Zombies and Humans: Rolling The Dice

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By Craig Campbell, based on Lasers & Feelings by John Harper

You are survivors of the zombie apocalypse. Each of you has recently been bitten and
are very slowly turning into a zombie, losing the ability to think rationally and act
with precision and purpose. You’ve just received a radio call that a cure has been
found. As you prepare to leave, a zombie horde swarms your outpost. Fight your way
out of your outpost and you’re in the clear to get to the cure. It’s 10pm.

Rolling the Dice

When you do something risky, roll 1d6 to find out how it goes. Roll +1d if you’re prepared and
+1d if you’re an expert. (The GM tells you how many dice to roll, based on your character and the
situation.) Roll your dice and compare each die result to your number.
• If you’re using Human (science, precision), you want to roll UNDER your number.
• If you’re using Zombie (coercion, passion), you want to roll OVER your number.
Things Go Well
If one die succeeds, you barely manage it. The GM inflicts a complication, harm, or cost.
If two dice succeed, you do it well. Good job!
If three dice succeed, you get a critical success! The GM tells you some extra effect you
3 get.
• Additionally, if you succeed and at least one of your dice is equal to your number, the
human part of your brain figures out something important. Ask the GM a question and
they’ll have to answer honestly. Example questions: Where are there less zombies? Where
can I find _____? How can I help ____? What are they really up to?

GM: Create a Zombie Adventure

An Alarm Sounds, Saying a Cure Has Been Found at the Riverside Outpost.
(Roll or choose on the tables below.)
At the Same Time…
A Bunch Of… Someone is
A Woman Goes
1 Murdering 4 into Labor
1 Slow Zombies 4 Fast Zombies Survivors
An Explosion

Slow Zombies
w/ Tools and 5
Fast Zombies
w/ Tools and 2 A Fire Breaks
5 Rocks the
Weapons Weapons A Rival Comes
3 Slow Zombies 6 Fast Zombies 3 for Them 6 A Storm Hits

And the Characters Must Also…

Invade While the Characters Are…
Bring Fuel to
Stock Up On
1 4
Eating a Meal All in Different
Places 1 Food 4 the Escape

2 Relaxing
5 Repairing
Quell Their
Panicked 5 Gather Medical
3 Planning a
Supply Run 6 Sleeping
Rescue Several
Find a Map to
3 Children 6 Riverside
GM: Run the Game Outpost

Play to challenge the characters as they seek escape and the cure. Build tension by hinting at
zombies coming. Use fake-outs, but not too many. Embrace the tropes of zombie movies/TV but
also turn some on their ear and surprise the players. Any time they pick a course of action,
throw up a roadblock they need to work through or around. Make them struggle. Ask for
specifics. Call for a roll when failure is possible and meaningful. Don’t plan ahead. Improvise
based on player choices. Use failures to push the action forward or introduce new
complications. After a roll, something always changes.

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