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SNED - 3

Module 1: Overview of
Assessment of Learning 2:
Utilization of Assessment

Group 1
Group 1
Mercado, Marielle Anne

Balbin, Lyka
Canillo, Elleneth
Domingo, MaryAnne
Jontilla, Maureen
Ramos, Kayezhel
Roxas, Cedrick
Sadsad,Shane Marie
Sucion, Lilibeth
Villasor, Lovelyn
- Introduction (Statistics)
- Describing Group Performance
- Measures of Central Tendency

Marielle Anne
Definition of Statistics
q Statistics is the branch of science that deals
with the collection, presentation, analysis,
and interpretation of quantitative data.

q Statistics plays a very important role in

assessing the performance of students, most
especially in describing and analyzing their
scores through assessment activities.
- it deals with collecting, describing, and analyzing a set
of data without drawing conclusions (or inferences)
about a large group of data.
- it is very important to present our raw data
ineffective/meaningful way using numerical calculations
or graphs or tables.

EXAMPLE: According to Census Bureau, 20% of all Filipino

workers get to work via carpool.
- is concerned with the analysis of a subset of data
leading to predictions or inferences about the entire set
of data, without dealing with each individual in the
- inferences can be derived from the population, using
only a sample or a part of the population.
EXAMPLE: The National Eye institute has halted a clinical
trial on a type of eye surgery, calling it ineffective and
possibly harmful to a person's vision.
Descriptive Statistics

- it indicates the
spread of scores in a
- are used to
determine the average
performance of a
- Range, Inter-quartile
group of scores
Range and Quartile
Deviation, and
- Mean, Median, and
Standard Deviation
Measures of Central Tendency
- it refers to the
01 MEAN arithmetic average


Measures of Central Tendency
- refers to the centermost score when the
02 MEDIAN s c o r e s i n t he d i s t r i b u t i o n a r e a r r a n g e d
according to magnitude.


n  1
Median Value =
Median Value =
7  1
Median Value = =4
Measures of Central Tendency
- refers to the centermost score when the
02 MEDIAN s c o r e s i n t he d i s t r i b u t i o n a r e a r r a n g e d
according to magnitude.

Measures of Central Tendency
- refers to the score/s that occurs most
03 MODE frequently in the score distribution.

Types of Mode
1. Unimodal is a score
distribution that consists of one

2. Bimodal is a score distribution

that consists of two modes.

3. Trimodal is a score
distribution that consists of
three modes,
It is also considered as
Multimodal – a score
distribution that consists of
more than two modes.
Measures of Central Tendency
- refers to the score/s that occurs most
03 frequently in the score distribution.
GROUPED DATA - used when quick answer is needed
Measures of Variation
or Dispersion

Balbin, Lyka
Measures of Variation or Dispersion
q Measure of variation is a single value that is
used to describe the spread of the scores in a
distribution. The term variation is also known
as variability or dispersion.
q There are several ways of describing the
variation of scores: absolute measures of
variation and relative measures of Range,
Inter-quartile range (IQR), Quartile deviation
(QD), and Standard deviation.
Range (R)
q Range (R) is the difference between the highest score and
the lowest score.
q For example, in the two datasets below, dataset 1 has a
range of 20 – 38 = 18 while dataset 2 has a range of 11 – 52 =

Data set 1:
20 – 38 = 18

Data set 2:
11 – 52 = 41
Properties of Range (R)
q Used when the score distribution is normal
q Used when the data are in interval or in ratio level
of measurement
q Used when quick answer is needed
q Rough estimation of variation or dispersion
q Easily affected by extreme scores
q Quick and easy to understand
q Only two scores are needed to compute the
value of range
q Very easy to compute
Inter-quartile range (IQR)
q Inter-quartile range (IQR) refers to the distance between the
third quartile and the first quartile.
Input : 1, 19, 7, 6, 5, 9, 12, 27, 18, 2, 15

Output : 13

The data set after being sorted is

1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 15, 18, 19, 27

Q2 is the median of the data.

Which is Q2 = 9

Q1 is the median of lower half, taking Q2 as pivot.

So Q1 = 5

Q3 is the median of upper half talking Q2 as pivot.

So Q3 = 18

Therefore IQR for given data=Q3-Q1=18-5=13

Properties of Inter-quartile range (IQR)
q Used when the data are in ordinal level of
q Used when the frequency distribution is irregular
or skewed
q Reduces the influence of the extreme scores
q Considers only the middle 50% of the scores in the
q Not easy to calculate as compared to the range
q The point of dispersion of the scores is the median
Quartile deviation (QD)
q Quartile deviation (QD) refers to the average deviation
of the third quartile and the first from the value of the
Example: Calculate the quartile deviation of the following data:

Arrange the data in ascending order
24,24,25,26,28,32,38,39,42,46, 48

Properties of Quartile deviation (QD)
q Used when the data are in ordinal level of
q Used when the score distribution is irregular or
q Reduces the influence of the extreme scores
q Considers only the middle 50% of the scores in the
q Not easy to calculate as compared to the range
q The point of dispersion of the scores is the median
Standard deviation (s)
q Standard deviation (s) refers to the average
distance that deviates from the mean value.
In the variance section, we
calculated a variance of
160.98 in the table.

√160.98 = 12.69

Therefore, the standard

deviation for that dataset is
Properties of Standard deviation (s)
q Used wen the data are interval or in ratio level of
q Used when the frequency distribution is regular,
symmetrical, or normal
q The most important measure of variation or
q The most commonly used measure of variation,
particularly in research
q Shows variation of the individual scores about the
Absolute Measures
of Variation

Absolute Measures of Variation

There are five types of absolute

of measure of variation which
are very important in analyzing
the variation of scores of the
students in certain assessment
1. Range (R)
Range is the difference between the largest
(maximum) and smallest (minimum) values.

Range = Maximum − Minimum (1)

For frequency distributed data, the range is:

The difference between the upper class boundary of

the last class and the lower class boundary of the first
Formula of the Range (R)
Age Frequency Class
Find the Range :
10-12 5 9.5 – 12.5
13-15 8 12.5 -15.5
16-18 5 15.5 -18.5
19-21 10 18.5 - 21.5
22-24 2 21.5 -24.5
R = 24.5 – 9.5
R = 15
2. Inter-quartile Range (R)
Inter-quartile range (IQR) refers to the
distance between the third quartile and the
first quartile.

Interpretation: The larger the value of IQR the

more dispersed the score are from the media
value; or the smaller the value of IQR, the
more clustered the scores are from the
median value.
Formula of the Inter-quartile Range (IQR)

Mary Anne
Quartile Deviation
q Refers to the average deviation of the
third quartile and the first quartile from
the value of the median.

q Or it is a simple ways to estimate the

spread of a distribution about a
measure of its central tendency usually
the mean)
Formula of the Quartile Deviation
Q.D= (Q 3 - Q 1)/2

So, to calculate Quartile deviation, you

need to first find out Q1, then the second
step is to find Q3 and then make a
difference of both, and the final step is to
divide by 2.
Formula of the Quartile Deviation
x f Cf Q.D= Q3-Q1/2
Q1- is the size of n+1/4
60 1 1 = 31+1/4
61 3 4 = 8th item
(SO, Q1=62)
62 5 9
63 7 16 Q3- is the size of 3(n+1)/4
65 10 26 =3(8)
=24th item
70 3 29 (SO, Q3=65)
75 1 30
80 1 31

The larger the value of QD

the more dispersed the
scores are from the median
value; or the smaller the
value of QD the more
clustered the scores are from
the median value.
Variance and
Standard Deviation
Standard Deviation
q The standard deviation is the impor t a nt
measure of variation or dispersion. It is the
average distance of all the scores that
deviates from mean value. It shows variation
about the mean. It is also known as the square
root of the variance.

q Variance is one of the most important measure

of variation. It shows variation about the mean
Formula of the Standard Deviation
Steps in Solving Variance of Ungrouped Data

1. Solve for the mean value

2. Subtract the mean value from each score
3. Square the difference between the mean
and each score
4. Find the sum of step 4
5. Solve for the population variance or
sample variance using the formula of
ungrouped data.
Steps in Solving Standard Deviation of Ungrouped Data

1. Solve for the mean value

2. Subtract the mean value from each score
3. Square the difference between the mean
and each score
4. Find the sum of step 4
5. Solve for the population standard deviation
or sample standard deviation using the
formula of ungroup data.

If the variance is already

solved, take the square root
of the variance to get the
value of the standard
Relative Measures
of Variation

Coefficient of Variation

Coefficient of Variation shows

a variation relative to the
mean. It is used to compare
two or more groups of
distribution of scores.
Coefficient of Variation

Usually expressed in percent, the smaller

the value of the coefficient of variation,
the more homogenous the score are. On
the other hand, the higher the value of
the coefficient of variation, the more
dispersed the scores are in that
particular distribution.
Formula of the Coefficient Variation
The � � is � � . � � %, � � is � � . � � % and � �
� is � � . � � %, which means that the scores in
Section B are less scattered than the scores in Section
A and Section C. In the words, the scores in Section B
are more homogeneous than the scores in Section A
and Section C. Another way to interpret the three
scores distribution is that the scores in Section C are
more spread out than the scores in Section A and
Section B or scores in Section C are more
heterogeneous than the scores in Section A and
Section B.
In survey research, coefficient of
variation allows you to compare
variability within significantly different
groups; that is, the results from two
systematic investigations that do not
have similar grading parameters or
measures of value
For example, if the coefficient
of variation of research A is 14%
and that of research B is 20%,
you can say that research B has
a higher degree of variation to
its mean.
Direction: Solve the given data and use the formula of coefficient variation.

Coefficient of Variation (CV) = (Standard Deviation/Mean) × 100.

An organization conducts market research on different groups and presents
the following results:

Target Audience A
Standard Deviation: 10

Target Audience B
Standard Deviation: 7.5
Mean: 50

Coefficient of Variation (A) = (60÷10) × 100%

= 600%
Coefficient of Variation (B) = (50÷7.5) × 100%
= 667%

Based on this result, the organization decides

to invest in target audience A because it offers
a lower coefficient of variation.
Measures of

Measures of Skewness
q Measure of skewness describes the
degree of departure of the scores
from the symmetry.

q The skewness of a score distribution

only tells about the performance of
the students, but not reasons about
their performance.
Formula of measuring the Skewness
Skewness can be classified according to the skewness
Poor performace of the students; this could be attributed to
the following:
Describing Individual

Describing Individual Performance
q There are four ways of describing the individual
performance of the students. In order to describe the
individual performance of the students, convert the raw
score to standard score. This is done by computing the z-
score, T-score, standard nine (stanine); and percentile
q Actual scores or raw scores are the scores directly
obtained from the result of an assessment procedure. Such
scores cannot be interpreted whether they are low,
average, or high. Scores must be converted or
transformed, so that they become meaningful,
interpretable, and directly comparable.
Describing Individual Performance

Figure 1 represents the score distribution with a mean of 60

and a standard deviation of 10.
Describing Individual Performance
Figure 2 represents a score
distribution with a mean of 50 and
a standard deviation of 5. The
shapes of the two score
distributions above are the same.
However, the means and the
standard deviations are different.
This happens because the ranges
of the scores differ from the first
figure to the second figure. In this
case, the scores in these figures
cannot be compared because
they belong to two different
Example Time!!!
q John obtained a score of 82 in Business Statistics and 78 in Marketing
Management. In which subject did he perform well? Is it correct to say that
John Michael performed well in Business Statistics? This may be true, but how
accurate is this answer? If we conclude that he is better in Business Statistics,
then we consider his score of 82 as a converted percentage already.

q Most of the time, teachers convert their students’ scores to percentages

before they return their test papers, but that is not always the case. John
Michael’s score of 82 in Business Statistics may mean he correctly answered
82 items out of 100 items, or 82 out of 82 items, or 82 out of 120 items.

q This may also be applied to his Marketing Management score of 78. He might
have correctly answered 78 items out of 100 items, or 78 out of 78 items, or 78
out of 120 items. In other words, raw scores cannot be interpreted directly, so
we need additional information about the scores in the distribution.
q The raw scores of all students in Business Statistics and Marketing
Management are very important because we can get the information that
will describe both score distribution and interpret John Michael’s score
q From the previous discussion on the mean value and the standard
deviation, we realize that they are necessary to describe the distribution of
scores. Let us present the mean values and standard deviations of the
scores of students in Business Statistics and Marketing Management as

Business Statistics Marketing Management

raw score (x) = 82 raw score (x) = 78
mean score (x) = 85 mean score (x) = 70
standard deviation (s) = 3 standard deviation (s) = 4
The normal curve model is used as a basis to compare the distribution with different
means and different standard deviations.

The shaded area represents the percentage of the scores lower than the score of
John Michael. In Business Statistics, John Michael’s score is one standard deviation
unit below the mean while his score in Marketing Management is two standard
deviation units above the mean. To determine the exact percentage of the scores
below the score of John Michael in Business Statistics and Marketing Management,
use the normal curve model.
15.74% or approximately 16% of
the scores are below the score of
John Michael in Business Statistics,
in making his score in the 16th
97.59% or approximately 98% of
the students’ score in Marketing
Management are lower than John
Michael’s score, making his score
in the 98th percentile.
- Z-Score
- T-Score
- Standard Nine (Stanine)
- Percentile Rank

Shane Marie
Standard Nine (Stanine)
Standard Nine (Stanine)
Percentile Rank
Percentile Rank
Correlation (Positive


Correlation refers to the extent to

which the distributions are linearly
related or associated between the
two variables. The extent of
correlation is indicated numerically
by the coefficient of correlation or
Positive Correlation
High scores in distribution x are
associated with high scores in distribution
y. Low scores in distribution x are
associated in distribution y. This means
that are the value of x increases, the
value of y also increases too or as the
value of x decreases, the y-value also
Positive Correlation

The scatter gram of a Student Mathematics

positive correlation is
1 2 3
shown in figure 1.
2 5 4
The Scores of 8 Students 3 6 7
in Mathematics and 4 9 10
Science 5 11 12
6 15 14
7 17 16
Positive Correlation

As Math Scores increase, there is

corresponding increase in the science
scores. Using the given points in the
coordinate plane, a straight line upward
to the right can be drawn that is best
fitted to all points. Hence, the slope of
the line is positive.
- Negative Correlation
- Zero Correlation

Negative Correlation

High scores in distribution X are

associated with low scores in
distribution Y. Low scores in
distribution X are associated
with high scores in distribution
Negative Correlation

English Score
Negative Correlation
Negative Correlation
Zero Correlation

Zero correlation means

that there is no
association between the
scores in distribution X
and distribution Y.
Zero Correlation

TLE Score PEHM Score

Zero Correlation
Zero Correlation
Thank You
for Listening!

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