrigeration
equipment. F. J. Keed.andbibliog air- .^outhaiiuHon branch of the Royal aeronau-
ASHK^Ui J 5:103-11+ Je '63 tical society: abstracts of papers. Engi-
What to e.\pect from air flow field tests. J. neer 215:589 Cushioncraft,
Mr 29 '63
A. Bishop, diag Heating-Piping 34:110-12 Twelve-seat il Engineer 216:
Jl: 119-24 Ab '62: Discussion. 34:81-2-1- D 594 Mr 29 bold '63 plan for Hovercraft, il Engi-
'62: 35:118-1- Ja '63 Westland's
Water requirements Where GFJMs neering 195:602 fitMy 3in'63 the transportation
Metered chilled-water service. W. J. McGuIn- scheme. W. J. Neff. maps S A E J 71:32-5
O '63
AIR plan Progequipment,
conditioning Arch 43:202Portable O '62 World's first commercial order for a hover-
Everything AiiS. but the motor, il Mod Plas- AIR cushions craft, il Engineering 195:404 Mr 22 '63
tics 40:92-3 Mr '63 Air dim floats heavy loads. 11 Plant Eng 17:140
AIR conditioning from central stations
Air conditioning and architecture; central New Ap '63 trailer supports load on air film. 11 Iron
plant progress. W. L. McGratli. 11 diags
6 SteelshowEng.^oiL-^aiion: 40:190 Ap wheels
Arch 44:170-3 O '63^Sahara.
in the , ^^^ „. ^ ,
W. Pichel. S-Vl'"] go sideways. II
Mod floats
Strip Materials along Handlingcoating line. 18:7 H. F H.'63 Colson.
diag cooling
Area ASHKAEideaJ gains, 5:78-80 plan Ap '63Am Gas Assn
il Ironfloats
Strip Age on 191:142-3 cushion of F 21 air '63in new anneal-
Mo 45:17
Capitol Park Mr project
'63 shows , trend to central ing furnace. C. L. Kobrin. il diag Iron Age
cooling. W. A. Brown, il diag Air Cond
Heat & Ven 60:87-9 Je '63 190:127-9of Nthin
Support 29 '62steel strip on air cushions.
One •63cooling system serves 319 town houses ^V^ G. Jaftrey and G. M. Boxall. il diags
In Washington. D.C. Gas 39:91cools
Ap satellite
'G3 Iron & Steel Inst J rides
Radiant floor system
terminals. J. S. Hamel and R. W. Steele.
heats, Vibrating machine on My air: '63alr-sprlng
system Isolates shakes and shocks, diag
11 plan diags Heating- Piping 35:135-40 Ja
AIR Iron .-Vge 192:110 S 19 '63
Total energy on the campus. M. Backer and How .lir flow tests are performed under
R. B. Robertson, flow diag il diag Air Cond
Heat & Ven 60:39-45 O '63 ADC's test code. H. Straub and G. Syl-
AIR conditioning industries vester. 11 diag Heating-Piping 35:128-33
Law and your profits. R. A. Brown. Pub- AIR S drying apparatus. See Drying apparatus
lished In monthly numbers of Heating, pip- AIR ducts. '63 See Air pipes
ing and air conditioning
AIR engines
Gas Seein aira/.soconditioning
Air motor reduces hazard, diags Mech Eng
X5:59 can
■What O '63air motors do? 11 Hydraulics &
Annual specifying and buying dlrectorj' of Pneumatics 15:76-9 N '62
products for air conditioning and air han- AIR entrainment. See Concrete — Air entraln-
dling. 1963-64. Air Cond Heat & Ven 60: nipnt
103-5-1- O 63
1963 directory; heating, piping, and air condi- AIR filters
tioning equipment for industrial, commer- Air filter for an 80.000-cfm wind tunnel. 11
cial. Institutional and public buildings; Hydraulics & Pneumatics 16:26 Ap '63
claj^slfied by products, trade names, manu- Air flll<-rs: fluid power compon,>nt selection
facturers' addresses. Heating-Piping 35:ld- charts. Hydraulics & Pneumatics 16:112-
AIR 200d Ja '63
conditions BIrflold
13 Ja '63 flltratlon systems. II diags Engineer-
See also ing 196:274-5 Ag 30 '63
Air pollution Cleaner air in Vauxhall's paint shop 11 En-
Temperature — Physiological effect Correlation gineering 195:47 Ja single
between 11 '63 fiber efficiencies of
AIR curtains fibrous filters and operating variables. S.
Insect control with air screens. 11 Safety Alba and T. Yasuda. blbllog A I Ch E J
Maint 126:38-40
Towline. air doorsJl '63 up warehouse efficiency; 8:704-8 N for
Filtration '62 men and machines; bucket
Union electric co. J. J. Dixon, il diag Elec loadersdetection
II DieselIn Equip Supt 41:27
World 158:90-1 D 17 '62 Fire rndlo.ictivc Alter Mv '63
AIR cushion vehicles R.
Foam W. Walker. 11 Nucleonics 21:98
filters: polyureth.tne reduces vi^ritila- Mv '63
Lti-lls newest GEM. 11 Automotive Ind 128:30 tor inalnienance. II Plastics World 20:37 O
Jo 1 '63 (low supports MARAD GEM. S. Re-
Channel Powder-metal filters clean air for rotating
Ihorst and W. T. Potter, diags S A E J
hammer. II Machine Design 35:120 Ag 15 '63
71:106-7 <) '63 Product Engineering fourth annual master
Denny's second sidewall hovercraft. II dlass deslijn awards: alr-llne filter. 11 diag Prod-
Designing GICM194:566
Engineering stability N 2 augmentation
'62 sys- uct Eng 34:93 My 13 '63
tems. T. A. Dukes and C. R. Hargraves. Proof- test meter filters and ga.skets. A. M.
blbllog diags Astronautics & Aerospace Eng McQuarrle. 11 Elec World 160:67-8 Ag 12
l:8S-95 Jl In
Electronics "63 hovercraft. II Ind Electronics
Sewage treatment plant uses filtered air. 11
1:21 O '62
Extensive use of reinforced plnsilca In hover- Water & Sewage Works 110:176 My '63
Urclhane filters; open pore foam elements
bus. Clyde
From II Brit to Pla.stlcs
Thames 36:405
by Jlsidewall
'63 hover- o.S r .?,'■■
?l*^". 63 economically. 11 Plastics World 21-
craft. I Engineering 195:764 Je 7 '63
AIR filters — Continued Investigations of heat-transfer coefficients
Rating for air flow through round jets impinging
normal to a heat-transer surface. G. C!.
Ratins air filters by pressure drop; with no- Huang, bibliog diags A S M E Trans ser C
mograph. R. C. Baker. Hydraulics & Pneu- 85:237-43: Discussion. 243-5 Ag '63
matics 16:108-9 Ap '63 Swirling round turbulent jet W G Rose.
bibliog il diags A S M E Trans ser B 29:
Testing 615-25 D '62 (to be cont)
Procedure for microbioloprical testing of air AIR motors. See Air engines
filters. K. R. Goddard. bibliog il diag AIR navigation
ASHRAE J 5:75-82 F '63 USAF to test triple navigator. H. C. Hood.
AIR flow 11 See
also 36:45 S 13 '63
Air-breathing ■wing cuts frictional drag. 11 Aeronautic instruments
AirdiagsflowMachine laboratory Design for 35:6 My 9components;
turbine '63 Decca navigation system
Inertial guidance systems
English electric co. Engineer 214:1114-15 D Radio aids to aviation
Air28 flow
'62 resistance of glass fibre filter paper. AIR pilots
J. A. Wheat, bibliog Can J Chem Eng 41: Coronary arteriosclerosis In pilots; report of
67-72 Ap '63 a case. K. Vaandrager and J. G. Grimm.
Air flow system and plastic hood tame corro- Ind Med
sive fumes, il Safety Maint 124:53 Study of the32:38-9
humanJa pilot
'63 as a servo-element.
Cavitation flow past airfoils. A. N.D Ivanov.
'62 I. A. M. Hall, bibliog diags Roy Aeronauti-
AIAA J 1:27S-S0
Chart determines cone dimensions for static Ja '63 cal Soc J 67:351-60 Je '63
pressure regain: data sheet. R. A. Gerlitz. Take-off
of view,andE,landing problems;
C, Miles. pilot's point
Roy Aeronautical
Chart guides selection 35:185-6of Ja '63
orifice, nozzle dia- Soo J 67:539-43; Clothing Discussion. 557-8 S '63
meters for measuring standard air; data
sheet, C. W. Coblentz. Heating-Piping 35: High-altitude pressure suit. 11 Aircraft Eng
143-4 O '63 air-conditioning flow and mix-
Double-duct, 34:379 D '62 for the thermal
Requirements control of a
ing in high-velocity mixing chambers. S',?-,']^'^'," f°'' clothing investigation. J. M.
C. M. Harman and D. W. Nelson, bibliog
Clifford, Ind delays
failure Med 32:40-3
MA-8. Jabut'63 fiight is just
diags ASHRAE
Dynamic matching of inlet duct airflow with J 5:105-8 F '63
engine airflow. J. S. Alford and others. routine. 11 dlag ITrainingS A J 9:21-2 N '62
5 A E J 71:46-7
Experiments verify My which'63 air- flow equations. See simulators
D. Lapera and F. D. Yeaple. bibliog diags Flight
Product air Eng circuit 34:47-52 design.Ja 21 '63A. A. Alalia. AIR pilots. Military
Furnace Chnical observations on the spines of ejected
ASHRAE J 5:27-33 My '63
cylindersmeasurements transverse toofanheat transfer P.from
airstream. D.
^eTh^2S-Fji%'-''^ ^- ^^^hemsson. Ind
Richardson. A S M B Trans ser C 85:283-4
Ag '63
Investigations of heat-transfer coefficients
.seat-ejected pilots, !?f2™^^1;l°''
Some factors influencing
spinal '""'^
for air flow through round jets impinging and A.
Nachemsson. IndTraining
Med 32:27-8 Ja '63
normal to a heat-transfer surface. G. C.
Huang, bibliog diags A S M E Trans ser C
85:237-43: Giant flight accelerator for project Apollo
Mass transferDiscussion. from 243-5 Ag '63to an air
spheroids training; Illustration with text. Civil Eng
stream. A. H. P. Skelland and A. R. H. 33:83 Je 63
Cornish, bibliog 11 diags A I Ch E J 9:73- FlightSee simulators
6 Ja '63
Nozzles for air flow measurement. L. R. Foss AIR pipes
and R. N. Hollyer. jr. diags R Sol Instr 34: Changeover simplified in finishing system. II
One70-4 powerJa '63 station siting problem solved; Automation
Details 10:60 F '63
of streamline
Rugeley. Staffordshire. 11 Engineering 195: ductwork: reference
Mr 63
^^'^•^o<^'^ss Air Cond Heat & Ven 60:77-80
31-2 Ja 4 '63of air flows in combined lu-
Optimization Digital, computer may find new use in de-
minaire air-handling equipment, C. A. temriining mine ventilation networks. H.
Sadlow and T. N. Humphreville. diags Ilium L. Hartman and B. O. Trafton. biblioK
Plastic 58:39-43:
Eng ventilation Discussion,
systems: 43-5 design Ja and
'63 in- flow diag air
Estimating diag friction Mm Engin 15:39-42
triangularS '63ducts
stallation: data file. R, A, Brown, bibliog
11 diags Heating-Piping 35:135-46 Jl '63 oU.85-6 Je 63
en ol?V Constance. Air Cond Heat & Ven
Simplified procedure for calculating orifice Hot-wire measurements of turbulence cor-
air flow: data sheet. M. W. Wambsganss. relations in a triangular duct. C, J.
jr. diags Machine Design 35:197-8 S 12 '63 Cremers and E, R, G. Eckert, bibliog diags
Total and form drag friction factors for the A Sto MsealE airTrans
turbulent flow of air through packed and How D '62
29:609-14 drawings
ducts serthatE separate;
distended beds of spheres. C. A. Wentz. jr.
and G. Thodos, bibliog diag A I Ch B J Prefabricated diict used
9:358-61 My '63 Si^hA^jt 21 '■(.¥' ^^P°'"'<=-
in closeProduct
See also Plant
Radiation Eng protection
17:94 My '63at wall openings for
Anemometers duct or pipe; reference data. H, D, Good-
Compressed air lines man and G, Hollands. Air Cond Heat &
Couett*^ flow
Fans, Mechanical Ven 60:81-4 F '63
Turbulence See also air lines
Compressed Design
AIR force academy. See United States — Air
force academy
AIR freight service Chart determines cone dimensions for static
Air cargo seeks more standards. Improved pressure regain ; data sheet. R, A. Gerlitz.
equipment to facilitate Inter-mode develop- Heating-Piping 35:185-6 Ja '63
ment, il S A B J 71:60-3 F '63 Standards
Air freight clear for takeoff. R. R. Kay. 11 SMACNA revises its low pressure duct man-
Iron Age 191:88 Ap 18 '63 ual, il diag Heating-Piping 35:108-9 Ag '63
Air freight lines ride jet stream to higher Tables, calculations, etc.
. profits, F. J. Starin. 11 Iron Age 192:25-7
Ag 1 '63 Attenuation of sound in lined ducts with and
Standardized containers will meet ma,1or air without air flow. W. F. Kerka biblio-
cargo need. S A E J 71:90-1 Ag '63 Equivalent circular and rectan gular ducts:
AIR gage. See Gages. Pneumatic ASHRAE J 5:69-76
nomograph. F. Caplan.Mr '63Power•^^™'>- didiio„
107:90 Ap '63
AIR Jets
Heat transfer to a jet of air impinging nor- ■^'".'^..'^iP""'''",!""'
slotted or branched ^"'^ pressure change
ducts. A, A. Haerter along
mally on to the inside surface of a hot bibliog diags ASHRAE
smooth tube. A. R. Mountain and J. F. Friction loss for air in J 90-degree
5:47-59 Ja '63
Barnes, diags Roy Aeronautical Soc J 67: with rectangular cross .section: nomograph;
523-5 Ag '63 data sheet. F. Caplan. Power 107:90 Ag '63
AIR pipes. Plastic Predetermin ed dosimetry of inhaled partlclea
Uucts 111 JutliruTs: self-extlnituishlnK phenoxy in man. C. U Punte and others, bibliog
resin air ducts used In new planes. II Jflas- How dlag
6:273-9 F '63 II Archives Environment - al Healtn
lics World 21:34 Mr '63 , . o
AIR pollution „ „ ^ ,j /, on 11 Reviews of applications of analyses. A. P.
Air in which we live. G. Corflcld. Gas 39:11 Altshuller. Anal Chem 35 [no 51:3R-10R
bibliogiSR-lORI Ap '63 ^ ,, . .
Rockets pollute upper atmosphere. Machine
Air lead gines; concentrations from automotive en-
comparison of itasoUnes contalnliyt Design limits35:14-15 F 14 '63 materials; thres-
tetrameihyllead and tciraethyllead. R. S. Safety hold limit values of hazardous for 1962. Safety Malnt
Brief. biblloK 11 Archives Environmental 124:40-3 D '62 ^ . ,
Health 5:527-31 D '62 , „ „ , Sensory physiology as basis for air quality
Air pollution. A. C. Stem. ed. 2v Review, by standards. V. A. Ryazanov. bibllog dlag
R. Ue.^^.sinc. Chem
Air pollution and human health; editorial.& Ind p2032-3 D 1 '62 Archives Environmental Health 5:480-91;
Ind Mod :!2:45rt-'l O 63 , , Smoke elimination
Discussion. 491-4 Non'62shunting locomotives.
Air pollution control Is a local problem. II
Chem .M Enu N 40:11-12 D 24 'ft . Engineer
Spot the weak 215:951 spots Myin pollution 24 '63 controls. G.
Air pollution control
inators. J. A. with
lirlnk. jr. fibre
biblioK mist11 elim-
dlacs C.
O '63 and J R. Scanlin. S A E J 71:
, , ,
Air pollution from coal refuse piles.•63„E. P.
Can ,1 Chem Enc 41:134-8 Je ^ Systems approach to the vehicle problem.
.■^ S Gri.>;wold. Archives Environmental
Hall. II MIn ConK J 48:37-41 D '62 Health In7:240-3 Ag '63 precipitation and in-
Air TWihitlon from power plants and Its con- Trends electrostatic
trol. T. T. FrankenberK. Combu.stlon 34:28- dustrial gas cleaning H J Hall, bibllog il
Air31; pollution
Discussion. H. Perry.
mcetlne 31-3 understandliiK
stresses F '63 $2 dlag Chem cleanup
million Eng Prog slated59:67-72 S '63 Soimd.
for Puget
and cooperation. Heatlng-Plplne 35:44+ Ag map Chem
Vehicle smog &emis-sions: Eng N 40:14 can we D 31avoid'62 after-
Air pollution; what's belnir done? A. C. burners? A. L. Ivondon. diags Archives En-
AirStern. II Mech J.EneEden.85:26-7
wp hreaihe. 11 MagJl of'p^Stand Vision obscuration vironmental Healthby 6:672-7
nonblack My plumes.
'63 W,
34:209-12 Jl '63 ^ , pol-, I... Crider. blbliog Archives Environmental
Alkali ln.«!nPclor's report on .atmospheric
lution. Ind Chem 39:381 Jl '63 WetHealth 6:428-30
-type dust Mr '63 D. E. Bonn. 11 dlags
Car smog not unique to Coast: latest anti- Chem aboutEng Prog
smog developments: crankcase emission Wliat air 59:69-74pollution?O '63 C. D. Yaffe.
devices. R. R. Kay. II Iron Age 191:42 Ja
See also J 5:35-7 Jl '63
24 '63
Chfmi.-<lrv of town air. B. T. Commlns. blb- Air filters
lioe 11 Research
Chlorine to cleanse 15:421-6 O '62air. dlag Can
kraft mill Beryllium
Pust collectors poisoning
Chem Process 47:35+ Mr '63 Flue
."^niog dust
Clean■62 air conference and exhibition. Har- Fumes
rogate. Oct. 10-12. Chem & Ind p2029-31 Plant.";. Effect of air pollution on
D 1 '62
Clean air conference. Harrogate. Oct. 9: ab-
stracts of papers. Engineer 214:762-4 N 2 Smoke prevention
also subdivision Air pollution under names
Colorfastness to ozone In the atmosphere. of places, e.g.
Los Angeles
V. S. Salvln. 11 Am Dyestuff Rep 52:606-7 Nashville. Tennessee
Ab 5 '63
Control of carbon monoxide fumes In mill New Florence. Pennsylvania
areas. K. J. Evans. 11 Iron & Steel Eng 40: Seward. Pennsylvania
161-2 Ac 63 Laws and regulations
Control of fume from electric arc furnaces.
E. navies and W. T. Cosby. 11 dlag Iron Breathe
Californiadeep. Product blow-bv
to require Eng 34:68 Ag on
control 5 '63used
Du& Pont
Steel Inst Introduces J 201:100-10
analyzer F '63to monitor cars. Chem & Engair N pollution
41:25 Ag code.
19 '63Steel
phosgene In air. Chem & Eng N 41:46-7 Chicairo tightens
Ag 12of -63air pollutants on respiratory infec-
Effect 153:82 Ag and
Corrosion 5 '63the clean air act. Engineer
tion. R ElirPch. bihllog Archives Environ-
216:192 Ag 2 '63
Effect of mental Health 6:638-42 from
contamination My laboratory
'63 air Federal role in air pollution control to grow.
on the adhesion of tialnt to anodized auto- Elec World 158:28-9 D 24 '62
motive trim C. A. Barlow and J. P. Federal role in air pollution debated. Chem
11 Plating
Electric furnace 50:827-8 fumeS control.
'63 K. E. Blessing & Eng N 41:27-8 S 23 '63
and n. Hvslnger. II dlags Chem Eng Prog Legal aspects of human exposure to atmos-
pheric pollutants. H. W. Kennedy. Archives
59-60-4 Mr '63
Five new methods for the spectrophotometric Environniental Health 6:785-91; Discussion.
determination of alkylating agents Includ- 792-S Je -63
ing some extremely sensitive autocata- Medicolegal aspects of air pollution research.
Jytlc methods: T I.,adlnier. bibllog Archives Environmental
E .tnwickl and application lo airAnal
others, bibllog pollution.
Chem Health 6:772-8 .Te '63
35:1479-86 S '63 National conference on air pollution. Wash-
Prom Panada, low cost air pollution controls. ington. Chem Eng 70:46 F 4 '63
Steel ir,2:27 Ap S '63 ^''^ federal air-pollution laws likely. 11 Oil
Fume formation: 8Ur\'ey of current theoretical * Gas J 61:97-8 Ap 15 '63
Ideas and n report of work at BI.'^RA. R E. Non-toxic dust problem W. L Faith II
Bales hihilog dlag Iron & Steel Inst J 201: Chem Eng Prog 58:16-17 D '62
747-51 S '63 President urges federal air pollution control.
Heavy smokers with low mortality and the Chem & Eng N 41:36-7 F 18 '63
urban factor In lung cancer mortality. J.
Cohen and R. K. Hclmann. hibllog Ind Med Research
32:415-25 O '63 EITects on animals of exposure to auto ex-
How to cet the most from alr-pollutlon con- haust S n. Murphy and others hihliog
trol systems. J. E. Yocom and D. H. 0 ag Archives Environmental Health 7:60-70
Wheeler bibllog dlags Chem Eng 70:126 +
Je 21 '61
International air pollution control. Safety Ethical considerations in air pollution re-
search H J Welnsteln. Archives Environ-
Malnt 126-12-3 Jl '63 mental Health 6:779-83 Je '63
Miniaturized air analyzer measures gaseous Medicolegal aspects of air pollution research.
pollutants: abntract H E Saltzman and
A. 1. Mendenhall. Chem * Eng N 41:75-6
S 23 '63 conference on air pollution 2d. Mb II'r'7'7'>'^8''l°''
^'I'lr',,'*"" "i'"" ' ^''<^'''^'*s Environment al
National H
bibllog dlagpollution
Eng F. A.
33:48-51 F Bell.
'63 Jr.
Washington. Healing-Piping 3548+ Mr 'SS
New gas'tlred incinerator helps flght air pol-
lution I dlag Gas Age 129:28-9+ D '62 Air pollutants from power plants; techniques
Pollution: a problem In economics. R. B.
Rnsdahl and F. C. Croxton. II Mech Enn KCi,^'*''''"''..','"'' "'■■ PolUitants. S. T. Cuffe.
gS:66-7 Ja 'SS
llol^n^ 6:422.'7' Mr^'es'"''' fenvlronmentai
AIR pollution — Testing — Continued AIR reduction company
Determination of toxic orsanic compounds in New Airco diversifies for growth. 11 Chem
admixture in the atmosphere by pras chro-
matography. F. R. Cropper and S. Kamin- AIR & sampling
Eng N 41:44-6-1- O 14 '63
slcy. bibliog diaga Anal Chem 35:735-43 My Air-borne staphylococcus aureus; a possible
source in air '63 control eauipment. J. G. Shaf-
Experience with light scattering particle fer and J. J. McDade. bibliog il plan Ar-
counters. J. K. Channel! and R. J. Hanna.
biblioff il Archives Environmental Health chives Environmental
Determination of toxic organic compounds Health 5:547-51 D '62in
ModificationMr of'63 the phenolohthalin method
6:3S6-400 admixture in the atmosphere by gas chro-
for the determination of total oxidants. D. matography. F. R. Cropper and S. Kamin-
F. Bender and A. W. Breidenbach. bibliog sky. bibliog diags Anal Chem 35:735-43 My
Anal Chem
Monitors for air 35:417-18 poisons. Mr E. '63 C. Bennett. Ind High-volume sampler for atmospheric carbon
dioxide. G. J. Fergusson. bibliog diag R Scl
& Ens- Chem
Practices in the 55:13-15 field use N of'63detector tubes. M. Instrclean 34:403-6 Ap room? '63
B. LaNier and H. L. Kusnetz. Archives How is the J. M. Pilcher. bib-
Environmental liog il diags
Identification of atmospheric ASHRAE J 5:35-42
dust bvMyuse '63of
Sumner tunnel airHealth quality.6:418-21
R. I. Mr '63 and
Larsen the microscope; abstract. E. M. Hamilton
V. J. Konopinski. biblios diags Archives and W. D. Jarvis. Engineer 215:947 My 24
Environmental Health 5:597-608 D '62
California Impregnated filter paper traps radioactive
California orders crankcase controls for cars. debris, checks
Regular il Chem help & Eng keepN clean
41:45 room
My 27 clean.
Oil & Gas J 60:78 D 31 '62 J. F. Murray. S A E J 71:57 N '63
Canada Sampling the clean room air; data file, bib-
Air pollution in Canada: current status re- liog diags Heating-Piping 35:149-64 My "63
AIR separators
port. M. Katz. bibliog Am J Pub Health Air separators slice shiftover time for
53:173-84 P '63 cement types, diags Rock Prod 66:102-1-
Los Angeles County, California Screen
Burning fuel byproducts to sweep away My '63 and pneumatic classification. G F
Allen, il diags Ind & Eng Chem 54:39-44 D
smog. 11 diag Product Eng 34:92-3 Mr 4 '63
AIR preheaters AIR suspension
springs. See Automobiles — Springs and
Heat outside air. T. T. Porembskl. diag Air 62
HowCond aboutHeat glass & Venfor59:79-80 boiler Dair '62 heaters? 11 AIR tools. See Pneumatic tools
Engineering 195:878-80 Je operating
28 '63 AIR traffic. See Airports
ways— Traffic control — Traffic control; Air-
'63 waste heat; improve cost; AIRCRAFT
original Ljungstrom air preheater installa- See also
tion at Thatcher-Saugus, Cer Ind 81:60 Ag Airplanes
Cleaning Autogiros
Guided missiles
Regenerative air preheaters can be water- Helicopters
washed effectively. J. W. Keck, il Power Seaplanes
Eng 67:47-8 My '63 Television apparatus on aircraft
AIR pressure support
Analysis of foldability in expandable struc- AIRCRAFT accidents. See Aviation— Accidents
tures. H. U. Schuerch and G. M. Schindler. Aircraft gas turbines.
AIRCRAFT See Gas turbines.
bibliog and
Design il diags construction AIAA J 1:873-8 of air Aphouses.
'63 11 AIRFIELD landing mats. See Aviation land-
Water Engineering
storage; 195:78
a half million Ja 18 '63
gallons for ing stations — Landing mats
$15,000: Santa Maria. Calif, il diag Civil AIRFOILS
Airfoil-shaped tube supports; heat transfer
Eng 32:56 S '62 and pressure drop. H. C. Paulsen. 2d. bib-
AIR pumps liog il diags Chem Eng Prog 59:33-40 Jl
Pumps; Rx for black boxes, il diag Product 63
Eng 34:48-9 Je 24 '63 Application of transonic linearization to an
AIR purification airfoil with a round leading edge. I
High-pressure air purification plant, il Engi- Hosokawa. J Aerospace Sci 29:1395-6 N '62
neer 216:442 S 13 '63 Blunt-leadi ng-edge problem in hypersonic
High pressure air purification plant 11 Engl- flow H.^ Oguchi. bibliog diag AIAA J 1:
neermg choking Ag 30on '63cheap air. diag Can 361-8 F *63flow past airfoils. A N Ivanov.
See alsoProcess 47:69-70 Ag '63 Comparison of theory with experiment on a
AIAA J 1:278-80 Ja '63 • ^ ■
Air conditioning blunt axisjTnmetric body in hypersonic flow.
Air filters C. C. Horstman. AIAA J 1:1688-9 Jl '63
Air pollution Effect of shock boundary layer interaction on
Dust removal aerofoil pressure distributions at transonic
AIR raid shelters speeds. D. Tirumalesa. bibliog Roy Aero-
Civil defense ofBce doubles as shelter; nautical Soc J 67:674-7 O '63
Framingham. Mass. il diag Eng N 171:41-2 Experimental unsteady airfoil lift and mo-
ment coefficients for low values of reduced
Jl See
18 '63
also velocity. H. N. Abramson and G B.
Atomic bomb shelters Ransleben. jr bibliog AIAA J 1:1441-3 Je
Air conditioning Generalisation of the condition for wavinesa
Air condition underground building for use in the pressure distribution on a cambered
plate. E. A. Boyd, bibliog Roy Aeronautical
as school or shelter; Abo school in Artesia.
N.Mex. M. Giomi. diags Heating-Piping Soc J 67:529-30 Ag '63
35:125-31 Hydraulic, flow in coupled parallel channels
Dual ductJe system
'63 conditions school for of varying cross-ssctional area J F
learning or for survival; Abo elementary
school in Artesia. N. Mex. il Heating-
Piping ;-;5:H4-17 Jl '63 Lift distribution and lift-induced E drag'Transratio
D S5'?4n-23
of S°^63' in*^'^°^
a finite wing ASM
an infinite cascade. B.
Heating and ventilation Lakshmmara yana. bibliog fiow chart Rov
Dual duct system conditions school for Aeronautical Soc J 66:785-9 D '62
learning or for survival; Abo elementary Magnetohydrodynamic flow past a thin airfoU.
school in Artesia. N. Mex. il Heating-
• Piping 35:114-17 Jl '63 E^umberbatch and, others, bibliog dia^s
AIR raid signals Manufacture of aerofoil-section blades for
Civil defense communications for a county use in a cascade. B. R. Clayton, il diags
system; Auglaize County. Ohio. 11 Pub Roy Aeronautica Soc J 67:378-81 Je '63
Works 94:142-1- F '63 Measurement of l. the effects of viscosity on
AIR raids aerofoil lift using the electrolytic tank A
Protective measures Piatt and J F. Norbury. bibliog diags
See also Trans ser D 85:392-400 S '63
M E research.
A S flutter
Civil defense Panel T. C. Fung biblioir 11
Radar — Military tise
diags AIAA J 1:898-909 A^ '63 """""^ "
AIRFOILS — Co:itinued , . - j AIRPLANE engines _, _
Pilchine-moment coefficient of a Jet-flappea Five decades of the aero engine. F. K.
tiiin airfoil. J. C. Erickson. Jr. bibliog Banks, il diags Roy Aeronauucal Soc J
J Aerosoace Sci 29:1489-30 66:672-82 N'62 '62 „ ., ,
Produci EiiKineeriiiE fourth D annua]
'62 master Rotating combustion engine is well siutea
desiKn awards: airfoil windshield wiper. U to aircraft use; abstract. F. A. l^oepcke.
diaKS Product EnK 34:9u My 13 03 il See
diag alsoS A E J 71:82-3 My '63
RotaUng aerofoils and flaps.. S. Neumar^
biblioK diass Koy Aeronautical boc J 67. Gas ivu-bines. Aircraft
47-61; Discussion. 61-3 Ja '63
Some pressure-draB effects of roundingE. the r. Control
leadinR edges of hypersonic inlets. Driveshaft s>-nchronizes stol engines. U
Valentine. AlAA J 1:1918-19 Ag 63
Theory of He.Kible aerodynamic surfaces. J. N. diags Machine Design 35:144-5 Mr 28 "63
Nielsen, diags A S M E Trans ser B 30: See also
435-42 S '63 Airplanes — Control Design
Operational application of vectored thrust;
facture TCC
AIRLIFT process. See Gasoline— Manu- abstract. T. Frost. Engineer 214:646 O 12
AIRLINES ^ , .• -D Redperformance;
boos McC
Airlines' approach to aircraft selection. K. esi ts abstract.
ull Dilworth.
Nivet. bibliog Koy Aeronautical Soc J 6b: gn o cle
751-8: Discussion. 758-9 D '62 S A E J 70:69 D '62 ch
Australia's internal air transport. J. E. VVat- Exhaust
kins. bibliog il maps Koy Aeronautical faoc Effects of exhaust nozzle recombination on
J 67:11-36; Discussion. 36-8 Ja '63 hvpersonic
See also berg and L.ramjet performance. bibliog
C. Franciscus. E. A. diags
Equipment AIAA J 1:2071-83 S '63
Air cargo seeks more standards, improved
equipment to facilitate inter-mode develop- Aviation fuel problems. E. M. Goodger. bib-
ment, il S A E Jsymposium,
Airline engineering 71:60-3 F Jaji.
'63 21st. Koy liog diags Aircraft Eng 35:60-4, 102-5 Mr-
Aeronautical Soc J 67:165-71 Mr 63 Fuels
SAE-AKF 761 recommends standardization Ap '63port K.lubricants
and for the supersonic trans-
C. Sheard. diag Materials Res &
for ground support equipment manuals.
S A E J 71:99 Je '63 Stand
Hot fuel3:820-4 for a Ohot '63 aircraft. C. J. Joiinson.
Interchange agreements bibliog diags Materials Res & Stand 3:200-1
Ap 63
Interchange. A. "\V. G. K:ean;H Marking. How to convert aviation ratings to motor
Roy Aeronautical Soc J 67:514-21; Discus- or research octane numbers. W. L. Nelson,
sion. 521-2 Ag "63 bibliog Oil & Gas J 61:111-12 Je 24 '63
Maintenance and repair Microorganisms bug aircraft fuels, too; ab-
G. 'Wil-Jl stract. F. E. Swatek. S A E J 71:49 Ap '63
liinson. Roy of theAeronautical Soc J K.
airline engineer. 67:421-6 Quick
Eooraermethod and finds A. L.anti-icer
Graham. in Hydrocarbon
JP-4. D. M.
Discussion. 67:599-601
service, a base Sat'63Beirut, il map Process & Pet Rettner 42:158-1- Ja '63
Engineering 195:674-5 My 17 '63 jSee also
Reservation systems Airplanes — Refueling
Gas turbines. Aircraft — Fuel
Fast-response data communications system
for airline reservations. S. Levine and oth- Fuel feeding
ers, bibliog il map diags Com & Electronics See also
Gas turbines. Aircraft — Fuel feeding
Teaching Discussion.
P590-9: machines speed p599-6UOairJa reservations.
Elec Eng 82:482 Jl '63 Ignition devices
Terminals Breakerless high-frequency ignition system
developed for aircraft piston engines. R. P.
Houston's minal
Jetero airport; development of ter- McClelland and A. H. ZoU. il diags S A E
and related areas. R. O. Grimes,
plans diag Am Soc C E Proc 89 [AT 1 no J 71:74-8 Jl '6'63 3
Jet engines
American Ap passenger
'63 terminal . , at. ,^, ■,.,
Idlewild Advanced air-breathing engines. R. R. Jami-
airport. W. Prokosch. il plans diags Am son, il plans diags Roy Aeronautical Soc J
Soc C E Proc 89 [AT 1 no 34951:67-86 Ap
Small terminal. Fresno, il plan Prog Arch 44: 66:683-9 and
Ceramic N '62plastic team up; Fluorosint. 11
Iron Age 191:136 My 30 63
166-7 Ap '63 Ceramic-rtlled TFE in Mach three airplane.
See also
Airport buildings Materials in Design Eng 57:130+ Je '63
Effects of exhaust nozzle recombination on
Ticket offices hypersonic
Airline showcase from an old store; ticket berg and E.ramjet performance. bibliog
C. Franciscus. E. A. diags
office of Pakistan international airlines, il AIAA gasJ 1:2071-S3
Arch AmForum 118:134 Inert generatorS '63for control of fires
Pan ticket ofHce;Ap an'63 airy sweep of in large buildings. D. J. Kasbash. bibUog
sculptured space, il plan Arch Forum 119: il map diags Engineer 216:978-84 My 31
98-101 Ae '63
Ticket offices in Houston: Air_ ^^ ., plan
France, il , 1.00 h o j e i exp
Arch Forum 119:104-6 N '63 0,00 TWA ourscliecksf outet its ngjet
how ne engines.eri C. A.
AIRPLANE brakes. See Brakes. Airplane 0 e;
Performance 11 Mech Eng
of jet engine85:42-5 contact'63 seals.
AIRPLANE carriers ,..._,
Aircraft carrier. J. J. Nachtshelm and F. A. Schweiger. diags Eub Eng 19:232-8
others, il diags Naval Ens J 75:137-48 F
Aircraft carrier as a strike_ warfare sys- Scaling
Je '63 of jet flameholders. J. R. O'Loughlin.
tem. F. M. McLinn. Naval Eng J 75:317-22 bibliog AIAA J 1:707-9 Mr '63
Gas iSce also Aircraft
Aircraft; carrier- based aircraft. T. P. 'Wilkin-
Landingson. helicopters
Naval Eng J on76:131-6
rolling Fships.
'63 II diags Lubrication
Development of a high temperature extreme
Engineering 195:242-3 F 15 '63 £ressure lubricant tester. V. Hopkins, diags
Simulated sea-going helicopter platform. 11
Engineer carrier
Televised 215:315 landings,
F 15 '63 il Wireless World ub and
Fuels Eng lubricants
18:478-82 Nfor '62the supersonic trans-
port. K. C. Sheard. diag Materials Res &
69:318 Je '63
Electronic equipment Standhigh-temperature
New 3:820-4 O '63 test rates oxidation
AJr-sea-sub display plots naval targets. M. stabilities of aircraft additive oils. C. A
Reld. 11 diags Electronics 36:20-2 Je 7 "63 Hall and otiiers. S A E J 71:88-91 Ag '63
AIRPLANE engines — Continued AIRPLANE industry and trade
Maintenance and repair
1.000.000 hours of jet engine experience; Aeronautical industry in the Europe of to-
how TWA checks out its jet engines. morrow. R. Bloch. Roy Aeronautical Soc J
C. A. Fisher. 67:279-86 My '63
Ultrasonics cuts maintenance time. U Ag Steel
11 Mech Ens 85:42-5 '63 France
See alsoJl 22 '63 French aircraft at the Paris air show, il
Gas turbines. Aircraft — Maintenance and re- Engineering 195:762-3 Je 7 '63
pair Germany
Concrete dies used for forming aluminum, il West German v.t.o.l. activities; illustra-
tions with text. Engineer 215:939 My 24
Lieht Metal
Explosive Aee 20:7
coining D '62
of engine cowls. R. „ .^
W. Great Britain
Lightstone. il diag Am Mach/Metalworking Bristol gas turbines; first decade; ninth
Manuf 107:71-2 O 28 '63 Barnwell memorial lecture. F. M. Owner,
Specifications il diags Roy Aeronautical Soc J 67:427-36
U.S. aircraft ifications,
engines, reciprocating
1963: tables. Automotivetype Ind spec-
128: British makers showing record number of
Jl '63 and commercial jets. D. Scott, il
1S2-3 Mr 15 '63 Automotive Ind 128:25 Mr aircraft
1 '63
Testing British standards and the Indvistry.
Damping pump pulsations in tester- simulator il Aircraft Eng
Engineering review 34:378-9
for D1963:'62 aircraft en-
for jet engines. R. L. Burley and others, il gine ring, il Engineering 195:113-15 Ja 18
diags Hydraulics & Pneumatics 16:120-2-1- O
Future of the aeroplane in civil and military
New lift engines need new test beds, il fields. S. G. Hooker, il diag Engineer 216:
Engineering test
Quick-change 195:237-8 rig forF 8 BEA'63 :et engines. 366-9 Ag 30 '63; Same. Engineering 196:270-2
11 Engineering Legal liabilities arising out of aircraft de-
Unique computer 196:35 systemJl 12 monitors
'63 aircraft Ag
si.gn30 and
'63 manufacture. K. M. Beaumont;
engines. S. J. Dipaolo. 11 diags Electronics C. B. White. Roy Aeronautical Soc J 67:
36:38-41 Ja 11 '63 296-300
Light and Myexecutive'63 aircraft and their future
AIRPLANE factories
See also prospects in the United Kingdom. F. H.
Guided missile factories Robertson, il maps diags Roy Aeronautical
Costs Soc Jfluid
New 67:637-48;
power Discussion. products 648-50 O '63 air
at British
Hughes aircraft co. cost improvement pro- show. Farnborough. 11 diags Hydraulics &
gram: big maintenance savings from smaU Pneumatics 16:101-1-de MrI'a^ronautique
il Plant Eng Salon international et de
New drop 17:117-19
quality Ja '63
control costs; I'espace. 25th. Paris. June 6-16. Roy
abstract. G. M. ElUs. S A E J 70:71-2 B '62 Aeronautical Soc J 67:sup9-104- My '63;
Aircraft Eng 35:156-62 Je '63
Equipment AIRPLANE models
Douglas Radio control of model airplanes. G. A. Wil-
forming designs unit. E.itsF. own on-site
Skinner, explosive-
il diag Plant
AIRPLANEson, il diags
parts Q S T 47:11-18 S '63
Eng 17:132-3 Jl '63
Drills resharpened by the thousands. M. P. Manufacture
How Aerospace 11 Mach gets 69:115-16 Ap '63
the most out of trailers; Aircraft fasteners, il diags Aircraft Eng 35:
illustrations with text. Mod Materials 203-4brazed
B-70 Jl '63 honeycomb panel production re-
Handling 18:61 Jl
Making good machines better at Noralr. '63 quires new techniques. L. A. Morgan, il
W O Lindstrand. il Plant Eng 16:122-4 Mach
Design of 69:116-19 Jl '63
a 4000/6000-ton plate stretcher. R.
N '62production and plant equipment. Pub- J. Elger. il diags Inst Metals J 92:1-5
New New processes, exotic materials slated'63-64
in semi-monthly numbers of Automo- aerospace parts; abstract. M. D. Weisinger.
1963 products S A E Jaspects 70:70 of D '62
motive, andguide for products.
aviation mantiracturing, auto-
Automotive Practical stretching aluminium al-
loy plate for aircraft. A. R. Martin, il diags
Ind 127:149-251 D 15 '62 Inst peening
Metals J contoiu-s
92:6-11 '63-64
Permanent master models splined from plas- Shot panels, il Iron Age
tic. W. Mote, il diags Blach 70:92-5 O '63
Potting technique cuts tooling costs. J. M. 191:94machining
Skate Mr 14 '63 contours honeycomb panels,
Miller, il diags Tool & Manuf Eng 51:79-82 il diags
S '63 State of theMachart in
for refractory
69:96-101 Jl '63
alloys. H. H. techniques
Muller. il
Tools for the industry, il diag Aircraft Eng
35:57, 88. 117, 211, 244 F-Ap, Jl-Ag '63 diags adhesive
Tape Mach 69:105-10
bonds the Jl '63Boeing 727. il
Maintenance and repair Machine for Design
Toolin.g the 35:14 Ja 17 '63
industry; advantages of
Hughes aircraft co. cost improvement pro- plastics tooling
'63 for the aircraft industry.
gram: big maintenance savings from small J. L. Branston. il Aircraft Eng 35:14-16
ideas, il Plant Eng 17:117-19 Ja '63 Testing
Management Ja '63circuit tv aids inspection. J. L. Rus-
How to slash paperwork costs; Norair div. Closed
of Northrop Corp. R. R. Kay. il Iron Age seU, jr. il Mach 69:120-1 Mr '63
191:52 Ap 11 '63 AIRPLANE propellers
Delaying effect of rotation on laminar separa-
Quality control tion. W. H. H. Banks and G. E. Gadd. diag
Assessing helicopter safety with respect to More
AIAA lift with Ap
J 1:941-2 reinforced
'63 plastic propeller
■63 fatigue. A. D. Hall, diags Air- blades.field11 of diags Mod Plastics 40:93-5 Mv '63
craft Eng 35:97-9 Ap '63 Noise a rotating propeller in forward
Mathematical method of problem evaluation. flight. A. I. van de Vooren and P. J. Zand-
E. Kirby. Ind Quality Control 19:17-19 My bergen. bibliog diags AIAA J 1:1518-26 Jl
New techniques drop quality control costs; Variable-camber prop is cammed into posi-
abstract. G. M. Ellis. S A E J 70:71-2 D '62 tion, il diag Machine Design 35:91 Jl 4 '63
Wide range of reliability problems can be X-22A vtol research aircraft. V. B. Paxhia
solved by use of this new system of PRIDE and B. T. Sing, il diags Astronautics &
(programmed reliability in design). R G. Aerospace Eng 1:64-9 O '63
Sharp and A. J. Wilcox. S A E J 70:74-8 AIRPLANE stability and stabilizers
N '62 Safety measures Gas saves weight; gives stable flight. B. G.
Kibby and others, diags S A E J 70:80-2
Safety that's loud and clear; Temco Aero-
systems. 11 Safety Maint 126:8-12 S '63 O See
'62 also
plane fuel filters. See F^el filters, Air- Airplane wings — Flutter

AIRPLANE tails. See Airplanes— Tall surfaces Uniformly valid second-order solution for
AIRPLANE wings . ^ ^ , .^^ „„„ supersonic flow over cruciform surfaces. J.
con- Wallace and J. H. Clarke, blbliog dlag AIAA
Aerodvnaiiiic a.-pects of boundary J„layer Williams
J 1:179-85 Ja '63 „ r^ „ , r.^ -c-
trol for hii-'h lifl at low speeds. Variable sweep aircraft. D. D, Baals and E.
and S. F. J. Butler, blblloc diaKs Roy Aero- C. Polhamus. il diags A^tronauUcs &
nautical Soc J C7;201-23 Ap '63 See also Eng 1:12-19 Je '63
Aerodynacraftmic of ^ swept
desittn and wlngred air-
c speeds.
at transonic supersoni AlrfolU
R C I>ock. blblloc II dIaKs Roy Aero- Flutter
nautical Soc J 67:3f5-37 Je 63
Aerodynamic heatinK studies of leadlne edtces Aeroelastic stability of orthotroplc panels In
for thin hvperveloclty winKS. J. A. Mxon. supersonic flow. A. A. Perlmutter. bibllos
Alts Jwlnsr
bibliOK thlne 32:1386-8 ■62
, cuts frlctional draK. U dia«s J Aerospace
Detenninalion Scl 29:1332-8-1-
of supersonic panel N '62 or
diatts Macliine DeslKn J5:6 My 9 63 „„„._ cylindrical shells with in-plane stresses. H.
hltth supersonic speeds Saunders, diag ALXA J 1:209 Ja 63 ^ „
ConnKurations for Effect of a cavity on panel vibration. E. H.
derived from simple shock- waves and ex- Dowell and H. M. Voss. diag AIAA J
pansions.SocJ. W. t-lower dlans Roy Aero-
nautical J 67:287-90 My 63 1:476-7 of F orthotropicity
Delta- wine configurations for tjeothers supersonic Effects orientation on super-
bib- sonic panel flutter. J, M. Calligeros and J.
transport. J. L. Jones. Jr. and e Eng 1.74-81
lioc Astronaut ics & Aerospac Experimental unsteady J airfoil
Dugundji. diags AIAA 1:2180-2 lift S '63 ana
to exact moment coefl^lcients for low values of re-
Delta'^^'lnKS of shapes^T.amenable
Nonweller. di^s duced velocity. H. X. Abram.son and G.
shock-wave theory.,
Roy Aeronautical Soc J 67:J9-40 Ja bi. E. Ransleben. jr. blbliog AL\A J 1:1441-3
Discussion. 67:301 My '63 , Flutter
Effect of surface distoru pns on . '"e heat Je -63 analysis of flat rectangular panels
trari'sfer to a wine at hyperson ic speeds. based on three-dimensional supersonic
MH Bertram and M. M. Wlgss. bibUog potential flow. H. J. Cunningham, bibllog
n 'diaes AIAA J 1:1313-19 Je 63 and diags
Flutter AIAAthin J plates
M^r '6.1 of 1:1795-801
underAg combined
'63 shear
Effect of wing geometry on volume Scl 29. and normal edge forces J. G. Eisley and
weight. B. Saelman. J Aerospace
G, Luessen. bibllog diag AIAA J 1:620-6
L ofBore
numbers. C.lift
Mach majdmura
at low n'of
EsUmati^ swept A. 1.
and wings Subsonic flutter of panels on continuous elas-
tic foundations. J. Dugundji and others,
Boyd bibllog Roy Aeronautical Soc J 67. bibllog 11 diags AIAA J 1:1146-54 My 63
227-39 Ap '63 . , ,,
Estimation of the non-linea r lift of del^ Manufacture
wines at supersonic speeds L. C. bquire Oriented methacn'late sheet for airplane winj:
bibllog Roy Aeronautical Soc J 67:476-80 formed cold: replacement landing light
covers. 11 Mod Plastics 40:117 O 62
Hunting H.126 jet- flap resM.rch aircraft. 11
Aircraft Eng 35:166-7 Je 63 Testing
Jet flap aviaUon; HunUng H.126 research
'62 : illustrations with text. Engineer Laminar flow swept-wing flight trials. 11 Air-
215:627 Ao 5 63 AIRPLANES craft Eng 34:324 N '62
Laminar- flow wing makes Its "l^co }? 19 Adjustable weighbridge for aircraft, il Engi-
Handley Page. 11 Engineering 194:462 O 12 neering 196:409 S 27 '63
Airlines' approach
Nivet. bibllog Roy toAeronautical
aircraft selection. R.
Soc J 66:
Lift distribution and lift -Induced cascade. drag raUp
of a finite wing in an Infinite B. 751-S: Discussion.
Overrunning clutches 758-9parcelD out
'62 power; Bede
Lakshminarayana.^ bibllog f^w chart Roy XI!D-2 six-place executive aircraft. Il diag
Aeronautical Soc J 66:785-9 D 62
Lift of slender delta wings according to New- Machine
See alsoDesign 35:130 Je 6 '63
tonian theory. A. F. Messiter. blbliog diag Airfoils
AIAA J 1:794-802 Ap 63 Autogiros
Loss of stiffness in a heated wing; an In- Gliders
eaua^ ty E H. Mansfield. Roy Aeronau- Helicopters
tical Soc J 67:191 Mr '63 Loading and unloading — Airplanes
Materials for wings and fuselage of the super- Seaplanes
H Raring, dlag Mate-
rials & StandR. 3:810-14
sonicRes 'transport O 63 Control
Adaptive control files the X-15. J. H. Lindahl
Nonlinear analysis,force, wings
of heated camberedLansing and Vf. M. McGuire. diags Control Eng 9:
by the nmtrix method W
and others, bibllog diags AIAA J 1:1619-^6 93-7 approach
O '62
New to altlmetric zonal control of
Jl '63 aircraft. W. H. Coullhard. dlags Aircraft
Nonlinear lifting-surface theory especially for
low-aspect-ratio wings. K. Gersten. alags Eng 35:163-5 Je '63
AIAA J 1:924-5 Ap 63 New B-52 flight modes spur autopilot
changes: abstract. C. F. Newberry. S A E J
Numerical solution of the problem of super- 70:95-6 O 62■63
sonic flow past the lower surface of a delta
wing D A. Babaev. blbliog dlags AIAA J Self-adaptive vs. conventional flight control.
1:2224-31 S '63 R, G, Buscher. diag Control Eng 10:102-3
Parawlng aerod>'namics. Jr. W. C. Sleeman Jr.
bibllog il dlags Study
and J. L. Johnson. Ja '63ofM.theHall,
I, A.
human pilot as a servo-element.
bibllog dlags Roy Aeronau-
Astronautics & Aerospace Eng 1:49-65 Je
tical Soc J 67:351-60
WTiy explosive devices? Je O.
'63 Romalne. 11 dlags
H.126, 11 aircraft's
195:493 flight:
Ap 6 Hunting
63 Space/Aeronautics 39:96-9 Mr '63
Selection of materials for minimum-we ight Sec also
design W R. Micks, dlag Machine Design Airplane stability and stabilizers
Airplanes — Landing;
Silt wing Sproven.
'26 '63 It can reduce air friction.
II diags Steel 152:98-9 Je 10 '63 Advanced aircraft design, bibllog II dlags
Some boundary layer measurements on a
slender wing at supersonic speeds. R. T. Astronautics & Aerospace Eng 1:12-73 Je
GrUlUha. blbliog 11 dlags Hoy Aeronautical
Soc J 67:291-5 My '63 Aerodynamic effects of top-dressing opera-
Structural design, K, Bentley. II plans dings tions. B. P. G. de Bray, il dlags Rov Aero-
Aircraft Eng 35:142-7 My '63 nautical Soc J 66:631-6 O '62
Subsonic wing spon emcioncy. R. C. Fr^st Charts speed preliminary design of airframe
and n. Rutherford. AIAA J 1:931-3 Ap 63 structures subject to acoustic stresses.
Supersonic Interference lift. F. Mysllwetz. P. R. McGowan. S A E J 71:55-6 Jl '63
dlagh AIAA J 1:1432-4 Je 63 De Havilland DH 125: design philosophy and
structural details. C. J. Goodwin. 11 plans
TFX: '6S mission and design, dlags Space/
Af-roiwiutlcs 39:72-8.'! Jo '63 dlags Aircraft Eng 35:32-6 F '63
Three-dimensional gupersonlc flow compiita- Design
Thomas.forII dlags runway Roy conditions.
AeronauticalJ.Soc'WJ 67:
tions O MorotU. dlog AIAA J 1:2195-8 S 671-6: Discussion. 686-8 S '63
A I R P L A N ES — Design — Continued New products; automotive, aviation. 33
Design of structures to resist jet noise tivelishedindustries
in semi-monthly numbers of Automo-
fatiKue. B. L.. Clarkson. biblio.e il diags Roy
Aeronautical Soc J 66:603-13; Discussion. See also
613-16 O 62 Aeronautic Instruments
Design philosophy of man powered aircraft. Radio apparatus on aircraft
J. J. Soillman. bibliOK diags Roy Aeronau- Television apparatus on aircraft
tical Soc J 66:699-706 N '62
Flight testing the H.P.115 slender wing air- Escape devices
craft. J. M. Henderson, il diags Roy Aero- See also
nautical Soc J 67:41-6 Ja '63 Space vehicles — Escape devices
Fuseiaae rests on one-piece wing in first
fiberglass plane design. F. S. Snyder and Fuel tanks
HighR. E.altitude
Drake, research il S A B glider,
J 71:72-3 Mr '63 En-
il diags Spray liquid urethane to form seamless prod-
gineer 216:284-5 Ag 16 '63 ucts. Ind Finishing 39:91-2 F '63
Method of structural weight minimization Fuselage
suitable for liigh-speed digital computers. Boeing 727 taped; new epoxy adhesive bonds
G. Best. design
Optinuim AIAA Jof 1:478-9 bo.x beamsF '63 for combined fuselage without heat; Epon adhesive 927.
strength and stiffness. B. Saelman. J Aero- il Plastics
space Sci 29:498-9 Ap '62; [cont asl AIAA Epoxy tape World improves21:30-1aircraft
F '63 construction;
Epon adhesive 927. il Mod Plastics 40:121
J 1:224
Panel flutter Ja '63research. T. C. P\ins. bibhog 11
Finding fuselage conditions at Mach 4. U
d.ags AIAAmethod
Rela.\ation J 1:898-909 Ap '63
for the solution of four My '63
boom single cell tubes under torsion with Engineering
Materials 194:625andN fuselage
for wings 9 '62 of the super-
restrained warping. G. B. Holland, diags sonic transport. R. H. Raring, diag Mate-
Rov Aeronautical
Thermal stresses In SocI-section J 66:720-1 N '62 K. B.
beams. rials Res & Stand 3:810-14
New epoxy film adhesive cures at 75 F; Epon O '63
Ayers. bibliog diags Aircraft Eng 34:320-4 adhesive design.
Structural 927. il Plastics
K. Bentley. Tech il9:13-f
plans Mrdiags
N '62
See also Aircraft Eng 35:142-7 My '63
Airplane wings Heating and ventilation
Airplanes — Stresses
Airplanes. Disht Ducts in jetliners; self-extinguishing phenoxy
Seaplanes — Design resin air ducts used in new planes, il Plas-
Lugs shorten plug door travel, il diaers tics World 21:34 Mr '63
Hydraulic equipment
Machine Design 35:146 Mr 28 '63 Articulated cylinders swing tall of cargo
Electric equipment plane; Canadair 44. il diags Hydraulics &
Assessment of explosion hazards from elec- Pneumaticsrequirements
Cleanliness 15:97 N "62 for hydraulic fluids
trical equipment on aircraft in the light of become unrealistic: abstract. W. Frantz.
elementary probability theory. A. H.
Mitchell. Inst B Eelectrical Proc 109 system.
pt A:547-9 D '62 il S A E Jcircuit
Hydraulic 71:88-9 test Mr '63rig; test facility at
BAC One-Eleven; A. J. K. Dunlop's aviation division. Coventry, il plan
Carline. interference
Electrical Aircraft Eng must 35:132be My '63 out
designed Aircraft seals Eng 35:80-1 Mr '63 of working tem-
of transport aircraft. C. E. Shappell. Hydraulic for extremes
peratures, with special reference to air-
S A E J 71:54-5 craft. A. E. Bingham, bibliog il diags Inst
Electrostatic fluid Jefilters'63 ready to supplement
Mech Eng Proc 176 no 17:409-18; Discussion.
mechanical types; abstract. P. A. Smith,
diag S circuits
Printed A B J 71:82 Mr '63 electric systems.
in airborne 419-20 '62 to P.T.F.B. hose. D. G. Colling-
G. W. Godfrey, il diag Electro-Tech 72: wood. il Aircraft Eng 35:17-19 Ja '63
106-1- Ji 63 New filtering concept seen as solution to hy-
draulic system contamination. R. H. Lesser.
Rota-x solid rotor alternators, il diaga En-
5 A E J hydraulics
Packaged 71:73-4 Ja for '63 small airplane. J. P.
See also gineering 196:108-9 Jl 26 '63 Motrie. il diags Hydraulics & Pneumatics
Airplanes — Control
16:94-8 O12th'63 annual Aerospace
Electronic equipment conference; abstracts of papers. fluid power
Airborne anticollision devices, diags S A E J 6 Pneumatics 16:44-1- Ja '63
71:71-3 Ag '63 Ice protection
All-weather landing: a 5100-miIlion problem. Aircraft icing hazard. B. T. Cheverton. il
D. Barlow, il diags Control Eng 10:108-13
Jl '63
Automatic landing developments. Radio & Engineer coatings
Polymer 216:183-5takeAg temperatures
2 '63 to 6300
Dynamic Eng of 25:12condenser
Ja '63 pressure con- deg F; DeSoto's Korotherm coatings. Space/
trol. G. Zetkov and M. Rimer, diags Aeronautics
Recent developments 39:141-2 in Mr aircraft
'63 ice protec-
ASHRAE tion. K. H. Greenly, il diags Aircraft Ene
Fork drives JILS 5:35-40 antenna, Ag "63il diags Electronics
36:24 Ag 2 '63 35:92-6 Ap '63
Oxygen partial pressure warning instrument. Instrument boards
L. Greenspan, il diags J Res Nat Bur Stand Spectocom head-up display, il Ind Electronics
670:47-63 Ja '63
Precision automatic equipment for the de- 1:431 My '63 Jet propulsion
termination of true heading and latitude.
A. F. Khokhlov. il diags ARS J 32:1473-7 See Airplanes, Jet propelled
S '62 Rx for black boxes, il diag Product Landing
Eng 34:48-9 Je 24aircraft '63 Aerial survey method of natural landing areas.
Society of British constructors exhibi- Franklinarresting
Inst J 275:459 My can
'63 benefit com-
tion; electronic exhibits, il Electronic Eng Aircraft systems
34:705-11 O 62 mercial aviation; abstract. R. M. Baker.
Supersonic airliner challenges flight equip- S A E Jengineering
71:-10-1 Je '63symposium. Jan. 21st.
ment lags
designers.Europe Electronics 36:14-15 landing.
F 1 '63 Airline
Why U.S. in automatic Roy Aeronautical Soc ofJ Instrument
67:165-71 Mrlanding
R. E. Young, il diags Electronics 36:21-6 Alignment and testing
Ag 23 '63 systems. J. B. Supper and D. J. Gallagher,
Equipment bibliog i! diags Inst E E Proc 109 pt B:
Auxiliary equipment; details of some com- 447-55 N '62landing; a $100-million problem.
ponents used for subsidiary services in
aircraft, missiles and space vehicles (contl. D. Barlow, il diags Control Eng 10:108-13
11 Aircraft Eng 34:339. 385; 35:54. 84, 119.
All weather landing and take-off. G. W.
184. 213. 242 N-D '62. F-Ap. Je-Ag '63
De Havilland DH 125; systems and equip- All■Webber.
Jl weather
'63 Aircraft
landing: Eng 35:205-6
report on theJl Interna-
ment, diags Aircraft Eng 35:37-8-1- F '63 tional federation of airline pilots associa-
High temperature metal bellows seals for tions symposium. Amsterdam. Oct 17-19.
aircraft and missile accessories. R. J. Matt.
11 diags A S M E Trans ser B 85:281-7: AllAircraft
weatherEnglanding, 34:380-3theD last
'62 100 feet. Engi-
Discussion. 287-8 Ag '63 neering 194:761 D 7 '62
AIRPLANES— Landing — Continued Materials
All-weather tv display adds realism to simu- Aluminum skeleton tor an ajrlift giant, U
lated landings. G. HellinKS. 11 dlaK Control Light Metal Age 20:21 F '63
Enc 10:107 F '63 ,^, r. ^ <i At Mach 3. Product Eng 34:56 Jl 8 ^63
Aquaplaning on runways. W. E G'"^^io Chance Vought panels v/stol with balsa-and-
Roy Aeronautical Soc J 67:302-4 My 63 & aluminum sandwich, il Product Eng 34:67
Automatic landing development s. Radio 5 16 TiS
Klectroiiic EnE- 25:12 Ja '63 ^ , ,. Crack propagation. J. Schlvje and D. Broek.
Autonetics studies airborne bUnd landmg sys- bibliogof diags
Effect proof Aircraft
stress onEngthe 34:314-16
notched Nfatigue
71:94-5 N -63
S A B J for aircraft landings. 11 dlag
Better tem. guidance strength of the■63 aluminum alloy HE 15. P. G.
Englneerine 194:736 D 7 ■62 Forrest. Roy Aeronautical Soc J 67:696-8 S
Current developments in all weather landjnjr.
G W. Webber. biblloE il dlajss Aircraft Eing Materials for a supersonic transport: sym-
35:48-51. 74-6 F-Mr ■63 „ ^, . , ... posium, il diag J Metals 15:185-96 Mr ■eS
Europe^s zero-zero landmKs. II Electronics io. Materials problems In the design of a super-
3 As 23 ■GS sonic transport aircraft; eymposlvmi. bib-
11 diag Wire- liog II diags Materials Res & Stand 3:805-24
Full visibility
less World 69:209 landingMy system.
O '63
New Aerospace material documents are Jet-
Helicopters try rolling-deck landings. 11 Ma-
Instrument chine Design 35:6 Mr
landing 14 ^63 developments. 11
system fast materials,
New specifications,aircraft, il S A missile
E J 7«:S:i O '62
or space
vehicle applications. Aircraft Eng 35:55. 87,
Engineer 214:995 D 7 ^62 landing. t^
Last 100 feet in automatic 118. strong
New 183. 212.allov 243 extends
F-Ap. Je-Ag ^63
aluminum use in
Taylor, diags Space/Aeronautics 39:114-18
Picking materials Mod Metals 18:65 Ja '63 transport,
for a supersonic
Take-off and landing of the supersonic diag Materials in Design Eng 58:163-4-f O
transport. F. B. Greatrex. map diags Air-
craft Eng 35:221-44- Ag '63 Selection of materials for minimum-weight
Take-off and landing problems: syrnposium. design. W. R. Micks, diag Maclilne Design
bibliog il diags Roy Aeronautical Soc J 67:
539-88 S '63 . . . *. ,„„/,
35:2024- Sin26 structural
Titanium ■es design. I. L. G.
Undercarrwater-cov iage aquaplanirunways. ng of aircraft Gadd. Baillie and T. W. Coorabe. diags Aircraft
ing on ered G. E
diags Rov Aeronautical Soc J 67:189-90 Eng 35:226-74- Ag ^63
Mr ■63 Plastics
■Why U.S. lags Europe in automatic landing Beajrie-Miles M.218; design philosophy of a
R. E. Young. 11 diags Electronics 36:21-6
twin-engined, low cost, light aircraft. G. H.
Wide-aperture aerial for instrument landing, Miles, il diagof Aircraft
Development syntheticEng 35:4-6
resin Ja ^63 E.
il See World 69:26 Ja '63
also J. Catchpole. bibliog il Aircraft Eng 35:7-94-
Airplanes. Vertical take-off Electrically-heated '63 transparencies; recent de-
Landing gear Ja '63 velopments in the use of plastics for air-
landing gear. K Bentley. craft ^\indscreens and canopies, il diags Air-
BAG One-Eleven:
il diags Aircraft Eng 35:144-5 My 63 Fuselagecraft rests
Eng 35:20-2 on Ja ^63
one-piece wing in first
Drilling big holes from, the solid. J Gaul. 11 fiberglass plane •63 design. F. S. Snvder and
Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:111-12
R. E. Drake, il S
Nonmetallic materials for the supersonic A E J 71:72-3 Mr '63
Efficient machining lowers landing gear costs. transport. H. K. Hicrhchew. diags Materials
il Mach 69:130-1 F '63 Res & Stand 3:815-19 O '63
Mathematical analysis of corotating nose-gear Products and their applications: broad selec-
shimmy phenomenon R. W. Beixy and V. tion of plastics products being utilized by
C Tsien. diags J Aerospace Sci 29:1462- the aircraft industrj'. 11 Aircraft Eng 35:23-7
7d-f D '62
See also Testing of reinforced plastics at elevated
Airplanes — 'Wheels Ja '63
temperatures. M. A. Denney and J. C. Mar-
Lighting tindale. il diags Aircraft Eng 35:10-13 Ja
Cool lights or hot cabins: SST alternates. Today and tomorrow; brief review of the
E. L. Grifnn. diag S A E J 71:33-5 Jl ^63 current scale of application of reinforced
Electroluminescent lamps for Instrument plastics, their properties and potential uses.
lighting A. Viret. il Space/Aeronautics 39: A. J. Bellworthy. il jUrcraft Eng 35:2-3 Ja
180-1 Ja '63 Model testing
Miniature dimming ballasts for fluorescent
lighting In aircraft. P. R. Wiederhold. bib- Mockups; nlaln and fancy. J. L. Seminara
and J. M. Tevis. il Mcichlne Design 35:
liog il diags Electro Tech 70:147-8-)- S '62 Models
Load 152-7 Je 20 '63
Characteristics of an eigensyste m describing See Airplanes models
the elastic stability of a thin cantilever Noise
beam B. Saravaiios. Roy Aeronautical Soc
J 66:722-4 N '62 Charts speed preliminary design of airframe
Power-spectral analysis of a reconnaissance structures suWect to acoustic stresses.
vehicle H. L. Rothman. J Aerospace Scl P. R. McGowan. S A E J 71:55-6 Jl '63
29:1387-8 N '62 Painting and finishing
IVIaintenance and repair Fluorescent paint, to see airplanes quickly.
See also Ind Finishing 39:106-7 Je '63
■63 — Maintenance and repair Painting target pl.ines. P. I. Chase, flow chart
IS^anufacture II Ind Finishing 39:14-164- Jl "63
Polymer coatings take temperatures to
Adhesive bonding plus riveUng lowers struc- 6300 deg F: DeSotos Korothorm coatings.
tural stresses. 11 Iron Age 191:100-1 Ja 17 Space/Aeronautics 39:141-2 Mr '63
Douglas to build compact ^Jet. R. R. Kay. II Performance
'63 Approximate trajectories for maximum range.
Iron Ago 191:106 Ap 25 '63 B. Kaybould. Roy Aeronautical Soc J 67:
Plastic dummy heat exchangers are used
during system assembly of the B.A.C. One-
B^even airliner. 11 Aircraft Eng 35:236 Ag 385-6 Je
Review of '63
flight optimisation along synergic
paths In the period 1945-1960. D. J. Bell
Room temperature adhesive for aluminum. 11 Pilots
bibliog Roy Aeronautical Soc J 67:119-23
F '63
iVge 20:10-11 F '63
Light Metal forms
Shot-pcenlng aircraft panels. B. Barnes. See Air pilots
11 Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:116
Pneumatic equipment
Ad See1 also
Airplane factories ■Vlckers' 12th abstracts
conference: annual Aerospace
of papers. fluid power
Airplanes — Welding operations
Airplanes. Military— Manufacture 6 Pneumatics 16:444- Ja '63
AIRPLANES — Continued
Private ownership Trident's offset nosewheel saves fuselage
See also space, diags Engineering 195:307 Mr 1 '63
Airplanes in business Windshield wipers
Refueling Rain repellent boosts 727 visibility. K. Gun-
Automatic pipelines to handle airport fuels; nar. il diags S A E J 71:68-70 O '63
New York City's Idlewild airport. R. J. Windshields
Barber, discharges
Electric diag Control Eng simulated
during 10:27 Ap '63aircraft
Electrically-heated transparencies; recent de-
fuelling. C. Bruinzeel. biblios il diags Inst velopments in the use of plastics for air-
Pet j" 49:125-35; Discussion. 135-9 fuel
My sys-
'63 craft windscreens and canopies, il diags
Electrostatic discharges in turbine Aircraft Eng 35:20-2 Ja '63
tems: abstract. S A E J 70:91-2 N '62 AIRPLANES. Amphibious
Underground svstem automates fueling at See also
New York's Idlewild international airport, Seaplanes
il Pet Management 35:1S0 S '63 AIRPLANES. Atomic powered
Safety measures First step in blowing air at speeds faster than
See Aviation — Safety measures sound, il Welding J 42:422-3 My '63
Seats AIRPLANES, Experimental
Hunting H.126 jet-flap research aircraft, il
Aircraft seating: rigid and flexible urethanes
offer strength and comfort where needed. JetAircraft Eng 35:166-7
flap aviation; Je '63 H.126
Hunting research
11 Plastics World 21:43 S '63 aircraft, illustrations with text. Engineer
215:627 Ap 5 '63
Record-setting research airplanes. J. A. Mar-
See also Speed
Airplanes. Jet propelled tin, bibliog il Aerospace Eng 21:49-54 D '62
Research aircraft's jet- flap flight; Hunting
'63 Stresses H.126. ring
Sliding il Engineering
focuses flying 195:493saucerAp 5 thrust
'63 il
Adhesive bonding plus riveting lowers struc- diags Machine Design 35:210 My 9 '03
tural stresses. U Iron Age 191:100-1 Ja 17 Slit wing proven, it can reduce air friction.
Automatic system probes B-70 stresses. M. il diags Steel
Structural design 152:98-9 of theJe X-15.
10 '63 R. L.
A. LOWS',and ilheating Electronics Schleicher, il diags Roy Aeronautical Soc J
Loading of a 36:44-5 Jl 5 '63
simple structure 67:618-34; Disctission. 634-6 O '63
with linear work hardening. E. H. Mans- X-15 flight- test experience. P. V. Row and J.
field, diags Roy Aeronautical Soc J 67:92- Fischel. bibliog il diags Astronautics &
102 F structural
Matrix '63 analysis of substructures. Aerospace
X-22A Eng 1:25-32aircraft.
vtol research Je '63 V. B. Paxhia
J. S. Przemieniecki. bibliog diags AIAA J and E. T. Sing, il diags Astronautics &
l:13S-47 Ja 63
Room temperature adhesive for alumanum. 11 Aerospace
See also Eng 1:64-9 O '63
Light Metal Ase 20:10-11 F '63 Space vehicles
Tail surfaces Control
BAC One-Eleven: tail unit. K. Eentley. il Adaptive autopilot helps X-15 set new record.
diags Aircraft Ens 35:147 My '63 il Elec Eng
Adaptive control 82:42-3 helps JaX-15 '63 fly 60 miles high.
Driveshaft ssmchronizes stol engines. 11 il diags Electronics
AIRPLANES, Freight 35:22-3 Ag 24 '62
diags ofMachine Air freight lines ride jet stream to higher
Effect gradientDesign 35:144-5
on jet Mr 28runway
transport '63
profits. F. J. Starin. il Iron Age 192:25-7
lengths. G. Ahlborn and R. Horonjeff. Am
Soc C E Proc S9 [AT 1 no 3490]:39-50 Ap Articulated
Ag 1 '63Canadair cylinders swing tail of cargo
'63: Discussion. M. Meisner. 89 (AT 2 no plane; 44. il diags Hydravilics &
36861:53-69 O '63 Pneumatics
Take-off and landing of the supersonic trans-
port. F. B. Greatrex. map diags Aircraft First domestic 15:97 airline N '62 orders all-cargo jets:
American Airlines, diag Mod Materials
Eng 35:221-4-1-
Take-off Ag '63 problems:
and landing symposium, Handling 17:39 D
Light transport aircraft; Skyvan. il Engineer '62
bibliog il diags Roy Aeronautical Soc J 67:
539-SS S '63 New215:199
use Jafor 25 an'63 old plug. R. H. Kilpatrick
See also and J. A. Gamer, il Welding J 42:728-9 S
Airplanes. Vertical take-ofC
Testing One leve cont pow on com car
plane, r il diags rols Machine er Design p35:140-1
act gMr
Calibration of a cruciform wind vane con-
figuration at subsonic and supersonic Progress
28 '63 on the Belfast freighters il Engi-
speeds. F. "W. DeeSocandJ 67:267-8
Rov Aeronautical D. G. Mabey.
Ap 63 diag neering 196:374 S 20 '63
Electro-hydraulic vibrators, il Electronic Eng Short's big and little freighter aircraft, il
Engineering 195:180 F 1 '63
35:650 testing
O '63 the H.P.115 slender wing air. Skyvan light freighter produced by Short
Flight Brothers and Harland. il diags Aircraft
craft. J. M. Henderson, il diags Roy Aero-
Eng 35:73 airliner Mr '63 challenges
See alsonautical Soc J 67:41-6 Ja '63 Supersonic flight equip-
AirplEines — Model testing ment designers. Electronics 36:14-15 F 1 '63
AIRPLANES. Hypersonic
Vertical take-off and landing Adaptive control flies the X-15. J. H. Lindahl
See Airplanes. Vertical take-off and W. M. McGuire. diags Control Eng 9:
Vibration 93-7 O of '62the aeroplane in civil and military
Mathematical analysis of corotating nose-gear fields. S. G. Hooker, il diag Engineer 216:
C. Tsien. phenomenon.
diags J Aerospace R. "W. SciBerry and V.
29:1462-70-1- 366-9 Ag 30 '63; Same. Engineering 196:270-2
D '62 Record-setting research airplanes. J. A. Mar-
Nonlinear transverse vibrations of orthotropic Ag 30 '63
cylindrical shells. J. L. Nowinski. bibliog tin, bibliog il Aerospace Eng 21:49-54 D '62
AIAA J 1:617-20 Design
Structural damping. Mr R.'63 H. Scanlan and A.
Mendelson. High-performance inlets can be designed for
See also bibliog AIAA J 1:938-9 Ap '63 high Mach numbers. J. J. Mahoney. diags
Airplane wings — Flutter 5 A E J aerothermoelastio
71:74-7 Mr '63
Welding operations Potential problems asso-
ciated with advanced vehicle design. W R.
Automatic precision orbital welding: replac- Laidlaw and J. H. Wykes. diags Aerospace
ing brazing in aircraft structures, il Metal-
lurgia 68:85-6 Eng 22:154-64 Ja '63of the X-15. R. L.
B-70 boasts new Agdesign
'63 concepts. E. O. Clay, Structural design
Schleicher, il diags Roy Aeronautical Soc J
diags S A E J 70:52-5
Portable vacuum chambers D '62 permit electron 67:618-34; Discussion. 634-6 O '63
beam welding of large aerospace structures. X-15 flight-test experience. P. V. Row and
G. V. Anderson, il diags S A E J 71:86-9 J. Fischel. bibliog il diags Astronautics
My '63 6 Aerospace Eng 1:25-32 Je '63
AIRPLANES. Industrial
6*eK atao Air-breathing wing cuts frictlonal drag. 11
AirDlanes in airricvilture
AIRPLANES. Jet propelled diags underwater
From Macliine Design to outer35:6 My aviation
space; 9 '63 re-
BAC One-Eleven. 11 plans dians Aircraft search and photography go together. \Y. Q.
EnK 35;makers
Brilish 124-54 Myshowlne '63 record number of Kemmer. illghtil Ind
Trident test Phot 11:32-4il NAircraft
progress, '62 Eng
34:377 D 62
militar>' and commercial Jets. D. Scott, il AIRPLANES, Light
Automotive Ind 128:25 "Mr 1 '63
Cominc ne.xt: short-ranee jets. D. H. Stor- Beagle-Miles M.21S; design philosophy of a
twin-engined, low cost, light aircraft. G. H.
Havilland11 Oil DH.<i 125.Gas ilJ plans
Gl:104-5diaesJl Aircraft
1 '(iS
Miles, il diag Aircraft Eng 35:4-6 Ja '63
Ene 35:32-43 F '63 Design philosophy of man powered aircraft.
Development of the BoeinK 727. J. E. Steiner. J. J. SpiUman. bibliog diags Roy Aeronau-
il diass Roy Aeronautical Soc J 67:103-10 Experimentaltical Soc J 66:699-706 N '62
aircraft association; designers
F '63 on a budget. S. Barnes, il Machine Design
Douglas to build compact jet. R. R. Kay. :i.-.:I52-7 S 26 '03
il Iron Arc 191:106 Ap 25 '63 Light and executive aircraft and their future
Effect of gradient on jet transport runway prospects in the United Kingdom. K. H.
lengths. G. Ahlbom and R. Horonjeff. Am Robertson, il maps diags Roy Aeronautical
Soc C E Proc 89 [AT 1 no 34901 :39-50 Ap Soc J 67:637-48: Discu.ssion. 64S-50 o 63
•63; Discussion. M. Meisner. 89 [AT 2 no Little Guy heads tor the big time, il diags
3686];53-69 O '63 Machine Design
First domestic airline orders all-careo jets; AIRPLANES. Milit.Try35:160-5 O 10 '63
American Airlines, diae Mod Materials Aircraft; carrier- based aircraft. T. P. Wilkin-
Handlinjr 17:39 D '62 Cliar:icteTson. isUc.-i
Naval Kngof J lifting-fan
75:131-6 F v/stol
'63 aircraft.
Giant jet is new fuel challenge. E. E. Halmos. R. H. Goldsmith and D. H. Hickey. bibliog
jr. Pet Management 35:196 O '63 il diags Astronautics & Aerospace Eng 1:
Hunting H.126 jet-flap research aircraft. 11
Aircraft Eng 35:166-7 Je '63 70-7 O faciors
Design '63 in vtol strike aircraft, diags
Jet flap aviation; Hunting H.126 research Engineering 195:2-3 Ja of4 '63
aircraft, illustrations with text. Engineer Flight characteristics the B58 Mach 2
bomber. B. A. Erickson. il Roy Aeronautical
Now215:027 Ap 5 '63 of three BAC
a choice One-Elevens. Soc J 66:665-9; Discussion. 669-71 N 62
Future of the aeroplane in civil and military
Engineering 195:732 My 31 '63 fields. S. G. Hooker, il diag Engineer 216:
H.126. il aircraft's
Engineering jet-flap195:493 flight:
Ap 5 Hunting
63 366-9 Ag 30 '63; Same. Engineering 196:270-2
Ehort-haul civil jet aircraft, il Engineer 216: Hawker
Ag 30 P.1127 '63 il diags v/stol strike fighter. A. W.
334-5 Ag 30 '63 Bedford, Roy Aeronautical Soc J
Sltyvan light freighter produced by Short 66:743-50 tactical D '62 aircraft. R. E. Kuhn and
Brothers and Harland. il diags Aircraft Eng Jet-v/siol
others. 11 diags Astronautics & Aerospace
35:73 Mr
See also '63
NATO's l:3S-43 Je '63
firstborn, the Atlantic. R. Bloch. il
Airnlane engines— Jet engines diags Roy Aeronautical Soc J 67:153-61;
Airplanes. Hypersonic
Airplanes. Supersonic Discussion.
Split system starts 161-4 Mrturbine '63 engine. C. F. U.
Gas turbines. Aircraft Stoner. il diags Hydraulics & Pneumatics
Rocket propulsion
16:103-4-f- Mr '63
Air conditioning ■yto-flghter
E. C. B. Danforth. propulsion ilsystems. H. Drell and&
diags Astronautics
BAC One-Eleven; air conditioning, diags
Aircraft Eng 35:140-1 My '03 Aerospace
See also Eng 1:14-19 O '63
Auxiliary power Airplanes. .Military transport
BAC One-Eleven; auxiliary power unit. Helicopters — Military use
A. ■63
J. K. Carline. plans diags Aircraft Eng Bomb release devices
35:130-2 My '63 Control FoiTTiing operations on boml5 ejection racks.
BAC One-Eleven; flying controls. A. J. K. C. O. Herb, il diag Mach 69:116-21 N '62
Carline. il plans Aircraft Eng 35:134-6 My Design
Cooling ■Wide range of reliability problems of can
See also saved by use of this new system PRIDEbe
Airplanes. Supersonic — Cooling (programmed reliability in designi. K. G.
Sharp and A. J. Wilcox. S A E J 70:74-8
BAC One-Eleven; basic design philosophy Ejection devices
and systems, il plans diags Aircraft Eng AirN '62crew protection, il Engineer 215:442-3
35:127-52 My '63 Some factors influencing spinal injuries In
Mr 8 '63
Equipment .■^eat-ejected pilots. L. Laurell and A.
BAC One-Eleven; auxiliary and ancillary Nachemsson. Ind Med 32:27-8 Ja 63
equipment, il diag Aircraft Eng 35:153-4 System for escape from submerged aircraft.
J. S. P. Rawlins, •63 bibliog Ind Med 32:73-5
My '63 Fuel tanks
Contaminant control curbs jet fuel tank F '63
Zero-speed ejection seat rockets pilot to 400
corrosion. W. J. Dlgman. 11 S A E J 70: ft. 11 Machine Design 35:8 Ap 11 '63
56-8•63 D '62 Electronic equipment
Hydraulic equipment Blue Steel operational two years from first
BAC One-Eleven; hydraulic system. A. J. K. fliglit. il Engineering 195:335 Mr 1 '63
Carline. 11 diag Aircraft Eng 35:133-4 My F-104G: boon to Europe. R. Mikton. II map
Electronics 36:16-19 Je 21 '63
Fall s re In DC- hyd chan
O. -sa A. tDarcey. ssed S
il diags raHydraulics
uli ges. & Hybrid digital analog pulse-time techniques
for flight control system computers. W. R.
fe c Seegmiller. bibliog il diags IEEE Trans Com
Pneumatics 16:83-92 Ag '03
New jet has dual pressure system. S. Bangs. & Electronicstechniques
P498-503 forS reliable
11 Uiag Hydraulics At Pneumatics 16:112 Redundancy flight-con-
Je '63 Noise trol computers. J. J. Fleck, bibliog il diags
IEEE Trans Com & Electronics p535-46 S
Sonic booms from aircraft In maneuvers. D.
J. Maglleri and D. L.. Lianslng. bibllog diags Manufacture
Sound 2:39-42 Mr '63 New brazing alloy meets space-age requlre-
■Wilson committee report on nuise. plans Air- menu. II Welding Eng 48:49 Mr '63
craft Eng 35:218-19 Ag '63 Painting and finishing
Take-off Painting A-5 Vigilante attack planes. D. M.
Bee Airplanes — Take-oft Ooldlng. II Ind Finishing 39:24-6-1- Je '63
AIRPLANES. Military — Continued
Testing Aerodynamic design of swept winged air-
craft at transonic and supersonic speeds.
Automatic system probes B-70 stresses. R. C. Lock, bibliog il diags Roy Aero-
M. A. Lowj'. il Electronics 36:44-5 Jl 6 '63 nautical Soc J 67:325-37 Je '63
AIRPLANES, Military transport B-70 boasts new design concepts. E. O. Clay,
6.000-liva transformer airlifted to Venezuela. diags S A
Composite material E J 70:52-5 sealsD '62
show promise for
il Elec World
Transport 158:56 illustrations
aircraft; D 3 '62 with text. extreme environments. R. E. Headrick. 11
Eneineer 215:22-3 Ja 4 '63 ^ diags S power
Concord A E J plants. 70:58-6311 Odiags
'62 Aircraft Eng
AIRPLANES, Pilotless
Sea drone snares capsules, il Electronics 36:18 o5:100-l Apconfiguratio
Delta-wing '63
ns for the supersonic
As .See 16 also
'63 transport. J. L. Jones, jr. and others, bib-
liog Astronautics & Aerospace Eng 1:74-
Airplanes. Target
AIRPLANES, Supersonic 81 Jl '6.i air induction systems for super-
Airline engineerinK symposium. Jan. 21st. sonic aircraft. L. M. Randall, diags S A E J
Roy Aeronautical Soc J 67:165-71 Mr 6.> 70:61-5 N '62v/stol aircraft. H. A. James
Anslo-French supersonic transport. Aircraft
and K. L. Sanders, bibliog diags As-
Eng 34:313
Anglo-French N '62
supersonic .,
transport, il diags ^. tronautics & Aerospace Eng M.1:60-71 Je '63
Fatigue in advanced aircraft. A. Melcon
Aircraft Eng 35:44 F '63 „_ „ ,, „ ,.,„ and A J. McCuUoch. 11 diags Astronautics
DesignMach 3.
factors in vtol strikeProduct EnK Jl 8 '63 diags
34:b6 aircraft, & Aerospace Eng 1:20-4 Je '63
Engineering 195:2-3 High-performance inlets can be designed for
Plight chaiactenstics Ja 4 '63
of the B58 ,, Mach i. „2 liigh Mach numbers. J. J. Mahoney. diags
bomber. B. A. Erickson. il Roy Aeronautical S A E J aerothermoelastic
Potential 71:74-7 Mr '63 problems associ-
Soc J 66:665-9; Discussion. 669-71 N '62 ated with advanced vehicle design. W. R,
High temperature electrical system develop- Laidlaw and J. H. Wykes. diags Aerospace
ment applicable to supersonic transports. J.
J. Pierro. Machine Design 35:122-t- Ja 31 Eng 22:154-64
Problems in selecting Ja '63 alloys for the super-
Hot fuel for a hot aircraft. C. J. Johnson, sonic transport. P. H. Denke. il Metal Prog
bibliog diags Materials Res & Stand 3:300-1 83:71-6+ ofMr materials
Selection '63 for minimum-weight
Ap '63
Lubricants for engines for ,supersonic. aircraft. . design. W. R. Micks, diag Machine Design
N. J. Hunter. 11 Aircraft Eng 34:317-18 N 35:202+ S transport
Supersonic 26 '63 performance boosted by
■62 . , well -Integrated inlet, nozzle, and engine
Materials for a supersomc transport; sym-
p o s i u m , i l diag J Metals 15:185-96 w^hen engine airflow is decreased. 'T G.
Materials problems in the design of a Mrsuper- '63 Slaiby and R. L. Staubach. S A E J 71:
sonic transport aircraft; symposium, bib- 42-5 F '63
Variable sweep aircraft. D. D. Baals and
liog il diags Materials Res & Stand 3:805- E. C. Polhamus. il diags Astronautics &
24 O producers
Metals '63 in Mach warfare; battle is Aerospace Eng 1:12-19 Je '63
brewing between aluminum and other Electric equipment
metals over the U.S. supersonic aircraft
program, Electric power systems for supersonic trans-
Multi millionil dollar Iron Age 192:55 can
question; Ag supersonic
29 '63 ports. R. D. Jessee and R. A. Mintz. diags
transports pay off? R. D. Kelly. S A E J Westinghouse Eng electrical
23:98-103 systems
Jl '63 being
70:54-6 High temperattire
New shapeN in '62 the sky by 1966; Concord,, the ,
groomed for supersonic transports: ab-
Anglo-French supersonic airliner, il diag stract. J. J. Pierro. S A E J 71:90 Mr '63
Optimum power 194:734-5
plant Dconfiguration
7 '62 for a Hydraulic equipment
supersonic v/s.t.o.l. strike aircraft. R. M. Fluid testing for supersonic transport. Hy-
Denning, il diags Aircraft Eng 34:353-9 draulics & Pneumatics
Noise 16:85-6 Ag '63
D '62 materials for a supersonic transport,
diag Materials in Design Eng 58:163-4+ O Take-off and landing of the supersonic trans-
Power for the supersonic transport. „G. „T. port. F. B. Greatrex. map diags Aircraft
Rowe. diags Mech Eng 84:40-5 N '62; Dis- Eng 35:221-4+
AIRPLANES, TargetAg '63
cussion. 85:74-6 Jl '63 Painting target planes. P. I. Chase, flow
Substituted pvrazines promising as hydraulic
fluids and lubricants. J. D. Behun and P. T. chart il Ind Finishing 39:14-16+ Jl '63
Kan. il Chem & Eng N 41:100-1 S 16 '63 AIRPLANES,
tary transport
Transport. See Airplanes. Mill.
Supersonic civil transport, diags Engineer
214:993 D 7 '62 AIRPLANES, Vertical take-off
Aerodynamic processes in the downwash-
SST ■63 by '70? il Machine Design 35:154-9 Ap inipingement problem. R. J. Vidal. bibliog
11 '63 diags J Aerospace Sci 29:1067-75+ S '62:
Supersonic transport challenge. N. B. Halaby.
il Astronautics & Aerospace Eng 1:30-3 As Icont as]
Airline AlAA J 1:726-7
engineering Mr '63 Jan. 21st.
Supersonic transport; international airline Roy Aeronautical Soc
Aviation without runways; illustrations J 67:165-71 Mr '63with
•63 a look; Qantas. R. R. Shaw, diag
takes text. Engineer 215:96 Ja
Characteristics of lifting-fan v/stol aircraft.11 '63
S A E J 71:30-2 Je '63 R. H. Goldsmith and D. H. Hickey. bibliog
Supersonic transports. Sci Am 209:48-9 Ag 11 diags Astronautics & Aerospace Eng 1:
TFX; mission and design, diags Space/ Aero- 70-7 O '63power plant system for v/s.t.o.l.
nautics 39:72-83 Je '63 aircraft. 11 Aircraft Eng 34:350-2 D '62
Titanium leads in supersonic transport ma- Design factors in vtol strike aircraft, diags
terials race. Steel 153:24 Jl 1 '63 Engineeringhelicopter 195:2-3 Jaand 4 '63 vtol transports.
2100-mph transport brewing. R. R. Kay. Designing
Iron Age 191:48 My 23 '63 E. F. Katzenberger and others bibliog map
See also diags Astronautics & Aerospace Eng l:lOO-6
Airplanes. Hj-personic F '63
Air conditioning Development of the tilt-wing aircraft. J. B.
Nichols, bibliog il diags Roy Aeronautical
Cooling systems laboratory. Royal aircraft es-
tablishment. Famborough. il Airci^t Eng Fan-in-wing v/stolJe aircraft.
Soc J 67:361-70 '63 H. A. James
34:335 N '62 and K. L. Sanders, bibliog diags As-
Precooled fuel acts as heat sink for super- tronautics & Aerospace Eng 1:66-71 Je '63
sonic transport air conditioning systems. Future of the aeroplane in civil and military
J. Makowski and K. Linnett. diags S A E J fields. S. G. Hooker. 11 diag Engineer 216:
70:66-7 N '62 Cooling 366-9 Ag 30 '63; Same. Engineering 196:270-
Cool lights or hot cabins; SST alternates. Hawker
E. L. Griffin, diag S A E J 71:33-5 Jl '63 2 Ag 30P.1127/Bristol
'63 Siddeley Pegasus com-
bination. T. P. Frost. 11 diags Aircraft Eng
Finding fuselage conditions at Mach 4. 11 34:346-9 D '62; Excerpt. Engineer 214:646
Engineering 194:625 N 9 '62
O 12 '62
AIRPLANES. Vertical take-off— Confinued Dulles International airport. U plans dlags
^Hrwker P 1127 v/stol Roystrike flfhier AW J
Bedford 11 dlaas Aeronautical Soc Elt^.^St ^P^'4" -|es f4Vj,^T'''f3" ^-
3ef'\Hi''conJo\-^rsy. Aircraft Eng 34:345 MlSrs^'ail-' t^e"r^i.?ll.^'i'i'av./"En^ ^2:47-9
Our two largest airports. 11 Plans dlags Prog
Po'^tTc'i \'o'Vh'e"je^t^afe: Dulles in„terna.Jpna.
Ro^\r/' s<^ff''
r<5J.f?: <;rd'l rrli/
terminal S?^?rft
.building c'-pl| .b\oP
of first tn;s|rv.ce nicipal airport, 170^53 4 An i^ °
il. Engfor N Gat^'<iS
Mnitao-"eBins_ evaluation Third passenger . Pier ^l^"■■
plan Engmeenng 19^."S-9 Jl la <>•» airpoia^
Uniriue roof constru ction at Dulles
U En- J. B Lvttie. 11 Am Concrete Inst J 60.b3&
Yamaiaki's Dhahran airport, il plan Arch Rec
Han gar-8s Mr^^^'63 conditioning
Airports— TrafBc control towers

New conce pt in jet airport design calls for

multip licity of systems .RB.LjUhnow^ jrJ-
il Plan diags Heating-Piping 34.lU.-3iJ
Radia J. syste
flool m heat
S. Ha,me l ands cools ^A?®Vtea
R, ^4-sateU.
pms 35.135 -40 Ja
Ria'rl'dei?a^?.in|s. U diags Mech Eng 84:63 il^^ and ng-Pi
diags Heati
Plan Heating ventilation

New conce pt in jet airport design calls for

multip licity of systems RB.LjUhnow^ pn
11 plan diags Heatmg-Pipmg 34.1UJ-b i^ o^
terminals. J. S. Hamel and R-.^^r' ansatelli
Tn '63
RidiSnt flo^ system heat|. cools
plan diags Heati ng-Pi pmg 35:135 -40 Ja bi
-d&2^ airport. 11 Ilium
Oakland International
■'electrif diag Elec
lcation.Ap 11 63
Constr poft
Utali^'lfr & Malnt 62:92-4-1-
Ve'^fo^r1'd"%?r1f^ral'ro'-''enSinll 'ii Engineer
^^U-''e rV,''lndcr.,is e. °^
equally well. and1! ^^M^i^r^Tmns
HeUport portation projects, il Eng N 170:
s Bibliography
Marhine Design 35:6 Je.^ „ nrell S2-I-
24 '63
Aerospace »»
^^i:'§%' iPf
Eng 1:14-19 S As^ro^/ullcs^
"hnrt hauls H L.
Vtol air bus slated t^'^.n^ c r. "kV Highway and airport ^digest. Published m
of Public works
monthly numbersBuildings

See Airport buildines

Control towers
va3?=STRSr Costs control
See Airports — Traffic towers

-IC'*r5;",.«r.'&,nS'-a'&"iv?ii Airport industrial waste system; unit prices.

De^vlr'* expandj"
unit prices. Eng terminal
N 170:55 apron
Je 1.3 for63 jets:
AerospacI Eng 1:64-9 O '63 paving costs: unit prices.
Illinois airport
L<^"'ycaVation price umt captures site work for
New York airport; prices. Eng N 170.
diaes S A E J 71:01-2 Jl 63
AIRPLANES. '" =3J:',<="'*"/*too-dresslne opera- Low *plpe^ prices help take Missouri award:
constmctfo n at Lambert-St Louis municipal
D 13 63
airport: unit prices. Eng Nunit?69:3^
prices. Lng
nautical Soc J 66.S31-6 Ob- tT <? =? R • ab- Michigan airport awards:
Re^Md^on"af'rPort job runs IS per cent under
^^SiV^-S' A^.''§m?r"nol" l,**^goy"le?o^autfcal estimate, unit prices. Eng N 171:126 S 19
Us^^.'^df the aer'^plane In agricultu re: texts of Remote site haniPefs^' ?#''?„ Vi'"^?^ ^°''"
Roy 780-2 ical Soc J 66:767-80. unit prices. Eng N 170:45 Ja 31 63
papers on. D '62 Virginia town builds municipal al,niort, unit
Di.scus.'il prices. Eng N 170:143-4 Je 20 63
Hellcopters^AgrlcuUural use Design
and ^thelr F.
craft Kingdom. Airport My 30no '63
lfn:15-17boom; ,. 11 Eng
end In , sight. ,
orosnects inutKe"ir
and%xec the United H
&Xrt'on. 11 mans dlags RojVRn'' o ^ Houston's Jetero airport: location ana con-
Soc J 67637-48: niscusslon. 645-50 O b.i flir'urntion F H Newnam. ir. maps plans
1 no 34751:9-26
aS '6?^ C E Proc 89
Soc Discission. A. I.VT
R. Kelly. 89 (AT 2
-San'ro^'-i. "^X, fe-i-g '^^:^S.^l ^^^2
O '63 equipment
no 36861:51-2Electric
^rrhat';'r^e!,^"enW7orest areas MC^ok-
Applications of electricity at airports. C.
W^fe^r Design '<i^df
"v^'-nXf CJ ll^dllg
%n/ D,h«20;|."
34:114-15 Heyes. dlag.'i Inst E E Proc 110:1621-31 S
Utah airport electrlfloatlon. II dlag Elec
*Tir°o'??'a?"hi1e"c?uro. 11 Plans dlag« Prog Arch Constr & Malnt 62:92-44- Ap '63
-SS'M^a/^ Xi2lf1fec^34^65-^^ Automatic pipelines to handle airport fuels:
Another II Prog Arch air44:67lerminal:
malor H S Memphis. New York City's Idlewild airport. R. J.
Tenn. S 6.1 Barber, handlinir:
Bagk-ago dlae Controlairline
Eng, bacirage
10:27 Ap handling
Cellular domes cap a'jr.'jf""'"?]"!. ^rj'y,o'*2-3 svstems' symposium. II Am .Soc C E Proc
airport. McCarran fleld. 11 I'-ng N i(u.<i o 89 I AT 2 no 36761:21-44 O '63
F 14 '63
AIRPORTS — Equipment — Continued Columbus, Ohio
Building epoxy draw dies, il Am Maclv Airport earns a fine reputation for snow re-
MetalworkinK Manut 107:62-3 Mr 4 '63 moval; Port Columbus. F. A. Bolton. 11
Fuelins svstem for Dulles international air- Pub Works 93:98-9 D '62
port. R. D. Mahaney and D. M. Hosier, il
plan dias Am Sec C E Proc S9 [AT 1 no Copenhagen
34941:51-65 landing
Instrument Ap '63 system developments. 11 Lesson from abroad: Copenhagen airport.
Kastrup. il plans diags Prog Arch 44:168-73
light on 214:995 D 7 '62 bright plan display
air traffic: Dallas
with alphanumerics. T. Vast, il diags Ap '63
Electronicsto 36:42-6 Jl '63 cities facilitates airport ex-
Tunnel between
Pipelines teed 140 26 filling
'63 stations. 11 pansion; Greater southwest international
Eng N 171:37-S O 3 automates
'63 airport, Dallas-Fort Worth field. C. M.
Underground system fueling at Thelin. il plan diag Pub Works 94:84-7
New York's Idlewild international airport. Mr '63 Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
il Pet Management 35:180 S '63 Elegant precast arches frame Arabian air
Federal aid
FAA apportions airport aid funds. Eng N 171: terminal, il Eng N 170:24-5 Ja 3 '63
Tamasaki's Dhahran airport, il plan Arch
18 '63Ag 22 '63 Lighting Rec 133:145-8 Mr '63
Fort Worth, Texas
Applications of electricity at airports. C.
Heyes. diags Inst B E Proc 110:1621-31 S Tunnel between cities facilitates airport ex-
pansion; Greater southwest international
Flight apron: Oakland international airport. airport. Dallas-Fort Worth field. C. M.
il planssodium Ilium lighting
Eng 58:624-5 O '63 Thelin. U plan diag Pub Works 94:84-7 Mr
Linear with intensity con- Houston, Texas
trol applied to airport visual landing aids.
M. Latin and others, bibliog il diags Inst Houston's Jetero airport;
E E Proc 110:1037-43 Je '63; Abstract. plans diags Am Soc C E symposium,
Proc 89 (AT maps
1 no
lUum Eng 58:579-80 S '63 3475. 31871:9-38 Ap '63
Location Las Vegas, Nevada
Airport location in relation to urban trans- Cellular
airport.domes cap airfield,
McCarran terminals;
il Eng Las Vegas'
N 170:42-3
port. R. H. Jordan, bibliog map plan Am
Soc C E Proc 88 [AT 1 no 32451:99-109 Ag Lincoln, Nebraska
■62; Discussion. L. V. Hammel. 89 [AT 1 F 14 '63
no 35051:95-6 Ap '63 City and U.S. air force share use of $70-
FAA rejects three jetport sites, map Eng N million airport, il map Eng N 171:54-6 O
170:43 Je 20 '63 10 '63 London
Houston's Jetero airport:
figuration. F. H. Newnam.location and con-
jr. plans Am Instrument landing system developments. 11
Soc C E Proc 89 [AT 1 no 34751 :9-26 Ap
'63: Discussion. A. R. Kelly. 89 [AT 2 no Engineer 214:995 D 7 '62
London airport's new multi-storey car park.
36561:51-2 O '63 Runways il Engineering
Third passenger 19n:2"9
pier forAg Gatwick
23 '63 airport. 11
Thomas,foril runway diags Roy conditions. J. "W.
Aeronautical Soc H.J plan Engineering
Wilson 196:78-9on noise,
committee report Jl 19 plans
'63 Air-
Effect Discussion.on 585-8
of gradient S '63
jet transport runway craft Eng 35:218-19 Ag '63
lengths. G. Ahlborn and R. Horonjetf. Am Memphis
Soc C E Proc 89 (AT 1 no 34901:39-50 Ap Airport for jets and pistons. R. P. Har-
'63: Discussion. M. Meisner. 89 [AT 2 rover. il plans diags Arch Rec 134:165-72
no 36861 :.'i3-69 O '63 O '63
Another maior U.S. air terminal: Memphis.
New techniques used for clearing airport run-
wavs. W. F. Reynolds, il Pub Works 94:84-5 Tenn. il Prog Arch 44:67 S '63
Ap''63 Memphis air terminal, il Civil Eng 32:47-9
and T. slipperiness
J. W. Leland. and bibliog
slush. "W. B. Home
il diags Roy Memphis
S '62 expands airport to meet jet age. II
Aeronautical Soc J 67:559-71: Discussion. Eng N 170:22 Je 13 '63
585-S S '63
Subgrade stabilization under an existing Minneapolis
runwav. S. C. Dearstyne and G. J. New- Metropolitan gateway: passenger terminal,
man, plan diags Am Soc C E Proc 89 [AT 1 Minneapolis-St Paul international airport.
no 34731:1-8 An '63: Discussion. "W. H. 11 plans diag Prog Arch 44:156-60 Ap '63
Gotolski. 89 [AT 2 no 36861:47-9 O '63 New York (city)
See also
Air bases, Militarj' — Runways Lummus to build highly automated fuel
system at New York international airport.
Snow protection and removal
Panil Oil & Gas J passenger
American 61:123 Je 10terminal
'63 at Idlewild
Airport earns moval: Porta Columbus.
fine reputation
F. A.for Bolton.
snow re-II airport. W. Prokosch. il plans diags Am Soc
Pub Works 93:98-9 D '62 C E Procto feed
Pipelines 89 [AT 1 no stations,
140 filling 349,';i :67-Sfiil Eng
.\o '63
Traffic control 171:37-8 O 3 system '63
Airlines look to computers to end delays. Underground automates fueling at
M. cutting
Reid. Electronics 36:66-7 O 25 '63 36: New York's Idlewild international airport.
FAA localizer cost, il Electronics il Pet Management 35:180 S '63
10 S 27 '63 Oakland. California
Traffic control towers Flight apron: Oakland international airport.
New tower to grace airports, il plan diags il plans international
Oakland Ilium Eng airport,
58:624-5 il Ilium
O '63 Eng 58:
controlN tower
'63 for FAA. 523-5 Ag '63 Toronto
il Arch Rec 132:10 D '62 Square peg in round hole for Toronto air-
Alaska port. II Prog
Remote site hampers Alaska runway job: ■63 Arch 43:46 D '62
Tulsa, Oklahoma
unit prices. Eng N 170:45 Ja 31 "63 Workshop-critique of AISC awards; Tulsa
Buffalo municipal airport terminal building. II diags
. $8.5 million runwav job to bring jets into Prog Arch 43:160-1 N '62
Buffalo. Eng N 171:25 Jl 25 '63 Washington, D,C.
Chicago Dulles international airport, il plans diags
Analysis Arch Rec
Fueling system 134:101-10 Jl '63 international air-
for Dulles
airport. ofM. master plan forandChicago
A. Warskow H. C. O'Hare
Burns. port. R. D. Mahaney and D, M. Hosier, il
diags Am Soc C E Proc 89 [AT 2 no 3674] : plan diag Am Soc C E Proc 89 [AT 1 no
1-19 O -63
Our two largest airports; O'Hara international Our34941:51-65 Ap '63 Dulles International air-
largest airports;
airport, il plans diags Prog Arch 44:102-11 port. II plans diags Prog Arch 44:87-101 As
Ak *63
AIRPORTS— Washington. DC— Continued
Portico to tlie jet a«e; Dulles internationaJ Cadastral surveying in Alaska. F. g^^VM
airport, il plan Arch n Forum H»:i^-»J.Ji w Zandt. map diags Am Soc C E Proo »»
Unique roof construcUo at Dulles airport. ISU 2 no 35531:55-64 Je '63
J. B. Lyttle. il Ani Concrete Inst J 60: Oriented lakes of arctic Alaska. C. E. Car-
835-51 Jl 'Go son and K. M. Hussey. bibliog map diags
See also JW. Geol A. 70:417-39.
Price. pi 1 Jl Reply.
71:530-1: 632-3 .Jl
'62; Discussion
Airports _ „ . ,
Traffic control See alsoe.g.
subjects, subdivision Alaska under special
Air traffic control: today and tomorrow. J. F. Airports
Mason. U diass lilectromcs 35:37-4<i U i Bridges
Gas. Natural
Airborne anticolUsion devices, diags S A E J
Petroleum plants , ,
Closed circuit television for air traflic control.
Klectronic Eng ,34:747 N 62 ^„„,,^„ Petroleum industry and trade
Computer-controlled air navigation: Omnitrac. Petroleum laws and regulations
il Engineer 215:639 Ap 5 63 _,„ ,„^„, „,. Public health
Data link for air traffic controL Engineer 215. Railroads
Water, Underground
weather nets air*" planned.
traffic conimutiication
J. F. Mason. U dia« and ALBANY, New York
Electronics 36:92-4 Ja 4 '63 „iH,=
on Architecture
Industry help sought in airspace Cacophony of forms in New York capital.
system design. J. F. Mason, diags Elec-
tronics 35:26-7 S 14 '62 ,„„m„ „^r, il Prog Arch 44:70 S '63
auto tralltc con-
More computers going ilinto Electronics 35:14-15
trols. S. B. Gray, See cialalso
e.g. Alberta under spe-
Muiticomputers to rule English sky D Bar- Coal mines and mining
low, il Electronics 36:14-15 O 11 63 Gas.
Geology Natural
New air-traffi c system predicts flight paths.
S D Moxley and J. A. Inderhees. il diags Mines and mineral resources
Electronics 36:27-31 F 1 '63 Petroleum Industry and trade
New light on air traffic; bright plan display Petroleum pipe lines
with alphanumerics. T. Vagt. il diags Elec-
tronics 36:42-6 Jl 26 '63 hom-
New voice-communication system for air Anthophyllit
fels facies. Fremontthe County.
e within Colo.e C. A.
traffic control. T. E. Allen, 'diags MyIEEE63 Salottl. 11 diag Am Mineralogist 47:1055-66
Trans Com & Electronics p 189-99 biblioglp 1064-6) S '62 , . ,
Vordac for precise navigation over very- Artificial crystallization of volcanic glass to
air-traffic routes.. H. de Lanou- carnegieite. nepheline and_albite at room
velle and ityothers, bibliog II diags Elec Com
high-dens pressure. S. Ueda and T. Sudo. diags
37 no university
AKRON 4:302-15 '62 Am Mineralogist
ALBUMIN , 48:324-39 Mr '63 ,,, ■
•62 Ber>ilium binding by bovine serum albumin
Rubber science hall of fame at acid pH. '63S. Belman. bibliog Am Chem
Brunl installed in the Rubber 'nternaUonal Rubber
science hall of fame. Age 92:423 D Soc J 85:2154-9prosthetic
Carbohydrate Jl 20 '63 group of ovalbumin.
J. R. Clamp and L. Hough. Chem & Ind
Giuseppe the of?ewfame.niember
Brunl, hall of the
G. S. Whitby, p82-3 ofJa pH 12 '63
Rubber science Effect
contaminated and egg lipase
white. treatment on yolk-
O. J. CotteriU and
bibliog Rubber Chem & Tech 3o:sup xli- K. .M. Funk, bibliog Food Tech 17:1183-7
xliv D '62 Magnesium borates 5 '63
Alcohol tionformation via the aprotic
J. W. decomposi-
• ■ „ a .7 Rritton
Structure of ip-akuammigine. A. Z. Britten of a tosylhydrazone. Wilt and
and others. Cheni & Ind P 1120-1 Jl 6 63 C. A. Schneider, bibliog Chem & Ind p865-
ALABA^M cial^^^^ subdivision
subjects, e.g. Alabama under spe- Analysis of'63 thechamber.
6 My 25 spark
'63 characteristics of a neon-
Coal mines and mining alcohol J. U. Burnham and
Petroleum others, bibliog J Sci Instr 40:296-302 Je
Textile industry
Effect of blanching, storage teinperature. and
container atmosphere on acetaldehyde and
'^isl'and'^transport of marine shells by birds on
Bank, alcohol production and oft-flavor formation
Perez Island Alacran Reef. S.Campeche
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tive nickel hydrosenation catalyst. H. L. Electricaltion 78:295-300
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Chemistry of Alfol alcohols. M. T. Atwood. and R. Van Hoozer. Am Chem Soc J 85:
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Comparative Oil Chemof polyols
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31-9 O '62 others. Chem & Ind p 1590-1 S 28 '63
Constitution of intermedeol; new sesquiter- Solanesol pyrolyzes via Cio biradical. Chem
gene alcohol. L. H. Zaikow and others,
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Study of '63pyrolysis of solanesol. J. D. Gross-
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Chem & Ind p 1125-6 Jl 6 63
1 N 10 '62
ALCOHOLS— Continued „ .„
Synlhellc alcohols. Chem Bnir 69:116 S 17 ,„„ 62 Reaction of cobalt hydrocarbonyl
saturated aldehydes and
with OjB-tuj.-
ketones R. W.
tiee also Goetz and M. Orchin. bibliog Am Chera boc
Butyl alcohol T 85*2782-4 S 20 '63
Dodecyl alcohol of someB.aro-
Hcxadecanol aldehydes trlc
Spectrbphomatic studiesacetals.
and their P.
Isobuiyl alcohol Crowell and C. J. Varsel. Anal Chem 35:
Isopropyl alcohol
Methanol 189-92 F '63studies by nuclear magnetic re-
iltihvl phenethyl alcohol Structural
Sorbitol sonance; aldehyde 2.4-dlnltrop henylhydra-
zones. G. J. Karabatsos and others. bibUog
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the quantitative determi- Pfltzner of andnucleoside-5'
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Gastion chromaiocrui)hic technique .
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determma- In Unsaturated aldehyde oils by the partlaJ
organic niaterial-s; microanalysis of borane ozonizatlon of soybean oil. E. H. Pryde and
compounds and alcohols. I. LysyJ and R. C. others. Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:497-9 S '63
See alao
Greenoueh. bibliog diag Anal Chem 35: Acetaldehyde
1657-9 O '63 Manufacture Benzaldehyde•63
Conoco's Alfol unit goes onstream. 11 diajt Formaldehyde
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ALCOHOLYSIS ...,.., „j Naphthaldehyde
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and L. W Lehman, bibhog il Am Oil Chem
Soc Jof'40:in7-S Mv '63 of camphcne hydro- Characterization and determination of alde-
Rates ethanolysls hvdes by the ultraviolet spectral changes
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tuted 1-chloro-l-methylcyclopentanes: the Crowell and others. Anal Chem 35:184-9 F
question of a non-classical camphenylyl
cation H C Brown and F. J. Chloupek. ALDERWOOD MANOR, Washington
bibliog AtVi Chem Soc J 85:2322-4 Ab 5 '63 Water supply
Aldehydes stract.Hght urinary tract Infections: ab- World's
H. H. Zinsser. Chem & Eng N 40: readv largest
for serviceprestressed-concrete
at Alderwood reservoirU
Aldehvdic materials by the ozonizatlon of Water & Sewage
ALDIMINES. See Imlnes Works 109:481 D '62
vegetable oils. E. H. Pryde and J. C. ALDOLASE. See Enzymes
Cowan, bibliog Am Oil Chem Soc J 39:496- ALDOSES
5UU Nstrengths
Basic '62 of some aromatic aldehydes '62 on SOj-aldose-amlno-rea*-
and ketones. G. Culbertson and R. Pettlt. Influence
tions. H. of S. pH Burton and others. Chem &
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Carbonvlation of Jorganoboranes:
85:741-3 Mr 20the'63 reaction Ind o 16S2-3 S See
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san components of the cellulosic micelle of
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Characterization of alkylJe and 5 '63 aryl halldes by fescue and alfalfa. S. J. Lyford. jr. and
2.4-dinitrophenylhydrazone3 of aldehydes others,
Further studiesbibliog Jof Nutrition 79:105-8
the influence of Ja
diet"63 on
from reaction of their Grlgnard reagents radiosensitivity of guinea pigs, with special
with dimethvlformamide. J. G. Sharefkin reference to broccoli and alfalfa. D. H.
and A. Forschirm. bibliog Anal Chem 35:
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Cvanoethvlatlons and Michael additions; the 79:340-8 Mr '63chromatographic
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2.4-dlnltro- ALFALFA meal
phenvlhvdra tionzones the by Infrared spectrometry. Utilization of alfalfa carotene and vitamin A
H. C. f^ento and J. A. Ford, bibliog Anal by growing chicks. D. B. Parrlsh and oth-
Chem ?.'rA llS-20 S methyllde.
Dimethvlsulfonlum '63 a reagent for ers, bibliog J Nutrition 79:9-17 Ja '63
selective oxirane synthesis from aldehydes ALGAE
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84:3782-3 O 6 '62 par- Bioassay for algicidal
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ticipation of the neighboring aldehyde II Water & Sewage
catalvzed reactions. M. ion
group In the hydroxide I... and
and M. Effect of algae in bod Works
M. M. Ag Varma'63
and others, bibliog 11 Water & Sewage
S. Silver, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:4589-
90 D .'■) '62 HowWork.s
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black outMy algae;'6:! activated carbon
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35:733-5forMy the '63 alkylatlon of ketones Isolation, amino acid composition and some
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G. Stork and S. R. Dowd. bibliog Am Chem
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Nonlonle dialdchyde additives appear; give others, bibliog flow diag II Food Tech 17:
nonpermanent drv and wet strength to
paper; don't need cationic retention aids. 1039-43 of
Methods Ag treating
'63 cold weather algae with
II Chem & Eng N 41:56 My 13 '63 oopTM-r .sulfate. Pub Works 91;lSS-t- My '63
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6 O 5 '63 Tappl 46:897-900 D '62 *
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toiiic alsae. C. H. J. Hull, bibliog map J. M. Cameron. J Res Nat Bur Stand 67B:
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B. B. quality
Cook andof others.
biblioB green algae.
J Nutrition
Sl:2:>-9 S '63between aquatic orcanisms Coding
My '63 of Jacobi's
eigenvalues metliod for
and eigenvectors of computing
real sym-
Relationship and
tastes and odors. J. K. G. Silvey. bibliog metric matrices. F. J. Corbato. bibliog
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ambiguities Ap '63
in context-
tree mechanical languages. S. (Jorn. bibliog
Ani WaterSingers
Treating WorksGap Assnreservoir
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with ApCuSOi'63 Assn for Computing Mach J 10:196-208 Ap
tor algae control. M. H. Diven. il Water
Explosion and netting problems in the plan-
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cold weather ning of materials requirements. S E,
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control Modular design; a special case in nonlinear
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programming. D. H. Evans, bibliog Op Res
il Oil & Gas J 60:150-2 D 3 '62
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Lichens bibliog diags
Multi-index Op Res K.11:344-60
problem. B. Haley,My bibliog
'63 Op
ALGAE. Fossil Res 11:368-79
Number of classes My of'63invertible Boolean func-
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man and(Silurian), Wisconsin.
A. V. Carozzi. bibliog J. il Soder-
diags Computing Mach J 10:25-8forJa the
'63 functional
Semi-decision procedure
Am Assn Pet Geologists Bui 47:1682-708 calculus. J. Friedman, bibliog Assn for
S '63 Computing analysis
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'63 pro-
ALGAE as food gramming problems. J. C. G. Boot, bibliog
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O 3 '63 Op Res sorting
Simple 11:771-86 S '63 T. N. Hibbard.
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brook bibliog diags Hydrocarbon Process
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84 .S '63 in (to general:
be cont) more difficult cases. levels. J. M. Miller, il Tool & Manuf Eng 61:
Stability 75-8 Jl criteria
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Equations, Linear O b3
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Matrices efficiency. D. F. Eary. diags Tool & Manuf
ALGEBRA. Boolean Eng 49:109-12
Rotoscribe recordsD live '62 as kiln rotates: Kaiser
Boolean algebra. D. P. Ling, diags Product Refractories. J. I. Hall, ii Rock Prod 66:
Eng 33:79-82 D 24 '62; 34:127-8 Ja 7: 115-16 84-1- Ap '63
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control networks. L. Argabright and A. C.
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fect Gray codes. A. J. Goldman and B. K. ALIPHATIC compounds
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many unspecified fundamental products. E. and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1606-8
J. McCluskey. jr. bibliog Com & Elec-
tronics P3S7-92 N '62 Alipliatic
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Computing Mach J 10:25-8 Ja '63
Number of classes of fn.k) switching net- F5:29l7-7''6^o"ri53
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lin Inst J 276:313-27 O '63
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Structural studies of alginic acid. E. L. Hirst several solvents. M. Trachtman and J. G.
and others. Chem & Ind p257 F 9 '63 Miller.^ bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:4828-31
Algorithm for minimajc polynomial curve- Determination
D 20 '62 of primary and secondary ali-
fitting of discrete data. C. W. Valentine phatic amines by near- infrared spectro-
and 0. P. Van Dine. Assn for Computing photometry. F. H. Lohman and W. B
Mach J 10:283-90 Jl '63 Norteman, jr. Anal Chem 35:707-11 My '63
ALIPHATIC compounds — Continued ALKALI metals■63
Uireciive euects in ali|>halic substitutions; Electromagnetic pump for liquid alkali metals,
D^ioiobroinination Willi .\-bromosucciniitiide.
G. A. Ku.ssell and K. M. Desmond, bib- diag Space/Aeronautics
Mobilitie.s of the alkali 39:127-8 Je ^63in their
metal ions
lios•63 Am speciromeirio
Chem See Jstudy 85:3139-41 own vapor. J. W. Sheldon, bibliog J Ap
Infrared of the OIntegrated
20 '63
area of the methylene rocking band of Phys 34:444 F in^63 alkali amphiboles. W. G.
aliphatic molecules. H. F. Smilti and A. S. Ernst, diag Am Mineralogist 48:241-60 bib-
Kosenberg. bibliog AnaJ Chein 35:1182-6 A£ liog (p259- 60 1 Mr 'e-i „ .
Mas spe ana alip ami Pump for alkali metals at 1,100°C. Engineer-
R.s S. Gohike l s McLafferty. nes
ome and F. yW. is; hati
bibliog. ing 195:757 My 31 '63
See also
Anal Chem t34:1281-7 r i c S '62
bromosuccinimide. of aliphatic bromination
P. S. Skell and others. by N- Analysis
biblio;; Am of I'hem Soc J of 85:2850-1 S 20 de- '63 Direct determination of some alkali metal Ions
Mechanism hydrolysis Schiff bases by potentiometric titration. G. A. Rechnitz
rived from aliphatic amines. E. H. Cordes and others, bibliog Anal Chem 35:1322-3 Ag
and W. P. Jencks. bibliog Am Chem Soc
J 85:2813-8 S 20 '63 ALKALIES
Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of keto- Colorimelric method for measuring the rate
enol equilibria; isomerization in aliphatic of dc;,'radation of disaccharides by alkali.
Schiff bases. G. O. Dudek and G. P. Volpp.
T. J. ofPainter.
Effect Chem
ionic hydration & onInd rate
p36-7andJa equili-
5 '63
Reactions Am Chem
of radicals; Soc J 85:2697-702
reaction of S phenyl
20 '63 brium in concentrated alkaline solutions.
radicals with aliphatic disulfides. W. A. G. Yagil and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J
Pr>-or and P. K. Piatt, bibliog Am Chem 85:2376-84 Ag 20 and'63 reflection properties of
Soc J S5:H96-500 Electron ejection
Separation of lowerMyaliphatic 20 '63 amines by gas
alkali and noble-gas ions and atoms. D. B.
chromatography. Y. L.. Sze and others. Medved. studv bil)liog
bibliogof Anal Chem 35:240-2 spectraF '63 of some Further of JtheAp reaction
PJiys 34:3142 O '63
of l-nitro-2-
Study the near-infrared phenylethane with alkali. O. R. Gottlieb
aliphatic and aromatic isocyanates. D. J. and others, bibliog Chem & Ind p 1357-8
David, bibliog Anal Chem of 35:37-44 ■63
Synthesis and properties higiily Jahindered
Ag 10 ^63 earth carbonates
aliphatic acids. M. S. Newman and T. Reactivity of lime and relatedearth
oxides: produc-
Fukunaga. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1176-8 tion of activated alkaline carbonates,
Ap 20 '63
Where are the higher aliphatic amines n. R. Glasson. bibliog J Ap Chem 13:124-7
going? R. C. Lipsit and J. D. Leonard. ALKALINE earth chlorides

flow 63 sheet Chem Eng Prog 59:83-5 O '63 Transference
Mr '63 numbers and ion association
Metal complexes of alizarin. E. G. Kiel and in pure fused alkaline earth chlorides. E.
P. M. Heertjes. bibliog Soc Dyers & Col J D. 'U'olf and F. R. Duke, bibliog dia«
79:21-7. Cl-4. 1S6-S. 3G3-7 Ja-F. My. Ag Electrochem
ALKALINE earth Soccompounds
J 110:311-14 Ap •es
ALK meta car (Ethylene dinitrilo) tetraacetic acid titration
ChAeLI .alnd elec ona b cha of th of lead '111 in the presence of orthophos-
alkali carbonate trhigh-temperaturerac
ictaelsElectrochem ter fuel cell.e phate and alkaline earths. F. H. Blood and
y. aL.l Sandler, diag ist Soc J 109: W. H. Nebergall. Anal Chem 35:1089-90 JI
1115-18 D '62 ics
See also ALKALINE earth metals
Sodium carbonates See also
ALKALI metal chlorides Barium
Electrolysis of aqueous alkali chlorides; ab- Strontium
stract. K. Hass. Ind Chem 38:594 N '62 ALKALINE earth sulfates
ALKALI metal compounds Reactions between alkaline-earth sulfates and
Determination of water and alkali metal cristolxalite W. E. Brownell. bibliog diag
oxide in alkali metal salts of selenium
and tellurium by Karl Fischer titration. Am Cer Soc J 46:125-8 Mr '63
P. T. Chiang and W. C. Cooper, bibliog ALKALINE earths
Anal Chem 35:1693-5 Conductivity of oxide cathodes: thermo-
Reactions of alkali metalO derivatives
'63 of metal d\-naniic considerations of matrix stability.
carbonyls. R. B. King bibliog Am Chem G H Metson. diags Inst E E Proc 110:845-7
Soc J 85:1918-26 JI 5 '63 ALKALINITY
Solubility of alkali metal bibliog
drocarbons. E. Kissa. carboxylatesJ Colloid In hy-Scl My ■63
Alkaline-aggregate reaction tests on glass
17:857-64of some D '62 alakali salts of hydrocarbons. used for exposed aggregate wall panel work.
Spectra A. Schmidt and W. H. F. Saia. Am Con-
A. Strcitwieser. jr. and J. I. Erauman.
bibliog diags Am Chem Soc J 85:2633-6 Alkalinitycrete Inst equivalents.
J 60:1233-6 S Water
'6i & Sewage
ALKALIS 5 'liSmetal halides Works ]09:R442
Behavior N 30 ^62
of the 4-O-methylgIucuronoxvlan at
Controlled atmosphere KjtopouIos growth of 170°C. and different alkallnltles N S.
alkali halide single crystals. D. A. Pat- Thompson and others, bibliog Tappi 46:490-
terson, bibliog diags R Scl Instr 33:831-3
Ag '62 zone growth of single crystal alkali H.vdiosen
2 Ag •GS ovei-potential
solution. A. C. Makrldes. on bibliog
nickel In
halides. R. W 'Warren, bibliog il diag R trochem Soc J 10'i!>7T-S4 O
Reactions of peroxide and EDTA in alkaline •65
Sci Instr 33:1378-Sfi
International symposium D '62on color centers In solution. J. H E Herbst and S. C Barton,
alkali halides, 4th. Stuttgart, Aug. 21-24, bibliog
Use and TappIbehavior 46:486-9
of Ag '63
aluminum anodes In
1962. Physbetween
Reaction Today fluorine 16:60-24- and Je alkali '63 metal alkaline primary batteries. S. Zaromb bib-
halides at elevated pressure and tempera- liog diag Electrochem Soc J 109:1125-30
•63 ture. D. H. Kelly and others, diag Am
Sre nJso "62
Surface Socfeatures J 85:307-8 of alkaliF 5 '63halide crystals r> •«? Alkalinity
pulled from the melt. J. L. Sampson and ALKALOIDS
K. A. McCarthy. 11 J Ap Phys 34:142-3 Ja Absolute conflcurntions of virosecnrinlne.
Theo of al ha i s i solu B. securinlne and allosecurinlne. T. Nakano
Q.ry Dick. jr.kaliand lT. de P. olDas. d tion
bibliog and others. Chem & Ind p 1034-5 Je 22 ■eS
s. diag Alkaloid studies: the constitution of lochner-
J Ap Phys 33:2815-20 S '62 Idlne. Y. Nakagawa and others, b bliog
Llthimn chloride Chem
Alkaloids & containing
Ind p 1986 the N Ph-N-C-N
17 '62 svstem.
Potassium chloride B Robinson, bibliog diags Chem & Ind
ALKALI metal oxides
See als(* P218-27 Fof 9 aspldo-sperma
Alkaloids ^63 llmae Woodson:
Sodium oxide aspldollmldlne. nspldollmlne. demethoxy-
Analysis paloslne and aspidocarnlne B Gillifrt aiid
Determination of water and alkali metal others, bibliog Chem & Ind p 1919-60 N 10
oxide In alkali metal salts of selenium and
tellurium by Karl Fischer titration. P. T. Alka of vlrg o Q. C. Ge
Chiang and W. C. Cooper, bibliog Anal and llla roboChem
loidJ. Harley-Ma.son. ldes & Ind p r1433-4
Chem 35:1693-6 O 63 s .
Ag 24 ^63
ALK ALO IDS — Continued Stereochemistry of securinine and virose-
Application of mass spectrometry curinine, S. Saito and others, bibliog Chem
ture problems; alkaloids of the tobark
& Ind P689-90 Ap 27 '63 of d.l-a- and B-
aspidosperma quebracho Stereoselective syntheses
mann and others, biblios bianco.
diass AmK. Chem
Bie- lycoranes. R. K. Hill and others, bibliog
Soc J 85:631-8 Mr 5 '63 Am Chem Soc
Stereospeciflc J 84:4951-6
synthesis D 20 '62
of DL-B-lycorane, R.
Application ture problems; of mass spectrometryK. toBiemann
quebrachamine. struc- K. Hill and others, bibliog Chem & Ind
and G. Spiteller. biblioB dias Am Chem p 1573-4 S configuration
1 '62
Soc J 84:4578-86 D 5 '63 Structure, and synthesis of
BioKenetic oriein of the thalicarpine. a novel dimeric aporphine-
R. J. Suhadolnik andCo-Ci unit biblioR
others. of lycorine.
Am benzylisoquinoline alkaloid. S. M. Kupchan
and N. Yokoyama. bibliog Am Chem Soc
Chem Soc J S4:434S-tl
Biogenetic-type synthesis of the amarylli- N 20 '62
daceae alkaloid ring system. R. A. Abramo- J 85:1361-2of Myargemonine;
Structure 5 '63 a new naturally-
vitch and S. Takahashi. bibllog Chem & Ind occurring alkaloid ring system. F. R.
•63 Stermitz and others. bibUog Am Chem Soc
p 1039-40 Jeof22 niatrine.
Biosynthesis '63 S. Shibata and U.
Sankawa. bibliog Chem & Ind p 1161-2 Jl 13 J 85:1551-2•62
Structure of Myargemonine:
20 '63 identification as
( — )N-methylpavine, M. J, Martell. jr. and
Biosynthesis of the alkaloids of chelidonium others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1022-3
majus; the Incorporation of tyrosine into ■02
chelidonine. E. Leete. bibliog Am Chem Structure of cyclobuxine. K. S. Brown, jr,
and '63
Ao 5 S.'63M. Kupchan, bibliog Am Chem Soc
Soc'63 J 85:473-5 a F cryptopine-like
Burnamicine. 20 '63 analog of
corynantheol. M. F. Bartlett and W. I. J 84:4590-1ofD picraline,
Structure 5 '62 A. Z, Britten and
Taylor. Am Chem Soc J 85:1203-4 Ap 20 others. Chem
Structure & Ind pS, 1492-3
of securinine, S 7 others.
Saito and '63
Chemistry of catharanthine: evidence for a Chem & Ind p 1652-3 S 15 '62
novel and remarkable acid rearrangement, Structure of vincine. O gtrouf and J, Troj&-
J. P. Kutney and others, bibliog Chem & nek. bibliog Chem & Ind p2037-8 D 1 '62
Structure of virosecurinine. T, Nakano and
Ind PC4S-9 of
Chemistri' Ap rhazinine;
20 '63 a minor alkaloid others, bibUog Chem & Ind p 1651-2 S 16
of Rhazya stricta Decaisne. G. Gangull
and others, bibliog Chem & Ind p 1623-4 Synthesis of graveolinine, a minor alkaloid
of ruta graveolens Linn. A. Chatterjee and
5 8 '62
Configuration of cyclobuxine and its inter- A. Deb, bibliog Chem & Ind p 1982-3 N 17
relation with cycloeucalenol. K. S. Brown,
jr. and S. M. Kupchan, bibliog Am Chem Total synthesis of (±)-cularine. T. Kametanl
Soc J 84:4592-4 D 5 '62 and K. Fukumoto, Chem & Ind p291 F 16
Gas-liquid chromatography of aporphine alka-
loids. R, R. Arndt and others, bibliog Chem Total synthesis of d.Nmatrine, L, Mandell
6 Ind pmethods 1163-5 Jlof 13synthesis '63 and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2682-3
General of indole alka-
loids; a fiavopereirine synthesis, E, Wen- TwoS 5 new'63 C.alkaloids from skytanthus acutus
kert and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J Meyen. G, Casinovi and others. Chem &
84:3732-6. 4914-19
Identification O 5. D 20 acid
of isobutyric '62 obtained Ind p984 JeG. 15Bilchl
Voacamine. '63 and others, bibliog Am
from amianthium niuscaetoxicum. A, G. Chem Soc J 85:1893-4 Je 20 '63
See also
Smith and R, L. Smith. Chem & Ind p 1626
In O vitro
5 -63 alkaloid biosynthesis in the amaryl- Atisine
lidaceae: norbelladine O-methylpherase. H, Mitragynine
M Fales and others. Am Chem Soc J 85:
2025-6 Jl 5 '63 of the Patterson function of Morphine
Interpretation Resperpine
crystals containing a known molecular Ricinine
fragment; the structure of an al stoma Thebaine
alkaloid, C, E. Nordman and K. Nakatsu. Veratrine
diags Am Chem Soc J 85:353-4 F 5 '63 Yohimbine
Isolation of alkaloids by batch solvent ex- Analysis
traction. K. R. Payne, flow diags il Ind
Chem 39:532-5 O '63 Rapid gas chromatographic method for
Mass spectrometry in structural and stereo- screening of toxicological extracts for alka-
chemical problems; aporphines and re- loids, barbiturates, sympathomimetic
lated alkaloids. M. Ohashi and others, bib- amines, and tranquilizers. K. D. Parker
and others, bibliog diag Anal Chem 35:
liog Am Chem Soc J 85:2807-10 S 20 '63
Mass spectrometry in structural and stereo- Use356-9of Mrcountercurrent
'63 distribution in the
chemical probleins: carapanaubine. a new quantitative determination of the alkaloids
alkaloid from aspidosperma carapanauba of commercial veratrine. G. R. Svoboda,
and some observations on mass spectra of
oxindole alkaloids. G. Gilbert and others, bibliog Anal
ALKANES, See Chem 34:1559-62 N '62
bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1523-8 My 20 '63 ALKENES. See Olefins
Molecular structures of retusamine. otosenine.
renardine and onetine, J. A. Wunderlich, ALK0X1DES. See Alcoholates
bibliog Chem & Ind p2089-90 D 15 '62 ALKOXY compounds
New alkaloids of vinca minor L. D, Zachv- Carbenes give route to alkoxycyclopropanea.
stalovA and others, bibliog Chem & Ind

il Chem &•63decomposition
Photo-lytic Eng N 41:42-3 Ag of 5alkoxy
'63 deriva-
P610-11 Ap 13 '63 tives of tetravalent lead, J. Klavoda and
Onco^nne, antineoplastic agent. Drug &
Cosmetic Ind 93:231-2 As '63 K. Heusler. bibliog Chem & Ind d 1431-2
Oxidative transformations of indole alkaloids: Redistribution and reduction reactions of
the preparation of oxindoles from cis-DE- Ag 24 '63
alkoxysilanes. J. W. Ryan, bibliog Am Chem
yohimbinoid alkaloids; the partial synthesis
of carapanaubine. N. Finch and others, bib- ALKOXYSoc J group 84:4730-4 D 20 '62
liog Am Chem Soc J 85:1520-3 My 20 '63 Detection and identification of alcohols, al-
Oxidative transformations of indole alkaloids: koxy groups. lignin and wood by gas liquid
the preparation of oxindoles from yohim- chromatography, K. F. Sporek and M. D.
bine: the structures and partial syntheses Danyi. Anal Chem 34:1527-9 N '62
of'62 mitraphylline. rhyncophylline and cory- Determination of alkoxy groups in alkoxy-
noxeine. N. Finch and W. I. Tavlor. bib- silanes by acid-catalyzed acetylation. J. A.
liog diags Am Chem Soc J 84:3871-7 O 20 Magnuson. bibliog Anal Chem 35:1487-9 S
• Rauwolfla alkaloids; a facile ring closure of Effect of fluorine substitution on the elec-
deoxya]malal-A to deoxyaimaline. M. F, tronic properties of alkoxv. alkvlthio and
Bartlett and others, bibliog diags Am Chem alkyl.sulfonyl groups. W. A. Sheppard. bib-
Soc J 85:475-7 F 20 '63 liog .\m Chemcompound.?:
Organoboron Soc J 85:1314-18
rapid Mv 5 'G3 ex-
Separation of some alkaloids, steroids, and change between dialkvlalkoxvboranes and
synthetic compounds by thin-layer chro- alkyldialkoxyboranes. P. A. MoCusker and
matography, B. P. Korzun and others, bib-
liog fl diag Anal Chem 35:950-2 Jl '63 others. halogen
Positive Am Chemcompounds: Soc J 84:4'!n2-.?
effects ofN struc-
20 '62
Stereochemistry of raujemidine. M. Shamma ture and medium on the B-scission of alkoxy
and B. F. Walker, jr. Chem & Ind p 1866- radicals. C, Walling and A, Padwa, bibliog
7 O 27 '62 Am Chem Soc J 85:1593-7 Je 5 '63
ALKYLATION , ^ >, v, oii „i
nates benzene sulfonate. See Benzenesulfo-
ALKYL bromides Alkylaiion of aromatic hydrocarbons by alkyl-
lithium reagents. J. A. Dixon and D. H.
Kineiics and relative rates of the callium Flshman. Am Chem Soc J S5:135b-7 My 6
bromide-catalyzed reactions of alliyl bro-
mides wilh aromatic liydrocarbons in 1.2.4- Alkvlation of phenol with a honioallylic
trichlorobenzene solution. S. U. Choi and halide, H. Hart and others, bibliog Am
H. C. Urown. biblioB Am Chem Soc J Chem Soc J 85:3209-73 O 20 '63
S5:2u'JC-9 S 5 '63 Alkylations at the v-positiqn of aceto-
ALKYL compounds acetaldehyd e and a-benzylacetoacetalde-
Alliyl quaternary ammonium compounds as hyde through uheir dicarbanions, r. M.
inhibitors of the acid corrosion of steel. 85:3273-0andO 20
Harris others,
■153 bibliog ,Am Chem Soc J
, ^ ,
R, J. Mealtins. bibliOR J Ap Chem 13:339- Allied and Monsanto to make soft detergent
4^ Ae '63 alltyls: safe handline. W. B. Heck,
Aluminum alkylate. Chem & Eng N 41:25-6 O 7 63
jr. and R. L,. Johnson, il Ind & Eng Chem Aluminumleum CO.chloride alkylation: Phillips petro-
(low diag Hydrocarbon Process
54:3.^-8 D '62
Base-promoted reactions of alliyl benzene- & Pet Refiner 41:176
Amoco det^ails reforming and alkylation com-S '62
sulphonates in dimethyl sulphoxide; facile puter uses. Chem .<- Eng N 41:100 O 28 ^
eliniinaiion and substitution reactions. C. H. Cascade sulfuric acid alkylation; the M. W.
Snyder, bibliocreactions
Decomposition Chem & ofIndalkyl p 121chloro-cly-
Ja 19 '63 Kellogg
& Pet Reflner CO. flow diagS Hydrocarbon
41:177 '62 Process
oxalates. S. J. Khoads and R. B. Michel. _, , ^ „ ,
Component analysis of isopararan-olefln
ate by capillary gas chromatography. alkyl-L,.
liquidAm chromatography
Chem Soc J 85:585-91 Mr 5 '63
of phenanthrenes:
use in identification of the components of R Du'rrettMy and
35:637-41 '63 others, bibliog Anal „Chem ,
mixtures of alkvl phenanthrenes. A. J.
Solo and S. W. Pelletier. biblioK Anal Chem Eliect of pressure on the homogeneous alkyla-
35:15X1-7 O '63 tion of phenoxide ion. W. J. le Noble, bib-
Hydroboration; an examination of several |iog diags Am Chem Soc J 85:1470-2 My 20
representative dialkylboranes as selective Effluent refrigeration alkylation; Stratford
hydroboratins agents. G. Zweifel and others, engineering corp. flow diag Hydrocarbon
bibliog Am Chem
Organometallic Soc J 85:2072-5
compounds of groupJl III;
20 '63the Enamine alkylation and acylation of '62
Process & Pet Reflner 41:178 S carbonyl
reaction of gallium alkyls and alkyl hy- compounds. G. Stork and others, bibliog
drides with unsaturated hydrocarbons. J.
J. Eisch. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:3830-6 Am Chem
First computer-run Soc J 85:207-22 Ja
alkylation unit planned. 20 '63
O 20 '62 complexes of alkyl- and acyl-
Phosphite Oil & Gas J 60:56
Five new methods for the spectrophotometric n 17 '62
cobali carbonyls. R. F. Heck, bibliog Am determination of alkylating agents includ-
Chem Soc J 85:1220-3 My 5 6.', ing some extremely seiisitive autocatalytic
Preparation of alkyl esters from highly un- methods: application to air pollution. E.
Sawicki and others, bibliog Anal Chem
and L.. W. saturated
Lehman,triglycerides. E. J,
bibliog Gau^'lilz.
il Am Oil Chem jr.
Soc J 40:197-8 technique My '63 35:1479-86 ofS '63
Formation C'(17) steroid enolate anions
Rearrangement for analysis of al- by reductiveM. J. procedures; 17a-alkylpro-
ky Ibenzenes by mass spectrometry; unique gesterones. Weiss and others, bibliog
heated inlet system. E. W. Boyer and
others, bibliog diags Anal Chem 35:1168-71 GetChembetter& Ind p 118-19
mi.xing Ja 19 '63acid alkylation.
for sulfuric
Ag '63the higher alkyl benzenes. K. A. Scott,
Watch I. M.aN-er. dia-^s PlN'drocarbon Pi\)cess &
bibliog Hydrocarbon Process & Pet Refiner HP Pet alkylation.
Reflner 42:165-71 .S '63 petroleum co.
Perco; Phillips
42:109-13 flow diag Hydrocarbon Process & Pet
ALKYL groupMr '03
Dealkylation unit boasts feedstock flexibility, HF Reflner 41:180 S Universal
alkvlation; '62 oil products co.
flow diag Hydrocarbon Process & Pet
fiow diag il Chem Eng 09:80-2 O 15 '02
Decomposition of peroxides catalyzed by cop- Reflnerpanel
NPRA 41:179parries
S '62 problems on alkylation
per compounds and the o.xidaiion of alk.vl at
radicals by cupric salts, J. K. Kochl. bibhog 3 '63El Dorado meet. Oil & Gas J 61:102-7 Je
Am Chem Soc J 85:1958-08 Jl 5 '63 New method for the alkylation of ketones and
Oxidative dealkylation of alkylaromatlc hydro- aldehydes; the C-alkylation of the magnes-
carbons. C. J. Norton and T. E. Moss, ium salts of N-substituted imines. G. Stork
bibliog diag Ind & Eng Chem Proc Design and S. R. Dowd. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85;
2:140-7 Ap '63 2178-80
Ring-alkylated Jl 20 '63
dealkylation for Canada's
plant; process flowsheet. E. Guc-
cyclo- ozonanats. H. p-phenylenedlamlnes
A. Tuekor :ind A. Veith. antl-
ciono. il Chem Eng 70:112-14 Jl 22 "63 Rubber
Solvation Chem & Tech 36:537-40
as a factor in the alkylation of Ap '63
ALKYL halides ambident anions; the importance of the
Carbenes from alkyl halides and organo- dielectric factor. N. Kornbtum and others.
lithium compounds; formation of alkyicy- bibliog diags Am Chem Soc J 85:1148-54
clopropenes by ring closure of alkenyl
substituted carbenoid intermediates. G. L. Solvation as a factor In the alkylation of
Cioss and L. E. Closs. bibliog Am Chem ambident
Ap 2(V '63 anions; the Importance of the
Soc J 85:99-104 Ja 5 '63 hydrogen bonding capacity of the solvent.
Cleavage of bonds by low valent transition N. Kornblum and others, bibliog Am Chem
metal ions: the homogeneous reduction of
alkvl halides by chromous sulfate. C. E. Solvent steers ambident
Soc J 85:1141-7 An 20 'onanion alkylatlon. N.
Castro and W. C. Kray. jr. bibliog diags Kornblum, Chemof &theEngalkvlation N 40:50-1of S pvrryl-
24 '62
Am Chem Roc J 85:2708-73 S 20 '63 Stereochemistry
magnesium bromide. P. S. Skell and G P.
Importance of gegenion in electrophilic proc-
esses; CIS and trans El reaction condi- Bean. Am and Chem
Synthesis Soc J of84:4060-1
properties D 20 "62
alkylpyrroles. P.
tions. P. S. Skcll and W. I>. Hall, bibliog S. Skell and G. P. Bean, bibliog Am Chem
Am Chem Soc J 85:2851-2 S 20 ^,3
Pholobromination of alkyl halides, an un- Soc J Carbide
Union 81:4655-60willn make20 '62 detergent alklate.
usual orienting effect In the bromination
of alkyl bromides. W. Thaler, bibliog Am Chem & Eng N 41:25-6 Je 17 '63
HaPO, largest
alkylatlon; cumcne
process plant featuresil
Chem Soc J S5:2(;07-I3 S 5 "03
Potentlometric titration of long chain amine Chem Eng 70:92-4 Ap 29 '63
oxido-i^ using alkyl hallde to remove tertiary ALLANITE
amine Interference. L. D. Metcalfe. Anal Allanite from theNev.Mount
Chem 31 1849 D •(12 Pine County. D. E.Wheeler
Lee and area.
H. 'WTilte
Solute-solvent Interactions In the radlolysis ron. bibliog diag Am Mineralogist 47:1327-
of alkyl hallde-pentane solutions. P. R.
Oeissler and J. E Wlllard. bibliog Am ALLENE
Chem Soc J 84:4027-33 n 20 'G2 Cj and olefins give bisethanoallene. P. S.
Synthesis of esters from simple alkyl halides 31 N '6"
Skcll and L. D. Wescott. 11 Chem & Enjr
and tertiary amine salts of rarhoxyllc acids.
R. H. Mills and others, bibliog Chom & Cyclopropvlldene;
N 41:38-9 Ap 22 '6generation 3 and reactions.*
Ind P2M4 D 29 ■fi2 W. M. Jones and others, bibliog Am Chem
Bee also Soc J 85-2751-9 S 20 '63
Equilibration of cyclic allenea and acetylenes.
Butyl chloride W. Ft. Moore niid H. R. Ward bibliog Am
ALKYLATE. Sec Alkylatlon
Chem Soc J 85:86-9 Ja 5 '63 '
ALLEN E — Continued ^, , Novel composite shaft. 11 Chem Eng 70:142 A«
Hydroboration ot allenes. D. Devaprabhakara 5 '63 mechanical device for producing rapidly
and F. L>. Gardner, bibliog Ani Clieni Soc J Novel
cooled metals and alloys of uniform thick-
S5:14oS-CU My 2U reduction
Metal-ammonia 'liS of allenes. D. ness. P. Pietrokowsky. diag R Scl Instr
Devaprabhakara and P. D. Gardner, diags 34:445-6 Ap magnets;
Permanent '03 examination of com-
Am fuel
New Chemfras.SocstabilizedJ 85:6-18methylacetylene-pro-
Mr 5 '63 mercial alloys. F. B. Luborsky. bibliog
padiene. J. D. Hembree and oUiers. biblios Electro Tech 70:94-102 Ag '62
il diags Producing high-quality parts by powder met-
New sas WeldinK J 42:395-404 My
cuts rnetal-workinj; '63 J. P.
costs. allurgy; with data sheet. R. Talmage. II
Bauffhnian. il Oil & Gas Metal Prog 82:96-1004-. lOOB D '62
Photochemical formation of allenes Oin 14solu-
J 61:234-6 '63 Quenched-in-defects
M. Wayraan and others, bibliog J Ap Phys
in CsCl-type alloys. C.
tion. K. J. Crowley. Am Chem Soc J 85:1210
Ap 20 '63 34:2842-51 S '63
ALLERGENS Role of displacement reactions in the de-
Sensitizers and a sensitive ^ bureaucracy. ^
W. termination of activities in alloys with
Freedman. Am Perfumer 78:404- Mr '63 the aid of galvanic cells. C. Wagner and
ALLERGY , .^ ^ A. Werner, biblios diags Blectrochem Soc J
.rUlersicsis.state; initiation of antibody synthe- 110:326-32 Ap '63
R. S. Farr. Archives Environmental Sti-uctural alloys for cryogenic service J. Li.
Healthdecisions: 6:92-8 Ja personal '63 , Christian and others. 11 Metal Prog 83:101-
Court injtuies alleKe<i]y
resulting from the use of freckle cream. 44- Mr
Study of '63brittle fracture in cryo.genic alloys.
H N. Morse. Drug & Cosmetic Ind 93:330 J. D. Christian and others. 11 Metal Prog 83;
5 '63 . ^ 103-6 My '63
Detecting hypersusceptibility to toxic sub- See alsoalloys
stances; an appraisal of simple blood tests. Alumlnimi
J T Mountain. Archives Environmental Amalgams
Health of C:35r-ti5
Effect pyridoxine bibliog(p364-5)
deticiency upon Mr '63 delayed Babbitt metal
Bearing metals
h>-persensitivity in guinea pigs. A. E Axel- Beryllium alloys
rod and others, bibliog J Nutrition 79:161-7
Sensitivity to pine and spruce balsam. Drug Cadmium alloys
Sun6 Cosmetic
lotion alleisy. Ind 93:116 H. JlN. '63Morse. Drug & Cobalt alloys
Copper alloys
Cosmetic Ind 91:737 D '62 Gold alloys
ALLIANCE for progress. See Economic assist- Gun metal
ance in Latin America Indium alloys
ALLIED chemical and dye corporation Iron alloys
Allied buys Times tower. 11 Plastics World Lead alloys
' 6 Lithium alloys
Allieds 3 My bold'63move West; Caprolan s tower on Magnesium alloys
42 Street. Mod Textiles Mag 44:19-204- My Molybdenum alloys
Monel metal
ALL Nickel alloys
AnO diss of b na allo R. F. Niobium alloys
Steigerwald olutand N. D. iGreene. ry ys.
biblioK Elec-
Palladium alloys
Bartrochem Soc J 109:1026-34
cuts hard-surfaced parts,N '62
diag Iron Age Plutonium alloys
Rhenium alloys
191:139 alloys
Brazing F 21 '63useful in repair of castings. Silicon alloys
Silver alloys
J. B. Caine. 11 diag Foundry 91:223-4 My Steel alloys
Brazing processes, il Welding Eng 48:37-40 Tanialum alloys
Je '63 Tin alloys
Dendritic crj-stallization of an amorphous Titanium alloys
alloy. R. H. Willens. il J Ap Phys 33:3269- Tungsten alloys
70 N '62properties of controlled-expansion
Design Uranium alloys
alloys. W. S. Eberly. 11 diag Machine Design Vanadium alloys
Zinc alloys
Design My 9 '63 of investment casting Zirconium alloys Analysis
metals. E. M. Broad. 11 Machine Design 34:
146-9 ofD insonation 6 '62 Alloy analysis goes automatic 11 Iron Age
Effect during the precipitation-
hardening of alloys. H. V. FairbanKs. diag 192:54 analysis
Rapid Ag 8 '63of alloys. 11 Engineer 216:373
Sound 1:35-9 X
Effect of low-temperature phase changes on '62
the mechanical properties of alloys near Ag 30 '63
Spectrograph speeds up analysis. 11 Foundry
composition TiNi. W. J. Buehler and others, Testing
91:284- Ja '63
bibhog J Ap alloys.
Glass-sealing Phys 34:1475-7 My '63 II diag
W. S. Eberly. Dislocation substructure vs transgranular
Glass Ind 44:435-84- Ag '63 stress corrosion susceptibility of single
Heusler alloys. D. P. Oxley and others, bib- phase alloys. P. R. Swann. II Corrosion
How to liog J Apchoose Phys air-tight
34:1:562-4 pt 2 Ap materials.
seaJing '63 19:102-12 Mr '63
Estimation of stress-rupture properties from
HowW. to S. select
Eberlv. furnace il Electronics
brazing 35:644-
equipment. D 21 W.'62 hot hardness tests. R. J. Parker, bibliog
C. Pine. 11 Welding Eng 48:41-2 Je '63 Metallurgia 67:219-23 My '63
Interlamellar-spacing measurements in cer- Fatigue properties of some age-hardened
tain binary eutectic systems. G. A. Chad- alloys. R. P. W^olff and R. A. Dodd. II
64 bibliog 11 Inst Metals J 92:18-20 '63- Materials Res & Stand 3:734-5 S '63
Feasibility of high strength metal allovs for
Math models take guesswork out of alloy de- rocket motor cases. B. Steverding. bibliog
sign. C. L. Kobrin. 11 Iron Age 192:71-3 S Metallurgia 68:55-9 Ag '63
5 '63 selector; spring alloys. Steel 151:sup
Metal Materials for a supersonic transport: sym-
S23-5 O 22of'62decanted interfaces in eutectic posium. 1 diag J Metals 15:185-96 Mr "63
Micro.scopy Measurement of plastic strain In long-time
allovs. D. Munson and A. Hellawell. bibliog creep tests at temperatures up to 1000° C.
11 diags Inst Metals J 92:27-9 '63-64 C. Wheatley and J. Buchan. 11 diags Metal-
Modification of lamellar eutectic structures. lurgia
G. A. Chadwick. bibliog 11 diags last Metals Review of 66:91-8superplasticlty
Ag '62 and related
phenomena. E. E. Underwood, bibliog J
New 91:298-30:i
J data on '62-63 superconducting alloys. D. K. Metals Hard
Fox and W. J. Reichenecker. 11 Materials ALLOYS, facingD '62
In Design Eng 57:92-3 Ap '63 Combination of two hard-surfacing alloys cuts
New look at the boron filler alloys. F. Miller. costs by SO per cent. II Welding J 42:501-2
11 Tool & Manuf Eng 51:98-100 O '63 Gravel producer needs hammer, roller hard-
New wire drawing coatings for stainless Je '63 11 Welding Eng 48:57 Ja '63
steels, heat-resisting alloys and electrical facing.
resistance alloys. L. Gray. 11 diags Wire & Hard-surfacing alloy boosts service life 25
Wire Prod 37:1587-90-f N '62 per cent. 11 Coal Age 68:112 Ag '63
ALLOYS. Heat resisting Spinning of refractory alloys. P. P. Crimrains
Comparisoas of materials: stress-rupture and C. W. Heimlich, il dlag Metal Prog 82:
slien^'tli of lm;h temperature alloys: tables 66-72 Dfor'62 high and sub-zero
Materials In Uesisn Enc 5S:3S-9 Mid-O G3 Springs temperatures.
Cutoff techniques for exotics. P. S. McFadden. Engineer 215:iJ25-6 Ap 5 'i::i .
il Am Mach/Metalworkine Manut 10i:106-7 State of the art In Chem-milUng techniques
Mr IS '63 , . , for refractory alloys. H. H. Muller. 11 ala«
CuttinK fluids for machminK the aerospace Mach 69:105-10 Jl '63 , . ^ .
alloys. P. R. Arzt and I. J. Stewart, bib- Stubborn superalloys contoured without con-
liOK Lub ofEncwire
DescalinK 19:283-91
rod andJl wire
'63 of austenltlc 80 Mr tact.'63
L. W. Collins, jr. il diag ,. Mach
.. 69:73-
.r. t
steel and nickel-chromium alloys with spe- Superalloys for aerospace application. t». J.
cial consideration of vacuum annealmc: ab- \Vile il J Metals 15:645-7 S '63
stract. R. Ereanff and P. H. Huppertz. Superalloys In Chr>'sler gas turbine readily
Metal Proc 83:171-2-1- Je 'GS , _ produced in commercial mills. J. Geschelln.
Electrodeposltion may boost hl-temp alloys. Automotive Ind 128:140 Je 15 '63 (to be cont)
Steel 153:31-1- O 7 '63 ^ ^. , . . Superalloys vacuum-cast in mass production;
Gettine better tool life when machinlnc heat- Kolcast industries div.. Thompson Ramo
resistant alloys. W. R. Russell and R. G. Woo'dridge. il Space/AeronauUcs 39:118-19
Kennedy. Tool & Manut EnK oO:G9-il Mr 63 F '63
Grindinc takes on superalloys with new ul-
trasonic assist. J. E. Sandford. il dlass Tough
nan. alloys
il Am aren't that tough.
Mach/Metalworking B.Manuf
E. Kler-106:
Iron Akc
Guide 191:121-3 materials.
to toolirtK Ap 25 '63 Steel 152:sup
120-2 N 12 '62
Transmissions to operate at 1200 F. W. R.
S40 Ap 22 '63casting
High-production , of, ,^ .
vacuum-melted Kee and J. R. Kremidas. diag Materials in
superalloys. II Mach 69:152 D '62 alloys: ref- Design Eng 57:104-5
'63 hieh-strength Vanadium alloys. R. J.MyVan'63 Thyne. il Space/
erence book sheets Am Mach/MetalworK-
Ing Manuf 107:S9-!- My 27 '63the new materi- Aeronautics
Vanadium 39:91-3
alloys in Faerospace.
'63 R J. Van
Hot machinins: process for
als. I. A. Dickter. Automation 10:135-6 Ag Thyne. il
See also J Metals 15:642-4 S '63
Chromium alloys
How to Slav in the chips with refractory al- Mol>'bdenum alloys
loys, il Iron Age 192:66-8 Ag 22 '63 Nickel alloys
Machining heat treated HS-25 and Inconel
alloy 700; data sheet. Metal Prog 83:96B Steel. Heat resisting
Ap '63 for a super.sonic transport; super-
alloys selector;
C. C. Clark. J Metals
alloys.15:195-6 Mr '63 Problems sonicIntransport.
Metal cast high Steel 151:sup P. H. alloys
Denke."foril Metal
the super-
o iQ Q 22 '62
Metal selector; high temperature alloys. Steel 83:71-6+ Mr '63
Metal S 11-16 19R3:
selector. O 22 cast
'62 high alloys. Steel Alluvial-fan deposits in western Fresno
county. Calif. W. B. Bull, bibliog map
153:sup S21 O 14 '63 ^. ^
Metal selector. 1963; high temperature al- J Geol 71:243-51. pi 1-2 Mr '63
loys. Steel 153:sup S9-14 O 14 '63 Cratering experiments with large high-ex-
Metal selector. 1963: retractorj' metals. Steel plosive charges. L. J Vortman. bibliog 11
153-sup S7-9 O 14 '63 diags Geophysics 28:351-68 Je '63
Metal selector; refractory metals. „Steel, ,^, 161: Depth-discharge relations
sup S9-10 nels. D. B. Simons and inothers.
alluvialAm chan-
Metals for Othe 22 '62gas-turbine automobile. S. C E Proc 88
Williams. 11 Automotive Ind 127:39-41-1- Discussion. H. tHY 5 no 32631:57-72
A. Berdenis S '62;
van Berlekom.
Microstructures of N155; with data sheet. 89 [HT 2 of
Sinuosity no alluvial
Mr '63on the Great
L, Dillin^er and others. Metal Prog 82:96. Plains. S. A. Schumm. bibliog diags Geol
96B Jl '62: Discussion. J. G. Kerr. 11 83:
95-6. 96B My alloy '63 Soc Bui 74:1089-99 S '63
Molybdenum has ,high . ^ temperature Stability of alluvial channels. F. M. Hender-
son, bibliog diags Am Soc C E Proc 87
strength. Space/Aeronautics 39:121-4 F 63
New approach to Jiich temperature strength. [HY 6 no 29841:109-38 N '61: Discussion.
L. J. Bonis. II Materials in Design Eng 88 (HY 3 no 31441:259-70 My; (HY 4 no
58:ini O '63 allov meets space-age require- 32091:317-32 Jl '62: Reply. 89 [HY 1 no
New brazing 34051:177-83
ments. 11 Welding Eng 48:49 Mr '63 Study of scour Jaaround '63 spur-dikes. R. J. Garde
New cobalt alloy adds lOn-F. il Materials in and others, bibliog plan diags Am Soc C E
Design Eng 57:104 Ap '63 , , Proc S7 [HY 6 no 29781:23-37 N '61;
Outlook for high temperature materials; sion. 88 [HY 2 no 30871:191-2 Mr; Discus-
(HY 3
superalloys. refractor>' metals and ce- no 31441:225-9 My: [HY 4 no 32091:301-6 Jl
ramics: panel discussion. Metal Prog 84:
■62: Reply. 89 (HY 1 no 84051:167-75 Ja "63
113-19 Oand
Pickling '63 descaling stainless steels and Wanderrie banks; micro-relief patterns In
semiarid western Australia. J. A. Mabbutt.
high temperature alloys: with data -sheet. bibliog maps diags Geol Soc Bui 74:529-40.
J. A. Giirklls and L. T>. McGraw. Metal
Prog 83:95-6. 96B Je '63 pi 1-2compounds
ALLYL My '63
Preliminary Investigation of effect of hydro- Mechanism of the allyl hallde carboxylatlon
gen erties
on stress
of an iron, rupture and fatigue
a nickel, and a cobaltprop- reaction catalyzed by nickel carbonvl. R. F.
base allov: abstract. S. K. IClima and Heck, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2013-14 Jl
Quantitative Metal determination
Prog 84:161-3 ofAg tantalum.
'63 6 '63
Reaction of hyiiochlorous acid with allylic
tungsten, niobium, and zirconium in high halides: interference by silver ions. D. L.
temperature alloys by X-ray fluorescent H. Williams, bibliog Chem & Ind p 1656
solution method. M. L. Tomklns and others,
blbllog Anal Chem 34:1260-3 S '62 Steric
O 12 and '63 electronic effects in the dissocia-
Refractory alloy usage In elide re-entry ve- tion of cobalt carbonyl derivatives; it-allyl-
hicles: abstract. J. T. Stacy. 11 Metal Prog cobaJt carbonyls. R. F. Heck. Am Chem
84:148-9 Jl '63 Soc Jmonomers
85:655-7 Mrderived
20 '63 from
Refractory metals and their protection. T. D. Vinyl fats and oils.
Cooper and O. O. Srp. blbllog Aerospace H. M. Teeter. Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:143-
Eng 22:46-55 Ja '63 66 blbliogip 155-61 Ap '63
Refractory metals roundup. D. Peckner. blb- ALLYL group
llog 11 Materials In Design Eng 56:131-46 Kinetics of the lodlnej-catalyzed positional
O '62 Isomerism of butene-1; the resonance ener-
Selecting metals for liquid engine thrust gy of the allyl radical. S. W. Benson and
chambers. B. Steverdlne. II Astronautics others. Am Chem Soc J 85:1388-9 My 20 '63
ALPHA rays
& Aerospace Eng 1:74-7 Mr "63 DeveloplnB digital transducers. J. L.. Hjtle.
Self-lubriratlng alloys for high temperature
use: TIkolovs. Materials In Design Eng blbllog n diags 1 S A J 10:55-60 Je '63
68:157-1- Ag '63 Temperature dependence of decay time and
Space-age alloys; analyzing their process Intensity of alpha pulses In pure and
variables. O. J. Fischer, blbllog flow chnrts thallium-activated cesium Iodide. F. E.
diags Mnch 69:101-18 Ja: 107-12 Mr; 123-8 Senftle and others, blbllog R Scl Instr 33:
Je: 70:118-28 S '63 819-22 Ag '62
ALPHA rays — Continued Catalytic cracking of hydrocarbons; product
distribution obtained in cracking cetane
Measurement over a silica alumina catalyst at 372°.
Air alpha proportional counter Insensitive to W. A. Van Hook and P. H. Emmett. bib-
atmospheric humidity. A. M. R. Ferrari liog Am Chem Soc J 85:697-702 Mr 20
and C. J. Borkowski. dias R Sci Instr 33:
Hi4."-50 O '62 Catalytic properties of fluorine- promoted
Characteristics of an alpha particle corona- alumina. V. C. F. Holm and A. Clark. Ind
streamer counter in air. A. J. Tavendale. & Eng Chem Product Res & Develop 2:
bibhoK il J detector.
Lyman-alpha Sci Instr J.39:517-18 O '62 and
A. R. Samson 38-9 Mr '63
Chemical etching of defect structures in
D. Golorab. R Sci Instr 34:441-2 Ap 63 alumina-rich spinel single crystals. R. D.
McBrayer and others, bibliog il Am Cer
Measurement uses
Alpha gauge for the measurement of small Soc J 46:504-5
Chemical polishingO and '63 etching techniques for
density thicknesses. R. P. Gardner and H. AI2O1 single crystals. W. J. AJford and D. Li.
H. Ross. biblioK diag R Sci Instr 33:1227- Stephens,chromatographic
il Am Cer Socmethod J 46:193-4 Ap '63
30 N '62 Colunm for separa-
Scattering tion of carbohydrate degradation products;
separation of furan derivatives on aluniiniun
Kepler and Rutherford
cal treatment. D. L,. problems; a Keometri-
Livesey. dlags Am J oxide. R. De La Burde and others, bibliog
Phys 30:629-33 S '62 Creep ofChem
Anal 35:1535-6 S aluminum
polycryslalline '63 oxide. R.
ALPHATIZING process. See Chromizing L,. Coble and Y. H. Guerard. Am Cer Soc J
Portable arrangements for altar lighting, il 46:353-4 flow
Current Jl '63in very thin films of AI2O3 and
Ilium Eng oS:623 O '63 BeO. D. Meyerhofer and S. A. Ochs. bib-
ALTERATIONS. Hydrothermal. See Metamor- liog diagsofJ dislocations
Decoration Ap Phys 34:2535-43in aluminumS '63 oxide.
phism H. E. Bond and K. B. Harvey, il J AP
ALTERNATING current electric motors. See
Electric motors. Alternating current Phys ceramic
Dense 34:440-1 Ftakes '63 high test; Lucalox. 11
ALTERNATING electric currents. See Electric
currents. Alternating Density distributions 14in'63 dry pressed com-
Iron Age 191:91 Mr
pacts of ceramic powders examined by
ALTERNATORS. See Electric generators. Al- radiography of lead grids. A. R. Cooper,
ternating current jr. and W. H. Goodnow. bibliog il Am Cer
Development of a capacitance altimeter. T. Soc Bui 41:760-1
Designing circuits N on15 alumina
'62 substrates, il
S. JIcLeod and C. M. Deavin. bibliog diags Electronics 35:68-1- O 5 '62
Inst E E Proc 110:1505-13 S '63 Determination of impurities in aluminum
Development of the radio altimeter- trailing oxide whiskers. F. W. Vahldiek and others,
static: method of measuring aircraft static bibliog Anal Chem 34:1667-8 N '62and silica
pressure errors. J. D. McDaniel. il diag Diffusion resistances in alumina
Roy approach
Aeronautical Soc J 67:lS4-8 Mr '63 catalysts. M. R. Rao and J. M. Smith, bib-
New to altimetric zonal control of liog diag A inI Ch E J 9:485-90 Jl '63melting-
aircraft. W. S. Coulthard. diags Aircraft Discrepancy conversion of early
Ens.- 3.^:163-5 Je '63 point temperatures. S. J. Schneider, bibliog
ALTITUDE flying. See Aviation — Altitude flying Am Cer
Effect of Soc J 46:354-5and
composition Jl '63
crystal size of
ALTITUDES alumina ceramics on metal-to-ceramic bond
Aneroid and variable vanes improve trans- strength. J. R. Floyd, bibliog il diag Am
mission performance, il diag Machine De-
sign 35:16S-9 O 10 '63 Cer Soc
Effect of grainBui 42:65-70 F '63 on difftision-con-
Introduction to high altitude entomology: in- trolled processes in aluminum o.xide. A. E.
sect life above the timberline in the north- Paladino and R. L. Coble, bibliog Am Cer
west Himalayas. M. S. Mani. Review, by
Soc J 46:133-6 Mr '63; Correction. 46:460
C. B. Williams. Chem & Ind p 1895-7 N 3 '62
Regulation of pulmonary ventilation in ac- Effect
S '63 of grain size on transverse bend
climatization to altitude. R. Margaria and strength of alumina and magnesia. R. M.
others. Ind Med 32:9-10 Ja '63 Spriggs and T. Vasilos. bibliog Am Cer Soc
ALUM. See Alums J 46:224-8
ALUMINA Elastic '62 My '63
moduli of polycrystalline magnesia
Alumina-catalysed conversions of esters to alumina spinel. R. Hanna. bibliog Am Cer
olefins; evidence for a carbonium Ion Soc J 46:106 F '63 changes of AI2O3 crystals
mechanism. R. Taylor, bibliog Chem & Ind Electrical resistivity
during creep. R. Chang. J Ap Phys 34:1564-5
p 1084-5 catalyst
Alumina; S 22 '62 and support. K. Watanabe
My '63 '63 of dispersion-hardened
and others, bibliog diags Am Chem Soc J
84:3934-44ceramics; O 20 '62 CPI materials for today nickel-Al-jOa alloys. F. K. Sautter, il diag
Alumina Electrochem
Electron beam welding Soc J 110:557-60 Je '63 H. A.
of alumina.
and tomorrow, il Ind & Eng Chem 54:18-23 Hokanson and others, il diag Cer Ind 81:
D '62
Alumina-silica fibers; versatile ceramic for 44-7 Ag emission
Electron '63 from thin Al-AhOs-Au
high-temp insulation, il Res/Develop 14:10- structures. H. Kanter and W. A. Feibel-
13 Jl '63 oxide as a dielectric; develop-
Aluminium man. bibliog diags J Ap Phys 33:3580-8 D
ment of a new type of dry capacitor. R. F.
Wil.^on. il diags Wireless World 69:46-51 End-point density of hot-pressed alumina.
J. D. McClelland and E. H. Zehms. bibliog
Ja -63
Aluminum oxide humidity element for radio- Am and
Cer Soc J 46:77-80 P '63
sonde weather measuring use. C. M. Stover, Flow diffusion characteristics of alumina
bibliog flow diag diags R Sci Instr 34:632-5 catalyst pellets. J. L. Robertson and J. M.
Je '63 Smith, bibliog diags A I Ch E J 9:342-7 My
Aluminum oxide-titanium oxide solid solu-
tion. W. D. McKee. jr. and E. Aleshin. bib- Fluorine increases alumina's
liog Am Cer Soc J 46:54-8 Ja '63 ity; abstract. V. C. F. Holm catalytic activ-
and A. Clark.
Behavior of chromium In the system MgAbOi-
AhOa. R. H. Arlett. bibliog il Am Cer Chem & Eng N 40:65-6 S 17 '62
Soc J 45:523-7 N 1 '62 Fracture of Ge '63 and AI2O3. O. W. Johnson
Behaviour of dihydropyran over alumina. W. and P. Gibbs. bibliog il J Ap Phys 34:2852-62
J. Gensler and others. Chem & Ind p 1658- S '63
9 O 12 '63 Frenchtown porcelain; new approaches revi-
Bleaching off-colored cottonseed oils with talize old line producer. Q L. Vincent. 11
activated alumina; a preliminary cost diags Cer Ind 80:111-16 Ap '63
study. K. M. Decossas and others, diag Am F\jsion energies of 60BeO-40CaO. 48CaO-
■Oil Chem Soc J 40:218-22 Je '63 52A1:03. 75CaO-25B203. and S0BeO-20Li2O.
Calcium hexaluminate and its stability rela- H. H. Glascock, jr. bibliog diag J Ap Phys
tions in the system CaO-AIiOs-SiOj. A. L.
Gentile and W. R. Foster, bibliog Am Cer 33:3296-8
Glass formation N '62 and recrystallizatlon In the
Soc J 46:74-6 F '63 lithium metasilicate region of the system
Carbonaceous deposits on silica-alumina cat- Ll20-Al203-SiO^ R. A. Eppler. bibliog diags
alyst. J W. Hall and H. F. bibliog
Ind & Eng Chem Proc Design 2:25-30 Ja '63 Am Cer Soc J 46:97-101 F '63
Case for whisker reinforced metals S S High-temperature ceramic transmits light;
Brenner, bibliog diag J Metals 14:809-11 N Lucalox ceramic. Electronics 36:62 Mr 8
ALUMINA — Continued System AkC-NbiOs. G. K. Layden. Am
HiRh-temperature Phase equilibria In the par-In Cer Soc J 46:506 O '63 .
oxide-alumina. S. K. Misra
tial system 2CaO.S10,-2MKO,S102-A1.0. and A. copper
System C. D. Chaklader. Am Cer Soc J
the Gull.
W. 11 IronCaO-SiOj-AliOi-MKO.
quaternary & Steel Inst J 201:
Thermal conductivity of aluminaM. catalyst pel-
Hot-pressterial inK transport. alumina; mechanis ms of ma- Mischke
lets R. A. Ind and J. Smith, bib-
R. L. Coble and J- »• llOK diass & Ens Chem Fundamentals
Ellis. bibliOB 11 diac Am Cer Soc J 46.43i- 1 '288-9'* N '62
Hot-pressinc ceramics in alumina dies,^ ^-J^- Thermal" transforma
drate £) '62 Sato. of
T. tion blblioB J ,Ap trihy-
alumina Chem
SprlKirs and others, il diac Am Cer Soc
Bui 42:477-9 S '63 ^ . ,,„ .,„ Three planes qiiaterna ry system
in theE.R. Seffnit. bibliog diags GaO-
Lumine.'icence m the system AIjOj-AIN. ZnO-Alj0
Cer Soc J 45:0ii0-7 D 1 02
I. Adams and others, blblloc 11 dlac Elec- Three uses for flame sprayed .alumina. J. D.
trochem Soc J 109:1050-4 N '02 H. Vondracek.
C. 57:73 il Materials
MaKnetoelectrl3 effects in Cri;0« and (CpOi)- Merry
In DeslCTi andEng F '63 ,,„,.„ „^.-,
(A:0,)„.»-(AI jOj1o... S. Foner and M Hana-
husa. biblloir J Ap Phv.s S4:124(i-, Dt 2 Ap 63 TouKh. hardtools:ceramic lonB-last
for il inB metaJ-
Mechanism of the hydration of 3CaO.13:228-32 AhO.. workiiur Luealox. Mod Metals 19.46
H. X. Stein, bibllog J Ap Chem studies with carbon-14; some of the
Micro-'copv technique for alumina cerarnics. secondary reactions occurring during thea
H D. Tavlor. bibllOB 11 Am Cer Soc Bui 42: catalytic crackinc of n-hexadecan e over
104-5 Mr 'G3 silica-alumina catalyst. W. A. Van Hook
alumlnlum-seven per and P. H. Emmett. blbliog Am Chem Soc
Mlcrostructure of an D W. Dawe and
cent sintered allo>- (SAP) J 84:4410-21 alumina
Translucent D 5 '62 stays strong at 3600 F.
I S Brammar. 11 Inst Metals J 91:222-3
Lucalox. II Materials in Desipm Ens 57:98-
NelehbourinK eroup participatio n in the dehy- shows
9 Apalumina.
USAon '63 Interest „in internaUonal work
dration of 2-niethylpropanol and 2-pheii.yi- J. R. Churchill. Mag of Stand
propanol over alumina catalysts. J. HerlmK 34:278-9 S "63
and H. Pines. biblioB Chem & Ind p984-6 Je See also
15 '63 materal. Lucalox. produced Boehmlte
New ceramic
with some remarkable properties. 11 Power Diospore
BnB 67:66 Ap '63 Manufacture
New ceramic: metal-like alumina. 11 Chem Alumina from clay now a success, il Iron
EnB 70:44 Ap 1 '63 Aee 191:37 My 23 '63 ^ ,
In silica-alumlna- Alumina from clay process successful, says
Phase transformations Anaconda. brick Steel 152:29-t-^ My
matrne.sia mixtures as exammed by con-
ALUMINA . , 27„ 63t^ t^
tinuous X-ray diffraction:and .spinel-silicaothers biblioc
posiUons. R B. Graf Evaluating
mever andhiKh-alumma R. H. Manning, brick. K. K. Kapp-
il diags Am
dias Am MlneraloRist 48:150-8 Ja 63
Phase transformations In silica-alumlna-mair-
by continuous Cer Soc Bui 42:398-403
ALUMINATES ^ ^ Jl..= '63 ■*•,_
nesla mixtures as examined
X-rav diffraction: talc-kaohnite, composi- Anodic film growth by anion deposition in
tions' R. B. Graf and others, blbllosr Am aluminate, tungstate. and phosphate solu-
Mineraloclst 47:1273-83 N '62 tions. W. McNeill and L. L.. Gross. Elec-
trochem Soc J 110:853-5 Ag '63 .^ ,_ ,
Plasma-deposited aluminum oxide shields Tel- Lithiumnate:tetrakis- 1 N-dihydropyridyl) -alumi-
star ir. orbit. L- W. CoUins. Jr. il Mach 69: structure and reducing properties.
80-3 Ji '63 P. T. Lansburj- and J. O. Peterson, bibliog
Preparation and properties of spinel made Am Chem Soc J 85:2236-42 Ag 5 '63
bv vapor transport and diffusion in the Some alkali aluminate cn-stals and potassium
system MpO-Al:Oj. , J;. Navlas b blipc i ferrlte. G. W. Morey. Am Mineralogist 47:
diass Am Cet Soc J 44:434-46: 45:544-o; 46: 1460-1 N '62
152 S '61. N '02. Mr '63 See also
mechanLsms and micro- Calcium aluminate
Pressure for alumina and rnaKnesla. 1. ALUMINUM „„
Vasllos and R. M. SprlRgs. bibiios Am Cer Aluminium and Its alloys in 1962. E. ElHott.
Soc J 46:493-6 O '63 bibliog il Metaliurgia 67:63-72. 121-31 F-Mr
Prnpprtie.=: of soda alumlnosillcate glasses. D.
E Dav and G. E. Rlndone. Am Cer Soc J Aluininum-healing oil eliminates friction. 11
45:579-81 D 1 '62 diag Machine Desitrn
AJuminum-UaOi exothermic 35:12 reactions.
S 12 '63 J. D.
Properties, tronic uses, current, future for elec-
ceramic products: alumina ceramic.s Fleming and J. W. Johnson, bibliog 11 Nu-
J J. Svec and others. 11 Cer Ind 81:52-5 Bubble cleonics 21:84-1- My
formation '63
at metal-metal Interfaces
Jl 'M and Its effect on the supercoiuluoting char-
Proximity effects: rlnir openlntr of cis- and films. J. L. Miles and P. H. Smith, laminate
a c t e r i s t i c s o f aluminum-indium il J Ap
trana-cvclofictene oxide In alumina-catalyzed
and uncatalv7,ed pyrolysls and In reaction
with matrneslum bromide, etherate. A. C. Phys 34:2109-10 ive, snri.oc-:' Jl "63hardening effects of e^s:«
Cope and J. K. Hecht. bIblloB diaps Am and screw dislocations In aluminum single
Chem Soc J 84:4872-6 D 20 '62 crystals. Y. Nakada and B. Chalmers, bib-
Haw materials for electronic and new liog diagseparation
J Ap Physof 33:3307-8
ceramics. Cer Ind 80:66-8 Ja '63 Complete a mixtureN of '62 iron(III).
in heated llme-aliimlna rnlxture.s cotialtdlt. molybdenumlVIi. aluminumdll).
J Williamson and F. P. Glasser. bihlioK J and nickel (II) by Ion exchange chroma-
tography. C. Michaelis and others. Ana]
Ap Chem 12:535-8 D '62 In the aseine of
Role of particle accrreiratlnn Chem 34:1425-6
Crj'ogenlcs- research O '62shows aluminum suited
alumina hvdrntcs. G.^ ^ Bye and J. G. to — 452 •62 degrees F. Light Metal ^Vge 20:15
Robin.son. Chem & Ind p612 Ap 13 63
Role of surface active aBent.s In preventlnK O '62
Decomposition of clays and the fate of alumi-
alumina hvdroirelIn ^the beads. dR'inf;,
H. tndhashl of .'!"'<''^:
and num. N. T. Coleman, bibllog Econ Geol 57:
R FMnilrhl Tnd * Entt Chem Product Res
Direct D '62 of the oxidation of alumi-
& Povelop 2:232-4 S '63 num single-crystal surfaces. P. E. Doherty
Separation of fatty ester-mercuric acetate and R. S. Davis, bibllog 11 diags J Ap Phys
addurts of alumina H R. White, Jr and 34:619-28 Mr 63
F W Ouarkenbush blbllORr Am OH Chem
Electrical size effect In aluminum. K. Fors-
Sbo .1 39:511-13 P '(52 denaltv voll and I. Holwech. bibliog diag J Ap Phys
Slnterlnir kinetics for the ^iBh
alumina process. C. A. Bruch. blbllOK 11 31:2230-2 emission Ag '63
Electron from thin Al-AUOs-Au
Am Cer Soc Hul 41:799-806 D 15 '62 structures. H. Kanter and W. A. Felbel-
Stabilities of CoO-AliOi. CoOCriOi. and 2CoO- man. bibllog diags J Ap Phys 33:3680-8 D
SlOj. K Aukrust and A. Muan. Am Cer
Soc J 46:358 Jl '63 Enniitlon of state of 6061 -T6 nhimlnum at
Surface iiropertles of precipitated alumina: low pressures. C, D. Lundergan and W.
Init chlorideof Ions. nitroKenJ. W. on T,iira»
samplesand conlaln-
others. Herrmann, bibllog diag J Ap Phys 34:2046-
bIblloK J Ap Chem 13:265-72 Je '63 62 Jl '63
ALUMINUM — Continued Rapid determination of aluminum in miner-
Feasibility of electrolyte regeneration in Al als and rocks by thermal neutron activa-
batteries. S. Zaromb and R. A. Ftoust. jr. tion analysis. £>. F. Rhodes and W. E.
diags Eectrochem Soc J 109:1191-2 D '62 Mott. diag Anal Chem
Spectrophotometric 34:1507-8 of O vanadium
determination '62
•G3 liquid Ha-cooled alurainuni-woiuid
masnet. J. R. Piu-ceU and E. G. Payne, in high purity aluminum. D. G. Biechler
bibliog U diags R Sci Instr 34;S93-7 As and others, bibliog Anal Chem 35:1685-7
High-moduJus titanium alloys containing O '63
boron and aluminium. A, R. G. Brown and Anodic bath colors aluminum without using
others, bibliog il Inst Metals J 91:ltJl-6 '62- any dyes, il Iron Age 191:92-3 Mr 28building
63 Color keynotes aluminum in home
Hypervelocity impact of
tiles into stainless radioactive
steel projec-
and aluimnum. products; NAHB show, Chicago. 11 Mod
R. F. Rolsten and R. A. Schmitt. il diags Metals
New 18:24-1- Ja
light-stable dyes'63 for anodized aluminum
J Ap forPhys 34:3010-12 O '63 Mod Metals 19:90-1 My 63
Ideas quenching aluminum. O. R. Single-
Interaction ton, jr. diag between Iron oxygen
Age 192:72-3 Ag 22 '63
and aluminum in Corrosion
germanium. W. D. Edwards. J Ap Phys Air and corrosion fatigue of an aluminium-
7-5 per cent zinc-2-o per cent magnesium
bombardment Ag '63 of single crystals of alumi- alloy. C. A. Stubbington. bibliog il diags
nmn. R. Li. Cunningham and others, bib- Metallurgia
Atmospheric exposure 68:lu9-21 ofS aluminiuxn
'63 aUoys for
liog il diags J Ap
Ionic movement Physthe34:9S4-9
during growth Apof '63anodic three years in Nigeria^ K. G. L*atimer ajid
oxide films on aluminum. W. J. Bernard, F. F. Booth. bibUog U Metallurgia 67:73-9
bibliog Electrochem Soc J 109:1082-4 N '62 F '63 for design of aluminum alloys for
Materials seieciion in tlie auto industr>": high temperature water service. R. L.
stainless steel, aluminum and copper al- Dillon and H. C. Boweu. bibliog U Corro-
loys; panel discussion. Metal Prog 84:152-61
o '63
Nonhydrod>'Tiamic attenuation of shock waves Behaviorsion of18:406-16 the Nmetal-oxide
'62 interface dur-
in aluminum. D. R. Curran. bibliog il diags J ing the early stages of the high-tempera-
Ap Phys 34:2677-85 S '63 tiu-e corrosion of aluminum J. H. Green-
Optical constants of alimiinimi from 300 to 800 blatt and J. T. N. Atkinson, bibliog 11
A. W. R Hunter. bibUog J Ap Phys 34: Electrochem Soc J 109:771-5 S '62
1565-6 My '63 Cathodic polarisation of super- purity alumin-
Properties oi materials; aluminum and its ium in deaerated acid solutions and the
alloys; tables. Materials in Design Eng 58: measurement of the corrosion rate C. W.
112-21 Mid-O '63 Goulding and T. C. Downie. bibliog diags
Properties of soda aluminosilicate glasses; MetaUurgia
coordination of aluminum ions, D. E. Day Control of Al 68:93-9 corrosion Ag in'63 caustic solutions.
and G. E. Rindone. Am Cer Soc J 45:579-81 L.. Bockstie and others, diags Electrochem
SizeD 1 and '62 rate of growth of crystals on alu- Soc J 110:267-71
Corrosion of aluminum Ap '63 in swimming pool
■63 minium oxide films. J. H. Greenblatt and equipment.
T. P. Copps. bibliog J Ap Chem 13:27-32 Ja Corrosion of Light Metal Age in21:9-10
1100 aluminum Ap '63
rated water at 70»C. J. E. Draley and oth-
Structure of oxide flhns formed on aluminum ers, diags Electrochem Soc J 110:622-7 sec
after exposure to high-temperature pure Eddy
water. J. H. Greenblatt. bibliog U Elec- Je current
'63 gauge for measuring alumintmi
S. Mori and others, bibliog il
trochem Soc J 109:1139-42 D '62
Temperature generated in aJimiinum rods im- Corrosion
Electrochemical behavior19:269-71 Ag '63of aluminum allovs
dergoing torsional oscillations. O. W Dillon, susceptible to intergrantilar corrosion; effect
jr bibliog il diag J Ap Phys 33:3100-5 O of cooling rate on structure and electro-
62 chemical behavior in 2024 aluminum alloy. S.
Tetrahedrally coordinated alimiinum in some
jiatural biotites; an infrared absorption J. Ketcham and F. H. Hayme. bibUog Cor-
analysis. H. C. Liese. bibliog Am Mineralo-
gist 4S:9S0-90 S '63 Exfoliatory 19:242-6
rosion Jl '63 of aluminium alloys;
Thermal and solvent desorption of radio- discussion. Chem & Ind p359-60 Mr 2 '63
labeled stearic acid monolayers from alumi- pH microelectrodes for use near corroding
num. H. Schonhom. bibUog J CoUoid Sci 18: metal surfaces. S. Mori and others, bib-
445-52 Je '63 hog diag Corrosion 19:165-8 My '63
Use and behavior of alumintmi anodes m al- Initial corrosion of aluminium aUovs in high
kaline primary batteries. S. S. Zaromb. temperature water. J. H. Greenblatt bib-
liog il Corrosion 19:295-9 S '63
62 diag Electrochem Soc J 109:1125-30 Initiation and inhibition of corrosion of al-
uminum in aqueous solutions; abstract.
X-ray diffractoraeter determination of the
thermal expansion coefficient of aluminum K. F. Lorking. Metal Prog 83:150-1- Ap '63
n^r room temperature. H. M. Otte and Polarization studies of alimiinum alloys in
others, bibhog J Ap Phys 34:3149-50 O '63 water at 200 C and 300 C. J. H. Greenblatt
Zone refining of aluminum. H. G. Bratsberg Wd
146-55A.Ap F. 63McMillan, bibliog Corrosion 19:
1 1 i-& others,
^nd Jl bo bibliog diags R Sci Instr 34:
Electrotechnicai uses
See also
Alumina AL,S cable for walk-in refrigerators. C. Han-
Analysis nen. il Elec Constr & Maint 62:78-9 Jl '63
Determination of aluminum In organo-aluml- Aluminum cable hits high-power packpot F
nuin compounds by X-ray fluorescence. H. J. Starin. il Iron Age 190:73 D 13 '62
Aluminum is the new angle in substations.
fd98-9''j? '63 ^ Royer. Anal Chem 35: H. Fossum. diags Power Eng 67:32-5 Jl '63
Aluminum reaches for record year. Elec World
Determination of lithium in aluminum by
flame photometry: uUlizaUon of organic loS:115-18 D 17 '62
solvents for submillig ram amoimts. W. E Alviminum terminals. W. P. Miller and M D
P'lerim^and W. R. Ford, bibliog Anal Chem Bergan.
4 '63 il diag Machine Design 35:117-18 Jl
Determination of submicrogram quantities of Distribution with aluminum sheathed cable
aluminum in natural diamonds by neutron il diags Elec Constr & Maint 61:80-1 D '62
activation analysis B. C. Lightowle rs. bib- Emissivity of weathered conductors after
hog Anal Chem 34:1398-402 O '62 sen-ice in rural and inditstrial environ-
Determination of sulfate and aluminum in a ments. W. S. Rigdon and others, bibliog
nitric sulfate deoxidizing bath by emission
63 Power Apparatus & Systems pS91-6
Melt-in-ro d Ap°'-6 3^ ^"'^■•- ^'"^''"^ " ^'^'- Giant aluminum bus bars formed by Mig
technique for spectrochemical welding, il Welding Eng 48:52 Ag '63
anab'sis of aJuminum samples limited in Half century of d-c power over aluminum
7?5^-'6 Mv '?3 ^^^^^- ^^'^^ "^a' Chem 35: rods, il Power Eng 67:57 Ja '63
Neutron activation analysis of aluminum: use of aluminum cables: discussion
determination of gamma-emitting impuri- diags Engineering 195:714 My 24 "63
ties with long half lives. F. Girardi and R. Manufacture and uses of aluminum wire R.
d3 bibliog diag Anal Chem 35:173-7 F
Corrosion resistance in sea water of medium
ALUMINUM — Electrotec hnical uses — Continued strength aluminum bronzes. 13. Upion. il
Performance of bare aluminum wire as Corrosion 13:204-9 Je 63
armorins material for submarine cables.
I H. Jenks and T. E. Wrieht & Systems il dians Defect structures observed
barded aluminum. T. K. in neutron-bom-
Bierlein and H.
IEEE Trans Power Apparatus
Deformation behaviour of someS aluminium
Mastel. il J Ap I'hys 33:2873-5 62
Radio noise aeinsr character istics of small alloys containing intermetallic compounds.
aluminum conductors. Power J. J. LaForest and B.
A. Whepley. diaes Apparatus & E. R. Petty, il Inst Metals J 91:274-9 '02-63
Development of substructure in poly-cr>'stal-
Systems p424-7: Discussion. 427-8 Obus62 bar: line aluminum during constant-strain
Silver aids aluminum in electrical tigue. J. C. Grosskreutz. bibliog il diagfa-J
Allis-Chalmers mfe. co. W. H. Lane, il Ap Phys recovery 34:372-9 fromF '63 strain hardening In
diaK Mod Metals 18:52+ N '62 . Dynamic
d alurninum-
69-kv aerial ssure cable: gas-fille
design, installation, polycrystalline copper and aluminum; ab-
stract. F. P. liullen and M. M. Hutchi-
and field data. F. J. Bender and others,
IEEE Trans Power Ap- Effect of son. aMetal dispersed
Prog 84:164+ second S phlse'63 on the
bibliog ilparatus diags
& Systems p452-64 Atr 63 recrystallization .of alimiinium-copper alloys
Study of the use of aluminum suyed towers R. D. Doherty and J. W. Martin, bibliog 11
transmission sys-
tems. L. H. J. -voltage
for extra-high Cook and B. Cooper, diags diag Inst
Electron Metals J by
microscopy, 91:332-8 '62-63 technic^ue,
the replica
IEEE Trans Power Apparatus & Systems of aluminium deformed by impact. P. Kit-
P217-23 Ap '63 , . . aluminium
, , , tle and G. Rodriguez, bibliog il Inst
Testing of mechanical joints in
conductors for insulated cables. L. Roullier. Explosive
Metals J welding 91:284-5 of ■62-6-Jaluminum alloys. H.
bibliog il diags Inst E E Proc 110:758-72 Addison, jr. and others, il diags Welding J
Ap '63 ^ .,
Failure Fatigue
42:sup359-64 of aluminium Ag 'G'i single crystals. E.
Aluminium balanced-flue space heater. F. C. Robert and R. W. K. Honeycombe. bibliog
Porter, il Chem & Ind p733-4 My 4 63
Grain refinement of aluminum '62-03
il diags Inst Metals J 91:134-41 castings. R.
Finishing J. Ki.ssling and J. F. Wallace, bibliog diaga
Black nickel plating on aluminum: experi- Foundry 91:78-82 Je; 45-9 Jl '63: Same.
mental studies of variables. B. A^^, Shenoi Light Metal
Hardness anisotropyAge 21:7-8+ Ag
of aluminium '63 single
and K. S. Indira, bibliog Metal Finishing crystals. E. R. Petty, bibliog il lust
Finisher puts'63 a shine
61:65-9 O ^.on extrusions, ^ . „^ .
„ Steel
il Metals Jweld
Improved 91:54-112 •i;2-6:iin 2000 series alumi-
153:149-50 aluminum
Finishing Jl 29 '63windows, ^ ^
doors, etc. num alloys. D. E. Schillinger and others, il
B. V. Celmer. il Ind Finishing 39:80-2-t- Ap diags Welding ofJ 42:sup269-75-
Mlcrostructure an Je '63 per
Hard coatinsrs for exterior aluminum. R. W. cent alumina sintered alloy (SAP). D. W.
Dawe and I. S. Brammar. il Inst Metals J
il Archwheels Rec 132:137-8
brighten D mullions '62 for 91:222-3 quality
Premium '62-63 aluminum castings. M. C.
skyscraper, il Mod Metals 19:86 S '63, ^ Flemings, bibliog 11 diags Foundry 91:60-3
New" machine buffs extrusions up to 24-ft.
long, il Mod of Metals
Preparation aluminum 19:78 Agnameplates.
'63 A. Jl: 47-9 Agof '63
Refinement aluminum-silicon alloys. R. J.
Jogarao and others, bibliog Metal Finishing Kissling and J. F. Wallace, bibliog 11
61:40-5 F '63 . , ^ . , „ . v Foundry 91:74-9 Ap; 142-4+ My '63
Properties of materials: mechanical finishes Paint
for aluminum, copper and stainless steel:
tables. Materials in Design Eng 58:379 Mid- Metallic finishes. K. Schreiber. Ind Finish-
O 'CS rooms: cool market for coated ing 39:66+ Mr '63Prices
coil, il Mod Metals 19:84 My '63 More aluminum prices will rise; may go up In
Gas content last quarter, perhaps m(? a lb. F. J. Starin.
mixture, of R. aluminum
F. Budziakwith and nitrogen-chlorine
F. W. Richards. il Iron Age 192:55 Jl 18 '63
Producers' earnings hurt by lower prices.
Gas11 diags
porositvFoundry 90:150-24- Ncastings.
in alumintim '62 „R. J., WillMod aluminum
Metals 19:86 ingotMy prices
'63 follow other in-
Kissling and J. F. Wallace, bibliog 11 diags crea.=:es? Steel 152:274- My 27 '63
Foundry 91:70-5 F '63 Protection
Hydrogen content Aliuninum gains double coating In hlgh-
How to study hydrogen in aluminum: tritium sneed painting line, il Iron Age 192:l70-l
autoradiography. L. M. Foster and others,
Anodic bath colors aluminum without using
il diags Nucleonics 21:53-5 Ap '63 S 12 dyes,
Joining to steel, etc. any
Assessment ofil sealing
Iron Ajreof 191:92-3 Mr 28films
anodic oxide '63
Alcoa devises process that welds dissimilar on aluminiuni by colorimetric analysis.
metals, il Steel 153:47 N 4 '63 G. C. Wood and J. N, Stokoe. bibliog J Ap
rath of titanium
and G. aliuninum.
bibliog F. il Bollen-
diags Chem dip 13:409-16 S '63
Bright breakthrough. F. L. Church, flow
Fu.sed rivet joins aluminum, 'B3 other metals;
■Welding J 42:sup442-53 O diag 11 diag
Chromate dip Mod best Metals
for enoxv 19:56+ As '63
on aluminum.
new welding technique developed by Alcoa C. Mioillo and others. Materials In Design
could simplify equipment and structural
fabrication. 11 diag Chem & Eng N 41:50-1 Eng 56:164+ N '62
Ag 19 '63 Coating for aluminum die castings; ques-
Gas metal-arc spot welding joins aluminum tion and answers. Ind Finishing 39:81-2
to other metals. R. A. Stoehr and F. R. F '63
Collins, il diags Welding J 42:302-8 Ap '63 Continuous degreasing and anodizing of alu-
High vacuum brass-to-alumlnura seal for use minum strip. I, S, Hallows, II plan Metal
at cryogenic temperatures. P. P. Cralsr and Finishing process 61:.56-9 anodlzes
F '63
others, dlag R Scl Instr 33:869-70 Ajc '62 Continuous one side of coiled
sheet at high speed, low cost. F. L. Church.
Metallography 11 diags Mod Metals 13:32-4+ Mr '63
Air and corrosion fatigue of an aluminlum- De-oxidizer lubricates aluminum. Am Mach/
allov.per C centA. zinc-2-.') per cent
St.ubbington. bibliogmagnesium
11 diags Metalworking Manuf 107:57 F 4 '63
Effect of contamination from laboratory air
Metallurgia 68:109-21 S '63 on the adhesion of paint to anodized auto-
Aluminum film alloyed to silicon: grand prize motive trim. C. A. Barlow and J. P. WaJsh
winner In ASM mctallographic exhibit. II
11 Plating
Effect of 50:827-8 S '63 sprayed-metal coat-
Metal Prog 82:115 n '62
Aluminum■ master alloys and frraln refining ings onpainting
aluminumoveralloys. V. E. Carter
seminar. Cleveland. May 14-15. Light Metal Inst Metals J 91:413
Factors affecting loss of brightness and'62-63
Age 21:15-22 Je '63 image of clarity during anodizing of bright-
Capacitance and mlcrostructure of etched
aluminum foils. R Baklsh and R. Komhaas. trim aluminum alloys In sulfuric acid elec-
il diaes Materials Res & Stand 3:640-3 Ax trolyte. W. E. Cooke, bibliog 11 dla«rs Plat-
ing 49:1157-64 N '62
ALU M•liiI N U M — Protection — Continutd Aluminum wins promotion in defense weap-
First colorstrip line in the West besins ons buying. R. W. Crosby, il Iron Age
operation. U Light Metal Age 21:11-12 Ap Are192:97-8
aluminum Ag 16 autos '63 next? H. F. Jones. II
Gold part deco c
Bankers itio
lite insurance ns co. railte Mod afeMetals
teri Iron Age 191:65 F 14 '63
Army tests 2i^-ton amphibious truck: alumi-
diNze 'G2 a; num body cuts weight to 5000 lb. Automo-
Initiation d pores in anodic oxide films form-
of tive Ind 129:116+ Jl 15 '63 expands. Foun-
ed on aluminum in acid solutions. T. P. Automotive use of aluminum
Hoar and J. Yahalom. bibliog il diags Elec- dry 91:153 Ja '63
Can aluminum engines stage a comeback?
trochem Soc
Measuring J 110:614-21
anodic coating sec 2 Je '63 simple
interierence device. C. E. Michelson. diags H. F.
Decelerating Iron for Age shock
192:47 testing.
O 24 '63 M. D.
Chamberlain and D. Hind, il diags Engineer
New Metallight-stable
Finishing dyes 1J1:7S-S0+ O '63
for anodized aJmninum. 215:1024-6 Je 7 '63
Electronics housing, il Light Metal Age 20:18
NewMod West MetalsCoast 19:9U-1paintMy line'66 is versatile, has
unique operating features, il Mod Metals 19: Family
O '62 of Instrument cabinets are more effi-
cient, tlexible; Alcoa 1962 industrial design
26+ Mr
Parts epoxy'63 coated by fluidized process. J. award goes to design chief of Hewlett-
Pin holiis Ind
Rache. Finishing
in epoxy coat 39:lU2-3
on aluminum Ja '63 cylind- Get better co.
Packard il Mod Metals
acquainted 18:32+ Ja J'63 B.
with aluminum.
ers; question and answers. Ind Finishing 39: Kane and R. L. Horst. il Chem Eng Prog
1U7-9 N coating '62 59:88-90
Good or bad Jl '63aluminum pressure vessels? U
Plastic protects aluminum trays
from acid, il Ind Finishing Engineering Imp. F.196:142-4 Ag il2 diag'63 Mod Met-
Portable anodizer for light 39:113 F '63 re-
production, Hillman L. Church,
als 19:34+ Je '63
Pre-coating search, ilMod Metals 19:76-7
aluminum for bigAp roofing'63 job. HUlman Imp has rear-moimted aluminum
engine. D. Scott. D diag Automotive Ind
C. C. Skltlaps. a Ind Finishing 38:66-1- O 62
Predicting chemical costs in aliuninum bright- 128:47 Je 1 '63
In per'63.carmore aluminum Light in autos;
Metal 70 Agepotmds
PrinLin.£^ ening. and U. D. Nelson.
etcixing Platinganodized 60:651-7 Jl '63
aJuminuni is estimate. 20:17
foil. j. J. Jayne. 11 Inland Ptr/Am Lathogr D '62
International home furnishings show, Chi-
151:78-80highS; 162:66-7
Protect luster O: 66-7 N '63with strong
aluminum cago. Mod Metals 19:50-1 F '63
new wrapping material, il Mod Metals 19: Metals in '63 models. N. Lloyd, il Automotive
44 Myfaced '63 metal; colorful metallized Ind 128:29-32
Metals producers Ja 1in'63 Mach warfare: battle
Resin film
bonded to aluminum panels, il Plastics is brewing between aluminum and other
metals over the U.S. supersonic aircraft
World 21:43 chemical
Smoothing My '63 dip for aluminum: program, 21st il Iron Age show192:55 andAg convention,
29 '63
NERSICA annual
Strip coating ilsetup Engineering
for steel 194:589 N 2 '62
and aluminum.
L.. Sander, il Ind Finishing 39:60-2-1- N '62 New aluminum V-4 marine Diesel, il '63
Chicaga 11 Mod Metals 19:64+ Mr Auto-
Strip Hoats along coating line. H. H. CoLson. motive Ind 128:274-5 Mr 15 '63
New crane with aluminum boom il Metal-
il Iron Age 191:142-3
Studies on the structure of anodic oxide filmsF 21 '63 lurgia 67:145 Mr '63 of oscillatory combua-
on aluminum. R. W. Franklin and D. J. Particulate damping
Stirland. bibliog il diag Electrochem Soc J tion. M. D. Horton ajid M. R. McGie. bib-
To 110:262-7
paint raised Ap '63 letters; question and answers. Plasticsliog will diag AIAAmake Jgains 1:1319-26
in 1964Je model '63 cars,
Ind Finishing 39:90 Mr '63 H. K. Darby, il il Chem & Eng
Portable and multi-use Inventions N 41:28-31 Ag 19 '63 win
Versatile vinyl-on-aluminum.
diags Mod Metals 18:52+ D '62 Alcoa's student design awards, il Mod
Metals 19:70+ growth
Pre-assembled S '63 chamber utilizes alu-
minum; Alply panels made by Alcoa, il Mod
High-strength aluminum alloys. J. A. Nock,
jr. and H. Y. Hunsicker. bibliog il J Metals Metals works
Public 18:90 unlimited
N '62 opportunity for alu-
15:216-24 Mr '63 minum fabricators, il Mod Metals 19:46+
Notched and unnotched fatigue characteris-
tics of an aluminium-zinc-magnesium Railroad
My '63 carries nuclear engine by remote
of unusual strength. J. M. Finney, il alloy Inst control, '63 il Modjust Metals
Metals J 92:30-1 '63-64 Reliant engine makes19:82 theMrweight,
'63 diag
Textile uses Engineering 195:252-3
Rocker justifies bank spacing for V-8 blocks. F 16 '63
Suited for fire; aluminum reflectorlzed suit; il Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:67
Timken roller bearing co. il Safety Maint
Mr 4 '63 sheathed with corrugated aluminum;
125:37 My '63 Uses Little Joe 11; General dynamics corp. diag
All aluminum telescope, il Light Metal Age Mod Metals
Tangye hydralite 18:66 heavyJa '63 duty jack, il diags
20:23 O 62
Aluminum chutes resist wear of sand. W. E. Engineering 194:518-20 O 19 '62
Transportation ties construction as alumi-
Aluminum 11cutsFoundry 91:166 inMr shallow-draft
deadweight '63 num's biggest market. Mod Metals 19:48 Jl
cargo ships. 11 Mod Metals 19:58 Je '63 Trends in casual aluminum furniture, il Mod
Aluminum gains in '63 cars. H. F. Jones.
il Iron Agegantry 190:76 forD loading
20 '62 alumina. Metals 18:44+ N '62
Aluminium U Use of aluminum in off-highway truck bodies.
Engineer 215:792 Ap 26 '63 R. A. Esmonde. il diags Min Cong J 48:
Aluminum honeycomb as a decelerating me- 40-4 N '62
dium; Sperry gyroscope co. il Engineering World's first aluminum railroad. II Light
196:88 Ja 18 '63 Metal Age 20:19 Welding F '63
Aluminum in housewares. P. D. Shlras. il
Mod Metals 19:31-2+ S '63 Aluminum can be welded to other metals.
Aluminum-plastic bearing rings. J. W. Schu-
ster, il diag Metal Prog 84:109-10+ Jl '63 Steel 152:82
Aluminum Ap 15 '63 prefabricated inland at
Aluminum provides armor, mobility in new
weapons group. H. K. Darby, il Mod Metals lower cost. 11 Mod Metals 19:72 Ap '63
19:24-5+ F '63 Aluminum '62 welding helps launch the Scorpion.
Aluminum realigns in Detroit; new aluminum il Welding J 42:311 Ap '63
wheels may offset engine losses. H. F. Aluminum wire mesh welding technique per-
Jones, il Iron Age 191:119 F 21 '63 fected, il Metallurgia 67:224-5 My '63
Aluminum sheet and extrusions make rugged. Arc spot welding of aluminium, il diags Met-
low-cost air-drop platforms. 11 Mod Metals allurgia 66:280-2 D '62
19:54 F "63 Arc spot welding of aluminium; T.I.G. fllled-
Aluminum shows everj'body how: develop- spot welding; Alcan industries ltd. il Engi-
mental marketing, il Steel 163:133-7 S 16 "63 neer 214:054 N 30 '62
Aluminum solar screen reduces cooling load; Automatic welding of aluminum pipeline. D.
Bexar County medical library. San Antonio.
Tex. il Mod Metals 18:80 D '62 ■V. Wilcox. II diag Welding J 42:95-9 F '63
Aluminum used extensively in urban renewal Con
and Edison
J. F. 'Vernon Donnelly. substation.
Welding T.J Tumbow
41:920 O
project, il Mod Metals 19:64 O '63


ALUMINUM — Weldins — Continued In-plant. aluniinum-clad room for clerical
Crvogenics calls for aluminum. R. S. Walters. work, il Mod Metals 19:86 My 63
i'l Mod Metalsin 19:26-7+
Developments Ap '63 and jommK of
the production Processes and quality control in the produc-
alujiiinium pipe, il diaKs MetallurKia es: tion of 5o5G alclad aliuninum redraw rod
and aluminum screen cloth. H. Rainey,
123-7 Sof ■«2
Effects weld- burn through, , on .tensile ., andJ jr. il Wire & Wire Prod 38:1098-103+ Ag
bend properties of types 304L,. ilQU. 321. ALUMINUM, Cold working of
357 4130 and 1020 steels and on C061 alu- Boundary effects in the cold rolling of aliunl-
minum alloy. K. J. Miller, il diags Weld-
ins J 42;sup454-i) niimj.
8 '62-63 J. A. Schey. il Inst Metals J 91:360-
Explosive welding Oof'C:; aluminum alloys. H. Dynamic recovery from strain hardening in
Addison, jr. and others, il diass Weldinff
J 42:sup359-64 As '63 polycrystalline copper andand M. aluminum;
stract. F. P. Bullen ab-
M. Hutchison.
Forwitheasv. rapid H.
data sheet. aluminum
E. Adkins -welding; Mig;
and G. Allen, Metal Prog Molten
ALUMINUM, 84:164+ S '63
50cldias Welding Eng 48:44-8 F '63
, (reprints
, , Industrial ceramic impervious to molten alu-
Fused rivet joins aluminum, other metals; minum. KT siUcuii carbide, diag Mod Metals
new welding technique developed by Alcoa
could simplify equipment and structural 18:88 N '62Pelleted. See Aluminimi work
fabrication, il diag Chem & Eng N 41:50-1 ALUMINUM, Powdered
Ag 19 '03
Gas metal-arc ,^.
spot welding . . aluminum
joins , , Can APM alloys compete at high tempera-
to other metals. R. A. Stoehr and F. R. tures? J. P. Lyie. jr. il Iron Age 190:122-4
Giant aluminum il diags spheres store liquid Apgases.
Welding J 42:302-8 '63
Minimums set for XAPOOl; Alcoa's alumi-
S 20 '62 alloys.
Good Chem or badEng 70:116 Ap
aluminum 1 '63
pressure vessels? Nickel num
aliuuinide; Light aluminmn
Metal Agepowder
20:11 jacketed
D '62
welds on sphere exceeded ASME codes: with nickel acquires high temperature
Whessoe. il
Helical weld aluminium Engineering alloy pipe, il 2diags
196:144 Ag '63 properties, coating
Refractory il Light made
Metal Age
from21:18 Ag '63
Engineer 214:670-1 O 19 62 grains and nickel; Metco. inc. Chem & Eng
High current welding of thick aluminum N 41:72 Je 3 63
Standards set for APM alloys. Materials In
Improved il weld
Metal inAge2000 21:8 seriesAp alumi-
'63 num alloys. D. E. Schillinger and others. Design
ALUMINUM, EngStrip56:19+ N '62
Mig11 diags
welded Welding
aluminumJ 42:sup269-75
pools gain Je in'63 motel/ AlroU
aluminumunit hot may mill. be 11 world's
Iron & mostSteel powerful
Eng 40;
hotel competition, il Welding Eng 48:43 Je '63
167 Jl '63 annealing better three ways. 11
Mig welded sphere to test satellite, diag
Steel lo:J:97
Alununmii gains N 4double
'6:! coating in high-speed
aluminum Eng 48:54 My '63alloy. Light Metal
painting line,
Aluminium strip ilsuriace
Iron Agecoating,192:170-1 S 12 '63
il Engineer
NewAge welding
21:10 Aptechnique'63 joins aliuninura plates. 216:23 Jl 5 US
il Pet Management
Production welding 35:208
of S '63 . tank-type
aluminum Continuous casting; key to low-cost siding.
covered hopper cars. H. Bertrand and oth- H. K. Darby,
Continuou.s casting il Modline Metals 19:38+ My cost,
crops aluminum '63
ers, il diag Welding J 42:561-6 Jl '63 il diag Steel 151:84-5 N 26 '62
Relation of filler wire hydroi^en to aluminum- Continuous degreasing and anodizing of alu-
weld porositv. P. A. Kammer and others, minum strip. I. S. Hallows. 11 plan Metal
bibliog il diags Welding J 42:sup433-41 O '63 Finishing
Eddy currents 61:56-9test F aluminum
'63 rod quality, il
Spot welding aluminium, il diags Automobile
Eng 52:518-19 D '62 Steel colorstrip
First 153:85-6 Jlline 29 '63in the West begins
Technique welds aluminum tank plates in two operation, il Light Metal Age 21:11-12 Ap
passes, il Mod Metals 19:74 Ap '63 '62
ship bulk containers.
resin economically; Mig- weldedil High production stampingi to produce per-
R. P. Sullivan, forated aluminum strip; Angellite. Light
Welding Eng 48:32 Jl '63 Metal
Pre- Age coil
painted 21:6 progress
Ag '63 report. H. K. Darby.
Tooling aluminum railway cars. R. T. Berg,
il Am Macli/Metalworking Manuf 107:107-10 il map
Strip lloatsdiagon cusliion
Mod Metals of air 18:28-30+ N '62
in new anneal-
Trends 21 '63
in welding aluminum. W. Groth. il ing furnace. C. L. Kobrin. il diag Iron Age
Metal Prog 83:76-7+ Je '63 Surface
190:127-9 coating
N 29 '6-' plant for wide strip now
Two stronger weldable aluminum alloys. in operation at Birmingham works, il diaga
Materialsmakerin Design Metallurgia 68:15-16 Jl '63 12.000-lb. colls. 11
Utensil switches Engto 57:94 My '63 11
stud welding. Wide bright mill producing
Mod Metals 18:40 D '62 Light MetalStructural
ALUMINUM, Age 21:19 Ag '63
Welded aluminum for largest overhead sus-
pension sign; Interstate route 80-S New Alcoa's big experiment, ten years later. B. P.
'63 J. F. Dormelly. il Roads & Sta Spring, il diags Arch Forum 117:112-14 D
Welding F '63
aluminum in marine craft. H. E. Aluminum at Rocky Reach. R. M. Peters. 11
Adkins. il diags Welding J 42:650-6 Ag Civil Eng exhibition
AlimiintUTi 33:32-4 Jl '63 paviUon wins Interna-
tional award; illustration with text. Civil
Welding num methods
oarge. N. J. onChatelain
world's and
W. R.alumi-
Clay. Aluminum
Eng n:!:;u guard Je '6:: rail proves out. 11 Eng N
11 diags Light Metal Age 21:5-6 Je '63 170:43 Je honeycomb
Aluminum 13 '63 panels make fast work
Welding process speeds fabrication of huge
tanks for methane ship, il Marine Engr/Los of a house. II Eng N 170:25 Ap 18 '63
68:98 My '63 Aluminum in structural engineering; sym-
Welding .speeds construction of giant alumi- posium, ildiags Mod Metals 19:26-34 Jl; 41-h
num substation; Consolidated Edison CO. T. ,\g; 60+ S:low-cost 42+ o '63
Tunibow. il Mod Metals 18:66 N '62 Aluminum, homes easily built, main-
Welding the huge components of Saturn tained: National panel corp. il Mod Metals
space vehicles. A. J. Munson. il Mach 70:
85-91 O '6;! 18:74 N '62makers woo manufactured home
Weldment fatigtie strength improved with builders. Steel 153:29 Ag 26 '63
castings. II Mod Metals 19:91 My '63 Aluminum soiless garden. 11 Light Metal Age
What M.-irtin thinks of weld porosity. 11 20:16-17 F structurals
Aluminum '63 support roof, frame
Steel 153:68-9 S 2 '03
What Tig offers weldors of aluminum, with windows, il Mod Metals 19:58 F '63
data sheet. H. E. Adkins. il Welding Eng Aluminum used for a 345-kv terminal sta-
48:52-6 Ap '63 (reprints 50c) tion. C. Marsh. 11 diags Civil Eng 32:37-9
ALUMINUM, Cellular
Aerospace uses for foamed aluminum. II O '62 quality label program Is launched.
diags Mod Metals 19:36+ Ap '63 Light Aletal Age 21:14 Ag '63
Foamed metals. R. R. Wallace. Franklin Color keynotes aluminum In home building
products; NAHB show, Chicago, il Mod
Inst J 273:535 Je '02; Same. Naval Eng J
74:672 N '62 Metals 18:24+ Ja "63
ALUMINUM, Structural — Continued Basis for design of aluminimi alloys for high
Conimunjcation center makes major use of temperature water service. R. L. Dillon
aluminum, il Civil substation.
Ene o3:91 MrT. 'G3 and H. C. Bowen. bibliog il Corrosion 18:
Con Edison Vernon Turnbow
and J. F. Donnelly. Weldine J 41:U2U O 406-16
Can APMN alloys '62 compete at high tempera-
tures? J. P. Lyle. jr. il Iron Age 190:122-4
Durable dock pilinss of aluminum. G. S.
SchaUer. bars il Metal Pros S4:115-16+ Characteristics of new aluminum alloys;
Enclosure ice from switchyard, S il'63Elec S 20 '62
reference sheet. Tool & Manuf Eng 51:103-4
World 160:23 As 19
Extensive use of aluminum extrusions in '63 S '63
Cobalt in aluminum alloys. F. R. Morral.
Fireunique dome. UforLight
protection Metal Ajje
aluminum alloy 20:17 O '62
structural bibliog Light Metal Age 20:13-16 D ■|;2
shapes. J. Q. Kaufman and R. C. Kasser. Computer bares secrets of quality; Asarco's
aluminum smelters. Steel 153:90+ Jl 29 '63
First il diassdesigned Civil Ene 33:46-7 Mr J.'63B.
in aluminum. Crj-ogenics calls for aluminum. K. S. Walters,
il Mod Metals
Cryogenics 19:26-7+ Mod
competition. Ap '63Metals 19:32+
Floating aluminum pavilion 159:98
Martin, il diag Elec World F 11 '63
wins architec-
tural award, il diags Mod Metals 19:80-2 Development
Ap '63 car bumper. and production of the aluminium
My -63 wins Reynolds prize, il diag Prog motor H. M. Bigford. il diags
German Metallurgia 67:57-62
Arch 44:68 Mycrane '63 fabricated of alumlniun. Direct observation of Fthe'63 interaction of dis-
Giant 240-ton locations with 6' precipitates in an aJumin-
il Mod Metals jum-3:8 wt.-% copper alloy. S. Koda and
Honeycomb panel19:70 Je '63 protects Saturn
structure others, bibliog 11 diags Inst Metals J 91:
rocket, il Mod
Ldght alloy bascule bridge, Metals 19:77 ilAp diag
'63 Engineer 229-34 of'62-63
Effect a dispersed second phase on the
215:1127 Je 21 '63 recrystallization of aliunlnimn-copper alloys.
Mast supports aluminimi pavilion, Hannover, R. D. Doherty and J. W. Martin, bibliog
Germany, il Eng N 170:59 My 23 '63 il diagof Inst Metals J 91:332-8 '62-63 on re-
Maurer of Mimich wins Reynolds award for Effect intermediate heat- treatment
il Arch Recstructural 133:12 Myalloy; '63 Aican 74S. crystallization temperature and tensile prop-
New erties of aluminium-magnesium-silicon sheet.
I^ight transmission
Metal Ag-e 20:18 B. J. Meadows and A. G. Lawrence, bibliog
New tower F saves
'63 $ with T
shape, louvers il Mod control Metalstemperature
19:81 Jl and '63 light, Effect of Metals
il Inst painting J 91:81-3 ■02-63
over sprayed-metal coat-
Outsize ings on aluminium alloys. "V. E. Carter.
il Mod Metals 19:60 F
Public works unlimited opportunity for alu- '63 Inst Metals J 91:413 '62-63
Effect of vacancy/impurity interaction on the
minum fabricators, il Mod Metals 19:46+ rate of quench-age-hardening in aluminimn-
My '63 by Reynolds, il plan Prog Arch 44: copper alloys. K. M. Entwistle and others,
50 Jl '63 for aluminum, il plan diags Arch bibliogofInst
Effects Metals J 91:84-8
electrochemical '62-63 on the
Showcase corrosion- fatigue behaviour of an Al-Zn-Mg
alloy. J. A. IVhittaker. il Inst Metals J
Suggested 119:106-7
Forum specifications Jl '63 for structures of alu-
91:346-8 of '62-63
minum alloy 6063-T5 and 6063-T6: report Effects weld-burn through on tensile and
of the task committee on lightweight al- bend properties of types 304L, 316L, 321,
loys, committee on metals. Structural divi- 357. 4130 and 1020 steels and on 6061 alumi-
sion. Am Soc C E Proc 88 [ST 6 no 3342] : num alloy. K. J. Miller, il diags Welding J
47-95 bibliog(p83-5) D '62 42:sup454-9 O '63
Suggested specifications for structure of alu- Electrochemical behavior of alumintim alloys
mmum alloys 6061-T6 and 6062-T6; report of susceptible to intergranular corrosion; ef-
the task committee on lightweight allovs, fect of cooling rate on structure and elec-
committee on metals. Structural division. trochemical behavior in 2024 aluminum
Am Soc C E Proc 88 [ST 6 no 33413:1-45 alloy. S. J. Ketcham and F H Haynie.
bibliog (P38-40) D '62 bibliog Corrosion 19:242-6 Jl '63
■Vaulted alimiinum structure wins Reynolds Exfoliatory corrosion of aluminium alloys;
Welding speeds award, construction
il Mod Metalsof giant 19:30 Mr '63
alumi- discussion. Chem & Ind p359-60 Mr 2 '63
num substation; Consolidated Edison co. T. Explosive welding of aluminum allovs. H.
Turnbow. power il Modand Metals 18:66triesN aluminum
'62 Addison, jr. and others, il diags Welding
Wisconsin light co. J 42:sup359-64
substations in rural areas, il Power Eng Fabricating skinAg segments '63 for the Saturn
67:45-6 Je '63 booster; simultaneous aging and forming.
See also R. E. Layton. il diags Am Mach/Metalwork-
Bridges. Aluminum ing Manuf 107:67-70 My 27 63
Domes. Aluminum Factors affecting loss of brightness and
Walls. Aluminum image of clarity during anodizing of bright-
ALUMINUM alcoholates trim aluminum alloys in sulfuric acid elec-
Structures of some aluminum alkoxides. V. trolyte. W. E. Cooke, bibliog il diags Plat-
J. Shiner, jr. and others, bibliog diag Am ing 49:1157-64 N '62
Chem Soc J 85:2318-22 Ag 5 '63 Fatigue of aluminum-magnesium allovs. H.
ALUMINUM alloys Mindlin. il diags Welding J 42:sup276-81
Age sizing shapes giant domes; rocket bulk-
heads get final contour under heat, il Iron Fire protection for alumlniun alloy structural
Je '63
shapes. J. G. Kaufman and R. C. Kasser.
AirAgeand192:74-5corrosion O 24 fatigue
'63 of an altmiinium-
/■5 per cent zinc-2-5 per cent magnesium bibliog il diags Civil Eng 33:46-7 Mr '63
alloy. C. A. Stubbington. bibliog il diags Fluxing to remove oxide from aluminum al-
Metallurgia 68:109-12 S '63 loys. R. J. Kissling and J. F. Wallace,
Aircraft alloy chosen for Saturn booster tanks. bibliog il diags Foundry 91:76-81 Mr '63
Mod Metals 19:964- My '63 Further investigation of copper-aluminium
Aluminum. H. J. Rowe and E. V Blackmun. alloys in the temperature range below the
il'62Machine Design 35:4-17 S 19 '63 B=a+V2 eutectoid. R. P. Jewett and D. J.
Aluminum alloys perform better at cryogenic Mack, il Inst Metals J 92:50-61 '63-64
temperatures. Space/Aeronautics 38:121 D Get better acquainted with aluminum. J E.
Kane and R. L. Horst. il Chem Eng Prog
Aluminum and aluminum alloy wire and rod 59:88-90 Jl '63 strength in 2000 series alu-
in Japan. S. ^ Nakai. Wire & Wire Prod Improved weld
ot'.ii Sl-3~n D 6- minum alloys. D. E. Schillinger and others,
Aluminium and its alloys in 1962. E. Elliott, il'62-63
diags Welding J 42:sup269-75 Je '63
bibliog il Metallurgia 67:63-72, 121-31 F-Mr Improvements in the press-forming proper-
ties of aluminium- magnesium alloy sheet
Aluminium balanced- flue space heater F C by the use of a recovery anneal. J. C.
Porter, il Chem & Ind P733-4 My 4 '63 Wright and others. Inst Metals J 91:321-4
Aluminum master alloys and grain refining Initial corrosion of aluminum allovs In high
seminar Cleveland. May 14-15. Light Metal temperature water. J. H. Greenblatt. bibliog
Age 21:15-22 Je '63
Autoradiographic location of small amounts il Corrosion 19:295-9 S '63
of cnromitun, manganese, and copper in Low porosity alloy improves sand cast rollers.
aiunimuim-zinc-maenesium alloys G T il Mod Metals 18:77 D '62
Rogers and D. E. GlanviUe. bibliog il diags Manufacturing and processing of aluminum
Inst Metals^ J 90:354-60 alloy wire for gas metal-arc welding. T.
Metal Prog 84:183+ S '63 '61-62; Abstract. D. Nast. 11 Welding J 41:1091-7 D '62
ALUMINUM alloys — Continued Analysis
Materials for a supersonic transport; alumi- Analysis of aluminiiun alloys containing
num. J. H. Jackson, diag J Metals 15:190-1 molybdenum. W. Stress and J. Clark, bib-
Mr '63 selector; aluminum castlnsr jtlloys.
Metal liog Metallurgia 67:47-9 Ja '63
Determination of phosphorus in hypereutec-
Steel selector;
Metal 151:sup S32-4 O 22 wrouerht
aluminum '62 alloys. tic aluminum-silicon alloys by a neutron
activation method. R. Blackburn and B. F.
Steel selector,
Metal 151:sup 1963; S30-1 aluminum
O 22 '62 casting alloys. G. Peters, diag Anal Chem 35:10-13 Ja '63
Steel selector,
153:sup S29-31 Standards
Metal 1963; Oaluminum
14 '63 wrought al-
Standards set for APM alloys. Materials In
Microstructure of an Oaluminium-seven
loys. Steel 153;sup S27-8 14 '63
Design Eng 56:194- N '62
per cent alumina sintered alloy (SAPI. Testing
D. W. Dawe and I. S. Brammar. il Inst
Metals J 91:222-3 •62-63 AUnospheric exposure of aluminlimi alloys
Minimums set for XAPOOl; Alcoa's aluminum for three years in Nigeria. K. G. Latimer
New LiBhtpromising
Metal Aeefor20:11ultracold
D '62 jobs; and F. F. Booth, bibliog il Metallurgia 67:
170391. Steel 153:31 Ae 26 '63 73-9 F '63
New aluminum alloys. Lieht Metal Age 21:11- Casting fluidity of dilute aluminium alloys.
12 Jealuminum
'63 S. Feliu and D. Siguin. bibliog diags Inst
New welding alloy. Llsht Metal Metals J 91:63-5 '62-63
Age sea 21:10water Ap '63conversion process uses thin Creep buckling of plates; experiments on
New aluminimi alloy at 500°F. R. Papirno and
aluminum sheet, il diag Light Metal Age G. Gerard, bibliog il AIAA J 1:2127-33 S '63
New strong Ap '63alloy extends aluminum use In Deformation behaviour of some aluminium
alloys containing intermetallic compounds.
Nine new aluminum Mod Metals 18:65ModJa Metals
alloys. '63 19: E. R. Petty, il Inst Metals J 91:274-5 '62-63
31 Je '63and unnotched fatigue characteris- Effect of edge preparation on the fatigue
Notched life of flat- plate specimens. R. B. George
tics of an aluminium-zinc-magnesium al- and J. B. Mantle, bibliog il diags Materials
'63loy of unusual strength. J. M. Finney, il Res & Stand 2:1000-3 D '62
Inst Metals J 92:30-1 '63-64 Effect of proof stress on the notched fatigue
Oxide replication technique for aluminum strength of the aluminum alloy HE 15.
powder metallurgy alloys. D. E. Coates P. G. Forrest. Roy Aeronautical Soc J 67:
and R. W, BohJ. il R Sci Instr 34:697-8 Je 596-8 S '63
High-strength altmiinum alloys. J, A. Nock,
Polarization studies of aluminum alloys in jr. and H. Y. Hunsicker. bibliog il J MetaJs
water at 200 C and 300 C. J. H. Greenblatt 15:216-24 Mr '63
and A. F. McMillan, bibliog Corrosion 19: Hydrogen bubbles may protect aluminum al-
146-55 Ap '63 loys from fatigue, il Space/Aeronautics 39:
Porosity in high-strength semi-continuously 119-21 bibliogtp 129) F '63
cast aluminium-copper-magnesium alloy in- Pure torsional creep tests on aluminium al-
gots. M. F. Jordan and others, il Inst
Metals J 91:48-53 '62-63 loy at 200'=C at low rates of strain (10-' to
I0-» per hour). A. E. Johnson and others.
Practical aspects of stretching aluminium Metallurgia 67:173-7 Ap '63
alloy plate for aircraft. A R. Martin. 11
diags Inst Metals J 92:6-11 '63-64 Study of fatigue
the scanning and impact
electron nucroscope.fractures
J. T. ■with
Premium quality aluminum castings. M. C. Grath and others, bibliog il diag Inst Metals
Flemings, bibliog il diags Foundry 91:60-3 J 91:34-9 '62-63; Abstract. Metal Prog 83;
Jl: 47-9 Ag '63 170-2 Ja '63for measuring the solution poten-
Progress in sintered aluminum alloys. J. G.
Solomir. il Metal Prog 83:105-8 Ja '63 tials of small areas of a metal surface.
Properties of materials: aluminum and its M. K. Budd and F. F. Booth, bibliog 11
alloys; tables. Materials in Design Eng 58: diags Metallurgia 66:245-52 N '62
ALUMINUM alloys, Heat treatment of
112-21 Mid-O '63 First continuous heat-treating Une, ll(p22)
Refinement of aluminum -si 11 con alloys. R. J.
Kissling and J. F. Wallace, bibliog 11 Light Metal Age 20:12 D '62
New line extends use of heat treated alu-
Foundry 91:74-9 Ap; 142-4-f My '63 minum, il Steel 151:65 N 12 '62
SoLidiflcation of CuAl^-Al eutectic alloys. G. Two stronger weldable aluminum alloys. Ma-
A. Chadwick. bibliog il Inst Metals J 91:169-
73 '62-63 terials in Design Eng 57:94 My '63
Strong weldable alloy produced for cryogenic ALUMINUM barges. See Barges. Aluminum
use; X7039. Mod Metals 19:82-3 Ap '63 ALUMINUM barrels. See Barrels, Aluminum
Study of the ageing characteristics and ten- ALUMINUM boats. See Boats. Aluminum
sile properties of step-quenched Al-Zn- ALUMINUM borides
Mg-Cu alloys. T. Williams, bibliog Inst Crystal structure of AlBio. G. Will, bibliog
Metals J 91:324-7 '62-63 diag Am Chem Soc J 85:2335-6 Ag 5 '63
Study of the titanium-aluminium system up ALUMINUM bridges. See Bridges. Aluminum
to 40 at. -per cent aluminium. D. Clark and
■62-63 ALUMINUM bronze
others, bibliog il Inst Metals J 91:197-203 Corrosion resistance in sea water of medium
strength aluminum bronzes. B. Upton. 11
Suggested specifications for structures of Corrosion 19:204-9 Je '63
aluminum alloy 6063-T5 and 6063-T6: report Kinetics of the P-»(a 4- yi) transformation
of the task committee on lightweight al- in certain binary and ternary aluminium
loys, committee on metals. Structural divi- bronzes. G. V. T. Ranzetta and D. R. F.
sion. Am Soc C E Proc 88 [ST G no 3342] :
47-95 biblioglpS3-5) D '62 West,
64 bibliog il Inst Metals J 92:12-17 '63-
Suggested specifications for structures of 1,000 mw unit to have welded condenser
aluminum alloys 60i;i-T6 and 6062-T6; re-
port of the task committee on lightweight tubes. 11 Elec World 160:96-7 O 7 '63
alloys, committee on metals. Structural Properties of materials: aluminum bronzes;
division. Ain Soc C E Proc 88 1ST 6 no tables. Materials in Design 58:141 Mid-O '63
33411:1-45 biblioclp38-40) D '62 Reaction vessels in aluminiiun bronze. Ind
'62 in welding aluminum. W. Qroth. 11
Metal Prog 83:70-74- Je '63 Chem of39:491
Study the powder S '63 metallurgy and the sub-
Uses of aluminum alloys expand. B. H Wyma. sequent response to heat treatment of a
bibliog diag Ind & Eng Chem 54:46-50 D Cu-Al-Fe alloy. A. Mohanty. biblloK 11
Metallurgia 68:61-5 Ag '63
the potentialities
a survey. D. of berylllum-llght-
Bodene. bibliog Uses of aluminium-bronze die castings 11
diags Engineering 195:488-9 Ap 6 '63
J Metals 15:606-7 S '63: Foundry 91:170-f- ALUMINUM cans. See Cans. Aluminum
S "63
Widney Dorlec constructional system. 11 ALUMINUM carbide
diags Engineering 194:614-16 N 9 '62 Aluminum carbide as a route to organoboron
See also and organoahimlnum compounds. R. L.
Aluminum. Structural Barnes and T. Wartik. Am Chem Soc J
Alumintim bronze
Iron alloys — Aluminiun alloys 85:360 F 5 cars.
ALUMINUM '63 See Cars. Aluminum
Alkylbenzenes: AJuminum foil rolling mill of advanced de-
benzenes inducedrearrangrements
by aluminum of chloride. pentyl-
sign, ilLight
R. M. Roberts and T. W. Han. bibliog Am Aluminum makesMetal biggerAgedent 21:18in Ap '63
liigh volume
Chem Soc J 85:1168-71 Ap 20 'GS can markets.
Automati 11 Mod Metals 19:3S-f Mr '63
c filtering
Aluminum chloride alkylation; Phillips petro- aluminum foil rolling
leum CO. flow diasi Hydrocarbon Process & coolant, flow diag il Mod Metals 19:G0-F
Pet Refinerion 41:176
Carbonium S '62
rearrangrements: the reaction Capacitance and microstructure of etched
of C"-labeled t-amyl chlorides with alumi- aluniinum foils, R. Bakish and R. Kornhaas.
num chloride: bimolecular reactions. G. J. !> diags Materials Res & Stand 3:640-3 Ag
Karabatsos and others. Am Chem Soc J 85:
733-7 Mr of20ferrocene '63 Convenience foods spur foil's use in packag-
Cleavaee by aluminium chloride; i'3^' ^^99 Containers, il Mod Metals 18:
cyclopentvlferrocenes. S. G. Cottis and H.
Polymerization Chem &
of benzene Ind pS60-l My 25 '63
to p-polyphenyl Mach/Metalworking
°iir?iC5ivT£?''i Manuf
'^'i .hiffh speeds,107:102-3 il diagsJa Am21
liy aluminum chloride-cupric chloride. P. o3
Kovacic and A. Kyriakis. bibliOK Am Chem Fundamentals of etching high-purity alumi-
num foil for capacitor use. R. Bakish and
Soc J S5:454-S F 20 '63 others, expansion
il Electrochem Soc J 109:791-5 S '62
ALUMINUM coating Howe features fast foil mill. U
Aluminum vs zinc. H. H. Ijawson. Product
Light Metal Age 21:13 Ag '63
Continuous34:109 dipJe 10 '63
aluminisinff of steel. D. M. Installing foil mill at aluminum plant- AIu-
Dovey and A. Waluski. biblioff il dias
SIL"? Eng
Steel ^"""^"A"??;',
40:191 ?,"<=",°„s
'63 Aires, il Iron &
MetallurKia 67:211-17 My '63 Melting
Ap 63
colored foil, Myil Light Metal Age 21:23
inss ofon paintint; aluminium over alloys. sprayed-metal
V. E. Carter. coat-
Packaging progress; , packaging exposition
Inst Metals
Metallized honeycomb J 91:413 -62-63 in space power system, Mod Metals ^,'i")?„'"i^!'"
Vt^j 'i?*^'^, 19:60-2-1- Jes continuing
63 gains, il
il Materialscoats
Metallizing in huge
Design parts, Eng il57:147-8
Iron AgeJa 190: '63 Printing and etching anodized aluminum foil.
90-1 S 27 '62
Performance of metallized aluminum coatings
in severe marine atmosphere and sea water
Immc-rsion environments, il Weldin,g J 42: Varnish%'!58':°6ris"i3
""lifg helps foil resist
^- 752 F temperature
°- *'^""^"- " ^°°^.
57S-S0 extends
Sealer Jl '63 rust-free life for metallized
structures. A. P. Shepard. il Iron Age 191: ALUMINUM founding o-i-i^c.
69-71 welding
Ap 11 '63 Mod Metals 19:86 S '63
Seam 20 gage alumimzed steel. J. ^%^,°^J^^?
Mod ."f
Metals ®^ X°''„ foamed
19:36-1- Ap aluminum,
'63 il diags
Finke, jr. and M. L. Begeman. il diag Aluminum diecasting; new die materials for
wider applications. P. Giordano, il Tool &
Sodium J
vapor helps make 42:sup371-7 Ag '63
better aluminized Manuf Eng 50:87-90 Je '63
steel: Armco steel corp. diag Steel 151:7ii-- Aluminum foiindry produces huge space age
O 8 '62 coatings protect steel at tempera-
Vacuum Artcastings. II Foundry 90:111 O '62
and. technology combine to make good
tures over 500°F. il Iron Age 191:56-7 Ja
24 '63 metallizmg
Vacuum of plastic, sparks new Atitomatic processing
Stlell5'l'?7l-6+"D'"l0'"62"=°- of aluminum diecast-"
°' ^'"""°^-
product designs. L. A. Clement, il Iron i?^?^-o ^- ^- Gtiyman. 11 Foundry 91:66-9
Age 191:86-7 F 14 '63 Casting cylinders subjected to external pres-
ALUMINUM columns. See Columns. Aluminum sure. J. D. Stachiw. il Foundry 91:159-60 S
ALUMINUM company of America dJ
Alcoa's big experiment, ten years later. B. Continuous casting line crops aluminum cost,
P. Spring, il diags Arch Forum 117:112-14 il diag Steel 151:84-5 N 26 '62
Degassing of aluminum
D '62
ALUMINUM compounds mixture. R. F Budziak with nitrogen-chlorine
and F. W. Richards
Aluminum alkyls, safe handling. W. B. il diags Foundry 90:150-2-1-
Heck. Jr. and R. L. Johnson, il Ind & Eng Die cast aluminum device makes '62rope descent N
Chem 54:35-8 D '62 safe, il gModproductio
Diecastin Metals 19:40 O '63
Aluminum isopropylate capacity doubled, il n features
dtes; Mt Vernon die casting use of unit
corp J. C.
Near-infrared & Eng method N 40:49 forS 3determination
'62 of
water in aluminum aspirin. H. H. Stein and Miske.
Extrusions, il Foundry
castings 91:106-8-1-
improve Ap '63
design per-
formance of heavy-duty door closers, il
J. M. Ambrose.compounds
Organometallic Anal Chemof 35:550-2 group III: Ap the'63 diags Mod Metals 19:42-1- Ap '63
preparation of gallium and indium alkyls
from organoaluminum compounds. J. J.
Eii=ch. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:3605-10 Fast low-cost
192-69"o 'f'%%automatic
aluminum casting Iron Ageil
bars, ilmethod
O 5 '62 diags Mod Metals 19:52-4 Ad '63
Polymerization of butadiene with alkyl- Fluxing to remove oxide from aluminum al-
aluminum and cobalt chloride. M. Gippin. l°^?.-
bibliog Ind & Eng Chem Product R&s & bibhog ^.•, /■ Kissling
il diags Foundry and J. F.Mr Wallace,
91:76-81 '63
Develop 1:32-9 Mr '62: Same. Rubber Chem Gas. porosity in aluminum castings. R J.
Kisslmg and J. F. WaUace. bibliog il diags
& Tech 35:1066-82 O '62 Foundry 91:70-5 ofF aluminum
See also Grain refinement
Analysis Kisshng and J. F. Wallace, castings. R J
bibliog diags
Colorimetric reagents for the analysis of FP"„'V'^'^
Light Metal ♦^J-I^-^^ Je; 45-9
Age 21:7-8-1- Ag '63 Jl '63; Same.
aluminum alkyls. D. F. Hagen and W. D. Grain refining practice at Hunter engineer-
Leslie, diags Anal Chem 35:814-17 Je '63 ing CO. Light Metal Age 21:18 Je '63
ALUMINUM containers. See Containers. Alu- •^c.'°
il Steel, '^'J-l^'.^J
151:42-5 a O declining
29 62 foundry market,
ALUMINUM cutting Light metals; AFS congress; abstracts of
Aiuminimi machining problems solved with papers. Foundry 91:154-1-
Lightweight cask production: aluminium Je '63
tungsten carbide tools. J. M. Galimberti. il alloy
Mod Metals 18:6S-(- N '62 castings, il Engineer
Low porosity alloy improves sand cast 215:629 Ap 5 '63
Automatic slab and billet cutting, il Light rollers,
Meta,! Age ends 20:26 spar D '62 machining il Mod Metals
Material handling18:77 systems
D '62 speed diecast
Broaching problem, il
Steel 153:165-6 S 16 '63 block production,
Mechanizati il
on emphasized Foundry in 90:166-1- O '62
diecasting at
Production welding of aluminum tank-type Daimler-Benz. E. Schaefer and K. Detering.
covered hopper cars. H. Bertrand and 11 plan selector:
Foundry aluminum
91:100-24- Ap '63
others, il diag "Welding J 42:561-6 JI '63 Metal casting alloys
Roll forming of aluminum speeded bv high Steel 151:sup S32-4 O 22 '62
speed cutting development, il Light Metal Metal selector. 1963: aluminum casting al-
Age 21:5 Ap '63 loys. Steel 153:sup S29-31 O 14 '63
Tungsten carbide tools shave aluminum de- Mobile ladle, il Engineer 215:915 My 17 '63
licately, il Mod Metals 19:72 .Je '63 New aluminium casting research foundry il
ALUMINUM domes. See Domes. Aluminum Engineering 196:253 Ag 23 '63
ALUMINUM floors. See Floors. Aluminum ^Sy foiJI^iry produces aerospace castings.
ALUMINUM foam. See Aluminum. Cellular N. F. Wood, il Foundry 91:127-1- S '63


ALUMINUM founding — Continued Japan
Pioneer■63 diecastins producer; Newton-New Aluminum and aluminum alloy wire and rod
Haven co. J. C. Aliske. jl Foundry 91:50- in Japan. S. Nakai. Wire & Wire Prod 37:
3 Ja '63
Pre-heatinR inpots increases continuous cast- 1781-3-f- D '62 Mexico
ins capacity, il Lisht Metal Ase 21:10 Je Aluminum extrusion industry in Mexico. A.
Pre qual alu cast M. C. C. Stewart. Light Metal Age 21:15-16 Ad
FleminKs. ity
biblioK ilmindiags
Foundry s. 91:60-3
Jl; m47-9 Ak GS Labor relations in Mexico's extrusion Indus-
Premium quality castings. M. C. Flemines ti->'. Mod
Mexico begins Metals primary 19:68-1- My '63 production.
and D. Peckner. il Materials in Design
EnsT 58:99-106 il Light Metal Age 21:29 Ag '63
Preniium quality Aa light '63 alloy castincs. M. C. ALUMINUM ingots
Flemings and E. J. Poirier. diag Laght Machine pours, stacks aluminum ingots. Steel
Metal Age
Pressing and 20:14-15
casting Ocombined '62 for casks, il 152:31 O 7ingots
Prelieated '63 increase furnace capacity
Engineering 195:509 Ap 12 '63 by 50 per cent, il Mod Metals 19:88 Ak
Refractory conveys molten metal at 1350° F. Pre-heating ingots increases continuous cast-
Researchdiag Mod
improves Metals 19:53-4 Je '63
aluminium castings. En- mg capacity, il Light Metal Age 21:10 Je
gineering 195:727-8 My 24 '63 of aluminum 63
Review of the macrostructure Will aluminum ingot prices follow other In-
alloys and the effects of the additions of creases? Steel 152:27-1- My 27 '63
master alloys. R. W. Hefferman. bibliog ALUMINUM metallurgy
User Metal own Age aluminum21:19-22 Jesources, '63 il Iron Computer bares secrets of quality; Asarco's
Creating markets smelters. Steel research
through 153:90-1- Jland 29 en-'63
Age graphite
Using 191:103 Mrtubes 7 '63to flux aluminum melts.
gine ring. G. M, Young. Can Min & Met
Weldment Glover. Foundry
fatigue 91:158-9 improved
strength P '63 with Bui 56:762-7
Modern methods O '03of aluminium products; ab-
castings, il Mod Metals 19:91 My '63 stract and discussion. Carr and Ransley.
ALUMINUM freight cars. See Freight cars. Cliem & Ind p595-6 Ap 13 '63
Aluminum See alsoingots
ALUMINUM houses. See Aluminum. Structural Aluminum
ALUMINUM '62 hydroxide ALUMINUM nitride
Coagulation process; effect of pH on the Allis-Chalmers offers new aluminum nitride.
precipitation of aliuninum hydroxide. R. F. il Chem &nitride Eng containers
N 40:54-)- Dfor 10 the'62 syn-
Packham. bdbUog J Ap Chem 12:564-8 D Alimfunum
tliesis of GaAs. G. Loixg and L. M. Foster,
See also bibliog Electrochem Soc J 109:1176-9 D
ALU jipore indu and trad Luminescence in the system
Adams and others, bibliog il diag Electro-
AhOa-AlN. I.
MIN 1962.stryL Liipkowitz. e Enjj & Min J
Aluminum F '63
to have another producer; Quaker Refractorychem Soc Jmaterial; 109:1050-4solid N '62solution of car-
state metals co. has changed its name to bide and nitride resists molten metals.
Howe Sound Aluminum. Iron Age 192:56 Chem Eng 70:108 My 13 '63
Jl 4 '63 See also
Aluminum's last pioneer. Mod Metals 18:72-3 Batixite
D '62 ALUMINUM oxides
Aluminum's prospects brighten, il Chem & Hydrocyclones for abrasive solids and high
Eng N market
Common 41:25-6 industrialist
My 13 '63 sees cooperation temperature.s. W. L. Oliver. 3d. il diags
key to aluminum growth, il Liglit Metal Chem Eng Prog 59:87-90 Ap '63
See also
Age'63 20:8looms
Conalco D '62as tough competitor in alumi- Alumina
num. Steel 153:47-1- N 4 '63 ALUMINUM paint. See Aliuninum — Paint
Costs for building and operating aluminum- ALUMINUM phosphates
producing plants. Chem Eng 70:120-f S 2
Infra-red, X-ray and thermal analysis of
Lig meta 1962 T. J. Rea jr. il Min some aluminium and feiTic pliosphates. E.
ht ls. . dy, Z. Arlidge and others, bibliog J Ap Chem
1963Constop J year 49:102-4 for Faluminmn. '63 Mod Metals 18:
13:17-27 Japipes.
ALUMINUM '63 See Pipes. Aluminum
604- Jacloud
Prices '63 aluminum outlook. Chem &
Sales-savvy sidingJamaker
Eng N 41:37-8 7 '03 cashes in on dealer Aluminum plates for thin layer chromatog-
To aids, il diags Mod
a profitable extrusion Metalsindustry.
19:76-1- L.My Starr. 'G3 Design ofraphy aF. Snyder. 40(iO/fiOUO-ton Anal Chem plate 35:599 Ap '63
stretcher. R.
Light Metal Age 20:19-22 D '62; Excerpts. J.64 Elger. il diags Inst Metals J 92:1-5 '63-
Mod Metals 18:46-7 Ja '63 Gearbox plates machined under numerical
See also control; Newall jig borer, il Engineerinir
Aluminum company of America
Statistics 195:510current
High Ap 12 '63 welding of thick aluminum
Aluminum forecast. F. L. Church. Mod Metals plate, il Light Metal Age 21:8 Ap '63
18:26-7-1- Dreaches '62 Huge plates formed for Saturn rocket. 11
Aluminum for record year, Blec Mod Metals 19:76 Mr '63
World 158:115-18 D 17 '62 Practical aspects of stretcliing aluminium al-
Extrusion survey results; replies from 1.000 loy plate for aircraft. A. R. Martin, il
users indicate consumption of over 400 diaL'.s Inst Metal.-; J 92:0-11 ■63-64
million pounds this year. Mod Metals 19: ALUMINUM poles. See Poles. Aluminum
28-30-1- aluminum
Prunary Ag '63 industry set new records ALUMINUM roofs. See Roofs. Aluminum
in 1962. H. K. Darby. Mod Metals 19:56-1- ALUMINUM silicates
■See also
Ad '63'63
Transport is top aluminum user. Iron Age Albite
191:49 Je 27 '63 Hentonite
Transportation ties construction as alumin-
•63 um's biggest market. Mod Metals 19:48 Jl Kyanite
U.S.. other countries topnlo several aluminum
industry records in 1962. Mod Metals 19:36 S Pyrophyllite
Canada Tourmaline
Creating market.s through research and en- ALUMINUM soaps. See Soap. Metallic
ALUMINUM sulfate
gineering. G. M. 'Young. Can Min & Met Kinetic studies of the thermal decompo'sltion
Bui 56:762-7 O '63 of lorric sulphate and aluminum sulphate
Great Britain ^,- ^- Warner and T. R. Ingraham. bibliog
Aluminum In Britain; 1960 to 1970. E. Q. diags Can J Chem Eng 40:263-7 D '62
ALUMINUM tanks. See Tanks. Aluminum
■West. Mod Metals 19:52-1- Jl '63
ALUMINUM towers. See Towers. Aluminum
ALUMINUM tubes. See Tubes, Aluminum ^?5„ '^'■?'=®S^ f?"? aluminum slieet from pel-
ALUMINUM walls. Sea Walls. Aluminum 30-1 Jl"'6^' ^'^^^^'^- '' ^"<1 ^ Eng Chem 55:
ALUMINUM waste ^?i?'rt.fnS'^'M?"^.f<>'"c^"P^''"™ forgin^s; spin
MeltiiiK colored foil, il LlKht Metal Age 21:
23 Ap '60 wire. See Wire. Aluminum Zf1f:S
° fiow.
fl"^'^'® '^3 Sp^^"^-
I Mod
/,??'^'"'*^P°J* ,<jf »"ant19:36+
" Li^J^t
rocketF casings,
'63 diags Metals '63
Alroll rolling reroU. il Mod Metals 19:50-1 Jl "ll-ef^ ^bT"^'" ^'^'^^- ^^^^ ^°^ Metals
Aluminum bubbles over can market; tech- ^I'g^ill'^A^^es"*^" aluminum sheet, diag Mach
nique for fomiins cans. F. J. Starin. Iron ^="ii^-nf° t/*^??* ''1 °"e step. R. R. Palik
Ase 191:69 fascia
Aluminum Ja 17 prevents
'63 drippase. run- ^63 Duncan, il Steel 152:38-42 Ap 1
over. 11 Mod Metals 19:102 My '63 ^'lf-?-69'jl"25 '6°'^^ ^^ '^® '"'''^- " ^™" ^®
Almninum-flberKlass garage doors, il Mod
Metals 19:4S-9
Aluminum S '63 advancement, il Light
Mach/Metalworkiiiir on^hydrostatic extrusion, il
Metal Ase pellets
Aluminum 20:9 F form
'63 sheets. F. J. Starin. ^M?^i,'*/M-i'?'l^ instant Manuf
aluminum 107:110
sheet.Mr Am18
il diag Iron Age 191:102-3 Mr 7 giant.
'63 Reynolds unveils new process for rolling
Aliuninum skeleton for an airlift 11 alummum sheets, il steel 152:30-1 Mi- 4
Ldght Metal
Biggest aluminum Age impact
20:21 F e.xtrusions.
'63 11 Mod ■^"i'L^S""''?? °^ aluminum speeded by high
Bulge 19:'i6 Jeof '63Saturn parts. G. Challls. il
diags Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107: Rolling aluminum rings. D G il Light
Bucknift M5t^il
53-5 slugs
Mr 4 expedite
'63 A^e 2l':5 a'o .'^f^""^'"^^"*.
Cast forging, il Iron Age 191: Screw machine troubleshooting. J H Den
66-7 Ja 31 '63 ^ Light Metal Age 21:3 Je '63 -tiuckpitt. U
Compound brightens aluminum: adherent film
improves cutting and rolling; Cindol. 11 n°-5''"s'2 ^3" Mach/Metalworking Mamif 107:
Concrete dies used for S forming
Iron Age 192:52-3 Ag '63 aluminum, il Shot-pe ening forms aircraft panels. B Barneq
'63 ^^chi?;fl"'^^g^l^l?4Ts^r't""^'"''-°'^"'=^'^-
Deep hole concentricity '62
Ldght Metal Age 20:7 D achieved by gun Ap i DO
driller unit. 11 Light Metal Age 21:17 Ap
De-oxidizer lubricates aluminum. Am Mach/ ^ESg''l'^^in*°j^l'64^:^t^i^".a '^"^•^- " ^'^^
Designing with Manuf aluminum 107:57hand
F 4 forgings.
'63 A. ^*Li|hf5i^'i'^All^"l:\T-2f 1?^fjJ/ kclJ^S-
E. Favre. diags Machine Design 35:172-6 Transfer line speeds output of complex
O 111 tiS 18:46-7 Ja '63
Mod Metals parts. Ji/Ji-cer pcs.
Designing with extruded alumintmi. R. L. a|uminum U Iron Age 191:76-7 Mr
Shinsky. diags Materials in Design Eng
'^Af""i*>,>«^P¥'"^^ Manuf 107:80-1 Sil 2 Am
57:94-7 Apsurvey
Extrusion '63 results; replies from 1.000 Twin tunnels in .t° ,25 dmillionths. '63
users indicate consumption of over 400 aluminuni sheet. Scotlan use 70 tons of
50 miles of extrusio M. 11
million pounds this year. Mod Metals 19;
28-30+ Agtrends.
Extrusion '63 S. M. Blumenreich. Mod See Mod
diags also Metals 19:44+ S '63 "'"""»• "
Aluminum — Finishing
Metals 19:40-1- Je '63 improve design, per- Aluminum — Welding
Eixtrusions, castings Aluminujii founding
formance of heavy-duty door closers, il ALUMINUM works
diags Mod speed
Extrusions Metalserection 19:42+ of ApU.S.'63 fair pavil- Modern aluminum plant opened in Colombia:
ion: Australian international trade fair,
il Mod Metals
Fabricating skin19:72 Ag '63 for the Saturn
booster: simtiltaneous aging and forming. °'i?
IN 4i:jb Jl 15 S63 ^«,, Colombia.
.?'^ii^1?^,.^.'i"™""™ S.A. il& Light
mi"- Chem Eng
R. B. Layton. il diag Am Mach/Metalwork- Pechiney purchases 40 per cent Interest In
ing Manuf 107:67-70 case My history;
27 '63 Howe Sound. Mod Metals 18:76 N '62
Forming aluminum molding-
in-place increases boot life, il Light Metal
Age 21:13aluminum
Forming Je '63 with urethane tooUng. A^e
63 19l!lM SS"7'^63"^""^ sources, il Iron
il diag operations
Light MetalonAge 20:15ejection
F '63 racks. Predicting chemical costs in aluminum bright-
Forming bomb ening. G. D. Nelson. Plating 50:651-7 Jl
GEC. reveals
O. Herb,newil lubricant diag Mach for69:116-21
working N with'62 Equipment
alimiinum. Steel 152:30 Ja 28 '63 All-aluminum equipment helps produce alu-
Hillman Imp cylinder block, il diags Automo-
minum, il Mod Metals 19:90 My '63
How bile to Engbraze
53:454-63 O '63
aluminum. C. L. Bulow. il
diags Mach 70:132-7 O '63 Alroil rolling
19*-102''-3 reroU. il ModPhase.
My^'^'ef'""^"''' MetalsMod 19:50-1
How to form and join vinyl-clad aluminum 63
son, J. K. il'Wareham and W.
diags Product EngM.34:98-102
Roger- Alroll unit may be world's most powerful
Ao to
How 15 solder
'63 aluminum, il diags Mod Metals t,'"i'lU"HP,,'?°'-
4U:ibi Jl 63 """l- il Iron & Steel Eng
Aluminium ltd. afHliates operate, plan fab-
18:61+ D '62; 36+ Ja; 19:40+ F; 50+ Mr ricaung on plants, il Mod Metals 18:84 D '62
'63 (reprints $1) Checks inside eliminate plumbing on out-
Hydroform improves deep draw. R. H. Eshel- side. L. J. Bandiera. diags Hydraulics
man. il Iron Age 191:58-9 Ja 24 '63 &
Hydrostatic extrusions take big step forward. Pneumatics 16:107 Ap '63
Consolidated to double aluminum sheet capaci-
U Mod Metals 19:86 Mr '63 ty. Mod Metals 19:72 F '63
Improvements in the press-forming proper- Continuous castlrig: key to low-cost siding.
ties of aluminium-magnesium alloy sheet
by the use of a recovery anneal, J. C. H. K. Darby, il Mod Metals 19:38+ My '63
'62-63 and others. Inst Metals J 91:321-4 Design of a 4000y6000-ton plate stretcher. R.
J. Elger. 11 diags Inst Metals J 92:1-5 '63-64
Improving lubricants. D. MacDonald. il diags Howe expansion features fast foU mlU. Jl
Product Eng 34:88-9 F 18 '63 Light Metal Age 21:13 Ag '63
Integrated Une cuts inventory. H, Craig. 11 Howe Sound beefs up rolling mill; eyes
Am Mach/MetaJworking MaJiuf 107:108-9 F primary aluminum production. il Mod
18 '63 Metals 19:66 Jl '63
Largest impact extrusion, il Light Metal Age Kaiser installs new ring mill at Erie. Pa.
21:24 Je 63 plant, il Mod Metals 19:86 Ag '63
Low- cost process rolls sheet from pellets. 11 ^S?'
diag Mod Metals 19:24 Mr '63 Mod ,™,'l'
Metals heefs19:82-3
UP India's
Je '63 arms industry, il
Magnetic metal-forming; Magneform. F. L. Olln boosts aluminum rolling mill capacity
Church, il diags Mod Metals 19:36+ Jl '63 50 per cent, il Mod Metals 19:84 Ag '63
New lubricants for aluminum. 11 Mod Metals Olin shows new aluminum facilities in Ohio
19:56 F '63 plant, il Steel 153:33 Jl 15 '63
ALUMINUM works — Equipment — Continued AMERICAN association of port authorities
Pittsbureh mill doubles Scovill rolling Annual meeting. 51st. Baltimore. Oct. 8-11:
capacily. with abstracts of papers. Marine Eng/LiOe
Rollmc millil Liaht Metal Aee
operation; 21:20 Je '63 roll
all -aluminum
coolant system, il Light Metal Aee 21:14 Je AMERICAN association of railway surgeons
Brief history. R. B. Kepner. lud Med 32:349-
Surface coatinff plant for wide strip now in
operation at Birniingham works, il diaKS AMERICAN
50 S '63 association of state highway offl-
Vertical 68:15-16 huge
mill forms Jl rings,
'63 il Iron Age Annual meeting. 48th. Miami Beach. Ens N
191:79 Je 6 "63 169:19-20 D 13 '62
Annual meeting. Miami Beach, Dec. 3-7.
Quality control
Eddy current.'} test aluminum rod quality, Roads & Sis 106:31-1- Ja '63
New AASHO head to fight two-front high-
ALUMSil Steel lD3:S5-6 Jl 29 '63 Regional way war.conference Eng N 169:47-8-1-
on improved D 13 '62 highway
Eiiect of alum and pH on sheet acidity. W. P engineering productivity. Albany. Ena N
Reynolds and W. P. Linke. bibliOK Tappi „ ia:20-l meeting Jl 11 '63
46:410-15 Jl 63 Special of the AASHO-AGC joint
Emersrency alum treatment of open reservoirs. cooperative committee. Chicago. Nov 12.
W. R. Ree. dias Am Water Works Assn J Roads & Sts 106:60-1 Ja '63
55:275-81 Mr '63 AMERICAN
colorists association of textile chemists and
Interaction of rosin with some metal ions.
E. SeeStrazdins biblioa Tappi 46:432-7 Jl '63 Addresses at spring meeting. South Central
a /so section. Am Dyestuli.' Rep 52:501-4-1- Jl 22
Aluminum sulfate
AMALGAMS Adnunistrative committee appointments. Am
Embrittlement of alpha-brasses by liquid Dyestuftconvention. Rep 52:173-4
metals. H. B. and D. Grubb. Annual Atlanta.Mr Nov. 4 '6314-17. Tex-
il Inst Metals J 91:216-19 '62-63 tile World 112:91-2+
Annual convention. Boston. Oct. 30-Nov. 1; D '62
Extraction of lanthanons with alkali metal technical program and list of exhibitors.
amalgams: counter-current process for tlie
extraction of samarium or ytterbium. M. F. Mod Textiles Mag 44:53-5
Barrett and N. E. Topp. diae J Ap Chem Annual convention. Boston.O Oct. '63 30-Xov. 1;
13:7-12 Ja '63of the constitution of the with program, list of e.xhibitors and ab-
Investisation '62
stracts of papers. Am Dyestul'f Rep 52:780-
mercury-tin system. D. P. Taylor and C. L. 804-t- Ohighlights:
Council 14 '63 meeting. New York. Jan.
Burns, biblios diass J Res Nat Bur Stand
67A:55-70 alloy Ja freezes
'63 25. Am highlights.
Council D\-estuff 232d Ren meeting.
52:249-51 New Ao 1 York '63
Mercury at-74 P. J. T. Boag. April 26. Am Dyestuff Rep 52:494-5 Je 24
Materials in Design Eng 58:105 O '63
Radiochemical separation of bismuth by History of the Northern New England sec-
amalgam exchange. F. E. Orbe and others. tion. A. E. Sampson. 11 Am Dyestuff Rep
See also Anal Chem 35:1436-8 S '63 52:821-32 convention,
National O 14 '63 Atlanta. Nov. 14-17;
Zinc amalgam with abstracts of papers, program, floor
AMARYLLIDACEAE^ , ^ ^ . , , plan and list of e.xhibits. Am Dyestuff Rep
Biogenetic origin of the Ca-Ci unit ofbibliog
lyco- 51:819-47. S54-60 + . 1040-6 O 29, D 24 '62:
rine R. J. Suhadolnik and others, Mod Textiles Mag 43:32-)- N '62; 44:29-30-+-
Am Chem Soc J 84:4348-9 N 20 '62 Ja; 24-1- F; 36headquarters.
New national Mr '63 G. P. Paine II
Biogenetic-type synthesis of the amarylli-
daceae alkaloid ring system. R. A. Abramo- map plan Am Dyestuff Rep 51:868-70 O' 29
vitch and S. Takahashi. biblios Chem &
Ind D li1:;0-40 Je 22 '63 President's address. E. Morrill. Am Dyestuff
Biosynthesis in the amarj'llidaceae; incorpora- Rep 51:926-7 N 26 '62
tion of 3-C"-tyrosine and phenylalanine in Work to get map
new home, underModwavTextilessoon on Mag AATCC's
43:27 D
nerine bowdenii W. Wats. W. C. Wildman 62
and others. Am Chem Soc J 84:4599-600 D Committee on research
In 5 vitro
'02 alkaloid biosynthesis in the amarylli- Meeting. 209th, New York, Sept. 20; with
daceae; norhelladine O-methylpherase H. text of reports. Am Dyestuff Rep 51:938-
M. Fales and others. Am Chem Soc J 85:
41 N 26 '62 210th, New York. Jan. 24. Am
202.1-6 Jl 5 '63 Dvestuff Rep 52:337-43 Ap 29 '63
AMATEUR moving pictures. See Moving pic- Meeting 211th. New AmYork. Dyestuff April 25;
tures. Amateur texts of reports. Rep -with62:
AMATEUR radio operators. See Radio opera- 653-8 Ag 19 63
tors Amateur AMERICAN ceramic society
AMBER glass. See Glass. Colored Annual meeting, 05th. Pittsburgh. April 28-
AMEBA .\lav 2.meeting
Annual Am Cer 65lh. Soc Eul 42:355-77 April
Pittsburgh. Je '6328-
Wavs and wa>nA'ardnesses of amoeba. M. Tay-
lor, bibliog il diags Am Scientist 50:576-96 ?^5^,,^i-r^n'',^
Ind 44:375-9-1- Jl 63 ^^^'stracts of papers. Glass
D '62
AMERICAN architecture. See Architecture. Annual meeting. 65th. Pittsburgh, April 28-
American Ma\- 2: with cor vmit ion guide and abstracts
of papers. Cer Ind 80:22-39. 94-7 Ap; 47-50
trol association for contamination con-
Annual meeting. 65th. Pittsburgh, April 28-
Annual co;ivention. 2d. Boston. May 1-3. May 2; with program. Am Cer Soc Bui
Heating-Pining 35:148-9 Ja '63 42:163-5 Ap roster.
Membership '63 Am Cer Soc Bui 42-547-
AMERICAN association for textile technology
Annual conference. 3d: papcr.s presented. Mod Pacific
Textiles Mag 44 :Special ed n6-70 '63 89-1- O Coast
'63 regional meeting. 15th. Seattle.
AMERICAN association of cost engineers Oct. 17-19; abstracts of papers. Glass Ind
Annual meetmg. San Francisco. Eng N 171: 43-665-7 D '62
Pacific Coast regional meeting. 16th. Los
15 Ag 1 '63 Angeles. Oct. 23-25: program. Am Cer Soo
AMERICAN association of petroleum geologists
American association of petroleum geologists Bui 42:510-11-1-
Basic S '63
science division
membership directory. Am As.-sn Pet Geol-
ogists Bui 47:1-218 Annual meeting. Pittsburgh. April 29-May 1;
Annual meeting. 48th. ptHouston.
2 Mr '63March 25-28. program and abstracts of papers. Am Cer
Am Pet Geologists Bui 47:1452-94 Jl
FallSoc mooting,
Bui 42:l<!7-t- Ap '63 Oct. 6-8; program
Annual meeting. 48th. Houston. March 25- and abstracts of papers. Am Cer Soc Bu]
28: program and abstracts of technical
papers. Am Assn Pet Geologists Bui 47: 42:516-17 S '63
Ceramic-metal systems division
346-77 F association
AMERICAN '63 of physics teachers meeting. Pittsburgh. April 29-May 1;
AAPT-AIP regional counselor program: a proirram and abstracts of papers. Am Cer
rounsflor's report. G. L. Hollingsworlh. FallSoo meeting,
Bill 42:205-1-
French Ap Lick.
'63 Ind. Sept. 10-13;
Phvs Tndav 16:50-2-4- F '63 program and abstracts of papers Am Cer
APS-AAI'T Joint meeting. New York. Jan.
23-26. Phv.i Today 16:78-80 Mr '63 FallSoo meeting.
Bui 42:458-61 Ag '63 Lick. Ind. Cer Ind
2d. French
Report of the president. 1962. F. 'Verbruaree.
Am J Phvs 31:473-4 Jo '63 79:82 N '62
AMERICAN ceramic society — Continued Reports from the Board of directors meetlnit
Dec. 8-9. and '63 reports of committees. Chem
Design division
Annual meeting. Pittsburgh. April 29-May 1; W. & D.Eng Collins
N 41:78-91named Ja chairman
28 '63 emeritus of
proeram and abstracts of papers. Am Car the committee on analytical reagents. Anal
Soc Bui 42:211+ Ap '63 Chem 35:sun97A F "63
Electronics division Chemical abstracts service
Annual meeting. Pittsburgh. April 29-May 1: New building slated for Chemical Abstracts.
program and abstracts of papers. Am Cer
Soc Bui 42:2154- Ap '63 Newil Chem
CAS &building
Eng N going 41:92-3 up; Ja council
28 '63 and
Fall meeting. Gatlinb'org. Tenn. Oct. 1-4; board approve the $6,797 million project.
program and abstracts of papers. Am Cer Chem & Eng N 41:134+ Ap 15 '63
Soc Bui 42:529+ S '63 Division of analytical chemistry
Glass division Meeting, Los Angeles. March 31-April 5:
Annual meeting. Pittsburgh. April 29-May program. Anal
'63 Chem 35:sup44A-50A Mr
1; abstracts of papers. Glass Ind 44:439-40 Division of rubber chemistry
Ae '63
Annual meeting. Pittsburgh. April 29-May 1; Bylaws. Rubber Chem & Tech 35:sup xli-xx
program and abstracts of papers. Am Cer D '62
Soc meeting.
Bui 42:223+ An Springs.
'63 Fall meeting. Cleveland, Oct. 17-19; program.
Fall Bedford Pa. Oct. 9-12; Rubber Chem New & Tech 35:sup xxi-xxiil
program and abstracts of papers. Am Cer Fall meeting, York. Sept. 11-13. ORub-'62
Soc Bui 42:522-3+ S '63 Joint bermeeting
World 149:100+of theO '63Divisions of rubber
Materials and equipment division chemistry of the American chemical society
Annual meeting. Pittsburgh. April 29-May 1; and the Chemical institute of Canada. To-
program and abstracts of papers. Am Cer ronto. May 8-10; program. Rubber Chem
& Tech 36:sup xiii-xvi Jl 63
FallSoc meeting.
Bui 42:233+ Ap Springs.
Bedford '63 Pa. Sept. 25- Joint meeting with CIC Division of rubber
chemistry. Toronto. May 8-10. Rubber Age
2S: program and abstracts of papers. Am
Cer Soc Bui 42:518-19 S '63 93:431-4 Ja '63; Rubber World 148:71 Je
Refractories division Meeting. 82d. Cleveland. Oct. 17-19. Rubber
Annual meeting. Pittsburgh. April 29-May 1: Age 92:275-7 N '62; Rubber World 147:79-80
program and abstracts of papers. Am Cer N '62
Meeting. 83d. Toronto. May 8-10; program
and abstracts of papers. Rubber Age 93:94-
FallSoc meeting.
Bui 42:237+
BedfordAp Springs.
'63 Pa. Oct. 3-5: 102 Ap '63; Rubber
program and abstracts of papers. Am Cer Meeting. 84th. New World
York. 148:71-8
Sept.Ap 11-13:
Soc Bui 42:512-14 S '63 program and abstracts of papers. Rubber
Structural clay products division Age 93:587-95; 94:113-16 Jl. O '63; Rubber
World committees;
Officers; 148:83-90 Jl '63 sponsored rubber groups.
Annual meeting. Pittsburgh. April 29-May 1:
program and abstracts of papers. Am Cer Rubber Chem & Tech 35:sup lil-x O '62
AMERICAN chemical society Journal (period-
FallSoc meeting.
Bui 42:247+ Ap '63Colo.
Denver. Sept. 18-21;
program and abstracts of papers. Am Car Dr Marshall D. Gates named JACS editor.
Soc Bui 42:462-3 Ag '63 Chem & Eng N 40:76 N 12 '62
Whiteware division AMERICAN concrete Institute
AC! conmiittee work. Am Concrete Inst J 60:
Annual meeting. Pittsburgh. April 29-May 1: sup 11+ Je '63
program and abstracts of papers. Am Cer
ACI '63 officers. Am Concrete Inst J 60:sup9-
FallSoc meeting.
Bui 42:253+ Bedford Ap '63Springs. Pa. Sept. 25-
10+ Apmeeting. '63 59th, Atlanta. Ga. March 4-
28; program and abstracts of papers. Am 7; with abstracts of papers, and list of ex-
Cer Soc Bui 42:518-19 S '63 hibitors. Am Concrete Inst J 60:sup3-7-l-
AMERICAN chemical society
ACS organization; how it works, how to use Annual
My meeting. 59th. Atlanta. March 4-7;
it. A. H. Emery. Chem & Bng N 41:70-4 with '63program. Am Concrete Inst J 60:sup3-
F 4 '03 Annual report. 1962. Am Concrete Inst J
ACS preparing exhibit forand
tribution of chemists World's fair; engi-
chemical con- 5+ F '63
neers to be illustrated by their role in the Fall60:sup
meeting, 1-6 Ap15th, '63 Seattle, Sept. 28-29; with
study of the sea. il Chem & Eng N 41:72 abstracts of papers. Am Concrete Inst J
O 7 '63report, 1962. Chem & Eng N 41:53-75
Annual 59:sup
Pall meeting.12-17 16th. N '62Toronto. Nov. 11-14; pro-
Mr 4 '63
Arveson is ACS president-elect for 1963. Chem International gram. Am Concrete
service. Inst R. C.J 60:sup2-3+
Reese. Am NCon- '63
& Hng N 40:64 D 10 62 crete Inst J 60:561-5 My '63
Board of directors minutes. June 8. 1963 New numbers designate ACI technical com-
and highlights of ofBcial reports. Chem & mittees. Am Concrete Inst J 60:sup 10-12
Eng N meeting.
National 41:02-9 Jl 143d. 29 '63Cincinnati. Jan. IS-
New technical
Ja '63 bers appointed. committee chairmen and mem-
IS; program. Chem & Eng N 40:68-80 D Am Concrete Inst J 60:
10 '62 meeting. 144th. Los Angeles. March
National sup27-8-l- die Ap casting'63
AMERICAN Institute
31- April 5: program. Chem & Eng N 41: Annual meeting, Chicago. Mod Metals 19:50+
82-126 F 25 '63 O 63
National meeting. 145th. New York. Sept, Annual meeting. Chicago. Sept. 12-13. Foun-
8-13; program. Chem & Eng N 41:54-118
Ag 5 '63meeting, 146th. Denver. Jan. 19-24:
National AMERICANdry 90:129+ O '62
eiectroplaters society
with program, Chem & Eng N 41:156-61 AES research committee; quarterly report and
N 4 '63 summai-y of research projects. Plating 50:
Nomenclature committee steps up activity to 225. 514convention.
Mr. Je '63 50th. Atlantio Citv. June
. meet needs of modem chemistry. Chem & ■^'iiJHal
Eng N 41:72 O 21 '63 22-28; program and abstracts of papers.
Northwest regional meeting. 18th. Belling- Plating convention.
Annual 50:529-37 Je50th. '63 Atlantio City. June
ham. Wash. June 17-18; program. Chem & S?-2S: with program and abstracts ofpapers.
Eng N 41:74-5+ My 13 '63 . Metal convention. 61:72-81 Je; 39-44 Citv
Ae '63N J
Officers, directors, councilors, and committees. Annual 50th. Atlantic
Chem & Eng N 41:104-6+ P 18 '63
Officers of local sections and divisions, mans Annual report. Plating 50:541-52 Ja '63''63
June 23-27. Plating 50:740-50 Ag
Chem & Eng N 41:66+ Mr 25 '63 ^'S"?^
50:70-4 directory,
Ja 63 as of Dec. 1. 1962. PlaUne
Official reports from the 142d national meet- Constitution
ing. Chem & Eng N 40:68-83 N 5 '62 and bylaws; effective June 26
Official reports. 144th national meeting. Los 1963. Plating 49:1183-7 N '62
Financial report, fiscal year. July 1 1962-
tl"fl-92- My^2f-63' "^''"' '■ '''''"' * ^"^ ^ June 30, 1963. Plating 50:834-8 .S '63
Tenth interim meeting AES Supreme society;
Progress report number 36 of the committee
on professional training. Chem & Eng N ?^'^"?^ro*^t'y'...?^°'
mg 50:52 Ja 63 ^^- 13; program. Plat-
41:79-84 Mr 18 '63 « -c k
AMERICAN foundrymens society Annual meeting. 92d. Dallas. Feb. 24-28; with
Casting conprress. 67th. St LK)uis. May 6-10; program and abstracts of papers. Mln Eng
witli procram. Foundry 91:108-17 My '63 ^ 14:61-6 meeting.
N '62; 15:53-66 Ja '03 with abstracts
Castings congress. 67th, St Louis. May 6-10; Annual 92d. Dallas;
with abstracts of papers. Foundry 91:54-9. of papers. Pit plant
& Quarri'
152-66 Je: 115-64- Jl '63 Annual meeting trips, 56:78-83
J Metals Jl 15:112-
Five selected for American foundryrnen's
society awards. Foundry 91:118-19 My '63 lo F '63 section's 17th annual o£t-the-rec-
AMERICAN gas association ord meeting, Pittsburgh, Nov. 3. J Metals
American gas association and Pacific coast
gas association annual convention. Los Societies Ja name
lo:6-7 '63 1964 AIMB officers and
Angeles. Oct. 13-16: preview. Am Gas Assn directors, Min Eng 15:280-1 Jl '63
Mo 45:6-9gasJl-Ag
American '63
association and Pacific coast Metallurgical society
gas association annual meeting. L.os An- Annual meeting, 92d, Dallas, Feb, 24-28:
geles, Oct. 13-16; program. Gas 39:SU-2 program and abstracts of papers, J MetaJs
O 63
Annual convention. 44th. Atlantic City. Oct, „ 15:65-95
Fall meeting, Ja Cleveland,
'63 Oct, 20-24; with pro-
7-10: with papers presented and list of of- gram and abstracts of papers. J Metals
ficers, section leaders elected. Am Gas Assn 15:665-728 S '63
Mo 44:2-13+ Fellows of the Metallurgical society. J MetaJs
Annual meeting, N 44th, '62 Atlantic City. Oct. 7- 15:50-1 Ja '63
10. Gas Ageof 129:22-36
Conference the production, N '62 transmission Society directors. J Metals 15:322-3 Ap '63
and operating sections, Pittsburgh, May Society of mining engineers
13-17. Am Gas Assn Mo 45:24-7 Je '63: Annual fall meeting. 1st. Gatlinburg. Tenn.
Gas Age annual
Fifteenth 130:22-3accidentJl '63 prevention confer- Sept. 10-12: with abstracts of papers. Coal
ence, St LiOUis. Sept. 10-11. Am Gas Assn Age membership
67:64-7 O '62directori', Min Eng 15:91-
Mo 45:4-5+ 1963
Rest-arch and O utilization
'63 conference. Cleve- SME
land. April 16-18: program. Am Gas Assn 217 fall
Jl '63meeting and Rocky Mountain min-
Mo 45:0+ Mr '63 erals conference. Salt Lake City. Utah.
Sept. 11-13; abstracts of papers. Min Eng
audit isofgood A,G.A,not goodgeneralenough? managementJ.
fund activities, 15:53-7 Ag; 46 S '63
E. Heyke, jr. Am Gas Assn Mo 45:2-3 O '63 Society of petroleum engineers
AMERICANnautics institute of aeronautics and astro- Annual fall meeting. 57th. Los Angeles. Oct.
AIAA countdown, S, P, Johnston, Astro- 7-10; program and abstracts of papers.
Constitution nautics & Aerospaceand Eng 1:122-3
bylaws. F '63
Astronautics & J Pet meeting.
Annual Tech 14:988-90+
Dallas. Feb.S '6224-28; abstracts
Electria Eng 1:94-9 conference,
O '63 Colorado of papers.
Annual J Pet 50th.
meeting. Tech New15:55-6+Orleans.
Ja '63Oct.
Springs. March 11-13: abstracts of papers. 6-9; program of technical papers. J Pet
Astronautics & Aerospace Eng 1:89-93 J© '63 50thTechanniversary
15:006-9 Jefall'63 meeting. New Orleans.
AMERICAN institute of architects
Alvar Aalto wins 1963 A. I. A. gold medal: Oct. 6-9: with program and abstracts of
award.? include first presidential citation. papers.
AMERICAN J institute
Pet Tech 15:965-87
of nutrition S '63
A.I.Arch Rec 133:26
A. award Mr '63 for 1963 honors
program 13 Annual meeting. 27th. Atlantic City. N.J.
buildings, il Arch Rec 133:12-15 Mr '63 April 16-20: proceedings. J Nutrition 80;
AIA awards. Prog Arch
AIA chided on transit report. B. E. HaJmos. 44:64 Mr '63 417-58 Ag institute
AMERICAN '63 of physics
jr. Prog Arch 43:54IiDami. D '62May 5-9. Arch Rec AjVPT-AIP regional counselor program; a
Annual convention. counselor's report. G. L. Holiingsworth.
133:23 My: 10+ Je '63: Eng N 170:26 Mv 16 Phys Today
'63: Arch Forum 118:5+ Je '63: Prog Arch Annual report, 16:50-2+
il Phys FToday
'63 16:39-52 My "63
44:59 Ja '63 95th, Miami New AIP handbook. D. E Gray. Phys Today
Convention. Beach, May 5-9;
products to be exhibited; illustrations with 10:10-3
AMERICAN Jlinstitute
■r,:: of plant engineers
Hawaii Prog
A,I.A. makes Arch 44:93-4+ Ap '63
1962 honor awards, il Ajinual meeting. 9th, Chicago, Jan, 27, Plant
Arch Recreceives
Kennedy 133:14-15citation Ap '63 for policies on Eng 17:148-9 Mr '63
Nauonal activities.
oflScers Plant Eng Plant
installed. 17:140-2Eng F 17;
Western regionalart conferences. Arch Rec Arch 134:33 RecAg 133; '63
143-4 Ag '63
AMERICAN institute of steel construction
AMERICAN26 Ja '63 institute of chemical engineers American institute of steel construction, 11
Annual meeting. 55th. Chicago. Dec. 2-6; Pub Works 94:100-1conference.
Ja '63
with '63 program and abstracts of papers. Annual engineering Tulsa, Eng N
Chem Eng Prog 58:104+ O '62 170:20-1 My 2 '63
Annual meeting. 56th. Houston. Dec. 1-5; Nine buildings receive A,I,S,C, awards, il
with program. Chem Eng Prog 59:104+ O
National meeting. 49th. New Orleans. March Arch Rec 134:14-15 S '63
WorkshOD-criliaue of awards, il plans diags
11-14; with program and list of papers. Prog Arch 43:150-61 N '62
Chem Eng Prog 59:94-0+ Ja: 94+ F '63 AMERICAN machine tool distributors associ-
National meeting. 50th. Buffalo. May 6-8; ation
w-ith program. Chem Eng Prog 59:104-6+ Annual meeting, 3Sth, Detroit, Oct, 24-26,
National 92+ Ap
meeting. '63 51st. Puerto Rico. Sept. Automotive Ind 127:83+ N 15 '62
29-Oct. 2, with program. Chem Eng Prog Spring meeting, 39th. While Sulphur Springs.
W. Va. April 7-10. Am Mach/Metalworking
59:97-100-1- Jl: 90-3 Ag '63 Manuf 107:60 Ap 29 '63
AMERICAN institute of electrical engineers Spring meeting. 39th, White Sulphur Springs,
AIEE winter general meeting. New York,
Jan. 27-r"cb 1: program. IEEE Proc 51:sup W.'Va. April 7-10; abstracts of papers.
32A+ Ja '63 Mach 69:142-3
AMERICAN miningMy congress
AWS 44th annual meeting and AIEE electric Annual meeting. New York. Dec. 3. Min Cong
welding conference. Philadelphia. April 21-
25: program. Welding J 42:42-5 Ja '63 J 4S:35-6
Coal •62D '62 Pittsburgh, May 5-S; ab-
Fall general meeting, Chicago; with abstracts
of papers. Elec World 158:53-4 D 3 '62; Elec stracts of papers. Coal Age 68:104-13 Je '63
Eng 81:986-9 D '62 Coal convention. Pittsburgh. May 5-8; pro-
IEEE's gram. Mln Cong J 49:56-61 Mr '63
I. S. endowment
Coggeshall. in electronics
bibliog Elec Eng from 82:2-20
AIEE. Coal convention. Pittsburgh. May 5-S; with
program and abstracts of papers. Min Cone
Ja "63
Pacific energy conversion conference. San J 49:33-43 An: 51-64 Ja '63
Francisco. Elec Eng 81:824-0 O '62 Coal division conference. Pittsburgh. Oct,
AMERICAN Institute of mining, metallurgical 16: with abstracts of committee reports,
and petroleum engineers Min Cong San J 48:64-6 D '62Sept, 24-27, Rock
Annual meeting. Mallas; abstracts of papers Convention, Francisco,
Eng & Mln J 164:78-S0 Ap '63 Prod 65:80+of Npolicy '62 adopted at San Fran-
Annual mo<ling. 92d. Dalla.f. Feb. 24-28. Mln Declaration
I'Jng0.1 15:02-5 Ap '63: J Metals 16:450-4 Je cisco. Sept. 24-27. Min Cong J 48:27-33 N
AMERICAN mining congress — Continued AMERICAN public power association
Meeting. Ixis Aiipreles; abstracts o£ papers. Annual convention 20th, Cleveland, April 30-
Ens & Min Jand
164:116+ O '63minerals conven- May of2. APPA;
Story Elec World 159:92-3 My
locally-owned 20 '63asso-
Metal mining industrial
tion and exposition. San Francisco, Sept. ciation. J. P. Gallagher. 11 Power Eng 66:
2o-2S; with abstracts of papers. Min Cong J 41-3 D '62public works association
4S:aO-64D N '62; il Ens & Min J 163:84-90 N AMERICAN
■62; Pit & Quarry Annual congress and equipment show. New
Metal mining- industrial 55:90-2+
nunerals D convention.
OrlLvms. Civil Eng :;2:,S> X in '02monthly
Los Angeles. Sept. 15-18; with program. News bulletins.
bers of Public Published works num-
Mm Cong nuclear
AMERICAN J 49:41-53 Ag '63
society AMERICAN radio relay league
Meeting. Boston. Nucleonics 20:74+ S '62 Meeting. Portland, Sept. 1-9. program. Q S T
AMERICAN oil chemists society 46:20-3 Agroad
AMERICAN '62 builders association
Annual fall meeting. 36th. Toronto. Oct. 1-4; American road builders association, ij Pub
abstracts of papers. Soap & Chem Spec 38:
47-9 N fall
Annual '62 meeting. 37th. Minneapolis. Sept. Works convention.
Annual 94:119-20 F Chicago. '63 Feb. 24-27. Pit
30-Oct. 2; with program, list of exhibitors; & Quarry
Annual convention. 55:90-2+ 61st, My Chicago.
'63 Eng N 170:
abstracts of papers. Am Oil Chera Soc J
40:sup4+ S '63 54th. Atlanta. April 22-24; 22-3 Mr 7 rocket
AMERICAN '63 society
Annual meeting. Annual solid propellant rocket conference.
with program, president's
stracts of papers. Am Oil report
Chem andSoc ab-J 4th. Philadelphia. Jan. 30-Feb. 1; with ab-
40:supS+ Mr; sup 10+ Ap; 6-7+ Je; sup5+ stracts of papers. Astronautics & Aero-
Jl '63 report
Annual of the Smalley committee. 32 years space ofEng ARS 1:97-101 history.
Ap '63 G. E. Pendray.
Am Oil 36th. Chera Toronto:
Soc J 40:298-9 Jl '63 .
with addresses Astronautics
AMERICAN '63society for clinicalEng nutrition
& Aerospace 1:124-8 F '63
of presidents. Am Oil Chem Soc J 39:sup Annual meeting, 3d, Atlantic City. April 27;
4-5+ N: Toronto, sup4+ DOct. '62 1; program. program and abstracts of papers. Am J
Meeting. Am Oil Clinical Nutrition 12:330-8 Ap '63 education
Chem Soc J 39:sup 12+ Scollaborators
'62 AMERICAN society for engineering
New method for grading in the Annual meeting. Philadelphia. Civil Eng 33:
Smalley check sample series. L,. A. Bau- 43-4 Ag '63
AMERICAN society for metals
mann. Am OU Chem Soc J 40:sup 13-14+
Ag '63of the conunercial fats and oils analy- ASM's
Raudebaugh. presidentR. A.for Kozlik. 1962-63.Metal Robert
Prog S3:J.
Report sis committee. 1963. Am Oil Chem Soc J
AMERICAN Je '63 society for quality control
Report O '63
of tJie fat analysis committee. 1962. Annual convention and exhibit. 17th, Chi-
Am Oil Chem Soc J 39:431-4 O '62 cago. May 20-22; program and list of ex-
Report of the spectroscopy committee. 1961- hibitors. Ind Quality Control 19:37-40+ My
62. Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:sup 14+ Mr '63 Annual report of the board of directors. Ind
AMERICAN petroleum institute
API readies first travel-ad program. Oil & Quality Control
Increasing significance 19:48-53of Ntotal '62 quality con-
Gas J 61:77 Mr 18 '63 trol; president's address. A. V. Feigen-
Annual meeting, 42d. Chicago, Nov. 12-14, Oil
& Gas J world
60:95-6of NAPI.
12; Pet
N 19 '62 baum. range
Long Ind planning Quality Control guide. 20:4-9
L. Bass. O '63Ind
■62 34:
21-2 N '62 Qualityorganization
1963-64 Control 20:4-6 manual.S '63 Ind Quality Con-
This is your API. Oil & Gas J 60:123-38 N 12
Whe is API head i e with F. 1963-64 trol society
20:21-8 O '63ofHcers. regional executive
Ikard. C. La Motte. ed?Oil & ntGas
rvie J 61:42-5 Mr
directors. and regional directors. Ind
w Quality
society for 20:34-5testingAg and'63 materials
11 '63
AMERICAN pharmaceutical association ASTM committee B-8 ineeting. Wa.=;hington.
Scientific section meeting, Miami Beach. May Sept. committee
25-27. Plating
12-17; abstracts of papers. Am Perfumer ASTM D-1 49:1298+
on paints D and '62 related
78:30-3+ Jl '63 product.^!. Ind Finishing 39:70+ D '62
AMERICAN photoengravers association ASTM committee E-21 on space simulation
Annual meeting. Washington. Oct. 14-17. In- organized, il Materials Res & Stand 3:579-
land Ptr/Am Lithogr 150:94-5 N '62 ASTM. our heritage and our responsibilities;
AMERICAN physical society 80 Jl '63
APS-AAPT joint meeting. New York, Jan. president's address. A, C. Webber. Mate-
23-26. Phys Today 16:78-80 Mr '63 rials Res & Stand 3:669-73 Ag '63
AMERICAN potash and chemical corporation ASTM's analytical data projects. W Pepper,
jr. il diags Materials Res & Stand 3:646-
Kirkpatrick award for chemical engineering
achievement. Chem Eng 70:46 S 30 '63 Annual
52 Ag meeting.
'63 Atlantic City. Eng N 171:30-1
AMERICAN power conference Annual meeting. 66th. Atlantic City. June
Annual meeting, 2oth. Chicago. March 26-28. Jl 4 '63 with abstracts of papers. Pit &
Power Eng 67:68 F '63; Chem Eng 70:60
Ap 29 '63; Eng N 170:46-7 Ap 4 '63 Annual
Quarry meeting.
56:80-3 O 66th. '63 Atlantic City, June
Annual meeting. 25th. Chicago. March 26-28: 23-28: program and abstracts of papers.
abstracts of papers. Combustion 34:31-8
My; 46-9 Je; 35:41-4 O '63 Materials Res & Stand 3:384-5+. 506-7, 653-
Annua! meeting. 25th. Chicago. March 26-28; 9 Mv-Je. C-5 Ag '63
program. Combustion 34:49-52 Mr '63; Elec Committee on carbon and graphite prod-
ucts organized. Materials Res & Stand 3:
Eng 82:sup30A-2A
Conference. Chicago. MrMarch'63 26-28; abstracts
of papers. Elec World 159:64-7+ Ap 8 '63; Committee
743-4 S '6.'^D-11 on rubber and rubber-like
materials annual meeting. Atlantic City.
Power Eng 67:34-8 My; 58-61 Je '63 N. J. June 26-28. Rubber Age 93:774-6 Ag
AMERICAN public gas association
Annual convention, 1st, Washington, Oct. 29- '63: Rubber D-11Worldon rubber
Committee 148:78-80 andAg rubberlike
30. Gas Age 129:33-6 D '62 materials meeting. Montreal, Feb. 6-8.
AMERICAN public health association Rubber Aire !!2:9nfi-7 Mr '63
Annual meeting. 91st. Kansas City. Nov. 11- Honors ingand a'wards presented
15; preliminary program; list of exhibitors. luncheon. Materials Res at& annual
Stand meet-
Committees Pub 1962-1963.
Am J Health 53:1458-1546
Am J Pub Health S '63 53: New ASTM national officers elected. Mate-
■ f i:;
Fellowship F '63
in the American public health 8 Ag rials
'63 Res & Stand 3:572-4 Jl "63
publications. Published in month-
, association. Am J Pub Health 53:301-2 F ardsly numbers of Materials research and stand-
Rela of prof soci and 1962: of decision and progress. Materials
industry ship tosociationthe
American public ehealth
ti as-
s . C. G. King. ionaAm
l J Pub es Health Res &■ Stand
society of Ja
civil'63 engineers
53:712-16 ASCE environmental engineering conference.
Report of My
the '63chairman of the executive Atlanta. Feb. 25-28; program. Civil Ene
board to the governing council 1961-1962. J. 33:^5-9 .Ta ^63
D. Porterfield. Am J Pub Health 53:97-103 ASCE Philosophy of engineering unity. Civil
Ja•63'C3 of the chairman of the technical de-
Report Eng 33:31
Annual meetingJl '63 and structural engineering
velopment board to the governing council. conference. San Francisco. Oct. 7-11 and
1961-1962. Am J Pub Health 53:291-300 F Honolulu. Oct. 14-3 6; program. Civil Eng
33:64-73 Ag '63
AMERICAN society of civil engineers^Cont. Rubber and plastics division
Annual•62 meeting. San Francisco: with ab- Meeting. New York. Nov 25-30: with ab-
Century and papers.
stracts of a decadeEnc ofN professional
171;ia-21 O stew-
17 '63
stracts of papers. Plastics Tech 9:52 Ja 'SS
New York, Nov. 29-3U; with ab-
ardship. W. H. Wisely. Civil EnK 32:31 O
?,l';acts of papers. Rubber Age 92:592-3 Ja
03: Rubber World 147:96 Ja '63
Challenging ural address.assignment:
E. Friedman.president's Civil Eng inaug- 32:31- AMERICAN society of naval engineers
ENRs 2 N '62 editor will head ASCE. Eng N 171: •"V.n' . .SAE-ASNE aeronautical meeting.
Washington. Naval Eng J 75:3u3-9 My •63:
50-2 O 17 '63 engineering
Environmental conference. 1st. S A E J 71:116-19
AIVIERICAN society of Jeperfumers
Atlanta. Feb. 25-28. Civil Eng 33:40-5 Ap Annual symposium. 9th: new horizons in the
•63: Water & Sewage Works 110:185 My '63 Je 63 °f perfumery. Am Perfumer 78:33-55
Meeting. Milwaukee. Eng N 170:42-3 My 23 Annual .symposium. 9th. New York. April 18.
Revi of the Tech di of ASC Soap & Chem Spec 39:287-8 My '63
ew Friedman. n ical Eng vi33:52-3 sion
'63. AMERICAN society of sanitary engineering
SixB. '63 elected to honorary Civil membership. Je Civil Annual meeting. 56th. Little Rock. Ark. Air
Eng 32:66-8
Winter conference. O '62 Atlanta. Ga: with ab- Cond Heat & Ven 59:95-6 N '62
engineers society of tool and manufacturlna
stracts of papers. Em N 170:22-3 Mr 7
Communication and education: annual report.
AMERICAN society of heating, refrigerating
and air-conditioning engineers Tool & mgManuf
Engineer Eng e 50:109-20
confertnc '63
and toolMy exposition .
ASHRAE ofHcers. directors, committeemen. Chicago. April 29-May 3: program, list of
ASHRABmeeting. J 6:90-1 exhibitors, products on display. Tool &
Annual 70th. Ap;Milwaukee,
101-2 Ag June '63 24-26:
Engineerin Eng Ap '63
50:129-75 and
program and abstracts of papers. ASHRAE g conference tool show. Chi-
J 5:56-72 Je '63 70th. Milwaukee. cago. April 29-May 3: program. Am Mach/
Annual meeting. June 24- Metalworking Manuf 107:135 Ap 1 '63
26: with abstracts of papers. ASHRAE J Engineering conference and tool show. Chi-
6:50-61 Ag chapter '63 cago. April 29-May 3: with program and
Philadelphia air conditioning seminar. I'st of exhibitors. Iron Age 191:132-1- Ap 18:
lOo Ap 2d 63
Research year inJ 5:92-3 review.My W.'63 T. Pentzer. Topi exposition and conference. Chicago.
ASHRAE J meeting
Semiannual 5:46-f- Je and '63 exposition. New April 19-May 3. Steel 152:137-9 Ap 22 '63
Topi exposition and conference. Chicago.
York. Feb. 11-14; program, floor plans, and 69:119-44
A^nl^Pr-'^^.^y Ap 3;63 products on display, il Mach
list of exhibitors. Air Cond Heat & Ven 60:
153-60 Ja '63 AMERICAN standards association
Semiannual meeting. New York. Feb. 11-14: Annual meeting. New York. Dec 13. Mag of
program and abstracts of papers. ASHRAE
J 5:60-92 Ja; 50-68 Mr '63 Stand 34:35-40
Electrical F '63 board defines policy on
AMERICAN society of lubrication engineers definitions. Mag ofon Stand 34:213-14
Groundbreaking ceremonies for headquarters National conference standards. 13th. JlNew'63
building. Chicago. July 23. Lub Eng 19:316- York. Feb. 18-20; program. CombusUon 34:
AMERICAN Ag '63 society of mechanical engineers 29 D ^62
ASME elects members to grade of Fellow. '^3'^3^'31^-12^g^'i2^- ^- ™'°"- ^'"'^ °' ^'^"'^
Mech Eng 84:110-11 D '62; 85:914- Ja: 101-3
F: 108 finances.Ap; 100-1 1961-1962: Je; 91 Jl;1960-1961. 84-5 Ag Mech '63 ■R^at isis ASA?
What ASA? the V.sectional
G. Grey.committee
Mag of meth- Stand
ASME od. S. D. Hoffman. Mag of Stand 33:276-8
ASMEEng 85:110-11 Ap '63
honors 20 engineers. 1962 winter an- S 62
Why ASA? C. Ainsworth. Materials Res &
ASME nual officers meeting. nominated
Mech Eng at85:100-3 summerJa annual '63
meeting. Mech Eng 85:90-4 Ag '63 Stand 3:492-3 Je' 63 = co oc
AT&T builds a bombproof ^"^ telegraph
system, ilcompanyEng N
ASME '62: report from the president. C. H.
Shumaker. Mech Eng 85:125-8 Ja '63 171:19 Ag textile 29 '63 machinery association
Annual meeting. New York. Nov. 25-30: ab- AMERICAN
stracts of papers. Combustion 34:37-41 Annual meeting. Boston. Feb. 28. Mod Tex-
Ja: 41-5 meeting.
Council F '63 New York. Nov. 25-26. tiles Mag 44:46 Ap '63
AMERICAN water works association
Mech Eng
Council meetings. 85:106-8 F '63 June 10. Mech Eng
Denver. Amendments to bylaws in 1962. Am Water
85:96-9 S that
Decisions '63 face ASME. C. H. Shumaker. Works
AWWA directory. 1963; Dreference
Assn J 54:1549-52 '62 edition.
Mech Eng 84:26-9 D '62; Discussion. 85:86 Am Water Works Assn J 65:1-206 pt 2 O
Ap '63 and sense: Society's financial situa-
Dollars "^'JS'i'i.' conference. 82d. Philadelphia. June
tion. C. H. Shumaker. Mech Eng 85:22-4 17-22 Ani Water Works Assn J 54:sup35-
Ja '63todav: Fuels division symposium. 1962.
Fuels 62; .nater
fci' & -Sewage
^,5-";" •'>S-^D WorksEng109:sup9A+
'62; Civil 32:80 5^
bibliogASME. 11 Mech M. EngBarrangon. 85:38-45 Ja:Published 38-45 F '63 Ag '62: Eng N 108:21 Je 28 '62
Inside in ■'^I!"^' conference. 83d. Kansas City. May
monthly numbers of Mechanical engineering ^ 19-24. Eng N 170:18-19 My 30 '03
International conference on production engi- ■*^'3S"o'^,' cxjnference. S3d. kansas City, Mav
neering research: Pittsburgh. .Sept. 9-12;
abstracts of papers. Am Mach/Melalwork-
ing Manuf 107:85-92 S 2 '63 (reprints 40c) ■^"JSHft' conference.
Ag?^supTA'+ S3d. Kan.^sas
S 'Is technical ^"'■''^ City, May
1962 winter annual meeting; papers available. y-J''' preliminary program. Water
Mech Eng mechanical 85:104-10 Ja engineering
'63 <St Sewage Works 110:169-70 My '63
Petroleum national ■^■JP^o"-' conference. S3d. Kansas Cltv. Jlay
conference. 18th, Tulsa. Okla.. Sept. 22-25: 19-24: program, exhibit floor plan and pre-
liminary list of exhibitors. Am Water
program. student
Regional Mech Eng 85:88-9 Ag list'63 of papers
conference; Works Assn J 55:sup 35-6-1- Ap '63
and prizes. Annual conference. 83d Kansas Citv, May 19-
Student design Mech contest,Eng diags 85:100-1Mech O Enff '63 84: 24; with program, list of exhibitors and
56-9 D annual
Winter '62 meeting. 83d. New York, Nov. f.^/'/ikC" of papers.
116:.359-62. 474-5-I-. 484-54-. M^ater Works Eng
Ag 63 562-3, 640 My-
25-30. Mech Eng 85:92-112 Ja '63; Power California section annual conference. 4:id.
Eng 67:62-4
Winter annual Ja meeting. '63 Philadelphia. Nov. San I a Monica. Oct. 24-26; program and list
17-22; with program. Mech Eng 85:90-2 S; of oxh bltors. Water & Sewage Works 109:
113-36 O '63 Committee
sun7.\4- O reports,
'62 publications, auditors re-
New York.auxiliary Nov. 26-30.winter Mech annual meeting.
Eng 85:lll-l2 l>ort for, the awards, year ending Dec. 31. 1962:
membership membership growth
JaSee '63 also
De.qign engineering conference Am Watermembership
Director!', Works A.ssn J 65:496-638 An '63
list. etc. Am Water
National power conference Works Assn
Aviation and space division Indiana sectionJ 54:1-259 annual ptmeetlg.
2 N ^62 55th In-
Conference. Wa-shington, Juno 26-28: papers. ^'"o?iJC°ilo-:2o'^'^^Mv''i3''- ^'"'"^W. *D ^'^^'>
Mech Eng 84:28-33 O; 40-5 N: 34-41 D '62: Looking (o AWAVA's future. Hurst
85:30-5 Ja: 28-33 F: 48-55 Mr •SS Am Water Works Assn J 55:1-3 Ja '63
AMERICAN water works association — Cont. Positive halogen compounds; structure and
Micliiean section annual meeting, 23d, Lans- reactivity in halogenation with some fur-
InK, Sept. 12-14. Water & Sewage Works ther N-haloamides. C, Walling and A. L..
109:442-3 N '62 Rieger. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:3134-6
New Jersey section fall meeting, 27th, Atlan-
tic City, Sept. 26-29. Water & Sewage Potentiometric
20 '63 fattytitration
Odimethyl of acids in an NJf-
\Vorks 109:4Su-l D division '62 amide. C. A. Reynolds and
Water'63 purification golden anniver-
sary. Am Water Works Assn J 55:807-12 Jl Protonation of amide groups 35:973-6
others, bibliog Anal Chem Jl '63
of polypeptides
by helix-breaking solvents. S. Hanlon and
AMERICAN welding society others. Am Chem
Thermodynamic dataSoc for J 85:2024-5 Jl 5 '63 of
the formation
Annual meetins and welding show, Philadel- molecular complexes between phenyl sub-
phia. April 22-26: list of exhibitors. Welding stituted amides and iodine. R. Li. Carlson
Ens 48:40-7
Annual meeting Ap '63 and welding show. Phila- and R. S. Drago. Am Chem Soc J 85:505-8
delphia, April 22-26: program. Iron Age Transition
Mr 5 '63 state differences between amides
191:98-100 Ap 4 63 and estersdrolysis. inW. F. chymotrypsin-catalyzed hy-
Annual meeting, 44th, and ATEE electric Sager and P. C. Parks.
welding conference. Philadelphia, April 21-
25; program. Welding J 42:42-5 Ja 63 Am Chem Soc J 85:2678-9 S 5 '63
Annual meecing, 44th. and welding exposi-
tion, Philadelphia, April 22-26; with pro- Nonaqueous potentiometric titration of acyl-
gram and list of exhibitors. Welding J amidines and related compounds. B. H.
42:312+ Ap '63 44th. Philadelphia, April 22- Beggs and R. D. Spencer, bibliog Anal
Annual meeting. Chem 34:1590-4 N '62
26; abstracts of papers. Steel 152:71-2 Ap 15 AMIDINOUREA
Comparison of the reactions of amidinourea
Annual meeting, 44th, presidential addresses and amidinothiourea with various metal
and list of officers elected. Welding J 42; ions, R, H, Trimble. Anal Chem 34:1633-5
504-9 Je '63
Fall meeting. Boston. Sept. 30-Oct. 3: with AMINATION
N '62
Fall meeting,Welding
program. 2Vlilwaukee, J 42:731-2+
Oct. 1-4. SWelding
'63 J Deuterium isotope effects In transamination:
41:1021-2-t- N '62 L-alanine and pyridoxal. M. 1. Blake and
National fall meeting, Boston, Sept. 30-Oct, others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:294-7
3; program.
National officers Wieldingfor 1963-64J 42:512-14
nominated.Je Weld-
'63 F 5 '63 for aryne
Evidence intermediates in the
direct aminatlon of pyridine. V. S. Levitt
ina- J 41:1131-5 D '62 and B. W. Levitt, bibliog Chem & Ind
Welding show news, Philadelphia. April 23-
20. Welding J 42:213-16 Mr '63 AMINEp 1621-2oxides O 5 '63
AMERICAN zinc institute Potentiometric titration of long chain amine
Meeting, Chicago. April 29-May 1; abstracts oxides using alkyl halide to remove tertiary
of papers. Eng & Min J 164:264+ Je '63 amine interference. L. D. Metcalfe. Anal
Analysis Chem 34:1849
Studies D '62
in stereochemistry; mechanism of
Separation of americium from other ele- El reaction of amine o.xides. M. R. V.
ments; application to the purification and Sahyun and D. J. Cram, bibliog Am Chem
radiochemical determination of americiimi. Soc J 85:1263-8 My 5 '63
F. L,. Moore, bibliog Anal Chem 35:715-19 AMINES
My '63 isotopes Adsorption of water and methanol by organic
complexes of montmorillonites, W, H.
Americium-241 sources for analytical applica- Slabaugh and G. H. Kennedy, bibliog J
tions. J. B. Strain and G, W. Leddicotte. Colloidamines Sci 18:337-42 Ap '63 in condensing
Nucleonics 20:90 N 62 Alkyl as film formers
Determination of americiiini-243 in curium- steam systems. M. F. Obrecht and C. C.
244. C. J. Banick and others. Anal Chem DeWitt. bibliog 11 diags Ind & Eng Chem
35:1312-13 Ag '63 Product exchange
Amine Res & reactions; Develop 2:167-72
MannichJe bases '63
AMERIPOL CB. See Rubber. Artificial
AMIDES from aromatic amines. J. C. Craig and M.
Acidity of hydrocarbons: an HMO examina- Moyle. treating
Amine Chem &of Ind sour p690 gas: Apgood27 riddance
'63 to
H:S; process flowsheet. P. Brennan. 11 Chem
with tionlithium
of exchange rates of raethylarene-a-d's
cyclohexylamide. A. Streit- Eng 69:94-6 O 29 '62
wieser, jr. and others, bibliog Am Chem Approach to applicable inorganic polymers;
Soc J 85:1761-3 Je 20 '63 interaction of diamines and boron halides.
Acidity of hydrocarbons; rates of exchange G. Gerrard and others, bibliog J Ap Chem
of polycyclic methylarene-a-d's
cyclohexylamide. A. Streitwieser,with jr.
and 13:239-49 Je '63
W. C. Langworthy. bibliog diag Am Chem Automatic column chromatography of ether
and water-soluble 2.4-dinitrophenyl-deriva-
Soc J 85:1757-61 Je 20 '63 tives of amino acids, peptides, and amines.
Castor- based derivatives; sm thesis of some L. Kesner and others, bibliog diags Anal
amides. T. H. Applewhite and others,
Am Oil esters Chem Soc Chem 35:83-9
Bicyclic enamines; Ja '63 the formation of a sub-
Cyclic and J amides
40:101-4 derived
Mr '63
stituted nortricyclene from a bicvclic ena-
'62 acids of phosphorus. R. S. Edmundson.
from mine. A. G. Cook, bibliog Am Chem Soc J
Chem & Ind p 1770-8 bibliog(p 1771-8) O 13 85:648-9 Mr 5of'63Plutonium in biological ma-
Intramolecular bifunctional catalysis of amide terial by solvent extraction with primary
hydrolysis. H. Morawetz and J. Shafer. amines. F. W. Eruenger and others, bib-
Am Chem Soc J 84:3783-4 O 5 '62 liog
Determination Anal Chemof35:1671-3 primaryO '63 and secondary
Kinetics and equilibria of amide formation aliphatic amines
in aqueous media. H. Morawetz and P. S. trophotometry. F. by near-infrared
H. Lohman and W.spec- E.
Otaki. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:463-8
F 20 '63 Norteman. jr. Anal
Effect of gases on the conductivity of organic Chem 35:707-11 My '63
Lithium nitride, acid chlorides react. Chem & solids: the p-chloranil-amine interaction.
Eng N 41:46 Ap 8 '63 P. J. Reucroft and others, bibliog diags Am
Meuss spectrometry in structural and stereo- Chem Soc J of
Effectiveness 85:2059-62
volatile Jlamine 20 '63 treatment to
chemical problems; mass spectral fragmen- feed water for corrosion prevention. I.
tation processes and hydrogen transfer
reactions of ajnides and amines. Z Pelah Davies and J. T. S. Gundry. Chem & Ind
and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85; po36-7 on Mr the 30 '63
24i0-83 Ag 20 '63 Effects infrared spectra of repulsion
Iiiechanisms of acid hydrolysis of carboxylic in ortho-substituted primar>' aromatic am-
acid esters and amides. R. B. Martin, bib- ines. A. N. Hambly and B. V. O Grady,
liog Am Chem Soc J 84:4130-6 N 5 '62 bibliog Chem
Extraction & Ind pS6-7
of thorium from Jasulphuric
12 '63 acid
N,N-bisl2-acyloxyethyl) amides of long chain solutions by some cyclohexyl- and benzvl-
fatty acids as plasticizers. F. C. Magne and alkylamines. T. Sato. J Ap Chem 13:254-9
others, bibliog Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:541-
5 O 63 Filming amines best for steam plant. F. W.
Participation of the amide group in the Richardson, il diag Can Chem Process 47:
solvolysis of phosphoric acid esters; phos- Je '63 Je '63
photrieslers in alkaline media. C. Zioudrou Free radicals in amine solutions of elemental
and G. L, Schmir. bibliog Am Chem Soc J sulfur. W, G. Hodgson and others, bibliog
85:3258-64 O 20 '63 Am Chem Soc J 85:543-6 Mr 5 '63
AM I N ES — Coji(iin/e<i Where are the higher aliphatic amines going?
Highly strained bicyclic systems; the R. C. Lipsit and J. D. L.eonard. flow sheet
nitrous acid deamination of 5.5-dimethylbi- Chem EiiR Prog 59:83-5 O '63
cyclo[2.1.1]hexvl-2B-amine. J. Meinwald and See also
others, biblios Am Chem See J 84:3722-6 O Dodecyiamine
5 '62 Ethylenediamine
Hydrogen peroxide oxidation of tertiary Alethylamine
amines. G. L.. K. Hoh and others, bibliog Octadecylamine
Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:268-71 Jl '63 Triethylamine
Liow-toxicitv bactericide developed by Dow Analysis
Chemical; Dowicide Q. R. L.. Johnson. 11
Chem & Ens N 41:ol-f O 21 '63 Amperometric determination of amines; titra-
tion of sympathomimetic amines with so-
Mass spectrometry in structural and stereo- dium tetraphenylborate. B. Smith and
chemical problems, mass spectral fragmen- others, bibliog diag Anal Chem 35:58-61
tation processes and hydrogen transfer
reactions of amides and amines. Z. Pelan Mass spectrometric analysis; aliphatic amines.
and others, biblioe Am Chem Soc J 85:2470- Ja
R. S. '63 Gohike and F. W. McL«ifferty. bib-
83 Ag 20 '63 liog Anal Chem 34:1281-7 S '62 of fatty
Measurement of an amine inversion rate Spectrophotometnc determination
using nuclear magnetic resonance. M. amines in aqueous solution. R. A. Larrick.
Saunders and F. Tamada. Am Chem Soc J
Anal Chem 35:1760 determination
Spectrophotometric O '63 of primary,
S5;1S82 Je 20 '63 secondary, and tertiary fatty amines in
Mechanism of combustion inhibition by am- aqueous solution. R. M. Silverstein. bibliog
ines; effect of aliphatic and aromatic am-
ines on the pre- flame and ignition charac- Anal Chemdiazonium
Stabilized 35:154-7 salts
F '63 as analytical re-
teristics of ?i-hexane. K. C. Salooja. bibliog agents for the determination of air- borne
Inst Pet J 49:58-04 F '63 phenols and amines. C. A. Lugg. Anal Chera
Mechanism of hydrolysis of Schiff bases de- 35:Sj:i-904 Je '63
rived from aliphatic amines. E. H. Cordes AMINO acids
and W. P. Jencks. bibliog Am Chem Soc J All-or-none assay for assessing the role of
NeighboringS 20
85:2843-8 group '63 reactions; reactions of amino acid residues in enzyme action; ap-
plication to phosphoglucomutase. W. J. Ray,
3- (o-haloalkyl) -3-phenyl-2-benzofuranones jr. and D. E. Koshland, jr. bibliog diag
with secondary amines: trapped tetrahedral
Intermediates in a carbonyi addition reac- Am Chem
Amino acid sequence, Soc J 85:1977-83
syntheticJl insulin
5 '63 activ-
tion H. E. Zaugg and others, bibliog Am ity mark protein advances, il Chem &
Chem Soc J 84:4567-73 D 5 '62 Amino
EngN acids 41:42-5 changeO 21 bacterial
'63 growth pattern.
Nucleophilic displacement reactions of hex- G. Toennies and others. Chem & Eng N
ondary amines. E. T. reactions McBee and withothers,
40:.'iS S 24 column '62 chromatography of ether
bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:4540-3 D 5 '62 and water-soluble 2,4-dinitropheny;-deriva-
Oxidation inhibition by trialkylamines. J. R. tives of amino acids, peptides, and ajnines.
Thomas. Am Chem Soc J 85:593-4 Mr 5 '63 L.. Kesner and others, bibliog diags Anal
Potentiometric titration of long chain amine
oxides using alkyl halide to remove tertiary Chem 35:83-9of Ja the'63 tetracyclines;
Biosynthesis a new
aanine interference. L.. D. Metcalfe. Anal amino acid from streptomyces aureofaciens:
Chem 34:1849 D '62 ( + )-(i'aiis-2,3-dihydro-3- hydroxyanthranilic
Preparation of primtiry perfluoroalkylamlnes. acid J R D McCormick and others, bib-
R K Pearson and R. D. Dresdner. bibliog liog Am Chem Soc J 84:3711-14 O 5 '62
Am Chem Soc J 84:4743-6 D 20 '62 Changes in bonyiamino compounds acidsduring
and formation
baking. Y.
Quantitative analysis for ethylenediamine in Linko and J. A. Johnson, bibliog J Agrl &
the presence of hydroxyalkylamines. D.
Huggins and W. C. Drinkard. Anal Chem Food Chem 11:150-2 Mr '63
34:1756-7 D '62 Chemical pathology of acute
ficiencies. H. Sidransky and amino acid de-
M. Rechcigl, jr.
Reactions of amines; l-«-butyl-3-phenyl-
aziridinonone. H. E. Baumgarten. Am Chem bibliog J Nutrition 78:269-77 N '62
Cobalt complex hydrolyzes amino acid
Soc J 84:4975-6 D 20 '62 residues. J. P. Collman and D. A. Bucking-
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some chloroamminerhodiumlll) complexes)
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AMMONIA ^ , .,,,.
Absorptionmonia of carl>o dioxid,, by aqueous am- 141 Mr 'OSof cotton with ammonia-epichloro-
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pit. S. C Ting, diag Hydrocarbon Process Analysis
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62 bibliog diag Anal Chem
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21 O '63 Physiological effect Pisaneschi and H. S. Frazier. il diags Min
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tion, and urease activity in the gastroin- mmes. M. A. Porter, il Pit & Quarry 55:
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Air Mag loading 68:14-19of Agammonium'63
AMMONIUM Safe nitrate
Analysis explosives, copper il Compco. Air Mag 68:27 Je for'63
Nonspecificity of hypochlorite-phenol estima- Tennessee now uses AN-FO
tion of ammonium in biological material. 80 per cent of its blasting. H. B. Esta-
J. T. Wearne. bibliog Anal Chem 35:327-9 brooks. diags applications Min Eng of14:59-60 N '62 ni-
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Street and D. White. J Ap Chem 13:288-91 AMMONIUM perchlorate
Burning rate of ammonium perchlorate single
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tives. G. B. Street and D. White, bibliog ham, ARS J equations
32:1273 Agof ammonium'62
J Ap quaternary
Chem 13:203-6 My '63 Decomposition per-
Alkyl ammonium compounds as chlorate. A. E. Simchen. bibliog J Ap Chem
inhibitors of the acid corrosion of steel. 13:369-74 S '63
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Ae '63 ate. M. D. Horton and E. W. Price ARS
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Mechanism the accelerated burning of am-
salts. A. L. Clingman and others, bibliog monium perchlorate at high pressures. O.
J Ap Chem
Cationic surfactants. 13:1-6 JaDrug'63 & Cosmetic Ind R. Irwin and others, bibliog AIAA J 1:1178-
92:368-9gas Mrchromatographic
Direct '63 analysis of long Particle
80 My size '63 analysis of ammonium perchlo-
chain quaternary ammonium compounds. rate by liquid sedimentation. E. K. Bastress
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40:25-7 Ja '63 Some aspects ilofdiags
and others, the AIAA J 1:1182-5 My
crystallographic transi-'63
Electroreduction of quaternary ammonium tion of ammonium perchlorate. M M. Mark-
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bibliog affecting
Factors Am Chem stability Soc J 85:421-5 P 20 '63
of nonaqueous 1941-2 D '62phosphates
quaternary ammonium titrants. G. A. Har- Fire-flghting chemicals list grows; DAP com-
low, bibliog binations show promise. 11 Chem & Eng N
Field test for Anal Chem 34:1487-91
quaternaries. J. K. ICrum O '62and
R. S. Browning, Jr. il Soap & Chem Spec Pilot plant D studies 17 '62 of a nitric phosphate
39:73-1- Ap '63 process. P. M. R. Versteegh and W. Lugt
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eliminations with alicyclic quaternary am-
monium salts. R. Ledger and J. McKenna. TVAChem process 10:434-41forN '62 production of granular
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Chem & Ind p73S-9 My 4 '63 others, flow sheet J Agri & Food Chem 10:
Mechanism of the Hofmann elimination
reaction; an ylide intermediate in the 442-7 N '62sulfate
pyrolysis of a highly branched quaternary Simultaneous determination of hypobromite.
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Nonaqueous titration of p-nitrophenyl- Anal Chem sulfites 35:908-9 Je '63
hydrazones with tetrabutylammonium hy- AMMONIUM
droxide. W. T. Robinson, jr. and others, Shrinkprooflne of wool with cupric ammonium
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of'62 sodium iodide. D. E. Sellers and G. W. AMMONIUM tungstates
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Proposed redox standard; tetramethylammo- trochem Soc J 109:1179-82 D '62
nium tetrachloroterrate(III) L. J. Sacks. AMMUNITION
Anal Chem 35:1299-300 Ag '63 See also
Quaternary antistatic agents effective in Bullets
plastics. A. E. Sherr and E. A. Vitalis. Pro.iec tiles
bibliog Ind & Eng Chem Product Res & AMOEBA. See Ameba
Develop 2:97-102 Je '63 AMPERE law
Reactions of nitrogenous fertilizers In
calcareous soils. W. H. Fuller, bibliog J Faraday's law and Ampere's law. F. W.
Agri & Food Chem 11:188-93 My '63 Sears, diags Am J Phys 31:439-43 Je "63
AMPEROMETRIC titrations. See Volumetric
Sommelet-Hauser rearrangement of allvl- analy.?is
benzyldimethylammonium bromide and AMPEX corporation
c y c 1 o propylcarbiny Iben zj'Idimethvlammoni - Management overhaul key to Ampex re-
um bromide: evidence for carbanion stabili-
zation by the cyclopropane ring C L covery. P. Geddes. Electronic Ind 22:86-8+
Bimigardner. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85: Ap 63
73-8 Ja 5 '63 AMPHETAMINE. See Benzedrine
AMPHIBIA, Fossil ,
Design of wide-band degenerate parametric
n < o^v, amplifiers tor 31UU mc/s. V. A Hughes
Kemarkable concentration of Permian am- and F. V. Bale, bibliog diags Inst E B
phibian remains in Haskell County, Texas. '62
W W DaUiuest and S. H. Mamay. J Ceol Proc 110:1299-303
Dc-pimiped amplifier using space-periodic
Ag '63
7l;G41-4 S U3 magnetic field. T. Wessel-Berg and K.
AMPHIBIOUS motor vehicles. See Motor Blotekjeer. diags Inst Radio Eng Proc
vehicles. Amplubious
60:2513 pumped
Double- D '62 X-band parametric amphfler
Microscopic determination of Amthe Mineralogi amphiboles wilhL extremely large gain- bandwidth prod-
in srains. P. Gazzi. bibUoc st uct. G. C. Spacek. Inst Radio Eng Proc 50:
48:422-a hism Mr 'USin alkali ,, ,.amphibole ^.. ,s. ,,. W. _
tr. 1534-5 reduction
Drift Je '62; Discussion. in d.c. 50:2378-80
amplifiers. N '62S.
Polymorp Nagabhushana and A Krishnan. diags
Ernst. diaK Am Mineralogist 4S:241-6U bib-
lios(p259-GU) Mr '63 and occurrence Electronic Eng
Dual-cavity maser35:614-15 used inS Mars
'63 radar ex-
SynUiesis. stability relations., riebeckite-arfvedsonite periment. W. H. Higa and R. C. Clauss.
of riebeckiie and
solid solutions. W. G. Ernst, diaes J Geol diags standard IEEE Proc 51:948-9 JeA. '63
.U:(iS9-i36 biblioslp735-6) N 62 Dual i.f. amplifiers. C. Barton.
AMPHIBOLITES „ diags Brit Inst Radio Eng J 24:353-6 N
Classirtcatnon. ion
Geol Soc _, of Bui amphibo ites. Ag.R- ,T.
74:1087-8 Can- Effect of a small Stokes shift on the opera-
63 tion of three- level masers. P. J. Warter. jr.
Hornblen des formed during progressi ve meta- bibliog J Ap Phys 34:2966-72 O 63
morphism of ainpliibo lites, northwest Experimental study of the parallel pumped
Adirondack Mountains. N.Y. A. E. J Engel ferromagnetic amplifier. E. R. Peressini and
and C. G. Engel. map Geol Soc Bui 73: others. 11 diag J Ap Phys 33:3292-5 N
1499-514 biblioslp 1513-14) D '62 '62 . ^
Origin of amphibolit
iwidacks, Mew York. es B. E. northwest
from Eeake. bibhog Experimental vices. A. C. technique
Hudson and forE.parametric
Geol Soc Bui 74:1193-202 Sic '63substances
AMPHOLYTES. See Ainphoter Inst age
Fast P^dloamplifier Enp: Proclocks 50:1992-3 S '62 radar
AMPHOTERIC substances _ „, on target. W. W. Smith. 11 diags Elec-
Synthesis and surface active properties . of Fast response tronics 36:34-6 amplifier
S 27 '63 controls large ac
certainandamphoteric compounds. W. M. L,m- motors. A. H. Myles. diags Control Eng
field others. Am Oil Chem boc J 40. 9:77-9 O 02
114-17 Mr '63 , , . J J 1,,
Two amphoterics shown to be biodegradable. Field-operational S-band maser. il Elec-
Soap & Chem Spec 39:130 Ap '63 Fisher SA-1000 tronics 36:48 Mrstereo 29 '63 150-watt power am-
Accuracy and stability in. operationa l am- plifier^ and K-1000 Stratakit. 11 Audio 47:
plifiers. J. K. Scully, diags Electro-Tech 54-5 S '63
Four-gc parametric amplifier for satellite
72:53-7 Ag '63 . _ atnpii- ,. communication ground station receiver. M.
Ain to pm conversion in a parametric Uenohara and others, bibliog 11 diags Bell
fler K M. Kurzrok. IEEE Proc 51:406-7 Svsiem Tech J 42:1887-908 pt 3J. Jl Scliimits-
Amplification of power-line carrier signals at Four-level i£u-band maser. E.
intermediate stations. D. E. Jones and J. chek and others, diags IEEE Proc 51:363-4
R Leslie, diags IEEE Trans Power Appara- F '03 in grounded grid. L. Kleber. 11 diags
tiis & Systems
Amplifier gain and pG83-Gstability.
O '63L. ^G. ^Cripps ■ Q S T 47:29-34 Jl '63
and J. A. G. Slatter. Brit Inst Radio Eng Frequency dependence of the equivalent
series resistance of varactor diodes and its
J 22:417Radio
waran. N '61: Discussion. Eng
& Electronic S. Venkates-
25:276 Mr effect on parametric amplification. L. D.
Braun. diag Inst Radio Eng proc 50:2523-4
Analogue computer errors due to gam . and Fundamentals of feedback design; amplifier
bandwidth limitations of the operational Dterminal
'62 impedances. G. Edwin, diags
amplifiers. P. G. Davis, bibliog diags Elec-
tronic Eng 35:246-9 Ap '63 Wireless World 68:453-6 S "62
incorporat- Graphical expressions of synchronous condi-
Analysis of parametric
ing varactor diodes. amplifiers
F. J. Hyde, bibliog tions in the transverse- type electron beam
parametric amplifier. K. Kakizaki. diags
diags Inst
Analysis of Eparametrically excitedAgsystems.
E Proc 110:1313-18 '63 Inst Radio Eng Proc 50:1850-1 Ag '62
Y. H. Ku and T. T. Yang, bibliog diags High-gain push-pull magnetic ajnpliller with
Franklin speed Inst control J 274:452-74 limited circulating ciu-rents. 1. M. Horo-
Angular with aD bistable
'62 fluid witz, bibliog diags Com & Electronics p350-
amplifier. S. Katz and J. Iseman. diag
Control Eng 10:133-f Jl '63 High-performance
8forN severe
'62 servo magnetic amplifier
Application of linear graphs to nuUUlevel environmental applications. H.
niaser analysis. S. D. Bedrosian. Franklin J. Jones and C. Sturzenbecker. bibliog U
Inst J 274:278-83 O '62 . ._. . diags Comdoped
Holmium '62& calcium
p4G2-8 as Jaa niaser
Approximateabilities and relativeetic
electromagn transition prob- material. E. S. Sabisky and H, R. Lewis.
electron excitation
cross sections for rare-gas masers. H. bibliog IEEE Proc 51:53-6 Ja '63
Statz and others, bibliog J Ap Phys 34: Inductors fier. R. no
Leslie problem;and thin-film 11ampli-
Townsend. diags
masersS '63
Are2625-32 going out of style?„ il ■^, ^
.. Electronics
Electronics 36:46-9 Je 7 '63
36:26 F 8 '63
Bandwidth limits for neutralized ,. ^ ,input. Instrument electronics: magnetic amplifier
capacity anipliflers. R. L. Schoenfeld. bibliog basics. D. '62S. Luppold. 11 diags Plant Eng
diags Inst Radio Eng Proc 50:1942-50 S^:62 17:143-6 S 'G3
Interaction of visible and infrared maser
Calculation of the normalized population dis- transitions in the helium-neon system. J. D.
tribution of multilevel maser systems by the
inspection method. J. D. Keating and W. A. Rigden and A. D. White, bibliog diag IEEE
Barker, diags Franklin Inst J 2i4:263-69 O Proc 51:943-5 Je '63 of VA-99 as a mllU-
Interesting behavior
Cascading ups parametric amplifier .gain. meter-wave amplifier. K. Ishil and others.
W, B. Ribbens. diags Electronics 35:604- S 11 diag Inst I^adio Eng Proc 50:2510 D
Ch:i.rge control of magnetic amplifiers. A.
Goral. bibliog diags Comm & Electronics Intemiodulatlon distortion In linear ampli-
fiers. W. I. Orr. 11 diags Q S T 47:52-7-f
P29G-302 S -62 of magnetic amplifiers; per-
Charge control formance of self-saturating magnetic am- Internal
S '6:! resistance of feedback amplifiers.
plifiers. A. G6ral. bibliog 11 diags IEEE E. de Boer, diags Electronic Eng 34:600-4 S
Trans Com & Electronics p33S-46 Jl 63
Class D amplifiers. G. F, Cooper, diags Audio Interpretation of the transmission line param-
47:24-1- Jl: 23-f Ag '63 eters with a negative-conductance load and
Compari.son of quantum and scmiclasslcal application
fiers. C. T. to negative-conductance
Stelzried. diag Radioampli-
radiation theories with application to the
beam ma.ser. E. T. Jaynes and F. W. Cum- Proc 49:812-13 Ap "61 ; DIscu.ssion. H. F.
mlngs. bibliog diags IEEE Proc 51:89-109 Lenzing and C. D'Ello. IEEE Proc 51:481-2
.la '63 of nuclear power reactors by means
Control Investigation of an experimental narrow-
of magnetic amplifiers. M. J. Craddock and Mr '63 band parametric amplifier. T. Bucklev and
J A Purdle. bibliog diags Brit Inst liadio J. T. Lawrence, bibliog diags Inst E E
EnK J 24:427-39 D '62 Proc 110:1304-12 Ag '63
AMPLIFIERS — Continued Parametric amplifiers, il Engineer 215:1040
Iron sapphire maser with no magnetic field.
U. K. Friedman and A. W. Nagy. bibliog Parametric
Je 7 '63 amplifiers; static and dynamic in-
ductance and capacitance and their sig-
61:31)1-2 F amplifier.
'63 D. J. Soltz. nificance in the non-linear and time-vary-
bibliog diags Franklin Inst Jamplifier
275:79-S7 using
F '63 ing approaches. F. J. Hyde and D. G.
Low-noise 11-go parametric Tucker, bibliog diag Radio & Electronic
ode. S. Kita silver-
and bonded
K. germanium
Tahara. LBEE di-
Proc Eng
Parametric 25:353-5amplifiers Ap '63 using semiconductor
'63 juiictiuus. J. D. Pearson, il diags Research
51;61S-19 Ap '63
M-type dc quadrupole parametric amplifier.
W. Sackinger. diag UGEB Proc 51:1059 Jl 15:483-8 N '62
Parametric up-converter radar. F. J. Gregory.
il diags Ind of Electronics
Perforniance an ammonia1:172-6 maser D with
'62 two
Magnetic amplifier circuits converting half- resonators in cascade. D. C. Lain6 and R.
wave input into full-wave output with C. Srivastava. bibUog diags Radio & Elec-
transistor switch. T. Naruse. bibliog il
diags IEEE Trans Com & Electronics p358- Potentialitiestronic Eng 26:173-80
and present Ag '63status of masers
62 Jl '63 amplifier for low-level telegraph
Magnetic and parametric amplifiers in radio astrono-
signals. L. A. Rioual. diags Radio & Elec- my. J. V. Jelley. il IEEE Proc 61:30-45
tronic Eng 25:541-6 Je '63 bibliogof(p43-
Proof a 5)combinatorial
Ja '63 formula in the
L. Weissman. switchingdiags systems. B. J. O'Neill
Electro-Tech and
70:128-30 theoi-y of multilevel maser systems B W.
O '62 Hobbs. bibliog diags Franklin Inst J 274:270-
Maser rate equations and transient oscilla- Quantum
tions. C. L. Tang, bibliog J Ap Phys 34: O '62 electrodynamic
7envelope prediction of the
modulation of maser beams. R. M.
Masers. K. O '63 Hoselitz. Wireless World 69:239- Bevensee. IEEE Proc 51:215-16 Ja 63
Radar sensitivity with degenerate para-
41 My and
Masers '63 lasers. G. Corfield. Gas 38:19 O metric amplifier front end. P. Meerholz. il
Masers and millimeter waves. F. S. Barnes, IEEE Procfrequency
Resonant 51:1043 Jlshift '63 phenomenon in
bibliog fordiags parametric ampUfiers and harmonic genera-
Masers the IEEE Telstar Proc 51:115-19
satellite Ja '63
communica- tors that use current driven nonUneor
tions experiment. W. J. Tabor and J. T. capacitors. G. C. Lowe. Inst Radio Eng
Sibilia. il diags Bell System Tech J 42: Proc 50:2501-2 D amplifiers.
Review of chopper P. f. Howden.
1863-86 pt power
Maximum 3 Jl '63gain of a two-port active bibliog diags Electro-Tech 71:64-7 Je '63
network. R. Spence. Inst Radio Eng Proc S-band nondegenerative parametric amplifier
50:1709 Jl '62; Discussion. IEEE Proc 51: with 1000-mc instantaneous bandwidtli. D.
402-3 F '63 amplifier system, il Engineer Neuf and others, il lEIEE Proc 51:1365-6
Microwave O '63
216:2i5 As 16 '63 Selectivity and sensitivity in functional
Microwave maser action in ruby at IEEE
7S°K blocks. W. E. Newell, bibliog Inst Radio
by laser pumping. A. Szabo. bibliog Eng Proc 50:2517 D '62 amplifiers with ca-
Proc 51:1037-8 Jl '63 Self-saturating magnetic
Modern trends in high-frequency transmitter pacitive loads. L. A. Finzi and others bib-
design. L. J. Heaton-Armstrong and B. S. liog diags IEEE Trans Com & Electronics
Jackson, il diags Inst E E Proc 110:1385-94 P523-7 maser.S '63 W. E. Hughes and C. R.
Modes '63in a maser interferometer with curved
Ag Kremenek. il diag IEEE Proc 51:856 My '63
and tilted mirrors. A. G. Fox and T. LI. Shunt-loaded magnetic amplifier. B. W.
bibliog diags in IEEE Proc 51:80-9 Ja '63am- Manteuffel and T. A. Phillips, diags Elec-
Modifications the properties of linear tro-Tech 71:112-16 Ap '63
plifiers due to linear feedback. D. Petersen, Shunt-loaded magnetic amplifier; theory of
bibliog diags operation,•62 circuit arrangement and experi-
Modified seriesElectronicmagnetic Eng 35:651-5 R.O '63
amplifier. A. mental results. E. W. Manteuffel and T. A.
Freiberg, il diag Elec Eng 81:861-3 N '62 Phillips, bibliog il diags Com & Electronics
Multi-channel carrier amplifier, il Engineer P440-57 Ja '63 fiux interaction in an ultra-
216:26 Jl 5 '63optical resonators. P. O. Clark. Signal-ultrasonic
Multireflector sonic wave amplifier. W. C. Wang and J.
•63 Pua. circuit
bibliog amplifiers, IEEE Procil 51:1235-6
Negative IEEE
diags feedback Procin current
51:949-50 amplifiers.
Je '63 R. R. Solid diags IndS Elec-
Jennings, diags Electro-Tech 72:100-3 Jl tronics 1:341materials
Mr '63
Solid matrix of fluid-amplification
Negative feedback in voltage amplifiers. R. systems. R. W. Van Tilburg. diag Electro-
R. Jennings, diags Electro-Tech 70:80-3 Techpanel
Solid 71:11-12 amplifies Je '63 images, diag Electronics
D '62
Negative impedance electrometer amplifiers;
introduction. E. F. MacNichol. jr. diags Inst 36:20-2radiation
Space My 24 '63 instruments implanted In
Radio Eng Proc 50:1909-11 S '62 Dlastinaut dummies, il Elec Eng 81:886-7 N
Network tuned amplifiers with variable band-
width. R. J. Lamden. diags Electronic Eng Stabilized wide-band potentiometric pre-
35:109-11 F '63; Discussion. 35:330-1 My amplifiers. J. W. Moore and J. H Gebhart.
bibliogi il diags Inst Radio Eng Proc 50:1928-
No-field powder maser. A. W. Nagy and G. 41 S of
State '62 the art in fiuid amplifiers. E. J.
E. Friedman. IEEE Proc 51:1037 Jl '63 Kompass. bibliog 11 diags Control Eng 10:
Nonconfocal multimode resonators for masers.
R. F. Soohoo. bibliog diags IEEE Proc 51: 88-93 amplidyne;
Ja '63
70-5 Ja '63 Static new high-capacity push-
pull power amplifier; resistive- inductive
Non-linearity distortion measurement with loads. A. Lavi and R. W. Roberts diags
particular reference to white noise and slot IEEE Trans Com & Electronics p503-8 S
niters. J. S. Murray and J. M. Richards, 63
diags Wireless World 69:161-5 Ap '63 Subaudio parametric amplifier for ocean-
Observation of increased power output from bottom seismometer. P. D. Davis, jr. and
He-Ne optical maser by means of externally G. D. Ezell. il diags Electronics 36:28-31
applied high-voltage pulsing. E. H. Bverly
and others, diags IEEE Proc 51:360 F '63 Mr 1 •es microwave radiometer using a
Open and closed loop response of feedback series-resonant degenerate parametric am-
amplifiers. S. S. Hakim, diags Electronic plifier in a phase-coherent mode of oper-
Eng 34:682-7 O '62 ation. C. T. Stelzried. 11 diag IEEE Proc 51:
Operation of a memory element based on the 482-3 Mr '63
■ maser principle. H. J. Gerritsen. IEEE Symposium on masers and lasers. London,
Proc 51:934-5 Je '63 Jan. 2; abstracts of papers. Engineer 215:
Optical pumping of microwave masers. H.
Hsu and F. K. Tittel. bibliog diag IEEE 107 Ja 11 '63 wave amplification in the
Proc 51:185-9 Ja '63 quadrupole pump. K. Kakizaki. diags Inst
Oscillation and amplification at vhf utilizing Radio Eng Proc 50:2500-1 D '62
electron tunneling between superconducting Theory of semiconductor maser of GaAs.
iTietals. J. L. Miles and others, il diag IEEE A. L, McWhorter and others, diag J Ap
Proc 51:937-8 Je '63 Phys
Parametric amplification In thin film super- 35.5 kmc34:235-6parametric Ja '63 amplifier. G. W. Fitz-
conducting transmission lines. R. A. Con- simmons 11 diag Inst Radio Eng Proc 60.
nell. IEEE Proc 51:616-17 Ap '63
AMPLIFIERS— Continued „ y, Class D amplifiers. G. F. Cooper, diags Audio
Twin-T ampUMer with stable gain ana 47:24+ base Je '63 amplifier; voltage gain and
variable selectivity. H. C. JLJertoya bibliog Common-
diags itadio &■ Kiectronic Ii.iig 2o;177-!>7 t bandwidth. R. Leek, diags Electronic Tech
Two-stage parametric amplifier for the 39:302-6of Agsolid-state
Design '62 stereo power amplifier
spectroscopy of Uie 21-cm line of interstellar with silicon transistors. M. B. Myers, jr.
hydrogen. P. G. Mezger. diag USEE Proc and
Ja 63M. D. Kalm. il diags Audio 47:21-4+
51:356-7 F '03 . , j t^DAP. „ resin
Underseas amplifier; reinforced D.c. amplifiers using transistors. P. J. B6-
used in precision electrical components, il n^teau and E. Murari. bibliog diags Elec-
World amplifier
Plastics diode 21:22 My at '63 liquid hehum tronic•62
Eiglit transistors Eng 35:257-9 Ap watts
for ten '63 of hi-fi. L. J.
temperature. H. J. Fink and' others, il diag D'Airo. 11 diags Radio-Electronics 34:44-6
lliEB Proc 51;24G Ja '63In parametric am- Equivalent circuit for a two-stage common
Varactor self-resonan ce My '63 amplifier.
plifiers. A. C. Hudson, diag IEEE Proc emitter S. S. Hakim, diags Elec-
61:1248-9 gamma
Variable S '63 ,._,
amplifier. „ Kundu
P. ,, , and, S. „ tronic
Feedback amplifier Eng 35:238-9stabilization.
Ap '63 S. S. Hakira.
Wide- band diag computingIEEE Proc 61:Sb7-8D. MyL,. '63
amplifier. A. diags Ind Electronics
50- to 125-Q fast preamplifier. 1:273-6 FK. '63B. Keller
Barber, diags Electronic Eng 35:24U-2 Ap b3 and W. M. Henebry. il diag R Sci Instr
Zinc tungstates
cations. L,. G. for
Van microwave
Uitert and maser appli-
S. Preziosl. 34:710-11 Je '63
Frequency response of transitor a.f. ampli-
fiers. K. R, Sturley. diags Electronic Eng
J See
Ap also
Phys 33:2908-9 S '62
Cryotron Get35:466-9
stability Jl '63through mismatching. W. D.
Light amplifiers Rexroad. il diags Electronics 35:50-3 O 19
Harman-Kardon citation A. 11 Audio 46:75-6
Latest sign. F. D. Waldhauer. to integrated amplifier de- Harman-Kardon citation A kit. 11 Audio 47:48
il diags Electronics O '62
36:24-7 My 31 '63 ,
New treatment of Uie re paral ,,,„., 1 el -T network. Heathkit transistor •63 stereo amplifier, model
K Posel. bibliog il diags Inst E E Proc Ap
AA-21.'03 il Audio 47:44 Je '63
High fidelity transistor amplifiers. Electronic
110:126-38 Ja '63 ,.„ j ■
design: refer-
Nomograph ence sheet.speeds R. T. amplifier
Stevens. Electronics 36: Eng 35:320 My limiter
High-frequency '63 amplifier solves phase-
38-1- Jl 5 '63 Noise ^, . shift problems. S. P^ W. Stranddorf. diags
Circuit for noise reduction in a magnetic Electronics
High input resistance 35:44-5 N 16transistor
'62 amplifiers.
siuspension balance. J. W. Trischka. diags A. G. Bell and B. H. Venning, diags J Sci
R Sci diode
Cooled Instr 33:1120-1 cuts noise O '62 in parametric Instr 40:239-43 My '63
High power audio to
amplifier frequency an push-pull tran-
amplifier. Electronics
Out-out slide rule simplifies 35:66-7 noise
O 26 calcula-
'62 netic R, drive electro-mag-
F. C. Bennett, diags
tions; reference sheet. K. Larosa and others, Radio & Electronic Eng stereo
26:191-6 preampli-
S '63
High-quality transistorized
fier. E. Aschinger. diags Audio 46:30+ N;
diags Electronics
Description of the noise 36:64-f performance
F 8 '63 of am-
plifiers and receiving systems, diag IEEE 36+ D '62; 47:35-6+ Ja: 39-40+ F; 34+ Mr
Proc 51:436-42 Mr '63 High-quality
Fundamental noise limit of Unear amplifiers.
H. Heffner. bibliog diags Inst Radio Eng amplifier. L.transistorized tape Audio
Beeder. 11 diags recorder
Proc 60:1604-8 Jl '62; Discussion. IEEE How17-19+copper My '63 wire balances parallel power
Proc 51:245-6on Jaa '63 transistors. D. J. Hancock. 11 diag Electron-
fier. P. G. Mezger. cooled
IEEE Proc ampli-
51: '63 N 23 '62
ics 35:47-8
Inexpensive, general purpose, biological am-
604-5 figure
Noise Ap '63 . ^
for negative source resistance. plifier. W. Barry, diag J Sci Instr 40:347
H. A. Haus. Inst Radio Eng Proc 60:2135-6 Instrument electronics; transistor amplifier
O '62 noise figures of diode parametric
Overall Jlbasics.
'63 D. S. Luppold. diags Plant Eng
amplifier systems. C. S. Aitchison and oth- Is 17:121-4
this the Agsimplest '63 paramp ever built? R. J.
ers, bibliog diags Inst E E Proc 110:348-52 Mayer, bibliog 11 dlasa ElectronJca 35:46-7
F '63
Puzzled about htmi-m? A. Prasil. diags Key
Radio-Electronics 34:58 Ap '63 S 14 to
amplifier'62 faster K. H. computers;
Konkle and ten-nanosecond
J. E. Laynor.
S-band parampmum. P. Koskos approaches noise-figure
and others, bibliog ilmini-
diag 11 diag Electronics 35:39-41 D 14 '62
Lafayette 200-watt transistor stereo power
Electronics 36:57-9 Je 28 '63 amplifier, model LA-280. il Audio 47:54 N
System noise temperature of quantum ampli-
fiers. A. van der Ziel. IEEE Proc 51:962-3 Low-frequency Teactance amplifier. J. R.
Je '63 Testing Biard. bibliog diags IEEE Proc 51:298-303
Checking frequency-compensating circuits. M. F '63
Low-level peak holding circuit using an oper-
Horowitz, diag Audio 47:264- My '63 ational amplifier. K. H. Morey and K. E.
Harmonic ments.distortion;
M. Horowitz, tests
diags and
Audiomeasure- Perrv. diags IEEE Proc
47:38+ Low-noise preamplifier uses 51:953-4
field-effectJe tran-
O '63 sistors. E. G. Fleenor. 11 diags Electronics
Testing amplifier response with an oscillo- 36:67-9
scope. H. Malamud. diags Audio 47:34-)- Je Low- noiseAp transistor 12 '63 preamplifier for 50 or
144 mc D. Meyer. 11 diags Q S T 46:30-2
Transient testing of a.c. amplifiers. R. C. N '02
Bowes. 11 diag Wireless World 68:593 D '62 Modulated pulse a.f. amplifiers. D. R. Birt.
AMPLIFIERS, Transistor il diags Wireless World 69:76-83 F '63; Dis-
Achieving stable high-gain video amplifica- cussion. 69:135-6. 182-3 Mr-Ap '63
tion using the Miller-effect transformation. New tunnel-diode preamplifier Improves
J. '63
W. Baker, jr. diags IEEE Proc 51:911-16 Shased-array radar. D. W. MacGlashan. 11
Je -63 lags Electronics 35:57-9 S 2S '62
Am to pm conversion In tunnel diode ampli- Nondegenerate photoparametric amplifier.
fiers. R. M. Kurzrok. IEEE Proc 51:377-8 F D. E. Sawyer, diag IEEE Proc 51:1238 S '63
Nonlinear distortion in tunnel-diode ampli-
Audio boo.'iter for transistor radios. F. fiers. R. M. Kurzrok and A. NeT;\^on. Inst
Adamek. jr. diag Radio- Electronics 34:62-3 RadiokilowattEng transistor Proc 50:1853-4
O '63 One audio Ag '62
amplifier. R. S.
Broadband uhf transistor amplifiers. L. F. Burwen. il diags Audio Eng Soc J 11:34-40
Roeshot. bibliog diag Electro-Tech 71:124-1-
Je '63 Packaging
Ja '63 a telemetry amplifier. W. H.
Capacitlve Hannahs and S. S. Thaler. 11 diags Electro-
fiers. A. transducers
R. Bailey, with
diags transistor
Wireless ampli-
Tech 72:210+ of S sum
Performance '63 and difference mode
69:507-10 O '63
Citation A: a stereo preamp and control parametric amplifiers in television receiv-
center. S. Hegeman. il diags Radlo-Elec- ers. D. D'Agostinl. bibliog diags RCA R
tronlcs 34:32-4. cover Jl '63 24:226-52 Je •es
AMPLIFIERS. Transistor — Continued '63
Periodic variation of junction temperature in Asymptotic transconductance design of tran-
a transistor. E. C. Bell and others. 11 diaera sistor amplifiers. J. P. Wittman. bibliog
Inst E E voice Proc 109 pt B:497-503 N '62 diags Com & Electronics
Design aspects of low distortion transistor p542-S Ja '63
Personal amplifier. D. J. MacLean.
biblios il diasr Audio Ens Soc J 11:345-8 amplifiers. M. Barlowe. il diags Audio Eng
O '63
Prefab transistor amplifiers end building Soc J of11:98-103
Design wide- band Ap transistor
'63 feedback am-
headaches. R. P. Turner, il Radio-Elec- Eibiiog
lifters. diags
B. M. Inst Cherry-
E E and
ProcD. 110:375-89
E. Hooper,F
Product preview tronics 34:74+ Ssection;
'63 basic amplifiers, etc. '63; Discussion. 110:1617 S for'63 high efficiency.
il Audio 47:27-8+ Ae '63 Designing servo amplifiers
wafer. aM.ser\'o amplifier ilondiass
W. Aarons. a small silicon
Electronics J. A. "Walston and J. E. Setliff. diags Elec-
Engineering tronics approach
36:62-3 F 8 '63to the design of tran-
35:33-5 D 28 '62
Semiconductor pulse amplifier uses avalanche sistor feedback amplifiers. E. M. Cherry,
switching. J. J. Naborowski. diags Elec- diags Radio & Electronic Eng 25:127-44 P
tronic Ind 21:92-3G.O F.
Series feedback. '62 Cooper, diags Audio Gain and sensitivity as design criteria for
46:34. 68-70 D '62 iterative transistor amplifiers. S. S. Shamis
Simplified assessment of transistor amplifier and A. Chertok. bibliog diags Com & Elec-
performance. C Tarker. diaKs Electronic
Ens 34:554-6 Ag '62; Discussion. 34:843-5 How to tronics p403-7 Ja transformerless
design '63 audio-fre-
D '62 quency power amplifiers. R. S. Richards,
Sine V square waveform. V. Valchera. diags bibliog diags Electronics 35:50-2 N 16 '62
Wireless World 68:464-5 O '62; Discussion. Matri.x analysis applied to transistor ampli-
T. Roddam. 68:543-4 N '62 amplifier. R. M. fier de?ign. G. Zelinger. bibliog diags
Solid state electrometer Radio & Electronic Eng 25:107-12 F '63
Bird, il diags Instruments & Control Sys-
'63 Miniaturization
Stereo tems 36:118-20 Shas
preamp '63 everything. D. Meyer,
Direct coupling shrinks amplifier size and
il diags Radio-Electronics 33:44-8 O: 4S-50 cost. P. Laakmann. il diags Electronics 36:
N -62
Switched-mode transistor amplifiers. M. L. 66-8 Mr 22 '63 Noise
Stephens and J. P. Wittman. il diags IEEE '62
Transistor Comamplifier & Electronics
boosts vom p470-2sensitivity.
S '63 Designing input circuits with lowest possible
J. H. Fasal. il diags Radio-Electronics 34: noise. J. J. Rado. il diags Electronics
32-4 Mr amplifier
Transistor '63 output stages. O. Greiter. 36:46-9 Agcorrection
Distortion 2 '63 in complementary tran-
sistor amplifiers. G. H. Holbrook and M. W.
diags "Wireless World 69:17-20. 95-8. 148-51. Alary, bibliog diags Ind Electronics 1:232-4
179-82, 234-9.
Transistor amplifier with 310-13 Ja-Je automatic
'63 gain
control. E. C. Smith, il diags Electronic Noise-figure minima of tunnel-diode ampli-
Ja '63 fiers. K. Tarnay.
Ind 22:200-2 Ja '63 IEEE Proc 51:230 Ja
Transistor circuit analogue. K. Lament and
K. E. Moss, il diags Ind Electronics 1:162-8 Noise figure band tunnel of diode
Moody amplifier
and Wacker's A van broad-
D '62 Ziel. diags Inst Radio Eng Proc 50:1844 Ag
Transistor nigh-quality amplifiers. R. Osborne
and P. Tharma. il diags WMreless World 69: Noise in audio amplifiers. P. Tharma. bibliog
221-5. 300-4. 351-7 My-Jl '63 diaes in Wireless World amplifier
69:447-52 circuits.
S '63
Transistor high-quality pre-amplifier. E. Car- Noise transistor BL
ter and P. Tharma. il diags Wireless World Crawford, bibliog diags Electro-Tech 70:
69:376-9 Ag '63 63-70 N '62 noise-figure measurement. T.
Transistor meter amplifier gives you 200.000
ohms per volt. R. B. Hosklng. diaffs Radio- E. Gausman. il diags Electronics 36:124+
Electronics 33:80 O '62 '62
Transistor power amplifier circuit directory. Very
Ja 4 low'63 noise transistor amplifiers in the
u.h.f. band usin,g the parametric conversion
L. E. Geisler. diags Radio-Electronics 34: mode. U. L. Rohde. bibliog il diags Brit
32-3 O '63 Inst Radio Eng J 24:223-8 S "62
Transistor r-c oscillators and selective am- AMPLIFIERS, Vacuum tube
plifiers. F. Butler, diags Wireless World Age amplifier to correct for effects of light
'63 D '62; Discussion. 69:88-90. 183-5 source variations in spectrofluorometric
F. Ap '63 measurements. L. Eisenberg and others,
Transistor stabilization matrix. W. D. Ryan, bibliog il diags R Sci project;
Instr 33:1435-40
diags Radio & Electronic Eng 25:291-4 Ap Apparatus drawings versatileD rc- '62
nitered low-voltage power supply and a
Transistorized 200-watt stereo amplifier. R. S. calibrated direct-coupled amplifier. R. G.
Burwen. il diags Audio 46:40+ N '62 Marcley. il diags Am J Phys 30:738-44 O
Tunable i.f. amplifier using transistors. B. E. Bootstrap d.c. amplifier. J. F. Young, diags
Harris, il diag Q S T 46:11-16 D '62 Wireless feedback World 68:553-6
Tunnel diode amplifiers: measured per- Cathode nomo.N J '62 Kvle Radio-
formance in the u.h.f. range. J. O. Scanlan. Electronics 34:23 Jl '63
diags Electronic Tech 39:321-4 Ag '62 Chopper-stabilized dc amplifier. E. T. Han-
Tunnel diode: saturable reactor insulated son, il diaas Radio-Electronics 34:40-2 curves.
Ag '63
control amplifier. R. E. Morgan, bibliog Cross-modulation and transconductance
il diags IEEE Trans Com & Electronics J. Gnoch.stereo
Dynakit Q S T35 46:48 basicN power'62 amplifier, il
P292-6 My '63 Audio 47:52
Tunnel diodes: amplifiers working bevond
transistor capabilities. E Gottlieb and J. Extension of Ntraveling- '63 wave parametric am-
plifier theory. I. Sakuraba. diag IEEE Proc
Giorgis. bibliog il diags Electronics 36:68-73
Je 21 resistor:
'63 For51:371-2
preciseF measurements: '63 an ultrahigh im-
Tunnel new device to speed up tunnel pedance amplifier. J. Morrison, diag Elec-
diodes. M. Cooperman and R. H. Bergman, tronics 35:49 O 5 '62
il diags Electronics 36:42-4 Jl 12 '63 Grounded-grid Nuvistor preamplifiers. R F.
Two easy ways to stabilize power-transistor Bohmer il diags triode Q S for T 47:42-4 My ''63
hi-fi amplifiers. H. W. Parmer, diags Elec- High-gain ceramic broad-band am-
tronics 35:56-8 O 26 '62 plifiers. J. D. Campbell, il diags Com &
"Two-meter transistor preamplifier. J. A Electronics p512-16 Ja '63
Mayhew. jr. U diags Q S T 46:44-7 Ag '62 High-stability feedback amplifier. A. J.
Unconditional stability in tunnel-diode amoJi- Kauder. il diags Audio 46:18-22+ O '62
fiers. A. S. Clorfeine. bibliog diags RCA R How to run your linear. G. Grammer diags
24:94-104 Mr '63 Q S T 46:11-14 N '62 for use with digital
Versatile servo amplifier for 50. 60 or 400- Impedance converter
cycle operation. M. Bodnar. il diag Elec- voltmeters. O. C. Jones, diags .t Sci Instr
tronics 36:44-5 Ja 18 '63
Wideband transistor if amplifle. for space Improving automatic gain-control amplifier
and terrestrial repeaters using grounded- control. W. Bradford, il diag.o Electronic
base transformer-coupled stages. W F. Ind 21 :176-80 D '62
Bodtmann and C. L. Ruthroft. bibliog il Low-noise preamplifier for 432 mr L H.
diags Bell System Tech J 42:37-54 Ja 63 Schmalenhach. il diags Q S T 46-36-9 D '62
AMPLIFIERS, Vacuum tube — Continued Berthing and mooring forces. G. B. Wood-
No service needed on this amplifler. il aias riut. bibliog diags Am Soc C E Proc 88
Radio-Electronics 34:28-9basicMy amplifiers,
'es IWWIWW 1 no3 30501:71-82 F '62;
Product preview section: etc. 88 no 32521:189-93 Ag;Discussion.
il Audio
Pulse-modulated 47:27-8-1- As '63
a.f. amplifiers; discussion. no 35271:77-8
33351:133-4My N '62; Reply. 89 [WW 2
no '63 , , , .^,.
diaes Wireless World li9:229-30 My 63 Evaluation of mooring forces. S. LI. bibUog
RCC 230-L. amplifler. J. L. Copeland. il diags diags Am Soc C E Proc 88 tWW 4
Q S T 47:29-32 F '63 „ „ ^. no 33133:19-37 N '62; Discussion. 89 IWW 2
S-band travelinK-wave maser. H. B. Yin and no 35271:105-6 My; tWW 3 no 36211:63-70
others. tubes
Seiectinc IEEE for Procwide51:225 Ja '63 reference
bandwidth: Mooring terminal aids tanker loading, diags
sheet. Ij. M Dyson, biblioe diaei Electronics Ag
3G:53-5on O 6 25meters.
'G3 L,. Q. „ ,, Oil '63
& Gas
Offshore J 61:131-2
mooring islandAg for5 '63
6GJ53 ^
McCoy, ,,il diaes
.= , V. Blancato and J. K. Finger, il diags Am
Q S T 46:36-94- S '62 Soc C E Proc 88 [WW 4 no 33111:1-17
Superconducting-solenoid traveling- wave ma- N '62; Discussion. 89 [WW 2 no 35271:99-104
ser svstem. S. Okwit and others, il lEEHi
Proc 51:1236 S '63 Prestressed ties anchor dolphins; U.S. Gyp-
Superpower ultrahigh-frequency amplifler- My '63 sum's loading dock, il diag Bng N 170:52
lube developments. R. E. Reed and A. (J.
Tunis, il diags Comm & Electronics p290-5 ANCHORAGE,
Ap 25 crete Concrete construction. See Con-
'63 construction
S '63 — Anchorage
Traveling-wav3 tube. B. Scott. 11 diags Q S T ANCHORS, Guy
47:35-8 Jl '63 Chart shows anchor-holding power; engineer-
Try fixed bias in all stages. G. R. Travis. ing reference sheet. R. A. Dewberry, diag
il diags Radio-Electronics 34:24-6 Ap '63 Elec anchors
Screw World 158:72 D 3 outdoor
support '62 gear. F. J.
Two-kilowatt p.e.p. amplifler using the 3- Jirka and K. Martin, il Elec World 160:
lOOOZ. R. I. Sutherland and H. C. Barber. 2i)+ S 2 63
il diags Q S T 46:40-5-1- D '62 22 anchors set per hour. 11 Oil & Gas J 61:146
Wideband technique applied to h.f. trans-
mitter station equipment. B. M. Sosin. ANDALUSITE
bibliog il diags Inst E E Proc 110:1374-84 Ap 1 '63
Hvdrothermal synthesis of andalusite from
Ag See'63 also kyauite. D. F. Weill, bibliog 11 Am Miner-
Electrometers ANDES alogist 48:944-7 Jl '63
Electron multipliers Hvdrothermal developments in the Andes.
Multivibrators Noise
P. Kents from
Mountains Econ mole Geol hills.
H. F.N '63 Garner.
Low noise nucleonic preamplifler. D. R. Hey- '62
wood and B. L. White, bibhog diag B SCJ Geol Soc See
ANDESITE. Bui Rocks. 74:195-6 Igneous
F '63
Instr 34:1050-1 S '63 ANDROGENS
Microwave noise figure measurements for Sebaceous glands and sex hormones; abstracL
small noise output: discussion. IEEE Proc J. S. Strauss and others. Drug & Cosmetic
51:860-2 My '63
Noise on a drifting Maxwellian beam. S. ANEMIA
Ind 91:650 N '62
Bloom and B. Vural. bibliog J Ap Phys 34: Erythroid atrophy of kwashiorkor and maras-
'63 F '63 Power supply
336-63 mus. J Ghitis and others, bibliog il Am J
H.t. supplies for high-gain amplifiers. J. R. Clinical Nutrition
Evidence against preferential 12:445-51 Je intestinal
'63 ab-
Ogilvie. diags Wireless World 69:187-9 Ap sorption of physiologic quantities of liver-
Tuning bound vitamin Bn by patients with per-
nicious anemia. L. W. Sullivan and others,
Medium- and high-power automatically tuned bibliog Am J Clinical Nutrition 11:568-73 D
linear amplifiers. V. O. Stokes and W. V. Interrelationships of vitamin Bu. folic acid
Barone. bibliog il diags Inst E E Proc 110:
and ascorbic acid in the megaloblastic
1395-401 Ak '63 anemias. R. W. Vilter and others. Am J
AMUSEMENT parks Clinical Nutrition 12:130-44 bibliog Ip 141-4)
See also
Disneyland F '63
Megaloblastic anemia in kwashiorkor. H.
Equipment Velez and others. Am J Clinical Nutrition
Reinforced polyesters take a ride; use of 12:54-65 bibliog(p64-5)
Nutritional anemia of infancy Ja '63 and childhood.
the material in amusement park installa- J. G. Haughton. bibliog Ain J Pub Health
tions, il Mod Plastics 40:96-8-1- O '62 53:1121-6
ANABASINE „ , .^ Vitamin Bu Jlabsorption '63 studies In a vegetarian
Biosynthesis of the mcotiana alkaloids; the witli megaloblastic anemia. L,. L.. Sciilotsser
non-random incorporation of acetate-2-C" and R. F. Schilling, bibliog Am J Clinical
into the pyridine ring of anabasine, A. R.
Friedman and E. Leete. bibliog Am Chem Vitamin
NutritionE 12:70-4 responsive Ja '63megaloblastic anemia
Soc J 85:2141-4 Jl 20 '63 in infants with protein-calorie malnutrition.
ANAEROBIC bacteria. See Bacteria. Anaerobic A. S. Majaj and others, bibliog Am J Clin-
ANALGESICS ^ , . .. ical Nutrition 12:374-9 My '63
Absolute configuration and analgesic activ- Constant-temperature hot-film anemometer as
ity of ( — )i^KN■-dimethyl-1.2-diphenylethyl-
amine. M. Nakazakl. Chem & Ind p 1577-8 a tool in liquid turbulence measurements.
S. G. Bankoit and R. S. Rosier. bibliOK
5 1 '62 drug abuse. W. N. Creasy. Drug
Analgesic diag R Sci tran.^iistorizedInstr 33:1209-12 constant-temper-
N '62
6 Cosmetic Ind 92:419-(- Ap '63 ature hot-wire anemometer. B. J. Cooper.
See also il diacs Electronic Enir 35:390-4a Je hot-wire
Aspirin Impossibility
anemometer for of measurements
linearizing in turbulent
ANALOG computers. See Calculating machines Hows. S. P. Partliasaratliy and D. J. Trit-
— Analog computers
ANALYSIS, Colorlmetrlc. See Colorlmetrlc ton. response
Rapid- AIAA J heat
1:1210-11flux Myprobe'63 for high
analysis temperature gases. P. L. Blackshear. jr.
ANALYSIS, MIneralogical. See Mlneralogical and L.. Fingerson. bibUog 11 diags AES J
ANALYSIS of variance. See Variance analysis 32:1709-15 N '62h.f. carrier feedback ane-
mometer. M. J. Somerville and G. F. Turn-
ANALYTIC chemistry. See Chemistry. Ana- bull, bibliog diags Inst E K Proc 110:1905-
ANATOMY Swirling
o •(;:( 11 diags turbulent
Mbibliog round jet. W. G. Rose.
Src also A S M E Trans ser B 29:
Histology 616-25 D '62 (to be cont)
ANCHOR bolts. See Bolts and nuts Turbulent diffusion and anemometer measure-
ments. L. V. Baldwin and W. R Mickel-
ANCHORAGE, Alaska sen. II diags Am Soc C E Proc 88 (EM
Sewerage 2 no 30951:37-69
Discussion. S. Corrsln. blbllqK(p6S-9)
88 [EM 6 noAp 3375]
Steel .sewer line seri-es Alaskan community. 151-3 D '62; fteply. 89 [EM 3 no 35621:191-2
11 Pub Works 94:115-16 Je "63
Je '63



Environmental factors in anesthesia. L. D. Air conditioning
Vandam. biblioff Archives Environmental
Health 7:391-401 O '63 Questionaire reveals animal room conditions:
Simplifvin^ the work of anaesthetists; Cape- research animal facility, il Heating-Piping
Waine. il diags Engineering 194:702-3 N 30 35:98-104 O '63
ANIIVIAL experimentation
ANESTHETICS Early experience and emotional development.
See also V. H. Denenberg. 11 Sci Am 208:138-40-1- Je
ANGIOTENSIN Effects on haust. animals of expostu-e to autobibliog
Svnthesis S. D. Murphy and others,
J. H. Seuof alanyl'-isoleucyl'-angiotensin
and others, biblios Am 11.
Chem diag Archives Environmental Health 7:60-70
Soc J S4:494S-50 D 20 '62 When
J. H. Seuof isoleucyl'-alanyl'-anffiotensin
and others. biblioK Am 11.
Chem Jl '63 are differences significant? G. B.
See also bibliog Food Tech 17:996-8 Ag '63
Soc J 84:3SS3-7 O 20 '62 Laboratory
ANGLES ANIIVIAL fat. animals
See Fat
Ancle as a fourth fundamental quantity. ANIIVIAL learning
J. E. RomaLn. J Res Nat Bur Stand 66B:
Place-learning. H. Gleitman. il diags Sci Am
97-100 Jl construction:
Furniture '02 slotted angle; Apton 2u9:116-22
ltd. U EnCTneering
How to machine compound 194:492 angles:
O 12 '62reference See also
book sheet. M. F. Spotts. diags Am Mach/ Rodent repellents
Metalworking Manuf 107:163, 165 Ap 1; 123 ANIMAL sculpture
Ap 15 '63 Fiber glass animals. B. Ellsberg. 11 Glass Ind
Measurement of low angular rates. „R. ^L.
Pike, il diags Instruments & Control Sys- 43:660-1. cover D '62
tems 35:83-6 D '62 See also
Nomographs determine hopper volumes, val-
lev angles. F. Caplan. dia^s Plant Eng 17: Species Diseases and pests
145 Ap '63 Animal staphylococcal Infections and their
See also public health significance. R. D. Covuter
Qonlometers and M. M. Gallon, bibliog Am J Pub Health
Glutamic and aspartic anhydrides: rearrange- 52:1818-27Habits
ANIMALS, N '62 and behavior of
ment of N-carboxyglutamlc 1.5-anhydride to Protopsychology. J. B. Best, il diags Sci
the Leuchs'to anhydride
the latter pyroglutamicandacid. conversion
J. Kovacsof
and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85: Am 208:54-62
Social deprivationF '63in monkeys. H. F. Har-
Je 20 '63 low and M. K. Harlow, il Sci Am 207:136-48
Mixed anhydrides. C. „ Q.
„ N See
'62 also
Overberger and E. Sarlo. bibliog Am Chem Hibernation
Soc J 85:2446-8 Ag 20 '63 ANIMALS, Photography of. See Photography of
O" tracer study of the decomposition of animals
benzoic sec-butylcarbonic anhydride; the
absence of alkyl-oxygen cleavage. C. J. ANIMALS, Sound production by. See Sound
Michejda and others. Am Chem Soo J 84: production by animals
4113-15 N 5 '62 ANIMALS as carriers of Infection
See also Animal staphylococcal infections and their
Acetic anhydride publicM. health significance.
Isatoic anhydride and M. Galton. bibliog Am R. J D. Pub Coiu-ter
Maleic anhydride
ANHYDRITE 52:1818-27
cartoons. See Moving pictures —
Origin of nodular and bedded anhydrite In Animated cartoons
Permian shelf sediments, Texas and New ANION exchange. See Ion exchange
Mexico. S. D. Kerr, Jr. and A. Thomson, ANIONS
bibliog il map Am Assn Pet Geologists
Bui 47:1726-32 S '63 Action of secondary phosphide anions on
ANILIDES tetrahydrofuran. K. B. Mallion and F. G.
Spectrophotometric estimation of mollusci- Mann. activation
Anionic Chem & Ind of C-H p654 bonds
Ap 20 in"63 olefins.
cide 5,2'-dichloro-4'-nitrosalicylicaniIide. K. A. Schriesheim and others, bibliog Am
J. Farrington. bibliog Anal Chem 34:1338-9
S '62 Chem
Chemistry Soc of J conjugate
85:2111-18 anions Jl 20 '63 and enols;
ANILINE grotonation. S. K. Malhotra and H. J.
Critical re-evaluation of the Hammett acid- ingold. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1538-9
ity function at moderate and high acid
concentrations of sulfuric acid: new Ho Chemistry of dianions. A, Zweig and A. K.
values based solely on a set of primary ani- My 20 '63
Hoffmann, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:
line indicators. M. J. Jorgenson and D. R.
Hartter. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:878-83 2736-9 S 20 titration
Coulometric '63 of reducible organic
Ap 5 '63 of aniline point from viscosity compounds with biphenyl radical anions.
Estimation D. L. Maricle. bibliog diag Anal Chem 35:
and specific gravity, or viscosity and vis- 683-6 My '63
Cyclononatetraenyl anion. T. J. Katz and P.
cosity index. R. Hollinghurst. Inst Pet J J. Garratt. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:
49:89-90 Mr '63
Investigation of the kinetics and mechanism 2852-3 Sparamagnetic
Electron 20 '63 resonance of aromatic
of the anodic oxidation of aniline in aqueous and aliphatic nitro anions in aqueous solu-
sulfuric acid solution at a platinum elec- tion. L. H. Piette and others. Am Chem
trode. D. M. Mohilner and others, bibliog
Am Chem Soc J 84:3618-22 O 5 '62 Soc J 84:4212-15 N 20
Electron spin resonance spectrum of electro- '62
Kinetic studies of hydrogen exchange in dial- lytically
dimethane generated radical anions. 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquino-
P. H. H. Fischer
kylanilines. B. B. P. "Tice and others, bib- and C. A. McDowell, bibliog Am Chem
liog Am Chem Soc J 85:329-37 F 5 '63
Kinetics of the reaction of trimeric phos- Soc J 85:2694-6
Electrons penetrate S 20 heteropoly
'63 anion cage:
phonitrilic chloride with aniline in ethanol.
J. V. Bailey and R. E. Parker, bibliog exchange reaction between 12-tungstoco-
Chem & Ind p 1S23-4 O 20 '62 baltates tivated proceeds via an outer-sphere-ac-
complex. P. G. Rasmussen and
Organic ions in the gas phase. P. N. Rylander C. H. Bru baker, jr. Chem & Eng N 41:
and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2723-
48-9 S 23 '63
Formation of radical-anions by electron
5 S 20 '63 transfer between anions and their lui-
Positive polar groups cause para nitration.
J. H. Ridd. Chem & Eng N 41:48-9 N 4 '63 saturated analogs in dimethyl sulfoxide
Protonation of benzylideneaniline and its solution. G. A. Russell and others, bibliog
P- and and p'-dimethylamino Am Chem of Soc J 84:4155-7
anions In N fluorene
5 '62 metal-
Reeves W. F. Smith, derivatives.
bibliog Am R. ChemL. Formation radical
lation. R. L. Kugel and others. biblloK
Soc J 83:724-8 Mr 20 '63
Tetrachlorobis (pentafluoroaniline) titanium Chem & Ind anions.
Homoenolate p 1649-50A. S Nickon 15 '62 and J. Lt
TV). V. S. V. Nayar and R. D. Peacock. Lambert, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:4604-5
Chem & Ind p613 Ap 13 '63
D 5 '62
ANIONS — Contiiiued ANNAPOLIS naval academy. See United States
Neeative ions of porphin metal complexes. naval academy. Annapolis
G. L. Closs and L,. E. Gloss. Am Chem ANNEALING
Soc J 85:818-19 Mr 20 '63 Annealing cold-drawn steel tubing. J. F.
New aromatic anions. R. West and others,
bibllos Am Chem Soc J 85:2577-90 S 5 '63 flOipjey-
:58-9 diag
Je 24Am'63 Mach/Metalworking Manuf
Solvation Brass strip gets quick anneal, diag Iron Age
ainbident as anions; a factorthe in importance
' the alkylation of the of
190:114 D bright 6 '62 annealing
dielectric factor. N. Kornblum and others, Continuous of stainless steel
biblios diags Am Chem Soc 85:1148-54 Ap strip ; abstract. C. A. Graham and G B.
20 '63 Rowan. Metal Prog 83:176+ F '63of austen-
Solvation as a factor in the alkylation of Descaling of wire rod and wire
ambident anions; the importance of the itic steel and nickel-chromium allovs with
hydrogen bonding capacity of the solvent. special consideration of vacuum annealing;
N. Kornblum and others, bibliog Am Chem abstract. R. Ergang and P. H. Huppertz.
Soc 85:1141-7 Ap 20 '63 Metal Prog 83:171-24- Je '63
Solvent steers ambident anion alkylation N. Embrittlement of tough-pitch copper during
Kornblum. Chem & Ens N 40:50-1 S 24 '62 annealing or preheating. S. Harper and
Studies in stereochemistry; radical anions others, bibliog il Inst Metals J 90:423-9
as neiKhborins and electron transfer eroups
in sub.?titution-reduction reactions. D. J. Sc.°VA2:
63 Abstract. Metal Prog 84:178-1-
Cram and C. K. Dalton. biblioa Am Chem Encounters hard edges in castings; question
ANISOLE Soc J 85:1268-73 My 5 '63 and answer. Foundrv 91:102 Mr '63
Hydroxylation of anisole by hydroeen per- Exothermics offer major cost advantages In
o.\ide requirine catalytic amounts of ferric annealing process pipe. II dlag Oil & Gas J
ion and catechol. G. A. Hamilton and J. 60:194-5 S 24 '62
P. '63Friedman, biblloe Am Chem Soc J 85: How to heat treat space age materials C C.
Lacy and L. Albertin. flow chart il diag
lOOS-9 Ad 5 '63 Metal Prog 83:89-95 Mr '63
Photochemically induced isotopic exchange Improvements in the press-forming properties
of o-iodo-anisole with iodine. M. Anbar of aluminium-magnesium allov sheet by the
and R. Rein. Chem & Ind p 1524-5 S 14 use of a recovery anneal. J. C. Wright and
Lead annealing Inst Metals J 91:321-4 of '62-63
and galvanizing steel wire.
Anisotropy in the conductivity of hot holes ^- M- Switucha il diags Wire & Wire Prod
in germanium. W. E. K. Gibbs. bibliog
diags J Apin the Phys superconductivity
33:3369-71 N '62 of de- Line anneals
li/l.l41 J© 111andbo cleans strip, dlag Iron A*re
formed Re single crystals. J. J. Hauser. Magnetic annealing and directional ordering.
bibliog diaes of J Ap Phvs 33:3074-7 O '62due P. W. Neurath. '62 bibliog J Ap Phys 34:1315-
Characteristics dislocation stress fields
to elastic anisotropy. Y. T. Chou. bibliog New
^ 16 Rtconcept in'63 radiant tube design and ap-
2 Ap plication.
diags J Ap Phys 34:429-33 F '63 H. H. Nichols and D. O. Van
Determination of inoduli of anisotropic plates Buskirk. diags Iron & Steel Eng 40:135-8
S. W. Tsai and G. S. Springer, diag Je 63
A S M E Trans ser E 30:467-8 S '63 New continuous annealing cycle for black-
Diffusion of radiation in a semi-Infinite plate. S. Garber. il Iron & Steel Inst J
medium in the case of anisotropic scatter- 200:466-71 Je '62: Abstract. Metal Prog
ing. I. N. Minln. bibliog AIAA J 1:1486-91
Je '63 New83:156-7 twist Je in'63 coil annealing. 11 Iron Age
Effect of anisotropy on design considerations 192:70 O 3nickel '63
for graphite. A. Hilliard. bibliog il diags Qiienching base sheet in a fluidlzed
Ind'62 Chem of39:525-31 O '63 bed. C, R. Wejnnueller. il diags Metal Prog
Estimation reservoir anisotropy from pro- 83:166-1- Mr '63
duction data. M. D. Arnold and others, bib- Steel company of Wales continuous tinplai-
liog diags J Pet Tech 14:Trans 909-12 Ag annealing '62
line, il Metallurgia 66:70-1 Ac
Hardness anisotropy of aluminium single Weldahility of Ren6 41 W. Schwenk and
crystals. E. R. Petty, bibliog 11 Inst Metals A. F. Trabold. bibliog II Welding J 42:
Laboratory91:54-62 '62-63
study of the effects of fiber SUD460-5 O '63develops new annealing meth-
orientation on sheet anisotropy. Z C. od. Iron & Steel Eng 40:278 S '63
Prusas. bibliog il diags Tappl 46:355-30 See also
My '63
Measurements of thermal conductivity of Electric furnaces. Annealing
Furnaces. Annealing
porous ani.sotroDic materials. O. E. Tewflk. ANNELIDS
diags AIAA Janisotropy
Microhardness 1:919-21 Ap '63
of magnesium and See also
zinc single crystals. P. G Partridge and
E. Roberts, bibliog il diags Inst Metals J ANNUNCIATORS
92:50-5 '63-64 Auxiliary annunciation for fire alarm svstem--
Optical symmetry from reflectivity measure- il diags Elec Constr & Maint 61:115-16 N
ments. E N. Cameron. bibliog Am
Mineralogiist 48:1070-9 S '63 ANODES. See Electrodes
Pyrolytic materials for thermal protection
systems. A. M. Garber. bibliog diags Aero- ANODIC oxidation. See Oxidation
Response spaceof Eng anisotropic 22:126-37 Jadefects '63 in solids to ANODIZING
tection of aluminum. See Aluminum — Pro-
stress. J W. Corhett. bibliog diags Am J ANORTHITE
Phys powders
Silica 31:521-36 ofJ\ respirable '63 size: the long- Solid state formation of anorthite from some
term dis.<:olution of silica powders in di- clay mineral -calcium mineral mi.\tures.
lute hvdroHuoric acid: an anisotropic A. P. Ruotsala. bibliog Am Mineralogist
mechanism of dissolution for the coarser 48:792-803 JI '63
quartz powders. I. Bergman, bibliog il J ANTARCTIC regions
Ap Chem
Stress anisotropy 13:356-61 in Agsilicon '63 oxide films. J. Adverse weather; Its effect on engineering
design and construction. P. W. Roberts.
Priest and others, bibliog il dlag J Ap Phys 11 diag Civil Eng 33:50-4 My '63
34:347-51 F '63 American Antarctic research team uses
Studies on the structure of anodic oxide films British Diesels: J. H. Westerbeke. II En-
on aluminum. R. W. Franklin and D. J.
Stlrland. bibliog 11 dlag Electrochem Soc J gineering 194:658 N 16 '62
Cosmic particles in Antarctic Snow. R. A.
110:262-7 Ap '63 Schmidt. Franklin Inst J 275:72-4 Ja '63
Thermal conductivity of anisotropic solids at Field control for Antarctic mapping. W. H.
high temperatures; the thermal conductivity Chapman, diags Am Soc C E Proc 88 ISU
of molded and pyrolytic graphites J. VardI
and M^ Hoch. bibliog Am Cer Soc J 46: 1 Seeno 33161:29-39
also N "62
129-32 Mr '63
Thermal-expansion anl.'otropv of oxide solid Atomic power plants — Antarctic regions
solutions. K. M. Merz and others, bibliog Polar regions
Am Cer Soc J 46:531-6 N 1 "62 ANTENNAS. See Radio antennas; Television
ANKERITE antennas
Intercrystalllzed apatite and ankerite from ANTHOCYANINS
the New Albany shale of Indiana. S S. Concord grape pigments. D W. Ingalsbe and
Qreenbere and J. L. Harrison, bibliog II others, bibliog J AgrI & Food Chem 11:
dlag Am Mineralogist 47:1441-6 N '62 263-8 My '63
ANTHOCYANINS — Continued, Fucidin antibiotic. Drug & Cosmetic Ind
Determination of calcium in cherry brines by
versenate titration; elimination of antho- 91:383-4 antibiotic.
F^icidin S '62 R. B. Crosbie. Drug &
cyanin interference by means of carbonyl Cosmetic Ind 92:643contribution
My '63
ruasents. J. E. BrekJie and others, biblioe J Mold metabolites: to the elu-
Asrri & Food Chem 11:260-2 My '63 cidation of the structure of althiomvcin.
ANTHRACENE D. J. Cram and others, bibliog Am Chem
Delayed laser-induced fluorescence in an- Soc J 85:1430-7 My 20 '63
thracene crystals points to triplet exciton Oxidative coupling: synthesis of racemic de-
mechanism. Chem & Eng- N 41:37 Je 10 '63 hydrogriseofulvo-xin. J. R. Lewis and J.
Effect of cases on the conductivity of or- A. Vickers. bibliog Chem & Ind P779-80
M. M.theLabes anthracene-iodine
and O. N. Rudyj. inter-
biblios diass Am Chem See J 85:2055-9 Rationale
My 11 '63 for medicated feeds. L. E. Hanson.
Jl 20 -63 chromatoKraphy of an anthracene bibliog J Agri & Food Chem 11:365-7 S '63
Gas-liquid Structure of streptonigrin. K. V. Rao and
oil. F. J. Pinchin and E. Pritchard. Chem others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2532-3
& Ind p 1753-4
Homolytic phenylation O 6 '62 of benzene, naph-
thalene and anthracene in the presence of Structure
Ag 20 '63 of telomycin. J. C. Sheehan and
copper salts; correlation of partial rate others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2867-8
factors with localization energies. S. C. S 20 '63 of the basidiomycete
Dickerman and G. B. Vermont, bibliog Am Structures metabolites
illudin S and illudin M. T. C. McMorria
Chem reflninu
Zone Soo J 84:4150-1 of anthracene. N 5 '62A. R. I./acey and M. Anchel. diags Am Chem Soc J 85:
and L,. E. Lyons, biblioe R Sci Instr 34: 831-2 Mr of20 '63
309-10 Mr '63 Synthesis holomycln. G. Btichi and G.
ANTHRACOSIS. See Lungs — Dust diseases Lukas. bibliog
•63 Am Chem Soc J 85:647-8
Benzvnes MrSee5 "63
thrnnilic via acids: aprotic
a convenientdiazotization of an-of
synthesis also
triptvcene and derivatives. L. Friedman Griseoviridin
and F. M. Logullo. bibliog Am Chem Soc J Neomycin
85:1549 My 20 '63 Penicillin
Photonometric titration of dissolved oxygen Analysis
and copper(II). T. Kuwana. bibliog diags Radioisotopic assay for neomycins B. C. and
Anal Chem neamine. D. G. Kaiser, bibliog Anal Chem
Spectral shifts 35:1398-402in anthraquinone S '63 dyes caused
by non-conjugated substituents. M. S. Thin35:552-4
layer An chromatography
'63 of the mixed
Simon, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1974-7 neomycin sulfates on carbon plates. T. F.
Jl 5 '63 Brodasky. bibliog 11 Anal Chem 35:343-5 Mr
New color reaction of anthrone with malonal- ANTICHOLINESTERASE
dehyde and other aliphatic aldehydes. T. Chronic effects of miotic drugs. M. Kadln.
W. Kwon and B. M. Watts, bibliog Ana) bibliog Archives Environmental Health
Chem 35:733-5 My '63 6:736-41 Je '63
Anthropometry in clinical appraisal of nutri- ANTIFERROMAGNETISM. See Magnetism
tional status. S. M. Garn. il diags Am J
Clinical Nutrition 11:418-32 bibliog(p430-2) ANTI-FOULING paint. See Paint. Antl-fouUng
N '62 ANTI-FREEZE solutions Testing
Absolute ^
configuration .^. of, sarkomycin. , ■ r.O.
Yonemitsu and others, bibliog Chem & Ind Lab test rates anti-icing additives: abstract.
p490 Mr 23
Antibiotic '63
deodorants. N. H. Shehadeh and D. Ellis, S A E J 70:89 O '62
A M. Kligman. Drug & Cosmetic Ind 93: ANTIfriction
-FRICTION bearings. See Bearings. Anti-
537-8 O '6
Antimicrobial agents3annual ,„„„ 1960: proceedings ANTIGENS and antibodies
Allergic state; initiation of antibody synthesis.
of the conference on antimicrobial agents R. S. Farr. Archives Environniental Health
P. Gray and others, eds. Review, by L. A.
Automatic Chem & Ind P20S2-4
packaging line for antibiotics. J. D 15 '62 6:92-8 measurement
Direct Ja '63 of the rate of a hapten
antibody reaction. L. A. Day and others.
Biosynthesis 11 studies
Manuf mayChem improve 33:508 antibiotics
D '62 Am Chem Soc J 84:3768-70 O 5 '62
making. Chem & Eng N 40:51 S 24 '62 Isolation of antibody by means of an Im-
Chemistry nation ofofthe actinospectacin: the determi- munological specific adsorbent. A. Malley
structure of actinospectacin. and D. H. Campbell, bibliog Am Chem Soc
P. F. Wiley and others, bibliog Am Chem
J 85:487-8'63 F 20 '63 on Immuno-polysaccha-
Soc J 85:2652-9 S 5 '63
Chemistry of bluensomycin; the structure of rides; investigations
abstract and discussion. M. Stacey.
bluensidine. B. Bannister and A. D. Argou- Chem & Indof p598-9
delis. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:119-20 Ja Relationship specific Ap nutrient13 '63 deficiencies
5 '63 to antibody production in swine. B. G.
Chemistry of bluensomycin: the structure of Harmon and others, bibliog II J Nutrition
bluensomycin. B. Bannister and A. D. 79:263-75 Mr '63
Argoudelis. Am Chem Soc J 85:234-5 Ja See also
20 '63
chemical correlation of penicillin and ceph- ANTIHISTAMINES
alosporin antibiotics. R. B. Morin and Analysis
Chemistry of cephalosporin antibiotics: Gas chromatography of the antihistamines. C.
others. Am Chem Soc J 85:1896-7 Je 20 '63 R. Fontan and others. Anal Chem 35:591 Ao
29 '63 antibiotic: abstract. R. C. Petersdorf
and J. J. Plorde. Drug & Cosmetic Ind ANTIMALARIALS.
'63 See Malaria
92:306 Mr '63 of some
Conformation noviose glycosides ANTIMONY
and of novobiocin. B. T. Golding and R. W. Antimony-doped titanium oxide capacitors.
L. H. Maxwell, diags Am Cer Soc Bui 42:
'63 bibliog Chem & Ind p 1081-3 Je
Desosamine: degradation and synthesis. H. 438-40 Ag 1962.
Antimony. '63 R. N. Spencer. Eng & MIn J
Newman, bibliog Chem & Ind p372-4 Mr 2
164:122-3+ F '63
Direct determination of the scattering time
Dite natu of pleu A. J. in bismuth and antimony-bismuth crystals
rpen and others,
Birch re bibliog romu & Ind p374-5
Chem at low temperatures. L. Esaki and J. Heer.
Mr 2 '63i d t i l in.
Effect of pimaricin in retarding the spoilage J Ap Phys
Influence 34:234andJa antimony
of lead '63 on gray iron
of fresh orange iuice. R. J. Shirk and castings. A. De Sy. 11 Foundry 91:60-3 J«
W. L. Clark, bibliog Food Tech 17:1062-6
Ag '63 Properties and preparation of thin antimony
Five antibiotics work against most germs. films of high uniformity. Q. A. Condas.
Chem & Eng N 40:68 S 10 '62 bibliog R Scl Instr 33:987-91 S '62
ANTIMONY — Continued Ultra-violet
phenolic antioxidants spectroscopic determination
in stabilised lanolin.of
Analysis S. Lee and N. A. Puttnam. J Ap Chera 13:
Determination of trace amounts of antimony 69-71 F E'63 deficiency in the monkey: esti-
in steel. L.. Kidman and C. B. Waite. bib- mated requirements and tJie influence of
lioe Metallurttia 66:143-0 S '62 fat deficiency and antio.xidants on the syn-
Rapid radiocliemical
and arsenic A. E. Di-oCL-dure
Greendalo for andantimony
D. L.. drome. C. D. Fitch and J. S. Dinning, bib-
Love, diaealloysAnal Chem 35:632-5 My '03 , liog il J Nutrition 79:69-78 Ja '63
Prpparation. pliase- boundary energies, and Determination of 2.G-di-ieri-butyI-4-hy-
tectic alloys withproperties
ordered ofmicrostructures.
inSb-Sb eu- droxytoluene (BHT); application to edible
W. K. Liebmann and E. A. Miller, bib- fats and oils. C. R. Szalkowski and J. B.
Gather, bibliog J Agri & Food Chem 10:
liog il diags
ANTIMONY J Ap Phys 34:2653-9 S '63
chlorides 490-5 X '62of antio.xidants by a rapid polaro-
Dipole moments and structure of molecular Evaluation
compound.-s of antimony pentachloride. b. graphic method. J. W. Hamilton and A. L.
K Jain and S. Soundararaian. biblioe Tappel. bibliog il diag Am Oil Chem Soc
Chem & liinetics
Ind D652-3tor Ao 20^ '63 of tungsten. J 40:52-4 F '63 for rubber.
Electrode chlorides Aging
antimony, and phosphorus. S. W. Mayer
and AV. B. Brown, :r. bibliog diag Electro- ANTISEPTIC soap. See Soap. Antiseptic
chem Soc J 110:306-11 Ap '63 ANTISEPTICS
ANTIMONY compounds , , . .i. Antimicrobial agents and public health. L.
Concerning an intermediate phase in the B. Hall. Soap in& Chem
As-Sb-Te system. R. A. Burmeister and Antimicrobials soaps, Spec 39:127-1- My
cosmetics. H. '63 C.
D A. Stevenson, bibliog J Ap Phys ii: Stecker. bibliog Soap & Chem Spec 39:
1S33 Je '63 75-7
Antiseptics My '63 in cosmetics: abstract. P. M.
ANTIMONY pentachloride. See Antimony chlor-
ides Bogner. decisions: Soap & Aseptisol Chem Spec antiseptic
39:169 Je and '63
ANTIMONY selenide Court
Thermoelectric properties of diphasal systems deodorant. H. N. Morse. Drug & Cosmetic
combining AssTes and TlsSe with SbsTej, Ind ;i2:.".93 My
Bi=Te3. or SbiSea. H. L. Uphoft and J.„H. New antispasmodic. Drug & Cosmetic Ind
Healy. bibliog il diag J Ap Phys 34:390-5
F '63 Valpin:
91:515 Oantispasmodic
'62 and visceral smooth-
ANTIMONY telluride muscle relaxant. Drug & Cosmetic Ind 92:
Thermoelectric properties of diphasal sys-
tems combining AsiTea and TliSe with 643 My '63 missiles.
ANTI-TANK See Guided missiles—
Sb-Tej. BisTes. or SbiSej. H. L. UphofC Anti-t.ank missiles
and J. H. HeaJy. bibliog il diag J Ap
Phys 34:390-5 F '63 ANTWERP
ANTIOXIDANTS , ^. . . , ^,
Port of Antwerp expansion, il map plans
Antio.Kidant effects of sodium tripolyphos- diags Engineer 215:454-9 Mr 8 '63
phate and vegetable extracts on cooked World's biggest lock for Antwerp. J. Levett.
meat and fish. M. B. Ramsey and B. M. il Marine Eng/Log 68:71 My '63
Watts, bibliog Pood Tech ANXIETY
Antioxidants. G. Scott, bibliog17:1056-9^Ag
diags Chem '63& Nature and measurement of anxiety. R. B.
Ind P271-S1 F 16 '63 .^ . Cattell. Sci houses
APARTMENT Am 208:96-104 Mr '63
Antioxidants terioration and control R.
of ccsmetics. of H. oxidative
Apartment building intercom. W. J. McGuln-
bibliog Am as Perfumer
coagents78:41-4 O '63 epr J. T. ness. il Prog Arch 43:136
Antioxidants in curing Apartment buildings, il plansD '62 Arch Forum
Howarth and H W. Weinberg. Rubber
118:82-105 house
Apartment Ap '63 mail receptacles, il diags
World 149:54-5
Chemical reactions O '63in ,.living
. ^. tissues. „Food ,
Tech tests
17:629forMyantioxidants. Arch Rec in134:229-30
Apartments Belvedere; S '63 bold forms sit at
Color '63 „E. J., „Parks , and
anchor o^'er San Francisco Bay. il plans
others, bibliog
De-oxidizer lubricatesRubberaluniinunv
Age 92:257-61 Am Mach/N '62 Arch Forumin the
Apartirients 119:114-15
context Jl of'63American cities.
Metalworking Manuf 107:57 F 4 63
Determination of ethoxyquin by ultraviolet il plans Prog
Brooklyn adds Arch another44:106-29 electricJl '63 load: War-
spectrophotometry. T. Choy and others. basse Houses in Coney Island, il diag Gas
J Agri & Foodof Chem
Determination sulfate 11:340-2
and aluminumJl '63 in 39:62-3 Agtypes'63 study; apartments,
Building il plans
a nitric sulfate deoxidizing bath by emis- Arch Rec 133:127-46
sion spectrography. G. A. Miller, bibliog 11 Cutting impact noise inJa: apartment 134:193-216buildings;
S '63
Plating 50:310-13 Ap and'63 . relation with time-saver ■63 standards, diags Arch Rec
Disappearance of BHA BHT in
to peroxide content in breakfast cereals. 133:210-13
Hillside ai^artment Ap '63 built downside up. 11 Eng
R. H. Anderson and others, bibliog il Am
N 171:73 Oconstruction:
Jackbloclc 10 '63 block of fiats at
InOil vivo
Chem antioxidants
Soc .T 40:349-52 and Ag '63
polyunsaturated Barras Heath. Coventry; illustrations witli
acid metabolism: symposium, bibliog now text. Engineer
sheet Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:353-71 Ag Jackblock reaches 214:885 the seventh N 23 storey;
'62 Richard
Lipid antioxidant activity in tissues and Costain (construction) ltd. il diag Engi-
proteins of selenium-fed animals. J. ,W. New work neering of 194:711
MiesN van 30 '62der Rohe: Baltimore.
Hamilton and A. L. Tappel. bibliog J Nu- quality,
Method for trition the
79:493-502 Ap '63 .
determination of KHA and New work il ofplanMiesArchvan Forum der Rohe: 119:82-3Chicago.
S '63
BHT in cereal products. R. H. Anderson ingenuity, il plan Arch Forum 119:90-1
and J. P. Nelson, bibliog Food Tech 17: NewS '63work of Mies van der Rohe: Detroit.
915-16 Jl value
Nutritive '63 of marine . oils: ., menhaden ^ J, continuity, il plan Arch Forum 119:88-9 S
oil at varying oxidation levels, with and 19fi boo are apa ove Arc
without antioxidants in rat diets. A. A. m; rbu
Rasheed and others, bibliog J Nutrition 79:
Precast 118:5-6
panels F form '63rtmenapartments,
ts ilt il Ens
323-32 Mr '63 fonn polymer antioxidants.
Orcanosulfldes N 170:61 My of23 flats, '63 il plan diags Engineer
W L Hawkln.s and H. Sautter. Chem .>:• 214:1003-6 D 7 '62
Krig Nchromatography
Paper 40:58-9 S 17 '62 application to the Raising the roof with building,
resin: world's tallest
reinforced concrete il Plastics
Identification of anti-oxidants in synthetic
aviation turbine oil formulations. R. B. World building
Round 20:12 D sets
'62 record; apartment house
Delves, bibliog Inst Pet J 48:283-6; Discus-
sion. 287-9 S '62 , of^ chemically
, , „ Samfor Lefrak:
Chicago, heil plan
builds Eng
themN 170:23
cheaperMyby 9 the
Summary of properties cross- dozen, il plan Arch Forum 118:102-5 Ap '63
linked polyethylene for manufacturing elec- Sky-high apartments choose space age fuel.
tric cable insulations and protecting this against the deteriorating action il Am Gas As^sn Mo 44:9 O '62
of the and oxygen in the atmosphere. Total energy scores again; Warbasse houses
combo W. Wrobel. Wire & WireJ. Prod La- in Coney Island. 11 diags Am Gas Assn Mo
38:508-9. 6704- Ap-My '63 45:16-17-1- Jl-Ag '63
APARTMENT houses — Contiiuied Tuscarora. Juniata and Bald Eagle paleoour-
rents and paleogeography in the central
Air conditioning Appalachians. L. S. Teakel, jr. maps Geol
Brooklyn Union lists another total enerery Soc Bui 73:1515-39. pi 1-3 bibliog(p 1537-9)
customer: Warbasse Houses, il diass Gas r> See
'62 also ■62
Aee 130:38-94- O '63 Geology — Appalachian region
Capitol Park project shows trend to central Petroleum — Appalachian region
coolinff. W. A. Brown, il dias AJr Cond Petroleum industry and trade — Appalachian
Heat & Ven fin:87-9 Je '63 region
Condensate drainasje system at Rochdale Vil- APPETITE
lase handles absorption machines and heat Color and human appetite. F. Birren. il Food
exchansrers. C. R. Varsa. il diass Air
Cond Heat & Ven 60:75-6 Ak '63 Tech of
Effect 17:553-5 glucagon, My '63phenmetrazine and epi-
Gas ffoes apartment hiintiner. G. Willaman. 11 nephrine on hunger, food intake and plasma
Am Gas Assn Mo 45:23-4 Ap '63 nonesterifled fatty acids. S. B. Penick and
Gas heats, cools. InxurN' apartments at Park L. E. Hinkle. jr. bibliog Am J Clinical
City "West. Philadelphia. 11 Gas 39:74 F 63 Nutrition 13:110-14
Evaluation of anorexlgenic Ag '63 agents: studies
Heat pump employs panel heating as re- with chlorphentermine. S. K. Fineberg. bib-
frigerant condenser. E. L. Weber, il diag liog Am J Clinical Nutrition 11:509-16 N
Heatins-Pipins 35:93-7 O '63
Luxury living, with .?as: Park City luxury APPLE Juice
apartments, il Gas Ase 130:39-40 F '63 Stability of vitamin C in canned apple Juice
TVashinqlon 319-unit town house project to and orange juice under refrigerated con-
be cooled by central air conditioner, diaa ditions. G. L. Noel and M. T. Robberstad.
Gas Ase 130:44 Ap '63 Food Tech 17:947
Temporary inhibition Jl '63 of fermentation in
Designs and plans apple juice. G. W. Hope, bibliog Food Tech
P/A tenth annual design awards: West Plaza 17:489-90 •63
condominium apartments. Coronado. Calif, il
plans diasrs Firmness of canned apple slices as affected
Variety with Pros Arch 44:96-7E. JaT. '63Shiffer.
prefabrication. by maturity and steam-blanch tempera-
ture. R. S. Shallenberger and others, diags
plans diass Pros Arch 44:133-7 Jl '63 Food Tech 17:102-4 Ja '63
Electric equipment Safer apple packing; heat-shrink film World
wraps trays of fruit, il Plastics
64-story, alltwin-tower
-electric Marina City; M.unique
apartments. B. Storage
Cook, il plans diass Elec Constr & Maint 21:32 Ap '6S
62:88-95 Mr '63 Fruit preservation: a new field for gas. 11
Diesel and steam combined for economy in Am Gas Assn Mo 45:2-3 Mr '63
cooperative development, il Elec Eng 82: New market: apple storage: Tectrol process
358-9 My '63 burns gas to create an atmosphere prevent-
In first cost and operatinsr cost: electric heat ing deterioration. Gas Age 130:37-8-1- My
wins in apartment house. J. F. McPartland.
il Elec Constr & Maint 62:140-3 O '63 Studies on control of respiration of Mcintosh
Regulators solve voltage drop problem in apples by packagin,g methods. V. Jurin
giant apartment building. J. Tesoriero and and M. Karel. bibliog diag Food Tech 17:
D. F. Miller. 11 diag Elec Constr & Maint 7S2-6 Je '63
62:108-11 F '63 APPLESAUCE
64-storv all-electric towers ser\'ed with 12-kv Chemical and color changes in canned apple
risers. N. G. Larson and D. B. Klapper. sauce. B. S. Luh and P. J. Kamber. bib-
il diags Elec World 159:75-8-1- F 25 '63 lig Food Tech
APPLIANCE manufacturers. 17:105-8 Ja '63 Institute of. See
Wiring a high rise apartment; design and Institute of appliance manufacturers
construction details of electrical distribu-
tion. J. F. McPartland. il dlags Elec Constr APPLICATIONS for positions
& Maint 61:75-9 N '62 Effective job hunting. R. G. Murdick. Ma-
Heating and ventilation Peripateticchine Design professional; 34:92-7 D 20 '62
landing a new Job;
Condensate drainage system at Rochdale Vil- personal approach is preferred. Machine
lage handles absorption machines and heat
exchangers. C. R. Varga. il diags Air Cond Design science.
APPLIED 35:120-3 FSee14 Technology '63
Heat & Ven 60:75-6 Ag '63 APPORTIONMENT
Gas-fueled generation to serve 5,860-unit Apportionment of the U.S. House of repre-
apartment project, plan Elec World 158: sentatives: a minimum range, integer so-
119-1- O 22 '62 lution, allocation problem. O. R. Burt and
Heat pump employs panel heating as re- C. C. Harris, jr. bibliog Op Res 11:648-52
frigerant condenser. E L. Weber, il diag
Heating-Piping 35:95-7 O '63 APPRENTICES
Jl '63
APARTMENT houses. Cooperative Apprentice plant engineers add experience
Diesel and steam combined for economy in to education. W. T. Williams, il Plant
cooperative development, il Elec Eng 82:
Eng 17:114-16
BACIE/rWS annual S '63 conference on trends In
35S-9 My '63
APATITE apprenticeships: with abstracts of papers.
Inorganic constituents in the shell of the Engineering 194:824-5 D 21 '62
living branchionod lingula. D. McConnell.
bibliog Geol Soe Bui 74:363-4. pi 1 Mr '63 Lookin.g into Hare's White paper. Engineer-
Intercrystallized apatite and ankerite from ing 194:850-1 D 28 '62
the New Albany shale of Indiana. S. S. MTBA apprentice plan stresses merit, not
mere timeserving. Am Mach/Metalworking
Greenbug and J. L. Harrison, bibliog il
diag Am Mineralogist 47:1441-6 N '62 Manuf 106:106-7 D 10 '62
More student apprentices in bviilding serv-
New jrttrian apatite enclosed in quartz from ices; G. N. Haden and sons. 11 EngineerinK
Naegl. Gifu prefecture. Japan. K. Omori
and H. Konno. 11 Am Mineralogist 47:1191-5 194:448tests
Trade O 5 may '62 be continental, but they
S '62 may soon be part of UK apprentice train-
Study of cadmium chlorophosphate phosphor. ing. Engineering 194:849 D 28 '62
R. C. Ropp. bibliog Electrochem Soc J Training and development for growth. 11
110:113-17 F '63 diags Engineering 196:276-7 Ag 30 '63
goldenrod heterophyllus. See Rayless Training apprentices; for the use of; Array
apocyanaceae apprentices' schools, il EngineerinB 196:244-
Haplocine and haplocidine: new aspidosper- 5 Ag substance
What 23 '63 has that White paper? Engi-
mine-type alkaloids from haplophyton cimi-
cidum. M. P. Cava and others, bibliog neering 195:166-7 Ja 25 '63
Chem & Ind p 1242-3 Jl 27 '63 Worker training industry does it better.
APPALACHIAN region A. N. Wecksler. il Mill & Factory 73:84-7
Pahnspastic maps of central Appalachians.
J. M. Dcnnison and H. P. Woodward, maps See also
S '63
ilif.s Am Assn Pet Geologists Bui 47:666-80
blbliog(p679-S0) Ap '63 Trade schoolsTralnlns' of
APPROXIMATE computation Geometrical construction of two-dimensional
Application of variational equation of motion and axisjTnmetrical flow fields. F. O. Rine-
to the nonlinear vibration analysis of homo- leb bibliog diags AIAA J 1:2257-63 O '63
eeneous and layered plates and shells. Y. Glbb's approximation with R.distance
Y. Yu. bibUoK A S M K Trans ser B 30:79- ments. R. W. Cole and Deutsch.measure-
86 Mr '63
Approximate analytic solutions ^for the . ranee 32:1401-3
Half Sommerfeld S '62 approximation for finite
of a nonliftine re-entr>' trajectory. T. R. journal bearings. J. V. Fedor. bibliog diag
Kornreich. AIAA J 1:1925-6 As '63 A climbing
Hill S M E methods Trans serforD the85:435-8 S '63 of
cylinders with bursthemispherical
strength of caps.
N. A. multiparameter noise disturbed systems.
Weil and others, bibliog diags AIAA J H. J. Kushner. bibliog diags A S M E
1:2hSS-92 S '63 Transdeflection
Large ser D 85:157-64 analysis Jeof '63
uniformly loaded
Appro.ximate calculation of an ephemeris in
unperturbed elliptic motion. B. M. Shchiso- annular membranes. M. A. Goldberg and
lev. biblios calculation AIAA J 1:530-6 F '63 A, B. Pifko.
Limit analysis of shallow shells bibliog AIAA J 1:2111-15 S '63
of revolu-
Approximate of eigenvalues for
certain second-order linear differential tion. P. (i. Hodge, jr. and C. Lakshimikan-
equations. W. J. Goodey. Roy Aeronautical tham. bibliog diags A S M E Trans ser B
Soc J 6.o:3f:0 My '61: Discussion. W. Squire. 30:215-18 Je '63
Location-allocation problems. L. Cooper, bib-
66:722 N '62 determination of position of
the sonic line for a blunt body in hy- Methodsliog Opfor Res fitting11:331-43 My '63approximations.
personic flow. M, A. Rahman, diag J Aero- H. J. Maehly. bibliog Assn for Computing
space Sci 29:1485-6 Mach J 7:150-62:integral 10:257-77 Ap '60.for Jlcom-
Approximate methodD for '62 hypersonic non- Momentum approximation
equilibrium blunt body airflows. D. Elling- pressible magnetogasdynamic boundary-
ton, bibliog AIAA layer flow. J. J. Kauzlarioh and A. B. Cam-
Approximate solutionJ 1:1901-4
for laminarAg '63boundary bel. bibliog diag A S M E Trans ser E
laver flow. R. L. Kosson. bibliog AIAA J
Parametric Jeexcitation
30:269-74 'C3 of a dynamic system
l:"inS8-96 Mysolution
Approximate '63 of the energy equation. having multiple degrees of freedom, C. S.
J. Fillo. AIAAsolution J 1:481-2of F the
'63 problem of Hsu. bibliog A S M E Trans ser E 30:367-72
maximum depth in gravity interpretation. S '03 difference approximations with non-
D C. Skeels. diags Geophysics 28:724-35 O negative coeflicients. D. Greenspan. Frank-
■63 Physicallin Inst properties
J 275:481-90of Jenonlinear'63
Approximate lems. J. A. solution of.
Schetz. bibliog
diag A S prob-
^ elastic sus-
Sen.'!ions. E. Jozefowicz. bibliog diags
Trans ser B 30:263-8 Je '63 lachine Design 35:169-75
Polynomial approximation to focal constants O 24 '63
Approximate solutions of heat-conduction of equidiameter two-cylinder lenses. M.
problems. F. Erdogan. bibliog diags
A .S M E Trans ser C 85:203-8 Ag '63 Morikawa. bibliog J Ap Phys 34:1657-60
file using a variable for a re-entry
drag forcevelocity pro-
coefficient. Problem
Je '63 of solidiflcation
ing at the with Newton's
surface. P. Hrycak. bibliog cool-
W. O. Davies. ARS J 32:1430-1 S '62
fect of axial methods dispersiontoinevaluate the flow
isothermal ef- A I Ch amplifier:
Radiation E J 9:585-9new S space '63 radiator. R. C.
reactors. G. Houghton, bibliog Can J Chem Weatherston. bibliog il Astronautics &
Eng 40:188-93 techniques
Approximation O '62 for simultaneous Aerospace
Ribbed circular Eng plate.
1:42-7 H.
O '63D. Conway, diaes
linear equations. F. Melanson. diag Instru- A S M E Trans ser E 30:464-6 S '63
ments & Control Systems 36:161 Ag '63 Sampling study of minimum absolute devia-
Approximations for supersonic flow over tions estimators. V G. Ashar and T. D.
cones. "W. E. Simon and L. A. Walter. Wallace, bibliog Op Res 11:747-58 S '63
AIAA J 1:1696-8 Jl '63 Scattering of a plane wave by an inhomo-
Approximations to the drag force on a sphere geneous sphere under the born approxima-
moving slowly through either an Ostwald- tion. F. A. Albini. bibliog J Ap Phys 33:
de Waele or a Sisko fluid. J. C. Slattery.
3032-6 approximation
Second O '62 to the solution of the
bibliog A I Ch E J 8:663-7 N '62 rendezvous equations. H. S. London. AIAA
Assembly-line balancing: dynamic program-
ming with precedence constraints. M. Held J 1:1091-3 tabular Jl '63
and others, bibliog diags Op Res 11:442-59 Shortcut method for analyzing
My estimate
'63 periodic functions: data sheet. H. Weiss,
Best of reliability in the exponential diag Machine Design 35:199-201 S 26 '63
ca.'=e. E. L. Pugh. Op Res 11:57-61 Ja '63 Simple method ■63 for approximating the optimal
Black box maximization of circular coverage. trajectory. J. N. Hanson, flow chart AIAA
C. T. Zahn. ir. bibliog diags J Res Nat Bur J 1:1936-8 approximation
Ag '63
Stand 66B:181-216 O '62 Successive technique in solv-
Blast-hypersonic flow analogy theory and ing some control system optimization prob-
application. J. Lukasiewicz, bibliog ARS J lems. •62
M. Aoki. bibliog A S M B Trans
32:1341-6 S '62 ser D 85:177-80 Je '63
Comparison of Sweep and dihedral effects in axial-flow
tributions two approximate
for a lenticular dlpole indis-a
cylinder turbomachinery. L. H. Smith, jr. and H.
semi-inflnite fluid. J. Kotik and V. Man- Yeh. bibliog diags A S M E Trans ser D
srulis. bibliog J Math & Phys 41:280-90 85:401-14: Discussion. 414-16 S '63
D '62 Technique for the synthesis of linear nonsta-
Economization of rational function.^. A. Ral- tionary feedback systems: approxiniation
ston, bibliog Assn for Computing Mach J problem. A. R. Stubberud. bibliog diags
10:278-82 Jl '63 IEEE Trans Applications & Ind p 186-92 Jl
Equivalence of discrete systems in time-
optima! control. B. Polak. diags A S M E Theoretical solutions of grain-boundary dif-
Trans ser D 85:204-10 Je '63 fusion problem: approximations and Inter-
Error bounds in the pointwise approximation pretation of experiments. V. E. Wood and
of solutions of elastic plate problems. J H. others, bibliog diag J Ap Phys 33:3674-9 D
Bramble and L. B. Pame. J Res Nat Bur
Stand 67B:145-55 Jl '63 Transport theory: report
Mass. conference. Sept. on13-15.
the T^''oods Hole.
Phys Today
Estimating total errors In large control sys-
tems. T. B. Jawor. diags Control Eng 10: 16:55-6-1- Ja '63
70-4 O '63 Vibration response of linear damped com-
'63 of the orbits of artiflclaJ satellites plex systems: two approximate expressions.
R. Plunkett. bibliog A S M E Trans ser
of planets as affected by gravitational per-
turbation from external bodies. M. L. E See
30:70-4also Mr '63
LIdov. bibliog diag AIAA J 1:1985-2002 Ag Relaxation methods (mathematics)
Explicit finite-difference method for calculat- APTITUDE tests. See Ability tests
ing laminar and turbulent flows. F. J. AQUARIUMS
Stoddard. AIAA J 1:2164-5 S '63 Amateur scientist: how to build and main-
Field of a horizontal magnetic dlpole in the tain aquariums for organisin.o that live In
Sresenco of a magnetoplasma halfspace. the ocean. I^. H. Carpelan. diags Set Am
. Tyras and others, bibliog diags J Res 207:169-70-1- N '62
Nat bur Stand 67D:501-17 S "63 AQUATIC life. See Fresh water fauna
AQUATIC plants Foam replaces metal in rocket motors. R. J.
Flow retardance by channel weeds and their Ward, arbor il Product
control. J. C. Stephens and others, bibliqe Milling servesEng for 34:56 My 27 turning.
emergency '63
Am Soc C E Proc 89 [IR 2 no 3o50]:31-53 R. Isetts. diags Am Mach/Metalworklnjr
Je 't>3 of alsae. lake weeds, and nutrients.
Review Manuf core
Pl.islio 107:146 for My solid13 rocket,
'63 il Chem Ene
K. M. Mackenthun. biblios diair WPCF J
70:72 Mv mandrel
Shouldered 27 '63 and nut holds and elects
34:1077-85 O '62 easily. H. Spinks. diags Am Mach/Metal-
See also
Fresh "water flora Use of mandrel worklng Manufspeeds
107:92 upAg lead
5 '63 burning proj-
AQUATIC shows, Underwater
Spring of live mermaids, il Comp Air Mae ARC, Electric.ect. 11 Welding J 42:38 arc
See Electric Ja '63
68:13-15 Jl '63 ARC boratory
image furnace. See Electric furnaces. La-
Aqueduct capacity under an optimum benefit ARC welding. See Electric welding. Arc
Polic5-. "VV. A. Hall. Am Soc C E Proc 87 ARCHAEAN
. — Pre- Cambrian period. See Geology. Stratigraphic
IIR 3 no 29231:1-11
Ramaseshan. 88 [IR S2 '61; Discussion.
no 3170] :97-100 Je S.
•6 ARCHED bridges. See Bridges. Arched
•62: 3 Reply. control
Computer 88 [IR 4planned no 33771:45-8
for D '62
aqueduct. Water Works Eng 116:645 As Application of geophysics to archaeology. R.
B. Linington. bibliog 11 plan diags Am Sci-
Los Anc pla new aqu Eng N 170: entist 51:48-70 Mr '63
ns edu
50 Je el20es '63 control
Supervisory to run ct600-mile water
See also
. Cave drawings and paintings
Yorkshire Control
Derwent Ens 10:23-4
aqueduct: Jeillustrations
'63 Egypt — Antiquities
Excavations (archeology)
with text. Engineer 216:364 Ag 30 '63 Greece — Antiquities
Costs Indians of South America — Antiquities
Stone implements
First section of aqueduct draws 13 bids; unit ARCHERFISH
prices. Eng N 170:42 F 28 '63 Archer fish. K. H. LUllng. 11 diags Scl Am
ARAB refugees. See Refugees. Arab
ARABIA ARCHES209:100-4-1- Jl '63
See also Analysis of arch frames F. P. Wiesinger and
Geoloej' — Aiabia others, bibliog diags Am Soc C E Proc 89
Petroleum — Arabia [ST 5 no 36601:15-33 O '63
Antiquities Analysis of circular arches on elastic abut-
Capital of the Nabataeans P. J. Parr. 11 ments. K. V. Swaminathan. bibliog diags
Am Soc C E Proc 88 [ST 1 no 3054]:75-110
maps Sci Am 209:94-102 O '63 F '62; Discussion. W. Y. J. Shieh. 88 [ST
ARABINOGALACTANS 4 no 32541:247-50 Ag '62; Reply. 89 [ST 1 no
Bibliography 34551:233-6
Arabinogalactan, a review of the literature. Buckling of Fcircular'63 arches under nonuni-
M. P. Adams and C. Douglas. bibUog form pressure. G. Wempner and T. Ew-
bank. diag Am Soc C B Proc 89 [EM 4 no
Tappi 46:544-8 S '63 35971:17-20theory Ag '63for arches. S. O. Asplund.
ARABOASCORBIC acid Deflection
Human metabolism of L-ascorblc acid and bibliog diags Am Soc C E Proc 87 [ST 7
erythorbic acid. J. M. Rivers and others,
bibliog J Nutrition 81:163-8 O '63 no 29631:125-49 O '61; Discussion. J. C. L.
ARACHIDONIC acid Chang. 88 [ST 3 no 31791:331 Je '62; Reply.
Action of linoleic and arachldonic acids upon 89 [ST 1 no 34351:217-27 F '63
the eicosatrienoic acid level in rat heart and Dynamic deformation states of curA^ed beams
liver. R. O. Peluffo and others blbiiog under impulsive loads. J. S. Humphreys,
10 Je 6311 diag A S M E Trans ser E 30:309-
J Nutrition 81:110-16 O '63
ARACHNIDS Energy criterion and snap buckling of arches.
See also A. Gjelsvik and S. R. Bodner. bibliog diags
ARAGONITE Am Soc C E Proc 88 [EM 5 no 33041:87-
134 O '62; Discussion. E. F. Masur. 89
Crystal changes in vateritic calcium car- [EM 3 no 35621:197-9 Je '63
bonate during ball milling. R. B. Gam- Finite deformations of a rigid perfectly plas-
mage and D. R. Glasson. Chem & Ind tic arch. E. T. Onat and L. S. Shu. bibliog
p 1466 Ag 31 '63
ARBITRATION diags A S M E Trans ser E 29:549-53 S '62;
Arbitration: legal dilemma. Product Eng 34: Discussion.
Gateway arch 30:473-4 S "63
creeps skyward. 11 Eng N 171:
66 Jl 8 '63 44-5 Ag 15 '63
ARBITRATION, Industrial Influence coefficients for two-hinged arches.
Compulsory arbitration; who wants it? A. N. C A. Miller and S. A. Guralnicfc. diags Am
Labor relations; Mill a& roundup
Factory of73:86-8actual O day- '63 to- Soc C E Proc 88 [ST 4 no 32331:41-68 Ag
day in -plant problems and how they were '62; Discussion. K. V. Swaminathan. 89 [ST
handled by management men. Published in 1 no 34351:271-8 F '63; Reply. 89 [ST 5 no
monthly numbers of Rock products 36881:261-2
ARCHES, Concrete O '63
Prepare yourself for arbitration. J. H. Mur- Design of reinforced concrete arch culverts
phy. Hydrocarbon Process & Pet Refiner under fill. K. R. Patel. diags Am Concrete
Right or wrong Je ^63in labor relations. Published
in monthly numbers of Mill and factory Inst J 60:433-8
Dynamic nonlinearMr '63 response of reinforced
Role of foremen in labor grievances and concrete arches. V. N. Gupchup and J. M.
arbitration. J. W. Whittlesey. Chem Eng Biggs, bibliog flow chart diags Am Soc C B
70:15S-(- Jl 22 '63will do for you. M. Merkel. Proc S9 [ST 4 no 35961:225-48 Ag '63
What arbitration Fancy walls carry floors; Perpetual savings
Rubber Age 93:429-30 Je '63 and loan association building. Beverly Hills,
See also
Strikes Calif, il Eng N 170:24 F 28 '63
Prestressing prevents flutter in catenary roof;
ARBORS and mandrels Colorado state university theater. 11 diag
Electrofomiing large foil-thin parts. R. A. Eng N 170:56-7 P 14 '63
Botosan. il diags Am Mach/Metalworklng Two huge parabolic arch ribs support tri-
Manuf 107:80-1 O 28 '63 angular roof panels; auditorium for the
Electrofomiing makes headway with bigger University of Georgia. 11 Eng N 169:28-9-t-
metal shapes, il Iron Age 192:49-51 Ag 8
Expandable locators align holes. W. F. N 22 '62Steel
Thomer. 11 diag Am Mach/Metalworklng Building the world's largest arch. 11 Am Mach/
Manuf 107:62-3 Metalworking Manuf 107:60-1 Mr 4 '63
Expanding mandrelF operates
4 '63 from chuck Jaw. Engineering of Saarinen's
B. E. Baker, diag Am Mach/Metalworklng national expansion memorial. arch; Jefferson
II diags Arch
Manuf 106:106 N 26 '62 Rec 133:188-91 My '63
Filament winding comes of age: design elimi- Highline towers await arch work; 700-ft steel
nates fixed mandrel support points. 11 diags arch across Cold Spring Canyon. 11 Eng
Tool & Manuf Eng 51:70 Ae '63 N 170:50 Ap 4 '63
ARCHES. Steel — Continued ARCHITECTURAL models
Mie weldinK erects St Louis arch, il Welding City puts Uie bite on tower building; three-
Eng ton cake was a scale model of the 31-story
New spirit of ApSt '63
48:5S+ Louis sparks renaissance. Life & casualty insurance co. of Tennessee
il map Enc N 171:30-2+. cover Ag 15 '63 building, il Eng N 171:23 S 26 '63
Stressed rool' surface lightens arch, il Eng Mechanical system of car parking, il Engi-
N 17(1:40 Ja 31 '03 ARCHITECTURALneer 216:563 O 4 '63
Trussed three-hinged arches, frame tentlike
synagogue roof; Shaarey Zedek synagogue A.R.A. annual convention. Chicago. Aug. 22-
In Southneld, Mich, il Eng N 169:21 D 13 '62 25. SeeArchalso Kec 132:26 O '62
Timljer roofs an Olympic track, il Eng N American institute of architects
171:49 S 12 '03
ARCHITECTS Air conditioning and architecture, flow diags
Architects as critics. S. Hassid. Prog Arch il
O map 63 plans diags Prog Arch 44:148-210
43:146-8 N architectural
Corporate '62 practice. D. Hunt. Architect Ed Barnes; toward simpler details.
jr. ArchCuban Rec 133:163-6 My '63 suTipler forms, and greater unity, il plans
Former firm corners design market in
Puerto Rico: SACMAG international, inc. Arch Forum 119:74-9 Ag '63
New building abroad, il plans Arch Forum
Hueil Eng and Ncry 171:48-50
after Stewart.S 26 '63E. E. Halmos, 118:94-121 Je '63
Ulrich Franzen; architecture in transition, il'6largest
Prog Arch 44:56 Ag '63firms in the U.S.
architectural plans Aj-ch Forum 118:139-45 My '63
Arch Porum Wood in architecture. 11 plans diags Prog
Opinions differ on team Ap
118:110-12 '63
concept: architects Arch 44:110-66 Je '63
and contractors. Eng N 170:19-20 Ap 25 See also
Airlines — Ticket offices
Orga for efHc p ac il Arc Airport buildings
Recniz 133:155-8 F: 163-4 ient Mr r'63 tice h Architectural
Balconies drawing
Royal aarchitectural
tion institute of Canada. , 56th Bridges — Archi tecture
annual assembly, Hamilton, Ont. Arch Rec Building materials
134:24 Ag '63 Cathedrals
Small office with a large view; C. E. Silling Ceilings
and associates. 11 plans Arch Rec 134:217-20
S '63 Childrens homes
What it takes to be a client. D. Canty. Arch Church architecture
Forum 119:84-7 Jl; 92-5 S '63 (to be cont) Clubhouses
See also College architecture
American institute of architects Community centers
Architectural societies Concrete construction
Lefrak. Samuel J. Dairies
Lewis. Jack R. Department stores
Weese. Harry Embassy buildines
Taniasaki. Minoru Exhibition buildings
Fees Factories
Fire Iiouses
Architect's fee. B. Tomson and N. Coplan. Greenhouses
Prog Arch 43:156 Ag; 178 S '62 Hillside architecture
Control system for architects' office costs. Interior decoration
G. R. Keane. Arch Rec 134:125-6 Jl '63 Library buildings
Law Lobbies (architecture)
Medical buildings
Its the law. Published in monthly numbers Modular coordination (architecture)
of Progressive architecture Municipal centers
Registration Music halls
Aesthetics and registration. D. Hawley. Prog Office buildings
Park buildings
Arch 43:127-8 Ag '62: Discussion. 43:168-1- Partitions
N '62 Pavilions
ARCHITECTS homes. See Architecture, Domes- Planetariums
tic— Architects homes Police stations
ARCHITECTS offices Prisons
I^nhiie Iniildings
Architect's office from an old studio. 11 Publishing buildings
plan Arch Forum 119:120-1 Jl '63
Control system for architects' office costs. Recreation buildings
Remodeling (architecture) '
G. R. Keane. Arch Rec 134:125-6 Jl '63 Shelters
New design offices from an old store. 11 plan Skis and skiing — Stations, lodges, etc.
Arch Forum 119:122-5 Jl '63 Stadiums
New Saarinen office: headquarters in a Store buildings
Connecticut mansion; with comments on Studios
recent work. W. McQuade. 11 plans Arch Telephone company buildings
Forum 118:113-19 Ap '63 practice, il Arch Tunnis courts. Indoor
'63 for efficient Theaters
Rec 133:155-8 F; 163-4 Mr '03 Vaults (architecture)
Wood in architecture; laminated posts with Zoological gardens — Buildings
glazing, il plan Prog Arch 44:120-1 Je of also subdivision
cities, e.g. Architecture under names
ARCHITECTURAL acoustics. See Acoustics, Detroit
Architectural Houston. Texas
ARCHITECTURAL decoration. See Decoration Ibadan. Nigeria
and ornament. Architectural Lom6, Togo
ARCHITECTURAL drawing London
Mexico (city)
Architectural drawing for printing by half- Milwaukee
tone. M. F. Schmertz. il diags Arch Rec New Haven. Ctonnecticut
133:133-40 Je '63 New York (city)
Architectural drawing for printing processes. Philadelphia
M. F. Schmertz. il diags Arch Reo 133:137-
44 F '63 Regina. Saskatchewan
ARCHITECTURAL education .St Louis
Archiiects eve bigger building role. Eng N Sydney. Australia
Takasaki. Japan
Training and education of architects. W. Tokyo
Allen. Arch Rec 133:173-6 Ap '63 Toronto
See also Trenton, New Jersey
Arohitocturf — Study and teacliine Washington, D.C.
engineering. See Building
ARCHITECTURAL llshtlng. See LJKhtltDr Book reviews. Published In monthly num-
Architectural bers of Progressive architecture
ARCHITECTUR E — Biblioff raphy — Continued Dulles international airport; curtain wall;
Books. Published in monthly numbers of selected detail, il diags Prog Arch 44:100-1
Architectural forum
Requiredbers of Architectural
reading. Published Ag '63
Wall section; selected detail. 11 plans diags
record in monthly num- Prog
See Arch
also 44:134-5 S '63
Competitions Decoration 'and 63 ornament. Architectural
A.I. A. award program for 1963 honors 13 History
buildinss. il Arch Rec 133:12-15 Mr '63
AISI awards.
eives awards Pros for Archdesifjn
44:64 in Mrsteel.
'63 11 Prog Fatehpur Sikri; India's abandoned city, il
Arch 44:70 Ap '63win closed competition. 11 plan Arch
Genius loci; Forum 119:118-23
the historic N '63 of cities.
Anshen and Allen P. Collins, il plan Prog Arch 44:100-6 Jl
plan diag- and
Architects Arch engineers
Rec 133:12-13 win F awards'63 for 63
International aspects
design in
Award winners named for new collegesteel, il Arch Rec 133:82+ Ap '63in Abroad. Published in monthly numbers of
Architectural forum
British Columbia,
Campbell and Aldrich il Arch
win Rec 134:26 S for
competition '63 Philosophy
Tufts University library. 11 plans Arch Rec
134:12-13 architects O '63 Genius loci; the historic continuity of cities.
Chicago win R.P.I, contest. 11 P. Collins. 11 plan Prog Arch 44:100-6 Jl
plan Arch Forum 118:11 Mr '63 Reli buil eloq sim in
Competition for new- type science buildlne. 11
Pro.g Arch 44:53 F '63 giou
Jl i63ngP.s; Belluschi.
uent il plArch
icit Rec
Competitions invite entrants. Arch Rec 133: y
316 Ap '63
Dramatic buildinss take AIA honors. 11 Eng Specifications
N 170:24-5 Mr 7 '63 Specifications clinic. H. J. Rosen. Published In
First library awards cite four top winners, monthly numbers of Progressive architec-
il Arch, Rec 133:13 Mypavilion'63 Study and teaching
Floating aluminum wins architec- Speaking of architecture; a summer in the
tural award. 11 diags Mod Metals 19:80-2
My '63 wins Reynolds prize, il diag Prog real world. J. Barnett. Arch Rec 132:23+
German Specs
Arch 44:68 My '63 O '62teaching In schools. H. J. Rosen. Prog
Hartford competition won by Reynolds, il ArchSee 44:152
also Jl; 144+ Ag '63
Arch Forum 119:9 S "63 Architectural education
Imposing design wins 'Tufts library competi- Africa
Maurer tion, of diags Munich Prog wins Arch Reynolds
44:71 S award '63 for
1963. il Arch Rec 133:12 My '63 Building the new Africa. 11 map plans Proe
Minneapolitans win Ruberoid competition. 11 Arch 43:78-100 D '62
Prog BostonArch 44:65-6 S '63 Arctic regions
New city hall; with critique by P.
Collins, il plans diags Prog Arch 44:132-53 Moon colony on earth; Camp Century beneath
Ap buildings
'63 Greenland's ice cap. L. D. Hamilton. II
Nine honored by P.C.I. 11 Arch Rec plan Arch Forum 117:98-103 D '62
Nine buildings S '63 receive A.I.S.C. awards. 11 California
Arch Rec 134:14-15 S '63 First phase of Marin County center is com-
Office'63 ofings, ilthe year awards given to six build- pleted, il Arch Rec 132:12WilsonN '62Wurster. 11
Arch Rec 132:70+ D '62 Recent work of William
Prestressed concrete institute has first plans Arch Rec 133:107-15 Ja '63
awards program, il Prog Arch 44:46-7 Ag Swimming and tennis club in California II
P/A tenth annual design awards. 11 plana plan in
Wood Arch Rec 134:146-7
architecture; Ag '63practice of one
diags Prog Arch 44:82-131 Ja '63 office, il plans Prog EuropeArch 44:116-19 Je '63
Renewal gains from Ruberoid contest; winner
of the $10,000 first prize was Hodne Asso-
ciates of Minneapolis, plans Arch Forum New architecture of communist Europe. 11
119:7 S '63
Ruberoid competition gives New York ideas Arch Forum 118:104-9 Mr '63
for urban reneTv-al. il Arch Rec 134:15 O '63 Finland
Showcase for aluminum. 11 plan diags Arch
Forum Rugged Finnish church, Orlvesl. 11 plan Arch
Ten plants119:106-7 win factory Jl '63 awards. 11 Arch Rec
Forum 117:84-7 D '62
133:14-15+ Je '63 Florida
$25,000 Ruberoid competition uses Manhattan
urban renewal project. Arch Rec 133:23 F Beach pavilion on Florida coast, il plan Arch
Two competitions: Reynolds and Kingsberry. Rec 134:148-9 AgGermany
Arch Rec 132:190 D '62
Unusual buildings win in AISC awards pro- Aalto's recent work in West Germany. 11
gram, il Prog Arch 44:48-9 Jl '63 plans Arch Forum 118:120-5 Mr '63
Vaulted aluminum structure wins Reynolds New German theaters and concert halls. G.
student award, il Mod Metals 19:30 Mr "63 E. K. Smith, il plans Arch Rec 134:179-94
Welded designs win seven awards. 11 Weld- O '63 Hawaii
ing Eng 48:86 Ap '63
Winners announced in Univ. of Calif, com- Hawaii A. I. A. makes 1962 honor awards. 11
petition, ilArch Forum 117:11 D '62 Arch Rec 133:14-15 Ap '63
Workshop-critique of AISC awards. 11 plans Honolulu's new East-West center features
diags Prog Arch 43:150-61 N '62 varied uses of concrete, il Eng N 171:22-3
Young architects win university competition, Hong Kong
il Prog Arch 44:82 O '63
Conservation and restoration U.S.O 24Consulate
'63 office building. 11 plan Arch
Rec 133:116-18 Ja Japan '63
Committee plans restoration of Robie house,
il Arch Rec 133:29 Ap '63 Brazilian designs International center for
Designs and plans Japan. 11 plan Prog Arch 44:45 Ag '63
P/A tenth annual design awards. 11 plans Massachusetts
See alsoProg Arch 44:82-131 Ja '63 Modest architecture for a fine New England
Hospitals — Designs and plans campus, il plans Arch Rec 134:141-56 S '63
Naval architecture — Designs and plans New York (state)
School buildings — Designs and plans
Details ^^y ,T2'"1' state reaches for architecture.
Ansar-Ud-Deen secondary school. Suru-Lere. Arch Rec 133:48 Mr '63
Nigeria: pivoting shutter; selected detail. 11 Puerto Rico
diags Prog Arch 43:100 D '62 Ponce museum of art. Ponce. Puerto Rico
•*-'',<i?l^',®,S.'-^J';^k'5?i^''^- will house Ferre paintings. 11 plan diag
134:149-64 O '63 (to be■' Pla-"s cont) diags Arch Rec
Arch Rec 132:136-7 O '62 ^ y «.s
Addition fits cottage for a new way of life.
Switzerland il plan diag Arch Rec 133:90-3 Mid-My
New schoolhouse in Aesch. U plans diaca
Houses, the art of combining forms; Tide-
Prog Arch 44:158-65 S '63 water house. South Norwalk. il plan Prog
Venezuela Arch in44:162-5 Mv '63 S.vstem house, il plans
a: proposed Wood architecture:
New vernacular tor Venezuel diags tle.xible
Prog Archhouse44:152-4
Koman Catholic cathedral for Barquisimeto. Zoned. for a Jegently '63 sloping
11 PrOK Arch 43:G5 S •(■2 site, il plans Arch Rec 133:159-62 My '63
Vermont Florida
Vermont barns redesigned as art center and Sculptured house of concrete block, il plans
inn. il Arch Kec 133:256 F 63
Simple, Rec 133:70-3
well-designed Mid-My
house for '03 S15.S67 in
The plague tectureorin America. traditional archi- Atlantic Beach. 11 plans Arch Rec 133:94-7
H. H Reed ir and Mid-My '63
H. S, Bryant, jr. il Arch Forum 119:112-15 Hawaii
new House of convertible pavilions adapts to cli-
library. d New
Remodele ShakerLebanon.Hall; DarrowN.Y. ilschool'splans diag mate and function: residence in Honolulu,
Arch "Forum 117:124-7 D '62 il plans Arch Rec 133:54-7 Mid-My '63
ARCHITECTURE. Domestic ^ ,., ,
Developmentsteel house built ofsystem, an architect- Illinois
designed component il plans Classic elegance in sturdy materials, il plan
diag Arch Kec 133:82-5 M;d-My 03 diag Arch
Record houses of 19G3. il plans diags Arch Crescent house Rec to 133:106-9
encompass Mid-My
a lake '63 view. 11
Rec 13:i:49-131 Mid-Myin '63 .
the living environ- P/Aplan tenth
Arch annual Rec 133:98-102 Mid-My house
design awards; '63 for
Search for continuity
ment, il Prog Arch 44:loO-2 Jl G3 R. Henrich. Harrington. 111. plans diags
Si,\ new houses by Paul Rudolph, il plans Prog Arch '6344:86-7 Ja '63
TwoArch newRec townhouse 132:123-35 Nprojects, ■62 diags Prog Louisiana
ArchSee 44:88
also S '63 Loilc and simplicity give llvability on a bud-
Apartment houses get: Covington. La. 11 plan Ajch Rec 134:
Balconies 141-4 Ag '63
Fireplaces Massachusetts
Hillside architecture Houses, the art of combining forms: summer
Interior decoration
Steel houses cottage. Martha's Vineyard. 11 plan diag
Architects homes Prog inArch
Wood 44:156-61 My
architecture: '63 prefab umbrel-
Architect's home, il Ilium Eng 58:47-9 F las, il diag Prog Arch 44:136-7 Je '63
Architect's home is development prototype Atrium adds an indoor garden to a northern
il plans diag Arch Rec 133:103-5 Mid-My
house, il plan Arch Rec 133:118-21 Mid-My
House that easily converts into a duplex, il
plans diags Arch Rec ,l.U;14i-50 Je 03 Gabled house for a small city lot. Minne-
Houses, the art ofCalif,combining fcirms: resi- apolis, il plans Arch Rec 134:127-30 Jl '63
dence. Orinda. il plan diags Prog
'03 „ plan ,„ , Missouri
Arch for
Ideas 44:in-5 space ISO in My a budget house. 11 Wood in architecture: rippling rafters. 11
Neat town Rec 133:171-4 for Mr '63
$20,000.„ .,
il ,
Plan ,
Arch . plan diags Prog Arch 44:146-51 Je '63
Rec 133:151-4 New Jersey
Walled-in privacyF for '63 a Houston town . , „.
home of P. U. Bolton, il plans Arch Rec P/A tenth annual design awards; house for
R. Cripos. Lamberlviile. N.J. il plans diags
133:62-5 Mid-My '03
Designs and plans Proe Arch
Soaring laminated 44:112-3arches
Ja '63 create dramatic in-
Climate-balanced house design. V. Olgyay. teriors for a hilltop house. 11 plans Arch
il Arch Rec i:;3:7-f Mid-Mv 03 Rec 133:78-81 Mid-My '63
Houses; the art of combining forms, il plans
New York (state)
See Prog
also Arch 44:132-80 My '63 Atrium country house in North Salem. N.Y.
Houses, Model
Details il Planssimplicity
Casual Arch Recfor 132:138-41
a small countryO '62 house.
See also Il plans Arch Rec 133:175-8 Mr '63
Stairways Home that combines a fresh approach to
Remodeling tradition and contemporary design: Kings
Point. L.I. 11 plans Arch Rec 133:66-9 Mid-
See Houses. Remodeled
California Houses,
My '63 the art of combining forms: resi-
dence Manursing Island. Rye. 11 plans
Elegant small house doubles Its apparent Prog Arch
space by a semi-enco-sed court. II plans Seaside home44:152-5 in theMy classical
'63 tradition, il
Arch Rec 133:122-5 Mid-My lj3 plan Arch Kec 133:50-3 Mid-My '63
Houses; the dences Millart of combining
Valley. Santa Ana. forms;
Oriiida resi-
and Oklahoma
'63 Angeles, il plans diags I'rog Arch 44:
Lios Spirit image: house at Snyder. Okla. 11 diags
148-51. 166-80 Mv 63
Lot of living space on a precipitous site in Prog of.Vrch
Work Bruce43:136-9 N '62
Goff. architect. II plans diags
Belvedere. 11 plans Arch Rec 133:177-80 Ap Prog Arch 43:104-14. 117-23 D '62
Man-made object; house at Hillsborough. Tennessee
Calif, il plans diags Prog Arch 43:132-5. 149 Many-winged house on a big wooded lot has
N '62 materials and landscape blend In
Natural excellent zoning and qu'.et privacy, il plans
open-plan house. II plan Arch Rec 133: Arch Rec 133:S6-D Mld-My '63
110-1.1 Mid-Mv 63
Plav pavilion for at-home recreation; Arca-
dia. Calif. II plan Arch Rec 134:152 Ag '63 Formal house that Texas exploits a sloping site. 11
house; elegance
Tahoe Keys. UevnotfsCalif,
nuidelil de\'etor>ment
plans Arch plans town
Arch house
Rec 134:169-72
Neat for $20,000.S II
'63 plan Arch
Rec 133:58-61 Mid-My '63
Summer pavilion on a mountain lake: Lake Rec 133:151-4
Wallcd-in privacyF for
'63 a Houston town house:
Arrowhead. Calif. II plan Arch Rec 134:150- home of the architect P. M. Bolton. II
1 Ag '63 Colorado plans Arch Rec 133:62-5 Mid-My '63

P/A tenth annual design awards; town house Virginia
for M. Hataml. Denver, plana diags Prog House that easily converts Into a duplex.
Arch 44:88-9 Ja '63 11 plans diags Arch Rec 133:147-50 Je '63
ARCHITECTURE, Domestic — Continued Plasmarc furnace, a new concept In melting
metals. K. J. McCullough. bibliog diags J
Washington (state)
Two-story court forms hub of house for a Metals 14:907-11 D '62
Potassium-argon dates of some cenozolo
laree family, il plans Arch Kec 133;74-7 volcanic rocks of the Sierra Nevada. Calif.
Mid-Mv '63 G. B. Dalrymple. diags map Geol Soc Bui
ARCHITECTURE. Modernistic 74:3;9-90 bibliogi o3Si)-i)0) ofAp spinel
'e.! made by
Genius loci: the historic continuity of cities. Preparation and properties
P. ■ Collins, il plan Pros Arch 44:100-6 Jl vapor transport and diffusion in the system
63 MgO-Alj03 in hydrogen and argon at me-
New York geth wporl d fair E the N p1iec go O to3-1 dium pressures and in vacuum. L. Navias.
er, il land's iag ; ns 71:e2s il Amof Cerargon
Role Soc Jmetastable
45:544-5 N 1atoms '62 in the
AR an cl ionization of organic molecules. M. M.
BCuHi I for pap d millimatesom pra c Shahin and S. R. Lipsky. bibliog Anal Chem
nssTU siderations i edresi s; J K.e Lal ctic bib on- a5i5i;2-i; oexperiments
diacrs Tappi n s n .
46:sup 161A-6A t a . a
As '63 lioBl Sputtering with 1- to 5-keV Ar*
Climate-balanced RE house desisn. V. Olfryay. ions. A. L.. Southern and others, bibliog 11
ARCHITECTUREArch Rec 133:7-1- Mid-Mv
as a profession '63 diags J Ap Phys 34:153-63 Ja '63
-■Architects eye bisser buildins role. Ens N Temperature and pressure effects in glow-
discharge reference tubes. F. A. Benson
How170:24 to Mycompete 9 '63 with bis firms. Ens N 170: and B. Rigg. bibliog diags Inst E E Proc
46-7 My 9 '63 110:29-34 Ja '63 Isotopes
Layout tool scribes larse arcs accurately. Potassium-argon dates of diabase dyke sys-
tems. District of Mackenzie. N.W.T. R. A.
M. W. Loftus. diass Mach 69:120-1 F '63 Burwash and others, bibliog maps diags
ARCTIC exploration
Summary of submarine explorations in the Can Min & Met Bui 56:706-10 S '63
Arctic. Naval Eng J 75:590 Ag "63 Manufacture
ARCTIC regions Airco expands industrial gas capacity. Chem
Polar continental shelf proiect. W. E. van
Steenbursh. Can Min & Met Bui 56:373-6 & EngLiquid
ARGON. N 41:26 Je 17 '63
My '63 Scintillation of liquid argon produced by 10-
W^VV* reception
spheric disturbances. in the G Arctic E. Hilldurinsand J.iono- R. 50 mev protons. R. A. Giles and E. J.
Herman, map diass J Res Nat Bur Stand Burse, bibliog diag R Sci Instr 34:709-10
See also Mr '63 ARITHMETIC
Architecture — Arctic regions Je '63
High-speed arithmetic employing tunnel
Polar regions diodes. H. S. Miller, biblios il diag RCA
AREA measurement R 24:47-.i6 Mr '63 an ancient science for a
Standards Modular arithmetic:
'6 new computer, diags Westinghouse Eng 23:
How 2 to measure industrial buildinss. F. D.
Garibaldi, il plan Mas of Stand 33:306-7 O New112-14 Jl '63 method for performing digital
arithmetic. G. A. Clark and C. A. Lang.
AR See Sta diags Electronic Eng 35:670-5 O '63
AREENAS. See Hydrdiums Aro See
Algorithm also
ARF E. ocSar A mat
e b
e o m p h ic Division
ARGVED ns, ibo Multiplication
ENSTeSeONaIls les
Mi INanAd TEm.ino reso — Ar ARIZONA
Pene.s indueral and urcet-r^ad — Agregntin See cialalso
e.s. Arizona under spe-
ARG trole stry ^e ent a
imna Copper mines and mining
AmIiNIN uamcid req of chil ini Electric lines
no E of tryptophan,
needs uir arginine d rand
e histidine
mal Gas. Natural
based on eme
nitrogen balance n :
method. I. Geology
Nakasawa and others. J Nutrition 80:305- Hydroelectric plants
10 Jl -63 Mines and mineral resources
ARGON Petroleum
Argon business spurts sharply upward. Chem Petroleum industry and trade
& Ens degassins
N 40:29-31 ofD steel. 17 '62 R. Houston Roads supply
Argon and
F. S. Death, bibliog diags J Metals 15: ARKANSAS
203-9 detector
Argon Mr '63 to monitor reactor environ- See also subdivision Arkansas under spe-
ment. A. K. Ghatak. Nucleonics 21:48 F cial -'subjects, e.g.
Coal mines and mining
Arson Discussion.
moves steel In vacuum 21-6-7
R. C. Brown. degasser.My '63il Gas. Natural
Gas. Natural — Pipe lines
Steel l.'iStlSS-l-
Atomic beam apparatus S 16 '63 for determining the Petroleum
mean free paths of potassium atoms in Petroleum industry and trade
argon. R. G. Marcley. bibliog il diags Am ARKANSAS RIVER
J Phys 31:116-31 F '63 Channel stabilization. J. L. Bush, il maps
Broadening of the rotational lines of carbon diass Am Soc C E Proc 88 IWW 2 no 31261:
monoxide by HC and by argon. R. J. Thib- 51-67 Mv '62; Discussion. R. L. Bufflngton.
ault and others, bibliog J Res Nat Bur 88 [WW 4 no 33351:139-40 N '62
Stand 67A:113-14 Mr '63 ARM
Detection of 10- to 100-kev ions bv nuclear Fractures of the forearm in children. W. P.
track plates. W. D. Davis. R Sci Instr Blount, il diags Ind Med 32:388-95 S '63
Determination S '62of minute quantities of nitro- ARMAMENTS
gen in arson by fa.'s chromatos^raphv. B. M. Engineering review for 1963. il Engineering
Karlsson. spectrometric
Anal Chem 35:1311-12 Ag analvzer
"63 195:98-100
See also Ja 18 '63
Emission method and
for traces of nitrogen in arson. H. Fav Dis.irmament
and others, il diags Anal Chem 34:1254-60 ARMATURES
S '62 Development of toroue in slotted armatures
Equilibrium data for argon, helium, methane A. S Lanssdorf. diass IEEE Trans Power
in ammonia. F. Isaacson and C. H. Viens.
Tiihlios Chem Kns 70:1364- Ja 21 '63 Apparatus & Systems pS2-8 Ap '63
Full-plane threshold energies for cathode Forces o.t the teeth in d-c machines. A. I.
sputtering of metals with Ar* ions E. B. DvoraceK. bibliog diags Power Apparatus &
Henschke and S. E. Derby, il J Ap Phys 34: Systems p 1054-61 F '63
2458-67 study As '63 of the reactions of CHi and Slotless armature,
K. Ya.skawa and key
T. to motor'sil low
Fukuda. diagsinertia.
NH with C2H3 and CjHi in solid arson. M. trol Eng 9:87-9 NTesting'62
E. Jacox and D. E. Millisan. bibliog Am
Chem Soc J 85:278-82 F 5 '63 Surge testing of interlaminar insulation of
L#ow-voltase slow discharge in atmospheric
pressure argon with small additions of magnetic cores. V. N. Wheaton. il diag
cesium or potassium. J. C Ralph. J Ap Power Apparatus & Systems p883-5; Discus-
Phys 34:2499-500 Ag '63 sion. 885-6 F '63
ARMOR'G2 Plate ^ ■ , » „ „fo„ New heteroaromatlc
Line seared to Riant shapes; special transfer taining analogs of compounds; boron-con-
benzlal anthracene. M.
line processes huge armor-hull weldments. J. S. Dewar and W. H. Foesohe. bibliog
R. H. Dshelman. 11 Iron Ase 190:101-3 L) b Am Chem Soc
New heteroaroiiiaiic compounds; compoundsJ 85:2253-6 Ag 5 '63
Proarmor, defl to a stop Insid pl with heteroatom.s at bridgeheads. M. J. S.
ject ect
il Machine Design 35:10 eAp 11asticbS Dewar and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J
i l e
ARMOUR s and company „ ., „, , _» , „ S4:4S84-7 D 20 '02
Armour designs for flexibility: shortenlnK Nonaqueous
zones with titration tetrabutylammoniumof p-nitrophenylhydra-
and margarine plant. 11 Food Ens 34:46-8 W. T. Robinson, jr. and others, bibliog Anal
O '62 Chem 35:770-1 My '63
Novel synthesis of aromatic azasteroids. L..
ARMY food. See
Commissari at United States— Armed forces- R. Morgan, jr. Chem & Ind p293-4 F 16 '63
AROMATIC compounds ,, Nucleophilic displacement the ortho :reactions
para ratioinin aro-
Amine exchange reactions; Mannlcn. ,, >,„„..„Dases matic systems:
reactions of nitrochlorobenzenes with
from aromatic amines. J.^ C. Craig and
M. Moyle. Chem & Ind p690 Ap 27 63 piperidine and
octane. S. D. Ross and M. Finkelsteln. with 1.4-diazabicyclo(2,2,2)
Aromatic silicon systems. K. A. Benkeser
and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J S4: bibliog chemists
Am Chem make Soc J 14-membered
85:2603-7 S 5con- '63
Aromatic substitution G. A. Olah and others, jugated polyene with Internal trans methyl
blbliog Am Chem Soc J 84:3684-93 p 5 62 groups. Chem
Petrochemical-boom & Eng N 41:42-3
or bust; My 27 aro-
the newer '63
Aromatics oxidation process detailed. dia« matics. H. W. H.aines. jr. 11 diags Chem
Base-catal & yzed IJiiK^Nhydrolysis 25 '63
41:51 Mrot aromatic ether Eng Prog 59:30-40 F '63
linkages in lignin; rate of hydroxide. hydrolysis of Photochemical
zines. J. E. Hodckins cleavage and of J.aromatic
A. King. alda-Am
methoxyl groups by sodium K.
V. Sarkanen and others, bibliog iappi 4b: Chem Soc J S5:2f.79-80 S 5 '63
375-9 Je '63 ^. , , . ,„ Polarographic oxidation
matic compounds. E. S. Pysh and N. C. potentials of aro-
Basic strengths of some aromatic aldehydes
and ketones. G. Culbertson and R. Fettit. Tang, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2124-30
Am Chem Soc J 85:741-3 Mr 20 'BS Production of aromatic polyfluoro compounds
l,8-Uisdehyd roll41annulene. an unusual aro- Jl
from20 '63
chlorofluorocyclohexanes. P. Johncock
matic compound. F. Sondheimer and and others, bibliog diag Ind & Eng Chem
'63 diag Am Chem Soc J 84:4595-6 D 6 Proc De.=:ign 1:267-71 O '62
Challenge in coal tar chemicals H. G. Quantum
aromatictheoretical compounds. study R.of L.some Miller
Franc^. il Ind & Eng Chem 55:38-44 My others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:4623-7
Cond c aro com
M ensP.e Cavaycloand buta others, mabibliog
ti AmpounChem Relationship
D 20 '62 and between aromatic dithloform-
Soc d 85:2076-84
J nJle 20 '63 c ds. amidines
and P. M. Sanderson, Hector'sbibliog
bases.Chem F. Kurzer
& Ind
Conjugative effects of sulfur in several
aromatic anion- radicals. E. T. Kaiser and o 1CS1.2 photolysis
Selective S 22 '62 of lodo-aromatic com-&
D. H. Bargle, jr. bibliog diags Am Chem pounds. N. Kharasch and others. Chem
Soc J 85:1821-3 Je 20 '63
Cyclononatet raenide; an aromatic lO-it-elec- SNIndmechanism
n 1720-1 S in 29 '62
aromatic compounds; a
tron system. E. A. LaLancette and R.„ E. quantitative approachJ. toMiller,aromatic nucleo-
Benson, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2i>53 philic substitution. bibliog Am
2, S7-Diacetoxy
20 '63 - trans - 15,16 - dimethyl - 15,16 - dl- Chem Soc J 85:1628-35 Je 5 '63
Spontaneous formation of radlcal-anlons from
■63 a novel aromatic system with
methyl groups Internal to the it-electron nitroaromatics in basic solution. G. A. Rus-
cloud. V. Boekelheide and J. B. Phillips. sell and E. G. Janzen. Am Chem Soc J
bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1545-6 My 20 84:4153-4with
Steroids N 5ring '62 A aromatic; ob.servatlons
Effe of coiJ on the reac oi on n.m.r. spectra. E. Caspi and others.
aromatic rdi
ligands: diazo coupling. tivi K. E. Chem & Ind p 1716-17 S 29 '62
Maguire and M.natiM. on Jones, bibliog Am tyChem Study of the near- infrared spectra of some
Soc J on 85:154-7 Ja 20 '63spectra of repulsion in aliphatic and aromatic isocyanates. D. J.
Effects the infrared David, bibliog Anal Chem 35:37-44 Ja '63
ortho-substiluted primary aromatic amines. Triplet state may be basis for useful photo-
A. N. Hambly and B. V. O'Grady. bibliog chromies, il diag Chem & Eng N 41:53-4-1-
Chem & Ind p86-7
Electrochemical methodJa 12of'63reducing aromatic
compounds selectively to dihydro or Validity
Je 3 '63of matic rate factor.=iR. in T.freeMorrison
substitution. radical aro-
tetrahydro products. R. A. Benkeser and
E. M. Kaiser, diag Am Chem Soc J 85: others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:4152-3 N
''858-9 S 20 '63 5 '62
Electron-transfer reactions of aromatic thio- AROMATIC hydrocarbons. See Hydrocarbons.
late anions with organic oxidizing agents. Aromatic
F. J. Smentowskl. bibliog Am Chem Soc J AROMATIZATION
85:3036-7 dilemma:
European O 5 '63 overcapacity in aromatics. Alumina: catalyst and support; aromatization
11 Chem & Eng N 41:94-105 Mr 25: 78-90 of 2,2-dimethyl-.S-methyl-C"-pentane over
non-.acidic chromi-a-alumina catalyst; con-
Ao 1 '63 (reprints $1.25) tribution to the mechanism of aromatiza-
F" chemical shifts of the sulfur pentafluoride. tion. S. M. Csicserj' and H. Pines, bibliog
trifluoromelho.xy, triduoromethylthio and
trlfluoromethylsulfonyl groups in aromatic Am Chem
Formation of Soc aromaticsJ S4:3939-44 during O 20 '62thermal
compounds. D. R. Eaton and W. A. Shep- hydrocracking;
pard. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1310-13 A. C. Reeve and R. Dong, bibliog «-heptane.
n-pentane and diag J Ap
My 6 of
Future '63 synthetic aromatics in soaps and Chem 13:170-87. 403-9 Ap. S '03
High temperature reactions of iodine with hy-
detergents. T. D. Parks, diags Am Per- ■03 drocarbons. R. D. Mullineaux and J. H.
fumer 78:38-41 Je '63 Italey. Am Chem Soc J 85:3178-80 Q 20 '63
Hydrogen bonding In the transition state of ARSENATES
aromatic nucleophillc replacement. T. O. See also
Bamkole and others. Chem & Ind p 119-20 Calcium arsenate
Ja 19 '63 Zinc arsenates
Ion-radicals; the reaction of thloaromatlc ARSENIC
compounds with acids; dlphenyl disulfide, ArsenicdV) a.<i an Intermediate In the In-
thlanthrene and thianthrene oxides. H. J. duced oxidation of arsenic (III) by the
Shine and I.. Plette. biblloc Am Chem Soc J irondD-persulfnte reaction and the photo-
84:4798-806 D 20 '62 reduction of iron (III): absence of oxvgen.
Modification of arylatlon reactions with arwl R. Woods and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc
peroxides by aromatic nitrocompounds. D.
H. Hey and others. Chem & Ind p83-4 Ja J 85:2385-90
Arsenic Ag 20 '03hv crystal growth from
the molt. I>. R. Woisberg and P. R. Colmer.
Now12 '03aromatic anions. R, West and others. bibliog 11 Electrochem Soc J 110:56-60 Ja
bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2577-90 S 5 '63
New aromatics. olefins ready for development. Chemical durability of arsenlc-snlfur-Iodlne
P. E. Nelman and L.. T. Eby. 11 Chem & glasses. F. C. Din and R. M. Ho. bibliog
EnK N 41:43-4 Ao 15 '63 diag Am Ccr Soc J 46:24-8 Ja '63
ARSENIC — Continuedi Nutrition studies in the cold; effect of cold
Ditfasivlty of arsenic in silicon. W. J. Arm- environment on experimental atherosclero-
strong, bibliog Biectrochem Soc J 1U9:1U65- sis in the rabbit. G. V. Vahouny and
7 N '62
Epidemiological consequences of an arsenic- others, bibliog J Nutrition 79:45-52 Ja '63
iung cancer theory. K. \V. Huecliley. bibliog Production of hypercholesterolemia and ather-
osclerosis by a diet rich in shellfish. W. E.
Am J Pub Health 63:1229-32 Ag complexes
'63 Connor and others, bibliog il J Nutrition
Phospliorua- and arseJiic- bridged 79:443-50 Ap hypocholesterolemic
of metal carbonyls: cyclopentadienyliron Study of the activity of R. G. Hayter. bibliog Am Chem the ethyl esters of the polyunsaturated
Soc J S5;3120-4 O 2U (io fatty acids of cod liver oil in the chicken;
Vapor phase equilibria for the systems: GaAs- effect on serum and tissue cholesterol and
Gali-Asy and Ga-Gali. V. J. Silvestiu and aortic and coronary atherosclerosis. S. G.
V. J. Lyons, bibliog Electrochem Soc J Kahn and others, bibliog J Nutrition 80:
109:963-8 O '62 414-24 Ag wells
Application of silver diethyldithiocarbamate Nonsteady flow for wells with decreasing
method to determination of arsenic. D. G. discharge. M. A. Abu-Zied and V. H. Scott,
Ballinger and others, bibliog diag Am Water bibliog Am Soc C B Proc 89 IHY 3 no
Assn J 54:1424-8 N '62 for antimony 35171:119-32 My '63
Rapid procedure
and arsenic. A. B. Greendale and D. L,. Genetic studies on rheumatoid arthritis. J.
Love, diag Anal Chera 35:632-5 My '63 S. Lawrence, bibliog Am J Pub Health
ARSENIC compounds 52:1689-96 O
'63 '62
Carcinogenicity evaluation of potassium ar- ARTIFICIAL diamonds. See Diamonds. Artificial
senite and arsanilic acid. R. K. Boutwell. ARTIFICIAL emeralds. See Emeralds. Artificial
bibliog U J Agri & Food Chem ll:3Sl-5 S ARTIFICIAL lakes. See Lakes. Artiflcial
Meta stab of ra ars ARTIFICIAL leather. See Leather. Artiflcial
boli in chickens.
acid ilit L. R. diOverby
oac an
tiv and R.ilicL. ARTIFICIAL limbs. See Limbs. Artiflcial
c y
P'redrickson. bibliog J Agri & e Food Chem ARTIFICIAL rubber. See Rubber. Artiflcial
11:37S-S1 S of'63 two forms of dietary arsenic
Metabolism ARTIFICIAL satellites. See Satellites. Artiflcial
by the rat. K. Morgareidge. J Agri & Food ARVESON. Maurice H.
Chem■63 11:377-8 S '63 ACS president-elect for 1963. por Chem &
Rationale for medicated feeds. L.. E. Hanson.
bibliog J Agri & Food Chem 11:365-7 S ARYLEng compoundsN 40:64 D 10 '62
ARS hydr See Ars 1-Aryl isoindoles. D. F. Veber and W. Lwow-
sele de. i ne ski. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:646-7 Mr 5
ElEeNI anndidethe pro of mat Oxidation of flavylium salts to 2-arylben-
cal system a l
m tie
eH.ri L.
al zoturans. L. Jurd. Chem & Ind P 1165-G
Uphoft' and J. H. Healy. bibliog il diag s J s
Ap Phys
ARSENIC sulfides 33:2770-3 S '62 Jl 13 '63 of arylation reactions with aroyl
Bacterial action on orpiment. H. L. Ehrlich. Modification
peroxides by aromatic nitro-compounds. D.
bibliog telluride Econ Geol 58:991-4 S '63 H. Hey and others. Chera & Ind p83-4 Ja
Electrical and thermal properties of materials 12 '63side reaction accompanying the aryla-
in the system AssTea-ThTe-AsjSea. H. L.. tion of ferrocene; an example of free radi-
Uphoff and J. H. Healy. bibliog il diag J cal substitution. W. F. Little and others,
Ao Phvs 33:2770-3 S 62
Thermoelectric properties of diphasal systems ASBESTOS Am Chem
bibliog Soc J 85:3055-6 O 5 '63
combining AsjTes and TbSe with SbjTea, Asbestos based bearing materials. R Q.
Bi^Tes. or SbaSea. H. L. Uphoft and J. H.
Healy. bibliog il diags J Ap Phys 34:390-5 Walmsley.boomBritin Plastics
Asbestos California:36:407-8 Jl '63 Lake
F '63 Asbestos. H. F. Utley. il Pit & Quarry 55:
ARSENICALS. See Arsenic compounds
ARSENIDES Asbestos in the construction industry. L. O.
Co-Ni-Fe diarsenides; compositions and cell Montpetit. bibliog il Can Min & Met Bui 56:
dimensions. E. H, Roseboom. Am Min- 737-42 S 1962.
A.sbestos. '63 K. V. Lindell. Eng & Min J
Crystals of rammelsbergiteeralogist 48:271-99 bibliog(p297-9) Mr
and algodonite. '63 164:145-7 Fasbestos '63
S, A. Williams, diag Am Mineralogist 48: Ferobestos: laminates il diag Engi-
421-2 neering 196:178-9 Ag 9 '63
See Mr also '63 Fluorocarbon-asbestos keeps out bacteria,
Gallium arsenide diags Modfabrics:
Insulating Plasticsasbestos-glass
40:109 D '62 fiber com-
Manganese arsenide position is basis of field coil insulation:
ARSENOPYRITE Micarta grade 41424-FA. il Plastics World
Fluidized roasting of arsenopyrites: a theory
of the mechanism of the dearseniflcation 21:31 Ja of'63the buildings in the Place Ville
process. A. Vian and others, bibliog flow Marie development from railroad-induced
sheet Ind & Eng Chem Proc Design 2:214- vibrations. J. E. Brett, plan diag Eng J
23 Jl '63 4.'^:62-6 N '62
ARSINE Jefferson
Folded conformations and optically active producer.Lake. J. Huttl. California's
flow sheetpremier
11 Engasbestos
& Min
triarylarsines. K. Mislow and others, bib- J 163:84-9
liog diags Am Chem Soc J 85:594-7 Mr 5 '63 Munro mine Omakes '62 use of nattu-al gas: Cana-
Octahedral co-ordination bv a quadridentate dian Johns-Manville co. G. W. Parsons.
ligand. R. H. B. JIais and others. Chem & Can Min introduces & Met Buiinsulation 56:219-21 jacketing:
Mr '63 as-
Ind p 1204-5 Jl 20 '63 Ruberoid
Some new derivatives of dimethylarsine. W. bestos-neoprene felt is joined to Tedlar
R. CuUen and others. Chem & Ind d9S3 Je film, il Chem & Eng N 40:55 N 26 '62
Use of crocidolite asbestos in reinforced plas-
ART 15 '63 tics. V. E. Barrable and others, il Ind &
Acoustics and the arts. D. W. Martin, bib- Eng Chem Product Res & Develop 2:186-9
S See
'63 also
See liog ilalso
Sound 2:8-13 My '63
Sculpture Roads. Bituminous — Asbestos mixtures
ART aallerJes and museums. See Museums Manufacture
ARTERIES Quality control and asbestos processing go
See also hand-in-hand at Jefferson Lake. R. S.
Arteriosclerosis Torgerson. flow sheet 11 Rock Prod 66:78-82
Coronary arteriosclerosis in pilots: report of Je '63 fibre research laboratory. 11 Engineer
a case. K. Vaandrager and J. G. Grimm. A.'?bestos
Ind Med 32:38-9 Ja '63 215:312-13 F 15 '63
Fat tolerance curves of patients with hyper- ASBESTOS cement
lipidemia and atherosclerosis. D. R. Bas- Factory for asbestos cement products: Turn-
sett and P. T. Kuo. il Am J Clinical Nutri- ers asbestos cement co. il Engineer 214:856
tion 12:241-52 bibliog(p251-2) Mr '63
N 16 '62


ASBESTOS cement— Continued Inline blending of asphalt. H. Q. Nevltt.
MicroscoDV of steara-cured asbestos Dortland Koads Northwest
cS: Sts 106:121-2 Jl '63 boosts output of
cement Droducts. D Bailey, il Am Cer Pacillc producer
Soc J 4C:34S-51 Jl '63 treated bass material using new a^i>halt
X-ray study of some reactions of chrysotlle. emulsion, il Pit & Quarrv 55:171-2 My 63
M. C. Ball and H. F. W. Taylor, bibliog Sealer compound now made In US; asphalt-
J Ap Chem 13.145-50 Ap '63 impregnated polyurethane foam. Plastics
cement cement pipes. See Pipes. Asbestos Tech petroleum
Solid 9:59 Ap '63 pitch from asphalt. H.
ASBURY PARK. New Jersey Beuther carbon and Process
R. G.
See also & Goldthwait.
Pet Refiner 11 41:96
Housing — Asbury Park. New Jersey
ASCORBIC acid. See Vitamins — Vitamin C See aho
ASH, Volcanic. See Volcanic ash. tuft. etc. Bituminous materials
ASH trees Pavements. Asphalt
Jlorphology of refined pulps of southern pine Petroleum refining — Asphalt removal
(longleaf pine) and black ash. S. Asunmaa Manufacture
and W. W. Marteny. biblios il Tappl 46:
613-22 O 'SS Cost of asphalt manufacture. W. L. Nelson.
ASHES GetOil characterization
& Gas J 60:170 O factor 29 '62 by nomogram.
See a!so Q. E. Mapstone. Hydrocarbon Process &
Oil fuel — Ash content
ASHING Pet Refiner
NPRA discusses 42:149-50
inline Je blending.
'63 Roads &
Adaptation of the oxygen flask method for
ashinB of cellulosic materials. J. C. Paul- NewSts 10fi:S6
interestS '63 shown propane deasphalting.
son, diae Anal Chem 35:1558-9 S '63 J. G. Ditman. flow diag il Pet Management
ASIA 35:197-200 My '63
See also Solvent decarbonizing: the M. W. Kellogg co.
Paleontology — Asia flow diag Hydrocarbon Process & Pet Re-
Petroleum industry and trade — Asia finer 41:231 S '62
ASIA, Southeastern Specifications
See also
Water supply — Asia. Southeastern Liquid asphalts. J. M. Griffith. I>ub Works
ASIA MINOR 93:80-4 N '62 Testing
Assyrian trading outpost. T. OzgllQ. il maps Changing concepts in flexible pavement de-
sign; beam strength. H. G. Nevitt. Roads
Plan Sci Am 208:96-102-1- F '63
ASPARAGINE & Sts 106:134-5 P "63
Biosynthesis of metabolism in species of Comparison of two spark-gap testers for
asphalt Alms. '63 P. M. Jones, bibliog il diag
vetch and lathyrus of v-glutamyl-B-cyano-
relation to the biosynthesis
C. Ressler and others, biblioe
of Effect of temperature and 3:293-5
Materials Res & Stand humidityAp on '63 the
oxidation of air-blown asphalts. P. G.
Am Chem of Soc
Reactions asparagine J 85:2874-5 S 20 '63 buffer.
in phosphate Campbell and others, bibliog il Materials
T. J. Fitzpatrick and others, bibliog Chem Res & Stand 2:988-95 D '62 ^ ,
Liquid asphalts. J. M. Griffith. Pub Works
& Ind p 1983-4 N 17 '62 9:i;Sn-4 N T.2
ASPARAGUS Mix It cooler, roll It better: asphalt pavmg
Dark di.^^coloration of cannedandall-greenD. C. aspar- mixtures. of Roads
agus. H. H. Hernandez Vosli. Relation asphalt& ductility
Sts 106:133-4 Ap '63
to pavement
bibUog il Food Tech 17:95-102 Ja '63 fib- performance. W. J. Halstead. bibliog Pub
Use of the shear press in determining
rousne.s3 of raw and canned green aspara- Roads 32:221-31 O '63
gus. G. Werner and others. Food Tech 17: Transportation
81-6 Ja '63 Spiral colls heat cargo of asphalt; Vibit. by
ASPARTATES Gotaverken. 11 Marine Eng/Log 68:62 Ap
Base-catalyzed formation of cyclic compounds '63
from poly-B-benzyl-L-aspartate and poly-v- ASPHALT coating
benzyl-L-glutamate. A. J. Adler and others, Comparison of two spark-gap testers for
bibliog Am Chem
Conformational Soc of
aspects J 85:90-7 Ja 5 '63heli-
polypeptides: asphalt films. P. M. Jone.'s. bibliog 11 diag
cal and associated forms of oligomeric pep- Materials
ASPHALT Res & Stand 3:293-5
floors. See Floors. Asphalt Ap '63
tides and polymers derived from B-methvl
L-aspartate. M. Goodman and others, bib- ASPHALT paving technologists. Association of.
liog Am Chem Soc J 85:2401-7 Ag 20 '63 See As.sociation of asphalt paving
nologists tech-
Conformational aspects of polypeptides: rever-
sal of the helical sense of poiy-L-aspartate ASPHALT plants
esters. M. Goodman and others, bibliog Am
Chem Soc J 84:3773-4
Conformational aspects Oof 5 polypeptides:
'62 syn- Equipment
thesis of oligomeric peptides derived from Agstono made from waste fines: at New
B-methyl L-aspartate. M. Goodman and F. York crushed stone-asphalt operation. W.
Boardman. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2483- B. Traufter. il Pit & Quarry 55:139-40+ Ja
90 Ag 20 '63 Asph c m i o agg
ASPEN Inalt2n0-tphontmplant at ."San
ke Jose.wn Calif: r L. C.
Rate studies of the hydrotropic deligniflca- Smith CO. H.cforF. Utiey. s flow sheet 11egPit ate &
tion of aspenwood. K. L,. .Springer and
others, bibliog il Tappl 4n:.';.';i-5 S '63 Quarry 55:145-6+ Ap '63
Asphalt plants coine in wide range, il Eng N
Studies on the chemistry of aspenwood: the
ether-soluble portion of spent sulfite liquor 170:72 F batching
Autoinatic 14 '6:! console used in California
from authentic quaking aspenwood. T A
Pearl and others, bibliog flow sheets Tappl asphalt operations: Pacific Cement &
45:107-13: 46:502-5 F '62. Ag '63 Aggregates, il Pit & Quarry 55:117+ Ap "63
A.sphalt enamel gets too rating. Oil & Gas J Impact mixing ok'd for Ohio specifications.
61:107+ oxidation Jo 17 '63 studies at elevated tem- il Roads drier
Packaged & Sts unit10.-.:102-3
made D for '62 easy travel, il
peratures. F. J, Hughes, Ind *; Chem Eng button
N n\::,l asphalt
O 24 '6:! plant electric heated
Product Res & Develop 1:290-3 D '62 Pu>!h
DIrect-to-truck blending of asphalts. T. J. throughout. 11 Roads & Sts 106:112+ Jl '63
Wishlinskl. plan Hydrocarbon Process & ASPHALT plants. Portable
Pet, Runner 42:l.''i7-no Record for a portable plant? il Roads & Sts
Eleotrophoretic mobility J| of'63 asphaltenes In
nltromethane. J. R. Wricht and R. R. Mine- ASPHALTENES
105:106 D '62
singer, bibliog diag J Colloid Sci 18:223-36 Kvidenco for association of asphaltenes In
Mr '63 dilute solutions, n. S. Winnlford. bibliog 11
EJxperiments cnnflrm the colloidal theory of
asphalts. J. R Wright and R. R. Mlncslng- Inst Pet J 49:21.';-21 Jl '63
er. bibliog Franklin Inst J 274:517-19 D ASPIDOSPERMA. See Quebracho
Heat of reaotion of air blowing asphalt, Haiiloclne and hanlocldlne; new aspidosper-
p. B Smith and H. F. Schweyer. bibliog mlne-type alkaloids from haploph>'ton clml-
dlae Ind & EnK Chem Proo Desltrn 2:209-14 cidum. M. P. Cava and others, bibliog Chem
Jl 63
.fe Ind p 1242-3 Jl 27 '63
ASPI OOSPERM 1 N E— Continued Functional specifications lower assembly
Total synthesis of di-aspidospermine and of costs. D. N. DeVos. diags Tool & Manuf
di-quebraclianiine. G. titorlt and J. K. Eng 51:73-6 Ag '63
Dolrtni. bibliog Am Cliem aoc J 85:2872-3 Heavy gear assemblies. 11 Engineer 215:915
S 2U '63 Hillman
ASPIRIN My 17 Imp'63 transmission. 11 diag Automobile
Aspirin absorption. Drus & Cosmetic Ind 91: HowUng to53:2iJ0-6
design Je for '63
better assembly: drawings
384 S '62
Near-infrared method for determination of with text. b\ Strasser. Product Eng 34:84-5
water in aluminum aspirin. H. H. Stein Ingenious
and J. M. Ambrose. Anal Chem 35:5SU-2 Mr 4 '63 assembly for camera formed by
modified four-slide. H. Chase, il diags Mach
Ap "63 Analysis 69:116-19
Phosphorimetry as a means of chemical Line forms Ag '63
preassembled slieet into refrigera-
analysis: analysis of aspirin in blood serum tor and upright-freezer cabinets. W. N,
and plasma. J. D. Winetordner and H. W. Kedstreake.
Making automotiveil Iron generator
Age 192:155-6 O 10 '63
Latz. bibliog diass Anal Chem 35:1517-22 Ford motor co. (low diag il Automation 9:
S '63
Quantitative analysis of aspirin, phenacetin. 58-60 D '62
Mechanization applied to micromodule as-
and caffeine mi.Ktures by nuclear magnetic sembly system. O. E. Elmore, il diags
resonance spectrometry. D. P. Hollis. bib- Aulomation 10:65-9 Je '63
liog Anal Chem 35:1682-4 O '63 Memory table aids assembly. 11 Iron Age
New ■62 Are assay methods for the analysis of Molded
191:133and My cast30■63'63
pieces; rugged flasher snaps
iridosmines. J. G. Sen Gupta and F. E. together, il diags Product Eng 34:56-7 Ap
Beamish, bibliog Anal Chem 34:1761-4 D Moving
2U '63 stairs move in assembled; Lord &
AS ma Taylor, il Eng conveyors
N 170:52 forAp instrument
4 '63
ASpEp M pip ccohuine aut il dia New assembly
els at AC spark plug dlv. 11 Automotive
l B
yiLnI e pli s Ja o'63mat g
g NG ready lU:SS-90
you for ngsautomatic icaassembly? il Ind 127:78-9 N 15 '62
1963 production preview; assembly. Am Mach/
Steel 151:74-a l l y, brazing:
Assembly machineD prepares 17 '62 parts for Metalworking
Overhead assembly Manuf line 107:130-1
increases Ja efficiency
21 '63
Carrier air conditioning co. il Automation and llexibility. A. S. Turner, il Tool &
lll:S3 Je 63
Assembly with adhesives. J. W. Janson. diags Manuf locks
Plastic Eng assemblies.
51:63-5 O '63J. C. Danly. 11 Mach
Automation assembly
Automated 10:66-9 machine
Ap '63 produces car 69:126-8
Pull type My '63 ease, speed light assembly.
door locks at rates exceeding 27UU per day. J. H. Schofleld. 11 diags Steel 153:63 Ag 19
C. J. Kelly, il Automotive Ind 128:53 Ap
I '63 Resistance welding of electronic assemblies.
Automatic assembly machine, il diag Auto- R. D. Engquist. U Tool & Manuf Eng 49:
Automaticmobileassembly Eng 53:72-5. system.
2S6-8 F, 11JeEngineer
'63 216: 89-94 O '62welding of electronic components.
239 As 9 '63
Automatic assembly with threaded fasteners. J. C. Heindl and others. 11 Metal Prog 81:
J. P. Sirles. U Automation 10:71-5 O '63 97-101 Je '62: Discussion. 82:114-1- N '62
Cylinder head assembly machine, il Engi- Riveting machines, building blocks for mech-
neer 216:454 S 13 '63 anization. C. J. 'Vlahos. 11 Mill & Factory
Degrees in assembly. L. D. Miller. 11 Auto- Selecting
73:64-7 O intermittent
'63 transfer devices for
Gilnvan assembly mation 9:39-1- O '62machine has new basic automated assembly equipment. K. R. Treer.
design that provides high versatility. II diags ways
Seven Automation
to assemble 9:61-7 Dwith '62 adhesives;
Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:282 Je drawings with text. E. J. Amitrani. Product
10 '63 demonstrates advances In automatic
Oilman Eng 34:80-1
There are dollarsAp 15 '63 to be saved; contactor
assembly machines, il Mach 69:118 Je '63 assembly. S. M. Parkhill. Comp Air Mag
On the assembly front at Gilman engineer-
ing & mfg. CO. L. Miller. 11 Automation 68:14-15 Ap '63 save steps: auto front-end
Tight dimensions
Standardized Je '63parts placing mechanisms In- parts are assembled to chassis directly.
crease assenibly machine adaptability. R. 11 Iron Age 190:174-5 S 13 '62
J. Simone. il diags Automation 10:1-4 F Transmission equipment construction:
C.A.S.E. (card assembled shelf equipment).
Numerical control 11 Engineer
Triple play 215:446
retires Mr 8 '63
production problem. 11
Engine blocks machined under tape control. Millbox
& Factory
il Machcontrol
70:133-5 theS '63variables; Wet improves 73:58-9 Jl '63under
a-ssembly controlled
Tapes metal strip conditions,
speeds assembly of electronic devices. 11 Wire forming il machine Elecironicsintegrated
36:91-1- Ointo25 as-
diag Iron Age 190:82-3 S 27 '62 sembly line. M. T. Miller. 11 diag Automa-
ASSEMBLING methods tion 10:78-9 O '03
Assembly kits build a missile. R. Vanderveer. See also
il '62Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:74-6 Automation
Automobile assembly plants
My 27 '63method cuts cost. I S A J 9:20-1 O
Assembly ASSOCIATED builders and contractors, inc.
ABC contractors champion free enterprise. E.
Ass on a tran mac GM- ■W. Stearn. equipment
Rock Prod distributors
66:87-8-1- Ja '63
emb Ertigland.
hall. il sfAm
er hin
l y e: x-
Manuf 107:74-5 Ag 5 '03 Pre-road show convention. Chicago, Feb, 20-
Assembly press performs two operations. J.
Markiewicz. diags Am Mach/Metalworking 23. Roads & Sts 106:98 Mr '63
ASSOCIATED general contractors of America
Manuf 107:136 Mr IS '63 Annual convention. New Tork, March 4-7.
Automakers look at automatic assembly. R. H. Eng N 170:19-21 Mr 14 '63; Roads & Sts
Eshelman. 11 Iron Age 192:47 Jl 25 '63 106:111-1- Ap '63
Automatic component assembly in the tele- Midyear
phone industry. D. Hinchcliffe and others. session, board
Denver.meeting. Highway
Sept. 24-26: director's
report. Roads
II diags Brit Inst Radio Eng J 24:199-207: & Sts 105:15-4- N '62
Discussion. 208 S '62 Special meeting of the AASHO-AGC .ioint co-
Automating assembly at Westclox. J. A. operative committee, Chicago. Nov. 12.
Eaton, il diags Mod Materials Handling 18: Roads & Sts of106:00-1
ASSOCIATION asphaltJa '63paving technolo-
,42-6 Ag '63
Automation for short-run and low volume gists meeting.
Annual 3Sth. San Francisco. Feb.
assemblies. E. Kalist. Automation 10:136-1- 18-20: abstracts of papers. Roads & Sts
Ag '63
Bushing eissemblies. H. W. Hamm. diag 100:129-31-1- My '63
ASSOCIATION of British chemical manufac-
Machine Design 35:179-82 Mr 14 '63 turers
Careful analysis streamlines .lob shop as- Annual dinner, London, Oct. 10. Chem & Ind
sembly. B. Persse. 11 Mill & Factory 72:90-2
Je '63 p 1S35 O 20 of
ASSOCIATION '02 Diesel specialists
Finishing touches for Hound Dog. J. M. Ras- ADS takes a tour: sees plants In America,
mussen. il Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf Germany and England. 11 Diesel Equip Supt
106:91-2 O 29 '62
40:26-7 N '62
ASSOCIATtON of iron and steel engineers
Annual convention. Chicago. Sept 23-2G; pro- Architecture
cram. Iron & Steel Enc 40:125 Jl '6:! Athen.f Hilton; a study In vandalism. V.
Annual convention. Cleveland. Sept. 25-28;
proKram and list of exhibitors. Iron Age .Scully, il Arch Forum 119:100-3 Jl '63
190:180-5 S 13 '62 ATHEROSCLEROSIS. See Arteriosclerosis
Annual convention. Chicago. Sept. 23-26: ATHLETES
ATISINE foot ■63 disease. See Ringworm
pro«ram and abstracts of papers. Iron &
district 40:124-44
chairmen S '63 1962-1963. Iron & Stereo-speciflo total synthesis of dZ-atisine. W.
Nagata and others, bibllog Am Chem Soc J
AISE BnB 40:92-3 meellnc:. Ap '63San Francisco. March 85:2342-3 Ag 5 of '63a degradation
4-6: proeram and abstracts of papers. Iron Total synthesis product of
ali.sine. I. Iwai •63 and A. Ogiso bibllog Chem
& Steelconference.
Sprintr Ens 40:96-102 F '6:i
Baltimore. April 22-24; & Ind p 1084-5 Je 29 '63
program and abstracts of papers. Iron & ATLANTA
Steel Ene- 40:94-103 Ap '63 Metropolitan district
ASSOCIATION of mining, electrical and me- Community growth brings public works prob-
chanical engineers lems: Atlanta. Ga. A. T. McDonald. Pub
Annual meeting. Newcastle upon Tyne; with Works 94:99-1-
abstracts of papers. Engineer 215:1115-16 ATLANTIC COAST Ap '63
Jo 21 '63 Heavy minerals of the U.S. South Atlantic
ASSOCIATIONS, Trade. See Trade associations continental shelf and slope. O. H. Pllkey.
ASSYRIAN antiquities. See Mesopotamia — Anti- bibliog diags Geol Soo Bui 74:641-8 Mv
ASTHIVIA Bottom sediments of tho Atlantic shelf and
slope off the southern United States. D. S.
Chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and a.sthma. Gorsllne. bibliog maps J Geol 71:422-40 Ji
H. W. Harris, bibliog il Am J Pub Health
53:7-15 pt 2 Mr '63 Grav mea on HMS Ac in
ASTRONAUTICAL congress. International. See ity
South sur and Indian
Atlantic Oceans. herM. on Tal-
International a.'^tronaiitical congress wani. bibliog emmaps ent Geol Soc Bui 73:1171-8
ASTRONOMICAL instruments s
See also Rocks of northern part of Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
Telescope S.S '62H. Quon and E. G. Ehlers. bibllog map
ASTRONOMICAL models Geol Soc refining
ATLANTIC Bui3 74:1-7company Ja '63
See also
Planetariums How Atlantic plans to diversify. Oil & Gas J
ASTRONOMICAL observatories 61:50 See Mr 11 '63 missiles
ATLAS. Guided
Dominion Observatory's C. S. contribution
Canadian geophysics. Beals. Can Minto ATMOSPHERE
& Met Bui an
Engineering 56:369-72
earth Mysatellite
'63 for orbiting Aiiofiure-to-medium coupling loss in tropo-
spheric scatter systems. C. A. Parry. IEEE
astronomical observatory. J. Mockovciak,
Jr. il diagsdesign Mech of Eng 85:48-51 My '63 Proc 51:933-4effects
Atmospheric Je '63 on sonic-boom pressure
Mechanical a large solar telescope. signatures. D. J. Maglieri and T. L. Par-
H. Hwang and S. Sachs, bibliog 11 diags rotl. diags Sound 2:11-14 Jl '63
ASHRAE J 5:35-46 Ap '63 Communications by troposcatter. F. Altman.
ASTRONOMICAL photography FarII Space/Aeronautics
infrared radiation 39:94-6 model Myof the '63 earth.
Degree of smoothness of the continents and
seas'C3 of Mars. I. K. Koval'. diag AIAA J R. A. McGee. bibliog AIAA J 1:2184-5 S
1:2433-8 of Oobservations
'G:! Fie of elec d I s w e
•63 bililiog il AIAA
of meteor trails. P. M.
J 1:1028-33 Mv altdms triiocn ipoles n proea ater; W. arth-L.
Anderson, bibliog osph diags J blRes em. Nat Bur
TV telescope. W. H. Manning. .1r. II diags h
Stand e66D:63-72
re- e
Jare '62; Correction. 67D:63
Astronautics & Aerospace Eng 1:36-40 Jl Measurement of electrical conductivity of
Ja '63
ionized air during re-entry. R. Betchov
ASTRONOMICAL research and others, il diags Aerospace Eng 21:54-
OAO initial stabilization and control. J. M. 5-1- N -62
Cook and K. Fleisig. il diags Astronautics Modification of a thermogravlmetric balance
<<t Aerospace Eng 1:88-95 S '63 for pyroLvsIs experiments In a controlled
ASTRONOMY atmosphere. D. A. Smith, dlag Anal Chem
Harvard observes universe, and listens. Elec 35:1306-7 space-wave
Ag '63
Eng 82:483-4 spheres Jl '63 Prolonged fadeouts in troposplier-
Homoctntric of Eudoxus. H. N. ic propagation. A. P. Barsis and M. E.
Swen.=;on. il Am J Phvs 31:456-7for Jescientific
'63 Johnson, bibllog J Res Nat Bur Stand 66D:
'63 planning; requirements
space missions. Space/Aeronautics 40 no 2: 681-94 N '62
Properties of 400 mcps long-distance tropo-
spheric circuits. J. H. Chisholm and others.
Tv 17-2.!. 2n-.'!f)4- Franklin
astronomy. '63-64 Inst J 275:454 My bibliog il map diags Inst Radio Eng Proc
See also 50:2464-82 D '62
Radio-astronomical and satellite studies of
Galactic systems the atmosphere. J. Aarons. II Phvs Today
.Tnniter fplanct)
Life on other planets 16:38-40-1- F compensaton
Range-error '63 for a troposphere
Mars (planet) with exponentially varj'ing refracUvitv. J.
Meteors J. Freeman, diag J Res Nat Bur Stand
Nebulae Refraction
66D:695-7 angles N '62 for limiinous sources within
Orbits the atmosphere. M. J. Saunders, bibliog
Planets diags species
AIAA• J assumption 1:690-3 Mr in'63 the application
Plrinets. Minor Single 63
Radio astronomy of free molecule
Sky mosphere. L. H. theory
Sentman. In the earth's
bibliog ARS at-J
Venus (planet)
Zodiacal light Use32:1933-4
of surface D '62 refractivity In the empirical
prediction of total atmospheric refraction.
Study and teaching W. R. Iliff and J. M. Holt. J Res Nat Bur
Moon flight training. M. Digioia. il Ind Pliot Stand 67D:31-5 Ja '63
12:90 O '63
Laboratory astrophysics L. M. Branscomb Atmospheric tides
and R. N. Thomas. II Phys Today 15:42-44- Air
Planets — Atmosphere
N ''62 for nticlear Instruments.
Missions A. G. W. ATMOSPHERE. Upper
63 Aerials in an ionosphere of zero conductivity
Stellar pla.smabibllog
jets ilandNucleonics
Catherine 20:50-4
wheels.O '62
C. W. C. Ealn. Inst E E Proc 110:897-8 Uy
B. R. Bruce, il Engineer 216:68-71 Ja 11 Anal o r syst for the obs
ys tion ifnc adar r em sca erv in
See also the is Ionosphere.
of ohe E. adD.iso- R. Shearman
tt a-
Nebulae others, bibliog ntdiags Inst aEve E Proc er110:887-
r e w ing
ASWAN high dam. See Dams
96 My '63
ATMOSPHERE, Upper — Cuntinuea Propagation of spherical wave through 91 an
CoUisional detachment and the formation of ionosphere containing anisotropic irregu-
an ionospheric O resion. E. T. Pierce, bib- larities. K. C. Veh. bibliog diags J Res Nat
lioK dias J Kes Nat ISur Stand 67D:525-32 Bur Stand 66D:621-36 S '62
S '63 Radiation belts. B. J. O'Brien, il map diags
Concei-ning solutions curved
of the vlf mode problem Sci
for an anisotropic ionosphere. J. R. 8-1- JlAm'63 208:84-96 My '63; Discussion. 209:
Wait, biblio.1? J Res Nat Bur Stand 67D: Rf impedance probe measurements of iono-
297-302 My will '(iS measure ionospheric absorp- spheric electron densities. J. A. Kane and
Dopplometer others, bibliog il diag J Res Nat Bur Stand
tion. Electronics 3G:G7-9
Drag compensation Ja 25 '63
and measurement with 66D:641-S
manned satellites; feasibility study. R. M. Radio pulse Npropagation '62 by a reflection proc-
ess at the•62lower ionosphere. J. R. Johler.
Ijanger and J. P. Vinti. J Res Nat Bur bibliog diag J Res Nat Bur Stand G7D:481-
Stand 670:247-3 Jl '63 Ray theory in the ionosphere. K. Toman.
Eclipse to bare ionosphere's secrets. T. Ma- 99
guire. oi il an
Ettect Electronics 36:26 Jl 19atmosphere
oblatu rotating '63 on InstS '63
Reflectionl-tadioof Eng Proc 50:2122
vlf radio waves Ofrom
'62 an in-
the a eccenti'icity, homogeneous ionosphere. J R. Wait and
of close earth seminiajor
satelliie. F.axis, and bibliog
Kalil. period
L. C. Walters, bibliog diag J Res Nat Bur
AIAAof Ja l;l!J72-!i
Field horizontaj Ag magnetic
'63 dipole in the Stand 67D:361-7. 519-23 My. S '63
Scattering of electromagnetic waves by in-
gresence of a raagnetoplasma. halfspace. liomogeneities excited in a plasma by a
. Tyras and others, bibliog diags J Res rapidly moving body.
Nat Bur Stand 67D:501-17 S '63 L. P. Pitaevskii. diagsY. AIAA
L. Al'pert and
J 1:1001-8
Fields of electric dipoles in sea water: earth-
atmosphere-ionosphere Screening effect of the ionosphere. B. C.
Anderson, bibliog diags problem.
J Res Nat W. Bur Lj. Ap '63 diag
Potts, Inst Radio Eng Proc 50:1980 S
Stand 66D:63-72 Ja '62; Correction. 67D;63 Secular decrease in the inclination of artificial
Ja '63 of an Astrobee 200 rocket with a
Firing satellites. R. C. Nigam. bibliog AIAA J 1:
multiple ionospheric experiment. J. C. Ul- 1454-5
wick and others, bibliog il map diags Inst Slide ruleJe for '63 the calculation of ionospheric
RadioaltitudeEng Proc 50:2272-86 N '62il diags En- absorption loss and of maximiun usable fre-
High research glider, quencies in the lower ionosphere. L W.
gineer 216:2S4-5 Ag 16 '63 Barclay, bibliog il diags Inst E E Proc
High frequency spheric storms. communication dtu'ing iono-
G. E. Hill, bibliog map diags Some resultsS of
110:1523-7 '63 five years of whistler obser-
J •63Res Nat Bur Stand 67D:23-30 Ja '63 vations from Labrador to Antarctica. T.
Influence of the lower ionosphere on propaga- Laaspere and others. IEEE Proc 51:554-68
tion vlf waves to great distances. J. R.
Wait. J Res Nat Bur Stand 67D:375-S1 Jl Some statistical properties of pulsed oblique
Ap '63
hf ionospheric transmissions. B. Balser and
Ionosphere-mapping satellite to try laser- W. B. Smith, bibliog 11 diag J Res Nat Bur
bounce ranging, il diags Electronics 35:20-1
Stand 66D:721-30
Stratosphere moisture N '62 probed by infrared
S 7 '62
Ionospheric phenomenon detected by Doppler
measurements. P. R. Arendt and H. spectroscopy. Franklin Inst J 276:329-31
Soicher. IEEE Proc 51:375-6 F '63 Sun.
O '63the earth, and radio. J. A. Ratcllffe.
Ionospheric scattering effects in long-distance diags and Inst sunrise E E Proc
propagation. H. A. Whale, diags J Res Nat Sunset in the110:11-15 Ja '63effects
Bur Stand vhf
Ionospheric 67D:2S7-96
scatteringMy near
'63 the magnetic on the propagation of longwaves. J. Rieker.
bibliog 11 diags J Res Nat Bur Stand 67D:
equator during the International geophysi-
cal year. R. Cohen and K. L.. Bowles, bib- 119-38
Very- low-Mrfrequency
'63 radio propagation in the
liog maps diags J Res Nat Bur Stand G7D: ionosphere. D. W. Swift, bibliog diags J Res
Is 459-80
ionosphericS '63 pollution good? or Is it bad? Nat Bur Stand
WWV reception in the Arctic 66D:663-80 N '62
during iono-
W. Kornberg. Electronics 36:40-1 Ap 26 '63 spheric disturbances. G. E. Hill and J. R.
Maybe there's a new the communications Herman, map diags J Res Nat Bur Stand
gation path above exosphere. T.propa- Ma-
guire. il Electronics 35:26-8electron
N 23 content
'62 67D:179-82 Mr electricity
Measurement of ionospheric
with a single satellite frequency. P. R. CoUisional detachment and the formation ol
Arendt. for IEEE applying Proc 51:363 F '63 an ionospheric C region E. T. Pierce bib-
Methods numerical maps of liog diag J Res Nat Bur Stand 67D:B25-32
ionospheric characteristics. W. B. Jones and S '63
R. M. Gallet. il maps J Res Nat Bur Stand Influence of 'G3conductivity inhomogeneities
66D:649-62 N '62 measurement technique: upon audio- frequency magnetic fields. T. R.
New ionosphere Jewell and S. H. Ward, bibliog il maps
plasma frequency probe. O. C. Haycock and diags
See alsoGeophysics 28:201-21 Ap '63
K. D. Baker, il diag Electronics 35:81-3 N Auroras
30 '62 ATMOSPHERIC pollution. See Air pollution
Obser\'ations of satellite-related ionization ATMOSPHERIC pressure
effects between 1958 and 1960. J. D. Kraus
and M. E. Tiuri. diags Inst Radio Eng Proc Air-vacuum missile launching. J. S. Fein,
50:2076-81 O '62 diags Mech Eng
ATMOSPHERIC tides85:40-2 Je '63
1,000-ft telescope takes shape in mountain
hollow: ionospheric research facility at Atmospheric tides. S. T. Butler, il diags Scl
Arecibo. Puerto Rico. T. C. Kavanagh. il Am 207:48-55 turbulence
D '62
diag Eng N 170:22-3+ Ja 10 '63 ATMOSPHERIC
Penetration of the ionosphere by very-low- Photos of gaudy bomber shed light on air
frequency radio signals: interim results turbulence, il Machine Design 35:6 Ap 11
of the Lofti I experiment. J. P. Leiphart
and others, bibliog il diags Inst Radio Eng ATOMIC blasting
Proc 50:6-17 Ja '62; Discussion. IEEE Proc Cratering experiments with large high-explo-
51:250 Ja '63 sive charges. L, J. Vortman. bibliog il diags
Perturbations in the ionosphere caused by a Geophysics 28:351-68
moving body. A. V. Gurevich. diags ARS J Effect of atomic blasts Jeon'63natural earth cur-
32:1161-7 Jl '62: Discussion. P. K. Browand. rents S. F. Kelly. Can Min & Met Bui 56:
AIAA J 1:1748-9 Jl '63
Perturbations produced In a plasma bv a Elastic
186 MrRayleigh
'63 wave motions due to nuclear
.rapidly moving body. L. P. Pitaevskii. blasts. M. L. Baron and R Check bib-
liog diags Am Soc C E Proc 89 [EM 1
bibliog diag AIAA J 1:994-1000 Ap '63 no 34321:57-70 F '63; Discussion. 89 [EM 4
Phase characteristics of h.f. radio waves re-
ceived after propagation bv the ionosphere. no 36161:89 Ag '63
C. J. Hughes and D. W. Morris, bibliog with nuclear bombs. II diags Eng
diags Inst E E Proc 110:1720-34 O '63 N 170:13-15 Mr 28 '63
Possible influence of the ionosphere on the Mining
85:57 O with63 nuclear explosives. Mech Eng
impedance of a ground- based antenna. J.
R. Wait, diags J Res Nat Bur Stand 66D: Nuclear explosions show peaceitlTne promise:
'62 S '62
563-9 project Gnome, il Chem & Eng N 40:23-4
Problems of the upper atmosphere. T. A. D 17 62
Chubb. Inst Radio Eng Proc 50:2198-201 N Peaceful uses of nuclear explosions E "W.
Carpenter, diags Research 15:446-52 N '6S
ATOMIC blasting — Continued ATOMIC bombs and building
precise controls Kive lull core recovery. V. Effect of structure and foundation interac-
Read. Gnome 11 dlags explores
Mln Eng the15:39-41 tion. D, h. Lycan and N. M. Newmark.
Project peacefulAg uses
'63 of
diags Am Soc C E Proc 87 (EM 5 no 2'J6Ul :
nuclear explosions. G. Corlleld. Gas 3!(:15 1-31 biblioglp2S-3l) O '61; Discussion. 88
Mr '63 GNOME lEM 1 no 30601:79-82 F; lEM 2 no 3107]:
Project volunteer seismolOKlcal 167-8 Ap '62; Reply 89 lEM 4 no 36161:
teams. K. Westhusins. maps plan diag Geo- 69-70 Ag '63
ATOMIC clocks. See Clocks — Atomic clocks
Results of physics 28:2U-45 K peaceful
Gnome '63 nuclear detona- ATOMIC energy. See Atomic power
tion in New Me.Kico: Plowshare programme.
il Engineer ATOMIC energy authority. See Great Britain —
Tests prove we21o;6u2-4 can dig Mr canals
29 '63 and harbors .atomic energy authority
with H-bombs. E. Teller. 11 map Eng N 1G9: ATOMIC energy commission (United States)
Will20-1 chemical
D 6 '62 explosives be outdated? Can AEO backs private ownership of atomic fuel.
& EngA-power N 41:32-3program:
Ag 12 '63federal sup-
Chem Process 47:31-1- Ag '63
ATOMIC bomb shelters port needed to ensure commercial devel-
ASHKAE member gives testimony on survival
.shelters. ASHHAE J 5:ai-2system,
Ag '63il Eng N AEC power opment.policy
Chem & wins
Eng approval
N 41:50-1 ofAputilities.
15 '63
AT&T builds a bombproof Klec World 169:14AECAp power
15 '63 program In 202
171:19 Ag 29 '63 Industry assesses
Bomb shelter keeps gas supply safe. U An) testimony. Nucleonics 21:19-21 planM.v in '63AEC
Utility men cool to prototype
Assn Mo 44:24-5 O "62 pipeline company
dispaicUing report. Elec World 168:44-5 D 3 '62
tests underground shelter, il diag Oil & ATOMIC industrial forum, inc.
Gas J 61:<J4-5 Mr 4 '63 Annual conference. Washington; abstracts of
Free fallout shelter design data. E. S. Plot- papers. meeting.
Chem Eng 70:34 Ja Nucleonics
7 '63
kin. Tork
Civil plans
Eng 33:54 O '63 for children. A. E. Annual Washington. 21:
New protection 20-5 Januclei
Sigal. ArchfalloutRec 133:172 ATOMIC
Prototype shelter:F '63electrical details. Discussion of'63 quadrupole precession. J. C.
R. J. Lawrle. il plan diag Elec Constr & Raich and R. H. Good. jr. bibliog diags Am
Maint'63 61:93-5 N '62
ATOMIC bombs J Phys 31:356-62absorption
I^pid My '63
Air force plans net to survive nuclear attack. forms neutron '63
transplutonium by heavj*
elements. A. G. nuclei
J. B. Bestic. il Electronics 36:28-30 Mr 22 Cameron. Chem & Eng N 41:684- Je 3 '63
Some observations on the theory of electrons
Liv w the bomb Sci Am 208: F '03 and atomic nuclei in solids. W.^ V. Houston,
ing ith .
Detection 70-1 diags Phys
Structure Today probed
of nuclei 16:26-30-1-by S new'63 Van de
Are satellites needed to detect secret nuclear Graaff. D. A. Bromley, bibliog diags Nu-
tests in space? W. Perry, diag Electronics cleonics 21:48-55 My '63
Black box;N 2blast '62 detection, hope or hoax?
G. J. Flynn. il map Electronics 36:26-8-1- Absorption phenomena Spin in parallel-pump ex-
periments. W. E. Courtney and P. J. B.
Ja 4 signatures;
Blast '63 key to test ban treaty. L. Clarricoats. '63 J Ap Phys 34:1279-80 pt 2 Ap
Detection and ilidentification
D. Shergalis. Electronics 36:24-5
of nuclear F 22 ex-
'63 Dynamic effects of the Suhl-Nakamura inter-
action in magnetic materials. P. Pincus
plosions underground (project NEL.A UNI-
FORM). C. O. Bates, diags Inst Radio Eng and others. J Ap Phys 34:1036-7 pt 2 Ap
Proc 50:2201-8 N '62 High intensity•63cesium lamp for optical pump-
How radio can plot high-altitude nuclear ing. F. A. Franz, diag R Sci Instr 34:589-
How satellitesil Electronics would detect 36:28-9 nuclear
Ja 11 tests.
Nucleonics 21:82 My '63 Higher-order
90 My '63pumping. spin-wave instability excited by
Navy prepares for vlf detection of nuclear parallel R. I. Joseph and others.
blasts. R. J. Bruun. il diag Electronics 35: bibliogderivation
J^Ap Phys 34:2686-90 S '63
28-30 O detection
19 '62 Simple of the electron-nucleus con-
Nuclear devices. Franklin Inst J tact hyperflne interaction. G. T. Rado. Am
Observatory '63to detect nuclear blasts. II diag
275:77 Ja J Phys
Two 30:716-18 nuclear
synthesizer O '62 spin decoupling;
INDOR spectroscopy. E. B. Baker and
Project 85:71 Ap volunteer
'63 seismological others, bibliog diag R Sci Instr 34:243-6 Mr
teams. K. Westhusing. maps plan diag Geo- ATOMIC orbitals
Test ban physics
avoids 28:20-45 Inspection.
F '63 I S A J 10:28-9 Carbon orbital hybridizations and aciditv of
S '63 the bicyclobutane system G. L. Closs and
Protective measures L. E. Closs. Am Chem Soc J 85:2022-3 Jl 6
If H-bombs should fall: a gas industry de- Electronegativity; t>ond and orbital electro-
fense. AiTi Gas Assn Mo 45:21 Ja '63 negativities. J. Hinze and others, bibliog
Nuclear-blast protection for bank computer Am Chem orbitals Soc J In 85:148-54
center. F. C. Pierce and G. R. Archibald, Molecular B5H9 andJa BioHu20 '63 E. B.
il Civil Eng 32:49-51 D '62 Moore, jr. bibliog diags Am Chem Soc J
Radiological effect 85:676-9of Mrmodern
Survey 2ti '63 chemistry; atomic struc-
Communications in nuclear- burst environ- ture. G T. Austin and H. F Austin, diags
ments. W. S. Knapp. diags Space/Aeronau- Chem Eng 70:97-100 S 30 '63
ATOMIC power
Genetictics danger
38:69-f pt of 2 N small
'62 radiation doses for
Atom hearings resume, focus on AEC report
man and their effect on the heredity of to president. Elec World fuel159:59 Ap 8 '63
monkeys and rodents. N, P^ Dubinin and Atomic-energy to solve problems Chem
others, bibliog AIA.\ J 1:1256-62 My '63 & Eng power
Atomic N 41:25-6 a failure Ja 28 '63In engineerng re-
Testing sponsibility. A. J. Ackerman. bibliog Am
Atomic test ban; what does it mean to otir Soc C E Proc 87 IPP 2 no 29751:43-80
Industry? R. Smith. Electronics 36:18-19 Ag O '61 Abstract.
'62 MechC Eng 81:558S Ja[PP'62:1
3 'G3 Discussion. Am Soc E Proc
Geophysical data on the climax stock. Nevada no 31511:39-54 My '62; 89 [PP 1 no 34011:
test site. Nye County. Nev. J. W. .Mlingham 105-n Ja '63 Reply. S9 (PP 1 no 34011:109-25
and I. Zietz. bibliog maps diags Geophysics Ja drowned
27:599-610 O '62 The ■world, by J. G. Ballard and
High Russian blasts cause surge of radiation Atoms and the cell, by P. A. Barker Re-
view, by D. P. Hopkins. Chem & Ind p440-
In space, map Elec Eng 82:293 Ap '63
Nuclear blast effects on communlcatlon.s. 2 Mropportunities
New 16 '63 In nuclear power program;
diags Electronics 3C:74-f F 8 '63 interview with James T. Ramey. Nucleonics
Test ban. Scl Am 209:82 S '63 21:18-20 Jl '63
Test ban avoids inspection. I S A J 10:28-9 Nuclear notes. B. G. A. Skrotzkl. Published
S '63 In monthly numbers of Power
Will test ban affect Industry? shift l.s more Nuclear power changing of the radiation
likely In defense spending than cutback. belts. R. P. Havlland. ARS J 32:1726 N
R. W. Crosby. Iron Age l62:29 Ag 8 '63

ATOMIC power — Continuedi Present and future economics of large nuclear
Nuclear power engineering. Power Ene 67:64 power-stations. SNAP-8 Engineer
to be 215:382-4 F 22more'63
My; 68 at Je:odds62 over Jl: nuclear
72 Ag; power 64 S program.
'63 Redesigned heavier but
Officials reliable, diag Nucleonics 21:79 Jl '63
Elec World Should utilities own nuclear fuel? Elec World
Slowdown for 159:12
A-power Mr 4development,
'63 Chem & 160:16-17
Enc N 41:28-9 Mr 4 '63 Small systemAg operates
19 '63 nuclear reactor. J. P.
World's first nuclear reactor celebrates 20th Gallagher, il Elec World 158:50-1 N 26 '62
See also il Mech Eii« 85:84-5 Ja "63 TVA study finds 750-mw A-plant economic.
Airplanes. Atomic powered Elec World 159:22 Mr 18 '63
Utilities trend; growth and pooling; nuclear
Atomic bombs energy developments. J. K. Dillard. maps
Atomic industrial forum, inc. Mech Eng 84:60-4 N '62; Discussion. 85:80-1
Canadian nuclear association
Nuclear ensineerinff What's
Rockets. Atomic powered Je '63 ahead in nuclear power? Eng N 170:
Ship propulsion. Atomic 35-6 Ja Core
Yankee 24 '63I performance. R. J. Coe and
Economic aspects R. J. Creagan. il Westinghouse Eng 22:
Atomic crossroads: U.S.A. R. B. Ginna. 130-5
See N<ilso'62
• 6 2 Water supply for atomic power plants
AECMech optimistic
Ens 85:36-7 Ja '63
on imminence of competi- Cleaning
tive nuclear power. Nucleonics 20:17-18 S
Bree r hold key to ener need Cleaning Con'63Edison's atomic plant il Power
der & eacEner
Chem tor gy s. Eng 67:51-3 S '63
Civilian nuclears NproEram
40:21-2 needs
D 3 '62 push. Chem ^ Construction
Ens N 41:36 F IS 63 A-power invitation; 600,000-kw power plant.
EnerEv. S. H. Schurr. il Sci Am 209:110-14-1-
S '63 Eng A-plants.
Build N 170:25 My but 9not'63 in my backyard; pro-
Exploding realm of the peaceful atom. 11 posed Consolidated Edison plant in Queens.
Steel committee
Joint 153:44-51 onAg atomic19 '63 energy hears both Eng N 170:20-1 Ap 11 '63
'62 commissioning
sides of the nuclear power story. C. F. Building and of C.E.G.B.'s
Hardy; W. E. Johnson. Mech Eng 85:103 nuclear power-stations. E. S. Booth and
others. Engineer
Constructing Indian214:837-40 N 16 '62
Point: illustrations with
My '63 and future economics
Present of larse nu-
clear power-stations. Engineer 215:382-4 F text. H. power
Nuclear Li. Meyer.plants; Nucleonics
economies20:48-9 S '62
in design
22 '63 the potential of the peaceful atom.
Tapping and construction, il Civil Eng 33:56-9 My
il See
Steel also153:49-55 Ag 26 '63 Oldbury and Dungeness nuclear power-sta-
Atomic power plants tions; illustrations with text. Engineer 216:
Exhibitions 362 Ag 30at '63Hunterston nuclear station, il
Atomfairficial'62. Engineering 194:857 D 28 '62
exhibitorWashington. Nov. 26-29;
program. Nucleonics of-
20:6SA- Reactor design for Oldbury nuclear power-
6SHHH N '62 station, il diags Engineer 214:709-13 O 26
International aspects
U.S. signs Soviet agreement, balks on IAEA Two year's progress on site at Sizewell. il
liability rules. Nucleonics 21:21 Jl '63 Engineering 195:468 Ap 5 '63
ATOMIC power plants Control equipment
A-power boosted; AEC urges U.S. speed-up Control and safety requirements for the elec-
nuclear reactor research. Eng N 169:21 N trical engineering design of the C.E.G.B.
29 '62 nuclear power stations. H. H. Gott and R
Advancement of nuclear power. 1942-1962. D, Trotter, bibliog plan diags Inst E E Proc
A.'63W. Kramer,
AmeriCEui power Power EngChicago.67:35-42 March
Ja '63 110:955-68 My '63
26-28; nuclear power plant sessions; ab- Control and transient performance of the
stracts of papers. Power Eng 67:58-60 Je Dresden nuclear power station. W I. Col-
lett and E. R. Owen, diags IEEE Trans
ASME annual meeting. New York. Nov. 25- Com & Electronics p267-77 My '63
30: abstracts of papers sponsored by Nu- Digital monitors for nuclear plants. R A.
clear division. Edwards, diag Nucleonics 20:59-64 Je '62:
Atom power plant Combustion
set for NYC.34:43-5il ElecF World
Discussion, 20:6-7-1- N '62
15S:46 D 17 '62 Costs
AEC defends A-power program; federal sup-
port needed to ensure commercial devel- Atom plant costs listed. US and foreign; ta-
AEC poweropment. Chem & wins
policy Eng Napproval
41:50-1 of Ap utilities.
15 '63 bles. Elec World
Economic aspects of system
159:107-11 My 20 '63
expansion with
Elec World 159:14 Ap
AEC'63 to handle Ravenswood review like anv 15 '63 nuclear units. C. J. Baldwin and others.
bibliog Power Apparatus & Systems p871-6;
other case, diags Nucleonics 21:17-18 F '6'3 Discussion. 876-7 F '63
energy1962 sources, record, the key
il Chem Eng to70:95-6
1963; Janew21 Is nuclear power competitive? S. Baron. Elec
Congress unit deletes AEC aid on big re- World 159:24-6 Ap 1 '63
9.5 mills/kwhr power cost at Yankee atomic
actor. Elec World 160:60 Jl 1 '63 plant; abstract. C. H. Keenan. S A E J 71:
Engineering developments. 1962: atomic
Exploding il realm
Dower. Elec Eng of the81:943peaceful
D '62 atom, il 87 Mr '63 systems' pooling and utilities
growth dotrends lead? J. K. Dillard. map
Steel 153:44-51 Ag 19 '63
Million-kw nuclear plant studied. Westing- Elec World 158:46-7-1-
DesignD 3 '62
house Eng 22:150 N '62
New plants pep up A-power program. Eng N
169:52-3 D 20 '62 First steps towards conventional nuclear pow-
1962. world survey of nuclear power. R. E. er; Electricity de France. J. P. Roux and
C. Bienvenu. '63 il plans diags Inst Mech Eng
Strickland. Engineer 215:14-15 Ja 4 '63
Nuclear power and system characteristics. Proc 176 no 15:343-68: Discussion. 369-73;
M. P. Searl and G. T. Jordyl. Combustion Reply. 374-7
Materials "62
for nuclear power reactors M A
35:3.0-41 Ag '63 Cordovi and C. R. Johnson, il Materials
Nuclear power for university plants? Res & Stand 2:1006-9 D '62; Same Naval
■NAPPA's golden anniversary conference. Eng nuclear
J 75:411-14 My '63
Heating-Piping 35:141-2 O '63 NPD power station on the Ottawa
Nuclear power: how fast and how much? Elec River: electrical system and the statistical
World 160:43 Ag 26 '63 approach to Its design. R. A. Brown. II
Nuclear power plants; long view; special re- diag IEEE Trans Power Apparatus & Sys-
port, bibliog map diags Nucleonics 21:59-82 tems p 11-16: Discussion. 16-18 Ap '63
Je '63 Nuclear power plants; economies in design
Nuclear report, 8th. Elec World 159:105-12 and construction, il Civil Eng 33:56-9 My
My 20 '63
Nuclear stations in operation; Shippingport. SCOTT-R development program. J. H.
Dresden Yankee, il diags Mech Eng 84:42- Wright, diags Westinghouse Eng 23:50-3
51 Je '62; Discussion. 85:78-9 Ja '63
Mr '63
ATOMIC power plants — Design — Continued Nuclear steam generation for the process in-
Special requirements for the desisn of nuclear du.stry. W. B. Allred and J. R. Ginder.
power stations to withstand earthquakes. Combustion 34:30 heavy Ja '63 water reactor, flow
K. Muto and others, bibliog il maps plans Steam-generating
diass Inst Mech Kng Proc 177 no 7:155-98; diag Engineer 215:400-1 Mr 1 '63
Wylla nuclear199-201; Reply. 202-3
power-station. J. W. '63 Ashley. Waste
Engineer 215:699-700 Ap 19 'Si Nuclear power'62 in the Antarctic environment.
Employees P. W. Brewer, maps diag Am Soc C E Proc
How to protect workmen from radiation ex- 89 [SAreactor
Power 4 no 36091:45-56
spent fuel Agtransport
'63 services
posure. R. G. McAllister. Mag of Stand taking shape, il diags Nucleonics 20:26-7 O
34:303-4 O '63 S a
Equipment Nuc ee rlesao
Basis for design of alimilnum alloys for high lea cto — Waste
temperature water service. R. L-. Dillon and r rAntarctic
s regions
H. C. Bowen. bibliog il Corrosion lS;4uO-lti Nuclear power in the Antarctic environment.
P. W. Brewer, map.s diag Am Soc C E Proc
Big RockvelopPoint economicnuclear
fuels, plant
il Powerwill help
Kag de-
61: 89 [SA 4 no 36091:45-56 Ag '63
56-7 O '63 . , ^ Belgium
Bradwell and Berkeley on commercial load;
Britain's first two commercial nuclear BR-3
gie goes critical;
nucleaire, Centre Mech
Belgium. d'etudes
Engde 84:79
power-stations, il Engineer 215:614-18 Ap 5
63 ,. ,j California
Development of a high temperature liquid
metal turbopump. R. W. Kelly and others, Contracts for two major atomic plants let.
bibliog il diags A S M E Trans ser A 85: 11 Elec World wins 159:120 Mr 11 reactor
99-107 system
Ap '63 for the Peach Bottom atomic Westinghouse Malibu job for
Electric Los Angeles Dept. of water & power. Nu-
power station. K. M. Bausch and C. B. cleonics 21:21 Mr Canada
Wagner, il plans diags Elec Eng 82:310-17
My '63pressure vessel installed, il Elec World
EGCR Are nuclear breeder reactors needed? il Can
160:80andAg graphite
Fuel 12 '63 for Dragon reactor ex- Chem
Canadians propose 47:35-7 My '63 station, predict
periment, diag Engineer 3.6 mill power, il plan Nucleonics 21:24-5
'63 machines
Fueling for the 216:295-7 Ag 23 re-
Trawsfynydd '63
Economics of heavy water power roactors. J.
Hallam nuclearactors, ilNucleonics power 21:82 Jl '63in Nebraska,
facility Je Dickinson,
R. '63 bibliog diaps Eng J 45:41-6 O
il diags Engineer 216:287-90, 324-6 Ag 16-23 '62: Discussion. 46:43 F '63
How an analog computer helped design a Nuclear materials: what's our future? 11 diags
control system. C. E. Huck. il diags I S A J Can nuclear
NPD Chem Process power 47:634-
station Apon '63
the Ottawa
10:57-62 Ap '63 River: electrical system and the statistical
Inspection of Yankee approach to its design. R. A. Brown. II
main turbine showsAtomic Electric plant's
that saturated-steam diag IEEE Trans Power Apparatus & Sys-
turbine can take wet steam. C. E. Ha.<5eltine )em.«i p 11-lfi: Discussion. 16-18 Ap '63
and others, Reactors on the line: nuclear power demon-
Italian nuclearil station diag Power 107:73-4 F il'63Engi-
commissioned, (reprints 25c)stration, il diags Nucleonics 20:47-52 N '62
Latina nuclear neering 195:772 Je 7 '63
power-station, il Engineer 215: France
798-801 Ap 20 03 First steps towards conventional nuclear pow-
Never-ending challenge. H. G. Rickover. Ind er; Electricity de France. J. P. Roux and
Quality equipment
Nuclear Control 20:12-17 Ag '63power dem
for nuclear C. Bienvenu. il plans diags Inst Mech Eng
Proc 176 no '63 15:343-68; Discussion. 369-73;
onstratiou: illu.strations with text. Nu-
cleonics 20:102-3 N '62 W. M. Brown, flow Germany
NPD fuelling machines. Reply. 374-7 '62
diag il diags Eng J 46:25-30 Je '63 Bonn to pump $600 million into lagging re-
Package chillers used in fueling, il ASHRAE actor program, il Nucleonics 21:23-4 Mr '63
J 5:116 Ap '63 '63 Great Britain
Performance of Bradwell and Berkeley nu- Advanced reactor systems in the United
clear power-stations, diag Engineer 216:4-6, Kingdom. W. Cook and R. V. Moore. Engi-
52-4 Jl 5-12 '63
Reactors on the line; Indian Point, il Nu- neer 214:1032-3 D 14 '62
cleonics 21:47-52 Ap '63 Assessment
Moore and ofJ. gas-cooled
D. Thorn, reactors. R. 'V.
diags Engineer
■Welding provides close tolerance on huge 215:468-72andMr Berkeley
Bradwell 15 '63 on commercial load;
hatch door, il Welding Eng 48:45 Mr '63
Location Britain's first two commercial nuclear
power-stations, il Engineer 215:614-18 Ap 6
Group attempts to halt nuclear plant plans.
il Chem & Eng N 41:23-4 Jl 22 '03 Britain's
le.v and three-fuel
Bradwell economy nuclear realized: Berke-
power stations,
New Yorkers argue siting of Con Edi-son
nuclear station. Elec World 160:60 Jl 1 '63 il Engineering 195:474 Ap
British prestress a nuclear plant: Oldbury 5 '63
Maintenance and repair nuclear power station, il Eng N 171:150 S 19
Controlled humidity technique in clean condi- British shop for next reactor type. Elec World
tioning of nuclear reactor pressure vessel, 159:112 My 20 commissioning
il Metallurgia 68:80 Ag '63 Building
nuclear and power-stations. E. .S.of Booth
Safety measures others. Engineer 214:837-40 N 16 '62
ASME pressure vessel code for the nuclear Control and safety requirements for the elec-
trical engineering design of the C.E.G.B
age. if Mech Eng 85:97-8 F '63 nuclear power stations. H. H. Gott ami
Build A-plants. but not in my backyard; pro- R. D. Trotter, bibliog plan diags Inst E U
posed Consolidated Edison plant in Queens.
Ene N 170:20-1 Ap 11 '63 Proc and
Fuel 110:955-68
graphite My for
'63 Dragon reactor ex-
Protecting the environment around a nuclear Model studies periment, of
diag Engineer
cooling 216:295-7 Ag 23 for
water intakes '63
power reactor; a state health department
acts. S. Davies and M. H. Thompson. Am J Sizewell. il plan diags Engineer 214:894-5 N
Pub Health 52:1993-2000 D '62 Model
To control the radioactive contamination, 23 '63tests modify research
Sizewell Intakes; British
association. 11
they treat radiations like dangerous dust
at Big Rock Point. 11 Safety Malnt 125: diags Engineering
Oldburv and Dungeness 194:712nuclear
N 30 '62power-sta-
24-6 Ad '63 tions; Illustrations with text Engineer 216:
Steam distribution
Design and construction of heat exchangers Performanoo
362 Ag 30 '63of Bradwell and Berkeley nu-
for gas-cooled nuclear power plant. T. B. clear power-stations, diag Engineer 216:4-6,
Webb and W. R. Wootton. il diags Inst
Mech Eng Proc 177 no 15:383-401; Discus- 52-4 Jl
Plant for5-12
the '63s.g.h.w. reactor at Wlnfrith.
sion. 401-4; Reply. 404-5 '63 Engineer 216:311 Ae 23 '63
ATOMIC power plants — Great Britain — Cont. ATOMIC power plants, Portable
Plant start-up and performance. T. N. Product Engineering fourth annual ma.ster
Marsliam. Ensrineer 215:554-8 Mr 29 '63 design awards: mobile nuclear generator,
Reactor desiKn for Oldbury nuclear power- il diag Product
Sundance; portable, Eng medium
34:87 My power13 no.
'63 1. 11
station, nuclear
Sizewell il diass Engineer 214:709-13
power-station, O 26 '62
il Eneineer diags Nucleonics 20:37-42 S
Ten-mw barge-mounted nuclear power plant '62
215:587 llr 29 '63 being built by U.S. army. J. P. Franklin.
Sparks fly over Britain's nuclear program.
Elec World 160:38-9 Jl 29 '63 diags Power
ATOMIC powered Eng airplanes.
67:57-9 Ag See'63 Airplanes,
Two year's progress on site at Slzewell. 11 Atomic powered
U.K. launches 195:468first Ap 5 '63
commercial A-Power. ATOMIC powered rockets. See Rockets, Atomic
Chem & Eng N 41:47 Ap 15 '63reactor, blb- poweredreactors. See Nuclear reactors
Windscale advanced gas-cooled
liOE- il diags Engineer 215:509-11. 579-82 Mr ATOMIC research
22-29 '63 Italy Problems in fusion research. J. A. Reynolds.
Italian nuclear station commissioned. 11 11 diags years
Twenty Phys of Today 16:26-8-)-
nuclear Ap '63 United
Engineering 195:772 Je 7 '63 States.
See also11 Engineer 215:154-8 Ja 18 '63
Italy's three power reactors on schedule; Bubble chambers
new 5-year plan set. il Nucleonics 21:22-3
F '63 Spark chambers
Latina nuclear power-station, il Engineer 215: Europe
79S-801 Ap 26 '63 Dragon project progress. 11 Ind Chem 38:520-1
■63 Massachusetts
Core performance of the Yankee atomic O iSee
'62 alsoorganization
European for nuclear research
power-station, il Engineer 215:545-8 Mr 22
Big Rock Point nuclear plant will help de- Isochronous cyclotron at Karlsruhe; German
velop economic fuels, il Power Eng 67:56-7 nuclear research centre. 11 diag Engineer
O '63 reactor goes critical; Lagoona Beach.
Breeder 214:1045-6 D 14 '62
Mich., plant is the first commercial fast Great Britain
breeder reactor to operate in the U.S. 11 Atomic reactor research; Great Britain. Mech
Chem & Eng N 41:27 S 2 '63 Eng 85:70
Naval trainingS '63reactor will be used for re-
'63 Nebraska search; Jason nuclear reactor at the Royal
Hallam nuclear power facility in Nebraska, naval college. 11 diag Engineering 195:239 F
8 '63
il diags Engineer 216:287-90, 324-6 Ag 16-23 Russia
New England Russian atomic energy program. D. Cooper.
9.5 mills/kwhr power cost at Yankee atomic Naval research
ATOMIC Eng J 75:726 O '63
plant: abstract. C. H. Keenan. S A E J
Atomic energy research at Harwell, flow sheet
71:87 Mr '63 11 diag Engineer 215:1107-10 Je 21 '63
New Jersey Automated activation analysis; two rapid ap-
Jersey Central slates 500-mwe plant: AEC proaches.
Nuclear facilities. 11 plans Nucleonics 21:76 ArchMr Rec '63 134:181-
spurs other plans. Nucleonics 21:21-2 Je '63
'63 New York (state) Oak92 SRidge national laboratory mobile radia-
'63 measurement
Whv Con Edison chose nuclear unit for tion laboratory. T. V. Blosser
Ravenswood plant. Elec World 159:69 Mr 25 and R. M. Freestone, jr. 11 Nucleonics 21:56
F '63 Harwell developments exhibited. II
Better public understanding at Peach Bottom Engineering 196:29 Jl 5 '63
atomic power station, il Power Eng 67:56 World's largest service Irradiation center,
diag Nucleonics 20:84 D '62
Ag '63 Scotland Air conditioning
Chemical problems in the operation of the Manipulating lab air for comfort and safety;
Dounreay fa^t reactor. J. L. Phillips, il Hanford works. H. D. Smith, flow diag il
diag Ind Chem 39:186-94 Ap '63 diags Air Cond Heat & Ven 60:57-63 O '63
E>ounreay, a reactor type of the future, il En-
194:561 O 26 il '62 Electric equipment
Dounreay fast diags Engineer 214: PG&E flnds unusual load hard to reach;
726-S. 75S-60
Fast breeder reactor. O 26-N 2 '62 Dounreay. Scotland. Stanford linear accelerator center, map Elec
J. F. Petree. il Mech Eng 85:64 Ja '63 World 160:39 Jl 29 '63
Hunterston nuclear power-station goes criti- Equipment
Progresscal, il Engineer
at Hunterston 216:524 S 27 '63
nuclear station. II Beam-profile detector. J. Solomon and S. W.
Engineering Andreae. 11vacuum diag R cleaner Scl Instrfor34:1126-9use In O hot '63
Solving coolant194:857 D 28 at'62 Dounreay. flow
problems Disposable
sheet 11 Ind Chem 38:617-19 D '62 cells,
Fabricating il Nucleonicsliquid-hydrogen21:86 Mr '63
targets from
South Carolina Mylar. D. L. Mehr and E. F. McLaughlin.
Carolinas-Virginia pressure tube reactor. II il diag R Sci Instr
Fuel handling in reactor physics hall at Win- 34:104-5 Ja '63
diags engineering
Engineer 215:690-2
for CVNPAAp nuclear
12 '63 power frith, to il Engineer 214:1036-7
Civil Guides better glove boxes. D Nucleonics
14 '62 20;
plant; Parr. S.C. W. L. Klehm. il plan
diags Am Soc C E Proc 89 [PO 1 no 36451; 84-5 efficiency
High D '62 low-pressure Ion source. C. B.
45-65 S '63 Carlston and G. D. Magnuson. bibliog diags
Southeastern states HotR Scilaboratory
Instr 33:905-11 S '62
safeguarded by plastics.
Three states sponsor U-tube nuclear reactor
In Southeast. 11 Elec Eng 82:144 F '63 IonFranklin
bombardment Inst J apparatus 275:455-6 with My '63 a high fre-
quency ion source. B. NavlnSek and others.
Agesta nuclear power-station. 11 Engineer Newdiag ratio
J Sci ratemeter.Instr 40:201-2 R. Hindel.Ap '63 il diags R
216:245-6 Ag 9 '63 New Sci Russian
Instr 33:1343-9 machineD contains '62 stable plasma
Atomic energy in Sweden. D. R. Augood. il
Ind Chem 39:538-40 O '63 New10-2 type
usee, of diags positive Nucleonics
ion detector21:108 for Je the'63
Swedish nuclear power program getting into simultaneous measurement of two beams.
gear. 11 diags Nucleonics 21:22-3 Jl '63 N. R. Daly. 11 diag R Sci Instr 34:1116-20
Wales O '63
Probe for the measiu-ement of albedo electron
Wvlfa nuclear power-station. J. W. Ashley. flux In a high-energy ion beam. R. A.
Engineer 215:699-700 Ap 19 '63 Hubach.
Some diag R of
developments Sci theInstr 33:1353-4chamber.
discharge D '62
Wisconsin G. Charpak and D^ Massonet. bibliog 11
AUis-Chalmers to build all DaCrosse atomic R Sci Instr 34:664-9 Je '63
Variable-path magnetic Ion buncher. R. C.
Plant. 11 Elec World 159:30 F 4 '63 Mobley. diags R Sci Instr 34:256-64 Mr '63
ATOMIC research laboratories — Contimied Impurity atom diffusion into finite slices of
Heating and ventilation semiconductor material. D. P. Kennedy and
Manipulatine lab air for comfort and safety; P. C. aiurley.
Muonium. a new lEKK atom. Proc 51:3i2-3
V. W. F '63Am
Hanford worlts. H. D. binith. How dias il Scientist
■63 Air Coiid Heat & Ven G0:5i'-C3 O 'C3 New atomic 51:110-13 mo. ion Mr '63
in crystals is discovered.
Safety measures Kloo Kng dynamical
Quantum 82:480 Jl description
'63 of atoms and
Retention values for laboratory surface coat- radiative processes. G. R. Fowles. Am J
inKs. R. A. Scott. Nucleonics 21:75 F Pliys 31:40i-9 Je '63 atoms in solids. O. S.
Ranges of energetic
Shielded viewing window at Oak Ridge na- Oeii and others, bibliog diags J Ap Phya
tional laboratory, il diag Glass Ind 44:395+ 34:302-12 ofF sulfur '63
Jl '63 Reactions atoms: the addition to
Waste ethylene and propylene. O. P. Strausz and
H. E. Gunning, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:
Nuclear lab work requires dual water supply 4US0-3 N of
Reactiona 5 '62 sulfur atoms: the insertion In
and waste piping systems. A. W. K.
Oswald, warfare il Heating-Piping 35:112-13 Ap '63 carbon-hydrogen bondi oi paraftlnia hydro-
ATOMIC carbons. A. R. Knight and others, bibliog
Water utility planning for nuclear attack. Am Chemetiects
Solvent Soc in J 85:2349-55 Ag 20 of
the reactions '63 free
C. R. Erickson. maps diags Am Water radicals and atoms: the photochlorination
Works Assn J 65:1237-49 bibliogip 1248-9) of aralkyl hydrocarbons. G. A. Russell and
O '63 weapons others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 86:2976-83
Radiacion environment following a nuclear Survey of modern chemistry; atomic struc-
O 5 '63ture.
attack. R. A. Porter and R. L.. Hatfield. G. 1. Austin and H. F. Austin, diags
bibliog diag AiAA J 1:240-2 Ja '63 Chem Eng 70:97-100 S 30 '63
ATOMIC weights Time-of-tlight method of determining ve-
Determination of atomic weights bv mass locities of sputtered atoms. R. V. Stuart
spectrometry. A. K. Cameron, bibliog Anal and others, bibliog il diags R Sci Instr 34:
425-9 Ap '63
HowChemgood35:sup23A-6A+ are the new F atomic '63 weights? E. See also
Wichers. bibliog Anal Chem 35:sud23A-33A Atomic nuclei
Mr 63 Aioin c weights
Report of the International commission on Collision phenomena
atomic weights (19611. A. E. Cameron and Electrons
E. Wichers. Am Chem Soc J S4:41i5-97 bib- Neutrons
I 1) N 20 '62
Air assisted pressure jet oil firing, diags Atomic beam apparatus for determining the
Engineering 195:85S Je 28 '63 mean free paths of potassium atoms in
Anomalous behavior of aerosol produced by argon. R. G. Marcley. bibliog il diags Am
atomization of monodisperse polvstvrene
latex. G. L,anger and J. M. Pierrard. il J J Ph.vs 31:116-31 image
Electron-optical F '63 of a pulsed atomic
Colloid Scl 18:95-7 Ja 63 beam. L. Marton and others. Franklin Inst J
Atomization efficiency of total consumption
atomizer- burners in flame photometry J. L>. 2i4:3l6-18
Some causes O of'62resonant frequency shifts in
Winefordner and others, bibliog Anal Chem atomic beam machines: effect of slow
Combustion of fuel droplets.O '63 B J. Wood and frequency modulation on the Ramsey line
others, bibliog il diag AIAA J 1:1076-81 shape. J. H. Shirley. J Ap Phys 34:789-91
My '63
Drop formation from rapidly moving liquid Some causes of resonant frequency shifts In
sheets. R. P. Fraser and others, bibliog il atomic
Ap '03 beam machines; shifts due to other
frequencies of excitation. J. H. Shirley,
diags A I Ch E J 8:6i2-S0 N '62 bibliog J Ap Phys 34:783-8 Ap '63
Drop-size distribution in a liquid spray;
analysis Models
Lewis andby high-speed
G. Walker, photography.
bibliog Engineer J. D.
216:512-16 S 27 '63 Nuclear optical model analysis of neutron
Measurement of mean particle sizes of sprays elastic scattering for calcium. R. S Caswell.
from diffractively scattered light. R. A. bibliog
400 S 62 diag J Rts Nat Bur Stand 66A:3S9-
Dobbins and others, bibliog diag AIAA J Recombination
1:1882-6 Ag '63
Preheating fuel oil for pumping and atomiz- Recombination of halogen atoms. M I.
ing, diags Air Cond Heat & Ven 60:45-7-1- Christie, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:4066-70
SprayJl '63nozzle testing is pioneer application for ATTENTION
particle analyzer system, diag Res/Develop N 5 '62
14:25 Mr 63 Art of lisiening. G. W. Howard. Res'/Develop
Variable-flow, constant-pressure nozzle. E. 14:30-1 artS '63
Elusive of listening. L. Wilkle and C.
M. Johnson, diag Chem Eng 70:236 Je 10 '63
ATOMIZERS Vervalin. il Hydrocarbon Process & Pet
Construction and operating characteristics of Refiner 41:146-8-1- Ag; 268-70-1- S; 250-2 +
a new vibrating capillary atomizer. D. J.
Ryley and M. R. Wood, il diags J Scl Instr Tou ca"n terials
remember what Fyou '63hear Mod Ma-
40:303-5 Je '63 Handling 18:81
Leakproof atomizer introduced diags Drug & ATTENUATORS, Radio. See Radio attenuator*
Cosmeticdevice Ind spra.vs
93:318-19largeS '63 ATTITUDE (psychology)
Unique uniform droplets. Effect of psychological expectations on prefer-
11 Chem Eng 70:102-1- Jl 22 '63 ences for taste mixtures. R. A M. Greg-
ATOMS , son. Food Tech affect
i;:2S0 safety
Mr '63 on the Job.
Atom connectivity matrix (ACM) and its Worker attitudes
characteristic polynomial (ACMCP); a new Roads & Sts 106:28 S '63
computer-oriented chemical nomenclature. ATTITUDE surveys. See Employees— Opinion
L. Splalter. Am Chem Soc J 85:2012-13 polls
AtomJl 5 ejection
'63 In low energy sputtering of
single crystals of bcc metals. G. S. Ander-
son, bibliog il diags J Ap Phys 34:659-63 ^M^o's-g'o^s
County auctions^6^^ '° ^^"road
surplus "*^^'equipment;
" °'' ^ '^^^
Mr '63 dl.splacements in metallic solid .solu-
Atomic Luis Obispo County. Calif. B. Barnet il
tions. W. W. Webb, bibliog J Ap Phys 33: Pub Works 93:160 N '62
Rig auctions more than squeeze symptom J
3546-52 D '62 Scott, il Pet Management 35:86-91 F '63
Dance of the atoms and the search for the
device. M. F. Tomaino. diag Electronics 36:
38-9 O 25 '63 AUDIO club. SeeifClubs
(&:2!9-M°N -62 ''°''"'^'"- "" * •^'^^ ^
Discrepancy in energy transfer between me- AUDIO engineering society
dium energy noble-gas Ions and neutral
atoms bombarding metal surfaces P Malia-
devan and others, diags J Ap Phys 34:2810-
12 S '63
Electron ejection and reflection properties of Fall
19; meeting and exhibit. New York Oct 15-
alkali and noble-gas Ions and atoms. D B with abstracts of papers. Audio Enit
Medved. bibliog J Ap Phys 34:3142 O '63 Soc J 11:66-70+ Ja '63
AUDIO engineering society — Continued
Membersnip directory. Audio Kiis Soc J 11: Gyro-Dril earth auger, il Comp Air Mag
sup 1-64 Ap '63 68:24 drains
Ja '63 angered
Audio meter reader for the siffhtless. K. Whitestone expressway,down; il Roads
Long Island's
& Sta
Blaney. il diag Q S T 47;2S-3U Ap '63 1(10:36-9
AUGERS, Ja '63
Grain. See Grain handling
AUDIO-VISUAL instruction AUREOMYCIN. See Tetracycline
Audio/visual/ iiietliod speeds up worker train- AURORAS
ins; G.lil. "s Computer dept.; illustrations Auroral sporadic-S ionization. R. D. Hun-
with text. Mill & Factory 72:7S-9 My 'U3 sucker and L. Owren. bibliog il J Res Nat
Audio-visual systems tor laih'e sroup iiisiruc-
lion. H. Wilke. il plans dians Arch Keo 132: Bur Stand
1.2-5 U '1)2 J. M. Builen ■63 66D:581-92 S '62; Discussion.
and G. A. M. King. 6/D:383-4;
Audio-visual systems: key to quality control. Reply. 385-6 Jl '63
T. L,. Jacobsen and R. A. Williams, il Effects of radio wave propagation through
Mech Ens S5:4G-9 Asr '63 mid-latitude 6300 A auroral arcs. J. R.
A-v workshop. J. J. Hugnes. Published in Roach, bibliog J Res Nat Bur Stand 67D:
montniy iiuiubers of tudusLi'ial ptiuiu;iiitphy 263-, 1 My '03 See Steel. Heat treatment
Industrial audio-visuals, il diass lad Phot
12:47-5/+ AUSTENITE
Many stories Mrto '63
tell; many ways to tell them; Austenite grain size and temper brittleness.
new for tlie J. crippled
auditorium. Martin, ilandInd disabied's
Phot 12: J. M. Capus. bibliog il Iron & Steel Inst J
CU-1 Jl ■lio Effects
200:922-of( Nhigh '62 pressure on the Isothermal
Mobile classroom, tlie
Post impression; il IndfinePhotart 12:70
of av.Jl il'63 Ind transformation of austenite in iron-carbon
alloys. S. V. Radcliffe and others, bibliog
I'hot 12:59+ Jl '03 il diags Iron & Steel Inst J 201:143-53 F
Preparing tapes for audio-visual aids. T. J.
Griffin, jr.correlated
35:58+ Ak materials.
3 '62 Engineering properties of ausformed steels.
Textbook W. M. Justu.^son and V. F. Zackay. Metal
A. J. Rosenbers.
AUDITING SMPTE J 72:294-5 Ap '03 Prog 82:111-14 D '62 iron castings, London.
Exhibition of austenitic
Internal control
Quality systems audit. B. W. Mareuclio. il Engineering 194:620-1 N 9 '02
History of the austenitic cast irons and evolu-
Ind Quality Control 20:12-15 Jl '63 tion of the British standard. A. B. Everest.
AUDITORIUMS Metallurgia factors 66:231-4 influencing
N '62
Auditorium on the bias adds useful areas; Metallurgical hot ductility
Ithaca senior high school, Ithaca. N.l'. il of austenitic steel piping at weld heat-
plan Arch Kecshape132:1SU-1 affected zone temperatures. T. M. Cullen
Auditoriums rehectsO '62interior form; and J. W. Freeman, bibliog il A S M E
Greenlawn. L.I.. N.Y. il plan dias Arch Kec Trans ser A 85:151-64 Ap '63
l:i2:liS-S) U ii2 Metallurgical principles governing the creep-
Beckman auditorium. California institute of rupture strength of type 321tubing (18-8+Ti)
technoIOKy. Pasadena, il plan dia^^s Arch austenitic steel superheating with
Reo 132:132-5 O U2 limited extension to type 304 (lSCr-8Ni)
Cambridsje auditorium to have sculptural and type 316 il8Cr-8Ni + Mo) austenitic
shape; Lady Mitchell Hall, il Protc Arch steels. J. E. White and J. W. Freeman.
43:46 D 62
Europe's il A S M '62 E Trans ser A 85:119-46 Ap '63
dye works.largestFrankfurt-on-Main.
concert hall for il Hoechst EiiK N Occurrence of £ and a' martensites in chromi-
um-manganese austenitic steels. G. P. San-
Giant Jl 25dome
Illinois '63 nears completion, il diae derson and R. W, K. Honeycombe. bibliog 11
Arch Forum Iron & Steel Inst J 200:834-? N '62
Houston to eet118:117 Mr '63
four-capacity auditorium: Post-weld heat treatment
Jesse H. Jones hall for the PLrformiiie ture austenitic steels. R. ofN. high-tempera-Younger and
arts, il o!an diaKs Pros Arch 44:57 Mr 63 otliers. bibliog ■63 il Iron & Steel Inst J 201:
Illinois completes its domed hall; Assembly
hall at the University of Illinois, il Eiik N 6D3-8 Ag '63 of stainless weld metal; with
170:16 F doorstop,
28 '63 data sheet. R. B. Gunia and T. J. Moore,
King-size il diag Mech Eng 85:56
O '63stories to tell: many ways to tell them; diag Metal Prog 82:96. 96B N '62
Many Some applications of austenitic cast irons.
InstitutQ foi' the J. crippled J. Morrison, il Engineering 194:814-15 D 21
new auditorium. Martin, ilandInd disabied's
Phot 12:
Some thermodynamic properties of carbon in
New60-1 building
Jl '6:: abroad; Germany, il plan diag austenite. T. Ellis and others, bibliog diag
Arch corridors
Open Forum 118:98-9 augment Je space
'G3 in cafetorium. Iron & Steel Inst ofJ isothermal
201:582-7 Jl ageing'63
East junior high school. Walpole. Mass. il Structural features at
plans diag Arch Rec 132:182-4 O 62 elevated temperatures of four austenitic
Reflectivity of panel arrays in concert halls. steels. P. W. Teare and N. T. Wiliiams.
B. G. Walters and others, il plan diags bibliog il Iron & Steel Inst J 201:125-32 F
Roof 2:26-30more My '63than skin deep: Kresge Sur la forme de precipites observes dans un
auditorium at Massachusetts institute of alliage austenitique
stract. C. Crussard fer-nickel-chrome;
and others, il Metal ab-
School auditorium. il Eng W. N 171J.:Sn+ Ag 8 '63 bib-
Cavanaugh. Prog
AUSTIN, 84:149-50+
Texas Jl '63
liog il auditorium
School Sound 2:19-27planning Ja '63 considerations. Water supply
J. S. Sharp, plans diag Arch Rec 132:165-8
O '62 Environmental radionuclide.! in a water sup-
University of Illinois spectacular: Tllini as- ply. E. F. Gloyna and W. A. Felsing. bib-
sembly hall, il plans Arch Rec 134:111-16 liog AVater & Sewage Works 110:245-50 Jl
'63: Abstract. Public Works 94:184-5 S '63
Workshop-critique of AISC awards; Pitts- See also subdivision AustraUa under spe-
burgh public auditorium, il diag Prog Arch cial subjects, e.g.
iSee also N '62 Aeronautics. Commercial
Music halls Automobile industry and trade
Lighting Chemical research
IBS Hall demonstrates engineered lighting. Coal mines and raining
■ il Ilium Eng 58:538 Ag '63 Geology
Lighting a livestock auction arena: installa-
tion at Mississippi livestock producers asso- Hydroelectric plants
ciation: data sneet. S. H. Turner, il diag Iron mines and mining
Ilium Eng 58:500 Jl '63 Iron ores
Medical service. Industrial
Lighting a univer.=:ity a.=>semhly hall. J. W. Mine"; and mineral resources
Potter. 11 plan diags Eleo Constr & Maint
62:110-14 S '63 Petroleum
I'elroipum industrv and trade
This lightof man can't talk back: indevice puts Ppfrolenm pipe lines
control presentation lighting the hands Scientiflc
of the speaker. L. Straw, il diag Ind Phot Television researchbroadcasting
12:48 Jl '63 Textile industry
AUSTRIA Plating hits production high; parts carriers
See also subdivision Austria under special leap-frog each other in new line. U iron
subjects, e.g. Age 19U:82 O 4 62
BridKes Progress in automation; abstract. R. Munton
Hydroelectric plants and button
Push others. storage
Engineer system.
215:832 11 MyLight3 '63
Paper and pulp mills
Petroleuni Pushbutton
Age 20:14 Ffomidry '63 pours brass, il Iron Age
AUTHORSHIP 191:91-3forApautomatic
4 '63
jS'ee also Sensors analyses. J. P. Strange.
Scientific writine il diags Instruments &. Control Systems 35:
Technical writing 91-5 N '62
AUTOCOLLIMATORS. See Collimators Step- by-step automation, diag Ind Elec-
AUTOFINING process. See Petroleum reflni:ig uonics
Steps to 1:11-13 O '62 automation program.
a cost-saving
— Sulfur removal Pet Management 35:172 E.Ag L.'63 Upp. diags
AUTOGIROS Testing for automation.
AutoKyro gets lift from polycarbonate. 11 Am Gas Assn automation.
Mo 45:25-6 H. ApA, '63
Mod PlasUcs Understanding Strickland,
Evaluation of a 40:115 lielit My autogyro'63 for the aerial jr. Automation
treatment of crops. K. H. Greenly. Koy Wnats ahead lor9:157-8
middleO '62management? A.
Low-cost autogyro. See J 66:i/7-i>0
K. H. Wallis. D '62 11 Roy Uris. Chem Eng 70:i;6-f step? Ag 19 R.'63 H. Eshel-
What's next automation
Aeronautical Soc J 67:111-17; Discussion. man. 11 Iron Age 191:71 Mr 28 '63your
J. L. Nayler. US F '63 When
flnishingshouldline? youP. Arnold,
automate il Iron Agemetal-
AUTOMATIC control. See Control equipment
AUTOMATIC machinery. See Machinery, Auto- 108-10 O
See also 25 '62
matic Assembling methods
AUTOMATIC telephone. See Telephone. Aulo- Control equipment
maiic Feedback control systems
AUTOMATION International itdi.-ration of automatic control
Abstracts. Published in monthly nimibers of Machinery, Automatic
Automation Servomechanisms
Automate conveyors for profit. 11 Iron Age Bibliography
iai:86 Ja 24inspection;
Automatic '63 cybernetic machines. Books. Published in montlily numbers of ISA
J. A. Sargrove. bibliog il diags Brit Inst journal
New books. Published in monthly numbers of
Radio Eng Ja24:241-a Automation
Automating small S utility; '62 Mid-Georgia
natural gas. R. R. Littreli. Am Gas Assn Economic aspects
Mo 45:17-18 assembly Ap '63 Automation as a means to an end. Caldecote.
Automating at Westclox. J. A.
Eaton, il diags Mod Materials Handling lis: Engineer
Automation 215:896 My 17 productivity.
for greater '63 H. A.
42-6 Ag '63 for product control; rating the
Automation Thomas. Ensineer ■63 214:980-2 D 7 of'62manage-
automated plant. G. I). Armerding. il Food Automation; will it take man out
ment? A. N. Wecksler. il Mill & Factory
Tech 17:1282-4
Automation gets O flexible
'63 touch: pushbuttons
speed changeover in high production line, Economic D efficiency
71:72-4 '62 of automation. J. A. Bek-
il Iron Age
Automation in the consolidation 11*2:60 Ag 8 '63 and sorting ker. Automation 10:65-70 Ag '63
of packages. R. L. Speaker. Automation 9: Unemployables. Coal Age 68:106-1- Ag '63
169-60-f N '62 Social aspects
Automation ol grinding circuits. C. A. Row- Automation, a challenge to humanists. C. L.
land, il diag Pit on& education
BCAC conference Quarry 56:176-9 Jl '63
and training Kaller. Automation 10:26 Jl '63
for automation and computation. Cranfleld. Automation and resistance to change. D. F.
March 27-29; with abstracts of papers. En- Hueber. bibliog Instriuiients & Control
Competitive gineering survival 195:518-19 requires
Ap 12 manufacturing
'63 Systems 36:71-2
Sociological aspectsJl of'63 teclmological change.
research. R. N. Marshall. Automation 9:64- J. I. Snyder, jr. Automation 10:29 Mr
61 O '62automation, a look at the future.
Design Italy
G. E. Baldwin and others, bibliog Com &
Electronics a P51U-12 Ja '63 Automation in Italy. Automation 10:48-1-
Developing iiianufacturing system. G, F.
Hawley. diags Automation 10:50-3 AUTOMATONS
Electronics and automation in the Ja wire'63 in- My '63
Mobot the robot is an electronic marvel;
dustry. E. H. Dunthorne. diags Wire &.
abstract. J. H. Beno. il S A E J 71:81 F '63
Wire Prod
Experts discuss 38:359-60-1-
pros and Mr cons '63 of numerical Robot serves underwater, il Medi Eng 85:58-9
control. iVlill & Factory
Film solves a computer-created people-prob- 73:56-9 Ag '63 AUTOMATONS
F '63 (calculating machines)
lem, calms employee upset over automation. intelligent automata and man-automaton com-
11 Ind Phot 12:38-9 Mr '63 binations: a critique and review. G. De-
Fully automatic laboratory fractional distilla- Florio. bibliogaccessories Elec Eng 82:200-3
tion assembly. R. R. Collerson and D. G. AUTOMOBILE Industry Mr '63
Grant, diags Chem & Ind p74-6 Ja 12 Federal-Mogul; noted parts maker. J.
Geschelin. il Automotive Ind 128:65-8-)-
How far era and haslens automation
making? progressed B. Sherman. in cam-
AUTOMOBILE accidents
Ap 15 '63of direct
Phot to27:4S-I-
How automate N '63 a steel plant: Spencer Analyses costs and frequencies of
works of Richard Thomas & Baldwins ltd.. Illinois motor-vehicle accidents. 1958. C.
M Billingsley and D. P. Jorgenson. Pub
London, of technology
Impact il diae Steeland 152:42-5
automation Ja on14 the
Koads 32:201-13 problems
Methodological Ag '63 in the design of
worker. Indskills
Industrial Med and32:216-22 Je '63
automation. J. A. motor vehicle accident rescardi. J. E. Bar-
Bekker. bibliog
Integrated Automation
automation; it cuts 10:56-60
new Myprofit
'63 mack, bibliog Am J Pub Health 52:1866-71
N '62
path, il Steel 15:t:90-3 Ax 12
Limitations of re ladder networks as process '63 Perceptual defense and vigilance and driving
simulators. N. Keam. bibliog diag Inst E E safety. R. H. Bloomer, bibliog Traffic Q 16;
Proc 109foundry pt B:529-3G 549-68 O '62ram creates stationary crashes,
Modern excelsN In'62 automatic opera- Pneumatic
tions. R. H. Herrmann, il plan Foundry il diag Machine Design 35:206-7 My 9 '63
91:52-61 Ap '63 Problem of accident distribution. Y. Zahavl.
Modern trends in marine propulsion machin-
ery. E. Norton, diags Naval Eng J 74:723-31 ToTraffic Q 16:640-8
help prevent O '62accidents. E. Hugunln.
N '62 Mag ofaccident
Stand 33:237-8
advancedGypsum's automation,new Tampa
centralized plantcontrol.
features11 Traffic research: Ak review
'62 and prog-
Pit & Quarry 56:213-15 Jl '63 nosis. F. McGlade. Traffic Q 16:559-78 O '62
Navigraplilc '62. nflh annual graphic arts See also
Automobile drivers
f)rogress report. New York. Nov. 17. In-
and Ptr/Am LIthogr 150:100 D '62 lioad accidents
AUTOMOBILE assembly plants Standards
Automatic assembly of engine components on Fundamentals of hydraulic standards. C. J.
in-line machines at Buick. H. Chase, il Kelly, il diags Automotive Ind 128:69-72
Avanti to boost Ind output;
128;5S-9 Studebaker
F 1 '63 to make
own fiberglass bodies. J. Dunne and C. B. New Ap truck-related
15 ■63 standards completed; oth-
Campbell. Automotive Ind 127:37-8 N 15 '62 SAE engineers in process. technical S A EcommitteeJ 17:78-9 inaugurates
S '63
Eorjr-\V'arner transmission
sembly operations production:
used in the manufactureas- four new standardization projects S A E J
of the model 35 automatic transmission SAE71:120-1introduces Je '63 recommended practice for
unit, by ilthe Automobile testing bonded brake shoes, il diags SAB
Cars crate. C. Ens 53:196-203
Emerson, il Am MyMach/
Metalworking Manuf 107:58-9 H.Ja 7F.'63 Jones, J 71:47-52 Ag '63
Chrysler revamps assembly. Tables, calculations, etc.
il Iron Ase 192:45 Jl 25 '63 Allowable stress diagrams can help designers
GM to push Chevy sales in 1964; corpora- solve automotive strength problems. F. R.
tion to add three assembly lines, unveil Holliday, diags S A B J 71:70-4 Ap '63
new car. H. F. Jones, il Iron Age 191:57 Off-tracking of tractor-trailer combinations.
Je 6 '63 F. Jindra. il diags Automobile Eng 53:96-101
Equipment Mr '63 output of an internal band brake.
Vauxhall install new autoinatic conveyors, il T. P. Newcomb and H. E. Merritt. diag
diags Engineering 195:154-5 Ja 25 '63 Engineering
Vehicle accelerations; 195:568-9 development
Ap 26 '63 of cal-
AUTOMOBILE brakes. See Brakes. Automobile culations. G. Francia. Automobile Eng 53:
Effect of expressway design on driver tension 407-8-1- S '63 engines
responses. R. M. Michaels. Pub Roads 32: Aluminum realigns in Detroit; new aluminum
107-12 D '62 wheels may offset engine losses. H. P.
Licenses Jones.Renault Iron Age 191:119 F 21 '63
Medical aspects of traffic safety; editorial. C. AllC. unveil unusual rotary engine.
L. Wilbar. jr. Archives Environmental Steel 153:76 ofS 301964'63 standard
Applications and optional
Health 6:693-4 Je '63
New dimension in highway safety. J. K. Wil- Associated Automotive
engines. engineering Indltd. 129:68-9 group Oresearch 15 '63
liams, flow diag diags Traffic Q 17:33-45 Ja and development, il diags Automobile Bng'
Testing Auto53:270-2
turbines Je '63could alter metals picture, il
Instruments to measure how people drive Chem
B.R.M. GrandEng Prix
& N 41:98-9
car. il Odiags 28 '63 Automobile
their vehicles. T. B. Dreaver. il S A E J
71:56-7 Jl '63 CanEng aluminum
53:54-7 F '63 engines stage a comeback?
H. F. Jones. Iron Age 192:47 O 24 '63
Driver re-education. Safety Maint 126:24 Carhaveconversion
to be different, proves ilpoint. Diesel Diesels
Equip don'tSupt
NewJl '63know-how cuts auto accidents. A. E. 41:20-1 Cortina
Consul My '63 grows up. and up. il diags
Neyhart. il Elec World 159:116 Ap 8 '63
AUTOMOBILE driving Engineering 195:152-3 Ja 25 '63
Safe driving tor city vehicles; Little Rock, Dodge improves its 426-cu-in. engine, in-
creases mid-speed torque, top power Auto-
Ark. A. M. Douthit. Pub Works 93:84 N '62 motive Ind 128:31 Je 1 '63 results in 115 mph
AUTOMOBILE driving simulators English Ford-Lotus engine
Realistic make-believe; complex new research Consul Cortina sports sedan, il Automotive
simulator is expected to give information
on many highway problems. D. Cronk. il Ind 128:47 P 15 '63
Ford's racing engines. Automotive Ind 129:
Ind Med 31:533-4 D '62 122-1- Jl 15 '63
AUTOMOBILE engineering German cars larger: NSU unveils W^ankel-
Aerodynamics and practical aspects. P. Cam- engine roadster, D. Scott, il Automotive
bridge, il diags Engineering 196:334-5 S 13 Ind ]?9:51-24-
Hans Glas 1004 Oand 15 1204 '63 engines O G. W.
AMC has story in a nutshell; a new method Ferson. il ■63diags Automobile Eng 53:313-16
of body construction in 1963. H. F. Jones. Jaguar Mark X: development of the power
il Iron Age 190:63 S 27 '62 Jl '63 description
unit; of the clutch, gearbox and
Coordination of engineering specification. R. the final drive assembly, il diags Auto-
D. Foord-Kelcey. il Engineering 196:335-6 mobile Eng 6-230 53:344-53 Ag '63K. G. Matthews.
S 13 '63 Kaiser jeep engine.
Five young engineers give their own answers il diags Automobile Eng 53:386-92-1- S '63
to; what is your job at Allison? flow chart London shO"w review: engines, il Automobile
il diags S A E J 71:86-95 Je '63 Eng Extra
Morris Oxford no Diesel, 52:452-8 il NEngineering
26 ^62 195:867
Fundamentals of pneumatic standards. C J.
Kelly, il diags Automotive Ind 128:43-6 Ja NSU-Wankel engined car at Frankfurt. 11
1 '63 Je 28 '63
Future engineering. H. F. Barr. Steel 152: New Engineering
engine has 196:167
high Agpower 9 '63 to weight ratio:
89-90 Ap 1 '63 Nordec-Bond. il Engineering 195:37 Ja 11
Motor car of the future. V. G. Raviolo.
Engineer 215:656-7 Ap 12 '63 1964 pas eng tren en-
sgeinens. G. Pat i
New crash test aids vehicle design; SAE's gWe. r ton. nielerdiinags S A dsE; J 71:
new recommended practice on barrier col- Olds32-5 N ^63
rediscovers - car iron, g
il Machine Design
lision tests. P. C. Skeels. il S A B J 71:75
Ap '63 35:116-7 O 10 ^63
Reliant engine just makes the weight, diag
1964 engineering highlights of Chrysler cor- Engineering 195:252-3 F 15 '63
poration's cars. J. Geschelin. il diags Auto- 230 SL is described: durable engine, easv
motive Ind 129:53-8 Ag 15 '63 handling are noted. J. Geschelin. diags
1964 passenger-car engineering trends. W. G. Automotive Ind 129:19-20 Jl 1 '63
Patton. il diags S A E J 71:30-5 N '63 Wankel engine debuts in German sports car.
1963 passenger-car engineering trends. W. G. il See
diagsalsoSteel 153:113-14 O 7 '63
Patton. il diags S A B J 70:30-53 N '62
SAE automotive engineering congress and Carburetors
exposition; previews, program, and list of Gas turbines. Automotive
exhibitors. S A E J 71:31-57 Ja '63 Motor bus engines
See also Motor truck engines
Automobile engines Tractors After burners
Calculating machines — ^Automobile engineer-
ing applications Burning fuel b^Tiroducts to sweep away smog.
Bibliography il diag Product Eng 34:92-3 Mr 4 '63
Books; brief comments on recent publications
pertinent to automobile engineering Au- New studies help predict coolant performance
tomobile Eng 53:25. 104-5. 148-9. 183. 273. in cars; abstract. E. Gehres. S A E J 71:51
317 Ja. Mr-Jl ^63
Briefs of SAE papers. Published in monthly
numbers of SAE journal Jl See
'63 also engines — Radiators
AUTOMOBILE engines — Continued Systems approach to the veiiicle problem. S.
Deposits S. Griswoid.
7:240-3 Ag 63Archives Environmental Health
How to remove engine carbon. WeldinB Eng Tape recorders help silence vehicle exhaust
Intake Jl ■Ii3 deposits can ^ be controlled „ . with ,.. systems, il Ind Electronics 1:455 Je '63
Turning chambers in exhaust system elimi-
detereents; abstract. G. H. Aniberic and nate muffler. W. H. Powers, il Steel 152:90
W. S. CraiK. S A E J 70:133+ N ■62 Mr 11 exhaust
Design ■Vehicle smoke; report of the vehicle
exhaust study group of the Institute of
Changes needed to adapt Corvalr engine to road transport engineers. Engineer 215:676
Ap 12 '63 . „ ,.,
supercharKing; abstract. K. K. Thoreson Vehicle smog control progresses in California;
and J. O. Brafford. S A E J 70;43 O 62 abstract. U. A. Jensen. S A E J 71:104 Ja
Computers help design vaive trains. U. I. ■C3 ... ,.
Johnson, diag S A E J Vl:30-2 Mr 63
Conflicting demands beset designer of gasifler Vehicle smog emissions: can we avoid after-
turbines. C. A. Amaiin and otiters. diags burners? A L. London, diags Archives En-
S A research
E J 71:67-70 F '63 vironmental Health
Fans 6:672-7 My '63
Ford of racing engines results In '63
stronger connecting rods and bloclis. ii
' 6
Automotive3 Ind 128:51 Ap 15 '63 Modulated fan drive saves power, il Engineer-
Hp trend moves up. Automotive Ind 129:61-5 ing 195:701 My 24 '63
O 15 '63
International design review: engines. . „ diags
11 ,.
Automobile Eng Extra no 53:210-21 My 15 Ashless oils perform best In California Re-
Lot spa eng gai H. F. Jon search taxlcab tests; abstract. F. A. Chris-
rks i n e
- o Age 192:65 Jl 4ne'63 s. s. Can propane tiansen andwin
others. S A E market?
engine-fuel J 70:100 K. N w•62
1963 Fpassenger-car
rd engineering trends; en-
gines. \V. G. Patton. 11 diags S A E J 70: Brooks, map Oil & Gas J 61:78-9 Jl lo '63
Chemical fuels look like best bet for auto-
32-8 N feaiures
Special '62 of Chrysler Ram Charger 4Jb motive propulsion after 20fi3 A.D. F. W.
Lauck and others. S A E J 70:28-32 D 62
engine, il Automotive Ind 12(:1U6 U 15 '62 Chevrolet studies point to three unfilled lube
Special problems solved in designing Corvalr- and fuel needs for passenger cars and
Spyder camshaft. J. Pechenik. il dias trucks. M. M. Roensch. S A B J 71:30-3 F
S A E ofJ combustion
Survey 71:82-3 Ap '63 chamber progress. J. Ford mobile fuel laboratory makes possible
Geschelin. il diags Automotive Ind 127:42- testing where weather suits. E. J. Richards
5-1- N 1: 71-3 N 15 '62 and J. L. King, il S A E J 71:96-7 N '63
Taunus 12M's lightweight 'V-4 engine has Higher octane needs will boost premium-
number of unusual design features. 11 Auto-
moUve Ind 128:29-1- F 1 '63 Motor-fuel use may &be Gas
fuel demand. Oil J 61:102-3
up 3.8 per cent Mrfor4 '63
Efficiency Oil & Gas J 60:86 S 17 '62
What '63 cars mean to the oil industry. G.
Good maintenance essential to effective air T. Kinnev. 11 Oil c& Gas J 60:71-3 S 17 '62
emission system performance; abstract. See also
W. J. Herman and J. VV. Biattenueriser. Gasoline— Anti-knock and anti-knock mixtures
S A E J 71:101 Jl '63 Fuel consumption
Passenger car fuel -consumption rates. N.
Air lead concentrations from automotive en-
gines; comparison of gasolines containing Lieder. Pub Roads 32:113-20 D '62
tetramethyllead and tetraethyllead. K. S. Fuel feeding
Brief, bibliog il Archives Environmenial
Fuel filter life cannot be predicted; abstract.
Health 5:52<-31
Automobile tailpipeD '62exhaust system protects
servicing personnel. A. H. Tischier. II dlag Air R. L.system
Fuel Bowers.cleanliness S A E J 71:74-5
improved F '63by three-
point parOEcram.
71:09-71 Mr '63 A. J. Tocco. il diags S A E J
Cond against
Battle Heat & smogVen 60:89-90 S '63il Steel 153:
continues, . ^ , ^„
Tests disclose sources of fuel filter clogging;
131-2 Jlfuel
Burning 29 '63
byproducts to sweep away smog. abstract. G. E. Gaston and J. J. Thomas.
11 diag Product
California orders Eng 34:92-3 controls
crankcase Mr 4 '63 for cars. S A E J 71:63 F '63
Oil & Gas J 60:78 D 31 '62 Faster risetimes key to better ignition; ab-
California to require blow-by control on used
cars. Cheni & Eng N 41:25 Ag 19 '63 '63S A E J 71:1304-„ My
stract. W. R. Eason. .„
Car smog not unique to Coast; latest anti- Ignition analyzer for hobbyist or pro. R. F.
smog developments; crankcase emission
devices. R. R. Kay. il Iron Age 191:42 Ja Scott. 11 diag Radio-Electronics 34:35 My 63
Pre-fiame reactions In the spark ignition
Ja 24 '63 pipe exhaust line replaces exhaust
Chambered engine: the influence of tetraethyl lead and
pipe, muffler, and tail pipe, il Automotive other anti-knocks. D. Downs and others,
Ind 128:48 My 1 '63 bibliog Inst Pet J 49:8-25 Ja '63
Comprehensive analyses of automotive ex- SparkSee plugs
iiausts. R. 'VV. Hum. bibliog Archives En- Ignition devices
vironmental Health 5:592-6 D '62
Direct measurement technique for automobile Auto buyers are still not sold on transistor
exhaust. A. H. Rose. jr. and R. Smith, Ignition systems. Electronics 35:30-2 O 26
bibliog Archives Environmental Health 5:
609-15 D '62 Luca.1 ignition system uses 500-volt tran-
sis Sor.15 D Scott, diag.') Automotive Ind 129:
Effects on animals of exposure to auto ex- '63 ^ ^, , . .
haust. S. D. Murphy and others, bibliog
diag Archives Environmental Health 7:60- Reliable ignition needs trouble-free transis-
tors. H. F. Weber, diags S A B J 17:41-5
70 Jl '63 O '63 transistor Ignition. B. Schollmeyer.
Hydrocarbons In the Los Angeles atmosphere. Simple
R. B. Neligan. bibliog diag Archives En- 11 diags Radio-Electronics 34:24-5 Jl '63
vironmental Health 5:581-91 D '62 Start vourD car
33:48-9 '62 fast, il,diag Radio-Electronics
^ ,
Paper chromatographic identification of car- Transistor ignition for production ears. 11
bonyl compounds as their 2.4-dinitrophenyl- •63
hydrazonos in automobile exhaust. E. D. diag Engineering 195:477 Ap 5 '63
Barber and J. P. Lodge, jr. bibliog Anal Lubrication
Chem 35:348-50 Mr '63
Plant damage by pollution derived from auto- Anti-sculT performance of metal organodlthlo-
mobiles. E. F. Darlev and othero Archives phosphate additives. P. A Ueniiett and
Environmental Health 6:761-70 bibliog (p769- R. H. Kabel. bibliog Lub Eng 19:365-70 S
701 Je '63 Automotlvo hibrlcants. H. A. Hartung.
Quieter automobile exhaust systems. 11 Engi- A S M E Trans ser D 85:463-4 blbllog(p472)
neering 195:365 Mr 8 '63
Spot the weak spots In pollution controls. Q. Can moly extend engine life. Engineering 195:
C. Hass and J. R. Scandln. S A E J 71:102-
3 O '63 tunnel air quality. R. I. Larsen and .=; •R't
765 Je 7 studies
'63 point to three unfilled lube
Sumner and fuel needs for passenger cars and
V. J. Konoplnskl. bibliog diags Archives trucks. M. M. Koensch. S A E J 71:30-3 F
Environmental Health 5:597-608 D '62
AUTOMOBILE engines — Lubrication — Cont. Transfer line speeds output of complex
Effect of polymeric dispersants on encine a uminum parts, il Iron Age 191:76-7 Mr
sludge. I. R. H. Crail and others. biblioK
il Inst Pet J 49:1S9-9S: Discussion. 198-203 21 '63
Transier machine for engine valve seats
Jl '63life oil. J. C. Cree and P. Newman.
Long and
o 13 guide
63 bores, il diag Engineer 216:453
See also
Automobile Eng 53:413-16+ S '63 Automobile parts
'63 motor oils being rushed to mar-
ket, il Chem & Eng N
Most refiners reluctant to enter long41:31-2 Ja 7 distance
'63 Mufflers
oil nmrket. Oil & Gas J 61:94-5 F 11 New tube mill goes into action. R. T. Berg.
New technique predicts sludging without en- Ob- ?"\"
Jl i Ja Arn
7 6d Mach/MetaJworking Manuf 107;
gine overhaul; abstract. B. Dimitroff and Novel muffler design gives optimal damping.
others. S A B J 71:86 Mr '63 il Iron chambers
Tuning Age 191:104 Mr 7 '63 system
Oil ■63
change intervals under review. Engineer- in exhaust eliminate
ing 194:748 D 7 '62 11 63
muffler. W. H. Powers, il Steel 152:90 Mr
Sluase formation doesn'tS indicate engineN Noise
cleanliness. G. Metzger. A E J 71:51
Teflon rings; key to unlubricated cylinders. Engine noise reduction gives more mechanical
D. E. Klein and W. A, Morain. 11 diag Pet octanes; abstract. J. Andon and C. Marks.
Management 34:222-3 S '62 S A burn
Fast E J 71:89-90
makes My '63 rough in 1963 as
See also
Oil filters. Automobile Vi }■?'¥%■.
17:67-9 My ^■..^- Janeway.
'63; Discussion. diags S A EandJ
J. Andon
Manifolds C. Marks. 17:108
Measurement S '63
of acceleration noise, a traffic
Versatile design spurs savings; machines parameter. T. R. Jones and R. B. Potts il
handle many parts for custom lines. R. H. maps Op Res 10:745-63 N '62
Eshelman. U Iron Age 191:85 Ja 17 '63 Radiators
Manufacture Painting Ford radiators. H. Chase, il Ind
AJIC installs third, six cylinder line, il Steel Finishing 39:87-8 F '63
152:122 Mrcylinder
Broaching 6 '63 blocks, il diag Automobile Radiator and heater production at Ford's
Eng 53:330-2 Jl '63 P"!?
Ind '^,"n J^.'?"A P'^"'-
128:44-5-1- Mr 1 H.'63 Chase, il Automotive
Broaching machine for France, il Engineering Replaceable-tube radiators are real cost-cut-
By 196:376
tying S separate
20 '63 machine tools together ters, il Diesel Eqtilp Supt 41:31-3 F '63
parts banks build a transfer line il Am Specifications
ilacli/Jletaiworking Manut 107:93-4 S 2 '63
Cadillac retools the V-S. C. Emerson, il Am 1964 engines. Machine Design 35:166 S 26 '63
Mach/Metalworking Manuf 106:81-5 O 29 Starting
Chevrolet re-equips for increased production; See Automobiles — Starting
Saginaw grey iron foundry. R. H. Herr- Superchargers
mann, diags Foundry 91:54-8 F '63 Antiknock performance clocked on turbo-
Engine handling mechanized at Fiat plant.
D. Scott, il Automotive Ind 128:46-7 My charged engines of Corvair and Oldsmoble.
1 '63 J. F. Wagner and others. S A E J 71:92-4
Errors halved by gaged castings, il diag
Product Eng 34:77 controlled An 15 '63 transfer Automobile turbocharger development R.
First numerically ma- Ag '6.'^ needed
chine debuts,design; il Mill nodular
& Factory 73:73 S arm'63 Ramey.
Changes il Automotive
to adaptInd Corvair
128:44-5 engine
Mv' 1 '63
Good casting iron rocker supercharging: abstract. R. E. Thoreson
for Ford V8 engines. R. H. Herrmann, il and J. O. Brafford. S A E J 70:43 O '62
Foundry 90:32-5 D '62 Peco-Judson supercharger, il diags Automo-
Hardenable cast iron tappets, il Automobile bile Eng 53:102-3 Mr 63
Eng 53:333-5 Jl '63 Turbo-
03:42-51superchargiF 63 ng, il diags Automobile Eng
Hillman Imp. F. L. Church, il diag Mod
Metals 19:34-f Je '63 Temperature
Hillman Imp cylinder block, il diags Auto-
mobile Eng 53:454-63 O '63 Look for trouble when engine gets too hot;
How Germany btillds a modern oar. Taunus abstract. M J. Durella and others, il diag
12 M Cardinal. C. H. Wick, il diags Mach S A E J 71:93
69:1114-15 n '62 Pyrometers will Ap
save'63 you money. 11 Diesel
Improve motor block weld repair, diags Weld- Equip Supt 41:35 Je '63
mg Eng 48:64-f Mr '63 Testing
Large overseas builder employs four inter-
connected transfer machines in engine Apparatus measures torsional vibration of
cylinder- block line, il Automotive Ind 129: small engines; abstract. J. M. Clark, jr. and
45-9 Ag 1 '63 W. L. Rollwitz. diags S A B J 71:92-3 My
Machining cylinder blocks and heads at 63
Chevrolet's il six-cylinder
Geschehn. Automotive engine plant. ApJ.
Ind 128:59-62 Electric corrosometer tests bring new engine
rust data: abstract. C. H. Bailey. S A E J
15 '63
Magnesium engine-castings. L. Lasch. il Engine specific output. F. R. B. King Au-
Automobile Eng 53:190-5 My '63 tomobile Eng 53:136-47 Ap '63
Major retooling in minimum change-over Engines are run in on automated setup at
time. C. H. Wick. 11 Mach 69:95-103 D "62 Opel car plant. D. Scott. 11 AutomoUve Ind
Making diversified engines at Chrysler. J.
Geschelin. il diag Automotive Ind 129:59- Factors in the life of cams and tappets.
62 Ag 15 '63 Engineering 195:69 Ja 18 '63
Making engine front covers and crankshafts
at Cadillac. J Geschelin. 11 diags Automo- Measure dwell angle. D. H. Bryce. 11 diags
tive Ind 128:38-41-1- Mr 1 '63 Radio-Electronics 34:32-3 S '63
Making engine production pay. il diags Auto- Oscilloscopes in the modern garage. E. E.
motive Ind 129:76-90 S 1 '63 Morgan. 11 diags Ind Electronics 1:349-53
Modern foundry in the Forest of Dean. 11 Ap 63
Engineer 216:427-8 S 13 '63 Tape simulates engine runs. R. H. Eshelman.
69:120-71°''D Cadillac's 62 new engine. 11 il Iron Age 191:90-1 F 7 '63
Perkins story; small engines, big production; Valves
itej f ■r?"?co'^"^ ^^^^- I'issel Equip Supt Computers help design valve trains. G. I.
Practical machining Johnson, diag S A B J 71:30-2 Mr '63
pays ofC for Chrysler. Deflections studied in troubled valve trains;
il Steel 152:169-70 Mr 25 '63 abstract. C. A. Beard and J. G. G Hemp-
Production . starts on engine components;
British piston ring co. 11 Engineering 196: AUTOMOBILE fabrics Jricmp
M IO O J 1) DO
son. S A E J 70:72 D '62
Rocker justifies bank spacing for V-8 blocks, 147:66-7 ^?'"l''i,
^'fP^^^f., Ja 63 ^°'' coaters. Rubber World
iv Arn
Mr 4 63 Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:67 AUTOMOBILE factories
Cadillac rnotor car division vehicles at Cleve-
Tin-alloy toughens car engines. H. F. Jones 51-3 D 1 62
il Iron Age 191:65 Ap 4 '63 r^"? ?J" , ^?^® plant, il AutomoUve Ind 127:
AUTOMOBILE factories — Cantinued Revamped plant makes Chevy axles. C. Emer-
Dana corp a pioneer parts maker. J. Gesch- son, il Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:
elin. il Automotive Ind 127:60-2+ N 1 "62 86-7 Jl 8 '63 , . ^ ,
Defense operations at l''ord. h'. tS. KJpp. ii Rootes start making the Imp at Linwood. 11
Pacemakers in component127:47-50
diaff Automotive Ind design; D Bore-War-
1 '62 Engineering
Stuck together, 195:614 My 3 '63 10:35-1- F
il Automation 63
nt-r 11 Automotive Ind 128:59-72 My 15 '63 Tool spending by automakers due for hike
in 1964 models. H. J. Jones, il Iron Age
Package deal for Pressed Steel's plant, il 191:45-6 Mr 28 '63 , . . ^^
EnEineeriiig 194:544 O 26 '62 Toyo Kogyo; a car called Mazda. A. Ashbum.
Studebaker's defense products. J. De Franco.
il Automotive Ind 127:72 D 1 '62 il Am MacliyMetalworking Manuf 107:64-6
See also
Automobile assembly plants U.S.
Mr production
4 '63motive plants; equipment
Automobiles — Manufacture illustrationsinwith
text. auto-
C. A.
Control equipment Weinert. Automotive Ind 129:48-55 Jl 1; 72-
Electronics in the production of the Imp. Versatile design spurs savings; machines
Jl 15 '63
many parts for custom lines. R. H.
il Ind Electronics 1:471-3 Je '63
Costs Eshelman. rolling
Versatile il Ironbolster
Age 191:85 Jaat 17 Fisher
presses '63
Value engineering at Ford saves dollars for body Cleveland plant. J. Geschelin. il Auto-
company and customer. C. E. Homer, il motive Ind 128:43-4 F 1 '63
Volkswagen story, il Metal Prog 83:80-5 Ja
S A E J 71:26-9 Mr '63
Equipment Maintenance and repair
Advanced methods turn out Toyo Kogyo com- Central facility keeps research equipment in
pacts. R. E. Green, il diag Mach 69:55-94 better shape at lower cost; abstract. D. L.
Hammond and J. Lunan. S A E J 70:92-3
AlfaMy Romeo's
'63 new mass production factory.
plan Engineering 194:633 toolN 16 improvement
'62 N "62
Preventive maintenance records help Ford
Automaker cites machine maintain equipment reliabiUty. A. Darin.
areas. Steel want
Automakers 153:81-2
1964 Ag model
5 '63 tooling early. il Plant Eng 17:123-6 Ja '63
il Steel 151:105-6
Automated forging N at12 Opel.
'62 J. R. Mikton. il Engineering for maximum value. J. Geschelin.
Am Mach/MetaJworking Manuf 107:97-9 Mr Automotive Ind will
18 '63 How automakers hold Jeprice
1 '63 line. 11 Steel
Automatic assembly of engine components 152:2Sl-2 Ja 7 '63 „
on in-line machines at Buick. H. Chase, il How GM maintains depth in management. G.
AutomoUve Ind 128:58-9 F 1 '63 Jacoby. Steel
Oldsmobile reduces153:65-6 Jl 1 '63
communication time 87
Automotive machining progress, il Automo-
Cadillactive Ind 128:48-52
retools the Je
V-8.1 '63C. Emerson, il Am per cent. J. Geschelin. flow chart il Auto-
motive Ind 127:74-5 N 15 '62
Mach/Metalworking Manuf 106:81-5 O 29 '62 SIUO.OOO.OOO ten-year program at Rockwell-
Cardinal demanded new tooling. R. H. Eshel- Standard. J. Geschelin. il Automotive Ind
man. il Iron Age 190:151 S 13 '62 128:66-94- Ja 15 S19 '63 million in U.S. Steel
Chrysler's aperture card system. J. Geschelin. Volkswagen spends
flow chart il Automotive Ind 128:49-50 My 153:217-18 O 14 '63
I '63
Designing dies for variable production re- Quality control
quirements, out
diags Mach 69:102-13 My il'63Steel Automakers look at automatic assembly. R.
Detroit hammers flexibiUty rules,
H. Eshelman.
Battle il Iron Age
of warranties; how 192:47 Jl 25it "63
far will go?
151:115-16 D
Diversified 10 '62
manufacturing at Warner gear
works J Geschelin. il diags Automotive Ind Steelof152:95-6
Cost quality Apis 8 highest,
'63 when you don t
129:57-60 tooling
Jl 15 '63slashes costs. H. F. Jones, have it. H. E. Chesebrough. il Iron Age
192:66-8 Ag 29 '63
Ford specifies its way high-quality castings.
il Iron Age
Engines are 191:67 run inJe on20 '63automated setup at R. H. Herrmann. 11 Foundry 91:102-5 My
Opel car plant. D. Scott, il Automotive Ind
128:73-4 F 15 '63 How Ford approaches quality control. 11 Steel
Full dip paints the Mercedes. J. R. Mikton.
il Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:54-6 Next quality
151:56-61 N 12 control
'62 target of automakers,
Ap 29 output'63 forging line at Opel plant. D. il Steel 152:137-8 My 13 '63
Quality is no mistake. L. D. Miller. II Auto-
il Automotive builds a Ind 128:53-5car.Mr Taunus
modem 1 '63 mation 10:39-t- Ap '63
12M Cardinal. C. H. Wick, il diags Mach Quality testing to get all the facts; abstract.
69:104-15 U '62 R. A. Gallant. S A E J 70:90 N '62
Japanese carmaker automates production con- Rx for quality; Rolls Royce's quality con-
trol system, il Steel 152:100-2 trol program. Product Eng 34:61 O 28 '63
New automatic machine line Jefor 10 Cadillac
Solving automotive quality problems. H. W.
cylinder blocks. J. Geschelin. il Automotive Barclay. Automotive '62 Ind 129:67-9 Ag 15 '63
NewInd line
127:35-8 merges N 1 men,
'62 machines; Australian What's next automation step? R. H. Eshel-
car production uses merged automation. R. man. U Iron Age 191:71 Mr 28 '63
H. Eshleman. il Iron recent
Age 190:101 N 15 '62 Waste
New plant and tools; developments in
production equipment (cont). il diags Auto- Centrifuge wrings out waste for burning, il
mobile Eng 53:38-9. 78-)-. 109-11, 160-2. 204- diag Plant Eng 17:147-8 S '63
6. 297-300. 336-40. 378-82 Ja-Ag '63 AUTOMOBILE fans. Sea Automobile engines —
New plant for a new car; at Opel, new di-
mension in automation. J. R. Mikton. 11 Fans
Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf 106:75-9 N AUTOMOBILE fenders. See Automobiles —
26 '62 AUTOMOBILE Industry and trade
New production and plant equipment. Pub- Automakers set for changeover. H. F. Jones.
lished in scmi-monthlv numbers of Auto-
motive indii.strlGS
New range of hea\'y mechanical presses; at 11 Iron Age 192:37 Ag 1 '63
Jaguar Cars, il diags Engineering 194:430-1 Automotive industry's role In defense. T. F.
Morrow, il Automotive Ind 127:42-1- D 1
New O 5 transfer
'62 machine will use gun boring
for valve body; Ford motor co. 11 Automo- Aut add spa to bus Stee 152
os rk ine l :95
tive Ind 128:74-5 My 15 '63 ss. -7
1963 automotive metalworking improvement Chrysler hunts markets abroad. H. F. Jones.
planning section, il diags Automotive Ind My Iron
11 20 '63 Age 191:103 Ap 25 '63
129:74-1264- S 1 '63 EiTglneer's view of local content. P. H.
1963 products guide for manufacturing, auto- Pretz. S A E J 71:34-5 Mr '63
motive, and aviation products. Automotive Fallacies about the automobile industry. H.
Ind 127:149-251 D 15 '62 R. Chesebrough. S A V. J 71:44-6 Ag '63
Nissan- Bluebird of export. A. Ashbum. 11 Ford. Chevy
Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:97-9 F nies due to armclosefor marketing
'64 fray; both gaps. compa-
H. F.
18 '63 Jones, il Iron Age 191:47 Mr 23 '63
Numerical controls at Saginaw. J. Geschelin. Larger market looms for sports cars. Steel
II Automotive Ind 128:76-7-t- Ja 15 "63
152:111 Je 24 '63 . « 'j^
AUTOMOBILE industry and trade — Continued How Germany builds a modem car. Taunus
Studebaker stylea its way up; better plan- 12M Cardinal. C. H. Wick, il diags Mach
ning avoids last year's tooling delays, a. 69:104-15 D '62
V. See
Jones, Low-cost cross-country vehicle; Kraka. il
also il Iron Age 192:119 S 26 '63 diag plant
Automobile factories New for a 214:913 new car; N 23 at'62Opel, new di-
Ford motor company mension
■63in automation. J. R. Mikton. il
Gasoline service stations — Automobile acces- Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf 106:75-9 N
26 '62 builds to catch demand. H. F.
New models Jones, il Iron Age 192:131 O 10 '63
Auto styles go international. H. F. Jones, West Germany's automotive industry records
il Iron Age 191:39prestige
Ja 10 '63cars; low volume, further marked gains. C. A. Weinert, Auto-
Cashing in on motive Ind 129:40-3 Jl 1 '63
specialty models are good sellers. H. F. Great Britain
Jones, ilto Iron
Chevrolet offerAgeAve 191:115
Unes m My1964.9 Steel
'63 152: Britain tools for 2.3 million cars. D. Scott,
199 Ap 22 '63
Chrysler parades bigness, power. H. F. „ „ Jones,
^ il Automotive
Car manufacture Indin 129:31-3 Scotland;Jl Rootes
1 '63 group.
il Iron gets
Age 192:47 Ag 1964.
22 '63 11 diag Engineer review 215:810-16 My 3 '63 en-
Detroit set tor il Steel ,.„,,,
153:151-2„ Engineering for 1963: automobile
gine ring, il Engineering 195:110-12 Ja 18
Ag 12 '63
Detroit iron curtain sags. Product Eng 34:
47-8 preens
Jl 22 '63 Rootes start making the Imp at Linwood. 11
Ford entire Une ,for , 64; ^ from „Falcon
, Engineering 195:614 My 3 '63
to T-Bird. Fords get all-new styling. H. F.
Jones, 63»4
Fords il Ironmodels.
Age 192:55 S 5 '63 Ind 128:20
Automotive Israel
Auto-making grows in Israel, il Automotive
Ja 1 '63
Foreign carmakers in style trap, il Steel 152: Ind 129:44 Jl 1 '63 Italy
93-4 Je 3 '63
GMto'63toaddpushthree Che\-y sales inlines,
assembly 1964; unveil
new Alfa Romeo's new mass production factory,
car H. F Jones, il Iron Age 191:57 Je 6 plan Engineering 194:633 N 16 '62
•63 of '64 models. J. Geschelin. Au- Advanced methods turn out Toyo Kogyo com-
Impala and tomotive Ind 129:66+faceO hot
Galaxie 15 '63 competition. J. pacts. R. E. Green, il diag Mach 69:85-94
Dunne, il Automotive Ind 129:29-30 O 1 Auto-making booms in Japan; inter\'iew with
Sly '63
Dr P. H. Schweitzer, il Automotive Ind 128:
More rapid auto style changes keep tool-
makers busy on '65s. H. P. Jones. U Iron 59-62+ Ja 15 '63
Age frames
191:53-5 toJe aid 20 '63flexibility; GM plans Japanese carmaker automates production con-
Nissan;trol Bluebird
system, il Steel 152:100-2A. JeAshburn.
of export. 10 '63 il
change for '64. Ford to follow in '65. H. F. Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:97-9 F
VW il aims Iron Age at inroads191:113 here.
Je 13 H. '63 F. Jones,
il Iron Age 191:51 My 2 '63 Toyo Kogyo; a car called Mazda. A. Ashbum.
18 '63
1964 cars; bigger, more powerful. G. T. Kin- il Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:64-6
ney. Oil & C3as Jhighlights
1964 engineering 61:75-8 S of 9 '63Chrysler cor- AUTOMOBILE laboratories
Mr 4 '63
poration's cars. J. Geschelin. il diags Au-
tomotive Ind 129:53-8 Ag 15 '63 Equipment
1964 Ford mechanical features. J. Geschelin. Crashing cars pneumatically at the Ex-
il diags perimental engineering dept. of General
1964 modelsAutomotive take shape, Ind il 129:55-9
Steel S152:91-2
1 '63
Motors proving grounds, il Comp Air Mag
F 18 '63
1964 sales outlook stirs competitiveness, il Fiat
Je '63 crash simulator. 11 Automobile
Olds 152:79-80
sales rise Ap in 29 Jetstar;
'63 Buick offers
a Wildcat with a little less trim. H. F. NewEng impact
53:320-1 machine Jl '63 simulates crash condi-
tions in reverse; abstract. W. G. Cichowski.
Jones, il Iron Age 192:79 S 19 "63 il diags S A E J 71:102 Je '63
■V^'hat '63 cars mean to the oil industry. G. T. AUTOMOBILE laws and regulations
See also il Oil & Gas J 60:71-3 S 17 '62 See also
Automobiles — Exh Ibltions Motor vehicles — Inspection
Traffic regulations
Statistics AUTOMOBILE lighting. See Automobiles —
Highlights of '64 models. J. Geschelin. Au- Lighting
tomotive Ind 129:66-77 O 15 '63 AUTOMOBILE
mobile oil filters. See Oil filters. Auto-
Used cars
See also AUTOMOBILE parking
Automobile sales buildings — Used car lots Budget lighting for shopping center parking.
Carsil Ilium
park Eng on tiers58:307 of secarced2 Apramps; '63 Wheel-
Australian output soars. N. M. Lloyd, il Auto- right Car ofParks, il Eng N 170:98
motive Ind 129:67-9 Jl 15 '63 E.stimation parking facility usage.Ap D.4 '63
GM's Australian expansion. E. C. Daum. il Faustman. plan Traffic Q 17:68-78 Ja '63
New line merges Ind 129:37-9 Jl 1 '63 Australian
men, machines; London airport's new multi-storey car park.
car nroduction uses merged automation. R. il Engineering
Mechanical car 196:239
park Ag 23 '63building.
beneath II
H. Eshleman. il Iron Age 190:101 N 15 '62 diags
Mechanical Engineering
car park 196:461
uses O convevor
11 '63 belt
principle, diag Engineering 196:111 Jl 26
Technical developments sparking astonishing 63
European automotive growth. L. Raymond. Mechanical system of car parking, il Engi-
S A E J 71:64-5 O '63 neer 216:563 O 4 '63
France Offlce-building parking. G. L. McGonlgle.
3pls plandecksTraffic
Parking Q 17:249-53
combined with Ap Florida'63 store.
French auto industry reaches new highs. D.
Scott, il Automotive Ind 129:34-6 Jl 1 '63 il Arch garage
Parking Rec 133:170-1 bridges Je big '63 Sioux River, il
French automaking firm investigates n/c ma-
chining costs: Renault co. il Automation Eng N space
Parking 171:54-5recorder,
Ag 15 '63 il Engineer 216:274
New site Sand'63 new models for Paris salon. G. Parking
Ag 16 '63 study applications. H K. Evans
Wilkins. hasil Engineering
Renault doubled 194:498-9by O licensing
volume 19 '62 Traffic Othe17:274-92
Parking: crisis is Ap '63
downtown. 11 plan diags
pacts, national
When il Automotive Ind 129:65-6
policy controls Jl 15 '63
an industry; Arch Forum equipment 118:100-9 F in'63 multi-storev
the French motor industrv. G. Wilkins. il Photoelectric car
park at London airport. 11 Ind Electronics
Engineering 196:460 O 11 '63
Germany Precast
1:659 O TTs '63 deck spiral garage in Oakland,
German cars larger: NSU unveils Wankel- Calif, il Eng N 171:36-7 S 26 '63
Seattle center self-parking facility. N. G.
engine roadster. D. Scott. 11 Automotive Jacobson, jr. il Am Concrete Inst J 60:710-17
Ind 129:51-2-f O 15 '63
Je '63


AUTOMOBILE parking — Continued Transfer machine flexibility grows. R. H.

ahoe Lane mechanical car park; Parc&r Eshelman. il automauc
Iron Age transmissionl'Jl:117 My 9 produc-
system, WestinghOLLse
See alsoil Kn^nieer 215:1U2 Ja 25 *63 tion. 11 plana diag Automobile Eng 63:
Drive-in and curb services
AUTOMOBILE parts 112-20 Mr '63 Testing
American motors co; akin under the skin? Chassis frames tested on unique research
company plans common parts for all cars.
H. F. Jones, il Iron Atie rjl:55 F 2S liS machine, il Automotive Ind 127:80-1- N 15
Auto parts boom; plastics tailored to fit tlie Distributor caps evaluated by easy test; ab-
job. il tipsPlastics
Design World
for reinforced 21:20-1 My
plastics '63
parts. stract. P. J. Willson and D. M. Teague.
L.. L.. Palmer, il Materials in Design ling S A E J 71:65 Je '63and custom
56:122-3 O '62 Top-quality gaskets engineering
Everyone backs up warranties. H. F. Jones. solve automotive compressor problems for
il Iron parts
Age 191:71 F 7 '63 York. J. F. Utluy. il Automotive Ind 12i':
Longer warranty; suppliers required to 108-1- D 15 '62
extend guarantee, dias Automotive Ind 128: AUTOMOBILE racing
23-4 Mr 1 '63 Automobile racing; physical requirements and
Mechanization emphasized in diecasting at safety factors. T. A. Hanna. Archives En-
Daimler- Uenz. K. tichaefer and K. Detering. vironmental Health 7:286-8 S ^63
il plan Foundry 91:lUU-2-l- Ap '63 "Indy" Fords upset tradition. H. M. Nelson.
New automotive uses for malleable iron, il il Automotive Ind 128:37-40-1- Je 15 '63
Automotive AUTOMOBILE radiators. See Automobile en-
Plastic coating Ind saves
128:55-)-costsF 15of '63packaging. gines— -Itadiators
shipping, and storing parts, il Automotive AUTOMOBILE research
also Mr 15 '63 Associated engineering ltd. group research
Automobiles — Doors and development. 11 diags Automobile Eng
53:270-2 Je 63
Manufacture Racing research, il Automotive Ind 128:21-2
Auto men eye Ap 1: 51 applied
Research Ap 15 '63 to automobile production.
Cleveland plantrebuilt reworks parts line; Chevy's
automatic trans-
m i s i o n s , i l iron Age 192:33 Ag 8drawing.
"63 II Engineering
There are plenty 194:670-1 N 23 '62 emiong ride
of differences
■63 get look at stretch 11 improvement researchers; but there is some
diags Steel assembly
Automated 153:42-6 Jlmachine 22 '63 produces car common ground too. B. D. Van Deusen and
door locks at rates exceeding 2700 per day. others. S A Esales
buildingsJe '63
C. J. Kelly, il Automotive Ind 128:53 Ap 1
Used car lots
Automatic assembly machine, il diag Auto- Lighting a used car lot; installation at County
Automaticmobileassembly Eng 53:286-8 machine. Je '63 11 diag Auto- line auto CO.. Township line and West
mobile Eng 53:72-5 F '63 Chester pike. Upper Darby. Pa.: lighting
Automotive processes illustrated. C. J. Kelly. data sheet. R. F. Flood and G. T. Ander-
Axle housings Ind 128:54-5
welded Je 1 '63 lines at
on automated Lightingson, jr. alation
Iliumused Eng
car 58:464
at Parsons
Je '63
of Glenscenter;
Falls Instal-
Fiat. D. Scott, il Automotive Ind 128:52-3-1-
Murphy-Parsons, Upper Glen street. Glens
F 1 '63 Falls. N.Y.; lighting data sheet. H. J.
changeability. program for power
J. Geshelin. plant inter-
Automotive Ind Chase, plan Ilium '63 Eng 58:445-6 Je '63
127:61-3^- N 15 '62 AUTOMOBILE steel. See Steel. Automobile
Cold forging starter motor shafts at Delco- AUTOMOBILE tires. See Tires, Automobile
Remy. J. Geschelin. il diag Automotive Ind AUTOMOBILE traffic
Cole rollingMy of1 splines '63 on hardened shafts at See also
Pontiac on a single Michigan tool company Road traffic
Street traffic
Roto-Flo machine, il diag Automotive Ind AUTOMOBILE trailer camps
128:56-7 Fdischarge
Electrical 15 '63 machining used at Mell- Gas lights streets In mobile home park. 11
ing forging co. J. Geschelin. il Automotive
Gas 38:114 O trailers
Ind 129:65-6magnetic
Fluorescent Ag 15 '63 particle Inspection as- ABS laminate with special core which gives
sures quality of Chrysler steering knuclt- some elasticity, il Plastics World 21:38-9
les. E. automotive
Foreign Brown, il Mach 69:116-19
production D '62 C.
illustrated. Automakers pull sales from mobile travel.
J. Kelly. Automotive Ind 129:56-7 Jl 1 '63 Ag F.'63 Jones,
Hillman Imp transmission. 11 diag Automobile Caravan homes, il ilIronEngineering
Age 192:49 195:208
N 7 '63
F 1
Eng 53:290-6
How Germany builds a modern car. Taunus Je '63
Flying flre towers. 11 Light Metal Age 21:22
12M Cardinal. C. H. Wick. 11 diags Mach
69:104-15 use D '62 International caravan '63 exhibition. 11 Engineer-
Increasing of metal powder parts In au- Ag ing '63196:480 O 11 ■eS
tomotive plants. J. Geschelin. il Automo- Lacquered panels enhance mobile home In-
■63 tive Ind 128:39-42-f
Materials and processes Ja 1:used 48-9-1-
in Mr Fiat 1 cars.
'63 teriors. W. Swett. il Ind Finishing 38:60-
2-1- O '62
C. F. Bona, il Metal Prog 83:66-73-1- Ja '63 Rubber firm's
working: Expanded new plastic bounces il into
Royalite. metal-
Steel 152:
Mechanical-feed transfer at work. 11 Am •63
Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:106-7 My 13
65 My 20 ride^63 smooth sales road. K. W. Ben-
Moro automotiva uses seen for adheslves. nett. Iron Age 192:38-9 Jl 25 ^63
Material.1 in Design Eng 58:196-1- S '63 Manufacture
New production line integrates molding and
coremaking. R. H. Herrmann. 11 plan Huge fiberglass components used in Dodge
Foundry 90:48-51 O '62 motor homes, il Automotive Ind 128:58-9
Next quality control target of automakers, Safety measures
il Steel 152:137-8 My 13 '63 F 15 '63
Manufacturers certify safety in mobile homes.
1963 automotive metalworking improvement
planning section. 11 diags Automotive Ind E. W. Swett. il Mag of Stand 34:203-6 Jl
129:74-126-1- S 1 '63 AUTOMOBILES
$100,000,000 ten-year program at Rockwell-
Standard. J. Ge.-jchelln. II Automotive Ind All-new Tempest highlights Pontlao's '64 line.
128:66-9-f Ja 15 ■es 11 diags
Auto famllia.Automotive
11 MachineInd Design
129:52-6 35:24
O 1 F'63 14
Powder metallurgy advances boost automo-
tive applications. R. P. Koehring. 11 S A E J Auto Union reintroduce the 1000. II Engineer-
71:39-41 F '63
Radiator and heater production at Ford's ing 196:293 may
Automation S 6 '63elevate future commuters
Green Island plant. H. Chase. 11 Automo- and In-city travelers; Starrcar. 11 Elec Eng
tive Ind 12S:44-5-t- Mr 1 '63
Thompson Ramo Wooldridge case study In 82:292 Apbrings
Cadillac '63 out largo engine and new
product planning. J. Geschelin. 11 Auto- transmission. 11 Automotiv* Ind 129:39-40
motive Ind 128:37-42 Je 1 '63
Transfer attribute tributes. L. D. Miller II Cars
O 1 for
'63 touring In the grand manner. II
Automation 10:43-1- My ^63 Engineering 195:740 My 31 '63
AUTOMOBILES — Continued Turbine anyone? 11 diag Product Eng 34:41-2
Cars look-alikes for '64. II diags Product Turbine car unveiled; Chysler model has
Ene Mercedes
Cars; 34:27-30 S 230 30 '63
SL. 11 Product EriK 34:60 Je 24 '63
many novel features. J. Dunne and C. B.
Aff 5 '03
Cortina estate car; admirable tail features, il Campbell, il diag Automotive Ind 128:27-9
Two high perfoimance saloon cars: S type
750 and 195:345 DatTodil.Mr il8 '63 diasrs Automobile Je 1 '63 and tiie Aston Martin DB5. 11 En-
En^ 52:342-9. 494-500; 53:26-32 S. D '62- 230 SL gineeris 216:554 O 4 '63 durable engine, easy
Daimler '63 2.5 litre V8 saloon. 11 Engineering handling are noted. J. Geschelin. diags
194:468 O 12 '62 Automotive
230SL; Ind 129:19-20
Mercedes-Benz Jl 1a '63new sports
Detroit'63 won't spare the horses. H. F. Jones.
il Iron
Effect of Ase the 191:98automobile Ja 3 '63 on patterns of urban Two new jeep series: Willys Mrmotors.
car. il Machine Design 35:10 28 '63 J.
growth. H. Hoyt. Traffic Q 17:293-301 Ap Dunne and C. B. Campbell, il Automotive
Ford Cor supe an Cor 11 Ind 127:17-18
Vauxhall Viva N engineering,
1 '62 il diags Engi-
tin r Eng d 53:61-3 ti F '63
diags range
Ford Automobile
a expands again. 11 na-Engineering
Lot What the neeringMGA190:387lacked
S 27 '63is now in the MGB. 11
196:425 O 4 Allegro.
'63 us. Engineering 190:292-3 S 6 '63
Ford unveils II Automotive Ind 129: Willys blends beauty and brawn; new jeep
42 S 1 '63 station wagons emphasize stvling. H. F.
market costly expected. styling J. increased
Dunne, il share of '64
Automotive Jones, il Iron Age 190:87 O 25 '62
See aJso
Ind 129:35-6 Automobile engineering
Fords restyled S Fairlanes. 15 '63 il Automotive Ind Automobile engines
129:67 S 15auto'63 mockup Motor trucks
Futuristic features new con- Motor vehicles
trols, il Machine Design Riviera,
35:6 Ap new25 '63 Radio telephone on automobiles
GM sports car entry; Buick
to compete with Thunderbird. Avanti. il Tractors
Iron Aae 190:147 S 13 '62 Acceleration
Grand Mercedes provides a club car for eight. Measurement of acceleration noise, a traffic
Howil ■6Machine
3 cars haveDesign changed35:10 in S 30 12 years. '63 K. A. parameter. T. R. Jones and R. B. Potts.
Stonex. sceptre, S A E il J Automobile 70:33-5 O Eng '62 53:63 F il maps accelerations.
Vehicle Op Res 10:745-63 N '62 diags Au-
G. Francia.
tomobile Eng 53:361-7, 407-S-t- Ag-S '63
Hum Supe Snip il Eng 195: Air conditioning
b r e, in 37
Jaer 11 '63Dodge,
Imperial. and Valiant elines eri
ng for 1964. Air conditioning soars. J. Dunne. Automotive
il Automotive Ind buyers
129:37-8pushO 15 coolers,
Jaguar Mark X. Ind il diags129:56-7 O 1 '63Eng 53:
Automobile Car buckets, belts for
344-53. 39S-4U5 Ag-S '63 '64. Steel 153:81-2 Jl 15 '63
Japanese coup6 with sliding canopy. II Engi- 1964 passenger-car engineering trends; heat-
ing and air conditioning. W. G. Patton. 11
neering 196:264 Ag 30 '63
Key changes in engineering on '63 cars. 11 diag S A E J 71:44 Axles N '63
Steel 151:155-6
Lincoln Continental O 15has '62 longer wheelbase and
more headroom, il diag Automotive Ind Axle housings welded on automated lines at
129:65 Elan S 15 GT '63 two-seater. Fiat. D. Scott. 11 Automotive Ind 128:52-3-f
Lotus 11 Engineering
194:467 cars O 12keep '62 rolling along, il Steel 151: Double-ended
F 1 '63 boring machine for axle hous-
Luxury ing, il Engineer 215:1007 My 31gears,
'63 il diag
95 O 8 '62 Load tester; no hugs in these
Mk 10 Jaguar has grace, space and pace, il Product Eng 34:58 Ag 5 '63
Engineering 196:74-5 Jl 19 '63 New procedure simplifies axle noise evalua-
'63 tion. C. G. Dibert and W. M. Fairhurst.
new changes engines indue.'64s; J.restyled Dunne compactsand C. and B.
Campbell, il Automotive Ind 128:17-18 Mr 1 diag S A plant
Revamped E J 71:68-9 makes JlChevy
'63 axles. C. Emer-
son, il Am Mach/Metal working Manuf 107;
Med size spo s fr Hum il
Engineering d 195:68 rts JaaloIS on '63 om ber 86-7 Jl 8 '63 Bodies
Mercedes limousine, il Automotive Ind . 129:
24 O 1 '63 Aerodynamics and space frames help shape
Mercury offers 16 models for '64. il Automo- modern sports cars. K. E. Ludvigsen. II
More power tive Ind 129:61-2 for the O 1 Jensen
'63 with American diags toS boost
Avanti A E output; J 70:64-7 Studebaker
O '62 to make
own fiberglass bodies. J. Dunne and C. B.
NewV8. Dodgeil Engineering styling, 11194:468 AutomotiveO 12 Ind '62 129:61 Campbell. Automotive Ind 127:37-8 N 15
NewS 15 familiar
'63 Jaguar, il Engineering 196:425 Body engineering from Model T to T-Bird
NewO ■ 4 models
'63 from Dagenham: Ford Consul P- L.„ Logue. il diags S A B J 71:48-51
Classic, il diag Engineer 216:553-4 O 4 '63 Body
Mv '63repairs without access behind the
New Ramblers; American, classic and Am- panel; Acrulite. il Engineering 195:14 Ja 4
bas ador, il Automotive Ind 129:50-1 O 1
Cashing in on prestige cars: low vohimp
New Rove to attr the you driv snecialtv models are good sellers. H F
rs ac nge er. Jones, il Iron Age 191:115 Mv 9 '63
Newil Engineering
series added 194:500 O 19 '62line,
to tChevrolet r il Auto- Chevrolet'.! program for power plant Inter-
New motive Ind 129:41-4
turbine O 1 '63 il Oil & Gas J
car unveiled, 63
^!?5-.'l?^|-^;^'''* ^- J-. Geshelin. Automotive Ind
61:S3 Mv 20 '63 *^'o??'?S?'''^'v
196463 Buicks. il AutomoUve Ind 129:55-9 S 15 DAF 750 and ''oF',7!,''°"^ ^^^^ text. Engineer
Daffodil; description of the rear
1964 Comet completely restyled. il Automotive and front suspension systems, steering gear,
brakes, electrical equipment and bodv struc-
Ind 129:58-60 O 1 '63 ture, il diags Automobile Eng 53:26-32 Ja
1964 Oldsmobile line. J. Geschelin il diags 63
Automotive Ind 129:45-9 O 1 '63 Expert evaluates three resistance weld ad-
1964's: new automobiles pouring out of De- vances, il Steel 12:52-4 F 25 '63
troit, il Machine Design 35:158-66 S 26 '63 Four lines drop unit body. J. Dunne and
Renault RS; lively French newcomer. 11 En- C. B. Campbell. Automotive Ind 127:37-8
gineering 195:533 Ap 19 '63 D 1 .5 62
Rover 3 litre automatic, il Engineering' 195: GM reverses unit bodv trend. H F Jones
344 Mr 8 '63 il Iron Aee 190:39 D 27 '62
Rover 2000: a new car with a new image, How unitizedplant. bodiesJ. are made at AMC'a
il Engineering 196:458-9 O 11 '63 Milwaukee Geschelin. il Auto-
Seat belts standard on '64 auto models. Steel motive Ind 128:35-7 F 1 '63
153:120 S 9 '63 Internntional review of coachwork. C W
Standard's Ward. II Automobile Eng 53:274-85 Je
195:277 F sports 22 '63 Triumph. 11 Engineering 63
Studebaker'g new cars are longer and lower. London show review; bodywork. II diag Auto-
il Automotive Ind 129:68-9 S 15 '63 mobile Eng Extra no 5^:486-92 N 26 '62


A U TO M O B I L ES— Bodies — Continued Control
l^ondonticslaxi 36:ia0 Mr in polyester/glass,
63 il Brit Plas- Speed controller uses manifold pressure feed-
Making body production pay. il Automotive back, il diag Machine Design 35:118-19 F
Ind 129:115-18 Corrosion
Making Corvette S and 1 '63 Avanti bodies of fiber 28 '63
glass reinforced plastic. J. Geschelin. il Airless spraying improves undercoating; ab-
metal-plastic Ind laminate
128:78-94- promises
Ja 15 '63 cheaper, Aluminumstract. K.trim
K. Tisdall.
resistsS corrosion:
A B J 70:106 N '62
lighter body panels. W. E. Williams, il W. C. Weltman, jr. il S A E J 71:109 Je
New.S A range
K J 71:98 of heavy N -1)3 mechanical presses; at Body dip process undergoes refinement; ab-
Jaguar Cars, il diags Engineering 194:430-1 Corrosion stract.fight
C. O. Durbin. S A B H.
aids stainless. J 70:99 N '62
F. Jonejj.
O 5 '62 , ^body
, Iron Age study 191:41 carries
Ja 24 probable
1904 passenger-car engineering trends; Corrosion conclusions.
engineering. W. G. Patton. il diags S A E J
71:45-8 N '(iS Steel 152:76
Corrosion war Ja 14 '63
boosts zinc use. H. F. Jones.
19G3 passenger-car W. G. engineering trends; S A body
engineering. Patton. il diags E J Electric corrosometerMr tests
Iron Age 191:11/ 7 '63 bring new engine
70:48-52 N "62
100 Avanti body parts produced from molded rust data; abstract. C. H. Bailey. SAB
fiber glass. R. S. Morrison, il S A E J 71: J 71:67
Ford process Jl '63may bypass use of galvanized
(i6-7•63O '63 sheets; electrocoating may be utilized in
Package deal for Pressed Steel's plant, il Fords Wixom. Mich., plant, il Steel 153;
Painting Avanti194:544 bodiesO made 26 '62 of fiber glass. 25-7 toJl improve
8 '63
How corrosion resistance of ex-
J. T. Kanne. il Ind Finishing 39:24-6-1- S terior trim. G. F. Bush. S A E J 71:58-9
Plastics vie with steel for car bodies. Chem F '63
How to ward off corrosion in stainless steel
& BngandN 41:37
Quiet comfort F 18 cost
'63 more with integral trim. G. F. Bush, il Iron Age 190:91-4 D
construction: abstract. W. G. Pierce. S A E Microcracked
20 '62 chromium gains favor for put-
J 71:47 Jl plastics
Reinforced '63 for , ,high. , production.
, . „M. ,,M. ting a longer lasting shine on chromiuni-
plated parts for new automobiles, il Chem
Riley, il diags Materials in Design Bng
56:118-21 O hardtop, '62 & Eng N 41:80-1 Ja 21 '63
Retractable il diag Automobile Eng New American Motors' process fights rust,
H. F.
New chemicalJones. combination
Iron Age 191:59 Mr 21anti-
improves '63
Rubber D '62
firm'sExpanded new plastic bounces il into corrosion quality control at Chrysler. C. J.
working; Royalite. Steelmetal-
New datail on Automotive
corrosion Ind of 128:63 F 15 '63
automobile trim.
55 My 20 '63
Selected bodv dimensions; 1964 cars com-
pared with 1963. Automotive Ind 129:70-7 Materials
Nickel plate incould DesignmakeEngcents. 57:141-2
H. F.Ap Jones.
O 15; 56-9 Nprocess
Shorting-arc 1 '63 improves Volvo quality, Iron Age 191:57 Je 27 '63
1963 passenger-car engineering
rosion engineering. W. G. trends; Patton.cor-il
il Welding bodies
Streamlining Bng 48:102 will payAp dividends.
'63 W. H.
S A E primerJ 70:52-3 '63
Korff. diags S A B J 71:78-9 Mr '63 Proper use N minimizes
'62 automobile body
Tomorrow's bodies and frames. R. Hunting- corrosion; abstract. R. I. Peters. S A E J
ton, il Machine Design 35:144-9 Mr 14 '63 71:102-3 wear Je '63in engines. M. L. Kalinowski
Uniside construction in Rambler design; ab- Startup
stract. J. F. Adamson. 11 S A E J 71:90-1 and R. A. Neidl. diag Automotive Ind 128:
My passenger
U.S. '63 cars specification; body dim- 64-6-f steps
Three F 15 '63 to arrest body and molding
ensions and data; tables. Automotive Ind corrosion; abstract. J. B. Hill and others,
128:124-5 install
Vauxhall Mr 15 '63 new automatic conveyors. diags S A B J 71:34-5 Jl '63
11 dias-'s Velox Engineering 195:154-5 Ja 25 il'63Engi- Dashboards
Vauxhall and Cresta rebodied. .See Automobiles — Instrument panels
neering 194:467 O 12 '62 Design
See Brakes. Automobile Aerodynamics '62and practical aspects. P. Cam-
bridge, il diags Engineering 196:334-5 S 13
Bumpers Aerodynamics and space frames help shape
Development and production of the aluminium modern sports cars. K. E. Ijudvigsen. 11
motor car bumper. H. M. Bigford. il diags
diags S A Mercedes,
Air-sprung E J 70:64-7 O '62Machine De-
il diags
Metallurgia 67:57-62 F '63
Du Pont's making a bid for the stainless sign 35:138-9 Ja
Automobile design by computer. Engineer 17 '63
market, il Steel 152:25-6 Mr 18 '63
•62 Chassis 216:436-7 S 13 '63
changeoverbusy. H. for F.'65Jones,cars keeps
il Iron auto
Age tool-
Chassis frames tested on unique research
machine. 11 Automotive Ind 127:80-1- N 15 35-6 N 7 '63
Coordination of engineering specification. R.
Making chassis production pay. il diag Au- D. Foord-Kelcey. il Engineering 196:335-6
tomotive Ind 129:106-14 S 1 '63 Current contrasts in automobile design. G.
chassis, passenger-carsuspension and engineering
steering systems. trends: SWilkins.
13 '63 il diag Engineering 194:466 O 12
W. G. Patton. il diags S A E J 71:38-42 Design practices; passenger car automatic
N '63
1963 passenger-car engineering trends: chas- transmissions, diags S A E J 70:35-43 D '62;
sis and suspension systems. W. G. Patton. 71:89-94 Ja '63 suspensions. C. L.. Knighton
il S A E J 70:40-3 N '62 Designing front
and R. J. Marshall, diags S A E J 71:46-60
Designing the Avanti. E. J. Hardig and M. P.
International design review; clutches. R. F. Je '63
deBlumenthal. 11 diag S A B J 71:52-3 Mr '63
Ansdale. diags AtUomobile Eng Extra Development of styling. N. Chapman, il En-
no 53:222-5 My 15 '63 gineering 196:333-4 Ford,
S 13 '63il diags Machine
Jaguar Mark X; development of the power Fanloss front-drive
unit; description of the clutch, gearbox and Design
the '62final drive assembly, il diags Automobile Fiat 1500:35:98-9 a lesson Ja 3 in'63small car design, il
Bng 63:344-53 Ag '63 transmissions diag Engineering 196:234-5 Ag 23 '63
London show review; 11 diags Five-step
members.outline M. Erickson for designing and R. load-carrying
Automobile Eng Extra no 52:466-71 N 26
S A E J 71:95-6
International design Ja review.
'63 11 diags Auto-
Sli clu sto rea sk 11 dia mobile Eng review
Extra noof 53:210-60 My 15C. '63W.
ch ps35:120 r-wF 28
hee '63id. gs International coachwork.
Color l Ward, il diags Automobile Eng 53:274-85
13lue,s more popular. Automotive Ind 129:108 Italian influence. R. Bradshaw. II Engineer-
O 15 '03in motion. A. Garrett, diags Auto- Je '63
Colour Living ingroom
196:336 on S 13wheels,
'63 diags Mech Eng 86:
mobile Eag 62:607-11: 63:19-24 D '62-Ja '63 58-9 Mr -63
AUTOMOBILES — Design — Continued 100 models at Geneva Salon de I'automobile.
Measurement of seal comfort. K. H. Thier. 11
diags Automobile T-
Ap 115:c°ttAr,''., ^'I-*^ Automotive
1 '63 show; Ind 128:49-50-1-
Pointers to the nextEnggeneration 53:64-6 Fof '63
cars; ab- Record New29-30York My auto
sports, experl-
stract. V. G. Kaviolo. Engineering 1S5:573
Ap 26 *63 Ind 128:27-8
?'^''"i^<, My 1 '63popular, il Automotive
Stltt-spined Lotus. 11 Machine Design 34: Salon de I'automobile, du cycle
118 D 20 '62 at du
Streamlining bodies will pay dividends. W. H.
Korrt'. diags S A E J 71:78-9 Mr '63
i>ee also 11 63 ^"^-
°'='- "■ " ^"^'"«^'-
Automobiles — Bodies Fabrics^Oth. Paris. Engineer
Automobiles — Chassis
Doors See Automobile fabrics
Automation speeds auto lock assembly, il Fenders
Steel 152:91 My 6 '63 Stock car replacement fenders now come In
Strength set for door latches. S A E J 71:72
Ja '63 Electric equipment i|'nforced plastics, il Mod Plastics 40:119
Alternating current generators. 11 diag Auto- New frames to aid flexibility; GM plans
mobile Eng 53:89-9U Mr '63 change for '64, Ford to follow in '65. H F.
i:lt):3Dj r /?':„?i°'°'"
■^iff'^.o"?? z2 63 '^ars. 11 diags Engineer Jones, il Iron Age 191:113 Je 13 '63
Getting on the move with ac generators, diags Tomorrow's bodies and frames. R. HunUng-
ton. il Machine Design 35:144-9 Mr 14 '63
How electrical needs Mrare 15changing
Engmeering 195:373 '63
P W Fuel tanks
Maurer. Steel 153:141-2 N 4 '63 Fuel, system cleanliness
International design review; electrical equip- improved by three-
inent and heaters, il diags Automobile Eng
Extra no 53:254-60 My 15 '63 New fuel tank filler cap standard. W. A.
London show review; electrical equipment
and heating, il Automobile Eng Extra Hunter, diags S A E J 70:78-9 O '62
no 52:482-5 N 26 '62 Gearing
Making electrical production pay. il Au-
tomotive Ind 129:119-21 S 1 '63 Case hardening steels for gears in Mercedes
1964 passenger-car engineering trends: elec-
trical systems. W. G. Patton. 11 diags Differential locks and • limiting
S A E J 71:42-3 N '63 8.?'-'?4-T JaTs
Ansdale. S'swart. devices.
il diags Automobi il Metal RProg
1963 passenger-car engineering trends; elec- le Eng 53:2-9 Ja
trical systems. N'W.'62 G. Patton. 11 diag ^
S A Ewhy.
What. J 70:43-5 how of regulators. W C. Ed-
inindson il diags Diesel Equip Supt 41: Finishing Ap^ls
■"^19^-16^ final "^l?^^*^ climbs,Leyland
drive gears; il Ironmotors
36-41-t- Ap 63 ltd. UyourAutomobile
See also Keep engines Eng 52:528-30 D '62
in trim: timing gears
Automobile engines — Ignition devices
Automobiles — Lighting
Electronic equipment ■'^?f'^'T;!?'<=3.1
Hl:Zfp^1S .power|:9'Se
Macmillan. transmission
il Engineering '^''^^^ ^'^^^i
^3"^*^'- 194:627-8
N 9
Peening adds life to gears; steel shot ham-
'*'36°39 g^ft-gjS""^- state devices. Electronics
Ice. warning devices for the motorist. En-
gineering 195:253 F 15 '63
Reducing winter skids with a transistor wam-
36.56-1- Ja 25 63 limine- U diag Electronics
i"c?^i:'i'"'^i""-o^-.^- ^^iA^n%"#A"nl
Automobiles ^llt^fio?iY li^irfs"-
See also — Clutches " ^'^'^
Semiconductors find wide application in auto Automobiles — Steering gear
industry. R. L. Larson. 11 S A E J 70:90-3 Automobiles — Transmission
Transistor ignition for production cars 11 Heating and ventilation
diag Engineering 195:477 Ap 5 '63
Equipment ^"i?II!f''°".a'u''®f'™ review; electrical equip-
^?"'i, products: automotive, aviation. Pub- London show review; electrical equipment
lished in semi-monthly numbers of Auto- gxt"r'a"n"o^ l'l:¥5T-|-0 "M-^v'^fs^ .Automobile
1963 passenger-car engineeri industries ."-ui-o
ng trends; acces- 1964 passenger-car engineering trends: heat-
^"o^z'^iflf^ % Automobile En| ^Extri
46-8^N ^2
also -t^a'ton. U diags S A E J 70:
Oil filters. Automobile Hydraulic equipment
Shock absorbers
Spark plugs
Exhibitions Inertia
iised to improve rideir'^f- " ^'^^
-stabihzed suspension; hydraul ^"'°-
ic power
and stabilize vehicle
Bigger and better racing car show 11 En-
gineering 195:181 P 1 '63 il diags Automobile Eng 53:448-50 O '63
Frankfurt international automobile exhibi- Instrument panels
Geneva 4*^^33 show,
motor '^'"^^'"il diags
533-5, 573-
9-i'i- ^n^npit^l?"']*)-^ conveyors^, for instrument

International ''"'^ '63.-
automobile Entr/eerirg
exhibition. III':
Frank- Ind J27f78-1Vlt''i62''
Lighting ^^ • " ^"t°™°"ve
^llfe^O^o'Sf'^S™''"' panels, il Product Eng
T o.i"'; ^k
Latest <^'a^ Product
Cpmmmiist trucksEng at 34:92 O 14 '63
Leipzig How electrical needs are changing
fair! P w
D^ Scott, il Automotive Ind 128:74-5 Ad 15 Maurer. transisto
Steel. 153:141-2 N . 4 '63
iaillight r protector N. Kramer. '
^°5'3'??2'6-37°o'''6?'°^" " "^'^^^ Automobile Eng
London Lubrication -D-'amcr.
show review, il diags Automobile diags Audio 46:48 S '62
Eng Extra no 52:452-92 N 26 '62 Abrasive finishing improves car lubrication
?t?Z„^P°'"i^ '=a''?, among exhibits at London
N 15 '6' ^' AutomoUve Ind 127:64-7 S 1^"63 ^ach/Metalworking Manuf 107:123

il diag #Engineering
?•' the Frankfurt
196:362-3 motor show
S 20 '63
^r^ wifvS"*^ ■,"®S' models
G.^ Wilkins. il Engineering for Paris salon. '^tzt w,ir5i\\%5'''ki'^-%r" ^^^t^'"- Auto-
Maintenance and repair

194:498-9 O 19
■^6r?77?8 Je^r'er''^''' '^^"'^'■s- Oil & Gas J
''Wlfi:l-ko'^tiz'^°''- " "'^^^ Englneer-
AUTOMOBILES — Continued Steel sandwich tests: floors are stronger,
Manufacture lighter, cheaper. J. Dunne and C. B. Camp-
bell. Automotive Ind 129:47-1- Jl 15 '63
Adhesive bonded autos. Mech Enc 85:58-9 Tips on magnesium diecasting. Steel 152:91-2
Body enRineerine from Model T to T-Blrd. Use of tin in cars expected to rise; Detroit
K. L. l^ogue. il diass S A E J 71;4S-51 My took
My 2014'63 million lb last year. J. B. Long.
Automotive Ind 128:22 Ja 1 '63
Electronics in the production of the Imp. 11 Plastics
Ind Electronics
Engineering details:1:471-3 Je '63 with
illustrations . , ^text., Auto parts boom; plastics tailored to fit the
GM Engineer
adopts sprayed 215:541 Mr 22 '63
vinyl coatings on some job. 11 Plastics World 21:20-1 My '03
Autos in 1963; plastics' biggest year, il Mod
interiors. 11 Steel 151:70 O 29 ;62 Plasticsto 40:82-8-1- N '62 Studebaker to make
How unitized bodies are made at AMC s Mil- Avanti boost output;
waukee plant. J. Geschelin. 11 Automotive own fiberglass bodies. J. Dunne and C. B.
Ind 128:35-7 F 1 to'63 , .,production,
^ ^. Campbell.
Research applied automobile il Design tips Automotive
for reinforced Ind 127:37-8
plastics N parts.
15 '62
Ensineering 194:670-1 N 23 '62 L. L. Palmer. 11 Materials in Design Eng
Shorting-arc process improves Volvo quality.
il Welding Eng 48:102 Ap '63 auto front-end 56:122-3
Fiber glassO in'62the automotive industry. D. W.
Tight dimensions save steps; Lyon. 11 Glass
parts are assembled to chassis directly. 11 Laminated hardtop;Ind convertible
44:326-84- Jelift-off
'63 lid
Iron Age 190:174-5 S 13 fasteners.
'62 weighs only SO pounds, resists scratches. 11
Tooling up for automotive D. B.
Dallas. 11 diags Tool & Manuf Eng 50:67-71 Plastics World
Materials and processes 20:27 O '62used in Fiat cars.

Ja 63'63 transfer weld line at Flat Miranori
Unique C.■ F. Bona,6il3 Metal Prog 83:66-734- Ja
„ „
plant. D. Scott, il Automotive Ind 128:60- New plastics applications overseas. H. P.
1-1- F 15 '63 DeHaan and G. N. Freund. il Automotive
Volkswagen story, il Metal Prog 83:80-5 Ja Ind 129:45-7
S a Oleform modifiedJl 1;polypropylene,
63-4 Ag 15 '63 new auto-
Aut ee lso ass pla 90-1 Ap motive '63
plastic. R. F. Jones. S A E J 71:
, , , ,j J
Autoomobi e emb — Mannts 100 Avanti body parts produced from molded
Aut mob le facntginelsy ufa fiber glass. R. a. Morrison, il S A E J 71;
Automobiile partori—es Man ctu
omo le s u re 66-7 O '63
Painting Avanti bodies made of fiber glass.
bil Materials f act
e ure J. T. Kanne. il Ind Finishing 39:24-64- S
Aluminum gains in '63 cars. H. F. Jones, il Painting molded plastic parts. H. Chase, il
AreIronaluminum Age 190:75autos D 20 next?'62 H. F. Jones. 11 Ind Finishing 39:34 on Ap auto'63 markets. Chem
Phenoxies set sights
Automotive Age 191:65
use F of '63
14 aluminum expands. & Eng N 41:25 My 27
Plastics in the automotive industries (cont). '63
Foundry 91:153
Automotive uses Ja of '63
ferrous metals. J. Dunne. N.
F 1;M. 129:61-4
Lloyd. 11Jl Automotive 15 '63 Ind , ^.128:38-424-
il Automotive
Chemicals and theInd auto 128:47-1-
industry,Ja 1 il'63Chem & Plastics vie with steel for car bodies. Chem
Eng N 40:114-20-1-
Chevrolet plans to Ouse22 '62 more nodular iron. & Eng will
Plastics N 41:37 makeF gains 18 '63 m 1964 model cars,
Steel 152:169 il Chem & Eng N 41:28-31 Ag 19 '63
Corrosion study Mrcarries IS '63 probable conclusions. Polypropylene in the Vauxhall Viva, il Auto-
Steel 152:76 mobile Eng 53:451 O '63 ,^,
Fastener drills,Ja taps 14 '63and secures auto parts Reinforced tics 35:516plastics
O '62 at^ Jaguar's, , . ^ il^ Bnt ^, Plas-
on assembly line. A. W. Steinborn. il diag
Reinforced plastics for high production. M.
FordIron panel Age cites 192:76-7presentN material
7 '63 needs. Steel W. Riley, il diags Materials in Design Eng
Foreign Jl 22 '63
cars hike stainless usage. II „Steel . 56:118-21in Ostructural
Trends '62 applications for rein-
forced plastics, F. L. Siegrist. il Metal Prog
152:165 experience
French F 11 '63 with continuously cast 83:97-94-
Urethane Ap
foamfloors. '63
in steel panelsModimproves
steels for automotive parts. M. Misson tion wagon 11 diags Plastics sta- 40;
and J. Pomey. il diag Metal Prog 84:123-5-t-
Guide '6 to automotive 3 fasteners. J. Geschelin, „ , Use104 ofJe plastics
'63 greater in European cars.
il diags Automotive Ind 129:78-804- O 15; Materials in Design Eng 58:145-6 O '63
68-70 N 15 '63 (to be cont) Use of plastics soars in '63 models; American
Hardenable cast iron tappets. 11 Automobile society nical of convention,
body engineers Detroit. 17th annual tech-
Automotive Ind
Eng 53:333-5 JI '63
Hydroform improves deep draw. R. H. Eshel- 127:514-engineers
^Vhat N 15 '62 should know about acetal
man. 11 Iron Age 191:58-9 Ja 24 '63 resins. J. D. Young, il Metal Prog 84:162-6
In per '63. carmoreis estimate.aluminum Light in autos:Metal 70Age pounds 20:17
D '62 O '63
New models
Materials and processes used in Fiat cars. iSee Automobile industry and trade — New
C. F. Bona. 11 Metal Prog 83:66-73-f Ja '63 models
Materials battle rages on as '64 designs take Noise
shape.'63 Steel 152:87-8 Ja 28 '63 Instrumentation and techniques for noise and
Materials in 1964 Chrysler cars. Automotive vibration control. D. J. Bonvallet. il Sound
Ind 129:70-1 S 15 '63
Materials in '63 cars. J. Dunne and C. B. 1:26-30
New N '62 simplifies axle noise evalua-
'63 Automotive Ind 128:19-20 Ja 1 tion. C. G. Dibert and W. M. Fairhurst.
Mate sele In the au o ind diag S A E J 71:68-9 Jl '63
stainless steel, ctio aluminum
n and tcopper ualloys:
str Transmission
adsorption. squawk W. P. traced
Doyleto and
panel s discussion. Metal Prog 84:152-61 y; O
S A E J 71:80-1 N '63
Meta in '63 mode N L 11 Aut Painting and finishing
ls ti 1 ls J . 1 'l63oyd. omo Acrylic lacquers in automotive finishing. H. F.
New matve Ind 28:2c9-o3m . a bein stud -by
Reves. il Metal Finishing 60:50-3 N '62
eri 2bina g i e d
steelmaker.l Steel 151:145-6
t i N 5 '62 Conveyors speed up p.xinting of Rolls-Royce
New type friction material ons utilized In Ford car bodies. II Engineeringfrom195:48 Ja 11 air
automatic tran.smissions. 11 Automotive Ind Effect of contamination laboratory
129:53 Ag 1 '63 on the motive
trim. C. A.of Barlow
paint toandanodized auto-
J. P, Walsh,
1964 ' pas.senger-car engineering trends: ma-
63 terials engineering. W. G. Patton. S A E J
71:48-9 N '63 il Plating 50:827-8
Electrostatic sprayingS '63by the S.A.M.E.S.
Nordel In automotive applications. P. A. company of France. 11 Automobile Eng 53:
Peffer. Jr. Automotive Ind 128:78-9 My 15
Ford process
2S9 Je '63 may bypass use of galvanized
Powd m a boos a sheets; electrocoating may be utilized in
er tive etallur R. dPv.ancKeose t 11 S utAomEo J
- Ford's 'Wixom, Mich,, plant, il Steel 153:
71:39-41 apFplic'63 gy
ation ng. 26-7 JI 8 '63
AUTOMOBIUES— Painting and finishing — Cont. Car buyers push coolers, buckets, belts for
Full dip paints the Mercedes. J. K. Miklon. •64. Steel 153:81-2 Jl 15 '63
11 Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:54-5 Children's mended
seatin newbelt SAEdesignJS42. practices
S A E recom-
J 71:
Ap 29 '63 of acrj-lic enamels
Introduction In automo- 29-30 Ag '63
tive finishing. H. F. Reves. il Metal Finish- Ethical code for seat belt marketing. Safety
ine 61:8S-91 Je 'GS Maint
How safe125:22-3
are yourMr seat '63 belts? il Safety Maint
Metallic finishes. K. Schreiber. Ind Finishing
39:66-1- Mr '63 324:21-24-
Police vote yesD '62to seat belts, il Safety Maint
New Mercedes- Benz paint spray plant, il
Paint die castings 196:264 As 30 '63 after cleaning
immediately 125:29 belt
Safety F '63 that reacts to car motions. 11
for good adherence properties: abstract. Engmeering 195:801 Je 14 '63
W. H. Safranek and H. R. Miller. S A E J Seat belt law upswing. Safety Maint 125:14
71:98-9 Jly '63
Painting Avanti bodies made of fiber glass. Seat belt push by American trucking associa-
Je '63
J. T. Kanne. il Ind Finislung 39:24-6-1- S tion. Safety Maint 126:204- Ag '63
Seat belts standard on '64 auto models. Steel
Pai For cars in New Jer plan H.
n d s Seat153:120 S 9 '63 G. Grime,
harness diags Automobile
tin 11 Induse Finishing
g primer minimizes 39:40-24-
automobile D t. body
corrosion: abstract. R. I. Peters. S A E J Eng subcommittee
SAE 53:12-18 Ja '63studies need for dynamic
71:102-3is4- Je testing of seat belts, diag S A E J 71:115-16
What '63
Corrodkote? ,N. „
Gaynes. Ind Mv 63
Standard for safety, il Mag of Stand 34:12-13
Finishing 39:96-7 Ap '63
Parking They
Ja '63 tied in safety with seat belts, il Safety
See Automobile parking Maint 126:6-7 Jl '63
Patents Seats
Current patents, diags Automobile Eng 53: Car buyers push coolers, buckets, belts for
Sl-2. 123-4. 165-6. 207-8, 341-2, 3S3-4, 424. ,,'64. Steel 153:81-2
Measurement of seatJl comfort.
15 '63 R. H. Thler.
464 F-My. Jl-O '63 il diags Automobile Eng car 53:64-6
Performance Microwaves cure urethane seats.F 11'63Chera
Big perfonnance push. 11 diag Machine & Eng N 41:504- Ap 29 '63
Design 35:136-9 Mr 28 '63 586-7 ""F^'lif
■^'ffV', Ap 26 "t63 webbing, il Engineering 195:
Polishing and waxing Seat comfort improved by special measuring
Temporary wax coatings to protect car finish fc> lo
S^Yl'=9u„ 63 il diags Automotive Ind 129:72-3
require special formulation. P. B. Evans vvhere automotive engineers sit with ure-
and D. C. Gleason. S A E J 71:1324- Jl '63 thane foam. W. B. Kelley. S A E J 71:63
Propeller shafts
Wire plays
cushion construction. prominent role in automotive
DAF 750 and Daffodil; propeller shaft, power- J. Rzezutko. il Wire
divider. Variomatic automatic transmission & See WirealsoProd 38:209-104- F '63
and secondary reduction gearing, il diags
Automobile fabrics
International Eng 52:494-500
design D '62
review; propeller shafts
and final drives. R. F. Ansdale. il diags Shock absorbers
Automobile Eng Extra no 53:233-5 My 15 See Shock absorbers
Jaguar Mark X; development of the power
unit; description of the clutch, gearbox and Butyl ingrubbers
the final drive assembly, il diags Automobile 196:5 Jl 5 and
63 skid resistance. Engineer-
Eng 53:344-53 Ag '63 Device to limit the slip and get a grip: Powr-
Radiators „ Ir^ff; d behaviour
Skidding Engineering of 195:640
motor Myvehicles.
10 '63 G.
See Automobile engines — Radiators Jones, bibliog Engineer 214:1024-5 D 14 '62
Radio equipment btopping without skidding: Lockheeds' Antl-
12 63device,
'ok il diags Engineering 195:504 Ap
See Radio receiving apparatus — Installa-
tion on automobiles; Radio telephone on
automobiles ^o^d"4^I®,<,!?^® "^^'■' ^"P- Engineering 194:
Riding qualities Where tyre meets road in wet conditions.
There are plenty of differences among ride Engineering 195:829 Je 21 '63
improvement researchers; but there is some Small size
common ground too. B. D. Van Deusen and Advanced methods turn out Tovo Kogvo com-
See alsoS A E J 71:68-71 Je '63 pacts R. E. Green, il diag Mach "69:85-94
Automobiles — Springs and suspension AMC's Abernethy; compact trend is just
Automobiles — Vibration starting.
Automatic Steel 153:75-6 S 30 '63
transmissio n symposium. 2d;
Roofs stracts of papers. Engineer 216:101 Jl ab-19
Style conscious buyers accelerate softtop 63
sales, il Steel 152:113-14 Ap 15 '63 Consul Cortina grows up. and up il diags
Dutch 195:152-3 Ja 25 '63
Safety measures compact uses V-belt drive, il diags
Automobile racing: physical requirements and Machine Design
Excellence of the Porsche 35:138-9 Mv 23 '63
safety factors. T. A. Hanna. Archives En- Super 75. 11 Engi-
neering 194:569 N 2 '62
Darkness at vironmental noon,Healthil7:286-8 S '63 Eng 34:68-9
Product Fiat 1500: a lesson in small car design il
Ag 5 '63
Dunlop braking stabilizer, diags Automobile _,.<Jiae-
Fiat 600D.Fngineering il Engineering 196:234-5 194:769
As 23D '63
14 '62
Eng 53::'118-20 Jl '63 ^'J'"r?,''i!3
Foam padded cells. Plastics World 21:16-17 152:93-4 carmakers
Je 3 '63 in style trap. II Steel
My '63sled simulates real auto crashes. 11
Machine Design 35:12 Mr 28 '63 ^"9--'678^M'"l'7"'fil
Hillman Imp. P. L.^P'*"''^
Church,*■ " il Engineering
diag Mod
1964 passenger-car engineering trends: safety
engineering. W. G. Patton. il S A E J Metals 19:344- Je '63
71:49-50 instrument
N '63 Hillman Imp has rear-mounted aluminum
Padded panels, il Product Eng
34:60 O
Pneumatic ram28 '63 creates stationary crashes, il '' ^'^^ Automotive Ind
l?f.'47^-T Impi 'fi?""'
Hillman is Rootes' new baby, il diags
diag Machine
Reducing winter Design skids 35:206-7
with My 9 '63
a transistor Engineering 195:612-13 My 3 '63
warning circuit. J. A. Irvine, il diag Elec- New one-litre car: Vauxhall Viva, il Engi-
tronics 36:564- Ja 25 '63 neer 216:497-9 S 27 '63
See also New Plant for a new car; at Opel, new
Motor vehicles — Inspection dimension in automation. J R. Mikton il
Seat belts Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf 106:75-9' N
Automatic safety belt, diags Mech Eng 85: 1964
26 compacts
'62 restyled. J. Dunne and C B.
66-7 O '63 Campbell. Automotive Ind 128:21-3 Je 1 '63
AUTOMOBILES— Small size — Continued American Motors shifts towards sporty look;
Kooles siai'l makins the Imp at l-.inwooa. 11 twin-stick is new look in manual trans-
EnKincenns ia5;GH iiy 3 '63 , ., „ , N 29 62 missions. H. F. Jones, il iron Age 190:113
neerins4; 1D4:4DS)
a smallO lasports
62 triumph, il B3ngi- Fluorescent magnetic particle inspection as-
sures quality of Chrysler steering knuckles.
Specifications E. Brown, il Mach review;
D '62 and
Foreign passenger cars specifications, 1963; International design
steering, il diags Automobile Eng Extra
tables. Automotive
HiehliKhts of the 1963Ind cars.
H. M. Mjt Nelson.
16 '63
no 63:235-48
Jaguar Mark My X: 15a '63
design analysis of the
diass passenger
U.S. Automotivecars Indspecifications;
128:53-65 Ja tables.
1 '63 rear suspension and front suspension, de-
Automotive Ind 128:lU4-23 Mr 15 '63 tails of the power-assisted steering sys-
tem. 11 diags Automobile Eng 53:398-405 S
Automakers speed Speed testing. H. F. Jones, il London show review; front suspension and
Iron Agefor turnpike192:41 N speeds;
7 '63 five 1964 Comets steering, il diags Automobile iing Extra
Building no 62:475-8 N 26 '62
establish 66 new speed and endurance 1964 passenger-car engineering trends;
records at Daytona Beach. H. F. Jones. chassis, suspension and steering systems.
11 Iron inAKethe 192:67 O 17 '63 of vehicular W. G. Patton. il diags S A E J 71:38-42
■63 measurement N '63
speeds. E. W. Hemingway. Engineering Power-steering in a small package; Sheppard
196:38-9 Jl 12 63 system for heavy on- and off-highway
Speed controller uses manifold pressvu-e feed- equipment, il diag Diesel Equip Supt 41;
back. 11 diag Machine Design 35:11S-19 F 28 Rover research and development. Automobile
See also 33
EngAp 53:10-11
'63 Ja 63
Automobile racing Understeer and oversteer. J. R. Ellis, diags
Springs and suspension Automobile Eng 63:178-82 My '63
Air-sprung Mercedes, il diags Machine De-
sign 35:138-9 Ja 17 suspension
'63 Automakers speed testing. H. F. Jones, il
Armstrong Selectaride dampers, il Iron Age 192:41 N 7 '63
DAF 750 Automobile
and Daffodil; Eng description
52:512-14 of
D the
'62 rear Crashing cars pneumatically at the Ex-
perimental engineering dept. of General
and front suspension systems, steering gear, Motors proving grounds, il Comp Air Mag
brakes, electrical equipment and body struc-
ture, il diags Automobile Eng 53:26-32 Ja Electronic
68:22 Je '63car performance tester, il Ind
Design with air springs. J. E. Gieck. il diags Electronics
Fiat vehicle crash 1:424 Mysimulator, '63 il Automobile
Product Ens
Designing front33:63-74 N 26 '62C. L. Knighton
suspensions. Eng backtracks
Ford 53:320-1 Jl for '63 ideas. H. F. Jones, il
and R. J. Marshall, diags S A E J 71:
46-50 Je '63 Iron mobile
Ford Age 191:67 fuelMrlaboratory 28 '63 makes possible
Inertia-stabilized suspension; hydraulic power testing where weather suits. E. J. Richards
used to improve ride and stabilize vehicle, and toJ. measure
L. King, where il S AtheE power
J 71:96-7
il diags Automobile
International Eng 53:448-50
design review; suspensionO and
'63 How goes;N ab-
stract. J. F. White and H. L. Prescott.
steering, il diags Automobile Eng Extra
Lowdiag frequency
S A E J 70:91 vibration N '62 test rig. il diag
no '6353:235-48
Jaguar Mark X: My a 15 design
'63 analysis of the
rear suspension and front suspension, de- Automobile Eng 53:176-7 My '63
tails of the power-assisted steering sys- New
new crash
recommended test aids practice vehicle ondesign;
tem. 11 diags Automobile Eng 53:398-405 S lision tests. P.■62 C. Skeels. il S A E J 71:75
London '62 show review; front suspension and New impact machine simulates crash con-
steering. 11 diags Automobile Eng Extra Ap '63 ditions in reverse; abstract. W. G. Cichow-
London show Nreview;
no 52:475-8 26 '62 rear suspension, il diag ski. 11 diag S A E J 71:102 Je '63
New inertia-loading system for chassis dy-
Automobile Eng Extra no 52:472-5 N 26 namometers. D. E. Rossman and W. A.
Mazda rides on rubber torsion springs, il Steele, jr. diags Automotive Ind 128:52-f
diag Machine Design 35:158 Mr 14 '63 New
Ja 1lab
'63 method speeds car shake analysis;
1964 passenger-car engineering trends: abstract. R. W. Plume and W. C. Mclntyre.
chassis, suspension and steering systems.
W. G. Patton. il diags S A E J 71:38-42 diag Shop;
Wheel A E study J 70:92-3 in Nsimulation
'62 techniques.
N '63 J. R. Ellis and N. A. H. Goldwyn. il diags
1963 passenger-car engineering trends; chas- Automobile Eng 53:106-8 Mr '63
sis and suspension systems. W. G. Patton.
Three wheel cars
il S A E J 70:40-3 N '62
Rear suspension isolation. C. M. Scholfleld. Bell plus sheaves for stepless shifting; illus-
diags S A E J 71:68-9 Ap '63 trations with text.
'63 Product Eng 33:51 D 24
Rover lesearch and development. Automobile
Eng 53:10-11 Ja '63 Bond 250G
N 23 62 3- wheeler, il Engineering 194:669
See also Reliant 3-wheeler with ohv engine; Regal 3/25.
Automobiles — Vibration
Shock absorbers il Engineering 194:601 N 9 '62
Stability They've
Arizona; put meter readers
three-wheel on 11wheels
trucksters. Gas Agein
Analog model helps lower wind disturbances
on cars. R. T. Bundorf and others, il diags 130:34 Ae ''63
S A E J 71:36-40 O 63 63 Transmission
Small differences in tire properties; large Aneroid and
differences in vehicle handling. D. L,. Nor- missionvariable
performance. vanes
11 diagimpi'ove
deen and A. D. Cortese. diags S A E J 71; sign 35:168-9 O 10 '63
83-90 JI '63 Auto men eye
■Vehicle accelerations. G. Francia. diags Au- Cleveland plantrebuilt parts
reworks line; Chevy's
automatic trans-
tomobile Eng 53:361-7 Ag '63 mis ions, il Iron Age 192:33 Ag 8 '63
What makes a good handling car? abstract. Automatic
l<2 transmission symposium. 2d; ab-
P. C. Bow-ser and S. C. Richey. diags S A E stracts of papers. Engineer 216:101 Jl 19
J 71:98-9 Jl '63 Belt plus sheaves for stepless shifting; illus-
trations with text. Product Eng 33:51 D 24
Plastic brush holder replaces 35 parts In
starter motor, il Automotive Ind 128:80
BIrfield ansjular contact constant velocity
My 15 wear
Startup '63 in engines. M. L. Kalinowskl joint. 11 diags Engineering 195:550-1 Ap 19
and R. A. Nejdl. diag Automotive Ind 128; prod II
64-6-1- F 15 'eS Bor tran
g-W Automobile smiEng u
Steering gear diagsarn
e ssio 52:314-20; cti53:196-203
Ag '62.r My '63 n
Allowable stress diagrams can help designers Chevrolet's program for power plant Inter-
solve automotive strength problems. F. R changeablllty. J. Oeshelin. Automotive Ind
Holllday. diags S A E J 71:70-4 Ap '63
AUTOMOBILES — Transmission — Continued To fight corrosion, spread it thin, il Am
automatic plate transmissions.
surfaces in controlled- coupling
M. L. Haviland. Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:80 Jl 8 '63
^ee also Upholstery
S A E J 70:58-61 D '62
DAP 750 and Daffodil; propeller shaft, power- Automobile fabrics
divider. Variomatic automatic transmission
and secondary reduction gearing, il diags Vibration
Dauphine 52:494-500 il D diags'62 Machine Armstrong Selectaride suspension dampers.
Design 34:142-3 N S '62 Carii diags
tyre and Automobile Eng 52:512-14
body vibrations. A. ChiesaD '62and
De Normanville pre-gearbox overdrives. 11
diags Automobile Eng 53:58-60carF automatic
'63 L. Oberto. bibliog Automobile Eng 52:501-6
D '62
Design practices: passenger
traiismissions. diags S A E J 70:35-43 D '62; Girling viscous shear damper, il diag Auto-
71:89-94 Ja '63 mobile Eng 53:134-5help Ap engineers
Four-on-fioor popular. J. Dunne and C. B. Grading machines control
Campbell, il Automcrtive Ind 129:35-6 Ag 15 tire non-uniformity effects on car vibration.
Hillman Imp transmission, il diag Auto- J. Bajer. ii S and
Instrumentation A Etechmques
J 71:80-2 forJe noise
'63 and
vibration control. D. J. Bonvaliet. il Sound
Innovationsmobile in Eng 53:290-6
transfer Jemaciiining
'63 of trans-
mission housings. R. Brehm. il Mach 70: Low1:26-30 N '62
frequency vibration test rig. il diag
139-41 S '63 design review; transmissions.
International Automobileworkers
Research Eng invent
53:176-7 a Mynew '63damper. 11
R. F. Ansdale. il diags Automobile Eng
Extra Mark no 53:225-33 My 15 '63 of the power diags research
Rover Engineering and 195:599-600
development. Ap Automobile
26 '63
Jaguar X; development
unit: description of the clutch, gearbox and Eng 53:10-11 Ja Wheels '63
tlie final drive assembly, il diags Automo-
Makingbile power
Eng 53:344-53 trainAgproduction
'63 pay. il diag Device to limit the slip and get a grip; Powr-
'62 Lok. il Engineering
Turbine-powered 195:640 Mech
auto wheels. My 10 Eng
'63 85;
Mechanical powerInd 129:91-105
transmission S 1 '63
research. R.
H. Macmillan. il Engineering 194:627-8 N 9 "Wlteel hop;
Ellis study
56 OR. '63
J. and N. inA.simulation
H. Goldwyn. techniques.
il diags
Multimotion cart, the story of Omni-Drive. Automobile Eng 53:106-8 Mr '63
New11 diagsBuick Mech Eng 85:60-1
super-turbine drive,Ap J,'63Geschelin.
il diags Automotive
New transfer machine will use gun boring Ind 129:62-4 S 15 for '63 Automatic window actuator. D. V. Tinder
valve body; Ford motor co. il Automotive and W. R. Carey, il Materials in Design
New Ind type128:74-5friction My 15material
'63 utilized in Ford Eng 57:113 Windshield
My '63 wloera
automatic transmissions. U Automotive Ind
Product Engineering fourth annual master
1964 Ag 1 '63
passenger-car engineering design awards; airfoil windshield wiper, il
missions and drivelines. W. trends:
G. Patton. trans-il
diaga Product Eng 34:90 My 13 '63
S A E J 71:36-8 N '63 Windshields
1963 passenger-car engineering
missions and drivelines. W. trends;
G. Patton. trans-il
How Chrysler evaluates windshield surfaces.
S A E J 70:39-40 N '62 L. W. Parr,
Renault's Toughened glassdiags
versusS A laminated
E J 71:42-6for Jlwind-
changes automatic
without loss transmission
of power.assures gear
D. Scott, screens. Engineering 194:601 N 9 '62
diags Automotive Ind 128:28 F 1 '63 AUTOMOBILES. '63 Experimental
Transmission squawk traced to clutch-plate Chrysler's turbine car. il diags Machine De-
adsorption. "W. P. Doyle and others. sign 33:124-7 Je 6 '63
S A E J 71:80-1 N '63 Rover's newest sincegas turbine car reflects
"Westinghouse automatic transmission produc- development first turbine car steady
tion, il plans diag Automobile Eng 53:112-20 in 1958. N. Penny, ii diag S A E J 71;63-8
Mr '63
What to seek in formulating automatic trans- AUTOMOBILES. Industrial
mission fluids; abstract. D. Borden and Mr '63
You can cut costs of your auto fleet. A. J.
ZF others.
automatic S A E Jtransmission71:84 Mr '63 developed by Schoen.
Rubber World
148:60-3 Je '63
Zahnradfabrik Friedrichshafen AG. O.
Schwab, il diags Automobile Eng 53:262-7 Bigger and better racing car show, il Engi-
JeSee'63 also B.R.M. GRAND neering 195:181Prix
F 1 car.
'63 il diags Automobile
Automobiles — Gearing CastEng magnesium
53:54-7 F wheels '63 lighten racing car.
Transportation il Materials in Design Eng 57:1584- F
Bi/tri-level racks aid railroads, il 'Welding Com com B-t Jagu il
Eng mixes
Ford 48:42-3tractors
Ag '63 with cars; new system pet
Engineering pet
19.=;:741 31 yp'63
e ar,
Developing iti Mv
speeds delivery to farm markets. H. F. vo the '63 BRM on car for GP racing, il
Jones, Iron Age 192:67 Jldeluxe,
11 '63 il Marine Engineering 196:105 Jl 26 '63
Johann car carrier 800 left-hand turns, il Machine Design 35;
Eng/Log 68:67 12S-34backtracks
Ford My 23 '63for ideas. H. F. Jones, il
Piggybacking andAgits'63influence on toll facility
commercial traffic. E. W. Davis. Traffic Q Iron will
Ford Age return191:67 toMr the28 500. '63 il Steel 153:94
Ship puts Hawaii O '63 on wheels: saves $1,300,000
per vear in shipping costs; Hawaiian Motor- Ford's racing engines. Automotive
Jl 8 '63 Ind 129;
ist, il Marine Eng/Log 68:36A-36B Mr '63 122-1-fire
From Jl pump
15 '63 to Grand Prix racer; Coventry
Trim Climax,
Aluminum trim resists corrosion; abstract. Gas turbineil 'success
3 at Le 194:801 D
Mans, il 21 '62
W. C. ■Weltman. jr. il S A E J 71:109 215:1126 Je 21 '63
Je '63 of chromium plating of automotive How's
R. C. and why'sil in
Lunn. design of Ford's Mustang.
Evolution '63 diags S A E J 71:57-60 My
hardware. C. Melekian and others, il diag
Le Man Rove BRM ii Eng 195;
Metal Prog S4:167-70-f O '63 s r . ine
How to improve corrosion resistance of ex-
terior trim. G. F. Bush. S A E J 71:58-9 801 Jo 14 sparks
Lotus-Ford '63 engine gains. H.rinP.g Jones.
F '63
Jones & Laughlin tosses hat in trim ring. 1962il Iron
has Age
seen 192:65
BRM Jland 4 '63
Lotus blossom. B.
H. F. Jones, iltest IronforAgestainless
191:85 Ap Lister, il Engineering 194:833 D 28 '62
New corrosion auto18 trim.
'63 Preview of the 1963 Indianapolis 500. R. R.
R. M. Fowler and C. R. Bishop, il Metal Kay. il Automotive Ind 128:37-40 My 1 '63
84:88-90 S '63 Racing car show, il Engineer 215:230-1 F 1
New on corrosion of automobile trim.
Materials in Design Eng 57:141-2 Ap '63 Rec pace for reco purs R. R. Kay
o .
Three steps to arrest body and molding cor- iird Iron Age 191:66 rdMy 16 e?'63
rosion; abstract. J. B. Hill and others, Rover-B.R.M. Automobile Eng 53;326-7 Jl
diags S A E J 71:34-5 Jl '63
AUTOMOBILES, Toy ., „ . Assessing helicopter safety with respect to
L.esnev Matchbox diecast toys. 11 Engineering component fatigue. A. D. Hall, diags Air-
194:718-20 N 30 '62 Assessmentcraft Eng of35:97-9
explosionAp '63 hazards in from
AUTOMOTIVE chemicals trical equipment on aircraft the elec-
Ad\'ances in aerosol automotive chemical of elementary probability theory. A. H.
specialties. J. K. Shea. Soap & Chem Spec
39:97+ Mr '63 . , , Mitchell.
Limits of Inst E E Proc
seat-belt 1U9 pt A:647-9
protection D '62
during crash
Marketing automotive specialties. „M. . ^, Fire- decelerations. G. M. Bruggink and D. J.
Raw materials stone. Soap &for Chem Spec 39:101+
surfactants Jl '63
and automotive Schneider,
chemicals P. W. Shervv-ood. 11 Ind & Eng Oxygen partial bibiiog pressureInd warning
Med 32:33-7 Ja '63
L. Greenspan, ii diags J Res Nat Bur
Chem trends
Recent 55:33-G inApautomotive'63 chemical special- Stand 67C:47-63 Ja '63 J. E. Gabb. Ind Med
ties M. Kramer. Soap cfe Chem Spec 39: Protection of the head.
90+ Mr ■«3 Diesel See also
32:76-8 F '63
AUTOMOTIVE engines. See Diesel Airplanes — Ice protection
entrines. Automotive Airplanes. Military — Ejection devices
AUTOMOTIVE engineers. Society of. See So- Airports — Tralflc control
ciety of automotive engineers Airways — Trattlc control
AUTOIvioTIVE fuel Aviation — Collisions
IJrakes. Airplane
Liiciucfled petroleum eas in Benelux. 11 En- Parachutes
See also 215:289 F 8 '63 AVIATION fuel. See Airplane engines — Fuel
Airplane engines — Fuel AVIATION landing stations
Gasoline See
Airports also
AUTOMOTIVE gas turbines. See Gas turbines.
Automotive Landing mats
AUTOMOTIVE Industries Automated line produces one Mig-welded
landing mat a minute, il Welding Eng 47:
Directory of manufacturers of complete motor AVIATORS.
6S+ N '62 Military. See Air pilots. Military
vehicles, tractors, construction and oft-iiiRh- AWARDS. See Rewards, prizes, etc.
way equipment, all types of gasoline and AWNING fabrics
Diesel engines, and gas turbine engines.
Everlasting canopies; acrylic outdoor fabric
Automotive Ind 128:57-9 Mr IB '63
Japan Sunbrella. 11 Textile
AXLES Ind 126:137-9 N '62
Japan's See also
things honorable
moving. A. Maverick:
Ashburn. Honda keeps
11 Am Mach/ Bearings
Automobiles — Axles
Oriental Maverick Manuf
shows 106:103-5 D 10 '62
heels to competi- Motor trucks — Axles
tors: Honda motor co. Steel 152:50-2 Ja A'VRSHIRE
1963 model collieries mining number. corporation
11 map plan diags
28 '62
AUTORADIOGRAPHY. See Radiography Coal
AZASTEROIDS. Age 68:67-158 O '63
See Steroids
AUTOTRANSFORMERS. See Electric trans-
formers— Autotransformers AZEOTROPES
AUTOXIDATION. See Oxidation— Autoxldatlon Azeotropic separation. D. F. Othmer. bib-
AVIATION iiog flow sheet il Chem Eng Prog 59:67-78
See also
Air navigation Calculating
JH '6:; vapor composition of a partially
Airlines soluble, binary system. L. C. Tao. Ind &
Airplanes Eng of Chemazeotrope Fundamentals
Airplanes — Take-off Effect formation 2:159-60
among Myhydro-
Airports , , , _, carbons. W. L,. Nelson, bibiiog Oil & Gas J
Aviation society
and spaceof division
mechanical engineers- 60:133 S 10 '62
Radio aids to aviation A2EP1N0NE
Dihydroazepinone chemistry: mechanistic
Seaplanes considerations of the formation and acid
Television apparatus on aircraft hydrolysis
Accidents ones. L. A.of Paquette. the l,3-dihydro-2H-azepin-2-
bibiiog Am Chem
Endoscope for accident section of RAE. 11 Soc J 85:3288-92 O 20 '63
diag Engineering
Inspection 196:16311 diag
by endoscope. Ag Aircraft
9 '63 Eng Automatic potentiometric reaction rate meth-
od for cystine using the azide-iodine reac-
35:238 Ag
Science and '63technology In law enforcement. tion. H. L.. Pardue and S. Shepherd. Anal
J. E. Hoover, il Anal Chem 34:sup23A-32A Chem 35:21-4
Electronic structures Ja '63 and spectra of the azide
N See
'62 also ion and alkyl azides. W. D. Closson and
Aviation — Collisions H. B. Gray, bibiiog diags Am Chem Soc
Altitude flying J 85:290-4 F 6 '63
High-altitude pressure suit. 11 Aircraft Eng See also
High D '62 research glider. 11 diags En- AZIMUTH indication
Photoprammetric determination of azimuths.
Influence gineer
of 216:284-5 Ag 16 '63 to high altitude
acclimatization M. S. Tavenner and P. B. Swensen. Am Soc
on the phv.sioloeical response to stress. C E Proc 89 [SU 3 no 36641:7-16 O '63
K. B. Klein and others. Ind Med 32:79- Solar-altitude azimuth. P. Hartman. bib-
80 F '63 Collisions iiog diags Am Soc C E Proc 89 [SU 1
Airborne anticollision devices, diags S A E J no 34101:1-12 F '63; Discussion. W. H. Eld-
ridge. 89 [SU 3 no 36841:181-3 O '63
71:71-3 Ag '63 Sun chart compass corrections for recon-
Crimes naisfsance mapping and geophysical pros-
See Crimes aboard aircraft pecting in areas of magnetic disturbance.
^63 Physiological aspects D. C. Eraser. Econ Geol 58:131-7 Ja '63
International congress on aeronautic and Assay of aziridinvl comnoimds. R. C. Schlltt.
cosmonautic medicine. Paris; texts of Anal Chem a.^ioun- 1 Jl 'G't
papers, bibiiog diags Ind Med 32:1-43 Ja Isomerization of aziridinp derivatives. H. W.
Heine, bibiiog Am Chem Soc J 85:2743-6
See also
Space (light — Physiological aspects AZIRIDINIUM compounds
Small charged
s 20 'e.i rings; the synthesis of
Safety measures nzirldlnium .salts. N. J. Leonard and K.
Air crew protection. 11 Engineer 215:442-3 Jai'-i Viihliog Am Chem Soc J 84:4806-13
Mr 8 '63arresting systems can benefit com-
D 20 '62
mercial aviation: abstract. R. M. Baker. Strucluros of the con.1ugate acids of ds-and
(rana-azobciizenes. J. H. Collins and H. H.
AllS weather
A E J 71:40-1 lauding, Je the
'63 last 100 feet. En- JalTe. bibiiog Am Chem Soc J 84:4708-12
gineering 194:761 D 7 '62
D 20 '62
A20 compounds Recovery of aerosolized bacteria from humans:
Azo compounds: dlpole moments and spectral recovery from nasal mucus. C. E. Mevers
data. C. G. Overberser and others, biblioe and others, bibliog Archives Environmental
Am Chem Soc J 85:2/52-4 S 20 '63 Health 6:643-8
Structural changesMv brought '63 about In the Jute
Basics of azo dye syntheses: process flow-
sheet. E. Guccione. il Chem Ens 70:138-40 fiber by micro-organisms and their en-
Aff 19 '63 of dianions. A, Zweler and A. K. zymes. S. N. Basu and K. Ghose. bibliog il
Chemistry diags Textile Res J 32:932-42 N '62 surfaces
Hoffmann, biblioe Am Chem Soc J 85:2736- Technique to evaluate on inanimate
9 S 20 '63 of decomposition of azo com- activity of antibacterial residuals. G. Walter
Mechanism and S. Foris. bibliog 11 Soap & Chem Spec
pounds: cage effects with positively charged 39:/7-9-l-
geminate radical pairs. G. S. Hammond See also Mr '63
and R. C. Neuman, jr. bibliog Am Chem Actinomycetes
Soc J 85:1501-8 My 20 '63 Escherichia coll
New clue found to snail fever control: naph- Paper making — Bacteria control
thylazo compounds are among the most Soil bacteria
active schistosomicides known. E. F. Elslag- Sulfur bacteria
er and others, il diag Chem & Eng N 41: BACTERIA, Anaerobic
42-3 Av 8 '63 EitecLs of pa.vsicul and chemical properties
o,o'-dihydroxyazo compounds R. asOlsen
fluorometrlc of cellulosic fibers on anaerobic deteriora-
reasrents tor masnesium. and H. tion by pure cultures. S. N. Ghose and
Diehl. properties
Optical bibliosr Anal of Chem some 35:1142-4 Ae '63
azo pigments. K.
Mv W.6.S King, bibliog Textile Res J 33:392-8
A. R and D Patterson, bibliog pi BACTERIA, Marine
diag Soc Dyers & Col J 79:192-7 Mv '63 Use of a coloured bacterium as aji indicatoi
Paper-electrophoresis of azo of local water movements; abstract. J. B.
and M Sekido. bibliog Soc dves.
Dyers T.& lij'ima
Col J Rippon. Chem & Ind p445; Discussion.
See alsoD '62 445-6 Mr 16 '63
Naphthols BACTERIA, Pathogenic
Court decisions. H. N. Morse. Drug &
Photo-oxidation of azoethane. H. Cerfontain Cosmetic
Epidemiological Ind aspects
92:319 Mr of '63 listeriosis. M. L.
and K. O. Kutschke. bibliOR Am Chem Gray. Am J Pub Health 53:554-63 bib-
Soc J 84:4017-25 N 5 '62 liog(p562-3)
Relation of surface Ap '63 contamination to the
Photooxidation of 2.2'-azoisobutane at 25°. transmission of disease. W. R. Sanborn,
S. S. Thomas and J. G. Calvert, bibliog bibliog il diags Am J Pub Health 53:1278-
Am Chem Soc J 84:4207-12 N 20 '62
AZOMETHINE. See Methylenimine 83 See
Ag also
Escherichia '63 coil
AZULENE Food poisoning
2-bora- and 2-thia-1.3-diazaazulenes. H. E. Immunity
Hoimquist and K. B. Benson, bibliog Am Salmonella
Chem Soc J 84:4720-2 D 20 '62 Staphylococci
Safe heat processing of canned cured meats
with regard to bacterial spores. H. Rie-
B mann.
bibliog Food Tech 17:39-42-)- Ja '63
See Disinfection and disin-
BIVIEWS. See Guided missiles — Defenses Tennessee study of bacteriological tests for
BAADER. Ernst caries activity. K. T. Roark and others,
Obituary, por Ind Med 32:8-1- Ja '63 bibliog germicidal
Testing Am J Pub efficacy. Health L.53:564-71
S. Stuart,Ap bib-'63
Bearing metal centenary. Engineer 215:623 liog Soap & Chem Spec 39:89-91-1- Jl '63
Ap 5 '63metal Antiseptics
See also
BABBITT Food — Bac teriology
Bearing metal centenary; Isaac Babbitt. Microorganisms
Engineer 215:623 Ap 5 '63 Sewage
Viruses — Bacteriology
BABY foods. See Infan's food Water — Bacteriology
BACKFILL. See Filling
BACKHOES. See Excavating machinery Culture and culture mediums
BACKWARD regions. See Underdeveloped areas Contamination control; milk plant achieves
BACON. Francis control over the quality of its cultured
products. O. Georgison and H. B. Daume,
Scientiflc biography. Newton. Watt, Bacon,
Jeffer.son. D. McKie. Chem & Ind p 1646-8 S jr. il Food Eng of34:88-9
Standardization milk D plating
'62 media. Am
I.'". '62
BACON. Vinton W. J Pub Health 53:1305-10 Ag '63
Laboratory methods
V. '63 Bacon's istrative technical
toughness know-how
are kevs for and cleaning
Fluorescent-antibody identification of group
up in Chicago, pors Eng N 170:40-2 Ja 3 A streptococci from throat swabs. M. D.
BACON Moody and others, bibliog Am J Pub Health
Unrestricted approval for Irradiated bacon. 53:1083-92
Standardisation Jl '63 of a spore count technique.
Food Tech 17:774-5 Je '63 D. A. Shapton and W. R. Hindes. Chem &
Amino acids change bacterial growth pat- IndSel^P230-4also F 9 '63
tern. G. Toennies and others. Chem & Filters and filtration (bacteriology)
Eng N 40:58 S 24 '62 BACTERIOPHAGE
Bacteria produce polyester thermoplastic, diag Improved method eliminates bacteriophage
Chem & action
Eng on N 41:40-1 from cheese starter cultures. Food Tech 16:
Bacterial orpiment. Mr H. IS L. '63 Ehrlich.
bibliog Econ
Biological Geol 58:991-4
synthesis S '63
of cellulose; abstract. 73-4 O '62
J. A. Gascoigne. Chem & Ind p514-15 Mr Bacteriostatic agents In cosmetics. A. M.
30■63 '63 Kligman.
Bacteriostatic Am emollient:
Perfumer its78:51-3
use asMya cleanser
Enzymic hydrolysis simplifies bacterial cell and bath additive. M. Reisch and M. R.
wall studies, il Chem & Eng N 41:56-7 O 14 Marciano. bibliog
'63 Dimethoxane, a new Ind preservative
Med 32:430-4 effective
O '63
Fuel cells: biochemical fuel cells. J. E. Tay- with nonionic agents. Am Perfumer 77:32-
lor and others. Chem Eng Prog 59:57-8 O
Investigation of the antimicrobial properties
Influence of selected bacteria upon the flavor of
4 D absolutes.
'62 J. C, Maruzzella. Am Perfum-
of a precooked frozen poultry product. er 78:19-20chlorine
Stabilized Mr '63 dioxide: Dioxcide. I. O.
V. C. Felstehausen and others, bibliog Food
Tech 17:654-6 Mv '63 Lacy, bibliog
Technique to evaluate Pub Works 94:91-3 Mrsurfaces
on inanimate '63
Metabolism of fructose and glucose by acetic activity of antibacterial residuals. G. Walter
acid bacteria. J. G. Carr and others. Chem and S. Foris. bibliog 11 Soap & Chem Spec
A Ind p 1279 A^ 3 '63 39:77-9-f Mr '6:;
BAEYER-VILLIGER reaction Computer system controls all operations: from
Baeyer-Villiser reaction of S-oxo-steroids. S. processing to warehousing at Kitchens or
Sara Lee. Deerfleld. III. il diags Plant Eng
7HaraD 15andT.:!others, biblioe Chem cfe Ind p2086- 17:147-8 JI ■•)3 , ^ .
BAG filling machines ^ . „ ,, , How systems concept worked in computer
Bas improvements boost eraciency. II Roct installation. palletloader
Steel 152:28-9
Prod 66:102-3+ Ab '63 Mechanized at theJo Keebler
17^ '63 biscuit
Machine delivers baes to flllme station: CO. P. Hirsch. il Food Eng 35:76-7 Ja
Union bau-Camo caper corp. il diaes Auto-
Strides in radiant heat transfer. C. A. Mills,
Surfacing mation cuts 10:2C .To feed'03 screw mamtenance . ^ . 97
by „.
BAGASSEper cent, il Weldine J 41:919 , ^ O^ '62 Tvil monitors
Food Eng product
35:39-41 cooling
cuit co.s Fair
Jl '63
Lawn., plant,
National bis-
il Food
Continuous elutriation-method for pulplne Eng 34:69 N '62 „
basasse. N. D. Misra. diaes Tappi 46:sup Waldensian bakery automatically converts
146A-9A paper F '63from cane dry dextrose to syrup to simplify handling.
Makinsr baeasse: process
flowsheet B. Cross, il Chem Ens 70:74-6 11 diag Food Eng 35:87 Jl '63
F 4 '63 Lighting
BAGGAGE . ^ ^ ,,.
Baggage handling; airlme bagerase handline
systems; symposium, il Am Soc C E Proc dollars;co. li.ghUng
tasty madeto donut
Doughnuts Eng ■^^^lisle^•3
il Ilium for 5S:3u4-6
89 [AT 2 no 36761:21-44 O '63 sec 2 Ap '63
BAGHDAD BALANCE (physiology). See Equilibrium
Sewerage (physiology)
Baghdad's main drainage. Engineer 216:560
BAGSO 4 '63 Applications of^automatic weighing R H
Non-woven pollination bags. Franklin Inst J MUlIer. Anal 35:sup 127A-8A
Chem suscepUbili Mr "63
ty apparatus.
Automatic magnetic
275:194 F '63 J. T. Richardson and J. O. Beauxis. diaga
Burlap See also Ag '63 balance. J. A-
R Sci Instr
Automatic recording
Paper bags Mann Jr. and H. S. Hansen, il diag R Sci
BAGS, Nylon
Vinyl nylon tecting bag employees solves from safetyflyingproblem; Instr 34:702-3 Je '63 reduction In. a magnetic
glass. pro-11 Circuit for noise
suspension balance. J. W.^ Trischka. diags
BAGS, SafetyPlasticMaint 125:23 Ap '63 R Sci Instr 33:1120-1 controlled O '62 -atmosphere
Bag-in-box: design which speeds fllhng. cuts Controlled-pressure. with a conventional
thermogravimetry B.G. Hurd.
waste kev; il Plastics World 21:3S seal
My strip'63 null-type recording balance.
Closure color line locates at a diag Anal Chem 35:1468-71 S '63 ,..^^
glance; Zip-Lip bag. il Plastics World 20:31 Diaphrag mButcher pressure
-type and M. AIsop. diag J Sci balance detector
O '62
Plastic bags permit year-round blasting with liistrG 30:483-4
B S '62 ^ ^^ , .
AN at Lihertv pit. il diag Eng & Min J Disturbances arising fromexperiment thermal trans-
164:156+ F '63 ^ , piration in microbalance s. J. A.
Polvcthvlene bag market expands fast. II Poulis and J. M. Thomas, bibliog diags
Polvethvlene bags cut packagmg costs. _Food^
Chem* Eng N 40:21-2 O 1 '62 J Sci Instr 40:95-100 Mr '63
High load calibration; N.P.L. ilin.stall Avery
Tech film
PV.A. 17:462 makes Ap '63 water soltible laundry bag.
500 tonfJI pressure
68:45-6 '63balance,. ,. Mod Rubber Plastics 40:9S JI ^ '63 Magnetic balance for measuring receding con-
. ,,.,.. by in-
Inflatable dunnage now bemg marketed tact angles W. J. liquid and J. B.metal
Alldaymetal-solid Raynor.
BAHAMA Acme Steel
ISLANDS il Paper Ind 44:394 O '62 diags J
Magnetic suspension Sci Instr 39:519-20
balance O '62
method for
See also measuring resistivities of rnetals. 1.
Geologi^ — Bahama Islands Pankev. bibliog 11 diags R Sci Instr 34:
Great Bahama Bank 1082-5 O '63 , ^. „, ,.
BAILAR. John C. ^ , ,„„, ^ . ^ Microbalance measures ultratmn films, diag
Priestlev medalist named for 1964; John C Electronic '63Ind 22:106arrestment O '63
Bailar Is recipient. Chem & Eng N 41:44 Minimization of the balance systems. error in one-
pan, two-knife H. . A.
S 16 '63 Bowman and H. E. Aimer, bibliog diags
Obituary, por Chem & Ind p 1276 Ag 3 '63 J Res Nat Bur
Modification of a magnetic microbalance. Stand 67C:227-35 Jl '63
BAKED products , , „ „ P. K. Henry and G. D. Hoyt. R Sci Instr
Challenge of the baking Industry. R. H. 34:446 Ap '63 , ,
Ellinger and C. W. Hoerr. Am Oil Chem Modification of a thermogravimetric balance
Snc J 40:4+ Je '63 for pyrolvsis experiments in a controlled
BAKER. Robert F. , ^ atmosphere.
35:1306-7 Ag D. A. Smith, diag Anal Chem
Director of the Office of research and de- '63 , ^ ,, , ^.
velopment of the Bureau of public roads. Null-reading microbalance and its use In the
por Pub Works 94:18 F '63 studv of the infrared spectra of adsorbed
BAKER. William O. molecules. D. A. Seanor and C. H. Amberg.
Dr AV. O. Baker receives Perkln medal, por diag R Sci Instr 34:917-19 Ag '63
Chem & Eng N 41:90 F 4 '63 Quartz crystal microbalance measures ultra-
BAKERS and bakeries thin films. Chem & Eng N 41:45-6 Ag 26
limiid dextrose switch will cuts save costs; $6,000
baker's a year use at of Sensitive automatic torque balance for thin
Bob'aw. inc. W. A. Adamsen. 11 Food Eng magnetic films. F. B. Humphrey and A. R.
Johnson, bibliog 11 diags R Sci Instr 34:
.■!r,:S9-flO ofMy Sara
Kitchens '63 Lee; saves with , , prefab , ^ 348-58 high
Simple Ap '63sensitivity microbalance for use
construction. in ultra-high vacuum. I. Haller and P.
Precast framing II saves Food $200,000;
Eng 35:89 giant Ap '63 bays White, bibliog 11 diags R Sci Instr 34:677-8
of the Sara Lee Kitchens. 11 Eng N 171:37 Jo '63 „
AgSee22 also '63 Simple set-up multiplies pressure. F. J.
Cake T,ingel. il Re.=!/Dcvelop
Two-component 13:57 for
microb.alance D '62measuring
Control equipment the forces on ion -bombarded surfaces. V. L.
Rogallo and H. F. Savage, diags R Sci Instr
Bakery and warehouse to be controlled by
computer, to flow 34:9SS-91 I.solating
Vibration S '63 mounting for a sensitive
Computer bake,diagshipAutomation pies, il I 10:13 S A JlJ 10: '63
balance. J. A. Maclnante and J. Waldcr-
30-2 JI computers
Digital '63 will control production. see.Sre 11 also
diag J Sci Instr 40:77-8 F '63
warehousing at Sara I.,ee. flow diag II diag Scales
Food Eng control 35:90-3 of JI '63 Tbemiobalances
Integrated a bakery-freezer; com- Torsion balances
puter in the kitchen, plan Control Eng BALANCING machines ... ., ,-.
10:18-19 JI '63 Balancing machine for small rotors. II li.n-
Sara Lee's automatic warehouse, diag Mod
Materials Handling 18:52-3 Ag '63 gineor 211:996
Balancing machine D 7 has'62 high production rate.
Bread trays; reinforced polvester lowers bak- Stool 153:87 S 9 '63
Gi.'iholt versatile machine for balancing high-
ery costs. II Plastics World 20:86 D '62 speed miniature parts. 11 Mach 69:218 N 62
BALANCING of machinery '63 Manufacture
Jjaiancins hish speed rotors at low speeds. Balls for valves get dual spin, il Steel
M J. French, diass Enslneer 215:1154-9 Je 153:78 O 7 '63
2S -63 bolts and worn eibs: why? quick
sleiithine: solves hiffh-enersy-rate-formine City/county project improves flood plain.
niysters'. Ani Mach/Metalworkine Manuf C. See
E. also
Keefer. il Pub Works 94:128-9 Ag '63
107:60 F speed
Critical 4 '63 damper. S. Levy. diaKS Building — Baltimore
A S M K Trans ser Architecture
Dynamic balancing. W. EG. 30:463-4 S '63
A. McCormick. il
diass Ind Electronics 1:243-6 F '63 New branch for department store, il Arch
How to balance hisli- speed mechanisms with Rec 133:160-3 Je Harbor '63
minimum-inertia counter^veiprhts. F. R.
Hertrich. diass Macliine Design 35:160-4
Mr 14 of
Isolation ■G.'J modes in the balancing of flexible Baltimore's
Port Service, oil ilrecovery
Marine barge
Eng/Log ready;
shafts. R. E, D. Bishop and A. G. Park-
inson, biblios diags Inst Mech Eng Proc Oxygenation of Baltimore harbor by plank-
177■63 no of
Meaning 16:407-23
balance '63in rotating parts. K, W.
tonic algae. C. H. J. Hull, bibliog map
WPCP J 35:587-606 My '63; Abstract. Pub
O. Rexroth. il diags Plant Eng 17:137-S Ap Works 94:156-1- Ag '63
See also Hemicelluloses and dissolving pulp from In-
Palancing machines dian bamboo ( dendrocalamus strictus). M.
BALCONIES G. Karnik and others, bibliog il Tappi 46:
Balcony buncombe. E. Goble. Arch Rec 133:9 130-4 F '63
BALDWIN. A. R. Volatile components of bananas. P. Issenberg
Bailey award to JAOCS editor, por Am Oil and E. L. Wick, bibliog J Agri & Food
Chem Soc J 40:sup 14-f- F '63 Chem 11:2-8
BANBURY, FernleyJa '63
BALL bearings. See Bearings. Ball
BALL mills Obituary, por Rubber Age 93:436 Je '63
Automation of grinding circuits. C. A. Row- BAND spectra. See Spectrum— Band spectra
BANK buildings
Casting land, practice
il diag Pit in& ball Quarryproduction,
56:176-9 Jldiags'63
Arrowhead building aims at beating shock
Foundry 90:60 D '62 waves; National urban mortgage bank and
Permanente doubles capacitv at Cushenburv. public works building. Mexico City, il Eng
J. H. Bergstrom. il diaa Rock Prod 66:68-74 N 170:30-1-1- My 30 '63
My '63 Control Banque centrale des etats de I'Afrique de
Three nuclear gauging systems aid cement I'oust. Lom^. Togo, il plan Prog Arch 43:
production in Oliio plant; Universal atlas Concrete brawn and beauty, il Eng N 171:50
cement div. United States steel corp. flow
diag il Pit & Quarry 55:157-8 Ja '63 Double
Jl 25 '63cantilevers frame circular bank il
BALLISTIC missiles. See Guided missiles diag Eng Nbank171:35
Downtown Jl 4 '63
tower, il plans Prog Arch
Ballistic perforation dynamics. R. F. Recht 44:140-5 drive-in
Elegant S '63 bank in a park-like setting.
and T. W. Ip.son. bibliog il diags A S M E .11 plans
Trans ser E 30:384-90 S '63 Light by Archnight Recshade134:157-62
by day. S '63il Eng N
Equations for interior ballistics. S. Kravitz.
Vertical Product
diag ballisticEng pendulum34:133-4 Agapparatus.
5 '63 H. NewtrustartCO.,of New
9 Ap 63
York, ilManhattan's
Arch Forimi Bankers
See alsodiags Am J Phys 31:719-22 S '63
Projectiles Nuclear-blast protection for bank computer
center. F. C. Pierce and G, R. Archibald.
Balloon- supported aerials. R. N. Gould and Roofil Civil Eng 32:49-51
girders carry D '62floors;
five Prudential
others. Wireless federal savings and loan association build-
Fabulous inflatables;World plastics68:502-6
films Ofor '62outer o"^^ My
2o-6 ,S,^" 30 Lake
63 City, il diag Eng N 170:
.space as well as on the grounds, il Mod Suburban branch banks, il plans diags Prog
Plastic.^i 40:99-103-1- O '62
Inflating antennas In outer space, diags Elec- Arch 44:126-33 Mr '63
Symbol for savings: massive piers and a
Sound of tronics 36:74+ F 22 red
a bursting '63 balloon. B. G. Wal-
O 6.3
ters, bibliog il diags Sound 2:8-14 Mr '63 ',\"o"!?aJ'
Traveler '' plans Arch Forum
erects record column;
Stargazer balloon fabricated of polyester Chemical bank
film reinforced with polyester mesh, il New York trust building, il Eng N 170:18
JSL Si. 63
Plastics World 21:34 F '63 Workshop-critique of AISC awards; McAllen
Stratoscope II. il diags Machine Design 35:
138-42 Jl 18 '63 state bank, il plan Prog Arch 43:152-3 N
Stratoscope II assembly completed, il Elec- Air conditioning
tronics 35:30 S 21 '62
BALLOONS. Meteorological Air 62 conditioning for modernization; banking
Gentle launcher cages tender balloons il diag bO-^ Ap bS
Machine Design 34:116-17 D 20 '62 ?n^Pi '',„^'as^s -^i'" Cond Heat & Ven 60:
Goodyear aircraft Corp. is building inflatable New bank has vers^atile air conditioning sys-
fabric structures to support scientific equip- tem; American bank building. Beaumont.
ment in the air. il Rubber Age 93:114 Ap Tex. il Gas 38:118 O '62
Heating and ventilation
BALLOU. Albert Lorenzo Jr
Memorial. B. W. Eeebe. nor Am Assn Pet Bank heated/cooled with off-peak equipment.
Geologists Bui 47:870-1 My '63: Geophysics G C. Jamison, il Elec World 160:87 Jl 15
28:505-6 Jo '63 63 Lighting
Lighting ■^%r,'^,,
Wells lobbyFargo features unique il Elec
San Francisco, centerpiece;
Ballroom marks downtown renewal, il Hlum
Eng 58:619-20 O '63 & Maint
Bank 62:111 Je '63 features
modernization 170-fc lobby
Reclaimed space: ballroom of the old Riviera lighting, il Elec Constr & Maint 61:118-1- N
club in Indianapolis, il plan Ilium Eng 58:
18-19 Ja '63 Banjking lighting. 11 diag Elum Eng 58:50-4
See also F '63
Multi-source distribution panels; tie feeders
Table tennis balls from network in multi-story bank huild-
BALLS. Steel
Measuring steel ball diameters: method la 'J^^iir
& Maint^-^ ?w ,9!.'Pnbant.Ap il'63 diags Elec Constr
accurate within ±0.000.005 in. S. P. Poole, New space concepts; First national bank of
il diags Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107: Stoughton. Wis. il diag Illimi Eng 58:533-5
159-61 Je 10 '63 Ag
Qtiartz 63
Steel balls; marvels of precision manufacture. teams with mercury in a bank, il
il Wire & Wire Prod 38:373-1- Mr '63 Ilium Eng 58:635-6 O '63
12 ways to put balls to work: drawings with BANK equipment and supplies
text. L. Dodge. Product Eng 34:68-9 Ja 7 Coniputer for banking; Midland bank ltd il
Engineer 215:314 F 15 '63
BANK protection. See Rivers— Bank protection Waterborne dumper. II Enelneerlng 196;269
BANKS and banking See also
See ulso Ag 30 '63 unloadinu — Barges
Checks Pontoons and '63
Drive-ln and curb services Tank barges
BARGES. Aluminum
See Drive-in and curb services Distinctive ships; NMS Aluminum 1202. 11
BARBITURATES , ^ Marine methods
Eng/Log 67:70world D '62s largest alumi-
Amphetamine- barbiturate synergism. Drug & Welding
Cosmetic Ind 91;516 O '62 num barge. N. J. onCbatelain and W. R. Clay,
Analysis il diags Light Metal Age 21:5-6 Je '63
BARGES. Oil well drilling
Improved gas chromatographic column for Avondale shipyards building two giant rigs
barbiturates. K. D. Parker and others. Anal for deep-water offshore drilling. 11 Marine
Chem 35:418-19
Prevention of peak Mr taihng
'63 Drilling
Eng/Logvessel 68:36-7vital
Ja '63to Borneo oil future,
chromatographic analysis mof the direct gas
barbiturates. il Oilto & select
Gas J a61:150 My 13
E. W. Cieplinski. bibliog Anal Chem 35:256- How floating rig.'63R. H. Grahn.
7 F -63
Rapid gas chromatoKrapliic method for screen- Kermac's rig 54 sets its own5 '63
Oil & Gas J 61:99-101 Ag well jacket. J.
ing pt toxicological e.\tracts for alkaloids, C. Neale. il diags Oil & Gas J 61:106-8 Ag 12
barbiturates, sympathomimetic amines, and
tranquilizers. K. D. Parker and others, bib- ■62
Rig 54; last of big submersible barges? 11
BARBITURIC liog Anal Chem acid 35:356-9 Mr '63 OilSee& Gasalso J 60:52-3 D 17 '62
Effect of barbituric acid and chlortetracy- Petroleum — Offshore drilling structures
cline upon growth, ammonia concentration, Tenders. Oil well drilling
and urease activity in the gastrointestinal Barite. 1962. R. Rowand. Eng & Min J 164:
tract of chicks. L. H. Harbers and others,
See also .1 Nutrition 80:75-9 My '63 150-1 F '63 an analog of sand-calcite. Black
Thiobarbituric acids Hills. S. D. G. Rapp. jr. and H. Martin,
BARGES il Am Mineralogist 47:1189-91 S '62
Port Service. oil 11recovery
Marine barge
Ap Liquid-liquid extractor: application to sepa-
ration of strontium and barium. H. A. Wil-
Barge becomes a station and floats to site. helm and M. L. Andrews, bibliog il diags
H. Singleton. 11 Pet Management 35:226d- Ind & Eng Chem Proc Design 1:305-9 O
226f•63 My
Barge men '63hit proposed rule changes; U.S. Single particle studies of cation-exchange
chamber of commerce backs plan to elim- rates in packed
ion system. beds;
J. C. W. barium ion-sodium
Kuo and M. M.
inate minimum-rate regulation on bulk
.shipments. Chem & Eng N 41:46-7 My 20 David, bibliog A I Ch E J 9:365-70 My '63
Barge rigging; know how to stow it and how Complexometric determination of zinc, cal-
to use It. Marine Eng/Log 68:76 F '63 cium, and'62barium in unused lubricating
Barge singly water line. F.handling
H. Love.longest U.S. under-
11 Pet Management oils. W. Fisher. Inst Pet J 48:290-4; Dis-
34:264-7 S '62 , In
, BARIUM alloyscussion. 295-0 S '62
Barge transportation plays important role
coal Industry. Marine Eng/Log 68:52 Jl 63 Barium inoculants resist fading. H. W.
Barges shared to firm coal costs. 11 Elec Lownie. compounds
jr. il Foundry 91:66-8 Ap '63
World winch 160:44 Agexpedites 26 '63 BARIUM
Canal locking through Barium fluozirconate precipitation; improved
Illinois waterway. 11 Marine Eng/Log 68: process for uranium-zirconium alloy fuels.
70 S '63 B. E. Paige and others, flow sheet Ind &
Chlorine- barge salvage achieves status of a
national emergencv. E. J. Cleary. Pub Eng Chem
Radial distribution Proc Design study 2:112-16 Ap '63
of vitreous barium
Works 94:60-2 Corp.
Ja '63 , , ,
borosilicate. G. J. Piermarini and S. Block,
Chotin towing gets two large chemical bibliog diags J Res Nat Bur Stand 67A:37-
barges from Dravo Corp. 11 Marine Eng/Log
41 properties of BaTiGeaOt.
68:71 O '63
Dockside barge handling simplified with Koto- M. JaK. '63Murthy. Am Cer Soc J 45:566 N 1
Ratchet. 11 Marine Eng/Log 68:100-1- Mr
Dravo supplies new additions to three barge
BARIUM ferrate
Effect of fluoride-compensated Co^* on the
lines, turbine
Five il Marinecompressors
Eng/Log 68:54 Jl '63on a
mounted anisotropy of BaFei20i». M. Robbins and
concrete barge. H. C. Bozeman. 11 map E. Banks, bibliog J Ap Phys 34:1260-1 pt 2
Oil the
For & Gas J 61:148-50
steamer Horace MyWilkinson
6 '63 life begins Intluence
Ap '63 ofofbarium particle size on the coercive
force ferrite powders. R. K.
again atcars
Freight 43. sail
il Marine Eng/Log map
to Alaska, 68:65Marine
F '63 Tenzer. bibliog J Ap Phys 34:1267-8 pt 2
Eng/Log 68:32A Ap '63
Giant barge- tug proposed for Lakes ore ship- Single-cr>-stal
Ap '63 ferroxdure.
BaFen-2,3*lr,*+Zn."Oiii. with strong planar
Improvedping. Steel
sand 151:28
andN gravel
5 '62 dredge on Ohio anisotropy. A. Tauber and others, bibliog J
River; Pfaft & Smith builders supply co. Ap Phys 34:1265-7 pt 2 Ap '63
W. R. Trauffer. 11 Pit & Quarry 55:141-3 BARIUM hafnate
N '62 Dielectric behavior In the systems PbHfOs-
Jacking barges install foundations for a four- BaHfOa and PbHfO,-SrHf03. D. L. Wilcox
mile crossing; Astoria bridge across the and R. L. Cook, bibliog Am Cer Soc J 46:
Columbia River. 11 diag Eng N 171:28-30+ 343-8 Jloxide
O 17typo
New '63 of Bethlehem steel adds 50 tons Anode work function changes caused by
sublimation fron. barium oxide under ap-
to barge's payload. 11 Marine Eng/LoB 68: plied anode potentials. B. J. Hopkins and
71 S York
New 'O.'i barge canal face lifting suffers K. J. Ross, bibliog J Ap Phys 34:2111-12
setback. Marine Eng/Log 68:76 My '63 BARIUM
Jl '63 ofsulfate
for Olln barge entersII trans-Gulf
Mathleson. service
Marine Eng/Log Effect mixing conditions in barium sul-
68:55 Je '63 Rush, fatejr.precipitation.
bibliog ilH.IndA. & O'Hem
Eng Chemand F.
Refrigerated barges called money-savers. tice also damentals 2:267-72 N '63
C. L. Ashby. Oil & Gas J 61:60 Ap 8 '63 Tfarlte
Reinforced plastic hatch covers bring sav-
ings to barges, il Mod Plastics 41:122 S '63 BARIUM titanate
Ten-mw barge-mounted nuclear power plant Barium titanate ceramics for flne-movement
being built by U.S. army. J. P. Franklin, control. J. V. Ramsay and E. G. V.
diags Power Eng 67:57-9 Ag '63 Mugrldgo. dlag
Constricted J Scl loops
hysteresis Instr of
39:636-7 D '62
30-cuhlc-yard 5n-ton stand.ard Aquadump. II polycrystalline barium titanate: energy
Engineer 2l6::in3 Ag 30 '63 coerclvity. and remanent polarization. G.
Towing industry facing difflcultles. J. E. W. Marks and D. A. Hanna. bibliog II dlasa
Brent. Marine Eng/LoK 68:73 F '63 Com & Electronics P434-40 Ja '63
BARIUM •62 titanate — Continued Manufacture
DifferenUal Aluminium beer cask production; Alumasc
K. Belitz. etcliiriK il Am Cer of Bai'iOs
Soo J by HjPOi. D R.1
ltd. il Metallurgia 67:183-6 Ap '63
Differential thermal analysis of a cubic BARRELS, Plating. See Plating barrels
modification of BaTiOs. V. Eru. bibliog BARS, Metal. See Metal bars
Am Cerconversions Soc J 46:295-6 Je '63 BARTLETT, Paul D.
Domain of BaTiOa. P. H. Fans Dr P. D. Bartlett of Harvard wins Gibbs
and W. S. Brower. biblios J Ap Phys 34: medal. Roger Adams award, por Chera &
1516 My conduction
Electrical '63 anomaly in samarium- Eng N
BARTLETT, Vernon F. 41:96 My 27 '63
doped barium titanate. G. Goodman, bib-
Obituary, Edward
BARTOW, por Engineer 215:1117 Je 21 '63
Electrophoretic deposits ofJ barium
lios il Am Cer Soc 46:48-54 titanate.
Ja '63
Tribute. M. E. Flentje. por Am Water Works
V. A. L.amb and H. I. Salmon. Am Cer
Soc Buihillocks 41:781-2in NBaTiOj. 15 '62 H. L. Stadler. 11 BASALTAssn J 55:1220-4 S '63
Etched Mineralogical evidence for the penecontempo-
raneous lateritization of the basalts from
Influence of oxyeen partial'63pressure on prop-
J Ap Phys 34:570-3 Mr
New England. N.S.W. P. Bayliss and F. C.
erties of semiconductins barium titanate.
T. Y. Tien and W. G. Carlson, biblios Am Loushnan. Am Mineralosist 48:410-14 Mr '63
Cer Soc J 46:297-8 BASCULE bridges. See Bridses. Bascule
Interferometric study Jeof'63the microtoposraphy BASEBALL
arisins out of 90° domain walls in sinele Investisation of strategies in baseball. Q. R.
crj'stals of bai'ium titanate. V. G. Bhide Lindsey.
BASEBALL biblios Op See
stadiums. Res Stadiums
11:477-501 Jl '63
and N. J. Bapat. biblios il diass J Ap Phys
34:181-8 Ja '63 BASEMENTS
Latest fundamentals of piezo-electric cer- Ballast in the basement balances new U.S.
amics. C. A. Lindquist, jr. biblios diass Cer embassy in Mexico City, il Ens N 169:
Ind 80:56-61
Physical properties My '63of flame-sprayed ceramic 30-3 N 29 '62
coatinss: BaTiOs. J. L. Bliton and R. Five- story basement sinks below grade; Nik-
Haven, biblios U Am Cer Soc Bui 41:762-7 kei building, Tokyo, il diag Eng N 169:43
N 15 '62 uses, current, future for electronic
Properties, BASESD 6 (chemistry)
ceramic products; alumina ceramics. J. J. Acid-base equilibria in concentrated salt
Svec and others, il Cer Ind 81:55-6 Jl '63 solutions; acid-base titrations and measure-
Secondary piezoresistivity in oxygen de- ments of pH and Ho. D. Rosenthal and J.
ficient BaTiOs sinsle crystals. B. L. Mattes, S. D-svj-er. biblios Anal Chem 35:161-6 F '63
biblios J of Ap doped
Phys 34:682-5 Mr '63 Acid-base equilibria in the system PbO-SiO».
Sinterins and undoped barium H. Flood and W. J. Knapp. bibliog Am Cer
titanate. W. R. Bratschun. il Am Cer Soc J Soc J 46:61-5
45:611-12 D 1 '62 Aliphatic diazo Fcompounds;'63 the reaction of
Stabilized barium titanate ceramics for ca- diazo ketones with bases. P. Yates and
pacitor dielectrics. J. B. MacChesney and D. G. Farnum. bibliog Am Chera Soc J
others, biblios Am Cer Soc J 46:197-202 85:2967-76 O 5 '63
My '63 Base-catalyzed deuterium exchange in cyclo-
Thermal expansion and pyroelectricity in lead heptatriene; evidence for the cyclohepta-
titanate zirconate and barium titanate. W. trienide anion. W. V. Doering and P. P.
R. Cook. jr. and others, biblios J Ap Phys Gaspar. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:3043
34:1392-8 dependence
Thickness My '6:! of BaTiOs switching Composition of ammoniacal liquors; analysis
Oof 5the'63 organic bases by sas chromatography.
time. H. L. Stadler. biblios J Ap Phys
33:3487-90 D '62 M. A. Hughes, biblios J Ap Chem 12:450-7
BARIUM zirconate O 62
Barium zirconate-lead titanate ferroelectric Hydrolysis of methyl ethylene phosphate;
ceramics. W. R. Bratschun. biblios diags steric hindrance in seneral base catalysis.
F. Covitz and F. H. Westheimer. bibliog
Am Cer Soc J 46:141-4 Mr '63 Am Chem and Soc association
J 85:1773-7 of Je 20bases'63 and
BARK Interaction
Bark utilization; soil amendment. R. C. nucleosides in aqueous solutions. P. O. P.
•63 and G. A. Pierce, bibllog 11 diags Ts'o and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J
Tappi 46:sup
Extractives 175A-8A red
of western As cedar
'63 inner bark. 85:1289-96 MyRaman
Quantitative 5 '63 spectroscopy for the
E. P. Swan, biblios diag Tappi 46:245-9 Ap determination of base strengths of weak
organic bases. N. C. Deno and M. J. Wisot-
Hydrotropic pulpins of the bark from Dous- sky. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1735-8 Je
las-fir and the properties of the resulting Rates
phenolic acids. B. J. Lenz and E. F. Kurth. 20 '63 of reaction of nitrogen bases with
biblios Tappl 46:28-31 Ja '63 sugars; studies of aldose oxime, semi-
Simultaneous burning of pulverized coal, bark, carbazone and hydrazone formation. J W.
and oil or sas. il map diags Tappi 46:sup Haas. jr. and R. E. Kadunce. bibliog Am
157A-66A Je '63 Chem
Relationship Soc between J 84:4910-13 D 20 dithioforma-
aromatic '62
BARK peeling midines and Hector's
Treating and harvestins intetTal for debark- P. M. Sanderson, biblios ChemKurzer
bases. F. & andInd
ing ponderosa pine pulpwood with sodium
arsenite. R. O. Woodiln, jr. U Tappl 46: p 16S1-2
Steric effects S 22in '62 the quatemisation of steroidal
73-5 F '63 bases and related reactions. R. Ledger and
BARLEY others.
See also Chem & Ind pS63 My 25 '63
Barley and malt. A. H. Cook. ed. Review, Schiff bases
63 I. A Preece. Chem & Ind p28-30 Ja 5 BASIC Drick. See Fire brick
Architect Ed Barnes; toward simpler details, Basicities and structural effects In nhos-
simpler forms, and sreater unity, per Arch phazene derivatives. D. Feakins and others.
Forum 119:74-9 As '63 Chem & Ind p 164-5 Ja 26 '63
BARNES. Henry A. Basicity of N-nitrosamines; aqueous sulfuric
Controversial commissioner: methods and acid solutions., W. S. Layne and others.
philosophy. J. F. Eden, por Mas of Stand biblios Am Chem Soo J 85:1816-20 Je 20
34:177-80 Je '63 63
BARRACKS Basicity of N-nitrosamines: non-polar sol-
Precast concrete joins the coast suard. E H. vents. W. S. Layne and others, bibliog Am
Chem Soc J 85:435-8 F 20 '63
See also il dias Civil Eng 32:54-7 D '62 Carbonyl reactions; the basicities
stituted clmlcones. D. S. Noyce and M J.
of sub-
Military- training camps Jorgenson biblios Am Chem Soc J 84:4312-
BARREL finishing. See Tumbling barrels
BARREL handling Quantum chemical treatment of the basi-
Unit-load system re-shapes barrel handlins; cities of the methylbenzenes. in the sround
Hiram Walker & sons. inc. 11 Mod Materials and lowest triplet states R. L. Flurrv jr
Handlins 18:51 F '63 ?PlnR- A Ap ^i'i'9?x
8s:1033-6 20 63 bibliog Am Chem Soc j
BARRELS. Aluminum
Lishtweight cask production: aluminium al- BASKETS. Wire. See Wire baskets
loy castings, il Engineer 215:629 Ap 5 '63 BAST Seefibersalso
Pressing and casting combined for casks, il
Engineering 195:509 Ap 12 '63 Jute
BATEMAN, George Cecil Mineralogical evidence for the penecon-
Obituary, por Can Min & Met Bui 56:167 temporaneous lateritization of the basalts
F ■liJ from New England. N.S.W. P. Bayliss and
BATH oil. See Bath preparations F. C. Louglman. Am Mineralogist 48:41U-
BATH •63preparations Operation
14 Mr '63 Grasshopper uncovers bauxite;
Batli market comes to life. 11 Drug & Cosmet- Surinam expands aerial survey prograjn.
maps Eng <Si Min J 164:136-1- My Hi
Bath icoils.
Ind S)3:36-74-
Drug & JlCosmetic '03 Ind 92:637-8 My of refractory bauxite may ease, il
Hae &alsoEng N 41:2i>-9 Jl 22 63
Bath oils; a disc of the comp of
this marv ussi vers cosm osit Drui Alumina
e l o n a t i e t i o ? Buehmite
Odd& Ctowsimse ionusIlnbydat 91:o7i0l. DDrlue'62 & Cosic. n Ind L.aterite
tts i h 1 g m e t
91:496 a O success:
Soaky foamlne liquid bathic soap Composition of bavenite. L. G. Berry. Am
for children, introduced by Coleate-Palm- Mineralogist 48:1166-8 S '63
olive CO. Soap & Chem Spec 39:45 Ao '63
BATHHOUSES Infra-red study of hydrothennal conversion
Vinyl- urethane sandwich for easily erected of alumina trihydrate into alumina mono-
beach cabin, il diag Mod Plastics 40:93 Je hydrate. T. Sato, bibliog J Ap Chem 13:316-
19 Jl '63 transformation of alumina trihy-
Crystallization sequence of minerals leading drate. bayerite. T. Sato. bibLios J Ap
to formation of ore deposits in quartz Chem 12:553-6 D '62
monzonitlc rocks in the northwestern part
of the Boulder batholith. Mont. F. Robert- Comparison of modem and ancient beaches,
son, map diags Geol Soc Bui 73:1257-76. central Georgia coast. J. H. Hoyt and K. J.
pi 1 bibliOK(pof 1275-6) O '62 Weimer. il map diag Am Assn Pet Geol-
Overlapping late mesozoic orogens in
western Idaho. W. Hamilton, bibllog map Elfect of ogistsberm Bui 47:629-31
on wave Mr run-up
'63 on composite
Geol Soc beaches. J. B. Herbich and others, bibliog
Zircon and Bui other74:779-87 Je '03minerals. Coast
accessory Am Soc C E Proc 89 IWW 2 no 35261:65-72
liange batholith. Calif. J. H. Spotts. maps
Geol Soc Bui 73:1221-39, pi 1-2 blbliog Equilibritmi characteristics of sand beaches,
Ip 1238-91 fixtures
O '62 P.
My S. "63 Eagleson and others, bibliog diags
BATHROOM Am Soc C E Proc 89 IHY 1 no 33S7]:36-67
See also Ja '63 beach materials for tracing experi-
Toilet seats Marking
BATHROOMS ments. C. Kidson and A. P. Carr. Am Soc
Fashion innovation: decorated fixtures, every- C E Proc SS IHY 4 no 3189J:43-60 bibllog
thing matches, from tile to towels, 11 Dom (P58-60) Jl 'C2: Discussion. J. R. Hardy.
Eng 202:132-3 89 IHY 1 no 34051:249-50 Ja '63; Reply. 89
Leopold engineersO '63reports: climate control IHY 4tests
Model no 35801:217-18
of coastal Jlprotective
'63 structures
chamber at the Hospital of the University in USSR. O. W. Kabelac. diags Am Soc C
of Pennsylvania, diag Air Cond Heat & Ven
60:71-2 Ap '63 E Proc pollution
Seashore 89 ['WW and 1 no means
for itsF sanitary
BATHS (chemical apparatus) protection; abstract. K. B. Kahit. Pub
Controlled temperature oil baths for standard Works
Inlets 94:192+ O '63
cells. Franklin Inst J 276:172-3 Ag '63 See also
BATHS. Shower. See Shower baths Shore lines
BATHYSCAPH hi-jinks. il Dom Eng 200:96-7 O '62 Underwater steam engine converts atomic
lieat to sound, il diag Machine Design 35:8
Ahoy. Nemo! 11 diag Product Eng 34:70 S 16
Deep-diving machines. J. A. Pritzlaff. 11 diags S See also
12 '63
Machine Design 35:108-14 Ag 29 '63 Radio beacons
Functional modules as an approach to tmder- BEADS, Glass. See Glass beads
water vehicle operation. J. A. Pritzlaff. il BEADS, Plastic. See Plastic beads
Geological Naval Eng
observations J from
75:591-6the Ag '63
bathyscaph BEAMATRON welding. See Electric welding.
Trieste near the edge of the continental Arc — Electron beam weldijig
shelf off San Diego, Calif. D. G. Moore, BEAMS and girders
bibllog map Geol Soc Bui 74:1057-62. pi 1-3 Accuracy of the Bernoulli-Euler theory for
Ag '63 deep
Manned submersibles as functional beams of variable section. B. A. fioley.
systems. A. B. Rechnitzer. il Naval Eng J bibliog diags A S M E Trans ser B 30:373-8
75:455-60 My '63 Aesthetic
S '63 appeal in steel box sections, il
T. Batke of Waterloo U. por Can Chem Proc- Engineering
Analysis and design 195:834-5 of Jea 21cantilever
'63 stair-
ess 46:47 N '62 case. P. L. Gould, il diags Am Concrete
BATON ROUGE, Louisiana Inst J 60:881-99 Jl '63beam bridges by ortho-
Sewerage Analysis of composite
tropic plate theory. V. Vitols and others,
bibliog diags Am Soc C E Proc 89 tST 4
Hardin. 11 Water sewerage
Rouge's new & Sewagesystem. WorksE. 110:A.
no 35841:71-94elastic
Appro.ximate Ag '63 critical loads of con-
351-4 O '63 tinuous struts, H. Waters, diags Roy Aero-
BATTERIES, Electric. See Electric batteries
BATTLE CREEK, Michigan nautical Soc J 66:652-4 O '62
Beam analogy
trusses. for the solution
B. Deschapelles. of 'Vierendeel
bibliog diags Am
Soc C E Proc 88 1ST 5 no 32991:25-50 O '02:
Joint approach to treatment of domestic and Discussion.
Beam dellectioiis 89 [ST 2 no by35021:253-6
caused shearing Ap '63
industrial wastes at Battle Creek. Mich.
R. D. Mitchell: R. Hazen. WPCF J 35:532- W. Griffel. Product Eng 34:129-30 Ja 7 '63
8 Ao '63 J. T. on
Beams Oden. elastic 89 [STpoint3 supports.
no 35C01 :217-21 Je '63
B. Bramall.
Bauxite deposits of British Guiana and diags Engineer
Behavior of prestressed 215:759-63 Apcomposite
26 '63 steel
.Surinam in relation to underlying uncon- beams. P. G. Hoadley. diags Am Soc C E
Kolidaled .sediments suggesting two-stepil Pi-oc 89 ofIST reinforced 3 no 35341:21-34
origin. J. H. and W. D. Michell. Behavior concrete Jebeams '63 with
ni:ips diags Eoon Geol .';S:250-62 Mr '63; closely spaced reinforcement. J. P. Ro-
Bauxite genesis 58:1002-8. llfiO-2 S-N
in .lamaica: '03
discussion. Ij. mualdi and G. B. Bat.son. bibliog II diags
'63 Am Concrete Inst made
J 60:775-90 Je '63 ma-
Composition and constitution of red andMr yel-
J. Chubb, bibliog Econ Geol nS:2S6-9 '63 Bending of beams of non-linear
terial. C. R. Calladlne. diags Roy Aero-
low soil earths that mav he substituted
for bauxite In certain Industrial opera-
tions. Li. M. Richard. Econ Geol 58:138-42 Ja Big bent nautical spans .Soc J 67:124-5
112-ft-wideF '63 g>-m. 11 diags
Eng boxes
Big N 171:32+ make prestressedO 24 '03 bridge; Austria.
Jamaica type bauxites developed on lime- 11 Eng N span 170:604- P 14 approach.
stones. H. R. Hose. 11 map Econ G«ol 68: Buildings bridge 11 Welding
62-9 Ja '63 Eng 48:44-6 Ad '63
BEAMS •63 and girders — Continued Inelastic lateral buckling of beams. T. V.
Canyon brid>;e steel set by hif::hline and hold- Galambos. bibliog diags Am Soc C E Proc
ing riff, il diass Roads & Sts lU6;4S-52 Ap 89 1ST thermal
Large 5 no 36831:217-42
deflection O of '63 a cantilever
Characteristics of an eigensystem describine beam. P. '63E. Wilson, bibliog AIAA J 1:
the elastic stability of a thin cantilever 1451-2 Je '63
beam. B. Saravanos. Roy Aeronautical Soc Lateral bracing force of steel I beams. C.
J 66:722-4 curved N '62 beams transversely loaded. JIassey. bibliog diags Am Soc C E Proc
Circularly 88 [EM 6 no 33641:89-113 D '62: Discus-
P. J. Spyropoulos. diags Am Concrete sion. 89 [EM 3 no 35621:217-24 Je '63;
Inst J 60:1457-70 O '63 Reply. design
Limit 89 LEJVI of 6reinforced
no 37741:263-5
concreteD '63beams.
Controlled-detlection desien method for re-
inforced concrete beams and slabs. D. G. D. T. Wright and C. Berwanger. bibliog
Alcock and A. Pauw. diass Am Concrete diags Am Soc C E Proc 86 [ST 7 no 25411:
Inst J 59:645-58 My '62; Discussion. 59:1929- 1-36 Jl '60; Discussion. 86 [ST 11 no 26671:
30 D '62 stresses in pretensioned beams
Controlling 169 N '60; 89 [ST 2 no 35021:201-20 Ap '63;
by the use of a bond retardant coating. Reply.
Linearized 89 [ST 6 no 37431:409-13
interaction curves for D '63plastic
M. Schupack. diags Am Concrete Inst J beams under '63 combined bending and twist-
60:1665-70practices N '63 ing. L. W. Lu. bibliog AIAA J 1:706-7 Mr
Current In plate girder design.
O. W. Blodgett. bibliog il diags Welding J Load-balancing method for design and analy-
42:411-14-1- My '63 sis of prestressed concrete structures. T. T.
Deflection and slope of beams with vary- Lin. bibliog diags Am Concrete Inst J 60:
ing I. O. Ondra. diags Am Soc C E Proc
719-42 Je church
Low-cost '63 built like a tepee; Linda
89 [ST 1 no 34091:25-48 F '63: Discussion.
89 [ST 3 no 3560] ;217-21 Je: [ST 5 no 36SS] : Mar. Calif, il Eng ofN the170:35 My 2 '63
301-27 O '63 Matrix formulation transverse struc-
Deflections and stresses in cantilever beam- tural influence coefficients of an axially
columns. M. Forray and M. Newmaiu loaded Timoshenko beam. W. P. Rodden
Product Eng 34:147-9 Mr IS '63 and others,
Method diag AIAAdeflection
•63 calculating
for J 1:225-7 and Jastresses
Deflections and stresses in pin-ended beam
columns. M. Forray and M. Newman. in beams under unsymmetrical bending. W.
Product Eng Griffel. diags Product Eng 34:106-8 Jl 22
Deflections and 34:77-8
stresses My of 27a clamped
'63 rec-
tangular sandwich beam. T. C. Fang and Method for determining deflections in beams
others, diags J Aerospace Sci 29:1368-74 of variable stiffness. K. T. Krishnaswaray.
N '62 diags Am deflection
Minimum Concrete design
Inst J of 60:157-60 Ja '63
a uniformly
Deflections calculated by moment distribu-
tion. R. L. Sanks. diags Am Concrete accelerating cantilever beam. R. L. Bar-
Inst J 60:527-30 Ap '63 nett. diags A S M E Trans ser E 30:466-7
Deflections of an inflated circular-cylindrical S '63
cantilever beam. R. L. Comer and S. Levy, Minimum weight potentials for stiffened
bibliog diags AIAA J 1:1652-5 Jl '63 plates and shells. R. F. Crawford and A. B.
Deflections of inelastic beams "with nonuni- Burns, bibliog diags AIAA J 1:879-86 Ap
form temperature distribution. B. E. Gate-
wood and R. W. Gehring. AIAA J 1:217 Ja Model studies of beams resting on a silt sub-
grade. A. B. Vesi(5 and W. H Johnson, bib-
Design curves for T-. tJ-. and L-section liog il diags Am Soc C E Proc 89 [SM 1
beams. A. Kuske. Product Eng 34:79-80 Ap no 34061:1-31 F '63; Correction 89 [SM 4
29 '63 of composite beams for highway
Design no 35781:237 Jl '63; Discussion. H. Grass-
hoff. 89 and
Moments [SM free5 novibrations
36541:101-2in Scurved
^63 girder
bridges. K. Ketchek. diag Civil Eng 33:60-
1 Jl '63 bridges. H. Yonezawa. bibliog diags Am
Direct design of prestressed concrete mem- Soc C E Proc 88 [EM 1 no 30521:1-21 F
bers. K. Saether. diags Ain Concrete Inst •62: Discussion. 89 (EM 2 no 34981:153-6
J 60:239-60 F '63: Correction. 60:sup27 Ag
•63: Discussion. 60:1309-16: Reply. 1316-20 Moments in compo.=;ite beam bridges bv or-
5 '63 thotroDic
Ap "63 '63
plate theory. K. H. Chu and G.
Discrete element approach to structural in- Krishnamoorthy. diags Am Concrete Inst J
stability analysis. R. H. Gallagher and J. 50:705-21 My '62: Discussion. 59:1957-63;
Padlog. AIAA J 1:1437-9 Je '63 Reply. 1963-4 D '62
Dynamic re-sponse of lattice-type structures. Novel home-made rig erects prestressed
B. S. Berger and S. Shore, diag Am Soc C E girders: Peedee River bridge. South Caro-
Proc 89 [EM 2 no 34841:47-70 Ap '63 lina, il diags Roads & Sts 106:89-90-4- F
Economical design of welded girders. Z. Sher- 63
Optimum design of box beams for combined
Economyman, of diags Eng high N strength
170:89 Ansteel 4 '63structural
strength and stiffness. B. Saelman. J Aero-
members. G. Haaiier. diags Am Soc C E space Sci 29:498-9 Ap '62; (cont as] AIAA J
Proc 87 [ST 8 no 30101:1-2.3 D '61: Discus-
sion. 88 [ST 2 no 31081:155-6 Ap: (ST 4 Pattern for future overhead roads. 11 diag
no 32541:221-2 Ag '62: Reply. 89 [ST 3 no Engineering 196:462 O 11 ^63
35601:139-40 Je '63 Plastic design of welded girders. C. B. Clarke
Effect of edge preparation on the fatigue and K. D. Roberts. Eng N 171:55 Jl 25
life of flat-plate specimens. R. E. George
and J. B. Mantle, bibliog il diags Materials Post-buckling strength of wide-flange beams.
Res & Stand 2:inn0-3 D '62 G. C. Lee and T. V. Galambos. il diags
Eigen-matrix method for beams and plates. Am Soc C E Proc 88 (EM 1 no 30501:59-75
B. Tanimoto. bibliog diags Am Soc C E F '62: Discussion. 88 (EM 3 no 31731-177-9
Proc 89 [ST 5 no 36811:173-215 O '63 Je: (EM 4 no 32441:137-8 Ag '62; Reply.
Elastic critical loads of coupled struts. H. 89 (EM 1 no 34401:75-7 F '63
Waters, diags Roy Aeronautical Soc J Post-elastic behavior of wide-flange steel
67:307-9 My '63 beams. H. A. Sawyer, bibliog il diags Am
End slopes of column-beams. J. W. Harvey, Soc
diags AIAA J 1:2385-7 O '63 61: CDiscussion.
E Proc 87 A. [STFerrara
8 no 30161
and :4.'!-71
Engineering aspecLs of the 50in/52in uni-
versal beam mill at the Appleby-Froding- Galambos.88 [ST
Reply. 88 (ST6 no4 no33761:287-90
32541:223-7 D Ag 62 '62;
ham steel co. Scunthorpe. W. A. Dixon Prefabricated slabs with load distributing
and E. F. Farrington. il plans diags Iron transverse beams under concentrated loads.
6 Steel Inst J 201:770-84; Discussion. 794- M. Schulz. diags Am Concrete Inst J 59:
800 S '63 1863-70 D '62
Experimental and theoretical investigation of Preloaded steel beams replace columns, il
the plastic deformation of cantilever beams
subjected to impulsive loading. S. R Tiod- diag.R Eng N 170:90 An 4 '63
ner and P. S. Symonds. bibliog il diags Prestressed concrete girder production for
A S M E Trans ser E 29:719-28 D '62 Seattle^s monorail. A. R. Anderson, il diags
Experimental study of masonrv walls on Am Concrete Inst J 60:683-5 Je '63
beams. S. Rosenhauot. diags Am Soc C. B Prestre.'ssing of the ring girder of the Century
Proc 88 [ST 3 no 31631:137-66 Je '62: Dis- 21 coliseum. P. H. Hostmark. il diags Arh
cussion. 88 [ST 5 no 33091:193-4 O; [ST 6 Concrete Inst J 60:697-705 Je '63
no 3376:325-6 D '62: 89 [ST 1 no 34351-251-2 Record_ plate girder span closed, il Eng N
F '63: Reply. 89 [ST 5 no 36881:249-50 O '63
Glass-walled prefab perches on stilts il Eng Repeated loading effect on ultimate static
N 170:59 Ja 17 '63 strength of concrete beams. J. R. -Verna
Holes in steel add strength to beams. 11 ^Pl,,T-,?-^St^'s°"- <li3-K •A-'" Concrete Inst J
Welding J 42:309-10 Ap '63 60:743-50 Je 63
BEAMS and girders — Continued Shear strength of reinforced concrete beams.
B. Bresler and A. C. Scordelis. bibliog
Koot Kirders carry five Moors: Prudential fed-
eral savincs and loan association buildine. diags Ajn Concrete Inst J 6U:61-i4 Ja 6i;
Salt Lake City, il dlaB Ens N 170:25-6 My Correction.
1279-85; Reply. 60:sup271285-6 AgS '63;
'63 ,Discussion.
^, 60;
Shear strength of reinforced concrete beams Ultimate static and impulse loading or
inforced concrete beams. J. N. Cernica and re-
without web reinforcement. F. J. van den M. J. Charignon. il diag Am Concrete Inst J
BerK diass Am Concrete Inst J 69:14b/- 60:1219-28 S '63 ^ ^
77. 1587-(iu0. 1849-62 O-D ^ „ ,.
'02on deflections
Shrinkage and creep influenceconcrete beams.
Ultimatesionstrength behavior
analysis of beam test data. study by regres-
T. C.
and moments of reinforced Inst J 59.
H. Gesund. diaK Am Concrete Zsutty. bibliog Am Concrete Inst J 60:635-
(187-704 My '62: Correction. 60:sup5 pt 2 Je
64 My '63 Transportation
Simplified method for determini iiK thermal Prestressed beams take a long trip. 11 Biut
stresses in unrestrained beams: data slieet.
M Newman and M. Forray. diags Machine N 169:36 N 22 '02
Design 35:133-7 Ja 3procedure '63 , ^ , , .■
for calculating Vibration
Simplified numerical
thermal stresses in composite beams: data Beams with many elastic supports. Y. Chen.
sheet M Newman and M. Forray. diags diag Franklin
Eigenfrequencies Inst J 276:273-81 beams.
of nonuniform O '63 F.
Machine Design ^5:119-21 ,Ja 31 W
Simplified solutions for relatively stiff beams Buckens. diags AlAA J 1:121-7 Ja '63
on elastic foundations. 13. W. Shatter, diags Optimization of damping of four configura-
A S M E Trans ser B 85:1-4 F 63 tions of a vibrating uniform beajn. A. Hen-
Six heavy girders support seven story garage ney and J. P. Kaney. bibliog diags A S M E
above restaurant, il Welding Eng 48:46 Ag Trans ser B 85:259-64 Ag '63 S. H. Crandall
Random vibration of beams.
Some applications of symbolic bibliog functions on and A. Yildiz. bibliog diags A S M E Trans
beam problems. H. H. Pan. diags ser E 29:267-75 Je '62: Discussion. 30:317-
Franklin Inst J ions275:303-13
in Ap
twisted '63structural Vibration
Stress concentrat 19 Je '63 of centrated
beams Y. orChen.
rods Acarrying
S M E a Trans
beams. C. W. Beadle and H. D. Conway,
bibliog diags A S M E Trans ser E 30:138- ser E 30:310-11 Je '63
41 Mr '03
Stresses and deflections in built-in beams. Changes produced in Wisconsin green snap
W. J. O'Donnell. bibliog diags AS ME beans by blanching. L. M. Kaczmarzyk and
Trans ser B 85:265-72; Discussion. 272-3 Ag others, il Food Tech 17:943-6 Jl '63
Thermal stresses in I-sectlon beams. K. JB. Nutritive value for
lus vulgaris) of red kidneyP. beans
chicks. V. Wagh(phaseo-
Ayers. bibliog diags Aircraft Ene 34:320- others, bibliog J Nutrition 80:191-5 Je
4 N
Thickness '62 comparator; weight comparator: Preparing beans for canning, il Automation
nomographs; data sheets. Mach 69:167-8 N
Transverse normal stress in beams. XL. 10:62 Ji
BEANS, '63
Sackman. diags Am Soc C B Proc 89 [EM 4 Extraction and precipitation of nitrogenous
constituents of dry navy beans. R. J. Evans
no 35901:13-16
Two-dimensi onal Ag '63 ,in ,
stresses long ^beams with ... and M. H. Kerr, bibliog J Agri & Food
spanwise variation of loadR. and
bibliog Chem 11:26-9 Ja '63
ture B E. Gatewood and BEANS, Frozen
A S M E Trans theories ser E 29:747-9 D '62 Effect of blanching, storage temperature, and
Two-dimensional of anchorage zone container atmosphere on acetaldehyde and
stresses in post-tensioned prestressed alcohol production and off- flavor formation
beams. K. T. S. R. Iyengar,bibliogfp diags Am Con- in frozen snap-beans. T. Fuleki and J. J.
crete Inst J 59:1443-66 1464-5) David, James
Food Tech 17:1313-16 O '63
O '62; Correction. 60:sup5-t-: Discussion. BEARD,
2035-8; Reply. 2038-9 pt 2 Je '63 Obituary, por Engineer 214:595 O 5 62
Use of Macauley's brackets in the analysis of BEARINf; materials _
laterallv loaded struts and tie-bars. S. A. Asbestos based bearing materials. R. G.
Urry. diag AlAA J 1:462-3 F '63 Walmsley.materials
Bearing Brit Plastics 36:407-8 Jl E.
and properties. '63 R.
Use of universal beams in the design of in-
dustrial buildings and bridges. S. Barlow Booser. il diags Machine Design 35:29-37
and J. F. Pain, il diags Iron & Steel Inst
J 201:710-14; Discussion. 715-20 Ag '63 New
Je 13bearing cages for use In space. Ma-
'63terials in Design
Using dry-friction damning In a new way. Eng 56:140-1- D "62
D. Williams, bibliog diags Engineering 194. Testing
794-6 D 14 '62 Unlubricated high temperature bearing
Vibration modes of a two-beam system by the studies. berR. A. Baughman
Holzer method. H. E. Fettis. diag J Aero- ger, il diags A S M E and TransE. ser
N. DBam-
space Sci 29:1396-7 N '62
Wood in architecture; leaping box beams, il 265-72 Jemetals
diags Prog Arch 44:138-41 Je '63 Welding reclaims bronze bearing surfaces.
See also
Trusses _ O. R. Hall, il Welding Eng 48:50-1 Ag '63
Testing See also
Babbitt metal
Correlation between tensile splitting strength BEARINGS
and flexural strength of concrete. I. Narrow Air bearings have come of age. 11 diag Prod-
and E. Ullberg. il Am Concrete Inst J 60:
27-38 Ja '63; Discussion. 60:1263-75; Reply. uct lOng 34:88
Automatic chucker O 14broaches
'63 bearings. II Am
1275-8 S '63 Mach/Metal working Manuf 107:169 Je 10
Elastic buckling of tapered beam-columns.
D J Butler and G. B. Anderson, bibliog Bearing takes speeds In stride, diags Iron
il diags Welding J 42:sup29-36 Ja 63 AgR 100:71
Factors affecting strength of fleld-fabrlrated Bearings book N issue: 1 '62 design data and product
concrete test beams. J. F. Crary and H. C. directory, il diags Machine Design 35:1-266
Fryer, bibliog Materials Ros & Stand 2:
Je 13 '63 half-frequency whirl, il diag Prod-
385-7 My '62: Discussion. 3:277-9 Ap '63
Fatigue rigs for full-scale girders. 11 diags uct Eng 34:50-1
Burnishing Je 24 '63
tool finishes bearing seat. II diags
Engineering 195:442-3 Mr 29 '63 Tool & restriclod
Manuf Eng clearance 50:81 Mr '63
Fatigue tests of welded plate girders. B. T. Camella bearings, diags
Yen and P. B. Cooper. 11 diags Welding J Engineering 196:355 S. S Levy,
20 '63 diags A S M E
42:sup261-3 Je '63 Critical speed damper.
Shear strength of beams without web rein- Trans problem,'?
Design ser E 30:463-4 S '63 to large capac-
In transition
forcement containing deformed bars of dif- ity ings,
basic couplings
oxygen and furnaces:
ferent yield strengths. R. G. Mathey and
D. Watstetn. bibliog II diags Am Concrete drives. trunnions, bear-
C. F. Simmers.
Inst J 60:183-207 F ^63; Discussion. 60:1305- II diags Iron
Electrically * Steel gimbal
oscillated Eng 40:160-9
bearing,An11 '63
7 S '63
Shear strength of prestressed beams without tro-Tech 72:122 O '63
web reinforcement. R. H. Evans and E. G. First true magnetic bearing; rotating shaft
Schumacher, biblloe II diags Am Concrete floats on electromagnet-corrected fields. 11
Inst J 60:1621-42 N '63 diags Machine Design 36:14-16 Mr 14 '63
BEARINGS — Continued Design of hydrostatic bearings. H. C. Rippel.
Five^62 papers on bearing stability. blbliOK 11 il diags Machine Design 35:108-17 Ag 1:
diass Inst Mech Eng Proc 176 no 22:523-81. 122-6 Ag 15: 132-8 Ag 29; 170-2 S 12; 182-
pi 1-4; Discussion. 5S2-96; Replies. 597-601 90 S 26; 201-8 O 10; 185-92 O 24; 189-94 N 7;
199-206 N 21 '63 (to be cont)
Floatinsr bearine for space guidance. Elec- Designing grease out of a bearing, il diags
Fluid filmtronicslubrication.
35:71 D 5 '62 H. C. Mellor. dlags Engineering 195:618-19 My 3 '63
Dry self-lubricated bearings. Westlnghouse
■63 & Factory 71:79-81 D '62
Mill Eng 22:150-1 N '62 R. L. Wehe. A S M E
In sealed machinery rotors ride on gas. F. D. Fluid-fllm bearings.
Yeaple. il diags Product Eng 34:116-23 O 14 Trans ser D 85:457-9 bibliog(p468-9) S '63
For a nuclear loop, gas bearings. E. C. Ben-
Inventory control cuts bearing costs. W. J. nett, il diag Mech Eng 85:26-9 Je '63; Dis-
Scully. Foundry cussion. 85:83 O '63
Magnetic bearing, 90:169-71 N '62
il diags Electronic Ind 22: Gas lubricated bearings. W. A. Gross, bibliog
SO Ap '63
Magnetic bearing developed from ceramic Naval Eng J 75:737-43 O '63
Grease lubrication of bearings. Coal Age 68:
Magnetic Mach 69:125 F '63 11 diae Product
B. Cross. Half Sommerfeld approximation for finite
Ens 34:79 Ap 1 '63 journal bearings. J. V. Fedor. bibliog diag
New steel for hard-wearing gears. Materials A S toM design E Transbearings ser D 85:435-8 S '63
in Design Eng 57:194-1- My '63 How for hydrostatic lu-
No- wear gas bearing: air pillow separates brication. N. P. Chironis. il diags Product
superhard surfaces, il Machine Design 35:26 Eng 34:80-6 Jl 22 '63 (reprints $1)
Ja 17 '63 Hydrodynamic lubrication of narrow press-
Now pressurized grease for hydrostatic bear- fitted porous metal bearings. W T
ings. N. P. Chironis. diags Product Eng Rouleau, bibliog diags A S M E Trans ser
34:76-81 Je 24 '63 D So:123-8air-lubricated
Improved Mr '63 swivelling pipe cou-
Oil -whirl characteristics of a rigid rotor in
360° journal bearings. R. Holmes, bihiiog il p ing or journal bearing. R. F. Halliday.
diags Inst Mech Eng Proc 177 no 11:291-9: diag J Sci Instr 39:572-3 N '62
Discussion. clearance 300-5: Reply. Improving lubricants. D. MacDonald. il diags
Restricted bearing, 306-7,
diag pi 1 '63
Engineer ,Lubricants,
Product Engdiags 34:88-9Machine
F 18 '63 Design 35:4-19
216:360-1 Ag 30 '63 '62
Silver-lead bearings for helicopter engine, il
Engineering Magnetohydrodynamic
Je 13 '63 finite step slider bear-
Sleeve bearings 196:453 O 11 '63reliability. C. L.
for increased ing. WF.„ Hughes, diags A S M E Trans
Pope, il Plant
Stability and dynamics of rotors Eng 16:125-7 N '62 supported ser D 85:129-36 Mr '63
Magnetohydrodynamic journal bearing. D. C.
on fluid-film bearings. B. Sternlicht. bibliog Kuzma. diags A S M E Trans ser D 85:
diags A S M E Trans ser A 85:331-8; Dis- New lubricants for aluminum, il Mod Metals
Support ofcussion. thin 338-40: steel
Reply. strip
341-2on O air
'63 cushions.
19:56 F '63hydrodynamic slider bearing. W.
W. G. Jaffrey and G. M. Boxall. il diags Nonlinear
Iron for & longer
Steel Inst J 201:401-8 My '63Prod T. Snyder, bibliog A S M E Trans ser D
Tips bearing wear. Rock 85:429-34 S '63
Note on work done on journal by forces ex-
66:66 My whirl
Unbalance '63 of rotors supported in gas erted by a compressible lubricant in a jour-
journal bearings. J. W. Powell. 11 Engineer nal bearing. H. Poritsky. diag A S M E
216:145-6 Jl 26 '63 wear, an alarm bell rings:
'62 the bearings Trans ser D 84:486-9: Discussion. 489-90 D
When Oil lubrication for wheels, il diags Diesel
Gotaverken. diag Engineering 194:799 D 21
Equip chromium
Porous Supt 41:32-4plate Je '63holds plastic lubri-
See also
Babbitt metal cant. Steel 152:52
Rust preventive Ap 1 '63
abilities of greases and their
Bearing metals improvement. S. F. Calhoun and R. L.
Bridge bearings
also subdivision Bearings under special Young, bibliog
Solution for the pressure distribution il L.ub Eng 19:292-6 Jl '63in a
subjects, e.g. short gas journal bearing. H. J. Sneck.
Electric motors A S analytical
Some ME Transmethods ser D 85:474-5 S '63
for the analysis of
Instruments gas-lubricated journal bearings. V. N.
Nuclear reactors Constantinescu. bibliog A S M E Trans
Rolling mills
Tanks. Military ser D of85:475-7
Theory an externally S '63 pressurized cirrular
Design thrust gas bearing with consideration of
Bearing noise. A. J. Rufflni. II diags Machine the effects of lubricant inertia. H. Mori,
Design 35:232-5 My 9: 158-66 My 23 '63 diags A S M E Trans ser D 85:304-9;
Design of hvdro.static bearings. H. C. Rippel. Discussion.of journal 309-10 Jebearings "63
il diags Machine Design 35:108-17 Ag 1: Vibration In vacuum. K.
122-6 Ag 15: 132-8 Ag 29; 170-2 S 12; 182- E. Demorest and E. C. McKannan. il diags
90 S 26; 201-8 O 10; 185-92 O 24; 189-94 N 7; Lub Eng 19:59-66; Discussion. 66-7 F '63
199-206 N 21 '63 (to be cont) Maintenance and repair
How to design bearings for hydrostatic lu-
brication. N. P. Chironis. il diags Product How to eliminate premature ball bearing
Eng 34:80-6 Jl 22 '63 (reprints $1) failures. R. E. Downs. 11 Mill & Factory
Predicting bearing reliability. T. A. Harris 72:76-9 Ap '63 Manufacture
Machine Design 35:129-32 Ja 3 '63
Failure Builder supplies machines and trained men.
il Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf 106:63 D
Competitive modes of failure in rolling con-
tact fatigue: abstract. W. E. Littmann and Federal -Mogul: noted parts maker. J. Gesche-
C. A. Moyer. Metal Prog 83:159+ My '63 24 '62 Automotive Ind 128:65-8-H Ap 15 '63
Lubrication Howlin. ilbearingmaker prevented many plant
startup pains. Steel 153:31+ S 9 '63
Air bearings suit abrasive belt machine; Pro- How integrated systems mechanize job-shop
duction engineering research association. flow. J. A. Eaton, il diag Mod Materials
Engineering 194:710 N 30 '62 Handling 18:50-5
'63 O '63growth; Bearings corp.
Applications of automatic control to pres- New plant geared for
surized oil film bearings. J. K. Rovie and of America. R. H. Eshelman. il Iron Age
°'"oo^r,i' ,?'^fi? I"^' M«<^f' 192:82-3 O 24 '63
no 22:532-41; Discussion. 5864-Eng'62 Proc 176 Tailor-made cleanroom for bearings G. C.
Bearing system refines rolling; rolled metal Close, it iltakes
When Mill diamonds
X: Factoryto cut
silver, Je il '63
Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:83 Ag 19 '63
X^eMf ?f44"My"'9 ^6^" *°'^^^"=«- "'^S I-""" Tables, calculations, etc.
sulfide stand up to high heat as metal and
bo II Iron Age 192:88-9 Jl 4 Characteristics of an externally pressurized
bearing having variable external flow
Critical conditions for hydrodynamic lubrica- restrictors. J. E. Maver. Jr. and M C.
Shaw, diags A S M E Trans ser D 85:291-6
VS5 S,i,^°''°"g- j;'.'^"^' d'?earings.
others, bibling Cameron
ags Inst A.Mech Tim
Je bearings,
'63 diags Product Eng 34;61-2 Jl 8
770 T2 28:761-9: DiscusSilS" 7691

BEARINGS— Tables, calculations, etc.— -Cont. Rolling-element bearings. J. C. Lawrence,

Gasi';uilubricated spherical bearinETS. C. H. i. A S M E Trans ser D 85:459-61 bib-
bibliosr diaus A S M K Trans ser D Iiogip4(;9-701 Sgyroscope '63
85:311-23 Je '6:i ^ , , ,.„ Rotatinij-race bearings. M. P.
Molecular transit time and its correlation Lewis, jr. and V. A. Orlando, il diags
Willi the cated stability ot externally pi-essurized. Elec:tro-Tech 72:98-1- Ag '03
Sealed ball-bearings for dirty conditions;
Eas-lubri bearines. R. C. Tur,,blade
Pollard ball and roller bearing CO. 11 Engi-
diaes A S M E Trans ser D 85:297-oU3
Steel balls,neeringmarvels
194:663 N of23 precision
'62 manufacture,
Numerica l solutions for gras lubricated Jour-
nal bearings. J. K. Kice. A S M B Trans il See
Wirealso & Wire Prod 38:373-1- Mr '63
Preiiniinary study of whirl instability for Bearings. Anti-friction
pressurized Kas bearings. R. H. l^arson and Design
H H. Richardson, bibliog 11 diags A t, M hi Angular-contact ball bearings. 11 diags Ma-
Trans ser D 84:511-18; Discussion. 618-19; chine Design 35:78-81 R. JeD. 13Savard.
Reply. 519-2U D '62 emphasis u ■ „„ on Radial ball bearings. II diags
Rotor-bearing dynamics with
attenuation. J. W. Lund and B. feternllchl. Machine ballDesign
Thrust 35:74-7 L.Je Jones,
bearings. 13 '63 Jr. diags
biblioK diags A S M E Trans ser D 84:491- Machine ball Desi-rnbearings.
35:82-4 F.Je R.13 Smith,
D '62 D F Wilcock Unground diags
Selection of plain49S-52
8: Discussion. bearings.
bibliog il diags Machine Design .J5.2U-8 Machine Design 35:94-5 Je 13 '63
of bearing whirl on an electronic - Failure
Simlilationcomputer . U. D. Jennings and F. W. For too ball-bearing service flght failure on
analog E Trans ser
Ocvirk. bibliog diags ASM nine material
New fronts, and il Power 107:174-7
processing F '63 triple
D S4;5U3-S: Discussion. 60S-1U D bJ
Stability of rotors in cylindrical Journal bearing life. Machine Design 35:8 Ag 1 '63
bearings . G. M. Rentzepi s and B. biern- Lubrication
lichl. bibliog diag A S ME Trans ser D
84:521-31; Discussion. 631-2 D bJ Inorganic drT,'-film. bonded lubricant: Moly-
Stability of the hign-spe ed journal bearing kote termX-15. operation
Engineer and215:202 Ja 25limitations
under steady load. H. S. Cheng and P. R. Long practical
Trunipler. bibliog diags A S M E Trans ser of dry. self-lubricated bearings from
B 85:274-9: Discussion. 279-80 Ag b3 1 .X lU' torr to atmospheric. D. J. Boes.
Static and dynamic properties of partial bibliog il diag Lub Eng
journal bearings. P. C.^Warner. diags Lubricating high speed ball 19:137-42
bearings. ApR. W. '63
A S M E Trans ser D 85:247-55: Discussion. Moran. lubrication
il Mill & Factory 73:78-80 S costs.
Oil-mist cuts maintenance
Taking bearing leads? H. W. Hamm. diag R. L. Weisman. il diag Oil & Gas J 61:
Power 107:150 Ja '63 , . ^ ^ .
Theory ot self-actin g, gas-lubricated bearings H. U Role118-19of Apelastohydrodynamic
22 '63 lubrication in
witli heat transfer through surfaces. ser D rolling-contact fatigue. E. V. Zaretsky and
Kao bibliog diag A S M E Trans others, bibliog il diags A S M B Trans
85:324-8 Je '63 Testing ser D 85:439-47; Discussion. 447-9; Reply.
449-50 S '63 Manufacture
Jl 'C3
Engineers analyzer,
Bearing rejects.EngJ. E.85:52Sandford.
call halt ilto Mech Koyo Seiko forges and rolls bearing races.
il Iron Agelab 191:131-3 F 21 '63 . R. E. Green, il Mach 69:92-7-1- Ag '63
Newproblems, seeks answ-ers to bearing user Miniaturization
il Steel 152:33 Je 17 63
BEARINGS, Anti-friction Tiny bearings do special Jobs, diags Iron
Bearing runs dry. Mech Eng 84:63 D 62 Age 190:154 O 11 '62
Cylindrical and .lournal roller bearings. WE. Testing
Biesemev er. il diags Machine Design 36. ab-
Kin Je 13 '63 . , , Bearings for vacuum operation: retainer ma-
Frictionless permane nt-magnet bearing,
Armour research foundation. Engineering Flatley.terial bibliog
and H.diag E. AEvans S M andE T. "VV.
to curb '62
O 19 sliding friction, diags Iron Age ser B 85:129-34 My '63 (to be cont)
191:136-7 Je 13 '63 , ^.. Defects talk In sonic tests, il Iron Age 190:
Oil-filled clearancefriction-bearingspaces dampen anti- 144-5 term
O 11 operation '62
chatter. diags Machine Long and practical limita-
Design 35:12 Jl 4 '63 . tions of dry, self-lubricated bearings from
Unlubricated Baughma high temperatureB. bearing stud- 1 X 10» torr to atmospheric. D. J. Boes.
ies R A n and N. Bamber- bibliog il diag Lub Bng 19:137-42 Ap '63
ger il diak.s A S M E Ti-ans ser D 85:265-72 BEARINGS. Needle
Je '63 Needle-roller bearings. P. R. Glazier. 11
Lubrication M.-vchine Plastic
BEARINGS. Design 35:116-2f Je 13 "63
800-F hydraulic fluid doubles as antifric- Aluminum-plastic bearing rings. J. W. Schus-
tion-bearing lubricant. Machine Design o5:
12 S 26 '63 Design ter, of
il diag pl.astic Metalbearings.
Prog 84:109-10-1- Jl '63
L M. Rentschler.
BEARINGS, Ball . c„v„„
Aluminum-plastic bearing rings. J. W. Schus- Designing grease out of a bearing, 13
diags Machine Design 35:59-64 Je '63
il diags
ter il diag Metal Prog to84:109-10-1- Jl 'CS ap- Engineering 105:618-19 Mv 3 '63
Ball bearings designed meet special How to design plastic bearings fast! nomo-
plication requirements. F J. Oliver bibhog graphs. R. L. Peters. Mod Plastics 40:109-
11 diags Electro-Tech 71:56-63 F; 80-5 Mr; IH- Ap in'63 rolllngi mill construction, diags
102-7 Ap '63 ^ ^ r> ..
Ball bearings in the space age. F. G. Patter- Engineer
Polyurethane 215:1053-4
bearings. Je L.7 '63Halberstadt. 11
.son. il Mach get 69:98-101
the acid Ag '63
test; mechanical
Ball screws M.aohine Design 35:151-2 Je 6 '63
•63 for machine tools, il diags Am BEARINGS, Roller
Mach/Metalworking Manuf 106:82-3 N 26 '62 Bearing noise; analysis of rolling-element
Birfleld angular contact constant velocity bearings. A. J. Rufflnl. II diags Machine
Joint, il diags Engineering 195:550-1 Ap 19 Design 35:232-5 My roller
9 '63 bearings. W. E.
Cylindrical and Journal
Hiesemcyer. 11 diags Machine Design 35:96-
Catching a wlll-o'-the-wisp leads to better
ball bearings, il Ind Phot 12:28-1- Ap '63 liin Je sort
Czechs 13 '63 bearings on circular track with
Dynamic gyro bearing, diag Mech Eng 85:55 pin memory. F. H. Baer. II Control Eng
O '63
Facts about pump motor bearings, diags Needle-roller
10:97 Ag '03 bearings. P. R. Glazier 11
Water & Sewage Works 109:435-7 N '62
How can we stretch ball-bearing life? an- NoMachine
need for Design collets35:116-21
or chucks; .Te 13Intermeshing
cont.-ict-roU bearing. 11 diags Mech Eng 85:
swers. Power 107:146-7 Jl '63
How to eliminate premature ball bearing Roller bearings: production of Rex Life-Gard:
failures. R. B. Downs, il Mill & Factory division
no F 'O.'i of Chain belt co. 11 Iron & Steel
72:76-9 Ap '03 Eng 40:208-1- F bearings.
Rolling-element '63 J. C. lyawrence.
Linear ballcuracy.bearings Increase 11positioning
H. R. Havemeyer. diags Tool ac-& A S M E Trans ser D 85:459-61 blb-
Manuf Eng 50:96-100 My '63 llog(p46D-70) S '63
BEARINGS. Roller — Continued BEDSPREADS. See Coverlets
^Selection of rolling element bearings. A. J. BEECH
Rufflni and R. M. Petros. diaes Machine Production of dissolving pulps from beech. H.
Self-alisninK35:65-9 Je 13roller
spherical '63 bearines. J. M. Haas. Tappi 40:sup71A-l- O '63
Bryant. U diass Machine Desisn 35:101-5
Je 13 -63 Collagen content and its relation to tender-
Self-contained tapered roller bearing; sizes ness of connective tissue in two beef mus-
to fit all standard freight cars, il JMech Eng cles. S. J. Ritchey and others, bibliog Food
S5:60-l O '63 Tech 17:194-7
Comparison of dry-heatF '63 cooking methods for
Split-race main center crankshaft bearing: on
Wisconsin's round steak. C. Rodgers and others, bib-
cooled engine. new R. V-4. vaive-in-head.
J. Srolia and others. air-11
diags S roller
A B Jbearings.
7U:10U-1 OR. '62McKelvey. diags Effect of methionine and Jlage '63 of rat on the
liog Food Tech 17:931-3
Tapered occurrence of hemorrhagic diathesis in rats
Design 3o:lu6-llJ. Ja H.13 Rumbarger.
'63 fed a ration containing irradiated beef.
Thrust bearings. 0. M. Malhotra and E. F. Reber. bibliog
diags Macliine
See also Design 35:112-15 Je 13 '63 J Nutrition 80:85-90
Effects of rat strain, stilbestrol and testoster- My '63
Bearings. Anti-friotlon one on the occurrence of hemorrhagic di-
Bridge bearings athesis in rats fed a ration containing ir-
radiated beef. O. P. Malhotra and others,
Competitive modes of failure In rolling con- bibliog J Nutrition 79:381-8 Mr '63
tact fatigue: abstract. W. E. Dittmann. Factors affecting the color of packaged re-
tail beef cuts; origin of cuts, package
Machine Design type, and storage conditions. D. A. Fellers
Cumulative plastic 35:2S6-f- My 9in '63
deformation rolling con- and others, bibliog Food Tech 17:1175-9
tact. G. J. Moyar and G. M. Sinclair, bihliog S '63
il diags A S M E Trans ser D 85:105-12; Freezing rate of beef as affected by moisture,
Discussion. fat. and wrapping materials. L J. Bratzler
Surface fatigue113-11: Reply.
research with114-15 Mr '03 rol-
the geared and H. Q. Tucker, jr. bibliog Food Tech
ler test machine: abstract. R. E. Denning 17:788-9 Je '63 shear force as a tenderness
and S. L. Rice. Metal Prog 83:174-1- Ap '63 L.E.E. -Kramer
Lubrication measure of beef steak. M. E. Bailey and
Dirt: greatest roller enemy, il Coal Age 68: others, bibliog Food Tech 16:99-101 D '62
Subjective and objective evaluations of pre-
138 temperature
Ap '63 fabricated cuts of beef. M. M. Fielder and
Low performance of greases in others, bibliog
railway roller bearings. J. N Crisp and MV. Tenderness and Food Tech 17:213-18
chemical composition F '63 of
E. Ellis, bibliog il diags Lub Eng 19:2i0-9; beef. P. C. Paul, bibliog Food Tech 16:115-
Discussion. analysis
280-2 Jlof'63the effect of viscosity Thermal
Theoretical 19 N '62conductivity of beef. H. L. Miller
at high pressure on rolling contact bear- and J. E. Sunderland, bibliog diag Food
ings. T. Liu and R. J. Benzing. diag Lub BEER Tech 17:490-2 Ap '63
Eng 19:381-2 S '63
Manufacture Barley and malt. A. H. Cook. ed. Review, bv
Handling is key in bearing plant layout, il 1. A. Preece.
Hydrogen formed Chemin &bottle Ind linked
D28-3n Jato 5beer '63
Koyo Mill &forgesFactory
and 73:84-5 O '63 races. R.
rolls bearing gushing. Food Eng 34:103-4 N '62
See also
Bre'wing industries
E. Green,modernizes
Rollway il Mach and69:92-7-1-
expandsAg with
'63 brand-
BEER containers
new plant. C. A. Weinert. il plan Automo- Aluminum taps beer for tonnage sales. 11
tive Ind 129:116-17 S 15 '63 Iron Ageadopt 19:133 the O 18aluminum
Testing Brewers Ud. 11 Mod
Analysis of a rolling-element idler gear Metals 18:61-2 N '62
bearing having a deformable outer- race Home tan dispenses draft beer from the home
structure. A. B Jones and T. A Harris, refrigerator, il Light Metal Age 21:23 Je '63
il diags A S M E Trans ser D 85:273-8
Je '63aspects of the performance Coater envelops raisins with wax. diag Food
Some of high-
speed lightly loaded cylindrical roller bear- Eng 34:103(psychology)
ings. C. F. Smith, bibliog diags Inst Mech Errors are inevitable, but proper design can
Eng Proc 176 no 22:566-81. pi 1-4 '62 soften
BEARINGS. Thrust bibliog the il diags consequences.
Machine Design H. L. 35:133-7
Design of strip-type bearings. B. Crankshaw.
diags Machine Design 35:46-52 Je 13 '63 17 '63
Experimental investigations on nutrition and
Glacier rationalize tilting-pad thrust bear- human behavior: a post-script. J. Brozek.
ings, il diags Engineering 194:567 N 2 '62 Am Scientist 51:139-63 bibliog(p 161-31 Je '63
Grinding round within millionths: suBponing BELGIUM
headstock spindle with hydrostatic bearings. '62
R. Le Grand, diags Am Mach/Metal working See cialalsosubjects,subdivision e.g. Belgium under spe-
Manuf 106:51-3 D 24 '62 Atomic power plants
New method for finishing thrust bearing sur- Chemical industries
faces of crankshafts. D E. Bowman and Plastics industries
O. L. Cory, il diag Automotive Ind 128:46
Je 1 '63of an externally pressurized circular Railroads — Electrification
Theory BELGRADE Bridges
thrust gas bearing with consideration of
the effects of lubricant inertia. H. Mori,
diags A S M E Trans ser D 85:304-9: Steel trusses span the Danube. 11 diags
Thrust 309-10 Je '63L. Jones, jr. diags
ball bearings. BELLEng telephone
N 171:89-1-laboratories
O 10 '63
Machine Design 35:82-4 J.Je H.13 Rumbarger.
'63 Bell laboratories and project Mercurv. J. J.
Thrust roller bearings. Hibbert. il map Bell Lab Rec 40:276-81 S
diags Machine Design 35:112-15 Je 13 '63
BEARTOOTH MOUNTAINS Bell labs' mirrored superblock at Holmdel.
Orbicular rocks of the Lonesome Mountain N.J. il plan diag Arch Rec 132:145-52 O '62
area. Beartooth Mountains, Montana and
Wyoming. D. J. Leveson. bibliog maps Cape Canaveral laboratory. J B. D'Albora.
diags Geol Soc Bui 74:1015-40. pi 1-5 Ag '63 jr. 11 plan Bell Lab Rec 40:352-7 N '62
Columbus branch laboratory. F A Korn 11
chines (dyeing machines). See Dyeing ma- Bell Lab Rec 40:392-7 D '62
BEDDING Distribution
McPartland. forII diags
Bell labs' research. & Malnt
Elec Constr J. F.
See also
Electric blankets 61:72-5 D '62
BEDFORD. Thomas Holmdel laboratories. H. J. Wallis. 11 plan
Obituary. G. P. Crowden and P. Drinker, Bell Lab Rec 40:316-25 O '62
Research and development center opens In
Jlpor 63Archives Environmental Health 7:116-17 Holmdel. N.J. il Elec Eng 81:887-8 N '62
BEDS Sa^rinen's telephone center
Multiple correlation; technique for prediction Jersey. 11 Prog Arch 43:77 opens O '62 In New
of future hospital bed needs. H. L. Been- BELLEVILLE
(machinery) spring washers. See Washers
hakker. Op Res 11:824-39 S '63
BELLOWS Aluminum sections with lipped flanges and
trans- their resistance to local buckling. J. B.
Aneroid and variable vanes Improve Dwight. il diags Mod Metals 19:4f4- Ag 63
mission performance, il diag Machme De- Analysis of buckled slender bars. R. Isa-
sign 35:108-9 O 10 '63 , ^ „ , _
tor metal bellows: draw- kower. Product Eng 34:117-18 Ja 21 '63 .
Eicht with text.ns K. M. Carey. Product Eng
Ines applicatio Analysisside aof the motion
33:58-9 N 26 '62 ,. ., , .. guide tube. M.of aF. flexible shaftdiags
Massoud. in-
liquid elastic
on usingabstract. pressure- A S M E for
Trans ser E 30:379-83 S '63 ductility
sensinK selements:
Experiment A. N. Zamula Apparatus determining the bend
of sheet between -196 and 300 C. R. C.
and others, il Control Ens 10:151 Ap G3 Nelson and others, diag Materials Res &
How bellows flow meters perform in. steam
and fluid flow services. W. R. \Voolrlch Stand 3:296-7
and J. L. Flowers, il Heating- PiPine 35: Axially loaded Ap '63
column subjected to lateral
129-32 Jl "63 pressure. J. P. Peterson,, diags
1458 Je '63 . ^ ,AIAA
^ J 1:
See also Beam columning in ground wind load analy-
Doorbells ses. R. P. McFarland. diags AIAA J 1:2147-
Liberty bell Beam deflections caused by shearing stresses.
BELTBelt conveyors.
conveyors See Conveying machinery — 9 S '63
W. Griffel. Productelastic
Eng supports.
34:129-30 Y.
Ja Chen,
7 '63
Beams with many
BELT drive. See Belting diag Franklin Inst J 276:273-81 O '63
BELTING ^ ^ „ Bending
section and rings.buckling of thin-walled
J. A. Cheney, bibliog open-
Belt lengths. S. Kravitz. diag Product Eng
34:147-8 Ap 15 '63 Am Soc C B Proc 89 [EM 5 no 36651:17-44
How to select, install and maintain V-belts. . ,^ ^ ,
Bending die has unusual stripper. F. Rush,
diaes Coal Age
Lateral creep of flat belts. G. A. G. Fazekas. 68:112-15 F '63 „ ^ diags Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:
diags A S M E Trans ser B 85:307-10: Dis- Bending
144 My of13 a'63square plate with two adjacent
Mechanical 311-13 drives Agbook '63 is.sue: belt drive sys- edges free and the others clamped or
tem design. J. J. Zaiss: R. H. Hedges, diags simplv supported. A. W. LeL-ssa and F. W.
Machine Design Niedenfuhr. bibliog diags AIAA J 1:116-20
Mechanical drives34:22-42
book issue:D 13 '62belt drive
tvpes. E. L. Nuernberger. il diags Machine Bending of a uniformly loaded circular
Ja '63 a wedce-shaned cross section R. R.
Design 34:13-21 D 13 '62 Strock and Y. Y. Yu. diags A S M E Trans
Mechanical drives book issue: belt trans-
missions. S. Wilder. Jr. il diag Machine De- ser E 30:299-301
sign 34:43-8 D 13 transmission
'62 research. Bending of beams Jlmade '63 of non-linear mate-
^ ^R.
Mechanical power calrial.SocC. JR. 67:124-5
Calladine. diags Roy „ Aeronauti-
F '63 ^,„ ,
H. MacmiUan. il Engineering 194:627-8 N 9
'62 . „E. Bending of perforated plates. E. D'Sylva.
Mylar belt drive for small transmissions. diag A stress
Bending S M E inTrans ser E 29:749-50
a cracked plate onD '62 an
Addeo. 11 diags Product Eng 34:87 Ap 15 elastic foundation. D. D. Ang and others,
New concept for miniature drives: polyester bibliog
Je '63 diags A S M E Trans . ser, E 30:245-51
,. . . ,
film, il mesh
Positive diag gear Mod worksPlastics for40:95 smallJl motors:
'63 Bending vibrations of a circular cylindrical
Neutriflex synchro drive belt, il Rubber shell with an internal liquid having a free
World 147:30 O '62 ^ ^ ,. , surface. U. S. Lindholm and others, bib-
Positive tension control reduces belt main- Blank liogradii
diags AIAA J 1:2092-9 data
development: S '63sheet, diag
t e n a n e . I
Postage machine belts. I. Lundquist. ilD Ma-
c diags Plant Eng 16:133-5 '62 Mach 69:130 •63Ag '63 ^ ,
Buckling behavior above tangent modulus
terials in
Progress report on new corrueator belt Design Eng 57:118 My '63 load. B. G. Johnston, bibliog diags Am Soc
called Dura-Dry. D. J. Leitgeb. diags Tappi r R Proc 87SR lEM
Discussion. [EM 6 3nono30191:79-99 D '61:
31731:169-71 Je:
4fi:sup V-belts
Rubber 1S2A-6A made S '63 from glass fibres. . „
Can [EM 5 no 33071:171-6 O '62: 89 [EM 1 no
Chem Process
Timing belt: glass fiber made into a load 47:57-8 O '63 34401:73-4of Fa cylindrical
Buckling '63 shell subjected to
carrying cord. W. A. Skura and J. J. nonuniform external pressure. B. _p. Alrn-
Twomey. roth. diags A S M E Trans ser E 29:675-
See also diags Rubber World 147:65-7 D "62
Pulleys Buckling
82 D '62 of a truncated hemisphere under
Tables, calculations, etc. axial tension. J. C. Yao. il diag AIAA J 1:
Eliminate the guess work in tensioning 2316-19 Oof '63berj'llium plates and cylinders.
V-belt drives. W. D. Erickson. il diag Prod- A. B. Burns and R. F. Crawford, bibliog
Equationsuct Eng for 33:100-3 D 10 creep
computing '62 in belt drives. il Astronautics & Aerospace Eng 1:36-41 O
P. L. Garrett, diags Product Eng 34:86-9 Buckling of circular arches under nonuniform
Mr 4 '63
Selecting a narrow V-belt drive: data sheets. pressure. G. Wempner and T. Ewbank.
E. O. Michael. Machine Design 35:209-13 diag Am Soc C E Proc 89 I EM 4 no 35971:
O 10 '63 V-belts. F. J. Lavoie. 11 diags 17-20 Agof'63shear buildings. P. Dayaratnam.
Machine Design 35:94-101 Jl 4 '63 Am Soc C E Proc 88 [ST 6 no 33501:149-59
Weighing the economics of V-belt life. C. R. D '62: Discussion. M. L. Moody. 89 [ST 5
Sear, il Power 107:78 Ap '63 no 36881:285-93
BELTING. Conveyor ^ , , Buckling of simplyO supported
'63 oblique plates.
Belt conveyor roundup: advances in belting Y^. Yoshimura and K. Iwata. bibliog diags
merit close attention. J. H. Bergstrom. 11
A S M E Trans ser E 30:363-6 S '63
Prod 66:73-44- roundup: F maintenance
'63 tips for Buckling of thin shells under external pres-
Increased belt life. J. H. Bergstrom. il Rock sure. A. E. Armenikas and G. Herrmann,
bibliog diag Am Soc C E Proc 89 [EM 3 no
Prod 66:88-1- F '63 ^ ^ 3.''..i21:131-46 Je '63
Newest automatic dispatching method: mag- Creep buckling of plates: experiments on
netic helt coding, diags Mod Materials
Handlingconveyor 18:53-5 belts
Ap '63for high temperature aluminum alloy at 500°F. R. Papirno and
Selecting G. Gerard, bibliog il AIAA J 1:2127-33 S '63
service. D. E. Andrews. Metal Prog 83:91-4 Creep buckling of reinforced concrete col-
Mv '63.steel conveyor umns. S. Mauch and M. J. Holley. bib-
Tried belts? H. E. I.,lnsley. liog How chart diags Am Soc C E Proc
II Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:72-3 S9 [STbuckling 4 no 36101:451-81 Ag '63 columns.
My 27 '63 Critical loads for tapered
Cleaning J M. Gere and W. O. Carter, bibliog diags
Cleaning convevor belts during operation, il Am .=;or C E Proc 88 [ST 1 no 30451:1-11
F '62: Discussion. S8 [ST 3 no 31791:343-5
Comp Air Mag 67:31 D '62 Je: [ST 4 no 32541 :235-7 Ag: tST 5 no 33091:
BELTS. •63 Abrasive. See Abrasive belts 185-6 O '62: Reply. 89 [ST 2 no 35021:223-4
Accuracy of the Bemoulll-Ruler theory for Cylindrical bending of a heated long rectan-
beams of variable portion. B. A. Bolev. blb- An '63gular plate. B A. Lleb. dings Roy Aeronau-
llog dlogB A S M E Trans ser B 30:373-8 S tical Soc J 65:26-30 .la '61: Discussion. J
8. Przemlenleckl. 67:65-6 Ja '63
BENDtNQ — Continued Influence of geometrical design factors on
JJetlection of a uniformly loaded circular plate the bending fatigue strength of crank-
supported by a concentric riiiff. S. A, Urry. shafts. C. Kano. 11 diags A S M E Trans
Roy Aeronautical
Deflection theory forSocarches.
J 67:452-4
S. O.Jl AsDlund.
'63 ser A 85:177-9;applied
Inierferomeiry Discussion.
lo Uie 179-82
siudy Jl
of '63
bibliotf diaes Am Soc C Ji Proc S7 [ST 7 no flexure. J. P. Duncan, bibliog il diags inst
2D63]:125-4a O '61; Discussion. J. C. L. Mech teng Proc 176 no 16:379-89; Discus-
ChanK. SS 1ST 3 no 31791:331 Je '62: Reply. sion. 4UJ-4: Reply.
Large-deflection 4U5-V '62
analysis of buckling of a
S9 [ST 1 and
Deflections no 343.51:217-27
stresses inF pin-ended
'63 beam cylinder under bending. J. C. Yao. bibliog
columns. M. Forray and M. Newman. Prod- diags A S iVl B Trans ser B 29:708-14 D '62;
uct Ens 34:77-8
Deflections and Mystresses
27 '03 of a clamped Discussion.
Large deflection 30:472-3 analysis S '63of luiiformly loaded
rectanKular sandwich beam. T. C. Fang annular membranes. M. A. Goldberg and
and others, diags J Aerospace Scl 29:1368- A. B. deflection
Pifko. bibliog AIAA Jcylindrical
1:2111-15 Sshell '63
74 N -62 calculated by moment distribu- Large of a certain
Deflections panel. S. Basuli. A S M E Trans ser £3
tion. R. L. Sanks. diaes Am Concrete Inst J
60:527-30 Ad 29:753-5
Large deflectionsD '62 of plates on elastic founda-
Deflections of an'G3 inflated circular-cylindrical tions. S. N. Sinha. bibliog Am Soc C B
cantilever beam. R. Li. Comer and S. Levy. Proc 89 [EM 1 no 34161:1-24 F '63; Discus-
biblioK diags AIAA J 1:1652-5 Jl '63 sion. 89 IBM deflection
Large thermal 3 no 35021:225-8 Je '63 beam.
of a cantilever
Donnell-type equations for bending and buck-
ling of orthotropic conical shells. J. Singer,
bibliog diags A S M E Trans ser E 30:303- P. E. bending
Linear Wilson, bibliog theory AIAA J 1:1451-2
of laminated Je '63
5 Jl 'G3 bending of elastic columns. H. R. cal shells under axisymmetric load. B.
Dynamic Paul, diags A S M E Trans ser E 30:98-
Bailey, bibliog Am Soc C E Proc 89 [ST
4 no 35851:95-114 Method
102 Mr for'63calculating deflection and stresses
Djmamic buckling Agof'63shallow shells under in beams under unsymmetrical bending. W.
impulsive loading. J. S. Humphreys and Griffel. diags •62 Product Eng 34:106-8 Jl 22 '63
S. R. Bodner. Am Soc C E Proc SS [EM 2 Method for determining deflections in beams
no 30941:17-36 Ap '62: Discussion. J. J. of variable stiffness. K. T. Krishnaswaray.
Dynamic jr.
Burns, 8S [EM of6 no
response an 33751:149-50
elastic plateD strip
'62 diags Am
Minimum deflection design Concrete Inst Jof60:157-60 Ja '63ac-
a uniformly
to a moving line load. H. Reismann. bibliog celerating cantilever beam. R. L. Barnett.
diag AIAA J 1:354-60 F '63; Discussion. 1: diags A load
Moment S M charts B Trans for ser B 30:466-7 footing
symmetrical S '63
2412 Oof '63
Effect edge preparation on the fatigue life subjected to combined bending and axial
of f^at-plate specimens. R. E. George and load. M. Savran. Am Concrete Inst J 59:73-
J. B. Mantle, bibliog il diags Materials Res 83 Ja '62; Correction. 60:sup3 pt 2 Je '63;
6 Stand 2:1000-3shearD '62on buckling of cylin- Discussion. •6359:1263-9 S '62: Correction. 60:
Effect of surface sup5 pt 2strain-curvature-dispiaceraent
Je '63; Reply. 59:1269-72 S '62re-
drical shells. S. Y. Lu. diags AIAA J 1:1687- Nonlinear
8 Jl '63 lationships for thin elastic shells. A. W.
Elgen-matrix method for beams and plates. Leissa. diag J Aerospace Sci 29:1381-2 N
B. Tanimoto. bibliog diags Am Soc C B
Proc 89criterion [ST 5 and no 36811:173-215 Nonsymmetrical snap buckling of spherical
Energv snap buckling O of'63arches caps. A. Gjelsvik and S. R. Bodner. bibliog
A. Gjelsvik and S, R. Bodner bibliog diags diags Am Soc C E Proc 88 [BM 5 no 33051:
Am Soc C E Proc 88 [EM 5 no 33041:87- 135-65 O analysis '62
134 O '62: Discussion. E. F. Masur. 89 [EM Numerical of unsymmetrical bending
3 no 35621:197-9 Je '63 of shells of revolution. B. Budiansky and
Etch pit studies of dislocations In copper P. P. Radkowski. diags AIAA J 1:1833-42
crystals deformed by bending; annealed
crystals: irradiated crystals. F. W. Young, Numerical
Ag '63 methods in bending and buckling
ir. bibliog of plates. A. N. Sherbourne. bibliog Am
Euler load ofil Ja Apstepped Phvs column;
33:3553-64 anD exact
Soc C E Proc 89 [ST 4 no 35S8]:137-50 Ag
formula. G. S. Ram. diag AIAA J 1:211-12
Postbuckling behavior of axially compressed
Ja '63
Experimental Investigation of the crack tip circular cylinders. B. O. Almroth. bibliog
stress Intensity factors in plates under diags AIAA behavior J 1:630-3 Mr '63
cylindrical bending. F. Erdogan and others, Postbuckling of pressure- or core-
bibliog diags A S M E Trans ser D 84: stabilized cylinders under axial compression.
542-6 D '62 B. O. Almroth and D. O. Brush, bibliog diag
Experiments on axial compressive general AIAA J 1:2338-41 O '63of wide-flange beams.
instability of monolithic ring-stiffened cyl- Post-buckling strength
inders. H Becker and others, bibliog il diag G. C. Lee and T. V. Galambos. il diags Am
AIAA J 1:1614-18 Jl '63 Soc C E Proc 88 [EM 1 no 30591:59-75 F
Flexural stress distribution near a sharp '62; Discussion. 88 [EM 3 no 31731:177-9 Je:
crack. GC. Slh. bibliog diag AIAA J 1; [EM 4 no 32441:137-8 Ag '62: Reply. 89 [EM
Flexure by a concentrated force of the infinite 1 no 34401:75-7
Problem of shearing F '63and transverse bending
plate on a circular support. J. Dundurs and of shallow, hyperbolic, paraboloidal shells.
T. M. Lee. bibliog diags ASMS Trans D. P. O'Mathuna and E. Reissner. diag
ser E 30:225-31 Je '63 Pure M ■63
A S bending E Trans of pressurized ser E 30:295-6 toroidalJe mem-
FHilly compressed flexible ring. R. Frlsch- branes. E. Reissner. diags J Math & Phys
Fay. 63diag A S M E Trans ser E 30:148-9
Mr 42:38-46
Pure bending, Mr '63twisting, and stretching of
'62 rigidity determined bv Inter- skewed, heterogeneous, aeolotropic plates.
ferometry. J. P. Duncan and O. Miche.ida. Y. Stavsky. AIAA buckling J 1:221-2 loads Ja '63of pres-
bibliog II diags Inst Mech Bng Proc 176 no Scatter of observed
16:390-403; Discussion. 403-4; Reply. 405-7 surized shells. F. W. Niedenfuhr. bibliog
diags aspects
Some AIAA Jof1:1923-5 concreteAg shell
'63 buckling. R.
Hexagonal cell structures under post-buckling R. Bradshaw. bibliog diag Am Concrete
axial load. R. K. McFarland. jr. il diags
ALVA J 1:1380-5 Je '63 Inst J 60:313-28
Sprlngback of alclad Mr sheets;
'63 reference sheet.
How forged tool-steel dies stop titanium Y. C. Lee. diag Tool & Manuf Eng 50:95 Ja
sprlngback. E. J. Fink and R. F. Hall,
il Iron Age 190:69-71 N 22 '62 Stability of multilayered contlnua Including
How to calculate deflections and bending the effect of gravity and viscoelasticity. M.
moments In beam columns; data sheet. M. A. Biot. bibliog diags Franklin Inst J 276:
Nevmian and M^ Forray. diag Machine 231-52 columnS '63 design for multistory rigid
■Design 35:145-8 F 28 '63 Steel
How to calculate maximum principal stress frames. C. F. Beck and M. Zar, bibliog flow
and maximum deflection of perforated diag diags Am Soc C E Proc 89 [ST i
Plates; data sheet. D. Bynum. Jr. il diag
Machme Design 35:179-80 Ja 17 '63 no 36141:537-56
Strength of prestressed Ag '63 concrete pavements.
How to find deflection and moment of rings Y. Osawa. bibliog diags Am Soc C B Proc
and arcuate beams. A. Blake, diags Prod- SS (ST 5 no 33081:143-64 O '62
uct Eng 34:70-81 Ja 7 '63 Strength of stress singularities at crack tips
Inelastic lateral buckling of beams. T V for flexural and torsional problems. G. C.
S-H^yEoos- bibliog diags Am Soc C B Proc Sih. bibliog diags A S M E Trans ser E
89 [ST 5 no 3683) :217-42 O '63 30:419-25 S '63


BENDING — Conftnued Moments and free vibrations In curved girder

Stresses and deflections in built-in beams. W. bridges. H. Yonezawa. bibliog diags Am
J. OUonnell. biljliog diaKS A S M 13 Trans Soc C E Proc 88 [i-JM 1 no 30521:1-21 F
ser B S5;2C5-72; Discussion. 272-a Ag '63 •62: Discussion. 89 [EM 2 no 34981:153-6 Ap
Structural syntliesis witli bucitlinK con- Moments In composite beam bridges by
row. Am straints.
Soc L.. A. C Schmit.
K Proc jr.S9 and 1ST W.2 no M. 24961:
Mor- orthotropic plate theory. K. H. Chu and G.
Krishnamoorthy. diags Am Concrete Inst J
in,'-26 Ad c:i
Symmetrical bendinK of circular plates of 59:705-21 My '62; Discussion. 59:1957-63;
constant radial bendins stress. J. P. Lee. Reply. 1963-4
Multistory frameD '62 analysis for vertical load-
A S M E Trans ser E 20:696-700 D '62; Dis- ing. G. I. N. Hozvany and A. J. K. Hamp-
Thermal bending cussion. 30:319 Jeof '63 rectangular , plate., ^ C.
Y. ^ son. bibliog diags Am Concrete Inst J 59:
Das and D. R. Navaratna. J Aerospace 959-66 Jl '62: Discussion. 60:1977-82; Reply.
Sci 29:1397-9 N '62 of^ a circular
. , sandwich ^ . , 1982-4 Mrof '63;
Stability frames Correction. 60:sup44 bending
under primary Ap '63
Thermal defleotion moments. L. W. Lu. bibliog il diags Am Soc
plate E R. Bruun. diags AIAA J 1:1213-15
My '63 of heterogeneous . , , . C E Proc 89 [ST 3 no 35471:35-02 Je '63;
Thermoelasticity aeolotropic Discussion. 89 [STin 5tantalum
no 36881:367-71
plates, y. Stavsky. bibliog Am Soc C E Proc Stress generation during Ooxida-
tion. R. E. Pawel and others, bibliog 11 diags
.S9 (EM 2 no 34S61:.S9-1U5 Ap '63; Discussion. Elc-ctrochem Soc J 110:551-7 Je '63
R Schmidt.
Ultimate load 89of [EM 4 no 36161:97
H-columns under Ag '63
biaxial BENEDICT, Manson
bending. C. Birnstiel and J. Michalos. bib- American chemical society award in indus-
liog diags Am Soc C E Proc S9 [ST 2 no trial and engineering chemistry, por Chem
35031:161-97 Ap '63; Discussion. 89 [ST 5 no & Eng N 41:96 Mr 18 '63
36881 :363-6 O '63 BENEFIT plans, Employees. See Employees
Ultimate strength of columns with biaxially, benefit plans
eccentric loads. J. L. Meek, bibliog diags BENTONITE
Am Concrete Inst
Unsvninielrical J 60:1053-64
buckling of shallow Ag spherical
'63 Salt CLment for shale and bentonitic sands.
K. A. Slagle and D. K. Smith, bibliog 11
shells, r. N Huang. AIAA J 1:945 Ac '63 J See
Pet also Tech 15:Trans 187-94 F '63
Upper and flectionlower of elastic bounds
plates.tor M.theStern,
average de-
bibliog Montmoriilonite
Vibrations M E Trans ser E 30:461-3
of pre-twisted cantilever blading; S '63 BENZALDEHYDE
an additional effect due to torsion. W. Car- Hydrogen cyanide and benzaldehvde pro-
negie, bibliog Inst Mech Eng Proc 176 no duced by millipedes. H. E. Eisner and oth-
13:315-19: Discussion. 319-21; Reply. 321-2 Organic ers, ions bibliog InChem & Indphase;
the gas p 124-5 Ja 19 '63
See also of benzaldehyde under electron Impact J. D.
Pipe bending McCollum and S. Meyerson. bibliog Am
Tube bending Chem Soc J 85:1739-41 Je 20 '63
Birdsboro ship-frame benders built to cold- Anthrasteroid rearrangement: the conversion
form plate.s and structural shapes, il Mach of A'''-'-anthraDregnatrien-20-one to 4'. 10-
69:2U dimethyl-1.2-benzanthracene by a model of
Dreis & D Krump '62 sheet metal, ^bending ^. unit a biochPinical route. W. R. Nes and D. D.
features automatic die positioning, il Am Ford, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2137-41 Jl
Pines automatic hopper-fed Manuf bending
107:87 S presses30 '63 New20 '63heteroaromatic compounds; boron-con-
accurately make single bend parts, il Am taining analogs of benzialanthracene. M. J.
Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:105 My 27 S. Dewar and W. H. Poesche. bibliog Am
Pressure-roll bending reduces buckling. 11 Chem Soc
Strain energies J 85:2253-6 Ag 5 '63
in hydrocarbons from heats
Engineering 195:784 Je 7 '63 of combustion: 4.5- and 2.7-dimethyl-phen-
See also anthrenes. 1.12- and 5.8-benzolcl phenan-
Pipe bending machines threnes and 1'.9-
BENDING moment M. A Frisch and and 3'.6- bibliog
others, benzanthracenes.
Am Chem
Allowable bearing capacity of initially bent Soc J 85:2356-7 Ag 20 '63
piles. B. B. Broms. bibliog diags Am Soc Amphetamine-barbiturate synergism. Drug *
C E Proc
Analysis of long 89 [SM 5 no 36511:73-90
rectangular S '63 on
tanks resting Cosmetic Ind 91:516 O '62
flat rigid supports. J. D. Davies. diags Am BENZENE
Concrete approach In.<=t J 60:487-99 Ap '63 Addition of CF. radicals to substituted ben-
Analytical to biaxial eccentricity. zenes I. M. Whittemore and others, bib-
E. Czerniak diags Am Soc C E Proc 88 og Am enes; Chem rearrange
Soc J ments
84:3799-803 O 20 '62
(ST 4 no 32391:105-58 biblioglp 154-8) Ag AJkylbenz of pentylben-
'62; Discussion. T. Lazear. 88 tST 6 no zenes induced by aluminum chloride. R M
33761:335-8 D '62; Reply. 89 [ST 3 no 35601:
171-82 Je '63 Aromatic substitution: comparison of nitric
Beam analogy for the solution of Vierendeel l^or5'l5^ri1
acid and mixed acid '-63'^"^"°*^
:S^7lYvp"2!" nitration ^^^^
trusses. B Deschapelles. bibliog diags Am zenos and benzene with nitronlumof .salt
Roc C E Proc 88 IST 5 no 32991:25-50 O '62: tion.?. G. A. Olah and others bibliognitra- Am
Discussion. 89 TST 2 no 35021:253-6 Ap '63
Deflections calculated by moment distribu- Aromatic substitution; steric "'"""« effects AmIn
tion R. L. Sanks. diags Am Concrete Inst Chem Soc J 84:3687-93
mtronium salt nitrations O 5 '62
J 60:527-30 Ap '63 and nalobenzenes. G. A. of aJkylhenzene.s
Olah and S
Design curves for T-, U-. and L-section Kuhn. bibhog Am Chem Soc J 84:3684-7 J.O
beams. A. Kuske. Product Eng 34:79-80 Ap Benzene is monomer for p-polvphenyl P
29 '63
Designing to reduce size and weight of
shafts in bending. M. F. Spotts. diags Ma- Benzene method measures In rain&
chine Design 34:169-71 N 22 '62 En^N"'4n^5'2
without ^^"''^'^- tritium
''R1■^ enrichment.
^^'"'^^ Ch«m
M. A Tamers
Direct solution of the three-moments eoua- and R. Bibron. bibliog Nucleonics 21:90-1- Je
tion. T. Wolff. AIAA J 1:718
cussion. B. E. Gatewood and MrN. '63; Dis-
Ohanian. Characteriza tion of sodium hydroxide
1:1965 Ag '63 by benzene retention. F. L.treated Wells
Explicit solution of the three-moments equa- and others, bibliog diag TappI 45:845-9 N
tion. T. Wolff. AIAA J 1:1235-6 My '63 Chemistry of Dewar benzene; 1,2,5-tri-t-
How to calculate deflections and bending
moments in beam columns: data sheet. M. butylhicyclo[2.2.oihexa-2.5-diene E B van
Newman and M. Forray. diae Machine rainelcn and S. P. Pappas. bibliog Am
Design 35:145-8 F 28 '03 (^heni Roc J 84:3789-91 O 5 '62
Coke oven benzene refining continues to
Influence coefllcients for two-hinged arches.
C. A. Miller and S. A. Guralniok. diags Am 55:12-1-
iT"?!^,^'^-,Ja ^...J^-
63 Gushee. Ind & Eng Chem
Soc C E Proc 8S [ST 4 no 32331:41-68 Ag CoiiiDarison of the relative acidic strengths of
'62: Discussion. K. V. Swaminathan. 89 the isomeric dinltrophenols in benzene and
[.ST 1 no 34351:271-8 F '63; Reply. 89 [ST 5
no 36881:261-2 O '63
Moment distribution for analyzing complex Copdiymerlzation of benzene.
'r?^''"- G.
^'''"°^ Am Mortimer
Chem Soc JJ
frames. A. V. Monton. diags Space/Aero- and L. 7C.o^'
S?3r93 Arnold, bibliog Chem Soc
nautics 39:119-21 Je '63 84:4986-7 D 20 '62
BENZENE — Continued Reaction of benzenedlazonium ion with
Decay kinetics of the 1-naphthaldehyde and aqueous thiocyanate and the nature of the
benzoplienone triplet states in benzene. J. intermediate. E. S. Lewis and J. E. Cooper,
A. Bell and H. Ljnschitz. bibliOK Am Chem bibliog Am Chem Soc
Soc J S5:5-S-o2of Mr 5 '63below ten p.p.m. in Reaction of benzyne withJ benzene
84:3847-52 andO 20 '62
Determination water thalene. R. G. Miller and M. Stiles, bibliog
benzene and related solvents, usins coulo- Am Chem Soc J S5:179S-SUU Je 20 '63
metrically generated iodine. K. F. Swensen Reactions of 3.5-dimethylbenzene-l,4-diazo-
and D A. Keyworth. bibliog jl Anal Chem oxide^ T. Kunitake and C. C. Price, bibliog
35:863-7 Je '63 . , Am Chem Soc J 85:761-4 Mr 20 '63
Effect of fillers on SBR-benzene interaction. Simple high-yield preparation of the benzene-
M Morton and M. P. Wagner, bibliog diag maleic anhydride adduct. D. Bryce-Smith
Rubber Age a3:746-53 Ag '63 and others, bibliog Chem & Ind p2060 D 8
Effect of pressure and temperature on the re- Solubility of benzene in water; nomograph.
fractive indices of benzene, carbon tetra-
chloride, and water. R. M. Waxier and C. D. S. Davis.
Transient cylindrical Ind Chem 38:522 Oof growing
conformation '62
B. Weir, bibliog diag J Res Nat Bur Stand
67A:163-71 Mr '63
Electrochemical reduction of , .^the i.benzene zene. K. ofD. 2,5-di-«-butyl-l,4-dimethoxyben-
Stolow and J. W. Larsen. Chem
ring H. W. Sternberg and others, bibliog & Ind p449 Mr 16 '63
Vapor-phase halogenation
diag Electrochem
Electrochemi cal syntheses: Soc J 110:425-9 My '63. n
the methoxylatio chlorine trifluoride. R. of
E. benzene by
Banks and
of dimethoxybenzenes to quinone ketals and others, bibliog diag Ind & Eng Chem Proo
the ring fission of 1,2- dimethoxybenzene to Design the
Watch 1:262-6 O '62 alkyl
higher benzenes. K A.
hexamethyl cns.cis- orthomuconate. B. Bel- Scott, bibliog Hydrocarbon Process & Pet
leau and N. L. Weinberg, bibliog Am Chem
Soc J 85:2525-6 Ag 20 binary ■63 Refiner 42:109-13
See also Mr '63
Enthalpy of zene. nonideal solutions, T- Butyl benzene
butanol-ben T-butanol-water. P. T. Analysis
Shannon and P. S. O'Neill, bibliog A I Ch
B J 9:229-30 Mr '63 , . i, . , Determination of benzene in crude benzole
solutions; n-butanol-
benzene. of
Enthalpy P. T.nonideal Shannon and others. A I Ch by infrared spectrophotometry. A. B Den-
sham and N. D. Parkyns. Chem & Ind p948-
E J 9:64-7
Free radicalJa reactions '63 , ,,
Initiated . by
. ...
radiation; rate constants for hydrogen Separation
9 Je 8 '63 of matography
dietliylbenzenes by gas chro-
atom addition reactions with mono- using packed columns. C. A.
oleflns, butadiene and benzene. K. Yang, Blake, jr. Anal Chem
Ultraviolet spectrophotometric 35:1759-60 O '63
bibliog Amphenylation Chem Soc ofJ benzene, O 20 '62
84:3795-9 naphtha- of benzene in air samples adsorbed on silica
Hemolytic gel. H B. Elkins and others, bibliog Anal
lene and antharcene in the presence of cop-
per salts; correlation of partial rate factors !hem 34:1797-801 D '62
with localization energies. S. C. Dickerman Manufacture
and G. B. Vermont, bibliog Am Chem Soc J
84:4150-1 N 5 '62 Development of Houdry Detol process. A. H.
Hvdrogen nuclear magnetic resonance chem- Weiss and L. Friedman, bibliog flow diag
ical shift correlations in halogen deriva- diag Ind & Eng Chem Proc Design 2:163-8
tives of benzene and alkyl benzenes. F.
C. Stehllng. bibliog Anal Chem 35:773-5 Ap63 '63 BTX with morpholine. B. Cinelli and
Ionic and ^ free radical processes in the others, bibliog flow sheet diags Hydro-
My '63 ^. , . .V,
carbon Process & Pet Refiner 42:141-6 Ag
radiolysis and sensitized photolysis of ben-
zene solutions. W. Van Dusen. jr. and W. How to improve aromatics extraction; using
H. Hamill. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:3648- propylene glycol and antisolvents. G S.
58 O 5 '62 Somekh. diags Hydrocarbon Process & Pet
Ionization rates of^weak, acids; .^ ^ , ,
base-catalyzed ., Refiner 42:123-6 Ag '63
proton exchange between polyalkylbenzenes New process makes benzene from toluene,
and tritiated dimethyl sulfoxide. J. B. Hof- diags Hydrocarbon Process & Pet Refiner
mann and others. Am Chem Soc J 85:3002-6 42:121-4 Mr '63
O 5 '63 of the acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of Production of pure benzene. K. H. V French
Kinetics il diag Ind Chem 39:9-12 Ja '63
trimethoxvbenzene. W. M. Schubert and 1.3.5-
R. H. Quacchia. bibliog Am Chem Soc J Rearrangements of benzeneazotribenzoyl-
methane and its derivatives; structural re-
85:1284-9 My 5 '63 assignments. D. T. Curtin and M L.
Kinetics of the catalytic oxidation of ben- Poutsma. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:4887-
zene. R. Hayashi and others, bibliog flow
diag Can J Chem Eng 41:220-5 O '63 92 D 20 '62
Macro rings; fate of carbonium ions held in Cyclic polyhydroxy ketones; oxidation prod-
It-clouds of benzene rings. D. J. Cram and ucts of hexahydroxybenzene (benzenehexol).
M. Goldstein, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85: A. J. Fatiadi and others, bibliog J Res
1063-74 Ap 20 '63 Nat Bur Stand 67A:153-62 Mr '63
Polar effects on rates and equilibria; dis-
proportionation and isomerization of alkyl- ABS; and its effect on public water supplies;
and halobenzenes. J. Hine and H. E. Har- studies of New Jersey surface waters. T. E.
ris, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1476-80 My Dalton and others, il Water Works Eng 116:
20 '63 107-t-ponders
F '63 syndet degradation; 145th na-
Polymerization of benzene to p-polyphenyl by ACS
aluminum chloride -cupric chloride. P. Ko- tional meeting. New York, Sept. 8-13; ab-
vacic and A. Kyriakis. bibliog Am Chem stracts of papers. Soap & Chem Spec 39:
Soc J 85:454-8 F 20 '63 53-5 O '63
Pool boiling of benzene, diphenyl. and ben- Base- promoted reactions of alkyl benzenesul-
zene-diphenyl mixtures under pressure. D. Phonates in dimethyl sulphoxide; facile
A. Huber and J. C. Hoehne. bibliog A S M E elimination and substitution reactions C H
Trans ser C 85:215-20 Ag '63 Snyder, bibliog ofChem
Biodegradability & Ind pa 121
detergents: Ja about
story 19 '63
Presence of benzene in brine may mean oil's surfactants, il Chem & Eng N 41:102-8-1-
nearby, il Oil & Gas J 61:46-7 An 8 '63 Mr 18 '63 (reprints 75c)
Proton spin-spin coupling in aromatic mole- Biodegradation of ABS by microorganisms
cules; j)-disubstituted benzenes. P. F. Cox. qiiestioned. Chem & Eng N 41:65 S 23 '63
bibliog diag Am Chem Soc J 85:380-3 F Biodegradation of ABS in relation to chemi-
20 '63
Pyrolytic formation of arenes; benzene and
Can hydrogen peroxide •ll'^^^'--
'^'pc*^"f'^'5''f877^92^1 save ABS detergents?
. other arenes from thiophene. 2-methyl-
thiophene and 2- (methyI-"C) -thiophene. DuPont chemists are developing '^'*'"°^use of ^'^^'
C. D. Kurd and others, bibliog Am Chem ton's reagent to reduce ABS content of sew-
Soc J 84:4515-13 D 5 '62 Chemicalage. Canmechanism
Chem Process 47:61-1- chain
of straight S '63 ABS
Pyrolytic formation of arenes; pyrolysis of biode.gradation. R. D. Swisher. Soap &
benzene, toluene and radioactive toluene. Chem Spec 39:47-504- Jl: 57-60 Ag '63 ABS
C. D. Kurd and A. R. Macon, bibliog Am Chemical process offered to reduce
Chem Soc J 84:4524-6 D 5 '62 H. R. Eisenhauer. Chem & Eng N 41:102
Rate of mercuration of benzene as a func- Degradatio
tion of the activity of water. C. Perrin and Ap 15 *63n ofsoils.
ABS and other organlcs In
G. G. Robeck and others
P. H. Westheimer. bibliog diag Am Chem
Soc J 85:2773-9 S 20 '63 bibhog diags WPCF J 35:1225-36 O '63
Effect of ABS on diKester performance. S. A. Condensed cyclobutane aromatic compounds;
Klein, diag Water & Sewage Works 109:373- benzocyclobutadienoquinone: synthesis and
5 O '62 simple transformations. M. P. Cava and
Evaluation of legislation to control,synthetic ,. ..
detergents: report of task group 2661P. Am Jl 2U 63 bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2076-80
Water Works Assn J 65:1229-34: Discussion. BENZOCYCLGBUTENE
1235-6 O '63 . ABS.„„ Condensed cyclobutane aromatic compounds:
General Mills latest in removal, afield.
,A 1.2-dimethylenebenzocyclobutene and related
Chem & Eng N 41:42-3 Ag 12 '63 substances. M. P. Cava and others, bibliog
Investigatio side reactions
ns on the hydrophobic compounds In sul- Am Chem Soc J S5:2i)S0-4 Jl 20 '63
fonation reactions: BENZOCYCLOPROPENE
in the unsulfonated oil fraction. H. fcho.ii Approach
and K Maiima. bibliog Am Oil Chem Soc J man and to aB. benzocyclopropene.
Buncel. bibliog E. F. Chem
Am Ull-
40:179-83 My '(iS . „„ sys- Soc J 85:2106-11 Jl 20 '63
John-Manville offers latest ABS removal
tem to get clear waste water from coin-qp Carbon-14 tracer study In the synthesis of
11 Chem & Eng
laundries. sulfonation
Laboratory N 40:48-l-_.O
methods 29 '62
for detergent 2-phenylbenzofuran-3-carboxylic acid. J. C.
alkylbenzenes. T. H. Liddicoet and S. A O'Connor and others. Chem & Ind p 1864-6
Olund. bibliog diags Am Oil Chem Soc J
40:5-10 Ja '63 Oxidation
O 27 '62 of fla^'ylium salts to 2-an'lben-
New filter system ,for ABS . „„ removal., „11 ck
Fub zofurans.
Jl 13 '63 L. Jurd. Chem & Ind p 1165-6
,, , ^
Works 93:120 D '62 Synthetic resins, the backbone of modem
Removal of ABS from wa.stewater effluent finishes; coumarone-indene resins. H. P.
W. R. Samples. WPCF J 34:1070-6 O 62 Preuss. bibliog Metal Finishing 61:92-64-
Role of ABS in water pollution. W. K.
Griesinger. bibliog Soap & Chem Spec 39: BENZOFURANONE
Je '63
Salting-out chromatography separates ABS. Neighboring group reactions: reactions of
Chem & Eng biodegrad N 41:42 Mr IS '63 . 3- Ico-haloalkyl) - 3 - phenyl - 2 - benzofuranones
Study of thetic the detergents: a ation of anionic syn- with secondary amines; trapped teirahedral
new laboratory test. intermediates in a andcarbonyi addition
C Borstlap and P. L. Kooijman. Am Oil tion. H. E. Zaugg others, bibliog reac-Am
Chem Soc J 40:78-80 t Fto '63
end ABS „„„„.,•„„
pollution Chem
BENZOHYDROU Soc J 84:4567-73 D 5 '62
Voluntar y agreemen
urged. Chem & Eng N 41:36-7 Je 24 63 Inhibition
reductionsandof quenching benzophenone of theto light-induced
Analysis and to benzhvdrol. S. G. Cohen and W. V.
ABS study reveals effect of syndet structure, Sherman, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1642-7
il Chem & Eng N 41:70-1 Je 3 pS ates by
Determination of alkylbenzenesulfon BENZOIC
Je 5 '63acid
ultraviolet spectrophotometry W J. Weber Benzoic acid's growth rate falters. Chem
jr and others. Anal Chem 34:1844-5 D 62
Dynamic systems are used to probe Jebiodegra- & Eng N kinetic
"Carbon 40:34-5 isotope
N 12 '62 effects and the
dation. ilChem &ABS Eng N 41:50-1 on. 24R. 63 D. mechanism
Intermediates in degradati droxvbenzoic of acid. decarboxylation
K. R. Lynn ofand2.4-dihy- A. N.
Swislier. bibliog Soap & Chem Spec 39:58- Bourns, bibliog Chem & Ind p782-3 My 11
Pilot unit tests syndets. I. A. Eldid. diag Isotope effects on acidity of deuterated
D 24 '62of detergents,
40:36-7 ation formic, acetic, pivalic. and benzoic acids.
Chem & Eng
Symposium on Nbiodesrad Soap & Chem Spec A. Streitwieser. Jr. and H. S. Klein, bib-
abstracts of papers.
39:55-7 F '63 Kineticsliog and Am Chem
mechanismSoc J of 85:2759-63
the proton S transfer
20 '63
BENZENESUUFONYL chloride between methyloxonium ion and benzoic
Elucidati on of the reaction of benzohvdrox- and acid in methanol solution. E. Grunwald
amic acid with benzenesulfonyl chloride and C. F Jumper, bibliog Am Chem Soc J
S5:2051-2 Jl 20 '63 ^
with diisopropvl phosphofluoridate using . ,^ , ,
oxygen- 18 as tracer. D. Samuel and B. Kinetics tionsofof benzoic
proton acidtransfer
L snver bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1197-8 and insodium
methanol solu-
Ab 20ENET '63 E. Grunwald and others, bibliog Am Chem
BENZ HIOL , , . ... Soc J 85:522-8 Mr 5 '63 . , ^.
Study of organic Inhibitors for hydrochloric Studies on ornithine synthesis in relation
acid attack on iron. O. L. Riggs. Jr. and to benzoic acid excretion in the domestic
R L Every, bibliog 11 diags Corrosion 18: fowl. M. C. Nesheim and J. D. Garlich.
262-9 Jl '62: Discussion. 19:227-8 Je '63 bibliogof JtheNutrition
Study rates of 79:311-17
cyclizationMr of'63some o-
Fluorometric determination of selenium in beiizoylbenzoic
zoic acid in polyphosphoricacid and of o-phenoxyben-
acid. R. G.
3.3'-d!am inoben- Downing and D. E. Pearson, bibliog Am
zidine W and B.animals Dye andwith others, bibliog Anal
Chem 35:1687-93 O '63 , , . „,„„„„„ tion Chem Soc J 84:4956-62 AnalysisD 20 '62
New benzidine procedure for determina
of manganese in biological samples. K.. b.
Sastry and others, bibliog Anal Chem 34: Determination of benzoic acid In phthallc an-
hydride by gas liquid chromatography. C. B.
1302-3 S '62 Moore and S. Meinstein. Anal Chem 34;
metal addition to conju- 1503-4 O '62
Stereochemis gatedtry systems.of N. U. Bauld. Am Chem BENZONITRILE
Photochemical reactions; addition reactions of
Soc J 84:4345-7 olefins and acetylenes with benzonitrile. J.
, •, t, t. G. Atkinson and others, bibliog Am Chem
Air force studies new polymer family. B. R.
Gottlieb. Ind & Eng Chem 55:12-1- Ap '63 Soc J 85:2257-63 Ag 6 '63
More data reported on new PBI resins. Plas- Decay kinetics of the 1-naphthaIdehyde and
tics Tech 9:55 My '63^ ^ benzophenone triplet states in benzene. J.
New polymer looks good for ,„„„ 1000 „F. Ma- A. Bell and H. Linschitz. bibliog Am Chem
terials In Design Eng 57:92 Mv '63
Organoboron compounds: coSperative func- Soc J 83:528-32
Inhibition and quenching Mr 5 '63 of the light-Induced
tional group effects in reactions of borono- reductions of benzophenone to benzpinacol
arylbenzimidazoles. R. L. Letsinger and D. and to benzhvdrol. S. G. Cohen and W. V.
B. MacLean. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85: Sherman, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1642-7
2230-6 Ag 6 '63
BENZOATES Intramolecular electronic energy transfer In
Acvlium ion formation in the reactions of Je (1-naphthyImethyli
4- 5 '63 benzophenone.
c'arboxvllc acid derivatives: Leennakers and others, diag Am P.Chem A.
catalvzcd hydrolysis of methylthe acid-
tuted-2.6-dimethylbenzoates. M. L. Bender Soc J 85:2670-1 S 5 '63 ready
Methylbenzophenones for trials. 11
and M. C. Chen, bibliog Am Chem Soc J
85:37-40 .Ta 5 '63 Chem & Eng N 41:54 My 13 '63
Hydrolysis of methyl o-formylbenzoate: par- p-phenylbenzophenone. A. F. Chllds and oth-
ticipation of the neighboring aldehyde ers. Chem & Ind p 122 Ja 19 '63
group in the hydroxide Ion and mor- Role of n-»it* triplet In the photochemical
piiollne-catalyzed reactions. M. L. Bender enollzation of o-benzylbenzophenone. E. F.
and M. S. Silver, bibliog Am Chem Soc J Zwicker and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J
84:4689-90 D 6 '62 86:2671-2 S 5 '63
B E N ZO P H E N O N E— Conf in«ed Reaction of benzyne with benzene and naph-
Steric Interactions in the absorption spectra thalene. R. G. Miller and M. Stiles, bibliog
of 2.2'-diaroylbiphenyls and related com- Am Chem of Soo
Reactions J 85:1798-800
benzyne Je 20 '63in non-
pounds; absorption spectra and electronic basic media. M. Stiles and others, biblioe
interactions in halogen-substituted ben-
zophenones. E. J. Moriconi and others, bib- Am
BERGAMOT Chem oil Soc J 85:1792-7 Je 20 '63
liog Am Chem Soo J 84:3928-34 O 20 '62
BENZOTHIAZOLE Sensitizers and a sensitive bureaucracy. W.
Benzothiazyl disulflde-accelerated vulcaniza- Freedman. Am Perfumer 78:404- Mr '63
tion of carbon black loaded natural rub- BERGEN COUNTY, New Jersey
ber. M. L,. Studebaker and L. G. Nabors. See also
biblios Rubber Cheni & Tech 36:863-74 Jl Sewerage — Bergen County. New Jersey
2-(Morpholinodithio)-benzothiazole as an ac-J. Elmer O. Bergman nominated for 83d ASME
celerator and curing agent for rubber. president, nor Mech Bng 85:90 Ag '63
G. L,ichty and others, bibliog- Ind & Bng BERLIN
Chem Product Res & Develop 2:16-21 Mr Utilities for the divided city of Berlin. G. J.
BENZOYL benzoate Requardt. il map Civil Eng 33:46-8 Ja '63
Asymmetric induction; normal and pseudo See also
(— )-menthyl esters of o-benzoylbenzoic Cranberries
acid. W. A. Bonner, bibliog Am Chem Soc J BERYL
85:439-42 F 20 '63 Growth of berj'l single crystals for microwave
BENZOYL compounds applications. R. C Linares and others, il J
Formation of cyclopropanes by the rearrange- Ap Phys 33:3209-10 N '62 oxide
ment of 4-benzoyloxycycloalkanones. P. BERYLLIA. See Beryllium
Yates and C. D. Anderson, bibliog Am Chem
Soc J 85:2937-43 O 5 '63 BERYLLIOSIS. See Ben'llium poisoning
Rearrangements of benzeneazotribenzoyl- Acuachile beryllium-bearing fluorspar district.
methane; 1. 3-benzoyl migrations from car- Coahuila, Mex. W. N. McAnulty and others.
bon to oxygen and from carbon to nitrogen. bibliog map Geol Soc Bui 74:735-43. ol 1-2
D. y. Curtin and M. L. Poutsma. bibliog
diag Am Chem Soc J 84:4892-9 D 20 '62 Ber.vllium.
Je '63 E. Weismantel and H. J.
'63 ilE.
BENZOYL peroxide Fisher, diags Machine Design 35:55-7
Safety equipment for handling benzoyl per-
oxide. Safety Maint 125:51 F '63 Berj-llium
S 19acid
at '63 pH. binding by bovine
S. Belman. serumAmalbumin
bibliog Chem
BENZYL compounds
Determination of benzyl chloroformate by gas Soc J 85:2154-9 Jl 20
Beryllium Metals & Chemical will make bervl- '63
chromatography of its amide; extension of lium
the principle to other acid chlorides. C. 25 63 from scrap. Chem & Eng N 41:25 Mr
Hishta and J. Bomstein. Anal Chem 35:65-7 Beryllium. 1962. N. W. Bass. Eng & Min J
RingJa '63versus side-chain metalation of benzyl- 164:120-1thinF beryllium '63
dimethylamine with butylsodium and phen- Brazing windows. J. P Papa-
costa and others, diags R Scl Instr 33:1289-
ylsodium; tives. W. H.isomerizations
Puterbaugh and of metallo deriva-
O. R. Hauser. Buckling
90 NB. '62Burns of berylliimi plates and cylinders.
bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2467-70 Ag 20 '63 A. and R. F. Crawford, bibliog
Role of n-»Tx* triplet in the photochemicaj il Astronautics & Aerospace Bng 1:36-41 O
enolization of o-benzjibenzophenone. E. F.
ZwicUer and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J Distribution of'63 beryllium in unaltered silicic
Wittig S 5 '63
rearrangement of the benzyl ethers volcanic rocks of the western conterminous
of cyclobutanol and cyclopropylcarbinol. P. United States. R. R. Coats and others,
T. Lansbury and V. A. Pattison. bibliog bibliog beryllium
Joining map Eoon to Geolother57:963-8
metals.S B.'62 E.
Am Chem Soc J 84:4295-8 N 20 '62 Weismantel. MateriaJs in Design Eng 56:
BENZYL glutamate
Base- catalyzed formation of cyclic compounds 155-6+of N the
Origin '62 Uthium ajid berylUum-bearing
from poly-B-benzyl-L-aspartate and poly-v- pegmatites. R. Mulligan, bibliog maps diags
benzyl-L-glutamate. A. J. Adler and others, Can Min of & Met Bui 55:844-7 D '62thorium,
bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:90-7 Ja 5 '63 Properties materials; hafnium,
BENZYL group uranium, vanaditim, beryllium; tables. Ma-
Migration aptitude of benzyl vs. methyl in terials in Design Eng 58:166 Mid-O 195:823
carbonium ion reactions of the 2.2-dimethyl- Solid rocket propellents. Engineering
3-phenyl-l-propyl system. P. Warrick, jr. Superstrong
and W. H. Saunders, jr. bibliog Am Chem Je 14 steel,
tensile '63 beryllium tests out like high-
il Machine Design 35:12 Ag 29
Soc J 84:4095-100 N 5 '62
BENZYLIDENE compounds What are the potentialities of bervllium-
Interaction of diphenylketene with 2-ben- light-metal alloys; a survey. D. Bodene.
zylideneacenaphthen-l-one N. Campbell and bibliog J Metals 15:606-7 S '63; Foundry
P. S. Davison, bibliog Chem & Ind p2012-13
N 24 '62 91:170+ S '63 Analysis
Protonation of benzylideneaniline and its p-
and p*-dimethylamino derivatives. R. L. Determination of beryllium by the photo-
Reeves and W. F. Smith, bibliog Am Chem neutron method. G. Goldstein. bibliog
Soc J 85:724-8 Mr 20 '6? diags Anal Chem 35:1620-3 O '63
BENZYNE New spectrophotometric reaction of beryl-
Aprotic generation of benzyne from diphenyl- lium. A. M. Cabrera and T. S. West, bib-
iodonium-2-carboxylate. B. Le Goff. Ain liog Anal Chem 35:311-13 Mr '63
Chem Socvia Japrotic
84:3756 diazotization
O 5 '62 Photometric
Florence and titrati'-n
Y. J. of beryllium.
Farrar. bibliogT.Anal
Benzynes of anthra-
nilic acids: a convenient synthesis of Chem 35:712-14 My
Rapid. nondestructive determination of '63
triptycene and derivatives. L. Friedman beryllium using Van de Graaff X-rays. C.
and F. M. Logullo. bibliog Am Chem Soc J A. Levine and J. P. Surls. jr. il diags
S.-.:1549 My 20 '63 Anal Chemfor 34:1614-17
amination for ofarj-ne intermediates
pyridine. in the and
L. S. Levitt direct
B. Spot test beryllium Nbased '62 on color re-
action with eriochrome cyanine R. P. R.
W. Levitt, bibliog Chem & Ind p 1621-2 O 5 Mohilner. Anal Chem 35:1103-4 Jl '63
Ionization potential of benzvne. I. P. Fisher Protection
and F. P. Lossing. Am Chem Soc J 85: Platinum black coating of beryllium. L. Missel
• Mild
1018-19 Ao 5 gives
reaction '63 high benzyne yields. L. and G. R. Greear. il Metal Finishing 61:46-
Friedman and P. M. Logullo. Chem & Testing
Ens N 41:46-8 Je 17 '63 8+ Ag '63 of beryllium
Deformation under complex
Photolysis of 1.2-diiodobenzene; a photochem- stressing. W. Munro and N. A. Hill. 11
ical source of benzyne. J. A. Kamomeier
and E. Hoffmeister. bibliog Am Chem Soc J diags MetallurgiaWelding 66:105-10 S '62
84:.'?7S7-8 O 5 '62
Polarographic studies in acetonitrile and di- Fusion welding of end caps in bervlllum
methylfonnamide: the formation of benzyne.
S. Wawzonek and J. H. Wagenknecht. bib- tubes. R. G. Gllliland and G. M. Slaughter.
liog Electrochera Soc J 110:420-2 My '63 bibliog il diags Welding J 42:29-36 Ja '63
BERYLLIUM — Welding — Continued Thermodynamic properties of magnesium
How to weld refraciory and reactive metals. oxide and beryllium oxide from 298 to
E G Thompson, il diaKs Am Mach/Metal- l.:;00"K. A. C. Victor and T. B. Douglas,
workine prints Manuf 45c) lU7:llJ-28 bibliog J Res Nat Bur Stand 67A:325-a Jl
. , My,,■ 13 '63T-i (re-
Solid state weldins of bcryllmm. E. M.
Passinore. il diag Welding J 42:sup 186-9 Quantitative beiyllium studies in postmortem
Ap 'Ij3 lungs. J. Lieben and others, bibliog Ar-
BERYLLIUM, Powdered , ,, . Safe way chivestoEnvironmental
machine Health 7:183-7 suction
beryllium: Ag '63
New beryllium is one-third stronger. Mate-
rials in Design Bng 58;9'1 Ag '63 keeps
Cholak. dusl
il Am out of operator's
MachyMetalworking lungs.
BERYLLIUM alloys , ^ .,, ,
Bervllium. K. E. Weismantel and H. J. 107:82-4 Mywork
BERYLLIUM 27 '63 , ^ , ,,
Fisher, il diags Machine Design 35:55-7 Beryllium extruded into spiral finned tubing,
S 19 '63 . , ^ il Materials in Design Bng 56:174-1-
Characteristics and properties of beryllium- Bervllium stability preserves accuracy.O Steel
nickel alloys. K, G. WitUe. il Foundry 90:50-
3 D heading
'62 152:85 Je
Brazing 17 '63 for aerospace applications.
Cold slashes part cost 70 per cent,
beryllium copper fasteners, il Steel 152:71 C. L. Cline and R. A. O'Neill, bibliog il
Welding J 41:1098-106
Fabrication D '62 of beryllium-
and properties
How to machine beryllium copper. G. Fitz- faced sandwich structures. J. N. Krusos
t'erald-Dee. diags Am Mach/Metalworking and others, il diag Materials Res & Stand
Metal 107:104-5 Ja 21 '63
beryllium-bearing „
alloys, ^^
bteei ,
3:825-31 and
Melting O '63
casting berylliimi. J. P. Denny
151;sup S29-30 O 22 '62 and W. H. Santschi. il diag Metal Prog
Metal selector. 1963: beryllium-containing al-
loys. Steelalloys
153:sup setS24-5 O 14for'63. . 84:111-134-
New beryllium Jl '63
is one-third stronger. Mate-
New space to vie lightweight
uses: Lockalloy Steel 153:33 S 2 '63
Ultrahigh su-ength magnesium and beryllium 100 tonrials inhot
Eng 58:94 Ag '63
vacuum furnace for
alloys. J. C. McDonald, bibliog il J Metals beryllium, il Metallurgia 67:308 Je '63
One shop's experience in machining beryl-
Use Be-Cu F alloys '63 ,^
for molds. „, ..
Plastics ™Techu
Safe way lium. to
D. Titus,
machineil Mach 69:109-12
beryllium; Ap keeps
suction '63
9:60 Mr '63 dust out of operator's lungs. J. Cholak. il
Welding practices for beryllium- copper alloys. Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:82-4 My
B E Weismantel and others, bibliog il
diags 'Welding J 42:207-12 Mr '63
27 '63properties and applications of berj'lliura
fluorido ^ ., ,.
Phase eciuilibria for the ternary fused-salt wire. A. G. Gross, jr. and R. G. O'Rourke.
system NaF-BeF2-UF«. J. F. Eiclielbereer il Wire
Two & Wire
exhaust Prod 38:1087-84-
systems cut dangerous Ag '63dust
and others, bibliog il Am Cer Soc J 46:279- hazards at beryllium production shop. D.
S3 Je '63 Titus,
Vacuum ilpressing
Plant Bng 16:1534- il Engineering
beryllium, N '62 .
•G3 metallurgy , . ..
Beryllium agglomeration process, il Liight
195:288 functions
F 22 '63 , ,
Metal Age
Vitros 20:18 F Pilot
btrvllium '63 plant. , ,^
J. „
D. .Moore Expansion of the exponential integral in terms
and L,. D. Lash, il Min Cong J 49:44-6 Jl of Bessel functions. A. S. Meligy and E. M.
El Gazzy. bibliog J Math & Phys 42:157-61
BERYLLIUM ores ,, „„ , Je '63 „, . .,
Phonakite from the Mount Wheeler area. Gegenbauer
Snake Range. Wliite Pine County. Nev. D. Salam
147-56 Jeand addition
L. Carlitz.theorem.
J Math W.
& _A.Phys AI-
'63 , „ , .
B Lee and R. C. Erd. bibliog Am Mineral-
ogist 48:189-93 Ja '63 Zeros of first derivatives of Bessel functions
BERYLLIUM oxide ., , . „• v. i of the first kind. J'ntxl, 21 < n <, 51,
of polycrystalline beryl- 0 < a- < 100 G. W. Morgenthaler and H.
lium oxide. creep
Compressive K. K. Vandervoort and W. L. Reismann. bibliog J Res Nat Bur Stand
Barmore. bibliog il Am Cer Soc J 46: 673:181-3 process
Jl '63
180-4 Ap flow
Current '63 in very thin ^^. „, of, AljOj
films ,, r.
and EeO. D. Meyerhofer and S. A. Ochs. Steelmaking from low-phosphorus py: Iron In
the basic Bessemer converter. R. Graef and
bibliog diags ofJ the Ap thermal
Phys 34:2535-43 S. '63 of others, bibliog il diags Iron & Steel Inst J
Determination conductivity
axial tempera- BETA200:837-45:
rays Discussion. , 846-8
, O "62 . , .,
beryllia rod by measuring
ture distribution. M. Burk. diag Materials
Anomalous response of a beta-ray ionlsatlon
Res & Stand
Electron microscopy 3:25-8 ofJa sintered
'63 beryllia. K. detector to steroids. J. P. Nelson and A. J.
C. Rau. bibliog il diag Am Cer Soc J 40: Milun. Chem & Ind p 1722-3 S 29 '62
Beta rav absorption in polymers and deter-
Fusion energies of 60BeO-40CaO.^ •!?p?^0- mination of first and second-order transition
52AI2O3. 75CaO-25B203. and 80BeO-20Li:O. temperatures. R. Zannetti and others, diags
H. H. Glascock, jr. bibliog diag J Ap Phys Rubber Chem & Tech 30:459-72 Ap '63
Strontium irradiator gives steady beta emis-
33:3296-8 of N beryllia
Growth '62 single . , crystals. » , c.S. -oB. sion. Chem & Eng N 40:484- D 10 62
Austerman. bibliog 11 diag Am Cer Soc J Measurement
46:6-10 Ja '63 . „ „ „ xt Thin-walled cylindrical counter for Geiger-
How good are bei-yllia ceramics? P. S. He-s-
singer. il Electronics 36:75-64- O IS 63 MUUer counting of low energy beta radia-
Microhardness of single crystals of BeO and tion. S. J. Thomson and J. L. Wishlade.
other wurtzite compounds. C. F, Cline and diag J Sci Instr 39:570-1 N '62
J. S. Kahn. bibliog diag Electrochem Soc J Measurement uses
110:773-5 Jl '63in BeO-metal CEBM.
Phase studies oxide systenis il Steelfour-way
153:77 S tester 2 '03
checks Polaris cases.
, , , ..,. i, .
u.'iing a porous-collector technique. A. r. Controlling extruded film thickness with beta
Chapman, bibliog diag.s Am Cer Soc J 46:
gages. MyG. '63
1344- Gerhard, il diags „ Mod
^ Plastics 40:
171-4 Ap
Polar properties '63 of BeO „ . ,
single crystals . , c.
B. Austerman and others, bibliog il diags Hardness gaged on the fly; beta rays keep
constant check •63 on annealed strip. Iron Age
J Ap Physuses,
Properties, 34:339-41
current,F '63
future for ., electronic
Nuclear gauge S 19 uses '63 source and detector, diag
ceramic products: beryllia ceramics. J. J.
Svec and others, Can Chem Process
missileS '63
Single-crystal elasticil Cor Ind Sl:57-S
constants of BeO Jl '6:! from Testing filament cases. C. K.
polvcrvstallinc mea.surcmcnts. Ty. H. Sjodahl W.'ymuoller.
BETATRON il Metal Prog 84:113-14 S "63
and B. A. Chandler. Am Cer Soc J 46:
351-2 Jl '63 , „ „ Measurement of betatron oscillation frequen-
Stability cies on the UCLA 50-mev cyclotron, p. J.
CaO. R. of A. CaiP.caOs
Potter and in L. the A. system
Harris. BeO- Am ("lark .-uid J. U. Richardson, il diags R Scl
Cer Soc J 45:615-16 D 1 '62 fnstr n:;:S:fl-S Ag '62
Temperature dependence of BeO tunneling Using a betatron to X-ray steel castings. 11
.structures. C. K. Chow. J Ap Phys 34:2918- Engineering
BETHE, Hans A. 196:447-8 O 4 '63
„ ^ .. ^
19 S '63
Thermal conductivity of beryllia ceramlci Rumford premium to H. A. Bethe of Cor-
from -200° to 150"C. M. Burk. bibliog Am nell university, por Phys Today 16:96-1- My
Cer Soc J 46:150-1 Mr '63
History of shipbuilding and ship repairing Bicyclo[2.2.0]hexa-2,5-diene. E. E. van Tame-
activities. D. D. Strohmeier. il Naval Eng len and S. P. Pappas. Am Chem Soc J 85;
J 75:258-79 My '63 3297-S O 20 '63
BEVEL gearing. See Gearing. Bevel
BEVERAGES Higlily strained bicyclic system; the acetoly-
Diethyl pyrocarbonate for cold sterilization; sis of 5,5-dimethylbicyclo[2.1.1]hexyl
toluenesulfonate. J. Meinwald and P.23-p-
decomposes to ethyl alcohol and carbon G.
dioxide. A. D. Lachmann. diag Food Eng Gassonan. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:57-9
Here 35:89-90
come Mr '63
the beverage cases: versatile Ja 5 '63 small ring compounds;
Strained bridgehead
carriers for soft drink, milk, and beer substituted bicyclo[2.1.1]hexanes. K, B Wi-
bottles and containers 11 Mod Plastics 40; berg and B R Lowry. bibliog Am Chem
7S-83-t- Ag '63 Soc J 85:3188-93 O 20 '63
bottles as used aspects of one-trip beverage
by the carbonated glass
industry. H. E. Korab. Food Tech 17:108-9 ■P'','F.'"„\''y
[6 lOlnonane,^ effects;A. solvolysis
C Cope and of J.irans-bicycio
K. Hecht.
Ja '63 bibhog Am Chem Soc J 85:1780-1 Je 20 '63
Numbers of tasters required to determine
consumer preferences for fruit drinks. A. Forrnatipn of a 1,3,6-cyclooctatriene
Kramer and others, bibliog Food Tech radical addition to cyclooctatetraene by 1,4-
and its
17:322-7 Mr '63
Some technical aspects of British comminuted 'r'3'jr^'P°'®<="'a-'"
[4.2.0] octa-2,4-diene. isomerization to aandbicvclo-
drink production. V. L. S. Charley, bibliog J. L. Kice T. S.
Ag 5 63 bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2298-302
il See
Foodalso Tech 17:987-94 Ag '63 BICYCLOOCTANE
Beer Formation of bicyclo-octane systems by an
Fruit juices acid-catalyzed condensation of enol ethers of
BIACETYL, See Butanedione a.B-unsaturated ketones. K. I. Morita and
other.>5. Am importance
Predominant Chem Soc J 84:3779-80 O 5 '62
BICARBONATES, See Carbonates of entropy on rela-
BICYCLES iJ^®r,^^^°'''''e3 of bicyclooctane isomers. P.
Bicycle revived by fresh design. 11 diags En- boc J 85:1358-9 My 5 63 bibliog Am Chem
gineering 194:598-9 smooths
N 9 '62 the bike BICYCLOOCTANOL
Rubber suspension ride, Proximity effects; solvolysis of derivatives of
il Machine Design 34:10 D 20 "62 bicyclors.roioctanols. A. C. Cope and oth-
BICYCLIC compounds. See Cyclic compounds
BICYCLOBUTANE ers.. Am Chem Soc J 84:4850-5 D 20 '62
Bicyclobutane. D. M. Lemal and others, bib- r'ii^ci'??'^. effects;
[3.2.1]oct an-S-ols stereochem
and bieyclo[4.2 of bicyclo
istry .0]octan-2-
liog Am Chem Soc J 85:2529-30 Ag 20 '63 and 3-oIs. A. C. Cope and others, bibliog Am
Proximity J 84:4865-71 D 20 '62
Free-radical additions to norbornadiene. D. J. synthesis and stereochem-
Trecker and J. P. Henry, bibliog dlags Am istry of bicyclo[5.1.0]octanols. A. C Cope
Peracid•63 Soc J 85:3204-12
reactions; O 20 '63 of bicyclo
the oxidation q"^ §n'^.'i'?- bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:4843-
[2.2.1)heptadiene. J. Meinwald and others, BICYCLOOCTATRIENE
bibliog diags Am Chem Soc J S5:6S2-5 Mr 5 Organqmetallic chemistry of the transition
metals; metal complexes of a bicvclo[2,2 21-
Reaction of 7-norbornadienyl and 7-dehydro- octatriene derivative. R. B. Kin^-. bibliog
der solvolytic derivativesconditions; with evidence
borohydride for un- the Am Chem Soc J 84:4705-8 D 20 '62
BIDDING (contracts). See Contracts, Letting of
tricyclic nature of the corresponding cations. BILE acids
H. C. Brown and H. M. Bell. Am Chem Comparative study of the effects of bile acids
Soc 7-substituted
Some J 85:2324 Ag norbornadiene 5 '63 homologues. and cholesterol on cholesterol metabolism
H. Tanida and T. Tsuji. bibliog diag Chem iPr "-S,® mouse, rat, hamster and guinea pig.
& Ind P211-12 F 2
Steric course of nitrosyl halide additions to'63 79:523-30 Ap 63
^■^7i- of •,?''¥'■ ^?o^ others,
and bibliog
norbornene and norbornadiene. J. Meinwald Effects cholesterol
P'ements on rats fed low cholic J acid
and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2513- iodine diets.
03-4/ & D.J
14 Ag 20 of'63 the 7-norbomadienyl
Structure carbonium ?<; J!f°c?^}^' ^""^ others, il J Nutrition 81:
ion. P. R. Story and M. Saunders, bibliog Influence of bile acids on digestion and ab-
sorption of lipids. H. Danielsson. bibliog
diags Am Chem Soc
Tin tetrahalide adducts of bicycloheptadiene J 84:4876-82 D 20 '62
and their fragmentation. F. M. Rabel and BILHARZIASIS. See Schistosomi
^"n.''2f8-T asis
12:214-18; Discus-
R. West. Am Chem Soc J 84;4169 N 5 '62
BICYCLOHEPTANE. See Norcamphane BILLBOARD S 9"Mr'^?l""°"
BICYCLOHEPTENE Billboards on trucks get utility's advertising
Chemistry of some derivatives ot the 7-oxa-
bicycIo[2.2.1]heptene system, especially the BILLING
epoxy derivatives (3,S-dioxatricyclo[,*] 184^s" 23 ^63 •^''""Slo. il Elec World 160:
octanes). M. P. Kunstmann and others, bib- -*^iT°?i^'^'®'^ billing for a small uUlity. W. A.
liog Am Chem Soc
Electronegativity J 84:4115-25 and
of substituents N 6 nuclear
'62 M'^9'"rfA Am Water Works Assn J 55:27-
magnetic resonance spectra of norbornene Bill-paying made easy; Mosler Dropository
derivatives. P. Daszlo and P. V. Schleyer. provides a convenience for both taxpayer
bibliog Am of Chem Soc J 85:2709-12 S 20 '63 and the city col ector. R. K Scruggs il
Mechanism the thermal isomerization of
5- norbornene- 2. 3 -endo-dicarboxylic anhy- Computer makes invoices; terminal f'Cruggs. speeds upi]
dride. J. E. Baldwin and J. D. Roberts, Pub Works
billing, Oil 94:121
il forum; & Gas O '63
J 61:116 Je 10 '63
bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:115-16 Ja 5 '63 Estimating billing special items. R.
Non-classical 7-norbomenyl cation S. Win-
stein and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J Foolproof price printer cuts credit ''■■''■'
85:2324-6 Ag 5 '63 ^/i'f-; fusion,gf^I'M^^of
ildiag Product ^"'"*34:114-15
'" * Eng '^■-
card con-
Je 10
Norbornene-l- and 2-carboxyIlc acids J. W.
Wilt and C. A. Schneider, diags Chem & 0.5
Small computer fulfills small utility's study
Ind P951-2 Je 8 '63 need: Municipal public utilities. Browns-
Preferred inversion in an electrophilic dis-
placement; mercurideboronation of exo- and See also
Matteson and J. O. Waldbillig. Am Chem
acids. D. S. 54'J5+ j|^3 % ^- ^«'''- " Elec World 159:
Soc J 85:1019-20 Ap 5 '63 BINARY number system. See Numeration
Steric course of nitrosyl halide additions to BINDERIES. See Bookbinderies
norbornene and norbornadiene. J. Meinwald BINDING materials
and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2513- Bonding of silane coupling agents in glass-
14 Ag 20 '63 reinforccd plastics. H. A. Clark and E P
Substituent effects on nuclear magnetic Plueddemann. bibliog Mod Plastics 40:133-
resonance coupling constants and chemical 5+ Je 63
shifts in a saturated system; hexachloro- Coating ajhesives for paper and paoerboard,
bicyclo[2.2.11heptenes. K. L. Williamson.
bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85;516-19 Mr 5 '63
eA 0'63 '"' '^^°^ Tappi 46:sup 164A-


BINDING materials — Continued Contributions of biochemistry to understand -

Of.uine new shapes with rubber ferrltes K. ing and solving the world problern of Pro-
U HolVver. Jr. and E. A. Hanysz. U Klec- tein malnutrition in children. N. S Sc'-lm-
bibliog Am(P600-2)
shaw. D '62, Nutrition
J Clinical , „ , 11:593-602
t- to..
Hearl?ofuUon'*'tSts''wUh calcium alu.ninaie
Cer rbocandJ Fuel cells; biochemical fuel cells. J-.-l^i,"- ^ri
R M and castables.
Williains. AmJ'-^ff"e
bibliog W U »; lor and others. Chem Ens Prog 59:57-8 U

utihoT*(orgregate thin sections of ag- Further studies on the biosynthesis of troolc
particles coated With bituminous acid. AinM. Chem L.. Louden and E. Leete. bib-
binders. L. W. Tubey. il Cheni & Ind pJl-3 lioc Soc J 84:4507-9 D 5 62
Npw Drocess gives tailored coatings. A. J. In vitro alkaloid biossTithes is In tlie amarjjl-
lidaceae: norbelladine O-methylpherase. H.
"^IS-nCnek, j? and G. Eng
Materia s n Design
A Collins.,ir
58;90-J O 11 M. Fales and others. Am Chem Soc J 86:
the inidentif lcatlon of binders gen- 2025-6 Jl 5 '63
Scheme for mineral coatings, W. H, union of pure and applied chem-
•63 erally used nal Biological
Internatioistry; chemistry section C. E.
Bol!st aVid, S. W. Tros.-et. jr. bibUoK Tappi Dalgliesh. Chem & Ind p712-13 My 4 63
Sttucwrl ^d*^properties of vitrified bonded Isolation and amino-
i<1entification by of thethe biologicril
^'iSisFves W.'^ D. CerKingery others Uci b^-
and 42.i37-J nitro-o-toluamide formed
liog il diass -Vm Soc Bui Juy reduction of 3.5-dinitro-o-toluaraide. (j. N.
Smith and otliers. bibliog il J Agn & Food
See als
Adh o Chem 11:257-60 My '63
esi estrogen biosynthesi s. T. Mo-
vess products— Binding materials rato and of
Mechanism others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J
Koad materials 84:3764-6 O 5 '62
Novel of D. inhibition of cholesterol bio-
mode synthesis.
are Dvornik and others, bibliog
^'sin storage system; drj' or liquid ilresins
collected stored, discharged, Am Chem Soc J 85:3309 O 20 '63
Physiology and biochemistry of the skin
DeYign''and''mamrenince of platework and 1960-61; annual summary. G. „H. Findlay
v^sels in mines. A J P Lapraine. U Can comp. Drug & Cosmetic Ind 92:227, 375-6
Min & Met Bui 56:222-6 Mr 63
511. 651-2. 793-4 F-Je '63
Dynamic pressure of granular material in Quantitative aspects of gas chromatographic
deeo bins A M. Tur tzin. bibliog diags Am separations in biological studies. E. C.
sSc C E Proc 89 [ST 2 no 34791:49-73 Ap Horning and others, bibliog Anal Chem 35:
;63^ Discussion. 89 [ST 5 no 36881:337-46 O 526-32 Ap '63
Study of biological structure at the molecular
Foam insulate d , Plastic storage
d reinforceil level with stereomodel projections: the
bins for ice machines, Mod Plastics 40.
lipids in el.
Vandenheuv the myelin bibliogsheath
il of diagsner\-e.Am F. Oil A.
1963*n^teoaJs handling and packaging direc-
tor*': storage equipment ildiags Mod Ma- Chem Soc J 40:455-71 S '63
terials Handling 18:283-308 My '63 Subunit structure of proteins allows differ-
entiation studies, il Chem & Eng N 41:38-9
^'c'inta'ineriierbulk. il Plastics Worid 21:42-3 Spe also
My 13 gy
Bacteriolo and antibodies
Je '63
^'prefabncated plastic storage bin. il Engineer- Enzymes
ing 195:521 Ap 12 '63 Ferm^nitation
BIOASSAY. See Biological assay
BIOCHE MICAL oxygen demand. See Trade
Nva^te — Testing Tmmiinitv n
BIOCHEMICAL research Microorganisms
biochemical fuel, ce investiga- Physiological chemistry
tions E L Colichman. bibliog il diag IEEE Porphyrins
Proc 51:812-19 My '63
Urine AL assay ^ ^. , ■ „i
R J Suhadolnik of the
andC.-C. ""it bibliog
others, of lycorine^
Am Analytical aspects of chemical and biological
Chem esisSoc J of84:4348-9 N 20 '62 . . assay in the U.S. army CBR agency S.
Biosynth cellulose J A. Gascoigne
Sass. bibliog Anal Chem 35;sup25A-8A-t-
bibliog Chem & Ind p 15S0-4 S 28 63
Biosynthesis of gramine: feeding experiments Bioassay for algicidal vs. algistatic chemicals.
with tryptophan-3- [H',C"1 . D. q,Donovan GMy P '63Fitzgerald and S. L. Faust, bibliog 11
and E. Leete. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85.
dfil "i T'' 20 'G'j Water & Sewage 'Works 110:296-8 Ag '63
Biosynthesis of matrine. S. Shibata andJl U. 13
Chemical and biological assay of essential
Sankawa. bibliog Chem & Ind p 1161-2 fatty
Am Oil M. Chem
C Williams a"|J R^ R^'sf'";
Soc J 40:237-41 Je 63
Bio.synthesis of phthiocerol: incorporation of Estimation of insecticide residues In foods
methionine and propionic acid. M Gaslam- through
bide-Odie r and others, bibliog Chem & Ind Phillips and others, bibliog J Agri & w^.Foodr.
parallel screening methods,
Chem 10:486-90 N '62
Biosy'ntliesis^of the alkaloids of chelidonjum into Relative resistance of fish species to petro-
majus: the incorporation . of tyrosine leum refinery wastes. N. H. Douglas and
chelidonine. B. Leete. bibliog Am Chem
Soc J 85:473-5 F 20 '63 . ^ ,, ,, xi W H. Irwin, bibliog 'Water & Sewage
Biosynthesis of the mustard oils. M. H. Works
BIOLOGICAL 110:R246-61
chemistry. O See
31 '63Biochemistry
Benn. Chem & Ind P 1907 N 3 62
of the nicotiana alkaloids, the BIOLOGICAL laboratories , ,
non-random incorporation of acetate-z-c Unilever research laboratory; Colworth House.
into the pyridine ring of bibliog anabasme. A. K. H. Wilkinson and R. J. Taylor, il Chem &
Friedman and R. Leete. Am Chem
Soc J 85:2141-4 Jl 20 '63 t t> t^ Ind P704-11 My 4 '63
Blosvnlhe.sis of the tetracycl ties. J. Rj D^ Air conditioning
McCormick and others, bibliog Am Chem Lab hoods rid fumes, exhaust building in
Soc J 8."):1692-5 Je 5 '63
Biosynthesis of the tetracyclines: a new amino iiew Life srienrfs researrh center, <^. J.
acid from streptomyces aureofaciens: acid. ( + >- Allen. 11 Heatlng-PIping 34:107-12 N '62
J R D. McCormick and others, hilillog Equipment
Am Chom studies Soc J 84:3711-14 O E '62 Automatic aerosol dellverj- for Inhalation ex-
Biosynthesis may improve antibiotics gerlments. P. V. Marsh. 11 diag Archives
m-ikinc. Chem & Ene N 4ft:51 S 24 62
Chemist In the clinical lab. il map Chem & Invlronmenta] Health 6:649-50 My '63
Inexpensive, general purpose, biological ampU-
Eng Nerol41:102-1
^Cholest biosynt Jl 15 '63
6 hesis blocked at new site; fler. W. Barry, diag J Scl Instr 40:374 Jl
abstract. D. Dvornlk and others. Chem
Rapid freeze-drying of biological tissues with
& Eng N ■ll:49-50 S 23 '63 a thermoelectric unit. A. G. E. Pearse. bib-
Condensation leads to„, glutnmlc add T.
Seklzawa and others. Chem & Eng N 41:46-7 liog II J Sclluminescence
BIOLOGICAL Instr 40:176-7
. See '63
Ap Luminescen ce
Jl 8 '63
BIOLOGICAL materials Distribution of Ni. Co. Cr, Cu. Ba and Sr
Apparatus and method for rapidly heating between biotite-garnet pairs in a meta-
and cooline bioloRical materials. D. P. morphic sequence. K. K. Turekian and
See also dias Food Tech 16:10tj D '62
Urine Tetrahedrally coordinated aluminum in some
-'^^ Mineralogist
natural n'"IJ' ''''^"°^
47-1434-4fbiotites: an infrared
Analysis absorption
Determination of molybdenum in biolosical
materials with dithiol: control of copper BIPHENYL. See Diphenyl
inien'erence. lrst'f8: lso''9o''s SeeH!'^- '"'""^ ^ Mineralo-
& Food Chera J. 11:130-1 B. Bincley.Mr 63 biblioe J Asri BIPHEN YLENE.
BIRCH. Arthur John
Determination of Plutonium in biological
material l)y solvent extraction with pri-
mary amines. F. W. Bruenger and others.
bibliOK Anal Chem BIRD repellents
Determination of the 35:1671-3
true chlorideO '63 content '^EnTSf4!r7rip'°i^63^- ^'^'^^ •'°'- ^^^™ *
of biolosical fluids and tissues. E. Cotlove.
biblios il Analof total Chem radiostrontiuni
35:95-105 Ja in'63 bio- BIRDS
logical samples containing large quantities Pest control with sound. H. Frings and M.
of calcium: selective precipitation with po- Fnngs. il Sound 2:39-45 Ja '63
tassium rhodizonate. A. L. Boni. diags Anal of open reservoirs against birds
Chem 35:744-7
Estimation of mercury My '63 In biological material
by neutron activation analysis. H. Smith. See also
Photography of birds
Anal Chem 35:635-6 My '63
Estimation of strontium-84 in biological ma-
terial by neutron activation analysis. H.
Smith. Anal Chem 35:749-51 My '03 Contrapuntal bird songs. Scl Am 208:80-1- My
Fluorescence techniques in the microdeter- Australia
mination of metals in biological materials.
D. F. H. Wallach and T. L,. Steck. bibliog Evolution of bowerbirds. E. T. Gilliard il
NewAnal benzidine
Chem 35:1035-44 procedureJl '63 for determination diag Sci Am 209:38-46 Ag '63
of manganese in biological samples. K. S. New Guinea
Sastry and others, bibliog Anal Chem 24:
1302-3 S '62 Evolution of bowerbirds. E. T. Gilliard il
Nonspeciflcity of hypochlorite-phenol estima-
tion of ammonium in biological material. BIRDS. Habits and behavior of
J. T. Weaxne. bibliog Anal Chem 35:327-9 diag Sci Am
Evolution 209:38-46 . Ag E.'63 """<"u.
of bowerbirds T. Gilliard il
Mr '63
Quantitative aspects of gas chromatographic diag Sci Am 209:38-46 Ag '63
separations In biological studies. B. C. BIREFRINGENCE. See Refraction . Double
Horning and others, bibliog Anal Chera 35: BIRTH control
526-32 Ap '63immunofluorescein British Drug Houses markets oral contracep-
Quantitative titration of tive. Chem & Eng N 41:24 Jl 1 '63
human and bovine gamma globulins. R. P. Changes m birth rates as a function of con-
traceptive effectiveness; some applicati
Anal Chem 35:1084-6
pigments. See Pigments. Biolog-
Jl '63 of a stocliastic model. M. C. Sheps and ons B
Methods in hormone research, vol. 1 and 2. K)31?l1f"jY-'63'^''°^
Derivatives ^^ ' ^"^ Health 53:
of ^ 1.2-diphenyl-3,4-dihydronaph-
R. I. Dorfman. ed. Review, bv C. Li. Hewett.
Chem & Ind p 1974-6 N 17 '62
New developments in the merchandising of ^i^n^7he^s.rh'l^m^"^'^Inrp^S|--9°Mr^l<^'?Jr
biological re.^earch information. G. M. Inventory of contraceptive methods adapted
Conrad. Am Scientist 50:sup370A-t- D '62 to Pubhc health practice. M. S. Calderone
Directiveness in biology on the molecular ^jbibhogrmone
Non-ho Am J contrac
Pub Health
eptive; 52:1712-19 O '62
level. P. T. Mora, bibliog Am Scientist 50: dithiocarbamoylhydrazine. E derivat ives
T Bell andof
570-5 D '62 others Drug & Cosmetic Ind 91:656
Revolution for biology. T. H. Waterman, Search for antifertiUty drugs widens D Led- N '62
flow chart diags Am Scientist 50:548-69 nicer and others. Chem & Eng N 41:60-2
bibliog(p567-9) D '62 AP It) bo
See also BIRTH rate
Biological research
Elect rophysiology traceptiveX^^^^
^•J!^!??.?^.-'" *''^'^ effectiveness;
^s asome
function of con-
Environment R \.|r?P.?^^,^!S,-™°'^^.'- ^v <i Sheps and E.
Evolution BISCUITS
Genetics ?d31?i6 J?'63 ^°® ^""^ Health 53:
Growth Form your own plastic trays. G. L Bordewvk
Marine biology
Morphology monitorsPeterson,
Tv?63 F'ood Eng 34^46^7^1
product ilcooling
Mutation i biology) at Natlnnul
Soli biology
Study and teaching
Welsh college of advanced technology: De- EnS"34:69N ^6^ ^"^^ ^'^ ^"nt.
partment of chemistry and biology A H. ^'5"l6$^i26'-'7''p % ^- ^P^""^- ^"^ & Min
Henson. Chem & Ind p 18-19 Ja 5 '63 °^'",f''K,-j'®'®,u"'"^i^°" .P' the scattering time
BIOMECHANICS it i^^"\""^ *"4 antimony-bismuth crystals
Biomechanics blends engineering and medi-
cine to determine the limits of man il Thermodynamic
riings Machme Design S.';:8n-5 .Ta 31 '63
properties of the ^"-^
!VrpL^T''3Tf2?4'-?a ks^'^''' '■ ««-•
mangane se-
Biomechanics: what Is It? H. R Lissner
bibliog 11 Mech Eng 85:25-9 Ja '63 F^'piioTi^'tiK^,^^"''^: M. Weinstein ^l?d J.
BIOMEDICAL engineering J
Biomedical engineering. S. Barnes,
Transpo rt
110:792 -8 properti
jl '6^ es of ° bismuth single Soc
Electrochem crys-
il diags tals. C. F. Gallo and others, bibliog diag
Machine Design 35:82-7 Jl 4 '63 J Ap Phys 34:144-52 Ja '63
Nuclear facilities: laboratory for bio- Analysis
itf'fse^'J'^^ ,5^3«search. il plans Arch Rec Radiochemical
BIONICS. See CybemeOcs separation of bismuth by
amalgam e.xchange. P. E. Orbe and others
See alio bibhog oxides
BISMUTH Anal Chem 35:1436-8 S -e"
Biomedical engineering Dielectric properties
BIOTITE of glasses In fhn ojra
Copper, lead and zinc in blotites from ba.sin Bi20s-CdO-GeOi and their relation to
fl^H "S-"^?. ''"i?'^? monzonites. W. T\ Par^ Bi"o rd??'c?A?-^'^'' ,#'fo.-Cdo-B of. ^5 the
nJ'.^'='K!'&i °' .f'»^f?'' nucleatlon B. V J
58":n2¥--44^N ^ef ''°^"''- ^''"'°^ ^<=°" G^'
BM?-63Tl°'l2" "'^^^ ^ ^^-^ Soc J- «i
ric;mutH oxides — Continued Immersion wheel-tracking test. D. H.
relations in the binary Mathews and D. M. Colwill. bibliog il
PhaJe eauilibrium pent-
system bismuUi sesquioxide-niobium dians J AptestChem
Laboratory 12:505-9 N the'62spreading
to investigate
J lies Nat Bur Stand 6GA;451-63 N 6<! bituminous mix-
tures. A. Please ofanddense
characteristics R. Hardman. 11 Chem
elec- & Ind p 1610-13 S 8 '62 ^.^ ^
^BismTth plaUnS on steel from alkaline of a modified soften-
trolytes J A. McCarthy, bibliog Metal Fin- Statistical
ing point comparison
method with ASTM rmg and
ishing 61:58-9 My '63 ball
3:14-19 V. Ja F.'63 Fink.
, Materials Res &
. ^ .
^'li'SpeTt^e#"S£"'Bi=Te3-BhSe3 .alloys G. R. for determining
M?l1er and others, bibliog J Ap Phys 34: Using a cellulose membrane
the carbon-tetrachloride-insoluble portion of
bitumens. M. M. Varma and P. C. Sheffert.
BISMUTH^seiqui'oxide. See Bismuth oxides bibliog il Materials Kes & Stand 3:560-1
^'XnJ.Sn^"iRu,?olite fi^m Kingsgate New
L aiarkham bibliog il
South Wales. . N. 47:1431-4 Jl '63 S
tuminous pavements. See Pavements, Bi-
Am Mineralogist N 62
BITUMINOUS roads. See Roads. Bituminous
BITUMINOUS sand ^ ,. _.,
M. J. Smith, ^.pointbibliog J defects
Ap PhysIn How Shell will upgrade tax sands, diags Oil
BijTes. & Gas J 61:98-100 F 18 '63 . . ., ^.,
New details on tar-sand project given, il Oil
Diffulonand^ solid solubility of gold in single- & Gas J 61:06-7 Mr 25^'63 , , „ „., „
crystal bismuth telluride. Jr..^. I^f>s andb3
H. M. Button. J Ap Phys 34 1S30-1 Je When will Alberta's production peak? OU &
Plasma edgebibliog in BbTiJ.. R. Sehr and U R. BIURETGas J 61:56-7 F 18 '63
Testardi. J Ap Phys 34.27o4-6 Uer b W
Properties of BiqTea- BisSe, alloys GRMi Biuret formation in the manufacture of
and others, bibliog J Ap Phys 34.133S-4UU urea. P. J. C. Kaasenbrood and others.
Thermoelectric properties of diphasal systems BLACKdiags ash.J Agri See & Ash
Chem 11:39-43 Ja "63
combining As:Te, and Tbbe with sMej. BLACK body
BiiTes. or SbiSea. H. L V'^^ ^"-^A^-iank
Healy. bibliog il diags J Ap Phys 34:390-5 Black-body radiation from partially enclosed
cavities. R E. W. Casselton axid others, bib-
F ■6.'! liog diag Inst Metals J 91:408-11 '62-63
^'lo'f^o'^pffM E., n"*lnd dielectric Am^ properties BLACKWaste liquor. See Paper and pulp mills —
Bi2Ti40ii. C. Subbarao. Cer Soc ofJ
BLACKALL, Frederick S, Jr
methylmethane Dihydroxydiphenyl dl- Obituary, por Mech Eng 85:98 Ag '63
Changes produced in Wisconsin green snap
beans bv blanching. L,. M. Kaczmarzyk and
^'c^rbide-tiPPed rotary driUs speed sh^ait^link- others, il Food Tech 17:943-6 Jl 63
difk Eng & Mm J 164:112 >Ir ■63; Discus- Effect of blanching, storage temperature, and
container atmosphere on acetaldehyde and
61:68-72 andJa D.14 63 alcohol production and off- flavor formation
Rowley. 11 Oil & Gas I J peters
Di^ron^^d'riJ;.,^''^ big savings ,S by in frozen snap-beans. T. Fuleki and J. J.
Drilling contractors make
reDairing button bits. E. McGhee. il dlag David, bibliog Food Tech 17:1313-16 , O„ '63
Gas Je 60:140-2
Oi? to& improv O 29 '62 Comfort properties of blankets. R. J. Row-
How bit performance when forma-
abruptly, DW. 3 J 62 Highbarger. 5<l My lands,
'63 bibliog diags Textile
„ ,.Res J^ 33:343-
Oil & Chang/
"?Xns Gas J 60:141-4-f-
Murphy. 11 Loftv cotton fabrics. J. F. Krasny and others.
bits L A
read dull 34:o8-9_L>
HowPet toManagement b.i ^ „u il Textile Ind 127:1134- Je '63
NeS kind of diamond: Diamond research Thicknessrials. R.of blankets and
J. Rowlands, soft Textile
il diag textile mate-
Res J
laboratory produces, smooth, rounded stones
for better bits, il diags Eng & Min J 163. Tufted
Mr '63 an assessment after the
S2-.') O '02 first year. H. North. Mod Textiles Mag
Oil sands separated by concentration. 11 Can See alsoF '63
BITUMI research O '63
Processcoal 47:82-4 inc. Electric blankets
Meeting. Coal Age 68:114 Jl 63 Manufacture
BITUMIN OUS concrete associatio n, National. British needle trends: tufting blankets. P.
See National
ation bituminous concrete associ- Abbenlieim. il Textile Ind 127:62-4-1- My
BITUMINOUS ments. concrete pavements. See Pave- New tufting machine
Bituminous concrete blanket, apparel fabrics. for
G. J.doubled-faced
Bradley. 11
BITUMINOUS tuminous concrete roads. See Roads. Bi- Mod TexUles Mag 44:39-40 Ja '63
concrete BLANKETS, Electric. See Electric blankets
BITUMINOUS materials , BLAST cleaning. See Sand blast; Shot blast-
Asphalts and allied substance s: vol. I and im::
vol. III. H. Abraham. Review, by K. H. BLAST furnace gas
Harrison. Chem & Indofp62-5 Ja 12 63 Operation of a multiple fuel, high pressure
DestrucUve distillati on carbonaceous Iowa boiler In an integrated steel plant. J. W.
shales L. K. Arnold and J. A. LaRose, Leming. jr. il diags Iron & Steel Eng
fr dikgforEcon Geol 58:212-17 Mr '63
Method preparing thin sections of ag- BLAST40:113-21
furnace Mr slag.
'63 See Slag
gregate particles coated with bituminous BLAST furnace stoves
binders. L. W. Tubey. il Chem & Ind p31-3 Application of'63combustion equipment to blast
SN^nposiu m on road and paving ntaterials: lurnace stoves. M. J. Greaves, diags Iron
ab.>itracts of papers. Roads & Sts lOb.84 & Steel Eng furnace
40:84-95 stoves.
Jl '63 J, C. AgarwaJ
'63 aUo
S See Firing of blast
and others, diag Iron & Steel Eng 40:75-
Asphalt coating Hot81: blast
stoves. J.81-3Schofleld
Jl '63 and others, bib-
liog diaes Iron & Steel Inst J 199:229-40:
Roads — Foundations — Bituminous materials 201:497-508 the N performance
Improving '61. Je '63 of blast furnace
Testing stoves. R. A. Powell and A. J. Karsten. II
Acidity of bitumen: modincatl on of the IP diags Iron of & stovo
Principles Steel operation.
Enc 40:96-102T. E.Jl Dancy
method for determining neutralization value and others, bibliog diag Iron & Steel Eng
by potentiometric titration. J. H. Caro. bib-
llbg diag Inst of
Determination Pet bitunicn Mr '63 '".eV
J 49:85-8 content 40:67-74 Jl '63
BLAST furnaces
nan.sion Joint fillers. E Horowitz and J. Amanda sets blast furnace style; Armco steel
Mandcl. bibliog Materials Res & Stand 3: Corp. T. M. Rohan, il Iron Age 192:78 O 31
Field and laboratory studies on the dura- Arm ins bla f and L-D sho
bility of road bitumen. K. A. Lammlman tal U Iron
atco Ashland. st &urnaSteel
ce p
Eng 39:177-8
bibliog J Ap Chem 12:510-20 g
Nand'62 other™ D '62
BLAST furnaces — Continued Experimental solid fuel for cheaper steel-
Blast furnace and its production capabilities. i"^5PS. flow diag Engineering 194:762 D
W. O. Bisliop. Iron & Steel Ens 4U:7D-S1 / 62
F '63 Fluid coal injected into blast furnace. 11
Blast furnace moved at Lackawanna plant, D 14 '62
Uildiagrep aces coke in 194:788 furnaces
il Iron
Blast & Steelpractice
furnace Ens 39:207
with O very
'62 low slas Ockerbloom and H. blast N E.
L. Erskine. jr. diag
volume. J, C. McKav and J. A. Peart, bib- Hydrocarbo
U 02
n Process & Pet Refiner 41:97-9
lioa J Metals 15;2SS-93 Ap '63 Powdered coal: cheaper fuel for blast fur-
Blast furnace symposium. Pittsburgh. J Met-
als 15:632-4 S '63 & Gas
Predictingnaces. Oilthe J 60:78 N 5 '62
Blast furnace theory and practice, sympo- effects of hydrocarbon
sium. Pittsburgh, Jime lS-20; program and on blast furnace operation. H. B. W.injection Bum-
abstracts of papers. J Metals 15:343-6 My side
^.i~Ll bibliog
Ja DO Ind & Eng Chem Proc Design

Ford's Solid fuel injection at Weirton: lowers op-

ham. new
Future of
blast furnace blown-in;
il Metallureia
ironmaking. 67:14 '63 DaKcn-
J. M. Ja Stapleton and
erating costs through reduced coke reguire-
out J I Do ^- Dietz.
yA?"'Tf-./o diags J Metals 15:499-
others, bibliog il J Metals 14:749-53 O '62 U.K. gets coal injection system for blast
Iron and steelmaking at Monclova. il diags
J Metals
Limits of modern15:433-6 blast Je '6:!furnaces. J. Cordier. furnaces. Chem & Eng N 41:55 Ja 7 '63
plans diags J Metals 14:759-63 O '62 ioo :4o-|- '■?P°''r^,.„°"
ir?'9?, A^ 5 63 <=°al injection, il Steel
NovelDuquesnaequipment blast features
furnace, U.S. il IronSteel's new
& Steel
Predicting 40:146+ Jl '63
effects of oxygen, moisture and
fuel additions on blast furnace operation
with electric computers; abstract. A L. '"ifk'e"erf5?:7lf "^''^^"il''''""'' ^^ ^""'"^•
Rejuvenated Metalblast Prog furnace.S3:151+
E. R. F Morgan
'63 and ^rifa' fi^^l%
Maintenance repair'""■ " ^^^^'-
T'tz^'and ^="^^
others, bibliog Metallurgia
dynamics 66:275-7
in the D blast '62 Automatic hardsurfacing of blast
Signiflcance of fluid
furnace stack. J. C. Agarwal and W L. bells and hoppers. H. N. Farmer andfurnace R. A.
Davis, Jr. bibliog il diags Ind & Eng Chem Hand, il Iron scaffold
Blast ftirnace & Steel Eng 40:110-23 S '63
Proc reduction
Design 2:14-20 removal from outside.
Silica reaction Jain the '63 blast-furnace.
il Engineer 216:270-1 Ag 16 '63
D. A. R. Kay and J. Taylor. Iron & Steel
InstSea J also201:67-70 Ja '63 lo'e^m S "'^^63 ^'^"^'=® control
sinter. Engineering
Cupola furnaces Numerical
Iron metallurgy Blast furnace raw materials; automatic stor-
Air supply
Modern blast furnace blowing and gas re-
covery systems. C. W. Dunn, bibliog diags ffns'-'s'
New blast Ap'^^fs'"^"
furnace has ^^^^^
"'^^ unique Metallurgia
control sys-
Iron & Steel Eng 39:109-18; Discussion. 118-
20 O '62 ttcI"ki ''■?'i * Steel Eng 40:1784- Jl '63
works. report, United gas States ttu-bine
steel blower.
corp. G. South
*^ '^^"' " ^'^®' ^^^•
Krapf. il diags Iron & Steel Eng 40:95-103 104-^ Je lo''"63^^

Ag '63 Charging
Automatic blast furnace charging by con- '""""'^■
^il ^^rh 17f:'2t30 = s"5 •6^°""^^^-^"^-^
veyor belts. A. Moutot. il diags J Metals '"!ifn'j?rg°j"4s'!?0-^rb'^2^- "
14:754-8 O '62
Blast furnace raw materials; automatic stor- sinter.
Wt^-^i^'^^^^ H°.^i?<l''
fg^e-m T?f^x'"'??"'^® Engineering
age and charging, plan diags JMetallurgia ^'^"n" Superior stone
67:178-82 Ap '63 T3.^ V-'' ^" §^ Quarry 55:95-7 My '63
Continuous carbonizing of composite pellets Blasting vibrations '^ andnon-elec
together with miniature blast furnace tests. 171:To"6 O^'fo'^^S building il Eng TN
tric, damage
J. A. Gregory and J. A. Innes. bibliog il
Iron & Steel Inst J 201:842-6 O '63 97'3-?°M?"l°'6.3'^" others, il Engineer ZlSi
Higher iron rates with pellet use tallied. K.
R. Haley, il Steel 152:44-1- Ja 21 '63 ''irfe^l^?5l^6r!':'l?8'l"Vv"''?3^^- ^- ^- ^■•^•'«-
Metallized pellets from ore-coke mixtures: a
possible blast-furnace feed? J. A. Innes. "^f •'i:"?fall" ifSan^rfc-AiS" s^L^^"!
il J Metals
Smelting 15:294-7 iron
prereduced Ap '63ore pellets. N. B
Melcher. il J Metals 15:298-301 Ap '63
Control Control of vibraUons in overburden blasting.
Instruments for blast furnace control P J SS3i?
J^- lflif
.gH- fyi,.?3'«^
Hopper, = Mm Heply
.%?- /sl^ I
Cong J 49:44-5
Zorena Ground displace ments from air-blast loading.
9:43-6 D and62 T. J. Connors, diagis I 'S A J S. D. Wilson and E. A. S bley. bibliog
Metal temperature and slag analysis improve
blast-furnace control. K. H. Gee. diag J ?'tPr^^9?°^-^ ^ Proc 88 ISM 6 no 3346]?
Metals 15:512-13 Jl '63
207-10 Jl'lli °'^<="^^'°"- «9 [SM 4 no 3578]!
Equipment AN/FO in blastholes.
^'a^t/i?/^'''?™''^,' ^I'^Vc electricity
J. A Hurry in loading
See also
Fuel r^
Eng i?& Min
sidestep electrical
J 163:90-2 O '62 blasUng '^^^^
Blast furnace oxygen enrichment with vari- T °-, ^."'l'Sr-T.,SPck
Look at AN-FO's invisibleProd 66:73-5
fumes. J. S A'63 Todd
ous mjected fuels; Colorado fuel and iron Mechani
jr Mmcs Eng 15:43-6 Ap '6
of .rock 3 ds '
Corp. J. W. Carlson and others, bibliog il
diacs Iron & Steel Eng 39:73-87; Disctis- blasting design. R.breakag e: standar
L. Ash. diags Pit for &
sion. 87-8 D 62
Blast furnace performance; pellets vs sinter Model
Quarrypredicti on 3 ofS '63
fracture due explo-<a
""^s»to jrix
si.ons. C. 56:118-2
W. Martin and G. Murlhy bibfioe
40-10^-2o'^ 0^^63^'''' " "^'^^^ ^ ^'^'^'
tary ^''°"fuels ^"^
Blast furnace supplemen W R Moving
Rombough. Can Min & Met Bui 55:839-42 D overburden with explosives A
62 ^'■"^ ^^ [Em"^"
no 3491]^

Coal injection into blast furnaces, flow diae

A™ ^63

il diag ISngmeer 214:1022-4 D 14 '62 So''n^i"rl^9':4^0'-f J?-'6f- ^'^^'''■" ^'^^^ ^^^

Coal injection into no.5 blast furnace at Stan- ^!7elay^.'^rb"fn SlTn t'&lt^B^ se'^,lo-l^"j?ni
New developments
ton and Staveley ltd. E. M. Summers and in the use of ammonium
others, bibliog flow sheets plan diags Iron nitrate t>roducts in undergro und limeiton^

f78-92% 'ef ^ 201:666-77.- DiscufslSni" Obsolete Ohio .River dams" ^" ed ahead
107"f ^'""'^'■-
Je^63 U• diags demolish
^ Qu^'°5 5l
of schedule. Civil Eng 32:50-1 O '62
Coal, oil or slurry, for blast furnaces? ab- Pi'lar blasting at the Murray mine H W
stract and. discussion. Summers and others
diags Engmeerlng 195:656-7 My 10 '63 ^P"'^^& Met
Min ?^f"l Bui
A- R-66:552-7
H. Burford
Jl '63 11 diara' Cak
B L AST I N G — Continued Optical studies; fluorescent brightening
Plastic baes permit year-round blastlne with agents on textiles: elementary optical
AN at Liberty pit. il diaK EnK & Min J theory and its practical implications. T. H.
11)4:156+ blasting F 'CiJ paces blK railroad Job; In Morton, bibliog diae Soc Dyers & Col J
Presplit 79:238-42 Je '63
Cumberland Mountains of southeastern Some effluent studies with bleaching liquors;
Kentucky. in 11 blastine. diaK EnK C. N H. 169:38-40 abstract. L. Chesner '63 and F. W. Roberts.
Revolution Vivian. N 11 8diaK
'62 See also
Am Dyestuff Rep 52:670 Ag 19 '63
Comp Air Mae C8:14-19 Ae '63 Chlorine
Super-controlled blastine protects Washine- Hydrogren peroxide
ton D.C. area, il diae Roads & Sts 106:66-
704- My '63 BLENDERS. See Mixers
Tennessee copper co. now uses AN-FO for BLENDING. See Mixing
80 per cent of Its blastine. H. B. Esta- BLIND, Apparatus for
Underground diaes Min Ens 14:59-60
applications of ammonmm N '62 ni- Audio meter reader for the sightless. K.
trate. A. K. Smith, diags Min Cong J 49:
Blaney. perception
Auditory il diae Q SandT its 47:28-30 Ap to'63 ultra-
Use28-33of Myconventional
'63 explosives for peaceful sonic blind guidance aids. L.. Kay. bibliog
purposes. G. G. Riley, biblioe 11 Research diags Brit Inst Radio Eng J 24:309-17
15:529-35 D 62 '63
Variety paces German blasting operation. W. Bat radar device. 11 Mech
Forsthoff. il map diags Rock Prod 66:68-704- O '62
Bat radar enables man to hear 84:68
Eng objectsD '62 In
O See
'63 also New path, il
eyes Elec Eng
for blind 81:889-90
PBX N '62
attendants. R.
Atomic blastiner Morse, il diag Bell Lab Rec 41:196-8 My
I'etroleum — Well blastine Pri r app f b rea
Quarries and quarryine J.nt H. ecoDavis,
gni bibliogara diags orBritlinInst d der
BLASTING. Subaqueous tio tus
Bie underivater bla^t in frozen fiord. 11 Simple
Eng J reading
24:103-10 n machines
Ag '62 for the blind. R.
M. Beddoes. bibliog il diag Eng J 46:50-2
Civil Ene 33:78 Jl '63
Underwater blast deepens fjord. Eng N 170: Some experiments on reading aids for the
37 My 30 '63 blind.
My 'C3 K. Ellis, diag Radio & Electronic
Before, mercerizing only; now. bleaching too; Eng 25:188-90travel
Straight-line F '63aid for the blind. J. C.
story of Southern mercerizing co. il "Textile Swail. il diags Electronic Eng 35:602-4 S
World 113:87-8 Ja '63 Tra aud met for the blin J C
Equipment nsi
sto 11 diags
er d. . .
Fighting the profit squeeze in bleaching and Swail.
Ultrasonic r aid yQ S T
blind 47:32-3 N
persons. '63L. Kay.
dyeing, il Textile World 113:82-44- Ap '63 11 Radio & Electronic Eng 25:166 F '63;
Bleaching and dyeing Vincel; abstract. J. S. BLIND. PrintingElectronic for Eng 35:179 Mr '63
Braille puzzle utilizes PVC. polystyrene and
Ward. Am Dyestuff Rep 52:352 Ap 29 '63
Bleaching out color has been simplified. W. vinyl, il diags Plastics World
BLINDNESS 21:53 S '63
N. Sommer. Ind Finishing 39:84-6 N '62
Coloring, bleaching, and finishing develop- Eye —SeeInjuries
ments. Published in monthly numbers of BLOCH walls. See Magnetization
Textile industries
Comparative assessment of modern bleaching BLOOD
methods. G. C. Woodford and L. Chesner. Apparatus for extraction of gases for in-
Am Dyestuff Rep 51:897 N 12 '62 jection into the gas chromatograph; appli-
Some bleaching problems and developments cation to oxygen and nitrogen in jet fuel
associated with nydrogen peroxide, peracetic and blood. S. NateLson and R. L. Stellate.
acid, and sodium chlorite. L. Chesner. bib- bibliog diags
Automatic Anal Chem measurement
amperometric 35:847-51 Je of'63re-
liog Soc Dyers & Col J 79:139-46 Ap '63 action rates; enzymatic determination of
Some new developments in the acid peroxide glucose in serum, plasma, and whole blood.
bleaching process; abstract. K. Prett. Am H. L. Pardue. diag Anal Chem 35:1240-3
Dyestuff Rep 52:46 Ja 21 '63
Some trends in bleaching, dyeing and print- Body
Ag '63 iron levels and hematologic findings
ing; abstract and discussion. F. V. Davis. during excess methionine feeding. J. V.
Chem & Ind p807-S My IS '63 Klavins and others, bibliog J Nutrition 79;
Statistical analysis of the effect of four vari- 101-4 Ja '63
able operating conditions on bleaching Boron, cadmium, chromium, and nickel in
results. H. D. Terhune. diags Am Dyestuff blood and urine. H. R. Imbus and others.
Rep 52:240-5 Ap 1 '63 biblioe Archives Environmental Health 6;
Tailor preparation to the fabric. J. P. Mill- 286-95 F '63
burn. Textile Ind 127:112-13 S '63 Clinical nuclear Instrument measures blood
Thermal bleaching of addltlvely colored KCl. volume; Volemetron. J. A. Williams and J.
J. C. Penley and R. S. Wltte. bibllog J Ap B. Williams, bibliog il diags Nucleonics
Phys 33:2875-9 S '62 20:63-4of Nelucacon,
Effect '62 phenmetrazine and epine-
Use of solvents in bleaching; abstract. N. F. phrine on hunger, food intake and plasma
Crowder and W. A. S. White. Am Dyestuff nonesterifled fatty acids. S. B. Penick and
Rep See 52:389
also My 13 '63 L. E. Hinkle. jr. biblioe Am J Clinical
Dyes and dyeing Nutrition
Moving picture films — Bleaching Effect of 13:110-14 increments Ag '63
of tryptophan and
Oils and fats — Bleaching niacin on growth and on the concentrations
Paper making — Bleaching of blood and liver pyridine nucleotides.
Wood pulp — Bleaching M. A. Morrison and others, bibliog J Nu-
Cotton Effect oftritionorally 80:441-6 Ag and'63 parenterally admin-
Cli In caustic scouring. H. G. Smolens. diags istered neomycin on plasma lipids of human
Textile Ind 127:1154- S '63 subjects. G. A. Leveille and others, bibliog
Molecular structure and chlorine stability In Am J Clinical Nutrition 12:421-6 Je '63
cotton finishes. F. B. Shlppee and D. D. Effect of starvation and a nonprotein diet on
blood plasma amino acids, and observations
Gagliardi. Textile Res J 33:182-90 Mr '62 on the detection of amino acids Umiting
Portable kler. H. G. Smolens. plan Textile growth of chicks fed purified diets. D. C.
Ind 127:127-8 O '63 Hill and E. M. Olsen. bibliog J Nutrition
Wool 79:303-10 Mr addition '63
Effect of the of Imbalanced amino
Recent results In the bleaching of wool; ab- acid mixtures to a low protein diet, on
stract K. I Zleeler. Am Dyestuff Rep 51; weight gains and plasma amino acids of
1009 D 10 *62 chicks. D. C. Hill and E. M. Olsen. bib-
BLEACHING materials liog J NutriUon 79:296-302 Mr '63
Modern housPhold bleaches. B. M Mllwldsky Effect of vitamin A on certain blood con-
il Soap bleaching
& Chem Spec stituents of geriatric subjects. M. A Pal-
Optical agents39:79-804-'
on woolAg '63J. L lotta and R. F. Krause. Am J Clinical Nu-
Ijacerte. Am Dyestuff Rep 61:897 N 12 '62 trition 13:201-8 bibliOB(p207-81 O '63
BLOOD — Continued , . Long-term, low fat. low protein diets and
Effects of a diet hiah In polyunsaturated fat their effect on normal Trappist subjects.
on the plasma lipids of normal younK J. B. Calatayud and others, bibliog Am J
females. B. Gunnins and others, biblios Clinical Nutrition
New chemicals lower 12:308-73 My '63 levels.
blood cholesterol
J Nutrition
Free amino acids 79:85-92 Ja '63
in blood plasma of^ children
, .,^ G. M. K. Hughes and S. K. Figdor. Chem
with kwashiorkor and marasmus. G. & Eng N 40:54-5 S 17 '62
Arroyave and others, biblios Am J Clinical Production of hypercholesterolemia and
11:517-24 atherosclerosis by a diet rich in shellfish.
Glucose, and N lactose
"62 in the diet and W. E. Connor and others, bibliog il J Nu-
blood lipids in man. J. T. Anderson and Response trition 79:443-50 Ap
of rural '63
Guatemalan Indian children
others, biblloe
Influence J Nutrition
of variations 79:349-59calcium;
in dietary Mr '63 with hypocholesterolemia to increased
phosphorus ratio on performance and blood crystalline cholesterol intake. J. M6ndez and
constituents of calves. M. B. Wise and others, variation
bibliog J of Nutrition 79:200-4 F '63 of
Seasonal cholesterol in serum
others, biblioe
Nitrogen balance J studiesNutritionwith79:79-84
subjectsJa fed '63 men and women. R. E. Eleiler and others,
the essential amino acids in plasma pat- bibliog Am J Clinical Nutrition 12:12-16
tern proportions. M. E. Swendseid and
Study of the hypocholesterolemic activity of
others. lipid
Plasma biblioKfatty J Nutrition
acids during 7D:276-S Mr '63
fasting. K Ja
the '63ethyl esters of the polyunsaturated
Imaichi and others, biblicg Am J Clinical fatty acids of cod liver oil in the chicken.
13:226-31in vivo:
O '63 free amino acids S. G. Kahn and others, bibliog J Nutrition
Protein 80:403-24reduction
Weight Ag '63 and serum cholesterol
in blood plasma of rats force-fed zein, levels. A. B. Caldwell and others, bibliog
casein, or their respective hydrolyzates. C.
Peraino and A. E. Harper, bibliog J Nutri- Am J Clinical Nutrition 12:401-5 Je '63
Ratios tionof80:270-8essential-to-nonessential
Jl '63 . , amino . Circulation
acids in plasma from rats fed different Catheter-tip blood flowmeter for measurement
kinds and amounts of proteins and amino of pulmonary arterial blood flow in closed-
acids. M. B. Swendseid and others, bibliog chest dogs. H. P. Pieper. diags R Sci Instr
J Nutrition
Studies with the 80:99-102
use of My fish
'63 oil fractions in 34:908-10 Ag '63
human subjects. K. Imaiclii and others, Cold dilatation
L. Magos and and G. Raynaud's
Okos. bibliogphenoinenon.
diag Ar-
bibliog- Am J Clinical Nutrition 13:158-68 chives Environmental Health 7:402-10 O '63
S See
'63 also Effect of ethanol upon systemic and hepatic
blood flow in man. S. W. Stein and others,
Erythrocytes bibliog Am J Clinical Nutrition 13:68-74
Lipemia Engineering aspects of extracorporeal blood
Serum Ag '63
circulation. B. G. B. Lucas and S. R. Mont-
Analysis gomery, bibliog il diags Inst Mech Eng
Adrenal cortical response in motion sickness. Proc 177 no 18:503-11: Discussion. 511-t-'
B. V. Dahl and others, bibliog Archives
Environmental Health 7:86-91 JI '63 Measuring
Reply. 516-17brain '63blood flow with radioisotopes.
Chemical microdetermination of phenyl- and W. H. Oldendorf. bibliog il diags Nucleonics
tolvlsuifonylurea derivations in blood. W.
bibliog Anal Chem 35:50-3 of
Ja ethyl
'63 21:87-90 Ap '63
Gas determination Coagulation
alcohol in blood for medicolegal purposes: Anti-K factor in anticoagulant rodenticides.
separation of other volatiles from blood or P. Derse. bibliog il Soap & Chem Spec 39:
aqueous solution. K. D. Parker and others. 82-4-1- Mr: 844- Ap '63
Anal Chem 34:1234-6 S '62 Effect of intravenously administered fat on
Macro- the coagulation mechanism. H. I. Glueck
■63 tionand micromethods for the determina-
of serum vitamin A using trifluoro- and others. Am J Clinical Nutrition 13:8-
acetic acid. J. B. Neeld. jr. and W. N. 24 bibliog(p22-4) Jl '63
Pearson, bibliog J Nutrition 79:454-62 Ap Diseases
See aUo
Modified method for spectrophotometric deter- Anemia Testing
mination of cyanoacetic acid in blood
plasma. H. G. Lovelady. Anal Chem 34:
1344-5 S '62 Detecting hypersusceptibility to toxic sub-
Phosphorimetry as a means of chemical stances: an appraisal of simple blood tests.
analysis; analysis of aspirin in blood J. T. Mountain. Archives Environmental
serum and plasma. J. D. Winefordner and Health 6:357-65
Measurement bibIiog(p364-5)
of blood Mr '63R. F.
H. 'W. Latz. bibliog diags Anal Chem W^itter. Archives Environmental Health 6:
35:1517-22 S '63 537-63 for bibliog(p560-3) An '63 to hemolytic
Cholesterol content Test hypersusceptibility
chemicals. H. B. Stokinger and J. T.
•63 carbohydrates and serum cholesterol
Dietary Mountain, bibliog diags Archives Environ-
in man. M. Shamma'a and U. Al-Khalidi. mental Health 6:495-502 Ap '63
bibliog Am J Clinical Nutrition 13:194-6 S BLOOD pressure
Hypertension sives; progressamong relatives
report of hyperten-
of a family study.
Effect of high environmental temperature
on basal metabolism and concentrations of F. R, Gearing and others, bibliog diags Am
serum protein-bound iodine and total J Pub Health 52:2058-65 D '62: Discussion.
cholesterol. E. M. Thompson and M. A. B. G. Greenberg. 53:482-3 Drug
Mr '63 & Cosmetic
Kight. bibliog Am J Clinical Nutrition 13: Reducing blood pressure.
219-25 O '63 Ind 92:643 My '63
Reducing blood pressure; benzylguanidines.
Effect of previous dietary intake on the fatty
acid composition of the plasma cholesterol Drug & Cosmetic
esters. B. J. Fairhurst and C. Waterhouse. Sociocultura! factors Ind 92:110epidemiology
in the Ja '63 of
bibliop' 11 Am J Clinical Nutrition 13:92-7 Zulu hypertension. N. A. Scotch, bibliog
Ag '63of the level of dietary protein with
Effect Am J Pub Health 53:1205-13 Ag '63
and without added cholesterol on plasma Measurement
cholestrol levels in man. J. M. R. Beve- Cardiovascular examination; the significance
ridge and others, bibliog J Nutrition 35: of hypertension. D. M. Berkson. bibliog
289-95 Mr '63 Ind Med 32:371-5 S '63
Effects of linoleate and dietary fat level on Inexpensive monitor reads blood pressure
• plasma and liver cholesterol and vascular automatically. R, J. Rov and M. Weiss,
lesions of the cholesterol-fed rat. D. A. Eee- diag Electronics 35:40-1 N 23 '62
ler and F. W. Quackenbush. bibliog J Nu- Medics test new blood sensing system. Frank-
trition 79:360-4 Mr '63
Effects of several low protein diets on the BLOOMINGlin Inst J mills. See '63
275:70 Ja Rolling mills
serum iron, total iron-binding capacity, and BLOWERS
serum cholesterol of rats. R. R. Roehm
and M. L. Mayfleld. bibliog J Nutrition 81: Aircraft engine for navy ships, diags Mech
131-8 O '63 Eng 85:53 and O '63experimental investigation of
Influence Analytical
on serumof cholesterol
dietarj- protein
level. and methionine
K. Bagchi and multiple disk pumps and compressors. W.
others, bibliog Am J Clinical Nutrition 13: Rice, bibliog tl diags A S M E Trans ser
232-7 O '63 A 85:191-8; Discussion. 199-200 Jl '63
BLOWERS — Continued N. Bohr, a memorial tribute. V. F. Weiss-
Blowers; North American manufactunnK co.
il Iron & Steel Ens 40:264+ Ja 63 N. kopf.
Bohr Phys Today
and nuclear 16:58-60-4-
physics. J. O A. '63Wheeler.
Furnace air circuit desisn. A. A. Alalia.
ASHRAE J 6:27-33 My 63 N. bibliog
Bohr's Phys Today
contribution 10:36-45 O '63
to epistemology. L.
Modern blast furnace blowinc and Kas re- Rosenfeld. •62Phys Today
No fugitive and cloistered virtue; 16:47-52-f Otribute.
covery systems. C. W. Dunn. biblloK diaes
Iron & Steel Ensr 39:109-18: Discussion. 118- J. A. Wheeler, por Phys Today 16:3o-2 Ja
20 O '62
Predictins: ^
blower performance. ,^ ^F „Far-
H. Obituary,
Phys Todaypor Chem
16:102 &Ja Eng
'63N 40:35 N 26 „.'62;,
quhar. Machine DesiBn reyort, sas turbine blower, 35:159-61 F 14 South
'63 Reminiscences. F. Bloch. Phys Today 16:32-4
work.-!. United States steel corp. G. H.
Krapf. il diags Iron & Steel Eng 40:95-103 Tribute, cleaning
BOILER pors Phys Today 16:21-30+ O '63
Soot blowers Agglomeration of superfine fly ash In hlgn-
velocity gas streams. E. R. Mitchell and
BLOWING of plastics. See Plastics — Blowing G. K. Lee. bibliog 11 diag Can Min & Met
Nonvolatile acids of blueberries. P. Markakis Bui 55:768-72
Application of shot N '62cleaning systems to Indus-
and others, biblios J Agri & Food Chem trial coal-fired boilers. R. B. Sullivan and
11:8-11 Ja '63 J. B. Nelson, diags Combustion 34:48-51 D
BLUEN SO MYCIN. See Antibiotics
tieri cleaning control sub-loop.
diags W. F. Can-
BLUEPRINTS ., ■ , v.- -.^r . and J. AV. Locke, Combustion
Computer frees encineers to thmk me: Meis- 34:37-43 N '62; Same. Power Apparatus &
sner system, il diagmean
Steel biKKcr
D 10 '62 Systems p 1041-6 F '63 ^ ,,
Smaller blueprints in Chemically cleaned boilers last longer. C. M.
•63 costs. materials. space. il Loucks. ilandPower 106:158-9ASME
D '62 report on
Plant Enc 17:150-1in Jlbasic
'63 bluepnnt
, Corrosion depo.'sits:
Training program readme.
International latex corp. C. V. Crumb and slurry. Combustion
Protection of materials 34:33during
F '63 acid cleaning
W. Irwin, il diag Plant Eng 17:116-18 Mr of large boilers. A. M. Leyer. diags Com-
BOARD, Paper. See Paper board Random boiler bustion 34:20-5 N '62treatment can be worse
BOATS, Aluminum . , , ... than no treatment. J. M. Hartman. Heat-
Aluminum: the prestige material for boats.
F. L. Church, il Mod Metals 19:524- S '63 Boiler also ing-Piping 35:142 Mr '63
See tubes
Automated techniques build all-welded alu- Soot blowers •62
minum boats; Bigelow-Sanford, inc. Mod
Metals 18:90-1 N '62small, ,boat, design.
^ . BOILER explosions
E.xtrusion3 simplify II Don't tamper with automatic controls. J. M.
diag Mod Metals 19:66 Ag
Structural adhesive bonding aluminum hull, 'C3 Hartman. Heating-Piping 35:138 S '63
Know the exact coverage of your boiler In-
il Light aluminum
Welding Metal Agein 21:15-16 Ag '63H. U.
marine craft. surance policy. R. A. Brown. Heating-Pip-
Adkins. il diags Welding J 42:650-6 Ag '63 N.Y. ing 34:123 N '62co. boiler explosion; control
BOATS, Concrete . , .,„, circuitry and safety devices get complete
Thin-shell reinforced concrete in the UK. study. J. J. O'Connor, diags Power 107:64-
Seacrete. il Engineering 195:232-3 F 8 63 5 Ja telephone
'63; Discussion. 107:96-8+
BOATS, Plastic , , . . ^ N.Y. co. boiler explosionAp triggers
Extensive use of reinforced plastics in hover- process plant safety sur^'ey. V. M. Zaffa-
bus, il Brit Plastics 36:405 Jl '63 rano
S '63 and H. Palter, diags^ Power ., 107:50-1
Fleet's in plastics; 53d National motor boat New York telephone co. boiler explosion:
show at New York city's Coliseum, il Plas- what's known to date. Power 106:136+ D
tics World 21:30-1
Lifeboat; craft withMrfoam-filled '63 ^, ^ double
^ ,, ^hull,

Prevention of furnace explosions in natural
il Plastics World 21:14 Ja '63 , gas-flred watertubo boiler-furnaces, diags
Lightweight sandwich for heavyweight skim- Combustion 3.-.:2n-34 Ag '63 ,, . ^
mer; air-supported sea vehicle SKEM 1. To prevent boiler e.Kplo.sions. il Safety Maint
il Mod boats
Plastic Plasticsspur
Jl '63of polyester resin.
125:41-2feedJp pumps.
BOILER '63 See Pumps. Feed water
Plastics &makeEng progress
N 41:25-6 in Jaboat
21 building.
'63 11 BOILER feed water. See Feed water
Brit Plastics 35:604-11 D '62 BOILER furnaces. See Furnaces. Boiler
Priza winning power boats; radical, full- BOILER Insurance. See Insurance. Boiler
length, V-shaped hullfi are fabricated of
reinforced plastics, il Plastics World 21:44-6 BOILER plants
Jl '6:i formed ABS boat, il Brit Plastics Spe also
36:22-3 Ja '63 Chimneys
BOATS. Toy ^ „ , Steam plants
Physics in a toy boat. I. Finnie and R. L. Control equipment
Curl, diags Am J Phys 31:289-93 Ap '63 Actuators for remote control of boiler plant,
BOATS and boating
Oceans of opportunities in tho marine mar- il Engineering 195:36 Ja 11 '63
See ket, also
il Steel 153:60-6 S 2 '63
Boiler plant for chemical works, il Engineer
Freight ships
Hydrofoils 216:124-6
1963 energy Jl 26 '63
systems design survey; steam
Sailboats and hot water systems. Power 107:sup39-47
boiler house serves three factories; BIP
Acelal chemioal.s ltd. il Engineering 196:214-15 Ag
How to bobbin, il Plastics Worldtrouble.
avoid twister-bobbin 21:94 My '63
G. M.
H\itchinson. 11 Textile World 113:58-9 Ag Operation of a multiple fuel, high pressure
16 '63 in .1r.
Leming. an 11integrated
diags Iron steel plant EngJ. W^.
& Steel 40:
BODY temperature. See Temperature. Animal
and human 113-21 Mr '63 „
BOEHMITE Packaged feed system for ships; WelrDOk.
Fibrillar bochmite; a new adsorbent for gas il Kngineeriticfeed 194:704
solid chromatography. J. J. Kirkl-and. bib- Pref.abricated system: N Weirpak.
30 '62 11 Engl-
liog Anal study
Chem of 35:1295-7 Ag '03conversion norr 214:994
Scloctiiig D 7 '62 for industrial
ocniipment power
Infra-red hydrothermal plants. U. !m. Doering and F. L. Elnberger.
of alumina trihydrato into alumina mono-
hydrate T. Sato, bibliog J Ap Chem 13; Air piping
What Cond Heat hookup& IsVenbest 59:48-51
for threeD boilers
316-19 Jl '63 In a step-type operation? diags Dom Eng
Structure-controlled reactions In kaollnlte-
dlasnore-boehmtte clays. R. J. Bratton and 200:94-5+
Srr nisn O '62
O. W. Brindley. bibliog Am Cer Soc J 45: Coal handling
513-16 N 1 '62 Food w.itor he.atPr.i
BOHR, Niels Henrik David Feed water regulators
Memories. J. K. Nielson. pors Phys Today Pumps. Feed water
16:22-30 O '63 Soot blowers
BOILER plants — Continued For power plants; variable-presstire oper-
ation? S. W. Lovejoy and others, il Mech
Noise Eng pressure
Low 85:38-41 pneumatic Ag '63 signals control pump
Sound isolation of mechanical rooms. R.
Liindahl. diaes Air Coud Heat & Ven 60: displacement. H. Q, Duguid. il diag Hy-
55-S Je '63 Safety measures d r a u l i c s &
N.Y. telephone co. boiler explosion Pneumatics 16:92-3 Mr triggers
Desiffninp for sa.fety in lieatins systems. process plant safety survey. V. M. Zaffarano
R. H. Bmericl!;. Air Cond Heat cS: Ven 60: and H. Palter, diags Power 107:50-1 S '63
Output-spray in steam generators with fre-
47-52 Je
Power -63 valve sensmff unit should be
relief quency control. R. Dolezal. diags Combus-
in the control room. J. J. Gill, dias Power Power tion 34:25-9 Dvalve
relief '62 sensing unit should be
Ene 07:40 in the control room. J. J. Gill, diag Power
BOILER pumps.S '63See Pumps, Feed water
BOILER scale Eng 67:40boiler
Selecting S '63 plant controls. B. L. Sturde-
Role of organic additives in preventing scale vant. il diags Air Cond Heat & Ven 69:
formation on heatinjr surfaces. R. A. Zeleny 71-84 N '62
and K. Vithani. biblioff il diag Combustion Simulator tests solid-state boiler control.
M. B. Beard, il diag Elec World 160:64-5
Scale and P its
34:47-9 '63 prevention. C. M. Loucks. il
diag-s Heating-Piping- 35:157-72 S '63 As 26 '63
BOILER tubes Chemical-slurry spray retards fireside de-
Sub-arc fabricates tubing into waterwalls. posits and corrosion. 11 diag Power Ens
il diags Welding
Submerged-arc Eng doubles
welding 48:42-3 production
Jl '63 on 67:54-7 S of
Corrosion '63 nickel-base material in gas-
boiler tube fittings, il Welding J 42:730 S turbine and boiler atmospheres. E. J Brad-
bury and others, bibliog 11 Metallurgia
See also 67:3-14 Ja damage '63
Soot blowers Hydrogen symposium. National
Testing power conference. Cincinnati: abstracts of
Dependence of joint strength on the de^ee
of expanding in the tube expanding process. Low excess air protects 35:20-6
papers. Combustion boilers.O A.'63B. Hedley
L. E. Culver and H. Ford, bibliog il diags and T. D. Brown.
Low temperature corrosion in Power 107:52-3 My '63
fuel oil-burn-
Inst Mech Eng Proc 176 no 14:323-37; Dis- ing boilers. H. J. Gall, il Power Eng 67;
What do cussion. 338-40: Reply.tests341-2really
corrosion '62 mean? 11 41-3 effects
Some Je '63 of alkalis on corrosion of mild
diag Power 107:60-1 Je '63 steel in steam generating systems. M. C.
BOILERS Bloom and others, bibliog il Corrosion 19;
Compact plant for steam raising: Clayton 327-9: Discussion. 330 S '63
steam generator, il Engineering 195:593 Ap Survey of waterside failures in high-pressure
26 '63 boilers. C. Jacklin. bibliog il Power Eng
Development of the large assisted-circula- 67:59-61 S '63
tion boiler in England. R. F. Davis, bibliog Use of coordinated phosphate treatment to
diags Inst Mech Eng Proc 177 no 20:537-56 prevent caustic corrosion in high pressure
'63; Engineer 215:302-5 F 15 '63: boilers. H. A. Klein, bibliog Combustion
Discussion, Inst Mech Eng Proc 177 34:45-52 O '62; Discussion.
no 20:557-65: Reply. 566-9 '63 What do corrosion tests really 34:50-1
mean? F il '63
Ever see the inside of a big power boiler? Power 107:60-1 ■63 Je '63
unusual photographs. Big Sandy plant, Bab- X-ray examination of internal corrosion
coclc and Wilcox co. il Power Eng 67:48-9 products from power station boilers. E.
F '63 Bullen and J. W. Jeffrey. J Ap Chera 13;
boiler doesn't
at Brooliline bum; fabrics,
600 -horsepower
inc. saves superior
$10,000 281-8 Jl '63
See scale
Boiler also Design
Hotper water
year, ilasTextile well: Indopen126:200-1
fire thatO '62
can be
fitted with a bacic boiler, il Engineering Design and construction of heat exchangers
GulfD improved
14 '62 performance of process for gas-cooled nuclear power plant. T. B.
Webb and W. R. Wootton. il diags Inst
heaters and boilers. S. F. Montroy and Mech Eng Proc 177 no 15:383-401: Discus-
C. R. Grimes, jr. diags Oil & Gas J 60:86-9 sion. 401-4: Reply.
D 17 '62loses boiler title to building mort- Design features of the 404-5
1000 mw'63 Ravenswood
Installer steam generating unit. H. Knecht and R.
gage holder. R. A. Brown. Heating-Piping C. Wolin. 11 diags Combustion 34:34-8 Ap
Press S '63 in a hurry with electrode boiler,
Eddystone story; boiler performance verifies
il Plastics World 21:62-3 Je '63 design premises. J. I. Argersinger and G.
Steam generator simulation by real-time J. Garrett, diag Elec World 159:96-8 Mr 11
analog computer. J. W. Chang, il diag
Power Eng 67:62-3 O '63 1963 energy systems design survey; steam
Steam storage system for a colliery, il Engi- and hot water systems. Power 107:sup39-
neer 216:547-8 O 4 '63
Stop wasting steam! vertical, fast-starting Once-through
47 O '63 boilers; theory, design, oper-
boilers deliver steam as needed, il diag ation and controls; translation of introduc-
Food Eng 35:68-70 S '63 tory chapter of book. R. Dolezal. biblioe
Vereinigung der grosskessel-besitzer (VGB) diags Combustion 35:27-34
(Association of large boiler oi>erators) an-
nual meeting, Munich; abstracts of papers. Shaving custom-product costs. Jl E. '63B. Severs,
Combustion Simtiltaneous burning ofAg pulverized
jr. il Iron Age 192:70-1 22 '63 coal,
See also 34:35-6 N '62 bark, and oil or gas; combination-fired bark
Air preheaters boiler design. C. P. Elmore and R. S.
Draft Rochfrod. map il diags Tappi 46:sup 157A-
Feed water Efficiency
Furnaces. Boiler 60A Je '63
Pumps. Feed water Boiler consumption efficiency measurement.
Cleaning Engineerline
Straight law Ofor
11 '63
steam generators. G,
See Boiler cleaning C. Boyer. Combustion 34:42-3 Ja '63losses.
Tou can account for unaccountable
J. N. Williams. Power 107:70-1 Ag '63
Boiler cleaning control sub-loop. W. F. Can- Equipment
tieri and J. W. Locke, diag Combustion
34:37-43 N '62; Same. Power Apparatus & Accuracy tests show how to connect boiler
Systemscontrol p 1041-6 F '63 for Victoria station, water gages. J. M. Hartman. diag Heating-
Burner system Piping 35:158-9 Ja '63; Discussion. 35:99-1-
dias Elec World
Burner lightoff equipment 168:63 N at12 Wilkes
'62 power Electrical probe level indicator for power
plant. Southwestern electric power com- Je '63 comes of asre. A R. Goellner. diass
pany. R. A. Neal. il diags Combustion 35:
14-18 Jl '63 Combustion 34:35-8 Je '63
Pointers on the installation of draft inducers
Don't tamper with automatic controls. J. M. on low pressure boilers. H. A. Reynolds.
Hartman. Heating-Piping 35:138 S '63 diags Heating-Piping 35:115-19 Je '63
Electrical safety devices for steam boilers. See also
A. Lurkis. diags Elec Constr & Maint Feed water heaters
62:94-5-1- Je '63 Feed water regulators
What price boiler safety? R. J. Bender.
BOILERS — Continued
Explosions Power 107:83-» O '03
Pulverized coal tiring
See Boiler explosions Flame monitoring and combustion stability;
abstract. S. C. Brown and others. Combus-
tion 34:41 Ja '63 „ „.
Is stock
coal the
and fuel tor bibliog
others, MHD power?flow diagD. Bien-
Mech Eng 85:3.S-41
Pulverized-fuel O '63
ash disposal. S. H. „Dawson
and W. H. Dunkley. 11 diags Inst Mech
Eng Proc 176 no 19:449-61; Discussion. 462-
rolWu1•1■y'nrinJ•tlt"t^?alSitions completed: 7; Reply. 46S-9 '62Scale
SlHu^rkt br'.n\V>°alPB^IcK Hins See Boiler scale
Lo2 excess air Protects bo.ler.^ A. B.^He re ASME boiler and pressure vessel code (cont).
ODeritk,n of a mi>ltiple fuel. , hieh pressu Mech Eng S5:S2-3 Ja: 90-1 F; 96-7 My:
79-80 Jl; 85 S: 88-9 O '63
SS" fi? ir^'cS^^^nVl^^el-'-E^ Guide
Tables, calculations, etc.
to 1902 ASME vessel code. J. A.
Hunter diags Hydrocarbon Process & Pet
Refiner' 42:134 JeTesting '03

Adjustable platforms aid water box inspec-

r 215:632
al^-flJe 5 63 Stempo. .1 dia.
Ap <(%o%|:
S:^?,k^^ \"esi'^^ Approachtions, il to
World 168:84data Otaking
22 '62 in field
Foaming and priming te.sting boilers:
bustion 34:37-8 abstract.
Ja '63 S. L. Morse.
, ,Com-
-PiPinr35lIt?''&'y Improved station heat rate with variable-
^«.-S'°la 3 ''Hll?fnS
pressure operation. S. W. Lovejoy and
others, Heating
BOILERS. diags Combustion . , 34:32-8
. , D . '62 .
See Boilers— Flrine
Furnaces Factors in selection of boilers in steam heat-
ing systems. N. E. Westphal. ASHRAJEJ
See Furnaces, Boiler J 5:38-9 Jl '03 Firing
Gas firing
charge; Redfyre Auto-
Combustion calculations for easeous fuels. 70coke
'6 3burning
hours40. il diag_ per Engineering
r . 195:64 Ja 11
G C. Boyer. Combus tion 34.4n-J Ap b.i
Gai-fueled generat ion to serve 5.860 unit Gas firing
apartment project, plan Elec World 158.11»+ Automatic gas-fired domestic boiler, il Engi-
H?u.^ron's largest building cools with gas. neer Maintenance
216:565 O 4 '03 and repair
0,i'e b?ne'r'^Ifx1i|e;f H Sprin^born. il diags Care and operation of heating boilers. J. V.
Elsworth. il Heating-Piping 35:105-7 O 63
Pr1v?ntfo?i'o? ^'futni !e'lxplosions in natural BOILERS. Marine , . ^ , . „
Combus edtionwatertub
3u:2G-34 03 urnaces,
o Agboiler-f Experimental investigation of stresses in an
HY-SO marine boiler drum with added, at-
Maintenance and repair tachments. I.Berman and D. H. Pai. diags
Boilers with they get no regular
a difference: 17:138 Welding J 42:sup37-lS Ja '03 . ,,,_,,
blowdown. Plant Eng Ja 63 nprr 214:994 feed
Prefabricated D 7 system:
'62 M'eirpak.. 11^ EnRl-
an oi'-?'^ed boiler. ,,
Cold end problems on 35:38-45
hI R Sieg. il diags Combus tion Superchar ged, steam generator. A. CLl-
Causi. il diag Naval Eng J 75:442-7 My 63
Reward for extra boiler care: years of opera- Design
Uo» without., in.tern|^,„ <}'«5,'l'"^-,.i'?f.^"'|
chemical CO. il diag Plant Eng n.izi-a o evaluatio of a super-
g n system:
Development chargedand
steam generatin Naval
Rofe of preventive maintenance in35:40-5 0 boiler and turbine laboratory. W. A. Fntz,
safety. W. B. Parker. Combustion jr and L. Cohen, il diags ASME Trans
TiSbine and boiler overhaul procedures in a ser A 85:302-10 O '03 generator : abstracts of
large cIStral station. W. C. Beattie. Com- Supercharged steam
bustton 35^74- Ag '63: Same. Power Eng four papers. Combustion 34:41-3 b b3
''■■'' S '"' Manufacture
quality weld ing R.used M. inL.osee.the "lo-^ern Furnacerine gas temperatu
Bahgat. evaluatio
re biblioK n forEngma-J
utility power boiler. u oiaKs Ag F.
75:047-58boilers. '63 ^ . „ ,. . ,.
Welding J 42:19 3-200 Mr '63 Supercharg ed steam generator Is small, light,
Oil firing normally burns distillate fuels, il Marine
firing-, diags
assisted 195:858 28 b6oil
P'-e^stireJe jet , . ., -rr Eng/LogWaste
BOILERS. 68:43-9heatJa '03
CO waste heat recovery can pay for Itself.
K L, Carter. Hvdrocarbon Process & Pet
Refiner way 42:147-8
Cheap S '03 L-D gas. bteel loJ.
'03 to recover
Fil-st''co':flred' process heater Is on stream
What^ is optimum temperaUire for oil pre-
O J Taccogna and B. A. Wallace, il dlait
oil & Gas J 61:88-9 S 30 '63
Furnace hood to cut steel-making costs, il
^^ heating? answer.^, diag Power 107.178-su r Welding Eng 4S:58 Ja '63 .
Protection New design recoups heat P. Forbath. in nitric acid plants.
process flow.sheet. T. il Chem
Riirner llghtoff equipment at Wilkes power Ne\v- low-costD 24basic
Eng 69:64-6 '62 oxygen furnace gas
electric power com-
p\Snt. Southwe
nanv. R A. stern
Neal. 11 diags Combustion J Metals sy.'^te_m:
andCorp. recovery
cleaning neering 15:537 AgL.oftua
RenuMIc orders giant waste heat boiler. Iron
Electrical ''s'afetv devices for steam boilers.
A Lurkis^ diags Elec Constr & Maint flueEnggas40:19,S
,4 Steel
Waste used O to'G.3Are process heater
techniques for safe at refinery. Chem & Eng N 41:54-5 Ag 19
Improt'ed^ tferi^iocouple boilers, diags Power
"poration of, modem Waste gas system.i for oxygen furnaces.
liggin'lr''fo?"ho'l'ioroilsafety. Power 107:65 Je '63 Steel 153:58 recovery Ag 19 'OSfrom ammonia syn-
Steam-atomizing »'""<>.':, S"" ' ?°' ' -J'^TheN \Vaste heat thesis, h: HInrichs. diags Ind Chem 39:
nroach to furnace safety. J. Voorneis.
S[ag Power 107:86-7 O '63 519-21 O '63
BOILERS, Waste heat — Continued BOLOMETERS
Yawata installs sas recovery equipment on High speed infrared bolometer. M. Camac and
oxygen converter. M. Yuliawa and K.
Okanlwa. il diags Iron & Steel EnE 39:U1- oo.Ju4-(d o 62
l^/.o'^; lo'^'t?'??!'^- bibliog il diags R Sci Instr
7 D 62 New infrared detector may have wide oil-
BOILERS, Water tube Jl't"?*^,"/*:!^?!
lo 03 ^^- il d'a'K Oil & Gas J 61:147
Additional power plant at paper mills: Reed
paper group, il diag Eneineer 214:1094-6 D New precision low-level bolometer bridge
2S '62 50:2514
Si D 62 <i'ass Inst Radio Eng Proc
■,Y,-A ^^Y\^-
New insights from experiences with htw in- Reactive effects in transverse-fllm bolometers
stallations; boilers. O. S. Lieberg. diags in rectanguJar waveguides. J. Brown, diags
AJr Cond oi!
Prevention Heatturnaco & Venexplosions59:61-4 in N '62
natural Inst E E bolometer. Proc 110:77-8 Ja '63
gas-flred watertuba boiler-furnaces, diags Thin-film H. S. Click, bibliog
Combustion 35:26-34 Ag '63 BOLTSdiags andR nuts Sci Instr 33:1268-76 N '62
Steam and power for paper production: Reed
paper group, il diags Engineering 194: Bolt torques and gaskets for glassed-steel
S42-3 D 28 '62
Stone-vapor paclcased boiler. 11 Engineering Bolted-flangeAassemblies
194:750-2 D 7 '62 I'Jig'To^ Design ?735:193-6
. W "^'^""^
■ir'"^^- Pfeiffer
Je 20 '63
" '^^^'^
Design Calculated risk pays off: tapping threads in
Four-fold advantages of new furnace design. ball nuts. . C. Emerson, il diags Am Mach/
il diags Engineering 195:434-5 Mr 29 '63 Metalworking Manuf 107:69-70 Jl 22 '63
Membrane wall for boiler furnaces, il diags Fasteners book issue; captive or self-retain-
Engineer 215:439-40 Mr 8 '63 ins
Mr 21nuts.63 11 diags Machine Design 35:91-102
BOILING Fasteners book issue; Joint design, diags
Acceleration and the critical heat flux in pool Machine Design issue; 35:29-45locknuts.
Mr 21 diags '63
boiling heat transfer. H. J. Ivev. bibliog Fasteners book Ma-
diags Inst Mech Eng Proc 177 no 1:15-29: chine Design 35:81-6 Mr 21 '63
Fasteners book issue; single thread engaging
Application of a momentuin 38-42
Discussion. 29-3S: Reply. integral'63 model to
nuts W. L. Seitz and S. Petrus. il diags
the study of parallel channel boiling flow Machine book Design issue; 35:87-90
oscillations. J. E. Meyer and R. P. Rose, Fasteners studs.Mr W. 21 G.'63Walter-
bibliog diag A S M E Trans ser C 85:1-9 mire. bibliog diags Machine Design 35:65-7
F '63
Boil order. Gloucester. 1961; abstract. H. J. Guide to automotive fasteners. J. Geschelin.
Diffusion Pub
Lasley. theoryWorks 94:130of Jaboiling
analysis '63 burnout il diags Automotive Ind 129:78-80+ O 15;
in the fog flow regime. L. Topper. A S M E 68-70 N 15 '63 (to be cont)
High density PE cap for bolt heads protects
Trans ser C S5:2S4-5 Ag '63 against corrosion, il Mod Plastics 40:108
Dry nitrogen gas: simple laboratory produc-
tion. J. H. Robertson, diag J Sci Instr 40: How tight should nuts and bolts be? il Power
506-7 O '63 Je
Eng '6367:58of O old '63 bulkhead
Effect of pressure, geometry, and the equa- Inclusion in new structure
tion of state upon the peak and minimum saves time and money: U.S. naval base in
boiling heat flux. J. H. Lienhard and V. E. Norfolk. Va. J. T. Acuff and S. M. Johnson.
Schrock. bibliog diags A S M E Trans ser C
85:261-8: Discussion. 268-71: Reply. 271-2 il diags Eng N 169:56-8-1- N 15 '62
Line of drop-in anchor devices announced
Ag '63
Experimental study of sodium pool boiling by
Maximum Olin. load il Elecin aWorld bolted 160:76
joint. AgS. 12Kravitz.'63
heat transfer. R. C. Noyes. bibliog A S M E
Trans ser C 85:125-9; Discussion. 129-31; diags Product Eng 34:152-4
Modern trends in meclianical joints for heavy S 16 '63
Reply. 131 My '63 materials. H. N. N Wernyss. il diags
Forced-convection film boiling on a flat plate
with uniform surface heat flux. R. D. Cess. NewWire bolt& uses Wire epoxy Prod resin38:809-11+ as selfJe lock. '63 11
HeatA S Mtransfer E Transto serboiling C 84:395helium.
N '62 M. D. Elec World 159:104 Ap 22 '63
New fastener employs chemical bonding tech-
Reeber. bibliog diag J Ap Phys 34:481-3
HeatMr '63 transfer to boiling liquids in tubes; Pierce nutnique, il Steel
'63 152:31+assembly
simplifies My 6 '63 in automated
abstract and discussion. R. M. Gray. Chem short-run Unes. il diag Iron Age 191:84-5
& Ind P679-80 transitions Ao 27 '63 in nucleate Riveted
F 14 '63 and bolted joints; fatigue of bolted
Hydrod.vnamic boil- structural connections. C. W. Lewitt and
ing. R. Moissis and P. J. Berenson. bibliog others, bibliog il diags Am Soc C E Proc 89
il diag A S M E Trans ser C 85:221-6;
Discussion. 1ST 1 and
Riveted no 3411]:49-65
bolted joints; F '63 net section design.
Interrelation of226-9geometry,
Ag '63 orientation, and W. H. Munse and E. Chesson, jr. il diags
acceleration in the peak heat flux problem. Am Soc C E Proc 89 [ST 1 no 3413] :107-26
C. P. Costello and J. M. Adams, bibliog F '63
diags A and
Nucleate I Ch filmE Jboiling 9:663-71 in S the'63 catalytic Riveted and bolted joints: truss-type tensile
decomposition of hvdrogen peroxide. C. N. connections. E. Chesson. jr. and W. H.
Satterfleld and F. P. Audibert. bibliog Ind Munse. bibliog il diags Am Soc C E Proc
& Eng Chem Fundamentals 2:200-2 Ag '63 89 1ST 1 no 34121:67-106 F '63: Discussion.
Pool boiling of benzene, diphenyl. and faen- A. J. Francis. 89 [ST 5 no 36881:329-30 O
zene-diphenyl mixturen under pressure. D. Sel nuts il Eng 216: Ag 16
A. Huber and J. C Hoehne. bibliog f-l , in 27
A S M B Trans ser C 85:215-20 Ag '63 ock
Self-piercinging nuts fed to epress er on 8adhesive-
Predicting and using liquid-boiling behavior. type tape, il Automation
V. Asch. bibliog diags Chem Eng 70:125-8 Shooting license: New York 10:13 Ap "63 urge
city officials
SomeAp 29possible '63 critical conditions In nucleate tighter rules for stud guns. Eng N 170:27
boiling. Y. P. Chang, bibliog diags A S M E Short
Trans ser C 85:89-99; Discussion. 99-100 Ap 18cuts
sizing. '63 A. to anchor bolting and base ring
D. Scheiman. diags Hydro-
My '63 points carbon Process & Pet Refiner 42:130-3
Continuous boiling-point analyzers prove ac- Shouldered mandrel and nut holds and ejects
curate and reliable. R. D Clark, diags Je '63 H. Spinks. diags Am Mach/Metal-
Oil .S: Gas J of61:56-7 JI 22 '63 working Manuf 107:92 Ag 5 '63
Determination molecular weight of poly- Specifications for structural joints using
ethvlenes with an oscillating ebulliometer. ASTM-A325 bolts: progress report, bibliog
J. E. Barney. 2d and W. A. Pavelich. bib- diags Am Soc C E Proc 88 [ST 5 no 32941 :
Estimate liog diagsnumber Anal Chem of plates 34:1625-9from N boiling
'63 11-24 O '62; Discussion. 89 [ST 2 no 35021:
points. L. S. Bitar. Chem Eng 70:1264- 251-2 Ap; [ST 3 no 35601:197-201 Je '63
Stud welding: a tool for design. 11 Iron Age
Ag 5 '63water reactors. See Nuclear reactors
BOILING 192:150 area S 26 and '63 weight of carriage bolts:
— Boiling water reactors Surface
BOLIVIA barrel load calculation: charts. G. C. Field.
See also subdivision Bolivia under spe- Metal Finishing 61:59-61+ Mr '63
cial subjects, e.g. Tensioned bolts retain vertical rock cut:
Building Eichler homes, inc., of San Francisco. II
Geology Eng N 171:38-9 Ag 22 '63
Mines and mineral resources Titanium bolts reach new high. 11 Iron Age
Tin mines and mining
191:94 My 16 '63
BOLTS and nuts — Continued Paper finishing requirements and the Im-
Tool removes lock nuts quickly. L. Mason. provements in equipment to obtain them
as seen by the manufacturers of printing
11 Elec World 159:120 Ap 8 '63 equipment: paper binding and handling.
loadinBandof holts. strenRthB. J.reqiiirements
Cobb, diags for pre-
Product C. Rounsefell. Tappi 46:sup 145A-7A Ja
Eng 34:G2-6 Ak 19 '63 Pri ind of Ame Tra bin
Treated bolt resists loosening; Jay-Lok. Iron nti
section ust Loose
and ric division
leaf de der
meeting. ry
Chicago. April 4-6. a Inland Ptr/Am s
Age 191:134 Ap 25 '63 Lilhogr 151:135 My '63
Universal pierce nuts and taped-nut feeder. BOOKSTORES
il Mach 69:1464- Mr '63 Attractive university bookstore, il Arch Rec
Vibration-proof self-locking nut. il Engineer- 133:178-9 Je '63
ing 196:228 Ag 23 '63 BOOLEAN
— Booths algebra. .See Algebra. Boolean
What is a good screw thread lubricant? J. B.
BOOTi-iS. Paint spraying. See Paint spraying
Peace, il Engineering 196:394-5 S 27 '63
See also BOOTHS, Telephone. See Telephone booths
Mine roof bolting
BORANES. See Boron hydrides
Manufacture BORATES
Machining centers lower cost of king-size Kinetics of liquid-phase pyrolysis of 2-chloro-
■63 fasteners. E. S. Winslow and L. E. 1.3.2-dioxaborinan. A. Finch and others.
Vercelli. il diags Mach 70:94-100 S '63
Nut runner.s go sophisticated, il diag Am NewChemseries & Ind p494 Mr 23borates
of synthetic '63 IsostructuraJ
with tlie carbonate mineral huntite. A. A.
Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:118-19 S 16 Ballman. bibliog Am Mineralogist 47:1380-3
Standards Nitrosohydroborates. R. A. Wiesboeck. bibliog
Standard for T-slot nuts: reference sheet, N ■62Chem Soc J 85:2725-8 S 20 '63
diags Tool & Manuf Eng 50:94 Je '63 BORAX
BOLTZMANN equation . , „ ,, Borax consolidated ltd. research centre. R.
Particular solution of the linearized Boltz- Thompson, il Chem & Ind p458-63 Mr 23 '63
mann equation. G. Kent, bibliog J Ap Phys Trace analysis of metals by borax disk X-ray
34:1426-9 My '63 spectrometry. C. L. Luke, diag Anal Chem
Relativistic Boltzmann equation and some
applications. S. V. Yadavalli. bibliog Frank- U.S.35:1551-2
Borax S revives
'63 20 Mule Team borax.
lin Inst J 271:368-75 My '61: Correction. Chem
BORAZINE. & See Eng Borazole N 41:22 Ag 19 '63
274:315 O '62 BORAZOLE
Transport theory; report on the Woods Hole, '63
Mass. conference. Sept. 13-14. Phys Today Approach to applicable inorganic polymers.
16:55-6-1- Ja '63 W. Gerrard and others, bibliog J Ap Chem
BOMB release devices. See Airplanes. Military 12:373-81; properties
13:127-33 Ag '62. Mr '63 T. Oka-
— Bomb release devices Electronic of borazines.
BOMBS, Aerial moto and A. J. Gordon, bibliog Chem & Ind
See missiles
Guided also P528-9 Mrof B-trichloroborazines
Reaction 30 '63 with organic
oxides. K. Niedenzu and others. Chem & Ind
BONDED web. See Textile fabrics — Bonded web
BONDS p255-6 Fcompany
BORDEN 9 '63
Cash heads toward contractors. Eng N 169: Borden again increases its r&d budget. Food
26-7 N 15 -62 Tech 17:S94-(- Jl '63
New Jersey turnpike has cash to spare. BOREHOLES
Eng N 170:24 F 7 '63 Borehole tv camera gives geologists inside
Two bond Issues, three contracts, race plant story. N. M. Short. 11 Min Eng 15:41-7 Ja
expansion needs; Phoenix 23d av. activated
sludge plant. A. F. Vondrick. il Pub Works Lig bor tem mea
93:94-7-1- N '62 htw
equipment for ehoresistance
le diags pJerathermometers. sur A.
BONDS, Chemical. See Chemical bonds E. eBeck,
t bibliog tur Instr 40:452-4
Sci e
BONDS. Government S '63
Low-frequency geophone for borehole use. R.
See n/.so D Lynn, il diag Geophysics 28:14-19 F '63
Municipal bonds Study of ca.sed and open holes for deep-hole
BONDS. Revenue seismic detection. D. R. Van Sandt and F.
Revenue bond coverage. Pub Works 93:148-f K. Levin, diags Geophysics 28:8-13 F '63
D '62 BORERS. Marine. See Marine borers
See <j1so Tv finds fiaws inside tubing. A. W. Young.
Rickets BORIC11 Ironacid Age 191:76-7 Je 27 '63
Chelating agent used to extract boric acid.
Us3 of injectable phenyramidol in musculo- il diag Chem <^- Eng N 41:44-5
skeletal disorders. M. C Igloe. bibliog 11 Purported tetraphonylboric acid. J O N.7 Cooper'63
Ind Med 32:242-7 Je '63 and R. E. Powell, bibliog Am Chem Soc J
BONNAR, J. Robert
J. Robert Bonnar. fifth Harold C. Chapin 85:1590-2 Je 5 '63Analysis
award winner, por Am Dyestuff Rep 52:
Boric acid analysis in nickel solutions. H. G.
S17-18 O 14 '63
BONNEVILLE power administration Rackett. Metal Finishing 61:52-3 Ap '63
High-voltage d-c test program of the Bon- Manufacture
neville power administration. R. S. Gens High-purity boric acid production; abstract.
and R. F. .Slovens, bibliog il map diags G. P. Ncncetti and G. Pizziranl. Ind Chem
Elec Eng 82:246-52 Ap '63
BONUS system BORIC39:383oxide.
Jl '63See Boron oxides
Should engineers receive special pay for BORIDES
patentable inventions. E. Raud.sepp. Ma-
chine De.sign 34:126-8 N 22 '62 Preparation and structure of lutetlum dl-
BOOK industry and trade boride. scandium dodecaboride and lutetlum
Priming or components produced abroad antimonide, M. Przybylska and others, bib-
endanger American printing industry, il
Inland Ptr/Am Lithogr 151:88-9 S '63 Sreliogalso
Am Chem Soc J 85:407-11 F 20 '63
BOOK stores. See Bookstores Nickel borides
Titanium borides
BOOKBINDERIES Zirconium borides
Don't take 11 your BORING bars
Turner. Inlandbindery Ptr/Am forLithogr
N. H.
Carbklo insert type boring-bars. 11 Mach 69:
N '62 t»\-r< An '63
How you can help your bindery do a bettor BORING machinery.
Miaohinery See Drilling and boring
.i(ih. J, Russell. diags Inland Ptr/Am
IJdiocr ir,2:S4-5-t- O '63 BORNEO
Instrumentation measure! thickness of bind- Geology — Borneo
ers board. II Automation 10:82 Je 'G3 Petroleum — Borneo
BORNEOL Simple method for microdetermination of
Alumina: catalyst and support; dehydration boron, alone or simultaneously with nitro-
of 2-endo- and 2-exo-bornanol and of endo- gen and/or phosphorus, in organoboranes.
and exo-norbornanol over alumina catalyst. R. C. Rittner and R. Culmo. bibliog Anal
K. Watanabe and others, bibliog diaffs Am
Chem Soc J 84:3934-9 O 20 '62 Titrimetric35:1268-9
Chem determination Ag '63 of boron in boron
BORNITE silicides; an evaluation of separation pro-
LiOw ■63 temperature synthesis in aqueous solu- cedures. A. J. Frank, bibliog Anal Chem
tion of chalcopyrite and bornite. W. M. B. BORON35:830-2carbide Je '63
Roberts, bibliog il Econ Geol 58:52-61 Ja O.^idation of boron carbide by air. water, and
BOR air-water mixtures at elevated tempera-
AnoON oi of boro L. C. C a tures. L. M, Litz and R. A. Mercuri. il
R.dic E. xSalomon, dat
ion biblioen. Electrochemhen Soc ndJ diag Electrochem Soc J 110:921-5 Ag '63
BORON compounds
110:173-4 F '63
Boron additive helps New York Central com- Alumlniun carbide as a route to organoboron
bat bacterial foulinK of Diesel fuel. D. H. and organoaliuninum compoimds. B. L..
Stormont. il Oil & Gas J 60:133-4 S 17 '62 Barnes and T. Wartik. Am Chem Soc J 85:
Boron fibers for stronger composites. Mate-
360 F 5 a
Bon-bon, '63
rials in Design niicrostrains
Boron-induced Bng- 56:11 O in'62 dislocation- containing novel boron, 6-membered oxygen andheterocycle
free silicon crystals. G. H. Schwuttke. L. P. Kuhn and M. Inatome. Am Chem
bibliog: makes
Boron il J Ap strongPhys fibers
34:1662-4 Je '63
for reinforcing Soc Jadditive
Boron 85:1206-7debugs Ap 20Diesel'63 fuel, 14 months
plastics in space uses, il Chem & Ens N of testing shows. R. H. Wright and H. F.
40:55-6 1962.
Boron. D 3 P. '62Colefax. Bne & Min J 164: Hostetler. 11 S force A E constants
J 71:47-9 Apshow'63 bond
130-1 permits
Boron F '63 larger reprocessing vessels. character. J. Goubeau. Chem & Eng N 41:
M. E. Weech. bibliog diags Nucleonics 21: 42 My 6 '63 of organoboranes; the car-
70-1 Jlredistribution
Boron '63 in silicon by thermal bonylation of trialkylboranes; a novel syn-
oxidation. F. Leuenberger. il J Ad Phys thesis of trialkylcarbinols. M. E. D. Hill-
man, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:4715-20 D
Boron S '62 in synthetic micas and
clays. V. Stubican and R. Roy. bibliog Am Carbonylation
20 '62 of organoboranes; the car-
bonylation of trialkylboranes in the
Departure curves47:1166-73 S '62 paleosalinity
for computing presence of glycols. M. E. D. Hillman.
from boron in illites and shales. C. T. bibliog Am Chem
Carbonylation Soc J 85:982-4 the
of organoboranes; Ap reaction
5 '63
Walker and N. B. Price, bibliog Am Assn of trialkylboi-anes with of carbon
Pet Geologists
Electron microscopyBui of47:833-41 graphite My containing
'63 and aldehydes: synthesis a new monoxide
class of
boron. G. R. Hennig. bibliog il J Ap Phys organoboranes. M. E. D. Hillman. Am Chem
Soc J 83:1626-8
Carborane series;Je BnCjHn+s; 5 '63 BaCjHs. I. Sha-
34:237-8 Ja '63substitution;
Electrophilic chromic acid piro and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:
cleavage of carbon-boron bonds. J. C. Ware 3837-40 O 20 '62
and T. G. Traylor. Am Chem Soc J 85: Carborane series: BnC:Hn+2: the two isomers
3026-7 O 5 '63 titanium of BiCiHs. I. Shapiro and others, bibliog
High-modulus alloys contammg Am Chem Soc J 85:3167-71 O 20 '63
boron and aluminium. A. R. G. Brown and Cyclic organodiboranes; 1,2-tetramethylene-
■62-63 bibliog il Inst Metals J 91:161-6 diborane and 1.2-(l'-methyltrimethylene)-
diborane. H. G. Weiss and others, bibliog
Neighboring boron in nucleophilic displace- Am Chem of Soc J 84:3840-3
ment. D. S. Matteson and R. W. H. Mah. Derivative borazarene. M. J.O S.20 Dewar
'62 and
bibliog diag Am Chem Soc J 85:2599-603 P. A. Marr. Am Chem Soc J 84:3782 O 6 '62
NewS 5 epoxy
'63 curing agents contain. ^ boron. .,11 Dichlorobisdimethylamino-diboron. M. P.
Brown and H. B. Silver. Chem & Ind p85-
Chem & Eng N 40:46-7 N 5 '62
New look at the boron filler alloys. F. Miller. Diisopinocampheylborane
6 Ja 12 '63 as a reagent for
il Tool & Manuf Eng 51:98-100 O '63 the production of optically active olefins
Structure of P-rhombohedral boron. R. E. and the establishment of their configura-
Hughes and others. Am Chem Soc J 85: tion. H. C. Brown and others. Am Chem
361-2 F 5 '63 Soc J 84:4341-2 N 20 '62
Titanium boron nucleating salts; abstract. Formation of boron-oxygen-boron linkages. B.
E. Larcombe and H. S. Turner. Chem &
P. M. Budge.
Transfer reactions Light involving
Metal Age boron; 21:17 Jealkyl '63 Ind P410-11 Mr 9 '63
transfer from oxygen to sulfur. D. J. Pasto. Hydroboration. H. C. Brown and others, bib-
Am Chem Soc J 84:3777-8 O 6 '62 liog Am Chem Soc J 85:2063-75 Jl 20 '63
Transfer reactions involving boron: hydro- Mechanism for the isomerization of alkyl
boration of enol and enethiol ethers. D. J. pentaboranes. W. V. Hough and others, bib-
Pasto and J. L. Miesel. bibliog Am Chem liog Am Chem Soc J 85:831 Mr 20 '63
Soc J 84:4991-2 D 20 '62 Molecular structure of BiHoCzfCHa):. W. B.
Transfer Streib and others, diag Am Chem Soc J 85:
boration reactions studies with involving
enethiolboron;ethers. hydro-
D. J. 2331 Ag 5 '63
Pasto and J. L. Miesel. bibliog Am Chem New boron-nitrogen ring systems prepared
Soc J 85:2118-24 Jl 20 '63 and characterized. M. F. Lappert and oth-
Unusual boron exchange reaction. R. Schaef- ers. Chem '62 & Eng N 41:40-1 My 6 '63
fer and F. Tebbe. bibliog Am Chem Soc J New heteroaroraatio compounds; boron-con-
See alsoJl 5 '63 taining analogs of henzFalanthracene. M. J.
Steel — Boron content S. Dewar and W. H. Pocsche. bibliog Am
Chem Soc J 85:2253-6 Ag 5 '63
Analysis NO reacts two ways with alkylboranes. S. J.
Carbon determination in elemental boron. Brois. Chem & Bng N 41:82 Ap 15 '63
C. W, Kuo and others, diags Anal Chem Organoboron compounds. R. L. Letsinger and
35:1505-9 S '63 others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2223-36
Determination of boron in boron nitride,
boronated graphite rods, titanium borides, Organoboron
Ag 5 '63 change compounds; rapid alkoxy ex-
and zirconium borides using Tiron or EDTA between dialkyialkoxyboranes and
as masking agent. J. W. Tereshko. Anal alkyldialkoxyboranes. P. A. McCusker and
others. Am Chem Soc J 84:4362-3 N 20
Chem 35:157-8 F '63
Extraction- flame photometric determination of Organoboron controls microorganism growth
boron. W. J. Maeck and others, diag Anal in Diesel fuels. Chem Bng 70:62 S 30 '63
Chem 35:62-5 Ja '63 Series of procedures for determining boron
Sensitivities and other properties of reagents in a wide variety of organoboron com-
for the spectrophotometric determination
of boron. G. W. Goward and V, R. Wieder-
kehr. bibliog Anal Chem 35:1542-5 S '63 Simple
8hem"4:? 642'7- N''1iT°"-
method '"'"'"'^
for microdete ^'^^ ^^'
rmination of
Series of procedures for determining boron boron, alone or simultaneously with nitro-
in a wide variety of organoboron com- gen and/or phosphorus, in organoboranes.
pounds. R. H. Pierson. bibliog diag Anal
Chem 34:1642-7 N '62
CheSi 3^5':'l'2"6l':9"^ ^3 ^"""°- '^"'"°^ ^^'


BORON compounds — Continued Nature of some higher boron hydrides pro-
Stretching frequency for boron-nitrogen da- duced in radiation-induced reactions In
tive bond found. R. C. Taylor and others. penta- and decaborane. L. H. Hall and
Chem & Eng N 41:44 My 6 '63 W. S. Koskl. Am Chera Soc J 84:4205-7 N
Studies of boron-nitrogen compounds; two
isomers of l.o.o-trimeLhylcvcloborazane. D. New boron hydride ion BoHu-. L. E. Benjamin
20 '62
F. Gaines and K. Schaelfer. bibliog Am and others. Am Chem Soc J 85:2674-5 S 6
Synlliesis SocofJ boron
F 2U '63 and Preparation of nxagnesium borohydride and
boron tnperciilorate. li. A. Mosher and diborane. H. D. Batha and others, bibliog
J Ap Chem 12:178-81 N 62
cure Am Chem toSoc
epo.xies: newJ S5;3037-8 O 5 '63
boron compounds. Rapid and quantitative exchange of the boron
hydrogens in trimethylamine boran© with
Plastics Tech 9:11 Ja 'C3 DjO. R. E. Davis and others. Am Chem Soc
TriaJkylboranes yield new heterocyclics; reac-
tion with carbon monoxide; abstract. M. J 85:487 Fcleavage
20 '03 of digljTne by diborane.
HiUmaii. Chem & Eng N 4U:59 S 17 '62 R. E. Lyie. jr. and C. K. Spicer. Chem
Tribenzota-laJ'ene; an Uiiusual polycyclic or-
ganoboron compound. M. J. S. Dewar and & Ind p739 My 4 '63
others, diaes Am Chem Soc J 84:48S2-4 Structure of CjHjNHsBsHnNHCsHs. R. Lewln
BOROND 20 fluorides
'112 and others. Am Chem Soc J 85:478 F 20 '63
Synthesis of a boron-labeled tetraborane. R.
Cyclization of epoxyoleflns; the reaction of Schaeffer and F. N. Tebbe. Am Chem Soc
Euianiolene monoepoxide with boron tluo- J See
ride etherate. D. J. Goldsmith, bibliog Am also O 20 '62
Chem Soc J 84:3913-18 O 20 '62 Sodiiun borohj'dride
Microdetermination of long-chain carboxyl- Analysis
ic acids by transesteriflcation with boron
trifluoride. O. S. Duron and A. Nowotny. Gas chromatographic technique for determi-
bibliog magnetic
Anal Chemresonance 35:370-2 Mr '63 of BFs nation of hydridic and active hydrogen in
Nuclear studies organic materials; microanalysis of borane
addition compounds: the exchange of BFa compounds and alcohols. I. L.ysyj and R C.
between (CHslsO-BFa and (CiHsljO-BFa. Greenough. bibliog diag Anal Chem 35:1657-
A. C. Kutenberg and others. Am Chem Soc
J 85:2702-4 S 20 '63 BORON in the body
9 O '63
Pero-xytrifluoroacetic acid-boron fluoride as Boron, cadmium, cliromium. and nickel In
a source of positive hydroxyl. C. A. Bueh- blood and urine. H. R. Imbus and others,
ler and H. Hart. Am Chem Soc J 85:2177-8 bibliog Archives Environinental Health 6:
Jl 20 '63
Tetrakis-(dimethylamino) -ethylene; the re- 286-95 nitrides
F '63
action with boron trifluoride. N. Wiberg Boron nitride made in large shapes, il Ma-
and J. W. Buchler. Am Chem Soc J 85:243-
terials in Design Ens 57:91 My '63
4 Ja large
20 '63 boron Conventional synthesis makes unusual re-
Very trifluoride proportional fractory material: process flowsheet. J. W.
counters. I. L. Fowler, bibliog il diags R
Gilpin, il •62
Determination Chemof Eng boron70:110-12 O 28 '63
in boron nitride,
Sci Instr 34:731-9 Jl '63
BORON ■63 halides boronated graphite rods, titanium borides.
Approach to applicable inorganic polymers; and zirconium borides using Tiron or EDTA
interaction of boron or silicon halides with as masking agent. J. W. Tereshko. AnaJ
esters of phosphonio acids. G. Chainani
and others, bibliog J Ap Chem 13:365-8 Ag Chem
Turbostralic 35:157-8 boron F '63 nitride, thermal trans-
Approach to applicable inorganic polymers: formation to ordered-layer-lattice boron
nitride. J. Thomas, jr. and others, bibliog
interaction of diamines and boron halides.
G. Gerrard and others, bibliog J Ap Chem Am
oxides Soc J 84:4619-22 D 20 '62
13:239-49 ofJe '63
Cleavage steroidal ethers with boron Dielectric properties of glasses in the sys-
trichloride and boron tribromide. R. D. tems Bi:03-CdO-SiOj, BisOs-CdO-BsOj. and
Youssefyeh and Y. Mazur. Chem & Ind BiiOj-CdO-GeOj and their relation to the
structure of glass: nucleation. B. V. J. Rao.
P609-10 Ap 13 '63 bibliog il diags Am Cer Soc J 45:555-63 N 1
BORON hydrides
Appearance and ionization potentials of se- Existence and formation of the solid BoO.
lected fragntents from decaborane. B"ioHi<. H. F. Rizzo and others, bibliog Electrochem
J. J. Kaufman and others, bibliog Am
Chem '63 Soc J 84:4198-205 N 20 potentials
'62 Soc J energies
Fusion 109:1079-83 N '63
of 60BeO-40CaO.48CaO-52Al3Oi,
Appearance and ionization of 75CaO-25Bj03. and 80BeO-20Li!O. H. H.
selected fragments from isotopically labeled Glascock, jr. bibliog diag J Ap Phys 33:
pentaboranes. J. K. Kaufman and others,
bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1369-75 My 20 BORON3296-8 suicides
N '62
Titrimetric determination of boron in boron
Determination of active hydrogen of sterl- silicides; an evaluation of separation pro-
cally hindered hydroxyl groups with dl- cedures. A. J. Frank, bibliog Anal Chem
borane. G. H. Schenk. Anal Chem 35:593
Ap '63 35:830-2
steel. See '63 Steel — ^Boron content
l-Deuteriopentaborane rearrangement. T. P.
Onak and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J BORON suboxide. See Boron oxides
85:1754-6 Jeof20 analytical
Evaluation '63 methods for de- BORON trifluoride. See Boi-on fluorides
carborane. L. J. Kuhns and others, bibliog BORONIC acida
Anal Chem 34:1700-2 D '62 a-l>ronioalkaneboroniG esters. D. S. Matteson
Fragmentation of tetraborane by electron and J. D. Liedtke. bibliog Chem & Ind
impact. T. P. Fehlner and W. S. Koski.
P 1241 Jl 27 -63
Elhane-l.l-diboronic add. D S Matteson and
bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1905-9 Jl 6 '63
Highly sensitive low temperature fraction- J. G. Shdo. compounds:
Am Chem Socpolyfunctional
J 85:2684 S 5 ca-
ation method for separation and mea.sure- Organoboron
ment of boron hydrides. W. C. Kreye and talysis by 8-quinolineboronic acid. R. L.
R. A. Marcus, bibliog Anal Chem 34:1665-6 Letsinger and others, bibliog Am Chem
N '62 Soc J 85:2223-7 Ag 5 '63 stereochemistry of
Hydroboration of 1.5-cyclooctadiene. R. K. Organoboron compounds;
Sharma and others, bibliog Chem & Ind the reaction of 8-quinolineboronie acid with
P2087-8 D 15 '62 chloroalcohols. R. L.. Letslnger and J. D.
Hydroboration: the Influence of structure on Morrison, bibhog Am Chem Soc J 85:2227-
the relative rates of hydroboration of rep- Preferred
resenlative un.saturated hydrocarbons with 9 Ag 5 '63inversion in an electrophillc dis-
placement: mercurideboronation of exo-
dlborane and with bis-(3-methyl-2-butyl)- and e?irfo-5-norbornene-2-boronic acids. D.
borane. H. IV Brown and A. W. Moerikofcr. S. Matteson and J. O. Waldblllig. Am
bibliog Am Chem s;oc J 85:2063-5 Jl 20 '63
Irradiated decaborane- 14 yields BuHu L. H. Chem Soc J 85:1019-20 Ap 6 '63
Hall and W. S. Koskl. 11 Chem & Eng N Renewal proposed for waterfront area. 11
40:56 S 17 '62
Molecular orbltals In BsHo and BioHn. E. B. plans Prog Arch 43:66-7 S '62
Moore. Jr bibliog diags Am Chem Soc J 85: Architecture
676-9 Mr 2 i '63 Apartments: new Boston high-rise with small
Molecular structure of <-BisH». P. O. Slmp- suites, displays
n plans Arch Rec 134:212-13 S '63 il
?9J?„ W".Je"'"■'"' Boston Its government center,
1879-80 21) 63 diags Am Chem Soc J 85- Arch Forum 118:9 My '63
BOSTON^Architecture — Continued
Final plan unveiled for new sovemment cen- Plant
plant designer's
in New Orleans, dream;il Food
new Eng Pepsi-Cola
•63 ter, il Plans Arch Rec 133:14-15 My '63
New Boston city hall; with critique by P. Col- O '63 clever prefab buildings. 11 plans Food
lins, il plans diacs Prog Arch 4-l;132-o3 Ap
Working with commercial developers: office Eng 35:92-4 Thomas
buildins at 50 Pearl Street. Boston, il plans Pioneer of Sheffield plate manufacture. E. N.
diags Arch Rec 132:157-64 O '62 Simons, por Metallurgia 66:128-30 S '62
BOUND water. See Water — Bound water
•63 Metropolitan district BOUNDARY layer
Boston regional survey. N. A. Abend and Aerodynamic aspects of boundary layer con-
M. R. Levin, map Traffic Q 17:177-92 Ap trol for high lift at low speeds. J. Wil-
liams and S. F. J. Butler, bibliog diags Roy
Rapid transit
Boston regional survey. N. A. Abend and Aeronautical
Aerodynamic processes Soc J 67:201-23 Ap '63
in the downwash im-
M. R. Levin, map Traffic Q 17:177-92 Ap '63 pingement problem. R. J. Vidal. bibliog diags
Sewerage J Aerospace Sci 29:1067-75+ S '62; [cont as]
AIAA Jwall
Annulus 1:726-7 boundary Mr '63 layers in axial com-
■Wooden sewer fails. Eng N 169:19 N 22 '62 pressor stages. J. H. Horlock. bibliog diags
Tunnels A S M E Trans ser D 85:55-62; Discussion.
Dark, concrete timnel ceiling brightened by 62-5 Mr chemical
Apparent '63 kinetics of surface reac-
tile-like paint: Tile-It: Bo.ston's Sumner tions in external flow systems; diffusional
tunnel, tunnel
Sumner il Eng air N quality.
170:43 ApR. ISI. '63 Larsen and falsification of activation energy and re-
action order. D. E. Rosner. bibliog A I Ch
V J. Konopinski. bibliog diags Archives
Environmental Health 5:597-608 D '62 E J 9:321-31of Mythe'63 Mangier transformation
BOTANICAL chemistry to a special class of power law bodies.
See also A. W. Maddox.
Appro.ximate analysis AIAAof the
J 1:1186-7 My '63 of
slot injection
BOTANICAL laboratories a gas in laminar flow. P. A. Libby and
J. A. Schetz. bibliog diag AIAA J 1:1056-
Equipment 61 My '63 method for calculating the com-
Pre-assembled growth chamber utilizes aJu- '63pressible laminar boundary layer with con-
minum: Alpiv panels made by Alcoa, il tinuously distributed suction. W. Pechau.
Mod Metals 18:90 N '62 AIAA J 1:933-4 Ap for
'63 laminar boundary
BOTANY Appro.vimate solution
See also layer flow. R. L. Kosson. bibliog AIAA J
Fungi 1:1088-96 My solution '63
Lichens Approximate of the energy equation.
Plant cells and tissues J. Fillo. symmetric,AIAA•63 J 1:481-2 F '63 compressible
Roots Axially turbulent,
Physiology mixmg in the presence of initial boundary
See also layer. G. Kleinstein. bibliog diags AIAA J
Electrophysiology of plants 1:945-7 effects
Blowing Ap •63'63 on pressure interaction asso-
Study and tesching ciatedSchurmann.
with cones. N.AIAA A J"Thyson
Chelsea college of science and technology: E. E. H. 1:2179-80andS
Department of botany and zoology. C. C. Boundary conditions at the outer edge of the
Royal Holloway Chem collese:
& Ind pS45-7 My 25 '63
Department of boundary layer on blunted conical bodies.
botany. F. \V. Jane and M. A. Majige. V. Zakkay and E. Krause. AIAA J 1:1671-2
Chem & Ind p 1136-7 Jl 13 '63 Boundary flow along a circular cylinder. R. O.
BOTANY, Economic Jl '63 and B. W. Wilson, bibliog diags Am
Tanganyika Soc C E Proc 89 [HY 3 no 35121:21-40 My
Pyrethrum production in Tanganj-ika. D. R. Boundary layer and a stabilized gaseous dis-
Augood. il Ind Chem 39:316-18 Je '63 charge in the presence of diffuse radiation.
BOTANY, Medical E. A. Romishevskyi. AIAA J 1:2449-51 O
Gathering periwinkle for medicinals. W. A. Boundary layer theory for imsymmetric de-
Meer. il Drug & Cosmetic Ind 93:158-60-1- formations of circular cylindrical elastic
Ae '63caps and seals shells. M. W. Johnson, jr. bibliog J Math
Molded fluorocarbon screw cap replaces glass fi Phys 42:167-88
Boundary layer transition: S '63 freestream tur-
stopper, il Mod Plastics 40:113 N '62 bulence and pressure gradient effects. E. R.
BOTTLED goods van Driest and C. B. Blimier. bibliog AIAA
See also J 1:1303-6 of Je the '63 laminar separation point,
Wme Calculation
BOTTLES and results for certain flows. M. Mor-
Cologne came in characters. C. T. Hubbard. duchow and S. P. Reyle. bibliog J Aero-
il Am Perfumer 78:28-31 in Mybottle'63 capacity. space Sci 29:996-7 Ag '62; Correction. AIAA
Estimation of variations J 1:976 Ap '63;
Compressible freeDiscussion shear layer 1:728-30
with Mrfinite
Manuf Chem 34:20-3 Ja '63 initial thickness. M. R. Denison and E.
Microbiological aspects of one-trip glass bot- Baum. bibliog diags AIAA of J 1:342-9 F '63
tles as used by the carbonated beverage Computer-aided analysis hvdrodvnamic
industry. H. E. Korab. Food Tech 17:108-9 .stability. E. F. Kurtz, ir. and S. H.
JaSee'63 also Crandall. bibliog J Math & Phys 41:264-79
Carboys Correlation
D '62 of surface temperature effect
BOTTLES, Plastic on noneqiiilibrium heat transfer. G. R.
Baby feeder: disposable nurser is sterile and Tnger. bihltog ARS rotation
J 32:1743-4 N '62 sep-
safe, il Plastics Delaying effect of on laminar
Bottles from PVC World sheet, 21:28 Ag '63 World
il Plastics aration. W. H. H. Banks and G. E. Gadd.
21:12 Ap '63
New blow molding system for rigid PVC bot- diag AIAA J 1:941-2 Ap '63
Derivation of Maxwell's equations and the
tles, il Mod Plastics 40:50+ Ag '63 boundary'
T. A. Green, conditions bibliog diags from Am Coulomb's
J Phys law.30:
Oil can be packaged in polyethylene bottles.
3 Plastics 40:101-3-1- D '62 7SS-95 Nthermo
Diffusion- '62 effects on heat transfer
double as toys, bottlesil for Mod children's
Plastics bath 40:100 foamJe from a cylinder in cross flow. O. E. "Tewflk
and others, bibliog diags AIAA J 1:1537-43
Rot blo mol for PVC bott il dia Effect of shock boundary layer interaction on
ary Plastics
Mod w der
40:116-17+ Je '63 les, gs Jl '63
aerofoil pressure distributions at transonic
Manufacture speeds. D. Tirumalesa. bibliog Roy Aero-
Containerized bulk, il Plastics World 21:42-3 Effect of small nautical Soc J cross 67:674-7 flowO and
'65 surface-tem-
perature variation on laminar free convec-
In-plant packaging; compact system for pro- tion alone a vertical plate. R. J. Toung
duction of bottles, tubes and containers: and K. T. Yang, bibliog diag A S M E
Jyrak. il Plastics World 20:40-1 D '62 Trans ser E 30:252-6 Je '63
BOUNDARY layer — Continued , ^ ^ Mixing model for transfer near a boundary.
ent thickness for bound- J. M. Marchello and H. L. Toor. bibliog
Kl£ecUveary layers displacem with surface mass transfer. Ind & Eng Chem Fundamentals 2:8-12 F
W. M. Mann. jr. diass AIAA J l:llSl-2 Modiflcation of the high Schmidt number so-
My '02 . ^
Effects of controlled roughness on ^boundarj'- ^„„ lution for laminar boundary layer rnass
transfers. O. T. Hanna. bibliog A I Ch E J
layer transition at a Mach number of 6.0.
J. R. aterrett and P. F. Holloway. AIAA J 9:704-6 S '63
1:1951-3 Ajr ■6.'! . , . • Momentum integral approximation for com-
Effects of coolinsr on boundary-layer transi-
on aflow.hemisphere in simulated hyper-
tionsonic layer flow.pressible J. J. magnetogtisdynamic
Kauzlarich and boundary-
A. 33.
R. Dunlap and A. M Kuethe. Cambel.
30:269-74 Je '63 bibliog diag A S M E Trans ser E
^ , „
biblioB il diass J Aerospace Sci 29:1454-61 Natural convection to isothermal flat plate
D '6 2 , . with a spatially nonumform acceleration.
Effects of surface curvature on laminar R. Lemlich. bibliog Ind & Eng Chem Fun-
boundary- layer flow. N. Hayasi. bibliog damentals 2:157-9 My 63
AIAA J 1:914-15
Electrical resLstance Apand -63 sheath potential, ,• , as- „„ Nonequilibrium-dissociated boundary layers
with a reacting inviscid flow G. R. Inger.
sociated with a cold electrode. D. L. Tur-
cotte and J. Gillespie, bibliog diags AIAA J bibliog ALAA J stagnation
Nonequilibrium 1:2057-61 S point
'63 boundary
1:2293-9 ofO boundary
E.xample '63 layer .■■,-,, formation. L. M. layers with arbitrary stu-££ice cataJycity.
Hockinsaffecting diaK AL4A J 1:1222-3 G. R. Inger. bibliog diag AIAA J 1:1776-
Factors life-drag ratios My at '63 Macn S4 Ag '63 ^ ^ . ., o
numbers from 5 to 20. T. P. Goebel and oth- Pressure distribution for hj-personic bound-
ary-layer flow. M. S. Sastry. diag AIAA J
ers, bibliog diagslaminar
Free-convection AIAA boundary
J 1:640-50 layers Mr '63 in 1:2398-9 O '63 „ .
oscillatory flow. R. S. Nanda and V. P. Radial \'iscous free-mixing. M. H. Steiger.
diags AIAA J 1:1681-2 Jl '63 ,, . , .
Sharma. bibliog
Friction factors in open channels; AIAA J 1:937-8 Ap
progress'63 Rapid discharge of a gas from a cylindrical
report. Am Soc C E Proc S9 THY 2 no 34641: vessel through a nozzle R. C. Progelhof
and J. A Owczarek. bibliog il AIAA J 1:
97-143 bibliog(p 133-43) Mr '63: Discussion,
diag S9 fHY 4 no 35801:283-93 Jl; [HY 5 2182-4 S of'63 the boundary layer of a super-
no 36561:169-70 S '63 sonic flow by means of a slot. M. Cloutier.
Fundamentals of boundary-layer heat trans- bibliog diag A S M E Trans ser E 30:275-
fer with streamwise temperature varia-
tions. M. A. Biot. bibliog diags J Aerospace Reynolds-analogy factor for a compressible
Sci 29:558-67+ My '62: Discussion. AIAA J 8 Je '63
turbulent boundarj' layer with a pressure
1:1961-3 asymptotic
General Ag '63 suction .solution . of^ .^ the gradient. L. Pasiuk and others, diag AIAA
J 1:1201-2 My '63 ,. . ^ ^
laminar compressible boundary layer with
heat transfer. M. Morduchow. bibliog Schlieren and shadowgraph studies of hybrid^
boundary-laver combustion. R. J. Mtizzy.
Heat J 1:1949-51 and skinAg 'G.'. friction for , turbulent ^ , , il diags AIAAeffects J 1:2159-60 S '63 ^
bounilarv-laver flow longitudinal to a circu- Second-order in laminar boundary lay-
ers. S. H. Maslen. bibliog AIAA J 1:33-40
lar cylinder. E. M. Sparrow and others, bib-
liog A S M Bfrom Trans ser E isothermal
30:37-43 Mrspan- '63 Separation in quasl-two-dimenslonal. laminar,
Heat transfer a small boundary-layer flow. A. K. Ray. J Aero-
wise strip on an insulated boundary. S. C.
Ling, bibliog A S M E Trans ser C 85: Shock- space Sci 29:1481-2
Ja '6.'{induced boundaryD '62 layer separation in
Discussion. 236 As '63 atmospheres overexpanded conical exhaust nozzles. M.
Heat in planetary at Arens and E. Spiegler. bibliog diag AIAA J
super-satellite speeds. H. Hoshizaki. bibliog
ARS J 32:1544-52 O '62; Discussion. R. M. Shock-wave
1:578-81 Mr boundary-layer'63 interaction on a
Nerem.transfer AIAAto Ja 1:725-6 Mr '63 missile nose probe. M. D. Bennett, diags
Heat hemisphere-cylinder at low AIAA Jand1:1938-40 Ag '63solutions of the non-
Reynolds num'iers R. S. Hickman and W. Similar nonsimilar
H. Giedt. bibliog U diags AIAA J 1:665-72 equilibrium laminar boundary layer. F. G.
Mr '63
Heat transfer to plane turbulent wall jets. Blottner.solution
Similar AIAA of J the 1:2156-7
turbulent,S '63 free-convec-
G. E. Myers and others, bibliog diags tion, boundary layer problem for an elec-
trically conducting fluid in the presence of
A S M of
Influence E Trans calorimetricser C heat 85:209-14
transferAg '63 gages a magnetic field. Y. Hopenfeld and R. R,
on aerodynamic heating. T. Snrinks. Cole bibliog
Similar solutionsAIAA J 1:718-19 layer
in boundary Mr '63slip flow.
Integral J method1:497-8 for P '63calculating heat ana
mass transfer in laminar boundary layers. A. Pozzi. solution
Similarity AIAA Jfor1:1219 ily '63
the three-dimensional,
F. B C. Culick. bibliog AIAA J 1:783-93 incompressible, laminar boundary layer.
N '62K. Ray. bibliog J Aerospace Sci 29:1392-3
Ap '63 method
Integral for calculation of .supersonic
laminar boundarj- layer with heat transfer Simultaneous gas-phase and surface atom
on yawed cone. S. M. Yen and N. A. Thy- recombination for stagnation boundary
son. bibliog diag AIAA J 1:672-5 Mr '63 layer. P. M. Chung and S. W. Liu. bibliog
Integral method solutions of laminar viscous AIAA flow J with 1:929-31axialAp pressure '63
free-mixing. M. H. Steiger and M. H. Slip gradient. A.
Bloom, diags AIAA J 1:1672-4 Jl '63 Pozzl and P. Renno. bibliog J Aerospace
Integrated laminar heat transfer in the wind- Sci 29:1393-4 N '62
ward plane of yawed blunt cones. I. Stem. Solution
diag AIAA J 1:1668-70 Jl '63 boundary for layer. the \V.nonequilibrium
J. Rae. bibliog flat-plate
Integration of the velocity equation of the AIA.A. J 1:2279-88 O '63
laminar fects boundary
of mass layer including
transfer. H. L*. the Evans. ef- Solution of the Incompressible laminar bound-
ary-layer equations A. M. O, Smith and
AIAA J 1:1677-9 Jl '63 D. W. Clutter, bibliog diags AiAA J 1:2062-
Laminar boundary layers on continuous flat
and cylindrical surfaces. E. A. Koldenhof. Some71 S boundary
'63 wing at layer measurements on a
A I Ch B J 9:411-18 My '63 slender supersonic speeds. R. T.
Laminar combined convection from a rotat- Grifflths. bibliog il diags Roy Aeronautical
•62ing cone.
R. G. Herlng and R. J. Grosh.
diag A S M E Trans ser C 85:29-34 SomeSoc Jcharacteristics
67:291-5 My '63 the turbulent bound-
F '63 ary layer with air of injection. O. E. Tewflk.
Magnetic boundary layer In a compre.isible bifeliog diags AL\A J 1:1306-12
fluid. V. N. Zhigulev. ARS J 32:1791-3 N Some effects of surface roughnessJe '63 on tha
turbulent boundary layer. O. E. Tewflk.
Mass transfer and chemical reaction In a bibliog AIAA J 1:2178-9 S '63
turbulent boundary- layer. W. R. Vieth and Some experiments on hj-per.sonlc separated
others, bibliog Ind & Eng Chem Funda- flows. S. M. Bogdonoft and I. E. Vas. bib-
Measurementmentals 2:1-3
of F the
'63 effects of viscosity on
liog 11 diags ARS J 32:1564-72 O '62
aerofoil lift vising the electrolytic tank. buoyancy of forces. liquid-surface
J. H. Chin. Jets supported
A. Piatt and J F. Norhury bibliog diags
A S M E Trans ser D 85:392-400 S '63 1948-9
Theoretical Ag '63
Investigations of a supersonic
Method of determining boundary layer thick- laminar boundary layer with forelgn-eos
ness from schlieren photographs. D. H. in lection. S. I. Freedman and others, bib-
Grubman. ARS J 32:1296-7 Ag '62 liog diag AIAA J 1:148-58 Ja '63
BOUNDARY layer — Continued BOWLING alleys
Thermal boundary layer in slip flow reffime. Equipment
K. C. Reddy. bibliog AIAA J 1:2396-8 O Bowling pins: potential market for 10,000
Thermal entry region in turbulent uas flow. tons of magnesiiun. il Mod Metals 18:74
H. Barrow and Y. Lee. biblioK 11 dlag New
Enq-ineer 215:169-74 Ja 25 '63 bowling pin is magnesium casting. U
Transition in the viscous wakes of blunt bod-
ies at hypersonic speeds. H. Hidaleo and One-coat painting used '63on differentv,aou.ius.
others. bibliOK 11 diaccs J Aerospace Sci 29: Foundry etc. 91:120
wood. Ap
Ind Finishing 39:96-7 D '62
1306-15-f- N '62 ■?'ll® rnachimng magnesium bowling pins,
Unsteady lanunar film condensation on ver- Urethan Metals 19:82 Jl '63
il Mode-coate
tical plate. P. M. Chung. bibliog diag d rubber bowling pins. N. D.
A S M E Trans ser C 85:63-70 F '63 Wonch. il Rubber Age 92:402 D '62
Use of local similarity concepts in hypersonic Lighting
viscous interaction problems. C. F. Dewey, Bowling alley modernization
jr. biblios dias AIAA J 1:20-33 Ja '63 features planned
Velocity defect law for a transpired turbu-
lent boundary layer. H. S. Mlckley and ■63 down
Getting " Constr & Maint 62:78-1- Ag
K. A. Smith. AIAA J 1:1685 Jl '63 to cases; solving a load prob-
Viscous flow of a liquid over a rotating sur-
face with gas drag. G. C. Gardner, diag BOWLING
A S M E Trans ser E 30:7-12 Mr '63
ETg= 58T3'?l°t'i2§ 2^iT''"6f '^""- " "''^
BOUNDARY value problems Natural diamonds renew bowling balls 11
Acceptable solutions and boundary condi- BOWMAN, Waldo G.
tions for the Schrodinger and Dirac equa- c^,Si'A"i?e'''"s 195:751 My 31 '63
tions. B. H. Armstrong and E A Power ENR's editor will head ASCB. pors Eng N
bibliog Am J Phys 31:2fi2-8 Av '6:5
Adjoint method and its application to trajec- Stresses in a pressurized
tory optimization. S. A. Jurovics and J. B. ° " ^^ box. H. D. Con-
Mclntyre. diags ARS J 32:1354-8 S '62
Axial sjTnmetric boundary value problem See also
with nonlinear elasticity. M. Bieniek and S?^349lr9l-4™Al>°='63°
Mailboxes ^ ^'•°° '' '^"^ '
^W. R. Spillers. AIAA J of 1:948 Ap '63 BOXES. Paper. See Paper boxes
Boundary value problems soil mechanics. BRACHIOPODS
\\ . D, L. Finn, bibliog diags Am Soo C B
Proc S9 rSM 5 no 36481:39-72 S '63 Inorganic constituents in the shell of the
Critical evaluation of boundary conditions living brachiopod lingula. D. McConnell.
for tubular flow reactors, L. T. Fan and bibliog G«ol Soc Bui 74:363-4, pi 1 Mr '63
T. K. Ahn. bibliog Ind & Eng Chem Proc
Lateral bracing force of steel I beams. C.
Design 1:190-5 Jl '62: Discussion. M. Q.
Lorenz. 2:88 Ja '63 JI^??Z-- bibliog diags Am Soc C E Proc
Diffusion theory analysis of boiling burnout 88 [EM 6 no 33641:89-113 D '62; Discussion?
in the fog flow regime. L. Topper. A S M E 89 FEM 3 no 35621:217-24 Je '63; Reply. 89
Trans ser C 85:284-5 Ag '63
Dynamic response of an elastic plate strip TEM
BRACKETS 6 no 37741:263-5 D '63 ■^'='"'->^-
to a moving line load. H. Reismann. bib-
hog diag AIAA J 1:354-60 F '63; Discus- Space at a. premium? use support brackets
sion. 1:2412 O '63
Effect of error in measurement of elastic
constants on the solutions of problems in BRADLEY, John Hodgdon, Jr
classical elasticity. J. H. Bramble and Eng
Memorial; withO ^63
1^:127^^ ''^^ '"^'^^"
hy " *"*^^ ^'^°'
bibliograp of his publi-
hBA-J-irh "^^s""^ ' ^^' ^^' ^^ s'^"-^
Field of a horizontal magnetic dipole in the BRAILLE. Sea Blind,
gresence of a magnetoolasma halfspace. sSpsT-S My %3 ^"^^' Printing
BRAIN P°'' ^^'for ^°° 2"! ■'*:
,,. Tyras and others bibliog diags J Res
Nat Bur Stand 67D:501-17 S '63 v-Aminobutyric acid (v-ABA) -vitamin B. re-
Heat conduction in elliptical cylinders and lationships m the brain. E. Roberts, bib-
cyUndrical shells. D. Dicker and M B
Friedman, diags AIAA J 1:1139-45 My '6.3 Brain, scanning;
Methods of measuring the resistivities of 2'9f-307 Ap^^es"*^™now '' a '-'"'^°*'
standardNutrition 12:
tool of the amino
Factors Nucleonics 21:85 Je '63
anisotropic conducting media in situ S acid metabolism which can
influence the central nervous system. S
22 Jl 62
Rush, diags J Res Nat Eur Stand 66C:'217-
Numerical comparison of the implicit and ex-
plicit techniques for the convective bound- Lipid composition
S^^"r2':l?:90'''l'^°^63^ of beef 'brain, ^""'=^'
beef N""'
ary condition. L. L. Lynn and J. E Meyer and the sea anemone; two approaches to
bibhog A S M E Trans ser C 85:280-1 Ag quantitative fractionation of complex lipid
63 mixtures. G Rouser and others, bibliog 11
Operational representation of the addition diags. Am brain
Measuring Oil. Chem Soc J 40:425-54 S '63
theorems for spherical waves A Ben- blood flow with radioiso-
topes, W. H. Oldendorf. bibliog il SaSs
Menahem. J Math & Phys 41:201-4 'S '62 Nucleonics 21:87-90 Ap '63
Relative convergen ce of the solution of a Thin-layer chromatography of brain phospho-
doubly inflmte set of equations. R Mittra
63 J Res Nat Bur Stand 67D:245-54 Mr
See also
^9'? Of natural boundary conditions In Ray- Diseases
leigh-Ritz method. W. H. Chu diag
ASMS Trans ser E 30:141 Mr '63 Cerebellar encephalomalacia produced by diets
Stability of heterogeneous aeolotropic cylin- deficient in tocopherol P. Bailey,
drical shells under combined loading S bibliog
Cheng and B. P. C. Ho biblio-' diaa-i il Am drums
BRAKE J Clinical Nutrition 12:275-7 Ap '63
AIAA J 1:892-8. 1603-7 Ap. Jl '63 ^
Stresses due to a band of normal stress at ■^';^'^%A™,'?- Produc.tion increased with switch
the entrance of a circular hole. K. A.
F^-PHa"^ *rS<l J- C. Wilhoit. bibliog diags 48-46-°''jf'^63'"® ■
^''4''"2t1 ^^^ Welding Bng
A S M E Trans ser E 29:647-50 D '62 surface area required in brakes T.
Transient coupled thermoelastic boundary
value problems In the half-space. BRAKE
Mr 2^linings
^63 bibbog Engineering 195:428-9
Boley and L S. Tollns. bibliog A S BM AB
Trans ser E 29:637-46 D '62 ^"^ra*"! 'S'^tHi '','?^^T '''?J?8^3 eliminate fade.
Uniqueness of harmonic functions under SAE introduces recommended practice for
bouiKiary^cOpn^ditions. _M. H. Martin, bibliog
'ifWj 7\°^-f.f2 A^'-'^r ^'^°^" " ^-^'
Torque output of an internal band brake
T P. Newcomb
^v%=^i'|ror;;"oVhrd?ts^.c^"'iy^ifeJn"s^''ii:'^x's BRAKES, Airplane
and H. E. Merritt diS
BOURDON gages. See Pressure gages
RDA^J'g'.r*'*'!'"^, runways. Ap
on"5:568-9 2S '^
W. E Grav "^"^II
thrusters. See Steering gear Roy Aeronautical Soc J 67:302-4 My '63
BRAKES, Airplane — Continued
Braking problems. D. A. J. Harben. diaKa Brass strip gets quick anneal, dlag Iron Ago
Roy' Aeronautical Sec J 67;581-4; Discus- 190:114 D 6brass
Continuous '62 strip annealer ensures top
63 sion, il585-8 S '63
BRAKES. Automobile quality product, diag Automation 10:18 Ja
Desiirn and chenustry lift brake performance:
abstract. W. D. WaJther. S A E J 71:73 F Dissolution of brass in sulfuric acid solu-
tions. J. Bumbulis and others, blbliog Elec-
Desl and per of the Budd dis trochem Soc J 109:1130-4; 110:709-11 D '62,
brake. 11 dias formAutomoUve anc Ind 128:54-6-1-c Electrical potential responses of silver steel
Ap '61 '63
Handbrake pull measurine e device. A. F. Jl
and '63brass stressed In tension in sodium
Williams. 11 diae Automobile Eae 53:95 chloride solutions. K. Nobe and S. Tan.
Mr '6:!
International design review; brakes. II diaRs blbliog
HiKh vacuum diags brass-to-aluminum
Corrosion 18:391-5 seal
N '62for use
Automobile Ene Extra no 53:248-54 My 15 at cryogenic temperatures. P. P. Craig and
Lon sho rev brak II Aut others, diaginvestigation
Laboratory R Sci Instr of33:869-70 Ag '62brass
don w iew es. omo gropeller wastage. H S. Campbell and V E.
NewEnK formulaExtra nopredicts :
62:479-81 N 26 '62
downhill braking. „
bil P.
e arter. 11 diags Inst Metals J 90:362-7 '61-
G. Hykes. S A B J 71:51-3 Je '63 62; Same. Naval Eng J 75:775-81 O '63;
1964 passenger-car engineering trends; Abstract.
Mill speeds Metal Prog 84:1864-11 Iron
scrap processing. S '63 Age 191:
brakes. W. G. Patton. S A E J 71:43
N '63 , ^ 82 F 28 '63
1963 passenger-car engineering trends; brcikes. Properties of materials:
brasses: tables. Materialscoppers and plain
in Design Eng
W. Q. Patton. S A E J 70:45 N '62
lok device. without 11 diags skidding:Engineering lx>ckheeds' 195:504Antl-Ap 68:128-30 of
Properties Mid-Omaterials;
'63 leaded brasses and
12 '6 bronzes; tables. Materials in Design Eng
Vehicle 3
accelerations. „
G. „
Francia.. aiaga 58:138-9 Mid-O
Properties '63
of materials; tin and aluminum
What it takes Eng to 53:361-7
adapt caliper Ag '63disc brakes brasses, leaded brasses; tables. Materials
to American cars. J. L. Winge and others. in Design ofEng materials:
58:131-3 Mid-O
11 diags S A B J 71:33-41 Je '63 Properties yellow '63 brasses;
Control tables. Materials In Design Eng 68:140 Mld-
Dunlop braking stabilizer, diags Automobile O '63 Failure
Eng 53:318-20 Jl '63 Embrittlement of alpha-brasses by liquid
Slipping clutch stops rear-wheel skid. II dlae metals. R. B. Waterhouse and D. Grubb.
Machine Design 35:120 F 28 '63 11 Inst Metals Metallography
J 91:216-19 '62-63
Tests to determine brake test criteria. En- Effect of quenching on the electrical re-
sistivity of a B-brass single crystal. M. C.
BRAKES. Diskgineering 195:14 Ja 4 '63 Martin. fatigue
J Ap at Phys small
34:1835-6 Je '63 Illus.
Case history; birth of a truck brake. 11 Metal amplitudes.
Eng N and 170:58-9 F 21 '63 of the Budd disc trated by copper and brass under alter,
Design performance nating torsion. W. A. Wood and others,
brake. 11 diag Automotive Ind 128:54-64- 11 InstfatigueMetalsin Jnear-safe 91:304-7 specimens.
Metal Illus-
Ap brakes
Disc 1 '63 for DKW and overdrive for the
MGB.brakes 11 Engineering 195:68Narrows.
Ja 18 11 '63 Comp ing trated by copper
torsion. W. andA. Woodbrass under alternat-11
and others.
Disc for Verrazano Inst Metals
Air Mag 68:31 S '63 Metal fatigue J In91:391-4 torsion'62-63at large and Inter-
Flywheel disc brake improves tug manoeu- mediate amplitudes. W. A. Wood, blbliog
vrability, il Engineering 195:859 Je 28 '63 11 Inst Metals J 91:225-9 '62-63
Only two discs stop the L.ARC-5. 11 diags Microscopic
MachineIt takes Designto adapt 35:160-1 caliper Je 20disc '63brakes ance limit strain distribution
in alpha-brass. H. andOkuboendur-
to American cars. J. L.. Winge and others. Sub-grain formation during the '62-63
others, il Inst Metals J 91:95-8 solution of
11 diags S A E J 71:33-41 Je '63 alpha in beta-brass. A. J. Sedrlks and
BRAKES, Eddy current. See Brakes, Magnetic R. D. Garwood, blbliog 11 Inst Metals J
BRAKES. Electric 91:379-80 damage
Surface '62-63 produced by the electric-
How electric clutches and brakes will boost spark cutting process. L. E. Samuels, il
your machine output. S. P. J. Wood. 11 Te.x- Inst Metals J 91:191-2 "62-63
tUe World 113:67-70 S '63 BRASS founding
netic Electromagnetic. See Brakes, Mag- Brass and bronze; AFS congress; abstracts
BRAKES. Hydraulic of papers. byFoundry
Machining 91:162-1- Je
spark erosion; '63
question and
Hydraulically-operated winder brakes. 11 answer. Foundry 91:78
Plumbing brass foundry In a residential zone.F '63
diags Engineer 216:463-4 S 20 '63
BRAKES. Magnetic 11 Air Condfoundry
Pu.shbutton Heat &pours Ven brass.
60:68-9 II AgIron'63 Ak8
Dupar electromagnetic brakes. 11 dlag En-
191:91-3wire.Ap See 4 '63Wire. Brass
Experimental gineering and195:736theoretical
My 31 '63study of eddy- BRASS
current couplings and brakes. B. J. Davles.
blbliog diags IEEE Trans Power Apparatus Influence of the equilibrium dissociation of
& Sy.stems p401-17; Discussion. 417-18; Re- a diatomic gas on Brayton-cycle perform-
ply. 418-19 Ag '63 anoe. T. A. Jacobs and J. R. Lloyd, blb-
Twin-magnet brake. 11 Iron & Steel Eng 40: liog diag A S M E Trans ser E 30:288-90
2124- '63 bus BRAZIL
Je '63
Commercial vehicle exhibition; brakes. 11 See cial also
subjects, subdivision
e.g. Brazil under spe-
Automobile Eng 62:435-40 N '62 Chemical education
BRAKES, Motor truck Hydroelectric plants
Braking of reactive bogies, diag Engineer Railroads
216:678-9 Ap 12 63 Rubber Industry and trade
Case history: birth of a truck brake. 11 Steel works
Eng N 170:58-9 F 21exhibition;
'63 Textile industry
Commercial vehicle brakes. 11 Tin
Automobile Waterindustry
supply and trade
Good brakes Eng boost 52:436-40efllclency, N '62cut accidents.
C. Cunningham. II diag Rock Prod 66:924- Economic conditions
O '63 Development of Brazil C. Furtado II maps
New fonnula predicts downhill braking. P.
Scl Am 209:208-124- S '63
UnladpnHykes.trucksS A braking
O. E J 71:51-3 withoutJe '63bouncing; Economic policy
Tornollm su.=;penslon system. 11 Engineering Development of Brazil. C Furtado. 11 maps
195:505 Ap 12 '63
BRAND names. See Trade marks Scl Am 209:208-124- S '63
BRANDEIS university Aeroray
Lesson In unity; Rose art museum. II plans Assoinbly brazing machine gun. prepares
II Mach parts 69:1444-for Mrbraz-
Arch Rec 133:169-72 Ap '63 ing; Carrier air conditioning co. 11 Aut*-
BRANDS. Private. See Private brands matlon 10;83 Je '63
BRAZING — Continued When to braze. J. S. Blackham. diags Mate-
B-70 brazed quires newhoneycomb
techniques. panel L.. A.production
Morgan. re-11 See rialsalso
in Design Eng 58:86-8 Ag '63
Electric furnaces. Brazing
Mach 69:116-19 Jl '63 Silver solder
Bondine oftrodes. lead telluride
M. Weinstein and A. I. iron
to pure elec-
Mlavsky. Solder and soldering
il R Scl Instr 33:1119-20 O '62missile in BKht. Testing
Brazed gimbals help stabilize
il Weldine Ens 48:9S+ Brazing of thin gage Ren5 honeycomb. L. H.
Brazed honeycomb goes Ap '63 U Steel
commercial. „ ,
Stone and others. II Welding J 42:sup397-403
152:56 Falloys
Brazing 25 '63 useful In repair of castings. S '63
Brazing of titanium to aluminum. F. Bollen-
J. B. Caine.
Brazing and brazing 11 diag Foundry
alloys. H, 91:223-4 My '63
E. Pattee. rath and G. Metzger. bibliog 11 diags Weld-
Machine andDesign 35:75-8 Sstainless
19 '6S Tensile ing J deformation
42:sup442-53 andO '63fracture of brazed
Brazine hardening steels in joints. W. G. Moffatt and J. Wulff. bibllotr
vacuum. R. P. Koriff. il Metal Prog 82:80-3 il Welding J 42:sup 115-25solder
Mr '63
N '62 BRAZING, Silver. See Silver
Brazing automation brings sixfold production
increase.beryllium U Steel for 152:49 F 25 '63applications. BREAD
Brazing aerospace Advances in food engineering outside the
C. L.. Cline and R. A. O'Neill, bibliog 11 U.S.A.;research
Bread baking. institute 11 Food ofEngAustralia.
35:73 Ag Food'63
■Welding of Jtitanium
Brazing 41:1098-106 D '62
to aluminum. F. Bollen-
rath and G. Metzger. bibliog il diags Weld- Tech 16:40 N '62
Changes in amino acids and formation o(
ing J 42:sup442-53 O '63 carbonyl compounds during baking. Y. T.
Brazing processes. 11 Welding Eng 48:37-40 Linko and J. A. Johnson, bibliog J AgrI &
Je '63 Ren6 41 honeycomb sandwich struc- Food Chem of11:150-2
Evaluation lactaseMrpreparations
'63 for use
Brazing in breadmaking. Y. Pomeranz and B. S.
tures. A. O. Vananian and J. W. Greagor.
il Welding J 42:sup353-S Miller, bibliog J Agri & Food Chem 11:
Brazing tackles new jobs.Ag K.'63 W. Bennett. 19-22 Ja '63
11 Iron technique
Age 191:60-1 F 7 '63honeycomb costs. Lysine fortification of wheat bread fed to
Brazing tumbles Haitian school children. K. W. King and
others, bibliog Am J Clinical Nutrition 12:
11 Machine Design 35:28 F 28 '63
Brazing thin beryllium windows. J. P. Papa- 36-48 Ja '63
costa and others, diags R Sci Instr 33:1289-
90 N '62thin nickel sheet. W. A. Petersen. Formulas for design of rubble-mound break-
Brazing waters. R. Svee. diags Am Soc C E Proc 88
il Welding
Ceramic tool J simplifies
42:sup 190-2honeycombAp '63 brazing. [WW 2 no 31141:11-21 Mv '62; Discussion.
A. Brandtzaeg. il 89 tWW 1 no 34421:51-5
L.. A. Weisenberg. il Welding Eng 48:42-3 F '63: Reply. 89 [WW L. 36211:51-2
F '63 Hovering breakwater. WiegelAg and
Development of palladium brazing alloys. D. others, bibliog il map diags Am Soc C E
W. Rhys and R, D. Berry, bibliog Metal- Proc 88 [WW 2 no 31151:23-50 My '62; Dis-
lurgia 66:255-63
Diffusion bonding D tungsten.'62 M. J. Albom. cussion. J. F. Ripken. 88 [WW^ 4 no 3335]:
bibliog 11 diags Welding J 41:sup491-502 137-8 N '62
N '62 Israel's new
ancient Ashdod. port (and city)
11 plan Engis Ndeveloped
169:36-8 In
Dip brazing imparts high strength to Telstar
inner container, 13 '62 tests of coastal protective structures
Factors affecting il WeldingjointJ 42:725-6
brazed strength S '63 In in USSR. O. W. Kabelac. diags Am Soc C E
high temperature applications. F. Miller. 11 Proc 89 [WW of 1 noBenghazi
34331:21-34 F '63 II dlag
diags bestWelding Reconstruction harbour.
Find brazingJ 41:910-15
wire O '62
diameter. A. F.
Mohmheim. diag Materials in Design Eng Engineering
Sliding of composite- 195:610 My type3 '63breakwaters by
56:124 O '62 breaking waves. S. Nagai. il plans diags
High temperature creep of a copper-gold braz- Am Soc C E Proc 89 [WW 1 no 34281:1-20
ing alloy in shear. M. L. Rudee and others. F '63
Strengthening breakwater at Vizagapatam.
Howbibliogto 11braze diags aluminum.
Welding J C.41:sup451-4 L. Bulow.O '62II M. G. Hiranandani and others, map diags
diags Mach 70:132-7 O '63 Am Soc C E Proc 88 [WW 3 no 32491:139-
Induction heating: a production tool for braz- 58 Ag '62; Discussion. 89 [WW 2 no 3527] :
Joininging jobs,and il fasteningdiae Welding Eng 47:50-1brazing
of materials; N '62 93-8 My '63
and soldering al'oys. Materials in Design Le quai Brise-Lames de bale Comeau. G. J.
Eng 58:486-9 Mid-O '63 C6t6 and G. R. Simard. il map diags Eng J
Joining; new science for old art. il Steel 152: 46:37-42 See My Respiration
64-70 Ap 15 '63 BREATH.
Low-cost honeycomb makes bid as structural BRECCIA
metal panel. II Iron Age 191:134-5 F 21 '63 Breccia pipe near Cameron. Ariz. J. Barring-
New alloy solves brazing problems. J. L. ton and P. F. Kerr, bibliog maps diags
Shaw and C. L. Ramsey. Electronics 35: Geol Soc Bui 72:1661-74. pi 1-2 N 61; Dis-
84-1- N 9 '62 cussion. A. McBirney. 74:227-32; Reply. 233-
New answers to old joining problems. Am Cachimayoc breccia pipe. Cuzco department.
Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:104 F 18 '63 7 F '63 J. W. Gabelman and others, maps
New brazing alloy meets space-age require- Econ Geol Cliffs 57:904-20 S '62
ments. 1 Welding Eng 48:49 Mr '63 Cathedral formation, the early acid
New '63 era brazing turns to filler metals with breccia unit of northwestern Wyoming. W.
palladium. A. S. Cross, jr. and J. B. G. Pierce, bibliog maps diags Geol Soc Bui
Adamec. bibliog il Welding J 42:645-9 Ag 74:9-21. pi 1-2 Ja '63
Classification of volcanic breccias; a discus-
New loo at the bor fill allo P M sion. A. E. Wright and D. R. Bowea.
il Tool k & Manuf oEng n er ys. O . '63iller.
51:98-100 Geol Soo Bui 74:79-86 bibliog(p84-6) : Reply.
Reactive brazing; a new joining method. A. R. V. Fisher. 87 Ja '63
G. Metcalfe, il Metal Prog 83:83-6 My '63 Large quartz diorite dike and associated ex-
Republic makes titanium honeycomb panel-"!. plosion breccia, northern Cascade Moun-
il Mach 69:141 My '63 talns.^Wa-shlngton. R. W Tabor bibliog
Selecting phosphorus brazing filler metals. map Geol Soc Bui 74:1203-8 S "63
Pillow breccias and their aquagene tuffs.
R. B. Ballentine. U Mach 69:138-40 My '63 Quadra Island. British Columbia. D. Carlisle
Soldering; an art you can't afford to over- bibhog map diags J Geol 71:48-71. pi 1-7
look, il diags Dom Eng 202:95-1024- Ag '63
Stainless tube easily brazed, il Welding Eng BREMSSTRAHLUNG
48:56 My '63 Ja '63 discus.sion of stimulated emission of
Telstar container dip brazed, il Welding Eng bremsstrahlung. D. Marcuse. bibliog Bell
48:62 O '63 System Tech J 42:415-30 Mr '63
Welding and brazing of tantalum and colum- Stimulated emission of bremsstrahlung D.
blum. M. J. Albom. II Metal Prog 83:82-5 Marcuse. bibliog dlag Bell System Tech J
Ap '63
Welding and brazing of tungsten and molyb- Use41:1557-71
of tritium S '62bremsstrahlung for the rapid
denum. M. J. Albom. il Metal Prog 83: determination of sulphur in petroleum
84-8-1- Mr '63 fractions, diags Inst Pet J 48:405-13 D "62
BREWERIES New highway bridges In New Zealand. 11
Equipment Engineering
River bridge floats 195:737 onMy a 31sea'63 of plastic clay
Carling's new BaRimore brewery automates at Grand Forks, N.D. il diag Eng N 171:
solids handling, il Food Ens 3o:7u-l Ja '63 26-8 SteO 3 Marie
Safety measures Sault International bridge: design
and construction. C. H. Gronquist. il map
Grating platforms provide positive footing.
diags Civil
Single tower to support Eng 33:31-4 My '63 il Eng N
11 Safety Maint 125:61 Je '63
Advances in food engineering outside the 171:23 Ag 15 '63
Use of orthotropic plate theory in bridge
design. K. H. Chu and G. Krishnamoorthy.
U.S.A.; brewing. Food ling 35:75+ Ag '63 diags Am Soc C E Proc 88 IST 3 no 31571:
BREWING industries
Brewmg industry research foundation. A. H. 35-77 Je '62: Discussion. 88 (ST 6 no 33761:
Cook and W. P. K_ Findlay. il Chem & Ind 321-4 D '62: 89 1ST 1 no 34351:245-50 F '63:
p 1260-7
BRICK, Fire.Ae See 3 '63Fire brick UseReply. 89 [ST 3 beams
of universal no 35601:165-7 Je '63 of in-
in the design
dustrial buildings and bridges. S. Barlow
BRICK construction and J. F. Pain, il diags Iron & Steel Inst J
Tiiree oltice buildings; vaulting in Louisiana; 201:710-14;
See also Discussion. 715-20 Ag '63
Erecast patterns in Ontario, crisp steel and Bridges — L,oad
rick in Georgia, il plans Arch Forum 119: Bridges, Suspension
96-103 O '63
See also BRIDGE failures
Walls, Brick Bridge collapse blamed on improper steel.
BRICK handling Eng N and171:48-9 S 19 '63but not permanent.
Handling system speeds packaging of bnclts; Precast prestressed.
D. E. Halsted. il diags Civil Eng 33:60-1
BRICKJova walls.
brick See works,Walls,
il Automation
Brick 9:57 D '62
BRIDGE railings
BRICK works Ag '63 railings; abstract.
Kidproof A. L. Elliott.
Equipment Pub Works '94:114-1- Ja '63
Handling system speeds packaging of bricks: BRIDGES 63
Jova brick works, il Automation 9:67 U 62 Major transportation projects, il Eng N 170:
On-site generation provides exhaust heat 82-1- Ja 24 '63
bonus: gas turbine generator-set. Burns Record plate girder span closed, il Eng N
brick CO.
iS'ee also il Power 107:51 My '63 170:25 My 16 '63
Brick handling ,See also
Belgrade — Bridges
Power Bridge design
Brick company is a natural for natural gas; Hudson River bridges
Burns brick co. R. Hays, il Gas 39:79-82 Lisbon — Bridges
Pipe lines — Bridge crossing
My '63S37,000 per year with a gas turbme-
Saving San Francisco Bay bridges
generator set at Bums brick co. il Gas Sydney, Australia — Bridges
Age 130:22-3 Mr '63 Abutments
Composition of an ideal face brick. All-steel abutments for highway bridges. J.
Earl and W. B. Brownell. Am Car Soc Bui P. McDermott. il diags Civil Eng 33:54-6 F
42:49-51 F '63
BRICKS Anasen. bibliogof relidiagsbri Am scSoc
Average brick size must meet spec, court lys ef dge our. C E. B M.ProcLau 89
rules. Eng N 171:50 O 10 '63 brick tHY s 3 no 35161:93-118 My '63
Worlds largest acid-proof chimney Architecture
goes into operation at American viscose
Corp. plant. G. U. Jordy. il diag Power Welded bridges win four awards. 11 Welding
Enx 67:62-3 Je '63 Eng 47:52 N '62 Bearings
Moisture content
Deterioration of dried clay brick (warm See Bridge bearings
weather storage). H. H. Anwyl. Am Cer
Soc Bui 41:757-9 N 15 '62 California bridge costs; 1961 average Is 6%
Testing percent higher than 1960. H, K. Mauzy and
Deterioration of dried clay brick (warm W. J. Yusavage.
Excavation price swings 11 Civil Florida
Eng 32:55-7award;O '62
weather storage). R. H. Anwyl. Am Cer
Soc Bui 41:757-9 N 15 '62 prices. Eng
Mar.Nland road N and169:67bridge D 6 job;
'62 unit prices.
BRICKS, Insulating
Flat arch roof extends furnace life. 11 Iron & Eng N 171:56
Michigan bascule O 17bridge; '63 unit prices. Eng
Steel Eng
Thermal 39:146 N of'62 refractory castables.
conductivity Middle Fork Jl Feather River span; unit prices.
E. Kuh and A. L. Renkey. diags Am Cer N 171:81 4 '63
Soc J 46:89-92 F '63 Eng NDakota
North 170:111 bridge; F 14 '63 unit prices. Eng N
,See also 170:129-30 overpass
Je 20 '63 to cost
Fire brick Pedestrian $41.50/sq ft;
BRIDGE bearings AVinona. Minn; unit prices. Eng N 170:131
Bridge bearings for heavy loads. 11 Engineer
Prices range widely on high strength steels;
S 13 '63 F 21 '63 '6?
prices. Eng N bridge; 171:70 unit
A^ 15prices.
'63 Eng
AISC picks 1962's most beautiful bridges, il
Eng N 171:16-17
Aluminum bridge on O 31 the'63 sick list; Amity- X 171:50
Wild river, ice Ag hinder 29 '63 Alaska bridge job; unit
ville. Ijong Island, N.Y. Eng N 170:16-17 prices. Eng N 170:141-1-
Ja 10 '63 Erection Mr 21 '63
Analysis of beam bridges by ortlio-
troplc plate theory V. Vitols and others. Braithwaite pressed steel sectional pontoons,
bibliog diags Am Soc C E Proc 89 [ST 4
no 35841:71-94 Ag "63for Pratt and Warren il Engineering
Canadians build a195:198-200
tied arch F with
1 '63orthotropic
Cambering problem plate deck: Port Mann bridge, near Van-
trusses slmpllfled. S. T. L.1 and P. E. couver, il diags EngsetN by171:28-9-1-
Brink, suspension
Damped diags Civil forEngSevern 32:58bridge,
Ag '62 il diags Canyon bridge steel highllne Jland11 hold-
ing rig. il diags Roads & Sts 106:48-52 Ap
Design manual 195:41for Jaorthotropic
11 '63 steel plate Clearing the road to construction; Los An-
deck bridges; review. Eng N 170:200-1-
Je 20 '63 Erection geles.of F. Randall. II Pub Works 93:85bridge.
the Lewislon-Queenston D '62
Design of composite beams for highway L L. Feidler. jr. 11 diags Civil Eng 32:
bridges. K. Ketchek. dlag Civil Eng 33:60-1 Europa
60-3. cover bridge: motorway bridge across the
N "62
Jl '63 .'?lll Vallev south of Innsbruck. 11 diag Engi-
Highway sculpture: the fantastic bridges of
Paolo Solerl. U Arch Forum 119:84-7 O '63 High travelerneer 2ir,::!76-9 Ag track30 '63
levels camel-backs:
Hydraulic design of small bridges. A, R. Devils River, Tex. il diags Eng N 170:34-6
Pagan. II diags Civil Eng 33:35-7 Jl '63
My 16 '63
B R I D G ES^ErecUon — Continued Lighting
Hudson River bridge gets final steel; New- Lighting plays key role in double-deck bridge
burgh-Beacon bridge, il Eng N 171:24-5 Ag
15 '63 barges install foundations for a
Jacking SanPub Works 94:94 ^.
Mr Washington
'63 bridge,
Oakland Bay bridge relighted
four-mile crossing; Astoria bridge across for
3^A speed
Ag Do and safety. 11 lUum Eng 58:sup
the Columbia River, il diag Eng N 171:28- Load
Neat304- bridgeO 17 job '63 saves six months in a year,
Apparatus for maintaining constant loads on
il map dias Eng N 170:56-S-f- Je 20 '63 an inelastically failing structure. G. C.
Novel home-made rig erects prestressed
girders; Peedee River bridge. South Caro-
Progresslina, il diags of theRoads Forth& RoadSts 106:89-90-1-
bridge, il F diag '63 Live-load deflectionf%i'
'lio''-3 Civil of bridges by curves.
^'"^^ Material s Res
Engineer 216:44-8 Jl 12 '63 A.&'it.nS%
W. Oilman. Eng 32:59 O '62
Radio coordinates bridge job; Verrazano- Location
Narrows bridge, il Safety Maint 126:12-14
Railroad relocation includes bridges, under-
A.g '63
Sault Ste Marie International bridge: design
and construction. C. H. Gronquist. il map
Site investigat ions for ""'* N
prices. Eng in
Sunshine Civil
diags bridge Engcantilevers 33:31-4 over My the '63 Missis- 1TO^5'2
Scotland. W. C.^°''
j' lO^eS^' Beckmann andbridge W T
sippi at Donaldsonville, La. il diags Eng N
■63 S 12 '63uses welded components; McGuinness
o 62 . 11 map diag Civil Eng 32':54-5
Suspension bridge Maintenance and repair
San Pedro- Terminal Island bridge. Los .See also
Angeles harbor, il Eng N 170:36-8 Ap 11 Bridges — Reconstruction
Tagus bridge caisson launched; Lisbon. Model testing
uSee also il Eng N 170:21 F 7 '63 Hydraulic model studies solve bridge place-
Bridges — ^Welding operations ment problem over Umfolozl River at
Floors ob^-o In 16 i?„
JJo"J'^iEj''i% 62 Natal. 11 plan Engineer 214:
Army style launching for Severn bridge deck. Reconstruction
Bridge deck repair technique; 194:695 N 23 '62 Passaic River Modern post-tensioning methods rehabilitato
bridge. N.J. O. Riley, il Pub Works 94: famous old crossing, il diag Eng N 171:52-
126-9 4-t- Ag 8 '63
■63 My build
Canadians '63 a tied arch with orthotropic Reconstructing a covered timber bridge. A.
plate deck; Port Mann bridge, near Van- S. Salkowski. il diags Civil Eng 33:36-9 O
couver, il diags Eng N 171:28-9-1- Jl 11 63 Stresses
Con res of brid floo W J See also
il rPub acion Works ge
94:116-17 rOs. '63 . . Bridges — Load Surveying
Coventry saves ng steel viaduct, il Eng N
171:54 Jl 25 evaluate
Experiments '63 use of Insulation for Chesapeake Bay bridge-tunnel survey. P Z
bridge decks: Wisconsin. C. E. Aten. il Pub Michener and E O Heaton. 11 maps Civil
142-^- 33:54-7
Ag 63 Je '63; Abstract. Pub Works 94:
Works 93:86-7 D '62 Vibration
Lin.'ieed oil reduces bridge deck damage. 11
Eng N oil171:172-1-
Linseed treatment S 19 on'63 bridge structures. Damped suspension for Severn bridge 11 diags
H. E. Diers. 11 Pub Works 94:115-16 F '63 Engineering
Moments and195:41 freeJa vibrations
11 '63 in curved
Modern post-tensioning methods rehabilitate girder bridges. H. Tonezawa. bibliog diags
famous old crossing, il diag Eng N 171;
52-4-1- Ag S '63 Am Soc C E Proc 88 lEM 1 no 3052] :1-21
Panels eliminate deck forms, il Eng N 170: F '62: Discussion. 89 [EM 2 no 34981:153-6
79 Ap 4 '63 foam blocks for London bridge.
Polyurethane Welding operations
Ap '63
R. B. Aronson. il Mech Eng 85:71 Mr '63 COs-Mig welds bridge beams from one side.
Research study seeks ice- free bridges. P. B. il Welding Eng 48:76
Rapstine. 11 plan diags Pub Works 94:84-7 Current practices in Applate'63 girder design.
F '63 is permanent
Sheet bridge form. 11 Eng N 9; ,T^- ,?',°'Jf,ett.
42:411-14-4- My '63bibliog 11 diags Welding J
Steel O 17 used '63 to elevate bridge expan- Metal removal on one of the world's largest
sion joints; Tappan Zee bridge, il Pub Jlal;welded
63 bridges, il Welding J 42:583-4
Works plate-girder 93:172 N '62bridge with a 450-ft main Welded bridges win four awards 11 Welding
span; Calcasieu River and Ship Channel Eng 47:52highway N '62 bridge built with 20 girder
bridge. E. D. Bishop, il diags Civil Eng 32: Wyoming
sections: spanning the Powder River be-
52-5 O "62 tween Gillette and Buffalo. 11 Welding Eng
Foundations and piers Widening
Fehmam Sound bridge; between Hamburg
and Copenliagen. il map diags Engineer 214: Handling 100,000 daily traffic during over-
684-7 O 19 '62 pass surgery, il diags Roads & Sts 106:78-
Jacking barges install foundations for a Alaska
four-mile crossing: Astoria bridgs across 82 Ag '63
the Columbia River, il diag Eng N 171:28- Wild river, ice hinder Alaska bridge job;
Long 30-1- boom
O 17 builds '63 high bridge piers: railroad unit prices. Eng N 170:141-1- Mr 21 '63
bridge over New River, Tenn. 11 Eng N 170: Austria
30-1 F 7 '63
Long prestressed piles are cast in one piece; Big boxes made prestressed bridge; Austria.
Fort Randall Reser\-oir bridge. South Da- il Eng N 170:60-1- P 14 '63
kota. 11 Eng floats N 170:26-30 Ap 25of '63 Europa bridge; motorway bridge across the
River bridge on a sea plastic clay Sill Valley south of Innsbruck, il diae
at Grand Forks, N.D. il diag Eng N 171: Engineer 216:376-9 Ag 30 '63
26-8 O 3 '63 British Columbia
Scour at bridge piers. L. Stabilini: C. J.
Posey, bibliog il diags Civil Eng 33:46-9 Canadians build a tied arch with orthotropic
My '63 plate deck: Port Mann bridge, near Van-
Tall pier forms set with bar cages in place; couver, il diags Eng N 171:28-9-1- Jl 11 '63
twin high-level bridges at North Little
Rock. Ark. il Roads & Sts 106:68-9 P '63 Bethlehern bids
Thorough site study pays off in better bride-e ^. , low
^. , ,bridge.
„ Fork onniaa high span; Middle
design. E. R. Bauder. il Roads & Sts 106: 11 Eng N 169:50-1 D 20 '62
68-9-1- Mr 63 California bridge costs: 1961 average is ev,
percent higher than 1960. H. K. Mauzv and
Welded plate-girder bridge with a 450-ft main
span: Calcasieu River and Ship Channel W. J. Tusavage. 11 Civil Eng 32:65-7 O '62
3^:52-5 O^-..P- 62 Bishop. U diags Civil Eng France
See also
Caissons ^15:114
^9i^% Ja 11 63 ^' Toulouse, il Engineer
BRIDGES — Continued All-steel abutments for highway bridges. J.
Great Britain F. McDermott. il diags Civil Eng 33:54-6 F
Design and construction of Medway bridge in Art of the bri bui ill wit
Great Britain, diass Am Concrete Inst J d.g lde ust h
Bigtext.boxes make e prestressed
Engineer 214:1069-72 r: 21rat '62 Austria.
69:sup 15-18 D ■ti2 s
India 11 Eng N connection
Continuity 170:60+ F 14 lor '63precast prestressed
concrete ■63
bridges. E. D. Bishop, diags Am
Brahmaputra River bridge. India, il Engi- Concrete Inst J 59:585-99 Ap '62; Discussion.
neer 215:642 Ap 5 Iraq
Design and Dconstruction
'62 of Medway bridge in
Great Britain, dieigs Am Concrete last J
Tigris bridge built with all-welded high 59:sup 15-lS D speeds'62
tensile steel. 11 Uoads & Sts 106:114 Mr '63 Fast precastlng bridge building; San
Mateo-Hayward bridge. 11 Eng N 170:150-3
A Mrfirst;21 '63Texas builds a bridge with high
bridges. M.counterbalancing J. Schlosser. 11 dlags for Hydraulics
Holland's strength reinforcing, il Eng N 171:22-3 Ag
& Pneumatics 15:9S-9 N '62 1 '63
Handling 100.000 daily traffic during over-
New Zealand pass surgery. 11 dlags Roads & Sts 106:78-
New highway bridges in New Zealand. 11 Highway
82 Ag '63 sculpture: the fantastic bridges of
Engineering 195:737 My 31 '63 Paolo Soleri. il Arch Forum 119:84-7 O
North Carolina Lin oil tre on bri str
s atm dge uct
Neat bridge job saves six months in a year, H.eed E. Dlers.
Maracaibo 11 ePub
bridge: Works 94:115-16
nt illustrations with F ur'63
il map diag Eng N 170:56-8+ Je 20 "63 Engineer 215:38 Ja 4 '63
Oregon Moments in composite beam bridges by ortho-
tropic plate theory. K. H. Chu and G.
John Day bridge: new Columbia River high- Krishnamoorthy. diags Am Concrete Inst J
way link: illustration with text. Civil Eng 69:705-21 My '62; Discussion. 59:1957-63;
33:80 Je '63 Panels
Quebec (province) Reply. eliminate
1963-4 D deck '62 forms. 11 Eng N 170:79
Fonts en beton precontraint dans la province Parking
Ao 4 '63garage bridges big Sioux River. 11
de Quebec. R. Martineau. bibllog il dlags Eng N 171:5-1-5 Ag 15 '63
Eng J 46:15-21 Jl '63 Pont Saint-Michel at Toulouse. 11 Engineer
Scotland 215:114
Ponts en Ja 11 '63
beton precontraint dans la province
Site investigations for proposed bridge in de Quebec. R. Martineau. bibliog 11 dlags
Scotland. W. C. Beclcmann and W. T. Eng J 46:15-21 Jl '63
McGuiimess. 11 map diag Civil Eng 32:54-5 Precast and prestressed. but not permanent.
S '62 D. E. Halsted. 11 diags Civil Eng 33:60-1
South Africa
Ag '63 span has large economy size design.
Hydraulic model studies solve bridge place- diagstenth
Eng annual
N 171:46-7
ment problem over Umfolozl River at P/A design O awards;
24 '63 23d avenue
Mtubatuba in Natal, il plan Engineer 214: overhead for city of Oakland. Calif, il plan
862-3 N 16 '62 Prog Arch 44:124-5 Ja '63
South Carolina Railway viaduct reconstructed. 11 Engineering
Novel home-made rig erects prestressed 194:641 concrete
Record N 16 '62 span over the Paramatta;
firders; Peedee River bridge. South Caro- S\-d/iey'.=i new Giadesville bridge, il dlags
ina. il dlags Roads & Sts 106:89-90-1- F '63 F.nginepring 195:158-60 Ja 25 '63
Tennessee Slidell bridge nears completion: Lake Pont-
Long boom builds high bridge piers; railroad chartrain.
Tall pier forms 11 Eng N 170:47
set with Ap 4 in'63 place;
bar cages
bridge over New River. Tenn. 11 Eng N 170: twin high-level bridges at North Little
30-1 F 7 '63 Rock. linkArk. in ilnewRoadsmotorway
Vital & Sts 106:68-9
now F '63II
BRIDGES (instruments). See Electric instru-
ments: W'heatstone bridge map Engineering 195:770 Je 7 '63
BRIDGES, Aluminum Costs
Aluminum bridge on the sick list; Amlty-
ville. Long Island. N.Y. Eng N 170:16-17 Denver viaduct award; unit prices. Eng N
Ja 10 '63 aluminum
Structural cuts bridge costs, il 170:131 viaduct
Florida Mr 21 '63 construction; unit prices.
Mod Metals 19:79 O '63 Eng concrete
N 170:60price Je 6 lands
BRIDGES, Arched Low bridge award; unit
AH-welded steel span for gorge. 11 Eng N Lowprices. Eng
concrete Nprice170:52swings
Ja 10viaduct
'63 award :
171:28-30-f build
Canadians S 12 a '63 tied arch with orthotropic Truman road viaduct in Kansas City. Mo;
plate deck: Port Mann bridge, near Van- unit prices. Eng N swings
170:131 Connecticut
F 21 '63
couver, il diags Eng N 171:28-94- Jl 11 '63 Lower si eel price high-
Erection of the Lewiston-Queeaston bridge. way award; viaduct; unit prices. Eng N
L. L. Feidler. jr. 11 di,ie Civil Eng 32:50-3. Providence viaduct runs over railroad; imit
cover N 62 170:75 Ap IS '63
Hydraulics of single span arch bridge con- prices. Eng N 171:36 Ag 1 bridges,
structions. P. F. Plery and J. W. Delleur. R.ailroad relocation includes under-
blbliog 11 diags Am Soc C E Proc S8 p.ass: .=;t I^uis. Mo.; unit prices. Eng N
(HY 2 no 30701:75-108 Mr '62: Discussion. 170:52 JaFerry.
10 '63 See Ferry bridges
88 [HY 5 no 32001:327-33 S '62: Reply. BRIDGES.
Sault Ste Marie International My
89 IKY 3 no 35291:291-3 bridge'63 opened: Pedestrian overpass to cost $41.50/sq ft;
illustration with text. Civil Eng 33:75 Ja '63 Winona. Minn; unit prices. Eng N 170:131 F
BRIDGES, Bascule
Aluminium bascule bridge needs no counter- BRIDGES. Iron and steel
21 '63honors
balance. I Engineering 195:835 Je 21 '63 AISC beautiful steel bridges opened
Hydraulics operatp ba.scule span; Hvdro-Lift in 1961; illustrations with text. Civil Eng
bridge. 11 Eng N 170:33 My 2 '63
Light alloy bascule bridge, il diag Engineer Aiialy.'iis of'62 orthotropic plate bridges. R. J.
Clifton D and other-s. bibliog diags Am Soc
215:1127 Je 21 '63
Structural aluminum cuts bridge costs. II
Mod Metals 19:79 O '63 C E Proc 89 rST
Art of the bridge builder: 5 no 36751:133-71
illustrations '63with
BRIDGES. Cantilever
Sunshine bridge cantilevers over the Missis- text. Engineer
Bethlehem bids low214:1069-72
on a high D 21span;
'62 Middle
sippi at Donaldsonvllle. La. 11 dlags Eng N
171:28-30-f- S 12 '03 Fork bridge. II Eng N 169:50-1 D 20 '62
Brahmaputra River bridge. India. 11 Engi-
Twin bridges get composite design; Brussels-
Aachen highway, il Eng N 171:76 Ab 8 '63 Bridge neercollapse
215:642 Ap blamed
5 '63 on Improper steel.
BRIDGES. Concrete
Abnormal cracking in highway structures In Eng N bridge
Canvon 171:48-9 steel
S 19 set
'63 hy hlghllne and
Georgia and Alabama. C. C. Oleson. bibllog holding rig. 11 diags Roads & Sts 106:48-
il Am Ck)ncrete Inst J 60:329-53 Mr '63
62 Ap "63
BRIDGES, Iron and steel — Continued Middle Fork Feather River span; unit prices.
Coventry saves on steel viaduct, il Ens N Eng N 170:111
171:54 Progress of '63 the FForth14 '63 Road bridge, il diag
Euro pa Jl 25 '63 motorway
bridge: bridge across the Engineer 216:44-8 Jl 12 '63
Sill Valley south of Innsbruck, il diag Radio coordinates bridge job; Verrazano-
Fehmarn Sound bridi^e: between'63 Hamburg and
Engineer 216:376-9 Ag 30 Narrowa bridge. 11 Safety Maint 126:12-14
Copenhagen, il map diags Engineer 214: Suspension bridge uses welded components:
San '63Pedro- Terminal Island bridge. Los
684-7 Bridge
Forth O 19 '62 deck advances on four fronts. Angeles harbor, il Eng N 170:36-8 Ap 11
Highil maptraveler
diags Engineering
track levels196:10-11 Jl 5 '63
camel-backs: Tagus bridge caisson launched; Lisbon. Por-
Devils River, Tex. il diags Eng N 170:34-5
My 16 '63towers BRIDGES, tugal,Wooden ilEng N 170:21 F 7 '63
Highline await arch work; 700-ft Baltimore County builds a covered bridge. A.
steel arch across Cold Spring Canyon, il B. Kaltenbach. il Pub Works 94:134-5 S
Eng N River
Hudson 170:50 Ap bridge 4 '63 gets final steel; New-
Reconstructing a covered timber bridge. A.
burgh-Beacon bridge, il Eng N 171:24-5 Ag S. Salkowski. il diags Civil Eng 33:36-9 O
Long15 '63boom builds high bridge piers; railroad
bridge over New River, Tenn. il Eng N 170: BRIGHTNESS
Degree of smoothness of the continents and
30-1 F 7 '63 seas of Mars. 1. K. Koval. diag AIAA J
Metal removal bridges,
all-welded on one ilof Weldingthe world's largest
J 42:583-4 1:2433-8compact
Xenon O '63 arcs with increased bright-
Jl '63
Middle Fork Feather River span; unit prices. ness through addition of hydro.gen. W. E.
Thouret and H. S. Strauss, bibliog il diags
Eng N 170:111
Ready-made F 14 '63Engineer
flyovers. 215:434-5 Mr Ilium Eng 58:371-9 My '63
8 '63 bridge floats on a sea of plastic clay GlareSee also
at Grand Forks. N.D. 11 diag Eng N 171: Paper — Brightness
26-8 O tied 3 '63arch to be built on stilts, il BRINE
Roll-in American Metal Climax eyes brine deposit.
Si.xEngkindsN 171:41 Ag 29 '63 steel make
of structural a high- BigChem & Eng pipeline
salt-water N 41:36on Jetap 3 in '63west Texas,
way bridge, span
Steel trusses il Eng N 170:30-2il diags
the Danube, .Te 27 Eng '63 map Oil & of GasfluidJ 61:72-3 S 2 '63
Composition inclusions. Cave-in-Rock
N 171:894- O 10 '63 fluorita district. Illinois, and upper Missis-
Tigris bridge built with all-welded high sippi Valley zinc-lead district. W. E. Hall
tensile steel, il Roads & Sts 106:114 Mr '63 and I. Friedman. 11 Econ Geol 58:886-911
Use of imiversal beams in the design of in- bibliogCp909-ll) '63
dustrial buildings and bridges. S. Barlow Geothermal leases Sno '63 closer. Chem & Eng N
and J. F. Pain, il diags Iron & Steel Inst J
41:39 N 4 '63
Wild river, iceDiscussion.
201:710-14; hinder Alaska 715-20bridge
Ag job:'63 unit Geothermal steam leases pose problems: Con-
gress hears conflicting views on how to
prices. Eng N 170:1414-
Wye viaduct on the M.4. diags Engineer 216: Mr 21 '63 open public lands to geothermal develop-
13 Jl 5 '63 ment. Chem & Eng N 41:27 Jl 22 '63
BRIDGES. Lift Hazards in the electrolysis of brine: abstract.
Hydraulic A. Pennell. Ind Chem 39:267 My '63
bridges. M.counterbalancing
J. Schlosser. il diags for Hydraulics
Holland's Possible mechanism for concentration of
brines in '63subsurface formations. J. D.
& See
also 15:98-9 N '62 Bredehoeft and others, bibliog diags Am
Bridges. Bascule Assn Pet Geologists Bui 47:257-69 F '63
BRIDGES, Pedestrian. See Bridges. Foot Presence of benzene in brine may mean
BRIDGES, Prefabricated oil's nearby, il Oil & Gas J 61:46-7 Ap 8
Oxford Circus transformation, il Engineer
216:235 Ag 9 '63 Selecting agents to foam those heavy brines.
Ready-made flyovers. Engineer 215:434-5 Mr J. L. Eakin and R. W. Taliaferro, bibliog
8 '63 OilSee& Gas
also J 60:131-4 D 3 '62
Umbrella bridge built in three days. 11 plan Calcium chloride
Engineering 196:238-9 Ag 23 '63 Sea water
BRIDGES, Railroad Analysis
High traveler track levels camel-backs:
Devils River. Tex. il diags Eng N 170:34-5 Simple method determines brine concentra-
My 16 '63 tions. S. Weiner. Chem Eng 70:238-1- Je 10
Long boom builds high bridge piers: railroad over New River, Tenn. il Eng N 170: BRINED cherries. See Cherries, Brined
30-1 F 7 '63 BRIQUETS (fuel)
Railroad overpass built on fill in Dallas, il Carbonization of lignite reaches commercial
diags Engrelocation
Railroad N 170:624- My 23bridges,
includes '63 under- stage: process flowsheet, S. V. Margolin.
pass: St Louis. Mo.; unit prices Eng N Chem
BRISTLES. Eng 70:108-10
Nylon Jl 8 '63
170:52 Ja 10 '63 Cleaning conveyor belts during operation il
Railway viaduct reconstructed, il Engineering
194:641 N 16 '62 Comp Air Mag 67:31 D '62
Ro'I-in tied arch to be built on stilts, il BRITISH
science association for the advancement of
Eng N 171:41 Ag 29 '63
BRIDGES. Steel. See Bridges. Iron and steel Annual meeting, Aberdeen, Aug. 2S-Sept. 4:
BRIDGES, Suspension with abstracts of papers. Engineer 216:423-
American Bridge spins cables for Narrows BRITISH cast iron research association
span, il Steel 152:112 Mr IS '63 6 S 13 '6,';
Progress in cast iron research, il Metal-
Bethlehem bids low on a high span: Middle
Fork bridge,
Buffetting of a il suspension
Eng N 169:50-1 bridge D bv 20 '62storm lurgia 66:79-80 Ag '62
BRITISH chemical manufacturers. Association
winds. A. G. Davenport, bibliog diag Am of. See Association of British chemical
Soc C E Proc 88 [ST 3 no 31Sl]:233-68 Je inanufacturers
'62: Discussion. G. S. Vincent. 89 rST 1 BRITISH chemical plant manufacturers asso-
no 34351:257-60 F '63; Reply. S9 [ST 5 ciation
no 36SSl:2o5-9 O '63 Annual dinner. London. Oct. 31. Chem & Ind
Cable spinning for the Narrows bridge, il
Civil Eng 33:90 Mr '63 p 1952 COLUMBIA
BRITISH N 10 '62
Copnerhouse foundry (1819-691 and Clifton See also subdivision British Columbia
.suspension bridge. T. R. Harris, bibliog under
Bridges special subjects, e.g.
Engineer 216:86-7 Jl 19 '63
Damped suspension for Severn bridge 11 Copper mines and mining
diag.^ Engineering 195:41 Ja 11 '63 Electric utilities
Disc brakes for Verrazano Narrows, il Comp Electricity supply
Gas. Natural
Air Mag 6S:31 S '63
Forging ahead with the Forth bridge il Engi- Geologj'
Hydroelectric plants
neering 195:282-3 F 22 '63 Iron mines and mining
Forth Bridge deck advances on four front.s Mines and mineral resources
il map diags Engineering 196:10-11 Jl 5 '63 Rock products industry
■63 INDEX 1963
BRITISH electrical and allied manufacturers BROACHING machines
association Automatic broachingof thin parts. J L
Annual report. 52d. Entdneer 215:626 Mr 22 iy}t.t<z-6 Je J4 63
r^y.c^/'i'^T" Am, Mach/Metalworking Manuf
BRITISH GUIANA Brpacn repairs deformed thin-walled tubing
See also
Electric plants (central stations) — British
Mines and mineral resources — British Guiana Ma'^uf' 6 mT!8^'^3 Mach/Metalworking
ng '^f'^el
BRITISH institution of radio engineers Broachi
^ m'^sf^s ments: cur\'es.
develop'"^'"^^ Lapolntdiag
e Iron Age
Introdu ce
Annual report of the council. Brit Inst Radio the largest and fastest surface broaching
Ens J 24:181-95 S '62 machine, il Automobile Eng 52:520-3 D '62
Meeting. Southampton. April 16-20; elec-
tronics and productivity; abstracts of
papers. Radio & Electronic Eng 25:124-6, i,^^^'al•%~J"^,^\':^'lJ°^
Horizontal broaching forFrance, il Engineer-
cast iron cylinder
194-200 F-Mr '63 blocks.
i^apointe Il Engineering 190:247 As 23 '63
Report of the annual general meeting, Lon- continuous broaching maciilne 11
don. Oct 24. Brit Inst Itadio Eng J 24:457- Engineering 194:646-8 N 16 '62
BRITISH D '62 iron and steel research association Numerical control
BISRA opposed cantilever mill stands. P.
Aspin. il diags Iron & Steel Inst J 201:365- '^iir„?''P^'^^
Metalworking .'^"'^ i?°^
Manuf lead-time,
107:67-8 ilAgAm 5 Mach/
73; Discussion.
BRITISH pharmaceutical 373-8 Apconference
'63 BROADCASTING. See Radio broadcasting;
Television broadcasting
Centenary meeting. I.,ondon. Sept. 2-6: ab- BROCCOLI
stracts of papers. Manuf Chem 34:468-71-1-
O 'fi:;: Chem & Ind p 14S3-4 S 7 '63 Effects of low-dose irradiation and storage
BRITISH plastics federation on acceptability of broccoli, sweet corn and
Annual report for 1962. Brit Plastics 36:186-7 strawberries D. c. Martin and D. A.
Ap '63 standards institution
BRITISH Tichenor. bibliog Food Tech 10:96-100 N '02
Aiunial conference of standards engineers, Further studies of the influence of diet on
radiosensitivity of guinea pigs, with special
9l:h. I^oinlon: abstracts of papers. Engineer- reference to broccoli and alfalfa. D. H.
ing 193:Slfi Je 14 '63
BRITISH welding research association
Open day and exhibition. Engineer 216:236 BROCKITE. See Phosphates
Tg^sJo^fM^^'M °^ ^'"^' '''''''°^
BROMATES ^ Nutrition
SomeAfT 9aspects
'63 of its work reviewed. 11 Metal- Analysis
hirgia fiS:!27-31 S '63
Analysis of the diametral-compression test. ^'hrA',;,^?f°"^ determination of hypobromite.
A. Rudnick and others, bibliog 11 diags ?."i,?-'^-
sofr?,^ }^-
Hashm 35:908-9
using JeA. ammonium
A. Ayaz
Materials Res & Stand 3:283-9 Ap "63 bibliog • Anal
brpmate. '63
Enibrittlemcnt of alpha-brasses bv liquid
metals. R. B. Waterhouse and D. Grubb. Dynamic reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) fol-
il Inst Metals J 91:216-19 '62-63 v5?''^o?'^'^'""P°^'''0"
Wendlandt. il Chem of CoBri-GH-O
ICmSrillleinent of tough-pitch copper during & Eng N 41:62-3 W Ap W15
anne-iling or preheating. S. Harper and oth-
ers, bibliog 11 Inst Metals J 90:423-9 '61-62; Effect of iodide and bromide on the one-
Ahstraet Metal Prog 84:17S+ S '63
Embrittlement of tough-pitch copper wind-
ings In hydrogen-cooled electrical genera-
tors. S. Harper and others, bibliog II diags
Inst Metals J 90:414-23 '61-62; Abstract.
!"sif64?7 ^nr^t "'^""^ ^^ ctt'^F^.
Radiation-induced preparation of tropylium
Metal Proe 84:152-*- Jl '63 bromide. D. H. Martin and F. Williams
Fracture of brittle solids; experimental results
on the distribution of fragment size in b'jW'og Am
single fracture. J. J. Gilvarry and B H Chem Soc J 85:1014-16 Ap 6
Bergstrom. J Ap Phys 33:3211-13 N '62
Fracture of brittle solids; two-dimensional ^^Ji^r^?' "P® germicidal action; bromide
distribution function for fragment size in mixed-ha logen sanitizer . J andV speed
single fracture (experimental). J. J Gil- ^ILa']^''?'^^'' ■"•"• .power Ziembaof
varry, bibliog 11 J Ap Phys 33:3218-24 N '62 .-^lemoa.
Fracture of brittle solids: two-dimensional Eng 35:1064
Food ".'fi'^^s - Je '6
aeetyl-a-D-glucopyranosyl 3
distribution function for fragment size In "^^I'Jo. derived frombromide:
a 2^cv-
single fracture (theoretical). J. J. Gilvarry
bibliog diag J Ap Phys 33:3214-17 N '62 5=.2-^on and H. G. Fletcher,
Fo\'on"),V:A^'\i^-^n^%'i°^^ll^ ir. bibliog
derivative AmB,
Hydrogen damage symposium. National See, also
power conference. Cincinnati: abstracts of Alkyl
Chem bromides
Soc J 85:2637-42 S 6 '63 °^°"°^ A™
papers. Combustion 35:20-6 O '63 Chrom ium bromides
Hydrogen embrittlement of titanium allovs Dibromides
D. N. Williams, bibliog 11 Inst Metals' J G.illhim bromides
91:147-52 '62-63 Ijlthium bromide
Influence of environment on brittle fracture Pota.ssium bromide
of silica. M. L. Hammond and S. F. Silver bromides Analysis
Ravitz. bibliog diags Am Cer Soc J 46:
Source Jl
of grain '03 boundary embrittlement In
Intermetalllcs. J, H. Westbrook and D L bromide P'?'^"'i?'",&^''iS„
^'k^I-^ ion R, T. Pflaum determination of
and others bib-
Wood, biblloc Inst Metals J 91:174-82 ■62-63-
Abstract. Metal Prog 83:142-1- Je '63 Indirect speetrophotometric determination of
Study of brittle fracture In cr>-ogenIc alloys. liog Anal Chem 34:1812-14 D 62 ''"^''- "'^
J. L. Christian and others. 11 Metal Prog
83:103-6 My '63 «nri M°w'""<lT'''"= m water. M. J. FIshman
.qtef.i—p.rlitlonoss ?"'6,
Separat ion3 of Skougsta Anal Chem 35:146-9
trace d.quantit
from large amounts of chlorid ies of bromide
BRITTON, Edgar Clay e bv ad is-
bromide by precision null-point poteri-
°^p20n6^- D*8 '62' ^^'■'^"'' P""" ^^^"^ & I"d \^r^l^d,1. "1^^^°^ ^n-? m-^asurement^ of the
bibliog dlag•'• Anal
h.KUo""^ Chem
P- Wlnefo 5:382-6andMr M '63Tin
^H^yi 'i:IK.V6"D?"6"2 '^'■'f™"" ^^ Chem Speetr ^.
ophoto metric determrdner
ination of bromide
Helix angle grinding speeds broach sharpen- bibliog Anal Chem
MMi',!?.'^"";- 35:1731-
K< ^'itome r and4 J.O L'63 LambVrt
ing. A W. Miller and R. H. Clpneriv 11 BROMINATION
diags Tool & Manuf Eng 50:81-3 Ja '63
Ni-w inaohine uses broaeh for ferrule removal
11 W H"vnolds and S. J. Wheatlev. diags ^l^'^'lT'^^eU?' acrd°^T j'^P^OzTrSHfenSS^
Tool * Manuf Eng 49:107-9 N '62
Automatic chucker broaches hearings II Am
Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:169' Je 10
^i.'n^5 ""drx'a°j;e.°'"""'"-^
t4":l95ll9^o"'^0"^'--62 Am ' C&"s'SS^3
E''°"r"yJs??h" k'n^^°'"'r
Broaching ryllnder blocks. 11 dlag Automobile Swellm. bibliog
Directive effoots Tappl 46V591-3 siih<:tit.iti»„~
In aliphatic O "63 ^
r^ng o.l:.M0-2 Jl 63 .
Q, A Russellatlon>Uh'N\
and K, M.bromo"
Desmond c^fflhlh lo<^
°8Tee'l'"f3:165-''6 Tl6 ^^r"'"'"" '"■°*""'™- " Am Chem Soo J 85:3139-41 O 20 '63
Halide catalysis
benzoiii. K. W. the bromination
Cieciucli and of deoxy-
F. H. Vapour pressure and vapour density of halo-
Westiieimer. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85: thane
ane. G. A.(2-bromo-2-chloro-l,l,l-trifluoroeth-
Bottomley and G. H. F. Seiflow.
2591-5 S of5 '63
Identity the chain-carrying species in J Ap Chem 13:399-402 S '63
broniinationa with N-bromosuccinimide: Behavior of ethylene dibromide. methyl
selectivity of substituted N-bromosuccini- bromide, and their mixtures in columns of
mide; selectivity
succinimides toward of substituted
substituted N-bromo-
toluenes. grains and milled materials. S. K. Majum-
R. E. Pearson and J. C. Martin, bibliog Am der and others, bibliog il Food Tech 17:
Chem Soc J S5:3142-6 O 20 '63 344-7
Effect of Mr methyl
'63 bromide additions on the
exchange and separation of brominated
hydroxybenzoic acids. N.sal-E. flame speed of methane. C. Halpern. bibliog
Skelly and W. B. Crummett. bibliog Anal J Res Nat Bur Stand
Ethyl bromide process uses 67A:71-7 Ja '63il diag
Chem 35:1680-2 O '63 Chem & Eng N 40:52-3 N 19 '62
Mechanism of aliphatic bromination by N-
bromosuccinimide. P. S. Skell and others, Manufacture
biblios- Am Chem Soc J 85:2850-1 S 20 '63 Atomic radiation wins full chemical-svnthesis
Mechanism of benzylic bromination with N-
bromosuccinimide. R. E. Pearson and J. role; gamma rays from a cobalt-60 source
C. Martin, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:354- will act as catalyst for a Dow chemical co.
5 F 5 '63 ethyl bromide unit. 11 diag Chem Eng 69:
Mechanisms of benzylic bromination. G. A. 40-t- D 24 '62
Russell and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc Commercial radiation synthesis of ethyl
J 85:365-6 F 5 '63 bromide, diags Nucleonics 21:74 Ja '63
Photobromination of alkyl halides. an un- Dow Chemical pioneers process radiation ap-
usual orienting effect in the bromination of plication with use of Co"" as catalyst in
alkyl bromides. W. Thaler bibliog Am making ethyl bromide, diag Nucleonics 20:
Positive Soc
Chem J 85:2607-13
halogen S 5 '63structure and
comjiounds: Radiation-catalyzed
18 D '62 process goes commercial.
reactivity in N-broniosuccinimide bromina- J. H. Olin. il Ind & Eng Chem 55:14 Ja '63
tions. C. "Walling and others, bibliog Am BROMOETHYLENE
Chem Soc J 85:3129-34 O 20 '63 Mechanism of the base-initiated dehydro-
Synthesis and stability of N,N'-bisuccini- halogenation and rearrangement of 1.1-
midyl. E. Hedaya and others, bibliog Am diaryl-2-bromoethyIenes in f-butyl alcohol.
BROMINE Soc J 85:3052-4 O 5 '63 W. M. Jones and R. Damico. bibliog Am
Chemical polishing of gallium arsenide in Chem
BROMOHYDRINS Soc J 85:2273-8 Ag 5 '63
broniine-methanol. M. V. Sullivan and G. 63
Flexible conformation of ring A in a triter-
A. Kolb. bibliog il diag Electrochem Soc J penoid bromohydrin. J. Klinot and A.
Identification Je of'63 a previously unassigned flve- VystrCil. bibliog Chem & Ind p738 My 4
second bromine activity and its use in neu- BROMOMETHANE
tron activation analysis. O. U. Anders, bib-
liog Anal Chem 34:1678-80 D '62 How much does methyl bromide reduce flame
Microstructure of a low-pressure hydrogen - speed? Safety Maint 126:30-2 Jl '63
bromine flame. G. C. Frazier. jr. and others, Occurrence of bromides in the milk of cows
bibliog diags
Prevention of Adiazo-oxide
I Ch B J formation
9:689-93 S in '63 the fed sodium bromide and grain fumigated
replacement of the diazonium group by with methyl bromide. G E Lynn and
bromine or iodine. E. R. Ward and J. E. others,
91 Ja 63bibliog J Agri & Food Chem 11:87-
Marriott. Manufacture
Salts from Chem Sodom.& Ind D. R.o 1760 O 6 '62map Ind
Augood. 63
Chem 39:365-7 Jl '63 Manufacture of methyl bromide M. A Phil-
Substitutions at saturated carbon-hydrogen lips, bibliog 11 diags Ind Chem 39:457-9 S
bonds utilizing molecular bromine or bro- BROMOPROPENE
motrichloromethane. G. A. Russell and C.
DeBoer. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:3136-9 Some novel reactions of l,l-diphenyl-3.3-
O See
20 also
'63 dibromoprop-1-ene. H. Tani and F. Toda.
Bromination Chem & Ind p 1083-4 Je 29 '63
BROMINE compounds Cleavase of histidyl peptide bonds by N-bro-
a Bromoalkaneboronic esters. D. S. Matteson rnpsuccinimide. S, Shaltiel and A. Patchor-
and J. D. Liedtke. bibliog Chem & Ind nik. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2799-806 S 20
p 1241 Jl 27of '63nitrosodecarboxvlation of 3.5- 63
Mechanism Directive effects in aliphatic substitutions;
dibromo-4-hydroxybenzoic acid and nltroso- photobromination with N-bromosuccinimide.
deprotonation of 2,6-dibromophenol. K. M. G. A. Russell and K. M. Desmond, bibliog
Ibne-Rasa. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:4962-9 Am Chem Soc J 85:3139-41 O 20 '63
D '63
20 '62
Photochlorination of chlorocyclohexane and Identity of the chain-carrying species In
bromocyclohexane. G. A. Russell and oth- brommations with N-bromosuccinimide; se-
ers, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2988-91 O 5 lectivity of substituted N-bromosuccini-
mides toward substituted toluenes. R. E.
Process development of tetrabromobisphenol Pearson and J. C. Martin, bibliog Am
A. H. E. Hennis. bibliog Ind & Eng Chem Chem Soc J 85:3142-6 O 20 '63
Product Res & Develop 2:140-2 Je '63 Mechani.5m of aliphatic bromination by N-
hromosuccinimide. P. S. Skell and others.
Structureward of tribromosantonin.
and others, bibliog diags R. AmB. "Wood-
Chem bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2850-1 S 20 '63
Soc J 85:557-60 Mr 5 '63 Mechanism of benzylic bromination with N-
Thin-layer chromatographic separation of bromosuccinimide. R. E. Pearson and J.
some bromo- and hydroxvderivatives of C. Martin, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:354-
stearic acid. D. Sgoutas and F. A. Kum-
merow. bibliog Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:138- Mechanisms
5 F 5 '63 of benzylic bromination. G. A.
41 Ap '63
BROMINE number ?H,¥6lln V^^ others, bibliog Am Chem Soc
J 85:365-6 F 5 '63
Constant-current potentiometrv In coulo- Positive halogen compounds; structure and
metric determination of bromine numbers. reactivity in N-bromosuccinimide bromina-
F. Baumann and D. D. Gilbert, bibliog tipns. C. Walling and others, bibliog Am
Anal Chem 35:1133-6 Ag '63
BROMITES Chem Soc J 85:3129-34 O 20 '63
Analysis '63 Sub.stitutions at saturated carbon -hydrogen
Simultaneous determination of hypobromite. bonds uiilizing molecular bromine or bro-
bromite. and bromate using ammonium motrichloromethane. G. A. Russell and
sulfate. M. H. Hashmi and A. A. Ayaz. C. DeBoer bibliog Am Chem Soo J 85:3136-
bibliog Anal Chem 35:908-9 Je '63 BRONCHITIS
Substituent effects on anfi-7-benzonorbor- Chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma.
nenyl brosylate solvolyses. H. Tanida Am H- „^Yt ^^'7'^i bibliog 11 Am J Pub Health
Chem Soc J 885:1703-4 Je 5 '63 53:7-15 ption2 Mr '63
BROMOCHLOROM ETHANE of the disabled patient with
Acute chlorobromomethane toxicity; three chronic bronchitis and pulmonary emphy-
cases. ±1. K. Kutstein. bibliog sema W.F Miller and others, bibliog II
Environmental Health 7:440-4 6 Am J Pub Health 53:18-24 pt 2 Mr '?3
•63 tuialysia foi- sodium in tlie sodium British national hydrogen bubble chamber.
lUMk'sien bronzes. K. J. Keuland and A. K. Electronic Eng control 35:245 Ap
Voim. biblioK diaK Anal Ciiem 3j:1263-7 Bubble chamber and '63 alarm circuits
Ak 03 using solid slate elements. H. Fechter and
Maintenance and repair of bronze propellers. Z. Sztankay. diags R Sci Instr 33:825-8 Ag
G. T. CaJlis. U Naval ICng J 7J:64J-6 Ag
Properties of materials: leaded brasses and Bubble chamber track-centering device with
digitized output. E. Pickup and others,
bronzes; tables, ilateriais in Design Kng il diags of R panicle Sci Instrtracks 33:1196-200
58:13!>-9 Mid-O '63 Density in the Nhydrogen'62
Properties of materials; phosphor bronzes, bubble chamber. B. N. Fabian and others,
and silicon bronzes; tables. Materials In
Design reclaims
ling 5S:13-l-5 bibliog bubble
80-inch il diagschamber. R Sci Instr 34:484-95
Franklin Inst My '63
J 276:
Welding bronzeMid-Obearing
'GS surfaces.
O. See
R. a/o.«
Hall, il Welding Eng 48:50-1 Ag '63 185-6 Ag
150cm hydrogen'63 bubble chamber, il diags
.Muminimi bronze Engineerheavy
170-liter 215:431-4 liquid Mrbubble '63 chainber. A G
Gun metal Prodell and J. Steinberger. il diags R Sci
BRONZE founding
iirass and bronze: AFS congress: abstracts Instr
Operating 33:1327-30
conditions D '62 of bubble chamber
of papers. liquids. P. Spiegler and others. R Sci
First mobile Foundry lab will ai:boost
162-1- bronze
Je '03 foundry
industry, il Jletaliurgia C8:-1C Jl '63 Instr 34:308-9
Quest; an on-line event-processing Mr '63 routine.
Girl with a cat; CUj process is used to pro- AI. H. Olston and others, il diags R Sci
duce 280- lb bronze statue. A. Price, il Instr 34:64-9
Foundry 91:152 Fis '63cure for lead intoxica- System to makeJa the '03 invisible visible; hydro-
Good ventilation gen bubble chainber. il diags Engineering
tion and zinc shakes: American crucible 195:366-7 bubble-chamber
Air 8 '63
products CO. A. Popovich. il Safely Maint Versatile track measuring
stage. E. AI. Bolze and F. Ayer. 2d il diags
rare Ap earth'63 metals affect lead distribu- R Sci Instr 33:1190-5 N '62
tion in lead bronzes. R. J. Knight. II BUBBLE point
FoundryF. 90:46-7
BROOKS. T. O '62 Bubble point filter tests, their uses and
F. T. Brooks. Philadelphia electric CO.. wins limitations. H. L. Wheeler. Jr. diags Hy-
Gas Age. Industrial Gas award, pop Gas draulics & Pneumatics 15:84-5 N '62; 16:
Age 129:14 O 62 1U2-4 Ap '63; Discussion. R. I. Gross. 16:
BROSNAN, D. W. (Bill) 74-1- Ag '63
of the aluminum year: Southern
plays a Railway's
vital role Bill in Bubble dynamics at the surface of an ex-
his strategy. F. L,. Church, il por Mod ponentially heated piale. S. Q. Bankoff.
Metals ls:4S-50-(- Ja 63 Ind & Eng Chem Fundamentals 1:257-9
BROWN. Roland Wilbur N 62
Memorial; with bibliography of his publica- Bubble formation at metal-metal interfaces
tions. .S. H. Mamay. por Guol Soc Bui 74: and its effect on the superconducting char-
acteristics of aluminum-indium laminate
SUP79-83 Je '63 films. J. D. Allies and P. H. Smith, il J Ap
BROWN IAN movements
Vibratory Brownian motion. AI. R. S. Baxi. Phys 34:2109-10
Bubbles for banibi. H. K. Branson. Jl '1,3 11 Comp
Am J Phys 30:783-7 N '62
BROWNING Air Mag 68:23
Channels and Aly chains '63 of bubbles in gas
Changes in amino acids and formation of car- fiuidized beds. J. S. M. Botterill and P D
bonyl compounds during baking. Y. Y. Bloore. bibliog diag Can J Chem Eng' 41:
L.inko and J. A. Johnson, bibliog J Agri & 111-15 Je of'63 the expanding vapor bubble In
Food Chera 11:150-2 Air '63 Dynamics
Enzymic browning a boiling liquid. P. Savic and J. W Gos-
Alaier and D. AI. substrate
Aletzler. Chem identified.
& Eng 'V. P.N nell. bibliog Can J Chem Eng 40:238-45 D
41:43 Ap 8 '63
BRUCELLOSIS Flow of suspensions through tubes; single
Criteria lor identification of brucella species. large bubbles. H. L. Goldsmith and S. G.
AI. J. I'ickett and J. G. Calderone. Am J Mason, bibliog diags J Colloid Sci 18:237-61
Pub Health 63:655-6 Ap '63
Formation of moderate-size bubbles J F
Comparison of OH" motions in brucite and Mahoney. jr. Eand L. A^ S Wenzel ' bibliog
micas. H. Boutin and W. Bassett. bibliog diags A I Ch J 9:641-S '63
diags Am Mineralogist 48:659-63 Aly '63 Gas bubbles in a charged liquid. O. M.
BRUNI. Giuseppe 958-63 Ap pil^lios
Bruni installed Rubber
In the University f?i-i"^.^?®!'- 11 diags J Ap Phys 34:
international science hall of ofAkron's
fame, Laboratorr investigation of high-tensile brass
memberD '62 of the Rubber propeller wastage^ H. S^ Campbell and V. E.
Carter. 11 diags Inst Aletals J 90:362-7 '61-
science hail of fame. G. S. 'Whitby, bibliog (i2: Same. Naval Eng J 75:775-81 O '63;
Rubber Chem & Tech 35:sup xli-xliv D '62 Abstract. Aleial Prog S4:IS6-t- S '63
BRUSH. William W. Parameters of shock waves and gaseous
Obituary, por Am 'Water Works Assn J 54: bubbles arising during underwater explo-
SUP23 D '62 sions of small PETN charges. B. D.
BRUSH Khristoforov. il ARS J 32:1788-90 N '62
Copter, plus efficacious spin-spray, controls Rate of movement of bubbles in molten glass.
black locust.
Drainage ditchesII Elec withWorld brush
158:55 problems;
N 26 '62 Glass Ind 44:273-1- My '63
Houston. Texas. T. R. Langford. il I'ub Resonant bubbles in a vertically vibrating
liquid colunm. AI. H. I. Balrd. bibliog diags
Works 94:105-6 Mr '63
BRUSH chipping
knives. See Knives. Brush BUCKET
„., f;?" J Chem EngSee41:52-5
elevators. BucketsAp '63
BRUSHES (electric machinery) Polyethylene replaces stainless steel In
A-c method for setting d-c machine brushes. Air
^J"=HSJ63 elevator. 11 Eng & Min J 164:114
F. K. Shealy. diag Power Eng 67:61 K '63
Brushless motor developed by Astro-Dynam- Radiator bucket; spin-welded filler updates
ics. II dlogs Mach 69:146-4- F '63 rusty rehc. II Plastics World 21:33 Mr '63
Influence of parasitic brush currents on the BUCKEYE. Arizona
performance of d.c. generators. D. G. O. Water supply
Morris and S. Rudzlnskl. diags Inst E E
Proc 110:1473-9
PlaslJc Ap '63 replaces 35 part.s In
brush holder
starter motor, il Automollve Ind 128:80 Aly ^V"^''f?f,? converLs
o ,500 ppm. 2.200 Works
11 Water ppm dissolved solids
Eng 116:106-1-
15 '63Interference from carbon-brush opera-
Radio BUCKLING. See Bending
tion. R E. Nelson and J. B. DIehl. bibliog BUDGET
diags rJlectro-Tech 72:53-7 Jl '63 United States
BRYOZOA. Fossil Federal budget sets new records. Elec World
Ordovlclan cryptostome bryozoa. standard 1 59 : 1 .N r 4 t,3
Chazyan Berlcs. Now York and Vermont. Federal budget sots peacetime record Chem
J P. Ro.18. maps dia« Geol Soc Bui 74:677-
G()7. pi 1-10 brbllOK(p595-6) My '63 & Eng N 41:27 Ja 21 '63
BUDGET, Business V7h.y not consultants for specs? Eng N 170:
Monitorins of manufacturing r&d. G. O. 117-18 My 23 '63
Philip and L. E. Porterfleld. Automation iSee also
10:46-9 budgets
Prepare F '63 fast. J. T. Herbst. Res/ Balconies
Develop up13:28-30
Speeding miningD '62budget calculations. R. Building materiala
L. Frantz and C. P. Johnson, diag Min Chimneys
BUFFER Cong Jsolutions49:47-50 Jl '63 Columns
Absorption of carbon dioxide into alkaline Concrete construction
solutions in packed towers. G. Astarlta. Concrete houses
bibliog Ind & Eng Chem Fundamentals 2: Construction equipment
294-7 system
N '63 gradient instrument accommo- Contractors
Closed Earthquakes and building
dating volatile and nonvolatile buffers for Fireproof construction
column chromatography M A Chase, diags Foundation soils
Anal Chem 35:1457-60 S '63 Foundations
Determination of technetium by controlled- Hot water supply
potential coulometric titration in buffered Paneling
sodium tripolyphosphate medium. A. A. Partitions
Terry and H. E. Zittel. bibliog Anal Chem Piles and pile drivlnit
35:614-15 ofMy asparagine
Reactions '63 in phosphate buffer. Public works
T. J. Fitzpatrick and others, bibliog Chem Shipbuilding
Some& Indreactions p 19S3-4occurring N 17 '62 in buffered chlorine Shoring and underpinning
dioxide--n-ood pulp systems. J. C. Paulson. Skylights
Steel construction
bibliog diag Tappi 45:933-6 D '62 Steel houses
BUILDERS hardware. See Hardware Strains and stresses
BUILDING Structures.
Trusses Theory of
Adverse weather; its effect on engineering
design and construction. P. W. Roberts. Underground
Ventilation construction
il diag
Analysis Civil
of construction Myeducation
Eng 33:50-4 '63 survey; WaUs
progress report. Am Soc C E Proc S9 [CO 1 Wind pressure
no 34561:73-7 Mr '63: Discussion. S9 [CO Winter construction
2 no 36531:141-7engineering. S '63 Wood construction
Architectural Published in
monthly numbers of Architectural record Accidents
Architecture and the moon age. S Moholy- See Building accidents
Nagiy. il Arch Forum 118:90-2: Discussion.
D. Haskell
Building 92-3 F '63 techniques and trends.
and housing; Costs
Construction cost indexes. Published in
Building heads for a newJa record
il Rng N 170:58-64-1- 24 '63 year. Arch monthly numbers of Architectural
Contractors say unfair odds on unexpected
Construction; 119:5 Ag
review'63 and forecast J G. raise estimating
prices. Engand N cost 170:98-100-1-
Field control. J.Je R.20 Ice.
Cost of operating il Pit &a field Quarrvconstruction
55:88-93 Jaoffice. '63 Am Soc C E Proc 89 [CO 2 no 36231:1-10
J. D. Bristor. bibliog Am Soc C E Proc 89 Housing puts defense budget above 1963.
[CO 2 path no 36431:75-89 S '63
Critical method ofS '63 scheduling; control Eng N housing;
170:58-9 Mr 21 '63
of construction time and money. E R. Afc- Precast comparing the cost. Engi-
Camman. diags Arch Rec 133:155-8 Ja '63 neering 194:502
Prospect inde.x of construction O 19 '62 activity. Engi-
Factory methods for homebuilding; conven-
tion. Chicago. Eng N 169:47-8 D 20 '62 neering 194:808 D 21 cuts
Tilt-up construction '62 warehouse cost il
Folded-plates come in many shapes, erected
Mod Materials Handling 18:57 S '63
$14in billion
many ways, pours into il Engbacklog.
N 171:64-6-1-
Eng NAg171:27- 8 "63
■mio paysof for
report the the unexpected
committee in construction?
on contract admin-
8 Jl 4 '63
Homebuilders reach for a record. Eng N istration. Am Soc C E Proc 89 [CO 2
170:22-3 Ap 25 '63 Whono 36351:23-58
pays for the S '63unexpected in construc-
Industrial building boom coming. Eng N 171: tion? seminar at the United engineering
13-15 O 31 '63 center in New York. Civil Eng 33:37-9 S '63
Large construction
sible for what? A.proiect.=:;
J. Gegan.who's jr. respon- Power Seebuildings
107:61-4 Ag '63 Ofiice — Costs
Managing engineering projects: construction. School buildings — Costs
J. M. McLellan. Chem Eng 70:168-72 My Estimates
13 '63 in new building methods,
Metals il Iron Age Computer estimates costs, saves time, money.
191:100 Ja 3 '63 M. L. Beutel. il Eng N 170:26-30 F 28 '63
More student apprentices in building serv- Field e.'^timating and cost control. J. R. Ice.
ices; G. N. Haden and sons, il Engineer- Am Soc C E Proc 89 [CO 2 no 36231:1-10
ing 194:448 O 5 '62 S '63
Mutual cooperation among contractors Pre-design estimates in civil engineering
OTvners. architects and engineers. N projects. W. R. Park. Am Soc C E Proc 89
Chryssafopoulos. Civi! Eng 32:59 Ag '62 [CO 2 no 36271:11-22 S '63
1964 forecast; S28.6 billion for new build- Finance
ings. M. L. Colean. Arch Forum 119:100-1 for building research; Civilian in-
N '63 dustrial technology program. Eng N 170;
1963 constniction on target at mid-vear. 19-20 Mr may 7 '63 loosen up on construction.
G. A. Christie. Arch Rec 134:18 Ag '63 Congress
1963 preview: construction. C. B Jansen. Eng N on 170:24-5
Civil Eng 32:33-4 D '62 Interest capitalAp invested
18 '63 in construction.
100 biggest building clients in the U.S. Arch J. F. Muir and E. Ruus. Am Soc C E
Forum 119:91-3 Ag '63 (reprints SOcI Proc 89 [PO 1 no 36221:1-8 S '63
S120 billion in construction in 1975; forecast Rights fight may slow building funds. Eng N
171:19-20 Jl 11 '63
k^ ^inY'',„P9^^J?
Rec 134:173-80 S '63 '^°'T O- A. Christie. Arch Rights fight threatens JFK bills. Eng N 170:
■ Operations research in construction 15-16
See Jealso27 '63
R. L. Nicholls. bibliog Am Soc C Bplanning. Proc 89 Housing finance
[CO 2 no 36401:59-74 S '63
Outlook for 1963; record construction vear Heating aspects
W. T. Stuart. Elec Constr & Maint 62':53-6 Analysis of solar energy data applicable to
Ja '63 building design. B. T. H. Liu and R C.
PERT, a working construction tool R H Jordan, bibliog il maps diags ASHRAE J 4: the
Resources il Plant
next 40 Eng years. 17:108-10
G C.S Llnd- '63 ' 31-41-t- D '62
Convective inside film resistances for walla
.say. il Rock Prod 66:98-101 Je '63 floor, and ceiling. F. "W. Hutchinson and
N ilii,"-.^'.?^-
"^xT 171:26-7 Ak®"w^''}S§'"S'15 63 °°' developers. Eng JJ-,P N Cotter.
65-70 o2 Air Cond Heat & Ven 59;
BUILDING— HeatinK aspects — Continued Chile
Convective resistances of air spaces located Photogrammetry'63 in Cliile. il maps Civil Eng
in walls, floor, or ceilinsr F. W Hutchin-
son and M. O. Cotter. Air Cond Heat & 33:58-61 Je '63 Cuba
Ven C0:5C-G0 F '63 Soviet bloc helps to keep Cuban construction
Correctlncc standard U-values for local condi-
tions. F. W. Hutchinson and M. O. Cotter. going, il Eng N Europe
171:26-7 S 5 '63
Air Cond
Effect of e-xterior Heat & buildinc
Ven 60:61-4 Aff '63 and
air conditioninc: systems upon the cost of Precast housing behind the Iron curtain. 11
heatinir G. H. Green. EnK J 46:23-6 F '63 diag EngineeringGermany
194:444 O 6 '62
Empirical formula gives heating data for
buildings in early desig-n stages. H. A. Prefabricated office block; Fried. Krupp
Field diag Heating-Piping 35:111 Apin ten
of air infiltration '63 maschinen-und slahlbau Rheinhausen il
electrically-heated houses. C. W. Coblentz Engineer 214:911-12 N 23 '62
Great Britain
Heat and moisture flow ^-63
""j- 5^§i'7T'jT' through " "'^"^
''""'"'^openings by Building structures; '63 trends in 1962; illustra-
tions with text. Engineer 215:74-5 Ja 11
ASHRAE .P- Brown
J 5:49-54 S '63 and others, diags
Insulation breakthrough. W. J. McGuinness. Engineering review for 1963; civil engineer-
il Prog Arch 44:134 Ja '63 ing, mining and building, il map Engi-
Insulation for warmth, il Engineering 194:764 neering 195:138-41 Ja IS growing
Prefabricated buildings up. Engi-
Scale model studies of temperature distribu- neering 195:508 Ap 12 '63
tions in internally heated enclosures. K. I. Prospect index of construction activity. Engi-
^^''r'i^Y^^KJ ?•"„<'
ASHRAE 5:60-8?■JlN.'63 Renzi. bibliog diags neering 194:808 D 21 '62
171:41 Sshutter 5 63 heats or cools, il Eng N
See also Statehood, tourists and jeta make construc-
Solar heating tion boom in Hawaii, il map Eng N 171:
Rapid construction Visiting
concrete engineers
structures.eye EngHawaii's prestressed
N 171:322-3 O 24
New building idea offers fiuid design; Lift-
See alsoprinciple, il Iron Age 190:29 D 27 '62 Japan
Houses. Prefabricated Five-story basement sinks below grade;
Nikkei building. Tokyo. 11 diag Eng N 169:
Repair and reconstruction
Charming folly restored: Goodspeed opera 43 D code
Until 6 '62 change takes lid off building
house, heights, such design is rare; Tokyo. R.
Ag 63 il plans diag Arch Forum 119:102-7 Halloran and J. Yamaguchi. il Eng N 170:
Preloaded steel beams replace columns. 11 38-40 My 2 '63
diags Eng N 170:90 Ap 4 '63
See also Mexico (city)
Houses. Remodeled Engineer visits Mexico city; two steel-framed
Safety measures structures of special interest. J. B. Scalzi.
Educate for life. Eng N 171:21 N 7 '63 il Civil Eng 32:46-8 D '62
More safety in construction. Puerto Rico
G. Reppert. II
Mag of Stand 34:299-300 O '63 Puerto Rico building boom spurs unusual de-
Construction specifications (cont). R E
Wallin. il Plant Eng 16:160-f- N '62': 17- Russia ^' ^"""'- " ^""^ ^
Russia reassesses construction. Eng N 170:46
J 6 20 63
*^iii?if.'°^ Russian construction boom. J. K. Carr
Suggested PrSg''^%'cT' 4Tl'4T2
specifications for '^r-h
structural ^- con-
^- diag Civil Eng 33:39-41 Mr '63
D 6 62centralize construction. Eng N 169:24
6ofl321-73 O^'ef'"^^' ^"^ Concrete Inst J
Standards Soviets ^suffer a shortage of constructors.
■A-IA consider J. A. Volpe. Eng N 171:«-3 Ag 8 '63
Jo Mr 14 63 tough standards. Eng N 170: San Francisco
See also
Modular coordination (architecture) Tenslpned bolts retain vertical rock cut;
Annual report and forecast. 88th. Enit N 170' Taiwan
40-504- Ja 24 '63 N%T38irAl; f^- 'fs^''" Francisco. 11 Eng
Architectural business seen holding for 1963
Prog Arch 43:62-3 N '62
io^o^S"?J'.J^'" <^°^' '° record. Eng N 171: '^rn^7'2-4"A^^8'°63''*
United '"^"^•^'^-
States " "^P ^nit N
iy-ii o 2^ 63
Contractors profits improve. Enp N 170:39-
41 My 2.1 '63
Dodgu cpnstniction outlook for 1964. Arch **' 17 "^18 a"" 29^-63°'^ contractor list. Eng N 171:
N 170:4.>-fi X'<^»^''Ap o/.ffowth:
4 63 construction. Eng ""in^g MflS-'irSaf '6^ + °"« ^«^ ""'■
Profile of major construction markets; first ^'"c'-o?,it'.^btioV,"''"^'°""''-
BUILDING accidents ^^^ Underground
half 1963. Eng N 171:15-17 Ag 22 '63 Conslructions big problem:
Prospect Index of construction activity safety at the
194:808 D 21 '62 '^'•"'"■^• job site,
Freeze-t haw u Safety Maint 125:12-14 Je '63
Enclneerlng Baltimore cycle caused slide; ui^hore
basement excavaUon killed five workmend
Baltimore revitalizes downtown area E S
Bold heart operation ?70:f9"jri0^63''''^^ County. Md. Eng 11N Eng
D '?i*i?*'"^.' revlve.i
" "'"^P <^'v" Eng downtown
33:54-6' Ag' '63
more. I Plan Eng N 170:24-8 Ja 31 '63 ^<g>fg<=.olglapse kills workman.
Bolivia BUILDING block design. See Machine tools—
BUILDINGcons contracts
truction wuio
Init the ."suicide
"l7it4T-3°'Ag 8*^63°" ^''°"'' '"■°"''''<'
Chicaao " J=="K ^ mpcluini-bid contract ofawarding
A TanerT-
l«uim. Elec Constr & Maint 62ri50-2 O ' 63
Chicago's all-electric Contract provisio n for subsurface conditio ns
Marina City; unique
A^iJ""?;' fwln-towcr aparlments. MR
62f88:95' i?J.'^% ''""^•- ^'« & Maint "82 mT^6°" Coplan. Prog A?ch 44:'
B^r.l'i^.SiSi.'i ^IV^ <^'^'>. ^"^
/■'""'^L""°'"''.,*°',^ 32:60-7 house
D '62 '^ n8'":^G-7''je'^63^°'' '"■°«''<=-"«' " Arch Forum
for Chicago. II plan rcx-ord; apartment
Eng N 170:23 My 9 '63 ^'i""'?3°' ^^^ proves costly. Ens: N 171:17-18
BUILDING contracts — Continued Sheet steel for building, il Engineer 215:1177
More on nettotiaitd contracls. E. E. HaJmos,
Will factory built homes use steel? il diags
jr. construction
Oral Pros Arch 43:78 O '62 B. Tomson ana
contract. Je 28 '63
Engineering 105:868 Je 28 '63
Public Coplan.
auenc.vPros formArchcontracts.
44:l!j6 ApB. '63Tomson See also Structural
13tj JaN. Coplan.
63 Prog Arch 43:13S D 'lj2: 44; Asbestos cement
Study shows separate prime mechanical con- Cement
tracts cut building costs 4.42 per cent.
HeatinK-Piping 35:39 Ag '63 Concrete. Reinforced
Who pays for the unexpected in construc- Concrete blocks
tion? report of the committee on contract Fiber board
administration. Am Soc C E Proc 89 [CO 2 Glass. Structural
no See
3G35J:23-6ti S '63 Gypsum
Architecture — Law Marble
Heating contracts Masonry
BUILDING costs. See Building — Costs Mortar
Plaster and plastering
BUILDING estimates. See Building — Estimates
BUILDING failures Plywood
Sheet metal. Enameled
Buckling of shear buildings. P, Dayaratnam. Siding (building)
Am Soc C E Proc SS [ST 6 no 336U];149-59 Steel. Structural
D '63
'62: Discussion. M. L,. Moody. 89 [ST 5 no Straw blocks
3CSSl:285-93 O '63
Diagnosis of distress and failure in struc- Timber
tures. J. Feld. bibliog il Eng J 46:43-7 My Wall board
Research looks into roofing failures. F. C. Walls. Metal
Wilson and M. E. Jacoby. il Arch Rec Plastics
Temporaries O fall
'62 during typhoon. 11 Ene N Booming construction boosts plastics. E E.
Halmos, jr
•62 Pet Management 35:222 Je 63
169:19 N 22 '62
See also Building of structural glass- reinforced plas-
Bridge failures tics for Bakelite ltd. 11 Engineer 215:871-2
Concrete construction — Failure Building with rigid vinyl panels. 11 Plastics
Roofs — Failure Mv 10 '63
BUILDING finance. See Building — Finance World planning
Careful 20:56 O '62 pays dividends; structural
BUILDING fittings plastics called in advisers to help launch
Protective finishes for metal window frames successful production, il Plastics Tech 8:
and fittings, il Engineer 216:476 S 20 '63 30-1 O -62 . ^ t
Window fittings: enter zinc die-castings, il Chalk-free coating: epoxy exterior finish
Engineering 196:426 O 4 '63 keeps gloss.plastics
Composite 11 Plastics
buildingWorldpanels; 21:34 Indulex
Ag '63
BUILDING laws and regulations
ACI approves a revised building code. Eng cladding units, il Brit Plastics 36:177 Ap '63
N 170:24 Mr 14 '63 Conventional house, and plastics are every-
AGC mulls bias, subcontracting; mid-year where, il diags Mod Plastics 40:94-7-f D
board meeting. White Sulphur Springs.
Dev hou as test bed for plas
W.Va. Eng
Building codesN are 171:43-4 S 19 up.
catching '63 Eng N 169: elo se tics
pme finish
il Brit .
17-18 N 22 -62
Durable ntPlasticsannounced 36:326-7 Jeby '63du Pont; Tedler.
Construction bills inch ahead. „Eng ^, , ,„
N 171:19-
11 il per
Mod cent
Metals more18:74-5 Ja '63used
plastics in building;
20 N 7 '63 vinyls hold top place, il Chem & Eng N
New concrete building code will make com-
prehensive changes. R. C. Reese. Eng N 41:17-18 Ag laminate; 26 '63
170:22-3 F 28 '63 Film-panel weather resistance or
Protests delay anti-bias rules. Eng N 171:19- reinforced 'plastics
63 panel is tripled by use
21 See
Jl 25also '63 of
Foam PVF film,
Insulation; il Plastics
polystyrene World 21:46
board F
makes '63
Housing laws a core for reinforced concrete panels. 11
Mechanics liens
Pliunbing laws and regulations ForPlastics
versatilityWorld in 21:95 Ap '63 sandwich panels.
California 11 diags
Glass maker Mod proves
Plasticsa point
in newMy office
Natural periods of vibration of buildings. building,siding
il diag Mod Plastics 41:196-7 O '63
G. W Housner and A. G. Brady. biblioH House extruded of rigid polyvinyl
diags Am Soc C E Proc 89 [EM 4 no 3613] ; chloride. wall11 Modfor Plastics
31-65 Ag '63 Metal-less air force.40:111
11 ModN '62
Great Britain Michigan
40:113 O university
'62 gets research grant to
OfHces. shops, and railway premises bill. E. study plastics for housing. Arch Rec 132:
Mitchell. Engineer 214:923-4 N 30 '62 Millbank
102 O '62 tower, il Brit Plastics 36:240-1 My
Japan Nat ass of hom bu set
Until code change takes lid off building ion
cia plastics in e home ilderbuilding.
heights, such design is rare; Tokyo. R. tio
Halloran and J. Tamaguchi. 11 Eng N 170; Plastics Tech n
S:76 N '62
New building concepts based on polystyrene
38-40 My 2 '63 foam. In11 industry:
Mod Plastics
BUILDING materials Panels nylon 40:96
■63 materials
Ap '63
and glass reinforce-
American institute of architects 95th con- ment gives extra strength. II
vention. Miami Beach. May 5-9: products Plastics World 20:36-7 D '62
to be exhibited: illustrations with text. Pre-bent boards; expanded polystyrene Is
Prog Arch 44:93-4-1- Ap '63 fitted to contours of St Demetrios Greek
Asbestos in the construction industry. ^L. O. „ Orthodox church in Seattle. U Plastics
Montpetit. bibliog il Can Min & Met Bui
56:737-42materialsS '63in the , World 21:27
Pressure Ja '63 film for outdoor
sensitive siding;
Ceramic construction indus- Mactac. R. L. Van Bosklrk. Mod Plastics
try. J G Brady, bibliog Can Min & Met
Bill 56:728-36 S '63 40:248+ N '62 ...
Development In building materials; prospect Prpview of plastics in construction. 11 Mod
for the future. F. M. Lea. Chem & Ind
Rigid PVC 41:152-4+ O '63 Industry in Europe.
in the building
p 1840-6 Osystems
Materials, 27 '62 differ In four deployable
schools, il plans diags Arch Rec 133:182-5 J. Moreaux. il Plastics World 21:76-7 S '63
Rigid PVC siding; panels are dentproof and
F '63
NERSICA 21st annual show and convention. easily applied, il Plastics World 21:40 My
buildingil Mod materialsMetals and19:644- Mr
techniques. '63 11 Rol o p at Fyl 11 Bri Pla
e f lasti ing t sti
New Eng 34:74-7 O '62 in monthly numbers
Published 36:558-9 O cs'63 dal cs
of Progre.ssive architecture Roll up PVC panels make es.low cost window
Product r&d. H. J. Rosen. Prog Arch 43: walls, II Mod Plastics 40:116 My '63
Showcase for plastics in building; 1963 NAHB
134 D '62
Responsibility of producers. H. J. Rosen. e.xperimental house. II Mod Plastics 40:86-
Prog Arch 43:176 S '62
8+ Je '63
BUILDING materials — Plastics — Continued Buildings in the news. Published In monthly
Bpace struclures in plastics. Z. S. Maliowslii. numbers of Architectural record
il Kngineer 215;906-7 Effects of tornados on buildings. F. E. Bur-
Target for rleld PVC; Mythe17 buildlnc
•«:! market. kett. building
diagi Civilprojects.
Eng 33:51-3
11 Mod Plastics 41:86-904- S '63 Major 11 map Ja Eng'63 N 170:
Touch hide for buildiiic materials: polyvinyl 63-4-1- Ja Published
24 '63
lluorlde film for surfacing structural Projects. in monthly numbers of
boards: Tedler. 11 Plastics World 2U:14-15. ArchitPctural forum
cover N foam '62 Wind effects on buildings and structures. C.
Urethane bulldlnB panels for business Scruton Engineer 216:14-16 Jl 5 '63
and institutional construction. 11 dlEiK Plas- See also
Airport buildings
Vinyl ' tics World 21:46
panels: flame Ak test'63 establishes safety Bank buildings
Brick construction
for 63 buildinK use. Plastics World 21:65
Ja '63 Building failures
Vinyl-urethane sandwich for easily erected Capitols
beach cabin. 11 diag Mod Plastics 40:53 Je Churches
College architecture
See also College buildings
Community centers
HBouiuldi P I'la Concrete buildings
sesnKs. lasticstiSpecifications
c Dampness in buildings
Specs teachlner In schools. H. J. Rosen. Pros Electric
Exhibition utilities — Buildings
Arch 44:152 Jl; 144+ Ag '63 Factories
Standards Framed structures
National association of home builders sets Gas companies — Buildings
standard for plastics in home building. Gymnasiums
Plastics Tech 8:76 N '62 High buildings
BUILDING research Tiidu.-^trial buildings
Boost for building research: Civilian in- Insurance company buildings
dustrial technology program. Eng N 170: Medical buildings
19-20 Mr 7 '63 Military buildings
BRAB urges federal backing of building re- Municipal buildings
Oince buildings
search. Materials Res
Mobile laboratory for &building
Stand 2:1011 D '6211
research. Park buildings
I'uhlic buildings
Eneineerine 195:333 Mr 1
More comfortable buildings in future? II En-'63 Railroads — Buildings and structures
.=;nhool buildingsbuildings
Product r&d.gineering H. 196:110-11 Jl 26 '63
J. Rosen. Prog Arch 43:134 Sheds
D '62 for building\ the big battle rages
Research Sheet metal buildings
in Washington. B. P. Spring. Arch Forum .Shopping centers
Society buildings
119:122-3-1- S '63 Steel
Finance Store buildings
No federal funds for building research. Eng N Telephone company buildings
170:43 Jeresearch
BUILDING 20 '63 institute
Fall conference. Washington; abstracts of WindowSee alsocleaning
Spring Eng N 169:22 D 6 '62
Washington. April 23-25; Demolition
abstracts of papers. Air Cond Heat & Ven See Wrecking
60:53-64 Je '63 Exterior lighting
Block of flats over old mine workings, il diag Accent on outdoor living. 11 Ilium Eng 58:
Engineering 195:806 Je 14 '03 survey. A. H. 310-11 secfloodlighting
Economic 2 Ap '63 with mercury source:
Guide for a preconstruction
Halft. Prog Arch 44:141-2 Ag "63 Prudential insurance CO.. Toronto. 11 Ilium
See alsn Eng 58:55 F a'63 building and sidewalk; in-
Factories — Location Floodlighting
Foundation soils
Hillside architecture maica.stallation
N.Y.: at May's department
lighting store.
data sheet. W. Ja-S.
BUILDING Lum. plan Ilium Eng 58:433 Je '63
fications specifications. See Building — Speci- Floodlighting a building; installation at Ber-
gen generating station. Public service elec-
BUILDING trades tric and gas co.. Ridcefleld. N J.; lighting
Construction sits on a powder keg. Eng N data sheet. W. S. Greenwood and R W.
F. W. Dodge Je 13construction
'63 outlook for 1963.
Gothic highlighting: plan Ilium Eng 58:139-40
Highland Mr '63
Park Presbv-
Arch'62 Rec 132:120'-120» O '62 terian church. 11 Ilium Eng 58:340-1 Mv '63
How to change a company's name: "Virginia Lighting a building'.^; emblem: lighting data
CO 11 new
Eng name is Basic Ncon-8
N 169:31-2-4-
"63 Nighttime
R'n'^'57:7n7-R^NImpact; ^c^""'""''-
ofl'lce of the" Central Illi-
"'""^ "'"'"
Job-right demonstrations spread, il Eng N nois light CO. II Ilium Eng 58:474 Jl '63
170:41-2 Je 20 '63 Quartz lamp .=jplvCF facade lighting problem.
Stronger Construction industry joint confer- il Ilium Eng 58:633-5
ence to speak on bias. Eng N 171:13-14 Ag 1 Reconimended practice O for'63 lighting merchan-
Subcontractor listing draws flre. Eng N 171: 08:4^6-32
zl^Vi? ?^''?^'' 63exterior lighting, il Ilium Eng
See Jlftl3018 '63 Maintenance and repair
Associated builders and contractors. Inc. Apartrnent buildings: how can you make them
Associated general contractors of America
Contractors people-proof? Arch Forum 118:100-1 Ap '63
National association of home builders Preservation
Labor conditions See also
Architecture — Conservation and restoration
Civil rights and construction. E. E. Halmos
Jr. Prog Arch 44:84 S '63 Signs
Negroes attack bias In building trades. II See Sicms
Arch Forum 119:5-f- Jl '63 Sunlight exposure
NewArch 'Vork
Forumunions 119:11 fight
Jl 03 decline In building. See also
Sun breaks
Race Issues stir the building Industry. Arch Vibration
Forum 119:8 Ag '63 Blasting vibrations and building damage T
Balla-st In the basement balances new U S
embassy In Mexico City. II Eng N 169: Isolation of the buildings In the Place Vllle
30-3 N 29 '62 Mnrle ''"'' others.
973-8 °My"3r"63 from 11railroad-In 216':
Engineer duced
Buildings bridge city sireet.s In Baltimore
p.nd Ruftalo, II Eng N 171:22 Jl 25 '63
45:62-6 N'62' °"'" '''^ ^' ^
BU I LDl NGS— Vibration— Continued Stroboflash measurement of the velocity of a
Natural periods of vibration of bulldlnps. bullet. E. V. Briggs. il diag Am J Phys 31:
G. W. Housner and A. G. Brady, bibliog
diaKs Am Soc C E Proc 89 [EM 4 no 36131 : TFE548 Jl '63 improve
bullets ballistics, protect gun
31-65 Ae '63 rifling, il Plastics World 21:20 O '63
Subway-vibration measurements at the new BULLFROGS. See Frogs
Lincoln Center Philharmonic Hall. Sound BULNESENE. See Terpenoids
2:55-6 Ja '63 Wrecking BUMPERS. See Automobiles — Bumpers
See Wrecking BUNKER, Arthur Hugh
BUILDINGS, Concrete. See Concrete buildlnKs Arthur H. Bunker; interview. H. Carlisle,
BUILDINGS. Plastic por Min Eng 15:34-8 Ag '63
British develop plastic buildinff. il Ensr N
171:42 Arski29 lodge; '63 Selecting materials for buoyancy. D. Llpp-
Plastics quick- curing epoxy ad- mann. diags Materials in Design Eng 68:86-
hesive cuts component bonding costs, il
Plastics World 21:38 P '63 communications BUOYS
Reinforced plastics in factory Moldable reinforced plastic sheet; filament
centre; Bakelite limited. 11 Brit Plastics wound cylinder split to give molding blank,
-See alsoMy '63 il Plastics World 20:26 O '62
Air pressure support BUREAU of public roads. See United States —
Houses. Plastic Public roads. Bureau of
Modular panels used for portable schools, il Anecdotes, facetiae, satire, etc.
diags Arch Rec 133:195 F '63 Free enterprise patriot. J. Rickey. 11 Res/
Need a supervisor's ofHce? haul It in and cont)
Develop 14:35-7 S; 30-2 O; 21-3 N '63 (to be
plug it classrooms
Portable in. il Power lighted Eng 67:68 Ap '63 fix-
by indirect BURLAP
Portable tures, il Eleo Constr
school that can be moved & Maint 62:95-6 Jl '63
intact: Burlap cutting reel saves in baling costs.
Dearborn. Mich, il plans diags Arch Rec il diags Idaho
Textile Ind 127:144 Jl '63
133:173-8 F '63 BURLEY, Water supply
BUILDINGS. Prefabricated
Component systems for schools, il Arch Rec Time study of various distribution system
133:180-1 F house
Development '63 as test bed for plastics, procedures in an Idaho town. 1962. L J.
Radloff and R. J. Huckabee. Am Water
il Brit Plastics
Glass-walled prefab 36:326-7
perches Je on'63 stilts, il Eng N Works Assn J 55:1003-6 Ag '63
170:59 Je 17 '63
Kitchens of Sara Lee; saves with prefab See also
construction, Petroleum industry and trade — Burma
Metal prefabs il areFood coming Eng of 35:89age.Ap il'63diags BURNERS
Arch Forum 118:124-7 Ap '63 Burner assists sea wall maintenance, il En-
New house style for post offices. Engineer- gineering 196:330 S 13 '63
ing 194:747 D 7 '62Gas pioneers package sta- Oxyhydrogen burner developed for combus-
Northern Natural tion analyses. Chem & Eng N 41:129 S 2 '63
Post-tensioned tions. II Gas rods Age tie130:39-41
down a Myprefabricated
'63 Progress report C-E starting burners for
chemical recovery units. D. D. Wangerin.
hospital. D. Yona. il diag Eng N 171:34-5 il diaBS Tappi 45:suo 162A-6A O '62
O 3 '63 Roof burners in open hearth furnaces. F. J.
Prefab-concrete forms. E. E. Halmos. Jr. Todd, il diags Iron & Steel Eng 40:91-6;
II Prog Arch 43:168-71 S '62 Discussion.
Prefabricated buildings growing up. Engi-
Oil See also 95-7 O '63
Prefabricated neering 195:508
officeAp 12block; '63 Fried. Krupp BURNERS, Gas. See Gas burners
maschinen-und stahlbau Rheinhausen. il BURNS and scalds
Engineer 214:911-12 N
Prefabrication of flats, il plan diags Engineer 23 '62 Emergency and post-burn therapy for the
second degree bum patient. J. V. Toews
214:1003-6 Dprefabs;
Redesigned 7 '62 Luria steel buildines. and W. M. Behn, jr. bibliog Ind Med 32:
which Bethlehem recently bought and re- 286-7 high
Jl '63
•63 in lightweight ASTM A-36 steel. How the cost of serious bums! J. A.
diags districts
School Arch Forum to try118:47-8
radical Fmove '63 to large- Houghton. Safety Maint 126:46-8-t- S '63
Hydrogen fluoride (HF) inhalation and burns.
scale prefabrication. Eng N 171:44-5 Ag 8 L. Mayer and J. Guelich. bibliog Archives
Severity of burns Health from 7:445-7
clothing O flres.
'63 G. F.
Seven clever prefab buildings. 11 plans Food
Eng 35:92-4 O '63 Crikelair. bibliog Am Dyestuff Rep 52:
Tllt-un construction cuts warehouse cost. 456-7 Je burns in '63 with cold water. Coal Age
U See
Mod also Materials Handling 18:57 S '63 Treating
Houses. Prefabricated Treatment
68:100 Ja of'63 bums with ice water, phisohex.
BUILDINGS. Remodeled and partial hypothermia. O. S. lung and
Times Square gets a face lift: Times Tower F. V. Wade, il Ind Med 32:365-70 S ^63
building, il Eng N 170:21 Ap 25 '63 BURRS
BUILDINGS. Temporary Carbide bur blanks: reference sheet, diags
Design and construction of air houses, il Tool &yourManuf
Know carbide Eng 51:91-2
burs. E.Ag N'63 Gould 11
diags Engineering 195:78 Ja 18 '63 diags Am Mach/Metalworklng Manuf 107:
Temporaries fail during typhoon. 11 Eng N 172-3 Ap 1 '63
See also N 22 '62 BUSBARS
Air pressure support Busbars at West Thurrock power-station il
BULKHEADS Engineer 215:107 Ja 11 '63
Bulkhead test program at port of Toledo. Current-limiting buswav advantages. N.
Ohio. P. A. Hakman and W. M. Buser. il Peach. Power 107:142-3 Jl '63
plans diag.s Am Soc C E Proc 88 fSM 3 Extruded polyphase bus. H. G Frostick and
no 31761:151-84 Je '62: Di-scussion. 88 [SM R. E. Goers, diags IEEE Trans Power Ap-
6 no 33781:287-9 D '62; Reply. 89 tSM 4 paratus & Systems p 196-201 Ap '63
no 35781:197-9 Jl '63 Fine-wire Mig joins thick copper plate. J.
Inclusion of old bulkhead in new structure Fairlie. il diag Welding Eng 48:554- Jl '63
saves time and money: U.S. naval base In Giant aluminum bus bars formed bv Mig
Norfolk. Va. J. T. Acuff and S. M. Johnson, welding, il Welding Eng 48:52 Ag '63
il diags Eng N 169:56-8-t- N 15 '62 Isolated-phase metal-enclosed conductors for
T-shaped concrete sheet piles renew de- large electric generators. R. H. Albright
teriorated bulkhead. T. H. McGregor. 11 and others. 11 diag Power Apparatus &
Eng N 170:33 Ja '63 Systems p 1067-71; Discussion. 1071-2 F '63
Tied bulkhead comes untied. 11 Eng N 171:49 138-kv bus converted to H4-breaker scheme.
S 19 '63 J. K. Lawley. 11 diags Elec World 160:72-
BULLDOZERS. See Excavating machinery 3-1- O 7 '63
BULLETS Silver aids aluminum in electrical bus bar:
Plastic bullet cleans a barrel while Improv- Allis-Chalmers mfg. co. W. H. Lane. 11
ing range. 11 Machine Design 35:8 Ag 29 '63 diag Mod Metals 18:52-1- N "62
BUSBARS — Continued Small business
^^■^G. i^.Y 5"^s capacitors hold voltaite level. Financial reportlne for small business. W P.
O 7 W 6j Lomax. u dias Elec World 160:70-1 Hutchi.'ion. Pit & Quarry 55:132-4 Ja '63
Small companies continue to dominate elec-
You can support busway many ways. N. iionics Industry, map Electronics 35:28-9
Peach. diaBs Tower 107:166-7 S '63
Design BUSINESS and defense services administration
D 7 '62 revamps
Commerce business services. Chem
Analpe method for determinlnir losses in & Ene N 40:32-3 N 12 '62
isolated-phase bus enclosures. L L. Man- BUSINESS conditions
koff and others, blbllos ,1 diaes iEEE Trans
Power Apparatus & Systems p535-40; Dis- See also
Business forecasting
cussion. 540-2 As- '63 United States — Economic conditions
DesiKn factors In selectlne: busway. N. BUSINESS conferences
Peach, diaes Power 107:158-9 My 63
Pre- insulated bus bars save space. A. Imhof. How to be more effective in meetings A.
11 diasrs Elec World 159:69-70 F 11 '63 Uris. Textile World 112:54-8 D '62
Shows need for bus damping. S. J. Schwarz. Pre- job conference helps contractor get
il Elec World 159:19 Je 24 '63 squared away. Roads & Sts 106:61-2-f Ag
Protection BUSINESS consolidations
Heat losses In Isolated-phase bus enclosures Abbott and Searle drop merger plans. Chem
A. ConanKla. biblioE diaes IEEE Trans Abbott and 41Searle
&: Ene N :3U O 21 '63 merger; would create
Power Apparatus & Systems p308-13; Dis- plan
cussion. 313-17; Reply. 317-18 Je '63
Minimizine the maenetic field surroundine
isolated-phase bus by electrically continu- cl%r^'l''WS^'^fi:2f^4'% t^^^ companies.
ous enclosures. W. F. Skeats and N Swerd- ^&"Gg'"j6°"V2'¥5%'2'''"'^''"*'^^'
'°}^i. ii diaes Power Apparatus & Systems Gulf Oil Spencer working on merger'"*"• °"
P655-65; Discussion. 665-7 F '63 ChemJohnson
Mead & Eng Nbids41:28 S 23 '63
for British Drug Houses.
BUSCH. Daryle H.
■*^?S award in inoreanlc chemistry, por Chem Chem & Ene N 41:29 Jl 15 '63
Tennessee eye corp phosphates: Cities Service-
try merger, il Chem &
BUst.iS^G's'' ''■'' ^'^H. "W, '''Hamm.
Bu.jhine assemblies. diae Ma- Ene Nacquiring
Pfizer 41:23-4 ApCoty29 '63companies. Chem &
Bushines chineerooved
Desien 35:179-82
in simpleMr broachine
14 '63 fixture.
Eng N Mobil41:27 O bids
7 '63 for Virginia-Carolina;
D. M. Howard, diaes Am Mach/Metalwork- Socony
ine Manuf 106:152 N 12 '62 list of oil companies moving into
Combined bushiiie and clamp for hvdraulic fertihzers. Chem & Eng N 41:24 Ag 19
piercine. F. A. Adams, diae Mach 70:119 O 63
6.1 There's no letup in chemical mergers. Chem
Design of strip-type bearines. E. Crankshaw. & SeeEng also
N 41:23-4 Ag 12 '63
Dnlldiassjie Machme
bushmes: Desien 35:46-52sheetJe 13Tool'63 &
reference Oil companies — Consolidation
Manuf Ene 50:96 Ja '63 BUSINESS districts
Fasteners book i.^-sue: inserts. A. H. Muss- See also
Shopping centers
21enug-63 11 diags Machine Desien 35:103-7 Mr BUSINESS ethics
Resin bushlne; data processine improved
throueh reinforcpd plasUcs. il diag Plastics TradeSee secrets
World 21:42 Jl '6t BUSINESS failures
Simple methods of mountine small punches ■ ,^ A"d death of companies. R L,. Smith,
136 Jebushlnes.
63 F. Strasser. diaes Mach 69: il Chem forecasting
& Ene N 40:90-100 N 26 '62
Tiny bearines; fluorocarbon replaces felt In
piano actions. 11 Plastics World 21:43 Jl '63
Standards ls"2'6"-'7+ d'"'^62^'' ^- ^- ^'^^•^^- Mod Metals
Standard system identifies Jie bushlnes. H. ^ Ene"" l/lu -It ll'T''63'°'' '"^'"^- ^hem &
J. Moftatt. Mae of Stand 33:346 N '62 Business plans thrpe per cent Increase In
BUSHINGS. Insulating
Bushine material: laminated phenolic elim- spendine Elec. World 158:87-90 N^9 '62
i?,^'^? breakace in heater components II
Plastics World 21:43 F '63 8^^39'-'42"je"T,-* annual forecast. Cer Ind
Ehv elephant-type bushine. M. Tamamoto
and others, il diaes IEEE Trans Power '^kl-v'^S,' P-TP-f'^l industries' 1962 record; the
Apparatus & Systems P698-705 O '63 ''e? (f?pri?,?s 5'dcl^'^^'" ^^ '"^"-"2 Ja 21
Interchaneeabillty cuts bushlnes kept In nm = ®"f''''' T^™oo'hinp and autocorrelated in.
p^iiU. G. D. Cohen. Op Res 11:361-7 My
Forecast for pharmaceuticals; what's ahead
Local repair2''-
e W%%\ ^- °^'"^'^- ^'^
saves $12,000 at South- in the next 10 years? F. C. b"owS D^
western public seri'ice co. O ililler il Industi -y leader
^^''er. & Cosmeti c Inds 92:214-
predictJa bright
'6.3 future-""^
"""' for
Elec World 159:103 My 20 '63
Maintenance and repair
ao%e"5f6n8^'' ^"^ »0--i9-52+F: 74-7 Mr '63
*^°,C?"5S. detector finds defective bushlnes O ^^CWNon ^"nrifS^JPv '"■°J^?"o" charts. F.
S '63 CosmeUc Ind 93:355-6-f-
Wor?d"il5:lT6?7'^^e"2 ^sf ''""'■ " ^'^ ^'^^
Standards "im ^M^'ih/Mlt^S^^^T'- ^^''''O'^'c outlook.
Considerations In establlshlne a standard of Ja^21 '6^ "^ Manuf 107:111-22
mechanical loads on oll-circuit-hreaker
bushlnes. W. E. Harper and E. F. Huston, ''world U0:77".'§ ie^e'^ir^^" '" '"• ^'^
diaes Power Apparatus & Systems P640-3: BUSINESS management
DLscusslon. 643-6: Reply. 646-7 F '63
Computers "*"'•
lull N lit In econo ""^"^^^H
"> ation
"^ evalu
^'" mic r
See also
Corporate names 7;.''i2T32''ap
°^r?,i?" "lakine29 and
% ^^''^-
criticalWblioe ChemM Ene
apprai<al A
Export trade Williamson
i^cs of Re.VDevelop
Eoonon varietD y ■62K ' H
Risk Schnmr. Op Res 11:702-20 Wblfoe(p719-20)
Foreign expansion

"■|iutSni'7'l:2l's"B'63'* '" '"'""^ ''^">^- ^'in'.fn^trZTo'^'^'^ ^'"'^'<=- ^'"eer-

Political aspects
^?^ '° streamline your businessKrocesses. Steel
F Chlion..
*^°^oTd"'{^"9'!ii3".'i'^'' Al^'y^^Gi'"'^""^"- ^*<= Job-a.oslenment
Drue & Cosmetic Ind 93:157
method R T Ag Cat-t^'eS ^""^°''-
« j ti
%o''m'"S^';"loor7l-f-'"'(i"-'6'? "^^' "• ^°"«- " N. ^Gould. blbllorS^cSne^DSf^ 35^l'33?6
BUSINESS management — Continued Natural and stereo polymers, why use them;
Liife and death of companies. R. L. Smith. panel discussion. Rubber Age 93:610-11 Jl
11 Chem solving
Problem & Eng decisions.
N 40:90-100A. N H,26 Boerdljk.
'62 New price may help polybutadiene; drop of
dias Product Ene 34:72-3 F 4 '63 2.5 cents for tire-grade material. Chem
Quality control management of small busi- & Eng
ness: Sutherland-Jacobson & associates. New rubberN from 41:34 anMy old20 SBR '63 plant. B. Keller.
H. J. Jacobson. Ind Quality Control 19:5-9
Mr '63 New SBR processability test. JaS. '63
11 Ind & Eng Chem 55:11-12 C. EInhorn.
Service-station dealers who accept change Rubber catalytic World 148:40-5 Ag '63of ethanol to
reap profits. Oil & problems
Gas J 61:60-1 One-step conversion
Solvinff management with Ae 26 '63
electronic butadiene in fluidlzed bed. S. K. Bhat-
data processing. H. A. Strickland, jr. Auto- tacharyya and B. N. Avasthi. bibliog diag
mation 10:122-4 Jl '63 Ind & Eng Chem
.See also Petrochemical- boom Proc or Design 2:45-51 Japros-
bust; market '63
Business forecasting pects of C4 chemicals. W. H. Davis, il Chem
Diversification in industry
Executives Eng Progcoating
Polymer 59:28-31 battles
F '63 pipeline corrosion.
Factory management 11 Chem corporation
Eng 70:1044- ltd. F 18 may '63 make three
Study and teaching more rubbers. Can Chem Process 47:92-1-
Competitive education; supplier teaches cus- Polymerization of butadiene with alkyl-
tomers better business management; Je '63
aluminum and cobalt chloride. M. Gippin.
Ownes-Corning flberglas corp. Eng N 169: bibliog Ind & Eng Chem Product Res &
21 D 6
BUSINESS men'62 Develop 1:32-9 Mr '62; Same. Rubber Chem
Businessmen's portation plan.
organizations & Tech 35:1066-82
Promising future as O general
'62 purpose rubber
L.. M. Braff. and4pls theTraffic
seen for cis-polybutadiene. P. W. Cornell.
See also Jl '63 Rubber Age 93:606-8 Jl '63
Reaction between deuterium and 1-butyne.
1,2-butadiene. and 1,3-butadiene on pal-
BUSINESS reports ladium-on-aluraina
and R. L. Burwell,catalyst, jr. bibliog E. AmF. Meyer
How to write better btisiness reports. J. Bed-
Soc J 85:2881-7 O 5 '63polylsoprene and deu-
Paper Ind 44:589-1- Ja '63 Reaction of deuterio
terio polybutadiene with sulfur. J. J. Ship-
See al^o man and M. A. Golub. bibliog Rubber Chem
Business forecasting
BUSTAMITE. See SUicates 6 Tech 36:219-35
Selective hydrogenation Ja '63 of butadiene; cata-
BUTADIENE lyst poisoning and stabilization. F. W.
ABS joins plastics that can be plated, il Chem Kirsch and S. E. ShuU. bibliog flow diag
Ind & Eng Chem Product Res & Develop
& Eng N 41:48-9
Antioxidants Mr 25 '63
for cis-polybutadiene compounds. 2:48-52 Mr
Solution '63
properties of polybutadiene and
A. T. Sturrock and D. V. Sarbach. bibliog
irans-polyisoprene fractions. W. Cooper
Rubber Age 92:723-37
Butadiene output forges beyond one million F '63 and others, bibliog Rubber Chem & Tech
C*tons. Chem
petrocheimicals & Eng ride N on 40:27-8
syntheticN 19rubber.
'62 36:488-501 Ap polymerization
Stereospeciflc '63 of butadiene;
abstract. W. Marconi and others. Ind Chem
Chem Eng of70:30-t-
Chemistry Ap 1 '63 the free radical
ion radicals; 39:551-2 O '63
addition of N-chlorodialkylamines to buta- Three polymerization Unes yield ABS plas-
diene. R. S. Neale and R. L.. Hinman. Am tics array: process flowsheet. N. P. Chopey.
Chem Soc J 85:2666-7
Compounding Diene/natural S 5 '63rubber blends for il diags Chem Eng 69:154-6 S 17 '62
truck tires. F. C. Weissert and R. R. Use of rhodium salts as catalysts for the
polymerization of butadiene. R. E. Rinehart
Cundiff. bibliog
Conversion to polybutadiene Rubber Age completed,
92:881-7 Mr dlag '63 and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:4145-
Chem & Eng N 40:50-1
Coordinated cationic initiator for high cis-1.4- D 17 '62 Use
7 N of5 '62
synthetic branched carboxylic soaps
polybutadiene. C. W. Childers. Am Chem in the emulsion copolymerisation of styrene
Soc J 85:229 Ja 20 '63 and butadiene. B, W. Duck and others,
Delayed-action accelerators In polybutadiene- bibliog II J Ap Chem 12:469-78 N '62
natural rubber blends. A. R. Davis and Manufacture
R. A. Naylor. Rubber World 147:61-5 N '62 Operation conversion; SBR plant now makes
Diels-Alder reaction of some 1,1-disubstituted
butadienes. N. L. Goldman, bibliog Chem polybutadiene. flow diag il diag Oil & Gas
& Ind n 1036-7 Je 22 '63 J 61:102-3 F 18 '63
Effect of oils on polybutadlene-natural rub- Petrochemical developments; new butadiene
ber blends. Rubber World 148:66-9 Jl '63 recovery process. H. Kroper and others,
Elution chromatography technique for cis- bibliog flow sheet diags Hydrocarbon Proc-
1.4-polybutadiene. J. M. Hulme and L. A. ess & Pet Refiner 41:191-6 N '62
■63 bibliog diag Rubber Chem & Tech
36:502-13 polybutadiene.
Ap '63 U.S. made plant gets LST ride to Brazil. 11
Emulsion C. A. McCall and
others, bibliog Rubber World 148:31-6 My ture Management
35:167-4- Ag '63
process. See Isobutane — ^Manufac-
Everything ABS. but the motor, il Mod Plas- BUTANE
Free radicaltics 40:92-3 reactions
Mr '63 initiated by ionizing Automatic sequential control for butane re-
radiation; rate constants for hydrogen atom fonning process; Masteroter. il Engineer
addition reactions with mono-oleflns. buta- 215:673 Ap 12 '63
diene and benzene. K. Yang, bibliog Am Kinetics and mechanism of the thermal de-
Chem Soc J 84:3795-9 O 20 '62 composition of n-butane. Y D. Wang and
General synthesis of acyldienes developed. others, bibliog diags Ind & Eng Chem
Fundamentals 2:161-8 Ag '63
How to make Chem
R. F. Heck. & Eng N resins.
polybutadiene 41:40 Jl I.1 '63
A. Low-pressure Z. of C4 hydrocarbons. R. N.
Eldib. bibliog diags Hydrocarbon Process MacCallum and J. J. McKetta. bibliog
& Pet Refiner 42:165-8 Jl '63 Hydrocarbon Process & Pet Refiner 42:191-
Kinetics of the formation of cyclohexene
from ethylene and butadiene at elevated Oxidation
4 My '63 of butane to maleic anhydride.
pressures and temperatures. J. L. Skinner T. C. Bissot and K. A. Benson, bibliog Ind
and C. M. Sliepcevich. flow diag il Ind & & Eng Chem Product Res & Develop 2:57-60
Eng Chem Fundamentals 2:168-72 Ag '63
Kinetics of the photoisomerization of poly- Thermo properties of hydrocarbons; i-butane.
Mr N'63 Canjar
butadiene. Q. R. Seely. bibUog Am Chem L. and others, bibliog Hydrocar-
Soc J 84:4404-7 D 5 '62 bon Process & Pet Refiner 42:127-30 Ag '63
Low-pressure Z. of C^ hydrocarbons. R. N. Thermodynamic properties of n-butane. L. N.
MacCallum and J. J. McKetta. bibliog Canjar and others, bibliog Hydrocarbon
Hydrocarbon Process & Pet Refiner 42:191-
4 My '63 Process & Pet Refiner 41:115-18 D '62
iildib. bibliogf™'"diagsstyrene-butadlene. Hydrocarbon I. A.
Process Operating data show value of Isom. W. M. J.
& Pet Refiner 42:145-8 Je '63 RuedisulJ and others, bibliog flow diag
Mothballed butadiene plant shipped to diags Hydrocarbon Process & Pet Refiner
Brazil. 11 Rubber World 148:19-21 Je '63 42:125-30 Jl '63
1.1. 1.4,4. 4-Hexafluoro-2. 3-dlphenyl-2.3-butane- Electron diffraction determination of the
dlol. W. A. Mosher and N. D. Helndel. molecular structure of the butyl halldes;
Am Chem Soc J 85:1548 My 20 '63 the structure and conformational analysis
BUTANEDIONE of n- butyl bromide in the gas phase. F A.
Energy exchanjje In the 3-methyl-2-butanone- Momany and others, bibllog Am Chem
blacetyl system at 3130 A. D. S. Weir. BUTYLSoc Jchloride
85:3077-80 O 20 '63
Am Chem Soc J 84:4039-40 N 5 '62 Electron diffraction determination of the
Photochemistry of mixtures of 2-Dentanone molecular structure of the butyl halldes;
and 2-hexanone with blacetyl. J. L. Michael
and W. A. Noyes. Jr. blblloe Am Chem t- butyl chloride in the gas phase. F. A.
Soc'62 J 85:1027-32 Ap iO of '63 blacetyl Momany and others, bibllog Am Chem
Selective sensitization triplet
state In the vapor phase. J. T. Dubois. Importance
Soc J 85:3075-7 of ground O 20 '63 state solvation in the
blbllOK dlag Am Chem Soc J 84:4041-4 N 5 solvolysis
and others,of f-buty! bibllog chloride.
Am Chem E. Soc M. Amett
J 85:
BUT See Buty alco 1350-2
Molecular My 5 '63
structure of n-butyl chloride and
BUTANOL. l hcrf
sec-butyl chloride. T. UkaJI and R. A.
Ene NON exc In the 3-m Bonham. bibllog Am Chem Soc J 84:3627-
rpy E hsystem ang at 3130 eA.t D. S. Weir. 34 O 5 62
Am Chem Soc e J 84:4039-40 hyNl-2 6 '62 BUTYL compounds
tan Gastrifluoroacetyl
chromatography of
Manufacture on derivatives ofthe amino
New process for acetone and MEK. e- J. C. Zomzely and others, bibllog Anal Chem
Smldt and H. Krekeler. diag Hydrocarbon
Process & Pet Refiner 42:149-52 Jl '63: BUTYL34:1414-17
ether O '62
Abstract. Chem & Eng N 41:50-1 Jl 8 '63 Dibutyl ether for extraction of irradiated
BUTENE. See Butylene nuclear fuels; abstract. H.-J. Born and oth-
BUTENOLIDE. See Butyrolactone ers. Ind Chem 39:52-3 Ja '63
BUTOXY aroup BUTYL group
Effect of solvents on transition states In the Kinetics of dehydrogenation of isobutane by
reactions of t-butoxy radicals. C Walllne iodine and the heat of formation of the
and P. Wagner, dlas Am Chem Soo J 85: t-butyl radical. H. Teranishi and S. W.
Benson, bibllog Am Chem Soc J 85:2887-90
New2333-4route Ag 5 eases '63 syntheses of carbo-tert- Tertiary butyl group as a blocking agent for
butoxy derivatives. Chem & Eng N 41:34 O 5 '63
hydroxyl. sulfhydryl and amide functions
Ax 26 '63
BUTTER in peptide synthesis. F. M. Callahan and
Butter •62 powder gains acceptance. Food Eng others, bibllog Am Chem Soc J 85:201-7
35 '43 components
Some Ag '63 of butter flavour; abstract BUTYLJa 20 halldes
and discussion. Chem & Ind p2054-5 D 8 Electron determination of the
molecular structure of the butyl halldes.
See aUo F. A. Momanv and others, blbliog Am Chem
Butterfat Soc J 85:3075-80 O 20 '63
BUTTERFAT BUTYL hypochlorite
Quantitative gas liquid chromatographic anal- t-butyl hypochlorite use calls for caution.
ysi.'f of butterfat triglycerides. A Kuksis Chem & Eng N 40:62-3 O 22 '62
and others bibllog Am Oil Chem Soc J 40: BUTYLLITHIUM
530-5 O In '63 butterfat and body fat of dairy Complex fonnatlon between ethyllithium and
Residues (-butyllithium. M. A. Weiner and R. West.
cows fed at two levels of Kelthane (1.0 Am Chem Soc J 85:485-6 P 20 "63
and 2.0 p. p.m.) G. Zweig and others. bib- BUTYL nitrite
Hog Jorganic
Total Agri & chloride Food Chem content11:72-4 Ja '63
In butterfat Photolysis of alkyl nitrites; tert-butyl nitrite.
bv a rapid method of neutron activation G. R. McMillan, bibllog Am Chem Soc J
analysis. R. A. Schmltt and Q. Zwelg. bib- 84:4007-11 N 5 '62
BUTYL llogalcohol
J Agrl & Food Chem 10:481-4 N '62 Kinetics of ■03the iodinej-catalyzed positional
Acid-base equilibria In tertiary butyl al- isomerism of butene-1: the resonance en-
cohol. L. Marple and J. S. Fritz, blbliog ergy of the allyl radical. S. W. Benson
and others. Am Chem Soc J 85:1388-9 My
Anal Chem 35:1223-7
Enhancement of acidityAg of'63very weak acids
in tertiary butyl alcohol. L. W. Marple and 20 '63
Low-pressure Zi of Ci hydrocarbons. R. N.
MacCalUim and J. J. McKetta. blbliog Hy-
J. S. Fritz. Anal Chem 35:1431-4 S '63 drocarbon Process & Pet Refiner 42:191-4
Enthalpy of nonldeal binary solutions: T-
butanol-benzene. T-butanol-water. P. T. Mechanism of antiozonant action; effect of
Shannon and P. S. O'Neill. blbliog My '63
antiozonants on the ozonization of 2.6-
A I Ch E J 9:229-30 Mr '63 dlmethyl-2.6-octadiene and 2-butene. O.
Enthalpy of nonldeal solutions; n-butanol- Lorenz and C. R. Parks, blbliog Rubber
benzene. P. T. Shannon and others.
A I Ch Etransition
Indicator J 9:C4-t Ja '63 In tertlarv hulvl
ranges Chem & Tech 36:201-18 Ja '63
Radiation Induced cis-trnna isomerizatlon of
alcohol. L. W. Marple and J. S. Fritz. butene-2. H. B. Cundall and P. A. Grif-
Anal Chem 35:1305-6 Ag '63 fiths. Am Chem Soc J 85:1211-12 Ap 20
Lilquid-liquld equilibrium In the systems
formed by cobalt and nickel chlorides, Manufacture
water and n-bulanol. W. J. McManamey. Butane dehydrogenatlon; Houdry process and
J An Chem of 13:207-11
Mechanism My '63
the base-Initiated dehydro- chemical co. flow dlag Hydrocarbon Process
halogenatlon and rearrangement of 1.1- & Pet Refiner 41:236 S '62
dlarvI-2-hromethylenes In f-butyl alcohol. EUTYNE
W. M. Jones and R. Damlco. bibllog Am Reaction between deuterium and 1-butyne.
Chem Soc J 85:2273-8 Ag 6 '63 1.2-butadiene. and 1.3-butadiene on pal-
Reactions of alkylene oxMos with various ladlum-on-alumlna catalyst E. P Meyer
butyl and other alcohols. G. J, Stockburger '^"^ J^^ h^^ Burwpll, jr. blbliog Am Chem
and J. n Brandner. bibllog Am OH Chem Soc J 85:2S.Sl-7 O 5 '63
Soc J 40:590-4 O '63 BUTYRALDEHYDE
Manufacture Vapor phase fluore.-icence and Its relationship
to the photolysis of proplonaldehvde and
Shell Chemical will make butyl alcohols: the butyraldehvdes. R. P, Borkowskl and
will probably use the oxo process. Chem P Ausloos. bibllog Am Chem Soc J 84:
& Eng N 41:23 Je 10 '63 4044-8 Nacid
Study of the titration of selected substituted Adaptation of rats to dieti containing
ahenylureas as adds In n-bulvlamlne. ethionlne or exce.-ss leucine. P D. Spelter
:. L Cluett. bibllog dlag Anal Chem 34: and A. E. Harper, bibllog J Nutrition 80:
1491-6 O '62 3S6-90 Ag of'63volatile aclds^ C E Keefer
BUTYL benzene
Synthesis of o-dl-f-butylbenzene bv classical and H. C. Urtea. WPCF J 35:334-43 Mr '63
reaction methods. A. W Burgstahler and Identlflcallen of Isobutvric acid obtained from
M. O. Abdel-Riihman bibllog Am Chem ainlanthlum muscaetoxicum. A G Smith
Soc J 86:173-80 Ja 20 '63 and R. U Smith. Chem & Ind p 162^ O S "63
BUTYRIC acid — Continued Mile- long aerial■63 tramway opens. Eng N 171:17
Relationship of 2.5-diamino-4.6-diketopyrim- One
idine. 2.4-diaminobutyric acid and a crude
preparation of B-cyano-L-alanine O 31tramway
'63 helps build another. 11 Eng N
toxicity of common and hairy vetchto seed the 171:444-helicopters;
Today, S 12 '63 tomorrow, cable cars;
fed to chiclts. G. H. Arscott and J. A. aerial tramway from Palm Springs, Calif,
Harper, distribution
biblioe J andNutrition 80:251-4 Jl "63 to Mt San Jacinto. G. Hendrickson, il diag
Tissue excretion of alpha- Comp Air Mag 67:20-2 N '62
aminoisobutyric acid in the rat. M. E. World's
Nimni and others, biblioe J Nutrition 80: Springs largest
aerial tramway, single-lift il tramway;
dlags Civil Palm
91-SSee Mvalso '63 32:62-5Godfrey
N '62 Lowell
Aminobutvric acid CABOT,
BUTYROLACTONE Obituary. Rubber Age 92:438 D '62
Cyclodehydrations with complexes of sulphur CABOT, Godfrey L,, inc.
trioxide; synthesis of butenolides. E. Cabot sets its sights on new fields; Boston
Baltazzi and E. A. Davis. Chem & Ind carbon black producer to broaden its prod-
P 1653-4 S 15 '62 uct lines. 11 Chem & Eng N 41:32-7 Ag 19
BY- PASS poads. See Roads — By-pass roads •63
BYSSINOSrs. See Lunsrs — Dust diseases General observations on the microflora of
fermenting cocoa beans (theobroma cacao)
in Bahia (Brazil). R. de Camargo and
others, bibliog Food Tech 17:1328-30 O '63
Structure of the cactus sterol Macdougallin
(14a-methyl-A»-choIestene-33.6a-diol) a nov-
el link in sterol biogenesis. C. Djerassi
and others, bibliog diags Am Chem Soc J
CEN. See European committee on the coordina- CADMIUM Mr 20 '63
tion of standards
CERN. See European organization for nuclear Cd and Te dislocations in CdTe. M. Inoue
research and others, il diags J Ap Phys 34:404-5 F
CIRP. See International institution for produc- Cadmium, 1962. P. E. Caron. Eng & Min J
tion ensineerinff research
CABINETS (furniture) 164:120 F producers
Cadmium '63 watch U.S. stockpile, il
Finishing? slimline show cases. H. B. Icen- Chem & and Eng cadmiumN 41:28-9 improve
Mr 11 '63ir detectors.
hower.Storkline il Ind finishes
39:56-8-1- Ap cabi-
'63 Mercury
How machine F. Q. Whelen and I. E. Distelhorst. Elec-
nets. P. C. Bardin. 11 Ind Finishing: 39:54- tronics of
35:844- unbacked
Ag 10 '62 cadmium foils of
64-•SeeD also '62 Preparation
approximately 60 ug/cm^. W. Meckbach.
Televisionspeakin? apparatus — Cabinets
cabinets diag R Sci Instr 34:188-90 F '63in Zn and Cd.
Pressure dependence of creep
CABLE laying K. L, DeVries and P. Gibbs. J Ap Phys 34:
Evolution of cable-Iayins plows. J. C. Maclay. 3119-20 Oof '63
il diaers Bell Lab Rec 40:372-5 N '62 Recovery defects from 78° to 300° K In cad-
CABLE laying and supply ships F. R. mium elongated at bibliog
Stevenson, 78°K. diags
H. R. JPeiffer and
Ap Phys
Anelo-Canadian transatlantic telephone cable
(CANTAT) ; cable-laylne frear. E. F. S. 34:2804-9
Tensile S '63 of polycrystalllne cadmium
Clarke and K. J. Chapman, il dlags Inst and some cadmium alloys in the range
E E Proc 110:1151-8 Jl '63 -196 to 200°C. W. J. M. Tegart. bibliog
Cable for trans-Atlantic telephone link, il
Eng-ineer 11 Inst Metals J 91:99-104 '62-63
Cable layer 216:430-2 S 13 '63 11 Engineer
C.S. Mercury. 214: Ultrasonic attenuation in single-crystal
mium. G. Abowitz. bibliog dlags J Ap
892-4 N 23 -62
CS Lonff Lines; German-bulIt cable ship for Phys 34:1503-7 My '63
American Tel & Tel has many advanced Analysis
features. 11 plans diass Marine Eng-ZLoe Determination of traces of cadmium in zinc-
LonfT JlLines '63 prepares for world-wide rich materials. J. R. Knapp and others,
cable project. U diag Bell Lab Rec 41:204-7 bibliog Anal ChemPrices 34:1374-8 O '62
My '63
Electronic equipment
Platers boil over GSA's handling of cad-
Shipboard-adjustable submersed equaliser. B.
M. Dawidziuk and F. L. Jarvls. biblioff il CADMIUM miumalloys
. 1 Steel 152:29 My 27 '63
diag-3 Elec Com 38 no 1:88-105 '63 Age-hardening of zinc-cadmium alloys. C. J.
CABLES Swanson. Inst Metals J 91:349-50 '62-63
American Bridge spins cables for Narrows Deposition of cadmium-iron aJloys; produc-
tion from sulfamate baths. S. S Misra
boxesil Steel
make 152:112 Mr 18 bridge;
prestressed '63 Austria, il and T L Rama Char. Metal Finishing 60:
Eng N 170:604- F 14 '63
Forging ahead with the Forth bridge. 11 Engi- 59-60 O '62 and superconductivity in lead-
tin and lead-cadmium alloys- J D Liv-
Free cable.neeringA. 195:282-3 F 22 '63
Jennings, diags Engineer 214: ingston, bibliog il J Ap Phys 34:302S-36 O
1111-12 D 28 '62
High speed motion picture photography in Single-crystal X-ray study of order in B'-
the wire and cable industry J. J Stefa- AgCd. C. B. Walker and M. Marezio. bib-
nlszyn. 11 diag Wire & Wire Prod 38:1093- „liog
Tensile J properties
Ap Phys of 34:1443-4 My '63 cadmium
44- Ag '63
How Pima cut cable change time 60 per cent and some cadmium alloys in the range
on its eight-yd pit shovels, diag Eng & -196 to 200°C. W. J. M. Tegart. bibliog
Min J 164:104
Measuring wire My and'63 cable lengths at high 11 Inst Metals
CADMIUM chloride J 91:99-104 '62-63
speeds. H. L. Wagner, dlags Wire & Wire Impurity incorporation into CdSe and equi-
Prod 37:1754-74- D '62 libria In the system CdSe-CdClj. A. Reis-
Progress of the Forth Road bridge 11 dlag man and M Berkenblit. Electrochem Soc J
Rope dram 216:44-8
Engineer service life Jl 12boosted
'63 by hardening CADMIUM compounds
process. 1! Pit & Quarry 56:46 Ag '63 Precipitation of zinc and cadmium 8-qulno-
Special cables for new radio telescope. Engl- linates from homogeneous solution. F H.
• neer
See 196:446
also O 4 '63 Firschmg and J. G. Brewer, bibliog Anal
Anchorage Chem 35:1630-2
Electric cables CADMIUM halides O '63
Electric cables. Submarine Ternary semiconducting compounds. Cd4
Telephone cables
Wire rope Stemple.
(P,.\s)j(Cl^r.I)3. Electrochem Soc J 110:766-9
L. Suchow and N. r' Jl
El Encino iron ores travel 13 miles on high- CADMIUM in the body
flying tramway, il diag Eng & Min J 164: Boron, cadmium, chromium,
92-5 Mr '63 blood and urine. H. R. Imbusand andnickel in
Flving pack train serviceg aerial tramway.
G. Hendrickson. il Rock Prod 66:102-3 0 '63 Health 6:
286 9Tf'^63 Environmental
CADMIUM In the body — Continued Improved techniques for studying the growth
KJieci of chromium, cadmium and other of CdS crystals. P. D. Fochs and B. Eunn.
trace metals on the erowth and survival bibliog ofil the diag J Ap Phys effect 34:1702-6 Je '63
of mice. H. A. Schroeder and others, bib- Origins
Uoe J ofNutrition S0;39-47 My '63and lead on deposited CdS photovoltaic
layers. H. G. Grimmeiss in vapor-
Effects chromium, cadmium R. Memming. J Ap Phys 33:3596-7andD CdS.
the Erowth and survival of rats. H. A. Phonoa assignments in GaAs
Schroeder and otliers. bibliotr J Nutrition W. G Spitzer. bibliog J Ap Phys 34:792-
In 80:48-54
vivo interactionsMy '63 of. cadmium , . with cop- Photoconductivity
5 Ad '6:) of cadmium performance in large single
per, zinc and iron. C. H. Hill and others. crystals sulfide. A. B. Dreeben
biblioK 11 J Nutrition 80:227-35 Jl '63 , , and R. H Bube. bibliog Electrochem Soc J
CADMIUM iodide
Simplifled preparation of cadmiimi iodide- 110:456-60 ■63
Temperature Mydependence
'63 of free hole density
linear starch reaffent for colorimetric iodim- in cadmium sulfide. R. R. Bockemuehl. J
etry. J. L. Lambert and F. Zitomer. bib- Ad Phvs 34:709-10 Mr '63and non-ohmic be-
lioK Anal Chem 35:405 Mr 'G3 Ultra.Bonic havioramplification
in CdS and ZnO. J. H. McFee.
CADMIUM metallurgy ^.^
Cadmium production in Mexico. F. W. Gib- il diag diffraction
X-ray J Ap Physstudy 34:1548-53 My '63 CdS
of evaporated
son. 11 J Metals 15:44C-9 Je '63 films. A. J. Behringer and L. Corrsin. bib-
Dielectric properties of glasses in the sys- hog Electrochem Soc J 110:1083-5 O '63
tems BiiOj-CdO-SiOj. BiiOa-CdO-BaOs. and
BuOa-CdO-GeOj and their relation to the Emission spectra Spectra
of (Zn.Cd)S phosphors.
structure of slass; nucleation. B. V. J. Rao. W. Lehmann. bibliog Electrochem Soc J
bibliog 11 diags Am Cer Soc J 45:555-63 N 1
Growth of cadmium oxide crystals. K. H. 110:754-8
Cd and Te dislocations in CdTe. M. Inoue
Fahrig. and11 J Ap
Optical Phys 34:234-5
electrical Ja '63of semi-
properties and others, il diags J Ap Phys 34:404-5 F
conducting cadmium oxide films. T. K.
Lakshmanan. bibliog Electrochem Soc J High- field electron emission from cadmium
tellurlde. W. R. Savage, bibliog J Ap Phys
110:548-51 Je '63
CADMIUM phosphates 33:3198-201 NCdTe '62 by sealed-ingot zone re-
Study of cadmium chlorophosphate phosphor. High-purityfining. M. R. Lorenz and R. E. Halsted.
K. C. Ropp. bibliog Electrochem Soc J 110:
113-17 F 63 diag Electrochem Soccrj'stals
J 110:343-4 Ap '63
CADMIUM '63 phosphide Preparation ofchiometricCdTe
and Cd rich melt fromcompositions
near stoi-
'Ternary semiconducting compounds. Cdi under constant Cd pressure. M. R. Lorenz.
(P,As)2(CljBr,I)3. L. Suchow and N. K. bibliog ilevaporation
diags J Ap of Phys 33:3304-6tellurlde.
N '62
Stemple. Electrochem Soc J 110:766-9 Jl Vacuum cadmium
R. Glang and others, bibliog 11 diags Elec-
CADMIUM platina
Acid cadmium plating bath for parts of CAFFEINE trochem Soc J 110:407-12 My '63
compk-.x configuration. L,. Domnikov. bib- Caffeine sublimation in vacuum-packed
Cadmium liog Metal Finishing
plating without 61:96-7 Je '63 ^C.
embrittlement. coffee. P. Klein, il Food Tech 16:96-8 D '62
Micillo. Materials in Design Eng 57:86-7 Analysis
Je '63
Cadmium price woes dull plating outlook. Quantitative analysis of aspirin, phenacetin.
and caffeine mi.xtures by nuclear magnetic
F. J. Starin.
Delayed brittle11 failure
Iron AgeIn 191:55
cadmiumMy 16 plated
'63 resonance spectrometry. D. P. Hollis. bib-
steels. W. Beck and E. J. Jankowsky. il CAISSONS liog Anal Chem 35:1682-4 O '63
Metal Prog of 84:92-5
Deposition Ag '63 alloys; produc-
cadmlum-lron Five-story basement sinks below grade;
tion from sulfamate baths. S. S. Misra and Nikkei building, Tokyo, il diag Eng N
T. L,. Rama Char. Metal Finishing 60:59-
169:43 Dtiebacks
6 '62 and drilled- in caissons. R.
60 O '62boil over GSA's
Platers handling of cad- E. \Vhite. 11 plans diags Civil Eng 33:
um. 1 Steel 152:29 My 27 '63 36-8 An
Sunshine bridge '63 cantilevers over
CdSe photocoiiductlve field effect transistor. sissippi at Donaldsonville, La. the Mis-
il diags
J. W. Bergstrom. Inst Radio Eng Proc 50: Eng Nbridge 171:28-30-1-
Tagus caissonS launched:
12 '63 Lisbon. Port-
2376-7 N '62
Cadmium selenide thln-film transistors. ugal. 1 Eng N Diesels 170:21 ease
F 7 '63
F. V. Shallcross. diags IEEE Proc 51:851 Tough diggings; sewer Job, help
sink concrete caisson, il Diesel Equip Supt
My '63 selenides; new outdoor fabric fungi-
cides, R J. Brj-sson and others, bibliog il CAKE41:30 Ja '63
Am byestuff
Impurity Rep 52:642-6-1-
incorporation into CdSe Ag and 19 '63equi- City puts the bite on tower building; three-
libria in the system CdSe-CdCli. A. Reis- ton cake was a scale model of the 31-story
man and M. Berkenblit, Electrochem Soc J Life & casualty insurance co. of Tennessee
109:1111-13 N '62 in CdSe. E. H. Stupp. bib- building,
Effects of iltheEngelectronic
N 171:23 method
S 26 '63 of cookery
liog diags J Ap Phys 34:163-8 Ja '63 on the quality of shortened cakes. M.
CADMIUM sulfide Neuzll and R. B. Baldwin. Food Tech 16:
Adsorption on inorganic materials; reaction
of cadmium sulflae with copperdll. mer- CAKE,110-12Frozen
N '62
cur\'(U) and silver(I). H. O. Phillips and K. Frozen baked goods make stronger bid; South-
A. Kraus. Injection Am Chem in Soc CdS
J 85:486-7 ern Bakeries quick-freeze baked cakes, il
Avalanche Alms. F K. 20 '63
CAKEFoodmixesEng 35:48-9 Ja '63
Behavior of gold blocking contacts to '6:!
Chopra, bibliog IEEE Proc 51:1242 S CdS Automatic program control: Swiss plant uses
at high impressed (lelds. R. S. Muller. bib- punched-card equipment for fully automatic
liog J Apsulfide Phys unipolar
34:2401-4 surface
Ag '03 transistor. control weighing, batching, mixing, and
Cadmium conveying. L. Walter. 11 diag Food Eng 35:
J. E. Kaupplla. dlag IEEE Proc 51:472-3
4G-S .Mr ■«:!
Mr '63
Crystallinity and electronic properties of
evaporated CdS films. J. Dresner and F. Calcining techniques to ease nuclear-waste
W. Shallcross. bibliog J Ap Phys 34:2390-5 woes. 11 diag Chem Eng 70:26-8 Ap 1 '63
Ag '63of CdS on the electroluminescence of
Effect Chemical
plant oneLime's fluidized
year later, flow solids calcining
sheet 11 Pit &
ZnS:Cu. halide phosphors. A. Dreeben. bib- Quarry 55:122-44- My '63
liog Electrochem Soc
Electroluminescent J 110:1045-8phosphors.
(Zn.Cd)S:Cu O '63 Grate-kiln systems for the production of
lime. F. I. Kohanowskl. II diags Pit &
W. I.,ehmann. bibliog Electrochem Soc J
Quari-y 55:143-7 My '63
Epitaxial Jl '63 and properties of ZnTe- How time and temperature affect gypsum
CdS heterolunollons. M. Aven and W. Gar- transformation. T. Manabc. Rock Prod 65:
wackl. bilillog II diags Electrochem Soc J 68-71 -I- Dof '62
Influence some conditions of calcination on
110:401-7 My In'63CdS Its possible use for an
Pluoresconco the reactivity of calcium sulphate hemihv-
optical maser, D. O. Thomaa and J^ J. Hop- drato. M J. Kidgc and II Surkivlcius. blb-
fleld. dlBK J Ap Phys 33:3243-9 N '^2 llOK J Ap Chem 12:426-32 O '62

CALCINATION — Continued Flama spectrophotometry ot calcium with
Plastically formed ceramics; effect of fluxes reversed oxyacetylena flame; application to
aiid of calcined material; symposium ab- serum and urine. H. F. Loken and others,
Processing stracts.calcined
Am Cer SecphosphateBui 42:283+rock. ApA. '63A. bibiiog diags determination
Fluorometric Anal Chem 35:875-80
of calciumJe '63
Guffey. 11 Chem Eng Prog 58:91-3 O '62 for blood serum. B. L. Kepner and D. M. Her-
Radiant-heat, spray-calcination process cules. to
Anal Chem
solidification ot radioactive waste. R. T. Optical aid endpoint35:1238-40 Ag '63in cal-
Allemann and B. M. Johnson, biblios il cium-EDTA titration. R J. Toft and
diass Ind & Ena Chem Proo Design 2:232-8 others, diag Chem & Ind p 1030-1 Je 22
UseJl of'i;3 FluoSoIid kilns increasmg; burns lime- Rapid determination of calcium in feedstufts.
stone directly to lime, permits low- tem- J. R. Hunt, bibiiog J Agri & Food Chem
perature calcination of limestone without ll:34G-7 Jl '63 fluorescence in determining
formation of silicates, diag Chem & Eng N Use of X-ray
41:56-7 O 21 '63 strontium and calcium. B. F. Gloyna and
CALCITE other.s. diags WPCF IsotopesJ 35:893-902 Jl '63
Action of water on calcite. maenesite and
dolomite G. W. Morey. Am Mineralogist
47:1456-60 N '62 Single isotope calcium metal targets. L. D.
Elastic constants of calcite. ^L. „Peselnick . . . ana F. Allen. aluminata
R Sci Instr 34:941-2 Ag '63
R. A. Robie. biblios diags J Ap Phys 33: CALCIUM
2889-92; 34:2494-5 S '62. Ag replacement
'63 Heat evolution tests with calcium aluminate
Experimental pseudomorphs; of binders and castables. W. S. Treffner and
calcite by fluorite. E. D. Glover and R. B' R. M. Williams, bibiiog il Am Cer Soo J
Sippel. bibiiog il Am Mineralogist 47:1156- 46:399-406
Heat Ag '63 of calcium
of formation aluminate
65 S '62
Fabric studies of Virgil and Wolfcamo bio-
herms. New Mexico. C. Otte. jr. and J. M. E. S. Newman,at bibiiog
monosulfate 25° C. J H.
Res A.NatBerman and
Bur Stand
Parks, jr. biblioa map diags J Geol 71: 67A:1-13
380-96. Pi 1-3of My '63 between coexisting See also Ja '63
Fractionation 0>V0'» Ettringite
calcite and dolomite. I. Friedman and W. CALCIUM arsenate
E. Hall, bibiiog
Measurement of JsmallGeol 71:238-43,
changes piin1 Mr '63
lattice Stability relations of some arsenates of zinc
and calcium. S. A. Williams. Econ Geol
spacing applied to calcites
vanian age limestone. J. M. Waite. bibiiog of a Pennsyl- 58:599-601 Je '63
CALCIUM carbonate
Am Mineralogist
Petrofabric analysis 48:1033-9 S '63
of experimentally de- Crystal changes in vateritic calcium car-
formed calcite-cemented sandstones. M. bonate during ball milling. R. B. Gammage
Friedman, bibiiog diags J Geol 71:12-37. and D. R. Glasson. Chem & Ind p 1466 Ag
pi 1-4 Ja calcite '63 Kinetic
Pulverized as a cement or concrete 31 '63tion ofstudies on the thermal decomposi-
calcium carbonate. T. R. Ingraham
admixture. N. C. Rockwood. Rock Prod and P. Marier. bibiiog Can J Chem Eng 41:
66:22-t- S '63 170-3 As: '63 carbonate facies of the Great
Sand-barite. an analog of sand-calcite. Black Recent calcium
Hills. S.D. G. Rapp. Jr. and H. Martin. Bahama Bank. E. G. Purdy. bibiiog maps
11 Am Mineralogist 47:1189-91 S '62 diags J Geol 71:334-55. pl 1-5. 472-97. pi 1
salt and internal calcite. conical refraction inbibiiog
E. P. Papadakis. rock- My-Jl in'63 the system CaCOa-MgCOa-FeCOj;
diags J Ap Phys 34:2168-71 Ag '63 phase relations; a method for major-ele-
Variation of electrical resistivity of river ment
tions spectrochemical
of some ferroan analysis;
J. R.
sands, calcite. and quartz powders with Goldsmith and others, bibiiog diags J Geol
water content. V. V. Jagannadha Sarma
and V. Bhaskara Rao. bibiiog Geophysics 70:659-88
■See also N '62
27:470-9 Ag '62: Discussion. W. T. Higdon. Calcite
28:309-10; Reply. 310-13 Ap '63 Dolomite Analysis
Alizarin acid black SN as a metallochromic Analysis of calcium carbonate. Tappi 46:sud
indicator for calcium; nature and stability
of its calcium chelates. G. Ross and others, 133A-4A Jl '63
CALCIUM caseinate
bibiiog Anal Chem 34:1766-72 D '62 Preparation of calciimi caseinate with cal-
Anion exchange separation of magnesium cium hydroxide in sucrose solution. M.
Fritz calcium
and H. with Waki.alcohol-nitrio
bibiiog Anal acid. ChemJ. 35:S. Srinivasan and others. Food Tech 17:348-9
1079-83 Jl '63 Mr '63
CALCIUM chloride
Determination of total radiostrontium in bi- Galvanic corrosion in concrete containing
tities ological
of calcium; samples containing
selective large Quan-
precipitation calcium chloride. T. E. Wright and I. H.
with potassium rhodizonate. A. L. Boni. Jenks. il diags Am Soc C E Proc 89 [ST
diags Anal Chem 35:744-7 My '63 5 no 36691:117-32
Gravel roads make O special '63 problems. A. S.
Electrolvtio conduction in calcium-doped
solid cerium oxide. C. J. Kevana and Bailie, il Pub Works 94:118-19 S '63
others, bibiiog il diag J Ap Phys 34:2083- Stage construction improves small-city
streets; Chicopee. Mass. T. A. Laramee.
7 Jl '63 optical model analysis of neutron
Nuclear il Pub Works 93:93 N '62
elastic scattering for calcium. R. S. Use of calcium chloride in highway construc-
Caswell, bibiiog diag J Res Nat Bur Stand tion. H. A. Smith, il Pub Works 94:74-6-t-
66A:3S9-400 S '62 CALCIUM comDounds
Solid state formation of anorthite from some
clay mineral-calcium mineral mixtures. A. Jl '63 hexaluminate and its stability rela-
P. Ruotsaia. bibiiog Am Mineralogist 48: tions In the system CaO-AlaOa-SiOj. A L.
Gentile and W. R. Foster, bibiiog Am Cer
792-803 Jl '63 Analysis Soc J 46:74-6 F '63
Complexometric determination Crystallographic investigation of calcium di-
cium, and barium in unusedof lubricating
zinc, cal- ferrite; ferromagnetic. H. Chessin and E.
oils. W. Fisher. Inst Pet J 48:290-4; Dis- 45:597-9
Tr D 1 62
rTi"!^49Sf":,„b''^'i°K <3»ags Am Cer Soc J
Determination cussion. 295-6ofS calcium
'62 in cherry brines by Excitation of the Nd»* fluorescence in CaWO.
versenate titration; elimination of antho- by recombination radiation in GaAs. R
cyanin interference by means of carbonyl Newman, bibiiog J Ap Phys 34:437 P '63
reagents. J. E. Erekke and others, bibiiog Grain growth in, Ca^.ieZro.wOi.M. T. T. Tien
J Agri & Food Chem 11:260-2 My '63 and E. C. Subbarao. bibiiog il Am Cer
Determination of calciiun in EDTA
phosphatein ma- Soc J 46:489-92
terials by titration with the CALCIUM fluoride O '63
Presence of calcein indicator. H. G. Gra- Analysi.;!
bS of thin-film germanium epitaxially
am, .ir. and others, bibiiog J Agri & Food deposited onto calcium fluoride. A IJ
Chem 10:447-50 N '62 Pundsack. il diag J Ap Phys 34:2306-8 Ae
•63 of micro amounts of calcium Experimental pseudomorphs; replacement ot
in potassium chloride by neutron activa- calcite by fluorite. B. D. Glover and R P.
tion analysis. P. W. E. Strelow and H.
Stark, biblioa Anal Chem 35:1154-9 Ae SlPPe!.„ bibiiog 11 Am Mineralogist 47:1156-
65 0 6z
CALCIUM fluoride — Continued CALCIUM silicates
Holmium doped calcium fluoride as a maaer High-temperature phase eauilibria In the par-
material. E. S. Sablsky and H. R. Lewis. tial system 2CaO.SiOj-2MgO.SiOj-Alj-Oi in
biblloB IEEE properties
Proc 61:63-6ofJa ceramic-bonded
'63 ^ ^ the quaternary
MtrO. W. Gutt blbliog system 11CaO-SiOi-AhOa-
Iron & Steel
Lubricating Inst J 201:532-6 Je 63
calcium fluoride coatings on nicltel-base Latest knowledge on chemical structure of
alloys from 75 to 1900 F; abstract. H. E.
Sliney. penetration
Metal Prog intoS2:152-f- N crystals
'62 cement paste. N. C. Rockwood. Rock Prod
Oxygen single of 66:21-1- acid,
F: 164-
calcium fluoride, W. L. Pnlllips, Jr. and Sulfuric now Mr;a powder;
224- Ao acid'63 absorbed
J. E. Hanlon. blbliog 11 Am Cer Soc J 46: into a synthetic hydrous calcium silicate.
447-9 Sand
Sliding '63 wear in ionic crystals. R. P. 11 Chem sulfate
CALCIUM Eng 70:106 Ap 15 '63
Steijn. blbliog 11 diag J Ap Phys 34:419-28 CaS04(Mn) thermolumlnescence dosimeters
F '63
Thermolumlnescence of CaF3:Mn. W. F. for small doses of gamma radiation. B.
Schmid and R. W. Mooney. diag Electro- Biarngard. R Scl Instr 33:1129 O '62
Gaineyseeding prevents
and others, flow CaSOi
sheets scale.
11 diagsR. IndJ.
chem Soc J 110:340-1 Ap fluoride
Uranium-doped '63
material. J. P. calcium
Wlttke and others, as a blbliog
laser & Eng ofChem
Effects 55:39-43
calcium Mr '63on various port-
IEEE Proc 51:56-62 Ja '63 land cements. N. C. Rockwood. Rock Prod
CALCIUM hydroxide 65:184- D '62
Dry bulk carriers feed lime spreaders; high- See also
way job handling, Arkansas, il Roads &
Sts'62106:122 F '63 resonance determination of Gypsum
Nuclear magnetic Plaster of Parts
the hydrogen positions in Ca(OH)i. D. M. CALCIUM
Paris sulfate hemlhydrate. See Plaster of
Henderson and H, S. Gutowsky. diags Am
Mineralogist 47:1231-51 bibliogip 1250-1) N CALCIUM tungstate
Preparation of calcium caselnatesolution.
with cal- Calcium tungstate; Czochralski growth, per-
cium hydroxide in sucrose M. fection and substitution. K. Nassau and
Srlnivasan and others. Food Tech 17:348-9 A. M. Broyer. blbliog 11 diags J Ap Phys
Mr '63 33:3064-73 dislocations
Grown-in O '62 in calcium tungstate
CALCIUM hypochlorite crystal.s pulled from the melt. A. R.
Manufacture Chaudhuri and L. E. Phaneuf. il diags
Calcium hypochlorite manufacturing process J Ap
CALCULATING devices Phys 34:2162-7 Ag '63
for water treatment plant use. w. B.
Murray, flow diag il diags Water & Sewage Applying puters pneumatic
for Instrument relays; Industry's
systems. com-
P. Taylor,
Works 110:318-26 S '63; Abstract. Pub
Works 94:146-(- N '63 diags
Handy Plant
calculator Eng 16:128-30
gives N '62
per copv costs of
CALCIUM In the body repro processes. 11 Ind Phot 11;42 D '62
Calcium and phosphorus balance studies with CALCULATING machines
nomial full term Infants fed pooled human After the computer, what? editorial. H.
milk or various formulas. S. J. Foman and
others, biblloe- Am J Clinical Nutrition 12: Gernsback. Radio- Electronics 34:234- Je '63
Application of cryotrons to the high-speed
346-57 Mymetabolism
Calcium '63 in hybrid and inbred computer; abstract. E. N. Adams. Automa-
fetu-ses o^ mice and in those co-existing tion 9:158-9 N "62
in the same uterus. H. Itoh and T. Ino. Automath.
63 Franklin on Inst J 274:246-7 S '62
BCAC conference education and training
blbliog of i;lactose
Eltect J Nutrition
on calcium81:5-12 metabolism
S '63 In for automation and computation. Cranfleld.
man. E. Greenwald and others. J Nutrition March 27-29: with abstracts of papers. En-
79:531-8 Klneermg 195:518-19 Ap 12 '63
Effect of Ap NaF '63on the growth of rats with British investigate hybrid optimizing sys-
tems. D. Barlow. Control Eng 10:25-6 Jl
varying vitamin and calcium intakes. R. W.
Harkins and others, blbliog J Nutrition Business computing system: 1300 computer.
81:81-6 Sof '63dietary Ca and P levels on the
Influence 11 Engineerand 215:200 Ja 25 '63 new computer
Mg requirement of the chick. D. Nugara and Chemicals crustaceans:
H. M Edwards, jr. blbliog J Nutrition SO: r?"'^S-. A,. ?• Gardner, il diags Product
lSl-4 Ja of'63variations In dietary calcium: Eng matching
Color 34:96-7 Mr by4 '63 computer: American &
Influence Eflrd thread mills, inc. 11 Textile World 113:
phosphorus ratio on performance and blood
constituents of calves. M. B. Wise and 91-2 S '63applications are broadening stead-
Meat diets:blbliogeffect J ofNutrition
the age of79:79-84
rats on Ja their
'63 ily. Elec blends Eng 82:636
abllitv to with.stand the low calcium intake Computer best Ag '63
oT digitals and ana-
induced bv a diet of minced beef. T. Moore l o g s . I S A J 9:21 O '62
and others, hihliog il J Nutrition 80:162-70 Computer field steadily expands with growth
Je '63 utilization in the rat; effects of E?'',°/o'*<? Tj".,>y*'"'°"^
Computer for banking; <J'™ctions. Midland II Elec ltd Engil
varyingsiumdietary ratios ofR.calcium,
and phosphorus. magne-J
M. Forbes. Engineer friend
Computer; 215:314 orF 15foe;'63
Nutrition of 80:321-6 fall joint computer
Prevention meat Jlanemia
'63 In mice by cop- conference. Philadelphia. Iron Age 190:72-
per and calcium. K. Guggenheim and others, Computer screens applicants in man-job
blbliog J Nutrition 79:245-50 F '63 matching process. 11 Machine Design 35:14-
Quantitative relationship between the ab- 15 O 10 63
.sorption of calcium and phosphorus. K. C.
Holemans and B. J. Meyer, blbliog Am J
Clinical Nutrition 12:30-5 Ja '63 .'?i?,i"^'"..-?''?®'^^,. ^° •j'^her; International
Relationship of excess calcium and phos-
phorus to magnesium requirement and
toxicity In guinea pigs. E. R. Morris and
B. U O'Dell. blbliog J Nutrition 81:175-81
Computers. E'nri^%0:"3§
Product EngN'f6'''6?''''' ^^^^^'^««-
34:32 S 30 '63
O '63 inV"" rs
O-'C" Mtlller. Anal Chem
CALCIUM oxida. See Lime Compute are answer to complexi
cost estimates. W. M. Dudley ty of 34:sup
CALCIUM phosphates and M nnrn.
Decontamination of radioactive aoueous ef- ( omputers
berg. Heatlng-Plplng
in economic 34:107^11^0
evaluation '62
fluent bv the calcium-ferric phosphate C
process. C. R. Frost. Am Water Works
Assn J 65:581-6 My '63
Formation of color centers In calcium halo- 7o*1?2T3
l■°^To'd 9 '?3 ''''^^-
"'Ta,i?i '>'b"oreheS- En^g
phosphates. E. F, Apple, blbliog diag Elec- ,n'^-ir4!"5'6 'i, ^'6*3"
Irochem Soc J 116:374-80 My '6f
Influence of a.ssoclated salts on plant re-
Bponsf lo dicalclum phosphate. D R. Boul- Eng"'3%"4'3-4^Jl"'22'"63
Dpmonstr '"""=*''"«■ " unit
din and E. (". Sample blbliog J AgrI & Dellow. 11 diagshlnnp- arithmeti
Electronic Engc 35:8-11 F
Food Chom 11:212-14 Mv '63
Preparation and characterization of some Development of a supervisory ■•sequencing
calcium pyrophosphates. E. H. Brown and roullneM. H. Gottcrer. hibllog diags lEEB
olhcr-i hibllog II J AgrI & Food Chem 11:
214-22 My '63 Trans Com & Electronics p383-8 Jl '63
CALCULATING machines — Continued More computing talent on the way from col-
lievelopments and trends In computing de- leges. P. Cherecwich, jr. il Electronics 35:
vices during 1962. Eleo conference,
Eng 82:26a-(4Philadel-
Ap '63 26-7 applications
New S 28 '62 for the computer are found
Eastern joint computer
phia. Dec. 4-6; with program and Hat ol in diverse fields, circuits.
il Elec M.Eng Lorant.
82:582-411 diags
S '63
exhibitors.aidsElec Eng 81:823-4 O '62 ana New tunnel diode
Electronic to translating, abstracting Wireless World 68:445-6 S '62
editing. H. Dagnali. bibliog diag Wireless New types of learning machines proposed.
World 69:242-6
Electronic root solver. My '63 R. W. Levinge and D. J. T. Tou. systems,
Operational Electronics a 36:71-2
currentJl computer
19 '63
Thewlis. 11 diags Electronic Eng 35:16-20 trend. R. E. Clement. 11 Electronia Ind
Ja '63
Elementary derivation of general equations 22:K7-9+ Je '63
Operations research and the computer in an
for terrestrial inertlal navigation. O. T. area survey. A. C. Maas. 11 Food Tech 16:
Schultz. diags J Aerospace Scl 29:1324-31 19-24 D computers'62
N '62 Optical approach reality. J. T.
Engineering review for 1963; office and data Tippett and H. E. Puthoff. Electronics 36:
processing equipment. 11 Engineering 195: 72-1- My 3 '63
Parallel binary adders using the crossed-fllm
132-1 Ja 18
Evaluation of '63 , , ^balanced-pair
tunnel-diode , ^ . ,lopo
_. cryotron. D. W. Davies. bibliog diags Inst
systems. H. S. Miller and R. A. Powlus. bib- B H Proc Steel 110:999-1007 Je '63 random ac-
liog 11 diags incremental
RCA R 23:489-538 D ■62_ Pittsburgh installs central
Experimental computer. K. Mil- cess computer system. Iron & Steel Eng
lington. diags Radio & Electronic Eng 25:
40:156 Je
Possible '63
engineering applications of biological
461-73 My -63
Fastest most powerful computer Inaugurated;
Ferranti Atlas computer, il Engineering systems. J. R. Pierce, il Elec Eng 82:318-21
194:827 D 21 18-bit '62 Power dissipation in semi-conductor comput-
4-megacycIe checked binary counter. My ing '63 elements, R. W. Keyes and T. J. Wat-
M. E. Homan. diags Com & Electronics
P516-22 Ja '63 Process son. computer,
Inst Radio Eng why Proc 50:2485A. DHollan-
and how. '62
General uses computer in tire tests. 11 Rub-
ber Age computer
92:422 D circuitry.'62 Pulsed der,a/d diags Tappi
computer. 46:3UpM.181A-3A
Connelly. Mr Instru-
Gigahertz G. L. Hollander, ments & Control Systems
bibliog diags IEEE Trans Com & Elec- Simple computation elements,36:133 Je '63
il Electronics
tronics P313-17 Jl '63 35:90 computers
Small O 19 '62 star. 11 Electronics 35:30
Glass digital delay lines; new computer com-
Har\ard; ponensvstem t, il diags Electronics
simulation 35:60-4 N 9 '62
and computer Spectrum
D 21 '62 analyzer as a computer element.
analysis used as new water research tools. J. C. Davis, jr. diae Electro-Tech 17:158-1-
G. M. Fair, diag Water Works Eng 116:
•62 Speed, cost features of computer; IBM 1401G.
346-8 exchanger
Heat 4- My '63 design ^ by computer, „M. „T. My '63Joint
Spring 153:189-90 O 21 '63
computer conference, Detroit,
Tayyabkhan. Ind & Eng Chem 54:25-9 O
May 21-23; with program. Elec Eng 82:
High-speed arithmetic employing tunnel sup30A-lA-f Ap '63; IEEE Proc 51:sup28A-f
diodes. H. S. Miller, bibliog il diag RCA R
Ad '63 diodes boost transistor-resistor logic
High-speedMr transistor-tunnel-diode
24:47-56 '63 sequen- speed. P. J. Langlois. diags Electronics 36:
tial circuits. J. J. Amodei and J. R. Burns, 50-1 Mv 10 '63
diags RCA R 24:355-80 Use of a hybrid computing system, T, D,
Higher speeds with theS hybrid '63 computer. Tniltt. bibliog Instruments & Control Sys-
Honeywell systems 14:39 simulation
My '63 center exhibits See tems
also35:131-4- O '62
hybrid computer versatility, il I S A J 10: Accounting
Automation — Mechanical aids
41 Ja 63
How to cut cost of business processes. Steel Automatons (calculating machines)
152:79-80 My 13 facility'63 Cybernetics
Hybrid computer opens, il Chem & Data processing service centers
Eng N 40:46-7 D 10 '62 Differential analyzers
Hybrid computer facility provides higher Electronic data processing
speeds and better accuracy. E. B. Dahlin Information storage and retrieval systems
and J. M. Nelson, il diag Res/Develop 14: Integrators
28-31 Mrlogic'63 for special purpose computers. Magnetic memory (calculating machines)
Hybrid Memory devices (calculating machines)
T. G. Hagan. Numerical control
Impact of the diags computer Controlon Engthe 9:73-6
young O en-
'62 Translating machines
gineer. E. K. Timby. Am Soc C E Proc 89
IFF 1 noaim33981:31-5 Ja '63 market. 11 Elec- Aeronautic applications
Japanese at computer Advanced computer system to track space
Joint research tronics 35:26-7in S £1H
7 '62 million computer proj- probes. M. Murphy, diags Control Eng 9:
ect; twelve British electronics firms. Chem Automatic
20-2 D '62test and checkout in missile and
& Ind p 1648 O 12 '63 space systems. L. T. Mast, bibliog diag
Joint research into key computer components. Astronautics & Aerospace Eng 1:41-4 Mr '63
Engineering 196:446 O 4 '63 Checking out the big systems. L. T. Baker.
Laser may accelerate com.puter. Electronics plan diag Space/ Aeronautics 40:85-7 Jl '63
36:39-40 O 4 '63 Computer-controlled air navigation; Omnltrac.
Layout planning; new role for computers. J. 11 Engineer 215:639 Ap 5 '63
M. Moore and M. R. Mariner, diags Mod Computer filters feedback for better booster
Materials Handling 18:38-42 Mr '63 control. J. Zaborsky and others, diags
Low-cost computer system aids small-firm S A link
E J for 71:49-53 O '63 control. Engineer 215:
operations. 11 Mach 69:154-5 D '62 Data air traffic
Low-cost data processing system. Franklin 677-8 Apadaptive
12 '63 flight control
Inst J 274:530-1 D '62 Digital system for
Mail separator control computer preliminary aerospace vehicles R. E. Andeen and P.
logical design. S. Henlg and E. C. PaJasky. P. Shipley, bibliog diags AIAA J 1:1105-9
flow diag diags J Res Nat Bur Stand 66C:
271-82 Jl '62 Digital method for redundant structural
Man-computer information transfer. S. L. My '63
analysis. R. F. O'Connell. diags J Aero-
Smith, diag Electro-Tech 72:83-7-^ Ax '63 space Scl 29:1414-20 D '62
Message buffering in a computer switching Digital propellant utilization system. R. L,
center. G. Harrison, bibliog IEEE Trans Rod and J. A, Massa. ij diags Aerospace
Com & Electronics p532-4 S^63 Eng 21:27-32 N '62 of inlet duct airflow with
Microwave parametric oscillators for com- Dynamic matching
puters. D. M. Connah. diags Electronic engine airflow. J. S. Alford and others,
Eng 35:582-6 S '63 S A E J 71:46-7 My '63
Mixed congruential random number genera- Elliott flrebrigade; computer-based air de-
tors for decimal machines. J. L. Allard and fence system, diags Aircraft Eng 35:234-5-1-
others, bibliog Assn for Computing Mach J Ag 63
10:131-41 Ap '63 Hybrid digital analog pulse- time techniques
Monitoring and controlling computer time. for flight control system computers. W. R.
E. M. Chafets. 11 diags Control Eng 9:101-4 Seegmiller. bibliog 11 diags IEEE Trans
D '62 Cora & Electronics p498-503 S '63
CALCULATING machines — Aeronautic applica- Analog division based on the Hall effect. H.
tions— Continued H. VVieder. bibliog il diags R Sci Instr 34:
Method of structural weiKht minimization
suitable for hish-speed digital computers. Q. 422-5 smmlation
Analog Ap '63 of batch distillation. W. H.
Best. AIAA J l;47S-9 F '63 Bowman and J. IS. Clark, djaga Chem Eng
More computers going into auto traffic con- Prog 59:54-8
trols. S. B. Gray. U lilectronics 35:H-I5 Analog solutionsMy for '63 the growth of activation
D 28 '02 overpolential. J. M. Matsen. Electrochem
Multicomputers to rule English sky. D. Bar-
low. 11 Electronics 36:14-15 O 11 '63 Soc J 110:222-4
Analog system computes Mr '63 satellite environ-
New air-traHlc system predicts llight paths.
S. ■D. Moxley and J. A. Inderhees. 11 diags Applicationments, of diag Electronics
analogue computing 35:80+ O techniques
19 '62
Electronics 36:27-31 F 1 '63 to automatic spectrochemical analysis. F.
PACE: Smith and K. P. Rippon. il diags Brit Inst
ment. preliieht W. E. acceptanceParsons and checkout
Aslronaulica & Aerospace Eng 1:51-3 Jl Radio Eng of
Application J 24:127-31 Ag '62
ory. E. Polak. diacreie optimal
bibliog diags control Inst
Franklin the-J
Quick-look reduction of Relay telemetry. 276:118-27 multichannel Ag '63
C. Lundy. diag Space/Aeronautics 40:124-8 Automatic correlator. R. F.
O •62
'63 Brown, jr. il J Res Nat Bur Stand 67G:33-
Redundancy techniques for reliable flight-
control computers. J. J. Fleck, bibliog 11 Automatic network analog computer for the
diags IEEE Trans Com & Electronics po35- solution
8 Ja '63 of the biharmonic equation. J. W.
46 ri '63; Abstract. Control Eng 9:173-4 N Hlinka and others, bibliog diags A S M E
Strapdown inertlal guidance. G. R. Quasius. Trans roles
Basic ser Efor30:109-14 analog Mrcomputers.
'63 11 diags
il diags Snace/ testing Aeronautics
with hybrid 40:89-94
checkoutAg sys-
tems. C. E. Bradshaw. diags Control Eng BigChem Eng 70:99-122
potential for analogs. Ap 29 G. '63 L. Farrar. 11
10:83-4 computerAp '63 diags Oil & for
Compensating Gas process J 60:99-101
dynamics O 22 in '62analog
Unique system monitors aircraft computing control. J. R. Parsons and B^
engines. S. J. Dipaolo. 11 diags Electronics
36:38-41 Ja 11 '63 D. Tolin. for
Computer diags the Control
Abel Eng 10:81-5 Ag
inversion. C. '63
USAF to test triple navigator. H. C. Hood, Yokley and J. B. Shumaker. bibliog il diags
il Electronics 36:45 S 13 '63 R -Sci Instr 34:551-7 My '63
Analog computers Continuous electronic polar resolver. T. An-
derson and C. J. Sleehan. diags Instruments
Accessibility; major analog computer prob- & Control Systems controllers 36:141-2 F for '63 linear
lem. Instruments & Control Systems 36: Design of '63optimum
148+ S '63 processes with energy limitations. B. Fried-
Amateur scientist; a simple analogue com- land, bibliog diags ASMS Trans ser D
guter that simulates Pavlov's dogs. H. S. 85:181-92: Discussion. ■63 J. Adams. 193-5; Re-
toffman. diags Sci Am
Analog analysis using stochastic processes.208:159-60+ Je '63 Drawingply. stereoscopic
195-G Je '63 views with an analog
B. D. Van Deusen. diags Electro-Tech 70: computer. D. L.. Elliott, diags Instnimenta
115-21 center
Analog N '62 adds an extra touch of realism, & Controlcontrol Systemswith 35:135 O '62
Enthalpy conventional instru-
il Chem Eng 70:50+ Mr 4 '63 mentation. M. F. Brown, diags Ind & Eng
Analog computation
lation problems. E.of C.packed
Brown tower distil-
and D. U. Chem 55:;!6-7 S '63
For computer systems, a simple electronic
von Rosenberg, bibliog il diags Chem Eng analog multiplier. F. F. Slack, il diags Elec-
Prog 59:75-80
Analog computer,O a'63modern tool in water Four methods tronic Ind 22:219+ for scaling Mr '63 analog computers.
pollution control. L. L. Falk. bibliog diags G. Pfeifer. diags Control Eng 10:73-7 Ag
Am Soc C E Proc 88 tSA 6 no 3324:31-59
N '6:i'62 GAIS aids instrumental analysis traliung. il
Analog computer analysis of reversing mill Chemspeed & Enganalogue N 40:48 Nmultiplier. 12 '62
main drives. P. J. Wirtz. diags Iron & High D. L,. A.
Steel Eng 40:125-30: Discussion. 130-2 Je Barber, diags Electronic Eng 35:242-5 Ap
Analog computer as an aid to stream self- How an analog computer helped design a con-
purification computations. J. B. Cohen and trol system. C. B. Huck. il diags I S A J
R. L. OConnell. bibliog il diags WPCP J 10:57-62 turns Ap '63 teacher; teaching engineers
35:951-63 Ag '63 errors due to gain and Industry
Analogue computer about computers. J. P. Laird, il Chem Eng
bandwidth limitations of the operational
amplifiers. P. G. Davis, bibliog diags Elec- 70:140+ updates
Laclede My 27 '63dispatching with analog
tronic Eng 35:246-9 computing + digital logging. 11 map diag
Analog computer for Ap '63
calculation of moments
In nmr spectra. S. V. Murtliy. diag R Sci Gas 38:68-72
Multitan pots Nfind '62 frequency response from
Instr 34:106 Ja '63 root locus. '63 K. C. Garner, il diag Control
Analog computer in physiology laboratory.
J. E. Randall, diags Archives Environ- Multivariant
Enp 10:109 Jofunction '63A. \V. generation on an an-
mental Health 7:313-19 S '63 alog computer. Langill. ir. bibliog
Analog computer measures Btu content, B D. diags Electro-Tech 71:52-6 Je '63
Stanton and A. Bremer. 11 diags Control Network analogy for linear structures. W. R.
Eng 9:97-9 D '62 Splllcrs. bibliog diags Am Soc C E Proc
Analog computer simulation of ship propul- S9 lEM 4 no 36011:21-9 Ag '63digital-analog
sion systems. W. A. Wyeth. diags Eng J New computing center boasts
46:27-9 F '63 duo: Minneapolis-Honeywell. Pottstown. Pa.
Analog computer solution of the problem of II Chem Eng 70:42+ F 4 '63
accumulation of perturbations. Q. V. New h>iirld computer system a product of
Savlnov. AIAA J 1:1008-14 Ap '63 joint agreement: HYDAC 2400. Chem &
Analog computers in Japan. O. J. M. Smith. Eng N 41:43 Jl 1 '63
Ag & Control Systems 36:153+ Now they're usingOilcomputers to help Ofind14
•63 63 oil. C. R. Davis. & Gas J 61:222-6
Analog computers In medical research and
diagnosis. _B. M. Taskett. hibllog II diags Polynomial-root solver and root-locus plot-
Archives Environmental Health 7:303-12 S ter. E. M. Deeley. bibliog II diags Inst E B
Proc 110:1882-6 O '63
Analog computers In the process Industry. Resistance-net analogue using a ganged mul-
R.^M. Oreon. dlogs Pet Management 36:206- ti-tapped potentiometer. K. C Garner bib-
8 Ja '63 liog II diags Electronic Eng 34:728-32 N '62
Analog computing control for on-line appllca- Simulating true dry friction on the analoar
i'??*i,I^i,"*»S'''"'''««'y- " d> Control Eng coniput.-r: d:it.-\ tllp, H- Wnnc and i" NT
14 Ja 63N '62 (reprints 60c); Correction 10: Shen. diags Control Eng 9:91-2 O '62
Simulation In the communications Industry.
Analog computing modules. II diag Control iL„"'i'"l?
Eng 10:109 O 63 123+ N Instruments
62 & Control Systems 35:
Analog detection and digital counting for Simulator checks autopilot. W. Rush. II diag
Instruments & Control Systems 36:143+ Ap
Analog 's''d2
^- """"'■
of Ptolemaic and Copemlcan
^'- <'"'« 63
Small special-purpose analog computers for
orbits. E. M. Hofner and <). M. Bllanluk. process control. J. D. Wamock. dla« Au-
U diajn Am J Phys 80:616-18 S '68
tomation 9:141-5 D '62 -• "•
CALCULATING machines — Analog computers — Digital computers and the process model
Continued problem. C. S. Herrick. Ind & Eng Chem
Some aspects of a hich frequency analogue
computer. J, F. Millar, il diaers Electronic Du55:23
Pont. Mr IBM'63 achieve dynamic optimization
Eng 35:43D-43 Jl '63 control computers. P. of nonlinear acrylonitrile process, il Chem
Special purpose analog & Eng N draws 41:60-2 computer P IS '63 control attention:
Ryan. 40c) 11 Control EnK 10:103-10 My '63 Ethylene
Petroleum chemicals, inc., will have a
Special purpose computer for SBR hne pays TRW-330 computer, il diag Chem & Ene N
off in first job. I S A J 9:30-1 N '62 Gas41:50-2 My 13 plant:
reforming '63 a computational In-
Steam generator simulation by real-time vestigation. D. R. Holland and S. W. Wan.
analog computer. J. W. Chang. 11 diag
Power Eng 67:62-3 O '63 bibliog il diag Chem Eng Prog 59:69-74
Teaching macliines. 11 diags Product Eng 34:
S4-5 O 14 '63 analog How to simulate large chemical processes.
Three-surface computer, an aid in Ag P.
W. '63 Hillyard. il diags Chem Eng 70:118-
point-by-point calculations In interiors;
abstract. J. R. Jones. Ilium Eng 58:586-7 Machine
22 Ap 29computation
'63 method for perform-
S '63 ing material balances. E. M. Rosen, bibliog
Trajectory tracer for charged particles which
includes magnetic fields and space charge. Mathematical simulation of 58:69-73
il diags Chem Eng Prog O '62 of
the dynamics
T. Van Duzer and others, bibliog il diags R certain processes of fluidization. V M,
Sci Instr 34:555-67 My '63analog Eliashberg and I. A. Burovoi. bibliog diags
Transistorized electronic multiplier. AIAA J 1:1264-8 My '63
P. Kundu. diag R Sci Instr 34:593-4 My '63 Mathematics penetrates drying technology. P
Transportation lag circuit for analogue com- Y. McCormick. bibliog Ind & Eng Chem
putation. R. E. King, il diags Brit Inst 54:51-2 D '62
Radio ofEngprecision J 24:111-15 Ag '62 computers. New computing center boasts digital -analog
Value analogue 11 duo: Minneapolis-Honeywell, Pottstown. Pa.
Versatile analog storage uses 196:31-2 Jl 5 '63 ferrite cores. 11 Chem Eng 70:42-1- F 4 '63 controls chemi-
On-line pneumatic computer
W. C. Till and W. H. Ko. il diags Elec- cals proportioning. J. Benner. diag Control
What to tronics expect 35:60-3 ofS 28contact
'62 control forms. D. Eng 10:99
Optimal design O '63of a continuous stlrred-tank
M. Wills, diags Control reactor by a gradient method. L. A. Reed
Whv analog computers? D.Eng Shields,
10:81-3 bibliog
P '63 and W. P. Stevens, bibliog Can J Chem
• 6 Pet Management 35:210-13 S; 211-H Eng 41:182-6 Ag '63on physical properties;
O 3'63
Wide-band computing amplifier. D. L. A.
Putting the bee
A.I.Ch.E machine computation committee,
Barber, diags Electronic Eng 35:240-2 Ap 11 Chem
Short range Engtrends Prog in 58:16-17 O '62
distillation technology.
Automobile engineering applications J. R. Pair. 11 Ind & Eng Chem 55:55-6-1-
Automobile design by computer. Engineer 216: bibliog(p61-3) My
Sorption studies using automation and com- '63
436-7 S 13tire'63 design and testing. Franklin putation. J. L. Lundberg and others, bibliog
Computer diags Ind & Eng Chem Fundamentals 2:
Inst J 274:532-3
Computers D '62 valve trains. G. I.
help design 37-13 P '63 Bibliography
Johnson, carmaicer
Japanese diag S A BautomatesJ 71:30-2 Mr '63
production Computer program abstracts (cont). diag
control system, Chem Eng Prog 58:96 S: 84-1- O "62: 59:86-1-
Man-hours saved, il Steel 152:100-2
accuracy improvedJe by10 using
Mr: 98 Je '63
computer to solve driveline engineering Civil engineering applications
problems. W. J. Young, diag S A E J 71:
54-5 Ap '63 Computers provide a shortcut in earthwork
1964 passenger-car engineering trends; com- estimates for dam design. R. S. Gooch.
puter engineering and product plarming. diags Civil
W. simulates
G. Patton. engineS A Eruns. J 71:50 Design stacksEng 33:58-9
with data O processing
'63 D. H.
Tape R. H.N Eshelman.
'63 Kannapell and L. H. Meyers. Pet Manage-
il Iron hop:
Wheel Age study
191:90-1in F simulation
7 '63 techniques. Programmingment 35:203-4advance
Ja '63 aims at do-it-yourself
J. R. Ellis and N. A. H. Goldwyn. 11 diags computer solving, diags Eng N 171:74-6 O
Automobile Eng 53:106-8 Mr '63 10 '63 Control applications
Bibliographic applications Accurate blending using digital control;
Automatic document classification. H. Borko Jiskoot auto-control ltd, 11 diags Engineer-
and M. Bernick. bibliog Assn for Comput- ing 194:562ofO the26 '62
Application hierarchy system to on-Ilno
Copmg ing withMach J the 10:151-62 Ap '63 explosion, diag
information process control, J. P. Roth, bibliog diaga
Space/Aeronautics 39:494- Ap '63 Brit Inst Radio Eng J 24:117-25; Discussion.
New way to code chemical structures. D. L. 125-6 Ag a "62data acquisition; computing sys-
Ballard. Chem & Eng N 41:129 Ap 15 '63 Applying
tem, R G. Carleton and others, il diags
Who should use ASM's searching service? il
Steel 152:58-9 Mr 4 '63 I S A J computer
Applying 10:57-60 Jlcontrol
'63 to a production
Chemical engineering applications system. J, G. Minto. il diags Automation
Analog center adds an extra touch of realism. 10:77-82 Mr '63
Automated warehousing; how automated
il Chem Eng 70:50-t- Mr 4 '63 warehousing systems work, il diags Mod
Analog computation of packed tower distil- Materials computer
Handling control:
18:52-9 a Jatime'63of trial,
lation problems. E. C. Brown and D. U. Automatic
von Rosenberg, bibliog 11 diags Chem Eng B. G. A. Skrotzki. il diags Power 107:191-8
Prog 59:75-80 O '63 S '63 (reprints 25c)
Apply analog techniques to equipment design. Automatic drafting; new triumph for numer-
R. G. E. Pranks, diags Chem Eng 70:108-11 ical control. W. B. Johnson. 11 diag Tool &
Ap 29 '63 Manuf Eng 51:47-9 Jl '63
Biggest U.S. chemical firm scores first with Automation in X-ray crystallography, S, C,
dynamic computer control. I S A J 10:13 Abrahams, il diags Chem & Eng N 41:108-16
Mr '63 Je 3 '63 (reprints 75c)
Computer control in continuous soapmaking Automation through the on-line process con-
process; process fiow sheet, il Chem Eng trol computer. J. Scrimgeour. bibliog Sag
69:152-4 O 15 '62
Computer estimation of heat and free energj' Basic
Eng Jdigital
46:33-8 actuator
P '63 patent awarded ^^T
of formation for simple inorganic com- Gizeski. il diags Instruments & Control
pounds. D. E. Wilcox and L. A. Bromley Systems 36:135-6 Jl '63
bibliog Ind & Eng Chem 55:32-9 Jl '63 Boiler cleaning control sub-loop. W. F, Can-
Computer model of the fixed bed catalytic
reactor: the adiabatic and quasi-adiabatic 34:37-43
i'.^Ei W'^J-.
N '62; "^-Same.
cases. J. J. Carberry and M. M. Wendel Systems p 1041-6 P '63
bibliog A I Ch E J 9:129-33 Ja '63 Building adaptability into n/c W. M
Differential stage cascade design for separa- Stocker. jr. il diags Am Mach/Metalworking
tion of two components in a dilute solvent Manuf 107:64-6 Je 24 '63
G. T. Fisher and J. W. Prados. bibliog Collection of analogue plant data for on-line
fA^^f J".?„ computer processing. J. P, Roth. U diag Ind
oOU-4 iN DO ^ ^"^ Chem Fundamentals 2:
Electronics 1:326-9 Mr '63
CALCULATING tions— Conti7iuedmachines — Control applica- Information systems. Published in monthly
numbers of Control engineering
Collection of plant data for on-line computer Initiating computer control in paper making.
processing. J. F. Roth, il diags Ind Elec- H. Kuhn.
24-7 Ja 63 11 (cover) diags Res/Develop 14:
tronics 1:228-31 Ja '63
Computer control for telescope: Areua 100 Installation and operating experience with
made by Ferrantl ltd. 11 Englneerrng 194: computer and programmed mill controls.
491 O 12 62 M. D. McMahon and M. A. Davis, plan
Computer control of oxygen steelmaking. il Iron & Steel Eng 40:174-80; Discussion.
^Engineer 216:408 S 6dlffractometer.
Computer-controlled '63 H. Cole 180-1 S '63
Installing the control computer Is just the
and others. 11 diag R Sci Instr 34:872-6 beginning; putting Little Gypsy on line, il
Ag 'SS controlled systems, il Instruments
Computer Control Engmen10:22-4
Instrument awaitJa '63 rush on new com-
& Control lab Systems
Computer simulates36:85-90
process My operations.
'63 Integrated puters. control I S A J 10:21 of a Fbakery-freezer;
'63 com-
il plan Pet Management 35:212-14 F '63
Computer monitors critical equipment. II Elec 10:lo-19 puter Jlin the 63 kitchen, plan Control Eng
World 159:82 Ap 8 '63 Low cost control computer allows for later
Computer system controls all operations; expansion, il Control Eng 10:101 Ag '63
from processing to warehousing at Kitch- Minneapolis-Honeywell offers new digital
ena of_ Sara Lee. Deerfleld. 111. il diaga computer control system. Chem & Eng N
Plant Eng 17:147-8 Jl '63 41:90-1 Ja 21 '63
Computer system for a wholesale grocer, il Modern synthesi.s of computer control sys-
Engineering 196:450 O 11 '63 tems. J. T. Tou and P. D. Joseph, bibliog
Computer to bake, ship pies, il I S A J 10: diags IEEE Trans Applications & Ind p61-5
30-2 Jl '6:f Multivarlable adaptive computer control bv
Computer to control electric arc furnaces. My '63
Metallurgia 67:270 Je '63 identification feedback. J. Zaborszkv and
Computers for production control; seminar. R. L. Berger. bibliog IEEE Trans Appli-
„ Engineer 214:680 Obut 19growing. '62 cations & Ind
Nature and purpose of computer process con- P27S-S6 S '63
Computers; mature, K. W. Ben-
nett. 11 Iron Age 191:36-7 My 23 '63 New approach trol. E. C. Fox. to project Automation scheduling; 10:48-54the O con-'63
Computers select best controls, il Iron Age
191:64 Ja 31 '63 trol-operation technique. M. Mattozzi and
Continuous testing coming for steel? J. J F. Lipinski. diag Chem Eng 70:135-42 F 18
McCafferty. il Iron Age 191:75 Ap 18 '63 63
Control computers. 11 Instruments & Control New techniques pay off for Polaris fire-con-
Systems 36:100-8 S '63 trol system. J. F. Mason. 11 plan Elec-
Control computers in papermaking; results tronics 36:61-2-1- O 25 '63
begin to show at Potlatch forests. Inc Nippon Kokan controls L-D furnaces with
^^. '\'^V^- '! Control Enc 10:24-6 Mv '63 computer. 11 Steel 152:23 Ap 8 '63
for chromatographs. K. W. Charlton "■J,''!?,®' open-loop computer control slated.
and S. B. Spracklen. diags Control Eng 10: 11 Chem & Eng N 40:46-1- D 17 '62
93-6 Mr '63 On-line quality control for discrete manu-
Control in perspective. J. H. McRainey. il 1u:11o-1d Mrfacturing G. Satterfleld. 63 il diag Control Eng
Automation 10:60-4 Ag '63 Performance monitor shapes decision about
Controlling a complete hot strip mill. A S future digital computer. J. K. Brian and
Brower. diags Control Eng 10:57-63 O '63 R. V. Cross. 11 Elec World 159:24-6 Ap 29
Controlling cutter load facilitates delicate ma-
chmmg operations. E. A. deVoss. il Mach
69:87-93 Ap '63 Pinpointing the spread of process-control
Controlling oxygen steelmaking. M. W. computers. Chem Eng 70:54 Ag 5 '63
Wyrod. blbliog dlag I S A J 10:61-4 Ja '63 Problems in programming control computers.
Controls, the vital link to produotivitv "W N M.
F 63E. Brooks, diags Automation 10:78-82
Details of AEP 11 system Iron Age 191:83-90
computer Je 20'dis-
complex '63 Process control computers. J. E Barclay
closed. Elec World 159:32+ Ap 29 '63 ?l5*^, Ja
IZi-y Instruments 63 & Control Systems 36:
Deyeloiiment of ARCH; a hybrid analogue- Programming techniques for on-line computer
digital sysleni of computers for Industrial i)roct;s.s]ng. D. St John.ston. flow diags II
control, a B. Colo and S. L. H. Clarke.
Tl Y?^'^ Radio & Electronic Eng 26:45-58 Pulp plant . ^^ to get 1:456-8
Ind Electronics Je '63
clo.-sed-loop computer con-
Digital computer control list lengthens, mar- Redundancy techniques for 70:90-2
t r o l . 1 diag Chem Eng reliable Jeflight-con-
10 '63
ket matures. Control Eng 10:73-83 S '63
Digital equipment for the antenna pointing t';ol^'''"P"'"^'"s- J- J. Fleck, bibliog il diagsS
.•lystem. J. A. Githens and T. R. Peters IEEE Trans Com & Electronics p535-46
JlII ^lags
63 Bell System Tech J 42:1223-52 pt 2 63: Ah.stract. Control Eng 9:173-4 N '62
Relating real-time programs to systems hard-
Digital mated with analog for economic gen- D 62 ware G. W. Oerter. bibliog I S A J 9:55-8
63 eration, ildlag Elec World 159:30-1- Ap 29 Report on process computer control. I S A J
Don't measure, compute! W. S. Aiken, dlag 10:47-8 Ja '63
I S A J 10:59-60 Ja '63
Engineeri '*'?''' ."'^''"WP"'^'""' '" industrial process con-
ng developments. 1962; computer
applications 11 Elec Eng 81:944 D '62 i™'- Y l>b ■ C^hlen. diaa Automation 10:
Engineering;. where value becomes a dimen- Sara Lee'.T automatic warehouse, dlag Mod
sion. 11.Steel 152:131-8 Ja 7 63 Materials Handling 18:52-3 Ag '63
Evaluating control computers. G. C. Hendrie Satellite computer for process control D P.
fo"73?s' Ak Ronnenfeldt. How chart I S A J Eckman N and
9:57-64 62 others, bibliog diags I' S A J
Evaluation, of computer Installation. J M Sensors promise to close loop on control of
Tucker. Jr. Tannl 46:.qun 170A-RA R '63 molten metal. W. N. Redstreake. 11 diags
Kxecutlve control routines for process com-
1(1,85-8 Apf .%
^n^fn^i 63 Shannon, diags Control Eng Iron Age 191:73-5 Je 27 '63
Small special-purpose analog computers for
Factors to he considered In planning for corn-
computer'^'''"" "■
ro'STon'°9' '''''"°^''-
h '?2circuit from a^'""^central
Faster andrwAs"
sun" 159. 63 ^- ^- '^°"'"-'-
more versatile controlli ng^l'I?l-5 and
machine techniques ^"-for
controllers. Westlnghouso Eng 22:126 proceiui
Jl '62
w'fM*'KiK?i'"'"Mf^>.°- Ai I^ell and P. M.
^63 «<>""""«"' "««<5^-
digital -iVfi"5l:^?0
How computer controls oxvgen steel- En'li- 2^':5^'-To6"a^'"'''6-^ «*'^'° * Electronic
r!",''9'?:7"8l'8'd ^r li .^f^^'^'^' " ""^ ^-
How T! ??.'V9''-"50''
TTs concent
Hyslems Sa'='??3''°'- '■ ^^ 'Slnf ic? ^"'^°' En''g"'l^'l03^-TSi'^"'^l!i
worked In computer '"t'VJr'i^
i^ S. i^'■i{'i?,'„ ,a7iZ'%:!5 inir^r"
. . ^vjitiMui»;i3 siee maKI<=°"-
Installation . Steel 152:28-9 Je 17 -53 '^""^'^ F. Slamar. II Automation 10:52-6 Je '63
"?m .'," analyze control program for dis- Time-shared digital process-control system.
'B":ip"29^'63""''^''''^- '"'^«=' ^'"^•"
to modify plant Instruments for digital Tinyrs7j9^5irN'^?2'' ""■
Jets replace moving '^-parts '^'^"<'""- -^'"-^
In process-
computer control.^^C. ^H^^^Thurman. plan
CALCULATING machines— Control applications Colored modules '63 used in computer system.
— Coyitinued R. I. Kemp and J. W. Chasteen. il diags
Trends in process control computers. D. L. Electro-Tech 70:128+ N '62
Stevens, fi Electronic Ind 22:K 10-13 Je '63 Computer control systems for reducing
United Kingdom to get first computer-con- operating costs in oxygen steelmaking and
trolled refinery. Chem & Eng N 40:51-2 D electric arc furnaces. J. A. Brosvic. il diags
17 '62 Iron & Steel Eng 40:153-61: Discussion.
What's ahead in process control. A. E. Lee. 161-3 S '63equipment comparisons (cont). il
il Chem
Where computersEng 70:99-104 call the Jeshots
24 '63
best, il Steel Control
119-22 Ja: Eng99-104 9:103-9 O: 119-23
F; 117-22 Mr: N107-16
'62: Ap:
152:43-50+ Mr 11 '63
Whv analog computers? D. Shields, bibliog 105-7 Je method
Computer '63 aids kinetics studies: ab-
diags Pet Management 35:210-13 S '63 stract. N. L. Carr. Chem & Eng N 41:61-2
Why oxygen converters need computer con-
trol. W. W. Bolander. Steel 153:43-4 Jl 1 '63 Computer
Costs '63 methods
SG. 23Diaz, for analyzing test data.
bibliog Electro-Tech 71:152-5 My
Computer parallel processing is cheaper. En-
Costs of medium, gineering 196:246 Agintermediate,
23 '63 and large Computer system tightens cement-kiln con-
computer systems. Control Eng 10:105-7 Je Computers trol, il diagsand Chemprogrammers
Eng 69:62-4 in O 29 hybrid
checkout systems. D. L. Reed, il diags
Go-betweens handle sales of spare computer Control Eng 10:79-82 Ap R.'63 J. Freund and
time. Control Eng 9:38-1- N '62 Computers in coal mining.
Design J. R. Lucas, il diag Min Cong J 48:52-5
Air computers, il Steel 153:80 S 2 '63 Computers
D '62 linked to add storages. W. J.
Analog computing[
tions. F. G. Shmskey. control ilfor on-line
diags applica-
Control Eng Wall. 11 Elec World 158:49 N 12 '62
Control of a distillation column for produc-
9:71-86 N '62 (reprints 50c): Correction. 10: ing high-purity overheads and bottoms
14 Ja '63
Applying critical path method. R. L. Martino. streams. J. S. Moczek and others, bibliog
diags Ind & Eng Chem Proc Design 2:288-
diags Control Eng 10:93-8 F '63
CDC 6600 computer's unique features, il Control
96 O '63 traverses and their adjustment. E. D.
Product Eng 34:75-6 S 16 '63 Morse, bibliog maps diag Am Soc C E Proc
Designingtems. pneumatic
J. A. narrower, analogjr.computing sys-
bibliog diags 89 rSU 2 no 35461:39-53 Je '63; Discussion.
I S A J 9:65-9 N '62 89 tSU 3 no 36841:225-8 O '63
Logic design and implementation in a pumped Cryosar:
computers. promising element for
L. M. Lambert and tomorrow's
J. B. Mc-
tunnel diode- transistor logic system. S. B. Ateer. bibliog 11 diags Electronics 36:39-45
Akers and E. P. Stabler, il diags IEEE
Logic■63 modules,
Trans Com & ilElectronics diag Instrumentsp282-8 My '63
& Control Ag 17logger '62 to go on Ford's hot strip mill,
Systems 36:77-80 Je '63 il Iron & Steel Eng 40:168 Ag '63
Low-cost computer, il Mech, ^Eng 85:58-9 „..„„, Ja Design of housing-estate distribution sys-
tems using a digital computer. R. L. Grims-
Matric computor. P. M. Honnell. il diags dale and P. H. Sinclare. flow diag il plans
Franklin of Instinstrimientation.
J 276:282-94 O '63 Inst E E Proc 107 pt A:295-305 Je '60:
Mechanics R. G. Boiten. Discussion. 107 pt A:314-18; 109 pt A:541-2
bibliog diags Inst Mech Eng Proc 177 no 10: Je '60. D adaptive
Designing '63
'62 digital networks. G. S.
RCA Discussion.
reveals all purpose 286-8: modular
Reply. 289designed
'63 Glinski. flow diag il diags Electronic Ind
computer. common
Rejecting Steel 153:28 modeAg noise
26 '63 in process 22:104-9 Fdigital
Designing '63 computer control systems.
data systems. J. Jursik. diags Control Eng C. M. Cundall and 'V. Latham, flow diag
10:61-6 Ag '63 diags Control Eng 9:82-6 O '62: 10:109-13
Smoothing-predicting sampled data. D. B.
Borkum. Electronic Ind 22:81-5 S '63 Designing
Ja '63 digital equipment with semiconduc-
State variable assignment methodcircuits.
for asyn-C. tor networks. T. Cooper and G. McFarland.
chronous sequential switching
N. Liu. bibliog diag Assn for Computing DeterminingElectronics
il diags optimum 36:35-9
'63 Ja 18 '63F. D.
ship routes.
Use J 10:209-16
'62of direct coupledAp logic '63 In the design of Faulkner, bibliog Op
Digital adaptive flight control system Res 10:799-807 N '62
an arithmetic unit. P. L. Owen and others. aerospace vehicles. R. E^ Andeen and P. P
diags Electronic Eng 34:640-5. 619-23 Ag-S Shipley, bibliog diags AlAA J 1:1105-9 My
Weight distribution problem, with application Digital applications of thermoplastic record-
to the design of stochastic generators. A. ing. R. G. Reeves. 11 diag Electro-Tech 71:
Gill, bibliog diags Assn for Computing 14-15 My '63
Mach J 10:110-21 Ja '63 Digital computer analysis of closed-loop sys-
Digital computers tems using the number series approach.
R. K. Adams, bibliog flow charts diags
Accurate blending using digital control; Applications & Ind p370-8
Jiskoot auto-control ltd. 11 diags Engineer- sion. C. A. Halijak. IEEE Ja '62; Applica-
Trans Discus-
ALPAKing 194:562
system O 26for'62 nonnumerical algebra on tions & Ind P238-40 Jl
Digital computer as a tool In product design.'63
a digital computer: polynomials in several R. A. Goodman, diag Elec Eng 82:140-3 F
variables and truncated power series with
polynomial coefllcients. W. S. Brown, bib- Digital computer control list lengthens, mar-
liog diags Bell System Tech J 42:2081-119 ket matures. Control Eng 10:73-83 S '63
S '63 detection and digital counting for Digital computer programmes for steam cycle
Analog analysis. P. J. Turton. bibliog diags Inst
quality control. P. C. Huber. jr. diag
I S A J 9:95-6 S '62 Mech Eng Proc 176 no 5:115-23 '62: Same.
Analysis of the direct-chill-casting process Naval Eng J 74:771-80 N '62; Discussion.
by numerical methods. D. J. P. Adenis and Inst Mech Eng Proc 176 no 6:124-6 '62
others, bibliog diags Inst Metals J 91:395- Digital computer systems: are they replacing
403 '62-63 of inverse convolution techniques conventional instruments? W. E. Ware,
to '62improve signal response of recorded geo- diags I S A J 10:57-8 Ja '63
Digital computer used for quantitative metal-
physical data. C. F. George and others, lographic '62analyses, il diag Wire & Wire
bibliog Inst Radio Eng Proc 50:2313-19 N
Prod 38:668-9+ My '63
Auto and cross-correlator for digital informa- Digital computers in engineering analysis. D
W. Cooper, il diags Machine Design 34:172-
■63 tion. B. D. Bums and others, bibliog diags 81 O 11; 178-84 O 25; 176-82 N 8; 172-8 N
■ Automatic
Electronic computer Eng 35:220-8 Ap "63 color: CC-1
color computer, il Electronics 36:44 S 27 22: 160-8computers:
Digital D 6 '62 what thev are. F. B.
Hoist. bibliog Archives Environmental
Automation through the on-line process con- Health 7:296-302 S '63
trol computer. J. Scrimgeour. bibliog diag Digital computers will control production,
Eng J 46:33-8 F '63 warehousing at Sara Lee. flow diag 11 diag
Autoplot computer-plotter. J. T. Lalng 11 Food Eng 35:90-3 Jl '63
diags Westinghouse Eng 23:109-11 Jl '63 Digital control in petrochemical processing.
Closed-loop automatic control of water sys- G. L. Farrar. il Oil & Gas J 60:94-8 O 22
tem operations at Dalla.s city water works.
D. A. Brock, diags Am Water Works Assn J
55:467-80 Ap '63: Excerpts. Pub Works 94: Digital control in refining. G. L. Farrar. 11
1704- Je '63 diags Oil & Gas J 60:88-94 O 22 '62
Continued machines— Digital computers — Pros and cons of remote computing. D. B.
Breedon and P. A. Zaphyr. il Control Eng
Digital measurements of frequency and time. 10:115-17 Ja '63
G. J. Himler and R. U Chafln. diaKs Quantitative metallography with a digital
Electro- Tech 71:»3-7 My '63 computer; application to a Nb-Sn supercon-
Digital men talk direct control. Cliem Eng ducting wire. G. A. Moore and L.. D,
69:102 Nmetliod
Digital 12 '62 for redundant structural Wyman. bibliog il diag J Res Nat Bur Stand
C7A:127-47 Mr '63
Ratio computer gages hot beams on the fly.
analysis. K. F. O'Coiinell. diags J Aero-
space Sci 2a:1414-20 L> '62 113-t- D 62
Vy. Pepper, Jr. 11 diags Control Eng »:
Digital monitors for nuclear olanta. R. A.
Ii)d\vard3. diag Nucleonics 20:oa-B4 Je '62; Satellite computer for process control. D P
Discussion. 2u:G-7-l- N '62 Eckman and others, bibliog diags I S A J
DigitaJly controlled compressor stations.
F. V. Long, diags Gas 38:116-1- N "62 9:5i-64 N '62 principle
Self-Judgment in scientific data
Don t measure, compute! W. S. Aiken, diag processing. P. A. D. de Maine and R. D.
I S A J 1U:59-6U Ja '63 Seawright. Ind & Eng Chem 55:29-32 Ap
Electric machinery design by digital com-
puter, after nine years. C. G. Veiiiott. bib- Sin
liog diag Elec Eng 82:275-80 Ap '63 ipl binary divide for digita blend G.
Electrical systems and computer control for Plumb,
brnall il diag works
a computer Control
r 100Engper 10:133
l cent Jling '63
the basic oxygen steelmaking process. E. J. .time.
A. bo Muench Jr. il Elec World 160:104-5 S
Bprrebach. il diags Iron & Steel Eng 39:
Mr 63 D ■62; Westinghouse Eng 23:40-3
93-101 Small computers invade engineering offices.
73-4 My 63
Ferrlte memory systems and devices, bibliog JY' . ^?"^!yi^- '' ^''' Cond Heat & Ven 60:
63 Electro-Tech 71:80-4 F; 124-30 Mr Some principles and circuit techniques for
controlling machine tools from a central
General Precision markets compact digital ?iRh^^.1°r"P"^<^r. D. A. Bell & and P. M.
63 Chem & Eng N 41:66-7 Ap 8 W'll-„ bibliog il diags Radio Electronic
Guidelines set for direct digital control. Eng 2b:95-106
Structural testingAg with '63 hybrid
checkout sys-
Chem & Eng N 41:100 Ap 15 '63 in"oo-
iU:5o-4,*^; Ap E 63 Bradshaw. diags Control Eng
HiKh-reliability computers using duplex re- Telephone
63 switching and the early Bell
dundancy. H. B. Lowrie. bibliog diags Laboratories computers
Electronic Ind 22:116-21-f- As '63 . E. G. Andrews
Incremental computer error analysis. Q. C bibhog il Bell System Tech J 42:341-53 Mr
Turtle, diags IEEE Trans Com & Electron-
ics P492-8 S '63 '^'^®"^')^'"?9' digital process-control system.
Indicator, diag Electronic Ind 22:113 Ja '63
Industrial dynamics, W. C. Schall. il diags Transformer circuits for digital studies. R. B.
I S A J 9:69-73-1- S '62
Industrial Shipley & others. Power Apparatus & Sys-
dynamics proves out for one firm;
bprague electric co. il I S A J 9:74-5 S "62 Transientemstp 1U2S-31 F '63
Instructional aid for digital computer logic. temperat
Q. J. Lmgwood and R. H. Grigg. bibliog friction welding of ure distribution during
two similar materials in
tubular form. C. J. Cheng, bibliog diags
Ap diags
il 63 Radio & Electronic Eng 25:335-52 Welding J 41:sup542-50 D '62
Key to faster computers; ten-nanosecond am- Use of a digital computer in selecting a re-
plifier. K. H. Konkle and J. E. Laynor versing liot mill motor rating. M. P. Dan-
il.diag Electronics 35:39-41 D 14 '62
L«gic elements for ditrital systems, diags
Electro-Tec Use of digital
U3''-2Tn computer
'■62^• ^^^'^■■- ^""O" for quantitati
^ Steel Eng 39:
Mechanizing transistor N switch
h 70:58-62 '62
design; ref- metallogi-aphic analyses; National bureau
erence sheet. T E. Osborne, il diags Elec-
tronics 36:47-1- O IS '63 °63 ^'^"dards. il Engineer 215:646-7 Ap 6
Microaperture hieh-speed ferrlte memory R ^w °^A d'fi'al computers in process control.
Microminiat ure %"46 modules. """"'^
logic °l5^?6l- " "^'^^
S. Schlanger
O '63 ^^'®- bibliog Elec Eng 82:610-12
diags Electro-Tech 70:199-200-1- O '62 ^'minVi® ^v'"*^?^ f%,use With digital instru-
Ml'itoiy gets field computer. 11 Electronic
Minneapolis- Honeywell offers new digital Electric engineering
En^'3-5:66V9 '^^*^" Electronic
0'6t'™°"''- applications

Modular arithmetic: an ancient science for Na

4T-90^l'^Ja '""e?" ^y^'^""' Chem & Ene
rJiiJ'^P followingstudies of. system P.
load rejections, over-
112-14 ?°?''Pyl<^'"-
JI 63 diags Westinghouse Eng 23: Tr»^,t "d^"*^ others, flow diags diags IEEE
Network coding for reliability. J. Tooley. bib- Ap 'Ison^°^'^''
Applicati Apparatussolutions
of digital & Systems p42-9
for power-
63 liog diags Com & Electronics p407-14 Ja
New approach to serial decoding eliminates Applicat ions of digital telemetering
static storage. R. M. Centner and J. R. f^st'-^g i'V^oMiofS'i'Tg^- 'd- ^■•^"'^''«'
change metering. P. B. Robinso to inter-
Wilkinson. 11 diags Electronics 35:32-5 Ag n! diaes
New computer technique converts satellite "-""'"«"!-
'63 mathematical aiags
■^?S''?itf'^ 82:450-5
by meansofJlpower-system
of logic
New 1*274 ■?33-4°0*''6?'^
In°t computing boasts^'^"^-
center '°'' ^^ranklin
digital-anal og
duo- Minneapolis-Honeywell. Pottslown ..^senib
1- led switchgear designed
II Chem Eng 70:42-1- F 4 '63
Pa H. E-^STuo-I^tre
B. Wortnian and j1°^63''""^ ^'""''
others. II bydiags
New hybrid computer system, a product of

J? 41-?3"'jlTT
New process computer 3'' ^^^-^^control Chem & Eng
2400. systems Automat
m'sOO-ic ^Fevaluat
ion ^of P7S9-800;
•63''^'^'" power system
now e; effects of line and transformer
available, II Oil & Gas J 61:140-1 Mr 4 '63 outages A. H. El-Abiad and G. W St^l
Novel design technique for transistor digital
circuits. R W. Hockenberger. diags Elec-
tronics 35:42-6 Ag 24 "62 Britai n seeks
P712-16 f'''63^°'Integr
^'"' APP'^'-'^ t"^ &al Syste^i
ated nation electric
Open loop digital hydraulics positions com-
puter memory arm. M. E. Freeman and
in?2,™4 X^"'-t'?'
aids ' "• ^'"■'°^-
hydro-st eam i' ContrSl Eng
keu'Lat?cri°5^f2-5"N '^^^ Hydraulics &
Optimum pylon positioning
fe'iec^-A^o7irifi:fjl<|^M?l?''.^6r^ "--^^
bv comnutpr ^n'n^"w" 'W.'^^tP.'Pe prestrossing, M. V Miller
now diag 11 Engineering m%S N fs '62
Physics Independent study course with rnm- Computer;
?0O-4-^elas7'63 "'■ ""^
a design H World
tool ^'^^ 1B9:
Falk unrt
^ci^S-M^y -fz ^°'^ "'"''"'^ A,^ J Phys 31: Jl 'C?- ""^ ^'^"^ Eleitro-Tech 72:48-62
^^^'"?"'"t'' o ^'"" <"-'»»o'ved
tions- J- J. Gannon and T, oxygen
n. iJownscalcula- *^'?'fo'.',"'=,';a.' '''^''^'°P-'' de.<! World 169:
h h- tion system Planning. D for distribu-
66-74- Ja 28 '63
IbT-9 M?-Ap Is ^^"^""^ Works °nO:Ti4-18. Jr-.and H. O. Gangwer. Eilio "ilS " """e"^-
CALCULATING machines — Klectric engineer- What the user should know about reliability
ins applications — Continued of control computers; abstract. G. C. Hen-
Computer method determines energy require- drie and R. W. Sonnenfeldt. Control Eng
ments accurately. Westineliouse Ens 23:So 10:198-200 My '63
My '63
Computer program Gas engineering applications
mission planning. for
J. L. automatic
Whysongtrans- and Chromatograph and computer team up in
others, diags Power Apparatus & Systems monitoring helium pipeline. M. C. Callahan
P774-80; Discussion.
Computer re.ids design sketches: transforms 780-1 F '63 and J. P. O'Donnell. il diags Oil & Gas J
61:119-23 My 6 '63
engineer's ideas into analyzed diagrams, il Data processing in the power industries. J.
Iron Age 192:79-81
Coordinated engineering Ag 29 computer
'63 programs. H. NicoU. il map diag Engineering 194:818-
A. D. Tuttle and R. W. Page, flow diag 20 D 21
diags Elec World 158:46-84- Ag 6; &Z-&+ United Gas' '62 solidate district
as computers chaxt aredepartments
put to work. con-
0 29: 36-8-1- D 24 '62 Gas Age 130:13 F '63
Design of housing- estate distribution systenas
using a digital coinputer. R. L. Grimsdale Highway engineering applications
and P. H. Sinclare. flow diag il plans Inst
Computers grow as highway design tools;
E E Proc 107 pt A:295-305 Je '60; Discus- conference. Chicago. Eng N 170:24-5 Ap
sion. 107 pt A:3H-18: 109 pt A:541-2 Je '60,
D '62
Determination of the electrical characteristics Electronics
25 '63 in the highway and allied In-
of Hall plates. J. P. Newsome. bibliog dustries: research and development, ac-
complishments and potentials. P. F.
diags computer
Digital Inst E E calculation Proc 110:653-9 Ap '63 in
of transients
electric networks. A. J. McBlroy and R. M. NewRoyster.
computer Pub job; Worksletting 94:188-904-
day-flgure F '63 work.
Porter, diaes IEEE Trans Power Apparatus Roads & Sts 106:65 Je '63
& Systems pSS-96 Ap '63 Hydraulic engineering applications
Digital computer for economic power dis-
patch. J. W. Hoag. il diag I S A J 10:65-6 Analog computer as an aid to stream self-
Ja '63 machinery design by dig:ital com- puriflcation computations. J. B. Cohen and
Electric R. L. O'Connell. bibliog il diags WPCF J
puter, after nine years. C. G. Veinott. bib- 35:951-62 Agof '63system analyzers. M. B. Mc-
liog diag Elec and Eng electrostatic
82:275-80 Ap transmis-
'63 Applications
Electromagnetic pherson, bibliog il diags W^ater & Sewage
sion-line parameters by digital computer. Works
Computer 109:R53-67
solution of N storm30 '62 surges. H. R.
M. H. Hesse, bibliog diags IEEE Trans
Davis, flow chart Am Soc C E Proc 88
Power Apparatus
Engineering outside& plant Systems withp282-91 Je '63
R. W. Amory. flow diag il plans diags Bell [WW 3 no 3231]:117-23 Ag '62; Discussion.
D. L. Harris.
Electronic computers 89 [WWin 1watershed no 3442] :75-6 F '63
Lab Rec 41:258-66 Jl-Ag '63 L. L. Kelly. Am Soc C E Proc 89 [IR 3 no
General-purpose turbo-alternator model. G.
Shackshaft. bibliog diags Inst E E Proc 36281:37-43
110:703-13 Ap '63 Project yields S by'63 a probability method. W. D.
Layer-type transformer-winding cooling fac- Maughan and R. Y. Kawano. bibliog map
tors derived from analogue solution of the Am Soc C E Proc 89 [HY 3 no 35131:41-60
governing equations. P. H. G. Allen and My '63; Correction. 89 [HT 5 no 36561:171
D. J. Allan, bibliog diags Inst E E Proc S '63
110:523-34 Mr '63 Streamflow records by digital computer. E. J.
Mathematical treatment of the dynamic be- Kennedy, il Am Soc C E Proc 89 [IR 3 no
•63 haviour of a power-transformer winding
under axial short-circuit forces. G. B. 36251:29-36 S '63
Input-output equipment
"Watts, diags Inst E B Proc 110:551-60 Mr A-d converter test set charts quantizing
Meeting. Chicago. March 26-28: system plan- error. J. L. Bennett, diag Control Eng
ning and computers: abstracts of papers.
Power Eng 67:36-7 My '63 Air forceO display
10:103 '63 selects data from 1.890
On-line computer control for Arizona public channels. G. V. Novotny. i] diags Elec-
service. pylon
Optimum Westinghouse positioningEngby 22:126-8
computer,Jl flow '62 tronics 36:10-11
Analogue-to-digital conversion O 18 '63 in on-line
diag il Engineering 194:698 N 23 '62 data handling systems. W. E. Willison.
Polynomial-root solver and root-locus plotter.
E. M. Deeley. bibliog il diags Inst B E Application of functional analysis'63 to the
diags Ind Electronics 1:376-9 Ap
Proc 110:1882-6 O '63 by impedance optimal control problem. G. M Kranc and
Power flow solution matrix P. E. Sarachik. bibliog diag A S M E Trans
iterative method. H. E. Brown and others. ser D 85:143-50 Je '63
bibliog flow chart diags IEEE Trans Power Audio-frequency pattern recognition with
Apparatus & Systems p 1-7: Discussion. 7- optic fibers. R. D. Hawkins, il Electro-
10: Reply.for10 power
Programs Ad '63 system computing. E. L. Tech 71:12-13 Mr '63
Harder and C. J. Baldwin, il Westinghouse Auto and cross-correlator for digital infor-
mation. B. D. Bums and others, bibliog
Eng 23:82-6 My '63 diags Electronic '63 Eng 35:220-8 Ap R. '63 F.
Simplify overcurrent relay data for com- Automatic multichannel correlator.
puters. A. H. Knable. flow chart Elec World Brown, jr. il J Res Nat Bur Stand 67C:
159:20-14- My 27 '63 33-8 Ja '63
Small computer works 100 per cent of time. Automatic scanner loggers for small installa-
C. A. Muench jr. il Elec World 160:104-5 S tions. J. Jardine. il diags Brit Inst Radio
23 '63 Eng J 24:269-75; Discussion. 275-6 O '62
Speedy method of computing dielectric prop- Automatized X-ray line profile analysis H.
ertie-s. P. H. Gum and B. A. Schoomer. Keller and A. Segmiiller. bibliog diags R
jr. bibliog il Electronic Ind 22:90-2-1- S '63 Sci Instr 34:684-8
Binary-code conversion Je '63using NOR logic
Station automation depends on Its automated units. A. Russell, diags Electronic Eng 35:
control systems, il diag Power Eng 66:56-9
D '62 305-7 My '63
Binary-to-decimal conversion circuit. T.
Susquehanna River short-range hydrothermal Teitel. diags Electronic Eng 35:180-2 Mr
co-ordination. L. T. Anstine and R. J.
Ringlee. flow diag IEEE Trans Power
Apparatus & Systems p 185-91 Ap "63 Bubble chamber track-centering device with
Transformer circuits for digital studies. R. digitized output. E. Pickup and others, il
B. Shipley and others. Power Apparatus & diags R Sci Instr 33:1196-200 N '62
Systems p 1028-31 F '63 Buffer storage ■with sonic delav lines. M.
Use of computers in minimizing pulse Rosenbloom. il diags Control Eng 10:112-
transformer weight. L. Gilman and R. Lee. Computer
il diags Comm & Electronics p303-7; Dis- 14 Mr '63priority interrupt. M. E Williams.
cussion. 307-8 S '62 .1 diags Instnunents & Control Systems 36:
Failure 91-5 Ag '63
Computer reads hand-printed capital letters,
Computer reliability: what's that? G. C. diag Machine Design 35:14 Ap 11 '63
Hendrie and R. W. Sonnenfeldt. il diag Computer speaks German. Franklin Inst J
1 S A J 10:51-6 Ja '63 274:535 D '62
Network coding for reliability. J. Tooley. Computers and programmers in hybrid
bibliog diags Com & Electronics P407-14 checkout systems. D. L. Reed, il diags
Ja '63 Control Eng 10:79-82 Ap '63
CALCULATING machines— Input-output equip- Precise converter takes current analOK of
ment— Continued digital voltage pulses. N. Aron. II diags
Design and construction of a universal pro- Electronics
Print reader 36:68-71
recognizes Ax 10 "62
variety of font*.
grammlnK unit. H. Boer. 11 diags J Scl
Instr 40:121-4 Mr '63 G. L,. Shelton. jr. diags Electronics 35:58-1-
DlBltal data format converter. R. E. Baldwin.
11 dial? Instruments & Control Systems 36: Pulse and bar display trigger unit. J. B.
D 21 '62 bibliog diags Electronic
Potter, Eng 34:
82-3 Jetelemetering
Digital '03 reitister. Franklin Inst J Putting
832-4 D automatic
'62 data collection to work.
DlBital valve '62
274:418 N positioner acts directly , , from
.. N. H. Carter, diags Control Eng 10:131-6
computer signal. 11 diag Control Eng 10:lo3
Reliable circuit supplies high peak deflection
S '63
Diode lamp makes tape readers faster. „R. T^F. My '63
voltages. R. S. Hartz and R. C. Allen. II
Broom and C. Hilsum. diags Electronics 36:
44-5 My 17 '63 Scanner Electronics
diags automates 35:54-5 premium O 12plan.'62 11 Elec-
Direct current integrator with digital out- Scored mirror tronics 35:30 Npulses 2 '62 light beam for digital
put. R. C. Marshall, diags Brit Inst Radio readout. 11 diag Machine Design 35:156 Ja
Kng J 24:287-92 O '62
Effects of extra sinusoidal Inputs to non- Simple decimal to binary decoder using relays.
linear systems. R. Oldenburger and R. C. 17 '63Nairn,
Boyer. bibllog diags A S M E Trans ser D. diags Electronic Eng 35:232-5
D 84:559-69;
Experimental Discussion. takes
machine 569-70 optical
D '62 view Simple square-wave generator. R. O. Gregory
of multifont characters, diag Elec Eng 82: and
Ap '63J. C. Bowers, diags Electronics 35:
225-6 Mr generation
Function '63 with active nonlinear 47 D 21 '62; Same. Electronic Ind 21:120-1-
elements. N. D. Diamantides. diags Elec- Solid
D '62state totalizer. Franklin Inst J 275:365-6
tronic Ind 22:102-3 Ap '63 Some general features of digital data acqui-
employinggenerator for Y = AX>+nX'fCX+D.
the galvanomagnetic effects In Ap 'G3 sition systems. E. B. Stuttard. diags Brit
semiconductors. S. Kataoka and H. Inst Radio Eng J 24:263-7; Discussion. 275-
Yamada. diag Inst Radio Eng Proc 60:
2522-3 Dcam'62 programmer is easily changed. Sound in. photo out. il Product Eng 34:57-8
Graphic 6 O '62
C. L. Dozois and others, diags Control Eng Taking
O 28 '63 human error out of nuclear experi-
ments. R. Pecina and T. Evans. 11 diags
How10:131to Jlbuild'63 a versatile function generator. Electronics 36:46-8 Je 14anent '63 pattern rec-
L. C. Toops. il diags Control Eng 10:127-9 Theoretical considerations
ognition by means of random masks.
How My to '63 select shaft-position encoders. F. W.
M. J. diodes
Tunnel E. Golay. saveIEEE parts,Proc 51:629-30 readout
continuous Ap '63
Kear. II diags
Hvperplane Electronics
techniques 35:48-51recognition.
in pattern Ax 31 '62 of magnetic cores. W. G. Trabold. 11 diags
M. A. Fischler. IEEE Proc 51:497-8 Electronics 3G:3S-9 recording
S 9 '63 system. D. E.
and H. K. a-d Haill.
converter accuracy.
11 diags L. Mr
Electronics Jasper '63
25-input pulse-height
Groom and J. H. Marshall. II diags R Sci
3S4- S updates
Laclede K! '(5:! dispatching with analog TwoInstr ways
33:1249-55 to linkN '62 digital systems with
computing -I- digital logging. 11 map diag synchros. J. F. Dement: A. Wang, dlaga
Gas 38:68-72
Large displays; N military "62 market now, civilian Control waveform
Unusual Eng 10:68-72analyzer Ag '63 aids automatic
next. H. C. Hood, il diags Electronics 36: testing. R. W. Jones. 11 diags Electronics
24-6 at
Look Ja 25 coded '63 disks and encoders. C. F. Use36:56-9
of Ap an 12analog-to-digital
'63 converter In
Winder. 11 diags Electronic Ind 22:F2-7-f pulsed nuclea.r resonance. E. O. StelskaJ.
Je "63
Low-level high-speed data scanning systems bibliog diag R Sci
Using the latest semiconductor circuits in a Instr 34:971-5 S '63
for a hypersonic wind tunnel. R. D. Brooker uhf digital converter. H. R. Schindler. II
and R. B. Stephens, bibliog diags Brit Inst diags Electronics 36:37-40 Ag 30 '63
Radio Eng J 24:277-86; Discussion. 275-6 What's available for in-plant data collection.
O '62 of producing
Method multiple noncorrelated M. P. Southworth. il Control Eng 10:138-43
random signals from a single Cau.'^sian noise My; 101-3 Je '63
.source. P. I. Boulton and R. J. Kavanagh. Maintenance and repair
bibliog diags IEEE Trans Applications & Preventive maintenance of analog compo-
Ind ol6-52 Mrcomputer
Miniaturized '63 card-reader module. nents assures correct operation of com-
G. ■6B.
3 Soverns and R. R. Bernard, il Electro. puter center. G. E. Evans. Chem Eng 70:
Tech 70:1484- O circuit.
Multi-comparator '62 G. A. Kom. diags 103 Ap 29 '63 Manufacture
Instruments & Control Systems 36:141 Ja Design challenge; air condition desert plant
for computer manufacturing. S. F. Schure
tlsp digitM. Masel serv fand
eatu E. sJ.impl Smith. d-a and C. D. Williams, il Heating-Piping 35:
diags eedControl al Eng 10:151 Sres '63 e
99-103 Mr line '63 cuts Inventory. H. Craig. 11
Multlvarlant function generation on an analog Integrated
computer. A. W. I..angill. Jr. bibliog diags Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:108-9
NewElectro- Tech 71:52-6
competitor enters Jemagnetic'63 ledger field. Numerical
F 18 '63 control equipment factory; Fer-
Newil Electronics
digital 36::i0
conversionJa 18 '63method provides ranti ltd. il Engineer 215:780-1 Ap 26 '63
nanosecond resolution. A. A. Fleischer and Programming speeds wire wraps and routing.
E. Johnson, bibliog il diags Electronics 3G: il Electronics 3C:C2-3 S 13 '63
Thousands of ho'es located bv tape control.
New55-7 equipment
My 3 '63 for medium to large com- C. O. Herb. 11 Mach 69:108-10 Ag '63
Now puters. Controlcomputer
a talking Eng 10:99-104 answers F '63 Inventory Mechanical engineering applications
Inquiries. Ij. H. Lee and R. B. Mulvany. 11 Calculation of temperatures in a two-layer
diag Electronics 36:30-2 Ag 16 '63 slab. W. P. Reid and E. Thomas. AIAA J
OMNITAB. Franklin Inst J 275:345-8 Ap '63 1:2383-4 Oanalysis
Optical scanner mated to RCA 301 computer. Computer of piping systems. R. H.
II Elec World 159:121 Mr 11 '63 Owens, diags Air Cond Heat & Ven 60:34-6
•62 system reads printed data. J. B.
Mahony. II diags Automation 10:82-8 S '63 Computer
O '63 corrects gaging bias. J. D. Gllson.
Other Input-output devices for medium to diags Tool & Manuf Eng 50:61-5 Mr '63
lartce computers. 11 Control Eng 9:119-23 N Computer reads design sketches; transforms
engineer's Ideas Into analyzed
Iron Age 192:79-81 Ag 29 63 diagrams. 11
Outp devi f I c sys-
ut tems. J. cFe.s Rothor nIIdusdtiraig IndompuEtleec Tilting drives for vessels containing liquids
. asl r tro M. Preston, flow diag diags Engineer 215:
1:511-14 Jl '63 nics
Photo reader aids pattern recognition study. 984-90 My 31 '63
H. M. Maynard. diag Electronics S6:60-i- Ajt Medical applications
3 '62
Pqlyvac process. D. J. Webb. 11 diag Ind Computer enters twilight zone. II Elec Enit
EUeclronics 1:247-60 F '63 82:481-2 Jl '63
CALCULATING machines^Medical applica- Nuclear engineering applications
tions— Continued Analogue Investigation of the stability of a
Computer use in health and medical research; graphite power reactor. V. R. Sastry and
role for computers In heart disease control. J. W. Lynn, bibliog flow diag diags Inst
C. A. Caceres and S. Abraham, bibllog E E Proo 110:812-20 Ap '63; Discussion.
Computers Am in J occupational
Pub Health medicine,
53:582-93 bibliog;
Ap '63il 110:1705-6
Digital monitor S '63checks reactor-flow ratios;
diags Archives Environmental Health 7:295- Hallam nuclear power facility. H. Schleln.
319 S '63 pace progress in medical human-
Computers diag Nucleonics 21:70-1 Ja '63
etics. H. C. Hood, il diag Electronics 36: Petroleum engineering applications
Owl10-Uand O computer
11 '63 combination helps In study Amoco details reforming and alkylation com-
of pupillarr'
Perfusion loss system.
computer11 Elec for Enit
use 81:806 O "62
in cancer Analog puter uses. Chem in& Eng
computers the Nprocess
41:100 indtistry.
O 28 '63
treatment. D. O. Akhurst and F. W. Lewis. R. M. Green. Pet Management 35:
diags Instruments & Control Systems 36: 205-8 Ja a '63data acquisition; computing sys-
148-51 Jl '63 tem. R. G. Carleton and others, il diags
Meteorological applications I S A J 10:57-60
COMLOG; a comprehensive Jl '63 computer system
Computer for weather forecasting and re- for log interpretation. M. K. Horn and H. A.
search. Engineering 195:790rainfall.
Je 7 R. '63 T, H. Slack, bibliog flow charts J Pet Tech 14:
Special computer integrates 1109-14 O aids '62 CPM in refinery turnaround.
CoUis. il diags Electronics 36:70-1- My 24 '63
Military applications Chem
Computer & brinksEng N added 41:51-2 elBciency
Ag 19 '63to turn-
Air force revamps computer procurement. arounds.'63H. C. Bozeman. il diag Oil & Gas
Electronics 36:24 F 8 '63 J 61:76-8 control
Computer Ag 12 '63 in processing to rise
strategy. control,F. W. the navy's illink
Kittler. diagsto global
Naval sharply. C. J. Lawrence, ii Oil & Gas J
Eng J 75:31-7 F '63 tracker. J. W. Waslk. 61:52-3 Jacontrol
Computer 14 '63 in refining catches on. Oil
Computer runs missile
Electronicsin 36:12 & Gas J 61:60 Ap in8 '63refining grows fast.
Computers the Je 14 '63
front lines; micromodules Computer control
make it possible. A. S. Rettig. il diags G. L. Farrar.
Computer controlOilmakes & Gas solid
J 61:96-7
gains Jlin 1 proc-
Intelligence in the fleet.'63D. F. Seaman.
Electronics 36:77-81 Ja 4 essing. G. L. Farrar. il diags Oil & Gas J
Naval Eng 60:84-7 O control 22 '62 system adapts to any size
Military getsJ field 75:61-4computer,
F '63 il Electronic Computer
Ind 21:125-7 D '62 plant. 11 Oil & Gas FCC
Computer-controlled J 61:161
unit Jlsets29 perform,
New circuit board planned for Apollo, diag ance records. Oil & Gas J 61:85-6 Ja 21
Electronics 36:84 Je 21 '63
New techniques pay off for Polaris fire- Computer •62 controls 180-weII California field.
control system. J. F. Mason, il plan Elec- W. E. Stemen. il diags Oil & Gas J 60:
tronics 36:61-2-^ O 25 '63 168-72 N 19 '62; Same. Pet Management 34:
Miniaturization 94-1- N '62geology uncovers secrets of Okla-
Computer uses integrated, solid-state cir- homa's Endicott sand. J. A. Winter, maps
Computerscuits, in diag Space/Aeronautics 40:51 Jl '63
the front lines; micromodules diags Oil interprets
Computer & Gas J 61:96-9-t- Jl 22 '63
gas chromatographic
make it possible. A. S. Rettig. il diags data. H. W. Johnson, jr. 11 Chem & Eng N
Electronics 36:77-81
Microminiature Ja 4 '63
integrator, il Engineer 215: 41:54+ Mrprediction
Computer 25 '63 of water drive of oil
367 F 22 '63
Microminiature logic modules. S. Schlanger. and gas mixtures through Irregularly
bounded porous media; three-phase flow.
diags Electro-Tech R. V. HIggins and A. J. Lelghton. bibliog
Miniaturized computer70:199-200-1-
card-reader O '62module. flow diag J Pet Tech 14:Trans 1048-54 S
G. B. Sovems and R. R. Bernard, il Electro-
Tech 70:148-1- O '62 Computerization helps put American Oil on
top at 8 a.m.•62 J. V. Dahl and F. R. Dugger.
Mining engineering applications II Oil & Gas
Computer analysis of coal-mining problems. Computers chat J 61:122-3+
over first S relay
16 '63 system. 11
R, L. Frantz and others. Coal Age 68:116- Pet Management 34:224-5 S '62
'63 My '63
18-1- Computers earn bigger role in refining. OH
Computer analysis of gamma-ray logs. J. H. cS: Gas J 60:68
Computers: D 10 '62 is yet to be attained.
the ultimate
Scott, bibliog diags Geophysics 28:457-65 Je H. H. Ammerman and R. T. Smith, diags
Com in coa min R J. Fre and OH & Gas J 61:86-90 Ap 22 '63; Excerpts.
J.putR.e Lucas, ilJ diag ing Mm . Cong Jund48:52-6
Pet Management 35:248+
Digital data processing of oilfield My '63
D '62rs data. L. D. Stell and B. F. Holmes, diag
Digital computer may find new use in de- J Pet Tech 14:1191-4 N '62
termining mine ventilation networks. H. L. Discipline your project planning with arrow
Hartman and B. O. Trafton. bibliog flow diagraming, w. G. Kast and H. B. Calla-
han, map diags Oil & Gas J 60:88-93 O 1
diag diag Mln Eng 15:39-42 S '63
How St Joseph Lead processes engineering, Dril con gain acc to gia
geological data. B. Cimimings. Eng & ling
computer's tra brain. E. McGhee.ess II Oil nt&
Min J 164:96-101 Mr '63 Gas J 60:99-101 r s Dof 17 a '62 catalytic
Speeding up mining budget calculations. R. L. Dynamic model reformer.
Frantz and C. P. Johnson, diag Min Cong J W. G. Welter, diag Chem Eng Prog 69:
49:47-50 Jl '63 78-81 F '63
Systems analysis at Steep Rock Iron mines, Fingertip well-data system about ready to
ltd. W. S. Bannister, il Min Cong J 49:39- start up. Oil & Gas J 60:24-5 D 24 "62
42 My '63 How computers help find oil. J. M. Forgot-
Systems simulation: gaming model for mine son, Jr. map diags Oil & Gas J 61:100-9
management. C. B. Manula. diags Min
Mr refiners
How 18 '63 size up process control by com-
Cong J 49:48-53 Ap '63 puters. Q. L. Farrar. Oil & Gas J 61:90-4
Navigation applications
Automatic helmsman for all sizes of ship. HowAp 29 they control superfractlonatlon. L B
il diags Engineering 194:798 D 21 '62 Phillips. '63 11 diag Hydrocarbon Process &
Determining optimum ship routes. F. D. Pet Refiner 42:159-60 Je '63
Faulkner, bibllog Op Res 10:799-807 N '62 How
crude to forbe your
sure needs.
you're D. buying the rightII
H. Stormont
Ship control integrated In one unit; by Sperry
Piedmont co. il Marine Eng/Log 68:50-3 on & Gas J 61:108-14 Ap 15 '63
Hybrid computer solves more problems. 11
Ap '63 Noise Oil & Gas J 60:60 D 10 '62
How to handle computer input noise. L. E. Is there an Information crisis? L. R. Dukea.
Stewart, diags Power 107:77-9 O '63 Pet Management 34:219 N '62
Rejecting common mode noise In process data More mobile computers may be rolling soon.
systems. J. Jursik. diags Control Eng 10:61- C J. Lawrence, il diag Oil & Gas J 61:
6 Ag '63 132-}- Mr 4 '63
CALCULATING machines — Petroleum engineer- Computer program for obtaining Irreduclblei
ins computer
applicationscontinuously — Continued calculates heat representations for two-level multiple input-
New output logical systems. K. W. House and
transfer, T. Kado. bibliog Assn for Computing
Now; map diae maklne Oil made& Gasaccurate,
J 61:75 Mr 11 '63
objective. Mach J 10:48-77 Ja '63; Correction. 10:256
H. A. Slack and others, biblloe flow diaK II
maps Oil & Gas J 61:158-60+ Ac 6 '63 Computer program library doing rush busi-
Ap '63
Nowoil. they're
C. R. u.sinK Davis. computers
Oil & Gasto Jhelp find
61:222-6 Computerness. 11 Elec
prograninung World 168:78 N 19to '62data re-
duction. J. W. Joachim. Space/Aeronautics
O 14 '63
Pipestill products verify these computer es-
timate.?. R. Cecchettl and others, diaes Hy- Computer
38:167 D tells '62 best way to turn part from
drocarbon Process & Pet Refiner 42:159-64 bar stock; abstract. W. A. Genet. S A B J
s 'fia
Production model In a petroletmi industry 71:88 Fand'63 construction of a universal pro-
management eame. W. Vlavant. J Pet Tech gramming unit. H. Boer. 11 diags J Scl
14:939-41 taking
Refiners S '62 a second look at computers: Instr 40:121-4
Detection of generative Mr '63 ambiguities in con-
panel discussion. Oil & Gas J 61:114 Ap 29 text-free mechanical languages. S. Gom.
63 bibliog Assn for Computing Mach J 10:
Should we computerize complex refineries? 196-208 computer
Ap '63
R. A. Mugele. diags Pet Management 35:208- Digital may find new use in
10 Mr '63 termining mine ventilation networks. H. de- L
Simple binary divider for digital blending. Hartman and B. O. Trafton. bibliog flow
G. Plumb, il diag Control Eng 10:133 Jl '63 diag Mmcomputer
Digital Eng 15:39-42 programS '63
Small digital computer does a hip job for for the general
American Oil refinery. R. L. Nittler and axially symmetric thin-shell problem W
K. Sepetoski and others, diags ASMS
Train K. Brown.
your operators Oil & Gasby J computer.
61:152+ My L.. 6 '63 G. Trans computer
Digital ser E 29:655-61 programme D '62
Whitesell and others, bibliog II dlag Hy- s for steam cycle
■62 drocarbon Process & Pet Refiner 42:192-4
Mech Eng ^t,
a/IS.'^^'^' Proc 176 no 5:115-23
■'■ Ty/'""' bibliog '62;
TwoJl '63forces trigger processing advances.
K. W. Brooks. Oil & Gas J 60:146+ D 31 Inst Mech
h%)''^T^^'i,^ Eng
J Proc
Jiconomic system operation considering valve 176 no 5:124-6
'62: '62
Two prod l a Oil & Gas J throttling losses; distribution of system
ucts28 '63ines utomat loads by method of dynamic programming
Ja for Improveded. profits. W. M. R. J. Ringlee and D. D. Williams, bibliog
Koch. II Pet Management 34:90-3 N '62
What's ahead in digital control? G. F. Adams.
il Oil & Gas J 61:91-3+ My 27 '63
Power supply cSZfL.^'izT-rr'et ^^^"^"^ "'''■''■■ ^-■
Choosing a power supply. D. R. Hoch. dlags
I"- coding it's the ^0 structu re that counts.
computers. W.
Electro-Tech 70:83-6 N '62 Frlnk.g^Tl%11
installation Control
and Eng Program
operating 9:100-1 O '62
Print-out equipment experience with
computer and programmed mill controls.
Autoplot computer-plotter. J. T. Lalng. 11
dlags Westinghouse Eng 23:109-11 Jl '63 ¥■ &J?'=^^''''°"<,?'??,*I', A. Davis, plan Iron
Data printing-. 11 dlags Product Eng 34:47-8 SIna '63
DataJe 24stored'63 on portable disks to up output: ZZ:lb+ Ap 40:174-80;
63 Discussion. lSO-1
illustrations with text. Product Eng 33:60-2 ^I^H oP>'"?f'?"J'"'n.S
Numerica l-control program concept,
ming il
small-scale computer develops programs tumble;
N 26 '62
Development study of the print mechanism ii
on the IBM 1403 chain printer. B. J. operations which preserve definabilit y . In
Greenblott. il dlags Com & Electronics languages.
Iron Age S.
190:110 -11 N
Ginsburg 8 '62
and "si<iiua
G. F. Rose.
P5O0-8; Discussion.
Digital recorder hammers 508-9 Ja '63
out printed lines. ^|bliOK Assn for Computing Mach J 10:175-
11 dlags Optimuni fuel a,llocation in power
Five lines Product
per second. Eng 1134:92-3
ProductMr Eng 18 '6334:59
Sp, A. Hovanessian and T. M. Stout, bibliog
O 28 '63
Versatile printer for use with digital Instru-
ments, w. D. Gilmour. diags Electronic Orbit determina tion andApparat
predictio Systems
us n, & and com-
Eng 35:664-9 O '63 p3M?35 j| '63
Programming EIkmJ;,,'''?'^'"'^"'?.' -*■' i Glaus and others.
Assembled swltchgear designed bv computer 42:l'357-82°pt w[^-63'" ^^^'^'" '^^='^ '
H. B. Wormian and others. II dlags Power
Apparatus & Systems p789-800: Discussion. Problems In programming control computers.
793. 800-1
Block F '63
|)rogrammed punched tapes for auto-
matic checkout. W. Metcalf and C. Toene- F'63' °°''^' diags Automation 10:78-82
boehn. 11 diags Control Eng 10:65-8 O '63 Program for double-dummy bridge prob-
CAMP II numerical control programming sys-
tem. D. C. Cummlng and C M. Knarr pla.ving E. R. Berlekamp. bibliog Assngamefor
dlags Westinghouse Eng 23:70-5 My '63 for nTn"vi'n^"'^p n''V.^'^,^, f"""
Computing Mach J 10:367-64 Jl '63 mechanical
Centralized control means big savings
Maxwell air force base. C. H. Bergmann P''°j^amniers^j)rograramed.
jr. 11 map Power Eng 67:48-50 Jl ^63 Programming advance almsProduct Eng 34:
at do-lt-your-
Computabllity of recursive functions. J. C
Shepherdson and H. E. Sturgis. bibliog
dlag Assn for Computing Mach J 10:217-65 74-6 o'"lo"^6'3 ''°'''"^' <^''^«'3 Ene N 171:
Ap '63 lations. J J.T'^'r»n'^'^'°'^^
^'^H'iA^i'^?^ Gannon and T°«'?e"
D Downs
Computational approach to grammatical cod-
ing of English words. S. Klein and R F
Simmons, bibliog Assn for Computing llacli Programming techniqu es for Works
on-line 110Tll4-ll;
J 10:334-47 Jl '63 157-9"1nr-A
process p^'^63* ^"'''''^^
ing. D. St John.son. flow diags U
Computer digests shop terms to work out
control tapes. 11 dlags Iron Age 191:86-8 Relating real- tlnie
Ind Electron programsJe to'63
ics 1:466-8 systems""»«»
Je 6 '63
Computer parallel processing is cheaper. En- ^i-r^sorting
gineering 196:246 Ag 23 '63 Shnple 2 ■ °''"'""'
algorit'"'^"°^ ^ '^ -A^ 3^8
hm. T. N. Hibbard
Computer program exchange: summary of In- Assn for CompuUng Mach J 10:142-50Ap
dustry survey. D. S. Hoag. Tappl 46:354-8
Jo 63
Computer program for a solvable case of the
decision problem. J. Friedman, bibliog dlag "'|^';?,'^L%°^,vr•l■:fi'I'^k^^^13'•^2fo«?,^1^„-°&-
Assn for Computing Mach J 10:348-56 Jl '63
Computer program for automatic tran.snils- Solution of the solidification * problem
Pe';fi^"36!'l'5T7+'"li'^^6?''""' of a
alon planning J. L,. and others. pne-dlmenslonal medium by a new numer
dlags Power Apparatus & Systems P774-80; leal method. J. Schnlewlnd bibliog dl^;
Dlacuaslon. 780-1 F 63 Iron & Steel Inst J 2Ol:594-60l Jl '63
CALCULATING machines — Programming — Analog computer simulation of heart ac-
Some recursively unsolvable problems tion. J. McDeod and J. G. Defares. diags
ALGOL-like languages. S. Ginsburs and G. F. Com &computerElectronics p419-26 of Jaship'63 propul-
Rose, bibliog Assn for Computing Mach J Analog simulation
10:29-47 Ja '63 sion systems. W. A. Wyeth. diags Eng J
Robinson. pi'oving bibliogon Assnthe computer.for J. A.
Computing 46:27-9 computers
Analog F '63 provide electrical model.
•63 E. W. James, il diags Chem Eng 70:101-3
Mach J 10:163-71 Ap '63
Use of digital computers in process control.
M. A. Davis, bibliog Elec ling 82:610-12 O Analog
Ap 29 methods'63 W. F. Wagner. aid simulation of reaction
kinetics. U diags Chera Eng
Use of ope r i a dat 70:104-8simulation
Ap 29 '63 in the study of tunnel
ing rati R.eseaLr,.c Smint anad-pr B. L. Analog
o p e o n
ratdiag h h S oc'63
ess A. diode oscillators. R. D. Shults. diags In-
Schwartz, programmer
Versatile ion.s Op Resfor ll:SlS-22 data logging. - struments & Control Systems 36:139-!- Mr
Russell, il diags Electronic Ens 35:78-82 Analog simulation of batch distillation. W.
F '63 H. Bowman and J. B. Clark, diags Chera
Radio engineering applications '63
Application of inverse convolution techniques Eng Prog optimizing
Automatic 59:54-8 My '63of a poorly defined
to improve signal response of recorded geo- process. H. Chestnut and others, bibliog
f)hysical data. C. F. George £ind others, bib- flow diags diags IEEE Trans Applications
iog Inst Radio
Computer; design Engassistant Proc 50:2313-19 N '62
extraordinary. & Ind P32-41
Business simulator, Mr '63 a management game.
T. •63Maguire. il diag Electronics 36:16-17 My R. H. Davis, diags Westinghouse Eng 22;
17 '63
Computer methods for analyzmg test data. 155-60 N '62
Computer-calculated environments. J. S.
G ■63Diaz, bibliog Electro-Tech 71:152-5 My Arnold, il diags Machine Design 35:126-30
Quality specs checked by computer system. Computer
Ap 25 '63 simulates vehicle suspension sys-
E. F. Thibeault. il Electronics 36:101 F 8 tems. F. Pradko. diags S A E J 71:44-6
•63 Readout systems Computers;
Ap '63 the double role; control and
AJphaniuneric readout tube with latching analysis. J. W. Miller and D. I. Scheraga.
memory, il diag Electro-Tech 72:119-20 O il diag Mod Materials Handhng 18:44-7 S
Computer fixed store using light pulses for Current distribution in a Hall plate. D. Midg-
read-out. G. R. Hoffman and D. C. ley. bibliog flow diag diags Ind Electronics
Jeffreys, bibliog il diags Radio & Elec- 1:383-7 ofAp a '63chemical reactor by dynamic
tronic Eng 25:99-106 Ftower '63 simulation. W. J. Dassau and G. H.
1400-ft meteorological with automatic Wolfang. bibliog il diag Chera Eng Prog
data readout. J. R. Gerhardt and others,
bibliog il diag Inst Radio Eng Proc 50:2263- 59:43-8of Apa reactor
Design '63 kinetics simulator. R. J.
71 N ^62
French And seven lucky number. A. Erikson. Churchill and J. C. Cluley. bibliog diags
il Electronics Electronic Tech 39;292-7 Ag '62
General purpose36:28 Ag 2 for
display '63 flight simulator Digital computer analysis of closed-loop sys-
tems using the number series approach.
use. N. T. Slater, il diags Electronic Eng R. K. Adams, bibliog flow charts diags
copy Dcomputer '62 Applications & Ind p370-8
Hard- records. Franklin Inst sion. C. A. Halijak. IEEE Ja Trans'62; Applica-
J 275:529-30
Kerr-effect readout Je '63 uses gas laser, il Elec-
tions & Ind p238-40
Electrohydraulic Jl '63
positioner simulation. R.
tronics 36:48-1- Ad 5 '62
Latest antisubmarine aid; magnetic contour P. Auyang and G. N. Tsilibes. diags
display system. W. W. Anderson, il diags Instruments & Control Systems 36:145-1-
Electronics 36:58-61
Magneto-optical readoutAg from 9 '63 a magnetized Electronic computer program permits opti-
My '63 mized spotting of electric transmission
nonspecular oxide surface. E. J. Super- towers. R. E. Popp and others, diags IEEE
nowicz. bibliog diag J Ap Phys 34:1110-11 Trans Power Apparatus & Systeins p360-4;
Pt 2 spectrum
Ap '63 Discussion. 364-5
Mass digitizer gives high-speed
data readout. Chera & Eng N 41:59-60 Jl Error analysis of Jea '63
Doppler-inertial navi-
gation system by analog simulation. K. A.
15 '63 I'egley and •63 C. N. "Weygandt. diags IEEE
New approach to electroluminescent displays. Transto model
Com & a Electronics
P. F. Evans and others, il Electronics 35: How process flredp heater.
123-30 MyW. '63 J.
68-1- S 14 '62 Ryan, diags Control
How to simulate large chemical processes. Eng 10:85-90 Je '63
Nonlinear resistors enhance display-panel
contrast. H. G. Blank and others. 11 diags W. F. HiUyard. il diags Chem Eng 70:118-
Electronics 35:33-6 Ag 3 '62 Hybrid
22 Ap simulation
29 '63 of a missile. R. Gelman.
One-brush encoder. L. Robbins. il diags Instruments & Control Systems 35:134 O
Instruments & Control Systems 36:103-5 F
Mathematics as an educational discipline
Printed-circuit readouts feature modular de- for the engineer. P. L. Taylor, diags Inst
sign, il Electronics 36:63 O 11 ^63 E E Proc controllers110:775-84 Ap '63
Solid-state display device. S. Yando. bibliog Predictive applied to lunar land-
il diags Inst Radio Eng Proc 50:2445-51 ing. L. C. Fargel and E. A. Ulbrich.
D '62 Instruments & Control Systems 36:130-1 F
Study of permeability ratios for use in non- Simulating Sizewell reactor transients with
destructive readout of ferrite memory de-
vices. C. S. Holzinger. J Ap Phys 34:1123-4 an analog computer. S. M. Davies. Nucle-
Pt 2 Ap ^63 onics 21:88-93 My '63
Technique for synchronizing oscilloscope dis- Simulating true dry friction on the analog
Slays. N. S. Nahnian and R. L. Wigington. computer; data file. H. Wane and C. N.
lags IEEE Proc 51:1371 O '63 Shen. diags Control Eng 9:91-2 O '62
3-D display system. A. A. Goldberg, diags Simulation finds the one best conveyor lay-
Inst Radio Eng Proc 50:2521 D '62 out. O. R. Hurley, flow diag diags Mod
Scientific applications Materials Handling 18:47-9 O '63
Simulation in the communications industry,
For life sciences; do-it-yourself computer. il diags Instruments & Control Systems
T.63 Maguire. U Electronics 36:28-1- Jl 26 35:123-1- N of '62bearing whirl on an electronic-
Free radicals detected at room temperature. analog computer. U. D. Jennings and F.
L. H. Piette. diag Chem & Eng N 41:36-7 W. Ocvirk. bibliog diags A S M E Trans
Jl 2^ 'Q3 ser D 84:503-8; Discussion. 508-10 D •62
Special-purpose computer for the analysis Simulation of liquid-vapor hiunidiflcation.
of measurements of mtUtiple scattering In G. T. Fisher, diags Instruments & Contiol
photographic emulsion. R. H. W. Johnston, Systems 36:133-t- Ja '63
63 diags Electronic Eng 35:375-81 Je Simulation of plug-flow systems. S. J. Ball,
Simulation programs bibliog diags Instruments & Control Sys-
Analog analysis using stochastic processes. tems 36:133-1- F '63
Simulator checks autopilot. W. Rush, il diag
?,c-?4 X^'J„^^"^«°- ^^B3 Electro-Tech 70: Instruments & Control Systems 36:143-F
Ap 63
— CoHtmned machines — Simulation programs Mathematics workshop (cont). J. M.
Marchello. diag Pet Management 34:203-4
Simulator sits in for humans in life support o; 239-40 N; 211-12 D '62; 35:215-16 Ja;
tests. B, A. Johnson and others, il dias 219-20 V; 197-8 Ap; 237-8 Je 169-70 Jl;
Some tralUcEngcharacteristics
10:1L'5 Ja '(i3 of communications 193-4 Ag:
Matrix division.215-16 G. O '63
Kostro. Am Soc C E
networlis with automatic alternate routing. Proc 89
J. H. Weber, diags Comni &. Klectronics sion. J. lEM
T. Oden.3 no 35381:9-20
89 [EM 5 Jeno '63; Discus-
P247-56 generator
Steam S '62 simulation by real-time O '63
Semi-decision procedure for the functional
analog computer. J. VV. Chang, il diag calculus. J.'63 Friedman, bibliog Assn for
Stepper Kng
motor 67:62-3 O
simulation. '63 H. K. Seaman. Computing Mach J 10:1-24 Ja '63
Hee also
diags Instruments & Control Systems 36:
162 Ag simulation
Systems '63 facility features hybrid Study and teaching
techniques, il Instruments & Control Sys- Yes. what is happening to calculus? R.
Use of temslinearized
36:112-13 Ja nonlinear
'63 regression for Weinstock.of variations
CALCULUS Am J Phys 31:108-12 F '63
sinmlations involving Monte Carlo. J. E. Dual vai-iatioiial statements viewed from
WaLsh. simulation
bibliog Op council
Res ll:22S-35 Mr hy- '63 function space. R. D. Sani. A I Ch B J
Western meeting on
brid simulation. Sunnyvale. Calif. Nov. S: 9:277-9 Mr '63
Method of Courant for minimizing function-
abstracts of papers. Instruments & Control als. T. Butler and A. V. Martin. J Math
What 36:139-)- ofMy contact
to expect '63 control forms. & Phys 41:291-9
Variational launch D window
'62 study. W. B.
D. M. Willis, diags Control Eng 10:81-3 Miner and R. Silber. AlAA J 1:1125-9 My
F '63
Structural engineering applications CALENDARS
Computer estimates costs, saves time, Creative printers compete in designing
money. M. L. Beutel. il Eng N 170:26-30 F Tileston & Hollirigsworth calendar, il In-
2!> '63
Conference on electronic computation, 3d, Focusedlandorganization
Ptr/Am Ldthogr expedites 160:66 Mr work;'63 Day-
Boulder, Colo. June 19-21; text of papers. Timer. W. Li. Wise, il Res/Develop 14:35-7
Am Soc C
Integrated structural E Proc 89 steel (ST 4]:1-G79 Ag '63
design program. F '63
A. H. Palmer and others, bibliog diags Am Calender crown compensation by precision
Soc C E Proc S9 [PO 1 no 3649J:67-S2 S '63 control. H. E. Kuehn. bibliog il diags
Role of the computer in engineering practice.
M. P. Levy and others, il diag Arch Rec Tappi 46:sup of193A-7A
Compounding low densityJe '63 vinyl foams;
Run 134:158-61 Ag '63 baclcwards. T. R. Kuesel. calendered and post-expanded PVC foam on
diag N 171:67-84- O 10 '63
fabric. L. 1. Nass. bibliog il Mod Plastics
Short-cut method to concrete support analysis 40:151-24-
Control of tire Mr fabric'63 calendering. G. R. Ger-
by computer. E. Czerniak. il diags Hydro-
carbon Process & Pet Refiner 42:117-22 Ag hard, diags
Hjw to adjust calender Rubber Age 92:89-92
widths. O J.'62Bell.
Simplified formulation of stiffness matrices. Rubber
Intensiflers Age 93:579
simplify Jl '63
calender roll loading.
P. M. Wright, diags Am Soc C B Proc 89 D. Rubenis. il diags Hydraulics & Pneu-
Space1ST 2frameno 34781:33-48
analysis Ap '63
by matrices and com- matics 16:91-3 O '63
puter. K. Eisemann and others. Am Soc CALIBRATION
E Proc 88bibliog 1ST 689no 1STS.'iesi3 :245-77 D '62; Absolute calibration of a class of torque-
no 35601:211- operated microwave wattmeters incorporat-
16 Je; [ST 5 no 3688] :299-300 O '63 ing resistive elements. A. L. CuUen. bib-
Stability of space frames by computer liog diags Inst E Eof Proc 110:660-4 Ap '63
analysis. J. D. Renton. bibliog il diags Absolute calibration gas chromatographic
Am Soc C E Proc 88 [ST 4 no 32371:81-1(13 apparatus from ion-chamber measurements.
Ak '62; Discussion. D. L. Dean. 89 [ST 2 D. C. Nelson and D. L. Paull. bibliog diags
??oo^,502]:235-8 Anal Chem
Absolute calibration 35:1571-5of the O '63National bureau
36881:263-4 O '63Ap '63; Reply. 89 [ST 5 no of standards thermal neutron flux. B. J.
Ultimate load of H-columns under biaxial Axton. bibliog J Res Nat Bur Stand 67A:
bendinp. C. Birnstiel and J. Michalo.s bib-
liog diags Am Soc C E Proc 89 1ST 2 215-17 My calibration.
no 35031:161-97 Ap '63: Discussion. 89 [ST A.c. meter J. F. Sutton, diags
:> no 36881:363-6 O '63 Wireless and World 69:395-6 Ag measures
Vibrations of steel-lined concrete chimneys. Ammeter current source d-c to
one picoampere. il diag Electronics 36:67
89 ,&^^"'"''''^^
JY- [ST 5 no 36611:35-63 "- ('iaes Am O '63Soc C E Proc
Study and teaching 5 20 '63 pipe prover; an improved method
for calibrating meters in LACT units. R.
Comi>uter courses help shipbuilders, il En- H. Pfrehm. il diag J Pet Tech 14:1087-90
STlneermg 195:750 My 31 '63
Ford foundation study; computer training for O '62
Calibrating scale gratings electronically. 11
o9:42-3 Ag 63undergrads. Chem Enjr Prog diag Ind Electronics 1:7 O '62
Hybrid computer teaching aid. G. A. Korn Calibrating vacuum gauges to 10-» torr. J. R.
bibliOK il diags Instruments & Control Roehrig and J. C. Simons, jr. bibliog il
Ag '6
36:97-8 teacher; 3 v-uin.oi diag Instruments & Control Systenxs 36:
Systems turns
Industry teaching engineers 107-11 Ao laboratory
about computers. J. P. Laird. 11 Chem Eng Calibration on wheels. R. Saul.
70:1404- lMy aid
Instructiona 27 '6 3 computer
for (digital
v.- i ■ i^-iK 11 diags Electronic Ind 22:184-9 F '63
logic. Calibration of a.c. voltage at the National
G. J. Lingwood and R. H. Grigg. bibliog bureau of standards. II diags Engineer 216:
il diags Radio & Electronic Eng 25:335-52
An '63 248-50 As 9 of
Calibration '63 calorimeter heat-transfer
1 o^f^n r^•,<.P-
l;2u9-9 63 Cowley, il Ind Electronics
gages. T. Sprinks. AIAA J 1:464 F '63
Traffic control applications Calibration of the electron energy scale for
ionization potential measurements. R. K.
Computer unsnarls traffic in tunnel. L Edie Asundi and M, V. Kurepa. bibliog J Sci
and others, diags Electronics 35:18-19 N 16 Instr 40:183-6 Ap '63
Tratnc control by computer CalorimetrIc calibration of an Ionization cham- street ber for determination of X-rav total beam
Iralllc il diags Pub Works 94:95-7 Ajr '63 energy. J. S. Pruitl and S. H. Donion. bib-
and assignment
tronic computer. R. A. Ma-sh and by V elec-R
Hog il diags J Res Nat Bur Stand 66A:
CALCULUS diags Engineer 214:1059-61 D 21 '62
Miller, 371-80 Syour
Checked '62 gage blocks lately? H. East-
Differential calculus In nonlinear man. II Am Maclt/Metalworking Manuf 107:
program- 56-8 Mr 4 '03
ming^ D. J. Wilde, bibliog Op Rea 10:?64-73 Closed-coupler reciprocity calibration of probe
Fundanionlal Importance of the Hravlslde niicroplioiK-s. E. A.splnall. bibliog diags
operational calcu us. W. P Wll.son and Radio & Electronic Eng 25:33-7 Ja '63
Dvm calibration. D. L. Lusk. 11 Instruments
"■■" '"'' Itadlo EnTj 2":
6 Control Systems 36:105-6 Jl '63
CALIBRATION — Continued Hydroelectric plants
Direct meltine-point calibration of a hiph- Iron mines and mining
temperature X-ray camera. J. D. Williin- liTigation
son and L. D. Calvert bibliog diag R Sci
Petroleum and mineral resources
Instr 34:545-50
Empirical My '63
determination of thermocouple
characteristics. R. P. Benedict and H. F. Petroleum industry and trade
Ashby. bibiiog A S M E Trans ser A 85: Petroleum laws and regulations
Public worka products pipe lines
Extremely Ja '63stable eaee blocks for precision Roads
measurement: abstract. C. O. Smith. Metal Water supply
Pros 83:1504-
E^irnace Je '63
for thermocouple calibrations to Waterways
2,2U0°C. D. B. Thomas, bibiiog diags J Res CALIFORNIA university
Nat load Bur Stand 66C:255-60 Inorganic materials research division at
High calibration; N.P.L..Jl '62 install Avery Berkeley. J. A. Pask. Am Cer Soc Bui 42:
600 tonf pressure balance, il Metailurgia 68:
45-6 load Jl '63pressure balance at the NPL. New 146 frontier
Mr '63 of higher education. D. Canty,
High 11 il plans Arch Forum 118:96-103 Mr '63
' 6 195:661 My 10 '63 CALKING compositions
How 3you can analyze costs of calibration- New sealant forms tight joints. 11 Materials
maintenance program. V. B. Diehl. I S A J
9:51-4 calibration,
D '62 m Design
CALLITROPSIS Eng 67:106 Ap '63
Length bibiiog I S A J 10:75 Ap
v-Eudesmol from callitropsis araucarioides.
Met for cal a sta volt box. R. B. Bates and E. K. Hendrickson. Chera
B.hodLi. Dunfee. ibil ratdiags J ResndaNat rd Bur Stand & Ind p 1769-60 O 6 '62
67C:1-13for Jacalibration '63 i ng of laser energy output. CALORIMETERS and calorimetry
Method Application of difterential thermal calo-
A. L. Glick. 11 diag Inst Radio Eng Proc rimetry to measurements of stored- energy
50:1835 standards As '62 release in metals. J. L,. White and K.
Mobile laboratory. R. Friedman. Koyama. bibiiog diags R Sci Instr 34:1104-
il Instrimients & Control Systems 36:99-102
Je '63 Calibration
II) O '63 of calorimeter heat-transfer
NBS length calibrations. Res/DeveloD 14:15 gages. T. uses Sprinks. AIAA J scan
1:464 approach.
F '63
As "63 Calorimeter differential
NBS length calibrations. Wire & Wire Prod 11 Chem & Eng N 41:67 F of11 '63
38:681-1- Calorimetric calibration an ionization
Navy slatesMy calibrateability
'63 requirements for chamber for determination of X-ray total
?round support test equipment. S A E J beam energy. J. s. Pruitt and S. R.
1:100-2 F '63 Domen. bibiiog 11 diags J Res Nat Bur
New calibration techniques in power tool
manufacturing, il Ind Quality Control 19: Stand 66A:371-80
Calorimetric S '62
determination of half-cell en-
New 38-9 precision
N '62 measurement center; Federal tropy changes. J. M. Sherley. diags Elec-
products corp. il Automotive Ind 127:99- trochem
Determination Soc J of 110:213-21 chemical Mr kinetics
calorimetry. W. C. Cohen and J. L. Spencer, by
100 D 15
Picked '62
particles preferred. D. R. Walker,
il Chem
Differential scanning Eng Prog 58:40-1
calorimetry.D '62 Engineer-
diags load
Press S A calibration
B J 71:82-4 O '63 performance
of progressive dies. L. W. Collins, jr. 11 ing 196:254 Ag 23 '63
Heat capacity of iron at 800° to 1420°C W.
Mach 69:94-7
Realistic evaluationAn '63 of the precision and A. Dench and O. Kubaschewskl. bibiiog Iron
accuracy of instrument & Steel Inst J 201:140-2 F '63
tems. C. Eisenhart. J Res calibration
Nat Bur Stand sys- H^t exchange
E. D. West, bibiiog diag J Res Nat Bur
in adiabatic calorimeters.
67C:161-87 calibration bibliog((p saves 185-7) money.
Ap '63 W. E. 63
Stand 67A:331-41 Jl '63
Selective High detectivity microcalorimeters. I. Cha-
Bless. I S A J 10:68
Semi-automatic Ja '63 for linear acceler-
calibration yet. bibiiog il diags J Sci Instr 40:391-8 Ag
ometers. R. D. Bronson. 11 Space/ Aeronau- Influence of calorimeter heat transfer gages
'63 tics 39:115-16 Ap '63 on aerodynamic heating. T. Sprinks. AIAA
Some investigations relating to the calibra-
tion of prone microphones. A. N. Rapsey. J 1:497-8 differential
Isochronal F '63 microcalorimeter R A.
diags Radio & Electronic Eng 25:38-40 Ja
Arndt and F. E. Fujita. bibiiog diags R'Sci
Standardising machine of 500 tons force Instr 34:868-72
Liquid-gas film calorimeter Ag '63 for defonnation
capacity, il Engineer 215:862 My 10 '63 of metals. R. O. Williams, bibiiog diag R
Standards for calibrating photographic ex- Sci Instr 34:639-43 Je '63
posure meters. P. Lathrop. 11 Ind Phot 12:8 Low- temperature calorimeter for measuring
enthalpy changes in gas mixtures under
Ap '63 pressure. A. C. Jenkins and O. E. Ber-
Sweep generator calibration by saturable waldt bibiiog diags Ind & Eng Chem Proc
reactor. H. H. Harris, jr. diag Electro-
Tech 71:122-1- Je '63 Design 2:193-6 Jl '63
Thermal and electrical properties of thin- Measuring laser output with rat's nest cal-
orimeter. R. M. Baker, il diag Electronics
fllm resistance gages used for heat trans- 36:36-8 F 1 '63 provides a unique method of
fer measurement. L.. Bogdan. bibiiog AIAA New instrument
J 1:2172-3 S '63 chemical analysis; Perkin-Elmer DSC-1
250.000-pound calibration facility. A. C. Ruge. analyzer, il Plastics World 21:12-13 Je '63
il Instruments & Control Systems 36:91-2 Optical calorimeter for laser energy meas-
F '63 urements. J. A. Calviello. IEEE Proc 51:
Vacutmi gauge calibration to 5 x 10' torr. 611-12
Sensitivity Ap '63
analysis for the calorimetric
V. E. Hoffman. 11 diag Res/Develop 14: probe J. Grey, diags R Sci Instr 34:857-9
62-5 Ap '63
Wavelength calibrations in the far infrared Simple
Ag '63 calorimeter to measure energy ab-
(30 to 1000 microns). K. Narahari Rao and sorption from high radiation fields in
others, bibiiog J Res Nat Bur Stand 67A: nuclear reactors. J. S. Heath, diag J Sci
351-8 Jl 63 Instr 40:261-2 My '63
When to change calibration intei-vals. J. R. Simple ice calorimeter. R. E. Vailed, bibiiog
Van de Houten. I S A J 10:75-6 Jl '63
CALIFORNIA Zmc.diagsoxide R Scias Instr 33:856-8 substance
a standard Ag '62 in the
See also solution calorimetry of Portland cement.
. Gas. Natural Mountains — California, Supply to E. S. Newman, bibiiog J Res Nat Bur Stand
San Gabriel 66A:381-8
See also S '62
subjects, e.g. subdivision California under special Bubble point
Architecture Reflectometers
Architecture, Domestic CALUMETITE
Atomic power plants Anthonyite and calumetite. two new minerals
Bridges Jfo™ the diags MichiganAm copper district.48:614-19
S. A.
Building laws and regulations Williams,
Mv 63 Mineralogist
Cement industry and trade CAMBRIDGE university, England
Electric lines Cambridge auditorium to have sculptural
Electricity supply
Oas, Natural ?J^.2®U ^^^^ MitcheU Hall. U Prog Arch
CAMBRIDGE university, England — Continued New products. Published in monthly numbers
New buildins abroad: Britain. 11 plan diat; of Modem photography
Arch Cambrid;;e
Forum llS:lul-5 Je '63 1964 u.sed camera buying guide. N. M. Gross-
Where men Ket to. EnsineerlnK man, comp. buying il Mod guide. Phot 27:66-98 D '63
195:r,,S7 M.v 17 ■(13 1963 camera N. M. Grossman,
CAMDEN.•63 New Jersey comp. future il Mod at Phot 26:74-106 D '62 center.
Photo Manned spacecraft
Point,tenth for annual Department designof awards;
planning Cooper's
and re- Ind Phot
Pinhole camera12:504- speedsJe fuel '63 sample tests. W.
newal, il plans diags Prog Arch 44:98-9 Ja
'63 N. Peck, offers
Polaroid diag camera,Nucleonics holder 2U:74 conversions
O '62
Rapid transit
to improve color performance. J. Wolbarst.
Subway solves transit dispute; from Philadel-
phia to Kirkwood. N.J. Eng N 170:43 F 21 il Mod Phot 27:144- N '63
'63 Polaroid's Japanese-made cameras. J. Wol-
CAMERA shutters barst. il Mod Phot 27:30-f- D '63
Electrical capacitors; Polaroid new automatic Polaroid's new pack camera! J. Wolbarst.
camera, il diags Product Eng 34:62-3 Ag 5 il diags approach
Precision Mod Phot to 27:84-54- camera design,O '63 il Mod
Electromechanical shutter for ultraviolet Plastics 41:138-41
Rangeflnder cameras, O '63 real sharpness. W.
time-lapse photomicrography. G. G. Vurek Benser. il pro Mod hints Phot and 27:58-614- My Meyers
and J. M. Conlon. il dias R Sci Instr 34: Rangeflnder tips. E.
583-4 My shutter
Electronic '63 reacts to light from flash. and D. Miller, il Mod Phot 27:72-3 My '63
Research applications for fiber-optics camera,
diags opening
Fast Control photographic
Eng 10:101-1- shutter,
O '63 il diag diag Electro-Tech
Rotating mirror cajnera 70:13 Dsynchronizing
'62 unit.
Engineering 194:737 D 7 '62 R. L. Schellenbaum. diag R Sci Instr 33:
New fast-opening, large-aperture shutter for 1112-13 O '62 of the bifocal single-lens re-
D. H. Tsai. photography. bibliog il dlag E. JC. Res
Cassidy and
Nat Eur Sad dilemma
flex user and what to do about it. J. Wol-
Stand 67C:65-8 Ja '63; Same. SMPTE J Satellite barst. camera. Jlod Phot J.27:424- N: 344-
F. Petree. D '63 Eng
il Mech
72:531-3 Jl '63
Photographic paradox: simplicity can in-
vite complexity; automated meter-linked Simple
85:59 Ag method '63 for simultaneous projection
shutter. M. J. Langford. Ind Phot 12:12-1- of a schlieren image on a viewing screen
O '63 and into a camera C. Nebbeling. diags
Photographic shutter obtains quick opening Roy lens Aeronautical
with surge current. P. Lathrop. il diag Ind Single '63
reflex. H.Soc Keppler.
J 67:454PublishedJl '63 in
Phot crumples
12:G-(- Ag foil'63 to open camera shutter monthly numbers of Modern photography
Pulse Single lens reflex cameras compared. D. L.
in 45 mu sec. il diag Machine Design 35:155 Miller, lens il diags
Ja of17 '63 Single reflex Mod Phot how
flnders 27:60-7
sharp?? S '63how
Use electro-opticaJ shutters to stabilize bright? how good??? B. Sherman, diags
ruby laser operation. F. R. Marshall and
D. L. Roberts, diag Inst Radio Eng Proc Mod Phot
Spring checkup 27:52-54-time Ap '63applies to your
50:2108 O '62 Polaroid Land camera too. J. Wolbarst.
CAMERAS 1163 Mod Phot
Are Rangeflnder viewfinders accurate? B. Standards, the 27:284- building My blocks
'63 for cameras,
Sherman, diags Mod Phot 27:70-1-1- My '63 equipment and photographic apparatus. J.
Aren't rangeflnder L. Quigley. il Mag of Stand 34:142-3 My
E. Meyers and H. cameras
Keppler. 11 really
Mod sharper?
Phot 27: 300 new still and rnovie cameras and how
68-9-1- S '63 they compare. D. L. Miller and M. A.
Artronic shutter and the auto focusing canon,
B. Sherman. 11 diags Matzkin. comp. il Mod Phot 27:99-128 D
Astronaut. Robot orbitModthePhotearth; 27:60-1camera
Jl 'GJ
made the Carpenter flight an International 229 new cameras and how they compare. D.
effort. II inInd Rangeflnder
Phot 11:54 Ncameras. '62 L. Miller, comp. il Mod Phot 26:107-29 D '62
Bargains D. L. Ultra-high speed image dissecting camera
for photographing strong shock waves. K.
Bargains in 35mm. D. L. Miller, My
Miller, il Mod Phot 27:62-3-f il Mod '63 Phot B. Earnshaw and C. M. Benedict, il diag
26:130-14-spotsD Pipe
Camera '62 corrosion from Inside. F. J Res Nat Bur Stand 660:297-311 O '62
Ultra-sound image camera. C. N. Smyth and
H. Love, il Pet Management 34:2504- D '62 others, bibliog il diags Inst E E Proc 110:
Cameras. M. J. Langford. Ind Phot 12:64- 16-28 Ja '63
My '63 and
Cameras techniques for shock waves Vertical and horizontal; how Beattie Por-
and explosions. B. E. Drimmer. bibliog 11 tronic can make horizontal or vertical for-
„diacs SMl'TK mats. E. Merrick, il Ind Phot 12:122 Mr '63
Ciuiieras on the J moon. 72:541-7 P. Jl Lathrop.
'63 Ind Well traveled camera, il Mod Phot 27:52-1-
Phot 12:84- Je '63 My; 384- Je; 444- Jl; 264- Ag; 244- S; 111
Can you really tell the difference? E. Meyers. O: 184- N: 404- D '63
il Mod Phot 27:66-7 N '63 What you need to make Polaroid color pic-
Eastman Kodak's new Brownie Auto 27. il tures with model J33. J66. 80. SOA. 80B
diags Product Eng 34:91 O 14 '63 cameras. J. Wolbarst. il Mod Phot 27:34-6
Electronic heat-camera in medical research.
K. L. Williams and others, bibliog il diags WithAp '63Polaroid color flim coming, get ac-
Radio & Electronic Entr 25:211-50 Mr '63 quainted with the Graphic Polaroid baclc
Flight recorder camera. M. Digioia. il Ind
Phot 12:88-9 F '63 J. SeeWolbarst. 11 Mod Phot 26:604- N '62
Get rid of your old Polaroid camera because Lenses. also Photographic
color is coming? no. J. Wolbarst. Mod Phot Moving picture cameras
27:92 F '63 Control
How Bescler Topcon put the meter in the
\!i"'l'°U^^- Electronically-controlled cameras watch Cuba.
Mod Phot J^'^'i^ 27:109-10*""O H.'63 Keppler. 11 diags J. F. Mason. IIsystem Electronics 35:20-1 cameras.
N 30 '62
How far have we gone? lesser known but Synchronization for ballistic
fa.scinatlng cameras of yesteryear (cont). diag Space/ Aeronautics 39:132-3 Ap '63
II Mod Phot 27:40 Ag; 4S4- O; 1004- N '63
Inexpensive 50 000 pictures per second fram- Manufacture'
ing camera. J. Wadsworth and F. E. Dlal.\ are produced photographically. 11 Tool
fetokes. I] diags R Scl Instr 34:247-9 Mr '63 & Manuf Eng 50:82 Mr '63
Jumplng-fllm camera for meteor photog- How far has automation progressed In
raphv. 1. Halliday and A. A. Grimn. II J Scl camei;a and lens making? B. Sherman.
Instr 40:lS7-8 Ap '63 Mod Phot 27:484- N '63
Lanston monotype co. Introduces Vertleon Ingenlpus assembly for camera formed bv
modlfled four-slide. H. Chase. II diags Mach
??n!oT'il?",-^'''"®'""- " I"li"d Ptr/Am Llthogr Dy:116-19 Ag 63
Large camera. A. Felnlnger. Published In Preview of productivity manufacturing for
monthly numbers of Modern photography the movies; Bell & Howell. T. W. Black II
Modern tests Published In monthly numbers Tool A- Manuf Eng 60: 122-8 .\p '63
of Modern photography
New carnems change scientific theory Into "^■^'P,',?
Mill &„P'iiy^ Factory retires 73:58-9 production
Jl '63 problem. II
CAMERAS, ture cameras Moving picture. See Moving pic-
CAMERAS, Terevlslon. See Television cameras CANADA, William Richards
CAMERAS, X ray. See X ray cameras Memorial. E. L. Canada, por Geol Soc Bui
CAMOUFLAGE 74:sup 133-4 Ag '63
Use of phototroplc camouflage colorants in CANADASee also e.g.
subdivision Cajiada under special
combat clothing to protect against nuclear subjects,
flash radiation. L. Weissbein. bibliog dlag Agriculture
Textile Res J 32:998-1008 D '62 Air pollution
CAMPHANE Aluminum industry and trade
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra and Atomic power plants
stereochemistry of substituted bornanes. Chemical industries
T. J. Flautt and "W. F. Erman. bibliog Coal
Am Chem Soc J 85:3212-18 O 20 '63 Coal trade
CAMPHENE Drug trade
Nature of camphene racemization. W. R. Electric lines
Vaughan and others, bibliog dlag Am Chem Electric utilities
Electricity supply
Rates J 85:2282-9
of ethanolysis Ag 5 "63
of camphene hydro- Electronics industry
chloride and related alpha methyl substi- Engineering education
tuted l-chloro-l-methylcyclopentanes; the Fertilizer industry
question of a non-classical camphenylyl ca- Gas. Natural
tion. H. C. Brown and F. J. Chloupek. bib- Gas, industry
Gas Natural — Pipe lines
liog Am Chem Soc J of 85:2322-4 Ag 5 cam-
'63 Geology
Respiratory hazards chlorinated Iron mines and mining
phene. S. Warraki. il Archives Environ- Metal trade
mental Health 7:253-6 Ag '63 Mineral industries
CAMPHOR Mines and mineral resources
See also Mining law
Nitrocamphor Moving picture industry
CAMPING Niobium mines and mining
Automakers pull sales from mobile travel. Paint industry and trade
H. F. Jones, il Iron Age 192:49 N 7 '63 Paper and pulp mills
CAMPS Paper board industry
Epidemiology of summer camp accidents. Patent laws and regulations
R. J. Meyer and others, bibliog Archives Petroleum industry and trade
Environmental Health 7:325-30 S '63 Petroleum laws and regulations
See also Petroleum pipe lines
Military training camps Petroleum products pipe lines
CAMS Plastics industries
Potash mines and mining
Cam and link system produces varymg rota- Railroads
'63 tion rate. L. Kasper. dlags Mach 69:132-3 Roads
Je '63 numerical control via cam compensa- Scientific research
Closer Soap industry and trade
tor. J. W. Wilson, il diag Mach 69:114-15 Mr Space research
Factors in the life of cams and tappets. En- Steel industry and trade
Steel works
Intermittent gineering 195:69 Ja motion
rotary 18 '63 from a uniform Sulfur industry and trade
Tungsten mines and mining
reciprocating drive. L. Kasper. diags Mach Uranium mines and mining
69:118 F '63 milling machine produces disc-
and face-type cams to nine in. in diameter, Foreign relations
il Am Mach/Metalworking Mantif 107:81 Je United States
24 '63 closed-track cam drives glue-transfer See also joint commission (United States
Single and Canada)
mechanism. P. W. Jensen, diags Mach 69:
119 F '63
Solenoid-operated escapement provides posi- Geological survey
tive control for difficult products in push- Geophysics division of the geological survey
button vending machine, il diags Product of Canada. '6L. 3 W. Morley. bibliog maps
Eng pares
Unit 34:113 cam Je 10cutting'63 time 50 per cent, il diags Can Min & Met Bui 56:358-65 My '63
Steel 152:155 My 13 '63 Industries and resources
'63 Design International standards vital to trade. C. A.
Cycloldal vs modified trapezoidal cams. D. C. Pollock. and
Research Mag development
of Stand 34:282-3objectives.S '63A. B.
Allals. diags Machine Design 35:92-6 Ja 31 Hunt, bibliog il Eng J 45:53-6 N '62; Dis-
Preventing cam-follower separation: method Three viewscussion.on46:60-t- industrial
Mr '63 expansion, il Can
of determining minimum preset of the fol- Chem Process 46:45-9 O '62
lower spring; data sheet. J. R. Baum- Mines and technical surveys.
farten. diags Machine Design 34:179-80 N Department of
2 '62
Use of algebraic polynomials in design of Geophysics in the Department of mines and
cams. S. Molian. diags Engineer 215:352-4 technical surveys. W. E. van Steenburgh.
F 22 '63 Manufacture bibliog Can Min & Met Bui 56:355-7 My
Cam'63 generator programmed from engineer- National film board
ing drawings, il Mach 69:148-1- Je 63 National film board of Canada. 11 plan Ind
Cutting cams as they are used, il dia.g Am
Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:47-9 Ap 29 Phot 12:22-724-
CANADIAN instituteMy of '63mining and metallurgy
Job spot plated in day vs. two weeks con- Annual conference of metallurgists. 2d. Que-
ventionaJIy; Warner & Swasey co. il Steel bec. Sept. 3-6; with program and abstracts
of papers. Can Min & Met Bui 56:503, 570-8,
151:44 O 1 '62
Tables, calculations, etc. 753-S Jl.
Annual O '63 meeting. Edmonton. April 1-3;
program and abstracts of papers. Can Min
Equations and layout method to balance
frooved cams. R. F. Keen, diags Product & Met Bui
Annual general56:17-39. 147-57 F65th.
meeting. '63 Edmonton.
;ng 34:64-9 An 1 '63 April 1-3. Can Min & Met Bui 56:417-25
Preventing cam-follower separation: method
of determining minimum preset of the fol- Annual meeting. 65th. Edmonton. Alberta:
lower spring: data sheet. J. R. Baumgarten. with
Je '63 abstracts of papers. Pit & Quarry 56:
dlags Machine Design 34:179-80 N 22 '62 113-15 Ag '63
Testing Annual western meeting. Vancouver. Oct.
Metrology for ground cams and shapes. C. J. 15-17. Can Min & Met Bui 55:753-5 N '62
Balance sheet, and statement of revenue and
Green. 11 diags Mach 69:83-93-1- F '63 expenditure, Dec. 31st 1962. Can Min &
Crank and cam reclamation, il Diesel Equip Met Bui directory.
1962-1963 56:184-5 MrCan'63 Min & Met Bui 55:
Sunt 41:28-30
Special problemsJl solved '63 in designing Corvair- 875-950 Dcouncil.
Spyder camshaft. J. Pechenik. il diag 1963-1964 Can Min & Met BtU 56:76
S A E J 71:82-3 Ap '63 F '63
CANADIAN institute of minins and metalluray End of Krebiozen? Sci toAm cancer.
209:54-6L. Wade,
O '63
■— Continued Environment In relation
Offlcers and council. 1962-63. il Caji Mln & bibliog Archives Environmental Health 7:
Met Bui 56:426-8 Je '63 172-8 Ag '63
Offlcers and council. 1963-64. Can Min & Met Epidemiological consequences of an arsenic-
Bui 56:667-9. 670-3 J1-Ak '63 lung cancer theory. K. W. Buechley. bibliog
OrKanizatlon; 1963-1964; committees, tech-
nical divisions, offlcers and council. Can Epidemiology of lip.53:1229-32
Am J Pub Health oral, and Ag pharyngeal
Mln &of Met Bui for 56:563-9 Jl '63ended Dec. 31, cancers, and the association with selected
Report council the year systemic diseases. A. Z. Keller, bibliog Am
1962. map Can Min & Met Bui 56:175-83 J Pub Health 53:1214-28 Ag activity '63
Mr '63 Evaluation of carcinogenic of food
Report on branch activity In education for additives and contaminants. K. Truhaut.
the mineral industry. 1962-1963. Can Min bibliog Archives Environmental Health
& Met Bui 66:398-400 My '63 7:351-8 S '63 studies in metal carcinogenesis.
Metallurgy division W. C. Hueper and W. W. Payne. 11
Meeting. 1st. Hamilton. Sept. 4-7. Can Min Archives Environmental Health 5:445-62
& Met Bui 55:679-81 O 6i: J Metals 14: bibliog(p459-62) Ntritiated '62
842 N '62 Generally-labelled carcinogenic poly-
Petroleum and natural gas division cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at high
specific activity. D. G. Crowter and others.
Oil and gas industry and the Institute. G. Chem smokers
& Ind plow1622-3 S 8 '62and the urban
W. Govier. Can Min & Met Bui 56:352-4 Heavy mortality
My '63 factor in lung cancer mortality. J. Cohen
CANADIAN manufacturers of chemical spe- and R. K. Heimann. bibliog Ind Med 32:
cialties association 415-25 O '63 in industrial health studies; the
Annual meeiiiif,'. 5th. Montreal, Nov. 5-7; Methodology
with abstracts of papers. Soap & Chem demographic approach. T. F. Mancuso and
Spec 38:95-84- D '62 E, J. Coulter. Archives Environmental
Annual meetinK. Toronto. Oct. 20-23; with Health bis(l-aziridinyl)£/itophosphlnyl
6:515-24 bibliog(p523-4) Ap '63 car-
prosrani. Soap & Chem Spec 39:85-6 O '63 Methyl bamate. T. J. Bardos and others, bibliog
CANADIAN national railways
lixperiraent in operational planning. J. W. Chem & thyroid;
Nodular Ind p 1464 incidence Ag 31 and '63 treatment.
Johnson and others, map diags Kng J 46: J. W. Welch and others, bibliog Ind Med
35-9 Ao '63 32:376-80 S '63
CANADIAN nuclear association Observations on skin cancer among refinery
Aimual conference, Montreal. May 27-29; pre- workers. L. Wade, bibliog Archives En-
view. Can Chem Process 47:57-8 My '63 vironmental Health 6:730-5 Je Drug
CANADIAN pulp and paper association Oncovine. antineoplastic agent. & Cos-
TAPPI-CPPA engineerinK conference. 17th. meUc Ind 93:231-2
Perfusion loss computer for use in cancer Ag '63
Montreal. Oct. 15-18; text of papers. Tappi treatment. D. O. Akhurst and F. W. Lewis,
46:sup 154A-95A My 63 diags Instruments & Control Systems 36:
Canadian Kiver project moves ahead; San- 148-51 Jl '63
ford dam, Texas, ii map Pub Works 94: Polyoxyethylene(8) -stearate; carcinogenic
studies. W. C. Hueper and W. W. Payne,
111-12 Ap '63 bibliog il Archives Environmental Health
CANAL lining 6:484-94 Apeffects '63 on man; somatic effects.
Compacted loessial-soil canal linings. C. W. Radiation
JoneiB and C. A. Uowitz. diaR Am Soc C E L. D.63 Hamilton, bibliog Nucleonics 21:48-53
Proc 88 [IR 4 no 3354J:l-22 D '62 Response of the lung to carcinogens. M.
Chicago presents its case; division of Lake Kuschner. Archives Environmental Health
Michigan water into Sanitary-ship canal 6:118-19: Discussion. 119-21 Ja '63
is before Supreme court. 11 ling N 171:58-60 feite distribution of cancer deaths in husband-
wife and sibling pairs: abstract. W. Y.
Ag 8 '63 Chen 63and others. Am J Pub Health 53:796
the earthSand Hills don't
dambuilder. offerEngmuch
11 diag for
N 169: Some observations on the epidemiology of
46-7 N 8 '62 br«ist cancer among males. D. Schotten-
Seepage meters in seepage and recharge stud-
ies. H. Bouwer and R. C. Rice, il dlags o3:8UU-7 Je 63
«'or„?•'i^,°"^.<^'^• bibliog Am J Pub Health
Mr 63 Soc C E Proc 89 IIR 1 no 34481:17-42 Diagnosis
Two loaders belt out the dirt; modernization Early detection of cancer among low-income
Job on Chesapeake and Delaware canal. groups. H. H. Whltted. bibliog Archives
11 Hce
Eng also
N 171:50-1- Jl 4 '63 Environmental
CANCER research Health 6:280-5 F '63
Erie Canal Aiialogs of eocarcinogen being synthesized.
Panama (hydraulic
canal englneerlngj
Waterways §■
Eng '^^K,'''?^r'9i'\""''"
N 41:62-1- O 14 '^"^'63 others, diag Chem &
Wei land ship canal Carclnogrenicity evaluation of potassium
arsenite and arsanilic acid. R. K. Bout-
Costs 381-5 S 63
y^of'i S'WP^ " •J -'^"■i & Food Chem U:
San Luis canal costs $1 million a mile; unit Genetic transformations with DNA. E.
prices. Eng N 170:62-3 My 16 '63
Mpdical laser, '^'
Sacramento joins the sea in '63 with 42-ml jY75^m -5'F%. new tool fors'^'-
^==^''^^' cancer
Frankli n Inst
1. Maguire.
CANDY. Frozen Electronics 36:15 Ag 16 '63
Netherlands R.frigorate your candies. J. G. Woodroof.
11 diagNOLFood Eng 35:114-16 S '63
North ^P""'"!"*
11 Engcanal: Amsterdam's
N 170:37 Ja 31 '63
New/ York (state) ''^J?il'''^i?,"°J}
cannabis by gas '^"<^and
setbwik. T^"-''>'^
Murine *=?;"'^',,
My suffers
'63 CANNED fish
^S^.XST'',! '-'^"'^' System freight shipments
lS?^64''^T'l3'"'' """"•'• " ""'"« ^"«/
CANCER '^no^iHiil,'^^?'^'''*' 'fvesUgatlons of the com-
r,?n« \v °T ™w and proce."!.sed domestic
^'ji",'M CANNED food
Bellls. '^'■auma
Ind Med cannot
Mr "63cancer. C. J.
Cancer chemotherapy heating apparatus F ^n""^ £™^",<:'* J''°^ buleur and wheat.
llog ^r^ftl'-
11 Eloc ■','■,•
Eng"^'"^ W
82:401-7 W.Je Shingleton
'63 blb-
Cancer ep domiology : Implications for control f?F^ood*^^T^e^k^7'!lO°iri?A?''''^r ""'^ "'"'''
•6i ^''**'°"'- ^"^ J P"b Health 63:218-22 F ^'f Y^L°rS ^^cgnv?i?h *'^g'-r°a^!,^e'fVu'l't"''i?,^^e'^°&-
Carcinogenicity and metabolism of 2-naph-
th> lainlne and related compounds. W B Effective removal of ga-i samnl.^'i fmm
?7T3?0-r]Sr^63^- ^^^'^^^^^^-^ F^'^^ec^h
?nd"MSd"32:??f.6-'My'' '63^°""'^- '"'"'°« "
^Ttl'-^z'jt^i^ contalnerlT'Sl^l i^
CANNED food — Continued Aluminum makes bigger dent In high volume
Iron sulfide blackening in canned protein can markets.
foods; oxidation and reduction mechanisms Aluminum takes 11lidMod Metals
off can goal.19:38+ Mr '63
F. J. Starin.
in relation to sulfur and iron. G. M. Pigott il Iron Age 191:45 Mr 21 '63
and A. M. Dollar, bibliog diags Food Tech Brewers adopt the aluminum lid. 11 Mod
17:481-4 Ap of'63iron sulfide discoloration in
Mechanism Metals predicts
Kaiser 18:61-2 N80 '62 per cent more aluminum
cans of shrimp. M. H. Thompson, bibliog
in cans. Steel
Packaging 153:91 Spackaging
progress; 9 '63 exposition
Food Tech
Relation between 17:665-71 My '63 scores and ob-
preference highlights aluminums continuing gains, il
jective and subjective quality measure-
ments of canned corn and pears. L.. A. Mod
What's Metals
brewing 19:60-2+ Je
for aluminum'63 beer cans?
Sather and L. D. Calvin, bibliog Food Tech
F. J. Starin. il Iron Age 192:42 O 24 '63
Simple device Jl '63 for removing gas samples from Manufacture
hermetically sealed containers for gas-solid New aluminum can production facilities on
chromatography. Y. Yonezawa and G. W.
Kurtz, diag Food West fioats
il Light Metalline.AgeH. 21:28 Ag '63
Standardisation of aTech spore17:500
countAp technique.
'63 Strip coating H. Colson.
D. A. Shapton and W. R. Hindes. Chem & il Iron
Tear tab Agetop 191:142-3takes Ftricky 21 '63 tooling. R. H. F 9 '63 Eshelman. ilbeams.
Iron Age
Canned fish CANTILEVER See 192:51
Beams N and7 '63 girders
Canned meat CANTILEVER bridges. See Bridges. Cantilever
Role of temperature in retaining quality in CAPACITANCE. See Electric capacitance
canned foods. C. O. Ball and others, il CAPACITORS. See Electric capacitors
Stability of canned J foods 5:93-108+ Je '63 stor-
in long-term Planners ponder Canaveral space boom. 11
age. S. R. Cecil and J. G. Woodroof. bibliog
Arch Forum
CAPILLARIES 118:9 Ap '63
Food Tech
CANNED meat 17:639-46 My '63 Anomalous capillary melting points for sugars
Controlling curing gain of canned and smoked obtained with borosilicate glass capillaries.
ham. and means of extending the storage L. Segal and D. J. Stanonis. Anal Chem
life of frozen frankfurters. Food Tech 16:74
Effect O '63
SafeO '62heat processing of canned cured meats resistivity ofconstraints
sodium andon potassium.
the elec-
with regard to bacterial spores. H. Rie- J. S. Dugdale and D. Gugan. bibliog J Sci
mann. bibliog Food Tech 17:39-42+ Ja '63 Instrof 40:28-9
Flow liquids Ja in'63horizontal capillary tubes.
Canning industry in Northern Ireland. J. G. J. F. Bitten and E. G. Fochtman. bibliog
Murray. Chem & Ind p502-5 Mr 30 '63 A I Ch E vibrating
Improved J 9:279-82 capillary
Mr '63 device for pro-
Libby builds in Puerto Rico, diag Food Eng ducing uniform water droplets of 15 to
35:99-100 O '63 500um radius. B. J. Mason and others, il
Equipment diag J Sci Instr 40:247-9 My '63for gas
Can-size flexibility for cooker and cooler lines, New semiemplrical equation fiow
il Food Tech 16:57-8 through capillaries. E. S, Creutz and L. R.
Conveying solids in Owater'62 with bladeless Zumwalt. bibliog J Ap Phys 33:2883-8 S '62
impeller pumps. A. Mackay. il Automation Open
10:68-9 O '63 layer tube support columns for gas "with chromatography.
impregnated thinI.
Hydraulically-operated corer simplifies can- HalaJz and C. HorvAth. bibliog Anal Chem
ning operation. D. Rice, il Food Eng 35: 35:499-505 Ap '63
99-100 Jl beans
Preparing '63 for canning. 11 Automation Rapid-scanning mass spectrometry'; continu-
ous analysis of fractions from capillary gas
10:62 Jl '63
Streamlines syrup processing; automatic, chromatography. J. A. Dorsey and others.
self-cleaning clarifier at Libby. McNeill & bibliog diag Anal Chem 35:511-15 Ap '63
Libby. il Food Eng 35:63-4 Jl '63 Sol-coated capillary adsorption columns for
Use of the shear press in determining gas chromatography. R. D. Schwartz and
fibrousness G.of Werner ra'w andand canned others, bibliog Anal Chem 35:496-9 Ap '63
asparagus. others. green
Food Streaming potential in small capillaries. I. B.
Tech 17:81-6 Ja '63 Oldham and others, bibliog J Colloid Sci
CANNING and preserving 18:328-36 '6An
Aseptic filling; abstracts of papers. Chem & Surface 2 '63
modification of capillary columns for
Ind p760 My 11 '63 use in gas chromatography. A. Zlatkis and
Dark discoloration of canned aU-green as- J. Q. Walker.
CAPILLARITY Anal Chem 35:1359-62 S '63
paragus. H. H. Hernandez and D. C. Vosti.
bibliog II Food Tech 17:95-102 Ja '63 Capillary properties of pulp sheets; abstract.
Firmness of canned apple slices as affected J. Polcin. Paper Ind 44:546-7 D '62
by maturity and steam-blanch tempera- Directing fiuid absorption in fibrous bodies.
ture. R. S. Shallenberger and others, diags D. Satas and K. Egli. il diag Tappi 46:63-4
Food Tech 17:102-4 Ja '63
Use of the shear press In determining JaSee
Brownian'63 alsomovements
fibrousness of raw and canned green as- CAPITAL
paragus. G. Werner and others. Food Tech
17:81-6 Ja '63 Venture capital for small companies. R. D.
CANS Stillman. Chem & Eng N 40:106-7+ O 15
Handling systeim reduces damage to cans. 11 See also
Automation 10:25 My '63 Investments
Metals or composites? packaging forecasts CAPITAL spending. See Industrial expansion
differ. Steel 152:25 Ap 29 '63 CAPITALISM
New contender for can market. K. W. Ben- There goes free enterprise. D. I. Rogers.
net . 1 Iron Age 191:40 My 2 '63 Am Gas Assn Mo 44:22+ N '62
Manufacture CAPITOLS
Campus plan for New Mexico state capitol.
Chromium plated steel for cans; a Japanese
mnovation. H. Uchida and A. Horiguchl. 11 Prog Arch 44:69 My '63
Il Metal Prog 83:113-16 Ja '63 Capitals build around capitols as slates' space
High frequency resistance welding of cans. needs
See also grow, il Eng N 171:26-7+ N 7 '63
W. C. Rudd. il diags Welding J 42:279-84 United States — Capitol
Ap "63 Lighting
Solder squirted into can seams. 11 diags Iron
Age 192:82-3 S 5 '63 Mercury units provide quality lighting for
Toolroom automates heat treating B. Stroth- legislative chamber. South Carolina il Elec
man. 11 diag Automation 9:69-70 O '62 Constr & Maint 62:90-1 Je '03
Aluminum bubbles over can market; tech- Caprolactam faces uncertain future. Chem
nique for forming cans. F. J. Starin. Iron & Eng N 40:28-9 N 12 '62
Age 191:69 Ja 17 '63 Ultraviolet stability of crossllnked poly-
Aluminum cans setting records. Light Metal caprolactam s>'stems. S D. Brack bibliog
Axe 20:11 F '63 il J Res Nat Bur Stand 66A:489-95 N '62
CAPSICUM spices. See Peppers CARBAMYL compounds
CAPSTAN ■63 Speeiflc inaclivation of chymotrypsin by dl-
Coolins of wire durinff drawing. G. M. Stur- phenylcarbamyl chloride. B. F. Erlanger
feon and V. H. Guy. bibliotr il diass Iron & and W. Cohen, bibliog Am Chem Soc J
leel Inst J 2ul:437-44: Discussion. 44o-S My 85:348-9 F 5 '63
C . , , Alkvlations at the v-posltion of aceto-
Aerosol particle encapsulation by simultane- acetaldehyde and a-benzylacetoacetaldehyde
Pous condensation and pobTnerlzation. R. C. through their dicarbanions. T. M. Harris
BobbinsS and others. J Colloid Sci 18:483-5 and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85'
Je '63 flow L
Pipeline of capsules. G. W. HodEson 3273-G O 20 the
Carbanions: '63 mechanism of rearrangemert
and M. E. Charles. E dlaKs Can J Chem of 2.2.2-triphenylethyllithium and 2.2,3-
EnB 41:43-51 Ap S'63: Discussion. 41:181. triphenylpropylliihium. E. Grovenstein. jr.
and G. Wentworth. bibliog Am Chem Soc J
212 As. How
Pipeline O '63 of capsules; potential industrial , . ,
applications. G. W. Hodgson and L.. H. 85:3305-6
Diene studies: O 20 '63 relative stabilities of some
Bolt, bibliog il map diaBS Eng J 45:25-30 pentadienyl carbanions. R. B. Bates and
D ■G2
Transporting solids by pipe line; capsules others. Am
Effect of structure on Chem Soc the J 85:3031-2 O 5 '63
rate of reaction
and slugs. H. S. Ellis and others, bibliog of carbanions with molecular oxygen. G. A.
diags Ind & Eng Chem 55:29-34 S '63 Russell and others. Am Chem Soc J 84:
CAPSULES, Gelatin 4154-5 N 5 substitution '62
Electrophilic at saturated carbon.
Manufacture D. J. Cram, bibliog Chem & Eng N 41:92-
Research, capsules, and compressed air; 1024- Ag 19 '63 I reprints 75c)
Lederle laboratories. R. L. Moxey. 11 Comp Electrophilic
bon; carbon substitution
as leaving group at saturated
in generationcar-
Air Mag 67:6-10 N '62 of optically active a-sulfonylcarbanions. D.
CAR dumpers J. Cram and A. S. Wingrove. bibliog Am
Rotating wagon tipper; Turntlpper. il Engi- Chem Soc J 85:1100-7 Ap 20 '63
neer 215:634 Aprotary
Swivel-coupler 5 'G3 dump cars purchased Electrophilic•63 substitution at saturated car-
for integral trains, diag Elec World 160:102 bon; stereochemistry of carbanions stabil-
ized by phosphine oxide group. D. J. Cram
O 7 '63handling plant at South African ore and R. D. Partos. bibliog Am Chem Soc J
85:1093-6 Ap substitution
Electrophilic 20 '03 at saturated car-
CAR terminal,
liahtlng il Engineer 216:336 Ag 30 '63 bon: stereochemistry of carbanions stabil-
Static'63 inverters for train lighting, il diag ized by sulfoxide group. D. J. Cram and
Engineer 215:1043 Je 7 '63lighting for South S. H. Pine, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:
Transistorised fluorescent
African railways. Engineer 216:607 O 11 1096-100 Ao 20 '63
Intramolecular influence of fleld effects
propagated within thia. sulflnyl and sul-
CAR p a f nd fonyl groups. C. T. Meyers and others,
Blast aincleaning
tin and inipainting
steel cars. G. C. bibliog evidenceAm Chem forSocthe J carbanion 84:4603-4 Dmechan-5 '62
g Kinetic
Moran.blast il scrubs
Shot Ind Finishing freight 39:354-
cars, ilJa Iron'63 Age ism of dehydrohalogenation. T. I. Crowell
192:172 Soven 12 '63bakes paint on railway cars. and others. Am Chem Soc J 85:2521-2 Ag 20
C. J. Smith, il Ind Finishing 3D:36-t- S '63 It-electron densities in arj'lmethyl carbanions
CAR retarders by nuclear magnetic re.'sonance spectro-
Improved handling of empty cars, il diag scopy. V. R. Sandel and H. H. Freedman.
Coal Agemar-shalling 6S:120-1 S '63 bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2328-9 Ag 5 '63
Millerhill yard and reslgnalling. Reactionsbanion ofstabilization
phosphorus compounds:
and resulting effectscar-
11 Engineer 216:268 Ag 16 "63 P-ylid reactivity. A. J. Speziale and K. W.
CAR wheels Ratts. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2790-5
Foundry converted to production of steel car Spectrophotometric determination
wheels. G. E. Toles. 11 Foundrj' 91:78-9
.S 2n -63
carbon and carboxylic acid for theofmaterial
balance data in carbanion oxidations. H.
Ag -63 system for casting steel wheels:
Handling Pobiner and others, bibliog Anal Chem 35:
Illustrations with text. Automation 10:47-50
Jl "63 Testing a- 6S0-2
SulphonylMy '63 carbanions. A. W. Johnson, bib-
liog Chem <<t Ind o 1119-20 Jl 6 '63
Automatic gage checks railroad car wheels,
il Iron & Steel Eng 40:165-6 O '63 synthesis and carbanion formation. J. Meln-
wald and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J
CARABAO. See Air cushion vehicles S5:1SS0-1 Je 20 '63
Conversion of a rearrangement.
semicarbazone D. to C.
a Iffland
carba- Effect of temperature and time of heating on
mate: a novel the carbazole reaction of uronic acids and
and T. M. Davles. Am Chem Soc J 85: acid mucopolv.saccharides. B. Radhakrlsh-
2162-3 .11 20 '63 namurthv and G. S. Berenson. bibliog Anal
Determln.ation of residual 4-dimethylamino- Chem 35:1316-18 of Ae diphenylamlnes '63
3.5-xylyl methylcarbamate and 4-(iimethyl- Photo-conversion to car-
amino-3.5-xylenol by use of luteoarseno- Kazoles. and accompanying transient spe-
tungstic acid. R. P. Marquardt and E. N. cies. K. •62 H. Grellmann. Am Chem Soc J
Luce, bibliog J Agri & Food Chem 11:418-22 R5:l<!Si-2 Je 20 "63
Infrared analysis for residues of isopropyl Carbenes from alkyl halides and organo-
./\r-(3-chlorophenyllcarbamate (CIPC) in llthium compounds; formation of alkylcyclo-
white potatoes. C. E. Fergu.son. jr. and propenes by ring closure of alkenyl sub-
others. J Agrl & Food Chem 11:428-31 stituted carbenoid Intermediates. G. L.
S '63 Closs and L. E. Closs. bibliog Am Chem
Methyl blsd-aziridlnyUfhiophosphlnyl
mate. T. J. Bardos and others, bibliog carba- Soc J 85:99-104 Ja 5 to'63 alkoxycyclopropanes.
Carbenes give route
Chem & Ind p 14G4 Ag 31 '63
Synthesis of JV-methylcarbamatcs via methyl Chemical properties of41-42-3
il Chem <<;• Eng N Ag 5 '63 P. S.
C.i. a dioarbene.
Isocvanate-C* and chromatographic puri- Skell and L. D. Wescott. bibliog Am Chem
fication. J. G. Krishna and others, bibliog
Soc J addition
Double 85:1023 of Ao a 5 carbene
"63 to an acetvlene.
diag J Agrl & Food Chem 10:462-6 N '62
Analysis W. Mahler. Am Chem Soc J 84:4600-1 D 6
Determination of micro amounts of Isopropyl Reactions of some l.l-dibromo-2-alkenyIcvclo-
Ar-(3-chloropheny|lcarhamate (CIPC) In propanes with methyllithium: an Intra-
milk and urine excreted from dairy cows. molernlar addition of a carbene to a double
1... N. Gard and C E. Fergtison, Jr. diag bond. U Skattebol. bibliog Chem & Ind
J Agrl & of Food
Formation Chem
a water-soluble. 11:234-73-rhloroanlllnP-
My '63 p;il6-7 n 29 '62
rontnlnlng sub.^tance In barlmn-trealed CARBIDE cutting tools. See Cutting tools. Car-
plants. .T. R. HMin and T. R. Hopkins. bide
bibliog J Agrl * Food Chem 10:455-8 N '62 CARBIDES
CARBAMOYL compounds Cli>niical synthesis via the high Intensity
Non-homiono rontraroptlve: derivatives of nrf.i'rooess. J. O. IIGlb.>!on
dithio carbamoylhydrazlne. E. T. Bell and bibliog flow sheet Chem and
Eng R.Prog
others. Drug & Cosmetic Ind 91:656 N '62 S '63
CARBIDES — Continued Mixed esters'63 of carbohydrate sulphates. G.
Dieraaker tools a press. C. Emerson, il Am Coleman
2 '63 and others. Chem c& Ind p376 Mr
Flexible distributor: service Manuf lU7:55-7
operationS grows
30 '63 Modifying effect of diet on daily variations
to six times its orieinal size in four years: of certain liver constituents. D. A. Vaughan
Glen Carbide, il Wire & Wire Prod 38: and R. L. Winders, bibliog J Nutrition 80:
1543+ to
Guide O '63 tooling materials. Steel, 152:sup „ 103-6 Mycarbohydrate
Protein, '63 and fat content of the
diet of the rat as related to growth. B. E.
Heat Ap 22 '63 machinable carbides; steel- Howe and E. W. GilflUan. bibliog J Nutri-
carbide composites. M. Epner and D. Peck- Recent tiondevelopments
79:395-8 Ap '63 in the chemistry of
ner. il Materials in Design Eng 56:114-15
O ■62 carboh^■drates. W. G. Overend. bibliog diags
Low-temperature thermal expansion of the Chem
Structural & carbohydrate
Ind P342-54 Mrchemistry.
2 '63 E. G. V.
group 4a carbides N. H. Krikorian and
others, bibliog Electrochem Soc J 110:587-8 Percival. 2d ed rev by E. Percival. Review,
by M. Stacey. Chem & Ind p669-70 Ap 27
Je '63
Machinable carbide die punches hole in
il Steel blasts 152:31 carbides
Ja 17 '63 into powder, Water addition to purified diets; effects of
New water andin carbohydrate
cy ratio rats. K. W. on protein
Keane and efficien-
il Steel 153:70-1
Preparation, properties and S 2 '63 structure of the
iron carbonyl carbide FeslCOisC. E. H. bibliog
See also J Nutrition 81:87-90 S '63
Braye and others, bibliog diags Am Chem Oligosaccharides
Starch '63
Soc J 84:6433-9
Switch to carbide D 20boosts
'62 die life 100 fold,
il Am Mach/Metalworkina Manuf 107:58 Sugars Analysis
Jl 22 '63
Thermionic properties . of ^some refractory
, ^
metal carbides. J. H. Ingold. biblio? il Fluorometric microdetermination of carbo-
hydrates. J. C. Towne and J. E. Spikner.
diags J Ap Phys 34:2033-9 Jl '63 bibliog Anal Chem 35:211-14 P '63
Thermodynamic properties of VC at high tem- CARBON
peratures. S. Fujishiro and N. A. Gokcen. Acidity dependence of the carbon protonation
bibliog diag Electrochem Soc J 109:835-8 of phloroglucinol and its methyl ethers.
S '62 W. M. Schubert and R. H. Quacchia. bib-
Use of hard metal carbides in ceramic fabri- liog Am Chem hydrogen-deuterium Soc J 85:1278-84 My exchange5 '63
cation. "W. L. Kennicott. il diag Am Cer Base-catalyzed
SocSee Bui at the a-carbon of ethyl cinnamate and
also 42:106-9 Mr '63 certain related compounds. M. P. Zinn and
Boron carbide others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:71-3 Ja 5
Cutting tools. Carbide
Hafnium carbide Ca and olefins give bisethanoallene. P. S.
Iron carbides Skell and L. D. Wescott. il Chem & Eng N
Niobium carbide
Plutonium carbide 41:38-9 Ap 22
Carbon-base fiber '63 reinforced plastics. D. L.
Silicon carbide Schmidt and W. C. Jones, bibliog il Chem
Tantalum carbide
Zirconium carbide Eng Prog
Carbon flima 58:42-50 O '62
for electron microscopy. J.
CARBINOLS Mathews and D. A. Buthala. R Sci Instr
Mechanism of the oxidative cleavage of
phenyl- t-butylcarbinol with chromic acid. Combined
34:593 My oxygen '63 and carbon potentials for
J. J. Cawley and F. H. Westheimer. bib- steel. D. I. Cameron and K. V. Barratt.
liog Am Chem Soc J 85:1771-3 Je 20 '63 Iron & Steel
Committee C-5 on carbon Inst J 201:217-21 Mr '63prod-
and graphite
Preparation of cyclic cyclopropylcarbinols. ucts organized. Materials Res & Stand 3:
W. G. Dauben and G. H. Berezin. bibliog
Am Chem Soc J 85:468-72 P 20 '63 743-4 S '63
Determination of silicon-carbon and silicon-
Resolution of a triarylcarbinol and stereo- hydrogen bond dissociation energies by
specific substitution reactions. B. L.. Murr. electron impact. W. C. Steele and others,
bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2866-7 S 20 '63 bibliog Am
Determination Chemof the Soc carbon
J 84:4441-5 D 5 and
skeleton '62
Wittig rearrangement of the benzyl ethers of
cyclobutanol and cyclopropylcarbinol. P. T. other structural features of organic com-
Lansburj' and V. A. Pattison. bibliog Am pounds by gas chromatography. M. Eeroza
and R. Sarmiento. bibliog diag Anal Chem
Chem Soc J 84:4295-8 N 20 '62
CARBODIIMIDE. See Imides 35:1353-7
Effect of bond S '63 energy on reactions of hot
CARBOHYDRATES hydrogen atoms at C-H bonds. R. Wolf-
Application of mass spectrometry to structure gang, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:4586-8
problems; carbohydrates and their deriva- Effective
tives. K. Biemann and others, bibliog 5 '62 W.diffusivities
Drates. from carbon burning
H. Manogue. Chem Eng Prog
Chem & Ind p448-9 Mr 16 '63
Carbohydrate prosthetic group of ovalbumin. Electric
J. R. Clamp and L. Hough. Chem & Ind 58:42
junction D furnace
'62resistances. element employing carbon
R. C. Wheeler, il J
p82-3 Ja 12 '63 Sci Instrscattering 39:575 N at'62small angles by carbon.
Dietarj' carbohydrates and serum cholesterol Electron
in man. M. Shamma'a and U. Al-Khalidi. N. H. Sarkar. bibliog J Ap Phys 34:2379-82
bibliog Am J Clinical Nutrition 13:194-6
5 '63 Electrophilic substitution at saturated car-
Dietarytal atherosis
fat and ofcarbohydrate in experimen- Ag '63bon. D. J. Cram and others, bibliog Am
rabbits. J. H. Moore and Chem Soc J 85:1093-118 Ap 20chromic
S. K. Kon. bibliog Chem & Ind p 165-6 Electrophilic substitution; acid
cleavage of carbon-boron bonds. J. C. Ware
Ja 26 '63 and T. G. Traylor. Am Chem Soc J 85:
Digestion of carbohydrates in the small in-
testine. D. Miller and R. K. Crane, bibliog 302(5-7 O 5 of
Estimation '63 total carbon in coal; with
11 Am J Clinical Nutrition 12:220-7 Mr '63 nomograph. D. S. Davis. Ind Chem 38:626-7
Influence of various carbohydrates on the
utilization of low protein rations bv the Expanded
D '62 facilities for carbon research. 11
white rat. R. P. W^iener and others. J Nu- Anal Cheinof imines
Formation 35:sud01A-3A Ae '63
by electrophilic substi-
trition 80:279-90 bibliog(p289-90) Jl '63 tution at saturated carbon in the Beck-
Influences of dietary carbohydrate-fat com- mann and Schmidt reactions. P. T. Lans-
binations on various functions associated
with glycolysis and lipogenesis in rats. C. bury and J. G. Colson. bibliog Am Chem
Carroll, bibliog J Nutrition 79:93-100 Ja '63 FuelSoc cells;
J 84:4167-9 carbon N 5electrode
'62 battery. G. E.
International symposium on carbohydrate
chemistry. Birmingham. July 16-20. Chem Evans, il Chem Eng Prog 59:42-4 O '63
6 '6J
Ind p 1703-6 S 29 '62 Geometrical isomerism about a carbon -sulfur
Liver and depot lipids in children on normal double bond. J. F. King and T. Durst, bib-
and high carbohydrate diets. I. MacDonald. liog Am Chera Soc J 85:2676-7 S 5 '63
bibliog Am J Clinical Nutrition 12:431-6 Je How to remove engine carbon. Welding Eng
Methods in carbohydrate chemistry, vol. 1, 2 48:63-4 of
Kinetics Jl adsorption '63 on carbon from solu-
and 3. R. L. Whistler and M. L. Wolfrom. tion. W. J. Weber. Jr. and J. C. Morris,
ed. Review, by TV. G. Overend. Chem & bibliog Am Soc C E Proc 89 tSA 2 no 34831 :
Ind P1646-S O 12 '63 31-59 Ap '63
CARBON — Continued Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectra
NeiRhborins carbon and hydrogen; dienones of olefins and other hydrocarbons. K. A.
from Ari9-3 participation; isolation and Friedei and H. L,. Retcotsky. bibliog Am
beliavior of spiroi2.6)octa-l,4-diene-3-one. Chem Soc ion J 86:13U0-6 My 5 '63 the reaction
K. Baird and S. Wiiislein. bibliog diags Carbonium roaj-rangenients;
of Ci3-labeled
chloride; t-aniyl clilorides with alumi-
Novel Ciieni
Am caiboii-oarbon ijoc J 85:6C7-7S Mr 5 '63 and the
bond scission nmn bimolecuiar
Karabatsos and others. Am Chem Soc J
reactions. G. J.
isomerization mechajiism of vinylaluminum
compounds. J. J. Eisch and W. C. Kaska. 85:733-7 Mrelemental20 '63
Am Chem Continuous analysis of gas chro-
Porous carbon SooKaa J diffusion 85;2165-6 electrodes.
Jl 20 '63 R. R. matographic effluents; application to the
analysis of labeled compounds. F. Cacace
Paxton and others, blblioe diag Electro- and others, bibliog diag Anal Chem 35:134S-
Preparation Soc Jof lUi:a32-8 Ae '63derivatives of
diixalonieihyl 52 S '63 , .
carbon, silicon, and germanium by the ac- Effects of C" and Sr" on anaerobic digestion.
tion of phenyl- (trilialomethyl) mercurials W. N. Grune and others, bibliog WPCF J
on C-H. Si-H. and Ge-H linkages. D. Sey- 35:493-531
Isotopic organic Ap '63 carbon composition of recent
ferth and J. M. Burlitch. bibliog Am Chera continental derived clastic sediments of
Soc J 85:2667-8 S 5 '63 eastern Gulf Coast, Gulf of Mexico. W. M.
Radio interference
tion. R. B. Nelsonfrom and carbon-brush
J. E. Diehl. bibliogopera- Sackett and R. R. Thompson, bibliog map
diaga Electro-Tech 72:53-7 Jl '63 ,^ Am Assn
New method Pet forGeologists Bui 47:525-8 of
the determination Mr the
Rearrangements of benzeneazotribenzoyl- zero charge point of metal electrodes. M.
methane: 1.3-benzoyl migrations from car- Green and H. Daimis. bibliog Electrochem
bon to oxygen and from carbon to nitrogen.
D Y. Curtin and M^ L. Poutsma. biblioB Soc J 110:466-7 My '63for the assay of tri-
di'ag Am Chem Soc S removal
84:4892-9 in D 20hetero-"62 Oxygen flask method
Sequential substrate tium—,
beled carbon-14— H.
compounds. . and E. sulfur-35—
Dobbs. bibliog la-
geneous populations. A. F. Gaudy, jr. and
others, of bibliog WPCF asJ 35:903-22 Jl '63 In diags Anal Chem 35:783-6 Je '63
Survey C-H groups proton donors Phase dependence
ucts in etliane and of carbon-11 recoil prod-
propane; evidence for
hydrogen bonding. A. Allerhand and P. V. methylene insertion. G. Stocklin and A. P.
•62 bibliog Am Chem Soo J 85:1715- Wolf, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:229-30
23 Je 20 '63
Tetrahedron; vol. 17. nos. 3-4. 1962. Review, „ ,
by J C. Earl. Chem & Ind p 1673-4 S 22 Residues in stored lemons treated with vari-
Ja 20ous'63formulations of 2,4-D. L. C. Erickson
Use of carbon-graphite in mechanical seals. and others, il J Agri & Food Chem 11:43/-
W. K Lauzau and others, il diags L.ub Studies of the acetylation of steroids using
Eng■See 19:201-7:
also Discussion. 207-9 My '63 40 S '63
l-carbon-14-acetia anhydride. O. V. Domin-
Coal guea and others, bibliog Anal Chem 35:
Coke 1243-7 Ag '63
Graphite Symposium on "C in agricultural research:
Analysis abstracts of papers. Chem & Ind p 197-8
Automatic analyzer concurrently measures
C.H.N, concentrations, il diag Res/Develop Tracer
P 2 '63studiesreactions with carbon-14; some of the
secondary occurring during the
AutomationMy in'63 carbon and, ,hydrogen ^ deter- catalytic cracking of n-hexadecane over
a silica-alumina catalyst. W. A. Van Hook
minations. A. M. G. Macdonald. bibliog Ind and P. H. Emmett. bibliog Am Cliem Soc
Chem 39:265-7 My
Carbon determination in elemental boron. C. '63 (to be cont)
J 84:4410-21 D 5 '62
"W. Kuo and others, diags Anal Chem 35: Use of carbon-13-proton coupling constants
1505-9 S '63 of carbon by wet combustion; in the assignment of proton signals in Uie
Determination n.m.r. spectrum of S-methyl thioacetate.
application to explosives and initiators. I. R. L. Middaugh and R. S. Drago. bibliog
Dunstan and J. V. Griffiths. Anal Chem 34: Am Chem Soc J 85:2575-6 S 5 '63
1348-9 S '62 of carbon-hydrogen ratios by See also dating
Determination CARBON, Activated
neutron scattering. H. L.. Finston and E.
Yellin. bibliog diags Anal Chem 35:336-40 Activate'! carbon demand heads for new
Mr '63
Determination of carbon in hydrogen peroxide high. Chem & Eng N 41:40-1 Jl 15 '63
by combustion; gas chromatography. F. M. Activated carbon industry. J. J. Schanz, jr.
Nelsen and S. Groennings. bibliog diags and R. H. Parry. 11 Ind & Eng Chem 54:
Anal Chem 35:660-3 My '63 24-8 D '62carbon now in sheet form, il Ma-
Method determines carbon in dilute solutions;
abstract. C. Van Hall. Chem & Eng N terials in Design Eng 57:93 My '63
Activated carbon treatments for taste and
41:60 Ja 28 '63 odor control. R. Stone, il Pub Works 94:
Microgram amounts of carbon determined in
sodium. T. G. Mungall and otliers. diag 131-3 S '63 of normal paraffins and sulfur
Chem & Ene N 41:53 S 23 '63 compounds on activated carbon R. J.
Rapid combustion
tion of organicmethod for the indetermina-
substances aqueous Grant and others, bibliog A I Ch E J 8:403-
solutions. C. E. Van Hall and others, bib- 6 Jl ■02: Correction. 9:566 Jl '63
Carbon web gives high adsorption; powdered
liog diags Anal Chem 35:315-19 Mr '63 car^n bonded with a nonresinous binder
Simultaneous carbon-hvdrogen-nitrogen de- !.° ^.''^'^ .P' J>ulpwood or other materials
temiination by gas chromatograpliy. C. F.
Nightingale and J. M. Walker, diags Anal il Chem & Eng N 41:50-1 Ap 1 '63
Effect of flow rate on carbon filter per-
Chem 34:1435-7
Simultaneous O '62
determination of carbon and formance. C. A. Rambow^ il diag Am Water
sulfur in organic compounds by gas Works Assn J 65:1037-4^ Ag "es
chromatography. D. R. Beuerman and Granular carbon may be economical for ABS
renioval: abstract. R. S. Jovce and V. A.
C. E. Meloan. Anal Chem 34:1671-2 N '02 Sukenik. Chem & Eng N 40:84 S 17 '62
Simultaneous determination of carbon, hy- How to black out algae: activated carbon
drogen, and nitrogen at the dcclmllligram
level. K. Hozuml and W. J. Klrsien. bibliog help.q lick tastes and odors and lengthens
diags Anal Chem 35:1522-7 S 63 the filter run.s at Wilmington. M. S. Shane.
Simultaneous determination of sulphur and II Water Works Eruf 116:552-3 Jl '63
carbon In mild steel. W. H. Hill, dlajt Removal of syntlietic detergents from laun-
MetaJlurgla 67:103-5 F '63 dry (ind laundromat wastes: abstract W.
Unit gives carbon-hydrocen-nltrogen analy- \Y-- J'''='^n''.'n^^'.i'?'"-,*"'-
Works 94:1964- Mv '63 a"<l E. Barnhart. Pub
sis; Instrument, developed by F & M Scien-
tific. Is based on gas chromatography, il WTiere to apply activated carbon. Water
Chem & Eno N 41:62-3 Ja 28 '63 Works Eng 115:826 O '62
CARBON, Structural
Isotopes ForiiKs and shapes: ceramic, glass, carbon
»*C In agricultural research; symposium. Chem and graphite forms and -shapes. Materials
& 'Ind P682-3 Ap 27 '63 In De-slgn Eng 58:440-1 MId-O '63
"Carbon63 kinetic Isotope effects and the Plessey develops vitreous carbon. 11 Metal-
mechanism of decarbo.xj'latlon of 2.4-dlhv- lurgla 67:208 Ap '63
droxybenzolc acid. K. R. Lynn and A. N. of materials; carbon, graphite:
Bourns. bIbllOK Chem & Ind p782-S My II Mla-O 63
SS.y®?; .Materials In Design Eng 68:328
■63 189
CARBON arc. See Electric arc Absorption of carbon dioxide by sodium hy-
CARBON black droxide on a sieve plate. I. J. Harris and
Benzothiazyl disulfldes-accelerated vulcajiiza- G. H. Roper. bibUog Can J Chem Eng 41:
uon of carbon black loaded natxiral rubber. 158-61 Ag of '63 carbon dioxide into alkaline
M. Li. Studebaker and L.. G. Nabors. bib- Absorption
solutions in packed towers. G. Astarita.
Uog Rubber
Black structure:Chem a new& Techlook. 36:863-74
W. F. Watson Jl '63 bibliog Ind & Eng Chem Fundamentals
eind A. R. Payne, il Rubber World 148:52- Acclimatization
2:294-7 N '63 to low concentration of
3 My black
Carbon '63 structure in rubber. A. R. carbon dioxide. K. E. Schaefer. bibliog
Payne and W. F. Watson, bibliog Rubber Ind Medremoves
32:11-13carbonJa '63 dioxide in new gas-
Chem & Tech 36:147-55 Ja '63 Acetone
Carbon cleanup technique. Chem Eng 70:86 Jl 8
C. W. black, Sweitzer. the world's invaluable
11 Pet Management soot.
198-9 O '62 Birefringence
rupole moment. gives A. CCh's molecular and
D. Buckingham quad-R.
Compression of carbon black; tool for qual-
ity control. A. I. Medalia. bibliog il Rubber L.. Disch. Chem absorption
& Eng N 41:40-2 Ap 22 '63
Carbon dioxide and desorption
Age 93:580-6black-loaded
Cross-linked Jl '63 polyethylene. P. R. in a packed tower using water and solu-
McClure. U Rubber World become
147:72-5 available.
D '62 tions of sodium carbonate and of tri-
Details of masterbatchine ethanolamine. L. van den Berg, bibliog
li. b\
Jl 63 Greek, diae Ind & Ens Chem 55:13-14 diag Candioxide; J Chem multipurpose
Eng 40:250-3 additive
D '62 for
Dispersion, the fourth dimension of carbon effective well stimulation. H. R. Crawford
black. C. W. Sweitzer and P. A. March, and others, bibliog J Pet Tech 15:237-42
il Rubber properties
Dynamic Age 92:251-6 N '62 black-loaded
of carbon Mr '63 Rockies yield an intriguing oil-ring
natural rubber vulcanizates. A. R. Payne, accumulation. N. W. Adams, maps diag J
biblioa diaes Rubber Chem & Tech 36:432- Pet Techof 15:927-33 S '63HiS-COs-HaO system;
5U Ap of'63 carbon black dispersion on the Corrosion iron in an
Effect corrosion film properties on pure iron. J. B.
mechanical Sardisco and others, il diags Corrosion
zates. B. Boonstra of and rubber vulcanl-
A. 1. Medalia.
bibliog 4pls Rubber Chem & Tech 36:115- 19:354-9of COs
Effect O '63on the strength and ductility
42 Ja '63; of type 304 stainless steel at elevated
93:82-8 Mr-Ap Same. 63 Rubber Age 92:892-902; temperatures. W. R. Martin and H. E.
Effect of carbon black on butyl rubber tread- McCoy,of bibliog
wear. W. E. Ford and others, bibliog il Effect carbon 11monoxide Corrosion in19:157-64
causingMynon- '63
Rubber Age elution 92:738-44 chromatography
F '63 uniform gasification of graphite by carbon
Gas solid with dioxide. L. G. Austin and P. L. Walker,
graphitized carbon black. C. G. Pope, bib- jr. bibliog A I Ch E J 9:303-6 My '63
liog Anal Chem 35:654-8 My '63 Find compressibility
oxide. A. M. P. Tans.of Hydrocarbon
gaseous carbon Processdi-
Handling" carbon black. K. K. Towers, il ■63
diag Chem Eng
Incorporation Proe 59:84-6
of additives into Jl polyethylene
'63 & Pet Refiner 41:119 D '62
Gas absorption
reaction. G. Astarita with and zero-order chemical
G. Marrucci. Ind
using an in situ polymerization method.
D. W. Marshall and others, bibliog il Ind & Eng Chem Fundamentals 2:4-7 Fof '63car-
& Eng Chem Product Res & Develop 2: Gas-liquid kinetics; tlie absorption
32-3 Mr '63 bon dioxide in diethanolamine. R. J. Nunge
Internal field emission in carbon black- load- and W. N. GiU. bibliog diags A I Ch E J
ed natural rubber vulcanizates. L.. K. H. 9:469-74 Jl sampler
van Beek and B. I. C. F. van Pul. il Rub- High-volume for atmospheric carbon
■63ber Chem & Tech 36:740-6 Jl '63 dioxide. G. J. Fergusson. bibliog diag R Sci
Measuring carbon black structure by com- Instr 34:403-6 stagnation
Hypervelocity Ap '63 point heat transfer
pression. A. Voet and W. N. WTiitten, jr. In a carbon dioxide atmosphere. R. M,
bibliog U diag Rubber World 148:33-6 Ag Nerem and others, bibliog AlAA J 1:2173-5
5 '63
Reinforcement of natural latex rubber by Inert-gas systems; a roundup. E. J. Funk. ]r.
carbon black and ionizing radiation. A. flow diags il diag Chem Eng 70:117-22 O 28
Lamm and G. Lamm. blbUog Rubber Chem
& Tech 35:848-56 O '62 Interphase current mass
flow of transfer for laminar
carbon dioxide and watercon-
Strain dependence of rubber vlscoelastloity; between parallel plates. Y. P. Tang and
the influence of carbon black. P. Mason, '63
D. M. Himmelblau. bibliog flow diag A I
bibliog diag Rubber Chem & Tech 35:918-
26 O '62 Oxidation
Ch E J 9:630-5 of stainless S '63 steel in carbon dioxide/
Structurization in hydrocarbon suspensions of carbon
carbon black in relation to the t)ehavior 900° C. monoxide H. T. Daniel atmospheres at 750°
and others, and
of active rubber fillers. B. T. Yampolskil il Iron & Steel Inst J 201:154-60 F '63
and others, bibliog Rubber Chem & Tech Reaction of hardened Portland cement paste
35:877-80 O '62 with carbon dioxide. C. M. Hunt and L. A.
Thin layer chromatography of the mixed Tomes, bibliog diag J Res Nat Bur Stand
neomycin sulfates on carbon plates. T. F. 66A:473-81 N of'62 carboxylic cation exchange
Brodasky. bibliog il Anal Chem 35:343-5 resins with carbon dioxide. R. Kunin and
Mr of
Use '63 lithium alimiinum hydride in the B. Vassiliou. diags Ind & Eng Chem Prod-
study of surface chemistry of carbon black. uct Res & successes
Stimulation Develop 2:1-3 scoredMr by '63CO2. P. F.
D. Rivin. bibUog Rubber Chem & Tech 36: Beeler. 11 Pet Management 35:70-4-1- Ag
'63 Jl '63 Manufacture Stubborn dolomite yields to acid. CDs. 11 Oil
Cabot sets its sights on new fields; Boston
carbon black producer to broaden its prod- 6 Gas J state
Unsteady 61:28 Sabsorption
30 '63 of carbon dioxide
uct lines, il Chem & Eng N 41:32-7 Ag 19 by sodium hydroxide solutions. T. R. Rehm
and acetone
Use others, toil remove Chem Eng carbonProg 58:52 H.
dioxide. D '62H.
United's Mojave plant In fuU operation. 11 Stotler. flow diag Hydrocarbon Process &
Rubber Age 92:301 N '62 Pet Refiner 42:154-6 O '63
New method determines carbon black oil ab- Controlling furnace atmospheres by Infrared
sorption; abstract. V. A. Sljaka and others. analysis. J. H. Flood, il Metal Prog 82:76-9
Chem & Eng N 41:64-5 S 23 '63
Transportation N '62
Determination of carbon dioxide using a high
frequency oscillator. E. H. Bruins, diags
United Carbon using special hopper cars. 11 Anal Chem 35:934-6 Je '63
Rubber Age 93:609 Jl '63 Evaluation of lactase preparations for use
CARBON compounds in breadmaklng. T. Pomeranz and B. S.
See also Miller, bibliog J Agri & Food Chem 11;
Carbohydrates 19-22 Ja '63
CARBON dioxide Flue Seegas also
— Analysis
Absorption of carbon dioxide by aqueous am- Industrial applications
monia in a packed tower. G. Vassllatos
and others, bibliog diag Can J Chem Eng Big boom in CO3 treatment. W. B. Bleakley.
41:7-11 F '63 2 map Oil & Gas J 60:50-2 D 24 '62
CARBON dioxide — Industrial applications — Cont. Analysis
COi. a new shot in arm for acid, frac jobs. Detennination of carbon monoxide in the
W. B. Bleakley. il Oil & Gas J 60:92-7 O 8 orsat gas-ana!v.sis apparatus witii copper
(I) sulfate-B-naphthol. R. Stewart and D.
Girl wit a cat: COi pro is use to pro-
hduc bro stcaetss A. d Pric il G. Evans.
Determination Analof Chem 35:1315-16
carbon Ag
monoxide '63under
e 8 n ue. e,
Foundry 291:152 0-lb F ze '63 reduced pre-ssures. M. Steinberg and others.
Natural g-as makes hard water soft; under- diag Anal Chem 34:1629-30 N '62
water nres produce carbon dioxide, il Gas
39:103-4 properties
Physical Mr ^^63 of carbonated oils. J. R. Spectra
Welker and D. D. Dunlop. biblioK J Pet Foreign gas broadening of the lines of hy-
drogen chloride and carbon monoxide.
Tech 15:Trans
PipinK for 873-6 Ac '63
underwater fires, il Heatlng- E. K. Plyler and R. J. ThibaiUt. bibliog J
Pipinc 35:113-17 My '63 Res Nat Bur Stand 66A:435-8 S '62
Plant drj'ine and carbonation of concrete Self-broadening of carbon monoxide In the
block; NCMA-PCA cooperative protcrain. 2v and 3v bands. E. K. Plyler and R. J.
H. T. Toennies and J. J. Shideler. diags Thibault. J Res Nat Bur Stand 67A:229-
Some Concrete
aspects Inst J 60:617-33
of the COj process. My J. '63Aston CARBON
31 My monoxide
'63 as fuel
and H. G. Emblem, biblloe Metallurpria 66: CO boiler fueled by refinery waste gas. F. R.
221-3 N '62burners Mendow and E. Durham, il diags Pet Man-
Submarine make CO2 for softening agement 34:194-6 O '62
recarbonation, il Water Works Eng 116: CO waste heat recovery can pay for itself.
1S2-4 Mr '63 K. L. Carter. Hydrocarbon Process & Pet
See also
inir welding. Arc — Carbon dioxide shield- First CO-flred
Reflner 42:147-8process
S '63 heater oc x ci.
is on ~> stream.
O. J Taccogna and B. A. Wallace, il diag
Fire extinguishers. Carbon dioxide Oil & Gas J 61:88-9 S 30 '63
CARBON oxides
•63 Spectra Photolysis of carbon suboxide. K. D. Bayes
Absorption band.? of carbon dioxide from 5.3 -bibliog Ani Chem Soc J 85:1730-3 Je 20with
to 4.6 microns. A. G. Maki and otliers. Photolysis of carbon suboxide: reaction
biblioc J Kea Nat Bur Stand 67A:2ia-23 My ethylene K D Bayes bibliog Am Chem
Soc J 84:4077-80 N 5 62
CARBON dioxide. Liquid CARBON paper Testing
Back-yard rocket uses cold fuel 11 diag
Machine Design 34:142-3 N 22 '62 Measurement of the printing quality of car-
Freeze drs'er uses liquid carbon dioxide as bons and ribbons. W. E. Grady. Tappi 46-
coolant. Franklin Inst J 275:260-1 Mr '63 sun207A-9A My '63
Surface-area CARBON suboxide. See Carbon oxides
uid carbon study dioxideofat cotton dried from
zero surface liq-
tension. CARBON tetrachloride
R. A. Sommers. bibliog diags Tappi 46:562- Chlorination of chromite with CC1» and
9 S '63 dioxide
CARBON fire extinguishers. See Fire CjCli. M. H. Khundkar and M. I. Talukdar.
extinguishers. Carbon dioxide bibliog Chem & Ind p530-l Mr 30 '63
Displacement reactions on silicon; the reac-
CARBON disulfide tion of 2-propanol with chlorotriphenyl-
Carbon di.-sulflde. H. W. Haines, jr. bibliog silane in carbon tetrachloride. R. C. Peter-
diacs Ind & Eng Chem 55:44-6 Je '63
Carbon disulphide recovery from viscose ex-
haust gases, flow sheet il Ind Chera 39:125- '?3 ''°^^-
refractive 2^-indices
Effect of pressure
iT?4-!"8 ^^^"^
and ^temperature
of benzene,
^°=on' the
carbon tetra-
8 Mr '63 chloride, and water. R. M. Waxier and C.
Fluidized recovers' system nabs carbon disul-
fide, flow diag Chem Eng 70:92-1- Ap 15 '63 S-.^;?o"";,,''l'?''°5
67A:163-71 '63 ^^^ J Res
Mr oxazolidone Nat Bur Stand
Inhibitors of carbon disulfide decomposition Isolation of an from the reaction
during gas chromatography of fumigant of carbon tetrachloride with ephedrine. J.
vapors. VV. K. Wliitney. bibliog diags J
Agri & Food Chem 10:470-6 N '62 ^-.j^^JPo^
Ind P4SS-9„^?? ?n Calosing. bibliog Chem &
Photolysis ofMr carbon 23 '63 tetrachloride In the
Manufacture presence of ethane and ethylene B C
Carbon disulfide takes turn upward; con- Roquitte and M. H. J. Wijnen. bibliog
sumption rises in rayon and carbon tetra- Am
Record carbon Soc
Chem J 85:2053-5
tet output Jl 20 '63
chloride, levels out in cellophane, il Chem spurs more capacity.
& Eng N 41:25-6 Ag 26 '63 Chem & Eng N 41:284- Mr 25 '63
CARBON monoxide Solvent effects on charge- transfer complexes:
Broadening of the rotational lines of carbon the s-trinitrobenzene-naphthalene complex
monoxide by HCl and by argon R. J. in carbon tetrachloride, n-heptane. n-
Thibault and others, bibliog J Res Nat Bur he.xane. cyclohexane. chloroform, or carbon
dLsulfide. C. C. Thompson. Jr. and PAD
Stand 67A:113-14 Mr '63
Carbon mono.xide yields in the photolysis of 101 O 20 63
?A, ^''M!?*;-,.^^''^''"*^ Am Chem Soc J 85:3096-
acetone. J. Caldwell and D. E. Hoare. bib- Telomerization of ethylene and carbon tetra-
liog Am Chem Soc J 84:3987-90 N 5 '62 chloride. M. Asscher and others, bibliog
Carbonylatlon of organoboranes: the reac- diag Ind & Eng Chem Product Res &
tion of trialkylboranea with carbon mon- Develop 2:121-6 Je '63
oxide and aldehydes; synthesis of a new Using a cellulose membrane for determining
class of organoboranes, M. E. D. Hillman
Am Chem Soo J 85:1626-8 Je 5 '63 the carbon-tetrachloride-lnsoluble portion
of bitumens. M. M. Varma and P. C.
Control of carbon monoxide fumes In mill Sheffert bibliog 11 Materials Res & Stand
3:560-1 Jl '63
Effect of carbon monoxide In causing non-
" ''"°" * ^'*®' ^""^ CARBON tetrachloride poisoning
Carbon tet dangers. Safety Maint 126:59 Jl
uniform gasincatlon of graphite by carbon
dioxide. L,. G. Austin and P. L. Walker CARBONATED beverages. See Beverages
Jr. bibliog A I Ch E J 9:303-6 My '63 CARBONATES
New catalyst promotes big savings In hydro- Advantages of polycarbonate fan components
gen. 11 Chem Eng 70:106-t- Mr 18 '63 outweigh cost, il Mod Plastics 40:108 Mr
Oxidation of stainless steel in carlx>n dioxide/ 63
SS-JP^Jl monoxide atmospheres at 760° and Carbonate llgand and hydrogen exchange
900° C. H. T Daniel and others^ bibliog studies of some carbonatoamlne cobalt (III)
II Iron & Steel Inst J 201:154-60 Ji' '63 complex ions: a general mechanism for the
Photochemical Initiation of carbon monoxide llgand carbonate exchange reaction In
substitution In some transition metal car- aqueous .solution. Q. Lapldus and G. M.
boivl complexes. J. Lewl.s and others
"^"«re. My 5 63
ti'^'"^'^,.,'''''"'"^ Am Chem Soc J 85:1223-8
Chem & and 1398-8 Ag 17 '63
Ind p photolysis Corrosion of platinum, gold and silver and
Radlqlysls of aqueous formic
acid; carbon monoxide formation G E refractories in molten carbonates. G. J

^^Tsr,l9i% i- 5"'?r- •"^""•^ ^

^'>«'" 292-4 Ag Pl*'<^'"s-
o^P^i ^r^ 63 bibliog diags Corrosion 19:
Distribution of carbonate and bicarbonate
yield new heterocyclics: re-
Ml ion with carbon monoxide; abstract. M. Ions In aqueous solutions. S. T. Han and
Hillman. Chem & Eng N 40:69 S 17 '62 R. B. Kesler. Tappi 46:308-10 My '63
CARBONATES — Continued ^ Macro rings; fate of carbonium Ions held In
Fuel cells: carbonate paste electrolytes. C. Ti-clouds of benzene rings. D. J. Cram and
H. J. Broers. il diass Chem Ens Pros 59: M. Goldstein, bibliog Am Chem Soo J 85;
41-2 O '63 1063-74 Ap of
Mechanism 20 conversions
'63 of n-propyl car-
Infrared spectra, symmetry and structure re-
lations of some carbonate minerals. H. H. bonium ion to cyclopropane; 1,3-hydrogen
Adler and P. F. Kerr. biblioK Am Mineral- shift. P. S. Skell and I. Starer. Am Chem
os-ist 48:839-53
Lattice frequencies Jl '63and rotational barriers Soc J 84:3962-3
Migration aptitude O 20 of '62benzyl vs. methyl in
for inorsanic carbonates and nitrates from carbonium ion reactions of the 2.2-
low temperature infrared spectroscopy. dimethyl-3-phenyl-l-propyl system. P. War-
R. A. Schroeder and others, biblios diag J rick, jr. and W. H. Saunders, jr. bibliog
Res Nat Bur Stand 66A:407-34 S '62 Ajii Chem Soc J 84:4095-100 N 5 '62
Low temperature infrared spectroscopy of in- Non-classical carbonium ions; the structure
orRanic carbonates and nitrates. Franklin of stable aryl substituted norbornyl cations.
Inst J carbonates
276:331-2 O '63 P. V. Schleyer and others. Am Chem Soc J
Molten as electrolytes; viscosity 85:479-81 F test 20 '63for a classical carbonium
and transport properties. G. J. Janz and Quantitative •63
F. Saegusa. biblios diag Electrochem Soc J ion mechanism. C. J. Collins and B. M.
110:452-6 My '63 Benjamin, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2519-
Polycarbonates show three areas of thermal
desradation; abstract. L. H. Lee. Chem & 21 Ag carbonium
Stable 2u '63 ions: secondary and ter-
'62 tiary alkyl and aralkyl oxocarbonium hexa-
Ene N and
Silurian 40:60-1 earlyS Devonian
17 '62 carbonate rocks fluoiX)antimonates; formation and identi-
of Oklahoma. T. W. Amsden. biblioe il diass fication of the trimethylcarbonlum ion by
Am Assn Pet Geologists Bui 46:1502-19 Ag decarbonylation bonium ion. G. of A. the
Olah tei-f-butyl
and others,oxocar-
Transport of bicarbonate, carbonate, and liog Am Chem Soc J 85:1328-34 My 5 '63
chloride ions through ion exchange mem- Structure of the 7-norbornadienyl carbonium
branes. M. Block and K. S. Spiegler. bibliog ion. P. R. Story and M. Saunders, bibliog
il See
also Soc J 110:577-80 Je '63 diags Am
Studies Chem Soc J 84:4876-82
in stereochemistry; variationD 20
of '62
Alkali metal carbonates bonium ion structure with variation In
Alkaline earth carbonates origin. D. J. Cram and M. R. V. Sahyun.
Calcium carbonate bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1257-63 My 5
Dolomite CARBONIZATION of coal. See Coal distilla-
Iron carbonates tion
Lead carbonate CARBONYL chloride
Lithium carbonate Du Pont introduces analyzer to monitor
Magnesium carbonate
Silver carbonate phosgene in air. Chem & Eng N 41:46-7 Ag
Spectra Use12 '63
of phosgene in the determination of
Infrared absorption frequency trends for an- hydroxyl groups in polymers. D. G. Bush
hydrous normal carbonates. H. H. Adler and others, bibliog Anal Chem 35:1250-2
and P. F. Kerr, bibliog Am Mineralogist
48:124-37 Ja '63 CARBONYU compounda
Alkyl- '63and acylcobalt carbonyls containing
Average chemical composition of carbona- oleflnic unsaturation; cyclization of 5-
tites. D. P. Gold, bibliog Econ Geol 68:988- he.xenoylcobalt tetracarbonyl and non-ter-
91 S '63 minal olefin comple.xes. R. F. Heck, bibliog
CARBONIFEROUS period. See Geology. Strati- Am Chemin Soc J 85:3116-20
graphic — Carboniferous Changes amino acids andO formation
20 '63 of
CARBONIUM compounds carbonyl compounds during baking. Y. Y.
Alumina-catalysed conversions of esters to Linko and J. A, Johnson, bibliog J Agri
olefins; evidence for a carbonium ion & Food inChem
Changes ll:150-2 carbonyls
the volatile Mr '63 of potato
mechanism. R. Taylor, bibliog Chem & Ind chips during storage. T. P. Domseifer and
o 10S4-5polycyclic S 22 '62 compounds; some carbon- J, J. Powers, bibliog Food Tech 17:1330-2
ium ion reactions in dibenzobicyclo[3.2.1]- Characterization of the carbonyl compounds
octadiene systems. S. J. Cristol and others, Oin '63
reverted soybean oil. B. D. Mookherjee
bibliog Am ionChem Soc J 85:267.'5-6 and S. S. Chang, bibliog diag \m Oil Chem
Carbonium rearrangements. G. J.S Kara-
5 '63
batsos and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J Soc J 40:232-5
Chemistry of the Je '63metal carbonyls; bis-
S.'.:V29-37 Mrion20 salts;
Carbonium '63 tropenium hydrogen (pentacarbonylmanganese) -germane. A. G.
Massey and others. Am Chem Soc J 85:2021
dihalides and an improved route to tro-
penium chloride. K. M. Harmon and S. Components of the flavor of lamb, M. Jacob-
Davis, Am Chem Soc J 84:4359-60 N 20 '62 Jlson5 and
'63 H. H. Koehler. bibliog diags J
Carbonium ions. N. C Deno and others, bib- Agri &highFoodpressure Chem carbonylation
11:336-9 Jl '63 of aro-
liog Am Chem Soc J 85:2991-3000 O 5 '63 Direct
Catalytic cracking of hexadecane; the na- matic nitriles with dlcobalt octacarbonyl.
ture of carbonium ion-forming steps and A. Rosenthal and J. Gervay. bibliog Chem
the exchange of hydrocarbons with radio- & Ind p 1623-4
Electronic structuresO 5 '63of octahedral metal
active coke. W. A. Van Hook and P. H.
Emmett. Am Chem Soc J 84:4421-7 D 5 '62 complexes; metal hexacarbonvls and hexa-
Dicarbonium ions of the triarj^methyl type: cyanides. H. B. Gray and N, A. Beach,
ions from o-. m- and p-xylylene glycols. bibliog Am
Enamine Chem and
alkylation Soc acylation
J 85:2922-7of carbonyl
O 5 '63
H. Hart and others, bibliog Am Chem compounds. G. Stork and others, bibliog Am
Soc J 83:1800-6 Je 20 '63 Chem Soc
Effects of deuterium substitution on the Evidence for Jthe 85:207-22 Ja of
e.xistence 20 group
'63 VI metal
ratea of organic reactions; bridgehead pentacarbonyls, I. W. Stolz and others.
B-deuterium in a carbonium ion solvolysis. '63
V. .1. Shiner, jr. and J. S. Humphrey. ,1r. Am Chem ofSoccarbonyl
Exchange J 85:1013-14 Ap 5 '63
bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2416-19 Ag 20 '63 dinitrophenylhvdrazones.compounds A, Fish and in 2,4-
Blectrophilic substitution at saturated car- Saeed,flavor;
Meat Chem lamb,
& IndI. p571-2 Ap 6 and
Hornstein '63 P. F.
bon. D. J. Cram, bibliog Chem & Eng N
41:92-102-1- Ag 19 '63 (reprints 75c) Crowe, bibliog J Agri & Food Chem 11:147-9
Formation of carbonium ions by oxidative Metal
Mr '63carbonyls give new complexes. Chem
decarboxylation of c^rboxylic acids with
lead tetraacetate. E. J. Corey and J. & Engcarbonyls:
Metal N 41:65-6 isomerism
Ap 15 '63 of disubstituted
Casanova, jr. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85: mang.tnesa pentacarbonyl bromide. R. J.
165-9 Ja 20 '63 Angelici and others, bibliog diags Ain
N. C.ions' Deno physical and H. properties
G. Richev. measured.
jr. diags Chem Soc J 85:2215-19 Ag 5 '63
Metal-halogen stretching frequencies in some
Chem & Eng N 40:48-9 N 26 '62 metal carbonyl halides. M. A, Bennett and
Generation of phenyl radical via reduction of R, J, H, Clark, Chem & Ind pS61-2 My 25
nhenylmeronric cation. C. H. Wang. Am
Chem Soc J 85:2339-40 Ag 5 '63 Molecular structure of Rhs (CO)i« shown by
Hydride transfer nature of the reduction of X-ray analysis: compound is first known
carbonium ions by HBr. HI and a Pt and an example of a hexanuclear metal carbonyl.
Ir hydride. N. C. Deno and others, bibliog L. F. Dahl and E. R. Corey, il Chem &
Am Chem Soc J 84:4713-15 D 20 '62 Eng N 41:64 Ap 15 '63
CARBONYL compounds — Continued CARBOXYL group
Novel photochemical reaction; conversion of '^Carbon kinetic isotope effects and the
&.B-unsalurated ketones to acetonylcyclo- mechanism of decarboxylation of 2,4-
propanes. M. J. Jorsenson and N. C. Yang. dihydro.xybenzoic acid. K. R. Lynn ajid
Am Chem Soc J S5:169S-9 Je 5 "63 A. N. Bourns, bibliog Chem & Ind p782-3
Orsanosulfur derivatives of the metal car-
bonyls. K. B. KinK. biblioK Am Chem Soc J Carbo.xyalkylation
My 11 '63 reactions catalyzed by
S5;15i;i-30 Je 5 '63 cobalt carbonylate ion. R. F. Heck and
Paper chromatographic identification of car- D. S. Breslow. bibliog Am Cheiii Soc J
bonyl compounds as their 2.4-dinitrophenyl- 85:2779-82 S 20 of'63 B-ketoacids;
hydrazones in automobile exhaust. E. D. Decaiboxylalion a study of
Barber and J. P. Lodge, jr. bibliog Anal the decarboxylation of 1-carboxy-bicyclo
Chem 35:348-5U [3.3.1]nonane derivatives. J. P. Ferris and
Phosphorus- and Mrarsenic-
'C3 bridsed complexes N. C. Miller, bibliog diags Am Chem Soc J
of metal carbonyls; cyclopentadienyhron 85:1325-8 forMy a 5 functional '63
complexes. R. G. Hayter. biblioB Am Chem Evidence carboxyl group In
Soc J So:3120-4 O 2U 63 trypsin and chymotrypsin. J. A. Stewart
Photochemical initiation of carbon monoxide and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85;
substitution in some transition metal car- 1537-8 My of20 carbonium
Formation '63 ions by oxidative
bonyl complexes. J. Lewis and others. Chem decarbo.vylation of carboxylic acids with
& Ind p of139S-9
Reactions alkaliAgmetal
17 '63derivatives of metal lead tetraacetate. E. J. Corey and J. Casa-
carbonyls. R. B. King, bibliog Am Chem nova, jr. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:165-9
Soc J 85:1918-26 Jl 5 '63 Mechanism
Ja 20 '63 of decarboxylation of glycidic
Separation of the 2.4-dinitrophenylhydrazoiies acids, V. J. Shiner, jr. and B. Martin, bib-
of dicarbonyl and other polar compounds liog Am Chem Soc J 84:4824-7 D 20 of'62 3.5-
by liquid- liquid partition chromatography. Mechanism of nitrosodecarboxylation
E. A. Coibin. Anal Chem 34:1244-7 S 62 dibromo-4-hydroxybenzoic acid and nitro-
Solvolysls and "O- equilibration of benzhydryl sodeprotonation of 2,6-dibromophenoI. K. M.
p-nitrobenzoate-carbonyl-"0 in aqueous Ibne-Rasa. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:4962-9
acetone. H. L. Goering and J. F. Levy, Mechanism of the allyl halide carboxylation
D 20 '62 catalyzed
reaction by nickel carbonyl. R. F.
bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:3853-7 O 2U '62
Spectrophotometric determination of trace Heck, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2013-14
quantities of alpha-dicarbonyl- and qui-
none-type conjugated dicarbonyl com- Stereochemistry of allylic rearrangements;
pounds. D. P. Johnson and others. Anal the 5 '63
Jl racemization. carboxyl-o.\ygen equili-
Chem 34:389-91 O '62 bration and solvolysls of trans-a.y-
TrialkyI tions
phosphites; novel ring-opening dimethylallyl p-nitrobenzoate in aqueous
with dimethylkelene dimers. W.reac- G. acetone. H. L. Goering and others, bibliog
Bentrude and E. R. Witt. Am Chem Soc J Am Chem two-center Soc J 85:965-70 Ap 5 '63
85:2522-4 Ag 20 '63 Two-stage, decarboxylation. M.
Vibrational spectra and bonding in metal J. Goldstein and G. L. Thayer, jr. bibliog
carbonyls; infrared Am Chem Socof J carboxylic 85:2673-4 S rubbers.5 '63
substituted group VI spectra of in
carbonyls phosphine-
tlie CO Vulcanization
Zakharov. bibliog Rubber Chem & Tech 36:
N. D.
stretching region. F. A. Cotton and C. S.
Kraihanzel. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84: 568-74 Ap '63 Analysis
4432-8 D 5 '62
See also Carboxyl content of cellulose; new suggested
Iron carbonyls
Tungsten carbonyls Omethod
62 T 237 sm. Tappi 45:sup 142A-4A
Automated determination of trace carbonyls. Aprotic generation of benzyne from diphenyl-
iodonlum-2-carboxylate. E. LeGoff. Am
S. A. Bartkiewicz and L. C. Kenyon, jr.
flow diag Anal Chem 5:422-3 Mr '63 Chem
Chemistry Soc J S4:37S6 O 5
of dianlons. A. Zweig and A. K.'62
Determination of the classes of free mono- Hoffmann, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2736-
carbonyl compounds in oxidizing fats and
oils. R. W. Keith and E. A. Day. bibliog 9 S 20 '63of alkali
Solubility metal carboxylates in
Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:121-4 Ap '63 hydrocarbons. E. Kissa. bibliog J Colloid
CARBONYL fluoride '63
Chemistry of carbonyl fluoride. F. S. Fawcett Sci 17:857-64 D '62
and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:4276- Analysis
88 N 20 '62 Analysis for carboxylate in metal carboxylates
CARBONYL group by distillation with phosphoric acid. H. H.
Attack on carbonyl explains hydrolysis rates.
Chem & Eng N 40:40-2 D 17 '62 Anderson,
CARBOXYLATION diags Anal Chem 34:1340-1 S '62
Carbonyl reactions; the basicities of substi- Chelation as a driving force in organic reac-
tuted chalcones. D. S. Noyce and M. J. tions; synthesis of a-nitro acids by control
Jorgenson. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:4312- of the carboxylation -decarboxylation equili-
19 N 20 '62 brium. H. L. Finkbeiner ajid M. Stiles, bib-
Carbonylation of organoboranes ; the car- liog Am Chem Soc J 85:616-22 Mr 6 "63
bonylatlon of trialkylboranes; a novel syn- CARBOXYLIC adds
thesis of triajkylcarbinols. M. E. D. Hill- Acid- catalyzed hydrolysis of carboxylic acid
man, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:4715-20 orihoesters. R. H. DeWolfe and J. L. Jen-
D 20 '62 sen. bibUog Am Chem Soc J 85:3264-8 O 20
Carbonylation of organoboranes; the car-
bonylation of trialkylboranes in the Acid dissociation constants of some 1.2-
presence of glycols. M. E. D. Hillman. bib- cyclopropanedicarboxylic acids; some com-
liog Am Chem Soc J 85:982-4 Ap 5 '63 ments concerning acid dissociation con-
Carbonylation of organoboranes: the reaction stants of dicarboxylic acids. L. L. McCoy
of trialkylboranes with carbon monoxide and G. W. Nachtigall. bibliog Am Chem
and aldehydes; synthesis of a new class Soc J 85:1321-4 My 5 in'63 the reactions of
of organoboranes. M. E. D. Hillman. Am Acylium Ion formation
Chem Soc J 85:1626-8 Je 5 '63 carboxylic acid derivatives. M. L. Bender
Chlorine migration In epoxlde-carbonyl re- and M. C. Chen, bibliog Am Chem Soc J
arrangement. R. N. McDonald and P. A. 85:30-40 Jatracer 6 '63 study In the synthesis of
Schwab, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:820-1 Carbon-14
Mr 20 '63 2-phenylbenzofuran-3-carboxylic acid. J C.
Spectrometrlc studies of carbonyl-hydrogen O'Connor and others. Chem & Ind p 1864-6
Interactions in different sterlc environ-
ments. W. "W. Brandt, bibliog Am Chem Characterization of carboxylic acids In un-
O 27 '62 polluted streams
Soc J 85:2628-32 S 5 '63 by gas chromatography.
CARBONYL halldes W. L. Lamar and D. F. Goerlitz. bibliog
Tetraphenylcyclobutadiene molybdenum trl- Am Water Works Assn J 55:797-802 Je '63
fiirboriyl halidfs. P. M. Maillls and M, L. Characterization of the carboxylic end groups
Games. Chem Ai Ind p 1624-5 O 6 '63 in cellulose after alkali cooking. B. Al-
CARBONYL sulfide fred.sson and O. Samuelson. bibliog Tappl
Carbonyl sulfide hydrolyses In propane dc-
hydralor. J. C. FaiLs and G. H. Ruin- 46:379-81 Je '63
Ots-cyclopropane-1.2,3-trlcarboxyllc acid, M,
baugh. bibliog diags Hydrocarbon Process Q. Eltlinger and J. Kagan. Chem & Ind
& Pot Refiner 41:211-17 N '62
p 1674 S 1 '62
CARBOXYLIC acids — Continued CARD system in business
Condensation of salts of saturated carboxylic Cards conserve production time at Lees-
acids line
with ethylene in the presence Bradner co. B. H. Ward and D. DenHertog.
catalysts. L. Schmerline and ofW.alka-G. il See
Iron also Age 190:104-5 O 25 '62
Toekelt. Ain Cheni Soc J S4::ii;n4-7
Conversion of (-)-frans-2.3-diphenlycvclo- O 5 '62 Punched caxd system
propane carboxylic
phenvlallene. acid and
W. M. Jones to others.
( + )-l,3-di-
Am Alabama textile operating executives fall
Chem Soc J ofS5:.3309-10 meeting. Textile
of cardWorld web 113:107 Ja '63 and
Crosslinkins cellulose O with
20 '63polycarboxylic Measurement transparency
acids. D. D. Gasliardi and F. B. Shippee. its unevenness. A. Barella and others.
Am Dyestuff Rep 52:300-3 Ap 15 '63 bibliog
See also diag Textile Res J 33:411-16 Je '63
Decomposition of diacyl peroxides from exo- Cotton cardinr
and endo-norbornane-2-carboxylic acids CARDING machines
and exo- and endo-norbomene-5-carboxy!ic Automatic feeder for cotton cards reduces
acids. H. Hart and F. J. Chloupek. bibliopr
Am Chem addition Soc J 85:1155-60 Ap acids
20 '63 and handling, improves quality, il diags "Textile
Electrophilic to carboxylic BigIndnew 127:123-1-
step toward F '63 fully automated carding:
their derivatives. M. H. Palmer, biblios
lapless card feeding. J. R. Mikton. il diags
Chem & Ind p5S9-94 Ap 13 '63 Textile
Factors controlling the rate of electron trans-
fer: chelatinfT ability of ligands such as Card wire World 113:82-4 counts
for coarser Je '63 gives impres-
oxalate, succinate, maleate and phthalate. sive results, diags Textile Ind 126:161-f
R. T. M. Fraser. biblioff Am Chem Soc J N '62
High speed carding; Alabama textile operating
85:1747-50 Je 20 '63 executives meeting. Auburn. Nov. 17. Tex-
Formation of carbonium ions by oxidative
decarboxylation of carboxylic acids with CARDS tile Ind 127:49-51 F '63
lead tetraacetate. E. J. Corey and J. Casa- Program for double-dummy bridge problems;
nova, jr. biblioff Am Chem Soc J 85:165-9 new strategy for mechanical game playing.
Ja E. R. Berlekamp. bibliog Assn for Com-
'6320 '63
Kinetics of proton transfer in methanol for CARGO puting Mach J 10:357-64 Jl '63
a series of carboxylic acids of var7.'inK Deck-mounted crane speeds cargo handling.
strenfrth. E. Grunwald and S. Meiboom.
biblioff Am Chem Soc J 85:2047-50 Jl 20 il Mod Materials
International Handling conference,
cargo handling 18:79 Jl '63Lon-
Liquid C-IS saturated monocarboxylic acids; don. Oct. 1-3; with abstracts of papers.
their preparation, characteristics, and po- Engineer
International 216:588.
coordinated634-5 Otransportation
11-lS '63 and
tential uses. J, P. Friedrich and R. E. cargo handling symposium and exposition.
Beal. bibliosr diap Am Oil Chem Soc J Philadelphia: abstracts of papers. Marine
39:528-33 D '62
Mechanisms of acid hydrolysis of carboxylic OilEng/Log 67:C0-1 N '62
tanker automatic cargo handling system.
acid esters and amides. R. B. Martin, bib- dias Engineer 216:278 Ag 16 dangerous
liog Am Chem Soc J 84:4130-6 N 5 '62 Operation riversafa to study car-
New synthesis of cyclopropanecarboxyllc
acids. D. B. Denney and others, bibliog Shipboard goes. cargo Marine Eng/Log
handling 68:52-3
system,Jl '63 il Engi-
Am Chem Soc J 84:3944-6 O 20 '62 Six-ton neercargo-handling
215:1184-5 Je 28 '63crane; Wharfmaster.
Norbornene-1- and 2-carboxylic acids. J. W. il Sfo also
Engineer 215:392-3 Mr 1 '63
Wilt and C. A. Schneider, diass Chem &
Ind P951-2 Je 8 '63 Loading and unloading — Airplanes
Reaction of ethylene with Cis monocarboxylic Loading and unloading — Ships
dienolc acids. J. P. Friedrich and others. CARGO ships. See Freight ships
Am'63 Oil Chem Soc J 39:420 S '62 CARIBBEAN region
Solubilization of lithium carboxylates with See <ilso
carboxylic acids in hydrocarbon solvents. Petroleum industry and trade — Caribbean re-
E. Kissa. bibliog J Colloid Sci 18:147-56 F gion
An interview with H. C. Carlisle, por Mln
Spectrophotometric determination of iron
with 2,6-pyridinedlcarboxylic acid and 2.4.6- Eng 15:55-9 OCalifornia
pyridinetricarboxylic acid. I. Morimoto and Water supply
S. Tanaka. bibliog- Anal Chem 35:141-4 F '63
Study of the crystal structure of trimethvl Filtration gallery collectors provide water.
ci«-cyclopropane-1.2.3-tricarboxylate. J. F. T. Underwood'63 and E. R. Stowell. 11 diags
Church and R, L,. Sass. Chem & Ind p 1574- Water Works Eng 115:900-2 N '62
5 S 1 '62 Analysis CARMINITE
Crystal structure of carminite. J. J. FMnney.
Microdetermination of long-chain carboxylic bibliog maps diags Am Mineralogist 48:1-13
acids by transesteriflcation with boron
trifloride. O. S. Duron and A. Nowotny. CARNAUBA wax
bibliog Anal Chem 35:370-2 Mr '63 Ja '63in carnauba wax. R. A. Baldini. Soap
Spectrophotometric determination of hydro- & Chem Spec 39:85-1- radiationJl '63 on the per-
carbon and carboxylic acid for the ma- Effect of penetrating
terial balance data in carbanion oxida- sistent internal polarization of carnauba
tions. H. Pobiner and others, bibliog Anal wa.x elecu-ets. P. V. Murphy and others.
Chem 35:680-2 My '63 J Ap Phys 34:3138-9 O '63
Oxidative cleavage of tyrosyl-peptide bonds; Soeciflcatiotis
the oxidative degradation of ribonuclease Specifications for genuine pure carnauba
and of S-carboxymethylribonuclease. J. G. wax. Soap & Chem Spec Blue Book p280
Wilson and L. A. Cohen, bibliog Am Chem
Soc J 85:564-7 Mr 5 '63 CARNOT cycle
CARBOYS Classes of Camot cycles. R. A. Lufburrow.
Expandable polystyrene cushions for carboy diag Am J Phys 31:480-1 Jl '63
boxes. II Mod Plastics 40:113 N '62 CAROTENE
CARBURETORS Effect of nitrate and some of its reduction
Foam rubber float for carburettor, il Engl- products on carotene stability. O. E. Olson
neermg 196:19 Jl 5 '63 and others, bibliog J Agri & Food Chera 11:
F\iel_ system cleanliness Improved bv three- 140-3 Mr value
Feeding '63
treatment with ofN:0<.beta-carotene R. J. Emerickfollowing and V.
London show review; carburation and Induc- F. Lievan. J
Influence of protein depletion Nutrition 79:168-70on Fvitamin'63 A
yPo"„J'»T''lS;^?.»-*^"'°'°°*>"e Eng Extra no 62: and carotene utilization by vitamin A-de-
458-66 N 26 '62 flcient sheen. T. A. Anderson and others,
Manufacture bibliog J ofNutriUon
Utilization 78:341-7 Nand'62 vitamin
alfalfa carotene
A by growing chicks. D. B. Parrish and
°63^'"- " A"t°'»°"ve others, bibliog J Nutrition 79:9-17 Ja '63
Many ?9T"F"l5'"'
applications for n-c machine at HoIIey Analysis
J^S^'Vf^'Pr Analysis of orange juice for total carotenolda.
Ind 128:54-h, *=?=,
F ,J;,peschelin.
1 '63 il Automotive
carotenes and added beta-carotene. W. K.
CARBURIZATION. See Case hardenlnff Higby. bibliog Food Tech 17:331-4 Mr '63
Analysis of oranKe juice for totaJ carotenoids. Railroads — Rolling stock
carolenes and added beta-carotene. W. K. Tank cars Bearings
HiKby. bibliOK Food Tecli 17:331-4 Mr '63
Beta-apo-b'-carotunal. a new food color. J C. Fundamentals of infrared hotbo-x detection.
Bauernfelnd and K. H. Bunnell, biblioe 11 E. G. Menaker. bibliog diags lEEJji Trans
Food Tech 16:;i.-S2 D '02 Applications & Ind p iiS-84; Discussion.
Cai-otenoids ol red bell peppers. A. L, Curl.
bibJioK J Asri 4i Food Chem 10:5U4-9 N '62
Studies of serum carotenoids and vitamin A Low184-6temperature
Jl '63 performance of greases in
railway roller bearings. J. N. Crisp and W.
in Iowa school childi-en. C. Id. Koderuck E. Ellis, bibliog il diags Dub Eng 19:2i0-9;
and others, bibliog Am J Clinical Nutrition
l.i;lS6-a3 S '63 Discussion.location
Optimum 280-11 Jlof 'US
checking stations. H.
Use of tetracyanoethylene for removal of
visual cai'olenoid spectra from solutions of A. Young. Op Res 11:721-31 S '63
pheophytins. J. K. Wilson and others, bib- Self-contained tapered roller bearing; sizes
to fit allO standard
85:60-1 63 freight cars, il Mech Kng
lioe Anal
CARPET Chem 34:1331-2 S '62
beetles Design
Textile resistance test to insect pests; latest
revision. bibUos Soap & Chem Spec Blue Structural design of aluminum passenger cars.
Book p2o3-42 K. Sutter'62and M. S. Woo. bibUog il diags
CARPET factories '63 Eng Aluminum
J 46:23-6 S '63
Avondale's new carpet yam mill U Textile
Ind 126:155-6 D '62 All-aluminum body SiUbway cars; Canadian
What keeps a top-notch carpet company at fabricator achieves big savings in weight
the top? Roxbury Southern Mills. U Tex- and power, il Bight Metal Age 20:6-7 O '62
tile World 112:4»-63 N '62 Aliuninuui in new concept; metropolitan
CARPET industry transit, ilsubway
Bight carsMetal saveAge money,
20:16 Dwear '62 and
What carpet sales will total. F. C. Wilson, Aluminum
biblioff Textile World 113:61-4 O '63 tear; Toronto transit commission. U Mod
CARPET sweepers
Finishing Bissell sweepers. P. C. Bardin. 11 Jletals 18:06cars
Dightweight N '62key to transit expressway
Ind Finishine 39:24-8 O '63 design, il Mod Metals 19:52 F 63
CARPETS Rubber-tired transit trains proposed; West-
Another tufting revolution? J. Fesperman. inghouse electric corp. il Eng N 169:22 D 13
Textile Ind 127:77 My '63
BoostinK tufting yarn output with the latest Structiu'ai design of aluminum passenger
in eyuipment; Rocky Creek Mills. 11 Textile cars. K. Sutter and M. S. Woo. bibliog il
World 113:60-3 S '63 diags Eng J 46:23-6 S '63
Carpeting is in the specs; floor covering for World's railroads take to aluminum, il Mod
schools, il Prog Arch 43:166-71 O '62 CARS,Metals lS:44-frailroad
Electric D '62
New piece dyeable polypropylene carpet fiber.
Cr. R. Cuthbertson and others, il Mod Tex- Dightweight cars key to transit expressway
tiles Mag 44:8a-a6 S '63 design,rectitier
il Mod cellsMetals 19:52 Frectification
Quality and taste levels rise for carpets. Silicon for power on
?f'^ir"^'Ai'^^' ..ui'holstery. G. L,. Solomon, il railway vehicles. E. F. Weiser and H S.
Mod Texule Mag 44:23-4-J- Ja '63 Ogden. bibliog il diags Applicatioixs & Ind
Rheological properties of Indian carpet wools. p2S)?-303; Discussion. 303-5 N '62
5i- Static conductor devices for railroad use
Res ^-f .Bhogale F and63 K. J. Whiteley. Textile
J 33:161-3 with particular emphasis on rapid transit
Soiling of carpets: report of AATCC commit- cars. VV. C. Allison, il diags IEEE Trans
.tee RA57: bibliog Am Dyestuff Rep 52: ApiJlieations
See also & Ind p 143-9 My '63
o77-ol My 13 63
See also Cars. Subway
Dyes and dyeing — Carpets CARS, Steel
Manufacture Blast cleaning and paintinej steel cars. G C.
Infrared heat contours auto carpets at Magee CARS,Moran.
Subwayil Ind Finishing 39:36-t- Ja '63
cai-pet CO. Textile Ind 127:182-3 My '63 All-aluminuni bod.v subw'ay cars: Canadian
Powdered polyethylene's market takes shape. fabricator achieves big savings in weight
il Chem & Eng N 41:32-3 Jl 1 '63
Small plant, big wallop: Palmetto spinning and power,subway
Aluminmn il Bight
cars Metal Age 20:6-7
save money, wear O and'62
Corp. il Textile Ind 127:70-1 S '63 tear; Toronto transit commission, il Mod
Ulfect of carrageenin on the peptic hydrolysis Metals 18:56
Structural N '62 of
design aluminum passenger
of various proteins. O. VV. Vaughan and cars. K. Sutter and M. S. Woo. bibliog il
otliers-^^bibhog J Agri & Food Chem 10:617- diags Eng J 46:23-6 S '63
CARRE, Ferdinand CARSON, Rachel
Cold world of Monsieur Carre, por Comp Air R. Carson recites details on pesticide prob-
Mag 67:26-1 D '62 lems, pors Chem & Eng N 41:36-7 Je 17 '63
CARRIER current control trusts See Trusts. Industrial— Internation-
AmpliUcation of power-hne carrier signals at
intermediate stations. D. E. Jones and J. K. CARTOONS
Bo-siie. diags IEEE Trans Power Apparatus See also
& Systems p683-6 O '63 Moving pictures — Animated cartoons
Design of lead networks for a-c sen'os with CARTRIDGE cases. Plastic
earner-frequency drift. I. J. Nagrath and Cartridge container offers two-component
V. K. Arya bibhog diags Applications & Ind sealing the simple way. il Mod Plastics 40:
94 Ap 63
Cartridge jacket; polyethylene replaces brass
Roving operator runs°^
^n4'^-677"o*19*"'6°'"* Common.
cranes II Engineer
with remote con- in anti-submitrine weapon case, il Plastics
trols. 11 Iron Age 190:169 O 18 '62 World 21:15 F '63
Self-generating h.f. carrier feedback anemom- Mora defense at less cost gained by na\'y's
S'Sr,' ^j.J- Somerville and G. F. Turnbull. switch, to spin welded polyethylene charge
63 diaes Inst E E Proc 110:1965-14 O case. M. A Kinna and S. P. Prosen. 11
CARTRIDGES Mod Plastics 40:92-3-1- Ag '63
Transistoi-ized power-line carrier for protec-
t've relaying. H. W. UjJisner. 11 diags English aerosol piston package introduced.
r- A cX?5.ti"« Eng 23:142-5 S '63 il diags Drug & Cosmetic Ind 93:177-1- Ag
rf"?,R current telegraph. See Telegraph. 63
Carrier current '^•^h.ia.nn. CARYOPHYLLENE
<-.arrlMr current
current telephone. See TeJephone. Total synthesis of d.I-caryophyllene and d,l-
.•iocaryophyllono. E. J. Corey and others.
CARROLL, Wallace E. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:362-3 F 5 '63
K.f!f?'". °'
buildprs l^t'®. National machine tool CASCADE process. .>^eo Gasoline — Manufacture
a-s.sociatlon. por Am Mach/Metal- CASCADE
foi-mers transformers. See Electric trans-
CARSworking Manuf 106:133-5 D 10 '62
CASE hardening
'^'r,?;!i„^°'^I"'jf"'' K^°-^?. "'J'^'" m.ikes framclesR Case hurdoning steels for geai-s in Mercedes
•63 Machine Design 35:92 Jl 4
S<!0 also 83:74-9 Ja '■K"SM-
S?'',^'K"'l 63 H. Sigwart 11 Metal Prog
Car llghtlnn; Compression blocks put squeeze on carburlz-
Freight cars
Ing problems. 11 Iron Age 190:110-12 D 13 "62
CASE hardening — Continued CASSITERITE
Compression blocks solve peaxinR problems Rooiberg vaal,andSouth Leeuwpoort tin mines.
R. Hoifman and L. K. Arnold, il MetaJ Africa. A. Leube and Trans-
E. F.
Proe l!2;7a-S2 D '62 Stumpfl. il maps diags Econ Geol 58:391-
Kxplosives fail as metal surface-hardening
technique. J. S. Einehart. S A B J 70:95 CAST418 iron
My '63
N '62 and induction heating; how and when
Flame Annealing pearlitic blackheart malleable cast-
to usa them. J. G. Gross, il Mach 69:86-91 ings; Ley's malleable castings co. il diag
Ag: 70:1U2-S missile
N '63 hooks, il Welding Eng Metallurgia of67:170-2
Applications Ap cast
austenltic '63 irons in the
Flame-harden chemical and petroleum industries. G. L.
4S:63 Ja '63
Flajiie hardeniae provides greater economy Swales, il Ind Chem 39:16-21. 79-83. 142-4
and process efficiency, il diag Welding J Ja-Mr '63 uses of ferrous metaJs. J. Dunne.
41:1019-20 N '62 Automotive
Flame or induction, that is the question; ab- 11 Automotive
Barium inoculants Ind 128:474-
resist Jafading.
1 '63 H. W.
Flame or stract. Automation you
induction; 10:141-1-
be theF '63judge. C. J. Lownie. jr. il Foundry 91:66-8 Ap '63 fur-
Vlahos. il Mill & Factory 72:68-71 My '63 Borings make quality castings, induction
Hardening eauipment uses town's gas. U diag naces improve metal recovery rate, il Iron
to choose194:470 O 12 '62induction,
between flame Age 191:60-2 Ja 31 '63
Cadillac's cast crankshafts cost less, il Steel
Waukesha Steel motor D co.17 '62
151:90 flame hardens 151:146 N 5 '62
Can ductile iron do steel's job? T. O. Kuivln-
crankshafts. 11 Automotive Ind 128:42-3-1- en. ilpearlitic
Cast diag IronmalleableAge 191:84-5
shells,Je 27a '63
NewMr gas
1 '63 speeds flame cutting. 11 Iron Age breakthrough in ordnance technology. W. C.
191:72-3 Ap 11 '63 Truckenmiller.
Casting practice ilinMach ball 69:77-82
production, F '63diags
Oxy-town-gaa flame hardening; Paul Ferd,
Peddinghaus. Germany, il Engineer 214: Foundry get 90:60thinner D '62 slots, il Iron Age 192:
672 O 19 '62 Castings
Electrio hardening Chevrolet plans to tzse more nodular iron.
91 Jl 11 '63
Commer choose Birlefco equipment, il Metal- Steelthickness
152:169 Mr
lurgia 6S:22 Jl '68 Chill and 18chill
'63 depth; question and
Induction hardening of work rolls, il Engi- answer. Foundry
Continued progress91:77of F cast '63 iron. T. H.
Induction neering hardening 195:711 My systein
24 '63 improves crank-
Turner. Engineer 215:824-5 Mv 3 '63; Dis-
Induction shafts,heating il Metal Prog of GM82:7-8 D '62 il Auto-
castings, c u s i o n . R . A.
Design aids to satisfactory liigh-strength, Loxley. 215:1036 Je 7 '63
motive Ind 128:46-7 Mr 1 '63 thin-wall, gray iron castings. E. C. Halli-
Induction line bans warpage. il diag Iron Age gan. S cast A E '63 J 71:70-2 My '63
190:126-7 S 20
International '62
harvester co. adopts new tech- Ductile iron for crj-ogenic use. Franklin
nique to harden crankshafts. U Steel 151:33 Inst J 275:74-5
Ductile iron; AFS Ja '63congress; abstracts of
N 12 '62
Shaped coils harden fiUets. U Iron Age 190: papers.iron;
Ductile Foundry new 91:1484-
refinery Jlworkhorse.
'63 Oil &
114-15 N 15 '62 Gas J 61:74 Mr 11 '63
Ductile iron paces casting sales. Iron Age
Gas carburizing
192:48 Siron
Ductile 5 '63safe for hydrocarbon service.
Carburizing T-1 constructional steel. B. J. F. Mason, jr. Hydrocarbon Process &
Trock and J. Vettraino. il Metal Prog 83:
79-81 My '63 Pet Refiner
Ductile iron society 42:165 annual
F '63 meeting, St Louis,
Gas carburizing by the drip feed method in
Switzerland. U. Wyss. il Metal Prog 83:86- May 9. Foundry 91:169-704- Je '63
9 Ja '63 Ductile iron society fall meeting. Columbus.
High-speed quench carburised components.
Ductile iron society winter technical Dmeet-
Ohio. Oct. 25-26. Foundry 90:1484- '62
to determine 68:59 Ag case '63depths by hardness ing, Chicago, Feb. 21. Foundry 91:1644- Ap
tests. M. C. Vagle, jr. il Metal Prog 84:
84-7 Jl '63 Nitriding process Exhibition of austenitic iron castings. London,
il Engineering 194:620-1 N 9 '62
Designers fight valve fatigue with salt bath Factors affecting gi-ay iron machinability.
treatment. D. R. Dorff. il Iron Age 191:54-5 D. Kececioglu.
First stage graphitization il Foundryof commerical
91:110-124- white
O '63
Ja bath
Salt 10 '63 forms tough nitride layer; Tufftride. cast iron. B. Walker and V. Kondic. bibliog
Engineering 195:454 Mr 29 '63 il Iron & Steel Inst J 200:1037-44 D '62;
Slow bend and impact testing of nitrided Abstract. Metal Prog 84:1804- S '63; Dis-
Charpy V-notched specimens. B. M. Wundt Foundry looks cussion. Iron & for Steelquality
Inst J 201:614-16
plus speed, Jl '63il
and D. L. Newhouse. bibliog 11 diags Weld-
ing J 42:sup325-34: Discussion. 334-6 Jl '63 Steelcasting
Good 153:54 design;
O 2S '63 nodular iron rocker arm
working with maraging steels; nitriding. J. for Ford V8 engines. R. H. Herrmann. 11
B. Seabrook. il Metal Prog 84:78-80 Jl '63
CASEIN Foundry
Gray cast iron 90:32-5gear D blanks
'62 show some defects,
as-Caseins of bovine milk. D. F. Waugh and diagsiron;
Foundry 90:89 N '62abstracts of papers.
others, bibliog il Am Chem Soc J 84:4929-38 Gray AFS congress;
D 20 '62
Comparison of several amino acid and Foundryof 91:145-64- Jl '63 of one-six per cent
casein diets for the growing rat. L. H. Growth nodular iron
Si and of Sila! iron during cvcling to
Breuer, jr. and others, bibliog J Nutrition 1.000°C. R. J. Maitland. bibliog il Metal-
Light scattering Jl '63 studies of an.j-caseins. P. lurgia penetration
67:226-32 My '63 and scabbing. T. E.
Dreizen and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J Barlow. Foundry 90:55-7 O '62 il Automobile
84:4938-43 D 20 '62 Hardenable cast iron tappets,
Performance of rats fed flsh flour or casein as
the sole source of dietary protein through Eng 53:333-5
Induction Jl '63 Improves nodular iron
tour generations. H. E. Schendel and B. C.
Johnson, quality, cures
il Foundry 91:1304-
chill,F il'63Iron Age 190:
;See also bibliog J Nutrition 78:457-60 D '62 Inoculant gray-iron
Calcium caseinate 146-7 bed
Lathe O 11 handling
'62 cycle is long; question
Sodium caseinate and answer.
Whey Magnetic parts Foundry 91:66 Jlcastings.
from malleable '63 H.
CASH registers J. Heine and R. Mikula. il Product Eng 34:
Manufacture 56-9 Ap 1 '63
Tougher tubing cuts machining costs, il Am Malleable iron: AFS congress: abstracts of
Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:67 S 30 '63 papers. Foundry 91:158-f Je '63
CASHEW nuts Malleable iron resists corrosion. Foundry 91:
Influence of the nattu-e of the adherend sur- Metal
face on the rheological properties of cashew 25 F selector;
'63 ferrous castings Steel 151:
nut shell liquid forraaldehi'de resins. D. sup S 19-21 O 22 '62
Narayanamurtl and E, C. Gupta. J Colloid Metal selector. 1963; ferrous castings Steel
Sci 18:98-102 Ja '63 153:sup S 16-18 O 14 '63
CASPIAN SEA Metallography of eutectic cells In cast Iron.
Sea that spills into a desert. M. A. Garbell. H. D. Merchant, bibliog U Foundry 91:59-
il maps diag Sci Am 209:94-100 Ak '63
65 F '63
CAST iron — Continued . Nondestructive tensile testing offcast iron.
New automotive uses for malleable iron, ii W. A. Felix. 11 Metal Prog 83:91-o Fproperties
and mechanical
Automotive Ind 128:55+ William Fairbaim
New loundrv casts nodular F.iron,
15 '63il Iron Age
of materials. A. I. Smith, bibliog diag hjngi-
192:58-9 Atr 8 '63 with, vertical ..,.-.„ turnmc to neer 216:543-5 O Welding
4 '63
No need for criiuline
precise specs. W. M. titocker. J/-. '1 AS '63
Slach/MetalworkinfT Manuf 1UC:80-1 N 26 62 Cast iron can be repair welded satisfactorily.
Olds rediscovers iron, ii Machine Design io: L,. C. Barr. Welding Eng 48:40-1 S 63
166-7 O 10 '63 iron; suc- Method of welding heavy iron castings; Eutec-
Production cess of rotary furnace -Kraphite
of spheroidal as a melting unit, u tic welding alloys co. 11 diags l^-ngineering
194:478-9 O 12 '62 , _ ^, „ ,
dia^ Metallurcia 67:139-40 Mr '63 Welding of malleable iron castings. H. J.
Production started in new ineot mold foundry. Heine, il Foundry 91:74-7 Je '63
K. H. Herrmann, il Foundry 91:88-9 Je 63 CAST iron pipes. See Pipes. Cast Iron
'62 of materials: irons and steelsj
tables. Materials in Design Ens 5S:aO-5o CAST
CASTERS nylon. See Nylon— Molding
, . „ „ J,
Mid-O 63 . . •
Some applications of austenitic ca^t irons. Designed-in casters. R. W. Carson. 11 diags
J. Morrison, il Engineering 194:814-15 D 21
Product Centrifugal
CASTING. Eng :i4:100-10 S 2 '63 .. u
Speeds and feeds for machining Meehanite Refractory metals made dense through cen-
castings. W. E. Gruver. diags Mach 69:
122-5 P '63 ., .^ . „,.. trifugal casting, il Iron Age 191:124-5 Ap 25
Spun cast iron pipe plant, il Engineer Jio.
1048 Je 7 -63 ^ , ^ . ,, CASTING machines
Strength data for iron and steel: data sheet.. Automatic casUng units feature quenching,
Ma'-h 69:142
Tin-alloy toughens .la '63 .
car engines. H. F. Jones. il Foundry- 91:75 Jl '63 peek at continuoua
Big Steel gives small
il '62
Tough, Iron wear Ace 191:65 Ao 4 '63
resistant malleable . iron, il. casUng
Bow- type unit, continuous il SteelcasUng152:31-fscores
Mr 25gain.
'63 G.
Materials in Design Eng 56:10 O 62 J. McManus. Iron Age 192:39 N 7 63
with carbides^: refer- Breakthrough in continuous casting shaves
Turning enceiron Tool steel
sheet. and & Manuf Eng 49:9d-6 O cost,17 boosts efficiency, il diag Steel ,15^:71-ii
Je '63 ,
Winning casting designs: tips on gray iron Conticasting interest soars; new develop-
usage, ilnodular
Yttrium Steel 153:45-4- N 4 J.'63 J. Kanter ana
cast iron. ments multiply. Steel 153:31 Ag 19 . '63
Continuous and semi-continuous casting ot
others, il Mech Eng 84:35-7 Ag '62; Dis- copper alloy billets and rolling slabs; a
review ot current practice. G. L. Bailey
See alsocussion. 85:83-4 Mr '63 and E. C. Mantle. Inst Metals^ J 91:385-91
Grav iron founders society '62-63 -. .
Iron founding Continuous casting gains momentum; 50 nrms
Pig '62iron active. Steel 152:29-t- Mr 25 '63
Copper content Continuous
Copper benefits gray iron properties. T.R. omy. Steelcasting
152:27 goes Je 3 horizontal
'63 , , .for econ- ,
Baruch Materials in Design Eng 56:16i-8 N Continuous casting,
tion coming? G. J. McManus is a steelmaking
and R.revolu-
Defects il Iron Age casting; 192:159-66keyS 12
Encounters hard edges in castings; question Continuous to '63
low-cost siding.
■6 K. Darby,3 il Mod Metals , 19:38-f
. My
Howand muchanswer. waste Foundry in 91:102
castings?Mr '63 incomplete Continuous casting line crops ajurainura cost,
drawings, useless work draw verbal blasts. il diag Steelcasting 151:84-5logs N 26. '62 yields,
. il iron
T M. Rohan, il Iron Age 191:46-7 Je 6 '63 Continuous high
Service engineer's toughest problem. C. A. Age 192:146 S 26 '63 , ., . ■
Sanders, bibliog il diag Foundry 91:130-1-4- Continuous casting of slabs for wide strip
and heavy plate mills. P. Desfossez. diags
Thermal shock is cause of cracks; question Iron & stract. Steel Inst J84:170+200:796-803 O '62; Ab-
and answer. Foundn' 91:S2 Ap '63 Metal Prog S '63 , ^.^
Continuous casting of steel billets. L. J. Gib-
Graphltlzatlon son diagscasting:
Iron & Steel present Eng 40:67-71 O '63
See Iron — Metallography Continuous ^63 and past, and future.
D. H. Miller T. B. Dancy. bibliog II
Protection diags sion. Iron & Steel Eng 40:97-108; Discus-
108-9 My '63 „. ^ :,
Cast Iron gains zinc protection: automatic Continuous casting plant for .slabs; Richard
line deposits thin zinc coatings on cast Thomas and Baldwins ltd. il Engineering
parts, coatings
il Iron Age 190:106-7 N 8 '62 194:710 N 30 '62 , ,„_,
Plastic machined to close tolerances. Continuous casting steals show at AISE
W. A. Generke. il Mach 69:115-17 F '63 meeting Chicago.
Continuous casting Iron Age 192:36
technique O 3 billet
boosts '63
Specifications vield from steel. 11 diag Chem Eng 70:52
Gray areas in casting specifications. L. J.
■Woehlke. castings.Foundry 90:84-t- Jc 24 '63
Continuous Age casting's
190:75 D big test. G. J. McManus.
Grav-iron F. G. DSeflng.
'62 11 diags il Iron 13 '62 „ ^
Products Eng 34:77-81 S 2 '63 Continuous slab casting plant for Quebec.
Standards A. C. Rae. diag J Metals 15:402 Je '63
Continuous steel billet casting plant in Vir-
History- of the austenitic cast irons and evolu- ginia. II diag Engineer 215:1136-8 Je 21
tion of the British standard. A. B. Everest.
Cur\'ed mold lowers silhouette of continu-
Metallurgia 66:231-4 N '62 ous casting
192:58-9 Ag 1line. R. Shah, il diags Iron Age
Statistics '63 . . ,. .
forming of copper rod. 11 diag Iron Age
O 31 '63 . ^ „ ,
Iron casting sales. Foundry 91:136-1- O '63 Fast line casts aluminum bars, il Iron Age
Advantages of alloyed gray irons. F. G. Fast
O 3 '63 automatic casting method. II
Seflng. IIof Foundrj' diags enters
Mod Metals 19:52-4 with
An '63 continuous
Influence silicon; 91:86-91
carbon Mr ratio'63 on tensile Firm ste<»lmaking
casting: Roblin-Seaway Industries Inc. Steel
strength of gray Iron. W. Hiller and R.
Walkllng. II Foundry 90:54-7 D '62 152:31 tube
Goiger Ja 28monitors
'63 flow of molten metal.
Temperature effect Iron &tube
Eng continuous
40:183-4 Jl '63
Fire and quench tests of refinery valves. Gelger casting. II Iron
N. B. Heckler and others. II A S M E
Trans ser B 85:173-82; Discussion. 182-5; New
Age drive
191:85 behind
Je 6 '63continuous casting. G. J.
Reply. 185-G My '63 McManus. Iron Age 191:53 Mr 14 '63
Testing Now semi-horlzontal continuous casting tinlt
Higher lowers equipment, installation, and main-
■63 quality Iron castings. Metallurgia 67: tenance costs. 11 diag J Metals 15:550-1
307-8 Je '63
Influence of lead and antimony on gray Iron Nonferrous wireR gets big liftII from continu-
castings. A. De Sy. II Foundry 91:60-3 Je ous casting.
Ag '63 R. Irving. diag Iron Ajre
192:86-7 Jl 18 '63
CASTING Gray cast Iron gear blanks show some defects,
Oxysteel, machines
concasting — Continued
top AISI technical talks. diags Foundry 90:89 N '62
Steel 152:71-3
Pressure casting Je of3 steeL
'63 H. H. Hursen. 11 Sit?niflcance
ings on theofbasis
discontinuities in steel
of destructive cast-
testing. C.
W. Briggs. il diags Materials Res & Stand
dia* seil
Reds Metalsize Prog 83:67-71 Ap casting.
in continuous '63 „ J.^
Slarin, il Iron Age 193:41-2 Ag 22 '63 3:472-9
What causesJe '63nonmetaJlic macroinclusions In
Refracton' conveys molten metal at 1350° F. castings? J. B. Caine and others, bibliog 11
Roanoke diag Electric
Mod Metals
Steel 19:53-4
operatesJe first
'63 U.S. Foundry 91:54-60 Ja '63
continuous steel casting plant, il diag Iron Design
& Steel Eng 40:141-2-1- Je '63 Casting design is keystone for quality. 11
Small mill thrives by continuous casting. 11
Steeloast151:88 Foundryaids91:92-3
Design My '63
to satisfactory high-strength,
Spun ironN pipe
19 '62 plant,
, , il., Engineer
„ . 215: thin-wall, gray iron castings. E. C. Hal-
1048 Jeauditions
Steel 7 '63 casting , ^
methods. „
G. J.^ ligan. of
S A cast
E J bearings.
71:70-2 My W.'63 F. Carenbauer.
moves Iron Age 191:56-7casting,Je 20 il '63 il diagsrather
Steel to continuous Chem Design than Design 35:38-45 determine
discontinuities Je 13 '63
steel casting performance. D. K. Wright
U.S.& EngfirmsN 41:50
seelc Mr 25 '63 continuous
Russian casting and J. F. '63 Wallace, il diags S A E J 71:
license. Steel 152:294- Je 17 '63 56-65casting
Je '63 design: nodular iron rocker arm
[See also Good
Die casting machines for Ford VS engines. R. H. Herrmann. U
Foundry raetalsmiths
Precision 90:32-5 D '62inc. offers Investment
bv numerical of the methods. direct-chill-casting
D. J. P. processAdenis cast guaranteed prototypes. Foundry 91:162
and '63 others, bibliog diags Inst Metals J
91:395-403 additives '62-63 Problems in designing castings with thin sec-
Beryllium to metal casting alloys. Ap '63
D. '63Bodene. bibliog 11 Foundry 91:170-f S Winning tions, diags Metaldesigns;
casting Prog 82:84-8
tips onN '62gray iron
usage. 11 Steel 153:45-1- N 4 '63
Casting cylinders subjected to external pres- Repair
sure. J. D. Stachlw. 11 Foundry 91:159-60 S
Brazing alloys useful in repair of castings.
Castings project a new image; industry films J. B. Caine. 11 diag Foundry 91:223-4 My
put modern castings into true focus. T. M. Iron improvesAge 192:31 castings.
Ag 1 '63 11 Iron Age Cast iron can be repair welded satisfactorily.
L. C. Barr.
Cracked casting; Welding saveEng or 48:40-1
junk? S11'63Diesel
191:83 Je 27 '63
Cleanliness stressed in making cores for hy-
Equip Supt '6241:30-1-1- Mr '63
draulic castings. 11 Foundry 91:104-f Jl '63 Electron beam corrects errors in costly pro-
Composite materials: bimetallic castings. Ma- duction parts. R. R. Irving. 11 Iron Age 190:
DAP resin inmakes terials Design castingsEng 58:406 Mid-Otight.
pressure- '63 H. 100-1 D 20 '62
Impregnation of metal castings; DAP resin
Raech, jr. 11 Materials in Design Eng 57: upgradesscopic parts
78-9 Je trucks '63 pores. H. quality
Raech, by jr. plugging micro-
il Mod Plastics
Electric transport molten metal and 40:105-7-1- Ag '63heavy iron castings; Eutec-
Errors 11 Foundry by gaged 90:198-1- N '62 il diag
castings, Method of welding
tic welding alloys co. il diags Engineering
Product Eng 34:77 Ap 15 '63 194:478-9
$72,000 O 12 press
bending '62 returned to service for
High- production casting of vacuiun-melted
superalloys. casting il Mach properties
69:152 D through'62 one per cent of replacement cost. J. F,
Improving data Donnelly.
g recessing. J. Zotos and M. P. Eerardi. Strain gages11 Weldinghelp repair J 41:1125-6
complexD casting.
ibliog 11heating
Induction Fotmdry of91:60-3 S '63
GM castings. 11 Auto- R. R.
Tips on Richard.
die welding. I S A 11J Welding
9:96-7 S Eng
'62 47:54 N
motive Ind 128:46-7 Mr 1 '63
Magnesium engine-castings. L,. Lasch. 11 Specifications
Automobile properties
Mechanical Eng 53:190-5 of cast My Stellite
"63 cobalt ASTM proposes new casting specifications. E.
base alloys. H. Griffiths and R. E. Phelps, Bremer. Foundry industry
91:134-1- Ag
il diags Metallurgia 68:3-6 Jl '63 Cast metals-an in '63
transition. II
Metal casting advances cited; abstract. M. J. Foundry 91:86-101 My '63
technology S A EkeyJ to 71:135-1-
castingJa growth.
'63 C. L. Ford specifies its way to high-quality cast-
ings. R. H. Herrmann. 11 Foimdrj' 91:102-5
Nickel-containing gunmetal castings.16 11 '63
Kobrin. i! Iron Age 191:56 My Engi- High
neering! 195:168 Ja 25 '63 My integrity castings for ordnance applica-
'63 tions. J. Schuyten. 11 Metal Prog 83:77-81
Premium quality light alloy castings. M. C.
Flemings and E. J. Polrier. diag Light Met- Specifications
Mr '63 sought for thin-wall castings.
Shawal Age process 20:14-15permits O '62 precision casting of Foundry'
AVhy bother91:114
with Japremiuin
'63 quality castings?
press tools and forging dies. O. Madono.
il diags S Aof Ecasting J 71:96-8 Je '63 and nickel - J. Her. il Foundry Testing91:106-7 My '63
Some aspects gunmetals
copper alloys. A. D. Sarkar. bibliog 11 diag
Metallurgia 66:61-4 Ag '62 Clear understanding needed of quality con-
Stress analysis helps in manhole cover de- trol, il Foundry 91:96-7 My '63
sign, il diag Foundry 91:142 F '63 Laxity is pitfall in inspection of castings.
Vacuum casting put on semi-continuous basis J. Ball. Foundry 91:245-7 My '63
at Thompson Ramo Wooldridge's Miner\'a Sonic testing of castings, il diag Automobile
plant. 11 Iron & Steel Eng 39:161-2 N '62 Eng 53:76-7 F '63
Switch to pressure pouring upgrades sand
■Why doesings? paint question and blisteranswer.
on aluminum cast-
Ind nnishing castings. C. L. Kobrin. 11 diag Iron Age
39:109-10 N '62 191:123-5 My 30 '63
See also Test tunes in tensile properties: sonic tests
Die casting verify the quality and strength of cast-
Molds (for casting)
Steel castings
Cleaning CASTINGS.ings, Ornamentaldiags Iron Age 192:60-1 Ag 1 '63
Girl with a cat; CO2 process is used to pro-
Glass•63 beads used to blast, peen castings, il duce 2S0-lb bronze statue. A. Price. II
Foundrj' 91:72
Smooths. Jl '63 dries metal castings
washes. Foundryoil 91:152 F '62
automatically, il Ind Finishing 39:114-1- Je Castor- based derivatives; synthesis of some
amides. T. H. Applewhite and others, bib-
Defects liog Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:101-4 Mr '63
Better surfaces for shell mold castings. Ma- Chromatographic analysis of seed oils; fatty
terials in Design Eng 57:123 Je '63 acid composition of castor oil. R. G. Binder
and others, bibliog Am Oil Chem Soc J
•63 tensile of radiographically observed flaws
with properties of stainless steel 39:513-17 D '62
castings. L. J. Mattek. 11 Materials Res & Quick method of detecting castor oil In veg-
Stand 2:633-7 Ag '62: Discussion. 3:24-5 Ja etable oils. R. Kumar. Am Oil Chem Soc J
40:80 F '63
CATALYSIS Intramolecular bifunctional catalysis of amide
Alternating current polarography of electrode hydrolysis. H. Morawetz and J. Shafer. Am
processes with coupled homogeneous chemi-
cal reactions; theory for systems with Chem
Intramolecular Soc J 84:3783-4 bifunctional O 6 general
'62 base-gen-
first-order preceding, following, and cat- eral acid-catalysis of ester solvolysis. S.
alytic chemical reactions. D. E. Smith. M. Kupchan and others, bibliog Am Chem
Anal Chem 35:602-9 My '63 Soc J 85:350-1catalysis
Intramolecular F 5 '63 in the hydrolysis of
Anthrasteroid rearrangement: the acid-cat-
alyzed rearrangement of A'.'.'i").^^- ergo- p-niU'ophenyl salicylates. M. L. Bender and
statetraene and A^'^f'^'e^-ergostatrien-SP- others. bibUog Am Chem Soc J 85:3017-24
ol. O. Tanaka and E. Mosettig. bibliog
Irradiation aims at chemical-process outlets,
Am Chem Soc J 85:1131-3 Ap 20 ^63 Oil 5Chem
'63 Eng 70:86-7 Ag 19 '63
Base-catalyzed formation of cyclic compounds Isotopic and kinetic studies of the mechanism
from poly-B-benzyl-L-aspartate and poly-
V-benzyl-L-glutamate. A. J. Adler and of hydrolysis molecularofgeneralsalicyl
acid phosphate;
catalysis, M. intra-
others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:90-7 Ja Bender and J. M, Lawlor. bibliog Am Chem
5 '63
Carbodiimides; mechanism of the catalytic Soc J 85:3010-17 O 5 '63
fonnation from isocyanates. J. J. Monagle Keto-enol transformation of 1,2-cyclohex-
and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:4288- anedione: acid catalysis in strongly acidic
media. F, A, Long and R, Bakule. bibliog
95 N 20 '62
Carboxyalkylation reactions catalyzed by Am
Kinetics Chemof catalytic Soc J 85:2313-18 methyl-and Ag 5dimethyl-
cobalt carbonylate ion. R. P. Heck and D.
S. Breslow. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85: naphthalene hydrodealkylation. A, H, Weiss
and others, Ind & Eng Chem Proc Design 2:
2779-82 S 20 '63
Catalysis by catechol monoanion. E. J. Ful- Mass 169-72 transfer
Ap '63 effects in surface catalysis.
ler, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1777-80 Je F. E. Ford and D. D. Perlmutter. bibliog
20 '63
Catalysis in hypochlorite bleaching. J. H. E. A I Ch E of J a 9:371-4
Mechanism reaction My catalyzed
'63 by co-
Herbst. bibliog Tappi 45:833-7 N '62: Dis- enzyme Bi2, H, W. Whitlock. jr, bibliog
cussion. H. F. J. Wenzel. 46:sup95A Mr
Am Chem
Multiple intermediates Soc J 85:2343-4 Ag 5 '63 enzyme
in steady-state
Catalytic air oxidation of crotonaldehyde to kinetics: analysis of the kinetics of some
maleic anhydride, J. M. Church and P. reactions catalyzed by dehydrogenases, V.
Bitha. bibliog diag Ind & Eng Chem Product Bloonifleld and others, bibliog Am Chem
Res & Develop
Catalytic combustion2:61-6 ofMr aerosols.'63 J. G. Soc J 84:4375-81
Multiple intermediates D 5 in '62 steady-state enzyme
Christian and J. B. Johnson, bibliog diags kinetics; the steady state kinetics of
Ind & Eng Chem Product Res & Develop 2:
235-7 S '63 isotopic exchange in enzyme-catalyzed
Catalytic cracking of hexadecane: the nature reactions. R. A. Alberty and others, bibliog
of carbonium ion-forming steps and the ex- Am Chem '63Soc J 84:4381-4 D 5 "62
change of hydrocarbons with radioactive NPRA question and answer panel fields ques-
coke. W. A. Van Hook and P. H. Enimett. tions on catalytic cracking. Oil & Gas J
Ain Chem Soc J 84:4421-7 D 5 '62 NPRA 61:173-4-1- question Je 10 and '63 answer panel looks at
Catalytic cracking of hydrocarbons: product problems of catalytic reforming. Oil &
distribution obtained in cracking cetane over
a silica alumina catalyst at 372°. W. A. New Gas catalytic
J 61:121-34- reactor Je 24design
'63 based on sphere,
Van Hook and P. H. Emmett. bibliog Am
Chem Soc J 85:697-702 Mr 20 '63 diags Chem & Eng
Nonequilibritim N 40:60-1 point
stagnation O 8 '62boundary
Catalytic effectiveness in multicomponent layers with arbitrary surface catalycity.
and variable diffusivity systems. J. B.
Butt, bibliog A I Ch B J 9:707-84- S '63 G. R. Inger. bibliog diag AIAA J 1:1776-84
Catalytic hydrogenation of dextrose to sor-
One- step catalytic conversion of ethanol to
bitol. II diag Ind Chem 39:233-7 My '63 Ag '63
butadiene in a fliiidized bed. S. K.
Catalytic reactions involving azomethines. tacharyya and B. N, Avasthi. bibliog diag
T. C. Bruice and R. M. Topping, bibliog Ind & Eng Chem Proc Design 2:45-51 Ja
Am Chem Soc J 85:1480-96 My 20 '63 Organoboron compounds: polyfunctional
Catalytic tritium labeling attractive for or-
eanics. J., L-- Gamett. bibliog Nucleonics catalysis by 8-quinolineboronic acid, R, L,
Letsinger and others, bibliog Am Chem
Commercial radiation synthesis of ethyl Soc J 85:2223-7
Reaction rate studies Ag 5 of'63catalytic oxidation of
bromide, diags Nucleonics 21:74 Ja '63 ethylene. L, G. Nault and others, bibliog
Comparison of the bimolecular and intra- diag Ind & Eng Chem Proc Design 1:285-92
molecular nucleophilic catalysis of the O '62
hydrolysis of substituted phenyl acvlates Stereospecific acid- and base-catalyzed ring
by the dimethylamino group. T. C. Bruice opening of a substituted cyclopropanol. C.
and S. J. Benkovic. bibliog diags Am H, DePurv and F, W, Breitbeil. Am Chem
Chem Soc J 85:1-8 Ja 5 '63 Soc J 85:2176-7
Computer model of the fixed bed catalytic Tertiary amine Jl 20 '63
catalysis of the aldol con-
reactor; the adiabatic and auasi-adiabatlc densation. C. D. Gutsche and others, bib-
cases, J. J. Carberry and M. M. Wendel. liog Am Chem Soc J 84:3775-7 O 5 '62
bibliog A I Ch E J 9:129-33 Ja '63 Transition state characterization for cat-
Coordination ligand reactivity and catalysis alyzed reactions, J, D, Kurz, bibliog Am
M. M. Jones and W. A. Connor. Ind & Eng Chem Soc J 85:987-91 Ap 5 '63
Chem 65:15-28 bibliog(p2G-81 S '63 Waste gases can be cleaned at low cost;
Decomposition of peroxides catalyzed by cop- catalytic incineration to save fuel, ex-
per compounds and the oxidation of alkyl changers to recover heat. H. J. Prass. il
radicals bv cupric .salts. J. K. Kochl. bib- diags Power 107:74-7 Ap '63
liog Am Chem Soc J 85:1958-68 Jl 5 63 See also
Diffusion and chemical surface catalysis In a Catalysts
low-lemperature piasma.iet, D, B, Rosner CATALYSTS
?i'^"SF ^ '^'■'^ f ^^M 'U Trans ser C 84: Acidity distributions In cracking catalysts.
R. J, Bertolacinl. bibliog Anal Chem 35:
|8|-92: Discussion. Q. M. Prok. 392-3; Reply.
699-600 Ap '63
General acid catalysis of .semlcarbazone forma- Activity data on Improved para-ortho con-
'a'""-^'?- H. Cordes and W. P, Jencks. bibliog version catalysts. G. E. Schmauch and
Am Chem Soc J 84:4319-28 N 20 '62 others, bibliog flow diag Chem Eng Prog
General base-general acid-catalysis of ester 59:55-60 Ag '63
soIvolysi,s. S, M, Kupchan and others, bib- Alumina: catalyst and support. K. 'Watanabe
liog Am Chem Soc J 84:4159-(;o N 5 '62
Hallde catalysis in the bromlnatlon of de- 1"^ others blb'log diags Ajn Chem Soc J
oxybenzoln. R.,P. W. Cleciuch and F. H, Atomic radiation wins full chemical-synthesis
Weslhelmcr. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85: role: gamma rays from a cobalt-60 source
2591-5 S 5 63 ■sv 11 net a"! catalyst for a Dow chemical co.
Hydrolysis of methyl ethylene phosphate:
Hterlc hlndranro In gcnoral base calnlvsis, lO-f- D 24 '62
'?VV,^''o9'^]!3® """■ " '"'^'^ Chem Eng 69:
V Behavior of Isocyanate-teimlnated prepoly-
Am *^51J["^
Chem "'"^ Soc !■'• If- Woathelme
J 85:1773-7 Je 20r. '63bibliog ?''-"'"Ar '"r,","' ,P'^?<"Pr.e of various catalysts.
Imidazole catalysis of the hydrolysis of 8-thl-
ovalerolactone F._H. Westhelmer and M. •i
Product y- .^Ir'"^'?
Res & ■^'^"'',''"^ Develop 1:261-4l!:<l * D Eng '62 Chem
hi .P^"'^'"'- ^"^ Chem .Soc J 84:4908-9 D 70:36 Ap 1 63
''"S.',P"-y°'^, *'Rr, <=^'^'>'s' cleanup. Chem Eng
CATALYSTS — Continued New catalyst improves C-skeleton detection.
Carbodiimides; conversion of isocyanates to
carbodiiinides wiUi phospholine oxide cat- M. Beroza.
New catalystChem lowers & Enghydrogen,
N 41:54 Sammonia
23 '63
alyst. T. W. Campbell and others. bibUoK costs, diag Oil & Gas J 61:106 F 25 '63
Am ■63Chem Socdeposits
Carbonaceous J S4:36V3-7 O 5 '62
on silica-alumina cat-
New cataiyst promotes big savings in hydro-
alyst. J. W. Hall and H. F. Rase, biblios gen, il Chem Eng
New catalysts aid 70:106-1- Mr 18 '63 A. J.
olefin reactions.
lud & Ens Cliem Proc Desisn 2:25-30 Ja Rutkowski and L. F. Biritz. il Chem &
Catalyst cuts hydrogen plant cost, il diag NewEng chemicals
N 41:72-1- and Ap materials.
15 '63 Ind & Eng
Chem & lowers
Catalyst Ene N cost
of Fraakmg
U '63 ,hydrogen;
^ NewChem polyoxamidation
55:112-f S '63catalysts. S. D. Bruck.
abstract. J. M. Fox. Chem & Eng N 41:67 bibliog Ind & Eng Chem Product Res &
5 23 '63 promotes
Catalyst hydrogen production, il Develop
Nomograph 2:119-21 Je '63
sizes catalyst-bed support grat-
diags Pet Management 35:205-7 trend.
Ap '63 Oil ing. A. D. Scheiman. Chem Eng 70:204-1-
Catalyst suney shows five-year
6 Gas J 61:SS Je 17 '63 , ., ^^ OldMr SBR
IS '63 line stretched to make stereo rubber;
Catalysts spark Engelhard's growth, il Chem Goodrich-Gulf, first to use cobalt catalyst
& Eng N 41:29-30of Je 17 '63 solids by quanti- for making cis-1.4-polybutadiene; process
Characterization granular
tative attrition. D. E. Kramm and I. C. flowsheet. F. C. Price. 11 Chem Eng 70:84-6
Stone, il process Anal Chem 35:313-15 Mr '63 ABS. Optimum
Ja 21 '63 effectiveness factors for porous
Chemical offered to reduce catalysts. R. E. Cunningham and J. M.
H. R. ESsenhauer. Chem & Eng N 41:102 Smith. A I Ch E J 9:419-21 My '63
Ap 15 '63 polymers by alkyl metal catalysts. Oven air cleanliness. Ind Finishing 39:107 O
I. Kuntz. bibliog flow sheet diag Chem Eng Oxidation of propylene with air over a copper
Prog 53:76-9 ofN salts '62 of saturated carboxylic oxide catalyst. D. S. Billingsley and C. D.
Condensation Holland, bibliog diags Ind & Eng Chem
acids with ethylene in the presence of
alkaline catalysts. L. Schmerling and W. G. Fundamentals
Physical methods 2:252-7of Nexamining
'63 catalysts;
Toekelt. of Am ChemshotSocadiabaticJ 84:3694-7 abstract and discussion. F. S. Stone. Chera
Control a cold bed Oreactor
5 '62
with a decaj-ing catalyst. K. Y. Lee and & Ind p 1027
Promotion and Je 22 '63 of catalysts; sym-
R. Aris. bibliog diag Ind & Eng Chem Proc posium, bibliog diag Ind & Eng Chem
Design 2:306-9 ofO catalyst
Determination '63 residues in poly- Product
Rate factors Res in & Develop 2:34-57 Mr catalytic
a heterogeneous '63
olefins by X-ray emission spectrometry. G. system in a stirred reactor. E. J. Freeh
D. Smith and R. L. Maute. Anal Chem 34: and others, bibliog diags A I Ch E J 9:400-6
1733-5 D resistances
Diffusion '62 in alumina , . and, silica .„
My '63 between deuterium and dialkyl-
catalysts. M. R. Rao and J. M. Smith, bib- acetylenes on palladium catalysts. E. F.
liog diag A I Ch copolymers E J 9:485-90produced Jl '63 with Meyer and R. L. Burwell. jr. bibliog Am
Ethylene-propylene Chem Socbetween J 85:2877-80 O 5 '63 and 1-butyne.
soluble catalysts. R. J. Kelly and others, Reaction deuterium
bibliog Ind & Eng Chem Products Res & 1.2-butadiene. and 1.3-butadiene on palla-
Develop 1:210-16 S '62; Same. Rubber Chem dium-on-alumina catalyst. E. F. Meyer and
& Tech 35:1101-13 O '62 R. L. Burwell. jr. bibliog Am Chem Soc J
Fenix-Scisson. underground specialists; Oxy-
Catalyst Dieseler exhaust purifiers in con- 85:2881-7 toss
Refiners O 5 '63 panel queries on cracking
struction of propane storage caverns, il catalysts; panel discussion. Oil & Gas J
Flow andEquip diffusion Supt characteristics
40:24-5 N '62 of alumina 61:80-2 Je
Semiconductors explain 17 '63 catalyst action. D.
catalyst pellets. J. L. Robertson and J. M.
Smith, bibliog diags A I Ch E J 9:342-7 W. Vernon. Chem & Eng N 40:46-7 S 24 '62
Soluble catalysts used in olefin hydrogena-
My '63 tlon. Chem & Eng N 41:34-5 Mr 4 '63
abstract.increases V. C. F.alumina's Holm andcatalytic
A. Clark. activity;
Chem Stereoselectivity of Raney nickel and palla-
dium catalysts on hydrogenolysis. S. Mitsui
& Eng Ncounterdiffusion
Gaseous 40:65-6 S 17 '62 in catalyst pellets. and others, bibliog Chem & Ind p 1354-5
L. B. Rothfeld. bibliog A I Ch E J 9:19-
24 Jacatalyst
'63 Tests
Ag 10reveal '63 inadequacies of known catalysts
How demetalizing widens feed-stock and converter systems for exhaust gas
•63 N. R. Adams and M. J. Sterba. control; abstract. H. Schaldenbrand and J.
Oil & Gas J 61:127-9 Ap 22 '63: Same. Pet H. Struck, diags S A E J 70:97 O '62
Management 35:203-5 Ap '63;
carbon Process & Pet Refiner 42:175-6 My Same. Hydro- Thermal conductivity of alumina catalyst pel-
lets. R. A. Mischke and J. M. Smith, bibliog
How Durabead 5 has performed in Mobil Air- diags Ind & Eng Chem I<\indamentals 1:288-
lift tec units. L.. P. E\'^ans and others. Oil Thiol
92 N anion
'62 oxidations catalysed by transi-
& Gas J 61:106-14 S 9 '63
How operational variables affect fluid cat- tion metal pyrophosphates.
alytic cracking. J. B. Pohlenz. bibliog diag and others, bibliog Chem & T. Ind J.p734-5
Oil &to Gas J 61:124-6-f- Ap 1catalyst.
'63 4 '63
How regenerate reformer W. H. Tracer studies with carbon-14; some of the
Reed and R. R. Runge. diag Oil & Gas J 60: secondary reactions occurring during the
226+ O 15 '62 catalytic cracking of n-hexadecane over a
Hydrogenatlon catalysts. Chem Eng 69:116-f- silica-alumina catalyst. "W.AmA. Chem
"Van SocHookJ
S 17 '62 and P. H. Emmett. bibliog
Hydrogenatlon of linolenate; effects of
catalyst concentration and of temperature 84:4410-21activity
Transient D 5 '62and replacement of catalyst
on rate, selectivity, and trans formation. in multistage reactors. C. Y. Wen. Can J
A. E. Johnston and others, bibliog Am
Oil '63Chem Soc J 40:285-6 Jl '63 Chem Eng 41:28-30 P '63
Improved Met-X process enhances fluid- Try Re In your catalyst formulas. R. H. Blom
catalyst-cleanup economics. D. H. Stormont. and C. H. Kline, bibliog Hydrocarbon Proc-
flow diag Oil & Gas J 61:89-91 Ja 14
Use ofess & Pet Refiner salts
rhodium 42:132-4
as Ocatalysts
'63 for the
Industrial applications of the metal organic polymerization of butadiene. R. E.Soc Rine-
compounds. J. H. Harwood. bibliog 11 diag hart and others, bibliog Am Chem J 84:
Chem &of Ind
Kinetics the catalytic p430-6 Mroxidation16 '63 of benzene. 4145-7 N 5 '62
R. Hayashi and others, bibliog flow diag See carbonyl
Nickel also
Can J Chem
Lithium catalysts Eng 41:220-5 found O similar.
'63 Rubber CATAPHORESIS. See Electrophoresis
World 147:99 N '62
Look at catalyst protection hardfacing. R. F. CATECHOL
Catalysis by catechol monoanion. E. J. Fiiller.
Low- temperature il Pet Management isomerizatlon 34:220-2 N '62
of hexanes. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1777-80 Je 20 '63
T. C. Information
More O'May. Oil &about Gas Jcatalyzed
61:158-9 Jlfinishes.
1 '63 Catecholamine metabolism and some functions
of the nervous system. T. L. Sourkes. bib-
G. Conrad. Ind
Neighbouring groupFinishing 39:100-2In Anthe '63de-
participation liog Am J Clinical Nutrition 12:321-9 Ap '63
hydration of 2-methylpropanol and 2- Chemistry of catecholamines; revised struc-
ghenylpropanol over alumina catalysts. J. tures for the lodoaminochromes. R. A. Hea-
[erling and H. Pines, bibliog Chem & Ind cock and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J
P984-6 Je 15 '63 85:1825-31 Je 20 '63
CATENARY Hollow cathode enhances plasma electron
Concentrated loads on Inflated structures. gun. L. H. Staufter and K. L.. Boring, il
L. H. Donnell. diags AIAA J 1:1823-8 Ag Klectronics 35:C04- D 7 '62
Prestressing prevents flutter in catenary Hollow-cathode genei'ator
pulses. D. W. Lomax and ofJ.nanosecond light
Lylollis. bibliog
roof: Colorado stale university theater. 11 diags Elec
diae- Enc N 170:56-7 F 14 '63 Ignition of a Com 3; no 4:307-76
thermionic cathode '62arc. J. E.
See also White, transport
diags J Apand Phys 33:2731-6
Shells (structural englneerins) Oxygen reaction rales S at'62 an
air-depolarized copper cathode, H. C. Weber
facture process. See Gasoline — Manu- and others, bibliog diags Bleclrochem .Sec J
CATHARANTHINE. See Alkaloids 109:884-9metal
Powder O '62; Discussion.
cathodes, 110:1284-5 IndD 22:
il Electronic '63
New vernacular for Venezuela: proposed Retarding
97 O '63 mation fleld from technique
dispenser for and measuring subli-
oxide cathodes.
Roman catholic cathedral for Barquisimeto. J. V. Florio. bibliog diags J Ap Phys 34:
il PrOK Arch 43:65 S '63
CATHETERS 200-6 ofJa the'63 cathode-fall region in a pulsed
Catheter-tip blood flowmeter for measure- glow discharge. M. Nahemow and N. Wain-
ment Of pulmonary arterial blood flow in fan, bibliog il diags J Ap Phys 34:2988-92
closed-chest dogs. H. P. Pieper. diags K O '63
Sci •62Instr 34:9US-10 Ae '63 Temperature transients in oxide-coated
CATHODE followers cathodes during pulsed operation. D. A-
Cathode follower and negative capacitance as Campbell and W. G. Shepherd, bibliog J Ap
high input impedance circuits. C. Guld. bib- Phys 34:2473-82 Ag from'63 dispenser cathodes.
liog diags Inst Radio Eng Proc 50:1912-27 S Thermionic emission
H. Ahmed and A. H. W. Beck, bibliog ii
Transmitting vibration signals from acceler- J Apof Phys 34:997-8 electron Ap '63 beams from laser
ometers on the en.gine to cathode followers Uses prebunched
on the static test tower. T. L. Greenwood. illuminated photocathodes. E. Frost. IEEE
il diags I S A J 10:51-6 Jl ^63 Proc 51:957-8 for Je '63protecting oxide-coated
CATHODE ray oscillographs. See Oscillographs, Vaciumi-look
Cathode ray cathodes. M. J. Kofoid and P. Zieske. diag
CATHODE ray tubes R Sci
Will tunnelInstr cathode
33:1115 Obring '62 new tubes? Elec-
Applications of secondary-emission at cath-
ode-ray tube screens. N. \V. Bate and M. Zero-fleld tronics 36:86-1-
emission F 15
from'63 thermionic hollow
G. Hartley, diag J Sci instr 40:463-4 S '63 cathodes. I. Brodie and A. Niewold. bib-
Catliode-ray tube displays for fish detection liog J Ao Phvs 33:3328-34 N '62
on trawlers. P. R. Hopkin. bibliog il diags
Radio & Klectronlc Kng 25:73-82 Ja '63 CATHODIC protection. See subdivision Cathod-
Cathode-ray lube has window display, diag lc protection under special subjects, e.g.
Electro-Tech 71:lu8 Ja '03 Gas pipes: Metal protection: Pipe lines;
Crt provides three-dimensional displays, Steel: Water tanks. Steel
diags Electronics 35:54 N 2 '62 CATION exchange. See Ion exchange
Cathode- ray- tube saturation effects. L. Levi. CATIONS
IEEE optics
Fibre Proc applied 51:1054-5 to Jlcathode
•BS ray tubes. 11 Atomic moments and magnetic coupling in
cation excess-nickel arsenides. J. B. Good-
Engineei-ing 195:399 Mr 15 ^63 enough, bibliog J Ap Phys 34:1193-4 pt 2
High resolution cathode ray lubes, il Engi-
Hollow neer 216:602 O lubes
cathode 11 '63 and atomic absorption Coniple.x ion formation between cations;
Ap '63 and identification of a NplVl-Crdll)
spectroscopy, diag Wesiinghouse Eng 23:27- complex. J. C. Sullivan, bibliog Am Chem
8 Ja 63
I^w- light- level television. R. L. Beurle bib- Soc J 81:4256-9cation:
1.2-Dithiolium N 20 '62 conversion of the di-
liog il diags Instuses B Bsingle
Proc gun.
diags OElec
'63 thiolium
New color lube resonance s.vstem. thiothicphlhene
to the E. KUngsberg. no-bondbibliog
Bng 82:423 Je '63 Am Chem Socseparation J 85:3244-6
New radar display at Gatwick airport, il Ind Ion-exchange andO determination
20 '63
Ellectronics of1:54fast-decay
Properties O ^62 cathode-rav tube of cations in sucrose crystal. K. M. Onna
phosphors. A. Pfahnl. bibliog diags Bell and others, bibliog J Agri & Food Chem 11:
System Tech J 42:181-201 Je '63 332-4 action
Ma^s Jl '63 relationships of some zeolites
Three-dimensional crt uses atomic resonance. in the region of high competing cation con-
R. Zito. dr. il diags Electronics 36:52-1- centrations. L. L. Ames. jr. bibliog Am
Ja 11 photos
Video '63 made from trap door tube, il Mineralogist 48:868-82 Jl '63
Elec Eng 82:484 Jl '63 Non-classical 7-norbornenyl cation. S. Win-
See alao stein and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J
Electron gun 85:2324-6 Ag 5 "63
Oscillographs. Cathode ray Norbornyl cation problem. E. J. Corey and
Storage tubes other.'i. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:169-73
Arc cathode emission mechanisms at high Rates
J.I 20 of'63 ethanolysis of camphene hydro-
currents and pressures. P. W. Neuralh and chloride and related alpha methyl substi-
T. W. Gibbs. bibliog il diags J Ap Phys tuted 1-chIoro-l-methyIcyclopentanes: the
hot cathodes F ^63 on the way out? W. M. cation. H. ofC. aBrown
question non-classical
and F. J.camphenylvl
Feist and G. Wade, bibliog il diags Elec- bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2322-4 Ag 5 '63
tronics 36:39-45 Je 7 '63 Reaction of 7-norbornadlenyl and 7-dehvdro-
Calculations of cathode-fall characteristics. A. norbornyl derivatives with borohvdrlde
L. Ward, bibliog J Ap Phys 33:2789-94 S '62 under solvolytic conditions; evidence for
Cathode feedback nomo. J. Kyle. Riidlo-Elec- the tricyclic nature of the corresponding
tronlcs 34:23 Jl ^63 cations. H. C. Brown and H. M. Bell. Am
Conductivity of oxide cathodes: thermody- Chem Soc J 85:2324 Ag 5 '63
namic considerations of matrix stability. Spectrophotometric method for determining
G, H. Metson. dlaga Inst E E Proc 110: cationic etflclency of pulp-catlonic starch
8^5-7 My ^63 compexes. C L. Mehltretter and others.
Drift and diffusion of activation In oxide-
coated cathodes. K. Okumura and E. B. Tappl 46:506-8 Ag '63
Hensley. bibliog diags J Ap Phys 34:519-31 Stable triplet state of pentaphenylcyclo-
pentadlenyl cation. R. Breslow and others
Mr '63of acetylenic molecules on cathodlc
Effect bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2033-4 Jl 5 '63;
overvoltage on steel In acid .solutions. E. J. Abstract. Chem & Eng N 41:43 Jl 29 '63
Duwell. bibliog diag Elcctrochem Soc J 109: Studies In paper chromatography of a few
1013-17 N 'i2 catlon.i with solvents containing chloro-
Effect of cathode rotation on deposition of L<?rW '^i F- Bliatnagar and N. S. Poonla.
lead from sodium plumblle solution. K. S. bibliog II Anal Chem 34:1325-8 S '62
Udupa and others, bibllogi il Plating 49:1274- CATSUP.
8 r> eml.><slon
^62 CATTLE Tomato. See Tomato catsup
Fiold cathodes. A. van Oostrom. bib- Energv melabolism of ruminants. K. L Blax-
liog diag J Ap Phys 33:2917-22 O '62
Full-piano threshold energies for cathode
sputtering of metnls with Ar* ions. E. B.
Hcnschke and S. E. Derby. II J Ap Phys CowsSee also 2^3 '^'3 Brockway.Chem
34:2458-67 Ak '63 JifinJ*-,^,'f^l'8 ^

CATTLE — Continued CEDAR

Extractives of western red cedar inner bark.
Diseases and pests E. P. Swan, bibliog diag Tappi 46:245-9
Pectic substances in foraees and their rela- CEILINGS
tionship to bloat. R. Pressey and others, Ap '63
bibliog- J Ag-ri & Food Chera 11:396-9 S '63 Ceiling controls air. light, noise, il diag Eng
Feeding N 171:105up O the
Cleaning 10 '63
ceiling, il diags Arch Forum
Aluminum soiless garden, il Light MetaJ A^e 118:146-9airMydistribution, '63
Combine lighting in modular
Hormones in beef feed. Food Tech 17:626 My ceiling system, diag HeaUng-Piping 35:151
■63 , proouction
, .. O '63
Design of ventilating ceilings. II diags Arch
Influence of feed additives on the
of food. W. M. Beeson. J Asrt & Food Rec 133:221-2-1- ■63 Ao '63 on fluorescent bal-
Cheni 11:374-5 S '63 Effect of radiant ceilings
Influence of variations in dietary caJcium: last operation. R. E. Boyar and others,
phosphorus ratio on performance and blood diags Ilium Eng 58:62-8 F '63
constituents of calves. M. B Wise and Hot/cold air handling, il nium Eng 58:342-3
others, biblioe J Nutrition 79:79-84 Ja '63 Integrated ceiling turns warehouse into mod-
CAULIFLOWER. Frozen ^ ^ , ,
Time-temperature tolerance of frozen foods: Luminous ern office, il Ilium Eng 58:618-19 O '63 il
qualitytrichchanges in cauliflower. W. C. Die- My -63 ceiling systems. B. C. Cooper,
and others, biblioe Food Tech 16: diags Elec Constr
Multi-function ceiling& systems.
Maint 62:114-15
B. C. Cooper, O '63
123-8 O '62 il diags
CAULKING New ceilingElecmaterial Constr faced& Maint with 62:123-5
Mylar. OFood '63
positions composition. See Calking com- Tech 16:61 O '62 _.,^
CAUSED/ AYS Plenum engineering, key to success wltn
Rip-rap hand placed under water, il Ene N ventilating ceilings. T. Mariner. 11 plans
170:71 F 14 '63 Heating-Piping 34:130-40 O '62: Discus-
CAUSTIC soda. See Sodium hydroxide sion. E. Godes. 35:83-4: Reply. 84-1- Ap
CAVE drawings and paintings Radiant panel ceilings. R. E. Boyar. diags
ern chemicalmuseum technology, copies cavecolor paintings: moa-
photography Heating-Piping
Total integrated ceiling 35:110-16system,Ag '63 il Prog Arch
help reproduce stone age art. il Chem &
Eng N 40:99-102 S 17 '62 CELCON.44:109 O '63
See Thermoplastics
Reproducing seum of Mvmlch. stone ageGermany art: Deutsches
produces mu- full CELESTIAL mechanics. See Mechanics. Celes-
scale replicas of a 30.000 year old mural. tial
K. J. Soule. Rubber Age 92:382 D '62 CELLOBIOSE ^
CAVES , „ Infrared study of cellobiose derivatives. D.
Solution caves in gypsum, north central Tex- M. Hall and P. E. Robbins. Textile Res J
as. D. R. McGregor and others, bibliog mao 32:860-2 O '62 „ .r,
plan diag J Geol 71:108-15. pi 1 Ja '63 S\Tithesis of cellobiose octaacetate. P.„B.
CAVITATION Robbins and D. M. Hall, bibliog Ind & Eng
Calculation of subsonic cavities with sonic Chem Product Res & Develop 1:285-7 D '62
free streamlines. D. D. Fisher, bibliog diags CELLOPHANE
J Math & bubbles, Phys 42:14-26 Mr trouble,
'63 Bacterial permeability of selected food pack-
Ca\itation: toil and bibliog aging films. M. W. Hartman and others,
Naval Eng J 74:673-80
Cavitation flow past airfoils. A. N. Ivanov. N '62 bibliog il Food
Permeabilitv Tech 17:1192-4
of cellulose films. W. S '63T. Koch
AIAA J 1:278-80 Ja '63 structures; problems and others, tobibliog
Permeability oxygenTappi of 46:569-72
cellophane S '63
Cavitation in hydraulic
created bv cavitation phenomena. F. R. inates. N. T. Notley. diag J Ao Chem lam- 13:
Brown bibliog il plans diags Am Soc C E 107-11 Mr '63 ^, „ . .r.
Structure of cellulose film. H. A. Pearse
Proc 89 [HT 1 no 33931:99-115 Ja '63: Dis-
and others, bibliog Tappi 46:622-9 O '63
Cavitation cussion. in 89 [HY 5 no structures;
hvdraulic 36561:141-5 scaleS '63 ef-
fects involved in cavitation experiments. Autobiographies of cells. R. Baserga and
J. M. Robertson, bibliog diags Am Soc C B W. e: Kisieleski. il diags Sci Am 209:103-
Proc 89 (HTflnishes 3 no 35201:167-80 My '63 flow. 8-1- Ag '63
Construction and high- velocity Biological transport. H. N. Christensen. ed.
J. W. Ball, bibliog il diags Am Soc C E Review, by R Morris. Chem & Ind p 1190-4
Proc 89 tCO 2 no 36461:91-110 S '63 J' 20 '63 ,. ^. ^^ , .,
ilanv facesbubbles, il Mech L.
of corrosion. Eng H.84:62 D '62
Seabright Do cells surrounding neurons bias tnem" 11
and R. J. Fabian, bibliog diags Materials TheElectronics
drowned 36:62-3 world, Apby 19J. '63 G. Bellard and
in Design ofEngcavitation.
Mechanics 57:85-91 Ja V. '63E. Johnson, jr. Atoms view, andbv D.the P.cell,Hopkins. by P. A. Chem Barker.& Re- Ind
bibliog il diags Am Soc C B Proc 89 [HT P440-2 Mr 16 '63 ^, „ . .
3 no 35301:251-75 My '63 Lvsosome. C. de Duve. il diags Scl Am 208:
Obseri-ation of cavitation scale and thermo- 64-72 My '63 , , ^, „
dynamic effects in stationary and rotat- RNA-induced cellular changes are stable. M.
ing comT>onents: Venturi test section and C. Niu. Chem & Eng N 41:41 Ap 29 '63
centrifugal pump. F. G. Hammitt. bibliog
diags A S M E Trans ser D 85:1-12; See also
Pumping 13-14: liquid
Reply. hydrogen
14-16 Mr '63 ^
without Plant cells and tissues
cavitation. J. F. DiStefano. il diags Hy- CELLS, Electrolytic. See Electrolytic cells
draulics & solutions
Pneumatics for 16:llS-20-f S '63 CELLULAR concrete. See Concrete. Porous
Some exact linear bodies. F. F. Ehrich. cavitating
bibliog curvi-
diags CELLULAR glass. See Glass. Cellular
AIAA enlargements
Sudden J 1:675-8 Mr in'63 pipelines. J. ^^ w. Ball, Accessibility of native cellulose micronbrils.
il diags -\m Soc C E Proc 88 [PO 4 no Y. Sumi and others, bibliog Tappi 46:126-
33401:15-27 D '62: Discussion. E. R. Tinney. 30 F '63 „ , .
89 [PO 1 no 36521:151-2 S '63 Action of terials.gaseous Z. Osawa reagents
and others, on cellulosic
bibliog Tappima-
Thermodmamic aspects of cavitation In cen-
trifugal pumps. A. Hollander. ARS J 32: 46:79-89 F cellulose '63
1594-5 O '62 Activated for solution-adsorntion
Unified theor>- of cavitation damage. A. chromatography. C. K. Miller and others.
Thiruvengadam. bibliog A S M E Trans ser bibliog Anal
Autoradiographic determination Chem 35:93-3 Ja '63
of distribution
D 85:365-73:
Use of intermediateDiscussion. 373-6rates
strain S '63to study of urea-formaldehyde resin in regenerated
creep cavitation in Magnox A 12. S. J. cellulose filaments. G. S. Park. 2pls Soc
Tyler and V. N. %Vhittaker. bibliog 11 Dyers & Col J 78:451-2 S '62
Metallurgia 68:17-22 Behavior of ethylenimine with cellulose in the
Visual cavitation studiesJl of'63mixed flotv pump presence of acetic acid. L. Segal and F. V.
impellers. G. M. 'Wood, bibliog 11 diag Eggerton. bibliog Textile Res J 33:739-45
A See
S M aJso
E Trans ser D 85:17-28 Mr '63 S '63
Hydraulic machinery — Cavitation Biological synthesis of cellulose: abstract.
J. A. Gascoigne. Chem & Ind p514-15 Mr
CAVITOMIC cotton. See Cotton — Diseases and
pests Biosynthesis of cellulose. J. A. Gascoigne.
CAVITY resonators. See Radio resonators 30 '63
bibliog Chem & Ind p 1580-4 S 28 '63
CELLULOSE— Continued Radiation-induced graft polymers of cellu-
BriKhtness reversion of cellulose exposed to lose. J. C. Arthur, jr. and F. A. Blouin.
ultraviolet liKht. R. H. MacClaren and bibliog Am Uyestuff Ren 51:1024-7 D 24 '62
others. content
Carboxyl biblioB 11of Tappl cellulose;45:789-93 O '62
new suKj;ested Reaction of aryl isocyanates with cotton cel-
lulose. S. E. Ellzey. jr. and others, bibliog
method T 237 sra. Tappi 45:sup 142A-4A Textile Resof J
Reactions 32:1023-33 withD '62unsymmetrical
O '62
Cellulose chain leneth uniformity by frac- .sLiUones. G. C. Tesoro and A. Oroszlan.
tional precipitatio!! of cellulose nitrates; bibliog method 11 Textileof determining
Res J 33:93-107
new sucsested method T 238 sm-G3. biblioe Simple the Faccessi-
Tappi 4C:sup bility of cellulose to enzymic attack. M. A.
Cellulose columns 133A-6A containing Mr polyribonucleo-
Jermyn. in Textile Res J reactions
33:317-18 ofAo cellu-
tides and ribonucleic acids. A. J. Adler and Studies cross- linking
A. •63Rich, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:3977-9 lose. V. B. Chioalkatti and others, bibliog
O 20 '62 derivatives. G. B. Turner, biblioe
Cellulose Textilein Res
Studies the J reaction
33:282-95 of Apformaldehyde
'63 with
Chem & Ind p920-7: Discussion. 927-8 Je 8 unmodified, modified and dyed celluloses.
K. V. Datye and G. M. Nabar. bibliog
Cellulose ethers: abstract. F. C. Hall and Textile Res J 32:825-33, 883-90; 33:500-10
A. F. Williams. Chem & Ind p 139-40 Ja O-N '62. Jl '63mechanism of alkali cellulose
Study of the
26 '63
Cellulose swellinff measured by propanol-2 autoxidation. J. A. Matter, bibliog Tappl
retention. C. M. Andrews and A. G. Obere. 4(;:5.SG-91 O '63
bibliog in diaff TextilestructuralRes J 33:330-2 My '63 Surface flame propagation on cellulosic ma-
Changes certain and mechanical terials exposed to thermal radiation. D.
properties of cotton cellulose with progres- Gross and J. J. Loftus. bibliog diag J Rea
sive acetj'lation. C. M. Conrad and others, Nat Bur Stand 67C:251-8 Jl '63
bibliog 11 Textileof Res J 33:784-94 O '63 TAPPI dissolving pulps conference. Montreal,
Characterization sodium hydroxide treated June 17-20; with abstracts of papers. Tappi
celluloses by benzene retention. F. L. Wells
and others, bibliog diag Tappi 45:845-9 N Use46:sup
of new 108A-I- solvents
S '63 for evaluating chemical
cellulose for the viscose process. D. K.
Characterization of the carboxylic end groups Smith and others, bibliog il Ind & Eng
in cellulose after alkali cooking. B. Alfreds- Chem Proc Design 2:57-62 Ja '63
son and O. Seimuelson. bibliog Tappi 46: See also
Citric acid Je cross-links
'63 cellulose. Chem & Eng Dyes and dyeing — Cellulose
N 40:42
Crosslinking of D 3 '62 cellulose with polycarboxylic Lignin
acids. D. D. Gagliardi and F. B. Shippee. Viscose
Am Dyestuff Reo 52:300-3 Ao 15 '63 Analysis
Degradation of cellulose with megavolt elec- Adaptation of the o.xygen fla:sk method for
trons. J. L. Neal and H. A. Kraessig. bib- ashing of cellulosic materials. J. C. Paul-
liog Tappi 46:70-2
Determination of theF accessibility
'63 of cellu- son, diag Anal study Chem of35:1558-9 S '63
lose films bv infra-red spectroscopy. D. J. X-ray diffraction the conformation
Priest and R. J. Shimell. bibliog J Ap Chem of the cellulose chain. N. Norman, bibliog
13:383-91 S 63 11 Textile Res
CELLULOSE acetate J 33:711-20 S '63
Digestibility of the aJpha-cellulose and pen- Change in cotton, linen, rayon, and cellulose
tosan components of the cellulosic micelle
of fescue and alfalfa. S. J. Lyford. jr. and secondary acetate with temperature of
others, pulping bibliog forJ high-alpha Nutrition 79:105-8 steaming. V. C. Ester and others, bib-
DMSO cellulose?Ja Can
Chem Process Factorsliogduring Textile RestheJ making 33:357-70 ofMycellulose
'63 ace-
Dissolving pulps 46:34-5 in retrospect.D '62 M. O. Schur. tate which influence false viscosity. C. J.
Malm and L.. J. Tanghe. bibliog Tappi
Tappi 46:sup cross-links
6,6'-Disulflde 16A-)- Ag '63 in cotton
R. F. Schwenker. .ir. and others,cellulose.
bibliog 46:629-36
Hemicellulose O and '63 false viscosity in cellulose
Textile Res J 32:797-804: 33:107-17 O '62. acetate. F. L, Wells and others, bibliog
P '63 Tappi 46:581-6
Properties of materials;O '63 cellulose acetates;
effects on fabric cross-links wrinkle in cotton
recovery. cellulose;
R. F. tables. Materials in Design Eng 58:201 Mld-
Schwenker. jr. and others, bibliog Textile
Res J 32:797-804 O '62 Relation
O '63 of turbidity to color of secondary
Effects ofluloseethylamlne cellulose acetate solutions. C. D. Bock-
fibers on the decrystaJIization of cel-
viscoelastic properties man, jr. Tappi
of paper. J. Li. Parker, bibliog Tappl 45: CELLULOSE acetate 46:114-17
butyrate P "63
936-43 of D '62 Properties of materials: cellulose acetate
Effects physical and chemical properties butyrate and cellulose propionate: tables.
of cellulosic fibers on anaerobic deteriora- Materials in Dc^^ign Eng 58:202 Mid-O "63
tion by pure cultures. S. N. Ghose and CELLULOSE acetate fibers
K. W, King, bibliog Textile Res J 33:392-8 New dull acetate for decorative fabrics:
East mans Estron SLR yarn has resistance
My 'Ciii cellulose fibers in polyethylene, to sunlight tenderiz.ition. R. C. Harrington,
flow chart of
Examination 11 Tappi
distribution 46:siip of 104A-5A Ag '63
substituents in jr. and C. A. Jarrett. bibliog il Mod Tex-
partially methylated cellulose by gas liquid
partition chromatography. W. B. Neely and Solution tilesspinningMag 44:67-70fromAo a '63 mixed pohiner sys-
tem: a multivariable study. G. K. Morbey
others, bibliog Anal Chem 34:1423-5 O '62 and J. C. ^\^litwell. bibliog Textile Res J
Fiber mat gets extra strength as plastic 33:673-SS
bonds It In place; Nalcon process. 11 Iron See alsoS '63
Age 191:78-9 Je 27 '63 Dyes and dyeing — Cellulose acetate fibers
Heterogeneous acid hydrolysis of alpha-cellu- CELLULOSE esters
lose from Sudanese cotton. E. H. Daruwalla IM.-x.-jtics 1062; cellulosics. Mod Plastics 40:
and R. T. Shet. bibliog Textile Res J 32: 93-1- Ja '63 ethers
942-54 N '62 CELLULOSE
Microbiological degradation of cellulose: ab- Cellulose ethers: what they are and their
stract. K. Selby. Chem & Ind p514: Dis- use in cosmetics. A. H. Knectel. Am Per-
cussion. 515 Mr 30 '63 CELLULOSE fumer 7R:9:i-7 O '63
nitrate. See Nitrocellulose
Mlcrocrystalllne cellulose In tabletlng. C. D.
Pox and others. 11 Drug & Cosmetic Ind CELLULOSE propionate
92:161-4-1- F '63 Properties of m.aterials; cellulose acetate
New developments In the field of knitting; butyrato and cellulose propionate: tables.
the knitting properties of cellulose fibers: Materials in Design Eng 58:202 Mid-O '63
abstract. Einsele and TTlrlch. Am Dve- CEMENT
stulT Rep 52:255 Ao 1 '63 Adsorption of admixtures on Portland
Nuclear magnetic resonance studies on several comont. B. Blank and others, bibliog Am
cellulose-water systems. T. Swanson and Cer Soc J on
Bibliography 46:395-9
cement Ag grouting:
'63 second
others, bibliog Tappi 45:929-32 D '62 progress report, committee on grouting.
Process encapsulates fibers, powders; Na- Am Soc C E Proc 89 (SM 4 no 35751 :46-89
tional Lead plant makes polyethylene-en-
capsulated cellulose. II Chen\ & Eng N 41: Chemical prestresslng of concrete elements
42-3 Jl 1 "63 using
Jl '63 expanding cements. T. Y. Lin and
Radiation grafting of vinyl on cellulose. 11 A. Klein. 11 dlags Am Concrete Inst J 60:
Can Chem Procoes 46:67-8 N 62 1187-218 S '63
CEMENT — Continued
lixpandinff cement prestresses concrete. Eng Glossary' of terms on cement and concrete
N 171:4i-2 S 26 Inl teclmology; increment no. one. bibliog Am
Guide to Portland cement plastering, bib- Concrete Inst J 59:1761-70 D '62; Discus-
liog il diasjs Am Concrete Inst J 60:817-34 sion. 60:2065-9 pt Testing
2 Je '63
Jl '63 cement industry technical conference:
abstracts of papers. 11 Pit & Quarry 55:SS-91 Effect of Dead Sea water on Portland cement.
Je '63 of hardened Portland cement paste
Reaction L.. Heller and M. Ben-Yair. bibliog J Ap
with carbon dioxide. C. M. Hunt and L. Chem 12:481-5 N '62
A. Tomes, bibliosr diag J Res Nat Bur Effects of
land cements. calcium
N. C. Rockwood. various
sulphates on Rock port-
Stand 66A:473-S1 N '62 65:18-1- D '62
Silicate structures extracted mtact from min- Zinc oxide as a standard substance In the
eral silicates, sodium silicates, and Portland solution calorimetry of Portland cement. E.
cement. C. W. L-entz. il diags Chem & Eng S. Newman, '63 bibliog J Res Nat Bur Stand
N 41:44-6 S 23 '63 with cement and sodium
Soil stabilization 66A:381-S S '62
additives Z. C. Moh. hibliog Am Soc C E Transportation
Proc SS cussion.
6 no3 no33561:51-105
35281:181-7D My:
'62; Dis- Atlantic Cement's
[SM tribution network plant
being in completed.
operation; 11 dis-
4 no 35781:217-18 Jl '63
SBR latex improves cement mortars. Can & Quarry
CEIVIENT clinkers 55:44 Ja '63
Chera Process
Tensile 47:60-1 Jabetween
bond strength '63 aggregate Clinker calculating procedure. A. R. De La
and cement paste or mortar. T. T. C. Torre.of Portland
Pit & Quarry
Hsu and F. O. Slate, bibliog diags Am Use cement 56:180clinkerJl brick
'63 as
refractory in rotary cement kilns. Y.
Concrete inInstconcrete
Variables J 60:465-86 Ap '63and port-
a.ggregates Sanada. il diags Pit & Quarry 56:158-61
land cement paste which influence the
strength of concrete. W. A. Cordon and Vertical kilns allow remote control sintering.
H. A. Gillespie, il Am Concrete Inst J Jl '63
S. Gottlieb. 11 diags Rock Prod 66:75-9 My
See also biblioglp 1049-50) Ag '63 CEMENT handling
Grouting Bulk cement conveyor. 11 diag Mech Ensr
Gypsum products
Mortar 85:45 Jl '63
Electronic '63
weighing of bulk cement. 11 Engi-
Use of ultraviolet spectrophotometry in de- CEMENT neer 216:272
Industry Ag and 16 '63 trade
termining lignosulfonate additions in ce- Cement industry weathervanes point to far-
ment. A. S. Wexler and F. D. Brako. Ma- off storage depots, barge transport, larger
terials Res & Stand 3:364-8 My '63 plants and closer process control. R. E.
Cement, il1962.
Rock C. Prod Dobbins. 56:80-5
11 MlnMy Cong
'63 J 49:
Datura point for estimating the adsorbed 97-8-t- Freview
Cement: '63 and forecast. W. E. Trauffer.
water in hydrated Portland cement. R. F.
Feldman and P. J. Sereda. bibliog J Ap il Pitnew& record
1963: Quarry highs 55:94-105-1-
after a Jastall:
'63 Portland
Chem 13:375-82 S '63
Fused silica-hydrated cements for thermal cement. of Rock
Review the cement Prod industry.
66:76-7 Ja Pit'63& Quarry
protection systems. N. E. Poulos and others.
bibliog il diag Am Cer Soc Bui 41:812-15 D 55:103-4-1-
Simple path F to'63 profits: Gulf Coast Portland
15 '62evolution tests with calcuim alimiinate
Heat Cement, il diag Rock Prod 66:86-90-1- My
binders and castables. W. S. Treffner and
R. M. 'Williams, bibliog il Am Cer Soc J Cement imports near record high. Rock Prod
46:399-406 Ag '63
I^atest knowledge on chemical structure of
cement paste. N. C. Rockwood. Rock Prod 66:96-1- My '63 California
66:21-1- F; 16-t- Mr: 22-1- Ap '63 California cement producers expand or im-
Solid-liquid reactions in Portland cement prove plants as demand holds at peak
pastes. W. C. Hansen, bibliog Materials levels. H. F. Utley. 11 Pit & Quarry 55:98-
Res & Stand 2:490-3 Je '62; Discussion. 102-1- F '63 Japan
3:36 Ja '63
Studies of early sta.ges of paste hydration of Japan's cement quadruples in a decade. Y.
cement compounds. S. Chatterji and J. W. Sanada and Y. Koide. Rock Prod 66:79-80-1-
Jeffery. bibliog il Am Cer Soc J 45:536-43;
46:187-91 N '62. Ap '63; Discussion. W. C. More
Mr '63Japanese research on cements. N. C.
Hansen. 46:459 S '63 Rockwood. Rock Russia Prod 65:20-1- N '62
Studies of early stages of paste hydration of
different types of Portland cements. S.
Chatterji and J. W. Jeffery. bibliog 11 Am Kiln standardization spurs Soviet cement
Cer Soc J 46:268-73 Je '63 growth. M. Kaplin. il Rock Prod 66:89-91
Manufacture Taiwan
Air separators slice shiftover time for cement O '63
Asia cement's new operation boosts Formosa
types, diags Rock Prod 66:102-1- My '63 cement output. 11 Pit & Quarry 55:138-40-1-
Engineering F '63
industry inClinton's ditch; States
the United the great cement
traces its CEMENT kilns '63
beginnings to the Erie Canal. A. C. Jensen, Cement kiln installation at Ketton. il Engi-
il Civil Eng 33:48-50 S '63 neer 214:820 N 9 '62
New production-distribution complex of At- Computer system tightens cement-kiln con-
lantic Cement. W. E. Trauffer. il map trol. 11 diags Chem Eng 69:62-4 O 29 '62
diags Pit & Quarry 56:114-23-1- Jl '63 Japan's
See also Sanada cement and Y. qjiadruples
Koide. Rock inProd
a decade. Y.
Cement kilns
Cement plants — Equipment KilnMr '63
standardization spurs Soviet cement
Setting growth. M. Kaplin. 11 Rock Prod 66:89-91
O '63
How time and temperature effect gypsum Largest all-static packaged drive operates
transformation. T. Manabe. Rock Prod 65: giant cement kiln. Westinghouse Eng 23:
68-7H- D '62
Porosity of hardened Portland cement paste. Vertical
96 My kilns
'63 allow remote control sintering.
W. C. Hansen, bibliog Am Concrete Inst J S. Gottlieb. 11 diags
LiningRock Prod 66:75-9 My
60:141-56 Ja '63; Discussion. 60:1301-3;
Reply. 1303-4 S '63
Strength Use of Portland cement clinker brick as
refractory in rotary cement kilns. Y.
Effect of added gyp.=!um on ths one- day Sanada. il diags Pit & Quarry 56:158-61
strength of mortar. T. B. Kennedv. bibliog Jl 63
Materials Res & Stand 3:567-70 Jl '63 CEMENT laboratories
Fluorspar admixes strengthen cement. J. Cement and concrete reference laboratory.
Waanders. diags Rock Prod 65:80-2 D '62 Am Concrete Inst J 60:sup 19 Ag '63
Maintenance and repair
^Ceme^nt-lSpipe. R. R. Fitzhueh and A. E. Instrument maintenance for centrally con-
Hiller. il Mech End S5:4G-7 Mr 63 trolled cement plants. W.„0. RichardLson
Here's how cement lininc .can proiect your and N. Swanson. 11 Pit & Quarry 55:93-44-
pipe. E. E. Runyan. il diass Oil & Gas J
How^ Je '63 an automatic
Wiring cement plant. H. P.
based witi'r ^tank
lininB. corrodins?
il Plant try a cement-
Eng 17:162+ O 63 Scott, il diags Elec Constr & Maint 62:82-5
'^ N*2\v'^Medura* Portland Rock whi'e Prod
cement66.1ZSplantU CEMENT
Je '63 research ^, _
begins operation. 11 More Japanese research on cements. N. C.
Permanente begins producti&on Quarry at new Mon- Rockwood.
aSee also Rock Prod 65:204- N '62
tana cement plant, il Pit 55:1754- Cement laboratories
My '63 ... CEMENTITE. See Iron carbides
Control equipment CEMENTS
Automation in the cement industry brings See also
substantial savines in manpower and im-11 Adhesives
Sroved quality control. N. E. Swanson. Resinous products — Adhesives
Rubber cement
[in Cone J 49:69-72 Ap '63
Computertrol, il diaPTS tifrhtens cement- kiln con- CEMETERIES
Chem Ens 69:62-4 O 29 62 P/A tenth annual design awards; mausoleum
Control makes inroads „ in cement industry. and garden crypt area for Lakewood ceme-
diaK Control Ens 9:22-4-1- N 62 tery. Minneapolis. Minn, il plan diags Prog
Now it's optimization of cement plants. Arch 44:104-5
Rock Prod 66:1024- Je symposium
auiomaUon '63 . features CENOZOIC
Cenozoic period. JaSee'63Geology. Stratigraphic—
cement Industry. H. F. Utley. Pit & Quarry CENSUS
, systems , aid cement United States
Three nuclear KaueinK Census of 1960. P. M. Hauser. maps Sci Am
production in Ohio plant; Universal atlas
cement div. United States steel corp. flow 205:39-45 Jl '61; 207:30-7 O '62; Discussion
diae il Pit & Quan-y 55:157-8 Ja 63 CENTER(Pt II. of205:124-
mass N '61 ,,
Wlrinij an automatic cement Plant. H. P. Volume and CG equations: drawings with
Scott il diaBs Elec Constr & Mamt 62:82-5 text. E. W. Jenkins. Product Eng 34:70-7
Je '63 ^ .
Equipment .
CENTERING 18 '63 (machine
Mr center work)
network plant beins i"completed,
oPe^ftjP"^,il *i4S:
Pit Live compensates for expansion. J. S.
Brown, diag Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf
& Quarry 55:44 Ja '63 expand or im-
California cement producers 107:76 and
Milling S 30 centering
'63 in one machine. 11 Am
prove plants as demand holds at Peak
levels. H. F. Utley. il Pit & Quarry 55:9S- Mach/Metalworking
CENTRAL air conditioning Manuf systems.
107:90 AgSee 19 Air
wei.ehing of bulk cement, il Engi- conditioning from central stations
neering s 196:247
Continuou Ag 23 ;63 . ,,„.i„- ~ CENTRAL AMERICA
Dunbar cement works, il Engineer 216:495-7 Central America set for growtli. Eng N 170:
S 27 '63 weigher for bulk cement delivery. 67-8
il Electronic Eng 35:675 O. 63 . >Sce Mralso21 '63
Standards — Central America
From water wheels Bergstrom to television; Louisville CENTRAL stations. See Electric plants (cen-
cement co. J. H. . il Rock Prod tral stations)
66:.i6-61 Ag '63 CENTRIFUGAL compressors. See Compressors
Grinding mills grow complicate use factors
C A Rowland, il Rock Prod 66:1004- S 63 CENTRIFUGAL fans. See Fans. Mechanical
Instrumenttrolledmaintenan ce for centrally con- CENTRIFUGAL force
cement plants, W. O. Richardson Defoaming unit combines sonic energy and
and N. Swanson. il Pit & Quarry 55:93-44- centrifugal force. 11 Chem Eng 70:114 Je
10 '63 . ,, .
Loifisville Cement's new Logansport56:142- mill. Heat-sensitive materials yield to unique
B C Herod, il diag Pit & Quarry faiiing-flim evaporator. 11 diag Chem Eng
50-1- Jl '63 , . ,
Marquette's Rodpeb mill pioneers new J. grind- 70:644- Mr 4 '63
ing method for cement Industry' W. CENTRIFUGAL
ugal pumps. See Pumps. Centrif-
Moody, il Min Eng 15:53-4 Ap 63
handled with versatile CENTRIFUGATION ^ , ^
Multiple assignment
vard machine; Marquette cement manu- Ultracentritugation of uranyl citrate chelates.
facturing CO. il Pit & Quarry 56:183-4 Jl R. L Gustafson ■62 and A. E. Martell. bibliog
Am Chem
Water Soc J by
retention 85:2571-4
cotton S fabric5 '63 during
^ .
New production-distribution complex il
lantic Cement. W. E. Trauffer. of map
At- centrifuging. L. Loeb. Textile Res J 33:
diags Pit & Quarry 56:114-234- Jl '63 521-6 Jl '63
Permanente doubles capacity at Cushenbury. Contrifutrai ■63concentration and coalescence
J H. Bergstrom. il diag Rock Prod 66:68- r.iuipmont. F. W. Keith, bibliog il diags
74 My '63 Chem Eng Prog 59:35-42 Ap '63
Ravena plant rooted in 80p-tph. quarry: At- Centrifuge wrings out waste for burning, il
lantic cement co. 11 Rock Prod 66:118-204-
diag Plant remove
Centrifuges Eng 17:147-8 S '63 F. K. Lawler.
Ja '63 takes giant step with first part of
'63 modernization program. 11 Rock il Food Engcentrifugal
Coiitiiiuuus 34:41-2 D treatment
'62 of sewage
Prod 66:60-24- Jl '63 sludge. W. F. White and T. E, Burns^ 11
Simple path to proflts; Gulf Coast Portland diag Water & Sewage Works l09:3S4-S O
Cement, il diag Rock Prod 66:86-904- My
Dual centrifuge
sinusoidal for generating
accelerations. R. O.low-frequency
Smith and
Space age technolocry
ment plant; Marquette highlights
cement mfg. Ohioco. ce-J. others. 11 diag J Res Nat Bur Stand 66C:
H. Bergstrom. flow sheet 11 Rock Prod 66: 357-62 O '62ultracentrifuge aids virus stud-
65-72 Ap lime
Standard '63 and cement; Ohio plant takes ies. 11 dlORS Chem & Eng N 41:60-24- F 18
place among Industry leaders; Standard Heating, cleaning, and mechanical process-
limn and cement co. B. C. Herod, flow chart ing effects on cotton; fiber changes as meas-
II diags Pit & Quarry 55:108-164- My '63 ured by alkali centrifuge E. Hoiiold
Westbury cement works. Engineer 215:861 and others, bibliog 11 Textile Res J 33:51-61
My 10 '63 Horizontal centrifuges has high capacity:
Westburv's contributioncement.
to construction: As- Ja '63
Dorr-Oliver, diag Chem & Eng N 41:52
Boclaled Portland II Englneerlnf
195:614 My 10 '63 Modified ultracentrifuge synthetic boundary
Sco alao centerpiece for some polydisperse systems.
Cement kilns My J.27Bartulovich.
J. '63 bibliog 11 diag R Scl Instr
Functional floodlighting for effective promo- Now method O gives
33:105.';-6 '62 particle size data quickly
tion. II diags Elec Constr & Maint 62: and accurately; Whitby centrifuge. R. F.
163 O '63 Conley. 11 Cer Ind 80:62-6 Mr '63
CENTRIFUGES — Continued Ohio
Pressurized centrifuges and filters. C. L. FutiU"e of the ceramic industry and Ohio. J.
Amero. il dias Ind & Eng- Cbem 55:40-3 O W. Donahey.
Soli eet een tre in con CERAMIC industy Cer Ind 80:52-F '63
ds tle a tin 8 '63 Ceramic industry magazine; 40 years of serv-
Sonic energy, dias centrifugeCheratmecombined
ntEne 70:96in Jl uou
er. Chem & Ens N 41:60 My 6 '63
s CERAMIC ing an industry.
materials U Cer Ind 80:43-52-1- F '63
Unique centrifusal-sonic machine defoaras. Blue ribbon winners in ceramographlc ex-
deaerates continuously. 11 Food Eng 35:118-
19 ■6Je
2 '63sentinels for preparative and ana- Ceramic hibitadhesive
, il Am Cer bonding
Soc Bui of42:456-7 Ag met-
refractory '63
Vacuum als; a preliminary investigation. R. K.
lytic ultracentrifuges. F. T. Lindgren and Reeder. jr. and R. A. Long, bibliog Am
F. T. Upham. diag R Soi Instr 33:1291-2 N Cer Soc and Bui 2:337-9
Ceramic plastic Jeteam
'63 up; Fluorosint.
CEN fo
CenTtRI forc rcaeppa H. Welt diag il Iron Age
Ceramic fibers. 191:136
W. My L. 30 '63
Lachman and J. P.
r P e rat '63 in. s
Gravitational AL 31:205-8 radiationMrus.and aberrated cen- Sterry. 11 Chem
Ceramic-flUed TFBEngin Prog
three Oairplane.
tripetal force reactions in G. D. Birkhoff Materials fuels in for
Design Eng reactors;
57:130+ abstract.
Je '63
relativity theory. J. C. Keith, bibliog diags Ceramic nuclear
J Math & Phys 42:248-62 S '63 J. K. Dawson.
Ceramic gages and Chemfixtures.
& Ind p903-4
R. Le JeGrand. 1 '63
CENTURY 21 exposition. See Seattle— Century diass Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:
21 exposition
CERAMIC coating Ceramic
9S-9 Ja materials
21 '63 for nuclear power and
Charged ceramics coat metals. U Iron Age space applications: symposium abstracts.
190:114 N 8 of'62 fianie- sprayed
Evaluation coatings for Am Cer materials
Ceramic Soc Bui 42:263+ in direct Ap conversion
'63 of
army weapons applications. M. Levy, il energy; symposium abstracts. Am Cer Soc
diags plasma
Faster Am Cer coating; Soc Bui flame 42:498-500
sprayed. S '63R. L. Bui 42:283 Ap '63 in the construction jn-
Johnson and W. M. Wheildon. il Materials Ceramic materials
dustr>-. J. G. Brady, bibliog Can Min & Met
in Design Eng 56:16-17 N '62 Bui 56:728-36 S '63
components. spraj'ed J. zirconia L. Bliton films for fuelbibliog
and others, cell Ceramic permanent-magnet fields for motors.
J. R. Ireland, il diags Electro-Tech 71:86-8
il Am Cer Soc Bui
Fluidized bed coats refractory metals, il Chem 42:6-9 Ja '63
274:532 photon counters. Franklin Inst J
& Eng rocket
Greater N 40:46-t- O 8 '62with titanium parts.
payload Mr '63 D '62 , . . . ,, ,.^,
Ceramic reduces grid -emission. A. Mattnew-
ceramicsin uses Designplasma Eng jet.56:142H. K. D '62Orbach. son. bibUog diags Electronic Ind 21:120-2 S
'62 , . . . ^
bibliogsprayingil diag and Cer theInd 79:72-5 N '62 Ceramics; a new dimension in circuitry. D
Metal tiame deposition of G. Sturges. il Electronic Ind 22 :G 14-16
ceramics and plastics. Engineer 216:394-5 Je '63 , ,.
S 6 '63
Plasma-deposited aluminum oxideJr. ilshields Ceramics solves steel.
wall stainless metal L. casting problem;il diags
McCormick. thin-
Telstar in orbit. L. W. Collins. Mach
69:S0-3 Jl '63 Cer Ind 80:58-61
Comparisons Mr '63
of materials; melting points
Preparation of thin mullite films. J. C. Wil- of metals and ceramics; tables. Materials
liams and others, bibliog il diags Am Cer
Soc J 46:161-7 Ap '63 ceramic, cermet and in Design Eng
Complete directory of ceramic raw 68:24 Mid-O '63 materials.
Properties of materials;
refractory coatings: tables. Materials in Cer Ind 80:93-128+ Ja '63 „
DesignusesEngfor 58:369 Crvstal
F. P. chemistry
Glasser andof L.some S. D.AB204
Three flame Mid-O
sprayed'63alumina. J. D.
Merry and C. H. Vondracek. il Materials in il diag Am Cer Soc
Dense ceramic takes iiigh heat; Lucalox. J 46:377-80 Ag '63iI
Design phase
Vapor Eng 57:73 P '63 and ceramics.
metallurgy R. Iron Age 191:91 Mr 14 '63 , ^ .
Bakish and others, bibliog il diags J Metals Design of ceramic loudspeaker magnets. A.
14:770-4 O '62 B Falkus. diag Wireless World 69:320-4
See also Jl '63 . . . _, „
Enamel and enameling Design with rate-sensitive ceramics. B. tr.
Bodine. bibUog Aerospace Eng 22:100-7
Ja '63 . . ^ . ...
Determination of physical properties of flame- Determination of major and minor constit-
sprayed ceramic coatings. J. L. Bliton and uents in ceramic materials by X-ray
others, bibliog il diag Am Cer Soc Bui 40: spectrometry.
Chem 34:1263-7 R.S Longobucco. bibliog Anal
'62 ,.^ „ ^
683-8, 41:762-7 N 15 '61. N 15 '62 Development of materials for solid propellant
CERAMIC cutting tools. See Cutting tools. rocket blast deflectors: abstract. S. R.
Ceramic Locke and others. Metal Prog 83:170+
CERAMIC engineers Ap '63 . , ,,
See also Forms and shapes; ceramic, glass, carbon
National institute of ceramic engineers and graphite forms and shapes. Materials
CERAMIC industries in Design Eng 58:440-1 newMid-O '63
Facets of design from the view of the de- Frenchtown porcelain, approaches re-
signer. S. Bersudsky. Am Cer Soc Bui 41: vitalize old line producer. G. L.. Vincent
819 D 15trade
Foreign '62 in ceramic products: common il diags Cer Ind 80:111-16
Get the best from those ceramic cartridges. Ap '63
market. E. R. KlUam. Am Cer Soo Bui 41: H. Burstein.
34:28-30 Je '63 il diags Radio-Blectronics
„ ^ ,
820-1 D 15 '62 Heat-conductive insulators. F. D. Teaple. il
Horizons for ceramics are unlimited; inter-
view with G. Slayter. vice president re- diags Product Eng 34:108-10
How ceramic benders control light rays. F. S 16 '63
search. Owens Coming fltierglas corp. Cer W. Kantor. diags Electronics 36:80+ Jl
Ind 80:98-100 Ap '63
How processes and products have changed How good are beryllia ceramics? P. S. Hes-
ceramic industries. 11 Cer Ind 80:44-5 F '63 apply
il Electronics 36:75-6+ to Oceramics.
18 '63
Industry leaders predict bright future for How noble metals
'63 Cer Ind 80:49-52-1- F; 74-7 Mr; R. T. Hopper, il Cer Ind 80:65-6+ Je '63
129-30-1- Ap '63 Improvement of ceramics by incorporation of
Sales, production, design, the eternal triangle. metals, exemplified
. J. W. Vicary. Am Cer Soc Bui 42:20 Ja E S. White and T. Blakeley.
diags ChemA
See also & Ind p 1740-3
Insulating ceramic O 6 conducts
'62 heat. 11 Steel
Cement industry and trade
Color In the ceramic Industry 153:115 O 21 '63
Investigation of the constant-current char-
Enamel and enameling acteristics of materials having a positive
Glass trade temperature coefficient of re.'iistance. G. W.J
Refractory materials Wil.'ion and S. Schomberg. bibliog diags
Statistics An Physdefects
Lattice 34:3055-8 and theO '63sintering of oxides.
Ceramic industry's annual forecast. Cer Ind L C. F. Blackman. bibliog diag Ind Chem
80:39-42 Je '63 38:620-6; 39:23-6 D ■62-Ja '63
What can you expect in ten years? Cer Ind Magnetic bearing developed from ceramic
80:48 F '63 materials. Mach 69:125 F '63
CERAMIC materials — Continued Improvements increase ceramic capacitor re-
Mechanical properties of glass and ceramics. liability. L. Nordquist. il diags Electronic
C. J. Parker. bibliOK il diaKS Glass Ind 44: Ind 22:76-80 S '63
4S9-94 S 03 Latest ics.fundamentals of jr.piezo- electric ceram-
MetaJ-flber-reinforced ceramics extend ten- C. A. Lindquist. bibliog diags Cer
sile-loadins capabilities: abstract. H. Ind 80:56-61 My '63
New ceramic packs big punch in materials
Metal.3, ceramics,S polymers; A E J 71:80 F '63
interdisciplinary war. il Steel
Precision glaze 152:56-7 resistors.MrL. 4 C.'63Hoffman, bib-
aspects of sintering and plastic deforma-
tion; symposium, il diags Ind & Eng Chem hog Am Cerof Soc Bui 42:490-3 S '63
55:46-5U N 'GH Preparation ceramic semiconductors from
New process gives tailored coatings. A. J. high-vanadium glasses. D. P. Hamblen and
Kompanek. jr. and G. A. Collins, jr. il others, bibliog il Am Cer Soc J 46:499-504
diags Materials
New sealed terminals in Designwin Eng type 58:90-2 O '6?il
approval, O '63
Properties, uses, current, future for electronic
Engineering 196:117 Jl 26 '63 ceramic products. J. J. Svec and others. 11
peralloys. for refractory
high temperature metals materials;
and ceramics; su- Refractory good to Ji
Cer Ind 81:52-61 3600'63 F. il Materials in De-
panel discussion. Metal Prog 84:112-19 O sign Eng 57:82 F '63
Small signal characteristics of ferroelectric
Physics and chemistry of ceramics; sym- ceramic at millimeter wavelengths. D A.
posium report. inPhys Todaytile. 15:58+ N '62 Johnson and others, il diag IEEE Proc 51:
Pressing defects ceramic A. M. IJling. 332-9 F '63balanced with ceramic gyroscope,
Am Cer Soc Bui 42:435-7 Ag '63 Spacecraft
Pressure fired ceramic. Ind Electronics 1: il Materials alumina in Designstays Eng strong
57:150-Pat Mr3600'63 F;
331 Mr '63 and processes of ceramic ma- Translucent
Properties Lucalox. il Materials in Design Eng 57:
terials. W. E. Brownell. Macliine Design 98-9 Ap '63
35:200-1- Je 20 '63 Tttrium-doped ferroelectric solid solutions
Properties of materials; mechanical and elec- with positive temperature coefficients of re-
trical ceramics; tables. Materials in De- sistance. Y. Ichikawa and W. G. Carlson,
sign Eng of58:320-1 Mid-O refractory
'63 bibliog
63 diag Am Cer Soc Bui 42:312-16 My
Properties materials; ceramics
and cermets; tables. Materials in Design Expansion and contraction
Eng 58:322-4 Mid-O
Raw materials for electronic and new ceram- '63 Injection molding of ceramic insulating ma-
terials. M. A. Strivens. bibliog Am Cer
ics. Cer Ind 80:66-78
Raw materials for high Jatemperatvire
'63 ceramics. Soc Bui 42:13-19 Ja '63 in sintering. K. D.
Non-uniform shrinkage
Cer Ind 80:86-92 Ja '63 Reve. ilexpansion
Am Cer Soc Bui of42:452-3
Rheological properties of ceramic suspensions;
symposium abstracts. Am Cer Soc Bui 42: Thermal in air ceramicAg oxides
271-1- Ap and '63 fabrication of nonmetallics; to 2200°C. T. H. Nielsen and M. H. Lei-
Selection pold. bibliog il diags Am Cer Soc J 46:381-7
oxides, beryllides and silicides. J. D. Latva. Thermal expansion of uranium pyrophosphate
il Metal Prog Ag
and '63of ceramic bodies in the system UOi-
Switching high 82:97-102-h
microwave N power. '62 A. L. UPjOt. H. p. Kirchner and others, bibiloe
Stanford, jr. and R. T. Arnold, diag Elec-
tronics 35:824- N 9 '62 Am Cer properties
Thermal Soc J 46:137-41 of glass, Mr ceramics,
'63 and
Synthesis of ceramic pigments in the light glass-ceramics. H. E. Hagy. bibliog diags
of modern hieh- temperature crj'stal chem- Glass Ind 44:563-84- O '63
istry. L,. Tcheichvili and W. A. Wevl. bib- Finishing
hog Glass Ind 44:24-5-1-, 82-3-)-, 145-8-1-, 208-
94- Ja-Ap
Thin metal films '63 may improve ceramics L. Machining foamed ceramics. M. M. Schwartz,
M. Atlas. Materials in Design Eng 56:1804- il Tool
Wear resistant& Manuf ceramic Eng tooling
51:91-3 inO the
'63 fabrica-
Transient response of ceramic filters. F. L. tion of ceramic shapes. W. M. Wheildon. 11
Sauerland. bibliog diags Electronic Ind 22; diag Am Cer Soc Bui 42:308-11 My '63
106-10 Ja '63 Glass reinforcement
Translucent ceramic used in sodium lamp. New glass-ceramic for heat exchanger com-
Materials in Design Eng 57:128-9 Mr '63 ponents. Space/Aeronautics 40:121-3 O '63
Vibration-compacted ceramic fuels. J. J.
Hauth. bibUog il Nucleonics 20:50-4 S '62 Joining to metal
See also Ceramic-metal bonding stable in excess of
Cermets 224S°K. A. G. Buyers, il Am Cer Soc J
Clay 46:244-5 My '63
Ceramic-to-metal seals symposium abstracts;
Eucryptlte American cerainic society Electronics div.
Fluorspar 63d annual meeting, Toronto, April 22-27.
Magnesia ^Electro
Cijstomer-oriented Tech 70:11-13 productAg development.
'62 J. H.
Pyrophyllite K. Lyons.
Effect Am Cer Soc andBui crystal
of composition 42:122-3 size
Mr "63of
Refractory materials alumina ceramics on metal-to-ceramic bond
Slips (ceramics) strength. J. K. Floyd, bibliog il diag Am
Talc Cer Soc beam
Electron Bui 42:65-70 welding F of'63 alumina. H. A.
Wollastonite Hokanson and others, il diag Cer Ind 81:
Electric properties
44-7 Ag '63
Barium zirconate-lead titanate ferro-electric H9J7 1° choose air-tight sealing materials.
ceramics. W. R. Brat.schun. bibliog diags HowW. toS. Eberly.
select the il Electronics
proper alloy35:644- D 21 and
for glass '62
Am Cer Soc J 46:141-4 Mr '63
Ceramic-metal cells for short-term power at ceramic seals, 'w. S. Eberly. 11 diag Iron
n'?h temperatures, dlae Space/Aeronautics Age 190:101-4
Makimr glass-ceramic N 8 '62 to metal seals. P. W.
McMillan and B. P. Hodgson. 11 diags
^n'^rr'^'^ ''^];"y;L°,'".A" J^^ .systems
^°-}itO,andPbH{Q3-BrUfni. D. U PbHfOa-
Wilcoi NewEngineering
ways to ]96:.'!n6-7 S -^o 'i;;f
bond dissimilar materials. F.
313-5 Jl V;,Cook.
(j3 bibliog Am Cer Soc J 46.- Zimmer. for Metal
Process metallzinc Prog ceramic
83:101-44-is automated.
Ja '63
Electrical conduction anomaly in samarium- S R. Jepson. 11 Electronics 35:1164- Ag 10
doped barium titanate. G. Goodman, bib-
llosr 11 Am Cer Soc J 46:48-54 Ja "63 Raw materials for ceramic metallizing and
Electrical conductivity of ceramic Isodies; ceramic-metal stresses
Thermoelastic seals. Cer Ind 80:80-2andJa un-
in balanced '63
symposium. Electro-Tech 71:11 F "63 balanced seals. T. D. Riney and J. W. Elek.
Electrical properties of selected ceramic ma- bibliog diags Bell System Tech J 41:1519-36
terials; abstracts of papers presented at Manufacture
Uie meeting on electrical ceramics. London.
April 4-5. Electro-Tech 70:11-12 N '62 American Lava views an optimistic future
Factors artecting lead zirconate-lead tltannle

Ap 11 63'"-foVF'?6T"'- °- ^^ ^'""''"'- " ^«'

4ir34'8.'5-2- Je '63' '^^'^^'- " ^' ""'' «°"= ""' Cyclic stain hardens ceramics. II Iron Age 191:
Hot-pressing piezoelectric and 79
ferroelectric Forming thin ceramics. J. J. Thompson, bib-
liog il Am Cor Soc Bui 42:480-1 S '63
CERAMIC materials — Manufacture — Continued CERAMICS
Hot-pressintr ceramics in alumina dies. Impact of materials science and materials
R, M. Sprisg-s and others. 11 diaff Am Cer engineering on ceramic engineering. J. A.
HowSoc ceramic
Bui 42:477-9 S '63
uses plasma Jet. H. K. Orbach. Pask.materials
Raw Am CerforSocelectronic
Bui 42:23-4 Ja '63ceram-
and new
Lower il diag- Cer Ind ffrindini?
diamond 79:72-5 Ncosts.
'62 L, H. Seeics. also
Cer Ind 80:66-78 Ja '63
Barron, il Cer Ind 80:70
New ceramic; metal-like alumina. 11 Chem Je '63 Clay
American ceramic society
Ens 70:44 formed
Plastically Ap 1 '63 ceramics; effect of fluxes Enamel and enameling
and of calcined material; symposium ab- Frits
Semi-continuous hotSocpressing.
stracts. Am Cer Bui 42:2S3-I-
E. H.Ap Zehms
'63 Glass manufacture
and J. D. McClelland, biblios il diae Am Pottery
UseCerof Soc
hardBuimetal 42:10-12 Ja '63in ceramic fabri-
carbides Slips (ceramics)
cation. W. Li. Kennicott. il diag Am Cer
Soc Bui 42:106-9 Mr '63 Vacuum tubes — Ceramic tubes
Wear resistant ceramic tooling in the fabrica- Bibliography
tion of ceramic shapes, w. M. Wheildon.
il diag Am Cer Soc Bui 42:308-11 My '63 Ceramic abstracts. Published in monthly
Testing numbers
society of Journal of the American ceramic
Analysis of the diametral-compression test. Study and teachmg
A. Rudnick and others, biblioff il diaRs Objective criteria in ceramic engineering
Density Res & Stand in dry3:283-9
pressedAp compacts
'63 education, il diag Am Cer Soc Bui 42:503-5
of ceramic powders examined by radiogra- S '63
CEREALS, Prepared
phy of lead erids. A. K. Cooper, jr. and W. Disappearance of BHA and BHT in relation
H. Goodnow. biblioK il Am Cer Soc Bui 41: to peroxide content in breakfast cereals.
760-1 N 15 '62 of the thermal conductivity
Determination R. H. Anderson and others, bibliog il Am
of ber>-llia rod by measurins axial tem- Oil Chemfor the
Method Soc determination
J 40:349-52 Agof BHA'63 and
perature distribution. M. Burk. diaff Ma- BHT in cereal products. R. H. Anderson
Effect ofterials grain Res & Stand size 3:25-8 Ja '63
on transverse bend and J. P. Nelson, bibliog Food Tech 17:915-
strength of alumina and magnesia. R. M. CERENKOV
Springs and T. Vasilos. bibliog Am Cer 16 Jl '63 radiation. See Radiation
Soc J 46:224-8 My '63
Guide to refractorj' ceramics. J. E. Hauck. Electron- transfer reaction of ceriumdV) with
bibliog il diags Materials in Design Eng manganese (III. M. J. A.spray and others.
Hollow Jl '63method for determining tensile Chem titrimetric
& Ind p911-12 Je 1 '63
strength of ceramics. D. W. Luks and J. H. Rapid determination of orthophos-
Magee. il diag Am Cer Soc Bui 41:816-18 D phate with
nical gradecerous ion; applications
inorganic phosphates. to
15 '62 Taulli and R. R. Irani, bibliog Anal Chem
Mechanical properties of ceramics; symposium
abstracts. 35:1060-3 Jl '63 Analysis
New method Am givesCerparticle
Soc Bui size42:259-P Ap '63
data quickly Fluorometric procedure for the determination
and accurately; Whitby centrifuge. R. F. of cerous ion. W. A. Armstrong and others.
Conley. ilof Cer
Properties Ind 80:62-6
ceramics parts inMrelectron
'63 tubes. Anal Chem 35:1300-1
Spectrophotometric Ag '63
determination of micro-
"W. J. Koch
Ind S0:6S-9 Je '63 (to be cont) and T. F. Berry, il diag Cer gram amounts of cerium with 2-methyl-
Statistical quality control: some case his- 8-quinolinol. S. Misumi and N. Nagano,
tories in ceramics. H. Kleinkauf. Am Cer bibliog Anal Chem 34:1723-6 D '62
Soc Bui 42:101-3 Mr '63
Structure-property relationships; symposium
abstracts.conductivity Am Cer Soc of Bui bervllia
42:277 Apceramics
'63 Potentials sion W.ofR. radioisotope electrostatic
Mickelsen and propul-
C. A. Low, jr.
from -200° to 150°C. M. Burk. bibliog Am bibliog il diag Astronautics & Aerospace
Cer Soc J 46:150-1 Mr '63 Solvent
Eng 1:52-7 extraction
O '63 method for radiocerium.
Thermal .=hock analysis of spherical shapes. S. F. Marsh and others. Anal Chem 34:
D. P. H. Hasselman and "W. B. Crandall.
bibliog shock
Thprmal Am Cer by Soc J 46:434-7
radiation S '63D. P. H.
heating. 140G-8
CERIUM alloys O '62
Hasselman. bibliog Am Cer Soc J 45:229-34 Paramagnetism and lattice spacings of some
My '63 materials, Cellular cerium-rich cerium-europium alloys. S. Arajs
CERAMIC and others, bibliog J Ap Phys 34:1668-72
Cellular materials: from bubbles to building
blocks. C. L. Kobrin. il Iron Age 192:147-54 CERIUM
Je '63 oxides
O 10 '63enters gas heat exchanger field, il
Coming Electrolytic conduction in calcium-doped solid
cerium oxide. C. J. Kevane and others, bib-
Chem & Eng Nmachined 41:54 Ja for7 '63 liog il diag J Ap glasses
Phys 34:2083-7
Foam ceramics space vehicles. Properties of some containingJl cerium
11 Am Cer
Machining foamed ceramics. Soc Bui 42:119 MrM. '63 M Schwartz, dioxide. H. E. Simpson. Glass Ind 44:257-
il Tool & Manuf Eng 51:91-3 O '63based on 9-f My '63
Manufacture of foamed ceramics Cermets; a hope that did not materialize. E.
petalite and beta spodumene. J. H. Fish- Glenny. bibliog diags Engineering 194:852
wick, bibliog 11 Am Cer Soc Bui 42:110-13
Mr '63
Metal foams produced with refractory meth- Experts
28 '62 evaluate nonwirewound pots T.
and S. Schneider, il Electronics 36:44-
■r,9, ods, il Steel
Structural and 152:65-6
heat My 20 '63 characteristics
of resin-impregnated porous ceramics. E. '63performance
5 Ag 30 fuels.
of stainless-steel-tr02
D. E. Goslee. bibliog 11 diags
L. Strauss, il Am Cer Soc Bui 42:444-7 Ag
CERAMIC research Properties of materials; '63refractory ceramics
Nucleonics 21:48-52 Jl
American Lava views an optimistic future and cermets: tables. Materials in IDesign
through r&d programs. G. L. Vincent, i! Eng 58:322-4
. British
Cer Indceramic 80:66-70-1- F '63 association N. F. CERUSSITE. See Mid-O
Lead '63carbonate
rep«^arch CESIUM
Astbury and A. E. Dodd. il Research 15: Analysis of the arc mode operation of the
403-7 O '62 cesium vapor thermionic energy converter.
Glass and ceramic research at Ontario re- K. G. Hemqvist. bibliog diags IEEE Proc
search foundation. A. E. R. 'Westman, Glass 51:748-54 My ion
Annular-beam '63 engines. J. R. Anderson
Ind 44:129-324- Mr '63 and others, bibliog il diags AIAA J 1:582-6
Haeger Potteries: consumer-decorator ceram- Mr 63
ics for tomorro"w: ■whiteware. G. L. Vincent, Cesium-nitrate chemical dosimeter T H
il Cer Ind 80:62-5-^ F '63 Chen and B. R. Johnson. Nucleonics 21:66
Making a craft-based industry scientific, il
Engineering 196:189 Ag 9 '63 Effect
Ap '63of base cationD. onL. theAmes.cesiumjr. kinetics
See also of clinoptilollte. bibliog
Glass research Am Mineralogist 47:1310-16 N '62
CESIUM — Continued CHAIN drive. See Chain gear
Blectrical conductivity of cesium-seeded at- CHAIN gear
mospheric pressure plasmas near therinal How to get long life from roller chain drives.
eiiuilibriuni. Ij. P. Harris. bibliOB il diaK
il diags Milldrives
Mechanical & Factory 72:56-9 chain
book issue: F '63 drive
J Ap Phvs
Electron rellection 34:2958-65 fromO cesium-coated
'63 ^ poly-
crystalline metals at low primary enercy. system design. W. M. Albrecht. diag Ma-
R, J Zollwek'. biblios il diaes J Ap Phys Mechanical chine Design 34:7-12book
drives D 13issue:
'62 chain drive
3.<:2590-8 S '63 types. B. L. Pearce. 11 diag Machine Design
Emission of neeative ions from metal sur- 34:4-6 D 13 '62
faces bombarded bv po.«itive cesium Ions. Plastic roller chains. R. W. Kerr. 11 Machine
V. E. Krohn. jr. bibliog diag J Ap Phys
Design precision
35:164-6 roller
Jl 18 chains,
Evaluation Dof '62
Xi:Xa23-5 a cesium-ion rocket employmg , . Renold il Engineering
a large 195:769 Je 7 '63
Bki and porous J. T. Kotnik. tungsten R.diags
J. Cybul-
AIAA CHAIN link fences. See Fences
J 1:1293-7 Je study
Experimental '63 of the ignited mode In Painting chains: question and answers. Ind
cesium thermionic converters. S. Kitrilakis Finishing 39:92-4 Mr '63
and B. N Carabate,as bibliog diags TREE See gear
Trans Com & Electronics p263-6 My '63 Chain '62
surface method ionizer for optimization
materials. G. of cesium-
Kuskevics. Manufacture
AIAA J 1:14.55-8 Je '63 Renold precision roller chains. 11 Engineering
High intensity cesium lamp for optical pump- 195:769 Chemical.
Je 7 '63
ing. F. A. Franz, diag R Sci Instr 34:589-90 CHAINS, See Chemical chains
My vacuum
High '63 deposition of cesium. F. G. Allen CHAINS, Plastic
and G. W. Gobeli. diag R Sci Instr 34:184-5 Plastic roller ch.ains. R. W. Kerr. 11 Machine
F '63 Design 35:164-6 Jl 18 '63
Kinetics of cesium reactions with some Inor-
ganic cation exchange materials. L.. L. Care chair; chair for underdeveloped coun-
AmPs. .ir. bibliog diag Am Mineralogist 47:
1067-78 S '62 See tries.
also 11Prog Arch 43:101 D "62
Low-voltage glow discharge in atmospheric Airplanes — Seats
pressure argon with small additions of CHAIRS, Plastic
cesium or potassium. .T. C. Ralph. J Ap Oven baked chairs. 11 Plastics World 20:25 D
Mid- test of electric Ag '63 propulsion planned
Polypropylene chair. R. F. Salmons, bibliog
bv NASA, il diags Machine Design 35:92-5
Ja 3 '63 il Brit Plastics 36:248-50 My '63
Optimization of efficiency of a cesium-diode •63
converter. C. K. Sanathanan. J Ad Phys Carbonyl reactions; the basicities of substi-
tuted chalcones. D. S. Noyce and M. J.
33:3491-3 D '62
Some characteristics of a cesium plasma cell. Jorgenson. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:4312-
M. Kihara and others, diags IEEE Proc 51: 19 N 20 '62 of substituted cis-ehalcones In
769-73 My '63 sulfuric acid; consequences of the two
Transport effects in cesium thermionic con- mechanisms. D. S. Noyce and M. J. Jorgen-
verters. G. N. Hatsopoulos. bibliog diags
IEEE Proc 51:725-33 My '63 son. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2420-6 Ag 20
' Analysis S>'nthesis
chalcone and oxide.someT. reactions
R. Gormleyof 2'-tosyloxy-
and others.
Flame 63 spectrophotometric determination of
cesium and rubidium in oil field waters. A. Chem & Ind p 1863-4 O 27 '62
G. Collins, bibliog Anal Chera 35:1258-61 Ag Low temperature synthesis in aqueous solu-
Isotopes tion of chalcopyrite and bornite. "W. M. Ja
Chlorostann.ate method for separation of Roberts, bibliog II Bcon Geo! 58:52-61
radiocesium C. P Goeking and others, bib- CHAMFERING
'63 liog Anal Chem 35:1434-6 S '63 Rolling fixture chamfers reactor components.
Half lives of eesium-137 and cesium-134 as J. Kotora. 11 diag Tool & Manuf Eng 50:66
measured by mass spectrometry. L. A. Dietz
and others, bibliog Anal Chem 35:797-9 Je
Je '63 Marvin A.
New valu f half o Cs"' and Co""
nuclide.?.es S. orG. Gorbics -liv andf others, bibliog Gasman of the year, pors Gas 39:75-9 O '63
CHANGE, Technological. See Technological
diag Nucleonics 21:63-4-1- es Ja '63 change
Spectra Boundary shear stresses in curved trape-
Colloid absorption band in CsBr. R E zoidal channels. A. T. Ippen and P. A.
Jensen, bibliog J Ap Phys 34:3134-5 O '63 Drinker, il diags Am Soc C E Proc 88 (HT 5
CESIUM chloride no 32731:143-79
CsCl-t>-pe compounds in binary allovs of cussion. 89 IHY bibliogtp 176-7) SMr;
2 no 34681:189-91 '62;[HT
rare-earth metals with gold and silver C. C. no 35291:327-45 My '63
Chao and others, bibliog J Ap Phvs 34:1971-3 Brink depth for a circular channel. C. D.
Smith, il diags Am Soc C E Proc 88 IHT 6
Jl '63 no 33271:125-34 N '62; Discussion. 89 (HY 2
Infrared structural analysis of new cesium no 34681:203-10 Mr; THY 3 no 35291:389-405
chloride compound. Franklin Inst J 276:333-
4 O '63 My: IHY 4 no 35801:249-58 Jl '63; Reply.
Quenched-in-defects in CsCI-tvpe allovs C 89 [[HY 6 noweirs;
Broad-crested 37081:253-6
some N notes '63 on dis-
charge coefficients. F. V, A. Engel and
J^.oJ^'^^cT^'e".??^ others, bibliog J Ap J>hys W. Stainsby. bibliog Engineer 214:537-8 S
CESIUM hydroxide 28 '62: Discussion. 214:848; 215:724-5, 999 N
Hvdmtbcmialh' synthesized iron analog of 16 '62. Ap 19, My 31 '63
pollucl'te. tt.s structure and significance Caracas floodwtiy channel of unusual design.
O C. Kopp and others, bibliog II Arti 11 diag Civil Eng In32:63
48:100-9 Ja '63 Channel changes the S .St
'62 Clair River since
1933. I. M. Korklglan. bibliog il maps diag
Respon.oe of C.oT(Tl) and NaTITI) lo low- Am .Soc C E Proc 89 [WW 2 no 3511]:1-14
energv charged particles R W HII! R Sci
Instr 33:1477-8 T> '62 Channel
Scintillation In C^KTI). R. Gwin My '63E. stability
In undisturbed cohesive
M. Flaxman. bibliog diags Am Soc
and R. B. Murray. Nucleonics 21:72 My '63 C B Proc 89 IHY 2 no 34621:87-9? Mr '63
Temperature dependence of decav time and Channel stabilization on the Arkansas River.
Intensity of alpha pulses In pure and fhal- J. L. Bush. II map diags Am Soc C E Proc
lliim-actlvated cesium Iodide. F. E Senftle 88 [WW
atid others, blbllox R Sci Instr 33:819-22 Ak sion. R. L.2 Bufflngton.
no 31261:51-67 My '62;
88 [WW 4 noDiscus-
CEYLON 139-40 N '62
Critical depth In trapezoidal channels. R. M.
See nifto Advanl. bibliog Am Soc C E Proc S8 IHY 3
Mines and mineral resources — Ceylon no 31221:60-77 My '62: Discussion. 88 [HT 6
conveyors See Conveylnir machinery- no 33381:211-20 N '62; Reply. 89 (HT 3 no
35291:299-305 My '63
Charcoal Iron smelter becomes historic site.
CHANNELS — ConHnued , ^ , ,. ,
hydraulic equiv- R. D. make
Pehlke. high-quality
U J Metals char
14:780-1 O '62Age
Critical flow Lee. of
alents. F. Y.terms Am Soc C E Proc Stokers il Coal
88 [IR 2 no 31551:1-19 Je '62: Discussion 68:102-4 Smachines
88 [IR 4 no 33771:55-9 D -62; 89 (IR 1 Cliarsing machine cuts open hearth load
no 34631:69-71 Mr '63; Reply. 89 [IR 2
no 35541:73-4 Jerelations '63 in alluviaJ
„ . , channels.
^ cycle, machines
Fueling il Steel 152:44
for theP Trawsfynydd
4 '63 re-
D B. Simons and others, Ain Soc C E NPD fuelling actors, il Nucleonics
machines. W. 21:82 M. Jl Brown,
'63 flow
Proc SSsion.[HY H. A. 5 Berdenis
no 32631:57-72
van SBerlekom.
'62: Discus-89
diag charger;
Scrap il diags developed Eng J 46:25-30 Je '63 co.
by Biaw-Knox
End[HY depth
2 no at 34681:183-7
a drop in Mr '63
trapezoidal channels. Iron & Steel COUNTY. Eng 40:261 South
Ja '63 Carolina
M H Diskin. biblioff il dlag-s Am Soc C.B CHARLESTON
Proc 87 [HT 4 no 2S511 :ll-32 Jl 'ei: Dis- See also
Sewerage — Charleston County. South Caro-
cussdon. 88 [HY 1 no, 30441:119-36 Ja: lina
IHY 2 no 30571:161-5 Mr '62: Reply. 88
[HY 5 no 32901:273-6 S '62: CorrecUon. 89 CHARPY test. See Notched bar testing
(HY waves
1 no 34051:165 Ja ■63 , ,, „ CHART paper
Flood in prismatic^ channels. F;_^M. Matching oscillograph chart paper to viscous
Henderson. Am Soc C E Proc 89 (HY 4 ink. L.. Owens and A. D. Brown, diag
no 35681:39-67
Flow retardance Jlby'63 channel weeds and.,*,,• their Electro-Tech 71:1204- Je '63
control. J. C. Stephens and others, bibliog CHARTS (calculating)
SS Soc C E Proc 89 (IK 2 no 35501:31-52 Analysis of buckled slender bars. R. Isakower.
Je '63 factors in open channels : process Product practice
Average Eng 34:117-18 fuel formula Ja 21for '63 glass melt-
Friction ing furnaces. W. R. Lester. Glass Ind 44:
report Am Soc C E Proc 89 (HY 2^no
Mr 'eS: Dis- 260-5-1- My '63
34641:97-143 89 (HY 133-43)
cussion, diasbibliogjp 4 no 35801:283-93 Jl: Basic engineering charts for air-heated en-
closures. D. P. Costa. Product Eng 34:82-4
[HY 5 no 36561:169-70 S '63
General solution for open channel profiles. Chart accounts for density in determining
J. A. Lig-g-ett. diaffS Am Soc C E Proc 87 Ja 7 mixture
air '63 temperatures; data sheet. F.
[HY 6 no 29831:89-107 N '61: Discussion. Caplan,aid for Heating-Piping 35:135-6
88 [HY 2 no 30871:193-4 Mr: [HY 3 no 31441: Chart drawing normal curves.Ap E. '63F.
255-7 My: [HY 4 no 32091:315-16 Jl '62: Taylor,determines
Chart Ind Quality cone Control
dimensions 19:33-4for Mrstatic
Reply. solution
General (HY 6 noof33381:175-5 the hydraulicN '62 jump in pressure regain: data sheet. R. A. GerUtz.
sloping channels. P. A. Argyropoulos. bib- Heating-Piping
Chart estimates critical 35:185-6volume
Ja '63 of compounds.
liog diaas Am Soc C E Proc 88 (HY 4
no 31901761-75 Jl '62: Discussion. 89 (HY 1 J. F. Kuong.
Chart estimates plant and energy Chem Eng 70:178-1-costs;
Ap 15engi-'63
no 34051:251-61 Ja: [HY 2 no 34681:165-9 neering reference sheet. H. W. Colburn.
Mr '63: Reply. 89 [HY 4 no 35801:219-21
Jl '63 Eleo for
Chart Worlddetermining 158:61 N 12percent '62 sludge diges-
Manning's nels. C. formula
J. Poseyforand wideS. trapezoidal
N. Pasay. chan-Civil tion. F. H. Buriey. Water & Sewage Works
Ene 33:71 Mr '63 109:R439
Chart for Nestimating 30 '62 the maximum load of
Natural roughness effects in rigid open chan- extremely fine wire. A. F. Mohrnheim.
nels. A. G. Mirajgaoker and K. L. N.
Charlu. bibliog il Am Soc C E Proc 89 [HY Wire gives
Chart & Wire estimate Prod of38:382-1-
evaporation Mr '63 of water;
5 no 36301:29-44 S '63 data sheet. '63 J. D. Constance. Heating-
Sediment-transport capability in erodible
channels. S. W. Mao and L. Rice, bibliog Pipinggives
Chart 35:133-4 rlc valuesJl '63 for critical damping;
diag Am Soc C E Proc 89 [HY 4 no 35691: reference sheet. A. B. Moulton. diag Elec-
69-95 Jl '63 Chart guides tronics 36:34 Myselection 31 '63 of orifice, nozzle
Seepage from parallel trapezoidal channels. diameters for measuring standard air: data
A. El Nimr. diags Am Soc C E Proc 89 (EM
sheet. C. W. Coblentz, Heating- Piping 35:
4 no 35821:1-11 Ag '63
Stability aspects of flow in open channels. 143-4 rapidly
Chart O '63 determines theoretical combus-
F. F. Escoffler and M. B. Boyd, diags Am tion air requirements: data sheet, D.
Soc C E Proc 88 (HY 6 no 33311:145-66 N Csathy. Heating- Piping 34:141-2 D '62
'62: Discussion. 89 (HT 3 no 35291:407-8 Chart shows anchor-holding power; engineer-
My: [HY 4 no 35801:259-73 Jl '63 ing reference sheet, R, A. Dewberry, diag
Stability of alluvial channels. F. M. Hender- Elec World '63
158:72 tubular
D 3 '62 reaction design.
son, bibliog diags Am Soc C B Proc 87 Chart simplifies
[HY (HY 6 no3 29841:109-38 N '61:My:Discussion. R, C, Schwing, Chem Eng 70:130-t- Ag 5
88 no 31441:259-70 (HY 4
no 32091:317-32 Jl '62; Reply. 89 [HT 1 Charts, find concentration of oleum-sulfuric
no 34051:177-83 Ja '63 blends. L. Shapiro. Chem Eng 70:200-1- My
13 63
Study of scour around spur- dikes, R. J. Checking chart for dry chemical feed ma-
Garde and others, bibliog plan diags Am
Soc C E Proc 87 [HT 6 no 29781:23-37 N chines. A._A. Hirsch. Water & Sewage
•61: Discussion. 88 (HT 2 no 30871:191-2 Works 109:R440 N 30 '62
Mr: (HT 3 no 31441:225-9 My: (HY 4 Combine performance data, fan laws on single
no 32091:301-6 Jl '62; Reply. 89 (HT 1 chart for rapid fan selection P G Furse
no 34051:167-75 Ja '63 diags Heating-Piping 35:107-10 S '63
Tallrace Improvements at the Beaumont Conversion charts for time- temperature
hydro electric development: Shawinigan parameters; with data sheet, D, C Gold-
water and power co. C. G. Smallridge. 11 berg, bibliog Metal Prog 83:96-4-. 96B Mr
map plans diag Eng J 45:35-40 O '62: Dis-
See alsocussion, 46:40-3 F '63 Critical-Path scheduling simplified C W.
Waterways Lowe, diag Chem Eng 69:170-1- D 10 '62
Costs Design charts for stepped columns. R.
Isakower. diags Product Eng 34:107-8 Je
Channel award is 12 per cent under second 24 63
low: unit prices. Eng N 171:62 N 7 '63 Design criteria and table for selecting high-
Channel improvement project; unit prices. speed power couplings, N, B, Rothfuss il
Eng N 171:56 O 24 '63 diags Product Eng 34:55-66 F 18 '63
New Mexico channel work low by 18 per cent: Design curves for T-. U-. and L-section
unit prices. Eng N 169:67 D 6 '62 beams. A. Kuske, Product Eng 34:79-80 Ap
Air academy chapel, a critical appraisal A. Determining regulator capacities. Pet Man-
Temko. il plans Arch Forum 117:74-9 D '62 agement 35:344-1- F '63
Air force academy chapel. 11 plans Arch Rec Digestion reduction chart, C. W. Klassen
132:85-92 D '62 and others. Water & Sewage Works 110:225
Je 63
Air force chapel's leaks plugged. Eng N 170: Estimation of variations in bottle capacity.
23 Je 13 '63
CHARCOAL Manuf Chem 34:20-2 Ja '63
Bonding of hydrogen in charcoal. B. R. Purl Fast way to find pressure under footings. H.
and R. C. Bansal. Chem & Ind p574 Ap 6 '63 J. Plock. diags Eng N 170:50-1 Ap 26 '63
CHARTS (calculating) — Continued Cobalt complex hydrolyzes amino acid resi-
Flow (lelds connected by moving waves. W. dues J. P^CoUman and D. A. Buckingham.
A. Woods. biblioK diags Roy Aeronautical Chem & feng andN magnetic 41:42-3 S properties
23 '63
Configurations 01 the
Soc J reference
Handy 06:303-13, chart .59-92 for My. selecting
1) '62 motor nickel (11) aminotroponeiinlneales. D. R.
Eaton and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J
insulations. Chem
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Rubber polymers
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Nucleophilic displacement reactions at the trlchloromethane G A Russell and C.
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CHEMICAL bonds— Continued CHEMICAL education
yurvey of modern cheinisLry: chemical bond Money by Itself with
Isn't enoush;
in molecular slrucuires. G. T. AusUn and aid education equipment Industry
sifls. can
H. F. Austin. II diaes Ciieui End 7U:13i-4u4- hirins leacliers for part-lime work. H.
O 28 "63
Tetratiedron; vol. 17. nos. 3-4. 19G2. Review, Bunn. Chem & Ens N 40:62 S 24 '62
Plans to train more Fh.D.'a criticized. Chem
by J. C. Earl. Chem
Thermothniiinic data Irom& Indtliiteteiice
p 1G73-4 specLra;
S 22 '62 » Ens approach
Unified N 41:44 toF 4chemical
'63 education. M,
hydro:;en bondins in salicylic acid and its G. Brown. Chem & Ind p 1816-19 O 20 '62
iniplicalions for proteins. J. Hermans, jr. See utso
and olhers. biblios Am Chem Soc J 85: Chemical ensineerlns — Study and teaching
1300-5 new My 20 '63 Chen-.isiry — Study and teachiuK
Three self-crosslinkiner resins: Nation- Metallureical education
al starch and chemical corp. il Am DyeslufI
Rep 52:315 Ap 15 '63 Brazil
Ultraviolet stability of crossllnked rolycap- Teachins chemical enslneerlnfr In Brazil.
rolactam systems. S. D. Bruck. bihliog U K. B. Bennett, il map Chem & Entr N 41:
J Res Nat I3ur .=:tand nr,A:4Sn-95 N '02 84-92-1- Mr 11 '63 (reprints 75c)
Use of carbon-13-proton couptim; constants France
in the assignment of proton si;:nals In the
n.m.r. spectrum of S-melh\'l thioacetate. K. Le pre(?is de s^nie chimique. J. GIvaudon
L, Middaush and R S DraKO. biblios Am
and Olhers. Review, by B. N. Kenney. Chem
Chem Soc ofJ S5:2.';75-6
Variaiion rnupline:S constants
5 'CX In some
indoline derivatives. F. A. L. Anet and & ind P201-3
Technical F 2 '03
Irainins for the chemical Industry:
J. M. Mnchowski. biblios Chem & Ind how ihev do il in France. J. H. Skellon. il
pSl-2 Ja 12 spectra
Vibrational 'dH and bondins In metal Mauuf Chem 34:486-8 O '63
carbonvis: infrared spectra of phosphine- Japan
isubstituted sroup VI carbonvis In (he CO Japanese teacher translates ACS tests. Chem
stretchins resion. F A. Cotton and C. S.
Kraihanzel, biblios Am Chem Soc J 84: & Ens N 40:70 N 26 '62
4432-S D 5 '62
Viscoelastic properties of crosslinked poly Russia
(ethylene tetrasulfldel. A. V. Tobolskv and Education of■111 chemists in the U.S.S.R. I. M.
others, biblios J Colloid Scl lS:353-n9 Ap '03 Kolthoff. Anal Chem 35:sup41A-3A Mr "63
Viscoelastic properties of sulfur-nhosphorus CHEMICAL elements
copolymers. A. V. Tobolsky and olhers. Kapid neuiroii absorption by heavy nuclei
J Colloid Sci IS:370-7of iCHji-.NSOj
Ap '03 forms transplutonium elements. A. G. W.
X-rav determinaiion Cameron. Cliein ,^i Ens N 41:58-1- Je close-
3 '63
N(rH3ij and I.CA-MO sindv of muliiple Relalioiuship between atomic radii in
bondins In sulfones. T. Jordan and olhers. packed and body-centered cubic structures.
bililios diass Am Chem Soc J 85:840-51 Ap J. iJoiiohue. biblios Am Chem Soc J 86:
5 'HX
Zirconium in orsanic chemistry. W. B. Blu- Some1238-4(1 .Mv 5 ■(;.■(
predicted chemistry of group VIII ele-
menihal. biblios 11 diass Ind & Ens Chem ments: Ihe aeroseiis. R. M. Noyes. bibliOK
55:50-7 Ap '63 Am Chem Soc J yields
85:2202-4 from
As 5several
CHEMICAL chains X-ray fluorescent lleht
Amino acid seouence. synthetic Insulin elements. F. D. Davidson and R. W. O.
activity mark protein advances, il Chem & Wyckolf. biblios J Ap Phys 33:3528-9 D
Ens N 41:42-5 O 21 T.S X-ray spectrometric determination of light
Branched chain compounds In cosmetics: elements usiiis direct electron excitation.
survey. M. G deNavarre. Am Perfumer 78: J. G. M. Fo.\. biblios diag Inst Metals J
79-Sl O chain
Cellulose -03 lensth uniformity by frac- 91:239-41
See also'62-03
tional precipitation of rellnlose nitrates: Actinide series
new snssested method T 2.TS sm-fi3. bib- Atomic weights
lios TannI 4''.:snn n?\-fiA Mr '03 Isotopes
Chain model for polveIectrol\-tes: the effects 'I'laiisiiion elements
of chain lensth and rharse on the friction
constant G Thomson and others biblios
Atomic no. 103
Elastomer Chem structure
Soc .1 S5and 2537-4 1 ,=: 5 -fi^effect of
adhesion: Synthetic elements. G. T. Seabors and A. R.
others, df^niile Rubber
hni)d-:, \'
ChemG Kae\'';l<ii
& Tech a'^d
35: Fritscb. il diass Sci Am 208:68-78 Ap '63
CHEMICAL engmeering
1047-51 O •fi2
Merhanochemical phenomena in i>oIymers: Applied maihematics in chemical engineer-
effects of initiators and inhibitors of chain ins: symposium series abstracts. 11 Chem
processes. E, V. Re/ctsova and others. BestEns operatins
Pros 5S;S4 points N '62 for stased systems.
Rubber Chem & Tech 3fi:4Sn-7 An 'B3 S, Kalz biblios diass Ind & Eng Chem
Neishhorins sroup reactions: electrophilic re- Fundamentals 1:220-40 N 62
actions of 3- IB-haloethvli -3-phenvloxindoles; Challense of higher pressures. F. W. Wilson.
a new tvpe of rins-chain tautomerism.
H. E. Zauss and R W neNel hihiiog biblios il diass Chem Ens 69:159-74 O 16 '62
Dynamic obiecii\'es report discussed by open
Nmr used Chem to Socmeasure J S4:4.i74-S
spouence n 5distribution.
H. J. Harwood and others, il Chem & Ens N Economic Chem
panel. Eng
e\'alnniinn Pros
of rK-d 59:114-1- Ap '63
projects. A. J.
41 :3r,-S Ap 22 T,3 Weinberser. biblios Chem Eng 70:123-6 O
Polyoleflns with unbr.anched side chains. 28: 113-18 N 25 '63 Ito be cont)
K. J. Clark and others, biblios Chem & Em-'ineeriiiK conducts a .solution.' J. W. Pike.
Ind P2010-12 N 24 •C2 il Chem Eng without
Ensineering Prog 59:22 .\lv '63N.
wheels. Swindln.
Studies on polypeptides: the adrenocortico- Review, by D. C. Freshwater. Chem & Ind
tropic potency of an eicnsapeptide amide
corresnondins to the N-terminal portion of tiS'.6-7 My 25 '63
the•62 ACTH molecule: contrihnlion to the 14th inventory of new processes and tech-
relation between peptide chain-lensth and General nology. Chem Ens
electric co. 70:107-14
cold cathodeJa 21electron
biolosical activity. K. Hofmann and others, sun may find chemical technology uses. 11
hihiios il Am Chem Soc J 84:4481-6 D 5
Chem Ens 70:64 Ja 21 '63
Sulfur derivatives of Ions-chain acids. G. S. Inventory of new processes and technology.
Sasin. biblios Am Oil Chem Soc J 39:488- Chem
(reprintsEng 50c) 70:107-14 Ja 21; 105-12 Ag 5 '63
90 N '62 Jacobs Engineering primes for new growth,
CHEMICAL consolidation of soils. See Soils —
Chemical consolidation il Chem & Ens N 41:34-1- F 25 '63
CHEMICAL constants Mathematical models: an aid to Industrial
Boron-nitrosen force constant.q show bond chemistry P. V. Youle Chem & Ind p 1336-
character. J. Goubeau. Chem & Ens N
41:42 My fi '63 8 As 10 science
National '03 foundation 1963 summer re-
Least-squares method finds sets of con- search programs set. Chem & Eng N 40:
stants. L. E. Marc de Chazai. Chem Ens 50-1 N 20 02
7n:K,n-|- .n 8 '63 Optimization by the method of contour
Reaction constants of the h^•drated electron. tanu'enis. D. J. Wilde. bibllog dlags
S. Gordon and others biblios Am Chem
Soc J 85:1375-7 Mv 20 'r.i^ A I Ch E J 9:180-90 Mr '63
Sisns of proton couolins constants. F. A. L. Optimum scheduling of limited resources.
Anet. blblloK Am Chem Soc J 84:3767-8 D. R. Verhines. Chem Eag ProK 69:66-7
O E "62 Mr '63


CHEMICAL engineering — Continued Multiplying factors give Installed costs of
Peak-seekine optimizers. C. L. Mamzic. blb- process equipment. J. Clerk. Chem Eng
lioe diaKs Instrumenls & Conlrol Systems 70:1834- Ftechnique
18 '63
35:84-!»0 O '02chemie als einfilhnmc m die Simplified for estimating centrif-
Phvsikalische ugal process puinp costs. T J. Sniffen
chemische technik. by O. Fuchs and Pny- and E. J. Serven. Chem Eng 69:1464- N 26
sikalische crimdlacren dor cliemie-incenieur-
technik. bv P. Grassmann. Review, by n Tests and estimates on the statistical mean.
W. F. Hardie. Chem & Ind pr)20-2 Mr 30 63 I.. B Andersen. Chem Eng 70:159-624- F 18
Plasma techuolosry in chemical proce.<JsinB.
C. A. Papp. il dias Chem Eng Prog 59:51-3 Why profitability estimates go wrong; cost
Je '03typical flow sheets and how they grow.
Some file. Chem Eng 70:1544- O 28 '63
I Hcitner. Hydrocarbon Process & Pet Study and teaching
Iteflner 42:145-53
Statistics O '03
in chemical engineermg. ,L. „B. Chemical engineering and the engineering
Andersen. Chem Eng 65:119-22+ O 29: 125- curriculum. D. L. Katz. Food Tech 17:149-
304- N 2fi: 83-G D 24 '62: 70:117-18-1- Ja 21: Industry
60 F W.'63 viewpoint on curricula. C. A. Rowe
159-G2-f- F 18: 191-4 Mr 18: 157-62 Ap 15: and H. Spaulding. Chem Eng Prog 59:
173-8 My 13: 223-8 Je 10: 139-44 Jl 8:^113- 20-1 Mr '63; Abstract. Chem & Eng N 41:
14+ Ag 5: 99-102-(- S 2 '63 (reprints $1.50)
Subiective responses
tion. H. Smith and in
A. process investiga-
Rose, diag Ind & Le 46-7prficis
Mr 25de '63 gi5nie chimique. J. Givaudon
and others. Review by C. N. Kenney. Chem
Eng optimal
Time Chem 55:25-8
controlJl of'63 nonlinear systems
with constraints. H. E. Grethlein and L. &
SchoolInd P201-3 F
for chemical 2 '63 engineering teachers.
Lapidus. bibliog A I Ch E J 9:230-9 Mr '63 Chem
Students Engdesigning
Prog 59:25 their My own
'63 equipment:
What was neering
achievement:major17th chemical engi- Rutgers'
Kirkpatrick use units chemical next year, engineering
il Chem juniors
& Eng willN
award. Chem Eng 70:86-7 F 18 '63
See also 41:524- Apchemical
Teaching 8 '63 engineering in Brazil.
Agglomeration R. B. Bennett. 11 map Chem & Eng N 41:
Calculating machines — Chemical engineering S4-924- Mr 11 '63 (reprints 75c)
applications Where are chemical engineers going? J. C.
Chemical plants — Design Lawrence, il Chem Eng Prog 59:24-5 Ag '63
E\'.nr>oration Tables, calculations, etc.
Flotation process Calculating distillation column diameters.
FInidization J. G. Lowenstein. bibliog il Chem Eng
Mixing Prog 59:79-82
Calculation of Jlrestricted '63 random glyceride
Sampling distribution. E. G. Hammond and G. V.
Sewage disposal Jones. Am'63 Oil Chem Soc J 37:376 Jl '60:
Sublimation Discussion. A. R, S. Kartha. 39:272 My '62:
Water purification Reply. 40:211-12
Centrifugal concentration My '63 and coalescence
equipment. F. W. Keith, bibliog il diags
Apparatus and supplies
Cartridge type coalescers. O. C. Redmon. Chem Eng Progwashing
Countercurrent 59:35-42 calculations.
Ap '63 J. E.
diags Chem
Columns carrx' Eng Prog 59:87-90mixing
out multistage S '63opera- Colman.equations
Delta diags Chem speed Eng 70:93-6 Mr 4 cal-
up concentration '63
Continuous tions. 1 diag Chem
formulating Engin multistage
70:774- Ja 21mi.xer '63 culations. L. Shapiro. Chem Eng 70:1504- O
columns. 11 diags Soap & Chem Spec 39: Design of optimum dynamic control systems
28 '03nonlinear
for processes. C. A. Jones and
1454- F -63fractionator puts liaiud to work,
Horizontal others, diags Ind & Eng Chem Funda-
il diag Chem
Information-retrieval Eng system
70:744- offers
Ja 21 vendor '63 mentals
Determining hydrocarbon 2:81-9 My '63 flash curves. L.
data, il Chem Eng 70:1024- My 13 '63 Szabo. il diag Chem Eng Prog 59:54-7 Je
New products. Published in monthly numbers
of Industrial and engineering chemistry Effect of maldistribution on the performance
Pneumatic in the integration of of packed columns. N. D. Changez and
processing .systems. J. Fischer, il diags H. Sawistowski. bibliog diag Ind Chem 39:
Chem Engdesigning
Students Prog 59:04-8theirMy own '63 equipment: Estimate
181-5 Ap number
'63 of plates from boiling
Rutgers' points. L. S. Bitar. Chem Eng 70:126-1-
use units chemical next year, engineering
il Chem Jtmiors
& Eng willN '63
Factor screening In process development.
41:524- Ap 8equilibrium
Vapor-Iinuid '63 apparatus for cryo- Ag Daniel,
C. 5 '63 bibliog Ind & Eng Chem 55:45-8
genic systems. F. P. Stein and others,
bibliog flow diag il dia^s Chem Eng Prog Figtire
My '63 flash this
new way. C. Clayton.
Process & Pet Refiner 42:174
Sec also N '62
Chemical industries — Exhibitions Finding
O '63 liquid diffusion coefflcients. M. R.
Chromatographic analysis — Apparatus Kamal and L. N. Canjar. bibliog Chem Eng
Condensers 69:159-604- D 10 '62
Extraction apparatus Generalized ment. F. C.correlation
Zevnik andof R.process invest-
L. Buchanan,
Filterse 1-3 and nitration (technical chemistry) flowsheets 11 Chem Eng Prog 59:70-7 F '63
Flow regulators High temperature heating media: Indirect
Heat exchangers heating with aromatic oils. R. B. Purdy
Homogenizers and others. 11 Chem Eng Prog 59:43-6 My
Pressure vessels Independence of chemical reaction.s. R. Arls
Proiiortloning equipment and R. H. S. Mah. bibliog diag Ind & Eng
Reactors. Chemical
Thickeners Chem Fundamentals 2:90-4 My '63
Vacuum apparatus Internal column rcboilers. liquid level meas-
urement. P. S. Hepp. il diag Chem Eng
Bibllogrnphy Prog 59:66-9 F '63 transition for fluids with
Technical book.'ihelf Published In bi-weekly Laminar-turbulent
numbers of Chemical engineering a yield stress. R, W. Hanks, bibliog A I Ch
Estimates E J 9:306-9 My
Liquid-phase mass'63 transfer at low Reynolds
Economics of recovering acetic acid. W. V. numbers. J. E. Williamson and others, bib-
Brown, biblloe flow diags 11 Chem Eng Prog liog flow diag il Ind & Eng Chem Funda-
59:65-8 O '63correlation mentals 2:12()-9 My '63
Generalized of process Invost- dispersion In two-phase con-
mont. F. C. Zevnik and R. L.. Puchanan. tinuous-flow operations. T. MiyauchI and
flowsheets II Chem Eng Prog 69:70-7 T Vernieulen. bililiog diags Ind & Eng
Guide to Insulation costs for vessels. T.F '63
N. Chem Fundamentals 2:112-26 My '63
Dinning. Chem Eng 70:1X64- Ap 15 '63 Mas.s transfer in turbulent flow with and
How to .'calo up cost estimations. F. A. without chemical reactioii^ J. MarangozIs
Holland and R. Brlnkerhoft. Chem Eng 70: and others, bibliog Can J Chem Eng 41:195-
07-8 F 4 '63 202 O '63
CHEMICAL engineering — Tables, calculations, Salary increases taper off asain. Chem Eng
etc. — Continued Prog 59:18-19
Startins salariesMr continue
'63 to rise, Chem &
Modern mathematical tools for optimization.
A H. Boas, biblios diass Chem Eng 69:
TopEngpay,N 41:42 Je 10pay,
startins '63 and your pay, Chem
147-52 D 10 '62; 70:95-8 Ja 7; 105-S F 4;
97-104 Mr 4; S5-8 Ap 1 '63 (to be cont) Eng 70:1184-
CHEMICAL Ag 5 '63 American
engineers, institute of.
Multistage optimization. L. G. Mitten and
G. L. Nemhauser. biblioer flow sheets il neers
See American institute of chemical ensi-
diaas Chem Ens Pros 59:52-60 Ja '63
Multivariable systems; analysis and feed- CHEMICAL equilibrium
forward control synthesis. R. E. Bollinser Acid-base equilibria in tertiary butyl alcohol,
and D. E. Lamb, biblios diags Ind & Ens L. Marple and J. S. Fritz, bibliog Anal
Chem Fundamentals 1:245-52 N ■62 Chem 35:1223-7 Ag '63
Operating scavenger Alters at maximum Acid-base equilibria in the system PbO-
efflciencv. C. A. Jahreis. flow sheet il Chem SiOs. H. Flood and W. J. Knapp. bibliog
Optimize Progmultistage
59:91-3 Myprocesses'63 with dynamic Am Cer Soc J 46:61-5of P equilibrium-stage
programming L,, G. Mitten and G. L. Analytical solution
Hemhauser. bibliog diags Chem Eng 70: operations; application to rectification with
varying saturated enthalpies and to liquid-
195-200 O 14 '63 liquid extraction. J. J. Martin, bibliog diass
Optimum design capacity of^new plants, , . x^
p. t1.
Saletan and A. V. Caselli. bibliog Chem A I Ch EasJ a9:646-53
Chelation drivinsS '63
force in organic re-
Eng Progfiltration
Practical 69:69-75 formulas.
My '63 J. C. Sharbaugh. actions; synthesis of a-nitro acids by control
of the carboxylation-decarboxylation equi-
Chem Ens 69:153-8 Dby 10 search
'62 librium. H. L. Finkbeiner and M, Stiles,
Process optimization techniques.
D M Himmelblau bibliog diags Ind & bibliog Am of
Composition Chem the Soc J 85:616-22mixture
equilibrium Mr 5 '63
Ens Chem
Reboiler Proc Design
composition 2:296-300
control. S. S. O '63
Grover 1,2- and'62 1,3-distearin. H. J. Harwood and
and A. M. Peiser. bibliog il diags Chem others. Chem &equilibrium
Conformational Ind p651 Ap 20 '63 of the
sulphydryl grouping, E. L, Eliel and B. P.
Reliable latent heats of vaporization. „S. ,,
Ens Pros 59:61-5 Ja '63 . . H.
Fishtine. biblios il Ind & Eng Chem 55: Thill, biblios Chem & Ind p88 Ja 12 '63
Determination of apparent equilibrium con-
20-8 Ap: 49-54 My; 47-56 Je_^ '63 stants of the exchange reactions of sodium,
Reradiation to furnace tubes: effect of tube- potassium, calcium, and magnesium with
to-wall clearance. K. C. Chao. bibliog diag AmberLite IR-120. A, R. Landgrebe and
A I Ch E J 9:555-8 Jl '63 ^ . ,^ , others, biblios J Asri & Food Chem 11:156-
Tables simplify analysis of non-isothermal
reactors. B. M. Fabuss and others, il Chem Determination of equilibrium constants of
8 Mr '63
Eng 70:153-6 Ap 15 '63 silver-olefln complexes usins sas chroma-
Tower packings, comparative performance. tography. M. A. Muhs and F. T. Weiss,
J. S. Eckert. Chem Eng Prog 59:76-82 My bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:4697-705 D 20
Trouble-shooting the uncontrolled variables. Equilibria in halogen-lithium interconver-
A H. Bobis. Chem Ens 70:185-90 Mr 18 '63 sions. D. E. Applequist and D. F. O'Brien,
Vaporizer and reboiler design. J.„R. Fair,
bibliog il diass Chem Ens 70:119-24 Jl 8; biblios Amin Chem
Equilibria Soc ofJ cyanuric
solutions 85:743-8 IWr
acid20 and
101-4 As 5 '63 its chlorinated derivatives. A. P. Brady
See also and others, diag Am Chem Soc J 85:3101-4
Vapor pressure
•63 engineering laboratories Extension
20 '63A. ofK.binary
Odata. vapor-liquid equilibrium
Deshpande and B. C.-Y. Lu.
Laboratory planning for chemistry and chem-
ical ensineering. H. F. Lewis, ed Review. Fugacity coefficients of41:84-5
Can J Chem Ens Ap
alcohols. '63
R. S. Mann
bv J F. Munce. Chem & Ind p555-7 Ap 6 and L. W Shemilt. biblios Can J Chem
CHEMICAL engineers Gaseous equilibria
Eng 41:38 F '63 in the germanium iodine
Career ical s for chemists and chem- system. 1^. V. Lever, bibliog Electrochem
ensineers: with advertisers in career
opportunities. Chem & Eng N 41:1-69 pt 2 Soc pressure
How J 110:775-9 and Jl temperature
'63 affect and
Ja 28 '63 , methane reforming. P. Wellman
Educating tomorrow s managers. ^C. ^Beren- Katell. Hydrocarbon Process & Pet Re-
son. Chem Eng
Emplovment 70:1104-
outlook, F 4Chem
1963, '63 Eng 70: finer 42:135-7 Je '63
Ion exchange equilibria in a ternary system.
122-1-" Ja on
Focusing 21 '63the engineer supply, , ., Chem
il _,, L. J. Pieroni and J. S. Dranoft. bibliog
Ens 70:56 Je 24 m'63 , . .r^ Gordon.
r, .^ A I Ch E J 9:42-5 Ja '63
Getting started consulting. D. Kinetics and equilibria of amide formation
in aqueous media. H. Morawetz and P. S.
Chem Eng 70:179-84 My 13 '63 „ ,„ „ ,
How to Pick a project engineer. Rw. Peter- Otaki bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:463-8
son. H^-drocarbon Process & Pet Refiner
42:181-3' O '63 . ^ ^ ^ -a. Liquid-liquid
20 '63 by equilibrium
Fformed in the systems
Jitters over HPI engineer shortage. E. Jl. cobalt and nickel chlorides,
My '63 water and n-butanol. W, J. McManamey.
Halmos. the
Nursing jr. big R. L. 35:187
Pet birds. Sackheim. il
Chem Engof a70:115-16-1- Mr 4 '63 J Ap Chem
Maximization 13:207-11
of yield Myin '63
isothermal gas
Problems negro engineer. R. A. Labine.
phase reactions in the presence of inerts.
Chem Eng 69:164-1- D 10 '62 C. J. Pings. Ind & Eng Chem Fundamentals
Solid propellant rocket industry, where does
the chemical engineer fit in? W. P. Killian. 2:321-3 for
N '63
il dias Chem Method the determination of equilibrium
Suffering from Ens Pros
execumania? 59:43-8
L. D. S '63
Barton. sulfur pressures of metal sulfide reactions.
Chem Eng 69:196-7 O 15 '62 . „„ „ F. W. Dickson and others, bibliog diass
What is vour chance for promotion? C. Beren- Econ Geol 57:1021-30 N '62
son Chem Eng 70:108-10 S 30 '63 Modified flotation method of density deter-
Where do ChE's come from? C. L. Mantell. mination for small solid samples. B. L.
Chem Eng 70:154-1- Jl 8 '63 Simons, bibliog dias AnaJ Chem 35:407-8
See also
Batke. Ted L. ^ ^ ^ . ^. Mr -63 magnetic resonance studies of keto-
Chemical engineering— Study and teaching enol equilibria; naphthalene derivatives.
Mozley. James M. G. O. Dudek. bibliog Am Chem Soc J
Salaries 85:694-7 Mr 20 '63
Polar effects on rates and equilibria. J. Hlne
Engineering salaries; up a little. Chem Eng and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:
much isJa a7 '63
P.E. license worth?, „ Chem
_,. 1473-80
Polar My 20
effects on '63
rates and equilibria; double
Ens 70:1084-
Latest S 2 '63 shows; older engineers
look at salaries bond-no bond resonance. J. Hine. bibliog
take it on the chin. R. A. Labine. Chem Am Chem Soc J 85:3239-44 O 20 '63
Eng 70:173-44- Ap 15 '63 Predict nonideal behavior in vapor-liquid
1962 startins salaries; up Ave per cent. D. equilibria. E. D. Oliver, bibliog Chem Eng
A H. Roethel. map Chem & Eng N 40; 70:123-4 Ap 29 '63
104-84- N 5 '62 Prediction of vapor-liquid equilibria using
1963 starting salaries rise three to elsht a theory of liquid mixtures. R. F. Sweeney
ger cent. D. A. H. Roethel. map Chem & and A. Rose, bibliog diag A I Ch B J 9:
Ing N 41:132-8 O 28 '63 390-3 My '63
CHEMICAL equilibrium — Continued Chemical sales In 19G3 may hit $35.7 billion.
Prediction of vapor-liquid equilibria with the R^ D. Goodall. Chem & Eng n 41:23 S 30
Benedlct-Webb-Kubin equation of state M
S. Lin and L,. M. Naphtali. bibhog A I Cli Chemicals
E J 9:580-4 S '63 „,^ , f- Eng N outlook 40:23 O holds 1 '62 promise In '63. Chem
Prediction of vapor-Ilquld equilibrium con- Chemicals simmer after explosive growth.
stants for binary hydrocarbon systems in Elec Worldproducts
Consumer 158:113-15getO bigger 22 '62 sales push.
the critical rcKion. V. S. Mchra and G.
Thodos. biblioe A I Ch E J 8;CU4-7 N '62 11 Chem & expect
Economists Ene N better 40:34-5 business.
S 24 '62 Chem &
Pyridoxine and pyridoxal analogs; acid-base
equilibria of Schilf bases. JJ. Heinert and Eng N 40:21-2
Evaluation D 17 '62
of marketability in the chemical
A E. Marten. Ajti Chem Soc J 85:188-93 industry: highlights from the s>Tnposium.
Ja 20 '63
Reaction between aqueous uranyl ion , and, ,,the
surface of silica eel. J. Stanton and H. W. il Chem Eng
Executives debate Prog oil 58:13-17-4- N '62 firms.
vs. chemical
Maatman. bibliOK dial? J Colloid Sci 18:132- Chem integrates
FMC & Eng N inorganic 41:25 F sales. 11 '63 Chem &
46 F 'OS
Kelatlon of equilibrmm jphase-transition Eng N of
Impact 41:32-3 tariffJa revision 28 '63 and international
gressure to ionic radii. V. S. Stubican and
. Roy. J Ap Phys 34:1888-90 Jl '63,. .^ competition on the chemical industry: sym-
Semimicrodetennlnation of vapor-liqula Manufacturing and marketing40:39-40
posium. Chem * Eng N in the S emerg-
17 '62
equilibrium. I. Wichterle and E. Hala. ing countries. G. C. Jones, il Chem Eng 70:
diags Ind & Eng Chem Fundamentals 2:
155-7 69-74 Ap markets 1 '63
ShortcutMy to 'tia hydroKen „K-values; , ^hydrogen
J Overseas pose problems. S. T. Ellis.
liquid-vapor equilibrium
carbon tractions. B Kouzel. data biblios
in hydro- Pet Chem
Overseas & spending
Ene N 40:70-1 N 12 '62 oft. Chem
starts tapering
Management 35:189-93 S '63 Eng
Pathways, 69:74-t- O
pitfalls, 29 '62
Simple device for sensing
tions. M. R. Harris, diags Chem & Ind
equilibrium condi- into export trade, and il Cliemplanning& Eng for Ngoing41:
132-84- My 20 '63 (reprints 75c»
Simplified O equations
p 1654-5 12 '63 for obtaining vapor- Petrochemical survey: 175 petrochem projects
in the works. R. B. Bizal. 11 Oil & Gas J
liquid equilibria A and B constants for
partially raiscible
Severance and others. systems.
Ind &„ 'VV. Eng A.Chem N. 61:138-49rawS 2 material
Phenol: '63 for the chemical in-
Fundamentals 2:246-7 Ag '63 dustry. P. W. Sherwood, il Ind Chem 38:
Slag-metal reactions in submerged-arc 515-19 in O '62
welding. G. R. Helton and others, bibliog Physics the chemical Industry. G. Suther-
il diagsequilibration
Welding J of
42:sup289-97 land, ChemPlate & Ind Glass p 1667-70 S 22for'62 steady
Slow micellar „ Jldetergent
'63 Pittsburgh poises
solutions. H. Peper and E. G. Taylor, chemical growth. Chem & Eng N 41:30-2
bibliog extraction
Solvent J Colloid of Scicertain 18:318-27 Ap '63
transition metal Progress and the public Interest. K. H. Klip-
Ap 29 '63
ions with 1- (2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol; com- stein. Chem
Reviews and previews & Ind p 1903-6 1962-1963.N 3 il'62Chem &
plex formation and distribution equilibria.
D Bettoridge and others, bibliog Anal Eng N 40:45-63 D 31 '62
Chem relations
35:294-8 Mr '63 ^. , ^. Rexall plans bigger push in chemicals. 11
Some between the sedimentation Chem attitudes
& Eng andN chemical 41:23-4 Myinvestment 27 '63
equilibrium of a polymer mixture and the Risk df^cl-
distribution with respect to molecular sions. P. E. Green, bibliog il Chem Eng
weight and composition. J. J. Hermans,
Prog research:
Space 59:35-40 Jaa '63 free ride for chemical In-
bibliog relations
Stability J Colloid ofScisome 18:433-44
arsenatesJe '63of zinc .
and calcium. S. A. Williams. Econ Geol Technical dustry? buvers Chem Engare70:100 Mv 13 '63 Chem &
a challenge.
Studies in the Je reaction
'63 . of, formaldehyde
^ ,j ^ j with ..u Eng N 40:32-3 S 24
There's no letup in chemical mergers. Chem 'i".2
unmodified, modified, and dyed celluloses: & Eng N 41:23-4make Ag 12more '63 overseas. Chem
equilibrium reaction of formaldehyde with IT.S. companies
cotton cellulose at 30°C. K. V. Datye. bib-
liog Textile Res J 32:883-90 N '62 U.S.& Eng N 40:25 O 8 in'62 1962; realignment
petrochemicals for
Study of multicomponent mixtures in solu- the years ahead. K. J. Nelson, il Oil &
tion with a vertical-axis transniisslontype
fllter-fluoronieter. M. H. Fletcher, bibliog GasHeeJ also
60:98-100 S 3 '62
diag Anal Chem
Temperature-dependent 35:278-88 Mr '63in sulflte
equilibria Ceramic industries
solutions; abstract. O. V. Ingruber. il Paper Ceramics
Ind 44:494-f- N '62 Drug trade
Treatment Itvf iiifiustrv
ically of reactingpartial
flows. equilibrium
P. A. Libby. in ARS chem-J
Fertilizer Industry
32:1090-1 Jl '62: Discussion. AIAA J 1:723-4 Gas industry
Mr '63 Manufacturing chemists association
Vapor-liquid equilibrium constants of binary Paper industry and trade
methane systems for the sub-critical, Potash industry and trade
critical, and retrograde regions. S P.
Dastur and G. Thodos. bibliog A I Ch E J Rubber Industry and trade
9:524-8 Jl '63 Accounting
Vapor-liquid tween pure equilibrium
hydrocarbons relationships
and cuts. J. be- A.
Grosberg. Hydrocarbon Process & Pet Economics of long- vs. short-life materials.
Refiner 41:218-22 N '62 J. R. Brauweller. Chem Eng 70:128-1- Ja
See also How21 '63Monsanto uses accounting to control
Phase rule and equilibrium maintenance costs. B. A. Northup. flow
CHEMICAL finishing. See Metal flnlshlne sheets Hydrocarbon Process & Pet Refiner
CHEMICAL formulas 41:237-40 Inventories;
N '62
New way to code cheitilcal structures. D. L. Surplus liquidate or retain?
Ballard. Chem & Eng N 41:129 Ap 15 '63 Chem Eng 70:134-4- Ag 6 '63
CHEMICAL Industries Advertising
Armour revamps industrial chemical sales.
Chem & Eng N 41:40 N 4 '63 Chemical advertising sharpens Its aim. Chem
Calendar of meetings and events. 1963. Chem a. Eng N 40:32-4 D 10 '62
& Eng N 41:78-82+ F 4 '63 Directories
C&EN progress report. Published in weekly
numbers of Chemical and engineering news Analytical chemistry 1963 buyers' list,
guide; geo-
Chemical industry and the common market; graphical guide, classincntlon product
essay review. J, D. Pratt. Chem & Ind guide and ronipniiv directory. Anal Chem
p 1938-40 N 10 '62 35 (no 51:inG-177na
Chemical buvers guide Ap 1963.'63Can Chem Proc-
Chemical metallurgy' and the chemical In-
dustry. F. A. Forward, diags Can J Chem ess 46:3-253 nt 2 D "62
Eng 41:sup 111-vl abroad
F '63 to set new high. Materials of construction; 20th biennial re-
Chemical out lays port: directory of manufacturers. Chem Eng
Chem & Eng U 40:37 S 10 '62 69:202-23 N 12 '62
key to 1963. processII industries'
Chem Ens 1962 record,Ja the
70:91-102 21 1963
Book catalog; Soap & biiyers' guide Blue
Chem Spec and
'63 (reprlnta EOc)
Book p 1-222 ^63
CHEMICAL, industries — Directories — Continued Ethylene, a flve-year forecast. W. S. Fedor.
lytjo buyers" KUide:
laboratory euuipmeiit. clieniicals,
Chem ciiemical
& Ind supplant,
map Chem $U & Eng N 40:149-62 S 10 '65
5S. P3-GG. L3-50 D 1 '02 Facts and figures for the chemical process
Semiannual inventory of new plants and fa- industries.
3 '62 (reprints $2)
Chem & Eng N 40:1-84 pt 2 S
cilities. Chem Ens 69:111-18 O 29 '62; 70: Facts and figures for the chemical process
163-71 Ap 15: 127-36 O 28 '63 mdustries. Chem & Eng N 41:41-124 S 2
Exhibitions '63 (reprints $2,001
Canadian chemical and equipment exhibition, Modest propylene outlook may pick up after
Toronto, Oct. 23-26: with list of e.xhibitors 1965. Chem Eng 70:94-1- My 13 '63
and floor plan. Can Chem Process 46:93A+ Petrochemical-boom or bust; ethylene chem-
icals, the decennial outlook. W. C. King. U
O: 64-5 N of'62chemical industries. New York,
E.xposition map Chem Eng Prog 59:22-7 F '63: Same
Dec. 2-6; with list of exhibitors. Ind & Eng abr. Oil & Gas J 61:72-6 Ap 8 '63
Petrochemicals growth in western Europe
Chem 55:68-72-1-,
Exposition of chemical 117-18industries.
N '63 29th. New pacing that of oil and gas. H. A. Kirch
York. Dec. 2-6. Am Dyestuff Rep 52:774 S and W. E. Kuhn. Oil & Gas J 60:93-7 S 3
30 '63
Exposition of chemical industries, 29th, New Process Industries in '62; records right and
York. Dec. 2-6; with list of exhibitors and left. Chem the Engnext70:38-40
Propylene F 4 '6311 Chem
five years. &
floor plan. 11 Chem & Eng N 41:57-134 N 4
•63; Chem Eng 70:345-9-)- N 11 '63 Eng N 41:92-105
Reviews/ureviews; My 13 '63
increases (reprints $1.00)
in production.
Hanover fair. Chem & Ind p 1114-15 Jl 6 '63 sales, and proflts In 1963. Chem & Eng N
Laboratory apparatus and materials exhibi-
tion. Earls Court, April 1-5. 11 Chem & Ind 40:46-50 D 31 '62
Solid growth ahead in petrochemicals. Oil &
P731-2 My show
Petrochem 4 '63 flllinsr up fast; list of exhibi-
Gas J 61:88-90 Mr 18 '63
tors. Chem Ens Proe 58:9 S '62 Taxation
Finance Chemical industry opposes tax reforms. Chem
Facts and fijrures for the chemical process & Eng N 41:32 Ap 1 '63
industries; finance and financial report of Australia
130 firms. D. M. Kiefer. Chem & Ens N
Story of Kiwi polish. D. Joinson, il Soap &
Facts andpt figures
40:9-33 2 S 3 '62for the chemical process
Chem Spec 39:73-54- Ag '63
industries; finance and financial report of Belgium
130 firms. D. M. Kiefer. Chem & Eng N 41:
49-74 S 2 '63 Dimethylamine yield boosted in new process,
First-haif reports promise record year; il diag Chem Eng 69:70-f- O 29 '62
financial stateinents point to record chem- Canada
ical sales. Chem &• Ens N 41:25-6 Jl 29 '63 Can Shawinigan erase its problems? il Can
profits;sales withboosted
table. chemical
Chem & industry's
Eng N 41:26-719G2
Chpm Process
Canadian aery late47:29-31
prospectF '63looms. Can Chem
T^Ir IS -63
Implications of the second squeeze on profits. Process chemical
Canadian 47:60-1- Myoutput'63 up three per cent:
H. M. Strage.
Industry spending; Chem slow
Eng 69:175-80
advance O in15 1963.
'62 total value of chemicals and chemical prod-
Chem Eng hold 69:56 atN seasonal
26 '62 ucts produced this year will hit $1.5 billion.
Inventories rates. Chem &
„S. J. Cook.
Canadian marketChem can & support
Eng N 41:134plants S for2 '63
Eng N 41:27 Je
Petrochemical 24 '63
developments; how to finance chemicals. S. J. Cook. Chem & Eng N 41:73
plants in the European economic commu-
nity. L. H. Frampton. Hydrocarbon Proc- Giant U.S. market needs e-^ploration Can
Ap S '63
Chpm Process 47:29-30 Mr '63
Profltsess rose
& Pet inRefiner second41:180-6
quarter.N Chem'62 & Eng Global -scale plan is vital now. E. Gudgeon.
N 40:24 S 24 '62
Record expansion likely this year. Chem & Can Chem
Hooker ProcessBritish
to '63boost 46:48 Columbia
O '62 chlorine
Eng and
Sales N 41:21-2 earnings F 11up '63sharply last year. How output.
Canadian 11 Can industries ltd. 46:37-8
Chem Process shook Nup '62the
Chem up & butEngearnings N 41:21-2 F 4in '63 acid line-up. il map Can Chem Process 46:
Sales uneven first quarter. 38-40 Ddata; '62 process industries. Can Chem
Chem finds & Engpayoff N 41:21-2 Ap 29 '63 Market
Texizts in chemicals, il Chem & Process 47:51-8 lawsJe; 35-47
Eng N 41:34-5 Ja 28 '63 New Canadian under Jl industry
'63 study.
Third-quarter sales and proflts climb higher.
Chem & companies Eng N 40:21-2 O 29sales.
'62 Soap & 1963Chem & Eng process
chemicail N 41:24 Je 24 '63 prospects
industries il
'62 report
Chem Spec 39:64-1- Je '63 1963Can promises
Chem Process
big jump47:27-42in chemJa '63 exports.
Venture capital for small companies. R. D. G. R McCormack. SI Can Chem Process
Stillman. Chem & Eng N 40:106-7-t- O 15 47:20-1-1- Mr '63
Petrochemical survey of U.S. and Canada.
■Venture capital must R. B. Bizal. il Oil & Gas J 61:112-37 S 2
R. D. Stillman. Chem be& chosen
Eng N carefully.
40:46-7 S
17 See
'62 also Petr lead Can indu H.
S. ochPylant. i! Oil & Gas adi J 61:140-1- stry Ag 12
emic an .
Chemical industries — Securities
Chemical plants — Costs Saslfatoon alhas s makings of petrochemical cen-
History tre, il Can Chem Process 47:56-8 Jl '63
What's happening in Canada? Chem Eng
Brandywlne: past and present. D. R. Augood. Proo- 59:9-22 Je '63
Will Noranda move closer to CPI? il Can
il Ind Chem 38:511-13 O '62 Chem Process 47:53-4 O '63
International aspects Chile
Global outlook prescribed for chemical firms. Chile wants to produce petrochemicals, fl
Chem Eng 70:66
International trade Apin 29 '63
chemicals. G. Abraham- Chem & Eng N 40:85-7 S 24 "62
son. Ind Chem 39:195-7. 259-64 Ap-My '63
Japan the never-easy struggle toward the
too. R. Landau and others. 11 Chem & Pulling back the curtain on Cuba's CPI. M.
Eng N 41:68-82 Jl 1 '63 (reprints $1.00) Hagan. il Chem Eng 70:98-i- O 14 '63
What's ence
exists between in us.
J. M. interdepend-
Margolis. 11 Europe
Chem Eng Prog 59:14-18 Je '63 r:^uropean chemical industry growth slows
Securities Chem
European & dilemma;
Eng N overcapacity
41:82-6 Mr in4 aromatlcs.
Virginia-Carolina recapitalizes. Chem & Eng 11 Chem & Eng N 41:94-105 Mr 25; 78-90
N 40:23-4 O 8 '62 An 1 '63 (reprints $1.25)
European economic community; how will It
What's happening
stocks a good
in Canada? are Canadian
buy? R. Cziner. Chem Eng affect hydrocarbon processing industry? G.
Tugendhat. Hydrocarbon Process & Pet Re-
Prog 59:19-22 Je '63 finer 42:183-6
Statistics European HPI Aomanagement
'63 todav. O. GIs-
Chemical output heads for another record. card d'Estaing and F. Koos. Hydrocarbon
Process & Pet Refiner 42:147-50-1- Ja; 167-
Chem & Eng N 41:25-6 Jl 22 '63
70 F '63
CHEMICAL •03 industries — Europe — Continued Japan
Fillinir consumer needs: key to EEC petro- Japan the never-easy struggle toward the
chemical Krowth. L. H. Frampton. Hydro- top, R. Landau and others, il Chem &
carbon Process & Pet Refiner 42:173-8 S
Eng N 41:68-82
Japanese fireworks.Jl D.1 '63R. Ireprints
Augood. $1)il Ind
Germany tops U.K. in petrochemicals, now
number one in western Europe. B. M. Fil- Chem 39:27-9 Ja '63
bert and V. D. Herbert, jr. bibliOK Oil & Watch Japan's petrochemical
Hydrocarbon Process & Pet growth, T. Sato.
Refiner 41:
HPIGas and J 61:10G-9
the European S 2 '63 common market. E. E.
1604- Ag '62 Netherlands
How Halmos,EEC jr. wedsPet process Managementto raw 35:187 material. Ja '63L. Dutch State Mines revamps its structure. 11
H. Frampton. bibliog dlaKS Hydrocarbon Chem & Eng N 41:724- Je 24 '63
Process & Pet Refiner 42:127-34 Mr '63 New Zealand
Reviews/previews: Europe's economies slow
down, il Chem & Ene N 40:60-3 D 31 '62 New Zealand news letter (cont). S. G.
■63 France Brooker. Chem & Ind p2S7 F 16 '63
Davison pushes southwest France as plant Puerto Rico
site, il map Chem & Ens N 41:34-5 Ja 21 Plans for large o-xylene-based unit In Puerto
Fre chem indu L. Jacq map Rico face overcapacity and new low prices
nch ical stry ufi. for phtlialic anhydride; Puerto Rico Chem-
French & Ind
chemical p industry
1CS7-43 . S chalks15 '62 up 7 per ical. Chem & Eng N 41:35-6 My 20 '63
cent growth. Chem & Eng N 41:06-1- Ap Rumania
22 '63 chemicals
French exceed planned growth. UOP sues builder of Romanian chemical plant.
Chem & Ensr N 40:27 O 8 '62 Oil & Gas J 61:01 Mr 4 '63
Gas processing and production of petrochem- Russia
icals. M. Bailleul. il diags Inst Pet J 49:
99-104 Ap '63 Germany How do the'63Soviet chemical process indus-
German chemical industry off to good start: tries shapewinup? large
U.K. firms Chem contracts
Eng 70:89fromMr Soviets
18 '63
sales hit $2.12 billion in first four months to supply ethylene and polyethylene plants.
of 1963. chemical
German Chem & industry
Eng N sets 41:6G newJl 22 '63
records Chem & Eng N 41:66 My 13 '63
Chem & Eng N 41:67-8 .Ta 28 '63 South Africa
German firms ready new ethylene capacity; Organic chemicals and the Fischer-Tropsch
three new plants, one expansion increase synthesis in South Africa. P. E. Rousseau.
capacity by almost 60 per cent. Chem &
Eng N 41:65-6 O 21 '63 il Chem
South Africa& to Ind expand
p 1958-06 N 17 production.
chemical '62
Gennany's big three log record sales. Chem
& Eng N 41:68-9 F 11 '63 Ind Chem 39:323 Je '63
understanding. chemical Chem industry & Eng Nseeks41:52 public S 30 United States
Petrochemical survey of U.S. and Canada.
Top Ger pol ina to exp R. B. Bizal. il Oil & Gas J 61:112-37 S 2
Rheinischeman oleflnwerke. yet ker
il Chem & Engand:N
hyl CHEMICAL institute of Canada
West41:70-2 GermanJl 15 'C:',
chemical e n e sales up. Chem & Conference and exhibition, 46th, Toronto,
Eng N 41:30 N 4 '63 June 6-8; program. Can Chem Process 47:
Great Britain 58-9 My '63
Britain gets new petrochemicals complex, il Division of rubber chemistry
Chem & Eng N 41:112-13 O 28 '63 Joint meeting of the Divisions of rubber
Chemical plant: illustrations with text. En- chemistr>' of the American chemical so-
gineer 215:40 Ja 4 '63 ciety and the Chemical institute of Can-
Courtaulds' future looks bright, il Chem & ada. Toronto. May 8-10: program. Rubber
Eng N 41:2.'-.-6 Jl 8 '63 Chem
Joint meeting& Techwith36:sud xiii-xvi
ACS Division Jlof rubber
Distillers re.«5hapes for growth; Distillers co.
Chem & Eng N 41:107-8-1- Ap 29 '63 chemistrv. Toronto. May 8-10. Rubber Age
Lilly's new plant: flexibility the key. il diag 93:431-4 Je '63: Rubber World 148:71 Je '63
Manuf Chem 34:454-64- O '63 Spring meeting, Toronto,
National economic development council sets and abstracts of papers. May Rubber
8-10; program
Age 93:
TI.K. chemical growth at 7.6 per cent a
year. GNP growth at four per cent for 94-102 Ap laboratories
1961-66 buying Chem in & Britain
Eng N 41:23 Adhesives for industry; new laboratory at
Sulfur under Mrscrutiny.25 '63
the Silvertown factory of Duche & Knight
Chem & Eng N 41:60-1
Swift starts to make chemicals overseas. Je 10 '63 ltd. il Shell
Ind Chem 38:577 laboratory'.
N '62
British detergents Egham,
map Chem & Eng N 41:34-5 Jl 15 '63 Surrey, il research
Soap & Chem Spec 39:63-4ofF '63
TT.K.'s chemical exports continue to rise Harrogate laboratories I, CI
Chem & Eng N 41:944- F 18 '63 Fibres division. R. F. Tuckett. il plan
U.K's chemical output Increased five per cent Chem & Ind p 1877-81 N 3 '62
In 1962. Chem & Eng N 41:94 My 20 '63 I.C.L's new petrochemical and polymer lab-
See also oratory, D, S, Davies, il Chem & Ind pS2G-8
British chemical plant manufacturers asso- Laboratory of the month. Published in
ciation My 18 '63 numbers
monthly of Analytical chemistry
New British headquarters of International
Hungarian chemical indiislrv. G. Szekeres. Flavors and Fragrances, il Manuf Chem 34:
il Chem & Ind p 1932-4 N 10 '62 11-124- Ja '63 and polymer laboratory m
India Petrochemical
Cheshire: Imperial chemical industries ltd.
India pushes now chemical projects. Chem & Engineer 215:918 My 24 '63
Eng N 41:58 Ja 14 '63 Philosophy of ICI's new laboratory, il En-
Indian chemical industry. Ind Chem 38:623-4 Research and gineering 195:726 My 24 '63 laboratories of
O '62 Shell Industrial chemicals div. P. J. Garner,
Indian chemical industn.-. il Ind Chem 39:319-
20 Je '63 Israel il plan Chem
Research in the & Albright Ind p 1566-73 S 28 '63
& Wil.son group.
Chemical.^ loom big In Israel's economy. II J. H. E. Jeffes. 11 Chem & Ind p 1442-50
map Chem Eng 70:50-2 Ja 21 '63
Italy AgBee31 niso
Chemical engineering laboratories
Brindlsl complex takes on new look. 11 Pet Chemical plant.s — E.xperlmental plants
Management 35:175 S '63 Metallurgical laboratories
Pliarniaceutic.ll lalioratories
Italian petrochemicals. D. R. Augood. II Ind Rubber laboratories
Chem 39:430-2 Ag '63 Textile laboratories
Monlecallnl and Shell Itallana link In pesti-
'62 cides. Chem & Eng N 41:69 Mr IS '63 Accidents
Petrochemical Perchlorate mixture explodes at UCLA
Swamlnathan. plant at Ravenna.
diags Engineer 'V.O S,5
214:605-7 chemistry laboratory. Chem & Eng N 41:
47 Jl 8 '63
CHEMICAL laboratories — Continued Ammonia leads in plant construction. R. B.
Designs and plans Bizal. il Oil
Desi*rn and construction o£ laboratory build- Aroniatics plant& at Gas Isle
J 60:82-4
of Grain, D 17flow'62 diag
ines ii plana Anal Cheni 34;sup2oA-32A+ il Engineer 214:1075 D 21
Canadian plant adopts novel processes, il '62
S; SUP23A-34A+ O: 23A-30A D 62 diag Oil &'62 Gas J 61:91-2 Jl 15 63
Desigming a high-pressure laboratory. J. F. Celanese expands acetyl plants in Texas, il
Stenberg and B. G. Colley. il plan diags
•63 Kne 69:115-18 N 26 '62
Chera Chem & Bug N 41:23-4 Je 24 '63
Laboratorv plannuig for chemistry and chem- Conoco's Alfol imit goes onstream. 11 dias
ical engineering. H. F. I-.ewis, ed. Review, Pet Management 34:170-1 Ag "62
by J. F. Munce. Chem & Ind p565-7 Ap 6 Ex-Kentucky butadiene plant rising again in
Brazil, installation
French il Oil & Gas features J 61:81 IFP Jl 22 process,
P/A tenUi annuaj design awards: chemical
research building for Tufts university, il flow sheet il Pet Management
From inks to chemical specialties; Kane 35:177 O '63
plana diag Prog Arch 44:120-1 Ja '63 chemical corp. J. W. Dragonetti. il Soap
Equipment & Chem Chemical
Hawkeye Spec 38:143-1- plantD near
'62 completion,
Annual conference exposition of modern lab-
oratory equipment, floor
list of exhibitors, Pittsburgh, March Cliem
plans. Anal 4-S; HPI construction boxscore: '63
il Oil & Gas J 61:231 O 14 tables. Hydro-
carbon Process & Pet Refiner 41:227-8-^ O
35:sup69A-S4A-t- F '63 „„o t^
and 300° for K. phase
J. A. studies
Davis and between
K. Kerr-McGee's
commercial operation. high-purityP. helium K. Smith plant and
liog flow diag diags Ind & Eng Chem 55: H. S. Pylant. flow diag il map Oil & Gas J
36-42 N '63 60:136-9 Odedicates■63 '62
Closed svsteni gradient instrument accomo- Monsanto chemical refinery. H. S.
dating volatile and nonvolatile buffers for Pylant. il map diag Oil & Gas J 60:52-4
column chromatography. M. A. Chase, diags
Anal Chem
Customers favor 35:1457-60
dealersS '63
for lab supplies, il Monsanto
D 10 '62 dedicates Chocolate Bayou plant,
il Pet Management
Monsanto expands at Texas 35:188-90City.Ja Oil'63& Gas J
Chem & Eng N 41:25-6 My 6 '63
Diamond Alkali's T. R. Evans research cen-
ter: laboraton- of the month, il Anal Chem 60:145
New D 31 polyolefins
fiexible '62 unit. G. M. Chastain
35:sup 107A-9A Je '63 and, materials exliibi- and H. S. Pylant. flow diag 11 Oil & Gas J
Laboratory apparatus 60:150-2 N 12 '62
tion. London. April 1-5. il Chem & Ind New methrlamines plant; I.C.I. Heavy or-
P731-2 My 4 '63 . „ A. . t,- ganic chemicals div. at BiUingham co. il
hauer aiidhvdrogenation
R. E. Beal. insert.
diagsR. Anal Eisen-
Chem Ind Chem 39:30 Ja '63
New plant makes methylamines; intermediates
35:1110 Jl '63 for drugs, pesticides and many other chemi-
Partial condensation variable reflux stillhead cal products, il diag Manuf Chem 34:19 Ja
for the distillation of trace components. N.
Adler. bibliog diags Anal Chem 35:724-9 New Southern chemical home; Southern chem-
My '63 ical products CO. il Soap & Chera Spec 39
Physical society exhibition. London; exhibits 55-6Chemical
Olt Ag '63 sharpens its sales program.
of interest to chemists. Manuf Chem 34:
66-S-t- F '63 Chem
Petro/chem & Engconstruction.
N 40:19 D Pet 24 '62Management
Research pH meter is ultrasensitive. Chem & '62
Eng N 41:70 O 14 '63 34:193 S '62 construction abroad; 215 proj-
Thermoelectric immersion cooler developed: ects are in the works. R. B. Bizal. il Oil &
\VhirIpool corp. il Chem & Eng N 41:80 Gas J 60:133-4-1- S 3 '62
Jl See
29 '63 Petrochemical construction slows in U.S.,
also Canada; picks up abroad. H. S. Pylant. 11
Crucibles Oil & Gas J 60:90-2 S 3 '62
Safety measures Petrochemical pro,jects. R. B. Bizal. il Oil &
Hard look at safety in high-pressure re- Gas J 61:114-16 Mv 13 '63
search. B. L. Clark, il Chem Eng 70:183-4 Plant expands Austria's HPI. il diag Pet
Survey of U.S. 35:189-1- Mr '63 520 plants mak-
and Canada;
Mr IS '63 literature
CHEMICAL ing petrochemicals. R. B. Bizal. il Oil &
ACS divisions praise virtues of preprints. Gas J 60:1084-
Chem & Eng N 40:1044- S 17 '62 Tidewater buildingS big3 '62hydrogen
(reprints plant.
$41 R. H.
Chemical Abstracts Service gets chemical Carlson, il Oil & Gas J 60:137-84- D 3
type chain, il Chem & Eng N 40:76 N 19 '62 See also
Polymers classified by new method. K. J. Drug factories
Lissant. diag Chem & Eng N 41:70-1- Ja Fertilizer factories
28 See
'63 also Metallurgical plants
Petroleum refineries
ical) chemical society journal (period- ■Water supply for chemical plants
Chemical abstracts (periodical) Accidents
Chemistry — Periodicals Nitrogen compression system explosion R W
CHEMICAL milling. See Metal finishing Sanders and R, W. Nodorp. flow sheets 11
CHEMICAL models Chem Eng Prog is59:72-5 Mr blast.
'63 11 Chem
Mixing model for transfer near a boundary. Unknown reaction cause of
J. M. Marchello and H. L. Toor. bibliog & Eng N 40:79-80 S 10 '62
Ind & Eng Chem Fundamentals 2:8-12 Accounting
F '63
CHEMICAL patents See Chemical industries — Accounting
DuPont and Montecatini reach agreement on
polypropylene; firmsChem agree & toEng
cross-licens- Control equipment
ing arrangement. N 41:22 Automatic data acquisition, logging and
Je 10 '63 computer control systems. T. B. M. Rybak
European patent law: chemical products bibliog ilusesdiagscomputer Ind Chem
patentable as well as processes. Manuf Celanese control39:476-80
at Bay S City'63
Chem 33:527-1- D '62 plant, il Pet Management
Chocolate Bayou boasts latest in instrumen- 34:207-8 O '62
Hercules gets polypropylene process patent.
Chem & Eng N 40:104-1- S 17 '62 tation and control. G. L Farrar. 11 Oil &
New patents. Published in monthly numbers G.ts J 60:38-42
Compromise control D 24of '62overdetermined sys-
of Manufacturing chemist tems. D. J. Wilde and A. Acrivos. bibliog
New patents. Published in monthly numbers diag A I Ch E J 8:629-34
of Soap and chemical specialties Computers, automation, and N process
'62 control.
Swiss fear ECM patent law. Chem & Eng N T. J. Williams, bibliog Ind & Eng Chem
41:86-t- Je 3 '63 55:43-5 N analyzers
Continuous '63 in chemical processing.
See also
Drugs — Patents S. Siggia and R. A. Hagstrom. bibliog Auto-
Lubrication and lubricants — Patents mation 10:54-60 Ap '63
CHEMICAL plant manufacturers association, Control begins its take-over generation; Mon-
British. See British chemical plant manu- santo chemical co.'s Chocolate Bavou petro-
facturers association chemical plant, il I S A J 10:25-6 Ja '63
CHEMICAL plants— Control equipment — Cont. Design
Controller tor chemical processinK. 11 i-nsTl- Designing stability into plant operations.
neer 215:835 My 3 lis , „, „ F. G. Shinskey. diags Pet Management 34:
DlKital men talk direct control. Chem EnK 206-7 O; 229-31 N '62 „ .,.^
69:102 N
Distinctive problems of,12 •«2 process control. . , ttH. Evaluating the proposed plant. R. Frumer-
H. Rosenbrock. bibllog il diags Chem Eng man.
HowPA to Chem
designH. and Eng 69:101-4-1-
operate bibliogO 1 '62
Prog 5S:43-50 S '62 plants. E. Riley, flow diag il
Electroanalytical techniciues for process diags Hydrocarbon Process & Pet Refiner
monitorinB. S. Sigsia aiid R. A. Hagstrom. 42:167-72 Je '63 ^ . ^ „
biblioe il diags Automation 10;72-t>0 Je 1)3 Managing engineering projects; design. J. M.
Electrodeless conductivity meter for process Mci^ellan. Chem Eng 70:164-7 My 13 '63
control. E. Harrison and P. F. Roach, il Modules, big and small, hike engineering
diags Radio & Electronic Eng 26:2a-33 Jl 63 efficiency,design '62il Chem Eng of 70:54-f Ja 21D. '63
Ethylene enters a new field: acetyl chem- Optimum capacity new plants. I.
icals by direct oxidation. H. C. Bozeman. Saletan and A. V. Caselli. bibliog Chem Eng
il plan
First diags Oil & alkylation
computer-run Gas J 6U:216-21 O 15 '62
unit planned. Prog 59:69-75
Packaged plants My spark'63 overseas buildups, diag
Oil & Gas set J 60:56 Chem Eng G9:744- D 10 62 ,. ,.
Guidelines for D direct
17 '62 digital
,. . , control. Plants key services reflect new thinking;
Chem & Eng N 41:100 Ap 15 '63 Monsanto s Chocolate Bayou plant, il Chem
How totorevaluate stream variables. process analyzers
E, E. Escher that moni-
and Eng size
70.58-i- Ja 21 '63
D. J. Fraade. biblios diags Chem Eng 70: Unit in petrochemicals plant and equip-
ment. J. W. Woolcock. Ind Chem 39:406-10
89-96 S 30 '63
How to modify plant instruments for digital Electric equipment
computer control. C. H. Thurman. plan Electrical-equipment
Ag '63 purchase costs. M. M.
diags I safety;
Intrinsic S A J its10:73-5 growingF status
'63 . ^Europe.
in 66-Kirk.
kv loop Chem for Eng 70:2444-
chemical plantJe expanded.
10 '63 A. H.
D. H. Barlow, diag Control Eng 10:85-8 Barth. diags Elec World loS:34-5-f D 24
Mr '63
Justification and payout of on-stream ana- Spe a in driv for the che
lyzers. D. J. Fraade. blbliog I S A J 10: ed djustC. R. Olson,
industry. eils diags Ind & micEngal
61-6 analyzer
Ag '63 men
Mass heads for online control,. il . „Can Chem 55:24-8 Mr '63 t
Chem Process 47:91-2-1- O '63 Employees
Mass analvzer is designed for on-line control, See Chemical workers
Newil Chem concept; Ens unit 70:58-F control
S 2 '63systems. E. R.
Forman. il diags Chem Eng 70:93-100 An 5 Equipment
Applications of austenitic cast irons in the
On-line chromatographic control, diags Ind chemical and petroleum industries. G. L.
& Eng analyzers
Chem 55:63forJe control. '63 Swales,
Ja-Mr il
'63 Ind Chem 39:16-21. 79-83. 142-4
Process C. M. Tyler. 11 , „ „
diags Chem Eng Prog 58:51-5 computers
S '62 Apply stream analyzers for profit. T. ,U.
Small special-purpose analog for
process control. J. D. Warnock. diag Auto- BoltClift.torques
11 I S and A J gaskets
10:49-52 Ap for '63glassed-stecl
mation 9:141-5 D '62 equipment. B. G. Staples, bibliog il Chem
Time-shared digital process-control system. Eng 69:200-1- S 17 '62
E. W. Yetter and C. W. Sanders, diag Boost for superphoshoric'03 acid. 11 Chem Eng
I S Agas
Using J 9:53-6chromatographyN '62 in process control. Buying
69:58 O chemical1 '02 pumps. T. E. Johnson, il
R. A. Hagstrom and S. Slggia. il diag Auto- Chem gives Eng 70:138-1- Ag 5 plant
mation 10:58-63 S '63 Chart equipment, costs. M. D.
What's ahead in process control. A. E. Lee. Winfleld and C. E. Dryden. Chem Eng 69:
il Chem Eng 70:99-104 Je 24 '63 100-4 D 24process
Chemical 'fi2 Industries is changing
Corrosion views on equipment, il Can Chem Process
■63 forum. Published In bi-weekly Chemical
47:48-9-1- Fprocessors
'63 use more titanium.
numbers of Chemical engineering H. B. Bomberger. bibllog il Ind & Eng
How corrosion engineers save money. H. G.
Bennett, il Can Chem Process 47:71-2-1- F Chem 55:53-7
Compressor designJa '63 holds maintenance down.
11 diag
Co.stograms. Chem Ind & Chem Eng 39:90-1.
N 41:56-t-146-7. Jl 15198-9.
Polv sipstanicepibnrgin chcohsleon for H corr c r
es ook osio hemi e- 257-8, 314-15, 368-9, 482-3. 536-7 F-Jl, S-O
Corp.ter R. Baker, e, ilrindiag
e; er n Piping
Heating- cal De.sign and uses of choppers and shredders.
34:130-3 N '62 Costs K. R. Sterrett and W. ^r. Sheldon. 11 diag
Chart gives equipment, plant costs. M. D. Ind & forEng wetChemseparation.
Design 55:46-50 W. F '63T. Marston
Winfleld and C. E. Dryden. Chem Eng 69:
100-4 D 24 '62 and others, diags Ind & Eng Chem 54:44-9
Comparing techniques for appraising project N 'r,2
alternatives. H. H. Street. Chem Eng 70: Economics of long- vs. short-life materials.
J. R. Brauweller. Chem Eng 70:12S-f- Ja
121-7 My 27 '63 21 '63 , .
Cost of producing linolelc acid from saffiower Equipment buyers and sellers probe their
oil. •63V. E. Sohns and others, flow diag Am roles. Chem Eng 70:7S-t- Jl 8 '63
Oil Chem Soc J 40:169-72 My '63 Equipment speciflcatlon. N. H. Parker, fiow
Costograms. Ind Chem 39:90-1. 146-7. 198-9. diag Chem Eng 70:107-12 My 27: 115-19 Je
257-8. 314-15, 368-9. 482-3. 536-7, F-Jl. S-O 24: 135-40 Jl 22: 161-6 Ag 19 '63
Evaluating the
ing. A. C. Shabica. hazards bibliog
in chemical process-11
flow sheets
Cost c for proc cont pane
B.s G. orreLlptak.
late diags eChem ss rol 69:122-3
Eng ls. Exposition of chemical lndu.>Jtrles. New '63York.
plans Chem Eng Prog 59:57-66 S
d Dec. 2-6: with list of exhibitors. Ind & Eng
O 1 '62
Electrical-equipment purchase costs. M. M. Chem 55:68-72-1-, 117-18 N '63
Kirk. Chem Eng 70:244-1- Je 10 '63 Glass proves equal to many tasks. J. F.
New index shows plant cost trends: plant Malone. II Can InChem
construction cost Inde.x. T, H. Arnold and Heat exchange glass.Process
C. K. 47:68-70
McEwen.Jl '6311
C. H. Chilton, bibllog Chem Eng 70:143-62 Chem Engpurge
70:121-F S 2 '63
F 18 'B3 (reprints 50c) Hvdrogen system. Westlnghouse Eng
New ratios for estimating plant costs. Chem
Eng 70:120-1- S 30 '63 Instrumentation.
22:150 N "62 R. H. MUller. Published In
New short-cut method for plant costs. Chem monthly numbers of Analytical chemistry
Eng 70:208 Mr 18 '63 Insulations for cr.vogenic vessels. Tj. L.. Leach,
Simplified technique for estimating centrif- bibllog II diacs Hydrocarbon Process & Pet
ugal process pump costs. T. J. SnIITen and
E. J. Serven. Chem Eng 69:146-1- N 26 ^62 Refiner 41:241-4engineering
International N '62 exhibition. Lon-
Uncovering your competitor's costs. R. T. don. April 23-May 2. Chem & Ind p858-9
Cllne and others. 11 Chem Eng 69:109-14 N
26 '62 IMCMy Increases
25put '63 concentrated-phosphates out-
What price process equipment? six views 50 per cent with new Bonnie. Fla.
flus filant. B. Barnes, flow diag II Eng & MIn J
7-23 Interpretation.
My 63 11 Chem Eng Prog 59:
64:98-100 Ax '63
CHEM ICAL plants — Equipment — Continued Dow to test phosphoric acid process In Can-
L-ess common metals for process equipment: ada: uses hydrochloric acid to digest phos-
literature review. E. M. Sherwood, ind &
EnK Chem focal 55:59-64 Equationphatequickly rock. Chemscales & EngreactorN 41:35 O 14 '63 B.
Lubrication point biblios
for many (pC2-4) sciences.
O 'G3
Kouzei. Chem Eng V0:180 F 18 '63
M. R. Adams and others, biblioe Ind & EnE Pulsed column purification of para-xylene.
Chem 54:40-3 N 62 S. J. Marwil and S. J. Kolner. biblioe U
Mantles may spur process use of Klass. il diags Chem Eng Prog 59:60-5 F '63
Chem & Ene N 40:53-4 N 19 62 Scale-up of chemical reactors. F. A. Holland,
Materials handling moves ahead. A. W. bitiliog Chem Eng 70:145-52 Ap 15 '63
Rhodes and E. D. Ayers. il Ind & Eng Scale-up of tluid-ilow systems. F. A. Holland,
Chem 55:45-50
Materials of construction: Mr '63 20th biennial re- Specializeddiags
bibliog piiot Chem Eng 69:71-6 K. D A. 24Mui-
plant equipment. '62
port: with directory of manufacturers and ler and others, flow sheet 11 diags Chem
inventory of literature. biblioK Chem Eng Eng
69:186-232 N 12 '62 (reprints $1) uSee Prog
also 59:33-7 Je '63
Multiplying factors give installed costs of Petroleum refineries — Experimental plants
process equipment. J. Clerk. Chem Eng 70:
F ISand ^(•■^ instrumentation. Published in Fires and fire protection
monthly numbers of Industrial chemist Tough going for fire: Monsanto chemical co.
New plant for cyclic ketones: Howards of il Safety Maint 125:38-40 F '63
Ilford ltd. J. W. Bruce, flow diag il Ind Location
Chem 39:121-4 Mr '63 Chemical makers prefer plant sites near
Optimizing in-proces3 composition analysis;
photnmefric anal\'zer. W. M. Tripreer and highways. Chem & Eng N 41:26 Jl 1 '63
J. W. Riggle. il diags Chem Eng Prog
5'5:56-S .•=; fi2 Maintenance and repair
Plant and equipment. Published In monthly Cold weather precautions pay off on Gulf
numbers of Manufacturing chemist
Plastic pipe meets polypropylene-plant needs. Coast, il mainienaiice
Contract Chem Eng 7U:48 gains Mr in 4 Canada,
'63 il
il Oil & transport
Pneumatic Gas J 61:94-5 in theAg integration
19 '63 of Can Chem Process 47:73-f- Je '63
processing svstems. J. Fischer, il diags Criucal-Path scheduling simplified. C. W.
Chem Eng brick Prng 59:64-8 L,owe. look diag atChemcontract Eng 69:170-t- D 10 '62 H.
Prestressed- linings My gain '63 acceptance Fresh maintenance.
for high temperature use. il Chem & Eng How Popper.Monsanto Chem Eng
uses accounting 1 to '63 control
70:104-f Ap
N 41:54-5in O process
Progress 7 '63 Instrumentation. Pub- maintenance costs. B. A. Northup flow
lished in monthly numbers of Industrial sheets Hydrocarbon Process & Pet Refiner
chemist 41:237-40
Maintenance N '62
under the microscope. Manuf
Reclaiming instruments after hurricane Carla.
P. Hart. plastics I S A J offer 9:53-4newO ways'62 Chem 34:465-f
Oil-mist lubrication O '63 cuts maintenance costs.
Reinforced to combat R. Li. Weisman. il diag Oil & Gas J 61:
corrosion, yv. H. A. Henderson, il Can Chem
Process 46:Sl-24- O '62 Plan118-19 yourAp 22 '63
maintenance for process shut-
Rubber and plastics for process plants. A. L. downs. J. L. Craig. Mill & Factory 72:84-7
Back. Mech
Selected glycerides Eng 85:46-51 O '63
by continuous solvent
fractional crystallization, il Ind Chem 39: Probability,
My '63 downtime and doomed designs.
N 12J., 62Gibbons, diags Chem Eng 69:250-1-
Selecting Ag '63
plastic equipment for chemical Using common senses In plant operations.
plants. H. D. Barton, il Chem Eng 70:lSS-(- J. E. Troyan. Chem Eng 70:120-(- Mr i '63
Ag 19 '63propeller mixers. A. P. Weber.
Selecting 11 Management
diags andChemsilver-lined
Silver Eng 70:91-6-1- chemicalS 2 plant.
'63 F. R. Calcasieu improves turnarounds with CPP. 11
Whitt. bibliog diags Ind Chem 39:310-13 Pet Management
Developing the better34:179-80 operator.Ag R. '62N. Staple-
Some of radioisotopes in the ton, il Chem Eng 69:198-f
chemical industry. P. Johnson and n+hers. Diversity, flexibility, economy, O 15 the'62 role of
bibliog diags Chem & Ind P750-6 My 11 the minnows in the chemical industry. E.
Smith. Manuf Chera 34:15-f- Ja '63
Spe pilo plan equ K. A. Mul Educating tomorrow's managers. C Beren-
cia and others,
ler t flow
t sheet
ipm il diags Chem- son. Chem
l ent Houdry gets Eng set 70:110-1-
to push F chemical
4 '63 products.
Eng izProged ."59:33-7 Je '63 .
Steel price hike ■won't affect process equip- HowChem materials
& Eng N management 40:46-7 S 10 '62shrinks labor
ment. Chem St Eng
Unique dyestuffs plant N in41:26-7 Ap 29 il
operation, '63 diags costs; Dow chemical co. J. A, Eaton 11
Ind Chem 39:2Rn-92 Je '63 plan
63 Mod Materials Handling 18:34-7 Mr
Use of ultrasound for blending chemical spe- How to foresee operating difflcultles. W. H.
Uses of caluminum
ialties, ilSoap & Chem allovs Spec 39:175-1-B. O '63
expand H. Richardson, bibliog Chem Eng 70:216-t- O 14
Wyma. bibliog diag Ind & Eng Chem 54: Improve glycol dehydrator operation. T. H.
46-50 D '62 Russell
rs 5 62 bibliog diags Oil & Gas J 60:94-9
What jjrice process equipment? six views
from interpretation, il Chem Eng Prog 59: Managing engineering projects. J. M. Mc-
17-23 My '63 Lellan.
What'3 (reprints Chera50c) Eng 70:157-72 My 13 '63
barth. new II diags In HPIPet equipment.
ManagementH. K. Zle-
34:192-5 Process simulation for assimilation process,
D '62 il Chera Eng 70:108 Ja 7 '63
Why ball valves for critical throttlinsr? II Utilisation of resources in relation to chem-
diags Pet Management 35:181-2 Ap '63 ical plant management: symposium ab-
World's largest eration, il diagsmethyl Pet chloride
Management plant 34:176-7
In op- stracts. Chem &Painting
Ind p 1024-6 Je 22 '63
AgSee'62 al»o
Maintenance painting. P. R. Charlton. U diag
Calculating machines — Chemical engineering Chem Eng 70:158-1- O 28; 1404- N 25 '63
Chemical engineering — Anparatus and supplies Power
Chemical Industries— Exhibitions
Concentrators ^ib:ii:4-D Jl ^Sr 26 chemical
Crystallizers ^"iVf ^ >,l'^^"*x, works, il Engineer
Extraction apparatus Dow changes to d.c. for graphltlzlng. diag
Filters and filtration (technlcfa chemistry) Chem & Eng N 41:46-7 Ja 14 '63
Heat exchangers One boiler house serves three factories; BIP
Mixers chemicals ltd. il Engineering 196:214-15 Ag
Piping 16 63
Pressure vessels Quality control
Pumps. Centrifugal *-'9P*Jfl."°4s
Thickeners S. Siggla and R. A. inHagstrora.
analj^ers chemical bibliog
Experimental plants tomation 10:54-60 Ap '63
Continuous corrosion measurements E. G Electroanalytical techniques for process mon-
Fochtman and others, diag Chem Eng 70: itoring. S Siggia and R. A. Hagstrom. bib-
140-1- Ja 21 '63 hog il diags Automation 10:72-80 Je '63
CHEMICAL plants— control Quality control — CoiUmued Electrophjlic addition to carboxylic acids
Stausiical quality applications in the and their denvauves. M. H. Palmer, bibliog
chemical industry. K. V. Ward, bibliog Chem
Elimination& Ind P5S9-94 Ap position
mechanisms; 13 '63 of proton
Ind Quality Control 2U:-l-8 Jl 63 in E2 transition stales. L.. J. Sielfa and biblioK
Statistics the ciiemical Ind Quality indusU-y. R. W.
Control 10; E. R. Thornton, ■63 bibliog Am Chem Soc J
21-3 Je 63 85:2080-1 S 5 pot '63 boils with new ideas, il
Safety measures Exothermics;
Barricades offer maxlmimi employee protec- Finding order Agof26 chemical
Steel 153:60-1- '63 reactions. F.
Chemicaltion, il diag saleiy. Pet a Management
session with 34:182 A« '62
the experts. Kodriguez.
Gas absorption
Chem Eng 70:159-60 Ag 19 '63
with zero-order cliemicai Ind
Ind & Ene Chem 64:au-3 O; 29-32 N 62 action. G. Astarita and G. Marrucci.
Evaluating the hazards in chemical process- & Eng mathematical
Chem Fundamentals
ing. A. C. dliabica. bibliog How sheets il General model for2:4-7
massF trans-
plans Chem Eng when Prog designing 59:57-66 Sfor '63plant fer accompanied by chemical reaction. C. J.
Guidelines to follow Huang and C. H. Kuo. bibliog A I Ch E J
safety; Dow chemical co. D. V. Gagliardi
and N. K. Pratt, flow diag plan diag Plant 9:161-7 Mr
Influence '63
of operating and static liquid hold-
Eng 17:108-11
Hazards in the electrolysis Je '63 of^ ^brine: . abstract. ups on gas absorption rates in chemically
reacting systems. R. M. Secor and R. W.
HowA. Pennell.
to foreseeInd operating Chem 39:267 My '63 W. H.
difllculties. Southworth. bibliog A I Ch E J 9:561-6 Jl
Richardson. Chem Eng 70:216-1- O 14 '63 Investigations on the side reactions in sul-
Hydrocarbon-air detonations; industrial as- fonation reactions; hydrophobic compounds
pects. I. Ginsburgh and W. L. Bulkiey. bib- In the unsulfonated oil traction. H. Shoji
liog il diag Chem Eng Prog 59:82-6 i 63 and K. Majima. bibliog Am Oil Chem
Intrinsic satety; its growing status in Europe.
D. H. Barlow, diag Control Eng 10:85-8 Mass
Soc Jtransfer
40:179-83 and chemical reaction in a
My '63
Mr '63 ., , ■ . turbulent boundary layer. W. R. Vieth
safetyyear's push; major Chemicalexplosions prod sessions
section tins yearsof and others, bibliog Ind &. Eng Chem Fun-
the National safety congress. Chicago. Mass transfer damentals 2:1-3
inF turbulent
'63 flow with and
Chem Eng sampling
Statistical 70:91-4 Jaand 7^'63control for safety; without chemical reaction. J. Marangozis
Chambers works of Du Pont. J. J. Meyer. and others, bibliog Can J Chem Ens 41:195-
il Ind Quality Control 19:14-17 Je 63 Meclianism
202 O '63 tween of the inversion reaction be-
Unsafe-acts inspection. R. N. stapleton. d.cis-dichlorobis- lethylenediaminel -
Chem common Ene 70:185-6 Ag 19 cobalt(III) ion and silver carbonate. F.
Using senses in '63plant operations. P. Dwyer and others, bibliog diags Am
J. E. Troyan. Chem Eng 70:120-t- Mr 4 '63 Chem
Mechanism feoc ofJ the 85:1215-19 My 5 '63
Waste reaction, V. J. Sliiner. jr. and D. Whit-
Petrochemical wastes effects on water. E. F. taker. Am Chem Soc J 85:2337-8 Ag 5 '63
Gloyna and J. F. Majina, jr. Water & Mechanisms of a-elimination; reactions of
Sewage Works 110:R262-85 bibliog(p2S2+) nitrobenz.vl 'onium I.ions with aqueous
O See
31 '63 dium hydroxide. Rothberg and E. so-R.
also Thornton, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1704-5
Acid waste ,„ ^^ ^
Paper and pulp mills — Waste Mild
Je 5reaction
CHEMICAL reaction ^ „ Friedman'63 andgives F. M.high benzj-ne
Logullo. Chemyields.
& EngL.
Aluminum-UaOs exothermic reactions. J. D. N 41:46-8 Je 17 '63
Fleming and J. W. Johnson, bibliog il Nu- Neighboring ment. D. S.boronMatteson in nucleophilic
and R. W. displace-
H. Mah.
cleonics 21:84-1- My '63
Application of time of flight mass spectrom- bibliog diag Am Chem Soc J 85:2599-003
etry and gas chromatography to reaction
studies. E J Levy and others, il diag Anal Neighboring
S 5 'iVi group reactions; reactions of 3-
Chem 35:946-9 Jl '63 pathways in the reac- (G)-haloalkyll- 3- phenyl - 2 - benzofuranones
Assisted mechanistic with secondary amines; trapped tetrahedral
tions of organometallic compounds. R. E. intermediates in a carbonyi addition reac-
Dessy and F. E. Paulik. bibliog Am Chem tion. H. E. Zaugg and others, bibliog Am
Soc J 85:1812-16 Je to 20 aJkoxycyclopropanes.
'63 Chem Soc J 84:4567-73 D 5 '62 , . ,
Carbenes give route New approach
tion systems. toJ. first-order Wei and chemical
C. D. Prater,reac-
U Chem & Eng N 41:42-3 Ag 5 '63
Chelation as a driving force in organic re- bibliog diags A I Ch
New type reactions. H. J. Harwood. bibliog E J 9:77-81 Ja '63
actions; synthesis of a-nitro acids by con- Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:204-6 My 63
trol of the carboxylation-decarboxylation
equilibrium. H. L. Finkbeiner and M. Stiles, Optimum effectiveness factors for porous
bibliog Amreactions Chem and Soc Jmovement 85:616-22 Mr 5 '63 catalysts. R, E. Cunnin.gham and J. M.
Chemical of ferti- Smith. A I Ch E J 9:419-21 My '63
lizers in soil; sjTnposium. bibliog il diags
J Agri & Food Chom 11:182-207 My 63 Organic
Wa reactions under high pressure. C.
Chemistry of the reaction between tetrakis
(hydroxymethyllphosphonium chloride and ng and an'63" others, ■ bibliog diags Am' Chem
keratin. A. D. Jenkins and L. J. Wolfram, Soc J 85:607-15
Process! di ossidazione Mr 5 '63nella chimica organica
bibliog Soc Dyers & Col J 79:55-61 F '63 industriale. Review, by C. A. Finch. Chem
Condensation and the Cannizzaro reaction of & Indradiolysis
PG02-3 Apstudies; 13 '63 elementary reactions
tetrahydrocitral. P. H. Yeh. bibliog Am Pulse
Perfumer 78:32-6 F '63 in aqueous ethanol solution. L. M. Dorfman
Coordination and ligand reactivity and cataly- and I. A. Taub. bibliog Am Chem Soc J
sis. M. M. Jones and W. A. Connor. Ind 85:2370-4 ofAg •63 20 '63
& Eng Chem 55:15-28 bibliog(p26-8) S '63 Reaction hardened Portland cement paste
Course of a reaction in a chromatographic with carbon dioxide. C. M. Hunt and L. A.
column. E. M. Magee. bibliog Ind & Eng Tomes, bibliog diag J Res Nat Bur Stand
Chem Fundamentals 2:32-6 F '63 66A:473-81 between
Reactions N '62 refractory oxides and
£ hates.forA.befa-elimination Lapidot and Inothers, organic bibliog
graphite. K. L. Komarek and others, bib-
hem & Ind p46S-71 Mr 23 '03 liog diag Electrochem Soc J 110:783-91 Jl
Effective Interfaclal area in packed columns 'G3
for ab.iorption with chemical reaction. F. Reactions of chlorofluorohydrocarbons with
Yoshida and Y. Miura. bibliog diag metals. B. J. Eiseman. jr. bibliog diags
A I Ch E J 9:331-7 My '63 ASHRAE J 5:63-70 My '63
Effects of Ion as.sociatlon on rates of oxida- Reactions of polyfluorobenzenes with nu-
tion-reduction transfer reactions in the cleophilic reagents. L. A. Wall and others,
naphlhalene-naphthalenlde systems. P. J. bibliog J Res Nat Bur Stand 67A:481-97 S
Zandstra and S. I. Woi.^sman. bibliog diags
Am Chem Soc J 81:4408-10 D 5 '62 Reactions on alkylene oxides with various
Effects of packed bed properties on local butvl and other alcohols. G. J. Stockburger
concentration and temperature patterns. and J. D. Brandner. bibliog Am Oil Chem
D. E. Lamb and R. H. Wllhelm. bibliog
diags Ind & Eng Chem Fundamentals 2: Soc J 40:590-4
Reactivity of lime O '63 and related oxides. D. R.
173-82 Ag '63 Glasson. bibliog J Ap Chem 13:111-27 Mr
Electron-tran.ifer reaction of cerlum(IV) with
manganese (II). M. J. Aspray and others. Scale-up of chemical reactors. F. A. Holland,
Chem & Ind p911-12 Je 1 '63 bibliog Chem Eng 70:145-52 Ap 15 '63
CHEMICAL reaction — Continued Equations
Simultaneous determination of reaction order reaction and kinetics. tables E.forA.analyzing solid-state
Giess. bibliog Am
eind rate constant. J. L. Latham and B.
Nam. blbllos Ind & Eng Chem Funda- Cer Soc J of
Evaluation 46:374-6 reaction Ag '63 rates from transmlt-
mentals 2:240-2 tance-tinie traces. M. Baloga and J. Barley.
SimuJianeous Bas Ag '63
aosorption and liqmd^ pliase
Anal Chemhypersonic 35:416 Mr flows. '63
chemical reaction in an agitated vessel. U. External A. Ferrl and
Vassilators and others, blbllog diags Can J R. Vaglio-Laurin. Aerospace Eng 22:23-31
Chem of
Study Ung consecutive4U:21U-14 O '62 competitive reaction bibliog(p30-l)
Gas-liquid kinetics. Ja '63 M. Scher and others,
systems. M. H. Friedman and K. B. White, bibliog diags Ind & Eng Chem Funda-
biblios A state
Transition I Ch Bcharacterization
J 8:6!sl-6 N '62 for cata- Independence mentals 2:107-12 of Mychemical '63 reactions. R.
lyzed reactions. J. Ij. Kurz. blbllog Am Aris and R. H. S. Mah. bibliog diag Ind
Chem Soc J S5:9S7-91 Ap 5 GS & Eng Chem Fundamentals 2:90-4 My '63
Trlphenylcyclopropenyl complexes. J. Chatt Influence of point defects on the kinetics of
and R. G. Guy. Chem & Ind p212 F 2 '63 dissolution of semiconductors. G. Simkovich
Two unusual reactions encountered dtu-ing and J. B. Wagner, jr. bibliog Electrochem
the devious hydrolysis of 3.o-dimethyl- to the cor- Soc J 110:513-16
Investigation of the Jekinetics '63 and mechanism
responding tetracarboxylic acid. H. Hart of the anodic oxidation of aniline In aqueous
and F. Freeman, blbllog Am Chem Soc J sulfurictrode.acid
85:1161-5 Ap 20 '63 D. M. Mohilner and platinimi
solution at a others, bibliogelec-
See also
Addition compoimds Am Chem Soc
Ion excliange kinetics; a comparison of J 84:3618-22 O 5 '62
Alkylation models. F. A. Glaski and J. S. Dranoff.
Brominauou reaction bibliog studies
Kinetic A I Ch of B Jhydrogen
9:426-31 My '63
exchange in
Catalysis dialkylanilines. B. B. P. Tice and others,
Combustion bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:329-37 P 5 '63
Decomposition Kinetic studies of the thermal decomposition
Dlsproportionation of ferric sulphate and aluminum sulphate.
Favorskii reaction N. A. Warner and T. R. Ingraham. bibliog
Gri^nard reaction diags Can J Chem
Haller-Bauer reaction Kinetic studies on theEng thermal40:263-7 D '62
Hydrolysis of calcium carbonate. T. R. Ingraham and
Mannich reaction P. Marier. bibliog Can J Chem Eng 41:170-3
Moiecuiar compounds
Nitration Kinetic studies; symposium, il diags Chem
Oxidation Ag '03
Photochemistry Eng Prog
Kinetic study 58:39-55 of Hammes D '62
glutamic-aspartio trans-
Polymerization aminase. G. G. and P. Fasella.
Precipitation (chemistry) bibliog U diag Am Chem Soc J 84:4644-50 D
Reactors. Chemical
Reduction. Clieniical 20 '62 study of the copper(II) chelate cata-
Substitution (chemistry) lyzed hydrolysis
Sulfonation fluoridate. R. L.of Gustafson diisopropyl and phosphoro-
Wittig reaction
Velocity Kinetic study of the H2POOH-D2O 5 exchange
Am Chem Soc J 85:598-601 Mr '63
Alternating current polarography of elec- by nuclear magnetic resonance. A. Fratiello
trode processes with coupled homogeneous and B. W^. Anderson, bibliog diags Am
chemical reactions. D. B. Smith, blbllog Chem
Kinetics Soc
and J equilibria 85:519-21 of Mr amide
5 '63 formation
Anal Chem
Analog methods 35:602-14 My '63
aid simulation of reaction in aqueous media. H. Morawetz and P. S.
liinetics. W. F. Wagner. 11 diags Chem Otaki. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:463-8 F
Eng 70:104-8 Ap 29 '63using differential Icin- Kinetics
Analysis of mixtures 20 '63ing and equilibrium of the system liv-
a-methylstyrene dimer •+■ monomer ^
etics with separation processes. S. Siggla the living trimer; application of a stirred-
and others. Anal Chem 35:365-7 Mr '63 flow reactor for studies
Anionic activation of C-H bonds in olefins;
influence of structure on reaction rate. A. dition reactions. C. L. of Leereversible
and others. ad-
Schriesheim and others, blbllog Am Chem Am Chemand Soc
Kinetics mechanism J 85:912-14 of An 5 '63
columbium alloy
Soc J 85:2111-15 corrosion in superheated steam. D. L.
Apparent chemical Jl kinetics 20 '63 of surface re-
Douglass, bibliog il diag Corrosion 19:134-
actions in external flow systems; diffu-
sional falsification of activation energy and Kinetics and mechanism of helix formation:
reaction order. D. E. Rosner. bibliog 45 Aptwo'63
the stranded poly (A + U) complex
A I Ch B Jof9:321-31
Application My '63kinetics to analyze
differential from polyriboadenylic acid and polyribour-
mixtures of diazonium compounds based idylic acid. P. D. Ross and J. M. Sturte-
on their rates of decomposition. S. Siggla vant. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:4503-7
and ■63 others.amperometric
Automatic Anal Chem measurement
35:575-6 Apof re-
'63 Kinetics
D 5 fer'62 and mechanism of the proton trans-
action rates; enzymatic determination of between methyloxonium ion and ben-
glucose in serum, plasma, and whole blood. zoic acid in methanol solution. E. Grun-
wald and C. '63 F. Jumper, bibliog Am Chem
H. L. Pardue. diag Anal Chem 35:1240-3 Ag
Soc J 85:2051-2
Kinetics and mechanism Jl 20 '63 of the spontaneous
Chemical kinetics and the formation of min- decompositions of some peroxoacids. hydro-
eral deposits. D. R. Swayze. Econ Geol gen peroxide and t- butyl hydroperoxide. E.
58:604-5 kinetics
Chemical Je '63 in porous walled reactors: Koubek and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J
the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide 85:2263-8and
Kinetics Ag mechanism5 '6:! of the thermal de-
vapor. C. N. Satterfleld and others, bib- composition of m-butane. T. L. Wang and
Computer liog diagsmethod A I Chaids E J kinetics
9:168-75 studies;
Mr '63 ab- others, bibliog diags Ind & Eng Chem Fun-
stract. N. L.. Carr. Chem & Eng N 41:61-2 Kinetics anddamentals 2:161-8 Ag '63 of the hydrolysis
S 23 '63
Destructive autoxidation of metal chelates: of some chloroamminerhodium(III) com-
kinetics and mechanism. E. M. Arnett ana plexes, S, A. Johnson and others, bibliog
M. A. Mendelsohn, bibliog Am Chem Soc J diag Am Chem Soc J 85:1741-7 Je 20 '63
84:3824-9 O paths
Determining 20 '62 for reactions. A. H. Weiss. Kinetics of autoxidation of trialkylphos-
phines. M. B. Floyd and C. E. Boozer,
Chem En? 70:89-92-1- Ap 1 '63 bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:984-6 Ap 5
Differential kinetics analyzes mixtures. II
Chem & Eng N 41:42-3 F 25 '63 Kinetics of catalytic methyl-and dimethyl-
Effect of carbon monoxide in causing nonu- naphthalene hydrodealkylation. A. H. Weiss
niform gasification and others. Ind & Eng Chem Proc Design
bon dioxide. L. G.ofAustin graphite and byP. car-
Walker, jr. bibliog A I Ch E J 9:303-8 2:169-72 of
Kinetics Ap '63cesium reactions with some
My '63 inorganic cation exchange materials. D. L.
Effect of ionic hydration on rate and equi- Ames, jr, bibliog diag Am Mineralogist 47:
librium in concentrated alkaline solutions;
the kinetics of base- catalyzed reactions in 1067-78 Sof'62dissociation of the dichlorides
concentrated hydroxide solutions. M. Anbar of iodomethyl sulfones. J. L. Cotter and
and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85;2380- others, blbllog Am Chem Soc J 84:4692-7
4 Ag 20 '63
D 20 '62
CHEMICAL reaction— Velocity — Continued Some problems of chemical kinetics and re-
Kiiitlics of tour-siep coiiipetiiiv e-consecu- aoti\'ity N. N. Semenov. Reyiew. by C. A,
live second-order reactions; Ihe alkaline hy- Finch. smiMiify Chem & analysis
Ind P2114-16 U 22isothermal
drolysis of peiuaeiyihriiol teiraaielaie. J. Tables of non-
A lilauer and oiliers. biblioi; Am Chem reacloi's. B. Al. Fabuss and others, il
Soc J 85:271B-ID
Kinetics of hvdrolysis S 2U '03of aceials In protium Chem
TeinpciaLui Eng c 70:153-6 Uepi;iiaeiicu Ap ui15 liic'63 steady state
and deuieriuni oxides. M. Kilpairick. bib- kinetic action.paraiiieleid D. A. Urbui and otiicrs.of the ftiiuarase
Ljiblioi; Am re-
liOK Ani Chem Soc J SSiiniifi-S Ad 2ij 63
Kinetics of llnolenaie hydroeenation. H J. Soc J SD::;2ti4-U Au 5 <>i
Dution. blblioK Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:35-9 Temperature-independent
netic isotope ertect. C. G.factor Swain ofandtheR. ki- L..
Kinetics of liquid-phase pyrolysis of 2-chloro- Schowen. bibliot; Am Chem Soc J 85:2023-4
1.3.2-dioxaborinan. A. Finch and otliers.
Chem & ofIndnickel p494 carbonyl
Mr 23 'GS formation. W. M. Turbulence effects in chemical reaction ki-
Kinetics Jl 5 '03 netics nieasurenienis. 1. Glassman and I. J.
Goldbercer and D. F. Othmer. bihiioe dlacs Ebersiein. bibliou reaction
AlAA J rates 1:1424-6lo Jeanalyze
Use of diiferential
Ind & Ens
Kinetics of propane Chem Proc IJesisn on2:2U2-9
crackinn nickel.Jl '03 D. mixtures of organic materials containing
\V. McKee. blblioe Am Chem Soc J 84:4427- same functional nioup. S. SiKJiia and others,
31 D 5 1.2 , ^ , ^ biblios Anal Chem 35:302-5 Air 63
Kinetics of proton transfer In methanol for Velocity depeiideiiue of ion -molecule reac-
a series of carboxylic acids of varyinff tion cross sections in a mass spectrometer.
strenelh E Grnnwald and S Meihoom. D. A. Ivubose and \V. H. Haniill. bibliog
biblioK of Am proton Chem transfer
Soc J 85:21147-50 Jl 20 so- 'fiS Am Chein Soc J i>5: 125-7 Ja 20 '63
Kinetics in methanol CHEMICAL reactors. See Reactors. ChemicaJ
lutions of benzoic acid and sodium ben- CHEMICAL reagents
zoale. E. Gruniyald and others, bibliog App icaiion oi co-ordination compounds as
Am Chemof reduction
Kinetics Soc J 85:522-8 Mr 5 'fiS
of ferrous oxide with analytical leaceiits. K. Belcher, biblios Ind
hvdroeen. G. Narsimhan. diae A I Ch E J Chem
Colorimeinc 39:433-5. 4S9-91
deterniination Ak-Sof '63 thorium In
Kinetics N '^2
of\-stal errowth , from „.„,
SiCU Ihoriaied tuiii-'steii by use of thoron. G.
decomiiosition. G. Bylander. biblioff 11 Norwiiz. bibiio« Metallurk-ia 06:29. -a L> 62
Determination of tree and esterifled cho-
dlags Electrochein
KiiieiiCJ of the acid-catalyzed Soc J 109:1171-5 D '02 of
hydrolysis lesterol by a modified diKitonin: anthrone
l-meihnxv-3,5-dihydroxybeiizene and 1.3.5- method. J. K. Goudman and others. AnaJ
trimeihoxvhenzene. W. M. Schnhert and Chem 35:760-3 ofMy total
Determination '03 cholesterol in blood
R H. Quacchia. biblioc Am Chem Soc J serum with perchloric acid-phosphoric acid-
Kinetics ofMy the 5 'CIacid-catalyzed
^ , ^ transformii- ferric chloride reagent. '1'. Aloinose and
lion of peroxyacetic acid lo acetyl peroxide others,
2-Uiethylaminoethanelhiol biblion Anal Chemhydrochloride 35:1751-3 O as '63a
in acetic acid. Y. Oerata and others, bib- spectrophotometric reauent for rhodium.
lioe Am of Chem
Kinetics the formation Soc J R5:nni.2 An 5 from
of cyclohexene ^t^^^ S. C. Sriyastava. biblioe Anal Chem 35:
ethylene and hniadiene at eleyatpd pres- 1165-7 Ac '63
Dihalophosphoranes convert ROH to RX: re-
sures and temperatures. J. L. Skinner and action works with yariety of alkyl and aryl
C M Sliepceyich. flow diac II Ind & Eng hydroxyl compounds, elves hich yields
Chem' Fundamentals
Kinetics of the iodinej-caialyzed 2:ir,S-72 Ac '63positional without side reactions. G. A. Wiley. Chem
Isomerism of hutene-1: Ihe resonance en- & Enc N 41:73 S 16 '63
ersv of the allyl radical. S. W. Benson
and others. Am Chem Soc J 85:1388-9 My selective oxirane methyllde. synthesis from a reapent
aldehydes for
and ketones. E. J. Corey and M. Chaykov-
20 ■fi.'! of the Isomerizailon of the tetra-
Kinetics sky. Am Chem
Electrolysis cell for Soc continuous
J 84:3782-3 external
O 6 '62 cen-
methylbenzen^s in anhydrous hydrofluoric
acid. M. Kilpatrlck and others, hiblios diae eration of reaeents in reacent-addition
Am Chem Soc .1 S-V10:!S-4i An 20 03 analyzers. R. E. Kesler. diacs Anal Cliem
Kinetics of the phoiochemlcal dimerlzatlon of
olefins to cyclohutane derlyaliyes: Intra- 35:903-5 Jlreaeents
Improyed '03 system Is part of auto-
molecular addition. R. Sriniyasan. bibliog mated mill. J. H. Bredberc and J. T. Car-
Am Chemof the
Kinetics Soc Jphoioisomerization
84:4141-5 N 5 '62 of poiy- r o l , i l
Inyestication of the metalEne & Min J IG4:SS-9 O '63 prop-
butadlene. G R Seely. blblloc Am Chem erties of 4-i2-pyridylazol-l-naphthol. D.
Soc J 84:4404-7 D 5 (12 Betteridce and others, biblioc Anal Chera
Kinetics of the reaction of trimeric phos- 35:729-33 My extraction '63
Shonltrlllc chloride with aniline In ethanol. Liquid-liquid of pertechnetate ion
. V. Bailev and R. E. Parker, bibliog with methyltricaprylammonium chloride.
Chem & Ind p 1S23-4 O 20 '02 G. B. S. Salaria and others. Anal Chem 35:
Kinetics of the tantalum-hvdrocen reaction. 983-5 Jl -63
8-Mercaptoquinollne as an analytical reaeent:
M. VV. Mallett and H G Koehl. biblioK dissociation and metal chelate formation
Eleetrochem Soc J 109:9(18-72 O '62 constants. A. Corsini and others, biblios
Kinetics of the thermal Inlerconverslon of
2-methylmethylenecyclopropane and ethvl- Anal colour
New Chem 35:1424-8 reaction S of'63 niobium (V) with
tdenecvclopropane. J. P Cheslck. biblioe
bromopyrocallol red. R. Belcher and others.
Am Chem Soc J 85:2720-3 S 20 '63
Multiple Intermediates In steady-state enz\Tne bibliOK Chem & Ind p531-2 Mr 30 '63
kinetics. V. Bloomfleld and others, biblioe New colorimetrlc reaeents for determining
Am Chem Soc J 84:4367-84 D 5 '62 traces of metals. T. S. West. bibiloK Ind
1,3-shlfts: the kinetics of the rearransement Chem 39:379-81
Semlxylenol oranBe, Jl '63a sensitive reagent for
of a-ijenzyloxystyrene. K. B. Wiberc and
others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:450-4 zirconium. D. C. Olson and D. W. Martre-
F 20 -63 rum. bibliog Anal Chem 34:1299-302 S '62
OxyKen-18 tracer studies of alkylperoxy radi- Sensitivities and other properties of reagents
cals; kinetic technique with mass spectrom- for the .Miecirophotometrlc determination
etry. T. G. Traylor. diag Am Chem Soc J of boron. G. W. Goward and V. R. Wieder-
85:5411-13 AST 20 '63 kehr. biblloc Anal Chem 35:1542-5 S '63
Predicting consecutive reactions. J. S. Rat- Simplified preparation of cadmium lodlde-
cllffe. Chem End 70:101-4-1- S 30 '63 llnear starch reagent for colorimetrlc lodlm-
Rate factors In a heteroceneous cat.ilvtie etry. J. L,. Lambert and F. Zitoraer. bib-
system In a stirred reactor. E. J. Freeh liog Anal ofChem 35:405 Mr "63
and oihers. bIbllOK dlaKs A I Ch E J 9: Six acres laboratory chemicals. II Maniif
400-6 My kinetics
Reaction '63 and adsorption eaulllbria Chem 33:465 N '62
Spectrophotometric determination of scan-
In the vapor-phase dehydration of elhanol. Herman dium In copper
and others, with xylenolbibliog orange.
Anal Chem S. S.
R L.. Kabel and 1... N. Johanson. bibiloK
dlatrs A I Ch E J 8:621-8 N '62 35:1392-4 Sdiazonlum
Reaction klnetlci In the absorption of chlo- Stabilized saltg as analytical
rine Into aqueous media. C W SnaldlnK. reagents for the determination of air-borne
blbllOK dlair A I Ch E J 8:685-9 N '62 phenols and amines. G. A. Lugg. Anal Chem
Recoil tritium reactions: pressure-dependent 55:899-904 Je '63
reactions with cyclohutane. E. K. C. Lee Sulphur monochlorlde, a versatile reagent.
and F. R. Rowland. bIblloK Am Chem Soc J L. A. Wiles and Z. S. Arlyan. bibliog Chem
86:897-902 Ap E '63 & Ind P2102-6 D 22 '62
CHEMICAL reagents — Continued CHEMICAL stability
Tetrac.\'anoquiiiodimeihanide as a color re- Calcium hexaluminate and its stability rela-
auent for inorKanic thin la.\er chroniatoc- tions in the system CaO-AliOi-SiOa. A. L..
raphy. L. F. Drudins. biblioe Anal Chem Gentile and W. U. Foster. blLiliog Am Cer
35:1582-3 O '03 acid reacent for determina-
2-Thiobarbitviric Soc J 46:74-6of F o.xide
Conductivity '63 cathodes; thermody-
tion of ONidalise ranciditv in flsii oils. namic considerations of matrix stability.
A. J. de Konins and M. H. SilU. bibliog G H. Metson. diags Inst E E Proc 110:
Am Oil Chem See J 40:105-9 My '63 845-7 My '03•r.of
Contribution 2 hydrophobic Interactions to
See also the stability of the globular conformation
Fischer reagent of proteins. C. Tanford. bibliog diags Am
Girard reacents Chem ofSocnitrate J 84:4240-7 N 20of '62its reduction
Grianard reagents Effect and some
Indicators arid test papers products on carotene stability^ O. E. Olson
Isocyanates and others bibliog J Agri & Food Chem 11:
140-3 Mr '63 ^ ^ ^,
CHEMICAL reduction. See Reduction, Chemical Extension to■63 the stability theory of lyophobic
CHEMICAL research colloids. S. Levine and G. M. Bell, bibliog
Chemicals lead industry in r&d. Chem Ens
69:94 N 12 02 diag J Colloid
Factors affecting Sci 17:8:i8-56
stability D of'62 nonaqueous
Chemistry for solids, sitrnals and satellites. quaternar\' ammonium titrants. G. A. Har-
W. O r&d
Defense Baker.getsChem new &chemical
Ind nr.31-9 An 20 'fi3
management. Measurement low, bibliog Anal of the Chem stability
34:1487-91 of O meta- '62
Chem & Eng N 40:48-52 S 10 '62 chromatic compounds. M. K. Pal and M.
Expanded facilities for carbon research, il Schubert. Am Chem Soc J 84:4384-93 D 5
FMCAnal Chem 35:sup9IA-3A
•63 launches new researchAg group. '(IS Chem & StaRb A. oPf Cai a iLn. thAe. syH s BeAO
il o tt Be d n artrei m m-Ca Cer
Eng N 40:38-9
Hoechst assembles N 19 its
'62 diverse research ac- Soc itJy 45:6 er aODs 1 62 s. O.
tivities. 11 Anal Chem 35:supS7A-9A Ja Stab 1
of5-1 cum c rad
cihlait 6 y l po m J . iRc.a T h o
Inorganic chemistry research fifty years later. biblrgye-t Am Chem erpolxSeyoxc. J 85:5 l-pyr Mmras, 6
H. Taylor, bibliog Am Scientist 51:371-4 ios rans 91- ldi
Syi feonr st o p 3 nbie
5 '63
Laboratory of the month: Victor's Applied Tip liog il diag Ind abi&li Eng Chef olPyrmoerd Rebs-
research center, il Anal Chem 34:supS7A-9A osi s zat m s
u ,
u t
D '62 Synm&ti DevelmoE. andH1e:231s-t5ab aDn io'n62oof t N.N bi Am
Prospectives on research. K. Folkers. Chem hdevsl p da 7 ili d her '-bi blio
C i.s Soc J'638v5:a3 ty O 5 's6,3 scu g
6 Eng N 40:ins-12 chemistry
Reviews/previews: S 24 '62 of rare gases CHE hem sta 0 c c inwork
unfolds. Chem & Eng N 40:51-4 D 31 '62
MIC shows dar 52-4 in international
ninterest l-
Trends in organometallic chemistry research. on Aalumina.
L J. dsR. Churchill. Mag of Stand
R. E. Dessv. bibliog il Chem & Eng N 41: 34:278-9 Ssymbols '63
136-44 F IS '63 (reprints 75c) CHEMICAL
See also Chemical shorthand. E. Baltazzl. Res/Develop
Ceramic research 14:10-13 Agworkers '63
Chemical laboratories CHEMICAL
Chemical plants — E.xperimental plants Chemical manpower; dimensions for the
Electron microscope 19G0's. D. M. Kiefer. il Chem & Eng N
Gas research 41:76-88 Ag 12 '63 (reprints $11
Industrial research HowG Ldo Beiswinger. you score onH.vdrocarbon blue-collar Process relations?&
Mellon institute of Industrial research, Pitts-
Metallurgical research HowPet toRefiner
foresee 42:182-6
operatingJe difficulties.
'63 W. H.
Paper research Richardson, bibliog Chem Eng 70:2164- O 14
Petroleum research
Pharmaceutical research Prepare yourself for arbitration. J. H.
Plastics research Murphy Hydrocarbon Process & Pet Rc
Rubber research
Textile research finer your
SoU'e 42:189-90 Je '63 problems scientifically.
■Wood research Bibliography D E Kaldenberg. Hydrocarbon Process &
Research roundup for 1962. il Chem Eng Prog Pet Refiner
Wages, 42:186-8 Je
joh security top '63union demands.
59:81-5 Ja '63 Finance Chem & Eng N 41:23-5 F 25 '63
Selecting r&d projects for profit. S. Disman. See niso
Chemical engineers
Chem Eng 69:87-84- D 24 '62 CHEMICALS
Australia Chemical addition offers mud control: Zim-
Research activities of Imperial chemical mite. Chem
Chemical fuels & lookEng likeN 40:71
best Obet 22 for'62 auto-
Industries of Au.itralia and New Zealand motive propulsion after 2003 A.D. F. W.
ltd. L. W. Weickhardt. bibliog il Chem & T.auck andproducts
Chemical oihers. from S A wood.
E J 70:28-32
E. H. DNunn.
Ind p 1992-2001 N 24 '62
Great Britain Tappi
Chemicals 46:supand the126A-7A F '63
auto industry. II Chem
Research department of Roots pure drug co. & Eng N 40:114-204- O 22 62
Chemicals in the electronic industiT'. J. W.
S. -A.. B. Kipping, il Chem & Ind p302-10 SwainP. fitil new Electrnrif-
F 23 '63 in the Albright & Wilson groun. Chemists productsInd to 22G'!3-6
uses: withJe list
Research of ma.ior chemicals introduced in 1962. II
J. H. E. Jeffes. il Chem & Ind p 1442-50 Ind & Eng
Conflict between Chem progress
54:60-44- and N '62safety; edi-
Ag 31 '63 New Zealand torial. R. nubos. bibliog Archives Environ-
Research activities of Imperial chemical in- Matheson mental ties HealthIts 6:449-52
future Apto '63lab supplies. II
dustries of Australia and New Zealand ltd.
L. W. Weickhardt. bibliog 11 Chem & Ind NewChemchemicals
& Eng and N 41:32-3 My 27il '63
materials, Ind & Eng
p 1992-2001societies
CHEMICAL N 24 '62 Chem 55:64-8-1- S '63
New trade marks. Published in monthly ntmi-
See also bers of Manufacturing chemist
American institute of chemical engineers Organic
Electrochemical society synthesis chemicals in South andAfrica. the P.Fischer-Tropsch
E, Rousseau,
CHEMICAL specialties manufacturers associa- il Chem & Ind p 1958-66 N 17 '62
tion Rain repellent boosts 727 visibility. K. Gun-
Aerc-jol clinics. Soap & Chem Spec 39:77-t- nar. il diags S A E J 71:68-70 O '63
Ap '63 Six acres of laboratory chemicals. II Manuf
flhoiracts of papers. Soap & Chem Dec.
meeting. 49th. 'Washington. Spec 3-5;
39: TestChem for33:465hvpersusceptihility
N '62 to hemolytic
77-844- Ja '63 chemicals. H E. Stokinger and J. T. Moun-
Annual meeting. 50th. Holl>-wood Reach. Fla. tain, bibliog diags Archives Envlronmenta}
Dec. 9-12. Soap & Chem Spec 39:107 S '63 Health 6:495-502 Ap '63
Midyear meeting. 49th. Chicago, May 20-22: See also
program and abstracts of papers. Soap & Agricultural chemlcala
Chem Spec 39:113-15 My; 75-824- Je '63 Alcohols
CHEMICALS— See also — Continued Chemistry of catecholamines; revised struc-
Catalysts tures for tlio iodoaminochromes. R. A.
Chemical i!idustries Heacock and others, bibliog Am Chem Soo
Cleaning compositions
Dl'UKS „J.
National scienceJo foundation
85:1825-31 20 '63 1963 summer re-
Emulsifiers search programs set. Chem & Eng N 40:
Indicators and test papers 50-1 N 26 '62
Paper chemicals Points of view; review of four books. A. R.
Pelrolemn chemicals Denaro. of Chem
Plastioizers Survey modern & chemistry.
Ind p 1602-4G. ST. 8 Austin
Propellants and H. F. Austin, diags Chem Eng 70:97-100
Refrigerants .S See
30; also
137-40+ O 28 '63
liubber cltemiCfUs Basicity
Sanitary chemicals
Solvents Catalysis
Surface active substances Chemicals
Textile chemicals Crystallography
Manufacture Dyes and dyeing— Chemistry
Fine chemicals manufacture. M. Sulzbacher. Evaporation
bibliog Manuf Chem 33:366-7; 34:71-2 S '62, Geochemistry
F '63 Molecules
New methods of preparing fine chemicals. Oxidation
M. Sulzbacher. biblios Manuf Cliem 33:463-4 Photochemistry
N '62 Prices Physiological chemistry
Blame for price cuts widespread. Chem & Bibliography
Ens N 41:35price
Cyclohexane F ISdrops '63 to 26 cents, il Chem Abstracts. Published in monthly numbers of
Journal of applied chemistry
& Enp Nreport
Quarterly 41:21-2on Jlcurrent 1 '63 prices. Chem & Book reviews. Published in monthly numbers
Ens N 40:65-72+ Jl 30; 55-78 O 29 '62; 41: of Manufacturing chemist
51-78 Ja 21; 61-84 Ap 29; 51-78 Jl 29; 59- Book reviews. Published in semi-monthly
72+ O 28 '63 numbers
cal societyof Journal of the American chemi-
Unrealistic'lonitrile price upped. Chem
& Eng N 41:24 Mr 25 '63 •^^"■12-4.
«*?„ ''?"?,J^^S
2034-5.Chem & Ind2140-3
2106-10. pl899-902.
N 3-
Safety measures
Aluminm-n 11; 9 ^' 240-3,
204-7. J^^^ '^2; P26-7,368-71,
323-5, 78-80, 443-4,
105-7, 158-61,
jr. and R.alkyls: L.. Johnson, .safe handlinff.
il Ind &W. Eng B. Heck.
Chem .M9-C2, 685-8, 771-4, 899-902. 936-9. 977-8
54:35-8 D '62
Do you know how to select chemical gloves? 1013-2i\ 1072-5 1110-12. 1159-60. 1277-8. 1342-
il Safety new Maintchemicals. 125:10-11+ t' W^-^A
Ja "26-9, 2.1511-13,
5-F 9. 23-Mr 16-2:i, 1545-8,
Ap 6. 27. 1617-18
Hazardous C. Mr '63
W. Bahme. bib- Bookshelf
„"; .
•Te,l-Jl ", Ag
Published 3-24. S 14-21. O 5 '63 of
Uog Ind Med 32:65-70 F '63 industrial chemist in monthly numbers
Label statements for hazardous chemicals. T. Chemical abstracts, service tries specialized
W. Nale. Ai'chives Enviromnental Healtli annual bibliographies. Chem & Eng N 41:
NaK:6:235-8how P to'63 handle safely, il Safety Maint
74+ Ap press
Chemical 8 '63 abstracts. Published in month-
handling Mr '63 and storage of organic per- „!y "unibers
Highlight s from of Industrial chemist
current literature
oxides in the laboratory. D. C. Noller and (cont). A.
D. J. Bolton, bibliog il Anal Chem 35:887- p2n02-6, 2098-101 N 24. D 22 Chem
^,;„,P^'" *^2'^y and others. & Ind
93 Ja '63 Statistics '62 p 149-53
3 n-22, ,W6-1],
1451-5 1.574-9 Ja671-5. 836-40, 1055-9
26. F 23. Mr 30 Ap IMl^i
Facts and figures for the chemical process 27
industries; organic and inorganic cheiTiicals; My books.
New 29 .TI Ag
25 Je Published 31, S 28 '65
chemical specialties. Chem & Eng N 40:58- Canadian chemical processing numbers of
63. 69-76. Selected abstracts of publications of the Na-
Facts and 81-4 figurespt 2forS 3the'62 chemical process
industries; organic and inorganic cliem- U°'2'^U ''"''"^''1" °f standards Icontl. J Res
icals; chemical specialties. H. O. Parsons Nat Bur Stand 66A:443-fi. 521-8: 67A-79-S6
and others. Chem & Eng N 41:96-101, 109- 205-9, 273-9, 389-94, 499-504 S '62-3 '63
16. 121-4 Examinations
Market data;S 2 process '63 industries. Can Chem
Resins, refrigerants Je;push35-47chloroform
Process 47:51-8 Jl '63 use up.
Chem & Eng N 41:28-9 S 30 '63 ""&%nfN%^7VN%"fi'^^
Experiments ^^^ '"^•^- ^■^'^"^
Exjioriments in physical
Safe handling and storage of organic per- Wil.son and others. Review,chemistry. J. M
bv A. Maccoll
oxides in the laboratory. D. C. Noller and History
I). J. Bolton, bibliog il Anal Chem 35:
887-93 Je '63 Testing Chem & Ind p47S-80 Mr 23 '63 "'''«=coii.
Use of humans to evaluate safety of chemi- I8UU. VV^ A.
'^°l'sno'"°w Smeaton.
?'>'?;"'■';' and Review, bv F Green-
revolutionary. 175K-
cals. M. L. Keplinger. bibliog Archives En-
vironmental Health 6:342-9 Mr '63 Science in society; Chemicals and people
Sawav. Chem & Rev
A. Gregory. ^■^'^'^"
ew, bv .TeI,15S '63Mumford
Ind n974-6
Chemicals by rail; car builders meet needs. "'"'^iiord.
il Chemtowing & Eng Chem & Ind Nomenclature
p72S-30 J.iy 4 '63
Chotin corp.N gets 41:25-8,two cover
large O chemical
21 '63 Atom contiectivitv matrix (ACAD and lt<i
barges froin Dravo Corp. il Marine Eng/Log characteristic nolvnomial (ACMCPI- a
New68:71study O '63 attacks proposed waterway tolls;
'/mS 7"ig'''.er-orientrd chemical nomeAcIa-
details probal:)le impact on chemical indus-
13 Jlmathema •' S5:2012-
Private try, ilmotor
Chem <ft Eng N 41plays
transport :23-4 small
O 21 '63
role in n '63 Hcal code '" ^""^ for
' devised mole-
See also Chem & Eng N 40:29-30 N 12 '62 Periodica ls
8^2? '63 ^"'''"^'■- Chem & Eng N 41^86^7
Carboys Chemical
CHEMISTRY abstract.s service tries specialized
Chrmical horizons; presidential addre.'ss, H
Eyring. Chem & Eng N 41:56-9 S 30 '63 Most-u
74+ Ap se4 S science
and °''^'"
Eng period-
N 4l1
Chemistry and color photography. P. W Vlt-
tum. bibliog SMPTE J 71:937-41 D '62' Chem & Ind
^'™""-'i''''icals. fifnco and rn56 Jo S '63 oerioa-
technology periodical
Chemistry and eriuipinent mnlntenance: data
N 62 ^- Loucks. Heating-Piping 34:157-72 Study and teaching
^ ' *'• ^""^"^ * ^""^ N-4(:CS.70 My
13 "63 groupi
Chemistry In the steel Industry; essav re- ng Is successful In general
chemistry; Albion
"ii"^^^- .?«■ I-"t'ewood. Chem & Ind pJl32-4 college. P. H <5amSl
Chem & Eng N 41:58 S 23 '63 '-^^^'-
CHEMISTRY— study and teaching — Continued Need for analytical chemistry courses argued;
Bis classes create big problems of teaching panel discussion. Chem & Eng N 41:50-1
general chemistry. Cheni & ling N 41:4i> +
N 4 '63 of modern analytical services.
O 28 '63polytechnic. London: Department of
chemistry and chemical technology. S. J. T. i'ardley. il diag Manuf Chem 33:396-
Cotson. college;
Chem Department & Ind p 1640of O chemistry.
12 'lio 94- O '62 conference on analytical chem-
Brunei J. istry and applied spectroscopy. 14th, March
Topping. college Chem of& Ind p 133-4 4-8; with program. Anal Chem 35:sup44A-
Chelsea science and Jatechnology:
2G '63
Depai-tmenl. of chemistry. J. P. J. Dippy. Purity
59A F analysis
'63 of highly purified materials
11 Chem at <Si Ind o!>43-6 My of25 East '63 Anglia. by time-temperaturu cryometry. G. S.
Chemistry the University Rosa and H. D. Di.xon. J Res Nat Bur
A. K. Katritisky. Chem & Ind B llUO-2 Jl Stand 67A:247-51 My '63 of analyses, bib-
Reviews of applications
Instrumentation course may be obsolete. R. liog Anal Chem 35of chemical
Ino 5] ;1R-204R Ap sixth
Yahnau. college U ChemEast & Eng N 41:92 Standard methods analysis;
Makerere Africa. D. R.ApAugood.
15 '63 edition, v. 1, The elements. N. H. Furman.
il Indfor Chem 39:255-6 My '63courses argued: ed. Review, by A. G. Jones. Chem & Ind
Need analytical chemistry
panel discussion. Chem & Eng N 41:5(1-1 Usep 1641-6
of special S 15 atmospheres
'62 in spectrographic
NewN 4 lab'63 prograin developed for freshmen; analysis. R. Faxsky. bibliog Metallurgia 67:
Gustavus Adolphtis college, St. Peter. Minn. 51-4-1- Ja '63
H. B. Thompson. Chem & Eng N 41:56-7 Widening scope of organic analysis. R. A.
5 23 '63
Programing finds a place in chemistry; sym- Chalmers,
See also il Manuf Chem 33:460-2-1- N '62
posium on programed instruction, il Chem Chromatographic analysis
Colorimetric analysis
6 EngcoUeea
Royal N 4U:76-S-t- S 17 '62
of advanced technology. Sal- Combustion analysis
ford: Department of chemistry and ap- Dye analysis
'63 plied chemistry. G. R. Ramage. 11 Chem Electrochemical analysis
& Ind HoUoway
P964-5 Je college: 15 '63 Fluoronietric analysis
Royal Department of Gas analysis
chemistry. U Chem & Ind p 1133-5 Jl 13 Indicators and test papers
Metallurgical analysis
Science in society; Chemicals and people. Microanalysis
S. A. Gregory. Review, by L. S. Mumford. Mineralogical analysis
Chem & course Ind p728-30 My 4 for '63 curriculum; Phosphorimetry
Structure is basis Plants — Cliemical analysis
Carnegie Tech. il Chem & Eng N 41:62-1- Precipitation (chemistry)
Je 3 '63 Radiochenucal analysis
Welsh college of advanced technology; De- Sampling
partment of chemistry and biology. A. H. Spectrum analysis
Henson. Chem & Ind p 18-19 Ja 5 '63 Sugar analysis
"Whitehaven college of further education; also subdivision Analysis under special
Department of cnemistry. W. P. Thistleth- subjects, e.g.
waite. il Chem & Ind p 1536-8 S 21 '63 Benzenesulfonates
See also Carbon
Flue gas dioxide
Chemical education Formaldehyde
Chemistry students Fuel
Textbooks Gasoline
Quantitative chemical analysis and inorganic Hydrocarbons
preparations. R. M. Caven. 2d ed. Review, Niobium
by J. D. Donald. Chem & Ind p65-8 Ja 12 Steel
CHEMISTRY. Analytic Tantalum
ASTM 3 analytical data projects. W. Pepper, Trade waste
jr. il diass MatPrials Res & Stand 3:646-52 Uranium
Ag '63 Urine
Anachem conference; 11th. Detroit. Oct. 21- Water
23. program. Anal Chem 35:sup71A-4A S '63 Apparatus
Analytical aspects of chemical and biolog- Analytical chemistry 1963 buyers' guide; geo-
ical assay in the U.S. army CBR agency. graphical guide, classification list, prod-
S. Sass. bibliog diag Anal Chem 35:sup25A- uct guide and company directory. Anal
8A-1- My '63 Chem 35 (no 5]:1BG-177BG Ap '63
Analytical chemist in the automotive indus- Analytical instrumentation in space explora-
try. Anal Chem 3d:sup25A-7A-(- Je '63 tion. E. L. Steele, bibliog diaga Anal Chem
Analytical chemistry (cont). C. A. Johnson, 35:sup23A-30A-l- Ag '63
bibliog Manuf Chem 34:26-9. 480-2-1- Ja, Annual conference exposition of modern
O '63 laboratory equipment, Pittsburgh, March
Analytical chemistry, a challenging profes- 4-8; list of exhibitors, floor plans. Anal
sion. J. K. Taylor. Anal Chem 35:sup 23A-I- Chem 35:sup69A-84A-l- '63 F '63
Ap '63 Apparatus combination analyzes gasoline; ab-
Analytical chemistry in the dyestuff Indus- stract. L. P. Lindeman. Chem & Eng N
try; abstract and discussion. Spencer. Chem
& ■63Ind P640-2 Ap 20 "63 40:61 S 17 '62
High-speed microanalyzer on market. Rub-
Annual Louisiana state university sympo- ber World 147:8 Mr '63
sium on modern methods of analytical How to evaluate process analyzers that
chemistry. Anal Chem 35:sup48A-52A Ap monitor stream variables. E. E. Escher and
D. J. Fraade. bibliog diags Chem Eng
Application of co-ordination compounds as 70:89-96 S 30 '63 '63
analytical reagents. R. Belcher, bibliog Ind New companies invade instrument field: re-
Chem 39:433-5. 489-91 Ag-S '63 port fo.- analytical chemists. Anal Chem
Chemical analysis: the working tools; vols. 35:sun25A-31A Jl '63
1-3, 2d ed; review. T. L. Rettger and H. Pittsburgh conference on analytical chemistry
Lyons. Chem & Ind p404-6 Mr 9 '63 and applied spectroscopy; instrumentation
Comprehensive analytical chemistry; v 16. trends. 11 Chem & Eng N 41:52-4-t- Mr 18
C. L. Wilson and D. W. Wilson, eds. Re-
view, by R. C. Chirnside. Chem & Ind Sensors for automatic analyses. J. P. Strange.
p 1557-9 S 1 '62 il diags Instruments & Control Systems 35:
Conference on nuclear reactor chemistry. 3d. 91-5 N '62
Gathnburg. Teim. Oct. 9-11. Anal Chem 34: Spectrosorter. A. E. Martin, il diags Ind
SUP41A-I- D '62 Chem 38:569-74 N '62
Impact on the analytical chemist of govern- Use of a multichannel analyzer for electron
ment regulations pertaining to tissue resi- nroha microanalysis. L. S. Birk.'j and A.
dues. E. E. Kennedy, bibliog J Agrl & P. Batt. il diag Anal Chem 35:778-82 Je
Food Chem 11:393-5 S '63 Bibliography
Metal chelates Is theme of summer sympo-
sium at the University of Arizona. June 19- New books. Published in monthly numbers
21. Anal Chem 35:sup45A-6A Ap '63 of Analytical chemistry


CHEMISTRY. Analytic— Continued Inorganic chemistry research fifty years later.
Quantitative H. Taylor, bibliog Am Scientist 51:371-4
Fatty adds of lard: quantitative estimation Introduction to advanced Inorganic chemistry.
by silicic acid and Kas-iicjuid chromaioKra- P.S '63J. Durrant and B. Durrant. Review,
pny. P. Ma*?idman and others, bibliog Ain by L. H. Long. Chem & Ind p 1585-7 S 28
Oil Chem Soc J 40:86-8 Mr '63 Natu of atom and mole a gene
Imoroved susoension tectiiiitiue for quantita- re
chemistry. E. s C. Scott cu P. A. Kanda.
and ral
tive infrared analysis of insoluble solids.
M. Dolinskv a:id others, biblioe il Anal Review, by G. F. Liptrol.les: Chera & Ind
Chem cross-section Je '63 detector as a refer- O 1555-7 S exchange
Nonaqueous 1 '62 rates studied. J. P.
ence standard in quantitative analysis by Hunt and others. Chem & Eng N 41:41 Ap
gas chromatography. P. G. Siinmonds and
J. E. Lovelock, biblios diaR Anal Chera Quantitative chemical analysis and inorganic
8 '63
preparations. R. M. Caven. 2d ed. Review,
QuantitativeS analysis
35:1345-8 'US for ethylenediamlne In bv J. D. Donald. Chem & Ind pB5-8 Ja 12
HuBgins and W.of C.hydroxN-alkylamines.
the presence Drinkard. Anal Chem D. Som
app o g s chr
lic chemistry.f aC.
34:1756-7 D '62analysis of submicrosram inoreanlc ati S. oG.
mat Phillips and
Quantitative P. L. Timms. ons biblioe Anal Chemo gra 35:505-10
amounts of hieh boiline coninound.s by phy
flame ionization tras liquid cbromatoitraohv. ApSee'63 also
P. A. Vandenheuvel. biblioe diaes Anal Chlorides
Quantitative35:1180-02 analysis As '63with the electron CHEMISTRY, Legal
microanalvzer. T. O. Zieliold and H 10. Science and technology" In law enforcement.
Oeilvie. biblioK dlaK Anal Chem 35:621-7 J. E. Hoover. II Anal Chem 34:sup23A-32A
Mv•63 '63 N 62
Quantitative chemical analysis and inorranlc CHEMISTRY, Medical and pharmaceutical
preparations. R. M. Caven. 2d ed. Review, Chemist in tho clinical lab. 11 map Chem
by J. D. Donald. Chem & Ind p65-8 Ja 12 /v Rue ofN applications
Reviews 41:11)2-10 Jl of15 analyses:
'03 cllnlca.1
Quantitative determination of tantalum, tunc- chemistry. G. R. Kingsley. Anal Chem 35
sten. niobium, and zirconium in hich tem- Ino 5rilR-:i.".R
School of pharmacy. liihllogio27R-35Rl
University Ap
of London; '63
method. M. perature L.
alloys bv X-ray fluorescent
Tomkins and others, solution
biblioff Department of pharmaceutical chemistry,
Anal Chem 34:1260-3 S '62chromatography of W. B. Whalley. 11 Chem & Ind p 1216-17 Jl
Quantitative pas liquid
thiocresols and thioxvlenol.s as aretate 27 See
'63 also
esters. P. P. Croitoru and R. W. Freed- Antiseptics
man. Anal studv Chem 34:1536-7 N '62 Bibliography
Quantitative of Eas chromatotrranhlc
analv.'^is of head space cas of dilute aque- Industry's bers of books.
Dr\ie and Published
cosmeticIn monthly
industry num-
ous solutions. S. Ozeris and R. Bassette.
Reviews of recent books. Published in month-
Anal Chrni :!5-in'll .11 ■r,t ly numbers of American journal of clinical
Simple meltlnir-curve method for quantita- nutrition
tive purity determinaiion. S R. Gunn. Technical abstracts (cont). Am Perfumer 77:
See alsodiasts Anal Chem 34:1292-6 S '62 25-7 O: 44-7 D '62: 78:34-6 Ja; 47-8 Mr;
Gra\'imetric analysis IS-I- Ap: 10-(- My; 68-f Je; 28-33-t- Jl; 41-2-1-
Mass soeclrometric analysis CHEMISTRY, Organic
Polaroeranhic analysis Ac 'O:!of elementary fluorine upon organic
Volumetric analysis Action
compounds: the direct fluorination of some
Statistical methods perfluoroalkyl-«-triazines. J. B. Hynes and
Precision of fl.\ed-time vs. flxed-count meas- others, biblioe Am Chem Soc J 85:83-6
Ja 5 63
urements. D. W. Gaylor. Anal Chem 34: Application of a reduced vapor pressure
1670-1 N '62 efiuatiort to nonhvdrocarbon substances. E.
Study and teaching G Revnes and G. Thodos. bibliog Ind &
University in the Netherlands has modern Eng Chem Fundamentals
Di.scussion. D. G. Miller 2:78-9; 1:127-31Reply.
Mv '62; 80
instrumental analysis division. 11 Anal Chem F 03
35:sup 115A-1SA O '63 Catalytic tritium labeling attractive for or-
ganics. J. L. Garnett. bibliog Nucleonics
Tables, calculations, etc. 2n:.i(6-l- D '62
Advances In the theory of nlale heicht In pras Chelation as a driving force In organic re-
chromatocraphv. J. C. Girtdincs. biblioe 11 actions: synthesis of a-nitro acids by con-
Anal liquid
Chem 35:439-49 Ap '63 trol of the H.
equilibrium. carboxylation-decarboxylation
L. Finkbeiner and M.
Gas chromatoeranhv: temperature
chances durinc passage of a solute throuch Stiles, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:616-22
a theoretical plate. R. P W. Scott bib-
Mr 5 '63 of volume of activation, solvent
lioe Anal Chem 35:481-8 Ap '63 polarity and reactant charge t>'pe for var-
.Spreadinc of air peaks In capillary and ious organic reactions. K. R. Hrower. blb-
packed eras chromatocraphic colunms. J. H.
Knox and L. McLaren, biblioe diae Anal llne Ampolvhydroxv
Cyclic Chem Soc ketones;
J 85:1401-4 My 20 prod-
oxidation '63
Chem 35:449-54 An '63 ucts of hexahydroxvbenzene (benzene-
CHEMISTRY, Inoraanic hexoli. A. J. Fatiadi and others, bibliog J
Advanced fnoreanic cbemlstrv: a cojnpre- Res Nat Bur ofStand 67A:iri3-62 Mr ratios
'03 by
hensive te.xl. F. A. Cotton and G. Wilkin- Determination carbon-hvdroeen
son. Review, bv N. N. Greenwood. Chem & neutron scattering. H. L. FInston and E.
Ind P666-8 Ap 27 '63 Yellln biblioe diaes Anal Chem 35:336-40
Advances In Inoreanlc chemistry and radio-
chemistry. H. J. F.meleus and A. G. Sharne. Determination
Mr '63 of the chemical structure of
Review, by R. H. Prince. Chem & Ind microgram atnounts of organic cotnpounda
p 13S2-6 Ar 17 -63 gas chromatography. M. Beroza. diag AnaJ
Analysis for Industry: advances In Inoreanlc Chem 34:1801-11 D '62
titrimotric analysis. W. I. Stephen, biblioe Disiiersed phaso mixing: measurements In
Ind Chem 38:58(1-2 N '62 or'jranio dispersed systems. R. S. Miller and
Application of a reduced vapor pressure equa- others biblioe diae A I Ch E J 9:196-202
'63 tion to nonhvdrocarbon substances. E. O.
Reynes and G. Thodos. biblioe Ind & Eng Effect
Mr '63of gases on the conductivity of or-
Chem Fundamentals 1:127-31 Mv '62: Dis- ganic solids. M. M. Lahes and others, bib-
cussion. D. G. Miller. 2:78-9; Reply. 80 F liog dlags Am Chem Soc J 85:2055-62 Jl
Computer estimation of heat and free en- Fat20 chemlstr\':
'63 past, present, future. H. J.
ergy of formation for simple Inoreanlc Ilarwood. Am Oil Chem Soc J 39:459-61
compounds. D E. WMcox and L,. A. Ilrom- O 62
ey. biblioe Ind & Ene Chem 65:32-9 Jl Gas chromatography of organic peroxides.
63 S W. Bnkata and others, bibliog Anal
Developments In inoreanlc polymer chem- Choin 35:SS,'i-6 Je '63
Islrv. M. P. Laooert and G. J. Leleh. eds. GIrard's
^®„\,'?^- i"" P-.J5- H. Bawn. Chem i Ind ? Mentions.reagents:
O. T. theirWalker.chemistry
Am and ap-
P933-S Je 8 '63 7:37-1- D '62
CHEMISTRY. Oroanic — Contimted X-ray fluorescent determination of organic
Identiflcaiion ol organic compounds by dif- substances through inorganic association.
fereiuial thermal dynamic analysis. J. Chiu. G34.1251-3
J. I'aparielio
S 62 and oaiers. Anal Chem
biblioK diae Ana: Chem 3-1:1841-3 D '62 or
orcanic natural s>'mposium
products.on 2d. the Praeue.
chemistry Aue. Acids.See Organic
27-Sept. 2. orKajiic
Mechanistic Chem & photochemistry.
Ind p 1S5C-7 O H.27 '62 K. Amines
Zimmerman and others. bibliOK dias Am Aromatic compounds
Chem Soc
Methylbenzophenones J 85:915-27 Ap 5 '63
ready for trials. Chem Carbon
& Eng N the41:54massMy spectra 13 '63 of non-volatlle Cyclic compounds
Obfainine Diazo compounds
or thermally unstablo compounds. R. Essential oils
S. Gohlke. bibliog diass Chem & Ind p946-S Hydrocarbons
Methyl group
Je 8effects
Odor '63 of aqueous mixtures of orcanic Organomeiallic compounds
chemicals. R. A. Baker. WPCF J 35:728- Sugars
41 Je '63: Abstract. Pub Works 94:168 S '63 Wood — Chemistry
Organic cheiuistry of ferrocene; acetylation CHEMISTRY, Physical and theoretical
of mono-, di- and tri-bridsed ferrocenes. Experiments in physical chemistry. J. M.
K. L. Rinehart. jr. and olhers. bibliog diasa Wilson and others. Review, by A. Maccoll.
Am Chem Soc J 85:970-82 Ap 5 '63 Chem & Ind p478-80 Mr 23 '63
Orsranic compounds in microwave discharce; Physical chemistry of detergents. H. E.
Initial studies with toluene and related
hydrocarbons. A. Streilwieser. jr. and H. Garrett, bibliog diags Chem & Ind p 1606-
R. Ward. biblioK diaK Am Chem Soc J 85:
539-42 Mr 5 '63 16 O 5 ■C3
Physical chemistry of ice cream; abstract
Orsanic photoconductive system. H. G. Greie. and discussion, K. Durham. Chem & Ind
biblios il RCA R 23:413-19 S '62 p(;Sl-2 Ap 27 chemie
Physikalische ■|)3 als einfUhrung in die
Organic reactions under hlBh pressure. C
Wallinc and others, biblios diacs Am Chem cnemische technik, by O. Fuchs and
Soc J 85:607-15 Mr 5 '63 Physikalische grundlagen der chemie-
Paper chromatoerraphy of several classes of ingenieur- technik. by P. Grassmann. Re-
compounds; correlated Ri values in a view, by D, W, F. Hardie. Chem & Ind
variety of solvent svstems. K. Fink and P520-2 Mr 30 '63
others. Anal Chem 35:389-98 Mr '63 Structure determination by radiation scat-
tering. P. J. W, Debye, diags Chem &
Purification of radioactive orcanic com-
pounds: a noncontaminatine ea^i liquid Eng
See N also
41:92-7 Ap 8 '63
chromatocraphic system. M. L. Whisman Adhesion
and B. H. Eccleston. bibiioe diacs Anal A zeo tropes
Chem 35:1333-4 A2 '63 Catalysis
Rapid combustion method for the determina- Chemical equilibrium
tion of organic substances in aqueous solu-
tions. C. E. Van Hall and others, bibliog Compressibility
diacs Anal Chem 35:315-19 Mr '03 Coordmaljon (chemistry)
Recent applications of nuclear magnetic Crystallization
resonance spectroscopy to problems of Crystallography
organic chemistry. R. A. Y. Jones and Diffusion
A. R. Katritzkv. bibliosr Chem & Ind Dissociation
Kfiuaiion of state
P522-30 Mr 24 '62; p99-104 Ja 19 '63 Evaporation
Recent developments in the chemistry of Flocculation
carbohydrates. W. G. Overend. bibliog Ions
diags Chem & Ind p342-54 Mr 2 '63 Liquids
Retarded autoxidation and the chain-stopping Mass (chemistry)
action of inhibitors. J. R. Shelton and D. Molecular weights
N. Vincent. biblioB Am Chem Soc J 85; Partition (chemist!^)
2433-9 Ag 20 '63 Phase rule and equilibrium
Role of argon metastable atoms in the ioniza- Photochemistry
tion of organic molecules. M. M. Shahin Precipitation (chemistry)
and S. R. Lipsky. bibliog Anal Chem 35; Solids
1562-6 O '63 Stoichiometry
•63 distribution of soma residual Thermodynamics
organic compoimdT in upper Jurassic. F. Valence
M. Swain, maps diags Am Assn Pet Ge- Vapor pressure
ologists Bui 47:777-803 bibliOE(p802-3) My Wave mechanics
Structural carbohydrate chemistry. E. O. V. Bibliography
Perclval. 2d ed rev bv E. Percival Review,
by M. Stacey. Chem & Ind p669-70 Ap Book review. J Colloid Sd 18:292-3 Mr '63
CHEMISTRY, Technical
27 '63 See also
Studies in organic peroxides: the structure Alkalies
of peroxides derived from 2,4-pentanedione Kleaching
and hydrogen peroxide. N. A. Milas and Calcination
others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:222-6 Cellulose
Ja 20 '63 Chemical industries
Studies in the structure of organic per- Chemicals
oxides. D. Swern and L. S. Sllbert, bib- Corrosion and an U- corrosives
Hog Anal Chem 35:880-5 Je '63 Cosmetics
Synthesis gives homocvclic ring closures. Cotton — Chemistry
Chem & Eng N 40:43-5 D 10 '62 Dyes and dyeing — Chemistry
Synthesis of organophosphorus compounds. M. Emulsions
Grayson. II Chem & Eng N 40:90-100 D 3 Extraction processes
'62 (reprints 75c) Fillers and flltratlon (technical chemistry)
Threshold odors of organic chemicals. R. A. Fuel
Baker. Am Water Works Assn J 55:913-16 Glass manufacture
JI of '63 differential reaction rates to analyze Paper
Use Paper making
mixtures of organic materials containing Petroleum distillation
the same functional group; application to Petroleum refining
mixtures of amines. .T. Q. Hanna and S. Pottery
Siggla. bibliog Anal Cliem 34:547-9 Ap '62: Refractory materials
Discussion. 34:1513-14 O '62 Refrigerants
Use of electrically excited oxygen for the Rubber
low temperature decomposition of organic Rubber.
Soap Artificial
substances. C. E. Glelt and W. D. Holland, Snmt^ling
bibliog diag Anal Chem 34:14.';4-7 O '62 Textile fibers. Synthetic
Uses of mass spectrometry In organic chem- Textile industry
istry; abstract and discussion. R, A. Saun-
ders. Chem & Ind p806-7 My 18 '63 Vulcanization
CHEMISTRY, Technical — Continued CHICAGO
Bibliography See also
Airports — Chicago
Abstracts. Published in monthly numbers of Building — Chicago
Journal of applied chemistry
Book reviews. Published in monthly numbers Architecture
of ManufacturinK chemist
Technical buokshelf. Published in bi-weekly Apartments; architect Goldberg's Marina City
numbers of Chemical ensineering concept,
Challenge ilof plans Arch City;
Marina Kec 134:214-16
proflle on S the
CHEMISTRY students L,itvin CO. il plan diags Dom Eng 202:77-86-1-
Twelve students win C&EN merit awards.
Chem & Bng N 41:44-6 My 13 '63 Large
S '63 spans In Chicago; Continental building,
CHEMISTRY teachers il plans for
Proposal Arch Chicago:
Forum 118:120-5 Venice?
midwest My '63 il
MCA honors college chemistry teachers.
Chem & Ens N 41:24 My 6 '63 Prog Arch 44:77 O '63
CHEMISTS Story of Marina City; Chicago's wonder build-
Analyiical chemist in the automotive In- ings, il Dom Eng 202:74-7 S '63
dustry. Anal Chem 35:sun25A-7A-l- Ja '63 Fire department
Analytical sion. J. chemistrj'.
K. Taylor.a Anal chaltens'in;^:
Chem profes-
35:sup What's
Street? going on at 558training
Fire department West school,
23A-(- Ap '63
Career opportunities for chemists and chem- Safety Maint 126:40-2 Ag '63
ical eni^ineers: with advertisers in career
opportunities. Chem & Eng N 41:1-69 pt 2 Sanitary affairs
Ja 28 '63 manpower; dimensions for the
Cliemical Vinton Bacon's technical know-how and ad-
ministrative touglmess are keys for clean-
19C0's. D. M. Kiefer. il Chem & Eng N ing UP. Eng N 170:40-2 Ja 3 '63
41:76-88 Ac 12 '63 (reprints $11
Fourcroy: chemist and revolutionary. 1755- Streets
1S09. W. A. Smeaton. Review, by P. Lime tames wet clay for early spring start:
Role of tlie consulting Chem & Ind n974-6 in Jethe 15 food
chemist '63 Dan Ryan superlughway. Chicago. S. Ber-
industry. D. W. Kent-Jones. Chem & Ind man. expressway
New il Roads & Sts repaying.
needs 106:32-5+ Eng Ja N'63 170:
p 1935-7 N 10 '62 44-5 Mv 23 '63 and urban development. I. J.
See also Traffic planning
Chemical engineers Bach. 2pls Traffic Q 17:193-202 Ap '63
W/ater supply
ACS board revises policy on licensing. Chem Abandoned rail tunnel carries water main;
<i Eng N 41:114 Ap 29 '63 Chicago, il Eng N 170:32-3 My 16 '63
Salaries Chicago's pumping capacity raised. Water
Works extraordinaire;
Piping Eng 115:984 D '62 billion-gallon-a-day
1962 starting salaries: up Ave per cent. D. filtration plant, il Water & Sewage Works
A. H. Roethel. map Chem & Eng N 40:
1963 N 5 '62salaries rise three to eight
starting 109:440-1 NSee'02Poultry
per cent. D. A. H. Roethel. map Chem & CHILD health conferences. See Children — Care
Eng N salaries
41:132-8 continue
O 28 '63to and hygiene
Starting rise. Chem CHILD welfare
& Eng N 41:42 Je 10 '63 See also
CHEM-MILL process. See Metal finishing Maternal and infant welfare
Cancer chemotherapy heating apparatus. P. Centuries of childhood. P. Aries. Review, by
A. Dryan. jr. and W. W. Shingleton. bib-
liog il Ulc-candEng mental 82:404-7 diseases:
Je '63 abstracts D. H.; Scichildren
Engineering Am 208:181-2+
and theirAp rescue.
of papers and discussions. Chem & Ind E. Mitchell. Engineer 216:429-30 S 13 '63
See also
P311-18 F 23 '63 Clothing and dress — Children
Monkeys are safe; chemical means of pro-
tecting monkeys against letiial doses of Playgrounds
School children
radiation. loss
Perfusion Ind computer
Med 31:sup30-l-
for useD In '62 cancer Youth
treatment. D. O. Akhurst and F. W. Lewis, Care and hygiene
diags Instruments & Control Systems 36: Content and method of health supervision
by physicians in child health conferences
Use148-51of Jl '03
Injectable phenyramidol in musculo- in Baltimore. 1959. O. C. SUne. Am J Pub
skeletal dLsorders. M. C. Igloe. bibliog il '62
Health mail52:1858-65 N '62
Ind Med 32:242-7 Je '63 Direct dental motivation of parents of
See also three-year-old children. Z. M. Stadt and
Pharmaceutical research others, bibliog Am J Pub Health 63:572-81
CHERRIES Redefinition of the role of the public health
Effect of gamma-radiation, chemical, and Ap '63 in child health supervision. E. Siegel
packaging treatments on refrigerated life and S. C. Bryson. Am J Pub Health 63:
of strawberrie.'s and sweet cherries. G M.
Cooper and D. K. Salunkhe. bibliog il Food 1015-24
Some Jl '63 of strategy in providing school
Tech 17:801-4 Je '63 mental health ser\'ices. W. G. Hollister.
Determination of calcium In cherry brines by Am J Pub Health 53:1447-51 S '63
versenate titration; elimination of antho- Diseases
cyanin interference by means of carbonyl Enterovirus infections in healthy children.
reagents. J. E. Brekke and others, bib- H. M. Gelfand and A. H. Holguin. bibliog
liog J AgrI & Food Chem 11:260-2 My '63 Archives Environmental Health 5:404-11 N
Factors affecting quality of pies prepared Nutrition
from frozen bulk-pack red sour pitted- Amino acid requirements of children; minimal
cherrles. D. G. Guadagni and others, bib- needs of tr>-ptophan. arginine and hlstidine
liog Food Tech 17:221-4 F '63 based on nitrogen balance method I.
CHESAPEAKE BAY Nakagawa and others, bibliog J Nutrition
Che.-^apeako Hay bridge- tunnel survey P Z. 80:305-10 Jl '63
Michenrr and E. O. Heaton. il maps Civil Contributions of biochemistry to understand-
Eng 33:54-7 Je '63: Abstract. Pub Works ing and solving the world problem of
94:1424- Ag '63 protein malnutrition in children. N. S.
CHEW. Geoffrey F. Scrimshaw. Am J Clinical Nutrition 11:
1962 American physical society prize, por 593-602 blbliog(p600-2l D '62
Phys Today 16:96 My '63 Effect of protein and fat supplements on
CHI square test vitamin A-deflclent Indonesian children.
Nonparametric statistics provide comparisons O. A. Roels and others, bibliog Am J
'63 dlstrihullons L. B. Andersen Clinical Nutrition 12:380-7 My '63
Chem Eng 70:139-44 Jl 8 '63 Free amino acids In blood pla-snia of children
Test and estimates on the statistical variance. with kwashiorkor and marasmus. G Arroy-
L.. B. Andersen. Chem Eng 70:191-4 Mr 18 ave and others, bibliog Am J CUnlcal
NutrlUon 11:617-24 N '62
CHILDREN — Nutrition — Continued . . CHINESE cookery. See Cookery, Chinese
Incidence of protein-calorie malnutrition ot CHINESE language
early childhood. D. B. Jellille. biblioK Am Chinese- translating machine interprets geom-
J PubandHealtli
Liver depot 53:905-12
lipids inJechildren
'63, on normal etry
nessof tlie
maciiinescliaracters; International
corp. il Macliine Designbusi-
and hish carbohydi-ate diets. I. MacI3onald. 8 Je 20 '63 ^, . . „ ,. .
bibliog Am J Clinical Nutrition 12:431-6 Computer translates Chinese into English.
Electronics 36:56 Je 7 '63 ^ ,. ^ „ „
Lysine fortification of wheat bread fed to Machine translates Chinese to English. 11 Ma-
Haitian school children. K. W Kms and
others, biblios Am J CUnical Nutrition 12; Machine terials in Design Eng
translation 58:162-f G.
of Chinese. Ag W.'63 King
36-4S Ja patterns
'63 . preadolescent
^ , ^ children.
, .,, and H. W. Chang, flow chart 11 diag Sci
Metabolic in
J K Pace and others, biblioe J Nutrition Am 208:124-35 Je '63: Discussion. 209:8-1-
74:345-51: 75:447-5U; 79:432-30 Ag. D '61, O '63 KHAN.
CHINGIS See Jenghis Khan
Nutrition and growth of Iowa school girls; CHIPBOARD. See Fiber board
mixed longitudinal data. C. E. Roderuclc. CH ISELS
bibliog Am J ClinicaJ Nutrition 13:173-85 Chisel care important, diags Welding Eng
Nutritional and growth characteristics of 47:59-60 N '62
Arab refugee children in Lebanon. J. H. CHLORAMPHENICOL. See Chloromycetin
Puyet and others, bibliog Am J Clmical CHLORANIL
NutriUon anemia 13:147-57 ofS infancy
'63 Effect of gases on the conductivity of organic
Nutritional and childhood. solids; the jj-chloranil-amine interaction. P.
J. G. Haughton. bibliog Am J Pub Health J. Reucroft and others, bibliog diags Am
53:1121-6 Jl '63
Pennsylvania takes a ,look, at. nutrition . ... m Chem Soc J 85:2059-62 Jl 20 '63
the orthopedic program. S. M. Podgorski. Detennination of benzyl chloroformate by gas
Response J Pub Health 53:743-6
of niacrocytic anemia Myin children'63 to clironiatography of its amide; extension of
the coenzyme Qi-chromanol. J. S. Dinning the principle to other acid chlorides. C.
and others, bibliog Am J Clinical Nutrition Hishta and J. Bomstein. Anal Chem 35:
65-7 Ja '03 ,, . .
13:169-72 S '63 of^ cereal
Supplementation proteins with Determination of potassium perchlorate in
amino acids; effect of supplementing lime- tlie presence of clxloride ion by ion
change and nonaqueous titration. E. W. ex-
'63 corn with different levels of lysine,
tryptophan and isoleucine on the nitrogen Albaugh and others. Anal Chem 35:153-4
retention of young children. R. Bressani F '63
and others, bibliog J Nutrition 80:80-4 My Diode ers
on nickel. J. with R. thick chloridebibliog
Anderson, lay-
Supplementation of cereal proteins with amino J Ad Phys of33:3089-93
Dissolution oxygen Olayers '62 on platinum in
acids; lysine supplementation ot wheat chloride solutions. M. W. Breiter and J. L.
flour fed to young children. R. Bressani Weininger. bibliog Electrochem Soc J 109:
and others, bibliog J Nutrition 79:333-9
Mr See'63 also Effects
1135-8 ofD deuterium
'62 substitution on the rates
Infants — Nutrition of organic reactions; the solvolysis of t-
CHILDREN, Backward butyl-di, -dz, -di. -da and -do chlorides.
V. J. Sliiner, jr. and others. Am Chem
Study of suspected ca^es of mental retarda-
tion among children in families receiving Soc J 85:2413-16
Elimination Ag 20 '63interference in the
ot chloride
aid to dependent children: abstract. S. chemical oxygen demand test. R. A. Dobbs
Olshanskv and L. Sternfeld. Am J Ptib and R. T. Williams. Anal Chem 35:1064-7
CHILDREN, 53:796-7 My '63
Photography of. See Photography
of children Kinetics
Jl of chloride desorption from soils.
CHILDRENS homes G. '63
W. Thomas. J Agri & Food Chem 11:
Place and occasion: home for children near Kinetics of'63dissociation of the dichlorides
201-3 My
Amsterdam. A. Van Eyck. il plans diags of iodomethyl sulfones. J. L. Cotter and
Prog Arch 43:154-61 S '62 others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:4692-7
CHILE , . ,
See also subdivision Chile under special Lithium
subjects, e.g. D 20 '62nitride, acid chlorides react. Chem &
Building Eng N for
Method 41:46 the Ap 8 introduction
'63 of unstable,
Chemical industries solid metallic chlorides onto gas chroma-
Geology mines and mining tography columns. C. P. Ellis, diag Anal
Iron mines and mining Chem 35:1327-8
Organic Ag '63
chloride contamination rears its ugl.v
Iron ores head again. K. Brooks. Oil & Gas J 60:
Mines and mineral resources
Petroleum 74-5 N 26 '62
Repulsion of chloride by montmorlllonite. D.
CHILLING of Waaler. See Cooling of water G. Edwards and J. P. Quirk, bibliog J Col-
CHIMNEYS loid Sci 17:872-82
Separation of trace D '62quantities of bromide
Glass fibre fume tower, il Engineer 216:201 from large
Ag 2 -63stack insulation job. Air Cond Heat
Ingenius lation amounts
method and ofmeasurement
chloride by a ofdistil-
bromide by precision null-point poten-
& Ven rain
Keeping 60:89 out Je of'63 stacks without defeatin.g tiometry. J. D. Winefordner and M. Tin.
their purpose. J. H. Clarke, diags Heating- bibliog properties
Surface diag Anal ofChem 35:382-6 alumina;
precipitated Mr '63
Piping 35:111-13
Nomograph O '63
determines theoretical natural adsorption
ing chlorideof ions.nitrogen J. W.on Lucas
samplesand contain-
draft of chimneys and stacks; data sheet.
F. Caplan. Heating-Piping 35:131-2 F '63 bibliog J Ap Chem 13:265-72 Je '63
Plastics linings helically welded; Consett Thei-mal
of chlorides; conductivities nomographs.of aqueous
iron CO. il Engineering 195:265 F 15 '63
World's Ind Chem 39:22 Ja '63
goes intolargest operationacid-proof brick
at American chimney
viscose Transference numbers and ion association
Corp. plant. G. L. Jordy. II diag Power in pure fused alkaline earth chlorides.
Eng E. D. Wolf and F. R. Duke, bibliog diag
See 67:62-3
also Je '63 Electrochemof Soc J 110:311-14carbonate,
Ap '63 and
Fireplaces Transport bicarbonate,
CHIMNEYS, Concrete chloride ions through ion exchange mem-
Double concrete chimney 800 ft high for Bull branes. M. Block and K. S. Spiegler. bib-
Run steam plant, il diags Power Eng 67: liog il Electrochem Soc J 110:577-80 Je '63
51-2 Jlstation
Power '63 structural steel and concrete See metal
Alkali also chlorides
chimneys. R. N. Bergstrom and M. Zar. Alkaline earth chlorides
map diaes Am Soc C E Proc 88 [PO 3 Aluminum chloride
no 32681:41-61 S '62; Discussion. G. B. Cain. Cadmium chloride
89 IPO 1 no 36521:143 S '63 Calcium chloride
Vibrations of steel-lined concrete chimneys. Carbon tetrachloride
W. S. Rumnian. diags Am Soc C E Proc Carbonyl chloride
89 [ST 5 no 36611:35-63 O '63 Cesium chloi'ide
CHINCH bugs Cobalt chlorides
Lawn chinch bug control. "W. B. Shafer. Copper chlorides
Soap & Chem Spec 38:123-1- D '62 Gallium chlorides
CHLORIDES— Sea also — Continued Degassing of aluminum with nltroeen-chjorlne
L-lUiiuni cliloriue mixture. R. F. Budziak and F. VV. Richards.
MaKiietiiuiii chloride 11 diags Foundry 90:150-2-1- N '62 M. P.
Nickel cliloriae.s Dichlorobisdimethylaniino-diboron.
Silicon chlorides Grown and H. B. Silver. Chem & Ind
Silver cliloride
Analysis P85-6ot Jaoxidation
Heat 12 '63 of aqueous sulfur dioxide
Coulometric efficiency of anodic deposition with gaseous chlorine. W. H. Johnson and
and caihodic sLrippinc of chioride ai silver J. R. Ambrose, bibliog J Res Nat Bur
eieclrodes. H. A. i-.auinen and Z. F. L<in. Stand 67A:427-30
Ion-exchange S '63 for caustlc-chlorlne
bibliog diagr Anal
Determination of theChemtrue 35:14U5-11chloride content S 'Ca cells. S. Chrysikopoulos and others, bibliog
of biological fluids and tissues. K. Cotlove. il di' Can
Molecular J Chem andEng chlorine
structure 41:91-4 stability
Je '63
biblioe il Anal Chera 30;95-lU5 Ja 'Hi in cotton finishes. F. B. Shippee and D.
tJon rubber. See Rubber — Chlorina- Gagliardi. Textile byRes chlorine
J 33:182-90 Mr '6311
New field opened deburring.
CHLORINATION Steel 153:115-10 N 4 '63
Acetoniirile-iutromethane mixtures as media Possible vinyl cation intermediates, a 1,4-
for aromatic cliJorinaLion and chlorine addi- chlorine shift, and a trimerization in the
tion reactions. K. M. Keeler and i-.. J. reaction ot■63trifluoroacetic acid wiih al-
Andrews, biblios Am Chem tioc J !i'l:aG35-8 kynes. P. E. Peterson and J. B. Duddey.
bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2805-6 S 20 63
O 5 '62
Chlorination of chromlte with CCU and CjCU. Reaction kinetics in the absorption of chlorine
M. H. Khundkar and M. 1. Talukdar. bib- into aqueous media. C. W. Spalding, bibliog
liOB Chem & 1-nuronuphthaiene.
Ind p53u-l Mr ii) N.'tiS Arm- diag A I Chplastic
Reinforced E J 9:685-9
pipingN handles
'62 corrosive
Chlorinaiioii ot
sLroiitc and F. ycheinmann. biblioK J Ap chlorine in pulp bleaching plant; Rhine-
Chem 13;2i3-6 Je Gil lander paper co. A. E. Teschendorf, fiow
DesiKn and operation of a new chlorination chart il for Heating-Piping
tower. R. G. Guide and E. M. Read. jr. Therapy chlorine gas 35:111-14
inhalation.Je J. '63 T.
flow diaK
Effect of sunlightdias Tappiand 4();sup ultraviolet 177A-!)Aradiation O '63 UseNoe. of Ind Med 32:411-14
chlorine O '63
tor quantitative elution of
on '62 chlorinated pesticide residues. J. Ro- Cu(ll) from Dowex 1 resins. J. J. O'Connor
Gasburn.phasebibliog Chem & otInd kraft
chlorination p lao5-6 pulp. S D.21 '63 D. We andsaveothers.
nearlyAnal $7,000
Chem per35:420-1
year onMr chlorine.
Hinriciis. bibUog diags Tappi 45;.'65-70 O F. E. Willey. il Pub Worlta 94:108-9 Ag
High te p he medi t
FR-2 mheat e transfer atisystems.
ng a;W. J.hermDavis See also
and P. G.ratuBenignus. re bibliog il diag Chem inol
Rubber — Chlorination
'63 Sewage disposal — Chlorination
Eng Progsynthesis
Improved 59:39-42 ofMy 2,3-diehlorotetrahydro-
furan. A. Nersasian. bibliog Ind & LJng Water purification — Chlorination
Chera Product Res & JJevelop 2;13!)-9 Je Analysis
Met f cal p con Estimation of Insecticide residues In foods
hod the or formation
for cul of arvolatile
ali scale.sta D. through parallel screening methods. W. P,
Wajszel. bibliog atindiag
Electrochem r Socnts J Phillips and •63 others, bibliog J Agri & Food
New110:504-7 Je 03
outlets gang up on hydrochloric , , , . acid Chem 10:486-90 N '62
glut. F. Arne. il Chem Eng 70:76-8-1- O 28 Determination•63 of the true chloride content of
Oxidation-reduction potential (redox) study biological fiuids and tissues; analysis by
of the chlorination of pulp. B. L.. Shera. chlorine-36 isotone dilution. E. Cotlove.
diags Tappi 4G:sup
Photochlorinatlon 172A-7A
ot bromocyclopeniane O '63 and bibliog il Anal Chem 35:95-100 Ja "63
chlorocyclopentane. G. A. Russell and A. Manufacture
Ito. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2983-8 O 6 Higher demand sours chlorine expansions. 11
Photochlorinatlon of chlorocyelohexane and Chem & Eng
bromocyclohexane. G. A. Russell and Hooker to boostN British
41:33-3 Columbia
F 25 '63 chlorine
others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2988-91 output, il Can Chem Process 46:37-8 N '62
O 5 '63 halogen compounds: J intramolecular
. . , , Mercury cell for chlor-alkall. W. C. Gar-
chlorinalions with long chain hypochloriles. diner, il diags Chem Eng Prog 59:77-80 Ap
C. Walling and A. Padwa. bibliog Am Chem New outlets gang up on hydrochloric acid
Soc J 85:1597-601 Je 5 03 , , . , glut. F. Arne. 11 Chem EnK 70:76-8-1- O 28
Product mix data aid photochlonnation.
Chem & Eng N 41:52
Solvent effects in the reactions of tree radi- Mr 25 '6:! Plastic mist-ellmlnator for chlorine plant.
cals and atoms: the photochlorinatlon ot II Chem Eng 70:118 Ap 1 '63
aralkyl hydrocarbons. G. A. Russell, and Redesigned mercury cell yields more chlo-
others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2976-83 rine, diag Chem Eng 70:88-9 Mr 18 •eS
O See
5 '63al30 Titanium scrubber column pays off In chlorine
Rubber — Chlorination service. 11 Ind & Eng Chem 54:57 D '62
Sewage disposal — Chlorination Transportation
CHLORINATION ot water. See Water purifica- Chlorine-barge salvage achieves status of a
tion—Clilorination national emergency. E. J. Cleary. Pub
Ch In caustic scouring. H. G. ^Smolens. , diags Works
CHLORINE. 94:60-2 LiquidJa "63
Textile Ind 127:1154- S '63 1962 record, the Determination of nitrogen trichloride In liquid
ChemlcaJ process industries chlorine. T. De Vrles and others. Am Water
key to 1963: industrial gases and Inorganics. Works Assn J 54:858-60; 55:659-60 Jl '62.
11 'G3
Chem used
Chemicals Eng for 70:98-9
waterJa and 21 waste '63 My '63; Discussion. G. Opllnger. 55:660
ment. E. J. Laubusch. bibliog diagtreat- Pub
CHLORINE compounds
Works 94:114-21 My '63 Mv '63
Deodorized chlorinated cleansers.
J. V. Kara-
Chlorine Institute. 11 Pub Works 94:130-1 Ag blnos and A. T. Ballun. Soap & Chem Spec
Chlorine: Its manufacture, properties and 38:63-4-4- InD '62
Equilibria solutions of cyanuric acid and
uses. J, S. Sconce, ed. Review, by C. M- Its chlorinated derivatives. A. P. Brady
Tubb. 6hem & Ind p 1421-5 Ag 24 '63 and others, diag Am Chem Soc J 85:3101-4
Chlorine migration In epoxide-carbonyl re-
arrangement. R. N. McDonald and P. A. QasO 20
chrom.atography of the reduction products
Schwab, blblloe Am Chem Soc J 85:820-1 '63
of chlorinateil organic pesticides. H. F.
Mr 20 -63 and P. Berkenkotter. Anal Chem
Chlorine recovery method also purifies oxides.
R. D. Hamilton. Chem & En« N 41:104 CHLORINE
35:242-6 Fdioxide.
'63 See Chlorine oxides
Ap 15 '63
Chlorine reaeued from Mississippi bottom. 11 CHLORINE fluorides
Vapor- phase halogenatlon of benzene by
Chem & toEng N 40:28 N 5mill
'62 air. diag Can chlorine Irltluorlde. R. B. Banks and oth-
Chlorine cleanse kraft ers, bibliog diag Ind & Enjr Chem Proc
Chem Process 47:35-*- Mr '63 DesUtn 1:262-6 O '62

CHLORINE oxides , . ^buffered ^ ^ cnlorlne

Some reactions occurring In Carbonium ion rearrangements: the reaction
dioxide-wood pulp systems. J. C. Paulson. of C"-labeled
num chloride: t-amyl chlorides
biniolecular with alumi-
reactions. G. J.
bibiiog diau
Stabilized Tappl dioxide:
chlorine 45:933-6 Dioxcide.
D '62 , O.
I. ^ Karabatsos and others. Am Cliem Soc J
Lacy, ofbiblioc
Survey Pub inWorks
corrosion 94:91-3 MrK. '63
CIO2 systems. Itj. L. 85:733-7
Wheless. Tappi 46:sup 141A-4A Jl '63 Gas chromatography of trimethylsilyl deriva-
Manufacture tives of compounds related to chloram-
phenicol. P. U. Shaw, bibliog Anal Chem
Mill experience with the R-2 chlorine dioxide
process. J. W. Robinson, diae Tappi 46: CHLORONITROBENZENE
35:1580-2 O '63
120-3 F '63 Nucieophilic displacement
CHLORINS , ,, . . matic systems; the ortho :reactions
para ratioinIn aro-
Specific reactivity of chlorms toward an elec- reactions of nitrochlorobenzenes with pi-
trophilic attack on the methene bridges. peridine and with 1.4-diazabicyclo (2.2.2)
A. K. Pullman. Am Chem See J S5:3(i6-7 F octane. S. D. Ross and M. Finlcelstein. bib-
5 'G3 liog Am Chem Soc J 85:2603-7 S 5 '63
Cr-clilorite. crj-stal
B. E. structure
Brown andof S.a Analysis
W. Bailey. Am Mineralogist 48:42-61 bib- Gas chromatographic analysis of chlorophenol
lios-ipCO-l) Ja '63 mixtures. R. H. Koiloff and others, bibliog
CHLORITES , , . ^, ., Anal Chem 35:1651-4 O '63
Semi-quantitative analysis of chlorites by CHLOROPHYL
X-rav diffraction. K. Schoen. biblioK Am Chlorobium chlorophylls; nuclear magnetic
Mineraloeist 47:1384-92 N '62 resonance studies on a chlorobium pheo-
CHLOROANILINE , ^, „ ^, phorhide-6b0 and -650. J. W. Mathewson
Formation of a water-soluble. 3-chIoroanilme- and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:364-5
containinK substance in barban- treated
plants. J. R. Riden and T. R. Hopkins. Some observations related to the photoreduc-
biblioK J Asrri & Food Chem 10:455-8 N '62 tion
F 5 '63of chlorophyll. R. Livingston and P.
CHLOROBIUM J. McCartin. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:
Chlorobium chlorophylls: nuclear magnetic 1571-3 Je porphyrins 6 '63
resonance studies on a chlorobium pheo- Synthetic related to chlorobium
phorbide-6C0 and -650. chlorophylls. J. L. Archibald and others.
and others, biblio? Am J.Chem W. Mathewson
Soc J 85: Am Chem
Use of ion exchange resin Soc J 85:644 Mr for5 '63conversion,
3G4-5 F 5 '63
Non-chlorophyllous pigments of chlorobium separation, and determination of chloro-
thiosulfalophilum chlorobiumquinoiie. B. phylls as pheophytins. J. R. Wilson and
Frvdman and H. Rapoport. bibliog Am M. D. Nutting, bibliog Anal Chem 35:144-6
F '63
Synthetic Socporphyrins
Chem J S5:sa3-5 related
Mr 20 '63 to chlorobium CHLOROPLASTS
chlorophylls. J. L.. Archibald and others. Action of surface-active agents on chloro-
Am Chem Soc J 85:644 Mr 5 '63 plasts. T. Kondo and others, bibliog J Col-
CHLORODEMETHYLTETRACYCLINE. See loid Sci 18:3117-11 Ap '63
CH LORD ETHYLENE Poteniiai purine antagonists: synthesis of
See also chloroourines. A. G. Beaman and R K.
Trichloroethvlene Robins, bibliog J Ap Chem 12:432-7 O '62
Vinyl chloride CHLOROTETRACYCLINE. See Tetracycline
Production of aromatic polyfluoro compounds Substituent eftects in the solvolysis and thio-
from chiorofluofocyclohexanes. P. Johncock sulfate reactions of 3-, 4- and 3.5-substi-
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Ja 63 Biochemical and morphological obseri-atlons
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Ae '62 87 F '63
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of the effects ofmetabolism
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tion of crystalline choline chloride, K. M.
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cottonseed oil on cholesterol metabolism. T. ases, R, D, O'Brien, bibliog J Agri & Food
Kaneda and R. B. AJfln-Slater. bibliog Am Chem
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of dietary mining tlie distribution of organophos-
and without added cholesterol on plasma piiorus insecticides in soils, R, Bardner
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283-95 Mr 'C3 ■Witter, Archives Environmental Health 6:
Effects of cholesterol and cholic acid sup-
plements on rats fed low iodine diets, T, 537-63 analysis
Residue bibliog(p560-3) of phorate Ap '63by cholinesterase
MoKami and others, il J Nutrition 81:39-47 inhibition after oxidation, T, E. Archer and
S '03
Effects ot linoleate and dietary fat level on otliers, bibliog diag J Agri & Food Chem
plasma and liver cholesterol and vascular (b'ee alsoJa '63
lesions of the cholesterol-fed rat, D A, Anticholinesterase
Beeler and P W. Quackenbush. bibliog
J Nutrition 79:36u-4 Mr '63 CHORNYEI, Ernest J.
Bsterifled serum fatty acids in subjects eat- Head man at Bradford dyeing association,
ing hish and low cholesterol diets. K. F. pors Mod science Te.xtiles Mag 44:20-14- O '63
Scott and others, bibliog Am J Clinical CHRISTIAN
Nutrition Claim cases by Christian Scientists. I. H.
Novel mode13:82-91 Ag '63
of inhibition of cholesterol
biosynthesis, D, Dvomik and others, bibliog Rubenstein. bibliog Ind Med 31:410-13 S '62;
Ain Chem Soc J 85:3309 O 20 '03 Discussion. cards
CHRISTMAS D. John. 31:547-9 D '62
Pantothenic acid deficiency in cholesterol- fed How to design a Christmas card without real-
hamsters, N. L, Cohen and othei'S, bibliog ly trying, il Inland Ptr/Am Lithogr 150:54-
J Nutrition and
Phosphatides 80:142-4 Je '63 in the rat body;
effects of growth, diet and age. T. F. CHRISTMAS
5 N '62 gifts
Zucker and L, M, Zucker. bibliog J Nutri- Christmas package parade. II Drug & Cos-
tion 80:20-4 My '63
•63 dren withof niral Guatemalan Indian chil- CHRISTMAS metic Ind 91:290-1
lighting S '62
hvDocholesterolemia to increased Doorways to Christmas, il Ulum Bng 57:
crystalline cholesterol intake. J. MSndez 710-11 N '62
and others, bibliog J Nutrition 79:200-4 F CHRISTMAS tree decorations
Christmas tree snow sprayed with flock. Ind
Study of biological structure at the molecu- Finishing 39:102-3 N '62
lar level with stereomode! pi'ojections: the CHROMATES
lipids in the myelin
Vandenheuvel. shealh
bibliog il of nei-ve.
diags AmF. Oil
A. Cliromate coating is for coil finishing, il Steel
Chem Soc J 40:455-71 S '63 152:113+ coatings
Chromate Je 10 '63 for protecting nonferrous
Vitamin A and cholesterol absorption in the metal surfaces. W. E. Pocock. il Metal
chicken. B, E, March and J, Biely, bibliog
J Nutrition 79:474-8 Ap '63 Prog 84:100-4
Chromate dip best Jl '63for eooxy on aluminum.
See also C. Micillo and others. Materials in Design
Blood — Cholesterol content Eng 56:164-1-coating N '62
Conversion trolytic process. E. magnesium;
C. Groshart and non-elec-
J. B.
Determination of free and esterifled choles- Mohler, Metal Finishing
Surface protection with chromate coatings, 61:56-8 Ap '63
terol by a modified digitonin: anthrone
method, J, R, Goodman and others. Anal W, E, Pocock, il diags Metal Prog 83:83-7
Chem 35:760-3 My '63 Je '63 Analysis
Determination of total cholesterol in blood Rapid chelometric determination of chromate
serum with perchloric acid-phosphoric acid- as Crdlll-EDTA
ferric chloride reagent. T. Momose and ence of EDTA, A,reduction
Aikens inandthe C,pres- N.
others, bibliog Anal Chem 35:1751-3 O '63 lieilley. Anal Chem analysis 34:1707-9 D '62
Simplified spectrophotometric method for de- CHROMATOGRAPHIC
termination of total and esterified choles- Acid-treated florisil as an adsorbent for col-
terol with tomatine, T, C. Huang and
others, bibliog .-^nal Chem 35:1757-8 O '63 liogumnflowchromatography,
sheet il Am Oil K. K,ChemCarroll,
Soc J bib-
See also Activated
413-19 S '63cellulose for solution-adsorption
Blood — Cholesterol content chromatography, C, K, Miller and others,
CHOLESTERYL compounds bibliog Anal
Ac.vlated '63 Chem 35:93-5
cyclodextrins Ja '63
as stationary phases
(Jrikn- and ilow of li(iuid crystals: cholestcric for comparative gas liquid chromatography.
mcsopha,'^e, R, S, Porter and J, F. John- H. Schlenk and others, bibliog Anal Chem
CHOLIC son, acidbibliog J Ap Phys 34:55-9 Ja 'G3 34:1529-32 N '62
Mannich condensation of the methyl ester of Adapts cliromatographic analyzer to on-line
7-oxo-choHc acid. J. L,dz4r and otiiers. control, il diag Food Eng 35:135-6 My '63
Adsonition chromatogr.iphv
tatcs, H, Mima and N, Kitamori, of sucroFe
il Ampalml-
Chem & Ind p913 Je 1 '63
Biochemical and morphological observations Chem
Adsorption Soc ofJ 39:546
solutes D
at '62
the liquid-gas inter-
on choline-deflcient rats: effects of var- face as measured by gas cliromatography
ious levels of beef fat and cholesterol and and Gil>l>s equation. R. Ij. Martin, bibliog
of in.iections of .*^uifamcrazine and para- Anal Chem
thyroid hormone. P. M. Nowbcrne and W. Advances in gas35:116-17 Ja '63
chromatography: symposium,
D. Salmon, bibliog il J Nutrition 79:179- bibliog 11 diags Anal Chem 35:426-649 Ap
87 F '63 Aluminum plates for thin layer chromatog-
Compo.sltion of dietary fat and the accumu-
lation of liver lipid In the choline-deflcient raphy, F, Snyder, Anal ofChem 35:599 kernels,
Ap '63
rat. A. Iwamoto and others, Ijibliog J Nu- Amino acid composition s.afnower
trlllon 79:488-92 Ap '63 kernel iirotein, and hulls, and solubility of
Distribution of fatty acids between the of- kernel nitrogen, C, H, VanEtten and
and B- positions of egg phosphatidyl-choline, others, bibliog J Agri & Food Chem 11:137-
J, (;, Hawke, bibliog Chem & Ind p 1761 Amino ncid composition of some seeds. S, T...
O G '62
Effect of amino alcohols and methvl donors 9Randemcr
Mr '6:! and R, J, Evans, bibliog J
on liver fal of rats fed low-choilne diets Agri & of
Analvsis Foodalkyl Chem 11:131-7 Mr '63by micro
containing 2-amlno-2-methvlRropanol, W, J, dosulfonatlon and ar\'l gas sulfonates
chromatography, E,
Longmore and others, biblloe J Nutr tlon A. Sel-/.korn and A, B, Cnrel II diag Am
78:295-300 N '62 Oil Chem Soc J 40:57-9 F '63
CHROMATOGRAPHIC analysis — Continued ChroniaLograph and computer team up in
Aiialj-sis of ai'oniatic hydrocarbon :>ajuples by monitoring helium pipeline. M. C. Calla-
liquid clironiatograpliy with operalinff con- han and J. P. O'Donnell. il diags Oil &
ditions; analogous to those of sas chronia- Gas J 61:119-23 finds My 6ammonia '63
tograpliy. C. Karr, jr. and otliers. Anal Chromatograph water content.
Chera 35:1290-1
Analysis of Ci olefins Ae '63 by a combination of J. M. Walls. Oilanalysis
Chromatographic & Gas of J 61:108 Ag 19fatty
seed oils: '63
pas cIironiaLoffraphy and nuciear magnetic acid composition of castor oil. R. G.
resonance speclronietry. E, D. Archer and Binder and others, bibliog Am Oil Chem
others, ofbiblios
Analysis cis- trans Anal fatty
Chem acid35;13i;S)-73
isomers usingS '63 Soc J 39:513-17 behaviotu- D '62
Chromatographic of some disperse
gas-liquid chromatography. C. L*itchfield dyes and related compounds. C. D. Johnson
and oUiers. biblioK Am Oil Chem Soc J 40: and L. A. Telesz. bibliog Soc Dyers & Col J
•62 Jl of'(iS lipids and o.xidation products by
Analysis 78:496-502 O '63 determination of trace
partition chromatography: dimeric and amounts of polynuclear hydrocarbons in
polymeric products. A. H. Bernard and petrolatum, mineral oil, and coal tar. W.
H, E. Kost. Am Oil Chera Soc J 39:479 N Lijinsky and others, bibliog Anal Chem 35:
Analysis of peroxyacyl nitrates by gas 952-6 Jl '63
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chromatography with electron capture de- ganophosphate insecticides in the presence
tection. E. F. Darley and others, bibliog ol plant extracts. H. F. MacRae and W.
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Analysis of pesticide35:589-91 Ap '63
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tosraphy. u. F. Percival. Anal Chera 35: liog Anal Chem separation
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236-S F of'63 polyether and polyolefln polymers ion exchange resins: separation of peptides
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the volatile products resulting from con- Schroeder and others, bibliog diag Anal
trolled pyrolysis. B. W. Neumann and H. Chera 34:1570-5 Nseparation '62
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from total lipide extracts. R. Hernandez,
Analysis of separation factors applicable in jr. and L. R. Axelrod. Anal Chera 35:80-3
the gas-liquid chromatography of unsatu- Ja '63
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substrate. R. G. Ackman. bibliog Am Oil acid.s: abstract. L. Kesner. Chera & Eng N
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Nelson and ionisatlon
A. J. yl ethers on Magnesol. M. L. Woifrom and
Milun. Chem & Ind p 1722-3 S 29 '62 others, system
Closed bibliog gradient
Anal Chem 35:1357-9accommo-
instrument S '63
Application and theory of unidimensional
multiple chromatography. J. A. Thoma. dating volatile and nonvolatile buffers for
'63 column chromatography. M. A. Chase, di-
bibliog il diags Anal Chera 35:214-24 F '63
Applicationlytical oftoxicology.
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p 1968-71 Nof 17 gas
Application '62 chromatography to the „D. M. Sand, diag
Column chromatographic method for separa- Anal Chem 34:1676 N '62
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Comparison pitch 35:1535-6
resins S from'63 different
uum fusion analyses. J. A. Roff. diags
Chem & Ind p537-S Mr 30 '63 sources uid by combined pjT-olysis
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of vitamins E and K. to
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Complete Chera 35:1441-4
separation of aS '63 mixture of
iron(lll), cobaltllll. molybdenum CVI I . alu-
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etry and of gastime of flight mass tospectrom-
chromatography reaction chromatography. C. Michaelis and others.
studies. E. J. Levy and others, il diag Anal Anal Chem 34:1425-6 O '62
Chem 35:946-9 Jl '63 Complete separation of a mixture of zlr-
Applications of gas chromatograph.v to food conium(IV). copper(II). raolybdenuraCVI).
analysis: symposium abstracts. Chem & Ind titaniuradV). vanadiuin(IV) , and magne-
siuindl) bv ion exchange chroinatography.
p239 F 9 '63of pyrolysis-gas chromatography
Applications C, Michaelis and others, bibliog Anal Chera
'62 of dialkyl peroxides. S. Hy- 34:1764-6 D '02
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Better efhciency. greater detection sensi- 637-41 My '63
Composition of aramoniacal liquors; analysis
tivity, speed, in analysis. J. Q. "Walker, of the organic bases by gas chromatography,
flow diag
Brown front Oil & Gas chromatography.
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Calculation of relative molar response factors matographic effluents: application to the
of thermal conductivity detectors in gas analysis of labeled compounds, F. Cacace
chromatography. E. G. Hoffmann, bibliog and
52 S others,63 bibliog diag Anal Chem 35:1348-
Anal Chem 34:1216-22 S "62 Course ot a reaction in a chromatographic
Characterization of carboxylic acids in im- column E. M. Magee. bibliog Ind & Eng
polluted streams bv gas chromatography.
W. L. Lamar and D. F, Goerlitz. bibliog Chem Fundamentals 2:32-6 F '63
Am Water Works Assn J 55:797-802 Je '63 Cyclohexanedimethanol polyesters as station-
Charring conditions for the quantitative ary phases for gas chromatographic anal-
analysis of mono. di-. and triglycerides Chem °L35:1304
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'f?!?'^'.*^™','^^- W. R. Supina. Anal
by thin-layer chromatography. O. S.
Privett and M. L. Blank. Am Oil Chem ARhc -i'alues in the gas chromatog
Soc J 39:520 D '62 steroids. B A Knights and G. H. raphy
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for gas chromatography. J. J. Duffield and Detection and identification of alcohols
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S '62 IV^'"',? cliromatographv. K. F. Sporek and
Chromathermography. the application of mov- M. D. Danyi. Anal Chem 34:1527-9 N '62
ing thermal gradients to gas liqtiid partition Detection and identification of mercaptans
chromatography. R. W. Ohiine and D. D. by gas liquid chromatography K. F. Spo-
DeFord. bioliog diags Anal Chem 35:227-34 rek and M. D. Danyi. Anal Chem 35:956-8
F '63
"62 analysis — Continued Determination of total nitrogen by a com-
JJelecLlon and MualllUali\e eslliuaLiuii Of bined Dumas-gas chromatographic tech-
syiuhelic ori,'aiiic peslicides by cliroiimioera- nique. B. A. Stewart and oiliers. diag Anal
phv. K. T. Skrinde and olhers. bililioi; dia>^3 Chem 35:1331-2 Ac '63 ^ ,
Aril Water Works Assn J 51:1407-23 N Determination of toxic organic compounds In
admixture in the atmosphere by gas chro-
Detection of humectants in tobacco by thin matography. F. R. Cropper and S. Kamin-
layer chromatOKraphy. J. WriBht. bibliog sky. bibliog diags Anal Chem 35:735-43
Chem & Ind p 1125-6 Jl 6 63 ,. ,^ ■C3 . J My.
Deteciion of metal chelates in Eas liquia Determination of traces of organic acids in
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D. llosa. bibliofr Anal Chem 35;15U(;-8 O 63 of the total concentrate. V. M. Riddle, diags
Determent component analysis: (ras chro- Anal Chem 35:853-9 Je '63 , ,
matosraphy yields accurate, full data, i^^ ^■ Determination of trialkylphosphines and their
Kaelble. bibliog Soap & Chem Spec 39: oxidation products by gas liquid chroma-
5C-H+ O '03 tography. R. Feinland and olhers. Anal
Determination of alkanes and^ cycIoalkane3 , „
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A. Q. byPolgar
Ci cap-
identification of amino acids on paper chro-
and others, bibliog diag Anal Chem 34:1226- matograms. R. Circo and B. A. Freeman.
34 S '62
Determination of benzoic acid .^ , ,.. ,,
in phthallc Anal Chem vapour
Differential 35:262-3 absorption F '63 and moving
anhydride by gas liquid chromatography. bed chromatography. B. J. Bradley and
C. HI. Muore and S. Meinstein. Anal Chem P. F. Tiley. diag Chem & Ind p743-4 My
34:1503-4 O '62
Determination of benzyl chloroformate ,, ., . ^by gas 4 '63
Direct determination of organic constituents
chromatosraphv of its amide; extension of of natural waters by flame ionization gas
the principle to other acid chlorides. C. chromatography. C. M. Weiss and others,
Hishta and J. Bomstein. Anal Chem 35:65-7 bibliog
O '63 Am Water Works Assn ,J ,55:1367-79
Ja '63
Determination of botanical and , geographical., ,
Direct gas chromatographic analysis as an
origin of spearmint oils by gas chro- obiective method of flavor measurement. W.
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Smith and others, bibliog J Agri & Food Tech 16:107-9 N '62 ...
Chem 11:268-76 My '63 In hydrogen peroxide Direct gas chromatographic analysis of lone
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bv combustion: gas chromatography. F. M. D. Metcalfe, bibliog Am Oil Chem Soc J
Nelson and S. Groennings. bibliog diags
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liquid chromatography. L. T. Black and
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diags 1196-8 S removal
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Detennination 34:483-5. 1509 constants
of equilibrium An. O '62 of Effective
meticallv-sealed containers, of eas samples diag from
Food her-
silver-olefin complexes using gas chroma-
tography. M. A. Muhs and F. T. Weiss, 35:103 Jeafflnitv
Electron '63 detector in pesticide residue
bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:4697-705 D 20 analysis. W H. Gutenmann and D. J. Lisk.
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Determination of hydrogen cyanide and cyan- Electron afHnity detector used with chro-
ogen by gas chromatograpny. R. E. Isbell. matograph in pesticide analysis. Chem &
Anal Chem 35:255-6 F '63 Eng N 41:38 Ag 12 '63
Determination of methyl anthranilate in Elution behavior of naturally occurring nin-
grape juice bv electron affinity: gas chro- hvdr in-positive compounds during ion ex-
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Determination of minute quantities of nitro- 1551-6 Nchromatography
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Determination 11:14-19 Ja '63
finite dilutionof bypartition
the gas coefficients
chromatographic at in-
Estimation andeffect correction of post-column
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Anal A. Vandenheuvel. bibliog Ansa Chem 35:
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Determination of partition coefficients by gas 1193-8 Ag of'63liquid mass transfer coefnclents
liquid chromatocrraphv. P. E. Barker and in gas chromatography. R. H. Perrett and
D. I. TJovd. bibliog diag Inst Pet J 49: J. H. Purnell. Anal Chem 34:1336-7 S '62
73-SO Mr '63 Evaluation of several Integrators for use In
Determination gas chromatography. D. T. Sawyer and J.
crocoulometrlc of gas pe.sticides In water by after
chromatography mi-
K. Barr. bibliog Anal Chem 34:1213-16 S '62
liquid-liquid extraction J. 1. Teasley and Evaluation of support materials for use In
w. S Cox bibliog Am Water Works Assn J gas chromatography. D. T. Sawyer and
65:1093-6 Ag '63 J. K. Barr. bibliog Anal Chem 34:1518-20
Determination of pyi-ethrina; N '62
od. S. W. Head, bibliog Soapimproved & Chem meth- Spec Evidence on the nature of eddy diffusion
39:97-t- O '63 in gas chromatography from inert (non-
Determination of residual monomer In poly- sorbing) column data. J. C. Glddlngs. bib-
mer emulsions by rapid distillation and gas liog Anal Chem 35:1338-41 ofS '63
chromatography. O. Tweet and W. K. Examination of distribution substituents
Miller. Anal Chem 35:852-3 Je '63 In partially methylated cellulose bv gas
Determination of sorbitol as Its hexacetate liquid partition chromatography. W. B.
by gas liquid chromatography tislng an Neply and others, bibliog Anal Chem 34:
Ionization detector. J. A. Hause and
others, bibliog Anal Chem 34:1567-70 N '62 1423-5 O '62of unsaturated glycerlde oils by
DelPrmlnallon of the carbon skeleton and pas Rvbicka.
chromatography. I>, A. O'Neill
other structural features of organic com- Sf. bibliog Chem & Ind andp390-2S,
pounds bv gas chromatography. M. Beroza
and n. Sarmiento. bibliog dlag Anal Chem Extension
35:1353-7 S '63of the chemical Mr 9 '63forof gas
ptr.ite the liquid
use ofchromatography.
lanolin as a sub-P.
Determination stnicture of J. Porcaro and 'V. D. Johnston. Anal Chem
microgram amounts of organic compounds
gas chromatography. M. Beroza. dlag Anal 34:1815-6
Fast qualitativeD '62 and quantitative microanal-
Chem 34:1801-11 D '62 ysis of plastlclzers in plastics by gas liquid
Determination of tobacco humectants bv gas chromatography. J. Zulaica and Q.
liquid chromatography. R. V Friedman Oulochon. biblto«r dla« Anal Chem 36:1724-8
and W. J. Riiab. Anal Chem 3S:67-9 Ja '63 O '63
CHROMATOGRAPHIC analysis — Continued Gas chromatography of food volatiles, an
Fasier chroma lOb'iaphic analyses. K D. improved collection s>'stem. 1. Hornstein
Koons and J. y. Walker. H.vdrocarbon and P. F. Crowe, diags Anal Chem 34:1354-
Process & Pet Refiner 42:133-5 Ap '63 Gas chromatography of organic peroxides. S.
Fatly acids of lard; idenliflcaiion by eas- 6W.S Bukata
'62 and others, bibliog Anal Cliem
liquid chroraatOKraphy. S. F. Herb and
others. biblio« Ara Oil Chem Soc J 40:83-5 35:SS5-G Je '63
Gas chromatography of polar compounds of
Fatty '03
Mr acids of lard: quantitative estimation by low volatility. C. Hishta and J. Bomstein.
silicic acid and Kas-liquid chroniaLOirraphy. Anal Chem 35:924-7 Je '63
P. Magidman and others, biblios Ara Oil Gas chromatography of pyrol.vtic products of
Chem Soc J 4U:SG-S Mr adsorbent
'C3 purines and pyrimidines. E. C. Jennings,
Fibrillar boehmite; a new for gas jr. and K. P. Dimick. bibliog diags Anal
solid chromatoRraphy. J. J. Kirkland. bib- Chemchromatography
34:1543-7 N '62of the antihistamines.
lios: Anal Chem 35:1295-7 As 63 Gas
Flame response in the quantitative deter- C. R. Fontan and others. Anal Chem 35:
mination of hish molecular weitcht paraf-
fins and alcohols by gas chroiiiaioeraphy. Gas591 chromatography
Ap '63 derivatives of the n-butyl-.W-tri-
G. Perkins, jr. and others, bibliog Anal fluoroacetyl of amino acids. C.
Chem 35:360-2 Zomzely and others, bibliog Anal Chem 34:
Functional group Mranalysis '63 in gas chromatog- 1414-1? O 62
raphy; treatment of vapors with selective Gas chromatography of the reduction prod-
reagents. J. E. Hoff and E. D. Feit. bib- ucts of chlorinated organic pesticides. H.
liog Anal Chem 35:1298-9 Ag '63 F. Beckman and P. Berkenkotter. Anal
Gas analyzer, il I analysis S A J 10:314- of soap Ap skim-
'63 Chem 35:242-6 F '63of trimethylsilyl deriva-
mings. E. Abrams. il diag Tapoi 46:sup Gas chromatography
tives of compounds related to chlorampheni-
136A-9A F '63
Gas chromatographic O 63col. P. D. Shaw, bibliog Anal Chem 35:1580-2
lutions. R. -A.. Baker,analysis bibliog ofdiag aqueous
Gas chromatography separates sugars. C. C.
Res cliromatographic
& Stand 2:9S3-S Danalysis '62 of__ ^Ci to Ci Sweeley and others, il Chem & Eng N 41:
Gas 42-4chromatography
S 9 '63
hydrocarbons in the parts per million range Gas studies on kraft mill
in air and in vaporized liquid oxygen. deposits. E. Abrams and M. Markowitz. 11
C. J. Kuley. bibliog diag Anal Chem 35: diag Tappi 45:sup 171A-7A O '62
Gas1472-5 S '63
chiomatographic analysis of.,,,,, chlorophenol Gas-density
A. G. Nerheim. detector bibliog for gasdiagschromatography.
Anal Chem
mixtures. R. H. Kolloff and others, bibliog
Chem 35:1651-4 analysis O '63 35:1640-4 Ochromatography
Gas-liquid '63 applied to the
Gas of head space analysis of oils and fats. T. D. Heyes.
gas of dilute aqueous solutions. R. Bas- bibliog Chem & Ind p660-5 Ap 27 '63
sette and others, bibliog Anal Chem 34: Gas-liquid chromatography in the analysis
of herbicides: abstract and discussion. P.
Gas1540-3 N '62
chromatographic analysis of 17-hydroxy- Sheffield. Chem & Ind p396-7 Mr 9 '63
corticosteroids by means of their bismethyl- Gas-liquid chromatography of an anthracene
enedioxy derivatives. M. A. Kirschner and oil. F. J. Pinchin and B. Pritchard. Chera
H. M. Fales. bibliog Anal Chem 34:1548-51 & Ind n 17R3-4 O 6 '62
N '62 Gas-liquid chromatography of aporphine alka-
Gas chromatographic analysis of liquids con- loids. R. R. Arndt and others, bibliog Chera
taining nonvolatile viscous materials. L. J. & Ind p 1163-5 Jl 13 '63
Myers, diasr Anal Chem 35:119-20 Ja '63 Gas liquid chromatography of phenanthrenes;
Gas chromatographic analysis of polylethyl- use in identification of the components of
ene ethyl acrylate) and polylethylene vinyl mi.Ktures of alkyl phenanthrenes. A. J. Solo
acetate) pyrolyzates. E. M. Barrall. 2d and and S. W. Pelletier. bibliog Anal Chem 35:
others, biblios Anal anaUsis
Gas-chromato;.:raphiC Chem 35:73-6
of the Ja wax '63com- 1584-7 O '63
Gas-liquid chromatography of trimethylsilyl
ponents of montan wax. 'V. Wollrab and derivatives of sugars and related sub-
others, bibliog Chem & Ind D 1762 O 6 '62 stances. C. C. Sweelev and others bibliog
Gas chromatographic behavior of C1-C4 sat- Am Chera Soc J 85:2497-507 Ag 20 '63
urated alcohols and water on polyethylene
glycol substrate; effect of solid support Gas solid elution chromatography with
treatment. P. Urone and R. L,. Pecsok. graphitized carbon black. C. G. Pope, bib-
bibliog Anal Chem determination
35:837-41 Je of '63 ethyl liog Anal Chem 35:654-8 My '63
Gas chromatographic Gel permeation analyzes polymers. II Chem
alcohol in blood for medicolegal purposes; & Eng N 40:43-4 D 17 '62
separation of other volatiles from blood or Gramicidin A; determination of composition
aqueous solution. K. D. Parker and others. and amino acid configuration bv enzymatic
Anal Chem 34:1234-6 S '62 and gas chromatographic methods. S. I. Ishil
Gas chromatographic determination of form- and B. Witkop. bibliog Am Chem Soc J
aldehyde in solution and high purity gas.
K. J. Bombaugh and W. C. Bull. Anal Chera 85:1832-4 Je 20 '63
Group analysis in process chromatography.
chromatographic S '62 determination of free R. Villalobos and G. S. Turner, bibliog
toluene diisocvanate in adducts with tri- diags I S A J 10:67-70 My '63
methylolpropane. N. R. Neubauer and High-pressure phase-equilibrium studies by
others, bibliog Anal Chem 35:1647-9 O '63 gas-liquid partition chromatography. F I.
Gas chromatographic determination Stalkiip and R. Koijayashi. bibliog diag
gen in refractorv materials. R. J.of Hynek
A I Ch E J 9:121-8 Ja '63
and J. A. Nelen. diags Anal Chem 35:1655-7 Horizontal chromatography accelerating ap-
O '63 paratus: separation of dyes and indicators.
Gas chromatographic determination of traces J. F. Herndon and others, bibliog diag Anal
of ethanol in methanol. K. J. Bombaugh
and W. E. Thomason. Anal Chem 35:1452-4 How they controlF superfractionation.
Chem 35:238-40 '63 L. B.
GasS '63
chromatographic response as a function Phillips, il diag Hydrocarbon Process &
of sample input profile. C. N. Reilley and Pet Refiner 42:159-60 Je '63
others, bibliog diags Anal Chem 34:1198- Identification and determination of plasti-
213 chromatographic
S '62 cizers in lacquers by programmed tem-
Gas separation and infrared perature gas chromatography. G. G. Espo-
spectra of cis- and Jrans-l-cyanobuta-1.3- sito. Anal Chem 35:1439-41 S '63
diene. J. G. Grasselli and others, bibliog Identification and origin determinations of
Chem & Ind p 162-3 Ja 26 '63 cannabis by gas and paper chromatography.
Gas chromatographic technique for determi- T. W. M. Davis and others, bibliog Anal
nation of hydridic and active hydrogen in Chem 35:751-5 My '63
organic materials; microanalysis of borane Identification of 3.5-dinitro-o-toIuamide
compounds and alcohols. I. Lvsvj and R. C. (Zoalene) and possible metabolites by
Greenough. bibliog diag Anal Chem 35:1657-9 paper chromatography. G. N. Smith and
O '63 others, bibliog J Agri & Food Chem 11:
Gas chromatography. G. Gjerstad. bibliog diaj; 251-3 My '63
Am Perfumer 77:19-22 N '62 Identification of 3.4-methylenedloxyohenyl
Gas chromatography: an experimental study synergists by thin-layer chromatography.
of air peaks. R. Kieselbach. bibliog diags M. Beroza. bibliog J Agri & Food Chera
Anal Chem 35:1342-5 S '63 11:51-4 Ja '63
Gas chromatography: new equipment and Identification of peaks In gas-llquld chroma-
new uses. R. P. W. Scott, bibliog dIaKs tography. T. K. Miwa. bibliog Am Oil Chem
Alanuf Chem 34:55-9-1- F '63 Soc J^40:309-13 Jl '63
CHROMATOGRAPHIC analysis — Continued, Paper chromatographic analysis of terpene
Idontiflcation of triisobutyleiie and tetraiso- alcohols as their o-nitrophenyl- and P-
butylene isomers by a combination of Baa phenylazophenylurethan derivatives. J, A.
chromatogra phy and nuclear magnetic res- Attaway and others, il Anal Chem 35:234-6
onance tcclmiques. S. A. Francis and E. U. F '63
Archer, bihliot; Anal Chem 35:13liJ-8 S onbi Paper chromatographic identification of car-
Inhibitors of carbon disulfide decomposiU bonyl compounds as their 2,4-dinitrophenyi-
of fumih'ant hydrazones in automobile exhaust, E. D
vapors. W. K.cliromatosra
sas Whitney, phy biblioff diass J Barbor and J. P. Lodge, jr, bibliog Anal
'63 Chem 35:348-50 Mr '63
Agri & lFoodgas Chem
Internationa chromatography N symposiurn.
10:470-C Paper chromatographic
tion and determination method for identifica-
of heavy fuel and
4th Hamburg. Anal Chem 34;sup 77A-82A S aged cracked gas oil in straight-run gas
Introduction to the principles and technique oil. S. Bentur and others. 11 Inst Pet J 49:
of gas chromatography.^ G.„„E. Howard 146-9 My
Paper '63
chromatography application to the
bibliog temperature
Inverse diags Chem & Drogiamming Ind pG22-8 Ap in 20 gas '63 identification of antl-oxidants in synthetic
chromatography. T. O. Ticrnan and J. H. aviation turbine oil formulation.s. R. B,
Futrell. Anal Chem 34:1838-9 D ■fi2 Delves, bibliog Inst Pet J 48:283-6; Dis-
Ion exclusion; effects of gaseous phase, col- cussion. 2S7-9 R '63 . ,
umn shape, density gradients, and feed Paper chromatography of Iron (II) and Iron
concentration. R. N. Sargent, bibliog Ind c& (III). M. Qureshi and I. Akhtar. Anal Chem
Ionization Chem cross-sectionProc Design detector as Ap a '63
2:89-93 ref- 34:1341-2
Paper S '62
chromatography of several classes of
erence standard in quantitative analysis compounds; correlated Rt values in a vari-
by gas chromatography. P. G. Simmonds ety of solvent systems. K. Fink and oth-
and J. E. Lovelock, bibliog diag Anal Chem ers.chromatography
Anal Chem 35:389-98 Mr '63
35:1345-8 S '63 of. ^beef. ,brain, . ,_beef, ,•liver, Paper
trobenzenes. D. M. Colman. of substituted
Anal Chemtrini- 35:
Lipid composition
and the sea anemone; two approaches to Partition
quantitative fractionation of complex lipid 652-4 .Mvsampler ■«:( for vapor analysis by gas
mixtures. G. Rouser and others, bibliog chromatography. E. R. Colson. Anal Chem
il diagschromatographic
Liquid Am Oil Chem Socseparations .1 40:425-54 using S '63 35:1111-12
Peanut '62Jl '63
lipoprotein: analysis in foods by gas
rubber as the stationary phase. P. I. chromatography. R. Suflis and others, bib-
Brewer, bibliog diag Inst Pet J 48:277-82: liog Food Tech 17:657-9 My '63 for simul-
Liquid chromatographic 287-9 S '62 separations using Performance of an instrument
rubber as the stationary phase. P. I. taneous gas chromatographic and radio-
activity analvsis. D. C. Nelson and others,
Brewer. Rubber Chem & Tech 36:310-12 bibliog flow diag diag Anal Chem 35:1575-9
Ja '63
Measurement and use of substrate and parti- Poly
O '63conversions can be found using only
tion liquid selectivities in gas chromatog- chromatograph results. P. N. Malherbe.
raphy. E. D. Smith and J. L. Johnson, bib- diag Hydrocarbon Process & Pet Refiner 42:
Metalsliog analyzed
Anal Chem 35:1204-7 by gas Agchromatography.
'63 Polvphenyl
196+ Jl '63ether and carbowax mixture as
R E. Sievers and others. Chem & Eng N ."iubstr.ate for gas liquid chromatographic
41:41 Jlfor1 '03 analvsis of glycol mixtures. I. Ghanayem
Method the introduction of unstable, solid and W. B. Swann. Anal Chem 34:1847-8 D
metallic chlorides onto gas chromotography
columns. C. P. Ellis, diag Anal Chem 35: Porous glass as an adsorption medium for
1327-8 Ag '03 , ^ gas chromatography. H, L. MacDonnell and
2-Methylalkanoic acids as internal standards others, bibliog Anal Chem
in gas liquid chromatographic assay of fatty Preparation of highly purified35:1253-5
fattv Agacids
acids. B. A. Napier, jr. Anal Chem 35: via liquid-liquid partition cliromatography.
O. S. Privett and E. C. Nickell. bibliog 11
1294-5 Ag '63 ,.,„,=. Am Oil Chem Soc J esters40:189-93for My
Beckmah and byD. gas chromatography.
Q. Cro.sby. H. 1*.
bibliog il (cover) Prep.aration of methyl gas '63
chromatography of acids by pyrolysis of
diags Food
Microdeterminatlon Tech of17:1214-8 sulfur by O hydrogena-
'63, tetramethvKammonium salts. E. W. Robb
tion and gas chromatography. I. Okuno and J. J. Westbrook, 3d. bibliog Anal Chem
and others, diag Anal Chem 34:1427-31 O 62 ,'!5:1644-7 O '63
Microgram amounts of carbon determined in Preparation of thin-fllm gas chromatographic
sodium. T. G. Mungall and others, diag coltimns with polyvinylpyrrolidone-inacti-
Eng N 41:53identification S 23 '63 vated supports. W. J. A. Vanden Heuvel
Microscale of several sugar and others. Anal Chem 35:1745-6 O '63
phosphates by paper chromatography and Preparative scale separation of dlastereoiso-
electrophoresis. R. Piras and E. Cabib. mers by gas-liciuid chromatography. R.
bibliog diag Anal Chem 35:755-60 My '63 !=:tern and others, bibliog Chem & Ind
Mobile phase effects in packed liquid chro-
matography columns. S, M. Gordon and p 1758-9 plates O 6 '62 offer variety of chromato-
others, bibliog Anal Chem 35:1537-9 S 03 Prepared
Nature of gas phase mass transfer In gas graphic coatings. Chem & Eng N 41:62 Jl
chromatography. J. C. Giddings. bibliog 11
diags Prevention of peak tailing in the direct ga.s
■62 Anal
Needed? smelling Chem machines: 34:1186-92 gas S '62 chroinalog- chromatographic
22 '63 analysis of barbiturates.
raphy may provide the way to objective E. W. Cieplinskl. bibliog Anal Chem 35:
odor analysis in perfumery. P. W. Sher- 256-7 F '63
wood, Drug & Cosmetic Ind 91:565-6-^ N Programmed cryogenic temperature gas chro-
Now adsorbents for gas chromatography. matography applied to the separation of
L B. Rogers and A. G. Altenau. bibliog (■onu>lex mixtures. C. Merritt. jr. and J, T.
W.alsh. bibliog diag Anal Chem 35:110-13
Anal Chem 35:915-16 Je '63
New and efhcicnt liquid phase for gas Purification of r.adioactive organic com-
liquid chromatography of oxygenated sub- Ja '6:! pounds: a noncontaminating gas liquid
stances. P. Urone and R, J. Katnik, Anal chromatographic system M. Ij. Whlsman
Chem 35:7G7-S My '63 and B H. Eecleston. bibliog diags Anal
New catalyst improves C-skoleton detection. Chem 35:1333-4 Ag '63
M. Beroza. Chem & Eng N 41:54 S 23 63 Purification of vitamin A by partition chro-
New portable analyzer solves process prob- matography In the analysis of pharma-
lems. 1>. W. Reed, il Oil & Gas J Cl;C8-9 cpiilicals and margarine. T. K. Murray,
Ja 21 '63
Observations on the effects of temperalure, bibliog Anal Chem 34:1241-4 S '62
Pyriditie as ,a reagent for detection of acids
support, and amount of purlitioning liquid on
In gas chromatography. J. W. Ashley and M. pnj>or
W. Taylor,chromatogii'ams. bibliog AnalJ. Cerbulls
Chem and
others, bibliog Anal Chem 34:1537-40 N '62
Operation of the quantll.atlve and qualitative Pyrolysis-. gas chrom.atographic technique;
Ionization detector and its application for effect
Ja '63tion ofof polymers.
temperature on thernial_ degrada-
gas chromatographic studies. P. F. Vnradl K, Ettre and P, V. V&-
and K. Eltnv bibliog diags Anal Chem radi. bibliog diags Anal Chem 35:69-73
34:1417-22 O '62
Organic pollutant analysis by gas chroma- Quantitative analysis of 1-oleflns by pro-
tography. O. J. Siiroul and others, bibliog Ja '63 grammed temperature gas chromatography.
II diag Water & Sewage Works !I0:R2S9- R, W. Poo and E, F. Kaelble, Am Oil
95 O 31 -63 Chem Soc J 40:347-* Ac '63
CHROMATOGRAPHIC analysis — Continued Sample injector for ion exchange chromatog-
Quantitative analysis ol sliort chain fatty raphy and flow cell for continuous photom-
acids usinsr eas liquid chromatoKi-aphy. B. eti-y at 210 millimicrons. A. M. Crestfleld.
M. Craie' and others, bibliojj Am Oil Chera bibliog diags Anal Chem 35:1762-3 O '63
Soc J
Quantitative 40:Gl-3 F
analysis 'G3 of submicroffram Semimicrodetermination
equilibrium. I. Wichterle of and vappr-liquid
E. Hdla.
amounts of high boiline compounds by diags Ind & Eng Chem Fundamentals 2:
flame ionization g-as liquid chromatography. 155-7 My '63
F. A. Vandenheuvel. bibliog diags Anal Separation and determination of mono-, di-.
Chem 35:1186-92 Ag '63 and tripentaerythritol by programmed tem-
Quantitative analysis perature gas chromatography. D. S.
tures by thin layer of chromatography
triglyceride mix-on Wiersma and others. Anal Chem 34:1533-5
silica impregnated with silver nitrate. C. B. N '62
Barrett and others, bibliog il Am Oil Chem Separation and identification of plasticizer
Soc J 40:580-4 O '63 of , ,, . mixtures by
analysis. W. chromatographicJ. Criddle. Brit andPlastics infra-red 36:
Quantitative determination heptachlor in
pesticide formulations by gas chromatog- 242-5 My '63
raphy. H. J. Wesselman and J. R. Koons. Separation and identification of some sym-
J Agri & Fooddetermination Chem 11:173-4of Sirindividual '63 pathomimetic amines by gas chromatog-
Quantitative graphy. K. D. Parker and others. Anal
CibOj and CmOa urinary 17-ketosteroids by Chem 34:1345-6 S '62 metal ions from mix-
gas chromatography. M. Sparagana and Separation of certain
others, bibliogdetermination Anal Chem 35:1231-8 Ag '63 in tures by electroohromatography. J. Sherma
Quantitative of phenol and others, bibliog Anal Chem 35:224-7
cigarette smoke. A. W. Spears. Anal Chem
35:320-2 Mr '63 F '63
Separation of chlorinated insecticides and
Quantitative gas liquid chromatographic anal- related compounds. J. Robinson and A.
ysis of butterfat triglycerides. A, Kuksis Richardson, bibliog Chem & Ind p 14G0-2
and others, bibliog Am Oil Chem Soc J
40:530-5 O '63 Separation
Ag 31 '63 oftography diethylbenzenes by gas chroma-
Quantitative gas ,.hquid .^ i.
chromatographic using packed columns. C. A.
estimation of volatile fatty acids in aqueous Blake, jr. Anal Chera 35:1759-60 O '63
media. R. G. Aekman and R. D. Burgher, .Separation of glycerides by liquid-liquid
bibliog Analgas Chem 35:647-52 My '63 column partition chromatography. B. C.
Quantitative liquid chromatography of Black and E. G. Hammond, bibliog diags
thiocresols and thioxylenols as acetate Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:575-9 O '63
esters. P. P. Croitoru and R. W. Freed- Separation of iron by reversed-phase chro-
man. Anal Chem 34:1536-7 matography. J. S. Fritz and C. B. Hedrick.
Quantitative preparation of N methyl '62 esters bibliog Anal Chem 34:1411-14 O '62
of fatty acids for gas chromatography. Separation of lower aliphatic amines by gas
C W Gehrke and D. F. Goerlitz. Anal chromatography. T. L. Sze and others,
Chem 35:76-80separations
Quantitative Ja '63 of , ,higher
. , ,ratty
,^ bibliog Analof Chem
Separation menthone-menthol 35:240-2 F '63stereoiso-
acid methyl esters by adsorption chro- mers by gas liquid chromatography. W. J.
matography on silica impregnated with Houlihan. ofAnal Chemand 34:1S46
silver nitrate. B. De Vries. bibliog Am Oil Separation oxygen nitrogenD by '62 packed
Chem Soc J study 40:154-0of My column ture. H.chromatography at room Analtempera-
Qviantitative gas '63chromatographic T. Rein and others. Chem
analvsis of head space gas of dilute aqueous
solutions S. Ozeris and R. Bassette. Anal 35:1536 S of
Separation '63 some alkaloids, steroids, and
Chem 35:1091 thin Jl '63 layer chromatography: synthetic compounds by thin-layer chro-
Quantitative matography. B. P. Korzun and others, bib-
technique and application to assay of liog 11 diag Anal Chem 35:950-2 Jl '63
a steroid; 6-chloro-17a-hydroxypregna-4,6- Separation of some low molecular weight
diene-3.20-dione acetate. H. L,. Bird, jr liuorocarbons by gas chromatography. S. A.
and others, bibliog Anal Chem 35:346-7 Greene and F. M. Wachi. Anal Chem 35:
Mr '63 ^ . . ., , 928-9 Je '63of sulfoxides by gas chromatog-
Quick disconnect fittingand for C.gasRosa, chromato- Separation
graphs. P. Pantages diags raphy. V. B. Gates and C. E. Meloan. bib-
Hydrocarbon Process & Pet Refiner 42:192+ liog Anal Chem
Ap '63 . „ ^ Separation of the 35:658-60 My '63
Radioisotopic assay for neomycins B, C. andJ ones of dicarbonyl and other polar com-
neamine. D. G. Kaiser, bibliog Anal Chem pounds by liquid-liquid partition chromatog-
35:552-4 Ap '63 raphy. E. A. Corbin. Anal Chem 34:1244-7
Rapid combustion method for nitrogen de- Separation
S '62 of the methyl esters of oleic,
termination utilizing gas chromatography. linoleic. and linolenic acids by column
M L. Parsons and others, diags Anal Chem
35:842-4 Je '63 chromatography using cation exchange re-
sin containing silver ion. C. F. Wurster.
Rapid determination of 4(2,4-DB) and a jr. and others, bibliog Am Oil Chem Soc J
metabolite. 2,4-D. in treated forage by
electron affinitv spectroscopy. W. H. Guten- 40:513-14 Oof '63the methyl
Separation esters of resin
mann and D. J. Lisk. J Agri & Food Chem acids by gas liquid chromatography. F. H.
11:304-6 J! '63 M, Nestler and D, F. Zinkel. bibliog Anal
Rapid gas chromatographic method for Chem 35:1747-9 O '63
screening of toxicological extracts for al- Separation of titanium from rare earths,
kaloids, barbiturates, .sympathomimetic am- beryllium, niobium, iron, aluminum, tho-
ines, and tranquilizers. K. D. Parker and rium, magnesium, manganese, and other
others, bibliog diag Anal Chem 35:356-9 elements by cation exchange chromatog-
Mr '63 raphy F. W. E. Strelow. bibliog Anal Chem
Rapid mass spectrometric-gas chromato- 35:1279-82 ofAg triterpene
Sep-aration '63 alcohols by vapour
graphic analysis of nonoleflnic naphthas. V- phase chromatography. P. Capella and
A. Cirillo and others, diags Anal Chera 34:
1353-4 S '62 others. Chem & Ind p 1590-1 S 28 '63
Rapid paper chromatographic analysis of Septum bleeding in flarae ionization pro-
phosphate mixtures. R. J. Fuchs and F. W. grammed
tography. R. H.temperature, Kolloft.gas Anal liquid Chera chroma- 34:
Czech. Anal Chem 35:769-70 My '63
Rapid scanning of radioactive thin layer 1840-1 Ddevice
Simple '62 for removing gas samples
chromatograms. J. Rosenberg and M. Bol- from hermetically sealed containers for
gar. diag Anal Chem 35:1559-60 S '63 gas-solid chromatography. Y. Tonezawa
Rapid and G. W. Kurtz, diag Food Tech 17:500
zene separation
by gas chromatography of xylenes andusingethylben- packed
columns. S. F. Spencer. Anal Chera 35:592 Simplified
Ap '63 chromatographic method for sepa-
Ap '63 ration and identification of mixed lead
Resolution of complex hydrocarbon mixtures alkyls in gasoline. W. W. Parker and
by capillary column gas liquid chromatog- R. L. Hudson, diag Anal Chera 35:1334-5
portion of petroleum. composition of the 28°
R. D. Schwartz to 114° and C.
D. J. Brasseaux. bibliog diags Anal Chem Simultaneous
Ag '63 carbon-hvdrogen-nitrogen de-
termination by gas chromatography. C F.
35:1374-82 S '63 Nightingale and J. M. Walker, diag Anal
Reversed-phase partition chromatography on Chem 34:1435-7 O '62
microporous polymeric supports. W. A, Simultaneous determination of carbon and
Winsten. Anal Chem 34:1334-5 S '62 sulfur in organic compounds by gas chro-
Saltlng-out chromatography separates ABS. matography. D. R. Beuerman and C. E.
Chem & Eng N 41:42 Mr 18 '63 Meloan. Anal Chem 34:1671-2 N '62
CHROMATOGRAPHIC analysis— Continued Useful solvent system for the separation of
Simultaneous determlnaiiun of oxynen ana amino acids '62 by paper chromatography.
nitrogen in steels by a d.c. carbon-arc. J. G. Ilealhcote and K. J. Washington, il
fras chromatOKraphlc technique. F. M. Evens Chem of & gas-Ind liquidp9U9-lUchromatography
Je 1 '63
aTid V. A. Fassel. blbliog dlags Anal Chem Uses In the
35:1444-8 S 'e:! field of drying oils and oleoresinous media;
Sludse Bas analysis usinK cas chromatoe- abstract and discussion. J. H. Greaves.
raphy. W. N, Grune and C. V. Chueh. blb- Chem & Ind p473 Mr 23 63 „
lloB diass Water & Sewaee Works 10D:4r;8- Vacuum output gas chromatography. P. F.
73: 110:43-8. 77-81. 102-7. 127-9. 171-4. 220-4. Vdradi and K. Etlre. diags Anal Chem
254-6 D for•C2-J1the '63
Solvents ,
paper chromatoeraphy ^ oi. 35:410-12components
Volatile Mr '03 of bananas. P. Issenbere
amino acids and sugars without spraying. and E. U Wick, bibliog J Agrl & Food
H. S. El Khadem and others. Anal Chem Chem transpiration
11:2-8 Ja '63
35:17G6 O '63 of,gas chromatography Water as an aid to quantitative
Some applications ^ ^ ^ ^to paper chromatography of C"-labeled com-
cosmetology. V. R. Wheatley. bibliog Am pounds. P. D. Hoeprich and J. N. White-
Perfumermethods 78:27-30-t- Ja: 33-4 fatty Mr '63 sides, bibliog 11 dlag Anal Chem 34:1350-1 S
Special of purifying acids. N
Pelick and others, bibliog diags Am Oil Apparatus
Chem Soc J 40:419-25 S '63 Absolute calibration of gas chromatographic
Spray technique for the preparation of thin apparatus fromandion-chamber
layer chromatography plates. I. Bekersky. D. C. Nelson D. L. Pauil.measurements.
bibliog diags
il Anal Chem
Structural correlation 35:261-2of Funsaturated
'63 , ^fatty Anal Chemin 35:1571-5
Advances the theory O '63of plate height in
acid esters through graphical comparison gas chromatography. J. C. Giddings. bib-
of gas-liquid chromatographic retention
times on a polyester substrate. R. G. Ack- Analyzer liog il Anal
for on-line Chem 35:439-49
control, ilAp Automation
man. bibliog Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:558-64
O 'OS in paper chromatography 10:87 O 'C3for extraction of gases for injec-
Studies of a few tion into the gas chromatograph: applica-
cations with solvents containing chloroform. tion to oxygen and nitrogen in jet fuel
R. P. Bhatnagar and N. S. Poonla. bibliog and blood. S. Natelson and R. L.. Stellate,
il Anal Chem
Suitability of lipid 34:1325-8 S '62 procedures
extraction for bibliog diags Anal Chem 35:847-51 Je '63
fas-liquid chromatography. A. J. .^hopi^ard. Apparatus
raphv columns. for packingJ. R. gas-liquid
P. Clarke, chroinatog-
diag Chem
ibiiog Am Oil Chem Soc .T 40:545-8 O '63
Supplementary chromatographic & Ind p 1830-1 of Owide-diameter
20 '62
determining saponins in alfalfa. method G, R. Van for Applications
columns in gas cliromatography. E. K.
open tubular
Atta. il J Agri & Food Chem 10:519-20 N Ouiram. bibliog Anal concurrently
Chetn 35:593-5measures
Ap '63
Surface modification of capillary columns for Automatic analyzer
C.H.N, concentrations, ii diag Res/Develop
use in gas chromatography. A. Z'atkis and
J. Q. Walker. 14:20-1 Mv attenuator
Autom.atic '63 for a hydrogen flame
Techniques boost Anal Chem sensitivity:
analytical 35:1359-62 pesti- S '63
gas chromalngraph. F. Uaumann and others.
cides by chromatography, il Food Eng 34:
79-80 D '62 il diags Anal
Automatic column chromatographyChem 34:1351-2 S '62 of ether
Tetracyanoquinodiinethanide as a color and water-soluble 2.4-dinitrophenyl-deriva-
reagent for inorganic thin layer chromatog- tives of amino acids, peptides, and amines.
raihv. L. F. Durding. bibliog Anal Chem L. Kesner•63and oihers. bibliog diags Anal
:!'".:15S3-3 O '63 Chem 35:83-9 Ja 63
Thin-layer chromatographic separation of Automatic, continuously %'arlab1e attenuator
some bromo-and h\-dro.Kyderivatives of for gas chromatograiihv. K, Abel and W. B.
stearic acid. D. Sgoutas and F. A. Kimn-
merow. bibliog Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:138- Dabnev.
Automatic diag Anal Chemfor 35:1335-6
programmer Ag '63
41 Ap '63 chromatography. A. G. Long.
Thin-layer eUienis. S R. Lerner. II diags Anal Chem
35-linS-IO Jl '63
bibliog il Tnd Chem 39 4C5-S S '63 Backflush
Thin-Iayer chromatographv aids steroid anal-
ysis: abstract. H. L. Bird. Jr. Chem & Eng ionizationapplied detector to capillary column-flame
gas chromatography
N 40:63 S chromatographv 17 '62 systems.
419-20 Mr E 63 R. E'ett. diag Anal Chem 35:
Thin-laver of brain phospho- ChrotTiatograph for polymer research. C. A.
lipids L. A. Horrocks, bibliog Am Oil Chem
Soc J 40:235-6 Je '63 Righy. il Brit Plastics 35:517 O '62
Thin-laver chromatography of malto-oligosac- Chromatograph sampling valves. C J.
charides. C. E. Weill and P. Hanke. bib- Penther. 11 diags Control Eng 10:78-81 Je
Thin laver liog il Analchromatography
Chem 34:1736-7of someD '62 methvla-
ted glycosides. M. Gee. bibliog 11 Anal Chem Chromatograph to monitor spacecraft cabin
atmosphere, il diag Space/Aeronautics 39:
Thin laverMr chromatography '63 of the mixed
neomycin sulfates on carbon niates. T. F. 129-31 Mr '63
Chromatographic liqtiid leak detection. I.
Brodasky. bibliog 11 Anal Chem 35:343-5 Ortega and J. D. Cyrus, bibliog diag Anal
Mr '63 Chem 35:1619-51 sampling
Chromatographic O '63 valves. R. F. Wall
Thin-laver chromatography on mlcroslldea.
R. Wasicky. 11 dlags Anal Chem 34:1346-7 S and W. M. Crum. 11 diags I S A J 9:64-5
Three phases in gas liquid chromatography. Chromatographic
O '62 spot dryer. G, Feuer and
R. A. Keller and G. H. Stewart, bibliog J. G. Piatt, diags J Sci Instr 39:486-7 S '62
Anal Chem 34:1834-8 D '62 Chromatography unit,
pling, for kinetic studies. with J.automatic
Spolnicki sam-
Time-of-Olght mass spectrometry; applica-
tion to c<anillar\' coluirin gas chromatog- W. M. Crooks, diags J Ap Chem 13:12-16
raphy. R. S. Gohlke. diags Anal Chem 34:
1332-3 S '62 Column
Ja rejuvenation In gas chromatography
Trl-n-octylamlne as liquid anion exchanger by '63nieans of reservoir sections. I. R.
for chromatographic separation of rare Hunter and M. K. Walden. Anal Chem 35:
earths on paper or cellulose powder. C.
Testa, bibliog dlag Anal Chem 34:1556-9 Compact
1765 O '63radiochemical gas chromatograph.
N '62 A. T. James and E. A. Piper, (low sheets II
1.2.3-Trls{2-cyanoethoxy)propane as a sta- diags Anal Chem 35:515-20 Ap '63
tionary phase in the gas chromatographic Computer Interprets gas chromatographic
analysis of aroinatic hydrocarbons. C. A. data. H. W. Johnson. Jr. 11 Chem & Eng N
Clemons and others. Anal Chem 35:1546-8 41:54-1- from
Mr 25cbromatographs.
S ■62
'63 Control K. W. Charlton
and S. n. Spracklen. diags Control Eng 10:
Use of gas chromatography to Identify geo-
graphlral origin of some spices P R Dnita 93-6 Mr 63
and others, bibliog Food Tech 16:116-19 O Design principles for annular-bed electro-
chromaiograiihy. R. M. Hybarger and
Use of molten salts as a solvent In thin others, bibliog dlag Ind & Eng Chem Proo
laver chromatography. T... F. Druding. bib- ne.rign for2:65-71 Ja '63
liog Anal Chem 35-1744-5 O '63 De\'lce the introduction of sithmlcrogram
Use of thin quantities of solids Into a gas chroinato-
lowing a layer chromatography
Elycerolyals reaction. for S. fol-
M. graph. D. H. McComas and A. Qoldflen.
Ryblcka. Chem & Ind p 1947-9 N 10 'OJ diags Axial Cbera 86:263-4 F '63
CHROMATOGRAPHIC analysis— Apparatus— Using sas chromatography in process control,
Conttnued K. A. UagbLrom and S. iiigKia. 11 diag
Ell'eci 01 lieiector block fouliriK on oUserved Auloniatiunlow-cost
Versatile 10:56-63 dual-column
S '63 chromato-
separauOMs in Kas-(iMUjd ciironiaiOKrapliy.
R, G. Ackjnan and K. U. BuiKner. Anal gruplis. acidil Food Tech 17:1248-9 O '63
Cheni S5:4U-14 Mr 63 , „, ^ CHROMIC
Elements of Kas chroniatoKraphy. K. Wooas. U.eciiophinc substitution; chromic acid
biblios it diaKS Cleavage and of carbon-boron
Traylor. Am bonds.Chem J. Soc C.J
Evaiualion of k'asAuloniation ciirunmiujrrapinc lu:54-8 columns
Jl "03 Ware T. G.
for ilie separalion of lluorinated materials.
I. Lysyj and P. R. Newion. biblios dias 85:3026-7
Hi-top. O 5 '63
a newly-developed, chemically treated
black plate. K. Yoshizaki and Y. Kitamura.
FilllnE Cliem
Anal of analytical35:90-2 Ja and'63preparative columns diag Iron &of Steel
for Eas chromatosiaphy. K. Bayer and Mechanism the Eng 40:197-8 cleavage
oxidative S '63 or
others. biblioK diass Anal Chem 35:4Ui!-B phenyi-(-butyIcarbinol with chromic acid.
GasAp chromatosraph
'63 .trace analyses
makes , of, J. J. Cawley and F. H. Westheimer. bibllOK
chlorinated pesticides and herbicides. Chem CHROMITE
Am Chem Soc J 85:1771-3 Je„^, 20 '63 , „„,
& Enc N 41:02 Ap 29 (13 , _ ^, Chlorination of chromite with CCU and CaClt.
Gas liquid chromaiographic analysis of cnlo- M. H. KJiuiidkar and M. 1. Talukdar. bib-
rinaled hydrocarbuiis with capillary columns
and ionization deieciors. U. L,. Hollis and liog Chem & indtransuions
Cr.\ siaiioiiiapnic p530-l Mr In30 several
'63 chro-
W. V. Hayes, bibliog Anal Chem 34:1223-6 mium spinel systems. A. Wold and others.
S '62 J Ap I'hys
Improved eas chromatographic column for Further data 34:1085-6 Pt 2 Ap '63
on the chemical composition
barbiturates, K. D. Parker and others. Anal of Zhob Valley chromites. S. A. Biigraral.
Chem 35:418-19 Mr '63 ^ bibliog il map diag Am Mineralogist 48;
Influence of injection time on the efflciency 573-87 My '63 . ^
of sas chromatography columns. G. Guio- Metallogeny of the chromite deposits of the
chon. Anal Chem 35:399-400 Mr 63 Gulenian district, Turkey, bibliog Econ Geol
Instrumeni packase adapts chromatocraph
for control, il Chem Enu 70:114-f My 13 and '63 5(:954-62 S '62
Lunar sas chromatoaraph. W. F. Wilhiie Adding chromium In the ladle. Foundry 91;
M. R. Burnell. 11 diass I S A J 10:53-9
5 '63
Meterinsr valve for capillary chromatography 90-1 O '63
Behavior of chromium in the system MgAjO«-
samples. D. H. Napier and J. K. Simon- AjOj. R. H. Arlett. bibUog 11 Am Cer Soc J
son, diacs Chem & Ind p 1831-2 O 20 '62 Chrome
45:523-7ore. N 1962.
1 '62 J. M. Warde. Eng & Min J
Mixed-substrate column for gas chromato-
graphic analysis of lacciuer thinners. K. L. 164:138-9 F '63
precipitatesdepletion aroundstainless
in austenitic grain-boundary
steel. S.
Gatrell. temperature
Multiple Anal Chem gradient 35:923-4 trap Je '63for pre-
parative gas chromatography. N. W. R. Aim and U. Kiessling. il Inst Metals J 91;
190 -62-63
Daniels, diag Chem & Ind p 1078-9 Je 29 'G:! Chromium (VI) — 1.5-diphenylcarbohydrazlde re-
Needle cup sampling tography. H. J. Ast. device
diag for Analgas Chemchroma- 35: action and the eltecL of gamma radiation
On it. H. E. Zittel. bibliog Anal Chem 35:
1764-5 O '63 329-32 Mr 63
New chromatographic analyzer controls com- Comparison of the elastic constants of chro-
position on-line. 11 diag Iron & Steel Eng mium as ■62
determined from diffuse X-ray
40:225-6 chromatographic
On-line S '63 control, diags Ind and ultrasonic techniques. A. Sumer and
J. F. Smith, bibliog J Ap Phys 34:2691-4
6 Eng Chem velocities
Perturbation 55:63 Je in '63gas-liquid partition
chromatographic columns. F 1. Siftlkup Contribution
S '63 to the electrochemical behavior
of chromium and iron-chromium alloys in
and H.
Plate A. Deans.
height of nonuniform A I Ch E chromatographic
J 9:106-8 Ja '63 the transpassive region. T. Heumann. and
H. S. Panesar. bibliog 11 diags Electrochem
columns: gas compression effects, coupled
columns, and analocjus systems. J. C. Soc JDf 110:628-33
Eiieci sec 2 Je '63
rolling temperature, pre-strain. and
strain rate on the ductility of chromium.
PrepGiddings. diag Anal operates
chromaiograph Chem 35:353-6
continuously.Mr '63
H. L,. Wain and others, bibliog Inst Metals
il diag Chem
Process chromatograph & Eng N 40:74-5 gives S distillation
10 '62 J 91:41-3 62-63
Exchanire of chromium (II) ion and eis-di-
data, diag
Process Chem
chromatograph & Engis designed
N 41:52-1- forF trend 4 '63 azidotetraaquochromium(III) ion; a double-
bridged transition slate. R. Snellgroxe and
readout. gasChemchromatograph
Process Sz Eng N 41:46 with Ag ultraviolet
12 '63 E. L. King. Am Chem Soc J 84:4609-10 D 5
detector. J. Merritt and others, hibliog flow Measurement of nitrogen diffusion in chro-
diag 11 diags solvent
Programmed Anal Chem dispenser35:1461-4 S '63
for gradient mium by anelastic methods. M. E. de Mor-
elution of chromatographic columns. P. R. ton, bibliogof J double-bridged
Ap Phys 33:2768-70 S '62
New class coordination
Watt, il diags Chem & Indof pr6-7 Ja 12 '63 golymers based on Block.
gas chromaiographic
a programmed
svslem araceno and B. P. Am (111).
Chem A. Soc J.J
with constant pressure drop using packed 85:2018-19 Jl
and Golav columns. L.. S. Etlre and F. J. Preparation of 5a '63standard chromium (III) so-
lution by controiled-potential coulomelry.
Kabot. bibliog Anal Chem 34:1431-4 O '62 D. E. Harrington and others. Anal Chem
Rapid and simpletermination. E. method M. of deuterium
Arnett and P. de- M. Quinone
34: inns oxidation
N '62 of ethanol catalyzed by
Duggleby. bibliog diag Anal Chem 35:1420- chromic ion. R. G. Linck and H. Taube.
4 S '63
Recirculated column for preparative scale '62
bibliog Am ChemAnalysis Soc J 85:2187-9 Jl 20 '63
gas chromatography. M. J. E. Golay and
Separation il diags Anal
of terpene hydrocarbons Chem 354,<iX.9l Ap
bv gas '63 Colorlmetric determination of trace amounts
liauid chromatography utilizing capillary (2-300 ppm)
columns and flame ionization deteciion. R. purity iron.'63P.of H. chromium
Scholes andin steel
D. V.andSmith,
A. Bernhard. bibliog Anal Chem 34:1576-9 bibliog Metallurgla 67:153-7 Mr '63
N '62
Simple device for qualitative functional group Determination of magnesium, chromium, cop-
analysis of gas chromatographic elTlupnts. per, nickel and cobalt in iron and steel fay
name photometry. ■62 L. A. Prince and others.
B Casu and L. Cavallotti. diag Anal Chera
34:1514-16 Welding J 42:sup347-52 Ag '63
Simple methodO '62of calibrating a GT>C column General X-ray spectrographic solution method
for quantitative fatty arid anRlvsis. H. M. for analysis of iron-, chromium-, and/or
Edwards, jr. and J E Marion. Am Oil manganese-bearing materials. B. J. Mitchell
•63 Soc J 40:299-300 Jl '63
Chem and H. J. O'Hear. Anal Chem 34:1620-5 N
Studies on the efRciencies of packed gas
chromatographic columns. D. T>. DeFord Neutron activation and radiochemical de-
and others, bibliog Anal Chem 35:426-9 Ap termination of the molybdenum, chromium,
and iron content of individual stainless
steel microspheres. P. A. Benson and C. E.
Tem pro capi col Gieit. bibliog 11 Anal Chem 35:1029-32 Jl
inperagas chromatography,
gr umn
n. ll J. McKwen.
tur now diag ammiled Anal Chemary 35:1636-40
bibliog s
e Solvent extraction method for the radio-
UseO '63of lightly loaded columns In gas chro- Maeck andchemical determination
other*. Analof Chem
chromium, 'VV, J.
34:1602-4 N
matography. D. H. Frederick and others.
blbliof Anal Chem 34:1621-6 N '62
CHROMIUM — Contimied CHROMIUM molybdenum steel
Case hardening steels for gears In Mercedes
Isotopes cars and trucks. H. Sigwart. 11 Metal Prog
Determination of sulfate with chromIum-51. 83:74-9 properties
Ja '63 of five per cent chromium-
W. J. Armento and C. E. Larson. Anal Notch
Chem 35:918-2U Je 'G3 molybdenum- vanadium steel sheet as af-
Testing fected by heat treatment, test temperature
and thickness; abstract. J. L. Sliney, jr.
Case for chromium. C. T. Sims, bibliog J Metal Prognickel 83:158-1- F '63
Metals 15:127-32 CHROMIUM manganese steel
CHROMIUM alloys F '63 Corrosion resistance of molybdenum modified
Case for cliromiimi. C. T. Sims, bibliog J Cr-Ni-Mn austenitic stainless steels. F.
Metals 15:127-32 F '63 are Nair and M. Semchyshen. bibliog il Cor-
Chromium composites ductile. D. M.
Scruggs, il Materials in Design Eng 56:115- CHROMIUM rosionnickel 19:210-16 steel
Je '63
17 D 62 High temperature oxidation of Cr- and Cr-
Chromium-nickel system. R. F. Smart and Ni steels in air and in atmospheres of low
F. G. Haynes. bibliog 11 Inst Metals J 91: o.xygen content. J. H. Decroix. il Wire &
153-7 '62-63 Wjre Prod 38:497-84-
Creep fracture in nickel- chromium- base Interyianular brittlenessAp of'63 cast chromiitim-
creep-resjstant alloys. J. Heslop. bibliog nickel steels. I. S. Brammar and R. W.
11 Inst Metals J 91:28-33 '62-63 K. Honeycombe. 11 Iron & Steel Inst J
Etching with special reference to nickel-chro- 200:1060-7 D '62; Discussion. 201:761-2 S '63
mmm-cobalt alloys. D. W. Bloor. Metal- Long-time creep properties of an 18 per cent
lurgia 66:139-42
Oxidation mechanism S '62 of some nickel- Cr-12 per cent Ni-1 per cent Nb steel
chromium alloys. N. Birks and H. Rickert. steampipe and superheater tube. E. A.
Jenkinson and others, bibliog il Iron &
See also diag Inst Metals J 91:308-11 '62-63
Ferrochromium Steel Inst J 200:1011-24
Niobium content required for stabilization of D '62
CHROMIUM bromides 18-8-Nb steels. E. J. Heeley and others.
Chromium bromide produces strong magnetic Iron & Steel Inst J 200:943-6 N 62
eltects on light, diags Bell Lab Reo 41:210 Which free-machining stainless? results of
My '63 research on the chromium-nickel group.
Diffraction of light by domain structure In W. C. Clark, il Am Mach/Metalworking
ferromagnetic CrBra. J. F. Dillon, jr. and Manuf 107:55-8 Jl 22 '63
J. '63
P. Keraeika. bibliog diags J Ap Phys 34: CHROMIUM oxides
637-40 Mr '63 Chlorine recovery method also purifies oxides.
Magneto-optical studies of chromium tri- R. L. Haimlton. Chem & Eng N 41:104 Ap
bromide. J. F. Dillon, jr. and others, bib-
liog 11 diags J Ap Phys 34:1240-5 pt 2 Ap Chlorite
15 '63 polytypism: crystal structure of a
Optical properties of chromium tribromide. one-layer Cr-clilorite. B. E. Brown and
diag Bell Lab Reo 41:244 Je '63 S. W. Bailey. Am Mineralogist 48:42-61
CHROMIUM compounds bibUog(p60-l)
Magnetoelectric Ja '63
effects in CnOa and
Chrome chemicals' 1962 jump won't repeat. lCr203)o.sMAl:03)o.2. S. Foner and M. Hana-
Chem & Kng N 4U:30-1 D 3 '62 busa. bibliog J Ap Phys 34:1246-7 ot 2
Complex ion formation between cations;
spectra and idenUflcation of a Np(V)-
Cr(lll) comple-x. J. C. Sullivan, bibliog Am Optically
Ap '63 observed exchange splittings in
Chem Soc J 84:4256-9 N 20 '62 structure of antiferromagnetic CrsOa. K. A. Wicker-
Crystal structure and molecular sheim. bibliog il diag J Ap Phys 34:1224-
dibenzenechromium. F. A. Cotton and
others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1543-4 5 Pt 2 Ap '63
Stabilities of CoG-AhOj, CoO-CrjOs, and
My 20 '63
Hexachlorometallates of trivalent chromium, 2CoO-Si02. E. Aukrust and A. Muan. Am
manganese and iron. W. E. Hatfield and Cer Soc of J 46:358
Theory the Jl '63
magnetoelectric effect In
others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:265-9 CrjUa. T. Izuyama and G. W. Pratt, jr.
NewF 5 type
'63 of octahedral anion complex bibliog J Ap Phys 34:1226-8 Pt 2 Ap '63
found. R. O. Ragsdale and B. B. Stewart. Zeeman effect' of the R lines in CrjOs. C. V,
11 Chem & Eng N 41:40-1 Ap 8 '63 CHROMIUM Ap63 Phys 34:1232-3 pt 2 Ap '63
Stager. J plating
Polarography of u-complexes of cobalt, chro-
mium, and titanimn in formamide and ABS joins plastics that can be plated. 11
dimethyllormamide. H. S. Hsiung and Chem & Eng N 41:48-9 Mr 25 '63
G. H. Brown, bibliog Electrochem Soc J Chromiimi plated steel for cans; a Japanese
110:108.1-6 O '63 innovation. H. Uchida and A. Horiguchi.
Studies in the membrane permeability of
chromic ferro and ferricyanides. W. U 11 Metal Prog 83:113-16 Ja '63
Malik and F. A. Siddiqi. bibliog J Colloid Chromium plating by thermal decomposition
Sci 18:161-73 F 03 of dicumene chromium. W. H Metzger. jr.
Physiological effect diag Plating
Chromium 49:1176stainless
plating N '02 steels; abstract.
Experimental cutaneous chrome ulcers in E. Seyb, jr. Metal Prog 83:163-5 Je '63
guinea pigs. M. H. Samitz and E. Epstein, Effects of chromium plating on the mechani-
bibliog 11 Archives Environmental Health cal properties of eleotrodeposited nickel.
.'i:403-8 N '62 H. J. Read and others. Plating 50:35-8 Ja
CHROMIUM in the body
A.s.similation and metabolism of chromium Evolution of chromium plating of automo-
by trout. P. O. Fromm and R. M. Stokes, tive hardware. C. Melekian and others, il
bibliog WPCF J 34:1101-5 N '62 diag Metal Prog 84:167-704- O '63
Boron, cadmium, chromium, and nickel in Fatigue strength of chromium plated steel.
blood and urine. H. R. Imbus and others, L. Domnikov. diag Metal Finishing 61:66-7
bibliog Archives Environmental Healtli 6:
286-95 F '63 S '63chrome cuts wear on gas works han-
Effect of chromium, cadmium and other
trace metals on the growth and survival of dling equipment, il Metallurgia 67:2424- My
mice. H. A. Schroeder and others, bibliog
J Nutrition 80:39-47 My '63 Inlluence of chromium surface films on the
Effects of chromium, cadmium and lead on corrosion performance of electroplated zinc
the growth and survival of rats. H. A. die castings. W. H. Safranek and others.
Schroeder and others, bibliog J Nutrition bibliog Plating 50:507-9 Je '63
80:18-54 My '63 Men.<!uring thickness of chromium on piston
CHROMIUM manganese steel
Oocunc-ncc of t and a' martensites in chro- rings. C. L. Gough.
Microcrack Plating 50:510 Je '63
mmm-manganese au.stonitic steels G. P. ed chromium gains favor for
Sanderson and R. W. K. Honeycombe. bib- piitting a longer lasting shine on chro-
Hog 11 Iron & Steel Inst J 20(5:934-7 N '62 mium-plated parts for new automobiles 11
CHROMIUM metallurgy Chem & Eng N 41:80-1 Ja 21 '63
Porous chromium plate holds plastic lubri-
Electromel.illurgy cant. Steel 152:62 Ap 1 '63
Use of a precious metal anode in the electro- Science for electroplatera: chromium. U
winning of high-purity chromium from a Serota. il diags Metal FinishinB 61:86-7 Ja;

CHROMIUM plating — ConUnued , , Baird chucker makes short runs pay. 11 Iron
Science sions. for electroplate
L. Serola. chromium- inclu-
rs; Finishing Age 190:131
Chucker halvesS machining
20 '62 time, il Steel 153:
il Metal 61:90+
Science 3
for electroplaters; ^
chromium . periodic ... Chucking
54 Ag 19machine
'63 turns, bores, faces, il Steel
crackins. L. Serota. il MetaJ Finishins 61: 152:155-6 My chucking
13 '63
Dual purpose lathe, il Steel 153:112
80-4 neutralizes
Unit S '63 platinff , waste; . ^ , . co.
Slip clutches speed chucker output. 11 diags
il Iron Age 190:72 N 1 '62 Ag 19 '63
Testing Product your
Tighten Eng hold
33:80-1 on N profits
12 '62 with power
Science for electroplaters; chromium cracks ciiuoking. R. M. Dyke. 11 diags Mach 69:
and pores. L. Serota. il Metal Finishing 99-109 F& '63
61:61-3 Ag '63 Warner Swasey 4-AC chucking automatic.
Stress in electrodeposition of., chromium.
, . ^S.
il Mach 69:136-1- Jl '63
Konishi. bibliog diag Metal Finishing 61: Warner
automatic& Swasey is a largesingle-spindle chuckingil
capacity machine,
54-S+ Mr; 68-64 O '63 Am Macli/Metalworking Manuf 107:265 Je
CHROMIUM steel ^.^ ^ ,„
■62 of precipitates m modified 12 CHUCKS
per cent chromium steels in the range 10 '63chuck aids short-run boring, il diags
above 550°C. J. Koutsky and J. Jezek. Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:108-9
bibUog il Iron & Steel Inst J 200:938-43 N
Delayed brittle (allure in cadmium plated Centerless chuck, il diags Product Eng 34:
My 13 '63
steels. W. Beck and E. J. Jankowsky. il Chuck and collet production smoothed; Pratt
Metal ofProg 59 Ja 7 '63 corp. il Engineering 195:476 Ap
Effect creep84:92-5
stress Ag on'63 carbide reactions
during tempering of high-chromium steels. CusJiman
V P. Gupta and P. R. Dhar. bibliog Iron '63 D chuck
569:213 62
of special design, diag Mach
&■ Steel
High Inst J 201:213-16
temperature oxidation Mrof '63 Cr- and Cr- Flowline production of lathe chucks and col-
Ni steels in air and in atmospheres of low lets, il Engineer 215:672 Ap 12 '63
oxygen content. J. H. Decroix. il Wire & Improved fusion precision
samples. H.chuck
P. for
Layei sectioning
and R. dif-O.
Wire Prod of the3S:497-S-f Ap '6^^ ^ zone Meyer,ring diag '62 R Sci precision
Instr 33:1458-9
weld heat-affected
cast five per cent chromium
of Solid ensures chucking.D '62 J. S.
steel. K. C. Wu. bibliog il Welding J 42: Brown. diags Am Mach/Metalworking
SUP392-6 S '63 Manuf chuck
Spring 107:70 holds Ap 29 light'63 work. L. Bobbitt.
CHROMIZING diag Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:170
Alphatized steel; will mills sell it? J. J.
Coatings il Iron E.AgeR. 192:57
for steel. Morgan,Jl 18il '63diags CHUCKS,
Ap 1 '63Magnetic
Auxiliary raa,gnetic chuck aids grinding. C.
Iron & Steel Eng
Gas alloying gives coils stainless 40:81-5 O '63 coat, il Bo.ssmann. diags Am Mach/MetaJworking
Steel 153:54-5 Jl 15 '63 Manuf
Diaphragrm 1(17:108
chuckS 2 is'63 magnetically operated.
Open coil process aids chromium-coating
strip and sheet, il Iron & Steel Eng 40: of A. Anderson, diag Am Mach/Metalworking
Manuf architecture '62
107:74 Je 24 '63
183-4 Ag '63
Biphenyls used in conformational analysis. All Souls Unitarian church, Schenectady.
K. M. Mislow and others. Chem & Eng N N.Y. 11 plan diags Arch Rec 132:142-4 O
41:44-5 Jl 8dissymmetric
Inherently '63 chromophores and Cantilevered sloping trusses. 11 diags Prog
circular dichroism. K. Mislow and others, Arch 44:160-1
bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1342-9 My 5 '63 Church of the Je Good'63 Shepherd. Nottingham.
Inherently dissymmetric chromophores: opti- diags Engineer
Current work of Harry 216:158-9Weese; Jl 26 first
'63 Baptist
cal activity associated with a homocon- church. Columbia, Ind. il plans Arch Rec
jusated diene. Li. S. Forster and others,
bibliog Am dissymmetric
Inherently Chem Soc J chromophores:
84:4353-4 N 20 the '62 133:128-31
First Unitarian My '63church of Berkeley, Calif.
absolute A. configuration
octene. Moscowitz andof K.(-)-tra)ts-cyc!o-
Mislow. Am il plans
Good churchArch design Rec 133:112-15
on a big Ja budget; '63 St
Chem Soc J 84:4605-6 D 5 studies;
'62 Mark's Episcopal church in New Canaan,
Optical rotatory dispersion circular Conn. 11 plan diag Arch Rec 132:151-6 N
dichroism and optical rotatory dispersion
of the nitrite and nitro chromophores. C. Moving tent of worship; United church of
Djerassi and others, bibliog Am Chem Rowayton, Conn, il plan Arch Forum 117:
Soc J 85:2835-43 S 20 '63 80-3 D '62
New building abroad: Denmark. 11 plan Arch
Optical tiverotatorystudies ofdispersion
circular studies:
dichroism compara-and
bent 118:100-1
boards; Jeexpanded "63 polystyrene Is
rotatory dispersion curves; some observa- fitted to contours of St Demetrios Greek
tions on sulfur-containing chromophores. Orthodox church in Seattle, il Plastics
C Djerassi and others, bibliog Am Chem
Soc J 84:4552-61 D 5 '62
CHROMOSOMES World 21:27 Ja carry
dome; Holy vaults Trinity church's
Greek steel-framed
Orthodox church.
Sex differences In cells. U. Mittwoch. il diags San Francisco. A. G. Tarics. il Eng N 170:
Sci Am 209:54-62 Jl '63 58-9tenth
F 14 annual'63
CHRONIC diseases. See Diseases, Chronic P/A design awards; St Thomas
CHRONOPOTENTIOMETRY. See Voltammetry Wayfarer chapel, Ely, Minn,, for the
CHRYSOBERYL Episcopal church, il plan diags Prog Arch
Refinement of the chrysoberyl structure. Religious
44:108-9 Ja buildings,
'63 il plans diags Arch Reo
E. F. Farrell and others, bibliog diag Am
Mineralogist 48:804-10 Jl '63 134:131-50buildings:
Religious Jl '63 stability after the boom.
CHRYSOCOLLA H. C. FinnishF. Arnold. Arch OrivesI,
Rec 134:18 Jl '6311
Nature of chrysocoUa from Inspiration mine, Rugged church, Finland.
Arizona. M. S. Sun. bibliog Am Mineral- plan Arch Forum 117:84-7 D '62
ogist 48:649-58 My '63 Structural beauty In concrete for a church.
CHRYSOTILE 11 Engineering
Asbestos boom in California; Jefferson Lake Structure of St 196:9 Sophia. Jl 5R. '63L. Van Nice. II
Asbestos. H. F. Utley. il Pit & Quarry 55: plan diags Arch Goff;Forum Redeemer
118:131-8-t- Lutheran
My '63
Work of Bruce
Chrysotile D '62
fibers: filled or hollow tubes? church education building; Bartlesville,
mathematical interpretation may resolve Okla. 11 plans Prog Arch 43:115 D '62
conflicting evidence. E. J. W. Whittaker. See also
diags Chem
Serpentinization & andEng chrysotile
N 41:34-5 formation
S 30 '63 in Chapels
the Matheson ultrabaslc belt, northern Synagogs
Ontario. P. L. C. Grubb. il map diags CHURCHES
Econ Geol 57:1228-46 bibliog(p 1245-6) D '62 Low-cost church built like a tepee: Linda
X-ray study of some reactions of chrysotile. ,Mar. frames
Calif. used 11 Engeffectively
N 170:35 forMya 2church. '63
M. C. Ball and H. F. W. Taylor, bibliog Steel A.
J Ap Chem 13:145-50 Ap '63 Hoadley. 11 diags Civil Eng 32:51-2 Ag '62
CHUCKING machines See also
Automatic chucker broaches bearings. 11 Am Cathedrals
MachyMetalworking Manuf 107:169 Je 10 '63 Church architecture
CHURCHES — ConeiiiKed CIGARET packages
Air conditioning Polystyrene bids for cigarette packaging mar-
ket, il Chem plus:
Preservation & Engvacuum
N 1:39-40 My 20cigarette
formed '63
Load diversification cuts installed cost of
church air conditloninc system H. J. pack offers
World 21:11 more than protection. 11 Plastics
Miller, il Air Cond Heat & Ven 60;89 Ab Ap '63 , ^ , .„^,„
Spectacular case for thermoforming: Philip
Summer cooling for church sanctuaries. R. A. Morris'tics 40:85Impact
Mr '63 styrene case. 11
., , Plas-
Mod „,
Hanle. (low diags il diags Arch Reo 134:
157-9 Jl 03 LIghtmg , ^ . Story on the Philip Morris box. 11 diag Plas-
CIGARETS tics Tech 9:13-14 Ap '63
Chu-ch relighting, on a low budget: Open See also
Bible Tabernacle church. St Petersburg. Smoking
Cove for Ilium
11 a tent-type Eng 5S;344-5 church:My St'63 Peters CINCHONA alkaloids
IjUtheran church in San Leandro. , Calif. Biosynthesis of the cinchona alkaloids: the
H. M. Tilson. 11 diag Ilium Eng 58:20-1 incorporation of trjTstophan into quinine.
N. Kowanko and E. Leete. bibliog Am
Gothic hlghllRhtlng: Highland Park Presby- Cliem Soc J 84:4919-21 D 20 '62
Lighting terian stainedchurch, ilglas.? Ilium windows:
Eng 58:340-1 My "63
installation P/A tenth annual design awards: revitaliza-
at Oakhurst Presbyterian church. Decatur. tion plan for the city core of Cincinnati
Ga.: data .^iheet. J H. Murrah. il diag for Citizens committee. 11 plans diags Prog
NewIlUim church Eng 58:23-4 shapes. Ja11 plan '63 ^.,
lUum .„Eng 58: Arch 44:100-1 Ja '63
56-9 F -63 Sewerage
Portable arrangements , for altar ,. ,. ^,.
lightmg. il Photogrammetry for sewer record maps. A.
lUum Eng 5S;623 O church,
'63 ., plan , D. Bird and C. F. Pugh. il map Pub Works
Quartz-iodine goes to il Ilium
Eng 58:63(5-7church. O '63 , 11 , diag
^. 94:100-2
CIPHER andAptelegraph
'63 codes
Windowless R. W. Frank. Correlation recognition of a redundant flve-
Ilium Eng 57:701-3 N '62 unit telegraph code. A. M. Rosie. bibliog
CHUTES . , ^ diags Inst E E Proc 110:493-500 Mr '63
Chutes act as gates to control material flow. CIRCLES
diag Rock Prod 65:48 N '62 Black box maximization of circular coverage.
CHYiVIOTRYPSIN C. T. Zahn. ir. bibliog diags J Res Nat
Acyl-enzvme intermediates in the a-chymo- Bur Standand 66B:181-216
trypsin-catalvzed hydrolysis of specific Equations charts for Ocalculating
'62 thermal
substrates: the relative rates of hydrolysis stresses in laminated circular plates; data
of ethyl, methvl and p-nitrophenyl esters sheet. M. Newman and M. Forray. diags
of N-acetyl-L-tryptophan. B. Zerner and Machine Design 35:177-82 Mr 28 '63
M L. Bender. Am Chem Soc J 85:356-8 F Stilt'ening
5 '63 plate. E. effect of an overhang
H. Mansfield. Roy in a circular
Evidence for a functional carboxyl group in
trypsin and chymotrypsin. J. A. Stewart ToolSoc lays out true
J 67:671-2 O '63circles on sides of tubes.
and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85: B. F. Gerber. diag Am Mach/Metalworking
Evidence My 20
for '63 conformational changes in Manuf 108:70 D 24 '62
o-chymotrvpsin-catalyzed reactions. B. H. CIRCUIT cuitbreakers.
breakers Electric. See Electric cir-
Havsteen and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc
J 85:791-802 Mr 20of '63inversion of the usual CIRRHOSIS of liver. See Liver — Diseases
Further example CITIES and towns
antipodal specificity of a-chymotrypsln. J. Apartments in the context of American cities.
R. Rapp and C. Niemann, bibliog Am Chem II plans Prog Arch 44:106-29 JI '63
Soc J 85:1896 Je 20 'G3 See also
Histidine is at chymotrypsln's active Chem center.& Metropolitan districts
G. Schoellmann and E. N. Shaw.
Eng N 41:40-1 Mr 25 '63 Development work
Inversion of antipodal reactivity in hydrolysis New water system attracts Industrj' to a
of ethyl a-acetoxypropionate by a-chvmo- small community: Pachuta. Miss. H.
trA'psin. S. G. Cohen and others. Am Chem Hewes. Pub Works 93:158 N '62
Soc J 84:4163-4 N
Inversion of stereospeciflclty In hydrolysis by 5 '62 Growth
a-chymotrypsin: the acetoxyl substituent. Effect of the automobile on patterns of urban
S. G. Cohen and others, bibliog Am Chem growth. H. Hoyt.
Soc J 85:1685-91 Je 5 "63 Environmental healthTraffic Q 17:293-301 growth;
in community Ap '63
Problem of the serine-histirtine hydrogen bond an administrative guide to metropolitan
in the active site of a-chymotrypsin. D. E. area sanitation practices, bibliog Am J
Fahrney and A. M. Gold, bibliog Am Chem Pub Health 53:802-22 My '63
Soc J 85:349-50 F 5 '63 Europe
Sigmoid and bell-shaped pH-rate profiles in Urban renewal in Europe. L. Grebler. il Prog
a-cbymotrvpsin-catalyzed hydrolyses; a
mechanistic correlation. M. L. Bender and Arch 44:138-41 F '63
others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:358-9 India
SomeF •563 observations
'63 relative to the mechanism
of chyniotrypsln. B. F. Erlanger and others. Fatehpur Sikri; India's abandoned city. II
plan Arch Forum 119:118-23 N '63
bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1872-4 Je 20 CITIES service company
Cities Service makes new realignment. Oil &
Spec Inac of ch b
dlphenvlcarbamyl tlva chloride. yB. mo F. Erlangery Gas J 61:58-9 Je 17 '63
and ic W. Cohen, tion bibliog Am trChem yps
in Soc J
Conden-sation and the Cannlzzaro reaction of
85:348-9 F 5 '63 tetrahydrocitral. P. H. Yeh. bibliog Am
Stcric course and specificity of a-chymo- Perfumer
trypsin-caialyzed reactions. G E. Hein Fresh look 7S:32-fi
at citral.F '63 bibliog Manuf Chem
and C. Niemann bibliog Am Chem Soc J
84:4487-503 D 5 '62 33:510-12+
CITRIC acid D '62
Substrate control of conformation character- Citric .icld cross-links cellulose. Chem &
istics in chymotrypsin H. Parker and R.
Lumrv bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:483-4 Eng Nfruit
CITRUS 40:42 D 3 '62
F 20 '63 Persistence of residues of Guthion on and
Systematic enzyme therapy: use of oral In mature lemons and oranges and In lab-
crystalline chymotrypsin In Indusfrlnl medi- oratory processed citrus pulp cattle feed.
cine B. O. Nemoitin. bibliog Ind Med 32: F. A. Gunther and others, bibliog J Agrl
488-90 N '63 & Food Chem 11:424-7 S '63
Transition state differences between amides See also
and esters in ch^'motr.vpsln-catalvzpd hy- Oranges
drolysis. W. F. Sager and P. C. Parka. CITRUS fruit Juices
Am Chem Soc J 85:2678-9 S 6 "63 Diffusion of hydrogen through tinplate con-
CIGARET lighters tainers packed with grapefruit Juice. O.
Cricket Kent lighter. II diags Product Eng 34: Serra and Q. A. Perfettl. diag Food Tech
68 O 28 '83 17:350-3 Mr '63

CITRUS fruit Juices — Continued CIVIC centers. See Municipal centers

Poam-mat dried orange juice. O. W. Bissett CIVIL defense
and others, biblioe diags Food Tech 17: Civil defense •62 communications
system; Auglaize
for a county
County. Ohio, il Pub
210-13 F '63
Some technical aspects of, „British , ,comminuted
, . J
drinlt production. V^ L. S. Charley, bib- If Works
pushesF the
'63 panic button. 11 Safety
lioff 11fruit
CITRUS Food Juices,
Tech 17:&S7-94
Frozen As '63 Maint 124:10-12 D '62
Stability of frozen concentrated citrus Juices See also
Atomic bomb shelters
following adverse storage. T. J. Kew and
M. K. Veldhuis. bibllog Food Tech 16:119-22 CIVIL engineering
O '62 Blueprint for the profession. R. J. Stith. Civil
CITRUS oils „ „ , ,
Solid citrus oil flavors. H. E. Swisher. ^Food, Eng 32:52-3
Calouste D '62 institute: of the Labora-
t6rio nacional de engenharia civil. Lisbon,
CITYTech 17:923-5
halls. Jl '63
See Municipal buildinEs il Engineer 215:801-2 Ap 26 '63
CITY improvement. See Municipal improve- Civil engineering and the modern steam-elec-
ment tric station. A. G. Villepique and others. 11
Am Soc C E Proc 88 tPO 3 no 32671:27-39 S
CITY planning
Appraisal of zoning as a tool of city plan- Civil engineering design and designers, A.
ning. K. F. Babcock. Am Soc C E Proc 88
[CP 1 no 32101:1-7 Ag '62: Discussion. Goldstein. Engineer 216:219-21 Ag 9 '63
Civil engineering design on
tions. W. F. Emmons and TVA
W. C.steam
W. W. Parks. 89 [CP 1 no 36571 ;69-70 S '63
Bahrain new town contract for Georpre Wim- plan Am Soc C E Proc 88 [PO 3 no 3270] :
pey. il Engineering
California; 196:461andO a11 mess.
highest living, '63 Arch 73-SS S '62; Discussion. A. A. Meyer. 89
Forum for119:7-8 [PO engineering
Civil 1 no 36521:145-6 featuresS of
'63 power stations.
Capital UnitedO '63 Europe proposed. 11 map C. G. Merriman. Am Soc C E Proc 88 IPO
Community Rec 133:50
growth Je '63brings public works 3 no engineering
Civil 32691:63-71 Sfeatures
'62 of steam electric
problems: Atlanta. Ga. A. T. McDonald. plant design. E. A. Kammer and M. J.
Pub Works 94:99+ Ap '63 Hroncich. '62Am Soc C E Proc 88 [PO 3 no
Consequences of obliquity in arterial sys-
tems. H. T. Fisher and N. A, BoukidU. 32651:13-25
Civil S '62 for CVNPA nuclear power
11 maps
Construction diags of new Traffic Q
desert 17:145-70
town Ja
asked '63 at plant; Parr. S.C. W. L. Klehm. il plan
diags Am Soc•63C B Proc 89 [PO 1 no 3645]:
the Nevada test site, il map Eng N 171:22
S 12 '63 45-65engineering
Civil S '63 In steam electric plant de-
Contribution of the engineer to city planning. sign. R. O. ImhofC. Am Soc C E Proc 88 [PC
Evaluating H. Claire. urban Traffic Q 17:414-20
transportation systems.Jl '63 G. 3 no 32721:97-105 S '62
Haikalis and E. W. Campbell, plans Am Civil
steam engineer's
electric responsibilities in design
plants. E. Ireland. Am Soc of
Soc C E Proc 89 [CP 1 no 36261:1-15 S '63 •63
Federal interest in urban mass transporta- C B Proc SS [PO 3 no 32621:1-11
Discussion. R. D. Chellis. 89 [PO 1 no S •62;
tion. R. C. Weaver. Traffic Q 17:24-32 Ja
Critical -path Sscheduling
'63 for construction Jobs.
Fed stat city aid ask for reg
era e, e ion R. J. Peterson, diags Civil Eng 32:44-7 Ag
planning. of the Eng city. N 171:25 O d 24 '63 11 plans
D. Mumford. al
Engineering review for 1963; civil engineer-
diaes Arch Rec 132:121-8 O: 139-44 N: 101- ing, mining and building, il map Engineer-
8 D '62; 133:119-26 Ja: 119-26 F '63
Interdependence of transportation and city ing 195:138-41 Ja 18 '63
plannmg. W. S. Pollard, jr. il plans diags Institution of civil engineers' conversazione.
Am'62 Soc C E Proc 89 [CP 1 no 36331:47-66 London. June 19. Engineer 215:1174-5 Je 28
S '63highway system planning in Wisconsin.
Local Man-machine comiriunications in civil engi-
K. W. Bauer, diags Pub Works 93:72-5 D neering. C. L. Miller, bibliog il diags Am
Soc C E Proc 89 [ST 4 no 35941:5-29 Ag
Mee the dem for eng ser
today, while and
planning for ithe
nee future. vJ.
iceA. 1962 ASCE 'research conference; report by
g rin s the committee 62 on research. Am Soc C B
NewLambie.building il Pub abroad; WorksFrance. 94:114-15 S '63Arch
11 gplana
Forum 118:108-11 Je "63 Proc 89 [PP 1 no 33991:37-91 Ja '63
New town grows in Texas; Clear Lake City. 1963 preview, il Civil Eng 32:32-9 D '62
map Eng N 169:23 D 6 '62 Non-destructive testing. C. W. Britzius. II
1963 preview. L. A. Rivard. Civil Eng 32:33 diag Civil Eng 33:21-3 Ja ^63
D '62 Opportunities for engineers In urban planning.
Planning problems. E. E. Halmos. jr. Prog
Arch l4:72 Je '63 S. N. Grimm. Civil Eng 32:56-7 Ag ^62
Problems of town planning; abstract. R. Pre-design estimates In civil engineering
projects. W. R. Park. Am Soc C E Proc 89
tenth annual Engineerdesign214:631 awards:O commercial
12 '62
[CO 2 no 36271:11-22 S ^63
development for San Antonio River, il plan Rise and fall of professional engineering.
Prog Arch 44:122-3 Ja '63 C. K. Weidner. Civil Eng 33:49-51 Ja '63
P/A tenth annual design awards: Cooner's Tabular summary of civil engineering con-
Point. Camden. New Jersey, for Depart- tracts. 1962. Engineer 214:supp 1-120 D 28
ment of planning and renewal, il plans
diags Prog Arch 44:98-9 Ja '63 Val and du of civi eng
P/A tenth annual design awards;
tion plan for the city core of Cincinnati
revitaliza- ue
contracts. T. raL.tionPascoe. l
En.glneer i215:1023-
for Citizens committee, plans diags Prog g
Arch 44:100-1 Ja '63 4 Je 7 where
What's '63 in civil engineering? 11 Civil
Redevelopment plan for Lafayette Square. Eng 33:44-5 Mr '63
il Arch Rec 132:12-13 D '62 What's where in Kentucky and Tennessee.
Town and gown; urban university. D. B.
11 See
map also
Civil Eng 33:42-3 Ag '63
Carlson, plans Arch Forum 118:92-5 Mr '63 Airports
Traffic engineering and town planning. C. D.
Buchanan, Engineer 215:226 F 1 '63 American society of civil engineers
Transportation and organic urban design. Aqueducts
M. L. Hancock. 11 maps Traffic Q 17:5-23 Arches
Ja '63 geography Blasting
Urban and urban transportation Breakwaters
planning. H. M. Mayer. Traffic Q 17:610-31 Bridsrea
O '63 Building
Washington. 11 plans Arch Forum 118:43-106 Cofferdams
Ja '63 do the rock Industries County engineering
Where fit In urban Dams
planning? J. N. Bell, plan Rock Prod 65: Docks
50-3-t- N '62 Drainage
Tama.saki's master plan for Saskatchewan Drpdcring
capital, il Prog Arch 44:57 F '63 Drilling and boring (earth and rocks)
See also Drv docks
Metropolitan districts Embankments
Regional planning Excavation
Streets Flood control
Water fronts Foundations
CIVIL engineering — See also — Contimied Forefront of civil engineers of tomorrow.
Highway enRineering S. T. Li. Am Soc C E Proc 89 IPP 1
H>'di"auiic eiiprineering
Hydraulic flllinsr Tio33971:23-30challenge. Ja '63
Formidable A. M. Minton Civil
Marine enffineering Eng 33:55 My computer
Masonry Impact of the on the young engi-
Mechanical eneineerioer neer. E. K. Timby. Am Soc C E Proc
Piers englneerinff ^■89 [PP 1 no positions 33981:31-5for Ja '63
Policy-making engineers. D. P.
Piles and pile driving Billington and N. J. Soilenberger. 11 Civil
Pipe layin? Eng 33:48-9 Ap '63
Public worlcs Professional development of the young engi-
Railroad enKineerinK neer. R. W. Johnson. Am Soc C E Proc
Retaininc: walls
Roads ^89 (PP 1 noengineer
Profe.ssional 3.'i8:;i:9-14
and Jahis '63values. R F.
Sanitary enjnneering Garfoot and J. R. Simon. Am Soc C E
Sewerage Proc image89 IPP of 1 the no civil
33951:15-21 Ja W. '63 H.
Shore protection Public engineer.
Soil mechanics Wisely. Civil Eng 33:31 P '63
Strains and stresses Public recognition; measure of the civil en-
Structural engineering gineers success. D. M. Corbett. Civil Eng
Surveying 33:.'i5 Ap '63
Tunnels and tunneling To improve a training program, give tests
Underground construction before and after; interview with W. F.
Water supply engineering Miller, jr. Eng N 170:38-9-1- Je 27 '63
See also
Bibliography American society of civil engineers
Recent boolss added to the Engineering so- Registration
cieties library. Published in monthly num-
l>ers of Uivil engineering Trends in laws affecting the profession R.
International aspects Wallace. Civil Eng 32:58-9 D '62
CIVIL engineers. American society of. See
International relationships in engineering. American society of civil engineers
W. H. Wisely. Civil Eng 33:31-2 Je '63 CLAD metals. See Metals. Clad
Study and teaching CLADINOSE. See Hexoses
Analysis of construction education survey; CLAMPS
progress report. Am Soc C E Proc 89 [CO Combined bushing and clamp for hydraulic
1 no 34563:73-7 Mr '63; Discussion. 89 (CO piercing. F. A. Adams, diag Mach 70:119
2 no'63 36531:141-7 S '63 Equalizing
O '63 clamp of simplified design R.
CB education satisfies employers. Eng N 171-
22 O 3 '63 Isetts. diag.s
Hydraulic systems Mach make 69:128 Dclamping '62 easy.
Civil engineering education; some vital is-
sues. G. B. Earnest. Civil Eng 33:52-3 F H. W. Bredin.
Natural vibrationsil Mach of 69:102-4
partially Ag clamped
Effective teaching of professionaIi.>!m. J I plates. M. Kurata and H. Okamura. diags
Taylor. Civil Eng 32:40-1 O '62 Am Soc C E Proc 89 [EM 3 no 35611:169-
New civil engineer is wealc in highway work
Eng N 170:18-19 Ja 10 '63 Power di.'itribntion and .=;pacer aerial cables.
Research and civil engineering education. J.86 Je
P. '63
Markham. il Wire & Wire Prod 37:
N.^M. Newmark. Am Soc C E Proc 87 1774-8+ D '62
IPP 2 no 29501:1-13 O '61; 89 [PP 1 no 34011: Quick-acting clamp with wide work capacity.
101-4 Ja '63 W. H. Morson.
Serrated clamps diags better,
not Mach tests 69:122-3show.Mr '63E.
Role of surveying in civil engineering edu-
cation. M. O. Schmidt. Am Soc C E Proc Tubing clamps: drawings with text JlC. 15Carr.
K. Lanctot. il Elec World 160:72 '63
89 ISU 1 no 34201:27-33 F '63; Discussion.
89 [SU 2 no 35631:95-6 Je; [SU 3 no 36841: Machine Design 35:129-32 F 28 '63
183-9 O '63 See also
Some _ pertinent questions regarding engi- Hose clamps
neermg education. W. G. Heslop. Eng J CLARINET
46:36-8 Je '63 Acoustical investigations of the clarinet. J.
Symposium on teaching of materials; new Backus,Edward bibliogLee il Sound 2:22-5 My '63
type of course on engineering materials. CLARK.
J. ^Marin. bibliog Am Soc C E Proc 88 Memorial. M. G, Mehl. bibliog por Geol Soc
[EM 4 no 32471:83-8 Ag '62; Discussion. 89 Bui 74:.'!Up5-7 Ja '63
(EM 1 no 34401:99-102 F '63
University civil engineering challenged; dis- CLARK. James d'Argaville
cus.=:ion. Engineering 195:780-1 Je 7 '63 1962 TAPPI medal to be awarded, por Tanpi
W^hat s tion?going 45:sup99A D '62; Same cond. Paper Ind
Eng N on170:25-7+
in civil engineering
Je 6 '63 educa-
44:543 Melvin
D '02 E.
Tables, calculations, etc.
Exam gems. R. Strashn. Publi.'shed in monthly ■'^^41^lfs\r'^'"n .^^'"^'l- t""" Chem & Eng N
numbers of Oivil engineering CLASSIFICATION
General procedure for calculating dynamic American society for quality control litera-
response due to impulsive loads. J F. ture classification system. E. F. Taylor.
Fleming and J. P. Romualdi. diags Frank- Ind Quality Control 19:27-9 Mr '63
lin Inst J 275:107-20 F '63 Automatic document classification. H. Borko
Ma.fs earthwork computed by contour melh- and H. Bernick. bibliog A.ssn for Comput-
?n ■xr''.-,.,."^-
70 N 62 French, diags Civil Eng 32:69- ing Mach J 10:151-62 Ap '63
Classification and retrieval of technical in-
Normal tension for horizontal taping. M. L. formation A. E. Cawkell. bibliog II Wire-
Anderson. Civil Eng 32:57 Ag '62 less World 68:362-7. 432-4 Ag-S '62
Orthonormal equations for surveying adjust- Classification of product characteristics A
Proc •''"■ bihiiog diag Am Soc C E t' "0 ■'fi^°"' '^'^'^^ Machine Design 35:144-6
89 [SU
CIVIL engineers 1 no 34381:77-90 F '63
Chall.Migp of continuing technical excellence.
Poilyiner.q cl.aiVJiflpd by new method K J
no FsSl^.'-t/h
Continuing ^i^
^'^ ^ ^ ^"^ '' 'PP '
a professional
Lissant. diag Chem & Eng N 41:70+' Ja
FilesSeeandalsafiling (documents, etc )
[PP ?nl'-3?ol'\1^u'"3.%% C E Proc 89 CLASSIFIERS
Hydrooyclones for abrasive solids and high
Engineers temperatures.^ W. L. Oliver. 3d. il diais
as real estate developers. P. Chem Eng Prog 59:87-90 Ap '63
33°33r5 j''e"^G3 Kennedy 11 dlvll Eng System boosts emciency of grinding, classi-
Engineer's role In planning urban renewal. fying, il dlaK Chem ]Eng 70:100+ O 28 '63
Sec also
i6i7Y;or°,'l'"A ^r?,^"r'^,C R Proc 88 [CP 1 no Air separators
il'Vcf.'-f n^3C5f/:75l-G'=?t3"- ^^ ^°"'="^"-
CLASSROOMS Expansion and contraction
AcousLical treatment of classrooms in use. Analytical
sensitive techniques for recognizing
reservoir rocks. water-
C. H. Hewitt,
Sound 1:45
Acoustics forN school
'62 music departments. 1^.
S. Goodfriend. 11 plans Sound 2:28-32 Ja bibliog
18 Ag '63 flow sheet diags J Pet Tech 15:813-
, ,
Classrooms in use. D. Fitzroy. il Sound Expansion of a cavity in a saturated clay
medium. B. Ladanyi. bibliog diags Am Soc
Liiehtins Ja classroom
'63 for televising; mstalla- C E Proc 89 [SM 4 no 35771:127-61 Jl '63
Oon at a the English languase institute of Prediction of swelling potential for com-
pacted clays. H. B. Seed and others, bib-
the Univ. of Mich.. Ann Arbor: data sheet. liog Am Soc C E Proc 88 ISM 3 no 31691:
A. Van Oss. il plan Ilium Ens 57:777-8 D 53-87 Je '62: Discussion. 88 [SM 4 no
32501:207-9 Ag; [SM 6 no 33781:263-70 D
Mobile classroom,
Mobile classrooms ilsoIndallPhot 12:70 inJl Chicago.
electric '63 •62; Reply. 89 [SM 3 no 35281:143-6 My '63
11 Elec World 159:142 Je 3 '63 Moisture content
Modern environmental ideas in an old class- Compression of partially saturated cohesive
One step room, il Elum
ahead Engin 58:22 Ja '63 lighting, il
classroom soils. Y. Toshimi and J. O. Osterberg.
bibliog il diags Am Soc C E Proc 89 [SM
Skylight Eng 58:616-17
luminaires O '63
in a classroom, il dias 4 no of
Effect 35661:1-24
moistureJl on '63 modulus of rupture of
Ilium Eng 58:60-1 F '63 some typical ball clays. P. E. Turbett. Am
CLATHRATE compounds. See Molecular com- Cer Soc Bui■63 42:21-2 Jahigh
'63 overburden pres-
pounds Relationship between
CLAY, Lucius D. . . , sures and moisture content of halloysite and
General Lucius D. Clay named as recipient of dickite clays. G. V. Chilingar and others,
John Fritz medaL J Metals 15:657 S '63 bibliog diag Geol TestingSoc Bui 74:1041-8 Ag '63
Adsorption cell urements on for
clays. X-ray
R. A.diffraction
Rowlandmeas-and Effect of moisture on modulus of rupture
others, diags R Sci Instr 34:1047-9 S '63 of some typical ball clays. P. E. Turbett.
Aggregate producer borrows brick extruding Am Cer Soc study Bui 42:21-2
process. R. S. Torgerson. il diags Rock Penetrometer of the Jain '63
situ strength
Prod 66:74-6 of clays. R. L. Kondner. bibliog Materials
Alumina from Oclay '63 now a success, il Iron
Res & Stand 2:193-5 Mr '62; Discussion.
Alumina from clay '63process successful, says
Age 191:37 My 23 R. F. particle-size
Rapid Scott. 3:736; analysis
Reply. 736-7 S '63
of ceramic clays
Anaconda.of Steel
Behavior pipes buried 152:29-)- inMyexpansive
27 '63 clays. bv packing- volume technique. R. F. Con-
G. Kassitf and J. G. Zeitlen. bibliog plans lev, bibliog diags Am Cer Soc J 46:1-5 Ja
Am Soc C E Proc 88 [SM 2 no 30131:133- Relationship between high overburden pres-
48 Ap '62; Discussion. J. E. Holland. 88 sures and moisture content of halloysite
[SM 6 no 33781:255-8 D '62; Reply. 89 tSM and dickite clays. G. V. Chilingar and
3 no 35281:141-2 My '63 others, bibliog diag Geol Soc Bui 74:1041-8
Boron substitution in synthetic micas and Ag '63 , , . .,
clays. V. Stubican and R. Roy. bibliog Am Two instruments for studying the plasticity
of clays. F. Moore, diags J Sci Instr 40:
Mineralogist 47:1166-73 S '62
Clay suspending agents in cosmetic formula- 228-31 My '63
tions. G. J. Sperandio. bibliog Am Per- North Dakota
fumer 78:99-102 O '63 Occurrence, mineralogy, and origin of the
Decomposition of clays and the fate of lower Golden Valley kaolinitic clay deposits
aluminum. N. T. Coleman, bibliog Econ near Dickinson. N.D. D. H. Freas. bibliog
Geol 57:1207-18 D '62 diags Geol Soc Bui 73:1341-63. pi 1 N '62
Dispersion of clay in polymers. H. H. Morris CLAY industries
and E W. Schwartz, bibliog il Rubber Age See also
93:739-45 Ag '63 Pottery
Effect of heat and additives on green sand CLAY products
properties. B. C. Yearley. bibliog Foundry Ceramic materials in the construction indus-
91:50-3 Ag: 100-3 S '63 try. J. G. Brady, bibliog Can Min & Met
Experience with Canadian varved clays. V.
Milligan and others, bibliog il map plan BuiSee56:728-36
also S '63
diags Am Soc C E Proc 88 [SM 4 no 3224] : Bricks
31-67 Ag '62: Discussion. 89 [SM 1 no
34361:309-11 F; [SM 3 no 35281:147-56 My Defects
'63: Reply. 89 [SM 6 no 37011:81-2 N '63 How to reduce cracks and pinholes. R. H.
Flexibility of clay and cracking of earth
dams. G. A Leonards and J. Narain.
il diags Am Soc C E Proc 89 [SM 2 no Dubler. il Cer Ind 81:52-5-1- Ag '63
34601:47-98 bibliog(p96-7) Mr '63 Deformation of a structural clav body at
Flow of clay-water suspensions. C. D. D. high temperatures. C. E. McNeilly and
Howard. Am Soc C E Proc 89 (HT 5 no G. L. DePoorter. bibliog diag Am Cer Soc
36411:89-97 S '63
Friction and cohesion of saturated clays. CLAYBui products
42:1-5 Ja plants
T. H. Wu and others, bibliog il diags Am See also
Soc C E Proc 88 ISM 3 no 31581:1-32 Je Brick works
'62; Discussion 88 [SM 5 no 33061:59-65 O Refractory materials — Manufacture
•62; 89 [SM 1 no 34361:259-77 F '63; Reply.
89 [SM 4 no 35781:171-5 Jl '63 Equipment
Lime tames wet clay for early spring start; Automation upgrades production facilities at
Dan .superb ighwav. Chicago. S. Her- Florida Tile. G. L. Vincent, il Cer Ind
man, il Roads & Sts 106:32-5-1- Ja '63
Separating glass sand from clay: process 79:62-64-news.
Product N '62
Published in monthly numbers
flowsheet. C. R. Havighorst. il Chem Eng of Ceramic industry
70:158-60 Je 10 '63 CLEAN rooms (factories). See Factories —
Stability of deep cuts in clay. W. D. L. Cleanliness
Finn, diag Civil Eng 33:67 Je '63 CLEANING
See also Polyurethane foam wipers simultaneously
Ben ton! te reduce clean room contamination and wip-
Kaolin ing costs, il Plastics World 21:42 O '63
Later! te BoilerSee cleaning
Cleaning machinery
Loesa Cotton cleaning
Mon tmorillonlte Dyes and dyeing
Slips (ceramics) Metal cleaning
Varves Sewer cleaning
Analysis Shot blasting
Structure-controlled reactions In kaolinite- also subdivision Cleaning under special
dlaspore-boehmite clays. R. J, Bratton and subjects, e.g.
G. W. Brindley. bibliog Am Cer Soc J 45; Air preheaters
513-16 N 1 '62 Atomic power plants
CLEANING— See also — Continued Petrochemical review; synthetic detergents.
IJeiUng Conveyor E. R. Baker. Oil & ofGas detergents.
J 61:103-5 SH. 2 '63
Caslintrs Physical chemistry E.
Condensers (steam) Garrett, bibliog diags Chem & Ind p 1606-
Es'apuraLora 16 O 5 & '63Gamble will sell soft detergent by
Factories end-1965. Chem & Engof N metals.
41:34 Je .S.3 '63Spring.
Heat exchangers Production cleaning
Lubrication and lubricants (cutting and diags Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:
grinding) 74-6 Jaderived
7 '63 detergents. R. R. Rlso, Soap
Macliinery Protein
Motor trucks & Chemand Specfuture 39:82-44-
Moving picture films Recent trends My in '63nonionics for
Petroleum refineries detergent use. L. D. Berger. jr. Soap &
Pipes Chem and Specdetergent
39:47-94- association
Mr '63
Tanlt cars Soap 36th annual
Tanl< trucks meeting. New York. Jan. 23-25: preview.
CLEANING compositions SoftSoapdetergents
& Chem Spec 39:55-7 Ja
are almost here,'63 il diag Oil
Advances in soaps and detergents. AOCS & Gas J 61:41-2 Je 17 '63
short course. Princeton. June 23-26: ab- Stanley's 30 year,s of progress, il Soap &
stracts of papers. Am Oil Chem Soc J Chem
Surface Spec of39:73-64-
films nonlonic Mr detergents.
'63 M. J.
Allied and Monsanto Ac '63 to make soft detergent Schick, bibliog J Colloid Sci 17:801-13; 18:
alkvlale. Chem session & Eng fallN meeting,41:25-G Toronto,
O 7 '63 37S-90 D of '62.isolated
Tensions Ap '63 detergent films. R. J.
AOCS detergent Grabenstetter and J. M. Corkill. biblioe
Oct. 1-4: abstracts of papers. Soap & Chem
diag Jfind.-j
payoff Sclin 18:401-8
chemicals. Je 11'63Chem
BigSpec debut38:47-9nears N '62for biodegradable deter- Te.xize &
Eng N 41:34-r)
Unilever companiesJa 28 '63
report sales. Soap &
Chemical gentscleaning
, il Chem Eng 70:52-3 H.Ag E.5 '03
of metals. Linsley.
il diags Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107: Chem Specagreement
Voluntary 39:644- Jeto '63end ABS pollution
67-S7 F 4 '03 (reprints 45cl urged. Chem & Eng N 41:36-7 Je 24 '63
CPl's 1962 record, the key to 1963. 11 Chem See also
Eng 70:97 cleaned
Chemically Ja 21 '63boilers last longer. C. M. Hand cleaners
Loucks. 11 Power 106:158-9 D '62 fect
Sewage disposal — Cleaning compositions ef-
Conoco to make soft detergent in '64. OH & Shampoos
Gas Jcleaners
Dairy 01:117 Jein 10novel '63 package. 11 Soap & Water supply — Cleaning compositions content
Definition Specof 39:1094- the wordAg '63 detergent. M. C. Analysis
Bourne and W. G. Jennings, bibliog Am Oil ABS study reveals effect of syndet structure,
Chem Soc J 40:212 Mv 03 il Chem &compionent Eng N 41:70-1 Je 3 gas'63 chroma-
Deodorized chlorinated cleansers. J. V. Kara- Detergent analysis:
binos and A. T. Ballun. Soap & Chem Spec tography yields accurate, full data. E. P.
38:63-4-1- makers
Detergent D '62 are In a lather, il Oil & Kaelble. bibliog Soap & Chem Spec 39:56-
Gas J 61:92-3 Mr 4Federal'63 Determination
94- O '63 of minor components in deter-
Detergents and the hazardous sub- gent products by differential infrared spec-
stances labeling act. G. Hopper. Soap & trometry. J. M. Blakeway and N. A. Putt-
Detergents Spec 39:58-614-
for shampoos Ja '63
and toilet prepara- nam. Anal Chemtechnique
Rearrangement 35:630-2 Myfor '63analysis of
tions K. R. Dutton and W. B. Reinisch. alk>'lbenzenes by mass spectrometry;
Manuf Chem 34:4-64- Ja '63 uniciue heated inlet system, E. W. Bover
FD.^ looks at svnthetic detergents under the and others bibliog diags Anal Chem 35:1168-
Federal hazardous substances labeling act.
F. D. Clark. Soap & Chem Spec 39:62-34- Syndet
71 Ag '63 testing could follow German lead,
Ja '63 properties of nonlonic
Foaming detergents. diag Chem
Thermometric &titration
Eng N of 41:65-6
colloidal F electrolytes
18 '63
M. J. Schick and E. A. Bever. bibliog Am and application to detergent analysis. J. Jor-
Oil Chem studies
Further Soc of J 40-66-S
detergency F '63 correlation. dan and others, bibliog Anal Chem 35:1534-5
5 '63 Bibliography
A. M. Mankowich. bibliog Am Oil Chem
HardSoc ver-^sus
J 40:96-100 Mr '63
soft surfactants. Can Chem Proc- Report of the literature review committee: an-
nual review of the literature on fats, oils,
ess 46:56-7 D '62 and detergents, bibliog Am Oil Chem Soc J
Hea^-y-duty detergents boost liquids' drive. 40:372-94, 472-96 Ag-S '63
Chem & Eng N 40:33-4 S 10 '62
High cloud-point nonionlcs. J. V. Karablnos Laws and regulations
and R. B. Colaric, Soap & Chem Spec 38: Senate hearing on detergents. Soap & Chem
50-14- N '62
Industrial decarbonisers and degreasers. Spec 39:51-44- Ag '63
Engineer 215:1083 Je 14 '63 Manufacture
Indu.'itrlal detergent research. H. R. Suter. New P&G synthetic detergent plant, bibliog
Soap & Chem Spec 39:55-8 Je '63
Industrial developments in the detergents New11 Soap & Chem is Spec
technology 39:51-34-
resulting from Je syndet
field; abstract and discussion. H. Stupel. raw materials switch, il diag Chem &
Chem & Ind p 1201 Jl 20 '63 Eng N 41:138-41 N 4 '63
Interpretive review of detergencv for the Soft detergents In '64. suppliers say. Soap
food technologist. W. G. Jennings. Food 6 Chem Spec 39:1634- Jl '63
Tech 17:873-44- biblioglp880-l) Jl '63 Spray drying detergents, B. M. Milwldsky.
Just in time, soft detergents. 11 Pet Man- bibliog 11 diags Soap & Chem Spec 38:59-
agement 33:185-7 Ag '63 624- O; 56-604- N; 73-6 D '62
Kinetic appro.ach to detergent svnerglsm. Perfuming
W, G. Jennings. Am Oil Chem Soc J 40: Future of synthetic aromatics In soaps and
17-20 Ja "63 detergents T. D. Parks, diags Am Per-
Laboratory .sulfonation methods for detergent fumer 78:38-41 Je 63
alkylbenzenes. T. H. Uddicoet and S. A.
?J"l"^x hlbllog dlags Am Oil Chem Soc J Standards
40:5-10 Ja '63 ASTM committee D-12 on soaps and other
L/innid soaps and d<^tprgpnfs A Mlln-ldskv detergents tackles specifications. Soap &
bibliog 11 Soap & Chem Spec 39:54-74- Mr:
63-6 Ap '63 Chem Spec 39:49-524- Ap '63
Mechanism of fatty soil removal B A. Statistics
Scott, bibliog 11 J Ap Chem 13:133-44 Mr German detergent /soap outptit Increases: de-
tergent and soap produciion in Western
New lu oi det deve W. T. Germany 1961 and„1960
Stewartbo andl others.
ent Chem &lopeEng N 40:65 & Chem Spec 39:67 F 63 with table. Soap
S 24 '62 s d . 1963 chemical process Industries prospects:
Nonlonic surfactant;? pick up speed Chem detergent dollar sales up. profits down.
Enit '/0:344- Ao 1 '63 Can Chem Procoss 47:39-40 Ja '63

CLEANING compositions — Continued New speaking clock using magnetic record-

Testing ing. Radio & Electronic Eag 26:230 S '63
Plastics in clocks and watches, il Brit Plas-
British Shell deterdenls laboratory. Echam.
Surrey, il Soap & Chem apec 39:63-4 F '63 Plasticstics in
O '63 and clock design. 11 En-
Consumer son and H. P. Andrews. Soap & K.Chem
testiiig liquid syndets. L.. John-
Spec gineering 196:324-5 S 13 '63
Atomic clocks
Deterprency S 'GS
evaluation. R. C. Davis, ^.^,, „ , bibllog Comparison of two independent atomic time
■63 scales. J. Newman and others. IEEE Proc
Soap & systems
Dynamic Chem Spec are 39:47-50
used to Aeprobe'63 biodee-
radation U Chem & Ene N 41:50-1 Je 24 51:498-9 Mr '63Manufacture
Evaluation of dishwashing detergent per- Automating assembly at Westclox. J. A.
formance; Decol titration test. M. Howells. Eaton, il diags Mod Materials Handling 18:
Soap & Chem Spec
Kinetic studies of deterpency. M. C. Bourne 39:61-2-1- S '63 42-6 AgElectric
and W. G. Jennings, bibliog Am Oil Chem Batterv-driven electric <;lock: Sectronio
Soc chain
Long J 40:517-30 O '63and 1-hydroxy-
alkanesulfonates , ^ clocks, synchronous
Smith il diag Engineer electric 215:240-1
clock. 11F diags1 '63
2-aIkanesulfonates; structure and property
relations. J. K. Weil and others, bibliog Engineering
See also 194:666-8 N 23 '62
Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:538-41 O '63 deter- Watches. Electric
Predicting gent the performance
compositions. A. M. ofSchwartz
laundry and J. CLOCKS. Electronic
Berch. How chart Soap & Chein Spec 39: Amateur scientist; how to make a highly ac-
curate clock that utilizes tunnel diodes.
Removal My '63
of fatty soils from cotton In R. L. Watters. il diags Sci Am 208:157-
aqueous detergent systems. \V. C. Powe. Transistor clock. 11 diag Engmeering 195:272
bibliog Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:290-4 Jl 60+
F 1^ Mr
'63 '63 . „ „ , .
Soluble silicates as determent builders. A. CLOSED circuit television. See Television —
Closed circuit
Warren, bibliog Soap & Chem Spec 39:50- CLOSURES (containers)
3-1- Mr '63
Testing biodegradability of detergents ^I. A.. Moves toward better closures. Food Eng
Eldib. bibliog il diags Soap & Chem Spec
39:59-63+ Je '63 New34:82statistics
N '62 for closures. R. L. Van Bos-
CLEANING machinery kirk.of Mod
Role plastics Plastics 40:242+ N11 '62
in closures. Brit Plastics
Automatic cleaning and phosphatizing facili-
ties. Ind Finishing 39:100-1 N machine,
'62 36:232-5 My '63
Coin-operated dry cleaning diae BottleSee capsalso and seals
Fluorocarbons Eng 34:43-4 Ag 19
woo coin-op drycleaning. '63 Can CLOTH. See Textile fabrics
Chem Process
Low-cost steam 46:41-2 cleaning.N '62W. O. Merritt. il CLOTHING. Protective
Arctic clothing: polymer compound used as
Food Eng 35:77-8 Ad '63 base tor porous lining, il Plastics World
See also
Washing cieanine-
machines machinery(for metal parts) Breathable
21:35 Mr '63 Hnish imparts durable water bar-
CLEANLINESS rier, il Mod Textiles Mag 44:28+ Ap '63
Keeping up with protective clothing de-
See also velopments. 1 Safety getsMaint highlighted,
120:22-5 O '63il
Factories — Cleanliness Linemen's rainwear
CLEARING of land Safety for
Markets MaintPVC125:23-4 protectiveJe '6:iclothing, il Brit
•63 removes stumps quickly, economically.
R. Hoeller.
Tree crushers ilchew Elec up World
greenery 159:83whileF 25Corps '63 PVC Plastics
coated 36:166-71 rayon, Apimpervious '63 and acid-re-
breaks down costs. 11 Eng N 170:60-2 Ap 4 sistant suit facilitates industrial main-
Protective tenclothing ance, il Plastics suited World for 21:26 theJe job.
'63 11
CLEMMENSEN reduction. See Reduction.
Chemical Safety Maint
Safety equipment 126:16-18 forS '63 handling benzoyl
CLIMATE. See Climatology peroxide. Safety aluminum Maint 125:51 F '63
CLIMATE and architecture. See Architecture Suited for fire: reflectorized suit:
and climate Timken roller bearing co. il Safety Maint
CLIMATOLOGY 125::f7 forMy safety;
Suited '63 some tips on the selection
Changes of climate before and since the in- of liquid-proof clothing, il Safety Maint
dustrial revolution. H. H. Lamb, bibliog
maps Research
Climate, population, 15:501-9 D '62 demand. G. M.
and water To126:10-11
controlAg the '63 radioactive contamination.,
Quraishi. maps Am Soc C E Proc 89 ISA 2 they treat radiations like dangerous dust
at Big Rock Point. 11 Safety Maint 125:
no 34701:1-16
Effects of climatic Ao '63 and loading factors on
trickling filter performance. W. J. Benzie 24 24-6
carat AD safety; '63 gold suit. 11 Safety Maint
and others, bibliog il WPCF J 35:445-55 Use of phototropic
124:23-4 D '62 camouflage colorants In
Ap -63 environment in which we live. D. M.
Energy combat clothing to protect against nuclear
flash radiation. L. Weissbein. bibliog diag
Gates. bibUog il Am Scientist 51:327-48
S See
'63 aUo Textile suit:
Weather Res J two-piece 32:998-1008 uniform
D '62 of coated
Paleoclimatology nylon, il Plastics World 21:58 My '63
Rain and rainfall See also
CLINICS Air pilotsSafety
Gloves. — Clothing
Doctors departmentalized: McFarland clinic. Helmets. Welders
Ames. Iowa. 11 plans diags Prog Arch 44: Shoes. Safety
120-7 Ag '63 Space vehicle crews — Clothing
Out-patient care, the Influence of Inter- CLOTHING and dress
related needs. R. H. Schlesinger and others. Effect of wetness on clothing warmth. Mod
Am '6! J Pub Health 52:1844-52 N '62 Textiles Mag charges 44:57 Adon men '63
Signiflcanca of a VA outpatient clinic and Electrostatic and women in
its staffing by public health nurses. R. A. various clothing. T. G, Owe Berg and
Trudeau. Am J Pub Health 53:1107-11 JI others diags Archives Environmental
Health 7:217-28 Ag '63
CLINICS, Dental. See Dental clinics Children
CLINKERS. Cement. See Cement clinkers Rosenau bought 13 million yards last year
CLINOCHLORE for Ilttl« girls' dresses. G. L. Solomon.
Synthesis of clinochlore at high pressures. 11 Mod qualities Textiles Mag 44:22+ JnNew'63 Mexico
E. R. Segnit. bibliog Am Mineralogist 48: Wearing of selected
wools. J. S. Lee and others, bibliog il diags
lOSO-9 S '63
CLINOPTILOLITE. See Zeolites Textile Res J 31:540-50; 33:855-63 Je '61.
CLOCK paradox. See Relativity (physics) O '63
CLOCKS For Kayser-Roth growth and more growth,
New ideas with clocks. II dIae Enetneerlng Q. L. Solomon. Mod Textiles Mag 44:19-
195:824 Je 14 '63
20+ F '63
CLOUD chambers ■Viscosity of suspensions
rhoioelecinc triKgerlng of flash photography oil. C. Moreiand. bibliog of Can
coal J in mineral
Chem Eng
of a low pressure hehum cloud chamber. See aiao
41:24-8 F '63
D E Frederick and J. H. Smilh. diags K Boilers — Firing
Scl Inslr a3;UUU-2 U 62 Coal
iSee also Coke preparation
Coal trade
Bubble chambers
CLOUDS Liignita
iviocuiucent clouds. R. K. Soberman. il map Analysis
diags bci wiUi
Research Am saiellite JU8:5U-a. cover
cloud Jepictures.
'63 S. New technique for the laboratory coring of
coal. J. M. Jones and J. A. Bell, il Econ
Fruz. bibliOK il diags Astronautics & Aero-
space Kng l;7U-4 Ap '63 Geol 58:791-5a Ag
Petrography, step'63forward In coal analysis.
SwmiminK and tennis club In California, il il diagmicroscope
Photo Power 107:68-9
analyzesJe coal,
'63 il Elec World
CLUBSplan Arch Kec 134:146-7 Ag '63 159:68 F of11 applications
Reviews of analyses; soUa
Blueprint for an audio club. C. R. Doty. Audio and gaseous fuels. R. F. Abernethy and
4i :4u-t- Mr '63 T. Christos. Anal Chem 35 Ino 51:78R-88R
CLUTCHES , bihliog(pS6R-SR) Ap '63
How electric clutches and, ^braltes , will Ml,. boost Studies on coal macerals. M. M. Roy. bib-
your machine output. S. P. J. Wood, il liog Econ Geol Blending
58:347-52 My '63
'le.vtile World
Mechanical drives 113:Gi-i'0
boolcS issue:
'63 mechanical
clutches. N. C. Harrison, il diags Machine Blending operation increases coining strength
Design 34:91-9 D 13 '62 of coal, il Iron Chemistry
& Steel Eng 40:156 O '63
Predicting performance of motor-clutch
drives. M. F. Spotts. diags Machine De- Sulfuric acid in elucidation of coal structure.
Slip cluiches sign 35:142-6speed F 14 chucker
'63 output, _il diags^. M. P. Thomas and C. R. Kinney, bibliog
Product Ind & Eng Chem 55:30-4 N '63
Tiger- TorqueEng transmission 33:80-1 N 12 '62 for fork lift, il
See Product
also Eng 34:73 S 16 '63 Occurrence of resinite in bituminous coals.
Automobiles — Clutches J. M. Jones and D. G. MurcWson. il Econ
Friction materials Geol 58:263-73 Mr '63 coals. H. S. Pareelc.
Petrology of Talcher
CLUTCHES. Magnetic „ , ^
Electro-magnetic clutches from Crofts, il En- bibliog il Econ Geol 58:1089-109 N '63
gineering ia5:50U Ap clutch,
12 '63 il Engineer 214: Prices
Small electromagnetic
777 N 2 '62 Is nuclear power competitive? S. Baron. Elec
Solid-state clutch control. , B. „Berman. diag World 159:24-6 Ap 1 '63
Electro-Tech V2:102-(- Ag '63 Sulfur content
COAGULATION Relationship between sulfur In coals and the
Coagulation and scavenging of radioactive occurrence of marine roof beds. E. G.
aerosols. J. Kosinski and others, bibliog Williams and M, L. Keith, maps Econ
il diags J Colloid
Coagulation process.Sci R.17:7U3-16 F. Packham.O '62 bib- Geol 58:720-9 bibliog(p727-9) Ag '63
Influenceliog J Ap of Chem 12:556-68 variables
coagulation D '62 on the Testing
structure and physical properties of an Coal ash content measurement: Simcar ash
acrylic fiber. J. P. Knudsen. bibliog 11 diag recorder, ravs il spot
Engineer 215:585 ofMr coals,
29 '63il
Gamma ash content
See also Res J 33:13-20 Ja '63
Water purification — Coagulation Engineering
Heating 195:536
value of bituminousAp 19 '63 coal quickly
COAL determined by nomograph; data sheet. D. P.
Bituminous coal fines: a lov? cost filler for Costa. Heating- Piping 34:141-2 O '62
rubber and plastics. W. Mueller and oth- Transportation
ers. Rubber Age 93:255-64 My '63 Barge transportation plays important role
Coal-burning gas turbine. J. C. 'Wisdom, il in coal industry. Marine Eng/Log 68:52
diag Mech gasEng turbine
Coal-fired 85:57 Jlbeing '63 developed by
Bureau of mines. J. Smith and others, il Barges
Jl '63 shared to firm coal costs. 11 Elec
Power Eng into 67:35-8 Mr '63
blast furnaces, flow diag World 160:44
Changes brewingAg 26 for'63 transporting coal-
il diag Engineer energy. R. J. Bender. II diags Power 107:
Coal injection into 214:1022-4
no. 5 blast D 14furnace
'62 at
Stanton and Staveley ltd. E. M. Summers 57-64 F scene
Changing '63 In mine-to-market coal haul-
and others, bibliog flow sheets plan diags
Iron & Steel Inst J 201:666-77; Discussion, Cheaperage, il coal
Coal delivery
Age 67:70-7 shrinks D '62power costs,
il 678-92
Coal, oil or Ag slurry '63 for blast furnaces? ab- il Coal
Fuel Age 68:26 Mr what
transportation; '63 every engineer
stract and discussion. Summers and oth- should know. W. Hammer. Heating-Piping
ers, diag.s Engineering 195:656-7 My 10 '63 Imiiroved handling of empty cars. II diag
Coal technology in 1962. il Min Eng 15:86-93 35:183-4 Ja '63
F '63 Coal Agetrains
Integral 68:120-1 S '63 momentum. 11 Coal
Coal; typology, stitution. D. W.chemistry,
van Krevelen, physicsReview,
and con- by
S. G. Ward. Chem & Ind p 1600-2 S 8 '62 New
Age coal-to-market
67:26 O '62 plan to reap cheaper
Estimation of total carbon in coal: w^ith kwhr. power il Co.^1
nomograph. D. S, Davis. Ind Chem 38:626-7 New plantsAge stir68:26coal P race,
'63 map Eng
D '62
Evolution of volatile hydrocarlx)ns from coal. UnitN 169:22
trains N cut 29 '62
coal costs to three plants.
G. '62W. Girling, bibliog diag J Ap Chem E. C. Bailey. 11 map diags Elec World
13:77-91 F '63 159:20-3
See nUo Jo 10 '63
Experimental solid fuel for cheaper steel-
making, flow diag Engineering 194:762 D 7 Coal pipe lines Canada
Fluid coal Injected Into blast furnace. 11 diag Use of coal in pyrometallurgical processes
Engineering 194:788 D 14 '62 in western areas of Canada and the United
Gasoilne-from-coal project moves ahead. Oil States. J. C. Botham and others, maps
& Gas J 61:68 Ag 5 '63 Can Min & Met Bui 56:240-6 Mr '63
Interior kicks In $10 million for gasoline-
from-coal pilot plant. Oil & Gas J 61:86-7 Western states
S 2 '63 flow' of coal-in-oll suspensions. N.
Pipolino Use of coal in pyrometallurgical processes
Herkowllz and others, bibliog plan Can J In western areas of Canada and the United
Chem Eng 41:116-21 Jo particles.
'6.1 States. J. C. Botham and others, maps
Seining veloclllfs of coal C. More- Can Min & Met Bui 66:240-6 Mr '63
land, bibliog Can J Chem Ene 41:108-10 Je COAL, Pulverized
Coal Injeclion system moves fuel by air.
Tennoa.'se© Vnllcy authority reports on coal. di.ig Sloel
Coal gets Age 68:28 Feeding coal l.",2:60-l-
to a gas Mr turbine.
4 '6.'! D. C. Strlm-
U.K. coal F infecllon '63 system for blast beck and others. II diags Combustion 33:
furnaces. Chem & Eng N 41:55 Ja 7 '63 40-4 Ap; 52-3 My '62; 34:48-52 Ap '63
COAL, Pulverized — Continued Norfolk
Flash healine of coal gives unusual gas com- many and Western's
material coal loading
handling pier has11
positions, E. Rau and L.. Seglin. Cliem &
Iron & Steel Eng 40:158 O '63
Polyethylene parts take on lough jobs, il
Ens: N 41:S9
Inrtuence of coal S 16rank'63 on the burnine times
o( single captive particles. R. H. Essen- Materials wagon
Rotating in Design
57:170-1- Mr '63
il Engi-
hieh. biblioe A S M E Trans ser A 85:183-
S: Discussion. Second neerdepot
215:634 Apspeeds
5 '63 and protects coal. 11
Powdered coal: 189-90 cheaper Jl fuel
'63 for blast fur-
Engineering 196:56 Jl 12 '63
naces. Oil & Gas J 60:78 N 5 '62 Subbituminous for power; the Sorensen story,
See also
Boilers — Pulverized coal firing il diags Coal
Swivel-coupler Age 68:74-81
rotary dumpS '63
cars purchased
for integral trains, diag Elec World 160:
Coal fines are successfully pelletized. il Coal Symposium
102 O 7 '63on bulk materials handling. Engi-
FineAge coal 67:125cleaning N '62 at Glen Alden. A. F. Unusuallyneer 216:16-17 Jl 5 ship
Stortz and D. W. Houston, il diag Min Cong dling equipped
solution, il diag provides coal han-
Iron & Steel Eng
J 49:34-8-1- My '63 40:161-2 Jl '63
Improving flne-coal filtering'. J. D. Swaji. 11 See also
Coal Coal docks
.See Age also 67:90-2 N '62
Coal drying COAL loading machines
COAL ash Belt loader reclaims culm bank, il Coal Age
Five million cu. yd excavated for ash. il
COAL68:178 O '63
Scheme for ash 196:463
disposalO 11 and '63 land reclama- Foremen's forum.age Published in montiily niun-
bers of Coal
tion, il Engineer 216:594-5 O 11 '63
Analysis See also
United mine workers of America
Coal ash content measurement; Simcar ash
recorder, il Engineer 215:585 Mr 29 '63 Diseases and hygiene
COAL association. National. Sea National coal Infective pneiunoconiosis: variable coal with
association constant tuberctUosis.
■63 il Archives E. J. King and oth-
COAL cars ers, bibliog Environmental
Integral-train coal-car designs promise new Health 7:33-46 Jl '63
COAL mines and mining
cleaning il Coal Age 68:28 Ag '63
See also Central tionPennsylvania
and Eastern bituminous coal producers' coal associa-
Coal. Pulverized — Preparation tion meeting. State college. Pa. Sept. 13-14.
Coal preparation
Coal washing Coal Age
Channel waves 67:68as Oa '62 tool of applied geophysics
COAL cutters in coal mining. T. C. Krey. diags Geo-
Ranging drum coal shearing machine. 11
Engineer 216:236 Ag 9 '63 Coal Age physics mining28:701-14 Oguidebook,
'63 il map plans
Report on the trepanner operation at Prin- diaes Coal Age 68:159-278 Jl '63il Engineer-
cess collierj^ G. Sigut. il plans diags Can Holding colliery floors down,
COALMin distillation
& Met Bui 56:697-705 S '63 How the ing 195:645
familyMy 10 of '63steels helps the coal
Carbonization of lignite reaches commercial producer. S. C. Lore. Coal Age 68:103-1- F
stage: proces.s flowsheet. S. V. Margolin.
Chem Eng carbonizing
70:108-10 Jl of 8 composite'63 Illinois mining institute 70th annual meet-
Continuous pellets ing, Sprin.gfield, III. Nov, 16; with abstracts
together with miniature blast furnace tests. of papers.
Indiana coal CoalminingAgeinstitute 67:134-5 meeting.
D '62 Terre
J. A. Gregory and J. A. Innes. il Iron & Haute. April 6: abstracts of papers. Coal
Steel Inst J 201:842-6 O '63
COAL docks Age 68:30-1
Kentucky mining My institute
'63 23d annual meeting.
Ayrshire Collieries; loading and shipping on Lexington. Oct. 4-5; with abstracts of
inland waters il plan diags Coal Age 68:
126-31 O '63 1962papers.
model Coalmining
Age 67:112-13number;N '62 Coal division.
World's largest coal pier dedicated in Nor- Eastern gas and fuel associates. 11 maps
folk. 1 plan Min Eng 15:42-3 O '63 plansmodeldiaes mining
Coal Age 67:71-178 Ayrshire O '62
COAL drying 19G3
Better dust collection at Imperial Smoke- lieries corporation. number;
11 map plan diags Coal col-
les , il Coal Age 68:111-1- Mv '63 OldAgemine workings
68:67-158 O '63consolidated by hydraulic
'63 coal dryer. J. C. Agarwal and
others, il diags Chem Eng Prog 58:85-90 stowing. 11 Engineering 196:137 Ag 2 '63
N '62 Operating
Heat-drj'er ignitions; prevention and control. bers of Coal agePublished in monthly num-
W. L. McMorris. jr. Coal Age 68:88-90 Ja Rocky Mountain coal mining institute. 59th
Safe fact ass with ther co regular meeting, Glenwood Springs. Colo.
drying. ors A. oSchrecengost.
H. cia
ted JUn malCong alJ June 30- July 3: with abstracts of papers.
49:28-32 .71 'R3
What to look for in coal dryer maintenance. Coal Age 68:89-93
Underground bituminous Ag '63 coal mining. 1962.
H. L. Washburn, il diag Min Eng 15:48-50 J. F. Core, il Min Cong J 49:43-5 F '63
• -63
COALAg 62dust West Virginia coal mining institute and Cen-
tral Appalachian section. AIME, annual
Chemical sprays stop coal dust, promote com- meeting White Sulphur Springs. W. Va.
munity relations. 11 Power Eng 66:60-1 D Nov. 2-3; with abstracts of papers. Coal
Coal fine are succ pell 11 Coal Age Virginia
West 67:122-5 D coal
'62 mining Institute, AIMS
s essf etiz Central Appalachian section and AIME
Age 67:125
Control of float N '62dust tiin lly return eairways d. by Coal division spring meeting. Morgantown,
auxiliary fans. J. C. Draper, il diags Min W.Va, April 19-20: abstracts of papers.
Dust suppression; J 49:35-7 Je '63
some British approaches. Coal Age 68:118-21 Je '63
W. Boyle, il plan diags Coal Age 68:112- Accidents and explosions
14-f- Mr '63 Mine rescue at Sheppton. il Comp Air Mag
COAL gasification. See Gas manufacture
COAL handling 68:24-5 explosions,
Robena S '63 plan diag Coal Age 68:
Air motor reduces hazard, diags Mech Eng
85:59 90-2-f- Ap '63
Aluminium•62 O '63 coal skips, il Metallurgia 68:68 Safety in 1962. Coal Age 68:83 F '63
Ag '63 sprays stop coal dust, promote com- See also
Chemical Coal mines and mining — Safety measures
munity relations. 11 Power Eng 66:60-1 D Costs
Coal hand at Pa stea stat
Kentucky.ling S. Kesler.radisjr. m
e il map plan iMin on. Maintenance and cost controls: American
mining congress, Pittsburgh: abstracts of
Eliminating 14:63-6 O '62
a safety hazard. 11 diag Comp papers. Coal AgaDrainage
68:112-13 Ja '63
Air Mag
Light aluminum 68:26 Agskips '63 outclass steel twins.
See Mine drainage
11 Mod Metals 19:80 Ag '63
COAL mines and mining — Continued Remotely controlled longwall face. A. E. Ben-
Electric equipment Remotelynett, operated
diag Engineer longwall
215:1115-16face.Je 1121 plan
proLeclion.simplicity in eround-fault
L.. H. Harrison, diass and Coal cable
Ajie Engineer 216:7-9 Jl 5 '63
Report on the trepanner operation at Prin-
68:06-8 Ja '63 cess colliery. G. Sigut. 11 plans diags Can
Bie wheel strips for coal; electrically. 11 Min & longwall
Met Bui system 56:097-705 S '63 Eastern suc-
Powerfault EnK locators;U7;44-5 Oa '63must for ac mining. Second another
Cable cess at the Kopperston mine. D. Jackson,
Coalil diae
Aku Coal minina Ase 68:98-101
Kuidebook; S '63 edlcient power jr. ilseam
Thin diags mining Coal b.vAge remote
68:54-8 control.
Ag '63 11 diag
designs, electria il diairs tractionCoal Ace system,68:258-66il Jl '63 Engineering 196:54-5 Jl 12 '63
Colliery Engi- White-collar miner operates creeping coal
neer 215:1180 Jo 28 '63 mine, il diag Machine Design 35:156-7 S 12
Double-drum winding engine, il Engineering
190:279 Aecables :!n '63 and connectors; Management
Electrical operating And the rains descended. II Coal Age 68:
(reprintsil 25c) diags Coal Age 67:103-18 D '62
Coal138+ Aku Mr '63 mining guidebook; management
Flameproof mining dry transformers, il En- steps in creating a productive safety pro-
eiiieer 215:911 miningMv transformer.
17 '63
Flameproof 11 Engineer Coal Ago niming Coal
g r a m , i l Plan Age 68:274-8
guidebook; more Jlprofitable
215:079sizeAp feeder
What 12 '63 cable should you use? 11 mining. Coal Aire
Coal division; hiring, training and develop- 68:100-1 Jl '63
diaes Coal Age 68:142+ Mr '63
World's largest Human mentside of people. of mining.11 CoalJ. Age 67:77-85 O Coal
E. Osmanski. '62
cation; Sinclairstrip
mine cableof design
Peabody andcoalappli- co. '62 slopes
il See
diagsalsoCoal Age 68:82-5 Ap '63 Age 67:138+
Underground D '62 open the wav to better
mining efflcioncy; Bell & Zoller at Zelg-
Coal mines and mining — Power ler no. 4 mine. A E. Flowers. 11 plans
Electric locomotives. Mine Coal Age 68:96-101 My '63
Equipment Methods
Coal Age mining guidebook: buying directory. Allen mine expands continuous mining. 11
Coal Age in08:283-64-
Computers coal mining. Jl '63 R. J. Freund and plans CoalCollieries;
Ayrshire Ace 07:60-3+ deep N mining '62 methods.
J. R. Lucas, il diag Min Cong J 48:52-5
D '62 roof master hydraulic support system. Coalil diags
Ace Coal Age 6S:105-11
mining guidebook: O '63deep-mining
Dowty guidebook, il map plans diags Coal Age
Glen diags
il Atden Engineering tools up 196:50-1 for higherJl 12efficiency
'63 Coal68:162-225
divisionJl mining '63 methods; designs for
and market growth, (low sheets 11 diags efficiency. 11 plans Coal Age 67:86-100 O
Coal Age
Mining small 68:81-5 tracts Mr in '63a thin seam; Sham- Coal tec in 1962 new dev in
coal mining ; G. W.elopMcCaa.
rock coal CO. il diag Coal Age 68:96-9+ log technology. men
F '63 Min Eng 15:88-92 y F '03 ts
New equipment news. Published in monthly Continuous face transportation boosts mining
numbers of Coal age efficiency; mine. Imperial D. coal corp. 's Diamond
1902 sales: coal mining and cleaning equip- smokele.'^s W. Alberter. 11 diags
ment. W. H. Young and R. L.. Anderson. Coal Ace
Coordinating 08:58-02
equipment Ja '03 for efficient pillar
NowCoal tvAgegoes68:84-5+ undergroundF '63 into coal mine; extraction; Armco Steel's no. 7 mine. 11
What to lookcoal ilcoalMin drver Eng maintenance.
15:85 Jl '63 plan
Deep diag
mining; Coal Age
American 08:74-7 Je
mining '63 congress.
H. L. Washburn. 11 diag Min Eng 15:48-50 Pittsburgh; abstracts of papers. Coal Age
AgSee'63 also 68:105-6
Deep mining, Je '03stripping and preparation
Coal loading machines in 1962. il Coal Age 68:74-9 F '63
Coal mining machinery Hazards encountered in mining thick. In-
Mine cars clined coal beds; Sunnyside coal seams,
Fires and fire protection Utah. E. C. Olsen. 11 diag Min Eng 15:47-50
Attaining simplicity in ground-fault and cable O '63
protection. L,. H. Harrison, diags Coal Age High productivity at Ken highwall mine. 11
68:66-8 Ja '63 fluids for hydraulic plans Coal
Mining in anAge undulating 67:80-4 D '62 seam; Oakmont
Fire-resistant systems; mine. Harmar coal co. J. Kristoff. jr. 11
Kentucky ridge coal co. F. T. Loving, jr.
il Min Cong J 49:30-1 Ap '63 man Min Cong J 49:24-9 Je '63
Fire-resistant fluids survey no. 2. 11 Coal Age Mining small tracts in a thin seam; Sham-
'63 .A.g '03 rock coal CO. 11 diag Coal Age 68:96-9+
Flameproof mining transformer. 11 Engineer F -63
215:679 Ap 12 03 Modernizing with continuous miners; Pine
Heat-dryer ignitions; prevention and control. Branch mine. Stonega coke & coal co. 11
AV. '62 L. McMorris. jr. Coal Age 68:88-90 Ja
plans diags Coal Ace 68:70-4 Ap '63
How to use fir hyd flui Raleigh Eagle plans full recovery of moun-
-re r ds.D
C. A. Bailey, sis Coal Ageauli67:88-92
c talntop coal. II Coal Age 68:100-3+ Mr '63
Shortwall continuous mining In thin seams
Inje rock wool Isolant t min Are. A. P.
cted ates O '63e by Maust coal and coke corp. G. C. Clark,
Boxley. 11 Coal Age 68:26 11 plan diags Min Cong J 49:45-9 S '63
Haulage Thin seam mining liv remote control. 11 dlaK
See Mine haulage Engineering 196:54-5 Jl 12 '63
Underground '63 slopes open the wav to better
Law mining efficiency; Bell & Zoller at Zelg-
Icr no. 4 mine. A. E. Flowers. 11 plans
jSee Mining law
Coal Age 68:96-101 My '63
Longwall system Coal Seeminesnlso and mining — Longwall system
Longwall mining with a full seam cutting Coal mines and mining — Stripping operations
plow. C. O. Carmen. 11 diags Min Cong J
48:45-9 N '62 Powercontinuous mining. II
Longwall mining with a shearing machine; Allen mine expands
no. 3 mine. Ivaiser steel corp. D. Ross. II
Min Cong J 49:32-4+ Mr '63 plans Coal
Ayrshire Age 07:60-3+
Collieries power forN '62deep and strip
LonL'wall progress: Sunnvslde mines L. T.
Lind.snv. Min Cone J 49:51-2 Jl '63 Coal Aca mining guidebook: 68:132-8
mines. 11 diags Coal Age efficient O power
Longwallmg with powered roof supports. M.
A. Evans. II diags Coal Ace 68:82-8+ S '63 de.'*ign.<< il dlacs Coal Ago 68:258-66 Jl
Progress report on longwall mining. M.
Schmellenkamp. 11 diaga Min Eng 15:55-8 Coal division power; ac and dc service. II
Je G.{
Quality control aa practised bv the Dominion diags Coal
Haulage, Age 67:165-9
nowcr. O '62American min-
ing congress. Piitsbnrch: nbstracts of pa-
S?!*^' &£°-.,^
Min }y , 9!:^?J^''
Met Bui 56:45-6 Ja^"^ '63others. Can pers. Coal Axe 68:113 Je '63
COAL mines and mining — Power — Continued Reclaiming land for profit, il Coal Age 68:
How to safety srouiid iiune-puwer sj'stenis. 94-101 O '63strip mining and restoration. 11
A. ^ C. L,ordi. il diass Coal Age 6S;liU-15+
Steam storage system for a colliery, il En- SixCoalsteps
Age to68:28efiicient
Ja '63 three-seam stripping.
il diagmining;Coal Aee 68:62-5miningAg '63
Unit powers 2lli;547-S ao and O 4 do'63 mine equipment si- Strip American congress.
multaneously, il Coal Aee 68:148 Jl '63 Pittsburgh; abstracts of papers. Coal Age
Racl< dusting 68:106-8
Strip Je "63Baughman
mining, style. 11 Coal Age
Bulk rock dusting; another forward step;
Sesco mine no. 1. G. E. Cooley. il MiQ 6S:S6-8
Strip mining Je '63of coal. 1962. C. A, Broecker.
ConK J 4D:43-6
Control of float dust in return airways My '63 by il Min mining,
Strip Cong Jreclamation,
49:50-2 F '63and the public.
au.\iliary fans. J. C. Draper, il diags Min
D Jackson, jr.for 11power;
Subbiluminous Coal Agethe 68:84-95
aorensen My '63
Cong J 49:35-7
Effective roctc dust Je '63 application from 800 „„„ ,^ft.
il diairs Coal
Three-seam Age in
stripping 68:74-81 S '63
Pennsylvania. 11 Coal
il Coal Age 68:140 Ap '63
Safety measures Aee 68:90-4 Jl '63 pace new production rec-
Ayrshire designs for safety, il Coal Age 68: ■Wheel, giant shovel
155-8 O 63 ords at River King, il Coal Age 68:84-7+ Jl
Better safety management through under- Wor b dra rea t s
Bituminous stanresearch; ding, il Coai Age Bureau 68:98+ ofJa mines'63 pro- ld' falliggeatst Peabodv's
this gli
n dy o trip-mine.
Homestead m
Kentucky, il Power eEng 67:57 Jl '63 ine
gram; for safely in coal mines. D. S. King- World's lareest
ery. Coal Age 68:104+ My '63 cation; Sinclairstrip
of design
Peabody andcoalappli-
Coal Age mining guidebook; management
steps in creating a productive safety pro- il diags Coal
Age 68:82-5 Ap '63
gram, il plan safely Coal measures; Age 68:274-8 organization
Jl '63 Ventilation
Coal division See Mine ventilation
Conference scrutinizes mine safety laws. O Coal
and procedure, il Coal Age 67:148-53 '62
Waste disposal
Age 68:26 Jl '63
Human factors in safety a^ect program de- ^ Acid mine drainage research potentialities.
velopment. Coal sentinelsAge 68:126+ F '63award. G. P Hanna, jr. and others. WPCF J 35:
Maple Creek earns of safety 275-96 biblioe(p293-4) Mr '63; Abstract. Pub
Min Cong J 49:55 Ag '63 AirWorks 94:164+from My coal'63 refuse piles. E. P.
National safety council congress. 50th. Chi-
■63 cago. Oct. 29-31; with abstracts of papers. Hall, il Minand Cong J 48:37-41 D '62
Coal inspection
Aee 67:128-30 D '62 , safety^ Flocculation thickening coal-washery ref-
New techniques establish use pulps. G. H. Matheson and J. M. W.
records in Kentucky. Coal Age 68:98-101 Je Mackenzie, bibliog il diags Coal Age 67:94-
Safety: American mining congress. Pitts- See also
burgh; abstracts of papers. Coal Age 68:109- 100 waste
Coal D '62
10 Je factors
Safety '63 associated with, thermal , coal, Alabama
drving. H. A. Schrecengost. Min Cong J Bulk rock dusting: another forward step;
Seeco mine no. 1. G. B. Cooley. 11 Mm
49:28-32 Jl '63
SafetySee inalso1962. Coal Age 68:83 F '63 Cong J 49:43-6 My '63
Coal mines and mining — Rock dusting Alberta
Power from coal at Wabamun. M. M. Wil-
Statistics liams; C. F. Doerr. flow sheet maps diags
50 biggest bituminous mines ranked by 1962 Can Min & Met Bui 56:136-41 F '63
tonnage; tables. Coal Age 68:39 Ap '63 Arkansas
Stores systems Progress report on lonewall mining. M.
Coal Age mining guidebook; modern purchas- Schmellenkamp. il diags Min Eng 15:55-8
ing and warehousing, il Coal Age 68:267-73 Australia
•II 'S3
Coal division: purchasing ^ and., V
warehousing • or. Je -63 developments in making coke for blast
furnaces. T. G. Callcott. bihiiog il Can Min
supplies, iland
Purchasing Coal warehousing Age 67:170-8 at O Ayrshire.
'62 11 & Met Bui 56:444-50 Je '63
Coal Age 68:148-54 O '63 Colorado
Stripping operations Allen mine expands continuous mining. 11
Ayrshire stripping: big. getting bigger. 11
•6wheel plans Coal Age 67:60-3+ N '62
Bigdiags 3 Coal strips Age 68:76-93 for coal;O '63 . „
electrically. 11 Great Britain
Coal Age Engmining 67:44-5 guidebook; O '63 strip mining Dust suppression: some British approaches.
fundamentals. U diags Coal Age 68:204-25 Jl W. Boyle, il plan diags Coal Age 68:112-14+
Coal stri oper of Avon coal co.. Remotely operated longwall face. 11 plan
ppin Mr '63
1962. Minto. g N.B. atio L.. B. Johnston. Can Engineer 216:7-9 Jl 5 '63
Min & Met Bui
Control of vibrations in overburden blasting. 56:42-4 Ja '63 Illinois
W. H. Hopper, diags Min Cong J 49:44-5 Delta Coal's 'Vermont plant. T. R. Hlghtower.
DeepJe "63mining, stripping and coal preparation diag plans
Delta Min Cong and Jopens
49:51-3SunMr Soot
'63 mine In
Illinois no. 2 seam, il diags Coal Aee 68:
in 1962.
Delta plans il Coal and opens Age 68:74-9Sun Spot P '63 mine In 90-5 F '63 , ,
Illinois no. 2 seam, il diags Coal Age 68: "Wheeh
Jl '63 giant shovel pace new production
records at 'River
63 ,
^. il Coal Age 68:84-7+
Digging deeper with a 39-yd dragline. U Coal
Age 68:94-7 India
Flexible two- Sseam '63 stripping;
. _ ^
Caney „
Creek ,
Petrology of Talcher coals. H. S. Pareek. bib-
mining co. il Coal
New coal strip mine in the Age 68:74-6 Ja '63 ,,Utah^
Southwest: liog il Econ Geol 58:1089-109 N '63
construction and mining co. A. M. Wilson. Kentucky
11 Min Cong
Peabody starts J 115-cu49:19-21yd Jashovel.
'63 . diag
11 ^. ^Coal , Flexible two-seam stripping; Caney Creek
Aee 67:28-31+ O '62 mining co. il Coal Aee 68:74-6 Ja 63
Planning an 85-yd dragline. J. F. Wels. II ^ „ ^ , High productivity at Ken hlghwaU mine. U
diags Min Cong J 48:45-8 O 62 ^^ plans Coal
Power from coal at Wabamun. M. M. Wil- Mining small Agetracts
in Da '62
thin seam: Sham-
liams: C. F. Doerr. flow sheet maps diags rock coal CO. il diag CoaJ Axe 68:96-9+
Can Min excavator & Met Buidynamic 56:136-41performance.
F '63 F '63
Predicting New Inspection techniques establish safety
M. A. Neslin. diags Min Cong J 48:58-63 records in Kentucky. Coal Age 68:98-101 Je
D '62
Procedure for determining strippable coal
reserves. E. C. Beaumont, maps CoaJ Age Pea star 1 y s 1 d C
bod ts 15-cu d hovel. 1 iasr oal
68:80-8 Ag '63 Age y67:28-31+ O '62
COAL mines and mining — Continued Big wheel strips for coal; electrically. 11
New Brunswick Power Eng 67:44-5 O '63
Continuous coal ripping machine shows prom-
Coal strippiiiK operations of Avon coal co., ise; iiretby-SuicliHe. Engineering 1»5:537
1962. Mlnto. N.B. L, K. Jolinston. Can Ap 19 63
Mln & Met Bui 56:42-4 Ja '63 Digging deeper with a 39-yd dragline. 11 Coal
New Mexico Age 68:94-7
Giant COi welded S '63 drag bucket has 125-ton
New coal strip mine in the Southwest: Utah bite. 11 Welding Eng 48:48-9
construction and niining: co. A. M. Wilson, Report on the trepanner operationAg at '63Prin-
il MJn Cone J 43;1'J-21 Ja '63 cess colliery. G. Sigui. ii plans diags Can
Nova Scotia Min & machines
Ripping Met Bui 56:697-705 S '63 ii Engineer
for coal mines,
Quality control as practised by the Dominion 216:387-9 S 6 '63
coal CO. L., W, Creaser and others. Can Coal See also
Mln &on Metthe Bui
Report 56:45-6 operation
trepanner Ja '63 at Prin- Coal loading machines
cess colliery. G. Sisut. il plans diass Can Shoveling macliines
Min & Met Bui 56:697-705 S '63 Control
Ohio Electronically controlled automatic coal min-
Simco-Peabody's overland conveyor ing, il Electronic Eng remote
35:605 control,
S '63
lemma caused by increased marliet solves di-
demand, Thin seam mining by il diag
il Min Eng 15:55-6 Ap '63 Engineering 190:54-5 Jl 12 '63
Pennsylvania Conveyors
Continuotis face transportaLion boosts minins: Closed circuit television monitors conveyor
efficiency; Imperial coal corp.s Diamond system at Gateway mine, il Iron & Steel
smokeless mine. D. W. Alberter. il diags Eng 40:168 Jl '03 bunker, ii Engineer 215:
Colliery roadway
Coal Agecoal6S;5S-62
Gateway co.s Janew'63 8%-mile conveyor
system moves 1300 tph of coal, il diag Min Continuous
1U38 Je 7 '63 face transportation boosts mining
Cong J 4D:S0 S '63 efficiency: mine.
smokeless Imperial coal corp.'s Diamond
Glen Alden tools up for higher efficiency '62 D. W. Alberter. il diags
and market growth, flow sheets il diags Coal Age 68:58-62 Ja '63 8^4-raiIe conveyor
Coal Age 6S:Sl-5 Mr '63 television control: Gateway
system moves coal co.'s new
1300 tph of coal. 11 diag Mln
Longest coal belt system,
Gateway coal co. il map plan diags Coal Cong J coal
Longest 49:80 belt S '63 system, television control:
Age 68:78-83
Mining in an Jl undulating
'63 seam; Oakmont Gateway coal co. il map plan diags Coal
mine. Harmar coal co. J. Kristoft. Jr. il Age 08:78-83 Jl '63overland conveyor solves
map Min Cong J plan 49:24-9diagJe Coal
'63 Age 68:90- Simco-Peabody's
Robena explosions, dilemma caused by increased market de-
2-1- Ap 63 mand, il Min Eng 15:55-6 Ap '63
Silver dollars and Glen Alden coal co. Coal Maintenance and repair
SixAgesteps68:78-81 Mr '63 three-seam
to efficient stripping. Coal Age mining guidebook; maintenance en-
il diag Coal Age 68:62-5 gineering, il plans Coal Age 68:244-57 Jl
Strip mining. Baughman style, Ag il Coal
'63 Age 63
68:86-8 Je '63 Coal division maintenance; methods and fa-
Three-seam stripping In Pennsylvania. II cilities, il plan diags Coal Age 67:156-64 O
Coal Age 68:90-4 Jl '63 Hydraulic system maintenance; Island Creek
Utah coal CO. K. D. Herron, ii Min Cong J 49:27-
Hazards encountered in mining thick, in- Maintenance and cost controls; American
clined coal beds; Sunnyside coal seams, 30 Ja '63 congress.
mining Pittsburgh; abstracts of
Utah. E. C. Olsen. il diag Min Eng 15:47-50 papers. Coal at AgeAyrshire 68:112-13Collieries.
Je '63 11 Coal
O '63
Longwall mining with a shearing machine; Mamtenance
no. 3 mine. Kaiser steel corp. D. Ross, il Age 68:139-47 O 63
Maintenance Ideas. Published In monthly
Min Cong progress; J 49:32-4-1- Mr '63 mines. L. T. niuiibers of Coal age
Ijongwall Sunnyside Maintenance of coal-mine hydraulic equip-
Lindsay. Mln Cong J 49:51-2at the
Jl '63 ment: abstract. J. T. Maulsby. Coal Age
Matching steels and service Welling-
ton plant. B. Pressett and L. Harp, il 68:91 Agfor'63coming cold weather, diag Coal
diags Coal Age 68:104-8 F '63 Age 68:180
Selective maintenance O '63 of hydraulic systems.
Virginia L. S. McNickle. jr. il Coal Age 67:84-9 G.N '62
Modernizing with continuous miners; Pine Strip-mining maintenance: abstract. A.
Branch mine. Stonega coke & coal co. il Nugent. Coal Age 68:91-2 Ag '63
plans diagscoal Coal
Upgrading Age 68:70-4
to premium Ap Stonega
quality; '63 Statistics
coke & coal co.'s Pine Branch preparation Shipments of coal mining equipment and
plant, flow diag il Coal Age 68:75-9 Ap '63 sales of cleaning equipment, 1962. W. H.
Young and R. L. Anderson. Min Cong J
West Virginia
Coordinating equipment for efficient pillar COAL49:129-32
patentsF '63
extraction; Armco Steel's no. 7 mine, il Current coal patents. O. S. North. Published
plan diag Coal Age 68:74-7 Je '63 in montlily numbers of Coal age
Lo igwall mining with a full seam cutting COAL pipe lines
plow. C. O. Carmen. 11 diags Mln Cong J Changes brewing for transporting coal-
Progress N '62
report on longw.ill mining. M. energy; coal-slurry pipelines. R. J, Bender,
Schmellenlcamp. 11 diags Mln Eng 15:55-8 il diags scene
Changing Power in107:57-60 F '63
mine-to-market coal haul-
Je '63 Eagle plans full recovery of moun-
Raleigh age, il Coal Age 67:70-7 D '62 completed:
Coal-slurry firing test evaluations
talntop coal, il Coal Age 68:100-3-t- Mr '63 abstracL Elec World 158:42 O 22 '62
Robin Hoodfor mine. long 11life diags
at Armco
Coal AgeSteel's 68: Coal-slurr.v pipeline may close down. Elec
72-3-1- Ag '63 World 159:61 My 6 '63
Second longwall system another Eastern suc- Coal-slurry pipeline to California In works.
cess at the Kopperston mine. D. Jack.son. Oil & Gas J 60:162 N 19 '62
Ir. 11 diags Coal Agemining68:54-8 Ag '63 Coal slurry systems move ahead. Elec World
Shortwall continuous In thin seams
by Maust coal and coke corp, G. C Clark. 158:57-8 Nof5 coal
Economics '62 pipelines. Power Eng 67:
il plan diags Mln Cong J 49:45-9 S '63
COAL mining Institute of America 54-5 Myworking
Getting '63 data on coal pipelines. A, Q.
Annual meeting. 761h. Pittsburgh. Dec. 13-14;
with abstracts of papers. Coal Age 68:91- Bain, diags Engineering 196:322-3 S 13 '63
3-t- Ja 63 Possibilities for pipelining coal In Canada.
COAL mining machinery N. Berkowitz and E. J. Jensen, bibllog
Advance."! In augor mining techniques; Hobet diag Can Min & Met Bui 56:504-8 Jl '63
mining & con.stnicilon co^ H. P. Nutter. 11 Rall-utlllty pact closing coal pipeline Coal
dlaga Mln Cong J 49:31-5 S '63
Age 68:26 Je '63 ^ k . v,««
COAL pipe lines — Continued . COAL research. Office of. See United States-
Transport of coal by pipeline. Engineer 215: Interior.
fice of Department of — Coal research. Of-
1179 Je 2S '63
Transport of coal by pipeline. H. G. B. Nolan. COAL stokers. See Stokers, Mechanical
COAL supply
Unit trains 215:1069-71
cut coal costs Je to14 three
'63 plants. E. See also
C. Bailey, il map diass Elec World 159:20-2 Coal trade Europe

COALJe 10 policy'63 conference, National. See National

Long term energy prospects in Europe.
coal policy conference Engineer 215:600-1 Mr 29 '63
COAL preparation Meeting Europe's '63 energy requirements. Engi-
Ayrshire Collieries; processing quality prod-
ucts, il diags Coal Age 6S:112-25 O '63 COAL tarneer 215:398-9 Mr 1 '63
Bethlehem's Cambria Slope plant. W. Benzon. Comparison of properties of coal-modifled tar
il Min Cong J 49:6o-S S '63 coking; keys to binder, tar. and asphalt cement. W J.
Better preparation, on-site Halstead and others, bibliog Pub Roads
Jewell Smokeless expansion, il Coal Age 32:83-96 O '62; Abstract. Pub Works 93:
67:66-7-!-. cover N '62
Bituminous research; Bureau of mines pro- 142 N '62 of tar-bonded linings for basic
gram in coal mining, coal preparation. 11 oxygen furnaces. R. N. Ames. Iron & Steel
diagsAge Coal
Coal mining Age guidebook;
68:118-21-1- modern
F '63 prepara- Eng 40:149-52
Exceptional S '63 for coal tar enamels II
tion, flow chart 11 diags Coal Age 68:226-43 Water isolated
& Sewage
Jl '63division preparation of coal; quality, Indenol from Works 110:52abstract
ooal tars; Ja '63 S.
Coal Friedman, Chem & Eng N 41:464- Ja 21 '63
uniformity, efnciency. il diags Coal Age 67; Isoprenoid- skeleton hydrocarbons in low-
128-39 O 62 temperature brown coal tar. K. Kochloefl
Coal pelletizing. F. P. Calhoun, il Min Cong and others, '63 bibliog Chem & Ind p692 Ap 27
Coal 48:38-9-!-
J preparation: N '62American mining congress,
Pittsburgh; abstracts of papers. Coal Age Chromatographic determination of trace
preparation. Je '63 1962. M. R. Geer and M. amounts of polynuclear hydrocarbons in
petrolatum, mineral oil, and coal tar. W.
Ooal technology il Min inCong1962;J advances
49:56-9 F in'63 coaJ Lijinsky and others, bibliog Anal Chem
preparation. D. H. Dowlin. 11 Min Eng 15: COAL35:952-6
tar colorsJl '63
Deep92-3 mining,
F '63 stripping and coal preparation Current cosmetic color palette. H. Holtzman.
in 1962. il Coal Age 68:74-9 F '63 bibliog forAm the Perfumer
Method qualitative78:27-31 F '63 of
Delta Coal's Vermont plant. T. R. Hightower.
diag Min Cong J 49:51-3 Mr '63 coal-tar ayes in commercial cosmetic prod-
Delta plans and opens Sun Spot mine in ucts. A. Shansky and P. P. Carrubba. Am
Illinois no. 2 seam, il diags Coal Age 68: Perfumer guide 78:13-14to color
Jl '63restrictions. H. D.
90-5 F '63 Thumbnail
Eliminating „ ,. ,from a coal
stream pollution Gotilden. Drug & Cosmetic Ind 93:31 Jl
preparation plant. W. H. Noone. flow sheet
COAL tar pitch. See Pitch
il MinAlden
Glen Cong tools J 49:26-30
up for Aghigher '63 ^
efflciency COAL tar products
and market growth, flow sheets il diags Challenge in coal tar chemicals. H. G.
Coal AgeSmokeless
Imperial 68:81-5 Mrpreparation
'63 plant. J. G. Franck. andil Ind & Eng faceChemuncertain
55:38-44 future.
My '63
Cresols cresylics
McCurry. il Min Cong J 48:27-94- O 62
Matching steelsE. and serviceand at the "Welling-il Chem & Eng N 41:23-4
Facts and figures for the chemical processMy 13 '63
'63 ton plant. Pressett L,. Harp, industries; coal tar. D. F. McCarthy. Chem
diags Coal Age 68:104-8
Mining small tracts in a thin seam; Sham- F '63 & Engand N 40:48-50 pt 2 the
S 3 '62
Facts figures for chemical process
rock coal CO. il diag Coal Age 68:96-9-1- F industries; coal tar. D. F. McCarthy. Chem
Modernized plant boosts recovery, improves & Eng N 41:88-90 S 2 '63
quality; Armco Steel's preparation PitchSee also
at Montcoal. W.Va. il diag Coal Ageplant 68:
78-9-1- Je '63 COAL trade
Republic Steel starts coal through new clean- Anthracite industry in 1962. W. W. Scranton.
ing plant, flow sheet il Coal Age 68:72-7 il Min business
Cong Jseen 49:83-4 P '63exporters assn.
Jl '63 Better by Coal
Upgrading coal to premium quality; Stonega of the U.S. marketing,
Coal Age research,
68:122-f- Jesales'63 and
coke & coal co. 's Pine Branch preparation Coal division
plant, flow diag il Coal Age 68:75-9 Ap '63
See <iJso Coal picture; 1962. and ahead inO 1963.
service, il Coal Age 67:140-7 '62 il Coal
Coal. Pulverized— Preparation ForAgeharder-hitting coal, blueprint for. action.
Coal drying 68:68-73 F '63 i v«.
Coal washing R. Mover.
COAL products Resid men Coal take Age issue68:63-5
with Jacoal-industry
Bituminous research; Bureau of mines pro- claims.
State of Oil
the & bituminous
Gas J 60:75 coal
S 17 market.
'62 1962.
gram in coal utilization, il diags Coal Age
68:124-9-1- Mr '63 P. Nugent. 11 Min Cong J
Utility coal use. 328 million in 1970. Coal49:94-6 P '63
See also
Coal tar 68:123-9 Ap '63
Coal tar products Washington outlook: American mining con-
Coke gress. Pittsburgh; abstracts of papers.
Coke manufacture — By-products Coal Age 68:104-5 Je '63
COAL research See also
Gas industry—
National Coal trade competition
coal association
Anthracite research: Bureau of mines pro-
gram. 11 Coalresearch;
Age 68:82-4 Je "63of mines pro- National coal policy conference
Bituminous Bureau Statistics
gram, il diags Coal Age 68:118-21-1- F:
Coal division Mr; 1044- My '63 research, sales and
marketing, Top 15 coal -producing group in 1962. Coal
service, il Coal Age 67:140-7 O '62 Age 68:28 Mr '63 Canada
Coal research opportunities: s>Tnposium. Lex-
ington. Ky.. June 6-7; abstracts of papers.
Coal Age Possibilities for pipelining coal in Canada.
Federal coal68:108-10 researchJl in'63 1962. W. L. Crentz. N. Berkowitz and E. J. Jensen, bibliog
il Min Cong J 49:64-64- F '63 diag Can Min & Met Bui 56:504-8 Jl '63
Lab gets Sharon Steel oft horns of coal di- Europe
New technique lemma. Steel 153:121
for theO laboratory
21 '63 coring of See also
coal. J. M. Jones and J. A. Bell. 11 Econ European coaJ and steel community
Geol 58:791-5 Ag '63 Great Britain
Office of coal research pushes power proj-
ects. G. A. Lamb. Min Eng 15:78-9 Jl '63 National puter
centre, board. Scottish division's
il Engineering 195:710 Mycom-24
See also 63
Bituminous coal research, inc.
■United States — Interior. Department of — Coal National coal board's computer centre at
research. OfHce of Edinburgh. 11 Engineer 215:972 My 31 '63
COAL washing Corrosion
Flocculation and thlckenine coal-washery re- Identiflcatlon of corrosion products on cobalt
fuse pulps. G. H. Matheson and J. M. W. and cobalt alloys, biblioe diags Ck>rrosion
Mackenzie, bibliog il diaes Coal Ago 67:
94-100 Dwood '62 18:421-3 N '62 Isotopes
Special remover enhances product
quality at the Harlan fuel co. 11 diaK
Atomic radiation wins full chemical-synthesis
Hce AKeatso 68:66-8 Ak '63 role; act gamma rays fromfor a acobalt-6o source
Coal. Pulverized— Preparation will as catalyst Dow chemical
Flotation process (coal) CO. ethyl bromide unit, il diag Chem Eng
COAL waste
Horizontal flne-coal recovery screens help 69:40+
Co*" D 24 '62
v-radiation-induced point defects In
BiiTea. M. J. Smith, bibliog J Ap Phys 34:
COASTboost pront. 11 Coal Akb 68:132 Je '63
2879-84 S '63
Cobalt-tiO irradiation plant. 11 plan Ind Chem
Problem of coastal Eenesis. with special re-
ference to the strandtlat, the banks, or 39:14-15 irradiation
Ja '63
grounds, and deep cliannels of the Nor- Cobalt-60 plant for sterilising dis-
weKian and Greenland coasts. W. Evers. posable plastics syringes. 11 diag Engineer
biblioK maps diaes J Geol iU;C21-30. pi 1. 214:876-9 N 23 '62
Cold encapsulation of cobalt. T. Home. 11
Discussion. H. Holtedahl. 631-3 S '62
Keceptionline. J. of
B. skjTvave
Andersen. slKiials
bibliOK nearJ Kes
a coast-
Nat diag Nucleonics
Commercial 21:72-4 F with
sterilization '63 cobaJt-60.
BurSee Stand 67D:325-30 My '63 G. S. Murray. U diags Nucleonics 20:50-1
ulso D '62
Inlets Dow Chemical pioneers process radiation ap-
COAST changes making plication with use of Co" as catalyst in
Sea- level and crustal movements along the IS D 62 ethyl bromide, diag Nucleonics 20:
New W.England
B.p. Harrison-Acadian
and C. shore,
J. Lyon,4,500-3,000
bibliog Much faster route to radioactive cobalt-60.
map diags J Geol 71:S6-108 Ja '63 NewChemvalues Eng 70:64 for halt-lives Ag 5 '63 of Cs'" and Co*
COASTAL plains nuclides. S. G. Gorbics and others, bib-
Geophysical investigations in the submerged
Argentine coastal plain. M. Ewing and liog diag Nucleonics
OpticaJ-rotation 21:63-4-1- Ja '63
others, bibliog maps diags Geol Soc Bui 74: facilities. A. L.dosimetry for Cc"
Glass, bibliog gamma
275-91. abrasives.
pi 1-2 Mr See '63 Abrasives 20:66+ D '62 „ . ,, „,
COATED Radiation boosts nitroparafnn yield. Chem &
Eng N 41:98 Ap 15 60
COATED glass. See Glass — Coating Two methods
COATINGS. tion rate. J. toR. determine Bell and Co"" P. R.disintegra-
tection See Finishing materials; Metal pro- bibliog diagsstayNucleonics
COAXIAL cables. See Radio lines: Telephone Will Canada on top in21:56-1- isotopes? Jl il'63 Can
cables — Coaxial cables Chem Process 47:45-6+ My '63
COBALT Metallography
Checkerboard domain patterns on epitaxially Mechanical properties of cast Stellite cobalt
grown single-crystal thin films of iron, base alloys. H. Griffiths and R. E. Phelps,
nickel, and cobalt. H. Sato and others,
bibliog il J Ap Phys 34:1062-4 pt 2 Ap 63 il diags Metallurgia 68:3-6 Jl '63
Cobalt. 1962. J. H. Bilbrey. jr. Eng & Min J
164:140 Fseparation '63 Physiological effect
Complete of a mixture of Iron (III), Vitamin D and the intestinal absorption of
cobalt(II). molybdenum(Vl). aluminum(III), irrin and cobalt. T. Masuhara and B. B.
and nickel (II) by ion exchange chromatog- Migicovsky. bibliog J Nutrition 80:332-6
raphy. C. Michaelis and others. Anal Chem
34:1425-6 O '62 COBALT,
Jl '03 Powdered
Crj-stallographic orientation and o.xidation of How Sherritt Gordon mines rolled metal
submicron whiskers of iron, iron-cobalt, powders into money, il Can Chem Process
and cobalt. F. E. Luborsky and others, bib-
liog 11 diags Jof Aonuclear Phys magiieiic
34:2905-9 Sresonance
'63 46:52-5 alloys
Demonstration Cobalt in aluminum alloys. F. R. MorraJ.
in cobalt with a grid dip meter. R. J.
Blume. of Amcobalt J Phys 31:58-9 bibliog Light alloy Metal Age 20:13-16
from theD pyro- '62
Effect content on Ja the '63properties Cobalt-zinc deposition
phosphate bath. D. V. Subrahmanyam and
of elongated iron particles. F. E. Luborsky. T. L. Rama Char, bibliog Chera & Ind
bibliog 11 J Apcobalt
Electroforming Phys and34:1706-10 Je '63 F. R.
cobalt alloys. P69G-8 Ap 27 alloy
Copoer-coljalt '63 strengthens Iron powder
Morral. bibliog
Ferrimagnetic resonance anomalies Plating 50:732-4 Ag in '63 co- parts. E. H. Rennhack. il Metal Prog 83:
balt-substituted manganese ferrite crystals. Crystaliographic
93-6 Ao '63 orientation and oxidation of
R. W. Teale and B. H. Clarke, bibliog J
Ap Phys 34:12-18-9 pt 2 Ap 'C:) submicron
cobalt. F. whiskers E. Luborsky of iron,
and iron-cobalt,
others, bibliog and
Magnetic electrodeposits of cobalt-phosphorus.
J. S. Sallo and J. M. Carr. il diags Electro- il diags J Ap Phys 34:2905-9 S '63
Chem Soc ofJ 109:1040-3 Diffusion in cobalt-nickel alloys. K. I.
Properties materials; N cobalt '62 and cobalt- Hirano and others, bibliog J Ap Phys 33:
base superalloys: tables. Materials in De- 3049-54 O '62; Discussion. R. J. Borg. 34:
See also Enp 58:122-4 Mld-O '63 1562-3 brings
Duriron My '63 out standard pumps. U Chem
Steeil — Cobalt content
& Eng N 40:63+ N 19 '62
Electrodeposltion of copper-cobalt alloys;
Application of constant current potentlome- pyrophosphate baths. D. V. Subrahmanyam
try to titration of cobalt with potassium and T. L. Rama Char. Metal Finishing 61:
ferrlcyanide. B. Kratochvil. Anal Chem 35: 68-9 My '63
1313-14 Ag '63 of magnesium, chromium, Electroforming cobalt and cobalt alloys. F.
Determination R. Morral. bibliog Plating 50:732-4 Ag '63
copper, nickel and cobalt in Iron and steel Etching with special reference to nickel-
by flame photometry. L. A. Prince and chromium-coball alloys. D. W. Bloor. Metal-
others. spectrophotometric
Indirect Welding J 42:sup347-52 Ag "63 of
one and cobalt using Eriochrome blue Hard lurgia 66:139-42films
magnetic S '62 of Co-Ni-P. G. Bate
black R. D. W. Rogers, bibliog Anal Chem and D. E. SpeiloUs. J Ap Phys 34:1073-4
34:1657-9 N '62
Simultaneous spectrophotometric determina- Identification of corrosion products on cobalt
tion of cobalt and nickel with 8-quinolinol. and
pt 2 Ap cobalt '63 alloys, bibliog diags Corrosion
A. J. Mukhedkar and N. V. Dcshpande. bib-
liog Anal Chem ?.5AT-8 Ja '63 18:421-3 N properties
Mechanical '62 and structure of cobaJt-
Simultaneous spectrophotometric determina- nickel-nloblum alloys. B. J. Piearcey and
tion of cobalt and nickel with 2.3-qulnoxa- others, bibliog 11 diag Inst Metals J 91:257-
llnedithlol. R. W. Burke and J H Toe.
blbllOK Anal Chem 34:1378-82 O '62 66 '62-63 properties of cast Stellite cobalt
Utilization of trlcaprylmethylammonium thlo- base alloys. H. Griffith and R. E. Phelps.
cyanaie as a selective extniciion agent In
the spectrophotometric determination of II dlaga
cobalt. A. M. Wilson and O. K. McFarland. New cobaltMetallurgia
alloy adds 68:3-6
lOCF. Jl II '63Materials In
bibllorr Anal Chem 35:302-7 Mr '63 Design Eng 67:104 Ap '63
COBALT alloys — Continued Polarography
chromium, andof titanium ii-complexes of cobalt,
in formamide and
Properties of materials; cobalt and cobalt- dimethylforinamide. H. S. Hsiung and G. H,
base superalloys; tables Materials in De- Brown, bibliog Eleetrochem Soc J 110:1085-6
Stronsrersign East BS: 122-4 alloy.
litanium Mid-O Materials
'63 . , In , Design
^ ,
Reactions of iodopentamminecobalt(III) with
O '63
57:74-5 F '63 various one-electron oxidation- reduction re-
carbonyls » , j v „„K„if agents. A. Haim and H. Taube. bibliog
Carboxyalkylation reactions catalyzed by cobalt Am Chemof Soc J 85:495-500 Mr 5 '63
carbonylate ion. K. F. Heck and D S. Reactions iodopentaamminecobalt(III) with
Breslow. bibliOK Am Chem Soc J 85:2779-82 various two-electron oxidizing agents. A.
5 20 '6.3 Haira and H. Taube. bibliog Am Chem
Isomerization of allyl alcohols with cobalt
hydrocarbonyl. R. W. Goetz and, M Or- Soc J 85:3108-16
Reductions ot cis- Oand20 tians-ColNHjlilNjIj*
chin. Am Chera Soc
Monosubstituted J 85:1549-50
derivative of Mydicobalt
20^ '63 and Co(NH3)oN3+* by Fe-". A. Haim. bib-
octacarbonyl with triphenylphosphine: liog Am Chem
Relaxation spectraSoc of J son;ie85:1016-17
nickel Ap(11) 5 and
CO!lCOIiP(CsH5)3. G. Bor and L. Marko. cobaltdli complexes. G. G. Hammes and
Chem & Ind p912-13 Je 1 '63 J. I. Steinfeld. bibliog il Am Chem Soc J
and acyl-
alkyl- bibliog
cobalt carbonyls. complexes R. otF. Heck Am 84:4639-43 D 20 '62 study of cobalt and
Chem Soc J 55:1220-3 My 5 63 nickel complexes with 2.3-quinoxaHne-
Reaction of cobalt hydrocarbonyl with a.B- dithiol. G. •62H. Ayres and R. R. Annand.
unsaturated aldehydes and ketones. R^ W. bibliog Anal influences Chem 36:33-7 Ja '63 complexes
Goetz and M. Orchin. biblioK Am Chem Stereospeciflc In metal
aoc J S5:2iS2-4 S 20 '63 . , ^ ,, ^hydrocar- containing optically activecomplex
Reaction bonyl otand epoxides with cobalt ^ merism of the cobaltllll) of iso-
cobalt tetracarbonyl anion. R. sexadentate d.i-4-methyl-1.8-bis-(salicylid-
F. Heck. biblioK Am Chem Soc J 85:1460-3 eneamino)3.6-dithiaoctane. F. P. Dwyer and
T. E. MacDermott. bibliog Am Chem Soc J
Steric and electronic efflects in the dissocia- 85:2916-19 O 5influences '63
tion of cobalt carbonyl derivatives R F Stereospeciflc in metal complexes
Heck bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:651-61 containing optically active ligands; oxalato-
Mr 20 chlorides
'63 l-propylenediaminecobalt(lll) complexes. F.
COBALT P. Dwyer and others, bibliog Am Chem
Liquid-liquid equilibrium in the systems Soc J uptake
85:661-3and Mr urinary
20 '63 excretion of radio-
formed by cobalt and nickel chlorides, Tissue
water and n-butanol. W. J. McManamey. active cobamide analogues and inorganic
J Ap Chem 13:207-11 My '63. cobalt in growing female rabbits, H. L..
minum and cobalt of butadienechloride. withM. alkylalu-
Gippin. Rosenthal, bibliog J Nutrition 78:348-52 N
bibliog Ind & Ene Chem Product Res & See also
Develop 1:32-9 Mr '62: Same. Rubber Chem Vitamins — Vitamin Bu
6 Tech 35:1066-82 O '62 COBALT ferrates
COBALT coating , . , ... Growth of ferrous-free cobalt ferrite single
Electroless Ni-Co-P films with uniaxial crystals. A. Ferretti and others, bibliog
anisotropy J. Bagrowski and M. Lauriente.
bibliog il diag Eleetrochem Soc J 109:987-9 J Ap Phys of34:388-9
Prepaiation F '63
single-crystal cobalt ferrites
O '62 from the melt. F. H. Horn, bibliog il J Ap
COBALT compounds , , Phys 33:2832-4 S '62
Carbonate ligand and hydroEen exchange COBALT fluorides
studies of some carbonatoamine cobaltllll; Antiferromagnetic ordering effect on the In-
complex ions; a general mechanism for frared absorpUon spectrum of C0F2: ab-
the ligand carbonate exchange reaction in stract. H. Kamimura and Y. Tanabe. J Ap
aqueous solution. G.„ Lapidus and G M.
Harris, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1223-8 Far-infrared
Phys 34:1239 magnetic pt 2 Ap '63resonance in C0F2.
My 5 '63complex hydrolyzes amino acid NiFi. KNiFs, and YblG. P. L. Richards,
Cobalt bibliog halidesJ Ap Phys 34:1237-8 pt 2 Ap '63
residues. J P. Collman and D. A. Bucking- COBALT
Concerning ham. Chem the& existence
Eng N 41:42-3 S 23 '63planar
of high-spin Old SBR line stretched to make stereo rub-
ber: Goodrich-Gulf, first to use cobalt
cobaltous complexes; bisll.2-dicyanomaleo- catalyst for making cis-l,4-polybutadiene:
nitriledithiolato)cobalt(II) dianion. A. Davi- process flowsheet. F. C. Price, il Chem
son and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J
85:3049-50 O 5 '63 Eng 70:84-6 Ja 21 '63
Crystal and molecular structure of^ ^,bis-Ctri- ,^ , COBALT metallurgy
methylphosphine oxide)-cobalt(II) dinitrate. Metallurgyders. B. Meddings
of nickel-coated composite
and others, pow-&
il Can Min
F. A. Cotton and R. H. Soderberg. bibliog
diag Am Chem Soc J 85:2402-6 Ag 20 '63 Met Bui
COBALT oxides56:525-30 Jl '63
Effect of iodide and bromide on the one-
electron cobalt(III)polarographic reduction Phase relations in the system cobalt oxide-
ammine chloride. I. M. ofKolthoff
hexa- manganese oxide in air. E. Aukrust and A.
and S. E. Khalafalla. bibliog Am Chera Muan. Am ofCer CoOAbOa, Soc J 46:511 CoOCriOa,
O '63
Soc J 85:604-7 Mr 20 '63 Stabilities and
Electronic structures of square-planar 2CoOSi02. E. Aukrust and A. Muan. Am
metal complexes; high-spin planar cobalt Cer Soc J 46:358 Jl '63
(I) and iron(I). H. B. Gray and E. Billig. COBALT plating
Am Chem Soc J 85:2019-20 Jl 5 '63 Electrodeposkion of cobalt from the sul-
Electrons penetrate heteropoly anion cage; phamate bath. S. Venkatachalam and T. Li.
exchange reaction between 12-tungstocobal- Rama Char, bibliog il Metal Finishing 61:
tates proceeds via an outer-sphere-activated 62-7 Mrsulfides
complex. P G. Rasmussen and C. H. Bru-
baker. jr. Chem & Eng N 41:48-9 S 23 '63 Report on the investigation of the binary
Electro-oxidation of ethylenediaminetetra- svstem CoS-In:S3. R. B. Johnson, diag
acetocobaltdl) at platinum electrodes; ef- Eleetrochem Soc J 110:593-4 Je '63
fects of anion adsorption. F. C. Anson, bib- COCCIDIOSIS
Rationale for medicated feeds. L. E. Hanson.
liog Eleetrochem Soc J 110:436-40 My '63
Hvdrolytic cleavage of N-terminal peptide bibliog J Agri & Food Chem 11:365-7 S '63
bonds by a cobalt chelate. J. P. Collman
and D. A. Buckingham. Am Chem Soc J Thousand ditional yearsMexican
of industry
cochineal;on a its
but back.
85:3039-40 O 5 '63 N. P. Wright, il diags Am DyestulX Rep
Inner- and outer-sphere mechanisms in the
oxidation of pentacyanocobaltate(II) by 52:635-9 Ag 19 '63
pentaamminecobalt(III) complexes. J. P. COCKROACHES
Candlin and others. Am Chera Soc J 85: Cockroach aero-sol test method: tentative of-
2517-18 Ag 20 '63 ficial method of CSMA; latest revision.
Mechanism of the inversion reaction be- bibliog il Soap & Chem Spec Blue Book
tween d.cis-dichlorobis- (ethylenediamine) - Cockroach spray method; evaluating liquid
cobaltfTTl) ion and silver carbonate. F. hoii.sehold
P. Dwver and others, bibliog diags Am p2:!r,-fi-1- '6.-! insecticides against crawling
insect pests; latest revision, bibliog Soap
Chem Soc ofJ 85:1215-19
Oxidation My 5 '63
formatopentaamminecobaltdll) & Chem Spec Blue Book p237-8 '63
bv permanganate: evidence for J.a Halpem.
two-step COCOA
mechanism. J. P. Candlin and CacaoSee also
Am Chera Soc J 85:2518-19 Ae 20 '63
COCOA butter ,^ . ,. Calculation of cohesive and surface energies
CoatinK fat Is compatible with cocoa butter: of thorium and uranium dio.xjdes. G. C.
Kaomel. Food Ensr 35:113 F '63 Benson and others, bibliog Am Cer Soc J
COCONUT ^ ■ ,^ , .,
Coconuts: inleBrated process yields better 46:43-7 Japhenomena
Cohesion '63 in cotton rovings and
products at lower cost in the Philippines. yarns. A. Barella and A. Sust. bibliog
Newdia« coconut
Food EnKprocessins 35:65-0 Ak method
'63 for the il
■62,diag Textile Res J 32:217-26; 33:75-9 Mr
Ja '63
Philippines. Food Tech 17:862 Jl '63 Laboratory
COD liver oil , , , . ». .. - tion usingexperiments
artificial clayin soil.
off-road locomo-
B. Mayfleld
Study of the hvpocholesterolemic activity of and F. Sherratt. bibliog il Engineer 216:
the ethvl esters of the polyunsaturated
acids of cod liver oil in the chicken. SG. fatty- 1103-4 Je 28 '63
COHN, Mildred
Kahn and others, biblioe J Nutrition 80:403- Mildred Cohn. Garvan medalist for 1903. por
24 Ae '63
CODEHYDROGENASES , , . Chem Electric.
& Eng NSee41:92Electric
F 4 '63 coils
Eltcct of increments of tryptophan and niacin COILS.
on erowth and on the concentrations of COILS. Induction. See Induction coils
blood and liver pyridine nucleotides. M. A. COILS, Pipe
Morrison and others, biblios J Nutrition 80: Energy losses in spiral pipe systems. R. C.
441-6 As '63 Cox. bibliog il diags Engineering 195:462-4
Analysis COINAGE
Mr 29 -63
Simultaneous determination of morphine, Manufacture
codeine,fraredand porphyroxine in opium by In- How Sherritt Gordon mines rolled metal
and visible spectrometry. K. Genest powders into money, il Can Chem Process
and C. G. Farmilo. bibliog Anal Chem 34:
1464-8 O '62 46:52-5 N '62'62 counting
COENZYMES .^ „ _ Coincidence circuit. B. L. Donnally. bibliog
ATP mav form at three sites. D. B. Green ■63
and others. Chem' & Eng N 41:40-1 Ap 29 diag Am
Novel J Phys 31:133-4
coincidence technique F '63
for transistor
decade counter. P. K. Malhotra and R.
Coenzyme Q. A. F. Wagner and others, bib- Parshad. diags Electronics 36:71-2 F 15 '63
lioB Am Q:
Coenzyme Chemcyclization
Soc J 85:1534-7
of coenzyme My 20Q '63 to COINING. See Metal work
the corresponding chromenols with sodium COKE
hydride. B. O. Linn and others, bibliog Blending operation increases coking strength
Am Chem of Soc a J reaction
85:239-40 catalyzed
Ja 20 '63 by co- of coal. cracking
Catalytic 11 Iron &of Steel Eng 40:156
hexadecane; O '63
the nattire
enzynia Bi;. H. W. Whitlock, .ir. bibliog of carbonium ion-forming steps and the
Am Chem Soc '63
exchange of hydrocarbons with radio-
Preparation of Jubichromenols
S5:2S43-4 Ag 5and '63 related active coke. W. A. Van Hook and P. H.
chromenols. D. McHale and J. Green. Chem Emmett. Am Chem Soc J 84:4421-7 D 5
& Ind pof 1867
Kesponse O 27 '62
macrocytic , ., ,
anemia in children, to Coke and industrial development: essay re-
the coenzyme Qi-chromanol. J. S. Dinning view. A. Parker. Chem & Ind p896-8 Je 1
and others, bibliog Am J Clinical Nutrition
13:169-72 Device aids coke reactivity measurement. N.
See also S '63 Schapiro and R. J. Gray. Chera & Eng N
40:76 S 24pellets
Metallized '62 from ore-coke mixtures; a
Optical crystallography of coesite. C. B. possible blast-furnace feed? J. A. Innes. 11
Sclar and others, il diags Am Mineralogist
47:1292-302 bibliog(P 1301-2) N '62 70 J hours
Metals burning
15:294-7perAp charge;
'63 Redfyre Auto-
COFFEE , ^ coke 40. il diag Engineering 195:64 Ja 11
Caffeine sublimation in vacuum-packed
coffee. P. Klein, il Food Tech 16:96-8 D '62 Coal See also
Analysis Petroleum coke
Determination of nicotinic acid in coffee by COKE industry
paper chromatography. H. Boddeker^and Future trends in the development of the
A. R. Mishkin. bibliog Anal Chem 35:1662-3 coking industry. G. W. Lee. bibliog Chem
Mass spectrometric determination of the
volatile components from ground coffee. C. COKE& Ind p 1060-S Je 29 '63
Merritt. Jr. and others, bibliog il J Agrl & Better preparation, on-site coking; keys to
Jewell Smokeless expansion, il CoaJ Age
Food Instant11:152-5 Mr '63 67:66-7-1-. cover N '62
Recap on NRC fluidized solids coking process,
Automates continuous blending; lenco. inc.
L,. Trauberman. il Food Eng 35:93-4 Ap flow diag Can Chem Process 47:83 O '63
Recent developments in making coke for
Manufacture blast furnaces. T. G. Callcott. bibliog II
Proper handling promises purer product. G. Can Min & Met Eul 56:444-50 Je '63
Berkwitt. il Mill & Factory 73:55-7 Jl '63 By-products
COFFEE pots, percolators, etc.
Coffee vendors: Coke and by-protiucts in 1961. G. M. Gaudio
electrical useflist significant
of DAP resin,civilian non-
il Plastics and I. E. Madsen. il Iron & Steel Eng
DAPWorld 21:29 In Agnew'63
'63scores market. 11 Mod^ Plastics
„, COKE39:135-40
plants N '62
40:85 Ap '63 Equipment
First coffee maker with ,blow
, molded
,.,.,,poly- Higher towers cut Union's coking time. II
propylene body. 11 Mod Plastics 40:107 Mr
Oil & Gas J 61:79 S 9 '63
COFFERDAMS . „ COKE plants, By-product
Aswan cofff-rdam work starts, il Eng N Coke oven benzene refining continues to Im-
170:29 Ja 17 '63 prove, D. E. Gushe«. Ind & Eng Chem
French promise tidal power by ,„„^ , 1965; ^,
Malo. w. G. Bowman, il map diags Eng N 55:12-1-
See alsoJa '63
170:32-4-1- Ap IS '63 Coke manufacture — By-products
Highest underwater cofferdams keep Ako- COLCHICINE
sombo dry. 11 diags Eng N 170:64-6-1- Je 20 Phenol oxidation; simulation of the biosyn-
Jet-grout rig digs a hole, then concretes It thesis of colchicine by a radical-pairing
reaction of the tropolone ring. A. I. Scott
on the way up. 11 diag Eng N 169:42-3 N and others, bibliog Am Chera Soc J 85:
22 '62 left bank cofferdam. J. J. Martin.
Kariba 3040-1 O 5 '63
11 plans diags Am Soc C E Proc 89 ICO 1 See also
no 34541:33-54 Mr '63 Isocolchlclne
Leapfrog cofferdam system beats water prob- Lumicolchicine
lem on Seattle sewer. II Ens N 171:48-9 COLD See also
Jl See
4 '63also Freezing
Bridges — Foundations and piers Refrigeration and refrigeratlncr machinery
College buildings; new campua plans and
COLD — Continued
new buildings to expand existing college
Physiological effect facilities, il plana diags Arch Rec 134:
lil!)-40 Ag '63
Cold dilatation and Raynaud's phenomenon. Competition for new- type science building. 11
L.. Masos and G. Olios. biblioK dias Ar-
'63 ofchives
Effect Environmental
protein intakeHealth 7:402-10
and cold O '63
exposure Prog Arch 44:53 P '63
Continuity in New Mexico: university's
on selected liver enzymes associated with varied plazas, il plans Arch Forum 119:108-
amino acid metabolism. G. J. Klain and
others, biblio.s J Nutrition 80:107-10 My 11 S '63
Corbu's center rises at Harvard. 11 Prog Arch
Emergency and post- bum therapy for the 43:43 D work
Current '62 of Harry Weese; Beloit college
second degree burn patient. J. V. Toews science building, il plans diags Arch Rec
and W. M. Behn. jr. bibliog Ind Med 32: 133:140-2work
My of'63 Harry Weese; Reed college
286-7 Jl '63 for cryogenic surgery, il diags Current
Engineering arts center, il plan Arch Rec 133:136-7 My
Interrelationships 196:159-60
of cold Aa 2 '63 and amino
exposure Designing with deference; a medical library
acid imbalances. G. J. Klain and others, at Harvard, and dormitories at the Uni-
bibliog J studies
Nutrition 78:359-64 versity of Massachusetts. Princeton. M.l.T.
Nutrition in the cold: Neffect
'62 of cold and Bowdoin. il plans Arch Rec 133:133-6
environment on experimental athero- Mr '63 hexagons for education; Chicago, il
sclerosis in the rabbit. G. V. Vahotmy Flexible
and others, bibliog J Nutrition 79:45-52 plans Prog at Arch
Fraternities 44:157-60
Stanford; simpleMr shapes
'63 climb
Ja '63
Relative effects of rapeseed oil and corn oil a hill,
New and il old plans at Arch
Yale: Forum
Morse 119:110-13
and StilesJl col-
on rats subjected to adrenalectomy, cold,
or pyridoxine deprivation. J. L.. Beare and leges, il plan Arch Rec 132:93-100 D '62
New building abroad; Venezuela, il plan Arch
otiiers. bibliog J Nutrition 80:157-61 Je '63
See also Forumfrontier
New 118:106of higherJe '63 education; California,
Temperature — Physiological effect p. Canty, il plans Arch Forum 118:96-103
COLD (disease)
No cold cure in sight; abstract. P. Perlraan. New
Mr Yale
'63 colleges; Samuel F. B. Morse col-
Drug lege and Ezra Stiles college. W. McQuade,
See &alsoCosmetic Ind 93:99 Jl '63 il plan Arch Forum 117:104-11 D '62
Influenza New York state reaches tor architecture.
COLD cathode tubes. See Vacuum tubes — Cold Arch Rec 133:48 Mr '63
cathode tubes New York's big college program progresses,
COLD storage il Arch
P/A tenth Forum annual119:11 designS '63
awards; chemical
See also research building for Tufts university 11
Food, Frozen — Storage
Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery plans diag Prog Arch 44:120-1 Ja '63
Vegetables — Storage PyA tenth annual desig'n awards; Engineer-
ing sciences center for University of
COLD storage warehouses Colorado, il pilan diags Prog Arch 44:ilS-19
Rack with a roof, its inside story: Pet Milk,
il Mod Materials Saarinen colleges '63 in situ at Tale il plan Prog
Refrigerated rooms: Handlingcool market18:54-6for F coated
'63 Ja '63
coil, il Mod Metals 19:84 My '63 Arch 43:57-60
Stepped, inverted N '62cone to form pharmacy
COLD treatment of metals. See Metals. Cold college at Wayne state university, il plan
trea;tment of Prog and Arch gown; 44:55 urban
F '63 university. D. B.
COLD treatment of steel. See Steel, Cold Town
treatment of Carlson, plans Arch Forum 118:92-5 Mr '63
Unique utilities system for science building;
COLD working of metals. See Metals. Cold Arkansas polytechnic college, il plan Prog
working of
COLD working of steel. See Steel. Cold work- Arch 44:62 college,
University Je '63 Ibadan. Nigeria, il Prog
ing of Arch 43:88-91 D '62
COLIFORM bacteria. See Escherichia coll University of Illinois spectacular; mini as-
sembly hall, il plans Arch Rec 134:111-16
Aging of collagen. F. VerzAr. il diags Sci Am Jl '63in architecture; detailing for a campus;
208:104-8+ Ap '63 Cabrillo college. 11 Prog Arch 44:122-5 Je
Collagen content and its relation to tender-
ness of connective tissue in two beef Young architects win university competition.
muscles. S. J. Ritchey and others, bibliog
Food Tech 17:194-7 F '63 il See
Prog also
Arch 44:82 O '63
Devro starts collagen sausage-casing plant. Dormitories
Cheni & Eng N 41:28 Ag 5 '63 Princeton university
Intrinsic Cotton effects in collagen and poly-
L-proline. E. R. Blout and others, bibliog COLLEGE buildings
Am Chem Soc J 85:644-6 Mr 5 '63 Another important design at Harvard; Gradu-
Protein film makes superior sausagie casing. ate school of education. II plan diag Prog
P. F. Hopper,
Thermal stability il of Fooddissolved
Eng 35:102-3 S '63 N.
collagens. Archengineering
44:67 My '63
Civil building at Manchester col-
T. Crosby and G. Stainsby. bibliog diags
lege. Engineer 215:732-3 Ap 19 '63
Research 15:427-35 O '62 College construction bill graduates. Ene N
COLLECTING of accounts
Bill-paying made easy: Mosler Dropository 171:25U.S.
First O 3 building
'63 by Corbu completed, il
provides a convenience for both tajcpayer
and the city collector. R. K. Scrtiggs. il Pub Arch Rec 133:10 Mr '63
Works 94:121 O '63 Grinnell college fine arts center. A. J Brown.
COLLECTIVE bargaining 11 diags Am Concrete Inst J 60:sup22-3-^
Compulsory arbitration; who wants It? A. N.
Wecksler. Mill & Factory 73:86-8 O '63 P '63
Honolulu's »-
new East-West center features -r-
COLLEGE architecture varied uses of concrete. 11 Eng N 171:22-3
Anshen and Allen win closed competition,
il plan diag Arch Rec 133:12-13 F '63 O 24 '63
Dlinois completes its domed hall; Assembly
Apartments: Harvard married student apart- hall at the University of Illinois, ii Eng N
ments, il plan
Award winners named for new college Arch Rec 134:208-9 S '63 In 170:16 F 28 '63
Lab hoods rid fumes, exhaust building in new
British Columbia, il Arch Rec 134:26 S '63 Life sciences research center. C. J. Allen,
Big change on the camptis. 11 plans diag
Arch stairs,Forum stone 118:76-91 il Heating-Piping 34:107-12 N '62
Broad wallsMrand'63 courtyard from
Le Corbusier designs for Harvard; Carpen-
handsome gateway to rural campus; ter center for the visual arts, il plans Arch
Goucher college, il plans diag Arch Rec 134: Rec 133:151-8 Ap '63
117-24 Jl '63 of a Tale man. W. McQuade. Le Corbusier smooths his style for U.S.
Building years debut at Harvard, il Eng N 170:80-2 Ap 4
il Arch Forum 118:88-91 Je '63 63
Buildings to fit the campus. 11 plans Prog Lift slab used in university construction G.
Arch 43:126-53
Charette meeting S on'62 the community college, SPrv'P'i?'-
60:449-64 Ap ." Plans
63 diags Am Concrete Inst J
il plans diags Prog Arch 43:108-25 N '62
Chicago architects win R.P.I, contest. 11 plan Manchester's new Civil engineering. II En-
Arch Forum 118:11 Mr '63 gineering 195:575 Ap 26 '63
COLLEGE buildings — Continued . ^, COLLEGES and universities
New desicn for a visual communicatlona Imperial college. nautical University of London:
engineering department.
center al the University of Miaitii.U 1*.
Beal. il plan SMPTB ^J 72:li,0-4 Mr G3 Taylor- Russell, il Aircraft Eiut 35:4o-7 F
New facility provides pva drnme rooms.
Queens ColleKO dininc hall. FlushinK. New University of Glasgow; Aeronautical en-
York, il plan Arch Rec U4:l.!C-7 Ac C3 gineering department. A. W. Babister. bib-
New science center added at Lake l<orest. ii Aircraft Eng 35:78-9 Mr '63
fiogSee il also
plans Arch Rec 134:138-40 Ak •63center, bt
and student Agricultural colleges
Pavilion for dinins? Laurinburg, Brandeis university
Andrews Presbyterian college California university
N.C. il plans Arch Kec 134;134-5 Ak C3 College architecture
Physics buildinc for theM University of Call- College graduates
"brnia. Riverside A. Russell and RR. Eiigiiieenng colleges
Hewitt, il plans diags Am J Phys 31.417- Harvard university
Illinois university
Pre^ciifon' concreting
Eng N 171:38-40 builds MIT„,.„,„„,
N 7 '63 tower, il Michigan university
critical „„.t.
path Princeton university
•63 ft center specs require
N s 15center. Scholarships and fellowships
N 160:29
il Eng an
metliod, finance activitie Student Temple university
Students Washington state Washington (state) university
union building. Western
college, il plan diag Arch Rec 134:132-3 Ak Yale university
See also Ability grouping is successful in general
College architecture chemistry; Albion college. P. H. Carnell.
Engineering colleges
Gymnasiums AgChem & Eng Nbroaden
toxicologists 41:58 Straining
23 ^63 program, li
Housing projects. College Chem & Eng N
Big classes create big problems 41:41 Ag 26 ^63 of teaching
Air conditioning
28 '63 chemistry. Chem & Eng N . 41:48-1- ,
Central heating and cooling134:162-4 of college cam- California's changing metallurgy curriculum.
puses, il plans Arch Rec Ag . 1>.3
Southern Methodist univers ity revisited, R. Hultgren.
Grad program J combines Metals 15:20-2three Jadisciplines;
second look at university air conditioning chemi:Ury. botany, and pharmacognosy de-
costs. D. C. Pfeifter. Heatmg-Piping 35:179- partments cooperate in Ph.D. training at
Total energy on the campus. ilM.diagBacker and New Connecticut,
lab program il Chemdeveloped & Eng Nfor41:42 O 7 '63
R B Robertson, flow diag Air Cond Gustavus Adolphus college. St Peter, .Minn.
H'eat'& Ven 60:39-45 O '63 H. B. Thompson. Chem & Eng N 41:56-7
Heating and ventilation Science curriculums include education courses
Establishing a design philosophy for heating 5 23 '63
for teachers. Chem & Eng N 41:53-4 O 28
plant modernization. J. S. Blossom. ±ieai-
ing-Pin ing 35:118-2 0 S '63 and Use and abuse of thick sandwiches; 1-3-1
Total energy on the campus. M. Backer Cond integration of university education and in-
R B Robertson, flow diag il diag Air dustrial training. Engineering 195:686-7 My
Heat & Ven 60:39-4 5 O '63 Finance
Lighting 17 '63 construction bill graduates. Eng N
Lighting a university assembly hall -T JY; College
Potter, il plan diags Elec Constr & Mamt 171:25 aid
Federal O 3 unbalances
'63 university programs.
University of Denver law Constr center lightirig has Chem
Financial & support
Eng N for 40:25-6 N 12to "62
colleges rise. Chem
low brightness, il Elec & Mamt 62:
125-6+ F '63 6 Eng N 41:47 Ap 22 '63
COLLEGE chapels. See Chapels Graduate work
COLLEGE graduates . , „
Salaries of new grads continue to rise. Britain loses 140 Ph.D's a year. Chem &
Eng program
Grad N 41:22 Mrcombines4 .-63 .
three disciplines,
Food Tech 16:28 D ■62
o '63does BS mean? Product Eng 34:66-7 Jl
What botany,
chemistry, partments and pharmacognosy de-
men get to. Engineering cooperate in Ph.D. training at
Where Cambridge Connecticut, il Chem & Eng N 41:42 O 7
195:687 My 17 '63
COLLEGE ects.housing
College projects. See Housing proj- Institutional influences
ing of eminent in the B.
physicists. graduate train-
R. Sicbring.
COLLEGE libraries ^.^. , . hibliog Am J Phys 31:618-21 Ag programs.
Campbell and Aldrich win competition for Lehigh. Western Electric give M.S.
Tufts University library, il plans Arch Rec 11 Chem & Eng N 41:42+ Ap 29 •63
Ph.D programs in chemical physics increase,
il Chem & Eng N 41:52-3 Ja 28 63
diags Progwins
Imposingtion,'design S 63 competi-
44:71 library
Arch Tufts Post-graduate school for pharmacists. 11
Whitehaven college of further education,
college library. D. Kennington. Chem & Chem & Ind p766-7 My 11 '63
Whither graduate education? L. V. Berkner.
Ind P 1541-2 S 21 and'63 instructors maps Phys Today 16:24-32 JI 63
COLLEGE professors
Chemist or chemical engineer in college Relations with business
teaching. R. L. Pigford. Chem & Eng N 41:
19-22 pt 2 Ja 28 '63 Chrysler's r&d goes to universitycollege; agreement
Practising engineer as a ,lecturer , »
A. i.I. makes company and
Shahbenderian. Engineering 195:844 Je 21 H F Jones il Iron Age 190:87 D 6 '62
Industry turns teacher: attacking technical
When educationists and trainers met. diag ol).solescence. M. W. Kriegel. Chem Ens 70:
See also 196:151 Ag 2 ^63 134+ ApWestern 29 '63 Electric
Chemistry teachers Lehigh. give M.S. „pro-
COLLEGE students. Newgrams.
plan IIaims Chem to & speed
Eng Nspace 41:42+ Ap 29 '63
knowhow to
Costly economic ignorance. Ga.i 39:13-14 Ji Industry: Aerospace research applications
center at Indiana university. Steel 152:28
Creativity on campus: Alcoa'.i 1962 student
design merit awards, il diag Machine De- RPSJa 21studies alr-conditloning system control.
sign 35:114-17 Ag 15 •63., ,,,, H. W.'63 Alyea and \V. P. Chapman.
InlUienza dents.
InA. S.
Evans and of^ Wisconsin .stu-
others. blhlloB
Archives Environmental Health 6:748-55 Je ASHRAE Jeye4:75manufacturing.
Researchers D '62 R. H. Elshel-
Periodic health examination of university man. Iron Age 191:115 Je 13 '63
students; Use and abuse of thick sandwiches: 1-3-1
bolshcimcrresults of reevaluallon.
and others, hibliog H. Hcr-
Archives In'ccratlon of university education and in-
dustrial training. Engineering 195:686-7 My
Environmental Hi-alih 6:573-S Mv '63 Research
Roval college of advanced technology. Sal-
R. a. Students'
Britten. Chem union.& J,IndH.p973 Morgan
Je 15 andC3
See also ASTRA team
versity role objective: stimulate andthe J. uni-
M. H. Thornton A.
Chemistry students Alcott. 11 Res/Develop 14:35-7 Ap '63
CoUisional detachment and the formation of
— Research — Cont.
Breadth ofand university
COLLEGES research, an ionospneric
bibliog diag J ResC Nat re.gion.
Bur E. Stand'1'.67D;525-
diag EnsineerinK 19(;:2S6-7 Ak 30 /GS ,
32 '63 of processes tracks of heavy cosmic rays
How we can meet the Nation's
research needs. C. C. Furnas. Chem Eng ^industrial and S nuclear within large crystals
70:113-16 university
My 27 '63 of silver chloride. C. B. Cmlds and L,. ivi.
Michigan eels research^ grant. .to Slifkin. bibhog il R theory
Sci Instrtor34:101-4 Ja '63
study plastics for housing. Arch Rec 13i:lOJ Elemenis of impact solid bodies
O '62 launches university building prOBram.
NA.SA having high (cosmic) speeds. K. P. Siaii-
il Chem & Eng N 40:30-1 O S/62 iukovich. bibliog diags AKS J 32:1459- I'l;
NASA mission; broaden the university role Discussion.
Flow contiKUraiions R. L.. Bjork. in colliding14i'l-3 plates;
S '62 ex-
T L. K. SmuU. Res/Develop 14:46-8 Ap 63 plosive bonding. G. R. Cowan and A. H.
National higliway research prograin and the Holtzman. bibiioe il diags J Ap Phys 34:
university. F. J. Benson, il Pub Works 92S-o9 AP '63 equation. E. A. Desloge. bib-
94:67-8 Ja '63 . ^ , inter-
■ ^ Fokker-Pianck
Researchview with for climate control; liog Am J Phys 31:237-46 Ap 63
Professor \V. E. Fontaine, il Ait Ion source for low-energy collision studies.
Cond Heat eye& manufacturin
Ven 60:46:8 g. MrR. '63 H. Eshel- D. W. Vance and 'i'. L. Bailey, bibliog
man. Iron Age 191:115 Je 13 63 diag R Sci and
Moderating Instr reacuve34:925-7 collisions
Ag '63 of hot
Role of universities and government agencies hydrogen atoms; a study on isotope effects
in education. M. A. Williamson. Res/ in methyl fluoride. H. C. Jurgeleit and
^. ^. il
O '63 activation,
14:44-6 neutron
Develop explore _,.
., Cnem R. Wolfgang, bibliog Am Chem Soc J
Students 85:1057-62
& Eng N 41:52 Ap 8 '63 ^ COLLOID mill Ap 20 '63
■University's role in industrial research. Dispersing machines; preparing suspensions
L. E. doesStout. Plating 49:1292-3 D '62Machy and colloidal dispersions. E. A. Smith, il
stand in„r&d? il Am
MetalworkingUS Manuf
Where 107 :o3 Ap 29 63 diags Manuf Chem 34:50-2-1- F '63
COLLOIDAL silica. See SiUca gel
See also ^ , COLLOIDS
Engineering colleges — Research Colloid absorption band in CsBr. R. E. Jen-
Great Britain sen, bibliog J mobility
Electrophoretic Ap Pnys of 34:3134-5
asphaltenesO '63 in
Battersea college of technoloCT'. D. M. A. nitromethane. J. R. Wright and R. R.
Leggett and others, il Chem & Ind p 1730-9 Minesinger. bibliog diag J CoUoid Sci 18:
Chemistry at the XJiiiversity of East Angiia^ 223-36 Mr '63
Experiments confirm the colloidal theory of
A. R. Katritzky. Chem & Ind p 1100-2 Jl 6 asphajts. J. R. Wright and R. R. Minesinger.
Harvard? College bibliog Franklin
Extension to the stability Inst J theory274:517-19 D '62
of lyophobic
Could this become atBritain's
of aeronautics Cranfleld. il Engineering colloids. S. Levine and G. M. Bell, bibliog
196:52-3 Jl 12 '63 . of« university
■ diag J characteristics
Colloid Sci 17:S3S-56 D '62
Major issues in the expansion General and applications of
education. K. Murray. Inst E E Proc 110: the montmorillonite hydrocolloids. M. Barr.
247-52 Ja '63 bibliog Am Perfumer 7S:37-42-f F '63
Persona of CAT'S and universities; annual Magnetic properties of the dual oxide system
conference of the British association for CuO-Fe203. W. O. Milligan and others,
commercial and industrial education. Engi- bibliog
NRC s short J Ap cutPhysto colloidal 34:2093-6 silica,Jl '63 il Can
neering 194:446-7 O 5 '62
Queen's university of Belfast: Aeronautical Chem Process 47:85-7
Order-disorder transition theory helps cor- O '63
engineering dept. A. V. Stephens. U Air- relate behavior of macromolecules and col-
craft Eng 35:106-8 Ap '63 loidal aggregates. W. L.. Peticolas. Chem &
Royal college of advanced technology. Sal- Eng N 41:84-1- Ap 15 '63 gels by controlled
ford. C. Whitworth. il Chem & Ind P962-73 Production of hydrocarbon
Je 15 '63 feeding of compressed aluminium soap cyl-
Royal Halloway college, il Chem & Ind p 1132- inders into heated gasoline. D. E. Woods
9 Jl 13 '63 college of further education. J. and others.
Studies on the11 diags higherInst Pet Tyndall
order J 48:333-8spectra
O '62
Whitehaven of monodisperse silver bromide sols. D. H.
Nicholson and others il Chem & Ind p 1534- Napper and R. H. Ottewiil. bibliog il J
42 S 21 '63 .,Netherlands
.. , J Colloid
Study of Sci viscose 18:262-75 gels Mrmay '63lead to improved
University in the Netherlands has modern
instrumental analysis division, il Anal fibers. Mod Textiles
Surface properties of hydrolysed Mag 43:28 titania; N '62 de-
Chem 35:sup 115A-1SA O '63 pendence of surface structure of titania
Uganda gels on pH. M. R. Harris and G. Whitaker.
Makerere college East Africa. D. R. Augood. bibliog bleaching
Thermal J Au Chemof additively 13:198-203 colored My '63 KCl.
il Ind Chem 39:255-6 My '63 J. C. Penley and R. S. Witte. biblios J Ap
See 33:2iji5-9
also S '62
Chuck and collet production smoothed; Pratt Brownian movements
engineering corp. il Engineering 195:476 Collagen
An 5 '63 Dispersion
Flowline production of lathe chucks and col- Electrophoresis
lets, il Engineer 215:672 Ap 12 '63 Emulsions
COLLIMATORS ^. . . Flocculatjon
Calculation of the optimum dimensions or
collimators for neutron diffraction. I. R. Gelatin
Jones, diags R Sci Instr 33:1399-401 D '62 Particles
Novel technique for forming a narrow slit Silica gel
in a metal plate. D. L. Allensworth. diags Surface active substance
R Sci target
Point Instr 34:302 Mr '63
autocollimator. J. E. Taylor. Thi.Kolropy '63
diag R Sci Instr 34:188 P '63 COLLOTYPE
Rubber SoUer slit collimators for neutron Photogelatine process. B. R. Fredrick, il In-
spectrometry. G. Caglioti and F. F. Casali.
bibliog diag of R total
Sci reflection
Instr 33:1103-5 O '62 land Ptr/Ara Lithogr 151:37-9 Jl '63
Suppression of neutrons COLOMBIA
from collimator surfaces. I. R. Jones and Seecialalso subdivision
subjects, e.g. Colombia under spe-
W. Bartolinl. bibUog R Sci Instr 34:28-30 Fertilizer
Geology industry
Ja '63 W. D.
COLLINS. Hydroelectric plants
W. D. Collins named chairman emeritus of Petroleum
the committee on analytical reagents, por Petroleum Industry and trade
Anal Chemphenomena
35:sup97A F '63 COLOR
COLLISION Automatic computer Identifies color; CC-1
Batting the ball. P. Kirkpatrick. diag Am J color computer, il Electronics 36:44 S 27
Phys 31:606-13 Ag '63
Billiard ball collision experiment. J. H. Color centers and the flow stress of DIF
Bayes and W. T. Scott, bibliog diags Am single crystals. J. S. Nadeau. bibliog diags
J Phys 31:197-200 Mr '63 J Ap Phys 33:3480-6 D '62
COLOR — Continued „ ^ Color of ceramics based on spodiunene. J.
Color in seeinK. H. L. , Losan. uv,ii„«
bibllog ii11 H. Fishwick. Am Cer Soc Bui 41;J73 N 15
diaB3 Ilium lins 58:553-9 Ak 63 ^„„„„
Color plienomena associated with ii als
transfer in afterfilows and atomic flamea. Glazes€0 o
A. M. Bass and H. P.. Erpida biblioB U J COLOR in the textile industry
Res Nat Bur Stand C7A:373-SS Jl 63 , Color from the skin out. D. M. Thornton. 30.
Color scheme for spatial resolution usinc Mod Textiles Mag 44:404- Jo 63
liquid scintillators. J. H. Munsee and F
Reines. biblios diass R Sci InsLr 34:652-7 DyesSeeand
Colour visual simulation system. 11 Aircraft COLOR matching
Automated color- matching in thread plant
Ene 35:228-9 Ac '63. ^ ^ mica , on the .,„
Correlation of muscovite sheet, of Standard- Coosa- Thatcher, il Mod Tex-
Ija.sia of color, apparent optic ancle, and tiles Mag 44:42 Je 'li3
Color malchiiig by computer; American &
. , o
absorption . spectrum S. Ruthbers and
others, bibliog diaes J Res Nat Bur Stand Elird thread mills, inc. il Textile World
67A:309-2-l Jl '63 , ^, .., ,,by, „„,„, 113'9l-2 S '63
Hardenine of potassium bibliog chloride color Colour-matching lamps. K. McLaren. Soc
centers J. S. Nadeau. J Ap Phys
34:2248-53 Ac '63 , ^.^,. Color
Dyers matching;
& Col J 79:257 question
Je '63and answer. Ina
Information display. I. Stambler. bibliog diags Finishing 39:105-6 ti '63color matching and.
Space/Aeronautics 40:90-4 O 63 Colorimeter, useful for
International symposium on color centers In E Gould. Ind usesFinishing 39:77 F '63color
alkali halides. 4th. Stuttcrart Auc. 21-24. Current practical of instrumental
matching in industry. F. J. Hizzo. bibliog
1962. Phys,
Perceptio n of Today colors. JeH. 63Wallach.
neutral16:60-2-(- il diag Am Dyestuft Rep 52:365-9 My 13
il diaVs Sci Am 208:107-14- 1- Ja '63secondary Dial-a-dye system aids British textile firms.
Kelaiion of turbidity to color of
cellulose acetate solutions. C. D. Bookman, Chem Eng
F '63 Factors that 70:104 influenceO 14accurate
'63 color match-
jr.See also 46:114-17 ing. Textile Ind 127:117 S '63
Preparing color ttnish to match samples. L..
, ,
Colorimeters and colonmetry
Pichroism Heard. Ind Finishing 39:82-3 Jl '63
Di.scoloration Visual color server. D. evaluation;
Smith. 11 Amlighting and Rep
Dyestuff the ob-
Dves and dyeing
Liffht. Colored 207-94-
iiee alsoMr IS '63
Metal coloring Color measurement
Phototropy COLOR measurement
Pigments _, , ,
Water purification — Color removal Colour measurement; its possibilities „for the
78:437-42 SH.'62 W. Ellis. Soc Dyers & Col J
also jects,subdivision Color tmder special sub- , . ,
e.g. Instrumentation studies: a study of photo-
Automobiles electric instruments for the meeisurement
Concrete of color; reflectance and transmittance.
Food D R Dearth and others, bibliog Tappi
Oils and fats
Paper 46:sup 179A-SSA instrumental
Ja '63
Television Introduction ment. R. S. toSinclair, bibliog colour
diags Soc measure-
W°°' Standards & Col J 78:442-50
Numerical evaluationS '62 of color employing suit-
Selecting a new color; keep It simple If. able instrumentation. L. R. Dearth, il diags
U. Heard. Ind Finishing 39:75-6 S 63 Tappi 46:sup 146A-51A O '63 _ ,
COLOR blindness _ Optical cell for measuring changes In colour
Testing of solutions. S. D. Dandekar and C. H.
Industry is color blind, il Mill & Factory Giles, il diag
Recording Chem & Ind p289-90
spectroreflectometer as a F tool 16 '63 in
73:67-8 S '63 paper mill color work. M. W. Nil]. Tappi
COLOR codes , ^ , _ 46:sup 133A-6A Ja '63 , .^ ^,
Color-coded displays for data-proces sing Survey of instruments for color speciflcation.
systems. S. U Smith, diags Electro-Te ch F. U. Wurzburg. jr. diag Tappi 46: sup
Color Ad '63
standards, . , , wantx ..i.
does industry them?o 155A-9A Jl '63
il Mill & Factory 73:64-6 S .'63 ColorSeematching
wire identificat ion and equip-
New type ment. C. of
J. Geating. il Wire & Wire Prod Colorimeters
COLOR organ
and colonmetry
,, ^ ,, ...
38:1498-94- O '63 , . , ^ , . ^ t.
Spiral striping of insulated W're. C. P. Wall -projection color organ. M. Dollens. bib-
Brown, il Wire & Wire Prod 38:1516-184- liog il diags Audio 47:19-244- Mr: 23-44-
O '63
What colorpiping? should we11 diag
code answers. use for energy- COLOR photography
sv.stem Power 107: Ap '63
Agfacolor films: prognosis, processing, print-
178-80 Je '63 Bless the ing. H Keppler.
color lab.ModM. Phot Gordon.27:30 IndJe Phot'63
COLOR codes, Safety 12:284- Ja '63 , „ „,
To minimize hazards, color them safe, dlag
Uock Prod 66:924- S '63 Chemistry and color photography. _ P. W.
COLOR In architecture , ^. .„ • , Vittum.
Color and the use of color by the illuminat- Color
switch can tobibliog be color SMPTEthan J black-and-white;
cheaper 71:937-41 D '62
for stress photos results
ing engineer, diags Ilium Eng 57:764- 1 6 D 62 in savings for Hamilton Standard, il Ind
COLOR in industry ., , „ _ ^ Phot 12:31 Ja '63 ^ „
Color vour plant productive, il Mill & Factory Color printing; time and effort compared.
See also .S '63 E. Meyers, plans Mod Phot 27:70-14- F
Color codes Color reproduction. H. Denstman. Ind Phot
COLOR in plastics ... , , „ „, 12:36-94- Ja '63 _ ^ . ,
Coloring thermoplastic resins. J. E. S mo- Color transparency retouching. E. Friedman.
Kon. il Mod Plastics 40:107-104- My 63 il Ind Phot 12:18-20 Ja '03 „ , ., , .
Coloring thermosetting rosins. J. E. Simp- Color workshop. F. Bond. Published in
monthly numbers of Modern photography
Flame sonrelarder
11 Mod Plastics 40:89-924- costs,
reducea colorant Je '63elves Compare 'em. H. Keppler. 11 Mod Phot 27:
hrlghtor forhues. Mod Plastics 40:110 N '62 J 90-5 O '63; Correction. 27:21 N '63
Formula specifying color concentrates. Do color
you films. need J.a Skylight
E Simpson, diag Mod Plastics 40:142 Wolbarst. filter Mod with Phot today's
How to choo.'ie the right colorant for the Nright
resin J. E. Simp.son. Mod Plastics 40: Ektachrome-2,
etc-ctc-etc-etc? Ektachrome-3,
H. Keppler. Ektachrome-X;
11 Mod Phot
00-34- vour
Know D '62 colorant
, ^ . „
characteristics. ^ _,
J. B.
27:66-7 Jl '6.i Moderns test shows It may
Simpson. Mod Plastics 40:88-914- Mr '63 even surpass Kodachrome. H. Keppler. 11
Practical problems of color In plastics. J. R.
Simpson. Materials In Design Eng 58:61- Mod Phot 27:74-5 Ag '63
Ektacolor S 120 film; more speed and latitude.
64- Jlin '63the ceramic Industry
COLOR H. Keppler and B. Meyers. Mod Phot 27:
Ceramic colors and glaze applications; sym- Fall color plus. P. Caulfleld. U Mod Phot 26:
posium abstracts. Am Cer Soo Bui 42:281 10 Mr '63
Ap '63 72-6 N '62
COLOR photography — Continued Influence of paper surface on the color of
First color facsimile ti-ansniitled by satellite. printed inks. F. M. Preucil. diags Tappl 45:
J. SU'asser. il diaKs Electronics 36:51-3. 823-6carton
Milk O '62 printing run. il diag Plastics
cover color
Good My 24slides '63 witliout Kadgetry. B. F. _
Jones. color Ilium Ens 58:116-17 nomograph.
Mr '63 Tlieir key21:18to Jasuccess;
World '63 new proofing system
Instant correction; Mod saves dollars in the cost of processing
Pilot 26:78-9 O '62 new Anscochrome slides; 3M brand Color-Key. il Ind Phot
Modern tests four films.
E. Meyers, il Mod Phot 27:74-7 S '63 12:52+ Ja '63
See also
Munich ern museum copies cave paintings; mod- Color photography
chemical technology, color photography Silk screen printing
help reproduce stone age art. il Chem & COLOR sense Testing
Eng N 40:aa-102
Negaclirome system.S 17 D.'62 G. Banks, il Ind
Phot shoot
12:22-3 color Ja '63 with fluorescent lighting. How to test workers for color aptitude. S. M.
Now! Burt, Inland Ptr/Am Lithogr 150:76-7 F;
D. L. Miller, il Mod Phot 27:88+ F '63 86-7 Mr '63
One man's film
keeping answer to field color
refrigerated out inwork the woes;
field. Seecialalso subdivision
subjects, e.g. Colorado under spe-
Other Ind Phot
e.xperiraenters 12:61 Mr '63elforts to develop Architecture. Domestic
transparency materials to a satisfactory Coal mmes and niiiung
negative. Ind binding
Phot 12:24 Ja '63to paper, Gas, Natural
Photobinding; of dyes Geology
Gas, Natural — Pipe lines
brass, glass, Mylar, saran, Teflon, etc.
M. Wasserman and G. O. Ster. Ind Phot Hydroelectric plants
12:19+ Ag '63 Mines and mineral resources
Polacolor and flashbulbs. J. 'Wolbarst. Mod Molybdenum mines and mining
Phot 27:43 Paper industry and trade
Polacolor thatO did '63 not reach the market, and Petroleum
why not. J. Wolbarst. il Mod Phot 27:14-15 Petroleum industry and trade
Mr '63 announces color, il Mod Phot 27:26-
Polaroid Water supply
7 My '63 color. J. Wolbarst.
Polaroid il diags Mod COLORADO Plateau. See Geology— Western
Phot 27:60-5+ Mr '63 COLORADO RIVER
different new loadingtypetechnique.color negative J. Wolbarst.needs ila Present and proposed uses of Colorado River
Mod Phot water in Arizona. R. Johnson. Am Water
Reverse twist;27:32Sears Jl '63color technicians keep Works Assn J 54:1457-63 D '62
quality up and pressure down, il Ind Phot
12:21 Ja '63 Power utilization
minute M.color; Polaroid'sil Indcolor-in-a-
M. Badler. Pilot 12: Interior reveals lower Colorado plan. Eng N
40-5 F '63 171:21 decision
River Ag 29 '63 will spur construction, map
Revolution in products parallels that in tech-
nique and style. M. Gordon. Ind Pliot 12:6+ Southwest 170:24-5
Eng N Je 13 '63
plan would create regional water
O '63 cool water color. P. Caulfleld. il Mod
plans big map for EngtheN Colorado,
171:18-19 map
S 5 '63Eng N
Phot 27:52-5 Ag '63 170:20 Ja glass. 31 '63 See Glass. Colored
Shooting with Kodak's new X series color COLORED
Skinfilms.tones,J. Wolbarst. sun and shade; Mod Phot nine 27:18+ O '63
films tested. COLORED '63 See Light, Colored
H. Keppler. il Mod Phot 27:72-6 Ap '63 COLORED moving pictures. See Moving pic-
Steel plant produces self-lit color shots. tures. Colored
A. F. bright,
Super Taylor, super il Ind sharp,
Phot super 12:26-7+ color.Ja '63 P. COLORIMETERS and colorimetry
Caulfield. il Mod Phot 27:64-7 Je '63 Colorimeter, useful for color matching and.
35mm daylight Kodachrome-X. H. Keppler. E, Gould. Ind Finishing of 39:77 F '63
il Modscenics: Phot 27:80-5+ Colorimetric classification Australian peg-
35mm National Mr '63
Geographic remains matitic muscovite. J. Finch. Am Mineralo-
the last bastion of the classical landscape. gist 48:525-54 bibUog(p553-4) My the'63 rate
P. Caulfield. il Mod Phot 27:74-9 F '63 Colorimetric method for measuring
Way in 2% sir color; close-up portraits. P. of degradation of disaccliarides by alkali.
Caulfield. Mod Phot 27:54-6 S '63 T. J. Painter.
Current practical Chem uses of & Ind p36-7 Ja 5color
instrumental '63
Way out 2% sir color; distant aerials. P. matching in industry. F. J. Rizzo. blbliog
Caulfleld. il Mod Phot 27:57-9 S '63 il diag Am Dyestutf Rep 52:365-9 My 13
■WTien and how to expose for perfect color. Development of a new staining technique for
W. Benser. U Mod Phot 27:56-9+ Jl '63 the colorimetric identification of neutral
Which film? color films put to the test. H.
Keppler. il Mod Phot 27:52-7+ F '63 sulfite semichemical fibers. J. F. Kratodivil.
See also Tappi 46:sup 153A-6A
Instrumentation studies:O '63
a study of photo-
Moving pictures. Colored electric instruments for the measurement
Television — Color of color: reflectance and transmittance; the
COLOR printing standard brightness tester as a four-filter
Automatic equipment controls color separa- colorimeter. L. R, Dearth and others, bib-
tion, il Inland Ptr/Am Lithogr 150:114+
D '62 liog Tappi 46:sup
Miniaturized 179A:88Ameasures
air analyzer Ja '63 gaseous
Automatic system puts towns on the map. il pollutants; abstract. B. E. Saltzman and
diags Machine Design 35:152-3 O 24 '63 A. L. Mendenhall. Chem & Eng N 41:75-6
Color copies from Polaroid Land color prints.
J. Wolbarst. Mod Phot 27:12+ S '63 Survey
S 23 '63 of instruments for color specifica-
Color proofing system helps printer meet tion. F. L. Wurzburg, Jr. diag Tappi 46:
close deadlines, il Inland Ptr\/Ani Lithogr sup 155A-9A Jl '63
150:104 Mr '63 iSee also analysis
Color reversal or positive? five factors to COLORIMETRIC analysis
consider. Ind Phot 12:80-1+ Mr '63 Analysis of alkaline pulping liquors; auto-
Color seminar proves helpful to printing cus- matic colorimetric determination of re-
tomers. J. A. Rogers, il Inland Ptr/Am ducing compounds in white and green
Lithogr 150:54-5 Mr '63 liquors. R. B. Kesler. bibliog flow diag
Control of intersetter of a pre-printed web Tappi 46:442-5 Jl '63 of anodic oxide films
in a newspaper press. J. C. Mawer. il diag Assessment of sealing
Ind Electronics 1:614-15 S '63 on aluminium by colorimetric analysis. G.
Controlling color on offset press with C. Wood and J. N. Stokoe. bibliog J Ap
densitometer. J. Petrycki. diag Inland Ptr/
Am Lithogr 150:52-3 F; 59-61 Mr '63 Chem 13:409-16
Colorimetric S '63
determination of thorium In
Electronic colour registration in printing. J. thoriated tungsten by use of thoron. G. Nor-
C. Mawer. il diags Ind Electronics 1:560-1 witz. bibliog Metallurgia 66:297-9 D '62
Ag '63 Colorimetric determination of trace amounts
How color helped build Diversey Printing. (2-300 ppm) of chromium in steel and high
T. K. Gillies, il Inland Ptr/Am Lithogr 151: gurity iron. P. H. Scholes and D. V. Smith,
62-3 My '63 ibliog Metallurgia 67:153-7 Mr '63
COLORIMETRIC analysis — Continued Design charts for stepped columns. R. Isa-
Colorinietric method for the deifrrnlna.tion of kower. diags Product Kng 34:lu/-8 Je 24
elliion of residues. J. R. Graham and 1^. t. Dynamic bending of elastic columns. H. R.
Orwoll. J Atri & Food Chem U:b7-9 Ja b3 Bailey, bibiiog Am Soc C E Proc 89 £ST 4
Colorimetrlc method for the . estimation or
dimethoate residues. P. A. Giane and M. t>. no 3.1851:95-115 Ag '63 of initially straight,
Schechter. bibliog J Agrl & Food Chem Dynamic creep instability
centrally loaded columns. \V. E. Jatiaman
ll:iia-() Ja of
Comparison '6S .
two colorimetnc . methods
.. , ,for and F. A. Field, bibliog diags A S M E
determination of copper in mineral oils. Trans ser E 29:73-60 Mr '62; Discussion.
J M Howard and H. O. Spauschus. bibliog 29:i64-5 response
Dynamic D '63 of columns. J. F. Fleming
Cuts lab time 35:1U16-1? Jl '63 . analyses, il
in colorimetnc and E. H. Liebold. diags Franklin Inst J
lies/Develop 14;35 O %.i , . , . 2/5:463-72 Je '63
and .colorimetrie analy- Dynamic response of elastie-viscous-plastlc
in usedmicroscopy
Dark sisfield oil examination T. A. Tennyson.
Lub Enu lS:ol4-lB D ^tiJ. Am Soc CC. E i'.Proc
columns. Yang89 and lEM otliers. diags
3 no 35411:
Determination of i-esidual 4-dimethylamino- 43-57 Je '63
3 5-xylyl methylcarbamate and 4-dimethyl- Elastic strength of tapered columns. C. M.
amlno-3.5- xylenol by use of, luteoarseno- i-'ogel and K. L. Kelter. bibliog diags Am
tunsstic acid. K. P. Marquardt and E. N.
Soc C E Proc 88 IST 5 no 33ulJ:67-106
Luce. _ bibliog J Agn & Food Chera 11:418- O '62; Correction. 89 1ST 5 no 36881:271-
Derermination of Sevin insecticide and its Euler load of a stepped column; an exact
poultry tissues and ecs.-.. 4 O '63
P. Johnsonin and
D others. J Agn & Food formula. G. S. Ram. diag AIAA J 1:211-12
Chem U;77->iO Jaresidues: '63 , ■
analysis ,for „„,^,-„
maleic How
Growth regulator
hydrazide. I. Hoffman and others, bibliog il Ja '63to calculate
deflections and bending
in beam columns: data sheet. M.
J Agri & Food Chem 10:453-5 N '62 Newman and M. Forray. diag MacliJne De-
Improved colorimetrie determination or sign 36:145-8 F 28 '63
phorate residues in plant tissues. A. C. Matrix analysis of a nonuniform beam column
Waldron and others, bibliog J Agn & Food
on multi-supports. H. Saunders. diag
Chem 11:241-4 My '63 ^ ^ ,
Improved colorimetnc method for determin- AIAA J of
Response 1:951-2 Ap columns
elastic '63 to axial pulse
ing endosulfan (thiodan) residues in vege- loading. N. J. Huflington, jr. bibliog diag
tables and beef fat. J. ^ C. Maitlen and
W. E. Westlalce. J Agn & Food Chem 11: AIAA Jerects
Traveler record Scolumn:
'63 Chemical bank
Improved method for Kelthane residue analy- New York trust building, il Eng N 170:18
sis with applications for determination of
residues in milk. CF Gordon and others Ultimate
diag J Agri & Food Chem 11:84-6 Ja 63 Ja 31 '63load of H-coIumns under biaLxial
New colorimetrie method for the determina- bending. C. Birnstiel and J. ilichalos. bib-
lene-type, sur-
polyoxyethyons. liog diags Am Soc C E Proc 69 1ST 2
tion of non-ionic
factants in low concentrati P. Fitter. no 35031:161-97 Ap '63; Discussion. 89 [ST 6
NewChem colorimetrie
& Ind P 1832-3 O 20 for'62 determining
reagents no 36881:363-6
COLUMNS, Aluminum O '63
Aluminum columns double as mullions. Eng N
traces of metals. T. S. West, bibliog Ind
See also39:379-81 Jl '63 170:26 Ja Concrete
COLUMNS. 17 '63
Indicators and test papers Creep buckling
COLORING matter In food , . , ., „ umns. S. Mauchof and reinforced concretebibliog
M. J. Holley. col-
Beta-apo-8'-carotenal. a new fooa color. J. L,. flow chart diags Am Soc C E Proc 89
Bauernfeind and R. H. Bunnell, bibliog il [ST 4 surfaces no 36101:451-81 Ag '63in compression
Food control.
Tech 16:76-82 D '62 Failure for members
Color F. J. Francis, bibliog il diags and bia.\ial bending. F. N. Pannell. diags
NewFood regulations
Tech 17:546-504-
on color My additives.
'^i.i Food Am slab
Lift Concrete used Inst J 60:129-40 construction.
in university Ja '63
Tech 17:1149-50 S '63 G. Gurflnkel. 11 plans diags Am Concrete
COLUMBIA gulf transmission company
Columbia Gulf, pipeliner of progress. J. F. Inst J 60:449-64
Multistory Ap '63 for vertical loading.
frame analysis
Ebdon. il map Gas 39:79-92 Ag '63 G. I. N. Rozvany and A. J. K. Hampson.
COLUMBIA RIVER bibliog diags Am Concrete Inst J 59:959-66
Power utilization Jl '62: Discussion. 60:1977-82; Reply. 1982-4
Another major hydro _plant is dedicated: Mr '63; Correction. 60:sup44 Ap '63
Rocky Reach dam. il Power Ene 67:58 S 63 Prestressed columns rise nine stories; Unl-
Aspects of the background of Columbia River versify of California's Davis campus, il Eng
projects In Canada. R. C. McMordie. bibliog N 171:20-1 fixes
Prestressing Ag 1 frame
'63 bases: power house
map•63 plan Eng J 45:47-54 O '62; Discussion.
46-A6+ Ap '63 of Hydro Quebec. P. F. Csagoly. diags
Talks resumo on treaty: Columbia „ , ^, „■ River elec-
tric po%ver pact. Elec World 160:20 S 16 Eng N 170:83 F 21 '63
Safety ofcreteeccentrically
columns. M. Tich]?loadedandreinforced con-
M. VorllCek.
COLUMBITE , ^.. substructure.
V, , » -o diags Am Soc C E Proc 88 1ST 5 no 32921:
Ixiolite. a columbite E. Ti
H. 1-10 O '62: Discussion. 89 [ST 2 no 35021:
Nickel and others, bibliog il diags Am Min- 239-50 Ap; (ST 3 no 35601:183-95 Je; [ST 6
no 30881:265-8 O '63; Reply. 89 [ST 6 no
Radioactive eralogist 48:961-79 S '63„
columblle.„.E.„,W. „ „Heinnch
, . ^ „11
37431:417-24 D '63 of columns with blaxlally
Am Mineralogist 47:1363-79 blblioglp 1378-9) Ultimate strength
N '62 eccentric loads. J. L. Meek, bibliog diags
COLUMBIUM. See Niobium
COLUMBUS. Ohio Am Concrete Inst J 60:1053-64 Ag '63
Sec also
Airports — Columbus. Ohio Long hinged reinforced concrete columns,
COLUMNS , , ^ . . ■w. F Chang and P. M. Ferguson, bibliog
Analysis and design of struts with tension II diags Am Concrete Inst J 60:1-25 Ja '63;
ties. K. H. Chu and S. S. Berge. 11 diags Discussion. 60:1255-8; Reply. 1258-62 S '63
Am Soc C E Proc 89 (ST 1 no 34141:127- Test of reinforced concrete columns with
high slenderness ratios. L. P. Siienz and I.
63 F "63loaded column subjected to lateral
Ajcially Martin, bibliog 11 diags Am Concrete Inst J
pressure. J. P. Peterson, diags AIAA J
1:14.')8 60:589-616Iron My '63
Buckling Jeof'63
stepped, columns with , rotated, COLUMNS.
Delhi Pillar: a study of the corrosion aspects.
ends. R. E. Sennett. 3d and S. Shore, diags W. E. Bardgett and J. F. Stanners. bib-
Am Soc C E Proc 89 [ST 1 no 34151:165-78
F '63 buckling loads for tapered columns. liog 11 Iron & Steel Inst J 201:3-10 Ja '63;
Critical Abstract.
Discussion. Metal Prog 83:155-7
U. R. Evans. My Inst
Iron & Steel '63;
J. M. Gere and W. O. Carter, bibliog diags
Am Soc C E Proc 8S I.ST 1 no 3ntr.l:l-n J 201:454 Steel My '63
F '62: Discussion. RS IST 3 no 31791:343-5 COLUMNS.
Je: 1ST 4 no 32541 :23.';-7 Ag: 1ST B no 33091; Columns in planar continuous structures. M.
ojalvo and V. T,evl. lilbliog diags Am Soc
185-6 O '62; Reply. 89 (ST 2 no 35021:223-4
C E Proc 89 (ST 1 no 34081:1-23 F '68
Ap '63
■63 265
COLUMNS, Steel — -Continued COMBUSTION analysis
Giant steel column set In New York; Illus- Adaptation of the oxygen flask method for
tration with text. steel
Civil column
Eng 33;81 ashing of cellulosic niaterials. J. C. PatU-
New manual makes desiemAp easy.
son. diag Anal Chem 35:1558-9 method
S '63 for
R. E. column
Kapp. diaES CombusLion-spectrophotometric
Prefab comesEnsflreproofed.
N 171:34-6 ilS Eng
5 '63 N determination of trace quantities of sulfur
171:100 Ak 8 '63 in metals. K. E. Burke and C. M. Davis,
Steel column design for multistory rigid bibhog Anal determination Chem 34:1747-51of nitrogen
D '62 with
frames. C. F. Beck and M. Zar. bibliog flow Decimilligram
diag diags Am Soc C E Proc 89 (ST 4 a simple sealed tube combustion method.
no 36141:537-56 Ag '63 K. Hozumi. diags Anal Chem 35:666-9 My
Testing Determination of carbon by wet combustion;
Columns reinforced under load. N. R. Naga- application to explosives and initiators. I.
Dunstan and J. V. Grifflllis. Anal Chem
raja Rao and L.. Tall, biblio? diags Weld-
ing J 42:sup investigation
Experimental 177-S5 Ap '63 of welded built- 34:1348-9 oxygen
Flowing S '62 Schoniger combustion for
up columns. F. R. Estuar and L,. Tall, bib- large samples. L. L. Farley and R. A.
liog il diags Welding J 42:sup 164-76 Ap '63
COMBUSTION Oxygen flask method Chem
Winkler, diag Anal for the35:772-3
assay My '63
of tri-
Acoustic resonance in combustion systems. tium- carbon- 14-, and sulfur-35-labeled
■63 compounds. H. E. Dobbs. bibliog diags Anal
Sound 2:46-S and
Amplificaiion S '63 attenuation of sound by
Chem 35:783-6burner
Oxyhydrogen Je '63 developed for combus-
burning propJllants. R. W. Hart and R. H.
Cantrell. bibliog diag AIAA J 1:393-404 F tion analyses. Chem & Eng N 41:129 S 2 '63
Rapid combustion termination method
utilizing gas for nitrogen de-
Application of combustion equipment to blast M. Li. Parsons and others, diags Anal Chem
furnace stoves. M. J. Greaves, diags Iron
Rapid Je '63
& Steel rate
Burning Eng of40:34-95 Jl '63 perchlorate single
ammonium nation of organicmethod for the
substances in determi-
crystals. A. G. Whittaker and D. C. Bar- solutions. C. E. Van Hall and others, bib-
ham. ARS J 32:1273 Ag '62 liog diags Anal
Recombination lossesChemin rocket 35:315-19nozzles
Mr with'63
Calculating burning surface areas of internal
burning spherical propellant charges. J. W. storable propellants. D. J. Simkin and R. R.
Eerti and J. A. Wrubel. diags ARS J 32: Koppang. bibliog AIAA See J 1:2150-2 S '63
12S3-S Ag '62 COMBUSTION chambers. Combustion
Catalytic combustion of aerosols. J. G. Chris- COMBUSTION engineering, inc.
tian and J. E. Johnson, bibliog diags Ind Top management realigns at Combustion
& Eng Chem Product Res & Develop 2:
235-7 S '63 Engineering. research
COMBUSTION Combustion 34:30 My '63
Chart rapidly determines theoretical combus- Combustion and propulsion research. S. S.
tion air requirements; data sheet. D.
Csathy. HeaUng-Piping 34:141-2 D "62 Penner,
Ja 14 63il diags (reprintsChem50cl & Eng N 41:74-80-1-
Combustion of single drops of waste sulfite
liquor; a preliminary investigation. M. T. Combustion
others, bibliog of fuelil droplets.
diag AIAA B. J. J'Wood and
Monaghan and R. G. Siddall. bibliog il diag
Tappi 46:89-91 P '63 Combustion of metals. G. H. Markstein. 11
Effects of nitrogen, excess hydrogen, and My '63 J 1:550-62 bibliog(p561-2)
water additions on hydrogen-air flames. G. E-Kpenments on recombination Mr '63 in
Dixon-Lewis and A. Williams. bibUog rocket nozzles. R. Hoglund and others,
AIAA J 1:2416-17 O '63 bibliog AIAA •63J 1:324-9 F 63
Effects of water on the burning velocity of Ignition delay analyzed from self-ignition of
hj'drogen-air flames. D. K. Kuehl. bibliog fuel drops. M. M. El-Wakil and M. I. Ab-
ARS J 32:1724-6 N '62; Discussion. A. Levy. dou. il diag S A E J 71:42-5 My '63
Ignition time delay of hydrogen-oxygen-
AIAA J 1:1239 My '63 diluent mixtures at high temperatures.
Generalized equations for furnace combustion J. A. Nicholls and others, bibliog ALAA. J
calculations. J. R. O'Loughlin. Combustion Influence
1:2253-7 Oof'63 coal rank on the burning
34:23-4 My '63 times of single captive particles. R. H.
Heat loss and reaction order effects on heat Es.senhigh. bibliog A S M E Trans ser A
release of two-stage combustion chambers.
E. C. Woodward, jr and I. Hendricks, bib- S5:1S3-S:
Ions in flames Discussion. 189-90 Jlreview.
conference; '63 W. H.
liog AIAA J 1:471-2 F '63 Jones and others. Astronautics & Aerospace
Mechanism of combustion in flames. R. M.
Fristrom. bibliog il diags Chem & Eng N Eng 1:86-90of Othe'63accelerated burning of am-
41:150-7-1- O 14 '63 (reprints 75c) monium perchlorate at high pressures. O.
Mechanism of combustion inhibition by R. Irwin and others. AIAA J 1:1178-80 My
amines; effect of aliphatic and aromatic
amines on the pre-flame and ignition char- Oblique detonation waves. R. A. Gross, diag
acteristics of n-hexane. K. C. Salooja. bib- AIAA J 1:1225-7 My '63
liog Inst Pet J 49:58-64 F '63 Particulate damping of oscillatorv combus-
Microwaves measure solid fuel burning rates, tion. M. D. Horton and M. R. McGie. bib-
diags Electronics 35:50-1- N 23 '62 liog diag AIAA J 1:1319-26 Je '63
Photographic measurement of burning rates Recent progress in detonation research. A. K.
in solid propellant rocket motors. J. R. Oppenheim '63and others, il diags AIAA J
Osborn and others, il R Scl Instr 34:305-6 1:2243-52 bibliog(p2250-2) O '63
Mr '63 Recent research in distillate-fuel combustion.
Response of a burning solid to small-ampli- D. W. Locklin and C. F. Speich. bibliog
tude pressure oscillations. F. A. Williams, diags ASHKAB'63 J 5:81-84- Ap '63
•63 diag J Ap Phys 33:3153-66 N '62 Scaling of Jet flameholders. J. R. O'Loughlin.
Stability of pressure waves in a combustion bibliog AIAA J l:7u7-9 Mr '63
field. G. Rosen. ARSStrahle
J 32:1605-7 O '62; Schlieren and shadowgraph studies of hvbrld
Discussion. W. C. and W. A. boundary-layer combustion. R J Mussy.
Sirignano. AIAA J 1:978; Reply. 978-9 Ap
il diags
Shock wave AIAAtechniques
J 1:2159-60in S combustion
'63 ' re-
See also search. J. N. Bradley, bibliog il diags Ind
Boilers — Firing
Detonation Chem 38:557-62 N '62
Flames Stability of high-frequency pressure oscilla-
Flash point tions in rocket combustion chambers. F. E.
Fuel C. Culick. bibliog AL\A J 1:1097-104 My
Gas burners
Ignition Sulfur chemistry and its role in corrosion and
Inflammable mixtures deposits. A. Levy and E. L. Merrvman.
Spontaneous combustion bibliog A S M E Trans ser A 85:229-34 Jl
Strain energies in hydrocarbons from heats Transition of burning Into detonation In
of combustion; 4,5- and 2.7-dimethvIphen- gases. R. I. Soloukhin. 11 AIAA J 1:2006-8
anthrenes. 1.12- and 5.8-benzolc)phenan-
threnes and 1'.9- and 3'.6-benzanthracenes, Unusual burners and combustion processes.
M. A. Frisch and others, bibliog Am Chem Ag L.
H. '63 McPherson. diags Am Gas Assn Mo
Soc J 85:2356-7 Ag 20 '63 45:8-9 O '63
COMBUSTION research — Continued Channel capacity of a realizable passiveInst two-
Vortices in solid propellant rocliet motors. port.
2i5:473-S0T. B.Je■63Horgaii. 63 , diags u ,j. ^ irJ
j, »,.Franklin
J. Swithenbanli and G. Sotter. biblios 11 Choice of binary codes and thresholds. C. V.
diags of
Why's AIAA Diesel J 1:1682-4 Jl '63 fathomed;
combustion ,^ , ab- . Freiman. diag IEEE Proc 51:478 Mr '63
stract. J. K. Adadevoh and others. S A t, J Coded digital conimunicauons; informauon
71:91-2 S '63 transfer, not energy transfer. P. Rosea and
See also . „ . .. InauUcs 39:954- F bibliog
D. Debow. 63 diags ^, .. , Space/Aero-
, ,„„
engmes— Combustion re-
search combustion
Internal Common directory code for digital and analog
COMFORT stations, Roadside. See Roadside networks. W. B. Martin, il Elec Eng 82:211-
comfort stations Correlation recognition of a redundant .flve-
COMMERCE unit telegraph code. A. M. Rosie. biblloK
See also diags Instdetection E E Proc 110:493-500 Mrvoltage '63
lixport trade Cube-law of asymmetric
COMMERCIAL law modulation. E. T. Hooper, bibliog diags
See also , . IEEE Trans Com & Electromcs p332-8 Jl
Patent laws and regulations Digital coding for voice communications, b.
COMMINUTION. See Crushing E. Gerber and A. J. SUassman. bibliog
COMMITTEES (in management) diags Space/Aeronautics 40:95-101 stop O '63
Sun Oil proves a point; packaging committees Distribution sonants. of
R. W. information
Guelke and in E. D. Smith, con-
can work, il Mod Materials Handling 17:
66-9 D '62 bibliog 11 diags Inst E E Proc 110:680-9
munity market.
COMMON See European economic com- Dynamic statistical linearization. W J.
Culver and M D Mesarovic. bibliog diags
COMMONWEALTH institute, London. See Im- IEEE
■63 Trans Com & Electronics ,p317-24 , T,Jl
perial institute. London
COMMUNICATION Evaluation of spurious response levels. It.
Challenges in water pollution control; com- How McManus to analyze IEEE Proc 51:1264 S '63volumes.
munications. R. S. Nelle. WPCF J 35:297-300
Mr '63 J. F. Holmes. Control Eng 10:125-7
channels S under '63
Communication in environmental ,health; , , Na- Information capacity of fading
conditions of intense interference. J. P.
tional congress on environmental health.
3d, Ann Arbor. June 3-4. Ind Med 32:299- Coslas. processes
Markov diags IEEE Proc 51:451-61networks.
in communication Mr '63
331 Ag '63 study^
Experimental of. ^two approaches,, .to W. S Litchman and D. I. Epstein, bibliog
communication. U. J. Roberts and others, diag IEEE Trans Com & Electronics p404-8
bibliog Am J
Free trade in ideas. A. Smith, Pub Health 53:1361-81
maps S '63
diag Matri.x multiplication in search for alternate
routes. J. Otterman. Elec Com 38 no 2:
Drug & Cosmetic
Man-machine communications Ind 92:299-300-1-
in civil. Mr engi-'63 246-51 for '63 obtaining suboptimal group-testlns
ne ring. C L Miller, bibliog il diags Am Method
policies using dynamic programming and
Soc C need
Man's E Proc to C. 89communicate: (ST 4 no 35941:5-29 present Ag '63 information theory. B. Gluss. Assn for
and ■63 future. W. Vadersen. past, bibliog diag Computing Mach J to 10:89-96
Audio Engof Soc J 11:142-6 Ap scientific
'63 New coding scheme simplify Ja data '63 trans-
Problems communicatlnt^r and mission. of Space/ Aeronautics 39:53-f-netsMr witli '63
technical information. Engineer 215:234 F 1 Optimization cumniunication
switching. I. T. Frisch. bibliog flow chart
Technical reading, writing and editing. M. H. diags Franklin
Optimum probabilities Inst ofJ messages
275:405-30 with My pre- '63
Aronson and R. C. Nelson. Instruments & assigned code of words. S. H. Chang. IEEE
Control Systems 36:71-2 Ja; 75-6 F; 76 Mr;
81-i- Ap; Sl-f My; 73-1- Je '63 Proc 51:866-7
Probable evolution My '63 of telephony. R. F. Bo-
munication Electric. See Electric com- gaerts. bibliog Elec Com 38 no 2:184-95 '63
Recent developments
tions. L. S. Schwartz, in digital
bibliog communica-
diags Elec
COMMUNICATION, International
See also Eng 82:415-18
Resolution limitsJe of'63analyzers and oscillatory
International telecommunication union systems. E. L. R. Corliss, bibliog diags
Armed forces communications and electronics J Res Nat independence
Statistical Bur Stand 67A:461-74 of features S '63in a
convention and exhibition, 17th, Washing- switching theory model for pattern recog-
ton, il Electronics 36:14-16 Je 14 '63 nition. M. A. Fischler. IEEE Proc 51:1370-1
Effect of weapons development on interior O '63
communication fire control, navigation and Synchronization error. C. M. Hackett, jr. Inst
electrical systems. F. H. Cunnare. il diag Radio Eng
Theorem on the Procdistribution
50:2132-3 O of'62weights in a
Naval Eng
Military J 75:715-25
satellite control. O '63
L. G. Fischer. 11 systematic code. J. MacWilliams. bibliog
diags Astronautics & Aerospace Eng 1:54-7 Bell Systemand
Theoretical Tech practicalJ 42:79-94 Ja '63of tele-
S '63 phone traltic. J. Kruithof. diag Elec Com
Naval communications today and for the
world of multi-megaton weapons. C. T. 3S no 2:252-63 '63
Garland, il diag Naval Eng J 75:39-49 F ing networks. theory V. E. ofBeneS. traffic bibUog
in connect- Bell
See also Sv.stem Tech J
Time-division multiplexed codinfr factors. A.12:567-6(17 My '63
Radio coininunio.ation. Milit.ary M. Uerner. il diags Instruments & Control
COMMUNICATION, Naval. See Communica- Systems 36:121-3 signal
Two-dimensional Mr '63 representation uslntr
tion. Military prolate functions. D A Land-
COMMUNICATION, Theory of grebe and G. R. Cooper, bibliog IEEE Trans
Advanced communications: distance, digits, Com & Electronics p30-40 Mr '63
data. J. Holahan. diags Space/Aeronautics COMMUNICATION and traffic
38:6-17 Pt 2 N '62 See also
Analysis of the factors which determine Radio communication
signal/noise discrimination in pulsed-carrier
systems. D. O. North. IEEE Proc 51:1016- Telephone
27 Jl '63 of communications theory. L. S. COMMUNICATION In Industry. See Communi-
Application cation in manttgcnient
Schwartz, diags Space/ Aeronautics 38:18-22 COMMUNICATION In management
Art of listening. G W. Howard. Res/Develop
Pt 2 N '62 of Information
Application theory to the
analysis of contingency tables, with a table Challenge
11:30-1 S in '63 communications. E. P. Smith.
of 2n In n. n = l(1110.0nn. S. KuHb.ick and Mln Cong engineer. J 49:57-60R.ApG. "63Murdlck. Machine
others, bibliog J Res Nat Bur Stand G6U: rogniz.ant
217-43 O '62 Design 35:116-19 and
Ap 25
At last; standard code for Information sys- Communications the'63 engineer. Machine
•63 tem!* E. H. Clomons. Control Enic 10:91-4 Design 36:148-52 Ap 11; 120-4 Ap 25 '63
O '6^ Communications Is the key to the human-
Bounds on communication. D. Slepian. bib- nature guidance necessarj' to Smanagement
liog diag Bell System Tech J 42:681-707 My control. J. M. Garrison, diags A E J 71:
64-6 N '63
COMMUNICATION in management — Continued Comparator relays reduce data link cabling.
Communications; managers need help. Elec N. Annis. diag Control Eng precision
10:98 Ag '63
World 160:39-42 S 2 '63 Current comparator tor the
urement of d.c. ratios. N. L.. Kustersmeas-and
Good■63communications save costs: panel dis- others, bibliog il diags Elec Eng 82:204-10
How much cussion.should
Pet Management 35:16-19
management tell?As W.'63 F.
Rockwell, jr. Pet Management 35:324- Ap Current stabilized power supply using a mag-
Mr '63 netic modulator as a current comparator.
How Sohio uses team training-. R. Guyon. R. C. Foss and F. J. U. Rltson. diags
Hydrocarbon Process & Pet Refiner 42:1S7- DeterminationEngof 35:151-5
Electronic wavelengthsMr '63and wavenum-
HowS-l- Jlto'63 analyze commimications volumes. bers from spectroscopic plates with a card-
punching comparator. Li. S. Nelson and
HowJ. Holmes.
do your Control Eng 10:125-7 S study.
own communications '63 others, il R ofScltheInstr 34:699-700 Je '63 a
J. F. Holmes, maps Control Eng 9:114-17 Development current comparator,
N '62 high-accuracy a-c ratio measuring device.
Improving engineer-management communica- P. N. MiUanic and others, bibliog 11 diags
tions. communications. Machine Design 35:lt>6-91 Com &precise
Electronics p369-6S N '62 il En-
On-the-job MachineMy Design
9 '63 Highly pneumatic comparator,
35:124-6 My 23: 115-16 Je 6: 147-9 Je 20: Magnetic gineer 214:636 O 12 in'62current comparators;
80 Jl 4 '63 abstract. W. J. M. Moore, diags Electro-
crises. problems
D. S. Brown. so they Mod don'tMaterials
Handling 1S:93 Je '63 Measurement
Tech 70:13 N of'62 thermal conduction by the
Tailor communication to needs. Iron Age 190: thermal comparator. W. T. Clark and R. W.
Powell, bibliog diags J Sci Instr 39:545-51
85 Bee
O 25also'62
Factory communication Imc/s'62 capacitance comparator. P Lund. 11
COMMUNITY centers diags ac Electronic
Peak to dc comparator. Eng 35:506-9 Ag '63
P. Richman. 11
New building abroad: Germany, il plan diag diags Instruments & Control Systems 36:103
NewArch building
Forum 118:98-9 abroad: JeJapan,
'63 il plan Arch Mr '63 noise spectral density comparator.
Forum 118:97 Je '63 C. M. Allred. bibliog diags J Res Nat Bur
Unified diversity in a whole-family com- Stand 66C:323-30
Spectrosorter. A. E. OMartin, '62 il diags Ind Chem
munity center, il plans Arch Rec 133:141-6
Je '63 center from an old theater, il plan
Youth 38:569-74 N '62
Thermal transfer standard has memory. S.
Arch Forum 118:152-3 My '63 Cramer, il diag Instruments & Control Sys-
Artificial commutation of static converters. Versatile tems 36:106-7
Zener Mr diode '63 array forms high-
J. R. Toth and others, bibliog diags IEEE speed quantizer. J. J. Kolarcik. il diags
Trans Commotor & Electronics pS3-94commutator,
Mr '63 Electronics
COMPASS 35:52-4 Ag 17 '62
Brushless uses electronic
il diag Power E. EngI. 67:59 Mr '632d. bibliog 11 Automatic helmsman for all sizes of ship 11
Oonmiutation. Shobert. diagschart
diags Power Apparatus & Systems p594- Sun compass 194:798 D 21 '62
corrections for recon-
601 D for'62 silicon-controlled rectifier commu- naissance mapping and geophysical pros-
Filter pecting in areas of magnetic disturbance.
tation and harmonic attenuation in high- D. C. Eraser. Econ Geol 58:131-7 Ja '63
power inverters. R. R. Ott diags IEEE
Trans Com & Electronics p259-62 My '63 GyroSeecompass
High speed commutators with particular re- COMPETITION
ference to traction duty; abstract. B. M. Common market and its relationship to the
Law andEngineering
Product G. Smith. Metallurgia fourth annual 66:152master
O '62 United States steel industry. N. B. Obbard.
design awards; light-commutated dc motor. NewIron &dimensions
Steel Eng 39:89-92 in D '62
competition. R. G.
11 diags Product Eng 34:85 My 13 '63 Munroe. Mag of Stand 33:367-9 D '62
Rotating commutator high-sensitivitv flux- Uncovering
meter. R. L. Horst and P. E. Oberg. diags Cline
N 26 62 and your others,competitor's
il Chem costs. 69:109-14
Eng R. T.
R Scl Instr 33:1058-62 O '62 COMPLAINTS
Theory of the sparking during commutation
on dynamos. R. Holm, bibliog diags Power PG&E answers teacher's charges on ad ex-
Apparatus & Systems p588-94 D '62 penses. Elec World 160:17-18 Ag 19 '63
Transistor circuits replace d-c motor com- COMPLEX numbers. See Numbers, Complex
m u t a t o r , i l Automation 10:13 Ja '63 COMPONENTS
fabricated construction. See Houses, Pre-
See also
Brushes (electric machinery) COMPOSING rooms. See Printing offices — Com-
Electric motors Design pcsing rooms
COMPOSITION (photography)
Commutator design. V. B. Honsinger and W. Shoot still lifes to improve your sense of
H. Middendorf. bibliog diags Power Appa- Pcomposition.
63 F. Bond, il Mod Phot 27:42-4-1-
ratus & Systems p707-12 F '63
D-c machine with solid-state commutation, COMPOSITION board. See Fiber board
T. G. Wilson and P. H. Trickev. bibliog COMPOSTS. See Refuse as fertilizer
il diags Elec Eng 81:879-84 N '62 COMPOUNDS, Aromatic. See Aromatic com-
Making automotive generator commutators: pounds
Ford motor CO. flow diag 11 Automation Air blowing; blowing turbine main and re-
9:58-60 D '62 Testing
?.'^^i.**uf''^'" ■}"^J^-^ '"''h high-pressure air.
Multiplier phototube commutation Indicator.
J. L. Johnson, il diag Elec Eng 82:286-9 19 M 'ef' <^'^f^s Comp Air Mag 68:14-
Ap '62'63
COMMUTERS ^"A^r4.i°ls^T^y % ^- ^■■'^"=°"- " comp
Problems of commuter traffic in conurbations; Captured air bubble: captured
48th Thomas Hawksley lecture. A. Bull, bib- air provides
bog il plans Inst Mech Eng Proc 176:961-79 lift, diags Marine Eng/Log 68:60 Ap '63
Public transportation and the worker. H. J.
Schmandt and G. R. Stephens. Traffic Q 2T5'!nsf JeComp23'''63°'"^'" '^'"^^' " Engineer
17:573-83 O '63
Contamina Air '^^
nts in compresse Mag by68:28-9
muskets. S. M.
My '63
d air D W Ben-
COMPACT cars. See Automobiles — Small size
COMPANY names. See Corporate names '«^"",^2 r""''5"ts & Control Systems ' 35:108
Comparator/alarm transducer. H. S. Kauf- C'So'iS' °f ?'■■ ^'o'ume. a crucial factor in
man and G. D. Barber, il diags Instruments
& Control Systems 36:111-13 My '63 Sng''20lTlf4'-T2+''Yl°''?l'^""- " ^''"'' ^°™
Comparator measures up to 40* with ac- """Al 1Si'g"T7:l?''DT2=""«
Design of hydro-pneumatic <='«^'^"^' " Comp
curacy of 0.4 microinch. W. Kinder, bibliog pressure systems
II diags Instruments & Control Systems 36:
123-6 Ap '63

COMPRESSED air— Continued Compressibility and thermal expansion of

DesiKii with air sprinss. J. E. Gieck. il dlags oils. P. S. Y. Chu and A. Cameron, bibliog
Product piieumalics. EiiK 33:G3-74 F. N X. 20.'b2 Inst Pel J 49:14"-.=. Mv T.w
Domescic Kay. diags Comp Compressibility effects of slender bodies enter-
ing vertically into water. I. L.. Ryhming.
Air Mac 68:23-5
Emergency lishtine Ap from '03 compressed air. II diag AlAA J of 1:702-3
Compressibility gases;Mr the'63 Burnett method
EnKineering 190:41 Jl 12 '63 applied atures; to thegas nii.Ktures
First step in lilowme. air at speeds faster second virial at higher temper-
coefllcients of the
than sound, il WeldinK J 42:422-3 My 63
Fish unloadin-,- made easy. F. A. Monteom- R. J. Witonsky and J. G. Miller,175"
helium-nitrogen system from to 475".
bibliog Am
erv. jr. il Coiiip Air Mae 08:24-5 Je OJ Chem Soc J 85:282-6 F 5and '63 liquids at high
Instruments choklnd on cheap air. diag Can Compressibility of solids
Is Chem
vour Processcompressed47:69-70 air clean Ac '63 and dry? , Ind t j pressures. M. A Cook and L. A. Rogers,
FinLshinc 39:87-8 biblioc J Apof carbon
Compre.sslon Phvs 34:2330-6
black: tool Ag for'63 qual-
Mu.sconetcone tunnel:S '63railroad tunnel. New ity control. A I. Medalia. bibliog il Rubber
Jersey C. H. Vivian, il diacs Comp Air
Mac 67:17-19 D '62 ^ . . Age 93:580-6
Derivative Jl '63
compressibility factors. R. C. Reld
job for compressed air; ice„ prevention
Newat marinas. and J. R. Valbert, biblioc Ind & Eng Chem
Air Cond Heat & Ven 59:4
Digital servo actuators 1:292-8 N work'62 with compres-
NewD '62 trend toward , mixed . J compression. . DK, -IT V. sible fluids. J. D. Bidlack II diags Space/
Endres il diac Chem Enc 76:185-6 S 16 air '63 Aeronautics 4n-l1S-?1 Ac '63polylvinyl ace-
Open road to Pikes Peak: compressed Dynamic
solves ice problem. W, McClure. il Comp tate) compressibility
and its relation to of free volume. J. B.
Air Mac 67:18-19 N '62 ^ „ Sprankle
^ McKinney and H. V. Belcher, bibliog J Res
Operation bic lift: motor tuc. J.,R.
successfully refloated. R. J. Nemmers. il Nat Bur
Effect ot fiber Standstructural 67A:43-53 properties
Ja '63 on com-
Comp Air Mac 68:6-9 F '63 „, ^ „ , pression response of fiber beds. R, L.
Plastic tubinc for air, cylinderss W. T. Baker Jones, compressibilitv
biblioc il Tappi of 46:20-8 Ja carbon
il Materials in ppsicn Enc 57-108-9 My 63 Find caseous
PowerinE permanent molds. H. B. Dieter. Jr. dioxide. A. M P. Tans. Hydrocarbon Proc-
il diac Hydraulics & Pneumatics 16:38 Mr 63 ess! & Pet Refiner 41:119 D '62
Ranque-Hilsih lulie. C. H. Vivian, il diacs Find propane compressibility quickly: nomo-
Comp Aircapsules, Mac fiS:26-R graph A. M. P. Tans. Hvdrocarbon Process
Research, and Mv 'OS , air;
compressed . L.e- ,
<^- Pet Refiner 41:in2 Ac '62 of two liquid
derle laboratories. R. L. Moxey. il Comp Isothermal compressibilities
monopropellants. J. F. Kowalick. diag AIAA
33 Air
air Macvalve67:6-10 modules N '62 do the , work, of^ ,^^„, 1460! il.,
J 1:700-2 Mr Zs
Low-pressure '63 of C< hydrocarbons. R. N.
UsePlant Enc 17:140forJe well
of air-mist '63 cleanont and deep-
MacCallum and J. J. McKetta. bibliog
eninc. L. E. Holder, jr. il J Pet Tech 15: Hvdrocarbon Process & Pet Refiner 42:191-
833-6 Ac '63 , ^ . , t .» Organic
■What price drv. clean compressed air? Ina 4 Mv '63reactions under
high pressure; the
of AV* and the com-
See also 39:107-8 Je '03 pres ibility of transition states. C. Walling
Pneumatic control and D. D. Tanner, bibliog Am Chem Soc J
Pneumatic conveying
Pneumatic machinery 85:012-15
See alsoMr 5 '63
Pneumatic tools Elasticity
Pneumatic transmission COMPRESSION
Spraying apparatus Analysis of the diametral-compression test.
Moisture content A. Rudnick and others, bibliog il diags Ma-
Compressed air dryer gives moisture the Classical terials Res•63* Stand
buckling load 3:283-9 Ap '63
of circular cylindrical
air. il Plant Enc from 17:134-5 F '63 shells under axial compression R C.
Remove oil. water compressed air. 11
Ind Finishinc 39:107-9 S '63 Tenny.son. il AIAA J 1:475-6 F '63: Discus-
COMPRESSED air lines 5 '03 sion. R. W. Leonard. 1:2194-5; Reply. 2195-6
Air-line installation. D. W. Benner. Instru- Compacts of powdered material as porous
ments & foundries.
Control Systems bodies for use in sorption studies. P. J.
Air use in D. W. 36:129 Benner.Mril '63 Found- .Screda and R. F. Feldman. bibliog J Ap
ry 90:206-1- N '62 Clioni 13:150-8 Ap "63
Built-in bubbles bar ice: a unique air ap- Compression-Ignition studies of a liquid
plication prevents ice formation at Blue monopropellant. A. H. Mitchell and H A
Mesa dam. A. J. Kizzor. diags Comp Air KIrshner. bibliog il diags AIAA J 1:2083-7
Mac 68:8-9
Cost of air and Ja '63leaks. D. W. Benner. In- S '63
struments * Control Systems 3.'i:113 D '62 Compressive creep of polycrystalline ber\'lllum
Eight rules for updating your compressed- oxide. R. R. Vandervoort and W. L. Bar-
air system. D. W. Benner. Textile World more, bibliog II Am Cer Soc J 46:180-4 An
Fires and explosions Mr 'G3 in comprpssed air svs- Effect of compression on the shear modulus
tems: texts of p,apers. Can Min & Met Bui of rubber. A. R Pavne biblioc diac Tnd ^
56:18-23 Ja '03 Enc Chem '63 Product Res * Dovplop 1:86-8 Je
How special oil solved Are problem !n com- '02: Same. Rubber Chem & Tech 36:675-81
pressed air lines. J. G. Howell, il Plant Eng
17:142-3 My '03 Experiments
Jl '03 on axial compressive general
How to maintain vour compressed air sy.s- Instahilitv of monolithic rinc-stlffened cyl-
tem. D. W. Benner. diacs Food Enc 35: inders. H. Becker and others, bibliog il
56-7 F '63: Excerpt Instruments & Con- diac AIAA J 1:1614-18 Jl '63
trol Systems 36:119 F '63 Fluorspar admixes strencthen cement. J.
How to select a compre.=ssed air svstem. Waanders. diacs Rock Prod 65:80-2 D '62
D. W. Benner. Food Enc 35:86-8 Ja '63 Hot-pressinc alumina: mechanisms of ma-
Model air supply. R. James, il Comp Air Mag terial transport. R. L. Coble and J. S.
Ellis, bibliog il diag Am Cer Soc J 46:438-
68:22-4 F '63
Product Engineering fourth annual master Measuring
design awards: air-line filter. 11 diag Prod- 41 S '63 carbon black structure hv com-
pression. A Voet and W N Wliltfen. 1r.
uct Enc 34:93 My 13 '63 bibliog II diag Rubber AVorld 148:33-6 Ag
Spring of live mermalda. 11 Comp Air Mag
68:13-15 JI '63 Measuring compressive forces accurately. B.
Tables, calculations, etc. Swindells and E. P. Goymour. U diags En-
Calculating pressure drop In compressed air gineering 196:418-19 O 4 '03
svstems. n O. Faust Hydraulics & Pneu- Optimum design of tniss-core sandwich cyl-
inders under axial compression O A.
matics 16:64-9 Ag '63 Cohen, biblioc dlags AIAA J 1:1626-30 Jl "63
COMPRESSED oases. See Cases. Compressed Postbuckllnc behavior of axlallv compressed
COMPRESSED wood. See Wood. Compressed circular cylinders B O. Almroth. bibliog
COMPRESSIBILITY diags AIAA J 1:030-3 Mr "63
C'alculation Postbuckling behavior of pressure- or core-
of thorium of and cohesive
uranium and surface
dioxides energies O C stabilized cylinders under axial compre.^i-
Benson and others, blbllog Am Cer Soc J slon. B. O. Almroth and D. O.
46:43-7 Ja '63 bibliog diag AIAA J 1:2338-41 O '63
PredictinK compressive strength from prop- Interchangeable tooling machines wide range
erties of the fresh concrete. V. M. Mal- of compressor housings. J. A. Cottrell. il
hotra. bibliog Materials lies & Stand 3:
483-5 Je '63 ., of, submlcron diag Mach 69:111-15
Manufacture N '62
of refrigeration compressors In
Preparation of magnesium oxide ^ , the USSR. W. Pichel. diagis ASHRAE J
grain size and very high density. R. M.
_priss:s and others, biblioa il Am Cer Soc J Manufacture
5:86-91 F '63of small hermetic compressors m
4G:50S-9 O '63 ^ „ ^bucklmg.
, ,. -r. the USSR. W. Pichel. diags ASHRAE J
Some aspects of concrete shell K.
R. Bradsliaw. biblioe dial? Am Concrete 5:61-2 O '63 Protection
Inst J 60:313-28 Mr '63 ^ ^ Compressor overload protector has new her-
strenath tests: key Colorado
to better school
compres-of metic terminal, diag Electro-Tech 72:
•63 Minins research laboratory. N. B.
Grosvenor. il Min Enc 15:31-3 Ja 63 106 Jl Tables,
'63 calculations, etc.
Subaudible noise during compression of rocks. Actuator disc theory of the incompressible
R. E. Goodman. Geol Soc 13ul 74:487-90 Ap flow in axial compressors. W. R. Hawthorne
Use of compacts to study the sorption char- and J. H. Horlock. bibliog diags Inst Mech
acteristics of powdered piaster of Paris. Eng Proc 176 no 30:789-803; Discussion.
R. F. Feldman and P. J. Sereda. bibliog 804-12:
Flow Reply.
in the 813-14diffuser
vaneless '62 of a centrifugal
J Ad Chem 13:158-07 Ao '63 compressor. S. Schreier. bibliog diags
COMPRESSION forming. See Sheet metal work
COMPRESSOR stations. See Gas. Natural- A S toM control
How E Trans centrifugal
ser E 29:626-8 D '62
compressors. B.
Pipe lines — Compressor stations A Tezekiian. diagi? Hydrocarbon Process
COMPRESSORS *■ PPt Refiner 42-169-76 Jl '63
Application of a sin.sle stage compressor for Pump data. Pet Management
Testing 35:314-16+ F '63
low temperature refrigeration. W. Pichel.
Bigger J 5:73-4plants Ag '63 suggest compressor Testing compressors with anda recording oscil-
lograph. P. A. Feddfi R. H. Meyer,
shift, il Chem
Centrifugal compre.-ssor Eng 70:88+controlAg problems.
19 '63 E. il diag Gas 39:102-7 Je '63
J. ■63
Bvrne. diags Pet Management 35:213-16 COM pro N effect
Matrix corrections in trace element analysis
Mr '63 process applications for compres-
Chemical by X-rav fluorescence: estimation of the
sion evaporation. J. H. Mallinson. bibliog mass absorption coefficient by Compton
tiow sheet il diag Chem Eng 70:75-82 S 2 scattering. R. C. Reynolds, jr. bibliog Am
Experimental determination of natural fre- Mineralogist
COMPTON scattering. 48:1133-43See S Compton
'63 effect
quencies and modes of compressor reed COMPUTATION. Approximate. See Approxi-
valves. R. L. Lowerv and R. Cohen, il dias mate computation
ASHRAE J 5:95-8 F '63 COMPUTERS.lating machines
See Calculating devices: Calcu-
Floating gears are self-aligning, il diags
HowProductto sizeEngand 34:92-3 F 4 '63
price axial compressors. T>. COMPUTING tables. See Tables, Computing
E. Esplund and J. C. Schildwachter. diags trated
CONCENTRATED milk. Sea Milk. Concen-
Hydrocarbon Process & Pet Refiner 42:141-
4 Ja '63gas engine drive for centrifugal com-
pressors. J. C. Conrad. Heating-Piping 34: Continuous thickening in an inclined thick-
ener W Graham and R Lama, bibliog diag
D '62 for activated sludge plants,
il Water & Sewage Works 109:sup 13A Can J Chem
Start-up of the EngIron 41:162-5 Ag '63 of Can-
ore comoany
N '62 ad.i'.i Carol concentrator. S. P. Giambra.
New trend toward mixed compression. R. V. CanSee Minalso & Met Bui 56:377-80 My '63
Endres. il diag Chem Eng 70:185-6 S 16 '63 Evaporators
Nitrogen compression system explosion. R. W. CONCRETE
Sanders and R. W. Nodorn. flow sheets il See also
Chem Eng Prog 59:72-5 Mr '63 American
Cement concrete Institute
Noise control for reciprocating compressors.
R. M. Hoover and L. .1. Williams, diag Concrete. Reinforced
Heating-Piping 34:113-18 N '62 Concrete construction
See also European committee for concrete
Air compressors Grouting
Gas compressors Pavements. Concrete
Wash away your compressor problems. D. Aggregate
Esplund and J. Schildwachter. il diag Ind Abnormal cracking In highway structures In
Georgia and Alabama. C. C. Oleson. bibliog
& Eng Chem 54:35-6 O '62
Control il Am Concrete
Aggregate producer Inst borrows
J 60:329-53
brickMr extruding
Automatic operation of compressors. R. W. process. R. S. Torgerson. il diags Rock
Brooks, niap diags Gas 39:111-13 Jl '63 Prod 66:74-6'63 O '63 reaction tests on glass
Design u.=ied for exposed aggregate wall panel
work. A. Schmidt and W H. Saia. Am
Compressor design holds maintenance down. Concrete coimterweight
Inst J 60:1235-6 shell: S '63 gets heavy
il diag Chem & Eng N 41:56+ Jl 15 '63
Compressor noise generated by fluctuating concrete fill, il Eng N 171:44+ Ag 29
lift re.=;ulting from rotor-stator interaction. Coast Rock beneflciates 100 percent of '63
crete aggregates output H. F ITtlev. flow
R. Hetherington. AIAA J 1:473-4 F '63 sheet il Pit & Quarry 56:88-92 Ag '63
Cubature of the intersection of two cylinders.
A. M. Seligraan. diags ASHRAE J 5:38-40 Concrete
iunk pile: paving aggregates
g'.acial from IVTissouri
deposit along nature's
S '63 River. H. K. Glidden. flow chart il Roads &
Sts in6:6n-4of concrete
Durability An '63 in service, diags Am
Backwoods Btu's. A. D. Sullivan. Heating- Concrete Inst J 59:1771-820 bibliog (p 1816-
Piping 35:99-101 Jl '63
Failures in gas compression equipment: 191 D '62: Discussion. 60:2071-80 pt 2 Je
causes and prevention. E. H. Borgman. Durability of concrete In service: reactive
bibliog il Hydrocarbon Process & Pet Re- aggregates. Am Concrete Inst J 59:1802-6
- finer 12:135-42 O '63
Lubrication V> '62 of aggregate properties on strength
Thermodynamic properties of refrigerant-oil of concrete. D. L. Bloem and R, D. Gavnor.
solutions. H. O Spauschus. bibliog bibliog Am Concrete Inst J 60:1429-55 O '63
ASHRAE J 5:47-52 Ap; 63-71 Ag '63 Flexure and compression tests of high
strength, air-entrained slag concrete. E. W.
Maintenance and repair Fowler and D. W. Lewis, bibliog Am Con-
Failures in gas compres.=!ion equipment: crete Inst J 60:113-28 Ja '63
causes and prevention. E. H. Borgman. Improvements Increase capacity of Buffalo
bibliog il Hydrocarbon Process & Pet Re- Haydite operation; Anchor concrete prod-
finer 42:135-42 O '63 ucts, inc. il Pit & Quarry 65:117 D '62
CO N C R ET E — AcKreKate — Continued
LilE'ht.weiKht ajTETeKate production, il Am Effect of sampling and job curing procedures
Concrete Inst J 60:sup9+ on compressive strength of concrete. W. K.
LilghtweiBht agsreKates and F their
'63use in . the^ Wagner, bibliog Materials Res & Stand 3:
construction industry. L,. A. Thorssen, bib- 629-34
Low Ag '63 steam curing. Am Concrete Inst
lioe Can Min & Met Bui 5G:7S2-4 O 'C3 ■63
weiEhtnew aKeresates.
record hifflisil Rock
after Prod
a stall:CG:82lisht- J 60:953-86
Ja Optimum steambibliog(p9S4-5)
curnig procedure As '63
in precast-
ing plants. J. A. Hanson, il Am Concrete
Par h s f f
tti-mti qual eaw-Jm. H. Ber eparat il Rocor Prulol- Inst J 60:75-100 Ja '63; Discussion. 60:1287-
e me Sity'63 edi
66:96-8 gst ion k d 92: Reply.
Plant drying 1293-9
and S carbonation
'63 of concrete
Precast exposed aKgreprate oused a r m m American block; NCMA-PCA cooperative program.
Baptist convention building, . il Am Concrete H. T. Toennies and J. J. Shideler. diags Am
Inst J 60:sup3-5
Properties of radiation Ae '63 shielding concrete. Concrete Inst J 60:617-33 My '63
K. Shirayama. bibliog diags Am Concrete Cutting
Shellacking J 60:261-79 F '63
specification woes: Autospec. a Joint sawing experience with hard aggre-
unique batching system: IDagle sand & gates. E. M. Miller, il Roads & Sts 106:
gravel co, E. W. Stearn. il Rock Prod 66: 52-f S '63 Durability
101-2 Mr
Tensile bond'03 strength between aggregate and Durability of concrete in senice. diags Aiu
cement paste or mortar. T. T. C. Hsu and Concrete Inst J 59:1771-820 biblioglp 1816-
F. O. Slate, bibliog diags Am Concrete 19) D '62; Discussion. 60:2071-80 pt 2 Je
Inst criLsher
Twin J 60:465-86lines Ap produce '63 three aggregate Expansion and contraction
Cooperative laboratory study of the effect of
Twingrades, kilnsil diagtoll Roads for &Norlite: Sts 106:38-40
lightweightS '63 testing environment and specimen type on
aggregate. W. Schechter. flow sheet il Rock shrinkage of masonry unit concrete. R. C.
Prod 66:62-6 Mr '63 Valore. jr. and W. H. Kuenning. diag Am
Unitized Mary Hill aggregates plant hailed Concrete InstLewis
J 59:1391-433
as western Canada's finest. H. F. Utley. sion. D. W. and H. T.O Williams.
'62; Discus-60;
il Pit & Quarry 55:152-54- Ja '63 2029-32 Pt 2 Je '63
Creep mechanism in cement mortar. J.
avai]ai>Ie newto plant makes
intermountain expanded
region. H. shaleF. Glucklich and O. Ishal. bibliog diags Am
Utley. il Pit & Quarry 56:125-7 S '63 Concrete Inst J 59:923-48
sion. A. Hrennikoff. Jl '62;
60:1971-4; Reply.Discus-
Variables in concrete aggregates and port-
land cement paste which influence the Mathematical analysis of shrinkage stresses
strength of concrete W. A. Cordon and 6 Mra model
in '63 of hardened concrete. T. T. C.
H. A. Gillespie, il Am Concrete Inst J 60: Hsu. bibliog il diags Am Concrete Inst J
1029-52 bibliog(p 1049-50) Ag '63 60:371-90
Plant drying Mr and '63 carbonation of concrete
When snow blows at Allegheny rock chiller
warms the aggregate, il map Eng N 169: block; NCMA-PCA cooperative program.
28-30-1- D 6 '62 H. T. Toennies and J. J. Shideler. diags Am
Air entrainment Concrete and
Shrinkage Inst creep
J 60:617-33 My '63
influence on deflections
Flexure and compression tests of high and moments of reinforced concrete beams.
strength, air-entrained slag concrete. E. W. H. Gesund. diag Am Concrete Inst J 69;
Fowler and D. W. Lewis, bibliog Am Con- 687-704 Mv '62: Correction. 60:sup5 pt 2
crete Inst J 60:113-28 Ja '63 Je '63 Failure
Bibliography Failure surfaces for members In compression
Current reviews of significant contributions and biaxial bending. F. N, Pannell. diags
in foreign and domestic publications. Pub- Am Concrete
Strains and stresses Inst Jof 60:129-40
concrete Jaat '63
lished in monthly numbers of Journal of of cracking and near failure. M. F. Kaplan.
the American concrete institute
Am Concrete Inst J 60:853-80 bibliog(pS77-
Color Test
91 Jlofslenderness
•6:i reinforced concrete columns with
Safety aid; colored concrete lanes, il Roads high '63 ratios. L. P. SAenz and
& Sts 106:68-9 O '63 I. Martin, bibliog il diags Am Concrete Inst
Cracks J 6n:5S9-61Gin concrete
Variables My '63 aggregates and port-
&.bnormaI cracking in highway structures in land cement paste which influence the
Georgia and Alabama. C. C. Oleson. bibliog strength of '63 concrete. W A. Cordon and
11 Am Concrete Inst J 60:329-53 Mr '63 H A. Gillespie. 11 Am Concrete Inst J 60;
Behavior of reinforced concrete beams with 1029-52
See also biblioglp 1049-50) Ag '63
closely spaced reinforcement. J. P. Ro- Concrete— Cracks Finishing
mualdi and G. B. Batson. bibliog il diags
Am Concrete Inst J 60:775-90 Je '63 Bushhammcring concrete. H. J. Rosen. Prog
Continuous deformed bar reinforcement for
concrete pavement. M. J. Gutzwiller and .\rrli for
Guide 41:I(:suse Jeof '63epoxy compounds with con-
J. L. Waling. Am Concrete Inst J 60:901- crete. 11 diags Am Concrete Inst J 59:
25 Jl '63 1121-42 S '62; Discussion. 60:2015-18 Mr
Maintenance of joints, cracks and spalls. J Freezing
H, Swanberg. il Pub Works 94:104-6 O '63
Mathematical analysis of shrinkage stresses Durability of concrete in service, dings Am
In a model of hardened concrete. T. T. C. Concrete Inst J 59:1771-820 biblioglp 1816-
Hsu. bibllqp il diags Am Concrete Inst J 19) D '62: Discussion. C0:2071-S0 pt 2 Je
60:371-90 Mr '63 Unusual case of freezing of fresh concrete.
Mechanics of crack arrest in concrete. J. P. E. A. Abdun-Nur and R. C. Mlelenz. 11
Romualdi and G. B. Batson. il diags Am
Soc C E Proo 89 [EM 3 no 35581:147-68 Je Am Concrete Inst J 59:803-14 Je '62; Dis-
cussion. 59:1965-7 D '62
See also
Microcracklne of ■plain concrete and the Concrete constrnction In winter
shape of the stress-strain curve. T. T. C.
Hsu and others, bibliog 11 maps diags Am
Concrete Inst J 60:209-24 F '63 See Concrete mixing
Strains and stresses of concrete at Initiation Painting
of cracking and near failure. M. F. Kaplan.
9) Jl Concrete
63 Inst J 60:853-80 blbliog(p877-
Dark, concrete tunnel celling brightened by
Structural aspect of water tower design; ah- tlle-like paint; Tlle-It; Boston's Sumner
tunnel. 11 Eng N 170:43 Ap 18 '63
l78-f My 63 ^- J- BudRcn. Pub Works 94: Prestresslng
WThen the digester dome cracks, seal It: Analysis of prestresscd cylindrical .shell roofs
Surface-Kote. II Pub Works 94:115 Ap '63 R. Dahrowskl. bibliog diags Am Soc C E
X-rays for .-itudy of Internal structure and Proc S9 1ST 5 no 36681:91-116
mlcrpci-acklng of concrete. F. O. Slate and Australian experiments with flat O plates.
'63 P.
M B?''"*'' " ■*■" Concrete Inst J 60:575-88 Av.i""^!*''t^'^,",>''^7'
blbliog(p523-4) Ap ^Pr^""®'®
'63 I"3' J 60:515-25
CO N C R ET E — Prestressing — Continued Prestressed floor spans 45 ft; Terrace House
Beajiis climb ladder-like column, il Eng N apartment btiilding. il Eng N 170:42-f Ap
bentAr spans 29 '63 112-ft-wide gyin. il diass Prestressing
11 '63 fixes frame bases; power house
of Hydro Quebec. P. F. Csagoly. diags
boxesN 171:32+ make Opres24tressed '63 bridee: Austria,
Eng N 170:83of Fthe21 ring
Prestressing '63 girder of the Cen-
il Ens N
British prestress a nuclear 170:604- F 14 '63 plant; Oldbury tury 21 coliseum. P. H. Hostmark. il diags
nuclear power station, il Eng N 171:150 S 19 Am Concrete prevents Inst J flutter
60:697-705 in Je catenary
Chemical prestressing of concrete elements roof; Colorado state university theater. 11
using expanding cements. T. Y. LJn and diag Eng and N 170:56-7 F 14 ot'63prestressed con-
A. Klein, il diags Am Concrete Inst J Production properties
60:1187-218channels S '63 offer an SO-ft scan, il crete wire and strand. E. A. Shipley, il
Concrete Wire & of Wire prestressed
Prod 38:1455-6+ O '63
Eng N 170:44 Mr 28 '63 Progress concrete in the
Continuity connection for precast prestressed United Kingdom (ly50-1960). F. Walley.
concrete bridges. E. D. Bishop, diags Am Am Concrete analysis Inst J 60:sup22-4
Concrete Inst J 59:585-99 Ap '62; Discussion. SemigraphicaJ of long Japrestressed
69:1923-7 Dstresses '62 concrete vaulted '63 shells. A. R. Nasser and
Controlling in pretensioned beams by C. B. Johnson, diags Am Concrete Inst J
the use of a bond retardant coating. M. 59:659-72 My '62; Discussion. 59:1931-51;
Schupack. diags Am Concrete Inst J 60:
1665-70design N '63 of prestressed concrete mem- Shear
Reply. strength
1951-2 Dof '62 prestressed beams without
Direct web reinforcement. R. H. Evans and E. G.
bers. K. Saether. diags Am Concrete Inst J Schumacher, bibliog il diags Am Concrete
60:239-60 F '63; CorrecUon. 60:sup27 Ag '63; Inst J 60:1621-42 theories
Two-dimensional N '63 of anchorage zone
Discussion. and
Evaluation 60:1309-16;
location Reply. 1316-20 stresses
of critical S '63 stresses in post-tensioned prestressed
in pretensioned structures. K. Csibi. diags beams. K. T. S. R. Iyengar, diags Am
Am Concretecement Inst J prestresses
60:391-431 Mr concrete.
'63 Concrete Inst J 59:1443-66 biblioglp 1464-5)
Expanding O '62; Correction. 60:sun5+; Discussion.
Eng N 171:41-2study
Experimental S 26 '63 of folded plates. J. 2035-8: Reply.
Vibrating table 20.'?8-9 nt 2 Je '63 products,
tor prestressed
Schwaighofer and N. Seethaler. il diags Am diags Engineering 196:400 S 27 '63
Concrete Inst J 60:101-11 Ja '63 Visiting
concreteengineersstructures. eye EngHawaii's prestressed
N 171:22-3 O 24
Full-scale pretensioned folded plates test-
loaded to failure. J. I. Glanville. bibliog il
diags Am Concrete Instcenter.
J 60:355-70 Mr '63 World's voir ready
largest prestressed-concrete
for service reser-
at Alderwood Manor.
GrinneU college fine arts A. J. Brown.
11 diags Am Concrete Inst J 60:sup22-3-H Snohomish County. Wash, il Water & Sew-
F '63 completes its domed hall; Assembly
Illinois tSc6agealso
Works 109:481 D '62
hall at the University of IlUnois. il Eng N Pavements, Concrete — Prestressing
170:16 F 28techniques
Inspection '63 for prestressed con- Specifications
crete, il Safety Maint 126:54-6 Jl '63 Effect of sampling and Job curing procedures
Jacking barges install foundations for a four- on compressive strength of concrete. W. K.
mile crossing; Astoria bridge across the Wagner, bibliog Materials Res & Stand 3:
Colimibia River, il diag Eng N 171:28-30-1-
O 17 '63 629-34 Ag '63 Strength
Load-balancing method for design and analy-
sis of prestressed concrete structures. T. Y. Accuracy of models used in research on rein-
Lin. bibliog diags Am Concrete Inst J forced concrete. Z. Y. Alami and P. M.
60:719-42 Je '63 piles are cast in one piece; Ferguson, bibliog il diags Am Concrete
Long prestressed Inst J 60:1643-63
Fort Randall Reservoir bridge, South Comparison of the N splitting
'63 tensile strength
Dakota, post- il Eng N 170:26-30 of concrete with flexural and compressive
Modern tensioning methodsAp rehabilitate
25 '63 strengths. W. E. Grieb and G. Werner,
famous old crossing, il diag Eng N 171:52- bibliog il between
Correlation Pub Roadstensile 32:97-106 D strength
splitting '62
4-1- Ag 8 '63 and flexural strength of concrete. I. Nar-
Novel home-made rig erects prestressed row and B. Ullberg. il Am Concrete Inst J
girders; Peedee River bridge. South Caro-
60:27-38 Ja '63; Discussion. 60:1263-75; Re-
Optimumlina, il diags designRoads & Sts 106:89-90-1-
of prestressed plates. FG. '63I.
N. Rozvany and A. J. K. Hampson. diags Economical
ply. 1275-8 Sdesign'63 of reinforced concrete
Am Concrete slabs using ultimate strength theory. E.
Panels eliminateInst deckJ 60:1065-82
forms, il Ag Eng '63N 170 Traum. diags Am Concrete Inst J 60:763-74
79 Ap 4 '63
Pont Saint-Michel at Toulouse, il Engineer Effect
Je '63 of sampling and job curing procedures
215:114 Ja 11 '63 on compressive strength of concrete. W.
Ponts en beton precontraint dans la province K. Wagner, bibliog Materials Res & Stand
de Qu^bee, R. Martineau. bibliog il diags 3:629-34of Agaggregate
Effects '63 properties on strength
Eng J 46:15-21 Jl '63 of concrete. D. L. Bloem and R. D. Gavnor.
Precast and prestressed, but not permanent. bibliog Am Concrete Inst of
J 60:1429-55 O '63
D. E. Halsted. 11 diags Civil Eng 33:60-1 Factors affecting strength field-fabricated
Ag '63 concrete test beams. J. F. Crary and H. C.
Precast and prestressed water tanks. N. Hus- Fryer, bibliog Materials Res & Stand 2:
sar, il diags Eng J 46:30-2 Ag '63 385-7 My '62; Discussion. 3:277-9 Ap '63
Precast framing saves $200,000: giant bays Flexure and compression tests of high
of the Sara Lee Kitchens, il Eng N 171:37 strength, air-entrained slag concrete. E.
W. Fowler and D. W. Lewis, bibliog Am
Ag 22 '63 Concrete Inst J 60:113-28 Ja '63
Precast TTs deck spiral garage in Oakland Low pressure steam curing. Am Concrete
Calif, il Eng N 171:36-7 S 26 '63
Precision concreting builds MIT tower, il Inst J 60:953-86 bibliog(p984-5) Ag '63
Mathematical analysis of shrinkage stresses
Eng N 171:38-40 N 7 '63 in a model of hardened concrete. T. T. C.
Prestressed beams take a long trip, il Eng N Hsu. bibliog il diags Am Concrete Inst J
169:36 N 22 '62 60:371-90 Mr '63
Prestressed columns rise nine stories; Uni- Method of proportioning normal and no-fines
versity of California's Davis campus, il concrete mixtures. K. H. EjTiian. Am Con-
Eng N 171:120-1 Ag 1 '63 crete Inst J 60:927-43 Jl '63; Correction.
Prestressed concrete girder production for
Seattle's monorail. A. R. Anderson, il diags 60:sup36 O '63 of plain concrete and the
Am Concrete Inst J 60:683-5 Je '63 shape of the stress-strain curve. T. T. C.
Prestressed concrete hurricane-proofs 230-kv Hsu and others, bibliog il maps diags Am
line. W. L. Pilsbury. il Elec World 160:72-4 Concrete Inst J 60:209-24 F '63
Jl 1 '63 Optimum steam curing procedure in precast-
Prestressed concrete institute has first awards mg plants. J. A. Hanson, bibliog il Am
program, il Prog Arch 44:46-7 Ag '63 Concrete Inst J 60:75-100 Ja '63; Discussion.
prestressed concrete pressure vessels K. Bil- 60:1287-92; Reply. 1293-9 S '63
lig. diaps Am Concrete Inst J 59:1601-34 N Predicting compressive strength from proper-
'62; Discussion. 60:2055-61; Reply. 2062-4 ties of the fresh concrete. V. M. Malhotra.
Pt 2 Je 63 bibliog Materials Res & Stand 3:483-5 Je '63
CONCRETE— strength— Continued static Investigationcaused and repair of damage to con-
loadiiiK effect on ultimate formwork and falsework
strenmh of concrete beams. Concrete J. K. Verna fire P.crete Smith, by il diags Am Concrete Inst J
and T. E. Slelson. dias Am Inst J 60:1535-66 biblioglp 1564-DI
Load cells tor concrete creepN testirtg.
'63 J. M.
Shear strength of beams without bars of dit- web rein- Illston. U diag Engineering 195:318-19
forcement containing deformed
ferent yield strengths.11 K. G. Mathey and Mr 1 '63 nt of the workability of concrete.
D. Watstein. bibliog diags Am Concrete U. T. Meyer, bibliog il Am Concrete Inst J
Inst J 60:183-207 K 'eS: Discussion . 60:1305-7 59:1071-80 Ag '63 '62: Discussion. 60:2005-11.
Shear strength of prestresse d beams without Reply. 2011-13 compressi Mr ve'63 strength froni proper-
t.. Ot. Predicting
ties of the fresh concrete. V. M Malhotra.
web reinforcement. R. H. Kvaris aiid
Schumacher, bibliog 11 diags Am Concrete bibliog Materials Res Stand 3:483-5 Je hi
Inst J 60:1621-42 N 63 ^ . Properties of radiation shielding concrete. K-
Shear strength of reinforced concrete beams. Inst J 60:261-79 F '63 Am Concrete
Shirayama. bibliog diags
B Bresler and A. C. Scordells. bibliog diag.s evaluation of concrete strength
Am Concrete Inst J 60:51-74. Ja 63; Cor- Statistical
tests. P. D. Cady. bibliog Am Soc C . B-
rection. 60:sup27 Ag '63; Discussion. 60: Dis-
1279-85; els
Silicones Reply. 1285-6 S for
aftmixtures^ '63 concrete, W. E. Proc 89 [CO 1 no 34531:19-31 Mr 'es;
Grieb. Pub Roads 32:214-19 Ag 63 ■Vibrating wire 2 nogauge,
cussion. 89 [COstrain il diag SInd'63 Ji.iec-
Statistical evaluation of concrete strength tronics 1:621 S Vibration '63
tests. P. D. Cady. bibliog Am Soc C . E^
Proc 89 ICO 1 no2 34531:19-31 Mr ■63: Dis-
cussion. 89 [CO no 36531:131-5 .S. 63 Vibrating table for concrete castings. R D.
Strains and stresses of concreteM.atF initiation Kaplan. Davies. U diag Engineermg 195:699 My 24
of cracking and near failure. CONCRETE. Porous . , ,„ ir„„o = '
Am Concrete Inst J 60:853-80 biblioglp877-
Strength and deflection ofbetween circular uniformly Cellular domes cap air terminal; Las Vegas
loaded slab supported center and airport. McCarren field- 11 Bng N 170:42-3
periphery. S. Sergey and M H. Kasham- CONCRETE
F 14 '63, Precast „ ^ ,.
Sabet. diags Am Concrete Inst J 60:281- Beams climb ladder-like columns. 11 Eng is
93 F '63 of prestressed concrete pavements.
Strength 171:31 Ag 29 '63 . , ^ , ., .„^„
Y Osawa. bibliog diags Am Soc C E Proc Concrete crescent in the suburbs, il plans
88 [ST 5 dno concrete. 33081:143-6F. '62
4 OKramrisch diags Prog Arch 44:136-9 S '63 ^ .
Strengthene and P. Concrete slabstormade from precast boxes.
Rogers, diag Am Concrete Inst J 60:1615- Iloor system multistory buildings. K. C.
Naslund and A. Moreno, il diags Arch
Tensile bond strength between aggregate and Ren l:i4:l.-i4-fi Jl '63, . , ^__ ,
cement paste or mortar. T. T. C. Hsu and connection for
Continuity bridges. precast prestressed
F. O. Slate, bibliog diags Am Concrete Inst concrete E. D. Bishop, diags Am
J 60:465-86 Ap '63 Concrete Inst J 69:585-99 Ap .^'62; , Discussion. ,
Tensile strength of concrete. ^D. J. , ,, ,^, i
McNeely 59:1923-7 D "62
and S. D. Lash, bibliog il diag Ain Concrete Design and construction guide for precast
Inst J 60:751-61 Je '63 structural concrete. J. L. Peterson.. Am
Test of reinforced concrete columns with Discus-
high slenderness ratios. L,. P. Sienz and Concrete sion, Inst J 59:1179-204
diags 60:2021-6; Reply.S '62:
2026-7 Mr
I. Martin, bibliog il diags Am Concrete Inst
J 60:589-616 My '63 Meadow is park
Diamond stadium best
a gridiron's in New Flushing
friend;York city.
Ultimate strength behavior study by regres-
sion analysis of beam test data. T.„ C. il Eng Nprecast
Elegant 170:28-9arches
F 7 '63 frame Arabian air
Zsutty. bibliog Am Concrete Inst J 60:635- terminal, il Eng N 170:24-5 Ja 3 63
54 My '63 Experimental study of folded plates.. J.
Ultimate strength of columns with biaxially Schwaighofcr and N. Seethaler. il diags
eccentric loads. J. L. Meek, bibliog diags Am Concreteof science
Inst J 60:101-11
Am Concrete Inst J 60:1053-64 Ag '63 Fabrication pavilllon Jawall'63panels.
L. Hutsell.
Je '63 II , Am ^ ., Concrete Inst J
land cement in concrete paste aggregates
which influence and port- the ^ „,. „
strength of concrete. W. A. Cordon and Fast precasting speeds bndge building. San
H. A. Gillespie. 11 Am Concrete Inst J 60: Mateo-HajTvard bridge. 11 Eng N 170:150-3
1029-52 biblioglp 1049-501 Ag '63 Mr
Frames 21 prevent panel bending; Simpson-seaxs
'63 store.
Temperature effect department Toronto. 11 Eng N 170:67
Tensile strength of concrete. D. J. McNeely Full-scale
and S. D. Lash, bibliog II diag Am Con- loaded to pretensioned
failure. J. I. folded plates
Glanville. ,, test-11
crete Inst J 60:751-61 Je '63 diags Am Concrete Inst J 60:355-70 Mr 63
Terminology Granite stockpiled by remote control: Jiiles
retained by walls of precast units. J. Grln-
Glossary of terms on cement and concrete drod. il diags Pit & Quarry 55:125-6 Je 63
technologv; increment no. one. bibliog Am High-rise dormitory at Temple university.
Concrete Inst J 59:1761-70 D '62; Discus- il plans Arch Rec 132:145-50 N '62
sion. 60:2065-9 pt 2 Je '63 Jacking barges install
mile crossing; foundations
Astoria for a four-
bridge across the
Columbia River. 11 diag Eng N 171:28-30-)-
Analvsis ofrescence sodium
photometry.inH. concrete
D. Ptlugbyandfluo-
C. Joinery of precast concrete. W. H Gerfen and
F. Crumplon. bibliog il Materials Res & JO 17R. '63
Anderson, diags Am Concrete Inst J
Stand 3:556-60 Jl 'G3 69-1435-42 O '62; Discussion. Z. A. Zielinskl.
Comparison of the splitting tensile strength 60:2033-4 pt 2 Je '63
of concrete with flexural and compressive Lift slab used In university construction. Q.
strengths. W. E. Grieb and G. Werner. Gurllnkel. il plans diags Am Concrete Inst J
biljliog 11 Pub Roads 32:97-106 D '62 60:449-64 Ap '63 piles are cast In one piece:
Cooperative laboratory study of the effect Long prestressed
of testing environment and specimen type Fort Randall Reservoir bridge. South
on shrinkage of masonrv unit concrete. Dakota. II Eng N 170:26-30 Ap 25 '63
R. C 'Valore. Jr. and W. H. Kuenning. diag M4 elevated road: Illustrations ■with text.
Am Concrete Inst J 69:1391-433 O '62: Dis-
cussion. D. W. Lewis and H. T. 'Williams. Engineer requirements
Minimum 216:589 O 11 '63 for thin-section pre-
60:2029-32 pt 2 Je '63 cast concrete constrtictlon. Am Concrete
Experiences with the Kelly ball test. K.
Komlos. Am Concrete Inst J 60:791-2 Je '63 Inst Joffer
OfUcps 60:171flexibility.
F '63 looks and low main-
Experimentnl study of folded plates. J.
Schwaighofcr and N. Scrthaler. II diags publishingtenance:CO. with concrete
ofPces. panels. McGraw-Hill
HIghtstown. N.J. 11
Am Conr-rote Inst J 60:101-11 Ja '63 plan Eng N 169:22-3 N 22 '62
Factors arrectlntt strength of fleld-fahrlcnted Optimum steam curing procedure In pre-
concrete l< t henm.'<. J. F. Crarv and H C. casting plants, J. A. Hanson. 11 Am Con-
Fryer, bihli.ig Materials Res & Stand 2:385-7 crete Inst J 60:75-100 Ja '63; Discussion. 60:
My '62: Discussion. 3:277-9 Ap '63 1287-92: for Reply. 1293-9overhead
S '63
Inspection tor imidues for prestres.<>ed concrete. Pattern future roads. II diag
11 Safety iMuint 126:64-6 Jl '63 Engineering 196:462 O 11 '63
CONCRETE, Precast — Continued Chemical prestressing of concrete elements
Peristylar structures precast by SOM. il plans using expanding cements. T. Y. Lin and
A. Klein, il diags Am Concrete Inst J 60:
diaKs Proc:
Precast and Arch 4l:12G-35but
prestressed. S '63
not permanent. 11S7-21S frame
Concrete S '03 made Quakeproof. 11 Eng N
D. E. Halsted. il diaes Civil Eng a3:60-l 170:71-2 Aly 23 63
Ae '63 and prestressed water tanks. N.
Precast Concrete shell built without shoring. 11 Eng N
Hussar, concrete
Precast il diaprsJoins
Ens the J 4C:3U-2 Ae '63E. H.
coast puard. 170:41 Mr 14 '63
Controlled-deflection design method for rein-
forced concrete beams and slabs. D. G.
Hendler. concrete
Precast il diag wall Civil frames
Enpr 32:54-7
deliveredD '62
to Alcock and A. Pauw. diags Am Concrete
building preglazed; Phillips petroleum build- Inst J 59:645-58 My '62; Discussion. 59:1929-
in;.', il exposed
Precast diaqs Arch Rec 134:152-3
as^resate used in JlAmerican
'63 Creep
Baptist convention buildins. il Am Con- 30 D buckling
'62umns. S. Mauchof and reinforced concrete col-
M. J. Holley. bibliog
flow chart diags Am Soc C E Proc 89 IST
Precast cretefolded
Inst J 60:sup3-5 Ac '63 standard prod-
plates become 4 no 36101:451-81 Ag '63
ucts. W. C. Harry, il diags Am Concrete CPM cuts construction time on floor slabs,
Inst J framing
Precast G0:1375-S7.grows O '63taller; three examples, il Eng of N reinforced
Design 170:38-40 concrete Ja lu '63arch culverts
il diaffs framing
Arch Recsaves 134:224-8 O 'C3 giant bays under fill. K. R. Patel. diags Am Con-
Precast $200,000;
of the Sara Lee Kitchens, il Eng N 171: Dynamiccrete Inst J 60:433-8 response
nonlinear Mr '63 of reinforced
37 Ag 22 ■tVA concrete arches. V. N. Gupchup and J. M.
Precast housing behind the iron curtain. 11 Biggs, bibliog flow chart diags Am Soc C E
diag Engineering
Precast joinery: many 194:444lessons
O 5 '62to learn. L. Proc 89 [ST
Economical design 4 noof 35961:225-48 Ag '63 slabs
reinforced concrete
Cazaly. il diass Arch Rec 132:186-9 O "62N using ultimate strength theory. E. Traum.
Precast ovals for window frames. 11 Eng diags Amsurfaces Concretefor Inst J 60:763-74 Je '63
171:26 O 17 '63 Failure members in compres-
Precast panels form apartments. 11 Eng N sion and biaxial bending. F. N. Pannell.
170:61 My 23 '63 A diags
flrst;AmTexas Concrete buildsInsta J bridge 60:129-40
withJa high
Precast, prestressed slabs for library; two- strength
1 63 reinforcing. 11 Eng N 171:22-3 Ag
story precast panels for factory, il AJch Rec
133:167 Ja '63 Form design for high lifts, bibliog 11 plan
Precast span has large economy size design, diags Engcorrosion J 46:23-5 in Ja concrete '63
diags Eng N 171:46-7 O 24 '63 Galvanic containing
Precast TTs deck spiral garage in Oakland, calcium chloride. T. E. Wright and I. H.
Jenks. 11 diags Am Soc C E Proc 89 [ST 5
Calif, il Eng N 171:36-7 S 26 '63 no 36691:117-32ofO multiple-panel '63
Precast vaultsTrinity carry Greek
church's steel-framed Investigation reinforced
dome; Holy Orthodox church. concrete floor slabs. M. A. Sozen and C. P.
San Francisco. A. G. Tarics. il Eng N Siess. il diags Am Concrete Inst J 60:999-
170:58-9 F 14 '63 1028slab
Lift biblioglp
used in 1025-7) Ag '63 construction. G.
Public service co. of Indiana chooses pre-cast Gurfinkel. il plans diags Am Concrete Inst J
cable ducts for substations. C. H. Hubbard,
il diag Power Eng 66:62-3 D '62 60:449-64
Limit design Ap of'63 reinforced concrete beams.
Ribbed precasit concrete plank supports floor p. T. Wright and C. Berwanger. bibliog
slab. 11 Eng N 170:40-1 My 30 '63 diags Am Soc C E Proc 86 1ST 7 no 25411:
Rush. rush, rush finishes dome for Mad. mad. 1-36 Jl '60: Discussion. 86 [ST U no 26671:
mad. mad world, il Eng N 171:22-3 N 7 '63 169 N '60; 89 [ST 2 no 35021:201-20 Ap '63;
Structural behavior of circular concrete pipe Reply.Millbank
New SO [ST tower. 6 no London.37431:409-13G. W D '63Kirk-
reinforced with welded wire fabric. F. J. land, il plans diags Am Concrete Inst J
Heger and others, bibliog 11 diags Am Con-
crete Inst J 60:1389-414 O '63 60:987-97 Ag protection
Nuclear-blast '63 for bank computer
Structural behavior of circular reinforced con- center. F. C. Pierce and G. R. Archibald,
crete pipe; development of theory. F. J.
Heger. bibliog diags Am Concrete Inst J il Civil Eng
Openings in masonry 32:49-51 Dwalls '62 on settling sup-
60:1567-614 N '63 ports. S. Rosenhaupt and G Mueller, bib-
Studied details in concrete for a message hog diags Am Soc C E Proc 89 [ST 3
hub; Florists'
tion international telegraph delivery associa-
headquarters. 11 plan no 35591:107-31
Parking garage extended Je '63 to meet growth of
Arch Rec 133:198-9 Ap '63 downtown Houston. A. Longoria. il diags
T-shaped concrete sheet piles renew deteri- Civil Eng 33:57-9 Mr
Reinforced concrete box culverts under fill. '63
orated bullvhead. T. H. McGregor, il Eng K R. Patel. diag Am Concrete Inst J 60:
N 170:33 Ja 3 '63
Three oflSce buildings; vaulting in Louisiana: 1083-6 Ag loading
Repeated r,'i effect on ultimate static
precast patterns in Ontario, crisp steel and strength of concrete beams. J. R. Verna
brick in Georgia, il plans Arch Foriun 119: fI"J,T-.P- ,Stelson. diag Am Concrete Inst J
96-103 O '63 60:743-50 Je '63
21-storey construction concrete; Wates ltd: Safety of eccentrically loaded reinforced con-
illustrations with text. Engineer 214:761 N crete columns. M. Tichv and M. VorllCek.
2 '62 (liag.s Am Soc C E Proc 88 fST 5 no 32921:
Two huge parabolic arch ribs support tri- 1-10
239-50O Ap: 62; [ST Discussion. 89 (ST 2 Je;
3 no 35601:183-95 no CST
3.->n2] 5•
angular roof panels; auditorium for the no 36881:265-8 O '63; Reply. 89 [ST 6 no
K"!^^®!"^'^ °f Georgia, il Eng N 169:28-9-1- 37431:417-24 D '63
CONCRETE, Short-cut method to concrete support analy-
stressing Prestressed. See Concrete— Pre- sis by computer. E. Czerniak. il diags Hy-
Ag 63 drocarbon Process & Pet Refiner 42:U7-'22
ing— Ready mixed concrete
^°1?J'^J"f'.,''*^!^*'-J^''<«<*- See Concrete mix- Shrinkage and creep influence on deflections
CONCRETE, Refractory and moments of reinforced concrete beams,
Prieumatic gun operating
castable refractor es. J. variables
F Wygant affecting
ft, S.'^^""''- diag Am Concrete In.«!t J 59:
687-704 My '62: Correction. 60:sup5 pt 2
Am Cer Soc Bui 42:317-20 My '63
CONCRETE, Reinforced Simplified design for tower foundations. A.
"^'rSSfr'Sft,' ^^a'^K'J'^v, '" highway structures in A- . -^jy?"- diags Hydrocarbon Process &
II rS*^ A"*^ Alabama. C. C. Oleson. bibliog Pet Refiner 42:141-6 F '63
11 Am Concrete Inst J 60:329-53 Mr '63 Some aspects of concrete .shell buckling. R.
Analytical approach to biaxial eccentricity,
re. *-^.^®'^""'Sj„ "J'^^s Am Soc C E Proc 88 Inst
r- . J, 60:313-28 Mr '63 diag Am
^A ?,^„'"a« bibliog Concrete
Strength and deflection of circular uniformly
•'fi!.' r.i=?, 3239]:105-58 bibliog (p 154-8° Ag loaded slab supported between center and
periphery. S. Sergev and M. H. Kashanl-
171-82 Je -6? Reply- 89 tST 3 no 35601: F 63 diags Am Concrete Inst J 60:281-93
^1-'io7iPv »L!:^ilrf°''?^?
?}.??^,I, ^"f*^?? concrete beams
remforcement. J. P. with
Ro- Strengthened concrete. F. Kramrlsch and P.
Am ^"^, °-TInst
Concrete S; JBatson. bibliog il diags
60:775-90 Je '63 SP\?'"?codiag Am Concrete Inst J 60:1615-
Big-wire coils speed project; Trump village Thin-shell reinforced concrete In the UK;
Eousing, Brookfyn. U EnV N 170^87 Sly 23 'I! Seacrete. 11 Engineering 195:232-3 F 8 '63
CONCRETE, Reinforced — Contitiued High-rise concrete buildings. D. Bloom. 11
Ultimate strength behavior study by regres- Civil Engapartment
Hillside 33:57-9 Ag built'63 downside up. il
sion analysis of beam test data. J--'^-
Zsutty. bibliog Am Concrete Inst J 00:635- Eng N 171:73
Hononulu's new O 10 '63
East-West center features
54 My '63 ■ ^ .■ . ,,
Ultimate streneth of columns with
eccentric loads. J. L.. Meek. bibliOE diaEs Ovaried
24 '6uses of concrete.
3 11 Eng N ^ 171:22-3 „^
Am Concrete Inst J 60;10o3-64 Ae 63 Le Corbusier smooths his style for U.S.
debut at Harvard. 11 Eng N 170:80-2 Ap
Let4 '63
concrete soar in qualce zone. Eng N 171:
Limit desisn for redundant reinforced con-
structures. M. Z. Cohn and C. Ber-
crete bibliog 21 O 17
Marina '63 II diags Civil Eng 32:60-7 D '62
wanKer. Am Concrete Inst J bS: New Millbank tower. London. G. W. Kirk-
639-18; 59:1873-6; 60:1471-4 N '61. D 'SZ, land. 11 plans diags Am Concrete Inst J
O '63 , _,
Standards New60:987-97
project Ag for'63 Mexico city. R. Ennquez
Proposed revision of building code require- and '63
Je A. Fierro. 11 plan diags Civil Eng 33:36-8
ments for reinforced concrete (ACI 318-56). ^ „
Am Concrete Inst J 5U:145-27G. 1S21-47: Precast concrete joins the coast guard. E.
60:809-15 F, D '62. Ji 'G3; Discussion, bib- H.
D '62 Hendler. 11 diag Civil Eng 32:54-7
Uos dlags 59:1273-321, 1535-68, 1653-760. 1899- Precast exposed aggregate used in American
902; 60:2081-100 S-D '62, pt 2 Je 63 Baptist convention building. 11 Am Con-
Precast creteframing
Inst J 60:sup3-5 saves Ag$200,000:
'63 giant bays
Accuracy ofinforced models usedY. inAlami
concrete. Z. research
and onP. re-
M. of the Sara Lee Kitchens. U Eng N 171:37
Ferguson, bibliog il diags Am Concrete Precast panels form apartments. 11 Eng N
AustralianJ 60:1643-63
experiments N '63 with flat plates, .^i .
, ^ , ^ Ag 22 '63
170:61 My concreting
23 '63 builds MIT tower. 11
A. Blakey. il Am Concrete Inst J 60:515-25
bibliog(p523-4) Ap '63 concrete colmiins. W. Eng
PrestressingN 171:38-40
of the ring N 7girder'63 of the Century
Long lunged reinforced 21 coliseum. P. H. Hostmark. 11 diags Am
F. Ciiang and P. M. Ferguson, bibliog il
diags Am Concrete Inst J 60:1-25 Ja '63: Concrete ofInst thin
Problems J 60:697-705
shell design Je '63 solved In
Discussion. 60:1255-8: Reply. 1258-62 S '63 planetarium air conditioning. H. P. Brehm.
Shear strength of beams without web rein-
forcement containing deformed bars of dif- il Heating-Piping
Seattle center self-parking 34:107-10 facility.
D '02 N G.
ferent yield strengths. R. G. Mathey and Jacobson. jr. '63 il Am Concrete Inst J 60:710-17
D Watstein. bibliog il diags Am Concrete
Inst J 60:183-207 F 63; Discussion. 60:1305-7 Slipfomis cut building time by 25 per cent.
Je '03
Shear strength of reinforced concrete beams. 11 Eng Ndetails
Studied 171:39-40 in Sconcrete
12 '03 for a message
B. Bresler and A. C. Scordelis. bibliog diags
hub; tion Florists' telegraph
international delivery associa-
headquarters. 11 plan
Am Concrete Inst J 60:51-74 Ja '63; Cor-
rection. 60:sup27 Ag '63; Discussion. 60:
1279-85: Reply. of1285-6 S '63 concrete beams TallArchconcrete
Rec 133:198-9 buildingAp in'03 a region of high
Shear strength reinforced seismioity. R. R. Bradshaw. il plan diags
without web reinforcement. F. J. van den
Berg, diags Am Concrete Inst J 59:1467-77, Am Concrete
Timber piles reused Inst J in 60:1097-100
place. E. S A.'63Dubin.
1587-600. 1849-62
Struciural behaviorO-D of '62
circular concrete pipe 11 plan concrete
Civil Engflns 33:39-41 Je '63 shadow.
reinforced with welded wire fabric. F. J. Vertical cast a cooling
Heger and others, bibliog il diags Am 11 Eng N 170:20 My 30 '63
Concrete Inst J 60:1389-414 O '63 reinforced Visiting
concrete engineers
structures.eye Eng Hawaii's
N 171:22-3prestressed
O 24
Structural behavior of circular
concrete pipe: development of theory. F. J.
Heger. bibliog diags Am Concrete Inst J See also
Concrete construction
Test of reinforced N '63 concrete columns with Concrete houses
high slenderness ratios. L. P. Sdenz and CONCRETE chimneys. See Chimneys. Concrete
I. Martin, bibliog il diags Am Concrete Inst CONCRETE coating
J 00:589-016 My '63 Concrete coatings; how thick? F. E. Hangs.
Testing program for lateral pressure of con- Oil & Gas columns.
J 60:124-5
crete. D. E. Fleming and W. H. Wolf, diags CONCRETE See SColumns.
24 '62 Concrete
Am Concrete
Ultimate static Inst and J impulse
00:507-74 loading
My '63of re- CONCRETE construction
inforced concrete beams. J. N. Cernica and ACI approves a revised building code. Eng N
M. J. Charignon. il diag Am Concrete
Inst J 60:1219-28 S '63 Analysis
170:24 Mrof 14structures
'63 by aid of models. J.
CONCRETE arches. See Arches, Concrete Schwaighofer. bibliog 11 diags Eng J 46:22-
CONCRETE blocks Big6; Discussion.
bent spans 36 112-ft-wid9
Jl '63 gym. II dlags
Investigation of continuous wire reinforce- Eng N prestress
117:32-f Oa 24nuclear'63
ment as a replacement for brick ties In British plant; Oldbury
masonry walls. S. A. Bortz and A. Litvln. nuclear power station, il Eng N 171:150
diags Am Concrete
Discussion. R. E.InstCopeland. J 69:673-8659:1953-4:
My '62;
S 19 '63 construction for the Century 21 ex-
Reply. 1954-6 D '62 position: collection of seven brief papers,
CONCRETE breakwaters. See Breakwaters. il plan diags Am Concrete Inst J 60:673-717
( '(IIK'ImM f
CONCRETE bridges. See Bridges, Concrete Concreto for marines. E. P. Sellner. 11 plan
diags'03 Civil
CONCRETE buildings Concrete sphereEng cast33:48-51 Jl '63 Cheyenne
In mountain;
Beams'63 climb ladder-like columns, il Eng N Mountain. near Colorado Springs for
171:31 Ag 29 '63 NOItAD.plate11 dlags
Folded shell for Eng concerts
N 170:32-f-and Mrkabukl.
28 '63
Big- wire coils speed prelect; Trump village
housing, Brooklyn. 11 Eng N 170:87 My 23 Takasakl. Japan. II plans dlags Arch Rec
Bui acts as a ret w Swa Grinnell
132:157-02 collegeN '02fine arts center. A. J. Brown.
medical building. Omaha.ain Neb.all;11 diag nsEng il diags Am Concrete Inst J 60:sup22-3-(-
ng ing on
N 169:41 N 22 '62 F '63
Bushhanimerlmr concrete. H. J. Rosen. Proc Jackl)lock construction; block of flats at
Arch 41:10S Jo '03 Barras Heath. Coventry; illustnatlons with
Concrete brawn and beauty. 11 Ensr N 171:50 text. Engineer 214:885 N 23 '62
JI 25 '63 Jackblork reaches the seventh storey:
Concrete in school architecture. II Am Con- Richard Costain (construction) ltd. 11 diag
crcto Inst J 00:sl!p6-8 Jq '03 Engineering
Joint nUer: urethane 194:711 Nfoam 30 '02
used In concrete
Concrete tower braces steel-framed building.
II Eng N 170:18 Je 27 '63 construction. .aggrogalps
I.,ightweiglit 11 Plastic andWorld their21:57
use My '03
In the
Fabrication of .science pavilion wall panels. construction industry. L. A. Thorssen. bib-
^A .h- «„"'1'^<".L " Am Concrete Inst J liog Can Min & Mot Bui 50:782-4 O '63
60:086-92 Jo '63 Load-balancing method for design and analy-
Fancy walls carry floors: Perpetual savings sis of prestressed concrete structures. T.
and loan association building. Beverly Hills. Y. Lin. bibliog diags Am Concrete Inst J
Calif. II Eng N 170:24 F 28 '63 60:719-42 Je '63

CONCRETE construction — Contxnued Factors In design and construction of lift slab

Meldahl locks and dam on the Ohio River. buildings. N. B. Green, diags Am Concrete
W. F. McCraw. jr. il Civil EnK 33:56-9 Inst J 09:527-50 Ap '62: Discussion. 59:1911-
S '63 17: Reply.
Forms hold 1917-21 slab, Dthen '62 slab holds forms;
New concrete buildine code win make coni- concrete reservoir roof, il Eng N 170:52-f-
prehensive chanses. R. C. Reese. Ens N
170'22-3 F 2S '63 High-rise
F 14 '63 concrete buildings. D. Bloom, il
civic center. folded plate roof for ilthe
J. V. Christiansen, Seattle
diags Am Civil Eng 33:57-9 Ag a'63 45-foot square flat
Laboratory study of
Precast Inst J many
Je '63 to learn. L,. plate structure. S. A. Guralnick and R. W.
La Fraugh. bibliog il plans diags Am Con-
Cazaly. prestressed
Precast, il diaps ArchslabsRec for 132:186-9
library; O two-'62 crete Inst J for60:1107-85 S '63
story precast panels for factory. 11 Arch Limit design redundant reinforced con-
crete structures. M. Z. Cohn and C. Ber-
Rec 133:167
Precast TTs deck Ja '63 spiral garage .In ^Oakland, , , ., wanger. bibliog Am Concrete Inst J 58:
Calif. 11 Eng N 171:36-7 639-48; 59:1873-6; 60:1471-4 N '61, D '62,
Steel core doubles as wall Sform. 26 '63
Eng N 171: Limit
OD. ' of reinforced concrete beams.
Wright and C. Berwanger. biblios
49 N 7 -63
21-storev construction . concrete:.
in ^r ^
\vates diags Am Soc C E Proc 86 [ST 7 no 25411:
ltd; illustrations with text. Engineer 214: 1-36 Jl '60: Discussion. 86 [ST 11 no 26671:
761 N 2 '62 169 N '60; S9 [ST 2 no 35021:201-20 Ap '63:
See aTso Concrete
Breakwaters. Reply. S9 of[ST crack 6 no arrest
37431:409-13 D '63 J.
Mechanics in concrete.
Bridges. Concrete P. Romualdi and G. B. Batson. il diags Am
Concrete. Reinforced Soc C E Proc 89 [EM 3 no 35581:147-68
Concrete lining
Concrete mixing Strength and deflection of circular uniformly
Concrete piling loaded
Je '63 slab supported between center and
Concrete placing periphery. S. Sergev and M. H. Kashani-
Culverts, Concrete Sabet. diags Am Concrete Inst J 60:281-93
Dams. Concrete
Footings. Concrete Structural
F '63 design of concrete overlays. F. M.
Joists. Concrete Mellinger. bibliog 11 Am Concrete Inst J
Piers. Concrete
Reser\-oirs, Concrete 60:225-37
Three fast Fconcrete '63 systems. 11 plans diags
Retaining walls. Concrete
Roofs. Concrete Arch Forum
Ultimate strength 118:138-41
behaviorJe '63
study by regres-
Sewage tanks. Concrete sion analysis of beam test data. T. C.
Stairways. Concrete .. Zsutty. bibliog Am Concrete Inst J 60:635-
Steel construction — Concrete composition
Water pipes. Concrete 54 See
My also '63
Anchorage Columns. Concrete
Footings. Concrete
Headed concrete anchors. T. B. Shoup and Failure
R. C. Singleton. Am Concrete Inst J 60:
1229-35 S '63 Collapse clues sought in test silo. 11 Elng N
T^'o-diraensional theories of anchorage zone
stresses in post-tensioned prestressed beams. 170:15 Ja order
Engineers 3 '63 school rebuilt. II Eng N 171:
K. T. S. R. Iyengar, diags Am Concrete
Inst J 59:1443-66 bibliog(p 1464-5) O '62; Foundation
20 Ag 29 '63failure of a silo on varved clay.
Correction. 60:sup5+; Discussion. 2035-8: W. J. Eden and M. Bozozuk. bibliog 11
Reply. 2038-9 pt 2 Je '63 diags Eng J 45:54-7 S '62; Discussion. 45:
Bibliography Precast
116+ Nand-62 prestressed. but not permanent.
Current re\'lews of significant contributions D. E. HaJsted. il diags Civil Eng 33:60-1
in foreign and domestic
lished in monthly publications.
numbers of JournalPub-of Water tank •62 collapses In tryout. 11 Ener N
the -American concrete institute Ag '63
171:21 N 7 '63
Limit design for redundant reinforced con- Fire resistance
crete structures. M. Z. Cohn and C. Ber- Fire resistance of concrete; abstracts of
wanger. bibliog Am Concrete Inst J 58:639-
48: 59:1873-6; 60:1471-4 N '61, D '62, O '63 papers. Am Concrete Inst J 59:1635-41
Costs Investigation and repair of damage to con-
See also N '62 crete caused by fonnwork and falsework
Concrete slabs — Costs fire. P. Smith, il diags Am Concrete Inst J
Design 60:1535-66 bibliog(p 1564-5) N '63
Analytical approach to biaxial eccentricity. '63 Forms
E Czerniak. diags Am Soc C E Proc 88 Concrete forming efHciency: Lakeside filtra-
[ST 4 no 3239]:105-5S biblioglp 154-S) Ag tion plant will supply city of Grand Rapids,
'62; Discussion. T. Lazear. 88 [ST 6 no il Water & Sewage Works 109:485-6 D
33761:335-8 D '62; Reply. 89 [ST 3 no 3560]: Concrete forming relies on steel frame F T.
171-82 Je '63
Battle against noise fosters new building Tancula.
Earth form il for Welding
membrane Eng dome;
48:88-1- theater
Ap '63 In
form: Maison de la radio. Paris, il diags
San Diego. ^ D. H. Sweetman. il Prog Arch
Eng N 170:54-6 Ja 17 '63
Continuity connection for precast prestressed Form design for high lifts, bibliog II plan
concrete bridges. E. D. Bishop, diags Am
Concrete Inst J 59:585-99 Ap '62; Discussion. Forming aids 46:23-5 sewage Jatreatment plant
" i' ad-
69:1923-7 D '62 diags Eng J
dition in New Jersey, il'63 Water &-^ Sewage
Controlled-deflectlon design method for rein- Works 109:444-5 N '62
forced concrete beams and slabs. D. Q. Forms hold slab, then slab holds forms; con-
Alcock and A. Pauw. diags Am Concrete crete reservoir roof. 11 Eng N 170:52-f F 14
Inst J 59:645-58 My '62; Discussion. 69:1929- Formwork for concrete. Am Concrete Inst J
30 ■63
DesignD '62
and construction guide for precast 60:055-61 for
Formwork My 55'63 hyperbolic-paraboloids roofs:
structural concrete. J. L. Peterson. Am raised, lowered, moved on dollies. 11 Eng N
Concretesion, Inst J 59:1179-204
diags 60:2021-6; S '62;
Reply. Discus-
2026-7 Mr 171:39 Ag 29forms
High-priced '63 reduce labor costs; U.S.
Design of reinforced concrete arch culverts
under fill. K. R. Patel. diags Am Concrete no-Is Ap^'ii'^fs
Job-built forms
construction '^°' Halmos.
. E. ^'^"''^-
E. sewage
" ^"^plantN
jr. II Water
Inst J 60:433-8 Mr '63
Direct design of prestressed concrete mem- & i^ewnse Works 110:R306-I- O
King-sjzed cantllevered forms on a31 concrete'63
bers. K. Saether. diags Am Concrete Inst J
60:239-60 F '63: Correction. 60:sup27 Ag '63; retaining wall, il Eng N 170:43 My 2 '63
Discussion. 60:1309-16: Reply. 1316-20 S '63
Economical design of reinforced concrete
slabs using ultimate strength theorv. E.
Traum, diags Am Concrete Inst J 60:763-74 ^^y^^i^ '9'"™ for six-sided hyperbolic shells.
Je '63 60:69^3-°7"j°e'"'63' ^^^ ^ ^"=^"« ^^ ^
CONCRETE construction — Forms — Continued Design concrete ring support for storage
Plasiio molds lor panels cut cosls of church tank foundation: nomograph, diag Pet
root, il BiiK N UlAi) Jl U 03 , „ ^ Management and 34:226-7
PlasUc plaiiKs form concrete shell. 11 Ens N Evaluation locationN of'62 critical stresses
17U:39 Mr 28 '63 „ „ ,, , in pretensioned structures. K. C.<ibi. diags
Prefab- concrete I'orms. E. E. Halmos, jr. Am Concrete
Aloment load charts Inst J for60:391-431
svmn^etricalMr '63footing
il Pros Arch
Proposed recommended43:168-71 practice
S '62 for concrete subjected to combined bending and axial
formwork. Am Concrete Inst J 59;993-104C; load. M. Savran. Am Concrete Inst J 59:
60:169-70 Asr '62. F '63; Discussion. 60: 73-83 Ja '62; Correction. 60:sup 3 pt 2 Je
1985-9 theMr -63 '63: Discussion. 59:1263-9 S '62: Correction.
Raising roof with , resm: world,^. s ,tallest
,, . 60:sup 5 method Pt 2 Je to'63:concrete Reply. 59:1209-72 S '62
reinforced concrete building, il Plastics Short-cut support analy-
World 20:12 sis by computer. E. Czerniak. il diags Hy-
Slipforms cut Dbuilding
'62 time by 25 per cent. drocarbon Process & Pet Refiner 42:ll?-22
CONCRETE •i;3 construction, Subaqueous
il Eng
Tall pier Nfonns 171:39-40
set withS 12 bar '63 cages in place;
twin high-level bridges at North Little, See also
l^ridges —
Bridges. ConcreteFoundations and piers
Rock. Ark. il Roads & Sts 106:68-9 F '63
Testing program for
crete. D. E. Fleming lateraland pressure of
W. H. Wolf. con- CONCRETE construction in winter
In\ estimation and repair of damage to con-
diags Am Concrete Inst
Two new forming methods for shells, il Arch J 60:567-74 My '63 crete caused by formwork and falsework
fire. P. Smith, il diags Am Concrete Inst J
Rec 133:166 Ja '63
60:1535-66 culverts.
CONCRETE bibliog(p 1564-5) N '63
See Culverts, Concrete
ACI coinmittee work; committee 311 (611). CONCRETE dams. See Dams. Concrete
inspection of concrete. J. J. Waddell. Am CONCRETE domes. See Domes. Concrete
Concrete Inst J 60:sup 17+ Je '63 CONCRETE footings.
■62 See Footings, Concrete
Inspection techniques for prestresscd con- CONCRETE foundations. See Foundations
Proposed crete, AC!
il Safetystandard;
Maint recommended
126:54-6 Jl '63 prac- CONCRETE houses
tice for concrete inspection. J. J. Waddell. Neo-classic builder house in concrete block,
bibliog Am
Training coursesConcrete Inst J 60:1525-34
for concrete N "63il
inspectors, il plan Arch Rec 133:114-17 Mid-My '63
CONCRETE industry
Am Concrete Inst J 60:173-82 F '63 Cement. 1962. C. Dobbins, il Min Cong J
Joints 49:97-S-f FJoists. '63 See Joists. Concrete
Joinery of precast concrete. W. H. Gerfen CONCRETE
and J. R. Anderson, diags Am Concrete CONCRETE laboratories
Inst J 59:1435-42 O '62; Discussion. Z. A. Cement and concrete reference laboratory.
Zielinski. 60:2033-4 pt 2 Je '63 Am Concrete Inst J 60:sup 19 Ag '63
Lift-slab method CONCRETE lining
Jet-grout rig digs a hole, then concretes it on
Factors in design and construction of lift the way up. il diag Eng N 169:42-3 N 22
slab buildings. N. B. Green, diags Am Con-
crete Inst J 59:527-50 Ap '62: Discussion. Job-built inner form rolls through tunnel
Frames Reply. panel
1917-21 bending:
D '62 Simpson- lining project, il Eng N 170:28-9 Mr 7 '63
Sears department store. Toronto, il Eng Nebraska Sand Hills don't olfer much for
the earth dambuilder. il diag Eng N 169:46-
N 170:67 F 14 '63
Hillside apartment built downside up. il See also
Eng slab
N 171:73 Concrete
7 N 8 '62placing
Lift used Oin 10university
'63 construction. G. CONCRETE mixers
Gurfinkel. il plans diags Am Concrete Analog card reader programs concrete batch-
Inst techniques
J 60:449-64 lower Ap '63lift-slab costs, il Eng er. C. Jordan and C. Huntington, il diag
N 170:26-8. cover Je 27 '63 Control Engbatch
Blaw-Knox 10:131 Ja '63
plants are wheel mounted,
diag Eng N 170:45 Mv 2 63
Rapid construction High capacity portable batch plant paces
Slipforms cut building time by 25 per cent, California paving job: Gordon H. Ball,
il Eng N 171:39-40 S 12 '63 34Einc.pavers
il EnghelpN central-mix 170:28-9 My for9 25'63 dual miles,
Adhesive epoxy compoimds for concrete, il Trailer mixer has & h.vdraulic
il diags Roads Sts 106:33-5+ drive: SHydro-'63
Engineering 195:194 F 1 '63 mixer,
CONCRETE mixing il Eng N 170:113 Ap 4 '63
Guide for use of epoxv compounds with con- Admixtures for architectural concrete. R. W.
crete, il diags Am Concrete Inst J 59:1121-
42 S '62: Discussion. 60:2015-18 Mr '63 Yeakel. jr. for
Admixture.! il Archconcrete.Rec B. 133:191-4 F '65 Am
E. Foster.
Method for testing the quality of adhesion Concrete Inst J 60:1481-524 bibliogfp 1519-
between two bonded concrete surfaces. C.
M. Wakeman and others, il Materials Res Antenna counterweight shell: gets heavy
& Stand 23) N '63 fill, il Eng N 171:44+ Ag 29 '63
When the 3:299 Ap '63dome cracks, seal it:
digester Cost estimate for central-mix paving con-
crete. G. Ma.xon and A. E. Jliller. diags
Surface-Kote. il Pub Works 94:115 Ap '63
Standards Roads
Impact mixing & Sts 106:51-3+ ok'd for JeOhio '63 specifications,
ACI committee work. Am Concrete Inst J il Roadsof proportioning
Method & Sts 105:102-3nonnal D '62and no-fines
60:sup 11-4- Je '63 concrete mixtures. K. H. Eyman. Am Con-
Engineers order school rebuilt, il Eng N 171: crete Inst J 60:927-43 Jl '63; Correction. 60:
20 Ag 29 '63 Pulverized
sm>.':6 o calcite '63 as a cement or concrete ad-
Minimum requirements for thin-section pre- mixture. N. C. Rockwood. Rock Prod 66:
cast concrete construction. Am Concrete
Inst J 60:171-2 F '63 Silicones
22+ S '63 as admixtures for concrete. W. E.
Proposed recommended practice for concrete Grieb. andPubwhyRoads 32:214-19 admixtures.
Ag '63
fonnwork. Am Concrete Inst J 59:993-1046; When of concrete bib-
60:169-70 Ag '62. F '63 Hog il Roads & Sts 106:80-1+ Mr '63
Proposed revision of building code require- Ready mixed concrete
ments for reinforced concrete (ACI 318-
561. Am Concrete Inst J 59:145-276. 1821-47; Dual gravel plant supplies needs of con-
60:809-15 F. D '62. Jl '63; Discussion, bib- tractor-readv-mix producer: P. Mlchelottl &
liog diags 59:1273-321. 1535-68. 1653-760. sons. W. E. Trauffer. il Pit & Quarry 65:
1899-902; 60:2081-100 S-D '62. pt 2 Je '6:: 103-4+ N products
Packaging '63 proves profit bonanza:
Suggested specifications for structural con- Dry mix products co. R. S. Torgerson. 11
crete for buildings. Am Concrete Inst J
60:1321-73 O '63 Rock Prod quality
Rondy-mix 66:106+ control,
O "63 a set-up that's
Tables, calculations, etc. working. J. E. Thompson, il Roads & Sts
Contribution to the analysis of coupled shear 106:63-5
Transit Mv '63 Diesels
-mixing and dvnapower. II
walls. H. Beck, dings Am ("onorete Inst J f^ee also
Diesel Equip Supt 41:28-30 t" '63
69:1055-70 Ag '62: Discussion. 60:1991-2002; ready mixed concrete association
Reply. 2002-4 Mr '63
CONCRETE panels. See Concrete slabs Joinery of precast concrete. W. H. Gerfen
CONCRETE pavements. See Pavements, Con- and J. R. Anderson, diags Am Concrete
crete Inst J 59:1435-42 O '62; Discussion. Z. A.
CONCRETE piers. See Piers. Concrete Zielinski.
Matri.x 60:2033-4ofpt the
derivation 2 Jefolded
CONCRETE piling tions. J. E. Meek, diags Am plate
Soc equa-
Expressway builders solve same problems Proc offer
89 (STflexibility, 3 no 35491:77-105
ditterentiv; Roanoke expressway. Seattle, OfBces looks and Jelow'63main-
il Ens N 170:22-3 My 30 63 tenance: withco.
Installation problems with cast-in-place con- Hill publisliing offices, panels. McGraw-
Hightstown, N.J.
crete piles. M. Praszker. diags Civil Eng 11 plan Eng
Optimum designN of 169:22-3 N 22 plates.
prestressed '62 G. I.
Eons: Mr '63 cylinder piles for deep-water
concrete N. Rozvany and A. J. K. Hampson. diags
platform. G. A. O'Connor, il diag Civil Eng Am
Panels Concrete
eliminate Inst deck J forms,
il EngAg N '63
Long33:50-1 Ap '63 piles are cast in one piece:
Fort Randall Reservoir bridge. South Prelabricated slabs with load distributing
Ao 4 '63 beams under concentrated loads.
Preboring ilhelps Eng dinve N 170:26-30
large Ap 25 '63 M. Schulz. diags Am Concrete Inst J 59:
stressed piles; freeway projectthin-shell
in the Seattlepre-
1863-70 and
Strength D '62deflection of circular uniformly
area. H. K. Glidden. il diags Roads & loaded slab supported between center and
Sts 106:64-7 F '63 periphei-y. S. Sergev and M. H. Kashani-
T-shaped concrete sheet piles: renew dete-
riorated bulkhead. T. H. McGregor, il Eng Sabet. diags Am Concrete Inst J 60:281-93
N 170:33spaced
Widely Ja 3 piles '63 shore wall, il Eng N Unusual
F '63 case of freezing of fresh concrete.
B. A. Abdun-Nur and R. C. Mielenz. 11 Am
170:45 Ja 10 '63 Concrete Inst J 59:803-14 Je '62; Discussion.
See also D '62
100 ton load cell for pile loading tests. T.
Whitaker and others, il diag Engineering Concrete construction — Lift-slab method
194:693-5 N 23 '62 Costs
CONCRETE pipes. See Pipes. Concrete Economical design of reinforced concrete
CONCRETE placing slabs using ultimate strength theory. B.
Climbing'63 crane cairies. places concrete, il Traum. diags Am Concrete Inst J 60:763-74
diag Eng N 170:43 Mr 28 '63 Testing
Demands of air startegy force speedy run-
way construction: Robins air force base, Je '63
Chemical prestressing of concrete elements
near Macon. Ga. il Eng N 170:40-1 Ap 18 using expanding cements. T. Y. Lin and
CONCRETE plants A. Klein, il diags Am Concrete Inst J 60:
Concrete train for building M2. il diags Engi- 1187-218 S pretensioned
Full-scale '63 folded plates test-
See neeralso
216:180-3 Ag 2 '63 loaded to failure. J. I. Glanville. bibliog il
Concrete mixing — Ready mixed concrete diags Am study
Laboratory Concreteof Inst J 60:355-70
a 45-foot squareMr flat
plate structure. S. A. Guralnick and R. W.
Equipment La Fraugh, bibliog il plans diags Am Con-
34E pavers help central-mix for 25 dual miles, crete Inst J 60:1107-85 S '63
il diags Roads & Sts 106:33-6-f- S '63 CONCRETE stairways. See Stairways. Concrete
Quality control CONCRETE tanks. See Tanks. Concrete
CONCRETE towers. See Towers. Concrete
working. J.quality control,
E. Thompson, ail set-up
Roadi &that's Sts crete
CONCRETE water pipes. See 'Water pipes. Con-
106:62-5 My
CONCRETE plants,'63 Portable
New concrete paving methods, il Roads & CONCRETE
Concrete water tanks. See 'Water tanks.
Sts 106:48-534- O '63 CONCRETE Window frames. See Window
Twin crusher lines produce three aggregate frames. Concrete
grades, il diag Roads & Sts 106:38-40 S '63 CONDENSATE densate wellswells. See Gas, Natural— Con-
CONCRETE products
Joists. Concrete Aerosol particle encapsulation by simul-
Pipes. Concrete taneous condensation and polymerization.
Sewer pipes. Concrete R. C. Robbins and others. J Colloid Sci
CONCRETE research '62
Accuracy of models used in research on re- Air18:483-5
condensation Je '63 in a hypersonic wind tun-
inforced concrete. Z. Y. Alami and P. M. nel. F. L. Daum. bibliog AIAA J 1:1043-6
Ferguson, bibliog il diags Am Concrete
Inst J 60:1643-63 Condensate drainage system at Rochdale Vil-
Atistralian research Nin '63 concrete. Am Concrete My '63lage handles absorption machines and heat
Inst J 60:sup 13 Jl '63 exchangers. C. R. 'Varga. 11 diags Air Cond
CONCRETE roofs. See Roofs. Concrete Heat & Ven of60:75-6
Condensation vaporsAg of'63immiscible liquids.
CONCRETE sewer pipes. See Sewer pipes. W. W. Akers and M. M. Turner, diag
CONCRETE slabs A I Ch properties
Dielectric E J 8:587-9of Nglasses '62 in the systems
Australian experiments with flat plates. F. Bii03-CdO-Si02. Bl203-CdO-B!03, and BijOa-
A. Blakey. il Am Concrete Inst J 60:515-25 CdO-GeOs and their relation to the struc-
Concrete slabs Ao
made '63 from precast boxes: ture ilofdiags
liog glass; Am nucleation.
Cer SocB. J 'V45:555-63
J. Rao Nbib-1
floor system for multistory buildings. K. C.
Naslund and A. Moreno, il diags Arch Rec Evaporations and condensations in one-com-
134:154-6 Jl '63 ponent systems. E. L. Knuth. diag ARS J
Controlled-deflection design method for rein-
forced concrete beams and slabs. D. G. 32:1424-6 S '62
Alcock and A. Pauw. diags Am Concrete Homogeneous nucleation of vapor condensa-
Inst J 59:645-58 My 62: Discussion. 59: tion: kinetic aspects. J. E. McDonald, bib-
1929-30 D '62 liog Am J Phys 31:31-41 Ja '63
CPM cuts construction time on floor slabs. Homogeneous nucleation of vapor condensa-
il Eng N 170:38-40 Ja 10 '63 tion: thermodynamic aspects. J. E. Mc-
Experimental study of folded plates. J. Donald, bibliog il Am J Phys 30:870-7 D '62
Schwaighofer and N. Seethaler. il diags Ice nucleation by monodisperse silver iodide
Am Concrete Inst J 60:101-11 Ja '63 particles. G. R. Edwards and others, bibliog
Fire wrecks an 8.000-sq-ft slab: Carol Towers il J Colloid Sci 17:749-58 O '62
apartment building m New York, il Eng Mechanisms of heat transfer in dropwise con-
N 170:41 F 21 '63 densation. J. L. McCormick and E. Baer.
How to cast long-life slabs on grade. W. bibliog il J Colloid Sci 18:208-16 Mr '63
C. Perry, il Eng N 169:36-7 S 13 '62: Dis- New instrument for the continuous measure-
cussion. 170:4-1- Ja 3 '63 ment of condensation nuclei. G F. Skala.
Investigation of multiple-panel reinforced bibliog il diags Anal Chem 35:702-6 My '63
concrete floor slabs. M. A. Sozen and C P Nucleation and early crystal growth. H E.
?iS§S; ..'I iiags Am Concrete Inst J 60:999- C. Powers, bibliog il Ind Chem 39:351-5
1028 biblioglp 1025-7) Ag '63 Jl 63
CONDENSATION — Continued Condensate filters remove iron and copper.
Promotion of dropwise condensation by mon- H. E. amines
Filming Carr. ilbestdiag forPower steam 106:65-7
plant. F.D W. '62
tan wax. R. G. H. Watson and others.
biblioK il diae J Ap Chem 12:539-52 D 62 Richardson. 11 diag Can Chem Process 47:
Study ot the condensation of binary vapors 89-914- Je '63 condenser
Investigating tube corrosion. 11
of miscible liquids. F. G. Tenn and others.
biblioK diae Can J Chem Eng 41:12-14. Engineering 195:757 My 31 '63
73-8 F-Ap '63 Manufacture
plate. P. film
M. condensation
Chune. biblioK on diag
ver- 1,000 mw unit to have welded condenser
A S and
M E lower Trans bounds
ser C 85:63-70 tubes, il Elec World 160:96-7 O 7 '63
Upper for the Fnucleatlon
'63 CONDITIONED responses
netic incylinder.
an infinite rectancularbiblioK
A. Aharonl. ferromae-
J Ap Amateur scientist: a simple analogue com-
puter that simulates Pavlov's dogs. H. S.
Phvs .S4:24:M-41 Chemical
CONDENSATION, Aer '63 Hoffman, diags Sci Am 208:159-60-1- Je '63
Alkaline condensation of acetone. E. C ductivity
CONDUCTIVITY, Electric. See Electric con-
Craven. J ApandPhysthe 13:71-7
Condensation F '63reaction of
Cannizzaro CONDUCTIVITY, Heat. See Heat conductivity
tetrahydrocltral. P. H. Yeh. bibliOK Am CONDUITS
Perfumer 78:32-6 See also
Condensation leadsF to '63 elutamic acid..^ ^Y. Manholes
Sekizawa and others. Chem & Ens N 41: CONDUITS, Concrete
46-7 Jl 8 '63
Cyclotriveratrrlene and related compounds. See aUo
A. S. Lindsev. biblios diaf? Chem & Ind Water pipes. Concrete
Electric. See Electric conduits
PS23-4 My
Mannich 18 '63
conden.sation of the methyl ester CONDUITS, Water. See Water conduits
of 7-oxo-cholic acid. J. 'LAtAt and others. CONES
Chem & Ind p913 of
Polvcondensation Je ferrocenylcarbinols
1 '63 and Analysis of axisymmetrical shells by the
substitution orientation effects. B. W. direct stiffness method. P. E. Grafton and
Neuse and D. S. Trifan. biblioE Am Chem D. R. Strome. bibiiog diags AXAA J 1:2342-
Soc J 85:1952-8
Steroids; a novel JlMichael 5 '63 addition-aldol con- Analysis
7 O Lance'63 of and plastic shallow conical shells. R.
densation reaction between acetone and H. E. T. Onat. bibiiog il diags
A"-12.20-diketopreenenes. M. E. Wall and A S M B Trans for
Approximations ser supersonic
E 30:199-209 flow Je '63over
others. biblioK Am Chem Soc J 85:1844-50 cones. W. E. Simon and L. A. Waiter.
Je 20 '63
Tertiary amine catalysis of^ the , ,^ , con-
aldol AIAA J effects
Blowing 1:1696-8onJl pressure '63
densation. C. D. Gutsche and others. bib- sociated with cones. N. A. Interaction
Thyson as-
Hoe Am Chem Soc J 84:3775-7 O 5 '62 E. E. H. Schurmann. AIAA J 1:2179-80 S
Total synthesis of steroids shows commer-
cial promise. II Chem & Eng N 41:32-4 Botindary conditions at the outer edge of
AsSee26 also
'63 the boundary layer on blunted conical
Phenol condensation products bodies. V. Zakkay and E. Krause. AIAA J
CONDENSERS Bow shockJl '63
1:1671-2 correlation for slightly blunted
Dynamic trolanalysis cones. J. H. Klaimon. bibiiog AIAA J 1:
G. Zetkovof and condenser pressure diaes
M. Rimer, con-
ASHRAE in J a5:35-40 Ag updraft
'63 Conical
490-1 Fsegment '63 method for analyzing open
Floodlns vertical partial con- crown shells of revolution for edge loading.
denser. K. G. English and others, flow R. R. Meyer and M. B. Harmon, bibiiog
Howdiag can
il Chem we pipe Eng- seawater
Proe 59:51-3
for Jlcondenser
'63 diag AIAA of J hypersonic 1:886-91 Anstatic-stability
Correlation data
coollnu service? answer. J. A. Fife. Heat- from blunt slender cones. J. D. Whitfield
to stop35:87-8 Jl '63 in condenser outlet
slug flow Correlation of laminar heating to cones '63
and W. Wolny. diag AIAA J 1:486-7 F in
piping. P. D. Cady. diag Hydrocarbon high-speed flight at zero angle of attack.
Process & Pet
Inexpensive Refiner 42:192-4
condensation chamber.S '63C. B. R. L. Schapker. bibiiog AIAA J 1:1953-4
Hackney and L. G. Brown, il diag Res/ Design
Ag '63 of hydrostatic
bearings; conical and
pads. H. C. RIppel. diags Ma-
Develop barometric
Multi-jet 13:31-2 D '62 condensers. N. H. Prater
and J. Mylo Hydrocarbon Process & Pet chine Design 35:185-92 O 24 '63
Donnell-type equations for bending and buck-
Refiner 41:107-8 D '62 ling of orthotropic conical shells. J. Singer,
Cooling bibiiog diags ASME Trans ser E 30:303-5
Air cooled condensers; how do they stack up Downstream influence of transfer at
for air conditioning today? J. Rose, il diag Jl '63
the nose of a slender cone. R. J. Cresci
Air-cooled Eng condensers
201:126-1- takeAn '63
on big refrigera- and P. A. Libby. bibiiog il diags J Aero-
tion iobs. D. H. Niederer. il diag Plant Vinokur. space SciAIAA
29:815-26 Jl '62: Discussion.
J 1:1711-12; Reply. 1712-13 M.
Eng 17:113-16 Ap '63
CONDENSERS (steam) Effects of mass addition on the stability of
Aluminum condenser tubes; a status report. Jl '63
slender cones at hypersonic speeds. C. A.
diags Power 107:49-50 Mr '63ASME papers Syvertson and J. B. McDevitt. AIAA J
Aluminum in heat exchangers;
on condenser tubes. Combustion 34:33-6 1:939-40 stability
Elastic Ao '63 of orthotropic conical and
Mr '63turbine with integral condensers, diags cylindrical shells subiected to axisymmetric
500mw loading conditions. J. C. Seroico. bibiiog
Engineer 215:399-400 Mr 1 '63 diags AIAA determination J 1:128-37 Ja of'63the stability
Inhibits condenser tube corrosion. A. Kaiser. Experimental
Elec World 158:56-1- N 5 '62 of conical shells. F. J. .Schroedor and E. T.
Steam-condenser pressure and temperatures; Kusterer. 11 diag ASME Trans ser E 30:
nomograph: data sheet. G. E. Bernard.
How 144-6 Mr '63
to lay outA. spiral-formed
Power 107:76 My '63
See aUo cylinders. A. Pfeifer. welded bibiiogtapered
Steam plant.s — Equipment Product Eng 34:S.S-90 Ap 15 '63
Steam turbines Instability in conventional spinning of cones.
Cleaning S. Kobayashl. bibiiog il diags A S M B
Chemical cleaning of surface condensers. Trans ser B 85:41-8
C. M. Loucks. il Power 107:80-1 Ag '63 Integral method forF calculation
'63 of super-
Cooling sonic laminar boundary lover with heat
transfer on yawed cone. S. M. Yen and
Coolant flow control boosts plant efflclenev. N. A. Thyson. blbllog diag AIAA J 1:672-6
V. C. Summer and D. B. Benson. 11 diags
Elec World 159:26-7 Ao 15 '63 Integrated laminar heat transfer In the wind-
Mr '63 ward plane of yawed blunt cones. I. Stern,
diag AIAA
Laminar combined J 1:1668-70 Jl '63
convection from a rotating
Alkvl amines as film formers In condensing
steam systems. M. F Ohrecht and C C. cone. R. G. Hering and R. J. Grosh. bib-
DeWltt. hibllog II diags Ind * Eng Chem iiog diag ASME Trans ser C 86:29-34
Product Res & Develop 2:167-72 Je "63 F '63
CO N ES — Continued
Mach number independence of the conical See also subdivision Connecticut under
shock pressure coefficient. G. W. Zumwalt special subjects, e.g.
and H. H. Tang, bibliog AIAA J 1:2389-91 Architecture,
Gas supply
Geology Domestic
NoseO '63 bluntness effects on cone press.ure Roads
and•63 shock shape at If = 8.5 to 12.9. N. B. Water supply
Oscillations of a fluid in a rectilinear Aff
Wood. biblioK il AIAA J 1:1929-30 '63
conical CONNECTING rods
container. E. Levin, diass AIAA J 1:1447 Je Allowable stress diagrams can help designers
Shock formation in conical nozzles. H. M. solve automotive strength problems. F R.
Darwell and H. Badham. diag AIAA J 1: Holliday. diags S A B J 71:70-4 Ap '63
CONNECTORS, Electric. See Electric con-
1932-4 Ak rule
Siniilaritv -63 estiination methods for cones.
E. P. Blick. AIAA J 1:2415-16 O '63 CONNOR, Ralph
CONFERENCE rooms Dr Ralph Connor honored by AIC. por Chem
Some aspects of stereophony applicable to & Eng N 41:82 My 6 '63
conference use. F. K. Harvey and others, CONORADA petroleum corporation
bibliog diags Audio Eng Soc J 11:212-17 Conorada no longer useful, is bowing out.
Jl '63
CONFERENCES Oil & Gas J 60:75-6
of resources
Getting top benefits out of supervisors' con- Compact endorses study of conservation
^ee also ferences. Coal Age 68:124-1- S '63 methods.
Oil & Gas J 61:54-5 Je 17 '63
play; bigger role for utilities. Elec
Business conferences World 159:135-8 Je 3; 39-42 Je 10 '63
CONFERENCES, Employees. See Employees See also
conferences Forests and forestry
Water power
Age of Karla Kay conglomerate member of CONSOLIDATED Edison company of New York
Burro Canyon formation, Colorado and How electronic data processing became an
Utah. R. B. O' Sullivan. Am Assn Pet actuality at Con Eldison. W. T. Harper. 11
Geologists from
Aggregates Bui 46:1734-5
fossils. H. S '62B. Goldman, il Gas 38:78-83
CONSOLIDATI ONS, N '62 Business. See
consolidations Business
Rock Prod
Crushed pebble 65:65-8 N '62
conglomerate of southwestern CONSTANTAN
Montana. W. F. Tanner, bibliog map diags Low temperature heat capacities of constan-
J Geolbody71:637-41
Main of Wasatch S '63 formation near La tan and manganin. J. C. Ho and others.
Barge. Wyo. S. S. Oriel, bibliog il map R Sci Instr 34:782-3 Jl '63
diag Am Assn Pet Geologists Bui 46:2161- See also
73 D '62 (Ruedemann, Pleiades
Schodack 1914) ; its present
status. G. Theokrltoff. bibliog Geol Soo Bui CONSTRUCTION equipment
Caterpillar engineers can now tell when oft-
74:637-40 My '63 highway tire is overworked. J. Dunne and
CONGO (formerly Belgian Congo) C.B
See also fa 15 63Campbell. AutomoUve Ind 129:114-16
Petrolemn industry and trade — Congo Construction equipment. 11 Eng N 170:43-72
(formerly Belprian Congo) r 21 d3
CONGRESSIONAL record In far-away Pakistan American firms tackle
How Cxovernraent printing ofHoe produces the
Congressional record. J. N. Pannullo. il 10d:4d-7-1-
^^'^'■'.'1 Je 63
^, dirt-moyinge st job. il Roads & Sts
Inland Ptr/Am Lithogr 150:40-1 Ja '63 New construction equipment vital in military
Changes in coniferous wood cells aissociated L^a'.b i -y Je 15 63
with heartwood formation. R. L. Krahmer New?J?''jy'^T^;r'
powered *^<.-„^^'"<='^ construction Automotive Illus-
^- "equipment; Ind
and W. A. C6t6. jr. bibliog il Tappi 46:42-9 trations with text. C. A. Weinert. Automo-
JaSee'63 also tive Ind 128:78-89 Je 15 '63
Swamp buggy travels on soft terrain. 11 Eng
Douglas fir N See 170:39
CONJUGATION (chemistry) alsoMy 30 '63
Chemistry of conjugate anions and enols; Associated equipment distributors
protonation. S. K. Malhotra and H. J. Cranes, derricks, etc.
Excavating machinery
Ringold. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1538-9 Motor trucks in construction work
My 20 '63 of cysteine during its oxidation Roads — Construction equipment
by 2,6-dichloroindophenol. H. I. Hadler Exhibitions
and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:
45S-61 F 20 '63 Chicago's
separate equipmentconstruction
fabulous shows, fourcircus:
major three
Conju^atlve effects of sulfur in several aro- ventions. 1 Eng N 170:13-15 F 28; 21 Mr 7
matic anion-radicals. E. T. Kaiser and D.
H. Eargle. jr. bibliog diags Am Chem Soc J 63; Roads & Sts 106:52-J- F '63; Civil Eng
Effect of Jeheteroconjugation
20 '63 on acid- base 33:32-5 Ap '63equipment
Construction exposition and road
conductometric titration curves of 3.5- show. Chicago. February 23-March 1;
dinitrobenzoic acid in acetonitrile. I. M.
Kolthoff and M. K. Chantooni, jr. bibliog FR'"9^.P<=^.
'63; Civil'?,n„<^ispjay.„ Eng 33:32-64-il Rock
F '63;Prod 66:1104-
Am Chem Soc J 85:2195-201 Ag 5 '63 Ind^ 128:67-8 fifr 15 '63; Roads & Sts 106i
Effect of hyperconjugation on the gemlnal 44-6H-
63 Mr '63; Product Eng 34:94-7 Ap 15
spin-spin coupling constant. M. Barfleld
and D. M. Grant, bibliog diag Am Chem Contractors' plant demonstration; construc-
Soc J 85:1899-904 Jl 5 '63 tion equipment developed and manufac-
Photochemical rearrangements of cross- tured by the Thos. W. Ward ltd. group
conjugated cyclohexadienones; unsubsti- 11 Engineer 215:993-4 My 31 '63
tuted 1.4-dien-3-ones. P. J. Kropp and International construction equipment exhibi-
W. F. Erman. bibliog Am Chem Soc J tion. 2d. London. June 25-Julv 5 11 Engi-
85:2456-62 Ag 20 '63 neer 215:1104-7. 1165-8 Je 21-28 '63; Engi-
Program obtains complex pl-electron data.
R. L. Flurry, jr. and P. G. Lykos. il Chem neering 195:870-2 Je 28 '63
& Eng N 40:42-4 S 24 '62 1963 construction equipment and road show;
Studies on d-orbital conjugation; non-aro- Illustrations with text. Gas 39:81-2 Ap '63
maticity of a derivative of the 1.3-dithie- Public works and municipal services congress
pinyl anion, a ten it-electron conjugated and exhibition, London, Nov. 12-17 11 diag
system. R. Breslow and E. Mohacsi. bib-
liog Am Chem Soc J 85:431-4 F 20 '63
Theory of simultaneous discharge of metal Maintenance and repair
ions in real conjugated systems. A. T.
Vagramyan and T. A. Fatueva. bibliog Compart crew, but big enough to keep on
Electrochem Soc J 110:1030-5 O '63 106:68-70 Ag 63
Thiabenzenes; 1- and 2-thianaphthalene3 and ?n?c°o^,n®PA^"'?io"^- Barkow. 11 Roads & Sts
lO-thiaanthracenes; evidence for cyclic 160-man overhauling center; Intercontinental
conjugation. C. C. Price and others, bib- engineering-manufacturing corp. A. Bar-
liog Am Chem Soc J 85:2278-82 Ag 5 '63 kow. 11 plan Roads & Sts 106:42-7 Jl '63
CONSTRUCTION equipment — Maintenance and Negotiating for engineering services; the
repair — Continued consulting engineer's viewpoint. N. P.
Repair, modify, build, rebuild; succeiisful Turner,engineer jr. Civil
contractor's Plant and Eng 33:52-3 partners
consultant, Mr '63 on
Sts 106:97-8+ shop My policy, (53 il plans Roads & projects. F. C. Limbert. il Plant Eng 17:
This month's equipment
bert Isbell, Isbell superintendent:
construction Al-
co. U Diesel 115-16 Ja '63
R/D magazine's '63 annual Science consultants
Equip Supt 41:24-7+ S '63 seminar.
Ja 63 1st. Chicago. Res/Develop 14:20-2
Butner. equipment Brannan sandsuperintendent.
& gravel co. Role of research and development In the
il Diesel Equip Supt 41:16-19 Jl '63 water industry; consulting engineer. M.
This month's equipment superintendent. Pirnie and others. Am Water Works Assn J
George O'Connell. Daniel O'Connell's sons, 55:861-8 Jl '63
Selecting a consulting engineer; abstract. Pub
inc. il Diesel Equip Supt 4U:14-17 D '62
This month's equipment superintendent, L. Works engineering
Special 94:132+ Mr '63 report from the many
M. "Pat" Riley, Graver tank & mfg. co.
il Diesel Equip Supt 41:22-4 F '63 desks of Charles S. Leopold engineers, bib-
This month's equipment superintendent. Leo liog il plans diags Air Cond Heat & Ven
Ry-^ier, Kiewit bros, district project rep- 60:49-74 Ap '63 engineers
resentative, il Diesel Equip Supt 41:26-8 This is Bovay inc. il Air Cond
Je '63 Manufacture Heat & Ven
$2.:)-million Gi):.')U-3 O '63
atomic-energy fee can look small:
International Harvester Construction record Brown you& Root, '63
n/c tool program. J. Greschelin. 11 Auto- When need ila Eng N 169:70-1+
technical consultant. N 15 '62 P.
motive Ind Harvester
129:67-72 S unwraps 1 '63 new engine Marvin. Machine Design 35:144-6 Ap 11
International Wor wit out con fir R. L.
line, il Steel 153:29+ Jl 15 '63 kin h s ide s ult m s.
g Tappi 46:sup Fees 187A-92A ing O '63
Construction and industrial machinery tech- How to pay highway consultants? discussed
nical committee expands standardization at ASCE conference. Roads & Sts 105:29
efforts. S A B J 71:80-2 S '63
Heavy-duty fications,
and otf-higiiway
1963: tables. tracksIndspeci-
Automotive 128: N '62
Professional charges. E. Mitchell. Engineer
204-20 Mr 15 '63 216:598
CONSULTING engineersO 11 '63 council
Used equipment CEC, watchdog for consultants' Interests.
See Construction equipment. Used S. K. Fosholt.
ileeting. Eng Cahf.
Disneyland, N 170:54-5+ My 16 N '637
Eng N 171:24
CONSTRUCTION equipment, Used
County auctions surplus road equipment: San CONSUMER credit. See Credit
Ijuis Obispo county. Calif. B. Barnet. il
Pub Works 93:160 N 'C2 CONSUMER panels
CONSTRUCTION industry. See Building Consumer testing liquid syndets. K. L.
Johnson and H. P. Andrews. Soap & Chem
CONSTRUCTION specifications (building). See
'63 — Specifications Spec 39:57-60 S '63
Can an outside consultant help? J. W. Consumer product acceptajice. J. W. Ever-
.'Snnders. jr. Mod Textiles Mag 44:43-6 Ja son. Chemproducts
Consumer Eng Prog get 58:31+
bigger Nsales
'62 push, il
Foo ser con H G A. W. Chem
Research & andEng theN 40:34-5 S 24 '62
textile user. A. R. Urou-
Dana. viProg
ce sul 44:158-60. Freit'63
Arch ze hart. il Soc Dyers & Col J 79:9-15 Ja '63
Private consultant atiinon occupational r; health: CONSUMPTION (economics)
interview with R. T.. Johnstone. Ind Med How to create consumers. Steel 152:55-70 Je
32:58-62 F '63
Role of the consulting chemist in the food CONTACT
17 '63and angle
Industrj-. D. W. Kent-Jones. Chem & Ind New simpler formulation for radiative
p 1935-7 N 10 '62 angle factors. E. M. Sparrow, bibliog diags
University consultant to local health depart-
ments. Li. G. Reeder. bibliog Am J Pub t'imple methodTrans
A S M E ser C S5:S1-S
for measuring Mv '63 con-
Health 53:260-5 F '63 tact angles. T. Fort, jr. and H. T. Patter-
CONSULTING engineers son, il diags J Colloid Sci 18:217-22 Mr '63
Chemical engineering research consultants Simplified device speeds
urement. W. L. contact-angle
Freyberger and A. meas-F.
limited; University of Toronto professors Lewis, il diag Eng & Min J 164:81-3 Ap
parlay individual consulting efforts into
newly incorporated firm. Can Chem Process
47:73-5 Ap '63 Tilting-plate
of contact angles apparatus for the measurement
in corrosive liquids as a
Consulting and advisory role of the engineer function of temperature and pressure. R F
tomorrow. J. H. Pitchford. Engineer 214: Muraca and others. 11 R Sci Instr 34:479-80
7G3-7 N 2 '62
CEC. watchdog for consultants' interests. CONTACT
My '63 potential. See Potential. Electric
S. K. Fosholt. Eng N 170:54-5+ My 16 '63 CONTACTORS.
tactors Electric. See Electric con.
Consulting engineer looks at research and
development. J. D. Carpenter and J A. CONTACTS. Electric. See Electric contacts
r 63 Water &■ Sewage Works 110:66-8
CONTAINER system (freight handling)
Consulting engineer.s launch campaign to A.^A aiipro\'es first standard for containerized
promote job opportunities abroad. Arch Rec freight. Mechof Eng 85:104-5 Fcargo.
133:23 Ja '63 Bow loading containerized T. D.
Dual-division; method of organization. R. B McGrath. diags Naval Eng J 74:051-4 N '62
Robertson and R. E. Schuhmann. Air Cond Export shipping; how Ford cuts out that
Heat & Ven 60:46-9 O '63 extra cost. J A. Eaton, il map diags Mod
An engineer goes abroad. E. B. Resselievre. Materials Handling 18:50-3 Je '63
il Civil Eng 33:17-20 Ja '63 Ford adopts modular containers to ship parts
Exporting consulting engineering. K L Kol- overseas, il Mod Materials Handling 18:3
!ar. Civil Eng 33:68-9 Jl '63
Four engineers + one architect = diversified New
Ja '63car-to-truck transfer unit advance''
consulting firm: Praeger-Kavanagh- Water- contalnerlzation. II Food Eng 35:113 Ap '63
bury. Eng N 170:44-7 F 7 '63 Piggybacking and its infiuenco on toll facility
Getting started in consulting. D. Gordon. commercial trafflc. E. W. Davis. Traffic Q
Chem Eng 70:179-84 My 13 '63 17:528-43 ofO '63
Happy to be consultants In '63. Eng N 170: Progress freight container standardiza-
15-16 Ja 10 '63 tion. H. H. Hall. 11 Mag of Stand 34:48-9
Hard look at overseas work. Eng N 170: F '63
15-16 Ja 31 '63 Test shipment succes."! promises new Euro-
How the consulting engineer makes a living pean tainermarkets to Materials
diag Mod U.S.: refrigerated
Handling con-
H r^ ,QV'"''tf"-
60:56-7 My '63 J""- Air Cond Heat & Ven
Transfers ton-ton container In three mln :
Ijatdn American comi>etltlon stows Bn«r N Mobllvan Domelok. 11 Food Eng 35:114 O
170:38 Ja 24 '63 Ap '63
CONTAINERS „^ , . CONTAINERS, Food, Se« Food containers
Cheniical producers eye nber-foil cans, il CONTAINERS, Glass. See Glass containers
New automatic drum painter, ilD Ind
diass Chem & Ene N 40:23-4 3 'el.
pinlsn- Changes in metals come fast. 11 Food Eng
ins; 3a;122'Ap '(iS
1963 materials handling and packaging direc- 34:78-80 N '62Paper. See Paper containers
torv; storage equipment, il dlags Mod Mate-
rials Handling 18:283-308 My '63 CONTAINERS, Plastic
jSee also ABS in shoe polish pack, il Brit Plastics 36:
Beer containers
Bins ABS176 makes
Ap '63 entry into British packaging. 11
Cans Mod Plastics
American 40:122 My association
management '63 seminar.
Capsules New York, May 13-15. Mod Plastics 40:107
Closures (containers) •63
Food containers Bulk containers from Alkathene. il Ind Chem
Hoppers Jl '63
Milk containers 39:355 Jl '63
Container for vacuum-packed sliced luncheon
Package design
Package goods meats,conduction
Heat il Plastics into World
plastic 21:39 Ap '63
food containers.
Packing for shipment S. Chapman and B. J. McKernan. bibliog II
Paper boxes Food Tech
Paper containers In-plant blow 17:1159-62
molder S designed
"63 for pack-
Paper cups, plates, etc. agers; new Jyrak system. 11 Plastics Tech
Trays (containers)
Tubes (containers) New8:60 cryogenic
D '62 container. Franklin Inst J 276:
Cleaning New267 plastic containers. 11 Food Eng 35:79-
S '63
Empties or booby traps? Safety Maint 124; New84-1- thermoforming
S '63 method makes bid for
32-4 D '62 packaging field, il Plastics Tech 9:13 Ag
CONTAINERS (for shipping)
handling,new il Mod approach to low-cost
Materials Handling scrap IS: 43 P t I E 1 M 1 '
Poiccnic bimleo. I ngine il Dru 9&5:69C6os y 7 In6d3
Mr bv
Cars '63 the crate. C. Emerson, il Am MachV ket w-m eri g met
91:713 Dreport;
Progress o
'62 ld plastics gfor packaging.ic F. D.
Export shipping;Manuf how 107:58-9
Ford cuts Ja out7 '63that Maclver. .ir. ilerDrug
. & Cosmetic Ind 91:714-
e.xtra cost. J. A. Baton, il map diags Mod 15-t- D '62
Rigids make big advances. 11 Food Eng 34:
Materials Handling 18:50-3 Je of '63 corrosion-
Fused drum. cuts 11 Food Eng 35:112 Ap 6.) Space-saving
86 N '62 reinforced plastic barrel made
by novel technique. 11 Mod Plastics 40:94
Materials handling; bulk sliipping and con-
tainers. E. D. Ayers and A. W. Rhodes, Sterilization of food In flexible packages. I. J.
bibliog il Chem Eng 70:172-7 S 16 '63 An '63 and others, bibliog 11 diag Food Tech
Multipurpose collapsible aluminium contain- 17:1167-72 S '63
Multi-Van er il Elngineer
container215:680-1 system Ap 12 '63 with
compatible Tomorrow's container production. C. F. Len-
all U'ansportation modes, il Marine Eng/ Totehard. box Plastics
score: World 21:12 lb.Ja by'63 1968. 11
lOO million
Log 68:94-1- Ap
New bulk package'63 for ice . melter.
,. , ^C. „•
J. Vin- Mod Plastic."!
Upcoming packaging 40:98-102-1- N '62 Food Tech
Norris ilcollapsible
ney Soap & Chem Spec 39:119-f-
container. 11 Automobile Je '63 17:614 My
See also '63
Eng 53:156-7
Plastic fused inside Ap '63stupping containers. Steel Bags. Plastic
Bottles, Plastic
152:51 F 25 '63
Rugged yet collapsible box container. 11 Manufacture
Engineering 195:520 made An 12 '63 Compact plastic container making system
Shipping container from corrugated introduced by Questron America, Inc. 11
board: Chem containers
Standardized & Eng N will41:100 meet O major28 '63 air Soap & Chem
Integrated packager Spec forms;
38:173-1- fills,
D '62seals and
cargo need. S A E J 71:90-1 system Ag '63 offers trims thermoplastic containers, il Plastics
Unique insulated-container World 21:41
shipping economy, safety; called Avcold/ Monsanto buys F process
'63: Correction.
to make rigid 21:6 Mrplastic
Uni-Reef. il Food in Engtransport 34:107-8 willD grow.'62 containers from HofCco. S.A.. a Swiss firm.
TJse of containers 11 Chem & Eng N 41:33 Jl 15 '63
Chem & Eng N 41:20-1 Ag 26 '63 New system for in-plant packaging introduced
See also by Questron America, inc. Food 'Tech 17:
CoiU.Tiner.'!. Steel Precision
1111 S '63 iniection moulding factory. II Engi-
CONTAINERS, Aluminum neer 216:525 S Testing
28 '63
Aluminum aerosol. P. W. Sherwood, il Drug
& Cosmetic
Collapsible, re-usable Ind 91:440-1-1-
container, O '02il diags Mod Testing plastic containers for toxicity. P.
Metals 19:64 Ag '63 Van Gieson. '63 il Drug & Cosmetic Ind 91:
Home tap dispenses draft beer from the
home refrigerator. 11 Light Metal Age 21: 571-3+ N '62Pressurized
23 Je aluminum
Light '63 skips outclass steel twins. ABC's of aerosol propellants. L. T. Planner.
11 Mod Metals 19:80 Ag '63 Drug & inCosmetic
Advances '63
aerosol Ind 92:723-f- chemical
automotive Je "63 spe-
Multipurpose collapsible aluminium contain- cialties. J. K. Shea. Soap & Chem Spec 39:
er, il Engineer 215:680-1 Ap 12 '63 97-4- Mrand'63 pressurized space spray insecti-
Rigids make big advances. 11 Food Eng 34:86 -\erosol
N 62 cide for flying Insects: official method of
Rugged yet collapsible box container, il En- CSMA. bibliog Soap & Chem Spec Blue
See also gineering 195:520 Ap 12 '63 Aerosol in medicine.
Rook P232-4-I- '6.'! R. Marsden. 11 diags
Barrels. Aluminum Manuf Chem 34:472-5 O '63
Aero.sol loader in new plant: Chem-Spray,
Manufacture inc. il Soap & Chem Spec 39:116-17-1- My
Finishing system for aluminum containers. Aerosol output topped one billion units in
M. D. Lyons. 11 Ind Finishing 39:36-8 Je '63 '62. Chem & Eng N 41:26-7 My 27 '63
To ship bulk resin economically; Mig-welded Aerosol packs used for talc and for two new
aluminum containers. R. P. Sullivan. 11 pharmaceuticals. 11 Manuf Chem 34:42 Ja
Welding Eng 48:32 Jl '63
CONTAINERS, Dispensing Aerosol product liability. R. V. Alger, bib-
Pressurized containers liog Soap & Chem Spec 39:76-8-1- Ag '63
See Containers. Pressurized Aerosol simce deodorants. K. Kulka. bibliog
CONTAINERS, Floating Soap & Chem Spec 39:89+ Ja '63
Early development of the Dracone flexible Aerosol statistics 1962. Drug & Cosmestlc
barge; thirty- third Thomas Louie Gray Ind 93:22-3 Jl '63
Aerosols abroad show brisk growth rate Soap
lecture. W. R. Hawthorne, bibliog il map
diags Inst Mech Eng Proc 175:52-83 '61 & Chem Spec 39:126+ Jl '63 '
CONTAINERS. Pressurized — Continued Vapor pressures and liquid densities of non-
Aerosols of tomorrow. A. F. Strouse. Soap & flammable propellant blends. T. W^ Phil-
Cheni Spec 3S:S54- Mps and F. C Holler bibliog diags Soap &
Aerosols on the move.N '0211 Drug cS: Cosmetic Chem Spec 3^:99-1014- S '63 Lawson chem-
Ind 91:304-."; S '62 West Coast filler In new plant;
Aerosols still hold hieh-erowth potential. lS?L„S'"P'^y<^'3 "^o- " plan Soap & Chem Spec
'63 & Ene N 41:28 Mr 18 '63 39:209+ My '63
Aluminum aerosol. P. W. Sherwood, il Drug World's most ellicient aerosol loading plant;
a. Cosmetic Ind 91:440-1+ O '62 in'^i^k'^'J
AMA aerosol seminar. New York. Jan. 21-23. 165 Ap corp.
39:69-72. aerosol '63 il Soap & Chem Spec
Soap & Chem Spec 39:95-7-1- F; 104-f- Mr Patents
Bie swi to pro ble T. M Har Aerosol patents. Published in monthly num-
lteyc. h & Cospellan Ind n&ds9.1C:7 D t'-62 bers of Soap and chemical specialties
clin met tSoa
ics. ic p h0 e-m8-1- Spec 39:
7 Testing
CSMA survey of non-food aerosols and pres- A^sol flammability test method. R. A.
surized products filled by 140 firms in U.S. Fulton and A. H. Yeomans. il Soap & Chem
and Canada in 1961 and 1962: table. Soap &
Chem Spec 39:80-1 Je '63 method; tentative Spec
Checking 39:136-7+
aerosol Mr '63
propellant blends. R. J.
Cockroach aerosol test
official method of CSMA; latest revision.
■63 il Soap & Chem Spec Blue Book
p235-6-f '63 of aerosol sprav starch. W. H. CONTAINERS. Steel
ip°e^'38^^lf9^"lf'"?62" '"^^ ^^^ ^ ^'^^'"
Development Cable drums for ocean cable. II Wire & Wire
Reed, il Soap & Chem Spec 39:76-8-1- F Prod 38:235-6 F '63
Design problems in transition to large capac-
Dip tubing for aerosols. P. H. Seckel. diag-s ity basic oxygen furnaces; the vessel. W.
Soap & Chem Spec 39:58-60+ Mr; 112+ Riedel and others, il diags Iron & Steel
Discussion of emulsified products-r .
In aerosols. -r Eng 40:155-60 Ap '63
Ap ^63 See also
Pressure vessels Painting
J. '6W. 3 Hart and H. C. Cook. Am Perfumer
77:49-52 aerosol
English O '62 piston package introduced.
il diags Drug & Cosmetic Ind 93:177+ Ag Cleaning and painting used steel drums. N.
Sharney. il Ind Finishing 39:58-60+ Je
Fab aero cont D. J. Tem Finishes infrared baked on steel drums 11
.F„toricateil Saoap s&ol Chet ainSwepresc 38:1 p Dple-'o62 Ind Finishing 39:74 D '62
tno. rs d fffoam.
acaerosol ecti T.
J. e t.t
i n g
0-r1o+per M.
t Gf Re-use
DeNavarre. bibliog ng diags Am Perfumer y 78:
36-9 An '63 Cleaning and '63 painting used steel drums. N.
First aid in a can. S. Prussin. II diags Sharney. il Ind Fnlishing 39:58-60+ Je '63
Drug & Cosmetic Ind 91:434-6+ O "62 CONTAINERS, Titanium
Inside Job. or a case for the contract filler. For reactor-irradiation containers; titanium
and electrolytic iron. R. Harden and S.
S- «E ,PSI,S''5P'?A„
91:294-6. 392 S '62 ■' Drug & Cosmetic Ind Nilsson. Nucleonics 20:108+ O '62
International aero.sol exhibition. 2d. Brighton CONTAMINATION control, American associa-
il Manuf Chem 34:476-8 O '63 of •^ tion for. Seetamination
American association for con-
International congress of Federation Euro- ■ control
pean aerosol associations. 4th. Brighton CONTESTS. See Prize contests
England. Oct. 7-11; with program. Soap & CONTINENTAL drift. See Continents
Chem Spec 39:155+ S '63 CONTINENTAL shelf
Medical aerosols. S. Craige. 11 Drug & Cos-
metic Ind 93:44-5+ Jl '63 Bottom sediments of the Atlantic shelf and
Modern furniture care. E P Guttenberg slope off the southern United States. D S.
il Soap & Chem Spec 39:73-5+ F '63 Gorsline. bibliog maps J Geol 71:422-40 Jl
New shakeless continuous pressure loader In-
troduced by General Kinetics. II Soap & Geological observations from the bathyscaph
Chem Spec 39:144 Ja '63 Trieste near the edge of the continental
New York fire dept aero.sol hearing. Soap & shelf oft San Diego. Calif. D. G. Moore,
Chem Spec 39:140+ Je; 77-9+ Jl '63 bibliog map Geol Soc Bui 74:1057-62. pi 1-3
New York Fire department eases aerosol
rules. Soap & Chem Spec 39:195 S '63 Heav\'
Ag '63minerals of the U.S. South Atlantic
Nitrous oxide In propellant blends R C continental shelf and slope. O. H. Pilkev.
Webster and others hlbllog Soap & Cheni bibliog diags Geol Soc Bui 74:641-8 Mv '63
Spec facial 39:127+soordinine Air: 119+cosmetic S '63 composition Sediments of the Gulf
lacent continental of K.
shelf. Thailand
O. Emeryand' and
Am Perfumer 78:52-4 Ap '63 H. Nino, bibliog maps Geol Soc Bui 74:541-
Piston pushes food from can: free-nlston •63
pressure dispenser for icing, cheese spreads 54 Mv '63
Wave-base, marine profile of equilibrium,
II Food Fncr 34-98 O '6? and wave-built terraces; a critical ap-
Pressure packacing. Published In monthly praisal. R. S. Dietz. diags Geol Soc Bui
numbers of Soap and chemical specialties 74:971-90. pi 1-2 bibIlog(p9S9-90) Ag '63
Pressure packaging; Barr under-cup filler 11 CONTINENTS
Soap & Chem Spec 39:137 Je '63 Collapsing continental rises; and actuallstlc
Pressure-packaging plant. 11 Engineer 216: concent of gecsvncllnes and mountain build-
o^■)- ( (J 1 1 f>3 ing R. S. Dietz. bibliog diags J Geol 71:
P"jcress In aerosols. II Food Eng 34:86-7 314-33 Mv drift.
Continental '63 J. T. Wilson. II maps
Silicones In aero.sol hair spravs. J L Bishop diags Sci Am 208:86-100 Ao '63
Diastrophic background
eeomorphologlcal thought. to twentieth-century
R. J. Chorlev.
jr. II Soap & Chem Spec 39:85-7+ Je"'63 Geol Soc Bui 74:953-70 blbllog(p965-70l Ag
Stnnley's 30 years of progress, il Soap &
Chem Spec 39:73-6+ Mr '63 Validity of polar and continental movement
Steroid aerosols Rlckermann and Itkln. Drug hypotheses based on paleomagnetlc studies.
& Cosmetic Ind 93:372+ S '63 J. W. Northrop. 3d and A. A. Meyerhoff.
Surfactants for aerosol foams. P. A Sanders bibliog maps Am Assn Pet Geologists Bui
II Soap & Chem Spec 39:63-7+ S '63 47:.575-85 Ap '63
Tentative program. CSMA aerosol clinics. CONTOURING. See Machine work— Copying
M-n'i-S f"'6 3 **■ ^°^° * ^''^'" ^'"^'' CONTRACEPTION. See Birth control
Tough aerosol regulations stand. New York CONTRACTORS
oi^ fire commissioner rules; discussion. AGC's Keller, man behind the snowball.
Soap & Chem Spec 39:93+ Mr '63
Trouble ahead for aero.sol weights and meas- Eng N buildings
Building 170:50-1 Mris 14 '63 but building cities
Is even better; Del E. Webb. Eng N 169:
sTeT'' 9+ jf •eF'^'^'"^''"' ^"^^ * ^^^^ ^"^'^ Can56-7mechanical
n 6 '62 contractors successfully pro-
Undereap^fllllng. 11 diags Comp Air Mai? 68; mote blg-.iob business? II Dom Eng 201;
90-3 My '63bid for progress. II Arch Forum
''?:'o7^\"t'ic"?^r9sr47i^?!^"^6 -u^"' ^""^ * 118:125-7 Ja proOta
Contractors' '63 improve. En« N 170 39-
41 My 23 '63
CONTRACTORS — Continued U.S. wants competitive bidding; Pentagon
Contractors run to stay even. Eng N 171:19-20 buying policy shift saves $195 million. R.
81 5firms
12 '63make top contractor list Eng N 171; W. Crosbv.
Wanted; future Irontoday, Ase 192:36-7
impossibleJl 25tomorrow; '63
17-18 hard
Ak 29hats -63 in high placea. Eng N 169: new markets of the sixties; defense, il Steel
Fewer 152:74-80
.See also My 27 '63
27 N 15 '62 Purchasing. Government
Hawaii's Dillinsham Corp. has men. will
travel, il Eng N 171:68-9 Jl 4 '63 Subcontracting
profits; tecnniques
Fox & Jacobs increaseconstruction
honiebuilder's co. AGC mulls bias, subcontracting; mid-year
board meeting. White Sulphur Springs.
100I. bisKest
P. Jacobs, buidina il Eng N 170:36-9In the
contractors Ap United
25 '63
W.Va. ofEng
States. Arcli Listing subsN proves 171:43-4 costly.S 19 '63 Eng N 171:17-
Opinions differ Forum
on team118:122-4concept;Je '63architects
and contractors. Eng N 170:19-20 Ap 25 '63 Mandatory
18 S 5 '63ducerslisting of subs forecasted; Pro-
Ralph "W. Olmstead was neither engineer nor council, inc 42d annual meeting.
builder but; H. K. Ferguson profits under
his direction. Eng N 171:30-2 Ag 1 '63 Subcontractor listing Eng
Washington, D.C. drawsN 171:22 fire. Eng S 26 N '63171:
the ofnewmechanical
head of contracting;
MCA. A. aNagel.
size-upDom by 19-20 Jl IS '63
CONTRACTS, Letting of
Ene 203:82-44- Jl '63 Abolish the suicide of low-bidding with me-
$2.3-million atomic-energy fee can look small; dian-bid contract awarding. A. Tanenbaum,
Brown & Root, il Eng N 169:70-1-1- N 15 '62 Elec Constr
"Who pays for
seminar at thethe unexpected in construction?
United engineering center Bethlehem bids & Maint low on 62:150-2a high O span; '63 Middle
Fork bridge, il
Bidding a job from specs. C. Wilson. Eng N 169:50-1 D 20 Dom '62
in See
NewalsoYork, Civil Eng 33:37-9 S '63
Associated builders and contractors, inc. Eng
Bids and 202:80-54-' 6 3 Ag
specifications; '63 a contrary view:
Associated general contractors of America maintenance of school property. Safety
Electric contractors
Engineering contracts Maint
Bids for125:56 F
transmission '63 line towers: unit
Ets-Hokin. Jeremy prices.
Bids thrown Eng out N 170:66if erasuresJa 17 found. '63 Roads &
Kaiser. Edgar P.
Petroleum — Well drilling contractors Sts 106:85 FSan'63 Luis
California's dam project; unit
Road contractors
prices. Eng
Concrete price N swings 170:50-1 Washington
F 7 '63 award;
Accounting Potomac River freeway; unit prices. Eng
What it takes to be a good estimator. J. P.
apRoberts. Roads & Sts 106:64-1- Jl '63 N 169:984-
Does it pay to D bid 20 '62for every job? R. R. Kay.
Public relations Iron Age 101:114 Je 13 '63
Don't sell yourself out before the job Is
Paving firm promotes public relations. Roads even let. J. Elliott. Dom Eng 202:78-9 Ag
6 Sts 105:82 D '62 Hot comp spur bid refo Eng N
Records 170:29-31 etitF 14 '63 s rm.
Innovators; ioIndustry innovator proposes a
Cost record system keeps earthmover in the solution to n bid shopping and low profits.
black, il Roads & Sts 106:75-7-1- Je '63 Dom Eng 201:74-81 My; 123-7 Je; 202:72-
CONTRACTS 74- Ag; 734- for S '63bigger profits. W. R. Park.
Contracting main construction; how much Is Less bidding
economical? S. W. Anderson. Gas 39:66-9 Eng N 170:41 F 14Texas '63 pipeline; unit prices.
F '63suit to test transit plan: San Francisco Lively bidding on
Court Eng bids N lose;170:143-4
Bay area. Eng N 170:19 Ja 31 '63 Low federalMr office 21 '63 buildings. Eng N
New product development via contract serv- 1962170:42 roadF 21 job '63 bids; a little better but still
ices; symposium, il Chem Eng Prog 59:9-14
under estimates. Roads & Sts 105:48-94-
SanAp; Francisco
13-24 S '63 transit temporarily derailed.
EngSee Nalso169:52-3 D 20 '62 Peace
Jl '63 River bidders use sharper pencils than
engineers expected: Portage Mountain dam,
Building contracts British Columbia, il map diag Eng N 170:
Engineering contracts 26-8 Ap 11 '63 due. Eng N 170:16 Ja 3 '63
Heating contracts San
Labor contracts State Luishighway award construction awards Jump
Petroleum — Well drilling — Contracts 12 per cent in '62. Roads & Sts 106:84-5
Road '63s— Con t racts F '63 dam low bid: $50.9 million. 11 Eng N
GSA tests listing of subs. Eng N 170:23 Je 13 What171:20does S 5 it'63cost to make a quotation? G. E.
Seavoy. il Chem Eng Prog 59:18-19 My '63
Hot competition spurs bid reform. Eng N CONTRACTS. Maintenance. See Maintenance
Subs F 14 '63under new preaualiflcation
'62 too come CONTROL, Electric. See Electric control
Your Roadsto &bigger
Sts 106:41
profits:S '63the 1963 book CONTROL boards
of remodeling, il Dom Eng 200:73-85-1- D Costs correlated for process control panels.
B. G. Liptak. '63 diags Chem Eng 69:122-3
CONTRACTS, Government CONTROL charts
Air force to become tougher customer. G. F. O 1 '62of optimum dynamic control systems
'63 Design
Doing Steel 153:113-14
business with the Ag 12government.
'63 for nonlinear processes. C. A. Jones and
others, diags Ind & Eng Chem Fundamentals
Space/Aeronautics 39:11-1- Ap:
Discussion. W. A. Davis, jr. 40:156-(- 11-)- My '63;
Ag How2:81-9 My '63charts for process control. A. L.
to make
Foreign-aid cut would shave contractor ac- Salusinsky. Pet Management 35:160-2 Jl "63
tivity. Engcontract
N 171:18 awards.S 5 '63 Electronic Ind Improvements in quality-control charts. J T.
Government Carr. simple diag Chem
Quick, way Eng 69:185-8 your
to control S 17 cloth '62
22:HS-9 Je contract;
Government '63 low-bid blues. Product weight. N. L. Enrick. Textile World 113:
Eng 34:63 Jl 8 '63 60-2 Ag '63
Trouble-shooting the uncontrolled variables.
Now's the time
contracts. J. Mason, get those far-out space
il Electronics 36: A. H. Bobis. Chem Eng 70:185-90 Mr 18
18-19 F 22tightens
Pentagon '63 contracting rules. R. W. CON equ
Crosby. Iron Age 191:102 Je 13 '63 AbsTtR Puibplme in mon numb of
Pentagon uses profit for performance plan. raOctL
Control isnhte
engineering thl
y ers
Iron Age 192:101 Ag 15 '63 Adaptive control dsystems. V. W Eveleigh
Research and development contract oppor- bibliog
tunities. Electronics 36:R23-6 Jl 25 '63 (reprintsdiags $1) Electro-Tech 71:79-98 Ap '63
Stand by for those na\T research, develop- Adjoint method In the sensitivity analysis
ment, test, and evaluation contracts: $1H of optimal systems. M. Gavrilovlc and oth-
bUlion. J. F. Mason. 11 Electronics 36:10-11 ers, bibliog diags Franklin Inst J 276:26-38
S 13 -63
Jl '63
CONTROL equipment — Cuntinued Increase of accuracy of stabilization systems.
AdvaiiCL'U maciiiiiery coniiol in oil tanker; K. B. Alekseev and V. V. Voskresenskn.
iJnUsli aiuriner. il Encineer 215:833 My 3
bibliog il diags
Instrument dynamics AKS for J 32:1770-5
on-line Nmeasure- '62
Annual trols equipment si>ecincal;ion ai>;est:
Heatcon-& 10:65-70 ments.
and instruments, il Air Cond S H.'63K, Chope. bibliog diags 1 b A J
. ^ ,,
Ven BU:i:il-24- Ja '63 Joint automatic control conference, 4th. Min-
Application of the second method of Lyapu- neapolis. June 19-21; program. Chem Eng
nov•63 to the stability ot certain position con- Prog 59:112 My '63; Mech Eng 8o:110-l2
trol systems containing a back-e.m.t. non-
lineanty. F. Fallside and J. O. C. Ezeilo. Joint automatic Eng
My '63: Elec S2:sup22A-3A4-
control conference. New My lork.
biblioK dlags Inst E E Proc 110:1855-66 O June 27-29: texts of papers. A S M E
Automated sequence control. M. Mandl. il Trans control
Dinear ser D using 85:137-242
on-off Jecontrollers.
'63 A. A.
Oeniral Kadio-
niuclunery Electronics control 33:44-6
lor liPD tanker;
'62 Sorensen. diags Electro-Tech 71:99-101 Ap
British JUariner. il Engineering ia5:4i)a Ap Liquid blending control. 11 Electronic Eng
12 '63
Centralized network control system developed, 34:743 N 500
Mini-Line '62 pneumatic computer-controller,
il Elec World IM-.bS O 15 62 il diags
More tanker Product automation Eng 34:78-9
on the S way. 16 '63^,diags
Choices tor progressive instrumentation.
F. E. Head. biblioK diags I a A J 9:74-/ Oil & Gas J 61:6()-1 Ja 14 '63
N '62 Multi-function unit static switching system
Choppers. Electro-Tech 70:181-24- N '62 for industry. C. G. Cargill. il diags Radio
Chronotrol program controller, il Mach 69:199 & Electronic Eng 26:231-40; Discussion. 240-
Ap '63
Consumer electronics: homo and auto con- New components. Published in monthly
trols. S. H. Gray, il diags Electronics 36: 1 S '63 of Automation
52-6 My 16 '63 New products.
bers of Control Published engineering in montlily num-
Contributions to the theory of tnne-optnnal
control. E. Kreindler. bibliog diags Franklin 1963 malerialH handling and packaging direc-
Inst J gear 276:314-44 Ap '63 Square D ltd. 11 tory; system.'* components. 11 Mod Materials
Control production; Handling lS:3.i3-««
Engineer Non-linear feedback Mycontrol '6:! systems, E
Control seen214:633 bigger O 12 '62
portion of business In- Levinson. bibliog diags Electro-Tech 70
vestment. programs
Control Eng 9:37-8+ D '62ships 76-81 Jl; lJ,S-27 Ag; 136-46 S; 131-40 O
Control system power for 71-82 N; 89-99 D '62 (reprints $3)
with controllable pitch propellers. W. H. Oil tanker automatic cargo handling sys-
'63 diag S and
settings A E tuning.
J 7U:64-6H. DS. '62Wilson tem, diag Engineer 216:278 Ag 16 '63
Optimal control for linear time- invariant
and E. M. Zoss.
Controls, the vital link to productivity. I S A J 9:78-9 N W. '62 N. plants with time. fuel,
straints. M. Athanassiades. and bibliog
energy diags con-
Kedstreake. il Iron Age 191:83-90 Je 20 Applications & Ind p321-5 Ja '63
Peak-seeking optimizers, C. L. Mamzic. bib-
Corning Glass enters control instrument field. liog diags Instruments & Control Systems
Chem acquisition
Data & Eng N systems ^1:47 S for IG control
'63 applica- 35:84-90 modes
Periodic O '62 of saturating discrete con-
tions. K. L. Smith, diags Brit Inst Radio trol systems. H. C. Torng. bibliog diags
Designing J 24:497-506
digital computer D '62 control systems. Franklin dynamic
Practical Inst J analy.sis. 274:358-68 W, N '62 Ednmnds.
C. M. Cundall and V. Latham. How diag diags Instruments & Control Systems 36:
diags Control Eng 9:82-6 O '62; 10:109-13 139-41 control;
Jl '63
Ja '63 signals
Digital drive actuator directly. 11 Process tem is an aidintegrated to effective instrument
automation, sys-
diag Control
Digital wire guidance Eng 10:159 systemMv for '63 imderwater il Plastics
Process control;World where 20:58
buttons O mean '62 billions.
vehicles. M. F. Borkowski and others, diags
Electronic oscillations Ind 22:168-73and S their '63 Steel 152:52-7
Products. Published Ap 8 '63 in monthly numbers of
Divergent excitation ISA .iournal
in control systeins with two saturation- Pulse-stepped program controller. J. P.
tvDu non-linear elements. E. A. Freeman OMeara, il Instruments & Control Sys-
and G. C Barney, bibliog diags Inst E E tems 36:118-19 Mr '63
Dryrroo reed110:1096-106switches Je and '63switch modules. L. Quenchingsponse toof testadaptive signal. R. control system and
Oldenburger re-
D. Dumbauld. il diags Control Eng 10:75- L. J. Schrock. bibliog diags IEEE Trans
106 Jl '63 (reprints 75c) Applications
Remote control& system. Ind p2-8 11MrEngineer '63 216:480
Dual-modo control systems. R. J. Lahr and
others, bibliog il diags Electro-Tech 71:98-
101 Mvof '6:1 Remote
Sment. control to and from mobile eouln-
20 '63W.
Effect a back-e.m.f. non-linearity on re- A. Robison. Automation 10:137-8
sponses of a second-order position control Review of recorders; chart Instruments &
system. P. Fallside and M. R. Patel. bib-
liog diags Inst E E Proc 110:1867-81 O '63 Je
Second '63 order
Control Pvstem.isystem36:75-1-characteristics
Jl '63 from
Effect of distortion on the performance of initial step response. G. M. Hoerner. jr.
non-linear control systems. J. L. Douce
and P. D. Roberts, diag Inst E E Proc diag Control Eng 9:93-5
•62 Ag '63 Selecting controller modes. D H.'62 S. Wilson and
Electronic controller for high-speed road traf- L, M. Zoss. 1 S A J 9:61-2 forO ^62automatic
fic. B. D. Simmons and R. J. Todd, bibliog Selecting strain transducers
il plan diags Electronic Eng 34:516-20 Ag applications, T. Dickson, il Automation 9:85-
Equipment protection In hazardous atmos- Shorthand reduces time and cost of control
9 N •62 description.
pheres, il Engineer 215:1082 Je 14 '63 circuit •63 J. H. Champagne, diag
Fiber optics applied to control and sensing
devices. E. D. Grim, diags Electro-Tech Simple Ionization gaugeN control
Control Eng 9:106-7 '62 circuit. H.
70:79-83 O '62 ■\Vinkler. diag R Scl Instr 34:295-6 Mr '63
Finding system settling time; data file. A. Simple multiloop control systems. D. M.
Gelb and H. J. Sandberg. diags Control Wills, dlags I S A J 10:67-70 Mr '63
Eng 9:103-4 N '62 Solid state power .supplies R. G. Hoft. dlags
Frecjuency count-down system for precise Control Eng 10:95-100 S '63discrete systems.
.speed and phase control, diag Electro Tech Stability chart for linear
70:154-1- S '62 B. I, Jury. Inst Radio Eng Proc 50:2524
Frequency response of the proces.s C. Laspe.
dlags Instruments & Control Systems 36: Step
D '62procedure in analyzing control systems.
138-43 S '63 J. E. bibliog dings Instruments &
General formulation of the stabllltv con- i^^ntrol Systems 36:132-7 My; 147-50 Ag
.stralnt.M for saniplfd-data control systems:
discussion. J. Tschauner. IEEE Proc 61:619- Thin film magnetoreslstlve elements for co-
22 Au '63 trol circuit applications. II diags Electronic
Headbox control Instrumentation. J H Pear-
son, dlags I S A J 10:71-4 S '63 Ind 21optimum
Time :10S S '62switching of on-olT control
How power JIne faults affect controls E J, systems using a linear network In the
Kompa^s forward path. J, Mills, dlags Inst H B Proc
85-94 b 63 blblloir 11 dlajrs Control Enir 10:
110:1288-93 Jl '63
CONTROL equipment — Continued Application of discrete optimal control theory.
Two-phase oscillator covers 0.1 to_1.000-cps E. Polak. bibliog diags Franklin Inst J
276:118-27 Ag '63
Two wavs toil diass
V P Yu. estimate Electronics
installed 36:27-d
costs. O L.4 '63
!-•• Application ciple using of reverse
the Pontryagin maximum D.prin-
time trajectories. M.
Useful diags
technique I S A J 10:67-8
for treatment Ap of '63certain Eggleston. bibliog diags A S M E Trans
statistical sampled-data control systems, b. ser U 85:478-80 S '63 , „ .,
l^. Gupta. Inst Radio Ens Proc 50:1840- Automatic optimizing of a poorly denned
process. H. Chestnut and others, bibliog
1 Ak interest
User '62 in direct digital control picks flow diags diags IEEE Trans Applications
UD. I S sauce
Vacuum A J 10:22-3 controlJe '63system. Franklin & Ind P32-41
Beliaviour of'63 someMr '63control systems involving
output limitation. J. L.. Douce and R. E.
Inst J 276:90 Jl
Widney Dorlec constructional '63 system, ^ ., aiags
il .. King, bibliog diags Inst E E Proc 109 pt A:
569-75 D '62 , , ^
Bnsi'neerinK 194:614-16 N 9 '62 Controlled retardation of Ward Leonard
See also drives. K. A. Yeomaas. bibliog diags Inst
Calculatins machines
Electric control B B Proc 109 pt A:559-68 D '62
Electrohydraulic control Development and performance of a self-
Electronic control optimizing system. J. L. Douce and A. D.
Bond, bibliog diags Inst B E Proc 110:
Electropneumatic control
Feedback control systems 619-30 Mr of'63generalized Routh-Hurwitz con-
Governors (machinery) ditions for nonlinear systems. D. G. Schultz.
Hvdraulic control bibliog diags Applications & Ind p377-82
Liquid level control
Machinery. Automatic Error coefficients ease servo response anal-
Magnetic control Ja '63ysis. S. Shucker. Control Eng 10:119-23 My
Numerical control
Pneumatic control Final value and minimum effort systems.
Servoinechanisms H. C. Hsieh. bibliog diag Franklin Inst J
Temperature — Regulation How 276:154-67
an analog Ag '63computer helped design a
Vacuum tubes — Control uses , „ control system. C. B. Huck. il diags I S A J
filso subdivision Control and Control
equipment under special subjects, e.g. How10:57-62
much Ap '63 redundancy improve reliabili-
Air compressors ty? M. W.doesBurt and D. C James, bibliog
Air conditionins equipment diags Control Eng 10:71-6 Je '63
Airplane engines Integral representation of zero-memory
Airplanes linear functions. J. C. Hsu. bibliog non- Bell
Atomic power plants System Tech J 41:1813-30 N '62
Bakers and bakeries Integral square
'63 self-optimalyzing adaptive
Blast furnaces control. J. Zaborszky and R. L. Berger. bib-
Boiler plants liog Applications & Ind p256-62
Boilers Investigation of nonlinear systemsN contain-
Cement plants ing stages with variable time constant.
Chemical plants Y. I. KWypalo.
Cranes, derricks, etc. Justification and diag-s AIAA ofJ a1:2445-8
limitation O '63
Crushing machinery H. J.eterPerils, two-adjustment
diags IEEE system. Trans
Diesel engines
r>iesel engines. Marine Applications & Ind p220-9 Jl '63
Electric plants (central stations) Method of approximating phase and attenua-
Elevators tion. J. P. Bobis. diags Electro-Tech 71:
Feeder.^ 117-19 referenced
F '63
Food machinery Model parameter tracking tech-
F^irnaces. Forging nique for adaptive control systems. D. D.
rjas burners Donalson and C. T. Leondes. bibliog diags
Gas companies IEEE Trans Applications & Ind p241-62 S
Gas turbines
Ga.i works Multiparameteriliary models. K.self-adaptation
W. Han and G.using aux-
J. Thaler,
Gasoline plants
Guided missiles diags IEEE Trans Applications & Ind p 197-
Heat exchangers Multivariafale adaptive control system. N. N.
Helicopters 202 Jl and '63 C.
Honing machines Puri N. Weygandt. diags IEEE
Hydroelectric plants Trans Applications & Indthird-order
P89-94 Mysystems'63
Lathea Optimum response of full
Machine tools with contactor control. I. Fltlgge-Lotz and
Machinery H. A. Titus, bibliog diags A S M E Trans
Metal working plants ser D 84:554-7: Discussion. 557-8 D '62
Metallurgical plants Phase shifts
son, diags inInstruments
the control &loop. N. A. Systems
Control Ander-
Afilling machines
Nuclear reactors 35:114-17 D '62 (to be cont)
Packaging Tiachinery Practical problem in process analysis. H. S.
Paper and pulp mills Wilson and L. M. Zoss. diags I S A J
Paper making machinery
Petroleum refineries Rapid
9:59-62 methods D '62 for the solution of automatic
Plating shops control equations. J. W. Moore and
Pres.'^e.g R. Oldenburger. diags IEEE Trans Applica-
Printing presses tions & Ind P286-94; Discussion. 294-5 S '63
Pumping machinery Reliability computation of complex automated
Pumping machinery. Electric systems. A. M. Polovko. AIAA J 1:1014-17
Radio telescope
Reactors. Chemical Simulation of rational transfer functions with
Rock products plants Ap '63
Rolling mills adjustable coefficients. R. J. A. Paul, bib-
Sand and gravel plants liog diags Inst E E Proc 110:671-9 Ap '63
Soan factories Synthesis of a minimum-energy controller
Space vehicles subject to an average power constraint.
Steam plants A. E. Pearson. IEEE Trans Applications
Steam turbines
Steel works & Ind p70-5
Synthesis My '63
of optimum multivariable control
Traffic signals systems by the method of steepest descent.
Valves H. C. Hsieh. IEEE Trans Applications &
Valves. Hydraulic
Wire mills Bibliography Ind p gain
System 125-30 fromMy '63
signal flow graphs. S. M.
Newof books.
Published Becker, diags Control Ene 10:83-4 Je '63
engineeringin monthly
Control number.=; Tabular algorithm for z-transform inversion.
Design D. A. Pierre. Control Eng 10:110-11 S '63
Techniques for the optimization of controlled
Accuracy and control system gain: data file. processes. A. D. Booth, bibliog diags Radio
W. C. Carter, diags Control Eng 10:102-4 & Electronic Eng 25:.517-24 Je '63
Testing for plant transfer functions in pres-
Mr '63computer solution of the problem or
Analog ence of noise and nonlinearitv. T. Hennig
accumulation of perturbations. G. V. Savi- bibliog diags Control Eng 10:67-70 Je; 119-
nov. AIAA J 1:1008-14 Ap '63 24 S '63 (to be cont)
equipment— Desicn—Confuiuc d British standard for detailed conversion
CONTROL mu't'jaf':
Transient and stability studiesthe of method of tables. Review, by C. W. PauJ-Jones. Mag
able control systems by of Stand 34:281 S '63
.If k'^hni and
i-BaiTrans Comparisons of materials: conversion factors:
Unear Transf oniiati
Kashyap . ons. C. diae
bibhog lEtE tables. Materials in Design Eng 58:46-7
R. 1..
Mid-O '63
CONVERTERS, Electric. See Electric convert-
V^i- in ttheS^sPo:S
a't1o^s>nd system
design of ''"<=," ^S'^ind ers '62
CONVEYING machinery
Automate conveyors for profit. 11 Iron Age
'Lp'^lier roles in creati,^ complex 191:86 Ja 24assembly
Automating '63 at Westclox. J. A.
instrumentation systems H. H. Gorrie.
Us'lr'tl.d^ Eaton, il diags Mod Materials Handling
Automation 10:44-8 Mr 63
Directories 18:42-6 Agbuilt-up
Conveyor '63 from standard parts; Mira-
Tn<!truments and control systems 1963 buyers con. diag weighers
Conveyor Engineeringcontrol 194:463ironO pelletizing
12 '62
luidS^ Instruments & Control Systems 35; process; Bethlehem steel co. 11 Steel 161:
3-243 pt 2 O '62
Failure Conveyors
4G O 29 adapted
'62 to varied production. P. C.
damage from nuclear Hardin. Ind
Reducing the heat
bib- Conveyors are Finishing 39:98-9 Jlmolding
key to automatic '63 sys-
ritoti on. C. D-,Taulbee and others 75-8 N bJ tem: Golden foundry co. il Foundry 90:150 O
ioe diag Space/Aeronauticss 38.selectio n. 11
Rel^bili ty Techthrough material
O Gi Conveyors speed up painting of Rolls-Royce
Electro 7U:lo2
IVIaintenance and repair car bodies,and il shipping
Finishing Engineeringof bars 195:48 and
Ja 11small
structurals. E. H. Swett. 11 diaes Iron &
n/c eqiiipment going. U F.
How Mill your
Hpsseto keep & Factory 7J:7b-9 N bS Steel Eng 40:87-94 F drive
Frequency-controlled '63 system synchro-
nizes line speeds at Wilson & co. diag
Food Eng 34:101 N '62
Handling_carbon black. R. R. Towers, il diag
il Iron & Steel Eng 40:106-9 S 63 Chem Eng
Handll.Tg system Prog reduces
59:84-6 Jldamages'63 to cans.
Manufacture il Automation 10:25 by My shuttle
where the customers Heavy rolls handled system, diag
Ramsey Engineering; Automation
^avf to^nfee t speciflc
Eng a ions.
10.27-8 M. 0.5P. South-
Jl How integrated10:58 systemsJl '63 mechanize job-shop
worth. Control flow. J. A. Eaton, il diag Mod Materials
patent awarded. T InHandling
i)rocess 18:50-5 conveyor; O '63short cut from high
Basic digitaJ actuator & Control output to precise control. G. Berkwitt. il
Gizeski il diags Instruments Mill & Factory 73:70-2problems
N '63 of material-
Jl '63
Systems 36;135-6Standards Kentucky firm solves
handling system, il Pit & Quarry 55:32
Signaling speeds for data, transmission: de-
E. Knitwear
Mr '63 firm is moving big volume easily;
veloprffent of an American standard RusslU mfg. CO. il Textile World 113:41-3
Lohse. flow chart il Mag of Stand 33.328-33
Loop conveyors speed motor repairs, il plan
w^at^s new in control standards. H. L. Ja
Elec '63 Constr & Maintconveyors.61:102-4 E. N D.
'62 Ayers
Mllon. Control Eng 10:99-101 My -63
Materials handling:
and A. W. Rhodes, bibllog il diags Chem
American standard defines Eng 70:166-72
Materials handling S 16sales '63 rise: wide range of
automatic controls D H. te"rVh°'?l^diigs
Smith. 11 diags new equipment attracts buyers. K. W
Mag of Stand 34:274-7 S 63
Testing NewBennett,assembly il Iron conveyors
Age 191:105-6 for Jeinstrument
13 '63
panels at AC spark plug div. il Automotive
Angle errors in resolvers "sed as synchros^ Ind materials
127:78-9 Nhandling 15 '62 and packaging direc-
J Carlsiein. diags Control Eng l0.;9-su u 1963
E M tory; conveying equipment, il diags Mod
Detlrmining plant controllability P- M. 10.87-9 Materials conveyor Handling for18:201-34
van der Grinten. diags Control Eng Oscillating selectiveMy separation,
and Performance of a self- il diag Productsystem
Pallet-loading Eng cuts 34:42 shipping
My 27 costs'63 at
Delefopment system . J. L. Douce and AD. Corn products CO. il Mod Materials Han-
bibliog diags Inst E E Proc 110.
Polyethylene dling 18:65 O replaces
'63 stainless steel In
to^tal in large
errors diags Control Eng sys-
control 10: bucket elevator, il Eng & Min J 164:114
tems. T b! Jawor.
Mr '63 strapping system on convevor line,
Method" of optimizing adjustab le parameters il dlag Modfinds Materials
In a control system. J. D. Robert.^ b.bliog Simulation the one Handling 1S:73 S lav-
best conveyor '63
diags Inst E E Proc 109 Pt B. 519-28 N out. O. R. Hurley, flow dlag diags Mod
equipmilent service de- Materialsyarn Handling
on the 18:47-9 ceiling,O il'63plan Textile
Operation ofpartment.aH. H.testFaasch Instruments & Trucking
ftontrol Systems 36:109-11 .Ag B 63 Edmunds
, World 112:59-61 D '62of paint. 11 diags Auto-
Practical dynamic analysis & Control Systems 36; Warehousing cartons
diaes Instruments mation 10:54-7 Ja '63
^ Manufactu ringnewconcentra tes proc- See also
Rockwell ess control work at r&d facility. Am Coal handling
Cranes, derricks, etc.
Dvestuff Rep 52:544 Jl S '63holler control Feeders
Simulator tests solid-sta te Hoisting machinery
M, B. Beard. 11 dlag Elec World 160:64-5 Hydraulic conveying
Step procedure in analyzing control systems. Loading and unloading
Mechanical handling
J E Valstar. diags Instruments & Con- Mine haulage
What trol to Systems
expect36:132-7 My '63 control lomis.
of contact Mine hoisting
Monorail conveyors
n M. Wills, diags Control Eng 10:81-3 Ore handlingconveying
F '63 Pneumatic
CONTROL rods. See Nuclear reactors — Control Sheet metal handling
CONTROL towers. See Airports — TrafHc con- Belt conveyors
trol towers
At tronlc
any moment;
continuousaccurate weights with
belt weighing eJec-
trollers Electric. See Electric con-
E. W. Stearn. 11 diags Rock Prod 66:112-)-
CONTROLLERS Institute of America. See
Flnaiirial cxocullves institute Automatic blast furnace charging by con-
CONVECTION. Heat. See Heat convection Mv '63 veyor belts. A. Moutot. U dia«rs J Met&la
CONVERSION charts. See Charta (calculatlnjt)
14:764-8 O '62
CONVEYING machinery — Belt conveyors Warehouse handles order a minute. 11 dlas
— Continued Steel 152:72-3
Automat-c system speeds sand to trucks; Western ElectricMr engineers 25 '63 describe our ideal
Palo-! Verdes sand & travel co. K. S. automatic dispatching system. J. W. Mul-
ler and R. A. Cornish, il diags Mod Ma-
conveyor il roundup. Rock ProdJ. 66:110+ Ja '63 11
H. Berestroru. terials Handling 18:60-3 Je '63
diags Rock
Builcin conveyors. Prod G.66:53-64^ F ■(■^ il diaes
G. Zt. Inian. Lubrication
Machine De^sien 35:144-54 Ja 17: 115-18 Ja Automatic lubrication for conveyor chains.
31 '63 act as gates to control material flow.
Chutes diag Engineer 216:105 Jl 19 '63
diae RockbeltProdcountinK 65:48 N '62 Maintenance and repair
Conveyor and sizins. R. E>. Belt conveyor roundup; maintenance tips
Carter-Pedler. 11 diags Ind Electronics 1: for increased belt life. J. H. Berestrom.
412-15 My belt'63 wins AISI design award.
Conveyor 11 il Rockpipe Prodprotects 66:88+ conveyor
F '63
Plastic idlers. In-
Steel 152:114
Conveyor hauls Mrrock, 18 '63generates power, diag creases life of belts, diags Coal Age 68:132
Eng N 171:46 Ag 29 '63 F '63 Numerical control
'62 transports
posing room, il Inland linecast
Ptr/Amslue's to com-
Lithogr 151: Programmed conveyor system handles heavy
paper rolls at the Milwaukee journal and
101 S '63
Distington-Goodman ropebelt conveyor struc- sentinel, il diag Automation 10:55-8 O '63
ture, il diags Engineering 194:486-8 O 12 Safety measures
Imp bulk hand with uniq c Conveyor system features safety. 11 Safety
il diags
es weighs Food Eng ling.S4:71 O '62 ue onveyor
Isotope conveyor loads, il dlag Iron . Maint
CONVEYING 126:15-16 machinery'63 (long distance)
Age 192:144-5
Lesnev Matchbox S diecast 26 '63 toys, il Engineering Conveyor hauls rock, generates power, diag
194:718-20 Eng N 171:46 Ag 29 '63Portable
Ix>w porosity N allov 30 '62improves sand cast rollers. CONVEYING machinery,
il Mod Metals 18:77 D '62 mechanical Mobile belt conveyors; nieclianical and struc-
Mobile belt conveyors: and tural design. C. H. Neesom. il diags Mech
structural design. C. H. Neesom. U diags
Eng 85:48-53
Portable belt conveyor,F '63 il Engineer 216:565
Eng 85:48-53 line F integrates
'63 molding and
coremaking. R. H. Herrmann, il plan CONVEYOR belting. See Beltlne. Conveyor
O 4 '63
Foundry 90:48-51
On-the-move receiving cuts delays; Westing-O '62 CONVOY
house's Air arm div. E. Roberts, il diag Game theory of convoy routing. J. M. Dan-
Mod Materials Handling 17:64-5 D '62 skin, diagSolar.
COOKERS, Op Res See 10:774-85 N '62
Solar cookers
Plastic pipe protects conveyor-belt rollers.
Portable Chem
diags conveyor- Eng loaders70:206 meet Mr 18new '63 subbase
Adequacy ofstructicooking procedures for the and
specs; near Binghamton, N.T. Roads & Sts on of salmonellae. A. Beloian
106:68-70 G. C. Schlosser. bibliog 11 Am J Pub
Some facts Apabout '63 deep-trough Idlers, diags
Coal Age 68:130 S '63 dock project, il Engi- Health
Bee also53:782-91 My '63
Spoil handling at Clyde Electronic cooking
Steel band neer 216:439 S 13 '63 perform unique Job at
conveyors Meat
Comparison of dry-heat cooking methods for
MelUs beltsltd. convey
Steel il diag hotFood sinter Eng at35:75American
Ja '63 round steak. C. Rodgers and others, bib-
'63 and Wire. U Iron & Steel Eng 40:
Steel Niacin, liog Food Techand17:931-3
thiamin, Jl '63
ribotiavin in fresh and
201-2 S '63that gets around. H. W. Newton.
Stockpiler cooked pale, soft, watery versus dark, firm,
il diags Mod Materials Handling 18:52-3 F dry pork muscle. J. A. Meyer and others.
bibliog Food TechPoultry 17:485-9 Ap '63
Vers radi stac H. W. Newt 11
atil al ker. on. '62
When e to Pitmove & Quarry
dirt by 55:119-21.
belt loader140 or N con- Cooking losses, acceptability, and edible yield
veyor; job cost analyses. H. K. Church. of U.S. -graded turkey hens. G. E. Goertz
il See
Roadsalso & Sts 106:42-3-1- Mr; 77-f My '63 and others. Food temperature
Tech 16:128-30 O '62
Effects of end-point and cooking
Belting. Conveyor rate on turkey meat tenderness. T. L. Good-
Coal mining machinery- — Conveyors win and others, bibliog Food Tech 16:101-2
Conveying machinery (long distance)
D '62 Vegetables
Chain conveyors Low-boiling volatiles of cooked foods. R.
Automatic conveyor juggles big molds and Self and others, bibliog Chem & Ind p863-4
castings. IIweldinsr
Automatic Metal Prog bar 83:104
brackets Ap on'63 link COOKERY,
My 25 '63Chinese
chain, il Welding J 41:923-4 O '62 Pleasures of Chinese cooking, il Am Gas
Changeover simplified in finishing system. Assn Mo 45:6-7
11 Automation 10:60 F '63 COOLANTS. See Je '63
Lubrication and lubricants
Conveyor runs through high vacuum. II Mill (cutting and grinding)
& Factory 72:88-9 Je '63 COOLING
Cooled microscope stage using semiconductor
Control thermoelectric cooling. J. C. W. Crawley.
Automatic system speeds sand to trucks: diags curves
Cooling J Sci Instr 40:330 JePB '63wire. R. D.
for extruded
Palos Verdes sand & gravel co. R. S.
Biggs and R. P. Guenther. diags Mod
Torgerson. il Rock Prod 56:110-1- Ja '63
Built-in conveyors; power requirements and Plastics of 40:126-7+
Cooling My '63
an antiferromagnet by adiabatlo
controls. G. G. Zeldman, diags Machine magnetization. J. H. Schelleng and S. A.
Design 35:115-18 Ja 31 '63 Friedberg. bibliog J Ap Phys 34:1087-9 pt 2
Controlling conveyorized cereal; from pro- Cooling of liquid hydrogen by injection of
duction to shipment, il diag Plant Eng 17:
142-4 Mr '63 helium
Ap '63 gas. concept
Effectiveness Franklin inInst J 275:57-8
mass- transfer Jacool-
Convevor motors and controls, il Mod Ma- ing. E. L. Knuth and H. Dershin. AlAA J
terials Handling 18:45-56 JI '63
Newest automatic dispatching method; mag- Experimental investigation of free-convection
netic belt coding, diags Mod Materials heat transfer from rectangular-fin arrays.
Handling 18:53-5 Ap '63
Providing surge banks in continuous handling K. E. il
bibliog Starner
diags AandS MH. E 'N.Trans McManus, Jr.
ser C 85:
systems; drawings with text. J. Ramsey,
273-8 Ag
Freeze drj'er"63 uses liquid carbon dioxide as
diags controls
Radio Automation 10:55-60
conveyor Mr any
from '63 point in
coolant. Franklin Inst J 275:260-1 Mr '63
svstem. il Mod Materials Handling 18:68 Heat transfer from a cylinder in crossflow
Jl '63 with transpiration cooling, li. V. Johnson
Vending machine stocks Delco-Remy lines. and J. P. Hartnett. bibliog II diags A S M E
J. A. Eaton. 11 diags Mod Materials Han- Trans ser C 8o:173-7; Discussion. 177-9 My
Sanx 18:46-50 F '63
COOLI NG — Continued Quencliing
Method for obtaininsr slow coolinp from 300 Shrinkage of metals
to 2U°K. S. Mascarenhas. diag K Sci Instr Steel, yuenching of
31:1053-4 S '63 also subdivision Cooling under special
Minority carrier thermoelectric cooling. W. M. subjects,
Bullis. panel diaes ceilinKS. J Ap Phys Airplanes. Supersonic
Radiant K. E.34:1648-5
Boyar. Jediags '63 Condensers
Heating-PipinK 35:110-16 Ag '63 Diesel engines
Surface mass-transfer correlations. A. N. Electric generators
Tifford. AlAA J 1:1414-15 Je '63 Electric rectifiers
Theory of the longitudinally isolhennal Et- Electric transformers
tingshausen cooler. C. F. Kooi and othens. Biectronic apparatus and instruments
bibliog diags JandAp thermomagnetic Phys 34:1735-42 Je '63 Gas compressors
Thermoelectric cooling. Gas turbines. Aircraft
H. J. Goldsmid. bibliog il diags Ind Elec- Internal combustion engines •
Therinoelectric tronics 1:441-4. 467-70 ofMv-Je
systems cooling'63 and heat- Locomotives.
isuclear reactors Diesel-electric
ing. A. B. Newton, diags Heating-Piping Rocket engines
35:123-7 O: 152-4 N '63 Space
Tliermoelectrical cooling: material charac-
teristics and applications. A. G. Heaton. COOLING equipment
diags Inst E E Proc 110:1277-87 Jl '63 Case of the burlap packing. A. D. Sullivan.
wall. .V. R.tempei-ature Mendelsohn. of AIAA a porous-cooled
J 1:1449-51
cooler uses 3o:i'(4-7 S '63
tlieiniomagnetic effect, il
Je '63
Vertical shutter heats or cools, il Eng N 171: Novel mechanical device lor Sproducing
diags Electronics 36:84-(- 9 '63 rapidly
41 SeeS 5 also '63 cooled metals and alloys of uniform thick-
Air conditioning 34:445-6 ness. Ap
P. Pietrokowsky.
63 diag K Sci Instr
Cooling towers Package chillers used in fueling, il ASHRAE
Heat convection J 5:116 Apcoolers, '63
Heat pump Space-age il diag Machine Design
Heat transmission Summer
35:86 Jaair31 conditioning
'63 and the effectiveness
Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery of home evaporative coolers in Texas. R.
COOLING, Industrial B. Orton. map immersion
Thermoelectric ASHRAE Jcooler 5:65-70developed;
F '63
Air mist aids deep-hole drilling. D. An- Whirlpool Corp. 11 Chem & Eng N 41:80
dreasson and H. J. Goodyer, jr. il diag 8ce also
Am•63 Mach/MetaJworking Manuf 107:81-2 Jl Cooling
Jl 29 '63 towers
8 '63 Design
Automatic filtering aluminum foil rolling
coolant, flow diag il Mod Metals 19:60+ O Design-in your own thermoelectric cooling.
'6 K16 Crump, il diags Product Eng 34:81-9 S
Cool 2set-up for fabric coating. N. Fassler. il 63
Cooling cutting, Ind 127:119-20 il ComoS '63Air Mag 67:26 D Mechanical design of a large solar telescope.
H. Hwang and S. Sachs, bibliog il diags
ASHRAE J 6:35-46 Ap 63
Coo o w d d G. M. Stur COOLING of water
lin geonf ivr.e H. uriGnug rbaiwbing
* Sgtee anId ns J 201: v. il diags 44Iro-n Double-eft'ecl
l t 437- s cuss 5-9 chine Designabsorption
35:90 Ja chiller.
31 63 11 diag Ma-
CooMly '62 '63 trea rubb 4il4: Rub iWoon
r 148: P^nque-HUsch tube. C. H. Vivian, il diags
i d
60-1ng Jl '63cooling rboosts e , b er l d Comp
iiee aldoAir Mag 68:26-8 My '63
Electronic tool life, il diag Am Cooling ponds
M-ach/MetalworlcinK Manuf 106:84-5 N 26 Cooling towers
For flexibility, the air-evaporative cooler COOLING ponds
L. S. Harris, il diags Chem Eng 60:77-82 . Shall we switch to spray ponds? answers.
Power 106:164-5 D '62
GasD 24 blast '62 speeds strip cooling, il Iron Age 190: COOLING towers
99 D 20 '62 continuous
High-capacity cooling unit, diag '^',*i. Sandy cooling tower unique, il Elec
Engineering World tower,
Cooling 158:56 Ngrowing 19 '62 power adjunct; Amer-
Imjiroved weld 195:827strengthJe 21in '63 2000 series alu- V man power conference: abstracts of four
minum alloys. D. E. Schillinger and other.s
il diags Welding J 42:sup269-75 Je '63 is air papers. towers.
Cooling Combustion 35:41-4 O il '63 map
S. Eloiika. diags
Jacket water for open hearth furnaces
cooled. P. M. Calvert and \V. G. Blumfeldt. Power 107:sup 1-16 Mr '63 (reprints 50c)
Cooling towers go compact; use of high im-
flow diag il Iron & Steel Eng 40:209-10 S '63 pact polystyrene and polvvmvl chloride il
Laminar jet system for cooling hot steel sli-ijj.
J. N. Adcock. il diags Iron & Steel Inst J Drydiag cooling
Mod Plastics
tower at 40:98-9 Rugeley.My il'63 diag En-
200:909-13 numerically
Protecting N '62 controlled machines gineer 214:1091-2 D 28 '62
from circuit-overheating errors, il Mach 69: Dry cooling tower goes into operation in
England, il Power Eng 67:47 Mr '63
1454- Ja '63 for 1000-cfm
Refrigeration free air: data
sheet. W. E. Mollenauer. Power 106:71 D
62 ''wori^"i
Dry r23''''i;r
cooling ^'"' ^•^"-for" ^'^<=
shows"^ promise arid
Rolling mill operation; all-aluminum roll
coolant system, il Light Metal Age 21:14
Je '63
Strides in radiant heat transfer. C. A. Mills. Enr-61?3iM- A^'^ "°" ^'"^ ^'^' ^°"^^
il Food Eng 35:39-41 Jl '63 ""^r ^^"w^o?lrt^'J?J':1l'j
Economics of closed vs fl%'\t OP^^^"""-
open cooling water
Thermal pollution of surface supplies G E.
Arnold. Am Water Works Assn J 54: cycles. F. A. Ritchings and A. W. Lotz.
1332-46 N '62 maps diags Power Eng 67:39-42 My; 64-7
Thermal treatment of light residual fuel oils Formed
to minimize wax separation problems R. Je '63 polystyrene for cooling tower, il diae
Greatorex. il diags Inst Pet J 49:255-68; Mod Plastics 40:85+ F '63
Discussion. 268-72 S '63 Hyperbolic cooling tower highlights the fea-
Thermoelectric device for cooling metal cut- tures of AEP system's Big Sandy plant.
ting tools, il Mach 69:160-1- F '63 S37-40.9 LJ■n.h'iV^'^^
62 ^"^ others. Power Ene 66:
Hyperbolic cooling tower utilizes natural
'^°9'lfllf7*DS'3'^'^"2°^'^*^"""' *^*""- " ^''°" ^^^ '"raft mr convection, il Heating-Piping 35:
WTiat you, should know about mold cooling.
219-1-A.O Meyrlck,
63 11 diags Mod Plastics 41:
When snow blows at Allegheny rock chiller Natural-draft cooling towers; the shape of
30-(- D 6Jhe
'62 aggregate. 11 map Eng N 169:28-
See also
Cooling towers One power
Enrif7: .M-3 station
f'^M ' ^- ^"^'^
,«lting *°"«^
problem" solved-
Cooling water
Metals, Cold treatment of
fuTfa'i ^j's'^O'''^-*''"-^- Jl Engineering 195 ;
COOLING towers — Continued COOPERATIVE research. See Research. Co-
Recovery of process water saves $300,000 a operative
year. W. R. Kelly, il Heating-Piping 35; Conformal coordinates
104-C cuts
Rotor Ad '03coolitiff tower bulk. Aias Ens N like motions. R. T. associated
Jones, with space-
bibliog diags
171:44 coolins
Water S 5 '03 towers. I. A. Cotter, il diags Franklin
COORDINATION Inst J 275:1-12
(chemistry) Ja '63
Brit Plastics 36:570-3 O '63 Application of co-ordination compounds as
Design analytical reagents. R. Belcher, bibliog Ind
< Trends in coolinsr tower desien. J. Campbell, Chem
Complex 39:433-5. 489-91 Ag-S
aids resolution of optical forms of '63
il Pet Manaaement 34:204-6 D '62 trans cyclic olefins. A. C. Cope, diags Chem
Maintenance and repair & Eng N 41:52-3
Coordniated cationic Je initiator
3 '63 for high cis-
Cooling towers: refreslier course on installa- 1.4-polybutadiene. C. W. Childers. Am Chem
tion, operation, maintenance. H. R. Krue-
per. Dom coolingEm; 202:116-4- Soc J 8.5:229 chain
Coordination Ja 20 reactions;
'63 exchange be-
Maintaining towers inJl: power
112-t- stations.
As '63
P. W. Sherwood. Combustion 34:47-8 N '62 (III and tween ethylenediaminetetraacetatocuprate-
triethylenetetraminenickel(ll). D.
Noise C. Olson and D. W. Margerum. bibliog Am
Control berg, of bibliog
noisediagsof cooling towers. Chem Soc J compounds
Coordination 85:297-303 F of5 '63 trivalent metals
Air Cond HeatN. & Gold-
Ven with imsymmetrical bidentate
60:58-61 Je '63 fluoroacetylacetonates. R. C. Fayligands: and T. tri-S.
"What do .ir. about
and cooling
F. M. tower Oran. noise.
bibliog Piper, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:500-4 Mr
diags Heating-Piping 35:150-8 Je '63; Same. Coordination
5 '63 effects are classified. Chem &
Sound 2:32-41 S '63 Eng N 41:34-5
Coordination in Ag 26 '63 L. B. Magnusson
Protection and others, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:
What Dow learned about control of algae and
slime in cooling towers. C. D. Carlson. 11 1711-15 Je 20ligand
Coordination '63 reactivity and catalysis.
Oil & Gas J 60:150-2 D 3 '62 M. M Jones and W. A. Connor. Ind & Eng
Tables, calculations, etc. Chem of55:15-28
Effect coordinationbiblioff(p26-8l
on the S reactivity
'63 of
Curves check cooling tower performance. D. H. aromatic ligands: diazo coupling. K. E.
Vahlsing. Hydrocarbon Process & Pet Re- Maguire and M. M. Jones, bibliog Am Chem
finer 41:188+ O '62
Use charts
to evaluate
diag Hydrocarbon
cooling towers. D. R.
Process & Pe: NewSoc Jclass 85:154-7 of Ja 20 '63
double-bridged coordination
polymers based on chromium (III). A. J.
Refiner 41:233-6 N '62 Saraceno and B. P. Block. Am Chem Soc J
COOLING water 85:2018-19 co-ordination
Jl 5 '63
Coolant flow control boosts plant efficiency. Octahedral by a quadridentate
V. C. Summer and D. B. Benson, il diags ligand. R. H. B. Mais and others. Chem &
Elec World
Cooling with seawater. 159:26-7 G.Ap Heinemann.
15 '63 Chem Properties of ■63
Ind p 1204-5 Jl 20 '63 soda aluminosilicate glasses:
coordination of aluminum ions. D. E. Day
Eng" 70:188-9withJe 10water
Experience '63 treatment; Aqua- and G. E. Rindone. Am Cer Soc J 45:579-81
Flow Engineering 194:479 Owatchdogs.
water-cooling 12 '62 W. COPLEY,
D 1 '62man John G. ^
Water fills dual sa.les role, pors Eng N
How we solved water corrosion atMy Petrobras.
Jacoby. il Plant Eng 17:136-7 '63
170:43-1-. cover My '63
P. C. Carvalho and M. M. Alvarenga. bib- COPOLYMERS. '63See Polymers
liog Hvdrocarbon Process & Pet Refiner
42:131-4 laboratory
Improved Ag '63 technique for investigat- Abundance of copper leads to new research
ing corrosion by recirculating cooling water. studies, il Anal Chem 34:sup 129A-31A
A O. Fisher, il diags Corrosion 19:91-101 5 '62
Adsorption on inorganic materials; reaction
Mr -63studies of cooling water intakes for
Model of cadmium sulfide with copper (II). mercu-
Sizewell il plfln diags Engineer 214:894-5 N rv(II) and silver(I). H. O. Phillips and
2.'! '62 K. A. Kraus. Am Chem Soc J 85:486-7 F 20
Model tests modify Sizewell intakes; British
h\-dromechanics research .association. il Angular-dependent sputtering of copper single
crystals. J. M. Fltiit and others, bibliog
diags Engineering 194:712 N 30 '62 diag J Ap Phys 34:690-1 Mr 53
Power plant cooling water provides domes- Anomalous diffusion rate for small penetra-
tic supply; Henderson. Kv. J. T. Highland, tion distance in copper. D. L. Styris and
il Pubof "Works
Reuse Ohio River 93:101-4water.N '62 E. J. Cleary and C. T. Tomizuka. J Ap Phys 34:1001-2 Ap
others, bibliog map Am Water Works Assn
J 55:683-6 Je '63 Copper
Preston,brazing il diags high-carbon parts. R. S.
Am Mach/Metalworking
blowdownconcentration rate. J. S. gives Beecher. cooling-water
Chem Eng Manuf 107:83-5 Jl 8 '63
Copper-catalyzed reaction of peresters with
Skimmer Je 10 '63
wall chooses best cooling water: hydrocarbons. C. Walling and A. A.
new Mar.shall steam plant, il map Elec Zavitsas. bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:2084-
Water 159:76 system
My 6 '63 for control of distortion Copper-clad
90 Jl 20 '6:^dome in Lone" jn spans rectangular
in welding. A. G. Sharp and J. R. Sullivan, market, for iltransformerEng N 171:27 Ag 1 '63
il diags Welding J 41:901-4 O '62 Copper windings. J. E. Bow-
Water treatment for plant use. M. E. Gil- ers and E. C. Mantle. Inst Metals J 91:142-
6 '62-63
See also diags Chem Eng 70:183-7 Je 10 '63 Copper in the electrical industry: symposium
Cooling ponds abstracts.lead Metallurgia
Copper, and zinc in 66:149-52 O '62basin
biotites from
Cooling towers
COOMBS. Douglas S. and range quartz monzonites. W. T. Parry
Presentation of the 3962 Mineralogical so- and M. P. Nackowski. bibliog Boon Geol
ciety of America award to D. S. Coombs Crucible
58:1126-44Steel N '63technique cuts welding costs
and acceptance speech. F. J. Turner, por
Am Mineralogist 48:449-53 Mr '63 for titanium-lined vessels, il diag Chem
Dependence N 41:62-1-
of chargeMy transfer
20 '63 and surface
.See a!so diffusion rates on the structure and stability
VTIec^ric service. Rural — Cooperative lines of an electrode surf.-^ce: copper. J. 0.
COOPERATION, International. See Interna- Bockris and H. Kita. bibliog diags Electro-
tional cooperation
COOPERATIVE advertising. See Advertising. chem Socrecovery
Dynamic J 109:928-39from O strain
'62 hardening in
Cooperative polycrystalline copper and alimninum; ab-
COOPERATIVE apartment houses. See Apart- stract. F. P. Bullen and M. M. Hutchison.
ment houses. Cooperati-\-e Metal ofProg
Effect CdS 84:164-1-
on the S electroluminescence
'63 of
COOPERATIVE associations ZnS:Cu. halide phosphors. A. Dreeben. bib-
.?t?c also
Electric ser\'ice. Rural — Cooperative lines liog Electrochem Soc J 110:1045-8 O '63
National rural electric cooperative association Effect of cupric ion on the electrical proper-
ties of the germanium-aqueous electrolyte
COOPERATIVE electric plants. See Electric interface. P. J. Boddy and W. H. Brattain.
plants. Cooperative bibliog Electrochem Soc J 109:812-18 S '62
C O P P E R — Continued Spectrophotometric determination of scandium
Effect of illumiiiaiion on the electrode poten- in copper with xylenol orange. S. S. Herman
tial of copper single crystals in water. D. A. and others, bibliog Anal Chem 35:1392-4 S
loJ4-5 J6and63 K. Nobe. bibliog J Ap Phys 34:
Use of Ar,Ar'-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)dithiooxamide
Effect of plaiinum, copper and iron ions on in volumetric determination of nickel and
corrosion and passivity of titanium in 15 nickel-copper mixtures. V. Wills and others.
percent hydroclilorlc acid. N. D. Tomashov Anal Chem 35:257-8 F '63
^17-21R. JeM. 63Al'tovskii. biblioB Corrosion 19: Corrosion
Effects of copper on aerobic biolOKical seweige Choosing copper alloys for heat-transfer
tr^'^atment. G. N. McDermott and others. 130-1- Mr 4 63
WPCF J 35:227-41 F '63 ^S.V',''"^?"'-;
63 ^- L- iiulow. il Chem Eng 70:
Effects of transition metal solutes on the Where and when to use copper alloys. A W.
thermoelectric power of copper and gold. Tracy, bibhog u Chem Eng Prog 59:78-83 S
?.- ,V-.. 9,^'"!,?'^'^"^°"-
34:1465-ai My 63 bibliog <liag J Ap Phys Finishing
Electroluminescent (Zn.Mg)S:Cu. halide phos-
Properties of materials; meclianical finishes
lor alunimiun, copper and
Embrittlem ent^:S3'f?63"'
of tough-pitc
^''°^ h "copper JMJd-(J Do
stainless steel;
annealing or preheating. S. Harperduring and
^H'^?i .Materials in Design
Metallography Ene 58:37^
others bibhog il Inst Metals J 90:423-9 '61-
_62; Abstract. Metal Prog 84:1784- S '63 Causes of ferrous inclusions and their effects
BmbntLlement ol tough-pitch copper wind- on copper wire. W. S. L,yman and others.
ings m hydrogen-cooled electrical genera- 11 Wire and & Wire Prod 37:1749-53-1-
tors. S. Harper and others, bibliog II diags Dinusion grain-boundary slide In D copper
Inst Metals J 90:414-23 '61-62; Abstract. bicrystals. D. A. Blackburn and A. F.
Metal Prog 84:152-1- Jl '63
Investigation of the oxidation of copper by 10b-i3 62-63
rn'?Y,"-.o?'K'°*f " ^^83 Inat Metals J 91:
electron diffraction. E. Yoda and B. M. Dislocation conflgurations In copper after
Slegel. bibliog il diag J Ap Phys 34:1512- liigh- temperature creep. P. Feltham and R.
15 My 63
Isotopic abundance determination of copper yi .^00-0 62-63
ti-.o^l^o'^fh A'bliog il diag Inst Metals J
by sputtering. P.„A White and others, Dislocation damping In copper at kilocycle
dlag J Ap Phys 33:2915 S '62 and megacycle per second frequencies A.
t'„^^,9'3.o§^,?'?'^^'^-.<.J'- Lloyd, il Automotive
Optical measurements on ZnS:Cu produced by Dislocation
netjtron irradiation of ZnS. R. M. Potter 33'-2°80-"3^'spinning
^62** in^'^''"'
copper at ^4.2°K
^^^^'°^ and
^^ ^^^^
06 .66?A'?;>^?
!,'■}., 1 6-b ri bZ
Jv- .r.-^- Sosin. bibliog J Ap Phys
*"^'^^ Electrochem Soc J Dislocations and chemical etch pits In copper.
Oxygen d'''g2°^
transport and reaction rates at an air-
depolanzed copper cathode. H. C Weber
Dynamic recover y from
''*"°^ andstrain
" ^"""^harden
' ^"^ing^""^^
fno c?J'^o^''A-
109:884-9 O fe'o''''?5 ^''^'^^ Electrochem
'62: Discussion. 110:1284-5 Soc
D '63J -fof b'^62''
polycry e copper aluminum; ab-
Properties of materials; coppers and plain stract. F. P. Bullen and M. M. Hutchison.
Etch studies 84:1644- of Sdisloca
'63 tions In copper
'" ^^^'^ Eng
58?if8m of
Properties ZnO ^f"'''^''
'&fl% phosphors doped with LI, crystals deformed by bending; annealed
Ni, and Cu. A. Pfahnl. bibliog Electro- crystals; irradiated crystals. F. W Yoiuig.
chem Soc J 110:381-4 My '63 Jr bibliog il J Ap Phys 33:3553-64 D
I»ulse excitation of electroluminescent films.
Formation of point defects during plastic
S;. T- iS^f'vr-T'''Vi'o^
Soc J 110:41-6 Ja 63 diags Electrochem deformation and their subsequent annealing
R^idual temperatures of shocked copper. behavior. H. K. Birnbauni. bibhog J Ap
Phys 34:2175-85 diffusion
Grain^boundary Ag '63 of gold in copper.
2727^^1 S^'eT' '^'''''°^ ^ "^'^^s J Ap Phys 34: A. B. Austin and N. A. Richard, bibliog
Seasonal variations in copper content in some
Andean streams of central Chile. A de J Ap refinement
Grain Phys 33:3569-74 D '62
of copper-alloy castings.
bibhog maps Econ Geol 57:1031-44 N J. F. Wallace and R. J. Kissling. bibliog 11
Simple circuits of sintered copper. Materials Foundry 91:54-7 Ac: 74-7 S '63
Growth twins in the f.c.c. metals. J. W.
in Design Eng 67:142-3 Ap '63 Faust, jr. and H. F. John, bibliog il Electro-
Solubility of copper and Us oxides in super- chem Soc J 110:463-4 My '63
critical steani. F. J Pocock and J. F. Metal fatigue at small amplitudes, illus-
Stewart bibliog flow diag 11 A S M E Trans trated by copper and brass under alternat-
ser A 00:33-45 Ja 63 ing torsion. W. A. Wood and others. 11 Inst
Study of the cooper ion catalyzed reactions Metals J 91:304-7 '62-63
?^' 4''V?y' Peresters with several olefins. Metal fatigue in near-safe specimens Il-
lustrated by copper and brass under alter-
nating torsion. W. A. Wood and others,
Soc^j fi^i^iliTlyfi'^l- ^""'°^ ^ Chem
^?? ,9?, chlorine for quantitative elutlon of il Inst Metals J 91:391-4 '62-63
Cu(II) from Dowex 1 resins. J. J. O'Con- Metal faUgue in torsion at large and In-
nor and others. Anal Chem 35:420-1 Mr '63 termediate amplitudes. W. A. Wood bib-
-See also
liog il Inst
Microstruc tureMetals J 91:225-9
of thin single '62-63 '
Sewage— Copper content of
Steel — Copper content cppper. L. O. Brockway and R. B. Marcus,
Analysis bibhog il diags J Ap Phys 34:921-3 Ap "63
Oxidation of copper; a kinetic and morpho-
Comparison of two colorimetrlc methods for logical study of the initial sUge. A. Rflnn-
determination of copper in mineral oils. J. qulst. bibliog 11 dlag Inst Metals J 91:89-94
Anal Chem*' ,f",4,,l^v
a;,,?^?.^?'^'' Jl Spauschus
35:1016-17 „0. '63 . bibliog Study on dislocation relaxation peaks In gold
Determination of magnesium, chromium cop-
per, nickel and cobalt in iron and steel
by flame photometry. L. A Prince ajid
others. Welding J 42:sup347-62 Ag ^63
Trace impurity effects t on
during -!2 'S^'^i
epitaxial """'"'
growth ' ^^
Determination of submicrogram quantities of copper perchlorate solutions. D^ Shanefleld
diamond s bysodium, and copper In natural
neutron activation analysis.
WJiere and when 'S'^63
to use copper " allovs A W
fm%bl ■e'i" bibliog Anal Chem 35: Tracy, bibliog II Chem""^""'^
sSc j'^il0^973':'9' Eng Prog 59:78-83 S
EDTA as gmasking agient In selective sneotro
coppi? wHh X-ray studies of epitaxial copper electro-
'."•'^^At'^ determina
ctramlne. K.Uon L. ofCheng blblloS crvstalllzatlon P. E. Ulghty and others.
Anal gChempointer: 34:1392-6 O '62 '"'"'">'■ "'onog bibliog 11 J Ap Phys 34:2233-9 Ag '63
Finishin determination of copper Protection
Copper surfaces resist tarnish with clear
Photono 98 ji^iM"
motrlo - ^- ^^""'^l^'- Metil FlX"
titration tough coating. 11 Iron Age 190:108-9 D 13 'ei
of dissolved oxviren New coating toughens copper. F. J Starln 11
^^"SSS^^'z'ikm'^ioi'i^T'- bib^og^'SiSS^s ^""^m. u
Iron Age 190:76 D 6 '62
COPPER — Protection — Continued Ga^es In copper- base aUoys. J. F. Wallace
Silicone-acrylic coat keeps copper tarnish- and R. J. Kissling. bibliog 11 diags Foundry
free. Plastics Tech 9:15 Mr '63 ^90:36-9refinement
Grain D '62: 91:64-8 Ja '63
of copper-alloy castings.
Tarnish-free copper. Materials in Dejsicn Ene J. F. Wallace and R. J. Kissling. bibliog 11
57:139 Ja '63
Spectra Foundry 91:54-7 Ag;
High-strength copper-base alloys. C. L.. 74-7 S '63
Spectral-line intensities ajid trf-values In the
first spectrum of cooper. C. H. Corliss. Bulow. Electro-Tech 71:113-16 P '63
bibliOK il J Res Nat Bur Stand 66A:497- High temperature '63 in shear. creep of a copper-gold
brazing alloy M. L. Rudee and
502 N '62 Sulfur content others, bibliog 11 diags Welding J 41:sup
Application of the pararosaniline-formalde- How451-4 toO machine '62 beryllium copper. G. Fitz-
nyde spectrophotoinetric method to the de- gerald-Lee. diags Am Mach/Metalworking
termination of sulfur in blister and refined
copper. S. Barabas and J. Kaminski. bib- LongManufperiod 107:104-5 Ja 21 '63 CusAu II. R. S.
lioe Anal Chem 35:1702-5 O '63 Toth and H. Sato, bibliog il J Ap Phys 33:
Testing 3250-6 N selection
Materials '62 In the auto industry;
Study of fatipue and impact fractures with stainless steel, aluminum and copper alloys;
the scanning electron microscope. J. T. panel discussion. Metal Prog 84:152-61
McGrath and others, biblioff il diasr Inst Metal selector; copper casting alloys. OSteel '63
Metals J 91:34-9 '62-63: Abstract. Metal 151:sup S32 O 22
Metal selector; copper wrought alloys and '62
Proc 83:170-2 Ja '63
low endurance. P. P. Benham. fatigue of biblios
copper Inst
at copperselector, alloys. 1963. Steel Steel 151:sup S26-9 S31-4
O 22O "62
Metal 153:sup 14
Metals J 91:404-7 '62-63 Metal selector, 1963: copper casting alloys.
Welding Steel alloy 153:sup S 18-19 O 14 problems.
New solves brazing J. L.
Fine-'wire Mis Joins thick copper plate. J. Shaw and C. D. Ramsey. Electronics 35:
welder il dTasr aids Welding-
cableniaker. Eng il48:554-
Steel Jl '63
153:47 844- N in
Porosity 9 '62 high-strength seml-contlnuously
Jl 22 welds
Laser '63 copper leads. T. Maguire. 11 cast aluminlum-copper-magnesium alloy
ingots. M. F. Jordan and others. U Inst
Electronics welding
Resistance 36:88-1-copper O 25 alloys.
'63 C. F. Bulow.
Metals J of
Prediction 91:48-53
Curie '62-63 temperatures in ternary
il Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:82-4 S P'e-Co-Nl alloys. J. L. Artley and others,
2 '63
COPPER, Powdered bibliog J
Properties of materials; Ap Phys 34:972-4 Ap '63 tables.
Monsanto will enter copper powder field. Steel
152:124 Je
Printed circuit10 '63 conductors formed from Reanalysis of short-range order Mid-O
Materials in Design Eng 58:137 '63
in CujAu.
C. B. Walker and D. T. Keating, bibliog
copper powder, diagsandSteeliron151:80-1-
powderD 10 '62 diag J Apwelding Phys copper 34:2309-12
Shrinkage of copper com- Resistance alloys.Ag C. ^^3 F. Bulow,
pacts during sintering. O. V. Roman and il Am Mach/Metalworking Manuf 107:82-4 9
H. H. Hausner. 11 Metal Prog 83:104-84- 2 '62-63
F '63 Selecting phosphorus brazing filler metals.
COPPER alloys R. E. Ballentine. ilofMach 69:138-40 My sys- '63
Architectural copper metals. H. E. Voegell. Solidification
'62-63 tem. H. E. curves the gold-copper
Bennett. Inst Metals J 91:158
Proe Arch 44:148-52 F '63
Catalytic activity of copper-nickel alloys as
a '63
function of argon-ion bombardment cur- Solidification of CvlAIj-A] eutectlc alloys. Q. A.
rent and annealing. T. Yamashina and Chadwick. bibliog 11 Inst Metals J 91:169-73
H. E. Farnsworth. bibliog Ind & Eng
Chera Product Res & Develop 2:34-7 Mr Some aspects of casting gunmetals and nickel-
copper alloys. A. D. Sarkar. bibliog 11 diag
Choosing copper alloys for heat- transfer Metallurgia
Some 66:61-4 Ag
recent developments '62In copper alloys
equipment. C. L. Bulow. il Chem Eng 70:
1304- Mr 4 and '63 semi-continuous casting of and their uses: abstract. H. H. Scholefleld
Continuous and B. H. C. Waters. Metallurgia 66:151-2
copper alloy billets and rolling slabs: a
review of current practice. G. L. EJailey O '62
Stacking-fault probabilities in copper-nickel
■62-63 E. C. Mantle. Inst Metals J 91:385-91
and alloys. B. Henderson, bibliog Inst Metals J
Copper. G. C. Strubell. 11 Machine Design 35: 92:55-6 '63-64
Structures in Internally oxidized copper alloys.
18-28 M. F. Ashby and G. C. Smith, bibliog 11
Copper '62 Salloys
19 '63 In design. R. J. Severson. U
Inst ofMetaJs J 91:182-7 '62-63
Mech Eng 85:34-7 F '63 Study the ageing characteristics and tensile
Copper-base properties of step-quenched Al-Zn-Mg-Cu
Adams, il forgings Machine and Designdie castings.
34:138-42 "W.D C. 20 alloys. T. Williams,
bibliog Inst Metals J
Copper-cobalt alloy strengthens iron powder Two 91:324-7
strong '62-63 copper alloys. Materials In Design
parts. E. H. Rennhack. il Metal Prog 83:
93-6 An '63 UseEngBe-Cu 57:84 alloys F '63 for molds. Plastics Tech
trical design; abstract. an alloy for advanced
J. Dooley elec-
and others. 9:60 Mr practices '63
Welding for beryllium-copper al-
Metallurgia 66:150-1 O '62 loys. E. E. Weismantel and others, blb-
Direct observation of the interaction of dis- lioer 11 diags Welding J 42:207-12 Mr '63
locations with 8' precipitates in aji aJumini- Where and when to use copper allovs. A. W,
um-3-8 -wt.-o/o copper Tracy, bibliog il Chem Eng Prog 69:78-83 S
others, bibliog 11 diags alloy.
Inst S. Koda J and
Metals 91: 63
229-34 '62-63 Which alloy and which temper for current-
Effect of a dispersed second phase on the carrying springs. C. L,. Bulow. bibliog Prod-
recrystallization of aluminium-copper alloys. uct Bngcopper
34:60-7 alloys, Ja 7 '63a primer. A E More-
R. D. Doherty and J. W. Martfn. bibliog Wrought
dock. Materials in Design Eng 56:115-18 N
Eltectdiagof vacancy/Impurity
11 Inst Metals J 91:332-8 '62-63on the
rate of quench-age-hardenlng In aluminium- Zirconium copper rod and wire. J. P. Lvnch,
copper alloys. K. M. Entwlstle and others,
bibliog Inst Metals J 91:84-8 '62-63 Jr. 11 Wire & Wire Prod 37:1593-64- N '62
Elecirodepositlon of copper-cobalt alloys; .See alsobronze
pyrophosphate baths. D. V. Subrahmanyam Brass
and T. L. Rama Char. Metal Finishing Bronze
61:68-9 My '63 Constantan
Extend piling life with Cu-Nl sheathing. J. Gvin metal
R. Hunt and C. M. Schlllmoller. 11 Hydro- Manganln
carbon Process & Pet Refiner 41:98-101 COPPER ammonium hydroxide
Flame photometric determination of man- Study of the abnormal viscosity of Proclon-
ganese in copper and steel alloys. D. A. dved cellulose in cuprammonium hydroxide.
Johnson and P. F. Lott. bibliog Anal Chem H. U Mehta and others, bibliog Soo Dyers
o5;i705-8 O 63
Further investigation of copper-alumlnlum & Col J behaviour
Viscosity 78:552-8 N of'62Procion- and Remazol-
alloys in the temperature range below the dyed cellulose In cuprammonium hydroxide.
P^a 4- yi eutectold. R. P. Jewett and D. J. P. C. Mehta and others. Soc Dyers & Col J
Mack. 11 Inst Metals J 92:69-61 '63-64 79:315-16 Jl '63
COPPER chlorides COPPER iodides
Olefln-paralBn separation by supported cup- Oxygen-controlled conduction in thin films
rous chloride. JE. W. Stern. blblioK diaK Ind of cuprous iodide: a mixed valency anion
semiconductor. C. S. Herrick and A. D.
Polymerization of benzene lo j)-polyphenyl'(iiby
& Eng Chem Proc Deaien l;2til-4 O TevebauEh.
ir.l-21 F 63 bibliog Electrochem Soc J 110:
aluminum chloride-cupric chloride. P.
Kovacic and A. Kyriakls. bibliog Am Chem COPPER metallurgy
Soc J S5:454-S F 2U '63 Anaconda reduction works in retrospect. F. H.
Structure of the cuprous chloride-cycloScta- Day. il J Metals
diene-1.6 coniple.K. J. H. van den Hende Concentration at 14:S:;4-7
Bancroft. N '62 B. Barlin and
and W. C. Baird. jr. bibliog diag Am Chem N. J. Keys flow sheet il diag Min ling 15:
Soc J S5:10ua-lU Ap 5 '63 47-52 S '63
Design and operation of the Mission mill:
COPPER clad steel. See Steel, Copper clad
COPPER coating American smelting and refining co. N. L..
Hot dipped copper coat for steel suggested. and J. D. Vincent, flow sheet il
H. McQuaid. Steel 153:98 Jl 29 '63 diags
49:4;-51MinJa Cong 63 J 4S:CS-72-t- N: 44-51 D '62;
COPPER compounds Keiinecott adds unique lime plant to Hayden
Antil'erromagnetic resonance reduction works. J. B. Huttl. flowsheet il
copper salts. M. Date and K. In hydrated
Nagata. bib- diags Kngleaching & Min ofJ 163:94-6-1- N '62 J. A.
liog diags J Ap Phys 3-t;lU38-44 pt 2 Ap be- '(i3 Microbial copper minerals.
Coordination chain reaciiona; exchange Sutton and J. D. Corrick. bibliog il diag
tween ethylenediaminetetraacetatocuprate- Min technology
Kng 15:37-40
(II) and triethylenetetraminenickeldl). D. New of Je '6.1
leaching waste dumps. E.
C. Olson and D. W. Margerum. bibliog Am E. Malouf and J. D. Prater, diag Min Cong
Chem complexes
Copper Soc J 85:297-303 F 5 '63 Schiff bases
of o-hydroxy J 48:82-5 theN '62
Planning research route to profits: Ana
and Uie hydrolysis of the Schiff bases. conda American brass co. il Steel 152:
K. K. Chatterjee and others, bibliog Am 42-7 F 25 '63
Chem Soc J 85:2919-22
Decomposition of peroxides O 5 '63catalyzed by Recovery of copper from dilute process
copper compounds and the oxidation of streams. J. S. Jacobi. bibliog Min Eng 15:
alkyl radicals by cupric salts. J. K. Kochi. 56-62 S '63
Study of silica brick from the roof of copper
Elfect of Am Chem
noncetlulosic Socmaterial
J 85:1958-68
on the Jlactinic
5 '63 refining furnaces. C. B. Clark and J. S.
degradation of cotton fabric; some copper McDowell, il Am Cer Soc Bui 42:404-8 Jl '63
containing fungicides. C. H. Bayley and Test operations begin at Butte copper con-
others, bibliog Textile Res J 33:849-54 O '63 centrator. 1 Eng & Min J 164:108 S '63
and anthracene phenylation of benzene,
in the presencenaphthalene
of copper See also
salts; correlation of partial rate factors with Copper founding
localization energies. S. C. Dickerman and Electrometallurgy
Or. B. Vermont, bibliog Am Chem Soc J 84:
4150-1 studyN 5 'i-l New process relies on unused Cu quality:
Kinetic of the copper(II) chelate cata- Arizona's Banner mining co. Eng & Min J
lyzed hydrolysis
fltioridate. R. L.of Gustafson
diisopropyl and phosphoro-
others. 164:92 mines
Jl '63 •and mining
Am Chem
Kinetics and Soc J 85:598-601
mechanism Mr 5 '63
of chelate exchange Arizona
of bis-(4-imino-pentan-2-ono)copper(III and Arizona'smas newest
a quadridentate ligand. D. F. Martin. Chem mine. A. copper Knocrr producer:
and M. the Eigo.Christ-
& Ind p 152S-9
Oxidation of freeS 14 '03
radicals from unsaturated sheets il maps plans Eng & Min J 164:55-67
compounds by cuprous salts. J. K. KochI
and F. F. Rust, bibliog Am Chem Soc J History,
Ja '63 growth and development of a small
mining company; Banner mining CO. A. B.
84:3946-53 O 20 '62 Bowman, il maps diag Min Eng 15:42-9
Polarographic study of the copper(II) com-
plexes of mono-, di-, and triethanolamine.
5?. B. Sturrock.
Preparation Anal Chem conductivity
and electrical 35:1092 Jl '63of Inspiration's
Je '63
problem; approach
Inspiration toconsolidated
the grade copper
copper tetra-2,3-pyridinoporphyrazine and CO. T. M. Anderson, il Min Eng 15:42-3-1-
copper tetra-2,3-pyrazinoporphyrazine.
J. Danzig and others. Dibliog diag Am M. Mr '63 at the Palo
Mining Verde mine. B. W.
Chem Soc J of
Shrinkprooflng 85:668-71
wool withMr cupric
20 '63 ammonium Venable. il diags Min Cong J 49:14-18 Ja
sulfite solutions. J. R. McPhee. bibliog Te.x- New pro reli on unu Cu qua
tile Res Jof 33:578-9
Structure copper Jltetraphenylporphine.
'63 E. Arizona'scess Banneres mining sco. ed Eng & Min lit J
B. Fleischer, diag Am Chem Soc J 85:1353-
4 My founding5 '63 164:92 Jl '63British Columbia
COPPER Highland Valley moves onstream. il Eng &
Dip forming of copper rod. il diag Iron Age
192:101-3 O 31 '63 Min J 164:122-)- Mr '63
Gases in copper-base alloys. J, F. Wallace Chile
and K. J. Kissling. bibliog il diags Foundry Developing an efficient transportation system
90:36-9 D '62: 91:64-8 ,Ta '63 at Chuqnicamata. W. L. Kletzman. 11 Min
Grain refinement of copper-alloy castings. J.
F. Wallace and R J. Ki.ssling. bibliog il Cong J 49:64-7 My '03
Foundry 91:54-7 Ag; 74-7 S 'OS Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
Metal selector; copper casting alloys. Steel Concentration at Bancroft. B. Barlin and
151:sup S32 O 22 '62 N. J. Keys, flow sheet il diag Min Eng 15:
Bee also
Brass founding 47-52 S '63 Northern
Copperbelt. Rhodesia. II inap Min
COPPER In the body
Conner and zinc interreIation.ships in the iSng 14:57-9
Mufulira D
western '62expansion project Increases
pig. H. D. Ritchie and others, bibliog il production 50 per cent. C. A. O'Connell.
J Nutrition 79:117-23 F '63 bibliog 11 diags Min Eng 14:60-7 D '62
Gamma irradiation and Interrelation of India
dietary vitamin A and copper on their
deposition in the liver of swine. R. 1-. Distribution of radioactivity in the Mosa-
Shirley and others, bibliog J Nutrition 78: boni copper mine. Bihar. India. E. V.
454-6 t) '62 Gangadharam and others, bibliog map Econ
In vivo interactions of cadmium with copper,
zinc and iron. C. H. Hill and others, bib- Geol 68:506-14 JeMichigan
liog II J Nutrition 80:227-35 Jl '63
Prevention of meat anemia in mice bv copper Anthonylte and caliimotite. two new minerals
and calcium. K. Guggenheim and othorq. from the Michigan copper district. S. A.
bibliog J Nutrition 79:215-50 F '63 Willlnnis. diags Am Alincralogist 48:614-19
COPPER industry and trade
Some vein-wall rock relationships In the
'''Ti'.SS-O^F-ei "^'""''''""■='- " *"" Cong J White Pine mine. Ontonagon ro., Mich.
My H.'63 Carpenter,
C°,'J1''fA, R. bibliog il maps diags Econ
r J.63 Zimmerman. Enc & Min J
Geol 68:643-66 Ag '63
COPPER plating
COPPER mines and mining — Continued
Montana Copper plating improves wire.
cision drawn titanium workability
D. A. of pre-
Cold weather startins aids keep equipment il Mod Metals 19:48-9 Ap '63
roMins at Montana copper mines, il Diesel Copper transfer in retrii^erant-oil solutions.
H. O. Spauschus. bibliog ASHRAE J 5:89-
Equip Supt
Growlh 41:34 OHill.'63 R. J. Nemmers.
at EuUe il 92-1- Je
Effect of '62 copper plating on the velocity of
map Comp Air Was 67:S-13 D 'G2 propagation
Nevada 25 per cent of a normalwire.
zirconium region
Z. J.niobium-
and B. Hoag. J Ap Phys 34:1376-7 pt 2
GeoloRy of the Terington mine J. R. Wilson,
il plan diags Min Cong J 49 -.30- 4 Je bi Effect of some addition agents on the kinetics
Ap copper
'63 electrodeposition from a sulfate
New Mexico solution. D. R. Turner and G. R. Johnson,
Chino inaugurates new skip haulage system; bibliog il diags Electrochem Soc J 109:798-
Kenecott copper Corp. J. B. Huttl. il Eng & 804. 918-22 kineticS-O '62 parameters
Electrode for copper
Min J 163:92-3
History, growth andN '62 ,
development of a small deposition on clean and soiled copper
mining company; Banner mining co. A. B. cathodes. L. '63Karasyk and H. B. Linford.
Bowman, il maps diag Min Eng 15:42-9 bibliog diag Electrochem Soc J 110:895-904
Je '63 Nicaragua Electroless copper deposition. F. Pearlstein
Operations at La Luz mines and Rosita Ag '63
Finishingothers, Electronic
pointer; Ind 21:117-19
determination S '62 in
of copper
mines. Nicaragua. Central America. J. cyanide baths. S. Konishi. Metal Finishing
Plcca.<:h and others, plan diag Can Min &
Met Bui 56:635-41 Ag '63 61:98 Je '63
Impurities in copper plating solutions. F. I
Nobel and B. D. Ostrow. bibliog Plating 50:
Preventive maintenance at Toquepala. M. R. S23-6 Squinolinolate
Josephson and L,. E. Kitch. il Mm Cons J
49:36-D Jl '63 Analysis
Tennessee Direct photometric titration (EDTA) of cop-
per S-quinolinolate. T. D. Miles and others,
Tennessee copper co. now uses AN-FO for bibliog Am Dyestuff Rep 52:230-3 Ap 1
80 per cent of its blasting. H. B. Estabrooks.
diags Min Eng 14:59-60 N '62 COPPER rods. See Rods. Copper
Transvaal COPPER sulfates
Methods of treating cold weather algae with
Palabora gets financing for new copper proj- copper sulfate. Pub Works 94:188-1- My(JuSO*
ect. Eng & Min J 164:136 Ag '63 Treating
for algae Singers
control. Gap M. reservoir
H. Diven.withil Water
Western states
Truth Eng 116:468-9
Miss Je '63 with
Liberty; text of
Operational improvements
necott copper corp. C. D. Baer. at Chino;
il Min Ken-
Cong D. H. Osbom report. Materials in Design
J 49:28-31 Mr '63 Ensr 57:80-1
COPPER sulfidesJe '03
Yugoslavia Djurleite. a new mineral. E. H. Rose-
Majdanpek copper mining project, Yugoslavia. boom, jr. Am Mineralogist 47:1181-4 S "62
See also
A. W. Knoerr. flow sheets il map plans Bornite
diags Eng & Min J 163:77-88 S '62 Chalcopyrite
COPPER orts , , „,
Arizona's newest COPPER tubes. See Tubes. Copper
mas mine. A. copper
Knoerr producer:
and M. the Eigo.Christ-
flow COPPER wire. See Wire. Copper
sheets il maps plans Eng & Min J 164:55- COPPERWORK
67 Ja '63
Geology of the „ Yerington mine. J. , „R. „,.,
Wilson, See also
Copper founding
il plan
Host rocks diagsforMincopperCong ore.
J 49:30-4
W. J.Je Bichan.
'63 COPYING processes
Annual diazo section, il diags Ind Phot 11:
Mine Geol treated
57:1262-7in Dcone'62 precipitator; Ken-
necott copper corp. il Eng & Min J 163:116 Centralized O '62
19-27-1- or decentralized reproduction?
D '62 F. Stephen,
Copyingi technology. il Ind Phot
W. T.12:18-19
Johns. sec
Prog2 JeArch
Non-genetic classification of copper deposits.
P. Gilmour. bibliog Econ Geol 57:450-3 My 44:145-8 Jl
Diazo for papermakers. '63 D. C. Poudrier. bib-
'62: Discussion. W. D. McCartney. 57:1131-2
N '62
Ore knob massive sulfide copper deposit. Effectiveliog TappiX-ray 46:supcopying.
147A-50AL. JlS. "63Weinsteln.
North Carolina; an example of recrystallized il Ind Phot 12:46-1- Ap '63
ore. A. R. Klnkel. jr. il diags Econ Geol 57: Zerox CO. 's new desk-top copier, model 813.
1116-21 N '62; Discussion. R. W. Hutchin- diag
See Product
also Eng 34:69 O 28 '63
son. 5S:997-S S '63; Reply. 58:1159-60 N '63 Blueprints
Some vein-wall rock relationships in the Photomechanical processes
White Pine mine. Ontonagon CO.. Mich.
R. H. Carpenter, bibliog il maps diags COPYING processes (machine work). See Ma-
Econ Geol 58:643-66 Ag '63 chine work — Copying processes
See also CORAL reefs and islands
Calumetite See also
Alacran Reef
COPPER oxides CORAL rubber. See Rubber. Artificial
Determination of the surface population of CORALS
copper oxide whiskers by electron micro- First paleozoic fossil from Philippine archi-
scopy techniques. W. R. Lasko and W. K. pelago. W. H. Easton and M. M. Melen-
Tice. bibliog il diags Anal Chem 34:1795-7 dres, jr. bibliog map Am Assn Pet Geolo-
D '62 CORD fabrics.gists Bui 47:1871-3
See TireO fabrics
Effect of hydrogen reduction on the morphol-
ogy of copper oxide whiskers. W. R. Lasko CORDAGE
and W K. Tice. bibliog' il diag Electrochem See also
Manila hemp
Soc J 109:1070-6 N '62 CORDILLERAS. See Mountains
Magnetic properties of the dual oxide sys-
tem CuO-FaiO.i. W. O. Milligan and others, CORDS, Nylon. See Nylon cords
bibliog J Ap Phys 34:2093-6 Jl '63 CORDS, Rayon. See Rayon cords
Oxidation of propylene with air over a cop- CORE sampling
per oxide catalyst. D. S. Billingslev and Continuous cores of Bahamian calcareous
C. D. Holland, bibliog diags Ind & Eng
Chem Fundamentals 2:252-7 N '63 sands, made by vibrodrilling. J. E. Sanders
and J. Imbne. diags Geol Soc Bui 74:2187-
System copper oxide-alumina. S. K. Misra
and A. C. D. Chaklader. Am Cer Soc J 46: Horizontal
92. pi 1-2 wire O '63line operations at the Bunker
509 O '63 Hill
23-f- mine.
Ja 63 A. L. Lense. il Min Cong J 49:
COPPER pipes. See Pipes. Copper
CORNEA „ __,
CORE sampling — Continued , ,,,^ , Management of corneal lesions follow1n«
How to evaluate low-permeability reservoir
rocks. M. Rieckmann. biblioB dlag Oil & trauma. W. B. Clark. Ind Med 32:47-62
NewGas technique
J 61:150+ for S the 2: 115-18 S 9 cormc
laboratory ^63 of F '63
coal. J. M. Jones and J. A. Bell, il Econ Heat- stable gum moves toward commerciali-
Geol 58:791-5 AK '63 zation; variety of uses seen, il Chem &
Precise controls give full core „ recovery. V.
Read. 11 rtlags Min Kns 15:39-41 Ae B3 Eng N mills
Impact 41:44 provideMr 11 '63 better starch recovery.
Start of the pleistocene. Sci Am 208:764- H. Adams '6 and J. Felix, il Food Eng 36:47
Mr '63 F '6 2 3 ^ ^
Techniques of outcrop rock, sampling. ,.
J.T -r, B. Starch fractionation process patents. Food
F. Champlin and others, il Oil & Gas J
61:274-7 S 23 '63 „ , Tech
Thin-boiling 16:74 O '62
eflBciency at pearl starch cost.
Undereround wire line coring .system; Bunker J. T. SeaweU. il dia^s Textile Ind 127:52-6
Hill CO. L. A. Lindelof. il Min Cone J 49: F '63
22+See Jaalso
'63 CORONA. See Sun — Corona
Petroleum— Well drilling — Sampling CORONA (electricity)
COR ES CKHM, tour-way tester checks Polaris cases.
Air-set cores cut casting costs. 11 Foundry il Steel spots 153:77 corona S 2 in '63 insulation. D. Eigen
90:23 Opowder
'62 Detector
British cores ,by shock , , wave method. .x. ^ and A. W. Gothberg. diag Elec World 159:
Steel 153:153-4 S 16 'BS
Castings get thinner slots. 11 Iron Age 192:91 105 Je 17 corona
Increasing '63 thresholds In dielectrics.
R. A. Samoden. Electronics 35:80+ N 9
Ceramics solves steel.
wall stainless metal L.casting problem:il diags
McCormick. thin- Inte betw the coro dis
andract a zinc oxide een electrode. T. na Elder,charbib-
Cer Ind 80:58-61
Cleanliness stressed Mr in'63 making cores for ions ge
hydraulic castings, il Foundry 91:104+ liog
Measurement II diag J An Phys 33:2804-14
of noise pulses generated S '62by
'62 SCI corona discharfte tubes. J. R. Kemplay.
Jl '63
Economic use of shell cores in steel castings.
E W. O'Brien, il diags Foundry 90:42-5 O J Sci
Radio Instr 40:466-7 and S '63 loss results from
project ehv. J. J. Laforest and others.
High qual i cast Met bibliog diags IEEE Trans Power Apparatus
er ity '63 ron ings al
Intricate Je
ca-^tings made with. zircon lursand
gia & Systems
Re\'iew of electricalp735-48; Discussion. 748-50for O ehv
transmis.sion. H. R. designStewart. factors
Elec Eng 82:
cores, il Foundry
Self-forming core process90:134 increases
D '62 casting ^IR-M At; '63
design freedom. C. H. Watts, il Foundry Te.sting filament wound missile cases. C. R.
Some aspectsMy of '63the COj process. J. Aston Weymueller. California
CORONADO, 11 Metal Prog 84:113-14 S '63
and H. G. Emblem. bibliOB MetaUurgia 66: Water supply
See Nalso'62
Molds (for casting) No red water and more flow for Coronado,
CORIOL1S force Calif. O. L,. Banz. il diag Water Works
Magnetic torques and , Coriolis ^ , ,. effects on a
Eng 116:728-9+
magnetically suspended rotating sphere. CORPORATE names S '63
J. C. Keith, bibliog diags J Res Nat Bur How to change a company's name; Virginia
Stand and
Theory 67D:533-8 practiceS '63 in vibratory rate gyros. engineering co's new name Is Basic con-
G. C. Newton. Jr. bibliog diags Control Eng CORPORATIONS struction CO. il Eng N 169:31-2+ N 8 '62
10:95-9 Je '63
CORK See alsoexpansion
Suberosis; a pneumoconiosis due to cork dust. Industrial
L. de Carvalho Cancella. bibliog 11 Ind Med Profit
32:435-45 O '63 Foreign subsidiaries
CORN Chrysler hunts markets abroad. H. F. Jones.
Chelates and the trace element nutrition of
corn. L.. Chesnin. bibliog J Agri & Food 11 Iron market
Common Age 191:103 lures ApIntercheraical.
25 '63 11 Chem
Chem of11:118-22
Effect amino acid Mr '63imbalance on nitrogen & Eng pushes N 41:25-6southwest
Ap 22 '63 France as plant
■63 Davison
retention; interrelationships between meth- site, il map Chem & Eng N 41:34-5 Ja
ionine, valine, isoleucine and threonine as
supplements to corn protein for dogs. R. Dow steps up activity in Europe: has new
Bressani. bibliog J Nutrition 79:389-94 Mr 21 '63
European headquarters in Switzerland, and
Effects of low-dose Irradiation and storage offices and plants In seven European coun-
on acceptability of broccoli, sweet corn,
and strawberries. D. C. Martin and D. A. Ell Lilly expands & and
t r i e s , i l Chem Eng reorganizes
N 41:64-5 OIn 21Britain.
TIchenor.between bibliog preference
Food Tech scores 16:96-100 Chem & Eng N 41:30 Je 24 '63
Relation andN ob-'62 GM's Australian expansion. E. C. Daum. 11
Automotive Ind 129:37-9 Jl 1 '63 J. D Hen-
jective and subjective quality measurements Going abroad with vour busines.s?
of canned corn and pears. L. A. Sather and ricks. Drug & Cosmetic Ind 91:292-3+.
L. D. Calvin, bibliog Food Tech 17:917-20
696-7+:to 92:292-4+
Guides estimating S.costs D '62. Mr '63 abroad.
of plants
Jl '63
Supplementation of cereal proteins with
amino acids: effect of supplementing lime- Chem Eng 70:168+
How Clark equipment manages engineering Jl 8 '63
treated corn with different levels of lysine, overseas. J. F. Bechtel. Automotive Ind
tryptophan and isoleucine on the nitrogen
retention of young children. R. Bressani 129:70-1 Jl 15and'63marketing In the emerglnir
and others, bibliog J Nutrition 80:80-4 My Manufacturing
countries. G. C. Jones. II Chem Eng 70:
See also 69-74U.S.
Ap chemical 1 '63
Cornstarch More Investment goes abroad.
CORN flour
Nutritional evaluation of processed whole ChemCanadian
New & Eng Nlaws41:28under
S 9 '63Industry study.
corn floures. R. Bressani and others, blblloe
J AktI & Food Chem 10:308-12; 11:29 Jl '62. Overseas efforts pay oft Je
Chem & Eng N 41:24 for 24Sharpies.
'63 11 Chem
CORNJa oil '63 & Eng N pitfalls,
Pathways, 40:16-17 andD planning 31 '62 for going
Relative effects of rapeseed oil and corn oil Into export trade. II Chem & Eng N 41:
on rats subjected to adrenalectomy, cold, 132-8+ My 20 '63 (reprints 76c)
or pyridoxine deprivation. J. L. Beare and
others bibliog J Nutrition 80:157-61 Je '63 Renault has doubled volume by licensing pacts
Type and quantity of 3 B-hydroxysteroIs 11 Automotive Ind 129:65-6 Jl 15 '63
excreted by subjects subsisting on formula Structure of chemical markets changing;
rations high in com oil. H. L,. Haust and common market shifts emphasis from Im-
J- MR. Beverldge. bibliog J Nutrition ports-exports toward networks of overseas
subsidiaries. W. Schoellkoff. Chem & Eng N
CORN products
See also 41:20 starts
Swift S 23 to
'63 make chemicals overseas, map
Corn flour Chem & Eng N 41:34-6 Jl IB '63
CORPORATIONS— Foreien subsidiaries — Cont. between
U.S. companies make more overseas. Chera distributions. provide
^be?wp»';?®'S'*=,^^^"=^"'=« L,. B. comparisons
Why & EriK
not Nspeali 40:25 with O 8 a'62foreign accent? E. K. Keduced state correlation for the Rnqkoo-
Stilbert. Tappi 46:sup 16A+ Jl '63 R£J'f'".^^"« 70:139-44 Jl 8 '63 -a^Qersen.
Reports and yearbooks &'^"#'"'^® ru'^-„I3amasius °f
S™c ,t?e°^'"n''""^"'^^'' andsample
G. Thodos. Ind
Financial reporting for small business. W. P. <?i^iffroS„ *-'"?™ Fundamentals 2:73-7 F '63
fniSfio'??'^ °I instantaneous and short-term
Hutchison. Pit & Quarry 55:132-4 Ja '63
Canada's discriminatory taxes hit U.S. In- ^,P?oc'"50:m?-s'^62'^-
''c!i e^^^i'4i'=iSta°"p.'°^°'^- ^"^' ^^'^ ^"8
dustry hard, tax
il Iron Age with
^^ 'sTe?^o'^d^ rfv^d'iS-
How to save dollars new Je 27 '63
deprecia- f^^rbon Process & PeV ■v&Rl^°2LiYtre.
tion guidelines. J. Bedford. Pit & Quarry
55:133-4taxN '62 °°i^!^JwfP^°^^'^^ schools and courses
Income investment credit: directly de-
ductible income tax benefits to encourage
plant modernizaUon. H, J. Ashe. Pit & Ippie^Lri'^l^^' ir°™ the mailman.' R. E.
Quarry 55:159-604-
Investment credit can Ja '63mean modernization ros°fn°^' ^'«<=t'-olytic. See ElectrolyUc cor-
and expansion at minimum cost. R. Sheri-
dan. Mod Metals 19:72-1- My '63 coR^cf ri^ ■"" «^«"-'^-^^^^^^^^^
CORfjOSION and anti-corrosives
It's easier now to modernize and expand;
present a income
pavers valuable tax financial
laws canassist. give H. tax-J.
iiT pec ■ °' tiieI69I102-3
wSrld F n^63^'^' ^"'^''
NewAshe.Internal Pit & revenue
Q,uarry 56:113-16-1-
service rulings O '63 fetter \ r ,i^of%''L
inhibUor acid corrosion
^'»™oniu m of stppi
compound s has
more freedoms. J. B. Kobak. Rock Prod
66:126-1- My '63 Ag %f^'''^- bibliog J Ap 'c°hem fsflib-W
federalyou taxshould laws. knowLi. J. about
Foundryin "^"ingTit^ s" c'^'-Tin^''?!'^ stabilized in warm-
91:82-5 Mr '63
Attitudes towards physical activity, food and ^"Jf2^9^2
Bifif ^>^' <=°"°«^°"- " Iron ^""'-
%l'^'^ 4''2fl!4"l^^'?6T''°"
Sf"fs R«""-' Ase
family iii obese and nonobese adolescent ^^?oK?'' ■P^r.S' corrosion detscUve T M
girls. B. A. BuUen and others, bibliog P^IS -63" ^^^"^ ^^ 70:122-f p-4;^lSbM^
Chorionic J Clinical
gonadotropinNutrition 12:1-11
in the treatment Ja '63 of
'63 bibliog Corrosion «t«el
'^p1?dSSs^"l!i'wi?.^°M'^"'^ 19:113-14 Mr
obese women. L. S. Craig and others, bib- Chemi cal therm
liog Am J Clinical Nutrition 12:230-4 Mr ture reactions odyna mics of high temnera..
in metal dusting cor?os
S'63; 63 Discussion. A. T. Simeons. 13:197-8 P. A. Lefrancois and W. B. Hoyt bih 1S i,?,;
Evaluation of anorexigenic agents; studies
with chlorphentermine. S. K. Fineberg. li Corrosion 19:360-8 O '63 ■^"i't. Dibliog
bibliog Am J Clinical Nutrition 11:509-16
N 'G2adolescent girls; an unrecognized minor-
ity group? L. F. Monello and J. Mayer,
bibliog Am J Clinical Nutrition 13:35-9 ^o™-^.' J-ffl--^f i\ %^\ tank a>r^
Jl '63 some ^"niJ^L °% atmospheric corrosion P j
Obesity: considerations of treatment; oif,?^",?^' •' corrosion
°Oi""-olHng ^appl 46:sup 157A-62A Ad '6^
in carbon-ftetl
editorial. G. G. Duncan. Am J Clinical tuLs
Nutrition 13:199-200 O '63
Miller maintenance
and P. R. Payne, and food
bibliogIntake. D. S.
J Nutrition
78:255-62 N '62 i'i5^?s"Tri ^^Sd°"'s"oTu.^o"n's "r 'T-1S'"™
Weight See atsfj(physiology) fs"''o^62'- GlukhrS.*'?rj Ip &e^fj:T5"7t
Perspective correlation. T. B. Haites. bibliog
diags Am Assn Pet Geologists Bui 47:553-74
Ap '63
CORRELATION (statistics)
Autocorrelation by magnitude of the differ- "«n"
ence. T. A, Martin. Inst Radio Eng Proo N%"v^ 2?'rngin»'r,1io»'^<'ri
60:2499 D '62
Change '63 in the six number as a variable In
quantitative structure-reactivity correla-
tions of esters. C. K. Hancock and others,
bibliog Am Chem Soc J 85:1297-9 My 6 f^'?;i"^r^ Elect-^ro^cSifm "soc« j"l1'^f65T-f
'"276°1'?2"a^"1 ^^f ^'«^" »"• '^^t- Engineer
Comparative study of the correlation of sea- ''w^^d°"21:TS"a°''63^-
sonal and diurnal cycles of transhorizon «• ^^°'-- ^^^^s
radio transmission loss and surface refrac-
tivity. B. R. Bean and others, bibliog J Res
Nat Bur Stand 66D:593-9 S '62
Correlation of mass transfer data of solid-
liquid in agitated
and A. I John.son
bibliog Can
19:199-204 Je '63
J Chera Eng 40:231-7: 41:133 D '62. Je '63 9:199-204 engineer's
Je "63 °'°"o& U diags
*^'T?F®iv"8" w"?^ y?^, constants of the Benedict- Corrosion notebook vi Corrosion
n -o^
Webb-Rubm-Friend equation
2-methyl paraffins. R. G. Qriskeyof and state for
L. N. S.2 Ja, 75 F. 54 Mr; 88 My; 109 S '63
Canjar. A I Ch E J 9:182-3 Mr '63
Error analysis in the digital computation of Si'ja-
''°and°' ST F^^TM^^°=°Al "'^""^b ^■62:^T7"
'dTsci"s sir^'r ^"'^2"™^^^'
tha autocorrelation function. H. L Crow- abstract
son, diags AIAA J 1:488-9. 1968-9 F. Ag P721-2 My 4 '63 °^^' ^''^™ & Ind
Experimental correlation analyzer for meas- a"n^i"& ^'"^^^
uring system dynamics. C. W. Ross and
A- ^\; SP"- bibhog il diags IEEE Trans fro™5%"7-13'"j"l'°.^63 <^-^ ^'ectro%"h^:?- S^^-^i
?°s"'63 ^'^^"""""^ p554-61;T3iscussion. 561-
Frequency response measurement by cross
and others-f'j^--?i
. 11 dlagoi"sy'i't
ASB^^^^jr ji^rh^j
Corrosion no factor In iif^ «» a 1
J?rjelation. fi. R. Funke. IEEE ft^c 5lT
Monte Carlo computations in normal correla- piling.
Corrosion Roads &st3 106. n°F^'/^° ^^^^
of carbon steol 'h,r 1,1 1\
w^r.i?"i'"^'"?- 9.- O- Hartley and D L. ture liquid me??5rv a H Fft^.'^^™"^™.:
^™. Assn for CompuUng Mach J 10:302-6 others, bibliog II d'lairV" Trw* 'li'^an and
110:964-9 S '63 ^ Electrochem Soc J
CORROSION and anti -corrosives — Continued To fight corrosion, spread it thin. 11 Am Mach/
Corrosion of fllm-tormine metals. J. E. UseMetaJworking
ui puicuiiosiais Manuf in107:80 Jl 8 '63
corrosion studies. I
Uralev. il Chem Kiik 6a;256+ N 12; 1d2 +
N 26 '62 Dugdale.
= i !■" '^i bibliog diags J Ap Chem
■ ■,13:41-^
Corrosion of ironfilmin properties an HiS-COs-HsO sys- Uses of dewatering rust preventives, il En-
tem: corrosion on pure iron.
J. B. Sardisco and others, il diags Cor- gineering 195:50-1 Ja
Velocity studies; diffusion- controlled corrosion11 '63
rosion 19:354-9 O '63 , .^,. „ reactions. G. S. Gardner, bibliog Corrosion
Corrosion of metallic surfaces, bibhog Elec- 19:81-90 Mr '63 , ,
Corrosion of metals by acetic acid. C. ,,
tro-Tech 71:12-13 Ja '63 . .- „ M. Water-thinned primers for steel surfaces. 11
Eisenbrown and P. R. Barbis. il diags Ind Finishing 39:54-1-
Why stainless steels crack in service. H. G. Ag '6:i
Chem Eng 70:148-1-
Corrosion of plated metals after heating Ap 29 '63 Bennett, il Can Chem Process 47:95-74- (J
in vacuum. R. H. Wolff, bibliog il Plating See also
50:905-10 of O '63 ,^ silver
., and, re- Aluminum — Protection
Corro.-iion platinum, gold, Corrosion resisting materials
fractories in molten carbonates. G. J. Janz Klectrol.vtic corrosion
and others, bibliog diags Corrosion 19:292- Erosion of metals
4 Ag '63
Corrosion of steel in concentrate . ^ dJ ,.., lithium ■ Metal coating
hydroxide solution at 316 C. M. C. Bloom Metal protection
and others, bibliog il diag Corrosion 18: Paint. Protective
401-5 N '62special report, il diags Materials Passivity
Corrosion: Tarnishing of metals
in Design Eng 57:85-122 Ja '63 (reprints
75c) Water purification — Corrosion control
Current status of alkaline digester corrosion Wateralso suppb — Corrosi\Corrosion
subdivision eness under special
as reported by regional digester group. subjects, e.g.
H. M. Canavan and Z. S. Blanchard. Tappi Aluminimi
46:suphumidity 17SA-S1Acontrol S '63 pay for rust preven- Automobiles
Does Boilers
Chemical plants
Durability of concrete in Jeservice,
tion? Iron Age 191:80-2 27 '63 diags ^. Am Copper
Concrete Inst J 59:1771-820 biblloglp 1816- Heat exchangers
19) D '62: Discussion. 60:2071-80 pt 2 Je '63 Hot water tanks
Effect of inhibitors on protective properties Lead
of iron sulfide scale. W. B. Hughes and Nickel
V L.. ofStromberg. Corrosion and 19:9-11 Ja '63 on Niobium
Effect metal composition structure Oil tanks
corrosion and oxidation. H. H. Uhlig. bibliog Paper and pulp mills
diags Corrosion Petroleum — Well casini;
Elastomers solve 19:231-7 corrosion Jl '63problems: ab- Petroleum
stract. H. Elsasser. S A E J 70:99-100 N '62 Petroleum — pipe Well lines tubing
European research on lubrication; the reac- Petroleum refineries
tivity of deformed metal surfaces. T. Liu Silver
and R. J. Benzing. Lub Eng 19:339-41 Ag Steam pipes
Steam turbines
Finishing rusty surfaces. W. B. Maas. Ind Titaniiun
Finishing Water pipes
How anodic 39:99-101 protectionMr halts '63 corrosion. H. A. Zinc
Webster, diags Can Chem Process 47:48-50-f Zirconium Bibliography
HowMr to '63 control rust; review . of. all „ ways to Report of NACB technical imit committee
protect a cold-rolled steel surface from T-3F on corix)sion by high purity and re-
atmospheric corrosion. 11 diag Product Eng lated waters in nuclear power and steam
How to prevent Je 10: 55-66 rusting. Jl 22 Engineer
'63 215:39o generating plants. Corrosion 18:440-8; 19:
Mr 1 '63 ^. ,, .temperature 26-36 D ■62-Ja '63
Influence of oxygen on high Stress corrosion
aqueous corrosion of iron. W. E. Ruther Corrosion and age hardening studies of some
and R. ,K. Hart, bibliog 11 Corrosion 19:127- cast stainless alloys containing ferrite.
J. W. Flowers and others, bibliog 11 Cor-
Inhibitors:^ abstract. R. S. Thornhill. Chem
& Ind p 1198-9
Inhibitors used inJl 20 mines'63 and paper mills. Cracking rosion in19:186-98 My '63
iron-nickel-cobalt alloy wire.
J. B. Hambley. il Can Chem Process 47: R. G. Baker and A. Mendizza. il Electro-
Inhibits Ap '63
condenser tube corrosion. , A., T,Kaiser. . Tech 72:11-12
Cracks under theO 'o3 microscope. D. T. Williams,
Elec World 158:56-1- N 5 '62 il Chem
Dislocation Engsubstructure
70:1544- My vs 27 transgranular
Is blast-furnace-slag backfill corrosive to stress corrosion susceptibility of single
iron? Engineer 216:557 O 4 '63 phase alloys. P. R. Swann. il Corrosion 19:
Linear polarization measurements In the study
of corrosion inhibition. R. A. Legault and 102-12 ofMr applied
Effect '63
'63 stress and cold work on
M. S. Walker, bibliog diags Corrosion 19: stress corrosion cracking of austenitic stain-
222-6 Je '63 less steel by boiling 42 percent magnesium
Long-time atmospheric corrosion tests on chloride. H. P. Hawkes and others, bibliog
low-allov steels; abstract. H. R. Copson. 11 diag of Corrosion 19:247-53polarization
Jl '63 on the
Metal Prog 83:1724- F '63 Effects electrochemical
Michigan Bell unearths hidden reasons for corrosion-fatigue
alloy. J. A. Whittaker. behaviour ilofInst an Al-Zn-Mg
Metals J
rust; abstract. G. H. Selke. S A E J 70:93-
4 O '62 91:346-8 specimens
Hollow '62-63 for stress-corrosion work.
Molybdenum disulrhide and corrosion, il En- il Engineering 196:427 O 4 '63
New corrosiongineering Inhibitors 196:237 At; 23 '63 for steel. II Chem Many faces of corrosion. L. H. Seabrlght and
R. J. Fabian, bibliog diags Materials In
Nitrogen 69:208-1- S 17 '62
oxides: Diesel villain; gases attack Design Eng of 57:85-91 Ja '63
Mechanism stresri corrosion in stainless
lubricating oil and engine parts. E. W. steels; abstract. Metal Prog 84:154-6 Ag
Landen. S A E J 71:70-3 S '63
Pitting corrosion of metals. J. M. KolotyrknI. Relationship between hydrogen pickup and
bibliog diag Corrosion 19:261-8 Ag '63 susceptible paths in stress corrosion crack-
Potentiodynamic investigation on the influ- ing of type 304 stainless steel. D. A.
ence of phenylthiourea on tlie anodic and Vaughan and others, bibliog 11 Corrosion
cathodic polarization curves of iron in acid 19:315-25; Discussion. 325-6 S '63
solution. L. Cavallaro and others, bibliog Stress-corrosion cracking. T. P. Hoar, bib-
diag Corrosion 18:396-400 N '62 liog diags Corrosion 19:331-8 O '63
Rust converted to useful oxide. Iron Age Stress-corrosion cracking Investigation of
191:93 My 16 '63 two low alloy, high-strength steels. R. A.
Sealer extends rust-free life for metallized Davis. II diags Corrosion 19:45-55 F '63
structures. A. P. Shepard. II Iron Age 191: Stress-corrosion cracking of type 304 stainless
69-71 Ap 11 '63 steel at 455 to 615 F. H. L. Logan and
Stopping corrosion of steel by methylated others. 11 Materials Res & Stand 3:635-9
spirit. Engineering 106:106 Jl 26 '63
Ag '63
New corrosion test for stainless steel. Metal
CORROSION and anti-corrosives— Stress cor- Finishing 61:67-1- My '63aluminum coatings
rosion— Continued Performance of metallized
Stress- corrosion crackins of type HI stain- in severe marine atmosphere and sea water
and other alloys in high tern-
perature steelwater.
less P. D. Neumann and J. C. immersion environments, il Welding J 42:
Griess. bibliog il Corrosion lil-'Uo-bi U b6 578-80 Jland
Physical '63 chemical study of an organic
Stress corrosion of austenitic stainless steel inhibitor for hydrogen sultlde attack. O. L.
and contami-
solutions bibliog
nated steam. P.ature
by high-temper P. Snowden. il diags Kiggs. jr. and F. J. Radd. il diag Corrosion
Iron & Steel Inst J 194:181-9 F -eO; Ab- 19:1-8 Ja '63
Potentiodynamic analysis of the Influence of
Metal Pros
stract. the '62
82:1564- N cracking surface active agentsand on stainless
the corrosion
Studies of stress-corrosion
low-carbon steels. H. L,. Logan, bibliog il
qi sistance of common steels re-
aqueous solutions. A. Betti and others, bib-
dias J Res Nat Bur Stand 660:3-17-56 O '62
Study of stainless steel stress-corrosion liog diags Corrosion
Rust prtxentive 18:351-8
abilities O '62 and their
of greases
cracking by potential measurements. B. improvement. S. F. Calhoun and R. L.
Andersson. bibliog il diag Corrosion 18:425-
Young,of bibliog
Study organic ilinhibitorsLub Eng for19:292-6 Jl '63
To^ugher "PH stainless steel. Materials in acid attack on iron. O. L. Riggs. jr. and
Design Ens martensite
Untempered 57:88-9 Je affects
'63 stress corro- R. L. Every, bibliog il diags Corrosion 18:
sion of type 410 stainless. H. Suss, il Metal 262-9 tightens
Test Jl '62; measure Discussion. 19:227-8 rates.
of corrosion Je '63 11
Prog 82:89-91-1- N '62
Study and teaching diag stainless
Tests Steel 152:64-1- Ap 8in'63ten min. il Mate-
Education in corrosion science. E. E. White. rials in Design Eng 58:147-8 Jl '63
Chem & Ind p 1929-31 N 10 ■62 Underground corrosion
Terminology Corrosion by soils can be easily halted. H.
A. Webster, il diags Can Chem Process 47:
Corrosion tenns vou should know. Materials
in Design Eng 57:122 Ja 63 474- Ja of
Corrosion '63
noff, bibliogsteel 11 J pilings
Res Nat in soils. M. Roma-
Bur Stand 66C:
Analytical techniaues in corrosion product 223-44 Jl '62tests for imderground pipe coat-
identitication. D. A. Vaughan. il diag Cor- ings; abstract and discussion. A. G. Logan
and W. D. Parker. Chem & Ind p 1105-6 Jl
rosion 19:55-8 F '63
Coatings tection formedand theironevaluation
steel by bycathodic pro-
polarization 6 '63
Refresher course in gas production, trans-
measurements. W. J. Schwerdtfeger and mission, distribution and utilization; gas
K. J. Manuele. bibliog il Corrosion 19:59- leaks; causes, methods of detection. I.
68 F '63
Continuous corrosion measurements. ^ „E. „G. Deutsch.
See also diags Gas 39:58-63 Je '63
Fochtman and others, diag Chem Eng 70: Pipe lines — Corrosion
140-1- Ja 21 63 J » , . ..= Water pipes — Corrosion
Corrosion diagrams of iron and steel in oxia- CORROSION research
izing media. V. P. Batrakov. diags Corro- Analytical techniques in corrosion product
sion 18:437-9 D '62 steel and other steels m identification. D. A. Vaughan. il diag Cor-
Corrosion of carbon rosion a19:55-8 F '63
simulated boiling-water reactor environ- Delhi pillar: study of the corrosion aspects.
W. E. Bardgett and J. P. Stanners. bibliog
ment; 11. D. C. 'Vreeland and oth-
ers, il diag Corrosion 18:368-77 O '62; Dis- il Iron & Sieel Inst J 201:3-10 Ja '63; Ab-
Corrosion cussion. of 19:228-30
mild Jesteel '63 in the Thames sion,stract.
a. R. MetalEvans.
Prog 83:155-7 My '63;
Iron & Steel InstDiscus-
J 201:
estuary. ofEngineer
Corrosion mild steel 216:395 S 6 tidal
in the '63 waters Exfoliatory
454 My '63 corrosion of aluminium alloys;
of the Thames estuary. G. H. Booth and discussion. Chem & Ind p359-60 Mr 2 '63
others. Jrates Ap Chem 13:211-20 My (Fe-Cr
'63 How to improve corrosion resistance of ex-
Corrosion of ferrous alloys and terior trim. G. F. Bush. S A E J 71:58-9
Fe-Cr-Si) measured by polarization tech-
nique. W. J. Schwerdtfeger. bibliog il J Res F '63
Studying corrosion by electrochemical polari-
Nat Bur Stand 66C:245-54 Jl '62; Same. Cor- zation; National bureau of standards. Engi-
Corrosionrosionresistance 19:17-25 Ja '63 of molybdenum modified Sulfur chemistryneering 194:491 Oand12 its
'62 role in corrosion and
Cr-Ni-Mn austenitic stainless steels. F. Nair deposits. A. Levy and E. L. Merryman. bib-
and M. Semchyshen. bibliog il Corrosion 19:
210-16 Jetests
Corrosion '63 at elevated temperatures and Use of liogpotentiostats
A S M E Transin corrosion
stract and discussion.
ser A 85:229-34
I. Dugdale.
Jl '63
Chem ab-&
pressures. C. R. Bishop, bibliog Corrosion
Ind P2111
What doD LaQue.
wesion. F. D. 22and'62 don't know
19:308-14 sulfur
Corrosive S '63 in insulating oils; a non- Materials inabout
parametric analysis of interlaboratory test
data. G. Shombert, jr. Materials Res & 57:99 Ja '63
CORROSION resisting materials
Stand 3:280-2lead
Determining Ap corrosivity
'63 of lubricating Corrosion resistance data. R. J. Fabian. Ma-
oil in large marine and stationary Diesel Corrosion terialsresistance
in Design Eng 57:106-21
in sea water Ja '63
of medium
engines. G. L. Karner. il diags Lub Eng strength aluminum bronzes. B. Upton, il
18:502-13 D 62
Does the sulphur content of blast furnace Corrosion
Erosion resistant 19:204-9valve
Je '63trims. P. Wing, jr.
slag backfills render them corrosive? J.
C. Hudson, bibliog Iron & Steel Inst J 11 diags Naval Eng J 75:635-42
Filament-wound tanks built in place, il Chem Ag '63
201:702-4 Ag '63 Glass proves equal
Effects of wall temperatures, D. R. Bergstrom Eng 70:2104- Mr 18 to '63 many tasks. J. F.
and R. J. Ladd. diags Chem Eng 70:176-1- Malone. il Can Chem Process 47:68-70 Jl
Jl 8 '63 materials for corrosive service. F.
Evaluating How corrosion engineers save money. H, G.
Li. LaQue. il diags Materials in Design Bennett, il Can Chem Process 47:71-24-
Eng 57:92-S ofJacorrosion '63 F '63
Identification products on cobalt How to rosive
develop porcelain enamels
and cobalt alloys, bibliog diags Corrosion environments. B. G. Craig, for cor-
il diag
18:421-3 N '62 Cer Ind 81:62-54- Jl '63
Malleable iron resists corrosion. Foundry 91:
Improved laboratory technique for investigat-
ing corrosion by recirctilating cooling water.
A. O. Fisher, il diags Corrosion 19:91-101 Materials for water desalting plants. R. E.
25 F '63bibliog
Mr '63 Moore, il Chem Eng 70:1244- S 30;
Joint action of hydrogen sulfide and organic
compounds on corrosion and embrittlement 2244- O 14of '63construction; 20th biennial re-
of iron in sulfuric acid, Z. A. lofa and G. N. port: guides to corrosion resistance. R. K.
Tomashova. bibliog Corrosion 19:12-16 Ja '63 Swandby. bibliog Chem Eng 69:186-201 N
New corrosion test for stainless, il Chem
Ei!g 70:204+ My 13 '63 Metal selector; cast high alloys. Steel 151:
New corrosion test for stainless auto trim. 12 '62
R. M. Fowler and C. R. Bishop, il Metal sup S selector.
Metal 18 O 22 '62 1963; cast high alloys. Steel
Prog 84:88-90 S '63 153:sup S21 O 14 '63
CORROSION resisting materials — Continued Method for the qualitative determination of
Nickel plate could make cents. H. F. Jones. coal-tarducts. dyes in commercial cosmetic pro-
Iron Aee 191:57 for Je 27product
'63 .„ ,, A. Shanskv and P. P. Carrubba. Am
Nickel platinK ^purity. R.,„„v. Perfumer 78:13-14 Jl '63
HuKhson.gain 11 Chem Enpr 70:190+ services.
Ap 15 '63W. Thumbnail guide to color restrictions. H. D.
Plastics in anti-corrosion Goulden. Drug & Cosmetic Ind 93:31 Jl '63
Henderson. 11 Can Chem Process 47:107+
5 '63 Statistics
Properties of materials: rust preventives: Cosmetic sales by states In thousands of
tables. Materials in Desisn Eng- 58:383 Mid- dollars. Drug & Cosmetic Ind 92:694-5 Je
Reinforced plastics; modem materials of con- Drug and cos ope 1962. J.
struction for textile processing equipment. Kalish. Drug me&tic CosmeticrationInd s 92:549-51 +
TJ1 4 J.'63Smlts. Jr. Am Dyestuff Rep 52:78-80
My '63
Selecting rp for corrosion control. Plastics Acetoglycerides in cosmetics. C. H. Benton.
Tech 9:97-8
Severe molten O zinc '63 .
corrosion _ ^
Is reduced ^ ^oy bibliog onAm the Perfumer 78:37-40 O '63 Ind
improved molybdenum-tungsten alloy. R. Aerosols move. 11 Drug & Cosmetic
W. Barman and G. Litchfield. 11 Ens & 91:304-5 S '62
Antimicrobial agents in cosmetic prepara-
Min J 164:88-90
Sprinkler alarm redesign Ap '63 , , ,„
cuts weight 68 per tions. L. Gershenfeld. Am Perfumer 78:55-
cent F A. Gloeckler. il Materials In Design Antimicrobials in soaps, cosmetics. H. C.
C7 O '63
Eng' 58:75
Understanding Jl '63 the refractory^ metals . , J. t Stecker. bibliog Soap & Chem Spec 39:75-7
Chelius. Chem Eng 69:178+ D 10 '63 Antioxidants
My '63 terioand control R.of H.oxidative
ration of cosmetics. Rosenwald. de-
Which materials for ^hydrofoils? .H. S.
Warkentin and A, E. Hohman.,,il Ma- bibliog Am inPerfumer
See alsoterials in Design Eng 57:88-90 My '63 Antiseptics cosmetics;78:41-4 O '63
abstract. P. M.
Acid resisting materials Astringent specialties. A. Rubino.39:169
Bogner. Soap & Chem Spec Je '63
bibliog Am
Corrosion and anti-corrosives
Paint. Protective Perfumer vending
Automatic 7S:S3-7 Omachines. '63 J. Thornton. 11
Steel. Stainless diag Drug & agents
Bacteriostatic Cosmeticin Indcosmetics.91:574-5+ A.N M. '62
Titanium _Testing Kligman. chain
Branched Am Perfumer compounds 78:51-3in Mycosmetics; '63
sun'ey. M. G. deNavarre. Am Perfumer 78:
Influence of chromium surface films on the
corrosion performance of electroplated zinc 79-81 O ethers;
Cellulose '63 what they are and their
die castings. W. H. Safranek and others, use in cosmetics. A. H. Knectel. Am Per-
bibllog Plating
Materials 50:507-9 JeI. '63
for hydrofoils. Fiorlti and oth- Christmas fumerpackage 78:95-7 O '63parade. 11 Drug & Cos-
ers. 11 diags Naval Eng J 75:609-22 Ag '63 metic Ind 91:290-1
Clay suspending agentsS '6?in cosmetic formula-
CORROSION rosion resisting
resisting steel. See Steel, Cor- tions. G. J. Sperandio. bibliog Am Per-
CORRUGATED paper board. See Paper board. Comparative fumer 78:99-102 value O '63of polyols in cosmetic
Corrugated emulsions. S. J. Strlanse. Am Perfumer
CORRUGATED pipes. See Pipes. Corrugated 77:31-9 O PVP.'62
Cosmetic F. J. Prescott and others.
CORRUGATED sheet metal. See Sheet metal, bibliog Drug & Cosmetic Ind 93:443-5+.
Cosmetic O-N of'63fats and oils: old. yet new.
•63 W. J. Hintz. Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:4+
COSDEN oil and chemical company
Third Combustion industrial power plant Cosmetics
O '63 and toilet preparations (cont).
award, flow diag 11 Combustion 34:26-33 Je W. W. Myddleton. bibliog 11 Manuf Chem
COSMETIC chemists, Society of. See Society of 34:479-80 O '63
Current cosmetic color palette. H. Holtzman.
cosmetic chemists bibliog Am M.Perfumer 78:27-31 FPublished '63
COSMETIC industry and trade Desiderata. G. deNavarre. in
Avon products' new distribution center. 11 monthly numbers of American perfumer
and cosmetics
plan Drug & Cosmetic Ind 92:24-6 Ja '63 Functional properties of lanolin derivatives
Big rush in men's toiletries. P. Vautin. Drug in formulations. L. I. Conrad and H. F.
6 Cosmetic Ind 91:561-2+ N '62 Maso. bibliog Am Perfumer 77:97-103 O '62
Dynamics of cosmetics, more big changes General characteristics and applications of
ahead. P. Vautin. Drug & Cosmetic Ind 91: the montmorillonite hydrocolloids. M. Barr.
285+ S '62 bibliog Am
Gtiide to raw materials Perfumer 78:37-42+
for cosmetics F '63 and
Going abroad with your business? J. D.
Henricks. Drug & Cosmetic Ind 91:292-3+, perfumery, products. il Manuf Drug Chem & 33:444-5+
695-7+: 92:292-4+ S. D '62. Mr '63 Medicated Cosmetic N Ind '62
How to kill a cosmetic. P. Vautin. il Drug & Persorption
92:637 My in'63 topical therapeutics. A. Light.
Cosmetic Ind 91:425-6+ O '62 diag Am
Mass distributor, discounter, cosmetics man-
ufacturer. V. H. Scher. Drug & Cosmetic Polvol fatty Perfumer acid esters 78:19-22 Ja '63 emul-
in cosmetic
sions. J. Hardiman. Am Perfumer 77:45-7
Ind•63 93:153-4+ Ag '63
Present and prospect for cosmetics. M. F. Proteins
O '62 in cosmetics. R. S. Burnett, bibliog
Bower. Drug & Cosmetic Ind 92:420-1+ Ap
RoleAm Perfunier
of wool 78:69-72 wax O '63
alcohols In cosmetics.
Pres pers pays R S Dru E. S. Lower, bibliog Am Perfumer 77:63-8
& tiCosmetic
ge onInd alit 93:29-30+ . .Jl '63alomon g
Seaweed derivatives in cosmetic formulation.
y . OE. '62
Stanley's 30 years of progress, il Soap & Thomsen. bibliog Am Perfiuner 78:45-50
See alioSpec 39:73-6+ Mr '63
O '63 life of Mrs Walter MItty. B. M. Castle.
Advertising SkinAm conditioning
Perfumer 77:23-5 N '62 Am Perfumer
Ad parade, il Drug & Cosmetic Ind 91:443.
581 720 O-D '62 Skin77:55-7 O '62 the market, il Drug & Cos-
Is there hope? plight of the small cosmetic metic Ind 92:295-7+ Mr '63
company. P. Vautin. Drug & Cosmetic Ind Sonic applications in the cosmetic industry.
91:693-4+ D '62 H. G. Goldman, il diags Am Perfumer
New life for an old line. J. Thornton. 11
Drug & Cosmetic Ind 92:304-5+ Mr '63 78:34-7 in
Starches S '63 topical preparations. R. E. Faust,
Finance Sunbibliog
screenAm lotion Perfumer 78:51-4 11 O Drug
portfolio. '63 & Cos-
Unilever companies report sales. Soap & Chem
Spec 39:64+ Je '63 Sun.screenmetic Indand
tanning Ap agent;
'63 abstract. R.
M. Fusaro and W. J. Runge. Drug &
Laws and regulations
Co.smetio Ind
Teenagers; top 92:243
beauty F market.
'63 E. Kalinin,
FDA tightens controls on cosmetics. Chem &
Bng N 41:26-7 Jl 8 '63 Drug & Cosmetic Ind 93:312-t- S '63
COSMETICS — Continued
TGA color tests. H. D. Goulden. Drug & ■"^fe
'iS^'^e^S °°®™'° '^y^- ^'^^ demonstra-
for cosmic-ray Electronics
Cosmetic Ind 91:286-8+ S '62
Use ot fatty acids in cosmetics and per-
fumery. K. T. Zilch. Am Perfumer 77:41-3 Transistorized automatic data'*""'
recording ^^'•
"^ ^'^^^ for
N '62 . cosmetic, Sn"!' Ag y^3
cosmic-ra " "^'^^^
detectors. K. F. Richard
Use of isopropvl fatty esters m
formulations. G. Holzner. Am Perfumer 78: others, bibliog diags R Scl Instr 34:504-9 and My
Value89-93 ofO function
'63 ,
in cosmetic pacltaginff. „R. COSMOLOGY
also il Am Perfumer 78:18-20 Jl '63 Cosmology. Mach's principle and relativity.
Bath preparations V,-
JI .fJ-
bo I^ioke. bibliog Am J Phys 31:500-9
Hair — Dyeins and bleachine Proposed experimental test of cosmologicaj
Hair preparations theory by infrared mea.surements. R R.
Toilet eoods
g^oods association Law
o 63 bibhog diags IEEE Proc 51:1180-90
Bibliography Cost-eftectiveness evaluation
Technical abstracts. Am Perfumer 77:56-S-[- naval air weapons systems. for mixes
B. S. Albert;
Ap; 44-7 D '62: 78:34-6 Ja; 47-8 Mr; 18-t- l^ost
i-i^; ^i
of Jones
operatingdiagsa field
Op Res 11:173-93 Mr '65
Ap: 16-t- My; 58+ Je: 28-33+ JI: 41-2+ Ak construcUon office.
Patents See also
Anti-wrinkle preparation. Drue & Cosmetic Factory costs
fcO°-2 ?^'r673-,:?l^^9°^S^ ^"^ ^ ^ ^°^ ''
Foundry costs
NailInd hardening:
92:101-2 Ja composition '63 . and , method .^ , of, Labor cost
making same, bibliosr Am Perfumer 78:36-7 Mining costs
Office costs
Novel facial scordinine cosmetic composition. Power cost
Am Perfumer 78:52-4 .4.P '63
Patents and trademarks.
lished in monthly T. Cifelli.
numbers jr. Pub-
of Drug and f-,?/*" subdivision Costs under special sub-
cosmetic industry , _^ ^^ , Atomic
Bridges power slants
Skin cream containing low eel strength, low Building
viscosity eelatin: patent. Am Perfumer Canals
78:34-6 Ja '63 Channels
Physiological effect Chemical plants
Consumers are getting the breaks In cos- Dikes
metic cases. W. Freedman. Drug & Cos-
metic Ind 92:559-60 My '63 Electric plants (central stations)
Cosmetics are safe. R. L. Goldemberg. Drug Flood control
& Cosmetic Ind 92:34-6+ Ja '63 Gasoline plants
Court decisions; lipstick case. H. N. Morse. Glass factories
Drug & Cosmetic Ind 92:445+ Ap '63 Guided
Heating missile bases
Court decisions; nail polish allergy. H. N.
Morse. Drug & Cosmetic Ind 92:736 Je 63 Heating. Industrial
Court decisions: personal injuries allegedly
resulting from the use of freckle cream. Metal working plants
H. N. Morse. Drug & Cosmetic Ind 93:330
S '63 Motor trucks in mining
Piers refineries
Laboratory and clinical evaluations by der-
matologists; effectiveness and safety. R. L«. Roads
Baer. Am Perfumer 78:41-3 S '63 Roads. Concrete
Plea for in-use testing of cosmetics. G. L. Sewage disposal plants
Wolcott. Drug & Cosmetic Ind 93:155-6+ Shipbuilding
Ag lotion
Sun '63 allergy. H. N. Morse. Drug & Steam plants
Tunnels and tunneling
Cosmetic Ind 91:737 D '62 Water distribution
Testing Waterworks
Laboratory andmatologists: clinical evaluations COST accounting
effectiveness and R.der-
D. Are your porcelain enameling cost practices
Baer. Am Perfumer 78:41-3 S '63
Plea for in-use testing of cosmetics. G. L. Control of maintenance costs. R. W&er Herr- Ind
Wolcott. Drug & Cosmetic Ind 93:155-6+ '79':36°-7+% '6?' Hofstetter.
mann. Iron J.
Cost control. & Steel
V. van Eng Pelt,
3d. S Pit'63 &
Ag '63
Some applications of gas chromatography to
cosmetology. V. R. Wheatley. bibliog Am Quarry 55:139-42+ Ap '63
Perfumer 78:27-30+ Ja; 33-4 Mr '63 Dyeing and .finishing cost accounting. J. E.
COSMIC physics Williams,
10 63 jr. Am Dyestuff Rep 51:997-9 D
Cosmic electric fields and discharges; ab-
stract. C. E. R. Bruce. Engineer 215:789 Gi^gy cloth manufacturing cost accounting.
10 H63 Galher. Am Dyestuff Rep 51:995-7 D
Ap 26 rays
Cosmic particles in Antarctic snow. R. A. ^??P'5p,tabs on plant costs. Textile World
Schmidt. Franklin Inst J 275:72-4 Ja '63 113:75 My '63
Predicting chemical costs In aluminum
Cosmic rays or machines? S. A. Korff. 11 brightening. G. D. Nelson. Plating
Phys Today 16:46-50+ S '63 50:651-
Dopplometer will measure ionospheric ab- 7 Jl 63
sorption. Electronics 36:67-9 Ja 25 '63 Synthetics, wash-wears, and specialty cost
Inter-American symposium on cosmic rays. accounting. W. D. Allred. Am Dyestuff
6th. La Paz. Bolivia. July 17-27. Phys To- Rep 51:999-1002 D 10 '62
See al3o
day 16:58-60 Ap '63
Predicting large solar cosmic ray events. Depletion
H. H. Malitson. bibliog 11 Astronautics & Depreciation
Aerospace Eng 1:70-30 Mr '63 Machinery. Replacement of
Sounding of electromagnetic conditions bv Oil companies — Accounting
high energy cosmic rays in interplanetary Petroleum industry and trade — Accounting
space and in the vicinity of earth. L. L. Petroleum refineries — Accounting
Dorman and others, bibliog AIAA J 1:738- Textile mills — Accounting
44 Mr '63 Measurement COTTON
Action of far-ultraviolet radiation on cotton
Cosmic- ray detection and analysis. Nucleonics cellulose. G S. Egerton and others, bibliog
20:70 O '62 Soc Dyers & Col J 79:49-55 F '63
Delineation of tracks of heavy cosmic rays Behavior of ethylenlmine with cellulose In
and nuclear processes within large crystals the presence of acetic acid. L. Segal and
Sllfkln. blbUOK U RJ^„SclB. Inatr Childs and L.
34:101-4 Ja M.'63
fisXt S^it ' ^'^"°^ TexUIe Res J 33:
COTTON — Continued , , . , -See Cotton cleaning
Changes in certain structural and mechanical
properties of cotton cellulose with
sive acetylation. C. M. Conrad and others. progres- Diseases and pests
Rapid method for detection and evaluation of
Fate il Textile Res
of cyanamide In Jcotton.
C. OS. '63Miller biologically damaged cotton (cavitoma). C.
and \V. C. Hall. biblioE dias J AbH & M. Andrews and Li. E. Hessler. Textile
Food Chem 11:222-5 My '63 Res J 32:SC2-4
Utilization O '62
Heteroeeneous acid hydrolysis of alpha-cel-
lulose from Sudanese cotton. E. H. Daru- ton. J. E. ofSands
diplodia-damaged boll-rot
and others, bibliog cot-
walla and R. T. Shet. biblioK Textile Res Kes J 32:1013-22; 33:371-6 D '62, My '63
J 32:942-54 N '62 . „ ., , j Knit goods
Kine Cotton's shaky provinces. Textile Ind
127:27-9 Je '63 Brighter colors for tubular knits; how to
Microscopical observations of abrasion phe- dye tiiese cotton fabrics with the Cibacron
nomena in cotton. I. V. deGruy and others, fiber reactive dyes. E. P. Ward and J. E.
biblios il Textile
Mid-South rolton: Resbuy J carefully.
32:873-82 N F.'62 L. Raines,only il oneTextile
Now, Ind 127:79-81
per cent shrinkage Apin cotton
Gerdc.-s. knitted fabrics, il diag Textile World 113:
1962 cottonTtxtile crop; whatWorld you ll;;:109
can Ja expect '63 from
it. F. L. Gerdes. Textile World 113:64-6 85-6 fundamentals
Some F '63 of stretch cottons. E. S.
G72-9-I- bibliog
S 2 63 diags Am Dyestuff Kep 62:
Polyethylene mulch: cotton yield per acre Is
increased by use of plastics, il Plastics
World 21:25 .le '63 ^ , ,, , Moisture content
Preparation ton of melhyI-C"-ceIlulose
T. Mares and J. C.from cot-
Arthur. Heating, cleaning, and mechanical process-
ing effects on cotton; equilibrium moisture
.1r. biblioi.' Textile
Radiation-induced interaction of styrenewithRes .7 33:fiGl-2 Ae 'HIJ and density. F. K. Andrews and otiiers.
cotton. R. J. Demint and others, bibliog il bibliog Textile Res J 3:i:609-16 Ag '63
Textile Res J 32:918-22 N '62 Investigation of the relation between the
Reaction of aryl isocyanates %vith cotton cel- tensile properties of cotton fiber bundles
lulose. S. E. Ellzey, .1r. and others. biblioR and yarns in the dry and wet states. K. P.
Textile of Res structure
J 32:1023-33to Dphytotoxicity
'62 . K. Pillay. bibliog Textile Res J 33:333-43
Relation of Testing
s-triazine herbicides on cotton and weeds. My '63
J T. Holstun. jr. and C. G. Mc"Whorter. Rapid method for detection and evaluation
biblioff J cotton: Apri & better.Food Chem of biologically damaged cotton (cavitoma).
Southeast F. L. 11:441-3
Gerdes. STex- '63 C. M. Andrews and L. E. Hessler. Textile
tile World 112:66 D
Studies in the reaction of formaldehyde with '62 ,, . ., Res J diftractograms
32:862-4 O '62 of cotton;
unmodified, modified, and dyed celluloses: X-ray effect of
equilibrium reaction of formaldehyde with sample weight and other variables. M. E.
Nelson and E. F. Schultz, jr. Textile Res J
cotton cellulose at 30°C. K. V. Datye. bib-
lios Textile 33:515-20carding Jl '63
Texas cotton: Res firstJ report.
N '62 World 112: COTTON
47 N '62 -■\utoniatic leeder for cotton cards reduces
Two late Valley cotton cotton:
reports: California's San handling, improves quality, il diags Tex-
Joaquin West Texas cotton. tile Ind 127:123-1- F 63
F L. Gerdes, Textile World 113:66 Mr '63 Big new step toward fully automated carding;
Why buy hiffh-frrade cotton. E. W. S. lapless card feeding. J. R. Miktoii. il diaga
Calkins and J. B. Ross. Textile World 113:
113-15 O '63 Textile World '63 113:82-4 Je '63
See also Chokes and metallic card wire, il Textile Ind
Eleachinc — Cotton
Cotton fibers Fast127:78-9-1-
carding;Je Crown'63 cotton mills report. 11
Cotton trade ^ Textile cleaning
Ind 127:106-7-1- My '63
Dyes and dyeing — Cotton COTTON
Fast way to measure trash in cotton and
Bleaching waste. R. A. Kusca and others, il diag Te.x-
See Bleaching-— Cotton tile World 113:64-5 Je '63
Blending How's your over-all lap quality'? N. L. Enrick.
Automatic sandwich blendine. 11 Textile Ind il Textile
Making Ind picker
better 12<:95-; laps,
Mr '63
il Textile World
127:1194- Ap '63 112:86-. and
O '62picking. Textile World 113:45
Keep tight rein on blending. N. L. Enrlck. Opening
il Textile Ind 126:163-4-f O '62
Needed: better blends. A. P. Aldrich. jr. il Winning the battle for cleaner yarn. A. P.
Textile Ind 127:60-3-1- O 'G3 Jl '6J
Aldrich. jr. il Textile Ind 12r:S0-3-)- Mr
Chemistry COTTON combing
Cotton in two steps, il Chem & Effect of fiber configuration in feed on comber
Eng N 40:41-2 O 29 '62 waste. V. A. Wakankar and S. N. Bhaduri.
Effect of compound functionality on Impart- bibliog Textile '63
ing ver.satile finishes to cotton. R. M. Per- Discussion. V. B.Res J 32:641-52
Mercliaiit. Ag Re-
33:239-40; 'G2;
kins and others, bibliog Am Dyestuff Rep
62:521-6 Jl 8 '63 COTTON ply. drying
240-2 Mr '63
Hydrolysis u.'sed to locate cross- links. Chem Drying in the crease-resist process, bibliog
& Eng N 41:58-1- O 14 '63 Am Dyestuff Kep 52:154-9 Mr 4 '63
Infrared spectra of selected resin-treated cot- COTTON fabrics
tons. V. W. Tripp and others, bibliog Am Change In cotton. linen, rayon, and
secondary acetate with temperature of
Dyestuff Rep 52:598-602 An 5 'C3 steaming. V. C. Ester and otners. bibliog
Microbiological degradation of cellulose; ab-
stract. K. Selby. Chem & Ind p514; Discus- Textilesheeting;
Cotton lies J 33:357-70 My fineness
what fiber '63 can do to
sion. 515 Mr 30 '63 it. J. E. Sands and others, bibliog il Textile
Molecular structure and chlorine stability in Ind 126:74-7-1- Je: 110-11-4- S; 140-3-f N; 80-
cotton flnl.shes. F. B. Shippee and D. D.
Gagliardi. Textile Res J 33:182-90 Mr '63 3-t- D '62; 127:98-102-1- Mr; 93-4-t- Je '63
Cotton stretch fabrics by slack niercerizalion.
Structureifiedand of chemically
M. L,. Rollins mod-
and others, bibliog il diag Textile Res J 33.191-205 Mr
biljliog il Textile Res J 33:117-29 F '63 Finishing Herculon-cotton blends. Mod Tex-
Studies In cross-Unking reactions of cel-
lulose. V. B. Chlpalkattl and others, bib- tiles .Macdrape
4 1:35 Ofor'63cottons; effect of struc-
liog Textile Res J 33:282-95 Ap '63 Improved
Studies on the distribution of cross-links in tural and chemical variables. E. J. Stavra-
wrinkle-resistant cottons. W. A. Reeves kas and M. M. Platl. bibliog diags Textile
and others, bibliog il Textile Res J 33:169- Ind 127:143-1- My '63J. F. Krasny and others.
81 Mr '63 Lofty cotton fabrics.
Treatment of cotton with ammonla-eplchloro- II 'rextlle Ind 127:113-1- Je '63
bvdrin reaction products. J. B. McKelvev Now; moldability for all-cotton fabrics. A. S.
and others, bibliog Textile Res J 33:273-81 Cooper, jr. and others, bibliog il Textile
Ap '63 World 113:91-2 O '63
COTTON fabrics — Continued Washability
Reaolion of aryl isocyanates with cotton cel- Durable wash-wear finishes for cotton. J. G.
lulose: textile properties of fabric moditiea Frick. Jr. and oUiers. bibliog Am Dyestuff
hv reaction with phenyl isocyanate. S. E.
Ellzev. jr. and others, bibliosr Textile Res J Rep 51:897-900
Hydrolytic stability N 12 of '62 esterifled cotton
:i2:in23-33 D 'G2cotton battinprs may regain fabrics to commercial laundering, bibliog
auto, furniture maricets. Textile World 112: Am
Influence Dyestuffof fiber Rep swellability
52:436-7 Je in 10 '63 selected
73 N '62
Stretch cottons: their properties and promise. fabrics on wet soiling
moval. J. V. Beninate and others,and ease of soil re-
C. H. Fisher, bibliog il Mod Textiles Mag
44:45-7-1- Mr '63to mal<o stretch cottons. K. Am Dyestuff
Mechanism Rep soil
of ■63fatty 52:752-6
removal. S 30B. '63 A. Scott,
What it costs
M. Decossas and others, bibliog il diags Newbibliog
uronil wash-wear
J Ap Chem finish 13:133-44 Mr '63 and
for cottons
Textile Tnd 127:150-1-1- As '63 the new high wet modulus rayons. Mod
See also
AwninK fabrics Textiles Mag of 44:38-t-
Relationships cotton Jefabric '63 thickness and
Cotton finishing
Sateen compressional
erties. J. J. resilience
Hebert and to wash-wear
others. Textile prop-
Creasing Res J 33:510-15
Removal of fatty Jl '63 from cotton in aqueous
Base-catalvzed condensation of cellulosic fab- detergent systems. W. C. Powe. bibliog
rics with volatile epoxides. T. Francis Am Oil oily Chem soilSocas J a 40:290-4
and M. L. Staples, bibliog diag Textile Res Residual factor Jlin '63 yellowing
,T s:!-5^:!-nn .^g •(:?, of used and laundered white cotton articles.
Chemical finishing conference. 11th. Washing- V. McDendon and F. Richardson, bibliog
ton: abstracts of papers. Textile World 112: Am Dyestuff
S9-90-t- N '62 Setting of loft Rep 52:112-18
in cotton F IS preliminary
fabrics: '63
6.6'-Disulfide cross-links in cotton cellulose. report, il Am Dyestuff Rep 52:233-4 Ap 1
R. F. Schwenker. jr. and others, bibliog
Textile Res J 32:797-804; 33:107-17 O '62, Three-in-one finish: dyed, embossed, wash-
F '63 wear kinsfabric
and G. in L. oneDrake, operation.
jr. Textile R. M. Ind Per-
effects on fabric cross-linkswrinklein cotton
R. F.
Schwenker. jr. and others, bibliog Textile 155-1- An '63finishes for cotton from DMEU
Res J 32:797-804 O '62 and
R. M.glutaraldehyde-pentaerythritol
H. Kullman and others, bibliog acetaJa.
Drving in the crease-resist process, bibliog
Am Dyestuff Rep 52:154-9 Mr 4 '63 Dyestuff Rep 52:43-4 Ja 21 '63
Finishing cotton with formaldehyde: repro- Weathering
ducible pad-dry-cure treatments. R. A ■63
l=\iiimoto and others, bibliog Am Dyestuff Beliavior of methylolmelamine-treated
under environmental stress. A. G. Kempton cotton
Measurement ofAp dri\
Rep 52:329-36 29 '63wet and bias wrinkle and others, bibliog diags Am Dyestuff Rep
recovery on three resin-treated cotton fab- 52:745-514- Sdeterioration
Comparative 30 '63 of jute and cotton
rics. K. H. Brown and B. R. Stout. Am canvases
Dvestuft Rep 51:741-3 O 1 '62 weathering. dueJ. P. to Bhattacharyya micro-organisius and S. and N.
Modem cellulose reactants. W. P. Munro. '62
Basu. of bibliog
Effect noncellulosic Textile material
Res J 33:868-9
on the actinic O '63
Am Dyestuff Rep 52:95-8 F 4 '63 degradation of cotton fabric. C. H. Bayley
Preparation and stability of cellulosic deriva-
and others, bibliog Textile Res J 33:849-54
C. M. tivesMoran of hydrazide-formaldehyde
and others, bibliog adducts.
Ind &
Eng Chem Product Res cS: Develop 2:178- COTTON fibers
O '63 sheeting:
Cotton what fiber fineness can do
82 S '63 of ao-bisdiazoalkanes with cotton
Reaction to it. J. E. Sands and others, bibliog il
aid the effect on crease resistance. P. C. Textile Ind 126:74-7-1- Je: UO-ll-f- S: 140-3-1-
Arni and E. Jones. Soc Dyers & Col J 79: N: 80-34- D '62: 127:98-1024- Mr; 93-44- Je
314-15 Jl '63 application of color and other Dep o c fibe fric on load
special properties to cotton materials. R. end velocity.f R.ottonS. Merkel.
and r tion
Textile Res J
M. Perkins and others, bibliog Tnd * Eng 33:84-6
Dependence e Ja of '63hook removal at drawing oii
Chem Product Res & Develop 1:281-5 D '62 some drafting parameters G. C. Ghosh and
Structureifiedand of chemically
M. D. Rollins mod-
and others, S. N. Bhaduri. Textile Res J 32:864-6 O
bibliog il Textile Res J 33:117-29 F '63 FFib and f'i62yarn fi Tex fasWt orl nom113:4 Jl 'G63
Studies on the distribution of cro.=:s-links in igL.uers Louis r .s. L.
beand nene A.tile Fiori.: d Textile
ogr 4 World
wrinkle-resistant cottons. W. A. Reeves rin s s aph
and others, bibliog il Textile Res J 33:169-81 g
Observations Mr '63
on swelling and structure of
Mr '63 cotton fillers. C. F. Goldthwait. bibliog il
Sulfone reactants for wash-wear cotton. H.
C. Bortrhetty and D. Fornelli. bibliog Am Am Dyestuff Rep 51:928-34 N 26 '62
Dyestuff Rep 52:91-4 F 4 '63 Structural properties
fringence and structuralof cotton
reversalsfibers: bire-
in relation
Moisture absorption to mechanical properties. S. M. Betrabet
Water retention by cotton fabric during and others, bibliog Testing Textile Res J 33:720-7
centrifuging. L. Loeb. Textile Res J 33:521-
6 Jl -63 Nylon mixtures S
Crimp -63 of cotton fibers. E. Alexander and
See Nylon fabrics — Cotton mixtures others, bibliog Textile Res J 32:898-908 N
Protection Effe of rela h o t bund
Behavior of methylolmelamine-treated cot- ct
strength tive andumid%it inch ngaugehe lengths.
at zero le
ton under environmental stress, A. G. J. Prakash and R. D. yN. Ivenger. bibliog
Kempton and others, bibliog diags Am Textile Res J 32:954-7 N "62
Dyestuff Rep 52:745-51-1- S 30 '63 Effect of testing conditions on fiber drag. J.
Effect of noncellulosic material on the actinic Simpson and L. B. DeLuca. bibliog Textile
degradation of cotton fabric. C. H. Bayley Res J 33:62-8 Ja '63
and others, bibliog Textile Res J 33:849-54 Fast way to measure trash In cotton and
O '63 waste. R. A. Rusca and others, il dlag
Rayon mixtures TextilG World 113:64-5 Je '63
See Rayon fabrics — Cotton mixtures Heating, cleaning, and mechanical processing
effects on cotton. E. Honold and others.
Shrinkage bibliog il Textile Res J 33:51-61. 6U9-16, 839-
Stretchable cotton fabrics: properties and 48 Ja.
processing techniques. W. G- Sloan and How to Ag.
get Othe'63most for your cotton dollar:
others, bibliog il diags Am Dyestuff Rep Springs cotton mills fiber-testing lab il
52:412-18 My 27 '63 Textile World 113:67-9 Mr '63
Testing Investigation of the relation between the
tensila propertie.') of cotton fiber bundles
Oxvluminescence from cotton textiles. R. A. and yarns in the dn." and wet states. K P
Pittman and V. W. Tripp. Textile Res J R Pi.''ay- bibliog Textile Res J 33:333-43
32:1038-40 D '62
My '63
COTTON fibers— Testing — Continued _ Sulfone reactanta for wash-wear cotton. H.
Mlcronaire test. T. Chytirls. Textile Rea J C. Borghetty and D. Fornelli. bibliog Am
33:81-2 Ja '63 , ., down.
j Dyestuff Rep finish; 62:91-4dyed,F 4 embossed,
Mill-USDA study; fiber leneth vs. ends Three-in-one wash-
E. W. S. Cabins. Textile Ind 126:68-71 + wear fabric in one operation. R. M. Per-
kins and G. L. Drake, jr. Textile Ind 127:
RelatinK cotton fiber and processing variables 155-1- Ap '63
to end breakage in spinning. L. A. Fiorl Trimming the cost of cyanoethylated cotton,
and others, bibliog diag Ind Quality Con-
trol 19:15-19 Ap '63 . . „ ... Useil Textile
of bis World 113:95-6 sulfone
pose (hydroxyethyl)
finishes for cotton.
F '63 in multipur-
C. M. Welch.
Servo- densitometer for examining X-ray dif-
fraction patterns of cotton fibers. R. ». Textile Res ofJ cotton;
33:165-7 theF '63effect of finishes
Krowicki and P. R. Ewald. il diags Tex- Wet soiling
tile Res J 32:815-18 O '62 on soiling. J. Berch and H. Peper. bibliog
Study of the effect of cotton fiber structure Textile Res J 33:137-45 F '63; Abstract.
on luster. L. E. Holboke _ and L,. P. Bern- Mod Textilesof Mag
Wet-soiling 44:34 F '63
resin-treated cottons. A. C.
man, bibliog il diags Textile Res J 33:205-17 Nuessle and others. Textile Res J 33:146-60
Mr '63
Suitability of the Mlcronaire Instrument for F '63
the deterrmnation of the fineness of Indian Yarn untwisting as a rapid test of cotton
cottons. J. Prakash and R. L. N. Iyengar. swelling in various reagents. J. H. Carra
Textile Res Jstudy 33:245-9 andSee others. Textile Res J 32:1041-2 D '62
Surface-area of Mrcotton '63 , . , ,from
dried Bleacliing
— Cotton
sion carbon
R. A. Sommers. dioxide at zero surface
bibliog diags Tappi ten-, Cotton sizing
46:562-9 S '63 COTTON gins
COTTON finishing Cotton gin. J. L. Parker, il Comp Air Mag
Chemical finishing conference, llth. Wash-
ington. Am Dyestuff Repof 51:945 N 26 '62 and 67:14-16machinery
Continuous preparation cellulosic-
synthetic-fibre fabrics. R. S. Higginbothajii. Tarn quality jumped IVz grades at Carolina
bibliog diag Soc Dyers & Col J 79:412-17 mills after they increased card cylinder
S '63 ..... speed and Installed crush rolls, il Textile
Drying in the crease-resist process, biouog IndSee127:84-6
Am Dvestuff Rep 52:154-9 Mr 4 '63 also Mr '63
Durable wash-wear finishes for cotton. J. G. Cotton combing
Frick. jr. and others, bibliog Am Dyestuff Cotton gins
Rep 51:897-900 N 12 functionality
'62 Spooling machines
Effect of compound on impart- COTTON manufacture
ingkinsversatile finishes
and others, bibliog to cotton.
Am Dyestuff R. M Per- Rep Carding, drawing, combing and roving. Tex-
52:521-6 Jl 8 '63 ^ ,, , ., Latest tileword World 113:46+
in all-outJI '63automated spinning;
Finishing cotton with formaldehyde; repro- Nitto spinning '63 co. and O-M ltd. il diags
ducible pad-dry-cure treatments. R. A, Textile World 112:78-82 O '62
Fujimoto and others, bibliog Am Dyestuff See also
Rep 52:329-36 Ap 29research.
'63 , „B. „M t^ Cotton carding
Foreign utilization Kopacz. Cotton combing
Cotton finishing
bibliog il diags Am Dyestuff Rep 52:149-63-1- Spooling
Mr 4 '63
Further data on DMU- treated cotton fabrics.
P C. Mehta and R. D. Mehta. il TexUle COTTON mills
Atmosphere controlled, quality controlled at
Imparting flameO '63
Res J 33:870-1 resistance to cotton , Woodside mills' Liberty plant. 11 Textile
chemical fixation. G. L. Drake. Jr and Ind 127:70-1
Beattie story; JlWoodside'63 mills. R. B. Pre-ssley
others, bibliog Am Dyestuff Rep 62:608-11 and W. G. Ashmore. il plan diag Textile
Infrared spectra of selectedothers, resin-treated World bag 113:44-56 S '63 II Textile Ind 126:128-
'63of tricks.
cottons. V. W. Tripp„and bibliog Bemls"
Am Dyestuff Rep 52:598-602 Ae. 5 '63 . Boaz
30 N yarn, il Textile Ind 127:97-100+ My
Measurement of dry. wet and bias wrinkle '62
recovery on three resin- treated cotton fab- Fiber to print. S.A. style; new Venezuelan
rics K H. Brown and E. E. Stout. Am plant. Texfin. C.A. V. Saxl. il Textile Ind
Microscopical techniques Rep 51:741-3 Qin 1 finishine■62 research.
M L. Rollins and others, bibliog il Am France
127:117+ threads
Jl "63 new spindles: cotton spinning
plant of Vandendries.=;che & fils. V. Saxl.
Modern cellulose reactants. VV. P. „Munro.
Dvestuff Rei) 52:479-88 Je 24 '63 ,„^
11 plans
How Falls Textile
beat the Ind heat:
126:74-7 D '62 refrigera-
Am Dyestuff Rep
Molecular structure and chlorine stability in52:95-8 F. 4 '63 tion system,story
il Textile Ind Spinning
127:57 Jl Mills.
cotton finishes. F. B. Shippee and D D. Long happy of Swift II
Gagliardi Textile Res J 33:182-90 Mr G3 Mod Textiles Mag 43:20-2+ N '62
New5 L.. triazone finishes for cotton wash-wear. New and big; Woodside mills' new Beattie
Vail and others. Am Dyestuff Rep plant, plan Mod Textiles Mag 44:19-22 Ag
52:712-13 S 16 '63 , ,
for ^. „„^
cottons and Air conditioning
Permanent ulosic fire retardance
cotton-cell blends. 11 Mod Textiles Beattie story; best in air engineering. R. B.
Mag 44:18+ O '63 ^ „ , ■ jde- Pressley and W. G.S Ashmore.
tile World 113:51-4 '63 il diag Tex-
Preparation rivatives and stability formaldeh of cellulosic ad- „ ., , ^ ,„,
of hvdrazide- yde Humidifier surgery pays, il Textile Ind 127:
ducts. C. M. Moran and others, bibliog Ind 30+ S '63 ^ ^ ,^ .„ ,
6 Eng Chem Product Res & Develop 2: It's comfortable; it pays off; Graniteville s
178-82 S '63 ^ ,,^ - Vaucluse plant, il Textile
Last word In air-conditioning controls; Ind 127:72-3 Jl '63
Properties of fabrics treated with mioro-
chemicals. E. J. Grajeck. Am Dyestuff Rep Pacolet's huge New Holland mill. 11 Textile
52:458-9 Je 10 '63
Research in treated cotton ^fabrics ^ . accelerates. , , Ind 127:62-9 Jl '63
E. Keller. Ind & Eng Chem 55:12-13 N 63 Employees
Setting of loft in cotton fabrics; preliminary Beattie ment.storv; best in and manpower manage-
report. 11 Am Dyestuff Rep 52:233-4 Ap 1 R. B. Pressley W. G. Ashmore.
Simultaneous application of color and other il Textile World
Bvsslnosis in a 113:54-6
cotton Sweaving
'63 mill. A.
special properties to cotton materials. R. M. Bouhuvs. bibliog Archives Environmental
Perkins and others, bibliog Ind & Eng Chem Health 6:465-8 Ap '63
Product Res & Develop 1:281-5 D '62 Equipment
Some factors Infiuencing odor development in Acting fast on new technolocr; Spartan mills
resln-treated cotton fabrics, bibliog Am
'62 Rep 52:123-33 P 18 are '63 finished. II storv modernizing,
After il Textile Worldwhat 113:66-70
next? JeAmerican
Stedman story: how goods
Textile World 113:101-2 Je '63 thread cotton
Anniml co. 11 Textile
research World
clinic, 113:103-5 Ja '63
14th. Atlanta.
Stretch cottons. 11 Textile Ind 126:93-4+ D Textile World 113:76-7 Je '63
Change-mill aid: Joanna l.S.C.) cotton mills.
Stu of the effe of cott fibe str Continuous
11 Textile Indautomatic
127:74-5 O spinning
'63 comes to
ondy luster. L.. R ct Holboke on and L.r P. uBerri- ctu
re South America; Toyobo do BrasU ltd. II
man. bibliog II diags Textile Res J 33:205-17
Mr '63 Textile World 113:44-7 Ap 'SS

COTTON mills — Equipment — Continuedl Ends-down research tool; double-beam oscil-

Every plant cooled: American & Eflrd mill^ loscope, electronic measuring bridge, ana
mc, il Textile ends-down count. W. Gubelln. 11 TexUle
Latest word in Ind 127:58-61
all-out Jl '63 splnnmg;
automated Ind 126:72-3 •63 '62
Nitto spinning co. and O-M ltd. 11 diags Forecast ends Ddown: technique for evaluating
Textile the spinning performance of cotton. L. A,
New looli World
south of 112:78-82 O '62 modern 19,000-
the border: Fieri and G. L. Louis, bibliog il diag TexUle
landerias cotton knitting C. yarn
Venezolanas A, mill. Hl-
V. Saxl. Ind 127:67-72
Heating, cleaning O '63and mechanical processing
11 Textile Ind 127:78-80+ F '63 effects on cottons; fiber properties and
New low-country muscle: Holland spindles spinning behavior. J. N. Grant and others,
enter bid for world markets. Textile Ind bibliogwordTextile
126:77-9 D '62 Latest in Resall-out J 33:839-48 O '63spinning;
Non-stop modemtzmg; combing paces the Nitto spinning co. and O-M ltd. 11 diags
gains at the Cartex dlv. of Carlton Tarn Textile
Mills. 11 TexUle World 112:60-3 N '62 New look World
at end 112:78-82
breakage;O '62with nomographs.
Portable kier. H. G. Smolens. plan Textile G. L. Louis and others. Textile World 113:
Ind 127:127-8looms;
Pushbutton O '63 newest success story: 57-9 S up
Setting '63 a test to evaluate processing.
Kenneth cotton mills. R. B. Pressley. il N, L. Enrick. Textile World 113:116-19 F
Textile World 113:40-4 O '63
Spending $l-million to turn out high-grade Utilization of ondiplodia-damaged boll-rot cot-
tufting yarns: U.S. Rubber's Textile div. ton; effects yarn properties and spinning
il TexUle story: World 113:58-60 O '63 organization efficiency. J. B. Sands and others, blblloK
Stedman how strong Textile Res J 32:1013-22 D '62
speeds growth, il Textile World 113:45-51.
101-2 Je '63 Tables, calculations, etc.
They keep the fifth size dollar; Springs cot- Relating cotton fiber and processing vari-
Updatington mills, to ilcutTexUle
costs, Indboost127:72-4-f
eflSciencyS '63 at ables to end breakage in spinning. L. A.
Bladenboro (N.C. ) cotton mills, il Textile Fiorl and others, bibliog diag Ind Quality
World 113:42-5 Mr '63 Control trade
COTTON 19:15-19 Ap '63
See also Cotton men warned on gains of manmade
Spooling machines
Layout Newfibers.low-country
Mod Textiles
muscle:Mag Holland
43:28 N spindles
Beattie story; best in plant design. R. B. enter bid for world markets. Textile Ind
Pressley and W. G. Ashmore. il plan Tex- 126:77-9yarn
Ule World 113:44-6 S '63 Contribution to the study of the B-L curve
'63 Maintenance and repair of cotton yams. N. Balasubramanian. bib-
How modernizing quality control pays big
dividends at Kendall co.'s seven southern Cotton liogstretchTextile Res J 33:697-704
fabrics by slackS mercerlzation;
cotton mills, il Textile World 113:76-8 My effects of yarn and fabric construction. W.
Q. Sloan and others, bibliog il diag Textile
Res J characteristics
Dyeing 33:191-9 Mr '63 of yams from selected
Loom winders get Marion's A-okay. 11 Tex- cottons using mill dyeing procedures, bib-
Making tile Ind production
127:59-62 S '63
control easy; Splndale liog II Am DyestuSf Rep 52:198-206 Mi-
mills. II Textile
Stedman story: World 113:69-71 organization
how strong My '63 Effectls '63of drafting speed, in terms of spindle
speeds growth, il Textile World 113:45-51. speed, on the properties of cotton yams,
101-2 Je '63 R. Audivert and J. E, Vldlella. Textile
'63 Quality control Res J cottons;
Stretch 33:319-20 their Ap '63properties and promise.
How modernizing quality control nays big C. H. Fisher, bibliog 11 Mod Textiles Mag
dividends at Kendall co.'s seven southern
cotton mills, il Textile World 113:76-8 My 44:45-7-1- by
Upgrading Mr apron
'63 drafting. N. Balasubram-
anian and R. L, N, Iyengar. Textile Res J
How's your over-all lap quality? N. L. En- 32:957-8 N '62
rick, il TexUle Ind 127:95-7 Mr '63 Utilization of diplodia-damaged boll-rot cot-
Rake speeds sewing thread spool Inspec- ton; effects on yarn properties and spinning
Relatingtion, cotton(flags TexUle
126:167-!- N '62 vari-
processing efficiency. J. E. Sands and others, bibliog
ables to end breakage In spinning. L. A. Textile Res J 32:1013-22 D '62
Fieri and others, bibliog dJag Ind Quality Tarn quality jumped IM grades at Carolina
Control 19:15-19 Ap '63 mills after they increased card cylinder
Tarn quality jumped H4 grades at Carolina speed and installed crush rolls, il Textile
mills after they increased card cylinder Ind 127:84-6 Mr '63
speed and Installed crush rolls. 11 TexUle Tarn untwisting as a rapid test of cotton
Ind 127:84-6 Mr '63 swelling in various reagents. J. H. Carra
COTTON research and others. Textile Res J 32:1041-2 D '62
Annual cotton research clinic, 14th, Atlanta, Strength
Textile World 113:76-7 Je '63 Investigation of the relation between the
Annual cotton utilization research confer- tensile properties of cotton fiber bundles
ence. 3d. New Orleans, May 2-3. Ain and yams in the dry and wet states. K. P.
Dyestuff Ren 52:504 Je 24 '63 R Pillay. bibliog Textile Res J 33:333-43
Contribution to the study of the B-L curve Testing
of cotton yams. N. Balasubramanian. bib-
liog TexUle Res J 33:697-704 S '63 My '63 phenomena
Cohesion in cotton rovings and
Effects of gamma radiation on cotton. J. C. yarns. A. Barella and A. Sust. bibliog il
Arthur, jr. and others, bibliog il TexUle
Res J 32:108-11; 33:727-38 F '62. S '63 diag Textile Res J 32:217-26; 33:75-9 Mr '62,
Foreign utilization research; cotton finishing. Investigation of the relation between the
B. M. Kopacz. bibliog 11 diags Am Dyestuff Ja '63 properties of cotton fiber bundles
Rep 52:149-53-1- Mr 4 '63 and yarns in the dry and wet states.
Microscopical techniques in finishing research. K. P. R. Plllay, bibliog Textile Res J 33:
M. L.. Rollins and others, bibliog il Am 333-43 My '63
Dyestuff Rep 52:479-88 Je 24 '63 COTTONSEED
Research In treated cotton fabrics acceler- Acute oral toxicity of cottonseed pigment
ates. E. Keller. Ind & Eng Chem 55:12-13 glands and intraglandular pigments. A, S,
N '63 EI-Nockrashy and others, bibliog Am Oil
COTTON sizing Chem Soc J 40:14-17 Ja '63
They keep the fifth size dollar: Springs cot- Gossyverdurin. a newly isolated pigment from
ton mills, il TexUle Ind 127:72-4-)- S '63 cottonseed pigment glands. C. M. Lyman
COTTON spinning and others. bibUog Am Oil Chem Soc J
40:571-5 O 63
Automated spinning: Toyobo-Howa contin-
uous automated spinning (CAS) system. II Making the most out of cotton seed process-
Textile Ind 127:68-70 F '63 "'?: Inoustrias unidas de Nuevo Laredo
Effect of drafting speed. In terms of spindle (lUNL); process flowsheet. P. J. Brennan.
speed, on the properties of cotton yams. 11 Chem Eng 70:66-8 Ja 7 '63
R. Audivert and J. E. Vldlella. TexUle See alto
Res J 33:319-20 Ap '63
COTTONSEED meal COUNTERS (electrons, ions, etc.)
King cotton's Adaptation of a liuuiii sample scintillation
sas and others,valuable
bibiioc seed. map K.Am M.Oil Decos-
Chcm counter for directional counting. J. A. C.
Soc J 40:sup4+ Ai> ■(>.■) Ball, diag J Sci
Air ali,)ha proportional Instr 40:81 F '63
counter insensitive to
Bleachiner of refined cottonseed oil with atmospheric humiduv. A. M. R. Ferrari and
modified alumina adsorbents. W. A. Pons, C.
O 62J. Borkowski. di.-ig R Sci Instr 33:1047-50
jr. and others. biblioK Ajn Oil Chem Soc J Automatic sample changer for Philips low
40:10-13 Ja '63 level beta counter unit. D. J. Farrell. il
Bleachint: orf-oolored cottonseed oils with
activated alumina; a preliminary cost diag J Sci Instr 40:/6-7 F '63
study. K. M. Decoflsa.s and others, diatr Beam-profile detector. J. Solomon and S. \V.
Am Oil Chem Soc J 10:218-22 Je '03 Andreae. photon
Ceramic il diag counters.
R Sci Instr 34:1126-9Inst
Franklin O '63J
Comparison of the effects of the polvun-
.saturnted fatty acids of cuttlefish liver oil 274:632 D '62 of an alpha particle corona-
and cottonseed oil on cholesterol metabol- streamer counter in air. A. J. TavendaJe.
ism. T. Kaneda and R. B. Alfln-Slater. hib-
liosr Am ammonia
Gaseous Oil Chem asSoca J refining 40:336-8 agent
Ae '63 for bibligg il Jcircuit.
Coincidence Sci InstrB. L. 39:517-18
Doniially.O bibliog
cottonseed oils. M. A. Zeitoiin and others, diag Am J Phys 31:133-4 F '63
bibliog diags Am Oil Chem Soc J 40:279-83 •Color
liquid scheme for spatial
scintillators. J. H. resolution
Munsee andusing
KingJl '63 liKines. bibliog diags U Sci Instr 34:052-7 Je
and cotton's
others, bibliog valuablemapseed.Am K. OilM. Chem
Compact anticoincidence counter for tropi-
J 40:sup44-
Making the most Ap '63 out of cotton seed process- cal conditions. R. A. Hunt, diags J Sci
ing: Industrias unidas de Nuevo Laredo Instr 39:604-7 D '62
(IUNIj: process flowsheet. P. J. Brennan. Coinpact radiochemical gas chromatogranh.
A. T. James and E. A. Piper, flow sheets
il Chem Eng 70:66-8 Ja 7 '63
COUETTE flow Counter diffractometer; effect Apof '63
il diags Anal Chem 35:515-20
"63 flow of a viscoelastic fluid transparency on the intensity, position and
through porous walls. P. N. Kaloni. J tireadth of X-ray powder diffraction lines.
Aerospace Sci 29:1399 N '62 J. I. Langford and A. J. C. Wilson, bibliog
Couette-type flow through a porous-walled diags J Sci of 39:581-5 bvD the
Instrberyllium '62 photoneu-
annulus. K. N. Mehta. AIAA J 1:217-19 Ja Determination
Coupling between orthogonal Couette and tron method. G. Goldstein, bibliog diags
pressure flows, R. A. Burton. bibliog Anal Chem 35:1620-:!
Determination of free o and '63 esterifled choles-
AIAA J 1:474 F '63 terol by a modiflpd digitonin: anthrone
COULOMETRIC titration. See Volumetric method JR. Goodman and others. Anal
analysis Chem for 35:760-3 My '63
COULSONITE Device gas scintillators, stable as a func-
Coulsonite. FeV:04. a spinel-type mineral ^'•°" tS^o*!"?*^-
Sci InstrJ.,33:1128-9
diag Rdistribution L.. Teyssier and others,
from Lovelock. Nev. A. S. Radtke. bib- Dinier of textile '62
O fibers obtained
liog il Am Mineralogist 47:1284-91 N '03; with an electrical sensing zone particle
Discussion. 48:948-52 Jl '63 analyzer (Coulter counter). M. G. Bloch
Leveling bright nickel plating. L. Domnikov.
bibliog il Metal Finishing 60:52-54- D '62 Dow looks ahead Mr ■m'""'- to heavy use '^^■''"'''
" '^'''^•'' of Plutonium;
^^'^ ^
Prangolarine. the optical isomer of oxvpeu- IS3.3:224--3:!
enlarging its health physics program.
cedanin. isolated from the roots of pran- Chem
Evaluation & Eng N 41:48 Ap
of radioactive decay data15 '63 R G
gos pabularia lindl (umhelliferae). C. R. Monk and others. Anal Chem 35:178-83 F
GhoshaJ and others. Chem & Ind p 1130-1
Ag 24 '63 Evidence concerning the human requirement
Employees. See Employees for yitamm Bn; use of the whole bodv
counter for determination of absorption of
COUNTERCURRENT processes vitanjin B;:. R C. Bozian and others.
Argentation in countercurrent distribution to Am J Clinical Nutrition 12:117-29 bibliogtp
separate isologues and geometric isomers of
fatty acid esters. C. R. Scholfleld and Experimental investigation on the limits of
others, bibliog Anal Chem 35:1588-91 O '63 time resolution of scintillation counters W
BartI and P. \Veinzierl. bibliog diag R Sci
Countercurrent washing calculations. J. E.
Colman. diags Chem Eng 70:93-6 Mr 4 '63 Fluorescen
Instr 34:252-6 t ionMr exchange '63 resins b rv
r prepared
Extraction of lanthanons with alkali metal
amalgams; counter-current process for the Chem & Eng N 41:48-1- Ap 8 'C3
extraction of samarium or ytterbium. M F. General applicability of the channels ratio
Barrett and N. E. Topp. diag J Ap Chem method or measuring liquid scintillation
counting efficiencies. E. T. Bush Anal
13:7-12 Ja '63 Chem 35:1021-0 Jl '63
Fractionation of lipids bv countercurrent dis- He'-fllled semiconductor for fast-neutron
tribution. D. G Therri-ault. bibliog Am Oil spectra. M. E. Lee and M. L. Awcock. Nu-
Chem Soc J 40:395-9 S '63 cleonics 21:06 Ap '63
Hydrogenation of linolenate; fractionation of High geometry gas cell proportional counter.
i.someric e.sters bv countercurrent distribu-
tion with an argentation system. C. H.
Scholfleld and others, bibliog Anal Chem
35:386-9 Mr '63 Improved noble liquid
3.3-1335H"rr''62 ^'^^^°'^scintillation I"-""""
" '^'^'^ ^ S<='
Loipgitudinal dispersion in two-phase con- J:„ri
ol 1 -18 Kane
Jl 63 and others, diag R Sci Instr 34:
tinuous-flow opcialions. T. Mivauchi and
T Vcrmeulen. bibliou diags Ind * Ens Increa.sing the light collection efflciencv of
Chem Fundamentals 2:112-26 My '63 scintillation counters. C. M. Ankenbrandt
Mutual separation of vtlrium-9I and pro- anrt |; M Lent, bibliog diags R Sci Instr
methmm-147 liy countercurrent .solvent Inexpensive, high flash-point. low toxicity
extraction In pulse column. M. A Mandil liquid scintillator of high efilciencv R B
and others, bibliog diag Ind & Eiig Chem
Proc Design 2:106-12 An '63 Wilson and others. J Sci Instr 40:127-8 Mr
New type of stepwise countercurrent dis- 63
tnhuiioti train. O. Post and L. C. Craig, In-line fission-product monitor. C. M Gordon
blbhog il diags Anal Chem 35:641-7 My "63 and others. Nucleonics 21:56 Jl '63
Pulsed column for countercurrent lifiuid- Interaction of fission fragments with or-
.solids flow E. s. Grinimett and ganic scintillators. D. L. Horrocks bibliog
B P.
diags R Sci Instr 34:1035-40 S '63
24'"-°8"n '62 °^ '"^ * ^""^ *^''^'" ^'• LIc-ht pipe for a large-area scintillator P
Steadv-sta le distrlliution machine introduced; ^re'isteiii and D. Lucke.v. II R Sci Instr
prograinable. true counter-c
liquid extractor shows Promiseurrent liquid-
Liquid scintillation method for measuring low
research tool. 11 Chem & Eng N as40:79versatile
O 29 level radioactivity of aoueotis solutions; de-
termination of enriched uranium In urine
Use of ooimtercurrent distribution In the L. Levin, bibliog Anal Chem 31:1102-6 O '62
quantitative determination of the alkaloids Lithium and llthium-6 analysis liv counting
delavod neutrons. S. Aniiel and Y Welwart
^Vm°'"T®'"?'^V veratrlne. O. R. Svoboda
bibliog Anal Chem 34:1559-62 N '62 "•"''""'^• bibliog Anal Chem 36:566-70 Ap '63

COUNTERS (electrons, ions, etc.) — Continued Simple way of using a multidetector array.
Low voltase He>-fllled proportional counter E. A. Wolicki and A. R. Knudson. bibliog
for edlcient detection of tliermal and epi- diag R Sci Instrof liquid
33:1132-3 O '62 count-
therniaj netttrons. AV. R. Mills, jr. and oth- Statistical aspects
ing by internal standard scintillation
technique. R. J.
ers. R Sci Instr
Manufactured 33:866-8dosimeters,
neutron As '62 dose-rate
meters and monitors; tables. Nucleonics 20: Hcrberg. neutron
Thermal Anal Chem fission35:786-91
counter Jefor'63 nuclear
and analytical measurements. J. Gray. jr.
100-3 D '62
Measuring fast-neutron fluxes in mixed neu- and F. Hagemann. bibliog diags R Sci
tron-samma fields. S. Kronenberg. il diags Instr uses 33:1258-64 N '62scintillators. D. G. An-
Three for glass
Monitor for 21:7S-t-
Nucleonics thermal-to-fastMr '63 neutron enerey
Triggered derson filmand others.
advance Nucleonics
system. K. 20:58 Lande S and'62
range. D. E. Hankins. Nucleonics 21:72
My '63
Monitoring radiation, il Ind Electronics 1:510 others, diags R Sci
Tunnel diode decade counter. B. Rabinovicl. Instr 33:828-31 Ag '62
J I 'i^i analyzers in space. J. R. Wolff il diag R Sci Instr 33:1391-2
25-input pulse-height recording system. D. E. D '62
and R. M. Ravanesi. il diag Nucleonics Groom and J. H. Marshall, il diag R Sci
20:58-60 O '62
Multinlication phenonienon fop fission frag- Instr 33:1249-55 N '62
ment response in semiconductor detectors. Versatile cencetechnique
decay times infor the measuring
nanosecond fluores- region.
H. C. Uritt and H. E. Wegner. bibliog O. J. Steingraber and I. B. Berlman. bib-
diag windows
Mylar R Sci Instr for high 34:027-32
pressureJe gas
'63 counters. Very liog
large diags R boronSci Instr 34:524-9 proportional
trifluoride My '63
R. Simonds and B. Richter. diag R Sci Instr counters. 'fi:;I. L. Fowler, bibliog il diags
34:929 Ag '63scintillation comcidence spec-
Nanosecond R SeeSci Instr
also 34:731-9 Jl '63
trometer system with high reliability. L. S. Bubble chambers
Seller, bibliog diags R Sci Instr 34:1001-6 Gfiger-Muller counters
S 'f.:l Spark chambers
New design for a gas-flow proportional coun- COUNTERSINKING machines
ter. F. B. Riggs. jr. bibliog il diags R Sci Transfer drilling and countersinkinfT machine.
New 34:392-5probe Ap '63 radiation density; plastic il Mach 69:154 Ja '63
phosphors and liquid scintillators, il Can COUNTERWEIGHTS
Antenna counterweight shell; gets heavy
New Process 46:61-1- N '62H. Faissner and
liciuids. concrete
How to balance fill, il Eng coversN and 171:44-1-
linkagesAg 29 with'63
New bibliog forNucleonics identifying21:50-2-1-
particlesF ob-'63 counterbalance springs. A. D. W.vland. bib-
ser\-ed by a scintillation counter. W. Gersch. liog il diags Product Eng 34:99-105 My 13
J Ap Phys 34:823-6 Ap '63 How to balance high-speed mechanisms with
Nuclear ress.instrumentation:
D. Taylor, bibliog ail re-yiew diags Instof prog-
E E minimum-inertia countei-weights. F. R.
■63 Hertrich. diags Machine Design 35:160-4 Mr
Proc 110:1805-17 O '63
Oxygen-18 determination by cotmting delayed
neutrons of nitrogen-17. S. Amiel and M. Solenoid-operated
14 '63 escapement provides posi-
Peisach. bibliog Anal Chem 35:323-7 Mr ti'\'e control for machines,
button vending difficult prodticts
il diags inProductpush-
Point anode proportional counters. E. Mathie- Eng 34:113machines
COUNTING Je 10 and '63 devices
son and P. "VV. Sanford. bibliog diag J Sci Automatic counting and sizing of particles.
Instr 40:446-9 S '63 P. Connor, bibliog diags Ind Chem 39:69-74
Principles of p-n junction detectors. G. M. F '63
Brown and others, bibliog diags Am J Phys Automatic
31:19-25 Ja '63 timer. A.recording M. J. Mitchell equipmentandforothers, a counter-
Proportional counter for examining the lon- chart automatic
diags Electronic
gitudinal distribution of radioactiyity on Cheap coimting Eng 35:572-7
for the small Sfirm.
threads or wires. S. C. Ellis and J. H. Engineeringtotalizer
195:784 ups
Je 7strip
'63 production, il
Barrett, diags J Sci Instr 40:35-7 Ja '63 Comptiting
Proportionaleter with countergamma proton-recoil
discrimination. spectrom-
E. F. Elec Constr & Maint 62:164-1- O '63
inputs.accepts simultaneous
G. Plumb, add-
diag Control
Bennett, bibliog diags R Sci Instr 33:1153-60
N '62 Eng 10:119-4-
Converting Ap '63 mathematics points to
Proportional counting technique for radio- the equipment. P. M. Kintner. diags Control
carbon measureinents. R. Nydal. bibliog il
diags R Sci Instr 33:1313-20 D '62 Eng 9:99-101
Conveyor belt Ncounting
'62 and sizing. R. D.
Quantitatiye interpretation of color quench- Carter- Pedler. il diags Ind Electronics 1:
ing in liquid scintillator systerns. H. H.
Ros.q and R. B Yerick. bibliog Anal Chem 412-15 Mv '63drive circuits. A. J. Schultz.
35:794-7 Jo '63 diags Electro-Tech 72:90-3 Ag '63
Radicactiyation analysis of sodium by count- Counting with the Dekatron. D. D. Darling,
ing TJliotoneutrons. S. Amiel and M. Peisach. il diags Radio-Electronics 33:41-2 S '62
bibliog diag Anal Chem 35:1072-6 Jl '63 Digital follower development, il Engineer 216:
Radiometric analysis of metals using chelates
labeled with carbon-14 and liquid scintilla- 440 S 13 diode-capacitor
Dynamic '63 store. J. B. War-
tion counting procedures. J. Chiriboga. Anal man and H. J. .Stirling, bibliog diags Ind
Chem 34:1843 D '62 Electronics 1:579-83 Ag '63
Response of CsI(TI) and NaKTll to low- Electronic counter times machine cycles. K.
energy charged particles. R. W. Hill. R E. Schwarz. diag Am Mach/Metalworklnff
Sci Instr 33:1477-8 D '62 Manuf 107:110 Mr 18 '63
Response of semiconductor detectors to fission Electronic variable delay for tracing char-
fragments. H. C. Britt and H. E. Wegner. acteristic curves of coincidence circuits and
bibliog R Sci Instr 34:274-7 Mr '63: Discus- time-to-height converters. M. Birk and
sion. H. Flicker. 34:822 Jl '63 others, il diags R Sci Instr 34:1026-8 S '63
Scintillation of liquid argon produced bv Experience with light scattering particle
Burge.mev bibliog protons. diag R.R A. Sci Giles
Instrand E. J.
34:709-10 counters. J. K. Channell and R. J. Hanna.
bibliog 11 Archives Environmental Health
Je '63
Scintillation response in CSKTll. R. Gwin 6:386-400 Mr '63
and R B. Murray. Nucleonics 21:72 My '63 Here's help for estimating your Jobs; count-
Semiconductor particle-detectors. O. M. ing device for use by e.-stimators in the
plumbing field, il Dom Eng 200:63 D '62
Bilaniuk. il diags Sci Am 207:78-84-f- O '62 Industrial applications of electronic counters
Sensitive tritium counting with a propane M. W. G. Hall, i! diags Ind Electronics
proportional counting system. G. W. Eulitz.
diags R Sci Instr 34:1010-14 S '63 1:501-4 measurement
Linear Jl '63 of steel tubes in motion
Short decay time scintillator solutes. M. bv combining magnetic imprinting with a
Furst and others, bibliog R Sci Instr 33: wheel counter. R. Ashford and P. Huggins.
1131-2 O '62 il diags Radio & Electronic Eng 26:135-40
Silicon dioxide passivation of p-n junction
particle detectors. T. C. Madden and W M. Low frequency transistorized revolution
Gibson, il diags R Sci Instr 34:50-5 Ja '63 As '63
counter and frequency meter D F J
Silicon-junction counters as dosimeters. Nu- Evans, il diags Electronic Eng 35:395-6
cleonics 21:58 Ja '63 Je 63; Discussion. 35:549-50. 614 Ag-S '63
COUNTING machines and devices — Continued Properly selected flexible couplings can mini,
New countiriK method for performing disital mize maintenance. E. J. Wellauer. il diags
arithmelic. G. A. Clark and C. A. L^ng. Iron & Steel Eng 40:86-90 O 63
Electronic forEnethe 35:670-5 O '63measure- Quick connect couplings; fluid power compo-
New continuous nentmatics selection
16:148-9 charts.
Ja 63 HydxauUcs & Pneu-
ment of condensation nuclei. G. F. Skala.
Resilient flexible couplings for steel mill
biblloK coincidence
Novel 11 diacs Analtechnique Chem 35:702-6 My '63
for transistor drives. D. Firth and R. R. Grundtner. 11
decade counter. P. K. Malhotra and R. diags Iron & Steel Eng 40:104-11; Discus-
Parshad. space diaes recorder.
Electronics 36:71-2 F 216:274
15 "63 Self-sealingsion. 111-12coupling
Ag '63 for plastic tubing, diags
Parkinc 11 Engineer
Ac 16countinpr
Pulse ■63 and scaling by Sheffer stroke Engineering
Simple glass-to-metal 195:667 My 17 '63
pressure-tight coupling.
logic. K. G. Nichols, diags Electronic Eng D. Ambrose, diag J Sci Instr 40:129 Mr 63
35:296-9 My '63 Soap
W. J. Beach, diags Soap & Chemdevice.
plant observer; flow controlling Spec
6A Impulse counter. D. L. Favin. il diae Bell
Lab Rec 41:100-2
Solid-state Mr '63 encoding
pulse-height system 39:137 youAp may
What '63 not know about shaft coup-
with pileup reduction for counting at high lings, il Chem Eng 70:126-t- Mr 4 '63
input rates. M. G. Strauss, il diags R Sci See alsoMagnetic
Instr 34:335-45 fastAp counting
Transistorized '63 unit. S. Rozen Hose couplings
and B. Wolfovich. diags Electronic Eng Joints, Universal
Magnetic Eddy current. See Couplings,
35:606-7 S '63 frequency divider for use with
cold-cathode counting tubes. F. Poiar. COUPLINGS, Electromagnetic. See Couplings,
diags Electronic
Variable preset counter Eng 35:682-3 O '63 and
Ignores voltage COUPLINGS. Magnetic
temperature changf,s. E. M. Aupperle. diag Accurate control of speed and torque. 11 diag
Engineering 196:164 Agil 9Engineer
counter Eng measures
10:110 Je '63time intervals pre- Eddy current coupling, 216:202 Ag
cisely. C. S. Coffey, il diags Electronics 36: 2 '63
Experimental and theoretical study of eddy-
27-9 Agalertness
Where 23 '63 counted: acoustical particle current couplings and brakes. E. J. Davies.
counter. O. Langer. 11 diag Res/Develop bibliog diags IEEE Trans Power Apparatus
& Systems p401-17: Discussion. 417-18;
a Je ring '63 counter: why not a binary? Reply.speed
High 418-19drives Ag '63in high vacuum. C. N.
J. Durio. diags Electronics 36:44-6 Ja 25 '63 Coenraads and J. E. I^avelle. diag R Sci
Testing Instr 33:879-80 Ag '62
Simple counter tester uses cascaded one- Theory for eddy-current couplings. A. Han-
sen and W. R, Timmler. Jr. bibliog 11 diags
shots. J. Gaon. 11 dlass Electronics 36:40-1 IEEE Trans Power Apparatus & Systems
Ad 5 '63 P436-40: Discussion. 440-1; Reply. 441-2 Ag
COUNTRY houses
See also Three-dimensional theory of the eddy-current
Vacation houses coupling. M. G. Maiti and R. Ramakumar.
COUNTY buildings. See Public buildings bibliog diags IEEE Trans Power Apparatus
COUNTY engineering & Systems p793-9: Discussion. 799-800 O '63
Meeting the demand for engineering services New building abroad; Dahomey. 11 Arch
today, while planning for the future. J. A.
lands 11 make Pub Works 94:114-15forS a '63county
new burdens Forum 118:112 Je '63
engineer. P. Thomson, il diag Pub Works Tufting bedspreads? this company is chang-
94:98-9 Je '63 ing patterns in ten minutes; Brooker spread
See also CO. 11 Textile World 112:65 D '62
Roads. County COWS
COUNTY roads. See Roads. Coimty Metabolism of Sevln in dairy cows. W. E.
COUPLINGS Whitehurst and others. J A^ri & Food
About Hansen couplings. 11 Comp Air Mag Chem 11:167-9 Mr '63
68:25 F '63equivalence of TEM-mode direc- CRACKING of concrete. See Concrete— Craclus
Analytical CRACKING of metals. See Metals— Failure;
tional couplers and transmission-line Sheet metal — Failure
stepped-lmpedance Alters. L.. Young, bib- CRACKING processes. See Petroleum distilla-
llog diagsinspection,
Coupling Inst E E il ProcIron110:275-81
& Steel F '63
Eng tion
CRAMBE abysslnica
40:263-4+ do
Couplings Ap more
'63 than couple. W. H. Utilization potential of crambe abysslnica.
Vonier. 11 Power 107:52-4 S '63: Abstracts. J. H. Bruun and J. R. Matchett. Am OU
Foundry 91:180 Mr '63; Eng & Mln J Chem Soc JGeorge
CRAMPTON, 40:1-6 Ja S. '63
164:104 .S '63resilient coupling. 11 Engineer
215:316 F 15 '63 Obituary,
CRANBERRIES por Ilium Eng 57:sup 18A-I- D '62
Design criteria and table for selecting high- Relation between color of cranberries and
speed power couplings. N. B. Rothfuss. II color and stability of sauce. G. J. Servadio
diags Product Eng 34:55-66 F 18 '63 and F. J. Francis, bibliog Food Tech 17:
Design problems In transition to large capa- 632-6 My '63
city oasic oxygen furnaces; trunnions, CRANDALLITE
bearings, couplings and drives. C. P Sim- Apparently triclinic dimorph of crandaJlite
mers. 11 diags Iron & Steel Eng 40:160-9 from a tropical swamp sediment In El
Ap '63 Pet^n, Guatemala. U. M. Cowgill and
Effect of tool Joints on passages of plane others, bibliog Am Mineralogist 48:1144-
longitudinal and torsional waves along a
'63 pipe.Jr. R.bibllog E. Bradbury, Jr. and J. C. CRANE53 S wheels
Wllhoit, diags A S M E Trans Service reduces crane wheel costs.
ser B 85:156-62 My '63 II Iron & Steel Eng 40:162 My '63
Flexible couplings, il Engineer 216:160 Jl 26 CRANES, derricks, etc.
Aerial workshop speeds overhead construc-
Hitch and quick coupler feature new John
Deere 6010 tractor: abstract. B. F. Jirsa, AluminiumI Pub
t i o n . gantry Worksfor 93:138
loading D alumina.
'62 II En-
II S A E J 71:82 F '63 gineer 215:792 Ap
Aluminum in overhead traveling cranes. N. 26 '63
Improved alr-lubrlcated swivelling pipe
coupling or Journal bearing. R. F. Halllday. Dirilgen.
ASTM chugging il diags steamMod crane
S '63II
diag J Sci Instr 39:572-3 N '62 Materials
Input -output accuracy on Instrument cou- Barge derrickRescan& lift Stand500 3:228-9
tons, il Mr
Eng '63N 171:
sign .l-o^.;.
35:168-71 ^'?*^"Y9°,'1„
Ap 11 '63 <''*K3 Machine De- Clamshell,
91 O 10 '63barges, co-star In cost-cutting
Mechanical drives book issue. R. R. Grundt- plan. crane II Hockcarries, Prod places
65:64-7 concrete.
D '62 11 diag
"er 11 diags Machine Design 34:100-11 D Climb
Eng N 170:43 Mr 28
Cranes; high stvH in the sky. II Arch Forum '63
^'^I'r? "'■'"l.Powf systems; tube connectors. 118:110-13 Mr '63 with text. Engineer 215:
Cranes; illustrations
My '63 "^''^'''^""<=3 * Pneumatics 16:102-3

37 Ja 4 '63
CRANES, derricks, etc. — Continued Control
Crawler-mounted crane features easy opera- A-c V3 d-c for overhead traveling steel mill
tion. Eng N crane
Deck-mounted 171:42 speeds
S 26 '63carco handllne. cranes. J. A. Halvorson. diags Iron & Steel
il Mod Materials Handline 1S:79 Jl 63 BeltEng transmitter
39:95-102 N controls '62 ten ton crane. 11
SO-ton trailer crane, il Engineer 216;6!s6-7
Mr 29 '63 Steel 151:73-4 craneD 24 '62
Blectro-hvdraulic deck crane, il., EngineennK
„ ■ Closed-loop control drives at Ravens-
BO-ton My 3 '63 crane. II„ Engineer
„ . „,- cor
215:635 Newcraig.load Engineer control 215:320-1and indicating F 15 '63 equipment.
E5 '6 Fielder, il diags 3Ind Electronics , ,. 1:607-10
Ap 5 '63arch creeps skyward. 11 Eng N 171:
Gateway .
Radio control for crane cuts labor costs
44-5 240-ton
Giant Ag 15 '63 crane fabricated, of, aluminum.
, . 50 per cent. II diag Plant Eng 17:126-9 S
il Mod
Hardened Metals
rope drum, il Iron & Steel ^Eng 39:
19:70 Je '63 „ Radio control for cranes, il Mod Materials
•63 Handling ■63 runsJe cranes
18:54-8 '63
251-2 D '62 . ^. of. gantry. Roving operator with remote con-
Heat-prestressed plate cuts weight
crane. S. Wichman. U Eng N 171:93 O 10 Tri-torque crane control forO a-c
trols. II Iron Age 190:169 18 '62cranes with
d-c performance. O. Jensen and G. Petter-
Hvdraulic cranecrane. has Rock Prod 66:156 box Sgirders,
'63 sen. il diags IronAg & '63 Steel Eng 40:123-8:
Ladle all-welded il cussion. 128-32 ,_ „ Dis- x
Engineering 195:826 Je 21 '63 Whatever
Light transportable crane for building sites. control; happened U.S; Steel. to the crane cab?
II Safety Maintremote- 125:17
il Engineering 196:S99 S 27 '63 Mr '63 . , ^
Long boom road bridge buildsover New highRiver, bridge Tenn. piers;
il Engrail-N Wireless remote control of materials, han-
dling equipment. J. Tannenbaum. il diags
170:30-1 F 7 '63 Iron & Steel Eng 40:111-19: Discussion.
Material handUng by hydraulic crane proy&s
its worth in a large rod and wire mill. 119-21 Je '63 Design
D.■63E. Brinkman. il Wire & Wire Prod 38: Trends in Finnish crane design. V. Virkkala
Materials Mr '63
handling: cranes. „E. „D. Ayers . and and others, il diag Engineer 216:450-2 S 13
A. "W. Rhodes, il Chera Eng 70:164-5 S 16 Electric equipment
Materials handling gets a lift: crane-rack Application
cranes and of auxiliaries. a-c mill motors A. Nitsch. to steel mill
il Iron
system speeds handling, cuts storage space,
il Ironcrane
Mobile Age 192:147simplifies S handling
26 '63 of large 6 Steel rail
Collector Eng design 39:121-5 reduces
O '62 voltage drop.
H. G. Frostlck. diags Iron & Steel Eng
New Coles crane lifts 100 tons, O il'62Engineer-
patterns, il Foundry 90:118-1-
Crane39:133-5trolley O '62system. 11 Iron & Steel Eng
New crane ing 195:668 with My 17aluminium
'63 boom, il Metal- 100-40:2064-
ton truck F '63 mounted crane, il Engineer
Newlurgia type67:145 of Mr cargo'63 crane for Hull docks; 215:836 Mycrane 3 '63 control for a-c cranes with
Wharfmaster. il diag Engineering 195:178 Tri-torque
d-c performance. O. Jensen and G. Pet-
1963F 1materials
'63 handling and packaging direc- tersen. il diags Iron & Steel Eng 40:123-8:
tory; outdoor- indoor mobile equipment, il Discussion. 128-32 Ag '63
Mod Materials Handling 18:235-56 My 63 Maintenance and repair
1963 materials handling and packaging direc-
tory: overhead eciuipment. il Mod Materials Material handling maintenance: who. what.
Handling 18:257-80rigMyerects '63 prestressed gird- whv. when, where? G. Berkwitt. il Mill
Novel home-made
ers: Peedee River bridge. South Carolina, Service
& Factory program 72:93-7reducesJe '63 crane wheel costs.
Now il diags
a tower Roads crane& Sts from 106:89-90-1-
Stothert F& '63 Pitt, il il Ironcrane
Tower & Steel jib Eng 40:162 My
inspection and '63maintenance
Engineering 195:532 Ap 19 '63 made safe, il Engineering 196:358 S 20 '63
Rolling deck cranes. 11 Engineer 215:358-9 Numerical control
F 22 '63
Self-propelled gantry for rapid track re-lay- Small programmed crane automates dipping
ing: M6 Bover Scharz track relaying-gan-
cycles, il Mill & Factory 72:68 F '63
Ship gantry cranes speed194:573
tries, il Engineering N 2 '62il Marine
newsprint, Safety measures
Eng/Log 68:56 Mr '63 Crane safety: what can you do? L. F. Stanley,
Six-ton cargo-handling il Rock Prod
crane; 66:182 My
Wharfmaster, '63
diag Mod Materials
Outriggers speed crane Handling
action:18:56-9 changes Ap '63 In
SoakingEngineer 215:392-3 Mr
pit charging crane, il Engineer 216: 1 '63 hydraulic design cut set-up time. 11 Iron
601 O 11crane
Stacker '63 handles heavies, il Steel 153: Safety
Age 190:80 code '63Ofor 4 '62 mechanized lifting. Safety
125-6 O boom 21 '63 pendants Maint 126:31
Swaged last longer. A. F. CRANES, FloatingN '63
Meger. deck
Swedish il Coalcrane, Age 67:78-81
il Engineer N '62215:1092 Je Floating crane with Voith Schneider propel-
14 '63 60- ton lfloating ers, il Engineering crane. 196:451
London O Samson. 11 '63 II
Tall pier forms set with bar cages in place: Engineer 216:549-50 O 4 '63
twin high-level bridges at North Little CRANKCASES
Rock. Ark 11 Roads & Sts 106:68-9 F '63 California orders crankcase controls for cars.
Teeming ladle crane, il Engineer 215:1032-
3 Je 7 '63Goliath crane, il Engineer 215:599- Car Oil smog
& Gasnot J unique 60:78 D 31Coast: '62
300-tonne smog developments: to crankcase latest anti-
600 Mr 29 '63 devices. R. R. Kay. 11 Iron Age 191:42 Ja
Travelercranes, erects recordil Engineercolumn:216:528 Chemical S 27bank '63
New York trust building. 11 Eng N 170:18 Vehicle smog control progresses In California:
24 '63
abstract. D. A. Jensen. S A E J 71:104 Ja
Ja 31 crane
Truck '63 has triangular boom. 11 Eng N
170:153 Ja 24 "63 Constant horizontal velocity from a crank.
Truck-mounted crane built for high-rise H. B. Schell. diags Mach 69:148-50 D '62
work: Link-Belt, il Eng N 170:404- My 9 CRANKSHAFTS
Induction hardening system Improves crank-
Truck mounted crane for high lifts: NCK- shafts. 1 MetalforProg 82:7-8 D thrust
RapieR 555. il Engineering 194:641 N 16 '62 New method finishing bearing
Universal tower crane: Stothert and Pitt ltd. surfaces of crankshafts. D. E. Bowman
il Engineer 215:698-9 Ap 19 '63 and O. L. Cory, il diag Automotive Ind
Weight measurement system: crane safe-load
indicator. Engineer 215:593 Mr 29 '63 128:46 Je main
Split-race 1 '63 center crankshaft bearing on
Welding svstem developed for crane rails. Wisconsin's
cooled engine.newR. V-4. valve-in-head,
J. Sroka and others.air-11
il diags Iron & Steel Eng 40:185-6 Ap '63
Wheel gives crane boom mobility. 11 Eng diags S A E J 70:100-1 O '62
N See
alsoJe 13 '63 Maintenance and repair
Buckets Crank and cam reclamation. II Diesel Equip
HolstlnjT machinery
Supt 41:28-30 Jl '63
CRANKSHAFTS— Maintenance and repair CREDIT cards
— C'ontiiiued Foolproof price printer cuts credit card con-
Salvacini; automotive crankshafts with the fu.sion. it diag Product Eng 34:114-15 Je 10
flno wire CO2 weldiner nrocess. A. Oros
and H. B. Cary. il dias Weldiner J 42: CREEP of materials
100-6 F '63 Compressive creep of polycrystaJUne beryl-
Manufacture lium oxide. R. R. Vandervoort and W. L.
Automated torsins at Opel. J. R. Mlkton. Barmore. bibliog 11 Am Cer Soc J 46:180-4
il Am Mach/Metalworklne Manut 107:97-9 Creep
Ad '63analysis of annular plates. B. Ven-
Mr IS '63 katraman and S. A. Patel. bibliog diags
Cadillac's cast crankshafts cost less. 11 Steel F'ranklin
151:146 N 5 forEinpr
'62 Creep and Inst stressJ rupture
275:13-23 testing
Ja '63 machines,
Hi«h output line at Opel plant. D. il Metallurgia 68:137-8 S '63
Scott, Waukesha
How il Automotive motorInd co.128:53-5
flame Mrhardens
1 '63 Creep buckling of reinforced concrete col-
umns. S. Mauch and M. J. Holley. bibliog
crankshafts. 11 Automotive Ind 128:42-34- flow chart diags Am Soc C E Proc 89 tS'T
Mr 1 '63
International harvester CO. adopts new tech- 4 no causes
Creep 36101:451-81 torqueAg loss '63 in flat face gasketed
nique to harden crankshafts, il Steel 151:33 joint assemblies. R. E. Kottmeyer and
N 12 '62
IMakiner encine front covers and crankshafts others, diags
Creep mechanism in cement S A E J 71:85-6
mortar.My J '63Gluck-
at Cadillac. J. Geschelln. il diaKs Auto- lich and O. Ishai. bibliog diags Am Concrete
Transfer motive lineInd 128:3S-4H- Mr 1 '63 throusrh
moves crankshafts Inst J 59:923-48 Jl '62; Discussion. A. Hren-
nikoff.of 60:1971-4; Reply. aluminum
1974-6 Mroxide. '63 R.
fast srrindins cycle, il Iron Ase 191:82-3 Creep polyci^stalline
F 14 '63machine for processing crankshafts. I . Coble and Y. H. Guerard. Am Cer Soc J
11 Mach machining69:158 Ja '63line for crankshafts: 46:353-4
Creep of pure-gumJl '63 rubber vulcanlzates from
Transfer indentation-time measurements. L. A.
Renault machine tools (U.K.) ltd. 11 Engi- Wood and F. L. Roth, bibliog Rubber Chem
neer 215:204 Ja 25 '63 & Tech 36:611-20 Jl '63
Testing Creep of wool fibers. K.
E. Balasubramaniam. J. 'Wliitelev
bibliog diag Textile and
Influence of geometrical design factors on Res J 32:381-7: 33:436-40 My '62. Je '63
the bending fatigue strength of crank- Electrical resistivity changes of AI2O3 crystals
shafts. C. Kano. 11 diags A S M E Trans during creep. R. Chang. J Ap Phys 34:
ser A 85:177-9: Discussion. 179-82 Jl 'G3 1564-5 My for'63computing creep In belt drives.
CRAWLER vehicles. See Motor vehicles — Track P. L. Garrett, diags Product Eng 34:86-9
layer tjT)es '63
CRAZING of plastics. See Plastics — Crazing High-temperature
Mr 4 '63 steady-state creep in
CREAMS. See Ointments rutile. W. M. Hirthe and J. O. Brittain.
CREASING of textiles bibliog diags Am Cer Soc J 46:411-17 S '63
Multifunctional flnishe.^ for woven fabrics. Hiffh-temperature steady-state creep rate in
I. Pensa and G. C. Tesoro. bibliog il Am single-crystal '63 MgO. R. L. Cummerow. bib-
Dve.stuff Rep available 52:489-93 toJe study
24 '63components liog J Ap Phys
International conference34:1724-9 Je '63 New Tork.
on creep.
Test methods
of wash-wear items. T. L*. Rusk. jr. il diag Aug. 24-29 and London. Sept. 30-Oct. 4;
program. Materials Res & Stand 3:494-6
Am Dyestuff Rep 52:419-22 My 27 '63
Today's wash-and-wear: getting better and Lateral creep of flat belts. G. A. Q. Fazekas.
better. A. J. Hall. Textile 'World 113:85- Je
diags'63 A S M E Trans ser B 85:307-10; Dis-
6-1-SeeMr also
Cotton fabrics — Creasing Load cells cussion. for 311-13 Ag '63 creep testing. J. M.
Ravon fabrics — Creasing Illston. il diag Engineering 195:318-19 Mr 1
Model for boundary diffusion controlled creep
'Woolen worsted fabrics — Creasing
in poLvcrystalline materials. R. L. Coble.
Creatine content as an index of the quality
of meat products. O. Dahl. bibliog J Agri bibliog J processes
Relaxation Ap Phys in 34:1679-82
vulcanizedJe '63rubber;
& Food Chem 11:350-5 Jl '63 relations between stress relaxation, creep.
CREATININE recovery, and hysteresis. A. N. Gent.
Some relationships between caloric restriction bibliog Rubber Chem & Tech 36:377-88 Ap
and body weight in the rat: fecal nitrogen,
fat, energy, and ash and urinary creatinine. Shrinkage and creep influence on deflections
M. Lee and S. P. Lucia, bibliog J Nutrition and moments of reinforced concrete beams.
81:117-22 O '63of the conditions affecting the H. Gesund. diag Am Concrete Inst J 59:
Study of some 687-704 My '62; Correction. 60:sup5 pt 2
rate of excretion and stability of creatinine
in .sheep urine. B. D. H. 'Van Niekerk and Solution
Je '63 lemsofusing vlscoelastic stress analysis prob-
others, creatinine
Urinary bibliog J as Nutrition
an index79:373-80
of body Mrcom-'63 measured creep or relaxation
position. B D. H. Van Niekerk and oth- functions. E. H. Lee and T. G. Rogers,
bibliog A S M E Trans ser E 30:127-33
ers, bibliog J Nutrition 79:463-73 Ap '63
CREATIVE ability Steady
Creative designer needs three information Mr '63creep bibliog
of a nonhomogeneous plate. J. L.
diags Am Soc C E Proc
inputs. F. K. McCune. S A E J 71:36-7
My '63
Creativity can be taught. A, Zimmerman, 88 lEM 5 no 32931:1-24 O '62
fibers; creep properties of and
oriented nylon con-66
il Chem Eng
Creativity; circling 70:152+ the Jlpyramid.
22 '63 Product Eng ditions. W. Howard
low loads and M.anhydrous
L. Williams,
34:52 Jl 22 '63 bibliog diag Textile Res J 33:689-96 S '63
design merit on awards. campus; 11 Alcoa's 1962 student
diag Machine Design CREEP of metals
Capped •63
35:11-417 Ac 15 '63
Engineering creativity. G. A. Thorpe. Plant behaviorend. thin-wall
for type tube creep-rupture
316 stainless steel. G H.
Rowe and others, bibliog II diags A S M E
Eng to17:160-1- '63-64
How developS engineering'63 creativity; spe- Trans ser creep
Combined D 85:71-86
and Mr '63 strengths of
cial report, bibliog Hydrocarbon Process & Nlmonlc SOA and Nimonic 90. P. G. Forrest
Pet■62 Refiner 41:109-32 O '62 and P. A. Smith, il Inst Metals J 92:61-2
I taught creativity. J. O'Brien. Product Eng
34:91-3 Ap
Increase your15 '03 problem-solving ability. E, Comparisons of materials: creep strength of
Raudscpp. Machine Design 34:128-31 N 8 met.als: fables. Materials in Design Eng
Some thoughts about today's creativity. B. J. 58:37 Mid-O
Creep buckling'63 of plates: experiments on
Tangerman. Product Eng 34:105-7 S 16 '63 aluminum
CREDIT G. Gerard, alloy at 500°F.
bibliog 11 ATAA R.J Paplrno
Const ruction credit: what's it worth? Elcc
World 160:39-42 O M '63 Creep fracture In nickcl-chromlum-base
Financing; It's asale.
key creep-resistant alloys. J. Heslop. bibliog 11
modernization IItoolDom for Engclosing
201:68-9 the+ Inst Metals J 91:i8-33 '62-63
JaSee'63 also Creep of a low-alloy ferrltic steel. D. A.
Woodford and S. G. Glover, bibliog Iron &
Collecting of accounts
Steel Inst J 201:873-5 O '63
CREEP of plastics
CREEP of metals — Continued Creep behavior of chlorinated polyether. M. Q.
Creep of niobium. G. Brinson and B. B.
Argent, bibliog il Inst Metals J 91:293-8 Sharma and L. Gesinski. il diags Mod Plas-
Creep-rupture specimen bank opens its doors. Testing tics 40:164-1-
plasticsJa stamina, '63 il Plastics World
Dislocation Res & Stand in
confltrurations 3:744copper
S '63 after CRESOL
21:23 Je '63
hisli-temperature creep. P. Feltham and Cresols and cresylics face uncertain future.
R. A. Sinclair, biblios il diaer Inst Metals J Chem &freciuencies. Kng N 41:23-4 My 13 '63
Normal thermodynamic proper-
Dynamic creep instability of initially straight, ties and equilibrium of the cresols. J. H. S.
centrally loaded columns. W. E. Jahsman Green. Chem
Phase equilibria in the system phenol, & Ind p 1575-6 S 1 '62
and F. A Field, bibliog diags A S M E
Trans ser E 29:73-80 Mr '62; Discussion. o-cresol. water, sodium hydroxide. J. Y.
Ting and J. S. Forsytli. diags J Ap Chem
Effect D '62
of compressive prestrain on the creep
and fracture properties of pure nickel at 13:171-5 from
Profits Ap refinery '63 waste streams. A. G.
500° C. P. W. Davies and others, bibliog Ash. cresylic
il diag Oil
diags ofInst Metals J 91:289-92 '62-63 systems. Pure acids& Gas from J 60:185-7
petroleum S 24by '62sol-
Effect creep on stresses in piping vent extraction. D. C. Jones and others,
W. Gorczvnski. bibliog diag Engineer 215: bibliog diag Ind & Eng Chem Product
565-7 of
Effect Mr creep 29 '63 stress on carbide .,reactions , Res & Develop
CRESYLIC acids. See 2:217-20
Cresol S '63
during tempering of hieh-chromium steels. CRETACEOUS period. See Geology. StraU-
V P. Gupta and P. R. Dhar. bibliog Iron graphic — Cretaceous
& Steel
Effect of pressure Inst J 201:213-16on creep Mrin '63 tin K. L-. CRICK. Francis H. C.
DeVries and others, bibliog J Ap Phys 34: DNA work wins Nobel prize in medicine, por
2258-9 Ag '63
Effects of the transient period in evaluating . ^ . , ^. CRIMEChem and& criminals Eng N 40:110 O 29 '62
rotating disk tests under creep conditions. See also ■62
A M. Wahl bibliog diag A S M E Trans Juvenile delinquency
ser D 85:66-70 Mr '63 Photography. Legal
Effects ofments ontrace contents of impurity ele- CRIMES aboard•63 aircraft
the creep-rupture properties of
nickel-base alloys. D. R. Wood and R. M. Crime in aircraft. nautical Soc J 67:175-80;R. W^ilberforce. Roy Aero-
Discussion. 180-3
Cook, bibliog Metallurgia 67:109-17 Mr 63
High temperature creep of a copper-gold Mr '63 of textiles
brazing allov in shear. M. L, Rudee and Changes of curvature with regain of set
others, bibliog il diags Welding J 41: wool and hair fibers. K. Baird. il Textile
SUP451-4 O '63 Res J 33:866-8
Cortical bilateralO structure '63 and wool crimp.
Influence of impurities on the creep and frac- J. G. Snyman. bibliog Textile Res J 33:
J P.tureDennison behaviour ofand nickel at 500 andbibliog
B. Wilshire. 600°
S03-9 Oof '63cotton fibers. E. Alexander and
Inst Metals J 91:343-5 '62-63 Crimp
Influence of irradiation on creep. D. Mose- others, bibliog Textile Res J 32:898-908 N
dale. J Ap Phys 33:3142-3 O '62 Load deflection analysis of fibers with three
Long-time creep properties of an 18 per cent dimensional crimp. R. Chicurel and E.
Cr-12 per cent Ni-1 per cent Nb steel steam- Suppiger. diags Textile Res J 33:767-72 O
pipe and superheater tube. E. A. Jenkinson
and others, bibliog il Iron & Steel Inst J Pinion textured yarn. A. Mancunian, il Tex-
200:1011-24 D '62 tile Ind 127:10S-9-f My '63
Measurement of plastic strain in long-tirne CRISTOBALITE
creep tests at temperatures up to 1000° C. Geometric model for auartz-cristobalite trans-
C WTieatlev and J. Buchan. il diags Metal- formation. A. C. D. Chaklader. diag Am
lurgia 66:91-8 Ag '62 Cer Soc between
Reactions J 46:192-3alkaline-earth An '63 sulfates and
Metallurgical principles governing the creep- cristobalite. W. E. Brownell. bibliog diag
rupture strength of type 321 (IS-S + Ti)
austenitic steel superheating tubing witn Am Cer Soc J 46:125-8 Mr '63
limited extension to type 304 (ISCr-SNi) X-ray study of quartz-cristobalite transforma-
and t\-pe 316 il8Cr-8Ni 4- Mol austenitic tion. A. C. D. Chaldader. bibliog il Am
steels. J. E. WTiite and J. W. Freeman, il Cer Soc constants J 46:66-71 F '63
ASMS Trans ser A 85:119-46 Ap '63 CRITICAL
Ne-w combined creep and fatigue testing ma- Cricondentherms and cricondenbars: their
prediction for binary hydrocarbon systems.
chine, il Metallurgia 67:49-50 Ja '63 E. D. Silverman and G. Thodos. bibliog Ind
New creep-rupture data on furnace tubes. T.
M Krebs. bibliog Hydrocarbon Process & & Eng pressures
Critical Chem Fundamentals of multicomponent 1:299-303 hydro-
N '62
Pet Refiner 41:135-40 Ag '62 cartx)n mixtures and the critical densities
Pressure dependence of creep in Zn and Cd. of binary hydrocarbon mixtures. R. B.
K L. DeVries and P. Gibbs. J Ap Phys Grieves and G. Thodos. bibliog A I Ch E J
34:3119-20 O '63 9:25-30 temperatures
Ja '63
Pressure dependence of the creep of lead. Critical and pressures of sub-
K L. DeVries and others, bibliog diags stances from vapor pressure data. L. I
J'Ap Phys 34:2254-7 Ag '63 Stiel and G. Thodos. bibliog Can J Chem
Pure torsional creep tests on aluminium al- Eng 40:253-5
Estimates of saturated D '62 fluid densities and
10-' loyper
at 200°C hour). at A.low E.rates of strain
Johnson and (10"' critical constants. S. H. Fishtine. bibliog
Metallurgia 67:173-7 Ap '63 Ind & Eng Chem Fundamentals 2:149-55
Review of superplasticity and related phenom-
ena. E. B. Underwood, bibliog J Metals Pressure-
My '63 temperature critical loci for multi-
14:914-19 D '62 component hydrocarbon mixtures. R. B.
Study designed to explain the creep-rupture Grieves, bibliog Can J Chem Eng 41:174-7
strength of type 321 (18Cr-8Ni + Ti) super-
heater tubing.11J.A E.S White and J. ser W. AFree- CRlTICAL-path
Ag '63 scheduling. See Schedules
man, bibliog M E Trans 85: CRITICAL point
108-18 Ap '63 Application of a reduced vapor pressure
Study of creep collapse of a long circular equation to nonhydrocarbon substances.
cylindrical shell under various distributed E. G. Reynes and G. Thodos. bibliog Ind
force systems. J. C. Serpico. bibliog diags & Eng Chem D.Fundamentals 1:127-31Reply.
My '62:
J Aerospace Sci 29:1316-23 N '62 Discussion. G. Miller. 2:78-9; 80
Tandem rupture testing of two metal samples, F '63
diag Engineering 196:253 Ag 23 '63 CRITICAL temperature. See Critical constants
Versatile combined creep and fatigue ap- CROCONIC acid
paratus with programme facilitie^s. A. J. Structures of the croconate ions. N. C. Baen-
Kennedy and T. E. Clifton, bibliog il ziger and others, diags Am Chem Soc J 85:
diags J Fairbaim
William Sci Instr 40:360-3 Jl '63
and mechanical properties 1539-40connections.
My 20 '63 See Water
CROSS distribution —
of materials. A. I. Smith, bibliog diag Engi- Cross connections
See neeraUo 216:543-5 _ O 4 '63 _ CROSS linkage (chemistry). See Chemical
Steel — Teatlns — Temperature effect bonds
CROSSARMS. See Electric lines— Crossarms Maintenance and repair
CROSSWORD puzzles Automatic roll hard-facing keeps crusher
Braille puzzle utilizes PVC. polystyrene and output in high, il Roads & Sts 106:106-7
vinyl, il diags Plastics World 21:53 fa bi Je 63
CROTON oil ^ . J Combination of two hard- surfacing alloys
Analogs of cocarcinoKen beine synthesized, cuts cost by 80 per cent, il Welding J 42:
li. L,. vanDuuren and others, diag Cnem 501-2 Je '63
Gravel producer needs hammer, roller hard-
& Ent; N 41:02+ O 14 '63 facing, il Welding Eng 48:57 Ja '63
CROTONALDEHYDE , , ,.,,..,. CRUSHING machinery. Portable
Catalytic air oxidation of crotonaldehyde to France is home to worldbeating mobile
maleic anhydride. J. M. Church and P. crusher. R. Ironman. il Rock Prod 66:134
Bitha. biblioB diat? Ind„ & ^ EnK , Chem
Isomerization Res as & a Develop
primary 2:61-6process Mr In'63 the Rock from freeway cuts get first crushing
ghotolysis My site,
at '63 il Roads & fats 106:102 Je '63
lowell and ofS. crotonaldehyde.
Sitniades. biblioeC. AmA. Chem Mc- CRUST of the earth. See Earth— Surface
Soc J 84:4606-7 D 5 '62
CRLJCIBLES FA(J prawn breeding problem. Food Tech
Extension ot iridium crucible lifetime. R S. 17:5624- My '63
Horwath and C. Whiteley. Electrochem CRYOGENICS. See Temperature. Low
Soc J 110:467
Fluxing to remove My '63 oxide ,, ^ ,
from ajununum . CRYOPUMP. See Vacuum pumps
allovs. R. J. KisslinK and J. F. Wallace, CRYOSTATS
biblios il diat's Foundry 91:76-81 Mr '63 Cryostat for absorption spectrophotometry.
High temperature melting H. without contamina- J. A. Sousa and J. Weinstein. diag R Sci
tion in cold crucibles. F. Sterling and Instr 34:150-1 F '63
R. W Warren, bibliog il dJags Metallurgia Four- window cell and cryostat for high pres-
67:301-7 Je '63 ^ ....,- sure studies at liquid helium temperature.
Kemwell portable foundry: application of self- D. B. Fitchen. bibliog diags K Sci Instr
heating crucibles, il Metallurgia 68:29-30 Jl 34:673-6 Je '63brass- to-aluminum seal for use
High vacuum
Portable crucible heats itself, il Iron Age at cryogenic temperatures. P. P. Craig and
Silver- Je 2U '63 alloys as crucible .^, material , . , others,
High vacuum diag insulated
R Sci Instr 33:869-70feedthrough
electrical Ag '62
in studies of low-melting Iron silicates. A. for use in cryosiats. N. G. Einspruch and
Muan. bibliog Am Cer Soc Bui 42:344-7 W. K. Wisseman. diag R Sci Instr 34:929-30
Je '63
CRUCIFERAE Simply constructed cryostat for laboratory
See also Ag
use. '63T. R. Phillips and D. R. Owens, diag
Crambe abyssinlca
CRUSHED stone. See Stone. Crushed Stub-tuner impedance Agmatching
J Sci Instr 40:426-7 '63 In a helium
cryostat. J. de Klerk, il diag R Sci Instr
CRUSHED stone association, National. See
National crushed stone association 34:183 F '63
CRUSHING Application of cryotrons to the high-speed
Guide to crushing and grinding practice. A. computer; abstract. E. N. Adams. Automa-
L. Stern, bibliog diags Chem Eng 69:129-46
D 10 '62 . ^. „B. „S. Uon 9:158-9
Cryotrons and N cryotron
'62 circuits; review. P.
Recent trends in autogenous grinding. A. Walker, bibliog diags Radio & Electronic
Crocker, bibliog il Can Min & Met Bui 56: •63
790-6 Eng 25:387-97
Delay times tor Myswitching '62 in-line cryotrons.
See Oalso'63 A. E. Brennemann and others, bibliog
Ore treatment
CRUSHING machinery diags IEEE Proc 61:1009-14
In-line cryotron. A. E. Brennemann. Jl '63 blblioK
Capacity doubled with new plant of French diags IEEE Proc 51:442-51 Mr '63
gypsum plaster producer; Poliet et Chaus- Observation of crossed-fllm cryotron transi-
son. J. Grindrod. il Pit & Quarry 55:126- tion phenomena. P. M. Chirlian. diag R
9+ N '62
Crusher-crawler teamwork pays oft. „ il Rock „ , Sci
Parallel Instr 34:586-7
binary My
adders '63 using crossed-fllm
Prod 66:93 Ag '63 , „,„.,, cryotron. D. W. Davies. bibliog diags Inst
Crushing machine accidents. Rock Prod , 65:
E E Proc 110:999-1007 Je
Progress is reported in cryotron technology. '63
63-t- portable
Giant D '62 primary crusher serves several
separate plants. J. Grindrod. il Pit & Quarry il Elec Eng 82:150-1
Superconductive associative F '63memories. R. W.
56:5u Ahrons. bibliog diags RCA R 24:325-54 S
'63 Ae mills
Grinding '63 grow, complicate use factors.
C. A. Rowland, il Rock Prod 66:100-1- S '63 Swi spe and diss in fast thin
Hardfacingduces crusiiin*:
of newcost,hammers il Rock drastically
Prod 66:44 re-Jl tch cr>otron
fllm ed circuits. H. Meyers, , bib--
g diags Inst Radio Eng ion Proc 50:2452-64
How do you sele a cru L. A. Rho D '62
ct she des Tunnel diode-cryotron circuit for interroga-
Rock Prod
Minerals 60:73-1-
beneflciation Ap in '63 r?
1962: crushing and . tion of cryotronic systems. E. S. Schlig.
grinding. R. J. Russell. 11 Min Ene 15:96 diag IEEE Proc 51:1359-00 O '63
Progress report on autogenous grinding; Occurrence of cryptomelane in manganese
Cleveland-Cliffs iron co. D. S. Coyle. flow ores, Balaghat district. India. S. B.
sheets 11 Min Cong J 49:35-40 Mr '63 Bhattacharjee and S. Bhattacharjee. Am
Slone formerly wasted becomes premium
product. B. C. Herod. 11 Pit & Quarry Mineralogist
CRYPTOMERIDIOL. 48:1174-6 S '63
See Sesquiterpenes
Story of ErieJe mining '63 co. milling process. H. CRYSTAL diodes
P. Whaley. flow sheet 11 plan diags Min Amateur scientist; how to make a highly
Eng 15:43-7 My '63 accurate clock that utilizes tunnel diodes.
Three-ln-one spells versatile; Western In- R. E. Waiters, il diags Sci Am 208:157-60-1-
diana Aggregates. J. H. Bergstrom. il diags
ToRock save Prod enough65:60-4for N a '62new crusher mantle: Analysis
Mr '63ing of
diodes. ampliflers
F. J. Hyde, Incorporat-
hardface. il Welding Eng 48:72-3 Mr '63
Twin crusher lines produce three aggregate Analysis of the effects of reactancesAg on '63the
diags Inst E E Proc 110:1313-18
See also11 dlag Roads & Sts 106:38-4() S '63 performance of the tunnel-diode b.alanced-
pair logic circuit. J. J. Gibson, diags RCA R
Ball mills
Pulverizers 23:457-88 frequency
D '62
Control Apparent sistance of varactordependence
diodes. A. of series
Uhllr, re-
Automatic control of grinder and pulverizer IEEE Proc 51:1246-7 S '63
installations. 1). J. Ewings. 11 diags Ind Applications of varactor diodes. R. L. Ernst
Electronics 1:691-3 O '63 and J. K. Fitzpatrlck. bibliog diags Electro-
Fully automated crusher Is a reality at
Eagle Mountain, il Min Eng 16:41 Je '63 Tech 72:54-60 characteristics
Approximate S '63 and harmonic
Magnetic logic maximizes crusher output. W. rosponse of the tunnel diode. D. M. Makow
H. Patterson and IJ). E. ICing. diags Control and R. A. Kurd. IEEE Proc 51:251 Ja
EnK 10:97-9 Ja '63
■63 1963
CRYSTAL diodes — Continued First complete details designing data registers
Back wai-d- diode clamp reduces tunnel-diode with simple diode circuits. W. Orvedahl
delays. W. T. Rhoades. diass Electronics and J. H. Shepherd, diags Electronics 36:
Better F 8 to'63protect transistors with Zener 48-60
Five-layer F 22diode '63 guards cables. H. R. Mon-
'62 and fuses. O. Burlak. diax Electron- Five new diode Electronics
tague. circuits36:S4-(- Je 21 '63micro-
for nanosecond
ics 35:64-6 voltase
Breakdown S 28 '62of GaAs diodes having wave switching. P. Ravenhill and H. Smith,
nearly abrupt junctions. H. Kressel and il diags
others. Inst Radio Ene Proc 50:2493 D Form logicElectronics
matrix with 35:37-9diodeAg ribbons.
31 '62 J.
G. Hainmerslag. il diags Electronics 36:100-t-
Bridse for tracing the tunnel diode I-V and
conductance curves. R. J. VVilfinger and B. Formation
Ag 10 '62 of tunnel diodes in vapor-deposited
A. Zolotar. biblios diags R Sci Instr 33:951-5 silicon microcrystals. E. G. Bylander and
R. J. Murphy, il IEEE Proc 51:228 Ja
S '62 band Ku-crystal diode switch. K. W.
Beck and J. J. Rowley. Inst Radio Eng Frequency dependence of the equivalent series
resistance of varactor diodes and Its effect
Can 50:1847-8 get Ag '62
rid of f-m distortion in on parametric amplification. L<. D. Braun.
reflex klystrons? A. Sasaki, il diags Elec- diag p-n
GaAs Inst junction
Radio Engdiodes Proc for50:2523-4
wide Drange'62
Capacitance and charge 35:42-5 Ag 3 '62coefRcients for varac- thermometry. B. G. Cohen and others. U
tor diodes. D. B. Leeson. Inst Radio Eng R Sci Instr 34:1091-3■63
Proc 6U:1S54 Ag and '62 applications of Zener Gallium-arsenide diode O sends
'63 television by
Characteristics infrared beam. R. H. Rediker and others.
diodes. B. Rigg. bibliog diags Electronic il diags arsenide
Electronics 36:44-5
Eng 34:730-43 N '62 Gallium diode usedO as 5 '62low-tem-
Circuit trends in nanosecond switcliing. P. perature thermometer. B. G. Cohen and
Meyers, bibliog il diag Electronics 36:35-6-1- others. Bell Lab diodes
Gallium-arsenide Rec for 40:421lasers.
D '62Franklin
S 20 '63 barriers In thin film TiOj diodes.
Compound Inst J 275:70-1 Ja '63 „ ,
P. J. Magill. IEEEdevelopments:
Proc 51:223-4 Plessey
Ja '63 co. Gap surface- barrier diodes. H. G. White
Computer storage and R. A. '63 Logan, bibliog diag J Ap Phys
Continuous stimulated emission from N GaAs
(United Kingdom). Engineer 214:819 9 '62 34:1990-7 ofJl metallic
Gettering '63 impurities from planar
diodes at 77°K. M. Pilkulm and others. silicon diodes. S. W. Ing, jr. and others,
IEEE Proc 51:1243 S '63 bibliog il diags Electrochem Soc J 110:633-7
Cooled diode cuts noise in parametric ampli- Je '63
Harmonic generation with tunnel diodes. A.
fier. Electronics
Current-voltage 35:66-7 O 26 of'62tunnel junc-
characteristic Guttman. 11 '63diag IEEE Proc 61:267-8 Ja
tions. H. P. Knauss and R. A. Breslow. il
Inst Radio Eng Proc in 50:1834 Ag '62 High-cutoff-frequency
varactor diodes. L. GaAs diffused- junction
H. Gibbons, jr. and
Defects introduced neutron-irradiated
Esaki diodes. C. B. Pierce and A. D. others, diags RCA R 24:199-213 Je '63
Kantz. bibliog diag J Ap Phys 34:1496-503 High-speedodes. H. S.arithmetic employing
Miller, bibliog U diagtunnel
RCA di-R
My '63
Dependence of recombination radiation on
current in GaAs diodes. S. Mayburg and 24:47-66
High speed Mr integrated
'63 circuits with load-
J. Black, bibliog diags J Ap Phys 34:1521- compensated diode-transistor logic. B. T.
3 My '63 doping of phosphorus in the base Murphy, il diags Electronics 36:68-74 Mr 16
of silicon tunnel diodes. C. L.. Gravel and High-speed
circuits. J.transistor-tunnel
J. Amodei anddiode sequential
J. R. Burns,
others. Electrochem
Diffusion effects in varactor Soc J frequency
109:874-6 Smulti-
pliers. D. B. Leeson. diags IEEE Proc diagsvoltage
High RCA R epitaxial 24:355-80 gallium
S '63 arsenide mi-
51:1052-4 JI '63 crowave
'63 diodes. H. Kressel and N. Gold-
Diode measurements with thick chloride lay- smith, bibliog il diags RCA R 24:182-98 Je
ers on nickel. J. R. Anderson, bibliog J Ap
Phys 33:3089-93 O '62 How to design D. O.solid-state
erators.'63 microwave
Fairley. bibliog gen-
il diags
Diode resistance to nuclear radiation. A. B.
Kaufman and R. C. Eckerman. il diag Electronics
Electronic Ind 22:134-6-1- Ag related
'63 How to make 36:23-8tunnel O diodes
11 '63 even more use-
Double injection diodes and double ful. L. L. Williams and D. J. Hamilton,
injection phenomena in semiconductors. N. diags Electronics
Holonyak. Jr. bibliog 11 Inst Radio Eng Hysteresis effects In36:52-4 Je 7multipliers.
varactor '63
Proc 60:2421-8 D '62 diodes. P. J. Langlols. D, J. Roulston. diags IEEE Proc 51:1369-
Duality and tunnel
diags Ind Electronics 1:286-8, 332-4, 390-3, Improving
70 O '63 K. pulse
diodes. C. Hu.rise time Electronics
11 diags with snap-off
425-30 F-My '63
Dynamic diode-capacitor store. J. B. War- 6S-70 F 15the '63tunnel diode unlvibrator. A. ti.
man and H. J. Stirling, bibliog diags Ind
Whetstone, diags R Sci Instr 34:412-13 Ap
Electronics 1:679-83 Ap '63
Effect of mutual inductance upon tunnel diode Incorporation
locked pair switching. A. C. Scott and elements in ofmicrowave variable-capacitance
devices. G.diodeT.
others, diags Inst Radio Eng Proc 50:1991-2 Thompson, diag Inst E E Proc 110:901 My
S '62 Intercom diode switch analysis. W. D. Ryan.
Energy band parameters of germanium in-
dicated by tunnel diode reverse character- Electronic
Key Eng
to nanosecond 35:464-5 Jl '63 combining
istics. W. N. Carr. bibliog diag J Ap Phys
tunnel and charge- storage diodes. P. Chow
Epitaxial silicon Ag '63devices. A. A. Shepherd. 11 and J. Cubert. II diags Electronics 36:42-5
diags Ind Electronics 1:198-201 Ja '63 Large silicon '63crystals for diodes. C. G. Cur-
Esaki diode decision circuit. J. Janku and Z. Orin. IS '63
Malec. diags Ind Electronics 1:120-1 N '62 Light emission from alloyed39:119-20
Junction Mygallium
Evaluation arsenide tunnel diodes. G. J. Hoover and
systems. of H. tunnel-diode
S. Miller and balanced-pair
R. A. Powlus.logic
R. S. Zucker. diag IEEE Proc 51:1237-8
bibliog il diags RCA R 23:489-638 D '62 S '63
Light-emitting diode. Franklin Inst J 276:
Experimental observation of heat liberation
in p-n junctions. M. A. Melehv and E. A. 71-2 Ja '63 and Implementation In a pumped
Logic design
Jarmoc, diag IEEE Proc 51:614 Ap '63 tunnel diode-translstor logic system. S. B.
Experimental tunnel-diode electromagnetic Akers and E. P. Stabler. 11 diags IEEE
delay line storage registers. C. M. Wine Trans Com & Electronics p282-8 My '63
and Li. S. Cosentino. il diags IEEE Proc Low-noise 11-Gc parametric amplifier using
51:626-6 Ap '63 refrigerated silver- bonded germanium di-
Fabrication of thin flim diodes using reactive ode. S. Kita and K. Tahara. IEEE Proc
■62 P. J. Magill. diags IEEE Proc
51:1040 Jl '63 51:618-19 Ap
Microwave '63 Franldin Inst J 275:368 Ap
Fa.ster Zener diodes make new uses possible.
K. Klmura. 11 diags Electronics 36:64-7 O 19 Microwave tunnel-diode operation beyond
cut-off frequency. C. C. Hofflns and K.
Field emission in rutile diodes. O. E. Wag- Ishii. diags
ner and W. W. HapD. bibliog J Ap Phys cussion. M.IEEE Proc 51:370-1
K. McPhun. F '63;Reply.
51:1265-6; Dis-
34:259-60 F '63 1266-7 S -63
CRYSTAL diodes — Continued Supplying low-impedance
'63 power for tunnel
Mixer diodes for six sigacycles per second. diodes. H. Mosser and AV. R. Turner, diags
J. B. Setchfleld. diags Elec Com 38 no 3:
376-S6 '63 Symmetrical dc converter '63
Electronics 36:60-1 Ja IS using 6-a tunnel
Multiplication diodes. A. ■62C. Scott, diags Inst Radio Eng
odes. H. L. and division
Kahn. diags using
R Sci silicon
Instr di-
33: Proc 50:1851 Ag '62
235-8 F '62; Discussion. L.. Eisenberg. 34: Temperature effects in coherent GaAs diodes.
592-3 My '63 W. E. Engeler and M. Garflnkel. bibliog II
New approach to locked-Dair tunnel-diode J Ap Phys 34:2746-50
logic. C. L.. Cohen, diags Electronics 35: Thin-tllm technique for Simproving
'63 microwave
46-7 frequency
Ag 3 '62 demultipUer with a tunnel diodes. H. V. bhurmer. diags Ind Electron-
New ics 1:169-71 D '62 for line narrowing In
diode. M. Sliimura. il diags Inst Radio Eng Threshold currents
GaAS junction diodes. S. Mayburg. bib-
NewProc mixer
50:1987diode. S '62
Franklm Inst J, 276:88
„,, „„ Jl„ liog J Ap analysis
Phys 34:1791-3 Je '63
Transient of a transmission-line
New tricks with diodes. L. E. Geisler. 11 tunnel-diode circuit. A. G. Franco and
diagstunnel Radio- Electronics A. S. Farber. diag IEEE Proc 51:368-9 F
New diode circuits. M.34:36-8
Lorant.Jl 11'63diags True rras measurement with tunnel diodes.
Wireless World 68:445-6 S '62 K. Tarnay. Inst Radio Eng Proc 50:2124 O
One-stage scaler needs no complex feed-
back. C. A. Budde. diags Electronics 36:
32-36 S 27 '63 Tuimel-diode anaJogue and its application.
Optical 3 communications employing infrared K. S. C. Cobbold and H. N. Mahabala. bib-
emitting diodes and fm techniques. E. J. Tunnel liogdiode diags Inst as Ea Blinear Proc network
110:51-63 element.
Ja '63
Chatterton. il diag IEEE Proc 51:612 Ap I. W. Sandberg. bibliog diags Bell System
Optconverter. C.of K.effi Sanathanan. of a ceJs Ap Phys Tech Jdiode
Tunnel 41:1537-56 as a S relaxation'62 oscillator. J.
imi cien itm
33 '3491-3 D '62 cy i- E. Houldin and R. A. Whitney, diags Elec-
Optimum on stability criterion for tunnel ddiodes
i lod
e Tunnel diode tronic Eng 34:552-3
computer Agstores. ^62 Electronic Eng
shunted by resistance and capacitance.
L,. A. Davidson, diag IEEE Proc 51:1233 or>:3o Ja "63 computer stores. P. M. Thomp-
S '63 Tunnel-diode
Oscillation frequency of microwave tunnel
diodes. K. Ishii and C. C. Hoffliis. 11 diags Tunnel son,diode-cryotron
diags Ind Electronics circuit 1:303-6 Mr '63
for interroga-
IEEE Proc 51:485-6 Mr '63 tion of crj'otronic systems. E. S. Schlig.
Pin diode: versatile microwave component. diag IEEE
Tunnel diode Proc decade51:1359-60counter. OB. '63 Rabinovicl.
R. E. Heller. 11 diags Electronics 36:40-3
Mr 8 '63 ^. ^ „T. ^Seki- ,. il diag R Scimemory.
Tunnel-diode In.<!tr 33:1391-2
J. M. Tyszka.D '62 bibliog
Plasma negative-resistance diode.
guchi and others. IEEE Proc 51:1030-1 Jl il diagsdiodeElecunitCommay 37speed
Tunnel no 4:387-97
computer '62mem-
Point contact diodes utilizing single-crystal ory. Steel 152:91
Tunnel-diode wide-band My 13 frequency
'63 doubling
reduced nitile titanium dioxide. G. Davia, circuit. J. H. Burbo. il diags Inst Radio
jr. and W. W. Grannemann. J Ap Phys
34:228-30 Ja Eng Proc 50:1850 Ag '02
Properties of '63 .
negative immittance. . t,K. A.. Tunnel diodes. E. Gottlieb and J. Giorgis.
PuUen. Jr. diags Electronic Ind 22:86-8 S bibliog il diags Electronics 36:36-42 Je 14:
68-73 Je 21: 60-6 Je 28: 26-31 Jl 5 '63
Radiation from GaAs tunnel diodes. R. L. Tunnel diodes boost transistor-resistor logic
speed. P. J. Langlois. diags Electronics
Anderson. induced
Radiation IEEE Proc hump 51:610 Ap '63 In the
I-V characteristics of Esaki diodes. C. B. 36:5U-1 diodes
Tunnel My 10 for '63 majority logic circuits. A.
Pierce and others, bibliog diag J Ap Phys Judeinstein and J. Bezaguet. diags Elec
33:3108-18 O '62 , ,. , , , Com 37diodes
Tunnel no 4:398-9 '62
in high-speed logic circuits;
S K. Mitra. ofbibliog tunnel-diode-re
diags Franklin networks Inst J abstract,
Tunnel diodes diags saveElectroparts, Tech 70:13 S readout
continuous '62
275:205-16 Mr '63, . . „GaAs , ^ „Blackt,, i of magnetic cores. W. G. Trabold. 11 diags
Recombination radiation in J.
and others, bibliog diag J Ap Phys 34:178- Electronics
Tunnel resi.stor; 36:38-9new S 9 device
'63 to speed up
80 Ja '63 , ^ tunnel diodes. M. Cooperman and R. H.
Reverse-bias-dependence of^ spectralt , photo- u .„
Bergman. U diags Electronics 36:42-4 Jl
tions nearof the Si andbandGaAs edge. shallow
B. Loh. p-n J.lunc- Ao Tunneling
12 '63 current density as a function of
Phvs 34:416-18
Rigorous analysisF of '63 ,harrponic generation crystallographic polarity. M. T. Minamoto
using parametric diodes. K. K.N. Chang and H. T. Malafl. bibliog il diags J Ap
and P. E. Chase, diags RCA R 24:214-25 Phys 34:1876-81
Tunneling current structure Jl '63 resolution by
Je '63 differentiation. D. E. Thomas and J. M.
Saving mlcroclrcult power with tunnel-diode IClein. bibliog diags R Sci Instr 34:920-4
coupling. H. C. Josephs and J. T. Maupin.
11 •63diags Electronics 36:30-3 Ag 23 '63 Two-term
Ag '63 analytical approximation of tun-
Scheme for nel-diode static characteristics. A. Feren-
monic efTicient
generation with third varactors.
and fourthM har- R. deci. Inst Radio Eng Proc 50:1852-3 Ag
Lelbowitz. diag IEEE Proc 51:1040-1 Jl
Ulti-a-stable ■63 reference elements, bibliog diag
Self-oscillation in a transmission line with Electronic Ind 22:84-5-1- F '63
a tunnel diode. J. Nagurao and M. Shimura. Unique tunnel-diode circuit performs odd-
11 diags Inst Radio Eng Proc 49:1281-91 Ag and-even logic. W. H. Ko. il diags Electron-
■61: Discussion. 60:1830-3. 2373-4 Ag. N '62 ics 35:61-2 O 19 '62
Semiconductor rectifier diodes and controlled Use of Zener diodes as voltage controlled
rectifiers. B. J. Diebold and D. W. Borst. capacitors. D. J. Barnes, diag J Sol Instr
11 diag Blectro-Tech 71:106-12 F '63 40:507 O charge-
■V'araclor '63 voltage expansions for large
Semiconductors, diodes and transistors. 11
diags Automobile Eng 53:354-60 Ag 63 pumping conditions. A. L. Helges.^on. Inst
Seven circuits for tunnel diodes. C. Sinclair, Radio Eng Proc 50:1846-7 Ag '62
diags Radio-Electronics 33:36-8 N '62 ■Varactor cutoff 800 gc. diags Electronics
Simple method for plotting tunnel-diode
switching waveforms. J. K. Skllling. diags 36:31 Je 7 '63 temperature compensation. L.
Electronics 35:49-50 D 14 '62 A. Weldon. diags Electro-Tech 72:204-5 S
Small crystalline source 11yields
verted from current. Elec red Eng light82:147 con-F Var diod P. N. Marl IEE Proc
act e s. nos. E
Solid 51:388-9 F '63
Varactor frequency doubler from 11.5 cc to
basefrequency-selective circuit with
diode. H. Yoshimura. diags double-
IEEE 23 gc. M. Uenoliara and others. Inst
Proc 51:964 Je '63 Radio Eng Proc 50:24S6 D '62
Some factors affecting the degradation of Varactor self- resonance In parametric ampli-
OaAs tunnel diodes. A. PIkor and others. fiers. A. C. Hudson, diag IEEE Proc 51:
Electrochem Soc J 110:178-80 F '63
Slabllily considerations for a tunnel diode 1248-9 S tunnel-diode
Versatile '63 hybrid circuit. R. B.
circuit. M. N. S. Swam.v. bibliog diags Henderson. II diag IEEE Proc 51:961-2
Franklin Inst J 274:444-51 D "62
Je ■es
CRYSTAL diodes — Continuea Crystallization sequence of minerals leading
Versatile Zener diode array forms hish-speed to formation of ore deposits in quartz mon-
quantizer. J. J. Kolarcik. 11 diaes Elec- zpnitic rocks in the northwestern part of
tronics 35:52-4 As 17 '62 the Boulder batholith. Mont. F. Robertson.
■63 of radiation damase In
tunnel diodes. H. Roth and others, blb-
Voltage breakdown in 34:669-71
liotr diasr J Ap Phys Mr '63
narrow-base diodes. Ifol^^'fill-lfh^Pel ^"' 73:1257-76. pi 1 bib-
G. Conrad and S. Fine. IEEE Proc 51:405 F Crystals for use as reference materials. II
Zener diodes as voltape reference sources diag Engineering 195:525 Ap 12 '63
Defects in vapour-grown silicon. K. O. Bats-
in electron microscopy. D. K. Landstrom. ford and D. J. D. Thomas, bibliog il Elec
dia.srs R Sci Instr 34:1148-9 O '63 Com 38 no 3:354-62
Deformation twinning'63 conference, Gaines-
Failure yjlle.
15:ol94-Fla.; JI 63 abstracts of papers. J Metals
Effect of temperature and current on Zener
breakdown. T. Mollinpra. Electro-Tech 72: Dendritic crystallization of an amorphous al-
122-1- O '63 loy R. H. Willens. II J Ap Phys 33:3269-70
Manufacture Dendritic growth of InSb. H. Nicholson and
Epoxy pellets improve diode production. V. J W. Faust. Jr. bibliog il diags Electro-
Sussman and R. Carruth. il Electronics 36: Determina chemtion
Soc J 110:940-3
of impurities Ag '63 in aluminum
64-f Jl 26 63
New vapor-deposition process creates tunnel oxide whiskers. F. W. Val-Udiek and others,
diodes, il Electronics 35:584- N 2 '62 .bibliog Anal phase
Ditfusionless Chem transformations
34:1667-8 N '62 in zlr-
Miniaturization conia and hafnia. G. M. Wolten. bibliog
Pinliead diodes. T. R. Robillard. il diass Am Cer
Effect of aSoc dispersed
J 46:418-22second S '63phase on the
Bell Lab Rec 41:303-6 S '63 recrystallization of aluminium-copper alloys.
Noise R. D. Doherty and J. W. Martin, bibliog il
Noise measurements on tunnel diodes. D. C. diag of
ii.ffect Inst hydrostatic
Metals J pressures 91:332-8 '62-63
on the crys-
Aeouridls and K. M. van Vliet. Inst Radio tallization kinetics of natural rubber.
Martin and L. Mandelkern. bibliog G.diag M
Enff Proc 50:2121 O '62
1C°K noise temperature from Indium anti- T Ap Phys 34:2312-17
Effect of intermediate heat-treatment on re- Ag '63
monide varactors at 77°K. C. M. Allen and crystallization temperature and tcn.'ile prop-
others. IEEE Proc 51:856-7 My '63
Timnel diode audio-frequency noise. M. D. ^,r"'¥ B.
sheet. „ °l J. Meadows aluminium-magnesium-silicon
and A. G. Lawrence,
Burkhard and E. P. Sidor. diasrs Inst Radio
Ensr Proc 50:2487-8 D '62 bibhog il Inst Metals J 91:81-3 '62-63
ii^ftect of magnetic field on iron whisker
Developing a diode tester. T. McDonoueh. 11 Electron beam Induced ■' ' ^^ tion.
'"'^'-recrystalliza ^'^^^ ''■■
diags Automation 10:71-5 F '63 Medoff ^p'^G3''^'''^^
I.f99-"000 and A. Miller, bibliog il dlag J
Four pulse generator for testiner tunnel diode Metals 14:764-9
•63 N. F. Moody and others, il diaes Epitaxial growth Oof '62germanium using water
Electronic Ener 35:72-7 F 'BS 04.Jljy-4U LI bo
Quality specs checked by computer system. ''^f^'>°,'ia ^h.growth
Epitaxial ?< ■'/.r''^'" ^'^^ ^- C.
of silicon. -^O"*.
H. JLI.Apil Phys
E. F. Thibeault. il Electronics 36:101 F 8
Epitaxial growthm Soc ofJ silicon
109:952-7 O '62
by hydrogen re-
Rap met mea d c duction of SiHCl3 onto silicon substrates. Herndon
hod and de haract
surA. C. ioMacPherson.
es eris diags J-. M. Chang and B. A. Joyce, bibliog il
Electronics 36:504- Je 14 '63 tics Lpitaxial transistor. SocM. J J.109:957-62
diag Electrochem Bentlvegna O '62
Simple pulse generator for semiconductor . and
diode lifetime measurements. N. R. Howard. others, il diags Com & Electronics p393-7 Ja
diags J Sci Instr 39:647-8 D '62 Epitaxial vapor deposition of perovskite ma-
Underwater testing aids solid-state reli- terial.^ E. K. MUller and others, bibliog 11
ability. Electronics 36:93-4 O 25 '63 diag Electrochem Soc crystal
J 110:969-73
CRYSTAL oscillators. See Oscillators. Crystal Equipment for single growthS from'63
CRYSTALLINITY of cellulose. See Cellulose aqiieous solution. J. L. Torgesen and others,
bibhog il diagB J Res Nat Bur Stand 67C:
CRYSTALLIZATION 25-32 fusionJa '63 growth of C-type rare-earth
Amateur scientist; apparatus for studying Flame
crystallization in solutions frozen on a oxides. R. A. Lefever. 11 R Sci Instr 33:
mercury surface. C. Li. Stong. 11 diags Formation conditions and structure of thin
Sci Am 207:161-24- D '62 epitaxial germanium films on slngle-crvstal
Analysis of epitaxially grown semiconductor substrates. B. W. Sloope and C. O. Tiller,
layers by means of light figures. J. G.
Gualtieri and A. J. Kerecman. bibliog il bibliog
Glass formation 11 J Ap and Phys recrystallization
33:3458-63 D '62 In the
R Sci Instr 34:108-9 Ja '63 lithium metasilicate region of the system
Anomalous impurity diffusion in epitaxial LisO-AljOa-SiOi. R. A. Eppler. bibliog diags
silicon near the substrate. D. Kahng and Am Cer Soc J 46:97-101 F '63
others, bibliog il diags Electrochem Soc J Grain growth In Cao.ieZro.8<Oi.s4. T. T. Tien
109:1106-8 N '62 and E. C. Subbarao. bibliog 11 Am Cer
Arsenic purification by crystal growth from Soc J 46:489-92 O '63
the melt. L. R. Weisberg and P. R. Celmer. Growth mechanisms in germanium dendrites:
bibliog 11 Electrochem Soc J 110:56-60 Ja '63 three twin dendrites: experiments on and
Artificial crystallization of volcanic glass to models for the entire interface. R. G.
carnegieite. nepheline and albite at room Seidensticker and D. R. Hamilton, bibliog
pressure. S. Ueda and T. Sudo. diags Am il diags J Ap Phys 34:3113-19 O '63
Mineralogist 48:324-39 Mr '63 Growth of beryl single crystals for microwave
Calcium tungstate; Czochralski growth, per- applications. R. C. Linares and others. 11 J
fection and substitution. K. Nassau and Ap Phys 33:3209-10 N '62
A. M. Broyer. bibliog 11 diags J Ap Phys Growth of crT.'sta!s from compounds with
33:3064-73 O '62 volatile components. G. R. Cronin and
Chemical transport and epitaxial deposition others, il diag Electrochem Soc J 110:582-4
of gallium arsenide. F. A. Pizzarello. bib-
•62 liog il Electrochem Soc J 110:1059-65 O '63 Growth
.le '63 of A. ferrous- free cobalt ferrite single
Controlled atmosphere Kyropoulos growth of crystals. Ferretti and others, bibliog
alkali hallde single crystals. D. A. Patter- J Ap Phys 34:388-9 F '63
son, bibliog diags R Sci Instr 33:831-3 Ag Growth of hexamethylenetetramine crystal
from vapor: a laboratory experiment. W J
Crystal growing machine. Franklin Inst J Veigele. bibliog il diag Am J Phys 31:598-
276:188-9 Ag '63 600 Ag 63
Crystal growth of GaAs from Ga by a travel- Growth of high purity crystals at the National
ing solvent method. A. I. Mlavsky and 92.')-6 My 17 63
M. Welnsteln. bibliog 11 diags J Ap Phys &i'r'''^J^^J,°f,.?'^%'J'^''<J^- " <i'^s Engineer 215:
34:2885-92 S '63 Growth of highly perfect fluoride single
Cr>'stalUzatlon of potash. D. E. Garrett, bib- crystals for optical masers. H. Guggenheim,
liog diags Ctiem Eng Prog 59:59-64 O '63 bibliog il diags J Ap Phys 34:2482-5 Ag '63
CRYSTALLIZATION— Production of hollow metal single crystals.
Growth of mariKanousConftnued oxide whiskers. T. B. „
D. A. Channing and others, il diag J Sci
Divon and R. A. Kane. biblioK il J Ap Instr 39:644 D '62Plutonium sulfate tetra-
Phys 34:2274-5
Growth of silicon S '63blciTstals by the Dash Purification of
hydrate change.
byA. W.
Wenzel and C. andE.ion ex-
pedestal-method. R. Gereth. biblioe 11 diags
Growth of silicon Soc carbide J 109:1068-70 N '62 silicon.
from molten Anal Chem 35:1324-5 Ag '63
Recent studies
abstract of cr>'stallisation
and discussion. in polymers;
A. Sharpies. Chem
G. E. J. Beckman. bibliOK il Electrochem
Soc J rates
Growth 110:84-6of Jaepitaxial '63 gallium arsenide. & Ind pS55 My 2.5 '63
Recrystallization of fossil horse teeth. G. P.
N. Goldsmith. Electrochem Soc J 110:588-9 Brophy and T. M. Hatch, bibliog Am Miner-
Je '63 twins in the f.c.c. metals. J. W.
Growth alogist 47:1174-80
Recrystallized S '62
microstructures of pyrolytlc
Faust. Jr. and H. F. John, biblioe 11 graphite. A. Tarpinian. 11 J Ap Phys 33;
HiKh purity crystals Soc J 110:463-4 erown My from'63 solution. Role
3386 ofN '62 oxygen in reducing
tamination of GaAs during crystal silicon con-
Franklin Inst
Importance of penultimate srain J 275:431-3 My '63 size and J. F. Woods and N. G. Ainslie. bibliog diag
solid solution impurities in secondary re- J Ap Phys 34:1469-75 My '63
crj'stallization in 50 Fe-50 Ni. J. G. Ben- Selected glvcerides by continuous solvent frac-
ford and R. 'W. Lindsay, il J Ap Phys 34: tional crystallization, il Ind Chem 39:401-5
1307-9 pt 2 Ap '63
Intercrystallized apatite and ankerite from Solidification: the freezing of crystals from
the New Albany shale of Indiana. S. S. Ag '63 11 diags Westinghouse Eng 23:44-6
Greenbere and J. L.. Harrison, blblloe il
diae Am Mineralogist 47:1441-6 N '62 Mr '63
Structure and annealing behavior of ex-
mannose-1-t effect phenylhydrazone.
in the recrystallization F. Weygandof D- alosively
[. J. Klein shocked and others, magnesiabibliogsingle11 crj'stals.
Am Cer
and others, bibliog Anal Chem 34:1753-5 Soc Jof46:356-8 Jl '63
Study crystallization of glass coatings on
Key to strong phosphoric acid; controlled metal by electron microscopy. W. A. Carl-
crystallization, diag Chem Eng 70:76 Jl 8 son and others, bibliog 11 diag Am Cer
Kinetic studies of crystallization of synthetic Soc J 46:249-53
Suggested mechanism Je '63for formation of hopper
mica glass. F. P. H. Chen, bibliog il Am crystals in flux systems. R. A. Lefever and
Cer Soc theory J 46:476-84 E. A. Giess. bibliog il Am Cer Soc J 46;
Kinetic for Oautodoping '63 for vapor
phase epitaxial growth of germanium. J. J. Synthesis
153-4 Mr of '63forsterite, diopside. akermanite,
Gros<iman. diag Electrochem Soc J 110: and wollastonite from molten PbO. W. H.
1065-8 O of'63 , of, Grodkiewicz and L. G. Van Ultert. Am Cer
Kinetics melting and crystallization
phosphortis pentoxide. R. L. Comiia and Soc J 46:356 fluctuations
Temperature Jl '63 during growth and
others, il Jgrowth Ap Phys 34:2239-44 H.Ag E.'63 C. impurity segregation in InSb crystals. N.
Macroscopic of crystals. Albon. il J An Phys 33:2912-13 S '62
Powers, bibliog il diags Ind Chem 39:421-5 Temperature of cr>'stallization of pyrrhotlte
Ag thoughts
'63 and sphalerite from the Highland-Surprise
New on crystallization. J. B. Austin, mine.
il Metal Prog 83:67-74 studies My '63 of polyethylene Arnold and others, bibliog mapIdaho.
Coeur d'Alene district. Econ R.GeolG.
Nmr and dilatometric
recrystallization. A. Peterlin and E. Roeckl. 57:1163-74 D '62
Thermal analysis of lead borate glasses
bibliog diaes during crystallization. C. G. Bergeron and
Nucleation and J early Ap Phys 34:102-6
crystal Ja '63 H. B.
growth. others, bibliog il Am Cer Soc J 46:246-7
C. Powers, bibliog il Ind Chem 39:351-5
Jl '63 Thermocrystallization of richellite to produce
Oxidative crystallisation of polythene. F. H. aMy lazulite
'63 structure (calcium linscombite).
Winslow and others. Chem & Ind p 1465 D. McConnell. bibliog 11 Am Mineralogist
Ag 31 '63 48:300-7
Trace impurity Mr '63 effects on growth hillocks
Oxide formation on magnesium single crys- during epitaxial electrodeposition from cop-
tals; kinetics of growth, structure and per nerchlorate soUitions. D. Shanefleld and
orientation. R. L. Schwoebel. bibliog il P. E. Lighty. bibliog il Electrochem Soc J
diags J Ap Phys 34:2776-88 S '63
Phase study of the system: oxalic acid/acetic Transient
110:973-9 cylindrical
S '63 conformation of growlnst
acid/water: its significance In oxalic acid cr>'stals
crystal growth. J. Strassburger and J. L. zene. R.of D.2.5-di-t-butyl-1.4-dimethoxyben-
Stolow and J. W. Larsen.
Torgesen. bibliog diags J Res Nat Bur Chem & studyInd p449
Stand G7A:347-50 Jl '63 Twinning of theMr cubic
16 '63(S) silicon car-
Phenomenological bide. J. A. Kohn and D. W. Eckart. bibliog
tallization. H. D.theory Keith ofandspherulitic
F. J. Padden.crys-
diags Am Mineralogist 47:1005-10 S '62
Jr. bibliog 11 diags J Ap Phys 34:2409-21 Use of lead pyrophosphate as a flux for
Ag '63 techniques applied to the study of crystal growth. D. G. Wickham. bibliog diag
Physical J Ap Phys 33:3597-8 D '62
crystallization. H. E. C. Powers. Ind Chem Vapor growth of twinned germanium plate-
39:4,S5-S S '63 lets. C. Pritchard. 11 Electrochem Soc J 109;
Possibility of subgrain rotation during re- 993-5 O '62
crystal ization. J. C. M. Li. bibliog diags Verneuil
J Ap Phys 33:2958-65 O '62 furnace. cr>'stal F. A. Halden growth and in R. the Sedlacek.
Preparation and properties of vapor-grown diags R Sci Instr 34:622-6 Je '63
GaAs-GaP alloys. .S. M. Ku. bibliog diag Zone melting and column cn'stalllzatlon:
Electrochem Soc J 110:991-5 S '63 sympo.ssium. diags Ind Chem 39:541-4 O '6.'t
Preparation of anhydrous single crystals of See also
rare-earth halides. N. H. Kless. bibliog il Cr\'stallizers
J Res Nat Bur Stand 67A:343-5 Jl '63 Crs'slals
Preparation of CdTe crystals from near CRYSTALLI2ERS
stoichiometric and Cd rich melt composi- Growth of crystals from compounds with
tions under constant Cd pressure. M. R. volatile components. G. R. Cronin and
Lorenz. bibliog 11 diags J Ap Phys 33:3304-6 others, il diag Electrochem Soc J 110:582-4
N '62
Preparation of single crystals of some rare Improved closed-system evaporation crystal-
earth tellurldes. P. Bro. Electrochem Soc Ilzer.
.Te '63 J. Tj. Sampson and M. A. DiPletro.
J 109:1110 N '62 diag R Sci Instr !t4:n50-l O '63
Preparation of spherical single crystal elec-
trodes for use In electrocrvstallizatlon
Product size distribution In commercial crya-
talllzers. R. C. Bennett. 11 diags Chem
studies. D. K. Roe and H. Gerlscher. bib-
liog diags ETlectrochem Soc J 110:350-2 Ap Eng Prog 58:76-80 S '62
Transient and steady state size distributions
In continuous mixed suspension crv'stal-
Pressure .sintering; mechanl.sms and micro- lizers. A. D. Randolph and M. A Larson,
structures for alumina and magnesia. T. bibliog diags A I Ch E J 8:639-45 N '62
Vasllos and R. M. Spriggs. bibliog Am Cer Design
Soc J 46:493-6 O '63
Production of hich-purlty I>I'F crystals. C F. Pulsed column purification of nnra-xylene S
Weaver and others, biblios il J Ap Phys J. Marwil and S. J. Kolner, bibliog 11 diags
34:1827-8 Je '63 Chem Eng Prog 59:60-6 P '63
CRYSTALLOGRAPHY Differential thermal analysis of a cubic
Beliavior of chromium in the system modification of BaTiOa. V. Ern. bibliog
MgAliOj-AJsOa. K. H. Arlett. bibliog U Am Am Cer Soc J 46:295-6 Je Imperfections
Cer Soc J 45:523-7 N 1 '62 Direct observation of crystal In
Cell dimensions of dehydrated natrolite. J. II. KCl single crystal by electron microscope.
Fang. bibUoa il Am Mineralogist 48:414-17 T, Hibi and K. Yada. bibliog il diags J Ap
Mr '63 Phys 33:3530-6
Domain conversionsD '62of BaTiOa. P. H. Fang
CsCl-type compounds in binary alloys of
rare- earth metals with gold and silver. and W. S. Brower. bibliog J Ap Phys 34:
C." C." Chao " and' others. ' bliog J Ap Phys
34:lit71-3 Jl 63 1516 of
Effect My grain
'63 boundaries on diffusion-con-
Chlorite polytyplsm; crj'stal structure of a trolled processes in aluminum oxide. A. E.
one- layer Cr-chlorite. B. E. Brown and S. Paladlno and R. L. Coble, bibliog Am Cer
W. Bailey. Am Mineralogist 48:42-61 bib- Soc J 46:133-6 Mr '63; Correction. 46:460
Cleavage liog (p60-l) in Ja '63 F. D. Bloss and G. V.
quartz. Effect '63 of ofgrainalumina
Sstrength size on transverse bend
Gibbs. bibliog dlags Am Mineralogist 48: and magnesia. R. M.
S21-3S Jl '63 Spriggs and T. Vasilos. bibliog Am Cer
micas. H. of BoutinOH- and motions in brucite
W. Bassett. and
bibliog Soc J of46:224-8
Effect some My '63
rare-earth elements on the
diags Am Mineralogist 45:659-63 My '63 licp-bcc transformation of zirconium. L.
Coniparison of the crystal structures of busta- lanniello and A. Burr. J Ap Phys 33:2689-90
mite and wollastonite. D. R. Peacor ajid S '62
C. T. Prewltt. bibliog diags Am Mineralogist Fracture on (110) planes In LiF. S. Wieder-
48:5SS-96 My supercooling '63 horn. bibUog il diags J Ap Phys 34:2125-34
Constitutional and facet forma-
tion of GaAs. C. Z. LeMay. bibliog 11 diag Galeite and related phases in the system
Ag '63
Na:SO,-NaF-NaCl. A. Pabst and others.
J Ar Phys 34:439-40
Contribution of thermalF '63 diffuse scattering to bibhog il diags Am Mineralogist 48:485-510
integrated Bragg reflections from perfect My 63
crystals. D. R. Chipman and B. W. Bat- Galvanomagnetic and thermoelectric coeffl-
terman. J of
Conversion Ap the Phys Philips
34:912-13powderAp '63camera ?j?"'g,
W. C. °fHernandez, tetragonal jr.crystalline
and A. H.materials.Kahn.
for single crj'stal use. F. L. Carter and bibhog diags J Res Nat Bur Stand 67A:
A. S. Venturino. U J Sci Instr 40:328-9 Grown-in dislocations in calcium ttmgstate
Je '63 chemistry of hisingerite. B. LJnd-
Crystal crystals pulled from the melt. A. R. Cnaud-
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CRYSTALLOGRAPHY — Continued Observation of slip In nylon 66 and 610 and its
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grams on a moving film. H. S. Villarroel.
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Sacked and body-centered cubic structures. from a tropical swamp sediment in El
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detects. A. D. Franklin. Dibliog diags J Res
Nat Bur and Stand its 67A;291-2 Application of the theory of paracrystals to
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acrylonitrile. P. H. Lindenmeyer and R.
reported Rh<(CO)ii. B. R. Corey and others, Hosemann. bibliog il diags J Ap Phys 34:42-
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tion of ammonium perchlorate. M. M. Mar-
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Device '63 the reciprocal lattice
Structure of B-rhombohedral boron. R. E. concept in relation to single-crj'stal X-ray
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F 5 '63 diags Am from
Diffraction J Physlayer.•!0:S64-6 faults D in '62bcc and fee
Structure-property relationships; symposium structures. C. N. J. Wagner and others,
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Symmetry splitting of equivalent sites in bibliogobservation
Direct J Ap Phys of 33:3080-6 imperfectionsO '62 In semi-
oxide crystals and related mechanical ef- conductor cn'stals by anomalous transmis-
fects. J. B. Wachtman. ,ir. and others, sion of X ■62 rays. G. H. Schwuttke. bibliog 11
bibliog diags J Res Nat Bur Stand 67A:
281-9 Jl '63 diags J Ap Phys 33:2760-7 S '62
Synthesis of ceramic pigments in the light Double spots and their elimination In pre-
of modern high-temperature crystal chem- cession photograph^■. T. Zoltai. il diags Am
istry. L. Tchelchvili and W. A. Weyl. bib- Mineralogist 48:759-71 Jl '63
liog Glass Ind 44:24-54-, 82-3-I-, 145-8-t-, 208- Pull circle eonlostat for diffraction Intensity
9-t- Ja-Ap '63 data. M. H. Mueller and others. 11 diags
Tensile testlnif technique for submicron speci- R Sci Instr 34:74-6 Ja '63
mens. F. D. Lemkey and R. W. Kraft. Improved sample holder for X-ray dif-
bibliog 11 diags R Scl Instr 33:846-9 Ag '62 fractometer furnace. E. M. I,evin and F.
Tunneling current density as a function of A. Mauer. bibliog diag Am Cer Soc J 46:
crystallographlc polarity. M. T. Minamoto 59-60 Ja '63
and H. T. Malafl. bibliog 1! diags J Ap Phys Interchangeable axis mountings of small
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Ultrasonic attenuation In single-crystal Lautenschlager. diag R Scl Instr 33:880 Ag
cadmium. Q. Abowitz. bibliog diags J Ap Isomorphous substitution for silicon In
Phys 34:1503-7 My '63 (luornhlogopite. B. A. Schatz. bibliog Am
Vapor growth of germanium-silicon alloy
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Newman and J. Wakefield, bibliog il Elec- Ka satellite Interference in X-ray dllTrac-
tomeler line profiles. W. Parrlsh and
trochem Soc J 110:1068-71 O '63
See also others, bibliog J Ap Phys 34:2544-8 S '63
Crystallization Measurement of small changes In lattice
Order-dl.sorder transformations spacing applied to calcltes of a Pennsvl-
Pseudomorphs vanlan age limestone. J. M. Walte. bibliog
Pyroelectrlcitv Am Mineralogist 48:1033-9 S '63
Solutions, Solid Optical properties of some azo pigments A.
Models R Hannam and D^ Patterson, bihllog pi
Demonstration model of spherical projection diag Soc Dyers & Col J 79:192-7 My '63
for cubic cr>'stal.«. A. K. Spakowskl and Origins and development of X-ray analysis;
R. J. Baclgalupl. II Am J Phys 31:807 O '63 abstract and discussion. J. M. Robertson.
Moduledra crystal modules; teaching and re- Chem studies
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search aid in .lolld-stnte phvslcs A Ij Phase the Jlbinary
6 '63 system MgO-
I>peb and Q w Pjarsall. bibliog 11 Am J TajOi. Y. Ba.skln and n C. Schell bib-
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CRYSTALLOGRAPHY— X ray studies — Cont. X-ray study of synUietic diamond and asso-
Phase studies on arc-melted Dlutonium-carbon ciated phases. J. A. Koiin and D. W.
alloys near the monocarbide compositjon. Eckart. il Am Mineralogist 47:1422-30 N
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80-5 F '63 CRYSTALS
Phase transformations in silica-aJumina- , . Adsorption of iron during etching of lithium
niaenesia mixtures as examined by con- fluoride crystals. G. Rosenblatt and M. B.
tinuous X-ray diffraction; talc-kaolinite Ives, il Electrochem Soc J 110:1088-90 O '63
compositions. R. B. Graf and others, bib- Angular-dependent sputtering of copper single
lioe Am Mineralogist 47:1273-83inN synthetic'62 crystals. J. M. Fluit and others, bibliog
PolsTnorphism and twinning
fluorophioKopite. F. D. BIoss and others, diag J Ap Phys 34:690-1 Mr '63
free phthalocyanine of the band single model metal-G. H.
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Preparation J Geolcrj'stals
of bent 71:537-47. pi 1 S '63
for monochroma- Heilmeier and others, bibliog J Ap Phys
tlzinff X rays. F. B. Riggs. jr. il dias R Sol
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Preparation of negatives.
fraction positive L. prints of^ ^^X-ray and
R. Nassimbeni dif- single crystals of bcc metals. G. S. Ander-
Mr '63 son, bibliog il diags J .-Vp Phys ^34:659-63
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Quantitative determination of kaolinite by X- Changes in electron concentration of donor-
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Kurtossy. Am Mineralogist 46:1205-15 N 61; C S Fuller and K. B. Wolfstim. bibliog
Discussion. H. W. van der Marel. bibliog
47:1209-13: Reply. 1213-15 j'Ap Physetching
Chemical 34:2287-9 of Ag defect'63 structures in
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bibliog diags J Res Nat Bvir Stand 67A:37-41 •63 and
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solutes on the occurrence of stacking faults at low temperatures. L. Esaki and J. Heer.
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Effect ofivity Quenchine on the electrical resist- alkaloid. C. B. Nordman and K. Nakatsu.
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Elastic properties of semiconduct.. . , studies, il Ind & Eng Chem
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Electrical conduction anomaly in samarjum-
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Electrical properties crystals grown
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