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VOLUME: 6 DATE September 3, 1941-December 31, 1941


University Microfilms, A Xerox Company, Ann Arbor, Michigan

srn >^



Washington, Wednesday, September 3, 1941


Suspending the Provisions of the Sat- THE PRESIDENT
Retailers-for-Detensi Week to Aid in urday Half-Holiday Act of March 3,
1931, as to Certain Employees of the Proclamation Page
THE Sale or Defense Savings Stamps
War Department and of the Coast Retailers-for-Defense Week to
Guard aid in the sale of defense
savings stamps 4503
A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS section 5 (a) of the act ap-
Executive Orders:
proved June 28. 1940, 54 Stat. 676, 678,
WHEREAS the Secretary of the Treas- Alaska lands withdrawn for
authorizes the President "to suspend, in
ury, pursuant to the authority of the use of War Department 4504
whole or in part, for the War and Navy
Public Debt Act of 1941, Is offering De- Representation and post allow-
Departments and for the Coast Guard
fense Savings Stamps, in small denom- ances, amendment of order
inations, for sale to the people of the
and their field services, during the period
prescribing regulations 4506
of the national emergency declared by
United States; and Saturday half-holiday, suspen-
WHEREAS national trade associations him on September 8, 1939, to exist, the
sion as to certain em-
of our country representing more than provisions of the Act of March 3, 1931 (46
ployees of War Department
one million retail stores have pledged the Stat. 1482; UJS.C. 5, 26 (a)), if in his
and Coast Guard 4503
whole-hearted support of their members judgment such course necessary in the
in assisting the Treasury Department to interest of national defense", such provi- RULES, REGULATIONS,
sell Defense Savings Stamps, and have sions, in effect, establishing Saturday ORDERS
agreed to observe the week of September half-holidays for certain Government
15 to 20, 1941. as Retailers-for-Defense Title 6 Agricultural Credit:
employees; and
Week to Aid in the Sale of Defense Sav- Farm Credit Administration:
ings Stamps, and to make an intensive
WHEREAS I find it necessary in the Federal land banks, condi-
effort during that time to acquaint the interest of national defense to suspend tional payments by bor-
American shopping public with the ad- the provisions of the said act of March rowers 4507
vantages of buying Defense Savings 3, 1931, as to certain hereinafter-men- Title 7 Agriculture:
Stamps: tioned employees of the Government to
Agricultural Adjustment Ad-
NOW. THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN D. which section 5 (a) of the said act of ministration :

ROOSEVELT, President of the United June 28. 1940. is applicable:

Conservation materials and
States of America, do hereby designate NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the services, fixing of fair
the week of September 15 to 20, 1941, as authority vested in me by section 5 (a) prices 4507
Retailers-for-E)efense Week to Aid in the of the said act of June 28, 1940, 1 hereby
Sale of Defense Savings Stamps, and do Conservation program, 1940,
suspend for the duration of the national amendments 4506
call upon the people of the United States
emergency declared by me on September
to cooperate in making that week a pe- Sugar Division, Agricultural
8, 1939, to exist, the provisions of the said Adjustment Administra-
riod of outstanding achievement in the
sale of Defense Savings Stamps.
act of March 3, 1931, as to all employees tion:
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here- of the War Department and its field serv- Domestic beet sugar area,
unto set my hand and caused the seal ices who are engaged In, or directly con-
supplement to 1941 quota
of the United States of America to be nected with, the construction of works allotment 4507
affixed. necessary to the military establishment
Surplus Marketing Administra-
in the United States, and as to all em-
DONE at the City of Washington this tion:
ployees of the Coast Guard and its field
w 29ih day of August In the year of our / Milk, handling of in New York
nineteen hundred and services engaged in, or directly connected metropolitan marketing
fsEAL] forty-one and of the Inde- with, the construction, alteration, or re- area 4507
pendence of the United States of pair of vessels or shore facilities of the
Potatoes (Irish), handling of
America the one hundred and sixty-sixth. Coast Guard. in designated counties in
FRANKLIN D Roosevelt Franklin D Roosevelt Idaho and Oregon 4508
By the President: Title 8 ^Aliens and Nationality:
The White House,
CoRDELL Hull. Immigration and Naturaliza-
August 29. 1941.
Secretary ot State. tion Service:
[No. 8876] Civil air navigation, regula-
[No. 2507]
IF. R. Doc. 41-6568; Piled, tions (2 documents) 4514
September 2, 1941; [F. R. Doc. 41-6648: Piled, August 30. 1941;
11:25 a. m.] 12:20 p. m.] (Continued on n»t page)
——— : : : :

4504 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday. September S. 1941

FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941 4505
1^\ Title 42—Public Health:
(8) Cape Burunof Area. Lands in the Vicinity of Seward The area described aggregates 36
FEDE REGISTER Public Health Service: Page
Securities and Exchange Com-
mission—Continued. y^ of Cape Bxirunof ^d the small Islands

(1) Rocky Point Area. acres, more or less.

Foreign quarantine, air com- Pag»

ind rocks
adjacent thereto, lying between
Declarations permitted to
rt"58'33" and 56''59'25" north latitudes and Beginning at a point on line of mean high Lands in the Vicinity of Kodiak

merce regulations be-
Title 46—Shipping:
4536 come effective Continued
New England Gas and
— I36°2r30" and
135°23'80" west longitudes,
« shown on United States Coast and Geo-
tide, on the shore of Resurrection Bay,
60°01'18" north latitude, 149°26'00" west (1) North Cape, Spruce Island Area.
Bureau of Marine Inspection and Electric Survey Chart No. 8255, April 1940. longitude, as shown on United BUtes Coast
Published dally, except Sundays, Mondays Assn.. detic Beginning at a point on line of mean high
and days following legal holidays by the et al., applications and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8529, June
Navigation: tide on the south shore of Marmot Bay.
Division of the Federal Register, The National granted ^,. The area described aggregates 140 1940;
Air commerce regulations 57^57'30" north latitude 152 26'48" west
Archives, pursuant to the authority 4537 Trustees under Pension Trust more or less. From the point of beginning, by metes and
con- General rules and regulations
bounds longitude, as shown on United States Coast
tained in the Federal Register Act. annroved Agreement, et al., with- and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8534, May
July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500), under regula- (corrections) (4) pelsar Island Area. West, 6,560 feet, to a point;
4537 drawal of motion it.-
tions prescribed by the Administrative United States Maritime Pels&r Island and the small Islands South, 25,200 feet, to a point; From the point of beginning, by metes and
mittee, approved by the President.
Com- Com- War Department: ^ All of
East, 3,330 feet, to a point on line of mean
mission md rocks adjacent thereto, lying between bounds
The Administrative Committee consists of :
Contract summaries: high tide on the shore of Resurrection Bay;
the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an officer Ship warrant regulations 4537 W52'40" and 56='53'60" north latitudes and Northeasterly, around Calnes Head with S. 45° E., 1,050 feet, to a point on line' ct
Baldwin Locomotive 186=25'30" and 135°27'30" west longitudes,
of the Department of Justice designated Works shown on United States Coast and Geo- meanders of Resurrection Bay, to the place mean high tide on the south shore of North
the Attorney General, and the Public Printer
NOTICES (2 documents) u of beginning. Cape;
4539, 4540 Survey Chart No. 8256. April 1940.
or Acting Public Printer. Boeing Aircraft Co detic Northwesterly, with meanders of Marmot
The daUy issue of the Pkderal Rkcisteb Department of Agriculture: 454^
The area described aggregates 200 The area described aggregates 4,650 Bay, around North Cape to the point of

will be furnished by mall to subscribers Surplus Marketing Administra- more
acres, or less. beginning.
free acres, more or less.
of postage, for $1.25 per month or
$12.50 per
year; single copies 10 cents each; payable
tion : EXECUTIVE ORDER (2) Resurrection Peninsula Area. The area described aggregates 520
In (5) Legma Island Area.
advance. Remit money order payable to
Milk, hearing on handling of
Withdrawing Public Lands for Use
acres, more or less.
Superintendent of Documents directly to the in Fort Wayne marketing or All of Legma Island and the small Islands
Beginning at a point on line of mean high
Government Printing Office, Washington D C THE War Department for Military and rocks adjacent thereto, lying between tide on the shore of Resurrection Bay, 59 "58' (2) South Point and East Cape, Spruce
area, Ind 4545 56=48'35" and 56<'60'10" north latitudes and 39" north latitude, 149^18'14" west longitude,
Purposes Island Area.
Potatoes (Irish), handling of 135°26'15" and 135°27'86" west longitudes, as shown on United States Gout and Geo-
in designated counties in
ALASKA as shown on United States Coast and Geo- detic Survey Chart No. 8529, June 1940; Beginning at a point on line of mean high
By Survey Chart No. 8256, April 1940. From the point of beginning, by metes and tide on the south shore of Marmot Bay,
CONTENTS—Continued Idaho and Oregon 4544 virtue of the authority vested in
bounds: 67^55'12" north latitude, 152'21'18" west
Department of the Interior: as President of the United States, The area described aggregates 410 longitude, as shown on United States Coast
it is
Title 17 Commodity Hjp Secur- North, 9,000 feet, to a point on the line of
Bituminous Coal Division: ordered that, subject to valid existing acres, more or less. mean high tide on the shore and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8634, May
ity Exchanges: at Tb\unbs
Big Bend Collieries, lights, the public lands in the 1937;
Inc., et al.. following- Cove;
Commodity Exchange Adminis- (6) Shoals Point Area. Southwesterly, with meanders Thumbs From the point of beginning, by metes and
motion to amend granted. 4544 described areas, including water at
tration: areas Cove and Resurrection Bay to the place of bounds:
Page District Board 7. relief denied. below mean high Beginning at a point on line of mean
Information to be kept con- 4543 tide. be. and they are high tide on the east side of Kruzof Island, beginning. 8. 46° W., 13,440 feet, across
Spruce Island,
Hearings: hereby, withdrawn from all forms
of ap- 67 0311" north latitude, ISS'Se'Oe" west to a point line of mean high tide
on on^
Title 19
Custobis Duties:
4515 Hanna, M. A., Co 4542 propriation under the public-land
laws longitude, as shown on United States Coast
more or
aggregates 900 the north shore of Narrow Strait; ^
Randall Fuel Co., Inc including the mining laws, and reserved and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8256, March Northecwterly, with meanders of Narrow
Bureau of Customs: 4543
Radford for the use of the War Department 1931; Strait and Marmot Bay, around South
Air commerce regulations
Bros., petition dis- for Prom the p<rfnt of beginning, by metes (3) Renard Island Area. Point and East Cape to the point of be-
4516 missed military purposes:
Title 32 National Defense: 4544 and bounds: All of Renard Island and rocks adjacent ginning.
Export Control: Department of Labor: Lands in the Vicinity of Sitka West, 15,840 feet, to a point; thereto, lying between 59 63'S8" and 69°66'
36" north latitudes, and 149°18'48" and The area described aggregates 1,980
Schedule No. 20 Wage and Hour Division: South. 15.840 feet, to a point on line of mean
more or less.
4535 (1) Makhnati Island Area. high tide on south side of Knizof Island;
149°22'16" west longitudes, as shown on acres,
Learner employment certifi- United States Coast and Geodetic Survey
Office of Price Administration
and Civilian Supply: cates, issuance for vari- Beginning at the southern point of
Island, 67°02'36" north latitude.
Northeasterly, with meanders, around Shoals
Point to point of beginning. Chart No. 8529, June 1940. (3) Cape Greville —Cape Chinlak Area.
ous industries (2 docu- 135 2107"
Copper, price s c h e d u le west longitude as shown on Uhited The area described aggregates 1,510 Beginning at a point on line of mean high
ments) ... States The area described aggregates 4.070 tide on the west shore of the Gulf of Alaska.
amended 4545.4546 Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No
4535 May 21, 1941; 8244 ' acres, more or less. acres,more or less. 57°34'08" north latitude and 152m'54" west
Tungsten Property motor carrier indus-
chemical com- Prom the point of beginning, by metes and (4) Hive Island Area. longitude, as shown on United States Coast
pounds, civilian alloca-
try, industry committee
(7) Cape Egdecumbe—S 1 1 k a Point, and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8635,
i^ tlon program resignation and appoint- Kruzof Island Area. All of Hive Island and rocks adjacent December 1935;
4536 8 58' W., 2500 feet, to the southern point of thereto, lying between &9°52'31" and 69°63'
•ffice of Production ment 4547 Beginning at a point on line of mean high
From the point of beginning, by metes and
Manage- Nepovorotni Rocks; 16" north latitudes and 149°22'06" and bounds
ment :
Woolen industry, industry S. 83 W., 5600 feet, on a line passing through
^ tide on the north side of Sitka Sound, 149°23'24" west longitudes, as shown on
committee appointed the southern point of a small island lying 66=59'47" north latitude, 135°48'00" west North, 8,000 feet, to a point;
General preference orders, 4546 United States Cocust and Geodetic Survey
about 150 feet south of Makhnati Island; longitude, as shovm on United States Coast West, 35,000 feet, to a point;
etc.: Federal Communications Com- Chart No. 6629, June 1940.
N. 6 W., 4200 feet, on a line passing
and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8256, March North, 8,470 feet, to a point on line of mean
Alcohol (2 documents). 4527,4528 mission: the western point of a small island lying 1931; The area described aggregates 225 high tide on south shore of Kalsin Bay;
Hearings: about 150 feet west of Makhnati Island, to Prom the point of beginning, by metes and Southeasterly, with meanders of Kalsin Bay,
Cutting tools and materials acres, more or less.
the northwestern point of Signal Island; bounds Isthmus Bay, Chinlak Bay and Pacific
for the production of Central Broadcasting Co 4547 N. 24" 3000 feet, to a point. 57°0316"
North. 10,560 feet, to a point; (5) Rugged Island Area. Ocean, around Cape Chlniak to the point
cutting tools (2 docu- Key Broadcasters, Inc 4548 north latitude. 134<>23'07" west longitude; of beginning.
West, 9,866 feet, to a point on line erf mean
ments) McClung, Hugh East. 2900 feet, to a point in course No. All ofRugged Island and rocks adjacent
4524, 4525 4547 45 in high tide on the west side of Kruzof
thereto, lying between 69'40'64" and The area described aggregates 10,380
Formaldehyde, paraformal- Northeastern meanders of U. 8. Survey No. 1496. on west
Pennsyl- side of Japoi)ski Island:
59 52'04" north latitudes and 149°22'10" acres, more or less.
dehyde, etc vania Broadcasters, Inc.. Southeasterly, with meanders around Engano
4527 4548 Southeasterly, with the meanders of Japonskl and 149'25'00" west longitudes, as shown on
Manila Wilkes-B a r r e Broadcasting Point. Cape Edgecumbe, Trubltsin Point
United States Coast and Geodetic Chart No. Executive Order No. 8344 of February
fiber and manila Island, U. 8. Survey No. 1496 to angle point
and Sitka Point to the point of beginning.
cordage Corp.. No. 35. on the southwestern point of Ja-
8529, June 1940. 10, 1940, withdrawing Kodiak and other
4534 ,. 4547
Motor ponskl Island; The area described aggregates 2.600 Islands, Alaska, for classification and in
trucks and public Office of Production Manage- S. 60^ E., 3300 feet, along boundary line of
The area described aggregates 1,020
acres, more or leas. aid of legislation, is hereby revoked so far
passenger carriers 4533 ment: Naval Reservation described in Executive acres, more or less.
Phenols Order No. 8216, July 25. 1939. to the point as it affects any of the above -described
4527 Division of Priorities: (8) Beaver Point, Kruzof Island Area. (6) Cheval Island Area.
Phosphorus oxychloride of beginning. lands.
4533 Manufacturers of medical Beginning at a point on line of mean high of Cheval Island and rocks adjacent
Potassium perchlorate The area described, including land and 69'45'42"
This order shall take precedence over,
4529 supplies, etc., preference tide on the west side of Kruzof Island, thereto, lying between and
Potassium permanganate. _ rating assignments water, aggregates 610 acres, more or less. 57'04'45" north latitude, 135''50'48" west 59=46'56" north latitudes and 149°30'24" and but shall not rescind or revoke. Executive
4531 4548
Toluene longitude, as shown on United States Coast 149 ^31 '48" west longitudes, as shown on Order No. 3406 of February 13, 1921,
4532 Securities and Exchange Com- (2) Long Island Area. and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8256. March United States Coast and Geodetic Survey
Tricresyl and triphenyl reserving 168 parcels of land in Alaska
mission :
^ All of Long Island and the small islands 1931; Chart No. 8629. June 1940.
phosphates Prom the point of beginning, by metes and for lighthouse purposes, so far as such
4523 Declarations permitted and rocks adjacent thereto, lying between
Tungsten to be-
56'5e'40" and 67°00'06" north latitudes and bounds: The area described aggregates 330 order affects Parcels No. 120, Calnes
__ 4521 come effective:
TITLE 36 Parks and Forests: 135"19'50" and 135°2r49" west longitudes. acres, more or less. Head, and No. 161, Hive Island.
Forest Service:
NY PA NJ Utilities Co., et al_ 4550 as shown on United States Coast and Geo-
East. 4,833 feet, to a point;
This order shall be subject (1) to the
Tracy North, 5,333 feet, to line of mean high tide (7) Barwell Island Area.
Development Co., et ai_ 4549 detic Survey Chart No. 8265, April 1940.
said Executive order No. 3406, so far as
Trespass, revocation of regu- on the west shore of Kruzof Island; of Barwell Island and rocks adjacent
Lakeside Monarch Mining Co.,
lation The area described aggregates 110 Southwesterly, with meanders around Beaver thereto, lying between 69°61'18" and such order affects Parcels No. 118, Rugged
453g hearing Point, to the place of beginning. 59°61'36" north latitudes and 149°17'00" and
4549 more or less.
acres, Island, and No. 160. Barwell Island, and
149'17'24" west longitudes, as shown on
The! area described aggregates 870 (2) to Executive Order No. 4223 of May
United States Coast and Geodetic Survey
*cres, more or less. Chart No. 8529, June 1940. 11, 1925, reserving lands in Alaska for
4306 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941 4507
lighthouse purposes, so far as such or- indebtedness incurred under the provi- transfer of the Indebtedness by for proper administration, Is fair and
der affects Rugged Island. sions of the Federal Farm Loan Act.* the bank changing the national acreage allotment quantity of sugsu- equal to such Increase
or conveyance of title to the tobacco from 375,073 acres to reasonable both to the producers obtain- Is hereby prorated as follows:
propertysT for Burley
Franklin D Roosevelt •55 10.387-50 to 10.387-56, Inclusive. Issued curing the indebtedness by the
borrower 375,074 acres.
ing such material or service and to the Additional
under the authority contained In 50 Stat the bank at Its option may apply
The Whiti House. m 708; 12 UJS.C. Sup.. 781, Eighteenth. all or Section 701.101, paragraph (f), vendors who are selling it. In determin- allotment
August any portion of the conditional ing what is fair and reasonable to the (short tons.
29. 1941. payments subparagraph (4), Is hereby amended as '
§ 10.387-51 Interest. Interest shall be to the borrower's credit on the farmers there shall be taken into consid- Processor raw value)
[No. 8877] allowed on conditional payments in ac- ness.*
indebted follows: The Amalgamated Sugar Company.. 11,758
eration (1) the relative prices of other
cordance with the following terms and addition of Allegan County, American Crystal Sugar Company 18, 153
IP. R. Doc. 41-6549: Piled, (i) By the goods and services normally purchased by
August 30, 1941; § 10.387-53 Disposition of unapplied Central Sugar Company, Inc 1,329
12:20 p. m.] conditions:
conditional payments after Michigan, and Orange County, Virginia, them; (2) the prices at which the farm- Franklin County Sugar Company 1, S23
payment of- of counties receiving Burley to- The Garden City Company 972
(a) The
rate at which interest is al- indebtedness in full. Any balance to the list ers can obtain the same materials or serv-
Great Lakes Sugar Company
of un- county average yields and assign- 3, 757
lowed the borrower on a conditional pay- applied conditional payments bacco ices through other channels; (3) the The Great Western Sugar Company. _ 41, 797
held in average yields of 860 pounds
-^ ment shall be the effective interest rate connection with the borrower's ing county prices of other materials or services Gunnison Sugar, Inc 785
EXECUTIVE ORDER indebted- 800 pounds, respectively, for such Holly Sugar Corporation 22, 821
applicable to the indebtedness in connec- ness shall be refunded to the and which could be effectively utilized by the
Amendment of Executive Order No. 5643 borrower
Isabella Sugar Company 1. 117
tion with which such conditional pay- by the bank when the indebtedness farmers as substitutes; (4) in the case
OF June 8, 1931, Prescribing Regula- ^
is Lake Shore Sugar Company 1, 707
ment is held on the dates that interest on paid in full.' (11) By the addition of Greensville of materials, the prices obtained in the Layton Sugar Company 988
tions Covering Representation and the conditional payment is credited. The 10.387-54 EvideTice of acceptance
8 County, Virginia, to the list of counties first Instance by the original producers Los Alamltos Sugar Company . 1, 100
Post Allowances of
Fire-cured and Dark air-cured Menominee Sugar Company " 820
rate of Interest Is subject to change to conditional payments. Upon acceptance receiving thereof; and (5) the value of the ma-
Michigan Sugar Company 7, 039
By virtue of the authority vested in me conform with these provisions. As used of a conditional payment, the bank tobacco county average yields and as- terials or services to the farmers in con- Monitor Sugar, Division of Robert
by section 19 of the act of Febru&ry 23 herein, "effective interest rate" means furnish the borrower with a signing to said county a county average serving and improving the fertility of Gage Coal Company 1,934 ,'•

1931. 46 Stat. 1207, 1209 (U.S.C, title 22.' the rate actually charged the borrower on which shall identify the indebtedness yield of 610 pounds per acre. their soil. Mount Clemens Sugar Beet Grower^
in Aas'n 648
sec. 12), and section 3 of that i»ct as the unmatured portion of the indebted- connection with which the conditional (ill) By deleting from the list of coun- (b)In determining what Is fair and The National Sugar Manufacturing
amended by the act of April 24, 1939, ness in connection with which a condi- payment Is accepted, and set forth gen- ties receiving county average yields for reasonable to the vendors, there shall be Co 770
53 Stat. 583 (U.S.C. title 22, sec. 23c) it tional payment held for subsequent erally the conditions under which Type 41 tobacco Juniata and Ohio Sugar Company i.— '
such cigar filler taken into consideration (1) the cost. In Paulding Sugar Compariy '.— 723
Is ordered that Executive Order No. 5643 credit. payments are held. The form of receipt Snyder Counties, Pennsylvania, and by a free competitive market without artifi- Spreckels Sugar Company 17,095
of June 8, 1931. prescribing regulations (b) Interest shall be allowed on
con- used by a bank shall have the approval adding them to the list of counties re- cial scarcity, of the material or service to Superior Sugar Refining Company.. 995
governing representation and post allow- ditional payments from the date of of the Farm Credit Administration.* ceiving county average yields for cigar the vendors, Including, In the case of Union Sugar Company 2,570
ances, be, and it is hereby, amended by acceptance of such payments by the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company 15,528
§ 10.387-55 Accounting to registrar filler (other than
and binder tobacco materials, the cost of transportation by 0'
Others .
changing the nrst sentence of the ante- bank; provided that interest shall not for conditional payments. Conditional Types 41 and 45) and assigning
to said the most economical means from the
penultimate paragraph thereof to read as be allowed upon any amount which has payments accepted and held in connec- county average yields per acre Total 156. 503
counties, point of production to the point of con-
follows: not been held for the credit of the bor- tion with loans pledged with the of 1,402 pounds and 1,280 pounds, re- sumption, and (2) a reasonable margin In testimony whereof, I have hereunto
rower as an unapplied conditional pay- registrar, together with interest credits to the vendors for their services in dis- my hand and caused the ofiBcial seal
"A post allowance granted to an officer
spectively. set
or employee is available only during the
ment for a period of at least one month. allowed thereon, must be accounted for to pensing the material or service, which of the Department of Agriculture to be
Interest allowed on a conditional
(c) the registrar in the same manner as un- Done at Washington, D. C, this 2d
shall not be in excess of the margin cus- affixed in the District of Columbia, city
part of the fiscal year in wliich he re- day of September 1941. Witness my
mains within the district to which he Is payment shall be credited to the borrower applied insurance proceeds.* tomarily obtained by such vendors in the of Washington, this 29th day of August
and held by the bank in the same man- hand and the seal of thie Department of
§ 10.387-56 ConditiOTial payments locality in connection with ordinary cash
assigned, except in those cases in which Agriculture. 1941.
the Secretary of State, in his discretion, ner as conditional payments are credited heretofore accepted by banks. Nothing transactions Involving similar materials
Grover B. Hill, [SEAL] Claude R. Wickard,
may determine otherwise with respect and held by the bank. Under this provi- herein shall be understood to abrogate or [seal] or services. (§ 734.1 Is issued under the Secretary of Agricuiture.
sion interest will be compounded. otherwise affect agreements applicable Assistant Secretary of Agriculture. authority contained In sections 7-17, in-
to post allowances payable since July 1.
1940." (d) Interest shall be credited (1) on to conditional payments, which prior to clusive, as amended, 49Stat. 1148, 1915; [P. R. Doc. 41-6543: Piled, August 30, 1941;
[T. R. Doc. 41-6574; Piled, September 2, 1941; 11:33 a. m.]
regular Installment dates of the indebt- the effective date of these amendments 50 Stat. 329; 52 Stat. 31, 204, 205; 53 Stat.
Franklin D Roosevelt 11:37 a. m.]
edness on account of which the condi- to the regulations, were made by borrow- 550, 573; 54 Stat. 216, 727; Public No. 121
The White House, tional payment is accepted for ers and accepted by the Federal land
subse- approved June 21, 1941; 16 U.S.C. 590g-
August 29. 1S41. quent credit; (2) on the date such banks.' 590q.) CHAPTER IX—SURPLUS MARKET-
[No. 8878] indebtedness is paid in full; and (3) on fSEALl Smith,
the date the entire balance of unapplied Done at Washington, D. C. this 29th
Acting Land Bank Commissioner. Part 734 Conservation Materials and [Order No. Amendment No. 3 »]
[P. R. Doc. 41-6647; Piled. August 30, 1941- day of August 1941. Witness my hand 27,
conditional payments to the credit of the Services Program
12:30 p. m.j borrower is applied on the indebtedness.' [P. R. Doc. 41-6670; Piled. September 2, 1941;
and the seal of The Department of Ag- Part 927 ^Milk in New York Metro-
11:36 a. m.l Pursuant to the authority vested in the riculture. politan Milk Marketing Area
§ 10.387-52 Application of conditional Secretary of Agriculture by Public Law [seal] Grover B. Hill,
payments on indebtedness. Conditional Whereas, the Secretary of Agriculture
Rules, Regulations, Orders 121, 77th Congress, approved June 21, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture.
payments shall be applied on the bor- of the United States of America, pur-
1941, the following regiilations are hereby
rower's indebtedness in connection with TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE prescribed for the determination of fair [P. R. Doc. 41-6544; Piled, August 30, 1941;
suant to the powers conferred upon the
TITLE 6-AGRICULTURAL CREDIT which they are held in accordance with 11:33 a. m.] Secretary by Public Act No. 10, 73d Con-
CHAPTER Vn—AGRICUI;TURAI, AD- prices which may be paid for such con-
gress, as amended and as reenacted and
the following terms and conditions: JUSTMENT ADMINISTRATION servation materials and services as the
CHAPTER I— FARM CREDIT Administrator of the Agricultural Ad-
amended by the Agricultural Marketing
ADMINISTRATION (a) As the borrower may direct in Agreement Act of 1937, issued, on March
writing, the bank shall pay out of justment Administration determines are
Part 10—Federal Land Banks Generally condi- Part 701 CHAPTER Vni—SUGAR DIVISION OF 30, 1940, and, on April 25, 1940, made
tional payments to the borrower's Agricultural Conservation to be furnished* under purchase orders
credit THE AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT effective, as of May 1, 1940, the order, as
CONOrriONAL PAYMENTS BY BORROWERS any portion of the indebtedness on reg- Program '
In any given area In connection with the
ADMINISTRATION amended, regulating the handling of
ular installment dates. agricultural conservation program:
Part 10 of Title 6, Code of Federal Reg- subpart 940 milk in the New York metropolitan milk
At Regulations governing the fix- Part 821 Sugar Quotas
ulations, is amended by revoking
(b) its option the bank may payout Pursuant to the authority vested in
S 734.1 marketing area; and
§ 10.769 of conditional' payments to the ing of fair prices for conservation mate-
and by adding §§ 10.387-50 to 10.387-56 bor- the Secretary of Agriculture under .sec- supplement to decision and order of the Whereas, the Secretary, having reason
rower's credit any portion of the in- rials and services acquired under pur- secretary of agriculture allotting to believe that amendment of said order,

as follows: "» tions 7 to 17, inclusive of the Soil Con-

debtedness as and when the same servation and Domestic Allotment Act
chase orders. the 1941 sugar quota for the domestic as amended, would tend to effectuate the
§ 10.387-50Acceptance of conditional becomes due and payable. If it Is not (49 Stat. 1148), as amended, the 1940 A fair price shall be the lowest
(a) beet sugar area declared policy of the act, gave, on the
payments. Conditional payments ac- otherwise paid by the borrower at or
Agricultural Conservation Program Bul- priceat which, with free competition Pursuant to § 821.53 of the "Decision
20th day of September 1940, notice of a
V cepted by a Federal land bank shall be before maturity. letin, as amended, is further amended as among the vendors In position to serve hearing which was held on October 7
held for subsequent credit upon indebt- and Order of the Secretary of Agriculture
(c) If at any time the balance of unap- follows: the farmers In the county, the county and 8 at New York City, on October 9
edness to the bank in accordance with Allotting the 1941 SugarQuota for the
plied conditional payments to a bor- agricultural conservation committee Is and 10 at Syracuse, New York, on Oc-
the provisions of section 13 Eighteenth rower's credit equals or exceeds the total (1) Section 701.101, (AUotments. Domestic Beet Sugar Area", dated May tober 11 at Albany, New York, and on
able to arrange for the material or service
of the Federal Farm Loan Act yields, productivity indexes, payments and the Increase In the 1941
and the amount of the Indebtedness, the whole to be furnished under purchase orders
9, 1941,
rulesand regulations of the Farm Credit and deductions) paragraph (f ) subpar- su^ar quota for the domestic beet sugar Issued
Indebtedness shall become due and pay- » Amendment to § 927.0, and S 927.4,
, ,

for local delivery and which the com-

Administration. As used herein, the term agraph (2) Is amended by establishing, under the authority contained In 46 Stat.
able at once and shall be paid out of
such mittee determines. In accordance with arei of 156,503 short tons of sugar, raw
'indebtedness" means indebtedness ow- for Burley tobacco, a State acreage allot- 31 (1933); 7 U.S.C. I 601 et seq. (1934); 49
balance. value, set forth in General Sugar Quota
ing under purchase-money ment of 1 acre for Michigan, and by such instructions as the Agricultural Ad- Stat. 760 (1935); 60 Stat. 246 (193T); 7 U£.C.
mortgages (d) In the event of the borrower's justment Administration deems necessary RegiUatlons, Series 8, No. 1, Revision 4, a 5 601 et seq. (Supp. IV 1939).
and real estate sales contracts as well as
death or bankruptcy, or in the event of
» 4 PJl. 3867.
4508 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday. September 3, 1941
October 15 and 16 at
F^DER^^L REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941 4509
g New York City, at That the order, as amended, as here-
which all Interested parties were af- Sec.
with amended, regulates the handUng 957.11 of several
any sub-
jjrders applicable to production for market of the commodity (j) "U. S. Standards for Potatoes"
forded an opportunity to be heard on of Effective time and t«
milk in the same manner as a marketing 957.12 Duration of InSunSSi °°-
(iivisio%of'said production area specified specified herein; and means the United States Standards for
proposed amendments to said order, as 957.13
agreement upon which a hearing has been Agents. (4) The Issuance of this order Is ap-
amended, herein would not effectively carry out Potatoes Issued by the Secretary on
arid thereafter Issued Amend- 957.14 Derogation.
held; and the declared policy of the act; proved or favored by producers who par- April 30, 1940, effective on May 15, 1S40.
ment No. 1; and 957.15 Personal liability
Whereas, the Secretary, having reason
4. That the issuance of
this amend- 957.16 Separability ' '
(3) This order arid all x)f the terms ticipated in the aforesaid referendum and such modification thereof as may
ment to the order, as amended, and aU 957.17 Amendments. '

and conditions of this order wlO t^nd conducted bjrthe Acting Secretary and hereafter be issued by the Secretary.
to believe that further amendment 957 18 Effect
of of the terms and conditions of the ,of termination or the declared policy qf the who, during such representative period
said order, as amended, would tend order, amendment' to effectuate (k) "Culls" means potatoes which do
to as amended, as herewith amended, Itprovided iii Public Act Nn tn with respect to Irish potatoes pro- determined by the Acting Secretary,
effectuate the declared policy of the act, will Is "act not meet the requirements set forth In
tend to effectuate the declared policy 73d Congress (May duced in said area specided in this or- produced for market, within the produc- § 957.2 hereof or a modification thereof
gave, on the 6th day of May 1941. notice of 12,-1933).t a^.^L
cf a hearing which was held on May
the act. and as reenacted and der, by establishing and maintaining tion area specified in this order, at least made effective by the Secretary.*
14 amehdedbTtS'
and 15 at New York City, on May 16 and NOW. therefore, the Secretary of Agri- Agricultural Marleting
Agreement Act^ juch orderly marketing conditions two-thirds of the volume of such com-
•§§957.1 to 957.18. inclusive, issued under
17 at Albany. New York, and on May 19 culture, pursuant to the powers con- 1937, as amended (hereinafter therefor as will tetid to establish prices modity produced by all producers who the authority contained in 48 Stat. 31, 49
upon him by Public Act No. 10,
ferred to as the "act") that
the SecreuTy to the producers thereof at a level that participated In the said referendum. Stat. 750, 60 Stat. 246; 7 US.C, and Sup., 601
20. 21. 22. and 23 at New York City at 2 et seq.
73d Congress, as amended and as re- Agriculture of the United will such Irish potatoes a purchas-
which all interested States Chweln. It therefore, ordered, That such
parties were af-
forded an opportunity to be heard
on enacted and amended by the Agricul-
'"k?""^to the
fhiu subject ^ "
*^« "^creu^" •
ing power with respect to the articles

handling of Irish potatoes produced in § 957.2 General cuil regulation — (a)

proposed amendments to said order, as tural Marketing Agreement Act shaU, that the producers thereof huy equiva- Limitation of shipments. The Secretary
of 1937, pro<vIslons of the"ict Malheur County, Oregon, and in the
amended, and thereafter Issued Amend- hereby orders that the order, as amended. ^sue orders regulating Such lent .to the purchasing power of such shall issue an whenever he deter-
^andlihgof" counties of Adams, Valley, Lemhi, Clark,
ment No. regulaUng the handling of milk In the agricultural commodities. Irish potatoes in the base period, Au- mines that the initial committee herein
2; and IncladingS' and Fremont in the State of Idaho, and
New York potatoes, as in the current gust 1919-July 1929, and by protecting provided for Is prepared to exercise its
Whereas, the Secretary, having reason metropolitan marketing area
or foreign cftmmerce.
ofmteS the interest of the consumer by (a) ap-
all the counties in Idaho lying south of
powers and perform its duties herein as-
to believe that further amendment
be and it is hereby amended as follows: or which direSh the aforesaid counties in Idaho, as is in
said order, as amended, would tend burdens, obstructs, or affects proaching the level of prices which it is signed, which will provide for the regu-
to (a) Change the sentence interstate the current of Interstate or foreign com-
in 9 927.4 foreign commerce In declared In the act to be the policy of lation pursuant to this section being and
effectuate the declared policy of the act, (a) (3) to read as follows: such commodities merce between the aforesaid area and
gave, on the 25th day of July 1941, notice The Acting Secretary, having Congress to establish by a gradual cor- becoming effective at the time specified
reason any point outside thereof, or so as di-
(3) For Class I milk the price per hun- to believe that the rection of tlie current level of prices at in said order. After the effective time
of a hearing which was held at New York execution of a mS- rectly to burden, obstruct or affect such
City on August dredweight during each month shall be. keting agreement and the as rapid a rate as the Secretary deems specified in said order issued pursuant to
1 and
on August 5 and
2. issuance of an commerce, shall, from and after the date
except as specified In subparagraphs (4). order would tend to to be in the public Interest and feasible the provisions of this paragraph, no
6 at Watertown. New York, and on Au- effectuate die de- hereinafter specified, be in conformity to
in view of the current consumptive de-

gust 7 and 8 at Albany. New York, at (5) and (6) of this paragraph, as handler shall, except as provided herein,
set °' ^^' ^"* ^*h respect to and in compliance with the terms and
which all Interested partie»were afforded forth in the table in this subparagraph fir^^n'?;
the establishment and mand in domestic and foreign markets, ship potatoes which do not meet the re-
maintenance of conditions of this order.
an opportunity to be heard on proposed plus, during each month prior such orderiy marketing and by (b) authorizing no action which quirements of the U. S. No. 2 or better
to April conditions for
1. 1942. 46 cents. Irish potatoes grown in has for its purpose the maintenance of § 957.1 Definitions. As used herein, grade, as such grades are defined in said
amendments to said order as amended- Malheur County
Oregon, and the counties of prices to producers of such Irish po- the following terms have the following U. S. Standards for Potatoes, except that
and (b) In § 927.4 (a) (7) strike the words Adams Val- tatoes above the, level which It is de- meanings: a mixture of varieties may be shipped:
Whereas, the Secretary of Agriculture "as follows:" and inset in lieu thereof the ^"^ ^^'"ont in the
finds (§ 927.0). upon the evidence intro- words "as set forth in the following table,
State of Idaho, and all of the clared in the act to be the policy of
(a) "Secretary" means the Secretary Provided, That no potatoes of the U. S.
counties In Congress to establish.
duced at said latter hearing on proposed plus, during each month prior Idaho lying south of the of Agriculture of the United States, or No. 2 grade or better grades, as defined
to April aforesaid
amendments, said findings being in addi- 1. 1942. 15 cents. counties in
Idaho, as would establish The marketing agreement was tenta- the Under Secretary of Agriculture of in said U. S. Standards for Potatoes,
tion to the findings made upon the evi- (c) Change 927.4 (a) (8) to read as
Prices to the producers of such
Irish po- tivelyapproved by the Acting Secretary the United States, or the Assistant Secre- which are less than 1^2 inches in di-
dence introduced at all prior hearings follows: tatoes at a level that would on May 24, 1941. Subsequent to the tary of Agriculture of the United States. ameter, may be shipped in addition to
give such
on said order and amendments thereto Irish potatoes a purchasing
power with tentative approval of the marketing (b) "Act" means Public Act No. 10, the tolerance by weight for undersize as
For Class H-B milk the price dur-
(which findings are hereby ratified and respect to articles that the
producers agreement on May 24, 1941, handlers 73d Congress (May 12, 1933) as amended
specified for the respective grade in said
ing each month prior to April
affirmed, save only as such findings are in 1. 1942 thereof buy equivalent to the
purchasing (excluding cooperative associations of and as reenacted and amended by the U. S. Standards for Potatoes.
shall be 27 cents less than the Class
conflict with findings hereinafter
H-A power of such Irish potatoes during the producers who are not engaged in proc- Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act (to)* Suspension or modification. The
price and. during each month thereafter. base period. August 1919-July
1929 essing, distributing, or shipping Irish of 1937 (50 Stat. 246 (1937). 7 U.S.C. Administrative Committee may recom-
12 cents less than the Class II-A price. conducted a public hearing in Idaho Falls'
1. That widespread drought and ad- potatoes grown In the aforesaid area), S 601 et seq., Supp. V, 1939) as amended.
, mend to the Secretary the suspension or
justments caused by the needs of the na- lis amendment No. 3 to the order, Idaho, on December 19 and 20.
1940 and of more than fifty (50) percentum of (c) "Person" means an individual, modification of § 957.2 (a) hereof, and
asjamended. regulating the handling of in Twin Falls. Idaho, on December the volume of such Irish potatoes, pro- partnership, corporation, association, each such recommendation should be ac-
tional defense have created an 21
emergency muk in the New York metropolitan mar- 1940, pursuant to notice duly given duced in said area, refused or failed to legal representative, or any organized companied by supporting information.
amojag producers of milk for the New to
keting area, is hereby issued, to aU Interested parties, on a proposed mar- sign such tentatively approved market- group or business unit of individuals. If the Secretary finds, upon the basis of
York metropolitan milk marketing area become
which makes necessary adjustment of the efftetive at such time as may
keting agreement and a proposed
order ing agreement. It was determined on (d) "Area" means and includes Mal- such recommehdatlon and information
quently be declared, and the official seal regulating such handling of such Irish the 26th day of August 1^41, In accord- heur County, Oregon, and the counties submitted by said conunittee, or upon the
Class I and Class II-A prices at an earlier
date than Is possible to reach conclusions of the Department of
Agriculture is potatoes as in the current of Interstate ance with the provisions of the act, and of Adams, Valley, Lemhi, Clark, and basis of other available information, that
as to amendments affixed hereto In the city of
Washington. and foreign commerce, or which directly such determination* was approved by Fremont in the State of Idaho, and all to do so will tend to effectuate the de-
of other portions of
Order No. 27, as amended; District of Columbia, this 29th
day of burdens, obstructs, or affects such com- the President of the United States on the of the counties in Idaho lying south of clared policy of the act, he shall suspend
August 1941. merce in such Irish potatoes; and at the 28th day of August 1941, that: the aforesaid counties in Idaho. the operation of S 957.2 (a) hereof, or
2. That prices calculated to
give milk aforesaid hearing all Interested persons (e) "Potatoes" means and Includes all modify the regulation thereof, so as to
, produced for sale in the marketing [SEAL] CLAXTDE R. WICKARD. The aforesaid refusal or failure of
area in attendance were afforded due oppor- varieties of Irish potatoes grown with- permit the shipment of potatoes, the
a purchasing power equivalent to Secretary of Agriculture. said handlers to sign said tentatively ap-
the tunity to be heard concerning the pro- in the aforesaid area. shipment of which otherwise would be
purchasing power of such milk, as IP. R. Doc. 41-6545:
proved marketing agreement tends to
de- Piled. August 30 1941- posed marketing agreement and proposed (f) "Handler" Is synonymous with prohibited pursuant to § 957.2 (a) Sua .
termined pursuant to section 2 and sec- 11:34 m] prevent the effectuation of the declared
tion 8c of the act. are not
a. order. "shipper" and means any person (ex- suspension or modification may be madi
policy of the act with respect to such
reasonable in cept a common carrier of potatoes owned applicable, during a specified period, to
view of the available supplies Upon the basis of the evidence intro- Irish potatoes;
of feeds « by another person) who first ships po- any or all varieties of potatoes. In
the price of feeds, and other duced at the aforesaid hearing and the '2) The issuance of this order is the
economic I Order No. 57] tatoes in fresh form. manner and upon the same basis, the
conditions which affect the supply record thereof, it is hereby found that: only practical means,
of and Part 957—Irish Potatoes Grown in pursuant to such
(g) "Ship" means to transport, sell, Secretary may terminate any such sus-
demand for such milk and that the mini- Cer- (1) The ferms and provisions of this act, of advancing the interest of the pro-
tain Designated Counties in Idaho or in any other way to ship or place po- pension or modification.
mum prices set forth in this amendment
Malheur County, Oregon
and order prescribe, so far as practicable, ducers of such Irish potatoes;
to said order are such such different terms, apphcable (3) The issuance of this order Is ap-
tatoes in the current of Interstate or (c) Notice. No regulation issued by
prices as will to dif- foreign commerce between the afore-
reflect the aforesaid factors, Sec.
ferent production areas, as are necessary proved or favored by at least two-thirds the Secretary, pursuant to the provisions
insure a suf- 957 said area and any point outside thereof,
ficient quantity of pure and
1 Definitions.
in order to give due recognition to the of the producers who participated In a
of this section, shall become effective
wholesome 957.2 General cull regulation. or so as directly to burden, obstruct, or within less than two days subsequent to
milk, and be In the public 957.3 Grade, size, and quality regulations. difference in production and marketing referendum conducted by the Acting
interest; and
that the fixing of such prices 957.4 Inspection and Certification of such Irish potatoes:
affect such commerce. the day of issuance thereof. A copy of
does not Secretary and who, during the represent-
have for its purpose the maintenance 957.5 Compliance. (h) "Producer" means any person en- each regulation, Issued by the Secretary
(2) This order Is limited In Its appU- ative period determined by the Acting
of 967.6 Shipments which are exempt. gsiged in the production of potatoes for pursuant to the provisions of this section,
prices to producers above the 957.7 cation to the smaller regional produc- Secretary, were engaged, within the pro-
levels which Administrative Committee.
are aeclared in the act to 957.8
market. shall be forwarded promptly to the Ad-
be the policy Right of the Secretary. tion area that Is practicable, consist- duction area specified herein, In the
of Congress to estabUsh; 9579 Expenses and assessments. ently with carrying out the declared (I) "Fiscal period" means the period ministrative Committee; said Adminis-
957.10 Reports,
policy of the act, and that the Issuance 'See Department of Agriculture, Surplus
Marketing Administration, infra.
beginning on July 1 of each year and
ending on June 30 of the following year.
trative Committee shall give such notice
thereof as may be reasonably calculated
. ^
e ' a :

4510 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 1941

FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941 4511
to bring each such regulation to the
at- issued by the Secretary, limit the ship-
tention of all interested parties.' should be Issued and. if so. the
ments of potatoes grown in such area to quanut* jpcctive shipment Is made, or (c) to any or on the basis of other available Infor- and not included in District 1 or Dis-
of potatoes which should
9 957.3 Grade, size, arid quality regu- be th^„ shipment of potatoes for consumption by mation, adequate safeguards to prevent trict 2.
lations — (a) Marketing policy. The
potatoes of specified grades, sizes, or
qualities, or combinations thereof,
empted, and Issue for and on
behaU rf a charitable
institution or Institutions or potatoes thus shipped for feed for live-
There shall be an alternate mem-
Administrative Committee shall, prior to the committee an exemption (3)
any such limitation may apply to any or certiflcatp^ distribution for relief purposes or for stock from entering commercial channels
making any recommendation pursuant Provided. That the committee for bei^ foreach member of the Administra-
all varieties and may specify shaU not by a reUef agency or agencies. of trade for any other purpose.*
to this section or S 957.2 hereof, submit
for particular defects in quality.
authorize an employee or
employees (n
to determine the grades, sizes
Bach handler shall, promptly after mak- § 957.7 Administrative Committee — tive Committee; and each such alternate
member shall have the same qualifica-
the Secretary a detailed report setting and quaU- (a) Membership and organization.
Exemption certificates. (1) Before
ties, or combinations thereof, ing each shipment of potatoes, submit to (1)
tions and shall be selected in the same
forth the marketing policy with respect of potatoes Committee a copy of The Administrative Committee, consist-
the institution of any limitation of the Administrative manner as the respective member for
to the shipment of potatoes which ship- grown in such area which would be
the ments pursuant to this section, the Ad- able for shipment in the
avail the certificate or memorandum Issued by ing of eight members, is hereby estab-
whom such individual serves as an alter-
committee deems advisable for the en- absence of anv Service with lished to administer the terms and provi-
mmistrative Committee shall adopt pro-
regulation or (II) to determine the Federal-State Inspection nate. The alternate for a merlfber of the
suing shipping season. Additional re- the per sions hereof. The Initial members and
cedural rules pursuant to which exemp-
centage that the quantity of a regard to the respective shipment of po- committee shall^JrL^^*' ?Y^ oi the re-
ports shall be submitted, from time to
tion certificates will be Issued to pro- variety or varieties of potatoes,
particular tatoes, and such certificate or memoran- their respective alternates shall be as
spective m^mBw^Tabsence, act In the
time, in the event that it is deemed ad- grown in
ducers; and such procedural rules shall (lum shall state the grade, size, and qual- follows:
visable by the committee to adopt a new such area, permitted to be shipped place ot^id member; and in the event
become effective upon approval by the suant to regulation, is of the
pur ity of the potatoes in such shipment.* District 1
of su^h member's removal, resignation,
marketing policy in view of changed de- quantity Compliance. Except as pro-
Secretary. The Administrative 5 957.5
mand and supply conditions with respect Commit- which would have been shipped in the
Representing producers: disqualification, or death, the alternate
tee shall, after the procedural vided herein, no handler shall ship pota- for said member shall, until a successor
to potatoes. The committee have
rules absence of regulation. F. L. Hansen of Idaho Falls, Idaho, as
shall pub- been approved by the Secretary, theshipment of which has been
licly announce the submission of each give (3) If any producer Is dissatisfied toes, member, and his alternate is W. C. Rob- for the imexpired term of said member
such marketing policy report, and copies
such notice thereof as may be reasonably the determination of an employee
with prohibited m
accordance herewith; and erts of Sugar City, Idaho; has been selected, act in the place of
thereof shall be made available at the
calculated to bring such rules to
the at- employees who have exercised jurisdic- no handler shall ship potatoes except in F. L. Westfall of Aberdeen, Idaho, as said member.
oflBce of the committee for inspection
tention of all Interested persons.
In the tion with regard to the application conformity to the provisions hereof, and member, and his alternate is L. M. (4)The producers who may be selected
by event the Secretary issues a sub-
the provisions of the regulations. If any,
any producer or handler. In determining regulation mitted by the respective producer, such Young, of Tyhee, Idaho; as members of the Administrative Com-
pursuant to this section, the committee producer may appeal to the committee- issued by the Secretary pursuant to the Representing handlers:
each such marketing policy the com- mittee, subsequent to the year 1941, shall
shall determine the percentage provisions hereof.*
mittee shall give due consideration to the which the Provided. That such appeal must
C. R. Holden of Idaho Falls, Idaho, as be individuals who are producers of po-
quantity of grades, sizes, and qualities taken promptly after the decision by the 957.6 Shipments which are exempt. member, and his alternate is L. E. Ste-
following factors relating to potatoes pro- of §
tatoes in the respective district for which
potatoes permitted to be shipped
under respective employee or employees. If any (a) Potatoes officially certified as seed phens of Blackf oot. Idaho.
duced in the area and in other States: selected or officers or employees of a cor-
such regulation is of the total producer is dissatisfied with the deter- potatoes by the official seed potato cer-
(1) the available crop of potatoes, includ- quantity porate producer or corporate producers
District 2
such potatoes, except cuUs. which
mination by the committee with respect tification agency of the State from which
ing the grades and sizes thereof, in the in such district: Provided, That no pro---
area and in other States; (2) probable
would be available for shipment in
the to the producer's application for an ex- the respective shipment is made shall be Representing producers: ducer sh£^l be eligible for selection on
area In the absence of such emption certificate or with regard to an exempt, when shipped for seed purposes Ray Pershall of Marslng, Idaho, as
shipments of potatoes from other States regulation- said committee if such producer has been,
and the committee shall forthwith appeal, as aforesaid, by said producer in containers bearing the official State member, and his alternate is Frank Hop-
which compete with potato shipments an- during the then current fiscal period, en-
nounce such percentage. An exemption from the determination cl an employee or seed certification tag of the respective per of Weiser, Idaho;
from the area; (3) the level and trend in gaged in handling potatoes other than
consumer income; and (4) other perti- certificate shall thereafter be
Issued to employees, such producer may appeal to State, from regulation under the provi- Representing handlers: potatoes of his own production, except
any producer in the area who furnishes the Secretary: Provided. That such ap- sions of i 957.2 (a) hereof or § 957.3 (c) George Weitz of Caldwell, Idaho, as
nent factors bearing on the marketing of as an officer or employee of a producers'
proof satisfactory to the
Administrative peal shall be taken promptly after the hereof. The Secretary may prescribe, member, and his alternate is Preston cooperative marketing association. The
Committee, that he will be prevented on the basis of the recommendation and Capell of Nampa, Idaho.
(b) Committee recommendations. (1) be- determination by the committee. The handlers who may be selected as members
cause of the regulation established, Secretary may. upon an appeal as afore- information submitted by the Adminis-
Whenever the Administrative Committee from District 3 of the Administrative Committee, subse-
shipping as large a percentage modify or reverse the action of the trative Committee, or on the basis of
deems it advisable, in order to effectuate of any said, quent to the year 1941, shall be individ-
specified variety or varieties, committee from which %uch appeal was other available Information, adequate Representing producers
the declared policy of the act. to regiiiate except culls uals who are handlers of potatoes in the
the shipment of potatoes, grown in the
as the percentage for all
producers of taken. The authority of the Secretary to safeguards to prevent such seed potatoes, L. H. Draney of Hurley, Idaho, as mem- respective district for which selected or
the variety or varieties in the supervise and control the issuance of ex- shipped as aforesaid, from entering the ber, and his alternate is Roy Marquis of
area, by grades, sizes, or qualities, or com- area. Such officers or employees of a handler or han-
binations thereof, during any specified
exemption certificate shall permit emption certificates Is unlimited and commercial channels of trade other than Paul, Idaho;
the re- dlers in such district.
period. It shall so recommend to the Sec-
spective producer to whom the
certificate plenary; and any determination by the as seed potatoes for use as seed. Luke Sonner of Buhl. Idaho, as mem-
(b) Nomination and selection of suc~
retary. In making such recommenda-
is Issued to ship or
have shipped a quan- Secretary with respect to an exemption (b) Potatoes shipped for consumption ber, and his alternate is Henry Schwab of
tity of the restricted or
ceeding members of Administrative Com-
tions such committee shall give due con- prohibited grades certificate, the application for an ex- by a charitable institution or institutions Eden, Idaho;
mittee. (1) The Administrative Com-
sideration to the following factors: (i)
sizes, and
qualities sufficient to permit emption certificate, or an appeal from the or for distribution for relief purposes or Representing handlers:
mittee shall, after the year 1941, hold
market prices, including prices by grades the respective producer to ship
or have action of the conmilttee with respect to for distribution by a relief agency or John Brooks of Burley. Idaho, as mem-
or cause to be held prior to June 15 of
and sizes of potatoes for which regula- shipped as a large proportion of
his crop an application for an exemption cer- agencies or potatoes shipped for manu- ber, and his alternate Is W. B. Savage of
of each such variety of each year a meeting of producers and a
tion is recommended; (ii) potatoes potatoes, grown tificate shall be final and conclusive. facturing purposes for conversion into Kimberly. Idaho.
on In such area, as the average meeting of handlers, in each of the dis-
hand In the market areas as manifested for all pro- (e) Notice. No regulations issued by by-products shall be exempt from the Each of the aforesaid members and his tricts designated in §957.7 (a) hereof,
by supplies en route and on track at the ducers of the particular variety the Secretary pursuant to the provisions provisions of § 957.2 (a) hereof and ex-
in the respective alternate shall serve for a for the purpose of designating nominees
principal markets; (ill) available supply, area The Administrative Committee of this section shall become effective empt from the provisions of any regula- term ending on June 30, 1942. and. in the
shallmaintain a record of aU applications from among whom the Secretary shall
maturity, and conditions of potatoes in within less than two days subsequent to tion issued pursuant to S 957.3 (c) hereof.
event that the respective person's suc- select members and alternates of the
the area, including the grades and submitted for exemption the day of Issuance thereof. A copy of The Secretary may prescribe, on the
sizes certificates cessor has not been selected and quali- committee; and at each such meeting at
of potatoes remaining in the area; pursuant to the provisions of this each regulation. Issued by the Secretary basis of the recommendation and the in-
(Iv) section fied by June 30, 1942, such person shall least two nominees shall be designated
supplies from competitive regions' and the committee shaU maintain a pursuant to this section, shall be for- formation submitted by the Administra-
pro- rec- serve until his successor has been se- for each position as member and at
ducing potatoes; and (v) the trend in ord of all certificates Issued. warded promptly to the Administrative tive Committee, or on the basis of other
Including lected and qualified. least two nominees shall be designated
consumer income. the Information used in available Information, adequate safe-
determining in Committee and thereupon the committee (2) The
Administrative Conunittee for each position as alternate member
each Instance the quantity of shall give such notice thereof as may be guards to prevent potatoes shipped to
(2) At the time of submitting
such potatoes shall, subsequent to the year 1941, have on the committee as representative or
thus to be exempted, together charitable institutions or for distribution
recommendation, the Administrative with a reasonably calculated to bring such regu- the following number of members who representatives of the respective district.
record of all shipments of by relief agencies or for manufacturing
Committee shall furnish to the Secretary exempted po- lation to the attention of all interested shall be selected from the Indicated dis- In arranging for such meetings, the Ad-
tatoes; and suoh additional purposes for conversion into by-products
the pertinent data and information Information parties.* tricts of the area: ministrative Committee may, if it deems
upon shaU be recorded in the records
which it acted in making such recom- of the 957 from entering the commercial channels
committee as the Secretary may
§ 4. Inspection and certification. (I) District 1: Two producers and one such to be desirable, utilize the services
mendation; and. also, the committee shall specify During any period of trade for any other purpose.
The committee shall, from time In which the shipment handler from the counties of Oneida. and facilities of the Idaho State Potato
submit such other data and information to time of potatoes is regulated pursuant to the (c) The Secretary may prescribe, on
submit to the Secretary reports Power, Bingham, Jefferson, Clark, and all Growers' Association, if such Associa-
as the Secretary may stating provisions of S 957.2 or i 957.3 hereof, the basis of the recommendation and In-
request. In detail the number of counties lying east thereof In Idaho; tion will so permit, or the Growers and
(c) Establishment of exemption cer- each handler shall, prior to making each formation submitted by the Administra-
r gulations tmcates issued, the quanUty of (II) District 2: One producer and one Shippers Association of Idaho Falls, Inc.,
tive Committee, or on the basis of other
Whenever the Secretary shall find from potatoes shipment of potatoes, cause each such if such Association will so permit, or
thus exempted, and such additional available information that potatoes handler from Malheur County, Oregon,
the recommendation and Information in- shipment to be Inspected by a Federal or other organization or agency. Each pro-
formation as may be requested shipped for feed for livestock shall be and the counties of Owyhee, Elmore,
submitted by the Administrative
mittee, or from other available
Com- Secretary.
by the
"^* ^ Federal-State Inspector: Provided, That
this requirement shall not be applicable exempt from the provisions of any regu- Boise, Valley, and all counties lying west ducer is entitled to cast only one vote
informa- (2) The Administrative Committe thereof In Idaho; on behalf of himself, his agents, sub-
Uon. that to limit the shipment may (a) to any shipment of potatoes which lation issued pursuant to § 957.3 (c)
of pota- authorize an employee to receive (iii) District 3: Two producers and one
sidiaries, affiliates, and representatives,,
toes would tend to effectuate the appU- has been so inspected, (b) to any ship- hereof. The Secretary may prescribe,
declared cations for exemption certificates, on the basis of the recommendation and handler from the remaining designated in designating nominees for membership
policy of the act, he shall,
during the make ment of potatoes for seed purposes in con-
the necessary investigation with
regard Information submitted by the conmiittee, counties in Idaho Included in the area. on the committee for the respective dis-
period specified in the regulation tainers bearing the oflBclal seed certiflca-
thus to whether an exemption certificate ti(m tag of the State from which the re- No. 171—
4512 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday. September 5, 1941
trict In which such producer is engaged their respective successors have not
been (3)
FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941 4513
In producing potatoes: ProrHded, That to furnish
the Secretarv «. v
selected and qualified prior to the
in the event a producer is engaged in end avaUable information as
of the respective fiscal period, each mav hp^ jct;
upon such disapproval at any
and, mittee and the members thereof, includ- gether with all books and records of the
producing potatoes In more than one dis- such quested by the Secretary; **"
ing alternate members when serving as
such action by a committee shafl Administrative Committee and of the
member or alternate shall continue to (4)to select such employees
trict,such producer shall elect the dis- serve until his respective successor as it m«» deemed null and void, except as to members, to account for all receipts and trustees, to such person as the Secretary
trict within which he shall participate shall deem necessary,
and to determine
thereon or in com- disbursements.* may direct; and shall, upon request of
have been selected and qualified. toe gets done in reliance
in designating nominees as aforesaid. salaries and define the
(c) Compensation. Each duties of sucJ pliance therewith prior to such disap- S 957.10 Reports. For the purpose of

the Secretary, execute such assignments
Each producer shall be entitled to cast member and employees; "'^°
SecreUry.' ^ enabUng the Administrative Committee
each alternate serving in place proval by the or other Instriunents necessary or ap-
only one vote regardless of the number
of a
of the Administrative Commit-
(5) to cause Its books to
be audited
one or more competent accountants bv { 957.9 Expenses and assessments — (a) to perform its functions pursiutnt to the propriate to vest in such person the right
of districts in which he produces pota- The Administrative Commit-
tee may receive compensation
in an least once each fiscal period,
Z Expenses. provisions hereof, each handler shall fur- to all of the funds, pr(H>erty, and claims
toes. Only producers may participate amount not In excess of five ($5.00) dol- and at such authorized to incur such expenses nish to the committee, in such form and vested in the committee (jr the trustees
tee is
In designating producer nominees. other times as it deems necessary finds may be necessary at such times and substantiated in such
Only lars per day for attendance at or ^ IS the Secretary pursuant hereto.
handlers shall participate in designat- each meet- the Secretary may request,
ing of the committee; and, in and to file to enable the committee to perform its manner as shall be prescribed by the (3) Any person to whom funds, prop-
ing nominees for handler members addition to with the Secretary a copy of
and said per diem, the aforesaid each such
° functions, In accordance with the pro- committee and approved by the Secre- erty, or claims have been transferred or
alternates. Each handler is entitled member and audit report; V<^ tary, such information as may thus be re-
to alternate ihay be reimbursed for visions hereof, during each fiscal period. delivered by the Administrative Commit-
cast only one vote on behalf of himself, neces- (6) to prepare from time quested by the committee, subject to
sary exRns^s actually incurred to^time state- •nie funds to cover such expenses shall tee or its members, pursuant t» this sec-
his agents, subsidiaries, affiliates, and In at- ments of the financial operations
tending each such meeting. of the be acquired by the levying of assess- approval by the Secretary, with regard tion, shall be subject to the same obhga-
representatives, in designating nominees
(d) Procedure.
committee and to make such statements ments, as herein provided, upon handlers. to each shipment of potatoes.* tions imposed upon the members of said
(1) The Administra-
for membership on the committee together with the minutes of. the (1) Each handler S 957.11 Effective time and termina- committee and upon the said trustees.*
for tive Committee may. upon the (b) Assessments.
the respective district in which such
and qualification of a majority
selection ings of said committee, available
for in- who ships potatoes shall pay. upon de- tion — (a) Effective time. The provisions § 957.12 Duration of immunities.
handler is engaged
handling potatoes:
In its spection by any producer or mand, to the Administrative Committee hereof shall become effective at such time The benefits, privileges, and immunities
members, organize and commence handler at
Provided. That In the event a handler to the office of the committee; as the Secretary may declare above his
is function. A majority of aU such handler's pro rata share of the ex- conferred upon any person by virtue
engaged as a handler In more than one members signature attached hereto, and shall con- hereof shall cease upon the termination
shall be necessary to constitute (7) to perform such duties
In connec- penses which the Secretary finds will be
district,such handler shaU elect the dis- a quorum
of the committee. tion with the administration of
Section necessarily incurred by the committee tinue in force until terminated in one of hereof, except with respect to acts done
trict within which he may 32 of the Act to Amend the maintenance and functioning dur- the ways hereinafter specified. under and during the existence hereof.*
participate (2) For any decision of the Agricultural for its
in designating nominees. Each Adminis-
handler trative Committee to be Adjustment Act, and for other purposes ing each fiscal period: Provided. That no (b) Termination. .(1) The Secretary § 957.13 Agents. The Secretary may,
shall be entitled to cast only valid, a ma-
one vote jority of the votes of all Public Act No. 320. 74th Congress
(August assessment shall be paid for a shipment may, at any time, terminate the provi- by designation in writing, name any per-
regardless of the number of districts members shaU
be necessary. Except as provided 24, 1935) as amended, as may from
time or shipments of potatoes for consmnp- sions hereof by giving at least one day's son, including any officer or employee of
in which he may be engaged here- notice by means of a press release or in
as a han- iri,each member, or alternate member to time be assigned to the respective tion by a charitable institution or insti- the Government, or name any bureau or
dler. The Secretary shall select the pro- when acting as a member, shall vote committee by the Secretary; tutions or for distribution for relief pur- any other manner which he may deter- division in the United States Department
ducer members of the Administrative In mine.
person. (8) to submit to the Seci'etary poses or for distribution by a relief of Agriculture, to act as his agent or lep-
Committee and their respective alter- such
The Administrative Committee
(3) available information as may be agency or agencies. Such handler's pro (2) The Secretary may terminate or resentative in connection with any of the
nates, subsesquent to the initial re-
members may provide for the members thereof quested by the Secretary; rata share of such expenses shall be suspend the operation of any or all of the provisions hereof.*
and alternates, from nominations made Including the alternate members equal to the ratio between the total provisions hereof whenever he finds that § 957.14 Derogation. Nothing con-
(9) to consult with any other commit-
by producers as provided in this section when quantity of potatoes shipped by such such provisions do not tend to effectuate tained herein is, or shall be construed to
acting as members, to vote by mail, tee established under any marketing
The Secretary shall select the handler tele-
graph, or radiograph; and any such agreement and order program, pursuant handler, during the applicable fiscal the declared policy of the act. be. in derogation or in modification of K
members of the Administrative Com- vote
which Is not cast In person at a meeting to the aforesaid act, with respect to the period, and the total quantity of potatoes (3) The Secretary
shall terminate the the rights of the Secretary or of the
mittee and their respective shall be confirmed promptly shipped by all handlers during the same United States to exercise any powers
alternates in writing. handling of potatoes grown In any region provisions hereof at the end of any fiscal
subsequent to the Initial members The fiscal period. The Secretary shall specify granted by the act or otherwise, or, in
and '4) Administrative Committee outside of the area. period whenever he finds that such ter-
alternates, from nominations the rate of assessment to be paid by such accordance with such powers, to act in
made by shall select a chairman, a secretary
and mination is favored by a majority of
handlers as provided in this section. (g) Funds. All funds received by the handlers: Provided. That the assessment the premises whenever such action is
such other officers as it may deem' ad- producers who, during the then preced-
(2) In the event nominations Administrative Committee pursuant to rate shall not be in excess of fifty cents deemed advisable.*
are not visable; and the committee shall adopt ing fiscal period, have been engaged in
made for membership on a committee, any provision hereof shall be used solely per carload or truck load. § 957.15 Personal liability. No mem-
such not inconsistent with the pro-
rules, the production of potatoes for market:
pursuant to the provisions of § 957.7 for the purposes herein specified (2) The Secretary may, at any time ber or alternate of said committee, nor
visions hereof, relative to the and Provided. That such majority liasHiur-
(1). by June 15 of the respective
(b)' method of shall be accounted for in the following during or after a fiscal period, increase any employee thereof, shall be held per-
year conducting its business, as It may ing such period, produced for market
the Secretary may select such deem manner: (1) the Secretary may, at any the rate of Assessment in order to secure sonally responsible, either individually
members advisable. The Administrative
Commit- time, require the committee and its mem-
more than fifty percent of the volume of
and their respective alternates without tee shall give to the Secretary sufficient funds to cover any later finding
such potatoes produced for market; but or jointly with others, in any way what-
waiting for nominees to be the same bers to account for all receipts and dis-
notice of Its meetings as Is given by the Secretary relative to the expenses soever, to any handler or to any person
designated. to the such termination shall be effective only if
To fill any vacancy occasioned by the members thereof.
bursements; and (2) whenever any per- of the resp)ectlve conunittee. Any such annoimced on or before Jime 30 of the for errors in judgment, mistakes, or other
failure of any person, selected son ceases to be a member of the com- increase in the rate of assessment shall acts, either of commission or omission,
as a mem- (e) Powers. The Administrative mittee, he shall account for all receipts
then current fiscal period.
ber of the Administrative
Committee or Committee be applicable to all potatoes shipped dur- as such member, alternate, or employee,
shall have the following pow- and disbursements and deliver all prop- (4) The provisions hereof shall, in any
as an alternate member thereof, ers: ing 'the specified fiscal period. In order except for acts of dishonesty.*
to qual- event, terminate whenever the provisions
ify, or in the event of erty and funds in his hands, together to provide funds to enable the Admin- § 957.16 Separability. If any provi-
the death, removal
(1) To administer, as herein specif- with all books and records In his posses- of the act authorizing them cease to be
resignation, or disqualification istrative Committee to perform its func- sion hereof is declared invalid, or the
of any ically provided, the in effect.
qualified member or alternate, terms and provisions sion, to his successor in office or tions hereunder, handlers may make ad- applicability thereof to any person, cir-
a suc- to such
cessor for his unexpired term hereof; person as the Secretary may designate, (c) Proceedings after termination. cumstance, or thing is held invalid, the
shall be vance payment of assessments.
selected by the Secretary. (2) To make, in accordance with the and shall execute such assignments and (c) Accounting. (1) If at the end of
(1) Upon the termination of the provi- validity of the remainder hereof, or the
(3) Each person provisions herein contained, administra- other instruments as may be necessary any fiscal period, the assessments col- sions hereof, the then fimctioning mem- applicability thereof to any other person,
selected as a member tive rules and regulations; or appropriate to vest in such successor bers of the Administrative Committee
of the Administrative Committee lected are in excess of expenses incurred, circumstance, or thing, shall not be af-
or an (3) To receive. Investigate,
alternate member thereof, shall and report or In such designated person the right each handler entitled to a proportionate shall continue as trustees, for the pur- fected thereby.*
promptly to the Secretary complaints of to all the property, funds, or claims
qualify by filing with the violation refund shall be credited with such refund, pose of liquidating the affairs of the said S 957.17 Amendments. Amendments
Secretary a hereof; and
written acceptance of the vested in such member.* unless such handler demands payment committee, of all the funds and property hereto may be proposed, from time to
appointment. (4) To recommend
(4) The^members of the Adminlstra- to the Secretary § 957.8 Right of the Secretary. The thereof, in which case such stun shall be then in the possession of or imder con- time, by the Administrative Committee
tlve Committee and their respective amendments hereto. members of the Administrative Commit- paid to the respective handler. trol of such committee, including claims or by the Secretary.*
alternates shall be selected to (f) Duties. The Administrative Com- tee provided for herein, including suc- (2) The Administrative Committee for any funds unpaid or property not § 957.18 Effect of termination or
serVe for
a fiscal period and. If their successors mittee shall have the following duties: cessors and alternates and any
thereof, may. with the approval of tti% Secretary, delivered at the time of such termination. amendment. Unless otherwise expressly
have not been selected and qualified
agent or employee appointed or em- maintain in Its own name or in the name The procedural rules governing the acliv- provided by the Secretary, the termina-
(1) to act as intermediary
to the end of the respective fiscal between the ployed by the committee shall be subject of Its members a suit against any handler ities of said trustee, including but not tion hereof or of any regulation issued
period Secretary and any producer or handler;
each such member or alternate to removal or suspension
at any time for the collection of such handler's pro being limited to the determination as to pursuant hereto, or the issuance of any
shall (2) to keep minutes, books,
continue to serve until his respective and rec- by the Secretary. Each and every order, rata share of expenses. whether action shall be taken by a ma- amendment to either thereof, shall not
suc- ords which will clearly reflect all
cessor shall have been selected of its regulation, determination, decision, or jority vote of the trustees, shall be pre-
and quali- acts and transactions, and such (d) Funds. All money collected by the (a) affect or waive any right, duty, obli-
fied; and the initial members minutes other act\of the committee shall be sub- scribed by the Secretary. gation, or liabUity which shall have
of the com- books, and records shall at all times Administrative Committee pursuant to
mitt?e and their respective be ject to th^ continuing right of the Secre- the provisions hereof shall be used solely (2) Thesaid trustees shall continue arisen prior thereto, or (b) release or
alternates subject to examination by the Secretary
shall serve untU June tary to dl^pprove of such order, regu- for the purposes herein specified and shall in such capacity until discharged by the extinguish any violation hereof or of any
30. 1942. and II I or his authorized agent or representative;
lation, deci^on, determination, or other be accounted for in the manner herein Secretary; shall, from time to time, ac- regulation issued hereunder, or (c) affect
provided. The Secretary may, at any count for all receipts and disbtirsements or impair any right or remedy of the
time, require the Administrative Com- and deliver all property on hand, to- United States, or the Secretary, or of any
T —

4514 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941 4515
other person with respect to any such
Those sections are superseded by new
violation.* water) except as otherwise provldf^ u. same declaration
of aircraft of application therefor. If the deposit Attorney General, there appears Just
S§ 116.1 to 116.15. inclusive, of that only on the
Title, this Part or by statute
Issued at Washington, D. C, this 2d which are "Air Commerce Regulations" specifically rl.^ commander as required for listing mer- of the amount of the proposed penalty cause for such action.*
ing to aircraft.* ^'*
day of September 1941, to be effective Issued by the Attorney General, the chandise so carried. In every case the is not made with the collector of customs
on and after 12:01 a. m., P. s. t., Sep- retary pf the Treasury, the Federal Cross Reterknce: For alien must be accompanied by Information or acceptable bond is not furnished pro-
Se- passeneer.
i"™*nger8 ««
Usts Special Assistant to the Attomev
tember 5. 1941. Witness my hand and curity Administrator, and the airships, see 22 CPR 63.3. on
sheets as required by 5§ 116.8 and
116.9. viding for the payment of such penalty,
Secretary General in Charge ImmigrO'
comply with the foregoing or so much thereof as may not be re-
the seal of the Department of Agricul- of Commerce, applying to civil
air nav- J 116.53 Airmen: how Any failure to tion and Naturalization Serv-.
ture. igation the laws and regulations Any considered provisions of this section shall constitute mitted or mitigated by the Attorney
alien employed in any
relating cap^?. section 14, above, for each General, clearance of the aircraft shall
fSKAL] Orover B. Hill, to immigration, customs, public
health, a violation of
whom there is such be withheld by the collector of customs, Approved:
Acting Secretary of Agriculture. and entry and clearance. The new sec- States from any place person concerning
tions also appear under three
other des- shaU be considered as a seaman ther^ failure. Immigration lists containing the and in case the violation is by the owner Fkancis Biddle,
(P. B. Doc. 41-6673; PUed. September 2 1941- ignations, i, e., as §§ 4.1 to 4.10e, and name of any passenger and the informa- or person In command of the aircraft Acting Attorney General.
Title provisions of the immigration
11:37 a. m.J laws anJ sheets shall be filed for permanent the penalty shall be a lien against the
19 (Customs Duties) §§ 11.501 to regulations applicable to tion
; 11.515 vessel Zi aircraft, which shall be seized by an im- [P. R. Doc. 41-6466; PUed. August 27, 1941;
Title 42 (PubUc Health); and alien seamen shaU apply, record.* 2:33 p. m.J
S§ 9.1 to except as other
9.15. Title 46 (Shipping) Code wise provided in this Part, § 116.58 Preexamination in Canada migration officer or inspector designated
of Federal
to such air
TITLE 8-ALIENS passengers. The endorsement by the Attorney General and placed in
AND NATIONALITY Regulations. c^ft and alien airmen, m
any ca^'^^
of aircraft
forms issued by officers of the Immi- the custody of the customs officer in
CHAPTER I— IMMIGRATION AND Sections 116.16 to 116.50. inclusive which a seaman would be on
of ordered de^ and Naturalization Service to charge at the airport of landing if seiz-
NATIONALITY SERVICE Part 116, Title 8. Code of Federal
tained on board, the airman
may be re ure was made thereat. Similar action
laUons. are reserved for possible eased in such appropriate persons preexamlned in Canada who
Part 116—Civil Air Navigation
expan- custody a^
travel to the United States by aircraft
will be taken if seizure is made at any TIES EXCHANGES
sion in the "Air Commerce in the opinion of the
Regulations" immigration officer place other than an airport of landing.
shall be as prescribed in §§ 114.1-114.4 of
Sec. above mentioned. ^charge wUl insure the airman's
promp If the owner or owners of the airport
this Title, and the period of validity of
116.1 Regulation and supervision. To Code of Federal Regula-
Title 8. departure from the United
States.* and the seized aircraft are identical, the CHANGE ADMINISTRATION
116.2 Scope and definitions. said forms shall be as prescribed therein.
tions, Chapter 1—Immigration and Nat- Cross Rcfskxncx: For members nr »h- aircraft should, If practicable, be re-
116.3 Landing requirements.
uralization Service—Part 116. are crew Of airships, eee 22 CP^^.2 Upon surrendering such properly en- Part 1 General Regulations Undeb
116.4 BIntry and
clearance. added Po? aiS° moved to another available hangar or
seamen, see 8 CPR, Part 120. dorsed forms at the airport of entry for the comhoditt exchange act
116.5 Entry of aircraft of scheduled air- 55 116.51 to 116.62. which shall be ef- other suitable place for storage. Seizure
lines. aliens, the riglrtful holders will be ad-
fective on and after November 116.54
116.6 Clearance of 1, 1941
5 Inspection of aliens arriving mitted, provided their status has under- will not be made of any such aircraft order amending rttlbs and regulations of
aircraft of scheduled and shall read as follows: by aircraft. Any alien arriving by air- apparently damaged beyond the recovery the secretary of agriculture under
airlines. gone no change between the time of is-
116.7 Documents. Sec. craft in any area from any of the amount of the statutory penalty. the commodity exchange act, as
1168 Documents for entry.
foreiR,i place suance of the forms and the arrival of
116.51 or any take-off outside the Immediately after the authorized seizure, AMENDED
116.9 Documents for clearance.
Inclusion of other regulations. United States the holders at the airport of entry. The
116.52 Aircraft;how considered. or from any other area except or prior thereto if circumstances permit,
116.10 Omission of lists of aliens
employed the Main- airport of entry at which persons pre-
on board aircraft.
118.53 Airmen; how considered land shall not be considered a full report in the case shall be sub- By virtue of the authority vested in the
116.54 Inspection of aliens arriving by air- as having examlned in Canada actually enter the Secretary of Agriculture by sections 8
Residue cargo; customs. legally entered the United mitted by the immigration officer in
116.12 craft. States unless United States shall be the "record" port
General provisions; customs 116.55 and until he has been inspected and 8a (6) of the CcHnmodity Exchange
Deportation of aliens arriving by air- and law- Aliens ex- charge to the United States Attorney for
116.13 Public health requirements. of entry for all purposes.
craft who are excluded fully admitted.* Act, as amended (7 JJB.C. sec. 12 and 7
116.14 General provisions; entry and clear- 11&56 Crew cluded from admission to the United the district in which the seizure was
lists. U£.C., Sup. V. sec. 12a (6) ) section 1.5,
ance. 116.55 Deportation of aliens made, for the possible further action pre- .

116.15 Penalties.
11657 Manifests of passengers. 5
arriv- States upon preexamination In Canada part 1 of the Rules and Regulations of
116.58 Preexamtnatlon in Canada of aircraft ing by aircraft who are excluded scribed by the statute. The report ^all
Any shall be accounted for as heretofore by
NoTi: For the text of the regulations in passengers. alien excluded from admission the Secretary of Agriculture under the
this to the the ofiflce at which exclusion occurs.* note the cost incurred in seizing and
part see Title 19—Customs Duties, 116.59 Chinese arriving by aircraft Commodity Exchange Act, as Amended,
Air Commerce Regulations, infra
Part 4— 116.60
United States shall be returned
to the i 116.59 Chinese arriving by aircraft. guarding the aircraft, and an estimate of
country or area of the United the further cost likely to be incurred.*
comprising section 1.5, part 1, chapter I.
116.61 Designation of airports of entry for States Nothing in this Part shall be construed
aliens. (except the Mainland) whence he title 17. Code of Federal Regiilations, is
came, as amending the laws and regulations re- 5 116.61 Designation of airports of
116.62 Withdrawal of designation of airport at the expense of the owner, amended to read as follows:
of entry for aliens. agent, les- lating to the admission and exclusion of entry for aliens. Application for desig-
[General Order No. (>-341 see. or operator of the
aircraft by which Chinese and requiring that all such per- nation of an airport as a port of entry § 1.5 Information confidential; dis-
Part 116—Civil Air Navigation 116.51
Inclusion of other regula- the alien came; and when detention closures to contract-market committees
5 is sons shall apply for admission to the for aliens shall be made to the Attorney
tions. The following sections of this found necessary, the aUen shall be de- United States at seaports and land- General and shall state whether the and officials. No officer or employee of
August 27. 1941, Part include as a part thereof the tained at the expense of such
owner, border ports of entry for Chinese desig- airport has been approved by the Secre- the Department of Agriculture shall
Pursuant to the authority contained nitions in the preceding sections agent, lessee, or operator.*
nated in 5§ 205.1, 205.2, or 205.3 of this tary of Commerce as a properly equipped publish, divulge, or make known in any
of this
In section 1 of Reorganization Part and any amendments which 5 116.56 Crew lists. The provisions manner, except insofar as may be re-
Plan No V ' may title. airport and has been designated by the
effective JUne 14. 1940 (5 FM. be made thereto.* of section 36 of the Immigration quired in the performance of his official
2132. 2223) Act of § i 16.60 Penalties, (a) Any person Secretary of the Treasury as a port of
R. S.<rei-(5 use.22) : section 23 of the •J§ 118.51 to 116.62. inclusive, issued
1917 (39 Stat. 896. 8 US.C. 171) shall be who violates any provision
of this Part entry for civil aircraft. An airport will duties or by a court of competent juris-
Immigration Act of 1917 (Act of February under complied with as required by §§ 116.8,
the authority contained In section
1 Reor- which relates to immigration shall be not be designated by the Attorney Gen- diction, any facts or information re-
5, 1917. 39 Stat. 892, 8 VS.C. ganization Plan No. V. R. 8. 161, 116.9 or 116.10 as to aliens employed garding the business of any person which
102) ; sec- section 23 on subject to the civil penalty of $500 au- eral as an airport of entry for aliens
tion 24 of the Immigration 39 Stat. 892. section 24, 43 Stat. 166, and board any aircraft arriving in the United
Act of 1924 tions 7(d) and 11(b) and (c),
sec- thorized by section 11 (b), Air Commerce without such prior approval and desig- may come to the knowledge of such
(Act of May 26. 1924, 43 44 Stat. 572 States from any place outside thereof officer or employee through any Inspec-
Stat. 166, 8 *8 S*at "16. 52 Stat. 1029* Act of 1926, as amended (49 U.S.C. 181 nation, and unless it appears to the sat-
U5.C. 222); section 7 (d) and secUon Vt^^^JJ^'
5 PR. 2132, 2223; 6 U^.C. 22, 8 U.S.C. 102 and as to such aliens not on board at the tion or examination of the reports or
(b)), except that where such offense in
time the aircraft departs from any such isfaction of the Attorney General that
*"^ ^^^ ^^ ^«
^^^ Commerce Act connection with an airci-aft would be a records of, or through any information
OfI lo
1926, as amended (Act of May 20
Statutes Interpreted or applied and
statutes place and as to aliens leaving the United conditions render such designation nec-
given by, any person pursuant to the
1926 giving special authority are listed violation of the Immigration laws and
44 Stat. 572. 574, and 575. 48 Stat." 1116* in paren- States as employees on an aircraft who essary or advisable, and unless adequate Commodity Exchange Act or rules and
theses at the end of specific sections. general regulations if the aircraft were a
62 Stat. 1029. 49 U.S.C. 177 (d) were not such when it last arrived. Any facilities have been or will be provided regulations in this part: Provided, how-
and 181 116.52 Aircraft: how vessel (operating on water) the penalty

(b) and (c)). and § 90.1.

chapter 1. title
5 considered. failure to comply with any provision of shall be the same as would apply in the thereat, without cost to the Federal Gov- ever. That this prohibition shall not ap-
Aircraft arriving from Canada or Mexico
8. Code of Federal Regulations this section shall constitute a violation of ernment, for the proper inspection and ply to disclosures made In good /aith to
3503). the following regulations
(5 FR and landing at a land border port of
section 36. above, for each alien con-
cas^of a vessel. '

are pre- entry and aircraft departing from (b) In the collection of the penalties disposition of aliens, including office the Business Conduct Committee or
scribed for the application of
the such cerning whom there is such failure. Im- the procedure prescribed In the general space and temporary detention quarters other proper committee or official of a
Imml- port of entry for Canada or for
t^ration laws and regulations to civil air
Mexico migration lists containing the name of Immigration regulations for the Impo- found necessary.* contract market of matters in respect
shall for the puposes of the
navigation: Immigration any employee shall be filed for perma- to which such contract market has re-
laws and regulations, except as sition and
collection of fines (involving Cross Reference: For list of airports of
Title 8 Code of Federal Regulations. otherwise nent record.* sponsibility or duty under the Commod-
provided in this Part, be regarded vessels) or for prosecutions under section entry for aliens, see 8 CFR 1103.
Chapter 1—Immigration and the 5 116.57 Manifests of passengers. The 10 of the Immigration Act of 1917, as ity Exchange Act, or which, in the Judg-
Naturaliza- same as other common carriers arriving
tion Service—Part 116. provisions of sections 12. 13. and 14 of § 116.62 Withdrauml of designation ment of the Chief of the Commodity
§§ 116.1 to 116 17 at or departing from land amended (39 Stat. 881, 43 SUt. 167; 8
Inclusive, are revoked, the
revocation to
border ports the Immigration Act of 1917 (39 Stat. U.S.C. 146), as the case may be, will of airport of entry for aliens. The desig- Exchange Administration, adversely af-
of entry. All other aircraft
be effective on and after operating in 882-884, 8 U.S.C. 148, 149, 150) shall be nation of an airport of entry as an air- fect such market or are prejudicial to
November 1 foreign commerce or between Initially be followed.
1941 with the exception that
they shall the United States shall for the
areas of complied with as required by 5 § 116.8 and (c) Remission or mitigation of a port of entry for aliens may be with- the interests of producers or consumers.
remain in effect as to matters purposes 116.9 as to passengers arriving or depart- penalty will be considered only in case drawn whenever, in the Judgment of the (Sec. 8, 42 Stat. 1003, sec. 8a (6), as
which of the Immigration laws and
occurred or liabiUties which regulations ing on aircraft. Passengers carried be-
accrued be- be subject to the same requirements
fore date. ^ and tween the Virgin Islands of the United
liabilities as are vessels
(operating on States and Puerto Rico shall be listed

) :

FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 5, 1941
(b) and (c) ]; Tariff
FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941 4517
12. 7 U.S.C, Sup. 12a Act of 1930. section or public-health laws,
(6) which nenau,
644 [19 U.S.C. 1644]; Reorganization forfeiture may be remitted V OF TBI PRESmZNT
Done at Washington. D. or ^tlgaM ItfORGANOAnOH PuUf NO. Public Convenience and Necessity issued also with the immigration officer in charge
C. this 29th Plan No. I of the President, the Secretary of the Treasury.
sections 201 In It^tS The Immigration and Naturall- pursuant to the Civil Aeronautics Act of for such place.
day of August 1941. Witness my hand violation la by the owner or SccnoN 1.
(a) and 205 (b) [4 F.R. 2727. 2728] and mand of the aircraft, the person iTJ^ ^tlon Service of the Department of Labor
and the seal of the Department of Reorganization Plan No.

a Hen against the aircraft.

ihaH: including the Office of the Commlseloner of
1938. (c) Permission to discharge or depart.
Agriculture. V
of the Presi- Any
imposed under this section may cl^ii^.,^

and Its
(g) The term "airport of entry" means No aircraft arriving In the United States
Xminlgration and Naturalization)
dent, section 1 t5 P.R. 2132.
2223].* by proceedings In personam cK^J^ £ functions are transferred to the Department
any airport designated by the Secretary from any place outside thereof, or in an
Groveh b. Hat, son subject to the penalty
againVt ^'' the^ of Justice and
shall be administered under of the Treasury as a port of entry for area from another area carrying residue
i«,*^^*rT*o"i'"^*"'^°''"y' »° addition to RS and or t
Acting Secretary of Agriculture.
[F. R. Doc. 41-«641;
Piled. August
li' ^ ^ ? F- ^' ^^'^ **»at cited J 4 1 for m the penalty is a llen^by
p?ocee3lnL l«
against the aircraft. Such
conform as nearly as may proceeSSRs^h.n
T the direction and supervision of the Attorney
General. All functions and powers of the
aircraft arriving in the United States
from any place outside thereof and for
foreign cargo (see § 4.10a) shall, without
receiving permission from the quarantine
30. 1941;
J}^ respect to customs, RS. 251- sec be to n vff If' Secretary of Labor relating to the adminis-
Z^A the merchandise carried on such air- and the customs officers in charge, de-
( 11:33 a. m.J 624. 46 Stat. 769; 19 U.S.C.
spect to public health, sec.
66, 1624 with re-'
5. 27 Stat 451; M
in admiralty; ex<4pt
that%Uher pS ^^ tration of the Inunlgration and Natxirallza-
tlon Service and Its functions or to the craft; also by the Attorney General as a part from the place of landing, or dis-
'^'P*^. *° immigration.
If the value In controversy
exceeds 62n ^m »(linlni.stration of the Immigration and port of entry for aliens arriving on such charge any merchandise, passengers, or
«f M^i> stft*^^
^*- ^*=- 24. «
SUt. 166; 8 facts so tried shall not be
reexamined naturalization laws are transferred to the aircraft; and by the Federal Security baggage; and no aircraft arriving in the
ulc IM ?j^* than m accordance with the it hp?
rules o^fw" Attorney General • • •.
conunon law. The fact that Administrator as a place for quarantine United States from any plsice outside
Note: Those provisions read In a lllti ^
CHAPTER I—BUREAU OP CUSTOMS Scope and definitions. For the
§4.2 Inspection.* thereof or in an area from another area

i'ART 4—Air CoMMeRCE

Air Commercb Act op 1926. ab Amended
the high seas or navigable
watPrc )^.*^
«^"" not'beUdTn"an1
purposes of the regulations contained in S 4.3 Landing requirements (a) — except directly from the Mainland shall
Regulations Sec. to
limit the requirement Hi this part: Place of landing. Every aircraft coming discharge any passenger or employee
7 (b). The Secretary of the Treasure of the conforJi?!
clvU suits In rem i^ Every paragraph and clause re- into any area from any place outside without permission from the Immigra-
TO CIVIL united States as ports of entry
OF THE LAWS AND REGU- public health, entry, thereof shall land in such area unless tion officer In charge.
for clvU
States, and under its lates to customs,
PUBLIC «nf flf "'^^^'^ *° t^« ^°"ed States from
^^^'-^^ «»"^ '°r
direction other
^?'*^'* ^*"*^»- ""^ authorized
coum clearance, and immigration, except where exempted from this requirement by the (d) Emergency or forced landing.
disc h"''"'**
carried on such aircraft, (2)
merchant ^r!^
scribe rules regulating
such orocewiina.
applies only to certain of these matters,
Administrator of Civil Aeronautics, Should any aircraft coming into the
AND detail to f- it
United States from any place outside
IIUUGRATION ports Of entry for civil aircraft'
sicSofflcerS "°' provided VL^'Thfd^ which isshown by headnote or context. Washington, D. C. The first landing
and employees ^t^7J^u\'r'"""^" thereof, or Into any area from any other
of the customs service as
he !f™iT*'°" ^^'s
section as to the
The term "United States" when shall be at an airport of entry, unless
°' ^^^ Treasury, the may deem necessary, and to confer or remission or mitigation of a civil t^nidt^ (b)
area, make a forced landing in the United
Federal Security Administrator,
impose imposed under this section shall in a geographical sense means the
permission to land elsewhere than at an
°' employee of the ffiS be fiSl in used
the K^^i^/t?"'^ case libel proceedings airport of entry is first granted by the States, the aircraft commander or op-
Secretary of Commerce, ** *°y ""'^^ port Of entry are pending at aJv territory comprising the several States,
and the At- ?w!th tH*"°°"*
(with the consent of the head time during the pendency Commissioner of Customs. Washington. erator shall not allow any merchandise
torney General, within their ernment department or other of the Gov- mitigation proceedings, the
of remlss*Sn or Territories, possessions, and the District
respective independent 8ecre^^y°shai D. C, who upon granting such permission or baggage to be removed from the land-
authorities, prescribe the ^^""^ JurliSSn 'the
give notice thereof to
the United States of Columbia, including the territorial
following regu- " shall immediately notify the Surgeon ing place without permission from a cus-
lations for the application See "iTemni^e'",
omcer or employee Is serving)
any of the
at orney prosecuting the
libel procreSlne^ waters thereof and the overlying airspace,
to civil air powers, privileges, or duties (c) Any aircraft subject General. Public Health Service, the Com- toms officer, nor allow any passenger or
navigation of the laws and cJi^erred or Im!
posed upon officers or employees
to a lien fofanv
penalty imposed under this but shall not Include the Canal Zone.
regulations civil
missioner of Immigration and Natu- person employed thereon to depart from
(c) The term "area" shall mean any
relating to customs, public of the cus- section may
health, entry S'ff/Tl"- *"? ^3> by regulation ?o pro- ""' ^°^ P'^'^ed °n ralization, and any other agency affected such landing place without permission of
and clearance, and immigration, vide for the application to clvU ^tody
of stich persons as the appropriate
one of the following parts of the United
which air navlaa-
thereby. In cases where such permission the quarantine and immigration officers,
Commerce Regulations", Ji thf o^^
l*'^ *"** regulations Sng f!ZT7t tTp^ ""^ regulation prescribe and
1 States:
unless such removal or departure is neces-
!k nK"^.;^""

be §§ 4.1 to 4.10e. title 19

Public =xx","-^°^
Health) §§ 9.1
^° "-515,
title 42
K ??»
^^"^ *° »"cb "tent and upon
*^* ''«*'^ neces-sary.^
Secretary of Commerce Is
thrTin?L^aw* thereupon
United i? ^'^^^^ the seizure
} States attorney shall
promptly inS!
transmitted to

is made The
The Mainland,
Alaska, but to be regarded as part
Is given, the owner, operator, or person
In charge of the aircraft shall pay the
additional expenses, if any, incurred in
sary for purposes of safety or the preser-
vation of life or property. As soon as
; to 9.15, title 46 i«i K, author- tute proceedings for the of the Mainland for immigration pur- inspecting the aircraft, passengers, em- practicable, the aircraft commander, or
(Shipping); and 55 116.1 to Stn^/*^,"^f"°° '° P"'^*<le 'or the appll- enforcement of the
116.15. title *° ,*=!!" "'"""^^ o' tl^e laws and reju- poses, ployees, merchandise, and baggage car- a member of the crew in charge, or the
8 (Aliens and Nationality); Code
Federal Regulations, and shall
tive on and after November
be effec-
vessels To S *° J^%«°try and clearJnce^f
to such extent and
dltlons as he deems necessary
upon such eon.
°/ °^''y **^« Secretary of his failure
to act. The aircraft
shall be released frnm
custody upon (i) payiS^nrof
''"^^ ^ ^
'^ot remVttefor
Puerto Rico,
ried therein. When such admission is
granted to a scheduled airline to land
owner of the aircraft, shall communicate
with the customs officer at the intended
1. 1941; SSi^ltH^ T,".""^ (5) Virgin Islands, an area for the place of first landing or at the nearest
Sec. to^Vu'^L^l\^^^^ °^ ^^'
^» authorized
mitigated, f
(2) seizure In pursuance of Drocesa
of any court In proceedings
aircraft operating on a schedule, no In-
airport of entry or other customs port of
!f^°V/ as*°y
for Ptlii aircraft °' *^e ports of entry In rem for en^ purpose of the immigration laws except spection charge shall be made except for
4.1 Regulation and supervision ports of eJitry for aliens entry In that area and also with the
arriving by aircraft, U°S'stat°/,?4
°\ "otlflcatlon'S tS as provided In further immigration reg- overtime service performed by customs
4.2 Scope and definitions. (2) detail to such porti ***orney of failure to Institute
°""" sifrVr^r^LH?
such proceedings, or ulations specifically mentioning those officers, and If the aircraft arrives sub- nearest quarantine officer and Immigra-
4.3 Landing requirements. ?im?J2t,'"'^ ""^ employees Of thi (3) deposit of a bond in
44 Entry and clearance immigration service as he may
deem nerl, *"^ ''"'^ «"<^h sureties as the Islands in 8 CFR Part 116. but shall be stantially in accordance with schedules tion officer and make a full report of the
sarj'. and to confer
or Impose Lpon^nf^." Sr?pt-^°"°'
Secretary may prescribe, circumstances of the fiight and of the
**'*='*" o' scheduled ajr- conditioned upon regarded as foreign territory for other on file with the immigration authorities,
^^Ifnes"' S'^f°' ?* ^°'^ ^*"**« statlSn^ at^u?h the payment of the
penalty or so much
thereof as Is not remltt^ purposes, no inspection charge shall be made for emergency or forced landing. Mail car-
°' **'"*'* acheduled S?^^K°'«°'^ ^^^^^ *^« consent of the head or Litigated
overtime service by immigration officers. ried as such may be removed from such
*^'l?mSel °'
^P-i^rfH^?""™""^ department or other in- (6) shall hereafter be
Such area as
4.7 Documents. ""^«^ who^ juris-
Tamft Act or 1930 include possessions of the (b) Advance notice of arrival. No aircraft upon making an emergency or
diction the officer or employee specified to
44 Documents for entry is servlne) anv
aircraft coming into any area from any forced landing, but if so removed shall be
of the powers, privileges,
7 nrth^Ai"^*
authority vested by section United States not mentioned herein.
Documents for clearance or duties co^erred •

delivered at once to a responsible officer

4.10 Omission of lists of aliens
or imposed upon offlcirs
or employw° of the Sc^retarv ^
tu°'^^'''^ ^"of 1926 in the place outside thereof may land in such
employed immigration *^^ Treasury, and In the Secre- The regulations in this part shall not
on board aircraft. "ipioyea
!o P'-o^lde for
service, and (3) by SlJatSn Sv nf J-nl "y regulation to provide be applicable in the Philippine Islands,
area unless notice of the intended fiight or employee of the postal service.*
4.10a Residue cargo; customs the application to^ivlf air for thf ?^^^\?''' has been furnished to the collector or § 4.4 Entry and clearance, (a) Air-
"PP'i'^^^on to civil air navigation of
4.10b General provisions; customs thP i«t the Islands of Guam, Midway, American craft coming Into any area from any
mi!,, '»?"'*
regulations relating to the ad- deputy collector of customs at the airport
4.10c «ibllc health requirements Samoa, Wake. Kingman
Reef, and other
*^""°°«- ^'^d of the laws and of entry at or nearest the intended place place outside the United States shall be
4.10d General provisions; entry ^i?, «t?"°° °.'
^^ nf °vi.
'*/*"°« *° *^e *°try and clear-
.respectively, shall extend to
Insular possessions not specified herein,
of first landing in such area; 'nor unless entered (see § 4.8) in such area If land-
4.10e Penalties. ^"^ "^^ *e™ "United States" ?hP »nni.!^!^.*^'' nor to the Virgin Islands except as speci- ing Is made therein. Aircraft coming
„i,!!r.„® a
used geographical sense, meanslhe
when nrLf^P"*^"*,'"" '° "*e manner of any of the the same notice has been furnished to i'
provision of this Act or fied in subpartigraph (5) of this para-
Note: For {} 4.11, 4.12, 4.13, see 10 ter° of any reguiauons
regulations the quarantine and the immigration Into any area from another area shall
CFR. promulgated hereunder. graph until notice supplementary hereto
tffi ?s:3^*i^rt;rD.rcrH- officers in charge at or nearest such place. be entered (see § 4.9 (e)) in such area
§ 1 Regulation and supervision. Is given.
tSe ^^^erJJSa? Reoroakization Plan No. I or the Phesident Such notice shall specify the type of air- If landing is made therein and If car-
The following regulations in ih^eS) 'and'i'H'^"^
this part •
(d) The term "aircraft" means civil craft, the registration marks thereon, the rying merchandise or passengers.
are prescribed by the
Secretary of the ?ot7n'cluSrt?e^S^'^«nrP«-= ""^ «»^^"
„,f'f_2pl (a). • . . the Public Health aircraft. 1. e., any aircraft not used ex-
name of the aircraft conmiander, the (b) Entry shall be made by the air-
Z^T7^ *
Security Admlnis! f«H ff 1°
''^e Department of the Treasury
'unctions and personnel (including clusively in the governmental service of
place of last departure, the airport of craft commander at the airport of entry
the Attorney General-
of Commerce, and se^H Zrr^^r^S^^^ iil^V^uTr fxr e>
i^L,^!^^ General of the Public Health the United States or a foreign country,
entry, or other place at which landing at which the first landing is made In the
within their re- Service)
spective authorities, under
* • • transferred from the De- but includes any government-owned air- has been authorized, number of alien pas- area. If. pursuant to § 4.3 (a), the first
the Air Com- '"oJect to a clvU penalty partment of the Treasury; • • • are
^liw of tsoo nereby consolidated under one craft engaged in carrying persons or sengers, number of citizen passengers, and landiBg occurs at a place not an airport
agency to be property for commercial purposes. of entry, entry shall be made at the near-
LoUL^' iil
®^^^' ^"^ " (b) and (c)
u^^ Federal Security Agency, with
°f i*^e
Administrator at the head (e) The term "aircraft commander"
the estimated time of arrival; and shall
est airport of entry or customs port of
r49 U.S.C. 1 77 (b). (c). (d). 179 fhr^ff/'".^**^*""^
*?ereof • be sent so as to be received in sufficient
(b). 181 • V He shall have general di- means the person serving on the aircraft entry, unless some other place is desig-
rection and supervision over time to enable the officers designated to
ititomf""^'^^K,. ^"y P«r»°^ violating 'Sy the admlnlstra-
having charge or command of Its opera- Inspect the aircraft to reach the airport nated for that purpose by the Commis-
"These regulations entitled "Air rvir„ L ^J^^ several agencies consolidated into
tion and navigation. sioner of Customs.
^^^' 'o^ <SS: l^Z w .^.'?' Security Agency by this section of entry or such other place of first land-
"aU^ns'^r.'"*"?!' /PP*''' ^
responsible for the coordination (f) The (c) Aircraft departing from any area
^f »K .*'i
01 their functions and activities term "scheduled airline" ing prior to the arrival of the aircraft.
?cms°"Du*iie\) %V U
(Public Health) ;"»Jj to
m't'o^Ts ^V.^^^ •
Sec 205 (b). All the functions of the
• •
means any individual, partnership, cor- Such advance notice will not be required for foreign territory, or to take aboard or
ping); and !!{ H6.1 to 9'?5,VmeV(Shln
116 15 1 1 u T/ ai.
P" i ""^" '^^^
subject to a civil penalty «««lon
snau oe 5^bw^'r'°"
of »500
oecretary of the Treasury relating
to the ad- poration, or association engaged in air In the case of silrcraft of a scheduled air- discharge persons or merchandise any-
and any aircraft used In ministration of the Public Health Service where outside the United States, or de-
connwtlon with Sw 'are hereby transferred to. and shall transportationupon regular schedules to, line arriving in accordance with the regu-
subject toTelSS a"^^ over, oraway from the United States or lar schedule filed with the collector of cus- parting from any area for another area
forfeiture ^"JL^* o« exercised
as provided for m such customs Administrator.
by, the Federal Security
from area to area and holding a Foreign toms for the district In which the place of carrying passengers that must be listed In
Air Carrier Permit or a Certificate of first landing in the area is situated and clearance declaration (9 4.9 (b), (e)) or
September 1941
45U FEDERAL REGISTER, Wntnfda^, 3.

Uw« •hlfh prraiir

Art ot 1W«. »«-t»oo m public -h^lth «!,<3

addrd by fwc 10 4» Btat IMl T UBC (b> »nd 'r> 1. Tarifl f..rt#t'urw m*T »»• r»mined of initl««Tr^
In r«^ •;.

12 use Aup 12a ••• • •44 l» use l»44i; ll*ortmni»t»oo (h» »»crrt«r> «4 itm Tt*mMMrj
owner ii.

No Prwidrnt •»cl»oru 301
of the
vM.Utwn to »»T th*- •»r

l>ir«r »l WMhin«iof» DC «hu tHh P»«r

.»» and 305 b- 4

FR 2721 272t and maiMl th# airrrtkn Ih. p«i-»ltf .I..!

. iirr. a«min.t the aircrmlt
Ar.y rifU p. • -
< iwiudiiif tlM 0(
mifTAUon ma4
day ol AtMnisl IMl W^tnrm* luf hand iin<l»r XtMm •#<ti..n m*l
hr c Ii- ri.xttoaa aiv trw
R«)r»»nii»iK>n PUn No V trf the Pr»w- >n>c>i<w4l 1

Drpartmrnt h» pi .r.««n«« in pm»>Mm •«•»»»»«

M«l ithr of tl»» i- Justice and al
•nd tlw of • '

drni Motion 1 I6FR 2112 22231


M.ti •\ito)tcl to !h»

penalty and or ii. the ditvrttoe and
•Tn» Bfi.rfal •uth.jritif in •ddlUdi t
Rl* (he uen*Ii» u a lien bj
pr.jcrr<»in«« ii. cunercl AU fur
Obovci B
» t 23 »nd that rtUd «n t 4 I tm
HC •«ainvt U^r aircraft Such procr«Hii«» »r .
Hrcrvtary al Lsbc
Avttno Secrrtary of AgrtcuUurr.
.nn .i»r fonform a. nrirly a* may be to rmi ••. •• iratUin of the In
\ne rrfuUUmn In « I 4 I to 4 lOr elthrr paM> n..s
R H 2*1 "^ in admirtiltv ricept th«t ti< n BBTTlor and
mun Tt*pfCX. U> c\tmUnn»
use M
[f H Dk. 41 •^41. r^l«t Au«u»t W) IMJ.
624 4« bt«t 759. 19 1W4 with rr- df-nMiid trial by Jury of any »-"'''' administration (
4S1 4i»y rxcred- MO d
11 sa ml »p*rt to public hetiith. i«*c S. 27 bt«t If ibe value in
reexamined '" •
nHturallaatlon I*
use 94 and with resp**^ ^ imml|tTiiti..,n I»i-t» It) trl*^ *»iall not be

Attorney Oeneral
than in accorO*nce wuh the ruU» <f
IM. •^e
sec 33 39 Stat 894. tc 24 43 Stut 8
common law The fact that in a lllx 1
I 4.2 Scope c
U -SC 102, 222
rem the seuure In made at a pUce not up n purposes of the
STOMS IHTIKS Those provisions read the htnh sea* or navigable o( -h"
TIll.K 1»-C1 NiJTT
w.y thi3 part:
Amendio United Stales, shall not be held In any
to limit the requirement of tlie confcrn-.-y
suits In rem in
(a) Every pa
Treasury of the proceedings to civil
Sec 7 (b) The Secretary of the to custom
Part 4— Atr Commerce Regulations
des'gnale places in the admiralty The Supreme Court cf the V'.nici
is authorized to (1) other courts clearance, and it:
civil States, and under Its dfrecticn
RECCLATIONS FOR THE APPLICATION TO CIVIL United Strites as ports of entry for to pre-
States from of the United States, are authorized it applies only to
^ aircraft arriving In the United proceeding m
AIR NAVIGATION OF THE LAWS AND REGU- merchan- scribe rules regulating stich
any place outside thereof and for which isshown b
any particular not provided by law. The
LATIONS BELATINC TO CUSTOMS. PUBLIC dise carried on such aircraft. (2) detail to
The term
terminatlon under this section as to the (b)
HEALTH. ENTRY AND CLEARANCE, AND ports of entry for civil aircraft such
as he remission or mitigation of a civil penalty used in a geogri
anc* employees of the customs service
IMMIGRATION and to confer or impose imposed under this section shall be tlnal. In territory compri
may deem necessary,
case libel proceedings are pending
at any

^ The Secretary of the Treasury, the

Federal Security Administrator, the
Secretary of Commerce, and the At-
upon any officer or employee of the United
States stationed at any such port of
the consent
of the
of the
time during the pendency of remission
mitigation proceedings, the Secretary
give notice thereof to the United
attorney prosecuting the libel proceedincs
Territories, poss
of Columbia,
waters thereof ai

torney General, within their respective establishment under whose Jurisdiction lien for any but shall not ind
any of the (c) Any aircraft subject to a
authorities, prescribe the following regu- ofHcer or emnloyee la serving) under this section may (c) The term
air powers, privileges, or duties conferred or Im- civil penalty
lations for the application to civil posed upon officers or employees of the
cus- be summarily seized by and placed in one of the follo\
navigation of the laws and regulations toms service, and (3) by regulation to
pro- custody of such persons as the appropriate States:
civil air naviga- Secretary may by regulation prescribe and a
relating to customs, public health, entry vide for the application to
report of the case thereupon transmitted
tion of the laws and regulations
relating ( 1 The Main
and clearance, and immigration, which, to the administration of the
cxistoms and the United States attorney for the
(2) Alaska, bi
entitled "Air Commerce Regulations", upon district in which the seizure Is
made The
public health laws to such extent and the Mainlani
United States attorney shall promptly of
shall be §§ 4.1 to 4.10e. title 19
(Customs such conditions as he deems necessary.
of the
11.515. title 42 (c) The Secretary of Commerce
Is author- tute proceedings for the enforcement poses,
Duties); 8§ 11-501 to
ized by regulation to provide for the
appli- Hen or notify the Secretary of his failure so (3) Hawaii,
(Public Health); §§9.1 to 9.15. title 46 and regu- Tlie aircraft shall be released from
cation to civil aircraft of the laws to act
pen- (4) Puerto Rii
(Shipping); and §§ 116.1 to 116.15. title
lations relating to the entry and clearance
of such custody upon (1) payment of the
Nationality); Code of vessels to such extent and upon such
con- alty or so much thereof as U not remitted or (5) Virgin Is]
8 (Aliens and process
be ditions as he deems necessary. mitigated. (2) seizure In pursuance of purpose of the i
Federal Regulatfons. and shall effec-
authorized of any court In proceedings in rem
for en-
(d) The Secretary of Labor Is as provided in f
forcement of the lien, or notification by
tive on and after November 1. 1941: to (1) designate any of the ports
of entry
for aliens States attorney of failure to institute ulations specific
for civil aircraft as ports of entry United
such proceedings, or (3) deposit of a bond
Sec. ports In
arriving by aircraft. (2) detail to such as the
Islands in 8 CFl
4 1 Regulation and supervision. of entry such officers and employees
of the such amount and with such sureties regarded sis fon
4.2 Scope and definitions. immigration service as he may deem neces- Secretary may prescribe, conditioned
Landing requirements. Impose upon any em- the payment of the penalty or so much purposes,
4.3 sary,and to confer or
44 ESitry and clearance. ployee of the United States stationed at such thereof as Is not remitted or mitigated. <6) are£ Such
scheduled air-
4.6 Entry of aircraft of
port of entry (with the consent of the head specifiedto inci
other In- TAanT ACT or 1930
lines, w J . J
scheduled of the Government department or United States nc
4.6 Clearance of aircraft
dependent establishment under whose Juris- See 644. The authority vested by
airlines. diction the officer or employee Is serving) any 7 of the Air Commerce Act of 1926
in the
The regulatioi
4.7 Documents of the powers, privileges, or duties
Secretary of the Treasury, and In the
Documents for entry. the be applicable in
4.8 or lmr)08ed up>on officers or employees of tary of Commerce, by regulation to provide
4 9* Documents for clearance.
employed immigration service, and (3) by regulation
for the application to civil air
navigation of the Islands of G
4^10 Omission of lists of aliens to provide for the application to civil
air ad-
the laws and regulations relating to the Samoa, Wake.
on board aircraft. navigation of the laws and regulations re- ministration of customs, and of the laws and
Residue cargo; customs. Insular possessic
4.10a lating to the admlnUtratlon of the immigra- regulations relating to the entry and
General provisions; customs. laws to such extent and upon such nor to the Virgir
of vessels, respectively, shall extend
4.10b to
tion ance
Public health requirements conditions as he deeniS necessary. of tne
the application In like manner of any fledin subpara^
4.10d General provisions; entry and clear- Sec. 9 (b) The term "United States", when
provision of this Act or of any regulations graph until noti(
ance a geographical sense, means the ter-
used In promulgated hereunder. is given.
4 lOe ritory comprising the several States. Terri-
NoTi: For §1 4.11. 4 12. 4 13. see 19 CFR. tories, possessions, and the District of Co- Reorganization Plan No. I of the President <d) The term
lumbia (including the territorial waters Health aircraft, i. e., ar
§ 4.1 supervision.
Regulation and thereof) and the overlying airspace: but shall
. SEC 201 (a). • • • the Public
Treasury clusively in the
The following regulations in this part* not Include the Canal Zone. Service In the Department of t»ie
Sbc. 11 (b). Any person who (I) violates and Its functions and personnel the United Stat4
are prescribed by the Secretary of the the Surgeon General of the Public Heaitn
any entry or clearance regulation made under but includes any
Treasury, the Federal Security Adminis- section 7 (c) of this Act. or (2) any Immi- Service) • • • transferred from tiie i^-
craft engaged
trator, the Secretary of Commerce, and partment of the Treasury: • * * ""^

gration regulation made under such section, to w

shall be subject to a clvU penalty of $600 hereby consolidated under one agency witn property for con
the Attorney General- within their re-
which may be remitted or mitigated by the known as the Federal Security Agency, (() The term
spective authorities, under the Air Com- a Federal Security Administrator at
the heaa
SecreUry of Commerce, or the Secretary of means the persoi
merce Act of 1926- as amended, sections Labor, respectively. In accordance with such thereof • • V He shall have 8«n"«' f']
rectlon and supervision over the charge oi
7(b) (c>. (d).9 (b). and 11 (b) and (c) proceedings as the Secretary shall by regu- consolidated into
Any person violating any tlon of the several agencies tlon and navigal
[49 U.S.C. 177 (b). (O. (d), 179 (b), 181 lation prescribe.
Security Agency by this sect on
customs or public health regulation made the Federal
for the cooj-dination <f) The tern
under section 7 (b) of this Act. or any pro- and shall be responsible
These regulations entitled "Air Com- vision of the customs or public-health laws of their functions and activities. '
means any indi^
merce Regulations' appear under four desig- or regulations thereunder made applicable
to SEC. 205 (b). All the functions
he m Poration, or ass
nations. I. e.. £8 §§ 4 1 to 4.10e. title 19 (Cus- of the Treasury relating to
aircraft by regulation under such section Service transportation
toms Duties): S§ 11.601 to 11515. title 42
ministration of the Public Health
shall be subject to a civil penalty of $500. and sh^i over, or away fn
(Public Health); 5?9 1 to 9.15. title 46 (Ship- • • • are hereby transferred to,
and any aircraft used In connection with any Federal Security
ping)- and H
116 1 to 116 15, title 8 (Aliens
such violation shall be subject to seizure and be exercised by, the from area to are
and Nationality). Code of Federal Regula- forfeiture as provided for in such customs
Administrator. Air Carrier Per
FEDERAL REGISTER, Wedme^day, September 3, I94i 4517
Of mitMratrr- ,
Pr Pi-Mi Mo or rm Public Convmimcr and N«c«ssitjr iMtw<l also with the Immlffratlon o(Bc«t In chartr
ry Iri r«^ .
» I TiM IflMBlfrMiae and Maturaii- pursuant to the CivtJ Arrunautica Art of for such place
•MtiOB awTtM at tiM OipvtaMat at Lmbar IMS
nr:udinf tlM OAre of tiM Oommumtotmt ol
<c>Ptrmissitm to dacharor or depart
iny ciftl p» ' <
In mifTttUoo and tliniialiiltiiiH and iU ««) The t^riTj "airport of entry" meaxu No aircraft arriving In the United 8tate^
tn«T hr r« ll-< 1 r> .xttotM uv tTMMlvrrad le tlM ItepwtaMat any airport destcnated by the Secretary from any pUcr outside thereof, or in an
justM* aad UmII b* rtwiiitwml uDdar of the Treaaury ai a port of entry for
area from another area cariytng residue
fttid or Iti -* Thr dir»rtloa and MptrrMoa of tiM Attomry
aircraft arrlvinf in the United Stales foreign cargo (see I 4 10a) sliall. without
>cre<sinff« ir. ci«n«rsi All fuoetMO* uMI powan at tb*
[»|T>cr«liiitt» »• '
brrrviarr al Labor r«Utln( to th« adminU-
from any place out&lde thereof and for receiving permission from the quarantine
br to cmi • .
iratkin oX Uw Immlcrattcn and Naturalm- the merchandise carried on such air- and the ca«toms officers in charge, de-
ithT p«r'> n.:i\
ti>n Barrloc and tu functions or to tbe craft; also by the Attorney General as a
ly l>*ue o( ..
part from the place of landing, or dis-
•dminlatratlon o* the tmmlfratlon and port of entry for aliens arriving on such
rxc<>«<l!> »3(^ i
nhturallaatton lawa are trantf erred to the charge any rirerchandise. passengers, or
•^xumlr.fd I '
Attorney General • • •
aircraft; and tv the Federal Security baggage: and rA^ircraft arriving In the
.he rul«» f <
^» Administrator as a place for quarantine United States from any place outside
lat in a ltb< 1 :;. I 4.2 Scope and deflnitioiu. For the inspection.*
place not up n thereof or in an area from another area
e wat«Ts o( "h"
purposes of the regulations contained in
thi3 part:
M.3 Landing requirements (a) — except directly from the Mainland shall
hfld any w ly m Place of landing. Every aircraft coming discharge any passenger or employee
f the conlcrn/'y
Every paragraph and clause re-
(a) into any area from any place outside without permission from the immigra-
suits In rem in
lurt of the U:ute.1 lates to customs, public health, entry, thereof shall land in such area unless tion officer in charge.
ticn other c^tir's clearance, and immigration, except where exempted from this requirement by the (d) Emergency or forced landing.
uthorlEed tn pre- it applies only to certain of these matters., Administrator of Should any aircraft
n proceediriL's m
Civil Aeronautics, coming into the
by law. The fle- which isshown by headnote or context. Washington, D. C. The first landing United States from any place outside
?ctlon as to the <b) The term "United States" when shall be at an airport of entry, unless thereof, or into any area from any other
t a civil penalty used in a geographical sense means the permission to land elsewhere than at an area, make a forced landing in the United
shall be Ilnal. In airport of entry is first granted by the
territory comprising the several States, States, the aircraft commander or op-
pending at any

of remission or Territories, possessions, and the District Commissioner of Customs, Washington, erator shall not allow any merchandise
,e Secretary f-hall of Columbia, including
the territorial D. C, who upon granting such permission or baggage to be removed from the land-
le United States
waters thereof and the overlying airspace, shall immediately notify the Surgeon ing place without permission from a cus-
)el procecdlncs
but shall not include the Canal Zone. General, Public Health Service, the Com- toms officer, nor allow any passenger or
to a Hen for any
r this section may (c) The term "area" shall mean any missioner of Immigration and Natu- person employed thereon to depart from
nd placed In the one of the following parts of the United ralization, and any other agency affected such landing place without permission of
.s the appropriate thereby. In cases where such permission the quarantine and immigration officers,
)n prescribe and a
is given, the owner, operator, or person unless such removal or departure is neces-
on transmitted to
(1) The Mainland,
y for the judicial in charge of the aircraft shall pay the sary for purposes of safety or the preser-
Is made. The (2) Alaska, but to be regarded as part additional expenses, if any, incurred irj*
Lire vation of life or property. As soon as
111promptly ln<tl- of the Mainland for Immigration pur- inspecting the aircraft, passengers, em- practicable, the aircraft commander, or
nforcement of the poses,
ployees, merchandise, and baggage car- a member of the crew in charge, or the
y of bis failure so (3) Hawaii,
, be released from ried therein. When such admission is owner of the aircraft, shall communicate
yment of the pen- (4) Puerto Rico, granted to a scheduled airline to land with the customs officer at the intended
Is not remitted or (5) Virgin Islands, an area for the aircraft operating on a schedule, no in- place of first landing or at the nearest
ursuance of process purpose of the immigration laws except
gs In rem for en- spection charge shall be made except for airport of entry or other customs port of
notlflcatlon by the as provided in further immigration reg- overtime service performed by customs entry in that area and also with the
failure to institute ulations specifically mentioning those officers,and if the aircraft arrives sub- nearest quarantine officer and immigra-
eposlt of a bond In Islands in 8 CFR Part 116. but shall be
ich sureties as the
stantially in accordance with schedules tion officer and make a report of the
conditioned upon
regarded as foreign territory for other on file with the immigration authorities, circumstances of the and of the
lalty or so much purposes, no inspection charge shall be made for emergency or forced landing. Mail car-
or mitigated. '6) Such area as
shall hereafter be overtime service by immigration officers. ried as such may be removed from such
specified include possessions of the
to (b) Advance notice of arrival. No aircraft upon making an emergency or
United States not mentioned herein. aircraft coming into any area from any forced landing, but if so removed shall be
r vested by section
\ct of 1926 in the The regulations place outside thereof may land in such delivered at once to a responsible officer
in this part shall not
In the Secrs-
and area unless notice of the intended flight or employee of the postal service.*
be applicaWe in the Philippine Islands,
julatlon to provide
the Islands of Guam, Midway, American
has been furnished to the collector or § 4.4 Entry and clearance, (a) Air-
11air navigation of
relating to the ad- deputy collector of customs at the airport craft coming into any area from any
Samoa, Wake, Kingman Reef, and other
ind of the laws and Insular possessions not specified herein, of entry at or nearest the Intended place place outside the United States shall be
le entry and clear- of first landing in such area; nor unless entered (see § 4.8) In such area if land-
sly, shall extend to nor to the Virgin Islands except as speci-
of the the same notice has been furnished to ing is made therein. Aircraft coming
anner of any fied in subparagraph (5) of this para-
of any regulations graph until notice supplementary hereto the quarantine and the immigration into any area from another area shall
Is given.
officers in charge at or nearest such place. be entered (see § 4,9 (e)) in such area
Such notice shall specify the type of air- if landing is made therein and if car-
I OF THE PRESIDENt 'd) The term
"aircraft" means civil
craft, the registration marks thereon, the rying merchandise or passengers.
aircraft, i. e., any aircraft not used ex-
the Public Health name of the aircraft comnwider, the (b) Entry shall be made by the air-
nt of the Treasury clusively in the governmental service of
place of last departure, the^airport of craft commander at the airport of entry
ersonnel (Including the United States or a foreign country,
the Public Health entry, or other place at which landing at which the first landing is made in the
but includes any government-owned air-
lerred from the D*- has been authorized, number of alien pas- area. If, pursuant to § 4.3 (a), the first
• • craft engaged in carrying persons or
sury: • "T* sengers, number of citizen passengers, and landing occurs at a place not an airport
»r one agency to oe property for commercial purposes.
purity Agency, with the estimated time of arrival; and shall of entry, entry shall be made at the near-
<e> The term "aircraft commander"
jistrator at the head be sent so as to be received in sufficient est airport of entry or customs port of
have general dl- means the person serving on the aircraft time to enable the officers designated to
tall entry, unless some other place is desig-
Dver the admlnlstra- having charge or command of its opera-
consolidated Into
inspect the aircraft to reach the airport nated for that purpose by the Commis-
les tion and navigation. of entry or such other place of first land- sioner of Customs.
»ncy by this section
for the coordinatwn •
The term "scheduled airline"
ing prior to the arrival of the aircraft. (c) Aircraft departing from any area
ctlvltles. • •
means any Individual, partnership, cor- Such advance notice will not be required for foreign territory, or to take aboard or
functions of tne
e poration, or association engaged in air
relating to the aa-
in the case of aircraft of a scheduled air- discharge persons or merchandise any-
Health Service transportation upon regular schedules to, line arriving in accordance with the regu- where outside the United States, or de-
isferred to. and shs" over, or away from the United States or lar schedule filed with the collector of cus- parting from any area for another area
Federal Security from area to area and holding a Foreign toms for the district in which the place of ^

carrying passengers that must lie listed in

Air Carrier Permit or a Certificate of first landing in the area is situated and" clearance declaration (§ 4.9 (b), (e)) or
FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941 4519
Clearance required by this section Place and date of arrival,
*10) Notice reading, "The Journey (3) Name of aircraft commander, (d) TTie copy of the clearance decla-
residue cargo (see § 4.10a) or merchan- (c)
book shall contain the statements (4) Place and date of departure, ration for a departure from the United
may 'be obtained by the aircraft com- (5) Place and date of last departure log
dise mbond (Chapter XVI. Customs
mander at the customs port of entry from port or place outside the United prescribed for the United States public (5) Place of destination. States shall constitute a clearance cer-
Regulations. 1937; 19 CFR Part 16) health requirements (42 CFR 11.513)." (6) Place and date of last arrival in tificate when endorsed by the customs
(whether or not an airport of entry) at States;
shall be cleared (see § 4.9) in the area the area. officer in charge that clearance is
from which departing. or nearest each place at which merchan- and shall contain: I (c) The commander's entry
(d) The clearance shall be obtained dise or passengers, or both, are taken declaration required by this section shall and shall contain:
(6) Immigration the English
list in (e) The two copies of the clearance
aboard for discharge beyond the area. be in triplicate and be disposed of as
by the aircraft commander at the cus- language, typewritten or printed in ink, (7) Immigration list in the English declaration shall be furnished by the
toms port of entry (whether or not an In such case the clearance shall be lim- follows:
language, typewritten or printed in ink.
of all aliens employed in any capacity on aircraft commander when the clearance
airport of entry) at or nearest the place ited to the passengers and merchandise The original and both copies of the showing full name (family name and
board the aircraft at the time of arrival, (1) is to another area and the aircraft is
of last take-off from the area, unless taken aboard at such place. Otherwise shall be detached by given name), age. sex, and country of
showing full name (family name and immigration lists
some other place Is designated for that the clearance shall be obtained at the (1) carrying to or over that area pas-
given name) age. sex. country of which the aircraft commander and immediately which citizen or subject, of each alien
customs port of entry (whether or not
sengers that must be listed on clearance
purpose by the Collector of Customs. citizen or subject, country of birth, race upon arrival at the airport of entry or who was employed in* any capacity on
the an airport of entry) at or nearest the declaration: or
(e) This section shall not apply to (in accordance with instructions on back other first place of landing in an area the aircraft at the time of last arrival
scheduled airlines place of last take-off In the area unless him
immigra- from any place outside the United States (2) carrying residue cargo (§4.10a) or
entry of aircraft of of Information sheets required by this shall be delivered by to the ;

some other place for clearance Is desig- (3) carrying merchandise in bond
complying with the terms of §4.5. nor section in the case of passengers) num- . tion officer in charge at such airport or and (as shall be noted on the list) has
nated by the Collector of Customs.* (Chap. XVI, Customs Regulations. 1937;
to the clearance of such aircraft com- ber of airman's certificate, if any, place place, with an Information sheet In the been discharged in the United States or
§ 4.7 Documents, (a) The forms de- 19 CFR Part 16).
plying with the terms of § 4.6, nor to the and date of engagement, and position on case of each passenger unless within an has either deserted or is in hospital
scribed in §§ 4.8 and 4.9 shall be the pri-
clearance of any aircraft holding a per- the aircraft, and which of such aliens, if exception prescribed on the back of that there; also the same information as to The copies must have the endorsement
mary documents required for entry and
mit Issued by the Secretary of Commerce the listing of any, are to be discharged in the United sheet. One of these copies shall be for- each alien leaving the United States as of the customs officer in the area from
clearance of aircraft and
authorizing departure without clear- States. This requirement applies only warded promptly by the Immigration offi- an employee on the aircraft who was not which clearing that permit to proceed
passengers and merchandise carried such when It last arrived In the United
ance.* V to an aircraft which is arriving from out- cer to the Civil Aeronautics Administra- is granted. These copies and 'an Infor-
thereon and aliens employed on board States (such alien to be indicated as ad-
§4.5 EntTy of aircraft of scWBduled side the United States but does not apply tion. Washi;igton, D. C. mation sheet concerning each passen-
thereof. The forms of aircraft comman- This requirement applies only
airlines. (a) Aircraft operated by to any aircraft arriving at a land border (2) The ^iginal and triphcate of the ditional.) ger, unless within an exception pre-
der's entry declaration and aircraft com- to a departure to any place outside the
scheduled airlines coming into the United airportfrom Canada or Mexico nor when inward manifest shall be delivered by the scribed on the back of that sheet, shall
mander's clearance declaration shall be commander immediately United States but not to a departure
States from any place outside thereof such Information Is furnished in accord- aircraft to the upon arrival in the area to which
customs Forms 7523 and 7525. respec- from the Mainland or Alaska to Canada
shall make entry in the area of first ance with § 4.10. customs officer in charge at such air- cleared be disposed of by the aircraft
tively, approved by the Commissioner of or Mexico, nor If such information is
landing. (7) Immigration list In the English port or place. The duplicate thereof commander as follows:
Customs, the Administrator of Civil furnished in accordance with § 4.10.
language, typewritten or printed in ink, shall be retained by the aircraft com-
(b) Aircraft operated by scheduled Aeronautics, and the Conrniissloner of (I) The two
copies of the immigration
mander and forwarded promptly by him (8) Immigration list in the English
airlines coming from one area into an- of all passengers, showing full name
Immigration and Naturalization. The language, typewritten or printed In ink.
lists be detached, signed on the
(family name and given name), age, sex, to the comptroller of customs in whose
other area shall make entry therein, if: form information sheet concerning
of back as to correctness and completeness
country of which citizen or subject, and district such airport or place is located. of all passengers departing on the air-
( 1 Carrying to or over that area pas- passengers arriving on aircraft shall be craft, showing full name (family name
of the lists and of such information
place and country of embarkation. Ad- (3) The original inward manifest de-
sengers that must be listed in clearance Form 1-466 approved by the Commis- and given name), age, sex. country of
sheets, and delivered by the aircraft
ditional facts as to passengers shall be livered to the customs officer shall be for- commander, together with such sheets,
declaration (§4.9 (b). (e)); or sioner of Immigration and Naturaliza- which citizen or subject, and as to any
furnished on information sheets as re- warded by him to the comptroller of cus- to the immigration officer in charge at
(2) Canring residue cargo (§ 4.10a); tion. alien, the place and date of last arrival
and . quired by paragraph (c) of this section. toms above mentioned with appropriate the place of entry for use there as a list
or (b) The forms described In §§ 4.8
This subparagraph shall not apply to pas- in the United States. Additional facts
notations thereon showing the disposi-
Carrying merchandise in bond
(3) 4.9, except Information sheets, may be as to the passengers, when the aircraft is
of arriving passengers.
sengers arriving at a land border airport tion of the merchandise covered thereby.
(Chap. XVI. Customs Regulations. 1937; obtained from collectors of customs upon departing for another area, shall be fur- (II) ITie outward manifests shall be
from Canada or Mexico, or in travel be- The triplicate copy of the Inward mani- sworn to before the customs
19 CFR Part 16). prepayment by the owner or operator nished on information sheets as required officerin
tween the Mainland and Alaska. fest shall be retained by the customs of-
of the aircraft. A small quantity of such by paragraph charge at such plate of entry and de-
Entry required by this section In
(c) (8) Customs inward manifest when ficer as a record of entry of the aircraft
(e) of this section. This
forms will be set aside by collectors of subparagraph shall not apply to passen-
livered to him. One copy shall be re-
an area shall be made by the aircraft customs for free distribution or official
the aircraft arrives from a foreign port (Commerce).* tained by such officer as the coasting
commander at the place of landing pro- or place if such aircraft has on board gers departing from the Mainland or
use. The forms of Information sheets §4.9 Documents for clearance, (a) At Alaska to Canada or Mexico, or in travel manifest and the other transmitted by
vided for under § 4.3.* merchandise or baggage. The inward
may be obtained upon prepayment from manifest, properly executed, having the
the time of the departure of any aircraft between the Mainland and Alaska. him to the Bureau of Foreign and Do-
§ 4.6 Clearance of aircraft of sched- the Superintendent of Documents. Gov- from any area from which clearance is mestic Commerce, Department of Com-
airway bills attached, will be acceptable, (9) Outward manifest containing the
uled airlines, (a) Aircraft operated by ernment Printing Office. Washington. required by § 4.4 or § 4.6 the aircraft following merce, Washington, D. C*
provided such manifest bears a notation data with respect to each
scheduled airlines departing for any place D. C. small quantity of information
A commander shall deliver: shipment: marks, numbers, description CTross Reference: For export of aircraft,
outside the United States may clear from such as "Express as per airway bills at-
sheets will be set aside by immigration and quantity of articles, and name and see Laws and Regulations administered by
the area of departure, but clearance shall tached" and shows the waybill numberj. <1) Shipper's export declarations on the Secretary of State governing the Inter-
officers In charge for free distribution or address of consignee.
Customs Form 5119 may be used in lieu Commerce Form 7525 to thecustoms of-
be mandatory only during any period offical use. The forms may be printed (10) A statement subscribed by the
national Traffic in Arms, Ammunition, and
of the inward manifest If the merchan- ficer in charge for all cargo on the air- Implements of War and other Munitions of
covered by a proclamation of the Presi- by private parties provided the forms so aircraft commander that the informa- War, and supplements thereto; 32 CFR Part 1.
dent that a state of war exists between dise or baggage consists of a single sh p- craft (also for
the aircraft itself if being
printed conform to the official form In tion in the immigration lists Is to the
foreign nations, or the. aircraft Is: ment and does not exceed one hundred flown from the United States for foreign § 4.10 Omission of lists of aliens em-
size, wording, arrangement, and quality best of his knowledge and belief correct
dollars In value. (For rule applicable to account) , and ployed on board aircraft. The Informa-
(1) Beginning a flight in that area; and color of paper.* An
aircraft commander's clearance and complete, and an oath to the out-
arrival in an area from another area, see (2) tion required by §§ 4.8 to 4.9 as to aliens
or § Documents for entry, (a) At
4.8 declaration in accordance with this sec- ward manifest to be subscribed and employed on board an aircraft may be
§ 4.9 (e).)
Carrying from that area merchan-
(2) the time any aircraft arriving from out- tion. sworn to by the aircraft commander. omitted from the aircraft commander's
side the United States lands In any area
NoTi. Ifequipment has been added or
dise or such passengers as must be listed repairs made abroad to an aircraft of United Such oath may be executed before a entry and clearance declarations in the
The .above documents may be filed pro
In clearance declaration (§ 4.9); or in which making of entry Is required by States registry, the procedure applicable to customs officer having authority to ad- case of aircraft operated by a scheduled
commander forma if the aircraft is departing from
§ or § 4.5.
4.4 the aircraft vessels In such cases under the customs minister oaths in the performance of his
(3) There are one or more aliens that the United States and prior to departure airline if its schedules and a list (on a
shall deliver regulations in force at the time of arrival of official duties, or other person having
must be listed on the part of clearance such aircraft shall be followed. (Art. 128. a bond be given on Commerce Form form approved by the Commissioner of
book to CFR authority to administer oaths generally.
declaration relating to aliens employed (1) The aircraft's Journey log Customs Regulations, 1937; 19 $ 2.10.)
1378B or 1380 and the completed docu- Immigration and Naturalization) of such
(§ 4.9). the quarantine officer for inspection as (9) A Statement
subscribed by the air- ments be delivered pursuant thereto not (c) The aircraft commander's clear- information as to all aliens employed on
to entries required by § 4.10c. and ance declaration shall consist of the board the aircraft have been filed by
(b) Aircraft operated by scheduled craft commander that the Information later than the fourth day after departure,
(2) An aircraft commander's entry original, with one copy if the aircraft is the operator of the aircraft with the im-
airlines departing from any area for an- in the immigration lists and Information provided that during any period covered
declaration In accordance with this Is to the best of
his by a proclamation of the President that departing from the United States, and Immigration and Naturalization) of such
other area shall clear In the area from sheets as required
section. two copies whenever required by para- of arrival (and at the airport of de-
which departing. If: knowledge and belief correct and com- a state of war exists between foreign na-
mani- graph (e) of this section. The original parture If other than the airport of ar-
Aircraft arriving in an area from an- plete, and an oath to the inward tions no aircraft shall be cleared for a for-
(1) Carrying passengers that must be sworn to by immigration lists shall be detached and rival) shown on such schedules. From
other area shall deliver docimients as fest to be subscribed and eign port until the shipper's export dec-
listed on clearance declaration (§ 4.9 (b), oath promptly filed by the aircraft comman- that list such officer shall keep as to
specified by § 4.9 (e) and § 4.10a. the aircraft commander. Such larations have been filed with the customs
(e)) or der with the immigration officer In each alien a card record on a form pre-
aircraft commander's may be executed before a customs offi-
(b) The entry officer in charge.
(2) Carrying residue cargo (§ 4.10a); oaths charge. The original outward manifest scribed by the Commissioner of Immigra-
declaration shall set forth: cer having authority to administer <b) The clearance declaration shall set
or duties, shall be delivered by the aircraft com- tion and Naturalization. Whenever an
bond (1) Identification marks of aircraft, in the performance of his official forth:
Carrying merchandise
(3) in to mander to the customs officer in charge alien so listed shall be left in a hospital
(2) Name and address of owner. or other person having authority
(Chap. XVI. Customs Regulations. 1937; <1) Identification marks of aircraft, to be retained by him as a record of in the United States or ceases to be in
Name of aircraft commander, administer oaths generally.
19 CFR Part 16). (3) .
(2) Ntime and address of owner. clearance. the employ of the operator, the latter
No. 171 3
4520 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, t941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941 4521
Journey log book* statements as to the For regulations relating to parrots, see 42 (d) For the penalty of any violation of
with such immigration officer
shall file tained on board. For this purpose two (2) The term "person" means any in-
CFR, 1939 Supp., Part 16; also at 4 FH. 1766.
additional copies of the outward mani- occurrence of plague, cholera, yellow the regulations in this part relating to
at such airport a report covering the dividual, partnership, association, corpo-
fest on the aircraft commander's clear- fever, typhus fever, and smallpox in the (g) Entries in journey log book of de- Immigration, see further regulations in
date, place, and manner of leaving the ration or other form of business enter-
ance declaration, as prescribed In 9 4.9, country from which the aircraft de- parting aircraft. Any aircraft clearing 8 CFR Part 116 applying Immigration
alien in a hospital or the discontinuance prise.
shall be used. These duplicate mani- parted and In countries In which land- from any area for any place outside the laws and regulations to civil air naviga- (3) The term "producer" means any
of his employment. The name, place and
fests, together with a copy of the com- ings are made en There also shall
route. United States may obtain from the quar- tion. person who mines or otherwise produces
date of employment of any other or ad-
be entered In the Journey log book state- antine officer for entry in the journey log
ditional alien on board, for inclusion in plete Inward manifest on the aircraft Liability to penalties with respect
(e) natural materials containing recoverable
commander's entry declaration filed on ments as to £uiy sanitary measures un- book information regarding the occur- to any one
of the sets of laws, I. e., the
the list so filed, shall be reported quantities of tungsten.

arrival from the foreign port or place dergone before departure or at such rence of plague, cholera, yellow fever, customs laws, the public health laws, the (4) The term "processor"
promptly by the operator to such im- means any
and certified by the properly authorized landings. These statements shall be typhus fever, and smallpox in the area. entry and clearance laws, and the immi- person who prepares ores, concentrates
migration oCBcer at such airport.*
§ 4 10a Residue cargo; customs, (a) customs officer, with a certificate (cus- verified and signed by the officers in (h) General provisions. Except as gration laws, under which the regulations or any chemical or metallurgical forms
Tariff Act of 1930. section 442 (19 U.S.C. toms Form 3221. appropriately modi- charge of the airports from which the otherwise provided in the regulations in In this part are prescribed, shall be sepa- of tungsten for any Industrial use.
fled) attached thereto, shall be fvir- aircraft departed and at which it landed this part aircraft and the passengers and rate from such liability with respect to (5) The term "dealer" means any per-
nished to the aircraft commander for en route. In addition the aircraft com- merchandise and baggage carried there- any other set of such laws.* son who procures tungsten either by im-
• • • Any vessel arriving from a for- mander shall enter a statement as to the
deposit at the next port. Commerce on, arriving from any place outside the porting or from domestic sources for re-
eign port or place having on board merchan- [SEAL] Herbert E. Gaston,
dise shown by the manifest to be destined Form 1385 shall not be used. occurrence of any sickness among the United States, shall be subject to the sale without change in form, whether or
Acting Secretary of the Treasury.
to a port or ports In the United States other (f) Except as specified in this section,
passengers and persons employed on United States quarantine laws and regu- not such person receives title to or physi-
than the port of entry at which such vessel Paul V. McNdtt.
the customs regulation requirements ap- board and as to any sanitary treatment lations applicable to vessels so arriving, cal delivery of the material, and includes
flrst arrived and made entry may proceed Federal Security Administrator.
with such merchandise from port to port or plicable to residue vessel cargo shall ap- performed en route. in so far as such laws and regulations selling agents, warehousemen, and
South Trimble, Jr.,
from district to district for the unlading ply to residue aircraft cargo.* (d) Spraying of arriving aircraft. are applicable to aircraft.* brokers.
Cross Retxiienci: For residue vessel cargo,
Any aircraft bound for the United States, i 4.10d General provisions entry and — Acting Secretary of Commerce.
Francis Biddle, (6) "Defense Order" means:
Tariff Act of 1930. section 443 (19 from any place South America or trop-
in clearance. All navigation laws and regu-
(b) see Art. 150. Customs Regulations. 1937; see Acting Attorney General. (i) Any contract or order for material
U.S.C. 1443) 19 CFR i ical Africa, or from any other region lations pertaining to the entry and clear-
where yellow fever may appear, shall be August 28. 1941. or equipment to be delivered to, or for the
ance of vessels shall apply to civil air-
Merchandise arriving In any vessel for de- §4.10b General provisions; customs. account of:
livery In different districts or ports of entry
sprayed during flight with an insecticide craft to such extent and upon such con- (F. R. Doc. 41-6636; Filed, August 29, 1941;
Except as otherwise in the regulations in
shall be described In the manifest In the approved by the Surgeon General of the ditions as are specifled In the regulations 4:28 p. in.] (a) The Army or Navy
of the United
this part provided aircraft arriving from
order of the districts or ports at or In which Public Health Service. The spraying In this part.* Maritime Com-
States, the United States
the same Is to be unladen. Before any ves- contiguous foreign territory and the per-
shall be performed as soon as possible 1 4.10e Penalties, (a) Any person mission, the Panama Canal, the Coast
sel arriving In the United States with any sons, merchandise, and baggage carried
such merchandise shall depart from the after departure from the last foreign violating any customs regulation relating and Geodetic Survey, the Coast Guard,
thereon shall be subject to the customs
port of flrst arrival the master shall obtain port. In accordance with such method as to aircraft or £ny provision of the cus- TITLE 32— NATIONAL DEFENSE the Civil Aeronautics Authority, the Na-
from the collector a permit therefor with a laws and regulations applicable to ve-
may be prescribed by the Surgeon Gen- toms laws or regulations made
applicable tional Advisory Commission for Aero-
certified copy of the vessel's manifest show- hicles arriving from contiguous foreign CHAPTER IX—OFFICE OF PRODUC-
eral of the Public Health Service. The to aircraft by § 4.10b shall be subject to a nautics, the Office of Scientific Research
ing the quantities and particulars of the and and the passen-
merchandise entered at such port of entry
territory: aircraft,
same provision applies to aircraft bound civil ^nalty of $500, and any aircraft
TION MANAGEMENT and Development;
gers and merchandise and baggage car-
and of that remaining on board.
ried thereon, arriving from any other
for the mainland of the United States used in connection with any such violation —
Subchapter B Priorities Division (b) The government of any of the fol-
Tariff Act of 1930, section 444 (19
from any United States insular port. shall be subject to seizure and for- lowing countries: The United Kingdom,
place outside the United States, shall be PART 923 tungsten
(e) Statement of whereabouts of pas- feiture, as provided for in the customs
U.S.C. 1444): subject to the customs laws and regula- Canada and other Dominions, Crown
sengers and crew. The commander of laws. Such penalty and forfeiture may General Preference Order M-29 to Con-
within twenty-four hours after the arrival tions applicable to vessels so arriving, in Colonies and Protectorates of the British
of such vessel at another port of entry, the
any aircraft arriving in the United States be remitted or mitigated by the Secretary serve the Supply and Direct the Dis- Empire, Belgium, China, Greece, The
so far as such laws and regulations are from any place in the Western Hemi-
master shall report the arrival of his vessel of the Treasury, tribution of Tungsten Kingdom of the Netherlands, Norway,
to the collector at such port and shall pro- applicable to aircraft.' sphere located within the region oounded
duce the permit Issued by the collector at § 4.10cPublic health requirements — by 30 degrees south latitude and 13 de-
(b) Any person violating
health regulation relating to aircraft or
any public
Whereas, the national defense require- Poland, Russia and Yugoslavia.
the port of first arrival, together with a cer- ments have created a shortage
(a) Release by Public Heaith Service. grees north latitude, or from any place any provision of the public health laws or
of tung- (ID Anycontract or order placed by
tified copy of his manifest.
No passengers or persons employed on In the African Continent located within regulations made applicable to aircraft
sten, as hereinafter defined, for defense, any agency of the United States Govem-
(d) Merchandise destined beyond board any aircraft arriving from any the region bounded by 8 degrees south for private account, and for export and .ment for material or equipment to be de-
by S 4.10c shall be subject to a civil pen-
place of first landing. Aircraft arriving place outside the United States or land- latitude and 16 degrees north latitude. alty of $500, and any aircraft used in
it Is necessary. In the public Interest and livered to, or for the account of, the gov-
In an area with merchandise on board ing in an area from another area shall or from any other place where yellow to promote the defense of the United ernment of any coimtry listed above, or
connection with such violation shall be
from any place outside the United States be permitted to leave the aircraft at the fever may appear, shall furnish the subject to seizure and forfeiture, as pro-
States, to conserve the supply and direct any other country, including those in
destined to or through another area may place of first landing or the airport of quarantine officer with a written state- vided for In the public health laws and
the distribution thereof; the Western Hemisphere, pursuant to the
proceed with such merchandise to the entry in the United States except by au- ment showing the whereabouts of all section 11 (b) and (c) of the Air Com- Now, therefore, it is hereby ordered Act of March 11. 1941, entitled "An Act
place of first landing in the other area thority of the quarantine officer assigned passengers and members of the crew for merce Act of 1926 (49 U.S.C. 181 (b) (c) ) that: to Promote the Defense of the United

Such and any mall, a period of 6 days prior to embarkation

under the procedure prescribed in the
next paragraph, upon the giving of a
thereto. aircraft
baggage, cargo, or other contents on for the United States.
Such penalty and forfeiture may be re- § 923.3 General preference order — (a) States," (Lend-Lease Act).
(ill) Any other contract or order to
mitted or mitigated by the Federal Se- Definitions. For the purposes of this
bond on customs Form 7567 or 7569 (see board shall be held at such place or air- (f) Importations of living disease or-
curity Administrator. which the Director of Priorities assigns a
(For Order
T.D. 45474, 61 Treas. Dec. 362. 378, 380). port until released by such officer. ganisms and vectors, shaving brushes, preference rating of A-10 or higher.
(c) Any person violating any of the
When such aircraft has on board no mer- procedure in the case of emergency or and parrots. Importations of living dis-
provisions of the regulations in this part
( 1) "Tungsten" means and includes (Iv) Any contract or order for material
chandise from any place outside the forced landing, see § 4.3 (d).) ease organisms and vectors, of sharing relating to the entry and clearance of (i) Ores and concentrates, including or equipment required by the person plac-
United States and if no bond on customs (b) Special sanitary treatment. Any or lather brushes, and of birds of the ing the same to fulfill his contracts or
aircraft under the laws and regulations beneflclated or treated forms, containing
Form 7567 or 7569 is on file covering aircraft arriving from any foreign port parrot family are subject to the special
administered by the Secretary of Com- orders on hand, provided such material
tungsten (commercially recognized)
such aircraft, but immediate clearance is or place which the quarantine officer de- regulations prescribed therefor.
merce shall be subject to a civil penalty or equipment is to be physically incor-
(U) The element tungsten In pure
requested, a bond on Commerce Form clares to be of such menace that it can Citoss Retirences For regixlatlons relating porated in material or equipment to be
of $500 and any aircraft used in connec- form, ferro-tungsten, tungsten in the
1378B. "Bond of vessel or aircraft to pro- not be adequately or safely handled at the to living disease organisms and vectors, see tion with any such violation shall be sub- delivered under contracts or orders in-
42 CFR $ 11.234; also at 3 FR
555 form of metal powder, and other com-
duce complete manifest and/or export airport of first or intended landing shall cluded under (i), (li), or (ill) above.
For regulations relating to brushes, see 42 ject toseizure and forfeiture in accord- binations with other elements in semi-
declarations", shall be required, unless a be required to proceed with all passengers CFR, 1939 Supp., § 11 233; also at 4 FR 1287. ance with the provisions of the Air Com- manufactured or manufactured form,
term bond on Commerce Form 1380 has (b)Directions as to deliveries. De-
and persons employed on board and all merce Act of 1926, as amended. Such prepared for consumption in the manu-
been filed. mail, baggage, cargo, or other contents
liveries oftungsten by any person shall
'For this purpose, a Journey log book 1« penalty and forfeiture may be remitted or facture of steel, or for other purposes.
any document or book containing the fol- be made only In accordance with the fol-
(e) Documents. An aircraft com- on board, as may be designated by such mitigated by the Secretary of Commerce.
lowing information: (l) nationality and (ill) All chemical compounds having lowing directions:
mander's entry declaration as pre- officer, to an airport indicated by such
Identificationmarks of aircraft; (2) name tungsten as an essential and recognizable

scribed in § 4.8 shall be filed at the officer to have adequate facilities for such and address of owner of aircraft; (3) name 'For this ptirpose, a Jotuney log book is (1) A-10 assigned to certain defense
port of flrst arrival in the United States treatment as shall be prescribed by him. and address of commander of aircraft: (4) *ny document or book containing the follow- component
orders. Deliveries under ail Defense Or-
from any place outside thereof. Upon (c) Entries in journey log book of ar- point of origin; (5) point of ultimate desti- ing Information:
(1) nationality and Identi- (iv) All scrap or secondary material
ders to which a preference rating of A-10
nation; (6) place and time of departure on fication marks of aU-craft; (2) name and ad-
containing commercially
departure from such port of first ar- riving aircraft. Any aircraft departing trip; Intermediate stops and time « dress of owner of aircraft; (3) name and
recoverable or higher has not been sfSecifically as-
rival there shall be filed a manifest in for the United States from any place out- arrival at each stop; and (8) remarks; slgnea address of
tungsten as defined in (I) (11) and (ill) , ,
signed are hereby assigned a preference
commander of aircraft; (4) point
duplicate of all foreign cargo then re- side thereof shall have entered In the by the aircraft commander. of origin; (5) point of ultimate destination; above. rating of A-10.
(6) and time of departure on trip; (7)
intermediate stops and time of arrival at each (2) Sequence of preference ratings.
' With respect to other laws and regulations
•top: and
(8) remaiks; signed by the aircraft relating to aircraft. Inquiry may be made of
Preference ratings In orJer of preced-
commander. the Collector of Customs. ence are: AA, A-l-a, A-l-b, etc

4522 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941

A-10. etc.. AA or purchase orders for such material, prise owned or controlled by the same
A-l-J; A-2. A-3, etc without the spe(
subject to the following provisions: person.
being the highest rating presently as- rector of Priorit
(10) Effect of order: damages. The
signed. (i) Defense Orders shall be accepted dar month. th(
prohibitions or restrictions in this order
(3) Doubtful cases. Whenever there Is even if acceptance will render impossible, will at such tir
shall, in the absence of a contrary direc-
doubt as to the preference rating ap- or result in deferment of: determine alloci
tion, apply to all deliveries made after
plicable to any delivery, or as to whether a tungsten, tungs
(a) Deliveries under non-defense or- the effective date of this order, including
particular order is a Defense Order, the tungsten chemi
ders previously accepted; or deliveries under contracts or purchase
matter is to be referred to the Division processed into

(b) Deliveries under Defense Orders orders accepted either prior to or subse-
of Priorities for determination, with a among persons
previously accepted bearing lower prefer- quent to such effective date. No person
statement of all pertinent facts. specifically direc
<i) Every
ence ratings, unless rejection is specifi- shall be held liable for damages or penal- in which
(4) Sequence of deliveries. titles
cally permitted by the Director of ties for any default under any contract made and ac
delivery under a Defense Order shall be be
Priorities. or purchase order which results directly
made in preference to deliveries under or indirectly from his compliance with
such allocations
other orders whenever, and to the extent, (ii) Defense Orders need not be ac- rector of Priorit
the terms of this order. any
necessary to fulfill the delivery schedule cepted : sidcratlon ]

(11) Inventory restrictions. Unless and supply oth(

provided in the Preference Rating Cer- (a) If delivery on schedule thereunder
specifically authorized by the EMrector of of tungsten ore
tificate covering such delivery, or in the would be impossible by reason of the re- Priorities, no person shall, after the ef- materials, as wi
contract or purchase order if no Certif- quirements of Defense Orders previously fective date of this Order, knowingly and tungsten n;
icate has been issued. Deliveries bear- accepted bearing higher or equal prefer-
ing no preference rating or lower pref-
make delivery of tungsten, and no person sten chemical co
ence ratings, unless acceptance is specifi- shall accept delivery thereof, in an
erence ratings shall be deferred to the tlons and direct
cally directed by the Director of Pri- amount, quantity, or number which will
extent necessary to assure those deliv- marily to insurt
orities; or
increase for any current month the in- fense requiremei
eries bearing higher preference ratings, (b) the tungsten ordered is not of
ventory of such tungsten of the person and
even though such deferment may cause the kind usually produced or capable of
both direct
accepting delivery, in the same or other made. In
defaults vmder existing contracts or pur- being produced by the person to whom
be th*
forms, in excess of the amount, quantity,
chase orders. Each person who has De- the Defense Order is offered; or
rector of Priori
or number necessary to meet required de- any preference
fense Orders on hand must so schedule (c) If the person seeking to place the

liveries of the products of the person ac- ticular contracts

his production and deliveries that deliv- Defense Order is unwilling or unable to cepting delivery, on the basis of his
eries under Defense Orders will be made meet regularly established prices and
(14) Limitatic
current method and rate of operation. manufacture of
on the dates required, giving precedence terms of sale, but there shall he no dis- This provision shall not prohibit or re- pounds. Beglnn
in case of unavoidable delay to deliveries crimination against Defense Orders in strict: in the absence oi
bearing the higher preference ratings. establishing such prices or terms of sale;
(i) Deliveries for direct export out of the Director ol
(ii) The sequence of deliveries bearing or
the United States provided that such ex- shall, during an^
the same preference rating shall be gov- (d) If compliance with the delivery
erned by the delivery dates specified in dates specified in such defense orders ports shall have been licensed by the Ad- deliveries of tu
ministrator of Export Control; pounds or manu
the respective Preference Rating Cer- would require the termination or alter-
(ii) Deliveries of imported tungsten to from tungsten o:
tificates assigned thereto, or if the rat- ation before completion of a specific pro-
ings were assigned by order or direction_ duction schedule already commenced, any person Importing the same, either used in either i

directly or through an agent; than the manufi

of the Director of Priorities, but no Cer- but this provision shall not authorize re-
(111) Deliveries of tungsten to the Met- powder. In a qui
tificates were issued, then by the dates jection when such schedule can be termi-
als Reserve Corporation. aggregate by we
specified in the contracts or purchase or- nated or altered without substantial loss
average monthl;
ders. In any case where preference rat- to the producer or processor. (12) Restrictions onmaking and ac-
chemical compo
ings and delivery dates are the same, and cepting deliveries. Beginning Septem-
(8) Rejected orders and deferred de- manufactured b:
it is impossible to make all deliveries on ber 1. 1941. no producer, processor or
liveries. When a Defense Order for during the year
schedule, the matter is to be referred to dealer shall make, and no person shall
tungsten has been rejected or delivery (15) CiviUan 6
the Division of Priorities for determina- accept delivery of. tungsten unless the
thereunder has been unreasonably or Im- limitations and
person seeking delivery shall have filed
properly deferred in violation of this Or- this Order and
(5) Delivery schedules. No earlier de- der, the person seeking to place such in duplicate (one copy with the person
Defense Orders,
livery date shall be specified in any De- from whom the tungsten is ordered, and

order or obtain such delivery may file preference ratin

fense Order than required by the pro- with the Division of Priorities a verified one copy with the Division of Priorities) other contracts
duction or delivery schedules of the per- report in the form to be prescribed by not later than the 20th day of the month
son placing the Defense Order. No pref-
be made. Any
next preceding the month in which de-

the Division of Priorities, setting forth preforence ratlni

erence rating will be assigned to any con- the facts in connection with the rejec- livery is specified. Form PD-9. or such
sued by the Dir
tract or purchase order specifying de- tion or deferment. When the facts set other form or forms as the Division of
respect to the rei
livery dates earlier or quantities greater forth justify such action, the Director Priorities may from time to time pre-
after the satisfa
than required by the production or deliv- of Priorities will thereupon direct the scribe. The Director of Priorities may
quircments, dire(
ery schedules of the person placing the person against whom complaint is made in his discretion from time to time issue
accordance with
contract or purchase order. to submit a sworn statement, setting specific directions exempting particular
OfBcf of Price A
(6) Use of material obtained under al- forth the circumstances concerning the customers or classes of customers from
the provisions of this paragraph (b) (12)
ian Supply may
location or preference rating. Any per- alleged rejection or deferment. There-
son who obtains a delivery of tungsten after, such action will be taken by the on the basis of the limited character of (c) Records.
under an order or* specific direction of Director of Priorities as he deems ap- their requirements for tungsten. thisorder shall
the Director of Priorities, or a delivery Special restrictions on deliveries
(13) period of not less
and complete rec
of such material bearing a preference (9) Intra-company deliveries. The of ferro-tungsten, tungsten metal pou:-
rating, must use such material, or an prohibitions^ or restrictions contained in der, and tungsten chemical compounds of tungsten, ani
equivalent amount thereof, for the pur- this Order shall. In the absence of a con- to be processed into tungsten metal pow- transactions in s
ords shall Includ
pose specified in connection with the is- tary direction, apply not only to der. In addition to all other limita-
tracts or purch
suance of the order, direction, or rating. deliveries to other persons, including ed- tions and restrictions contained in this
(7) Acceptance of defense orders. order, beginning September 1, 1941,
no Preference Rati
filiates and subsidiaries, but also to de-
Defense Orders for tungsten, whether or liveries from one branch, division, or person shall make or accept delivery of Panying them, th
not accompanied by a Preference Rating section of a single business enterprise to ferro-tungsten. tungsten metal powder, les thereunder,
Certificate, must be accepted and ful- another branch, division, or section of or tungsten chemical compounds to terial covered bj
processed into tungsten metal powder chase orders, de;
filled in preference to any other contracts the same or any other business enter-
classes, types. (
alues, the pai
transaction, the

FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 5, 1941 4523

1 by the same
without the specific authority of the Di- any, assigned to deliveries under such the obligation of complying with the
rector of Priorities. During each calen- contracts or purchase orders, details of terms of this order.
damages. The dar month, the Director of Priorities all Defense Orders either accepted or
s in this order (1) Revocation of general preference
will at such time or times as he may and rejected, and other pertinent
contrary dlrec-
oflfered order M-3 and supplementary order
determine allocate the supply of ferro- information.
ies made after M-3-a.' General Preference Order M-3
tungsten. tungsten metal powder, and (d) Audit and inspection. All records
)rder, includmg to direct the distribution of Perro-Tung-
tungsten chemical compounds to be required to be kept by this order shall, sten. Tungsten Metal Powder, and Tung-
Ls or purchase
processed into tungsten metal powder, upon request, be submitted to audit and
ior to or subse- sten Compounds, and Supplementary Or-
among persons seeking deliveries, and Inspection by duly authorized representa- der M-3-a, both issued on March 26r
ite. No person
specifically direct the manner and quan- tives of the OfBce of Production Manage- 1941, by the Director of Priorities, are
nages or penal-
tities in which deliveries thereof may ment.
;r any contract hereby revoked eff edtive as of the effective
be made and accepted. In making any (e) Reports. (1) All persons affected date of this order. \
results directly
such allocations and directions, the Di- by this order shall execute and file with
jmpliance with (j) Effective Dates. This order shall
rector of Priorities may take into con- the OflQce of Production Management take effect on the 31 day of August 1941,
sideration any person's stocks on hand such reports and questionnaires as said
ictions. Unless and unless sooner terminated by direc-
and supply otherwise available to him, OflBce shall from time to time request. tion of the Director of Priorities, shall
the EMrector of of tungsten ore, concentrates or scrap
11, after the ef-
No reports or questionnaires are to be expire on the 31st day of December. 1941.
materials, as well as of ferro-tungsten filed by any person until forms therefor
der, knowingly (O.P.M. Reg. 3, March 7, 1941, 6 F.R.
and tungsten metal powder and tung- are prescribed by the OfBce of Produc-
and no person 1596; E.O. 8629, Jan. 7. 1941, 6 F.R. 191 J
sten chemical compounds. Such alloca- tion Management. sec. 2 (a). Public No. 671, 76th Congress,
hereof, in an tions and directions will be made pri-
nber which will (2) Until otherwise instructed by the 3rd Session, as amended by Public No. 89,
marily to insure satisfaction of all de-
month the in- OflBce of Production Management, no 77th Congress, sec. 9. Public No. 783, 76th
fense requirements of the United States,
1 of the person producer who regularly and promptly Congress)
both direct and Indirect, and they may
> same or other files such reports as may be requested by
be made. In the discretion of the Di- Issued this 30 day of August 1941.
aount, quantity, the Bureau of Mines will be required to
rector of Priorities, without regard to E. R. Stettinius, Jr.,
leet required de- file any reports with said Oflftce.
any preference ratings assigned to par- Director of Priorities.
r the person ac-
ticular contracts or purchase orders. (f) False statements and violations.
le basis of his (1) Any person who wilfully falsifies any IP. R. Doc. 41-fl587: Piled, August 30, 1941;
Limitations on deliveries and
10:44 a. m.j
:e of operation.
manufacture of tungsten chemical com- records which he Is required to keep by
prohibit or re- pounds. Beginning September 1, 1941, the terms of this order or by the Director
the absence of a contrary direction by of Priorities, or who otherwise wilfully
:t export out of
the Director of Priorities, no person furnishes false information to the Direc- PART 946 —TRICRESYL AND TRIPHENYL
during any calendar month, accept tor of Priorities, the OfBce of Production PHOSPHATES
»d that such ex- shall,

insed by the Ad- deliveries of tungsten chemical com- Management, or the Bureau of Mines; General Preference Order M-IB to Con-
ntrol; pounds or manufacture such compounds and any person who obtains a delivery or serve the Supply and Direct the Dis-
rted tungsten to from tungsten ore or concentrates, to be a preference rating for a delivery by tribution of Tricresyl and Triphenyl
he same, either used in either case for purposes other means of a material and wilful misstate- Phosphates
jent; than the manufacture of tungsten metal ment, may be prohibited by the Director
of Priorities from making or obtaining Whereas the national defense require-
sten to the Met- powder. In a quantity which will in the
further deliveries of tungsten. The Di- ments have created a shortage of Tri-
aggregate by weight exceed 90 7o of the
cresyl and Triphenyl Phosphates for de-
average monthly quantity of tungsten rector of Priorities may also take any
making and ac-
other action deemed appropriate, includ- fense, for private account, and for export
chemical compounds delivered to, and and it is necessary, in the public interest
inning Septem- ing the making of a recommendation for
manufactured by him for such purposes
er. processor or prosecution under section 35 of the Crim-
and to promote the defense of the United
(luring the year ending June 30, 1941.
no person shall States, to CMiserve the supply and direct
'15) Civilian deliveries. Subject to the inal Code (18U.S.C. 80).
fsten unless the the distribution thereof;
shall have filed
limitations and restrictions contained In (2) Any person affected by this order Now, therefore, it is hereby ordered
with the person
this Order and after satisfaction of all who violates any of Its provisions or a that:
Defense Orders, and other orders bearing provision of any other order issued by
1 Is ordered, and
on of Priorities)
preference ratings, deliveries under any the Director of Priorities, may be pro- § 945.1 General preference order (a) —
hibited by the Director from making or Priority control. Control of the supply
lay of the month
other contracts or purchase orders may
be made. Any allocations made or any receiving deliveries of tungsten, or he and direction *of the distribution of Tri-
Xh in which de-
cresyl and Triphenyl Phosphates is
1 PD-9. or such
preforence ratings or other directions is- may be subjected to such other or further
sued by the Director of Priorities with action as the Director may deem hereby taken by the Director of Priorities,
the Division of and future transactions of any kind
respect to the residual supply of tungsten approprate.
ne to time pre- in Tricresyl and Triphenyl Kiosphates
after the satisfaction of all defense re-
f Priorities may (g) Appeal. Any person affected by are regulated and governed by the pro-
(lulrcments, direct or indirect, shall be In this order who considers that compliance
to time issue visions and
definitions contained in Regu-
accordance with such program as the herewith would work an exceptional and
ipting particular lation No.
Offlco of Price Administration and Civil- the Priorities Division of
1 of
customers from imreasonable hardship upon him, may
the OfBce of Production Management,
ragraph (b) (12»
ian Supply may determine. appeal to the Division of Priorities by ad-
issued on the 27th day of August, 1941.
ited character of 'O Records. All persons affected by dressing a letter to the Division of Priori-
except as herein otherwise specifically
ungsten. this order shall keep and preserve for a ties, OfBce of Production Management,
ons on deliveries period of not less than two years accurate Social Security Building, Washington,
(b) A-10 rating assigned to additional
metal poic- and complete records of their inventories D. C, setting forth the pertinent facts
steri orders. An A-10 rating is hereby assigned
nical compounds of tungsten, and of the details of all and the reasons such person considers to any contract or order placed or offered
gsten metal pov:- transactions In such material. Such rec- that he is entitled to relief. The Director
by any purchaser of Tricresyl and Tri-
other limita- ords shall include the dates of all con- of Priorities may thereupon take such ac-
ill phenyl Phosphates for the delivery of
lontained in this tracts or purchase orders, and in any tion as he deems appropriate.
Tricresyl and Triphenyl Phosphates re-
mber 1. 1941. no Preference Rating Certificates accom- (h) Notification of customers. Any quired by the purchaser to fulfill any de-
ccept delivery of panying them, the dates of actual deliver- person who is prohibited from, or re- fense order which he has on hand, and
n metal powder. ies thtreimder,
description of the ma- stricted in, making deliveries of tungsten any such contract or order shall itself be
;ompounds to be terial covered by such contracts or pur- by the provisions of this order shall, as deemed a defense order.
n metal powder chase orders, description of deliveries by soon as practicable, notify each of his (c) Directions with respect to residual
clas.«(s. types, quantities, weights, and regular customers of the requirements of supply. Any allocations made or any
Values, the parties involved in each this order, but the failure to give such
transaction, the preference ratings, if notice shall not excuse any customer from '
6 F Ji. 1675, 3039.

Wednesday, September 1941


Deliveries imder Defense Orders

preference ratings or other directions Is- above tools that have inserted or brazed (1)
cember 1, 1941,
cutting edges made with cemented car-
shall be made in preference to deliveries i

sued by the Director of Priorities with re- under all other orders whenever, and to A-l-b rating ca
spect to the residual supply of Trlcresyl bide tips or hard-alloy tips are Included. vember 1, 194
the extent, necessary to assure fulfill-
and Triphenyl Phosphates after the satis- (!) "Special" means an Item of a type ment of the delivery schedule specified should defer p
faction of all defense requirements, direct or size not regularly listed In a manu- In such Defense Orders or in any Indi- eries on the on
or indirect, will be in accordance with facturer's catalogue as of June 1, 1941, vidual preference rating certificates as- only to the ext€
such Program as the Office of Price Ad- and includes machine broaches. signed thereto, whichever schedule be Is necessary in
ministration and Civilian Supply may excluded under the order
(ii) Items may be Included or earlier.
determine. the Direc- Preference ratings, In order of ber 1941.)
from time to time by order of (2) 1. ,

(d) Effective dates. This Order shall tor of Priorities. precedence, are: AA, A-l-a. A-l-b. etc.. where Imn^a
take effect on the 30th day of August, A-l-j; A-2. A-3. etc A-10. higher preferen
"Defense Order" means:
. . .

1941. and, unless sooner terminated by

(2) Defense contract or ord
(3) Deliveries under all Or-
direction of the Director of Priorities, (i) contract or order for mate-
Any ders which have not be assigned a higher work already in
shall expire on the 31st day of December. rial or equipment to be delivered to, or for preference rating are hereby assigned a compliance may
1941. <O.P.M. Reg. 3. Mar. 8. 1941. 6 the account of: preference rating of A-10. ufacturer until
FJl. 1596: E.O. 8629, Jan. 7, 1941, 6 PJl. United (4) Deliveries of Cutting Tools by a stage of produc
(a) The Army or Navy of the
191: E.O. 8875. Aug. 28. 1941; sec. 2 (a), Com- Manufacturer to a Distributor for the rated or non-rs
States, the United States Maritime
PubUc No. 671. 76th Congress, as the Coast purpose of permitting the Distributor to are. at the time
amended; sec. 9. Public No. 783. 76th Con- mission, the Panama Canal,
Guard, fulfill Defense Orders are hereby assigned received notice
and Geodetic Survey, the Coast
gress) Na- a preference rating of A-10. provided the Provided, hotoei
the Civil Aeronautics Authority, the Distributor at the time he places his con- ponement shall
Issued this 30th day of August 1941. tional Advisory Commission for Aeronau-
Research and tract or purchase order for such rated t period of ten

E. R. STiTTiNnjs, Jr.. tics, the Office of Scientific
deliveries certifies In writing to the man- above-mentlone<
Director of Priorities. Development;
the fol- ufacturer that he will dehver such tools ment shall not i

(b) The government of any of

IF B Doc. 41-6564; Piled. September 2, 1941; Kingdom, only in fulfillment of Defense Orders. contracts or ordi
lowing countries: The United
an AA
10:54 a. m.) (5) Defense Orders for Cutting Tools, signed ri
Canada and other Dominions. Crown whether or not accompanied by a Prefer- After pro
Colonies and Protectorates of the British
ence Rating Certificate, must be ac- under Defense C
Empire. Belgium. China, Greece. The cepted and fulfilled In preference to any
B— Priorities
among such d<
Sttbchapter Division Kingdom of the Netherlands, Norway. other contracts or purchase orders for with any prefer
Poland. Russia and Yugoslavia.
part 950 —cutting tools ^ such Cutting Tools, subject to the fol- assigned there t
(II) contract or order placed by
Any lowing provisions: Distributors may
SuTTPlementarv Order No. E-2-a to Di-
any agency of the United States Govern- Defense Orders must be accepted
ting Tools undei
rect the Use and Distribution of Cut- (I)
ment for material or equipment to be even If acceptance will render Impossible,
ders subject,hov
ting Tools delivered to, or for the account of. the specified in par
or result In deferment of. deliveries un-
Whereas, found that the demands
it is Government of any country listed above subject to the re
der non-defense orders previously ac-
or any other country including those
of the national defense program have cepted.
with paragraph
created a present and increasing short- the Western Hemisphere pursuant to the Distributor shall
"An Act (ID Defense Orders need not be ac-
age of Cutting Tools, as hereinafter de- Act of March 11, 1941. entitled ting Tools obtain
fined; and to Promote the Defense of the United except in fulfilli
States" (Lend-Lease Act). (o) delivery on schedule thereunder
If (8) Any allocs
Whereas. further found that such
It is order to
(III) Any other contract or would be Impossible by reason of the erence ratings oi
shortage will prevent deliveries of such Priorities assigns requirements of Defense Orders previ-
which the Director of by the Director c
tools under present and future Naval and higher. ously accepted, unless acceptance is spe-
a preference rating of A-10 or to the residual i

Army contracts and orders and related (iv) Any contract or order for
ma- cifically directed by the Director of Pri- after the satisfa
subcontracts and suborders unless the by the per-
terial or equipment required orities; (juirements, dire
total present and future supply be con-
son placing the same to fulfill his con- the Person seeking to place the
(b) If in accordance wj
served and the present and future dis- tracts or orders on hand, provided such Defense Order Is unwilling or unable to OflBce of Price A<
tribution thereof be directed; and material or equipment is to be physically may
meet regularly established prices and Ian Supply
Whereas, it is further found that the incorporated in material or equipment to terms of sale or payment, but there shall (9) When del
best interests of the national defense re- be delivered under contracts or orders be no discrimination against Defense have been unrci
quire that priority be accorded to such included under (I). (U) or (ill) above. Orders In establishing such prices or deferred, or whf
deliveries and that the power conferred terms been rejected (fo
(3) An A-10 rating Is hereby assigned
upon me to direct and insure priority for to any contract or order placed or offered the Cutting Tools ordered are
(c) if
the restrictions c
such deliveries be exercised; not of the kind usually produced or ca-
the Person aggr
by any person for the delivery of Cutting
Division of Prior
Now, therefore, it is hereby ordered Tools required by him to fulfill any De- pable of being produced by the Person
form to be presc
that: fense Order which he has on hand, and to whom the Defense Order is offered.
Priorities, attent:
§950.2 Supplementary order— (a) any such contract or order shall Itself (6) Contracts or orders shall be sched- Group, setting fo
Definition. For the purposes of this be deemed a Defense Order. uled for production, and or deliveries
tlon with such de
(4) "Person" means any Individual,
Order: under the same shall be made, in accord- (10) Wheneve
partnership, association, corporation or ance with the preference ratings assigned
metal the preference r
(1) "Cutting Tools" means all other form of business enterprise, and thereto and the delivery dates specified. delivery, or whet:
Cutting Tools of the following types, agents thereof. That Is. production and or deliveries placed or offered
whether the same be regulars or specials: "Manufacturer" means any Per-
(5) shall be deferred under contracts or
a Defense Order
reemers, countersinks, counter-
Drills, son engaged in the production of Cutting ders bearing no preference rating, or 3
referred to the I
Tools. extent
bores, spotfacers. taps, chasers for self- lower preference rating, to the determination w
opening die heads, chasers for collapsing (6) "Distributor" means any Person necessary to insure production and^ pertinent facts.
taps, milling cutters, form tools (flat and who purchases Cutting Tpols for the pur- deliveries by the time specified under
higher (c) Restriction
poses of resale. contracts or orders bearing a
circular) gear cutting and gear finishing such de- cept with respect
preference rating, even though

tools, hobs, boring bars and boring tools Preference ratings and directions.
(b) ex- orders for whicl
ferment may cause a default in an
(both solid and inserted type), and ma- Deliveries of Cutting Tools shall be made example. effectivedate of
isting contract or order. (For
chine broaches. Furthermore^ all of the by a Manufacturer or a Distributor only an ^hich productior
In accordance with the following direc- a Manufacturer has an order assigned menced at that
delivery on D3- t

tions: A-l-a rating calling for


FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941 4525

>efense Orders
ce to deliveries cember 1. 1941, and an order assigned an (1) No Manufacturer or Distributor (h) Effective date. This Order shall
lenever, and to A-l-b rating calling for delivery on No- shall accept any orders for Cutting Tools, take effect on the 28 day of August. 1941,
assure fulflll- vember 1. 1941. The Manufacturer or schedule production or make deliv- and, unless sooner terminated by direc-
kedule specified should defer production and/or deliv- eries thereof, unless the intending pur-
tion of the Director of Priorities, shall
)r in any Indi- eries on the order rated A-l-b. If, and chaser shall have certified to the Manu-
expire on the 30th day of November. 1941.
certiflcates as- only to the extent that, such deferment facturer or Distributor that the dehveries
(OP.M. Regulation 3. March 7. 1941,
;r schedule be Is necessary in order to make deliveries of the Cutting Tools desired, taking into
6 P.R. 1596; E.O. 8629. January 7, 1941,
under the order rated A-l-a by Decem- consideration other Cutting Tools of the
6 Pil. 191; sec. 2 (a) Public No. 671,
i, in order of ber 1, 1941.) Provided, however, That same description which said purchaser
76th Congress, as amended by Public No.
-a, A-l-b. etc., where imm^ate compliance with a has, either on hand or on order with
89, 77th Congress; sec. 9, Public No. 783,
A-10. higher preference rating assigned to a other Manufacturers or Distributors, will
76th Congress)
ill Defense Or- contract or order would Interfere with not at any time effect an increase of
isigned a higher work already in actual production, such such Cutting Tools in such purchaser's Issued this 28 day of August 1941.
reby assigned a compliance may be postponed by a Man- Inventories beyond a 90 day supply there- E. R. Stettinitts, Jr.,
ufacturer until the completion of the of, determined on the basis of such pur-
Director of Priorities.
Ing Tools by a stage of production in which the lower chaser's expected method and rate of
ributor for the rated or non-rated orders or contracts operation. (P, E. Dot. 41-6526; Piled. August 29, 1941;
3:06 p. m.]
e Distributor to are. at the time that the Manufacturer
(d) Records, information and inspec-
hereby assigned received notice of the higher rating. tion. All Persons affected by this Order
10. provided the Provided, however, That (i) such post- shall keep and preserve, for a period of
[Preference Rating Order No. P-lft-B]
» places his con- ponement shaU not. in any case, exceed not less than two years, accurate and
for such rated a period of ten days, and that (U) the complete records of the details of all —
ing to the man- above-mentioned provision for postpone- transactions in any way regulated or OF CUTTING TOOLS SPECIFIED HEREIN
?liver such tools ment shall not apply to deliveries under affected by this Order. Such records § 954.2 Preference rating order. For
fense Orders, contracts or orders which have been as- shall include the dates of all contracts the purpose of facilitating the acquisi-
r Cutting Tools, signed an AA rating. or orders accepted; the delivery dates tion of Material for the production of
lied by a Prefer- After providing for all deliveries
<7) specified in such contracts or orders, and Defense Products, a preference rating is
'. must be ac- under Defense Orders, giving preference in any Preference Rating Certificates ac- , hereby assigned to deliveries to the
reference to any among such deliveries in accordance companylng them; the dates '
of actual above-named Producer and to deliveries
hase orders for with any preference ratings specifically deliveries thereunder; description of the to his Suppliers, upon the following
ject to the fol- assigned thereto, Manufacturers and material covered by such contracts or terms:
Distributors may make deliveries of Cut- orders; description of deliveries by
ting Tools under other contracts or or- classes, types, and quantities; the prefer- (a) Definitions. (1) "Producer" means
ust be accepted
inder impossible,
ders subject,however, to the restrictions ence ratings, if any, assigned to such con- the specific person to whom this Order
specified in paragraph (c) below, and is addressed above.
if. deliveries un-
tracts or orders or to deliveries there-
subject to the restriction, in accordance under; and the parties involved in each (2) "Defense Products" means the fol-
, previously ac-
with paragraph (b) (4) above, that no transaction. All records specified in this lowing items to be produced by the Pro-
leed not be ac-
Distributor shall make deliveries of Cut- paragraph shall, upon request, be sub- ducer, provided the said items are re-
ting Tools obtained under an A-10 rating mitted to audit and Inspection by duly quired to fill Defense Orders as herein-
except in fulfillment of Defense Orders. authorized representatives of the Divi- after defined:
;dule thereunder <8) Any allocations made or any pref- sion of Priorities. All Persons affected
reason of the All metal Cutting Tools of the follow-
^ erence ratings or other directions issued by this Order shall execute and file with
« Orders previ- by the Director of Priorities with respect
ing types, whether the same be regulars
the Division of Priorities such reports
:ceptance is spe- or specials:
to the residual supply of Cutting Tools and questionnaires as said Division shall
Director of Prl- after the satisfaction of all defense re- from time to time request. Drills, reamers, countersinks, counter-
quirements, direct or indirect, shall be (e) Appeal. Any Person affected by bores, spotfacers, taps, chasers for self-
ting to place the in accordance with such Program as the this Order who deems compliance there- opening die heads, chasers for collapsing
ing or unable to .OflBce of Price Administration and Civil- with would work an unreasonable hard- taps, milling cutters, form tools fflat and
shed prices and Ian Supply may determine. ship upon him may appeal to the Divi- circular) . gear cutting and gear finishing
,t. but there shall <9j When deliveries of Cutting Tools sion of Priorities toy addressing a letter tools, hobs, boring bars and boring tools
against Defense have been imreasonably or improperly to the Division of Priorities, attention (both solid and inserted type), and ma-
such prices or deferred, or when orders therefor have Tool and Equipment Group, Office of chine broaches. Furthermore, all of the
been rejected (for any reason other than Production Management, Social Secur- above tools that have inserted or brazed
ools ordered are the restrictions contained in this Order) ity Building, Washington. D. C, setting cutting edges made with cemented car-
produced or ca- the Person aggrieved may file with the forth the pertinent facts and the reasons bide tips or hard-alloy tips are included.
d by the Person Division of Priorities a verified report in upon which such Person predicates his
(3) "Supplier" means any person with
rder is offered. form to be prescribed by the Division of claim to relief. The Director of ftlori-
ties will, thereupon, take such action as
whom a contract or purchase order has
Priorities, attention Tool and Equipment
rs shall be sched- been placed for delivery, to the Producer
Group, setting forth the facts in connec- be deenns appropriate.
ind/or deliveries or to another Supplier, of Material which
tion with such deferment or rejection. (f) Notification of customers. All
in accord-
made, will enter directly or indirectly, at any
(10) Whenever there is doubt as to Manufacturers or Distributors shall, as
e ratings assigned stage, into the production of the Defense
the preference rating applicable to any soon as practicable, notify each of their
y dates specified, Products.
delivery, or whether an order or contract regular customers of the requirements of
ind'or deliveries (4) "Material" means any commodity,
placed or offered to be placed, constitutes this Order, but the failure to give such
contracts or or- equipment, accessories, parts, assemblies
a Defense Order, the matter should be notice shall not excuse any customer
ence rating, or a or products listed on Exhibit A annexed
referred to the Division of Priorities for from the obligation of complying with the
g, to the
extent hereto and made a part hereof.
determination with a statement of all terms of this Order.
reduction and-« pertinent facts.
(5) "Defense Order" means:
(g) Revocation of previous order. This
specified under
(I) Any contract or order for material

a higher <c) Restrictions ar^d prohibitions. Ex- Order supersedes and revokes all pre-
tearing or equipment to be delivered to, or for the
de- cept with respect to special Cutting Tools, vious Orders, directions and communi-
though such account of:
ex- orders for which are on hand at the cations of the Priorities Division, incon-
iefault in an
effective date of this Order, and as to sistent herewith, and may be modified (o) The Army or Navy
of the United
r. (For example-
which production has been actually com- or terminated by the Director of Priorities Maritime Com-
order assigned an States, the United States
De- menced at that time: at any time. mission, the Panama Canal, the Coast
r delivery on
4526 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941

furnish no additional copy to that Sup- (h) False statements. Any person The Producer oi
and Geodetic Survey, the Coast Guard, who willfully falsifies records to be kept hereby accepts the
plier to cover any subsequent deliveries
the Civil Aeronautics Authority, the Na- or information to be furnished pursuant tlfles to the Dlrectoi

tional Advisory Commission for Aero- of Material entering into the production of Production Manai
of the Defense Products. The Producer to this Order may be prohibited by the apply the prefe
nautics, the Office of Scientific Research to
or Supplier who has applied the rating Director of Priorities from recetvinR fur- the foregoing Orde
and Development; ther deliveries of any Material subject to terms
shall identify subsequent purchase or-
(b> The government of any of the fol- Dated this <
ders which are covered by the rating by allocation by the Director of Priorities.
lowing countries: The United Kingdom, and the Director of Priorities may also
specifying thereon the niunber and serial
Canada and other Dominions, Crown take any other action deemed appropri-'
Colonies and Protectorates of the British
number of this Order and the preference
rating hereby assigned. ate, including a recommendation for
Empire, Belgium, China, Greece, The prosecution under section 35 of the (Section 36 ofthe
Kingdom of the Netherlands, Norway, (e) Restrictions on application of
Criminal Code (18 U.S.C. 80). 80. makes
a crlmlr It

Poland, Russia and Yugoslavia. rating. The Preference Rating hereby (1) Revocation of previous order. This statement or reprec
ment or Agency of
contract or order placed by assigned shall not be applied: and revokes Preference
(li) Any Order supersedes any matter within 1
any agency of the United States Govern- (1) Unless the Material to be delivered Rating Order No. P-18. heretofore on the
Additional copie
ment for material or equipment to be de- cannot be secured when required without 31st day of July, 1941, issued by the
secured from the
livered to, or for the account of, the such rating; Director of Priorities; and no Producer
Office of
Government of any country listed above (2) To obtain deliveries greater in or Supplier shall, after the effective date
Ington, D.C. or {
or any other country, including those in quantity, or on dates earlier, than re- of this Order, apply the preference rating
be made and used
the Western Hemisphere, pursuant to quired for the delivery on schedule of assigned by said preference rating order
apply the preferei
the Act of March 11. 1941, entitled "An the Defense Products or of Material en- to subsequent deliveries of Material.
Act to Promote the Defense of the United tering into the Defense Products. Every Producer and Supplier Is required
States". (Lend-Lease Act). to return to the Division of Priorities,
(f) Records and reports. (1) The
Any other contract or order to Tool and Equipment Group, Office of
Producer, and each Supplier who applies Production Management, Social Security
which the IMrector of Priorities assigns the preference rating hereby assigned,
a preference rating of A-10 or higher. shall keep and preserve for a period of at
Building. Washington, D. C, all unused rUT 967 — FORMALI
(Iv) Any contract or order for material copies of said Preference Rating Order HYDE. HKXAMET]
least two years accurate and complete
or equipment required by the person No. P-18 and to notify of the provisions SYNTHETIC RESIN]
records and information concerning
placing the same to fulfill his contracts and requirements of this paragraph each
or orders on hand, provided such mate- (i) All applications of such preference Supplier to whom the preference rating
rial or equipment is to be physically in- rating, including the kinds, values, quan- assigned by said preference rating order
corporated in material or equipment to tities and delivery dates of Material cov- has been applied.
ered by each such application, together fj) Revocation or modification. This
be delivered under contracts or orders
included under (i), (ii), or (iii) above. with the name and address of each Sup- Order may be revoked or amended by
plier to whose deliveries of Material the the Director of Priorities at any time as
(6) An A-10 preference rating is
rating has been applied. to the Producer or any Supplier. In the
hereby assigned to any contract or order event of revocation, or upon expiration
(ii) Inventories and stocks on hand of
placed or offered by any person for De- of this Order, deliveries already rated
Material of the kind covered by each ap-
fense Products required by him to fulfill pursuant to this Order shall be completed { 967.1 General
plication of the rating.
any Defense Orders which he has on In accordance with said rating, unless the
(iii) Contracts and purchase orders on
hand, and any such contract or order rating has been specifically revoked with (C) • • • (;

shall itself be deemed a Defense Order. his books, including delivery schedules, made directly or in
respect thereto. No additional applica-
for the Defense Products or for Material dehyde for
(b) Assignment of preference rating. tions of the rating to any other deliveries non-def
which will enter directly or indirectly, at
Preference Rating A-l-a is hereby as- shall thereafter be made by the Pro- In Cla.s.siflcation I.
any stage. Into the production of the De- preference rating
signed to deliveries of Material which ducer or Supplier affected by such revo- i

fense Products.
will enter directly or indirectly, at any cation or expiration. of Resins made (

stage, into the production by the Pro- (2) The Producer, and each Supplier (k) This Order shall
Effective date. from Pormaldehydt
who applies the preference rating, shall take effect on the 28th day of August, enumerated under
ducer of the Defense Products.
file reports containing such Information 1941. and. unless sooner revoked, shall hereby assigned a
(c)Persons entitled to apply prefer-
The preference rating concerning the matters specified in para- expire on the 30th day of November. 1941. B-«. In Classlfici
ence rating.
graph (f) (1) and concerning any (O.P.M. Reg. 3, March 7. 1941. 6 FR. preference ratings
hereby assigned may be applied by:
other pertinent matters, with the Divi- 1596; E.O. 8629. January 7, 1941. 6 F.R. tioned in this pai
(1) The Producer; sion of Priorities. Office of Production 191; Sec. 2 (a). Public No. 671, 76th Con- granted only to de
(2) Any Supplier who has been fur- Management, as shall from time to time gress, as amended by Public No. 89. 77th use of which is esst
nished with a signed copy of this Order be required by said Division. Until fur- Congress; Sec. 9, Public No. 783. 76th ing of the classified
In the manner specified in paragraph ther order, such information shall be Congress) that.

(d). furnished to the Division of Priorities by Issued this 28th day of August 1941. <l) Until Septen:
Application of preference rating. the Producer and by each such Supplier,
(d) E. R. SxTTTiNros. Jr.. erence rating of B
The Producer, or any Supplier who has to the extent, in the form, and at the
Director of Priorities. to deliveries of
been so furnished with a signed copy of time specified in Form PE>-81. Powder
Exhibit A radio
to i

this Order, to apply the preference rat- (3) Ttie Producer, and each Supplier •mpunt not in ex
him must who applies the preference rating, shall High speed carbon tool steel and alloy
ing to deliveries to
submit from time to time to an audit steel bars,
sheets, rods, shapes, forging*
'^i'^c ) of a radio m
"Knts for molded
Execute a copy of this Order by
(1) and castings ri
and inspection by representatives of the Cutting Including cemented carbides twnber, provided su
signing the acceptance at the end hereof, tools.
Division of Priorities concerning the mat- Abrasives covered by a firm a
and file such signed copy with the Divi- ters specified in paragraph (f) (D. Measuring Instruments and gages Wst 23. 1941; and
sion of Priorities of the Office of Produc- Maintenance and shop supplies (restricted to

(g) Use of higher preference ratings. ana

tion Management; and Items necessary for proper operation Until Septei

If any delivery entitled to be rated under maintenance of manufacturing equipment "nanufacturers whi
Furnish one additional copy of
this Order is assigned a higher preference and facilities) own Synthetic Re:
this Order, signed by him in the same Acceptance
manner, to each of his Suppliers with rating by an individual preference rating ^y use such pow
Official of
whom he has placed a contract or pur- certificate or by any other Order issued To be Signed by an Authorized tne
cabinets In an am(
the Producer or Supplier before Applying
chase order for Material to the delivery by the Director of Priorities, the Pro- ''5
per cent (757c)
Rating Assigned by the Foregoing Order
of which he elects to apply the preference ducer or Supplier may use the higher rat- (Before signing this Acceptance read
ing Instead of the rating assigned by this and ot the lore-
rating. After he has furnished one such fully sections (c). (d), (e)
Order. golng Order.)
copy to a particular Supplier, he need

FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941 4527
Any person The Producer or Supplier named below
ords to be kept
such powder scheduled prlw: to August preference ratings or other directions is-
hereby accepts the foregoing Order and cer-
tifies to the Director of Priorities of the Office
23. 1941, for such use in September. sued by the Director of Priorities with
lished pursuant
of Production Management that he Is entitled No such preference ratings are assigned respect to the residual supply of Phenols
ohibited by the
to apply the preference rating assigned by
a receiviriK fur- to deliveries of Resins if satisfactory sub- after the satisfaction of all defense re-
the foregoing Order In accordance with Its
terial subject to terms stitutes therefore are avaUable. The quirements, direct or Indirect, will be in
)r of Priorities, Dated this day of ., 1941, quantities of Resins avaUable for the pro- accordance with such Program as the
)rities may also (Uegal name of producer or supplier)
duction of articles in Classification U Office of Price Administration and Civil-
emed appropri-' By: - may be limited in amount, in which event ian Supply may determine.
imendation for (Name and title of authorized Individual) such limited amount shall be equitably (e) Effective dates. This Order shall
Ion 35 of the (Section 36 of the Criminal Code. 18 U.8.C. distributed. take effect on the 30 day of August. 1941.
80). 80.makes It a criminal offense to make a false and. unless sooner terminated by direc-
iUtement or representation to any Depart- This Order shall take effect immedi-
oxis order. This tion of the Director of Priorities, shall
ment or Agency of the United States as to atelyj (6.PJM. Reg. 3, March 7, 1941, 6
'Okes Preference expire on the 31st day of December, 1941.
any matter within Its Jurisdiction.) P.R. 1596; E.O. 8629. January 7. 1941. 6
eretof ore on the (O.P.M. Reg. 3. Mar. 8. 1941, 6 P.R. 1596;
Additional copies of this Order may be P.R. 191; Sec. 2 (a), PubUc No. 671. 76th
Issued by the E.O. 8629, Jan. 7, 1941, 6 F.R. 191; E.O.

secured from the Division of Priorities. Congress. Third Session, as amended by

nd no Producer 8875, Aug. 28, 1941; sec. 2 (a). Public No.
Production Management. Wash-
Office of
Public No. 89, 77th Congress, First Ses-
he effective date 671, 76th Congress, as amended; sec. 9,
ington, D.C. or photostatic copies may sion; Sec. 9. Public No. 783, 76th Con-
(reference rating Public No. 783, 76th Congress)
be made and used by persons entitled to
gress. Third Session)
nee rating order Issued this 28 day of August 1941. Issued this 30 day of August 1941.
apply the preference rating.
;s of Material.
E. R. STBTTINnTS. Jr., E. R. Stetxinius, Jr..
ipUer is required [F. R Doc. 41-6532; Filed. Augiut 29 1941-
3:11 p. m.] Director of Priorities. Director of Priorities.
3n of Priorities.
Iroup. Office of P. R. Doc. 41-6533: Piled, August 29, 1941; (P. R. Doc. 41-6565; PUed. September
2. 1941;
Social Security
3:10 p. m.] 10:54 a. ml
\e Rating Order
3f the provisions
I paragraph each General Preference Order M-27 To Con-
Amendment General Preference Or-
to General Preference Order No. M-30 to
•reference rating serve the Supply and Direct the Distri-
der No. M-25 to Conserve the Supply Conserve the Supply and Direct the
nee rating order '
bution of Phenols
and Direct the Distribution of For- Distribution of Ethyl Alcohol and Re-

diUcation. This maldehyde. Paraformaldehyde, Hex- Whereas the national defense require- lated Compounds
or amended by amethylenetetramine and Synthetic ments have created a shortage of Whereas, the national defense require-
s at any time as Resins Produced Therefrom Phenols, as hereinafter defined, for de- ments have created shortages of Ethyl
fense, for private account, and for ex-
Supplier. In the Section 967.1
Alcohol and related compounds for de-
(c) (2) Is hereby port, and it is necessary, in the public
upon expiration amended to read as follows: fense, for private account, and for export
already rated Interest and to promote the defense of and it Is necessary, in the public interest

lall be completed IW7.1 General preference order. the United States, to conserve the sup- and to promote the defense of the United
• • • • • ply and direct the distribution thereof;
rating, unless the States, to conserve the supply and direct
illy revoked with (c) • • • (2) Deliveries of Now. therefore, it is hereby ordered the distribution thereof:
ditional applica- made directly or indirectly from Formal- that:
Now, therefore, it Is hereby ordered
y other deliveries dehyde for non-defense uses, enumerated 969.1 General preference order
S (a) — that:
ide by the Pro- in Cla.s.siflcation I. are hereby
assigned a Priority control. Control of the supply
ed by such revo- preference rating of B-4. and deliveries and directionthe distribution of
§ 971.1 General preference order —
(a) Definitions. For the purpose of this
of Resins made directly or Indirectly Phenols is hereby taken by the Director
from order:
Formaldehyde for non-defense uses. of Priorities, arid all future transactions
enumerated imder Classification II, are of any kind in Phenols are regulated (1) "Ethyl Alcohol", means ethyl alco-
hereby assigned a preference rating of and governed by the provisions and defi- hol from whatever source derived, having
B-«. In Classifications I and II. the nitions contained in Regulation No. 1 of a proof* of 160' or more, and shall in-
preference ratings, hereinabove men- the Priorities Division of the Office of clude tax-paid and denatured alcohol
tioned in this paragraph (c)
(2). are Production Management, Issued on the produced in industrial alcohol plants
panted only to deliveries of Resins the 27th day of August. 1941, except as here- classified as such under regulations No. 3
use of which is essential to the in otherwise specifically provided. of the Bureau of Industrial Alcohol of
ing of the classified article (b) Additional definition. the U. S. Treasury Department under
or use, except For the
that. purposes of this Order "Phenols" means: Sections 3070 to 3124 inclusive of the In-
August 1941. <l) Until September (1) Synthetic phenols of ternal Revenue Code.
30. 1941, a pref- all grades
and from whatever source derived; (2) For the purposes of this order "re-
riTTiNros. Jr.. erence rating of B-8 is hereby assigned
to deliveries
of Synthetic Resins Molding (2) The acids, either in pure or crude
lated compounds" means acetic acid,
\or of Priorities.
Powder form, recovered from coal tar distillates, acetic anhydride, acetone, ethyl -ether,
A radio manufacturers in an
•fflpunt comprising chiefly phenol, ortho cresol. ethyl acetate, butyl alcohol, butyl acetate,
not in excess of 75 per cent It.
tool steel and alloy
meta cresol. para cresol and xylenols and isopropyl alcohol and
isopropyl acetate,
'TS'^c of a radio manufacturer's require-
B. shapes, forging* )
from whatever source derived.
"Knts for molded radio cabinets for Sep- various mixtures of these products.
<3) "Person" means any person, firm,
:eniented carbidM t«nber. provided such requirements
were A-10 rating assigned to additional
covered by a firm order on or before
^ (c) corporation, or other form of business
d gages
Au- orders. An A-10 rating is hereby as- enterprise.
gust 23. and 1941;
ppUes (restricted to signed to any contract or order placed (4) "Producer" means any Person en-
jper operation and <U> September 30. 1941 radio
Until or offered by any purchaser of Phenols
icturlng equipment
gaged in the production of Ethyl Alcohol
manufacturers who manufacture their for the delivery of Phenols required by or related compounds, and includes any
own Synthetic Resins Molding the purchaser to fulfill any defense order
Powder Person who has Ethyl Alcohol or any
^y use such powder for molded radio which he has on hand, and any such related compounds produced for him
ithorized Official of cabinets in an amount not In contract or order shall itself be deemed
excess of pursuant to toll agreement, and any per-
before Applying the
negotng O'drr
•Spercent (75'rc) of the quantity of a defense order. son who has purchased or purchases
ceptance read care- (d) Directions with respect to residual
Ethyl Alcohol or any related compounds
nd (e) ol the '6FR 4301. supply. Any allocations made or any for purposes of resale.
No ip 4

PEDERAT. RECfSTFW ii/^^-«»^— . c^-j i._ _ o ^njt

FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941
(1) "Methyl ,

(b) Deliveries under Defense Orders Order. Such records shall Include the commonly known
(J) "Defense Order" means:
previously accepted bearing lower pref- dates of all contracts or orders accepted; Methyl Alcohol ii

(1) contract or order for material

Any erence ratings, unless rejection is spe- the delivery dates specified in such con- whatever source c
or equipment to be delivered to, or for cifically permitted by the Director of tracts or orders, and in any Preference (2)"Person" n
the account of: Priorities; Rating Certificates accompanying them; corporation, or c

(a) The Army or Navy of the United

the dates of actual deliveries thereunder; enterprise.
(li) Defense Orders need not be ac-
description of the material covered by "Producer"
States, the United States Mftrltime Cwn-
mission, the Panama Canal, the Coast such contracts or orders; description of gaged in the prod
(o) if deUvery on schedule therevmder deliveries by classes, types, quaniiiies, hoi and includes
and Geodetic Survey, the Coast Guard,
the Civil Aeronautics Authority, the Na- would be Impossible by reason of the re- and weights: the preference ratings, if Methyl Alcohol p
quirements of Defense Orders previously any, assigned to such contracts or orders agre
suant to toll
tional Advisory Commission for Aero-
accepted bearing higher or equal prefer- or to deliveries thereunder; the parties who has purchase
nautics, the Office of Scientific Research
and Development; ence ratings, unless acceptance is spe- Involved in each transaction; their Alcohol for purpos
cifically directed by the Director of sources of supply; and other pertinent (4) "Defense O
(b) The government of any of the fol- All records specified in
Priorities information. Any contrac
lowing countries: The United Kingdom, paragraph shall, upon request,
(b) the Person seeking to place the
if this be
equipment to
Canada and other Dominions. Crown submitted to audit and inspection
or I

Defense Order is unwilling or unable to by

the account of:
Colonies and Protectorates of the British
.meet regularly established prices and duly authorized representatives of the
Empire. Belgium. China. Greece. The (a) The Army
Norway, terms of sale or payment, but there shall Division of Priorities. All Persoivs af- i

Kingdom of the Netherlands, the United

be no discrimination against Defense fected by this Order shall execute and States,
Poland. Russia and Yugoslavia. mission, the Pan:
Orders in establishing such prices or file with the Division of Priorities such
and Geodetic Sur
(11) Any contract or order placed by terms; reports and questionnaires as said Divi-
\ any agency of the United States Gov- (c) the Ethyl Alcohol, or any related
if sion shall from time to time request. No the Civil Aeronaut
reports or questionnaires are to be filed tional Advisory C
ernment for delivery to. or for the ac- compoimds. ordered is not of the kind
nautics. the Office
count of. the government of any country usually produced or capable of being by any Person until so request 'd and
until forms therefor are prescribed by and Development:
listed above or any other country in the produced by the Person to whom the De-
Western Hemisphpre pursuant to the Act the Division of Priorities. (b) The governi
fense Order is offered
Any Person affected by lowing countries:
of March 11. 1941. entitled "An Act to (d) Appeal.
Promote the Defense of the United (5) When deliveries of Ethyl Alcohol
this Order who considers that compli-
Canada and othe
or any related compounds under Defense Colonies and Prote
States," (Lend-Lease Act). ance therewith would work an excep-
Orders have been unreasonably or im- tional and unreasonable hardship upon
Empire, Belgium.
(ill) contract or order to
Any other properly deferred, or when orders there- Kmgd,om of the
which the Director of Priorities assigns him. may appeal to the Division of Pri-
for have been rejected (for any reason Poland. Russia an(
a preference rating of A-10 or higher. orities by addressing a letter to the Divi-
other than the restrictions contained in
(iv) Any contract or order for material sion of Priorities. Office of Production (ii) Any contpai
this Order), the Person aggrieved may
or equipment required by the person Management. Social Security Building, any agency of the

file with the Division of Priorities a veri-

placing the same to fulfill his contracts Washington, D. C, setting forth the per- ment for delivery
fied report in form to be prescribed by

or orders on hand, provided such mate- tinent facts and the reasons such Person of, the governmeni
the Division of Priorities, attention
rial or equipment is to be physically in- considers that he is entitled to relief. above orany other
Chemicals Section, setting forth the facts
corporated in material or equipment to The EMrector of Priorities may thereupon em Hemisphere pi
in connection with such deferment or
be delivered under contracts or orders take such action as he deems appropriate. March 11. 1941. en
included under (i). (ii), or (iii) above. (e) Effective dates. This Order shall mote the Defense
(6) Any allocations made or any pref-

take effect on the 28 day of August, (Lend-Lease Act).

Preference ratings and directions.
(b) erence ratings or other directions issued sooner terminated by
1941, and, unless (ill) Any other
Deliveries of Ethyl Alcohol or any re- by the EMrector of Priorities with respect direction of the Director of Priorities, which the Directoi
lated compounds shall be made only in to the residual supply for Ethyl Alcohol on the 30th day of November,
shall expire a preference ratinj
accordance with the following directions: or any related compounds after the sat- (OPJyI. Reg. 3, March 7. 1941,
1941. (iv) Any contrai
isfaction of all defense requirements, di-
Deliveries under Defense Orders
(1) 6 F.R. 1596; E.G. 8629. January 7, 1941, rial or equipment r
rect or indirect, will be in accordance 2 (a). Pubbc No. 671,
shall be made in preference to deliveries 6 F.R. 191; Sec. placing the same
with such Program as the Office of Price

under all other orders whenever, and to 76th Congress; Sec. 9, Public No. 783, or orders on hanc
Administration and Civilian Supply may
the extent necessary, to assure fulfill- 76th Congress) terlal or equipmen
ment of the delivery schedule specified
(7) After providing for all deliveries
Issued this 28 day of August 1941. incorporated in m
in such Defense Orders or in any individ- tobe delivered und
imder Defense Orders, giving preference E. R. Stittintds. Jr..
ual preference rating certificates as- Included under (i)
among such in accordance
deliveries Director of Priorities.
signed thereto, whichever schedule be 29. IWI!
with any preference ratings specifically [P. R. Doc. 41-6531: Plied. August 'b) Preference r
assigned thereto. Producers may make 3:09 p. m.l Deliveries of Metl
Preference ratings, in order of
deliveries of Ethyl Alcohol or any related niade only in accorc
precedence, are: AA, A-l-a, A-l-b. etc.,
. . A-l-j: A-2. A-3, etc.
. A-10.. . .
compounds under other contracts or or-
ders without limitation until otherwise
PART 971 —ALCOHOL tag directions:

(1) Deliveries UJ
(3) Deliveries imder all Defense Or- General Preference Order No. M-31 to
directed by the Director of Priorities. shall be made in pi
ders which have not been assigned a Conserve the Supply and Direct tht
(8) Whenever there is doubt as to the under all other ore
higher preference rating are hereby as- Distribution of Methyl Alcohol Meth- (

preference rating applicable to any de- *e extent necessa

signed a preference rating of A-10. anol)
livery, or whether an order or contract °ient of the dellve
(4) Defense Orders for Ethyl Alcohol
placed or offered to be placed, constitutes Whereas, the national defense require- in such Defense Ore
or any related compounds whether or not
a Defense Order, the matter should be ments have created a shortage of Methyl ual preference ratin
accompanied by a Preference Rating Cer- referred to the Division of Priorities for Alcohol (Methanol) for defense, for
'hereto, whichever
tificate, must be accepted and fulfilled
vate account, and for export, and it
determination with a statement of all '2) Preference
in preference to any other contracts or interest and to i
pertinent facts. necessary, in the public
purchase orders for such Ethyl Alcohol, promote the defense of the United States.
precedence, are: A
or any related compounds, subject to the (c)Records, information and inspec- the dis-

• • A-l-j; A-
to conserve the supply and direct A-10.
following provisions: tion. All Persons affected by this Order
tribution thereof .
shall keep and preserve, for a period of •3) Deliveries uni
Defense Orders must be accepted
not less than two years, accurate and
Now, therefore, it is hereby oraerea *hich have not bei
even if acceptance will render impossi- complete records of their inventories of that: preference rating a
ble, or result in deferment of; Ethyl Alcohol suid related compounds, 971.2 General preference oTdeT--- Pi'eference
5 rating ol
of tn»
Deliveries under non-defense or-
(a) and of the details of all transactions in (a) Definitions. For the purposes
ders previously accepted, or any way regulated or affected by this Order:
FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941 4529
(1) "Methyl Alcohol" (Methanol), (4) Defense Orders for Methyl Alcohol,
shall Include the (c) Records, information and inspeC'
commonly known as wood alcohol, means whether or not accompanied by a Pref-
orders accepted; tion. All Persons affected by this Order

Methyl Alcohol in any form and from erence Rating Certificate, must be ac-
Ifled In such con- shall keep and preserve, for a period of
whatever source derived. cepted and fulfilled in preference to any
n any Preference (2) "Person" means any person, firm, not less than two years, accurate and
other contracts or purchase orders for complete records of their inventories of
ompanylng them; corporation, or other form of business such Methyl Alcohol, subject to the fol-
series thereunder; enterprise.
Methyl Alcohol, and of the details of all
lowing provisions: transactions in any way regulated or af-
terial covered by "Producer" means any Person en-
description of (i)Defense Orders must be accepted fected by this Order. Such records shall
rs; gaged in the production of Methyl Alco-
types, quantities, hol and Includes any Person who has even acceptance will render Impossible,
if include the dates of all contracts or or-
erence ratings. If Methyl Alcohol produced for him pur- or resiUt in deferment of, ders accepted; the delivery dates speci-
ontracts or orders suant to toll agreement, and any person
fied in such contracts or orders, and in
(a) deliveries under non-defense or- any Preference Rating Certificates ac-
nder; the parties who has purchased or purchases Methyl ders previously accepted, or
•ansactlon; their Alcohol for purposes of resale. companying them; the dates of actual
(b) deliveries under Defense Orders
i other pertinent (4) "Defense Order" means: deliveries thereunder; description of the^
previotisly accepted bearing lower pref-
ords specified in material covered by such contracts or
(i) Any contract or order
for material
erence ratings, unless rejection is specifi-
upon request, be
orders; description of deliveries by
or equipment to be delivered to, or for cally permitted by the Director of Pri-
nd inspection by classes, types, quantities, and weights;
the account of: orities;
sentatives of the the preference ratings, if any, assigned
All Persons af- (a I The Army or Navy of the United (ii) Defense Orders need not be ac- to such contracts or orders or to deliv-
shall execute and Kates, the United States Maritime Com- cepted eries thereunder; the parties involved
of Priorities such mission, the Panama Canal, the Coast in each transaction; their sources of
(a) if delivery on schedule thereunder
iires as said Divl- and Geodetic Survey, the Coast Guard, supply; and other pertinent information.
would be impossible by reason of the re-
time request. No the Civil Aeronautics Authority, the Na- All records specffied in this paragraph
quirements of Defense Orders previously
res are to be fUei tional Advisory Commission for Aero- shall ^pon request, be submitted to audit
accepted bearing higher or equal prefer-
so requested and nautics, the Office of Scientific Research ancKupspection by duly authorized rep-
ence ratings, unless acceptance is specifi-
are prescribed by and Development; resentatives of the Division of Priorities.
cally directed by the Director of Pri-
les. (b) The government
any of the fol- of All Persons affected by this Order shall
'erson affected by lowing countries: The United Kingdom, execute and file with the Division of Pri-
<b) if the Person seeking to place the
ders that compli- Canada and other Dominions, Crown orities such repor.ts and questionnaires
Order tmwilling or unable to meet
work an excep- Colonies and Protectorates of the British as said Division shall from time to time
1 regulariy established prices and terms of
ble hardship upon Empire, Belgium. China. Greece. The saje or payment, but there shall be no
request. No reports or questionnaires
le Division of Pri- Kingd,om of the Netherlands. Norway. are to be filed by any Person until so
discrimination against Defense Orders
letter to the Divi- Poland. Russia and Yugoslavia. requested and until forms therefor are
in' establishing such prices or terms;
Bce of Production prescribed by the Division of Priorities.
(ii) Any contract or order placed by (c) if the Methyl AlcohoL<jrttered is
Security Building, (d) Appeal. Any Person affected by
any agency of the United States Govern- not of the kind usually prodded or capa-
this Order who considers that compliance
ting forth the per- ment for delivery to, or for the account ble of being produced by the Person to
;asons such Person therewith would work an exceptional and
of, the government of any
country listed whom the Defense Order is offered; unreasonable hardship upon him, may
entitled to relief, any other country in the West-
above or <5) When dehveries of Methyl Alcohol
ties may thereupon
appeal to the Division of Priorities by
em Hemisphere pursuant to the Act of under Etefense Orders have been unreas-
deems appropriate. addressing a letter to the Division of
March 11. 1941. entitled "An Act to Pro- onably or improperly deferred, or when
Priorities, Office of Production Manage-
This Order shall mote the Defense of the United States " orders therefor have been rejected (for
day of August, ment, Social Security Building, Washmg-
:8 (Lend-Lease Act). any reason other than the restrictions ton. D. C, setting forth the pertment
iner terminated by 'iii> Any other contract contained in this Order) the Person ag-
or order to ,
facts and the reasons such Person con-
jctor of Priorities, which the Director of Priorities grieved may file with the Division of Pri-
assigns siders that he is entitled to relief.
h day of November, a preference rating of orities a verified report in form to be pre-
A-10 or higher. Director of Priorities may thereupon
3, March 7. 1941, (iv) Any contract or order for mate- scribed by the Division of Priorities, at-
January 7, 1941, take such action as he deems appropriate.
9, rial or equipment required by the person tention Chemicals Section, setting forth
a). Pubbc
No. 671, placing the same the facts in connection with such defer-
(e) effective dates. This Order shall
to fulfill his contracts
9, Public No. 783, take effect on the 28th day of August,
or orders on hand, provided such ma- ment or rejection.
1941. and, unless sooner terminated by
terialor equipment is to be physically (6) Any allocations made or any pref- direction of the Director of Priorities,
f August 1941. incorporated in material or equipment erence ratings or other directions issued
shall expire on the 30th day of November.
to be delivered under contracts or orders by the Director of Priorities with respect
Stettintcs. Jr.. 1941. (O.P.M. Reg. 3, March 7. 1941. 6
Included under (i), (ii), or (Hi) to the residual supply of Methyl Alcohol
dor of Priorities. above. FR. 1596; E.O. 8629, January 7, 1941. 6
after the satisfaction of all defense re-
led, August 29. IWI; Preference ratings and directions.
'b) F.R. 191; Sec. 2 (a). Public No. 671. 76th
m.l Deliveries of Methyl Alcohol shall
quirements, direct or indirect, will b^n

be Congress; Sec. 9. Public No. 783. 76th

niade only in accordance accordance with such Program as the
with the follow- Congress)
ing Office of Price Administration and Ci-
•ALCOHOL vilian Supply may determine. Issued this 28th day of August 1941.
(1) Deliveries under Defense Orders (7) After providing for all deliveries
Order No. M-31 to E. R. STETTiNrus. Jr..
tM snail be made in preference to deliveries under Defense Orders, giving preference
and Direct Director of Priorities.
Ihyl Alcohol (AfcfA-
iinder all other
orders whenever, and to
we extent necessary, to assure
among such dehveries in accordance with
IF. R. Doc. 41-6530: Filed, August 29. 1941;
fulfill- any preference ratings specifically as-
"lent of the delivery schedule specified signed thereto. Producers may make de-
3:09 p. m 1

nal defense require- ffl such Defense Orders or in any individ- liveries of Methyl Alcohol under other
shortage of Methyl j»l

preference rating certificates assigned contracts or orders without limitation

ror defense, for
"lereto. whichever schedule be eariier. imtil otherwise directed by the Direc;t;&K.
)r export, and It is *2) Pieference ratings, in order of of Priorities. General Preference Order No. M-32 to
blic interest and
precedence, are: AA. A-l-a, A-l-b. Conserve the Supply and Direct the
of the Unit*. d States. etc.. (8) Whenever there is doubt as to the
• A-l-J;A-2.A-3.etc.. • • • preference rating applicable to any de- Distribution of Potassium Perchlorate
y and direct the A-10.
livery, or whether an order or contract Nvhereas. the national defense require-
'3) Deliveries
under all Defense Orders placed or offered to be placed, constitutes ments have created a shortage of potas-
*nich have not been assigned a higher a Defense Order, the matter shoul(h^e sium perchlorate for defense, for private
preference rating are hereby assigned a determination with a statement of Jll referred to the Division of Priorities for
preference rating of A-10. pertinent facts. account, and for export and it is neces-
Wednesday, September 1941

pro- signed thereto, whichever schedule be other contracts or orders without limita- PART 973 —POTA
Bary. In the public interest and to tion until otherwise directed by the
defense of the United States, earlier.
mote the Director of Priorities.
(2) Preference ratings. In order of
to conserve the supply and direct the dis- (8) Whenever there is doubt as to the
precedence, are: AA. A-l-a, A-l-b. etc.,
tribution thereof: A-10. iweference rating applicable to any de-
. A-l-J: A-2. A-3. etc

Sow. therefore, it is hereby ordered .

livery, or whether an order or contract

(3) Deliveries under all Defense Or- Whereas, the na
that: placed or offered to be placed, constitutes
ders which have not been assigned a
S 972.1 General preference order
— (a) higher preference rating are hereby as- a Defense Order, the matter should be
ments have create
slum permangana
Definitions. For the purposes of this signed a preference rating of A-10. referred to the Division of Priorltifs for
vateaccount, anc
Order: (4) Defense Orders for Potassiiun determination with a statement of all
necessary, in the
Perchlorate, whether or not accompanied pertinent facts.
(1) "Potassium Perchlorate" means promote the defen;
by a Preference Rating Certificate, must Records, information and inspec-
Potassium Perchlorate in any form and (c) to conserve the i

be accepted and fulfilled in preference to tion. All Persons affected by this Order
from whatever source derived. any other contracts or purchase orders
distribution there(
(2) "Person" means any person, firm, shall keep and preserve, for a period of Now. therefore,
for such Potassium Perchlorate. subject not less than two years, accurate and
corporation, or other form of business that:
to the foUowiiig provisions: complete records of their Inventoru's of
Defense Orders must be accepted potassiiun perchlorate. and of the details
(3)"Producer" means any Person en- (1)
even if acceptance will render impossible. of all transactions in any way regulated
gaged in the production of potassium
or affected by this Order. Such records
perchlorate and includes any Person who or result in deferment of.
shall include the dates of all contracts or "Potassium
has potassium perchlorate produced for
(a) deliveries under non-defense or-
orders, accepted; the delivery dates speci- Potassium Permai
him pursuant to toll agreement. ders previously accepted, or
fied in such contracts or orders, and In and from whateve
(4) "Etefense Order" means: (b) deliveries under Defense Orders
any Preference Rating Certificates ac- (2) "Person" m(
previously accepted bearing lower prefer-
(I) contract or order for material
Any c(xnpan3rlng them; the dates of actual corporation, or ot
ence ratings, unless rejection is specifi-
or equipment to be delivered to, or for deliveries thereunder; description of the enterprise.
cally permitted by the Director of Pri-
the account of: material covered by such contracts or
orities; :

orders; description of deliveries by gaged in the pro

(a) The Army or Navy of the United
(ii) Defense Orders need not be ac- classes, types, quantities, and weights; permanganate anc
States, the United States Maritime Com-
cepted the preference ratings. If any. assigned to
who has Potassiui
mission, the Panama Canal, the Coast
such contracts or orders or to deliveries
him pu
and Geodetic Survey, the Coast Guard. (o) If delivery on schedule thereunder duced for
thereunder; the parties involved in each
the Civil Aeronautics Authority, the Na- would be impossible by reason of the ment.
transaction; their sources of supply; and "Defense Or
tional Advisory Commission for Aero- requirements of Defense Orders pre- (4)
other pertinent Information. All records
nautics, the Office of Scientific Research viously accepted bearing higher or equal Any contract
specified in this paragraph shall, upon (i)

and development; preference ratings, unless acceptance is or equipment to b

request, be submitted to audit and in-
specifically directed by the Director of
(b) The government of any of the fol- spection by duly authorized representa- the account of:
lowing countries: The United Kingdom, tives of the Division of Priorities. All The Army
the Person seeking to place the (a) o
Canada and other Dominions. Crown (b) if
persons affected by this Order shall exe- the United
Defense Order is unwilling or unable to States, 1

Colonies and Protectorates of the British cute and file with the Division of Priori- mission, the Pana
Belgium, China. Greece, the meet regularly established prices and
terms of sale or payment, but there shall ties such reports and questionnaires u and Oodetlc Sur^
Kingdom of the Netherlands. Norway. said Division shall from time to time re-
be no discrimination against Defense Or- the Civil Aeronaut!
Poland. Russia and Yugoslavia. quest. No reports or questionnaires are Advisory Cor
ders in establishing such prices or terms; tional

(ii) Any contract or order

placed by (c) If the Potassium Perchlorate or-
to be filed by any Person until so re- tics, the Office of S

any agency of the United States Govern- dered is not of the kind usually produced quested and until forms therefor are pre- Development
the account scribed by the Division of Priorities. <b) The govern]
ment for delivery to, or for or capable of being produced by the Per-
of. the government of any country listed
son to whom the Defense Order is being (d) Appeal. Any Person affected by following countriei

above or any other coimtry in the West- offered; this order who considers that comphance dom, Cahada an
em Hemisphere pursuant to the Act of (5) When potassium
deliveries of therewith would work an exceptional and Crown Colonies am
March 11, 1941. entitled "An Act to Pro- perchlorate under Defense Orders have unreasonable hardship upon him, may British Empire. Be
mote the Defense of the United States." been unreasonably or improperly de- appeal to the Division of Priorities by the Kingdom of the
(Lend-Lease Act). ferred, or when orders therefor have been addressing a letter to the Division of Pri- Poland, Russia and
(ill) Any other contract or
order to rejected (for any reason other than the orities, Office of Production Manage-
'Ii) Any contra
which the Director of Priorities assigns restrictions contained in this Order) the ,
ment, Social Security Building. Washing- any agency of the
a preference rating of A-10 or higher. Person aggrieved may file with the Divi- ton. D. C. setting forth the pertinent emment for delive
Any contract or order for mate- sion of Priorities a verified report in form facts and the reasons such Person con- count of,
The the goveri
equipment required by the person to be prescribed by the EMvision of Priori- siders that he entitled to relief.
above or any
rial or listed

placing the same to fulfill his contracts ties, attention Chemicals Section, setting Director of Priorities may thereupon take
Western Hemlsphf
or orders on hand, provided such ma- forth the facts in connection with such such action as he deems appropriate. Act of March 11. 1
This Order shall
terial or equipment is to be physically deferment or rejection. (e) Effective dates. to Promote the D
incorporated in material or equipment to (6) allocations made or any pref-
Any take effect on the 28 day of Augu.^t, 1941, States." (Lend-Lea

be delivered under contracts or orders erence ratings or other directions issued and. unless sooner terminated by direc- <iil) Any other
Included under (1) (U) or (ill) above.
, .
by the Director of Priorities with respect tion of the Director of Priorities, which the Director
Novembtr. 1941.
to the residual supply for potassium expire on the 30th day of preference rating
(b) Preference ratings and directions.
perchlorate after the satisfaction of all (OFM. Reg. 3. March 7. 1941, FA 6
^iv) Any contrac
Deliveries of potassium perchlorate shall
defense requirements, direct or indirect, 1596; E.O. 8629. January 7. 1941, 6
be made only in accordance with the 76th Con-
rial or equipment r<
will be in accordance with such Program 191 Sec. 2(a). Public No. 671,
placing the same t
following directions: Con-
as the Office of Price Administration and gress; Sec. 9. Public No. 783, 76th or orders on hand
Deliveries under Defense Orders
(1) Civilian Supply may determine. gress) ^rtal or equipmen
shall be made in preference to deliveries After providing for all deliveries
(7) Issued this 28 day of August 1941. incorporated in mai
under all other orders whenever, and to under Defense Orders, giving preference * delivered under
E. R. Stettinius. Jr..
the extent necessary, to assure fulfill- among such deliveries in accordance with Director of Priorities.
included under (1),
ment of the delivery schedule specified any preference ratings specifically as-
Producers may make de- August 29, KHIJ
'b) Preference n
In such Defense Orders or in any indi- signed thereto. IF. R. Doc. 41-6529: Filed,
DeUveries of pota
liveries of potassium perchlorate under 3:09 p. DQ.]
vidual preference rating certificates as-

; ;

FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 2, 1941 4531

s without limlta- PART 973 —POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE shall be made only in accordance with manganate after the satisfaction of all
dlrected by the General Preference Order No. M-33 to the following directions:
defense requirements, direct or indirect,
Conserve the Supply and Direct the (1) Deliveries under Defense Orders will be in accordance with such Program
is doubt as to the Distribution of Potassium Perman- shall be made in preference to deliveries as the Office of Price Administration and
cable to any de- ganate under
jrder or contract
all other orders whenever, and to Civilian Supplymay determine.
Whereas, the national defense require- the extent necessary, to assm-e fulfill- After providing for all deliveries
)laced, constitutes
ments have created a shortage of potas-
ment of the delivery schedule specified under Defense Orders, giving preference
matter should be in such Defense Orders or ih any indi- among such
sium permanganate for defense, for pri- deliveries in accordance
1 of Priorities lor
vidual preference rating certificates as- with any preference ratings specifically
statement of all
vate account, and for export and It Is
signed thereto, whichever schedule be assigned thereto. Producers may make
necessary, in the public interest and to
earlier. deliveries of potassium permanganate
promote the defense of the United States,
ition and inspec- (2) Preference ratings, in order of under other contracts or orders without
to conserve the supply and direct the
ted by this Order precedence, are: AA, A-l-^i. A-l-b, etc., limitation until othenx'ise directed by the
distribution thereof:
e, for a period of . A-l-j; A-2, A-3, etc
. .
A-10. Director of Priorities.
Now. therefore, it is hereby ordered
irs, accurate and (3) Deliveries under all Defense Or- (8) Whenever there is doubt as to the
elr Inventories of ders which have not been assigned a preference rating applicable to any de-
and of the details 5 General preference order
973.1 — (a) higher preference rating are hereby as- livery, or whether an order or contract
iny way regulated Definitions. For the purpose of this signed a preference rating of A-10. placed or offered to be placed, constitutes
ler. Such records Order: I
(4) Defense Orders for Potassium a Defense Order, the matter should be
of all contracts or (1) "Potassium Permanganate" means Permanganate, whether or not accom- referred to the Division oi Priorities for
silvery dates specl- Potassium Permanganate panied by a Preference Plating Certifi- determination with* a statement of all
in any form
or orders, and In from whatever source derived. cate, must be accepted and fulfilled In pertinent facts.
g Certificates ac- (2) "Person" means any person, firm,
preference to any other contracts or pur-
(c)Records, information and inspec-
le dates of actual corporation, or other form of business
chase orders for such Potassium Per-
tion. All Persons affected by this Order
description of the enterprise.
manganate, subject to the following pro-
shall keep and preserve, for a period of
such contracts or visions :

"Producer" means any Person en-

(3) not less than two years, accurate and
of deliveries by Defense Orders must be accepted
gaged in the production of potassium complete records of their inventories of
ties, and weights; permanganate and includes any Person even acceptance will render impossible,
if potassium permatnganate, and of the de-
assigned to
If aiiy, or result in deferment of.
who has Potassium permanganate pro- tails of all transactions in any way regu-
;rs or to deliveries duced for him pursuant to toll agree- (a) deliveries under non-defense or- lated or affected by this Order. Such
js involved in each
ment. ders previously accepted, or records shall include the dates of all con-
rces of supply; and (4) "Defense Order" means: (b) deliveries under Defense Orders tracts or orders, accepted; the delivery
lation. All records
Any contract or order for material
(i) previously accepted bearing lower pref- dates specified in such contracts or or-
Lgraph shall, upon
erence ratings, unless rejection Is spe- ders, and in any Preference Rating Cer-
,to audit and in- or equipment to be delivered to. or for
cifically permitted by the Director of tificates accompanying them; the dates
lorized representa- the account of:
Priorities; of actual deliveries thereunder; descrip-
of Priorities. All (a) The Army or Navy of the United tion of the material covered by such con-
Is Order shall exe- States, the United States Maritime Com- (II) Defense Orders need not be ac-
tracts or orders; description of deliveries
Division of Priori- mission, the Panama Canal, the Coast cepted
by classes, types, quantities, and weights;
1 questionnaires as and Geodetic Survey, the Coast Guard, (a) delivery on schedule thereimcl^
If the preference ratings, if any, assigned to
m time to time re- the Civil Aeronautics Authority, the Na- would be impossible by reason of the re\ such contracts or orders or to deliveries
questionnaires are tional Advisory Commission for Aeronau- quirements of Defense Orders previously '^ thereunder; the parties involved t» each
'erson until so re- tics, the Office of Scientific Research and accepted bearing higher or equal pref- transaction; their sources of supply; and
is therefor are pre- Development erence ratings, unless acceptance is spe- other pertinent information. All records
n of Priorities. <b) The government of any of the cifically directed by the Director of Pri- specified in this paragrajrti shall, upon
Person affected by following countries: The United King- orities; request, be submitted to audit and in-
ers that compliance dom. Canada and other Dominions, (b) if the Person seeking to place the spection by duly authorized representa-
an exceptional and Crown Colonies and Protectorates of the Defense Order is imwiUing or unable to tives of the Division of Priorities. All
ip upon him. may British Empire, Belgium, China," Greece, meet regularly established prices and Persons affected by this Order shall exe-
an of Priorities by the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Norway, t«nns of sale or payment, but there shall cute and file with the Division of Priori-
the Division of Pri- Poland. Russia and Yugoslavia. be no discrimination against Defense ties such reports and questionnaires as
oduction Manage- Orders in establishing such prices or said Division shall from time to time
'li) Any contract or order placed by
Building, Washing- terms; request. No reports or questionnaires are
»ny agency of the United States Gov-
orth the pertinent (c) the Potassimn Permanganate
to be filed by any Person until so re-
ernment for delivery to, or for the ac-
s such Person con- ordered not of the kind usually pro-
is quested and until forms therefor are pre-
count of, the government of any country
tied to relief. The duced or capable of being produced by
listed above or any other country
in the
scribed by the Division of Priorities.
may thereupon take the Person to whom the Defense Order
Western Hemisphere pursuant to the (d) Appeal. Any Person affected by
ms appropriate. Act of March 11, 1941, entitled "An
is being offered
this order who considers that compliance
!, This Order shall to Promote the Defense (5) When deliveries of potassium per- therewith would work an exceptional
of the United
day of Augu.'-t. 1941, States." (Lend-Lease Act). manganate under Defense Orders have and unreasonable hardship upon him.
jrminated by direc- <iii) Any other contract or order to been imreasonably or improperly de- may appeal to the Division of Priorities
of Priorities, shall which the Director of Priorities assigns ferred, or when orders therefor have by addressing a letter to the Division of
y of November. > preference rating of A-10 or higher.
been rejected (for any reason other than Priorities, Office of Production Manage-
rch 7, 1941, 6 TK the restrictions contained in this Order), ment, Social Security Building, Wash-
^Iv) Any contract
or order for mate-
uary 7. 1941. 6 fR- the Person aggrieved may file with the
c No. 671, 76th Con- ^ or equipment required by the person
Waclng the same to fulfill his contracts Division of Priorities a verified report in
ington, D. C. setting forth the pertinent
facts and the reasons such Person con-
No. 783, 76th Con- or orders form to be prescribed by the Division of siders that he is entitled to relief.
on hand, provided such ma- The
nual or equipment is to be physically Priorities, attention Chemicals Section, Director of Priorities may thereupon take
setting forth the facts in connection with such action as he deems appropriate.
of August 1941. incorporated in material or equipment
delivered under contracts or orders such deferment or rejection.
Stettinius. Jr- ^ (e) Effective dates. This Order shall
Priorities. "^eluded under (i). (U).
or (ill) above.
(6) Any
allocations made or any pref- take effect on the 28 day of August, 1941.
ector of
erence ratings or other directions issued and. unless sooner terminated by direc-
'b) Preference ratings
August 29, 19^' and directions. by the Director of Prtoritles with respect
deliveries tl09->of the Director of Priorities, shall
m.] of potassium permanganate to the residual supply of potassium per-
expire on the 30th day of November, 1941.

FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941
coal-tar intermediates, dyes, synthetic cuse any custom
(O.P.M. Reg. 3. March i. 1941, 6 P.R. or orders on hand, provided such material
medicinals or other coal-tar finisheti of complying w
1596; E.O. 8629, January 7. 1941. 6 FSi. or equipment is to be physically incorpo-
rated in material or equipment to be products, and who prior to deliveries Order.
191; Sec. 2 a). Public No. 671, 76th Con-
delivered under contracts or orders in- thereof have certified to the Producer (h> i
gress; Sec. 9. Public No. 783, 76th Con- Order who cc
cluded under (i). (U), or (iii) above. that the Toluene desired will be used in this
gress) therewith would \
ihk production of organic chemicals,
Issued this 28 day of August 1941. (b) Preference ratings and directions. unreasonable ha:
[1 be given primary preference over
Deliveries of Toluene shall be made in leliveries of Toluene for any other non- appeal to the D
E. R. Stittinius. Jr.,
Director of Priorities. accordance with the following directions: defense uses. ( addressing a let
Deliveries under Defense Orders (2) To the extent that Supplies of To- Priorities, Office

IF. R. Doc. 41-6628: Piled, August 29, 1941;

ment. Social Sec
3:08 p. m.] shall be made in preference to deliveries luene are available after defense needs
other orders whenever, and to and the needs specified in paragraph ington. D. C, sett
under all
the extent, necessary to assure fulfillment (c) (1) above are satisfied, such supplies facts and the rea
that he
of the delivery schedule, specified in such
PART 974 —TOLUENE (TOLUOL) may be sold and delivered to anyone Is
Director of Prlc
Defense Orders or in any individual pref- without limitation, until further order of
General Preference Order No. M-34 to erence rating certificates assigned there- the Director of Priorities. take such action
Conserve the Supply and Direct the to, whichever schedule be earlier.
(d) Grievances. When deliveries of
Distribution of Toluene (Toluol) (2) Preference ratings, in order of (i) Effective di
Toluene have been unreasonably or im-
on th
Whereas, the national defense require- precedence, are: AA, A-l-a, A-l-b, etc., take effect
* properly deferred, or when orders there-
. . . A-l-J: A-2. A-3. etc., • • 1941. and, unless
ments have created a shortage of Toluene for have been rejected (for any reason
direction of the
for defense, for private account and for A-10.
other than the restrictions contained In
Deliveries under all Defense shall expire on tht
export, and it Is necessary, In the public (3)
this Order), the Person aggrieved may
ders which have not been assigned a 1941. (O.P.M. TU
Interest and to promote the defense of file with the Division of Priorities a veri-
the United States, to conserve the supply higher preference rating are hereby as- F.R. 1596; E. O.
fied report in form to be prescribed by
signed a preference rating of A-10. « F.R. 191; Sec.
and direct the distribution thereof; the Division of Priorities, attention
(4) Defense Orders for Toluene, 76lh Congress, as
NOW. therefore, it is hereby ordered Chemicals Section, setting forth the

whether or not accompanied by a Pref- * 89, 77th Congress;

that: facts in connection with such deferment
erence Rating Certificate, must be ac- Congress)
§ 974.1 General preference order — cepted and fulfilled in preference to any
or rejection.

(a) Definitions. For the purposes of (e) Doubtful cases. Whenever there is
other contracts or purchase orders for
this Order: doubt as to the preference rating appli-
such Material, subject to the following
cable to any delivery, or whether an order
(1) "Person" means any person, firm, provisions:
or contract placed or offered to be placed,
corporation, or other form of business |P R Doc. 41-6527:
(i)Defense Orders must be accepted constitutes a Defense Order, the matter 3:01
even if acceptance will render impossible, should be referred to the Division of Pri-
(2) "Producer" means any Person en-
or result in deferment of. orities for determination with a state-
gaged In the production of Toluene and ment of all pertinent facts.
under non-defense or-
includes any Person who has Toluene (o) deliveries
ders previously accepted, or
Records, information, and inspec-
(f )
P.tRT 975 — PHOSI
produced for him pursuant to toll agree-
under Defense Orders tion. All Persons affected by this Order General Preferenct
ment, and any person who has purchased (b) deliveries
previously accepted bearing lower pref- shall keep and preserve, for a period of serve the Supph
or purchases Toluene for purposes of
erence ratings, unless rejection is spe- not less than two years, accurate and tribution of Pho,
cifically permitted by the Director of complete records of their Inventories of
(3) "Defense Order" means: Whereas, the nai
Priorities; Toluene, and of the details of all trans-
ments have create*
(i) Any contract or order for material actions in any way regulated or affected
Defense Orders need not be ac- phoras Oxychlorii
or equipment to be delivered to. or for (11)
by this Order. Such records shall include private account, a
the account of: cepted the dates of all contracts or orders ac-
is necessary, In th
(a) The or Navy of the United
Army (a) delivery on schedule thereunder
if cepted; the delivery dates specified in
to promote the d(
States, theUnited States Maritime Com- would be impossible by reason of the re- such contracts or orders, and in any
States, to conserve
mission, the Panama Canal, the Coast quirements of Defense Orders previously Preference Rating Certificates accom-
the distribution tfc
and Geodetic Survey, the Coast Guard, accepted bearing higher or equal prefer- pansring them; the dates of actual deliv-
^o«, therefore,
the Civil Aeronautics Authority, the ence ratings, unless acceptance is specifi- eries thereunder; description of the ma-
National Advisory Commission for Aero- cally directed by the Director of Pri- terial covered by such contracts or or-
nautics, the Office of Scientific Research orities; ders; description of deliveries by classes, J 975.1 General
and Development; (b) if the Person seeking to place the types, quantities, and weights; the pref- <a) Priority com
(5) The government of any of the fol- Defense Order is unwilling or unable to erence ratings. If any. assigned to such supply and dlrectic
lowing countries: The United Kingdom. meet regularly established prices and contracts or orders or to deliveries there- of Phosphorus O:
Canada and other Dominions. Crown terms of sale or payment, but there shall under; the parties Involved in each taken by the Dlrec
Colonies and Protectorates of the British be no discrimination against Defense transaction; their sources of supply: and m future transact
Empire, Belgium, China, Greece, The Orders in establishing such prices or other pertinent information. All records Phosphorus Oxych
Kingdom of the Netherlands. Norway, terms; specified in this paragraph shall, upon re- and governed by th
Poland. Russia and Yugoslavia. quest, be submitted to audit and inspec-
(c) If the Toluene ordered is not ^f
nitlons contained li
tion by duly authorized representatives the Priorities Dlvlj
(ii) contract or order placed by
Any the kind usually produced or capable of
of the Division of Priorities. All Persons
being produced by the Person to whom
Production Managt
any agency of the United States Gov- affected by this Order shall execute and
the Defense Order is offered.
'^th day of August,
ernment for delivery to. or for the ac- such
file with the Division of Priorities otheruise specifical!
count of, the government of any country (c) Directions with respect to residual said Divi-
reports and questionnaires as A-10 rating i
listed above or any other country in the No
supply. After providing for all deliveries sion shall from time to time request.
Western Hemisphere pursuant to the Act '>^'^s. An A-10
under Defense Orders, giving preference
reports or questionnaires are to be Signed to any
of March 11. 1941, entitleo "An Act to cont
among such deliveries in accordance with by any Person until so requested and un- « offered by any
Promote the Defense of the United any preference ratings specifically as- til therefor are prescribed by tW
forms Phorus Oxychloride
States," (Lend-Lease Act).
signed thereto. Producers shall make do- Division of Priorities. Phosphorus Oxychl(
(iii) Any other contract or order to
liveries of Toluene under other contracts (g) Notification of customers. A^^^Jf* purchaser to fulfill
which the Director of Priorities assigns a or orders In accordance with the follow-
preference rating of A-10 or higher. ducers shall, as soon as practicable. »hich he has on 1
ing directions: notify each of their regular cu.slomers "Contract or order si
(iv) Any contract or order for material we
or equipment required by the person (1) Deliveries of Toluene to persons the requirements of this Order, but » defense order.
not ex-
placing the same to fulfill his contracts who use the same in the production of failure to give such notice shall
: :

FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday. September 5. 1941

cuse any customer from the obligation (c) Directioris with respect to residual
complying with the terms of this inate the use of scarce materials in
of supply. Any allocations made or any the
Order. production of such products and
preference ratings or other directions ;

(h) Appeal. Any Person affected by

Whereas, it is hoped that such meas-
Issued by the Director of Priorities
this Order who considers that compliance
with ures will reduce the requirements
respect to the residual supply of Phos- for
therewith would work an exceptional and scarce materials In the production
phorus Oxychloride after the satisfaction of
unreasonable hardiship upon him, may "Motor Truck and Public Passenger
of all defense requirements, direct Car-
appeal to the Division of Priorities by or in- rier Defense Products",
will encourage
direct, will be in accordance with
addressing a letter to the Division of such use of existing Inventory, an
Program as the Office of Price Adminis-
Priorities. Office of Production Manage-
tration and
schedulmg m
the replenishment of in-
ment, Social Security Building. Wash-
Civilian Supply may deter- ventory and will, accordingly,
permit the
mine. contmuatlon of priority assistance
ington. D, C, setting forth the pertinent be-
(d) Effective dates. This Order shall yond the limited period of time
facts and the reasons such Person con- presently
take effect on the 30th day of August. provided in this Order,
siders that he is entitled to relief. The 1941, and. unless sooner terminated by Now. therefore,
Director of Priorities may thereupon it 'is hereby ordered
direction of the Director of Priorities. that:
take such action as he deems appro-
shaU expire on the 31st day of December'
8 976.1 General preference order—
1941. (O.PM. Reg. 3. Mar. 8. 1941 6
(i) Effective date. This Order shall (&) Definitions. For the purposes of this
PR. 1596; E. O. 8629, Jan 7, 1941. 6 FJl
take effect on the 28th day of August. Order
191: E. O. 8875. Aug. 28. 1941; sec. 2 (a)
1941. and, unless sooner terminated by
Public No. 671, 76th Congress, as (1)
"Producer" means any Individual
direction of the Director of Priorities
amended; sec. 9. Public No. 783, 76th partnership, association,
shall expire on the 31st day of December corporation or
other form of enterprise which ^
1941. (O.P.M. Reg. 3. March 7. 1941 6
be engaged In the manufacture
Is or may Cv
F.R. 1596; E. O. 8629, January 7, 1941 Issued this 30th day of August 1941. or as-
sembly of one or more "Motor
6 F.R. 191; Sec. 2 (a). Public No. 671, Truck and
E. R. Stettinius, Jr., Public Passenger Carrier
76lh Congress, as amended by Public No. Defense Prod-
Director of Priorities.- ucts". /
89, 77th Congress; Sec. 9, Public No.
783. (2) "Motor Truck and Public Passen-
76th Congress) (P. R. Doc. 41-6566; PUed. September 1941-
2, ger Carrier Defense Product"
Issued this 28th
10:55 a. m] means any
Whenever there is day of August 1941. of the following items
srence rating appli-
or whether an order
E. R. Stettinius. Jr.,
Director of Priorities.
(1) "Heavy Motor
means a complete motor truck
Truck" — which
offered to be placed, or truck-
f Limitation Order L-1]
|P R Doc. 41-6527: tractor of a rated capacity
Piled, August 29 (as adver-
; Order, the matter

the Division of Pri-

3:08 p. m.J
PART 976 —MOTOR TRUCKS AND PUBLIC PAS- tised by the Producer prior
to August 1
SENGER CARRIERS 1941) of three tons-oi-mo«'
or. the
itlon with a state- chassis, body or cab therefor.
t facts.
To Limit, and To Facilitate the Acquisi-
ai) "Medium Motor
nation, and inspec- PART 975— PHOSPHORUS OXYCHLORIDE tion of Scarce Materials for. the Pro- Truck"—which
duction of Certain Motor Truck and
means a complete motor truck or truck-
[ected by this Order General Preference Order M-35 To tractor of a rated capacity (as
Con- Public Passenger Carrier Defense Prod- advertised
rve, for a period of serve the Supply and Direct the Dis- by the Producer prior to August
accurate and ucts 1 1941)
^ears, tribution of Phosphorus Oxychloride of one and one-half tons
or more, but
their inventories of Whereas, the manufacture of "Motor less than three tons, or,
Whereas, the national defense require- the chassis body
details of all trans- Truck and Public Passenger Carrier De- or cab therefor.
ments have created a shortage of
egvilated or affected Phos- fense Products" requires the utilization (Hi)
phorus Oxychloride "Truck-trailer"— which means
records shall include for defense, for
of large quantities of scarce materials: seml-traller or full trailer having
tracts or orders ac-
private account, and for export
and It a
national defense requirements have cre- cargo-carrying capacity (as advertised
dates specified in
Is necessary, in
the public interest and by

to promote the defense

ated a shortage In these materials for the Producer prior to August 'ii
of the United 1. 1941) of
irders. and in any defense, private account and export; ac- five tons or more, designed
States, to conserve the supply
and direct exclusively
Certificates accom- tion has already been taken to conserve for the transportation of property,
the distribution thereof; or the
ates of actual deliv- the supply and direct the distribution of chassis of body therefor.
scrlption of the ma- Now. therefore, it is hereby ordered
such materials to Insure deliveries for (iv) "Pubhc Passenger Carrier" 4
ch contracts or or-
defense and for essential civilian require- which means motor or electric coach
deliveries by classes, GeneralJ, ments; and
d weights; the prrf-
5 975.1 / preference order— city, suburban or Intercity
public car-
<a) Priority control. Control of the Whereas, It rier passenger transportation,
Is necessary in the interests having a
ly, assigned to such supply and direction of the distribution seating capacity of not less than 15
of defense to stimulate the production per-
ir to deliveries there- of Phosphorus Oxychloride is hereby of "Heavy Trucks": and sons, or the chassis or body
; Involved in each ta*en by the Director of Priorities, and (V) "Replacement Parts" ^. which
Whereas, the present supply of scarce
urces of supply: an'' >J1 future transactions of means only the following functional
any kind In materials be Insufficient for defense
rmation. All records Phosphorus Oxychloride are regulated parts (including components entering
and essential civilian requirements If the
graph shall, upon re- >nd governed by the provisions and defl- Into such parts) used for the repair
late of production of "Medium Motor of
to audit and Inspec- mtions contained in Regulation heavy trucks, medium
No 1 of Trucks" should Increase over levels pre- trucks, truck-
rized representatives we Priorities Division of the trailers and public passenger
Office of vailing from January 1, 1941 to June carriers:
lorlties. All Persons Production 30 engine, clutch, transmission,
Management, issued on the 1941; and propeller
ler shall execute and 27th day of August, 1941. except as herein shaft, axles, brakes, wheels, hubs,
Whereas, therefore, it is appropriate drums,
m of Priorities such oUieruise specifically provided.
In the interests of defense and to meet
starting apparatus, spring suspension.'
:inalres as said Divi- 'b) A-IO rating brackets and shackles; also the exhaust
No assigned to additional essential civilian requirements to limit
to time request. An A-10 rating is hereby as- cooling, fuel and
the volume of production of "Motor
electrical system* in-
laires are to be f^^ J^j.
SRned to any contract or cluding generators, lights. reflec^rsT^nd
un- order placed Truck and Public Passenger Carrier De-
so requested and « offered by any purchaser of Phos- batteries: also gauges, speedoifteters.
thJ fense Products", to afford priority assist- mo-
re prescribed by phorus Oxychloride for the delivery of tors, fuses, flares, directional
ance In the procurement of scarce mate- signals,
s. «»osphorus Oxychloride required by rear-view mirrors,
windshield wipers,
AllPro- the rials required to maintain an
f customers. purchaser to fulfill any average control mechanisms, steering apparatus,
defense order annual rate of production within such
ioon as Which he has on driving gears, coupling devices; and. but
hand, and any such lunits. such measures to be operative
regular customers [ontract or order shall Itself be for only as to parts for public passenger car-
Ordfr. but tbe
deemed a limited period of time only, and to re-
r this » defense order. riers, heating, ventilating and door-
ex- quire each producer to reduce and elim-
notice shall not opening equipment. Replacement parts
FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday^ September 3, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941 4535
count and for export, and it Is necp^sary Bverles of Imported Manila Fiber may
the comply with such Instructions as have day of August, 1941. and unless sooner
do not Include parts entering Into time In the public Interest and to promote the made without
restriction to any Per- terminated by direction of the Director
been or may be issued from time to
production or assembly of new lieavy
Office defense of the United States, to conserve son importing the same, either directly
by the Director of Priorities of the
of Priorities, shall exi^re on the 28 day
truck-trailers or the supply and direct the distribution
trucks, medium trucks, with respect or through an agent: Further provided. of February. 1942 (O. P. M. Reg. 3, Mar.
of Production Management,
public passenger carriers. of scarce thereof That deliveries of Manila Fiber may be 7. 1941. 6 P. R. 1596; E. O. 8629, Jan. 7,
to the reduction or elimination
form PD 95} Each Pro- production of Motor Now. therefore, it U hereby ordered made without restriction by any Person 1941, 6 P. R. 191; sec. 2 (a). Public No.
(b) Filing of materials in the
or not he importing the same to any Processor
ducer, irrespective of whether Truck and Public Passenger Carrier that: 671. 76th Congress, Third Session as
priority assistance pur- herein defined: And further provided, amended by Public No. 89, 77th Congress,
desires to invoke Defense Products. : 977.1 General preference order— ^ as

order, shall, on or before All persons affected by That deliveries of Manila Fiber may be First Session; Sec. 9, Public No. 783]
suant to this (f) Records. (a) Regulations incorporated in this or-
September 30. 1941. file with the Automo- thisOrder shall keep and preserve for der. Except as expressly modified by the
made without restriction by or to Defense 76th Congress)
Equip- accurate and Supplies Corporation and by or to any
Uve Railroad and Agricultural not less than two years terms of this Order, all of the provisions Issued this 29 day of August 1941.
of Production Man- concerning inventories, other agency of the Federal Government.
ment Branch. Office complete records and definitions of Priorities Regulation
agement. Washington. D. FormC PD
production and sales. No. 1.' Part 944, issued August 27. 1941,
(d) Restrictions on processing of Ma- E. R. Stettinixjs. Jr.,
95- Provided, however. That any (g) Audit and inspection.
All records
by the Director of Priorities, as amended
nila fiber. (1) Unless specifically au- Director of Priorities.
ducer, who may elect to operate under required to be kept by this Order shaU
from time to time, are hereby incor-
thorized by the Director of Priorities, no
IP. R. Doc. 41-6538; PUed. August 30. 1941;
production herein- and Person shall hereafter begin the process-
the limitations on upon request be submitted to audit porated in and made a part of this Order
any Manila Fiber except for the
10:44 a. m.J
(c). or, to representa- ing of
after imposed in paragraph inspection by duly authorized as fully and with the same effect as if
purpose of manufacturing Class A, Class
whom no Umitation on production is tives of the Office of Production
Manage- specifically herein ret forth.
applicable under this Order by
virtue B or Class C Cordage.
ment. Definitions for the purposes of
paragraph (b) Unless specifically authorized by
of the exemption provided
a form
PD 95; but. if
(h) Reports. All persons affected by
file with the
this order. (1) "Manila Fiber' means the

Director of Priorities, no Person shall,

(d). need not this Order shall execute and
Subchapter C—Administrator of Export
priority fiber which Is commonly known in the
midnight August 30. 1941. begin the
such Producer desires to invoke
Office of Production Management such
Order he trade by this term and also known as processing of any Manila Fiber for the Control
assistance pursuant to this reports and questionnaires as
said Office
1941. No re- Abaca or Manila Hemp. purpose of manufacturing any Class A
should, on or before September 30. time to
from time request. export control schedule no. 20
shall "Manila Cordage" means cables
(2) Class B Cordage except for sale or
a Form PD 95. be filed by or
file ^^ ^ . ports or quesUonnaires are to and ropes A" in diameter and larger,
Copies of this Form may be obtained forms therefor are pre- delivery to fulfill those categories of or- The commodity forms, conversions,
any person until
Railroad Man- and trawl twines used for fishing nets. ders specified in (e) (2) below. and derivatives determined in this
by writing to the Automotive, scribed by the Office of Production alone or in
in which Manila Fiber either
and Agricultural Equipment Branch. agement. materials is used.
Manila Fiber may be processed for
<3) Schedule are in addition to those appear-
combination with other
Office of Production Management, Wash- Violations or false statements. Any means Manila
the purpose of manufacturing Class C ing in the Comprehensive Export Control
(i) (3) "Class A Cordage" Cordage without restriction. Schedule issued September 1, 1941, and
ington. D. C. ^_ person who violates this Order,
or who
Cordage which contains such a combi-
Upon Form PD 95. the Office
receipt of which he is Restrictions on sales and deliver,
(e) will be incorporated in the next issue
will deter- wilfully falsifies any records nation of grades of Manila Fiber as will
of Production Management of this Class A and Class B Cordage. of the Ckjmprehensive Export Control
required to keep by the terms require-
iet of (1)
finished units of at least equal the fiber quality Schedule to be published October 1, 1941.
mine the number of Order, or by the Director or
Priorities, or
Federal Specifications T-R- No processor shall sell or deliver to a
Pub- ments of
each category of Motor Truck and otherwise wilfully furnishes false
infor- Dealer and no Dealer shall buy or accept By virtue of the Military Order of De-
Defense Pioducts 601a. of any Class A or Class B Cord- cember 19. 1940. and Executive Order No.
lic Passenger Carrier PrloriUes or delivery
mation to the Director of (4) "Class B Cordage" means
which the Producer may produce during Management age so long as the Inventory thereof in 8712, I, William E. Chickering. Deputy
September 1. to the Office of Production Cordage which contains such a combina-
Administrator of Export Control, have,
the three-months period Pri- the hands or under the control of the
November 30, 1941. Thereupon may be prohibited by the Director of tion of grades of Manila Fiber as
Dealer is sufficient to enable such Dealer in the absence of the Administrator,
1941 to further deliv-
Passenger orities from obtaining any give a Becker value, not in excess of thir-
determined that
a "Motor Truck and Public
to fulfill those categories of orders specl-
to allocation.
Limitation and eries of materials subject ty-nine, such Becker value to be
Carrier Defense Products may also take fled in (e) (2) below, which he will be
be The Director of PrloriUes mined according to the methods set forth 1. Effective August 30. 1941, the forms,
Rating Order, Form 1^1, Series 1". will appropriate, in- required to fulfill within ninety days
Producer which will impose any other action deemed in said Federal Specifications T-R-601a. conversions, and derivatives of the
issued to the recommendation thereafter as Indicated by his customary
and cluding the making of a (5) "Class C Cordage" means Manila articles and materials designated in
the Umitation upon his production 35 of the rate of operation.
for prosecution under Section Cordage which contains no Manila Fiber Proclamation No. 2506* of August
afford him priority assistance. No Processor or Dealer shall sell 27,
of the following grades: AB
Criminal Code (18 U.S.C. 80) Davao or 1941. shall Include the following, in addi-
Limitation on production of small or deliver Class A or Class B Cordage ex-
(J) Effective This order shall
date. non-Davao, CD Davao or non-Davao, E tion to items previously determined:
producer. The following limitations, ap- the following categories of
cept to fulfill
take effect upon the date of
the Issuance Davao or non Davao, F Davao or non-
plicable in the case of any Producer
who effect until G Davao. 52 orders;
thereof and shall continue in Davao. I Davao. JI Davao.
under the limitations sub- which
elects to operate revoked by the Director of Priorities Davao and in addition to is so
Defense Orders.
(1) Unit of
provided in this paragraph, are
hereby supplements Fiber therein quan-
Pro- ject to such amendments or processed that the Manila Purchase Orders for Class A or
production of such time to tity
thereto as may be issued from
with at
imposed on the contained is combined or mixed Class B Cordage for use by Persons in
the period from September than
ducer during time the Director of Priorities.
by least an equal amount of fiber
other the following categories of usage:

1, 1941 to AugXist 30,

1942: FJl. 1596;
(O.P.M. Reg. 3. Mar. 7. 1941. 6 Manila Fiber. (a) —
Marine for use by or for ships,
PJR. 191; sec. 2
(i) The Producer of heavy
motor truck EO 8629. Jan. 7, 1941. 6
Congress, as
(6) "Processor" means any Person who
'owing, commercial fishing, and on in-
chassis, medium motor truck chassis or (a) Public No. 671. 76th spins, twists, weaves or otherwise uses
land waterways.
will be 77th Congress; of Manila
public passenger carrier chassis amended by Public No. 89, ManUa Fiber in the production <l)> Oil Wells— for use as drilling
limited in the aggregate number of
such sec 9 Public No. 783. 76th Cordage. ables, catlines, spinning lines and tor-
he may produce to 200;
vehicles which Issued this 30th day of August
1941. term pedo lines.
Producer of truck-trailer
For the purposes of this Order the
(ii) The mean any Person 'O Mining—for use
E. R. STKTTiNros, Jr.. "Processor" shall also for hoisting and
chassis wUl be limited in the number
Director of Priorities. transmission of pdwer.
vehicles which he may produce to who imports Manila Cordage.
such who
200. fP R Doc. 41-6667; FUed. September 2. 1941; (7)"Dealer" means any Person <3) Notwithstanding the provisions of
10:55 a. m. procures Manila Cordage for
<1) and (e) (2). any Processor or
(d) No limitation on the production of agentjs. ^ler may sell or deliver Class A or
for and includes selling
replacement parts, bodies or cabs, (i) commercially Class B Cordage
for direct export out of
warehousemen and other
The Producer of Replacement Parts will PART 977—MANILA FIBER AND MANIIA recognized agents acting for
their o»n "»e United States of America,
if such ex-
not be Umited in the number of such CORDAGE whether or not Port
have been specifically licensed
account or for others,
parts which he may produce. Coraagc "y the Administrator of Export
acquiring title to such Manila Control.
(ii) The Producer of
Bodies or Cabs General Preference Order M-36 to Con-
motor rna- '4» eiass
C Cordage and other Manila
for heavy motor trucks, medium serve the Supply and Direct the
(c) Restrictions on deliveries of cordage not included
passenger bution of Manila Fiber and Manila No Person shall hereaft« within Class A or
trucks, truck-trailers or public nila fiber. ^«s B Cordage may be sold and de-
carriers will not be limited in the number Cordage make delivery and no Person sh^i »^ i^^red
Fiber. unie»
without restriction.
of such Bodies or Cabs
which he may future cept delivery of Manila
Whereas, the uncertainty of 'f)
Effective date and termination.
specifically authorized by the D|I5'f
elimination of shipments of Manila Fiber from abroad Tbai de-
u 'lus Order shall take effect on the 29
Reduction and Priorities: Provided, however,
Each Producer shall and National Defense requirement* for Ko. 171
scarce materials. Manila Cordage have created a shortage
and for private ac- >6F.R.4480.
document. thereof for defense
»FUed with the original
— — —
: C

FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941

Avoidance of excessive inoen-
by the refiner or pro- 9 1344.3
December 31. 1941. or such later date as livery, or transfer
toriet. No person shall accumulate ex- CHAPTER I—BUI
may be permitted in each case upon ap- ducer of copper.
cessive inventories of tungsten chemical INSPECTION AJ
(e) Differentials for less than carload
plication to the Office of Price Admin- compounds under this program.*
istration and Civilian Supply, or (b)
lot shipments by a refiner or producer. Part 9 Air Com
1344.4Enforcement. The foregoing
where the applicant is a dealer and the A refiner or producer of copper shall be 9
permitted to sell less than carload lots program is to be administered and en- Regulation and
permission is necessary to protect the forced by the Office of Production Man-

applicant against loss and where the con- at a price not more than '/2^' P^^ pound pj Scope and defln
agement.* Landing require
above the maximum base price adjusted 93
tract or firm commitment was entered Effective date and expira- 9.4 Entry and cleai
for the kind, grade, shape, form and de- 9 1344.5
into prior to August 12, 1941, and the tion. This program shall take effect on
95 Entry of alrcra:
livery differentials. Clearance of all
copper, or the piirchase contract lor the
September 1, 1941 and shall, unless sooner lines.
copper, to fulfill such contract or firm This amendment is issued iRursuant to terminated by the Administrator, expire 97 r>ocuments.
commitment was acquired prior to April the authority contained in Executive Or- on December 31. 1941.» 98 Documents for i

der No. 8734.' 99 Documents for <

25. 1941.
Issued this 28th day of August 1941. 910 Omission of llsti
Section 1309.60 Appendix A— Maxi- Issued this 28th day of August 1941. board aircraft
Leon Henderson, Residue cargo; (
mum prices, is hereby amended by strik- LaoH Henderson. Administrator.
912 General provlslo
ing the text thereof and substituting Administrator. 9.13 Public health n
\r. R. Doc. 41-6635: Piled. August 29, IMl:
therefor the following: 9.14 General provlslo
August 29, 1941; 3:39 p. m.l
9 13 9.60 Appendix A — Maximum [P. R. Doc. 41-6534: Piled,
3:38 p. m.|
9.15 Penalties.

prices —Maximum base

(a) prices, d) For the text of it
The maximum base prices for electro-
part see Title 19 —
lytic, lake, or other fire refined copper TITLE 36— PARKS 4—Air Commerce R
In the shape of wire bars or ingot bais Part 1344 ^Tungsten
made to meet the American Society of civilian allocation program for tttno- Part 261—Trespass [Order
Testing Materials Standard specification sten chemical compounds

B5-27 for electrolytic copper, or Ameri- revocation of section 261 10 General Rttles
can Society of Testing Materials Stand- that there be provided an
It is essential (regulat:on t-8'2>
increasing supply of timgsten and tung-
ard specification B4-27 for lake copper, virtue of the authority vested in the

sten chemical compounds to serve the Corre

Shan be 12t' per pound delivered in car- Secretary of Agriculture by the Act of j

load lots at Connecticut Valley points. growing needs of the defense effort and The name plate
To insure the June 4. 1897 (30 Stat. 11, 35. 16 U£C. li

(2) The maximum base price for cast- vital civilian demands. page 4263 of
551), and the Act of February 1. 1905 <33 ing at t

ing copper in the shape of wire bars

or obtaining of priority for deliveries cf August 21, 1941.
Stat. 628. 16 U.S.C. 472), Regulation T- for

Ingot bars made by fire refining to a tungsten related to military defense follows
812 of the rules and regulations povem- as

standard of 99.5 per cent pure including needs, the Priorities Division, Office cf
Ing the occupancy, use. protection and • • • p V
silver as copper shall be ll%o per
pound Production Management, has issued 8T • • •
M administration of the National Forests,
In carload lots f. o. b. refinery. General Preference Order No. 29. I T • • •

(b) Differentials for other kinds, That order will further diminish the sup- which constitutes 5 261.10, Part 2«1,
T8****» KT
Chapter n. Title 36, Code of Federal Reg- T P • • • LBS
grades, shapes or forms. For copper of ply of tungsten available for civilian U S
ulations, is hereby revoked. I
any other kind, grade, shape or form chemical manufacture. It Is therefore
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto
there shall be added to or subtracted necessary to restrict the use and manu- Paragraph (m)
set my hand and caused the official ses^ ol
from the maximum base price the cus- facture of tungsten chemical compounds page 4265 correcte
of the Department of Agriculture to be is
tomary premiums or discounts for such manufactured from tungsten ore or con-
affixed. In the City of Washington, this
<m) Where struct
kind, grade, shape or form which would centrates.
29th day of August 1941. X. fabrication of d
have been added to or subtracted from
Accordingly, pursuant to and under
[seal] Grover B. Hill, urns the material s
the maxlpnmi base price on August 11. the authority vested in me by Executive
Acting Secretary of Agriculture. following requlremei
1941. .
, Order No. 8734.* particularly Section 2
(C) DifferentiaUi for deliveries
at (8> thereof, the following program is an- IP. R. Doc. 41-6542; Filed. August 30, 1941;
'In substantial agree
poi7its otner thofr' Connecticut alley y nounced:
11:33 a. m.|
Spec. A-
points. Pokdefiveries at any point other
9 1344.1 Allocation of materials. No Tenslle strength psl...
than a Connecticut Valley point there YieW point mln. psl...
person shall accept delivery of tungsten
shall be added to or subtracted from the TITLE 42-PUBLIC HE.\LTH Kongatlon In 8 In. ml:
base price for Connecticut chemical compounds or manufacture
chemical compounds from tungsten ore Eongatlon In 2 Inches
Valley points set forth in paragraph (a)
or concentrates, except for use In execut- SERVICE
(1) above the customary differential In § 59.37. appearl
ing Defense Orders or in the manufac-
which, on August 11, 1941, would have Part 11— Foreign Qttarantihi word "fairloads" in tl
ture of tungsten metal powder, in a quan-
been added to or subtracted from said Sec. lowing the colon sho
tity which for any calendar month will
base price adjusted for the kind, grade, 11.501 Regulation and supervision.
in the aggregate by weight exceed 9070
shape or form differential. The same 11.502 Scope and definitions.
of the average monthly quantity of tung- 11.503 Landing requirements.
delivery differentials shall apply to lake 11.504 Entry and clearance.
applied to electroljrtic sten chemical compounds delivered to •»• CHAPTER II—UNTI
copper as are 11.505 Entry of aircraft of scheduled
and manufactured by him. except for use TIME CON
in executing Defense Orders or In the 11.506 CTearance of aircraft of scbeduiea
Differentials for less than carload
(d) SwuAPTER, B Reg
For less than a carload lot the manufacture of tungsten metal powder, airlines
lots. 11.507 Documenu. Maritime
maximiun price shall be f. o. b. shipping during the period July 1, 1940 to June 30. 11.508 Documents for entry.
1941.* Documents for clearance. tax 241—SHIP WAF
point and shall be calculated by adding 11.609
11.810 OmlMlcn of lists of aliens
to the maximum base price adjusted for •5S 1344.1 to 1344.5, Inclusive, Issued pursu- on boaitl aircraft.
Subpart A—
the kind, grade, shape, form and delivery ant to the authority contained In Executive Residue cirgo; customs, 8(e.
Order No. 8734.
differentials the following premiums: 11.512 General provisions: customs. Definitions.
Definitions. The terms used 11.513 Public health requlremeiiU
Quantity Price per lb. 9 1344.2 ««» Subpart B-
11.514 General provlalons; entry anfl
0-4M pounds ^^ In this program shall be defined as they ance. «1.11 Effectlve date
600-900 pounds 1%^ are defined in General Preference Order 11.515 Penalties. »*i.ia Priority of war
l,000-4.»«» poxmds 1<
M-29.* t^
8,000 pounds to carload %< For the text of the regulations In
nn The material In bi
>6 PH. 1917. part see Title 19—Customs Duties, fa aectlon Identifies
The above prices for less than a car- 4—Air Commerce Regulations, sup* ^•0 In "Ship Warr
load lot shall not apply to a sale, de- •6 PR. 1917. Pn>»e<l bv the United l

?^^ August
"* msident
14, IS
Augtist i
FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September S, 1941 4537
of excessive inven-
241.13 Priority as between warrant holding
than facitity incapable of or not engaging
all accumulate ex- CHAPTER I—BUREAU OP MARINE vessels. in the business of servicing vessels of
tungsten chemical INSPECTION AND NAVIGATION 241.14 No suspension of servicing warrant more than 1,000 gross tons;
s program.* holding vessel. Warrant.
Part 9 Air Commerce Regulations 241.16 Suspension of servicing non>warrant
(f) "Warrant" shaH mean
mt. The foregoing the original copy of the document here-
holding vessel.
ninlstered and en- fl*c.
241.16 Priority between warrant holding inafter described in § 241.32 issued by
9.1 Regulation and supervision.
»f Production Man- veasela of same class.
t3 Scope and definitions. the Commission with respect to a vessel
Landing requirements. 241.17 Facility not to Impair servicing of
93 or the license papers of vessels of less
date and exptra. 9.4 Entry and clearance. warrant holding vessel.
Entry of aircraft of scheduled airlines. 241.18 Appropriate provisions In than 1,000 gross tons as provided in
shall take effect on 95 facUlty
9.6 Clearance of aircraft of Scheduled air- contracts. §241.31 (c): \
1shall, unless sooner lines. (g) Undertaking. "Undertaking" shall
iministrator, expire Documents.
Subpart C— Warrants
mean a document filed as an application
• 98 Documents for entry. Classes of warrants.
9.9 Documents for clearance. 241.32 Form of warrant. for a warrant or warrants in the^rm in
of August 1941. Omission of lists of aliens employed on 241.42 set forth;
y 9 10 § "_Y
board aircraft. Subpart for Warrants (h) Warrant holding vessel. *^'War-
EON Henderson, 911 Residue cargo; customs. 241.41 Eligible vessels. rant holding vessel" shall mean any ves-"
Administrator. General provisions; customs.
9.12 241.42 Form of application and undertaking. sel dociunented under the laws of the
9.13 Public health requirements.
tied, August 29. IMl; 241J3 Commission to determine class of
9.14 General provisions; entry and clearance. warrant; conditions. United States or of a foreign nation, ex-
. m.i
9.15 Penalties. 241.44 hibiting a valid warrant of any class
Finality of Commission determination
For the text of the regulations in this as to conditions. provided for in §241.31 hereof or any
part see —
Title 19 Customs Duties. Part Subpart E —Modification. Revocation or vessel (other than a railroad car ferry,
1 AND FORESTS 4—Air Commerce Regulations, supra. Surrender tug boat, salvage vessel or oyier vessel
241.51 Revocation of warrant. used in servicing vessels) which exhibits
)REST SERVICE 241.52 Grounds for revocation. license papers showing it to be of less
-Trespass 241.53 Withdrawal of warrant. than 1.000 gross tons;
f Order No. 1381
241.54 Return of warrant.
(i) Non-warrant holding vessel. "Non-
SECTION 261.10
>N T-8'2>
GcNERiL Rules and Recxtlations Subpart F —General Provisions warrant holding vessel" shall mean any
amendments 241.61 Manning, repairing, etc. of vessels. other vessel documented under the laws
thority vested in the 241.62 Exactions from warrant holders.
Corrections of the United States or of a foreign na-
Iture by the Act of 241.63 Unjust discrimination.
241.64 Right to amend regulations. tion not included in (h) above;
at. 11, 35. 16 use. The name
plate in S 54.1^-12 appear-
February 1, 1905 <33 ing at page 4263 of the Federal Register Subpart G—Prohibitions and Penalty
j) Charter hire or equivalent. "Char-

ter hire or equivalent" shall mean com-

472) Regulation T-
for August 21, 1941, Is corrected to read 241.71 Alteration or counterfeiting of war- pensation under any (1) charter party,
regulations govem- u follows: rant. '

or (2) bill of lading or other contract of

use. protection and •

• • P V

False statement or representation.
Penalty provision of Act. affreightment; and
he National Forests.
H R (k) Repair. "Repair" shall include
5 261.10. Part 261.
T 8 '

• • MTL CL • OR •
Subpart A—Definitions any reconstruction, alteration, recon-
Code of Federal Reg- T P • LBS SWP LBS Definitions. As used in the
evoked. U S I ... • • • § 241.1
regulations in this part the following
ditioning, outfitting or equipping of ves-
sels.' [Sec. 1.01]
•eof. I have hereunto terms unless the context indicates other-
Paragraph (m) of 9 59.3 appearing at •§{241.1 to 241.78. Inclusive, issued under
Lused the official se^ wise, shall be construed as follows: authority contained in the Act. anproved July
of Agriculture to be page 4265 is corrected to read as follows:
14, 1941 (Public Law 173— 77th Congress)
of Washington, this (a) Vessel. "Vessel" shall mean wa- and Executive Order of August 26, 1941.
'm) Where
structural steel is used for tercraft or other artincial contrivance,
1941. X, (No. 8871 >).
the fabrication of davit frames or davit
documented under the laws of the United
GroverB. Hill, anns the material shall conform to the
States or of a foreign nation, of what- SubiKirt B—Priorities
tary of Agriculture. following requirements: soever description, used or capable of § 241.11 Effective date of priorities.
Filed. August 30. IMI; being used as a means of transportation
'In substantial agreement with A. S. T. M. Thirty days after approval of the regu-
a. m.l
Spec. A-131-39) on water, other than a vessel plying ex- lations in this part by the President, the
Tensilestrength psl clusively the inland waters (including use of facilities in the United States,
1 60.000 to 72.000
Tifldpoint mln. p«l 0,5 T. S. rivers, canals, harbors, bays, soimds and its Territories or possessions, including
BLIC HEALTH Kongatlon in 8 In. mln. per cent... 1,500.000 lakes, other than the Great Lakes) of the Philippine Islands and the Panama
Ten. Str. the United States, unless the Commission
'UBLIC HEALTH Bongatlon In 2 Inches mln. per cent.. 22
Canal Zone, by vessels shall be subject
in specific cases shall determine tliat in to priority in accordance with the terms
iVICE In § 59.37, appearing at page 4267, the the interest of national defense, such a and provisions of the Act, and the regu-
acN Qttarantihi word "fairloads" in the first sentence fol- vessel should hold a warrant; lations in this part, and Executive Order
lowing the colon should read "fairleads." (b) Citizen of United States. "Citi- of August 26, 1941, (No. 8871), (6 FR,
id supervUion. zen of the Limited States" shall mean (in 4469).' [Sec. 2.01]
addition to^atural persons, citizens 241.12
Priority of xoarrant holding
earance. under the laws of the United States) vessels. Every
CHAPTER II—UNITED STATES MARI- facility shall accord
:raft of scheduled •»• corporations, partnerships, and associa- priority as to the services rendered by
TIME COMMISSION tions existing, authorized, or organized
scheduled such facility to warrant holding vessels
aircraft of
Sttbchapter, B —
Regulations Affecting under the laws of the United States or as against non-warrant holding vessels,
Maritime Carriers any State, district, Territory, or posses- notwithstanding the fact that a non-
entry. sion thereof;
ar clearance.
>ttT 241 —SHIP warrant REGULATIONS* (c) Commission. "Commission" shall
warrant holding vessel presents itself or
llstB of aliens applies for such service before a warrant
Subpart A—Definitions mean the United States Maritime Com- holding vessel.' [Sec. 2.02]
i; cvistoms. mission;
Islnns: customs. **H Dcftnltlona. § 241.13 Priority as between warrant
1 requlremenis
(d) Act. "Act" shall mean An Act, holding vessels. As between warrant
lalons; entry and
ci«w Subpart B—Priorities Approved July 14, 1941 (Public Law 173, holding vessels, facilities shall give pri-
^^^cttve date of priorities. 77th Congress)
vlli ority in accordance with the ascending
*" la Priority of warrant holding vessels. (e) Facilities. "Facilities" "shall in- order of the classes shown by their war-
In tWs clude services pertaining to, and physical
he repulations 'The material In brackets rants; for example, a vessel exhibiting a
Customs Duties. P»n at the end of equipment employed in the loading, dis- Class A-1 warrant is to have preference
7^0 section Identifies the section as coii- charging, lighterage or storage of cargo,
Eiegulatlons, supn- *^ed In "Ship Warrant Regulations" ap- over all vessels exhibiting Class A-2 war-
^eo bv the United States Maritime Com- the procurement of bunker fuel and coal, rants or lower.* [Sec. 2.03]
August 14. 1941 and approved by and towing, overhauling, drydocking or
"esldent August 26. 1941. I
repair of vessels as defined herein, other 6FR.4469.
— :

4538 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941

stantial quantities of other materials laws of a foreign nation and not owned
S 241.14 No suspension of servicing
when such transportation Is requested by a citizen of the United States.* iSec.
tDorrant holding vessel. In case a lacility pnde Voyages Cargo
shall have begun servicing a warrant by any defense agetu:y, or (3) the trans-
portation in the foreign or domestic com- § 241.42 Form of apfdication and un-
holding vessel, It need not stispend such
merce of the United States of substantial dertaking. The form of such application
servicing because ol the subsequent re-
quantities of materials deemed by the shall consist of an undertaking with
quest for such service on behalf of a
vessel bearing a warrant of a higher class Commission to be essential to the defense Schedules A and B attached thereto in
applicant is to
than that of the vessel being serviced.' of the United States, and which vessels the following forms: of lading, the actual
(Sec. 2.041 are of a type and capacity which the UNrrBD States MAamME Commission of the commodities
must be appended to
§ 241.15 S}ispension of servicing non- Commission deems appropriate for such UNDXXTAKING FOB MKECHANT SHIP WAKaANTI or minimum
a tariff
toarrant holding vessel. In case a fa- Importation or transportation. Class such rates already is
The undersigned hereby applies for Merchant
cility shall have begun servicing a ncm- A-1 shall also apply to railroad car fer- Ship Warrants for the vessels described m mission in connecti
sgreement or otherwli
warrant holding vessel and a warrant ries, and to tug boats, salvage vessels and Schedules A and B attached hereto a nd m»ce
to law with the Inte
holding vessel presents Itself or applies
other vessels used in servicing vessels; a part hereof. The undersigned undertake*: mission or any State
for service at such facility, the servicing Class A-2 shall apply to To employ said vessels In tlie trade case such tariff or n
<b) Class A~2. (1)
of the warrant holding vessel diall not route set opposite the name of each veoel. may be incorporated
vessels of 1,000 or more gross tons em-
be postponed or delayed because erf the and in no other, except with the consent o( by reference as "Max
ployed in the transportation In the for- the United States Maritime Commission, un- Bquivalent."
servicing the non-warrant holding
eign or domestic commerce of the United less said Cbramlssion shall otherwise pre-
vessel and the servicing of the non-war- scribe by fair and reasonable condition!
States of substantial quantities of mate-
rant holding vessel shall be suspended or imposed In the issuance or continued effec- (b) Schedule B.
rials deemed by the Commission to be tlveness of such warrants;
deferred to the extent necessary: Pro-
essential to the economic welfare of the (2) TO carry only the class or classes ol Sche<
vided. That if the servicing of the non- cargo or passengers Indicated In the attached
warrant holding vessel has proceeded to United States, or the employment of Schedule A with respect to each of such
(For each vessel foi
the for requ<
such a point that It would be unsafe to which is otherwise desirable vessels, unless said Commission shall other-
remove It. or if the time required to maintenance of such foreign or domestic wise prescribe by fair and reasonable condi- To Be AppendeC
tions imposed In the issuance or continued
remove it and to prepare the facility for commerce; and effectiveness of such warrants;.
Piled by
servicing the warrant holding vessel Class A-3. Class A-3
(c) shall con- (3) To charge not more than the amount 1. Name of owner /af
would exceed the time required to com- of less than 1,000 gross tons
sist of vessels
set forth in the attached Schedule A as char- (Strike Inapp
may ter hire or equivalent, unleaa said Commission Name and type of \
plete the servicing, such servicing

(other than raUroad car ferries, tug shall otherwise prescribe by fair and reason- I. Port of registry _..
be continued and completed.* [Sec.
boats, salvage and other vessels used in able conditions imposed in the issuance or 4 Plag
Vessels in Class A-3 continued effectiveness of svich warrants; 5 Official No. ,

warrant servicing vessels) .

§ 241.16 Priority between (4) To Inform the Commission in writing 6. Cross register tonn
shall not apply for nor hold a warrant but of any commitments with respect to »ny 7 Net register tonnag
holding vessels of same class. As be- veaaels under the control of the underslgnsd Total deadweight t
shall Instead exhibit their license papers

twem warrant holding vessels of the entered into with respect to voyages to be • Draft light
same class, preference shall be given by to facilities as evidence of their classi- performed after the date of the filing hereof; 10. Bale cubic (total ca

facilities in the usual order of business; fication hereimder.* [Sec. 3.011 (6) To inform the Commission of any 11. If tanker. Indlcal
vessels which may come under or pass from dry cargo
Provided, That when necessary and ad- 241.32 Form of warrant. The form U
S the control of the undersigned in any man- Grain cubic capaci
visable In the interests of national de- of warrant shall be as follows: ner after the date of thefiling hereof; 13 Numbenjof hatches
fense, the Commission may specify the Class (6) To obligate any charterer or sub- 14 Number of decks (c
No. charterer of any vessel under the control << 15. Height of tweende<
order in which vessels holding warrants the undersigned by an appropriate condition
States or Amkbica
UNmo) 18. Lifting capacity of
shall be accorded priority at any facility Unttkd States Mahitime Commission in the agreement for such charter cr tub- 17 Heavy lift equlpn
or facilities.* [Sec. 2.061 charter, to accept, for the period ol such tlon
MEXCHANT SHIP WAlBAItT agreement, each and all of the tenns d 18. Bunker capacity
§ 241.17 Facility not to impair servic- ..
this undertaking with respect to any vessel 19 Type bunkers used
ing of warrant holding vessel. If an ap- of so chartered or subchartered; and
plication for service Is received by a
dociunent«<l at

the port of (7) Tb return any warrant to the

Dally fuel
net tOTintge,
faciUty on behalf of a warrant holding UQder the taw« of . l« sion by registered mail as soon as possible rooms Total <
or modi- 8
with re- after receipt of notice of revocation Fresh water cf pact
vessel, such not service a
facility shall entitled to priority of class
fication thereof by the Commission or
Boiler ... dally e
if the servic- spect to the viae of facilities for loading, dis-
non-warrant holding vessel surrender or expiration thereof. The under- 8 Average speed
charging, lighterage or storage of cargoes, the H
ing of such non-warrant holding vessel signed understands that this undertaking 14 Refrigerated space
procurement of bunker fuel or coal, and the Issuance of the wairsnts ments
given to induce the cubic
would Impair the ability of the facility towing, overhauling, drydocklng or repair of »
requested; that any warrant Issued win perature
to service such warrant holding vessel.* merchant Teasels In the United States. Its the statements No of Cargo deep
Territories and possessions. Including the in reliance upon the truth of 2S •

I Sec. 2.07]
Philippine Islands and the Panama Canal herein and In Schedules A and B contained; deadweight dapac
and that any such warrant may be modiwa « Now trading
241.18 Appropriate provisions in fa-
§ Zone as provided by An Act. Approved July
1941, and the Regulations made there- or revoked at any time by the Commission.
cility contracts. All contracts entered 14.
under. In fUlng this undertaking the understgnefl •(Sec. 4.021

into with respect to servicing by facilities is acting for and on behalf of the
This WAaaANT is Revocable at Ant Time or charterers of all of the
§241.43 Commiss
shaU contain appropriate conditions to WriHOtrr Notice.
and owners <^i of warrant: cc
subject hereto.
the effect that priority will be granted by Unless revoked It Is valid until ,
spect to undertakinj
the facilities in the manner herein pro- 194... Commission] in appn
vided, and that no duty or liability sha'l United States Masitimb
Commission, ^ shall ha^e the r
accrue because of the necessity of grant- By:.. rant of the class it
By; ""(Title)
ing any priority herein provided.* [Sec. secretary. subject to such fairii
Date ... 194
2.08] •iitions in modificatl(
•[Sec. 3.021
Subpart C Warrants ^ any representatlc
Subpart D—Avv^cation for Warrants ittidertaking relatini
1 241.31 Classes of warrants. War- (a) Schedule A
241.41 Eligibfe vessels. Warrants *aich the vessel sha
rants for vessels will be issued with the S Schedule A %ages which
(except for vessels in Class A-3) may be are
It si
following classes: (For all vessels for which warrants "^ or classes of c
Issued by the Commission upon applica-
requested) lobe carried,
(a) Class A-1. Class A-1 shall apply the ma:
tion by the owner, charterer or duly au- to Undert.iicing
to vessels of 1.000 or more gross tons
To be Appended «r hire or
thorized managing agent, for any vessel 1»4.. isntal
employed under an undertaking relating Filed by on and supplemei
documented under the laws of the United

prescribed by the
to (1) the importation of substantial the of

States, or owned by a citisen lonn of

quantities of strategic and critical mate- under the (Maximum charter) undertaking
United States, or documented (Name of ves«;l)
rials, or (2) the transportation of sub-
5 241.44 Finaliiy
f^mtnatinn as to con
•"^tion under 241 S

FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941 4539
Ion and not owned Hire or
ited States.*
sion as to what conditions are fair and to procure or retain
iSec. Equiva- a classification for
Trade Voyages Cargo Poiaengert lent^
reasonable shall be Hnal, but the accept- a warrant.* [Sec. 7.02]
pplication and ance of a warrant issued subject to com-
m- § 241.73 Penalty provision of Act.
pliance with such conditions shall not
of such application Section 6 of the Acf provides:
constitute a waiver of any rights of the
undertaking with Whoever wlllfvUly violates any rule, reg-
owner, charterer or managing agent
ittached thereto In ulation, or order Issued under the authority
applicant Is to carry cargo under bills
«If which may arise from compliance with conferred herein shall be punished by a fine
of lading, the actual rates under which each any such conditions.* [Sec. 4.04] of not more than $5,000, or by imprisonment
rufx Commission of the commodities is to be transported for not more than two years or both- Pro-
must be appended to this undertaking unless Subpart E —Modification, Revocation or vided. That the District Court of the Canal
HANT SHIP WAKSAim t tariff or minimum rate schedule showing Zone and the several courts of 4lr8t Instance
»uch rates already Is on file with the Com-
'applies for Merchant of the Commonwealth of the Philippine
mission In connection with a conference 241.51 Revocation of voarrant. Islands shall have Jurisdiction over offenses
Tefisels described In
igreement or otherwise, or Is on file pursuant
S The
:hed hereto and mice Commission reserves the right to revoke committed against the provisions of this Act
to law with the Interstate Commerce Com- within the Canal Zone and the Philippine
ierslgned undertake*: any warrant without prior notice or
mission or any SUte commission. In which Islands, respectively.
vessels In the trade case such tarlir or minimum rate schedule hearing if it is reasonably satisfied that
luime of each vessel. may be incorporated Into this Schedule "A '
the vessel for wtiich such warrant is is- * [Sec. 7.03]
i with the consent at by reference as "Maximum Charter Hire or sued has violated in any substantial man-
time Coaunlssion, un- quivalent." By order of the Commission.
shall otherwise pre- ner the representations contained in the
easonable condition! undertaking filed for the issuance of such
fSKAi] w. C. Purr. Jr.,
X or continued efTec- warrant, or any conditions imposed by Secretary.
(b) Schedule B.
nU; the Commission imder 5 241.43.* Approved:
se class or classes ol Schedule B [Sec
Icated In the attached 5.01] Franklin D. Roosevelt.
each vessel for which a wanant
ect to each of such
Is §241.52 Grounds for
revocation. The White House,
namtssion shall other- Warrants may be revoked or modified August 26, 1941.
and reasonable condt- To Be Appended To Undertaking after reasonable notice to the owner,
Iseuance or continued (P. B. Doc 41-6525: PUed, August 29, 1941;
Filed by on 194.. charterer or managing agent, if in the li37 p. m.J
lore than the amount 1. Name of owner /agents charterers opinion of the Commission, the under-
sd Schedule A as char- (Strike Inapplicable) taking supporting such warrant, or the
inleM said CommlsEtcm 2. Name and type of vessel S. S./M. S. conditions attached to the issuance
}e by fair and reason- 1. Port of registry Notices
thereof, are not at the time of such notice
ed In the Issuance or 4 Flag I.IIIir
I of such warrants; 5 Official No. '_ appropriate to the classification shown
:}ommt8sion In writing 6. Cross register tonnage . I""II" by the warrant or the purposes of the WAR DEPARTMENT.
with respect to sny 7 Net register tonnage IIIIIIIIII Act.' [Sec. 5.02]
rol of the undersigned 8. Total deadweight tonnage III" 241.53 Withdrawal of warrant. [Contract No. W-ord-483]
pect to voyages to be
,te of the filing hereof;
Commission any

Draft light loaded
Bale cubic (total cargo cubic) capacity .II
If unker. Indicate cubic capacity for
the event of amendment of the regula-
tions in this part, the Commission re-

Manttfacturing Contract
ne tinder or pass from dry cargo
serves the right to withdraw any or
lersigned In any Btn- U Grain cubic capacity IIIIIIIIIIII all contractor: the Baldwin
he filing hereof: 13 Number^of hatches and size of each IIIII warrants for modification or revocation • locomotivk
ly chartei-er or sub- 14 Number of decks (cargospace) [Sec. 5.031 WORKS
1 under the control d 15 Height of tweendecks II_IIIII § 241.54 Return of warrant. Upon Contract* for: Medium Tanks. • • •
I appropriate condition 18. Lifting capacity of booms I-IIIIIII revocation, modification, expiration or Amount:
such charter or £Ub- 17 Heavy lift equipment and hatch loca- $39,253,925.00.
)r the period of nidj tion surrender, the warrant shall be removed Place: Washington, D. C.
all the terms of
of Bunker capacity from the The
IIIIIIII vessel and returned imme- supplied and services to be obtained
1 respect to any vessel W Type bunkers used IIIIIIIIIIIIIII diately to the Commission.* by this instrument are authorized by, are
artered; and JO Itelly fuel consumption at [Sec. 5.04]
arrant to the Commli-
all as soon as possible
21. Passenger accommodations Number of
: Subpart F—General Provisions
for the purpfcse set forth in, and are
rooms ... Total capacity, each class chargeable' to/the following Procurement
of revocation or modi- a Fresh water cfpaclty: Domestic S 241.61 Manning, repairing, etc., of Authorities, Ahe available balances of
teCommission or after Boiler ... dally evaporator capacity vessels. Nothing herein shall require the which are simcient to cover the cost of
n thereof. The unde:- » Average speed
lat this undertaking H J4 Refrigerated space: Number of compart-
ow^er or charterer of any vessel to re- the same:
»uance of the warrants ments cubic Minimum tem- linquish the manning, storing, victualing,
warrant issued wlD be
perature supplying, fueling, maintaining, or re-
ORD 7544 P 11-3030 A 1005-01
truth of the statementi 25 No of Cargo deep tanks - — "cubic "III pairing of his vessel to any other person
ORD 7544 P 11-3030 A (1005) .105-01 •

le« A and B contained: deadweight Capacity

irrant may be modllW 21. Now trading or persons.* [Sec. 6.01] This contract, entered into this 24th
ae by the Commission, § 241.62Exactions from warrant hold- day of October 1940.
aklng the underslgn«l •tSec. 4.02]
behalf of the roa^ ers. Nothing herein shall authorize the Title I Manufacture of Tanks
rers of all of the vessdJ
5 241.43 Commission
to determine exaction of any sum from any holder
<*"» of warrant; conditions.
With re- of a warrant solely for the privilege of
Article I-A. Statement of work. The
spect to undertakings for warrants the carrying cargo on any route.* [Sec. 6.02] Contractor shall, as an independent con-
Commission] in approving any undertak- tractor and not as an agent of the Gov-
§241.63 Unjust discrimination. There
in« shall
ha^e the right to issue a war- shall be no unjust discrimination between
ernment, in the shortest practicable time,
rant of the
class it deems appropriate. furnish the labor, materials and sup-
ports of the United States.* [Sec. 6.03]
JJbject such fair and reasonable con-
to plies (other than those furnished by the
§ 241.64 Right to amend regulations.
ditions Inmodification of or in addition Government), and services, and do all
^jpie right is reserved to modify, amend,
^ any representation contained in the things necessary for the completion of the
f^upplement or rescind the regulations
undertaking relating to the trade following work:
in in this part.* [Sec. 6.04]
*nich the vessel shall (a) To manufacture and assemble
dule A be employed, the
'voyages which
it shall undertake, the
-Subvart and Penalty • ' * Medium Tanks, • • •, in
r which warrants

^ or classes of cargo or passengers

™ be carried, the maximum rate of char-
§241.71 Alteration or counterfeiting
of xoarrant. No person shall in any man-
accordance with approved detailed plans
and specifications to be furnished to the
>d to Undertaking hire or Contractor by the Government.
... 1»*-
Jfntal and
equivalent, and such inci- ner alter, erase or insert any matter in
Art. I-B. Estimates. It Is estimated
supplementary matters as are the face of any warrant or reproduce or
prescribed by the Commission in the that the total cost of the work covered
counterfeit any warrant.* [Sec. 7.01]
lonn of
undertaking.* [Sec. 4.031 by this Title I will be approximately
§ 241.72 False statement or represen-
of Commission de-
''«na/i7i/ No person thirty-five million, two hundred seventy-
fJi*^'** tation. shall make any
'^tnatinn as to conditions. The deter- fully false statement or representation in
•"^tion under i 241.43 by the Commis- » Approved by the AsslsUnt Secretary ot
order to procure or retain a warrant or War, October 24, 1940.
FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941
livery at the site of the work or at an
Beven thousand, five hundred dollars of the work determined under Article
n-A hereof, and of the fees. approved storage site title to all ma-
($35,277,500.00), exclusive of the Con-
terials, tools, machinery, equipment and
tractor's fee and excJuslve of the cost of •Title ni Complementary Provisions
supplies, for which the Contractor shall
such Items as are to be furnished by the be entitled to be reimbursed undt r this
Art. m-A. Complementary contract.
Government. contract, shall vest in the Govenunent,
This contract is complementary to, and
Art. I-C. Consideration. 1. In c o n
is conditioned upon the execution of a Art. V-B. Changes. The Contracting
sideratlon for its undertaking under this
lease between Defense Plant Corporation Officer, at any time, by a written order On page

(a) 3 of
Title I the Contractor shall receive the
and the Contractor providing, among and without notice to the suretu =. may of Section 1, the
other things, for the fumi^ing of ma- make changes in drawings, plan.s and/or deleted
(a) Reimbursement for expenditures
chinery, equipment, and facilities (not specifications except Federal specifica-
as provided In Title n. 'Thirty-five Mil
Including" dies. Jigs, gages, patterns, fix- tions.
(b) A fixed fee in the amount of two Seventy-seven The
three hundred ninety-seven tures, foundations and similar items) by This contract is authorized by the fol-
Dollars {$35,277,50(
thousand, five hundred
dollars ($2,397,- Defense Plant Corporation to the Con- lowing laws: Act of July 2. 1940 Public,
600.00), which shall constitute complete
tractor for the manufacture of a maxi- No. 703, 76th Congress).
compensation for the Contractor's serv- mum daily production of • • • <

Frank W. BxnxocK,
ices, under this Title, including profit. tanks. The lease shall further provide Major. Signal Corps.
(c) The sum of • • * on delivery that the cost to Defense Plant Corpora- Assistant to the Director of
of each tank as partial payment, or tion of acquiring said machinery, equip- Purchases and Contracts.
rental charge. Total $1,578,425.00. ment and facilities, together with Interest
% per [P. R. Doc. 41-6660; Piled. September 4. It is further ae
Art. I-D. Advances. At any time and thereon at the rate of • * ' 2. 1941;
9:60 a. m.) be amended as folk
from time to time after the execution of annum from the date of each expenditure
this contract, the Government, at the for such cost to the date of repayments,
request of the Contractor and subject to will be amortized or repaid to Defense

the approval of the Chief of Ordnance, as Plant Corporation as rental, payable by

Contract No. W-ORD-483]
the Contractor as tanks are manufac-

to the necessity therefor, shall advance to "as amended by Sup

tured and delivered by the Contractor STTMICARY or SITPFLKMZMTAL ACRUatZRT
the Contractor, without the payment of No. 1"
and payment received therefor, the No. 1 TO Cost-Plus-a-Fixed-Fee Mah-
interest thereon by the Contractor, not
to exceed such total sum as the Secre- amount of which shall be prorated on xtfacturihg Contract (b) On page 4 ir

tary of War may prescribe, not in excess the basis of the manufacture, delivery of. contractor: the baidwin locomotivi
(b), the following t>

and payment for, • • •tanks.

of ten per cent of the estimated cost of works. eddystone, pennsylvania "(Tko Million, Th
Art. m-B. Adjustment of rental and
the work under this contract.
Inasmuch the Fixed fee: $2,397,500.00. As amended
seven Thousand, F
If at any time the Secretary of War carrying charges. as
rental charge based upon the cost to by this Agreement $2,532,492.20.
deems the security provided for in this is

Defense Plant Corporation of the acquisi- Contract for: The manufacture of Me- and the following
Article I-D to be inadequate to protect

tion of the machinery, equipment and fa- dium Tank, • • *, and Sets of Spare for:
the interests of the Goveniment, he may
to be supplied to the Contractor Parts.
require, and the Contractor shall furnish, cilities "Two Million, Fi^
purpose of manufacturing tanks Place: Eddystone, Pennsylvania.
such additional secvuity in the form of for the two Thousand. Foi
hereunder and Interest thereon as here- Estimated cost of project: $35,277,-
surety bonds in amounts not exceeding two Dollars and T>n
inbefore provided and the carrying 500.00 (exclusive of Contractor's fee*. a«
the total of advances made pursuant to 492.20)"
charges are based upon the cost to the amended by this Agreement $37,233,-
Section 1 of Article I-D, as may be satis-
Contractor of insiu-ance required to be 909.00, (exclusive of Contractor's fee). 6. It is further ag
factory to the Secretary of War.
—Tttle 11—Cost of the Work Under Title I
maintained by him on said machinery,
equipment and facilities, the exact
The supplies and services to be -ob-
tained by this instrument are auihorized
B, Section 3 (a) be

(a) On page 17 in
Art. n-A. Reimbursement for costs. amounts of the rental charge an^the by, are for the purpose set forth in, and (a> after the word
The Contractor shall be reimbursed in carrying charges cannot be deternmied are chargeable to the following Procure- lowing be added:
the manner hereinafter described for its until completion or termination of this ment Authorities, the available balances
of which are sufficient to cover the cost "and at the rate o
costs in the performance of the work contract, and. therefore, upon the com-
of the same: for each set of Spa
under Title I, as approved or ratified by pletion or termination of this contract
inspected and accep
the Contracting Officer. and the determination of the amount of ORD 7544 P 11-3030 A 1005-01

Art. n-B. Payments Reimbursement such charges an adjustment shall be ORD 7544 P 11-3030 A (1005 .105-01

8. The total estimj
for costs. The Government will cur- made between the parties hereto of the 'exclusive of contra(
rently reimburse the Contractor for ex- amounts paid or to be paid by the Gov- This supplemental agreement.' entered under Article I o:
penditures made in accordance with ernment for the rental charge and the Into this 30th day of April 1941. unended by this S
Article II-A upon certification to and carrying charges. On the 24th day of October. 1940. the nent, is increased I
verification by the Contracting Officer parties hereto entered into a Cost-Plus- hundred fifty-six the
TiTLK rV Termination A-Pixed-Fee Contract, for the manufac-
for any proper expenditiures incurred in nine dollars
the prosecution of the work, including, Art. rV-A. Termination of contract by ture and assembly of Medium Tanks. Ave million, two hui
• • •, said contract being Contract
but without limiting the generality of the Government. Should the Contractor at thousand five himdi
foregoing, the cost of the following spe- any time refuse, neglect, or fall to prose- No. W-Ord-483. 500.00) to thirty-sevi
cial items, viz: dies. Jigs, gages, patterns, cute the work with promptness and dili- It has been determined to be In dred thirty-three the
Government to ha^
fixtures, foundations, installations of ma- gence, or default in the performance of best Interest of the nine dollars ($37,233,
chinery and similar items. Generally, any of the agreements herein contained, spare parts for the Mediurfi 9. The total fixed
tne 1

•, produced concurrently with

or should conditions arise which make it
• •
reimbursement will be made semi- 'or the entire project
monthly but may be made at more fre- advisable or necessary in the Interest of Tanks. • ' *. liundred thirty-four
quent Intervals if requested by the Con- the Government to cease work under this In consideration of the premises "Ifttl
ninety-two d
tractor and if the circumstances warrant. contract, the Government may terminate obligations herein made and undertaM^ *nts «
The fixed agree u
Payment of the fixed fee. this contract by a notice in writing from the parties hereto mutually Jree hundred nint
fee prescribed in Title I hereof shall be the Contracting Officer to the Contractor. follows: nve hundred dollar
paid at the rate of ••
* per tank
TRLK V—General Section ^»o million,
Provisions 1. agreed that Article I-A,
It is five 1
completed, inspected and accepted. be ameno- Jhousand. four hund
1 (a) on page 2 of the contract
Final payment. Upon completionof Art. V-A. Government title. The title *^ and twenty cent
of all work completed or in the course ed as follows:
the work and its final acceptance in f^ason of this
writing by the Contracting Officer, the of construction or manufacture and to
all tanks finished or unfinished shall be Approved by the Under Secretary
d ^'
Government shall Immediately pay to the '

Contractor the unpaid balance of the cost In the Government. Likewise, upon de- June 20, 1941.
FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941 4541
(a) On line 3 after the words "by the This contract is authorized by the fol-
he work or Government", the following words be
make no conveyance or transfer title of
at an lowing law: such Facilities or of any item thereof,
: title to all ma- added: The Act of July 2, 1940 (Public, No. 703, unless the written consent thereto of £he
ry. equipment and "and • • • 76th Congress).
of spare parts for the Contracting Officer is first obtained, pro-
le Contractor shaD
Medium Tank, • • •/•
J Frank W. Bullock, vided that in the event of the assign-
ibursed under this
the Govenunent. 8. It is further agreed that Article I-B, Major, Signal Corps. ment of claims arising out of this con-
be amended as follows: Assistant to the Director of tract in accordance with the provisions
. The Contracting Section 1
Purchases and Contracts. of Article VII hereof, the Government
by a written order (a) On page 3 of the contract In line 2 will not, because a mortgage or other lien
the suretif -^ may Section (P. R. Doc. 41-^551; FUed, September 1»41;
of 1, the following words be 2,
has become an encumbrance upon the
7ings, plans and/or 9:50 a. m.]
Emergency Plant Facilities in violation
Federal speclflca-
Million. Two
"Thirty-five Hundred of the provisions of this Section, refuse
Seventy-seven Thousand, Five Hundred [(Contract No. W 535 payment of sums due as (3overnment
Dollars ($35,277,500.00)" Reimbursement for Plant Costsr in excess
Summary or Contract for Emergincy of the indebtedness secured by such
and the following be substituted there- Plant Facilities mortgage or other lien.
. contractor: boeing aircraft company, 5. Exc'ept as provided in Section 4 of
Ugnal Corps, "Thirty-seven Million. Two Hundred seattle, washington this Article and specifically set forth in
the Director of Thirty-three Thousand. Nine Hundred Appendix A. no salaries of the Contrac-
Contract' for: Emergency plant facil-
es and Contracts. Nine Dollars ($37,233,909.00)" tor's executive officers, no part
of the
expense incurred in conducting the Con-
4. It is further agreed that Article I-C Amount: $2,900,000.00; interest: $24-
' tractor's main office or regularly estab-
be amended as follows: 000.00.
lished branch offices, and no overhead
On page Place: Seattle. Washington.
(a) 4 in line 1 of Section 1. expensed of the Contractor of any kind
after the words "this Title I", the follow- The emergency plant facilities cov-
shall be included in the cost of the work
ing be added: ered by this contract are authorized by.
as set forth in the Pmal Cost Certificate.
are for the purposes set forth in. and
"as amended by Supplemental Agreement Interest on funds expended shall be in-
:MZMTAL ACRtEMZirT are chargeable to the following Procure-
No. 1"
cluded in such cost.
}-a-Fixed-Fee Mah- ment Authorities, the available balances
6. In the event that, after the
CT (b) On page 4 in line 1 of Section 1 of which are sufficient to cover cost of filing of
same: the Final Cost Certificate in connection
(b) the following be deleted
U.DWIN LocoMorm .
with the Emergency Plant FaciliUes de-
X, PBWSYLVANU "(Two Million. Three Hundred Ninety- AC 803 P 532-99 A 0025-13 scribed in Appendix A, the Contracting
seven Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars AC 803 P 540-99 A 0025-13 Officer shall determine that further
00.00. As amended
($2,397,500.00)". This contract, entered into this 20th Emergency Plant Facilities, in connection
manufacture of Me- fcnd the following be substituted there- day of June 1941. ,^sWith the complete addition to an existing
^^ ^^^ "^^^^^"^ ^'^ '^^
•. and Sets of Spare for: ARTICLE L Emergency plant facilities
to be acquired
acouired or constructed.
constrm^t^d Th„
^^^^^^ ZT^
'or the purpose contemplated in
Two Hundred Thirty-
Million. Five
this contract, he may enter into
a con-
Pennsylvania. Contractor shall, with due expedition by
two Thousand. Four Hundred Ninety- tract amending this contract and Appen-
f project: $35,277,- contract with others or otherwise ac-
two Dollars and Twenty Cents ($2,532.- dix A and the additional cost of such
^^ontractor's fee), as quire, construct and install the Emer-
\greement $37,233.- gency Plant Facilities generally de- further Emergency Plant Facilities shall
further agreed that Article 11- scribed below and set forth in further
be determined by the filing of an amend-
Contractor's fee). 6. It is

services to be -ob- B, Section 3 (a) be amended as follows: detail in Appendix A hereto annexed,
ment to the Final Cost Certificate in the
iment are authorized furnishing or causing to be furnished the same manner as hereinbefore provided
<a) On page 17 in line 3 of sub-section in respect of the Final Cost Certificate.
ose set forth in. and labor, materials, tools, machinery, equip-
(a) after the word "accepted", the fol- 7. The Contractor shall, to the
e following Procure- lowing be ment, facilities, supplies and services, extent
added: of
le available balances and doing or causing to be done all other its ability, take all cash and
trade dis-
!nt to cover the cost "and at the rate of • • • Dollars things necessary for the acquisition, counts, rebates, allowances, credits, sal-
for each set of Spare Parts completed. construction and Installation thereof! vage, commissions and bonifications
inspected and accepted." The Emergency Plant Facilities are des- available to the Contractor, and when
130 A 1005-01
ignated as constituting a complete addi- unable to take advantage of such bene-
30 A (1005 •105-01 8. The total estimated cost of the work
tion to an existing plant. All of said fits it shall promptly notify the
(exclusive of Contract-
contractor's fee) called for ing
I agreement,' entered under Article I of the contract, as
Emergency Plant Facilities shall be in Officer in writing to that effect and
f April 1941. general accordance with the drawings, the reason therefor. In determining the
amended by this Supplemental Agree-
of October. 1940. the actual net cost of articles and materials
•ed into a Cost-Plus-
ment, is increased by one
million, nine
hundred fifty-six thousand, four hundred
specifications and instructions, if any,
set forth in Appendix A. of every kind required for the purpose of o
,ct, for the manufac- It is estimated that the total cost of this contract, there shall be deducted
nine dollars
($1,956,409.00), from thirty- from the gross cost thereof all such cash
of Medium Tanks,
flvemillion, two hundred seventy-seven
the acquisition, construction and in-
ract being Contract stallation of the Emergency Plant Fa- and trade discounts, rebates, allowances,
tnousand five hundred dollars
($35,277, cilities will be approximately two mil- credits, salvage, commissions, and boni-
JWOOi to thirty-seven million, two hun-
rmined to be in the lion nine hundred thousand dollars fications which have accrued to the bene-
dred thirty-three thousand, nine
Government to h»T* hundred ($2,900,000.00). fit of the Contractor or would
have so
Dine dollars ($37,233, 909.00)
the Medium T»"* 3. The title to all the Emergency Plant accrued except for fault or neglect on
9.The total fixed fee of the contractor
^ncurrently with the Facilities shall be in the Contractor. The the part of the Contractor. Such bene-
lor the entire project is
Increased by one fits lost through no fault or neglect
Jundred thirty-four thousand, nine hun-
Contractor shall, however, allow no mort- on
and gage or other lien to be an encumbrance the part of the Contractor shall not be
of the premises ted ninety-two dollars
and twenty
undertakea upon the Emergency Plant Facilities (in- deducted from gross costs.
lade and «nts '$134,992.20). from
two million,
mutually agree •«
""ee hundred ninety-seven cluding the lien of any mortgage now Art. n. Payments to contractor by
thousand, existing upon property of the Contractor government. 3. The payments to be
nve hundred
dollars ($2,397,500.00) to
and any lien existing upon the Facilities made by the Government to the Con-
it Article I-A. Section ^0 million, five hundred thirty-two tractor on account of the Government
amend- «ousand, four hundred ninety-two prior to their acquisition), and shall
le contract be dol- Reimbursement for Plant Costs imder
^ and twenty cents ($2,532,492.20) by
'^^^on of this
Supplemental Agreement.
Approved by the Under Secretary of War this contract shall be made regardless
June 28, 1941. of any claim which the Government may
CJnder Secretary
Wednesday, September 1941

this contract or to any other person not Coal and Dock Con
have against the Contractor under the leaving such land or building in as good
condition as before such removal without otherwise entitled to receive same. the M
H. Hussey C
Contract for Supplies or any prior or sub- A«T. XII. Cancellation of provisions of The M. A. Hanna C
defects or obstructions caused thereby.
sequent contract of like nature. supply contract. It is mutually under- i5 not established i

3. Rights of the Government.

Aht. m. Disposition of emergency plant the stood and agreed between the parties price reduction, ar
4. No chattel which Is part ot
facilities on termination or completion of prohibitions of Pan
Emergency Plant Facilities shall be or that this contract Is the contract con-
contract.— 1. Notice of termination. The templated in and referred to in Article section 4. Part II (
become part of any realty whatsoever
Contracting OfBcer may at any time give 28 of Contract W
535 ac-16; that the That, on trail
by reason of affixation to such realty,
written notice (hereinafter called the plant facilities covered by this contract andi subsequent to
nor shall any chattel whatsoever be or
Termination Notice) to the Contractor are those referred to therein; that thfc mination set out in
terminating this contract; and upon re- become, by reason of such affixation, part
contract with reference te-lhe construc- tioner be permitted
of any realty which is included In the
ceipt of the Termination Notice the Con- tion and/or acquisition thereof is in all distributors discour
tractor shall, in the event that the ac-
Emergency Plant Facilities.
by it to t
respects satisfactory to the Contractor; and resold
quisition, construction and installation of Art. rv. Loss or destriLction of facilities
and that said paragraph and all pro- and Dock Company
the Emergency Plant Facilities shall not and maintenance. 1. In the event that Corporation, re
or visions thereof are in all respects can- sey
all of the Emergency Plant Facilities
have been completed, proceed with the thereof celled hereby and hereafter of no effect.
steps to be taken by it under Section 4 any items or group of items It is ordered. Th)
shall, prior to the transfer by the Con-
Art. XV. Identification of equipment. matter be held on
of Article n, provided the Contractor The Contractor shall .separately inven-
shall fail to exercise the right of reten- tractor to the Government, be destroyed 10:00 in the foreno
tory the items of equipment, machinery
tion conferred upon it hereinafter in this or damaged by the operation of any risk hearing room of the
required to be covered in respect of such
and tools covered by this contract and vision 734 15th St
Article. shall, so far as practicable, mark or iden-
Rights of the contractor, (a) The facilities by Insurance under Section 3 ion, D. C. On su(
tify the same as to render the items
Contractor shall have the rights exer- of Article 1 hereof, or of any risk in the Records Sectio
readily identifiable as having been con-
cisable by a written Retention Notice,
respect thereof actually covered by in- advise as to the root
structed or acquired hereunder.
given within 90 days after the giving of a surance carried by the Contractor, the vill be held.
Contractor shall immediately notify in Art. XVn. Tax amortization. In the K further ordt
Termination Notice by either party or event that the Contractor makes timely

within 90 days after the termination of writing the Contracting Officer and may Huston or any othe
application under Sections 23 and 124
this contract under Section 2 of Article on its own initiative, and the Govern- the Bituminous Coa
of the Internal Revenue Code in accord-
n hereof, to retain under this paragraph ment may by written notice given with- Ijy the Director thei
in 60 days require the Contractor to
ance with rules governing such applica-
for Its own use outright, free of any In-
shall preside at the 1

tions to the Advisory Commission to the

terest of the Government, and /or
to apply the proceeds of the Insurance ter. The officers si

for coverage In respect of such facilities to Council of National Defense and to the such hearlnf
negotiate under paragraph (b) hereof side at
to the restoration, reconditioning or
Department of War for a Certificate of
conduct sale
such retention of, any separate Complete Government Protection with respect to
ized to

Plant and/or of any item or group of replacement thereof. ister oaths and al
terms contained In this contract or a
Items constituting a Complete "Addition Art. VII. Assignment of contractor's witnesses, subpoens
Necessity Certificate for any item or
to an Existing Plant or of the entire claims. 1. Claims for monies due or to their attendance, ta
group of items of the Emergency Plant
Emergency Plant Facilities. become due to the Contractor from the the production of ar
Pacihties and the Contractor is there-
(c) In respect of any of the Emer- Government arising out of this contract Issuance of
respondence, memoi
after refused the
gency Plant Facilities not designated in may be assigned to any bank, trust com- by either such
ords deemed relevar
any of such certificates
the Retention Notice for either retention pany or other financing institution. In- Commission or the Department of War,
inquiry, to continue

by the Contractor or for negotiation, or cluding any Federal lending agency and ;
tune to time, and to
this contract shall terminate
, m respect of the entire Emergency Plant any such assignment may cover all or with the same effect as thouph a Ter-
to the Director prop
Facilities If no Retention Notice be given any part of any claim or claims arising mination Notice had been filed pursuant
and conclusions an
within the time allowed therefor In this or to arise out of this contract and may of Article HI hereof.
tlon ofan appropriat
to Section 1
Section 2, the Contractor, promptly after be made to any one or more such Institu- i«s. and to perfom
Frank W. Bullock.
the giving of the Retention Notice or the tions or to any one party as agent or connection therewitl
Major. Signal Corps,
expiration of such time, as the case may trustee for two or more such Institu- Notice of such hes
Assistant to the Director of
be, shall promptly proceed in accordance tions participating in the financing of to such petitioners a
Purchases and Contracts. who
with the provisions of clause (1) or clause this contract. Any claims so assigned son may have
(2) of subparagraph (b) of this Section may be subject to further assignment; IF R Doc. 41-6552: Piled, September 2, 1941; I»W5eeding. Any p<
9.50 a. m.)
2, as the case may be. and any bond, promissory note or other Jieard at such hearii
(e) The Contractor shall have
the evidence of indebtedness secured by any ;to that effect with t
right, to the extent permitted by law with such assignment may be rediscounted, Division on or befo
respect to any facilities not retained by hypothecated as collateral for a loan or DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. setting forth thereli
credit, or sold with or without recourse. Dterest and a concj
the Contractor under paragraphs (a) or Bituminous Coal Division.
(b) of this Section, to negotiate with
the In the event of the assignment or re- natter or matters \

Contracting Officer with reference to the assignment of any claim for monies due (Docket No. 1857-FDl present.

leasing of all or any part thereof for such or to become due under this contract, In thi Matter of the Application
of thi All persons are her
period and upon such terms which may the assignee thereof shall file written M. A. Hanna Company for Permissioh
•taring in the above
Include provision for renewal and an op- notice of the assignment together with a wy orders entered tl
TO Accept and Retain Distributors
tion to purchase the same as the Con- true copy of the instrument of assign- Discottnts on Coal PtmcHASFD and
Ri- m addition to the mt
tractor and Contracting Officer may ment with (a) the General Accounting Coal aot •esed
soLD BY It to M. A. Hanna
in the petition
Office of the Government, (b) the Con-
agree upon, subject to the approval of Dock Company and M. H. HrssET
Cob- «5sarily Incidental a
tracting Officer or the Head of the De- »^ch may be
the Head of the Department. poration raise(

(f) If on termination of this contract

partment or agency, (c) the surety or the petition, petitior
sureties upon the bond or bonds, if any. notice or and order for hearing otherwise,
any property Included In Emergency or which
in connection with such contract, and Hanna Company, a corpora-
Plant Facilities retained by the Con-
The M. A. to the re
(d) with the Finance Officer, • • '.
tion organized under the laws
of oruo. « the basis of this
tractor or any other property of the ]

Contractor is located in any building or who is hereby designated to ma^e all with its principal offices in
Cleveland. I^ted: August 28,
on any land comprised in Emergency payments under this contract. In no Ohio, being registered with the
event shall copies of any plans, specifi- its peuticn
Plant Facilities transferred to the Oov- as a distributor. No. 3962. filed
cations or other similar documents
emment, the Contractor may, and praying:
promptly upon the request of the Con- marked "Secret" and annexed or at- tha^ Doc 41-6653; Pi!
tached to this contract be furnished to 1. That the Division determine 9:58 a
tracting Officer shall, remove such prop- the ownership of stock in M. A.
erty In a neat and workmanlike manner,
any assignee of any claim arising under
FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941 4543
7 other person not Coftl and Dock Company (1007o) and in (Docket No. 1865-FD)
nated by the Director thereof for that
receive same. the M H. Hussey Corporation (97%) by
In the Matter or the Application or purpose shall preside at the hearing in
on of provisions of The M. A. Hanna Company is bona fide.
Randall Fuel Company, Inc., to Re- such matter. The officers so designated
s mutually under- is not established to secure an indirect
ceive Sales Agent's Commission and to preside at such hearing are hereby
tween the parties price reduction, and is not within the
Distributor's Discounts on Coal Sold authorized to conduct said hearing, to
the contract con- prohibitions of Paragraphs 11 and 12 of
to Randall Brothers, Inc. administer oaths and affirmations, ex-
;rred to In Article section 4,Part 11(1) of the Act.
amine witnesses, subpoena witnesses,
15 ac-16; that the That, on transactions made prior
2. notice of* and order for hearing compel their attendance, take evidence,
d by this contract andl subsequent to the requested deter-
Randall Fuel Company, Inc.. a cor- require the production of any books,
therein; that thUs mination set out in (1) above, the peti-
poration organized under the laws of papers, correspondence, memoranda, or
ce teUhe construc- tioner be permitted to accept and retain
Kentucky, with offices in Atlanta. Georgia other records deemed relevant or ma-
in thereof is in all distributors discounts on coal purchased
and Cincinnati. Ohio, acting as sales terial to the inquiry, to continue said
to the Contractor; and resold by it to the M. A. Hanna Coal
agent for certain producers and regis- hearing from time to time, and to pre-
raph and all pro- and Dock Company, and the M. H. Hus-
tered with the Division as a distributor. pare and submit to the Director proposed
1 all respects can- sey Corporation, retail dealers.
No. 7554, filed its petition praying: findings of fact and conclusions and the
eafter of no effect. That a hearing on such
It is
1. That the Division determine that
recommendation of an appropriate order
ition of equipment. matter be held on October 9. 1941. at no in the premises, and to perform all other
separately inven- ownership or control exists between Ran-
10:00 in the forenoon of that day. at a duties in connection therewith author-
lipment, machinery dall Brothers. Inc., and the Randall
hearing room of the Bitiuninous Coal Di- ized by law.
this contract and Fuel Company, Inc.. within the prohibi-
vision 734 15th Street NW.. Washing-

Notice of such hearing is hereby given

:able, mark or iden- tion of Unfair Trade Practices 11 and
ion, D. C. On such day. the Chief of to such petitioners and to any other per-
render the items 12 of section 4. Part II (i) of the Act,
the Records Section in Room 502 will sons who may have an interest in such

s having been con- Subsection (b) (8) of §304.12 of the

advise as to the room where such hearing proceeding. Any person desiring to be
lereunder. Rules and Regulations for the Registra-
wUl be held. heard at such hearing shall file a notice
lortizatioii. In the tion of Distributors, or Rule 10 of Section
further ordered. That Joseph A. to that effect with the Bituminous Coal
actor makes timely
It is

Huston or any other officer or officers of

n of the Marketing Rules and Division on or before October 11, 1941,
ections 23 and 124 Regulations.
the Bituminous Coal Division designated setting forth therein the nature of his
nue code in accord- 2. That the Division further deter-
by the Director thereof for that purpose interest and a concise statement of the
ming such applica- mine that the relations existing between
shall preside at the hearing in such mat- matter or matters which he intends to
Commission to the Randall Fuel Company. Inc.. and Randall
ter. The officers so designated to pre- present.
Defense and to the Brothers. Inc.. are bona fide, are not
side at such hearing are hereby author- All persons are hereby notified that
for a Certificate of established to secure indirect price re-
ized to conduct said hearing, to admin- the hearing in the above-entitled mat-
Ion with respect to ductions for Randall Brothers, Inc.
ister oaths and affirmations, examine ter and any orders entered therein may
this contract or a 3. That petitioner be permitted to ac-
witnesses, subpoena
witnesses, compel concern, in addition to the matters spe-
; forany item or cept and retain all discounts and com-
their attendance, take evidence, require cifically alleged in the petition, other
le Emergency Plant missions, both prior and subsequent to
the production of any books, papers,
cor- matters necessarily incidental and re-
Contractor is there- the date of the requested determinations
respondence, memoranda, or other rec- lated thereto, which may be raised by
timely issuance of as set out in (1) and (2) above, on sales
ates by either such
ords deemed relevant or material
to the amendment to the petition, petitions of
inquiry, to continue said hearing
by it as distributor or sales agent to Ran-
from interveners, or otherwise, or which may
Department of War, dall Brothers, Inc.
time to time, and to prepare be necessary corollaries to the relief, if
terminate forthwith and submit
to the Director proposed
4. For such further relief as may be any, granted on the basis of this peti-
;t as thouph a Ter-
findings of fact
and conclusions and the deemed necessary.
1 been filed pursuant recommenda- tion.
tion an appropriate order in the prem-
of TTie petition alleges, among other Dated: August 28, 1941.
!le in hereof.
ises, and to perform
all other duties in things, that Luther H. Randall is presi- fsEAL] H. A. Gray,
N. Bullock, connection therewith authorized by law. dent of each of the aforesaid corpora- Director.
Signal Corps. Notice of such hearing is hereby tions; that Luther H. Randall owns 95 of

) the Director of
to such petitioners
and to any other per- the 1900 outstanding shares of stock of IP. R. Doc. 41-6554; Filed, September 2, 1941;
isesa7id Contracts. m who may have an interest in such Randall Brothers. Inc.; that Luther H.
9:58 a. m.J
lied, September 2, 1941; ^«;eeding. Any person desiring to be Randall owns approximately 25% of the
a. m.] heard at such hearing shall
file a notice outstanding stock of Randall Fuel Com-
.to that effect with
the Bituminous Coal pany. Inc.; that Randall Brothers, Inc.. (Docket No. A-707)
Division on or before
October 6, 1941, owns 166 of the 1.000 outstanding shares Petition of District Board No. 7 for
THE INTERIOR. setting forth therein
the nature of his of Randall Fuel Company, Inc.; and that Revision of the Price Classification
interest and a concise there is no relation as between the re-
I Division. statement of the and Minimum Price for Certain Coals
matter or matters which
he Intends to maining stockholders of Randall Broth- Produced by the Code Members in Dis-
0. 1857-FDl present. ers, Inc., and Randall Fuel Company,
trict No. 7 BY Amending the Descrip-
IE Application or
ret All persons are hereby Inc.. with the exception of Mrs. Luther
notified that the tion FOR the Coals in Key Size No. 41
PANY FOR PERjnSSIOK waring in the above-entitled
matter and H. Randall, who owns 100 of the 1,000
&ny orders entered outstanding shares of Randall Fuel Com- ORDER denying RELIEF
Retain Distributoes therein may concern,
il fxtrchased and
bs- "•^dition to the matters specifically al- pany. Inc., and 10 of the 1.900 outstanding A petition, pursuant to section 4 n (d)
. A. HANNA COAL Aim *f^ In the petition, other matters nec- shares of Randall Brothers. Inc. of the Bituminous Coal Act of 1937, hav-
ro M. H. HussEY Cob- ^nly Incidental and related thereto,' It is ordered. That a hearing on such ing been filed with the Bituminous Coal
may be raised by amendment to
»nich matter be held on October 14. 1941. at Division by District Board 7. requesting
petition, petitions of interveners, or 10:00 in the forenoon of that day. at a an amendment to the definition of Key
otherwise, or which may be necessary hearing room of the Bituminous Coal Size No. 41 in the Schedule of Effective
Company, a corpora- wrollaries to the relief, if any. granted Division. 734 15th Street. NW.. Washing- Minimum Prices for District No. 7 for
the laws of Ohio, 0° the basis of this petition. ton. D. C. On such day. the Chief of the
ler All Shipments Except Truck;
offices In Cleveland, Dated: August 28. 1941. Records Section in Room 502 will advise District Board 1 having filed a peti-
Division as to the room where such hearing will be
red with the ^^^^ tion of intervention;
peUtion H. A. Gray.
3962, filed its held. A hearing in this matter having been
It is further Ordered, That Scott A. held pursuant to an Order of the Di-
" R Doc 41-6653; Piled. September 2, 1941- Dahlqulst or any other officer or officers rector before a duly designated Examiner
9:58 a. m.J of the Bituminous Coal Division desig- of the Division at a hearing room thereof
No 171 6

FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941

during the months of April to August. eign commerce, or which directly bur- I
Docket N
In Washington. D. C, at which all in-
dens, obstructs, or affects such commerce Notice or Hearinc
terested person^ were afforded an op- Inclusive.
There has been no opposition to the in such Irish potatoes; and at the afore- Proposal To Ax
portunity to be present, adduce evidence,
amendment of the petition as requested. said hearing all interested person.s in at. Approved Mark
cross-examine witnesses, and otherwise
Now. therefore, it is ordered. That the tendance were afforded due opporiumty Amended, and Or!
be heard
motion of the original petitioner, for to be heard concerning the proposed Regulating thk
The preparation and filing of a report
leave to amend its original petition, be marketing agreement and the proposed THE Fort Wayni
by the Examiner having been waived
and the record thereupon having been and the same hereby Is granted. Area'
It is further ordered. That the last
The marketing agreement wa.s tenta-
submitted to the Director; Notice Is hereby
paragraph contained in the Notice of and approved by the Acting Secretary
The Director having made Findings of be held in the Catl
for Hearing, dated July 21. 1941. on May 24. 1941. Subsequent to the
Pact, and Conclusions of Law and having Order 220 East Je
is. deleted, and tentative approval of the marketing ter,
rendered an Opinion in this matter, be. and the same hereby Wayne, Indiana, be
the following inserted in Its place: agreement of May 24. 1941. handlers
which are filed herewith; d.s. t. Septembei
(excluding cooperative associations of c.
Now. theretore, it is ordered. That the Maximum proposed amen(
reduction producers who are not engaged :n proc- to
prayers for relief contained in the peti- lively approved ma
Size group numbers (centa^) essing, distributing, or shipping Irish
tion filed herein by District Board 7 be, amended, and Ord(
Size Groups Nos. 1 to 2. Inclusive 60 potatoes covered by such order) of not
and they hereby are. denied. Group No. 3 80 tegiilating the har
Size less than fifty (50) percentum of the
Dated: August 29, 1941. Size Groups Nos. 4 to 6. Inclusive 25 Port Wayne.Indiai
volume of the Irish potatoes covered by
[SEAL] H. A. Orat. Size Group No. 7 This notice is g
such order, produced within the produc-
Director. 'These reductions wlU not be applicable provisions of Public
tion Mea defined In such order, refused
to shipments made during the months of gress, as amended
IP. R. Doc. 41-6656: Piled, September 2. 1941; April to August, inclusive. or failed to sign the aforesaid tentatively
9:68 a. m.) approved marketing agreement: amended by the A
Dated: August 29, 1941.
Now. therefore, pursuant to the im-o- Agreement Act of 1
[seal] H. a. Gray, of the General Reg
visions of said act, it is hereby determined
Docket No. A-929) Director. l,asamended, of th
I that:
ment Administratic
PrrrnoN or Radford Brothers, a Code [P. R. Doc. 41-6567; Piled, September 2. 1941; (1) The
aforesaid refusal or failure of partment of Agrict
Member in District No. 4. for the Es- 9:59 a. m.|
said handlers to sign the aforesaid tenta- This public hear:
tablishment or Minimum Prices for tively approved marketing agreement of receiving evlden
THE Coals of Mine Index No. 1307, roR tends to prevent the effectuation of the for (1) revising § S
All Shipments Except Truck Pursu- declared policy of the act with respect the order, as an
ant TO Section 4 n (d) or the Bitu- DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. of
to such Irish potatoes; tinue upward
minous Coal Act or 1937 Surplus Marketing Administration. (2) The issuance of such order, which ale set out in suci

ORDER dismissing PETITION regulates the handling of such Irish po- where it now ends )
Determination. Approved by the Presi-
tatoes In the same manner as the tenta- S2.83 and a Class
The original petitioner having moved dent or the United States, With Re-
tivelyapproved marketing agreement, is hundredweight, to
that the proceedings in the above-entitled spect TO AN Order Regulating the
the only practical means, pursuant to CTass III price excef
matter be dismissed without prejudice, Handling or Irish Potatoes Grown in
said act. of advancing the Interests of weight, as proposei
and there having been no opposition Certain Designated Counties in Idaho
the producers of such Irish potatoes; operative Milk Pro
AND Malheur County. Oregon

thereto (3) The issuance of the aforesaid order levising J 932.9 (a)
Novo, therefore, it is ordered. That the The Acting Secretaryof Agriculture of approved or favored by at least two-
Is as amended, so tha
original petition in the above-entitled the United States (hereinafter referred thirds of the producers who participated keting services maj
matter be dismissed, without prejudice, to as the "Acting Secretary"), having in a referendum conducted by the Acting qualified cooperativ
and that the proceedings in this docket reason to believe that the execution of a Secretary and who. during the represent- spect to the milk ol
be closed. marketing agreement and the Issuance ative period determined by the Acting proposed by the Dj
Dated: August 29, 1941. of an order would tend to effectuate the Secretary, were engaged, within the pro- Marketing Adminis
[SEALI H. A. Gray, declared policy of Public Act No. 10. 73d duction area specified in said tentatively Department of Agi
Director. Congress, as amended and as reenacted approved marketing agreement and the Copies of the p
September 1941;
and amended by the Agricultural Mar- aforesaid order, in the production for may be obtained f n
(P. R. Doc. 41-6566: Piled. 2,
9:59 a. m.l keting Agreement Act of 1937, as amend- market of the commodity specified there- Office of the Soli
ed (hereinafter referred to as the "act"), in; and D«partment of Agr
with respect to the establishment and (4) Issuance of the aforesaid order
The D. C, in Room 031
maintenance of such orderly marketing is approved or favored by producers
who may be there inspe
[Docket No. A-9471
conditions for Irish potatoes grown in participated in a referendum conducted [SEAL]
Petition or Bio Bend Collieries. Inc.,- Malheur County. Oregon, and the coun- by the Acting Secretary and who. during Assistant Seer
ET AL., FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT Or Er- ties of Adams, Valley, Lemhi. Clark, and the representative period determined by
rEcnvE Minimum Prices roR Sub- Fremont In the State of Idaho, and all the Acting Secretary, produced for mar-
standard Coals Produced Prom the of the counties in Idaho lying south of ket, within the production area specified
Brazil Block Vein in District No. 11, the aforesaid counties In Idaho, as would In said order, at least two-thirds of

Pursuant to Section 4 (d) or the n establish prices to the producers of such volume of such Irish potatoes, produced
Bituminous Coal Act or 1937 Irish potatoes at a level that would give by all producers who participated in said
such Irish potatoes a purchasing power referendum.
with respect to articles that farmers buy 26tb
PETITION Issued at Washington. D. C, this
equivalent to the purchasing power of hand
The original petition herein prayed day of August 1941. Witness my
such Irish potatoes during the base pe-
for certain maximum reductions in the riod. August 1919-July 1929, conducted a and the seal of the Department of Agri-
effective minimum prices established for public hearing in Idaho Falls, Idaho, on culture. Noncx OF ISSUANCI
substandard Brazil Block Vein Coals, December 19 and 20, 1940, and in Twin [seal] Grover B Hill. GATES for the EMI
such reductions not to be applicable dur- Palls. Idaho, on December 21. 1940, pur- Acting Secretary of AgncultuTe. Under the Fair ;

ing the months of April to August suant to notice duly given to all inter- Approved: or 1938
Inclusive. ested parties, on a proposed marketing
The original petitioner has filed a mo-
Franklin D Roosevelt.
agreement and a proposed order regulat- President of the United States.
tion for leave to amend the original pe- ing such handling of such Irish potatoes
tition and now prays that said reductions as is in the current of Interstate or for- Date: August 28. 1941.
shall not be applicable to shipments of W**»
(F. R. Doc. 41-6572; Filed, September 2,

such coal in Size Groups 1 and 2 only ' See Title 7. Chapter IX, supra. 11:37 a. m.l
FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941 4545
tiich directly bur- AO 33-A 7]
f Docket Mb. the minimum wage rate applicable under Apparel; Jackets. Ski Suits. Sportsweai*;
ets such commerce NoncE or Hearing With Respect to a section 6 of the Act are issued under sec- 12 learners (75%. of the applicable hourly
and at the afore- Proposal To Amend the Tentatively tion 14 thereof. Part 522 of the Regula- minimum wage) December 16. 1941. ;

5ted persons in at- Approved Marketing Agreement, as tions issued thereunder (August 16. 1940. J. A. Lamy Manufacturing Company.
d due opportunity Amended, and Order No. 32. as Amended, 5 FH. 2862) and the Determination and Pacific and Osage Streets. Sedalia, Mis-
ling the proposed Recttlating the Handling of Milk in Order or Regulation listed below and souri; Apparel; Pants. Overalls. Jackets;
and the proposed THE Port Wayne, Indiana. Marketing published In the Federal Register as here 20 learners (75% of the applicable hourly
Area' stated. minimum wage) ; November 25. 1941.
(ement was tenta- Lanier Manufacturing Company. Eas-
Notice hereby given of a hearing to
is Apparel Learner Regulations. Septem-
e Acting Secretary ley. South Carolina;
ber 7. 1940 (5F.R. 3591). Apparel; Shirts.
iubsequent to the be held in the Catholic Community Cen-
Artificial Flowers and Feathers Pants; 20 learners (75% of the applicable
the marketing ter, 220 East Jefferson Street. Port
Learner Regulations. October 24. 1940 hourly minimum wage) December 30, ;

H, 1941. handlers Wayne, Indiana, beginning at 10:00 a. m..

(5 PR. 4203). 1941.
re associations c. d. s. t.. September 15, 1941, with respect
Glove Findings and Determination of Marx Clothing Comp'any. 110 South
t engaged in proc- to proposed amendments to the tenta-
February 20. 1940. as amended by Ad- Mulberry Street. Mt. Carmel. Illinois; Ap-
or shipping Irish tively approved marketing agreement, as
ministrative Order of September 20, 1940 parel; Men's Suits; 5 percent (75% of
iuch order) of not amended, and Order No. 32. as amended.
(5 F.R. 3748). the appUcable hourly minimum wage)
percentum legulating the handling of milk In the
of the September 2, 1942.
Port Wayne. Indiana, marketing area.
Hosiery Learner Regulations. Septem-
otatoes covered by The George W. Prior Company. 1735
This notice Is given pursuant to the ber 4. 1940 (5 PR. 3530).
within the produc- Lawrence Street. Denver. Colorado; Ap-
provisions of Public Act No. 10, 73d Con- Independent Telephone Learner Regu-
3uch order, refused parel; Shirts, Sportswear; 5 learners
lations. September 27. 1940 (5 PJl. 3829).
gress, as amended and as reenacted and
foresaid tentatively (75% of the applicable hourly minimum
amended by the Agricultural Marketing Knitted Wear Learner Regulations,
.greement wage) September 2. 1942.
Agreement Act of 1937, as amended, and October 10. 1940 (5 FM. 3982). ;

rsuant to the pro-

Millinery Learner Regulations. Custom Reliance Manufacturing Company,-
of the General Regulations. Series A. No.
i hereby determined Made and Popular Priced. August 29, Twelfth and K Streets, Bedford, Indiana:
1, as amended, of the Agricultural Adjust-
1940 (5P.R. 3392.3393). Apparel; Work Shins, Work Pants; 75
ment Administration. United States De-
-efusal or failure of Textile Learner Regulations. May 16. learners (75% of the applicable hourly
partment of Agriculture.
:he aforesaid tenta- This public hearing is for the purpose 1941 (6 F.R. 2446). minimum wage) December 30, 1941. ;

Woolen Learner Regulations, October I. Schneierson and Sons. 113 West Red-
rketjng agreement of receiving evidence as to the necessity
effectuation of the 30, 1940 (5 PR. 4302). wood Street. Baltimore. Maryland; Ap-
for (1) revising §932.4 (b) (1) and (2)
le act with respect
parel; Children's Dresses; 50 learners
of the order, as amended, so as to con- The employment of learners under (75% of the applicable hourly minimum
;s; tinue upward indefinitely the price sched- these Certificates is limited to the terms
1 such order, which wage) ; December 16. 1941.
ule out in such sections, beginning
set and conditions as to the occupations,
jg of such Irish po-
Mitchel Schneider Company. Inc.. 50
where it now ends with a Class I price of learning periods, minimum wage rates,
anner as the tenta- S2.85 and a Class H price of $2.10 per
West 19th Street. New York. N. Y.; Ap-
et cetera, specified in the Determination
leting agreement, Is parel Ladies' Rayon Underwear and Bed
hundredweight, to be effective when the and Order or Regulation for the indus-
neans. pursuant to Jackets; 10 percent (75% of the ap-
Qass III price exceeds $2.10 per hundred- try designated above and indicated oppo-
ng the interests of plicable hourly minimum wage) Decem-
weight, as proposed by the Wayne Co-
site the employer's name. These Certifi-
ti Irish potatoes; ber 16. 1941.
operative Milk Producers. Inc.. and <2) cates become effective September 2. 1941.
the aforesaid order The Certificates may be cancelled in the Spitzer Manufacturing Corporation.
levising 5 932.9 (a) and (b) of the order.
ed by at least two- as amended, so that deductions for mar- manner provided in the Regulations and 440 North Wells Street. Chicago, Illinois;
srs who participated keting services may be paid directly to a as Indicated in the Certificates. Apparel; Chenille Robes. Percale House
Any Coats. Cotton Dresses; 5 learners (75%
lucted by the Acting qualified cooperative association with re- person aggrieved by the issuance of any
uring the represent- spect to the milk of its own members, as of these Certificates may seek a review or of the applicable hourly minimum wage)
Ined by the Acting proposed by the Dairy Division. Surplus reconsideration thereof. September 2. 1942.
ged. within the pro- Marketing Administration. United States Stock Shirt Manufacturing Company,
d In said tentatively Department of Agriculture. name and address or firm, industry, 31 North Cherry Street, York. Pennsyl-
agreement and the Copies of the proposed amendments
PRODUCT, number OF LEARNERS AND EX- vania; Apparel; Dress Shirts; 10 learn-
the production for may be obtained from the Hearing Clerk. PIRATION date ers (75% of the applicable hourly min-
)dity specified there- Office of the Solicitor. United States Brookshire Shirt Company. Inc.. 19 Ed- imum wage) December 30. 1941.;

Department of Agriculture, Washington. son Street. Amsterdam. New York; Ap- The Conay Glove Company. 419
r the aforesaid order D. C, in Room 0310. South Building,
or parel; Shirts, Sport Shirts; 5 learners Fourth Avenue. New York. N. Y.; Gloves:
?d by producers who may be there inspected. (75% of the applicable hourly minimum Leather Dress Gloves; 3 learners; March
ferendum conducted t«AL] wage) December 30. 1941. 2, 1942.
Grovir B. Hill. ;

ary and who, during

Assistant Secretary of Agriculture. A. B. Coddington Garment Company, J. Wiesselmann and Company. Inc.,
eriod determined by 614 Monroe Street, LaPorte. Indiana; 599-601 Broadway. New York. New York;
mar- Dated: August 26, 1941. Washington,
', produced for Gloves; Knit Fabric Gloves; 5 percent;
DC. Apparel; Skirts; 5 learners (75% of the
action area specified applicable hourly minimum wage) Sep- September 2, 1942.

St two-thirds of the I' H. Doc. 41-6571; Filed. September 2, 1941; tember 2. 1942. Athens Hosiery Mills. Inc.. Tellico Ave-
I potatoes,
produced 11:37 m.|
a. Gean Edwards Manufacturing Com- nue. Athens. Tennessee; Hosiery; Seam-
participated in said pany. 2200 North 11th Street. Milwaukee, less Hosiery; 5 percent; September 2,
Wisconsin; Apparel; Jackets. Coats; 5 1942.

[ton.D. C. this 26th learners (75% of the applicable hourjy Hillsboro Hosiery Mills. Inc.. Hillsboro,
Witness my band minimum wage) Septeml)er 2. 1942.
; New Hampshire; Hosiery; Seamless Ho-
Department of Agri- Wage and Hour Division. Hoosier Factories. Inc.. Michigan City, siery; 5 learners; September 2. 1942.
Indiana; Apparel; Pants; 5 percent (75% Plymouth Hosiery Mills, Inc.. 919 Mills
Nonci or Issuance of Special Certifi-
of the applicable hourly minimum wage) High Point. North Carolina; Ho-
Grover B Hill. cates for the EImployment of Learners
ary of Agnculture.
September 2. 1942. siery;Seamless Hosiery; 5 learners; Sep-
Under the Fair Labor Standards Act
or 1938
Edward Hyman Company. 1830 S. Hill tember 2, 1942.
Street, Los Angeles. California; Apparel; Supreme Hosiery Dye Works. 35
)SEVELT. Notice is hereby given that Special Washable Service Apparel; 5 percent Eighth Street. Passaic. New Jersey; Ho-
he United Certificates authorizing the employment (75% of the applicable hourly minimum siery; Pull Fashioned Hosiery; 25 learn-
01 learners at hourly wages lower than wage) ; September 2. 1942. ers; May 2. 1942.

Jed, September 2, iMli Klinkerfues Brothers Company, 901- Kaufmann and Company. Inc.. 2022
'« FR. 3938. 907 East 7th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota; West Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia;
a. m.]
1 .

FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941

from yarns spun entirely of wool or ani- 18 (a) and employ^
25 cents per hour; Saddle Maker;
Millinery; Popular-Priced Millinery; 12 provisions of Sectior
December 9. 1941. mal fiber (other than silk).
lesrners; March 2. 1942.
(d) The picking of rags and clips made Signed at Washinj
Boott Mills. Lowell, Massachusetts; Signed at Washington, D. C, this 2nd entirely from wool or animal fiber (other day ofAugust 1941.
Textile; Cotton Goods; 150 learners; De- day of September 1941.
than silk) and the garnetting of wool or

cember 2. 1941. (This certificate re- GtxsTAV Pick. Ph

animal fiber (other than silk) from rags,
places one issued effective June 9, 1941.)
Authorized Representative clips, or mill waste: and other processes
Signed at Washington, D. C, this 2d of the Administrator. related thereto. IF. R. Doc. 41-6677; Fl
day of September 1941. (e) The manufacturing of batting. 11:39
(F R Doc. 41-6576; Piled September 2, 1941;
Gust A V Peck. 11:39 a. m.] wadding or filling made entirely of wool

Authorized Representative or animal fiber (other than silk>.

of the Administrator. (f) The manufacturing or processing [Administrative
of all yarns (other than carpet yarns) AcciPTANCE OF Resig:
IP. R. Doc. 41-6575; Filed, September 2. 1941; I
Administrative Order No 126 spun from wool or animal fiber (other POINTMENT to iNDt
11:39 a. m.]
Appointment of Industry Committee No. than silk) In combination with cotton, 34 FOR THE PrOPI
36 for the Woolen Industry silk, flax, jute or any synthetic fiber; ex- Ikdtotry
cept the manufacturing or processing on
By virtue of to the au-
and pursuant By virtue of and
Notice of Issuance of Special Certifi-
systems other than the woolen system ]

thority vested in me by the Fair Labor thority vested in m«

of yams containing not more than 45 per
cates FOR THE Employment of Learners Standards Act of 1938, 1. Philip B. Flem- Standards Act of 19
Under the Fair Labor Standards Act cent by weight of wool or animal fiber
ing. Administrator of the Wage and Hour (other than silk) in combination with Acting Administrato
OF 1938 Division, U. S. Department of Labor, do Hour Division, Depa
cotton, silk, flax, Jute or any synthetic
Notice hereby given that Special
Is hereby appoint and convene for the fit)er.
Do hereby accept
Certificates authorizing the employment woolen industry (as such Industry is de- (g) manufacturing, dyeing or
The Ifr.Carl R.Anderson
of learners at hourly wages lower than fined in paragraph 2) an industry com- other finishing of the products enumer- mittee No. 34 for t

the minimum rate applicable under sec- mittee composed of the following repre- ated in clauses (b), (c), (d). and (e) Carrier Industry am
tion 6 of the Act are issued under section sentatives: from wool or animal fiber (other than in his place, as a re

14 thereof and § 522.5 (b) of the Regula- For the Public silk) in combination with cotton, silk,
employees in the ii
tions Issued thereunder (August 16, any synthetic fiber; except Brown, of Akron, Oh
flax. Jute or
1940, 5 FM. 2862 > to the employers listed Robert P. Brecht, Chairman, Philadel- products containing not more than 25 Signed at Washing
below effective September 2, 1941. phia, Pennsylvania. August 1941.
per cent by weight of wool or animal day of
Clyde E. Dankert, Hanover, New Hamp-
The employment of learners under fiber (other than silk), with a margin of
these Certificates is limited to the terms tolerance of 2 per cent to meet the exi-

designated opposite the Amy Hewes, South Hadley, Massachu- gencies of manufacture.
and conditions as [PR. Doc. 41-6578: PU
employer's name. These Certificates are 11:39
Burton R. Morley, University, Alabama. 3. The definition of the woolen indus-

Issued upon the employers' representa-

Philip Taft, Providence, Rhode Island. try covers all occupations in the industry
tions that experienced workers for the
which are necessary to the production
learner occupations are not available for For the Employees
of the articles specified In the definition,
employment and that they are actually
George Baldanzi. New York, New York. including clerical, maintenance, shipping
In need of learners at subminimum rates MISSION.
Louis Guilmet, Lawrence, Massachusetts. and selling occupations: Provided, hove-
In order to prevent curtailment of oppor-
Emil Rieve, New York, New York. ever, That this definition does not include [Docket 1»
employment. The Certificates
Horace Riviere, Manchester, New Hamp-
tunities for
employees of an Independent wholesaler
may be cancelled in the manner provided Nonci Relative to V
shire. or employees of a manufacturer who are
for in the Regulations and as indicated CASTING CORPOI
Arthur Valente. Washington, D. C. engaged exclusively in marketing and
on the Certificate. Any person aggrieved distributing products of the industry Application dated
by the issuance of these Certificates may For the Employers which have been purchased for resale: construction permit
seek a review of reconsideration thereof.
Willard H. Cumralngs, Newport. Maine. And provided further. That where an •wadcast; class of

NAME, and address OF FIRM, PRODUCT, NUM- John H. Halford. Bridgeport, Pennsyl- employee covered by this definition is em- locaUon, Wilkes-Bar
BER OF LEARNERS, LEARNING PERIOD, vania. ployed during the same workweek at two Mslgnment specified

LEARNER WAGE. LEARNER OCCUPATIONS, Hutcheson. Jr., Rossville. Georgia.

J. L. or more different minimum rates of pay. b- (1240 kc. NARB.
EXPIRATION DATE Moses Pendleton, New York. New York. he shall be paid the highest of such rates liours of operation, v
Harold Walter, Uxbridge, Massachusetts. for such workweek unless records con- fwllities WBAX.
Louis Oertler Suitcase Company, 305 cerning his employment are kept by his You are hereby not
Magazine Street, New Orleans, Louisiana: Such representatives having been ap- iKlon
employer in accordance with applicable has examii
Suitcase Manufacturing; 1 learner; 12 pointed with due regard to the geograph-
regulations of the Wage and Hour Divi- "cribed application i
weeks for any one learner; 28 cents per ical regions in which such industry is the matter
sion. for hearln
hour: Luggage Maker; March 17, 1942. carried on. •ith the applications
4. The committee herein
McKinnon Leather Products Corpora- For the purpose of this order the
2. created shall meet on Septemb' r 24. 1941,
«sting Company,
tion. Buffalo, New York: Footballs, Bas- term "woolen industry" means: at 10 a. m. in Conference Room
3229, 'Northeastern Pennsyl
ketballs. Soccer and VoUey Balls. Boxing Department of Labor Building, Wash- ^. Docket No. 617(
(a) The manufacturing or processing
Gloves, Helmets, Shoulder Pads; 5
ington. D. C, and, in accordance
wiUi »rtws, Inc., Docket
any one learner: of all yarns (other than carpet yarns)
learners; 320 hours for Fair Labor Stand- '(flowing reasons:
spun entirely from wool or animal fiber the provisions of the
30 cents per hour: Machine operators on processes pre- ards Act of 1938 and rules and regula- ! To determine
(other than silk) and all wh
football helmets; March 2, 1942.

paratory thereto. tions promulgated thereunder, shall "^officers, directors a

The Mintz Company, 12435 Euclid proceed to Investigate conditions in
(b) The manufacturing, dyeing or '"^'Jifled in all respec
Avenue. East Cleveland. Ohio; Venetian indastry and recommend to the Admin-
other finishing of fabrics and blankets operate the
Blinds; 15 learners; 4 weeks for any one minimum wage rates for all an* To determine the
(other than carpets, rugs and pile fab- istrator
learner; 25 cents per hour; Venetian Wind thereof who within the meamng "the program ser\
rics) woven from yarns spun entirely of ployees
assembler: October 14, 1941. commerce want may be exp
wool or animal fiber (other than silk) of said Act are "engaged in
Newton Brothers, Versal, Utah; Whole- or In the production of goods for
<xm- l^nted a permit to
(c) The manufacturing, dyeing, or
sale manufacturing of saddles, harness, exemptea
other finishing of fulled suitings, coat- merce," excepting employees l*»d station.
boots, cinches, saddle trees, strap work; SecUon
ings, topcoatlngs, and overcoatings knit by virtue of the provisions of To determine w

2 learners: 12 weeks for any one learner; I»oposedherein wou:

*w-free primary ser
'*'» districts, (b) t
FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941 4547
?ly of wool or anl- IJ (a) and employees coming under the tricts, and (c) the metropolitan district mary service from Station FTOS, which
silk). provisions of Section 14. of Scranton-Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, it is expected would receive similar serv-
ags and clips made Signed at Washington, D. as contemplated by the Standards of ice from the station proposed herein.
C, this 27th
inimal fiber (other August 1941. Gk)od Engineering Practice. 4. To determine the character of the
day of
•netting of wool or 4. To determine whether public inter- program service proposed to be rendered
in silk) from rags.
Philip B. Fleming, est, convenience and necessity would be and the extent to which such service is
nd other processes Administrator. served by a grant of this application and now being rendered by any other station
[F.R Doc. 41-«677; Filed. September 2. 1941;
the applications of Key Broadcasters, or stations serving the proposed service
iring of batting. 11:39 a. ml Inc.. Docket No. 6171, Central Broadcast- area, in whole, or in part.
le entirely of wool ing Company, Docket No. 6169, and the 5. To determine whether, in view
than sllk>. Northeastern Pennsylvania Broadcasters, the facts adduced under the foregoing
ring or processing r Administrative Order No. 138) Inc., Docket No. 6170. or any of them. issues, public interest, convenience, or
tian carpet yarns) necessity would be served by the grant of
AcciPTANCE or Resignation From and Ap- The application involved herein will
nimal fiber (other
pointment TO Industry Committee No. not be granted by the Commission imless this application.
ation with cotton,
34 FOR THE Property Motor Carrier the issues listed above are determined in The application involved herein will not
synthetic fiber; ex- Ikdustry favor of the applicant on the basis of a be granted by the Commission unless the
ig or processing on
record duly and properly made by means issues listed above are determined in
;he woolen system By virtue of and pursuant to the au-
of a formal, hearing. favor of the applicant on the basis of a
)t more than 45 per
thorityvested In me by the Fair Labor
Standards Act of 1938, I. Baird Snyder,
The applicant is hereby given the op- record duly and properly made by means
•ol or animal fiber
Administrator of the portunity to obtain a hearing on such is- of a formal hearing.
combination with Acting Wage and
; or any synthetic Hour Division, Department of Labor,
sues by filing a written appearance in The apphcant is hereby given the op-
Do hereby accept the resignation of
accordance with the provisions of § 1.382 portunity to obtain a hearing on such
Carl R. Anderson from Industry Com- (b) of the Commission's Rules of Prac- issues by filing a written appearance in
;urlng, dyeing or Iff.
tice and Procedure. Persons other than accordance with the provisions of § 1.382
! products eniuner- mittee No. 34 for the Property Motor
Canier Industry and do hereby appoint the apphcant who desire to be heard <b) of the Commission's Rules of Practice
(c). (d). and (e)
place, as a representative for the
must fUe a petition to intervene in ac- and Procedure. Persons other than the
, fiber (other than In

employees in the industry, Mr. D. C. cordance with the provisions of § 1.102 applicant who desire to be heard must file
with cotton, silk,
Brown, of Akron. Ohio. of the Commission's Rules of Practice a petition to intervene in accordance with
thetic fiber; except
Washington, D. C, this 29th and Procedure. the provisions of § 1.102 of the Commis-
not more than 25 Signed at
of wool or anima! day of August 1941. The applicant's address is as follows: sion's Rules of Practice and Procedure.

with a margin of Baird Snyder, Wilkes-Barre Broadcasting Corpora-

The applicant's address is as follows:
) ,

it to meet the exi- Acting Administrator. tion. Hotel Sterling, Wilkes-Barre, Penn- Hugh McClung, Hotel Tioga, Merced,
re. sylvania. California.
(P.B. Doc. 41-«578; Piled, September 3. 1941;
the woolen indus- 11:39 a. m.l Dated at Washington, D. C, August Dated at Washington, D. C, August
I 28, 28.
ions in the industry 1941. 1941.
to the production By the Commission. By the Commission.
ed In the definition, [SEAL] T. J. Slowie, [SEAL] T. J. Slowie,
intenance. shipping RDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COM-
Secretary. Secretary.
•ns: Provided, how- MISSION.
[F. R. Doc. 41-6558; Filed, September 2, 1941; (P. R. Doc. 41-6559: Piled, September 1941-
ion does not include (Docket No. 6135] 10:32 a. m.j
10:32 a. m.)
;pendent wholesaler
Nonci Relative to Wilkes-Barre Broad-
inufacturer who are
CASTiNc Corporation (New)
in marketing and Docket No. 6167)
I Docket No. 6169]
s of the dated June 20, 1940. for
Application I

jchased for resale: construction permit; class of service,

Notice Relative to Hugh McClitng Notice Relative to Central Broadcast-
er. That where an •foadcast; class of station, broadcast; (New) ing Co. (New)
his definition is em- kxaUon, Wllkes-Barre, Pa.; operating Application dated March 22. 1941, for AppUcation dated June 11, 1941. for
ne workweek at two assignment specified: Frequency. 1210 construction permit; class of service, construction permit; class of service,
limum rates of pay, b- (1240 kc. NARBA); power,
250 w.; broadcast; class of station, broadcast; lo- broadcast; class of station, broadcast,
lighest of such rates •wirs of operation, unlimited.
Requests cation, Fresno, California; operating as- location, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania;
unless records con- ficilities WBAX. signment specified: frequency, 1,590 kc; operating assignment specified: Fre-
tent are kept by his You are hereby notified that the Com- power, 5 kw.; hours of operation, im- quency, 1,250 kc; power, 250 w.; hours
nee with applicable "lisslon has examined the above-de- limited. of operation, unlimited. Requests facili-
age and Hour Div1- *nbed application and has designated You are hereby notified that the Com- ties of WBAX.
thematter for hearing, to be consolidated mission has examined the above de-
Ith the applications
You are hereby notified that the Com-
committee herein of Cential Broad- scribed application and has designated mission has
examined the above-de-
September 24, 1941, «sting Company.
Docket No. 6169; the matter for hearing for the following scribed application and has designated
ference Room 3229, Northeastern Pennsylvania Broadcasters, reasons: the matter for hearing, to be consoh-
or Buildinp, Wash-
"tt. Docket
No. 6170: and Key Broad- dated with the applications of North-
ojers. Inc., Docket No. 1. To obtain full information with re-
in accordance with 6171, for the eastern Pennsylvania Broadcasters, Inc..
Kalowing spect to the connections and relation-
Pair Labor Stand- reasons:
ships, direct and indirect, nature, extent, Docket No. 6170; Key Broadcasters, Inc.]
d rules and regula-
To determine whether the applicant,
and effect thereof, between this applicant Docket No. 6171; and Wilkes-Barre
thereunder, shall "s (jfHcers,
directors and stockholders are Broadcasting Corporation, Docket No.
and the licensees of radiobroadcast sta-
te conditions In ""^fled in all respects to construct 6135, for the following reasons:
Admin- and tions in the area proposed to be served
nend to the operate the
proposed station. or elsewhere.
age rates for all an- 1. To determine whether the appli-
2 To determine the type
and character 2. To determine the areas and popu- cant,
within the meaning M the program
service which the ap-
its officers, directors and stock-
lations which may be expected to gain holders are qualified in all
igaged in commerce "''ant may be
expected to render if
respects to
com- interference-free primary service from construct and operate the proposed sta-
1 of goods for Panted a permit to
construct the pro- the operation of the station proposed tion.
>mployees exempted I*»d station.
herein and what other broadcast service To determine
revisions of SecUon the type and charac-
To dotermhie whether the station
is available to these areas and popula-
«oposed herein would provide
ter of the program service which the
interfer- tions. applicant may be expected to render If
^e-free primary service to (a) the
busi- 3. To determine the areas and popula- granted a permit to construct the pro-
*» districts, (b) the residential
dis- tions now receiving interference-free pri- posed station.
FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 5, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941 4549
Blologicals, antitoxins and serums. quest for hearing with respect to said (File No. 46-1501
applicant may be expected to render if Broadcasting Corporation. Docket
3. To determine whether the station Ho,
Clinical thermometers. applications within the period specified
granted a permit to construct the pro- 6135. for the following reasons In the Matter of Trustees Under Pen-
proposed herein would provide Interfer- Diagnostic Instruments. in said notice, or otherwise, and not hav-
posed station. sion Trust Agreement, General Util-
ence-free primary service to (a) the 1. To determine whether the applicant, Hospital laboratory equipment and sup- ing ordered a hearing thereon; and
3. To determine whether the station directors and stockholden ity Investors Corporation, Associated
business districts, (b) the residential^iis- its officers,
plies. The Commission finding with respect
proposed herein would provide Interfer- are qualified in all respect to construct
Power Corporation, NY PA NJ Utili-
trlcts and (c) the metropolitan district of Hospital operating room equipn'-ont. to the said applications under section 6
ence-free primary service to (a) the ties Company, Associated Gas and
Scranton-Wllkes-Barre. Pennsylvania, as and operate the proposed station.
Hypode.-mic syringes and needles. (b) of said Act that the requirements
business districts, (b) the residential dis- Electric Corporation, and Associated
contemplated by the Standards of Good 2. To determine the type and character Instruments (surgical and dental). of section 6 (b) have been satisfied, and
tricts, and <c) the metropolitan district of the program service which the Gas and Electric Company
Engineering Practice. ap. Medicinal chemicals (limited to medical with respect to said applications under
4. To determine whether public inter- of Scranton-Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, plicant may
be expected to render if order consenting to withdrawal op
use only). section 10 of said Act that no adverse
est, convenience and necessity would be {IS contemplated by the Standards of granted a permit to construct the pro- motion for modification of condition
Rubb?r hospital sundries. findings are necessary under section 10
served by a grant of this application and Good Engineering Practice. posed station. Sterlliz-rs, hospital. (b) and 10 (c) (1), and that the trans- IN commission's order
the applications of Wilkes-Barre Broad- 4. To determine whether the proposed 3. To determine whether
the station
Surgical dressings. action has the tendency required by sec- At a regular session of the Securities
casting Corporation, E>ocket No. 6135, station would provide a minimum field proposed herein would provide interfer- X-Ray equipment and supplies (medical tion 10 (c) (2) of said Act; and Exchange Commission held at
Key Broadcasters, Inc., Docket No. 6171. intensity of 25 to 50 mv/m to the business ence-free primary service to (a) the busi- its
and dontal). It is hereby ordered, pursuant to said office inthe City of Washington, D. C,
and the Northeastern Pennsylvania Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania,
districts of ness districts, (b) the residential dis-
preference ratings to specified Rule U-23 and the applicable provisions on the 30th day of August, A. D. 1941.
Broadcasters. Inc.. Docket No. 6170, or as contemplated by the Standards of tricts, and (c) the metropolitan district of Bs.sigr:ing
quantities of material necessary for such of said Act and subject to the terms and The Commission having on June
Good Engineering Practice. Scranton-Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, 29,
any of them. conditions prescribed in Rule U-24, that 1939, issued its order in the above mat-
as contemplated by the Standards of manufacture.
5. To determine whethef public Inter- the aforesaid applications shall be and
The application Involved herein will Good Engineering Practice. Any manufacturer of the foregoing ter containing, among others, the follow-
est, convenience and necessity would be hereby are granted forthwith.
not be granted by the Commission imless 4. To determine whether public inter- products who wishes to qualify for such ing condition:
served by a grant of this application and By the Commission.
the Issues listed above are determined In est, convenience and necessity would be an order should apply to the Health Sup-
the applications of Wilkes-Barre Broad- (4) Associated Power Corporation shall
favor of the applicant on the basis of a served by a grant of this application and plies Section, Office of Production Man- [seal] Francis p. Br assor.
casting Corporation, Docket No. 6135, make no payments which will reduce the
record duly and properly made by means the applications of Wilkes-Barre Broad- agement. Washington. D. C. Secretary.
Central Broadcasting Company, Docket principal of its convertible
of a formal hearing. Dated August 26, 1941.
The applicant is hereby given the op-
No. 6169. and the Key Broadcasters. Inc., casting Corporation, Docket No. 6135. [F. R. Doc. 41-6540; Filed, August 30, 1941; held by NY PA NJ Utilities
to Company
Docket No. 6171, or any of them. Central Broadcasting Company. Docket E. R. Stettinius, Jr., 11:32 a. m.] less than $340,000 (which Is the prin-
portunity to obtain a hearing on such No. 6169, and the Northeastern Pennsyl- Director of Priorities. cipal amount due thereon after the can-
Issues by filing a written appearance in The application Involved herein will
vania Broadcasters, Inc., Docket No. 6170, 41-«563; Filed. September cellation mentioned in Paragraph (2)
accordance with the provisions of § 1.382 not be granted by the Commission unless |F. R. Doc. 2, 1941;
or any of them. 10:54 a. m.l (File No. 1-27471 above), and shall not reduce its open
(b) of the Commission's Rules of Prac- the Issues listed above are determined In
The application Involved herein will account indebtedness to NY PA NJ Utili-
tice and Procedure. Persons other than favor of the applicant on the basis of a In the Matter of Lakeside Monarch Min-
ties Company below $300,000;
the applicant who desire to be heard must record duly and properly made by means not be granted by the Commission unless ing Company, 10c Par Common Stock
file a petition to intervene in accordance of a formal hearing. the Issues listed above are determined SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COM- order setting.hearinc on applic.^tion to
NY PA NJ Utilities Company, on
with the provisions of § 1.102 of the Com- The applicant is hereby given the op- In favor of the applicant on the basis MISSION. • ,

strike from listing and registration

March 1940, having filed a motion for
mission's Rules of Practice and Pro- portunity to obtain a hearing on such Is- of a record duly and properly made by IFfleNo. 70-3781 modification of the above condition so
cedure. sues by filing a written appearance in ac- means of a formal hearing. At a regular session of the Securities as to permit the dissolution and liquida-
In the Matter of New England Gas and
The applicant's address is £is follows: cordance with the provisions of § 1.382(b) The applicant is hereby given the op- and Exchange Commi&'^ion held at .ts of- tion of Associated Power Corporation;
portunity to obtain a hearing on such
Electric Association and Kittery fice in the City of Washington, D. C, on
% of the Commission's Rules of Practice and a hearing having been held on said
Central Broadcasting Company, Electric Licit Company
the 30th day of August, A. D. 1941.
and Procedure. Persons other than the Issues by filing a written appearance in motion; and
James J. Jennings, 414 Bridge Street,
New Cumberland, Pennsylvania. applicant who desire to be heard must accordance with the provisions of § 1.382 order granting applications The Salt Lake Stock Exchange, pur- NY PA NJ Utilities Company, on
II file a petition to Intervene in accordance (b) of the Commission's Rules of Prac- suant to section 12 (d) of the Securities August 8, 1941, having filed a request
At a regular session of the Securities
Dated at Washington. D. C, August with the provisions of § 1.102 of the Com- tice and Procedure. Persons other than Exchange Act of 1934 as amended, and with this Commission for the withdrawal
and Exchange 'Commission, held at Its
2iB. 1941. mission's Rules of Practice and Pro- the applicant who desire to be heard Rule X-12D2-1 (b) promulgated there- of said motion for modification of the
office the City of Washington, D. C,
By the Commission. cedure. • must file a petition to lnter\'ene in ac- under, having madeapplication to strike above condition for the reason that af-
on the 29th day of August, A. D. 1941.
[seal] T. J. Slowie, The applicant's address as follows: cordance with the provisions of § 1102 from listing and
registration the lOt* Par firmative action by the Commission on
is Tlie above-named persons, having filed
Secretary. of the Commission's Rules of Practice
applications pursuant to the Public Util-
Common Stock of Lakeside Monarch declarations and application filed with
Northeastern Pennsylvania Broadcast- and Procedure. Mining Company; and respect to the merger of Associated
ity Holding Company Act of 1935, par-
September 1941; ers, Inc., c/o Robert J. Doran, Attorney, The Commission deeming
[F. R. Doc. 41-6560; Piled, 2, The applicant's address is as follows: ticularly sections 6 (b) and 10 thereof,
It necessary Power Corporation into NY PA NJ Utili-
10:32 a. m.) Wilkes Barre Deposit k Savings Bank for the protection of Investors that a ties Company would effectuate the nec-
Building, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Key Broadcasters, Inc., J. E. Elicker,
'^/c regarding the following transactions:
hearing be held in this matter at which
Pioneer Ave., Dallas, Pennsylvania. Kittery Electric Light Company, a sub-
essary modification ; and the Commission
all interested persons be given an oppor- having on this date Issued its order per-
Dated at Washington, D. C, August sidiary of New England Gas and Electric
(DocKet No. 61701 Dated at Washington, D. C, August tunity to be heard;
28, 1941. mitting such declarations to become
Association, a registered holding com-
By the Commission. 28. 1941. It is ordered. That the matter be set effective and granting such application
Notice Relative to Northeastern Penn- pany, proposes to issue and sell $150,000
sylvania Broadcasters, Inc. (New) T. J. Slowie,
By the Commission. down for hearing at 10 a. m. on Thursday, (Pile 70-377)
[SBAL] principal amount unsecured Serial
Secretary. [SEAL] T. J. Slowh. September 25, 1941, at the office of the The Commission consents to the with-
Notes, First Series, 3'/2%. due 1966, and
Application dated May 31. 1941; for SecretaT%. Securities & Exchange Commission, 444 drawal of such motion, and to that effect
construction permit; class of service,
WO.OOO of additional common stock
(F. R. Doc. 41-6561; Filed. September 2, 1941; Seventeenth Street Denver. Colorado, It is so ordered.
10:32 a. m.| (F. R. Doc. 41-6562; PUed. September 2, tt*l; represented by 1,200 shares having a par
broadcast; class of station, broadcast; 10:33 a.m and continue thereafter at such times By the Commission.
location. Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania;
| value of S50 per share. The Serial Notes and places as the Commission or its of-
will be purchased
by John Hancock Mu- iSEAL] Orval L. DuBois,
operatmg assignment specified: Fre- ficerherein designated shall determine,
tual Life Insurance Company through Recording Secretary.
quency, 1240 kc; power 250 w.; hours of (Docket No. 6171] and that general notice thereof be given
OFFICE OF PRODUCTION -MANAGE- The First Boston Corporation, Boston, (P. R. Doc. 41-6579; Filed, September
operation, unlimited. Requests facilities and 2. 1941;
WBAX. Notice Relative to Key Broadcasters, MENT. Massachu.setts, as agent for the company, 11:44 a. m.|
(New) nje additional shares of common stock It is further ordered. That Gilbert C.
Com- Inc.
You are hereby notified that the Divteion of Priorities. Maxwell, an officer of the Commission, be
mission examined the above-de-
has Application dated Jime 21, 1941; for
will be acquired by New England Gas and
Notice to Manufacturers of Midicai
and he hereby is designated to administer [File No. 70-383)
scribed application and has designated Association at par.
construction permit; class of service, Supplies. Etc. The purpose of the proposed transac- oaths and affirmations, subpoena wit-
the matter for hearing, to be consoli- broadcast; class of station, broadcast; In the Matter of Tracy Development
dated with the applications of Wilkes- location, Wilkes-Eterre, Pa.; operating By virtue of the authority vested In m tion is to provide
Kittery Electric Light
nesses, compel their attendance, take
evidence, and require the production of Company and New York State Elec-
Regulation No. 3.' and pursuant Company with funds necessary to repay
Barre Broadcasting Corporation, Docket assignment specified: Frequency. 1,240 by OPM w- any bcxjks, papers, correspondence, tric & Gas Corporation
No. 6135; Central Broadcasting Com- to 5 944.4 • of Regulation No. 1 of the ^ting indebtedness and to cover ex-
kc: power, 250 w.; hours of operation, of Pri- penditures in
memoranda or other records deemed order permitting declarations to become
pany. Docket No. 6169; and Key Broad- unlimited. Requests facilities of WBAX. vlslon of Priorities, the Director connection with the con-
relevant or material to the Inquiry, and to
August a. stniction, completion, extension and im- effective
casters, Inc., Docket No. 6171, for the You are hereby notified that the Com- orities, wiU Issue on and after perform all other duties in connection
to mao- provement of the company's faculties. At a regular session of the Securities
following reasons: mission has examined the above-de- 1941, Individual orders directed therewith authorized by law.
r Said applications having been filed on
ufacturers of: and Exchange Commission held at its of-
1. To determine whether the appli- scribed application and has designated August 11, 1940
By the Commission.
and notice of said filing fice inthe City of Washington, D. C, on
cant. Its officers, directors, and stock- the matter for hearing, to be consolidated Adhesive plasters. °»ving been duly (seal] Francis p. Brassor,
form and
given in the the 30th day of August, A. D. 1941.
holders are qualified in all respect to con- with the applications of Northeastern Anaesthesia apparatus and supplies.
Pennsylvania Broadcasters. Inc.. Docket
"'•noer prescribedby Rule U-23 pro- The above-named parties, both sub-
struct and operate the proposed station.
No. 6170; Central Broadcasting Com-
mulgated pursuant to said Act, and the
[F. R. Doc. 41-6569 :Filed, September 1941;
sidiaries of NY PA NJ Utilities Company,
2. To determine the tjrpe and charac- >6 Pil. 1»9«. 2,
commission not having received a re- 11:31 a. m.] a registered holding company, having
ter of the program service which the pany, Docket No. 6169; and Wilkes-Barre I
*6 FJi. 4490.
4550 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 3, 1941 SFP5 f94f
pursuant to the Public
filed declarations property unless and until such proposed The following liabilities of Associated
Utility Holding Company Act of 1935.
and particularly sections 7 and 12 (f ) and
entries shall have been approved by the
Public Service Commission of the State
Power Corporation, all owing
NJ Utilities Company, will be
to NY PA
Rule U-43 of the Rules and Regulations
promulgated thereunder, regarding the
sale by Tracy Development Company of
all its properties, real, personal and
of New York.
By the Commission.
[SEAL] OsvAL L. Dubois,
Recording Secretary.
convertible obligations due

open accotint
Accrued Interest on convertible
$340, 000 00
363,000.00 \
mixed, to New York State Electric li Gas Accrued Interest on open ac-
[F. R. Doc. 41-6680: Piled. September 2, 1941;

Corporation in consideration of payment 11:44 a. m.| count 1. 815 00
by the latter of the nominal sum of $1.00,
and the assumption by the latter of the
First Mortgage «% Gold Bonds due Oc-
tober 1, 1944 of Tracy Development Com-
pany, as of December 31, 1936 being then
(Pile No. 70-3771

In th£ Matter or NY PA NJ Ununis

Company and Associated Poweb Cor-

Other liabilities
Corporation to be assumed by NY PA NJ
Utilities Company are accounts payable
705, 641. 47

of Associated Power FEDERAL

In the principal amount of $116,000 (be- to Associates, accrued taxes, and other
current UablllUes, totalling $2,406.96.^
VOLUME 8 'V,.l\^„c^^^ NUMBER 172
ing as of the present time in principal
amount of $114,000) order permitting declarations to become Upon merger, the common stock of ONlJtO
Said declarations having been filed on eitective and granting APPUCATION Associated Power Corporation will be re-
August 15, 1941 and an amendment hav- At a regular session of the Securities turned to it for cancellation.
ing been filed subsequent thereto, such The said declarations and appbea- Washington, Thursday, September 4, 1941
and Exchange Commission, held at its
amendment having been filed on August office inthe City of Washington, D. C, Uon. having been flled on August 9. 1941,
21, 1941: on the 30th day of August, A. D. 1941. and said amendments having been filed <

The President utes of the United States (U.S.C, title 6,
Notice of the filing of such declarations The above-named persons, having flled thereto, the last of said amendments
sec. 631) and as President of the United

having been duly given in the form and declarations and an application, pur- having been on August 30. 1941. and
States, the Executive Order of January
manner prescribed in Rule U-23 pro- suant to the Public Utility Holding Com- notice of said filing having been duly
mulgated pursuant to said Act, and the given In the form and manner prescribed
EXECUTIVE ORDER 17, 1873. as amended, prohibiting, with Executive Orders: P^*
pany Act of 1935, particularly sections 10 certain exceptions. Federal oflBcers and
Commission not having received a re- by Rule U-23, promulgated pursuant to Prescribing Regulations Governing the jCanal Zone Postal Service, reg-
and 12 thereof and Rules U-42. U-43, and employees from holding State, Terri-
quest for hearing with respect to said said Act, and the Commission not having Payment or Interest on Postal-Sav- ulations prescribed for the
U-44 thereunder, regarding the following and municipal offices, is hereby
declarations within the period specified transactions: received a request for a hearing with re- ings Certificates Isstied by the Canal
torial, payment of Interest on pos-
further amended so as to permit any tal-savings certificates 4551
In said notice or otherwise, and not hav- NY PA NJ Company, a regis-
Utilities spect to said declarations and application Zone Postal Service
officer or employee of the Federal Gov- Federal employee permitted to
ing ordered a hearing thereon; and tered holding company, proposes to within the period specified in said notice. By virtue of and pursuant to the au-
or otherwise, and not having ordered a
ernment to hold the office of Chancellor hold the office of Chancellor
It appearing to the Commission that merge Associated Power Corporation and thority vested in me by section 274 of of the University of Puerto Rico: Pro-
hearing thereon; and of the University of Puerto
the Public Service Commission of the thereby acquire and receive all the assets title 2 of the Canal Zone Code, as vided, that the holding of such office Rico 4551
State of New York has consented to the of Associated Power Corporation and as- The Commission deeming it appropri- amended by section 2 of the act of June shall not in any manner interfere or con- Order authorizing the United
transfer by Tracy Development Com- sume all its liabilities. ate in the public interest and in the in- 13. 1940, c. 368, 54 Stat. 389. I hereby flict with the incumbent's performance States Maritime Commis-
pany of its assets to New York State The following securities and open ac- terest of Investors and consumers to per-
prescribe the following regulations gov- of his regular duties as an officer or em-
mit the said declarations pursuant to sion to take over certain
Electric Si Gas Corporation for the con- counts receivable, now owned by the As- erning the payfhent of interest on postal-
Rules U-42, U-43. and U-44 to become ployee of the Federal Government. foreign merchant vessels
sideration hereinabove stated; but had sociated Power Corporation, are proposed savings certificates issued by the Canal
to be acquired by NY PA NJ Utilities effective, and finding with respect to said Franklin D Roosevelt amended 4551
not approved accounting entries to l>e Zone l^tal Service:
made for the purpose of reflecting such Company application under section 10 of said Act The White House.
Section 1. Rate of interest. Postal- RULES, REGULATIONS,
acquisition on the books of New York that no adverse findings are necessary August 30, 1941 ORDERS
under sections 10 (b) and 10 (c) d) of savings certificates issued by the Canal
State Electric & Gas Corporation, but has Shares Carrying [No. 88801
Inne orP/A value said Act. and that the transaction in- Zone Postal Service shall bear interest Title 7 Agriculture:
reserved jurisdiction for the purpose of
volved has the tendency required by sec- at the rate of one-half of one per centum |P. B. Doc. 41-6583: Piled. September 1941; Surplus Marketing Administra-
passing upon such accounting entries; 2,

Rochester Oas Electric Corp., 8%

& Shara tion 10 (c) (2) of said Act. for each period of three full calendar 12:30 p. m.] tion:
The above-named parties having re- cum. stock series C 610 $61, 234. la months from the date of issue.
V It is hereby ordered, pursuant to said Handling of milk in market-
quested that the Commission advance Metropolitan Edison Co., earn.
Section 2. Time of payment. Interest
the effective date of said declarations, as preferred stock 600 54.000.00 Rule U-23 and the applicable provisions ing areas:
Mobawk Valley Co., 0% cons. nt. postal-savings certificates shall be
amended; and the Commission finding bonds due 1991
Broad River Power Co., Ut A Ref.
.^^ — $34,000 33. isaoo of said Act, and subject to the terms and
conditions prescribed in Rule U-24, that
on all
payable when the certificates are paid. EXECUTIVE ORDER
Chicago, 111—
Washington. D. C
that the requirements of sections 7 and Se series A due
, 1954 $66,000 95. 44a 00
the aforesaid declarations as amended be Section 3. Application to outstanding Amending Executive Order No. 8771 of Title 10 Army: War Department:
12 (f) and Rule U-43 of the Rules and Granville Electric Co., 6% open ac-
count 190,810.67 and hereby are permitted to become ef- deposit money orders. "ITie provisions of June 6, 1941 Entitled, "Authorizing Military Reservations and Na-
Regulations promulgated thereunder are 0%
Patcbofnie Electric Licbt Co.,
fective, and that the aforesaid applica- this order shall apply to all outstanding tional Cemeteries:
satisfied, and that it is appropriate that open account 340,818.38 THE United States Maritime Commis-
tion as amended be and hereby is granted deposit money orders issued by the Canal sion TO Take Over Certain Foreign Motion picture service,
the said declarations be permitted to be- Total. 735,453.17
forthwith subject to the additional con- Zone Postal Service prior to August 13, Merchant Vessels" amendments 4557
come effective without, however, at this
dition that Granville Electric Company 1940. Personnel
time, passing upon any accounting en-
The Mohawk Valley bonds are an as- shall not make any payments on account Section Revocation of prior order.
4. By virtue of and pursuant to the au- Enlistment in the Regular
tries proposed to be made in connection
Executive Order No. 7234 of November thority vested in me by the act of Con- Army, ineligible classes™ 4558
therewith; and the Commission being sumed obligation of NY PA NJ Utilities of Its open accoimt indebtedness of $36,-
456.87 to NY PA NJ Utilities Company, 25. 1935, entitled "Deposit Money Orders gress entitled, "An Act to authorize the Title 14 Civil Aviation:
satisfied that the effective date of such Company and upon consummation of the
and NY PA NJ Utilities Company shall Issued by the Canal Zone Postal Service", acquisition by the United States of title Civil Aeronautics Board:
declarations, as amended, should be ad- merger will be cancelled.
not receive any amounts in payment is hereby revoked. to or the use of domestic or foreign mer- Lighter-than-air pilot
vanced; NY PA NJ Utilities Company, upon certifi-
thereof, except on fiu-ther order of this chant vessels for urgent needs of com- cates 4558
It is hereby ordered. That pursuant to
consummation of the proposed merger, Franklin D Roosivklt
Commission. merce and national defense, and for Title 16 Commercial Practices:
said Rule U-23 and the applicable pro- will cancel $154,353.80 of the Granville The White Hot»e,
further ordered. That Jurisdiction other purposes", approved June 6, 1941 Federal Trade Commission:
visions of said Act and subject to the Electric Company indebtedness which It is
August 30. 1941.
be and is hereby retained as to the value (Public Law 101, 77th Congress), Ex- Cease and desist orders:
terms and conditions prescribed in Rule amount represents the principal of such
at which the assets acquired are to be [No. 8879] ecutive Order No. 8771 ' of Jtme 6, 1941 Cinchona Products Insti-
U-24 that the aforesaid declarations as indebtedness and has agreed to a condi-
tion to this order prohibiting the pay- recorded on the books of NY PA NJ UUl- (P. R. Doc. 41-6682; Piled. September 2, 1»41; entitled. "Authorizing the United States tute. Inc 4563
so amended be permitted to become ef- Maritime Commission to Take Over Cer-
ment of the balance of $36,456.87, which Ities Company, said NY PA NJ Utilities 12:30 p. m.| Ohlendorf W. C. etc
. 4562
fective forthwith, subject, however, to tain Foreign Merchant Vessels" is hereby
amount represents Interest on such In- Company having agreed to such reser- Reed-Harlin Grocer Co.,
the condition, in accordance with the
order of the Public Service Commission >debtedness, until further order of the vation of jurisdiction. amended so that the provisions thereof et al — 4563
By the Commission. EXECUTIVE ORDER shall be applicable to any or all foreign Title 26 Internal Revenue:

of the State of New York incorporated Commission.

Other assets to be acquired as at April [SEAL] Orval L. DtjBois. Amendment or Executive Order of Jan- merchant including all appurte-
vessels, Bureau of Internal Revenue:
In said application, that no journal en-
30, 1941, which include cash, accrued in- Recording Secretary.- uary 17. 1873, To Permit an Officer nances thereto as described in said order, Firearms, regulations relating
tries be made on the books of New York
dividends receivable,
receivable, IMI; OR Employee of the Federal Govern- lying idle in waters within the Jiu-isdic- to seizure (2 documents) _ 4564,
State Electric & Gas Corporation lor the terest IF. B. Doc. 41-6661: Piled, September 2,
purpose of reflecting such acquisition of and deferred charges, total $5,944.54. 11:44 ft. m.] ment To Hold the Office of^Chancel- tion of the United States, Including the
LOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RiCO Industrial alcohol, regulations
niilippine Islands and the Canal Zone, at
amended 4564
By virtue of the authority vested in
me by section 1753 of the Revised Stat- »6 Fit. 2759. (Continued on next page)
FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 4, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 4, 1941 4553
a public hearing which delivery period, except the delivery pe- full one-half cent that such price of dry as amended, to be effective on and after
CONTENTS—Continued of July 1941, of
riods of May and June, shall be the price
at Chicago. Dlinois, beginning skim milk is below 7>^ cents per pound.
/^S> Federal Trade Commission: P«««
was held
on August 4, 1941, at which time and determined pursuant to paragraph (b)
Delete S 941.5 (b)
4. and substitute
the 6th day of September 1941.
[SEAL] Claude R. Wickard,
Bockenstette's Blue
Farms, trial examiner ap-
place all interested parties were afforded
an opportunity to be heard on a pro-
of this section, plus 70 cents; and during
the delivery periods of May and June
therefor the following: Secretary of Agriculture.

pointed, etc 4579 posal to amend the tentatively approved the price per hundredweight for Class I (b) Basic formula price to be used in (P. R. Doc. 41-6624; Piled, September 3, 1941;
11:22 a m.)
Life Savers Corp.. complaint— 4580 marketing agreement, as amended, and milk shall be the price determined pur- determining Class I and Class II prices.
Securities and Exchange Com- the order, as amended. .suant to paragraph (b). plus 50 cents: The basic formula price to be used in
Published daily, except Sundays. Mondays, mission: After such hearing, handlers of more
Provided, That with respect to Class I determining the Class I and Class II
and days following legal holidays by the Electric Bond and Share Co., milk disposed of under a program ap- prices, set forth in this section, per hun- Part 945 Milk in Washington
Division ot the Federal Register. The National than fifty percent of the volume of milk
declaration permitted to be- covered by said order, as amended, which
proved by the Secretary for the sale or dredweight of milk shall be the price for Marketing Area
Archive*, pursuant to the authority con-
tained m the Federal Register Act. approved come effective 4581 is marketed within the Chicago, Illinois,
disposition of milk to low-income con- Class in milk, determined pursuant to Sec.
July 26. 1935 (49 Stat. 500). under regula- War Department: marketing area, refused or failed to sign sumers, including persons on relief, the subparagraph (4) of paragraph (a) of 945.0 Findings.
tions prescribed by the Administrative Com- price shall be $2.20 per hundredweight. 945.1 Definitions.
mittee, approved by the President.
Oklahoma National Guard, in-
a tentatively approved marketing agree- this section, or that derived from the
945.2 Market administrator.
The Administrative Committee consists of duction of the 125th Obser- ment, as amended, regulating the han- 2. Delete 5 941.5 (a) (3) and substitute following formula, whichever is higher: 9453 Reports of handlers.
the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an officer vation Squadron 4567 dling of milk in such marketing area, in therefor the following: 945.4 Classification of milk.
of the Department of Justice designated by (1)Multiply the average wholesale 945.5 Minimum prices.
the same manner as said order, as
the Attorney General, and the Public Printer
or Acting Public Printer. amended by this amendment.
(3) Class n milk —The price per hun- price per pound of 92-score butter at 945.6
Application of provisions.
Determination of prices to producers.
dredweight for Class II milk during each Chicago for said delivery period as re-
The daily Issue of the Fedkkal R«oism any time June 6. 1941 and up to
after The requirements of section 8c (9) of 945.8 Payments to producers.
will be furnished by mall to subscribers, free delivery period, except the delivery pe- ported by the United States Department
and including June 30. 1942. said act have been complied with. 945.9 Expenses of administration.
of postage, for $126 per month or $12.50 per riods of May and June, shall be the price of Agriculture by six (6).
year; single copies 10 cents each; payable In Franklin D Roosevelt It is hereby foimd, upon the evidence
946.10 Effective time, suspension, or termi-
determined pursuant to paragraph (b) (2» Add 2.4 times the average weekly nation.
advance. Remit money order payable to the The White House. Introduced at the above-mentioned pub-
of this section, plus 32 cents; and during prevailing price per pound of "Twins"
Superintendent of Documents directly to the lic hearing, said findings being in addi-
Sept. 2. 1941. the delivery periods of May and June
Government Printing Office. Washington. D. C. during said delivery period on the Wis- DLING OF MILK IN THE WASHINGTON
tion to the findings made upon the evi-
[No. 88811 the price per hundredweight for Class 11 consin Cheese Exchange at Plymouth, MARKETING AREA
dence introduced at the original hearing milk shall be the price determined pur- Wisconsin: Provided. That if the price of
{F. R. Doc. 41-6686; FUed. September 2. 1941; on said order and on Said order, as suant to paragraph (b) of this section H. A. Wallace, Secretary of Agricul-
CONTENTS—continued "Twins" is not quoted on the Wisconsin
3:01 p. m.j amended, and being in addition to the ture of the United States of America,
plus 20 cents. Cheese Exchange the weekly prevailing
other findings and determinations made pursuant to the powers conferred upon
Title 33 Navigation and Naviga- price of "Cheddars" shall be deemed to be
^*8e prior to or at the time of the original 3. Delete S 941.5 (a) (5) and substitute the Secretary by Public Act No. 10, 73d
BLK Waters: therefor the following: the prevailing price for "Twins" and shall
Corps of Engineers: Rules, Regulations, Orders issuance of said order (which findings
be used in determining the price pur- Congress, as amended and as reenacted
4567 are hereby ratified and affirmed, save (5) Class IV milk— multiply by 3.5 the and amended by th^ Agricultural Mar-
California, bridge regulations. suant to this paragraph.
only as such findings are in conflict with average price per pound of 92-score but- keting Agreement Act of 1937, issued,
NOTICES (3) Divide by seven (7) the sum so de-
TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE the findings hereinafter set forth)

ter at wholesale In the Chicago market, termined being hereafter referred to in effective as of February 1, 1940, Order
Department of Agriculture: Findings, (a) That the prices as reported by the United States Depart- No. 45 regulating the handling of milk
Surplus Marketing Administra-
ment of Agriculture for the delivery
this paragraph as the "combined butter
in the Washington marketing area.'
calculated to give milk produced for sale and cheese value."
tion: in said marketing area a purchasing period during which such milk was re-
(4) To the combined butter and cheese
H. A. Wallace, Secretary of Agricul-
Milk handling, various mar- [Order No. 41-11 ceived, and add 20 percent: Provided.
power equivalent to the purchasing value add 30 percent thereof. ture, tentatively approved on January
keting areas: Part 941—Milk in Chicago. Illinois, power of such mtMc, as determined pur- That such price shall be subject to the 18. 1S40, a marketing agreement regu-
(5) Multiply the sum computed in
Chicago. Ill - 4577 Marketing Area suant to sections 2 and 8e of said act. following adjustments: Add SV2 cents per lating the handling of milk in the Wash-
subparagraph (4) above by 3.5.
Washington. D. C 4578 are not reasonable in view of the prices hundredweight for each full one-half ington marketing area.
ajiendment the order, as
cent that the price of dry skim milk for 5. Delete § 941.5 gnd substitute
Department of the Interior: of feeds, the available supplies of feed. (c) There being reason to believe that
amended. regulating the handling of human consumption is above 5
Bituminous Coal Division:
MARKET- and other economic conditions which af- cents ',^2 therefor the following: amendments to said tentatively ap-
Bituminous Coal Consumers' JOLK in the CHICAGO, ILLINOIS,
fect the market supply of and demand per pound, or subtract 3^2 cents per hun-
(c) Butterfat differential to handlers. proved marketing agreement and to said
Coimsel, time for filing for such milk, and that the minimum dredweight for each full one-half cent
Ifany handler has purchased or received order would tend to effectuate the de-
petitions extended 4577 H. A. Wallace. Secretary of Agricul- prices set forth in this amendment to that the price of such dry skim milk is clared policy of the act, notice was given
milk from producers containing more or
Hearings, etc.: ture of the United States of America, said order, as amended, are such prices below 5 •/2 cents per pound. For purposes on the 16th day of June 1941 of a public
less than 3.5 percent butterfat, such
Alston Coal Co_ 4569 pursuant to the powers conferred upon as will reflect the aforesaid factors, in- of determining this adjustment the price hearing, which was held on June 23, 24,
handler shall add or deduct, per hundred-
Benchley k Vermillion Coal the Secretary by Public Act No. 10. 73d sure a sufficient quantity of pure and per pound of dry skim milk to be used and 25 at Washington, D. C, at which
weight of milk, for each one-tenth of 1
Co - 4576 Congress, sis amended and as reenacted wholesome milk, and be in the public shall be the average of the carlot prices times and place all interested parties
percent butterfat above or below 3.5 per-
4573 for dry skim milk for human consump-
Bickmeier. Earl and amended by the Agricultural Mar- interest; cent, an amount computed as follows to :
were afforded an opportunity to be heard
District Board No. 8 (4 doc- keting Agreement Act of 1937 (50 Stat. That the order, as amended, and
(b) tion, manufacturing plant, as pub-
f. o. b. on a proposal to amend said tentatively
the average price per pound of 92-score
uments) 4570.4572.4573 as hereby amended, regulates the han- lished by the United States Department
246) issued, effective July 1. 1940. Order
butter at wholesale in the Chicago mar- approved marketing agreement and said
Eberhart. Edwin R 4569 No. 41. as amended, regulating the han- dling of milk in the same manner as and of Agriculture for a Chicago area during
ket, as reported by the United States De- order.
Oibb Coal Co 4567 dling of milk in the Chicago, niinois, applicable only to handlers defined in the delivery period, including in such After such hearing, handlers of more-
is partment of Agriculture for the delivery
Gould. Nelson L 4571 average the quotations published for any
marketing area, which order, as amended, a marketing agreement, as amended. period during which the milk was re- than fifty percent of the volume of milk
4571 fractional part of the previous delivery
Jones. Herbert was further amended, effective July 1, upon which a hearing has been held; and ceived, add 20 percent and divide the covered by said order, as hereby
Log Creek Coal Co 4575 That the issuance of this amend- period which were not published and
1941." (c) result obtained by 10. amended, which Is marketed within the
4575 available for the price determination of
Payton. Allen Paul H. Appleby. Acting Secretary of ment to the order, as amended, and all Washington marketing area, refused or
Upper Buchanan Smokeless such dry skim milk for the previous de- Now, therefore, the undersigned, pur-
Agriculture, tentatively approved, on of its terms and conditions, as so failed to sign a tentatively approved
4575 livery period. In the event the United suant to the powers conferred upon the
Coals. Inc June 19. 1941. a marketing agreement.- amended, will tend to effectuate the de- marketing agreement, as amended, regu-
Tway. R. C. Coal Sales Co. States Department of Agriculture does Secretary by Public Act No. 10, 73d Con-
as amended, regulating the handling of clared policy of the acts. lating the handling of milk in such mar-
(2 documents) 4574 not publish carlot prices for dry skim gress, as amended and as reenacted and
milk in the Chicago. Illinois, marketing Pursuant to the powers conferred upon keting area.
Taylor-English Coal Co.. reg- milk for human consumption, f. o. b»- ^amended by the Agricultural Marketing
area. the Secretary by said act, it Is hereby manufacturing plant, the average of the The requirements of section 8c (9) of
istration suspended 4576 There being reason to believe that Agreement Act of 1937, as amended, for
ordered that Order No. 41, as amended, carlot prices for dry skim milk for human
said act have been complied with.
General Land Office: amendments to said tentatively approved the purposes and within the limitations
regulating the handling of milk In the It is he^y found upon the evidence
i consumption, delivered at Chicago, shall therein contained and not otherwise,
Alaska, air navigation site marketing agreement, as amended, and Chicago. Illinois, marketing area be and introduced at the above-mentioned pub-
withdrawal 4577 be used. In the latter event the Class IV hereby executes and Issues this amend-
to said order, as amended, would tend it is hereby amended as follows: lic hearing, said findings being in addi-
price shall be subject to the following ment to the order, as amended, regulat-
Stock driveway withdrawals: to effectuate the declared policy of said tion to the findings made upon the evi-
4577 Delete S 941Ji (a) (2) and substi- adjustments: Add 3^2 cents per hundred- ing the handling of milk in the Chicago,
Colorado act, notice was given, on the 30th day
weight for each full one-half cent that dence introduced at the original hear-
Wyoming 4577 tute therefor the following: Illinois, maiketing area, under his hand
ing on said order, and being in addition
Federal Communications Commis- i|§9410 and 941.5 Issued under the au-
§ 941.5 Minimum —
ffrioes (a) Clots the price of dry skim milk for human
consumption, delivered at Chicago, is
and the official seal of the Department to the other findings and determinations
sion: thority contained In 48 Stat. 81 (1933), 7 of Agriculture, in the city of Washing-
Hearings: UJ3C. 601 et seq. (1934); 49 Stat. 750 (1935); above 7*72 cents per pound, or subtract ton, District of Columbia, on this 29th
50 SUt. 246 (1937). 7 U.S.C. 601 et aeq. < See Department of Agriculture. Surplus
Portsmouth Radio Corp 4579 3 Ml cents per hundredweight for each day of August, and declares this order, Marketing Administration, infra.
(Supp. IV. 1938). (2) Class I milk: The price per hun-
Tidewater Broadcasting Corp. 4578 'See Department of Agrlculttire, Surplus
4579 Marketing Administration, infra. dredweight for Class I milk during each

WaUace, R. M.. et al
4554 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 4, 1941
FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 4, 1941 4555
included within the boundary lines of the producers or cooperative associations of Reports of handlers— i&) Siib-
made prior to or at the time o* the f 945.3 other handlers, Including milk produced disposed of for the account of a coop-
District of Columbia and that territory producers which do not handle milk or mission of reports. Each handler shall
original issuance of said order f which by him. If any. shall be classified by the erative association;
In the" State of Maryland Included be- cream through their own receiving or
report to the market administrator, in
findings are hereby ratified and affirmed, market administrator in the classes set (3) Total pounds of butterfat ac-
save only as such findings are in conflict tween the District of Columbia Line and bottling plant. the detail and on forms prescribed by the forth in paragrai* (b) of this section. counted for in all classes: Add together
the following boundaries: Beginning at (7) The term "market administrator" market administrator, as follows:
with the findings hereinafter set forth) (b) Classes of utilization. Except as the pounds of butterfat disposed of by
the Junction of the southeastern bound- means the person designated pursuant
Findings. prices
(a) That 945.2 as the agency for the adminis- (1) On or before the 8th day after the provided In paragraph (c) of this sec- such handler for each class use and sub-
S 945.0 ary of the District of Columbia Line and to S
tract the pounds of butterfat received
calculated to give milk produced for sale tration hereof. end of each delivery period (1) the re- tion, the classes of utilization of milk
Route 224. thence south on Route 224 to from other handlers and cooperative as-
marketing purchasing
area a The term
"cooperative associa- ceipts of milk at each plant from pro- shall be as follows:
In the Oxon thence east on St. Bamaby
Hill, (8)
purchasing ducers, and the weighted average butter- sociations and classified pursuant to
power equivalent to the
Road to Gordon's Corner, thence north- tion" means any
cooperative association (1) Class I mUk: All milk disposed of
power of such milk, as determined piu:- producers which the Secretary deter- fat test thereof. (U) the receipts of milk paragraph (c) of this section;
east on Suitland-Silver Hill Road con- of in the form of fiuld milk, and all milk the (4) Total pounds of milk to be classi-
at each plant from handlers and cooper-
suant to section 2 and section 8e of the tinuing through Sultland to the Junction mines (1) to have Its entire activities utilization of which Is not classified in
ative associations, and the average but- fied: Divide the net receipts of butterfat
tict, are not reasonable in view of the of Route 4. thence northwest on Route 4 under the control of its members, and Class n or Class III;
terfat test thereof. (Ill) the receipts of in pounds or the total pounds of butter-
available supplies of feeds, the price of (11) to have and exercise full authority
to Hillside, thence north on Crystal
cream at each plant from handlers and
(2) Class n
milk: AU milk disposed of fat accounted for in all classes, deter-
feeds, and other economic conditions Spring Road continuing through Capitol In the sale of milk of Its members. In the form of flavored or manufactured
cooperative associations, and the aver- mined pursuant to subparagraphs (2)
which affect the supply of and demand Heights to 61st Street, thence north on (9) The term "delivery period" means milk drinks, cream for consumption as
the current marketing period from the age butterfat test thereof, (iv) the re- and (3), respectively, of this paragraph,
for such milk and that the minimiun Columbia
61st Street to the District of cream, cream buttermilk, and cottage
ceipts at each plant of the milk, if any. whichever is the larger, by the average
prices set forth in this amendment to Line; thence northeasterly and thence first to the last day of each month, both cheese and
produced by him, and the average test ;
test of milk received from producers;
said order are such prices as will reflect northwesterly along said District Line inclusive.*
thereof, (v) the receipts of milk at each (3) Class III milk: (I) All milk the (5) Class I milk: Multiply the weighl
the aforesaid factors, insure a sufficient to Kenil worth Avenue, thence north on 945.2 Market administrator— (&) cream therefrom which is disposed of to
S plant from new producers, and the aver- of the various units disposed of by such
quantity of pure and wholesome milk, Kenilworth Avenue to Defense Highway, Desiffnation The agency for the admin- a manufacturer of ice cream or ice cream
age test thereof, (vi) the name and ad- handler which are classified as Class I
and be In the public interest; and that thence east on Defense Highway, thence istration hereof shall be a market ad- mix, American cheese, and butter sold milk by the number of units irrespective
dress of each new producer, (vli) the
the fixing of such prices does not have north on Edmonston Road to Oreenbelt, ministrator who shall be a person se- at wholesale, who does not engage in the
utilization of all milk and cream received, of the butterfat test thereof, add thereto
for its purpose the maintenance of prices and around the outside limits of Green- lected by the Secretary. Such person processing
computed pursuant to 5 945.4 (d), and or distribution of milk or the pounds of Class I milk delivered to
to producers above the levels which are belt, thence returning on Edmonston shall be entitled to such compensation cream
(h) the names of handlers from whom- for fluid consvunption. other than other handlers, not including such milk
declared in the act to be the policy of Road to Branchville Road, thence west as may be determined by. and shall be or to whom milk or cream was received to his own employees, milk or or sell disposed of for the account of the associ-
Congress to establish; on Branchville Road to the Baltimore- subject to removal at the discretion of, or delivered. cream to establishments selling milk or ation,and classified pursuant to para-
(b) That the order, as hereby Washington Boulevard, thence south on the Secretary. cream for fluid consumption in the graph (c) of this section, subtract the
amended, regulates the handling of mUk the Baltimore- Washington Boulevard to (b) Powers. The mailiet administra-
(2) Within 10 days after the market
Washington marketing area, and which pounds of Class I miik received from
m the same manner as a marketing Metzerott Road, thence west on Metzerott tor shall: *-
administrator's request with respect to
any producer for whom is used by such manufacturer to pro- other handlers and associations of pro-
agreement upon which a hearing has such information
Road to Riggs Valley Road, thence to duce ice cream or ice cream mix. Amer- ducers, and add any difference in pounds
(1) Administer the terms and provi- is not In the files of the market adminis-
been held; County Road, thence west to Blair Road, ican cheese, and butter sold at whole- between the net receipts of butterfat and
sions hereof; and trator and with respect to a period or
(c) That each handler's prorata share thence north to Plney Branch Road, con- sale: Provided, That a statement of such
(2) Rfeport to the Secretary com- periods of time designated by the market total Wunds of butterfat accounted
of the cost of administration of the or- tinuing north on Piney Branch Road to use by the purchaser
plaints of violations of the provisions administrator (i) the name and address, is flled with the in all classes determined pursuant
der, as hereby amended, as provided White Oak at intersection of Coleavllle market administrator and subject to his
hereof. (ii) the total pounds of milk delivered, subparagraph (2) and (3). respectively,
herein, is fair and equitable; and Road, thence continuing north on Coles- veriflcation; and (11) milk or cream used
the average butterfat test of milk of this paragraph divided by the average
(d) That the issuance of this amend-
vlUe Road to Colesville. thence west on (c) Duties. The market administra- by a handler to produce Ice cream or ice test of milk received from producers
delivered, (iv) the farm scores and cat- by
ment to the order, and all of the terms Clement Road to Brookvllle Road, thence tor shall: cream mix In his plant, which is not such handler;
tle scores recorded by the respective
and conditions of the order, as hereby south cm Brookvllle Road to Wheaton, Within 45 days following the date
(1) approved by the District of Columbia (6) CTass ni
health departments requiring permits to milk: Subtract from the
amended, will tend to effectuate the thence on Lincoln Avenue to Kensington.
upon which he enters upon his duties, Health Department to sell milk or cream pounds of butterfat
sell milk to handlers In the marketing in the milk classified
declared policy of the act. thence west on Knowles Avenue and con-
tinuing west on Strathmore Avenue to
execute and deliver to the Secretary a area, and (v) the number of days upon for fluid consumption within the Dis-
as Class m
milk, including the pounds of
therefore, the undersigned, pur-
Now. bond, conditioned upon the faithful per- which deliveries were made. trict of butterfat in the milk or cream delivered
Rockvllle Pike, thence south on Rock-
suant to the applicable provisions of Pub- formance of his duties. In an amount and (3) On or before the 16th day after (c) Interhandler or cooperative assO'
to other handlers, not including the
ville Pike to Grosvenor Lane, thence west
licAct No. 10. 73d Congress, as amended with surety thereon satisfactory to the the end of each delivery period, at the ciation sales. Milk or skim milk deliv- terfat in such milk or cream disposed
on Grosvenor Lane to Old Georgetown of
and as reenacted and amended by the Secretary; request of the market administrator, his ered by a handler to another handler for the account of the association, and
Road, thence north on Old Georgetown
Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act (2) Pay. out of the funds provided by producer pay which shall show shall be classified as Class I milk, and classified as Class HI milk pursuant
Road to Bellsmlll Road, thence west on the cost of his bond, his own
roll, (i) to
of 1937, as amended, hereby issues the S 945.9. the total delivery of milk for each pro- cream so delivered shall be classified paragraph (c) of this section, the pound.-;
Bellsmill Road to the Seven Locks Road,
following order, as amended, regulating compensation, and all other expenses ducer with the average butterfat as Class U
milk: Provided. That if a of butterfat in milk or cream received
thence south on Seven Locks Road to test
the handling of milk in the Washington necessarily Incurred In the maintenance thereof, (ii) the premium rate paid
each different classification is agreed upon in from other handlers and associations of
Bradley Road, thence west on Bradley
milk marketing area, and hereby orders and functioning of his office; producer, (iii) the net amount of pay- writing between the receiving handler producers and classified as Class III milk
Road continuing to Conduit Road, thence (3) Keep such books and records as
that such handling of milk in the said ment to each producer made pursuant to and the pursuant to paragraph (c) of this sec-
southeasterly on Conduit Road to the cooperative association
marketing area as is in the current of will clearly refiect the transactions pro- § 945.8, and (iv) any deductions and or handler then the milk, skim milk, and tion, and divide by the average test of
District of Columbia Line.
Interstate commerce, or as directly bur- vided for herein, and surrender the same charges made by the handler, and au- cream shall be classified according to milk received from producers; and
(4> The term "person" means any In-
dens, obstructs, or affects interstate to his successor or to such other person thorizations therefor. such written agreement: Provided, That, (7) Class n milk: Subtract the poundij
dividual, partnership, corporation, asso-
commerce, shall,
hereof, be in compliance
from the effective date
with the fol-
ciation, or any other business unit.
as the Secretary may designate;
(4) Publicly disclose to handlers and
(b) Verification of reports. Each in no event, the amount so reported in of Class I and Class m
milk combined
from the total pounds of milk to be classi-
* (5) The term "producer" means any handler shall provide the market ad- any class be greater than the amount
lowing terms and conditions: producers, unless otherwise directed by used in that class by the receiving fied as determined pursuant to subpara-
person. Irrespective of whether such per- ministrator or his agent with reasonable
&45.10, Inclusive. Issued xinder the Secretary, the name of any person handler. graph (4) of this paragraph.*
•15 M5.0 to son is also a handler, who produces milk access to:
the authority contained In 48 Stat. 31. 49 who. within 2 days after the date upon
Stat 750. 50 Stat. 246; 7 US.C. and Sup., flOl
which is purchased or received by a han-
which he Is required to perform such (1) Those records and facilities which
(d) Cornputation of the volume of §945.5 Minimum prices — (a) Clas.<>

et seq. dler at a plant approved or licensed for mUk accounted for by the handler
to be prices. Except as set forth in paragraph
acts, has not (1) made reports pursuant are necessary for the verification of the
the sale of milk for fluid consumption In in each class. For each delivery period,
9 Definitions
945.1 —
(a) Terms. The
the marketing area, and from which
to § 945.3 or (II) made payments pursu- mformatlon contained inthe reports sub- the market administrator shall compute
<b) of this section, each handler shall pay
not less than the following prices, at the
following terms shall have the following ant to S 945.8; mitted in accordance with this section.
milk or cream for bottling purposes Is for each handler the voliune of milk that time and in the maimer set forth In
meanings (5) Promptly verify the Information and for the verification of the payments
disposed of In the marketing area. he is to account for in each class as §945.8, and subject to paragraphs (b),
contained in the reports submitted by required by §S 945.5 and 945.8;
(1) "act" means Public Act
The term (6) The term "handler" means any follows: (c) and (d) of § 945.8 for milk purchased

handlers; and (2) Those facilities neces.sary for the

No. 10. 73d Congress, as amended and person. Irrespective of whether such per- or received from producers and associa-
(6) Check the weight and butterfat checking of the weighing and sampling of (1) Total receipts of milk from pro-
as reenacted and amended by the Agri- son Is also a producer or a cooperative tions of producers.
test of milk received from producers by
milk and for determining the utilization ducers: Add together the total pounds
cultural Marketing Agreement Act of association of producers, who engages In
of milk by the handler; and of milk received from producers and pro- <1) Class I milk: $3.57 per hundred-
1937, as amended. such handling of milk or cream disposed each handler each month and report the
(3) The plants and storage facilities weight during delivery periods prior to
(2) The term "Secretary" means the of In the marketing area for Classes I results of the butterfat tests to pro- duced by such handler;
under his control.* May 1, 1942, and thereafter $3.17 per
Secretary of Agriculture of the United and n
uses as Is In the current of Inter- ducers or to their cooperative associa- ^
(2) Net receipts of butterfat: Add to-
hundredweight: Provided. That the price
States. state commerce or which directly bur- tion. The market administrator may § 945.4 Classification milk (a)
of — gether the poimds of butterfat contained
of Class I milk disposed of by a handler
(3) The term "Washington marketing dens, obstructs, or affects Interstate com- designate an independent agency to Basis of classification. All milk pur- in milk received from producers and pro-
from a plant not having a health depart-
area." hereinafter referred to as the merce In milk and its products: Provided. check the weight and butterfat test of chased or received by a handler from duced by such handler and subtract the
milk received by handlers.*
ment permit to sell fiuid milk or fiuid
"marketing area." means the territory That this definition shall not Include producers, cooperative associations, and pounds of butterfat in milk and cream cream in the District of Columbia shall
4556 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thunday, September 4, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 4, 1941 4557
the market administrator, shall not be (d) and (e) of this section, for the total agreed upon by the handlers and the
be $3.11 per hundredweight during de- ,

livery periods prior to May 1, 1942. and subject to other provisions of this order.* value of milk received from producers producers, in which case the expense of
thereafter $2.71 per hundredweight: And S 945.7 Determination of prices to and associations of producers during the such butterfat testing shall be borne
provided further. That with respect to —
producers (a) Computation of the value deLvery period computed pursuant to jointly and equally by each handler and
Class I milk disposed of under a program of milk for each handler. For each de- S 945.7, except as provided for in para- each producer delivering to him. and the
approved by the Secretary for the sale livery period the market administrator graph (f) of this section, as follows: producers' share may be deducted from
or disposition of milk to low-income shall compute the value of milk disposed the amount paid them by handlers, pro-
(1) To each producer except as pro-
groups including persons who are on re- of by each handler receiving milk vided in subparagraph (2) of this para- vided, the handler shall be responsible
lief, the price shall be not less than $2,395 from other producers, as follows: mul- graph at not less than the composite for any errors in these tests.
per hundredweight during delivery tiply the hundredweight of milk in each price for milk containing 4 percent but- (d) Location adjustments to producers.
periods prior to May 1. 1942, and there- class by the prices applicable pursuant to computed pursuant to 945.7. In making payments pursuant to para-
terfat. S
after $1,995 per hundredweight. S 945.5. add the resulting values together, graph (a) of this section the handlers
(2) To
a cooperative association for
may deduct 18 cents per hundredweight
(2) Class II milk: $2.10 per hundred- and divide by the hundredweight of milk
(i) milk which is caused to be delivered
weight during delivery periods prior to ^•eceived computed pursuant to S 945.4 with respect to milk received from pro-
to a handler from producers by a co-
May 1. 1942, and thereafter $1.90 per (d) (1). ducers who have been delivering their
operative association, and for which such
hundredweight: Provided. That the price ^) Announcement of prices to be paid cooperative association collects payment,
entire supply of milk for the preceding
of Class 11 milk disposed of by a handler producers and of other market informa- 4 full delivery periods at a plant in which
a total amount equal to not less than the
from a plant not having a health de- tion. The market administrator shall no milk is bottled or finally processed
sum of the individual payments other-
partment permit to sell fluid milk or mail to all handlers and shall publicly wise payable to such producers under
for distribution to consumers and which
fluid cream in the District of Columbia, announce: is located more than 35 miles from the
subparagraph (1) of this paragraph
the price shall be not less than $1.87 per District of Columbia: Provided. That
(1) handlers who receive milk
For minus an amount equal to the hundred-
hundredweight during delivery periods handlers may make such a deduction on
from producers who are not members of a weight of milk or milk equivalent of the
all milk received at such plant from new
prior toMay 1. 1942. and thereafter $1.67 cooperative association on or before the cream disposed of for the account of
per hundredweight, or the price of Class producers whose milk is not received on
11th day after the end of each delivery the association times the respective
in milk as determined under sub- truck routes transferred to such a plant.
period with respect to each such handler class prices, subject also to paragraphs
paragraph (c) of this paragraph. (e) Premiums to be paid by handlers.
who made the report pursuant to § 945.3 (b). (c). (d). and (e) of this section.
(3) Class m
milk: Average of weekly and as soon after the Uth day after the weighted by the amount of milk in each
In making the payments pursuant to
paragraphs (a) (1) and (a) (2) of this
market quotations (using the midpoint end of each delivery period as such infor- class calculated pursuant to i 945.4 (d),
section, handlers shall pay premium dif-
of any weekly range as one quotation) of mation becomes available for any other and (ii) other milk or cream, in each
ferentials determined by applying the
approved sweet cream for Pennsylvania. such handler: use classification determined pursuant to
premium rates set forth in this para-
Newark, and Lower Merion Township, as (i) The composite price for milk con- § 945.4 (c). received by such handler for
graph for each producer on the same
reported by the United States Depart- taining 4 percent butterfat, for each such the account of an association of pro-
percentage of each producer's total de-
ment of Agriculture. Agricultural Mar- handler for such delivery period as deter- ducers at not less than the class prices
liveries as that percentage which the
keting Service, for the delivery period, mined in accordance with paragraph (a) for milk containing 4 percent butterfat
combined total of Class I milk and Class
minus 50 cents, divided by 33. multiplied and the milk equivalent of cream ob-
by 4.
of this section:
tained by dividing the butterfat content
n milk, as computed pursuant to S 945.4
(ii) The percentage of producer's de-
<d), is to the total receipts from pro-
(b) Sales outside the marketing area. liveries for which premium rates apply of such cream by the average test of
milk received from producers by such
ducers. The premium rates referred to
In lieu of prices set forth in paragraph pursuant to § 945.8; and in this paragraph shall be determined
(a) of this section, the prices to be paid (ili) The Class III price for such de- handler, plus the weighted average pre-
from the following schedule with respect
by handlers for Class I milk and Class II livery period. mium per hundredweight payable to pro-
ducers and new producers by such
to the cattle scoresand farm scores re-
milk disposed of from those wagons or (2) As soon after the 11th day after corded for each producer by the respec-
trucks which do not travel within the handler.
the end of each delivery period as such tive health departments requiring per-
marketing area at any time while con- information becomes available the fol- (b) Errors in payment. Errors in mits to sell milk to handlers in the mar-
taining any milk or cream shall be such making the payment prescribed in this
lowing data compiled and listed sepa- keting area:
prices as were paid to farmers in the section shall be corrected not later than
rately for handlers not disposing of any
market where such milk was disposed of milk or cream for fluid consumption in the date for making payments next fol-
for milk of equivalent use. as ascertained lowing the determination of such errors.
the District of Columbia, and handlers Tarm score
by the market administrator: Provided, disposing of any milk or cream for fluid Butterfat differential. If any han-
That with respect to Class I sales outside consumption in the District of Columbia: dler has purchased or received from any
the marketing area for which no price
(i) The total pounds of milk received
producer or association of producers
can be ascertained on the basis provided during the delivery period milk having
for in this paragraph, then the price for
from producers and new producers by all
handlers, the total and average butterfat an average butterfat content other than
Class I milk set forth in § 945.5 applicable
content thereof, pounds of milk in each 4.0 percent, such handler in making the
for the plant at which such milk was
class, and the total value of such milk payments pursuant to paragraph (a) of
received from producers shall apply.*
at the minimum prices per hundredweight this section to such producer shall add
3 945.6 Application of provisions — (a)
specified herein; to the uniform price for such producer
Handlers who are also producers. No or association of producers for each one-
(ii) The average minimum price per
provision hereof shall apply to a handler tenth of 1 percent of average butterfat
hundredweight of milk, containing 4 per-
who is also a producer and who pur- content above 4.0 percent not less than,
cent butterfat. f. o. b. handler's bottling
chases or receives no milk from pro- or shall deduct for each /One-tenth of 1
plant, received by all handlers from pro-
ducers or an association of producers, percent of average buttewat content be-
ducers together with the average pre-
except that such handler shall make re- low 4.0 percent not more^<han, 5 cents
miums per hundredweight paid producers
ports to the market administrator at per hundredweight. The butterfat con-
by them and the percentage of producers'
such time and in such manner as the tent of milk received shall be determined
deliveries for which the premium rates
market administrator may request. by taking the average of not less than 3
apply pursuant to § 945.8;
(b) Virginia handlers: Any handler (ill) The total pounds of butterfat re- separate butterfat tests made from fresh
whose plant is located in the State of ceived by all handlers who bottle milk samples during each delivery period.
Virginia and who is subject to such reg- or cream for fluid consumption within The market administrator may designate
ulation of the Virginia Milk Commis- the marketing area; and an independent laboratory to make these
sion as provides for the payment to pro- (iv) The names and addresses of all tests. If a laboratory is designated by
ducers of class prices identical with, or handlers for the delivery period.* the market administrator, handlers shall
in excess of. the prices set forth in $ 945.5 S Payments to producers (a)
945.8 — pay their producers the butterfat differ-
hereof, who complies with § 945.3 (a) (1) Time and method of payment. On or ential in accordance with such tests. If

and (2) and (b) of this order, and who before the 15th day after the end of each no laboratory designated by the mar-

reports the total payments made for milk delivery period each handler shall make ket administrator, these tests may be
received from producers as directed by payment, subject to paragraphs (b), (c), conducted by an Independent laboratory
4558 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 4, 1941
FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 4, 1941 4559
TITLE 14—CIVIL AVIATION S 22.104 Physical condition. Appli-
8. AR
210-390. July 1. 1938. as amended either parent, or legal or natural guar- status as a llghter-than-air pilot and (b) Ear. nose, throat, and equilibrium.
and Cir. cant shall comply with the following re-
by Cir. 79. WX).. July 27. 1940. dian to the issuance of the pilot certifi- competent to pilot airships.
178. WX).. Aug. 22. 1941]
CHAPTER I—CIVIL AERONAUTICS quirements as to physical condition,
cate sought.
Applicant shall be able to hear the whis-
BOARD demonstrated by examinations conducted 9 22.12 Commercial lighter-than-air pered voice at 8 feet with each ear sepa-
§ Patronage eligibility, (a) Ad-
55.5 §22.111 Character. Same as in pUot certificate. To be eligible for a rately; shall have no acute or chronic
in accordance with S 22.241.
mission to motion picture shows shall be Part 22 Lichtkr-Than-Air Pilot i 22.101. commercial lighter-than-air pUot certifl- disease of the middle or internal ear; no
restricted to: Certificates (a) Eye. Applicant shall have: $22,112 Citizenship. Same as in cate an applicant shall comply with the disease of the mastoid; no unhealed per-
22.102. following requirements:
(1) Military personnel on active duty [Amendment 127. CItU Air Reg\ilatlon8l (DA visual acuity of at least 20/50 i
$22,113Education. Applicant shall
forations of the ear drum; no disease or
and members of their households. in each eye separately, without correc- 22.120 Age. Applicant shall be at
9 malformation of the nose or throat
At a session of the Civil Aeronautics be able to read, speak and understand which may interfere with, or be aggra-
(2) Civilians residing within the limits
tion: Provided. That, if the vision in least 18 years of age. If applicant be
Board held at its ofBce in Washington, either or both eyes is poorer than 20/50
the English language. less than 21 years of age at the time of vated by. flying; and no disturbance of
of the post. camp, or station. D. C, on the 15th day of August 1941. : 22.U4 Physical condition. The
and brought up to 20/30 or better in
is making appllcatiorf, he shall submit with equilibrium.
(b) frames advertising per-
Display Acting pursuant to the authority vest- each eye by glasses, the applicant may be same as in 9 22.104. except that a cer- his application the written consent of (c) General physical condition. Ap-
formances will not be located where they ed in it by the Civil Aeronautics Act of tificate may be issued to an applicant
qualified on condition that such glasses either parent, or legal or natural guard- plicant shall have no organic or func-
can be viewed by the public when pass- 1938. as amended, particularly sections be worn while piloting lighter-than-air who does not meet these physical re- Ian to the Issuance of the pilot certiflcate tional disease or structural defect or lim-
ing the reservation. The distribution of 205, 601 and 602 of said Act, and finding aircraft
quirements If his flying experience sought. itation which would interfere with the
any advertising issued by the theater that its desirable in the public
action is (2) An average of 30 millimeters or gained prior to his disability offsets his
9 22.121 Character. Applicant shall safe piloting of lighter-than-air aircraft.
officer will be confined to the post, and interest and is necessary to carry out less, on the depth perception apparatus,
physical deflciency. Such applicant not be temperamentally unsuited for (d) Nervous system. Applicant shall
the advertising media will be so marked. the provisions of, and to exercise and per- with or without glasses: Provided. That, may be restricted to particular opera- flying. have no disease of the mental or nervous
(R.S. 161. 5 U.S.C. 22) [Par. 10, AR form its powers and duties under, said if the depth perception is greater than
tions or particular lighter-than-air air- system and no abnormality of the per-
9 22.122 Citizenship. Applicant shall
210-390, July 1. 1938. as amended by Cir. Act, the C^vil Aeronautics Board amends 3Q-millimeters without correction and craft.
be: sonality.
178, WX)., Aug. 22, 1941] the Civil Air Regulations as follows: can be corrected to at least 30 millimeters 9 22.115 AeroTiautical k no w I e d g e. Exceptions to physical require-
[s«AL] Ulio,
J. A. Effective September 15. 1941, the Civil by glasses, the applicant may be quali- Applicant shall pass a written examina- (a) A citizen of the United States, or ments. Applicant may receive a certi-
Brigadier General, Air Regulations are amended fied upon condition that such glasses be
tion covering so much of the provisions (b) A citizen of a foreign country flcate in spite of a failure to comply with
of Parts 01, 22 and 60 as are pertinent which grants reciprocal commercial pilot
Acting The Adjutant General. 1. By adding a new Part to read as «^m while piloting lighter-than-air
privileges to cltiiens of the United
the above physical requirements if 'his
aircraft; to his certiflcate, prevailing weather flying experience gained prior to his dis-
|P. R. Doc. 41-6596; Piled, September 3. 1941; follows: conditions in the United States as en- States on equal terms and conditions
9:35 a. in.] Sec.
(3) No diplopia unless corrected by
with citizens of such foreign country, or
ability offsets such physical deflciency, in
glasses in which case such glasses shall countered in flying, and the forecasting which case the appUcant may be re-
22.0 Claaslflcatlon of llghter-than-alr pilot
thereof, the analyzing of weather maps (c) An alien who has flled his declara-
certificates. be worn while piloting lighter-than-air stricted to particular operations or par-
and sequence reports as furnished by tion of intention to become a citizen of
22.1 Llghter-than-alr pilot certificate re- aircraft: and ticular lighter-than-air aircraft en-
quirements, the United States Weather Bureau, prac- the United States and notifies the Ad-
(4) No serious pathology of the eye. dorsed upon the certiflcate.
CHAPTER VII—PERSONNEL 22.2 Ughter-than-alr pilot certificates.
tical air navigation problems and the ministrator of the serial number of such
22.3 Pilot regulations. (b) Ear, nose, throat, and equilibrium. use of maps, navigation by terrsdn (pi- declaration and of the date thereof and 9 22.125 Aeronautical knowledge.
Part 71 Enlistment in the Regxtlar 22.4 Definitions.
Applicant shall be able to hear the whis- of the court in which it is filed: Provided. The same as in 9 22.115 and, in addition,
lotage) and by dead reckoning, including
Army' § 22.0 Classification of lighter-than- pered voice at 3 feet; shall have no acute That the certificate is. In such case, sub- the applicant shall pass a written exam-
the use of instruments and other aids
air pilot certificates. or chronic disease of the internal ear. no ject to revocation if the holder does not ination on the theory and practice of
S 71.2 Classes ineligible for enlist- to navigation la visual -contact flying,
disease or malformation of the nose or from time to time keep the Administra- flight, the matatenance of non-rigid air-
ment, (a) The enlistment, or acceptance § 22.00 Grades. Lighter - than -air and the general servicing and operation
pilot certificates are classified in the fol- throat which may Interfere with or be tor advised of the status of the proceed- ships and the maintenance and proper
with a view to enlistment, in the Regu- of airships.
aggravated by flying, and no disturbance ings in court and does not diligently and use of airship power units, the use of
lar Army or Regular Army Reserve of lowing grades: 9 22.116 Aeronautical e X p e r i e n c e.
in equilibrium. successfully prosecute them and become such Instruments and other navigational
the following persons is prohibited Student lighter-than-alr pilot cer-
Applicant shall have logged at least 50
( 1
(c)General physical condition. Ap- admitted as a citizen. aids, both In airships and on the ground,
flight hours actually at the controls of
Insane or intoxicated persons.
(1) tificate.
plicant shall have no organic or func- necessary for the navigation of airships
airships, including not less than 5 hours 9 22.123 Education. Applicant shall
Deserters from the Army. Navy, or
(2) (2) Private llghter-than-air pilot cer- by instrument, and meteorology as ap-
tional disease or structural defect or lim- of solo flight and not less than 5 hours
Marine Corps in time of war. except as tificate. be able to read, speak, write, and under- plied to weather analysis and forecast.
itation which would interfere with the of cross-country flight. At least 5 hours
Commercial lighter-than-air pilot stand the English language.
indicated in (b) of this section. (3)
safe piloting of lighter-than-air aircraft. 9 22.126 ^Aeronautical experience.
of such time shall have been Ipgged
(3) Persons who have been
convicted certificate. . 9 22.124 Physical requirements. Ap- Applicant shall show a total of at least
(d) Nervous system. Applicant shall within the 60 days immediately preced-
in (b) (4) Free balloon pilot certificate.* plicant shall comply with the following, 200 hours of flight time actually at the
of a felony, except as Indicated have no disease of the mental or nervous ing the date of filing the application. requirements as to physical condition: controls of airships of which at least 5
of this section. *${ 22.0 to 22.4. Inclusive, issued under the system and no abnormality of the per- 9 22.117 Aeronautical skill. AppU-
Persons who have been impris-
authority contained In Sees. 205, 601. 605, sonality. cant shall satisfactorily demonstrate his (a) Eye. Applicant shall have: (1)
hours shall have been logged within the
52 Stat. 984. 1007. 1006; 49 U.S.C.. Sup., 425. A 60 days Immediately preceding the date
oned under sentence of a court. (e) Exceptions to physical require- ability to pilot airships in solo flight and visual acuity of at least 20/20 in each
551. 552.
ments. An applicant may receive a cer- in addition to normal take-offs and eye separately without correction: Pro- of the filing of the application and in-
<b) act of Congress approved July
The 22.1 Lighter-than-air pilot certifi- cluding:
i tificate in spite of a failure to comply landings to perform satisfactorily the vided. That, if the vision in either or
29. 1941 (sec. in. Bull. No. 23, W.D. 1941) cate requirements. with the above physical requirements, if both eyes is not poorer than 20/50 and
following maneuvers: (a) Not less than 50 hours in solo flight;
authorizes the Secretary of War to waive i 22.10 Student lighter-than-air pilot his physical deflciency is such as not to Is brought up to 20/20 or better in each
(a) A series of right and left turns (b) Not less than 10 hours in cross-
the provisions of paragraph (a) (2) and certificate. To be eligible for a student interfere with his safe piloting of lighter- such eye by glasses, the applicant may
and figure eights; coimtry flght;
(3) of this section in especially merito- lighter-than-air pilot certificate an ap- than-air aircraft. Any applicant receiv- be qualifled upon condition that correct- (c) Not less than 10 hours in
(b) Ascents and descents at rates up to flight dur-
rious cases. A person in this category plicant shall comply with the* following ing a certiflcate under these conditions ing glasses be worn while piloting lighter- ing the hours of darkness
600 feet per minute not permitting gas
may make written application to The requirements. may be restricted to particular types of than-air aircraft;.
pressure to exceed lYi Inches of water Not less than 20 hours of instru-
Adjutant General for permission to en- S 22.100 Age. Applicant shall be at operation or particular lighter-tlmn-air
during ascents or to fall below 1 inch of
(2) An
average depth perception of 30 ment instruction and practice in flight:
list or reenlist, inclosing with the appli- least 16 years of age. If applicant be aircraft. millimeters or less with or without
water during descents; Provided, That not more than 10 hours of
cation such'evidence that he may desire less than 21 years of age at the time of S 22.105 Aeronautical knowledge. No glasses: Provided, That, If the depth per-
(c) Land the airship 200 pounds this requirement may be instruction and
to prove his contention that his case is making application, he shall submit with requirement is prescribed. ception is greater than 30 millimeters
practice under simulated conditions not
heavy and 200 pounds light.
a meritorious one and that an exception his application the written consent of § 22.106 Aeronautical experience. No without correction, and can be corrected
(d) Such other maneuvers as the Ad- In flight when approved by the Adminis-
should be made. (41 Stat. 765; 10 U.S.C. either parent, or legal or natural guard- requirement is prescribed. to at least 30 millimeters by glasses, the
ministrator deems necessary. trator; and
ian to the issuance of the pilot certificate No re- applicant may be qualifled upon condi-
42: Act of July 9, 1941, Public Law 189— S 22.107 Aeronautical skitt.
(e) In lieu of not to exceed 50 hours of
sought. quirement is prescribed. 9 Military
22.118 competence. An tion that correcting glasses be worn while
77th Cong.) [Par. 12 a and c, AR 600- the 200-hour total flight time require-
§ 22.101 Character. Applicant shall Private lighter-than-air pilot
applicant who is or was within the 60 piloting lighter-than-air aircraft;
750. April 10. 1939. as amended by Cir. 3
days preceding application a member of ment, applicant may show an equal or
not be temperamentally unsuited for certificate. To be eligible for a private (3) No diplopia;
176. WD.. Aug. 20. 1941 ]
flying. the regular /Cbay, Navy. Marine Corps or (4) Not more than one diopter of hy- greater amount of flight time while par-
lighter-than-air pilot certiflcate an ap-
[seal] J. A. Ulio. Coast Guard or a reserve member of any ticipating as a crew member when ac-
S 22.102 Citizenship. Applicant may plicant shall comply with the following perphoria ;

Brigadier General. such service on active duty for a period (5) Properly
ceptable to the Administrator,
be of any nationality. requirements: balanced eye muscles
Acting The Adjutant General. of at least one year will be deemed to with an abduction of three diopters or 22.127 Aeronautical skill. Same as
S 22.103 Education. If an applicant S 22.110 Age. Applicant shall be at 9
have met the requirements of $$ 22.115, more in 22.117 except that: the (a) In the
|P R Doc. 41-6595; Piled. September 3. 1941; is unable to read, speak, and understand least 18 years of age. If applicant be §
22.116 and 22.117 if he submits to an in- (6) Sufficient accommodation maneuvers required by 9 22.117 ^a) th'j
9:35 %. m.J the English language, appropriate opera- less than 21 years of age at the time of to pass
spector of the Administrator a certifi- a test prescribed by the Administrator
tion limitations may be entered upon his making application, he shall submit with altitude of the ship shall not vary up or
oate from the appropriate officer in based primarily upon ability to read offi- down in excess of 100 feet of the assigned
M712 U amended. student lighter-than-air pilot certificate. his application the written consent of
charge of flying in his service, stating cial aeronautical maps; flight altitude.
that the applicant is, or was within the (7) Normal flelds of vision; and (b) In the maneuvers required by
60 days preceding application, on flying (8) No pathology of the eye. S 22.117 (b) ascents and descents at rates
FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 4, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thur$day, September 4, 1941 4561
ceding the expiration of the endorsement (d) No endorsement shall be made or for a tree balloon pilot certiflcate who
to 1200 feet per minute shall be made the student lighter-than-alr pilot cer- (b) The holder of such certiflcate may
up period. under subsection (a) of this section and has failed to pass any practical examina-
tiflcate. pilot a free balloon for hire and may
under the same pressure limitations.
Commercial lighter-than-air pilot. no certiflcate shall be issued imder sub- tion or test may apply for reexamination
22.137 Aeronautical skill. Appli- (c) give flight instruction therein.
Applicant shall also demonstrate
(c) S
sections (b) or (c) of this section if the
cant shall demonstrate satisfactorily his (1) Twenty hours of solo flight time only after he has logged at least 3 addi-
9 22.312 Commercial lighter-than-air
satisfactorily his ability to perform, solely lighter-than-air pilot certiflcate expired
ability to pilot and maneuver a free bal- within the endorsement period in an air- tional hours of flight time. pilot. The holder of a commercial
by Instrument, the following: ship, of which not less than 10 hours
while U was the subject of a revocation 9 22.243 Aircraft used in tests. The
loon in actual solo flight.* lighter-than-air pilot certiflcate may
or suspension proceeding or expired be-
(1) Straight, level flight for given period § 22.2 Lighter -than-air pilot certifi- shall be solely by Instruments. In lieu e4>Plicant shall furnish suitable certifi- pilot for hire any lighter-than-alr air-
cause of the refusal of an inspector to cated
ol time: cates. of not more than 5 hours of this require- aircraft for any flight test re- craft carrying passengers or property
(2) Moderate 180 degree and 360 de- § 22.20 Application. Apijdication for ment the applicant may show an equal quired.* and may give either flying instruction or
gree precision turns in both directions: or greater amount practice under
of In applying this section, the time
(e) i 22.3 Pilot regulations.
a lighter-than-alr pilot certiflcate shall instnunent instruction therein.
(3) Ascents and descents at rates up to simulated conditions not In flight. within which physical examinations and 22.31 Flight limitaUon and
be made upon the form prescribed and 9 privi- 9 22.313 Free batloon pilot. The
(2) A physical examination showing flight time must be secured in order to leges.
1000 feet per minute: furnished by the Administrator. holder of a-free balloon pilot certiflcate
(4) Climbing and diving turns and. re- at least the same physical condition as comply with the periodic endorsement Student lighter-than-air pi-
§ 22.200 Revocation. No person whose 9
shall not pilot any lighter-than-air air-
covery therefrom; that required for the Issuance of a com- requirements shall be computed from lot, (a) The holder
of a student lighter-
lighter-than-alr pilot certiflcate has been craft except a free balloon but may pilot
mercial pilot certificate within the 60 the dat€ of application for special issu- than-alr pilot certiflcate shall not oper-
(5) Estimating arrival time taking into revoked shall apply for or be issued a a free balloon for hire carrying passen-
ance, rather than the date of expiration ate a free balloon In solo flight until
account wind, air-speed and drift while pilot certiflcate for a period of 1 year after days immediately preceding the expira- gers or property and give flight instruc-
in flight or under simulated conditions: the revocation except as the order of re- tion of the endorsement period. of the endorsement period as is provided
in 22.22.
(1) he has demonstrated thorough fa- tion therein. —
vocation may otherwise provide. (d) fYec balloon pilot. (1) No flight 9
(8) Such other maneuvers as the Ad- miliarity with the provisions of Part 60 22.32 Miscellaneous.
S 22.201 Nontransferability. A lighter- time required. 9 22.24 Examinations and tests.
ministrator deems necessary. dealing with contact flight by passing a § 22.320 Display. The holder of any
than-alr pilot certiflcate is not transfer- (2) A physical examination showing 9 22.240 General procedure. The ex- written examination of such provisions
Radio skill. Applicant shall
22.128 lighter-than-air pilot certiflcate shall
able. at least the same physical condition as aminations and tests prescribed in this and such fact has been certifled to by
demonstrate satisfactorily his ability to keep his certificate in his personal posses-
22.21 Duration. A lighter-than-alr that required for the Issuance of a free Part shall be conducted by an authorized his Instructor on the student lighter-
perform while in flight the following: 9 sion at all times when piloting lighter-
pilot certiflcate shall be of 60 days' dura- balloon pilot certificate within the 14 officer or employee of the Administrator than-air pilot certiflcate; than-air aircraft and shall present the
(a) Tuning radio: tion and. unless the holder thereof is months preceding the expiration of the or by a properly qualifled person desig- (2) he shall have had a minimum same for inspection upon request of any
(b) Orientation: otherwise notified by the Administrator endorsement period. nated for the purpose by the Administra- six Instruction flights In free balloons passenger, any authorized officer or em-
<c) Following radio range: within such period, shall continue in ef- 9 22.23 Special issuance
of expired
tor. All examinations and tests will be of not less than 1 hour duration each ployee of the Administrator or Board and
(d) Locating cone of silence: fect indefinitely thereafter, unless sus- certificates, (a) The holder
of a lighter- held at such times and places as the and such fact has been certifled to by of any State or municipal official charged
Letting-down-through on the range
(e) pended or revoked, except that it shall than-air pilot certificate of private or Administrator may designate. his instructor on the student pilot cer- with the duty of enforcing local laws or
by a satisfactory airship instrument ap- Immediately expire (1) at the end of each commercial grade which has expired be- 9 22.241 Physical examinations. The tiflcate. regulations involving Federal compliance.
proach procedure for the particular air- designated period' after the date of is- cause of failure to secure the necessary following niles will govern the physical
(b) The holder of a student Ughter- § 22.321 Surrender. The holder of a
port used in connection with the test and ;
suance thereof if the holder of such cer- flight time, may, upon application to examinations given in connection with lighter-than-alr pilot certiflcate shall
than-air pilot certiflcate shall not pilot
(f) Such other maneuvers as the Ad- an endorsement by
tificate fails to secure any inspector, have the expired certifl- any lighter-than-air pilot certiflcate:
an airship in solo flight until surrender, upon request, such certificate
ministrator deems necessary. an authorized inspector of the Adminis- cate endorsed' as conveying the privi- to any officer or employee of the Adminis-
"nie appropriate physical exam-
22.129 Military competence. An ap- trator within the last 45 days of each leges of a student llghter-than-sUr pilot (1) he has demonstrated thorough fa-
trator If It has been suspended or rev<*ed
9 ination prescribed for the original issu-
plicant who within 60 days preceding the
such period, or (2) at any time an au- certificate until 1 year from the date of miliarity with the provisions of Part 60
or if it has expired.
ance of a lighter-than-air pilot certifi-
thorized inspector of the Administrator dealing with contact flight by passing a
application has been an active member original expiration. After such endorse-
cate shall be passed before any practical 9 22.322 Operation during physical de-
shall refuse to endorse such certificate ment, the holder may exercise all the written examination of such provisions
of the regular Army, Navy, Marine Corps or theoretical test or other examination ficiency. The holder
of a lighter-than-
after inspection or examination. and such fact has been certifled to by
or Coast Guard or a reserve member of privileges incident to a student lighter- will be given, and shall be completed air pilot certiflcate shall not pilot any
Periodic endorsement require- than-alr pilot certiflcate which has been his instructor on the student lighter-
any such service on active duty for a pe- 9 22.22
within the nine months preceding ap- lighter-than-air aircraft during the pe-
year will be deemed
than ments. No Ughter-than-alr pilot cer- endorsed to permit solo flight. than-air pilot certiflcate;
riod of not less 1
plication for a free balloon pilot certifl- riod of any known physical deficiency
tificate shall receive a periodicendorse- (2) he shall have had a minimum of
to have met the requirements of 5 § 22.125. (b) The holder of an expired private which would render him during that pe-
cate or private lighter-than-alr pilot six instruction flights in free balloons of
and 22.128 he submits ment unless the holder thereof (1) shall or commercial lighter-than-air pilot cer-
22.126. 22.127 if
certiflcate, or within the four months meet the physical require-
riod unable to
Administrator a make application for endorsementon the tiflcate. if application Is made within 1
not less than 1 hour duration each and
to an Inspector of the preceding application for a commercial ments with which he complied in order
applicable form prescribed and furnished year following its expiration, may secure shall have logged at least 1 hour of ac-
certificate from the appropriate ofllcer lighter-than-alr pilot certiflcate. to secure his certificate.
by the Administrator and (2) shall have a new private or commercial lighter- tual solo flight in a free balloon and
in charge of flying in his service that he Inspection. An
(b) In lieu of a physical examination such fact shall be certifled to by his in- 9 applicant
was on flying statvis as a lighter-than-alr logged the hours of solo flight time here- than-air pilot certiflcate. as the case may
conducted by an authorized medical ex- structor on the student lighter-than-air for, or the holder of, a lighter-than-air
pilot with an instnmaent rating at the inafter required with respect to the fol- be. by showing that, as of the date of
aminer of the Administrator which Is re- pilot pilot certiflcate shall offer full coopera-
time of his separation from the service lowing classes of lighter-than-air pilot application, he has met the requirements certificate. If the student pilot
quired for issuance or endorsement of a possesses a free balloon pilot certificate tion wtih respect to any inspection or ex-
and was at that time competent to pilot certificates or in lieu thereof satisfactorily set forth In 9 22.22 for periodic endorse-
lighter-than-alr pilot certificate, a cer- such certification shall not be required; amination which may be made of such
airships. passes the flight test required for the ment of his certiflcate. If application is
tiflcate from a medical officer on active (3) he shall have had a minimum of person upon proper request by any au-
original issuance of his certificate and made more than 1 year following the ex-
22.13 Free balloon pilot certificate.
} duty with the United States Army. Navy. thorized representative of the Adminis-
(3) shall have satisfactorily passed the piration of a lighter-than-air pilot cer- 35 hours of dual instruction in airships
To be eligible for a free balloon pilot cer- Marine Corps or Coast Guard, who is which shall Include level flight, right trator.
physical examination herelnsifter re- tiflcate. the holder thereof may secure
tiflcate an applicant shall comply with authorized to conduct physical exam-
quired with respect to the following a new private or commercial lighter- and left turns, laodings and take-offs 9 22.324 SimxUated instrument fiight.
the following requirements: inations for flying, stating that he ex- and No person
classes of lighter-than-alr pilot certifi- than-air pilot certificate by showing that shall be deemed competent by his shall pilot a lighter-than-air
S Age. Same as S 22.110.
22.130 cates: as of the date of application. In the case amined the applicant, giving the date of Instructor to make such flight, which aircraft in flight under simulated instru-
i Character. Applicant shall
22.131 of a private pilot, he has met the require- the physical examination, and certifsing fact shall be certifled to by his instructor ment conditions unless a certificated
not be temperamentally unsuited for fly- (a) Student lighter-than-air pilot.
that at the time of the examination the on the student lighter-ths[n-air pilot cer- lighter-than-air safety pilot shall be
ments for original Issuance of a private
(1) No flight time required. applicant was on flying status and met tiflcate. IMresent at all times and have ready access
lighter-than-alr pilot certiflcate set forth
may physical examination showing
(2) A the physical requirements for flying pre- to the controls and adequate vision from
§ 22.132 Citizenship. Applicant In 922.11, except for 922.115. and In the (c) The holder of a student lighter-
be of any nationality. at least the same physical condition as case of a commercial pilot, he has met scribed for his military service, will be the aircraft.
than-air pilot certificate shall not pilot
Education. Applicant shall that required for the issuance of a stu- the requirements for original Issuance of accepted for any lighter-than-alr pilot 22.325 Log-books. Every certiflcated
i 22.133 any lighter-than-air aircraft carrying §

be able to read, speak, write and under- dent lighter-than-alr pilot certificate a commercial lighter-than-air pilot cer- certiflcate provided for in this Part: Pro- lighter-than-air pilot and every person
any person other than a certificated
stand the English language. within the 14 months preceding the ex- tificate set forth in 922.12. except for vided, That the physical q^ialifications of receiving flight instruction shall keep an
commercial lighter-than-air pilot, a
22.134 Physical condition. Same as piration of the endorsement period. Provided. That the applicant such military examination are not less accurate record of his flying time in a
S 9 22.125: member of the crew, or another certifi-
(b) Private lighter-than-air pilot. (1) than those required by these regulations
i 22.114. shall pass a written examination on cated student lighter-than-alr pilot log-book in which the entries with respect
22.135 Aeronautical knowledge. Fifteen hours of solo fiight time within the provisions of the Civil Air Regu- for the grade of pilot certificate applied to solo flying time shall be certifled to by
S whose presence in the aircraft Is author-
Same as ! 22.115. the endorsement period of an airship. lations which may be appropriate to his for. him and such entries respecting dual in-
ized by the instructor under whose di-
(2) A physical examination showing
S 22.136 Aeronautical experience. Ap- certificate. 9 22.242 Reexaminations, (a) An ap- rection the flight Is being made. Such struction shall have been certifled to hy
at least the same physical condition as of an expired free bal-
The holder
plicant shall have had a minimum of 6 (c) plicant for a private or ccnnmercial light person shall not pilot any lighter-than- the lighter-than-alr pilot giving the in-
that required for the issuance of a pri- loon pilot certiflcate may secure a new than-alr pilot certificate or for a free struction. This log-book shall be pre-
instruction flights in free balloons of not air aircraft for hire.
vate lighter-than-air pilot certificate certiflcate upon proof that he has passed balloon pilot certiflcate who has failed to sented for Inspection upon request and
less than 1 hour duration each and shall
within the 14 months immediately pre-
9 22.311 Private lighter-than-air
have logged at least l hour of actual a physical examination showing at least pass any prescribed theoretical examma- pilot, (a) "Hie holder of a private reasonable notice to any authorized rep-
solo flight time within the 90 days Im- the same physical condition as that re- tlon may apply for reexamination at any lighter-than-air pilot certiflcate shall resentative of the Administrator or Board
mediately preceding the date of filing the •The designated period for llghter-th»n- quired for the issuance of a free balloon time after 30 days of the day of failure. or of any State or municipal officer en-
atr pilot certificates will ordinarily be a period
not pilot an airship carrying any persons
application. The date of such solo flight pilot certiflcate within the 14 months (b) An applicant for a private or com- or property for hire nor give any fiight forcing local regulations or laws Involving
ol 1 year. This period will be referred to
shall be certifled to by the instructor on
hereafter m
the "endorsement period." preceding the date of application. mercial lighter-than-alr i^ot certiflcate fx Instnmient Instruction therein. Federal compliance.
4562 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 4, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 4, 1941 4563

Such log-book shall

Form. claasifled in the following aacending that it possesses any therapeutic value means, for the purpose of inducing or and employees, directly or through any representative, or other intermediary
i 22.3250
grades: as a diuretic; and (3) that it will tone up which is likely to induce, directly or in-
be a bound record and the entries shall corporate or other device, do forthwith therein, wherein such intermediary is in
the nerves, or that it has any therapeutic directly, the purchase in commerce, as cease and desist from, directly or Indi-
be accurate, legible and in ink or indelible (1) Student pilot certificate. fact acting for or in behalf of, or is sub-
value in the treatment of nervous dis- "commerce" is defined in the Federal
pencil so arranged as to facilitate easy (2) Private pilot certificate. rectly: ject to the direct or Indirect control of
orders: prohibited. (Sec. 5, 38 Stat. 719.
reference thereto. (3) Commercial pilot certificate. Trade Commission Act, of said prepara- (1) Disseminating, or causing to be
such buyer in any manner or form what-
as amended by sec. 3. 52 Stat. 112; 15 tion, which advertisement contains any ever, directly or indirectly, anjthlng of
S 22.3251 Content. The log-book shall Airline transport pilot certificate
(4) disseminated, any advertisement by any
U.S.C., Supp. rv. sec. 45b) [Cease and value as a commission, brokerage or other
contain entries including at least the (provided for in all respects in Part 21) of the representations prohibited in
desist order, W. C. Ohlendorf etc.. Docket means in commerce, as "commerce" is
following: The date of flight; the make
paragraph 1 hereof. compensation, or any allowance or dis-
(b) Olider pilot certificates are clas- 4079. August 19. 19411 defined in the Federal Trade Conunis-
and model of the lighter-than-air air- count in lieu thereof, upon purchase of
sified in the following ascending grades: It is further ordered, That the respond- sion Act, which advertisement repre-
craft flown: the aircraft identification In the Matter of William Clarence commodities made for such buyer's own^
ent shall, within sixty (60) days after sents, directly or through inference, that
mark: a statement classifying the type (1) Student glider pilot certificate. Ohlendorf. an Individual Trading Un- account; prohibited. (Sec. 2 (c) 49 Stat.
service upon him of this order, file with the drug quinine, or any product of sub-

of flight (whether solo, dual instruction, (2) Private glider pilot certificate. der the Names W. C. Ohlendorf. 1527; 15 U.S.C. Supp. IV, sec. 13c)
the Commission a report in writing set- stantially similar composition or possess-
instnunent or night flsrlng time) the du- (3) Commercial glider pilot certiflcate. Clarence Ohlendorf, C. Ohlendorf, and [Cease and desist order, Reed-Harlln
ting forth in detail- the manner and form ing substantially similar properties,
ration of the flight: the points between Dr. Ohlendorf Grocer Company et al.. Docket 4486.
(c) Lighter-than-air pilot certiflcates in which he has complied with this order. whether sold under the same name or
which such flight was made; and. in ad- August 21. 19411
dition, when any flight results in serious
are provided for in all respects in Part At a regular session of the Federal By the Commission. under any other name, constitutes a
§ Discriminating in price
3.45 (e) 1) —
damage to the aircraft, a notation to this
22. The provisions of Part 20 shall not
apply to llghter-than-alr pilot certifl-
Trade Commission, held at its office in
the City of Washington, D. C, on the
[sxAL] Otis B. Johnson,
Cf '.ain cure or remedy for malaria, that
it is in all cases safe for use, or that it
Indirect discrimination —Brokerage pay-
effect. ments. In purchasing commodities in
cates or to lighter-than-air aircraft. 19th day of August, A. D. 1941. is the only treatment for malaria which
22.3252 Logging of
flight time. No (P. R. Doc. 41-6620; Plied. September 3, 1941; commerce, for their own account, and
( This proceeding having been heard by is inexpensive and dependable;
flight time shall be logged as such un- Part 60 —Am Traffic Rxtlis the Federal Trade Commission upon the
11:0S a. m.j
(2) Disseminating, or causing to be
among other things, as in order set forth,
less the lighter-than-air aircraft flown
and on the part of respondents Reed-
3. By amending Part 60. section 60.50 complaint of the Commission, the an- disseminated, any advertisement by any
Harlin Grocer Company, and John R.
is a public or certificated aircraft. to read as follows: swer of respondent, testimony and other means for the purpose of inducing, or
[Docket No. 4398] Reed and Orr M. Reed trading as West
§ 22.3253 Logging of instrument flight evidence taken before Arthur P. Thomas, which is likely to induce, directly or in-
( 60.50 Pilot. No flight shall be made Plains Brokerage Company, and their
time. No instrument flight time shall trial examiner of the Commission there- Part 3 Digest of Cease and Desist directly, the purchase of said product in
in civil aircraft unless the pilot in representatives, etc., (1) accepting from
be logged as such unless the lighter-than- tofore duly designated by it, in support of Orders commerce, as "commerce" is defined in
charge sellers, directly or indirectly, any broker-
air aircraft is flown solely by reference and in opposition to the allegations of in the matter of cinchona products the Federal Trade Commission Act, age, and any allowances and discounts in
to instruments either under actual or (a) holds a valid instrument rating; the complaint, report of the trial ex- institute, inc. which advertisement contains any of the lieu of brokerage, in whatever manner or
properly simulated flight conditions. or aminer upon the evidence, and brief In representations prohibited in paragraph form such allowances and discounts may
holds a valid airline transport pilot S 3.6 (t) Advertising falsely
or mis-
Over-the-top flying shall not be logged as
instrument flight time.*
certificate; or
support of the allegations of the com-
plaint (no brief having been filed by re- leadingly —Qualities or properties of
(1) hereof.
be offered, allowed, granted, paid or
transmitted; and (2) accepting from
product: Advertising falsely
3.6 (x) It is further ordered. That said re-
(c) holds a valid commercial lighter- spondent and oral argument not having I
or misleadingly— Results:
§ 22.4 Definitions.
spondent shall, within sixty (68) days sellers, in any manner or form whatever,
A than-air pilot certificate; or been requested) and the Commission Ad- S 3.6 (y)
or misleadingly—Safety:
i 22.40 Lighter-than-air aircraft. ;
directly or indirectly, anything of value
(d) is an active member of the Regu- having made its flndings as to the facts vertising falsely after service upon it of tliis order, file
lighter-than-air aircraft is an aircraft ss a commission, brokerage or other com-
2£ Advertising falsely or mis- with the Commission a report in writing
whose support is chiefly due to buoyancy lar Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast and its conclusion that the respondent I (fflO)

derived from aerostatic forces. Guard, or a reserve member of any such has violated the provisions of the Fede^-al

leadingly Unique nature or advantages. setting forth in detail the manner and pensation, or any allowance or discount
in lieu thereof, upon purchases of com-
service on extended active duty for at Disseminating, etc., any advertisements form in which it has complied with this
9 22.400 Free balloon. A free balloon. Trade Commission Act; modities made for respondents' own ac-
by any means in commerce, etc., to in- order.
as used in this part, shall mean a lighter- least 1 year, and who holds at least a It is ordered. That the respondent,
It is further ordered. That Paragraph count; prohibited. (Sec. 2 'c),49 Stat.
private pilot certificate issued by the Ad- William Clarence Ohlendorf. individually duce, etc.. directly or indirectly, purchase
than-air aircraft not restrained from free Seven of the complaint 1527; 15 U.S.C., Supp. IV, sec. 13c)
ministrator and a military instrument and trading as W. C. Ohlendorf. Clar- in commerce of the drug quinine or any be, and the same
flight by any connection with the ground hereby is. dismissed. I Cease and desist order, Reed-Harlin
flying rating, or equivalent, issued by his ence Ohlendorf. C. Ohlendorf. and Dr. substantially similar product, which ad-
nor equipped with any power plant or By the Commission. Grocer Company et al., Docket 4486,
service. Ohlendorf. or trading under any other vertisements represent, directly or
propelling device, the ascent and descent August 21, 1941]
name, and his representatives, agents through inference, that the drug quinine [SEAL] Otis B. Johnson,
of which may be controlled by releasing By the Civil Aeronautics Board.
and employees, directly or through any or any substantially similar product, con- Secretary. In the Matter of Reed-Harlin Grocer
ballast or gas and the direction of flight Thomas O. Early.
[sxALl corporate or other device, in connection stitutes a certain cure or remedy for Covipany, a Corporation; John R.
of which is determined by the wind. Secretary. [P. R. Doc. 41-6619: FUed, September 3, 1941;
with the offering for sale, sale or distri- malaria, that it is in all cases safe for Reed and Orr M. Reed, Individuals
§ 22.401 Airship. An airship, as used 11:09 a. ml
IF. R. Doc. 41-6618; Piled, aeptember 3. 1941; bution of his medicinal preparation des- use. or that it is the only treatment for Trading Under the Firm Name and
In this part, shall mean a lighter-than- ml
10:44 a.
ignated "Dr. Ohlendorfs Tonic" or any malaria which Is inexpensive and de- Style of West Plains Brokerage Com-
air aircraft other than a flxed or free
preparation of substantially similar com- pendable, prohibited. (Sec. 5. 38 Stat. pany; Ady and Milburn, Inc., a Corpo-
balloon. (Docket No. 4486]
position or possessing substantially simi- 719, as amended by sec. 3. 52 Stat. 112; ration; Arkansas State Rice Mill Com-
S 22.41 Solo flight time. Solo flight
15 U.S.C., Supp. IV, sec. 45b) [Cease Part 3
time, as used in this part, shall mean TITLE 16-COMMERCIAL PRACTICES lar properties, whether sold under the Digest of Cease and Desist pany, a Corporation; William D.
same name or under any other name, do and desist order, Cinchona Products In- Orders Wright and Frank E. Hockensmith.
flight time when the pilot is in command
CHAPTER I—FEDERAL TRADE forthwith cease and desist from directly stitute, Inc., Docket 4398, August 19,
IN the matter of reed-harlin grocer Individuals Trading Under the Firm
and actually at the controls of the light- COMMISSION 19411
er-than-air aircraft regardless of the or indirectly: COMPANY ET AL. Name and Style of Midwest Bean
(Docket »o. 4079] At a regular session of the Federal Company; The Great Western Sugar
presence of any other crew members in 1. Disseminating or causing to be dis-

—Indirect Discriminating
Part 3 Digest or Cease and Desist Trade Commission, held at its office in S 3.45 (e) in Company, a Corporation; Inness Bros.,
the aircraft who may act under his
discrimination— Broker-
seminated any advertisement by means the City of Washington, D. C, on the
Orders price Inc., a Corporation; Louis S. Taube,
direction. of the United States mails or by any
19th day of August, A. D. 1941. age payments. In connection with sale Theodore Taube, and Lloyd B. Holden,
§ 22.410 Actual solo flight time. Ac- in the matter of w. c. ohlendorf, etc means in commerce, as "commerce" is This proceeding having been heard by and distribution of commodities in com- Individuals Trading Under the Firm
tual solo flight time, as used in this part, defined in the Federal Trade Commis- the Federal Trade Commission upon the
Advertising falsely or mis- merce, and among other things, tus in Name and Style of L. S. Taube & Co.
mean flight time when the pilot is 5 3.6 (t) sion Act, which advertisement repre-
the sole occupant of the lighter-than-air

leadingly Qualities or properties of sents, directly or through inference:
complaint of the- Commission, the an-
swer of respondent, and a stipulation
order set forth, and on the part of re-
spondent Ady and Milburn, Inc., and At a regular session of the Federal
product: S 3.6 (x) Advertising falsely or
i 22.42 Dual instruction. Dual In-
misleadingly —
Results. Disseminating, That said preparation constitutes
a cure or remedy for, or that it possesses
as to the facts entered into between Eu-
gene R. Pickrell, attorney for respond-
various other seller respondents, their
officers, etc., (1) paying or granting, di-
Trade Commission, held at its office in
the City of Washington, D. C, on the
etc..In connection with offer, etc.. of
struction as used in this part, shall mean any therapeutic value In the treatment ent herein, and W. T. Kelley, Chief rectly or indirectly, to respondents Reed- 21st day of August, A. D. 1941.
respondent's "Dr. Ohlendorfs Tonic", or
flight time as a student at the controls of. kidney disorders, bladder disorders, Counsel for the Commission, which pro- Harlin Grocer Company, a corporation, This pYoceeding having been heard
any other substantially similar medicinal vides, among other things, that without
of a lighter-than-air aircraft under the rheumatism, neuritis, diabetes, or catarrh and John R. Reed and Orr M. Reed, in- by the Federal Trade Commission upon
preparation, any advertisements by
of the bladder or bowels; further evidence or other intervening dividuals trading imder the firm name the complaint of the Commission, the
Immediate direction of a pilot who is in means of the United States mails, or in
(b) That said preparation possesses procedure the Commission may issue and and style of West Plains Brokerage Com- answers filed herein by respondents
command of the aircraft and authorized commerce, or by any means, to Induce, serve upon the respondent herein flnd-
any therapeutic value as a diuretic; pany, or under any other name, any Reed-Harlin Grocer Company, a cor-
to give instruction therein.* etc.. directly or indirectly, purchase in
(c) That said preparation will tone up ings as to the facts and conclusion based brokerage and any allowances and dis- poration; John R. Reed and Orr M. Reed,
commerce, etc.. of said preparation, thereon, and the Commission having
Part 20 Pilot Rating the nerves, or that It has any therapeu- counts in lieu of commissions, brokerage individuals trading imder the firm name
which advertisements represent, directly made its findings as to the facts and its
tic value In the treatment of nervous or other compensation, upon the pur- and style of Plains Brokerage Com-
or through inference, (1) that said prep-
2. By amending Part 20. f 20^to read disorders. conclusion that said respondent has vio- chases made by respondents Reed-Harlin pany; Inness Bros., Inc.; and Louis S.
aration constitutes a cure or remedy for,
as follows: lated the provisions of the Federal Trade Grocer Company and John R. Reed and Taube, Theodore Taube and Lloyd B.
or possesses any therapeutic value in the Disseminating or causing to be dis-
Commission Act; Orr M. Reed, Individuals trading under Holden, individuals trading under the
8 20.0 Classification of pilot certifi- treatment of, kidney disorders, bladder seminated any advertisement by any It is ordered, That respondent Cin- the firm name and style of West Plains firm name and style of L. S. Taube k
cates, (a) Aircraft i^lot certiflcates, disorders, rheumatism, neuritis, diabetes,
chona Products Institute, Inc., a corpo- Brokerage Company; and (2) paying or
other than glider or Ughter-than-air, are or catarrh of the bladder or bowels; (2) '
« PH. 1428.
ration, its officers, representatives, agents granting to any buyer or to any agent, <6 VH. 1056.
FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 4, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 4, 1941 4565 <
tion, including remission or mitigation antl-f reeze manufactured with complete- other officer of internal revenue as may 468.5 Advertisement. the
and the substitute answers of all allowances and discounts may be offered, § If ap-
of the forfeiture, of firearms so seized; ly denaytired alcohol, provided that drums be specially authorized by the Commis- praised value does not exceed $1,000, the
the other respondents. admitting all— allowed, granted, paid or transmitted;
and (d) administering and enforcing the bearing the embossed symbol of one de- sioner pursuant to section 3720 of the district supervisor shall cause a notice of
the allegations of the complaint to be (b) Accepting from sellers. In any nature! may not be reused by another Internal Revenue Code to seize property
Act of August 9. 1939 (U.S.C. Sup., title the seizure and of the intention to for-
true And the Commission having made manner or form whatever, directly or denaturer or his agents. New and re- legally subject to seizure and who has
49. chap. 11). and the regulations there- feit and sell or otherwise dispose of the

its findings as to the facts and Its con- Indirectly, anything of value as a com- made
under, in so far as such act and regula- used drums, when filled, shall have the or adopted a seizure within the property to be published once a week for
clusion that respondents have violated mission, brokerage or other compensa-
tions relate to the seizure and forfeiture date of fillihg stencilled thereon In addi- scope of the regulations in this part. at least three successive weeks In a news-
the provisions of an Act of Congress tion, or any allowance or discount in
of vessels, vehicles, and aircraft used for. tion to all the marks now required by (c) "Secretary" means the Secretary paper of general circulation In the Judi-
entitled. to supplement existing
"An Act lieu thereof, upon purchases of commod- of the Treasury.
or to facilitate, the transportation, car- these regulations. cial district in which the seizure occurred.
laws against unlawful restraints and mo- ities made for respondents' own account.
riage, conveyance, concealment, receipt, Article 146, as amended, further
(d) "Commissioner" means the Com- The notice shall not be inserted oftener
nopolies, and for other purposes", ap- missioner of Internal Revenue.
It is further ordered. That the parties possession, etc.. of any firearm defined by amended by adding thereto the following than three times, unless the district su-
proved October 15. 1914. as amended by (e) "Deputy Commissioner" means the
respondent shall within sixty (60) days section 1 (b) (2) of such act to be a paragraph: pervisor is of the opinion that, because
the Roblnson-Patman Act approved Deputy Commissioner of Internal Reve-
after service upon them of this order, contraband article; the remission or mit- of circumstances peculiar to the particu-
June 1936 (U.S.C. Title 15. Section Effective immediately and until fur- nue in charge of the Alcohol Tax Unit.
19. file with the Commission a report In igation of the forfeiture of such vessels, lar case, a greater number of insertions
man- ther notice, producers of proprietary (f) "District supervisor" means
13): writing, setting forth in detail, the vehicles, aircraft, and the equipment the will be to the advantage of the govern-
That respondents Ady and com- solvents and their bona fide agents may person having charge of a supervisory
It is ordered, ner and form in which they have thereof; the custody and disposition of ment. TTie notice shall
a corporation; Arkansas reuse embossed steel drums bearing the district of the Alcohol Tax Unit of the
Milbum. Inc.. plied with this order. such convejrances; and awards for infor- (a) Describe the conveyance or fire-
identifying symbol of the producer for
State Rice Milling Company, a corpora- By the Commission. mation leading to the forfeiture of such Bureau of Internal Revenue. arm and show the registration,
tion; William D. Wright and Prank E. conveyances: Provided, That the remis- packaging proprietary solvent: Provided, (g) "Investigator in charge" means
[seal] Otis B. Johnson. motor and serial numbers of the con-
Hockensmith. individuals trading under Secretary. sion or mitigation of the forfeiture of
That drums bearing the embossed sym- the person having charge of a subdivision
veyance and the number or other identi-
the firm name and style of Midwest Bean any such conveyance, or the release of Jaii o f one producer may not be reused of a supervisory district of the Alcohol
fying mark of the firearm, if any;
Company; The Great Western Sugar IF R Doc. 41-«621: Piled. September 3. 1941;
any such conveyance to a claimant upon B^fhother producer or his agents. New Tax Unit of the Bureau of Internal
11:10 a m.l (b) Show the reason for, and time and
Company, a corporation; Inness Bros.. payment of the appraised value thereof, and reused drums, when filled, shall have Revenue.
the date of filling stencilled thereon in
place of, seizure; and
Inc., a corporation; and Louis S. Taube. shall be subject to the approval of the (h) "Collector" means the collector of
addition to all the marks required by (G) State that any person desiring to
Theodore Taube. and Lloyd B. Holden. Secretary of the Treasury And provided : Internal revenue.
claim the conveyance or firearm may,
Individuals trading under the firm name further. That the awarding of compen- these regulations. (1) The terms defined In the Act of
and style of L. S. Taube b Co.. their of-
TITLE 26— INTERNAL REVENUE sation for information leading to the Gut August 9. have the meanings
1939, shall
within 20 days from the date of first
[seal] T. Helvering,
publication of the notice in the case of
ficers, representatives, agents and em- CHAPTER I—BUREAU OP INTERNAL forfeiture of any such conveyance shall Commissioner of Internal Revenue. thereby ascribed to them.*
a conveyance and within 30 days from
ployees, jointly or severally, directly or REVENUE be determined by the Commissioner of Approved: August 29, 1941. *SS 468.1 to 468.12, Inclusive, issued under the date of first publication of the notice
through any corporate or other device, |T. D. 50671
Internal Revenue, subject to the approval John L. Sxn.uvAN, the authority contained In 63 Stat. 1291,
in the case of a firearm, file with the
in connection with the same and distri- of the Secretary of the Treasury. Acting Secretary of the Treasury.
IJl.C. Chap. 25, Subcbap. B; 49 VS.C, Sup..
Miscsllanious Rigulations Chap. Investigator In charge a claim for the
bution of commodities in commerce, as Part 171 § 171. 4f Delegation of aut hority. 11.

Relating to Liquor |P. R. Doc. 41-6587: Filed, September 1941; conveyance or firearm and a bond for
"commerce" Is defined in said Act. do The powers necessary for the discharge 3:22 p. m]
S 468.2 Reports of seizure. An officer costs of Judicial condemnation with sat-
forthwith cease and desist: Prom of the functions delegated to the Alcohol
Section 1. By virtue of and pursuant seizing or adopting the seizure of a con-
isfactory sureties in the sum of $250;
to the provisions of the Act of June 30.
Tax Unit by § 171.4e are hereby conferred veyance or contraband firearm shall
(a) Paying or granting, directly or in- and that unless such claim and bond are
respondents Reed-HarliD 1938 (U5.C. Sup., title 15. chap. 18) the and Imposed upon the Deputy Commis- IT. D 50661 promptly make a complete written re- filed within the stated time the convey-
directly, to ,

sioner in charge of that Unit to be exer-

Grocer Company, a corporation, and Act of August 9. 1939 (U5.C. Sup., title Part 468 Regulations Relating to port to the district supervisor for the dis- ance or firearm will be disposed of In ac-
49, chap 11) section 2732 of the Internal
cised by him under the direction and Seizures of Vessels. Vehicles, and trict in which the seizure was made. The
John R. Reed and Orr M. Reed, individ- .
cordance with law. The form of notice
Revenue Code, and section 161 of the supervision of the Commissioner of In- AiRCRAiT IN Connection With Contra- report shall be in such form and sub-
uals trading under the firm name and used in seizures under other laws by the
ternal Revenue, and to district super- mitted in such manner as the Deputy
style of West Plains Brokerage Com- Revised Statutes (UJS.C. title 5. sec. 22). band Firearms Covered bt Section 1 Alcohol Tax Unit will, as far as appli-
Part 171 of Title 26. Code of Pederal Reg- visors and other oCBcers and employees (b) (2), Act of August 9. 1939 Commissioner may require.*
pany, or under any other name, any cable, be followed.*
ulations, is hereby amended by inserting of such Unit to be exercised by them
brokerage and any allowances and dis- AMENDING TREASURY DECISION 4S61 S 468.3 Custody and storage. Any Requirements as to claim and
a new subpart designated B (D) to read under the supervision and direction of § 468.6
counts in lieu of commissions, brokerage By virtue of and pursuant to the pro-
conveyance or contraband firearm seized
bond. The bond and claim
the said Deputy Commissioner. shall be in
or other compensation, upon the pur- as follows: under the law and the regulations In this
triplicate. The bond shall
visions of the Act of August 9, 1939 sufficiently
chases made by respondents Reed-Harlin
Grocer Company and John R. Reed and

subpart B (0) SEIZURES IN CONNECTION Sec Treasury Decision 4961.' ap-
proved January 5. 1940. is revoked to the
(U.S.C. Sup., title 49. chap. 11), and
part shall be In the ctistody of the dis-
trict supervisor or Investigator in charge
identify the conveyance or firearm, shall
WITH CONTRABAND FIREARMS Subchapter B of Chapter 25 of the In- run to the United States of America,
Orr M. Reed, individuals trading under extent that It is Inconsistent herewith.
ternal Revenue Code, the last paragraph
for the district in which the seizure is
have sureties approved by the district
the firm name and style of West Plains Delegation of functions. The
171. 4e made. The seizing officer shall store the
I SEAL I Gmr T. Helvering, of S 468.0, and S§ 468.1 to 468.14, inclu- supervisor, and be conditioned that in
Brokerage Company; Alcohol Tax Unit In the Bureau of Inter- Commissioner of Internal Revenue. conveyance or contraband firearm in a
sive, and i 468.16 of Treasury Decision case of condemnation of the conveyance
nal Revenue is charged with the duty and place designated, either generally or In
(b) Paying or granting to any buyer or Approved: August 29. 1941. 4961.^ approved January 5, 1940, are or firearm the obligor shall pay all the
responsibility, under the direction of the the particular case, by the district super-
to any agent, representative, or other John amended to read as follows: costs and expenses of the proceeding to
Commissioner of Internal Revenue, of L. Sullivan, visor or investigator in charge. The
intermediary therein, wherein such in- obtain the condemnation. Bond, Form
(a) investigating, preventing, and de- Acting Secretary of the Treasury. 5 468.0Introductory. • • •
place of storage shall be In the Judicial
termediary is In fact acting for or in B " 175, may be adapted for the purposes of
tecting violations of Subchapter of
[P. R. Doc. 4l-e589; Piled. September 1941 The following regulations are hereby district In which the seizure occurred.
behalf of. or is subject to the direct or
the regulations in this part. When a
Chapter 25 and Part Vin of Subchapter 3:32 p. m.l prescribed under the Act of August 9, Government storage facilities shall be
indirect control of such buyer in any claim and bond are received In proper
manner or form whatever, directly or in- A of Chapter 27 of the Internal Revenue 1939, and Subchapter B of Chapter 25 of utilized If practicable. If the convey-
form and the sureties are satisfactory, the
Code, except that collectors of Internal the Internal Revenue Code, relative to ance is stored on private premises there
directly, anything of value as a commis- I

district supervisor and the investigator

revenue, subject to the direction of the IT. D. 50651 the seizure and disposition of vessels, ve- shaU be secured from the proprietor
sion, brokerage or other compensation,

In charge shall proceed in accordance

Conunlssioner of Internal Revenue, shall Industrial Alcohol hicles, and aircraft when engaged in the thereof and forwarded with the report
or any allowance or discount in lieu re- Part 182 with § 468.8. If the documents are not in
make all inquiries and investigations transportation, etc., of contraband fire-
thereof, upon purchase of commodities to the district supervisor a receipt for satisfactory form when first received by
lating to the filing of special tax returns amendment oe regulations no. s arms, and to the seizure and disposition
made for such buyer's own account. the conveyance coinciding with the de- the district supervisor or investigator in
and shall receive and account for all Pursuant to the authority In section of the contraband firearms involved. scription in the report to the district su- charge, a reasonable time for correction
further ordered. That in purchas-
It is moneys; (b) investigating, preventing, S 468.1 Definitions. As used in the
3105 (a). Internal Revenue Code, Regu- pervisor. Conveyances or contraband may be allowed. If correction is not made
ing commodities In commerce, as "com- and detecting violations of the Pederal regulations in this part, except as other- firearms may not be used prior to for-
lations No. 3 is amended as hereinafter within a reasonable time the documents
merce" is defined in said Act. for their Pirearms Act of June 30. 1938 (UJS.C. wise indicated by the context feiture and award for official use.*
own account, the respondents Reed-
set forth. may be treated as nugatory, and the case
Sup., title 15. chap. 18), and the regu- Article 111, as amended, is further (a) "Conveyance" means a vessel, ve- S 468.4 Appraisement. The district may proceed as though they had not been
Harlin Grocer Company, a corporation, lations thereunder, except that collectors amended by adding thereto the following hicle,or aircraft within the scope of the supervisor or Investigator in charge shall tendered. The filing in proper form of
and John R. Reed and Orr M. Reed, in- of Internal revenue, subject to the direc- paragraph: Act of August 9, 1939, and the regulations appraise the conveyance or firearm to
dividuals trading under the firm name tion of the Commissioner of Internal the claim and bond does not entitle the
in this part. determine the value at the time and place
and style of West Plains Brokerage Com- Revenue, shall make all inquiries and Effective immediately and until further claimant to possession of the conveyance
(b) "Seizing oflBcer," "officer seizing," of appraisement, or if there is no market
pany, their representatives, agents and investigations relating to the issuance of notice, proprietors of denaturing plants or firearm but stops the summary pro-
employees, do forthwith cease and de- and their bona fide agents may reuse em-
etc., mean
the Deputy Commissioner of for the conveyance or firearm at the
licenses and shall receive and account ceedings.*
Internal Revenue in charge of the Alco- place of appraisement, the value In the
sist from: for all moneys; (c) detaining and seizing bossed steel drums bearing the identi- Summary
hol Tax Unit, the district supervisor, in- principal market nearest the place of ap- § 468.7 forfeiture. If the
(a) Accepting from sellers, directly or firearms for violation of Subchapter B fying symbol of the denaturer for pack-
praisement. The appraisal may be based appraised value does not exceed $1,000,
vestigator in charge, investigator, or in-
of Chapter 25 and Part VTII of Subchap- aging completely denatured alcohol and
Indirectly, any brokerage, and any al-
spector of the proper district, or such upon the report of the seizing officer and and the claim and bond mentioned in
lowances and discounts in lieu of broker- ter A of Chapter 27 of the Internal Rev-
PH. any other information which may be 9 468.6 are not filed within the time re-
age, in whatever manner or form such
enue Code, and the custody and disposi- « 6 107.
» 6 Pit. 107. quired, the investigator in charge shall
4566 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 4, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 4, 1941 4567

execute, in quadruplicate, a declaration tion number and motor and serial num- Where a forfeited conveyance Is trans- retain a copy. If the information is fur- follow the procedure governing the for- cation as stated above, may expect delay
of forfeiture, one copy of which will be bers of the conveyance and the number or ferred to another federal agency, such nished orally, a memorandum thereof will feiture and disposition of personal prop- at the bridge, but every reasonable means
retained and the original and two copies other identifying mark of the firearm, if agency shall reimburse the internal rev- be made and
likewise forwarded. How- erty seized under other laws adminis- shall be used to expedite openings at all
forwarded to the district supervisor. any. the name of the owner, and of the enue appropriation for the costs of haul- ever, appropriate action shall be taken tered by the Alcc^ol Tax Unit, in so far times. A sign giving instructions as to
The declaration should state that it is person from whom seized, as well as the ing, transporting, towing and storage in the case without awaiting instructions as applicable and not Inconsistent with where and how the bridge operator can
made in accordance with section 609 of date and place of seizure. from the date of seizure to the date of from the Commissioner. these or any other regulations or any be reached shall be posted in a conspicu-
the Tariff Act of 1930 in the case of a (b) The interest of the petitioner in delivery. The claim of an informer, or of a de- statutory provision, with such variations ous place on each side of the bridge.
conveyance*and with section 3724 of the the conveyance or firearm, which shall If the forfeiture and sale be by court tector and seizor, shall be executed in as may be appropriate in the circum- (Sec. 5, River and Harbor Act. Aug. 18,
Internal Revenue Code in the case of a be established by bills of sale, contracts, proceedings, the sum recovered after de- triplicate on Form No. 211, appropriately stances.* 1894. 28 Stat. 362; 33 U.S.C. 449)
firearm, and should follow, with neces- mortgages, or other satisfactory docu- ducting all appropriate charges for amended. The original of the claim for [SEAL] Guy T. Helvering. Aug. 19. 1941 (ED. 6371 (Atchison, To-
sary modifications. Form 1570. There- mentary evidence filed with the petition. marshal's fees, court costs (where no compensation shall contain the signa- Commissioner of Internal Revenue. —
peka Santa Fe R. R. San Joaquin R. —
after the conveyance shall be disposed of (c) The circumstances, to be estab- bond was given therefor) etc.. is payable
. tures of the respective parties to the Stockton. Cal.)—7/4)]
Any number of additional copies Approved: August 29, 1941.
In accordance with official instructions lished by satisfactory proof, relied upon to the collector. When such sum is re- claim.
[SEAL] J. A. UlIO.
duly received by the district supervisor. by the petitioner to justify remission or ceived, the collector shall, after reim- necessary to complete the district super- John L. Sullivan.
Brigadier General,
No notice of public sale of any such for- mitigation. bursing the internal revenue appropri- visor's files may be required. The claim Acting Secretary of the Treasury.
Acting The Adjutant General.
feited firearm shall be given and no such ation for all expenses incurred in must show the date when, and the cir-
Where the forfeiture and sale have al- IP. R. Doc. 41-6588; Piled, September 2, 1941;
firearm shall be sold at public sale. Any ready occurred (see § 468.10), it must be connection with the seizure before de- cumstances under which, the information 3:22 p. m.J (P. R. Doc. 41-6593; Piled, September 3. 1941;
was furnished or the conveyance was de- 9:34 a. m.l
such firearm forfeited as provided herein established by satisfactory proof that the
livery of the conveyance to the marshal,
shall be delivered by the district super- petitioner did not know of the seizure deposit the net proceeds as other in- tected and seized, and fairly state all
visor to the Director of Procurement for prior to the forfeiture, and was in such
ternal revenue receipts. The investiga- the pertinent facts of the case.
appropriate disposition.* circumstances as prevented him from tor in charge shall transmit to the The district supervisor of the district TITLE 33-NAVIGATION AND NAVI- Motices
S 468.8 Presentation for jtLdicial ac- knowing thereof. collector immediately the conveyance is in which the claim originated will at- GABLE WATERS
If the appraised value is greater Where the petitioner Is not the one delivered to the marshal a statement of tach a statement showing the following
such expenses.* facts:
than $1,000, or if the appraised value is who in person committed the act which WAR DEPARTMENT
not more than $1,000 but a claim and caused the forfeiture, the petition should § 468.13 Release on payment of ap- (a) The
place of seizure; (b) the date (AG 325 (8-12-41) MT-C]
satisfactory bond have been received show how the property came into the praised value. If any person claiming Part 203 Bridge Regulations'
of seizure; (c) the statutes on the viola- Induction of the 125th Observation
(see §468.6), the investigator in charge possession of such other person, and what an interest in any conveyance within the tion of which the seizure was based; Pursuant to the provisions of section 5 Squadron, Oklahoma National Guard,
shall transmit a copy of the report of investigation. If any, was made of such scope of the regulations in this part offers of the River and Harbor Act approved
(d) a full description of the conveyance ErTEcnvE September 15, 1941
the seizing officer, and a supplemental person prior to parting with the convey- to pay the appraised value thereof (see
and any other property seized; (e) the August 18, 1894 (28 Stat. 362; 33 U.S.C.
§ 468.4) and it appears that the claimant I. Pursuant to and in compliance with
report of any pertinent facts and circum- ance or firearm. If such investigation .
names of the persons involved in the vio- 499), the rules and regulations govern-
stances additional to those disclosed by was not made, the reason for not making has in fact a substantial interest in the the provisions of Executive Order Num-
lation; (f) the net amount realized from ing the operations of bridges across all
the seizing officer's report (see §468.2). it should be stated.*
conveyance, the Commissioner may. sub- ber 8756,' May 17. 1941. amending Execu-
the forfeitures; (g) the date when the navigable waterways of the United States
to the United States Attorney for the § 468.10 Time for filing petition. A ject to the approval of the Secretary, ac-
amount realized was deposited, and the within California, are hereby amended by
tive Order Number 8633,' January 14,
judicial district in which the seizure was petition for remission or mitigation of a cept the offer and release the conveyance
amount of the certificate of deposit; adding regulations foi the Atchison, To- 1941, ordering certain units and mem-
made for Institution of condemnation forfeiture must be seasonally filed. upon payment of the money, which shall (h) the amount ^id in compromise, if peka, and Santa Pe Railway bridge
bers of the National Guard of the United
proceedings. If the seizure has been ad- Where the petition is for restoration of be distributed in accordance with States into the active military service of
any, and the date of payment; (1) the across San Joaquin River, inserting these
vertised the report shall Include copies the proceeds of sale, it must be filed with- § 468.12. the United States, effective on dates to
amount of expenses payable from the regulations in subparagraph (b) (5) as
of the newspapers containing the ad- in three months after the date of sale. The offer must be in writing, addressed be' announced in War Department or-
internal revenue appropriation; and follows:
vertisements. Immediately upon refer- In the case of a conveyance or firearm to the Secretary, signed by the claimant, ders, September 15, 1941, is hereby an-
(j) if the conveyance was released upon
ence of a case to the United States At- and submitted in triplicate to the district § 203.710 State of California: bridge nounced as the effective date of induc-
which is retained or awarded for official payment of the appraised value, or the
torney, the district supervisor shall notify supervisor or investigator in charge. It regulations for all navigable uxLtervoays tion for the following organization
use, the retention or delivery shall be re- conveyance was devoted to official use,
the Deputy Commissioner. If deemed garded as a sale for the purposes of the must express assent to forfeiture of the of the United States unthin California, Unit
the appraised value, as well as costs and state
appropriate, the Commissioner will, in regulations in this part.* conveyance and waive further proceed- including San Francisco Bay and con- 125th Observation Squadron Oklahoma
expenses incurred, or that would properly
the case of a conveyance, request the Di- § 468.11 Handling of petition. Where ings. The offer shall be supported by nected bays and river systems tributary
have been Incurred had the ordinary pro- 2. Separate instructions will be trans-
rector of Procurement to petition the the petition is in proper form, the dis- such proof of ownership as in the opinion thereto.
cedure been followed. mitted for the troop movements to be
court for delivery of the same for official of the district supervisor • • • • •
trict supervisor shall, upon completion of necessary.
made following Induction.
The district supervisor shall indicate
use. See Treasury Decision 4625 (sec- any investigation necessary to determine The district supervisor shall forward the (b) (5) San Joaxitun River below Para- 3. The Governor and the Adjutant
his approval or disapproval of the claim
tion 3) Cumulative Bulletin XV-1 1936)
the merits of the petition, forward to the offer to the Deputy Commissioner and re- dise Dam, Middle River, Burns Cut-Off (jeneral of Oklahoma are being furnished
and shall certify whether or not the
page 492.* Deputy Commissioner the original of the tain custody of the conveyance, pending and Potato Slough.
claimant was an officer of the United copies of this letter. (Sec. Ill, 39 Stat.
§ 468.9 Petitions for remission or mit- petition (including all supporting docu- action on the offer and payment of the • • • • •
States, and if an informer, whether he 211, Sec. 49, 41 Stat. 784; 32 U.S.C. 81)
igation of forfeiture. Any person inter- ments) together with the original of the
amount of the offer if It is approved. (53 Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Rail- Dated: August 28, 1941.
furnished the original information in the
ested in any conveyance or firearm with- Investigation report, a copy of the case Stat. 1291; 49 U5.C., Sup., chap. 11) way San Joaquin River. Period
case, and if a detector and seizor, whether [SEAL] J. A. Ulio,
in the scope of the regulations In this report, a copy of the appraisement list, 9 Awards. Any person not an
the claimant actually detected and seized of day for prompt opening. Between the Brigadier General,
part which has been forfeited by sum- and the district supervisor's recommen- officer of the United States who takes hours of 8:00 a. m. and 5:00 p. m. daily
the conveyance, and in either case Acting The Adjutant General.
mary or administrative proceedings, or dation. One copy of the petition will and seizes any conveyance within the whether any person other than the claim- except Sundays and national holidays,
which is held for summary or adminis- be retained by the district supervisor scope of the regulations in this part, and ant gave original information in the the Santa Pe Railway Bridge crossing the IP. R. Doc. 41-6594; Plied, September 3, 1941;
reports the matter to an officer of inter- 9:34 a. m.l
trative forfeiture, may within the time and one copy by the investigatbr in case. San Joaquin River shall, upon proper
prescribed (see § 468.10) petition the charge. * nal revenue or who furnishes informa- signal, be opened promptly for the pas-
Claims be transmitted by the dis-
Secretary for remission or mitigation of § 468.12 Expenses: Disposition of pro- tion leading to the forfeiture of such a sage of any vessel or vessels or other
trict supervisor to the Commissioner in
the forfeiture, and, if the conveyance or ceeds. Expenses in connection with a conveyance, may be awarded compensa- watercraft not able to pass underneath.
tion of 25 per centum of the net amount duplicate. Where there is a decree or DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR.
firearm has been sold, or delivered to a seizure and forfeiture within the scope Between the hours of 5:00 p. m. and
order of court designating the informer
governmental agency for official use, for of the regulations in this part shall be realized, but not exceeding $50,000 in any 8:00 a. m. daily and on Svmdays and Bituminous Coal Division.
a copy thereof shall also he forwarded.
restoration of the proceeds of sale or such paid from the internal revenue appro- case which shall be paid out of the inter- national holidays, prompt opening may
In a contested case the district super- (Docket No. 1797-FDl
part thereof sis may be claimed by the priation. Where a conveyance is for- nal revenue appropriation. If a for- be assured only by giving reasonable no-
visor shall forward the applications of all
petitioner. The petition shall be filed in feited and sold through summary or feited conveyance is destroyed in lieu of tice in advsuice to the Railway Com- In the Matter of Gibb Coal Co.,
claimants and furnish a statement of the
triplicate with the district supervisor or administrative proceedings, the investi- sale, or devoted to official use, compen- Rcgisteked Distributor, Registration
facts bearing on the merits of the several pany's agent at Stockton. California.
gator in charge shall transmit to the sation of 25 per centum of the appraised No. 3442, Respondent
the Investigator in charge. claims together with his recommenda- When such notice including the time of
collector with the gross proceeds of the value, not to exceed $50,000 in any case,
The petition shall be addressed to the tion. (53 Stat. 1291; 49 U.S.C.. Sup., intended passage is given, prompt open- notice or AND order for hearing
sale a statement of all expenses incurred may be awarded and paid. Awards may ing of the bridge upon proper signal will
Secretary and shall be executed and not be paid out of the proceeds of sale.
chap. 11)
The Bituminous Coal Division finds
In connection with the seizure and for- be insisted upon. Vessels making trips 1.
sworn to by the petitioner. The petition 468.16 Procedural details. With re-
feiture. The collector shall, after reim- When information of the existence of through this bridge without prior notifi- it necessary in the proper administration
shall state in clear and concise terms bursing the Internal revenue appropri- legal basis for seizure is furnished to an
spect to procedural details not expressly
the following: covered by the regulations in this part, FJl 2474.
ation for all such expenses, deposit the internal revenue officer in writing, the 6

(a) A
complete description of the con- net proceeds as other internal revenue original will be forwarded immediately
district supervisors and other officers will < I 203.710 (b) (5) U amended. » 6 Pit. 415.

to the Commissioner. The officer shall No. 172 3

veyance or firearm, including registra- receipt*.
4568 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 4, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 4, 1941 4569

ol the Bituminous Coal Act of 1937 (the Truck Shipments, and respondent resold Minimum Prices for District No. 12 for consented to the entry of an appropriate (5) days before the date herein set for section 4 n
(g) of the Bituminous Coal
"Act"), to determine said coal to various customers at various Truck Shipments, and respondent resold order on the basis of the facts alleged. hearing on the complaint. Act of 1937 and Price Instruction No. 6.
destinations, thereby accepting and re- said coal to various customers, at various All persons are hereby notified that Notice is hereby given that answer to as set forth in Supplement No. 1 to
(a) whether or not Gibb Coal Co.,
taining discounts on said transactiwis in destinations, thereby accepting and re- the hearing In the above-entitled matter the complaint must be filed with the Bi- Appendix A-4-T. being the Schedule of
Registered Distributor, Registration No. excess of the maximum discount of 12 taining discounts on said transactions, in and orders entered therein may concern, tuminous Coal Division at its Washing- Effective Minimum Prices for truck
3442. whose address is Albia, Iowa, the cents per net ton established for regis- excess of the maximum discount of 12 in addition to the matters specifically ton office or with any one of the statisti- shipments for District No. 4.
respondent in the above entitled matter, tered distributors on such transactions by cents per net ton established for regis- alleged herein, other matters incidental cal bureaus of the Division, within
has violated any provisions of the Act, twenty (20) days after date of service Dated: September 2. 1941.
Order of the Director, dated June 19, tered distributors on such transactions and related thereto, whether raised by
the Marketing Rules and Regulations, 1940. in General Docket No. 12, in viola- by Order of the Director, dated June 19, amendment, petition for intervention, or thereof on the defendant; and that any [SEAL] H. A. Gray,
the Rules and Regulations for Registra- tion of section 4 n(h) of the Act, S 304.12 1940, in General Docket No. 12, in viola- otherwise, and all persons are cautioned defendant failing to file an answer Director.
tion of Distributors and the Distributor's (b) (1) of the Rules and Regulations for Uon of section 4 II (h) of the Act. to be guided accordingly. within such period, unless the Director
IP. B. Doc. 41-6601; Piled. September 8. 1941;
Agreement, (the "Agreement") executed Registration of Distributors and para- 5 304.12 (b) (1) of the Rules and Regu- Dated: September 2. 1941. or the presiding officer shall otherwise 10:13 a. m.]
July 17, 1940. by respondent, pursuant to graph (a) of the Agreement. lations for Registration of Distributors order, shall be deemed to have admitted
[SEAL] H. A. Gray,
the Order of the Bitimiinous Coal Divi-

5. Respondent physically handled the

and paragraph (a) of the Agreement. Director.
the allegations of the complaint herein
sion, dated June 19, 1940. in General 9. Respondent physically handled the and to have consented to the entry of an
coal referred to in paragraph 4 herein by
Docket No. 12; and coal referred to in paragraph 8 herein |F. R. Doc. 41-«600; PUed. September 3, 1941; appropriate order on the basis of the (Docket No. ISIS-FD]
hauling said coal in its own trucks to a 10:13 a. m.j
(b) whether or not the registration of railroad ramp, from which point it was by hauling said coal In its own trucks facts alleged.
In the Matter of Alston Coal Company,
said distributor should be revoked or shipped by rail to various customers of to a railroad ramp, from which point it All persons are
hereby notified that the
to various customers of re- hearing in the above-entitled matter and Defendant
suspended or other appropriate penalties the respondent, at various destinations. was shipped
should be Imposed; spondent, at various destinations, in vio- orders entered therein may concern, in notice of and order for hearing
in violation of section 4 n (h) of the Act. (Docket No. 1780-FD]
addition to the matters specifically al-
and Regula- lation of section 4 II (h) of the Act.
and for said purposes gives notice that 5 304.12 (b) (4) of the Rules Ik the Matter or Edwin R. Ebcrhart. A complaint dated July 17. 1941. pur-
and 5 304.12 (b) (4) of the Rules and Regu- leged in the complaint herein, other mat-
the Division has information to the effect tions for Registration of Distributors
lations for Registration of Distributors
Defendant ters incidental and related thereto,
suant to the provisions of Sections 4 n
that: paragraph (d) of the Agreement. (j) and 5 (b) of the Bituminous Coal
and paragraph (d) of the Agreement. notice or and order for hearing whether raised by amendment of the
6. During the period from November complaint, petition for intervention, or Act of 1937, having been duly filed on
2. During the period from November It is, therefore, ordered. That a hear- A complaint dated June 23. 1941. pur-
1940 to December 17. 1940. respond- July 21, 1941, by Bituminous Coal Pro-
16, 1940 to January 24. 1941, respondent
15. otherwise, and all persons are cautioned
ent purchased from Watkins Coal Co., ing pursuant to § 304.14 of the Rules and suant to the provisions of sections 4 U ducers Board for District No. 15. a Dis-
purchased from Blakesburg Deep Vein to be guided accordingly.
a code member in District No. 12, ap- Regiilatlons for the Registration of Dis- (j) and 5 (b) of the Bituminous Coal Act trict Board, complainant, with the Bi-
Coal Co.. a code member in District The matter concerned herewith is in
proximately 158 net tons of screenings, tributors, to determine whether the reg- of 1937. having been duly filed on June tuminous Coal Ehvision alleging willful
No. 12, approximately 190 net tons of regard to the complaint filed by said com-
istration of said distributor should be 30, 1941. by Bituminous Coal Producers violation by the defendant of the Bitumi-
size group No. 8. produced at Mine No. plainant, alleging willful violation by the
screenings, size group No. 8. produced at revoked or suspended, or other appropri- Board for District No. 4. a district board, nous Coal Code or rules and regulations
579 of said code member, located in above-named defendant of the Bitumi-
Mine No. 234 of said code member, lo- ate penalties be Imposed, be held on complainant, with the Bituminous Coal thereunder;
Wapello County. Iowa, at prices f. o. b. nous Coal Code or rules and regulations
cated in Wapello County, Iowa, at prices October 24, 1941, at 10 a. m. at a hearing Division alleging willful violation by the
the mine ranging from $.97 to $1.36 per thereunder as follows: It is ordered. That a hearing in respect
t. o. b. the mine ranging from $1.07 to room of the Bituminous Coal Division, at d^efendant of the Bituminous Coal Code
net ton, whereas the effective minimum to the subject matter of such complaint
$1.46 per net ton whereas the effective the Post Office, Albia. Iowa. or rules and regulations thereunder; During the months of February
f. o. b. mine price for said coal at the be held on October 20, 1941. at 10 a. m..
minimum f o. b.
. mine
price for said coal, It is further ordered. That Charles O. ordered. TTiat a hearing in respect and March, 1941, the defendant sold ap-
time of said transactions was $1 85 per It is at a hearing room of the Bituminous
at the time of said transactions, was Powler. or any other officer or officers of to the subject matter of such complaint proximately 1,430 tons of 2" nut and
net ton, as shown on Supplement No. 3 Coal Division at 538 Dwight Building,
$1.85 per net ton, as shown in the Sched- the Bituminous Coal Division designated be held on October 10, 1941, at 10 a. m.. slack coal (Size Group 7) produced by
to Schedule of Effective Minimum Prices Kansas City, Missouri.
ule of Effective Minimum Prices for Dis- by the Director thereof for that purpose at a hearing room of the Bituminous the defendant at his Eberhart Mine
for District No. 12 for Truck Shipments, It is further ordered. That Charles O.
trict No. 12 for Truck Shipments, and shall preside at the hearing in such mat- Coal Division at the First National Bank (Mine Index No. 1727), located in Tus-
resold said coal to various customers, at
and respondent resold said coal to va- Fowler or any other officer or officers of
rious customers at various destinations,
ter. The officer so designated to pre- Building. Bellaire. Ohio. carawas County, Ohio. District No. 4. to
various destinations, thereby accepting the Bituminous Coal Division designated
side at such hearing Is hereby author- It is further ordered. That W. A. Cuff the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company,
and retaining discounts on said trans- thereby accepting and retaining dis- by the Director thereof for that purpose
ized to conduct said hearing, to admin- or any other officer or officers of the Bi- Akron, Ohio, at a truck delivered price of
actions in excess of the maximum dis- counts on said transactions in excess of shall preside at the hearing in such mat-
ister oaths and affirmations, examine tuminous Coal Dlviflon designated by $2.30 per net ton whereas the effective
count of 12 cents per net ton established the maximum discount of 12 cents per ter. The officer so designated to preside
witnesses, subpoena witnesses, compel the Director thereof for that purpose minimum price f o. b. the mine was $1.90
net ton established for registered dis-

for registered distributors on such trans- at such hearing is hereby authorized to

their attendance, take evidence, require shall preside at the hearing in such mat- per net ton; and
actions by Order of the Director, dated tributors on such transactions by Order conduct said hearing, to administer
the production of any books, papers, cor- The officer so designated to preside (b) During the months of March.
June 19, 1940, in General Docket No. 12, of the Director, dated June 19. 1940. in ter.
oaths and affirmations, examine wit-
respondence, memoranda or other rec- at such hearing Is hereby authorized to April and May. 1941. the defendant sold
in violation of section 4 n
(h) of the Act. General Docket No. 12. in violation of nesses, subpoena witnesses, compel their
ords deemed relevant or material to the approximately 2,925 tons of 2" nut and
S 304.12 (b) (1) of the Rules and Regu-
section 4 H
(h) of the Act. S 304.12 (b)
inquiry, to continue said hearing from
conduct said hearing, to administer
slack coal (Size Group 7) produced at
attendance, take evidence, require the
(1) of the Rules and Regulations for oaths and affirmations, examine wit- production of any books, papers, cor-
lations for Registration of Distributors time to time, and to such places as he the Eberhart Mine (Mine Index No.
Registration of Distributors and para- nesses, subpoena witnesses, compel their respondence, memoranda or other rec-
and paragraph (a) of the Agreement. may by announcement at said
direct attendance, take evidence, require the 1727). located in Tuscarawas County,
graph (a) of the Agreement. ords deemed relevant or material to the
3. Respondent physically handled the bearing or any adjourned hearing or by production of any books, papers, corre- Ohio. District No. 4. to the Rittman,
7. Respondent physically handled the inquiry, to continue said hearing from
coal referred to in paragraph 2 herein by subsequent notice, and to prepare and spondence, memoranda or other records Ohio, plant of the Ohio Boxboard Com-
coal referred to in paragraph 6 herein time to time, and to such places as he
hauling said coal in its own trucks to a submit to the Director proposed findings deemed relevant or material to the In- pany at a truck delivered price of $2.30
by hauling said coal in its own trucks to and conclusions and the recom-
may direct by announcement at said
railroad ramp, from which point it was of fact quiry, to continue said hearing from time per net ton. whereas the effective mini-
a railroad ramp, from which point It hearing or any adjourned hearing or by
shipped by rail to various customers of mendation of an appropriate order in the to time, and to such places as he may mum price f. 0. b. the mine was $1 90
subsequent notice, and to prepare and
the respondent, at various destinations, was shipped by rail to various customers premises, and to perform all other duties direct by announcement at said hearing per net ton for said coal; and
of the respondent, at various destina- submit to the Director proposed findings
in violation of section 4 n
(h) of the in connection therewith authorized by or any adjourned hearing or by subse- (c) During the months of March. April
of fact and conclusions and the recom-
of the Rules and tions, in violation of section 4 II (h) of law. and May. 1941, the defendant sold ap-
Act, § 304.12 (b) (4) quent notice, and to prepare and submit
the Act, S 304.12 (b) (4) of the Rules mendation of an appropriate order in the
Regulations for Registration of Distribu- Notice of such hearing is hereby given to the Director proposed findings of fact proximately 2,245 tons of 2" nut and
and Regulations for Registration of Dis- premises, and to perform all other du-
tors and paragraph (d) of the Agree- to said respondent, and to all other and conclusions and the reccwnmenda- slack ctal (Size Group 7) produced at his
tributors and paragraph (d) of the ties in connection therewith authorized
ment. parties herein and to all persons and tion of an appropriate order in the prem- Eberhart Mine (Mine Index No. 1727).
Agreement. by law.
entitles having an interest in such pro- ises, and to perform all other duties in located in Tuscarawas County. Ohio, Dis-
4.During the period from November Notice of such hearing is hereby given
8. During the period from November ceeding. connection therewith authorized by law. trict No. 4, to the Wadsworth, Ohio, plant
15. 1940 to January 21. 1941, respondent to said defendant and to all other parties
19. 1940. to January 25. 1941, respond- Notice is hereby given that answer to of the Ohio Match Company at a truck
purchased from Right Way Coal Co.. a Notice of such hearing is hereby given
herein and to all persons and entities
ent purchased from Gilger Coal Co., a the charges alleged herein must be filed to said defendant and to all other parties delivered price of $2.25 per net ton.
code member in District No. 12. approxi- ha,ving an interest in such proceeding.
mately 126 net tons of screenings, size code member In District No. 12, approx- with the Bituminous Coal Division at its herein and to all persons and entities whereas the effective minimum price
imately 152 net tons of screenings, size Washington Office or with any one of f. o. b. the mine was $1.90 per net ton
Any person or entity eligible under
group No. 8, produced at Mine No. 435 of having an Interest in such proceeding.
§ 301.123 of the Rules and Regulations
group No. 8. produced at Mine No. 503 the statistical bureaus of the Division, Any person or entity eligible under for said coal.
said code member, located in Monroe Governing Practice and Procediue Be-
of said code member, located in Wapello within twenty (20) days after date of 301.123 of the Rules and Regulations The violations as referred to In
County. Iowa, at prices f. o. b. the mine ? (d)
fore the Bituminous Coal Division in
County. Iowa, at prices f. o. b. the mine service thereof on the respondent; and Governing Practice and Procedure Be- paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) hereof were
ranging from $1.07 to $1.46 per net ton, Proceedings Instituted Pursuant to
whereas the effective minimum f. o. b. ranging from $1.07 to $146 per net ton. that any respondent failing to file an fore the Bituminous Coal Division in accomplished by failing to add not less
whereas the effective minimum f. o. b. sections 4 II (j) and 5 (b) of the Bitu-
mine price for said coal at the time of
answer within such period, unless the Proceedings Instituted Pursuant to sec- than the actual charge for or cost of minous Coal Act of 1937. may file a
said transactions was $1.80 per net ton,
mine price at the time of said transac- Director or the presiding officer shall n minimum
tions 4 (J) and 5 (b) of the Bitumi- transportation to the f. o. b. petition for intervention not later than
tions was $2.00 per net ton. as shown in otherwise order, shall he deemed to have
a.s shown in the Schedule of Effective nous Coal Act of 1937, may file a peti- mine price when such sale was made five (5) days before the date herein set
Minimum Prices for Kstrict No. 12 for Supplement No. 3 to Schedule of Effective admitted the alleged charges and to hav«
tion for intervention not later than five t. 0. b. destination, all in violation of for hearing on the complaint.
FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 1941
4570 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 4, 1941 4, 4571


with this Division by the above-named s. a.— Notice is hereby given that answer to
Notice Is hereby given that answer to It is ordered. That a hearing in the party; 1 a 8 4 8 8 7 8
above-entitled matter under the applica- 835 315 835 aao 335 325 170 the complaint must be filed with the Bi-
the complaint must be filed with the Bi- It is ordered. That a hearing in the
ble provisions of said Act and the rules tuminous Coal Division at its Washing-
tuminous Coal Division at its Washington above-entitled matter under the appli- Dated: September 2, 1941.
of the Division be held on September 29, ton Office or with any one of the field
office or with any one of the statistical cable provisions of said Act and the rules [seal] h. A. Gray,
1941, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that offices of the Division, within twenty (20)
bureaus of the Division, within twenty of the EWvision be held on September 29, Director.
day. at a hearing room of the Bituminous days after date of service thereof on the
(20) days after date of service thereof 1941, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that
Ferguson Creek Coal Co.. Ferfuaon Greek. defendant; and that any defendant fail-
on the defendant; and that any defend- Coal Division, 734 Fifteenth Street NW.. 1343
FulW. IP. R. Doc. 41-6604: Piled. September 3, 1941;
1243 Fiiltr, L. R. day, at a hearing room of the Bituminous
ant failing to file an answer within such Washington, D. C. On such day the 124M Oibson, Bruoe John Kendrlck. 10:14 a. m.] ing to file an answer within such period,
Johnscm, F. M. (Famoas Famous. Coal Division, 734 Fifteenth Street NW.,
Chief of the Records Section in room 502 2544 unless the Director or the presiding of-
period, unless the Director or the pre- Elkhorn Coal Co.) (for- Washington, D. C. On such day the
siding officer shall otherwise order, shall win advise as to the room where such merly Arthur Gray).
Chief of the Records Section In room
ficer shall otherwise order, shall be
2M3 Hobbs. Zaky . Clme. deemed to have admitted the allegations
be deemed to have admitted the aUega- hearing will be held. Huffman Coal Co., T. N. T. N. HufTraan. [Docket No. 1742-PDI
124^1 502 will advise as to the room where such
further ordered. That Scott A. 1246 Huffman, W. D Chloe Creek, Jake of the complaint herein and to have con-
tions of the complaint herein and to have It is
Thompson. bearing will be held. In the Matter of Herbert Jones, Doing
Dahlquist or any other officer or officers sented to the entry of an appropriate
consented to the entry of an appropriate 124A Hunt, Fari». Hunt.
Itfurther ordered, That Scott A.
is Business Under the Trade Name
of the Division duly designated for that Sib JohnaoD, F. M. (Famous BrafTord. order on the basis of the facts alleged.
order on the basis of the facts alleged. Elkhorn Coal Co.). Dahlquist or any other officer or officers OF Macon County Coal Company,
purpose shall preside at the hearing in All persons are hereby notified that the
All persons are hereby notified that the 124tt Kinney, J. J Kinney.
of the Division duly designated for that Defendant hearing in the above-entitled matter and
hearing in the above-entitled matter and such matter. The officers so designated 12S0 Lee. Willie Elkhorn No. 1.
V, Major Elkhorn Coal Co... Major. purpose shall preside at the hearing in orders entered therein may concern, in
to preside at such hearing are hereby notice of an order for hearing
orders entered therein may concern, in 1251 Prater, Do<k Prater.
such matter. The officers so designated addition to the matters specifically al-
authorized to conduct said hearing, to 1252 Purity Cannel Coal Co.. Purity Cannel.
A complaint dated June 10, 1941, pur-
addition to the matters specifically al- 1253 Ratliff A Collins ( Ran<iom Syck. to preside at such hearing are hereby leged in the complaint herein, other mat-
administer oaths and affirmations, ex-
leged in the complaint herein, other mat-
amine witnesses, subpoena witnesses, 1254
Ratliff. Litt RatUff.
authorized to conduct said hearing, to suant to the provisions of sections 4 n ters incidental and related thereto,
ters incidental and related thereto, Ray, John L Ray. administer oaths and affirmations, exam- (J) and 5 (b) of the Bituminous Coal Act
compel their attendance, take evidence,
Willie Ray.
whether raised by amiendment of the
whether raised by amendment of the 2547 Ray. Willie ine witnesses, subpoena witnesses, compel of 1937. having been duly filed on June
complaint, petition for intervention, or
require the production of any books, pa- 3154 Ross and Caldwell Tram.
complaint, petition for intervention, or 2545 Quinby, David W. (Ken- Big Sandy. their attendance, take evidence, require 17, 1941, by Bituminous Coal Producers
otherwise, and all persons are cautioned
pers, correspondence, memoranda, or tucky-Virginia Coal
otherwise, and all persons are cautioned the production of any books, papers, Board for District No. 15, a District
other records deemed relevant or mate- Co.) ((ormerly Shelby to be guided accordingly.
to be guided accordingly. Coal Co., Inc.). correspondence, memoranda, or other Board, complainant, with the Bituminous The matter concerned herewith is in
rial tothe inquiry, to continue said hear- Shelby Steam Coal Co., Ratliff.
The matter concerned herewith is in 367 records deemed relevant or material to Coal Division alleging wilful violation by regard to the complaint filed by said
ing from time to time, and to prepare Inc.
regard to the complaint filed by said 1256 Sowards, Garfield Sowards. the inquiry, to continue said hearing the defendant of the Bituminous Coal
and submit to the Director proposed Spears Ford A RoIUe Con- Stanley.
complainant, alleging wilful violation by
complainant, alleging willful violation 1257
from time to time, and to prepare and Code or rules and regulations there- the above named defendant of the Bi-
findings of fact and conclusions and the ley.
by the above-named defendant of the recommendation of an appropriate order 1256 Wripht A .Spears (Evani Wright & Spears. submit to the Director proposed findings under; tuminous Coal Code or rules and regula-
Wright) (formerly L.
Bituminous Coal Code or rules and regu- i.
of fact and conclusions and the recom- It is ordered. That a hearing in respect
In the premises, and to perform all other Spears). tions thereunder as follows:
lations thereunder as follows:
duties in connection therewith authorized
i2np Btaton. I. M Staton. mendation of an appropriate order in to the subject matter of such complaint That the defendant, between October
558 Stewart Elkhorn Coal Co. Stewart No. 1.
By selling for commercial use, as that E. Bowman).
the premises, and to perform all other be held on October 22, 1941. at 10 a. m. 1. 1940. and June 1. 1941, sold approxi-
by law. (J.

tisage is defined in Price Instruction 9. 2481 Stewart, D. M

(formerly .
Harless Creek. duties In connection therewith author- at a hearing room of the Bituminous Coal mately 3700 tons of IVi" x Vi" screen
Notice of such hearing is hereby given Stewart A Miller).
Part 1. of the Schedule of Effective Min- SturuUI, I^awrence Sturgill. ized by law. Division at the Circuit Court Room, sizedcoal, produced at Its #68 mine
to all parties herein and to persons or 1361
imum Prices for District No. 15 For All 1362 Taylor Coal Co.. Inc. Taykir. Notice of such hearing is hereby given Macon, Missouri. (Mine Index No. 76) located in Macon
entities having an interest in these pro- (formerly John Taylor).
Shipments Except Truck, through the HAS Thacker and Thackcr Fleming. to all parties herein and to persons or It is further ordered. That Charles O. County. Missouri, District No. 15, at $1.00
ceedings and eligible to become a party
defendant's sub-sales agent. Southern (ElbridreTThacker). entitieshaving an interest in these pro- Fowler or any other officer or officers of per net ton f. o. b. the mine, to the City
herein. Any person desiring to be ad- 1263 Tbompeon, Anthony . ... Thompson.
Coal Company, Memphis, Tennessee, Elkhorn Coal Co BoldmanNo. 8E. ceedings and eligible to become a party the Bituminous Coal Division designated Macon. Missouri;
mitted as a party to this proceeding may 62 rtllitie*
White's Elkhorn Coal Co Wade RatUfl.
during the period October 3. 1940, to
file a petition of intervention in accord-
Wright. F. A. (Wright Bevins No. 1 A 2.
herrtn. Any person desiring to be ad- by the Director thereof for that purpose Whereas the effective minimum price
February 10. 1941. both dates inclusive, Coal Co.). mitted as a party to this proceeding may shall preside at the hearing in such mat- for said ly*" x Vi" screen sized coal,
ance with the rules and regulations of Janney.
to the Cascade Laundry and Cleaning 1247 Rorkhnusc Elkhorn Coal file a petition of intervention in accord- ter. The officer so designated to preside which is classified as Size Group No. 12.
the Bituminous Coal Division for pro- Co.
Company. Omaha. Nebraska, approxi- ceedings instituted pursuant to section 2936 Belcher, Elmer (formerly Belcher. ance with the rules and regulations of at such hearing is hereby authorized to was $1.70 per ton f. o. b. the mine, as
mately 1087.65 tons of IVi" X washed Bart Belcher). the Bituminous Coal Division for pro- conduct said hearing, to administer oaths
screenings, produced by said code mem-
4 n (d) of the Act. setting forth the facts 1341 Epling. Isaac Country Bank set forth in the Schedule of Effective

on the basis of which the relief in the Epling ceedings instituted pursuant to section and affirmations, examine witnesses, Minimum Prices, for District No. 15. for
ber at its Alston Mine, Mine Index No. 5. original petition is supported or opposed
4 n(d) of the Act. setting forth the subpoena witnesses, compel their at- Truck Shipments, which transactions re-
located in District No. 15 at a price of
or on the basis of which other relief is FOR ALL SHIPMENTS EXCEPT TRUCK facts on the basis of which the relief in tendance, take evidence, require the sulted in sales of coal at a price which is
$1.55 per net ton f. o. b. said mine, where- sought. Such petitions of intervention
the original petition is supported or production of any books, papers, cor- seventy cents per net ton below the
as the effective minimum price estab- shall be filed with the Bituminous Coal 896 Johnson, F. M. (Famous Brafford. opposed or on the basis of which other respondence, memoranda or other Tec- effective minimum price established
Elkhorn Coal Co.).
lished for such coal for commercial use Division on or before September 24. 1941. Rorkhouse Elkhorn Coal Janney.
relief is sought. Such petitions of inter- ords deemed relevant or material to the therefor by the Division.
f. 0. b. said mine was $1.80 per net ton Co. vention shall be filed with the Bitumi- inquiry, to continue said hearing from Dated: September 1941.
All persons are hereby notified that the 538 Stewart Elkhorn Coal Co. Stewart No. L
as contained in said schedule, hence said nous Coal Division on or before Septem- time to time, and to such places as he
hearing in the above-entitled matter and 2481 Stewart, D. M. (formerly Harless Crk. IssALl H. A. Gray.
sales price being 25 cents per net ton Stewart A Miller) (D. ber 24. 1941. may direct by announcement at said
any orders entered therein, may concern, M. Stewart). Director.
1. o. b. said mine below the effective min- Allpersons are hereby notified that hearing or any adjourned hearing or by
In addition to the matters specifically 387 Shelby Steam Coal Co., Ratlitr.
[P. R. Doc. 41-6605: Piled.
imum price established for coal for do- alleged in the petition, other matters
Inc. the hearing in the above-entitled matter subsequent notice, and to prepare and September 8, 1941;
3020 Belcher, Elmer (formerly B^ber. 10:14 a. m.l
mestic and commercial use as provided necessarily incidental and related there- Bart Belcher). and any orders entered therein, may submit to the Director proposed findings
for in said schedule. of fact and conclusions and the recom-
to, which may be raised by amendment concern, in addition to the matters spe-
Dated: September 2. 1941.
to the petition, petitions of interveners or cifically alleged in the petition, other mendation of an appropriate order in the
Dated: September 2. 1941.
[Docket No. 1658-PDI
(SBALl H. A. Orat, otherwise, or which may be necessary H. A. Gray,
matters necessarily incidental and re- premises, and to perform all other duties
Director. corollaries to the relief, if any. granted lated thereto, which may be raised by in connection therewith authorized by In the Matter of Nelson L. Gould. Do-
IP. R. Doc. 41-6602; Piled. September 3, 1941; on the basis of this petition. amendment to the petition, petitions of law. ing Business as Gould Sales Company.
10:13 a. m.| IF. R. Doc. 41-«603; Piled. September 3, 1941;
interveners or otherwise, or which may Registered Distributor, Registration
The matter concerned herewith is In Notice of such hearing is hereby given
10:14 a. m.)
regard to the petition of District No. 8 be necessary corollaries to the relief, if to said defendant and to all other parties No. 3634, Respondent

(Docket No. A-091] for the revision of the effective minimum any. granted on the basis of this petition. herein and to all persons and entities notice of and order for hearing
prices for Uie following mines: The matter concerned herewith is in having an interest in such proceeding.
PmriON OF District Board No. 8 Re- (Docket No. A-»e31 1. The Bituminous Coal Division finds
regard to the petition of District Board Any person or entity eligible under Sec-
QUESTUfC RXVISION OF THE EIFFECTIVK FOR shipment by TRUCK Petition of District Board No. 8 Rt- No. 8 for revision of the effective mini- tion 301.123 of the Rules and Regulations itnecessary, in the proper administration
MiNixTTM Pkicxs Established for the QUESTING RiVISION OF THE EFFECTn* mum prices for the Pilot Mountain Mine Governing Practice and Procedure Be- of the Bitiuninous Coal Act of 1937 (the
Coals Produced at Certain Mines in Bo MiNiMTTii Prices Established for thk <Mine Index No. 1911) of the Pilot fore the Bituminous Coal Division in "Act") to determine

Codr number
Pike County. Kentucky, in the Bio H K Coals of the Pilot Mountain Mink Mountain Coal Company, Inc., for ship- Proceedings Instituted Pursuant to sec- (a) whether or not Nelson L. Gould,
Sandy-Elkhorn Subdistrict in Dis- (Mine Index No. 1911) of the Pilot ment by truck, from: tions 4 n (j) and 5 (b) of the Bitumi- doing business as Gould Sales Company,
Mountain Coal Company, Inc. in Dis-
trict No. 8
notice of and order for hxarinc
A pursuant to the Bituminous

Baker, John
A MuHtos Coal

Barrowman, David (Spen-


trict No. 8 FOR Shipment by Truck



230 305 210 185 196 135 130
nous Coal Act of 1937, may file a peti-
tion for Intervention not later than five
(5) days before the date herein set for
Registered Distributor, Registration No.
3634, the respondent in the above-en-
titled matter, whose address is 6334 S.
Coal Act of 1937. having been duly filed cer Gap Coal Co.). hearing on the complaint. Rosebury Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri, has
1233 BartW-y, W. M Bart ley- A pursuant to the Bituminous
with this Division by the above-named 123o B4>ntk'y, UarrisoD B«Dtle7.
Butler, CJeve Butler. Coal Act of 1937. having been duly filed
party: 1340
4572 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 4, 1941

violated any provisions of the Act, the shall preside at the hearing in such mat- day, at a hearing room of the Bituminous
Marketing Rules and Regulations, the ter. The so designated to preside
officer Coal Division, 734 Fifteenth Street NW.,
Rules and Regulations for Registration of at such hearing is hereby authorized to Washington, D. C. On such day the Chief
Distributors, and the Distributor's Agree- conduct said hearing, to administer oaths of the Records Section in room 502 will
ment (the "Agreement") executed May and affirmations, examine witnesses, sub- advise as to the room where such hearing
17, 1939 and amended September 21, 1939, poena witnesses, compel their attendance, will be held.
by the respondent, pursuant to Section take evidence, require the production of It is further ordered, That Scott A.
4 n (h) of the Act and subject to the any books, papers, correspondence, mem- Dahlquist or any other officer or officers
Order of the National Bituminous Coal oranda or other records deemed rele- of the Division duly designated for that
Commission dated March 24. 1939. in vant or material to the inquiry, to con- purixwe shall preside at the hearing in
General Docket No. 12, which was tinue said hearing from time to time, and such matter. The officers so designated
adopted as an Order of the Bituminous to such places as he may direct by an- to preside at such hearing are hereby
Coal Division on July 1. 1939, or any or- nouncement at said hearing or any ad- authorized to conduct said hearing, to
ders or regulations of the Division; and journed hearing or by subsequent notice, administer oaths and affirmations, ex-
(b) whether or not the registration and to prepare and submit to the Direc- amine witnesses, subpoena witnesses,
of said distributor should be revoked or tor proposed findings of fact and conclu- cwnpel their attendance, take evidence.
suspended or other appropriate penalties sions and the recommen(iation of an require the production of any books, pa-
should be Imposed; appropriate order in the premises, and pers, correspondence, memoranda, or
to perform all other duties in connection other records deemed relevant or mate-
and for said purposes gives notice that in-
therewith authorized by law. rial to the Inquiry, to continue said hear-
formation in possession of the Division is
Notice of such hearing is hereby given ing from time to time, and to prepare
to the effect that:
to said respondent, and to all other and submit to the Director proposed find-
2. During the period from October 1, parties herein and to all persons and en- ings of fact and conclusions and the rec-
1940 to May 13, 1941. both dates inclusive, tities having an interest in such pro- ommendation of an appropriate order in
the respondent purchased various sizes of ceeding. the premises, and to perform all other
coal in substantial quantities, and se- Notice is hereby given that answer to duties in connection therewith author-
cured, accepted, and retained distribu- charges contained herein must be filed ized by law.
tor's discounts thereon from code mem- with the Bituminous Coal Division at its Notice of such hearing is hereby given
ber producers, which coal he resold to Washington Office or with any one of the to all parties herein and to persons or
the Seidel Coal and Coke Company, a field offices of the Division, within twenty entities having an interest In these pro-
retailer, under whose control, financially (20) days after date of service thereof ceedings and eligible to become a party
or otherwise, said respondent was, in on the respondent; and that any re- herein. Any person desiring to be ad-
violation of paragraph (d) of the Agree- spondent failing to file an answer within mitted as a party to this proceeding may
ment, and § 304.19 (c) of the Rules and such period, unless the Director or the filea petition of intervention in accord-
Regulations for Registration of Dis- presiding officer shall otherwise order, ance with the rules and regulations of
tributors. shall be deemed to have admitted said the Bituminous Coal Division for pro-
3. The
transactions referred to in par- charges and to have consented to the ceedings Instituted pursuant to section 4
agraph 2 hereof rendered no service of entry of an appropriate order on the basis U id) o( the Act, setting forth the facts
value to said code member vendors, the of the facts alleged. on the basis of which the relief in the
resales to the Seidel Coal and Coke Com- All persons are hereby notified that the original petition is supported or opposed
pany having been entered Into ja'imarlly hearing in the above-entitled matter and or on the basis of which other relief is
for the purpose of unjustly enriching orders entered therein may concern, in sought. Such petitions of intervention
the respondent and the acceptance of addition, to the matters specifically al- shall be filed with the Bituminous Coal
such discounts as a distributor was in leged herein, other matters Incidental Division on or before September 24, 1941.
violation of paragraph (g) of the Agree- and related thereto, whether raised by All persons are hereby notified that the
ment. amendment, petition for intervention, or hearing in the above-entitled matter and
4. The respondent. In his application otherwise, and all persons are cautioned any orders entered therein, may concern,
for registration with the Bituminous to be guided accordingly. in addition to the matters specifically
Coal Division as a distributor of bitumi- Dated: September 2, 1941.
alleged in the petition, other matters nec-
nous coal dated May 17, 1939 and [SBALl H. A. GlAT. and related thereto,
essarily Incidental
amended September 21. 1939. as described Director. which may be raised by amendment to
In pctfagraph 1 hereof, failed to state as the petition, petitions of interveners or
IP. R. Doc. 41-6606: FUed. September 3, 1941;
required on pages 5 and 6 thereof, the. 10:14 a. m] otherwise, or which may be necessary
financial relations with the Seidel Coal corollaries to the relief, if any, granted
and Coke Company, and the failure to on the basis of this petition.
state that material fact was in violation The matter concerned herewith Is in
of paragraph (f) of the Distributor's (Docket No. A-1009]
regard to the petition of District Beard
Agreement and contrary to S 304.11 (c) PrrrnoN or District Board No. 8 Ri- No. 8 for revision of the effective mini-
(6) of the Rules and Regulations for QXJMSmtG RIVISIOH OF THX EFFECTIVE mum prices for shipment by truck of the
Registration of Distributors. MiNiMTTM Prices Established for the coals produced at the following mines in
It is. therefore, ordered. That a hearing Coals of Certain Minis in Bell Bell County, Kentucky, Southern Appa-
pursuant to § 304.14 of the Rules and CouHTT. Kentucky, Southern Appa- lachian Subdistrict, in District No. 8:
Regulations for the Registration of Dis- lachian SUBDISTRICT IN DISTRICT NO. 8,
tributors, to determine whether the reg- FOR Shipment by Truck
istration of said distributor should be NOTICE OF and ORDER FOR BXARINQ
revoked or suspended, or other appropri-
ate penalties be imposed, be held on A petition, pursuant to the Bltumlnoas
October 9, 1941, at 10 a. m. at a hearing Coal Act of 1937, having been duly filed
room of the Bituminous Coal Division at with this Division by the above-named
Room 516. U. S. District Court Building, party;
St. Louis. Missouri. It is ordered. That a hearing In the
It is further ordered, That W.A. Ship- above-entitled matter under the appli-
man or any other officer or officers of the cable provisions of said Act and the rules
Bituminous Coal Division designated by of the Division be held on September 29,
the Director thereof for that purpose 1941, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that

FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 4, 1941 4573

the Bitiuninous Chief of the Records Section in room
nth Street NW., 502 win advise as to the room wnere such
ch day the Chit- Code member Mine
si hearing will be held.
n room 502 will 2'
It is further ordered. That Scott A.
jre such hearing
EUtMn, Robert
Dahlqulst or any other officer or officers
IMS Ellison.
nardJD, Oeorge B ,
Hardin. of the Division duly designated for that
That Scott A. wa Ueoson.T. J Red Bird. purpose shall preside at the hearing In
1517 Uickman, Fr^ (Davis Davis Branch.
ifBcer or officers Branch Coal Co.). such matter. The officers so designated
gnated (or that 4010 Lee
Iltxlge, Hodge. to preside at such hearing are hereby au-
8047 Minton, O. Neal (for- IMilitary.
the hearing in merly Holt A
noustoD). jMlntoQ. thorized to conduct said hearing, to ad-
rs so designated 1M6 Hurst, Riley (formerly C. Taylor. minister oaths and affirmations, examine
E. Taylor).
ing are hereby 1921) Ingram, John Ingram. witnesses, subpoena witnesses, compel
Aid hearing, to 4(K6 Knuckles, J. C Overlook. their attendance, take evidence, require
1S24 Lane & Owens (Helln Lane it Owens.
fflrmations. ex- Lane). the production of any books, papers, cor-
sena witnesses, 4011 Mafwn Coal Company Mason. respondence, memoranda, or other rec-
(Hay Wilson).
take evidence,
1J32 Masaey, Hal Massey. ords deemed relevant or material to the
fany books, pa- MA4 Miracle, L. D Miracle. inquiry, to continue said hearing from
35.M Moore, Dewey Moore.
memoranda, or l.VW Moyers, T T. Moyers. time to time, and to prepare and submit
levant or mate- 672 New Hope Mininc Co. Creech. to the Director proposed findings of fact
(B. F. Allen).
itlnue said hear- 2732 Patterson & Mills (Tom Patterson A Mllb. and conclusions and the recommenda-
and to prepare ratterson). tion of an appropriate order in the prem-
28»S Renner. Hayes (formerly Renner.
)rproposed flnd- Homer Renner). ises, and to perform all other duties In
ons and the rec- 3002 Reese & Yoakum (Milton Reeae & Yoakum. connection therewith authorized by law.
Reese) (formerly Poplar
ropriate order in RidneCoalCo). Notice of such hearing is hereby given
jrform all other 1547 Robertson & Cbumley to all parties herein and to persons or
(E. M. Robertson).
erewlth author- 2733 Sanders-Ellison Coal Com- Sanders-Ellison. entities having an interest in these pro-
pany (formerly Newt. ceedings afid eligible to become a party
; is hereby given 2837 Williamson, Oainos (fori D. T. Neikirk. herein. Any person desiring to be ad-
merly I). T. Neikirk). / Williamson.
d to persons or Slusher. Boyd
mitted as a party to this proceeding may
IIUS Boyd Slusher.
?st in these pro- 4004 Slusher, C. B Britt. file a petition of intervention In accord-
Thomas. Hubert Thomas.- ance with the rules and regulations of
l)ecome a party 1502 Turner A Henson (C. E. Turner A Henson.
siring to be ad- Henson). the Bituminous Coal Division for pro-
proceeding may
11570 Wilder, Ooo. W Wilder. ceedings instituted pursuant to section

1573 Wilson, Paschal Wilson.

ntlon in accord- 4018 Williams, Li«e A Elcinla Elcinia. 4 n (d) of the Act, setting forth the facts
Banks (Li«e Williams). on the basis of which the relief in the
d regulations of 1581 York. Walter York.
Hvision for pro- 1504 Day, Tilford New Matbel. original petition is supported or opposed
1563 Excelsior Mining Com- Excelsior.
jant to section 4 or on the basis of which other relief is
g forth the facts 1526 McUeonte & MoCab« Mac A Mac. sought. Such petitions of intervention
(Lae McOeorKe).
the relief in the New Long shall be filed with the Bituminous Coal
2B8 Ridge Coal Long Ridge.
orted or opposed Company. Division on or before September 24, 1941.
1« Whipple Coab, Inc Whipple.
h other relief is Williams, Henry Kay
All persons are hereby notified that
4067 Red Rooster.
of intervention the hearing in the above-entitled matter
Bituminous Coal and any orders entered therein, may
Dated: September 2, 1941.
ptember 24, 1941. concern, in addition to the matters spe-
IsiAL) H. A. Gray, cifically alleged in the petition, other
notified that the
Director. matters necessarily incidental and re-
titled matter and
R. Doc. 41-««07: PUed. September lated thereto, which may be raised by
!ln, may concern, IF. 3. 1941;
tters specifically
10:1S a. m.] amendment to the petition, petitions of
interveners or otherwise, or which may
;her matters nec-
be necessary corrollarles to the relief, if
related thereto.
[Docket No. A-100«I any. granted on the basis of this petition.
y amendment to
The matter concerned herewith is in
)f Interveners or PirmoN OF District Board No. 8 Re-
regard to the petition of District Board
ay be necessary QUKSTiNc Revision of the Effective
No. 8 for the revision of the effective
if any, granted MiNiMuif Prices Established for the

minimum prices for shipment by truck

tlon. Coals of Certain Mines in Campbell
for the following mines:
d herewith is In County, Tennessee, Southbrh Appa-
)f District Beard lachian Subdistrict in District No. 8
le effective mini- FOR Shipment by Truck
itby truck of the notice OF AND ORDER FOR HKARINO
)llowing mines In i
Southern Appa- A pursuant to the Bituminous
3istrlct No. 8: Coal Act of 1937, having been duly filed
with this Division by the above-named
It is ordered. That a hearing in the

above-entitled matter under the applica-

ble provisions of said Act and the rules
of the Division be held on September 29.
1941, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of that
day, at a hearing room of the Bituminous
Brooko, Jones
Bamett. Coal Division. 734 Fifteenth Street NW..
Cawood Coal Co. Washington. D. C. On such day the
Cannon Creek.
4574 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 4, 1941
to conduct said
the allegations of the complaint herein business in Louisvile, Kentucky, being a corollaries to the relief, if any, granted
and affiri
and to have consented to the entry ol an sales agent for the R. C. Tway Coal Com- on the basis of this petition. subpoena
appropriate order on the basis of the I>any and other producers, filed Its peti- Dated: September 2. 1941.
attendance, take
facts alleged. tion praying: [seal] H. a. Gray, production of an
All persons are hereby notified that the 1. That the Division determine that Director. spondence, memc
hearing in the above-entitled matter and the relationship between the R. C. Tway deemed relevant
[P. R. Doc. 41-«610; Piled. September 3, 1941;
orders entered therein may concern, in Coal Sales Company and the B and S 10:15 a. m.l quiry, to continue
addition to the matters specifically al- Stoker Company is bona fide, is not es- to time, and to pr
leged in the complaint herein, other mat- tablished to secure an indirect price re- Director proposei
ters Incidental and related thereto, duction, and is not within the prohibi- [Docket No. 1863 FD] conclusions and 1

whether raised by amendment of the tions of Paragraphs 11 and 12 of Section an appropriate (

complaint, petition for intervention, or In the Matter of the Application or

otherwise, and all persons are cautioned
4 n (i) of the Act.
R. C. Tway Coal Sales Company for and to perform i
2. That the R. C. Tway Coal Sales nection therewith
to be guided accordingly.
Permission to Receive Sales Agent's
Company be permitted to receive Notice of such
sales Commissions on Coal Sold to the
The matter concerned herewith In is
to such petitioner
agent's commissions on coal sold by it James Coal Company
regard to the complaint filed by said son who may ha
to the B and S Stoker Company for the
complainant, alleging willful violation by notice of and order for hearing proceeding. Any
account of R. C. Tway Coal Compcmy and
the above-named defendant of the Bitu- heard at such he:
other producers. The R. C. Tway Coal Sales Company,
minous Coal Code or rules and regtila- organized under the laws to that effect wit
a corporation
tlons thereimder as follows: The petition alleges, among other Division on or b
of Kentucky with its principal place of
(a)That the defendant, during the
things, that the R. C
Tway Coal Sales business in Louisville, Kentucky, acting setting forth the

period from November 1940 through Feb-

Company owns 91% of the outstanding interest and a cc
as sales agent for the R. C. Tway Coal
stock of the B and S Stoker Company. matter or mattei
ruary 1941, sold and delivered in trucks Company and other producers, filed its
owned and controlled by said defendant, It is ordered. That a hearing on such present.
petition praying:
to the Rodefer Glass Company at Bell- matter be held on October 16. 1941, at persons an
10:00 in the forenoon of that day, at That the Division determine that
the hearing in th(
aire, Ohio, approximately^ 1,085 net tons
%" a hearing room of the Bituminous Coal the ownership and control of the James and any orders en
of mine run coal crushed to slack.
Division, 734 15th Street NW., Washing- Coal Company, a retail dealer, by the cern, in addition
Size Group No. 8. produced at said de-
ton, D. C. On such day, the Chief of R. C. Tway Coal Company and the rela- alleged in tl
fendant's Bickmeier Mine, Mine Index cally
the Records Section in Room 502 will tionship between the said James Coal necessarily
No. 507, located in Belmont County. ters i

advise as to the room where such hearing Company and the R. C. Tway Coal Sales thereto, which mi
Ohio. District No. 4. at a delivered price
will be held. Company are bona fide, are not estab- ment to the petit
of $1.50 per net ton, whereas the effective
lished to secure indirect price reductions veners. or otherv
minimum f.-o. b. mine price for said It is further ordered. That Joseph A.
and are not within the prohibition.s of
coal at the time of said transactions was Huston or any other oflBcer or officers of necessary corollar
section 4, Part II (1) of the Act, and Rule granted on the ba
$1.90 per net ton as set forth In the the Bituminous Coal Division designated
Schedule of Effective Minimum Prices by the Director thereof for that purpose
10. section n
of the Marketing Rules and Dated: Septeml
for District No. 4. for Truck Shipments. shall preside at the hearing in such mat- [seal]
2. That the R. C. Tway Coal Sales
(b) That the defendant failed to add ter. The officers so designated to pre-
Company be permitted to receive sales
to the effective minimum price f o. b. the
. side at such hearing are hereby author-
ized to conduct said hearing, to admin- agent's commissions on coal sold to the IP R Doc. 41-6611;
mine for the coal sold as indicated in
ister oaths and affirmations, examine
James Coal Company for the R. C. Tway 10:
(a) above, an amount not less than the
actual charge for or cost of transporta- witnesses, subpoena witnesses, compel Coal Company and other companies.
tion from the transportation facilities their attendance, take evidence, require The petition alleges, among other
at the mine to the point from which the production of any books, papers, cor- things, that the James Coal Company is [Docket

such charges were assumed and directly respondence, memoranda, or other rec- wholly owned by the R. C. Tway Coal In the Matter c
paid by the purchaser, a distance of ap- ords deemed relevant or material to the Company; that the majority of the stock Upper Buchanai
inquiry, to continue said hearing from in the R. C. Tway Coal Company is corporated. for
proximately five miles, as required by
time to time, and to prepare and submit owned by R. C. Tway. R. C. Tway, Jr. and AS A MaRKETINC
Price Instruction No. 6 contained in Sup-
to the Director proposed findings of fact W. T. Tway; that the majority of the 1 THE Renew/I
plement No. 2 to Schedule of Effective ( )

and conclusions and the recommenda- stock in the R. C. Tway Coal Sales Com- INC Applicant P
Minimum Prices for District No. 4, for tion of an appropriate order in the prem- pany is owned by Estelle B. Tway. R C. a Marketing i
Truck Shipments, which price instruc- ises, and to perform all other duties in Tway. R. C. Tway. Jr., and W. T. Tway; Modification ai
tion was promulgated pursuant to sec- connection therewith authorized by law. that three of the four directors of the Order Granting
tion 4 n
(g) of the Act and Part (g) n i<fotice of such hearing is hereby given James Coal Company are directors of the SIGNAL Approval
of the Code. to such petitioners to any other per-
and R. C. Tway Coal Sales Company: and
that three of the officers of the James ORDER TO show
Dated: September 2, 1941. son who may have an interest in such
Coal Company are officers of the R. C. h
[seal] H. a. Gray, proceeding. Any person desiring to be
J^" Director. heard at such hearing shall file a notice Tway Coal Sales Company. Applicant, Uppe
to that effect with the Bituminous Coal It is ordered. That a hearing on such Coals.Incorporate
[P. R. Doc. 41-0609: Piled. September 3, 1941; Division on or before October 13, 1941, matter be held on October 16, 1941. at plication with thi
10:15 a. m.)
setting forth therein the nature of his 10:00 in the forenoon of that day. at a Coal Commission
interestand a concise statement of the hearing room of the Bituminous Coal luminous Coal Di\
matter or matters which he Intends to Division, 734 15th Street NW.. Wash- visionalapproval
(Docket No. 1866-FD| ington. D. C. On such day, the Chief of pursuant to Orde
In the Matter or the Application of the Records Section in Room 502 will ad- National Bituminc
hereby notified that the
All persons are
R. C. TwAY Coal Sales Company To vise as to the room where such hearing June 21, 1937; an
hearing in the above-entitled matter and The Bituminous
Receive Sales Agent's Cobcmissions on will be held.
any orders entered therein may concern, da
of the Director,
Coal Solo to the B and S Stoker It is further ordered. That Joseph A-
in addition to the matters specifically al- having granted
Company Huston or any other officer or officers of t
leged in the petition, other matters nec- the Bituminous Coal Division designated Upper Buchanan
notice or AND ORDER FOR HEARING essarily Incidental and related thereto, corporated, for pr
by the Director thereof for that purpose
The R. C. Tway Coal Sales Company, which may be raised by amendment to shall preside at the hearing in such mat- marketing agency
a corporation organized imder the laws the petition, petitions of interveners, or ter. The officers so designated to preside date of said Order
of Kentucky, with its principal place of otherwise, or which may be necessary at such hearing are hereby authorized
FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 4, 1941 4575

to conduct said hearing, to administer subject to renewal upon awlication Buchanan Smokeless Coals, Incorpo-
oaths and affirmations, examine wit- therefor; and rated, for renewal of an order of the
nesses, subpoena witnesses, compel their Applicant having on August 5, 1941, Director of the Bituminous Coal Divi-
attendance, take evidence, require the filed an application for renewal of said sion dated September 20, 1939. granting
production of any books, papers, corre- Order granting it provisional approval as provisional approval to Upper Buchanan
spondence, memoranda, or other records a marketing agency; and Smokeless Coals. Incorporated; (2) the
deemed relevant or material to the in- It appearing necessary and reasonable modification and amendment of said or-
quiry, to continue said hearing from time in order to make a proper determination der to incorporate therein the provisions
to time, and to prepare and submit to the upon said application for renewal of the contained in Exhibit "A" attached
Director proposed findings of fact and Order granting Applicant provisional ap- hereto or provisions substantially similar
63 PDl conclusions and the recommendation of proval as a marketing agency and in thereto.
Application or an appropriate order in the premises, order to protect the public interest and Dated: August 20, 1941.
IS Company for and to perform all other duties In con- generally to comply with the provisions
[SEAL] H. A. Gray.
nection therewith authorized by law. of the Bituminous Coal Act of 1937, par-
E Salis Agknt's Director.
Notice of such hearing Is hereby given ticularly the provisions of Section 12
JL Solo to thi
to such petitioners and to any other per- thereof, and to effectuate the purposes (F. R. Doc. 41-«612; Filed, September 3, 1941;
son who may have an interest in such thereof, that Applicant be required to 10:16 a. m.j \
rOR HZARING proceeding. Any person desiring to be show in detail its activities as a market-
Sales Company, heard at such hearing shall file a notice ing agency since the date of the order
under the laws to that effect with the Bituminous Coal granting its provisional approval.
[Docket No. 1765-FDl
rincipal place of Division on or before October 13, 1941, And it appearing necessary and rea-
setting forth therein the nature of his In the Matter of Log Creek Coal Com-
Kentucky, acting sonable that the aforementioned order
interest and a concise statement of the pany, A Partnership, E>efendant
R. C. Tway Coal granting Applicant provisional approval
oducers, filed its matter or matters which he intends to as a marketing agency should, if re- ORDER POSTPONING HEARING
present. newed, be modified and amended, as
persons are hereby notified that
Hearing in this matter having been
hereinafter described, in order to pro-
determine that the hearing in the above-entitled matter
scheduled for September 3, 1941, at 10
tect the public interest and generally to
rol of the James a. m. at a hearing room of the Bitu-
and any orders entered therein may con- comply with the provisions of the Bitu-
1 dealer, by the cern, in addition to the matters specifi-
minous Coal Division at the Commission-
minous Coal Act of 1937, particularly the ers' Court Room, County Court House,
,ny and the rela-
cally alleged in the petition, other mat- provisions of section 12 thereof, and to
>aid James Coal ters necessarily incidental and related
EvansviUe, Indiana, before Charles S.
effectuate the provisions thereof:
Tway Coal Sales thereto, which may be raised by amend-
Mitchell as Trial Examiner; and
It is therefore ordered, Pursuant to
;, are not estab- ment to the petition, petitions of inter- It appearing to the Director that It is
authority granted in the Act, particularly
; price reductions veners, or otherwise, or which may be advisable to postpone said hearing to a
Section 12 thereof, that Applicant be and
; prohibitions of necessary corollaries to the relief, if any, later date;
Is hereby required to show in detail its
Lhe Act, and Rule granted on the basis of this petition. It is hereby ordered. That the hearing
method of operation and activities as a
'keting Rules and Dated: September 2, 1941. In the above matter be and the same is
marketing agency since the date of order
[SEAL] H. A. Grat, granting it provisional approval; and hereby postponed to September 22, 1941.
rway Coal Sales at the same time and place and before
Director. It is further ordered, That Applicant
to receive sales the same Examiner.
be and la hereby required to show cause
coal sold to the IP R Doc. 41-8611; Filed. September 3. 1941;
10:16 a. m.l why said order granting it provisional Dated: September 2, 1941.
)r the R. C. Tway .

approval as a marketing agency, if re- fsEALl H. A. Gray.

;r companies.
newed, should not
be modified and Director.
s. among other amended so as to incorporate therein
Docket No. eea-FD] [P. B. Doc. 41-6613; Filed, September
Coal Comi>any is t
the provisions set out in Exhibit "A"' 3. 1941;
R. C. Tway Coal In the Matter of the Appucation of attached hereto or provisions substan-
10:16 a. ml
ority of the stock Upper Buchanan Smokeless Coals. In- tially similar thereto.
}oal Company Is corporated. FOR Provisional Approval It is further ordered. That a hearing
. C. Tway, Jr. and AS A Marketing Agency; and in re: for said purposes be held before Joseph [Docket No. 1761-PD[
majority of the 1 (THE Renewal of the Order Grant-
) D. Dermody. or any other officer or offi-
In THE Matter of Allen Payton,
Coal Sales Com- ing Applicant Provisional Approval as cers of the Division duly designated to
B. Tway. R Defendant
le C. A Marketing Agency; and (2) the preside at such hearing, on October 21,
and W. T. Tway; Modification and Amendment of the 1941. at 10 a. m. at a hearing room of the order postponing hearing
directors of the Order Granting the Applicant Provi- Division, 734 15th Street NW., Washing-
Hearing in this matter having been
re directors of the sional Approval as a Marketing Agency ton, D. C. On said day, the Chief of the
Company: and scheduled for September 3, 1941, at 10
s Records Section in Room 502 will advise
ers of the James
order to show cause and notice of a. m. at a hearing room of the Bitumi-
as to the room where the hearing will
cers of the R. C.
RKARINC nous Coal Division at the Commissioners*
be held.
>any. Applicant, Upper Buchanan Smokeless Court Room, County Court House. Evans-
Notice of said hearing is given to ap-
viUe, Indiana, before Charles S. Mitchell
I hearing on such Coals. Incorporated, having filed an ap- plicant and to all other persons who may
plication with the National Bituminous as Trial Examiner; and
tober 16, 1941. at have an Interest in the subject matter
Coal Commission (predecessor of the Bi- It appearing to the Director that it is
of that day, at a of the proceeding. =Any person other
tuminous Coal Division), requesting pro- advisable to postpone said hearing to a
Bituminous Coal than Applicant desiring to be heard at
later date;
•eet NW., Wash- visional approval as a marketing agency said hearing shall file a notice to that
It is hereby ordered, That the hear-
day, the Chief of pursuant to Order No. 6 issued by said effect with the Bituminous Coal Division,
ing in the above matter be and the same
Room 502 will ad- National Bituminous Coal Commission on 734 15th Street NW., Washington, D. C..'
is hereby postponed to September 20,
lere such hearing June 21, 1937; and on or before October 17, 1941, setting
The Bituminous Coal Division by Order 1941, at the same time and place and be-
forth therein the nature of his interest
fore the same Examiner.
I. That Joseph A- dated September 20, 1939,
of the Director,
and a concise statement of the matter or
having granted the application of the Dated: September 2, 1941.
BQcer or officers of matters which he intends to present.
Ivlsion designated Upper Buchanan Smokeless Coals, In- The matter concerned herewith is in fsEAL] H. A. Gray.
f for that purpose corporated, for provisional approval as a regard to: (1) the application of Upper Director.
iring in such mat- marketing agency for one year from the
[F. R. Doc. 41-6614; Filed. September 8. 1941:
ilgnated to preside date of said Order of September 20, 1939, Filed with the original document.
10:17 a. m.]
lereby authorized No. 173 4
4576 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 4, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 4, 1941 4577
[Docket No. 1703-PD) der, shall be deem^ to have admitted (Docket No. 1588-PT)I It is further ordered. That the defend- tion with the Bituminous Coal Division. U.S.C. 315f as necessary and suitable for

the allegations of the complaint herein, In the Matter or Taylor-Enclish Coia ant, during such period of suspension, Department of the Interior. 734 15th the purpose are hereby withdrawn under
Im the Matter of Benchley it Vermil- continue fully to observe, abide by,
as amended, and to have consented to Company, Registered Distrietttor, shall Street, N. W., Washington, D. C, on or and pursuant to the provisions of section
lion Coal Cobcpany, Detewdant
the entry of an appropriate order on the Registration No. 8937, Defendant and remain In respects subject to all
all before September 9, 1941; and In all 10 of the act of December 29. 1916. as
AJfENDMENT TO NOTICE OT AlfD OKOBR FOR basis of the facts alleged. pertinent and applicable provisions
of other respects the Notice of and Order amended by the act of January 29. 1929.
HEARING order suspending distributor s the (1) Bituminous Coal Act of 1937; (2) for Hearing in this matter dated August
All persons are hereby notified that the 39 Stat. 865. 45 Stat. 1144. 43 U.S.C. 300.
registration the Bituminous Coal Code; (3) the Mar-
hearing in the above entitled matter and 13, 1941, shall remain in effect. excepting any mineral deposits therein,
A complaint dated Jvme 2, 1941, pursu- The Bituminous Coal Division keting Rules and Regulations; (4) Rules Dated: September 2, 1941.
orders entered therein may concern, in having
ant to the provisions of sections 4 n(j)
addition to the matters specifically al- on Its own motion, pursuant to section and Regulations for the Registration of
from all disposal under the public land
and 5 (b) of the Bituminous Coal Act of fsiAL] H. A. Gray, laws, subject to vahd existing rights:
1937. having been duly filed on June 11.
leged in the complaint herein, as 4 n (h) of the Bituminous Coal Act of Distributors; (5) the Distributor's
Director. Sixth PRiNcn>AL Meridian
amended, other matters Incidental and 1937. and § 304.14 of the Rules and Regu- Agreement; and (6) all Orders of the
1941. and an amended complaint dated W,
related thereto, whether raised by lations Governing Distributors, instituted Division. pp. R. Etoc. 41-6617; Piled, September 3, 1941; T. 3 S.. R. 93 sec. 32. SEViNEVi, NE^
August 13. 1941, pursuant to the provi-
amendment of the complaint, petition an Investigation to determine whether Dated: September 2. 1941. 10:17 a. ml SEI4, and SViSEy^. 160 acres.
sions of sections 4 n (j) and 5 (b) of the
for intervention, or otherwise, and all there has been any violation of the re- [seal] H. A. Gray. Any mineral deposits in the lands shall
Bituminous Coal Act of 1937, having been be subject to location and entry only in
persons are cautioned to be guided ac- quirements of the Act. or Division Orders Director.
duly filed on August 25. 1941 by the Bi- General Land Office:~ the manner prescribed by the Secretary
cordingly. or its Marketing Rules and Regulations,
tuminous Coal Producers Board for Dis- |F. R. Doc. 41-6616: Piled. September 3, 1941;
of the Interior in accordance with the
The matter concerned herewith is In or terms of the "Agreement by Regi-stered 10:17 Air Navigation Site Withdrawal No.
trict No. 4, a district board, complainant, a. m.J
regard to the amended complaint filed Distributors:" 161; Transfers of
provisions of the aforesaid act of Jan-
with the Bituminous Coal Division alleg- Lands and Boildincs
by said complainant, alleging wilful vio- An Investigation having been made and to Bureau of Education Rescinded uary 29, 1929. and existing regulations.
ing wilful violation by the defendant of
the Bituminous Coal Code or rules and lation by the above-named defendant of Examiner designated for hearing pursu- (Docket No. A-983| Oscar L. Chapman,
ant to an Order of the Director dated ALASKA
regulations thereunder; the Bituminous Coal Code or rules and Assistant Secretary of the Interior.
March 8. 1941; Ih the Matter of the Petition of the It is ordered, under and pursuant to
It is ordered. That a hearing in respect
regulations thereunder as follows: That August 25. 1941.
A hearing having been held May 19, BrruMiNous Coal Consumers' Counsel the provisions of section 4 of the act of
to the subject matter of such complaint. the defendant, between January 1 and
for the Establishment of Maximum P. R. Doc. 41-6690; PUed. September
as amended, be held on October 2. 1941, February 28, 1941, both dates Inclusive: 1941, at a hearing room of the Division, May 24. 1928. 45 Stat. 729. 49 US.C. 214. I

9:32 a. m.|
3. 1941;
Prices for All Coals
at 10 a. m. at a hearing room of the Bi- (a) sold approximately 2,807 tons of 2" Danville, Illinois, pursuant to an Order that the public lands near Tanana.
nut and slack coal produced at Its Bench- of the Director, dated March 8. 1941. at order extelfding time for filing peti- Alaska, lying within the following-de-
tuminous Coal Division at Post Office
Building. Canton. Ohio. ley k Vermillion Mine (Mine Index No. which appearances were entered for the tions of intervention scribed boundaries be, and they are here- Stock E>riveway Withdrawal No. 265.
1629) located in Stark County, Ohio, Dis- defendant; all Interested parties having by, withdrawn from all forms of appro- Wyoming No. 47
It is further ordered. That W. A. Cuff A Notice Of and Order for Hearing
trict No. 4, to the Akron Coal Company. been afforded an opportunity to l)e pres- priation under the public-land laws,
or any other officer or officers of the Bi- having been issu?d in this matter on The following described public lands
a registered distributor, for delivery In ent, adduce evidence, cross-examine wit- subject to valid existing rights, for the
tuminous Coal Division designated by the August 13. 1941. providing in part that are hereby classified under the authority
defendant's trucks, to the Ohio Boxboard nesses, and otherwise be heard; use of the Department of Commerce in
Director thereof for that purpose shall any person desiring to be admitted as a of section 7 of the act of June 28. 1934.
Company at Rlttman, Ohio, at a deliv- The parties to this proceeding having the maintenance of air navigation facili-
preside at the hearing in such matter. party to this proceeding shall file a pe- as amended by the act of June 26. 1936,
ered price of $2.30 per ton; (b) sold ap- waived the preparation and filing of an ties, effective upon the transfer of a por-
The officer so designated to preside at tition of intervention with this Division 48 Stat. 1269. 49 Stat. 1976, 43 U5.C.
proximately 1.925 tons of 2" nut and E.xaminer's report, and the proceedings tion thereof to this Department by Ex-
such hearing is hereby authorized to con- on or before September 3. 1941; and 315f, as necessary and suitable for the
slack coal produced at its Seaman Mine having thereupon been submitted to the ecutive order under the act of July 5.
duct said hearing, to administer oaths A motion having been filed by the Bi- purpose and, excepting any mineral de-
(Mine Index No. 2825) located In Stark Director for his determination; 1884. 23 Stat. 103, 43 UJ3.C. 1071:
and affirmations, examine witnesses, sub- tuminous Coal Producers' Board for Dis- posits therein, withdrawn under and pur-
poena witnesses, compel their attend- County. Ohio, District No. 4, to the Akron The undersigned having made Find- Spinning comer No. 1 of the Tanana
at suant to the provisions of section 10 of
trict No. 8 to extend the time for filing
ance, take evidence, require the produc-
Coal Company, a registered distributor, ings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and airways landing field and radio site, located
such petitions of Intervention to and in- the act of December 29, 1916, as amended
for delivery In defendant's trucks to the having rendered an Opinion, which are on the north side of the Yukon River approxi-
tion of any books, papers, correspond- cluding September 8. 1941. alleging in mately 400 feet southwest of the new Indian by the act of January 29, 1929, 39 Sttit.
ence, memoranda or other records Ohio Boxboard Company at Rlttman, filed herewith; Service Hospital and >4 mile west of the 865. 45 Stat. 1144. 43 U.S.C. 300. from all
support thereof that it will be impossible
deemed relevant or material to the in- Ohio, at a delivered price of $2.30 per It is ordered. That the registration of town of Tanana In latitude eS"!!' N.. longi-
for counsel for that Board to set forth disposal under the public land laws, sub-
quiry, to continue said hearing from time
ton; and (c) sold 883 tons of =^" slack the defendant. Taylor-English Coal Com- tude 152^50' W.. from which a U. 8. Coast
Its position in a petition of Intervention and Qeodetic Bench Mark and Magnetic Sta- ject to vaUd existing rights:
coal produced at its Browning Mine pany, as a distributor, is hereby sus-
to time, and to such places as he may until a meeting of the Board on Sep- tion,being a brass plug in a concrete block, Sixth Peincipal Meridian
direct by announcement at said hearing
(Mine Index No. 1320) located In Carroll pended for a period of six months from bears N. 22°irE 443 4 feet.
tember 5. 1941: and .

T. 30 N., R. 119 W., sec. 11, NWV4. 160 acres.

or any adjourned hearing or by subse- County, Ohio. District No. 4, to the Akron the effective date of this Order, without Thence from the point of beginning by
A motion having been filed by the Bi- metes and bounds as follows:
Coal Company for delivery In defend- prejudice to the right of the defendant Any mineral deposits in the lands shall
quent notice, and to prepare and submit
ant's trucks to the Ohio Boxboard Com- to petition for reinstatement at the end
tuminous Coal Producers' Boards for N. 0'4r W
750.0 leet;

be subject to location and entry only in

to the Director proposed findings of fact Districts 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8, 9, 10, n, 12.
N. SQ'lQ' E., 1.300 feet;
and conclusions and the recommenda- pany at Rlttman. Ohio, at a delivered of that period upon satisfaction of the N. 041' W., 600.0 feet: the manner prescribed by the Secretary
and 13 to extend the time for filing such
tion of an appropriate order in the price of $2.30 per ton. The sales and condition hereinafter set forth; and that
petitions of intervention to and includ-
8. 8»°19' W
200.0 feet:
, of the Interior in accordance with the
N. 41' W.. 4,200.0 feet:
premises, and to perform all other duties deliveries of 2" nut and slack coal, for the defendant, its officers, representa- provisions of the aforesaid act of Janu-
ing September 9. 1941. alleging In sup- 8. 89'19' W.. 900.0 feet:
in connection therewith authorized by which the effective minimum price f o. b. . tives, agents, servants, employees and 8. 47°32' W.. 6.303.0 feet; ary 29, 1929, and existing regulations.
port thereof that it has been impossible
law. the mine was $1.90 per ton. and %" attorneys, and all affiliates of the defend-
to acquaint all code members in their
8. 0°4r E.. 580.0 feet; Oscar L. Chapman.
slack coal, for which the effective mini- 8. 80 '58' feet along the bank of
E.. 4.565.4
ant, shall be and are hereby prohibited Assistant Secretary of the Interior.
Notice of such hearing is hereby given respective districts of the importance to the Yukon River to the point of beginning,
to said defendant and toitH other parties
mum price f. o. b. the nune was $1.80 from receiving or accepting any dis- Individual code members of the above comprising approximately 430.96 acres. August 27. 1941.
per ton, at delivered prices of $2.30 per coxmts as registered distributor, either
herein and to all persons and entities proceeding, and that it will be impos- And the transfers of certain lands and |P. R. Doc. 41-6591; Piled, September
ton were at prices less than the effective directly or indirectly, on coal purchased 3, 1941;
having an Interest In such proceeding. sible for all Interested code members to
buildings within the Fort Gibbon Aban- 9:32 a. m.J
Any person or entity eligible under minimum prices for said coal plus by them or any of them during said pe- file intervening petitions in said pro- doned Military Reservation made by the
amounts at least equal to the actual riod of suspension: Provided, houever.
$ 301.123 of the Rules and Regulations ceeding by September 3, 1941; and
transportation charges and other inci- That if defendant shall not have com- letters approved by this Department on
Cioverning Practice and Procedure Be- A motion having been filed by the June 24 and August 19, 1926, are hereby DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE.
dental handling charges from the trans- plied with the provisions of S 304.15 of the
fore the Bituminous Coal Division in American Coal Distributors Association rescinded so far as they affect any of the
portation facilities at the Benchley & Rules and Regulations for the Registra- Surplus Marketing Administration.
Proceedings Instituted Pursuant to sec- to extend the time for filing such peti- above-described lands and any buildings
Vermillion Mine, the Seaman Mine and tion of Distributors within said period of
tions 4 II (j) and 5 (b) of the Bituminous tions of intervention to and including on such lands. Determination by the Secretary of Ag-
the Browning Mine to the point from suspension, said suspension shall con-
Coal Act of 1937. may file a petition for September 6, 1941, alleging in support Harold L. Ickes, riculture, Approved by the President
intervention not later than five (5) days
which all such charges were assumed and tinue in full force and effect until five
thereof that it will be impossible for Secretary of the Interior. OF the United States With Respect
directly paid by the purchaser, as set days after the affidavit required by
before the date herein set for hearing them to set forth their position in a pe- July 2. 1941. TO the Issuance or Amendment No. 1
forth In the Schedule of Effective Mini- § 304.15 shall have been filed with the
on the complaint, as amended. tition of Intervention until a meeting of to the Order, as Amended, Regulating
Notice is hereby given that answer to mum Prices for District No. 4 for Truck Division.
the Executive Committee on Septem- (P. R. Doc. 41-6592: Piled. September 3. 1941; the Handling of Milk in the Chicago,
the complaint, as amended, must be filed Shipments and Price Instruction No. 6, It is further ordered. That as a condi- 9:32 a. m.|
ber 3, 1941; and Illinois, Marketing Area '

as amended, contained in said Schedule, tion to reinstatement as a licensed dis-

with the Bituminous Coal Division at its The Director deeming it appropriate The Secretary of Agriculture of the
Washington Office or with any one of the and were In violation of section 4 II (g) tributor, the defendant refund all dis- that the time for filing petitions of in- United States, pursuant to the powers
statistical bureaus of the Division, within
of the Act. counts improperly received from the pro- Stock Driveway Withdrawal No. 264,
tervention be extended to September 9, conferred upon the Secretary by Public
twenty (20) days after date of service Dated: August 30, 1941. ducers Involved in the transactions giving Colorado No. 27
and good cause having been shown Act No. 10. 73d Congress, as amended and
thereof on the defendant: and that any [seal] Dan H. Wheeler, rise to this proceeding and a statement therefor; The following described public lands as reenacted and amended by the Agri-
defendant falling to file an answer with- Acting Director. concerning such refunds shall be made in Now, therefore, ordered and notice
it is which are hereby classified under the au- cultural Marketing Agreement Act of
in such period, unless the Director or September the affidavit filed in accordance with Is hereby given that any person desiring
IP. R. Doc. 41-6616; Filed, 3, 1941; thority of section 7 of the act of June 28, 1937, issued, effective July 1, 1941, the
the presiding officer shall otherwise or- 10:17 a. m.l § 304.15 of the Distributor's Rules. to be admitted as a party to this pro- 1934. as amended by the act of June 26.
ceeding shaU file a petition of interven- 1936, 48 Stat. 1269, 49 Stat. 1976, 43 ' See "ntle Vn. Chapter IX, supra.
4578 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 4, 1941

order, as amended,* regulating the han- DiTERxnuTioN. Appioved bt the Presi- and the seal of the Department of Agri- Issues by filing a
dling of milk in the Chicago, Illinois, dent or THE United States, with Re- culture. accordance with t
marketing area. spect TO AN Order, as Amended, Regu- Claude R. Wickard, (b) of the Comm
There being reason to believe that the lating THE Handling of Milk in the Secretary of Agriculture. tice and Procedur
Issuance of an amendment to said order, Washington Marketing Area ' the applicant wh
as amended, would tend to effectuate the must file a petiti<
declared policy of the act, notice was The Secretary Agriculture of the
Franklin D Roosevelt, cordance with th^
President of the United States. of the Commissi(
given, on the 30th day of July 1941, of United States, pursuant to the jwwers
a public hearing which was held in Chi- conferred upon him by Public Act No. Dated: August 29. 1941. and Procedure.
cago, Illinois, beginning on the 4th day 10, 73d Congress, as amended and as re- The applicant's
(F R. Doc. 41-6623: Piled. September 3, 1941;
of August 1941. on proposed amendments enacted and amended by the Agricul- 11:22 a. m]
to said order, as amended, and at said tural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937 % Robert G.
time and place all interested parties were (hereinafter called the "act"), Issued on
afforded an opportunity to be heard on January 29, 1940, effective as of Feb-
ruary 1, 1940, an order ' regulating the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COM- Dated at Wash
proposed amendments to said order, as
30. 1941.
amended. handling of milk in the Washington MISSION.
marketing area. By the Commlsi
After such hearing handlers of more (Docket No. 6162]
than fifty (50) percent of the volume of The Under Secretary of Agriculture
milk covered by such order, as amended, of the United States, having reason to
Notice Relative to Tidewater Broad-
and as amended by Amendment No. 1, casting Corp. (New) R Doc. 41-6597:
believe that amendments to the said (P.
which is marketed within the Chicago, order would tend to effectuate the de- Application dated March 11. 1941. for
Illinois, marketing area, refused or failed clared policy of the act, gave, on June construction permit; class of service,
to sign a tentatively approved marketing 16, 1941, notice of a hearing, which was broadcast; class of station,; [Docke
agreement, as amended, upon which a held on June 22, 23, 24. and 25, 1941, in location, Norfolk, Virginia; operating as-
hearing was held, regulating the han- NoncE Relative t
Washington, D. C, and at said times and signment specified: Frequency, 1490 kc;
dling of milk in the same area in the SCHNIBBEN, d/b
place conducted a public hearing at power, 250 w.; hours of operation,
same manner as said order, as so which all Interested parties were afforded unlimited.
Broadcasting C
amended. an opportunity to be heard on the pro- You are hereby notified that the Com- Application dat
The Secretary of Agriculture, pursuant posed amendments to the said order. mission has examined the above-de- construction pern
to the powers conferred upon the Secre- After the said hearing and after the scribed application and has designated broadcast; class <

tary by Public Act No. 10, 73d Congress, tentative approval, on August 25, 1941, the matter for hearing, to be consolidated location, Norfolk,

as amended and as reenacted by the Ag- of a marketing agreement (upon which with applications of R. M. Wallace. G. E. signment specified
ricultural Marketing Agreement Act of a hearing was held) regulating the han- Schnlbben, d b as Norfolk County Broad- power, 250 w.; h<
1937, hereby determines dling of milk in the same marketing area casting Company, Docket No. 6163, and limited.

1. That the refusal or failure of said

and in the same manner as the order, Portsmouth Radio Corporation, Docket You are hereby ;

handlers to sign said tentatively approved p amended as proposed, handlers of more No. 6164, for the following reasons: mission has exai
marketing agreement, as so amended, than fifty (50) percent of the volume of 1. To determine whether the applicant,
scribed applicatioi
tends to prevent the effectuation of the milk covered by such order, amended as the matter for hi
directors and stockholders are
its oflBcers,
declared policy of the act; proposed, which was produced for sale dated with appli
qualified in all respects to construct and
2. That the issuance of propx)sed in the Washington marketing area, re- operate the proposed station.
Broadcasting Cor
Amendment No. 1 to the order, as fused or failed to sign the tentatively 2. To determine the type and character
6162. and Portsm
amended, is the only practical means of the program service which the appli-
tlon. Docket No. e
approved marketing agreement:
pursuant to such policy of advancing the cant may be expected to render if granted reasons:
interests of the producers of milk which
Now, therefore, pursuant to the pro- a permit to construct proposed station. 1. To determine
Is produced for sale in the said area and
visions of the said act, it is hereby de- 3. To determine whether the proposed
: cants are qualified
3. That the issuance of proposed termined that: station would provide interference-free struct and operate
amendment No. 1 to the order, as (1) The refusal or failure of said han- primary service to (a) the busines.s dis- 2. To determine
amended, is approved or favored by over dlers to sign the aforesaid tentatively tricts, (b) the residential districts, and acter of the progi
two-thirds of the producers who partici- approved marketing agreement tends to (c) the metropolitan district of Noifolk- applicants may tx
pated in a referendum conducted by the Portsmouth-Newpcrt News. Virginia, as granted a permit
prevent the effectuation of the declared
Secretary and who, during the month of contemplated by the Standards of Good posed station.
policy of the act;
April 1941. said month having been de- Engineering Practice. 3. To determine
(2) That the issuance of the order, 4. To determine the areas and popula-
termined by the Secretary to be a rep- station would pre
resentative period, were engaged in the amended as proposed, is the only prac- tions which may be expected to gain in- primary service tc
production of milk for sale in said area. ticalmeans, pursuant to such policy, of terference-free primary service from the tricts. (b) the res
advancing the interests of producers of operation of the proposed station and (c) the metropoht
In witness whereof, Claude R. Wickard.
milk which is produced for sale in the what other broadcast service is available Portsmouth-Newp(
Secretary of Agriculture of the United
States, has executed this determination, said marketing area; and to these areas and populations. contemplated by t
and has hereunto set his hand and caused (3)That the issuance of the order, 5. To determine Vhether public inter- Engineering PracI
amended as proposed, is approved or est, convenience and necessity would be To determine
the oCBcial seal of the Department of Ag- 4.
served by a grant of this application, and which ma;
riculture to be afiBxed in the city of Wssh- favored by over two-thirds (%) of the lations
the applications of Portsmouth Radio interference-free
ington. District of Columbia, this 28th producers who participated in a refer-
CorporaUon (Docket No. 6164) and R. M the operation of th
day August 1941.
of endum conducted by the Secretary of Wallace and G. E. Schnlbben, d b as what other broadc
[seal! Claude R. Wickakd, Agriculture, and who, during the month Norfolk County Broadcasting Company to these areas and
Secretary of Agriculture. of June 1941, said month having been (Docket No. 6163) or any of them. 5. To determine
Approved determined to be a representative period,
The application Involved herein will est. convenience a
Franklin D Roosevilt, were engaged In the production of milk
not be granted by the Commission unless served by a grant (

Ttie President of the United States. for sale in the said marketing area. the applications
the issues listed above are determined in
Dated: August 29. 1941. Issued at Washington, D. C. this 28th favor of the applicant on the basis of a Corporation (Do<
day of August 1941. Witness my hand record duly and properly made by means Tidewater Broa(
|P. R. Doc. 41-«62a: Piled. September 8, 1941;
11:22 a. m.) of a formal hearing. (Docket No. 6162)
« See Title VIl, Chapter IX. supra. The applicant is hereby given the op- "Hie applicatior
•ePJ?.3130. • 6 PR. 337. portunity to obtain a hearing on such not be granted by

FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 4, 1941 4579

wrtment of Agrl- Issues by filing a written appearance in the issues listed above are determined 5. To determine whether public in-
accordance with the provisions of S 1382 in favor of the applicants on the basis of terest,convenience and necessity would
R WiCKARD, (b) of the Commission's Rules of Prac- a record duly and properly made by be served by a grant of this application,
tice and Procedure. Persons other than means of a formal hearing. and the applications of the Tidewater
0/ Agriculture.
the applicant who desire to be heard The applicants are hereby given the Broadcasting Corporation (Docket No.
must file a petition to intervene in ac- opportunity to obtain a bearing on such 6162) and R. M. Wallace and G. E.
cordance with the provisions of § 1.102 Issues by filing a written appearance in Schnibben. d/b as Norfolk County
of the Commission's Rules of Practice accordance with the provisions of S 1.382 Broadcasting Company (Docket No.
and Procedure. (b) of the Commission's Rules of Prac- 6163) or any of them.
The applicant's address is as follows: tice and Procedure. Persons other than
the applicants who desire to be heard
The application Involved herein will
Tidewater Broadcasting Corporation. not be granted by the Commission unless
% Robert O. Hofheimer. 225 City Hall must file a petition to intervene in ac-
the issues listed above are determined in
Avenue, Norfolk, Virginia. cordance with the provisions of S 1.102
favor of the applicant on the basis of a
of the Commission's Rules of Practice
Dated at Washington. D. C, Augvist record duly and properly made by means
CATIONS COM- and Procedure.
1941. of a formal hearing.
30. The applicant's address is as follows:
By the Commission. The applicant is hereby given the op-
R. M. Wallace, G. E. Schnibben, d/b portunity to obtain a hearing on such
[SEALl T. J. Slowk, as Norfolk County Broadcasting Com- Issues by filing a written appearance in
riOIWATER BrOAD- Secretary.
pany, %G. E. Schnibben, P. O. Box 191, accordance with the provisions of S 1.382
|F. R Doc. 41-6697: Filed, September 8, 1941: Florence, South Carolina. (b) of the Commission's Rules of Prac-
10:06 a. m.|
tice and Procedure. Persons other than
Dated at Washington, D. C, August 30,
the applicant who desire to be heard
(Docket No. 6163] By the Commission. must file a petition to Intervene in ac-
cordance with the provisions of S 1.102
NoncE RiLATivK TO R. M. Wallace, O. E. [seal] T. J. Slowie,
of the Commission's Rules of Practice
and Procedure.
Broadcasting Company (New)
IF. R. Doc. 41-6598: Filed, September 3. 1941; The applicant's address is .as follows:
Application dated May 20, 1941. for 10:06 a. m.|
Portsmouth Radio Corporation, c/o
construction permit; class of service,
Tom E. Gilman, Professional Building,
broadcast; class of station, broadcast:
Portsmouth, Virginia.
location. Norfolk, Virginia; operating as- [Docket No. 6164]
signment specified: Frequency, 1.490 kc; Dated at Washington. D. C, August
Notice Relative to Portsmottth Radio 30. 1941.
power. 250 w.; hours of operation, un-
Corporation (New) By the Commission.
You are hereby notified that the Com- Application dated February 10, 1941, fSEALl T. J. Slomtie,
mission has examined the above-de- for construction permit; class of service, Secretary.
scribed application aiul has designated broadcast; class of station, broadcast;
Lher the applicant, I
p. R. Doc. 41-6699: Piled. September 3, 1941;
the matter for hearing, to be consoli- location, Portsmouth, Va.; operating as- 10:06 m.]
d stockholders are a.
dated with applications of Tidewater signment specified: Frequency, 1.490 kc;
5 to construct and
Broadcasting Corporation. Docket No. power, 250 w.; hours of operation,
6162. and Portsmouth Radio Corpora unlimited.
ype and character
Uon. Docket No. 6164. for the following
which the appli- You are hereby notified that the Com-
reasons: mission examined the above de-
has [Docket No. 4537)
D render If granted
proposed station. 1. To determine whether the appli- scribed application and has designated In the kfATTER OF Bockenstette's Blttk
;ther the proposed cants are qualified in all respects to con- the matter for hearing, to be consoli- Ribbon Farms
interference-free struct and operate the proposed station. dated with the applications of Tidewater
order appointing trial examiner and fix-
the business dis- 2. To determine the tsTJe and char- Broadcasting Corporation, Docket No.
ing time and place for taking testi-
tial districts, and acter of the program service which the 6162, and R. M. Wallace and G. E.
listrict of Ncifolk- applicants may be expected to render If Schnibben, d/b as Norfolk County Broad-
SJews. Virginia, a£ granted a permit to construct the pro- casting Company, Docket No. 6163, for At a regular session of the Federal
Standards of Good posed station. the following reasons: Trade Commission, held at this oflBce in
the City of Washington. D. C. on the
3. To determine whether the proposed 1. To determine whether the applicant,
areas and popula- 28th day of August, A D. 1941.
station would provide interference-free its oflQcers, directors and stockholders are
pected to gain in- primary service to (a) the business dis- This matter being at issue and ready
qualified in all respects to construct and
y service from the for the taking of testimony, and pursu-
tricts, (b) the residential districts, and operate the proposed station.
x)sed station and (c) the metropohtan district of Norfolk-
ant to authority vested in the Federal
2. To determine the type and char-
service available Trade Commission, under an Act of Con-
is Portsmouth-Newport News. Virginia, as acter of the program service which the
ulations. gress (38 Stat. 717; 15 U.S.C>A.. section
contemplated by the Standards of Good applicant may be expected to render if
Jther public inter- 41).
Engineering Practice. granted a permit to construct the pro-
lecessity would be It is ordered. That W. W. Sheppard.
4. To determine the areas and popu-
posed station. a examiner
is application, and lations which may be expected to gain
trial Commission, be
of this
3. To determine whether the proposed and he hereby designated and ap-
Portsmouth Radio interference-free primary service from station would provide interference-free
b. 6164) and R. M the operation of the proposed station and
pointed to take testimony and receive
krhnibben, d b as
primary service to (a) the business dis- evidence in this proceeding and to per-
what other broadcast service is available
tricts (b) the residential districts, and form all other duties authorized by law;
Icasting Company to these areas and populations.
(c) the metropolitan district of Norfolk- It is further ordered. That the taking
iny of them. 5. To determine whether public inter-
Portsmouth-Newport News, Virginia, as of testimony in this proceeding begin on
.folved herein will est, convenience and necessity would be
contemplated by the Standards of Good Monday. September 15, 1941. at ten
Commission unless served by a grant of this application, and
Engineering Practice. o'clock in the forenoon of that day (cen-
are determined in the applications of Portsmouth Radio
4. To determine the areas and popu- tral standard time), in Hearing Room,
on the basis of a Corporation (Docket No. 6164). and
lations which may be expected to gain City Hall. Sabetha, Kansas.
iy made by means Tidewater Broadcasting Corporation
interference-free primary service from Upon completion of testimony for the
(Docket No. 6162) or any of them.
the operation of the proposed station and Federal Trade Commission, the trial ex-
reby given the op- The application involved herein will what other broadcast service is available aminer Is directed to proceed immedi-
I bearing on such Dot begranted by the Commission unless to these areas and populations. ately to take testimony and evidence on
4580 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September i, 1941
FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 4, 1941 4581
behalf of the respondent, "nie trial ex- has sold Its merchandise of like grade to the price discrimination referred to In case of desire to contest the pro- plaint, to be signed by Its Secretary, and (2) That all purchases shall be ef-
aminer will then close the case and make and quality to various purchasers among in Count I hereof.
ceeding respondent shall, within
the its official seal to be hereto affixed, at
which are mulUi^e retail outlets, depart- Par. 3. It has been the policy of Life fected on the New York Curb Exchange
his report upon the evidence. twenty (20) days from the service of the Washington. D. C. this 18th day of Au-
ment stores, single retail outlets and Savers Corporation as set forth in in- and the company shall not solicit or
By the Commission. complaint, file with the Commission an gust. A. D. 1941. cause to be solicited the sale of any
wholesalers. All such customers are in- structions from the Vice-President in
[RALl Ons B. Johnson. answer to the complaint. Such answer By the Commission. shares to the company;
Secretary. voiced Life Savers at a price of 654* a box Charge of Sales, to conceal from all ex- shall contain a concise statement of the
less a discount of 20%, the cost of such cept the favored customers the details facts which constitute the ground of
IsxALl Ons B. Johnson, (3) That the company shall furnish to
IF. R. Doc. 41-6585: Piled. September 2, 1941; goods to such customers whichl)elng 52<', of the agreements relating to compen- Secretary. the Commission, promptly after the 15th
defense. Respondent shall specifically
1:22 p. m.l
Is the same price as that at which re- sation of customers for services con- day and the last day of each month, a
admit or deny or explain each of the facts [P. R. Doc. 41-6584: Wed. September 2. 1941;
spondent's principal competitor, the nected with display facilities. District 1:22 p. m.| schedule showing for each day covered by
alleged inthe complaint, unless respond-
Beech-Nut Packing Company, invoices Managers have been instructed by the such report the number of shares of each
ent IS without knowledge, in which case
itscompetitive product to such class of Sales Department that their Division class purchased, the prices at which pur-
(Docket NO. 4671] respondent shall so state.
customers. Such multiple retail out- Managers should deny to customers any chased, and the name of the broker
• • • • •
In th« Matter of Life Savers Corpora- lets, single retail department
outlets, knowledge of such allowances and under SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COM- through whom purchased; such informa-
tion, A Corporation Failure of the respondent to file an- tion to be kept confidential by the com-
stores and the customers of such whole- no circumstances to tell a customer to MISSION.
swer within the time above provided and pany and the Commission subject to
COMPLAINT salers are all competitively engaged with write to the respondent as that "more or (File No 70-373)
failure to appear at the time and place further order of the Commission;
one another in the resale of such less puts us on the spot".
The Federal Trade Commission having fixed for hearing shall be deemed to au- In THE Matter op Electric Bond and
products. Par. 4. The respondent has endeav- (4) That the company shall include In
reason to believe that the party respond- thorize the Commission, without further Share Company its quarterly reports to stockholders In-
Par. 4. In the course and conduct of its ored to prevent the spread of the allow-
ent named in the caption hereof and notice to respondent, to proceed in regu- formation as to the total number of
said business, the respondent since Feb- ances to small customers even though order permitting declaration to become
hereinafter more particularly designated lar course on the charges set forth in the shares of each class purchased and the
ruary, 1938. has, in addition to the cus- such operators would give exclusive dis- EFTBCnVE
and described, since June 19, 1936, has complaint. aggregate purchase price for each class;
tomary 20% discount, granted and paid play. District Managers of respondent
At a regular session of the Securities
violated and is now violating the provi- have refused small retail drug chains an If respondent desires to waive hearing (5) That no purchases shall be made
secretly to some multiple retail outlet and Exchange Commission held
sions of subsections (a) and (d) of sec- on the allegations of fact set forth in the at its after the expiration of six months from
customers a quarterly rebate of 10% of opportunity to earn this display service
tion 2 of the Clayton Act (U.S.C. title complaint and not to contest the facts, the City of Washington, D. C,
office In
the date of this order, subject, however,
the dollar volume of such customers' pur- allowance.
the answer may consist of a statement
on the 2d of September, A. D. 1941.
15. section 13) as amended by the Rob- Par. 5. Respondent in some Instances to the right of the company to apply for
chases. The respondent thereby has Electric Bond and Share Company.
Inson-Patman Act, approved Jime 19, grants compensation for services cover- thait respondent admits all the material an extension or extensions of such
discriminated in price in favor of such a registered holding company, having
1936, hereby issues its complaint stating allegations of fact charged in the com- period
multiple retail outlet customers and ing the prominent display and distribu- filed a declaration under section 12 (c)
its charges with respect thereto as against competing single retail outlets, tion of Life Savers to the extent of eight plaint to be true. Respondent by such <6) That the Commission reserves Ju-
answer shall be deemed to have waived of the Public Utility Holding Company
follows: department stores and wholesalers. To fiavors, in other instances requiring that risdiction. In its discretion, to rescind or
a hearing on the allegations of fact set
Act of 1935 and Rule U-42 promulgated
other customers competitively engaged thirteen or some other number of flavors modify this order upon notice to the
Count I
forth in said complaint and to have au- thereunder regarding the acquisition of
with such favored customers, the re- be so serviced and displayed. Such dis- company at any time prior to the expira-
thorized the Commission, without fur- shares of its $5 and $6 Preferred Stocks
Paragraph Respondent Life Savers play service compensation agreements tion of such six months* period or any
1. spondent has not paid or offered to pay through the expenditure of $5,000,000
ther evidence, or other intervening pro- extension or extensions thereof; any
Corporation a corporation organized
is and has refused any such rebate. frequently, but not always, contemplate
cedure, to find such facts to be true, and of its caish. to be effected by purchases
and existing under and by virtue of the that such customer will no longer dis- such rescission or modification to be ap-
Par. 5. The effect of the discrimination from time to time on the New York
laws of the State of Delaware with its play any flavor of Beech-Nut mints or If in the Judgment of the Commission plicable only to such portion of the
in price alleged in Paragraph 4 has been Curb Exchange; a public hearing aa said
such fact3 admitted constitute a viola- $5,000,000 as shall not have been previ-
principal oflBce and place of business lo- and may be substantially to lessen com- fruit drops.
tion of law or laws as charged in the declaration having been held after ap-
cated at Port Chester, New York. Par. 6. The above-described acts and ously expended, and
petition in the line of commerce in which propriate notice; the Commission hav-
Par. 2. Respondent is now, and has respondent is engaged and to injure practices of respondent are in violation of complaint, to make and serve findings (7) That the Commission reserves
u ing examined the record and having
been since June 19, 1936, engaged in the subsection (d) of section 2 of the Gay- to the facts and an order to cease and jurisdiction to require, at the expiration
competition with respondent and with made and filed its findings herein;
business of manufacturing and selling a ton Act as amended by the Robinson- desist from such violations. Upon appli- of such six months' period or any exten-
such customers of respondent who know- It is ordered, That said declaration
candy confection known "Life Savers" Patman Act, approved June 19, 1936 cation in writing made contemporane- be. sion or extensions thereof or at the time
ingly receive the benefit of such discrimi- and the same hereby is, permitted
ouslywith the filing of such answer, the to of any rescission pursuant to paragraph
for resale within the various states of nation. (U.S.C. title 15, section 13).
respondent, in the discretion of the Com- become effective forthwith, subject to
the United States, the territories thereof, (6), that all shares of preferred stock
Such discriminationin price by re- Wherefore, the premises considered, mission may be heard on brief, in oral
the following conditions:
and in the District of Columbia. In the theretofore acquired be retired and
spondent between different purchasers of the Federal Trade Commission on this
course and conduct of its said business argument, or both, solely on the question (1) TTiat at least two weeks before cancelled.
commodities of like grade and quality in 18th day of August, A. D. 1941, issues its
respondent sells the aforesaid product to as to whether the facts so admitted con- purchases are commenced the company
interstate commerce in the manner and complaint against said respondent. By the Commission.
purchasers located in the various states stitute the violation or violations of lav shall advise its stockholders fully with
form aforesaid is in violation of the pro- [SEALl Francis P. Brassor,
of the United States and causes said NOTI'CI charged in the complaint. respect to its intention to make such
visions of subsection (a) of section 2 of
purchases and the method to be em- Secretary.
products when sold to be shipped and the Act described in the preamble Notice is hereby given you. life Savers In witness whereof, the Federal Trade ployed, and shall furnish to each stock-
transported from its place of business in thereof. Corporation, respondent herein, that the IP. R. Doc 41-6«26: Plied September 3. 1941;
Commission has caused this, its com- holder a copy of our findings herein;
the State of New York across state lines 26th day of September, A. D. 1941. at 11:52 a. m.]
Count II
to the respective purchasers thereof lo- 2 o'clock in the afternoon, is hereby fixed
cated in each of the several states of the Paragraph 1. Paragraphs 1 and 2 of as the time, and the offices of the Fed-
United States, the territories thereof, Count I are hereby adopted and made a eral Trade Commission In the City of
and in the IMstrict of Columbia. There part of this Coimt as fully as if herein Washington. D. C. as the place, when
Is, and has been at all times mentioned set out verbatim. and where a hearing will be had on the
herein, a constant current of trade in Par. 2. In the course and conduct of charges set forth in this complaint, at
said product between respondent located its business in commerce, respondent which time and place you will have the
in the State of New York and various since February, 1938, has secretly paid right, under said Act, to appear and show
purchasers located as aforesaid. and contracted to pay to approximately cause why an order should not be en-
Par. 3. In the course and conduct of its one hundred and fifty customers an tered by said Commission requiring you
business as aforesaid, respondent has amount calculated at 10% of the dollar to cease and desist from the violations of
been and is now engaged in substantial volume of such customers' purchases as the law charged in the complaint.
competition in commerce with other compensation and in consideration for You are notified and required, on or
manufacturers of candy confections, services and facilities furnished by such before the twentieth day after service
especially with the Beech-Nut Packing customers in connection with the sale upon you of this complaint, to file ^1th
Company, which, for many years prior and offering for sale of Life Savers while the Commission an answer to the com- X
hereto, has been and is now engaged in refusing to make such payment available plaint. If answer is filed and if youi
selling and shipping such confections in on proportionally equal terms to all com- appearance at the place and on the date
commerce across state lines to purchas- peting customers, or on any terms to above stated be not, required, due notice
ers thereof located in the various states some of its 4,500 customers, competing to that effect will be given you. The
of the United States and in the District in the distribution of such Life Savers. Rules of Practice adopted by the Com-
of Columbia. Such payment servicing retail
is for mission with respect to answers or failure
Respondent in the course and conduct stores covering the display and distribu- to appear or answer (Rule IX) provide
of its business and since June 19, 1936, tion of Life Savers and is not In addition as follows:

f\ r»> ,^ ^^
>C^ J
I ^

VOLUME 6 'V/ '"' c^»^ NUMBER 17S

Washington, Friday, September 5, 1941

The President Company have the right to acquire, by CONTENTS

the exercise of the right of eminent do-
main as provided in the aforesaid act. THE PRESIDENT

NAnONAL DSTENSE PiPE LiNE SOUTH- along the route and between the points Proclamation: P»Be
EASTERN Pipe Limx System hereinbefore identified, (a) such parcels National defense pipe line;
of land or any interests therein, not in southeastern pipe line sys-
BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE TTNITEO STATES excess of 100 acres in each separate par- tem 4583
cel, for the location of Its storage tanks, Executive Orders:
A PROCLAMATION piunping stations, delivery facilities, and California, land withdrawn for
other facilities in connection therewith, use of Navy Department as
WHEREAS the act of Congress en- and (b) easements and rights of way, not aircraft bombing site 4585
titled "Anact to facilitate the construc- In excess of 100 feet In width, for the California, lands withdrawn for
tion, extension, or completion of Inter- construction, completion, operation, use of War Department in
state petroleum pipe lines related to na- maintenance and removal of the pipe connection with construc-
tional defense, and to promote inter- lines, including right of access thereto
tion of reservoir, etc 4585
state bommeree", approved July 30, 1941 over adjoining lands: Provided, That
1 —
Public Law 197 77th Congress), vests such right of eminent domain be exer-
Coast Guard, classified
service status authorized for

in the President certain powers relating cised by the Southeastern Pipe Line
certain civilian employees. 4585
i to the construction, extension, comple- Company for the aforesaid purposes prior Peskan, Mont., designation as
tion, operation, and maintenance of in- to June 30, 1943.
terstate pipe lines related to national
customs port of entry re-
Thepipe line hereinbefore identified voked.^ 4585
defense: shall be constructed, completed, oper-
Within-grade salary advance-
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN D. ated, and maintained subject to such
ments, regulations 4583
ROOSEVELT. President of the United terms and conditions as the President
States of America, under and by virtue may hereafter from time to time pre- RULES, REGULATIONS,
of the authority vested In me by sections scribe as necessary for national defense ORDERS
2 and 3 of said act of July 30. 1941. do purposes. Title 17 Commodity and Securi-
hereby find and proclaim (1) that It is IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here- ties Exchanges:
necessary for national defense purposes unto set my hand and caused the seal Commodity Exchange Admin-
that there be constructed and completed of the United States to be afBxed. istration:
a pipe line system for the transportation DONE at the City of Washington this Information to be kept con-
and distribution of petroleum and pe- 3rd day of September, in the year of fidential (correction) 4585
troleum products moving In Interstate of our Lord nineteen hundred Title 30 Mineral Resources:
commerce, the route for which is gen- [SEAL] and forty-one. and of the Inde- Bituminous Coal Division:
erally indicated on a map which is on pendence of the United States Fancy Lump Coal Co.. code
file In the OflQce of the Petroleum Co- of America the one hundred and sixty- membership revoked, etc. 4585
ordinator for National Defense, detailed sixth.
survey maps of which shall be of record
Title 31 Money and Finance:
Franklin D Roosevelt Treasury
in the said office, commencing at Port

By the President: Monetary Offices:

St. Joe, Florida, and extending In a
CoRDELL Hull, Foreign exchange, etc., trans-
northerly direction through the States
of Florida and Georgia, and into Ten-
Secretary of State. actions :

nessee to a point on the Tennessee River General License No. 55 4586

[No 2508]
at or In the vicinity of Chattanooga. Ten-
General License No, 72 4586
nessee, <2) that Southeastern Pipe Line [F. R. Doc. 41-«663; Filed, September 4, IMli PuUic Circular No. 5 (inter-
Company, a private corporation organ- 11:47 a. m.] pretation of General Li-
ized imder the laws of the State of Dela- cense No. 72) 4587
ware, has commenced the work necessary Title 32 National Defense:
for the construction of such a pipe line EXECUTIVE ORDER Office of Price Administration:
system, and has partially constructed the Southern pine lumber, price
same and represents that it is prepared Regulations Governing Within-Grade schedule amended 4588
to complete said pipe line system, and
Salary Advancements Office of Production Manage-
<3) that it is necessary for the purposes By virtue of and pursuant to the au- ment:
of construction, completion, operation, thority vested in me by section 7 of the Steel warehouses, preference
and maintenance of said pipe line sys- Classification Act of 1923, as amended order . 4587
tem that the Southeastern Pipe Line by the act of August 1, 1941. Public Law ((Continued on next page)

FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 5, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 5, 1941 4585
"Quarter" shall mean the three the advancement had no error been made EXECUTIVE ORDER
CONTENTS—Continued (c) Commission Is authorized and directed
months' period beginning on January l. in the original rating. to confer a classified civil service status
Withdrawing Pttblic Lands for Use or
Deportment of Labor: April 1. July 1. or October 1. Section 5. Any employee
of the Fed- upon any person employed aboard any
THE War Department
FEDEMU^REGISTER Wage and Hour EMvlsion:
Knitted and men's woven un-
(d) "Equivalent increase in compensa-
tion" shall mean any increase or in-
eral Government who
In accordance with
the provisions of the Selective Training californu
vessel of the United States Coast Guard
who was transferred to the Coast Guard
derwear, industry, Pag* and Service Act of 1940 (Public No. 783.
etc., creases which in total are equal to or By virtue of the authority vested In me from the Bureau of Lighthouses of the
change in presiding offi- greater than the compensation incre- 76th Congress), or of Public Resolution as President of the United States, It Is Department of Commerce pursuant to
Published dally, except Sundays, Mondays, cer, etc 4598 ment in the lowest grade in which the No. 96 approved August 27, 1940, relating ordered that, subject to valid existing Reorganization Plan No. II and who, on
and days following legal holldajrs by the Learner employment certifi- employee has served during the time to the mobilization of auxiliary military the date of this Order, has not been In-
rights, the following-described public
Division at the Federal Register, The National cates, issuance for various period of eighteen or thirty months, as personnel, is restored to the same posi-
Archives, pursuant to the authority con- lands be, and they are hereby, withdrawn ducted into the military service of the
m the Federal Register Act. approved Industries (2 documents) _ 4598 the case may be. tion or a position of like seniority, status, from all forms of appropriation under Co€ist Guard under the provisions of
July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500). under reg\ila- (e) "Current efficiency" shall mean and pay. without loss of seniority, shall the Act of August 5, 1939 (53 Stat. 1216),
Federal Power Commission: the public-land laws, Including the min-
tlons prescribed by the Administrative Com- the latest on record
efficiency rating be entitled to receive a salary at a rate "An Act to perfect the consolidation of
mittee, approved by the President.
City of Detroit, et al., v. Panhan- ing laws, and reserved for the use of the
for the employee, made under a system of not less than the employee's latest
The Administrative Committee consists ot dle Eastern Pipe Line 90., War Department In connection with the the Lighthouse Service with the Coast
ratings prescribed or ap- rate prior to his entrance into active Guard by authorizing the commissioning,
the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an officer et al., proceedings consoli- of efficiency construction of a reservoir and water
of the Department of Justice designated by dated 4599 proved by the Civil Service Commission. military or naval duty plus any within-
pipe line to Camp San Luis Obispo: appointment and enlistment in the Coast
the Attorney General, and the Public Printer grade salary advancement or advance- Guard of certain officers and employees
or Acting Public Printer. MacDonald. R. B., et al.. hearing Section In computing the periods of
2. Mount Diablo Meudian
ments to which he would have been of the lighthouse Service, and for other
The dally issue of the Federal Registxs canceled, etc 4599 service required by the said section 7 T. 30 R. 14
will be furnUhed by mall to subscribers, free eligible under the provisions of the said S.. E.,
Securities and Exchange Commis- for within-grade advancements there sec. 9. lots 1, 2;
of postage, for $1.25 per month or $12.50 per section 7 (b) of the Classification Act of
shall be credited to such service: sec. 10. N^N'^, SWViNKVi;
year; elngle copies 10 cents each; payable In sion: 1923, as amended. sec. 16, lots 1. 2, 7, 8;
The classification of any employee un-
advance. Remit money order payable to the North American Co., declaration (a) Continuous civilian employment der this Order shall be subject to the
Franklin D Roosevelt containing 465.57 acres.
Superintendent of Documents directly to the
Government Printing Office. Washington, D. C permitted to become effec- in any branch, executive department, in- following limitations:
tive 4600 dependent establishment, agency, or cor- The White House This order shall take precedence over,
Sept. 1941. but shall not rescind or revoke, Execu- (1) Such employee must qualify
poration of the Federal Government or 3. In
CONTENTS—Continued Northern States Power Co. tive Order No. 6910 of November 26, such appropriate non-competitive tests
(Minn.), application in the municipal government of the Dis- [No. 88821
1934, as amended, so far as such order of fitness as the Civil Service Commis-
trict of Columbia.
45— Public Welfare: granted 4599 sion may prescribe.
Civilian Conservation Corps: Pa?*
United States Civil Service Com-
(b) Time elapsing on annual, sick, or
|F. R. Doc. 41-6632; Piled,
9:42 a. m)
September 4.

IMl; affects the above-described lands.
Frankun D Roosevelt
(2) Such employee must not be dis-
other leave with pay.
Selection of veterans' contin- mission: qualified by any provision of Section
4590 (c) Time elapsing In a non-pay status The White House,
gent, amendments Condition of the apportionment, of Civil Service Rule V
or by any other
(including break in service) not exceed- September 3. 1941.
Title 49 Transportation and August 30. 1941 4600 Civil Service Rule or by any provision
ing thirty days within any one time EXEc:xrnvE order
Railroads [No. 8884] of the Civil Service Act or any other
War Department: period of eighteen or thirty months, as

Interstate Commerce Conunis- Withdrawing Ptjblic Land for Use of IP. R. Doc. 41-6634: Piled, September Statute or Executive Order.
Contract summaries: the case may be. 4. 1941;
sion: the Department of the Navy as an 9:42 a. m.l
Carriers by water:
Beech Aircraft Corp 4593 (d) Service rendered prior to absence
Aircraft Bombing Site
Franklin D Roosevelt
Friedman, Harry B 4592 on furlough or leave without pay where The White House,
Exemption of contract car-
Gill ti Bennett 4592 such absence is in excess of thirty days california September 1941.
rier operations, Louisi-
but not exceeding one year.

ana and Texas marsh- By

virtue of the authority vested In me [No. 88861
Section 3. In the use of funds avail- Revoking the Designation of Peskan,
land oil fields 4591 as President of the United States, it is
200. 77th Congress. 1st Session. I hereby able in any fiscal year, periodic salary ordered that, subject to valid existing
Montana, as a Customs Port of Entrt (P. R. Doc. 41-6657; Piled. September
Settlement of rates and 4, 1941-
prescribe the following regulations for advancements authorized by section 7 By 9:42 a. m.l
charges of common rights, the following-described public virtue of the authority vested in
carriers 4590 the administration of the within-grade (b) of the Classification Act of 1923, as land be, and It is hereby, withdrawn from me by section 1 of the act of August 1,
Explosives and other danger- salary advancement plan established by amended by the said act of August 1. all forms of appropriation under the 1914, 38 Stat. 609, 623 (U.8.C. title 19.
that section: 1941, shall take priority over salary ad- public-land laws. Including the mining sec. 2), it isordered that the designa-
Rules, Regulations, Orders
ous articles, authority for
construction of nitric acid vancements authorized for especially laws, and reserved for the use of the De- tion of Peskan, Montana, as a customs
Section 1. In the administration of the
tanks granted 4591 meritorious services by section 7 (f) of partment of the Navy as an aircraft port of entry in Customs Collection Dis-
said section 7. the following definitions TITLE 17-COMMODITY AND SECURI-
that Act, as amended. An additional bombing site trict No. 33 (Montana and Idaho), be,
NOTICES of terms used therein shall apply:
within-grade compensation advance- and it Is hereby, revoked. TIES EXCHANGES
Sai* Bernabdino Merxdian
Department of Agriculture: (a) "Permanent positions" shall in- ment authorized by the said section 7
This order shall become effective at
those desig- T. 10 8.. R. 10 E.. sec. 10; containing 640 acres. CHAPTER I—COMMODITY EX-
Surplus Marketing Administra- clude all positions except (f ) may be granted simultaneously with. the close of business on September 15,
nated as temporary by law and those
tion: or at any time prior to, the periodic in- This order shall take precedence over, 1941.
Dubuque, Iowa, marketing established for definite periods of six crease to which the employee may be but shall not rescind or revoke, the Ex- Franklin D Roosevelt
Part 1 General Regulations Under the
area, hearing on handling months or less. eligible under the said section 7 <b). ecutive order of March 10, 1924, creat- Commodity Exchange Act
The White House,
of milk 4597 (b) "Positions within the scope of the The reports required to be submitted to ing Public Water Reserve No. 90, so far Sept. 3. 1941. Correction
Department of the Interior: compensation schedules fixed by this the Civil Service Commission by the as such order affects the above-described
said section 7 (f) shall be submitted at [No. 88851 In the first sentence of § 1.5 appearing
Bituminous Coal Division: Act" shall include all permanent posi- land. This order shall be subject to the
the end of each quarter. at page 4515 of the Federal Register for
Applications for registration tiorvs. including positions in the field order of the Secretary of the Interior (P. R. Doc. 41-6636: FUed, September 4, 1941;
Section 4. In the event a change or September 3. 1941, the word "part" im-
as distributors 4597 services, in the executive and legislative of October 19. 1920, withdrawing certain 9:42 a. m.]
adjustment is made in an employee's mediately preceding the proviso Is cor-
District Board 14, petitions branches, in government-owned or gov- lands under the provisions of the Recla-
rected to read "chapter."
dismissed (2 documents) _ 4597 ernment-controlled corporations, and in current efficiency rating, either by ad- mation Act of June 17. 1902 (32 Stat.
Hearings, etc.: the municipal government of the Dis- ministrative action or as the result of 388), so far as such order affects the EXECUTIVE ORDER
Cartersville Coal Co 4596 trict of Columbia, the compensation of a review and determination by a board above-described land; and after the pres-
Authorizing a Classified Civil Service
Consumers' Counsel Divi- which has been fixed on a per -annum of review in accordance with the provi- ent national -defense emergency has been TITLE 30-ML\ERAL RESOURCES
Status To Be Conferred Upon Certain
basis, pursuant to the allocation of such sions of section 9 of said Classification officially terminated, this order shall be
Debevoise - Anderson Co.,
positions to the appropriate grade either Act of 1923. as amended, the employee's without effect upon notice to the De-
Civilian Employees of the Coast
Guard Who Were Transferred Prom
4595 by the Civil Service Commission or by eligibility for salary advancement shall partment of the Navy by the Secretary of DIVISION
Inc the Bureau of Lighthouses of the
District Board 8 (3 docu- administrative action of the department be determined according to the efficiency the Interior that the entire use of the Part 332 Minimum Price Schedule,
rating as changed or adjusted and other
Depar^ent of Commerce Under Re-
ments)— 4594,4595 or agency concerned, in accordance with above-described land Is needed for rec- District No. 12
organteation plan no. 11
Little John Coal Co 4596 the compensation schedules of the Clas- conditions of the salary advancement lamation purposes.
IDocket No. 1619- FD]
Losh. A. O 4595 sification Act of 1923, as amended, or the plan, and any advancement to which he Franklin D Roosevelt By v^ue of the authority vested in me
an author- may be entitled shall be made effective IN THE matter OF FANCY LUMP COAL COM-
Norris Coal Co 4596 said schedules as adjusted by by Se/tion 2 of the Civil Service Act (22
as of the date he would have received The White House. Stat. 403, 404) and by Section 1753 of PANY, DEFENDANT
PhUlips, Matthew 4593 ized differential.
September 3, 1941. the Revised Statutes of the United Order Revoking ajid Cancelling Code
[No. 8883] States. It Is hereby ordered as follows: Membership
IF. R. Doc. 41-6633: Piled. September 4, 1041: Upon recommendation of the Secre- A complaint having been filed with
9:42 a. m.J tary of the Treasury, the Civil Service the Bituminous Coal Division on March
4586 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 5, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 5, 1941 4587

TITLE SI—MONEY AND FINANCE in which any national of any blocked has been Issued by, the United States to other informatioa required the plementary Order, "Warehouse" means
19. 1941. pursuant to the provisions of
TREASURY country has at any time on or since the Patent Office, covering the invention or following:
section 4 n
(J) and 5 (b) of the Bitumi-
effective date of the Order had any inter- design involved; and
any person who receives physical de-
nous Coal Act of 1937. by District Board CHAPTER I—MONETARY OFFICES (3) If such application has been filed
(a) Whether an application for let-
livery of steel from a producer for sale
est, and (2) the receipt of letters patent
12. alleging wilful violation by the Fancy ters patent has been filed in, or letters or resale in the form received.
issued pursuant to any such application, In, or such patent issued by, the United
Lump Coal Company, a partnership, a Part 131 Gsnkral Liceksks Under Ex- patent Issued by, the United States Pat- (b) Limitation of deliveries to ware-
ApRa provided the following terms and condi- States Patent Office, the number thereof.
code member in District 12. of the Bi- ecutive Order No. 8389. 10. 1940, ent Office If such application or letters houses. (1) After October 5, 1941, no
tions are complied with: lUs
tuminous Coal Code and Rules and Reg- AS Amended, and Regulations Issued (e) general Ucense does not au- patent are involved in. or In any manner Warehouse shall accept from a Producer
ulations thereunder, as follows: Pursuant Thereto (I) The person or prosecuting
filing thorize any assignment, grant, encum- affected by. the transaction In question; any delivery of steel on consignment or
That the defendant with full knowl- license no. s5. as amended, any such application, or acting as at- brance, creation of a license, or execu- (b) If any such application Is on file otherwise until a quota has been estab-
edge of the requirements contained In torney or agent In connection therewith, tion of any agreement or arrangement In the United States Patent Office, a lished for such Warehouse, pursuant to
Minimum Prices under executive order no. 8389, april paragraph and no such delivery
the Schedule of Effective shall notify the United States Patent of, under, or with respect to any patent, true cojpy thereof should be attached to (c),
10, 1940, as amended, and regulations shall be made or accepted except within
for District 12 for Truck Shipments Office in writing that the application is application therefor, license thereunder, and made a part of the application for
issued pursuant thereto, relating
and with intent to violate the same and being filed and prosecuted pursuant to or Interest therein, in which any blocked a Treasury license. If letters patent the limits of such quota.
to transactions in foreign exchange,
violation thereof, sold during the period this general license; and country or national thereof has, on or have been Issued by the United States (2) FV)r the period between the effec-
between October 1. 1940. and March 1. (II) Upon notification by the United since the effective date of the Order, Patent Office, a copy thereof should be tive date of this Supplementary Order

1941. over 500 tons of coal produced by

September 3, 1941.
States Patent Office that letters patent had any interest, or any other transac- attached to the application for a Treas- and October 5, 1941. no Warehouse shall
the defendant at its mine (Mine Index General License No. 55. is amended to will be issued and at least twenty days tion not specifically authorized by this ury license; and accept from a producer and no producer
No. 533) located at Bussey. Iowa, at read as follows: before the payment to such office of the general license. (Sec. 5 (b) 40 Stat. 415
. (c) A brief nontechnical description
shall make to a Warehouse any delivery

prices below the effective minimum final fee therefor, there shall be filed and 906; Sec. 2, 48 Stat. 1; 54 Stat. 179; of the nature of the Invention or design of any type of steel product In excess
131.55 General Ucense No. 55. (a)
3 of one-third of the deliveries of such
prices, more specifically 1526.16 tons of directly with the Treasury Department E.O. 8389. April 10. 1940. as amended by covered by such appbcatlon or letters
A general license Is hereby granted type of product by such producer to such
lump coal, egg coal and screenings at authorizing any banking institution a report on Form TFR-172. setting forth. E.O. 8785, June 14, 1941. and E.O. 8832. patent, indicating the use to which such
prices of $2.50 per ton for lump coal under oath, the information called for July 26. 1941; Regulations, April lO. 1940, Invention may be put.
Warehouse during the first quarter of
within the United States to make pay-
whereas the effective minimum prrce for therein. as amended June 14, 1941, and July 26, 1941.
ments from blocked accounts of China , Attention is also directed to the
(3) Quota. On or before September
such coals for truck shipments is $2.90; This general license shall also au-
1941) (c)
or Japan, or any national thereof, of (b) fact that the Regulations require that each Warehouse desiring to
$2.40 per ton for egg coals whereas the '
[seal] E. H. Foley, Jr.
15. 1941.
documentary drafts drawn under rev- thorize any person who Is not a national reports on Form TFRr-300 shall be filed obtain a quota shall file in quadruplicate
effective minimum price for such coals Acting Secretary of the Treasury.
ocable or irrevocable letters of credit of any blocked country: with respect to any patents, applications with the Director of Priorities a report
for truck shipment Is $2.80; and $1.44,
issued or advised by a domestic bank To and prosecute applications R. Doc. 41-«665: Piled. September 1941; therefor, assignments thereof, or licenses In form prescribed by the Director.
$1.34 and $1.10 per ton for screenings (1) file |F. 4.
prior to July 26. 1941. provided: 11:49 a. m.j relating thereto, or any present, future, After such filing, the Director shall es-
whereas the effective minimum price for for letters patent in any blocked country:
or contingent Interests therein, agree-
To recti ve letters patent granted tablish a quota for such Warehouse and
such coals for truck shipment Is $1.60; (1) That such were
letters of credit (2)
ments pertaining thereto, and any other
and further that Improper allowances m not issued in favor of Japan or China pursuant to any such application; and shall notify such Warehouse as to the
Part 131 General Licenses Under Ex- contracts affecting or Involving the fore- amount of such quota. The Director
the form of commissions had been or any national thereof; or (3) To pay fees currently due to the
ecutive Order No. 8389. April 10, 1940, going, such as the right to receive roy- may from time to time establish a quota
granted to the Peewee Coal Company, a (2) That such drafts have not, since government of any country, blocked
alties, licensing arrangements and con-
AS Amended,, and Regulations Issued for any type of steel product and may
registered distributor, located at Des July 26. 1941. been held by or for the either directly or through an attorney
Pursuant Thereto tracts by which any information in the vary the amount of any quota established
Moines. Iowa, on sales of this coal; account of any blocked country or na- or representative located abroad, for the
nature of technical data or otherwise Is for any product or group of products.
Piursuant to an Order of the Director tional thereof. filing of any such application, and for PUBLIC circular NO. 5 UNDER EXECUTIVE transmitted or exchanged. In which on
and after notice to all interested persons, the granting and maintenance of any order no. 8389, april 10, 1940, as (d) Assignment of preference rating
Banking institutions making any
(b) either cr both June 1, 1940, and June 14,
a hearing having been held in this mat- patent. amended, and regulations issued pur- to deliveries to warehouses. Direc-
payment or debit authorized by this gen- 1941, any foreign country or national
ter on May 29. 1941. at a hearing room suant thereto, relaxing to transac- tor of Priorities will Issue to each Ware-
promptly with the
eral license shall file Domestic banks are authorized to ef- theretrf had any interest of any nature
house for which a quota is established
of the Division. Des Moines. Iowa; fect the payments referred to In (3) and
tions in foreign exchange, etc.
appropriate Federal Reserve Bank weekly whatsoever, direct or Indirect. In the pursuant to paragraph fc) a certificate
At the conclusion of the hearing, all
reports showing the details of such to establish and maintain free dollar September 3, 1941. case of China. Japan, or nationals there- assigning a preference rating of A-9 to
parties having joined in waiving the transactions. accounts if necessary, and only to the of, a report of the aforementioned in-
(1) Reference Is made to General li- deliveries of steel to such Warehouse,
preparation and filing of a report of the extent necessary, to effect such pay- terests Is required as of July 26, 1941.
This license shall expire at the
(c) cense No. 72.' Attention Is directed to within the limits of such quota. Such
Examiner, a record of the proceeding ments. Domestic banks are not author- Attorneys who have in their possession
close of business on September 30, 1941. the fact that this general license does preference rating may be changed from
having been submitted to the under- ized to establish or maintain free dollar any property In which any of the in-
(Sec. 5 (b), 40 Stat. 415 and 966; Sec. not authorize any person who is a na- time to time by the Director of Priorities.
signed who has made Findings of Pact. accounts In cases where such payments terests referred to above exists, are re-
2. 48 Stat. 1; 54 Stat. 179; E.O. 8389. tional of any blocked country to file or (e) Limitation of deliveries by ware-
Conclusions of Law. and has rendered may be effected In the manner pre- quired to file a report thereof on Form
April 10. 1940. as amended by E.O. 8785. prosecute applications for letters patent houses. Except as permitted by para-
an Opinion which are filed herewith; June 1941. and E.O. 8832. July 26. scribed In (a) or (b) of General License in any foreign country, to receive letters
TPR-300. (Sec. 5 (b), 40 Stat. 415 and
14. graph (f ) no Warehouse shall make de-
Now. therefore, it is ordered. That the

1941; Regulations. April 10. 1940. as No. 32. as amended.' All banks effecting patent granted pursuant to such appli- 966; Sec. 2, 48 Stat. 1; 54 Stat. 179;
liveries of alloy steelfrom its stock ex-
code membership of the defendant. Fancy amended June 14. 1941. and July 26, any such payments shall satisfy them- cations, or to pay any fees to any foreign E.O. 8389. April 10. 1940. as amended
cept on defense orders. After making
Lump Coal Company, a partnership of 1941). selves that the foregoing terms and con- country In connection therewith. This by E.O. 8785, June 14. 1941. and E.O. provision for present and anticipated de-
Prank Reed. Leland Reed. Raymond ditions are complied with. general license does not authorize the 8832, July 26, 1941: Regulations, April 10. orders, and subject to the terms of
[SEAL] E. H. Foley. Jr.,
Reed. Russell Drlebelbein and Charles (c) All persons engaging in any of the payment of fees to attorneys or repre- 1940, as amended June 14. 1941, and July
General Preference Order M-21. a Ware-
Acting Secretary of the Treasury.
Brady, be and it hereby Is revoked and transactions authorized by subpara- sentatives In the United States or in for- 26, 1941)
house may make deliveries of carbon
cancelled; I
p. R. Doc. 41-6664: Filed. September 4, 1941; graphs (1) or (2) under paragraph 'b) eign countries for services rendered In [SEAL] E. H. Foley, Jr., steel from Its stock to non- defense cas-
And further ordered, That prior to
it is 11:49 a. m.J above shall file promptly with the appro- connection with any transaction author- Acting Secretary of the Treasury. tomers.
any reinstatement of the defendant, priate Federal Reserve Bank reports set- ized by such general license and does not (P. R. Doc. 41-6666; Piled. September 4, 1941; Exemption of small sales by ware-
Fancy Coal Company, to member-
Lump ting forth the details of such transac- authorize the effecting or recording of 11:49 a. m.j houses. A Warehouse may, during any
ship In the Code, the defendant or each tions. any assignment, grant, encumbrance,
Part 131 General Licenses Under Ex- calendar month, make deliveries of the
or any of the partners thereof, shall pay (d) With respect to each payment au- creation of a license, or execution of any
ecutive Order No. 8389, April 10. 1940, materials In the quantities specified be-
to the United States a tax in the amount thorized by paragraph (b) (3) above. agreement or arrangement of. under or
AS Amended, and Regulations Issued low, on any rated or unrated order, pro-
of $1,290.62 as provided in Section 5 (c) reports on Form TFR-132 shall be exe- with respect to any patent, application TITLE 32—NATIONAL DEFENSE vided that the total amount of each such
Pursuant Thereto
of the Bituminous Coal Act of 1937. cuted and filed In the manner and form therefor, license thereunder or interest
Dated: September 2, 1941. general ucense no. 72. under executive
CHAPTER IX—OFFICE OP PRODUC- material delivered to all customers in
and under the conditions described in therein. In which any blocked country or this manner during any calendar month
order no. 8389, april 10, 1940, as
[siALl H. A. Gray. General License No. 32. as amended, ex- any national thereof, has on or since
Subchapter B—Prioritixs Division
shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of
Director. amended, and regulations issued pur- cept that Item No. 6 of such form shall the effective date of Executive Order No. the average monthly deliveries of each
suant thereto, relating to transac- be left blank and the originating bank
IF. R. Doc. 41-6649; Ptled. September 4. 1941; tions in foreign exchange, etc. shall Indicate on the reverse side of such
8389. as amended, had any interest.
(2) Applications for specific licenses
part 962 —STEEL* such material by the Warehouse to all
10:12 a. m.j customers during the first calendar quar-
form: relating to patents and interests therein Supplementary Order M-21-b Relating to
September 3, 1941. ter of 1941, and further provided that
may Steel Warehouses
» The complaint referred to a rail delivered The purpose for which be made to the appropriate Federal nothing contained in this paragraph
General License No. 72. (a)
131.72 (1) specific
price of •3.95 for "small" egg coals. How-
A general license is hereby granted au- such payment Is made; Reserve Bank on Form TPE-1. Such 5 962.3 Supplementary order (a) — shall be construed to excuse any person
ever, •3.99 Is the rail delivered price for large applications should contain in addition Definition. For the purpose of this Sup- from complying with the applicable pro-
Witness Reed, appearing on behalf thorizing (1) the filing in the United (2) Whether or not an application
egg coals
for a patent has been filed in, or a patent visions of General Preference Order
of the defendant, offered no objection to the States Patent OflQce of applications for
allegation Therefore, the effective minimum and designs,
* Supra. • 6 PH. 4005. M-14, to conserve the supply and direct
letters patent for Inventions
price given Is that for large egg or "range"
and the prosecution of such applications, » • P Jl. 748.

4588 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 5, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Fridag, September S, 1941 4589
the distribution and use of tungsten in establishment which sells less than 75 of the volume of such logs or lumber
high speed steeL percent of the volume of its southern pine 80 purchased or received by it. or (2),
lumber at retail and which processes, by regardless of the percentage of such
Material Deliveries not to exceed
sawing, or by planing or other compar- processing, seUs more than 75 percent
(1) Alloy tool 8t«el 50 lbs. per Item
(a) Stainless steel 60 lb«. per Item. able method, at least 25 percent of the of the volume of its southern pine lumber
(3) Other alloy steel 300 lbs. per order. volume of southern pine logs or lumber at retail.
(g) Special instructions. The Direc- purchased or received by it. (e) "Retail" sale means a sale to a
tor of Priorities may from time to time (d) "Distribution yard" means a constimer or contractor in a less than
issue specific directions to Warehouses wholesale or retail lumber yard which carload quantity.
requiring them to earmark stocks or to purchases or receives southern pine logs (f) "Volume" means the board foot
make deliveries during specified periods or lumber from a producer, a mill, or
volume of lumber processed from logs,
in fulfillment ol contracts, commitments, another distribution yard for purposes
processed from other lumber or sold, as
or purchase orders for particular pur- of unloading, sorting, and resale or re-
distribution, which regularly maintains a the case may be, within six months im-
poses or to particular persons. Such di-
stock of lumber, and which (1) proc- mediately prior to the transaction sub-
rections will be made primarily to insure
esses, by sawing, or by planing or other ject to this Schedule. (Executive Order
satisfaction of all defense requirements
of the United States, both direct and in- comparable method, less than 25 percent No. 8734)
direct, and they may be made, in the dis-
cretion of the Director of Priorities, with- § 1312.34 Appendix A— (a) Maximum f. o. b. mill prices per 1.000 feet board measure:
out regard to any preference ratings as- BOARDS AND STRIPS (ROUOH OREEN)
signed to particular contracts, commit-
ments or purchase orders.
(h) Effective dates. This Supplemen-
tary Order shall take effect on the 3d day
of September. 1941, and, unless sooner
terminated by direction of the Director
of Priorities, shall expire on the 30th day
of November, 1941. (O. P. M. Reg. 3.
Mar. 7, 1941. 6 FH. 1596; E.O. 8629. Jan.
7. 1941. 6 FR. 191: sec. 2 (a), PubUc No.
671. 76th Congress as amended; sec. 9,
Public No. 783, 76th Congress.)
Issued this 3d day of September 1941.
Donald M. Nelson,
Director of Priorities.

|F. R. Doc. 41-«628. Filed. September 3, 1941;

3:26 p. m.|


Part 1312 Lumber and Timber
amendment to price schedule no. 19
southern pine lumber
Sections 1312.32 and 1312.34 of Price
Schedule No. 19 are hereby amended

to read as follows:

§ 1312.32 DeflnitioTis. When used in

this Schedule, the term
(a) "Person" means an individual,
partnership, association, corporation, or
other business entity. The term in-
cludes, without restricting the generality
of the foregoing, any mill operator, man-
ufacturer, commission salesman, manu-
facturer's representative, concentration
yard operator, wholesaler, wholesale dis-
tributor, wholesaler's agent, or retailer.
(b) "Southern pine" means the species
of shortleaf pine (Pinus eschinata), lob-
lolly pine (Pinus taeda), slash pine
(Pinus caribaea), such longleaf pine
(Pinus palustris) as contains less than
six annual rings per inch and less than
one-third summerwood, or any other
Pinus species known commercially as
"southern pine".
(c) "Mill" means a manufacturing
plant, concentration yard, or other

6 FH. 4143.
4590 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 5, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 5, 1941 4591
Dimension —Continued The sentence of
first S 202.6 is modi- sible subsequent to the close of business Investigation including answers and re- the freight is delivered, the 48-hour and the presentation of the bill for such
read: at the end of each month.
2 X 10" & a X 12" Rough 3. 400 fled to sponses made by various respondents and 96-hour periods of credit shall run from charges.*
2 X a to 2 X 8 DresBCd to l%" 2. 600 Otherwise controlling instructions will
other interested parties having had the
' '

202.6 [Paragraph 61 Certification the first 12 o'clock midnight following 9 310.8 Collection of freight charges;
2 X 10" & 2 X 12" Dressed to 1%"
2. 600 prevail, and it is expected that Managers
For 1*4" add-. *00 —
and notification (a) Certified by re- of selecting agencies will cooperate with
consideration of Division Two, the said presentation of the freight bill. mailing. Mailing by the person or per-
For D&M, SL & Or. for splines, deduct. 300 gional manager. Upon receipt of requisi- division on the date hereof now finds that (c) Sundays and legal holidays, other sons paying the freight charges of valid
the Corps Area Commander in mak- and regulations to govern the
tion from the the Corps Area
office of the rules than Saturday half holidays, may be checks, drafts, or money orders, which
Floobino ing the continuous enrollment program
Commander covering the number of vet- extension of credit in settlement of rates excluded from the computation of the are satisfactory to the carrier, in pay-
(Plain End and End Matched] erans to be selected and enrolled to fill and charges as above described are nec- periods of credit.* ment of freight charges within the credit
(For Hollow Back deduct 100
[seal] Prank T. Hines. essary in the public Interest and to pre- S 310.5 Prtseniation of freight bills; periods allowed, may be deemed to be the
1x3" vacancies, the selecting agency will se-
1.800 Administrator. vent unjust discrimination and undue
lbs.).. lect and certify the appropriate number mailing, (a) Except as otherwise pro-
- -
collection of the tariff charges within the
1x4" (For Hollow Back deduct 100 Concur: preference or prejudice, and Ihat the
lbs.) 1.900 of veterans for enrollment. The Man- vided in paragraph (b) of this section credit period. In case of dispute as to
ager of the selecting agency will then in- J. W. Fraser, rules and regulations appended as Ex- and In §§ 310.6 and 310.7, carriers shall the time of mailing, the post mark shall
Drop SmiNO form the Corps Area Commander through Asst. War Department Represent' hibit A to the order dated May 12, 1941 present freight bills for all transporta- be accepted as showing such time.*
(Pat.116) - — 2.000
the liaison representative of the number ative C.C.C. should In certain respects be modified,
amended and changed and shall be
tion charges to the person or persons un- By the Commission, Division 2.
(Pat. 116) -
and location of such selectees. Upon re- Approved: August 23, 1941. dertaking to pay those charges as [SEAL] W. P. Bartel,
1x6" (Pat. 117) -
ceipt of this Information the Corps Area adopted and prescribed as so amended; promptly as praciicable but in every
1x8" (Pat. 117) - 1.800 Charles H. Taylor, Secretary.
1x6" (other patterns) 1.800 Commander will advise the Manager of and that reasonable, just and nondis- case prior to the second 12 o'clock mid-
- Asst. Director. Civilian Conserva-
1.900 criminatory, nonprejudicial and non- night following delivery of the freight. [F. R. Doc. 41-6661; Piled. September
1x8' (other patterns) the selecting agency through the liaison tion Corps.
4, 1941;
Eevel and SE Siding from 1" 1. 000
representative of the time and place the preferential rules and regulations are (b) When information sufficient to
11:47 a. m.l
Bevel and SE Siding from IVi" - 1.300 (F. R. Doc. 41-6539: FUed. August 30, 1941;
veterans are to report, and upon being and for the future will be those herein- enable the carrier to compute the tariff
Standard Beaded or V-Oroovid Ceiuno
11:26 a. ml
ordered to report the veteran will be after set forth; charges is not available to the carrier at
11/18" - 1.700 charged to the requisition. It is ordered. That the following regu- the point where it computes the charges, part 315 EXEBIPTION OF CONTRACT
3/4 - 1.800
lations shall become effective October 6, presentation of the freight bill may be carrier operations
9/16" - l.*00 The last sentence of S 202.7 (a) re-
and shall continue In effect until delayed until such information Is avail-
TiMBEBS ferring to four enrollment periods as TITLE 49—TRANSPORTATION AND 1941. August 26, 1941.
further order of the Commission: able. In such cases It shall be the duty
Timbers, [Over 2" thlckl) amended will be modified as follows: RAILROADS § 315.1 Oilfield equipment, marsh-
(Heavy Joists. etc. of the shipper (or consignee, as the case
5 310.1 Relinquishment of freight in lands, Louisiana and Texas. Contract
Rough, green 4,500 § 202.7 [Paragraph 7] Enrollments, CHAPTER I—INTERSTATE COM- advance of payment of charges. All
may be) to present, and of the carrier to
S4S '4" scant, green 4.200 reenroUments, and replacements (a) — MERCE COMMISSION common carriers of property by water obtain, the information as promptly as
carriers by water leasing or chartering
vessels for the purpose of transporting
S43 »»" scant, green 4.000
S4S Vj" scant, green 3.800
For period of 6 months. • • • Eln-
roUment of veterans will be on a con-
(Ex Parte No. 143 subject to Part m
of the Inferstate Com-
practicable. If, in any case, the neces-
machinery, materials, supplies, and
T&O. SL & Gr. for splines, deduct 300 merce Act, after having taken precau- sary information has not become avail- equipment Incidental to, or used in, the
tinuous rather than a periodic basis. Subchapter by Water
tions deemed by them to be sufficient to able to the carrier at the point where
(Executive Order No. 8734) construction, development, operation and
part 310 settlement or rates and it computes the charges within 15 days
Issued this 3rd day of September, 1941. Reference to enrollment periods in the assure payment
of their freight charges maintenance of facilities for the discov-
first sentence of § 202.7 (b) will be elimi-
CHARGES or COMMON CARRIERS within the credit periods hereinafter after delivery of the freight, carrier shall ery, development, and production of nat-
Effective September 5, 1941.
nated and will read as follows: Sec. specified, such as examination of the present the freight bill and collect ural gas and petroleum, to and from
Leon Henderson, charges based upon the best information
310.1 Relinquishment of freight in advance credit rating of the person or persons points In the marshland oil fields of Lou-
Administrator. Replacements at any time. Re-
(b) of payment of charges. in its possession and arrange for correc-
undertaking to pay the freight charges isiana and Texas, are exempted from the
placements to fill vacancies may be made 310.2 Extension of credit for 48-hour period. tion later when detailed information Is
[F. R. Doc. 41-C62e; Filed. September 3. 1941; 8103 Extension of credit for 96-hour period. or the obtaining of satisfactory surety requirements of part in of the Interstate
through selection and enrollment at any furnished.
4:18 p. m.)
310.4 (Computation of credit period. bonds, are hereby authorized to relin- Commerce Act for a period of three years
310.6 Presentation of freight bills; mailing. qui5h possession of freight at destina- (c) The person or persons undertak- from the 26th day of August 1941. (Sec,
Reference to enrollment periods in 310.6 Extension of credit for additional tion or in advance of the payment of ing to pay freight charges may elect to 201. 54 Stat. 930; 49 U.S.C, Sup. 902 (e)
§202.20 (a) [Paragraph 171 will be the tariff charges lawfully due thereon have their freight bills presented by Effective September
310.7 Extension of credit for demurrage 25, 1941.
eliminated and in lieu thereof there will means of the United States mails. When
TITLE 45— PUBLIC WELFARE charges. and to extend credit to those who under- fSEAL] w. P. Bartel.
be substituted: 310.8 Collection of freight charges: mailing. take to pay such charges, as hereinafter mail service Is so used, the time of mail-
at close of business (date) In the Matter of Rules and RegiUations authorized.* ing by the carrier shall be deemed to be
TION CORPS the presentation of the bills. In case (F. R. Doc. 41-6660; Piled. September 4, 1941;
Governing the Settlement of Rates and 310.1 to 310.8, Inclusive, Issued under
•5 5
11:46 m.)
eleven items to be recorded on the of dispute as to the time of mailing, the a.
(Supplement No. 7 to Instructions of Charges of Common Carriers by Water authority of sec. 318, 64 Stat. 949; 49 U.S.C
September 7. 1937] report referred to in § 202.20 (b) will be 918 post mark shall be accepted as showing
modified as follows At a Session of the Interstate Com- such time.*
_ Part 202 Selection of Veterans' 5 Extension of credit for 48-
merce Commission. Division Two. held S 310.6 Extension of credit for addi- [Special Series 3666]
Contingent 202.20
S [Paragraph 17] Report of hour period. Except as otherwise pro-
at Its office in Washington, D. C. on th tional charges. Where carrier has re- In the Matter of Regulations for
selection and enrollment. • • • vided in § 310.3, credit may be extended
continuous enrollments 29th day of August, A. D. 1941. linquished possession of freight and col- Transportation of Explosives and
(b) Form and substance. for a period not exceeding 48 hours,
It appearing. That by order dated May lected the amount of tariff charges rep- Other Dangerous Articles
• • • • • computed as provided in § 310.4.*
August 25, 1941. 12, 1941 the Commission on its own mo- resented in a freight bill presented by It
Replacement requisition received
(2) § 310.3 Extension of credit for 96- report of the commission '

The Director of the Civilian Conserva- tion instituted an investigation to deter- as the total amount of such charges and
from the Corps Area Commander. hour period. When retention of posses-
tion Corps in letter addressed to the War mine rules and regulations necessary in another freight bill for additional Decided August 19, 1941.
(3) Adjustments in requisitions au- sloh of freight by the carrier until the
Department Representative, C.C.C. Ad- the public interest to govern the exten- charges Is thereafter presented to the Application for authority to construct
tariff rates and charges thereon have
jutant General's Office, under date of thorized by the liaison representative. sion of credit in the settlement of rates shipper the carrier may extend credit in for experimental service in the trans-
(4) Replacement requisition as ad-
been paid will retard prompt delivery or
July 25. 1941 authorized effective that and charges for the transportation of the amount of such additional charges portation of 95 percent nitric add 5 riv-
will retard prompt release of equipment
date substituting continuous enrollment justed (Item #2 plus or minus item #3) property by common carriers of property for a period of 30 days, to be computed eted aluminum alloy tank-car tanks
or terminal facilities of the carrier, cred-
in lieu of periodic enrollment, stating • * • * • by water, subject to Part HI of the Inter- as herein set forth, from the date of the granted.
it may be extended for a period not
therein (7) Total number of veterans in enroll- state Commerce Act. and to prevent un- presentation of the subsequently pre- Victor Willoughby for American Car
exceeding 96 hours, computed as pro-
ment status at the close of the month. just discrimination and undue prejudice sented freight bill.* and Foundry Company.
No change In the procedure for the vided in S 310.4.*
• • • • • and preference, as provided by Section § Extension of credit for de-
310.7 In our orders entered November 14.
selection of veteran enrollees Is author-
318 of that Act; § 310.4 Computation of credit period. murrage charges. Where the amount of 1939, and June 7, 1940. we granted upon
ized except that they may be selected (9) Total number of veterans in enroll-
It further appearing, That by said or-
<a) When the freight bill is presented demurrage charges Is determinable im- applications therein considered author-
and enrolled at any time. ment status at the close of the month to the person or persons tmdertaking to
who have made allotments. der all common carriers by water subject der average agreements made in ac- ity to build and use for experimental rail
In harmony with this authority no to the provisions of the Interstate Com- pay the charges prior to. or at the time
cordance with tariff provisions the car- service in the transportation of ninety-
(10) Total number of veterans in en-
change contemplated in the basic "In-
is merce Act were ordered on or before of. delivery of the freight, the 48-hour
rier may delay the presentation of bills five percent nitric acid a total of five
rollment status at the close of the month and 96-hour periods of credit shall run
structions Governing the Selection of June 1941 to show to the Commission
5. for such demurrage charges for a period (5) tank cars equipped with riveted
Veterans to Compose the Veterans Con- who have not made allotments. (Item from the first 12 o'clock midnight fol-
in writing any cause or reason why the not to exceed 15 days from the expira-
tingent of the Civilian Conservation #9 plus item #10 should equal item #7.) Commission should not thereafter pre- lowing delivery of the freight. tion of the authorized demurrage period •Under the authority of section 17 (2) of
Corps" released September 7, 1937' (11) Number of pending applications
scribe the rules and regulations ap- (b) When
the freight bill is presented and may extend credit in the amount of the Interstate Commerce Act, the above en-
except as follows: on hand at the close of the month. titled matter was referred by the Commis-
pended to that order as Exhibit A; to the person or persons undertaking to the demurrage charges accruing during sion to Commissioner Johnson for consider-
This report should be submitted to the And further appearing. That all
it I>ay the charges subsequent to the time the demurrage period for 15 days from ation and disposition.
» 2 F R. 1855. liaison representative as promptly as pos- matters and things involved in the said No. 173-1—
4592 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 5, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 5, 1941 4593

of his actual expenditures in the per- of which are sufficient to cover the cost Article I shall be paid as it accrues, in a total money value of not to exceed $2,-
aluminum alloy tanks, to be constructed same. QM 23099 CBU A P 99 monthly installments based upon the
formance of the work as may be approved of the ft 867,832.00 to a total maximum cost of
and used in accordance with our regula- Notices
or ratified by the Contracting Officer. A0540-N. percentage of the completion of the work not to exceed $4,014,207.00: total addi-
tions for transportation of dangerous
Art. VIII. Method of payment. Pay. This contract, entered into this 4th as determined from estimates submitted tional cost. $1,146,375.00.
articles as modified by said reports. In-
WAR DEPARTMENT. ments of reimbursable cost items and of day of August, 1941. to and approved by the Contracting
cluding appendix covering A. A. R. re- Ttie supplies and services to be ob-
90% of the amount of the Architect- Article I. Statement of work. The Officer.
quirements. (Contract No. W 6319 qm-1; O. I. No. 1]
Engineer's fee earned shall be made on constructor shall, in the shortest possi- Final payment. Upon completion of
tained by this instrument are authorized
By application number 2840-A filed by, are for the purpose set forth In and
SUKMART or PIXED-PeE CONTRACT FOR vouchers approved by the Contracting ble time, furnish the labor, materials, the work and its final acceptance in
with the Association of American Rail- are chargeable to Procurement Author-
Architect-Engineer Services tools, naachinery, equipment, facilities, writing by the Contracting Officer, the
roads under revised date of March 25, Officer on standard forms, as^scon as ity Debit: AC 32 P 12-30 A 0705-2; Debit:
practicable after the submission of state- supplies not furnished by the Govern- Government shall pay to the Constructor
1941, and transmitted to us July 31, 1941, architect-engineer: gill u bennett,
ment, and services, and do all things the unpaid balance of the cost of the
AC 18 P 82-30 A 0705-2, the available
with the recommendations of the Asso- great national ufe building, d.\llas, ments, supported by original certified balance of which is sufficient to cover
ciation's mechanical division and Bu- TEXAS payrolls, receipted bills for all expenses
necessary for the completion of the fol- work determined under Article n hereof, cost of same.
k)wing work: The construction of a new and of the fee.
reau of Explosives, we are asked to au- including materials, supplies and equip-
Amount fixed fee: $20,765. Quartermaster Depot together with nec- Art. VI. Termiriation of contract by Frank W. Bullock,
thorize American Car and Foundry ment, rentals, and all other supporting
Estimated construction cost (Art.
Upon completion of the project essary temporary structures,
buildings, Government. The Government may ter- Major, Signal Corps,
Company to construct five (5) additional data.
and appurtenances thereto at
V-2): $1,673,090. and its final acceptance the Architect- utilities minate this contract at any time by a Assistant to the
riveted aluminum alloy tanks of tank
cars, of nominal capacity 8,095 gallons,
Type of construction project: Quarter- Engineer shall be paid the unpaid bal-
Dallas —Port Worth Area, Texas. notice in writing from the Contracting Director of Purchases and Contracts.
master Depot. It is estimated that the construction Officer to the Constructor.
conforming to proposed shipping con- ance of any money due the Architect- [F. R. Doc. 41-«673: Piled, September 4. 1941;
Location: North Texas. cost of the work covered by this contract This Contract authorized by the is
tainer specification 103C-AL for tank Engineer hereunder. 11:56 a. m.j
Type of service: Architect-Engineer. will be one million six hundred twenty following law: Public No. 139, 77th Con-
cars, including A. A. R. appendix at- Art. IX. Drawings and other data to
The supplies and services to be ob- seven thousand four hundred ninety dol- gress. Approved June 30, 1941.
tached to and made
part of order en- become property of Government. All
tained by this instrument are authorized lars ($1,627,490) exclusive of the Con-
tered November 14, 1939, cars to be used drawings, designs and specifications are Prank W. Bttllock,
in experimental service tests in the
by, are for the purpose set forth in, and
to become the property of the Govern-
structor's fee.
are chargeable to. Procurement Author- In consideration for his undertaking
transportation of ninety-flve percent ment. Assistant to the Director of Bituminous Coal Division.
ity QM 8278 P L 29-77 A-0540-12 the under this contract the Constructor shall
nitric acid. Riveted anchors will be Art. xn. Changes in scope of project.
receive the following:
Purchases and Contracts.
available balance of which is sufQcient [Docket No. 1781-PD)
used. The Contracting Officer may, at any
Doc. 41-6672; Piled, September
to cover the cost of same. IF. R. 4, 1941;
In support of the instant application, time, by a written order, issue addi- Reimbursement for expenditures
11:56 a. m.]
In THE Matter of Matthew Phillips,
This contract,' entered irito this 23rd provided in Article n. Defendant
applicant submits that two cars of speci- tional Instructions, require additional as
day of June, 1941. (b) Rental for Constructor's equip-
fication 103C-AL type have been con- work or services, or direct the omission NOTICE OF and ORDER FOR HEARING
Article I. Description of the Work. ment as provided in Article n.
structed, one of which has had service of work or services covered by this con- [Ssrial No. 4804; 7-17-41)
The Architect-Engineer shall perform (c) A fixed fee in the amount of forty A complaint dated June 25, 1941, pur-
for one year in 16 trips over a total of tract.
24,724 miles, with up to 102,760 pounds
all the necessary services provided under
Art. XIII. Termination for cause or five thousand six hundred dollars ($45.- Summary of Change Order to Contract suant to the provisions of sections 4 II
this contract for the following described 600) which shall constitute complete for sxipplies (j) and 5 (b) of the Bituminous Coal
of acid per trip. At the second semi- for convenience of the Government.
project: The Construction of a Quarter- compensation for the Constructor's serv- Act of 1937, having been duly filed cm
annual inspection the Inside of this tank The Government may terminate this contractor: beech aircraft corporation,
master IDepot. including necessary build- ices,including profit and general July 17, 1941, by Bituminous Coal Pro-
was found to be in excellent condition, contract at any time and for any cause all wichita, kansas
ings, temporary structures, utilities and overhead expanses. ducers Board for District No. 6, a district
with no change in appearance and no by a notice in writing from the Contract-
corrosion where rivets met the body of
appurtenances thereto located at or In
ing Officer to the Architect-Engineer. The Contracting may
Change No. 1 ' to contract No. W
535 board, complainant, with the Bituminous
the vicinity of North Texas. Officer at any ac-19632, dated May 29, 1941; published Coal Division alleging willful violation by
the tank. There was no indication of This contract is authorized by the fol- time, without notice to the sureties, if
Art. in. Data to be furnished by the in Federal Register July 15, 1941. the defendant of the Bituminous Coal
any straining or distortion of, or damage lowing laws: any, by a written order, issue additional
Government. The Government will fur- Subject: Additional Airplanes and Code or rules and regulations there-
tank or joints.
Upon further consideration of the rec- nish the Architect-Engineer essential Public 611 —76th Congress Approved instructions, require additional work or Spare Parts. under;
ord and in the light of added facts dis-
schedules of preliminary data, layout June 13, 1940.
services, or direct the omission of work Affecting: Contract W
535 ac-19632. It is ordered. That a hearing in respect

closed, construction and use for trial

sketches, and other essential informa- Public 703 —76th Congress Approved
or services covered by this contract. Under the provisions of Article 30 of to the subject matter of such complaint

service of five (5) additional tanks of

tion respecting sites, topography, soil July 2, 1940.
The title to all work, completed or in
the course of construction, shall be In
Contract W
535 ac-19632, the Govern- be held on October 13, 1941, at 10 a. m.
conditions, outside utilities and equip- ment is granted the right and option at at a hearing room of the Bituminous Coal
tank cars, to comply with proposed ship- Prank W. Bitllock, the Government. Likewise, upon deliv- any time on or before • •
ping container specification 103C-AL, in-
ment as may be available for the prepa- Major, Signal Corps. ery at the site of the work or at an ap-
• to in- Division at the Marion County Court
ration of preliminary sketches and the crease the quantity of airplanes called House, Fairmont, West Virginia.
cluding A. A. R. appendix, in accordance Assistant to the Director of proved storage site and upon inspection for under the contract by • • •
development of final drawings and speci- at a It is further ordered. That W. A. Cuff
with the authority granted November 14, Purchases and Contracts. and acceptance in writing by the Con- unit price of $ •
• • for each ad- or any other officer or officers of the Bi-
1939. is forthwith authorized for use in tracting Officer, title to all materials, ditional airplane and is granted the fur-
the transportation of ninety-flve percent Art. V. • • • and estimated cost [P. R. Doc. 41-6671; Piled. September 4, 1941: tuminous Coal Division designated by the
tools, machinery, equipment and supplies
11:56 a. m.| ther right and option to increase the Director thereof for that purpose shall
nitric acid. Tanks must be constructed of construction. The present prelimi- for which the Constructor shall be en-
quantity of spare parts called for under preside at the hearing in such matter.
and marked in compliance with said pro- nary estimated construction cost of the titled to be reimbursed under Article n,
the contract by an amount not exceed- The officer so designated to preside at
posed specification 103C-AL. and appli- project on which the services of this con- shall vest in the Government.
ing, in money value, • • • per cent
cation and drawings filed as an exhibit tract are based is approximately one (Contract No. W 7033 qm-7; O. I. No. 7) Art. m. Payments— Reimbursement of the total cost of additional airplanes
such hearing is hereby authorized to
million six hundred seventy-three thou- conduct said hearing, to administer oatha
herein. 8TJMMART OF PiXED PeE CONSTRUCTION for cost.The Government will currently that may be purchased under the terms and affirmations, examine witnesses, sub-
In all respects other than as provided sand ninety dollars ($1,673,090) exclu- Contract '
reimburse the Constructor for expendi- of the option. poena witnesses, compel their attendance
for herein the regulations for the trans- sive of Architect-Engineer's fixed fee. tures made In accordance with Article In consideration of the premises and
Art. VI. Fixed-fee and reimburse- contractor: harry b. friedbmn, isio take evidence, require the production of
portation of ninety-five percent nitric n upon and verification
certification to the mutual covenants herein contained, any books, papers, correspondence, mem-
ment of expenditures. In consideration WEST lOTH STREET, FORT WORTH, TEXAS
acid are and shall remain in full force by the Contracting Officer of the original it ismutually understood and agreed by
for his undertakings under the contract, oranda or other records deemed relevant
and effect. Contract for construction of North of signed payrolls, for labor, the re- the parties hereto that the contract is
the Architect-Engineer shall be paid the or material to the inquiry, to continue
Owners or operators of cars shall make Texas Quartermaster Depot. ceipted invoices for materials, and such hereby amended as set forth herein-
semiannual inspections of the tanks au- following: —
Location: Dallas Port Worth Area. other documents as the Contracting Of- below:
said hearing from time to time, and to
such places as he may direct by an-
a. A fixed fee in the amount of twenty Pixed fee: $45,600. may
thorized herein and report their condi- ficer require. Generally, reimburse- nouncement at said hearing or any ad-
tion to the same parties as receive thousand seven hundred sixty-five Dol- Estimated construction cost exclusive ment will be made weekly but may be (1) The lot quantity of Airplanes,
lars ($20,765.) which shall constitute • • *, called for under the terms of journed hearing or by subsequent notice,
reports required by proposed specifica- of fixed fee: $1,627,490. made at more frequent Intervals if the
tion 103C-AL. complete compensation for the Archi- The supplies and services to be ob- conditions so warrant.
Contract W 535 ac-19632, is hereby in- and to prepare and submit to the Direc-
creased from • • • to * • • air- tor proposed findings of fact and conclu-
tect-Engineer's services. tained by this instrument are authorized Rental for constructor's equipment.
By the Commission, Commissioner planes, total additional sions and the recommendation of an ap-
b. In addition to the payment of the by. are for the purpose set forth in, and cost, $11,463,-
Johnson. Rental as provided in Article II for such
750.00. propriate order in the premises, and to
fixed fee as specified herein, the Archi- are chargeable to the following procure- construction plant or parts thereof as
[seal] W. p. Bartel. (2) The
quantity of spare parts
lot perform all other duties in connection
tect-Engineer will be reimbursed for such ment authorities, the available balances the Constructor may own and furnish
called for under the terms of Contract therewith authorized by law.
shall be paid monthly
|F. R. D9C. 41-6662: Piled. September 4, 1941; > Approved by the Under Secretary of War •Approved by the Under Secretary of War of proper vouchers.
upon presentation W 535 ac-19632 is hereby increased from Notice of such hearing is hereby given
August 7, 1941. to said defendant and to all other parties
11:47 ». m.l June 25, 1941.
Payment of the fixed fee. Ninety per-
Approved by the Under Secretary of War
' herein and to all persons and entities
cent (90%) of the fixed fee set out In August 2, 1941. having an interest in such proceeding.

4594 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 5, 1941 FEDERAF. RRCIi^TRR J^rf'W4>» .C^>i^^».A^>. t: iq41 jmnt!
4594 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 5, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 5, 1941 4595
Any or entity eligible under
person (Docket No. A-075] No. 8 for revision of the effective mini-
{ 301.123 of the Rules and Regulations District Board No. 8 Riqubbting Rk- mum prices for shipment by truck of the
Governing Practice and Procedure Before visiON OP THi ErFicnvB Minimum coals produced at the following mines in
the Bituminous Coal Division in Proceed- Prices Estabushu for thx Coals Kanawha County, West Virginia, in Sub-
ings Instituted Pursuant to sections 4 n Produced at Certain Minis in Kana- district No. 4 in District No. 8:

(J) and 5 (b) of the Bituminous Coal Act wha Coxmrr, West Virginia. Subdis-
of 1937. may file a petition for interven- TRicT No. 4 IN District No. 8 for 1
tion not later than five (5) days before Shipment bt Truck
the date herein set for hearing on the li
notice op and order por hearing
Notice is hereby given. That answer to A petition, pursuant to the Bitumi-
the complaint must be filed with the Bi- nous Coal Act of 1937, having been duly
tuminous Coal Division at its Washington filed with this Division by the above-
oflBce or with any one of the statistical named party;
bureaus of the Division, within twenty It is ordered, That a hearing in the
(20) days after date of service thereof on above-entitled matter under the appli-
the defendant; and that any defendant cable provisions of said act and the rules
failing to file an answer within such pe- of the Division be held on September
riod, unless the Director or the presiding 29, 1941, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon
oflBcer shall otherwise order, shall be of that day, at a hearing room of the
deemed to have admitted the allegations Bituminous Coal Division. 734 Fifteenth
of the complaint herein and to have con- Street NW., Washington, D. C. On such
sented to the entry of an appropriate day the Chief of the Records Section in
order on the basis jf the facts alleged. room 502 will advise as to the room
All persons are hereby notified that the where such hearing will be held.
hearing in the above-entitled matter and It further ordered. That Scott A.

orders entered therein may concern, in Dahlquist or any other ofBcer or oCBcers
addition to the matters specifically al- of the Division duly designated for that
leged in the complaint herein, other mat- purpose shall preside at the hearing in
ters incidental and related thereto, such matter. The officers so designated
whether raised by amendment of the to preside at such hearing are hereby au-
complaint, petition for intervention, or thorized to conduct said hearing, to ad-
otherwise, and all persons are cautioned minister oaths and affirmations, exam-
to be guided accordingly. ine witnesses, subpoena witnesses, com-
The matter concerned herewith is in pel their attendance, take evidence, re-
regard to the complaint filed by said quire the production of any books, pa-
complainant, alleging willful violation by pers, correspondence, memoranda, or
the above-named defendant of the Bi- other records deemed relevant or mate-
tuminous Coal Code or rules and regu- rial to the Inquiry, to continue said
lations thereunder as follows: The Bi- hearing from time to time, and to pre-
tuminous Coal Act of 1937, as amended, pare and submit to the Director pro-
the Schedule of Effective Minimum posed findings of fact and conclusions
Prices and the Marketing Rules and Reg- and the recommendation of an appro-
ulations incidental to the sale and dis- priate order in the premises, and to per-
tribution of coal by code members within form all other duties in connection
all districts by selling, during January therewith authorized by law.
and February. 1941, to various consum- Notice of such hairing is hereby given
ers from a tipple in Chester, West Vir- to all parties herein and to persons or
ginia, located fourteen miles from said entities having an interest in these pro-
mine and to which the producer trucked ceedings and eligible to become a party
said coal, herein. Any person desiring to be ad-
545.46 net tons of 3" lump coal, mitted as a party to this proceeding may
132.93 net tons of IW x 3" egg coal. file a petition of intervention in accord-
ance with the rules and regulations of
44.62 net tons of %" x iy4" nut and
pea coal.
the Bituminous Coal Division for pro-
ceedings instituted pursuant to section
14.97 net tons of run of mine coal,
32.51 net tons of %" slack coal,
4 n (d) of the Act, setting forth the
facts on the basis of which the relief
produced at said mine at less than the in the original petition is supported or
effective minimum prices therefor of opposed or on the basis of which other re-
$2.75 per net ton for 3" lump coal. sought. Such petitions of interven-
lief is

$2.30 per net ton for \\^" x 3" egg tion shall be filed with the Bituminous
coal, Coal Division on or before September 24,
$2.20 per net ton for %" x l>/4" nut 1941.
and pea coal, All persons are hereby notified that the
$2.20 per net ton for run of mine coal, hearing in the above-entitled matter and
$1.90 per net ton for %"
slack coal, any orders entered therein, may concern,
in addition to the matters specifically al-
plus at least the actual cost of trans- leged in the petition, other matters nec-
portation from the transportation facil- and related thereto,
essarily incidental
ities at said mine to said point of
which may be raised by amendment to
delivery. the petition, petitions of interveners or
Dated: September 2, 1941. otherwise, or which may be necessary
[SKAL] H. A. Gray, corollaries to the relief, if any, granted on
Director. the basis of this petition.
(F. R. Doc. 41-6636: Piled. September 4, 1941;
The matter concerned herewith is in
10:09 a. J
m regard (o the petition of District Board
4596 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 5, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 5, 1941 4597
take evidence, require the production of IDocket No. 1788-I>T>1
2. Respondent during the period from a Motion to Set Time For
29, 1941. filed and that the proceedings in this docket Coal
any books, papers, correspondence, mem-
Division, 734 15th Street NW.,
January 10. 1941 to March 27. 1941. In the Matter or Castebvuxe Coal Com- Hearing In which it alleged that the in- be closed. Washington, D. C.
both dates inclusive, purchased for re- oranda or other records deemed relevant PANT. Partnership, Defendant terests of consumers in certain market Dated: September 1941.
2, Dated: Septanber 3, 1941.
sale in carload lot quantities, from the or material to the inquiry, to continue areas were "vitally and adversely af-
ORDER postponing HEARING t SEAL J H. a. Gray. [seal] H. a. Gray,
Beccaria Coal Mining Co., code member, said hearing from time to time, and to fected by further postponement of this Director.
approximately 515.35 net tons of mine such places as he may direct by an- matter." Thereupon an Order was is-
Hearing in the above-entitled matter
nm coal. Size Group No. 3. produced at nouncement at said hearing or any ad- sued scheduling a hearing on September [F. R. Doc. 41-6646; FUed. September 4, 1941; [F. R. Doc. 41-6648: Piled. September
having been scheduled for September 5. 10:12 a. m.]
4, 1941;
said code member's Leland No. 8 Bdlne, journed hearing or by subsequent notice 3, 1941. in Washington, D. C. By a Mo- 10:13 a. m.j
1941, at 10 a. m. at a hearing room of
Mine Index No. 273. located In Clearfield and to prepare and submit to the Direc- tion filed August 29, 1941. petitioner re-
the Bituminous Coal Division at the Cir-
County, Pennsylvania, District No. 1. and tor proposed findings of fact and con- quested a continuance of the hearing
cuit Court Room. County Court House, [Docket No. A-360]
resold said coal to various of its cus- clusions and the recommendation of ap- herein from September 3, 1941, to No-
Marion, Illinois, before Charles 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE.
tomers. Respondent accepted and re- propriate order In the premises, and to vember 3, 1941. in which it stated that Petition of District Board No. 14 for
Mitchell. Trial Examiner; and
tained discounts of 26 cents per 'net ton perform all other duties in connection District Board No. 4 has not yet com- the Establishment or Additional Surplus Marketing Administration.
It appearing to the Director that It is
from the effective minimum f o. b. mine therewith authorized by law. pleted the collection of data for reclas- Price Classifications and Minimum
advisable to postpone said hearing to a AO 29- A 3|
[Docket No.
price on approximately 108.25 net tons Notice of such hearing is hereby given sification of the coals in District 4 which Prices for the Coals Produced at Cer-
later date;
of said coal purchased and resold by it to said respondent, and to all other par- may be relevant to the issues herein; tain Mines in Subdistrict No. 3 of Notice of Hearing With Respect to a
It is hereby ordered. That the hearing
during the period from January 10, to ties herein and to all persons and en- that through illness and resignation, its District No. 14 Upon Sales to and by Proposal to Amend the Tentatively
in the above matter be and the same is
January 13. 1941. both dates inclusive, tities having an interest in such pro- legal staff is presently handicapped: and Paris Coal Washery, Inc., Pursuant Approved Marketing Agreement, as
hereby postponed to September 18, 1941,
and 17 cents per net ton from the effec- ceeding. that it is now engaged in the prepara- to Section 4 n (d) of the Bitu- Amended, and Order No. 12, as
at the same time and place and before
tive minimum f. o. b. mine price on ap- Notice Is hereby given that answer to the same Examiner. tion of other hearings before this Divi- minous Coal Act of 1937 Amended, Regulating the Handling of
proximately 407.10 net tons of said coaJ the charges alleged herein must be filed Dated: September 2, 1941. sion and therefore cannot do certain Milk in the Dubuque, Iowa, Market-
order dismissing petition
purchased and resold by it during the with the Bitimninous Coal Division at work which it deems necessary for a ing Area
March March [seal] H. a. Gray, The
period from 4 to 27. 1941, its Washington Office or with any one proper presentation of the matters in- original petitioner having moved
Director. Notice is hereby given of a hearing to
both dates inclusive, which discounts of the Statistical Bureaus of the Divi- volved herein. that the proceedings In the above-en-
be held in the Court Room of the Federal
were and are in excess of the maximum sion, within twenty (20) days after date (F. R. Doc. 41-6643; Filed. September 4. 1941; The present proceeding has been pend- titled matter be dismissed, without Building, Dubuque. Iowa, beginning at
allowable discount of 12 cents per net of service thereof on the respondent; 10:10 a. m.l ing a considerable period of time, and it prejudice, and there having been no op-
10:00 a. m.. c. s. t., September 9. 1941,
ton from the effective minimum price and that any respondent failing to file is highly desirable that some final dis- position thereto;
with respect to proposed amendments
f. o. b. the mine, as established by
Order an answer within such period, imless the position of these matters be made. Now, therefore, it is ordered. That the to the tentatively approved marketing
of the EMrector. dated June 19. 1940 in Director or the presiding oflScer shall (Docket No. 1763-FDl However, in view of the allegations con- original petition in the above-entitled
agreement, as amended, and Order No.
General Docket No. 12, ull in violation otherwise order, shall be deemed to have tained in the Motion, a continuance for matter be dismissed, without prejudice,
12. as amended, regulating the handling
of section 4 n(h) of the Act and para- admitted the alleged charges and to have In the Matter or Ltttle John Coal a short period may be justified. and that the proceedings in this docket of milk in the Dubuque. Iowa, marketing
graph (a) of the Agreement. consented to the entry of an appropri- Company. Defendant It is therefore ordered. That the hear- be closed. area.
3. Respondent during the period from ate order on the basis of the facts ORDEJl postponing HEARING ing heretofore scheduled in the above Dated: September 2, 1941. This notice is given pursuant to the
January 10 to March 28, 1941, both dates alleged. matter for September 3. 1941. be and it tSEAL] H. a. Gray, provisions of Public Act No. 10, 73d Con-
The above-entitled matter having been
Inclusive, purchased for resale in carload All persons are hereby notified that is hereby cancelled.
Director. gress, as amended and as reenacted and
heretofore scheduled for hearing at
lot quantities, from the Beccaria Coal the hearing in the above-entitled matter It is further ordered. That the hear- amended by the Agricultural Marketing
10 o'clock in the forenoon of September [P. R. Doc. 41-6647: Piled,
Mining Co., code member, approximately and orders entered therein may concern, ing in the above matter be held at 10 September 4, 1941;
Agreement Act of 1937, as amended, and
29, 1941, at a hearing room of the Bitu- 10:12 a. m.]
316.30 net tons of machine cuttings, pro- in addition to the matters specifically o'clock in the forenoon of October 6.
of the General Regulations. Series A.
minous Coal Division at the County
duced at said code member's Leland No. alleged herein, other matters incidental 1941, at the place heretofore designated
No. 1, as amended, of the Agricultural
Court House, Galesburg. Illinois; and
8 Mine. Mine Index No. 273, located in and related thereto, whether raised by and before the officers previously desig- Adjustment Administration, United
It appearing to the EMrector that the
Clearfield County. Pennsylvania, District amendment, petition for intervention, or nated to preside at the hearing. Applications for Registration as States Department of Agriculture.
hearing In the above-entitled matter
No. 1 and resold said coal to Dobler Brew- otherwise, and all persons are cautioned It is further ordered. That in the event Distributors This public hearing is for the puipose
should be postponed;
ing Co., of Albany. N. Y.. during the to be guided accordingly. petitioners fail to proceed at the hearing
of receiving evidence on proposed amend-
Now. therefore, it is ordered, That the on October 6. 1941. they shall show cause An application for registration as a
aforesaid period, when at the time of said Dated: September 3, 1941. ments submitted by the Dubuque Co-
hearing in the above-entitled matter be distributor has been filed by each of the
transactions, no temporary or final price [SEALi H. A. Gbay. why this proceeding should not be dis- operative Dairy Marketing Association.
postponed from 10 o'clock in the fore- following and Is under consideration by
or classification for machine cuttings JWrertor. missed without prejudice.
the Director; Inc., to CI) revise the marketing area by
produced at the af-oresaid mine had been noon of September 29, 1941. until 10 Dated: August 30, 1941. removing therefrom the territory with-
established by the Division, and said code IF. R. Doc. 41-6641: PUed. September 4. 1941; o'clock In the forenoon of October 27, Date application
10:10 a. m.l
tSEALl Dan H. Wheeler, Name and address
in the corporate limits of the city of East
member had not filed a petition piu-suant 1941, at the place heretofore designated filed
Acting Director. Cranberry Improvement Co., Dubuque; (2) revise the minimum class
to section 4 II (d) of the Act for the es- and before the officers previously desig-
(F. R. Doc. 41-6646; Piled. September 1416 Chestnut St.. Philadel- prices by using the price as fixed in the
tablishment of a price or classification nated to preside at said hearing. 4. 1941-
phia. Pa
fDocket No 1736-PDl 10:11 a. m.l Aug. 23, 1941 Evaporated Milk Code plus a premium
for such coal, all in violation of the Order Dated: September 3, 1941. W. O. Oulbranson. 900 Hannah over, except Class IV milk, which shall '

St., Houtzdale. Pa
of the Director, dated October 9. 1940 In Im the Mattkr or Norris Coal Compamt, [SEAL] H. A. Gray. Aug. 21, 1941
be based on Chicago 92-score butter plus
Indiana Builders Supply Co..
A Partnership. Dependant

General Docket No. 19, and paragraph Director. 601 Citizens Bank Bldg.. 20 percent; (3) require handlers to pay
(e) of the Agreement. ORDER POfiTPONIMG REARING [Docket No. A-350|
EvansvUle, Ind Aug. 22, 1941 producers for Class I and Class 11 milk
IF. B. Doe. 41-4644; FUed. Beptembet 4, 1941; Little Coal Co.. London. Ky Aug. 25. 1941
It is. therefore, ordered, That a hearing 10:11 a. m.l sold in unregulated markets the price
Hearing In the above-entitled matter Petition of District No. 14 for the Es- W. E. Lough. Weston, West Va.. Aug. 26, 1941
pursuant to S 304.14 of the Rules and McNamara Coal Co 95 North as ascertained by the Market Adminis-
having oeen scheduled for September 5. tablishment OF A Special Minimum .

Regulations for the Registration of Dis- 9th St.. Brooklyn, N. Y Aug. 26, 1941 trator as the going price for milk of
1941. at 10 a. m. at a hearing room of the Price for Certain Coals Produced at Wm. Sammons and Sons. Oxin-
tributors, to determine whether the reg- (Docket No. A-5971 equivalent use sold in such markets; (4)
Bituminous Coal Division at the Circuit Certain Mines in District 14 Upon nlson. Colo Aug. 25. 1941
istration of said distributor should be re- change the butterfat standard for pric-
Court Room, County Court House. Ma- P eti tion of the Consttmers' Cottnsel Sales to Excelsior Prep.iration Plant,
Any code member, dis-
district board, ing milk from 3.8 percent to 3.5 percent;
voked or suspended, or other appropriate rion. Illinois, before Charles S. MltcheD, Inc., Pursuant to Section 4 n
Division for Reduction in the Level (d) of tributor, theConsumers' Counsel, or any
penalties be imposed, be held on Septem- the Bituminous Coal Act of 1937
«5) revise the butterfat differential by
Trial Examiner; and OF Effective Minimxim Prices of Coals other interested person, who has per-
ber 29. 1941. at 10 a. m.. at a hearing room basing it on Chicago 92-score butter plus
It appearing to the Director that it is IN Size Groups 6-9, Produced in Dis- tinent information concerning the eligi-
of the Bituminous Coal Division at the order dismissing petition 20 percent, decimal to be carried to near-
advisable to postpone said hearing to a trict 4, FOR Shipment Into Market
Civil Service Room 203. U. S. Post OfiBce
bility of any of the above-named ap- est Acent; and (6) include a provision
Building, Altoona, Pennsylvania.
later date; Areas 4. 5 and 7-21. Puesuant to Sec- original petitioner having moved plicants for registration as distributors for payments by non-members of a
It is hereby ordered. That the hearing tion 4 II <d) OF the Bituminous Coal that the proceedings In the above- under the provisions of the Bituminous qualified cooperative association; and on
further ordered. That W. A. Cuff
It is
In the above matter be and the same Is Act of 1937 entitled matter be dismissed, without Coal Act and the Rules and Regulations proposed amendments submitted by the
or any other officer or ofHcers of the Bitu-
hereby postponed to September 18, 1941, prejudice, and there having been no op- for the Registration of Distributors, is Market Administrator for the Dubuque,
minous Coal Division designated by the ORDER granting CONTINUANCE
at the same time and place and before position thereto; invited to fiunish such information to Iowa, marketing area to (7) revise the
Director thereof for that purpose shall Now, therefore,
the same Examiner. This proceeding was instituted by an ordered. That the
it is the EWvision on or before September definition of delivery period to provide
preside at the hearing in such matter.
Dated: September 2, 1941. original petition filed by the Consumers' original petition the above-entitled
in 22, 1941. This information should be for monthly instead of semi-monthly
The oflBcer so designated to preside at matter be dismissed, without prejudice.
[seal! H. A. Gray. Counsel Division on January 15. 1941. mailed or presented to the Bituminous periods; (8) provide for advance pay-
such hearing is hereby authorized to con-
Director. After several continuances had been
duct said hearing, to administer oaths
and aflOrmations. examine witnesses, sub- granted upon the requests of various
[F. R. Doc. 41-6642: FUed. September 4. 1941;
10:10 a. m.] parties, the original petitioner on July,
poena witnesses, compel their attendance,
. . . ; :

4598 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 5, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 5, 1941 4599

and published In the Fedral Register as L. Gldding and Company. Inc., Hamll- NoncE or Issuance of Special Certifi- thereon was held on July 15, 16, and 18 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COM-
ments on the 20th day of each delivery
New cates roR the Employment of Learn- and was adjourned to reconvene on Sep-
period of the approximate value of milk here stated. ton Street, Bound Brook, Jersey; MISSIOxN.
ers Under the Fair Labor Standards tember 2, 1941;
delivered during the first 15 days: (9) Apparel; Children's Dresses; 5 learners
Apparel Learner Regulations, Septem- Act of 1938 [File No. 70-3701
change the date of announcement of the ber 7, 1940 (6PJI. 3591).
(75% of the applicable hourly minimum (b) TTie proceedings in the above-en-
wage) September 1942. Notice is hereby given that special titled matters at Docket No. G-200 and
blended price from the 8th to the 10th Artificial Flowers and Feathers
; 6, In the Matter of Northern States
Hampden Hat and Cap Company, 224 Certificates authorizing the employment Docket No. G-207 involve similar issues Power Cobo»any (Miiinesota)
day following the end of the delivery Learner Regulations, October 24. 1940
period; (10) make corresponding changes Worthington Street, Springfield, Massa- of learners at hourly wages lower than and facts:
(5 F.R. 4203) ORDER granting APPUCATION
in the dates of payment to and from the Glove Findings and Determination of chusetts; Apparel; Caps; 2 learners the minimum rate applicable imder sec- The Commission orders that:
producer -settlement fund; and (11)_ February 20, 1940, as amended by Ad- (75% of the applicable hourly minimum tion 6 of theAct are Issued under section At a regular session of the Securities
wage) November (A) A public hearing in the proceed-
clarify the basis for classification of Class ; 28. 1941. 14 thereof and S 522.5 (b) of the Regu- and Exchange Commission, held at its
ministrative Order of September 20, 1940 ing at Docket No. O-207 be held com-
n mUk. (5 Fit. 3748).
Lady Ester Lingerie Corporation. 10th lations Issued thereunder. (August 16.
mencing on September 2, 1941, at 9:45 office in the City of Washington, D. C,
Copies of the proposed amendments Hosiery Learner Regulations, Septem-
and Walnut Street. Berwick. Pennsyl- 1940, 5 F.R. 2862) to the employers listed on the 3rd day of September, A. D. 1941.
a. m. (E. S. T.), at 1800 Pennsylvania
may be obtained from the Hearing Clerk, vania; Apparel; Ladies' Slips, Undergar- below effective September 5, 1941. The above-named party, a Minnesota
ber 4. 1940 (5 F.R. 3530). Avenue, NW., in the City of Washington,
Office of the Solicitor, United States De- Independent Telephone Learner Regu- ments & Aprons; 30 learners (75% of the Tlie employment of learners under corporation and a registered holding
applicable hourly minimum wage) Jan-
D. C;
Washington, these Certificates is limited to the terms
partment Agriculture, lations, September 27 1940 (5 FH. 3829). company, having filed an application and
of (B) The proceedings in the above-en-
D. C. in Room 0310. South Building, or uary 23, 1942. and conditions as designated opposite an amendment thereto, pursuant to the
Knitted Wear Learner Regulations, titled matters at Docket No. G-200 and
may be there inspected. October 10, 1940 (5 FR. 3982).
Anthony Primus, 403 North Castle, the employer's name. These Certifi- Public Utility Holding Company Act of
Baltimore, Maryland; Apparel; Naval cates are issued upon the employers'
Docket No. G-207 be and they are hereby
Dated: September 4, 1941. Millinery Learner Regulations, Custom consolidated for the purposes of hearing 1935, particularly Section 10 thereunder
Uniforms; 1 learner (75% of the appli- representations that experienced work-
[ssAL] Grovkr
B. Hill, Made and Popular Priced, August 29, thereon. regarding the proposed acquisition from
cable hourly minimum wage) Septem- ers for the learner occupations are not P. O. Hillman, doing business individ-
1940 (5 F.R 3392, 3393).
Acting Secretary of Agriculture.
Textile Learner Regulations, May 16,
ber 5, 1942. a\ailable for employment and that they By the Commission. ually as the "Green Lake Light and Power
IF. R. Doc. 41-«667; PUed. September 4. IMl; California Artificial Flower Company. are actually in need of learners at sub- [seal] Leon M. Fuquay, Company" for the cash consideration of
1941 (6 F.R. 2446)
11:51 a. m.] Woolen Learner Regulations, October 400 Resovior Avenue, Providence, R. I.; minimum rates in order to prevent cur- Secretary. $18,000 of the electric transmission and
Artificial Flowers and Feathers; 90 tailment of opportunities for employ- distribution systems now owned by said
30, 1940 (5 FR. 4302)
learners; October 17, 1941. ment. Tlie Certificates may be can- IF. R. Doc. 41-6S27; Filed. September 3. 1941;
3:15 p. m.J
Hillman and used in serving the Village
Tlie employment of learners under The Elkton Textile Company, Inc.. Elk- celled inthe manner provided for in of Spicer, Minnesota, the inhabitants
these Certificates is limited to the terms ton, Maryland; Hosiery; Full Fashioned Regulations and as indicated on the
thereof, the unincorporated community
and conditions as to the occupations, Hosiery; 100 learners; May 5, 1942. Certificate. Any person aggrieved by of Green Lake and the adjacent terri-
Wage and Hour Division. learning periods, minimum wage rates, Manard Hosiery Mill, 355 N. York the issuance of these Certificates may [Docket Nos. ID-01. ID-518. ID-5081
tory, including meters and all appur-
et cetera, specified in the Determination Road, Willow Grove, Pennsylvania; Ho- seek a review of reconsideration thereof. In the Matter of R. B. MacDonald, H. E.
NoncB OF Change in Presiding Officer tenances used in connection with said
and Order or Regulation for the industry siery; Pull Fashioned Hosiery; 1 learner; Littig, and George G. Kuhn system owned by him, lists of electric
designated above and indicated opposite March 1942.
THE MiNncDM Wage Recommendation 5,
number OF LEARNERS, LEARNING PERIOD, order cancelung hearing and terminat- customers and all his rights and inter-
the employer's name. These Certificates Slatedale Knitting Mills. Inc., Slate-
OF Industry CoMMrmcE No. 28 for the LE.'VRNER wage, learner OCCUPATIONS, ing proceedings ests inand to the electric business owned
become effective September 5. 1941. The dale, Pennsylvania; Hosiery; Seamless
Kkittxd and Men's Woven Underwear EXPIRATION DATE and operated as the Green Lake Light
Certificates may be cancelled in the man- Hosiery; 20 learners; May 5, 1942. September 2. 1941.
AND ComnRciAL Knitting Industry and Power Company, excepting and ex-
ner provided in the Regulations and as Belle Knitting Corporation, 703 South H. Sperber and Son, 124 N. 15th Street. It appearing to the Commission that cluding, however, the dam, mill, fiowage
By virtue of and pursuant to the au- Indicated in the Certificates. Any person Elmer Avenue, Sayre. Pennsylvania; Philadelphia. Pennsylvania; Bias bind- and other rights now owned or used by
thority vested in me by the Fair Labor aggrieved by the issuance of any of these (a) On June 24, 1941, the Commission
Knitted Wear; Knitted Underwear, Com- ings; 5 learners; 6 weeks for any one him In the operation of his plant located
Standards Act of 1938. 1, Philip B. Flem- Certificates may seek a review or re- adopted an order fixing July 28, 1941, as
mercial Knitting; 50 learners; February learner; 30 cents per hour; Calendar on the west shore of Green Lake; and
ing, Administrator of the Wage and consideration thereof. the date of hearing on the applications
20, 1942. and folding machine operator. Biasing Said application having been filed on
filed by the above-named applicants, pur-
Hour Division, Department of Labor, Girard Knitting Mills, 3225 North Am- and rolling machine operator, Sewing August 1, 1941 and an amendment there-
name and address or firm, industry, suant to section 305 (b) of the Federal
Do hereby appoint Mr. Tliomas Hol- product, number of learners and expi- ber Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; machine operator; December 12, 1941. to having been filed on August 22, 1941,
Power Act. for authorization to hold cer-
land to be Presiding Officer in place of ration DATE Knitted Wear; Shaker and Novelty and notice of said filing having been
Signed at Washington. D. C. this 4th tain interlocking positions within the
Mr. Henry T. Hunt, at the Administra- Sweaters: 5 learners; September 5. 1942.
day of Septeml)er 1941. duly given in the form and manner pre-
Bali Brassiere Company, 8 West 30th purview of said section 305 (b)
tor's hearing upon the minimum wage Westwood Knitting Mill, Inc., 419 East scribed by Rule U-23 under said Act,
recommendation of Industry Committee Street, NewYork, N. Y.; Apparel; Bras- 12th Street, Los Angeles, California; Merle D. Vincent, (b) Thereafter, on July 24. July 31 and
and the Commission not having received
No. 28 for the Knitted and Men's Woven sieres; 5 percent (75% of the applicable Knitted Wear; Knitted Outerwear; 2 Authorized Representative August 9. 1941. the Commission adopted
a request for a hearing with respect
Underwear and Commercial Knitting hourly minimum wage) March 5. 1942.
learners; January 6, 1942. of the Administrator. orders postponing the date of hearing in
thereto within the period specified in
Industry. Said hearing will be held on Louis M. Bogash, Pocomoke City, Bartow Textile Company, Cartersville, the above matters, the last of these or-
\i [F. R. Doc. 41-«670: Piled. September 4. 1041; said notice or otherwise, and not having
September 15. 1941, as previously an- Maryland; Apptirel; Ladles' & Children's Georgia; Textile; Chenille Bedspreads; 11:53 a. m.] ders postponing the hearing until further
ordered a hearing thereon; and
nounced in the notice of hearing as Garments; 20 learners (75% of the appli- 100 learners; February 20, 1942. order of the Commission;
Said party having requested that the
amended. cable hourly minimum wage) April S, ;
Lawtex Corporation, Gaston Street, (c) On August 11. 1941, each of the
effective date of said application, as
Signed at Washington. D. C, this 1942. Dal ton, Georgia; Textile; Bedspreads; above-named applicants filed with the
amended, be advanced; and
fourth day of September 1941. Clever Maid Uniform Company, 500 20 learners; January 2, 1942. FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION. Commission Supplemental Information,
South Peoria Street, Chicago, Illinois; notifying the Commission that they had
The Commission deeming it appropri-
PmLXF B. Fleming, Opp Cotton Mills, Opp, Alabama; Tex-
ate in the public interest and in the in-
AiHiarel; Women's Washable Uniforms; (Docket No8. 0-200, 0-207] resigned from certain positions and that
Administrator. tile;Cotton Yarns and Cotton Cloth; 3 investors and consumers to
terest of
5 learners (75% of the applicable hourly percent; September B, 1942. City of Detroit, Michigan, and County applicants, R. B. MacDonald and H. E.
grant said application, as amended, pur-
|F. R. Doc. 41-6««8: Piled. Septtmber 4, IMl; minimum wage) September 5. 1942.
; Pelzer Mills, Pelser, South Carolina; OF Wayne, Michigan, v. Panhandle Littig,no longer held positions within
11:53 m.) suant to section 10 of said Act, and find-
a. Cornbleet Brothers, 120 South Water Textile; Cotton, Rayon, Wool; 3 percent; Eastern Pipeline Company and Michi- the purview of section 305 (b)
ing with respect thereto that no adverse
Street. Henderson, Kentucky; Apparel; September 5, 1942. gan Gas Transbhssion Corporation; The Commission orders that: The findings are necessary under, section 10
Wash Dresses; 24 learners (75% ol the Sellers Manufacturing Company. Sax- AND in the Matter of Panhandle East- proceedings herein initiated by the Com- (b) and section 10 (c) (1) of said Act,
applicable hourly minimum wage) Feb- ; apahaw. North Carolina; Textile; Cotton ern Pipe Line Company and Michigan
Nonci OF Sfecul Certifi-
IsstTANCE OF mission's order of June 24, 1941, be and and that the transaction Involved has
ruary 20. 1942. Yarns; 24 learners; December 5. 1941. Gas Transmission Corporation
cates FOR THE Employment of Learners they are hereby terminated, and the the tendency required by section 10 (c)
The Eastern Isles Importing Company, Worcester Braiding Company, 161 hearing set herein to be held July 28.
Under the Fair Labor Standards Act order consolidating proceedings for (2) of said Act; and
Inc.. Union & Mechanic Streets, Clinton, Summer Street, Worcester. Massachu-
OF 1938 purposes of hearing 1941. and subsequently postponed until The Commission being satisfied that
Massachusetts; Appco-el; Women's Paja- setts; Textile; Braids; 6 learners; March further order of the Commission, be and
hereby given that Special mas and Gowns; 10 percent (75% of the the date of granting said application, as
Notice is 10, 1942. September 2, 1941. It is hereby cancelled.
Certificates authorizing the emplojrment applicable hourly minimum wage) Sep- amended, should be advanced;
Signed at Washington, D. C, this 4lh It appearing to the Commission that: By the Commission
of learners at hourly wages lower than tember 5, 1942. (This certificate replaces It is hereby ordered. Pursuant to said
day of September 1941. (a) Byorder of June 10, 1941, the [SEAL] Leon M. Fuquay, Rule U-23 and the applicable provisions
the minimum wage rate applicable under one issued effective October 25, 1940.)
Merle D. Vincent, Commission fixed the date of hearing in Secretary. of said Act, and subject to the terms and
section 6 of the Act are Issued imder Falcon Waist Company, 621 River
Authorized Representative the above-entitled proceeding at Docket conditions prescribed In Rule U-24, that
section 14 thereof, Part 522 of the Regu- Street, Troy, New York; Apparel; Ladies' [F. R. Doc. 41-6631: Filed. September 4. 1941;
Blouses; 5 percent (75% of the applicable of the Administrator. No, 0-200 for July 15, 1941, and hearing 0:31a. m.l the aforesaid application, as amended, be
lations issued thereunder (August 16,
1940. 5 Fil. 2862) and the Determination hourly minimum wage) ; September 5. [F. B. Doc. 41-4668: Filed. September 4. 1041;
No. 173 3
and Order or Regulation listed below 1942. 11:53 a. m.]
FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 5, 1941

and the same hereby Is granted, forth- of said Act and subject to the term* and
conditions prescribed in Rule U-24 that
By the Commission, Commissioner the aforesaid declaration be and the
Healy dissenting for the reasons set forth same is hereby permitted to become ef-
fective forthwith.
in his memorandum of April 1, 1940.
Francis P. Brassor, By the Commission.
Secretary. [SEAL] Francis P. Brassor,
ir R DOC. 41-6668; PUed. September 4, 1941;
11:28 a. m.j IP. B. Doc. 41-6688; PUed, September 4, l»41;
11:28 ». m.]

(FUe No 70-3911

Ik thx Mattbh or The Nc«th Amiricau UNITED STATES CIVIL SERVICE

order permitting declaration to become Condition of the Apportionment at
EFTECnVE Close of Business Satttrday, At7gust
30, 1941
At a regular session of the Securities
and Exchange Commission held at Its Important. Although the apportioned
office in the City of Washington, D. C, classified Civil Service Isby law located
on the 3d day ol September, A. D. 1941. only In Washington, D. C, It neverthe-
The North American Company, a reg- less Includes only about half of the Fed-
istered holding company, having filed a eral Civilian positions in the District of
declaration pursuant to the Public Util- Columbia. Positions in local post offices,
ity Holding Company Act of 1935, par- customs districts and other field services
and Rule
ticularly section 12 (d) thereof outside of the District of Columbia which
U-44 thereunder regarding a proposed
are subject to the Civil Service Act are
distribution on or about October 1, 1941. filled almost wholly by persons who are
In payment of a dividend on its common local residents of the general community
stock, of not more than 155.000 shares in which the vacancies exist. It should
of the Capital Stock of The Detroit Edi- be noted and understood that so long as
son Company; and a person occupies, by original appoint-
Said declaration having been filed on ment, a position in the apportioned serv-
August 27, 1941. and notice of said filing ice, the charge for his appointment con-
having been duly given in the form and tinues to run against his State of original
manner prescribed by Rule U-23 under residence. Certifications of eligibles are
said Act, and the Commission not having first made from states which are In
received a request for hearing with re- arrears.
spect to said declaration within the pe-
riod specified in said notice or otherwise, Namber of Number
and not having ordered a hearing positions of posi-

thereon; and The North American Com- to which

pany having requested that said declara-
tion as filed become effective forthwith; ARREARS
The Commission deeming It appropri- 1 Puerto Rico
ate in the public interest and in the in-
terest of investors and consumers to
permit said declaration to become effec-
tive pursuant to said section 12 (d) and
said Rule n-44, and being satisfied that
the effective date of said declaration
should be advanced:
It is hereby ordered. Pursuant to said
Rule U-23 and the applicable provisions
imher of NuiuUt
DiiliODS of iKiji-
) which UUDS
ntitted OCCUpi'-l



— — ) — — : —

4602 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 6, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 6, 1941 4603
S9 10.20and 10.21 of Part 10, Chapter I, for a period of one year from
<^S RuleBt Regulations, Orders Code of Federal Regulations, are
Title 17,
hereby amended to read as follows:
179 (b)
) .

2, 1941. (Sec. 7 (b) 44 Stat. ,

be released by the Insured Institution
from upon notice thereof
his obligation
be released by the insured institution
from his obligation upon notice thereof
572; 49 U.S.C. 177(b)). to the Administrator; Provided, That if
FEDE REGISTER PART 9 SPECIAL PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO [seal] Herbert E. Gaston, the loan was secured by a first lien upon
to the Administrator; Provided, That all
such loans are secured by collateral se-
TITLE 17—COMMODITY AND SECURI- FATS Acting Secretary of the Treasury. a fee simple estate, the loan, after the curity in the form of a duly recorded
TIBS EXCHANGES assumption, shall be secured by a first
Amount fixed for reporting on R. Doc. 4l-«695; Filed. September first mortgage, first deed of trust, or
S 9.20 [F. 5, 1941;
lien on a fee simple interest in the land
Published dally, except Sund&ys, Mondays, CHAPTER I—COMMODITY EX- Form 901. For the purpose of §§904 11:38 a. m.]
and building, appurtenances and im-
similar instrument which constitutes a
and days following legal holidays by the
Division of the Federal Register, The National
CHANGE ADMINISTRATION and 9.05, the amount specified for re-
provements thereon.
first lien upon a fee simple or leasehold

porting accounts on Form 901 is 250.000 interest In the land and building, appur-
Archives, pursuant to the authority con- General Regulations Under the

Part 1
Section 502.10 of the Regulations ef- tenances and improvements thereon. If
tained in the Federal Register Act, approved pounds, but such specified amount shall
July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500), under regula- CoMM(»iTT Exchange Act TITLE 24— HOUSING CREDIT fective July 1, 1941 is hereby amended the loan was secured by a first lien upon
tions prescribed by the Administrative Com-
not apply to special calls issued under
ORDER PROMULGATING SECTION 1.193. PART authority of § 9.22. (Sec. 5 (b), 42 Stat. CHAPTER V—FEDERAL HOUSING by adding the following paragraph: a fee simple estate, the loan after the
mittee, approved by the President.
The Administrative Ckimmittee consists of 1,or THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE 1000, sec. 4g, as added by sec. 5, 49 Stat. ADMINISTRATION assumption shall be secured by a first
9 502.10 Refinancing.
the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an officer SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE UNDER THE lien upon a fee simple interest in the
1496; 7 U.S.C. 7 (b), 7 U.S.C, Sup., 6g) • • • • •
of the Department of Justice designated by
COMMODITT EXCHANGE AMENDED Part 501 Class 1 and Class 2 Property land and building, appurtenances and
the Attorney General, and the Public Printer
ACT, AS 8 9.21 Amount fixed for reporting on
Improvement Loans (f) If the refinanced obligations was Improvements thereon.
or Acting Public Printer. By virtue of the authority vested in Form 903. For the purpose of §§9.10 secured by a first lien upon a fee simple
The daily issue of the Fedesal Rjcdsm and 9.14, the amount fixed by the Secre- Section 501.5 (a) of the Regulations (Pub. No. Ill, 76th Cong., sec. 2, and
will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free
the Secretary of AgricvUture by section estate, the new obligation shall be se-
tary of Agriculture, under authority of effectiveJuly 1, 1941 issued by the Ad- Pub. No. 138, 77th Cong., sec. 2.)
of postage, for 91.26 per month or $12.50 per 5 (b) of the Commodity Exchange Act, cured by a first lien upon a fee simple
year; single copies 10 cents each: payable in section 41 (2) of the Commodity Ex- ministrator pursuant to the provisions The Amendments contained herein are
as amended (7 U.S.C., sec. 7 (b) ), 81.19a, Interest in the land and building, appur-
advance. Remit money order payable to the change Act, for reporting on Form 903 of Title I of the National Housing Act, Is hereby declared to have the same force
Part 1 of the Rules and Regulations of tenances and improvements thereon.
Superintendent of Docxmients directly to the Is 250,000 pounds. (Sec. 41, as added by hereby amended to read as follows:
Government Printing Ofllce, Washington, D. C. the Secretary of Agriculture under the and effect as if Included in and made a
sec. 5. 49 Stat. 1496; 7 U.S.C. Sup., 61) Section 502.11 (a) of the Regulations
Commodity Exchange Act. as Amended, § 501.5 Maximum
permissible financ- part of each Contract of Insurance, and
constituting S 1.19a. Part 1. Chapter I, PART 10 —SPEaAL PROVISIONS APPLICABLE ing charges, (a) The maximum per-
effective July 1, 1941 is hereby amended
to read as follows:
are effective September 15, 1941.

CONTENTS—Continued Title 17, Code of Federal Regulations, is TO OILS missible financing charges, exclusive of [seal] Abner H. Ferguson,
hereby promulgated, effective on and fees and charges as provided by para- § 502.11 Claims, (a) If the borrower Federal Housing Administrator.
TiTLi 41 Public Contracts: after September 15, 1941, as follows:
9 10.20 Amount fixed for reporting on graph (e) of this section, which may be failsto make any payment or to per-
Form 1001. For the purpose of §§ 10.04 September 3, 1941.
Division of Public Contracts: paid by the borrower for interest, dis- form any other covenant or obligation
Minimum wage determina- § 1.19a Contract-market members to and 10.05, the amount specified for re- |F. R. Doc. 41-6674: Piled. September
count and fees of all kinds in connection under the mortgage and such failure 4, 1941;
tions, Pa«« report uncleared transactions (."pass- porting accounts on Form 1001 is 300.000 with the transaction, shall be computed continues for a period of 30 days, the
12:01 p. m.|
Drug and medicine indus- outs") on Form 110. Each member of a pounds, but such specified amount shall &s follows: note shall be considered in default and
try 4615 contract market who shall execute un- not apply to special calls issued under the Insured institution shall within 60
cleared transactions (conmionly known authority of 8 10.22. (Sec. 5 (b), 42 d) Class 1 loans having a principal
Leather and sheep-lined days thereafter give notice in writing to
as "pass-outs") in any commodity for Stat. 1000, sec. 4g. as added by sec. 5, 49 amount not in excess of $2,500 shall not TITLE 29— LABOR
jackets industry 4615 the Administrator of such default, and
future delivery on or subject to the rules Stat. 1496; 7 U.S.C. 7 (b), 7 U.S.C. Sup.. have a financing charge in excess of an
Title 50 Wilduix: similar notices each 60 days until such CHAPTER II— NATIONAL LABOR
of such contract market shall report to 6g) amount equivalent to $5.00 discount per
Fish and Wildlife Service: default is cured and notice thereof Is RELATIONS BOARD
the Commodity Exchange Administra- 9 10.21 Amount fixed for reporting on $100 original face amount of a one year
Little Pend Oreille National given to the Administrator.
tion on Form 110 applicable to such con- Form 1003. For the purpose of §§ 10.10 note, to be paid in equal monthly Install- Part 202 Procedure Under Section 10
Wildlife Refuge. Wash.,
tract market each business day on which and 10.14, the amount fixed by the Sec- ments calculated from the date of the Section 502.13 (j) of the Regulations OF the Act for the Prevention of
hunting of deer 4616
he shall execute such imcleared trans- note. effective July 1, 1941 Is hereby amended Unfair Labor Practices
Southeastern Alaska area, retary of Agriculture, under authority of
actions. Such report shall be prepared section 41 (2) of the Commodity Ex- (2) Class 1 loans having a principal to read as follows:
etc., closed season on sal- amendments to national labor relations
and filed in accordance with the instruc- change Act, for reporting on Form 1003 amount in excess of $2,500 shall not have
mon fishing 4616
tions appearing on Form 110, to be ob- a charge In excess of an amount equiva-
9 502.13 Insurance reserve. board rules and regulations —series
NOTICES tained from the Commodity Exchange
is 300.000 pounds. (Sec. 4i, as added by
sec. 5. 49 Stat. 1496; 7 U.S.C, Sup., 61) lent to $4.00 discount per $100 original
• • • • • 2 —as amended '

face amount of a one year note, to be (j) If at any time a Class 3 loan pre- By virtue of the authority vested in
Administration, and shaU show accu- It
Department of Agriculture: Done at Washington, D. C, this 5th paid In equal monthly instalments cal- viously reported for insurance is con- by the National Labor Relations Act, ap-
rately and fully the details of each such
Surplus Marketing Administra- day of September 1941. Witness my culated from the date of the note. verted into an insured mortgage under proved July 5, 1935. the National Labor
transaction, including the commodity,
tion: hand and the seal of the Department of (3) Class 2 loans shall not have a the provisions of Titles or VI of the n Relations Board hereby issues the follow-
future, quantity, and price, and the name
Handling of milk in various Agriculture. charge in excess of an amount equivalent Act, upon report of the conversion to the ing amendments to its Rules and Regula-
of the person from whom bought and to
marketing areas, hear- whom sold. (Sec. 5 (b). 42 Stat. 1000; [SEAL] Grover B. Hill, to $5.00 discount per $100 original face Administrator, there shall be deducted
from the insurance reserve outstanding
— —
tions Series 2 as amended (General
7 U.S.C. 7 (b)
Acting Secretary of Agriculture. amount of a one year note, to be paid Rules and Regulations), which it finds
La Porte County. Ind 4620 in equal monthly instalments calculated to the credit of the insured institution necessary to tarry out the provisions of
Done Washington. D. C. this 5th |F. R. Doc. 41-6693: Filed. September 5, 1941;
an amount equal
Quad Cities 4620 at
11:16 a. m from the date of the note. to ten per cent of the said Act. Said amendments to the Rules
Handling of walnuts in Cal- day of September 1941. Witness my I
net unpaid principal of the loan as of —
and Regulations Series 2 as amend- —
ifornia, etc.. hearing 4621 hand and the seal of the Department of
Such charges correctly based on tables
of calculations issued by the Federal
the date of the conversion. —
ed shall become effective upon the sig-
Department of the Interior: nature of the original amendments by
Housing Administrator are deemed to Section 502.14 (b) of the RegulaUons
Bituminous Coal Division: [seal] Grover B. Hill. TITLE 19—CUSTOMS DUTIES the members of the Board, and upon the
effective July 1, 1941 Is hereby amended
District Board 4. relief denied. 4620 Acting Secretary of Agriculture. comply with this section. publication thereof in the Federal
CHAPTER I— BUREAU OF CUSTOMS to read as follows
Ewell Fuel Co.. hearing post- Part 502 Class 3 Property Improve- Register.
(F. R. Doc. 41-(M92: Filed, September 5, 1941; 502.14Privileges extended to loans
poned 4620 11:16 a. m.| IT. D 5046S1 ment Loans 9
Sections 202.32, 202.33, 202.35, 202.37
reported for insurance under previous
Marketing rules and regula-
tions, hearing on a pro-
Part 4 Application of Customs Laws to
Air Commerce
Section 502,9 (e) of the Regulations regulations. —
Rules and Regulations Series 2 as —
effective July 1. 1941 is hereby amended • • • • • amended shall read as follows:
posal to review, etc 4619
Securities and Exchange Commis- Order Amending Rules and Regulations warroad seaplane base. warroad. minne- to read as follows: (b) In the event that property cov- 9 202.32 Intermediate report and
of the Secretary of Agriculture sota, redesignated as an airport of ered by a loan made prior to the effec- transfer of case to the board.
§ 502.9 Zjoan procedure. After a
Associated Gas and Under the Commodity Exchange Act, entry for a period of one year '

tive date of the regulations In this part

Electric • • • • • hearing for the purpose of taking evi-
as Amended and heretofore or hereafter reported for
Corp.. hearing 4621 August 30, 1941. dence upon a complaint, the Trial Ex-
(e) In the event that property cov-
Natural Oas Pipeline Co. of By virtue of the authority vested in insurance under the Acts of February 3,
The Warroad Seaplane Base, Warroad, ered by a loan is sold to an eligible bor- aminer shall prepare an Intermediate
America, hearing post- the Secretary of Agriculture by sections 1938 or June 3, 1939 is sold to an eligible
Minnesota, is hereby redesignated as an rower who assumes and agrees to pay Report. Such report shall contain (a)
poned 4621 5 (b), 4g, and 41 of the Commodity Ex- borrower who assumes and agrees to pay
airport of entry for civil aircraft and the debt and whose credit Is satisfactory
change Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 7 (b), the debt and whose credit is satisfactory
War Department: merchandise carried thereon arriving to the Insured institution, the seller may 'Issued under the authority contained In
7 U.S.C., Sup. 6g. 61), §§ 9.20. 9.21. 10.20, to the Insured institution, the seller may sees. 6 (a), 49 Stat. 452; 29 USC,
Contract summaries: from places outside the United States, as Bup., 166.
General Motors Corp 4616 and 10.21 of the Rules and Regulations defined in section 9 (b) of the Air Com-
Phillips Petroleum Corp '
4617 of the Secretary of Agriculture under the merce Act of 1926 (U.S.C title 49, sec.
Remington Arms Co.. Inc 4617 Commodity Exchange Act, as Amended,
comprising §§ 9.20 and 9.21 of Part 9, and •AffecU tabulation In 19 CFR 4.13.

4604 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 6, 1941

findings of fact, find (b) recommenda- to before the Board, and failure to file such provisions shall for the purpose of TITLE SO—
tions as to what disposition of the case a statement of exceptions shall operate this Section be reserved to ancl exercised
should be made, which may Include, If It as a submission of the case to the Board by the Board: or
be found that the respondent has en- on the record. (b) reopen the record and receive
gaged in or is engaging in the alleged Should any party desire permission to further evidence before a member of the
unfair labor practice, a recommendation argue orally before the Board, request Board, or other agent or agency; or
for such affirmative action by the re- therefor must be made in writing to the (c) issue proposed findings of fact,
spondent as will effectuate the policies of Board within twenty days after the date proposed conclusions of law and proposed
the Act. The Intermediate Report shall of the entry of the order transferring order; or ORDER or TBI 1

be transmitted to the Chief Trial Ex- the case to the Board (or In Board cases (d) make other disposition of the case. NENTRELIEr I
aminer, who shall thereupon file the the date of filing the Intermediate Re- TiON or dist;
Within thirty days from the date of
original of the Intermediate Report with port) pursuarit to § 202.32. The Board ESTABUSHMEN
the Intermediate Report pursuant
the Board, and cause a copy thereof to shall notify the parties of the time and AND MINIirUlf
to paragraph (a) of this Section, or from
be served upon each of the parties. Upon place for oral argument. If such per- CERTAIN BONE
the date of issuance of proposed findings
the filing of the Intermediate Report, the mission is granted. FIEO AND PRIC
of fact, proposed conclusions of law, and
Board shall enter an order transferring S 202.35 Procedure before the board.
proposed order, pursuant to paragraph An original i
the case to the Board and shall serve Upon the expiration of the period for fil-
(c) of this Section, any party may file with the Bituz
copies of the order, setting forth the date ing a statement of exceptions and brief,
with the Board at Washington. D. C. an Novemlwr
of such transfer, upon each of the parties as provided in S 202.33. the Board may 22, 1;
original and four copies of a statement purstiant to
and the Regional Director. decide the matter forthwith upon the rec- 2, s(
in writing setting forth such exceptions
The charge upon which the complaint ord, or after oral argument, or may minous Coal Ac
to the Intermediate Report, or to the establishment o
was issued and any amendments thereto, reopen the record and receive further
proposed findings, conclusions and order, minimum
the complaint and any amendments evidence before a member of the Board or price
as the case may be. or to any other part
thereto, notice of hearing, answer and other agent or agency, or may close the duced in Dlstri
of the record or proceeding (including and
any amendments thereto, motions, rul- case upon compliance with the recom- cla-ssifled pi
rulings upon all motions or objections) Hearings havj
ings, orders, the stenographic report of mendations of the Intermediate Report,
as he relies upon, together with the ter on January
the hearing, stipulations, exhibits, doc- or may make other disposition of the case.
original and four copies of a brief in suant to Order
umentary evidence, and depositions, to- Where the Trial Examiner has found in support thereof. Immediately upon the a duly designat(
gether with the Intermediate Report and his Intermediate Report that the re- filing of the statement of exceptions and
spondent has not engaged in and is not minous Coal EH
exceptions, shall constitute the record in brief the party filing the same shall serve of the Division
the case. engaging in any of the alleged unfair copies with the Regional Director. Upon
labor practices affecting commerce, and
which all Intere:
§ 202.33Exceptions to the record and proper cause shown, the Board may ex- an opportunity
proceeding. Within thirty days from no exceptions have been filed within the tend the period within which to file a evidence, cross-
the date of the entry of the order trans- period for filing a statement of exceptions statement of exceptions or brief. otherwise be he
ferring the case to the Board, pursuant as provided for in § 202.33. the case shall
Should any party desire permission to
to § 202.32. any party may file with the be considered closed. The Board may. Temporary re
argue orally before the Board, request
Board at Washington. D. C. an original upon motion made within a reasonable therefor must be made in writing to the
sitlon of the orig

period and upon proper cause shown, re- granted by Ord

and four copies of a statement in writing Board within twenty days after the date
setting forth such exceptions to the In- open the record for further proceedings December 11. II
of the Intermediate Report or the date of
termediate Report or to any other part of in accordance with this section. The preparatl
the proposed findings, conclusions, and
the record or proceeding (including rul- § 202.37 Action of the Board after a by the examiner
order, as the case may be. The Board
ings upon all motions or objections) as hearing: filing exceptions to the inter- the matter ther
shall notify the parties of the time and
he relies upon, together with the original mediate report: oral argument. After a place for the oral argument, If such per-
mitted to the D
and fovu- copies of a brief in support hearing for the purpose of taking evi- mission is granted. Thereafter the "Hie Director :

thereof. Immediately upon the filing of dence upon the complaint in any pro- Board shall forthwith decide the matter Pact, Conclusion
the statement of exceptions the party fil- ceeding over which the Board has as- or make other disposition of the case. dcred an Opinic
ing the same shall serve a copy thereof sumed jurisdiction in accordance with Signed at Washington. D. C, this 28th are filed herewii
upon each of the other parties and shall S 202.36, the Board may: day of August 1941. Now. therefo\
file a copy with the Regional Director. 5 322.7 {Alphabi
(a) direct that the Trial Exanxiner H. A. MiLUs,
Upon proper cause shown, the Board may bers) Is amen<
prepare an Intermediate Report, in which Chairman.
extend the period within which to file a Wm. M. Leiserson, Supplement R-I,
case the provisions of S3 202.32 to 202.35
(c) Railroad fue
statement of exceptions or brief. inclusive, shall in so far as applicable Member.
thereto Supplen
No matter not included in a statement govern subsequent procedure, and the (P. R. Doc. 41-(Jfl78; Filed, September 4, 1941;
(Generai prices)
of exceptions may thereafter be objected powers granted to Regional Directors in 12:07 p. m.|
thereto Suppler
ments are heri
hereby made a
It further
<Alphabetical lU
the Schedtile
Prices for Dlsl
amended by the
rado Mine (Ml
FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 6, 1941 4605
the purpose of TITLE SO-MINERAL RESOURCES Freight Origin Group 17, in lieu of its It is further ordered, That the prayers
and exercised

CHAPTER m—BITUMINOUS COAL present assignment to Freight Origin

Group 25, for shipments from Hooker.
of the original petition and all other
requests made herein, insofar as they
1 receive Pennsylvania, over the Western Alle- seek relief inconsistent with or other
member of the [Docket No. A-a98| gheny Railroad, and from Bruin, Penn- than the relief provided herein, are here-
gency; or
dings of fact.
Part 322 —MzNonm Price Schdule,
sylvania, over the Baltimore & Ohio
Railroad; and by the establishment of
by denied.
Dated: August 19, 1941.
District No. 2
K and proposed the f. o. b. mine price adjustments pro- [atAL] H. A. Gray.
ion of the case. Director.
m the date of TION or DISTRICT BOARD KO. t FOR THE
AND MINIMUM PRICES FOR THE COALS OF Note: The material contained In these supplements is to be read in the light of the classifl-
lection, or from
catlons, prices, instructions, exceptions and other provisions
Dposed findings CERTAIN MINES NOT HERETOFORE CLASSI- contained In Part 322 Minimum
Price Schedule for District No. 2 and supplements thereto.
3ns of law, and FIED AND PRICED
to paragraph An original petition having been filed Alphabetical
party may file
8 322.7 list of code mcTObers—Supplement R-I
with the Bituminous Coal Division on
igton, D. C, an November 22, 1940 by District Board No.
lAlphabeUc*! ibtlng of code members bsvlng railway loading facilities, showing price classiflcaiion by site group Xop.J
of a statement
uch exceptions
2. pursuant to section 4 n
(d) of the Bitu-
minous Coal Act of 1937, requesting the
jort,or to the establishment of price classifications and 1
ions and order, minimum prices for certain coals pro-
any other part duced in District No. 2, not heretofore
ling (Including classified and priced; and
or objections)
Hearings having been held in this mat-
ther with the ter on January 22 and June 12, 1941, pur-
of a brief in suant to Orders of the Director, before
lately upon the a duly designated Examiner of the Bitu-
exceptions and minous Coal Division, at a hearing room
ame shall serve
of the Division, Washington, D. C, at
Mrector. Upon which all interested parties were afforded
Board may ex-
an opportunity to be present, adduce
ivhlch to file a endence, cross-examine witnesses, and
ir brief.
otherwise be heard; and
e permission to
Temporary relief pending final dispo-
Board, request
sition of the original petition having been
I writing to the
granted by Order of the Director dated
> after the date
December 11, 1940;' and
:t or the date of

Qnclusions, and
The preparation and filing of a report
by the examiner having been waived, and
»e. The Board
the matter thereupon having been sub-
>f the time and
mitted to the Director; and
nt. if such per-
rhereafter the The Director having made Fadings of
clde the matter Pact, Conclusions of Law and having ren-
1 of the case.
dered an Opinion in this matter, which
D. C, this 28th are filed herewith;*
Now. therefore, it is ordered. That
5 322.7 {Alphabetical list of code mem-

bers) is amended by adding thereto

Supplement R-I, § 322.9 {Special prioe»—
<c) Railroad fuel) Is amended by adding
thereto Supplement R-n, and S 322.23
eptember 4, 1941;
'General prices) Is amended by adding
thereto Supplement T, which supple-
ments are hereinafter set forth and
hereby made a part hereof.
It is further ordered, That
B 822.7
'Alphabetical list of code members) in
the Schedule of Effective Minimum
Prices for District No. 2 should be
amended by the inclusion of the El Do-
rado Mine (Mine Index No. 871) In

6 F.R. 6oefl.
' Not filed as part of tht origiiul docket.
4606 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September «, 1941
FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, SepUmber 6, 1941
[Sl op>o>o
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FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 6, 1941 4609



4610 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 6, 1941
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4612 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 6, 1941

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FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 6, 1941 4613

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4614 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 6, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 6, 1941 4615

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4616 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 6, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 6, 1941 4617
Ject to the aforesaid Act of June 30, 1936, refuge to comply with any of the condi- ment Authorities, the available balances Termination when contractor not in equal or exceed either $1,000 or 50 per- "Plant", and designated as Utah Ord-
bids for which are solicited or negotia- tions, restrictions, or requirements of the of which are sufficient to cover cost of
default. If, in the opinion of the con- cent of the total amount of the contract. nance Plant, shall comprise a plant in
tions otherwise commenced on and after regulations In this part will be sufficient same: the environs of Salt Lake City. Utah,
tracting officer upon the approval of the Frank W. Bullock,
September 19, 1941. cause for removing such person from the upon a site to be furnished and msuje
Nothing in this determination shall refuge and for refusing him further
AC 28 P 82-3037 A 0705-01 Secretary of War, the best interests of Major, Signal Corps.
AC 30 P 85-3059 A 0705-01 the Government so require, this contract Assistant to the Director of available by the Government, for the
affect such obligations for the payment hunting privileges on the refuge.
may be terminated by the Government, Purchases and Contracts. manufacture of Caliber • • and
of minimum wages as an employer may (2) Disorderly conduct, intoxication. This contract, entered Into this 9*h
even though the contractor be not in de- Caliber • • • Small Arms Ammuni-
have under the Pair Labor Standards No person who Is visibly intoxicated will day of June 1941. [P. R. Doc. 41-6681; Filed, September 5, 1941;
fault, by a notice in writing relative tion of certain types as specified in Title
Act of 1938 or any wage order there- be permitted to enter upon the refuge Scope of this contract. The contrac- 9:44 a. m.]
thereto from the contracting officer to rv (hereinafter sometimes referred to as
under, or under any other law, or agree- for the purpose of hunting hereunder, tor shall furnish and deliver • • •
the contractor. the "Ammimition")
ment, more favorable to employees than and any person who Indulges in any dis- Spark Plugs and Data for the considera-
This contract authorized under Act of Art. I-B. Statement of work. 1. The
the requirements of this determination. orderly conduct on the refuge will be tion stated one million one hundred [Contract No. W-ORD-513]
Dated: September forty-nine thousand nine hundred March 5. 1940. Contrv:tor shall, in the shortest reason-
4, 1941. removed therefrom by the ofBcer In Summary of Cost-Plus-a-Fixed-Fee
Frank W. Bullock, able time, furnish the labor, materials,
Prances Perkins, charge and dealt with as prescribed by eighty-seven dollars and twelve cents
($1,149,987.12) in strict accordance with Major. Signal Corps. New Ordnance Facility Construction tools, machinery, equipment, facilities,
Secretary. law.
Assistant to the Director of AND Operation Contract utilities,supplies not furnished by the
Entry upon refuge. Persons en-
(3) the specifications, schedules and draw-
IP. R. Doc. 41-6684; Piled. September 6, 1941; ings, all of which are made a part Purchases and Contracts. contractor: remington arms company, Government, and services, and do all
tering the refuge for the purpose of hunt- hereof.
11:19 a. m.) things necessary for the completion of a
ing, as permitted by the regulations In Changes. Where the supplies to be
September 1941;
inc., Bridgeport, conn.
|F R. Doc. 41-6680; Filed, 6. Plant of the type and capacity described
this part, shall use such established furnished are to be specially manufac- 9:44 m.|
a. Contract' for: Furnishing manage- in Article I-A hereof.
routes of travel as may be designated by tured in accordance with drawings and
ment service(including subcontracts performance of the work
TITLE 50—WILDLIFE suitable posting by the officer in charge specifications, the contracting officer may 2. In the
for architect-engineer services and con-
and at any time, by a written order, and with- described in Section 1 of this Article I-B,
CHAPTER I—PISH AND WILDLIPE shall not otherwise enter upon the struction of a new ordnance facility and
the Contractor shall
refuge. out notice to the sureties, make changes
SERVICE [Contract No. W 535 ac-19660; 5092] Installation of equipment therein), pro-
in the drawings or specifications, except a. Furnish management service cov-
Pari 21 Pacific Region National John
Dejipsey,J. curing production equipment, training
Acting Secretary of the Interior. Federal Specifications. Changes as to Summary of Contract for Supplies ering supervision, direction and control
Wildlife Refuges key personnel for and operating a new
shipment and packmg of all supplies may of the designing (including designing of
Date: August 28, 1941. contractor: phillips petroleum corpo- ordnance facility for the manufacture of
little pend oreille national wildlife also be made as above provided. the production equipment), engineering
refuge, washington |F. R. Doc. 41-6684; Filed, September 5. 1941;

Delays damages. If the contractor
jiation, bartlesville. oklahoma caliber • • • and caliber • • •
Small Arms Ammunition.
and construction (including the installa-
9:47 a. m.l refuses or fails to make deliveries of the Contract for: • •" • Gallons Air- tion of the production equipment) of the
Under authority of section 84 of the Place: Salt Lake City, Utah.
act of March 4, 1909, as amended by the materials or supplies within the time craftEngine Fuel. Plant, and subject to the approval Of the
Estimated Cost of work under Title I
act of April 15, 1924, 43 Stat. 98, the ad-
specified In Article 1, or any extension Amount: $1,540,000.00. Contracting Officer, establish, equip and
Part 228 Southeastern Alaska Area, (exclusive of fixed-fee) $18,586,981.:
thereof, the Government may by written Place: Materiel Division, Air Corps. maintain adequate guard and fire fight-
ministration of which was transferred to South Prince of Wales Island Dis- Fixed-Fee for management service
notice terminate the right of the con- U. S.Army, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio. ing forces.
the Secretary of the Interior on July 1, trict, Salmon Fisheries under Title I: $85,500.
tractor to proceed with deliveries or such Subcontract, on forms prescribed by
1939, by Reorganization Plan No. (53 n Sec. 228.8 is hereby amended part or parts thereof as to which there
The supplies and services to be ob- Estimated Cost of procuring equipment b.

Stat. 1431), and in extension of regula- to read tained by this instrument are authorized under Title H: $11,985,000. The Quartermaster General, for Archi-
as follows: has been delay.
tion 12.9 of the regulations of December by. are for the purpose set forth in. and Fixed-Fee for procuring equipment tect-Engineer services covering design
19. 1940.' for the administration of na-
Payments. The contractor shall be are chargeable to Procurement Author- (including necessary design of produc-
S Closed seasons, salmon fishing.
228.8 under Title U: $88,800.
paid, upon the sulwnlssion of properly tion equipment) and engineering and for
tional wildlife refuges, the following reg- Commercial fishing for salmon, other ity AC 27 P 83-0235 A 0705-01. the avail- Estimated Cost of Training Key Per-
certified Invoices or vouchers, the prices the construction (Including the installa-
ulations permitting and governing the than trolling, is prohibited prior to 6 able balance of which Is sufficient to sonnel under Title in (Optional)
hunting of deer within the Little Pend stipulated herein for articles delivered tion of production equipment) of the
o'clock antemeridian July 25 In each cal- cover cost of same: $1,000,000.
Oreille National Wildlife Refuge, Wash- endar year, from 6 o'clock postmeridian
and accepted or services rendered, less Plant, with subcontractors selected by
This contract, entered into this 23d Fixed-Pee for Training Key Personnel
deductions, if any, as herein provided. The Quartermaster General and ap-
ington, are made and prescribed: September 1 to 6 o'clock antemeridian day of June 1941. under Title HI: $30,000.
Unless otherwise specified, payments will proved by the Contractor.
21.563a Little Pend Oreille National October 5 in each year, and for the re- Scope of this contract. The contrac- Estimated Cost of operation under
be made on partial deliveries accepted
Wildlife Refuge. WashiJigton; hunting of mainder of each calendar year after 6 tor shall manufacture and store • • • Title IV (Optional) $54,486,350.
4. The Government shall furnish the
by the Government when the amount
deer. Deer may be taken in the open o'clock iwstmeridian October 25. (Sec. aircraft engine fuel for the consideration Fixed-Fee for operation under Title Contractor such available schedules of
due on such deliveries so warrants; or.
season prescribed therefor by the State 1, 44 Stat. 752; 48 U.S.C. 221)
stated one million five hundred forty IV: • • • per thousand cartridges preliminary data, layout sketches, and
when requested by the contractor, pay-
Game Commission of Washington during John J. Dempsby. thousand dollars ($1,540,000.00) in strict ball. cal. • • • • • • ;per other available information respecting
ments for accepted partial deliveries
the calendar year 1941 on lands of the Acting Secretary of the Interior. accordance with the specifications, thousand cartridges, AP. Cal. • • •; sites, topwgraphy, soil conditions, outside
shall be made whenever such payments • * per thousand cartridges, tracer,
United States witliin the exterior bound- August 29. 1941. would equal or exceed either $1,000 or schedules and drawings, all of which are

•••;••• per thousand
utilities and equipment, and shall make
ary of the Little Pend Oreille National
Wildlife Refuge, Washington, under the [P. R. Doc. 41-6683: Piled.
9:47 a m.l
September 6, 1941;
50 percent of the total amount of the
made a part
—Damages. If the contractor
cartridges, AP, cal.
available to the Contractor such Govern-
ment designs, drawings, specifications,
following special provisions, conditions, per thousand cartridges, tracer, cal. details, standards and safety practices
Discount. AH or any payments made refuses or fails to make deliveries of the • • •
restrictions,and requirements: under the terms of materials supplies within the time
or as are on hand In the offices of the Chief
this contract are sub-
The new ordnance f£w:illty services and of Ordnance and The Quartermaster
(a) Compliance with State laws and ject to a discount of • • • percent specified In Article 1, or any extension
l^otices supplies to be obtained by this instru- General and are applicable to the design,
regulations. Any person who hunts on of theamount or amoimts stipulated, If thereof, the Government may by written
ment are authorized by. are for the pur- construction, and equipping of the said
the refuge shall have in his possession a payment of the Invoice is made within notice terminate the right of the con-
poses set forth in, and are chargeable Plant.
valid hunting license Issued by the State WAR DEPARTMENT. thirty (30) calendar days after date of tractor to proceed with deliveries or such
to the following procurement authori-
of Washington authorizing him to hunt delivery of the articles Invoiced. part or parts thereof as to which there 5. All of the Contractor's drawings,
(Contract No. W-836-ao- 19006; 4810) ties, the available balances of which are
deer, which said license shall serve as a has been delay. specifications, designs, and details con-
Option. The Government Is granted sufficient to cover the cost of the same:
Federal permit for hunting deer on the
Summary or Contract for Sxtpplies Payments. The contractor shall be cerning the design, construction and
the right and option at any time within
refuge. The license must be exhibited contractor: general motors corpora- • • • days from and after date of paid, upon the submission of proj)erly ORD 27.043 P99 A0141-02 equipping of the Plant shall become the
upon the request of any representative tion, AC SPARK PLUG DIVISION, FLINT, approval of this contract to Increase the certified Invoices or vouchers, the prices ORD 27.044 P99 A0141-02 property of the Government.
of the Washington State Game Commis- MICHIGAN quantity or quantities of articles called stipulated herein for articles delivered Art. I-C. Estimates. It Is estimated
This contract, entered into this 30th
sion authorized to enforce the State for under the terms of this contract to and accepted or services rendered, less that the total cost of the work un-
Contract* for • • spark plugs day of July 1941.
game laws or of any representative of any quantity set forth herein. deductions, if any. as herein provided. der this Title I will be approximately
and data. Title Management Service
the Department of the Interior. The Unless otherwise specified, payments will I eighteen million five hundred eighty six
Amount: $1,149,987.12. The Government granted the fur-
licensee shall comply in every respect ther right and option at any time within be made on partial deliveries accepted by Article I-A. Description of new ord- thousand nine hundred eighty one dol-
Place: Materiel Division,
Air Corps,
with the State laws and regulations gov- • the Government when the amount due nance facility. The new ordnance fa- lars ($18,586,981), Including the cost of
U. 8. Army, Wright Field, Dayton. Ohio. • • days from and after date of
erning the himting of deer and must on such deliveries so warrants; or, when all subcontracts but excluding the Con-
The supplies and services to be ob- approval of this contract to Increase the cility, hereinafter referred to as the
also upon request of any of the aforesaid re<iuested by the contractor, payments tractor's fee and the procurement of pro-
tained by this instrument are authorized quantity or quantities of articles called
representatives exhibit for inspection all for accepted partial deliveries shall be •Approved by the Under Secretary or War duction equipment provided for In Title
by, are for the purpose set forth in, and for under the terms of this contract, at
game killed by him or In his possession. are chargeable to the following Procure- not more than the unit prices stipulated made whenever such payments would August 12, 1941. n hereof.
Failure of any person hunting upon the by any amount not exceeding • * * No. 174 3
>Approved by tb« Undar Secretary of War percent of the entire contract price stip-
* 8 PH. 6384. June 19. 1841. ulated.
4618 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 6, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 6, 1941 4619

fixe(|-fee provided for In Ar- DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. <3) By revising and amending Rule 2
Art. I-D. Consideration. As consid-
eration for its undertaking under this
2. A
fixed-fee of thirty thousand dol-
lars ($30,000), which shall constitute
ditions of this contract applicable to the
operation of the Plant.

ticleIII-C of Title m
shall be paid in ten
Bituminous Coal Division.
of Section V
and Rule 8 of Section VI
Art. rV-B. Estimates. It Is estimated (10> equal monthly installments less ten to include the following:
Title I the Contractor shall receive the complete compensation for the Contrac-
that the cost of the work under this Title percent (10%) of each installment. [General Docket No. 83]
following: tor's services under this Title in, includ- (e) If the price herein named is not
rv will be fifty-four million four hundred d. The fixed-fee provided for in Ar-
ing profit. In the Matter or Marketing Rules and paid on the date of payment specified in
1. Reimbursement for expenditures as rV-C of IV shall be paid
eighty-six thousand three hundred fifty ticle
Rbgulations Incidental to the Sale Rule 1 of Section vn of the Marketing
provided in Title V. TiTLi IV Operation of Plant dollars ($54,486,350). exclusive of the monthly ^s it accrues, dependent upon
AND Distribution or Coal by Code Rules and Regulations established by the
2. A fixed-fee in the amount of eighty- (optional) the quantities and tyF>es of Ammunition
cost of continued operation covered by Bituminous Coal Division of the United
five thousand five hundred dollars ($85,- procluce(l and accepted. Members as Established by the Divi-
the option therefor provided In section 4 States Department of the Interior, the
600.00) which shall constitute complete Art. IV-A. Statement of work. 1. The Final payment. 4. Upon completion of sion FOR Districts 1-20, Inclusive, 22
of Article IV-A hereof, and exclusive of seller shall charge and the buyer shall
compensation for the Contractor's serv- obligation of the Contractor to proceed
the Contractor's fee. the work under Titles I, n and II and and 23; AND IN RE A PROPOSAL TO RE-
with the work under this Title IV shall VIEW AND Revise the Marketing Rules pay Interest as required in the aforesaid
ices, includmg profit. its final acceptance in writing by the Con-
Art. rV-C. Consideration. As consid- Rule 1 of Section vn, commencing on
be conditioned upon receipt by the Con- tracting Officer, the Government shall AND Regulations as Established by the
Tmx n Procurement of Prodiiction
tractor within • • • months after eration for its undertaking under this
pay to the Contractor the unpaid balance Division
the day following the date payment is
Equipment Title rv the Contractor shall receive the due.
the date of approval of this contract of of the cost of the work determined under
following: notice of and order for hearing
Art. n-A. Statement of work. The notice in writing from the Contracting Title V hereof, and of the fees. It is therefore ordered. That on Sep-
Contractor shall, in the shortest reason- Officer so to do. Immediately upon re- 1. Reimbursement for expenditures as Art.W-C. Advances. At any time, Ind "nie Director of the Bituminous Coal tember 30, 1941, at 10 o'clock in the fore-
able time, determine the production ceipt by the Contractor of such notice, provided in Title V hereof. from time to time, after the execution of Division having, on the 8th day of August, noon of that day. at a hearing room of
equipment requirements for the Plant and concurrently with the performance 2. Fixed-fees for operation provided in thiscontract the Government, at the re- 1940, in General Docket No. 15. estab- the Bituminous Coal Division. 734 15th
and shall, subject to the approval of the of the work required of it under Titles I, Article rV-A hereof, as follows: Contractor, and subject to the
quest of the lished Marketing Rules and Regulations Street Northwest, Washington. D. C. a
Contracting Officer, thereupon proceed n and ni hereof, the Contractor shall (a) $• •
fixed-fee per •• • • approval of the Chief of Ordnance as to for the sale and distribution of coal by hearing will be held at which evidence
to do all things necessary and incident undertake all preparations necessary for the necessity therefor, shall advance to code members in all districts, pursuant to will be received relating to the reason-
rounds packed and ready for shipment
to the procurement of the production the subsequent operation of the Plant, the Contractor without payment of inter- the Bituminous Coal Act of 1937; and ableness of and the necessity for the re-
for the Cartridges. Ball, Cal. • • •;
equipment required. including the necessary training of per- est thereon by the Contractor, a sum or The Bituminous Coal Division having vision and amendment of the Marketing
Art. n-B. Estimates. It is estimated sonnel for such operation in addition to sums not in excess of thirty percent received numerous inquiries relating to Rules and Regulations as hereinbefore
(b) $• •
fixed-fee per •
• • •
that the total cost under this Title II will the key personnel trained pursuant to (ZO'",) of the estimated cost of the work the portions of the aforesaid Marketing provided. On such day the Chief of the
be approximately eleven million nine
hundred eighty-five thousand dollars
Title m
hereof, and all other services
rounds packed and ready for shipment
for the Cartridges, Armor Piercing, Cal. under this contract. Such advance or Rules and Regulations dealing with terms Records Section in Room 502 will advise
incident to setting up an efficient and advance shall be made in each case upon of pajrment, and more particularly the as to the room where such hearing will
($11,985,000). exclusive of the Contrac-
• • •; and
going operating force. • the furnishing of such surety bonds in payment of interest and be held.
(c) $• •
fLxed-fee per • • • ;

tor's fee. 2. As each operating unit of the plant such penal sums not exceeding the total It isfurther ordered. That Edward J.
rounds packed and ready for shipment It appearing desirable that evidence be
Art. U-C. Consideration. As consid- is completed and ready for operation and aggregate advance as the Secretary of Hayes or any other officer or officers of
for the Cartridges, Tracer, Cal. • • • received relating to the reasonableness
eration for its undertaking under this the necessary preparation for operation War may prescribe. the Bituminous Coal Division duly desig-
and and the necessity of revising the afore-
Title II the Contractor shall receive the and training of personnel has proceeded nated for that purpose shall preside at
(d) $• •
fixed-fee per • • • •
TiTLi VI Termination said rules, substantially in the following
following to a point where operation is practicable such hearing in such matter. The offi-
rounds packed and ready for shipment manner:
Reimbursement for expenditures as the Contractor shall proceed to operate Art. VI-A. Termination by Govern- cers so designated to preside at such
1. for the Cartridges. Armor Piercing, Cal.
provided in Title V. It as directed from time to time by the ment. The Government may terminate (1) By revising and amending Rule 1
hearing are hereby authorized to conduct
• • • : and (I) of Section VII to read as follows:
2. Afixed-fee in the amoimt of Contracting Officer. • this contract at any time by a notice in said hearing, to administer oaths and
(e) $• • • fixed-fee per • • •

eighty-eight thousand eight hundred 3. Notwithstanding the fact that the writing from the Contracting Officer to The seller shall charge and the buyer affirmations, examine witnesses, sub-
rounds packed and ready for shipment
dollars ($88,800). which shall constitute construction and equipping of the Plant for the Cartridges, Tracer, Cal. * • •.
the Contractor. shall pay interest from and after the due poena witnesses, compel their attendance,
complete compensation for the Contrac- as a whole shall not have been completed, Title vn General date of the account, as provided in these take evidence, require the production of
tor's services. when all operating units thereof are TiTLi V—Cost of the Work and Payment Marketing Rules and Regulations, at the any Iwoks. papers, correspondence, mem-
ready for operation and are capable of Therefor Art. Vn-C. Changes. The Contract- rate of not less than five (5) per centum: oranda, or other records deemed relevant
Title III Training of Key Personnel producing ammunition at the rated ca- ing Officer may at any time after con-
Art. V-A. Reimbursement Provided. That in the case of sales made or material to the inquiry, to continue
(Optional) for con- sultation the Contractor, by a
pacity of the Plant, the Contractor shall to the Federal, State or Local Govern- said hearing from time to time, and to
so notify the Contracting Officer In writ-
tractor's expenditures. The Contractor written order and without notice to the prepare and submit to the Director pro-
Art. III-A. Statement of work. The shall be reimbursed in the manner here- ments, or any agency thereof. Interest
ing, and from and after the date of said sureties, make changes in or additions posed findings of fact and conclusions
obligation of the Contractor to proceed inafter described for its actual expendi- need not be paid at a rate in excess of,
with the work under this Title in shall notice the Contractor shall operate said to the drawings and specifications, issue and the recommendation of an appro-
tures in the performance of the work but shall be paid at a rate not less than
Plant for the production of the following additional instructions, require addi- priate order in the premises, and to per-
be conditioned upon receipt by the Con- under this contract, when approved or that prescribed by applicable statutes or
types and quantities of Ammimition: tionalwork, or direct the omission of form all other duties in connection there-
tractor of notice in writing from the ratified by the Contracting Officer. rules as the maximum rate of interest
work covered by the contract. with authorized by law.
Contracting Officer so to do. Upon re-
ceipt by the Contractor of such notice,
(a) • • • rounds, packed and Art. V-B. Payments —Reimbursement Art. VII-D. Title. The title to all
governing such payments, where that
prescribed maximum is less than five (5) Notice of such hearing is hereby given
ready for shipment. Cartridges, Ball, lor cost. 1. a. The Government will
the Contractor shall hire or select the work, completed or in the course of con- per centum per annum. to all persons who may have an interest
Cal. • • •.
rently reimburse the Contractor for ex-
key personnel necessary for the opera- struction, preparation or manufacture in the subject matter thereof. Any per-
(b) • rounds, packed and
• •
penditures made in accordance with (2) By revising and amending Rule 1
tion of the Plant, and when such per- shall be in the Government. Likewise, son desiring to be heard at such hearing
ready for shipment. Cartridges, Armor Article V-A of this Title V. upon certifi- (K) of said Section VII to read as
sonnel is available shall proceed to train upon delivery at the site of the work, at shall file a notice to that effect on or
Piercing, Cal. • • •.
cation and delivery to and verification by follows
such personnel in the duties and func- an approved storage site or other place before September 25. 1941. setting forth
(c) •rounds, packed and
• •
the Contracting Officer of the original
tions of their respective positions, at ready for shiimient. Cartridges, Tracer,
approved by the Contracting Officer and Except as provided in Section X of therein the nature of his interest and a
signed payrolls for labor, the receipted upon inspection and acceptance in writ-
other Ordnance Plants or elsewhere, in Cal. • • •. these Marketing Rules and Regulations, concise statement of the matter he in-
invoices for materials, equipment, etc., or ing by the Contracting Officer, title to all
order that they will have obtained expe- (d) • rounds, packed and
• • no Code Member, his Sales Agent, or a tends to present.
other evidence satisfactory to the Con- tools, machinery, equipment
rience with the processes and operations ready for shipment. Cartridges. Armor
materials, distributor, shall accept as payment in All persons are further notified that
tracting Officer. Reimbursement will be and supplies, for which the Contractor
Involved in the Plant at any time when Piercing, Cal. • • full for any account for the sale of coal the hearing in the above-entitled matter
made as promptly as possible, generally shall be entitled to be reimbursed under any amount which is less than the appli-
the Government shall exercise its option (e) • rounds, packed and
• • and any orders therein may concern, in
weekly, but may be made at more fre- Title V hereof shall vest In the Govern-
under Section 1 of Article IV-A of ready for shipment, Cartridges, Tracer, cable minimum price for the quantity of addition to the matters specifically
quent intervals if the conditions so war- ment.
Title rv. Cal. • • •. coal involved plus any interest charges stated in the proposed amendments and
rant. All payments made under this This contract is authorized by the fol-
Art. in-B. Estimate. It is estimated required under Rule 1 (I) of this Section: revisions of Rules 1 (I) and 1 (K) of
4. Uponwritten notice to the Contrac- paragraph a shall be subject to the provi- lowing laws:
that the cost of the work under this Provided. That a Code Member, his Sales Section Vn. Rule 2 of Section V and
Title mwill be approximately one mil- tor not less than • • • days before
the completion of the operation provided
sions of Article V-C.
Payment of the fixed- fees. 2. a. The
Act of July 2. 1940 (Pub. No. 703),
continued by Act of June 30, 1941 (Pub.
Agent, or a Distributor may enter Into a Rule 8 of Section VI. of the Marketing
lion dollars ($1,000,000). exclusive of the Rules and Regulations, other matters
for in Section 3 next above, the Govern- fixed -fee provided for In Article I-D No. 139).
bona fide general creditors' composition
Contractor's fee.
ment may, at its option, authorize the with other creditors of a defaulting pur- necessarilyIncidental and related
of Title I shall be paid in partial pay- Prank W. Bullock.
Art. ni-C. Consideration. As consid-
continued operation of the Plant for the ments, less ten percent (10%) of each chaser. A copy of such creditors' com- thereto which may be raised by the
eraticm for its undertaking under this
Major, Signal Corps.
production of an additional quantity of such partial payment as It accrues. Assistant to the Director of position shall be filed with the Statistical amendments and revisions of the Mar-
Title in the Contractor shall receive the keting Rules and Regulations as pro-
Ammunition equal to that set forth In b. The fixed-fee provided for in Article Purchases and Contracts. Bureau or Bureaus within ten (10) busi-
Section 3 of this Article IV-A and the n-C of Title n
shall be paid in partial
(P. R. Doc. 41-6682: Piled. September 1941;
ness days from the date of the making posed herein, petitions of interested par-
ties, or otherwise, or which may be nee-
1. Reimbursement for expenditures as Contractor shall undertake such contin- payments, less ten percent (107c) of each thereof.
g;^7 a. ml
provided in Title V. ued operation under the terms and con- such partial payment as it accrues.
4620 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 6, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 6, 1941 4621

essary corollaries to said propoced ing rendered an Opinion in this matter, Office of the Solicitor. United States De- partment of Agriculture, Washington, SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COM- among which are that the said holding
amendments and revisions. which are filed herewith; partment of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. in Room 0310, South Building, or MISSION. company system is not confined in Us
Dated: September 4, 1941. Now, therefore, it is ordered, ITiat the D. C. in Room 0310, South Building, or may be there inspected. operations to those of a single integrated
[Pile No. 4-40]
[SBALl H. A. Grat, prayers for relief contained in the sev- may be there Inspected. [scalI Grover B. Hill. public utility system, together with such
Director. eral petitions filed herein be and they [SEAL] Grover B. Hill, Acting Secretary of Agriculture. In the Matter of Natural Gas Pipeline additional systems and other businesses
hereby are denied. Acting Secretary of Agriculture. Company of America and Cities Serv- as can be retained under the applicable
|F. B. Doc. 41-6685; FUed. September 1841; Dated: September 4, 1941.
Dated: September 3, 1941. ice Company standards of section 11 (b) (1) of said
10:51 a. m] Dated: September 4, 1941.
R Doc. 41-6676; Piled. September 4, 1941;
[SEAL] H. A. Gray, [F
[P. R. Doc. 41-6677; Piled, September
2:19 p. m]
Director. 4, 1941 Said order provides that respondents
3:19 p. m.] At a regular session of the Securities
[Docket No. 1664-FDl shall file their answer to the allegations
IP. B. Doc. 41-6687; PUed, September 6. 1941; and Exchange Commission, held at its of said order on or before the 17th day
In the Matter or Frank David Ewell, 10:51 a. m] AO 1-A 81
(Docket No. office in the City of Washington. D. C.
of October. 1941, for the purposes and
Jr., Ewell Fuel Co., Registered Dis- AO 105-A 1]
[Docket No. on the 4th day of September. A. D. 1941. in the manner more fully set out in the
Notice of Hearing With Respect to
tributor, Registration No. 2838, Re- Notice oir Hearing With Respect to a The Commission having on August 25, order.
Proposed Amendments to the Mar-
spondent Proposal To Amend the Tentatively 1941 issued a Notice and Order for Hear-
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. keting Agreement, as Amended, and
ing in the above-entitled proceeding di-
On the basis of the tentative conclu-
ORDER postponing HEARING Approved Marketing Agreement a:>jd THE Order, as Amended, Regulating sions set forth in said notice of and order
Order No. 44, Regulating the Han- recting that a hearing be held on Sep-
Surplus Marketing Administration. THE Handling of Walnuts Grown in for hearing, said order provides that a
The above-entitled matter having been
dling of Milk in the Quad Cihes tember 5, 1941 at 10 o'clock A. M. in the
heretofore scheduled for hearing on Oc- AO 47-A 6]
(Docket Mo. California, Oregon, and Washington hearing be held at the time and place
offices of the Commission, and Cities
Marketing Area hereinbefore stated, at which hearing
tober 8, 1941 at 10 a. m., at a hearing Notice of Hearing With Respect to a Notice is hereby given of a hearing to Service Company having requested that
Notice is hereby given of a hearing to the respondents and any other interested
room of the Bituminous Coal Division, at Proposal To Amend the Tentatively be held in the Comstock Room, Palace the date for hearing as above be post-
be held in the Main Ballroom of the Fort persons shall be given an opportunity
the Civil Service Room, U. S. Court Approved Marketing Agreement, as Hotel, San Francisco, California, begin- poned so as to permit further study and
Armstrong Hotel, Rock Island, Illinois, to be heard with respect to the matters
House. Fort Worth. Texas; and Amended, and Order No. 20, as ning at 9:30 a. m., P. s. t., September consideration of the issues presented by
at 10:00 a. m., c. s. t., September 11, 1941, therein set forth, and with respect to
It appearing to the Director that It Is 1941. with respect to proposed the Notice and Order for Hearing; and
Amended, Regulating the Handling of 12,
any issues raised in and matters pre-
advisable to postpone said hearing; with respect to proposed amendments amendments to the marketing agree- It appearing to the Commission that
Milk in the La Porte County, Indiana, sented by respondents' answer, and at
Now therefore, it is ordered, That the Marketing Area to the tentatively approved marketing ment, as amended, and the order, as the request made by the said Cities Serv-
hearing In the above-entitled matter be agreement and Order No. 44.' regulating which hearing the respondents are di-
amended, regulating the handling of ice Company is not unreasonable and
Notice is hereby given of a hearing to rected to show cause why an order or
and the same is hereby postponed to a the handling of milk in the Quad Cities walnuts grown in California. Oregon, may appropriately be granted;
be held in the Civic Auditorium, Ridge orders should not be entered, pursuant
date and at a hearing room to be here- marketing area. and Washington. It isordered. That the hearing directed
Street, La Porte. Indiana, beginning at to section 11 (b) (1) of said Act, requir-
after designated by an appropriate order nils notice is given pursuant to the This notice is given pursuant to the to be held on September 5. 1941 be and
10:00 a. m., c. d. s. t., September 16, 1941. ing the divestment of properties, securi-
of the Director. provisions of Public Act No. 10, 73d Con- provisions of Public Act No. 10, 73d Con- the same is hereby postponed until Mon-
with respect to proposed amendments to ties and other assets for the purpose of
Dated: September 4, 1941. gress, as amended and as reenacted and gress, as amended and as reenacted and day. September 22. 1941 at 10 o'clock in
the tentatively approved marketing limiting the operations of respondents'
fSEALl H. A. Gray, amended by the Agricultural Marketing amended by the Agricultural Marketing the forenoon before the same officer of
holding company system as required by
agreement, as amended, and Order No. Agreement Act of 1937, as amended, and Agreement Act of 1937, as amended the Commission specified in the said
Director. the standards of section 11 <b) (1) of
20, as amended,' regulating the handling the General
of Regulations, Series A, (hereinafter referred to as the "act"), Order of August 25. 1941.
said Act, and for the purpose of deter-
(P. R. Doc. 41-6686; Piled. September 6. 1941; of milk In the La Porte County, Indiana,
10:51 a. m.l
No. 1,amended, of the Agricultural
as and of the General Regulations, Series By the Commission. mining what steps and what action is
marketing area. Adjustment Administration, United A, No. 1, as amended, of the Agri-
This notice is given pursuant to the I SEAL Orval L. Dubois, necessary for that purpose.
States Department of Agriculture. cultural Adjustment Administration.
Said order further provides that:
provisions of Public Act No. 10. 73d Con- Recording Secretary.
This public hearing is for the purpose United States Department of Agricul-
[Docket No. A-6941 gress, as amended and as reenacted and of receiving on proposed
evidence ture. IP. R. Doc. 41-6690; Filed. September 5. 1941; (1) At the outset of said hearing re-
amended by the Agricultural Marketing
amendments submitted by the Quality This hearing is for the purpose of re- 11:03 a. m.l spondents shall show cause why an
Petition of District Board 4 for the
Agreement Act of 1937, as amended, and Milk Association, the minois-Iowa Milk ceiving evidence as to the general eco- immediate order should not be entered
Elimination of a Separate Classifica-
of the General Regulations, Series A. No. Producers' Association, and the Dairy nomic conditions which may necessitate requiring the divestment by the respond-
tion AND Price for Crushed Coal in
1, as amended, of the Agricultural Ad- such amendments in order to effectuate ents of all their interests in those com-
District No. 4, Except in the Case of Division, Surplus Marketing Administra- File No 59-32]
justment Administration, United States tion, United States Department of Ag- the declared policy of the act, and evi-
panies operating in states other than
THE Coal Shipped Into Market Areas
Department of Agriculture. riculture, to (1) increase Class I prices dence as to the specific amendments re- In THE Matter of Denis J. Driscoll and New York, Pennsylvania and New Jer-
14, 16, 17, 18, AND 19, AND BY RiVER
This public hearing is for the purpose by 28 cents per hundredweight or use a quired. WiLLARD L. Thorp, as Trustees of As- sey, which companies are more fully set
order DENYING RELIEF of receiving evidence on proposed amend- formula based upon the Evaporated Milk Proposed amendments have been sub- socuTED Gas and Electric Corpora- forth by states in paragraph 6 of said
ments submitted by the La Porte Coxmty mitted by the Control Board established tion. Respondents order;
A petitionand an amended petition Code price plus a premium
over; (2) re-
having been filed with the Bituminous Milk Producers Association and the vise the Class n
price by use of a for- pursuant to the provisions of the mar- (2) Thereafter there will be consid-
notice of and order for hearing
Dairy Division, Surplus Marketing Ad- mula based upon the Evaporated Milk keting agreement, as amended, and the ered what evidence should be adduced,
Coal Division by District Board 4, pur-
order, as amended, regulating the han- what findings should be made and what
suant to section 4 n (d) of the Bitumi- ministration. United States Department Code plus a premium over; (3) revise At a regular session of the Securities
of Agriculture, to (1) increase the price the Class IV price formula to make It dling of walnuts grown in California. and Exchange Commission, held at Its order or orders should be entered by the
nous Coal Act of 1937, requesting certain
relief with respect to crushed slack coals; of Class I milk from $2.35 to $2.80 per comparable with the manufacturing Oregon, and Washington, and provide, office inthe City of Washington, D. C. Commission, either pursuant to the state-
Intervening petitions having been filed hundredweight, except such Class I milk value; (4) add to S 944.8 (f) (3) *i) the in similar terms, that: (1) the salable on the 4th day of September. A. D. 1941. ments made in respondents' answer or
by District Boards 1, 2, 3. 4, 6, and 7, and as isdisposed of for relief purposes, provision that "any member of the pro- percentage for the crop year September Notice is hereby given that the otherwise, in order to limit the opera-
by the Consolidation Coal Company, Inc., which shall be such Class I price less ducer's family may be named as the base 1. 1941, to August 31, 1942, shall be sixty-
Securities and Exchange Commission tions of the holding company system of
30«*: (2) Increase the Class II price from flve (65) percent; (b) the surplus per- the respondents with respect to the prop-
a code member In District 3; holder for the purpose of transfer, but in adopted an order on the 4th day of Sep-
$2.05 to $2.50 per hundredweight; (3) in- no case may there be more than one base centage for the crop year ending August erties located in the States of New York.
Pursuant to Orders of the Director, tember, 1941, directing that a hearing
a hearing in this matter having been crease the percent to be added in the allotted to one farm"; (5) define the 31. 1942. shall be thirty-five (35) percent;
pursuant to section 11 (b) (1) of the Pennsylvania and New Jersey, which
held before a duly designated Examiner formula for figuring the Class III and term "producer-handler"; (6) define the and (c) "Exhibit A" of the aforesaid mar- Public Utility Holding Company Act of may be retained under the applicable
Class rv prices; (4) amend 9 920.8 (a) keting agreement, as amended, and order, standards of section 11 (b) (1) of the
of the Division at a hearing room thereof method to be used in converting butter- 1935 be held with respect to Denis J.
In Washington, D. C. at which all Inter- (1) and (2) so that the time and method fat used in Classes II. m, and IV to its
as amended, shall be further amended Driscoll and Willard L. Thorp, Trustees Act, including specifically a determina-
ested persons were afforded an opportu- of payment will apply to all milk re- milk equivalent; (7) increase the admin- in the respects stated in said proposed
of Associated Gas and Electric Corpo- tion: (a) of the number of integiated
nity to be present, adduce evidence, cross- ceived by a handler, whether received istrative assessment from 2 to 3 cents per amendments. ration, at the offices of the Securities public utility systems, if any. under the
examine witnesses, and otherwise be from a producer within or outside of the hundredweight; and
<8) any Copies of the proposed amendments and Exchange Commission, 1778 Penn- control of respondents within the States
heard; State of Indiana; and <5) reword any other provision of the order to conform
may be obtained from the Hearing Clerk. sylvania Avenue NW.. Washington, of New York. Pennsylvania and New Jer-
Office of the Solicitor. United States De- sey, (b) as to which of such integrated
The preparation and filing of a report other provisions of the order to conform to the proposed amendments. D. C. at 10 A. M., on the 28th day of
to the proposed amendments. partment of Agriculture. Washington, public utility systems, if any, is to be
by the Examiner having been waived, and Copies of the proposed amendments October, 1941.
the record thereupon having been sub-
D.C, in Room 0310 South Building, or considered as the "single integrated
Copies of the proposed amendments may be obtained from the Hearing Clerk, may be there inspected.
Said order makes respondents in said
mitted to the undersigned; public utility system" retainable under
may be obtained from the Hearing Clerk, Office of the Solicitor, United States De- proceedings Denis J. Driscoll and Willard
The undersigned having made Findings (SEAL] Grover B. Hill. section 11 (b) (1) of said Act. and (c) of
L. Thorp, as Trustees of Associated Gas
of Fact and Conclusions of Law and hav- *6 FR. 4432. ' 6 PJl. 166. Acting Secretary of Agriculture. and Electric Corporation; and. after de- the extent, if any, to which additional
Dated: September 4. 1941. scribing the holding company system of integrated public utility systems and
IP R. Doc. 41-6691; Filed. September said respondents, expresses certain ten- other businesses may, upon a proper
6, 1941;
11:16 ». m.] tative conclusions with respect thereto, showing, be retained under common con-

•Lr 7 f^
4622 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 6, 1941

trolwith any such single integrated pub- hearing ishereby made a part of this Bald order further provides that any
lic system under the applicable
utility notice as completely set forth herein.
if person proposing to Intervene in said
standards of section 11 (b) (1) of the
Notice of said hearing is hereby given
to the respondents, each of their sub-
proceedings shall file with the Secretary
of the Securities and Exchange Com-
(3) Consideration will also be given,
and the respondents and other Inter-
sidiaries and each of the c(»npanies in
which said respondents have an interest
mission on or before the 17th day of Oc-
tober, 1941, his request or application
ested persons shall have an opportunity and which are specifically named in the therefor as provided by Rule XVII of the
to be heard, with respect to the time and order, and to all other persons including Rules of Practice of the said Securities
manner for disposition of any other is-
sues which may be presented in these
proceedings, particularly with respect to
the appropriate procedure for expediting
the determination of the issues herein.
security holders of Associated Oas Eind
Electric Corporation, of its subsidiaries,
all States, municipalities, and political
subdivisions of States within which are
located any utility assets owned or oper-
and Exchange Commission, and any such
request or application may state the po-
sition of such proposed Intervener with
respect to the allegations and tentative
conclusions set forth in the order. The
ated by any of the subsidiaries of said re-
and order
Is made to said notice of
for hearing for a more com-
spondents, or companies In which re-
spondents have some interest and which
order provides that nothing therein is to
be deemed to require any interested per-
son to Intervene as a prerequisite to be-
VOLUME • \i ^^^^ C,^^ NUMBER 175

plete statement of the various matters

are named in the order, and all State ing heard on matters affecting his inter-
therein set forth, and a copy of said
notice of and order for hearing is on file
Commissions, State securities commis- ests. Washington, Tuesday, September 9, 1941
sions and all agencies, authorities or in- By order of the Securities and Ex-
and open to public inspection at the strumentalities of one or more states,
the Securities and Exchange
change Commission this 4th day of Sep-
municipalities or other political subdivi- tember 1941. The President EXECUTIVE ORDER CONTENTS
Commission in Washington, D. C, and
sions having Jurisdiction over the re-
a copy of said notice of and order for spondents or oyer any of the businesses,
[SEAL] OavAt L. DtjBois, Establishing the Division of Contract THE PRESIDENT
Recording Secretary.
Wekk— 1941
hearing may be had upon written re- affairs or operations of any of the sub-
Distribution in the Office of Produc- Pa8«
PlRI Privintion Proclamation:
quest to the Secretary of said Commis- tion Management and Defining Its
sidiary or affiliated companies of re- [P. R. Doc. 41-«696; Filed. September 5, 1941; Fire Prevention Week, 1941 4623
sion, and said notice of and order for
spondents. 11:47 a. m.] Executive Orders:
By virtue of the authority vested in Arizona, public lands withdrawn
A PROCLAMATION me by the Constitution and the statutes for use of War Department. 4625
of the United States, and in order to Division of Contract Distribu-
WHEREAS the serious problems of
define further the functions and duties tion established i_ 4623
national defense now confronting this
of the Office of Production Management Office of Defense Health and
country demand the utmost attention to
with respect to the unlimited national Welfare Services estab-
the conservation of our human and
physical resources; and
emergency as declared by the President lished 4625
WHEREAS the lives of thousands of
on May 27, 1941,' and to provide for the RULES. REGULATIONS.
persons were lost and property damage
more effective utilization of existing ORDERS
plant facilities for defense purposes; the
of more than a quarter of a billion dol-
conversion into defense production of Title 7 Agriculture:
lars occurred during the year 1940 as a
civilian industries affected by priorities Agricultural Adjustment Ad-
result of avoidable fires in the United
and raw material shortages; the allevia- ministration:
States; and Wheat, marketing quota regu-
tion of unemployment caused by the
WHEREAS individual responsibility
lations, 1941 4626
effects of such priorities and shortages;
for protecting human
and safeguard-
Title 16 Commercial Practices:
the local pooling of facilities and equip-
ing homes, industries, and public build-
ment; subcontracting; and the wider dif- Federal Trade Commission:
ings against this grave menace should
fusion of defense contracts among the Cease and desist orders:
be impressed upon the entire citizenry:
smaller business enterprises in every part Acme Steel Co 4630
Gerrard Co., Inc 4628
of the nation, it is hereby ordered as
ROOSEVELT, President of the United
Inlaid Optical Corp 4630
States of America, do hereby designate
Monarch Printers and
the week beginning October 5. 1941, as 1. There shall be within the Office of
Binders 4631
Pire Prevention Week, and I urge public Production Management a Division of Rockdale Monument Co_._ 4629
authorities, civic bodies, educators, the Contract Distribution at the head of Schneck-Wayne Co.. Inc.,
press, and the radio to emphasize the which shall be a Director appointed by et al 4629
dangers attendant upon fires in the pres- the Office of Production Management Signode Steel Strapping
ent national emergency, and I recom- with the approval of the President. The Co 4628
mend to our citizens their active
all Director shall discharge and perform the Soap Lake Products Corp__ 4626
cooperation In the elimination of fire following responsibilities and duties Spangler Candy Co 4631
hazards and their prompt action in every under the direction and supervision of Thorson's Soap Lake Prod-
situation threatening loss of life or prop- the Director General acting in associa- ucts Co 4627
erty by fire. tion with the Associate Director General Title 30 Mineral Resources:
a. Formulate and promote specific pro- Bituminous Coal Division:
unto set my hand and caused the seal of
grams for the purchase of supplies for Minimum price schedules, re-
the United States of America to be
the Army and Navy in smaller units but lief granted, petitions of:
among a greater number of firms and in District Board 11 4632
DONE at the City of Washington this
Board 15
3rd day of September, in the year of our as many different localities as possible. District 4632
Formulate and promote modifica-
District Board 16 (2 docu-
Lord nineteen hundred and
tions in federal procurement practices ments) 4633
[seal] forty-one, and of the Inde-
pendence of the United States and procedures relating to negotiating Title 32 National Defense:
of America the one hundred and sixty- contracts, bidding practice, performance Office of Price Administration:
sixth. and bid bonds, and other practices and Scrap and secondary materi-
By the President: procedures, to the end that there shall als containing nickel,
be a wider distribution of defense con- price schedule amended. 4634
Franklin D Roosevelt
tracts and purchases. Office of Production Manage-
cordell hxtll. ment:
c. Develop programs for the conver-
Secretary of State. Silk waste, silk noils, etc.,
sion of plants and industries from civil-
[No. 25091 ian to defense production, with the
preference order amend-
[P R. Doc. 41-6709; Filed, September 6, 1941;
ed — 4633
10:11 a. m.J > 6 FR. 2617. "(Continued on next page)
4624 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 9, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 9, 1941 4625

CONTENTS—Continued ties for prime contractors, subcontrac- 7. There shall be assigned to the main sion of the President. The Director shall determine. The Committee shall ad-
^SiN Department of the Interior Con. —
tors and local Industrial defense produc-
tion associations, and recommend from
and tp each field office of the Divi-
a representative of the Labor Divi-
receive no salary or other remuneration
as such, but shall be entitled to actual
vise the Director regarding the health
and medical aspects of national defense
FEDE GISTER Bituminous Coal Division Con. — time to time to the Director General and sion of the Office of Production Manage- and necessary transportation, subsistence, exclusive of medical research and
Relief orders: Associate Director General such addi- ment to cooperate with such offices in the and other expenses incidental to the per- assist in the coordination of health
District Board 4 4840 tional financial procedures or machinery Labor Division's efforts toward reemploy- formance of his duties. and medical activities affecting national
Haokathorn ti Myers 4840 as shall be required to ensure maximum ment of employees of plants whose pro- 3. Subject to such policies, regulations, defense. The members of the Commit-
Department of Labor: Utilization of existing plant and tool duction has been curtailed by priorities and directions as the President may from tee shall .serve as such without compen-
Published dally, except Sundays, Mondays,
Wage and Hour Division: facilities for defense purposes. and material shortages. time to time prescribe, the Office shall: sation but shall be entitled to actual and
and days following legal holidays by the
Division of the Federal Register, The National Learner employment c e r- h. Provide engineering and technical 8. In the execution of the foregoing necessary transportation, subsistence,
Archives, pursuant to the authority con- a. Serve as the center for the coordina-
tiflcates. Issuance for assistance to such prime contractors, duties, the Director of the Division of and other expenses incidental to the per-
tained in the Federal Register Act, approved tion of health and welfare services made
various industries (2 subcontractors, and local industrial de- Contract Distribution shall consult and formance of their duties.
July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500), under regula- available by the departments and agen-
tions prescribed by the Administrative Com- documents) 4644,4646 fense production associations as may re- collaborate with the War Department, 7. The
Director Is authorized to ap-
cies of the Federal Government, and
mittee, approved by the President.
Federal Power Commission: quire such assistance in order to i>articl- the Navy Department, the United States point such advisory committees and sub-
The Administrative Committee consists of pate in defense production. Maritime Commission, and other govern- other agencies public and private, to meet
the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an officer Iowa Union Electric Co., hear- committees, with respect to particular
i. Perform such other duties and re- ment procurement agencies, which are the needs of State and local communities
of the Department of Justice designated by ing postponed 4648 aspects of health, welfare, nutrition, rec-
hereby directed to cooperate with and es- arising from the defense program; and
the Attorney General, and the Public Printer sponsibilities as the OfDce of Production reation, and related activities as he may
Federal Security Agency: take necessary steps to secure the co-
or Acting Public Printer. Management may from time to time de- tablish close liaison with such Division find necessary or desirable to assist him
The dally issue of the Pkdxbai. Rxgistb Social Security Board operation of the appropriate Federal de-
termine. to accomplish the purposes of this order. in the performance of his duties. Such
will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free Minnesota, resolution with re- partments and agencies relative thereto.
of postage, for $1.25 per month or •12.60 per 9. The Defense Contract Service, es- advisory committees may Include repre-
spect to unemployment 2. To ensure unity of policy and coor- b. Make available to States and locali-
year; single copies 10 cents each; payable In tablished pursuant to Regulation No. 9. sentatives from Federal departments and
advance. Remit money order payable to the compensation law 4648 dinated consideration of all relevant fac- ties, upon request, the services of special-
July 29, 1941.' of the Office of Production agencies. State and local governments,
Superintendent of Documents directly to the Securities and Exchange Com- tors involved in the formulation and exe- ists In health and welfare activities to
Government Printing OfDce, Washington, D. C. Management, is hereby abolished. The private organizations and the public at
mission: cution of Industry conversion programs, assist In the planning and execution of
duties and responsibilities of said Defense large. The members of advisory com-
Declarations permitted to be- and contract distribution and subcon- such local and State programs.
Contract Service are hereby assigned to mittees shall serve as such without com-
come effective, etc.: tracting procedures, all such programs or c. Study, plan, and encourage meas-
ie Division of Contract Distribution. pensation, but shall be entitled to actual
CONTENTS—Continued Bangor Gas Light Co., et aL. 4650 procedures shall clear through the Divi-

All records, files, and equipment of the ures designed to assure the provision of
sion of Contract Distribution. and necessary transportation, subsist-
Community Traction Co.. et Defense Contract Service shall be trans- adequate defense health and welfare
Title 33 Navigation and Navig- 3. To aid the Director in carrying out
ence, and other expenses incidental to
al -• 4648 ferred to the Division of Contract Dis- services to the citizens of the Nation
able Waters: the aforesaid responsibilities, there shall the performance of their duties.
Derby Gas L Eaectric Corp.. et tribution. during the period of the emergency, and
Corps of Engineers, War De- al., amended plan for cor- be assigned to the Division one or more coordinate studies and surveys made by
8. Within the limits of such funds as

partment: P^ge
oCBcers of the Departments of War and
Franklin D Roosevelt may be appropriated or allocated to the
porate simplification ap- Federal departments and agencies with
Oulf of Mexico, etc., danger the Navy, respectively, and one or more The White House, Office of Defense Health and Welfare
proved 4648 respect to these fields.
zone regulations 4636 representatives of the Maritime Com- September 4. 1941. Services by the President, the Director
Mayflower-Old Colony Copper d. Keep the President informed with
Title 41 Public Contracts: mission, whose duty shall be to assist as
may employ necessary personnel and
Co.. hearing, etc 4649 (No. 88911 respect to progress made in carrying out
Division of Public Contracts: liaison in the speedy and successful car-
make provision for the necessary sup-
Northern States Power Co. this Order; and perform such related
Scientific industrial and lab- rjrlng out of the aforesaid program. |P R. Doc. 41-6703; Filed. September 6. 1941; and services through the
plies, facilities,
(Minn.), et al., amendment duties as the President may from time
oratory instruments in- 2:49 p. m.j Federal Security Agency. The Office
approved 4651 4. There shall be In the Division of to time assign or delegate to it.
dustry, etc., minimum Panhandle Eastern Pipe line Contract Distribution two Advisory Com- of Defense Health and Welfare Services
wage determination 4636
Co., et applications mittees consisting of representatives to
4. The Director may provide for the may use such statistical. Informational,
al., filed,
internal organization and management fiscal, personnel, and other general busi-
NOTICES withdrawn, etc. (2 docu- be designated by the Director of the Divi- executive order of the Office of Defense Health and Wel- ness services and facilities as may be
ments) 4650 sion with the approval of the Office of
Civil Aeronautics Board: Production Management. One shall be Establishing the Office of Defense fare Services. He shall obtain the Presi- made available through the Office for
War Department: Health and Welfare Services in the dent's approval for the establishment of Emergency Management.
Hearings Contract summaries: representative of small business organi-
Pan American Airways Co. American Woolen Co zations; and the other of industrial, man- Executive Office of the President the principal subdivisions of the Office Franklin D Roosevelt
4638 and the appointment of the heads
(Del.)T 4647 agement, and production engineers. The AND Defining its Functions and Duties The White House,
Dixon, L. E.. Co 4639 thereof.
Tri-State Aviation Corp 4647 Committees shall, from time to time, Sept. 1941.
Leeds. Hill. Barnard and By virtue of the authority vested in 5. In the study of problems and in
Oral arguments: upon request by the Director, make find-
Jewett 4838 me by the Constitution and statutes of the discharge of its functions and re- [No. 8890]
Caribbean-Atlantic Airlines, ings and sulMnit recommendations to the
North American Aviation. the United States, and in order to define sponsibilities it shall be the policy of the IF. R. Doc. 41-6705; Filed. September 1941;
Inc., et al 4647 Director with respect to procurement
Inc., of Kansas 4639 further the functions and duties of the 3:48 p. m.|
Marquette Airlines. Inc., et al. 4647 Office of Defense Health and Welfare
practices and procedures; contract Office for Emergency Management of the
Department of Agriculture: Services to collaborate with and to util-
placements and distribution; industry Executive Office of the President with
Agricultural Marketing Service: conversion problems; formation of local respect to the national emergency as de-
ize, in so far as practicable, the facilities
Andrews, L. B, et al.. pro- assistance of the government If neces- and departments and
services of existing
production associations; subcontracting; clared by the President on May 27, 1941,'
ceeding reopened 4644 sary. agencies which perform related func- Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of
and for such other matters as the Direc- the purpose of assuring adequate
Commodity Credit Corporation: d.Stimulate the organization and use for tions. Furthermore, it shall be the pol- THE War Department
tor may require advice and assistance. health and welfare services to meet needs
Production of non-basic ag- of local industrial defense production icy of the Office of Defense Health and
5. Within the hmits of such funds as ARIZONA
associations. of the national defense program, it is Welfare Services In carrying out its
ricultural commodities, may be made available to the Division
e. Promote and stimulate subcontract-
hereby ordered: functions and duties to work with and By virtue of the authority vested in
announcement with re- of Contract Distribution, the Director
spect to expansion 4644 ing wherever feasible. may appoint Industrial and production 1. The term "health and welfare serv- through the State and local defense me by the act of July 9, 1918, c. 143. 40

Department of the Interior: In order to obtain maximum use of ices" as used in this Order means all councils and other appropriate State and Stat. 845, 848 fU.S.C. title 10. sec. 1341),
f. engineers, economists, statisticians, and
Bituminous Coal Division: existing productive facilities and tools, health, welfare, medical, nutrition, recre- local agencies, and In this connection to It Is ordered that, subject to valid existing
such technical and other personnel as
Cole Fuel Co., Inc., code advise manufacturers and business en- he shall deem necessary to carry out the ation, and related services Including those cooperate and work In conjunction with rights, the public lands in the following-
membership reinstated _- 4643 terprises the specific ways in which their duties assigned to the Division herein. aspects of education under the jurisdic- the Office of Civilian Defense in its rela- described areas be, and they are hereby,
Hearings, etc.: facilities and tools may be utilized in 6. The Director may establish branch tion of the Federal Security Agency. tionships with State and local groups. withdrawn from all forms of appropri-
defense production; advise such manu- There Is established within the Of- 6. There shall be in the Office of De- ation under the public-land laws, includ-
District Board 3 4641 offices throughout the United States and 2.

District Board 4 (2 docu- facturers and businessmen with respect Its territories to carry out his duties. fice forEmergency Management of the fense Health and Welfare Services a ing the mining laws, and reserved for the
ments) __ 4642,4843 to the procedures and practices of the There shall be assigned to such branch Executive Office of the President the Health and Medical Committee to con- use of the War Department as an aerial
several federal procurement agencies. of Defense Health and Welfare sist of a Chairman to be appointed by gunnery range:
District Board 8 . 4641 offices such officer personnel or other Office
Services, at the head of which the Fed- the President, the Surgeon General of
Reinstatement of registra- g. Facilitate through the regular com- representatives of the Army. Navy, CiLA AND Salt River Meridian
tion: mercial banking channels, the Recon- United States Maritime Commission and eral Security Administrator shall serve the Army, the Surgeon General of the
T. 7 S., R.1 W., sees. 13 to 36, inclusive, un-
Consolidated Coal and struction Finance Corporation, and the other federal procurement agencies as as Director. The Director shall discharge Navy, the Surgeon General of the United surveyed;
Stoker Co 4843 Federal Reserve Banks and their may be required by the Director lor and perform his responsibilities and States Public Health Service, the Chair- Tps. 8 and 9 S., R. 1 W., all, unsurveyed;
Wyatt Coal Sales Co 4843 branches, the necessary financing facili- liaison purposes. duties under the direction and supervi- man of the Committee on Medical Re- T. 7 S., R. 2 W., sees. 13 to 36, Inclusive,
search of the Office of Scientific Research unsurveyed
Tps. 8 and 9 S., R. 2 W., all, unsurveyed;
' 6 PH. 3889. and Development, and such others as T. 7 S., R. 3 W.. sees. 13 to 36, inclusive;
•« P.R. 2617. the President may from time to time Tps. 8 and 9 S., R. 3 W.. aU;
4626 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 9, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 9, 1941 4627
T. 10 S.. R. 3 W., sees. 4 to 0. 16 to 21 and 38 and tow- target
to 33, incluslTe, unsurreyed;
firing, and for no other ducers on the farm, within thirty calen- products: § 3.6 (x) Advertising falsely It is ordered. That the respondent. [Docket No. 2832]
T. 7 8.. R. 4 W.. sees. 13 to 36, Inclusive; type of firing. dar days after the threshing of the 1941 or misleadingly —Results. Representing, Soap Lake Products Corporation, a cor-
Part 3 ^Digestof Cease and Desist
Tp6. 8. 9 and 10 8.. R. 4 W.. all, partly un- Franklin D Roosevelt crop of wheat on the farm is completed, in connection with offer, etc.. In com- poration, and its officers, representatives,
Burveyed; for the payment of the penalty on the Orders
T. 7 8.. R. 6 W.. see*. 13 to 36, Inclusive; The White House. merce, of respondent's "Mother Nature agents and employees, directly or
Tps. 8, 9 and 10 8.. R. 6 W., all. partly un- entire farm marketing excess or the dis- Soap Lake Salts", "Mother Nature Soap through any corporate or other device.
Burveyed: position of such farm marketing excess. Lake Seltzer", and "Mother Nature Soap In connection with the offering for sale, PRODUCTS COMPANY
T. 7 8., R. 6 W
sees. 13 to 36, Inclusive;
[No. 88921
Section 728.265 amended Lake Spirit" packaged mineral salts, or sale and distribution in commerce, as
TjM. 8. 9 and 10 8., R. 6 W., all. partly un- is to read as
(P. R. Doc. 41-6724; PUed. September 3.6 or mis-
T. 7 8.. R 7 W.. sees. 13 to 36. Inclusive;
9:34 a. m.J
8. 1941; follows: other substantially similar products, that
said mineral salt preparations d) will
"commerce" is defined in the Federal
Trade Commission Act, of its packaged leadingly—Qualities or falsely
§ (t)
properties of
Tps. 8 to 12 8.. R. 7 W., all. partly unsurveyed; y S 728.265 Records to be kept and re- product: Advertising falsely or
3.6 (x)
cure eczema or similar skin diseases of mineral salts now designated as "Mother S
T. 7 S., R. 8 W., sees. 13 to 36. Inclusive; ports to be made by producers. Each systemic origin, or have any beneficial Nature Soap Lake Salts", "Mother Nature misleadingly—Results. Representing, In
Tps. 8 to 12 8 R. 8 W.. all. unsurveyed; person who in 1941 harvests wheat which

T, 7 8.. R. 9 W., sees. 13 to 36. Inclusive;

Rules, Regulations, Orders effect In the treatment thereof other Soap Lake Seltzer", and "Mother Nature connection with offer, etc., in commerce,
is subject to the provisions of these regu-
Tps. 8 to 12 S., R. 9 W., all. unsurveyed; than temporarily relieving the Itching Soap Lake Spirit", or any ether products of respondent's "Thorson's Soap Lake
Tjjs. 8 to 12 8.. R. 10 W., all. partly unsur- lations shall, in conformity with section
and discomfort incidental to said dis- of substantially similar composition or Salts". "Thorson's Effervescent Soap Lake
veyed; TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE 373 (b) of the Act, keep the records and
eases; (2) will cure athlete's foot or any possessing substantially similar proper- Salts". "Thorson's Soap Lake Liniment"
Tps. 8 to 12 8., R. 11 W., all, partly unsur- make the reports prescribed by this sec-
body or scalp sores or have any bene- ties, whether sold under the same names "Thorson's Skin-Aid Soap Lake Oint-
veyed; CHAPTER VII— AGRICULTURAL AD- tion, which the Secretary of Agriculture
ment". "Thorson's Soap Lake Shampoo"
Tps. 8 and 9 8.. R. 11 >4 W., all. ficial value in the treatment thereof or under any other names, do forthwith
JUSTMENT ADMINISTRATION hereby finds to be necessary to enable and "Thorson's Skin-Aid Soap Lake
The areas described, including both other than cleansing effect upon surface cease and desist from representing;
(Wheat 507, Supp. No. 2'1 him to carry out, with respect to wheat, Soap" packaged mineral salts, or other
public and nonpublic lands, aggregate
approximately 1,077.500 acres. Part 728 Wheat
the provisions of Title
of the Resolution. The operator of each
of the Act and
lesions; (3) will cure poison oak or poison
Ivy or have any beneficial value In the
(1) That said mineral salt prepara-
tions win cure eczema or similar skin
substantially similar products, that said
mineral salt preparations will prevent or
This order shall take precedence over, subpart c — 1941 farm In connection with which a farm
tteatment thereof; (4) will cure pyor-
rhea or trench mouth or have any bene-
diseases of systemic origin, or have any
cure, or that they constitute competent
but shall not rescind or revoke (1) Exec- marketing excess is determined and for beneficial effect in the treatment thereof
Regulations Pertaining to Wheat Mar- ficial value In the treatment thereof treatments for, stomach, liver, bowel or
utive Order No. 6910, of November 26. which a marketing card is not issued un- other than temporarily relieving the
keting Quotas for the 1941 Crop of other than as a cleansing agent; (5) will kidney disorders, rheumatism, diabetes,
1934, as amended, so far as such order der § 728.240
or § 728.271 or § 728.272 itching and discomfort Incidental to said
Wheat curie ulcers of the stomach or hyper- catarrh, skin diseases, female trouble, dis-
affects any of the lands in the above- shall file with the treasurer of the county diseases
acidity, or constitute a competent and eases of the blood, psoriasis, pyorrhea,
described areas, (2) Executive Order No. By virtue of thtj authority vested in the committee for the county in which the (2) That said mineral salt prepara-
proper treatment therefor, or have any sore gums, gangrene, foot trouble, eye
8038 of January 25, 1939, establishing
' Secretary of Agriculture by Title III of farm is located a report on form Wheat tions will cure athlete's foot or any body
beneficial value in the treatment thereof trouble, eczema, lumbago, dropsy, pleu-
the Cabeza Prieta Game Range, so far as the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 519 showing for the farm the follow- or scalp sores or have any beneficial value
other than temporarily relieving the risy, dyspepsia, ivy or oak poisoning, sun-
such order affects the public lands in (Public Law No. 430, 75th Congress, ap- ing Information: (a) the total number In the treatment thereof other than
pain and discomfort Incident thereto by burn, infect bites, chilblains, frost-bite,
Ts. 8 to 11 S., R. 11 W.. T. 11 S., Rs. 7 and proved February 16, 1938; 52 Stat. 31; of bushels of wheat produced thereon in cleansing effect upon surface lesions;
temporarily neutralizing excess acid; (6) cramps of muscles, scalds, wounds or
8 W., and T. 12 S., Rs. 7 to 11 W.. i3) the 7 U.S.C. 1301 et seg.), as amended, and 1941. (b) the name and address of each (3) That said mineral salt prepara-
when taken internally, will prevent or sores, high blood pressure, auto-intoxi-
order of the Secretary of the Interior of Public Law No. 74, 77th Congress, ap- buyer or transferee of any wheat, (c) the tions will cure poison oak or poison ivy
cure rheumatism, neuritis, arthritis, lum- cation, nervous ailments, excess acidity,
July 14, 1938.' establishing Grazing Dis- proved May 26, 1941, the regulations per- amount of wheat marketed to him, (d) or have any beneficial value in the treat-
bago, gangrene, or Buerger's Disease, or constipation, arthritis, neuritis, or
trict No. 3. so far as such order affects taining to wheat marketing quotas for the amount equivalent to the penalty ment thereof;
constitute a proper treatment therefor or Buerger's disease; or that said prepara-
any of the public lands In the above- the 1941 crop year (form Wheat 507) which was deducted from the price or (4) That said mineral salt prepara-
have any beneficial value in the treat- tions possess any therapeutic value In
described areas, and (4) the order of the are amended as follows: consideration received for the wheat, (e) tions will cure pyorrhea or trench mouth
ment thereof; and (7) when used excess of their laxative, diuretic and
Secretary of the Interior of March 14, Paragraph (a). 728.251* amended the amount of unmarketed wheat of the or have any beneficial value in the treat-
S Is externally, will prevent or cure rheuma- cleansing properties; prohibited. (Sec.
1929, withdrawing certain lands under to read as follows: 1941 crop on hand, and (f ) the acreage of ment thereof other than as a cleansing 5. 38 Stat. 719, as amended by sec. 3, 52
tism, neuritis, arthritis, lumbago, gan-
the provisions of the Reclamation Act of wheat. The report in connection with agent;
728.251 Payment penalties by grene or Buerger's Disease, or have any Stat. 112; 15 U.S.C, Supp. IV. sec. 45b)
June 17, 1902 (32 Stat. 388), so far as i of any such farm shall be made not later (5) That said mineral salt preparations
such order affects the public lands in Ts. producers — (a) Producers liable for pay- than sixty calendar days next succeeding
beneficial effect in the treatment thereof
will cure ulcers of the stomach or hyjier-
ICease and desist order, Thorson's Soap
Lake Products Company. Docket 2832,
ment of penalties. Each producer hav- ether than temporarily relieving pain
8 to II S., R. 11 W.. and Ts. 8 and 9 S.. R. the day on which the threshing of wheat acidily, or constitute a competent and
ing an interest in the wheat produced in and congestion in the afflicted parts; pro- August 19, 1941]
11 '2 W. After the present national de- produced on the farm is completed, or proper treatment therefor, of. have any
1941 on any farm for which a farm mar- hibited. (Sec. 5. 38 Stat. 719. as amended
fense emergency has been officially ter- December 31. 1941. whichever Is the beneficial value in the treatment thereof In the Matter of Roxie Thorson, Trading
keting excess is determined shall be liable by sec. 3, 52 Stat. 112; 15 U.S.C., Supp.
minated, this order, so far as it affects earlier. Upon the request of the county other than temporarily relieving the pain as Thorson's Soap Lake Products Com-
to pay the amount of the penalty on the rv. sec. 45b) [Cease and desist order,
such lands heretofore withdrawn for committee, the operator of any other and discomfort incident thereto by tem- pany
farm marketing excess. The amount of Soap Lake Products Corporation, Docket
reclamation purposes, shall be ineffective farm shall make a similar report within porarily neutralizing excess acid;
the penalty which any producer shall pay 2823, August 19, 1941] At a regular session of the Federal
upon notice to the War Department by 15 days after the request therefor is (6) That said mineral salt prepara-
the Secretary of the Interior that such shall nevertheless be reduced by the made. At a regular session of the Federal tions, when taken internally, will prevent
Trade Commission, held at Its office in
(Sec. 373 (b), 52 Stat. 65. 7
lands are needed for reclamation pur- amount of the penalty which is paid by U.S.C. 1373 (b) Trade Commission, held at its office in or cure rheumatism, neuritis, arthritis,
the City of Washington, D. C. on the
poses; and the use of any of the other another producer or a buyer of wheat the City of Washington, D C, on the 19th lumbago, gangrene or Buerger's Disease, 19th day of August, A. D. 1941.
produced on the farm. The amount of Done at Washington, D. C, this 8th day day of August, A. D. 1941. This proceeding having been heard by
lands in the above-described areas, here- or constitute a proper treatment therefor
tofore withdrawn for the purposes indi- the penalty for which any producer shall of September, 1941. Witness my hand This proceeding having been heard by or have any beneficial value in the treat- the Federal Trade Commission upon the
remain liable shall be reduced to that and the seal of the Department of Agri- complaint of the Commission and the
cated, shall, at that time, revert to the the Federal Trade Commission upon the ment thereof;
proportion of the entire penalty on the culture.
present using agencies upon the issuance complaint of the Commission, the answer (7) That said mineral salt preparations, answer of respondent, in which ansv.'er
of an appropriate order by the President.
farm marketing excess which his share [sEALl Grover B. Hill. of the respondent, testimony and other when used externally, will prevent or cure respondent admitted all of the material
in the 1941 crop of wheat on the farm Acting Secretary of Agriculture. evidence Introduced in both the original allegations of fact set forth in said com-
The local army commandant in charge rheumatism, neuritis, arthritis, lumbago,
bears to the total 1941 crop of wheat on P. R. Doc. 41-6742; Piled. September 8, 1941; and supplemental hearings l)efore trial gangrene or Buerger's Disease, or have plaint and stated that she waived all in-
of the lands hereby reserved will, after I

the farm where it is determined that (1) 11:40 a. m.] xamine!rs of the Commission theretofore tervening procedure and further hearing
consultation with the local representa- { any beneficial effect in the treatment
the share of such producer in the wheat duly designated by It. in support of and thereof other than temporarily relieving as to said facts, and upon testimony and
tives of the Pish and Wildlife Service and
crop will be handled by or for him sep- in opposition to the allegations of the pain and congestion in the afflicted parts. other evidence introduced in certain sup-
the Grazing Service. Department of the
arately from the share of any other pro- complaint, original briefs of counsel for plemental hearings before trial exam-
Interior, designate not less than two days
ducer on the farm and (2) the producer,
TITLE le-COMMERCIAL PRACTICES It is further ordered, That the respond-
the Commisison and for the respondent, iners of the Commission theretofore duly
a month, exclusive of Saturdays and although able and willing to pay his pro- ent shall, within sixty (60) days after
Sundays, on which there will be no fir- CHAPTER I—FEDERAL TRADE and supplemental brief of counsel for the designated by it, in support of and in
portionate share of the penalty or, in service upon it of this order, file with the
ing, to enable the field personnel of such
COMMISSION Commission (no supplemental brief hav- opposition to the allegations of the com-
accordance with S 728.256 or § 728.257, Commission a report in writing setting plaint, and upon brief of counsel for the
services to carry out their normal patrol (Docket No 2823) ing been filed by the respondent and oral
to store or to deliver to the Secretary of forth in detail the manner and form in
and maintenance activities. argument not having been requested) Commission (no brief having been filed
Agriculture the number of bushels re- Part 3 EUcest or Cease and Desist which it has complied with this order. by the respondent and oral argument not
The lands in T. 11 S.. Rs. 7 and 8 W.. Orders f^ni the Commission having made its By the Commission.
quired to postpone or avoid the payment having been requested) and the Com- ;

T. 12 S. Rs. 7 to 11 W.. shall be used by findings as to the facts and its conclusion
of such proportionate share, is unable in the matter of soap lake products fsEAL] Otis B. Johnson, mission having made its findings as to the
the War Department for aerial gunnery to arrange with the other wheat pro- that said respondent has violated the
Secretary. facts and Its conclusion that said re-
provisions of the Federal Trade Commis- spondent has violated the provisions of
IF. R. Doc. 41-6698: Piled, September 6, 1941;
•4 PR. 487. Supp. No. 1 appears at 6 F H. 3409. 9 3.6 (t) Advertising falsely or mis- sion Act:

•3 FJl. 1795.
1: 29 p. m.] the Federal Trade Commission Act;
•6PJl.a701. or properties of

4628 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesdau. SontPmhpr Q iqai

— 1 — — ; —

4628 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 1941

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 9, 1941 4629
ordered. That the respondent.
It is
spondents, prohibited. (Sec. 38 Stat
^ [Docket No. 3688]
Hoxle Thorson. individually and trading with the Commission, a report In writing color, nature or quality of the monu-
731; 15 U.S.C.. sec. 14) [Cease and de- ting forth In detail the manner and form
as Thorson's Soap Lake Products Com- Part 3 ^Digestor Cease and Desist setting forth in detail the manner and ments so illustrated, prohibited. which they have complied with this
sist order. The Oerrard Company, Inc.,
(Sec. 5, in
pany, or trading under any other name, Orders form in which it has complied with this 38 Stat. 719, as amended by 52 Stat.
et al.. Docket 3498, August 20. 1941]
sec. 3, order.
and her representatives, agents and em- IN THE matter OF SICNODE STEEL STRAPPmo ord^r. 112; 15 U.6.C.. Supp. IV, sec. 45b) [Cease By the Commission.
ployees, in connection with the offering In the Matter of The Gerrard Company, By the Commission. and desist order, Rockdale Monument
COMPANY I seal] Otis B. Johnson.
for sale, sale and distribution in com- Inc.. a Corporation, and American Steel Company, Docket
3.39 Dealing on exclusive and tying
[SEAL] Ons B. Johnson, 4404. August 22. 1941] Secretary.
merce, as "commerce" is defined in the d Wire Company, a Corporation 9
Federal Trade Commission Act. of her basis. In connection with the leasin;?, In the Matter of James J. Collins. Charles (P. R. Doc. 41-6702; Piled, September 5. 1941;
packaged mineral salts now designated as At a regular session of the Federal sale, or making of any contract
for the (F. R. Doc. 41-6701; PUed, September 6, 1941; J. Hepp, and Catherine Hepp. Individ- 1:32 p. m.]

"Thorson's Soap Lake Salts". "Thorson's Trade Commission, held at its office in sale, of respondent's machines, appli- 1:32 p. m.] ually and Trading as Rockdale Monu-
Effervescent Soap Lake Salts", "Thorson's
the City of Washington, D. C. on the 20th ances and tools in commerce, leasing, sell- ment Company
Soap Lake Uniment". "Thorson's Skin- day of August. A. D. 1941. ing, or making any contract for the sale [Docket No. 3441]
[Docket No. 4404] At a regular session of the Federal
Aid Soap Lake Ointment". "Thorson's This proceeding having been heard' thereof on the condition, agreement or Part 3 Digest of Cease and Desist
Trade Commission, held at its office in
Soap Lake Shampoo", and "Thorson's by the Federal Trade Commission upon understanding that the lessee or pur- Part 8 Digest of Cease and Desist Orders
the City of Washington. D. C, on the.

Skin-Aid Soap Lake Soap", or any other the complaint of the Commission, the chaser thereof shall not use in or with Orders 22d day of August, A. D. 1941. IN THE matter OF SCHNECK- WAYNE
products of substantially similar compo- answers of respondents, stipulations as such machines, appliances or tools any
IN THE matter OF ROCKDALE MONTTMENT This proceeding having been heard by ' COMPANY, INC., ET AL.
sition or possessing substantially similar to certain of the facts, testimony wire or strapping other than that ac-
and COMPANY the Federal Trade Commission upon the
properties,whether sold under the same other evidence taken before trial examin- quired from respondent, or from any § 3.99 (b) Using or selling lottery de-
names or under any other names, do ers of the Commission theretofore
other source designated by respondent, §3.6 (a) 31) Advertising falsely or
complaint of the Conunlssion. the answer
of the respondents, testimony and a

vices In merchandising. In connection
forthwith cease and desist from repre- designated by it. in support of the allega- prohibited. (Sec. 3. 38 Stat. 731; 15 —
misleadingly Business status, advan- stipulation as to the facts entered into
with offer, etc., in commerce, of respond-
senting: tions of said complaint and in
UJS.C, sec. 14) [Cease and desist order, tages or connections of advertiser — which provides, among other things, that
ents' clocks, watches, fountain pens, elec-
tion thereto, report of the trial
examiners Signode Steel Strapping Company! Unique status or advantages: S 3.6 (r) 7) trical appliances, radios, traveling bags,
That said mineral salt preparations will without further evidence or other inter-
upon the evidence and the exceptions Docket 3688, August 20, 19411 Advertising falsely or misleadingly — vening procedure the Commission may
blankets, silverware, or any other mer-
prevent or cure, or that they constitute
competent treatments for, stomach, liver,
thereto, briefs filed herein, and oral
argu- At a regular session of the Federal Prices —
Usual as reduced, special, etc. issue and serve upon the respondents
chandise, (1) supplying, etc., others with
ments by George W. WilUams. attorney Trade Commission, held at its office in In connection with offer, etc., in com- any merchandise, together with push or
bowel or kidney disorders, rheumatism, herein findings as to the facts and con-
for the Commission, and by Knapp, the City of Washington. D. C, on the merce, of monuments and markers, and pull cards, punch boards or any other
diabetes, catarrh, skin diseases, female Allen clusion based thereon and an order dis-
and Cushing. Attorneys for the respond- 20th day of August, A. D. 1941. among other things, as in order set forth, lottery devices, which said push or pull
trouble, diseases of the blood, psoriasis, posing of the proceeding, and the Com-
ents, and the Commission having This proceeding having been heard' (1) representing that usual and custom- cards, punch boards or other lottery de-
pyorrhea, sore gums, gangrene, foot made mission having made its findings as to
its findings as to the facts
and its con- by the Federal Trade Commission upon ary prices at which said products are vices are to be, or may be, used in selling
trouble, eye trouble, eczema, lumbago, the facts and conclusion that said re-
clusion that said respondents have vio- the complaint of the Commission, the sold are "wholesale", special or reduced or distributing such merchandise to the
dropsy, pleurisy, dyspepsia, ivy or oak spondents have violated the provisions of
lated the provisions of that certain
answer of respondent, a stipulation as to prices or anything other than the regu- public; (2) supplying, etc., others with
poisoning, sunburn, insect bites, chil- the Federal Trade Commission Act;
of the Congress of the United States
en- the facts entered into between the re- lar retail prices for said products; and push or pull cards, punch boards or other
blains, frost-bite, cramps of muscles, It is That the respondents,
titled, "An Act
supplement existing
to spondent and W. T. Kelley. Chief Coun- (2) representing that respondents are lottery devices, either with merchandise
scalds, wounds or sores, high blood pres- James Charles J. Hepp and
J. Collins,
laws against unlawful restraints and sel for the Commission, briefs filed
by the only dealers in monuments offering or separately, which said push or pull
sure, auto-intoxication, nervous ail- Catherine Hepp. individually and trading
monopolies, and for other purposes" ap- the attorney for the Commission and the such products for sale at low prices on cards, punch boards or other lottery de-
ments, excess acidity, constipation, ar- as Rockdale Monument Company, or
proved October 15, 1914, commonly attorneys for the respondent, and oral the installment plan; prohibited. (Sec. vices are to be, or may be. used in selling
thritis, neuritis,
or Buerger's disease; or trading under any other name or names,
that said preparations possess any thera-
known as the Clayton Act: argument before the Commission, and 5, 38 Stat. 719, as amended by sec. 3, 52
or distributing respondents' merchandise
their representatives, agents and em-
It is ordered.
That the respondents. the Commission having made its findings Stat. 112; 15 U.S.C., Supp. IV, sec. 45b) or any other merchandise to the public;
peutic value in excess of their laxative, ployees, directly or through any corporate
The Gerrard Company, Inc.. a corpora- as to the facts and its conclusion that [Cease and desist order, Rockdale Mon- and (3) selling, etc., any merchandise
diuretic and cleansing properties. or other device, in connection with the
tion, and American Steel b Wire said respondent has violated the provi- ument Company. Docket 4404, August by means of a game of chance, gift enter-
Com- offering for sale, sale and distribution of
Itfurther ordered. That the re-
is pany, a corporation, and their officers, sions of that certain act of the Congress 22. 19411 prise or lottery scheme; prohibited.
spondent shall, within sixty (60) days of the United States entitled. "An Act to
monuments and markers in commerce, (Sec. 5, 38 Stat. 719, as amended by sec.
representatives, agents and employees 3.6 (n) 2) Advertising falsely or
as "commerce" is defined in the Federal
after serviceupon her of this order, file directly or through any corporate
supplement existing laws against unlaw- — —
misleadingly Nature Pro duct : § 3.8
Trade Commission Act, do forthwith
3, 52 Stat. 112; 15 U.S.C, Supp. IV, sec.
with the Commission a report in writing
setting forth in detail the manner
other device, in connection with the leas- ful restraints and monopolies, and
other purposes", approved October 15.
for (t) Advertising falsely or misleadingly — cease and desist from:
45b) [Cease and desist order, Schneck-
Wayne Company. Inc., et al.. Docket 3441,
and ing, sale, or making of any contract Qualities or properties of product: §3.6
form in which she has complied with the sale, of respondents' machines 1914. commonly known as the Clayton (1) Representing that usual and cus- August 21. 1941]
and <bblO) Advertising falsely or mislead-
this order.
By the Commission.
appliances in commerce, as "commerce" Act; —
ingly Size or weight. In connection tomary prices at which said products are
In the Matter of Schneck-Wayne Com-
is defined in the Clayton It is ordered, That the respondent. sold are "wholesale", special or reduced
Act, do forth- Sig- with offer, etc.. In commerce, of monu- pany, Inc.. and Gustave B. Wayne and
I siAL ] ons B. Johnson, , with cease and desist from: node Steel Strapping Company, a corpo- ments and markers, and among other prices or anything other than the regular
ration, and its officers, representatives,
Frank J. Schneck. Individually and as
Secretary. things, as In order set forth, (1) repre- retail prices for said products;
Leasing, selling, or making any contract Officers of the Schneck-Wayne Com-
agents and employees, directly or through senting that said products are natural (2) Representing that respondents are
IF. R. Doc. 41-6699; Filed. for the sale of respondents' machines or pany, Inc.
September 5. 1941- any corporate or other device of any con- the only dealers in monuments offering
1:29 p. m.j appliances on the condition, agreement granite, or that they are of permanent
tract with the leasing, sale, or making of nature; and (2) representing that the such products for sale at low prices on At a regular session of the Federal
or understanding that the lessee or
pur- any contract for the sale, of respondent's the installment plan;
chaser thereof shall not use In or with weight of any of said monuments is Trade Commission, held at its office In
machines, appliances and tools in com- greater than the actual weight of such (3) Representing that said products the City of Washington, D. C, on the
{Docket No. 3498 such machines or appliances any wire
merce, as "commerce" is defined In the monument; prohibited. (Sec. 5, 38 Stat. are natural granite, or that said products 21st day of August, A. D. 1941.
Pakt 3 other than that acquired from respond-
Digest of Cease and Desist Clayton Act. do forthwith cease and desist are of permanent nature;
ents, or from any other source designated 719. as ^mended by sec. 3, 52 Stat. 112; This proceeding having been heard*
Orders from: 15 U.S.C.. Supp. IV, sec. 45b) (4) Representing that the weight of
by respondents. [Cease by the Federal Trade Commission upon
IN the matter of the cerrard company, Leasing, selling, or making any con- and desist order. Rockdale Monument any of said monuments is greater than the complaint of the Commission, the
It is
further ordered. That said re-
INC., ET Al. tract for the sale of. respondent's Company, Docket 4404, August 22. 1941] the actual weight of such monument answer of respondents, testimony and
spondents shall, within sixty (60) days ma- (5) Using cuts, drawings or picturiza-
chines, appliances or tools on the condi- §3.8 (y5) Advertising falsely or mis- other evidence taken before a trial ex-
Dealing on exclusive
In connection with
and tying after service upon them of this order,
with the Commission a report in writing
file tion, agreement or understanding

leadingly Sample, offer or order con- tions of monuments to show the size, aminer of the Commission theretofore
the leasing, the lessee or purchaser thereof shall not formance: § 3.72 (mlO) Offering decep- color, nature or quality of respondent's duly designated by it, in support of the
sale, or making
any contract for the
sale, of respondents' machines
of setting forth in detaU the manner
form in
which they have compiled with
use in or with such machines, appliances tive inducements to purchase Sample, — products which do not accurately refiect allegations of said complaint (no testi-
and ap- or tools any wire or strapping offer or order conformance. In connec- the actual size, color, nature or quality mony or other evidence having been of-
pliances in commerce, leasing, selling, this order. other than
or that acquired from respondent, or tion with offer, etc.. in commerce, of of the monuments so illustrated. fered by respondents) report of the trial
making any contract for the sale thereof By the Commission, from ,

on the condition, agreement or under- any other source designated by re- monuments and markers, and among It isfurther ordered. That the respond- examiner upon the evidence, and brief
[SEAL] Otis B. Johnson. other things, as in order set forth, using
spondent. ents shall, within sixty (60) days after of counsel for the Commission (no brief
standing that the lessee or purchaser
Secretary. cuts, drawings or picturizations of mon- service upon them of this order, file with having been filed by respondents and
thereof shall not use In or with It further ordered, That said re-
such uments to show the size, color, nature or oral argument not having been re-
machines or appliances any wire other |P R. Doc. 41-6700: FUed. September spondent shall, within sixty (60) days the Commission a report in writing, set-
5 1941-
1:30 p. m.] quality of respondents' products which
than that acquired from respondents, after servic e upon it of this
or order, file do not accurately reflect the actual size. >6 FJl. 211B. >4 F.R. 1899.
from any other source designated by re-
» 4 F Jl. 890.
' 4 FM 890.
4630 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 9, 1941
FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 9, 1941 4631
quested); and the Commission having [Cease and desist order. Acme Steel Com- mestic: S 3.71 (b) Neglecting, unfairly
made Andings as to the facts and its
its pany, Docket 3818, August 20. 19411 or deceptiwly, to make material disclo- setting forth in detail the manner and the City of Washington, D. C. on the [Docket No. 4540]
conclusion that said respondents have At a regular session of the Federal —
sure Imported product or parts as do- form In which It has complied with this 20th day of August, A. D. 1941. Part 3 ^Digest of Cease and Desist
violated the provisions of the Federal Trade Commission, held at its office in mestic. In connection with offer, etc.,
order. This proceeding having been heard* Orders
Trade Commission Act; the City of Washington, D. C, on the commerce, of lenses and eyeglasses, By the Commission. by the Federal Trade Commission on
It w
ordered. That the respondents, 20th day of August, A. D. 1941.
including reading glasses and sunglasses, [SEAL] Otis B. Johnson. the complaint of the Commission, an- w the matter of spangler candy
Secretary. swer of the respondents, testimony and COMPANY
Schneck-Wayne CMnpany, Inc., a cor- This proceeding having been heard by and other similar products. (1) advertis-
poration, its officers, and Gustave B. the Federal Trade Commission upon the ing, offering for sale or selling lenses or other evidence before W. W. Sheppard, § 3.99 (b) Using or selling lottery de-
Wayne and Prank J. Schneck. individu- complaint of the Commission, the answer eyeglasses. Including reading glasses and
[F. B. Doc. 41-«747; Filed, September
11:60 a. m.|
8, 1»41; a trial examiner of the Commission —
vices l7i merchandising. In connection
ally and as officers of said corporation, of respondent, and a stipulation as to the sunglasses, or other similar theretofore duly designated by It, in sup- withoffer, etc., in commerce, of candy or
and respondents' representatives, agents facts entered into between the respondent which are manufactured in whole or in port of the allegations of said complaint any other mechandise, (1) selling, etc.,
and employees, directly or through any and W. T. Kelley, Chief Counsel for the part in Japan or any other foreign coun- and In opposition thereto, report of the any merchandise so packed and assem-
(Docket No. 4339] trial examiner upon the evidence and
corporate or other device, in connection Commission, provided, among
which try, without clearly disclosing the foreign bled that sales thereof are to be, or may
with the offering for sale, sale and distri- other things, that a certain statement of origin of such products; and (2) repre- Part 3 Digest or Cease and Desist brief filed in support of the complaint, be, made by means of a lottery, gaming
bution in commerce, as "commerce" is facts stipulated to in the Commission's senting in any manner whatsoever that Orders and the Commission having made Its device or gift enterprise; (2) supplying,
defined in the Federal Trade Commission proceeding against Signode Steel Strap- respondent's products are made in the findings as to the facts and Its con- etc.,others with assortments of any mer-
in the matter op monarch printers and clusion that said respondents have vio- chandise together with push or pull
Act, of their clocks, watches, fountain ping Company (Docket No. 3688) may be ,
United States when in fact such prod-
BINDERS lated the provisions of the Federal Trade cards, punch boards or other devices
pens, electrical appliances, radios, travel- taken as the facts in this proceeding and ucts are manufactured in whole or in part
ing bags, blankets, silverware, or any other in lieu of testimony in support of the in Japan or any other foreign country; § Using or selling lottery de-
3.99 (a) Commission Act; which said push or pull cards, punch
merchandise, do forthwith cease and charges stated in the complaint or in prohibited. (Sec. 5, 38 Stat. 719. as vices —Devicesfor lottery selling. In It is ordered, That the respondents, boards or other devices are to be, or may
desist from opposition thereto, and the Commission amended by sec. 3. 52 Stat. 112; 15 US.C. connection with offer, etc.. In commerce, Ora R. Yates and Charles W. Miller, in- be, used in selling or distributing said
having made its findings as to the facts Supp. IV, sec. 45b) [Cease and desist of sales promotion cards and other arti- dividuals trading as Monarch Printers merchandise to the public by means of a
Supplying to or placing in the
and its conclusion that the respondent order. Inlaid Optical Corporation. Docket cles of merchandise, (1) selling, etc., and Binders or under any other trade game of chance, gift enterprise or lot-
hands of others any merchandise, to-
has violated the provisions of that cer- 4178. August 21, 1941] sales promotion cards or any other arti- name, and their respective agents, rep- tery scheme; (3) supplying, etc., others
gether with push or pull cards, punch
tain act ot the Congress of the United At a regular session of the Federal cles of merchandise so designed that resentatives, and employees, directly or with push or pull cards, punch boards or
boards or any other lottery devices, which
States entitled, "An Act to supplement Trade Commission, held at its office in their use by retail merchants constitutes, through any corporate or other device. other devices either with assortments of
said push or pull cards, punch boards or
existing laws against unlawful restraints the City of Washington, D. C, on the or ma^ constitute, the operation of a In connection with the offering for sale, candy or other merchandise or sepa-
other lottery devices are to be used, or
and monopolies, and for other purposes", 21st day of August. A. D. 1941. game of chance, gift enterprise, or lot- sale and distribution of sales promotion rately, which said push or pull cards,
may be used, in selling or distributing punch boards or other devices are
approved October 15. 1914, commonly This proceeding having been heard tery scheme; and (2) supplying, etc., cards and other articles of merchandise to be,
such merchandise to the public. or may be, used in selling or distributing
known as the Clayton Act; by the Federal Trade Commission upon others with sales promotion cards or in commerce as "commerce" Is defined
(2) Supplying to or placing in the
It ordered. That the respondent.
is the complaint of the Commission, answer sales promotion plans or schemes, or any In the Federal Trade Commission Act, said candy or other merchandise to the
hands of others push or pull cards, punch
Acme Steel Company, a corporation, and of the respondent, testimony and other other articles of merchandise which are, do forthwith cease and desist from public by means of a game of chance,
boards or other lottery devices, either
its officers, representatives, agents and evidence taken before Lewis C. Russell, a or may be. used, withoutTilteratlon or gift enterprise or lottery scheme; and (4)
with merchandise or separately, which (1) Selling and distributing sales pro-
employees, directly or through any cor- trial examiner of the Commission there- rearrangement, to conduct a lottery, selling, etc., any merchandise by means
said push or pull cards, punch boards or motion cards or any other articles of
porate or other device, in connection with tofore duly designated by it. in support of game of chance, or gift enterprise when of a game of chance, gift enterprise or
other lottery devices are to be used or may merchandise so designed that their use
the leasing, sale, or making of any con- the allegations of said complaint and in distributed to the consuming public; pro- lottery scheme; prohibited. (Sec. 5. 38
be used in selling or distributing respond- by retail merchants constitutes, or may
tract for the sale, of respondent's ma- opposition thereto, report of the trial hibited. (Sec. 38 Stat. Stat. 719, as amended by sec. 3, 52 Stat.
ents' merchandise or any other merchan- 5. 719, as constitute, the operation of a game of
chines, appliances and tools in com- examiner thereon and brief filed In sup- amended by sec. 3, 52 Stat. 112; 15 U.S.C, 112; 15 U.S.C, Supp. IV, sec. 45b) [Cease
dise to the public. chance, gift enterprise, or lottery scheme;
merce, as "conunerce" is defined in the port of the complaint, and the Commis- Supp. IV, sec. 45b) [Cease and desist and desist order, Spangler Candy Com-
(3) Selling or otherwise disposing of (2) Supplying or placing In the hands
Clayton Act, do forthwith cease and de- sion having made its findings as to the order, Monarch Printers and Binders, pany, Docket 4540. August 20, 1941]
any merchandise by means of a game of of others, sales promotion cards or sales
sist from: facts and its conclusion that said re- Docket 4339, August 20, 1941
chance, gift enterprise or lottery scheme. promotion plans or schemes, or any other In the Matter of Arthur G. Spangler,
spondent has violated the provisions of § 3.6 (a) 22) Advertising fals^y or
It is further ordered. That the respond-
ents shall, within sixty (60) days after
Leasing, selling, or making any con-
tract for the sale of, respondent's ma-
the Federal Trade Commission Act; —
misleadingly Business status,, advan-
articles of merciiandise which are used,
or which may be used, without altera-
Ernest D. Spangler and Mrs. Faie
Spangler, Individually and as Copart-
It is ordered. That the respondent. In- tages or connections of advertisers-Pro-
service upon them of this order, file withj chines, appliances or tools on the condi- tion or rearrangement, to conduct a lot- ners Trading Under the Name of
laid Optical Corporation, a corporation, ducer status of dealer or seller-—Pub-
the Commission a report in writing set-, tion, agreement or understanding that tery, game of chance, or gift enterprise Spangler Candy Company
its officers, directors,
agents, representa- lisher and printer: 9 3.96 (b) 5) tUsing
when distributed to the consuming
ting forth in detail the manner and form
in which they have complied with this
the lessee or purchaser thereof shall not
use in or with such machines, appliances
tives, and employees,
directly or through —
misleading name Vendor Producer or — public
At a regular session of the Federal
any corporate or other device, in con- laboratory status of dealer or sell^. In Trade Commission, held at its office in
order. or tools any strapping other than that (3) Using the words "Printers" or
nection with the offering for sale, sale connection with offer, etc., In commerce, the City of Washington, D. C, on the
By the Commission. acquired from respondent, or from any and distribution of lenses and eyeglasses. "Binders" or any other words of similar
of sales promotion cards and other arti- 20th day of August, A. D. 1941.
SEAL] Otis B. Johnson, other source designated by respondent. Including reading glasses and sunglasses, Import or meaning in respondents' trade
cles of merchandise, using the words This proceeding having been heard by
Secretary. It further ordered. That said re- and other similar products in commerce name or representing through any other
is "Printers" or "Binders" or any other the Federal Trade Commission upon the
spondent shall, within sixty (60) days as "commerce" Is defined in the Federal means or device, or in any manner, that
IF. B. Doc. 41-6745; Filed. September 1941;
words of similar Import or meaning In complaint of the Commission and the
Tiade Commission Act, do forthwith the respondents are printers and binders
11:50 a. m] after service upon it of this order, file respondents' trade name or representing answer of respondents, in which answer
cease and desist from: unless and until the respondents actually
with the Commission a report in writing thiough any other means or device, or respondents admit all the material alle-
setting forth in detail the manner and
own and operate or directly and abso-
Advertising, offering for sale or
(1) in any manner, that the respondents are gations of fact set forth in said com-
lutely control a plant for the printing and
[Docket No. 38181 form in which it has complied with this selling lenses or eyeglasses, Includinu printers and binders unless and until plaint and state that they waive all inter-
binding of sales promotion cards and
order. reading glasses and sunglasses, or other they actually own and operate or directly vening procedure and further hearing as
Part 3 Digest or Cease and Desist other merchandise sold and distributed
By the Commission. similar products, which are manufac- and absolutely control a plant for the to said facts, and the Commission having
Orders by them.
fsEALl Otis B. Johnson, tured in whole or in part In Japan or printing and binding of sales promotion duly made its findings as to the facts-
IN THE matter OF ACME STEEL COMPANY Secretary. any other foreign country, without cards and other merchandise sold and It is further ordered, That the respond- and conclusion that said respondents
clearly disclosing the foreign origin of distributed by them; prohibited. (Sec. ents shall, within sixty (60) days after have violated the provisions of the Fed-
§ Dealing on exclusive and tying
3.39 (F. B. Doc. 41-6746; Piled. September 8, 1941;
such products; 5, 38 Stat. 719, as amended by sec. 3, 52 service upon them of this order, file with eral Trade Commission Act;
basis. In connection with the leasing, 11:50 a. m.j
Representing in
(2) any manner Btat. 112; 15 US.C, Supp. IV. sec. 45b) the Commission a report in writing, set- It is ordered, That the respondents Ar-
sale, or making of ar\y contract for the
whatsoever that respondent's products [Cease and desist order, Monarch Print- ting forth In detail the manner and form thur G. Spangler, Ernest D. Spangler and
sale, of respondenttlft- machines, appli-
are made in the United States when in ers and Binders, Docket 4339, August 20, In which they have complied with this Mrs. Faie Spangler, individually and as
ances and tools in- commerce, leasing,
(Docket No. 4178) fact such products are manufactured in 1941] order. copartners trading under the name of
selling, or making any contract for the
sale thereof on the condition, agreement Part 3 Digest or Cease and IDesist whole or in part In Japan or any other the Matter of Ora R. Yates
By the Commission. Spangler Candy Company, their repre-
In and
or understanding that the lessee or pur- Orders foreign country. [SEAL] Otis B. Johnson, sentatives, agents and employees, directly
Charles W. Miller, Individually and
chaser thereof shall not use in or with Secretary. or through any corporate or other device.
IN THE BIATTER OF INLAID OPTICAL It further ordered. That the re-
is Trading aa Monarch Printers and
such machines, appliances or tools any In connection With the offering for sale,
CORPORATION spondent shall, within sixty (60) days Binders (F. B. Doc. 41-6748: Filed, September 8. 1941,
strapping other than that acquired from 11:51 a. m.J
sale and distribution of candy or any
after serviceupon it of this order, file At a regular session of the Federal
respondent, or from any other source 3.69 (b) 16) Misrepresenting
oneself other merchandise in commerce, as "com-
§ with the Commission a report
and goods —Goods—Source or origin —
in writing. Trade Commission, held at Its office In
designated by respondent, prohibited. « 6 FA. 677. merce" Is defined In the Federal Trade
(Sec. 3. 38 Stat. 731; 15 U.S.C. sec. 14) Place —Imported product or parts as do- >5 FB 4184.
No. 178 a

4632 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 9, 1941
FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 9, 1941 4633
Commission Act. do forthwith cease and poration In the Brazil-Clinton Subdis- R-n, which supplements are hereinafter
desist from: trlct In District No. 11; and set forth and hereby made a part hereof.
The Director finding that a reasonable It is further ordered. That pleadings
(1) Selling or distributing any mer-
showing of necessity has been made for in opposition to the original petition in
chandise so packed and assembled that the above-entitled matter, and applica-
the granting of temporary relief in the
sales thereof are to be made or may be
manner hereinafter set forth; and tions to stay, terminate or modify the
made by means of a lottery, gaming de- temporary relief herein granted may be
vice or gift enterprise;
No petitions of intervention having
been filed with the Division In the above- filed with the Division within forty-flve
(2,) Supplying to or placing in the
entitled matter; and (45) days from the date of this Order,
hands of others assortments of any mer-
The Director deeming his action nec- pursuant to Rules and Regulations Gov-
chandise together with push or pull cards, erning Practice and Procedure before the
essary in order to effectuate the purposes
punchboards or other device which said Bituminous Coal Division in Proceed-
of the Act;
push or pull cards, punchboards or other ings Instituted Pursuant to section 4 n
devices are to be used or may be used in Now, therefore, it is ordered. That,
pending final disposition of the at)Ove- (d) of the Bituminous Coal Act of 1937.
selling or distributing said merchandise
matter, temporary relief is It is further ordered. That the relief
to the public by means of a game of entitled
granted as follows: Commencing forth- herein granted shall become final sixty
chance, gift enterprise or lottery scheme;
(60) days from the date of this Order,
(3) Supplying to or placing in the with, 5 331.5 (Alp?iabetical list of code
members) is amended by adding thereto unless the Director shall otherwise order.
hands of others, push or pull cards, Dated: August 22. 1941.
punch boards or other devices either Supplement R-I, and 9 331.10 (Special
prices: Railroad locomotive fuel) Is [SEAL] H. A. Gray.
with assortments of candy or other mer-
chandise or separately, which said push amended by adding thereto Supplement Dtrecfor.

or pull cards, punch boards or other de-

Temporary and Conditionally Pinal Effective Minimum Prices for District No. 11
vices are to be used or may be used in
selling or distributing said candy or other Note: The material contained In this "Supplement R" Is to be read In the light of the classin-
merchandise to the public by means of catlons. prices, Instructions, exceptions and other provisions contained In Part 331, MinHnuin
gift enterprise or lot- Price Schedule for District No. 11 and Supplements thereto.
a game of chance,
(4) distributing
Selling or otherwise
any merchandise by means of a game 5 331.6 Alphabetical list of code members—Supplement R-I
of chance, gift enterprise or lottery
It is further ordered, That the re-
spondent shall, within sixty (60) days
after service upon them of this order,
file with the Commission a report in
writing setting forth in detail the man-
ner and form in which they have com-
plied with this order.
By the Commission.
rsEAtl Ons B. Johnson,

IF. B. Doc. 41-6749; Piled. September 8, 1941;

11:51 a. ml


Docket No. A- 1008]
Part 331 —MiNiMim Price Schedule.
District No. 11

order granting temporary relief and con-

ditionally providing for final relief
in the matter of the petition of dis-
trict board no. 11 for the establish-
ment of price classifications and
minimum prices for the coal produced
at the supreme mine (mine index no.
140) of the supreme coal corporation
in the br .azil- clinton subdistrict in
district no. 1

An original petition, pursuant to sec-

tion 4 n
(d) of the Bituminous Coal Act
of 1937. having been duly filed with this
Division by the above-named party, re-
questing the establishment, both tempo-
rary and permanent, of price classifica-
tions and minimum prices for the coal
produced at the Supreme Mine (Mine
Index No. 140) of the Supreme Coal Cor-
46ai FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 9, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 9, 1941 4635

ernment of any country listed above, or (a) "Person" includes an individual, receive a converter's premium. His scrap Kind or grade of scrap Price, f. o. h. point of
material shtpment
any other country, including those in the partnership, association, corporation or must not be sold at a price higher than
Western Hemisphere, pursuant to the CCPRO-NICKXL ALLOT
other business entity. the maximum prices set forth below. —
scrap con.
Act of March 11. 1941. entitled "An Act (b) "Maker" of the scrap materials set Furthermore, a converter or any other Containing less than 20* per pound of
to Promote the Defense of the United forth In Appendix A, paragraph (a), of person may receive, in addition to the 90'v- combined nickel contained;
States." <Lend-Lease Act). this Schedule means the person who first maximum prices set forth below, a pre- nickel and copper. no payment for any
other metals con-
(iii) Any
other contract or order to sells, offers for sale, or delivers such scrap mium of a stated maximum amount on tained.
which the Director of Priorities assigns materials such as (1) any manufacturer shipments of a specified quanity of Converter's Premium.. S* per pound of
a preference rating of A-10 or higher. or fabricator, who, bls an incident to his material. material.
Premium on ablp- Vi* per pound of
<iv) Any contract or order for mate- manufacturing process, fabricating or Kind or grade of scrap Price, f. o. b. point of ments of 20,000 material.
rial or equipment required by the Per- other industrial uses, produces such scrap material shipment pounds or more of
son placing the same to fulfill his con- materials, or (2) any person who, in his rxnx mcKCL sckap material at one
tracts or orders on hand, provided such business or as an incident to his business, time.
Containing 98"^^ or 26* per pound at ma-
material or equipment is to be physically demolishes or dismantles structures, ma- more nickel and terial. (b) Stainless steel scrap and nickel
i incorporated in material or equipment to chinery, vehicles or equipment and re- In the event that a consumer
^ steel scrap.
be delivered under contracts or orders moves such scrap materials therefrom copper.
Containing 90' up to 26* per pound of stainless steel scrap or nickel steel
for the purpose of sale. (Executive Or- of
\ '
included under (1), (2) or (3) above. 98 re nlclcel. nickel scrap shall employ an agent or broker to
der No. 8734) no payment for any purchase such scrap for the consumer's
Section 968.1, paragraph (b) is hereby
amended to read as follows: § 1308.10 Appendix A —
Maximum other
metals con- use. the consumer may pay the agent or
prices for pure nickel scrap, monel metal Converter's Premium. 2< per pound of ma- broker for such scrap a sum not exceed-
(b) Deliveries. Deliveries of silk waste,
scrap, nickel steel scrap, stainless steel terial. ing the applicable maximum price set
silk noils, or garnetted or reclaimed silk Premium on ship- \^t per pound
scrap, and other scrap materials contain- of forth below plus a commission, in the
fiber may hereafter be made without
ing nickel.
ment8 of
2,000 material
case of stainless steel scrap, of not more
restriction. pounds or more of
introductory material at one than 5% of such maximum price, ex-
Section 968.1, Paragraph (c) is hereby time. cluding the $10 premium for briquetting,
amended to read as follows: Maximum prices herein established rOtaO - NICKCL-CHROME- and in the case of nickel steel scrap, of
are for the principal kinds or grades of nON SC«AP not more than $1 per gross ton.' The
(c) Restrictions on processing. Silk the scrap materials. All other kinds or Containing 20'; up to 26>'2^ per pound of commission shall be payable only if (I)
waste, silk noils, or garnetted or re- grades, which are not specified, should 90"^; nickel. nickel contained; 8< the agent or broker guarantees the qual-
claimed silk fiber may be partially proc- be sold at their normal differentials from per pound of
ity and delivery of an agreed tonnage of
essed by dressing and spreading the same; chrome contained:
such principal kinds or grades. More- no payment for any the scrap; (2) the commission is shown
but no person shall further process any over, the maximum prices are established other metals con- as a separate charge in invoicing and
such silk waste, silk noils, or garnetted for scrap which meets generally accepted tained.
billing; and <3) the agent or broker does
or reclaimed silk fiber by carding, comb-
ing or otherwise treating the same, (ex-

maximum standards in the trade as. for Converter's Premium.. IVa* per pound
not split or divide the commission al-
instance, the Standard Classification for Premium on sbip- lowed him by a consumer with the seller
H* per pound of
cept for the purpose of filling a defense Old Metals of the National Association men of lO.OCX)
t s material. or sellers of the scrap.
order) as herein defined, unless speci^- of Waste Material Dealers, Inc., con- pounds or more of
cally authorized by the. Director of Prior- tained in its Circular O. effective as of
material at one
ities. Each person so dressing and June 1. 1940. Scrap which fails to meet Kind or fradp of
spreading silk waste, silk noils, or gar- such standards should be sold at their mtaO-NICKCL-IBON
netted or reclaimed silk fiber shall keep normal differentials below the estab-
and preserve accurate and complete rec- Containing 14 '"r up to 26 ''a* per pound of
lished maximum prices.
90 '"r nickel and no nickel contained,
ords showing the number of pounds
(a) Pure nickel scrap, ferro-nickel- chrome. no payment for any
thereof so partially processed, and shall other metals con-
execute and file with the Office of Pro- chrome-iron scrap, ferro-nickel-iron tained.
scrap, monel metal scrap and cupro- Converter's Premium. IVit per pound
duction Management such reports and of
nickel alloy scrap. The maximum prices material.
questionnaires as said Office may from Premium on ship-
established for the kinds and grades of Vi* per pound of
time to time request. No reports or ques- ments of 10,000 material.
scrap materials set forth in this para- pounds or more of
• tionnalres are to be filed by any such
person until forms therefor are prescribed
graph, apply on sales of scrap, un- material at one
suitable and unprepared for indus- time.
by the Office of Production Management. trial consumption. A converter of such IfONXL METAL SCRAP
(d) This Order shall take effect imme- scrap materials, as hereinafter defined,
New Monel Metal 20* per pound of
may receive, in addition to the maxi- Clippings. material.

Issued this 5th day of September 1941. mum prices set forth below, a stated Soldered Monel Metal
18' per pound of
maximum premium for scrap which he No. 1 Grade Monel
Donald M. Nelson,
has converted. A "converter" of such Castings and Turn-
Director of Priorities.
scrap materials is defined for the purposes ings.
of this Price Schedule, as any person, Containing a mini- 15* per pound of
iP. R. Doc. 41-8704; Piled, September 5, 1941;
3:06 p. m.| other than a maker of such scrap ma-
mum of 60'^r nickel. material
30 '^ copper, and
terials, who: not more than 3%
free Iron, clean
(1) Sells scrap directly to a consumer and dry.
CHAPTER XI— OFFICE OF PRICE thereof: and. Converter's Premium.. 2^ per pound of
ADMINISTRATION (2) By chemical test or assay, deter- material,
Premium on
ship- 'if per pound of
[Amendments to Price Schedule No. 8) mines the metal constituents of the ments of
20,000 material.
scrap: and. pounds or more of
Pari 1308 Scrap and Secondary Mate-
(3) On that bas*", sorts, grades, treats, material at
rials Containing Nickel time.
packages or briquettes by power press,
Sections 1308.9. 1308.10 and 1308.11 of and otherwise prepares, the scrap, mak- CCnmO-NICKEL ALLOT
Price Schedule No. 8 are hereby
' ing it suitable for direct industrial con-
amended to read as follows: sumption; and Containing 90% or 26* per pound of
(4) Guarantees the delivery of scrap
more combined nickel contained:
§ 1308.9 Definitions. When used in
in an agreed amount and analysis.
nickel and copper. 8* per pound of
this Schedule, the term copper contained:
Unless such person satisfies the four no payment for any
other metals con-
*6 Fit. 2654. 3154. criteria, set forth above, he may not tained.

4636 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 9, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 9, 1941 4637
frequent repetition is necessary in the the making of contracts by the United wages below the determined minimum the recommendations of the Board as or furnishing of any one or more of the But not including:
interests of public safety. States, and for other purposes", other- wage for the industry, if their employ- modified. hereinafter described products of the
(2) Prior to the conducting of each wise known as the Walsh-Healey Public ment conforms to the standards of the Electro-surgical instruments and ap-
Scientific Industrial and Laboratory In-
target practice the area shall be patrolled Contracts Act. Federal Committee on Apprenticeship. Dental Goods and Equipment Manufac- paratus in which electricity is the diag-
sti-uments Industry and of the Surgical
by Army Aircraft to insure that no At my direction the Public Contracts turing Industry
Instruments and Apparatus Industry,
nostic, therapeutic or functioning ele-
Surgical Instruments and Apparatus ment, such as X-ray, fluoroscope, and
watercraft are within the dangerous Board, created in accordance with the
Industry Taking into account the wage differ- and for the manufacture or furnishing
area and any such watercraft seen in the provisions of Section 4 of said Act by high frequency apparatus and equipment,
ential existing in the manufacture of of any one or more of the hereinafter
vicinity shall be warned by means of Administrative Order dated October 6, Objections have. been filed by repre- ultra-violet and Infra-red ray and other
coYisumable and durable goods, both of designated durable products of the Den-
signals that target practice is about to 1936, held public hearings in the matters sentatives of both industry and labor to therapeutic and heating lamps, appa-
which are embraced in the definition of tal Goods and Equipment Manufacturing ratus and equipment;
take place. The patrol aircraft shall of the prevailing minimum wages in the the findings and recommendations of the
the Industry for the purposes of this pro- Industry, shall be 40 cents an hour or
employ the method of warning known as above named industries. Each industry Board as circularized by the Adminis- Orthopedic appliances, such as trusses,
ceeding, the Board has recommended $16.00 per week of forty hours, arrived
"buzzing" which consists of low flight by was the subject of a separate hearing. trator of the Division of Public Con- braces, supports, splints, artificial limbs,
that the prevailing mlnimiun wage for at either upon a time or piece work basis
the airplane and repeated opening and Notice of the hearings in each case was tracts. The Wholesale Surgical Trade :
and elastic belts and stockings; and
the manufacture of durable goods be de- Provided, That apprentices may be em-
closing of the throttle. sent to all members of the Industry as Association, representative of the in- Surgical dressings.
termined at 40 cents per hour and for ployed at lower rates of pay if their em-
<3) Any such watercraft shall, upon listed in recognized commercial regis- dustry, objected to the Board's finding (3) Products of the dental goods and
the manufacture of consumable goods at ployment conforms to the standards of
being so warned, immediately vacate the ters, to interested labor organizations, of 40 cents per hour as the prevailing equipment manufacturing industry.
35 cents per hour. the Federal Committee on Apprentice-
area designated and shall, until the con- trade associations, and all other known minimum wage in the Industry and con-
ship: And provided further. That learn- Durable Goods
clusion of the practice, remain at such a Interested parties. Invitation to attend tended that the wage data on which the Two representatives of labor have filed
ers may be employed at the rate of 35
distance that it will be safe from falling the hearings was also extended through Board based its finding justify a finding responses to the recommendations of the Hand instruments, including forceps and
cents an hour or $14.00 per week of forty
projectiles. the national press and by publication in of no more than 35 cents an hour. Board. One urges that there should be pliers, broaches and cutting Instru-
hours for a period of not to exceed sixty
<4> The foregoing regulations shall the Federal Register (4 F.R. 4810; 5 An analysis of the testimony given at separate minima determined for men and ments, for dental use.
days, if the total number of employees Dental chairs.
not deny access to or egress from harbors F.R. 333; 5 F.R. 2640). the hearing by representatives of indi- women, of from 50 to 55 cents per hour
so classified does not exceed 10 percent Dental cabinets.
contiguous to this danger area in the On the basis of the evidence presented vidual members of the Industry indicates for the former, and from 35 to 40 cents
of the total number of employees in any Equipment
case of regular cargo-carrying vessels at the hearings, the Board made and quite clearly that the larger number of for the latter. The determination of the units.
employees receiving below 40 cents an prevailing minimum wage for a given in-
one establishment in any given pay roll Dental sterilizers.
proceeding to or from such harbors. In submitted its findings and recommenda- or work week.
case of the presence of any such vessel hour are employed in occupations which dustry has not been interpreted as per- Dental gas apparatus.
each industry, which
tions, severally as to
in the danger area the officer in charge were circularized by the Administrator receive over 40 cents an hour after the mitting consideration of the distinction (1) Products of the scientific itidus- Dental X-ray equipment.
shall cause the cessation or postpone- of the Division of Public Contracts to expiration of a learning period. Un- in sex of the workers engaged In the in- trial and laboratory instruments indus- Dental compressors, engines and lathes.
ment of fire until the vessel shall have afford interested parties an opportunity doubtedly in recognition of this fact and dustry, any more than it does considera- try. Instruments and apparatus of the Dental lights.

cleared the part of the area in which it to register objection or approval before a of the need for special consideration tion of the wage rates paid to skilled type used in navigation, surveying, en- Dental laboratory equipment, other than
might be endangered by falling pro- . decisionwas made by me. for learners, following receipt of the ob- employees as distinguished from imdtilled gineering, drafting, target detection, fire laboratory furniture,
The vessel shall proceed on its jections filed by the Association, the or the minimum wage workers in the control, meteorology, laboratories for (b) The minimum wage for employees
jectiles. Having been until now the subject of
normal course and shall not delay its separate hearings and proceedings, the Board modified its previous recommend- industry. The request for the sex dif- physical, chemical, clinical, biological, engaged In the performance of contracts
progress unnecessarily. ation to the extent of suggesting provi- ferential might be prompted by the fact bacteriological, geological, physiological, with agencies of the United States Gov-
three industries are being consolidated as
sion for a learner tolerance in the same that higher percentages of female work- and psychological teaching, demonstra- ernment, subject to the provisions of the
<5) All aircraft and watercraft shall a group for the purposes of this determi-
terms as in the case of the Scientific ers are employed by manufacturers of tion, research and testing; Act of June 30, 1936 (49 Stat. 2036; 41
be presumed to know their whereabouts nation, primarily because of the rela-
Industrial and Laboratory Instruments consumable goods, and what Is actually U.S.C. Sup. Ill 35) for the manufacture
by distances and directions from land tionship of their products and the simi- Instruments and apparatus for indi-
Industry. sought is the determination of a higher or furnishing of any one or more of the
marks or other topographical features larity of their wage structures as revealed cating, measuring, recording or control-
along the shore. by the evidence of record, including the The objections filed on behalf of labor rate for employees of durable goods man- hereinafter designated consumable prod-
ling the following:
at the outset presupposes that the scope ufacturers. This, of course, requires a
(6) These regulations shall be en- testimony and exhibits introduced at the ucts of the Dental Goods and Equipment
of the industry under consideration in- review of the wage data included in the Quantity. Position.
forced by the Commanding Officer. Mac- hearings, the findings and recommenda- Manufacturing Industry shall be 35 cents
cludes orthopedic appliances, such as record for justification of the higher rate. Quality Altitude. an hour or $14.00 per week of forty hours,
Dill Field. Florida,and such agencies as tions of the I»ublic Contracts Board, and
trusses and elastic belts, the production The other representative of labor defi- Temperature. Level.
he maydesignate. (Sec. 7, River and the communications and briefs received arrived at either upon a time or piece
of which is said to require a minimum nitely protested the Board's finding of Combustion. Attitude.
Harbor Act. Aug 8. 1917, 40 Stat. 266; in response to the notices circularizing work basis.
of skilled labor and mostly unskilled la- 40 cents for the durable goods branch of Pressure. Angle,
33 U.S.C. 1> Regs. Aug. 26. 1941 (E.D. the Board's findings and recommenda- Consumable Goods

tions. This determination otherwise is bor at relatively low wage rates. The the Industry as too low. now. Direction.
7195 (Mexico. Gulf of)— 17 5)] objections then proceed to point out why Dental gold.
intended to preserve the identities of the In consideration of the wage data of Density. Distance.
(SKAL] E. S. Adams. such appliances should be considered Intensity. Speed. Dental alloy for amalgams.
respective industries. record for this industry, and in consid-
Major General. separately and to seek protection for the Humidity. Acceleration. Dental cement and filling materials.
eration of the overlapping aspects of the
The Adjutant General. Scientific Industrial and Laboratory highly skilled workers employed in the Conductivity. Teeth, porcelain and gold.
three industries named herein, I have
Instruments Industry production of surgical instruments. Orthodontic appliances.
(F. R. Doc. 41-6720; Piled, September 8, 1941; come to the conclusion that the prevail- Electrically-actuated Instruments used
9:22 m.l At no time in the course of the pro- Waxes, compovmds and investments.
The Public Contracts Board has found, ing minimum wage for durable dental
ceeding in this matter has it been the in- to measure physical quantities; and Rubber dental materials.
and it so appears from the record, that goods should be determined at the same
tention to include orthopedic appliances, Optical glass; Denture materials other than rubber.
a substantial numijer of workers in the level as for the two industries herein-
although use of the term "appliances' in But not including: Burrs, drills, and similar tools for use
low wage category of this industry per- before considered, including the provi-
the notice of hearing and subsequent with handpieces.
TITLE 41— PrBLIC CONTRACTS form relatively simple repetitive tasks sion for learners. A study of the wage Instruments and apparatus for meas-
publications might well have given cause Abrasive points, wheels and disks.
and that there is uniformity in the mini- data warrants the further conclusion uring or controlling flow or consumption
for misunderstanding. The term conse-
that local variations in wage structure This determination shall be effective
of the industry of water, gas, or gasoline, used in the
CONTRACTS throughout the United States, with the
quently has been deleted from the title
throughout the Dental Goods and Equip- and the minimum wages hereby estab-
of the industry and the appliances in services rendered by public utilities and
Part 202— Minimum Wage ment Manufacturing Industry are of in- lished shall apply to all contracts subject
first significant concentration appearing
question specifically excluded from the service stations in indicating consumer to the aforesaid Act of June 30, 1936, bids
Determinations at 40 cents an hour. weight to destroy the general
coverage of this determination. consumption for which are solicited or negotiations
Since the findings and recommenda- uniformity of the lower levels of the
in the matter of the determination of In regard to a determination of a mini- Instnmients and apparatus used on otherwise commenced on and after Sep-
tions of the Board were circularized, wage structure of the industry as a
the prevailing minimum wages in the mum wage rate for the industry's skilled whole. automobiles; tember 23, 1941.
representatives of the industry have made employees my determinations under the
scientific industrial and laboratory Clocks and watches; and Nothing in this determination shall af-
a showing of the necessity for permitting Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act have Upon consideration of all the facts and
instruments industry. surgical in- Machinists' gauges. fect such obligations for the payment of
the employment of learners, in a num- been limited to consideration of the basic circumstances, I hereby determine:
struments and apparatus industry,
ber not to exceed 10 percent of the (2) Products of the surgical instru- minimum wages as an employer may
and dental goods and equipment manu- minimum wage prevailing in a given in- 5 202.39 Scientific industrial and lab- have under the Fair Labor Standards
factory payroll, for a period of sixty days dustry in the locality in which the con- ments and apporatus industry. Instru-
facturing industry oratory instruments, surgical instru- Act of 1938 or any wage order thereun-
at not less than 35 cents an hour. Ac- tract materials and supplies are to be ments and apparatus used in, or in con-
vients and apparatus, and dental goods der, or under any other law, or agree-
These matters are before me pursuant cordingly, and the Board having so manufactured or furnished. nection with, or in the aid of the practice
recommended, provision for the employ-
and equipment manufacturing industries. ment, more favorable to employees than
to section 1 (b) of the Act of June 30, Upon the evidence, and it appearing of medicine and as particularly applied
(a) The minimum wage for employees the requirements of this determination.
1936 (49 Stat. 2036; 41 U.S.C.. Sup. Ill ment of learners within the limitations that there are no substantial variations to surgery, such as surgical and diag-
engaged in the performance of contracts Dated: September 8, 1941.
35), entitled "An Act to provide condi- mentioned hereinafter made, as well
is in the wage level of the industry through- nostic instruments and apparatus for
with agencies of the United States Gov- Frances Perkins,
tions for the purchase of supplies and as for the employment of apprentices at out the country, I concur in and adopt ernment, subject to the provisions of the medical and surgical treatment, includ- Secretary.
Act of June 30, 1936 (49 Stat. 2036; 41 ing sutures, ligatures, and sterilizers for
IF. R. Doc. 41-6739; Filed, September 8, 1841;
U.p.C. Sup. in 35) for the manufacture surgical purposes, 11:28 a. ml
: : ) .

4638 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 9, 1941

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 1941
9, 4639
This contract authorized under Pro- a. A fixed fee in the amount of seven-
preliminary data, layout sketches, and Add
the following to the description for the fixed price set out in Article 3 (b)
Notices curement Directives P-C-4, P-C-3 and teen thousand and no/100 dollars ($17.- other information respecting sites, to-
, of the work now
set forth in Article I of The Contractor represents that North
P-C-1. 000.00) which shall constitute complete pography, soil conditions, outside utili- the principal contract, as modified and American Aviation, Inc., having its prin-
Frank W. Bullock, compensation under this Title I for the
WAR DEPARTMENT. Major, Signal Corps. Architect-Engineer's services.
ties and equipment as may be essential amended : Water Supply System, cipal office in Inglewood, California, has
for the preparation of preliminary • Buildings, appurtenances, etc.
(Contract No. W 669 qm-12606:
• • agreed with it in writing, a copy of which
O. I. No. 133] Assistant to the Director of Reimbursement for expenditures as
b. sketches and the development of final The above will result in a net Increase has been supplied to the Contracting Of-
Purchases and Contracts. specified in Title m. Article III-D hereof. drawings and specifications.
Summary or Contract for Sttpplies in the estimated Construction Cost and ficer, for the benefit of the Government,
[P. R Doc. 41-6721: Piled. September 8. 1941; Art. in-D. Reimbursement. In addi- the Construction Contractor's fixed-fee to furnish to the Contractor the speci-
contractor: American woolen company, 9:33 a. m.]
Title II
tion tothe payment of the fixed fee as as follows: fications referred to in Item 1 above and
the satisfactory completion and I-D and Article II-C
specified in Article
Increase the estimated construc- the engineering information and service
YORK acceptance of the work and services to hereof, the Architect-Engineer will be tion cost by 92,530,462 referred to in this Item, to enable the
Contract for: Textiles. (Contract No. W 6948 qm-12; O. I. No. 9] be furnished under Title I. the Govern- reimbursed for such of his actual expend- Total estimated cost Including
Contractor to comply with the terms of
Amount: $8,802,500.00. ment, at its option, may
elect to have the itures in the performance of the work this change order 7,397,075
this contract.
Place: Philadelphia Quartermaster Summary or Fixed-Fee Contract for Architect-Engineer perform the work as may be approved or ratified by the
Total fixed-fee including this
Architect-Engineer Services change order 249.475 Art. 2. Estimated cost and fixed price.
Depot, Philadelphia. Pa. and services provided under this Title II. Contracting Officer. Increase In construction con-
Upon such election, the Contracting Item Qtuintity
This contract, entered into this elev- architect-engineer: leeds, hill, Barnard Art. III-F. Method of payment. 1. tractor's fixed fee
enth day of July 1941. AND JEWETT, 1000 EDISON BUILDING, LOS Officer shall, by a written order, direct

Payments to the Architect -Engineer are

63, 143
(1) • • Airplanes
• —
Funds are available under Procure- estimated cost $120,000,000 00
Scoj)e of this contract. The contrac- the Architect-Engineer to proceed with to be made as follows:
ANGELES, CALirORNIA ment Authority Nos. QM 8204 P 129 3211 (2) Fixed price, engineering
tor shall furnish and deliver
• such work and services. Title II of this services (at fixed price of
• •
Amountfixed fee: For Title I, $17,000; b. Payments shall be made on vouch- A 0540-12 and QM 8694 P 129 3211 A
Textiles for the consideration stated to- contract shall become operative only if $900,000.00. as set out in
ers approved by the Contracting Officer 0540-12. Article 3 (b), and not
for Title n, $7,278. and when such an order is issued by the
taling eight million, eight hundred two being included
Estimated cost of construction project Contracting Officer and received by the on standard forms, as soon as practica- Prank W. Bullock, in the
thousand, five hundred dollars ($8.- estimated cost 900,000 00
$1,700,000. Architect-Engineer.
ble after the submission of statements, Major, Signal Corps,
802,500.00) in strict accordance with the
Type of construction project: Water with original certified payrolls, receipted Assistant to the Director of Total
specifications, schedules and drawings, Art. n-A. Services to be furnished by 120,900.000 00
Supply System. for all expenses including materials,
bills Purchases and Contracts.
all of which are made a part hereof. architect-engineer. 1. The Architect- Art. Consideration, (a) "Hie Gov-
Location: Camp San Luis Obispo, Cali- supplies and equipment, and all other
Payments. The contractor shall be Engineer shall perform the following [P R. Doc. 41-6723; Piled, September 8, 1941; ernment will pay the Contractor upon
fornia. supporting data and 90% of the amount 9:23 a. m.l
paid, upon the submission of properly services satisfactory delivery of all items specified
Type of service: Architect-Engineer.
of the Architect -Engineer's fixed-fee
certified Invoices or vouchers, the prices in Item (1) of Article 1 of this contract,
a. Assist the Contracting Officer in ob- earned. Upon completion of the proj-
stipulated herein for articles delivered The supplies and services to l>e ob- subject to reimbursement for costs as
taining, analyzing and evaluating pro- ect, the Architect-Engineer shall be paid
and accepted or services rendered, less tained by this instrument are authorized outlined in Article 6 hereof, the cost of
by, are for the purpose set forth in. and
posals or bids for a construction con- the unpaid balance of any money due [Contract No. W 535 ac-19341]
the work to be done under this contract
deductions, if any. as herein provided. tract or contracts based upon the ap-
Unless otherwise specified, payments will are chargeable to, Procurement Author- the Architect-Engineer hereunder. Summary of Cost-Plus-a-Fixed-Fee plus a fixed fee of six million five hun-
proved drawings and specifications.
be made on partial deliveries accepted ity No. QM
8203 PL-29-77 A 0540-12, the Art. III-G. Draunngs and other data Supply Contract dred forty thousand dollars ($6,540.-
c. Supervise the work designed by him
by the Government when the amount available balance of which is sufficient to to become property of government. All 000.00). It is contemplated and hereby
to insure the construction of every part contractor: north American aviation.
due on such deliveries so warrants; or, cover the cost of same. drawings and specifications are to be- agreed that the Contractor will enter
of the work in accordance with the ap- inc. of KANSAS (GENERAL MOTORS COR-
when requested by the contractor, pay- This contract.' entered into this 21st come the property of the Government. PORATION (FISHER BODY DIVISION) MAJOR into a contract with a major subcontrac-
proved drawings and specifications re- .

ments for accepted partial deliveries day of May. 1941. This contract is authorized by the fol- SUBCONTRACTOR tor, as defined in Article 37 hereof,
ferred to in Paragraph "d of Article I-B

the performance of a variable portion of

shall bemade whenever such payments Article I. Description of the work. lowing laws:
above, and within the areas and bound- Contract' for: • • • Airplanes, the work in estimated cost to be per-
would equal or exceed either $1,000 or The Architect-Engineer shall perform all aries designated for the project. Public No. 611, 76th Congress, Ap-
50 percent of the total amount of the the necessary services provided under
Engineering Services and Data. formed under this contract.
proved June 13, 1940. Estimated cost: $120,000,000.00.
contract. this contract for the following described Art. n-C. Fixed-fee and reimburse- (b) In addition to the payments to be
Delays —Damages. the contractor
If project: The construction of a complete ment of expenditures. 1. In considera-
Public No. 703, 76th Congress, Ap-
proved July 2, 1940.
Fixed-fee: $6,540,000.00. .
made under paragraph (a) of this Article
refuses or fails to make delivery of ac- water supply system, including necessary tion for his undertakings under this Title Fixed price for engineering services: 3, the Government will pay the Contrac-
ceptable material or supplies within the appurtenances, located at or in the vicin- n. the Architect-Engineer shall be paid Frank W. Bullock, $900,000.00. tor a fixed sum of nine hundred thousand
time or times specified in Article 1, or ity of Camp San
Luis Obispo. California. the following: Major, Signal Corps, The supplies and services to be ob- dollars ($900,000.00) for furnishing com-

any extension or extensions thereof, the Art. I-B. Character and extent of Assistant to the Director of tained by this instrument are authorized plete engineering information and serv-
a. A fixed fee in the amount of seven
Purchases and Contracts. by. and for the purpose set forth in, and
actual damage to the Government for services. 1. The Architect-Engineer ice to the extent required by the
thousand two hundred seventy-eight and are chargeable to the following Procure-
the delay will be impossible to determine, shall perform the following services: no/ 100 dollars ($7,278.00) which shall IP R. Doc. 41-6722; Filed.
subcontractor under Item (2) of Article 1
September 8. 1941; ment Authorities, the available balances
and in lieu thereof the contractor shall constitute complete compensation under 9:23 a. m] hereof. It being understood that the en-
Prepare layout plan of the proposed
b. of which are sufficient to cover the cost
pay to the Government as fixed, agreed, gineering service shall include, without
project and obtain approval thereof. this Title II for the Architect-Engineer's
and liquidated damages for each calen- of the same: limiting same, the furnishing to the ma-
dar day of delay in the delivery of any fif.When preliminary drawings are ap- services.
AC 298 P 18-30 A 0705 260-2. $93. 103, 000. 00 jor subcontractor of all necessary draw-
proved by the Contracting Officer, prepare b. Reimbursement for expenditures as [Change Order No. I— Date June 13. 1941]
articles, the amount as set forth in the AC 34 P 12-30 A 0705-12 34,337,000.00 ings, specifications and parts lists,
specifications oi» accompanying papers, final designs, detailed working drawings specified in Title in. Summary or Contract for Construction including a breakdown list of spare parts,
and specifications in accordance with This contract, entered into this 27th
and the contractor and his sureties shall Title III contractor: oixon company, los
l. e.
day of June, 1941.
and the rendering and transmission to'
be liable for the amount thereof. Government standards necessary for the ANGELES, CALirORNU the major subcontractor of all necessary
effective coordination and efficient exe- The provisions of this title shall apply Article 1. Statement of work. The
Liquidated damages. Under the terms engineering information, assistance and
cution of the construction work and re- to this entire contract, to-wit: to Title I Summary of change order* to Cost- Contractor shall, within the time speci-
and conditions stipulated in Article 17 of services without additional compensation
this contract, the contractor shall pay vise the drawings and specifications as and likewise to Title II, should Title II Plus-A-Fixed-Pee Contract No. 6948, W fied in Article 4 hereof, manufacture,
required by the Contracting Officer. become operative as provided therein. qm-2.' Dated October 3. 1940 (Published furnish and deliver to the Government:
to the Government, as liquidated dam- Art.5. Changes. The Contracting
h. Prepare an estimate of the cost of
in the Federal Register August 20. 1941) Item (1) • • • Airplanes.
ages, for each calendar day of delay in Art. in-A. Services to be performed by Officer may, at any time, by a written
the proposed project based on the ap- between the United States of America Item (2) The Contractor will furnish
the delivery of any article, a sum equal architect-engineer. The Architect -En- order, make changes In or additions to
proved designs, drawings and specifica-
and L. E. Dixon Company. Los Angeles, complete engineering information and
to • • • percentum of the price of gineer shall perform the following serv- the drawings and specifications, issue
California, for the construction of a per- service to the extent required by the
such article for each day's delay after tions therefor. ices:
manent tent camp at San Luis Obispo, major subcontractor, which, without lim- additional instructions, require addi-
the time specified for delivery. ^
Art. I-D. Fixed-fee and reimbursement tionalwork, or direct the omission of
b. Perform all other architectural and San Luis Obispo. California. iting same, shall include the furnishing
The supplies and services to be ob- of expenditures. 1. In consideration for engineering services within the scope of work covered by the contract.
Pursuant to the authority vested in the of allnecessary drawings, specifications
tained by this instrument are author- his undertakings under this Title I, the Art 6. Payments— (&) Reimburse-
this contract, required by the Contract- Contracting Officer under Article I of and parts lists including a breakdown
ized by, are for the purpose set forth in. Architect-Engineer shall be paid the ment for cost. The Government will cur-
ing Officer. the contract above described, you, as con- list of spare parts, and the rendering of
and are chargeable to procurement au- following: rently reimburse the Contractor, subject
tractor, are hereby directed to perform all engineering information, assistance
thority QM 323 P2-02 A 0515-2. the Art. III-B. Data to be furnished by the
the work and services indicated below. and service required. (All the things to the provisions of subparagraph (d) of
available balance of which is sufficient • Approved by the Under Secretary of War Government. The Government shall
this article. If applicable, for such expen-
called for in this Item 2 to be furnished
to cover cost of same. June 19, 1941. furnish the Architect-Engineer available
• Approved by the Under Secretary of War ditures made in accordance with Article
June 30. 1941. "Approved by the Under Secretary of War 3 as may be approved or ratified by the
•6 PJl. 4217. June 28. 1941 Contracting Officer upon certification to
No. 175 8

4640 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 9, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 9, 1941 4641
and verification by the Contracting Offi- tractor shall be entitled to be reimbursed DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. thereupon having been submitted to the shipment of the coals produced at the thereto, which may be raised by amend-
cer of the original signed payrolls for hereunder, shall vest In the Government. undersigned; Duffey Mine (Mine Index No. 1193)
Bituminous Coal Division.
ment to the petition, petitions of Inter-
labor, the original paid invoices for ma- Art. 28. Option to change to a fixed The undersigned having made Find- Now. therefore, it is ordered. That the veners or otherwise, or which may be
terials, or other original papers. price. After the Contractor has manu- (Docket No. A-606] ings of Pact, and Conclusions of Law portion of Docket No. A-721 relating to necessary corollaries to the relief, if any,
(b) Payment of a fixed fee. Ninety per factured and delivered a total of • • • and hating rendered an Opinion In this Mine Index No. 1193 be severed from the
PiTinoN OF Hackathorn L Myers, a Pro- granted on the basis of this petition.
centum (90%) of the fixed fee set forth airplanes under the terms of this con- matter, which are filed herewith; balance of the subject matter thereof and
ducer IN District No. 4 for a Chance
The matter concerned herewith is in
in paragraph (a) of Article 3 hereof shall tract, or at such other time as may be Now, therefore, it is ordered. That the be designated as Docket No. A-721-Part regard to the revision of the minimum
be paid as it accrues. In monthly install- mutually agreed upon by the parties
IN TBI CFFECTIVK MINIMUM PRICES prayers for relief contained in the sev- n. prices established in Docket No. A-721
ments. Upon completion of the work and hereto, the parties hereto shall, at the eral petitions filed herein be and they It is further ordered, That the relief
ORDER DENYING FINAL RELIEF for coals produced at the Duffey Mine
its final acceptance, any unpaid balance written request of either party given to are hereby denied. heretofore granted in the Order of the (Mine Index No. 1193) of A. B. Holcomb
of the fee. if any, to which the Contractor the other, enter into negotiations to de- Anoriginal petition, pursuant to sec- Dated: September 5. 1941. Director in Docket No. A-721, dated for truck shipment by raising the mini-
may be entitled as provided in paragraph termine whether or not it Is possible to tion 4 n(d) of the Bituminous Coal Act I seal I H. A. Gray, March 25, 1941, 6 PJl. 1887, for Mine In- mum price of coals In Size Group 2 from
(a) of Article 3, shall be paid to the reach an agreement, on the basis of the of 1937, having been filed with the Bitu- Director. dex No. 1193 shall remain
effective pend- $2.38 to $2.48. in Size Group 5 from $2.03
Contractor. experience then available or on the basis minous Coal Division by Hackathorn & ing further proceedings in Docket No. to $2.23. and in Size Group 7 from $1.73
(P. R. Doc. 41-«726; Piled. September 8, 1941;
<c)Payment for engineering services. of other pertinent knowledge or infor- Myers, a Code member producer in Dis- 10:30 a. m.| A-721-Part II. to $2.03.
The sum payable to the Contractor, as mation, as to a definite fixed price to trict 4 seeking temporary and final orders It is further ordered. That a hearing Dated: September 6. 1941.
set out in subparagrairii (b) of Article 3 be j>aid by the Government to the Con- reducing the effective minimum prices on the prayer for permanent relief in
established for coals of petitioner's X-L Docket No. A-721-Part II be held, under H. A. Gray.
hereof, for engineering information and tractor for each of the airplanes and
Mine (Mine Index No. 721) [ Dockets No. A-721. A-7ai—Part H] Director.
engineering service shall be payable to spare parts called for imder the terms of in Size the applicable provisions of the Act and
the Contractor in monthly installments. this contract, in lieu of the cost plus a Groups 6, 7 and 8 when such coals are Petition of District Board 3 for the the Rules and Regulations of the Divi- (F. R. Doc. 41-6727: Filed. September 8, 1941;
(d) Advance payments. 1. At any fixed fee hereinbefore provided for, and transported by truck into certain cities Establishment of Price Classifica- sion, on October1941. at 10 o'clock in
10:30 a. m.j
time and from time to time after the ap- in the event that such an agreement be and towns in the State of Ohio; tions AND Minimum Prices for the the forenoon of that day at a hearing
proval of this contract, the Government, reached and reduced to writing, it shall A hearing having been held on March Coals of Certain Mines in District room of the Bituminous Coal Division,
at the request of the Contractor and provide that the fixed price j)er unit 14, 1941, before a duly designated Exam- No. 3; AND for the Establishment of 734 Fifteenth Street NW., Washington, (Docket Nos. A-906. A-906 —Part 11

subject to the approval of the Chief of for each model of the airplanes and spare iner of the Division at a hearing room Price Classifications and Minimum D. C. On such day the Chief of the Petition of District Board 8 for the
the Air Corps as to the present need parts herein called for shall apply, not of the Division in Washington. D. C, at Prices for the Coals of Mine Index Records Section in Room 502 will advise Establishment of Price Classifica-
therefor, shall advance to the Contractor, only to units thereafter to be delivered which all Interested parties were afforded No. 1193 or District No. 3 as to the room in which such hearing tions AND Minimum Prices for the
without payment of interest thereon by under the terms of this contract, or in an opportunity to be present, adduce evi- ORDER reopening PROCEEDINGS AS TO B€INE shall be held. Coals c^ Certain Mines in District
the Contractor, sums not to exceed the option for spare parts herein re- dence, cross-examine witnesses and INDEX NO. 1193; SEVERING PORTION OF It is further ordered. That Scott A. No. 8; AND for the Establishment or
thirty-six million dollars ($36,000,000.00). served for the Government, but shall otherwise be heard; DOCKET NO. A-721 RELATING TO MINE IN- Dahlquist or any other officer or officers Price Classifications and Minimum
2. As a condition precedent to the likewise apply to units theretofore de- The parties having waived the prepa- DEX NO. 1193 AND DESIGNATING SAME AS of the Division duly designated for that Prices for the Cofl.s in Size Groups
making of any advance payment or pay-
ments as hereinbefore provided, the Con-
livered, for which proper adjustment
shall be made.
ration and filing of an Examiner's Re-
port; the undersigned made Findings of

DOCKET NO. A-721 PART n; AND NOTICE purpose shall preside at the hearing in
such matter. Tiie officers so designated
1 to 10, Inclusive, of the Princess
Dorothy Co\l Company. Princess
tractor shall furnish the Government
with such adequate security as the Sec-
Art. 29. Option for spare parts. The Pact and Conclusions of Law and having
rendered an Opinion in this matter,
A-721 PART n— to preside at such hearing are hereby
authorized to conduct said hearing, to ad-
Dorothy Mine, Mine Index 730. of
Government is granted the right and District No. 8, for All Shipments
retary of War may prescribe. option at any time within • • • which are filed herewith. An original petition, requesting tem- minister oaths and affirmations, examine Except Truck
Art. 9. Termination of contract by /( is ordered, That the relief requested porary and permanent relief, was duly witnesses, subpoena witnesses, compel
after the approval of this contract to order severing portion of docket no.
by the petition of Hackathorn b Myers filed with this Division in Docket No.
Government. Should the Contractor increase the work to be done, as set out their attendance, take evidence, require
A-721, pursuant to section 4 II (d) of a-906 relating to the coals in size
at any time refuse, neglect or fail to In Article 1 hereof, by providing for the herein be and it hereby is denied. the production of any books, papers, cor-
the Bituminous Coal Act of 1937; and groups 1 to 10, inclusive, produced at
prosecute the work with promptness and manufacture and delivery to the Gov- Dated: September 5. 1941. respondence, memoranda, or other rec-
The Director issued an Order in Docket mine index no. 730 for all shipments
diligence, or default In the performance ernment of certain spare parts for the tsEAL] H. A. Gray. ords deemed relevant or material to the
No. A-721 on March 25, 1941. 6 F.R. 1887, except truck and designating same as
of any of the agreements herein con- airplanes called for herein in a quantity inquiry, to continue said hearing from
tained, or should conditions arise which up to * • • percent of the total esti-
granting temporary relief and condition- time to time, and to prepare and submit —
docket no. 906 part ii order con-;

(P. R. Doc. 41-6725; PUed. September ally providing that such temporary re- tinuing temporary relief and termi-
make it advisable or necessary In the mated cost of the airplanes to be fur- 8, 1941; to the Director proposed findings of fact
Interest of the Government to cease work
10:30 a. m.j lief sl|ould become final sixty (60) days nating conditionally final relief
nished as aforesaid. and conclusions and the recommendation
under this contract, the Government from the date thereof unless the Director of an appropriate order in the premises,
heretofore gr.wted as the coals in
Art. 31. Subcontracts, (c) It is agreed size groups 1 to 10. inclusive, produced
may terminate this contract by a notice should otherwise order, which Order, In- and to perform all other duties in con-
that the Contractor may purchase from at mine index no. 730 for all ship-
in writing from the Contracting Officer (Docket No. A-S93] ter alia, established temporary and con- nection therewith authorized by law.
the General Motors Corporation, upon a MENTS EXCEPT truck: AND NOTICE OF
to the Contractor. ditionally final prices for the Duffey Mine
fixed price basis, the • * • parts re- PrrmoN of District Board No. 4 for Notice of such hearing is hereby given
> Art. 20. Fire insurance. The Contrac- quired for the manufacture and assem- Adjustment of Seasonal Discounts
of A. B. Holcomb <Mine Index No. 1193)
to all parties herein and to persons or

A-906 PART n
tor agrees, unless and until otherwise bly of the airplanes called for in Article
On May 8. 1941, Eugene L. Campbell. entities having an interest in these pro-
Applicable to Domestic Coals of Dis- J. H. Baker. R. C. Catlette. Bruce Wise-
directed in writing by the Contracting 1 hereof. ceedings and eligible to become a party An original petition, pursuant to sec-
trict No. 4 Into All Market Areas man. J. A. Neal, Lee Matheny, T. C. CDell
Officer, to insure against fire all prop-
Art. 37. Agreement of major subcon- Into Which Such Coals Mow and P. C. Perkins, code members in Dis-
herein. Any person desiring to be ad- tion 4 n
(d) of the Bituminous Coal Act
erty in its possession upon which an ad- mitted as a party to this proceeding may of 1937. having been duly filed with this
vance payment or a payment in reim-
tractor, (a) The Contractor by this trict No. 3. filed with the Division a peti-
order denying relief file a petition of intervention In accord- Division by District Board 8 requesting
Article designates the General Motors tion alleging that they were dissatisfied
bursement for costs is about to be made, ance with the rules and regulations of
Corporation (Fisher Body Division) of A petition having been filed by District
with the minimum prices for truck ship-
the establishment of price classifications
such insurance to be In a sum at least the Bituminous Coal Division for pro- and minimum prices for the coals of
Detroit, Michigan, as its major subcon- Board 4 with the Bituminous Coal Divi-
equal to the amount of such payment ments provided by the aforesaid Order ceedings instituted pursuant to section 4
plus all other advance payments or pay-
tractor, as defined in Article 38 hereof, sion, pursuant to section 4 n(d) of the for coals produced at the Duffey Mine
II (d) of the Act, setting forth the facts
certain mines in District No. 8, including
and agrees that the signing of this con- Bituminous Coal Act of 1937, requesting the Princess Dorothy Coal Company,
ments in reimbursement of costs, if any, (Mine Index No. 1193) of A. B. Holcomb on the basis of which the relief in the
tract by the Contracting Officer shall certain relief with respect to seasonal Princess Dorothy Mine, Mine Index No.
theretofore made thereon, and further and requesting a hearing with respect original petition, or in the petition of
constitute written approval of the desig- discounts in Districts 4, 7, and 8; 730;and
agrees to keep such property so insured thereto. Eugene L. Campbell. J. H. Baker, R. C.
nation of such major subcontractor as Intervening petitions having been filed The Director having issued an order
until the same Is delivered to the Gov- As more than sixty (60) days have Catlette. Bruce Wiseman, J. A. Neal, Lee
required by subparagraph (b) of Article by District Boards 1, 2, 3. 6. and 7; in the above-entitled matter on July 9,
ernment. elapsed since the entry of the Order of Matheny. T. C. O'Dell. and F. C. Perkins.
31 hereof. A hearing in this matter having been the Director granting temporary and
1941, 6 FM. 3640, granting temporary
Art. 21. Title to property. The title held before a duly designated Examiner Is supported or opposed or on the basis
relief and conditionally providing that
to all work under this contract, com- This contract authorized under the conditionally final relief herein, the mini-
of the Division at a hearing room thereof of which other relief is sought. Such such temporary relief shall become final
pleted or In the course of manufacture provisions of sec. 1 (a) Act of July 2,
In Washington, D. C. at which aU inter-
mum prices established by the Order of petitions of intervention shall be filed sixty (60) days from the date thereof,
or assembly at the Contractor's plant, 1940, and sec. 2 (a) Act of June 28, 1940.
March 25. 1941, 6 F.R. 1887, for the coals
ested persons were afforded an opportu- with the Bituminous Coal Division on or unless the Director should otherwise or-
shall be in the Government. Upon de- Prank W. Bullock, nity to be present, adduce evidence,
of the EKiffey Mine (Mine Index
No. before September 26. 1941. der,which order, inter alia, established
liveries at the Contractor's' plant, or at Major, Signal Corps, cross-examine witnesses and otherwise
1193) of A. B. Holcomb. for truck ship- All persons are hereby notified that the temporary and conditionally final prices
an approved storage site, title to all pur- Assistant to the Director of ment, have become final. However, it hearing in the above-entitled matter, and
be heard; for the coals in size groups 1 to 10. in-
chased materials, parts, assemblies, sub- Purchases and Contracts. appearing that good cause has been any orders entered therein, may concern,
The parties to this proceeding having produced by the Princess Doro-
assemblies, tools, machinery, equip- waived the preparation and filing of a
shown for the reopening of this proceed- in addition to the matters specifically
[P. R. Doc. 41-«740: Piled, September 8, 1941; thy Coal Company. Princess Dorothy
ment and supplies, for which the Con- 11:30 m.J report by the Examiner, and the record
ing and for a hearing with respect
to alleged in the petitions, other matters
a. Mine, Mine Index No. 730 for all ship-
revision of the minimum prices for truck necessarily incidental and related ments except truck; and
4642 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 9, 1941

The Princess Dorothy Coal Company instituted pursuant to section 4 U

(d) their attendance, take evidence, require (Docke
having filed with this Division on August of the Act, setting forth the facts on the the production of any books, papers, cor- District Board 1

19. 1941. a petition alleging that it is basis of which the relief in the original respondence, memoranda, or other rec- THE Effective ]

dissatisfied with the price classifications petition Is supported or opposed or on ords deemed relevant or material to the Coals of Codi
and minimum prices provided by the the basis of which other relief is sought. inquiry, to continue said hearing from tricts Nos. 3, 4
aforesaid order for size groups 1 tcr^lO, Such petitions of intervention shall be time to time, and to prepare and submit 4 for All Ship:
inclusive, of the coals produced at «s filed with the Bitimiinous Coal Division to the Director proposed findings of faci Off-Line Raili
Princess Dorothy Mine. Mine Index No. on or before October 1, 1941. and conclusions and the recommendation Areas 15, 20, 2
730. for all shipments except truck, and All persons are hereby notified that of an appropriate order in the premises,
and to perform all other duties in connec- notice of ani
requesting revision thereof; and the hearing in the above-entitled matter
The Director deeming his action, aa and any orders therein may concern. In tion therewith authorized by law. A petition, purs
hereinafter set forth, necessary in order addition to the matters specifically al- Notice of such hearing Is hereby given Coal Act of 1937,
to effectuate the purposes of the Act; leged In the petition, other matters to all parties herein and to persons or with this Divisioi
necessarily incidental and related thereto, entitles having an Interest in these pro- party;
Now. therefore, it is ordered. That the ceedings and eligible to become a party
which may be raised by amendment of It ordered,

portion of Docket No. A-906 relating to

the coals in size groups 1 to 10. inclusive,
the origmal petition, petitions of inter- herein. Any person desiring to be ad- above-entitled m
veners, or otherwise, or which may t)e mitted as a party to this proceeding may cable provisions o
produced at Mine Index No. 730 for all
file a petition of intervention in accord-
necessary corollaries to the relief, if any, of the Division
shipments except truck be. and it hereby

granted on the basis of said original ance with the rules and regulations of 1941. at 10 o'clo
is. severed from the balance of the sub-
petition. the Bituminous Coal Division for pro- that day, at a
ject-matter thereof, and designated as ceedings Instituted pursuant to section
The matter concerned herewith is In Bituminous Coal
Docket No. A-906— Part II. 4 n (d) of the Act. setting forth the
regard to the reduction of the price Street NW., Was!
It is further ordered. That the tempo- facts on the basis of which the relief in
and minimum prices es-
classifications day the Chief o
rary relief heretofore provided in the the original petition is supported or op-
tablished in Docket No. A-906 for the in room 502 will
order of the Director in Deckel No. A-906, coals produced at the Princess Dorothy posed or on the basis of which other relief where such hearii
dated July 9, 1941. 6 F.R. 3640. for the; Mine, Mine Index No. 730. of the Princess i." sought. Such petitions of intervention It is further or
coals in size groups 1 to 10, Inclusive, shall be filed with the Bituminous Coal
Dorothy Coal Company, a code member Dermody or any
produced at Mine Index No. 730 for all producer in District No. 8. for all ship- Division on or before September 24, 1941. of the Division d
shipments except truck l)e, and it hereUy ments except truck, by 10 cents as to size All persons are hereby notified that purpose shall pre
is. continued in effect until further order the hearing in the above-entitled matter
groups 1 to 7, inclusive, and by 5 cents such matter. Th
of the Director, but that such temporary and any orders entered therein, may con-
as to size groups 8 to 10, Inclusive. to preside at su(
relief shall not become final at the ex-' cern, In addition to the matters spe-
Dated: September 6, 1941. authorized to coi
plratlon of 60 days from July 9, 1941. cifically alleged in the petition, other
(seal) H. a. Gray, administer oaths
It is further ordered. That a hearing matters necessarily incidental and re-
Director. amine witnesses
on the prayer for temporary and perma- lated thereto, which liiay be raised by compel their atte
nent relief in Docket No. A-906 Part — n |F. R. Dcx. 41-6728: FUed. September
10:31 a. m.l
8. 1041: amendment to the petition, petitions of require the proc
be held, under the applicable provi^ons Interveners or otherwise, or which may papers, correspor
of the Act and the rules and regulations be necessary corollaries to the relief, if other records dei
of the Division, on October 7. 1941. at any, granted on the basis of this petition. terial to the Inq
10 o'clock a. m. at a hearing room of the I
Docket No. A-1013) The matter concerned herewith is in hearing from tim
Bituminous Coal Division. 734 15th District Board No. 4 for the Revision or regard to the petition of District Board pare and submit t
Street NW., Washington. D. C. On said THE Effective Minimttm Prices for No. 4 for the revision of the effective lindmgs of fact a
date the Chief of the Records Section in Certain Coals of Certain Code Mem- minimum prices for certain coals of cer- recommendation
Room 502 will advise as to the room in bers in Subdistrict No. 1, and for the tain code members In Subdistrict No. 1 of der in the premi;
which such hearing will be held. EIstablishment of Minimum Prices for District No. 4 for river shipment, and for other duties in co
Itfurther ordered. That Scott A.
is THE Coals of Code Members in Sub- the establishment of minimum prices for thorized by law.
Dahlquist or any other officer or officers district No. 3, IN District No. 4 for the coals of certain code members in Notice of such
of the Division duly designated for that River Shipment subdistrict No. 3 of District No. 4 for river
to all parties hei
purpose shall preside at the hearing in shipment; and, more ijartlcularly, for a entities having ai
notice of and order for hearing
such matter. The officers so designated reduction of 10 cents per net ton in the ceedings and elig
to preside at such hearing are hereby A petition, pursuant to the Bituminous effective minimum prices for the strip
herein. Any per
authorized to conduct said hearing, to Coal Act of 1937, having been duly filed mine coals of code members in Sub- mitted as a party
administer oaths and affirmations, exam- with this Division by the above-named district No. 1 of District No. 4 for river
file a petition of
ine witnesses, compel their attendance, party; shipment from mines having river load- ance with the rult
take evidence, require the production of It ordered, That a hearing in the ing facilities; and for the establishment
is Bituminous Coal 1

any books, papers, correspondence, mem- above-entitled matter under the appli- of the effective minimum prices for the
instituted pursua
oranda, or other records deemed relevant cable provisions of said Act and the rules deep-mine coals of code members In Sub- of the Act. settini
or material to the inquiry, to continue of the Division be held on September 30. district No. 1 of District No. 4 for such
basis of which tl
said hearing from time to time, and to 1941. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that coals of code members in Subdistrict No. petition is suppor
prepare and submit to the Director pro- day. at a hearing room of the Bituminous 3 of District No. 4, for river shipment basis of which
posed finding.s of fact and conclusions Coal Division. 734 Fifteenth Street NW., from mines having river loading facili- Such petitions ol
and the recommendation of an appro- Washington. D. C. On such day the ties; and for the establishment of mini-
filed with the Bi
priate order in the premises, and to per- Chief of the Records Section in room 502 mum prices 10 cents per net ton less than on or before Sep
form all other duties in connection will advise as to the room where such such minimum prices for deep-mine coals
All persons are
therewith authorized by law. hearing will be held. of code members in Subdistrict No. 3 of
hearing ^n the ab
Notice of such hearing is hereby given It is further ordered. That Charles O. District No. 4 for the strip-mine coals of
any orders entere
to all parties herein and to persons or Fowler or any other officer or officers of code members in Subdistrict No. 3 of In addition to the
entities having an interest In this pro- the Division duly designated for that pur- District No. 4, for river shipment from
leged in the petit
ceeding and eligible to become parties pose shall preside at the hearing in such mines having river loading facilities. essarily incidents
herein. Any jjerson desiring to be ad- matter. "The officers so designated to Dated: September 5, 1941. which may be rt
mitted as a party to this proceeding may preside at such hearing are hereby au- [seal] H. a. Orat, the petition, peti
file a petition of intervention in accord- thorized to conduct said hearing, to ad- Director. otherwise, or wl
ance with the rulVs and regulations of the minister oaths and affirmations, examine (F. R. Doc. 41-«729: Piled, September 8. 1941; corollaries to the
Bituminous Coal Division for proceedings witnesses, subpoena witnesses, compel 10:31 a. m.] on the basis of th
The matter co
regard to the pel
FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 9, 1941 4643

idence. require (Docket No. A-1019| No. 4 for the revision erf the effective Said order having been duly served
IS, papers, cor-
District Board No. 4 for Revision of minimum prices of the coals of code upon said defendant on July 16. 1941;
or other rec- THE Effective Minimxtm Pricks of the members in Subdistricts Nos. 3, 4, and 6 and
naterial to the Coals of Code Members in Subdis- of District No. 4 for all shipments except The Consolidated Coal and Stoker
hearing from tricts nos. 3. 4, and 6 of district no. truck of off-line railroad fuel into Mar- Company, defendant herein, having duly
ire and submit 4 FOR All Shipments Except Truck of ket Areas 15, 20, 21, and 23, and more filedwith the Division on August 28, 1941
Endings of fact Off-Line Railroad Fuel Into Market particularly, for an increase of 10 cents an dated August 26, 1941, pur-
t:ommendation Areas 15. 20. 21. and 23 per net ton in the effective minimum suant to the provisions of said order
1 the premises, prices for such coals. dated July 11, 1941 and § 304.15 of the
itles in connec- notice of and order for hearing
Dated: September 5, 1941. Rules and Regulations for the Registra-
by law. A pursuant to the Bituminous
petition, tion of Distributors: and
[SEAL] H. A. Gray,
IS hereby given
Coal Act of 1937. having been duly filed Director. It appearing to the Director that said
to persons or with this Division by the above-named affidavit of the Consolidated Coal and
t in these pro- [P. R. Doc. 41-6730: Piled. September 8, 1941;
party: Stoker Company sufficiently complies
ecome a 10:32 a. m.j
party It ordered, That a hearing in the
is with the provisions of said order dated
ring to be ad- above-entitled matter under the appli- July 11, 1941 and § 304.15 of the Rules
)roceeding may cable provisions of said Act and the rules and Regulations for the Registration of
;ion in accord of tlie Division be held on October 1, (Docket No. 1541-PDl Distributors.
regulations of 1941, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of Now, therefore, it is ordered. That the
Ik the Matter of the Wyatt Coal Sales
'ision for pro- that day. at a hearing room of the
ant to section
Company. Registered Distributor, registration of the Consolidated Coal and
Bituminous Coal Division, 734 Fifteenth Registration No. 9960, Defendant Stoker Company as a distributor be and
ting forth the Street NW.. Washington. D. C. On such it hereby is reinstated.
;h the relief in day the Chief of the Records Section
order for reinstatement of registration
Dated: September 5, 1941.
pported or op- in room 502 will advise as to the room The
Director having entered an order [SEAL] H. A. Gray,
ilch other relief where such hearing will be held. in the above-entitled matter dated July Director.
of intervention It is further ordered. That Joseph D. 30, 1941 suspending the registration of
ituminous Coal Dermody or any other officer or officers [P. R. Doc. 41-6732: Filed. September 8, 1941;
the defendant. The Wyatt Coal Sales
eniber 24, 1941. 10:32 a. m.]
of the Division duly designated for that Company, as a distributor. Registration
r notified that purpose shall preside at the hearing in No. 9960. for a period of thirty days from
entitled matter such matter. The officers so designated the date of service thereof upon said
»reln. may con- (Docket No. 1544-FDl
to preside at such hearing are hereby defendant; and
I matters spe- authorized to conduct said hearing, to In the Matter of Cole Fuel Company,
Said order having been duly served
petitlon. other administer oaths and affirmations, ex- Inc., Defendant
upon said defendant on August 4. 1941;
lental and re- amine witnesses, subpoena witnesses, and order granting application for rein-
be raised by compel their attendance, take evidence,
The Wyatt Coal Sales Company, de- statement OF CODE membership
m. petitions of require the production of any books, fendant herein, having duly filed with
or which may papers, correspondence, memoranda, or A written complaint having been filed
the Division on August 29. 1941 an affi-
the relief, if
other records deemed relevant or ma- on February 6, 1941, by the Bituminous
davit dated August 28. 1941. pursuant to
of this petition. terial to the inquiry, to continue said the provisions of said order dated July Coal Producers Board for District No. 8,
herewith is in hearing from time to time, and to pre- 30, 1941 and Section 304.15 of the Rules
pursuant to sections 4 n
(j) and 5 (b)
District Board pare and submit to the Director proposed of the Bituminous Coal Act of 1937 (the
and Regulations for the Registration of
»f the effective findings of fact and conclusions and the "Act"), alleging wilful violation by the
Distributors; and
in coals of cer- recommendation of an appropriate or- Cole Fuel Company, Inc.. defendant in
appearing to the Director that said
district No. 1 of der in the premises, and to perform all the above entitled matter, of the Act.
affidavit of The Wyatt Coal Sales Com-
ipment, and for other duties in connection therewith au- the Bituminous Coal Code (the "Code")
pany sufficiently compUes with the pro-
mum prices for thorized by law. visions of said order dated July 30, 1941
and the Schedule of Effective Minimum
le members in
Notice of such hearing is hereby given Prices for District No. 8 for Truck Ship-
and § 304.15 of the Rules and Regulations
t No. 4 for river ments: and
to all parties herein and to persons or for the Registration of Distributors.
tlcularly, for a order having been made herein on
entities having an interest in these pro- Now, therefore, it is ordered. That the
net ton In the July 1941. by the Acting Director,
ceedings and eligible to become a party registration of The Wyatt Coal Sales 22,
5 for the strip pursuant to the stipulation of Cole Fuel
herein. Any person desiring to be ad- Company as a distributor be and it hereby
mbers in Sub- mitted as a party to this proceeding may Company, Inc., and said District Board
is reinstated.
No. 4 for river file a petition of intervention in accord- dated July 16. 1941, cancelling and re-
Dated: September 5, 1941.
zing river load- voking the code membership of the Cole
ance with the rules and regtilations of the
establishment [seal] H. a. Gray,
Bituminous Coal Division for proceedings Fuel Company, Inc., effective five days
prices for the Director.

lembers In Sub-
instituted pursuant to section 4 n (d) after the service thereof on Cole Fuel
of the Act. setting forth the facts on the [P. R. Doc. 41-6731: Piled. September 8. 1941;
Company, Inc.: and
No. 4 for such basis of which the relief in the original 10:32 a. m.J Said order of cancellation and revoca-
Subdi strict No. petition is supported or opposed or on the tion having been duly served on P. V.
river shipment basis of which other relief is sought. Cole, President, on July 26, 1941; and
loading facill-
Such petitions of Intervention shall be Cole Fuel Company, Inc., having filed
iment of mini- filed with the Bituminous Coal Division (Docket No. 162S-FD| with the Division its application dated
et ton less than on or before September 25, 1941. August 16, 1941, for reinstatement of
In the Matter of the Consolidated Coal
Jeep-mine coak code membership to become effective
All persons are hereby notified that the and Stoker Company, Registered Dis-
listrict No. 3 of upon the entry of an order by the Divi-
hearing ^n the above-entitled matter and tributor. Registration No. 1804, De-
p-mine coals of
any orders entered therein, may concern, sion; and
strict No. 3 in addition to the matters specifically al- appearing from said application
shipment from leged in the petition, other matters nec-
order for reinstatement of registration that Cole Fuel Company, Inc., has paid
Lg facilities.
essarily incidental and related thereto, The Acting Director having entered an to the Collector of Internal Revenue at
which may
be raised by amendment to order in the above-entitled matter dated Louisville, Kentucky, the sum of $496.49,
the petition, petitions of interveners or July 11. 1941 suspending the registration pursuant to said order dated July 22,
otherwise, or which may be necessary of the defendant, the Consolidated Coal 1941. as a condition precedent to rein-
corollaries to the relief, if any, granted and Stoker Company, as a distributor. statement of its code membership.
on the basis of this petition. Registration No. 1804, for a period of Now, therefore, it is ordered. That said
The matter concerned herewith Is in thirty days from the date of service application of Cole Fuel Company, Inc.,
regard to the petition of District Board thereof upon said defendant: and dated August 16, 1941, lor restoration
4644 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 9, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 9, 1941 4645
of its code membership be and it hereby asmuch as we have added 10 percent to used by the Secretary for the purposes of tificates may seek a review of reconsider- Paper Products; Set-up Paper Boxes; 2 Paper; 4 learners; 6 weeks for any one
is granted. the salary expense of non-owner em- this section if the production or con- ation thereof. learners; 6 weeks for any one learner; learner; 25 cents per hour; SUtter,
Dated: September 4. 1941. ployees. No additions have been made sumption of such commodity has so 30 cents per hour; Basic hand and ma- Twister, Copper; November 3, 1941.
H. A. Gray, for material increases or for taxes. changed in extent or character since tlie NAME. AND ADDRESS OF FIRM, PRODUCT, NUM- chine box making operations, except cut-
fSEALl Stacy Paper Box Company, 1514 Chest-
base period as to result in a price out cf BER OF LEARNERS, LEARNING PERIOD, and March 7, 1942.
Director. It appears that an opportunity fo^ a ting, scoring slitting. nut Avenue, Trenton, New Jersey; Con-
line with parity prices for basic commod- LEARNER WAGE, LEARNER OCCUPATIONS. Martinsburg Paper Box Company, Ex-
IF. R Doc. 41-«733: Plied, September 8. 1941: hearing should be afforded to the peti- verted Paper Products; Set-up Paper
Any such commodity loan, pur- EXPIRATION DATE
10:33 a. m.| tioners and to all other interested per- ities. change Place, Martinsburg. West Vir- Boxes; 5 learners; 6 weeks for any one
chase, or other operation which is Athol Paper Box Company, Main ginia;Converted Paper Products; Set-up learner; 30 cents per hour; Basic hand
sons including the patrons of the peti-
tioners,, for the purpose of determining
undertaken shall be continued until the Street^ Athol, Massachusetts; Converted Paper Boxes. Box Wrappers; 6 learners; and machine box making operations, ex-
DEPARTME>rr OF AGRICULTURE. whether the orders heretofore made in Secretary has given sufficient public an- Paper*Products Set-up Paper Boxes; 2
6 weeks for any one learner 30 cents per
; cept cutting, scoring and slitting; March
this proceeding should be modified. nouncement to permit the producers of learners; 6 weeks for any one learner; 30 hour; Basic hand and machine box mak- 7, 1942.
Asrricultural Marketing Service. such commodity to make a readjustment
It is. therefore, ordered That P. & S. cents per hour: Basic hand and machine ing operations, except cutting, scoring H. H. Tammen Company, 2669 Larimer
|P. &S. Docket No. 311) Docket No. 311 be reopened for the pur- in the production of the commodity. For box making operations, except cutting, and slitting; March 7. 1942. Street, Denver, Colorado; Souvenir and
In the Matter of L. B. Andrews, Doing pose of affording the petitioners and all the purposes of this section, commodities scoring and slitting; March 7, 1942. Musto Brothers, 1312-18 13th Street, Novelties; 5 learners; 4 weeks for any
Business as L. B. Andrews Livestock other interested persons, including pa- other than cotton, corn, wheat, tobacco. Bristol Paper Box Company, Inc., 1305 North Bergen, New Jersey; Converted one learner; 25 cents per hour; Deco-
Commission Company Peti- trons of the petitioners, an opportunity and rice shall be deemed to be non-basic W. State Street, Bristol, Virginia; Con- Paper Products; Set-up Paper Boxes; 8 rator,Assembler (on all products except
et al..
to appear and present such evidence as commodities. verted Paper Products; Manufacture of learners; 6 weeks for any one learner; 30 shoes and moccasins and except for
may be relevant and material to the assorted set up pai)er boxes; 2 learners; cents per hour; Basic hand and machine workers employed at home) November
Pursuant to the foregoing provisions of ;

order and notice of reopening of pro- 6 weeks for any one learner; 30 cents per box making operations, except cutting,
matters aUeged in the petition. law, public announcement is hereby made 17, 1941.
ceeding upon petition for modifica- scoring, and slitting; March 7, 1942.
It is further ordered. That all inter- that I have found it necessary, as a re- hoiu- ; Basic hand and machine box mak- H. H. Tammen Company, 2669 Larimer
TION Pell Paper Box Company. Inc.. Water
ested persons who desire to be heard shall sult of the existing emergency, to encour- ing operations, except cutting, scoring Street, Denver, Colorado; Souvenir and
By an order dated October 14, 1937, give notice thereof by filing a petition and slitting; March 7, 1942. Street. Elizabeth City. North Carolina; Novelties; 5 learners; 6 weeks for any
age the expansion of the production of
the Secretary of Agriculture prescribed with the Hearing Clerk of the Office of Bronstein Candy Company, 1201 Jack- Converted Pap)er Products; Paper Boxes; one learner; 25 cents per hour; Cutter,
the following commodities: hogs, epps,
reasonable rates and charges for selling the Solicitor, United States Department son Street. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; 3 learners; 6 weeks for any one learner; Sewing machine operator (on all prod-
evaporated milk, dry skim milk.. cheese,
livestock at the Kansas City Stock Yards, of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Candy; 5 learners; 4 weeks for any one 30 cents per hour; Basic hand and ma- ucts except shoes and moccasins and ex-
and chickens.
Kansas City, Missouri. On July 30, It is further ordered. That the matter learner; 25 cents per hour; Candy chine box making operations, except cut- cept for workers employed at home)
In accordance with the provisions of
be set down for public hearing before twister, wrapper and packer; November ting, scoring and slitting; March 7, 1942. December
1941, the petitioners, members of the said law, the Department of Agriculture 15, 1941.
(This certificate effective Sep- Quality Paper Box Company, 8 New
Kansas City Live Stock Exchange, doing an examiner at a time and place of which will, through loans, purchases or other 18, 1941. R. Targovnik. 2 West 32nd Street, New
business at the Kansas City Stock Yards. due notice shall be given. tember 9, 1941.) Street, East Boston, Massachusetts; Con-
operations, support a price for the pro- York, N. Y.; Umbrella Trimmings; 2
Kansas City, Missouri, filed a petition It is further ordered. That this order Casco Paper Box Company, 68 Cross verted Paper Products; Set-up Paper
ducers of these commodities of not learners; 4 weeks for any one learner;
and notice of hearing shall be published Street. Portland, Maine; Converted Paper Boxes; 5 learners; 6 weeks for any one
seeking a modification of that order so as than 85 percent of the parity or compa- 25 cents per hour; Snap and eyelet ma-
to permit the petitioners to increase their in the Federal Register. Products; Set-up Paper Boxes; 2 learn- learner; 30 cents per hour; Basic hand
rable price therefor during the period chine operator; November 17, 1941,
rates and charges for their services of It is further ordered. That a copy of ers; 6 weeks for any one learner; 30 and machine box making operations, ex-
ending December 31. 1942. Taylor Box Company, 73 Eagle Street,
this order and notice of hearing shall be ceqts per hour; Basic hand and machine cept cutting, scoring and slitting; March
selhng livestock The reasons alleged by Done at Washington. D. C, this 29th Providence, Rhode Island; Converted
served upon the Kansas City Live Stock box making operations, except cutting, 7, 1942.
the petitioners for the modification are, day of August 1941. Witness my hand Paper Products; Set-up Paper Boxes and
in substance, as follows: Exchange by registered mail. and the seal of the Department of Agri-
scoringand slitting; March 7, 1942. Randleman Paper Box Mfg. Company, fancy cloth covered paste board boxes
Done at Washington, D. C, this 6th Columbus Paper Box Company, Inc.. Inc.,Randleman, North Carolina; Con-
Improved employment and military
culture. and displays for Jewelry; 3 learners; 6
day of September, 1941. Witness my 344 West Town Street, Columbus, Ohio; verted Paper Products; Set-up Paper
training of men has cut into our trained [seal] Claude R. Wickard. weeks for any one learner; 30 cents per
hand and the seal of the Department of Converted Paper Products; Merchandise Boxes; 3 learners; 6 weeks for any one
personnel. Higher wages in other indus- Secretary of Agriculture. hour; Basic hand and machine box mak-
Agriculture. boxes such as shoes, tablecloth, hardware, learner; 30 cents per hour; Basic hand
tries has depleted om ranks. Low sal-

ing operations, except cutting, scoring

(P. R. Doc. 41-6741; PUed. September B. 1941; bakery, department store; 8 learners; 6 and machine box making operations, ex-
aries paid in the past are no longer satis- rSEALl GROVER B. HltL, 11:40 a. m.l and March 7, 1942.
weeks for any one learner; 30 cents per cept cutting, scoring and slitting; March
factory to our men. Demands are being Acting Secretary of Agriculture. Thoma Paper Box Company, Inc.. 650
hour; Basic hand and machine box mak- 7, 1942.
made for increased pay due to increased |F. R. Doc. 41-6711: Piled. September 6, 1941; Clinton Street, Buffalo. New York; Con-
10:47 a. m.l
ing operations, except cutting, scoring The S. G. Redshaw Company, 130 Ca-
costs of rent and living expenses. verted Paper Products: Manufacture of
DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. and slitting; March 7, 1942. nal Street, Ansonia, Connecticut; Con-
2. We are confronted with increased Cumbow China Decorating Company.
Set-up Paper Boxes; 11 learners; 6 weeks
verted Paper Products; Set-up Paper
taxes of every kind, even Social Se- Wage and Hour Division.
Main for any one learner; 30 cents per hour;
Street. Abingdon. Virginia; Hand Boxes; 2 learners; 6 weeks for any one
curity levies. Labor and material costs Decoration of China; 5 learners; 4 Basic hand and machine box making^
Commodity Credit Corporation. Notice of Issuance of Special Certih- weeks learner; 30 cents per hour; Basic hand
v/ill reflect these ever increasing end un- operations, except cutting, scoring and
cates for the Employment of Learn- for any one learner; 25 cents per hour; and machine box making operations, ex-
known factors to an extent that will Public Announcement With Respect to China decorator; November 17, 1941. slitting; March 7, 1942.
ers Under the Fair Labor Standards cept cutting, scoring and slitting; March
jeopardize our financial structure. THE Expansion of Production of Non- Act of 1938 T. James Clarke Box and Label Works, 7, 1942. The Tropical Paper Box Company. 350
3. There sharp inequalities in
exists Basic Agricultural Commodities Inc.. 38 Charles Street, Jamestown. New Douglas Road. Coral Gables, Florida;
Notice hereby given that special Cer- The Sheldon Company, 407 E. Pico
the salaries paid by our organization Section 4 of the Act approved July 1,
York; Converted Paper Products. Paper Converted Paper Products; Set-up Paper
tificates authorizing the employment of Street, Los Angeles, California; Bill Folds,
when compared with other industry re- Drug Boxes; 6 learners; 6 weeks for any Boxes; 10 learners; 6 weeks for any one
1941 (Public Law 147— 77th Congress) learners at hourly wages lower than the Key Cases. Comb Cases, etc.; 1 learner;
quiring less skill. There has been a de- one learner; 30 cents per hour; Basic learner; 30 cents per hour; Basic hand
provides as follows: minimum rate applicable under section 6 6 weeks for any one learner; 26 cents
cided improvement in wage incomes in hand and machine box msddng opera- and machine box making operations, ex-
of the Act are issued under section 14 per hour; Table worker; December 15.
general. (a) Whenever during the existing tions, except cutting, scoring and slit- cept cutting, scoring and slitting; March
thereof and 5 522.5 (b) of the Regula- 1941.
emergency the Secretary of Agriculture ting; March 1942. 7, 1942.
4. Price inflation, increased rents, 7,
finds it necessary to encourage the ex- tions issued thereunder. (August 16. Shetter Paper Box
higl er living costs and taxes places un- Davidson Paper Box Company. Con- Wolfsheim and Sachs, Inc.. 60 Gros-
pansion of production of any non-basic 1940, 5 PH. 2862) to the employers listed Howard & Perry, York. Pennsylvania;
deserved hardships on fixed income em- cord. North Carolina; Converted Paper venor Street. Buffalo, New York; Con-
agricultural commodity, he shall make below effective September 8, 1941. Converted Paper Products; Set-up Paper
ployees, such as our non-owner group. Products; Set-up Paper Boxes; 2 learn- verted Paper Products; Set-up Paper
public announcement thereof and he The employment learners under
of Boxes; 2 learners: 6 weeks for any one
5. We are daily confronted with the
ers; 6 weeks for any one learner; 30 Boxes; 30 learners; 6 weeks for any one
shall so use the. funds made available those Certificates is limited to the terras learner; 30 cents per hour; Basic hand
competition of country sales rings oper- cents per hour; Basic hand and machine learner; 30 cents per hour; Basic hand
under section 3 of this Act or otherwise and conditions as designated opposite the box making operations, except cutting, and machine box making operations, ex-
ating in localities of low expenses. Our and machine box making operations, ex-
made available to him for the disposal of employer's name. These Certificates are scoring and slitting; March 7. 1942.
cept cutting, scoring and slitting; March cept cutting, scoring and slitting; March
rates will no longer afford proper means 1942.
agricultural commodities, through a issued upon the employers' representa- Holeproof Hosiery Company, Roselane 7.
7, 1942.
of meeting such competition and main-
commodity loan, purchase, or other op- tions that experienced workers for the Street, Marietta, Georgia; Converted Southern Mills, Inc., Senola, Georgia;
taining the high level of service to the Signed at Washington, D. C. this 8th
eration, taking into account the total learner occupations are not available for Paper Products; Set-up Paper Boxes; 2 Fibre Fabrics Woven from Twisted
producers that the central market must funds available for such purpose for all employment and that they are actually Paper; 6 learners; 6 weeks for any one day of September 1941.
learners; 6 weeks for any one learner;
provide. We
must maintain ample forces commodities, so as to support a price for in need of learners at subminimum rates 30 cents per hour; Basic hand and ma- learner; 27 cents per hour; Warper, Merle D. Vincent. 7^
of trained employees to handle the fluctu- the producers of any such commodity Authorized Representative
in order to prevent curtailment of oppor- chine box making operations, except cut- Weaver, Repairer, Finisher; November 3,
ating volume of business over which we with respect to which such announce- of the Administrator.
tunities for employment. The Certifi- ting, March 7. 1942.
scoring and slitting; 1941.
have no control. ment was made of not less than 85 per cates may be cancelled in the manner Lykens Paper Box Company. 641 North Southern Mills, Inc., Senoia, Georgia; [P. R. Doc. 41-6743: PUed. September 8. 1941;
6. Ten
firms have been selected for the centum of the parity or comparable price provided for in the Regulations and as Street. Lykens. Pennsylvania: Converted Fibre Fabrics Woven from Twisted 11:47 a. m.]
purpose of testing costs. We have en- therefor. The comparable price for any indicated on the Certificate. Any person
deavored to show costs for the future In- such commodity shall be determined and aggrieved by the issuance of these Cer-
. ;

4616 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 9, 1941

Indiana; Apparel
NoTioE OF Issuance or Special Certiti- Brassieres; 2 learners (75% of the appli- City, Utah: Apparel: Cotton Dresses,
parel; 10 percent
CATXS FOR THE EMPLOYMENT OF LEARN- cable hourly minimum wage) December ; Rayon Slips; 10 learners (75% of the ap-'
hourly minimum
ERS Under the Fair Labor Standards 22, 1941. plicable hourly minimum wage) Janu- ;
1942. (This ce
Act of 1938 Classy Form Brassiere Company, Inc., ary 5, 1942.
36 East 31st Street, New York, New Original Novelty Company, 2540 Bel-
Issued effective D
Notice Is hereby given that Special Williamson - Di
York; Apparel; Girdles and Brassieres; mont Avenue, Bronx, New York; Ap-
Certificates authorizing the employment
5 learners (75% of the applicable hourly k Children's Outerwear;
parel; Infants'
Company, 509 W
of learners at hourly wages lower than Fort Worth. Te
the minimum wage rate applicable imder
minimum wage) December
; 22, 1941. 15 learners (75% of the applicable hourly
Overalls. Coverall
section 6 of the Act are issued under
Brewster Shirt Corporation, 1 Frank- minimum wage) December 22, 1941.

lin Street, New Haven, Connecticut; Ap- Panara cent (75% of the
Camden Street,

section 14 thereof. Part 522 of the Reg-
parel; Men's Dress and Sport Shirts; 10 Rockland. Maine; Apparel; Bathrobe.s;
mum wage) Deci ;

ulations issued thereunder (August 16, Eagle Glove ar

percent (75% of the applicable hourly 5 percent (75% of the applicable hourly
1940. 5 F.R. 2862) and the Determination Conner Street,
minimum wage) September 8, 1942.
; minimum wage) September ; 8. 1942.
and Order or Regulation listed below and Gloves; Work Glo
(This certificate replaces one issued ef- Pillow Manufacturing Company, Pil-
published in the Federal Register as 8. 1942.
fective October 8, 1940.) low, Pennsylvania; Apparel; Boys' Shirts;
here stated. Louis Meyers ai
Davis Sportswear, Inc., 100 Canal 6 learners (75% of the applicable hourly
Apparel Learner Regulations. Septem- Boulevard, Trenton, New Jersey; Ap- minimum wage) December Pine Street, Glc
; 22. 1941.
Gloves; Leather I
ber 7. 1940 (5 P.R. 3591). parel; Jackets and Sportswear; 10 per- Pullman Wholesale Tailors, 132 South
Artificial Flowers and Feathers cent (75% of the applicable hourly mini- West Temple Street. Salt Lake City, ers; March 8, 194

Learner Regulations, October 24, 1940 (5 mum wage) December 1, 1941.

; Utah; Apparel; Men's Suits and Over- H i P Glove (

PR. 4203). Essbee Dress Company, 405 Ridge Ave- coats; 16 learners (75% of the applicable Avenue, JohnstoiK
Glove Findings and Determination of nue, Asbury Park, New Jersey; Apparel; hourly minimum wage) January 5. 1942. ;
lather Dress anc
February 20, 1940. as amended by Ad- Dresses; 5 learners (75% of the appli- Prosterman, Spiesberger Company, 235 Iwrners; March 1

ministrative Order of September 20, 1940 cable hourly minimum wage) Septem- ; West Douglas Avenue, Jacksonville. Illi- Cambria Silk 1

(5 PR. 3748). ber 8, 1942. nois; Apparel; W. Louden Streei

Suits. Topcoats. Over-
Hosiery Learner Regulations, Septem- Foster Brothers Sportswear, Inc., 21st Pennsylvania: H(
coats; 5 percent (75% of the applicable
ber 4. 1940 (5 P.R. 3530). Street and Hunting Park, Philadelphia. hourly minimum wage) June Hosiery: 6 learnei
; 23. 1942.
Independent Telephone Learner Reg- Pennsylvania; Apparel; Mens Sports- Shamokin Manufacturing Commonwealth
ulations, September 27, 1940 (5 FJl. wear and Women's Beachwear; 75 learn- 100 North Rock North Carolina: I
Street, Shamokin,
3829) ers (75% of the applicable hourly mini- Pennsylvania; Apparel; Wash Dressf.'=; iery; 15 learners;
Knitted Wear Learner Regulations, mum December 22. 1941.
wage) ; 53 learners (75% of the appUcable hourly Southland Hos
October 10, 1940 (5 F.R. 3982). Friendly Shirt Company, 304 Morgan minimum wage) December ; 22, 1941.
HiRh Point Roa(
Millinery Learner Regulations, Custom Avenue, Brooklyn, New York; Apparel; Shriner Manufacturing Carolina; Hosiery
Made and Popular Priced. August 29, Men's Shirts: 10 percent (75% of the Woodsboro, Maryland; Apparel; Mens learners; May 8,

1940 (5 PR. 3392, 3393). applicable hourly minimum wage) Sep- ; Single Pants; 10 learners (75% of the Chatham Knit-
Textile Learner Regulations, May 16, tember 8. 1942. applicable hourly minimum wage) Sep- Main Street, Chat

1941 (6 PR. 2446). Gem Undergarment Company. Inc., tember 8. 1942. (This certificate re- Wear; Knitted C
Woolen Learner Regulations, October Slatedale. Pennsylvania Apparel;; places one Issued effective August 11, September 8, 194;
30. 1940 (5 PR. 4302). Ladies' Undergarments; 10 percent (75% 1941.) Perkiomen Knii
of the applicable hourly minimum wage) Silton Brothers, 1128 Washington son Street, East Gi
The employment learners under
Knitted Wear; F
September 8, 1942. (This certificate re- Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri; Apparel;
these Certificates is limited to the terms
places one issued effective March 13, Leather Jackets; 5 learners (75% of the learners; Septemh
and conditions as to the occupations, Castile Silk Cc
1941.) applicable hourly minimum wage) Sep-
learning periods, minimum wage rates, ;

The Gluckin Corporation. Cross Street, tember 8. 1942. Castile, New Yoi
et cetera, specified in the Determination
Suffern, New York; Apparel; Brassieres; Topper Undergarment Company, Inc., Rayon Broad Goo
and Order or Regulation for the industry 1942.
5 percent (75% of the applicable hourly 63 West 36th Street. New York, New 2,
designated above and indicated opposite
minimum wage) ; September 8, 1942. York: Apparel: Junior and Children's Criterion Dyeini
the employer's name. These Certificates
(This certificate replaces one issued for Underwear; 4 learners (75% of the ap- pany. 407 East 9
become effective September 8, 1941. The New York: Textil
jraurOrange Avenue Plant effective No- plicable hourly minimum wage) January
Certificates may
be cancelled in the man- ;

January 19, 1942.

ner provided in the Regulations and as
vember 8, 1940.) 5, 1942.
Gold Seal Garter Corporation. 29 West Mills, Inc., Mount Gilead. North
United Nolan Textile C
Indicated in the Certificates. Any per-
30th Street, New York, New York; Ap- Carolina; Apparel; Ijidies' Slips; 10 gia; Textile; Ch
son aggrieved by the issuance of any of
parel; Girdles, Brassieres; 5 learners learners (75% of the applicable hourly learners; Septemt
these Certificates may seek a review or
(75% of the applicable hourly minimum minimum wage) ; E>ecember 22. 1941. Selma Manufact
reconsideration thereof.
wage) December 22, 1941.
; Weil-Kalter Manufacturing Company, Street, Selma, Ala
NAME AND ADDRESS OF FIRM, INDUSTRY, PROD- Gratz Manufacturing Company. Inc., 4th and Cherry Streets, Troy, Missouri: Bags: 3 percent; i

UCT, NUMBER OF LEARNERS AND EXPIRA- Apparel; Woven Underwear; 10 percent StatesvlUe Cotl
Gratz, Pennsylvania; Apparel; Men's
TION DATE (75% of the applicable hourly minimum North Carolina; '

Dress and Sport Shirts; 16 learners (75%

Attman Garment Manufacturing, 1306 of the applicable hourly minimum wage) wage) September 8, 1942. (This cer-
; and Pile Fabrics;
Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; January 5, 1942. tificate replaces one issued for 5 percent 8. 1942.

Apparel; Dresses, Cotton Bathing Suits, Iron King Overall Company, 126 West
effective November 1. 1940.) Union Mills Co
Housecoats; 5 learners (75% of the appli- White Swan Uniforms, Inc., New Mil- North Carolina: 1
Payette Street, Baltimore, Maryland;
cable hourly minimum wage) ford, Connecticut: Apparel; Nurses' and 3 percent: Septem
Septem- ; Apparel; Men's Cotton Work Clothing,
ber 8, 1942. Overalls. Pants; 15 learners (76% of the Maids' Uniforms; 5 learners (75% of the Signed at Wash
BescoShirt Company, 600 Fulton applicable hourly minimum wage) Jan- ;
applicable hourly minimum wage) ; Sep- day of September
Street, Elizabeth, New Jersey; Apparel; uary 5, 1942. tember 8, 1942.
Men's Shirts; 10 percent (75% of the Lehigh Sportswear Corporation, 101 W. White Swan Uniforms, Highland. New Authoriz
applicable hourly minimum wage) Sep- ; White Street. Siunmit Hill, Pennsyl- York; Apparel; Nurses' and Maids' Uni- o,
tember 8, 1942. (This certificate re- vania; Apparel; Washable Service Ap- forms; 5 learners (75% of the applicable
places one issued effective September 17, hourly mlnlmtun wage) September 8, (P R. Doc. 41-6744;
parel; 5 percent (75% of the applicable ;

1940.) hourly minimum wage) March 13, 1942.
Clara Bishop. Inc., 7 West 36th Street. No. 176——4
Malouf Manufacturing Company, 146 Whitehouse Manufacturing Company,
New York, New York; Apparel: Corsets It South West Temple Street. Salt Lake 322 East Colfax Avenue, South Bend,
FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 9, 1941 4647

Cotton Dresses,
Indiana; Apparel; Washable Service Ap- CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD. Dated: Washington. D. C, September
parel; 10 percent (75% of the appUcable 4, 1941.
5 (75% of the ap.' (Docket Nos. 7-401 (K)-l, 316]
hourly minimum wage) September 8, ;
By the Civil Aeronautics Board.
in wage) ; Janu-
1942. (This certificate replaces one
In the Matter op the Application op [SEAL] Darwin Charles Brown,
issued effective December 2, 1940.)
npany, 2540 Bel- Marquette Airlines, Inc., for a Cer- Secretary.
Williamson - Dickie Manufacturing
New York; Ap- TiFiCATB OP Public CoNVENirarci and (F. R. Doc. 41-6708; Piled, September
Company, 509 West Vickery Boulevard, 6, 1941;
ren's Outerwear; Necessity Under Section 401 (e) (1) 9:36 a. m]
Port Worth. Texas: Apparel: Pants,
applicable hourly OP THE Civil Aeronautics Act op 1938,
Overalls. Coveralls. Work Shirts; 10 per-
mber 22. 1941. AS Amended; and In the Matter op the
cent (75% of the applicable hourly mini- (Docket No. 5^-401-E-lj
Camden Street, Application of Transcontinental &
arel; Bathrobes;
mum wage) December 22, 1941.

Western Air, Inc. Under Section 408 In the Matter op the Cessation of Ef-
Eagle Glove and Garment Company.
applicable hourly (b). Section 412 (b), and Section 401 fectiveness of the Certificate op
Conner Street. Noblesville. Indiana:
mber 8. 1942. (1) OF THE Civil Aeronautics Act op Public Convenience and Necessity of
Gloves: Work Gloves: 7 learners; March
K Company, Pii- 1938. as Amended, for Approval op a Tri-State Aviation Corporation
8, 1942.
irel; Boys' Shirts; Contract Dated October 6. 1939 etc.
Louis Meyers and Son,
8-10 West Inc., notice of hearing
applicable hourly
Pine Gloversville, Kew York;
Street. notice op oral argument
nber 22. 1941. Pubhc hearing on the above-entitled
Gloves; Leather Dress Gloves: 10 learn-
'allors, 132 South proceeding, being an order directing Tri-
ers: March 8, 1942. Oral argument on the motion of Mar-
Salt Lake City. State Aviation Corporation to show
Suits and Over-
H & PGlove Company. 5-11 Fourth quette Airlines. Inc., and John E. Mc-
cause why the Board should not direct
Avenue. Johnstown. New York; Oloves; Kelvy for entry of an order in the
of the applicable that its certificate of public convenience
Leather Dress and Knit Fabric Gloves: 2 reopened Marquette Airlines, Inc.. grand-
; January 5, 1942. and necessity shall cease to be effective
learners: March 8, 1942. father proceeding. Docket No. 7-401-E-l,
?er Company, 235 with respect to service authorized by
Cambria Silk Hosiery Company. 176 terminating and finally closing said pro-
Jacksonville, Illi- such certificate, is hereby assigned for
W. Louden Street. Olney. Philadelphia, ceeding, and for entry of an order revis-
Topcoats, Over- September 24, 1941. 10 o'clock a. m.
Pennsylvania; Hosiery; Full Fashioned ing the conditions on which the acquisi-
of the applicable (Eastern Standard Time) in Room 1851,
Hosiery; 6 learners;March 8. 1942. tion of Marquette Airlines. Inc.. by Trans-
; June 23. 1942. Commerce Building. Fourteenth Street
Commonwealth Hosiery Mills. Ellerbe. continental ti Western Air, Inc., Docket
uring Company, and Constitution Avenue NW.. Washing-
North Carolina: Hosiery: Seamless Hos- No. 315, was approved, so that the said
reet. Shamokin, ton. D. C, before Examiner Frank P.
iery; 15 learners: May 8. 1942. acquisition may be consummated and
; Wash Dressp.':; Mclntyre.
Southland Hosiery Mills. Inc., 2210 the escrow agreement therein provided
applicable hourly Dated Washington, D. C, September
HiRh Point Road, Greensboro. North for may be terminated, will be held be-
nber 22. 1941. 5. 1941.
Carolina: Hosiery; Seamless Hosiery: 25 fore the Board on September 10. 1941, at
iring Company, By the Civil Aeronautics Board.
Apparel; Mens learners: May 8. 1942. 10:00 o'clock a. m. (Eastern Standard
Chatham Knit-Wear Company, Inc., Time) in Room 5044 Commerce Building. [seal] Darwin Charles Brown.
ers (75% of the
Main Street, Chatham, Virginia; Knitted Fourteenth Street and Constitution
lum wage) Sep- ;

Wear; Knitted Outerwear; 5 learners; Avenue. Northwest, Washington. D. C. (P. R. Doc. 41-«712; Piled, September 8, 1941;
is certificate re-
September 8, 1942. Dated: September 4, 1941. 9:22 a. m.j
ctive August 11,
Perkiomen Knitting Mills. 239 Jeffer- By the Civil Aeronautics Board.
128 Washington son Street. East Greenville. Pennsylvania; [seal] Darwin Charles Brown. (Docket No. 442]
issouri; Apparel; Knitted Wear; Knitted Underwear; 5 Secretary.
learners; Septemt)er 8. 1942. In the Matter of the Application op
ners (75% of the
Castile Silk Company. Main Street. (F. R. Doc. 41-6707; Piled, September 6. 1941; Pan American Airways Co. (Dela-
lum wage) Sep- ;
9:35 a. m.J
Castile. New York; Textile; Silk and ware) FOR A Temporary Certificate op
Rayon Broad Goods; 8 learners; March Convenience and Necessity Under
t Company. Inc..
2, 1942. Section 401 of the Civil Aeronautics
New York. New
and Children's Criterion Dyeing and Finishing Com- Act op 1938, as Amended
(Docket Nos. 277, 3831
(75% ol the ap- pany. 407 East 91st Street, New York, notice of hearing
n wage) January;
New York: Textile: Dyeing; 3 learners; In the Matter of the Applications of
January 19. 1942. Caribbean - Atlantic Airlines, Inc., Further hearing in the above-entitled
Nolan Textile Company. Dalton, Geor- Aerovias Nacionales de Puerto Rico, proceeding, being the application of Pan
unt Gilead, North
gia: Textile: Chenille Bedspreads: 2 Inc., por Certificates op Public Con- American Airways Company (Delaware),
Bdies' Slips; 10
learners; September 8. 1942. venience AND Necessity Under Section for a temporary certificate of public cpn-
applicable hourly
Selma Manufacturing Compcmy. Selma 401 of the CrviL Aeronatttics Act of venience and necessity authorizing it to
nber 22. 1941.
Street.Selma, Alabama; Textile; Cotton 1938, AS Amended engage in the scheduled transportation
ituring Company,
Bags: 3 percent: September 8, 1942. of persons, property, and mail between
. Troy, Missouri; notice op oral argument the United States and Africa adjourned
wear; 10 percent StatesviUe Cotton Mills, Statesville,
North Carolina: Textile; Cotton Yarns
on Thursday, September 4. 1941, at the
hourly minimum Oral argument on the petition of Car-
request of the War Department, will be
[942. (This cer- and Pile Fabrics; 3 percent; September ibbean-Atlantic Airlines, Inc., for recon-
held on Monday, September 8. 1941, 10
ued for 5 percent 8, 1942. sideration of the order of the Board dated
o'clock a. m. (Eastern Standard Time)
m.) Union Mills Company, West Monroe, Augiist 15, 1941, consolidating the appli-
in Room 5044. Commerce Building. 14th
s. Inc.. New Mil- North Carolina: Textile; Cotton Yarns; cations of Caribbean-Atlantic Airlines, Street and Constitution Avenue NW..
irel; Nurses' and 3 percent; September 8. 1942.
Inc., Docket No. 277. and Aerovias Washington. D. C. before the Board.
•ners (75% of the Signed at Washington, D. C, this 8th Nacionales de Puerto Rico, Inc., Docket Dated: Washington, D. C, September
lum wage) : Sep- day of September 1941. No. 383, into one proceeding will be held 1941.
Merle D. Vincent. before the Board on September 11. 1941, By the Civil Aeronautics Board.
s. Highland. New Authorized Representative at 10:00 o'clock a. m. (Eastern Standard [seal] Darwin Charles Brown,
and Maids' Uni- of the Administrator. Time) in Room 5044 Commerce Building, Secretary.
of the applicable
(P R. Doc. 41-6744: Piled. September Fourteenth Street and Constitution Ave-
) ; September 8, 8. 1941; (P. R. Doc. 41-6719; Piled, September 8. 1941;
11:47 a. m.] nue, Northwest, Washington, D. C. 9:22 a. m.]
taring Company,
No. 176—4
ue. South Bend,
4648 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 9, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 9, 1941 4W9
FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COM- suant to section 11 (e) of the Holding The applicants have filed revised solici- Eicher and Commissioner Pike not period other than such 120 days; and
MISSION. Company Act should be amended in order tation material which is satisfactory. partioipating. that pursuant to Rule X-13A-1 the an-
(Docket No. IT-5685)
to conform, in our judgment, to tiie We nowfind that the plan as amended [seal] Orval L. DitBois, nual report must be filed within this
(Pile No. 70-380]
In the Matter of Iowa Union Electsic standards of the Act. Amendments con- the provisions Recording Secretary. initial period unless the registrant files
Is necessary to effectuate
Company In the Matter of Community Traction forming to the requirements set forth in with the Commission a request for an
« of subsection (b) of section 11 of the Act [F. R. Doc. 41-6715; Piled, September 6, 1941;
Company and Cities Service Power the opinion have since been made. extension of time to a specifled date
order postponing hearing and is fair and equitable to the persons 11:32 a. m]
k Light Company In view of the extended discussion in within six montiis after the close of the
affected thereby, and, that the transac-
September 5, 1941. our opinion no comprehensive descrip- fiscal year; and
ORDER permitting DECLARATIONS TO BECOME tions contemplated by the plan as
It appearing to the Commission that: EFFECTIVE tion of the changes made is necessary
amended comply with the applicable [PUeNo. 1-1800) It further appearing to the Commis-
Good cause has been shown for the here. A few comments seem called for.
At a regular session of the Securities sections of the Act and the rules and In the Matter of Proceeding Under Sec- sion:
postponement of the hearing in this For the purpose of meeting the views regulations promulgated thereunder;
and Exchange Commission, held at its which we expressed in our opinion under tion 19 (a) (2) OF the Securities Ex- That said Mayflower-Old Colony Cop-
The Commission orders that: office in the City of Washington, D. C the caption "G. Accounting Entries", the
subject, however, to the conditions
reservations hereinafter expressed.
and change Act of 1934, as Amended, to De- per Company has a fiscal year ending De-
on the 5th day of September, A. D. 1941. revised balance sheet filed pursuant to termine Whether the Registration of cember 31; that the annual report for its
The hearing in this proceeding hereto-
U therefore ordered. That the plan
fore set for September 9, 1941, be and it
The above-named persons having filed the opinion sets up as a valuation reserve,
is Mayflower-Old Colony Copper Com- fiscal year ended December 31, 1940 was
declarations pursuant to the Public Util- as amended be and hereby is approved pany Capital Stock, $25 Par Value,
is hereby postponed to commence Oc- on the asset side, an item in the amount due to be filed not later than April 30,
ity Holding Company Act of 1935, par- pursuant to section 11 (e) of the Act, Should be Suspended or Withdrawn
tober 9, 1941, at 9:45 a. m., in the Hear- of $1,358,023, and the balance of the 1941; that the extensions of time re-
ticularly sections 12 (c) and 12 (f) and. that the application as amended be
ing Room of the Federal Power Com- amount referred to in our opinion as "Re- order for hearing and designating officer quested by the registrant have expired;
thereof, and Rules U-42 and U-43 pro- serve Available for Revaluation of In-
and hereby is granted; subject, however, and that no annual report for the flscal
mission, Hurley-Wright Building, 1800 to take testimony
mulgated thereunder, regarding the ac- to the following conditions and reserva-
Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, vestments" Is reflected in the revised bal- year ended December 31, 1940 has been
quisition by Community Traction Com- ance sheet as Capital Surplus in the tions: , At a regular session of the Securities flled; and
D. C.
pany of not to exceed $2,700,000 principal amount of $464,258. This treatment The conditions prescribed by and Exchange Commission held at its
By the Commission. (a)
office in the City of Washington, D. C,
amount of such Company's First Mort- gives effect in substance to the require- Rule U-24.
[SEAL] Leon M. Puquay, gage Bonds from Cities Service Power & on the 4th day of September, A. D. 1941. The Commission having reasonable
ments which our opinion made in this (b> shall not be submitted
The plan cause to believe:
Light Company; and regard, and the reservation of jurisdic- stockholders until a further
to the
September Said declarations having been filed on tion which we stated in the opinion would That said Mayflower-Old Colony Cop-
IP. R. Doc. 41-6706: Piled, 6, 1941; amendment shall have been filed with us
9:35 a. m.l August 13, 1941 and notice of said filing be applicable with regard to any balance
It appearing to the Commission: per Company has failed to comply with
containing a pro forma balance sheet as
having been duly given in the form and remaining in the "Reserve Available for That Mayflower-Old Colony Copper said Section 13 and said Rules X-13A-1
revised following conference with our
manner prescribed by Rule U-23 promul- Revaluation of Investments" will be ap- staff and three days shall have elapsed Company, a corporation organized under and X-13A-2 in that it has failed to file
gated pursuant to said Act and the Com- plicable with regard to such item of capi- without our having notified the appli- the laws of the State of Michigan, is the its annual report on Form 10-K for the
FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY. mission not having received a request for tal surplus. However, losses resulting cants that such revised balance sheet is issuer of Capital Stock, $25 Par Value; fiscal year ended December 31. 1940
a hearing with respect to said applica- upon sales of assets are unsatisfactory. and within the time prescribed for fihng said
Social Security Board. ordinarily
tion within the period specified In said chargeable to earned surplus rather than That said Mayflower-Old Colony Cop- report; and
Resolution of the Social SEctmiTY notice, or otherwise, and not having or-
(CI No
fees or expenses incurred or
capital surplus. Here, if the reserve of to be incurred in connection with the per Company registered such security on III
Board With Respect to the Unem- dered a hearing thereon; and $1,358,023 proves insufficient and it Is es- the Boston Stock Exchange, a national
plan may be paid until thirty (30) days It being the opinion of the Commis-
ployment Compensation Law of the The Commission deeming it appropri- tablished that the losses were inherent securities exchange, by filing on or about
after a notification with
applicants file sion that the hearing herein ordered to
State of Minnesota ate in the public interest and In the at the time of the reorganization they June 12, 1935, an application on Form
this Commission as to the proposed be held is necessary and prop>er in the
and interest of investors and consumers to may. with our approval, be charged 10 with the said Exchange and with the
Whereas after reasonable notice amount of such fees and expenses, with a public interest and to aid in the enforce-
permit said declarations pursuant to against the capital surplus item of Commission, pursuant to section 12 (b)
opportunity for hearing was provided
' on detailed statement as to the services and ment of the provisions of the Securities
Rules U-42 and U-43 to become effective $464,258. We think the balance sheet and (c) of the Securities Exchange Act
the fourth day of August, 1941. to the expenses for which any such amounts Exchange Act of 1934, as amended;
and that the date thereof should be ad- should carry a footnote to indicate the of 1934, as amended, and pursuant to
Division of Employment and Security in are to be paid. Similar statements shall It is ordered. Pursuant to section 19
vanced; somewhat peculiar nature of the capital Rule X-12B-1, as amended, promulgated
the Department of Social Security of the be filed as to all such fees and expenses (a) (2) of said Act, that a public hear-
It is hereby ordered. Pursuant to said surplus item. We shall impose an appro-
State of Minnesota on the question of which have already been paid. Juris- by the Commission thereunder, which ing be held to determine whether May-
Rule U-23 and the applicable provisions priate condition accordingly. registration became effective July 13.
whether or not the unemployment com- diction is reserved as to all fees and ex- flower-Old Colony Copper Company has
of said Act and subject to the terms and
pensation law of the State of Minnesota It will be observed that the aggregate penses, and further hearings thereon 1935, and has remained in effect to and failed to comply with section 13 of the
conditions prescribed In Rule U-24 that of the valuation reserve and the item of
as amended by chapter 554. Minnesota may be required prior to approval of pay- including the date hereof; and Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
the aforesaid declarations be and hereby capital surplus is $1,822,281, instead of
laws of 1941. no longer contains the pro- ment if such action is deemed by this further appearing to the Commis- amended, and the Rules, Regulations
are permitted to become effective forth- the figure of $1,780,810 mentioned in our
visions specified in sut)section (a) of sec-
Commission necessary or appropriate in sion: and Forms promulgated by the Commis-
tion 1602 of the Internal Revenue Code; opinion. This difference of $41,471 is the public interest or for the protection sion thereunder, in the respects set forth
By the Commission, Commissioner due to augmentation of the capital sur- That Rule X-13A-1, promulgated pur-
and of investors or consumers. above; and if so, whether it is necessary
Healy dissenting for reasons set forth in plus item by $56,820 by reason of the re- suant to section 13 of said Securities Ex-
Whereas the Board has considered the his memorandum of April 1, 1940. • d) No charges
shall be made to the or appropriate for the protection of in-
duction, in accordance with our opinion, change Act of 1934, as amended, did and vestors to suspend for a period not ex-
evidence adduced at said hearing and capital account which will be
[SEAL] Francis P. Brassor, of the amount of new common stock al- does require that an annual report for
such other evidence as was presented to created pursuant to the plan of reor- ceeding twelve months or to withdraw
Secretary. located to Ogden Corporation under the each issuer of a security registered on a
the Board by the State, ganization unless notice be given to this the registration of the Capital Stock, $25
R. Doc. 41-6714; Piled, September
plan, and, to diminution of such item by national securities exchange shall be filed Par Value, of said Mayflower-Old Colony
Now, therefore, upon the basis of such |P. 6, 1941; Commission thirty (30) days prior to the
evidence the Social Security Board 11:32 a. m.) $15,349 because of an increase in that making of such charge. on the appropriate form prescribed there- Copper Company on said Boston Stock
In the event
hereby finds that the unemployment
amoimt In the earned surplus deficit of Commission
for; and Exchange;
that tl«e shall notify Derby
compensation law of the State of Minne- Derby between July 31, 1940 and May 31, That Rule X-13A-2, promulgated pur- It is further ordered, Pursuant to the
(or the reorganized corporation) within
sota as amended by said chapter 554 of
[PUeNo. 54-271 1941. such thirty (30) days to show cause why suant to section 13 of the Securities Ex- provisions of section 21 (b) of the Secur-
the Minnesota laws of 1941, has not been In the Matter of Derby Gas & Electric
The application as now amended esti- such charge should not be disapproved, change Act of 1934, as amended, did and ities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,
mates total fees and expenses at $156,037 does prescribe Form 10-K as the annual that for the purpose of such hearing.
so changed that it no longer contains the Corporation and Ogden Corporation the charge in question shall not be made
instead of the figure of $131,795 men- unless and until expressly authorized by report form to be used for the annual Frank Kopelman, an officer of the Com-
provisions specified In subsection (a) of
sttpplemental findings and opinion and tioned in our opinion. However, the reports of all corporations except those
section 1602 of the Internal Revenue order of the Commission, and jurisdiction mission, hereby designated to admin-
order of the commission question of fees and expenses is one of for which another form is specified, and ister oaths and affirmations, subpoena
Code. is hereby reserved accordingly.
At a regular session of the Securities the matters as to which we will reserve that no other form was or is specifled for witnesses, compel their attendance, take
By direction of the Social Security (e) Jurisdiction is reserved to enter-
and Exchange Commission, held at its jurisdiction. use by the said Mayflower-Old Colony testimony and require the production of
Board. tain such further proceedings, to make
office in the City of Washington, D. C, With regard to the acquisition by Copper Company; and any books, paF>ers, correspondence,
Leona V. MacKinnon, such other findings and to take such
on the 4th day of September, A. D. 1941. Ogden Corporation of the 84.000 shares That said Rule X-13A-1 requires that memoranda or other records, deemed
Acting Secretary to the Board. other action as may be appropriate in
In our findings and opinion herein we * of new common stock of Derby Gas t said annual report be filed not more than relevant or material to the inquiry, and
the premises in connection with the plan
Dated: August 5, 1941. pointed out certain respects in which the Electric Corporation which it Is to re- 120 days after the close of each flscal to perform all other duties in connection
or the various steps required to execute
plan for corporate simplification filed by ceive under the plan, subject to our reser- year or such other period as may be pre- therewith outhorized by law;
|P. R. Doc. 41-6710; PUed. September 6, 1941; the plan.
Derby Gas & Electric Corporation pur- vation of jurisdiction as to fees and ex- scribed in the instruction book applicable It is further ordered. That the taking
10:28 a. m.]
penses, we find that the standards of By the Commission (Commissioners to the particular form; that the instruc- of testimony in this hearing begin on the
•6PJ1.3754. • Holding Ck)mpany Act Release No. 2876. Section 10 are complied with. Healy. Purcell and Burke), Chairman tions to Form 10-K do not prescribe any 19th day of September, at 10:00 A. M. at
4650 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 9, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 9, 1941 4651

demand note indebtedness and inter- and with respect to the application filed entitled companies regarding the merger
the Regional OfiBce of the Securities and such request to withdraw being based Pipe Line Company on August 20. 1941 all

est thereon due American Gas and

Pow- pursuant to section 6 (b) that said appli- thereof; and prior thereto, on May 31.
Exchange Commission, Room 426, Kiaw- on the grounds that the subsequent (notice regarding such filing subject to
Company by Bangor Gas Light Com- cation should be granted, the applicable 1941. the Commission having entered an
mut Bank Building, 82 Devonshire Street, events and the promulgation of Rule Rule U-23 having been issued by the Com- er
pany and Penobscot Valley Gas Cor- requirements of said section 6 (b) ap- order in In the Matter of The Minneapo-
Boston, Massachusetts, and continue U-7 under the Act eliminated the re- mission on the 29th day of August, 1941,
poration (at June 30, 1941—$222,000 face pearing to have been met, and finding lis General Electric Company, File No.
thereafter at such time and place as the quirement of filing the beforementloned Holding Company Act Release No. 2973),
amount of demand notes plus $42,715 with respect to said application under 70-318. permitting to become effective
oflBcer hereinbefore designated may de- applications; and relating to an agreement made between i

accrued interest;) section 10 of said Act that no adverse under section 7 of the Public Utility Hold-
termine. It is ordered, That consent to with- these two companies dated July 30, 1941,
(d) The appropriation by Bangor Gas findings are necessary under section ing Company Act of 1935 the declaration
By the Commission. draw the applications and amendment which provided among other things for
Company of the aggregate of the items 10 (b) and section 10 (c) (1) of said Act of the Minneapolis General Electric
(SKALl Francis P. Brassor. thereto filed by Panhandle Eastern Pipe an extension to and Including January 1
cancelled and donated by American Gas and that the transaction involved has the Company regarding the sale with re-
Secretary. Line Company pursuant to sections 2 (a) 1942, of the time within which any shares
and Power Company, being the stated tendency required by section 10 (c) (2) course to the Electric Home and Farm,
(4) and 3 (a) (3) of the Act, bearing of the Class A Preferred Stock of Pan-
(F. R. Doc. 41-6716: Piled, September 1941; value of the Penobscot Valley Gas Cor- of said Act. and being satisfied that the Authority of certain conditional sales
File No. 31-108, be and the same hereby handle Eastern Pipe Line Company
11:33 a. m.] poration Common Stock, mentioned in effective date of such declarations, as contracts which may be acquired by The
is granted; and owned by Columbia Oil li
subparagraph (b) above, and the inter- amended, and the date of granting such Minneapolis General Electric Company
It is further ordered. That consent to Gasoline Corporation and held of record
company debt mentioned In subpara- applications, as amended, should be in connection with the sale of appliances,
withdraw the application and amend- by Gano Dunn, Trustee, may be re- in an amount not to exceed $150,000 out-
[PUe N06. 31-109. 31-493. 31-108 ments thereto by Columbia Oil k
filed deemed by Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line graph (c) above, to its reserve for prop- advanced;
erty, retirement and replacements; It is hereby ordered, Pursuant to said standing at any time; the discount note
In the Matter or Gasoline Corporation pursuant to sec- Company without payment of a premium
tion 3 (a) (3) of the Act, bearing File of $10 per share in consideration of the (e) The by Bangor Gas Com-
sale, Rule U-23 and the applicable provisions to be equal to the carrying charges pre-
Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Compant Fund So- of said Act and subject to the terms and scribed by the said Electric Home and
No. 31-106, be and the same hereby is waiver by Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line pany to Wilmington Savings
(PUe Nob. 31-107, 31-lOfll ciety. Wilmington. Delaware, on Octo- conditions prescribed in Rule U-24 that Farm Authority;
granted. Company of its right to redeem out of
Columbia Oil k Oasoune Corporation earnings, or by refunding or otherwise, ber 1. 1941 of $300,000 principal amount the aforesaid declarations, as amended, An amendment having been filed herein
By the Commission.
Bangor Gas Company. First Mort- be and hereby are permitted to become on September 4, 1941, stating that the
(Pile N06. 31-432 and 31-423) ORVAL L. DuBoIS, on or before October 1, 1941, any of such
[SKALl gage 4' Sinking Fund Bonds, Series Due
' effective and that the aforesaid applica- above mentioned merger became effective
Columbia Gas k Electric Corporation Recording Secretary. 1971. at par; tions, as amended, be and hereby are on August 29. 1941, and that pursuant to
Both companies request that the Com- (f The payment by Bangor Gas Com- granted forthwith. said order of July 22, 1941 and by virtue
order consenting to withdrawal op |P. R. Doc. 41-6717: Filed. 6. 1941:
11:32 a. m.) mission accelerate Its order so that such pany, on October 1, 1941 of $300,000 By the Commission, Commissioner of said statutory merger all the estate,
applications or declarations (or both) as principal a<nount of Bangor Gas Light Healy dissenting for the reasons set forth property, rights, privileges, franchises and
At a regular session of the Securities amended be granted or become effective Company First Mortgage 5'c Bonds in his memorandum of April 1, 1940. contracts of The Minneapolis General
and Exchange Commission, held at its (Pile No. 70-388) not later than September 15, 1941. which mature October 1, 1941; [seal] Orval L. Du Bois, Electric Company are now vested in and
oflBce in the City of Washington. D. C, on Columbia Oil li Gasoline Corporation Recording Secretary. held and enjoyed by Northern States
In the Matter or Panhandle Eastern Said declarations and applications
the 4th day of September. A. D. 1941. designates Sections 9 and 10 of the Act Power Company (Minnesota) and it
having been filed on August 13. 1941 and

Pipe Line Company (P. R. Doc. 41-6738; Piled. September 8, 1941;

Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Com- as applicable to the proposed transaction. 11:26 m.) having been requested in said amendment
an amendment thereto having been filed a.
pany and its wholly-owned subsidiary supplemental notice regarding filing By the Commission. that Northern States Power Company
on September 6. 1941. and notice of said
company. Panhandle Illinois Pipe Line [SEALl ORVAL L. DuBOIS. (Minnesota) be permitted to sell certain
At a regular session of the Securities filing having been duly given in the form
Company, having filed, on November 30, Recording Secretary. (Pile No. 70-53) conditional sales contracts, subject to the
and Exchange Commission, held at its and manner prescribed by Rule U-23
1935. an application pursuant to sections terms and conditions in said order of May
oflBce in the City of Washington, D. C, on [P. R. Doc. 41-6718: Piled. September 6, 1941; promulgated pursuant to said Act, and In the Matter or Northern States
2 (a) (4) and 3 (a) (3) of the Act for 11:33 a. m.) 31, 1941.
the 6th day of September, A. D. 1941. the Commission not having received a Power Company (Minnesota), The
an order or orders declaring each of them It is hereby ordered, Pursuant to the
Notice is hereby given that an applica- request for a hearing with respect to Minneapolis General Electric Com-
not to be gas utility companies and for applicable provision of the Public Utility
tion or declaration (or both) together said declarations and applications within pany, St. Croix Falls Minnesota Im-
an order exempting Panhandle Eastern (Pile No. 70-881] ' Holding Company Act of 1935 and subject
Pipe Line Company, as a holding com-
with an amendment thereto has been the period specified in said notice or provement Company, and Minnesota
otherwise and not having ordered a hear- to the terms and conditions prescribed in
filed with this Commission pursuant to In the Matter or Bangor Gas Light Com- Brush Company
pany, and every subsidiary company Rule U-24 promulgated thereunder that
the Public Utility Holding Company Act ing thereon; and
thereof as such, from the provisions of
of 1935 by Columbia Oil k Gasoline Cor-
pany, Pe.nobscot Valley Gas Corpora-
tion, AND American Gas and Power The above named parties having re-
supplemental order approving — the request in said amendment of Sep-
the Act; and thereafter, on March 2, amendment tember 4, 1941 be and hereby is granted
poration which Joined in an application Company quested that said declarations and appli-
1937, Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Com- and approved, subject, however, to the
pany having filed an amendment to its heretofore filed by the above-named cations, as amended, become effective At a regular session of the Securities
party; and
order granting appucations and per-
and Exchange Commission held at its
terms and conditions of said order of May
application, filed pursuant to section 3 and be granted at the earliest practicable
mitting declarations to become effec- 31, 1941.
Notice is further given that any in- date; and the City of Washington, D. C, on
office in
(a) (3) of the Act, in substitution of its tive By the Commission.
terested person may. not later than Sep- The Commission deeming appropri-
it the 8th day of September. A. D. 1941.
previous application; and subsequently,
tember 10. 1941. at 4:45 P. M., E. S. T., At a regular session of the Securities ate in the public interest and in the in- The Commission having on Jlily 22. [seal] Francis P. Brassor,
on February 1, 1941, it having requested
request the Commission in writing that and Exchange Commission, held at Its terest of investors and consumers to per- 1941, issued an order herein, subject to Secretary.
an order consenting to the withdrawal
a hearing be held on such matter, stating office in the City of Washington. D. C, mit the said declarations pursuant to the terms and conditions therein stated, September
of its substituted amended application [P. R. Doc. 41-6737: Filed. 8, 1941;
the reason for such request and the na- on the 6th day of September. A. D. 1941. Rules U-43 and U-45 to become effective. granting the applications of the above 11:26 a. m.]
filed pursuant to section 3 (a) (3) of the
ture of his interest, or may request that Bangor Gas Light Company and
Act, and it having requested, on August
13. 1941. an order consenting to the with-
he be notified if the Commission should Penobscot Valley Gas Corporation and
order a hearing thereon. At any time their parent company. American Gas
drawal of its application filed pursuant
to section 2 (a) (4) of the Act. such re-
thereafter such application or declara- and Power Company, a registered hold-
tion, as filed or as amended, may become ing company, having filed Joint declara-
quests to withdraw being based on the
effective or may be granted, as provided tions and applications pursuant to the
grounds that the subsequent events and
the promulgation of Rule U-7 under the
in Rule U-23 of the Rules and Regula- Public Utility Holding Company Act of
tions promulgated pursuant to said Act, 1935, (particularly sections 12, 6 (b) andj
Act eliminated the requirement of filing
or the Commission may exempt such 10 thereof), and Rules U-23, U-43 and
the beforementloned applications; and
transaction as provided in Rule U-20 U-45 promulgated thereunder as to the
Columbia Oil k Gasoline Corjaoration,
and Rule U-100 thereof. Any such re- following
on November 30. 1935. having filed an
quest should be addressed: Secretary. Se-
application pursuant to sections 3 (a) (a) The merger of Penobscot Valley
curities and Exchange Commission,
(3) and 3 (a) (5) of the Act and Rule Gas Corporation into Bangor Gas Light
Washington, D. C.
U-3 (a) (1) promulgated thereunder for Company, and the change of name of
All interested persons are referred to
an order exempting it. as a holding com- Bangor Gas Light Company to Bancor
said application or declaration which is
pany, and every subsidiary company Gas Company;
thereof, as such, from the provisions of
on file in the office of said Commission (b) The donation by American Gas
for a statement of the transaction
the Act; and thereafter, it having filed and Power Company to Bangor Gas Light
therein proposed, which is summarized as
two amendments, each in substitution
of the previous application, requesting
follows: — Company
of 2,000 shares (100%) of the
Stock of Penobscot Valley Gas
the same relief; and on August 11, 1941, Columbia Oil k Gasoline Corporation Corporation
it having requested an order consenting Joined in the application or declaration (c) The and donation by
to the withdrawal of its application, and (or both) filed by Panhandle Eastern American Gas and Power Company of

..ot ,,J.

VOLUME 6 ^/.'^^^ C^ NUMBER 176

Washington^ Wednesday, September 10, 1941

Rules, Regulations, Orders IB.E.P.Q. 503 Third revision 1 CONTENTS

Part 301 Domestic Quarantine Notices RULES, REGULATIONS, ORDERS
white-fringed beetle adbunistrative
TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE Title 7 ^Agriculture:
instructions modified
Bureau of Entomology and Plant
CHAPTER in— BUREAU OF ENTO- Introductory Note Quarantine:
MOLOGY AND PLANT QUARAN- Domestic quarantine notices,
TINE Effective September 11, 1941.
Instructions as to various methods of Japanese beetle 4653
treatment of plants in pots, or in soil White-fringed beetle 4653
Part 301 Domestic Quarantine Notices balls, and of potting soil, as previously
Title 10 Army: War Department:
authorized in Circulars B.EP.Q. 486, 489, Military Reservations and Na-
administrative instructions modifying and 503. are brought together in the tional Cemeteries:
the restrictions of the japanese present revision of this circular. In ad-
beetle quarantine by advancing the
Contracts for temporary ex-
dition, the instructions as to treatment change buildings 4655
date of termination of restrictions on of balled nursery stock by methyl Organized Reserves:
fruit and vegetable shipments under bromide solution as specified in para- Officers' Reserve Corps, age
s 301.48 of the japanese beetle quar-
graph (ii) of subsection (b) are some- and citizenship require-
antine to september 8 for the year what modified as to treatments within
ments 4655
the regulated areas other than New Or- Title 25 Indians:
Effective September 8, 1941. leans and vicinity. All treatments apply
Office of Indian Affairs:
has been determined that the active to both species of white-fringed beetles,
It Grazing regulations, fees for
{>er]Od of the Japanese beetle in its re- Pantomorus leucoloma Boh. and P. execution of grazing per-
lation to fruits and vegetables has al- peregrinus Buch., and are uniformly ap- mits 4655
ready ceased for the present season and plicable to all regulated areas except the
Title 30 Mineral Resources:
that it is therefore safe to permit the methyl bromide solution treatment of
Bituminous Coal Division
unrestricted movement of fruits and balled nursery stock, the specifications
Minimum price schedules,
vegetables from the regulated areas. of which vary for the New Orleans area
Therefore, pursuant to the authority because of the type of soil in that lo- 4655
District No. 9
conferred upon the Chief of the Bureau cality. This circular supersedes all
District No. 16 4656
of Entomology and Plant Quarantine by instructions in Circulars B.E.P.Q. 486.
Title 41 Public Contracts:
the fourth proviso of § 301.48. Chapter and 489, and previous Issue of 503.
Division of Public Contracts:
ni, Title 7, Code of Federal Regulations {301.72-5C' Administrative iJistruc- Tag industry, minimum wage
(Notice of Quarantine No. 48 on account tions; treatments authorized. Pursuant determination, amend-
of the Japanese beetle], it is ordered that to the authority conferred upon the Chief ment 4656
the restrictions on the interstate move- of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant
Quarantine by paragraph of
ment of fruits and vegetables imposed (a)
by J 301.48-5 of Notice of Quarantine No. J 301.72-5. Chapter ni, Title 7, Code of Department of Agriculture:
48. revised effective February 12, 1941.' Federal Regulations [Regulation 5 of Agricultural Marketing Service:
be removed effective on and after Sep- Notice of Quarantine No. 72 on account Perishable Agricultural Com-
tember 8. 1941. This order advances the of the white-fringed beetle], the follow- modities Act, 1930, discip-
ing methods of treatment for plants in linary proceedings, etc 4657
termination of the restrictions as to
pots, or with soil balls, and potted soil, Rural Electrification Adminis-
fruits and vegetables provided for in
are hereby authorized effective Septem- tration :

} from October 16 to September

ber 11, 1941, when carried out under the Allocation of fvmds for loans. 4657
8. 1941. and applies to this season only.
supervision of an authorized Inspector Department of the Interior:
Done at Washington, D. C, this 6th of the United States Department of Bituminous Coal Division:
\ Of September 1941. Agriculture. Beech Grove Coal Co., relief
iSEALl P. N. Ann AND, (a) Plants in pots or in soil balls — (1) denied 4657
Chief. Methyl bromide fumigation at atmos- Complaints permitted to be
pheric pressures, (i) Fumigation must be amended: «'!
IF. R. Doc. 41-6763: Filed. 8eptemb«i 8, 1941;
11:10 done with methyl bromide at a dosage of Davis & Davis 4657
a. m.J
Owl Coal Co 4657
• 6 P Jl. 909. •Superseding i{801.73-5a and b. (Continued on next page)
\if FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 10, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wedneaday, September 10, 1941 4655

dosage of 4 pounds of methyl bromide be applied to soil balls not greater than
Disclaimer. There has been op-
*^^ per 1,000 cubic feet of chamber space,
including the space occupied by the com-
8 Inches In diameter nor greater than 8
inches in thickness when not spherical.
portunity to test these treatments on
only relatively few varieties of plants and
Part 61
Ofticers' Riser vi Corps*
FEDERA^REGISTER modity, with an exposure of iMz hours,
the vacuum to be maintained throughout
After the required dosage has been ap-
plied, the soil balls shall remain embed-
in authorizing the movement of potted
plants, nursery stock, or potting soil S 61.1 Age and citizenship require-
\. "•*• f^ fumigated according to the requirements ments.
the entire period. ded in the sand for a period of 6 hours.
The temperature of the soil balls during stated above. It is understood that no • • • • •
(11) The temperature of the soil balls
the treatment shall not be lower than UabilKy shall attach either to the United
Published dally, except Sundays. Mondays, shall be 75° F. or above, and the diameter (b) • • •
62"" States Department of Agriculture or to No appointments in Military In-
and days following legal holidays by the of the soil balls shall be not greater than F. (4)
Division of the Federal Register. The National
Archives, pursuant to the authority con-
11 inches if spherical, or thicker than (b) Potting soil —
(1) Carbon disul-
any of its employees in the event of
injury to either plants or operators.
telligence are made in the grade of ,

tained In the Federal Register Act. approved

July ae. 1935 (49 Stat. 500). under regula-
11 inches if not spherical.
(ill) The fumigant-air mixture shall
phide fumigation, (i) Potting soil shall
be treated in a container with carbon di-
'd) Caution — (1) Methyl bromide.

Methyl bromide is a gas at ordinary tem-

tions prescribed by the Administrative Com- be circulated in the fumigation chamber sulphide at a dosage of 2 pounds per
mittee, approved by the President. peratures. It is colorless and practically • • •
by means of a fan the first 15 minutes cubic yard of soil for a period of 48 hours. (c)
The Administrative Committee consists o! odoriess in concentrations used for fumi-
of the exposure period to mix the vapor- (ii) The grade of carbon disulphide
the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an officer gation of plants or potting soil. It is a
of the Department of Justice designated by ized fumigant thoroughly with the air shall be comparable to U. S. P. grade
the Attorney General, and the Public Printer poison and the operators should use ap-
in the chamber and bring it in contact having a specific gravity of 1.25 at 68° P.
or Acting Public Printer. with the surface of the soil balls. The (iii) The container shall be tight, pref-
proved gas masks when exposed to the
The dally Issue of the Federai. Rcgister gas in concentrations used in fumigation,
will be furnished by mall to subscribers, free
soil balls shall be washed with one or erably lined with sheet metal, and shall
of postage, for $1.26 per month or lia.SO per more changes of air at the e«id of the have a tight cover or be covered with a cr while preparing the solution. The ,

year; single copies 10 cents each; payable In plants in the fumigation chamber should
exposure period. tarpaulin immediately after the fumi-
advance. Remit money order payable to the be well aerated by blowing air through
(iv) A standard vacuum fumigation gant is applied. The container shall not
Superintendent of Etocuments directly to the them, and the room adequately ventilated
Government Printing Office, Washington. D. C. chamber which can be closed tight and be more than 36 inches deep.
will withstand an external pressure of at before it is entered. After fumigating
(iv) The soil shall be friable, and wet
least one atmosphere Is required. A the potting soil by methyl bromide the
soil shall not be treated by this method.
vacuum pump cover should be removed and the soil al-
CONTENTS—Continued of suflBcient capacity to The fumigant shall be applied to the soil
reduce the pressure within the vacuum lowed to become aerated.
in holes 3 Inches deep, the dosage to be
Securities and Exchange Commis- chamber to the equivalent of 3 Inches of evenly divided among holes 1 foot apart
(2) Carbon di-
Carbon disulphide.
sion: mercury (a 27-inch vacuum at sea level) sulphide a blood poison, but poisoning
over the surface of the soil, and the
Applications Hied, etc.: ?*«• by this chemical is rare. Exposure to
in not more than 20 minutes is necessary. fumigant shall be covered with soil as
American Utilities Service (3) Methyl bromide solution — (i)
soon as it is applied.
the vapor may cause giddiness and head-
Corp., et al 4659 Treatment method. (Applicable to all ache. When these symptoms develop,
(V) The temperature of the soil shall
Cambridge Electric Ught Co_ 4658 regulated areas). the individual should get into the open
not be lower than 40° F. during the en-
Applications granted, etc.: ai^.
(a) The around the roots of
soil balls tire time of treatment.
American Utilities Service
Done at Washington, D. C.
plants must be buried in sand and plunged (vi) The condition of the soil and the
this 4th
Corp.. et al 4659
in boxes or trays which are watertight apparatus used and the method of appli- day of September, 1941.
Hamilton Mfg. Co.. etc__ 4660
and approximately 1 foot deep. cation of the fumigant must meet with IsEALl P. N. Annand,
Kaufman. Charles A.. Co., Ltd..
(b) A 2 -inch space filled with sand the approval of the authorized inspector
hearing postponed 4658 Chief.
shall be provided between the soil balls, of the United States Department of Ag-
Keyes Fibre Co.. hearing 4658 |F, R Doc. 41-8764; Filed, September 9. 1941;
also above and beneath them. riculture.
War Department: (c) Such soil balls shall be treated
11:10 a. m.]
i Louisiana, induction of National (2) Methyl bromide fumigation. (I)
with a solution of methyl bromide and Potting soil must be treated in a con-
Guard unit 4656
alcohol at a concentration of 0.3 j)ercent
tainer with methyl bromide in a dosage
methyl bromide and 0.6 percent dena- TITLE 10— ARMY: WAR DEPARTMENT
of 40 cubic centimeters of methyl bro-
pound per 1.000 cubic feet, including tured ethyl alcohol by volume in water.
1 mide per cubic yard of soil for a period of
the space occupied by the plants, for a The solution is to be prepared by first 48 hours.
period of 4 hours, tht soil masses and the mixing the methyl bromide and alcohol
(ii) The sides, bottom, and seams of
air in the fumigation chamber to be at a together and then adding this mixture TERIES
the container shall be tight, preferably
temperature of not less than 85" F. to the water and mixing thoroughly.
lined with sheet metal, and shall have a Part 54 Exchanges*
(li) Such fumigation shall apply only
(d) The aqueous solution of methyl
tight cover or be covered with a tarpaulin
to those plants in 3-inch pots or smaller, bromide and alcohol shall then be applied ! 54.11 Contracts.
immediately after the fumigant is ap-
or in soil balls not greater than 3 Inches evenly over the surface of the sand • • • • •
in diameter when spherical or thicker around the plants at the rate of 40 gal- Contracts for the erection of tem-
lons per 100 square feet of surface area The condition of the soil and the
than 3 inches If not spherical, and the porary exchange buildings will contain
by means of a sprinkling can or sprayer. apparatus used and the method of appli-
plants shall be stacked on racks so that a statement that the proposed construc-
cation of the fumigant must meet the
the gas mixture can have access to all (ii) Type of material, exposure, and tion is a post exchange transaction and
approval of an authorized inspector of
sides of the pots or the soil balls. temperature, (a) In Orleans Parish, in- that the post exchange alone is responsi-
the United States Department of Agri-
(ill) The fumigation shall be done In cluding the city of New Orleans. Saint ble for the debt, and not the Govern-
a tight chamber with gas-tight doors. Bernard Parish, and regulated parts of ment.
(3) Heat treatmevft. (1) Live steam,
After the chamber is loaded and
(iv) Jefferson and Plaquemines Parishes, La., <g) When applicable, contracts for the
under pressure of 80 pounds or more per erection of temporary buildings will con-
closed, the appropriate amount of methyl the treatment shall be applied only to
square inch, shall be applied through a tain a statement that Immediately upon
bromide shall be volatilized therein, and plants in soil balls not greater than 7
grid of perforated pipes at the bottom
the air-gas mixture shall be circulated by inches in diameter, nor greater than 7 completion of the building, title thereto
of the sterlizing box or truck body con-
means of a fan or blower throughout the inches in thickness when not spherical. passes to the post exchange. (R.S. 161;
taining the soil, for a period of 45 min- 5 use. 22) [Par. 33f and g, AR
entire 4-hour fumigation period. After the required dosage has been ap- 210-65,
remain embed- utes or until parts of the load reach
all July 1, 1941, as added in Cir. 182, WX>.,
(V) The use of a fumigation chamber, plied, the soil balls shall
ded in the sand for a period of 8 hours. a temperature of 200° F. Aug. 28, 1941]
lined with sheet metal throughout and
of the soil balls during (li) The grids shall be constructed of
with a metal -covered door closing against The temperature [SEAL] E. S. Adams.
gaskets and held tightly in place by re- the treatment shall not be lower than 1-lnch pipes, perforated with holes ';<2 Major General,
frigerator door fasteners, is recom- 65' P. inch In diameter on the upper side and The Adjutant General.
mended. (b) In all regulated areas other than connecting at one end to a manifold into
which the steam is Introduced. IF. R. Doc. 41-6754; Filed, September 0, 1941i
(2) Methyl bromide fumigation under Orleans Parish, including the City of
10:16 a. m.]
New Orleans, Saint Bernard Parish, and (ill) The layer of soil in the sterlizing
partial vacuum. (1) Fumigation under
partialvacuum equivalent to at least 24.5 regulated parts of Jefferson and Plaque- box shall not be more than 2 feet, f ' I 54.11 (f) and (g) Is added.
Inches of mercury must be done with a mines Parishes, La., the treatment shall inches deep.
4656 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 10, 1941 4 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 10, 1941 4657

of the Interstate character of the indus-

bers of the National Guard of the United mon Mine of the Owl Coal Company is of 1937, requesting a reduction of 15
The Director having macle Findings of TION or SIZE CROUP 12 XH THI PRICK States Into the active military service $2.20 per ton; that, therefore, said 21.-
SCHEDULE FOR DISTRICT 16 try, that the prevailing minimum wage cents per ton in the minimum prices for
Pact and Conclusions of Law and having In the Industry had Increased to 40 cents of the United States, effective on dates 200 pounds of coal were sold and deliv- all coals for rail shipment produced at
rendered an Opinion in this matter, Apetition,pursuant to section 4 (d) n per hour by reason of the establishment to be announced In War Department ered by the Owl Coal Company in viola- the Beech Grove Mine (Mine Index No.
which are filed herewith; Bituminous Coal Act of 1937. hav- orders, October 1. 1941, Is hereby an- tion of the effective mlnlmiun price ap-
of the of 40 cents per hour as the minimum wage 11) of the Beech Grove Coal Company.
NOW. therefore, it is ordered. That the ing been filed with the Bituminous Coal required to be paid by tag manufacturers
nounced as the effective date of Induc- plicable thereto. Pursuant to an Order of the Director,
Schedule of Effective Minimum Prices for Division, by District Board No. 16, seek- subject to the provisions of the Pair Labor
tion for the following organization: 3. That during the period March 20, a public hearing having been held In
District No. 9 for All Shipments Except ing a change in the description of Size 1941 toMarch 31. 1941, Inclusive, the Owl
Standards Act of 1938 (Wage Order of the Unit State this matter before a duly designated ex-
Truck be and it hereby is amended as Group 12 in the Schedule of Effective Administrator, Wage and Hour Division, 122d Observation Squadron... Louisiana. Coal Company sold to various purchasers aminer of the Bituminous Coal Division
follows: Minimum Prices for District 16 for All 49,500 pounds of coal produced from Its at a hearing room of the Division in
U. S. Department of Labor, establishing Separate Instructions will be trans-
The lines in § 329.5 (Alphabetical Shipments, from iVs" x to ^4" x 0;
minimum wage rates in the Converted McCammon Mine at $1.80 per ton; that Washington. D. C. at which all Inter-
1. mitted for the troop movements to be
list of code members) in said schedule A hearing having been held before a Paper Products Industry, signed May 29. made following Induction.
said coals were prepared over a bar ested parties were afforded an oppor-
in which the name "Blue Grass Coal duly designated Examiner of the Bi- 1941. effective June 30. 1941. 6 FR. 2744) screen of such dimensions that the pre- tunity to be present, adduce evidence,
3. The Governor and the Adjutant
Products Corporation" appears are tuminous Coal Division at a hearing The notice of opportunity to show General of Louisiana are being furnished
pared coals were of such size or sizes as cross-examine witnesses and otherwise
room of the Division in Denver, are Included in Size Group No. 6; that
deleted; cause was sent to all known members of copies of this letter. (Sec. 111. 39 Stat.
be heard;
in § 329.5 (Alphabeti- Coloracio; the effective minimum prices for coals Temporary pending
2. The reference the industry, trade unions, trade publica- 211. Sec. 49. 41 Stat. 784; 32 U5.C. 81)
relief final dis^
members) in said schedule The parties to this proceeding having Notice Included In Size Group No. 6 produced position of the original petition having
cal of code
lint tions, and to trade associatipns. Dated: September 4. 1941.
to "^1 Waco" (Mine Index No. 88) is waived the preparation and filing of a was given to other interested parties by from the McCammon Mine of the Owl been denied by Order of the Director,
SEAL ] E. S. Adams, Coal Company is $2.20 per ton; that,
report by the Examiner, and the matter dated January 28. 1941 the preparation

changed to "Waco;" publication In the Federal Register (6 ;

Mine Index No. 81 thereupon having been submitted to the Major General, therefore, said 49.500 pounds of coal were and filing of a report by the examiner
3. All references to F.R. 3614). No objections to the pro-
The Adjutant General. sold and delivered by the Owl Coal Com- having l)een waived and the matter
In said schedule are deleted; undersigned; posed amendment were filed. One re-
4. Price Instructions 9 and 10 in said The Director having made Findings of sponse to the notice was received from I
p. R. Doc. 41-6752; Filed. September 9, 1941; pany in violation of the effective mini- thereupon having been submitted to the
Pact and Conclusions of Law In this 10:16 a. ml mum price applicable thereto. Director;
schedule are deleted: a member of the Industry expressing
matter, and having rendered an Opinion, 4. That the foregoing statement of The Director having made Findings of
5. The lines applying to Mine Index approval of the amendment.
facts shows that the Owl Coal Company Pact and Conclusions of Law. and having
Nos. 28. 40, 45. 60, 67. 76. 79. 80. and 81. which are filed herewith; Upon consideration of the foregoing
That § 336.4 (Size group DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. has violated the Bituminous Coal Code rendered an Opinion in this matter,
and the footnote thereto, appearing in It is ordered. and all of the facts and circumstances,
and § 329.7 (Spe- 336.5 (General prices; minimum and effective minimum prices established which are filed herewith;
S 329.6 (General prices) table). § I hereby determine: Bituminous Coal Division.
cial prices —
(b) Prices for river (free pieces, via rail transportation) and
202.22 Tag industry. The minimum (Docket No. 1732-FDl
thereunder. Now. therefore, it is ordered. That the
§ 336.21 (General prices) in the Sched- prayer for
and ex-river ship- S relief in the original petition
alongside deliveries) Dated: September 8. 1941.
schedule are deleted; ule of Effective Minimum Prices for Dis-
wage for employees engaged In the per- In the Matter of Owl Coal Company, of theBeech Grove Coal Company herein
ments) in said [SEAL] H. A. Gray.
Exception is in- 16 for All Shipments, be, and the formance of contracts with agencies of be and the same hereby is denied.
6. The following Price trict Defendant Director.
329.1 (Price in- same hereby are amended as follows: the United States, subject to the provi- Dated: September 6. 1941.
serted in said schedule. §
sions of the Act of June 30. 1936 <49 order granting leave to amend complaint |P. R. Doc. 41-6755; Piled, September
structions and exceptions) : The description of Size Group 12 shown 10:20
9. 1941;
(SEAL] H. A. Gray,
Stat. 2036; 41 U.S.C. Sup. Ill 35) for the a. m.|
In § 336.4 Is changed from "Slack .
The Bituminous Coal Producers' Board Director.
For sales to retail dealers in all market manufacture or supply of tags, shall be
shown IVb X 0" "Slack ^4 X 0;" and. as shown for District No. 11, complainant herein, |F. R. Doc. 41-6757; Piled.
areas, the minimum prices in this 40 cents an hour or $16.00 per week of September 9, 1941;
in §$ 336.5 and 336.21 Is changed from having filed its written motion, dated 10:20 a. m.j
schedule for Mine Index Nos. 28, 40, 45. forty hours, arrived at either upon a (Docket No. 1814-PDI
"IVg X 0" to "^i X 0." August 25. 1941. for leave to amend its
and 320 may be reduced
60, 78. 79, 80, 88. time or piece work basis. complaint dated May 6. 1941, by substi- In the Matter of Davis b Davis, De-
by 15 cents per ton in Size Groups 1. 2. Dated: September 6, 1941.
This determination shall be effective tuting In lieu of counts 1 and 2 of said fendant
and 3. and by 10 cents per ton in Size [siALl H. A. Gray. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE.
and the minimum wage hereby estab- complaint new counts 1. 2. 3 and 4. as ORDER granting LEAVE TO AMEND COMPLAINT
Groups 4, 5, and 6. Director.
lished shall apply to all such contracts set forth In said motion; and Agricultural Marketing Service.
|P. R. Doc. 41-6761; Piled September 9. 1941;
A true copy of said motion having been Bituminous Coal Producers' Board for
further ordered. That the Sched-
It is for which contracting agencies of the
10:22 a. m.| District 11 having heretofore filed an Delegation of Authority to Institute
ule of Effective Minimum Prices for Dis- United States have Initiated negotiations served upon the defendant herein on the
original complaint dated June 28. 1941, Disciplinary Proceedings Under the
;.. trict No. 9 for Truck Shipments be and or solicited bids, as the case may be, on 25th day of August 1941; and
No objection to the granting of said in the above entitled matter; and Perishable Agricultural Commodities
fit hereby is amended as follows: and after September 23, 1941.
Said Board having filed a motion dated Act, 1930
Nothing In this determination shall motion having been filed herein by the
1. The line in § 329.24 (General prices TITLE 41— PUBLIC CONTRACTS August 25. 1941, for leave to amend its
affect such obligations for the payment defendant or any other person; and Pursuant to the provisions of § 47.6
in cents per net ton for shipment into n—DIVISION OF PUBLIC
CHAPTER of minimum wages as an employer may It appearing to the Director desirable said complaint; of the Rules of Practice under the Per-
any market area) in said schedule in CONTRACTS to allow said motion; Now. therefore, it is ordered. That the
which the name "Blue Grass Coal Prod- have under the Pair Labor Standards ishable Agricultural Commodities Act
said motion dated August 25. 1941. for
Part 202— Minimum Wage Determina- Act of 1938 or any wage order there- therefore ordered. That leave be
It is (6 P.R. 3501, 3502). the authority to file
ucts Corporation" appears is deleted; leave to amend the original complaint
tions under, or imder any other law. or agree- and the same Is hereby granted to the formal complaints and other moving
2. The reference in $ 329.24 (General dated June 28. 1941. by substituting
ment, more favorable to employees than complainant herein to amend Its com- papers in disciplinary proceedings under
prices in cents per net ton for shipment in the matter or an amendment to the "October 1. 1940." In lieu of "October 1.
the requirements of this determination. plaint, dated May 6. 1941. by substitut- the Perishable Agricultural Commoditi3s
into any market area) in said schedule determination OF the prevailing mini- 1941," appearing in the first sentence of
Dated: September 8. 1941. ing In lieu of counts 1 and 2 of such com- Act Is hereby delegated to the OflBcer In
to "#1 Waco" (Mine Index No. 88) is mum wages in the tag industry Paragraph No. 1 thereof, be and the same
Prances Perkins, plaint, the following: Charge of the Regulatory Section of the
changed to "Waco." Is hereby granted.
This matter before me pursuant to
is Secretary That since October
Fruit and Vegetable Division of the Agri-
1. 1. 1940, the Owl Dated: September 8. 1941.
And further ordered. That the
it is section 1 (b) of the Act of June 30. 1936 cultural Marketing Service, or, In his
|F. R. Doc. 41-6750; Piled. September 8. 1941; Coal Company has violated the Bitumi-
prayers for relief contained in the peti- (49 Stat. 2036; 41 US.C. Sup. HI 35). fsEAL] H. A. Gray. absence, to the Officer Acting In Charge
12:09 p. m.| nous Coal Code by selling and delivering
tion filed herein are granted to the extent entitled "An Act to provide conditions Director. of said Section.
above set forth and are in all other re-
coal produced from its McCammon
Done at Washington, D. C, this 4th day
for the purchase of supplies and the mak- Mine Index No. 1133. at prices below the [F. R. Doc. 41-6756; Piled. September 9. 1941;
spects denied. ing of contracts by the United States, and Notices effective minimum prices established 10:20 a. m.{ of September. 1941. Witness my hand
Dated: September 6, 1941.
for other purposes", otherwise known as and the seal of the Department of Ag-
[siALl H. A. Gray. the Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act. riculture,
2. That during the period March 1.
Director. On July 12, 1941. the Administrator of WAR DEPARTMENT. 1941 to March 4. 1941. inclusive, the Owl (Docket No. A-459I ISEAL] C._W. Kitchen.
the Division of Public Contracts Issued Coal Company sold to various purchasers. Chief.
IF. R. Doc 41-6760; Filed, September 9. 1941; AG 325 (8-25-41) MT-C] Petition of the Beech Grove Coal Com-
10:31 a. ml a notice of opportunity to show cause I

Including Walter Scott. Jessie Mason, (P R. Doc. 41-6765; Piled, September

pany, A Producer in District No. 4. for 9, 1941;
(6 FM. 3614) why the decision dated Oc- Induction or the 122nd Observation Teal Whatker. Harold Walter. Levi Gam- 11:10 a. ml
tober 19. 1938 (3 PR. 2539) In the Matter Squadron, Louisiana National Guard,
Revision or Effective Minimum
billand Chester Dodwers. 21.200 pounds Prices of Rail Coal
of the Determination of the Prevailing Effective October 1. 1941 of Coal produced from Its McCammon
(Docket No. A-3191
Minimum Wages In the Tag Industry, Pursuant to and in compliance with
1. Mine at $1.80 per ton; that said coals order of the director denying perma- Rural Electrification Administration.
Part 336 Minimum Price Schedule, should not be amended by Increasing the nent RELIEF
District No. 16 the provisions of Executive Order Num- were prepared over a bar screen of such [Administrative Order No. P^I
prevailing minimum wage as determined amending Execu-
ber 8756,' May 17. 1941 dimensions that the prepared coals were A petition having been filed with the
Allocation or Funds for Loans
ORDER or the director granting final re- therein from 33 cents to 40 cents per Order Number 8633, January 14, cf such size or sizes as are Included In
tive Bituminous Coal Division by Beech
lief IN the matter of the petition of 1941, ordering certain units and mem- Size Group No. 6; that the effective min- Grove Coal Company, a code member August 30. 1941.
the bituminous coal producers board The proposed Eunendment was based imum prices for coals included in Size producer In District 4. pursuant to sec- By virtue of the authority vested in
upon supported by a showing 6 PH. 2474.
tion 4 n (d) of the Bituminous Coal Act
FOR district no. 16 FOR THE MODinCA- ttie belief, Group No. 6, produced from the McCam- me by the provisions of section 4 of the

10, 1941
FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 10, 1941 4659
FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September
4658 fPlle No. 70-3941 nomen County; Twin Valley, Norman The Bluefield Telephone Company, a
mitted as a party to such proceeding evant or material to the inquiry, and to
Bectriflcatlon Act of 1936, as In the Matter of American Utilities County; Ulen, Clay County; Winger, subsidiary of American Utilities Service
Rural the perform all other duties in connection
the shall file a notice to that effect with Polk County. Wheaton District. Belllng-
amended, I hereby allocate, from therewith authorized by law. Service Corporation and Minnesota Corporation, a registered holding com-
said Act. funds for Commission on or before September 18,
Utilities Company ham, Lac qui Parle County; Carlos, pany, having filed an application pur-
sums authorized by By the Commission.
amounts 1941. Douglas County; Holloway,
loans for the projects and in the Francis P. Brassor, Swift suant to the Public Utihty Holding Com-
schedule: The matter concerned herewith is in [seal! notice regarding filing County; Louisburg, Lac qui Parle pany Act
as set forth in the following Secretary. of 1935, particularly section
regard to (a) The application of Keyes County; Milan, Chippewa County; Mil-
Amount 6 (b) thereof, regarding the proposed
Project designation Fibre Company, a subsidiary of New IP R Doc. 41-fl767; Piled. September 8. 1941;
At a regular session of the Securities
tona, Douglas County; Nashua, Wilkin
Alabama 2020C2 Baldwin.
Colorado 2016C1 JcBerson
39. 000 ^ England Public Service Company, a
registered holding company, to issue and
11:33 a. m.| and Exchange Commission held at its
office in the City of Washington. D. C, on
County, Parkers Prairie, Otter Tail
Issuance and sale on or before December
31. 1943, of $250,000 principal amount,
Georgia 2068E1 Grady
Iowa 2014C1 Humboldt
»9.000 ^ sell $1,400,000 principal amount
of First the 8th day of September, A. D. 1941.
County; Tint ah, Traverse County;
Wheaton, Traverse County.
of 10 year, unsecured 4% promissory
notes to American Utilities Service Cor-
Iowa 2038D1 Pocahontas iX'Xnn Mortgage Sinking Fund 4»/i% Bonds IFUe No. 70-395) Notice is hereby given that a declara-
poration, at the principal amount there-
Kansas 2032C2 Reno.. 60.000 stated that the aforesaid $520,000
dated October 1. 1941, due October 1. tion or application (or both) has been It is
Louisiana 2007B2 Grant In the Matter of Cambridge Electric of plus accrued interest; and
Michigan 2045G3 Ca*s...-
,«n^ 1956, to redeem and retire the
Light Company filed with this Commission pursuant to to be received by Minnesota Utilities
that the proceeds from such issuance and
It appearing
Ts 000
15.000 amount of outstanding First Mortgage J.
the Public Utility Holding Company Act Company from Otter Tail Power Com-
MlMlasippl 2028F2 Hancock sale are to be used to reimburse The
NOTICE REGARDING FILING pany together with $30,000 of the pro-
MlSBlaslppl 2029H1 Oktibbeha 35.000
25.000 6% Bonds ($1,125,000 principal amount), of 1935 by the above named parties; and
Bluefield Telephone Company's treasury
Oklahoma 2015F1 Tillman
Oklahoma 2019C1 Crnlg- -

15. 000
to pay $100,000 of bank loans, to
approximately $72,000 of notes of a sub-
At a regular sessicm of the Securities
and Exchange Commission, held at its
ested party
further given that any inter-

may, not later than Septem-

ceeds from the sale of current assets, or
an aggregate of $550,000 will be em- for capital expenditures heretofore made, '
Oregon 2014C2 Umatilla or for additions, extensions and better-
South Carolina 2035B1 Abbeville—-
60.000 sidiarycompany, Waterville Pulpwood office in the City of Washington. D. C. ber 23. 1941. at 4:45 P. M., E. S. T., request
ployed by Minnesota Utilities Company
ments to its property; and
Hawkins in making payment on account of Its note
Tennessee 2037A2 im'ooo Company, endorsed by Applicant, and to on the 9th day of September, A. D. 1941. the Commission in writing that a hearing

Texas 2055C2 Floyd—- Applicant

capital. Indebtedness to American Utilities Serv- The Bluefield Telephone Company
fi^'ooo provide additional Notice is Hereby Given that a declara- be held on such matter, stating the reason
Wisconsin 204101 Vernon. 47,oou third sentence ice Corporation and that the remaining having filed an application pursuant to
2C48C1 Waupaca states that section 6 (b).
tion or application (or both), has been for such request and the nature of this
Wisconsin said Act. particularly section 6 (b) there-
(last clause thereof) Is applicable.
$50,000 obtained from the sale of such
Harry Slattoiy, filed with this Commission pursuant to interest, or may request that he be noti-
(SZALl exemption properties to Otter Tail Power Company of, regarding the proposed issuance and
Administrator. (b) - The application for
the Public Utility Holding Company Act fied if the Commission should order a
Requirement of will be used as working capital, for con- sale of 3,178 shares of $100 par value
from Rule U-50 entitled
of 1935 by the above-named party or hearing thereon. At any time thereafter common stock, to American Utilities
IP R Doc. 41-«762; Filed. September 9, 1941;
Public Invitation of Proposals for the parties; and such declaration or application, as filed
struction purposes or for additional pay-
11:10 a. ml Purchase or Underwriting of Securities. Notice is Further Given that any in-
ments on the note Indebtedness of Service Corporation for $317,800, the
or as amended, may become effective or proceeds of which are to be employed to
By the Commission. Minnesota Utilities Company.
terested person may, not later than Sep- may be granted, as provided in Rule U-23 redeem 3.178 shares of 6% $100 par value,
Francis P. Brassor, American Utilities Service Corpora-
ISEALl tember 25. 1941 at 4:45 P. M.. E. S. T.. of the Rules and Regulations promulgated preferred stock of The Bluefield Tele-

Secretary. tion proposes, upon receipt of the afore-

request the Commission in writing that pursuant to 'said Act. or the Commission phone Company,
SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COM- IF R Doc. 41-«766: Filed. September 9, 1941; a hearing be held on such matter, stat- may exempt such transaction as pro-
said $550,000 from Minnesota Utilities
all of which preferred
presently owned by American
Company, to deposit such funds with the Is
MISSION. 11:33 a. m.) ing the reasons for such request and the vided in Rules U-20 (a) and U-100 Utilities Service Corporation; and
trustee under the indenture securing the
(File No. 70-S9«l nature of his Interest, or may request thereof. Any suchrequest should be Collateral Trust 6% Bonds. Series A, of Northwestern Illinois Utilities,
a sub-
that he be notified if the Commission addressed Secretary. Securities and Ex-
American Utihties Service Corporation, sidiary American
In the Matter of Keyes Fibre Company
of Utilities
(Pile No. 1-5631 should order a hearing thereon. At any change Commission. Washington. D. C. as release moneys, and to use such Corporation, having filed a declaration
NOTICE OP AND ORDER FOR HEARING time thereafter, such declaration or ap-
In the Matter of Charles A. Kattfman All interested persons are referred to
amount for the purchase of not to ex- pursuant to said Act, particularly section
plication, as filed or as amended, may
a regular session of the Securities
Company, Ltd., Common Capital Stock, said declaration or apphcatlon which is
ceed $400,000 principal amount of such 7 thereof, regarding the proposed issu-
Par Value $50
become effective or may be granted, as on file In the office o' said Commission
and Exchange Commission held at its Collateral Trust 6^f Bonds. Series A. and ance and sale of $150,000 principal
provided in Rule U-23 of the Rules and for a statement of the transactions
office in the City of Washington,
D. C. the remainder of $150,000, for the pur- amount of 4% unsecured promissory
order postponing hearing Regulations promulgated pursuant to therein proposed, which are summarized
on the 8th day September. A. D. 1941. chase of notes of The Bluefield Telephone notes to mature in twelve months or
said Act. or the Commission may exempt below:
An application pursuant to the Public At a regular session of the Securities Company and Northwestern Illinois Util- less to American Utilities Service
such transaction as provided in Rules
Utility Holding Company Act of 1935. and Exchange Commission held at its
Any such Minnesota Utilities Company, a sub- ities, subsidiaries of American Utilities poration for the principal amoimt there-
Washington, D. C. on U-20 (a) and U-100 thereof.
having been duly filed with this Com- office in the City of sidiary of American Utilities Service Service Corporation. (See In the Matter of plus accrued interest; and it appearing
September. A. D. 1941. request should be addressed: Secretary,
mission by the above-named party: the 8th day of Corporation, a registered holding com- of American Utilities Service Corpora- that the proceeds from such Issuance and
Securities and Exchange Commission,
It is ordered, That a hearing
on such The Charles A. Kaufman Company, pany, proposes to sell the electric utility tion. Bluefield Telephone Company. sale are to be used by Northwestern Illi-
the Washington, D. C.
matter under the applicable provisions Ltd.. pursuant to section 12 (d) of property comprising Its Twin Valley and Northwestern Illinois Utilities Company. nois Utilities for additions, extensions
Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule All interested persons are referred to
of said Act and the rules of the Commis- Order issued September 6, 1941, Pile No. and betterments to its telephone and
Securities Wheaton districts in western Minnesota
said declaration or application, which
sion thereunder be held on September X-12D2-1 (b) promulgated thereunder, to Otter Tall Power Company, for the 70-375). The Collateral Trust 6% electric properties; and
is on file in the office of said Commis-
19. 1941, at 10:00 o'clock in the
forenoon having made application to the Commis- sum of $520,000 In cash. Mirmesota Bonds. Series A, of American Utilities American Utilities Service
sion, for a statement of the transactions Corporation
of that day, at the Securities and Ex- sion to withdraw its Common Capital Utilities Company also proposes to sell Service Corporation, proposed to be ac- having filed an application and amend-
therein proposed, which are summarized
change Building. 1778 Pennsylvania Stock, Par Value $50, from listing and the materials and supplies, merchandise quired by It. are to be purchased by ments thereto, pursuant to said Act, par-
registration on the New Orleans Stock below:
Avenue NW.. Washington. D. C. On appliances and accounts receivable with advertisement or tender, at prices not to ticularlysection 10 thereof, regarding
such day the hearing-room clerk in room Exchange; and Cambridge llectric Light Company, a respect to such properties of its Twin exceed the redemption price of such the proposed acquisition of the afore-
1102 will advise as to the room where The Commission having ordered that subsidiary of New England Gas and Elec- Valley and Wheaton districts to Otter bonds with reservation of the right to mentioned notes and common stock of
such hearing wUl be held. At such hear- a hearing be held in this matter on Sep- tric a registered holding
Association, Tail Power Company; estimated reject any and all tenders. The Bluefield Telephone
tember 15, 1941 in Atlanta. Georgia; and company, proposes to borrow from the
It Is Company and
ing. If in respect of any declaration, cause that the sale of such current assets and By the Commission. the aforementioned notes of Northwest-
shall be shown why such declaration shall
The applicant having requested a post- First National Bank of Boston an ag- the release of cash working capital em- [SEAL] Francis P. Brassor, ern Illinois Utilities; and American Utili-
become ponement of said hearing; gregate sum not exceeding $500,000 in ployed in the operations of such
effective. Twin Secretary. ties Service Corporation having filed
further ordered. That Charles S. It ordered. That said hearing be
is such amounts and at such times as funds Valley and Wheaton districts will
It is make application under said Act, particularly
Lobinger or any other officer or officers pastponed until 2 p. m. on Friday, October are required for the payment of bills |F. R. Doc. 41-6769; Piled, September 9, 1941;
available to Minnesota Utilities Com- section 12 (d) thereof with respect to
3. 1941, at the office of the
Securities and incurred In connection with budgeted
11:34 a. m.l
of the Commission designated by It for pany, after payment of current liabili- the pledge of such securities to be ac-
Exchange Commission. Palmer Building. construction for the period from Janu-
that purpose shall preside at the hear- ties with respect to the properties In such quired, with Continental Illinois National
Forsyth & Marietta Streets. Atlanta, ary 1. 1941 to June 30. 1942. Such ad-
ings in such matter. The officer so des- Twin Valley and Wheaton districts, a [Pile No. 70-375] Bank and Trust Company of Chicago.*
ignated to preside at any such hearing Georgia, and continue thereafter at such vances will be evidenced by notes payable net cash balance of approximately $80,- In the Matter of American Utilities as Trustee, under the indenture securing
is hereby authorized to exercise all times and places as the Commission or its to bear interest at a rate not exceeding 000. The electric utility properties of the Collateral Trust, 6% Bonds, Series
herein designated shall determine Service Corporation, The Bluefield
powers granted to the Commission Under officer 2*2% per annum. All notes will be the Twin Valley and Wheaton districts A, of American Utilities Service Corpo-
and that general notice thereof be given; dated as Issued but in any event prior
Telephone Company, and Northwest-
section 18 (c) of said Act and to a trial of Minnesota Utilities Company proposed ern Illinois Utilities ration; and
examiner under the Commission's Rules and to June 30. 1942 and will mature not bo- to be sold, consist of the electric generat-
It is further ordered. That William A. June Said applications and declaration hav-
of Practice. fore June 30. 1944, nor after 30,
ing, transmission and distribution facili- order granting applications and PER-
ing been filed on August 8, 1941 and
Notice of such hearing is hereby given McClain, an officer of the Commission, 1946. ties in, about or between the following
MITTING declaration to become EFFEC-
be and he hereby Is designated to ad-
amendments thereto having been filed
to such declarant or applicant and
to By the Commission. cities, villages and communities in the TIVE
minister oaths and affirmations, sub- on September 2, 1941 and September 3.
any other person whose participation
[SEAL] Francis P. Brassor, State of Minnesota: Turin Valley Dis- At a regular session of the Securities 1941. and notice of said filing having beeri
in such proceeding may be in the public
poena witnesses, compel their attendance, Secretary. trict, Bejou, Polk County; Fertile. Polk
take evidence, and require the production
and Exchange Commission held at its duly given in the form and manner pre-
interest or for the protection of investors County; Gary, Norman County; Hitter- office in the City of Washington. D. C, scribed by Rule U-23 under said Act and
of any books, papers, correspondence, IP R Doc. 41-«768; Filed. September 9, 1941;
or consumers. It is requested that any 11:33 a. m.l dal. Clay County; Mahnomen, Mah- on the 6th day of September, A. D, 1941.
person desiring to be heard or to be ad- memoranda or other records deemed rel- the Commission not having received a
Spp t
^ JftCf
4660 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 10, 1941

request for a hearing with respect there- provisions of said Act and subject to the The Hamilton Manufacturing Com-
to within the period specified In said terms and conditions prescribed under
Rule U-24. that the aforesaid applica-
pany, pursuant to section 12 (d) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934. as
notice or otherwise, and not having or-
tions shall be and hereby are granted amended, and Rule X-12D2-1 (b) pro-
dered a hearing thereon; and
forthwith and the aforesaid declaration mulgated thereunder, having made ap-
The aforementioned parties having re-
be and hereby Is permitted to become ef- plication to withdraw its Class "A" Pref-
quested that the effective date ot said
fective forthwith. erential Participating Stock, $10 Par
possible time; and

filing be at the earliest
The Commission finding,
to said applications under
said Act. that the requirements
6 (b) of
6 (b) are satisfied; and with respect to
By the Commission, Commissioner
Healy dissenting for the reasons set forth
in his
memorandum of April 1,

Francis P. Brassor.
Value, from listing and registration on
the Chicago Stock Exchange; and
After appropriate notice, a hearing
hearing been held in this matter and ;
said declaration under section 7 of said
Act that the requirements of section 7 are
satisfied; and with respect to said appli-
cations under section 10 of said Act that
IF. R. Doc. 41-6770; Piled. September
11:34 a. m.|

9, 1941;
The Commission having
said application together
dence introduced at said
the evi-
hearing, and
having due regard for the public interest
VOLUME 6 'fc*. '934 ^ NUMBER 177

no adverse findings are necessary under Pile No. 1-151 and the protection of investors;
sections 10 (b) and 10 (c) (1), and that

That said application be

Washington, Thursday, September 11, 1941
It is ordered.
In the Matter of Hamilton Manttfactur-
the aforementioned proposed acquisition and the same is hereby granted, effective
Illinois Utilities has IKG Company, Class "A" Preferential
from Northwestern at the close of the trading session on Sep- Now.
Participating Stock, $10 Par Valtte Rules, Regulations, Orders therefore, it is ordered. That,
the tendency required by section 10 (c) tember 18. 1941. pending final disposition of the above-
(2) of said Act; and with respect to ap- order granting application to withdraw
from listing and registration By the Commission. entitled matter, temporary relief be, and
plication under section 12 (d) of said TITLE 80— MINERAL RESOURCES the same hereby is granted as follows:
[ SEAL ] Francis P. Brassor .

Act that the requirements of section 12

(d) are satisfied.
At a regular session of the Securities
and Exchange Commission held at its
Secretary. CHAPTER m— BITUMINOUS COAL Commencing forthwith, S 827.11 (Low
volatile coals: Alphabetical list of code
ordered. Pursuant to Rule
It is heretyy office in the City of Washington, D. C. (P. R. Doc. 41-«771; Filed. September 8. 1941;
(Docket No. A-984) members) is amended by adding thereto
on the 8th day of September, A. D. 1941. 11:34 a. ml
U-23 under said Act and the applicable Supplement R, and § 327.34 (General
Part 327 —MiNiBfUM Price Schedttle, prices in cents per net ton for shipment
District No. 7
into any market area) is amended by
adding thereto Supplement T, which
supplements are hereinafter set forth
and hereby made a part hereof.
MENT OF PRICE CLASSIFICATIONS AND It is further ordered. That pleadings
MINIMUM PRICES FOR THE COALS OF CER- in opposition to the above-entitled mat-
TAIN MINES IN DISTRICT NO. 7 ter and applications to stay, terminate

An original petition, pursuant to sec- or modify the temporary relief herein

tion 4 II (d) ofthe Bituminous Coal Act granted may be filed with the Division
of 1937, having been duly filed with this within forty-five (45) days from the
Division by the above-named ptirty, re- date of this Order, pursuant to the Rules
questing the establishment both tempo- and Regulations Governing Practice and
rary and permanent of price classifica- Procedure for the Bituminous Coal Divi-
tions and minimum prices for the coals sion in Proceedings Instituted Pursuant
of certain mines in District No. 7; and to section 4 n
(d) of the Bituminous Coal
appearing that a reasonable showing
It Act of 1937.
of necessity has been made for the grant-
It is further ordered. That the relief
ing of temporary relief in the manner
herein granted shall become final sixty
hereinafter set forth; and
(60) days from the date of this Order,
No petitions of intervention having
unless the Director shall otherwise
been filed with the Division in the above-
entitled matter; and
appearing that this action is neces-
It Dated: August 19, 1941.

sary in order to effectuate the purposes [SEAL] H. A. Gray.

of the Act; Director.

Temporary and Conditionally Final Effecttve Minimum Prices for District No. 7
Note: Tbe material contained In these Supplements is to be read In the light of the claasifl-
catlons. prices, Instructions, exceptions and other provisions contained in Part 327, Minimum
Price Schedule for District No. 7 and Supplements thereto.

* S 327.11 Low
volatile coals: Alphabetical list of code members —Supplement R
[Alphabetical list of code members having railway loading showing price classifications
by sise groups fur all uses except as separately shown]


FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September II, 1941 FEDERAI^REGISTER, Thursday, September 11, 1941 4663
FOR TRUCK SHIPMENTS - Size Group 9 from $1.75 to $1.50; Size erning Practice and Procedure Before (60) days from the date of this Order,
Groups 10. 11, and 12 from $1.65 to $1.50; the Bituminous Coal Division in Proceed- imless the Director shall otherwise
/::S> S 327.34 Oeneral pric9$ in cents per net ton for shipment into any
market area^
Size Group 13 from $1.40 to $1.30; and ings Instituted Pursuant to section 4 II order.
Supplement T Size Group 15 from $0.75 to $0.65 per ton (d) of the Bituminous Coal Act of 1937. Dated: August
FEDE REGISTER f. 0. b. the mine; and that the effective It is further ordered. That the relief [SEAL]
25, 1941.
H. A. Gray.
- «
u ^ k
minimum iHices In all size groups for herein granted shall become final sixty Director.

Mine Index 40 (Augustina Coloni) for
S ^e truck shipments be and the same are Temporary and Conditionally Pinal Effective Minimum Prices for District No. 15
Published dally, except Sundays, Mondays, Code membw index MUM County Seam hereby established the same as those for Note: The material contained In this "Supplement R" Is to be read In the light of the classifi-
and days following legal holidays by the the above-mentioned mines in Section cations, prices. Instructions, exceptions and other provisions contained In Part 335. Minimum
Division of the Federal Register. The National
Archives, pursuant to the authority con-
10 of District 10. as herein revised. Price Schedule lor District No. 15 and Sujjplements thereto.
tained m the Federal Register Act, approved 6 It is further ordered. That In all other
July 26. 1935 (49 Stat. 600). under regula- 4- respects the requested relief herein be
tions prescribed by the Administrative Com-
mittee, approved by the President. Patterson Red Ash Coal 232 Patterson Red McDowell Red Ash. 315 280 215 180 and it is hereby denied. § 335.5 Alphabetical list of code members —Supplement R
The Administrative Committee consists of Co. (Wm. Patterson). Ash. Dated: September 9, 1941. lAlphabetical list of code membery showing price ckissiflcation by 5lte RToup for domestic, commercial, and
the ArchlvUt or Actmg Archivist, an officer [SEAL] H. A. Gray, indu.strial Dse]

of the Department of Justice designated by

DOC. 41-6758; Piled. September 9, 1941; 10:21 a. m.l Director.
the Attorney Oeneral, and the Public Printer IF. R. d
or Acting Public Printer. R. Doc. 41-6784: Filed, September 10. 1941;
The dally Issue of the Pedixal REOism IF.
10:00 a. m.]
will be furnished by mall to subscribers, free
of postage, for $1.25 per month or $12 50 per [Dockets NOS. A-209-220. A-292-2©4, A-311. 5— 20«*: Size Group 6 — 15t*; and Size

year; single copies 10 centss^ach; payable In A-395, A-457^581 Group 7— 5»'. A. O. Strobel (A-292) and
advance. Remit money order payable to the Sims Coal Company (A-311) pray for the
Superintendent of Documents directly to the Part 330— MmiMUM Price Schedule Docket No. A-9801
Group 8— 20o;

District No. 10 following reductions: Size

Government Printing Office. Washington, D. C. Minimum Price Schedule,
Size Groups 10, 11. and 12— 65<'; Size Part 335
Group 13 40c; Size Group 14 30.'; and — District No. 15
Size Group 15 25*!. Moren Coal Com- ORDER granting TEMPORARY RELIEF AND
TIES, DISTRICT 10, FOR A REDUCTION OF 40«* in Size Groups 8. 10, and 12. Prices
Department of the Interior—Con. MINIMUM PRICES have been established (or the foregoing THE BIG POUR COAL COMPANY, A CODE
Bureau of Reclamation Original petitions have been duly filed, mines for truck shipments only and all
Paintrock Pioject Investiga- of are presently priced the same;
pursuant to the provisions of section 4 II
tions. Calif., first form Bituminous Coal Act of 1937, Augustina Colon! (A-457). a code inNIMUM PRICES FOR THE COALS OF MINE
(d) of the
withdrawal 4671 Coal Division on member for whose mine both rail and INDEX NO. 1301 IN DISTRICT NO. IS FOR
with the Bituminous
Pine Plat Reservoir Site,
October 21 (Dockets A-209-220), Novem- truck prices have been established, re- RAIL SHIPMENT
Calif., adjustment of
ber 4 (Dockets A-292-294), November 5 quests a reduction in Size Groups 1-9 to
of re- $1.75. In Size Groups 10-14 to $1.25, and in
An original petition, pursuant to sec-
withdrawal to plat (Docket A-311), October 28 (Docket tion 4 II (d) of theBituminous Coal Act
4672 Group
survey A-395) and December 9 (Dockets A-457-
Size 15 to $0.50;
of 1937. having been duly filed with this
Department of Labor: 458), 1940, by code members in District A hearing having been held before a Division by the above-named party, re-
Wage and Hour Division: 10 seeking certain reductions In the es- duly designated Examiner of the Di-
questing the establishment, both tempo-
Knitted and men's woven un- tablished prices applicable to truck mines vision at a hearing room of the Division,
rary and permanent, of price classifica-
derwear and commercial in District 10. The Individual petitioners In Springfield. Illinois, on December 20.
tions and minimum prices for rail ship-
knitting industry, mini- and the requested are as follows:
relief 1940, at which all interested parties were ment for the coals produced at the Big 4
wage hearing 4673 Mitchell Coal Company (A-209). Black afforded an opportunity to be present,
Mine, Mine Index No. 1301) in District
Learner employment certifi- Banner Coal Company (A-210) Hower- . adduce evidence, cross-examine wit- No. 15; and
cates, issuance for various ton Coal Company (A-2 11), Walnut Val- nesses, and otherwise be heard; and the
The Director finding that a reasonable
industries (2 documents) _ 4672 ley Coal Company (A-212), Willow parties to this proceeding having waived
showing of necessity has been made for
Pederal Power Commission: Springs Coal Company (A-2 13) Carrier . the preparation and filing of an
the granting of temporary relief In the
United Gas Pipe Line Co.. hear- Mills Coal Company (A-214) Vallie Cor- , Examiner's report; manner hereinafter set forth; and
ing postponed 4674 der (A-215). Steel Tipple Coal Company Partial temporary relief, pending final No petitions of intervention having
(A-216), Monroe Moore & Son (A-217), disposition of the original petitions, hav-
Securities and Exchange Commis- been filed with the Division In the above-
Cherry Hill Mine (A-218), Ogmore Coal ing been granted by an Order of January entitled matter; and
Aladdin Gold Mining Co.. Ltd.. Company (A-293) and Square Deal Coal
31. 1941, 6 PR. 759; the undersigned The Director deeming his action nec-
4674 Company (A-395) request the following having made Findings of Pact and Con- essary In order to effectuate the pur-
reductions: Size Group 8 20?; Size — clusions of Law and having rendered an poses of the Act;
Associated Gas Electric
Groups and 12— 40i'; Size Group
10, 11, Opinion in this matter, which are filed Now, therefore, it is ordered, That,
Co.. declaration
become effective
13— 15<.; —
Size Group 14 5e; Size Group herewith: pending final disposition of the above-
to 15—25«': New Spillerton Coal Company It is ordered. That commencing forth- entitled matter, temporary relief is
Mountain States Power Co.. fil-
(A-219) requests similar reductions as to with, the effective minimum prices ap- granted as follows: Commencing forth-
ing notice 4675 Size Groups 10-15 only. Cedar Hill Coal plicable to all mines In Section 10 of Dis- with. S 335.5 (Alphabetical list of code
United Light and Power Co.. et Company ( A-220) in addition to request-
trict 10 which are set forth In S 330.25 members) Is amended by adding thereto
al., application granted 4675 ing aforestated reductions in Size Groups {General prices in cents per net ton for Supplement R, which supplement Is here-
War Department: 8 and 10-15, also prays for a reduction inafter set forth and hereby made a part
shipment into all market areas) In the
Contract summaries: of 20« in Size Group 6 Helm Coal Com- hereof.
Schedule of Effective Minimum Prices for
Reeves Bros.. Inc.— 4669 pany (A-458), in addition to the reduc- shall be It is further ordered. That pleadings
District 10 for Truck Shipments
Vultee Aircraft. Inc 4669 tions In Size Groups 8 and 10-15 requests In opposition to the original petition in
4669 the following reductions: Size Groups and the same are hereby reduced as fol-
William Whitmaripo.. Inc the above-entitled matter, and applica-
l_3_40e: Size Group 4—25^; Size Group lows: Size Group B from $180 to $1 60;
tions to stay, terminate or modify the
temporary relief herein granted, may be
filed with the E)ivislon within forty-five
(45) days from the date of this Order,
pursuant to Rules and Regulations Gov-
4664 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 11, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 11, 1941 4665

ecutlve Order No. 8675.' of February 6. [No 28] Proclamation No. 2503 * shall consist of
1941, I hereby amend, effective ftfteen Order Prescribino Foam the following
(15) days after the filing hereof with the
Division of the Federal Register, Para-
By virtue of the Selective Training and
Service Act of 1940 i54 Stat. 885) and the
graph 7, Camp Regulations,* in the fol- Unitof
lowing respects: authorlty^vested In me by the rules and qiMntity
regulations prescribed by the President
1. By designating the present subpara- thereunder, and more particularly the
graph b as subparagraph c without provisions of Paragraph 163 and Ap-
change. pendix A to Volume One of the Selective
2. By substituting a new paragraph b Service Regulations, I hereby prescribe
to read as follows: , the following changes in DSS forms:
b. The camp director is responsible for Addition of a new form designated
the preparation, accuracy and submis- as DSS Form
51-A, entitled "Daily Rec-
sion of such medical reports relating to ord of Treatment, 111 or Injured As-
the Illness or injury of assignees as may, signees," effective fifteen (15) days after
from time to time, be required by the Di- the filing hereof with the Division of
rector of the Selective Service System. the Federal Register.
Lrwis B. Hershey. 2. Addition of a new form designated

Director. as DSS Form 51-B, entitled "Report of

September 8, 1941. Serious Illness or Injury of Conscientious
Objectors Serving in Camps of Camp
IP. R. Doc. 41-«787; PUed. September 10, 1941;
11:06 a. m.l Operations Division, Selective Service
System." effective fifteen (15) days after
the filing hereof with the Division of
[Amendment No. 5] the Federal Register.

Camp Rectjlatioms Theforegoing additions shall, effective

fifteen (15) days after the filing hereof
amending the regulations so as to pro- with the Division of the Federal Reg-
vide ror the reporting of deaths, se- ister, become a part of Appendix A' to
rious injuries or damage to property Volume One of the Selective Service Reg-
in the operation of conscientious ob- ulations.
jector camps Lkwis B. Hershkt,
By virtue of the provisions of the Se- Director.
lective Training and Service Act of 1940 September 3, 1941
(54 Stat. 885) and the authority vested [P. B. Doc. 41-6786; Piled. September 10, 1941;
In me by the niles and regulations pre- 11:06 a. m.]
scribed by the President thereunder, and
more particularly the provisions of Ex-
ecutive Order No. 8675,' of February 6, CHAPTER Vni—EXPORT CONTROL
1941, I hereby amend, effective fifteen
Subchapter C—^Administrator of Export
(15) days after the filing hei;fof with the
Division of the Federal Register, Para-
graph 20. Camp Regulations,' by striking export control SCHEDULE NO. 18
out the present subparagraph b and sub- The commodity' forms, conversions,
stituting in lieu thereof the following: and derivatives determined in this
b. Any deathor serious personal injury Schedule are in addition to those appear-
and any serious damage to either pub- ing in the Comprehensive EScport Control
lic or private property shall, within Schedule Issued September 1, 1941. and
twenty-four hours of its occurrence be will be incorporated in the next Issue of
reported by telegram to the Camp Op- the Comprehensive Export Control
erations Division. Selective Service Sys- Schedule to he published October 1. 1941.
tem, Washington, D. C. This report will By virtue of the Military Order of De-
be made by the person charged with the cember 19. 1940.' and Executive Order
duty of investigating and reporting the No. 8712,' I, WilUam E. Chlckerlng, Dep-
incident. The project superintendent is ^ uty Administrator of Export Control,
charged with the duty of investigating have. In the absence of the Adminis-
and reporting all such Incidents Involv- trator, determined that * :

ing assignees while under his supendslon, 1. Effective September 10, 1941, the
and all other such incidents connected ^ forms, conversions, and derivatives of
with the work project or government- the articles and materials designated In
owned vehicles. Th« camp director Is
charged with the duty of reporting all » 5 PR. 3785.
other such Incidents. •6 PJl. 5231.
Lewis B. Hershet, •6 TM. 1601.
The numbers which follow the commod-
ity descriptions In the following schedule
September 8, 1941. refer to Commerce Depaxtment claaslflca-
tlons established In Schedule B. "Statistical
[P R. Doc. 41-6788: Piled, Septembar 10, liMl;
Claasincatlon of Domestic Commodities Ex-
11:06 a. m.J
ported from the United States " The words
are controlling and the numbers are Included
>e PR 831 solely for the purpose of statistical classifi-
»6P.R aooi. cation by Tarlotis (Government agencies.
4666 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 11, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 11, 1941 4667

and the Supplier selling the Material CHAPTER XI—OFFICE OF PRICE yard, or by other direct or indirect meth-
covered thereby, must each retain en- ADMINISTRATION ods. The seller shall In all cases give
dorsed copies of such purchase orders or (Price Schedtile No. 26|
the purchaser the option of making his
contracts segregated from all other iHir- own transportation arrangements.*
Part 1312 Lumbir and Lthmbkr 1312.54 Records and reports. Every
chase orders or contracts for a period of §
Products person who, during any calendar month,
two years from the date thereof for in-
spection by authorized representatives of prick schiottlc for douglas to. lumber shall sell 34.000 pounds or more of Doug- i
the Office of Production Management. las fir lumber for shipment originating
Douglas fir a Pacific Coast
at the mill shall keep for inspection by
(e) Restrictions on application of product, is often employed co- extensively the Office of Price Administration, for
rating. The Preference Rating hereby and to some extent interchangeably with a period of not less than one year, com-
assigned shall not be applied: Southern pine liunber. It is widely used plete and accurate records of every sale to
in the construction industry for exterior
(1) By a Producerto obtain Material of such lumber made during such month.
and interior finish, framing, mill work, o
in excess of his requirements for Repairs showing the date thereof, the name of
sheathings. fioorings, and sub-floorings, the buyer, the prices, and grades sold.
or for his Emergency Inventory;
(2) Unless the Material to be deliv-
and In the manufacture of crates, util- Persons affected by this Schedule shall
ered cannot be obtained when required
ity furniture, and household and farm submit such reports to the Office of Price
appliances. In the defense program It Administration as it may from time to
without such rating; g
has been extensively employed In the time require.*
(3) By a Supplier to obtain Material
construction of cantonments, defense &
in excess of the amount necessary to § 1312.55 Enforcement. In the event
housing projects, and factories, and in of refusal or failure to abide by the price
make rated deliveries.
the production of ships and airplanes. limitations, record requirements, or other .o
(f) False statements and penalties. The Increased need for Douglas Fir lum- provisions of this Schedule, or In the
Any person who applies the preference ber has prompted government efforts to event of any evasion or attempt to evade
rating hereby assigned in wilful viola- secure expanded production, but the sup- the price limitations or other provisions
tion of the terms and provisions of this ply has failed to keep pace with the aug- of this Schedule, the Office of Price Ad-
Order, or wilfully falsifies records re- mented demand stemming from the ministration will make every effort to
quired to be kept or information to be defense program and the accompanying assure (a) that the Congress and the
furnished pursuant to this Order, or who economic expansion. As a consequence, public are fully informed thereof, (b)
obtains a delivery of Material by means Inflationary pressure has caused prices that the powers of the Government are
of a material and wilful misstatement to rise greatly In excess of previously ex- fully exerted in order to protect the
will l)e prohibited from further applying isting industry levels. Such price in- public interest and the Interests of those
said rating. Such person may also be creases have markedly outstripp>ed cost persons who comply with this Schedule,
prohibited from obtaining further de- advances. Issuance of a Price Schedule and (c) that the procurement services
liveries of Material under allocation and is therefore necessary to protect consum- of the Government are requested to re-
be deprived of any other priorities as- ers and those members of the industry frain from purchasing Douglas fir lumber
sistance. The Director of Priorities may who are attempting to keep prices down. from those persons who fall to comply
also take any other action deemed ap- Accordingly, under the authority with this Schedule. Persons who have
propriate. Including the making of a vested In me by Executive Order No. evidence of any offer, receipt, demand, or
recommendation for prosecution under 8734.' It is hereby directed that:
payment of prices higher than the maxi-
section 35A of the Criminal Code (18 mum prices, or of any evasion or effort
U.S.C. 80).
§ 1312.51 Maximum prices for Doug-
las fir lumber. On and after
October 1. to evade provisions hereof, or of specu-
<g) Revocation or modification. This lation, or of manipulation of prices of
1941. regardless of the terms of any con-
Order may be revoked or amended by Douglas fir lumber, or of the hoarding
tract of sale or purchase, or other com-
the Director of Priorities at any time in or accumulating of unnecessary Inven-
mitment, no person shall sell, offer to
whole or In part or In its application to tories thereof, are urged to communicate
sell, deliver, or transfer, for domestic or
any Producer or any Supplier. In the with the Office of Price Administration.*
export use, any Douglas fir lumber, where
event of revocation, or upon expiration § 1312.56 Modification of the sched-
the shipment originates at the mill
of this Order, deliveries already rated ule. Persons complaining of hardship
rather than at a distribution yard, at
pursuant to this Order shall be com- or Inequity In the operation of this
prices higher than the maximum prices
pleted In accordance with said rating, Schedule may apply to the Office of Price
set forth In Appendix A, Incorporated
unless the rating has been specifically Administration for approval of any mod-
herein as § 1312.59: Provided. That such
revoked. No additional applications of
this rating to any other deliveries shall
maximum prices shall not apply where ification thereof or exception there-
actual delivery has been made by the from.* ,
thereafter be made by any Producer or
mill to a purchaser, or to a carrier for 8 1312.57 Definitions. When used In
Supplier affected by said revocation or this Schedule, the term:
delivery to a purchaser, prior to October
1, 1941.* (a) "Person" means an Individual, as-
(h) Effective date. This Order shall
1312 51 to 1312.69. Inclusive, Issued
5 sociation, partnership, corporation, or
take effect on the 9th day of September
pursuant to the authority contained In Ex- other business entity. The term in-
1941, and unless sooner revoked shall ecutive Order No. 8734.
cludes, without restricting the generality
expire on the 28th day of February 1942.
1312.52 Less than maximum prices.
§ of the foregoing, any mill operator,
(P.D. Reg. 1. Aug. 27, 1941, 6 YR. 4489:
O.P.M. Reg. 3, March 8. 1941. 6 F.R. 1596; Lower prices than those set forth In Ap- manufacturer, commission salesman,
EO. 8629. Jan. 7. 1941. 6 PR. 191; E.O.
pendix A may be charged, demanded, manufacturer's representative, concen-
paid, or offered.* tration yard operator, wholesaler, whole-
8875, Aug. 28. 1941. 6 F.R. 4483; sec.
2 (a). Public No.' 671. 76th Congress, § 1312.53 Evasion. The price limita- sale distributor, wholesaler's agent, or
tions set forth In this Schedule shall not retsUler.
Third Session, as amended by Public No.
be evaded by unusual charges for extend- (b) "Douglas fir" means the botanical
89. 77th Congress. First Session; Sec. 9,
ing credit or for early delivery, by charges species of Pseudotsuga taxifolla pro-
Public No. 783. 76th Congress. Third
for delivery which exceed the actual cost duced In those parts of Oregon and
of such delivery, except as otherwise pro- Washington lying west of the crest of
Donald M. Nilson, vided In 9 1312.59 (d). by unnecessarily the Cascade Mountains.
Director of Priorities. routing lumber through a distribution (c) "Mill" means a manufacturing
[F. R. Doc. 41-«77a: Piled. September 0. 1841; plant, concentration yard, or other es-
8:32 p. m.| »e P.R. 1917. tablishment which processes, by sawing.
4668 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 11, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 11, 1941 4669
Pounds per
(c) For export sales, an addition of not 1.000 feet
more than $3.50 per 1,000 feet board FLOORTNO
measure may be charged for the services 1 X 4" 1.800
of switching, unloading at the dock, tal- DBOP SIDINO
lying, marking, and dock insurance. K 6" Pat. 107. 113. 115, 117. 124 1,600
(d) A
delivered price in excess of the 1x6" Pat. 103. 108. 111. 114. 118 1. 600

maximum f o. b. mill prices set forth in

. 1 z 6" Pat. 101, 104. 105, 100, 112 and
rustic - 700
(a) hereof may be charged, consisting of
1x6" Pat. 102, 108, 110. 116. and V
such maximum prices plus actual trans- rustic 1. 800
portaticm costs to the extent that such
costs are paid by the seller. In comput- V, X 4" 1.200
ing such actual transportation costs, the i X 4" 1.500
parties may adopt the practice of charg- mnsH S4S
ing a sum equivalent to the one-quarter 1 X 3 and 4"-- 1.»00
of a dollar nearest to such actual trans- 1 X 6" and wider 2.000
portation costs. In addition, they may BOARDS
adopt estimated average weights of Dry Green
1 X 3 and 4". 2. 100 2, 400
Douglas fir per thousand feet board and wider 200 600
1 X 6 '
2, 2.
measure (worked to standard sizes un- For Shlplap. D&M or C. M.. deduct 100
less otherwise indicated) as follows: from S4S.

Dimension, plank and small timbera

FEDERAL REGISTER, Thmrsday, September 11, 1941 4671
4670 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 11, 1941
265 in Size Group 1, from 225 to 245 in 27251 should be substituted in lieu of (Docket No. A-2521
• •
to • • • air- amine witnesses, subpoena witnesses, cable provisions of said Act and the rules
creased from •
of the Division be held on October 6.
Size Group 2 and from 185 to 205 in Size KSC 27251. MP23579 should be substi- PETITIOK of EhJQUESNE COAL AND COKE
planes, total additional cost, $13,199,- compel their attendance, take evidence, Group
require the production of any l)ooks, 1941. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of that
5. tuted in Ueu of KCK
23579, KCS 27264 Company for Revision of Price Classi-
196.00. fication AND OF Minimum Prices at its
Dated: September 1941. should be substituted in lieu of KSC
(b) The quantity of spare parts
lot papers, correspondence, memoranda, or day, at a hearing room of the Bituminous 9,
27264, KCS 27748 should be substituted Aurora Mine, Mine Index No. 8, Dis-
called for under the terms of Item 2 of other records deemed relevant or mate- Coal Division, 734 Fifteenth Street NW., IsEAL] H. A. Gray,
In lieu of KSC 27784, SP 85624 should be
trict No. 2, Pursuant to Section 4 II
Contract W
535 ac-19042 is hereby in- rial to the Inquiry, to continue said hear- Washington. D. C. On such day the Director.
MOP (d) OF the Bituminous Coal Act^of
creased from a total money value of not ing from time to time, and to prepare Chief of the Records Section in room substituted in lieu of 85624; (c) in
(F. R. Doc. 41-6779; Filed, September 10, 1941; 1937
to exceed $2,992,090.00 to a total maxi- and submit to the Director proposed 502 will advise as to the room where such the second line of Paragraph No. 6 the
9:59 a. m.j order dismissing petition
mum cost of not to exceed $4,311,601.60; findings of fact and conclusions and the hearing will be held. words "Straight Creek Coal Company.
total additional cost of $1,319,511.60. recommendation gL^n appropriate order It is further ordered, That Scott A. Inc." should be deleted and the words The original petitioner having moved
Price adjtistment. The first paragraph in the premises, and^oj)ert6rm all other Dahlquist or any other officer or officers that the proceedings in the above-entitled
"Kentucky Glendon Corporation" substi-
duties in connection tn«i4with author- of the Division duly designated for that (Ekxket No. A-917| matter be dismissed without prejudice,
of Article 26 of the contract is hereby tuted in lieu thereof; (d) in the ninth
changed to read as follows: ized by law. purpose shall preside at the hearing in Petition of Keystone Mining Coicpany, and there having been no opposition
line of Paragraph 8 the word "business"
Art. 26. Price adjustment. The con- Notice of such hearing is hereby given such matter. The officers so designated A Code Member in District No. 1, for
to preside at such hearing are hereby should be inserted before the word Now, therefore, it is ordered. That the
tract prices stated in this contract for to all parties herein and to persons or THE Revision of the Effective Mini-
authorized to conduct said hearing, to "days" and after the figure "(10)"; (e) original petition in the above-entitled
airplanes and spare parts are subject to entities having an interest in these pro- mum Prices for the Size Group 3 Coals
adjustments for changes in labor and administer oaths and affirmations, ex- OF Mine Index Nos. 251 and 451 for in the table of shipments set forth In matter be dismissed without prejudice
ceedings and eligible to become a party
amine witnesses, subpoena witnesse.<:, Railroad Fitel Use, Pursuant to Sec- Paragraph No. 10 the words "W. A. Wick- and that the temporary relief hereto-
material cost£. herein. Any person desiring to be ad-
compel their attendance, take evidence, liffe Coal Co." appearing on the first line fore granted be terminated.
The supplies and services to be ob- mitted as a party to this proceeding may tion 4 n
entitled "Producer" should
tained by this instrument are authorized require the production of any books, pa- Act OF 1937 in the column Dated: September 9, 1941.
file a petition of intervention in accord-
by, are for the purpose set forth in and pers, correspondence, memoranda, or be changed to "Hume-Sinclair Coal Min- [seal] H. A. Gray.
ance with the rules and regulations of
are chargeable to Procurement Authority, other records deemed relevant or material order postponing hearing ing Company", and the figure "9" in the Director.
the Bituminous Coal Division for pro-
Debit: AC 32 P 12-30 A 0705-2. Debit: ceedings instituted pursuant to section 4 to the inquiry, to continue said hearing The intervener, District Board No. 1, column headed "Dist. No." should be
(F. R. Doc. 41-6782; Piled, September 10. 1941;
AC 18 P 82-30 A 0705-2, Debit: AC 34 P n from time to time, and to prepare and having moved that the hearing in the changed to "15"; (f) in the fourth line 9:59 a. m
(d) of the Act. setting forth the facts )

12-30 A 0705-12, Total debit $14,518,- submit to the Director proposed findings above-entitled matter be postponed until of Paragraph No. 12 the words "in Dis-
on the basis of which the relief in the
707.60, the available balance of which is of fact and conclusions and the recom- October 10, 1941, or such other later date trict No. 9" should be inserted after the
original petition is supported or opposed Applications for Registration as
sufficient. to cover cost of same. or on the Isasis of which other relief is
mendation of an appropriate order in as may be set by the Director and having word "vein" and before the word "at".
sought. Such petitions of intervention
the premises, and to i)erform all other shown good cause why its motion should Now, therefore, it is ordered. That: (a)
Major. SiffTial Corps, shall be filed with the Bituminous Coal
duties in connection therewith author- be granted; and in the fifth line of Paragraph No. 3 of
An application for registration as a
ized by law. The original petitioner having ac- distributor has been filed by each of the
Assistant to the Director of Division on or l>efore October 9. 1941. said Notice of and Order for Hearing the
Notice of such hearing is hereby given quiesced in th« motion for postponement, following and is under consideration by
Purchases and Contracts. All persons are hereby notified that words "Memphis, Tennessee" should be
to all parties herein and to persons or the Director:
the hearing in the above-entitled matter and there having been no opposition and the same are hereby omitted, and
|F. R. Doc. 41-6775: Filed. September 10. 1841; entities having an Interest in these pro- Name and address Date application filed
and any orders entered therein, may con- thereto the words "Cleveland, Ohio" substituted
0:50 a. m.] ceedings and eligible to become a party P. Prank, 1804 W. 59 St.. Chi- Aug. 28. 1941
cern, in addition to the matters specifi- Now, therefore, it is ordered. That the therefor; (b) in the table of shipments
cally alleged in the petition, other mat-
herein. Any person desiring to be ad- hearing in the above-entitled matter be contained in Paragraph No. 4 the initials
cago. 111.

mitted as a party to this proceeding may Curtis G. Warfel, 215 Kelso St.. Aug 29. 1941
ters necessarily incidental and related postponed from September 10, 1941. to and numbers of the cars appearing in the Harrisburg, Pa.
file a petition of intervention in accord-
thereto, which may be raised by amend- 10 o'clock In the forenoon of October 10. second column under the heading "Car
DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. ance with the rules and regulations of Any district board, code member, dis-
ment to the petition, petitions of inter- 1941. at the place heretofore designated No." should be and the same are hereby
the Bituminous Coal Division for pro- tributor, the Consumers' Counsel, or any
Bituminous Coal Division. veners or otherwise, or which may be nec- and before the officer previously desig- omitted and in lieu thereof the follow-
ceedings Instituted pursuant to sect on other interested person, who has perti-
essary corollaries to the relief, if any. nated to preside at the hearing. ing are substituted: KCS 27113 is hereby
(Docket No. A-Wa] 4 n (d) of the Act. setting forth the substituted in lieu of KSC 27113, KCS
nent information concerning the eligibil-
granted on the basis of this petition. Dated: September 9, 1941.
facts on the basis of which the relief in ity of any of the above-named applicants
PiTTnoN or District Board No. 7 roR
The matter concerned herewith is in [SEAL] H. A. Gray, 27251 is hereby substituted in lieu of
the original petition is supported or op- for registration as distributors under
Establishment of Price Classifica- regard to the petition of District Board Director. KSC 27251. MP
23579 is hereby substi-
the provisions of the Bituminous Coal
tions AND Minimum Prices for All posed or on the basis of which other tuted in lieu of KCK23579, KCS 27264 is
No. 7 for the establishment of Price Clas- Such petitions of inter- Act and the Rules and Regulations for
relief Is sought.
Shipments Except Truck for Size sification "D" for the Size Group
10 coals [F. R. Doc. 41-S780: Filed. September 10. 1941; hereby substituted in lieu of KSC 27264.
vention shall be filed with the Bituminous the Registration of Distributors, is in-
Group 10 Coals of the Crozer Mine of the Crozer Mine (Mine Index No. 49) 9:59 a. m.) KCS 27748 is hereby substituted in lieu
Coal Division on or before September 30. vited to furnish such information to the
(Mine Index No. 49) of the Crozer of the Crozer Coal and Coke Company of KSC 27784, SF hereby substi-
85624 is
Division on or before September 29. 1941.
Coal and Coke Co. and or the Upland and of the Upland Mine (Mine Index No.
are hereby notified that
tuted in lieu of MOP 85624;
(c) the m This Information should be mailed or
All persons
Mine (Mine Index No. 197) of the 197) of the Upland Coal and Coke Com- second hne of Paragraph No. 6 the words
the hearing in the above-entitled matter presented to the Bituminous Coal Di-
Upland Coal and Coke Co. (Code Mem- pany for all shipments except truck. (Docket No. ie98-FDl "Straight Creek Coal Company" are
bers IN District No. 7) and any orders entered therein, may con- hereby deleted and the words "Kentucky
vision, 734 15th Street NW.. Washington.
Dated: September 9. 1941. In the Matter of Southern Coal Com- D. C.
cern. In addition to the matters specifi-
Glendon Corporation" are hereby substi-
[seal! H. a. Orat, cally alleged In the petition, other mat- pany, Inc., Registered Distributor, Dated: September 9. 1941.
tuted in lieu thereof; (d) in the ninth
Director. ters necessarily incidental and related Registration No. 8561, Respondent [seal] H. a. Gray.
A pursuant to the Bituminous
petition, line of Paragraph 8 the word "business"
thereto, which may be raised by amend- Director.
Coal Act of 1937, having been duly filed [P. R. Doc. 41-6778: PUed, September 10. IMl; correction of typographical errors in is hereby Inserted before the word "days"
with this Division by the above-named 9:59 a. m] ment to the petition, petitions of inter- and after the figure "(10)"; (e) in the IF. R. Doc. 41-6783; Filed, September 10. 1941;
veners or otherwise, or which may be table of shipments set forth in Para-
necessary corollaries to the relief, if any, Certain typographical errors occurred graph No. 10 the words "W. A. Wickliffe
It is ordered. That a hearing in the
granted on the basis of this petition. in the Notice of and Order for Hearing Coal Co." appearing on the first line in Bureau of Reclamation.
above-entitled matter under the appli-
(Docket No. A-e90| The matter concerned herewith is in dated July 15, 1941, in the above-entitled
cable provisions of said Act and the rules the column entitled "Producer" are First Form Reclamation Withdrawal
of the Division be held on October 14, Pgr m oN OF District Board No. 8 for regard to the petition of District Board
No. 8 for revision of the price classifica-
matter, as follows: hereby changed to "Hume-Sinclair Coal
paintrock project investigations,
1941, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of Revision of the Price Classifications
In the fifth line of Paragraph No.
Mining Company", and the figure "9" in
tions and minimum prices for coals of (a) WYOBHNG
that day. at a hearing room of the Bitu- AND Effective Minimum Prices for the column headed "Dist. No." is hereby
the Halstead Mine (Mine Index No. 345) 3 the words "Memphis, Tennessee"
minous Coal Division. 734 Fifteenth Rail and Truck Shipments of the changed to "15"; (f) in the fourth line July 31, 1941.
of the Halstead Coal Company, Inc.. as should be omitted and the words "Cleve-
Street NW.. Washington. D. C. On such Coals of the Halstead Mine (Mine of Paragraph No. 12 the words "in Dis- The Secretary of the Interior.
follows land, Ohio" substituted therefor; (b) in
day the Chief of the Records Section in Index No. 345) of the Halstead Coal trictNo. 9" are hereby Inserted after the Sir: It is recommended that the fol-
the table of shipments contained in Par-
room 502 will advise as to the room Company, a Code Member in District by changing the price classifications word "vein" and before the word "at". lowing described excepting any
agraph No. 4 the initials and numbers of
where such hearing will be held. No. 8 for all shipments except truck from "Q" the cars appearing in the second column
Dated: September 9, 1941. tract the title of which has passed out of
It is further ordered. That Travis to "M" in Size Groups 1 through 4, from under the heading "Car No." should be [seal! H. a. Gray. the United States, be withdrawn from
notice of and order for hsarinq
Williams or any other officer or officers "J" to "E" in Size Group 9, and from omitted and in lieu thereof the following Director. l>ublic entry under the first form, as pro-
of the Division duly designated for that A pursuant to the Bituminous
petition, "M" to in Size Group 10; and
"G" should be substituted: KCS 27113 should [F. R. Doc. 41-6781; Filed. September 10, 1941;
vided by Section 10. Act of October 14,
purpose shall preside at the hearing in Coal Act of 1937, having been duly filed by changing the price classification for be subsUtuted in lieu of KSC 27113. KCS 9:59 a. m.J 1940 (54 Stat. 1119).
such matter. The officers so designated with this Division by the above-named Great Lakes Cargo only from "P" to "M"
to preside at such hearing are hereby party; in Size Groups 1 and 2; and
authorized to conduct said hearing, to It is ordered. That a hearing in the by changing minimum prices in cents
administer oaths and affirmations, ex- above-entitled matter under the appli- per ton for truck shipments from 245 to
4672 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September lU 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 11, 1941 4673

Paimtbocx Piojxcr Iitvbstigatioki —

T. 12 8.. B. 25 S. Continued.
tions, except cutting, scoring and sllt-
as indicated in the Certificates. Any (757p of the applicable hourly minimum Venus lingerie Company, Inc., 35 Ben-
Sec. 28. NViNW'A. N^SWViHW%. Ung; March 10, 1942.
Wyoming person aggrieved by the issuance of any wage) September 11 1942. ham Avenue. Bridgeport. Connecticut;
Sixth Principal Meridian. NW^. N>ANE^8W%. NViBWV48I%. Randolph Paper Box Company, 1313

of these Certificates may seek a review or Lipson Garment Company. 308 East Apparel; Ladies' Undergarments; 5 per-
T. 81 N.. R. M W^ NWViSBVi:
Sec. 29, N«y4NE%. NVi8EVtNEy4. 8W% E. Grace Street. Richmond, Virginia; reconsideration thereof. Ninth Street, Los Angeles, California; Ap- cent (757c of the applicable hourly mini-
Bcc. 20. 8W^:
Sec. 30. 8>A;
Ni;y4. Nwy4NW^, sviNw^. Nwy4 8w%, Converted Paper Products; Small, Round parel; Ladies' wash dresses, housecoats; mum wage); September 11, 1942.
Sec. 31. N>A: and Square Paper Boxes; 8 learners; 6 5 learners (75% of the applicable hourly Abraham M. V/eiss, 63 Hudson Avenue,
Sec. 33. NWV4.
weeks for any one learner; 30 cents per minimum wage) September 11, 1942. Albany. New York, Apparel: Raincoats:
T. 51 N.. R. 87 W. 8m. 88, NK^. l'/i8E>4; PIRATION DATE ;

Sec. 31, E'/4NE«4. 8Wy4NE>A, Lota I. 2. hour; Basic hand and machine box mak- M. & S. Shirt Company, Inc.. 32 High 3 learners (757o of the applicable hourly
Respectfully, Bi4Nwy4, Niy4swy4, n^8E>4: ing operations, except cutting, scoring Ashland Manufacturing Company. 652 Street, Elizabeth. New Jersey; Apparel;
Sec. 32. NEy4. S'/iNW^;
minimum wage) September 11. 1942.

H. W. Bashore, and slitting; March 10. 1942. Row^evelt Averue, Carteret, New Jersey; Men's Shirts; 10 percent (757c of the ap- Arrowhead Oconto Glove and Mitten
Acting Commissioner. Respectfully. John H. Swisher and Son, Inc., 501 Apparel; Wash Dresses; 19 learners (75% phcable hourly minimum wage) ; Sep- Company, Superior Avenue, Oconto. Wis-
H. W. Bashori. East 16th Street, Jacksonville, Florida; of the applicable hourly minimum tember (This Certificate re-
I concur: August 14. 1941. 11, consin; Gloves; Work Gloves; 14 learn-
Acting Commissioner. Cigar Manufacturing; 10 percent; 8 waiie) January 16, 1942.
places one issued bearing the expiration ers; March
Prid W. Johkson, 11. 1942.
weeks for anv one learner; 75% of the Banner Maid Company. 808 Washing- date of September 24, 1941.) Grayson -Wilson -Nolan Glove Com-
Commissioner, General Land I concur: August 14, 1941.
applicable minimum wage rate; Cigar ton Street. St. Louis, Missouri; Apparel; Mar-Ann Dress Company, 120 North pany, 606 S. Marengo Avenue; Alhambra,
Office. Pred W. Johnson. Machine Operators; August 28, 1942. Ladies' slips and pajamas; 10 learners State Street, Ephrata Pennsylvania; Ap-
Commissioner of the General Land California: Gloves; Knit Fabric and
AtJOTJST 22, 1941. (75'^c of the applicable hourly minimum parel; Children's Dresses; 170 learners
Office. Signed at Washington. D. C, this 10th Work Gloves: 2 learners; September 11,
The recommendation Is
foregoing wage) ; September 11, 1942. (This certi- (757c of the applicable hourly minimum 1942.
day of September 1941.
hereby approved and the Commissioner AtrcTTST 21, 1941. ficate replaces one issued effective Octo- wage) January 8, 1942
Merle D. Vincent,
Concordia Silk Hosiery Company. Inc.,
of the General Office will cause the
Land The foregoing recommendation Is ber 29. 1940.) E. Mendelson. 125 Broadway, Long A and Courtland Streets. Philadelphia.
Authorized Representative Barclay Shirt Company. 1010 Race
records of his office and the local land hereby approved, as recommended, and Branch, New Jersey; Apparel; Dresses; Pennsylvania; Hosiery; Full Fashioned
of the Administrator. Street. Philadelphia. Pennsylvania; Ap-
office to be noted accordingly. the Commissioner of the General Lemd Cotton Jiggers. Sportswear; 4 learners Hosiery; 10 learners; March 11. 1942.
Dempsit, Doc. 41-6797: Plied. September parel; Men's Shirts; 5 learners (75% of (75% of the applicable hourly minimum
John J. Office will cause the records of his office [P. R. 10, 1941; Graysville Hosiery Mill. 125 E. Main
I7nder Secretary. 11:50 a.m.) the applicable hourly minimum wage) wage); September 11. 1942.
and the local land office to be noted Street. Dayton, Tennessee; Hosiery;
September 11. 1942. Outdoor Clothing Company. Inc.. 9 St.
September 10, 1941;
accordingly. Seamless Hosiery; 10 learners: May 11.
IP. R. Doc. 41-6777; Piled, 1^ Burnley Shirt Corporation. Twenty- Frances Street Newark. New Jersey; Ap-
9:65 a. m.] John J. Dempsey, 1942.
Second Avenue. Meridian. Mississippi; parel; Leather and Sheepskin Coats; 10
Under Secretary. Notice op Issuance of Specul Certifi- Mac Hosiery Mill. Granite Falls.
Apparel; Dress shirts; 5 percent (757o of learners (757c of the applicable hourly
cates FOR THE Employment of Learners North Carolina; Hosiery; Seamless Ho-
[P. R. Doc. 41-6776: Piled, September 10, 1941; the applicable hourly minlmym wage) minimum wage) January 8, 1942.
siery; 2 learners; September 11, 1942.
9:56 a. m.] Under the Fair Labor Standards Act September 11. 1942. Randa Neckwear Corporation. Hack- Pine Hosiery Mills, Inc.. Star, North
AOJTTSTMENT Of RECLAMATIOR WriH- of 1938 Chock-Horowitz Company. Hay Street New Jersey; Apparel; Men's
ORAWAL TO Plat or Resurvey
ensack. Carolina; Hosiery Seamless Hosiery; 5 >
Notice hereby given that Special Cer- and Ridge Avenue. York, Pennsylvania; Neckwear; 10 learners (75% of the ap-
is learners; March 11, 1942.
DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. Apparel; Pajamas; 10 percent (75% of plicable hourly minimum wage) Decem-
pine flat reservoir site, california tificates authorizing the employment of ; Reitzel Hosiery Mill, R. F. D. 2. Hickory,
the applicable hourly minimum wage)
learners at hourly wages lower than the ber 29. 1941. North Carolina; Hosiery, Seamless Ho-
July 14. 1941. Wage and Hour Division. September 11, 1942.
minimum wage rate applicable under sec- Progressive Vest Shop. 412 Boston Ave- siery; 2 learners; September 11, 1942.
The Secretary of the Interior. Notice of Issuance of Special Certifi- tion 6 of the Act are issued under section
Crown Trouser Company, Second and nue. Egg Harbor City, New Jersey; Ap- The Atlas Underwear Company, North
Sir: By Departmental order of No- cates FOR the Employment of 14 thereof, Part 522 of the Regulations
Alder Streets. Philipsburg. Pennsylvania: parel; Men's Vests; 5 learners (757o of 10th and D. Streets, Richmond. Indiana:
lands in T. 12 S.. Learners Under the Fair Labor Stand- Apparel; Shirts and Pants; 10 percent the applicable hourly minimum wage)
vember 16, 1932. certain Issued thereunder (August 16. 1940, 5 P.R. Knitted Wear; Knitted Underwear; 5
(75% of the applicable hourly minimum
R. 25 E., MX).M.. California, were with- ards Act OF 1938 2862) and the Determination and Order September 11, 1942. percent; September 11, 1942.
drawn imder the first form as provided or Regulation listed l)elow and published
wa«?e) : December 4. 1941. Reliance Manufacturing Company,
hereby given that special Cer- Beaumt MUls. Inc., Mohawk Street.
in Section 3, Act of June 17, 1902 (32
Notice is
in the Federal Register as here stated.
D & D Shirt Company. Northampton, North Washington Street. Columbus, In- Cohoes. New
York; Knitted Wear; Knit-
tificates authorizing the employment of Pennsylvania; Apparel; Shirt Contract-
Stat. 388) in connection with Pine Plat diana; Apparel; Jackets, Pants, and ted underwear and commercial knitting:
learners at hourly wages lower than the Apparel Learner Regulations, Septem- ing: 10 percent (75% of the applicable
Reservoir Site, California. Shirts; 10 percent (757o of the applicable 5 percent; September 11, 1942.
minimum rate applicable under section ber 7, 1940 (5F.R. 3591). hourly minimum wage) September 11,
Due to a resurvey of this township ac- 6 of the Act are Issued under section 14 Artificial Flowers and Feathers Learner
hourly minimum wage) ; Septeml)er 11, Gutstein and Kaiser Knitting Mills,
cepted by the General Land Office on De-
1942. (This certificate replaces one is- Center and White Streets. Dupont. Penn-
thereof and S 522.5 (b) of the Regula- Regulations. October 24, 1940 (5 F.R. Green Star Manufacturing Company.
cember 6, 1940, it is recommended that tions issued thereunder. (August 16. 4203).
sued bearing the expiration date of Au- sylvania; Knitted Wear: Knitted outer-
Sharptown. Maryland; Apparel; Men's
the withdrawal of November 16. 1932. 1940, 5 P.R. 2862) to the employers listed Glove Findings and Determination oL
gust 11, 1942.) wear; 24 learners; February 19, 1942.
with respect to T. 12 S.. R. 25 E., M.DAI.,
Shorts; 40 learners (75% of the applica-
The Snow and Baker Company. White-
below effective September 11, 1942. February 20. 1940. as amended by Admin- Woodside Cotton Mills Company,
California, be adjusted to embrace the
ble hourly minimum wage) ; December field, New Hampshire; Apparel; Over- Fountain Inn, South Carolina; Textile;
The employment of learners under istrative Order of September 20. 1940 (5 29. 1941.
following described lands: limited to the terms
alls; 6 learners (757c of the applicable Print Cloths, 3 percent; September 11,
these Certificates is F.R. 3748). The Holbrook Corporation. 34 Meadow
Mount Diablo MzRiDiAif, Cautorhia and conditions as designated opposite Hosiery Learner Regulations. Septem-
hourly minimum wage) ; September 11, 1942.
Street. New Britain, Connecticut; Ap- 1942. (This certificate replaces one is- Braham Woolen Mi'ls. Braham. Min-
T. 12 8., R. 26 E.. the employer's name. These Certificates ber 4. 1940 (5FJI. 3530). parel; Men's Shirts; 10 percent (75%
Sec. 3. Lot SW'/iNWVi. W!'a8W',4; sued effective November 28, 1940.) nesota; Woolen; Wool batting. Woolen
are issued upon the employers' repre- Independent Telephone Learner Reg- of the applicable hourly minimum wage)
Sec. 4. Lots 1. 2. S'aNE'^. SWUSW'/*. SE»i; yarn; 2 learners; September 11. 1942.
sentations that experienced workers for ulations. September 27. 1940 (5 PR. Southland Manufacturing Company,
Sec 6, SE'4NE»4. Lot 3, N^^ of Lot 4, SE'/i September 11. 1942. (This certificate re-
of Lot 4. 8W V4 SW V* NW '4 N Vi SE >4 NW '4
the learner occupations are not available 3829). places one Issued effective September 27,
Mobile and Grady Streets, Montgomery. Robert E. Pent, Coll Street. New
SE'48E',4NWU. W'jSWy*. NE''4NEV4 for employment and that they are actu- Knitted Wear Learner Regulations. Alabama; Apparel; Workshirts; 10 per- Braunfels. Texas; Woolen; Wool comb-
SW'4. SEV48E148WV4. N»^SW>4SEV4. cent (757o of the applicable hourly mini- ing plant. Manufacturing wool tapes; 5
E A SB 1/ • ally in need of learners at subminimum October 10. 1940 (5 PH. 3982). Jaross Sportswear 1017 South Grand

Sec. «. NEy* of Lot 1. S'/i, of Lot 2, Lot 8. rates in order to prevent curtailment of Millinery Learner Regulations, Custom Avenue. Los Angeles. California; Ap-
mum wage) September 11. 1942. (This
; learners; November 17. 1941.
8ViNE>/4. SW'm8E>4. E;'aSEV4; opportunities for employment. The Cer- certificate replaces one issued effective Signed at Washington, D. C. this 10th
Made and Popular Priced, August 29. parel; Sportswear, Women's Slack Suits;
Sec. Lot 1, N'tiNE';, SEy4NEy4. SEy*
tificates be cancelled in the manner
may December 23, 1940.) day of September 1941.
8W>4. 8W''48E'4. E'/iSE'i; 1940 (5 F.R. 3392. 3393). 5 learners (75% of the applicable hourly
Sec. NE14NE14NEV4. NW>4NWV4NEy4,
provided for in the Regulations and as Textile Learner Regulations, May 16. minimum wage) ; September 11. 1942.
Standard Trouser Company, Buckhan- Merle D. Vincent,
8%NWV4NE'4. KWy*. W>'iSW'4. indicated on the Certificate. Any per- Johnson's Gloves Inc.. 307 West Sec- non, West Virginia; Apparel; Trousers; Authorized Representative
9. NBy4. W»4NW>4. W'^SWy*.
son aggrieved by the Issuance of these
1941 (6 FJl. 2446).
Woolen Learner Regulations, October ond Street, Marshfield, Wisconsin; Ap- 10 percent (757r of the applicable hourly — of the Administrator.
81>'48W»4. W»^8E>4;
Certificates may seek a review of recon-
30, 1940 (5 FJl. 4302). parel; Leather and Cloth Jackets and minimum wage) December 4, 1941.

P. R. Doc. 41-6798; Filed, September 10, 1941;

fi6C 10 W ^At sideration thereof.
employment learners under
Raincoats; 4 learners (75% of the ap- Strauber Brothers. 483 Broadway, New I

11:59 a. m.l
plicable hourly minimum wage) Sep- York. New York; Apparel; Ladies' and
Si^NE'4, NWV4NW14. S'^NW'A.
Sec. 15. these Certificates is limited to the terms Children's Slips and Pajamas; 5 learn-
8^: and conditions as to the occupations,
Sec. 10. All: LEARNER WAGE, LEARNER OCCUPATIONS, S. Kellner and Sons, 361 Stagg Street, ers (75% of the applicable hourly mini-
S'i,NB'4, NWV*. 8><,: learning periods, minimum wage rates, mum wage) January 8, 1942. Notice of Change of Date of Hearing on
Sec. 17,
EXPIRATION DATE Brooklyn, New York; Apparel; Men's and ;

Sec. 18, NE'4, Lot 4. E>^SB'4: et cetera, specified in the Determination Minimum Wage Recommendation of
Boys" Cotton Pajamas; 5 learners (75% Jack Tobin. Third and Somerset
Sec. 19. Lots 1. 2. 3. 4. E4SW'4, 8E»4: Quincy Paper Box Company. 230 North and Order or Regulation for the Industry Industry Committee No. 28 for the
NE14, NEl4NWi,4. SW»4; of the applicable minimum wage) Jan- Streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Ap-
Sec. 20, ;

3rd Street. Chicago, Illinois: Converted designated above and indicated opposite Knitted and Men's Woven Underwear
Sec. 21. N'iNi-i. SWV4NW>/4. W»a8WV*: uary 8, 1942. parel; Children's Dresses; 10 percent
Sec. 22. All: Paper Products; Manufacture of Set-up the employer's name. These Certiflcate.s AND Commercial Knitting Industry
Laurel Underwear Company. R. D. #2, (757c of the applicable hourly minimum
Sec. 23. NW'4NE>4. S^N'j. S'i; Paper Boxes; 2 learners; 6 weeks for any become effective September 11, 1941. The
PottstoWn, Pennsylvania; Apparel; Men's, wage) September 11, 1942. (This cer- Whereas the Administrator of the Wage
Sec. 24. N>j. N'jS'j, SW»48WV4: may
be cancelled the in

one learner; 30 cents per hour; Basic Certificates

Children's and Ladies' Underwear, Men's
Sec. 26, N'jNEU: tificate replaces one issued effective Sep- and Hour Division of the United States
hand and machine box making opera- manner provided in the Regulations and
Sec. 27, N>iNE>4, NEy4NWy4; and Boys' Cotton Jackets: 2 learners tember 27. 1940.) Department of Labor, on June 21, 1941
FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 11, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, September 11, 1941 4675
(File No. 1-17971 cember 31; that the annual report for Exchange Commission, 120 Broadway, Mountain States Power Company is a
(PJl. June gave notice, pur-
24. 1941), such date as shall hereafter be desig-
nated by the Commission. Ik THE Matter or Proceeding To Dtm-
its fiscal year ended December 31. 1940 New York, New York, and continue there- subsidiary company of Standard Gas
suant to Section 8 of the Pair Labor was due to be filed not later than April after at such time and place as the officer and Electric Company which is a regis-
Standards Act of 1938, that a public hear- By the Commission. MiNE Whether the Registration or
30, 1941; and that no annual report for hereinbefore designated may tered holding company while Montana-
I'ON M. F0QUAT, Aladdin Gold Minino Company. Ltd. determine.
ing would be held on July 9, 1941, for the [SSAL] the fiscal year ended December 31, 1940 By the Commission. Dakota Utilities Co. is not a registered
purpose of taking evidence on the ques- Secretary. Common Capital Stock. 10c Par Value,
has been filed; and holding company nor a subsidiary com-
tion whether the recommendation of In-
Should Be Suspended or Withdrawn [seal] Francis P. Brassor,
dustry Committee No. 28 for a minimum
IF R Doc. 41-«794; FUe<l. September 10, 1941;
11:42 a. m] order ror hearing and designating
n Secretary. pany thereof. It Is stated that there
exists between Mountain States Power
wage rate of 40 cents an hour in the ornccR TO take testimony The Commission having reasonable (F. R. Doc. 41-8790: Filed. September 10, 1941;
Company and Montana-Dakota Utilities
11:29 m.)
Knitted and Men's Woven Underwear
cause to believe:
At a regular session of the Securities Co. no intercorporate relationships
and Commercial Knitting Industry shall Thesaid Aladdin Gold Mining
and Exchange Commission held at its (a) through holding companies, ownership
be approved or disapproved; and SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COM- Company. Ltd. has failed to comply with
office in the City of Washington. D. C. (File No. 70-397 of securities, or otherwise; that no un-
Whereas by an order duly published MISSION. the provisions of section 13 of the Secu-
the on the 8th day of September. A. D. 1941. derwriters' or finders' fees of any kind
In the Federal Register July 3. 1941. [File No. 70-393) rities Exchange Act of 1934. as amended, In the Matter or Mountain States will be paid; and that after the sale by
date of the hearing was advanced to Sep- Power Company
the Rules and Regulations. Form 10-K Mountain States Power Company of said
tember 15. 1941: and In the Matter or Stanley Clarke, appearing to the Commission: and the Instructions thereto, promul- purchase money note, the same will not
Whereas due cause has been shown for Trustee or Associated Gas and Elec-
That Aladdin Gold Mining Company, gated by the Commission thereunder In be an obligation direct or indirect, con-
the further postponement of the
date tric Company. Debtor, in Reorganiza- At a regular session of the Securities
Ltd.. a corporation organlied under the that the annual report filed by It for the ditional, or otherwise.
upon which said hearlns shall be held: tion Under Chapter X or the Bank- and Exchange Commission held at its
laws of the State of Nevada, is the Issuei fiscal year ended December 31. 1939 fails By the Commission.
therefore, notice is hereby given ruptcy Act office inthe City of Washington. D. C. on
Now, of Common Capital Stock, 10c Par to contain certified financial statements [seal] Francis P. Br.^ssor.
the 9th day of September. A. D. 1941.
that: ORDER permitting DECLARATIONS TO Value; and in the form and for the period as pre- Secretary.
Notice is hereby given that a declara-
aforesaid hearing on the recom-
The BECOME XTPECTIVX said Aladdin Gold Mining Com-
That scribed by Item 8 of Form 10-K and the
1. tion or application (or both), has been [F. R. Doc. 41-6791; Piled, September 10, 1941;
mendation of Industry Committee No. pany. Ltd. registered such security on the Instructions thereto and the Rules and 11:29 a. m.)
At a regular session of the Securities filed with this Commission pursuant to
28 for a minimum wage rate of 40
centa San iPranclsco Mining Exchange, a na- Regulations of the Commission; and
Woven and Exchange Commission held at its
(b) The
the Public Utility Holding Company Act
Knitted and Men's tional securities exchange, by filing on said Aladdin Gold Mining
an hour in the ofBce in the City of Washington. D. C, of 1935 by the above named party; and
Underwear and Commercial Knitting In- or about April 15. 1938, an application on Company. Ltd. has also failed to comply (Pile Nob. 59-11. 59-17)
on the 9th day of September, A. D. 1941. Notice Is further given that any Inter-
dustry shall be held at 10:00 A. M.
on Form 8-A with the said exchange and with said section 13 and said Rules
The United Light and
In the M.-^tter or
The above-named party, having filed a X-13A-1 and X-13A-2 in that it has ested person may, not later than Septem-
September 29. 1941. in Room 3229. United with the Commission, pursuant to section Power Company, The United Light
declaration, as amended, pursuant to the ber 24. 1941. at 4:45 P. M., E. S. T., re-
States Department of Labor Building, 12 (b) and (c) of the Securities Exchange failed to file its annual report for the
AND Railways Company. American
Public Utility Holding Company Act of quest the Commission In writing that a
Washington. D. C, before Thomas Act of 1934, as amended, and pursuant to year ended December 31, 1940 within
Light L Traction Comp.\ny. Conti-
1935, and particularly sections 6 (a) and hearing be held on such matter, stating
Holland. Principal Hearings Examiner of Rule X-12B-1. as amended, promulgated the time prescribed for filing said report;
nental Gas ti Electric Corporation,
7 thereof, and Rules U-20, U-23. and the reasons for such request and the na-
the Wage and Hour EMvision, United by the Commission thereimder, which and United American Company, and Iowa-
U-24, promulgated thereimder, regard- registration became effective June 19. in ture of his interest, or may request that
States Department of Labor; ing extension of the maturity date of he be notified If the Commission should Nebraska Light and Power Company.
1938, and has remained in effect to and
2.Any interested person who desires the outstanding Trustee's Certificates, In It being the opinion of the Commis- order a hearing thereon. At any time Respondents
at the aforesaid hearing to
including the date hereof; and sion that the hearing herein ordered to be
to appear the principal amount of $200,000, due thereafter such declaration or applica- (Pile No. 54-25]
in- It further appearing to the Commis-
offer evidence shall file notice of his September 13, 1941. to a date not to held is necessary and proper in the public tion, as filed or as amended, may become
tention with the Administrator of the sion:
interest and to aid in the enforcement
The United Light and Power Company.
exceed one year from said September 13, That Rule X-13A-1, promulgated pur- effective or may be granted, as provided
Wage and Hour Division not later than 1941; and of the provisions of the Securities Ex- In Rule U-23 of the Rules and Regula-
suant to section 13 of said Securities Ex-
September 19, 1941. in the manner speci- Said declaration having been filed on change Act of 1934, as amended; tions promulgated pursuant to said Act. order on amended appucation nxtmber i;
of the aforesaid change Act of 1934, as amended, did and
fied In paragraph August 28, 1941. and notice of said filing It is ordered. Pursuant to section 19 Any such request should be addressed: sale by the united light and railways
does require that an annual report for
notice of June 21. 1941. having been duly given in the form and (a) (2) of said Act, that a public hearing Secretary. Securities and Exchange Com- company or common stock of northern
each issuer of a security registered on a
3. Except as hereinabove expressly manner prescribed In Rule U-23, pro- be held to determine whether Aladdin mission, Washington, D. C. natural cas company
national securities exchange shall be filed Gold Mining Company, Ltd.. has failed
modified, and except for the substitu- mulgated pursuant to said Act, and an All interested persons are referred to At a regular session of the Securities
on the appropriate form prescribed
tion of Thomas Holland, as Presiding amendment having been filed on Sep- to comply with section 13 of the Securi-
said declaration or application, which is and Exchange Commission, held at Its
therefor; and
Officer in place of Henry T. Hunt, the tember 8. 1941. and the Commission not ties Exchange Act of 1934. as amended,
on file In the office of said Commission, office In the City of Washington. D. C,
1941, remains
That Rule X-13A-2, promulgated pur-
and the Rules. Regulations and Forms
aforesaid notice of June 21. having received a request for a hearing for a statement of the transactions on the 9th day of September. A. D. 1941.
suant to section 13 of the Securities Ex- promulgated by the Commission there-
In full force and effect. with respect to said declaration, as therein proposed, which are summarized The United Light and Power Company
change Act of 1934. as amended, did and under. In the respects set forth above;
^ Signed at Washington, D. C, this tenth amended, within the period specified in does prescribe Form 10-K as the annual below: and The United Light and Railways Com-
said notice, or otherwise, and not having
and if so. whether it is necessary or ap-
day of September 1941. report form to be used for the annual re- pany, registered holding companies, hav-
ordered a hearing thereon; and propriate for the protection of investors Mountain States Power Company pro-
ports of all corporations except those for ing filed an application and an amend-
Baird Snyder. to suspend for a period not exceeding poses to acquire from Montana-E>akota
The above-named party having re- which another form is specified, and that ment thereto pursuant to sections 11 and
Acting Administrator. twelve months or to withdraw the reg- Utilities Co. the latter company's pur-
quested that the Commission advance the no other form was or is specified for use 12 of the Public Utility Holding Company
said declaration, as istration of the Common Capital Stock. chase money note in the face amount of
effective date of
by the said Aladdin Gold Mining Com- Act of 1935 with respect to the sale to
IF R. Doc. 41-«799: Filed. September 10,
10c Par Value, of said Aladdin Gold Min- $95,000 In payment of the purchase price
IMl: 11:59 ft. 1 m amended, and the Commission finding pany; and ing Company. Ltd., on said San Francisco of certain existing electric utility prop-
underwriters for resale to the public of
that the requirements of section 7 are That said Rule X-13A-1 requires that 355,250 shares of the $20 par value Com-
Mining Exchange; erties located in and near Baker, Mon-
satisfied, and that It Is appropriate that mon Stock of Northern Natural Gas Com-
said annual report be filed not more It is further ordered. Pursuant to the tana, to be sold by Mountain States
the said declaration, as amended, be per- than 120 days after the close of each pany, a registered holding company and a
mitted to become effective, and that the provisions of section 21 (b) of the Secu- Power Company to Montana-Dakota
fiscal year or such other period as may subsidiary company of such applicants,
FEDERAL POWER COMMLSSION. date should be advanced
rities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, Utilities Co., saidpurchase money note
be prescribed in the instruction bock and the matter having been set down for
that for the purpose of such hearing, to be payable In three equal Instalments
(Docket Mo. O-ail] It is hereby ordered. Pursuant to said applicable to the particular form: that hearing, which hearing was held on Sep-
Adrian C. Humphries, an officer of the on or before April 1943. January 1.
Rule U-23, and the applicable provisions the instructions to Form 10-K do not tember 8. 1941 after appropriate notice:
Ik the Mattxr or United Gas Pipe Lini Commission, is hereby designated to ad- 1944. and October 1944. respectively,
of said Act. and subject to the terms and prescribe any period other than such 120 the record In this matter having been
Company minister oaths and affirmations, sub- bearing interest at the rate of 2V2% per
conditions prescribed in Rule U-24, that days; and that pursuant to said Rule duly considered and the Commission hav-
poena witnesses, compel their attendance, annum. The acquisition by Mountain
order postponing hearing the aforesaid declaration, as amended, be X-13A-1 the annual report must be filed ing made and filed its findings and opin-
take testimony and require the produc- States Power Company of said purchase
and hereby is permitted to become effec- within this Initial period unless the reg- ion herein
September 9. 1941. tion of any books, papers, correspondence, money note is to be conditioned on the
tive forthwith. istrant files with the Commission a re- It is ordered. That said application as
memoranda or other records deemed rel- proposed sale thereof at face amount by
It appearing to the Commission that: By the Commission, Commissioner quest for an extension of time to » amended be and the same hereby is
Good cause has been shown for the post- evant or material to the Inquiry, and to endprsement without recourse to North-
Healy dissenting for reasons set forth in specified date within six months after granted.
perform all other duties In connection western National Bank and Trust Com-
ponement of the date fixed for hearing his memorandum of April 1. 1940. the close of the fiscal year; and By the Commission.
therewith authorized by law pany of Minneapolis, such sale of said
In this matter; It further appearing to the Commis- [seal] Francis P. Brassor.
[SKALl Francis P. Br.\ssor, It is further ordered, That the taking of purchase money note by Mountain States
The Commission orders that: The sion: Secretary.
Secretary. testimony In this hearing begin on the Power Company to be consummated si-
public hearing in this matter heretofore
That said Aladdin Gold Mining Com- 23d day of September, at 10:00 A. M. at multaneously with the receipt by it IF. R. Doc. 41-D792: Filed. September 1941;
ordered to commence on September 15. (F. R. Doc. 41-6789; Filed. September 10. 1941;
the Regional Office of the Securities and

11:29 a. m.] pany, Ltd. has a fiscal year ending De- thereof. 11:30 a. m.]
1941, be and it is hereby postponed to

ritDi B,^
^^15 13ii


VOLUME 6 \, '"* <i^^ NUMBER 178

Washington, Friday, September 12, 1941

National Organization Masters. Mates CONTENTS

The President
and America
Pilots of
National Marine Engineers' Beneficial
Association '****
Emergency Board, Atchison, Topeka L Proclamation:
Santa Fe Railway and Otheb Car- International Longshoremen's Associa- Emergency board, Atchison, To-

riers Employees tion peka k Santa Fe Railway
WHEREAS the President, having been and other carriers
or AMERICA duly notified by the National Mediation
Board that certain disputes between the Certain provisions of the Civil
A PROCLAMATION Service Rules amended 4681
carrier listed on the attached exhibit
WHEREAS the President, havlnR been "C" and certain of its employees as they RULES, REGULATIONS,
duly notiflecTby the National Mediation are represented by the following labor ORDERS
Board thatja dispute between the car- organizations:
riers listed in the attached exhibit "A"
Title 7 Agriculture:
Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship
and certalnfof their employees as they Agricultural Adjustment Ad-
Clerks. Freight Handlers. Express and
are represented by the following labor
ministration :

Station Employes
organizations: National agricultural conser-
International AsGociation of Machinists
vation program. 1941. cor-
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers International Brotherhood of Black- 4682
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and smiths, Drop Forgers and Helpers
Title 16 Commercial Practices:
EnginemMi which disputes have not heretofore been Federal Trade Commission:
Order of Rajilway Conductors of America adjusted under the provisions of the Cease and desist orders:
Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen Railway Labor Act. as amended, now Scientific Apparatus Mak-
Switchmen's Union of North America threaten substantially^ to interrupt in- ers of America, et al
Standard Distributing Co__
— 4682
WHEREAS the President, having been terstate commerce to a degree such as
duly notified by the National Mediation to deprive the country of essential trans- Title 20 Employees' Benefits:
Board that certain disputes between the portation service; Railroad Retirement Board:
carriers listed on the attached exhibit NOW. THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN D. Appeals within the Board,
ROOSEVELT, President of the United amendment 4684
"B" and certain of their employees as
they are represented by the following States of America, by virtue of the power Title 32 National Defense:
labor organizations: vested in me by the Constitution and Office of Price Administration: ^
laws of the United States, and by virtue Fats and oils, etc., price sched-
International Association of Machinists amended 4684
of and under the authority in me vested ule
International Brotherhood of Boilermak- Production Manage-
by section 10 of the Railway Labor Act, Office of
ers, Iron Ship Builders and Helpers of ment:
as amended, do hereby create a board to
America Preference ratings made man-
be composed of 5 persons not pecuni-
International Brotherhood of Black- 4684
arily or otherwise interested in any or- datory, etc
smiths, Drop Forgers and Helpers Thle 47 Telecommunication:
ganization of railway employees or any
Sheet Metal Workers' InternaUonal As- Federal Communications Com-
carrier, to investigate the aforemen-
tioned disputes and report its findings to mission:
International Brotherhood of Electrical radio services,
me within 30 days from this date. Emergency
Workers amendment 4685
Brotherhood Railway Carmen of America The members of this board shall be
compensated for and on account of such General rules and regula-
International Brotherhood of Firemen, tions, amendment 4685
Roundhouse and Rail- duties in the sum of seventy-five dollars
Oilers, Helpers.
($75.00) for every day actually employed NOTICES
way Shop Laborers
with or upon account of travel and duties
The Order of Railroad Telegraphers Aeronautics Board:
incident to such board. The members Civil
Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship f{
will be reimbursed for and they are hereby Hearings:
Clerks. Freight Handlers, Express and
National Airlines. Inc., et al— 4689
Station Employes
Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way
authorized to make expenditures for ex-
penses for themselves and of the board, Northeast AirUnes, Inc.—
Transcontinental & Western
— 4689

Employes Including traveling expenses and in con-

Air, Inc., et al 4689
Brotherhood of Railroad Bignalman of formity with Public. No. 212, 72d Congress,
approved June 30, 1932, 11: 30 a. m.. not (Continued on next page)
Friday, September 12, 1941 4679
4678 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 12, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER,
Louis Southwestern Railway
Central System Continued Southern Railway Company—Continued Gulf Coast lines—Continued
Houston and Brazos Valley RaUway
St. Louis Southwestern Railway Co. of
hereunto set my hand and caused the Indiana Harbor Bf't Railroad Com- St. Johns River Terminal Company
Company Texas
seal of the United States to be af&xed. pany Woodstock k Blocton Railway Com-
FEDERAUI&REGISTER San Antonio, Uvalde Gulf RaUroad St.Paul Union Depot Company
IX>NE at the City of Washington this Michigan Central Railroad Company pany li

Company San Diego k Arizona Eastern Railway

10th day of September in the year of Pittsburgh k Lake Erie Railroad Co. Tennessee Central Railway Company
Sugar Land Railway Company Sioux City Terminal Railway
our Lord one thousand nine hun- (Incl. Lake Erie and Eastern Rail- Virgihian Railway Company Company (Pacific
fSBALl dred and forty-one. and of the road Co.) Rio Grande City Railway Company Southern Pacific
Western Region Asherton and Gulf Railway Company lines)
Independence of the United New York, Chicago and St. Louis Rail-
Published dally, except Sundays, Mondays,
States of America the one hundred and San Antonio Southern Railway Com- Southern Pacific Co.—Former El Paso
and days following legal holidays by the road Co. Alton Railroad Company
Division of the Federal Register, The National New York Dock Railway pany & Southwestern
sixty-sixth. Alton and Southern Railroad
Archives, pursuant to the authority con- San Benito and Rio Grande Valley Southern Pacific Co.—Former Arizona
tained m the Federal Register Act, approved
PRAifKLiN D Roosevelt New York. New Haven and Hartforc: Atchison. Topeka k Santa Pe Railway
Eastern Railroad Co.
July 26. 1935 (49 Slat. 500), under regula- By the President Railroad Co. Gulf, Colorado k Santa Pe Railway Railway Co.
tions prescribed by the Administrative Com- New York Susquehanna k Western Asphalt Belt Railway South Omaha Terminal Railway Com-
CoROELL Hull Rail- Panhandle k Santa Fe Railway
mittee, approved by the President. Houston North Shore Railway pany
road Baltimore k Ohio C!hicago Terminal
The Administrative Committee consists ot Secretary of State.
International-Great Northern Rail- Spokane, Coeur d'Alene and Palouse
the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an ofiBcer Pennsylvania Railroad Railroad
[No. 25101 Baltimore and Eastern Railroad Co. road Railway Co.
of the Department of Justice designated by Belt Railway Company of Chicago
the Attorney General, and the Public Printer Long Island Railroad Com- Houston Belt k Terminal Railway Com- Spokane. Portland and Seattle Railway
Buriington-Rock Island Railroad
or Acting Public Printer. EXHIBIT "A"
Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines pany Oregon Trunk Railway
The dally Issue of the Pedxkal Rzcisrm pany
Pere Marquette Railway Co. Illinois Central Railroad Oregon Electric Railway
will be furnished by mall to subscribers, free Carriers Camas Prairie Railroad
Yazoo and Mississippi Valley Railroad United Railways Company
of postage, for $1 25 per month or $12.50 per Fort Street Union Depot Company Chicago k Eastern Illinois Railroad
Eastern Region Spokane Union Station Company
year; single copies 10 cents each; payable In Pittsburgh. Chartiers k Youghiogheny Chicago k Illinois Midland Railway Com- Co.
advance. Remit money order payable to the
Railway Vicksburg. Shreveport k Pacific Rail- Terminal Railroad Association of
Superintendent of Documents directly to the Akron b Barberton Belt Railroad pany
way Co. Louis
Government Printing Ofllce, Washington, D. C. Pittsburgh k West Virginia Railway Chicago and North Western Railway
Akron, Canton & Youngstown Railway
Company Alabama and Vicksburg Railway Com- Texas and New Orleans Railroad Com-
Ann Arbor Railroad jfiompany
Pittsburgh k Shawmut Railroad pany pany
Baltimore Si Ohio Railroad CMcago k Western Indiana Railroad Texas and Pacific Railway Company
Pittsburgh Shawmut and Northern Rail- Cmcago, Burlington k Quincy Railroad Gulf and Ship Island Railroad Com- It
CONTENTS—Continued Bessemer and Lake Erie Railroad Co.
pany C'sco & Northeastern Railway Com-
Boston and Maine Railroad road Co.
Reading Company Chicago and Illinois Western Railroad pany
I^epartment of the Interior: Chicago Great Western Railway
Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal
Kansas City Southern Railway Abilene & Southern Railway Company
bituminous Coal Division: Page
Bush Terminal Company River Terminal Railway Chicago. Milwaukee. St. Paul and Pa- Weatherford. Mineral Wells and
Bituminous Coal Consumers' Central Railroad Co. of New Jersey Staten Island Rapid Transit Railway cific Railroad Kansas City Terminal Railway
Lake Superior Terminal k Transfer Rail- Northwestern Railway Co.
Counsel, motion to amend Union Belt of Detroit Chicago. Terre Haute k Southeastern
Central Vermont Railway, Inc.
Union Depot Company (Columbus. Ohio) way Texas-New Mexico Railway Company
granted-^ _ 4688 Railway Co.
Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Rail-
Union Freight Railroad Company (Bos- Los Angeles Junction Railway Texas Mexican Railway Company
District Board 4, petition way Chicago. Rock Island It Pacific Railway
ton, Massachusetts) Louisiana k Arkansas Railway Texas Pacific-Missouri Pacific Terminal
dismissed 4688 Chicago Union Station Company Company
Manufacturers Railway Company Railroad of New Orleans
Hesu-ings. etc.: Cincinnati Union Terminal Co. Washington Terminal Company Chicago, St. Paul. Mirmeapolis and
Wheeling and Lake Erie Railway Com- Midland Valley Railroad Union Pacific Railroad
District Board 4 4687 Delaware and Hudson Railroad Corpora- Omaha Railway
pany (Incl. Lorain k West Virginia Kansas, Oklahoma & Gulf Railway Union Railway (Memphis)
Taggert Coal Sales Co 4688 Colorado and Southern Railway Co.
Railway Company) Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad
Union Terminal Company (Dallas)
Pittsburg & Midway Coal Min- Delaware. Lackawanna and Western Colorado k Wyoming Railway Company Union Terminal Railway Company ,(St.
ing Co.. typographical er- Railroad Co. Davenport. Rock Island and Northwest- Railway Transfer Co. of City of Minne-
Southeastern Region Joseph)
ror corrected 4688 Detroit & Toledo Shore Line Railroad ern Railway apolis
Department Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Wabash Railway Company
of Labor: Detroit Terminal Railroad Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad Western Pacific Railroad
Division of Public Contracts: Atlanta and West Point Railroad Co. Railway
Detroit. Toledo and Ironton Railroad Company
Sault Ste. Marie Yakima Valley Transportation Company J
Cooking, heating, and gas ap- Company Western Railway of Alabama Denver k Salt Lake Railway Company Minneapolis, St. Paul It

pliances mfg. industry, Top Railroad k Coal Com- Atlanta Joint Terminals Railway EXHIBIT "B"
East Broad Des Moines Union Railway
minimum wage hearing. - 4689 pany Central of Georgia Railway Company Duluth. Missabe k Iron Range Railway Duluth, South Shore It Atlantic Rail-
Securities and Exchange Commis- Erie Railroad Charleston k Western Carolina Railway Duluth. Winnipeg k Pacific Railway way
sion: Chicago k Erie Railroad Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Mineral Range Railroad Eastern Region
East St. Louis Junction Railroad
Associated Gas and Electric New Jersey It New York Railroad Cllnchfleld Railroad Company Elgin, Jollet k Eastern Railway Com- Minnesota & International Railway Com- Akron & Barberton Belt R. R.
Corp., application filed 4690 Grand Trunk Western Railroad Co. Florida East Coast Railway Company pany pany Akron, Canton It Youngstown Ry. (In-
Columbia Oas L Electric Corp., Huntington and Broad Top Mountain Georgia Railroad Escanaba and Lake Superior Railroad Big Pork li International Palls Rail- cludes Northern Ohio Ry.)
et al., hearing postponed Railroad k Coal Co. Gulf Mobile and Ohio Railroad way Co. Ann Arbor Railroad
Port Worth and Denver City Railway
etc 4690 Indianapolis Union Railway Jacksonville Terminal Company Company Minnesota Transfer Railway Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
Pacific Oas and Electric Co.. et Jay Street Terminal Kentucky k Indiana Terminal Railroad Wichita Valley Railway Company Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad Baltimore It Ohio (New York Termi-
al., application dismissed in Lehigh k New England Railroad Company Missouri -Kansas-Texas Railroad Co. of nals)
Port Worth Belt Railway Company
part, etc 4690 Lehigh Valley Railroad Louisville k Nashville Railroad Company Texas Baltimore & Ohio Elevators
Galveston. Houston k Henderson Rail-
War Department: Maine Central Railroad Company Nashville, Chattanooga k St. Louis Rail- Missouri Pacific Railroad Baltimore It Ohio Warehouses (Balti-
road i }
Contract summaries: Portland Terminal Company way Missouri-Illinois Railroad Company more and Cincinnati)
Galveston Wharves
• i

American Woolen Co 4685 Monongahela Railway Norfolk k Portsmouth Belt Line Rail- Northern Pacific Railway B. R. k P. Warehouse Inc. (Rochester)
Great Northern Railway
Botany Worsted Mills 4687 New York Central System road Northern Pacific Terminal Co. of Oregon Terminal Storage Company (Washing-
Brann k Stuart Co 4686 New York Central Railroad Co. Buf- — Norfolk and Western Railway
Green Bay and Western Railroad Com-
Northwestern Pacific Railroad Company ton)
Crucible Steel Co. of America. 4685 falo k East Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Ogden Union Railway It Depot Company Dayton It Union Railroad Co.
Kewaunee. Green Bay and Western
Hunting. Davis & Dunnells. New York Central Railroad Co. West — Railroad Co.
Railroad Co. Oregon. California It Eastern Railway Bangor and Aroostook R. R. Co.
Inc 4686 of Buffalo (Incl. Ohio Central Divi- Seaboard Air Line Railway Company Co. Bessemer and Lake Erie R. R. Co.
Ahnapee and Western Railway Com-
sion) Southern Railway Company
pany Outer Harbor Terminal Railway Com- Boston and Maine R. R.
to exceed five dollars ($5.00) per diem Boston k Albany Railroad Alabama Great Southern Railroad Co pany Boston Terminal Co,
Gulf Coast Lines
for expenses incurred for subsistence. Chicago River k Indiana Railroad Belt Railway Company of Chatta- Peoria and Pekin Union Railway Co. Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal
New Orleans. Texas k Mexico Rail-
All expenditures of the Board shall be —
Co. Chicago Junction Railway nooga
way Port Terminal Railroad Association Buffalo C^reek Railroad Co.
allowed and paid for out of the appro- Company Cincinnati.Burnside li Cumberland Pueblo Union Depot k Railroad Com- Bush Terminal Co.
Beaumont, Sour Lake & Western Rail- New
priation "National Mediation Board Ap- Cleveland. Cincinnati, Chicago k St. River Ry. pany Canadian National Ry. Lines in
propriatlMi Act, 1942" on the presenta-
way England
Louis Railway Co. (Incl. Louisville k Georgia Southern k Florida Railway
Orange k Northwestern Railway St. Joseph Terminal Railroad Company
tion of itemized vouchers properly ap- Jefferson Bridge k Railroad Co. and Harriman k Northeastern Railroad Louis-San Francisco Railway Com- Champlain & St. Lawrence R. R. Co.
St. Louis, Brownsville and Mexico Rail- St.
proved by the chairman of the board Peoria k Eastern Railway Co.) New Orleans k Northeastern Railroad pany St. Clair Tunnel Co.
way Company United States It Canada Rail Road Co.
hereby created. Cleveland Union Terminals Company New Orleans Terminal Company Louis, San Pranclsco and Texas
Iberia, St. Mary and Eastern Railroad St.
Railway Co. Canadian National Ry. lines in N. Y.
New Iberia It Northern Railroad
Friday, September 12, 1941 4681
4680 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 12, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER,
Canton Railroad Co. New York. New Haven and Hartford Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Midland Valley R. R. Texas and New Orleans R. R. Co. (Sou.
Colorado and Southern Ry. Co.
Central Railroad Company New Kansas, Oklahoma k Gulf Ry. Pac. Lines in Texas and Louisiana)
of Jer- R. R. Co. R. R. Co. Colorado k Wyoming Ry. Co.
sey New York Connecting R. R. Co. Richmond Terminals Co. Oklahoma C:^ty-Ada-Atoka Ry. Co. Texas and Pacific Ry. Co.
Cupples Station (St. Louis)
New York and Long Branch New York, Ontario and Western Ry. Savannah k Atlanta Ry. Co. Midland Continental R. R. Texas Pacific -Missouri Pacific Teiminal
R. R. Dallas Car Interchange k Inspection
Wharton L Northern R. R. Pennsylvania Railroad Savannah Union Station Co. Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Ry. R. R. of New Orleans
Central Vermont Railway, Inc. Long Island Railroad Seaboard Air Line Ry. Co. Minneapolis. St. Paul k Sault Ste. Marie Texas Mexican Railway Co.
Davenport, Rock Island and Northwest-
Central Vermont Terminal, Inc. Pittsburgh Joint Stock Yards Tampa Union Ry. Toledo, Peoria k Western R. R.
Station ern Ry.
Baltimore and Eastern R. R. Co. Southern Railway Co. Duluth. South Shore k Atlantic Ry. Trans-Continental Freight Bureau
Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Ry. Denver k Salt Lake Ry. Co.
Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines
Alabama Great Southern R. R. Co. Mineral Range R. R. Tulsa Union Depot Co.
Cincinnati Union Terminal Co. Denver k Rio Grande Western R. R. Co.
Pere Marquette Ry. CTincinnatl, Bumside k Cumberland Minneapolis k St. Louis Railroad Co. Tremont k Gulf Ry. Co.
Chicago Union Station Co. Denver Union Terminal Ry. Co.
Port Street Union Depot Co. Railway Transfer Co. of the City of Union Pacific R. R.
Eteyton Union Ry. Co. River Ry. Des Moines k Central Iowa R. R.
Pittsburgh k Shawmut R. R. Cincinnati, New Orleans k Texas Pa- Minneapolis Union Railway (Memphis)
Delaware and Hudson R. R. Corporation Des Moines Union Ry.
Pittsburgh, Chartiers k Youghiogheny cific Ry. Minnesota k International Ry. Co. Union Terminal Co. (Dallas)
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western R. Iowa Transfer Ry. Co.
Big Fork & International Falls Ry. Co. Union Terminal Railway Co. (St. Joseph,
R. Co. Ry. Georgia Southern k Florida Ry. Duluth, Missabe k Iron Range Ry.
Pittsburgh & West Virginia Ry. Co. Minnesota Transfer Ry. Mo.)
Detroit and Mackinac Ry. Co. Harriman & Northeastern R. R. Duluth Union Depot k Transfer Co.
Miruiesota Western Ry. Co. St. Joseph Belt Railway
Detroit, Toledo and Ironton R. R. Co. Railroad Perishable Inspection Agency New Orleans & Northeastern R. R. Duluth, Winnipeg k Pacific Ry.
Reading Comi>any New Orleans Terminal Co. Missouri-Kansas-Texas R. R. Co. Wabash Railway Co.
Detroit Si Toledo Shore Line R. R. East Portland Freight Terminal
Philadelphia. Reading k Pottsville Missouri-Kansas-Texas R. R. Co. of Weatherford, Mineral Wells and North-
Detroit Terminal R. R. St. Johns River Terminal Co. Elgin, Joliet k Eastern Ry. Co.
Telegraph Co. Texas western Ry. Co.
Erie Railroad Woodstock k Blocton Ry. Co. El Paso Union Passenger Depot Co.
Staten Island Rapid Transit Ry. Beaver, Meade k Englewood R. R. Western Fruit Express Co.
Chicago & Erie Railroad Belt Ry. Co. of Chattanooga Escanaba and Lake Superior R. R. Co.
Toledo Terminal Railroad Missouri Pacific R. R. Western Pacific R. R.
New Jersey k New York R. R. Carolina k Tennessee Southern Ry. Co. Fort Dodge, Des Moines k Southern R. R.
Union Belt of Detroit Missouri-Illinois R. R. Co. Western Warehousing Co. (Chicago)
East Broad Top R. R. k Coal Co. State University R. R. Co. Port Worth and Denver City Ry. Co.
Union Freight Railroad (Boston) Missouri Produce Yard (Kansas City, Wichita Falls and Southern R. R. Co.
Grand Trunk Western R. R. Co. Southern Short Lines Wichita Valley Railway Co.
Union Inland Freight Station (New Mo.) Wichita Union Terminal Ry. Co.
Greenwich k Johnsonville Ry. (N. Y.) Blue Ridge Ry. Galveston Wharves
Missouri and Arkansas Ry. Co. Yakima Valley Transportation Co.
Hudson k Manhattan R. R. Co. York) Danville k Western Ry. Galveston, Houston k Henderson R. R.
Union Depot Company (Columbus, Ohio) Carolina k North Western Ry. Great Northern Ry. New Orleans Public Belt R. R. EXHIBIT "c"
Huntington and Broad Top Mountain R. Northern Pacific Ry.
R. k Coal Co. (Pa.)
Washington Terminal Co. High Point, Randleman, Asheboro and Grc en Bay and Western R. R. Co. Carrier
Wheeling and Lake Erie Ry. Co. Southern R. R. Kewaunee, Green Bay and Western Northern Pacific Terminal Co. of Oregon
Indianapolis Union Ry. North Pacific Coast Freight Bureau
(Including Lorain k West Virginia Ry. Yadkin Railroad R. R. Co. Railway Express Agency, Incorporated.
Jay Street Terminal Northwestern Pacific R. R. Co.
Lackawanna k Wyoming Valley R. R. Co.
Co.) Termessee Central Ry. Co. Ahnapee and Western Ry. Co. IF. R. Doc. 41-6633; Filed. September 11, 1941:
Virginian Railway Co. Gulf Coast Lines: Ogden Union Ry. k Depot Co. 12:05 p. m.j
Lehigh Valley R. R. Southeastern Region Oregon, California k Eastern Ry. Co.
Mackinac Transportation Co. New Orleans, Texas k Mexico Ry.
Alabama, Tennessee k Northern R. R. Western Region Pacific Car Demurrage Bureau
Maryland k Pennsylvania R. R. Co. Beaumont, Sour Lake k Western Ry.
Albany Passenger Terminal Co. Pacific Coast R. R. Co.
Maine Central R. R. Co. Arkansas k Memphis Railway Bridge k Orange k Northwestern R. R. EXECUTIVE ORDER
Atlanta, Birmingham and Coast R. R. Co. Pacific Coast Co.
Terminal Co. St. Louis, Brownsville and Mexico Ry.
Portland Terminal Co. Atlanta Terminal Co. Pacific Electric Ry. Amending Certain Provisions or thk
Alameda Belt Line Co.
Merchants Despatch Transportation Atlantic and Yadkin Ry. Pacific Fruit Express CrviL Service Rules
Corp. Atlantic Coast Line R. R.
Addison Miller _ New Iberia k Northern R. R.
Houston and Brazos Valley Ry. Co. Paris k Mt. Pleasant R. R. By virtue of and pursuant to the au-
Montour Railroad Alton and Southern Railroad
Winston-Salem Southbound Ry. San Antonio. Uvalde k Gulf R. R. Co. Peoria and Pekin Union Ry. Co. thority vested in me by the Civil Service
Monongahela Railway Alton Railroad Co.
Atlanta Joint Terminals Sugar Land Ry. Co. Port Terminal R. R. Assn. (Houston) Act (22 Stat. 403, 404), it Is hereby
American Refrigerator Transit Co.
Mystic Terminal Co. (Charleston, Mass.) Atlanta and West Point R. R. Co. Rio Grande City Ry. Co. Pueblo Union Depot k Railroad Co. ordered as follows:
Atchison. Topeka k Santa Fe Ry.
Montpelier k Wells River R. R. and Barre Western Ry. of Alabama Asherton and Gulf Ry. Co. Pueblo Joint Interchange Bureau Section 6 of Civil Service Rule II is
Gulf, Colorado k Santa Fe Ry. 'I
Quanah, Acme k Pacific Ry.

and Chelsea R. R. Co. Birmingham Terminal Co. San Antonio Southern Ry. Co. amended to read as follows:
Panhandle k Santa Fe Ry.
Rapid City. B'ack Hills k Western R. R.
New York Central System
New York Central R. R. Co. Buffalo —
Central of Georgia Ry. Co.
Chesapeake and Ohio Ry. Atchison Union Depot k R. R. Co. Iberia. St. Mary and Eastern R. R.
Rock Island-Frisco Terminal Ry. Co. 6. —
Excepted employees when classi-
Ashley, Drew k Northern Ry. Co. San Benito and Rio Grande Valley Ry. Except as provided in section 7 of
k East Charleston Union Station Co. Co. St. Joseph Terminal R. R. Co. fied.
Baltimore k Ohio Chicago Terminal R. R. this rule, a person holding a position
New York Central Grain Elevators Charleston k Western Carolina Ry, Asphalt Belt Ry. St. Louis k O'Fallcn Ry. Co.
New York Central Stockyards (Buf- Chattanooga Station Co.
Belt Railway Co. of Chicago
St. Louis-San Francisco Ry. Co. when it is placed in the classified (com-
Burlington Refrigerator Express Co. Houston North Shore Ry. service or otherwise is made
falo) Clinchfleld Railroad Co. International-Great Northern R. R. St. Louis, San Francisco and Texas Ry. petitive)
Burlington -Rock Island R. R. Co. subject to competitive examination shall,
New York Central R. R. Co.—West of Columbus and Greenville Ry. Hannibal Union Depot Co.
Btrffalo Columbia Union Station Co. Butte, Anaconda k Pacific Ry.
Birmingham Belt R. R. upon recommendation to the Commission
Camas Prairie R. R. Harbor Belt Line R. R. (Los Angeles) by the head of the department or agency
New York Central R. R. Co. Ohio — Durham Union Station Co.
Chicago k Eastern Illinois R. R. Houston Belt li Terminal Ry. Co. St. Louis k Belleville Electric Co.
in which he Is employed, have all the
Central Lines Florida East Coast Ry. Co. St. Louis Southwestern Ry.
Illinois Central R. R.
New York Central R. R. Co. Grand — Fruit Growers' Express Co. Chicago <i Illinois Midland Ry. Co. St. Louis Southwestern Ry. Co. of rights which he would have acquired if
Chicago and North Western Ry. Co. Yazoo k Mississippi Valley R. R. Co. appointed thereto by competitive exam-
Central Terminal Georgia k Florida R. R. Texas
Chicago Produce Terminal Co. (Including Alabama and Vicksburg ination: Provided:
Boston k Albany Railroad Georgia Railroad Dallas Terminal Ry. k Union Depot Co.
Chicago, Burlington k Qulncy R. R. Co. Ry. Co.-Vicksburg Shreveport k
Cleveland. Cincinnati^^ Chicago & St. Gulf, Mobile and Ohio R. R. St. Paul Union Depot Co. (a) That he has rendered six months of
Chicago South Shore and South Bend Pacific Ry. Co.)
Louis Ry. Co. (inc. Peoria and Est- Gulf Terminal Co. Salt Lake City Union Depot k R. R. Co. satisfactory active service in such posi-
R. R. Gulf and Ship Island R. R. Co.
ern Ry. Co. and Louisville k Jeffer- Jacksonville Terminal Co.
Chicago k Illinois Western R. R. San Diego k Arizona Eastern Ry. Co. tion or in the civilian executive branch
Kentucky k Indiana Terminal R. R. Co. Chicago Tunnel Company Sand Springs Ry. Co.
son Bridge and R. R. Co.) Illinois Northern Ry. of the Federal Government immediately
Lexington Terminal R. R. Co. Chicago Tunnel Terminal Co. St. Joseph Union Depot Co.
Cleveland Union Terminals Co.
Illinois Terminal R. R. Co. prior to the effective date of the change
Chicago River k Indiana R. R. Co. Lenoir Car Works Chicago k Western Indiana R. R. Sacramento Northern Ry.
Joliet Union Depot Co. in status of the position, and continues
Louisville k Nashville R. R. Co. Chicago Great Western Ry. (Includes Southern Pacific Co. (Pacific Lines)
(Chicago Jet. Ry. Co.)
Kansas City Southern Ry. to serve in such position for sixty days
Indiana Harbor Belt R. R. Co. Macon, Dublin k Savannah R. R. South St. Paul Terminal) (formerly Southern Pacific De Mexico (In U. S.)
operated by St. Paul Bridge k Terminal Joplln Union Depot Co. theresifter;
Michigan Central R. R. Co. Meridian Terminal Co. Kansas City Terminal Ry. South Omaha Terminal Ry. Co. (b) lliat he shall pass such appro-
Ry.) Spokane Union Station Co.
Detroit Stock Yards Meridian and Bigbee River Ry. Co. /^^okuk Union Depot Co. priate noncompetitive tests of fitness as
Chicago. Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Spokane International Ry.
Pittsburgh & Lake Erie R. R. Co. Mississippi Central R. R. / King Street Station (Seattle) the Commission may prescribe:
(Including Lake Erie and Eastern Monroe Railroad Co.
Lake Superior li Ishpeming R. R. Co. Spokane, Couer d'Alene and Palouse Ry. (c) That he is not disqualified by any
Chicago. Terre Haute li Southeastern
R. R. Co.) Nashville Terminals Co. Lake Superior Terminal k Transfer Ry Co. provision of section 3 of Civil Service
Troy Union Railroad Co.
Ry. Co.
Litchfield and Madison Ry. Co.
Spokane, Portland and Seattle Ry. Rule V or of any other civil service rule *1
Nashville. Chattanooga k St. Louis Ry.
Chicago, Rock Island k Pacific Ry. Co. Oregon Trunk Ry.
New York. Susquehanna k Western R. R, Norfolk Southern R. R. Co. Los Angeles Union Passenger Terminal or by any provision of the Civil Service
Peoria Terminal Co.
Longvlew. Portland k Northern Ry. Co. Oregon Electric Ry. Act or any other statute or executive^
New York Dock Ry. Norfolk and Western Ry. Chicago, St. Paul. Minneapolis and
Louisiana & Arkansas Ry. United Railways Co. order:
New York. Chicago and St. Loui« R. R. Port Utilities C(»nmission (Charleston) Omaha Ry. Stock Yards District Agency (Chicago)
Co. Louisiana and North West R. R. Provided further, that in conferring
Relay Depot Assn. (E. St. Louis) Chicago, West Pullman k Southern R. R. Terminal Railroad Assn. of St. Louis
Market Service Assn. (Chicago) a classified competitive status upon any
Memphis Union Station Co. Texarkana Union Station Trust
— : — : - —

4682 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 12, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 12, 1941

South Dakota: Brookings, $1.03: Cod- the purchaser, than those contained In —
pers graph sheets (except rolled sheets) hereinbefore set forth, and from per-
employee under this or any other rule C. F. Pease Company, a Corporation;
or any statute or executive order, the ington. $1.05. any of the price lists filed with respond- for engineering and drafting purposes, forming any service or function in the
Charles W. Speidel and Walter A.
Commission Texas: Cass. $0.57; Cottle. $0.85: ent Survey-Draftlng-Coaters Section of field books for engineers, drawing Instru- furtherance of said acts and practices,
Scientific Apparatus Makers of America,
Kohn. Trading as Chas. W. Speidel «fe
Hardeman, Kenedy. $0.96; Lavaca,
$0.89; ments, drawing tools (scales, triangles, and particularly from
May, In Its discretion, exempt Company; United States Blue Print
$0.87; Reagan, $0.76; Robertson. Area II. or agreeing not to sell said products at a T-squares, curves), drawing machines,
Paper Company, a Corporation: Jacob Adopting any rule or regulation
from the physical requirements estab- price less or discount greater than, or machines and equip-
lished for any position any employee who
$1.03: Rusk, $0.58.
H. Weil, Edwin H. Weil, and Manfred blue-printing designed or intended to prevent any
on terms and conditions of sale more ment, drawing boards and tables, filing
Wisconsin: Outagamie, $1.33.
R. Krauskopf ,— Trading as J. H. Weil deviation on the part of the members of
has rendered long and faithful service In
a civil capacity for the Government;
favorable to the purchaser, than those
contained in the price list published by

& Company. Separately and as Mem- cabinets for drawings and blue-prints, said respondent Association from the
bers and Representative of the Other lettering devices and lettering pens for prices, discounts and terms fixed and
(b) May consider a person whose the seller; and
Members of the Surveying -Drafting the drafting profession, slide rules, agreed upon by them, as hereinbefore
name Is carried on the compensation B. Aiding and assisting the members of
TITLE Ifr-COMMERCIAL PRACTICES Coaters Section of Scientific Apparatus planlmeters and Integrators, surveying set forth.
rolls of the Employees' Compensation said respondent Association, on the part
Makers of America instruments, surveying barometers, for- (2) Receiving from the individual
Commission as having rendered satis- CHAPTER I—FEDERAL TRADE of such Association and on the part of
estry instruments such as tree calipers, members of said respondent Association
factory active service in the position in COMMISSION respondent manager thereof and his suc- At a regular session of the Federal hypsometers, increment borers, current price lists, including discounts, terms
which he last served for the period which cessors, and on the part of respondents Trade Commission, held at its office in
(Docket No. 3092) meters and water-stage registers, rods and conditions of sale, and disseminat-
his name Is carried on such rolls: Keller. Bruning. Allin and Berger. mem- the City of Washington, D. C, on the
Part Digest of Cease and Desist and poles for surveyors' use, tapes chains ing such information among said
Provided further, that any person who
3 bers of Its executive committee, and 25th day of August. A. D. 1941.
Orders and plumb bobs, and particularly in pur- respondent association members.
in order to perform active service with their successors, in carrying out or en- This proceeding having been heard' suance of any such imderstanding. agree-
the military or naval forces of the United IN the matter of scientific apparatus gaging in any of the acts and practices by the Federal Trade Commission upon further ordered. That the ccmi-
It is
ment, arrangement, combination or con-
States has left, or leaves, a position MAKERS OF AMERICA, ET AL. hereinbefore set forth; and performing the complaint of the Commission, the plaint herein be and the same hereby is
spiracy, from directly or indirectly:
(other than a temporary position) which any service or function in furtherance of answers of respondents, the testimony dismissed as to respondents Scientific
9 3.7Aiding, assisting or abetting un- said acts and practices, and particularly, (1) Fixing and maintaining, or agree- Apparatus Makers of America, its offi-
is covered into the classified civil service and other evidence taken before duly ap-
fair or unlawful act or practice: ing to fix and maintain the prices at
S 3.2T (1) adopting any rule or regulation de-
pointed trial examiners of the Commis- cers and directors, and respondents Carl
under this rule, may. upon being rein-
stated thereto, acquire a classified civil
(d) Combining or conspiring To en- — signed or intended to prevent any devia- sion theretofore designated by it to serve which said products will be sold by them. S. Hallauer, R. E. Gillmor and John M.
hance, maintain or unify prices. A. En- tion on the part of the members of said (2) Fixing and maintaining, or agree- Roberts, the evidence being insufficient
service status: Provided, That he is rec- in this proceeding, the report of the trial
tering into or carrying out any under-
ommended by the head of the depart- respondent Association from the prices, examiners thereon and the exceptions to ing to fix and maintain the terms and to establish the charges of the complaint
standing, etc., on the part of respondent discounts and terms fixed and agreed
ment or agency concerned within one said report, briefs filed herein by the at- conditions. Including the classification of with respect to these respondents.
members of the respondent Association, upon by them, as hereinbefore set forth. customers, freight allowances and dura- It is further ordered. That the
year of his reinstatement and certified as torney for the Commission and attorneys
Surveying-Drafting. Coaters Section of and (2) receiving from the individual tion of and optional clauses In contracts,
having served with merit for at least for the respondents, and the oral argu- spondents shall, within sixty (60) days
Scientific Apparatus Makers of America, members of said respondent Association in connection with any sales by them of
six months and that he meets the re- ments by the respective attorneys, and after the service upon them of a copy
and on the part of all other present and price lists. Including discounts, terms Comjnisslon a
quirements of clauses (b) and (c) of the the Commission having made its findings their said products. of this order, file with the
future members thereof, and on the and conditions of sale, and disseminat-
first proviso of this section. as to the facts and its conclusion that (3) Exchanging information among report in writing setting forth in detail
Any person who fails to meet the part of their officers, etc., with each ing such information among sadd re- respondents have violated the provisions themselves with regard to the prices, dis- the manner and form in which they have
other or with any other person or spondent association members: pro-
above-stated requirements of this sec- of the Federal Trade Commission Act counts, terms and conditions of sale to complied with this order.
persons, association or corporation, (Sec. 38 Stat. 719, as
tion may, in the discretion of the head hibited. That the respondent be submitted by them when bids for
It is ordered, By the Commission.
of the agency concerned, be retained in
to restrict, restrain, monopolize, or to amended by sec. 3. 52 Stat. 112; 15 U.S.C, members of the respondent Association, their products are requested, and sub- Otis B. Johnson.
hinder or suppress competition in the [Cease and desist SEAL]

the j>osltion in which he is serving with- Supp. IV. sec 45b) Surveying-Drafting, Coaters Section of mitting or agreeing to submit identical, Secretary.
sale and distribution In commerce of order. Scientific Appaiatus Makers of
out acquiring a classified (competitive) Scientific Apparatus Makers of America, or substantially Identical, bids on said
products such as prepared tracing America Docket 3092, August Doc. 41-6830; Piled. September 11,
Charles Bruning Company. Inc.. The
status, but such employee may not be et al.. products when requests for bids have IF
papers, tracing cloths, blueprint papers 11:37 a. m.J
promoted, transferred, or assigned to 19411 Frederick Post Company, The Huey Com- been received.
and cloths, other reproduction papers
any other classified (competitive) posi- /n the Matter of Scientific Apparatus pany. Eugene Dietzgen Company. Econ- (4) Filing with respondent Surveying-
and cloths, field books for engineers,
drawing Instruments and tools, drawing Makers of America, a Corporation: Its omy Blue Print Products. Inc.. Keuffel Drafting-Coaters Section of Scientific
Frankun D Roosevelt machines, blueprinting machines and Officers and Directors, and Certain of & Esser Company, The C. F. Pease Com- Apparatus Makers of America price lists (Docket No. 41361
Its Members. Separately and as Rep- pany, Charles W. Speidel and Walter A. Including discounts, terms and condi-
The Whtte House, equipment, surveying instruments, cur- Part 3 Digest of Cease and Desist
September 8. 1941. rent meters and water-stage registers; resentative of Certain Other of Its Kohn. trading as Chas. W. Speidel & tions at which they will sell their prod- Orders
and Members: Carl S. Hallauer. R. E. Gill- Company. United States Blue Print Paper ucts, for dissemination by said respond-
particularly, in pursuance of any
[No. 88941
such understanding, etc.. (1) fixing and mor. John M. Roberts and Karl L. Company. Jacob H. Weil. Edwin H. Weil ent Association among its members. in the matter of standard

|F. B Doc 41-(»01; PUed. September 10, 1941: maintaining, or agreeing to fix and main- Keller. Individually and as Officers and and Manfred Krauskopf, trading as J. H. (5) Agreeing not to sell their said COMPANY
Weil L Company, Ali^onse A. Brunner,
2:59 p. m.j tain the prices at which said products Directors, and as Representative of products at a price less, or a discount Using or selling lottery de-
trading as Keystone Blue Paper Com- 5 3.99 (b)
Other Officers and Directors of Scien- greater, or on terms and conditions more
will be sold by them, (2) fixing and
pany, and aU other present and future
vices—In merchandising. In connection
tific Apparatus Makers of America: favorable to the purchaser than those mer-
maintaining, or agreeing to fix and
members of respondent Association, of with offer, etc.. in commerce, of any
Rules, Regulations, Orders maintain the terms and conditions, in- Surveying -Drafting -Coaters Section of contained in any of the price lists filed chandise. (1) supplying, etc.. others with
cluding the classification of customers, Scientific Apparatus Makers of Amer- which members the aforenamed respond- with respondent Surveying-Drafting- with push or
ents are representative, their officers, any merchandise, together
freight allowances and duration of and ica; an Association: Its Officers and Coaters Section of Scientific Aparatus or any other
cards, punch boards,
directors, . representatives, agents and
TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE Certain Members, Separately and as Makers of America, or agreeing not to push or pull
optional clauses in contracts, in connec-
employees, forthwith Cease and Desist lottery devices, which said
tion with any sales by them of their Representative of the Other Members: sell said products at a price less or dis- or other lottery de-
CHAPTER Vn— AORICIULTURAL AD- cards, punch boards,
Arthur L. Parker, Manager. Paul J. from: count greater than or on terms and con-
said products. (3) exchanging informa- vices are to be. or may be, used in selling
JUSTMENT ADMINISTRATION tion among themselves with regard to Bruning, Chairman, Executive Com- Directly or indirectly. Jointly or sever- ditions of sale more favorable to the pur- such merchandise to the
[Supplement No. 12] the prices, discounts, terms and condi- mittee, Karl L. Keller. Member Execu- ally, entering into or carrying
out any chaser than those contained in the price (2) supplying, etc.. others with
tive Committee. W. A. Berger. Member understanding, agreement, arrangement, list published by the seller.
Part 701 National Agricttltxtral Coh- tions of sale to be submitted by them push or pull cards, punch boards, or
SERVATioN Program when bids for their products are re- Executive Committee. R. Fred Allin,— combination or conspiracy, with each That respondent other lottery devices, either with
It is further ordered,
quested, and submitting or agreeing to Individuallyand as Manager and other or with any other person or per- separately, which push or
SUBPART C — 1941 submit identical, or substantially identi- Chairman and Members of the Execu- sons, association or corporation, to
re- association. Surveylng-Draftlng-Coaters merchandise or
punch boards, or other lottery
Committee of the Surveying- to hinder Section of Scientific Apparatus Makers pull cards,
Corrections cal, bids on said products when requests tive strict, restrain, monopolize or
devices are to be. or may be. used in
Drafting -Coaters Section of Scientific and of America. Arthur L. Parker, its man-
for bids have been received. (4) filing or suppress, competition in the sale KmIKeller, Paul ing or distributing such merchandise to
The rate of payment
in dollars per Apparatus Makers of America: Charles "commerce" ager and his successors, mer-
acre for certain counties in P. R. Doc.
with respondent Surveying-Drafting- distribution In commerce, as
J. Bruning, R. Fred Allin and W. A. the public; and (3) selling, etc.. any
Coaters Section of Scientific Apparatus Bruning Company, Inc., a Corpora- is defined In the Federal
Trade Commis- chandise by the use of push cards, pull
41-6514 (filed. August 29. 1941, at 11:18 tion; The Huey Company, a Corpora- Berger, members of its executive com-
Makers of America price lists including sion Act of prepared tracing papers, trac- cards, punch boards, or other lottery
a. m.) appearing on page 4486 of the issue tion: The Frederick Post Company, a mittee and their successors, forthwith
discounts, terms and conditions at which ing cloths, blueprint papers and cloths, vices; prohibited. (Sec. 5, 38 Stat. 719.
for Saturday. August 30, 1941, is cor- Corporation; Eugene Dietzgen Com- Cease and Desist from, directly or indi-
they will sell their products, for dis- other reproduction papers and cloths, anti as amended by sec. 3. 52 Stat. 112;
rected as follows: pany, a Corporation: Economy Blue rectly. Jointly or severally, aiding
semination by said respondent Associa- profile and cross-section papers and U.S.C.. Supp. IV. sec. 45b) [Cease and
Print Products. Inc.. a Corporation: assisting the members of said respond-
Iowa: Monroe, $1.19: Plymouth. $1J9: tion among its members, and (5) agree- cloths in sheets and rolls, coordinate pa- desist order, Standard Distributing Com-
ing not to sell their said products at a Keuffel & Esser Company, a Corpora- ent association in carrying out or engag-
Ringgold. $1.13: Sac. $1.53. pany, Docket 4135, August 21. 19411
ing in any of the acts and
Kansas: PhUUps, $0.73. price less, or a discount greater, or on tion; Alphonse A. Brunner, Trading as »8 PH. 1420.
Michigan: Shiawassee, $1.23. tenxiB and conditions more favorable to Keystone Blue Paper Company; The
FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 12, 1941 4685
4684 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 12, 1941

(Sec. 4 (1). 48 Stat. 1068; 47 U.S.C. 154 Changes. Where the supplies to b?
In the Matter of Philip Harry Koolish and TITLE 2a-EMPLOYEES' BENEFITS the Director of Priorities shall be manda- order on hand, to avoid transportation
(i)—Sec. 303 (c). 48 Stat. 1082; 47 U.S.C. furnished are to be specially manufac-
Sara Allen Koolish, Individually, and tory and legally enforceable, any provi- expenses, or to facilitate any other rec-
Trading as Standard Distributing Com-
CHAPTER n—RAILROAD RETIRE- sion in the instrument assigning the ognized manufacturing or distributing 303 (O) tured in accordance with drawings and
MENT BOARD By the Commission. specifications, the contracting officer may
pany same to the contrary notwithstanding. process, shall not be deemed to be pro-
(Executive Or- at any time, by a written order, and
Part 260 Appeals Within the Board (b) All Preference Rating Cert'flcates hibited by this section. [SEAL] T. J. Slowie.
At a regular session of the Federal F.R. 1917) Secretary. without notice to the sureties, make
regulations ttnder the railroad retire- duly issued over the facsimile signature der No. 8734, 6
Trade Commission, held at Its ofBce in of E. R. Stettlnius. Jr.. as Director of Limitation of forward sales. changes in the drawings or specifica-
S 1343.2 IF. R. Doc. 41-6812; PUed. September 11, 1941;
the City of Washington. D. C, on the ment act of 1937 tions, except Federal Specifications.
Priorities are valid and shall continue No person shall enter into an agreement, 9:89 a. m.]
21st day of August. A. D. 1941. Pursuant to the general authority con- Changes as to shipment and packing of
valid in effect until termination or ex- contract, order or booking for the pur-
This proceeding having been heard by tained in section 10 of the Act of June 24, all supplies may also be made as above
chase or sale of fats or oils or their prod-
piration by the terms thereof or by the
the Federal Trade Commission upon the 1937 (Sec. 10, 50 Stat. 314; 45 U.S.C. provided.
complaint of the Commission, the answer Sup. m, 228J), § 260.4 of the Regulations
circumstances or conditions of their ap-
plication, or until hereafter cancelled,
ucts, other than crude, imported or fish
oil. to be delivered more than forty-five
Part 10 Rules Governing Emergency
Radio Services
Delays —Damages. If the contractor
of respondent, testimony and other evi- of the Railroad Retirement Board under refuses or fails to make deliveries of the
modified, changed or amended by the days after the actual date of entering
dence in support of the allegations of said such Act (4 F.R. 1477) is amended by The Commission on September 9. 1941, materials or supplies within the time
Director of Priorities. into said agreement, contract, order or
complaint and in opposition thereto taken Board Order 41-393 dated September 9, effective immediately, amended the fol- specified in Article 1, or any extension
(c) Preference ratings may hereafter booking, except that (a) any purchase
before an examiner of the Commission 1941, by adding thereto the following lowing section to read: thereof, the Government may by written
be validly assigned by the Director of or sale of a futures contract made on a
theretofore duly designated by it, report paragraph: § 10.41 State and municipal police notice terminate the right of the con-
Priorities by means of the following en- commodity exchange, or (b) any pur-
of the trial examiner and exceptions stations. The following frequencies are tractor to proceed with deliveries or such
§ 260.4 Effective date of this part and dorsement (or any other form of en- chase or sale by, or on behalf of, or
thereto, briefs in support of the com- allocated for use by state and municipal part or parts thereof as to which there
application thereof to decisions made dorsement prescribed by the Director of at the direction of, the United States, or
plaintand in opposition thereto, and oral police stations: has been delay.
prior to such date. Priorities) stamped upon the face of any any department or agency thereof, shall
arguments of counsel, and the Commis- Payments. The contractor shall be
• • • • • application for preference rating, in- not be so limited as to delivery. (Execu- 1.610 kc* 1.674 kc. 2,326 kc* 2,442 kc.
sion having made its findings as to the paid, upon the submission of properly
cluding Form PI>-1: tive Order No. 8734, 6 P.R. 1917) 1,618 kc* 1,682 kc. 2,366 kc' 2,450 kc.
facts and its conclusion that said re- (d)In determining whether an appeal certified invoices or vouchers, the prices
Preference Rating § 1343.10 Definitions. When used in 1,626 kc* 1,690 kc* 2,382 kc. 2,458 kc
spondents have violated the provisions has been made in accordance with these Is hereby assigned stipulated herein for articles delivered
to deliveries of the materials speclHed In the this Schedule: 1,634 kc* 1,698 kc* 2,390 kc* 2,466 kc.
of the Federal Trade Commission Act: regulations, the date of filing of a duly and accepted or services rendered, less
quantities and on the dates shown In the
Includes an 1,642 kc* 1.706 kc* 2.406 kc 2,474 kc.
It is ordered, That respondents Philip executed appeal form prescribed by the Schedule. (a) The term "person" deductions, any, as herein provided.
1,650 kc. 1,714 kc 2.414 kc. 2,482 kC
Harry Koolish and Sara Allen Koolish. Board shall be the date of receipt in the Date: d. M
Nelsan. Individual, corporation, association, part-
1,658 kc 1,722 kc 2.422 kc 2.490 kc.
Payments will be made on partial de-
individually, and trading as Standard oflBce of the Board in Washington, D. C, Director of Priorities nership, or other business entity. liveries accepted by the Government
1,666 kc. 1,730 kc 2,430 kc
Distributing Company, or under any or the date of receipt by a Regional OfiBce (d) This Regulation shall take effect (b) The term "fats or oils or their when requested by the contractor when-
other name, jointly or severally, their of the Board, or the date of delivery for products" includes (1) all fats and oils, « Subject to the condition that no Inter- ever such payments would equal or ex-
at once. (P.D. Reg. 1, Aug. 27. 1941. 6
except butter, and mineral, essential and ference is caused to Canadian stations.
representatives, agents, and employees, the purpose of transmission to the P.R. 4489; OPM Reg. 3. Mar. 8. 1941. 6 ceed either $1,000 or 50 percent of the
directly or through any corporate or Board's Washington ofiQce into the per- FM. 1596. as amended. Sept.1941; E.O.
chemical oils, (2) fats and oils products, (Sec. 4 (i), 48 Stat. 1068; 47 U.S.C. 154 total amount of the contract.
other device, in connection with the of- sonal custody of a district manager at 8629. Jan. 7. 1941. 6 F.R. 191; E.O. 8875. a substantial part of which is made from (I)—Sec. 303 (c). 48 Stat. 1082; 47 U.S.C. Quantities. The Government reserves
fering for sale, sale, or distribution of his office or elsewhere in his district or Aug. 28. 1941. 6 F R. 4483. sec. 2(a). Pub- or with fats or oils. 303 (c)) the right to increase the quantity on
any merchandise in commerce, as "com- at his office to a subordinate field agent lic No. 671, 76th Congress. Third Session, (c) The term "crude oil" means oil in By the Commission. this contract by as much as • • • %
merce" is defined in the Federal Trade designated by him, or the date of deliv- as amended by Public No. 89, 77th Con- its unrefined state which has been [SEAL] T.J. Slowie. and at the unit price specified in Article
Commission Act, do forthwith cease and ery for the purpose of transmission to gress. First Session; sec. 9, Public No. pressed, expelled or extracted from the Secretary. 1, such option to be exercised within
desist from directly or Indirectly: the Board's Washington office to any 783, 76th Congress, Third Session.) raw material. • • • days from date of this contract.
IF. R. Doc. 41-«811; Filed, September 11, 1941;
field agent specifically authorized by a (d) The term "imported oil" means 9:39 a. m.| Termination when contractor not in
Supplying to or placing in the
(1) Issued September 1941.
Regional Director to receive custody In 9,
any oil, whether crude or refined, pro- default. This contract is subject to ter- r-l
hands of others any merchandise, to-
D. M. Nelson.
the district where delivery is made, duced outside and shipped to a point mination by the Government at any time
gether with push or pull cards, ptmch
whichever date is earlier. <S8C. 10, 50 Director of Priorities. within the several states of the United Notices as its interest may require.
boards, or any other lottery devices,
Stat. 34: 45 U.S.C, Sup.. 228J) (F. R. Doc. 41-6802; Filed. September 10. 1041;
States. Advance payments. At any time and
which said push or pull cards, punch
By Authority of the Board.
4:10 p. m.] (e) The term "commodity exchange" from time to time after ihe approval of
boards, or other lottery devices are to be
shall mean a commodity exchange desig- WAR DEPARTMENT. this contract, at the request of the con-
Used, or may be used, in selling or dis- SEAL] John C. Davidson,
tractor and subject to the approval of
nated as a "contract market" by the Sec- [Contract No. W-«13-ORD-15231
tributing such merchandise to the Secretary of the Board.
retary of Agriculture acting in accord- the Chief of Ordnance as to the present
public: Dated September 10, 1941. ance with the provisions of the Commod-
Summary of Contract for Sxn»PLiES
need therefor, the Government shall ad-
(2) Supplying to or placing in the
[F. R. Doc 41-6832; Filed, September 11. 1941; ADMINISTRATION ity Exchange Act. (Executive Order No. contractor: crucible steel company or vance to the contractor, without pay-
hands of others pull cards, punch
push or 11:38 a. m |
8734, 6 FJl. 1917) AMERICA, 405 LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW ment of Interest therefor by the con-
boards, or otber lottery devices, either (Amendment to Schedule No. 25)
YORK, N. Y. tractor, sums not exceeding in the
with any merchandise or separately, Issued this 11th day of September 1941.
Part 1343 Fats and Oils and Their aggregate $780,000.00 or 30 percentum
which push or pull cards, punch boards, TITLE S2— NATIONAL DEFENSE Products Leon Henderson, Contract 'for: • • • shot, • • *.
(30%) of the contract pnce as it may be
or other lottery devices are to be used, Administrator. Amount: $2,600,000.00.
amended, whichever shall be the smaller.
or may be used, in selling or distributing CHAPTER rX—OFFICE OF PRODUC- elimination of speculative and infla- New York Ordnance District
TION MANAGEMENT (F.R. Doc. 41-4635; Filed. September 11. 1B41; This Contract is authorized by the
8uch merchandise to the public; tionary price practices with respect 10:51 a. m.J ^ 80 Broadway, New York. N. Y. Act of July 2, 1940.
(3) Selling or otherwise disposing of [Priorities Regulation No. 2) to fats and oils and their products The supplies and services to be ob- (Public Number 703, 76th Congress.)
any merchandise by the use of push Subchapter B —Priorities Division Sections 1343.1. 1343.2 and 1343.10 of tained by this instrument are authorized
Frank W. Bullock,
cards, pull cards, punch boards, or other
Schedule No. 25 are hereby amended to TITLE 47—TELECOMMUNICATION by, are for the purposes set forth in. and
PART 944 regulations APPLICABLE TO THE
Major. Signal Corps.
lottery devices. are chargeable to Procurement Author-
operation of the priorities system
read as follows CHAPTER I—FEDERAL COMMUNI- Assistant to the Director
ity below enumerated, the available bal-
further ordered. That respondents
It is CATIONS COMMISSION of Purchases and Contracts.
shall, within sixty (60) days after the To Make Mandatory Preference All § 1343.1 Elimination of speculative re- ance of which is sufficient to cover the
sales. No person shall buyor offer to buy. Part 2 General Rules and Regxjlations cost thereof: ORD 9015 Pll-02 A (F. R. Doc. 41-6806; Filed, September 11, 1941;
service upon them of this order, file with Ratings and to Validate Certain Forms 9:42 a. m.)
of Preference Rating Certificates and no person shall sell or offer to sell, — 1005-01.
the Commission a report in writing set- appendix b
ting forth in detail the manner and
fats or oils or their products for the pur- This contract, entered into this 6th day
The following Regulation is issued by
form in which they have complied with the Director of Priorities to promote the
pose of reselling them at a profit without The Commission on September 9, 1941. of June, 1941. [Coatract No. W 669 qm-12664; O. I. No. 71]
either (a) further processing them, or effective immediately amended AiM>endix Scope of this contract. The contrac-
this order. defense of the United States and for the (b) performing some other recognized B • Summary of Contract for Supplies
By the Commission.
In part as follows: tor shall furnish and deliver • •
purpose of Improving and facilitating the function in the distribution or manu- contractor: American woolen company,
• • « • • Shot, • • •, for the consideration
[siAL] Otis B. Johnson, operation of the Priorities System. new york, new york
facture thereof. 1644 stated, two million, six himdred thou-
Secretary. 944.22 All preference ratings made Any purchase or sale of a futures con-
i a ) 1646 Relay broadcast. sand ($2,600,000.00) dollars, In strict ac- Contract for: Textiles.
(F R Doc. 41-6831: Filed, September 11, IMl; mandatory: certain forms of preference tract made on a commodity exchange, 1648
cordance with the specifications, sched-
rating certificates validated, (a) All 1650 PoUo«. Amount: $11,830,980.00.
11:38 a. m.] or any purchase or sale made to fill an
1652 Motion picture, Oeophyslcal ules and drawings, all of which are made Place: Philadelphia Quartermaster
preference ratings heretofore or here- and Oovernment.
1656 a part hereof. Depot, Philadelphia. Pa.
*6FJt. 661. after duly issued under the authority of *6 F.R. 4491. n ) 1668... Police and Government.
War This contract, entered Into this elev-
al660 I Approved by tht Undw Secretary ot
• • • June 27. 1941. enth day of July. 1941.
• •
No. 178 2
FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 12, 1941 4687
4686 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 12, 1941
(b) Rental for Constructor's equip- [Contract No. W 669 qm-ia700; O. I. No. 126] DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR.
Scope of this contract. The contrac- Cost (Art. V-2): $5,044,600.00. Ait. IX. Drawings and other data to
become property of Gor^ernment. All ment as provided in Article n. SumiARY or Contract for Supplies Bituminous Coal Division.
tor shall furnish and deliver Textiles, in Type of omstructlon project: Regulat-
(c) A fixed fee In the amount of one
the quantities, of the kinds and at the ing Station. drawings, designs and specifications are contractor: botany worsted mills, [Docket No. A-10131
Location: Marietta, Pennsylvania. to become the property of the Govern-
hundred twenty seven thousand nine passaic. ncw jer8xt
prices specified In attached Schedules of
hundred sixty-eight dollars ($127,968.00) Petition of District Board No. 4 for the
Supplies for the consideration stated Type of service: Architect -Engineer. ment.
which shall constitute complete compen- Contract for: Textiles. Revision of the Effective Minimuv
totaling eleven million, eight hundred Tlie supplies and services to be ob- Art. XII. Changes in scope of project.
sation for the Constructor's services, in- Amount: $4,402,700.00. Prices for Certain Coals of Certain
thirty thousand, nine hundred eighty tained by this instrument are authorized The Contracting Officer may, at any
cluding profit and all general overhead Place: Philadelphia Quartermaster Code Members in Subdistrict No. 1,
dollars ($11,830,980.00) in strict accord- by, are for the purpose set forth in. and time, by a written order, issue additional
expenses. Depot. Philadelphia. Pa. AND for the Establishment of Mini-
ance with the specifications, schedules are chargeable to. Procurement Author- instructions, require additional work or
P— This contract entered into this elev- mum Prices for the Coals (w Code
and drawings, all of which are made a ity No. QM22315 D
A P & E 99 services, or direct the omission of work The Contracting Officer may, at any
enth day of July 1941. Members in Subdistrict No. 3, in Dis-
part hereof. —
A0025 13 the available balance of which or services covered by this contract. time, without notice to the sureties. If
Scope of this contract. The contrac- trict No. 4 for River Shipment
Payments. The contractor shall be Is suflBcient to cover the cost of same. Art. xni. Termination for cause or for any. by a written order. Issue additional •
tor shall furnish and deliver • •
paid, upon the submission of properly This contract.* entered Into this 2d convenience of the Government. The instructions, require additional work or notice of and order for hearing
yards Cloth, Serge, Olive Drab and
certified Invoices or vouchers, the prices day of August 1941. Government may terminate this con- services, or direct the omission of work A petition, pursuant to the Bituminous
• • • yards Flannel. Shirting, Olive
stipulated herein for articles delivered Article I. Description of the toorfc. tract at any time and for any cause by or services covered by this contract. Coal Act of 1937, having been duly filed
Drab for the consideration stated total-
and accepted or services rendered, less The Architect-Engineer shall perform all a notice in writing from the Contracting The title to all work, completed or in with this Division by the above-named
ing four million, four htmdred two thou-
deductions. If any, as herein provided. the necessary services provided under Officer to the Architect-Engineer. the course of construction, shall be in party;
sand, seven hundred dollars ($4,402,-
Unless otherwise specified, payments will this contract for the following described This contract is authorized by the fol- the Government. Likewise, upon deliv- It is ordered. That a hearing in the
700.00) in strict accordance with the
be made on partial deliveries accepted by project: The construction of a Regu- lowing law: Public No. 139— 77th Con- ery at the site of the work or at an above-entitled matter under the appli-
specifications, schedules and drawings,
the Government when the amount due lating Station, including necessary build- gress. Approved June 30. 1941. approved storage site and upon inspec- cable provisions of said Act and the rules
all of which are made a part hereof.
on such deliveries so warrants; or, when ings,temporary structures, utilities and Frank W. Bullock, tion and acceptance In writing by the of the Division be held on September 30.
Payments. The contractor shall be
requested by the contractor, payments appurtenances thereto, located at or in Major. Signal Corps. Contracting Officer, title to all materials, 1941, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of
paid, upon the submission of properly
for accepted partial deliveries shall be the vicinity of Marietta, Pennsylvania. Assistant to the Director of tools, machinery, equipment and sup- that day, at a hearing room of the Bi-
certified invoices or vouchers, the prices
made whenever such payments would Art. m. Data to be furnished by the Purchases and Contracts. plies for which the Constructor shall be tuminous Coal Division, 734 Fifteenth
stipulated herein for articles delivered
equal or exceed either $1,000 or 50 per- Government. The Government will fup- entitled to be reimbursed under Article Street NW., Washington. D. C. On such
(P. R. Doc. 41-«80e: Piled. September 11, 1941; and accepted or services rendered, less
cent of the total amount of the contract. nlsh the Architect -Engineer essential n, shall vest In the Government. day the Chief of the Records Section In

Delays Damages. If the contractor schedules of preliminary data, layout
9:43 a. m.)
Art. m. Payments — 1. Reimbursement
deductions, if any, as herein provided.
Unless otherwise specified, payments will room 502 will advise as to the room where
refuses or falls to make delivery of ac- sketches, and other essential information
for cost. The Government will cur- be made on partial deliveries accepted such hearing will be held.
ceptable material or supplies within the respecting sites, topography, soil condi- (Contract No. W 7187 qm-2; O. I. No. 2|
rently reimburse the Constructor for ex- by the Government when the amount It is further ordered. That Charles O.
time or times specified In Article 1, or tions, outside utilities and equipment as
SuMifART or FiXEO Pee Comstsuction penditures made in accordance with due on such deliveries so warrants; or, Fowler or any other officer or officers of
any extension or extensions thereof, the may be available for the preparation of Contract Article n
upon certification to and veri- the Division duly designated for that
actual damage to the Government for preliminary sketches and the develop-
when requested by the contractor, pay-
fication by the Contracting Officer of ments for accepted partial deliveries purpose shall preside at the hearing in
the delay will be Impossible to determine, ment of final drawings and specifica- contractor: brann & stuart cc. 1447
the original of signed payrolls, for labor, shall be made whenever such payments such matter. The officers so designated
and In lieu thereof the contractor shall tions. broad street station BUILDINC, PHILA-
the receipted invoices for materials, and would equal or exceed either $1,000 or 50 to preside at such hearing are hereby
pay to the Government as fixed, agreed, Art. V. The present preliminary esti- DELPHIA, pennsylvanu
such other documents as the Contract- percent of the total amount of the authorized to conduct said hearing, to
and liquidated damages for each calen- mated construction cost of the project on Contract for construction of: A Regu- ing Officer may require. Generally, re- administer oaths and affirmations, exam-
dar day of delay in the delivery of any
articles, the amount as set forth in the
which the services of this contract are
based is approximately five million forty
lating Station. imbursement will be made weekly but Delays —Damages. If the contractor ine witnesses, subpoena witnesses, com-
Location: Marietta. Pennsylvania. may be made at more frequent Intervals refuses or fails to make delivery of ac- pel their attendance, take evidence, re-
specifications or accompanjring papers, four thousand six hundred dollars Fixed fee: $127,968.00. if the conditions so warrant. ceptable material or supplies within the quire the production of any books, papers,
and the contractor and his sureties shall ($5,044,600.00) exclusive of Architect- Estimated construction cost exclusive correspondence, memoranda, or other
2. Rental for constructor's equipment. time or times specified In Article 1, or any
be liable for the amount thereof. Engineer's fixed fee. of fixed fee: $4,916,632.00. Rental as provided In Article II for such extension or extensions thereof, the ac- records deemed relevant or material to
Liquidated damages. Under the terms Art. VI. Fixed-fee and reimbursement The supplies and services to be ob- construction plant or parts thereof as tual damage to the Government for the the inquiry, to continue said hearing from
and conditions stipulated in Article 17 of of expenditures. In consideration for tained by this Instrument are authorized time to time, and to prepare and submit
the Constructor may own and furnish delay will be impossible to determine, and
this contract, the contractor shall pay to his undertakings under the contract, the by, are for the purpose set forth In, and shall be paid monthly upon presentation in lieu thereof the contractor shall pay to the Director proposed findings of fact
the Government, as liquidated damages, Architect-Engineer shall be paid the are chargeable to the following procure- of proper vouchers. to the Government as fixed, agreed, and and conclusions and the recommenda-
for each calendar day of delay In the following: ment authorities, the available balances Ninety liquidated damages for each calendar tion of an appropriate order In the prem-
delivery of any article, a sum equal to 3. Payment of the fixed fee.
a. A fixed fee in the amount of forty of which are sufficient to cover the cost day of delay in the delivery of any arti- ises, and to perform all other duties in
• • • percentum of the price of such percent (90%) of the fixed fee set out in
thousand seven hundred dollars ($40.- of the same: QM22313 D
A F << E P99 A Article I shall be paid as it accrues, "in cles, the amount as set forth in the speci- connection therewith authorized by law.
article for each day's delay after the
700.00) which shall constitute complete 0025-13.
monthly Installments based upon the fications or accompanying papers, and Notice of such hearing is hereby given
time specified for delivery. This contract,' entered into this 4th
compensation for the Architect-Engi- percentage of the completion of the work the contractor and his sureties shall be to all parties herein and to persons or
The supplies and services to be ob- day of August 1941.
neer's services. liable for the amount thereof. entities having an interest in these pro-
tained by this Instrument are authorized as determined from estimates submitted
b. In addition to the payment of the Article I. Statement of u)ork. The Liquidated damages. Under the terms ceedings and eligible to become a party
by, are for the purpose set forth in, and to and approved by the Contracting
fixed fee as specified herein, the Archi- Constructor shall, in the shortest pos- and conditions stipulated In Article 17 herein. Any person desiring to be ad-
are chargeable to procurement authority Officer.
tect-Engineer will be reimbursed for such sible time, furnish the labor, materials, of this contract, the contractor shall pay mitted as a party to this proceeding may
QM 323 P 2-02A 0515-2, the available
of his actual expenditures In the per- tools, machinery, equipment, facilities,
5. Final payment. Upon completion
to the Government, as liquidated dam- file a petition of intervention in accord-
balance of which is su£Bcient to cover cost of the work and its final acceptance in
formance of the work as may be ap- supplies not furnished by the Govern- ages, for each calendar day of delay in ance with the rules and regulations of
of same. writing by the Contracting Officer, the
proved or ratified by the Contracting ment, and services, and do all things the delivery of any article, a sum equal the Bituminous Coal Division for pro-
This contract authorized vmder Pro- Government shall pay to the Constructor
Officer. necessary for the completion of the fol- to • • • percentum of the price of ceedings instituted pursuant to section 4
curement Directives No. P-C-5, P-C-9 the unpaid balances of the cost of the
and P-C-2. Art. Vm. Method
of payment. Pay-
lowing work: The construction of a
work determined under Article n hereof.
such article for each day's delay after n (d) of the Act, setting forth the facts
Regulating Station at Marietta. Pa., in- the time specified for delivery. on the basis of which the relief in the
Frank W. Bxtllock, ments of reimbursable cost Items and of Art. VI. Termination of contract by
cluding necessary buildings, temporary The supplies and services to be ob- original petition is supported or opposed
Major. Signal Corps, 90% of the amount of the Architect- structures, utilities and appurtenances Government. The Government may ter- tained by this instrument are authorized or on the basis of which other relief is
Assistant to the Director of Engineer's fee earned shall be made on minate this contract at any time, by a
thereto at Marietta, Pa. by, are for the purpose set forth In, and sought. Such petitions of Intervention
Purchases and Contracts. vouchers approved by the Contracting notice in writing from the Contracting
It is estimated that the construction are chargeable to procurement authority shall be filed with the Bituminous Coal
Officer en standard forms, as soon as '

IP. R. Doc. 41-«807: Piled, September 11. 1941; cost of the work covered by his contract Officer to the Constructor. QM 323 P 2-02 A 0515-2 the available Division on or before September 24. 1941.
9:43 m.) practicable after the submission of state-
». will be four million nine hundred sixteen This Contract Is authorized by the fol- balance of which Is sufficient to cover All persons are hereby notified that
ments, supported by original certified
thousand six hundred thirty-two dollars lowing law: cost of same. the hearing in the above-entitled matter
payrolls, receipted bills for all expenses
Including materials, supplies and equip-
($4,916,632.00) exclusive of the Con-
Public No. 139— 77th Congress, Ap- This contract authorized under Pro- and any orders entered therein, may con-
(Contract No. W 7187 qm-1; O. I. No. 1]
ment, rentals, and all other supporting
structor's fee.
proved June 30. 1941. curement Directives No. P-C-4 and cern, in addition to the matters specifi-
Stimm.\ry or Pixkd-Pee Contract for In consideration for his undertaking P-C-1. cally alleged in the petition, other mat-
data. Upon completion of the project Frank W. Bullock.
ARCHmCT-ENGlNIER SERVICES under this contract the Constructor shall Frank W. Bullock, ters necessarily incidental and related
and Its final acceptance the Architect- Major, Signal Corps,
receive the following: Major. Signal Corps. thereto, which may be raised by amend-
ARCHirECT-KNGINEXR HUNTING. DAVIS & Engineer shall be paid the unpaid bal- Assistant to the Director of

ance of any money due the Architect- (a) ReimkMirsement for expenditures Assistant to the Director of ment to the petition, petitions of Inter-
SX7NNXIXS, INC, 1150 CENTURY BUILDING. Purchases and Contracts. Purchases and Contracts. veners or otherwise, or which may be
PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA Engineer hereunder. as provided in Article n.
PUed, September
necessary corollaries to the relief. If any,
IP. R. Doc. 41-6809; PUed. September 11, 1941; (P. R. Doc. 41-6810; 11, 1941;
Amount fixed fee: $40,700.00. > Approved by the Under Secretary of War •Approved by the Under Secretaiy of War 9:44 a. m.] granted on the basis of this petition.
B:4S a. m.l
Estimated construction. Augiiot 15, 1941. August 13. 1941.

4688 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 12, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 12, 1941

and for the Gas Appliances Man- signed for public hearing on Monday.
The matter concerned herewith Is In (Docket No. ie74-PDl questing that the Bituminous Coal Divi- the right of code members to
Immediately notice,
September 10 o'clock a. m.
sion establish maximum prices for all petition for higher maximum prices than ufacturing Industry as defined in para- 29,
regard to the petition of District Board IH THE Matter of Taccert Coal Sales (Eastern Standard Time), at the Carlton
On September 5. 1941, the Bitu- graph 3 of this notice; and
the general maximum prices to
coals. be estab-
No. 4 for the revision of the effective min- C<»iPANY. Registered Distributor,
minimum Hotel, 927 16th St. NW., Washington,
minous Coal Consumers' Counsel filed a lished at the present hearing as herein-
(3) Whether or not the
imum prices for certain coals of certain Registration No. 8905. Respondent D. C, before Examiner Thomas L. Wrenn.
motion to amend itsoriginal petition;
before provided.
wage for the manufacture of Cooking
code members In Subdistrict No. 1 of Dated Washington, D. C, September 9.
ORDER advancing HSAIUNO and it appearing to the Director that and Heating Appliances should be found
District No. 4 for river sliipment, and for Dated: September 1941,
to be 65 cents an hour or $26.00 per week
9. 1941.
The above-entitled matter having been this motion should be granted.
the establishment of minimum prices for H. a. Gray. By the Board.
heretofore scheduled for hearing at 10 Now, therefore, it is ordered. That the SEAL] of 40 hours for plants operating in all
the coals of certain code members in Sub-

o'clock In the forenoon of October 6, 1941, motion of the Bituminous Coal Consum- Director. states except the states of Alabama, I SEAL 1 Darwin Charles Brown.
district No. 3 of District No. 4 for river
at a hearing room of the Bituminous Coal ers' Counsel be and hereby is granted
it R Doc. 41^6817; Filed. September 11, 1941; Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, Ken- Secretary.
shipment; and, more particularly, for a IF
10:06 a. ml Florida,
reduction of 10 cents per net ton In the Division at the Post Office Building, Can- and its original petition be and It hereby tucky, Tennessee. Mississippi,
(F. R. Doc. 41-6803: Filed. September 11. 1941;

ton. Ohio; and is amended to read as follows South Carolina, Louisiana, and Arkansas, 9:41 a. m.j
effective minimum prices for the strip-
The Director deeming it advisable that and some lower figure for plants operat-
mine coals of code members in Subdis- A. Paragraph XI of said petition is
said hearing should be advanced; ing in the above-mentioned states; and
trict No. 1 of District No. 4 for river ship- amended to read as fcHlows: DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. (4) Whether or not the minimum wage Docket Nos. 303. 460. 427. 429, 591]
ment from mines having river loading Now. therefore, it is ordered. That the [

hearing in the above-entitled matter be XI. An

expeditious procedure should DiviHion of Public Contracts. for the manufacture of Gas Appliances
In the Matter of the Applications of
facilities; and for the establishment of
advanced from 10 o'clock in the forenoon be formulated for hearing the bona fide of should be found to be 65 cents an hour or Transcontinental & WesteIin Air.
the effective minimum prices for the and legitimate claims of code members In the Matter of the Determination
of October 6, 1941. to 10 o'clock in the $26.00 per week of 40 hours for plants
deep-mine coals of code members in THE Prevailing Minimum Wages in the Inc., Chicago & Southern Air Lines.
forenoon of September 25, 1941. at the who seek special higher maximum prices operating in all states except the states
Inc., and Eastern Air Lines, Inc., for
Subdistrict No. 1 of District No. 4 for Cooking, Heating, and Gas Appliances
Post Office Building, Canton. Ohio, and for themselves, alleging that the gener- of Alabama. Georgia, North Carolina.
such coals of code members in Subdis- Manufacturing Industry Certificates and Amendments of Ex-
ally applicable maximum prices would Virginia. Kentucky, Tennessee, Missis-
trict No. 8 of District No. 4, for river
before the officer previously designated isting Certificates of Public Conven-
to preside at said hearing.
not yield them a fair return on the fair notice of hearing sippi. Florida, South Carolina. Louisiana,
shipment from mines having river load- ience AND Necessity Under Section
value of their property. and Arkansas, and some lower figure for
ing facilities; and for the establishment Dated: September 10, 1941. The Cooking, Heating, and Gas Appli- 401 OF THE Civil Aeronautics Act of
plants operating in the above-mentioned
of minimum prices 10 cents per net ton [seal] H. A. Gray, B. Paragraph 1 is amended to read as ances Manufacturing Industry is, for the 1938. as Amended
less than such minimimi prices for deep- Director. follows: purpose of this notice, that industry
NOTICE OF hearing
mine coals of code members in Subdis- The Directorof the Bituminous Coal which manufactures stoves, ranges, port- Tabulation of wage schedules volun-
R. Doc. 41-6815: Filed. September 11. 1941; 1.
trict No. 3 of District No. 4 for the
able ovens, and self-contained water tarily submitted by members of the in- The above-entitled proceeding, being
10:06 a. m.| Division, by the most expjeditious method
strip-mine coals of code members in Sub- heaters, whether designed to burn solid dustry through the agency of the vari- the applications of Transcontinental It
available to him under the Act, establish
district No. 3 of District No. 4, for river or liquid fuel, or any combination of sev- ous trade associations and labor unions Western Air, Inc., for a certificate au-
maximum prices f. o. b. transportation
shipment from mines having river load- eral fuels; appliances and equipment will be submitted in evidence at the thorizing air transportation between In-
(Docket No. A-037 Part 11] facilities for all coals produced in each
ing using natural, manufactured, or artificial hearing. Copies of this tabulation may dianapolis, Ind., and Detroit, Mich., and
facilities. of the producing districts; that such max-
Dated: September 1941. Petition or District Board No. 4 for the gases as a fuel; accessories employed be had on request to the Administrator, for an amendment of its existing certifi-
Estabushment of Preliminary and imum prices be established at average
H. A. Gray. upon, or in connection with, gas-fired Division of Public Contracts, Department cate on route No. 2 to include Terre
Permanent Price Classifications and levels approximately twenty (20%) per
Director. equipment, such as gas cocks and fittings; of Labor, Washington, D. C. Briefs on Haute, Ind., as an intermediate point;
Minimum Prices for the Coals of Mine cent above the present established costs
gas meters; gas refrigerators; warm air the issues presented in this notice may be the applications of Chicago & Southern
September Index No. 239 of the Marshall Mining In effect within each of the Districts, and
[F. R. Doc. 41-^13; Filed. 11. 1041;
furnaces; cast iron boilers; steel heating filed with the Administrator on or be- Air Lines, Inc., for certificates authoriz-
10:00 a. m.] Company and Mine Index No. 1900 of that said proposed maximum prices be
boilers (15 lbs. working pressure and fore September 18, 1941. No form for ing air transportation between St. Louis,
established by adding the following
John Worrell for Rail Shipments under); and radiators. the brief is prescribed, but an original Mo., and Detroit. Mich., and between
amounts to the present minimum prices
order dismissing petition The Cooking and Heating Appliances and four copies must be submitted. Memphis. Tenn.. and Detroit, Mich.; and
Docket No. 1670-FD) now in effect as follows:
branch of the industry is. for the purposes The entire record will be considered by the application of Eastern Air Lines, Inc.,
original petitioner in the above- District: Amount
the Secretary of Labor before the wage for a certificate authorizing air trans-
Js THE Matter or the Pittsbuhg & Mid- $0. 68 of this notice, that branch which manu-
entitled proceeding having moved to dis- 1
determination is made. portation l)etween Memphis, Tenn., and
way Coal Minino Company. DirEND- miss this proceeding in so far as it re-
a 61 factures stoves, ranges, portable ovens,
ant * 3 : .35 and self-contained water heaters, whether Dated: September 10, 1941. Detroit, Mich., is hereby assigned for
lates to the Locust Point Mine (Mine In- 4 .32 public hearing on Monday, November 3,
designed to burn solid or liquid fuel, or L. Metcalfe Walling,
correction of typographical error in dex No. 1900) of John Worrell, and to the 6 61
1941. 10 o'clock a. m. (Eastern Standard

6... .40 any combination of solid, liquid, or gas Administrator.

notice of and order for hearing Knoxville Mine (Mine Index No. 239) of
7 .44 fuel; warm air furnaces; cast iron boilers; Time) in Room 7057, Commerce Build-
the Marshall Mining Company, and there R Doc. 41-6826; Filed, September and Constitution Avenue NW..
A typographical error occurred^ in the 8 .35
steel heating boilers (15 lbs. working pres- IF 11. 1941; ing, 14th
having been no opposition thereto: 9 31 11:21 a. m.l
Washington. D. C, before an Examiner
Notice of and Order for Hearing, dated 10 - 30 sure and under) and radiators.

August 26. 1941. in the above-entitled Now. therefore, it is ordered. That the 23 of the Board.
original petition in the above-entitled
11. .
The Gas Appliances branch
of the in-
matter. 12 67
dustry is, for the purposes of this notice,
Dated: Washington, D. C, September
In the second line of the title "In the matter in so far as It refers to Mine Index 13 .46
10. 1941.
68 that branch which manufactures appli-
Matter of The Pittsburgh k Midway Coal No. 1900 of John Worrell and Mine In- 14 .


dex No. 239 of the Marshall Mining Com-
15 .41 ances and equipment using natural, man-
Mining Company," the name "Pittsburg" 16 .32
ufactured or artificial gases as a fuel; (Docket Nos. 411. 664, 671. 677. 6781 [SEAL] Darwin Charles Brown.
Is incorrectly spelled and the "h" should
pany be dismissed without prejudice and 17 64
accessories employed upon, or in connec-
be omitted. The same correction should that the proceedings in the above- 18 87
In the Matter of, the Applications of
19 42 tion with, gas-fired equipment, such as R Doc. 41-6804: Piled. September 11. 1941;
be made in this word in Section I, Para- entitled docket be closed. National Airlines, Inc., Delta Air Cor- IF
90 60
gas cocks and fittings; gas meters; and 9:42 a. m]
graph (6), fifth line, and in Section n. Dated: September 10, 1941. 22 29 poration, Braniff Airways, Inc., East-
gas refrigerators.
Paragraph (a), first line. [seal] H. a. Gray. 28 . 61 ern Air Lines, Inc., and Chicago k
Director. interested parties are hereby noti-
All Southern Air Lines, Inc., for Certifi-
Now. therefore, it is ordered. That In C. following paragraph is added
The (Docket No. 219]
fiedthat a hearing will be held at 10 a. m., cates AND Amendment of Certificate of
the second line of the title of the above to the petition to be numbered and to I
(F. R. Doc. 41-6816; Filed, September 11, IMl; Thursday, September 18, 1941 in Room Public Convenience and Necessity In the Matter of the Petition of North- If
entitled matter, and Section I. Paragraph read as follows;
10.06 a. m.]
3229, Department of Labor Building, Under Section 401 of the Civil Aero- east Airlines, Inc. (Formerly Boston-
(6), line 6, and Section n. Paragraph InO
for an Order
4. That the Director specifically pro- Washington. D. C. to permit all inter- nautics Act of 1938. as Amended Maine Airways,
(a), line 1 of said Notice of and Order vide that a review of said maximum ested parties to present evidence on the Fixing and Determining Fair and Rea-
for Hearing the letter "h" should be and notice of hearing
[Docket No. A-B83] prices may be made after the elapse of following issues: sonable Rate of Compensation for the
the same hereby is deleted from the word not less than six months on a petition by Transportation of Mail by Aircraft,
Petition of the Bituminous Coal Con- (1) Whether or not the industry
(as The above-entitled proceeding, being
sumers' Counsel for the Establish- the Consumers' Counsel, or any District the applications of National Airlines, Inc., THE FACTLITIES USED AND USEFUL THERE-
Dated: September 10, 1941. defined in paragraph 1 of this notice)
ment OF Maximum Prices for all Coals Board, or on a petition by any code mem- Delta Air Corporation, Braniff Airways, FOR, AND THE Services Connected
H. A. Oray. should be considered as an integral in-
[SIAL] ber who alleges that the existing maxi- Inc., Eastern Air lines. Inc., Chicago k Therewith, Over Route No. 27
order granting motion to amend dustry for the purposes of determining
Director. mum prices do not yield petitioner a fair
the prevailing minimum wages under the Southern Air Lines, Inc.. for certificates of
notice of hearing
{F. R. Doc. 41-6814: Filed. September 11. 1»41:
July 23, 1941. the Bituminous Coal return on the fair value of his property, public convenience and necessity and
provisions of the Public Contracts Act;
10:06 a. m.l Consiuners' Counsel filed a petlticm re- this provision, however, not to prejudice amendment of existing certificate author- The above-entitled proceeding, being
izing transportation between Port
air reopened by order of the Board, dated
(2) Whether there should be a sep- September 2, 1941, for the purpose of re-
arate determination for the Cooking and Worth-Etellas, Texas, and New Orleans,
Louisiana, via Shreveport, Louisiana, and ceiving further evidence respecting the
Heating Appliances Manuf§icturing In-
certain intermediat* points, Is hereby as-
schedules on Northeast Airlines, Inc.,
dustry as defined in paragraph 2 of this
3^^ i :7

4690 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 12, 1941

over route No. 27. and of making such (File No. 60-33] stem's Rules of Practice be and the same
adjustments in the rate of compensation IH THE Matter of Columbia Oas k Elec- hereby is extended to the 23rd day of
as may appear to be appropriate in the tric Corporation. Columbia Oil k September, 1941.
>«^ I scKirrA /^
event that additional schedules should be Gasoline Corporation. Panhandle Notice of such postjxjnement and ex- ^^ Ow I MAMrV f
I .09 &fV
designated for the transportation of mail, Eastern Pipe Line Company. Michigan tension of time within which applications
is hereby assigned for public hearing on Oas Transmission Corporation. Induna to be heard or to intervene may be filed
Monday, September 15, 1941. 10 o'clock Gas Distribution Corporation. Re- Is hereby given to Respondents and to

a. m. (Eastern Standard Time) In Room

1851 Commerce Building. 14th Street and
Constitution Avenue NW., Washington,
D. C. before Examiner Herbert K. Bryan.
Dated Washington, D. C, September 9,
[File No. 70-263]

IM THE Matter of Columbia Gas

tric Corporation
k Elec-
any other person whose participation in
such consolidated proceeding may be in
the iHiblic interest or for the protection
of investors and consumers.
By the Commission.
By the Board.
(File No. 70-«711

In the Matter of Columbia Oil k Gaso-

[seal] Francis P. Brassor,
Secretary. VOLUME 6 >. «93^ cA^ NUMBER 179
[ SEAL 1 Darwin Charles Brown, line Corporation (F. R. Doc. 41-6838; Filed. September 11, 1941;
Secretary. 11:27 a. m.]
(File No. 70-387)
|P. B. Doc. 41-6805: Filed. September 11. 1B41;
0:42 a. m.| In the Matter of Panhandle Eastern Washington, Saturday, September 13, 1941
Pipe Line Company
(File No. 31-65)
order postponing date for hearing and
In the Matter of Pacific Gas and Elec- Rules, Regulations, Orders (f) A rate-of-cUmb indicator. CONTENTS
SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COM- extending time for interested persons
to be heard or intervene
tric Company, et al. (g) A storage battery —Same as
MISSION. 104.513 (f).
(File No. 70-400]
ORDER dismissing APPLICATION IN PART, TITLE 14— CIVIL AVIA^nON Title 14 Civil Aviation:
At a regular session of the Securities GRANTING APPLICATION IN PART, AND DENY- 2. By amending 8 04.5812 to read as
Civil Aeronautics Board: P»B«
Ik the Matter of Denis J. Driscoll and and Exchange Commission, held at Its ING APPLICATION IN PART CHAPTER I—CIVIL AERONAUTICS follows:
Air carriers, qualifications for
WiLLARD L. Thorp. Trustees of Asso- office in the City of Washington, D. C, BOARD Safety belt sifpial. When
on the 10th day of September, A. D. 1941. At a regular session of the Securities S 04.5812 operation, etc., amend-
ciated Oas and Electric Corporation. (Amendment No. 129 of the ClTll Air
and Exchange Commission, held at its a signal or sign is used to Indicate to ments 4691
Debtor The Commission having on August 25, Regulations)
passengers the times that seat belts
office in the City of Washington, D. C, Title 16 Commercial Practices:
1941 issued its Notice of and Order (Hold- Part 04 Airplane Airworthiness
notice regarding filing on the 10th day of September, A. D. 1941. should be fastened, such signal or sign Federal Trade Commission:
ing Company Act Release No. 2963) con-
Pacific Gas and Electric Company and Part 40 Scheduled Airline shall be located in a conspicuous place Cease and desist orders:
At a regxilar session of the Securities solidating the proceedings in the above-
and Exchange Commission held at its Great Western Power Company of Cal- Certification and so arranged that It can be operated Detroit Candy k Tobacco
captioned matters for hearing on Sep-
ofBce In the City of Washington, D. C, ifornia having applied under sections 3 Part 61 Scheduled Airline Rules
from the seat of either pilot. Jobbers Assn., Inc., et
tember 16. 1941 at 10:00 A. M. at the
on the 10th day of September. A. D. (a) (1) and 3 (a) (2) of the Public Util- (Interstate) Parts 40 and 61 are amended by al 4693
offices of the Securities and Exchange 3.
1941. Commission, 1778 Pennsylvania Avenue ity Holding Company Act of 1935 lor striking the phrase "air carrier dis- WUUams. R. C, k Co.. Inc.. 4693
lEvisiNo the qualifications for, and Title 29 Labor
Notice is hereby given that a declara- NW.. Washington. D. C. and such Notice orders exempting both companies from patcher" or airline disi>atcher" whenever :


tion has been filed with this Commis- and Order having directed that any per- regulation under the said Act as holding It appears and inserting in lieu thereof Wage and Hour Division:
sion by the above-named party; and sons desiring to be heard or proposing companies, and having applied under sec- the phrase "aircraft dispatcher." Minimum wage rates, various
Notice Is further given that any inter- to intervene In connection with these tion 2 (a) (8) of the Public Utility Hold- At a session of the Civil Aeronautics 4. By amending § 40.203 to read as
ing Company Act of 1935 for orders de- Board held at Its office In Washington. Single pants, shirts, etc 4701
ested person may. not later than Sep- proceedings file with the Secretary of follows:
tember 20, 1941 at 1:15 P. M., E. S. T., the Commission on or before September claring that neither company Is a sub- D. C, on the 5th day of September. 1941. Women's apparel 4700
S 40.203 Intermediate fields. Appli- Records to be kept by em-
request the Commission in writing that 1941 a written statement relative sidiary of The North American Company; Acting pursuant to the authority
8. cant shall show Intermediate fields or air-
Notice and oportunity for hearing on vested In It by the Civil Aeronautics Act ployers 4694
a hearing be held on such matter, stat- thereto as provided by Rule XVII of the ports available for safe landings with the
ing the reasons for such request and Commission's Rules of Practice; and said application having been duly given; of 1938. as amended, particularly sections Title 3(^Mineral Resources:
205 (a), 601 (a), and 604 of said Act,
load authorized for the route, or part Bituminous Coal Division:
the nature of his interest, or may request a hearing having been held on said appli-
Columbia Gas k Electric Corporation thereof, and located so that the aircraft,
that he be notified if the Commission cation; the trial examiner's report hav- and finding that Its action is desirable In Minimum price schedules, etc:
and Columbia Oil k Gasoline Corporation when flying along the proposed route, docu-
should order a hearing thereon. At any ing been filed; exceptions to such trial the public interest and Is necessary to District No. 1 (2
having filed a request for a postponement shall at no time be at a distance greater
time thereafter, such declaration, as filed examiner's report and supporting briefs carry out the provisions of, and to ex- ments) 4702.4703
of such consolidated hearing to the 30th than 50 miles from an Intermediate field
or as amended, may become effective or having been submitted; oral argument ercise and perform its powers and duties District No. 2 4705
day of September. 1941 for the reason or airport: Provided, That the Admin- 4706
may be granted, as provided in Rule having been heard; and the Commission under, said Act, the Civil Aeronautics District No. 10
that the said respondents require addi- istrator may permit or require interme-
having this day issued Its Findings and Board amends the Civil Air Regulations District No. 11 (2 docu-
U-23 of the Rules and Regulations pro- tional time to prepare for the hearing diate fields at greater or less distances if
Opinion herein; as follows ments) 4707, 4708
mulgated pursuant to said Act. or the herein; and suitable or necessary to provide adequate
It is ordered. On the basis of the said District No. 23 4709
Commission may exempt such transac- The Commission having considered the
Effective October 1. 1941, Parts 04, 40
safety along the proixjsed route.
tion as provided in Rules U-20 (a) and Findings and Opinion: and 61 of the Civil Air Regulations are Title 32 National Defense:
request for postponement and being of
U-100 thereof. Any such request should amended as follows 5. By amending § 61.322, but not in- Office of Price Administration:
the opinion that under the circumstances That the application of Great
be addressed: Secretary. Securities and cluding any paragraph thereof, to read Anthracite, price schedule No.
Che same is reasonable and should be Western Power Company of California By amending 04.530 to read as
Exchange Commission. Washington. D. C. be and it hereby is dismissed;
1. {
as follows: 27— 4710
granted follows:
Office of Production Manage-
All Interested persons are referred to (2) That the application of Pacific Gas
It is therefore ordered. That the con- S 04.530 ACP Landvlanes: visual-con- § 61.322 Day and night operation ment:
said declaration, which Is on file in the and Electric Company, Insofar as it over water. The following rules will gov-
solidated hearing in the above matters tact day flying. The same as specified Cotton linters, preference or-
office of said Commission, for a state-
initially set for September 16. 1941 be seeks an order under sections 3 (a) *1) ern the operation of multi-engine aircraft 4710
ment of the transactions therein pro- In §04.511 and. In addition, the fol- der extended ^
and the same is hereby postponed to Sep- and 3 (a) (2) of the Public Utility Hold- lowing: In day or night operation over water: Title 49 ^Transportation and
posed, which are summarized below: ing Comi)any Act of 1935 exempting it
tember 30. 1941 at 10 o'clock in the fore- 6. By striking 8 61.323. Railroads:
Denis J. Driscoll and Willard L. Thorp, noon of that day at the same place and from reglilation under the said Act as a (a) An heated pltot tube,
or equivalent, for the air speed indicator. 7. Bythe addition of a new section, Interstate Commerce Commis-
Trustees of Associated Gas and Electric before the same officer of the Commis- holding company, be and it hereby is
61.340, reading as follows: sion:
Corporation, Debtor, a registered hold- granted; and (b) One additional portable fire ex- I
sion as specified in the aforesaid Notice Explosives, etc.. transporta-
ing comjMiny, propose to borrow $5,000.- and Order, dated August 25, 1941 on such (3) That in all other resjpects the ap-
tinguisher of the type specified in $ 61.340 Seat belt sign. An aircraft
tion regulations 4711
000 and to issue therefor Trustees' Cer- 04.510 (J) (See § 04.5811 for Installa- shall not be operated in scheduled air
date the hearing room clerk in Room 1102 plication of Pacific Gas and Electric i .

tificates of Indebtedness to mature two will advise as to where the hearing will Company be and it hereby is denied. tion requirements.) transportation unless a suitable means NOTICES I
years after date of Issuance. be held; and Fixed fire extinguishing apparatus
(c) for warning passengers to fasten seat
By the Commission. of an approved type for each engine
Department of Agriculture:
belts is provided.
By the Commission. It is further ordered. That the time Agricultural Marketing Service: r;
tsEALl Francis P. Brassc«. comiDartment.
[SEAL] Francis P. Brassor, within which persons desiring to be 8. By amending S8 61.531 and 61.532 to Acker. C. H., & Co.. et aL,
Secretary. <d) Type certificated radio equipment
Secretary. heard or proposing to intervene shall file read as follows: petitions for modifica-
as specified In Part 40.
a written statement relative thereto as (P. R. Doc. 41-6829; Piled. September 11, 1041; Continuance of pilot com- tion - 4718
(P. R. Doc. 41-6827; Filed. September
11:27 a.m.)
11, 1941;
provided by Rule XVII of the Commis- 11:27 a. m.]
(e) A
set of spare fuses. (See S 04.5822
for Installation requirements.)
S 61.631
petency. If, within any 90-day jperiod, a (Continued on next page)
4692 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 13, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 13, 1941 4693

CONTENTS—Continued 9 61.7109 Instrument or over-the-top (b) If an alternate referred to in At a regular session of the Federal off —
competitors' supplies Theatening
clearance. The following rules with re- 61.71091 is not eqwpped with a radio Trade Commission, held at its office in unthdrauxil of patronage. In connection
War Department —Continued.
spect to weather conditions shall govern range, the weather conditions existing the City of Washington. D. C, on the with the purchase, sale, and distribution
FEDE REGISTER Contract summaries Con. — Page the dispatch of air carrier aircraft in thereat, at the time of clearance, must 27th day of Augiist. A. D. 1941. of candies, tobaccos, and groceries in
Sherwln - Williams Defense air transportation for instrument or be equal to, or better than, broken clouds This proceeding having been heard commerce, (1) coercing, inducing or per-
Corp 4714 over-the-top flight: and a celling of 1,000 feet and a visibility by the Federal Trade Commission upon suading, or attempting to coerce, induce
Stevens, J. P., ft Co., Inc 4713 S 61.71090 Weather coruiitions at of 2 miles, and the hourly weather report the complaint of the Conunission and or persuade, sellers of candies, tobaccos,
Published dally, except Sundays, Mondays, Converse, J. B., & Co., et al., and terminal or intermediate airports. Air sequence and forecasts shall show a trend the substitute answer of respondent, in and groceries located in States other than
and days following legal holidays by the Dunn Construction Co., et carrier aircraft shall not be dispatched that gives sufficient indication of weather which answer respondent admits all the the State of Michigan to refrain from
Division o{ the Federal Register, The National contract numbers
al.. in air transportation unless: conditions continuing or improving until material allegations of fact set forth in selling or offering to sell to competitors
Archives, pursuant to the authority con-
tained in the Federal Register Act, approved changed 4711 the flight shall arrive thereat: Provided. said complaint and states that it waives or prospective competitors of members of
(a) The observed weather informa-
July 26. 1935 (49 Stat. 500), under regula- That the Administrator may. In the in- all intervening procedure and further respondent association, or by such means
tions prescribed by the Administrative Com- tion and current weather forecasts, per-
terest of safety, prescribe higher mini- hearings as to said facts and expressly controlling, or attempting to control, the
mittee, approved by the President. taining to all landing points specified in
The Administrative Committee consists ot firstor second pilot has not made at least the clearance, give sufficient indication
mums at individual airports. waives the filing of briefs and oral argu- terms and conditions upon which such
the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an officer two take-offs and landings In scheduled at the time of clearance that the ceilings 12. By amending 61.7100 to read as
ment, and the Commission having made sellers make sales to competitors or pro-
of the Department of Justice designated by itsfindings as to the facts and conclusion spective competitors of members of said
the Attorney General, and the Public Printer air transportation in aircraft of a par- and visibilities are. or will be, when the follows:
that said respondent has violated the {issociation; and (2) cooperating with
or Acting Public Printer. ticular make and model, such person flight would arrive at such point or
The daily Issue of the Fo)eral Rzcism 9 Necessity for dispatching
61.7100 provisions of subsection (c) of section 2 any of its members or others to perform
shall not thereafter serve or be employed points, at or above the minimums speci-
will be furnished by mall to subscribers, free authf^/rizatUm. No scheduled air carrier of an Act of Congress entitled "An Act any of the acts and practices prohibited
to serve as a first or second pilot in air- fied in the weather competency letter for
of postage, for $1.25 per month or $12 50 per flight shall be started except on the au- to supplement existing laws against un- in prohibition (1) hereof; prohlWted.
year; single copies 10 cents each; payable In craft of that make and model in such letting-down-through; and thority of an aircraft dispatcher whose lawful restraints and monopolies, and (Sec. 5, 38 Stat. 719, as amended by sec.
advance. Remit money order payable to the transportation without having made at (b) The alternate airports required by
Superintendent of Docimients directly to the name appears in the airman competency for other purposes" approved October 15, 3. 52 Stat. 112; 15 U.S.C, Supp. IV, sec.
least three take-offs and landings in 9 61.71091 are specified.
Government Printing Office, Washington. D. C. letter as qualifled for the route, or part 1914 (the Clayton Act), as amended by 45b) [Cease and desist order, Detroit
such aircraft with one-half to three- thereof, on which the flight takes off. No
9 61.71091 Alternate airport require- an Act of Congress approved June 19, Candy ft Tobacco Jobbers Association.
fourths useful load, and, if he is to serve
ment, (a) When the observed weather such authority is required for take-offs 1936 (the Robinson - Patman Act) Inc., et al.. Docket 4321, August 27, 19411
in such transportation at night, without
CONTENTS—Continued information and current weather fore- from an Intermediate stop between points (U.S.C. Title 15, Sec. 13)
having made at lesist one of the three specified in the original clearance unless In the Matter of Detroit Candy & Tobacco
casts pertaining to a landing point speci- It is ordered. That in the course of
Civil Aeronautics Board: Page take-offs and landings at night. No per- Jobbers Association, Inc., an Incorpo-
fied in the clearance indicate, at the time the flight has been delayed for any commerce, as "commerce" is defined in
American Airlines. Inc., et al.. sons shall be carried during such three
of clearance, that the ceiling and visibil- reason more than 30 minutes. (See rated Association; Its Officers: Calxrin J.
the aforesaid Clayton Act, the respond-
hearing 4719 take-offs and landings other than per- Gauss, president, Vene G. Perry, First
ity are, and will remain until the fiight 9 61.7103 for new fiight clearance). ent R. C. Williams ft Company, Inc., a
Department of the Interior: sonnel of the air carrier or other air car-
would arrive at such point, at or above Vice-President, Jacob Starkstein, Sec-
By the Civil Aeronautics Board. corporation. Its officers, agents, repre-
Bituminous Coal Division: riers and Inspectors of the Administra- ond Vice-President, Archie Cherrin,
the minimums specified in the weather sentatives, and employees, directly or
District Board No. 12, rehef tor.
competency letter for letting-down-
[nuL] Darwin Craklbs Brown, Secretary, Harry T. Bump, Secretary.
through any corporate or other device, do
granted, etc .l 4717 § 61.532 (Unassigned.) Secretary. Joseph Bianco, Treasurer; Its Direc-
through. there shall be at least one alter- forthwith cease and desist from:
Hearings postponed: nate airport specified on the appropriate tors: Charles Naibandian, B. J. Men-
9. By amending § 61.7020 (a) to read (P. R. Doc. 41-«840; Filed, September 12, 1941;
Rounsavill, A. C. et al 4716 9:44 a. m.] Receiving or accepting, directly or
(1) del, Joel Levy, V. H. Naibandian; and
as follows: flight clearance for such point.
Sanders. Herman, et al 4716 indirectly, any allowance or discount in Its Members: Morris Starkstefn. Wil-
(b) When, at the time of clearance,
South Pittsburg Coal Co., §61.7020 (a) Visual-contact operation lieu of brokerage fees or commissions in liam Starkstein, and Jacob Starkstein.
the ceiling or visibility at a landing point
et al 4716 (day or night). No air carrier aircraft whatever manner or form said allow- Trading as General Tobacco & Grocery
specified in the clearance is below the
Petitions dismissed: shall be dispatched or shall take off with- ances, discounts, brokerage fees, or com-
minimums specified In the weather com- TITLE 16—COMMERCIAL PRACTICES Company, Archie Cherrin, Trading as
Saxton Coal Co 4717 out fuel and oil sufficient, oonsidering
petency letter for letting-down-through,
missions may be offered, allowed, Joseph Kohn & Company, Joseph
Vande Ven, George 4717 the wind and other weather conditions
but the weather reports pertaining to
CHAPTER I—FEDERAL TRADE granted, paid or transmitted; Bianco, Trading as B & G
Candy Com-
Relief denied, etc.: to be encountered during the course of
such point at the time of clearance show
^ COMMISSION (2) Receiving or accepting from sell- pany, Charles Naibandian, Trading as
District Board No. 7 4717 the fiight, to complete flight to the, first ers in any manner or form whatever, di- N. Naibandian, Joel Levy, Trading as
a trend, by the hourly sequence and cur- [Docket Mo. 4279
District Board No. 13 4716 point of landing specified In the clear- rectly or indirectly, anything of value as
Wills. Pred H 4716 ance, and thereafter to fly for a period
rent forecasts, that indicates that the Part S —^Digest or Ceasx and Desist a commission, brokerage fee, or other
Auto City Candy Company. V. H. Nai-
bandian, Trading as Chaffee & Com-
weather conditions will improve to or Orders
Federal Power Commission: of at least 45 minutes at normal cruising compensation, or any allowance or dis- pany, Inc., Vene G. Perry, Trading as
above such minimums upon arrival of the
Otter Tail Power Co., applica- consumption for the fiight. in the matter of r. c. williams st
count in lieu thereof upon purchases of Detroit Candy Co., Calvin J. Gauss.
fiight at such point, two alternate air-
tion nied 4719 company, inc. commodities made by respondent. Trading as Charles Gauss Company,
10. By amending § 61.7021 (b) to read ports shall be specified in the appropriate
Securities and Exchange Commis- Individually and as Representative
as follows: fiight clearance for such point. 9 3.45(e)l) Discriminating in It is further ordered. That the said
Commonwealth k Southern § 61.7021 (b) Instrument or over-the- 9 61.71092 Types of alternate airports. price —Indirectdiscrimination Broker- — respondent shall, within sixty (60) days Members of Said Association
top operation (day or night). No air (a) If an alternate referred to in age payments. In the course of com- after service upon it of this order, file
Corp. et al., declarations At a regular session of the Federal
9 61.71091 is equipped with a radio range, merce, and on the part of respondent with the Conunission a report in writing
permitted to become effec- carrier aircraft shall be dispatched or Trade Commission, held at its office in
the weather conditions existing thereat corporation, engaged in Importing and setting forth in detail the manner and
tive 4720 shall take off without fuel and oil suf- the City of Washington, D. C, on the 27th
at the time of clearance must be equal to, exporting food products, and on the part form in which it h&s complied with this
Hearings, etc.: ficient, considering the wind and other day of August, A. D. 1941.
or above, the ceilings and visibilities spec- of Its officers, etc., (1) receiving or ac- order.
Associated Gas and Electric weather conditions to be encountered This proceeding having been heard'
during the course of the flight, to com- ified in the weather competency letter cepting, directly or indirectly, any al- By the Commission.
Corp. (2 documents) 4719. by the Federal Trade Commission upon
for letting-down-through at such airport lowance or discount In lieu of brokerage [SEAL] Otis B. Johnson,
4721 plete such flight to the next point of the complaint of the Commission, the
Empire Gas and Fuel landing specified In the clearance; and
when using it as an alternate airport and fees or commissions in whatever man- Secretary.
Co.. answer of certain of respondents, and
the hourly weather report sequence and ner or form said allowances, discounts,
et al 4720 [F. R. Doc. 41-«866: Filed. September 12, 1941; stipulation as to the facts entered Into
current forecasts shall show a trend that brokerage fees, or commissions may be
Tobacco and Allied Stocks,
(a) To fly to and land at the alternate
11:35 a. m.) between counsel for certain of the re-
indicates that such weather conditions offered, allowed, granted, paid or trans-
Inc 4721 spondents herein and William T. Kelley,
airport for such point designated In the will continue or improve at such alternate
Utility Service Co., filing notice. 4720 mitted; and (2) receiving or accepting Chief Counsel for the Commission,
clearance which is most distant from airport until the flight shall arrive
War Department: frcmi sellers In any manner or form (Docket No. 4321]
such point, and thereafter thereat. The weather minimums at such
which provioes, among other things, that
Contract summaries: whatever, directly or indirectly, any- without further evidence, presentation
(b) To fly for a period of at least 45 alternate airport shall in no case be less thing of value as a commission, broker-
Part 3 ^Digest or Cease and Desist
American Woolen Co 4713 of argument, the filing of briefs, or other
^ minutes at normal cruising consumption than one of the following: Orders
Converse, J. B., It Co., et al__ 4711 age fee, or other compensation, or any intervening procedure, the Commission
for the flight.
Duffy Construction Corp.. et (DA ceiling of 1.000 feet and visibility allowance or discount in lieu thereof in the matter of DETROIT CANDY ft
may issue and serve upon such respond-
al_. _. 4712 11. By striking S9 61.7109. 61.71090 (a). of 1 mile: upon purchases of commodities made by TOBACCO JOBBERS ASSOCIATION. INC., ET AL. ents herein findings as to the facts and
Dunn Construction Co., et al. 4712 61.71091 (b), 61.71092 (c), 61.71093 (d). (2) A
ceiling of 900 feet with a visi- respondent; prohibited. (Sec. 5, 38 Stat.
9 3.24 (e) Coercing and intimidat- conclusion based thereon and an order
Lorraine Mfg. Co 4711 61.71094 (e), 61.71095 (f), and 61.71096 bility of 1»<! miles; or 719, as amended by sec. 3, 52 Stat. 112;
ing —Suppliers of competitors: 3^7 (h) fi
disposing of the proceeding, and the
New York Central Railroad (g>, and inserting in lieu thereof the (3) A ceiling of 800 feet with a visi- 15 U.S.C., Supp. rv, sec. 45b) [Cease Combining or conspirino~-'To restrain Commission having made its findings as
Co 4712 following new sections: bUlty of 2 miles. and desist order, R. C. Williams ft Com- and monopolize trade: S 3.33 (e) Cutting to the facts and conclusion that such
pany, Inc., Docket 4279. Augxut 27,
19411 *SrJl. 9560. *6 PJt. 3421.
4694 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday^ September 13, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 13, 1941 4695
respondents have violated the provisions Sec. recomputation or transcription of those (9) Total weekly overtime excess com- employed more than two thousand hours (ix) DaUy and weekly overtime excess
of the Federal Trade Commission Act: 616.i Employees subject to minimum wage records as the Administrator or his duly pensation,' during any period of fifty-two consecu- compensation,"
(section 6) and overtime provisions
It is ordered. That respondent Detroit authorized and designated representative (10) Total additions to or deductions tive weeks;
covering "seasonal industries" as (X) Total additions to or deductions
Candy k Tobacco Jobbers Association. provided in section 7 (b) (3). may require.* from wages paid each pay period," from wages paid each pay period,"
Inc., its officers and
directors, its agents, 516.5 Employees of employers operating shallmaintain and preserve " pay roll or
{( 516.1 to 516.19. Inclusive, Issued pur- (11) Total wages paid each pay period, (xi) Total wages paid each pay period,
employees, or representatives, directly or under the 14 workweek total ex- other records containing the following
suant to the authority contained In sec. 11 (12) Date of payment and the pay
emption from section 7 (a) as pro- Information and data on each and every (xil) Date of payment and the pay
through any corporate or other device. (c) 52 Stat. 1066; 29 U. S. C. Sup., 211.
vided by section 7 (c).
period covered by payment.* period covered by payment.
In connection with the purchase, sale, 516.6 Employees totally exempt from over- employee to whom section 6 (minimum
time pajrment pursuant to part of
employee information AND DATA TO BE i 518.3 Employees under certain union hourly wages) of the Fair Labor Stand-
and distribution of candies, tobaccos, and agreements who are to be paid for over-
Submission of copy of agreement
section 7 (c) and sections 13 (b) CONTAINED IN EMPLOYERS' RECORDS ards Act applies and who. as a result of
groceries in commerce, as "commerce" to Washington. The employer shall also
(1) and 13 (b) (2). time over 12 hours a day or 56 hours a such agreement or amendment thereto,
is defined in the Federal Trade Commis- 516.7 Bona fideexecutive, administrative, S Employees subject to mini-
516.2 report and file with the Administrator at
week as provided in section 7 (b) (1) or
sion Act, do forthwith cease and desist professional, local retail, outside mum wage and 40-hour toeek overtime is employed in accordance with section Washington, D. C, within thirty days
from: sales employees as referred to In
section 13 (a) (1).
prornsio7is; sections 6 and 7 (a) (a) — 7(b)(2)''— (sl) Items required. Every
emplojrer of employees who are employed
7 <b) (i; or 7 (b) (2) of the Act (overtime after such collective bargaining agree-
Items required. Every employer shall excess compensation for employment ment has been made, a copy of each such
Coercing, inducing, or persuading,
(1) 616.8 Employees under more than one min-
maintain and preserve payroll or other (1) In pursuance of an agreement, over 12 hours a day or 56 hours a week) :" collective bargaining agreement.
or attempting to coerce, induce, or per- imum hourly rate fixed by wage ' Like-
orders. records containing the following infor- made as a result of collective bargaining (i) Name in full," (And on the same wise, a copy of each amendment or addi-
suade, sellers of candies, tobaccos, and 516.9 Learners, apprentices, messengers, mation and data on each and every em- by representatives of employees certified record, the employee's Identifying symbol tion thereto shall be reported and filed
groceries located in States other than handicapped workers under special
certificates as provided in section 14.
ployee to whom both sections 6 and 7 (a) as bona fide by the National Labor Re- or number if such is used in place of with the Administrator at Washington,
the State of Michigan to refraiu from
516.10 "Red caps" and other employees de- of the Fair Labor Standards Act apply:' lations Board, which provides that no name on any time, work, or pay-roll D. C, within thirty days after such
selling or offering to sell to competitors
pendent on tips as part of wages.
Name employee shall be employed more than records) amendment or addition has been agreed
or prospective competitors of members 516.11 Homeworkers. (1) in full' (and on the same
record, the employee's identifying symbol
one thousand hours during any period Home address,
of respondent association, or by such 516.12 Employees affected by the exemptions (ii)
provided in sections 13 (a) (2). (3), of twenty-six consecutive weeks, or (c) Record of persons and periods em-
means controlling, or attempting to or number If such is used in place of Date of birth if imder 19,
(4), (5). (6), (8). (9). (10). or (11). (2) On an annual basis in pursuance ployed under agreements. Every em-
control, the terms and conditions upon 516.13 Records In the case of an overlap of
name on any time, work, or payroll (iv) Occupation in which emi^oyed,
of an agreement, made as a result of ployer shall also make, keep, and preserve
which such sellers make sales to com- previous sections. records), (V) Time of day and name of the day
collective bargaining by representatives a record, either separately or as a part
petitors or prospective competitors of (2) Home address, on which the employee's workweek
LENGTH OF TIME RECORDS SHALL BE PRESERVED of employees certified as bona fide by the of the payroll:
members of respondent association; (3) Date of birth if under 19. begins,"
516.14 Records to be preserved four years. National Labor Relations Board, which
<2) Cooperating with any of its mem- (4) Occupation in which employed, (a) Regular hourly rate of pay," (1) Listing each and every employee
516.15 Records to be preserved two years. provides that the emi^oyee shall not be (vi)
bers or others to perform any of the acts (5) Time of day and name of the day and (b) Basis on which wages are paid," employed pursuant to each such collec-
and practices prohibited in paragraph the employee's workweek tive bargaining agreemen* and each
516.16 Place for keeping records and their *That is: The excess compensation for (vii) Hours worked each workday,'*
(1) hereof. begins,*
overtime worked which amount is over and amendment and addition thereto.
availability for inspection. and worked each workweek,
total hours
(6) (1) Regular hourly rate of pay.' above all straight-time earnings or wages (2) Indicating the period or periods
It further ordered. That the case
REPORTS ON RECORDS Total daily or weekly straight-
(viii) }
and (11) Basis on which wages are paid,* also earned during overtime worked. For the during which the employee, pursuant to
growing out of the complaint herein be. basis to be used in determining overtime pay- time earnings or wages,'*
516.17 Computations and reports. (7) Hours worked each workday' and
and the same hereby is, closed as to ments under the Fair Labor Standards Act,
GRANTING OP EXCEPTIONS total hours worked each workweek. see Interpretative Bulletin No. 4 "That The excess
members of the Detroit Candy k Tobacco " For the period records must be preaerved, is: compensation for
Total dally or weekly straight-time
(8) **As to the effect of additions or deduc- overtime worked which amount is over and
Jobbers Association. Inc., in their indi- 516.18 Petitions for exceptions. see {$ 616.14 and 516.15. above all straight-time earnings or wages also
earnings or wages,* tions upon the regular hourly rate of pay, " For additional requirements on Learners,
vidual capacities, without prejudice to REVISION OF REGULATIONS see Interpretative Bulletin No. 3. For the earned during overtime worked. For the
types of employees covered by more than one basis to be used in determining overtime
the right of the Commission, should basis on which deductions or additions for
516.19 Amendment of regulations. ' For the period records must be preserved, board, lodging, or other facilities may be
minimum hourly wage set by one or more payments under section 7 (b) of the Fair
future facts so warrant, to reopen the see ii 516.14 and 616 Wage Orders, see I 516.8.
15. made and their cost to the employer de- Labor Standards Act, see Interpretative Bulle-
same and resume trial thereof in ac- The following amended Regulations 'For additional requirements on Certain termined, attention Is called to Regulations
For additional requirements on Learners. tin No. 4, particularly Paragraph 72.
Part 516. §§516.1 to 516.19 (Regulations types of employees covered by more than one apprentices, messengers, and handicapped
cordance with its regular procedure. Part 531. "Regulations Determining the Rea- *' As to
the effect of additions or deductions
minimum hourly wage set by one or more workers under special certificates, see § 516.9. upon the regular hourly rate of pay see
It is further ordered. That the re- on Records to be Kept by Employers Pur- nonable Cost of Board, Lodging, and Other >< This shall be the same name as that used
toage orders, see f 516.8. Facilities." Interpretative Bulletin No. 3. For the basis
spondent Detroit Candy k Tobacco Job- suant to section 11 (c) of the Pair Labor For additional requirements on Learners, for Social Security record purposes.
It the additions to or deductions from on which deductions or additions for board
ers Association, Inc., shall, within sixty Standards Act of 1938) are hereby is- apprentices, messengers, and handicapped "If the employee is a part of a workforce lodging, or other facilities may be made and
wages paid (1) so affect the total cash wages
sued. These regulations, repealing and workers under special certificates, see i 5169. or employed In or by an establishment all of their cost to the employer determined, atten-
(60) days after the service upon it of due in any workweek (even though the em- whose workers have a workweek beginning
superseding all regulations previously is- For additional requirements on Employees ployee actually is paid semi-monthly) as to tion is called to Regulations Part 531, "Regu-
this order, file with the Commission a dependent upon tips or gratuities as a part of at the same time on the same day, a single lations, Determining the Reasonable Cost
sued on records to be kept by employers result in the employee receiving less in cat h of
report in writing setting forth in detail wages, see 516.10. notation of the time of the day and beginning Board, Lodging, and Other Facilities."
than the minimum hourly wage provided in
the manner and form in which it has pursuant to section 11 (c) of the Fair For requirements on industrial homework- day of the workweek for the whole workforce If the additions to or deductions from
section 6 or in an applicable Wage Order, or
ers. see 516.11. or establishment will suffice. If, however, wages paid (1) so affect the total cash wages
complied with this order. Labor Standards Act, shall become ef- i
(2) the employee works In excess of 40
any employee or group of employees has a
' This shall be the same name
as that used hours a week and (a) any additions to the due in any workweek (even though the em-
By the Commission. fective on September 15. 1941, and shall for Social Security record purposes. workweek beginning and ending at a differ- ployee actually is paid semi-monthly) as to
wages paid are a part of that employee's ent time, a separate notation shall then be
[SKAL] Otis B. Johnson, continue in force and effect until here- *If the employee Is a part of a workforce wages, or (b) any deductions made are result in the employee receiving less in cash
after modified. or employed in or by an establishment all of kept for that employee or group of employees. than the minimum hourly wage provided in
Secretary. claimed as allowable deductions under sec- '"This item only required to be entered
whose workers have a workweek beginning at tion 8 (m) of the Act. the employer shall
is section 6 or in an applicable Wage Order,
Signed at Washington, D. C, this 13th the same time on the same day. a single in the records for any week when overtime or (2) If the employee works in excess of 12
[F. R Doc. 41-6886; Piled. September 12, 1941;
day of August, 1941. notation of the time of the day and beginning
then maintain records showing those addi- is worked and overtime excess compensation hours a day or 56 hours a week and (a) any
11:35 a. m.l tions to or deductions from wages paid on a isdue under either section 7 (b) (1) or 7 (b)
day of the workweek for the whole workforce workweek basis. (For legal deductions not additions to the wages paid are a part of that
Philip B. Fleming. (2) of the Act. When
required, it shall be employee's wages or (b) any deductions made
or establishment will suffice. If, however,
Administrator. claimed under section 3 (m) and which need shown as the hourly rate at any employee
any employee or group of employees has a not be maintained on a workweek basis, see
are claimed as allowable deductions under
workweek beginning and ending at a different whose total straight-time earnings or wages section 3 (m) of the Act, the employer shall
TITLE 29— LABOR Paragraphs 15 through 17 of Interpretative are derived from one fixed hourly rate
general requirements time, a separate notation shall then be kept then maintain records showing those addi-
Bulletin No. 3 Rev. October 1940). throughout the workweek, or the average
for that employee or group of employees. tions to or deductions from wages paid on a
516.1 particular •This item Is only required to be entered
Every employer making additions or de-
ductions shall also maintain in individual
hourly earnings, as determined in accordance workweek basis. (For legal deductlons^iot
DIVISION In the records for any week when overtime Is with paragraph 7 of Interpretative Bulletin claimed under section 3 (m) and which
order or form of records is prescribed by employee accounts a record of those types of No. 4, for any employee employed on any
worked and overtime excess compensation is need not be maintained on a workweek basis,
the regulations in this part. Every em- items, and their separate credited or debited
Part 516 Records To Be Kept by Em- due under section 7 (a). When required. It other basis. see Paragraphs 15 through 17 of Interpreta-
ployer subject to any provisions of the shall be shown as the hourly rate of any
amounts, which compose the additions to or ••This may be shown as "60e hr."; "$3.00 a tive Bulletin No. 3 Rev. October 1940.)
ployers Pursuant to Section 11 (c) deductions from wages paid as well as specify-
Fair Labor Standards Act or of any order employee whose total straight-time earnings day": "$3.20, 8 hr. day"; "$15.00 wk."; "$15 00 Every employer making additions or deduc-
OF THE Fair Labor Standards Act or or wages are derived from one fixed hourly
ing dates involved. For example: 40 hr. wk."; "$150 mo."; "piece rates"; "piece tions shaU also maintain In individual em-
Issued under this Act shall, however,
make and keep records containing the in-
rate throughout the workweek, or the average — one-half ton
6/5 coal, $4.00 rates and bonus."
A "workday" with respect to any employee
ployee accounts a record of those types of
formation and data on persons in his
hourly earnings, as determined in accordance
with paragraph 7 of Interpretative Bulletin
6/12— meat
1. 20

shall be any consecutive twenty-four hours.

items, and their separate credited or debited
amounts, which compose the additions to or
See If the employee works less than 12 hours a deductions from wages paid as well as specify-
employ and their wages, hours, and other No. 4, for any employee employed on any 6/16-6 22—hoxise rent (wk.) 8.50
616 1 Records. other basis. day, notation of the beginning and ending ing dates involved. For example:
6/16-6/22— board and lodging (wk.).. 6.00
conditions and practices of employment time of each compensable workperiod during
as provided in any of the applicable
• This may be shown as "50< hr."; "$3.00 a
For the period these and other records per- the day will suffice. If the employee works in —
6/5 coal, one half ton $4.00
§§ 516.2 through 516.13 of the regulations
day"; "»3 JO, 8 hr. day"; "$15 00 wk"; "$16.00,
40 hr. wk"; "$150 mo"; "piece rates"; "piece
taining to debits and credits shall be pre- excess of 12 hours on any day, the total hours ——
6/9 groceries
6/12 meat
4. 48
Employees subject to minimum wag* served, see 516.15 (c). worked shall then be shown for that day.
and 40-hour week overtime provl- in this part. Every employer shall pre- rates and bonus." f
"For an interpreutlon of these two sec- "That Is: The total earnings or wages due —
6/16-6/22 House rent (wk.) 3.50

sloas sections 6 and 7 (a). serve his records for the periods of time
' A "workday" with respect
to any employee
shall be any consecutive twenty-four hours.
tions of the Act. see Intei-pretatlve BiUletin for hours worked during the workday or work-

6/16-6/22 board and lodging (wk.).. 6.00
6163 Employees under certain xinlon agree- and under the conditions provided In 'That 1b: The toUl earnings or wages due No. 8. Collective Bargaining Agreements Un- week, including all earnings or wages due For the period these and other records
ments who are to be paid for over- for hours worked during the workday or work- der Section 7 (b) (f) and Section 7 (b) (2) during any overtime worked, but exclusive of pertaining to debits and credits shall be
§§ 516.14 through 516.16. As provided in
time over 12 hours a day or 56 week. Including all earnings or wages of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. overtime excess compensation. preserved, see i 516.15 (c).
hours a week as provided In section § 516.17 every employer shall submit
due during any overtime worked, but exclu-
7 (b) (1) or 7 (b) (2). such reports and make such extension. sive of overtime excess compensatloa.
4696 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 13, 1941

an agreement, has been or Is employed (7) Hours worked each workday," and (11) Total wages paid each pay period,
for the rema:
for either. (1) not more than 1,000 hours total hours worked each workweek, (12) Date of payment and the pay
shall malntaii
during any period of 28 consecutive (8) Total daily or weekly straight- period covered by payment.
other records
weeko. or (il) on an annual basis and for time earnings or wages," (b) Establishment operation records. Infcxmatlon a
not more than 2.000 hours during any (9) (I) Daily and weekly overtime ex- Every employer shall also note in his employee to ^
period of 52 consecutive weeks, and cess compensation " during the weeks the records the beginning and ending of each tions 6 and 7 <
(3) Showing the total hours worked establishment operates under the 14 workweek during which th« establish- "
Act apply:
during any period of 26 consecutive workweek partial overtime exemption, ment operates under the 14 workweek
weeks, if employed In accordance with and (ii) Total weekly overtime excess exemption provided in section 7 (b) (3).
(1) Name i

section 7 (b) (1), or during each period record, the em

compensation " during the remaining (c) Posting of notice of weeks taken
of 52 consecutive weeks, If employed in or number if
weeks of the calendar year, under the 14 xoorkweek exemption. (1)
accordance with section 7 (b) (2).* In addition every employer shall prepare
name on any
(10) Total additions to or deductions
516.4 Employees subject to mini- from wages paid each pay period," a legible typewritten or handwritten (in
ink) Notice reading:
(2) Home a
mum wage (section 6) and overtime pro- (3) Date of
visions covering "seasonal industries" as "A "workday" with respect to any em- NonC« OVXRTIMK Patments (4) Occupa
provided in section 7 <b» (3) " (a) — ployee shall be any consecutive twenty-four
hours. If the employee works less than 12
This establishment has taken the work- (5) Time o)
Items required. Every employer shall week (or workweeks) In this pay period as a
hours a day during any of the 14 workweeks part of the 14 workweeks permitted under day on which
maintain and preserve " payroll or other referred to in section 7 (b) (3), notation of
Section 7 (b) (3) when overtime, at a rate begina."
records containing the following infor- the beginning and ending time of each com-
of not less than time and one-half the reg- (6) (i) Reg
pensable work period during the day will suf-
mation and data on each and every em- flce. If the employee works In excess of 12
ular hourly rate, need only be paid for any
and (ii) Basis
ployee to whom section 6 and section 7 hours worked over 12 hours a day and 56
hours in any such day. the total hours hours a week. (7) Hours \
(b) (3) of the Fair Labor Standards Act worked shall then be shown for that day. This week (or these weelcs) In this pay total hours w<
•* »• That la
: The total earnings or wages due period completes the week of the per-
for hours worked during the workday or (8) Total d
missible 14 workweeks.
(1) Name (And on the same
In full." workweek, including all earnings or wages Date Signed earnings or w
record, the employee's identifying sym- due during any overtime worked, but exclu- (9) Total «
sive of overtime excess compensation. (2) On the date when employees are
pensation for
bol or number if such isused in place of "That Is: The excess compensation for
any pay period involving a
paid off for
name on any time, work, or pasrroU overtime worked which amount Is over and
week or weeks during which the estab-
7 (a) is appli(
records) above all straight-time earnings or wages
also earned during overtime worked. For the lishment operates under the 14 work-
(2) Home address,
basis to be used In determining overtime weeks partial overtime exemption (from
•• For the peri
(3) E>ate of birth if under 19, payments imder the Fair Labor Standards
see H 516 14 an
section 7 (a) provided in section 7 (b)
) "Foraddltlo
(4)Occupation in which employed, Act, see Interpretative Bulletin No. 4. types of employ
» As to the effect of additions or deductions (3), the employer shall prominently post
(5) Time of day and name of the day minimum hour
upon the regular hourly rate of pay. see In- that Notice beside the pay window or the
on which the employee's workweek Wage Orders, se
terpretative Bulletin No. 3. For the basis on person paying off the employees during
For addition:
which deductions or additions for board, all the time employees are being paid. apprentices, m
(6) (i) Regular hourly rate of pay," lodging, or other facilities may be made and workers umier
their cost to the employer determined, at- Before posting the Notice the employer t

and (11) Basis on which wages are paid," "Thisshall t

tention Is called to Regulations Part 531. shall fill in the blank space in the second
for Social Secu
"Regulations. Determining the Reasonable paragraph of the Notice with the number
" For industries found to be "of a seasonal "If the empl
Cost of Board. Lodging, and Other Facilities."
nature", see Part 526, Regulations Applicable of weeks which the establishment has or employed in
If the additions to or deductions from whose workers
to Industries of a Seasonal Nature wages paid ( 1 ) so effect the total cash wages then completed of the 14 permissible
*• For the perlcd records must be preserved.
at the same tii
due In any workweek (even though the em- workweeks. • notation of the
ee IS 516 14 and 516.15 ployee actually Is paid semi-monthly) as to nlng day of the
**For additional requlreraents on Certain result In the employee receiving less in cash § 518.5 Employees of employers oper-
force or establl
types of employees covered by more than one than the minimum hourly wage provided In ating under the 14 workweek total ex-
minimum hourly wage set by one or more ever, any emplo
section 6 or In an applicable Wage Order, or emption from section 7 (a) as provided by a workweek be|
Wage Orders, see S 516 8.
For additional requirements on Learners,
(2) If the employee works In excess of 40
hours a week during any i}eriod the 14 work-
section 7 (c) "
(a) —
Items required. ferent time, a
be kept for thi
apprentices, messengers, and handicapped week partial overtime exemption Is not ap- Every employer operating under the com-
workers under special certificates, see S 516.9. plicable or In excess of 12 hours a day or 56 plete exemption from section 7 <a) for
*" This shall be the same name as that used
hours a week during any period the 14 work-
This Item I
14 workweeks of the calendar year as pro- in the records f
for Social Security record purposes. week partial exemption is in effect and (a)
" If the employee Is a part of a workforce vided in section 7 (c) of the Fair Labor worked and ov(
any additions to the wages paid are a part
or employed In or by an establishment all of Standards Act ** and under section 7 (a) due under seel
of that employee's wages, or (b) any deduc-
It shall be sbo
whose workers have a workweek beginning at tions made are claimed as allowable deduc-
the same time on ths same day. a single employee whos*
tions under section 3 (m) of the Act, the em-
notation of the time of the day and beginning
'This section relates to the data and In- or wages are d
ployer shall then maintain records showing
formation required to be kept by employers rate throughcui
day of the workweek for the whole workforce those additions to or deductions from wages
In their records on employees to whom Is ap- hourly earnings
or establishment will sufflce. If. however, paid, on a workweek basis. (For legal deduc-
plicable that part of section 7 (c) of the Act with paragraph
any employee or group of employees has a tions not claimed under section 3 (m) and
workweek beginning and ending at a dif- which reads: No. 4, for any
which need not be maintained on a work-
ferent time, a separate notation shall then In the case of an employer engaged In the other basis.
week basis, see Paragraphs 15 through 17 of
be kept for that employee or group of Interpretative Bulletin No. 3 Rev. October firstprocessing of, or in canning or packing, "This may b
employees. IMO). perishable or seasonal fresh fruits or vege- day": "$3.20 8 1

" This Item Is only required to be entered Every employer making additions or de- tables, or In the first processing, within the 40 hr. wk "; "$1

In the records for any week when overtime ductions shall also maintain in individual area of production (as defined by the Ad- rates and lx>nu
ministrator), or any agricultural or horticul- " A "workday
Is worked and overtime excess compensation employee accounts a record of those types of
Is due under an applicable part of section 7 items, and their separate credited or debited tural commodity during seasonal operations. shall be any C(

of the Act. When required, It shall be shown amounts, which compose the additions to or or In handling, slaughtering, or dressing "That Is: Tl
as the hourly rate of any employee whose deductions from wages p>aid as well as speci- poultry or livestock, the provisions of sub- for hours worke
total straight-time earnings or wages are de- fying dates Involved. For example: section 7 (a), during a period or periods of week, Includln
rived from one Oxed hourly rate throughout not more than fourteen workweeks In the during any ov
the workweek, or the average hourly earn-
6/5—coal, one half ton $4.00 aggregate In any calendar year, shall not ap- of overtime exc
ings, as determined In accordance with para- —groceries
..— 4. 48
1. 20
ply to his employees in any place of em- "That U: '
graph 7 of Interpretative Bulletin No. 4. for ployment where he is so engaged. overtime work«
6/16-6/22—house rent (wk.) 3.60 above all ctra
any employee employed on any other basis. For the Administrator's definition of the
6 16-6/22—board and lodging (wk.) ... 6. 00 also earned d^
-"This may be shown as "50 hr."; "$3 00 a "area of production", see Part 536. Regula-
the basis td be
day"; "13 20, 8 hr day": "$15 00 wk"; "$15 GO. For the period these and other records tions Defining the term "Area of Production"
40 hr. wk": "$150 mo."; "piece rates"; "piece pertaining to debits and credits shall be pre- at used in section 7 (c) and in section 13 (a)
payments und<
Act, see Interp:
ratea and bonus." served, see { 516.15 (c). (10) of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
- . :

FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 13, 1941 4697

for the remainder of the calendar year (10) Additions to or deductions from In section 7 (c) the employer shall prom-

shall maintain and preserve ** pay roll or wages paid each pay period,** inently post that Notice beside the pay
other records containing the following (11) Total wages paid each pay window or the person paying off the em-
ation records. lnf(»tnaUon and data on each and every period, ployees during all the time employees are
) note in his employee to whom the provisions of sec- (12)Date of pajrment and pay period being paid. Before posting the Notice
ending of each tions 6 and 7 of the Fair Labor Standards covered by payment. the employer shsuU fill in the blank space
th^ establish "
Act apply: in the second paragraph of the Notice
14 workweek (b) Egtabiishment operation record.
Name in (And on the same with the number of weeks which the es-
tion 7 (b) (3).
(1) full.** Every employer shall also note in his
record, the employee's identifying symbol
tablishment has then completed of the
f weeks taken records the beginning and ending of each
or number if such is used in place of 14 permissible workweeks.*
emption. (1) workweek during which the estaUish-
shall prepare
name on any time, work, or payroll rec- ment operates under the 14 workweek fi 516.6 Employees totally exempt from
indwritten (in ords.) exemption provided in section 7 (c) overtime payment pursuant to part of
(2) Home address, (c) Posting of notice of weeks taken section 7 (c) and sections 13 (b) (1)
(3) Date of birth if under 19. under 14 workweek exemption. (1) In and 13 (b) (2) "—(a) Items required.
(4) Occupation in which employed, addition, every employer shall prepare a Every employer shall maintain and pre-
iken the work-
(5) Time of the day and name of the legible typewritten or handwritten (In serve ** payroll or other records contain-
pay period as a
(ermltted under day on which the employee's workweek Ink) Notice reading: ing the following information and data
rtlme, at a rate
3e-balf the reg-
(6) Regular hourly rate of pay,**

Nonet OvBtrmz Patmsntb on each and every employee to whom
section 6 of the Fair Labor Standards Act
be paid (or any Tills establishment has taken tbe work-
I a day and 56
and (11) Basis on which wages are paid," week (or workweeks) in this pay period as applies but section 7 (a) or 7 (b) does
(7) Hours worked each workday** and a part of the 14 workweeks permitted under not apply: **
cs) In this pay total hours worked each workweek. Section 7 (c) during which overtime excess
»eek of the per- compensation, as provided in Section 7 (a), (1) Name in full** (and on the same
(8) Total daily or weekly straight-time
is not due for overtime worked. record the employee's Identifying symbol
earnings or wages." This week (or these weeks) in this pay
(9) Total weekly overtime excess com-:
or number if such is used in place of
period completes the r'week of the
employees are permissible 14 workweeks. name on any time, work, or payroll rec-
pensation for the weeks to which section
od Involving a Date Signed ords),
7 (a) is applicable.**
Ich the estab-
(2) On the date when employees are (2) Home address.
the 14 work- ••For the period records must be preserved, paid off for any pay period involving a (3) Date of birth if under 19,
emption (from see {> 516 14 and 616 16.
* For additional requirements on Certain
week or weeks during which the estab- (4) Occupation in which employed,
I section 7 (b)
types of employees covered by more than one
lishment operates under the 14 work-
aminently post (5) Time of the day and name of the
minimum hourly wage set by one or more weeks total overtime exemption provided
window or the day on which the employee's workweek
Wage Orders, see f 516 8.
ployees during For additional requirements on Learners, begins,**
^ As to the eflect of additions or deductions
re being paid. apprentices, messengers, and handicapped upon the regular hourly rate of pay, see
I the employer u>orkersunder special certificates, see i 616.8. InterpreMtlve Bulletin No. 3. For the basis " This section relates to the record data and
" This shall be the same name as that used for board, information required to be kept by employers
e in the second on which deductions or additions
for Social Security record purposes. lodging, or other facilities may be made and on employees to whom Is applicable
ith the number "If the employee is a part of a workforce their cost to the employer determined, at- (1) That part of section 7 (c) reading:
ibiishment has or employed In or by an establishment all of tention is called to Regulations Part 531. "In the case of an employer engaged in the
14 permissible whose workers have a workweek beginning "Regulations, Determining the Reasonable first processing of milk, whey, skimmed milk,
at the same time on tbe same day, a single Cott of Board. Lodging, and Other Facilities." or cream into dairy products, or in the gin-
notation of the time of the day and begin- If the additions to or deductions from ning and compressing of cotton, or in the
mployers oper- ning day of the workweek for the whole work- wages paid (1) so affect the total cash wages processing of cottonseed, or in the processing
force or establishment will suffice. If, how-
week total ex- due in any workweek (even though the em- of sugar beets, sugar beet molasses, sugar-
ever, any employee or group of employees has ployee actually is paid semi-monthly) as to cane, or maple sap, into sxigar (but not refined
as provided hy a workweek beginning and ending at a dif- result In the employee receiving less in cash sugar) or Into Byrup, the provisions of sub-
\ems required. ferent time, a separate notation shall then than the minimum hourly wage provided In section 7 (a) shall not apply to his em-
under the com- be kept for that employee or group of em- section 6 or in an applicable Wage Order, or ployees in any place of employment where
ployees. (2) If during any period the 14 workweek he is so engaged," or
tion 7 <a) for "This Item is only required to be entered overtime exemption Is not applicable tbe (2) Section 13 (b) (1) or 13 (b) (2) of the
lar year as pro- in the records for any week when overtime Is employee works in excess of 40 hours a week Act. (For an explanation of section 13 (b)
the Fair Labor worked and overtime excess compensation is and (a), any additions to the wages paid are a (1) insofar as certain employees of Motor
r section 7 (a) due under section 7 (a). When required, part of that employee's wages, or (b) any Carriers are concerned, see Interpretative
it shall be shown as tbe hourly rate of any deductions made are claimed as allowable de- BuUetin No. 9.)
employee whose total straigbt-tlme earnings ductions under section 8 (m) of the Act, " For the period records must be preserved,
he data and In- or wages are derived from one fixed hourly the employer shall then maintain records see if 516.14 and 516 15.
pt by employers rate throughout the workweek, or the average showing those additions to or deductions *• For additional requirements
on Certain
i to whom Is ap- hourly earnings, as determined in accordance from wages paid, on a workweek basis. (For types of employees covered by more than one
7 (c) of the Act with paragraph 7 of Interpretative Bulletin legal deductions not claimed under Section minimum hourly usage set by one or more
No. 4, for any employee employed on any 3 (m) and which need not be maintained on Wage Orders, see J 516.8.
rengaged in the other basis. a workweek basis, see Paragraplis 15 through For additional requirements on Learners,
ning or packing, •This may be shown as "50< hr."; "$3.00 a 17 of the Interpretative Bulletin No. 8 Rev. apprentices, messengers, and handicapped
fruits or vege- day"; "13.20 8 hr. day"; "$16.00 wk."; "$16.00 October 1940). workers under special certificates, see { 516.9.
within the
.slng. 40 hr. wk."; "$160 mo."; "piece rates"; "piece Every employer making additions or deduc- For additional requirements on Employees
ned by the Ad- rates and bonus." tions shall also maintain in individual em- dependent upon tips or gratuities as a part of
ural or horticul- * A "workday" with respect to any employee ployee accounts a record of those types of wages, see S 516.10.
sonal operations, shall be any consecutive twenty-four hours. items, and their separate credited or debited " This shall be the same name as that \ised
ng. or dressing *> That Is : The total earnings or
wages due amounts, which compose the additions to or for Social Security record purposes.
ovlslons of sub- for hours worked during the workday or work- deductions from wages paid as well as speci- •If the employee is a part of a workforce
lod or periods of week, including all earnings or wages due fying dates Involved. For example: or employed In or by an establishment all of
arkweeks in the during any overtime worked, but exclusive whose workers have a workweek beginning at
•/ft—«oal, one half ton $4. 00
of overtime excess compensation.
ar, shall not ap-
ly place of em- *'That la: The exoets compensation for ——
«/8 groceries
6/12 meat
4l 48
tbe same time on the same day, a single nota-
tion of the time of the day and beginning day
:aged. overtime worked which amount Is over and of the workweek for the whole workforce or
e/16-e/22—house rent (wk.) 8.60
lefinltion of the
ab^ve all straight-time earnings or wage* establishment will suffice. If, however, any
6/16-«/22— board and lodging (wk.) 0. 00
also earned during overtime worked. For employee or group of employees has a work-
art 536. Regula-
the basis to be used In determining overtime For the period these and other records per- week beginning and ending at a different
a of Production'
in section 13 (a)
payments under the Fair Labor Standards taining to debits and oredlte aball be pre- time, a separate notation shall then be kept
Act, aee Interpretative Btilletln No. 4. served, see i 516.16 (c). for that employee or group of employees.
dards Act.
4698 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September IS, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 13, 1941 4699

(6) Basis on which wages are paid* or number Ifused in place of

such 1$ pay, Including any amounts earned In tlon In theperformance of which the em- (4) Total wages earned each week, S 516.13 Records in the case of an
(7) Hours worked each workday and **
name on any time, work, or payroll excess of the applicable minimum rate of ployee receives tips or gratuities from (5) Deductions for Social Security —
overlap of previous sections (a) Dupli-
total hours worked each workweek. records) pay. third persons and which tips or gratui- taxes, cated items. Every employer having In
(8) Total daily or weekly earnings or (2) Home address, (b) Continuity of such records. Every ties are accounted for or turned over by
(f) With respect to the agent, dis-
his employ, employees who may be so
Date of birth If \mder 19,
(3) the employee to the employer: affected by the various provisions and
wages,*' employer who keeps records In accord- tributor, or contractor:
(9) Additions to or deductions from (4) Occupation in which employed, ance with the foregoing provisions must (1) Actual total hours worked each
exemptions provided In the Fair Labor
(5) Time of day and name of the day (1) Name and address of each agent, Standards Act as to bring into force more
wages paid each pay period." keep such records continuously. If he workday In those occupations in the per-
on which the employee's workweek distributor, or contractor through whom than one of the foregoing sections
(10) Total earnings or wages paid ceases or falls to do so in any workweek formance of which the employee receives
begins," homework is and name and
distributed (§§ 516.2 through 516.12) shall maintain
each pay period, he may not resume the keeping of such tips or gratuities from third persons,
(6) Basis on which wages are paid.* address of each homeworker to whom and preserve payroll or other records con-
(11) Date of payment and pay period records in such detail for a period of at (2) Actual total hours worked each
(7) Total wages paid each pay period, homework is distributed by each such taining for all workweeks of employment
covered by payment.* least two months after the cessation date workday In any other occupation,
(8) Date of payment and pay period agent, distributor or contractor. covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act
and then only after written notice of (3) Total daily or weekly straight-time
516.7 Bona Ude executive, adminis-
i covered by payment.* Homework handbooks. In addition to all data and Information, which are
such resiunptlon has been given by him earnings segregated according to:
trative, professional, local retail, outside the above information and data, a sep- duplicated in those applicable sections.
S 516.8 Employees under more thMt to the Wage and Hour Division.
sates employees as referred to in section (I) Time paid for under (1) above, and arate handbook (to be obtained by the (b) Unduplicated items. Every em-
one minimum hourly rate fixed by u^ige Records of workers whose ivork

13 (a) (/)" (a) Items required. Every
orders — (a) Additional items required.
cannot be segregated. The foregoing
(II) Time paid for under (2) above,
employer from the Wage and Hour Divi- ployer referred to in paragraph (a) above
employer shall maintain and preserve** (HI) Tips or gratuities received and shall also have contained in those pay-
An employer of any employees, subject to provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) of sion and supplied by him to each worker)
payroll or other records containing the accounted for or turned over by the em- shall be kept for each industrial home- roll or other records, the additional tm-
different minimum wage rates of pay one 9 516.8 shall not be construed to affect in
following information and data on each ployee to the employer.* worker, employed in a home or outside a dupllcated employee Information and
or more of which has been established by any way the records to be kept, or com-
and every employee employed in a bona 516.11 Homeu>orkers. Everyem- plant. Hie information required therein data and shall maintain and preserve
a Wage Order, who elects to pay less pensation to be paid employees whose §
fide executive, administrative, profes- shall be entered by the employer or the such additional records as are provided
than an amount arrived at by applying activities cannot be segregated (such as ployer who directly or Indirectly dis-
sional, or local retailing capacity, or in person distributing homework on behalf In each of the applicable sections. The
the highest applicable minimum rate for clerical and maintenance employees), tributes work to be performed by an in-
the capacity of outside salesman as de- of such employer each time work is given additional unduplicated employee infor-
all hours worked in any workweek, shall, and who are. therefore, not subject to dustrial homeworker** shall maintain
fined in Part 541, Regulations defining out to or received from an Industrial mation, data, and records to be main-
in addition to any employee information different minimum rates of pay.* and preserve" pay roll or other records
and delimiting the terms "Any Employee homeworker. Except for the time neces- tained In any given workweek, however,
and data required to be kept on them by i 516.9 Learners, apprentices, mes- containing the following information and
Employed in a Bona Fide Executive. Ad- sary for the making of entries by the need only be such Items or records as are
any previous applicable section of the sengers, handicapped xoorkers under data on each and every Industrial home-
ministrative. Professional, or Local Re- employer, the handbook must remain in required by the section or sections appli-
regulations in this part, maintain and special certificates as provided in section worker engaged on work distributed di-
cable to such workweek of employment.*
tailing Capacity or in the Capacity of
Outside Salesman":
preserve f>ay roll or other records con- —
14" (a) Items required. Every em- rectly by the employer or Indirectly in his the possession of the industrial home-
worker until such time as the Wage and
taining the following information and ployer shall maintain and preserve pay- interest, excepting those homeworkers to LENGTH OF TIME RECORDS SHALL BX
Name data on each of those employees: whom Part 545, Regulations Relating to Hoiu- Division may request it. A sep-
(1) (and on the same
in full" roll or other records containing the same PRESERVED
record, the employee's identifying symbol Homeworkers in the Needlework Indus- arate record and a separate handbook
( 1 The minimum rate of pay required information and
data pertaining to
tries in Puerto Rico, applies: shall be kept for each individual perform- § 516.14 Records to be preserved four
to be paid for each typ« of goods upon learners, apprentices, messengers, and
i **Thl8 may be shown as "50c hr."; "$3.00 a ing work in or about a home on any lot years, (a) Each employer shall preserve
which each such emi^oyee has worked. handicapped workers employed at sub- (a) Name in full" (and on the same
day"; "»3 20. 8 hr. day"; "113 00 wk.": "IISOO, or amount of homework distributed.* for at least four years:
40 hr. wk "; "$150 mo."; "piece rates"; "piece (2) The hours or fractions
total minimum hourly rates under Special record, the employee's identifying sjmibol
5.516.12 Employees affected
by the Payroll records. Prom the last
rates and bonus." thereof worked each workweek on work Certificates as he is required to have or number If such is used in idace of
A "workday" with exemptions provided in sections 13 (a) date of entry, all those payroll or other
respect to any employee covered by each different applicable min- under any of the previous sections of name on any time, work, or pay roll
shall be any consecutive twenty-four hours. (2), (3), «), (5), (6), («), (9), (20), or records containing the employee Infor-
those Regulations applicable to other em-
That Is: The total earnings or wages due
for all hours worked during the workday or
imum rate of pay,"
(3) Each type of goods and products ployees in those occupations.
(b) Home
ill) —
(a) Items required. Every em- mation and data required under any of
ldo3^r shall maintain and preserve " pay- the aw>licable §8 516.2 through 516.13,
workweek upon which the employee has worked at (b) Segregation on pay roll and use (c) Date of birth If under 19,
'* As to the effect of additions or deductions roll or other records containing the fol- and
upon the regular hourly rate of pay. see In-
a different applicable minimum rate of of identifying symbol. In addition, every (d) With respect to each lot of work lowing information and data on each and
pay. employer shall segregate on his pay roll issued: (2) Certificates, union agreements and
terpretative Bulletin No. 3. Por the basis every employee covered by the Pair Labor
on which deductions or additions for board, (4) The piece rate, if any, for each or pay records the names and required notices. Frotn their last effective date,
lodging, or other facilities may be made and (1) Date and hour on which work is Standards Act but to whom the employer
operation on each type of goods upon Information and data on those learners, all those certificates, union agreements
their cost to the employer determined, atten- given out to worker, and amount of such is not compelled to pay at least the min-
which the employee hisis worked at a dif- apprentices, messengers, and handi- and amendments or additions thereto,
tion la called to Regulations Part 531, "Regu- work given out, imum hourly wages provided in section 6 and Notices listed or named
lations Determining the Reasonable Cost of ferent applicable minimum rate of pay capped workers employed under Special In these
(2) Date and hour on which work is or an applicable Wage Order, or to pay
Board, Lodging, and Other Facilities." and the number of pieces worked upon at Certificates. A symbol or letter shall also same applicable sections.*
If the additions to or deductions from returned by worker, and amount of such overtime excess compensation as pro-
wages paid In any way so affect the total cash
such piece rates, be placed before each such name on the 516.15 Records to be preserved ttoo
work returned, vided in section 7 due tb the applicability S
wages due in any workweek (even though (5) The total week's piecework earn-
ings, if any, on each type of goods and
pay roll or pay records Indicating that
(3) Kind of articles worked on and of section 13 (a) (2) ", 13 (a) (3) ", 13 years — (a) Supplementary basic records.
actually paid semi-monthly) as to result In that person Is a "learner", "apprentice", Each employer shall preserve for a pe-
the employee receiving less m operations performed, (a) (4), 13 (a) (5) ", 13 (a) (6) ", 13 (a)
cash than the products upon which the employee has "messenger", or "handicapped worker"
minimum hourly wage, provided In section (4) Piece rates paid, (8), 13 (a) (9), 3 (a) (10) ". or 13 (a) riod of at least two years:
worked at different minimum rates of employed under a Special Certificate."*
6 or in an applicable Wage Order, the em- (5) Hours worked on each lot of work (11):
pay. (1) Basic employment and earnings
ployer shall then maintain records showing S 516.10 "Red Caps" and other em- returned.
those additions to or deductions from wages (6) The lot number of each type of (1) Name In full," records. Prom the date of last entry, aU
ployees dependent on tips as part of
paid on a workweek basis (For legal deduc-
tions not required on workweek basis: Para-
goods upon which the employee has —
wages (a) Items required. Supplemen-
Wages paid for each lot of work (2) Home address, basic time and earning cards or sheets of
the employer on which are entered the
graphs l»-17. Interpretative Bulletin No. 3 worked. tary to the provisions of any previous (3) Occupation in which employed,
Rev October 1940.) (7) The wages due the employee
total (7) Deductions for Social Security (4) Date of birth if under 19, daily starting and stopping time of in-
section of the regulations in this part
Every employer making additions or deduc- at straight-time for the hours worked on taxes. (5) Place or places of employment.* dividual employees, or of separate work-
tions shall also malnuln in individual em-
pertaining to the records to be kept on
each type of goods and products to which (8) Date of wage payment and pay forces, or the Individual employee's daily,
ployee accounts a record of those types of such employees, every employer shall also
is applicable a different minimum rate of period covered by payment, weekly, or pay period amounts of work
Items, and their separate credited or debited maintain and preserve " pay roll or other For the period records shall be jM^served,
amount, which compose the additions to or see f{616 14 and 616.16. accomplished (for example, units pro-
records containing the following addi- (e) With respect to each week:
* For an explanation of this exemption,
deductions from wages paid as well as speci- '*If the employee Is a part of a workforce duced) when those amounts determine
tional irxformation and data on each and
fying dates involved. For example: or employed In or by an establishment all of (1) Hours worked each week. see Interpretative Bulletin No. 6, Retail and in whole or in part the pay period earn-
every employee employed in any occupa-
6/6 — one half ton
$4.00 _
whose workers have a workweek beginning
at the same time on the same day. a single
(2) Wages earned for each week at
Service Establishments.
" For an explanation of this ezen^tion, see ings or wages of those employees,
6 4.48 regular piece rates, Interpretative Bulletin No. 11, Seamen Ex- (2) Wage rate tables. Prom their last
6 12 —meat
notation of the time of the day and begin- * Regtilatlons pertaining to such types of
Extra pay due each week for over-

6/16-6 22 house rent (wk.) 3.50
ning day of the workweek for the whole work-
force or establishment will suffice. If, how-
persons are: (3)
tUne worked.
* For an explanation of this exemption, see effective date, all tables or schedules of
6 16-6 22— board and lodging (wk.)... 6.00 Part 522. Regulations Applicable to the the employer which provide the piece
For the period these and other records per-
ever, any employee or group of employees has
a workweek beginning and ending at a differ- dustry Learner Regulations:

Employment of Learners and related In-
Interpretative Bulletin No. 12, Seafood and
Fishery Exemption. rates or other rates used In computing
taining to debits and credits shall be pre-
* The term "Industrial homeworker" means * For an explanation of this exemption, see
ent time, a separate notation shall then be Part 521. Regulations Applicable to the any person producing In or about a home, straight-time earnings, wages or salary,
served, see i 516.15 (c). kept for that employee or group of employees. Employment of Apprentices; Interpretative Bulletin No. 14, Agriculture.
^ This section relates to the record data and for an employer, goods from material fur- or overtime excess compensation, and ,
"This may be shown as: "$200 mo."; "$60 Part 533. Regulations Applicable to the '•PVmt the Administrator's definition of the ',

information required to be kept by employers wk."; or "on fee". Employment of Messengers:

nished directly by or indirectly for such "area of production see Part 636, Regula-
(3) Work time schedules. Prom their
on employees to whom section 13 (a) (1) of "These hours worked shall include time employer. tions Defining the term "area of production"
Part 524. Regulations Applicable to the ** For the period records must be preserved,
last effective date, all schedules or tables
the Act applies from the commencement of work on sticb Employment of Handicapped Persons. aa used in section 7 (c) and in section 13 (a)
see {« 616 14 and 616.15. of the employer which establish the hours
»' Por the period records must be pre- type of goods until work Is commenced on "For the period each Special Certificate (10) of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
served, see 5 516.14. another type of goods for which such em- **Thls shall be the same as that used for ""nils shaU be the same ae tliat used for and days of employment of individual
ahall be preserved, see { 516.14.
" This shall be the same name as that used ployee must be paid at a different minimum Social Security record piuposea. Social Security record purposes. employees or of separate workforces.
** For the period records must be preserved.
for Social Secvirltjr record purposes. rate of pay. see fi 516.14 and 51615. No. 17»-

4700 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 13, 1941

(b) Order, shipping, and billing rec- they must operate, desires authority to directed the Committee to recommend f 605.2 Wt
ords. Each employer shall also preserve maintain records In other manner than a minimum wage rate for the Women's of not less th
for at least two years from the last date herein required, or to be relieved of pre- Apparel Industry in accordance with be paid unde
of entry the originals or true copies of serving certain records for the period and
section 8 of the Act; every employ*
any and all 'customer orders or Invoices named in the regulations in this part, Whereas the Committee Included five In the Womei
received, incoming or outgoing shippring may submit a written petition to the Ad- disinterested representing the
persons engaged in c(
or delivery records, as well as all bills of ministrator setting forth the authority public, a like number of persons rep- tlon of goods
lading and all billings to customers other< desired and the reasons therefor. resenting employers in the Women's 1605.3 PC
than "cash") which the employer retains (b) Action on such on
petitions. If, Apparel Industry, and a like number of employer em;
or makes in the course of his business or review of the petition and after the com- persons representing employees in the engaged in cc
operations. pletion of any necessary investigation Industry, and each group was appointed tlon bf gooc
(c)Records of additions to or deduc- supplementary thereto, the Administra- with due regard to the geographical re- Women's App(
tions from w<iocs paid. Each employer tor shall find that the authority prayed gions in which the Women's Apparel keep posted i

who makes additions to or deductions for, ifgranted, will not hamper or Inter- Industry is carried on; and each departn
from wages paid shall preserve for at fere with the enforcement of the pro- Whereas on June 11, 1941. the Com- where such a
least two years from the date of last visions of the Pair Labor Standards Act mittee, after investigating economic and notices of th
entry: or any regulation or orders issued there- competitive conditions in the Industry, scribed from
under, he may then grant such authority filed with the Administrator a report con- and Hour Di^
(1) Those records of individual em- taining its recommendation for a 40-cent Department o
ployee accounts referred to in the foot- but limited by such conditions as he may
determine are requisite, and subject to minimum hourly wage rate in the 1605.4 Def
note under the item "Total additions to Women's Apparel Industry; and
possible subsequent revocation. The parel tndustr]
or deductions from wages paid each i>ay Whereas after notice published in the
grant of authority hereunder, and all Industry, to w
period" found in §§ 516.2 through 516.13. Federal Register on July 1. 1941, Mr.
revocations of such authority shall be apply, is defln
(2) All employee purchase orders, or Henry T. Hunt, Principal Hearings Ex-
published in the Federal Register. The produ(
assignments made by employees, all aminer, the Presiding Officer designated
(c) Compliance after submission of and Juniors'
copies of addition or deduction state- by the Administrator, held a public hear-
ments furnished employees, and such petitions. No enjployer or group garments, blc
ing upon the Committee's recommenda-
of employers is relieved of any obliga- woven or pure
(3) used by the employer
All records tion at Washington, D. C, on July 28,
tion to comply with all the requirements misses', child]
in determining the original cost, operat- 1941. at which all interested persons were
of the regulations in this part applicable wear, nightw
ing and maintenance cost, and deprecia- given an opportunity to be heard; and
to him, or to them, as a result of the sub- woven fabric;
tion and interest charges, if such costs Whereas the complete record of the
mission of a petition or through delay or supporting gi
and charges are Involved in the additions proceeding before the Presiding Officer
failure of the Administrator to act on a rial; other gai
to or deductions from wages paid.* has l)een transmitted to the Admin-
petition received.* going; and
revision of regttlations Whereas by notice given at the hear-
S 516.16 Place for keeping records
516.19 Amendmerit of regulations — ing, all pei-sons who appeared at the i 605.5 SCO
and their availability for inspection (a) — !

^a) Petitions for revision of regulations.

hearing were given leave to file briefs on definition of t
try covers all
Place of records. Each employer shall or before August 19. 1941; and <

Any person wishing a revision of any of Whereas no request for oral argument which are nec<
keep the records herein required safe the terms of the foregoing regulations on
and accessible at the place or places of having been received, oral argument on the articles sp
records to be kept by employers may sub- eluding clerlci
employment, or at one or more estab- the Committee's recommendation was
mit in writing to the Administrator a dispensed with in this proceeding; and and selling oc
lished central record keeping offices
petition setting forth the changes desired
where such records are customarily Whereas the Administrator, upon re- ever. That si
and the reasons for proposing them. viewing all the evidence adduced in this shipping, and
maintained. Where the records are main-
(b) Action on such petitions. If upon proceeding and giving consideration to carried on In
tained at a central record keeping office, i

Inspection of the petition the Adminis- the provisions of the Act with special ref- partment ph
other than In the place or places of em-
trator believes that reasonable grounds erence to sections 5 and 8. has concluded other depertE
ployment, such records shall be made
are set forth for amendment of the regu- that the Industry Con?mlttee's recom- establishment,
available within 72 hours following notice
lations, the Administrator shall either mendation for the Women's Apparel In- sales ofwhich
from the Administrator or his duly au-
schedule a hearing with due notice to in- dustry, as defined by Administrative Or- partment are
thorized and designated representative.
terested parties, or make other provisions der No. 103. is made in accordance with been purchase
<b) Inspection of records. All records
for affording interested parties an oppor- law. is supported by the evidence ad- deemed to be
shall be open at any time to inspection tunity to present their views, both in sup-
and transcription by the Administrator
duced at the hearing, and taking into And provided
port of and in opposition to the petition. consideration the same factors as are employee cove;
or his duly authorized and designated
required to be considered by the Industry ployed during
representative.* IF. R. Doc. 41-6800: Filed. September 10, 1941;
13:01 p. m.) Committee, will carry out the purposes of or more differ
the Act; and he shall be pa:
Whereas the Administrator has set for such worl
S 516.17 Computations and reports. forth his decision in an opinion entitled cemlng his ei
Each employer shall make such exten- Part 605—Minimum Wage Rate in the "Findings and Opinion of the Admin- employer in i
sion, recomputation, or transcription of Women's Apparel Industry istrator in the Matter of the Recom- regulations o
his records and shall submit to the Wage mendation of Industry Committee No. 27 Division.*
and Hour Division such reports concern- WAGE order in THE MATTER OF THE RECOM-
for a Minimum Wage Rate in the Wo- 1605.6 Effe
ing persons employed and the wages,
men's Apparel Indxistry," dated this day, der shall beco
hours, and other conditions and practices a copy of which may be had upon request
of employment set forth in his records addressed to the Wage and Hour Divi-
as the Administrator or his duly author- Whereas on May 6, 1941, pursuant to sion. United States Department of Labor,
Signed at ^
ized and designated representative may section 5 (b) of the Pair Labor Standards Washington, D. C; day of Septei
request in writing.* Act of 1938, herein referred to as the Act. Now. therefore, it it ordered. That:
the Administrator of the Wage and Hour
CRANTINC or BXCIPnONS S 605.1 Approval of recommendation
Division of the United States Depart-
of industry committee. The Committee's
! 516.18 Petitior^s for exception* — (*) ment of Labor, by Administrative Order
recommendation is hereby approved.*
Submission of petitions for relief. Any No. 103, appointed Industry Committee
*liaOS.l to 005.6. incluslTe. lasxied under
employer or group of employers who, due No. 27 for the Women's Appctrel Indus- the authority oontalned In Sec. 8. 52 SUt.
\ to peculiar conditions under which he or try, herein called the Committee, and 1064; » U. 8. C, Sup.. a08.

FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 13, 1941 4701

I 605.2 Wage rate. Wages at a rate Pakt 606—MnrafUM Waci Raw in the recommendation for the Single Pants,
of not less than 40 cents per hour shall SzNGLK Pants, Shirts, and Alliis Oax- Shirts,and Allied Garments Industry, as
be paid under section 6 of the Act by MENTs Industry defined by Administrative Order No. 83.
every employer to each of his employees is made in accordance with law, is sup-
>e Included five In the Women's Apparel Industry who Is ported by the evidence adduced at the
^presenting the engaged In commerce or in the produc- hearing, and taking into consideration
if persons rep- tion of goods for commerce.* the same factors as are required to be
the Women's I 005.3 Potting of notices. Every MENTS INDUSTRY considered by the Industry Committee,
like number of employer employing any employees so will carry out the purposes of the Act;
iployees in the engaged in commerce or in the produc- Whereas on February 8. 1941, pur- and
3 was appointed tion bf goods for commerce in the suant to section 5 (b) of the Fair Labor
Whereas the Administrator has set
[eographical re- Women's Apparel Industry shall post and Standards Act of 1938. herein referred
forth his decision in an opinion entitled
omen's Apparel keep posted in a conspicuous place in to as the Act, the Administrator of the
"Findings and Opinion of the Adminis-
and each department of his establidiment Wage and Hour Division of the United trator in the Matter of the recommen-
1941. the Com- where such employees are working such States Department of Labor, by Admin-
dation of Industry Committee No. 20 for
g economic and notices of this Order as shall be pre- istrative Order No. 83, appointed Indus-
a Minimum Wage Rate in the Single
n the Industry, scribed from time to time by the Wage try Committee No. 20 for the Single
Pants, Shirts, and Allied Garments In-
or a report con- and Hour Division of the United States Pants, Shirts, and Allied Garments In-
dustry," dated this day, a copy of which
on for a 40-cent Department of Labor.* dustry, herein called the Committee, and
may be had upon request addressed to
rate in the 005.4 DellrMion of the women's ap- directed the Committee to recommend
1 the Wage and Hour Division. United
ry; and parel industry. The Women's Apparel a minimum wage rate for the Single
States Department of Labor. Washing-
lublished in the Industry, to which this Wage Order shall Pants, Shirt£, and Allied Garments In-
ton. D. C;
ily 1. 1941, Mr. apply, is defined as follows: dustry in accordance with section 8 of
Now. therefore, it is ordered. That:
il Hearings Ex- the Act; and
The production women's, misses'
of S 606.1 Approval of recommendation
!ficer Whereas the Committee included three
a public bear-
and juniors' washable service
dresses, of Industry Committee. TTie Commit-
Id disinterested persons representing the
recommend a garments, blouses, and neckwear from tee's recommendation is hereby ap-
's public, a like number of persons repre-
C, on July 28, woven or purchased knit fabric; women's proved.*
senting employers in the Single Pants,
misses', children's and Infants' under-
ted persons were Shirts, and Allied Garments Industry, •S J 606.1 to 606.6, Inclusive. Issued under
be heard; and wear, nightwear, and from
and a like number of persons repre- tbe authority contained In sec. 8, 62 Stat.
record of the woven fabric; corsets and other body 1064: 29 UJB.C. Sup., 308.
i senting employees in the Industry, and
supporting garments from any mate-
•residing OfHcer each group was appointed with due re- § 606.2 Wage rate. Wages at a rate
rial; other garments similar to the fore-
to the Admin- gard to the geographical regions in of not less than 40 cents per hour shall
going; and Infants' and children's which the Single Pants, Shirts, and Al- be paid under Section 6 of the Act by
en at the hear- outerwear.* every employer to each of his employees
lied Garments Industry is carried on;
ppeared at the i 605.5 Scope of the definition. The and in the Single Pants, Shirts, and Allied
to file briefs on definition of the women's apparel indus- Garments Industry who Is engaged In
Whereas on April 16, 1941, the Com-
L; and try covers all occupations in the industry commerce or in the production of goods
mittee, after investigating economic and
r oral argimient which are necessary to the production of competitive conditions in the Industry, for commerce.*
'al argument on the articles specified in the definition in- filed with the Administrator a report S 606.3 Posting of notices. Every em-
unendation was cluding clerical, maintenance, shipping, containing its recommendation for a ployer employing any employees so en-
oceeding; and and how-
selling occupations: Provided,
40-cent minimum hourly wage rate in gaged in commerce or in the production
trator, upon re- ever. That such clerical, maintenance, the Single Pants, Shirts, and Allied Gar- of goods for commerce in the Single
adduced in this shipping, and selling occupations when Pants, Shirts, and Allied Garments In-
ments Industry; and
consideration to carried on in a wholesaling or selling de- dustry shall post and keep posted in a
Whereas after notice published in the
with special ref- partment physically segregated from conspicuous place in each department
Federal Register on June 19, 1941, ISx.
8, has concluded other departments of a manufacturing of his establishment where such em-
Robert N. Campbell, the Presiding Offi-
mittee's recom- establishment, the greater part of the ployees are working such notices of this
cer designated by the Administrator,
en's Apparel In- sales of which wholesaling or selling de- Order as shall be prescribed from time
held a public hearing upon the Commit-
ministrative Or- partment are sales of articles which have to time by the Wage and Hour Division
tee's recommendation at Washington,
accordance with been purchased for resale, shall not be of the United States Department of
D. C, on July 30, 1941, at which all in-
tie evidence ad- deemed to be covered by this definition: Labor.*
terested persons were given an oppor-
and taking into And provided further. That where an
— Definition of the single pants,
tunity to be heard; and §
: factors as are employee covered by this definition is em- shirts, and
allied garments industry.
by the Industry ployed during the same workweek at two Whereas the complete record of the
The single pants, shirts, and allied gar-
t the purposes of or more different minimum
rates of pay, proceeding before the Presiding Officer
ments industry to which this Order shall
he shall be paid the highest of such rates has been transmitted to the Adminis-
apply is hereby defined as follows:
for such workweek unless records con- trator;and
cerning his employment are kept by his Whereas by notice given at the hear- Tlie production of men's and boys':
employer in accordance with applicable ing, all persons who appeared at the Single pants, washable service garments,
regtilations of the Wage and Hour hearing were given leave to file briefs work shirts, overalls, overall Jackets, and

Division.* on or before Augiist 11, 1941; and coveralls from any material; dress and
sport shirts from woven fabric or pur-
S 605.6 Effective date. This Wage Or- Whereas after notice duly given, oral
argument on the Conunittee's recom- chased knit fabric and collars and sleep-
der shall become effective September 29,
ing wear from woven fabric*
1941.* mendation was heard on August 19,
Signed at Washington, D. C,
1941: and § 606.5 Scope of the definition. The
this 12th
day of September Whereas the Administrator, upon re- definition of the single pants, shirts and
viewing all the evidence adduced in this alliedgarments industry covers all oc-
ordered, That: Philip B. Fleming. proceeding and giving consideration to cupations in the Industry which are nec-
Administrator. essary to the production of the articles
recommendation the provisions of the Act with special
The Committee's (P. R. Doc. 41-6868; Filed. September 12, 1041;
reference to sections 5 and 8, has con- specified in the definition Including cler-
;by approved.' 11:41 a. m.] cluded that the Industry Committee's ical, maintenance, shipping, and selling

iftlve, iBsxied under

n Sec. 8. 52 Stat

Saturday, September 1941

FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 13, 1941 4703
It appearing that thla action is neces-
to stay, terminate or modify the tem-
however. That
Provided, —
sary in order to effectuate the purposes of porary relief herein granted may be filed FOR TRUCK SHIPMENTS Now, therefore, it is ordered. Tliat.
such clerical, maintenance, shipping,
and selling occupations when carried on the Act;
with the Division within forty-five (45)
days from the date of this Order, pur-
I 321.24 General prices —Supplement T pending final disposition of the above-
entitled matter, temporary relief be, and
Now. therefore, it is ordered. That,
In a wholesaling or selling department suant to the Rules and Regulations Gov- the same hereby Is, granted as follows:
physically segregated from other de-
pending final disposition of the above- (Prices in cents per net ton for italpment into all market areasl
temporary relief be. and
entitled matter, erning Practice and Procedure before the Commencing forthwith. S 321.7 (Alpha-
partments of a manufacturing establish- betical list of code members) is amended
the same hereby is, granted as follows: Bituminous Coal Division in Proceedings
mtnt. the greater part of the sales of (Alpha- n (d> by adding thereto Supplement R, and
department Commencing forthwith. S 321.7 Instituted Pursuant to section 4 a
which wholesaling or selling
S 321.24 (General prices) is amended by
which have been betical list of code members) Is amended of the Bituminous Coal Act of 1937. CI
are sales of articles
by adding thereto Supplement R and
adding thereto Supplement T, which
purchased for resale, shall not be deemed It is further ordered. That the relief g
amended by Code member index Mine County Seam C supplements are hereinafter set forth
And definition; § 321.24 (General prices) is
herein granted shall become final sixty ill Be
to be covered by this s and hereby made a part hereof.
That where an em- adding thereto Supplement T, which (60) days from the date of this Order,
provided, further. No price classiflcations and minimum
supplements are hereinafter set forth
ployee covered by this definition is em- unless the Director shall otherwise order. prices are established herein for the
ployed during the same workweek at
and hereby made a part hereof.
Dated: August 27, 1941. Swanton Big Vein Mine (Mine Index No.
It is further ordered. That pleadings in
two or more different minimum rates of [SEAL] H. A. Gray, 837) of the Swanton Big Vein Coal Com-
opposition to the original petition in the
pay. he shall be paid the highest of such
rates for such workweek unless records
above-entitled matter and applications
Director. .^uphenbaugb. Alton. .^ 2510 Augfaenbaiigh 7 Clearfield..
Autihcnbaugh, Alton........... 842 Augfacnbau^iS... 7 ClearfleM....
O345 (•) 200
220 300
pany since temporary prices of coals of
Karii&rd, Curlley 811 Bernard 44 Oarrctt this mine for all shipments except truck
concerning his employment are kept by Brothers Valley CoaJ (Company 367 Pen Mar #8 3 Somerset.... D 350
(•) 315 and for truck shipments have been previ-
his employer in accordance with appli-
Prices for District No. 1
Corm. S. D 8l» Swank 40 Somerset C 310 ously established in Docket No. A-964.
cable regulations of the Wage and Hour Temporary and Conditionally Final Effective Minimum Davton. Andrew J....
(Dayton Coal Co.)
613 Dayton 13 |33 Indiana B (•) 300 ISO
The Swanton Big Vein Mine (Mine Index
Division.* to be read In the light o'/»^^^lf»f' Daugberty A Sons, W. A. 8«3 Daugberty #3... Jefferson. ... D... 380 336 316
note: The material contained In these supplements Is
No. 837) is the same mine £Jiown ta
§606.6 Effective date. This Wage cations, prices. Instructions, exceptions and other
provisions contained In Part 321. Freebrook Corporatk)n 729 Freebrook #37 6 Jefferson.... 345 320 (•) 310 200 Docket No. A-964 as the Swanton No. 1
September and supplements thereto. Frwbrook Cori)Qration 843 Pittshaw #30 S Jcllenwn 335 210 200
Order shall become effective Price Schedule for District No. 1
(iwe.A.A... 1453! Seven Mile Run.. 9 Centre 255
(•) 220
Mine. Public hearing ha.3 been assigned
29. 1941.* liovt. Julius (Hoyt Coal Co.).. 830 Rowlea 7 OlearfleM... aao in Docket No. A-964 on August 29. 1941
FOR ALL SHIPMENTS EXCEPT TRUCK Hubler. I/eroy (AMer Run 461 Shannon.... 8 ClearfleM.... O 216 305 with respect to permanent price classi-
Signed at Washington. D. C. this 12th Mining Co.)
day of September 1941. S 321.7 Alphabetical list of code members—Supplement R Kyirr Mine No. 3 (Millard 816 KylerlS
8 Clearfield. 330 fications and minimum prices for all
coals of this mine.
Philip B. Fleming, members havin,i railway loading hciUties. showing price classification by sIm roup Nugent Mining Company (M.
H. Harufeld)
1(157 Rattlesnake Jefferson o 215 305

lAlphabctlcal luting of code Price classiflcations and minimum
nutnner.'*) PhiUipe Albert
Snit'sf, O
Albert PhUUps....
210 300
prices for the New Mine (Mine Index No.
|P. R. Doc. 41-«8fl7: Piled, September 12, 1941;
c Smith, Carl E. A Frank aoei Ashland #1 31 CtearfleW.... D (•) 310 300 857) of W. A. Francisco and for the
11:41 a. m.] 36 Rodkey.
Switier, Ooo. A 812 Swilxer 4 Clarion 1.. 340 315 315 300 190 Knight No. 2 Mine (Mine Index No. 829)
Siymanski. Joseph 806 SrymanskL 3 Elk B... 310 of Thomas R. Knight were proposed on
o Code member Mine name Waroquier it Son. J 821 Waroquier 7 Clearfield.... D... 330
a Mi: the basis of the temporary prices estab-
'3 " White. Jan:rs A. (Jame* A. 651 White #1 6 Jefferson... Ci. (•) 310 300
i >N hlte Coal Company).
I lished on February 15, 1941, 6 F.R. 1040,
i White, James A. (James A. 488 White #3. 6| Indiana...... X C) 210 300
White Coal Company). in Docket No. A-356. Price classifica-
TITLE 30— MINERAL RESOURCES E 45 (•) (t) (•) (•) F White. James A. (James A. 3651 White #S « Indiana E (•) 310 300 tions and minimum prices for these two
2510 AuKhenbaugh, .Mton Aughenbaugh While Coal Comi)any).
D 45 F () F F F
CHAPTER in— BITU\nNOUS COAL H42 AuKhenbaugh. Alton
Ban m A Jones (Ira R. Barron)
.\ugbeubaugb #3
Fiiirview D 100 (t) (t) r (!) (t( White. James A. (James
White Coal Company).
A. 3961 White #4 12 Indiana .. B o 306 105 mines have been established herein in
Bland #5 R 52 (t) (t) T (t) () conformity with the permanent price
1102 Blmiil Bros. Coal Co
« D H While. James A. (James A. 652 White #«. 13 Clearfield.... D C) 305 105

l£X)cket No. A-9771__

1143 Brian, R. W — •-- Brian
Caniso E
(t) F
(t) White Coal Conipany). classifications and minimum prices
('aru.<o. Clement Williams. George E 806 Williams Clarion B
DauKherty & Sons. W. A. (Mrs.) Daugherty #3 D 119 E (t) E E
W.. 6r
4 340 31ft 315 300 100 established by the final Order in Docket
Part 321— MmiMtTM Prick Schedule.
Dayton #3 B 81 (t) (t) (•) H WillU. J. 817 Willis Coal Co.... 44 Mineral...^. Bakerstown. 310
No. A-356.
t)13 Dayton. Andrew J. (Dayton Coal Co.) E
Fen.<ter maker. .Amos — Amos Fenstermaker.. B 119 (t) (t) (t) (t)
District No. 1 13tO
Fraebrook W7 B 119 F F (•) F F It is further ordered, That pleadings
Freebrook ( "orponition ................
Pittshaw «ao A 119 H H H U U 'Indicates coal in this size group previously classified and priced.
ORDER GR.\NTING TEMPORARY RELIEF AND 843 Freebrook Corporation -
A 4'. D (•) D D in opposition to the original petition in
Groe, A. A -- Seven Mile Run (t)
1453 B 44 (t) (•) E E the above-entitled matter and applica-
C0NDIT10N.\LLY providing for FINAL RE- 461 Hubler. Leroy (Alder Run Mining Co.).... Shannon
E 45
F (P. R. Doc. 41-6818; Piled, September 11. 1941; 10:07 a. m.]
1M2 Huehes, Fmnk C Frank C. Hughes (f) (t) t)
tions to stay, terminate or modify the
LIEF IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF 1.S88 Kariiysauskas, William A Wm. Ka^dysau^kas.. E IIH (t) t) F t) (1)

DISTRICT BC.VRD I FOR THE ESTABLISH- Kylerr.' C 44 (t) t) F t) (t) temporary relief herein granted may be
«15 Kvier Mine No. 2 (Millard Kyter)..-. ... B 45 E E E E
MiLsoni. Chas. U. (Chas. H. MUsom C. Co.) Bigelow Run (t)
2797 Mitchell, Ralph Shaver D 100 (t)
B (t) (t) filed with the Division within forty-five
E 52 F (t) (t)
MINIMTTM PRICES FOR THE COALS OF CER- 14fi9 M \\ey. C harles .^ - -
Rattlesnake B lao
(t) {•) E E (Docket No. A-&90] Division by the above-named party, re- (45) days from the date of this Order,
1657 Nugent Mining Company (M. H. Harli-
TAIN MINES IN DISTRICT NO. I (dd). questing the establishment, both tempo- pursuant to the Rules and Regulations
Albert Phillips E so ft) (t) (•) F Part 321 Minimum Price Schedttlx,
An original petition and amendment
697 Phillips. Albert
Rice A 46 (1) E rary and permanent, of price classifica- Governing Practice and Procedure be-
1947 Rirt Coal Company (Feltx Rice)
D District No. 1
O Smeal B 44 II (t) h)
tions and minimum prices for the coals fore the Bituminous Coal Division in
thereto, pursuant to section 4 II (d) of 810 Sraeal. Lester
Ashland #1 D 45 t) (t) F F
2061 Smith. Cari E. * Frank Rodkay
C O of certain mines In District No. 1; and Proceedings Instituted Pursuant to sec-
the Bituminous Coal Act of 1937, having 813 Switier, <ieo. A Switier 90 (t) (t) ^» order grantinq temporary relief and
Waroquier A Son. J Wiroquier D 45 (t) (t) F (t)
It appearing that a reasonable show- n
been duly filed with this Division by the 821
Round Top E 112 (t) (t) F conditionally providing for final re- tion 4 (d) of the Bituminous Coal Act
2228 White, Oeorge .\
above-named party, requesting the es- White. Oeor^ A White E 112 (t) (') F lief in the matter of the petition of ing of necessity has been made for the of 1937.
2229 Q O
White I) 75 (t)
tablishment, both temporary and per- 2230 While, n. E #1
O o H district board no. 1 for the establish- granting of temporary relief in the man- It is further ordered. That the relief
2231 White. U. E White « E 75 (t)
manent, of price classiflcations and mini- White. HE.. White «3 D G ^' II
ment of price classifications and ner hereinafter set forth; and herein granted shall become final sixty
mum prices for the coals of certain mines
651 Whit*. James (James A. Wbita Coal White II C 122 (t) (t) (•) F
minimum prices for the coals of cer- No petitions of intervention having
Company). (60) days from the date of this Order,
in District No. 1 and White. James A. (James A. White Coal W bite #2. SO (t) (t) (•)
tain mines in district no. 1 been filed with the Division in the above-
488 unless the Director shall otherwise order.
Company). entitled matter; and
It appearing that a reasonable show- White. James A. (James A. White Coal White #3. SO (t) (1) (•)
Dated: August 22, 1941.
ing of necessity has been made for the
Company). An original petition, pursuant to sec- It appearing that this action is neces-
2981 White. James A. (Jsiiies A. White Coal White #4. E 80 (1) (1) o tion 4 n
(d) of the Bituminous Coal Act sary in order to effectuate the purposes [SEAL] H. A. Gray.
granting of temporary relief in the man- Company).
ner hereinafter set forth and ; 652 White. James A. (Jsmes A. White Coal White #6. D SO (t) (t) (•) of 1937, having been duly filed with tbla of the Act; Director.
No of intervention having
been with the Division in the above-
•ln<licales coal in this size group previoii.My classified and priced.
entitled matter: and tindicates no classincatlons effective for these sire groujw.
4704 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 23, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 13, 1941 4705

^9«(S j»pan pa»„H {• §§§H :§ U ! 1 3: S ;S

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jS X X ao XX



p 1
S i i
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4706 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 13, 1941

1330.10 Spei


FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 13, 1941 4707
i 830.10 Special prtoe»-^a) RaUroad locomotive fuel prtces^Supplement R-II

ITk* Mine
troup Producer Mine

14 Andenon, Alex (Anderson C(m1 Co.) Andenon

14 Bales, Perry (M 4 P Mine)
Burcoyne, Olen ((>len BurKoyne Cosl Co.)

14 Olen BurKoyne
II CoUlM toal Co. (Noble Colline) . Collins Coal Co...
14 DedryTer^ Jules (M & D Coel Co.) Dedryvere
14 F. B & M. Coal Co
Harper oal Company
F. B &M
14 (
.. Harper
14 Lomax, Rajpta R... • North Catlin
14 McArdle, Prank, Ralph, Maude ft Rade Pearson #2
Carick (Frank McArdle).
14 McFarland, Nelson Nelson McFarland
14 Mauck A Sons Mauck ii Sona
14 Mauck. Walter (W. W. Coal Co.) W. W
14 Quality Coal Company Quality
14 River Bank Coal Company River Bank
14 Schafer Bros .Scha/er Bros.
M Sheward, }. P. (J. P. Sheward Coal Co.) J.P.Shewanl
14 W. B.Coal Co. (Alva Worley). W B
14 Black Hawk Coal Company (L. Duquesooy). Black Hawk.'."."].'!
4708 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 13, 1941
4710 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 13, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 13, 1941 4711

A may be charged, demanded, TITLE 49-TRANSPORTATION AND This contract authorized by Procure-
TITLE 32— NATIONAL DEFENSE annually, and requested that the ques- pendix
tionnaires be filled out and returned on paid, or offered.
• ment Directives No. P-C-4, P-C-3 and
CHAPTER IX—OFFICE OF or before September 2. 9 1340.73 Evasion, The maximum CHAPTER I— INTERSTATE COM- P-C-1.
PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT As of September 2 not more than two prices set forth in this Schedule shall not '


BVBCHAPTZR B—PSIORiniS DiVISIOM or three questionnaires had been re- be evaded by additional charges of any WAR DEPARTMENT. Major, Signal Corps.
kind, or by any other direct or Indirect
(Special Series A— No. 3666]
turned. The Administrator on Septem- (Contract No. W 6^ qm-12693; Assistant to the Director of
PAST »4 2—COTTON LUfTZRS methods.* the Matter of Regulations for
O. I. No. 110]
Purchases and Contracts.
ber 5 addressed a telegram to the com- In
Extension Number 1 of General Prefer- panies asking that they submit individual § 1340.74 Enforcement. In the event Transportation of Explosives and SuiocARY OF Contract for Supplies
(F. R. Doc. 41-«835; Filed. September 11, 1941;
ence Order No. M-12 replies by September 8. of refusal or failure to abide by the price Other Dangerous Articles CONTRACTOR LORRAINE MANUFACTURING
: CO., 4:04 p. m-l
The major companies have thus far limitations and other provijrions con- PAWTUCKET, RHODE ISLAND
It U hereby ordered, That S 942.1 Present: J. M. Johnson, Commissioner,
failed to furnish the information re- tained in this Schedule, or In the event of whom the above entitled matter has
(General Preference Order No. M-12.' to Contract
Issued August 20. 1941) shall continue in
quested. On September 8. eight major any evasion or attempt to evade the price been assigned for action thereon.
for: Textiles. [Contract Nos. W 6942 qm-3; W 6942 qm-4]
limitations or other provisions of this Amount: $1,396,900.00.
anthracite producing companies sub- Chances in Contract Numbers
effect until the 31st day of July, 1942 un-
Schedule, the Office of Price Administra-
The matter
of regulations for the safe Place :Philadelphia Quartermaster
mitted a consolidated statement. This transportation dangerous articles
less sooner revoked by the Director of of Depot. Philadelphia, Pa. contractors: j. b. converse & co., inc.,
consolidated statement failed to disclose tion will make every effort to assure (a)
Priorities. (P.D. Reg. 1. Aug. 27. 1941, 6 other than explosives by freight by land This contract, entered into this elev- A. C. polk; and DUNN CONSTRUCTION CO.,
the operating position of individual pro- that the Congress and the public are
PR. 4489: OPM Reg. 3. March 8. 1941. fully Informed thereof, and (b) that the
being under further consideration; enth day of July 1941. inc., john s. hodgson and co.
ducers; it did not set forth information
6 PJl. 1596; E.O. 8629. Jan. 7. 1941. 6 F.R.
powers of the Government are fully ex-
And it appearing, that the Commission, Scope of this contract. The contrac-
requested by the questionnaire and thus March
191; E.O. 8875. Aug. 28. 1941, 6 F.R. 4483; by order entered September 4. 1935. and tor shall furnish and deliver • • • 20. 1941.
further precluded adequate analysis of erted In order to protect the public in-
sec. 2 (a) Public No. 671, 76th Congress, amended October 29. 1938. authorized Textiles for the consideration stated
Notice of the following changes in con-
terest and the interests of those persons

substantial items of purported expense.

Third Session, as amended by Public No. the construction and use in experimental totaling one miUion.
tracts listed below:
The need for such information from in- who comply with this Schedule. Persons three hundred
transportation of water- white electro-
89. 77th Congress. First Session; sec. 9.
Public No. 783. 76th Congress. Third
dividual companies had been clearly who have evidence of the demand or re-
lyte-grade (66° Baume) sulphuric acid in
ninety-six thousand, nine hundred dol- a. The contract numbered 6942 W
stated at the conferences and in subse- ceipt of prices higher than the maximum lars ($1,396,900.00)in strict accordance qm-3,' between the Government and J. B.
Session) one glass-lined, two-unit, fusion-welded with the specifications, schedules and Converse
quent telegrams to the major companies. prices, or of any evasion or effort to evade tt Co.. Inc. and A. C. Polk, for
Issued this 10th day of September tank car. having tanks constructed in drawings, all of which are made a part
Some thirty questirainaires have been re- the provisions hereof, are urged to com- architectural-engineering services in con-
1941. accordance with the then current ship-
turned by smaller compwinies within the municate with the Office of Price Admin- hereof. nection with the construction of an
DoN/ao M. Nelson. ping container specification 103A for tank ordnance depot, including necessary
last few days. \
istration.* Payments. The contractor shall be
Director of Priorities. cars, as modified by those orders;
The anthracite industry, although un- S Records and reports. Every
1340.75 paid, upon the submission of properly buildings,temporary structures, utilities
And it further appearing, that by ap- and appurtenances thereto at Calhoun
|P. R. Doc. 41-0834; Filed. September 11, 1»41;
profitable since 1923 according to its anthracite producer making sales of certified invoices or vouchers, the prices
2:27 p. m] anthracite after September 12, 1941 shall
plication No. 903-Revision B of January
County, near Anniston, Alabama, dated
records, has substantially improved its stipulated herein for articles delivered
22. 1941, the duPont Company
made by January 11th. 1941. has been changed to
position since 1939. The industry over- keep for inspection by the Office of Price and accepted or services rendered, less
and transmitted to us July 23, 1941, with
all profit for 1940 will almost certainly Administration for a period of not less
favorable recommendations of the Me-
deductions, if any. as herein provided. read: Contract No. W
6985 qm-3 O. I.
CHAPTER XI—OFFICE OF PRICE be increased for 1941. than one year, complete and accurate Unless otherwise specified, payments will No. 3-41.
chanical Division and Bureau of Explo-
ADMINISTRATION The industry contends ti^at the Sep- records of each such sale, showing the
sives. Association of American Rail-
he made on partial deliveries accepted by b. The contract numbered 6942 W
Part 1340 Fuel tember 15 price increase, along with the date thereof, the name and address of the the Government when the amount due qm-4' between the Government and I
roads, we are asked to further amend the
earlier price advances made this year, is buyer, the price received, and th^uan- on such deliveries so warrants; or. when Dunn Construction Company. Inc., and
price schedule no. 27 —anthracite necessary to cover the increased labor tity ofeach size sold.
aforesaid order of September 4, 1935. so
requested by the contractor, payments John S. Hodgson and Company, for con-
as to waive the requirements for periodic
Anthracite is used for space heating and other costs that have occurred in Persons affected by this Schedule shall for accepted partial deliveries shall be struction work in connection with the
hydrostatic retests of tanks of the car
and for power production. It is essential 1941. The nature of the price and cost submit such reports to the Office of Price made whenever such payments would construction of an ordnance depot, in-
and the reports made thereof, and in lieu cluding necessary buildings, temporary
to the health and efficiency
a multitude
of situation is not clearly indicated in the Administration as it may, from time to equal or exceed either $1,000 or 50 per-
thereof to authorize the tanks to be sten-
of consumers. Its principal market Is the time, require.* cent of the total amount of the contract. structures, utilities and appurtenances
Middle Atlantic and New England states,
data so far submitted by the industry.
It is apparent that the Office of Price S 1340.76 Modification of the sched-
ciled "Glass lined tank —
pressure test not

Delays Damages. If the contractor thereto at Calhoun County, near Annis-
where numerous workers in defense in- Administration must have further in- ule. Persons complaining of hardship or refuses or fails to make delivery of ac- ton, Alabama, dated January 27th. 1941.
ordered. That the instant applica-
It is
dustries reside. Increases in the price of formation to determine the necessity for inequity in the operation of this Schedule ceptable material or supplies within the has been changed to read: Contract No.
anthracite directly affect the cost of the proposed September 15 increajse. may apply to the Office of Price Admin- tion as described be granted, and that
the order in No. 3666, Special Series A.
time or times specified in Article 1, or W 6985 qm-4 O. I. No. 4-41.
istration for approval of any modification c. On the contract above mentioned
living. This Office in carrying out its responsi- dated September 4. 1935, be and is hereby
any extension or extensions thereof, the
On May 20 the prices of the smaller bility for preventing Inflationary prices thereof or exception thereto.* actual damage to the Government for the between the Government and Dunn Con-
further amended in accordance with the
sizes of anthracite were advanced 154* and must be furnished with such data and 9 1340.77 DefinitioTis. When used in delay will be impossible to determine, and struction Company. Inc., and John S.
said application;
25*. for different sizes, and the prices of information as may be necessary for a this Schedule, the term: in lieu thereof the contractor shall pay Hodgson and Company, the procurement
It is further ordered. That the afore- authority number should be changed
the domestic sizes were increased 10** on fair and intelligent determination of to the Government as fixed, agreed, and
(a) "Person" means an individual, said orders as amended herein be and from QM 7415 Pl-3211 A 0540.068-N to
June 16 and again 10c on July 15. the necessity for price increases. This partnership, association, corporation, or liquidated damages for each calendar
Two conferences were then held with Price Schedule, therefore, continues the other business entity;
shall remain in full force and shall be
day of delay in the delivery of any arti- QM 7416 Pl-3211 A 0540.067-N.
observed until further order of the Com-
representatives of the mining companies Augtist 15 circular prices in effect as cles, the amount as set forth in the Prank W. Bullock,
(b) "Anthracite" means anthracite mission;
and certain data were submitted by them maximum prices for the time being. The coal produced in the State of Pennsyl- specifications or accompanying papers, Major. Signal Corps.
It is further ordered. That the author-
to Justify the price increases. On the Office will give prompt attention to the vania.* and the contractor and his sureties shall Assistant to the Director of
ity granted herein be and is hereby made
basis of this and other available infor- requested data and any other informa- be liable for the amoimt thereof. Purchases and Contracts.
mation, the representatives were request- 1340.78 Effective date of the sched- effective on and after the date of approval
tion the companies may offer as soon as 9
Liquidated damages. Under the terms (P. R. Doc. 41-6837; Piled. September 11. 1941;
ed to defer additional price increases ule. This Schedule shall become effec- and publication thereof;
they are presented. If an appropriate and conditions stipulated in Article 17 of 4:04 p. m]
announced for August 15 and September showing is made, this Price Schedule tive September 12, 1941.* And it is further ordered. That copies
this contract, the contractor shall pay to
15, pending submission of further infor- will be amended or revoked.
91340.79 Appendix A; maximum of this order be served upon all the parties
the Government, as liquidated damages, (Change Order No. D. Date June
mation and its review by the OfBce of prices for anthracite coal. of record herein, and that notice to the 28, 1941]
Accordingly, under the authority for each calendar day of delay in the de-
Price Administration and Civilian Sup- vested in me by Executive Order No. 8734. Maximum price f. o. b.
public be given by posting in the office of
livery of any article, a sum equal to
Summary or Contract for Architectural
ply. This request was not complied with, mine per net ton the Secretary of the Commission at Engineering Services
It is hereby directed that: * * * percentum of the price of such
and on August 15 the prices of all do- else: (of 2,000 pounds) Washington. D. C.
1340.71 Maximum prices for an-
§ Broken 16, 60 article for each day's delay after the time architect-engineer: j. B. converse 4c CO.,
mestic sizes were raised 15<*. Egg Dated at Washington. D. C. this 19th
thracite coal. On and after September 6 60 specified for delivery. ET AL.
Every reasonable effort has been made Stove _ «. 60 day of August. 1941.
to obtain sufficient information from the 12. 1941, regardless of the terms of any Chestnut „ 60 The suppliesand services to be ob- Change order' to Cost -Plus- A -Fixed-
6. By the Commission, Commissioner
anthracite Industry in order that the contract of sale or purchase, or other Pea - - 6. 10
tained by this instrument are authorized Fee Contract No. W 6985 qm-3,' dated
commitment, no person shall sell, offer Buckwheat No. 1 3.75 by. are for the purpose set forth in, and
Office of Price Administration might de- 2. 90
to sell, deliver or transfer anthracite
Rice fSEAL] W. p. BARTEL. are chargeable to procurement author- »eFlt. 1485.
termine the necessity for the proposed Barley —. 2 15
Secretary. QM 323 P2-02 A 0515-2 the available •Approved by the Undersecretary of War
September 15 increase of ISc* on domestic coal at prices higher than the maximum ity
June 30. 1941.
prices f 0. b. mine set forth In Appendix balance of which is sufficient to cover
sizes. On August 22 the Office of Price .

Issued this eleventh day of September

IF. R. Doc. 41-6869; Filed. September 12, 1941; * 6 FR. 1485. Formerly listed as Contract
Administration and Civilian Supply ad- A. incorporated herein as 1340.79.*
fi 11:52 a. m.] cost of same. No. W
6942 qm-3.
dressed a short questionnaire to the in- •{$1340.71 to 1340.70. InclusiTC. loeued
dividual anthracite companies produc- piinuant to the authority contained in « Leon Henderson,
Biecutlve Order No. 8734. Administrator.
ing 100.000 tons of coal or more
i 1340.72 Less than maximum prices. [F. R. Doc. 41-«861; Ftled. September 18, 1941;
> 6 Fit. 4212. Lower prices than those set forth In Ap- 10:40 a. m.]

4712 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 13, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 13, 1941 4713

January 1941 (Published In the Fsd-

11, The above a net Increase
will result to four thousand six hundred dollars ($5.-
Location: Schenectady. New York celpted invoices for materials, and such for accepted partial deliveries shall be
(Voorheesville). other documents as the Contracttog Of- made whenever such payments would
CRAL RzGisnx March 18, 1941) betwe«i to the estimated construction cost and 044.600.00) exclusive of Architect-Engi-
Fixed fee: $127,968.00. ficer may require. Generally, reimburse- equal or exceed either $1,000 or 50 per-
the United States of America and J. B. the Contractor's Fixed-Fee as follows: neer's fixed fee.
Converse k Co., Mobile, Alabama, and Art. VI. Fixed- fee and reimbursement Estimated construction cost exclusive ment will be made weekly but may be cent of the total amoimt of the contract.
A. C. Polk, Birmingham, Alabama, for
Increase the estimated construc-
tion cost by. $3,048,537 of expenditures. In consideration for his of fixed fee: $4,916,632.00. made at more frequent
intervals if the —
Delays Damages. If the contractor
au-chitectural-englneerlng services in Total estimated cost Including imdertaktogs under the contract, the The supplies and services to be ob- conditions so warrant. refuses or fails to make delivery of ac-
this change cader 10,371,483 tained by this Instrument are authorized Rental for constructor's equipment. ceptable material or supplies within the
connection with the construction of an Architect-Engineer shall be paid the
Total flzed-fee mdudlng this by, are for the purpose set forth in, and Rental as provided in Article ll for such
Ordnance Depot at Annlstcm Ordnance change order 804.981 following: time or times specified in Article 1, or
Depot, Talladega. Alabama. Increase In construction con- are chargeable to the following procure- construction plant or parts thereof as any extension or extensions thereof, the
Pursuant to the authority vested in the tractor's fUed-fee 60,868 a. A fixed fee to the amoimt of forty ment authorities, the available balances the Constructor may own and furnish actual damage to the Government for the
thousand seven hundred dollars ($40,- of which are sufficient to cover the cost shall be paid monthly upon presentation delay will be impossible to determine, and
Contracting OfBcer under Article XII of Funds are available under Procure- 700.00) which shall constitute complete of the same. QM
22316 D
A F & E P-99 of proper vouchers.
the contract above described, you. as ment Authority No. QM 23725 CB.U. It compensation for the Architect-Engi-
in lieu thereof the contractor shall pay
architect-engineer, are hereby directed A P-139 A 0540-N.
A 0025-13. Payment of the fixed fee. Ninety per- to the Government as fixed, agreed, and
neer's services. This contract.' entered into this 8th cent (90%) of the fixed fee set out in
to perform the work and services indi- liquidated damages for each calendar day
Frank W. Bullock, b. In addition to the payment of the day of August 1941. Article I shall be paid as it accrues, in of delay In the delivery of any articles,
cated below.
Major. Signal Corps, fixed fee as specified herein, the Archi- Article I. Statement of work. The monthly tostallments based upon the the amount as set forth in the specifica-
Provide the necessary architect-engi-
Assistant to the Director of tect-Engineer will be reimbursed for such constructor shall. In the shortest pos- percentage of the completion of the work tions or accompanying papers, and the
neer services Incident to the fcrflowing
Purchases and Contracts. of his actual expenditures in the per- sible time, furnish the labor, materials, as determined from estimates submitted contractor and his sureties shall be
changes In the work:
formance of the work as may be ap- to and approved by the Contracttog liable for the amount thereof.
Add to the description of the work now (P. R. Doc. 41-6836: Piled. Septendber 11, 1941;
tools, machinery, equipment, facilities,
proved or ratified by the Contracting
set forth in Article I of the principal con- 4:04 p. m] supplies not furnished by the (3ovem- Officer. Liquidated damages. Under the terms
OfBcer. ment, and services, and do all things Final payment. Upon completion of and conditions stipulated in Article 17 of
tract, as modified and amended the con-
struction of • • •. Art. vm. Method
of payment. Pay- necessary for the completion of the fol- the work and its final acceptance in this contract, the contractor shall pay
The above will result to a net Increase [Contract No. W 7301 qm-1; O. I. No. 1] ments of reimbursable cost Items and of lowing work: The construction of a writing by the Contracting Officer, the to the Government, as liquidated dam-
In the estimated construction cost and 90% of the amount of the Architect- Regulating Station at or in the vicinity Government shall pay to the Constructor ages, for each calendar day of delay in
Summary or Fixkd Fix Contract roR of Schenectady, New York, Including the unpaid balance of the cost of the the delivery of any article, a sum equal t«
the Architect-Engineer's Pixed-Fee as Engineer's fee earned shall be made on
ARCHmCT-ENGINSZR SCRVICKS necessary buildings, temporary struc- work determined under Article II hereof, • • • percentum of the price of such
follows: vouchers approved by the Contracting
ARCHITICT-INGINRIH NIW YORK CENTRAL Officer on standard forms, as soon as tures, utilities and appurtenances and of the fee. article for each day's delay after the time
Increase the estimated construc- :

tion cost by ta, 101.100 RAILROAD COMPANY, 466 LEXINGTON AVI- practicable after the submission of state- thereto. This contract is authorized by the specified for delivery.
Total estimated cost Including KUE, NEW YORK. H. Y. ments, supported by original certified It estimated that the construction
is followtog law: The supplies and services to be obtained
this change order 10,678,169 by this Instrument are authorized by, are
pay receipted bills for all expenses
rolls, cost of the work covered by this contrswjt Public No. 139. 77th Congress. Approved
Total flxed-fee including this Amount fixed fee: $40,700.00
for the purpose set forth to, and are
change order 88.106 tocludlng materials, supplies and equip- will be four million nine hundred sixteen June 30, 1941.
Estimated construction cost (Art.
Increase In archltsct-englneer's ment, rentals, and all other supporting thousand six hundred thirty-two dollars chargeable to procurement authority
— V-2): $5,044,600.00. Frank W. Bullock,
flxed-fee 10,385
Type of construction project: data. Upon completion of the project ($4,916,632.00) exclusive of the Construc- Major, Signal Corps,
QM 323 P2-O240 A 0515-2 the available
Regu- balance of which is sufficient to cover
Funds are available under Procurement lating Station. and Its ftoal aceptance the Archltect- tor's fee.
Assistant to the Director of
Authority No. QM 7415 C. B. U. fc A. A.
Locatlwi: Schenectady, New York Engtoeer shall be paid the unpaid bal- In consideration for his undertaking Purchases and Contracts.
cost of same.
0540-Ofl7-N. ance of any money due the Architect- under this contract the Constructor shall This contract authorized under Pro-
Engineer hereunder. leceive the following: (P. R. Doc. 41-6861; Piled, September 12, 1941; curement Directives No. P-C-13 (42) and
Frank W. Bttllock. Type of service: Architect-Engineer. 11:31 a. m.|
Major. Signal Corpg. Art. IX. Drawings and other data to P-C-14 (42).
The supplies and services to be ob- (a) Reimbursement for expenditures
Assistant to the Director become property of Oovernment. All Frank W. Bullock,
tained by this Instrument are authorized as provided in Article n.
of Purchases and Contracts. drawings, designs and specifications are Major, Signal Corps,
by. are for the purpose set forth In, and (b) Rental for Constructor's equip-
are chargeable to. Procurement Author-
to become the property of the Gov- ment as provided in Article II.
[Contract No. W 669 qm-12793; O. I. No. Assistant to the Director of
IP. R. Doc. 41-6838; Piled. September 11, IMl; 469) Purchases and Contracts.
4:04 p. ml ity No. QM22318 D A F & E P99 A0025- (c) A fixed fee in the amount
dl one
13 the available balance of which is suf- Art. Xn. Change in scope of project. hundred twenty seven thousand nine StTMMARY OF CONTRACT FOR SUPPLIES [P. R. Doc. 41-6862; Piled. September 12, 1941;

ficient to cover the cost of same.

The Contracttog Officer may. at any hundred sixty eight dollars ($127,968.00) contractor: J. STEVENS 11:32 a. m.l
p. «c COMPANY,
This contract.' entered into this 11th time, by a written order. Issue additional which shall constitute complete compen-
[Change Order No. D. Date June 38, IMl] INCORPORATED, NEW YORK, NEW YORK
day of August 1941. Instructions, require additional work or sation for the Constructor's services. In-
SmatAST or Contract for Construction Article Description of the work.
services, or direct the omission of work cluding profit and all general overhesul Contract for: Textiles. [Contract No. W 669 qm-12646; O. I. No. 311
The Architect -Engineer shall perform or services covered by this contract. expenses. Amount: $1,670,904,86.
Summary or Contract for Supplies
contractors: dxjnn construction CO.,
Art. xni. Termination for cause or
n al. all the necessary services provided under
for convenience of the Government. The The Contracting Officer may, at any
Place :Philadelphia
Depot, Philadelphia, Pa.
contractor: American woolen company,
this contract for the followtog described time, without notice to the sureties, if
Change order' to Cost-Plus-A-Flxed
project: The construction of a Regulat- Government may terminate this contract This contract, entered into this fourth new york, new york
Pee Contract No. W
6985. qmh-4.' Dated
ing Station Including necessary build- at any time and for any cause by a notice
any, by a written order, issue additional
instructions, require additional work or
day of August, 1941. Contract for: Blankets, Wool, Olive
January 27, 1941 (Published to the ings,temporary structures, utiUties and to writing from the Contracting Officer Scope of this contract. The contrac- Drab. • • •
Fkdkrai. RxdSTKR March 1941) be- services, or direct the omission of work •
appurtenances thereto (hereinafter re- to the Architect-Engineer. tor shall furnish and deliver: • •
Amount: $3,005,000.00.
tween the United States of America and or services covered by this contract.
ferred to as "the project"), located at This contract Is authorized by the yards Cloth, Cotton, Wind-Resistant, Place: Philadelphia Quartermaster
Dunn Construction Company, Birming- The title to all work, completed or In Olive Drab, • • • yards Cloth, Cot-
or to the vicinity of Schenectady. New followtog law: Public No. 139— 77th Con- Depot, Philadelphia, Pa.
ham. Alabama, and John S. Hodgson York.
the course of construction, shall be in ton. Uniform, Twill. Olive Drab, for the This contract, entered into this third
gress, Approved June 30, 1941.
the Government. Likewise, up(m deliv-
and Company. Montgomery, Alabama, consideration stated totaling one mil-
for the construction of an Ordnance De-
Art. m.
Data to be furnished by the Frank W. Bullock, ery at the site of the work or at an ap-
day of July 1941.
lion six hundred seventy thousand, nine Scope of this contract. The contrac-
Government. The Oovernment will fur- Major, Signal Corps, proved storage site and upon inspection
pot at Calhoun County, Alabama near hundred four dollars and eighty-six •
nish the Architect-Engineer essential Assistant to the Director of tor shall furnish and deliver • •
Annlston, Alabama. and acceptance in writing by the Con- cents ($1,670,904.86) in strict accord-
schedules of prelimtoary data, layout Purchases and Contracts. Blankets. Wool, Olive Drab, • • •,
Pursuant to the authority vested In tracting Officer, title to all materials,
sketches, and other essential information
ance with the specifications, schedules for the consideration stated totaling
the Contracting OfBcer under Article I (P. R. Doc. 41-6860: Plied. September tools, machinery, equipment and supplies
respecting sites, topography, soil condi-
12, 1941: and drawings, all of which are made a three million, five thousand dollars ($3.-
of the contract above described, you. as 11:31 a. m.) for which the Constructor shall be en-
tions, outside utilities and equipment as
part hereof. 005.000.00) in strict accordance with the
contractor, are hereby directed to per- titled to be reimbursed under Article II,
may be available for the preparation of Payments. The contractor shall be specifications, schedules and drawings,
form the work and services todlcated W shall vest to the Oovernment.
preliminary sketches and the develop-
(Contract No. 7301 qm-3; O. I. No 2)
Art. in. —
Payments Reimbursement
paid, upon the submission of. properly
certified Invoices or vouchers, the prices
all of which are made a part hereof.
Payments. The contractor shall be
Add to the description of the work of final drawings and specifications. Summary or Fixes Pee Construction for cost. The Oovernment will currently
Art. V. • • • Estimated cost of Contract stipulated herein for articles delivered paid, upon the submission of properly
now set forth In Article I of the prtocl- reimburse the Constructor for expendi-
and accepted or services rendered, less certified invoices or vouchers, the prices
construction. The present preliminary
pal contract, as modified and amended
estimated construction cost of the project
contractors: dxttfy construction cor- tures made in accordance with Article n deductions. If any. as herein provided. stipulated herein for articles delivered
the construction of • • •. poration, 230 park avenue, NEW YORK, upon certification to and
verification by
on which the services of this contract are Unless otherwise specified, pajmients will and accepted or services rendered, less
K. Y., AND THE CARLETON COMPANY. INC, the Contracting Officer of the original
based is approximately five million forty be made on partial deliveries accepted by deductions, if any, as herein provided.
> Approved by the Under Secretary of War 800 rUTH AVXNUX. NEW YORK. N. Y. of signed payrolls, for labor, the re-
June 30. 1941 the Government when the amount due Unless otherwise specified, payments will
'6 PJl. 1485. Formerly listed as Contract 'Approved by the Under Secretary of War Contract for construction of regulating • Approved by the Under Secretary of War on such deliveries so warrants; or, when be made on partial deliveries accepted
No. W0942 qm-4. August 19. 1941. station. August 16, 1941. requested by the contractor, payments by the Government when the amount due
4714 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 13, 1941

Art. I-C. Estimates. 1. It Is estimated Art. m-C. C

on such deliveries so warrants; or, when Estimated cost of procuring equipment
under Title U: $4,000,000. that the total cost of the work under this eration for its
requested by the contractor, payments in the Cc
Fixed-fee for procuring equipment Title I will be approximately twenty-two Title
for accepted partial deliveries shall be following:
under Title n: $44,000.00. million nine hundred ninety-four thou-
made whenever such payments would
Estimated cost of Training Key Per- sand two hundred seventy-three dollars
equal or exceed either $1,000 or 50 per-
cent of the total amount of the contract. sonnel under Title m
(Optional): ($22,994,273.00), including the cost of

Delays Damages. If the contractor $150,000.00. all subcontracts but excluding the Con-
tractor's fee.
refuses or fails to make delivery of ac- Pixed-fee for Training Key Personnel
under Title HI: $1.00. Art. I-D. Consideration. As consid-
ceptable material or supplies within the
eration for Its imdertaking under this
time or times specified in Article 1, or Estimated cost of operation under Title
Title I the Contractor shall receive the
any extension or extensions thereof, the IV (Optional): $23,700,000.00.
following: Title IV —Oper
actual damage to the Government for the Plxed-feee for operation under Title
delay will be Impossible to determine, IV: $395,000.00. 1. Reimbursement for expenditures as Art. rV-A. St
and In lieu thereof the contractor shall Tlie new ordnance facility, services and provided in Title V. obligation of tl

pay to the Government as fixed, agreed, 2. A fixed-fee in the amount of ninety- with the work
suppUes to be obtained by this instrument
and liquidated damages for each calen- are authorized by. are for the purposes six thousand dollars ($96,000.00) which be conditioned
dar day of delay In the delivery of any shall constitute complete compensation tractor within
set forth in, and are chargeable to the
articles, the amount as set forth in the following procurement authorities, the for the Contractor's services, Including the date of api
specifications accompanying papers,
or available balances of which are sufficient profit. the notice pro>
and the contractor and his siuetles shall to cover the cost of the same: Title II Procurement of Production Article m-A
be liable for the amount thereof. Equipment ceiptby the Coi
LiQvidated damages. Under the terms ORD 27.038 P99 A0141-02 ing from the Cc
ORD 27,039 P99 A0141-02 Art. n-A. Statement of work. 1. The
and conditions stipulated in Article 17 Immediately ui
of this contract, the contractor shall pay ORD 50,189 P510-31 A0025-13 Contractor shall, in the shortest reason-
tractor of such
to the Government, as liquidated dam- ORD 50.190 P531-32 A0025-13 able time determine the production
with the perfo
equipment requirements for the Plant
ages, for each calendar day of delay in This contract, entered into this 18th quired of it ui
the delivery of any article, a smn equal
and shall, subject to the approval of the
day of August 1941.
Contracting Officer, thereupon proceed
hereof, the Coi
to • • • percentum of the price of all preparation
to do all things necessary and incident
such article for each day's delay after TiTLX I Management Service sequent operatii
to the procurement of the production
the time specified for delivery. the necessary
Articlk I-A. Description of new ord-

The supiriles and services to be obtained equipment required.

such operation
nance facility. 1. The new ordnance fa- Art. n-B. Estimates. It Is estimated
by this instrument are authorized by, are personnel trair
for the purpose set forth in, and are cility, hereinafter referred to as the that the total cost under this Title n
will be approximately four million dol-
hereof, and all
chargeable to procurement authority "Plant", and designated as Illinois Ord-
to setting up
nance Plant, shall comprise a plant at lars ($4,000,000.00) exclusive of the Con-
QM 323 Pll-30 A 0515-2 the available operating force
balance of which is sufficient to cover cost or near Carbondale, Illinois, upon a site tractor's fee.
to be furnished and made available by Art. n-C. Consideration. As consid- As each op
of same.
the Government for the loading of Fixed eration for Its undertaking under this iscompleted an
This contract authorized under Pro-
curement Directive No. P-E-1. Rounds, Shells, Bombs. Boosters and Title n
the Contractor shall receive the the necessary i
Fuzes. Detonators and Artillery Primers following: and training of
Framk W. Bullock, to a point wher
(hereinafter sometimes referred to as the
Major, Signal Corps. 1. Reimbursement for expenditures as
the -Contractor
Assistant to the Director of provided in Title V.
tracting Office
Purchases and Contracts. Art. I-B. Statement of work. 1. The 2. A fixed fee in the amount of forty-
proceed to ope
Contractor shall, in the shortest reason- four thousand dollars ($44,000.00) which
IF. R. Doc. 41-6863: Filed. September 12, 1941; time to time b]
able time, furnish the labor, materials. shall constitute complete compensation
11:33 a. m] tools, machinery, equipment facilities, 3. Notwithsts
for the Contractor's services.
construction ar
utilities, supplies not furnished by the
Government, and services, and do all
TITLE m Training of Key Personnel as a whole shall
[Contract No. W-ORD-5221 things necessary for the completion of a (Optional) when all oper
Plant of the type and capacity described Art. m-A. Statement of work. The completed and
8UMMABY OF COST-PLDS-A-FIXBD-PeE obligation of the Contractor to proceed Contractor sha
in Article I-A hereof.
New Ordnance Facility Construction
AND Operation Contract 2. In the performance of the work with the work imder this Title shall m ing Officer in w
described In Section 1 of this Article be conditioned upon receipt by the Con- the date of sa
contractor: thb shxrwin-williams dk- I-B, the Contractor shall: tractor of notice in writing from the shall operate si

FBNSI corporation. CLKVKLAND, OHIO Contracting Officer so to do. Upon re- twelve (12) mo
a. Furnish management service cov-
Contract' for: Purnishlng manage- ceipt by the Contractor of such notice, 4. Upon writl
ering supervision, direction and control the Contractor shall hire or select the
ment service (including subcontracts for tor not less thi
of the designing (including designing of key perscmnel necessary for the opera-
architect-engineer services and construc- the anticipated
the production equipment) engineering tion of the Plant, and when such per-
tion of a new ordnance facility and tion provided f(
and construction (including the installa- sonnel is available shall proceed to train the Goverruner
installation of equipment therein), pro-
tion of the production equipment) of the such personnel in the duties and func-
curing production equipment, training thorize the coi
Plant, and (subject to the approval of tions of their respective positions, at
key personnel for and operating a new Plant for an ad
the Contracting Officer) establish, equip the Contractor's plants, at Ordnance months and th
ordnance facility for the loading of fixed and maintain adequate guard and fire establishments, or elsewhere, in order take such conti
rounds, shells, bombs, fuzes and boosters, fighting forces. that they will have obtained experience terms and cond
b. Subcontract, on forms prescribed with the processes and operations in- plicable to the
Place: At or near Carbondale, Illinois.
by Tlie Quartermaster General, for volved in the Plant at any time when (including thos
Estimated cost of management service
Architect-Engineer services covering de- the Government shall exercise its option for such additi
(including cost of architect -engineer and
sign (including necessary design of pro- under section 1 of Article IV-A of shall be that
construction subcontracts) under Title
duction equipment) and engineering and TiUe IV. Article IV-C, h
I: $22,994,273.00.
subcontract for the construction (in- Art. m-B. Estimate. It is estimated
Pixed-fee for management service Art. rV-B. E
cluding the instaUation of production that the cost of the work under this that the cost
under Title I: $96,000.00.
equipment) of the Plant, with subcon- Title HI will be approximately one hun- Title IV will
>Approved by the Under Secretary of Wwr, tractors selected by The Quartermaster dred fifty thousand dollars ($150.00000) seven hundred
August 31. 1941. General and approved by the Contractor. exclusive of the Contractor's fee.
— —

FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 13, 1941 4715

It is estimated AST. ni-C. Consideration. As consid- 700,000.00) exclusive of the cost of con- installments of twenty thousand dollart
ork under this eration for its imdertaking imdn: this tinued operation covered by the option ($20,000.00) each, less 10% of each such
sly twenty-two Title m the Contractor shall receive the therefor provided in section 4 of Article installment.
»ty-four thou- following: rV-A hereof, and exclusive of the Con- (2) Three hundred fifteen thousand
r-three dollars Reimbursement tractor's fee.
1. for expenditures dollars ($315,000.00) payable in twelve
I the cost of as provided in Title V.
Art. IV-C. ConsidereUion. As consid- (12) equal monthly installments of
ding the Con- 2. A fixed-fee of one dollar
eration for its undertaking under this twenty-six thousand two hundred fifty
which shall constitute complete compen- Title rv the Contractor shall receive dollars ($26,250.00) each, less 10% of
t. As consld- sation for the Contractor's services un- the following: each such installment.
ng under this der this Title m, including profit. 1. Reimbursement for expenditures as (3) The fixed-fee of three hundred
Eill receive the
TiTLi rv Operation of Plant (.Optional)
provided in Title V
hereof. ninety-six thousand dollars ($396,000.00)
2. A fixed-fee for the work under sec- provided by section 3 of Title IV-C of
xpendltures as Art. IV-A. Statement of toork. 1. The tions 1, 2 and 3 of Article IV-A hereof, Title rv for continued operation under
obligation of the Contractor to proceed in the tunount of three hundred ninety- section 4 of Article IV-A of Title IV shall
3unt of nlnety- with the work under this Title IV shall five thousand dollars ($396,000.00) which be payable in twelve (12) equal monthly
.000.00)which be conditioned upon receipt by the Con- fee shall constitute complete compensa- installments of thirty-three thousand
compensation tractor within • • • months after tion (except for continued operation) ($33,000.00) each, less 10% of each such
Ices, Including the date of approval of this contract of for Contractor's services. installment.
the notice provided for in Section 1 of 3. A fixed-fee for continued operation
Final payment. 4. Upon completion of
>/ Production Article m-A
of Title III hereof and re- provided in section 4 of Article IV-A
the work under Titles I and II and Its
ceiptby the Contractor of notice in writ- hereof, in the amount of three hundred
final acceptance In writing by the Con-
ing from the Contracting Officer so to do. ninety-six thousand dollars ($396,000.00)
vxfrk. 1. The for • • • months continued operation tracting Officer, and again upon the com-
Immediately upon receipt by the Con-
lortest reason- which fee shall constitute complete com- pletion of the work under Title IV. the
tractor of such notice, and concurrently
le production pensation for Contractor's services dur- Government shall pay to the contractor
with the performance of the work re-
for the Plant ing continued operation, including profit. the unpaid balance of the cost of the
quired of it under Titles I, n and III
ipiwoval of the work determined under Title V hereof,
hereof, the Contractor shall undertake Title Y—Cost of the Work and Payment
eupon proceed and of the fees.
all preparations necessary for the sub- Therefor
y and incident Art. V-C. Advances. 1. At any time,
sequent operation of the Plant, Including
:he production Art. V-A. Reimbursement for contrac- and from time to time, after execution of
the necessary training of personnel for
tor's expenditures. The Contractor shall this contract, the Government, at the re-
such operation in addition to the key
It Is estimated be reimbursed in the manner hereinafter quest of the Contractor, and subject to
H personnel trained pursuant to Title III
r this Title described for such of its actual expendi- the approval of the Chief of Ordnance as
hereof, and all other services incident
jr million dol- tures in the performance of the work to the necessity therefor, shall advance to
to setting up an efficient and going
Ive of the Con- imder this contract, as may be approved the Contractor without payment of In-
operating force.
or ratified by the Contracting Officer. terest thereon by the Contractor, a sum
n. As consid- As each operating unit of the Plant

completed and ready for operation and

Art. V-B. Payments Reimbursement or sums not in excess of thirty percent
ing under this is
for cost. 1. The Government will cur- (30%) of the estimated cost of the work
lall receive the the necessary preparation for operation rently reimburse the Contractor for ex- under this contract.
and training of personnel has proceeded penditures made in accordance with Arti-
to a [>oint where operation is practicable Tttlx VI Termination
expenditures as cle V-Aof this Title V upon certification
the -Contractor shall so notify the Con- and delivery to and verification by the
tracting Officerwriting and shall Art. VI-A. Termination by Govern-
in Contracting Officer of the original signed
nount of forty- ment. 1. The Government may termi-
proceed to operate it as directed from pay rolls for labor, receipted invoices for
1,000.00) which nate this contract at any time by a
time to time by the Contracting Officer. materials, equipment, etc., or other evi-
! compensation notice in writing from the Contracting
Notwithstanding the fact that the
3. dence satisfactory to the Contracting Of-
Officer to the Contractor.
construction and equipping of the Plant ficer. Reimbursement will be
as made
Key Personnel as a whole shall not have been completed, promptly as possible, generally weekly, TnxE VU—General
when all operating units thereof are but may be made at more frequent inter-
ART. Vn-B. Changes. The Contract-
of work. The completed and ready for operation, the vals if the conditions so warrant. All
;tor to proceed Contractor shall so notify the Contract- payments made under ing Officer may at any time after con-
this paragrai^ a
Title in shall ing Officer in writing, and from and after of section 1 shall be subject to the pro- sultation with the Contractor, by a writ-
pt by the Con- the date of said notice the Contractor visions of Article V-C.
ten order and without notice to the sure-
ties, make changes in or additions to the
Iting from the shall operate said Plant for a period of Payment of the fixed-fees. 2. a. The
do. Upon re- twelve (12) months. fixed-fee provided for in Article I-D of
drawings and specifications, issue addi-
of such notice, tional instructions, require additional
4. Upon
written notice to the Contrac- Title I shall be paid in partial payments,
e or select the less ten percent (10%) of each such
work, or direct the omission of work cov-
tor not less than • • • days before
for the opera- the anticipated completion of the opera- psu'tial payment. ered by the contract.
7hen such per- tion provided for in Section 3 next above, Art. Vn-C. Title. The title to all
•roceed to train
b. The fixed-fee provided for in Arti-
work, completed or in the course of con-
the Government may. at its option, au-
itles and func- thorize the continued operation of the
cle n-C of Titlen shall be paid in partial
struction, preparation or manufacture
at payments, less ten percent (10%) of each shall be in the Government.
> positions, Plant foran additional period of • • • Likewise,
at Ordnance
such partial payment as it accrues. upon delivery at the site of the work, at
months and the Contractor shall imder-
c. The fixed-fee of one dollar ($1.00)
here, in order take such continued operation under the an approved storage site or other place
Ined experience provided for in Article m-C shall be approved by the Contracting Officer and
terms and conditions of this contract ap-
operations In- paid upon the completion of the work upon inspection and acceptance in writ-
plicable to the operation of the Plant
iny time when provided therein. ing by the Contracting Officer, title to
(including those relating to the fixed-fee
jrcise its option for such additional operation, which fee d. The fixed-fee of three hundred all materials, tools, machinery, equip-
•tide IV-A of shall be that provided in section 3 of ninety-five thousand dollars ($395,- ment and suin>lies for which the Con-
000.00) provided for in section 2 of Arti- tractor shall be entitled to be reimbursed
Article IV-C. hereof).
It is estimated cle rV-C of Title IV shall be payable as tmder Title V hereof shall vest in the
Art. rV-B. Estimates. It Is estimated
ork under this that the cost of the work imder this
follows: Government.
lately one hun- Title IV will be twenty-three million Eighty thousand dollars ($80,-
(1) This contract is authorized by the fol-
rs ($150,000.00)
seven hundred thousand dollars ($23,- 000.00) payable in four (4) equal monthly lowing laws:
jr's fee.
No. 179 4
4716 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 13» 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 13, 1941 mi
(Docket No. A-833] pears no need to grant relief for peti- (Docket No. A-g52(
The Act 1940 (PubUc No.
of July 2.
[Docket No. 17»8-FT>, 1794-FDl H. Wills herein, be and the same hereby
is denied. PEtrnoN OF District Board 7 for Amend- tioner has failed to show that the tax. Petition of the Saxton Coal Company,
703. 76th Congress) and the Act of June In the Matters or Herman Sanders, Dated: September 10. 1941. ment OF the Marketing Rules and considered in the light of all the cir- A Code Member in District No. 2, for
30, 1941 (Public No. 139, 77th Congress). Edgar Mbkks, X^fendantb
H. A. Gray, Regulations Incidental to the Sale cumstances, was forcing United States Revision of Price Classifications and
Frank W. Bxtllock. order postponing hsarihg Director. and Distribution of Coals by Code prcxlucers who have sold coal direct to Minimum Prices for Shipments of
Major, Signcil Corps, Members Within All Districts Canadian consumers to change their the Coals of the Saxton Mine (Mine
Assistant to the Director of The above-entitled matters having [F. R. Doc. 41-6844: FUed, September 12, 1041; method of distribution. The Director Index No. 411) for Railroad F*uel Use
10:34 a. m.] memorandum opinion and order denying
Purchases and Contracts. been previously scheduled for hearings at concludes, therefore, that there is no
petition for vacation of order of the order disbossing petition
IF R. Doc. 41-0864: Filed, SepUmber 12. 1941; 10 a. m. on October 2, 1941. at a hearing cause to grant the requested change in
11:83 a. m.f room of the Bituminous Coal Division in director denying relief the Marketing Rules and Regulations. The original petitioner in the above-
the Chancery Court Room. County Court [Docket No. A-846. Part U] On April 21, 1941. a petition was filed Now, therefore, it is ordered. That the entitled proceeding having moved to dis-
House, Chattanooga. Tennessee; and by District Board 7 with the Bituminous petition of District Board 7 herein re- miss this proceeding, and there having
PrriTTON OF District Board No. 13 for
It appearing to the Director that it is Coal Division, pursuant to the provisions questing that the Order of the Director been no opposition thereto:
DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. THE Establishment of Preliminary and
Now, therefore, it is ordered. That the
advisable to postpone said hearings; of section 4 H(d) of the Bituminous Coal denying relief in this matter be vacated
Bituminous Coal Division. Now. therefore, ordered, That the
it is Act of 1937. requesting the amendment of la hereby denied. original petition in the above-entitled
MniiMUM Prices for the Coals or
Docket No. 1790-FD, 1795-FD) hearings in the above-entitled matters the Marketing Rules and Regulations so Dated: September 10, 1941. matter be. and it hereby is. dismissed
I Mine Index No. 826 of the Market
be and the same are hereby postponed to Street Coal Company and Mine Index as to provide that a discount shall be al- [SEAL] H. A. Gray. without prejudice.
Ilf THX MATTIXS or SOXTTH PrmBTTBG a date and at a hearing room to be here- Dated: September 11, 1941.
No. 729 op the Patton Coal Mining lowed on coal sold to registered distribu- Director.
Coal Company, Tinnessei Rtvzr Coal after designated by an appropriate order
Company for Rail Shipmxnt Into tors doing business in Canada for resale [seal] H. a. Gray.
Company, Defendants of the Director. (F. R. Doc. 41-6846: Piled, 8epteml)er 12. 1941; Director.
Market Area 112 in the Dominion of Canada only if the 10:36 a. m.|
order postponing hxakino Dated: September 11, 1941. coal is resold at a price not less than the
order denying permanent reuef (F. R. Doc. 41-6848: Piled. September 12, 1941;
above-entitled matters having
The [seal] H. a. Gray. minimum price at which such coal might 10:36 a. m.l
been previously scheduled for hearings
Director. A pursuant to section 4 U (d)
petition, be sold directly to Canadian consumers
by the code member or his agent or dis- (Docket No. A-6981
at 10 a. m. on September 30. 1941. at a of the Bituminous Ccal Act of 1937, hav-
(F. R. Doc. 41-6843; FUed. September 12, 1941;
ing been filed with the Bituminous Coal tributor doing business in the United No A-10181
hearing room of the Bituminous Coal 10:34 a. m.l Petition of George Vande Ven, a Code (Docket
Division in the Chancery Court Room, Division by District Board 13, requesting States.
Member in District No. 22, for Modi-
On August the Director issued
16. 1941.
Petition of District Board No. 12 for
County Court House. Chattanooga, Ten- the establishment of price classifications fication OF the Effective Minimum THE Establishment of Price Classifi-
and minimum prices for the coals of his Findings of Fact in this matter and, Price for Certain Coals Produced at
nessee; and cations AND Minimum Prices for the
(Docket No. A-344] the Market Street Coal Company Mine on the basis of the conclusions drawn Mine Index No. 256 in That District
appearing to the Director that it
It is
Coals of Certain Mines in District
(Mine Index No. 826) of the Market therefrom, denied the requested relief.
advisable to postpone said hearings; Petition of Pred H. Wills, a Producer ORDER DISMISSING PETITION No. 12
Now, therefore, ordered. That the
it is Street Coal Company and the Jonita The petitioner has requested in a peti-
IN District 10, for the Revisions tion filed on August 30. 1941. that the (Docket No. A-1018 Part 11]
hearings in the above-entitled matters Mine (Mine Index No. 729) of the Patton Anoriginal petition, pursuant to sec-
OF Minimttm Prices Established for
be and the same are hereby postponed Coal Mining Company for rail shipment Order of the Director entered in this tion 4 n
(d) of the Bituminous Coal Act Petition of District Board No. 12 for
His Mine proceeding on August 16, 1941 denying re-
to a date and at a hearing room to be to Market Area 112; of 1937, was filed with this Division in the the Establishment of Price Classifi-
ORDER denying RELIEF Temporary relief pending lief be reconsidered. Petitioner con- above-entitled matter by George Vande cations AND Minimum Prices for the
hereafter designated by an appropriate final dispo-
tends that the Director has taken the Coals of Mine Index Nos. 742, 764. 753,
order of the Director. sition of the original petition having Ven, a code member in District 22.
Anoriginal petition having been filed,
been granted by Order of the Director position in this matter that no strain on
A formal hearing in the matter was 754 AND 755 IN District No. 12, for
Dated: September 11, 1941.
pursuant to section 4 n
(d) of the Bitu-
dated June 16, 1941; the minimum price structure is evident
originally set for June 2. 1941. in Wash- Truck Shipments
[seal] H. a. Orat, minous Coal Act of 1937. with the Bitu- when the demand for coal is so great ington. D. C. At the request of District
minous Coal Division by Fred H. Wills. The preparation and filing of a re- memorani>um opinion and order severing
that it cannot be satisfied; and that if
port by the Examiner having been Board No. 22. an intervener therein, and docket no. a-1018 part ii from docket
|F. R. Doc. 41-6841: FUed, September 12, 1941; a code member in District 10. seeking a such a position were carried to its logical
a. m.| waived and the matter thereupon hav- with the consent of the original peti- no. a-1018, granting temporary relief
10:34 reduction in the effective minimum conctu^sion, all petitions for changes in
ing been submitted to the undersigned; tioner, the hearing was continued to July in docket no. a-1018 part n, and notice
prices of 20 cents per ton in Size Groups the minimum price structure should be thereafter continued to
The Director having made Findings of 7, 1941. and of and order for hearing in docket no.
1-7 and 9-15 and 10 cents per ton in denied when the coal involved is being
(Docket No. 1791-FD. 1792-FDl Fact and Conclusions of Law and having August a hearing room of the
18. 1941, at A-1081 PART n
Size Group 8, applicable to his truck sold at levels above the effective mini- Billings, Montana.
In THE Matters OF A. C. (Clyde) Rounsa- rendered an Opinion In this matter, Division at
mine in Section 9, District 10; mum prices.
The original petitioner failed to appear •nie original petition in the above-en-
viLL, Walter H. Eldrioge, Defend- which are filed herewith;
Intervening petitions having been filed Such a contention fails to appreciate evidence in support of his peti- titled matter filed with this Division on
ants Now. therefore, it is ordered, That the or offer
by District Board 10 requesting that no the various factors considered by the Di-
tion when the hearing convened at Bill- August 19, 1941. pursuant to section 4 II
order postponing hearing prayers contained in the original peti- rector. The Director found, on the basis (d) of the Bituminous Coal Act of 1937.
action be taken prejudicial to the code ings. Montana. Thereupon. District
and by Franklin tion requesting the establishment of price prays for the establishment of temporary
The above-entitled matters having
members in EHstrict 10, of therecord in this matter, that the only Board No. 22 moved that the original
et al„ in op- classifications and minimum prices for and permanent price classifications and
been previously scheduled for hearings
County Coal Corporation, advantage of the Canadian distributor in petition be dismissed, with prejudice. In
position to the relief requested; the coals produced at the Market Street the sale of coal to Canadian consumers minimum prices for the coals of certain
at 10 a. m. (xi October 1. 1941, at a hear- Mine (Mine Index No. 826) of the Mar- that motion there concurred Messrs. G.
hearing having been held l)efore a was due to the existence of a War Rev- S. Sargent and Spencer Perkins, code
mines in District No. 12.
ing room of the Bituminous Coal Division ket Street Coal Company and the Jonita
duly designated Examiner of the Divi- enue Tax imposed by the Dominion of members in District No. 22, who appeared As indicated in a separate Order issued
In the Chancery Court Room. County Mine (Mine Index No. 729) of the Pat-
sion at a hearing room of the Division Canada. Such revenue tax is a special in Docket No. A-1018. a reasonable show-
Court House, Chattanooga. Tennessee; ton Coal Mining Company for rail ship- at the hearing as interested persons, op-
In Springfield, Illinois, on December 20- measure, invoked under war-time condi- posing the granting of the relief re- ing of necessity has been made for the
and ment to Market Area 112 be, and they granting of the relief prayed for by peti-
21, 1940, at which all interested parties tions as an exception to the so-called quested in the original petition. T^e
appearing to the Director that
It It i«
hereby are. denied. tioner except with respect to the estab-
were afforded an opportunity to be pres- Reciprocal Tariff Agreement of 1939. Its hearing was thereupon concluded, and
advisable to postpone said hearings; It is further ordered, That commenc- lishment of permanent price classifica-
ent, adduce evicjence. cross-examine adverse effect on the ability of the United the motion was referred by the trial ex-
Now. ordered. That the
therefore, it is
tions and minimum prices for truck ship-
ing fifteen days from the date of this States producers selling direct to Ca-
hearings in the above-entitled matters be witnesses, and otherwise be heard; and aminer to the Director for determination.
the parties to this proceeding having
Order the temporary relief granted nadian consumers to maintain their ments for the coals of the Delpierre-
and the same are hereby postponed to Good cause therefor having been Davls Mine (Mine Index No. 742). the
herein by Order of the Director dated existing fair competitive opportunities as
a date and at a hearing room to be here- waived the preparation and filing of an shown, and no objection thereto ap-
June 16, 1941 be, and it hereby is. can- nearly as possible is obviated by an ab- Blue Goose Mine (Mine Index No. 764)
after designated by an appropriate order Examiner's report; pearing.
celled and revoked. normal demand encouraged by the very the Curtis Coal Co. Mine (Mine Index
of the Director. The Director having made Findings of It is hereby ordered. That the original
Dated: September 10, 1941. same war-time factors that led to its No. 753) the Howell Coal Co. Mine (Mine

Dated: September 11, 1941. Fact and Conclusions of Law, and having petition filed in the above-entitled mat-
[SEAL] H. A. Gray. passage. Under normal conditions Index No. 754), and the Peewee No. 2
H. A. Orat. rendered an Opinion, which are filed ter be, and it hereby is. dismissed with-
[SBAZ.] Director. American producers and distributors are Mine (Mine Index No. 755)
herewith; out prejudice.
not under any disadvantage in the sale While it appears that temporary relief
Now.therefore, it is ordered. That the Dated: September 11, 1941.
IF. R. Doc. 41-6640: FUed, September U. l»41t [r. R. Doo. 41-6843; FUed. Septunbar 12, 1941;
of coal to Canadian consumers. Pre- for the coals of the above-enumerated
10:34 a. m.] relief requested by the petition of Fred 10:83 a. m.J [seal] H. a. Gray, mines should be granted, the Director is
sumably upon the return of normal con- Director.
ditions,the War Tax will be withdrawn of the opinion that the original petition
and competitive equality will once again FUed, SepUmber 12. 1941;
does not set forth facts suflBcient to war-
IF. R. Doc. 41-<{847;
be restored. In the meanwhile there ap- 10:36 a. m.] rant the establishment of the price clas-


4718 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 13, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 13, 1941 4719

slflcatlons and minimum

prices re- The matter concerned herewith is in dex No. 753) the Howell Coal Co. Mine

quested therein for such coals without a regard to the petition of District Board (Mine Index No. 754). and the Pewee
hearing. j No. 12 for the establishment of price No. 2 Mine (Mine Index No. 755)
Now, therefore, it is ordered. That the classifications and minimum prices for It is further ordered. That, commenc-

portion of Docket No. A-1018 relating truck shipments for the coals of the Del- ing forthwith, temporary relief, pending
plerre-Davis Mine (Mine Index No. 742), final disposition of the matter designated
to the establishment of price classifica-
tions and minimum prices for truck ship- the Blue Goose Mine (Mine Index No. Docket No. A-1018 Part H, be and it
ments for the coals of Mine Index Nos. 764) the Curtis Coal Co. Mine (Mine In-
, hereby Is granted as follows:
742, 764. 753, 754 and 755 be. and the '
same hereby is, severed from the re-
mainder of Docket No. A-1018 and des- (Prices in cents per net ton for shipment into til market areM]
ignated as Docket No. A-1018 Part n.
It is further ordered. That a hearing
In Docket No. A-1018 Part n. under the Code member
applicable provisions of said Act. and
the rules and regulations of the Division,
be held on September 29, 1941, at 10
o'clock in the forenoon of that day. at
a hearing room of the Bituminous Coal
Division. 734 Fifteenth Street NW..
Washington. D. C. On such day the
Chief of the Records Section in Room
502 will advise as to the room in which
such hearing will be held.
further ordered. TTiat Charles O.
It is
Powler or any other oflBcer or ofHcers of
the Division duly designated for that
purpose, shall preside at the hearing in
such matter. The officers so designated
to preside at such hearing are hereby
authorized to conduct said hearing, to
administer oaths and affirmations, ex-
amine witnesses, subpoena witnesses,
compel their attendance, take evidence,
require the production of any books,
papers, correspondence, memoranda, or
other records deemed relevant or mate-
rial to the inquiry, to continue said hear-
ing from time to time, and to prepare
and submit to the Director proposed
findings of fact and conclusions and the
recommendation of an appropriate order
In the premises and to perform all other
duties in connection therewith author-
ized by law.
Notice of such hearing is hereby given
to all parties herein and to persons or
entities having an Interest in these pro-
ceedings and eligiUe to become a party
herein. Any person desiring to be ad-
mitted as a party to this proceeding may
file a petition of intervention in accord-
ance with the rules and regulations of
the Bituminous Coal Division for pro-
ceedings instituted pursuant to section 4
n (d) of the Act, setting forth the facts
on the basis of which the relief in the
original petition is supported or opposed
or on the basis of which other relief is
sought. Such petition of intervention
shall be filed with the Bituminous Coal
Division on or before September 24, 1941.
All persons are hereby notified that
the hearing in the above-entitled matter
and any orders entered therein may con-
cern, In addition to the matters specifi-
cally alleged in the petition, other mat-
ters necessarily incidental and relat«d
thereto, which may be raised by amend-
ment to the petition, petitions of inter-
veners or otherwise, or which may be
necessary corollaries to the relief. 11 any.
granted on the basis of this petition.
FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 13, 1941 4721
4720 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, September 13, 1941
which proposes to retire.
it Such assets forenoon of that day at the Securities That the hearing of such
It is ordered.
pursuant to aectlons 12 (b) 12 (c) and the respondents Is not unreasonable and consist primarily of: and Exchange Commission Building, 1778 matter under the applicable provisions
It is further ordered. That the Sec- ,

retary of this Commission shall serve 12 of said Act and Rules U-40, U-43,
(f) may appropriately be granted; Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, of the Act and the rules of the Commis-
It i$ ordered. That the date of filing
33.000 shares of the common stock of
notice of the entry of this order by mail- U-45 and U-4<J thereunder, to become D. C. On such day the hearing room sion thereunder be held on September
answers by Cities Service Company and •nieMarlon -Reserve Power Company,
ing a copy of this order by registered mall effective and to grant said applications, clerk In Room 1102 will advise interested 24, 1941, at 10:00 A. M., at the offices
Empire Gas and Fuel Company as post- Cumulative Preferred
6,621 shares of $6
as amended, pursuant to section 10 of parties where such hearing will be held; of the Securities and Exchange Commis-
to the Respondents, and that notice shall Stock of Eastern Minnesota Power Com-
said Act, and finding with respect to said poned by the Commission order of It is further ordered. That Charles S. sion, 1778 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Wash-
be given to all other persons by publi- pany.
cation of this order in the Federal applications under section 10 of said Act August 22. 1941 be and the same Is Lobingier, Esquire, or any other officer ington, D. C. On said day the hearing-
hereby further postponed until October 35.000 shares of the common stock of
room clerk in Room 1102 will advise as to
RBGism. that no adverse findings are necessary or officers of the Commission designated
20. 1941. and that the bearing date post-
astern Minnesota Power Company, the room where such hearing will be held.
By the Commission. under sections 10 (b) and 10 (c) (1) of shares of the common stock
by it for that purpose shall preside at
said Act, and finding with respect to poned by the said order of August 22. the hearing on such matter. The officer It is further ordered. That Richard
[ scALl Francis P. Brassor, of New England Public Service Company.
said declarations that the requirements 1941 be and the same is hereby further so designated to preside at such hearing Townsend, or any other officer or officers
of sections 12 (b), 12 (c) and 12 (f) of postponed to October 30. 1941 at 10 As part of the foregoing transaction is hereby authorized to exercise all the of the Commission designated by it for
IF. R. Doc. 41-«8M: PUed. September 13, 1941;
o'clock In the forenoon at the same time Manufacturers Trust Company will sur- that purpose shall preside at the hearing
11:25 a. m.) said Act and Rules U-42, U-43. U-45 and powers granted to the Commission under
U-46 respectively are satisfied; and before the same officer of the Com- lender to Utility Service Company for sections 41 and 42 (b) of the Investment in such matter. The officer so designated
It is hereby ordered. Subject to the mission specified in the Commission's cancellation the demand notes of the Company Act of 1940 and to trial exam- to preside at such hearing Is hereby au-
terms and conditions prescribed In Rule order of July 3, 1941. latter companyin the principal amount iners under the Commission's Rules of thorized to exercise all powers granted to
(PUe No. 70-832]
U-24, that the aforesaid declarations, as By the Commission. of $1,248,000 which notes Utility Service Practixje. the Commission under section 18 (c)—of
In THi Matter or The CoMMOifwiAiTH & amended, be and hereby are permitted [SBALl Francis P. Kiassor, Company proposes to acquire and retire. Notice of such hearing Is hereby given said Act and to a trial examiner under
Southern Corporation (Delaware), to become effective forthwith, and that Secretary. By the Commission. to the applicant and to any other persons the Commission's rules of practice.
Alabama Power Company, and The the aforesaid applications, as amended, [SEAL] Francis P. Brassor. whose participation in such proceeding It is further ordered. That without lim-
IP. R. Doc. 41-6866: Piled. September 12. IMl;
General Corporation be and hereby are granted forthwith. 11:25 a. m.| Secretary. may be in the public interest or for the iting the scope of issues presented by said
By the Commission. protection of Investors, declaration particular attention will be
ORDER permitting DECLARATIONS TO BECOME (P. R. Doc. 41-6857; Filed. September 12, 1941;
By the Commission. directed at said hearing to the following
IPTECTIVE AND GRANTING APPLICATIONS AS [seal] Francis P. Brassor, 11:26 a. m.]
matters and questions:
TO CERTAIN MATTERS (Pile No 70-89«l [SEAL] Orval L. Dubois.
UnuTY Service Recording Secretary. 1. Whether the term of two years pro-
At a regular session of the Securities [P. R. Doc. 41-6855; Piled. September 12, 1941; In the Matter or
(Pile No. 812-201] posed for said Certificates is appropriate
and Exchange Commission, held at its 11:25 a. m.) Company (P. R. Doc. 41-6858; Filed. September 12, 1941;
and specifically whether such term is
office In the City of Washington. D. C, In the Matter op Tobacco and Allied 11:26 a. m]
notice regarding riLING unduly long;
on the 10th day of September, A. D. 1941. Stocks, Inc.
2. Whether the proposed Certificates
The above-named persons havlnj? filed (Pile No. 4-96) At a regular session of the Securities
and Exchange Commission, held at Its notice or AND order for hearing should be issued with serial maturities
declarations and applications pursuant In the Matter or Empire Gas and Fuel (File No. 70-400)
office in the City of Washington. D C.
and what provisions, if any, should be
to the Public Utility Holdinc Company Company and Cities Service Company At a regular session of the Securities
on the 11th day of September. A. D. 1941. In the Matter of Denis J. Driscoll and made for that purpose;
Act of 1935. particuJarlv sections 10, and Exchange Commission, held at its
order postponing date por or nuNG WiLLARD L. Thorp, as Trustees of 3. What funds will be available for the
12 (b). 12 (c) and 12 (f) thereof, and Notice Is hereby given that a declara- office in the City of Washington, D. C.
respondents answers and date or HEAR- tion or application (or both), has been Associated Gas and Electric Corpo- repayment of said Certificates and from
Rules U-42. U-43. U-45 and U-46 there- on the 11th day of September. A. D. 1941.
ING filed with this Commission pursuant to ration, Declarants what sources will such funds be derived;
under regarding the following proposals: An application having been duly filed 4. Whether the securities proposed to
(a) the liquidation of The General Cor- At a regular session of the Securities the Public Utility Holding Company Act by the above named applicant under and notice of and order for hearing
of 1935 by the above named party; and
be issued are reasonably adapted to the
poration and the acquisition of its assets and Exchange Commission, held at its pursuant to the provisions of section 17
Notice is further given that any in- At a regular session of the Securities security structure of the declarants and
by The Commonwealth k Southern Cor- office in the City of Washington. D. C, (b) of the Investment Company Act of
terested person may. not later than Sep-
and Exchange Commission held at its of their holding-company system;
poration (Delaware), (b) the cancella- on the 11th day of September, A. D. 1941. 1940 for an order exempting from the
office in the City of Washington, D. C, 5. Whether the securities proposed to
tion by The Commonwealth b Southern The Commission having on July 3, 1941 tember 26, 1941. at 4:45 P. M.. E. S. T., provisions of section 17 (a) of said Act
request the Commission in writing that on the nth day of September, A. D. be issued are reasonably adapted to the
Corporation (Delaware) of certain notes issued a Notice of and Order for Hearing the proposed purchases by the applicant
a hearing be held on such matter, stat- 1941. earning power of the declarants;
of the Southeastern Fuel Company, and In the above entitled proceedings direct- of not more than 19,472 shares of com-
The above-named parties having filed
ing the reasons for such request and 6. Whether financing by the issue and
(c) the transfer by The Commonwealth ing that the respondents named therein mon stock and 1,990 shares of prefer-
the nature of his interest, or may re- a declaration with the Commission pur- sale of the particular securities proposed
li Southern Corporation (Delaware) of file with the Secretary of the Commis- ence stock of Benson and Hedges, an
quest that he be notified if the Commis-
suant to the Public Utility Holding Com- to be Issued Is necessary or appropriate
the remaining securities of the South- sion on or before August 2. 1941 their affiliated person of the applicant, from pany Act of 1935, and particularly section
sion should order a hearing thereon. to the economical and efficient operation
eastern Fuel Company to Alabama Power Joint or several answers in the premises certain affiliated persons of Benson and 7 thereof, regarding the proposed issue
At any time thereafter such declaration of the estate by the declarants;
Company as an additional investment in and that a hesu'ing be held on August 19. Hedges and the sales by said persons to and sale of $5,000,000 principal amount
the common stock of Alabama Power 1941 at 10 A. M. in the offices of the Com- or application, as filed or as amended, the applicant of such stock; and for a
7. Whether the terms and conditions
of Trustees' Certificates of Indebtedness,
Company without the issuan(j,e of addi- mission with reference to the allegations may become effective or may be granted, further order exempting from the pro- of the issue and sale of the securities
as provided in Rule U-23 of the Rules to mature two years after the date of
tional shares, the Southeastern Fuel of the said Notice of and Order for Hear- visions of section 17 (a) of said Act the
proposed to be issued are detrimental
issuance; and
Company thereupon to be dissolved and ing; and
and Regulations promulgated pursuant purchases by the appUcant of 4,076 to the public interest or the Interest of
Said declaration having been filed on
assets acquired by the Alabama to said Act. or the Commission may investors or consumers; and
Its The said time for filing answers and for shares of preference stock of Benson and September 9. 1941. and notice of said
Power Company in the course of liquida- the hearing as above having been post- exempt such transaction as provided In Hedges from certain affiliated persons of 8. Whether the public Interest and the
filing having been duly given in the form
Rules U-20 (a) and U-100 thereof. Any Interests of investors and consumers re-
tion; poned by the Commission at the request Benson and Hedges and the sales by and manner prescribed by Rule U-23
Said declarations and applications of the respondents, by an order dated
such request should be addressed: quire the imposition of terms and con-
Securities and Exchange
said persons to applicant of such stock promulgated pursuant to said Act; and
on June and amend- Secretary. ditions in connection with the proposed
having filed 12. 1941 July 31, 1941, so as to fix the date for upon the same terms as the proposed It appearing to the Commission that it
Commission, Washington, D. C.
ments having been filed thereafter, the filing answers as August 25. 1941 and the transactions if such additional pur- is appropriate and In the public interest
amendments having been All interested persons are referred to
last of said date for the hearing as September 16, chases and sales are desired to be made; and In the interest of investors and con- By the Commission.
on August 28, 1941, and a hearing said declaration or application, which
filed 1941 and having been further postponed
It is ordered. That a hearing on the sumers that a hearing be held with re-
is on file in the office of said Commission, [seal] Francis P. Brassor.
having been ordered by the Commission by the Commission at the request of the aforesaid application under the applica- spect to said declaration, and that said
for a statement of the transactions Secretary.
in respect of said applications and respondents by an wder dated August ble provisions of the said Act and the declaration shall not become effective
declarations, and appropriate notice hav- therein proposed, which are summarized
22, 1941 so as to fix the date for filing Rules of the Commission be held on Sep- except pursuant to further order of the (F. R. Doc. 41-6859; PUed, September 12, 1941;
ing been duly given to all interested par- answers as September 15. 1941 and the tember 23, 1941 at 10:00 o'clock in the Commission; 11:26 a. m.l
ties and all such persons having been date for the hearing as September 25. Company, a registered
Utility Service
given an opportunity to be heard, and the 1941; and holding company and a wholly owned
hearing having been completed in respect Cities Service Company and Empire subsidiary of Manufacturers Trust Com-
of the particular matters now before the Gas and Fuel Company having requested pany, an exempt holding company, pro-
Commission; and the Commission hav- that the date for filing answers and for poses todissolve and colncidentally
ing considered the record of the proceed- the hearing as above postponed be fur- therewith to transfer to Manufacturers
ings and having entered its Findings and ther postponed for the reason that the Trust Company all of Its assets remain-
Opinion herein; and Issues Involved require further time for ing after the payment or provision for
The Commission deeming It appro- preparation for the filing of such answers payment of all of its liabilities (except
priate in the public Interest and for the and for such hearing: and its demand notes owned by Manufac-
interest of investors and consumers to It appearing to the Commission that turers Trust Company) in consideration
permit the said declarations, as amended. the request made to the Commission by of all of Its outstanding capital stock
— : :

^ SEP l7 1941

VOLUME 6 \, '934 ^^ NUMBER 180

Washington, Tuesday, September 16, 1941

the present emergency, and such addi-

The President
tional units, vessels and personnel of the THE PRESIDENT
Coast Guard as may be hereafter desig- ^*^*
Executive Order:
nated for Navy operation upon agreement
EXECUTIVE ORDER Coast Guard, certain units, ves-
of the Chief of Naval Operations and the
sels, and personnel directed
DiREcnwc Certain Units, Vessels and Commandant of the Coast Guard, with
Personnel of the Coast Guard to Op- to operate as a part of the
the approval of the Secretary of the
Navy, etc '
erate AS A Part or the Navy, Subject Treasury, shall, diu-ing the period of the
TO THE Orders of the Secretary of the present unlimited emergency, operate as RULES, REGULATIONS,
"1 Navy a part of the Navy, subject to the orders ORDERS
of the Secretary of the Navy: Provided,
WHEREAS section 1 of the act of Jan- •niat upon agreement by the Chief of
Title 7 Agriculture:
uary 28. 1915, 38 Stat. 800 (U. S. C. title Agricultural Adjustment Ad-
sections 5 and Naval Operations and the Commandant
14 sec. 1), as amended by ministration:
of the Coast Guard, with the approval
6 (a) of the act of July 11. 1941 (Public
of the Secretary of the Navy, any unit,
Tobacco, 1941 agricultural
Law 166. 77th Congress), provides:
vessel or personnel operating as a part
conservation program
That there shall be established In lieu of bulletin, amendments _._i 4724
of the Navy during the present unlimited
the existing Revenue-Cutter Senrice and the Title 20 Employees' Benefits:
emergency, may be returned to the De-
Llfe-Savlng Service, to be composed of tboee United States Employees' Com-
two existing organizations, with the exist- partment of the Treasury and resume its
pensation Commission:
ing otDces and positions and the Incumbent or their former status as a part of the
officers and men of those two services, the
Longshoremen's and Harbor
Coast Guard.
Coast Guard, which shall be a military serv- Workers' Compensation
and constitute a branch of the land and
When any unit or vessel of the Coast
ice Act. provisions extended,
naval forces of the United States at all times Guard is transferred for operation by 4725
and which shall operate under the Treasury the Navy as a part thereof, during the
Department In time of peace and operate as Title 26 Internal Revenue:
present unlimited emergency, there shall
a part of the Navy, subject to the orders of Bureau of Internal Revenue:
the Secretary of the Navy, In time of war or
devolve upon the Navy for the period
Oleomargarine, adulterated
when the President shall so direct. When- of such operation all Coast Guard func-
butter, etc., packages,
ever the Coast Guard or any units thereof tions, duties, and responsibilities with
are transferred to the Navy Department, ap- amendment 4728
which such imit or vessel is charged by
plicable appropriations of the Navy Depart- United NBtates Processing Tax
ment shall be available for the expenses law, regulation, and legal orders, unless
thereof: i>rotnded. That the applicable appro- different arrangements are made upon
Board of Review:
priations of the Coast Guard shall be avail- agreement by the Chief of Naval Opera- Rules of Practice, depositions
able for transfer to the Navy Department for upon written interroga-
iioTiS and the Commandant of the Coast
such expenses in such amount or amounts tories, amendment 4728
as the Director of the Bureau of the Budget Guard, with the approval of the Secre-
shall determine: Provided further. That no tary of the Treasury. Title 30 Mineral Resources:
provision of thte Act shall be construed as Bituminous Coal Division
All Coast Guard personnel operating
giving any officer of either the Coast Guard Minimum price schedules,
or the Navy, military or other control at any as a part of the Navy, subject to the or-
time over any vessel, officer, or man of the ders of the Secretary of the Navy, during 4729
District No. 8
^ other aerrlce except by direction of the
the present unlimited emergency, shall,
District No. 23 4729
while so serving, be subject to the laws
Title 31—Money and Finance:
WHEREAS it is for the
essential, enacted for the government of the Navy:
Treasury :

strengthening of our national defense, Provided. That in the initiation, prosecu-

Monetary OfBces:
that certain units, vessels and personnel ti(»i, and completion of disciplinary ac-
Foreign exchange transac-
of the Coast Guard operate as a part of tion, including remission or mitigation Circu-
tions, etc.. Public
the Navy, subject to the orders of the of punishments for any offense com-
lar No. 6
—- 4730
Secretary of the Navy, as national defense mitted by any oflBcer or enlisted man of
Title 32 National Defense:
needs may require from time to time dur- the Coast Guard, the Jurisdiction shall
Export Control
ing the present emergency: depend upon and be in accordance with
Export Control Schedule B__ 4730
NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of the the laws and regulations of the Depart-
Federal Works Administrator:
authority conferred upon me by the stat- ment having jurisdiction of the person Discrimination in defense
utory provisions above set forth, I hereby of such offender at the various stages of
housing, etc. (2 docu-
direct that all units, vessels and personnel such action: Provided further. That any ments) 4737
of the Coast Guard heretofore transferred punishment Imposed and executed in ac-
to, or under detail with, the Navy during cordance with the provisions of this par- (Continued on next page)
—— : : —

4724 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 16, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesdag, September 16, 1941 4725

CONTENTS—Continued TITLE 2fr-EMPL0YEES' BENEFITS ployment that casual and not in the
is plicaticm for review of a compensation
Rules, Regulations, Orders usual course of the trade, business, or case as required, respectively, imder
Department of Labor: CHAPTER I—UNITED STATES EM- profession of the employer; or (3) a §S 31.3, 31.4, 31.5. and 31.15 of the regula-
FEDERAL^REGISTER Wage and Hour Division:
Learner employment certifi-
master or member of a crew of any tions in subchapter C of this Chapter, to-
gether with all correspondence and sup-
cates. Issuance for vari- CHAPTER VII—AGRICULTURAL AD- —
Subchapter E Extension or the Long- *H 51.1 to 61.5. inclustve, issued under the
plementary reports relative thereto, in a
ous industries (2 docu- JUSTMENT ADMINISTRATION shoremen's AND Harbor Workers' Com- authority contained In sec. 39 of the Long- case arising at any such base or in any
ments) 4745,4746
(ACP-1941-In8Ular] pensation Act to Persons Employed at
shoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensa- such area, may be filed at the sub-office
Federal Power Commission: tion Act, 44 Stat. 1443; 83 VS.C. 939, as made of the deputy commissioner for such
Published dally, except Sundays. Monday*, Military, Air and Naval Bases Out-
Part 702 Agricultural Conservation applicable to military, air and naval bases out-
and days following legal holidays by the Hearings canceled, etc.: place. Reports in cases arising at other
Division of the Federal Register, The National side Co n t ine ntal United States side the United States by the Act of August
Public Service Co. of Indiana. 4747 Program Bulletin. Insular Region '

1941, Public Law 208. T7th Congress. places may be filed with the deputy com-
Archives, pursuant to the authority con-
tained In the Federal Register Act. approved United Gas Pipe line Co 4748 SUBPART -1941 part si —GENERAL ADMUOSTRATIVE 16,
Statutes Interpreted or applied and statutes missioner at his headquarters.
Office of Production Management provisions giving special authority are listed in paren-
July 36. 1935 (49 Stat. 600), under regiila- (c) The files in individual cases arising
tlons prescribed by the Administrative Com- Pursuant to the authority vested in the Sec.
thesis at the end of the specific sections.
Division of Priorities: within the area served by any such sub-
mittee, approved by the President. Secretary of Agriculture under sections 7 51.1 General administrative provisions.
Textile machinery and equip- i 51.2Establishment of compensation office of the deputy commissioner shall
The Administrative Committee consists ol to 17 of the Soil Conservation and Do- 61 2 BBtablishment of compenaatlon districts.
the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an officer ment, notice to manufac- il2 Eetabllshment at aub-oAoee. filing ol districts. Pursuant to the provisions of remain at the sub-office until the case
mestic Allotment Act. as Amended, reports, notices, dalma. and other
of the Department of Justice designated by turers of parts, etc 4748 section 39 (b) of the Longshoremen's is closed or final action is taken, after
the Attorney General, and the Public Printer § 702.203 of the 1941 Agricultural Con- papers.
Securities and Exchange Commis- and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act which they shall be sent to the headquar-
or Acting Public Printer. sion:
servation Program Bulletin Insular Re- — 61.4 Prehearing conlerences.
payments in cases of (44 Stat. 1442; 33 VSC. 939 (b) ) and ters of the deputy commissioner. All
The dally Issue of the Fedkkal fUoisra gion, issued March 13, 1941. is hereby 61.5 Commutation of
will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free Declarations permitted to be- aliens and non-natlonals of the section 3 (a) of said Act of August 16, applications pertaining to benefits and
of postage, for %\2b per month or •12.60 per come effective: amended as follows: ^ Uniud States. 1941 (PubUc Law 208, 77th Congress), other moving papers shall be filed in
year: single copies 10 cents each; payable In American k Foreign Power Paragraph (a) is amended to read:
General administrative provi- the Commission hereby establishes the such sub-office, unless otherwise directed
advance. Remit money order payable to the 161.1
Co.. Inc., et al 4749 702.203 Tobacco— (A) State allot- following compensation districts and ex- by the deputy commissioner.* (Sec. 19
Superintendent of Documents directly to the S
si07is. Except as herein modified, the
Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. General Gas k Electric Corp. 4748 ment. The State allotment of tobacco tends the following existing compensa- (a), 44 Stat. 1435; 33 U.S.C. 919 (a))
regulations in subchapter C of this Chap-
Northern States Power Co. for Puerto Rico is 35.000 acres. tion districts established under the regu- Prehearing conferences, (a) In
ter, governing the administration of the § 51.4
(Mlrtn.) et al 4751 lations in § 31.2, subchapter C. of this order to expedite and simplify formal ad-
Paragraph (c) is amended to read: Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers'
Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of Chapter: ministrative proceedings, in all cases in
CONTENTS—Continued Compensation Act (44 Stat. 1424; 33
America, et al., hearing (c) Payment in connection with to- which there are Issues of fact or law,
bacco acreage allotment. Payment will UJSC. Chapter 18), shall so far as not (1) Caribbean IHstrict. This district
Tit LI National Defense
32 — postponed
Registrations revoked:
be made at the rate of 1.8 cents per pound inappbcable govern the administration comprises the West Indies and British whenever practical, no formal hearings
will be set imtil after prehearing confer-
Continued. of the Act entitled "An Act to provide Guiana, with headquarters at San Juan,
Overman. James A.. Co 4749 (farm weight) of the normal yield of the ences. Such conferences may be held by
Office of Price Administration: Pa«« compensation for disability or death re- Puerto Rico.
Saunders, MacKnight k Co., farm for each acre in the tobacco acre- the deputy commissioner, a claims ex-
Hides, kips, and calfskins, sulting from injury to persons employed (2) Pacific District. This district
Inc 4749 age allotment. aminer or other person designated for
price schedule amended. _ 4736 at military, air. and naval bases acquired comprises all land areas in the Pacific
St. Louis County Water Co., Paragraph (d) is amended to read: by the United States from foreign coun- Ocean south of the 45th degree north
such purpKxse by the deputy commissioner.
OfDce of Production Manage-
(b) The purposes of such prehearing
filing notice 4751
(d) Deduction for excess tobacco acre- tries, and on lands occupied or used by latitude, with headquarters at Honolulu,
Spielberger. Walter P.. applica- the Ufiited States for military or naval
conferences are (1) amicably to dispose
Priorities orders, interpreta- age. The payment computed for any T. H.
purposes outside the continental limits of controversies wherever possible; <2)
tions, amendments, tion for registration de- farm under SS 702.201 and 702.203 shall (3) District No. 1. Tliis district as es-
to narrow issues; and (3) to simplify the
etc.: nied 4750 be subject to a deduction of 18 cents per of the United States, inchiding Alaska. tablished under the Longshoremen's and
Guantanamo. and the Phihppine Islands, subsequent methods of proof.
Motor trucks, truck trailers. War Department: pound (farm weight) of the normal yield Harbor Workers' Compensation Act is
etc, (3 documents) 4731- Contract summaries: of the farm for each acre planted to but excluding the Canal Zone, and for extended to include Newfoimdland and (c) Prehearing conferences may be set
4733 Atlas Powder Co.. _ 4738 tobacco in excess of the tobacco acreage other purposes", approved August 16, Greenland, with headquarters at Boston. upon ten days' notice to the parties In
Passenger automobiles 4735 Hercules Powder Co. (2 doc- allotment established for that farm. 1941 (Public Law 208, 77th Congress) and ,
Massachusetts. interest (or a longer period if the circum-
Rayon yarn 4734 uments) 4738,4740 every person subject to. claiming benefits This district as stances require or shorter period if agreed
By addition of paragraph (e) as fol- (4) District No. 2.
k Sons, Inc 4742 under, or acting under, the said Act shall upon by the parties) They shall be kept
4730 established under the Longshoremen's
Repairs Stifel. J. L.,
lows: characteristically informal, and shall not
Steel 4730 Triumph Explosives, Inc 4742 conform to the procedure prescribed in and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act
(e) Normal yield. The State office the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' be stenographically reported. It shall be
Zinc - 4730 is extended to include Bermuda, with
shall determine for each farm for which Compensation Act and In the regulations the duty of the deputy commissioner,
Tme 38Pensions, Bonuses, and
an acreage allotment is established under under subchapter C and this subchapter.
headquarters at New York. N. Y.
claim examiner or other person in charge
Veterans' Relief: (5) District No. 14. This district as
agraph shall not exceed that to which paragraph (b) of this section a normal The term "Commission" as used in this of the conference to guide the discussion
Veterans' Administration estaWished under the Longshoremen's
Military and naval retirement
the offender was liable at the time of the yield for tobacco in accordance with in-. subchapter means the United States Em- Workers' Compensation Act
toward the achievement of the purposes
commission of the offense. structions issued by the Agrlculutral Ad-
and Harbor of such conference, giving the parties the
pay, amendment 4737 ployees' Compensation Commission. include land areas in
Is extended to all
This order and Executive Order No. justment Administration. (b) The said Act of August 16. 1941, benefit of his specialized experience.
the Pacific Ocean north of the 45th de-
NOTICES 8767 of June 3, 1941. directing certain
the average of the normal yields applies In respect to the injury or death (d) At the termination of such confer-
gree north latitude, and Alaska, with
(1) If
personnel of the Coast Guard to operate established for all farms (weighted by of any employee engaged in any em- headquarters at Seattle, Washington.*
ences the person in charge thereof shall
Civil Aeronautics Board: as a part of the Navy subject to the ployment at any military, air, or naval prepare stipulations, for the signatures
the tobacco acreage allotments therein)
American Airlines, Inc., hear- orders of the Secretary of the Navy, shall base acquired after January 1, 1940, by § 51.3 Establishment
of sub-offices: of the parties, covering agreements as to
exceeds 670 pounds (farm weight) of
ing 4747 cease and be of no effect upon the termi- the United States from any foreign gov- filing of reports, notices, claims, and all or part of the facts, admissions, nar-
tobacco per acre, which is the adjusted
Department of the Interior: nation of the present unlimited emer- ernment or any lands occupied or used by other papers, (a) As administrative ex- rowing of issues, or simplification of
average yield per acre for the State dur-
Bituminous Coal Division: gency, whereupon all units, vessels and the United States for military or naval igencies from time to time require, the methods of proof. Such stipulations
ing the five crop years 1936-37 to 1940-41.
District Board 7. error in personnel of the Coast Guard then oper- purposes In any Territory or possession Commission may by administrative order when signed by the parties in interest
inclusive, the normal yields for these
transcript of hearing cor- ating as a part of the Navy shall auto- outside the continental United States, in- establish within compensation districts shall become part of the record of the
farms shall be reduced pro rata so that
rected 4744 matically return to the jurisdiction of the average of the normal yields shall cluding Alaska, Guantanamo. and the under said Act of August,16, 1941, a sub- case. Where stipulations relate to evi-
Hearings: the Department of the Treasury and re- Philippine Islands, but excluding the officeor sub-offices in each such district, dence to be used at a later formal hear-
not exceed this figure.
District Board 12 4744 sume their former status as a part of the Canal Zone, irrespective of the place to be in charge of a claims examiner or ing, such evidence may then be received
Ryan k Benson Fuel Corp__ 4743 Coast Guard. Done Washington. D. C. this 13th
where the injury or death occurs. other designated person, who shall be and approximately identified by mark-
day of September 1941. Witness my under the administrative supervision of ing such evidence, respectively, as claim-
Hearings postponed: Franklin D Roosevelt (c) The said Act of August 16, 1941.
Abney. K. D., et al-_ 4744 hand and the seal of the Department of the deputy commissioner for the par- ant's or respondents' exhibits, consecu-
The White House, does not apply in respect to Injury or
Almond. Richard, et al 4744 Agriculture.
death of (1) an employee subject to the ticular compensation district. tively numbered in each respect. At th©
September 11. 1941.
Bonds. A. E.. et al 4743 [seal] Grover B. Hill, provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to (b) Where a sub-office or sub-offices termination of a conference, the person
Pittsburg ti Shawmut Coal [No. 88951 Acting Secretary of Agriculutre. provide compensation for employees of have been established by the Commis- In charge thereof shall prepare for the
Co 4743 the United States suffering injuries while sion pursuant to this section to facilitate file in the case a memorandum setting
(F. R. Doc. 41-6870; Piled. September 12, 1941; (F. R. Doc 41-6873: Filed. September 13. 1941;
Sheelor. Ed., et al 4744 1:59 p. m.] 10.55 a. m.J in the performance of their duties, and administration at any designated base or forth the purpose for which the confer-
White Oak Coal rein-
Co., for other purposes", approved September in any designated area within a cwn- ence was held, the matters discussed and
statement of registration- 4744 *eFJl. 2743. *6FJi. 1448. 7, 1916 (39 Stat. 742; 5 UJB.C. 751-793), pensation district, report by the employer the results achieved. Should a confer-
as amended; (2) an employee engaged in of injury or death, notice of Injury or ence terminate without achievement of
death, claim for compensation, and ap- the purpose thereof, the person in charge,
agriculture, domestic service, or any em-
4726 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 16, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 16, 1941 4727

Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, being be added as will bring the amount of the 52.5 to he hound hy card
Agreement cerned, with the name of only one em- mission may
require or prescribe, each
after review of the record of the case, premium up to $300. Inclusion of the Ex-
Public Law No. 803 of the 69th Oongress. reports, (a) Except as provided in this ployer on each such report.* submit such of the fol-
self -insurer shall
shall by letter addressed to the parties in approved March 4. 1927, as extended by the pense Constant or any part thereof In the lowing reports as may be requested
Interest make his recommendation to dis- provisions of the Act of Congress providing Estimated Advance Premium 1b subject to
final adjustment upon audit, all In accord-
section, each employer shall present to
the deputy commissioner in the compen-
pose of the matter in controversy, setting compensation for disability or death result- (1) A sworn itemized statement of the
ing from injury to persons employed at mili- ance with the provisions hereof. The mini- sation district in which he has opera-
a date for reply thereto.* (Sec. 23 (b), mum Premium of the Policy Includes the 63.1 Authcvlzatlon of self-Insurers. self-insurer's assets and liabilities, or a
tary, air, and naval bases and at certain other
tions, the policy which he has procured Reports required of self-insurers: ex- balance sheet.
44 Stat. 1437: 33 U.S.C 923 (b)) places, being Public Law No. 208 of the 77th Expense Constant. 53.2
Congress, approved August 16. 1941, and all in compliance with section 32 of the amination of accounts of self-insurer. (2) A sworn statement showing by
§ 51.5 Commutation of payments in (c) In applying the regulations in Vart
laws amendatory thereof or supplementary Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Authorization of self -insurers.
63.1 classifications the pay roll of employees
cases of aliens and non-nationals of the thereto which may be or become effective 32, subchapter C of this Chapter as the fi

Compensation Act (44 Stat. 1439; 33 The provisions of the regulations in Part of the self-insurer who are engaged in
United States. Applications under sec- while this Policy Is In force. regulations issued under this subchapter,
tion 2 (b) of the said Act of August 16. The Company will carry out the provisions use. 932), as extended by the Act of 33. subchapter C of this Chapter, shall employments within the purview of the
all references to the Longshoremen's en-
of section 35 of said Act. Insolvency or bank- August 16. 1941, covering his operations govern the authorization of the self -In- said Act of August 16, 1941.
1941. for commutation of future install- ruptcy of the employer and /or discharge dorsement shall be construed as having in such district. Any carrier desiring to surance privilege under the said Act of (3) A sworn statement of payments of
ments of compensation payable to aliens therein shall not relieve the Company from reference to the workmen's compensa-
payment of compensation and other benefits do so may make such presentation of August 16, 1941. An application shall compensation in current cases during any
and non-nationals of the United States, tion endorsement prescribed herein.*
lawfully due for disability or death sustained such policy unnecessary In any partic- contain (a) a statement of the amoimt specified quarter, showing the nature of
not residents of the United States or Report by carrier of issuance of
by an employee during the life of the Policy. § 52.3 ular case by transmitting to the Com- of the employer's pay roll for the preced- injury in each case.
Canada, shall be made to the deputy The Company agrees to abide by all the policy or endorsement; form, (a) A car- mission an agreement signed by its Pres- ing 12 months; (b) a statement by classi- (4) A sworn statement covering the 6
commissioner, who shall in turn transmit provisions of this Act and all lawful rules,
rier which has executed the agreement
regulations, orders, and decisions of the ident and Secretary
(or other authorized average number of months' period preceding the date of such
such applications promptly to the Com- provided for in 52.5 shall report to the
fications of the
United States Employees' Compensation Com- § case of foreign or mutual com-
officers in employees engaged
in employments report, listing by compensation districts
mission. Such commutation shall be mission and of the deputy commissioner, hav- deputy commissioner assigned to a com- panies or State fimds), in the following within the purview of said law for the all death and injury cases which have oc-
made as of the date such application is ing Jurisdiction, unless and until set aside, pensation district, each policy and en- form, and making reports accordingly of
received at the headquarters of the modified, or reversed by a court having Juris- preceding 12 months; (c) a statement of curred during such period, together with
diction of the parties and the subject matter.
dorsement issued by it to an employer the issuance of a policy in such particular
deputy commissioner, or such later date the number of injuries to such employees a report of the status of all outstanding
This endorsement shall not be canceled who carries on operations in such com- case:
as the application may show to be proper. resulting ia disability of more than 7 days claims, showing the particulars of each
prior to the date specified In this Policy for pensation district. The report shall be
No such commutation shall be made ex- Its expiration until at least thirty days have The Insurance duration, or in death, during each of 3 case.
elapsed after a notice of cancelation has been
made upon a printed card to be provided Company hereby agrees. In consideration of
cept upon the basis of a compensation years next preceding the date of the ap-
sent to the Commission, to the Deputy Com- by such carrier. Such card shall be 50 the acceptance by the United States Em- (b) Whenever it deems it to be neces-
order fixing the right of the beneficiary plication; (d) an itemized statement of
missioner, and to this Employer. percent rag, light yellow, light weight, ployees' Compensation Commission and Its sary, the Commission may inspect or ex-
to compensation.* All terms, conditions, requirements, and deputy commissioners of reports of Issue of the assets and liabilities of the employer;
and 3 by 5 inches. The printing thereon amine the books of account, records, and
obligations expressed In this Policy or in any approved form of policy and endcM'sement (e) a description of the safety organiza-
PART 52 —AUTHORIZATION OF INSURANCE other endorsement attached thereto which
are not Inconsistent with or Inapplicable to
shall be as follows: under the Longshoremen's and Harbor Work-
ers' Compensation Act as extended to mili-
tion maintained by the employer for the
other papers of a self-insurer for the pur-
pose of verifjring any financial state-
CARRIERS Employer ........ prevention of injuries within his places
the provisions of this endorsement are hereby Address . tary, air, and naval bases by the Act of August ment submitted to the Commission by
Sec. made a part of this endorsement as fully 16. 1941 (Public Law 208. 77th Congress) In of work; (f) a description of the facilities
such self-insurer or verifying any infor-
62.1 Applicants currently authorized to and completely as If wholly written herem (Policy No.) (Dates of beginning and the form prescribed by the Commission In maintained or the arrangements made for
write Insurance under other Federal References to the law of any State In Con- expiration) section 62.3 of Its regulations, that It will mation furnished to the Commission in
the medical and hospital care of injured
workmen's compensation laws. ditions. B and D of this Policy are hereby be liable and hereby accepts the full liability any report required by this section, or
Workmen's compensation endorsement. declared to include for the purpose of this Report l8 made of this Issue of approved expressed in the approved form of endorse- employees; (g) a statement describing
62.2 any other section of the regulations in
62.3 Report by carrier of Issuance of policy endorsement only, the provisions of the form of policy and endorsement under Long- ment under said law in all cases In which It any excess insurance or stc^-loss insur-
Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Com- shoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensa- may hereafter use the this subchapter, and such self-Insurer
or endorsement; form. has heretofore and ance arrangement made by the employer,
tion Act. as extended to military, air and shall permit the Commission or Its duly
624 Report; by whom sent. pensation Act and the said Act of Congress prescribed form of report to deputy com-
approved August 16, 1941 (Public Law No. naval bases by the Act of August 16. 1941. giving the name of the carrier, with full
62.5 Agreement to be bound by card report. missioners and transmit the same to the authorized representative to make such
62.6 Report by employer operating tempo- 208. 77th Congress). This card to be sent to the Deputy Com- proper deputy commissioner; and it further details of any such excess coverage; and
missioner of the United States Employees' an inspection , or examination as the
rarily In another compensation agrees that such liability shall not be ter- (h) a statement describing any plan
(b) The following undesignated para- Compensation Commission In the compensa-
minated prior to the expiration of the policy, Commission shall require. In lieu of this
tion district Indicated by the Employer's adopted by the employer to set aside
82.7 Name ofone employer only shall be graphs may at the option of the insurer except In case of cancelation, and then at requirement the Commission may in its
reported on one card. be included in the form of endorsement
the time and In the manner which Is pre- a reserve fund for the payment of work- discretion accept an adequate report of
which is provided above^ No other pro- scribed In said law. In the regulations of said men's compensation benefits under said
§52.1 Afyplicants currently authorized Each such carrier will print its
(b) Commission, and In the endorsement referred
a certified public accountant.*
law. TTie Commission in its discretion
vision, alteration of any prescribed pro- name The note
to write insurance under other Federal
workmen's compensation laws. Any ap- vision, or alteration of any optional pro-
at the place indicated.
at the bottom designating the place to
may require the applicant to submit such PART 54 —ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES OF
vision shall be made or -used in any such
(b) An
insurance carrier desiring to further information or such evidence as COMPLIANCE
plicant currently authorized by the Com- which the card shall be sent should be in
withdraw from such agreement may do the Commission may deem necessary to
mission to write insurance under the endorsement except after submission to small type, about 6 point, and if desired Sec.
the Commission and Its specific approval
so upon giving 30 days notice to the have in order to enable it to give adequate Issue of certificates of compliance.
Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' this designation may be printed on the 54.1
Commission by registered mail.* consideration to such appUcation. Such 54.2 Same; employer operating temporarily
Compensation Act (44 Stat. 1424; 33 thereof. back of the card. The space t>elow the In another compensation district.
§ 52.6 Report hy employer operating application shall be signed by the ap-
U.S.C. Chapter 18) or under the District Employer Is a contractor the sub- word "employer" should be sufBclent to 64.3 Retiun of certificates of compliance.
If this
temporarily in another compensation dis- plicant over his typewritten name and
of Columbia workmen's compensation ject whose contract Includes operations
of allow two additional lines for typing be-
trict. Where an employer having opera- if the applicant is not an individual, by Issue of certificates of compli-
covered by this Policy and he shall sub- low the word "address". The word "em- §
law (45 Stat. 600; 19 D. C. Code, 11, 12) the principal officer of the applicant duly
contract all or any part of such contract to tions In one compensation district con- ance, (a) Every employer who has se-
need not support its application with one or more sub-contractors, the remunera- ployer" should be about ^4 of an inch
templates engaging In work subject to authorized to make such application, over cured the pajmient of compensation by
the evidence required by the regulations tion of all the direct employees of all such from the top margin. The line for can-
the said Act of August 16. 1941, in an- his typewritten name and official Resigna- obtaining a policy of insurance as pro-
in Part 32. subchapter C of this Chapter, sub-contractors shall be Included In the re- celation date will be filled in only by the
turn of remuneration under the provisions other compensation district, a carrier tion and shall be sworn to by him. If vided by section 32 of the Longshore-
except the form of policy and endorse- ofiSce of the deputy commissioner. •
of this Policy upon which premium Is com- which has executed the agreement pro- the applicant is a corporation, the corpo- men's and Harbor Workers' Compensa-
ment which it proposes to use, unless puted. Such remuneration so reported shall § 52.4 Report: by whom sent. The
vided for by § 52.5 may submit to the rate seal shall be affixed. The applica- tion Act (44 Stat. 1439; 33 U.S.C. 939)
specifically requested by the Commission, be considered the remuneration of employees report of issuance of a policy and en-
deputy commissioner of such latter dis- tion shall be filed"with the Commission. and by Part 52 of the regulations in this
of this Employer and shall In all Instances
but Instead its application may refer to dorsement provided for In § 52.3 shall be The regulations in this part shall be bind-
be governed by the same terms, conditions, trict a report on the card form prescribed subchapter will receive from the deputy
the fact that it has been so authorized.* requirements, and obligations of the Policy sent by the home office of the carrier ing upon each applicant hereunder and commissioner in the compensation dis-
by § 52.3, containing the address of the
as the remuneration of the direct employees to the deputy commissioner at his head-
•|§ 52.1 to 52.7. Inclusive. Issued under the employer in the first mentioned district the applicant's consent to be bound by trict in which he has operations, a cer-
of this Employer. The requirements of this quarters, except that any carrier may
authority contained In sec. 39 of the Long- all requirements of the said regulations
paragraph shall not apply as respects any with the additional notation "No present tificate that such employer has seciu-ed
shoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compen- authorize its agency or agencies in any
such sub-contractor who has secured com- address In compensation dis- shall be deemed to be included in and the payment of such compensation.
sation Act. 44 Stat. 1442; 33 U S C. 939. as
made applicable to military, air, and naval pensation for his direct employees as re- compensation district to make such re- trict. Certificate requested when address a part of the application, as fully as Only one such certificate will be Issued
quired by the Longshoremen's and Harbor ports to the deputy commissioner, pro-
bases outside the United Stated by the Act though written therein.* to an employer in a compensation dis-
Workers' Compensation Act. but this Em- given".*
of August 16. 1941. Public Law 208. 77th vided the carrier shall notify the deputy
ployer shall not claim the benefit of this ,
§ 52.7 Na7ne of one employer only shall and 53 2 Issued under the authority
•?§ 53.1 trict, and it will be valid only during the
Congress. commissioner in such district of the
exemption unless and until he shall satisfy contained In sec. 39 of the Longshoremen's period for which such employer has se-
the Company by certificate or otherwise that be reported on one card. A separate re-
§ 52.2 Workmen's compensation en- agencies so duly authorized. The deputy and Harbor Workers* Compensation Act. 44 cured such payment. An employer so
any such sub-contractor has legally secured port of the issuance of a policy and en- SUt. 1442; 33 U.S.C. 939, as made applicable
dorsement. (a> The following form of the paj-ment of compensation to his own
commissioner in turn shall supply to his desiring may have photostatic copies of
dorsement, provided for by § 52.3. shall to military, air, and naval bases outside the
endorsement applicable to the standard sub-offices current lists showing the pol-
direct employees and then only respecting be made for each employer covered by a United States by the Act of Augtist 16, 1941, such a certificate made for use in differ-
any sub-contractor who has furnished such icies so reported, giving the names and Law 208, 77th Congress.
workmen's compensation and employers'
proof. policy. If a policy is issued insuring more
Public ent places within the compensation dis-
liability policy shall be used with the
addresses of the employers, with the A certificate of compliance will
If the premium as determined In accord- than one employer, a separate card report § 53.2 Reports required of self-in- trict.
form of policy approved by the Commis- ance with the provisions of the Policy is less names of their respective carriers, the be issued by the deputy commissioner to
for each employer so covered shall be surers; examination of accounts of self-
than MOO. there shall be added thereto an policy numbers and the dates of begin- any employer having operations in his
sion for use by an authorized carrier:
Expense Constant of $10, unless such addi- sent to the deputy commissioner con- insurer. (a) At such times as the Com-
ning and expiration of the policies.
For attachment to Policy No. tion Increase the premium to an
excess of $300. In which event
Similar current lists of cancelations shall
The obligations of paragraph one (a) of amount In
the Policy include the Longshoremen's and only such part of the Expense Constant shall also be furnished to sub-offices.*
4728 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 16, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 16, 1941 4729

upon receipt by the deputy return. An employer holding a certifi- which oleomargarine has been removed, for coals of the Pewee Coal Company
district (1) ately after the Interrogatory and cross-
commissioner and acceptance by him of cate of compliance under an insurance see section IS, Act of August 2, 1886. (Sec. 906 (d). (f), 49 produced at Mine Index No. 605, in the
a card report of the Issuance of a policy policy which has expired, pending re- Stat. 1749. 1750; 7 U.S.C.. Sup.. 648 (d) specified sized groups, and that § 328.11
(This Treasury Decision is issued un-
to the employer concerned, as provided newal of such Insurance need not return der the authority contained in sections (f)) (Alphabetical list of code m,embers) in
by § 52.3, by an authorized insurance car- such certificate of compliance If such 3644 and 3791 of the Internal Revenue the Schedule of Effective Minimum
expired lq|urance Is promptly replaced. By direction of the Board.
rier which has filed an agreement to be Code (53 Stat. 442 and 467).) Prices for District No. 8 For All Ship-
bound by such card report In conformity An employer who has secured renewal .[seal] William Schwartz, ments Except Truck be and the same
Insurance upon the expiration of a
[SEAL] Out
T. Helvering. Chairman.
with 9 52.5. or (2) upon presentation to of hereby is amended as follows:
Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
the deputy commissioner by the em- policy under said Act or whose self- Aw>roved: September 12. 1941.
ployer concerned (and not by an insur- insurance thereunder Is reauthorized Approved: September 11, 1941.
John L. Sot-livan,
ance carrier, insurance agent, or broker) without a break in the continuity thereof John L. Sullivan. Acting Secretary of the Treasury.
of the policy of Insurance, and endorse- need not return an expired certificate of Acting Secretary of the Treasury.
ment thereon, issued to the employer in compliance.* IF. R. Doc. 41-6878; FUed, September 18, 1941;
[F. R. Doc. 41-8879: Piled. September 13. 1941; 11:55 a. m.]
conformity with Part 52 by an authorized Regulations September 12. 1941.
isf:ued 13:13 p. m]
insurance carrier which has not filed the Jewell W. SworroRD.
agreement provided for by 9 52.5. Chairman.
(b) Every employer who has been John M. MoRiif,
granted the privilege of self-insurance CHAPTER n — UNITED STATES TITLE 30— MINERAL RESOURCES
as provided by section 32 of the Long-
shoremen's and Harbor Workers' Com-
John J. Kcegan, PR(X:ESSINa
Commissioner. DIVISION
pensation Act and by Part 53 of the reg-
September 15, 1941; Part 601 Rules or Practice and (Docket No. A-446. Part H]
ulations in this subchapter will receive [F. R. Doc. 41-6899: Filed,
from the deputy commissioner a certifi- 11:16 «. ml Procedure Part 828 Minimum Price Schedule.
cate that he has complied with the said District No. 8
Pursuant to subdivisions (d) and (f)
law with respect to the securing of the of section 906. Title VII. Revenue Act order making permanent the temporary
payment of compensation. Only one TITLE 26— INTERNAL REVENUE of 1936, the Rules of Practice before the relief heretofore granted in the mat-
such certificate will be Issued to an em- ter of the petition of district board 8
United States Processing Tax Board of
ployer and It will be valid only during the CHAPTER I—BUREAU OP INTERNAL Review are hereby amended so as to for the establishment of price classi-
period stated in such certificate. REVENUE include the following rule: fications and minimum prices for the
(c) Two forms of such certificates have
Sttbchapter C —Miscellaneous Excise
9 601.36 Depositions upon ujritten in-
coals of mine index no. 605 of district
been provided by the Commission, one Taxes no. 8 not heretofore classified and
form for use where the employer has ob- terrogatories, (a) In the discretion of
tained Insurance generally under the |T. D. 5068) the Board depositions may be taken upon
A petition having been filed pursuant
regulations in this subchapter and one —
written interrogatories in substantially
the same manner as provided in Rules to section 4 n
(d) of the Bituminous Coal
for use where the employer has been TERATED BUTTER, AND PROCESS OR RENO-
authorized as a self -insurer.* 29 and 30. Act of 1937. with the Bituminous Coal
(b) The proposed interrogatories must Division by Pewee Coal Company, re-
•5554.1 to 54.3. Inclusive. Issued under the questing a modification of an Order dated
Regulations 9' (revised AprU 1936). be filed with the application. The Board
authority contained in sec. 39 of the Long-
shoremen's and Harbor Workers" Compensa- [Part 310, Title 26, Code of Federal Reg- will serve one copy of the application and December 30. 1940. 6 FR. 79. granting
tion Act. 44 3Ut. 1442; 33 U S C. 939. as made ulations], but only as prescribed and of the proposed interrogatories upon the temporary and conditionally final relief
applicable to military, air. and naval bases in Docket No. A-446 establishing classi-
outside the United States by the Act ol
made applicable to the Internal Revenue opposite party.
Code by Treasury Decision 4886,* ap- (c) Within fifteen days after such fications and prices for the cosds of the
Auguat 16. 1941. Public Law 208. TTth Con-
gress. proved February 11, 1939 [Chapter I. service the adverse party may file objec- Pewee Coal Company, Mine Index No.
note, "ntle 26, Code of Federal Regula- tions to any of the proposed Interroga- 605. and certain other mines in District
§ 54.2 Same: employer operating tem-
tions, 1939 Sup.] are amended as follows: tories, which objections must state No. 8 which had not been classified and
porarily in another compensation district.
A deputy commissioner receiving a card Section 310.28, Title 26. Code of Fed- specifically the grounds therefor, or he priced;

report of the Issue of a policy of insur- eral Regulations [Article 281 is amended may proposed cross-interrogatories.
file On March 7. 1941. 6 FH. 1366, the Di-
by changing paragrat^ (a) thereof to (d) If proposed cross-interrogatories rector having issued an Older herein
ance with the notation authorized by
read as follows: are filed, they will be served by the Board, severing that portion of Docket No.
9 52.6 will file such card report until he
A-446 relating to Mine Index No. 605,
receives from the Insured employer § 310.28 —
Packages (a) General. No
and the adverse party may within 15 days
thereafter file objections thereto, which and terminating conditionally final re-
named therein a request for a certificate maximum package is prescribed by law. lief granted as to the coals of Mine Index
objections must state specifically the
of compliance, giving the address of the However, manufacturers are required to
grounds therefor. No. 605, and ordering that a hearing in
employer within the compensation dis- put up their product In statutory pack- n
be held;
(e) No objection to an interrogatory or Docket No. A-446, Part
trict ofsuch deputy commissioner. Upon ages. A statutory package Is one de- cross-interrogatory will be considered at Pursuant to this order and after due
receipt of such a request the deputy com- signed to contain only that quantity and
the hearing unless timely filed in accord- notice to all interested persons, a hear-
missioner will send the proper certificate class of oleomargarine as indicated by
ance with this Rule. ing having been held in this matter on
of compliance to such employer at such the stamp to be affixed thereto. A stat- March
(f) A signed original and four clear, 18. 1941. before a duly designated
address.* utory package may include small adver- examiner of the Bituminous Coal Divi-
com- conformed copies of all papers shall be
54.3 Return of certificates of tising cards, coupons, certificates, circu-
filed. sion, at a hearing room of the Division,
pliance. Upon the termination by expi- lars, and other like advertising matter
(g) No person other than the witness. in Washington. D. C, at which all inter-
ration, cancelation or otherwise, of a Intended as an advertisement of the oleo- ested parties were afforded an opportun-
a stenographic reporter, and the officer
policy of insurance Issued under the pro- margarine business of the manufacturer. ity to be present, adduce evidence, cross-
visions of said Act of August 16, 1941. It shall not contain any article which
taking the deposition upon written in-
terrogatories and cross-interrogatories examine witnesses and otherwise be
and the regulations in this subchapter, would materially increase the weight or heard;
shall be present at the examination of
or the revocation or termination of the size of the package.
The preparation and filing of a report
privilege of sell -insurance granted by
the witness. This fact shall be certified
Containers of oleomargarine must be of by the examiner having been waived and
the Commission, all certificates of com- by the officer taking the deposition and
a durable and substantial character and the matter thereupon having been sub-
pliance Issued on the basis of such insur- such officer shall propound the interrog-
must completely cover the contents. As mitted to the undersigned;
ance or self-insurance shall be void and atories and cross-interrogatories to the
to penalty for refilling containers from The undersigned having made Find-
witness in their order and cause the
shall be returned by the employer to
testimony to l>e reduced to writing ver- ings of Fact and Conclusions of Law,
the deputy commissioner issuing them » 1 FJl160.
and having rendered an opinion in this
with a statement of the reason for such » 4 F.R. 879. batim, each answer to follow immedi-
matter, which are filed herewith:
Now. therefore, it is ordered. That the
following price classifications and corre-
sponding minimum prices are established

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 16, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 16, 1941 4731
962.1 General Preference Order No, tion of material for the production of production by him of Defense Products;
AND FINANCE: Priorities Regulation No. 1,* issued Au-
179: Ex. Order 8389. April 10. 1940. as ProiHded, however. That when his pro-
M-21. certain trucks, trailers, passenger car-
TREASURY amended by Ex. Order 8785. June 14, 1941, gust 27. 1941. requires the acceptance of
• • • • • riers and of certain parts thereof, a pref- duction of the Defense Products is lim-
and Ex. Order 8832. July 26. 1941; Regu- Defense Orders subject to the provisions
erence rating is hereby assigned to ited by Limitation Order No. I*-l-a. or
CHAPTER I—MONETARY OFFICES lations. April 10. 1940. as amended June therein set forth. (b) Directions as to deHveries.
deliveries for such purposes upon the by any other order or direction of the
If a Producer of Metallic Zinc. Zinc • • • • •
14, 1941. and July 26. 1941)
PuBUC Circular No. 6 Under Executivi following terms: Director of Priorities, no materials shall
[SEAL] E. H. Folkt. Jr.. Oxide and Zinc Dust is required to accept (13) Special instructions. • • •
Order No. 8389. April 10. 1940. as be obtained in quantity greater than re-
Acting Secretary of the Treasury. Defense Orders it would make it virtually (a) Definitions. For the purpose of
Amended, and Regulations Issued Pur- No Producer make, and
of Steel shall quired for this production as so limited.
impossible for such Producer to comply this Order:
suant Thereto, Relating to Trans- September 16. 1941; no Person shall accept from a Producer. (2) to deliveries to any Supplier of
(F. R. Doc. 41-4905: Plied. with the provisions of paragraph (c) (1)
actions IN Foreign Exchange, Etc.* 11:38 a. m.l delivery of Steel unless and imtil a state- (1) "Producer" means any individual, Material which he requires to make his
of General Preference Order No. M-11.
ment on Form PD-73 or in such other pamership. association, corporation, or rated deliveries to the Producer or to
September 13. 1941. Accordingly, it Is found that Regulation
form as may from time to time be pre- other organization, engaged in the pro- another Supplier, provided such mate-
No. 1 is inconsistent with the specific pro-
(1) Any licenses which may be issued scribed by the Director of Priorities has duction of any of the products listed be- rial will be physically incorporated in the
visions of General Preference Order No.
permitting the redemption or purchase TITLE S2— NATIONAL DEFENSE been filed as follows: low entitled "Defense Products." Defense Products.
M-U. as amended, to the extent that it (2) "Defense Products" means any of
for sinking fund purposes or other pur-
chase for blocked accounts of bonds, de- CHAPTER Vin—EXPORT CONTROL would require an acceptance of Defense (i) Except as hereinafter provided. the following items to be produced by the
(c) Persons entitled to apply prefer-
shall file Form PD-73 ence rating. The Preference Rating
bentures or similar obligations issued by —
Subchapter C Administrator of
Orders by Producers of Zinc. Zinc Oxide
and Zinc Dust and to this extent Regu-
the Producer at the time of filing
hereby assigned may be applied by (1)
governments of blocked countries, in- Export Control (i) "Heavy Motor Truck" means a
lation No. 1 is found to be inapplicable his purchase order or contract. a Producer;
cluding political subdivisions, or by cor- complete motor truck or truck-tractor
EXPORT control SCHEDULE B to such Producers. (ii) On orders placed prior to Septem- (2) a Supplier, provided that he re-
porations organized under the laws of
Persons needing Metallic Zinc. Zinc ber 1. 1941. with deliveries to be made of a rated capacity (as advertised by the quii-es the Material so purchased in order
any blocked country, will be so limited By virtue of the Military Order of Producer prior to August 1. 1941) of three to make deliveries which have been duly
Oxide or Zinc Dust for the fulfillment of after September 1. 1941, Form PD-73
as to allow such redemption or purchase July 2. 1940.' and Executive Order No.
tons or more, or the chassis, body or cab
Defense Orders and who are unable to shall be filed with the Producer on or be- rated in the manner specified in para-
only of such securities to which Treasury 8713 of March 15. 1941.* I. Russell L.
obtain the necessary Zinc should make fore October 15. 1941. therefor. graph (d).
Department Form TFELr-2 has been pre- Maxwell. Administrator of Export Con- "Medium Motor Truck" means a
application to the Zinc Branch of the (ill) On all export sales as defined in (ii) (d) Application of preference rating.
viously attached or affixed by. or under trol, have determined that effective Sep-
Office of Production Management for the group E of Form PD-73, Form PD-73 complete motor truck or truck-tractor of (1) A Producer in order to apply the
the direction of. the Treasury Depart- tember 20, 1941. the articles and mate-
allocation of Zinc as in the past. shall be filed not only with the Producer a rated capacity (as advertised by the preference rating to a delivery of mate-
ment. rials designated In Proclamation No.
Donald M. Nelson, but also with the Iron and Steel Branch. Producer prior to August 1, 1941) of one rial to him must endorse the following
(2) Applications for the attachment of 2465 of March 4. 1941,' Issued pursuant and one-half tons or more, but less than
Director of Priorities. Office of Production Management. statement on the original and all copies
Form TFEL-2 should be filed on Form to section 6 of the Act of July 2. 1940 three tons, or the chassis, body or cab of the purchase order or contract for
TFE-2A with the Federal Reserve Bank (54 Stat. 714. 50 U.S.C.A. Supp.. Sec. 99). [¥. R. Doc. 41-6909: Piled. September 16, 1941: (Iv) On aU export sales as defined In
11:53 a. m.| group E of Form PD-73 (except sales to therefor. such Material, signed by a responsible
for the district or with the Governor or shall not include: Any application for (Ill) "Truck-trailer" means a complete
purchasers in the Dominion of Canada) official duly designated for such purpose
High Commissioner of the territory or patent or for the registration of a utility semi-trailer or full trailer having a
where orders are placed prior to Decem- by such Producer.
possession of the United States in which model, industrial design or model in re- cargo-carrying capacity (as advertised
the applicant resides or has his pri ncipa l spect of any invention made in the PART 958 —REPAIRS ber 1, 1941, Form PD-73 may be filed by
by the Producer prior to August 1, 1941)
CEETmcATE or Producer Applying Rating
the accredited agent or export division
office or agency. Copies of Form TFE- United States, for which a license Is re- Interpretation of Preference Rating of five tons or more, designed exclusively
An A-3 preference rating Is assigned to
of the Producer in the United States. this purchase order pursuant to Limited Pref-
2A may be obtained from any such Fed- quired from the Commissioner of Pat- Order No. P-22 for the transportation of property, or the
(v) When Steel is shipped by a Pro- erence Rating Order P-54. This application
eral Reserve Bank or Governor or High ents under the authority of Public Law chassis or body therefor. of the rating Is made by the Producer upon
The following official interpretation is ducer direct to the customer of a Ware-
Commissioner or from the Treasury De- 239. 77th Congress, c. 393. 1st Sess.. ( iV ) "Passenger Carrier" means a com- the conditions set forth In said Order, with
hereby issued by the Director of Priorities house. Form PD-73 is to be filed with the which we are familiar.
partment. Washington, D. C. approved August 21, 1941. plete motor or electric coach for passen-
By direction of the President. with respect to S 958.1, Preference Rating Producer by the customer and not by the
(3) Attention is called to the fact that ger transportation, having a seating Authorized signature for producer
Order No. P-22* dated September 9, 1941. Warehouse.
persons acquiring any such securities on R. L. Maxwell. War capacity of not less than 15 persons, or
or after September 15, 1941. to which Administrator of Export Control.
Where an Individual, partnership, as- (vl) When the purchaser is the
the chassis or body therefor. Such endorsement shall constitute a cer-
sociation, corporation, governmental unit Department or Navy Department, or a tification the Office of Production
Form TFEL-2 has not been attached, are (v) "Defined Parts" means only the
|F. R. Doc. 41-6917; Piled. September 15. 1941: or other organization operates two or Warehouse, the purchaser may report on Management that such Material is re-
required in Form TFE-2A to furnish 12:16 p. m.] following functional parts (including
more plants, one or more of which is a single Form PI>-73 all orders in a quired to the extent ordered in order to
much more complete and detailed in- within any of the classifications listed in single group classification placed during
components entering into such parts)
formation concerning the past owner- used for the manufacture or repair of produce the number of Defense Products
paragraph (a) (1) (1-xx) of said §958.1 a single month. In such case each Form within the limits authorized.
ship of the securities than is required of
CHAPTER IX—OFFICE OF PRODUC- heavy trucks, medium trucks, truck-
and the remainder of which are not PD-73 must be filed with the Producer (2) A Supplier in order to apply the
persons who have owned such securities trailers and passenger carriers, engine,
TION MANAGEMENT within such classifications, the Order on or before the fifth day of the follow- preference rating to a delivery of Mate-
continuously since prior to September 15. dutch, transmission, propeller shaftr
1941. Whereas the former are required Subchapter B— Priorities DrvisioN permits the application of the preference ing month.
axles, brakes, wheels, hubs, drums, start- rial to him must endorse the following
rating only to deliveries of material re- statement on the original and all copies
on Form TFE-2A to trace the owner-
ship of such securities through April 8.
PART »37 —ZINC quired for repair purposes in those plants
This shall take effect im-
Reg. 1. Aug. 27. 1941.
ing apparatus, spring suspension, brack-
of the purchase order or contract for
mrdiately. (P. D. ets and shackles; guages. speedometers,
Interpretation With Respect to General within the classifications specified in said such Material signed by a responsible
1940. in order to obtain the attachment 6 Fn. 4489: OPM. Reg. 3. March 8. 1941, motors, fuses, flares, directional signals,
Preference Order No. M-11, as Hereto- paragraph (a) (1) (i-xx) of said Order. official duly designated for such purpose
of Form TFEL-2, Form TFE-2A only 6 PH. 1596; E.G. 8629 Jan. 7. 1941. 6 rear-view mirrors, windshield wipers,
fore Amended The rating may not be applied to obtain PR. 191; E.G. 8875, Aug. 28. 1941, 6 F.R. by such Supplier:
requires the latter to trace the owner- control mechanisms, steering apparatus,
repair material for plants not engaged
ship of such securities from the person September 15, 1941. 4483; sec. 2 (a). Public No. 6T1, 76th driving gears, coupling devices; also the Certificate of Stn>PLiER Applying Rating
in the specified activities.
from whom they have acquired them. Amendment to General Preference Or- Congress. Third Session, as amended by exhaust, cooling, fuel and electrical sys-
Issued this 15th day of September 1941. An A-3 preference rating Is assigned to this
(4) Any person acquiring any such se- der No. M-U.* issued by the Director of Public No. 89. 77th Congress, First Ses- terms. including generators, lights, re- purchase order pursuant to Limited Pref-
curities under a contract made prior to
Donald M. Nelson, sion; sec. 9. Pubbc No. 783, 76th Con- fiectors and batteries; and, but only as to erence Rating Order P-54. This application
Priorities June 28. 1941. provides in para-
September 15. 1941 even though delivery graph (c) (1) that after a Producer of
Director of Priorities. gress. Third Session) parts for passenger carriers, heating, of the rating Is made by the Supplier upon
the conditions set forth In said Order, with
of the securities may have been effected Metallic Zinc. Zinc Oxide and Zinc Dust [P R Doc. 41-^14: FUed. September 15. 1941; Issued this 9th day of September. 1941. ventilating and door-opening equipmient.
11:54 a. m.|
which we are familiar.
on September 15. 1941. or within a rea- has set aside an amount determined by Donald M. Nelson, (3) "Supplier" means any person with
sonable time thereafter, need trace own- the Director of Priorities, he shall ship Director of Priorities. whom a contract or purchase order has Authorized signature for supplier.
ership only from the person from whom the balance of his production in such been placed for delivery, to the Producer
the securities were acquired, provided the manner that each customer shall receive PART 962 —STEEL |F. R. Doc. 41-e810: Filed. September 15, 1941;
11:53 a. m.] or to another Supplier, of Material which
Such endorsement shall constitute a cer-

Treasury Department Is furnished with tification the Office of Production

a percentage of the Producer's commit- Amendment to General Preference will be physically Incorporated into the
satisfactory evidence that the contract ments to him for the month, including Management that such Material is re-
Order No. M-21 Defense Product*.
was made in the normal course of busi- both Defense Orders and non-defense or- quired to the extent ordered in order to
(4) "Material" means any commodity,
ness through or with a domestic bank or Paragraph (b) (13) (i) of i 962.1 fill a purchase order placed by a Pro-
ders equal to the percentage received PART 976 motor TRUCKS, TRUCK TRAILERS equipment, accessories, parts, assemblies
broker or dealer. (Sec. 5 (b). 40 Stat. by every other customer. (General Preference Order No. M-21)' ducer or Supplier duly rated in accord-
AND PASSENGER CARRIERS or products of any kind.
415 and 966: Sec. 2. 48 Stat. 1; 54 Stat. Is hereby amended to read as follows: ance herewith. Any such Supplier's
«5 PH. 2491. Limited Preference Rating Order No. (b)Assignment of preference rating. purchase order or contract shall be re-
This public circular affects Parts 130 and »6 PR. 1502. •6 PJl. 4489. P-54, Material Entering Into the Pro- Subject to the terms of this Order pref- stricted to Material the delivery of which
•6 PR. 1300 •6 PR. 4666. erence rating A-3 is hereby assigned:
131 and will be Incliuled in appendices to duction of Defense Products is rated in accordance herewith.
those parts. *e PR 2856. 3178. 8180. «6 Fit. 4005.
(3) A Producer or Supplier placing
I Preference rating order. For
976.2 (1) to deliveries to a Producer by his
the purpose of facilitating the acqulsl- suppliers of Materials required for the any such rated purchase orders or con-
No. 180 2
4732 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 16, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 16, 1941 4?33

Director of Priorities, setting forth the 976.1 General limitation order

Any person affected by gaged in the manufacture of light motor
and the Supplier selling the Ma- (g) Appeal.
terial covered thereby, must each retain number of Items or amount of materials L-l-a —
(&) Definitions. For the purposes
under contracts or orders for delivery to
or for the account of: this Order who considers that compliance trucks.
to which the preference rating has been of this Order. herewith would work an exceptional
endorsed copies of such purchase orders (i) The Army
or Navy of the United (b) General restrictions. No Producer
or contracts segregated from all other assigned In the preceding month, the (1) "Medium Motor Truck" means a and unreasonable hardship upon him, shall hereafter manufacture Light Motor
States, the United States Maritime Com-
purchase orders or contracts for a period stock of such items and amount of such complete motor truck or truck-tractor may appeal to the Division of Priorities Trucks Inr greater numbers than specifi-
mission, the Panama Canal, the Coast
of two years from the date thereof for materials on hand, and the numl)er or of a rated capacity (as advertised by the by addressing a letter to the Automotive cally authorized herein or from time to
amount used in production by him during and Geodetic Survey, the Coast Ghiard, Branch of the Division of Civilian Sup-
Inspection by authorized representatives Producer prior to August 1, 1941) of one time hereafter by the Director of Pri-
the Civil Aeronautics Authority, the Na-
of the Office of Production Management. the period from January 1 through June and one-half tons or more, but less than ply, Office of Production Management,
tional Advisory Commission for Aero-
30, 1941; and such other reports as the three tons, or the chassis, body or cab Washington, D. C, setting forth the per- Immediate restrictions. During
Restrictions on application of rat- nautics, the Office of Scientific Research (c)
(e) Director of Priorities may require. therefor. tinent facts and the reasons such person
the period commencing August 1, 1941,
ing. The preference rating hereby as- <h) Revocation or modification. This
and Development; considers that he is entitled to relief.
(2) "Truck-trailer" means a complete The government of any of the and ending November 30, 1941, the manu-
signed shall not be applied: Order may be revoked or amended by (il)
The Director of Priorities may thereupon
semi-trailer or full trailer having a car- the United King- facture of Light Motor Trucks by each
the Director of Priorities at any time in following coimtrles: take such action as he deems awjro-
By a producer to obtain deliveries
(1) go-carrying capacity (as advertised by Producer thereof is hereby restricted to
materials in excess of the amount whole or In part or in its application dom, Canada, and other Dominions, priate.
of the Producer prior to August 1. 1941) of Crown Colonies and Protectorates of the a number equal to 28 percent of such
needed for the production of the Defense to any Producer or any Supplier. In the five tons or more, designed exclusively
(h) Effective date. This Order shall
Producer's average annual production of
into consideration event of revocation, or upon expiration of British Empire, Belgium, China, Greece, take effect upon the date of the issuance
Products, taking for the transportation of property, or the Light Motor Trucks during the three
the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Nor-
existing Inventories of the Producer, and this Order, deliveries already rated pur-
chassis or body therefor.
thereof and shall continue In effect until
years commencing August 1, 1938, and
suant to this Order shall be completed in way, Poland, Russia and Yugoslavia; revoked by the Director of Priorities sub-
subject to any limitation contained in
(3) "Passenger Carrier" means a com- (ill) Any agency of the United States
ending July 31, 1941, and no Producer
Limitation Order L-l-a, or in any other accordance with said rating, unless the ject to such amendments or supplements
shall manufacture Light Motor Trucks
plete motor or electric coach for passen- Government for material or equipment
Order or direction issued by the Director rating has been specifically revoked. No thereto as may be issued from time to
ger transportation, having a seating ca- during such four months period in ex-
of Priorities. If a Producer has suffi- additional applications of this rating to to be delivered to, or for the account of, time by the Director of Priorities. (PJD.
pacity of not less than 15 persons, or the cess of such number.
cient Material to produce the authorized any other deliveries shall thereafter be the government of any country listed Reg. 1, Aug. 27, 1941, 6 P.R. 4489; OPM
chassis or body therefor. (d) Distribution among ynodels. types
number Defense Products and still
of made by any Producer or Supplier af- above, or any other country, including Reg. 3, March 8, 1841, 6 FR. 1596; E.O.
(4) "Defined Parts" means only the those in the Western Hemisphere, pur-
and series. So far as practicable, each
have a practicable minimum working in- fected by said revocation or expiration, 8629. Jan. 7, 1941, 6 FR. 191; E.G. 5875.
following functional parts (Including suant to the Act of March 11, 1941, en-
Producer shall distribute his total pro-
ventory, he shall not make use of the (i) Effective This Order shall
date. Aug. 28. 1941; 6 FM. 4483; sec. 2 (a),
duction of Light Motor Trucks among
rating to obtain delivery of such Ma- take effect on the 12th day of September components entering Into such parts) titled "An Act to Promote the Defense Public No. 671. 76th Congress, Third Ses-
used for the manufacture or repair of various models, series, types and price
terial. 1941, and unless sooner revoked shall ex- of the United States." (Lend-Lease sion, as amended by Public No. 89, 77th
heavy trucks, medium trucks, truck- classes of Light Motor Trucks in the
(2) By a supplier to obtain Material in pire on the 30th day of November 1941. Act.) Congress, First Session; sec. 9, Public No.
and passenger carriers; engine, same proportion as he maintained on an
excess of the amount necessary to make (P.D. Reg. 1, Aug. 27. 1941, 6 FR. 4489; trailers
Each Producer must comply with 783, 76th Congress, Third Session.)
clutch, transmission, propeller shaft,
(4) average for the three model years termi-
rated deliveries, taking into considera- OPM Reg. 3, March 8, 1941, 6 PR. 1596;
such directions and Instructions as may Issued this 12 day of September 1941. nating in 1941.
PR. axles, brakes, wheels, hubs, drums, start-
tion existing inventories of the Sup- E.O. 8629, Jan. 7, 1941, 6 191; E.O.
be issued from time to time by the Di-
ing apparatus, spring suspension, brack- Donald M. Nelson, (e) Exemption of production of light
plier. If a Supplier has sufficient Ma- 8875. Aug. 28. 1941, 6 FJl. 4483; sec. 2 (a). rector of Priorities of the Office of Pro-
ets and shackles: gauges, speedometers, Director of Priorities. motor trucks for governmental use.
terial to enable him to make his rated Public No. 671, 76th Congress, Third Ses- duction Management with respect to the
motors, fuses, fiares, directional signals, September 15, 1941; Nothing in this Order shall limit, and
deliveries and still have a practicable sion, as amended by Public No. 89, 77th [T. R. Doc. 41-«916: Piled,
rear-view mirrors, windshield wipers, reduction or elimination of scarce mate- 11:56 a. m.) each Producer is specifically authorized
minimum working inventory, he shall Congress. First Session; sec. 9. Public No. rials in the production of motor trucks, to manufacture in addition to the num-
control mechanisms, steering apparatus,
not make use of the rating to obtain 783, 76th Congress, Third Session)
truck-trailers, passenger carriers and
driving gears, coupling devices; also the ber of Light Motor Trucks Authorized
delivery of such Materials.
(3) By a producer or a supplier. (I)
Issued this 12 day of September 1941. exhaust, coohng. fuel and electrical sys- parts or components therefor. PABT 876 —MOTOR TRUCKS, TRUCK TRAILERS above, any number of Light Motor
delivered can- DoHALO M. Nelson, tems. Including generatOTS, lights, reflec- Records. All persons affected by AND PASSENGER CARRIXHS Trucks under specific contracts or or-
Unless the Material to be (c)
Director of Priorities. tors and batteries; and, but only as to Order shall keep and preserve for Generai Limitation Order L-3 To Re- ders placed by or for the account of:
not be obtained when required without this
parts for passenger carriers, heating, not less than two years accurate and strict the Production of Light Motor (1) the Army or Navy of the United
such rating. P. B. Doc. 41-6915; PUed, September 15, 1941;
ventilating and door-opening equipment. complete records concerning inventories, Trucks States, the United States Maritime Com-
(11) To obtain deliveries earlier 11:55 a. m.|
(5) "Producer" means any individual, production and sales. manufacture of light mission, the Panama Canal, the Coast
Whereas, the
partnership, association, corporation or (d) Audit and inspection. All records and Geodetic Survey, the Coast Guard,
(ill) To deliveries of Materials on
pur- motor trucks requires the utilization of
chase orders placed after November —MOTOR TRUCKS, TRUCK TRAILIRS other form of business enterprise, en- required to be kept by this Order shall, the Civil Aeronautics Authority, the Na-
PART 976 large quantities of copper, nickel, nickel
1941. AND PASSENGER CARRIERS gaged in the manufacture of Motor upon request, be submitted to audit and steel, rubber, steel, tin, tungsten and
tional Advisory Commission for Aero-
deliveries of materials on pur- Trucks, Truck-Trailers, Passenger Car- Inspection by duly authorized represent- nautics, the Office of Scientific Research
(Iv) To other critical materials, and national de-
Limitation Order L-l-a to Restrict the riers or Defined Parts. atives of the Office of Production Man- and Development;
chase orders calling for delivery after fense requirements have created a short-
Production of Medium Motor Trucks. agement. (2) the government of any of the fol-
November 30, 1941. General restriction. During
(b) the age of these materials for the combined
Truck Trailers, Passenger Carriers and All persons affected by United Kingdom,
False statements and penalties. period commencing September 1, 1941 (e) Reports. needs of defense, private account and lowing countries: the
(f) Replacement Parts this Order shall execute and file with the Canada, and other Dominions, Crown Col-
and ending November 30, 1941: export; action has already been taken to
Any person who applies the preference Office of Production Management such of the British
rating hereby assigned in wilful violation
Whereas the manufacture of medium conserve the supply and direct the dis- onies and Protectorates
(1) A Producer shall not manufacture as said Office Belgium, China, Greece, the
motor trucks, truck trailers and passen- reports and questionnaires tribution of such materials to insure de- Empire,
of the terms and provisions of this Order, more than one-half the number of Me-
ger carriers requires the utilization of shall from time to time request. No re- for defense and for essential Kingdom of the Netherlands, Norway,
or wilfully falsifies records required to be
dium Motor Trucks, Truck-Trailers and ports or questionnaires are to be filed Poland. Russia, and Yugoslavia;
large quantities of aluminum, chromium, requirements; and the present
kept or information to be furnished pur- Passenger Carriers, as the case may be.
copper, nickel, nickel steel, rubber, steel, by any person until forms therefor are these materials will be insuf- (3) any agency of the United States
suant to this Order, or who obtains a produced by him during the period from
supply of
means of a mate- tin, timgsten and other critical materials, prescribed by the Office of Production ficient for defense and essential civiban Government for delivery to, or for the
delivery of Material by January 1941 to June 30, 1941.
account of, the government of any coun-
misstatement will be pro- and national defense requirements have Management. requirements unless the current rate of
rial and wilful
A Producer shall not manufacture,
created a shortage of these materials for (2) (f) Violations or false statements. manufacture of light motor trucks is re- try listed above, or any other country, in-
hibited from obtaining further deliveries replacement purposes, more than
the combined needs of defense, private for Any person who violates this Order, or stricted and the use of critical materials cluding those in the Western Hemisphere,
of Material under allocation and be de- number of Defined Parts
account and export; action has already 60a of that who wilfully falsifies any records which for such manufacture thereby reduced; pursuant to the Act of March 11, 1941,
prived of any other priorities assistance. by him replacement purposes
been taken to conserve the supply and sold for he is required to keep by the terms of this Now. therefore, it is hereby ordered. entitled "An Act to Promote the Defense
The Director of Priorities may also take during the period from January 1941
direct the distribution of such materials
Order, or by the Director of Priorities, That: of the United States" (Lend-Lease Act)
any other action deemed appropriate, in-
cluding the making of a recommendation to Insure deliveries for defense and for to June 30, 1941.
of the number
or otherwise wilfully furnishes false in-
S 976.3 General limitation order L-3
— (p) Records. All persons affected by
essential civilian requirements: and the (3) The determination formation to the Director of Priorities
for prosecution under Section 35A of the (a) Definitions. For the pxirposes of this this Order shall keep and preserve for
present supply of these materials will be of each category of vehicles produced, or or to the Office of Production Manage-
Criminal Code (18 U.S.C. 80). Order: not less than two years accurate and com-
insufficient for defense and essential ci- of each category of parts sold, during ment may be deprived of priorities assist-
(g) Reports. Each Producer and Sup- "Light Motor Truck" means a com- plete records concerning inventories, pro-
vilian requirements unless the manufac- the period from January 1, 1941 to June ance or be prohibitedhy the Director
may ( 1
plier who in any month applies the pref- duction and sales.
ture of medium motor trucks, truck trail- 30, 1941, shall exchide, and the forego- of Priorities from obtaining any further plete motor truck or truck tractor of a
erence rating in the manner herein pro- rated capacity (as advertised by the Pro- (h) Audit and inspection. All records
ers and passenger carriers is curtailed ing limitation upon the number of each deliveries of materials subject to alloca-
vided to any deliveries to him, shall, on or ducer prior to August 1, 1941) of less than required to be kept by this Order shall
and the use of critical materials for such category of vehicles or parts which may tion. The Director of Priorities may also
before the fifth day of the following one and one-half tons. upon request be submitted to audit and
manufacture thereby reduced; be produced by any Producer during the take any other action deemed appropri-
month file with the Automotive Branch. (2) "Producer" means any individual, inspection by duly authorized representa-
Now therefore, it is hereby ordered. three- month period. September 1, 1941 ate, including the making of a recom-
Civilian Supply Ehvision, Office of Produc- partnership, association, corporation or tives of the Office of Production Man-
that S 976.1 is amended to read as fol- to November 30, 1941, shall not apply mendation for prosecution under section
tion Management, Washington. D. C. a other form of business enterprise, en- agement.
lows: to any such vehicles or parts produced 35A of the Criminal Code (18 U.S.C. 80).
report on form to be prescribed by the

4734 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 16, 1941
FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 16, 1941 4735

persons affected by meet the total of defense needs and ex- of Priorities shall specify as necessary for Distribution among Models, types
(1) Reports. All tldn with a statement of all pertinent conserve the supply and direct the dis- (e)
execute and file with the isting civilian demand, plus the new the relief of undue hardship. and So far as practicable, each
this Order shall facts. tribution of each of these materials to series.
Production Management such re- civilian demand caused by the substitu- Rayon yarn produced by
the ace- insure deliveries for defense and for Producer shall distribute his total pro-
Office of (2) (7) Appeals for relief from hardship.
ports and questionnaires as said Office tion of rayon yarn for silk; and tate process, (i) After providing for de- affected by this Order, who essential civilian requirements; and the duction of Passenger Automobiles among
Any person
shall from time to time request. No re- Whereas because of such shortage of fense orders in accordance with the "pro- considers that exceptional and unrea- present supply of these materials will various models, series, types and price
ports or questionnaires are to be filed by rayon yam, necessary and appro-
it is
visions of Priorities Regulation No. 1, classes of Passenger Autcmobiles in the
sonable hardship has been imposed upon be insufficient for defense and assential
any person until forms therefor are pre- priate in the public interestand to pro- each producer using the acetate process civilian requirements unless the current same proportion as he maintained on an
him thereby, may appeal to the Division
scribed by the Office of Production Man- mote the national defense to allocate shall each day hereafter set aside an of Priorities, by letter or telegram, set- rate of manufacture of passenger auto- average for the three model years termi-
agement. such rayon yam in the manner and to amount of his rayon yarns so manufac- mobiles Is greatly curtailed and con- nating in 1941.
ting forth the pertinent facts, addressed
Violations or false statements. Any the extent in this Order provided; and tured of the types set forth In subpara- sumption of these materials thereby (f) of production of pas-
to the Division of Priorities, Silk Substi-
( J )

person who violates this Order, or who Whereas the Office of Price Adminis- graph (5) below equal to 3% of such senger automobiles for Governmental
tution Appeals Section, Office of Produc- greatly reduced;
wilfully falsifies any records which he is tration and Civilian Supply issued a producer's total output for that day. In use. Nothing in this Order shall limit,
tion Management. Social Security Build- Now. therefore, it is hereby ordered.
required to keep by the terms of this Or- Civilian Allpcation Program for rayon addition, each such producer shall set In every case and each Producer is specifically author-
ing. Washington. D. C. That:
der, or by the Director of Priorities, or yarn on August 2. 1941. which became aside in the month of September an ized to manufacture in addition to the
who otherwise wilfully furnishes false in- effective on August 4. 1941. and has from amount of the said rayon yarns of the
where any isuch appeal requests delivery
§ 981.1 General limitation order — quota set forth above, any number of
of rayon y^rn under subparagraphs 1 <

time to time been modified, and it is ad- (a) Definitions. For the purposes of this Passenger Automobiles under specific
formation to the Director of Priorities or ^ypes set forth below equal to 3% of all (li) (c) ori(2) (11) (b) hereof, it should
to the Office of Production Management visable to continue and implement said Order: contracts or orders placed by or for the
stocks of rayon yarn which such producer be accompanied by 2 copies of Form PD
may be deprived of priorities assistance or Program as now modified; had on hand on August 4. 1941. together 102 properly filled out and executed.
' (1) "Passenger Automobile" means account of:
may be prohibited by the Director of Pri- Now, therefore, it is hereby ordered. with 3% of such producer's total output any passenger vehicle, including station
A copy of said form is annexed hereto (1) the Army or Navy of the United
orities from obtaining any further deliv- That: of the said rayon yarns during the period wagons and by inter-
taxicabs. propelled
as Exhibit A. States, the United States Maritime Com-
eries of materials subject to allocation. General preference order— (&) from August 4. 1941. to the effective date 8) Reports. Each producer shall file nal combustion engine and having a
§ 980.1 1
mission, the Panama Canal, the Coast
The Director of Priorities may also take Applicability of Priorities Regulation of this Order, less any amount which has with the Division of Priorities. Silk Sub- seating capacity of not more than eight. and Geodetic Survey, the Ccast Guard,
any other action deemed appropriate, In- No. 1. All of the provisions and defini- heretofore been sold or disposed of in stitution Appeals Section, at the times (2) "Producer" means any individual, the (Dlvil Aeronautics Authority, the Na-
cluding the making of a recommendation tions of Priorities Regulation No. 1. Is- accordance with the provisions of the specified thereon, reports on Forms PD partnership, association, corporation or tional Advisory Commission for Aero-
for prosecution under section 35A of the sued by the Director of Priorities on allocation program of the Office of Price and PD 104." copies of other form of business enterprise, en-
103 (a), 103 (b), nautics, the Office of Scientific Research
Criminal Code (18 U.S.C. 80) August 27. 1941, shall be deemed a part Administration and Civilian Supply as which are annexed hereto as Exhibits gaged in the manufacture of passenger
Any Producer affected by and Development;
(k) Appeal. of this Order. from time to time heretofore amended. B and C. automobiles. (2) the government of any of the fol-
this Order who considers that compli- For the Each such producer shall sell and
(b) Additional definitions. (9) No
representation as to suitability (b) General restrictions. No Producer lowing countries: The United Kingdom,
ance therewith would work an exceptional purposes of this Order deliver the amounts so set aside to former
of any process of rayon manufacture or hereafter manufacture Passenger Canada, and other Dominions. Crown
and unreasonable hardship upon him may users of silk to take the place of silk for- Nothing
(1) "Rayon yarn" means continuous of rayon yarn for any purpose. Automobiles in greater number than Colonies and Protectorates of the Brit-
appeal to the Director of Priorities by ad- merly used by them, only as follows:
filament rayon yarn made by the cupra- herein contained shall be construed as specifically authorized herein or from ish Empire. Belgium, China. Greece, The
dressing a letter to the Automotive
ammonium, viscose or acetate process. (a) 50% of the said amount to manu- any representation by the Government time to time hereafter by the Director Kingdom of the Netherlands. Norway,
Branch. Office of E*roduction Manage-
(2) "Producer" means and includes facturers, jobbers, and converters, for as to the suitability or adaptability of Poland, Russia, and Yuguslavia;
ment, Social Security Building, Wash- of Priorities.
any person who manufactures rayon use in making products other than rayon yarn manufactured by any process (1) During the (3) any agency of the United States
ington, D. C. setting forth the pertinent (c) Authorized quotas.
hosiery. as a substitute for silk in hosiery or in Government for delivery to. or for the
facts and the reasons he considers that yarn. period commencing August 1. 1941. and
(b) 50% of the said amount to such any other product or as to the better November 30, 1941, Producers account of, the government of any coun-
he is entitled to relief. The Director of (c) Directions with respect to residiuil ending
persons and in such amounts as the Di- suitability therefor of rayon yarn manu- try listed above, or any other country,
Priorities may thereupon take such action supply— (1) Rayon yarn produced by the factured by any process as compared
shall respectivelymanufacture not more
as he deems appropriate.
rector of Priorities shall specify as nec- than the following numbers of Passenger including those in the Western Hemi-
viscose and cupra-ammonium processes.
with such yam manufactured by any
(1) Effective date. This Order shall essary for the relief of undue hardship. Automobiles: sphere, pursuant to the Act of March 11.
(1) After providing for defense orders In
take effect upon the date of the issuance (3) No discrimination in sales. In
other process.
Number of passenger 1941. entitled "An Act to Promote the
accordance with the provisions of Pri-
thereof and shall continue in effect until making sales or deliveries pursuant to (d) This Order shall
Effective date. Name ol producer: automobiles Defense of the United States" (Lend-
orities Regulation No. 1. each producer 361,815
General Motors Lease Act)
revoked by the Director of Priorities sub- using the viscose or cupra-ammonium subparagraphs (U) (a). (1) (U) (b)
(1) take effect immediately upon issuance
Chrysler Corporation 188,849
ject to such amendments or supplements processes shall each day hereafter set or (2) (11) (a) hereof, no producer shall thereof and shall expire at midnight on Pord Motor Company 151.845 (g)Records. All persons affected by
thereto as may be Issued from time to time aside an amount of his rayon yarns so discriminate among persons eligible to September 30. 1941. unless sooner termi- Studebaker 35. 289
thisOrder shall keep and preserve for
nated by direction of the Director of Hudson... 25, 874
by the Director of Priorities. (P.D. Reg. manufactured, of the types set forth in purchase such yarns in favor of former not less than two years accurate and
Nash-Lafayette 21.972
1. August 27, 1941, 6 F.R. 4489; OPM Reg.

subparagraph (5) below equal to 10% of customers for rayon yarn. Priorities. (PX). Reg. 1. August 27. 1941, Packard 23, 056 complete records concerning Inventories,
March 1941, 6 P.R. 1596; E.O. 8629.
8, 6 PR. 4489; OPM Reg. 3. March 8. Willys -Over land 7, 768 production and sales.
3. such producer's total output for that day. (4) No limitation on balance of yarn.
Jan. 7. 1941: 6 PR. 191; E.O. 8875. Aug. In addition, each such producer shall set After providing for all deliveries under 1941, 6 1596; E.O. 8629. January 7.
PR. Crosley 1. 901
(h) Audit and inspection. All records
28. 1941. 6 F.R. 4483; sec. 2 (a). Public aside in the month of September an 1941. 6 191; E.O. 8875. August 28.
FH. Any Producer whom Or-
defense orders, and after setting aside the (2) for this required to be kept by this Order shall
No. 671, 76th Congress, Third Session, 1941. 6 4483; sec. 2 (a). Public No.
amount of the said rayon yarns of the amounts of yarn specified in subpara- der does not establish an authorized upon request be submitted to audit and
as amended by Public No. 89. 77th Con- types set forth below equal to 10% of all 671. 76th Congress. 3d Sess.. as amended
graphs (1) and (2) hereof, each pro- quota may apply for such authorization inspection by duly authorized represent-
gress, First Session; sec. 9. Public No. 783, by Public No. 89. 77th Congress. 1st Sess.;
stocks of rayon yarn which such producer ducer may sell and deliver rayon yarn to the Automotive Branch, Office of Pro- atives of the Office of Production Man-
76th Congress, Third Session) had on hand on August 4, 1941. together without limitation. sec. 9, Public No. 783, 77th Congress, 3d duction Management. agement.
with 10% of such producer's total output Bess.)
Issued this 13th day of September 1941. (5) Allocation by types. Each pro- among makes. Pro-
Distribution (I) Reports. All persons affected by
Donald M. Nelson. of the said rayon yarns during the period ducer in complying with subparagraphs Issued this 13th day of September 1941. this Order shall execute and file with
ducers who manufacture more than one
Director of Priorities. from August 4. 1941. to the effective date (1) and (2) hereof shall set aside for Donald M. Nelson, the Office of Production Management

of this Order, less any amount which has

make of Passenger Automobile shall se-
September 15. 1941;
such purposes types of rayon yarn from Director of Priorities. lect eitherOption A or Option B listed such reports and questionnaires as said
[F. R. Doc. 41-6913: Filed.

heretofore been sold or disposed of in ac- which it Is practical to manufacture ho-

11:54 a. m.| below, and shall distribute their produc- Office shall from time to time request.
cordance with the provisions of the allo- siery and other products heretofore made IF. R, Doc. 41-6911; Piled. SepUmber 16, 1941;
11:64 a. in.| tion of Passenger Automobiles during No reports or questionnaires are to be
cation program of the Office of Price Ad- largely or wholly from silk. So far as filed by any person until forms therefor
the period specified above in accordance
ministration and Civilian Supply as from the producer's plant and method of doing
PART 980 —RAYON YARN time to time heretofore amended. business make such a course possible, the
with the option selected, manufacturing are prescribed by the Office of Produc-
not more than the number of each make tion
General Preference Order M-37 To Con- (ID Each such prooucer shall sell and amount of rayon yarn so set aside, by PART 981 —PASSENGER AUTOMOBILES of Passenger Automobile specified in the (j) Violaticms or false statements.
serve the Supply and Direct the Dis- deliver the amounts so set aside to former types, shall be In denier sizes and lusters
General Limitation Order L-2 to Restrict particular option selected: Any person who violates this Order, or
tribution of Rayon Yarn users of silk to take the place of silk for- in approximate proportion to the gen- the Production of Passenger Automo- who wilfully falsifies any records which
merly consumed by them, only as follows: eral demand therefor by manufacturers
Number Number
Whereas because of National Defense biles under under he Is required to keep by the terms of
(a) 70% of the said amount to manu- of hosiery and by other manufacturers option A option B
requirements drastic restrictions have Name of make: this Order, or by the Director of Priori-
whose products have heretofore been Whereas the manufacture of passenger Chevrolet 187. 821 180. 509
ties, or otherwise wilfully furnishes
been placed upon deliveries and proc- facturers, jobbers, and converters, for use false
made largely or wholly from silk. automobiles consumes large quantities of Bulck 65. 726 65. 525
essing of raw silk, and such restrictions in making hosiery. Pontiac 62, 296 47. 348 information to the Director of Priorities
Whenever there. aluminum, chromium, copper, nickel,
have operated to increase the demand (b) of said amount to manufac-
15% (6) Doubtful cases. OldsmobUe 45,394 46,964 or to the Office of Production Manage-
reasonable doubt as to the eligibility of nickel steel, rubber, steel, tin and tung- 11.469
for rayon yarn and thus create a short- turers, jobbers, and converters, for use Is CadUlac and LaSalle.. 10,578 ment may be deprived of priorities as-
sten; national defense requirements have Plymouth 100. 612 97, 106
aga of such yam; and In making products other than hosiery. any person to receive rayon yarn here- sistance or may be prohibited by the Di-
Whereas the total output of the rayon
yarn industry is at present insufficient to
(c) 15% of said amount to such per-
sons and in such amounts as the Director
imder. the matter should be referred to
the Division of Priorities for determina-
created a shortage in these materials for
defense, for private accoimt and for ex-

rector of Priorities from obtaining any
further deliveries of materials subject to
port; action has already been taken to Ford-. 129.063 130.101
allocation. The Director of Priorities
Mercury 17,682 17.462
' Piled M part of the original document. Lincoln-Zephyr 8, 100 4. 282 may also take any other action deemed
: — — ) : — —

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 16, 1941 4737

4736 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 16, 1941

maximum price for dated January 6. 1941 (6 P.R. 196), Is ment of defense public works at the sites
and about New York City In which the prices set forth above for hides other shall not exceed the
appropriate. Including the making of a hereby amended to read as follows: ^ thereof to (i) Non-Negro skilled labor
skin has the head cut straight off be- than packer classifications. each such classification reduced by a dis-
recommendation for prosecution under (irrespective of individual trades); (ii)
hind the ears, and the shanks cut off at Tare allorvance. A tare allowance of count of 10%. 1201.1 Prohibiting discrimination in
•ection 35A of the Criminal Code (18 9
Negro skilled labor (irrespective of indi-
the knee or above. not less than 2% shall be allowed on all (b) Country calf and kip skins. employment. There shall be no discrim-
VB.C. 80). vidual trades) (iii) Non-Negro unskilled

(g) The term "Pacific Coast" means sales of hides other than pck;ker classifi- Price, flat for No. I's and No. 2's, ination by reason of race, creed, color,
(k) Effective date. This Order shall labor; and (iv) Negro unskilled- labor.

California, Washington. cations. (Executive Order No. 8734, 6 per lb. f. o. b. shipping point national origin or political afliliations in
take effect upon the date of the issuance the states of

Oregon, Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, and PJl. 1917) Country Calf (lOlbe. and down) $0. 16
the employment of persons, qualified by (b) the percentages, of the total
thereof and shall continue in effect un- 18
Utah, and that part of Montana. Wy- 9 1314.12 Appendix B. maximum Country Calf (10 to 16 lbs)
training and experience, for work in the amounts so paid for all skilled labor and
of Priorities
til revoked by the Director
subject to such amendments or supple- oming, Colorado, and New Mexico west of prices for domestic kips andcalfskins — Country Kips (15 lbs. or more) 16
development of defense housing or de- for all unskilled labor, that are paid, re-
Denver, Colorado. (a) (1) Packer calf and kip skins sold on (c) Pacific coast calf and kip skins.'
fense public works at the sites thereof. spectively, to Negro skilled and unskilled
ments thereto as may be Issued from labor approximate the respective per-
(h) The term "Pacific Coast Trimmed" a selected basis. STANDARD TARE ALLOWANCE AND DELIVERY (Sec. 308. Pubhc No. 849. 76th Congress,
time to time by the Director of Priorities. centages of Negro skilled and unskilled
means the standard short trim prevail- as amended by Public No. 42 and Public
(PX>. Reg. 1. Aug. 27, 1941. 6 FB.. 4489; NO. 1 SELECTION, STANDARD PRESENT TRIM, Price per lb.,
laborers in the locality (as submitted to
ing in the Pacific Coast. No. 137, 77th Congress.)
OPM Reg. 3. March 8, 1941. 6 F.R. 1596; TARE ALLOWANCE AND DELIVERY f. o. b. shipping point
the contractor by the contracting officer
(i) All other trade terms used in this Coast Kips (15 lbs. or more).. $0 19%
E.O. 8629. Jan. 7. 1941. 6 FH. 191; E.O. Pacific In testimony whereof, I have hereunto
or by the public or private agency) there
8875. Aug. 28. 1941. 6 F.R. 4483; sec. 2 (a).
Schedule shall have the meanings gen- Price per lb., f. o. b. Chicago, Pacific Coast New York City Trimmed
my hand and official seal in the city

set shall be deemed to be prima facie evi-

erally accepted in the trade. (Executive freight equalized » Kips (15 Ibe. or more) 21
Public No. 671. 76th Congress. Third Ses- Chicago Packer Heavy North- Pacific Coast Trimmed Calf (6 to IS of Washington this 11th day of Septem- dence that the contractor is not discrim-
sion, as amended by Public No. 89. 77th
Order No. 8734. 6 FM. 1917) em (9'/*,-16 lbs.) $0.27 36 ber 1941.
Appendix A. maximum prices
inating against Negro labor. Otherwise,
9 1314.11 Chicago Packer Lights (less Pacific CkMst Trimmed Calf (13 to
Congress. First Session; sec. 9, Public No.
783. 76th Congress. Third Session)
for domestic hides —
(a) Packer classifi- than 9 Vi lbs.) .23V4 15 lbs.).- as'/i [SEAL] JohnN.Edy,
Acting Administrator.
or if any contractor shall fail or refuse
cations sold on a selected basis. Packer Kips, No. 1 Northern to make the payroll notations herein-
Price per skin
Native (15-25 lbs.) .20 above referred to, the contracting officer
Issued this 13th day of September, f.o.b. shipping point [F. R. Doc. 41-6880: Piled, September 15, 1941;
Stamdard Present Tru*. Tare Allowance Packer Kips. No. 1 Northern
1941. Coast Calf (less than 6 lbs.) »1 25 9:34 a. m.l (as to defense public works constructed
Overweight. (Kips over 26 Pacific
AND Delivery 19 pursuant to sub-paragraph (b) of sec-
Donald M. Nelson. lbs.)
Pacific Coast Calf and Kip skins which
Director of Priorities. Price per lb., f. o. b. Chicago, Branded Kips H'/j tion 202 of said Act of October 14. 1940.
freight equalized ^unks, regxilar 1.10 each, flat fail to meet present generally accepted as amended) or the public or private
[F.R. Doc. 41-6912: Piled, September 15, 1941; No. IS No.2i Slunka. hairless. .55 each, flat standards of tare allowance or delivery Part 1201 Discrimination in Defense
agency (as to defense public works for
11:54 a. m.) heavy and The term "F. O. B. Chicago. Freight stiall be sold at a price less than the ap- Housing or I>efense Public Works
Native Steers,
lO. 14Vi Equalized" shall have the same meaning as which loans or grants have been made
light •0. ISVa
plicable maximum price set forth above. supplement to regulation, dated march pursuant to sub-paragraph (c) of sec-
Native Steers, extreme light that set forth In Note 1 to Appendix A.
(23 to 48 lbs.) .15V» .14»/2 (Executive Order No. 8734. 6 Fil. 1917) 4, 1941, providing against discrimina- tion 202 of said Act of October 14. 1940.
Heavy Native Cows (53 lbs. (2) Chicago city calf and kip skins
§ 1314.15 Effective date of this amend- work on defense housing, to
CHAPTER XI—OFFICE OP PRICE tion in as amended) shall investigate and report
and up) .IS'/i •l*'/^ sold on a selected basis. ment. This amendment (§9 1314.7a, against discrimination in
ADMINISTRATION Light Native Cows (less
provide the reasons therefor to Director of the
than 53 lbs.)... 15V4 .14^ NO. 1 SELECTION, STANDARD^ PRESENT TRIM.
and 1314.12) shall become
1314.10, 1314.11, work on defense public works Defense Public Works Division.
Part 1314 Raw Materials for Shoes Butt Branded Steers efiective September 13. 1941: Provided,
. 14V4 .13'/i
TARE ALLOWANCE AND DELIVERY Part 1201 is amended by adding the (c) Copies of this section shall be dis-
AND Leather Products Texas Steers, heavy and however. That firm commitments entered
light -- .13'^ following new section: tributed to all contractors engaged in
.14V4 Price per lb., f. o. b.
into prior to September 13. 1941. for the the development of defense public works
Price Schedule No. 9 '—Hides. Kips and Texas Steers, extreme light ahip^ng point
.16 .14 sale of hides, kips or calfskins at prices 1201.3 Negro labor and defense pub-
9 under the aforesaid Act of October 14,
Calfskins. Is hereby amended by adding (23 to 48 lbs.) Chicago City (10 to 15 lbs.) $0 23
Colorado Steers .14 .13 Chicago not exceeding the maximum prices here- lic works. In order to ascertain compli- amended by said Act of April 29,
thereto two new sections numbered Branded cows
City (8 to 10 lbs.) .
20'-i 1940, as
14«/a IS'/i
Chicago City Native Kips (15-25 tofore established by Price Schedule No. 9. ance, jn respect to Negro labor, with and by said Act of June 28, 1941.
9 1314.7a and § 1314.15. and by amending Native Bulls .12 -H 18 1941,
lbs). but higher than any maximum price es- discrimina-
§ 1201.1. providing against

9§ 1314.10. 1314.11 and 1314.12 to read as Branded Bulls - .11 .10 Chicago City Branded Kips... .17 (d) As used in (his section, the term
Chicago City Overweight Klpe (Kips tablished by this amendment thereto, may tion in work on defense housing or de- "contractor" includes subcontractors.
follows Packer classifications of hides which fail
over 25 lbs.) . 17 be completed at contract prices, provided fense public works, it is requested that: (Sec. 308. Public No. 849. 76th Congress,
S1314.7a Evasion. The price limita- to meet present generally accepted stand- that all deliveries pursuant to such firm
ards of selection, trim, tare allowance or Prices per skin. o. b. Contracting officers in charge of
(a) as amended by Public No. 42 and Public
tions set forth in this Schedule shall not f.
commitments are completed on or before
delivery shall be sold at a price less than
shipping point the development of defense pubbc works No. 137. 77th Congress.)
be evaded whether by direct or indirect November 15, 1941. (Executive Order No.
the applicable maximum price set forth Chicago City (less than 8 lbs.) $1 48 undertaken, and public and private agen- In testimony whereof, I have hereunto
methods in connection with a purchase, 8734. 6 F.R. 1917)
above. City packer and col-
New York cies to which loans or grants are made my hand and official seal in the city
sale, delivery or transfer of hides, kips (3) set
Hides other than packer classifica- lector calf and kip skins sold on a selected
Issued this 12 day of September 1941. for defense public works, pursuant to of Washington this 11th day of Septem-
or calfskins, alone or in conjunction with (b)
any other material, or by way of any tions sold on an unselected basis. basis. Leon Henderson, the Act of October 14, 1940 (Public No. ber, 1941.
commission, service, transportation, or Administrator. 849. 76th Congress), as amended by the
Price per lb., f.o.b. Chicago, NEW YORK aTY TRIM- [SEALl John N. Edy,
other charge, or discount, premium or freight equalized*
1 Act of April 29. 1941 (Public No. 42, 77th
ALLOWANCE AND IF R. Doc. 41-6871: Filed. September 12. 1941, Acting Administrator.
other privilege, or by upgrading, tying- Trimmed Untrimmed STANDARD TARE DELIV-
3:21 p. m.] Congress) and by the Act of June 28,
Free of Brand Steers and ERY 1941 (Public No. 137, 77th Congress), [P. R.Doc. 41-S881: Piled, September 16, 1941;
agreement or other trade understanding, Price per skin. 9:34 a.m.]
(Executive Order No. 8734,
Cows W. 15 •0.14Vi shall after the effective date of this
or otherwise. Branded Steers and Cows.- 14>4 1* f. o. b. shipping point
. •

6 P.R. 19171 New York Packer (3 to 4 lbs.) 11 25 CHAPTER section

Free of Brand BuUs .11>^ .11
New York Packer (4 to 5 lbs.) 40
i 1314.10 Definitions, (a) The term Branded Bulls lOVi 10
New York Packer (5 to 7 lbs.)
1 80
ADMINISTRATOR (1 Submit 1o each contractor engaged
"person" includes an individual, corpora- PREMIUM FOR HIDES OTHER THAN PACKER New York Packer (7 to 9 lbs.) 2 80 Discrimination in Defense in constructing any such defense public TITLE 38—PENSIONS, BONUSES,
Part 1201
tion, association, partnership, or other CLASSIFICATIONS SOLD ON A SELECTED New York Packer (9 to 12 lbs.) 3 80
Housing or Defense Public Works works, the percentage of Negro skilled AND VETERANS' RELIEF
New York 4 20
business entity. BASIS
Packer ( 12 to 17 lbs )
and unskilled labor in the locality of the
New York Packer (17 lbs. or more) 4.60
amendment to regulation, dated JANUARY CHAPTER I—VETERANS' ADMINIS-
(b)The term "hides, kips or calfskins" New -
15 project, as reflected by the Federal cen-
A seller who
does not grade his hides York Collector (3 to 4 lbs.) 1
means hides and skins of domestic cattle New York Collector (4 to 5 lbs.) 1 30 6,
sus and other relevant data, as deter-
according to packer classifications but al- WORK ON DEFENSE HOUSING, TO
of the bovine species. New York Collector (5 to 7 lbs ) 1 65 TION IN mined by the Director of the Defense Part 3 Adjudication Disallowance
lows a one cent per pound discount for New York Collector (7 to 9 lbs.) 2 60 provide againstDISCRIMINATION IN

(c) The term "domestic" means orig- Public Works Division. AND Awards
No. 2's may charge a premium of one- New York Collector (9 to 12 lbs.) 3 55
inating from the continental United New 3 95 Require each contractor engaged
half cent per pound over the maximum York Collector (12 to 17 lbs.)
3.1300 Military and naval retire-
States. New York Collector (17 lbs. or more).. 4 35 The Regulation providing against dis- In constructing any such defense public §

(d) The term "broker" means any per- crimination in work on defense housing. works to indicate by notation (W for ment pay. Disability compensation or
•The term "F.OB Chicago, Freight Equal- Calf and Kip skins of the classifica- not be awarded to a veteran
son who acts on behalf of a principal in ized" used In this Schedule has the meaning
Non-Negro, N for Negro) on pay-roll pension
tions set forth above which fail to meet for any period during which he receives
connection with the collection, sale, pur- generally accepted in the Industry, to wit:
present generally accepted standards of The maxlmiun any calfskin origi- forms required to be submitted to the
retirement pay or retainer pay as a mem-
* price of
chase, receipt or shipment of hides, kips The maximum price F.O.B. Chicago, Freight nating in the Pacific Coast, but not Pacific Government, or to such public or private
Equalized, which a purchaser may pay under selection, trim, tare allowance or deliv-
or calfskins. Coast trimmed, shall not exceed 80 per cent agencies, the race of each laborer, skilled ber of the Fleet Reserve or, if an officer
this Schedule shall not exceed the maximum ery, shall be sold at a price less than the
The term "carload" means a ship- of the maximum price set forth above for
or unskilled, listed on such payroll forms; or enlisted man on the retired lists of the
(e) price set forth above plus either (a) freight applicable maximum price set forth Pacific Coast trimmed calf of corresponding
Navy or Marine Corps or an officer on
ment of 36,000 pounds. from Chicago to destination or (b) freight weight except that (1) In the case of skins and
from shipping point to destination, which- above. the Army, for any period
(f) The term "New York City trim" weighing less than six pounds, the maximum Ascertain and report to the Direc-
the retired list of
ever Is less: except that on shipments by Maximum prices No. 2's. Tlie
for price cf 1125 per skin shall apply to both during which he retains his retired status
means the standard trim prevailing in sellers from points located east of Chicago, tor of the Defense Public Works Division How-
maximum price for No. 2 Calf and Kip trimmed and untrimmed skins, and (2) New with the military or naval services.
Illinois, the maximum price Is F.03. shipping
York City trimmed calfskins originating In at the end of each 4-week period of such an en-
skins of the classifications set forth above on and after June 30, 1941,
< 6 FR 2909. point. th? Pacific Coast weighing 15 pounds or less construction, the respective amounts paid ever,
may be sold by the skin at prices not exceed- man of the regular Army or of
by each such contractor during such pe- listed
ing the maximum prices established above for the Philippine Scouts on the retired list
New York Collector skins. riod as wages, for work in the develop-
4738 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tu€»day. September 16, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 16, 1941 4739
(Contract No. W-OBD-5201 things necessary for the completion of a the procurement of the production the subsequent operation of the Plant,
who is eligible to receive pension or com-
Plant Of the type and capacity described equipment required, by subcontract or
pension under the laws administered by T>toiice9 Summary of Cost-Plus-a-Pixed-Fei
in Article I-A hereof. otherwise.
Including the necessary training of per-
the Veterans' Administration, if he were New Ordnance Facility Construc- sonnel for such operation in addition to
In the performance of the work de- Art. n-B. Estimates. It Is estimated the key personnel trained pursuant to
not receiving retired pay, may waive re- tion AND Operation Contract 2.
scribed' in Section 1 of this Article I-B. that the total cost under this Title II Title ni hereof, and all other services
ceipt of retired pay and allowances for WAR DEPARTMENT. contractor: hercules powder company, will be approximately nine million six
the purpose of receiving such pension the Contractor shall: incident to setting up an efficient and
(Change Order No. B; 7 '11 '41) wilmington, delaware hundred sixty- four thousand eight hun- going operating force.
or compensation: and thereafter such re- a. Furnish management service cover-
SciofARY or Changs Ordir to Contract dred dollars ($9,664,800.00) exclusive of 2. As each operating unit of the Plant
tired enlisted man may waUve receipt of Contract' Furnishing manage-
for: ing supervision, direction and control of
FOR Construction the Contractor's fee. Is completed and ready for operation and
such pension or compensation for the ment service (including subcontracts for the designing (including designing of the
purpose of receiving retired pay and architect-engineer services and con- Art. II-C. Consideration. As consid- the necessary preparation for operation
contractor: fraser-braci engineering production equipment), engineering and
allowances. To prevent concurrent pay- struction of a new ordnance facility and eration for its undertaking under this and training of personnel has proceeded
CO., inc., new YORK, N. Y. construction (including the installation
ments, when waiver of receipt of retired installation of equipment therein), pro- Title II the Contractor shall receive the to a point where operation is practicable
of the production equipment) of the
pay and allowances for the purpose of Summary of change order to Cost- '
curing production equipment, training Plant, and subject to the approval of
following: the Contractor shall so notify the Con-
receiving pension or compensation is filed Plus-a-Pixed-Pee Contract No. 6977. W key personnel for and operating a new the Contracting Officer, establish, equip 1. Reimbursement for expenditures as
tracting Officer In writing and shall pro-
in the War Department that Department qm-1.' Dated October 29. 1940. published ordnance facility for the manufacture of ceed to operate It as directed from time
and maintain adequate guard and fire provided in Title V.
in Federal Register January 28. 1941, to time by the Contracting Officer.
shall notify the Veterans' Administration trinitrotoluene. fighting forces. 2. A amount of one
fixed-fee in the
of the receipt of such waiver and the (collateral to Contract No. W-ORD-482, Place: Near Chattanooga, Tennessee. 3. Notwithstanding the fact that the
b. Subcontract, on forms prescribed by dollar which shall constitute
effective date of the stoppage of retired dated October 23. 1940. between The Estimated cost of management service complete compensation for the Contrac- construction and equipping of the Plant
The Quartermaster General, for Archi-
pay and allowances. Similar report to United States of America and Atlas Pow- (including cost of architect-engineer and tor's services, including profit.
as a whole shall not have been com-
tect-Engineer services covering design
the War Department shall be rendered by der Company, as amended and modified construction subcontracts) under Title pleted, when all operating units thereof
and engineering and subcontract for the
the Veterans' Administration when by Supplemental Contract W-ORD-482 I: $27 494.932.00.
Title III Training of Key Personnel are completed and ready for operation,
construction (including the installation
waiver of receipt of pension or compen- Supp. 1. dated May 29. 1941) between Fixed-fee for management service un- (Optional) the Contractor shall so notify the Con-
of production equipment) of the Plant,
sation is filed in the Veterans' Adminis- the United States of America and Fraser- der Title I: $115,480.00. Art. ni-A. Statement of work. The tracting Officer in writing, and from and
with suixontractors selected by The
tration for the purpose of receiving re- Brace Engineering Company. Inc.. New Estimated cost of procuring equip- obligation of the Contractor to proceed after the date of said notice the Con-
Quartermaster General and approved by
tired pay and allowances. (Section 4. York. New Yorlt. for the construction of ment under Title II: $9,664,800.00. with the work under this Title III shall tractor shall operate said Plant for the
the Contractor.
Public No. 140, 77th Congress.) Where and equipment of a plant for the manu- Fixed- fee for procuring equipment un- be conditioned upon receipt by the Con- production of an initial quantity of
a claim for disability compensation or facture of TNT and DNT
at Weldon
der -ntle II: $1.00.
4. The Government shall furnish the
tractor of notice in writing from the
• • * pounds of TNT; it being esti-
pension is filed by a retired officer or en- Springs. Missouri. Estimated cost of training key per- Contractor such available schedules of mated that said initial quantity shall be
Contracting Officer so to do. Upon re-
listed man, such claim will be fully de- Pursuant to the authority vested in preliminary data, layout sketches, and equivalent to approximately • •
sonnel under Title ni (optional): ceipt by the Contractor of such notice,

veloped and adjudicated to the point the Contracting Officer under Article I $375,000 00.
other available information respecting months operation of the Plant.
the Contractor shall hire or select the
where it may be ascertained what pe- of the contract above described, you. as Fi.xed-fee for training key personnel
sites, topography, soil conditions, outside
4. Upon written notice to the Contrac-
key personnel necessary for the opera-
cuniary benefits are payable. The ap- contractor, are hereby directed to per- utilities and equipment, and shall make
under Title HI: $1.00. tion of the Plant, and when such person- tor not less than • • • days before
plicant will be duly informed of the form the work and services indicated Estimated cost of operation under available to the Contractor such Govern- the anticipated completion of the opera-
nel is available shall proceed to train
amount of compensation or pension below. Title rv (optional) $11,400,000.00.
ment designs, drawings, specifications, tion provided for in section 3 next above,
such personnel in the duties and func-
which would be payable except for his Provide the necessary Design. Engi- Fixed-fee for operation under Title IV:
details, standards and safety practices
the Government may, at its option, au-
tions of their respective positions, at the
retirement status and instructed to notify neering and Construction services inci- as are on hand in the offices of the Chief
$ • • • per lb. of TNT. Contractor's plants, at Ordnance estab- thorize the continued operation of the
the Veterans' Administration and the dent to the following changes in the of Ordnance and The Quartermaster Plant for the manufacture of an addi-
The new ordnance facility, services
General and are applicable to the design,
lishments, or elsewhere, in order that
proper service department whether he de- work: tional quantity of • •
and supplies to be obtained by this in- they will have obtained experience with • pounds of
sires, if an officer or enlisted man on Add to the description of the work now
construction, and equipping of the said
the processes and operations involved in TNT, and the Contractor shall under-
strument are authorized by, are for the
the retired lists of the Navy or Marine set forth under Article I of the principal purposes set forth in. and are chargeable
the Plant at any time when the Govern- take such continued operation under the
Corps or an officer on the retired list of 5. All of the Contractor's notes and
contract, as modified and amended, the to the following procurement authorities, ment shall exercise its option under Sec- terms and conditions of this contract
the Army, that his retired status be ter- other data concerning the design, con- applicable to the operation of the Plant
construction of-additional utilities. the available balances of which are suffi- tion 1 of Article TV-A of Title IV.
minated and. if a retired enlisted man of Omit from the description now set cient to cover the cost of the same:
struction and equipping of the Plant shall (including those relating to the fixed-
become the property of the Government. Art. III-B. Estimate. It is estimated
the regular Army or of the Philippine forth under Article I of the principal fee for such additional operation, which
ORD 27.037 P99 A0141-O2 that the cost of the work under this Title
Scouts, whether he desires to waive re-
tired pay and allowances. Upon receipt
contract, as modified and amended, the
construction of * * V <The work ORD 27.035 P99 A0141-02 ,
Art. I-C. Estimates. 1. It is estimated
that the total cost of the work under this m will be approximately three hundred
fee shall be that provided In Section 2
of Article IV-C. hereof).
ORD 50,185 P510-31 A0025-13 seventy-five thousand dollars ($375.-
of notice from the respective service de- herein is not considered a material Title I willbe approximately Twenty- Art. rV-B. Estimates. It is estimated
partment of the termination or waiver change in the scope of the work under ORD 50.186 P531-32 A0025-13 Seven Million Pour Hundred Ninety- 000.00) exclusive of the Contractor's fee.

that the cost of the work under this

Four Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty- Art.»III-C. Consideration. As consid-
of the retired status compensation or the original contract and. therefore, no This contract, entered into this 1st day Title rv will be eleven million four hun-
Two eration for its undertaking under this
pension otherwise payable may be adjustment in the fixed-fee is allowed on of August 1941. Dollars ($27,494,932.00). including
dred thousand dollars ($11,400,000.00),
the cost of all subcontracts but excluding Title III the Contractor shall receive the
awarded from the date following the this work.) following: exclusive of the cost of continued opera-
Title Management Service the Contractor's fee and the procurement
termination or suspension of the retired a net increase
I tion covered by the option therefor pro-
The above will result in of production equipment provided for in 1. Reimbursement for expenditures as
status. In all instances, including the cost and Article I-A. Description of new ord- vided in section 4 of Article IV-A hereof,
claims of Philippine Scouts, where retire-
in the estimated construction Title n hereof. provided in Title V. and exclusive of the Contractor's fee.
Contractor's Fixed-Fee as follows: nance facility. The new ordnance facil-
Art. I-D. Consideration. As consid- 2. A
fixed-fee of one dollar ($1.00)
ment pay has heretofore been terminated ity,hereinafter referred to as the 'Plant". Art. IV-C. Consideration. As consid-
Increase the estimated construc- eration for its undertaking under tliis which shall constitute complete com- eration for its undertaking under this
by the appropriate service department tion cost by $1,150,000 and designated as Volunteer Ordnance Title I the Contractor shaU receive the pensation for the Contractor's services Title IV the Contractor shall receive the
upon the basis of a waiver or otherwise Total estimated cost (after de- Works, shall comprise a plant at or near following
ductions. Indicated above) under this Title HI, including profit. following
and compensation or pension has been Including this change order.. 25. 859. 470
Chattanooga. Tennessee, upon a site to
awarded it will be considered that the Total flxed-fee Including this be furnished and made available by the 1. Reimbursement for expenditures as Title IV Operation of Plant 1. Reimbursementfor expenditures as
veteran's retirement status was properly change order 746.290 Goverrunent. for the manufacture of tri- provided in Title V. (Optional)
No change
provided in Title V
Contractor's flxed-fee nitrotoluene (hereinafter referred to as 2. A flxed-fee in the amount of one
terminated and that the veteran had Art. rV-A. Statement of work. 1. The 2. A fixed-fee for the work under
Frank W. Bullock, "TNT"). hundred fifteen thousand four hundred Article rV-A hereof of
elected to receiv^ compensation or pen- obligation of the Contractor to proceed • • • per
Major, Signal Corps. eighty dollars ($115,480.00) which shall
sion and the awards will be continued. Art. I-B, Statement of work. 1. Tlie with the work under this Title rv shall pound of TNT. manufactured hereunder
Assistant to the Director of constitute complete compensation for the
(Comp. Oen. Dec. A-25279. dated6-28-29. Contractor shall, in the shortest reason-' be conditioned upon receipt by the Con- and accepted by the Government, which
Purchases and Contracts. able time, furnish the labor, materials, Contractor's services. Including profit. fee shall constitute complete compensa-
7-25-40. and 12-6-40) (September 15, tractor of the notice provided for In Sec-
1941) Sec. 4,
I Pub. No. 140. 77th Cong.] (F. R. Doc. 41-6882; Filed,
15. 1941;
tools, machinery, equipment, facilities,
supplies not furnished by the
Title II Procurement of Production tion 1 of Article ni-A of Title
receipt within • • •
months after
m tion for Contractor's services.

[SEAL] Frank T. Hines, a. Equipment Title V Cost of the Work and Payment
Government, and services, and do all the date of approval of this contract of
Administrator. Therefor
> Approved by the Under Secretary of War Art. n-A, Statement of work. The notice in writing from the Contracting
July 30, 1941. Approved by the Under Secretary
> of War.
|P. R Doc. 41-6900; Filed. September 15. l»4l:
»6 F.R 830. August 19. 1941.
Contractor shall, in the shortest reason- Officer so to do. Immediately upon re- Art. V-A. Reimbursement for contrac-
11:28 a. m.) able time, determine the production ceipt by the Contractor of such notice, tor's expenditures. 1. The Contractor
equipment requirements for the Plant and concurrently with the performance shall be reimbursed in the manner here-
and shall, subject to the approval of the of the work required of it under Titles I. inafter described for such of its actual
Contracting Officer, thereupon proceed
to do all things necessary and Incident to
II and m
hereof, the Contractor shall expenditures in the performance of "the
undertake all preparations necessary for work under this contract, as may be ap-
No. ISO 3
FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 16, 1941
FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 16, 1941 4741

proved or ratified by the Contracting ditional instructions, retitiire additional to cover the cost of the same: ORD
50193 excluding the Contractor's fee and the Title m the Contractor shall receive the ($1,865,640.00). exclusive of the cost of

P510-31 A 0025-13, ORD

50194 P540-30 procurement of production equipment following: continued operation covered by the op-
work, or direct the omission of work cov-
A 0025-13, 27040 P-99 A 0141-02,
ORD provided for In Title n
Reimbursement for expenditures as tion therefor provided in Section 4 of
Aht. V-B. Payments—Reimbursement ered by the contract.
Art. I-D. Consideration. As considera-
Article IV-a hereof, and exclusive of the
The Government will cur- Art. vn-C. Title. The title
to all work, ORD 27041 P-99 A 0141-02. provided in Title V.
for cost. tion for its undertaking under this Title Contractor's fee.
rently reimburse the Contractor for ex- completed or in the course of construc- This contract, entered into this 1st day 2. A fixed-fee of one dollar ($1.00).
I the Contractor shall receive the fol- Art. IV-C. Consideration. As consid-
penditures made in accordance with tion, preparation or manufacture shall be of Augiist, 1941. which shall constitute complete compen-
lowing: eration for its undertaking under this
Article V-A of this Title V upon cer- in the Government. Likewise, upon de- sation for the Contractor's services under
Title I—Management Service
Reimbursement Title rv the Contractor shall receive the
tification and delivery to and verification livery at the site of the work, at an ap- 1. for expenditures as this Title ni. Including profit.
by the Contracting Officer of the original proved storage site or other place ap-
proved by the Contracting Officer and
Articlx I-A. Description of new ord- provided in Title V.
fixed-fee In the amount of one
Title IV —Operation of Plant (Optional) Reimbursement for expenditures as
signed pay rolls for labor, receipted In- nance facility. The new ordnance facil- 2. 1.

voices for materials, equipment, etc., or upon inspection and acceptance in writ- ity, hereinafter referred to as the hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) Art. IV-A. Statement of work. 1. The provided in Title V
which shall constitute complete compen- 2. A fixed-fee for operation provided
other evidence satisfactory to the Con- ing by the Contracting Officer, title to "Plant", and designated as Missouri Ord- obligation of the Contractor to proceed
tracting Officer. Reimbursement will all materials, tools, machinery, equip- nance Works, shall comprise a plant at sation for the Contractor's services, in- with the work under this Title IV shall in Section 3 of Article IV-A of this Title
be madeas promptly as possible, gen- ment and supplies, for which the Con- or near Louisiana, Mo. upon a site to be cluding profit. be conditioned upon receipt by the Con- rv of * • • per ton on the initial
erally weekly, but may be made at more tractor shall be entitled to be reimbursed furnished and made available by the tractor of the notice provided for in Sec- quantity of anhydrous ammonia pro-
frequent intervals if the conditions so under Title V hereof shall vest in the Government, for the manufacture of
title n Procurement of Production
tion 1 or Article UI-A of Title HI and duced hereunder and accepted by the
warrant. All payments made under this Government. anhydrous ammonia. receipt within • • • months after Government; which fee shall constitute
paragraph a of Section 1 shall be subject This contract authorized by the
is Art. I-B. Statement of work. 1. The Art. n-A. Statement of ux>rk. The the date of approval of this contract of complete compensation (except for con-
to the provisions of Article V-C. following laws: The Act of July 2, 1940 Contractor shaU, in the shortest reason- Contractor shall, in the shortest reason- notice In writing from the Contracting tinued operation) for Contractor's serv-
Payment of the fixed-fees. a. The (PubUc No. 703, 76th Congress) and the ,
able time, furnish the labor, materials, able time, determine the production Officer so to do. Immediately upon re- ices.

fixed-fee provided for in Article I-D of Act of June 30. 1941 (PubUc No. 139, 77th tools, machinery, equipment, facilities, equipment requirements for the Plant ceipt by the Contractor of such notice, 3. A fixed-fee for continued operation

Title I shall be paid in partial payments, Congress) utilities, supplies not furnished by the and shall, subject to the approval of the and concurrently with the performance provided in Section 4 of Article IV-A of
less ten percent (10%) of each such par- Prank W. Bxtllock, Government, and services, and do all Contracting Officer, thereupon proceed of the work required of it under Titles this Title rv of • • * per ton of an-
payment asaccrues. to do all things necessary and incident I, n and in hereof, the Contractor shall hydrous ammonia produced hereunder
tial it Major. Signal Corps. things necessary for the completion of
b. The fixed-fee of one dollar ($1.00) Assistant to the Director of a Plant of the type and capacity de- to the procurement of the production undertake all preparations necessary for and accepted by the Government which ;

provided for in Article H-C shall be paid Purchases and Contracts. scribed in Article I-A hereof. equipment required, by subcontract or the subsequent operation of the Plant, fee shall constitute complete compensa-
upon the completion of the work provided 2. In the performance of the work otherwise. Including the necessary training of per- tion for Contractor's services during con-
provided therein. [F. R. Doc. 41-€883; FUed, September 15. 1941;
Art. n-B. Estimates. It is estimated sonnel for such operation in addition to tinued operation.
g:36 a. m.] described in Section 1 of this Article
c. fixed-fee of one dollar ($100)
The I-B, the Contractor shall: that the total cost under tills Title n the key personnel trained pursuant to
Title V Cost of the Work and Payment
provided for in Article IH-C shall be will be approximately eight million five Title in hereof, and all other services
a. F\irnish management service cover- Therefor
paid upon the completion of the work (Contract No. W-ORI>-524) hundred thirty four thousand eight hun- Incident to settmg up an efficient and
ing supervision, direction and control of going operating force.
provided therein. dred dollars ($8,534,800.00), exclusive of Art. V-A. Reimbursement for con-
Sttmmary or Cost-Plus-a-Fixkd-Fie Nrw the designing (including designing of 2. As each operating unit of the Plant
d Ninety percent (90%) of the fixed- Ordnance FACiLmr Constrtjction and the Contractor's fee. tractor's expenditures. The Contractor
the production equipment), engineering Is completed and ready for operation
fee provided for in Article IV-C of
Title Art. II-C. Consideration. As consid- shall be reimbursed in the manner here-
the close
Operation Contract and construction (including the installa- and the necessary preparation for oper-
IV shall be paid promptly after tion of the production equipment) of the
eration for its undertaking under this inafter described for such of its actual
of the calendar month in which such contractor: hercules powder company, Title II the Contractor shall receive the ation and training of personnel has pro- expenditures in the performance of the
and wilmington, delaware Plant, and subject to the approval of the ceeded to a point where operation is
finished product is inspected following work under this contract, as may be ap-
Contracting Officer, establish, equip and practicable the Contractor shall proceed
accepted. Contract for: Furnishing management proved or ratified by the Contracting
maintain adequate guard and fire fight- 1. Reimbursement for expenditures as to operate it as directed from time to
Final payment. Upon completion of service (including subcontracts for archi- provided In Title V.

the work under Titles I and II and its and construction of

tect-engineer services
ing forces.
b. Subcontract, on forms prescribed by 2. fixed-fee in the amount of two
time by the Contracting Officer.
3. Notwithstanding the fact that the
Art. V-B. Payments — Reimburse-
final acceptance in writing by the Con- a new ordnance facility and installation The Quartermaster General, for Archi- thousand dollars ($2,000.00), which shall
ment for cost. 1. a. The Government
construction and equipping of the Plant
tracting Officer, and again upon the of equipment therein), procuring pro-
tect-Engineer services covering design coristltute complete compensation for
will currently reimburse the Contractor
as a whole shall not have been completed, for expenditures made in accordance
completion of the work under Sections duction equipment, training key person- and engineering and for the construc- the Contractor's services.
respectively of Article IV-A of
when all operating units thereof are com- with Article V-A of this "ntle V, upon
3 and 4. nel for and operating a new ordnance tion (including the Installation of pro- pleted and ready for operation the Con-
Title IV, the Government shall pay to facility for the manufacture of anhydrous duction equipment) of the Plant, with Title in Training of Key Personnel certification and delivery to and verifica-
tractor shall so notify the Contractine
the Contractor the unpaid balance of the ammonia. Subcontractors selected by the Quarter- (Optional) tion by the Contracting Officer of the
Officer in writing, and from and after the
cost of the work determined under Title Place: Louisiana, Mo. master General and approved by the
original signed pay rolls for labor, re-
Estimated Cost of management service Art. m-A. Statement of work. The date of said notice the Contractor shall ceipted invoices for materials, equipment,
V and of the fees.
hereof, Contractor.
obligation of the Contractor to proceed operate said Plant for the manufacture
Art. V-C. Advances. 1. At any time, (including cost of architect-engineer and etc., or other evidence satisfactory to the
The Government shall furnish the with the work under this Title III shall of • • * net tons of anhydrous Contracting Reimbursement
and from time to time, after the execu- construction subcontracts) under Title I: 4. Officer.
Contractor such available schedules of be conditioned upon receipt by the Con- ammonia which it is estimated will re- will be made as promptly as pwssible,
tion of this contract, the Government, at $9,222,452.00.
quire • • • months after the com-
Fixed-Fee for management service un- preliminary data, layout sketches and tractor of notice in writing from the generally weekly, but may be made at
the request of the Contractor, and sub- mencement of operation of the Plant.
othe available information respecting Contracting Officer so to do. Upon re- more frequent intervals if the conditions
ject to the approval of the Chief of Ord- der Title I: $100,000.00.
4. Upon written notice to the Contrac-
Estimated Cost of procuring equipment sites, topography, soil conditions, outside ceipt by the Contractor of such notice, so warrant. All payments made under
nance as to the necessity therefor, shall tor not less than • • • days before
under Title II: $8,534,800.00. utilities and equipment, and shall make the Contractor shall hire or select the this Paragraph a of Section 1 shall be
advance to the Contractor without pay- key personnel necessary for the opera- the anticipated completion of the opera-
Fixed-Fee for procuring equipment available to the Contractor such Govern- subject to the provisions of Article V-C.
ment of interest thereon by the Contrac-
under Title H: $2,000.00. ment designs, drawings, specifications, tion of the Plant, and when such per- tion provided for in Section 3 next above, Payment of the fixed-fees. 2. a. The
tor, a sum or sums not in excess of sonnel Is available shall proceed to train the Government may, at its option, au-
Estimated Cost of Training Key Per- details, standards and safety practices fixed-fee provided for in Article I-D of
thirty percent (30%) of the estimated thorize the continued operation of the
sonnel under Title IH: (Optional): as are on hand in the offices of the such personnel in the duties and func- Title I shall be paid in partial payments,
cost of the work under this contract. tions of their respective positions, at the Plant for the manufacture of such addi-
$220,440.00. Chief of Ordnance and The Quartermas- less ten percent (10%) of each such par-
ter General and are applicable to the de- Contractor's plants or elsewhere, in order tional anhydrous ammonia as the Gov- tial payment, on the last working day of
Title VI Termination Fixed-Fee for Training Key Personnel
under Title in: $1.00. sign, construction and equipping of the that they will have obtained experience ernment may desire within the capacity each calendar month as it accrues.
Art. Termination by Govern-
VI-A. with the processes and operations In- of the Plant for an additional period b. The fixed-fee provided for in Article
Estimated Cost of operation under said Plant.
ment. The Government may terminate the Contractor's notes and volved in the Plant at any time when of • • • months and the Contractor II-C of Title n
shall be paid in partial
Title rv (Optional): $1,865,640.00. 5. All of
this contract at any time by a notice in other data concerning the design, con- the Government shall exercise its option shall undertake such continued operation payments, less ten percent (10%) of each
Fixed-Fee for operation under Title
writing from the Contracting Officer to 'per ton. struction and equipping of the Plant under Section 1 of Article IV-A of under the terms and conditions of this such partial payment, on the last work-
rV: $ • •
the Contractor. The new ordnance facility, services and shall become the property of the Gov- Title IV. contract applicable to the operation of ing day of each calendar month as it
Art. ni-B. Estimate. It is estimated the Plant (including those relating to the
TiTtK vn—General supplies to be obtained by this instrument ernment.
that the cost of the work under this fixed-fee for such additional operation,
c. The fixed-fee of one dollar ($1.00)
are authorized by, are for the purposes Art. I-C. Estimates. It Is estimated
Art. VII-B. Changes. The Contract- set forth in, and are chargeable to the Title in will be approximately two hun- which fee shall be that provided in Sec- provided for in Article ni-C shall be paid
that the total cost of the work under this tion 3 of Article IV-C, hereof) upon the completion of the work pro-
ing Officer may at any time after con- following procurement authorities, the dred twenty thousand four hundred forty
Title I will be approximately nine million
sultation with the Contractor, by a writ- available balances of which are sufficient dollars ($220,440.00), exclusive of the Art. rV-B. Estimates. It is estimated vided therein.
two hundred twenty two thousand four that the cost of the work under this Title
ten order and without notice to the Contractor's fee. d. Ninety percent (90%) of the fixed-
sureties, make changes in or additions to the Under Secretary of War
hundred fifty two dollars ($9,222,452.00). Art. ni-C. Consideration. As consid- IV will be one million eight hundred sixty- fee provided for in Article IV-C of Title
« Approved by
Including the cost of all subcontracts but
the drawings and specifications, issue ad- August 19, 1941. eration for Its undertaking under this five thousand six himdred forty dollars IV shall be paid promptly after the close
4742 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 16, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 16, 1941 4743

of articles, the amount as set forth

any sive, the respondent purchased various with the Bituminous Coal Division at Its
of the calendar month In which such under Title V hereof shall vest to the either $1,000 or 50 percent of the total
the specifications or accompanying
amount of the contract. in sizes of coal in substantial quantities, Washington Office or with any one of the
finished product is Inspected and ac- Goverrunent.
Termination when contractor not in papers, and the contractor and his sure- and secured, accepted, and retained dis- field offices of the Division, within twenty
cepted. This contract is authorized by the fol-
ties shall be liable for the amount tributor's discounts thereon from code (20) days after date of service thereof on
Final payment. 4. Upon completion lowing laws: Act of July 2, 1940 (Public default. This contract is subject to ter-
n mination by the Government at any time thereof. member producers, which coal he resold the respondent; and that any respondent
of the work under Titles I and and its No. 703, 76th Cong.), and the Act of
Liquidated damages. Under the terms to the Ryan & Benson Fuel Corporation, failing to file an answer within such
final acceptance In writing by the Con- June 30, 1941 (Public No. 139, 77th as Its Interests may require.
Quantities. The Government reserves and conditions stipulated in Article 17 a retailer of Baltimore, Maryland, under period, unless the Director or the presid-
tracting OfBcer, and again upon the com- Cong.).
of this contract, the contractor shall pay whose control, financially or otherwise, ing officer shall otherwise order, shall be
pletion of the work under Sections 3 and Frank W. Bttllock, the right to increase the quantity of this
to the Government, as liquidated dam- said respondent was, In violation of para- deemed to have admitted said charges
4 respectively of Article IV-A of Title IV. Major, Signal Corps, contract by as much as • • • %,and
ages, for each calendar day of delay in graph (d) of the Agreement, and § 304.19 and to have consented to the entry of an
the Government shall pay to the Con- Assistant to the Director of at the unit price specified in Article 1,
the delivery of any article, a sum equal (c) of the Rules and Regulations for appropriate order on the basis of the
tractor, the unpaid balance of the cost Purchases and Contracts. such option to be exercised within • • •
• • • per centum of the price of Registration of Distributors. facts alleged.
of the work determined under Title V days from date of this contract: to
(F. R. Doc. 41-6885: Filed. September 15. 1941; such article for each day's delay after 3. The transactions referred to In All persons are hereby notified that the
hereof, and of the fees.
The Act of July 2, 1940 (Public Num-
9:39 a.
the time specified for delivery. paragraph 2 hereof rendered no service hearing In the above-entitled matter and
Art. V-C. Advances. At any time, ber 703, 76th Congress), as continued in
The supplies and services to be ob- of value to said code member vendors, orders entered therein may concern, in
and from time to time, after the execu- effect by The Act of Congress approved
tained by this instrument are authorized the resales to the Ryan Si Benson Fuel addition to the matters specifically al-
tion of this contract the Government, June 30, 1941 (Public No. 139, 77th Con-
Contract No. W-670-ORD-17631 by. are for the purpose set forth m, and
Corporation having been entered into leged herein, other matters incidental
at the request of the Contractor, and I
primarily for the purpose of unjustly and related thereto, whether raised by
subject to the approval of the Chief of Summary or Contract for STn»PLiES Frank W. Bullock, are chargeable to procurement authority
enriching the respondent, and the ac-
Ordnance as to the necessity therefor, Major, Signal Corps. QM 323 P2-0240 A 0515-2 the available amendment, petition for intervention, or
contractor: triumph explosives, inc.,
balance of which is sufficient to cover ceptance of such discounts as a distrib- otherwise, and all persons are cautioned
shall advance to the Contractor without Assistant to the Director of
elkton, maryland utor was in violation of paragraph (g) to be guided accordingly.
payment of interest thereon by the Con- Purchases and Contracts. cost ofsame.
of the Agreement. Dated: September 12, 1941.
tractor, a sum or sums not in excess of Contract 'for: • • • Bomb. • • This contract authorized under Pro-
IF. R. Doc. 41-6884: FUed, September 15, 1941: 4. The respondent. In his application
thirty percent (30%) of the estimated Amount: $1,375,810.38. curement Directive No. P-C-19 (42). [seal] H. a. Gray,
9:38 ». m.l for registration with the Bituminous
cost of the wort: under this contract. Place: Philadelphia Ordnance District, Frank W. Bullock, Director.
Coal Division as a distributor of bitu- ^

Title VI Termination of Contract: Dis- Mitten Building. Philadelphia. Penna. Major, Signal Corps, minous coal dated April 14, 1939, as de- IF. R. Doc. 41-6889: Piled. September 15, 1941;
position of Plant The supplies to be obtained under Ar- Assistant to the Director of scribed in paragraph 1 hereof, failed 10:08 a. m.J

Art. VI-A. Termination by government.

ticle 1 of this instrument are authorized [Contract No. W 669 qm-12765; O. I. No 378] Purchases and Contracts. to state as required on pages 5 and 6
by, are for the purpose set forth in, and thereof, the financial relations with the
The Goverrunent may terminate this sumbiary of contract ror supplies IF R. Doc. 41-6886; Filed, September 16, 1941:
are chargeable to Procurement Authority 9:39 a. m.] Ryan L Benson Fuel Corporation, and (Docket No. 1673-FD]
contract at any time by a notice in writ- ORD 15.205 P11-02A (1005) .105-01, the contractor: j. l. stifel & sons, inc.,
ing from the Contractinp OfiBcer to the west virginia
the failure to state that material fact The Pittsburg b Shaw-
In the Matter of
available balance of which is sufficient to wheeung, was In violation of paragraph (f ) of the
Contractor. mut Coal Company. Registered Dis-
cover the cost of same. Contract for: Cloth, Cotton, Herring- Distributor's Agreement and contrary to
Art. VI-B. Disposition of plant. 2. At tributor, Registration No. 7349, De-
This contract, entered into this 2d day bone Twill. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. § 304.11 (c) (6) of the Rules and Regu-
any time within * * • years after pendant
of August 1941.
the completion of the entire Plant, and Amount: $1,388,940.00.
Bituminous Coal Division.
lations for Registration of Distributors,
Scope of this contract. The contractor order postponing hearing
its acceptance by the Government, the Place: Philadelphia Quartermaster It therefore, ordered. That a hearing
shall furnish • • • Bomb, • • • Depot, I^iladelphla, Pa. (Docket No. 1833-FDI The above-entitled matter having been
Contractor shall have the right and op- pursuant to § 304.14 of the Rules and
for the consideration stated one million,
tion, to be exercised by written notice This contract, entered into this twen- In THp Matter of Ryan b Benson Fuel Regulations for the Registration of Dis- heretofore scheduled for hearing on Sep-
three hundred seventy-five thousand, tember 15, 1941, at 10 a m., at a hearing
from the Contractor to the Contracting ty-ninth day of July 1941. Corporation. Registered Distributor, tributors, to determine whether the reg-
eight hundred ten dollars and thirty-eight room of the Bituminous Coal Division, at
Officer, to purchase the Plant (including Scope of this contract. The contrac- Registration No. 7951, Respondent istration of said distributor should be
cents ($1,375,810.38) in strict accordance •
the County Court House, Kittanning,
land and easements acquired in connec- tor shall furnish and deliver • '
revoked or suspended, or other appropri-
with the specifications, schedules and notice of and order for hearing Pennsylvania; and
tion therewith). yards Cloth, Herringbone Twill, for the ate penalties be imposed, be held on Octo-
drawings, all of which are made a part
6. In the event that the Contractor
consideration stated totaling one mil- 1. The Bituminous Coal Division (the ber 6, 1941 at 10 a. m. at a hearing room It appearing to the Director that it is
lion three hundred eighty-eight thou- "Division") necessary In the
finds of the Bituminous Coal Division at the advisable to postpone said hearing;
shall purchase the Plant xmder the terms Changes. Where the supplies to be

of this Article VI-B, the Contractor sand nine hundred forty dollars ($1,388.- proper administration of the Bituminous National Labor Relations Board, Wash- Now, therefore, it is ordered. That the
furnished are to be specially manufac-
agrees that so long as and to the extent 940.00) in strict accordance with the Coal Act of 1937 (the "Act"), to deter- ington, D. C. hearing in the above-entitled matter be
tured in accordance with drawings and
that it owns and operates said Plant for
specifications, schedules and drawings, mine '^
It is further ordered. That Edward J. and the same is hereby postponed until
specifications, the contracting officer may all of which are made a part hereof. 10 o'clock in the forenoon of October 7,
the manufacture of ammonia, it will at any time, by a written order, and with- (a) whether or not the respondent In Hayes or any other officer or officers of
make such Plant available under the Con- Payments. The contractor shall be the Bituminous Coal Division designated 1941 at a hearing room and place to be
out notice to the sureties, make changes the above-entitled matter, Ryan & Ben-
paid, upon the submission of properly by the Director thereof for that purpose hereafter designated by an appropriate
tractor's ijianagement for the Govern- in the drawings or specifications, except son Fuel Corporation, Registered Dis-
certified invoices or vouchers, the prices order of the Director.
ment during any amergency that may Federal Specifications. Changes as to tributor, RegistrationNo. 7951. whose ad- shall preside at the hearing In such mat-
stipulated herein for articles delivered ter. The officer so designated to preside Dated: September 12, 1941.
arise, upon terms to be negotiated. shipment and packing of all supplies may dress Is 2701 Falls Road. Baltimore,
and accepted or services rendered, less at such hearing is hereby authorized to [SEALl H. A. Gray,
General also be made as above provided. Maryland, has violated any provisions of
Tttle VII deductions, if any, as herein specified. conduct said hearing, to administer Director.
Delays—Damnges. If the contractor the Act» the Marketing Rules and Regu-
Art. Vn-C. Changes. The Contracting Unless otherwise specified, payments will oaths and affirmations, examine wit-
refuses or fails to make deliveries of the lations, Rules and Regulations for Reg- (F. R. Doc. 41-6890: Filed, September 15. 1941;
Officer may at any time after consulta-
be made on partial deliveries accepted nesses, subpwena witnesses, compel their
materials or supplies within the time istration of Distributors, and the Dis- 10:08 a. m.)
tion with the Contractor, by a written by the Government when the amount attendance, take evidence, require the
specified in Article 1, or any extension tributor'sAgreement (the "Agreement")
order and without notice to the sureties,
due on such deliveries so warrants; or, production of any books, papers, corre-
thereof, the Government may by written dated April 14, 1939, executed by the re-
make changes in or additions to the draw-
when requested by the contractor, pay- spondence, memoranda or other records
notice terminate the right of the con-
ments for accepted partial deliveries
spondent pursuant to section 4 (h) of n deemed relevant or material to the to- (Docket Nos. 1681-FD, 1682-FDI
ings and specifications, issue additional tractor to proceed with deliveries or such the Act and subject to the Order of the
shall be made whenever such payments quiry, to continue said hearing from time In the Matter of A. E. Bonds and C. T.
instructions, require additional work, or part or parts thereof as to which there National Bituminous Coal Commission,
direct the omission of work covered by
would equal or exceed either $1,000 or to time, and to such places as he may Norman, defendants
has been delay. dated March 24, 1939, in General Docket
50 percent of the total amoimt of the direct by announcement at said hearing
the contract. Payments. The contractor shall be No. 12, which was adopted as an Order order postponing hearings
contract. or any adjourned hearing or by subse-
Art. Vn-D. Title. The title to all work,
completed or in the course of construc-
paid, upon the submission of properly
certified Invoices or vouchers, the prices

Delays Damages. If the contractor
of the Bituminous Coal Division on July
1. 1939, or any orders or regulations of
quent notice, and to prepare and submit The above entitled matters having been
tion, preparation or manufacture shall be refuses or fails to make delivery of ac- to the Director proposed findings of fact heretofore scheduled for hearings at 10
stipulated herein for articles delivered the Division; and
in the Government. Likewise, upon de- ceptable material or supplies within the and conclusions and the recommendation o'clock In the forenoon of October 6, 1941,
and accepted or services rendered, less (b) whether or not the registration
livery at the site of the work, at an ap- time or times specified in Article 1. or of an appropriate order in the premises, at a hearing room of the Bituminous Coal
deductions, if any, as herein provided. of said distributorshould be revoked or
proved storage site or other place ap- Payments will be made on partial deliv- any extension or extensions thereof, the and to perform all other duties in con- Division at the Tutwiler Hotel, Birming-
suspended or other appropriate penalties
proved by the Contracting Officer and actual damage to the Government for nection therewith authorized by law. ham, Alabama; and
eries accepted by the Government when be imposed;
upon inspection and acceptance in writ- requested by the contractor, whenever
the delay will be Impossible to deter- Notice of such hearing is hereby given The Director deeming it advisable that
ing by the Contracting Officer, title to mine, and to lieu thereof the contractor and for said purposes gives notice that to said respondent, and to all other par- said hearings should be postponed;
such payments would equal or exceed
all materials, tools, machinery, equip- shall pay to the Government as fixed, the Division has information to the effect ties herein and to all persons and entities Now, therefore, it is ordered. That the
ment and supplies, for which the Con- > Approved by Chlel of Ordnance August 22,
agreed, and liquidated damages for each that; having an interest in such proceeding. hearings in the above entitled matters
tractor shall be entitled to be reimbursed 1941. calendar day of delay In the delivery 2. During the period from October 1, Notice is hereby given that answer to be and the same are hereby postponed
1940 to July 31, 1941, both dates inclu- charges contained herein must be filed to a date and at a hearmg room to be
— —

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 16, 1941 4745

4744 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 16, 1941
filea petition of intervention In accord- 1 through 9 inclusive produced at Mme one learner; 25 cents per hour; Sewing
appearing to the Director that said tions for the Registration of Distributors,
hereafter designated by an appropriate It ance with the rules and regulations of Index No. 741 la production group 15 machine operator; October 27. 1941.
hearing should be postponed; and having thereafter duly filed with the the Bituminous Coal Di\1slon for pro- such modifications to compensate for dis-
order of the Director. Green Mt. Broom Company. 96 Grand
Now. therefore, it is ordered. That the Division on September 12, 1941, a supple-
Dated: September 12. 1941. ceedings instituted pursuant to section advantageous factors tii tke locations of Avenue, Swanton. Vermont; Brooms; 1
hearing In the above-entitled matter be. mental affidavit dated September 6, 1941, 4 n (d) of the Act. setting forth the Mine Index Nos. 612, 718 and 741 as com-
[bbal] H. a. Orat. learner; 4 weeks for any one learner; 25
and the same Is, hereby postponed to a pursuant to the provisions of said Order facts on the basis of which the relief in pared with the locations of competing
Director. cents per hour; Broom winder. October
date and at a hearing room to be here- dated July 24, 1941; and the original petition is supported or op- mines in their respective production 27. 1941.
ir. R. Doc. 41-0801: FUed. September 16. 1941;
after designated by an appropriate order It appearing to the Acting Director
a. m.]
posed or on the basis of which other groups. Harfilms, Inc., 600 Baronne Street,
of the Director. that said affidavits of the White Oak Coal relief is sought. Such petitions of Inter- Dated: September 12, 1941. New Orleans, Louisiana; Motion Pic-
Dated: September 12, 1941. Company sufficiently comply with the vention shall be filed with the Bitumi- [SEAL] H. a. Gray, tures; 1 learner; 4 weeks for any one
provisions of Section 304.15 of the Rules
(Docket No«. 1683-m 1684-FDl [seal] H. a. Gray. nous Coal Division on or before Septem- Director. learner; 25 cents per hour; Laboratory
Director. and Regulations for the Registration of
Distributors and said Order dated July
ber 25. 1941.
(F. R.
Man; December 22, 1941.
In the Matter or Ed. Sheelor and Daisy All persons are hereby notified that
Doc. 41-8896; Piled. September 15, 1941;
Lyndon Broom Company,
IF. R. Doc. 41-8894: Piled. September 16, 1941: 10:12 a. m.J Lyndon,
City Coal Company. Detendants 10:08 a. m.J
24, 1941.
the hearing in the above-entitled mat- Kansas, Brooms; 5 learners; 4 weeks for
Now, therefore, it is ordered. That the
order postponing hearings ter and any orders entered therein, may any one learner; 25 cents per hour;
registration of the White Oak Coal Com-
nmtters having concern. In addition to the matters spe- Winder; October 27, 1941.
The above entitled pany be and it hereby is reinstated.
(Docket No. A-7e71 cifically alleged in the petition, other Sloan Electric Company, 529 Broad
been heretofore scheduled for hearing Dated: September IS. 1941.
matters necessarily incidental and re- Wage and Hour Street, Chattanooga, Tennessee; Auto-
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of October PrrrnoN or District Board No. 7 roa [8BAL] Dan H. Wheeler, Division.
lated thereto, which may he raised by motive Electrical Service; 1 learner; 480
7, 1941, at a hearing room of the Bitu- Revision or the &tbctive Price Clas- Acting Director. Notice of Issuance or Special Certifi-
at the TutwUer BinCATIONS AND MlNIKXTM PRICES FOR amendment to the petition, petitions of hours for any one learner; 25 cents per
minous Coal Division cates FOR the Employment of Learn-
(F. R. Doc. 41-8897: Piled, September 15. Interveners or otherwise, or which may hour; Auto Electrician; December 22,
Hotel,Birmingham. Alabama; and Certain Coals or Mine Index No. 211 1941; 10:09 a. m.j ers Under the Fair Labor Standards
be necessary corollaries to the relief, if 1941.
The Director deeming it advisable that or Vera Pocahontas Coal Company, a Act op 1938
any, granted on the basis of this petition. Standard Shade Pull Manufacturers,
said hearings should be postponed; Code Member in District No. 7. Por-
Now. therefore, it is ordered. That the STTANT to Section 4 II fd) or the Bi- The matter concerned herewith is in Notice hereby given that special
is 2587 W. North Avenue, Chicago, Illinois;
(Docket No. A-1026] regard to the petition of District Board Certificates authorizing the employment Window Shade Pulls; 8 learners; 6 weeks
hearings in the above entitled matters TtJMiNOUS Coal Act or 1937
Petition or District Board No. 12 roR No. 12 for revision of the effective mini- of learners at hourly wages lower than for any one learner; 30 cents per hour;
be and the same are hereby postponed
to a date and at a hearing room to be
order CORRECTING ERROR IN TRANSCRIPT Or Revision or the Effective Minimum mum prices for the coals, for shipment the minimum rate applicable under sec- Shade pull machine operator; November
HEARING Prices roR the Coals, por Shipment by truck, produced at the mines of cer- tion 6 of the Act are issued under sec- 10, 1941.
hereafter designated by an appropriate
BY Truck. Produced at the Mines op tain code members in District No. 12; tion 14 thereof and S 522.5 (b) of the Marjorie Symington, 528 N. Atlantic,
order of the Director. The original petitioner herein filed a
Certain Code Members in District and, more particularly, for: (1) a de- Regulations issued thereunder. (Au- Monterey Park, California; Decorators of
Dated: September 12, 1941. motion stating that the transcript of the
No. 12 crease of one cent per net ton In the gust 16, 1940. 5 PJl. 2862) to the em- glassware; 2 learners; 192 hours for any
(SEALl H. A. Gray. hearing in this proceeding erroneously effective minimum prices for the coals ployers listed below effective September one learner; 25 cents per hour; Cutter,
Director. failed to show that its Exhibit No. 6. en- notice or AND ORDER FOR HEARING
in Size Groups 1 through 7 and 9 and 15. 1941. Sandblaster; October 27, 1941.
titled "Listed below are the names and
IP R Doc. 41-88«2; Piled. September 15 1941; A pursuant to the Bitumi-
petition, an Increase of nine cents per net ton in The employment of learners under Wangerin Organ Company, 2330, 8.
10:08 a. m.| addresses of customers who will not pur-
nous Coal Act of 1937, having been duly such prices for the coals in Size Group 8, these Certificates is limited to the terms Burrell Milwaukee. Wisconsin;
chase Vera #3 at the prices established."
filed with this Division by the above- produced at Mine Index Nos. 243 and 453 and conditions as designated opposite Pipe Organs; 2 learners; 12 weeks for any
was Introduced in evidence and request- named party; in production group 1; (2) an increase one learner; 25 cents per hour; Electric
the employer's name. These Certifi-
[Docket Noe. 1885-FD. 1686-PD, 1687-PDl ing that the transcript be corrected in
It ordered, That a hearing in the
is In such prices of four cents per net ton cates are issued upon the employers' Contact Maker; December 22. 1941.
this respect.
In THE Matter or K. D. Abney, J. W. above-entitled matter under the appli- for the coals in Size Groups 1 through 7 representations that experienced work- Warren Lamp Company, Central Ave-
As it appears that this omission Is In
Bennett, and Long k Early, Detend- cable provisions of said Act and the rules and 9 and an Increase of nine cents per ers for the learner occupations are not nue, Warren, Pennsylvania; Incandes-
fact an error;
of the Division be held on September 30. net ton for the coals in Size Group 8 available for employment and that they cent Lamp Bulbs; 5 learners; 4 weeks for
It is, therefore, ordered. That the tran- 1941. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of that produced at Mine Index No. 325 in pro- are actually in need of learners at sub- any one learner; 25 cents per hour; Stem
script of the hearing in the above pro- day, at a hearing room of the Bitu- duction group 1; (3) a decrease of fifteen minimum rates in order to prevent cur- Maker, Inserter, Mounter, Sealer, Fin-
The above entitled matters having been ceeding be and it Is hereby corrected to minous Coal Division. 734 Fifteenth cents per net ton in such prices for the tailment of opportunities for employ- isher, Exhauster, March 15, 1942.
heretofore scheduled for hearings at show that petitioner's Exhibit No. 8. de- Street NW.. Washington, D. C. On such coals in Size Groups 1 through 7 and 9 ment. The Certificates may be cancelled H. N. Heusner and Son. 228 High
10 o'clock in the forenoon of October 8, scribed above, was received In evidence day the Chief of the Records Section in produced at Mine Index Nos. 249, 527 and in the manner provided for in the Reg- Street. Hanover, Pennsylvania; Cigars; 6
1941, at a hearing room of the Bitumi- without objection. room 502 will advise as to the room 549 in production group l-A; (4) a de- ulations and as indicated on the Certifi- learners; 8 weeks for any one learner;
nous Coal Division at the Tutwiler Hotel, Dated: September 12. 1941. where such hearing will be held. crease of ten cents per net ton in such cate. Any person aggrieved by the is- 75 7o of the applicable minimum wage
Birmingham. Alabama; and [seal] H. a. Gray, further ordered. That Travis Wil-
It is prices for the coals in Size Groups 1 suance of these Certificates may seek a rate; Cigar machine operators; Septem-
The Director deeming it advisable that Director. liams or any other officer or officers of the through 7 and 9 produced at Mine Index review of reconsideration thereof. ber 15. 1942.
said hearings should be postponed; Division duly designated for that pur- Nos. 358, 375, 377, 569, 589 and 637 in H. L. Neff and Company. Charles
(F. R. Doc. 41-8885: PUed. September 16. 1941; NAME AND ADDRESS OF FIRM, PRODUCT, NUM-
Now. therefore, it is ordered. That the production group l-A; (5) a decrease of Street. Red Lion. Pennsylvania; Cigars;
hearings in the above entitled matters be
10:08 a. m.] pose shall preside at the hearing in such
matter. The officers so designated to eight cents per net ton in such prices for
4 learners; 8 weeks for any one learner;
and the same are hereby postponed to a preside at such hearing are hereby au- the coals in Size Groups 1 through 7 and 75% of the applicable minimum wage
date and at a hearing room to be here- (Docket No. ie07-FD] thorized to conduct said hearing, to ad- 9 and an increase of two cents per net rate: Cigar machine operators; Septem-
after designated by an appropriate order minister oaths and affirmations, examine ton in such prices for the coals in Size Bell Box Company, Inc., 10th and Da- ber 15. 1942.
S^ In the Matter or White Oak Coal Com-
of the EHrecior.
pany, Registered Distributor, Regis- witnesses, subpoena witnesses, compel Group 8 produced at Mine Index No. 399 kota Avenue, Sioux Falls, South Dakota; J. C. Winter and Company. Red Lion,
Dated: September 12, 1941.
tration No. 9662, Defendant their attendance, take evidence, require in production group l-A —
such revisions Converted Paper Products: Set-up Paper Pennsylvania; Cigars; 14 learners; 8
I SEAL] H. A. Gray. the production of any books, papers, cor- to compensate for a minimum price re- Boxes; 2 learners; 6 weeks for any one weeks for any one learner; 75% of the
Director. ORDER rOR reinstatement OP REGISTRATION respondence, memoranda, or other rec- duction now temporarily effective for learner; 30 cents per hour; Basic hand applicable minimum wage rate; Cigar
September 15, 1941; An Order having been entered in the ords deemed relevant or material to ihe competing code members in Putnam and machine box making operations, machine operators: September 15, 1942.
[P. R. Doc. 41-8893: Filed.
10:09 a. m.) inquiry, to continue said hearing from County, Missouri, pursuant to an Order except cutting, scoring and slitting; CoUette Manufacturing Company. San-
above-entitled matter dated July 24. 1941,
suspending the registration of the defend- time to time, and to prepare and submit entered December 7, 1940, in Docket No. March 15, 1942. turce. Puerto Rico; Hairnet Industry; 27
ant, White Oak Coal Company, as a dis- to the Director proposed findings of fact A-179; also for (6) a decrease of ten Didio Brothers Cut Glass Company, learners; Spooling —
an hour for the

and conclusions and the recommenda- cents per net ton in the effective mini- 320 North Division Street, Buffalo, New first 480 hours: 22 an hour for the
(Docket No. 1718-FDl tributor, Registration No. 9662, for a
period of 30 days from the date of service tion of an appropriate order in the mum prices for the coals in Size Groups York; Cut Glass such as Stemware and second 480 hours, and 25^ an hour for
In the Matter or Richard Almond and 1 through 7 and 9 produced at Mine In- Flatware for Home Consumption; 3 every hour thereafter; Covering elastics
thereof upon said defendant; and premises, and to perform all other duties
George Galbavy. Defendants dex No. 612 in production group 2, for learners; 320 hours for any one learner; 15^ an hour for the first 240 hours; 22 Va**
Said order having been duly served in connection therewith authorized by
ORDER postponing HEARING '7» a decrease of five cents per net ton 25 cents per hour; Glass cutter. En- an hour for tlie second 240 hours, and 25<»
upon said defendant on July 30, 1941; law.
in such prices for the coals in Size graver; November 24, 1941. an hour for every hour thereafter Warp-
above-entitled matter having been
The and Notice of such hearing Is hereby given ;

scheduled for a hearing at 10 o'clock in The White Oak Coal Company, de- to all parties herein and to persons or
Groups 8 and 9produced at Mine Index Dust Proof Mattress Cover Company, —
ing 15*' an hour for the first 480 hours;
having an Interest In these pro-
No. 718 in production group 9; and for (8) 530 Fernando Street, Pittsburgh. Penn- nV2t an hour for the second 480 hours;
the forenoon of September 22, 1941, at a fendant herein, having duly filed with entities
a decrease of three cents per net ton in sylvania; Mattress covers and Ironing 20«' an hour for the third 480 hours;
hearing room of the Bituminous Coal the Division on August 20, 1941, an affida- ceedings and eligible to become a party
such prices for the coals in Size Groups board covers; 2 learners; 4 weeks for any 22 Va^ an hour for the fourth 480 hours.
Division at the Post Office Building, vit dated August 19, 1941, pursuant to herein. Any person desiring to be ad-
Havre, Montana; and Section 304.15 of the Rules and Regula- mitted as a party to this proceeding may
. ; ; ;; ;

4746 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 16, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 16, 1941 4747

Independent Telephone Learner Reg- Ely and Walker Garment Factory, Par- applicable hourly minimum wage) Jan- ; Textile: ITiread Finishinl; 10 learners; of the Commission as Public Service
and an hour for every hour there-
December 15, 1941. Company of Indiana,Rate Schedule FPC
alter; Knitting —
15^ an hour for the first ulations, September 27, 1940 (5 TR. agould. Arkansas; Apparel; Shirts; 60
learners (75% of the applicable hourly
uary 12. 1942.
Rex Manufacturing Company. Inc., Columbia Silk Throwing Company, No. 4-G providing for increased rates or
480 hours; 17Mt^ an hour for the second 3829).
minimum wage) January 12. 1942. 3725 Dauphine Street, New Orleans, Inc., Seventh Street, Bloomsburg, Penn- charges for sales of nataural gas to the
480 hours; 20^ an hour for the third 480 Knitted Wear Learner Regulations. ;

Ely and Walker Sportwear and Outer- Louisiana: Apparel; Work Clothing. sylvania; Textile; Rayon TTirowing; 6 Northern Indiana Power Company In ac-
hours; 22 lit? an hour for the fourth 480 October 10. 1940 (5 F.R. 3982).
Shirts. Pants, Uniforms; 10 percent (75% learners; March 15, 1942. cordance with the terms of a contract
hours, and 25^ an hour for every horn- Millinery Learner Regulations, Custom wear Factory, Delmar and East "B"
Street, Belleville. Dlinols; Apparel; Jack- of the applicable hourly minimum wage) Hofmann and Leavy, 826 Broadway. between the said companies dated July
thereafter; Machlife Knotting— 15(? an Made and Popular Priced, August 29,
ets and Coats; 10 percent (75% of the Septemt)er 15. 1942. (This certificate re- New York. New York; Textile; Rayon 3. 1940, said schedule to be effective as
hour for the first 240 hours; 22 Vie an 1940 (5 F.R. 3392, 3393).
Covered Wooden Moulds, Cords and of December 1. 1940. and to supersede a
minimum wage) Sep- places one issued to you bearing the ex-
hour for the second 240 hours, and 25<( an Textile Learner Regulations, May 16, applicable hourly ;

tember 15. (This certificate re-

1942. piration date of October 29. 1941.) Tsissels. Pompons; 3 learners; January previously filed rate schedule designated
hour for every hour thereafter; Machine 1941 (6 FJl. 2446)
in the files of the Commission as Public
Woolen Learner Regulations. October places one Issued bearing the expiration Rock Manufacturing Company, Inc., 15. 1942.
Clipping— 15^ an hour for the first 240 J & C Bedspread Company, Service Company of Indiana Rate Sched-
SO, 1940 (5 FJl. 4302). date of November 5, 1941.) 93 West Camplaln Road, Manville, New Ellijay,
hours; 22 Vic an hour for the second 240 ule FPC No. 3-G;
Glix Brand Company, Inc.. Brown and Jersey; Apparel; Pants; 10 percent (75% Georgia; Textile; Bedspreads; 70 learn-
hours, and 25^ an hour for every hour The employment of learners under of the applicable hourly minimum wage) ers; February 16. 1942. (b) On November 26. 1940. the Com-
thereafter. This Certificate effective June Kellogg Streets. Plttsfield, Massachusetts;
these Certificates is limited to the terms December 8. 1941. Valdese Manufacturing Company, mission ordered that a public hearing be
16. 1941 for 6 months thereafter. Apparel; Ladies' Pajamas; 10 percent
and conditions as to the occupations, Shore and Cutler, S. W. Cor. 12th and Valdese. North Carolina; Textile; Single held on February 17. 1941, concerning
Puerto Rico Mills, Inc., Puerta de (75% of the applicable hourly minimum
learning periods, minimum wage rates, Carpenter Streets. Philadelphia. Penn- Carded Yarns; 3 percent; September 15. the lawfulness of the rates and charges
Tlerra, P. R.; Hosiery Industry; Pull wage) ; September 15. 1942.
et cetera, specified in the Determination sylvaiua; Apparel; Men's Vests; 2 learn- 1942. contained in said Public Service Com-
Fashioned Hosiery; 74 learners; Leg- Jacot>sGrossman and Rosenberg, Inc.,
and Order or Regulation for the Indus- pany of Indiana Rate Schedule FPC No.
ging — Seaming — Looping — Topping — try designated above and indicated oppo-
"K" Street and Erie Avenue, Philadelphia. ers (75% of the applicable hourly min-
imum wage) September 15, 1942.
Signed at Washington, D. C, this 15th
4-G and suspended the operation of the
Footing- Winding— 10<f an hour for the Pennsylvania; Apparel; Children's Cot- ;
day of September 1941,
site the employer's name. TTiese Cer- Sunshine Clothing Manufacturing said schedule pursuant to the provisions
first 480 hours; I2V20 an hour for the sec- ton Dresses; 20 learners (75% of the ap- Merle D. Vincent.
tificates become effective September 15, Company. Inc., 210 West Commerce of section 4 (e) of the Natural Gas Act;
ond 480 hours; 15<f an hour for the third plicable hourly minimum wage) Janu- ;
1941. The Certificates may be can- Authorized Representative (c) Subsequent to November 26, 1940.
ary 12, 1942. Street. San Antonio. Texas; Apparel;
480 hours; 18%^ an hour for the fourth celled in the manner provided in the Reg- of the Administrator. the Public Service Company of Indiana,
J. H. Levy and Son, 1212 West Sixth Trousers and Shirts; 10 percent (75% of
480 hours, and 25<' an hour for every ulations and as indicated in the Certifi< the Northern Indiana Power Company
hour thereafter; Final Inspection Foot — cates. Any person
aggrieved by the
Street. Cleveland. Ohio; Apparel; Over- the applicable hourly minimum wage) |P.R. Doc. 41-«907: Filed. September 16.1941;
11:47 a. m.) and other aflSliated companies entered
Inspection —
Leg Inspection 12^8^ an — issuance of any of these Certificates may
alls; 5 learners (75% of the applicable
hourly minimum wage) September 15,
December 29. 1941.
Terminal Manufacturing Corporation. into negotiations for the consolidation
hour for the first 480 hours; IB^At an seek a review or reconsideration thereof.

of said companies into a new corpora-

1942. 1500 Hudson Street. Hoboken. New Jer-
hour for the second 480 hours; and 25(' tion pursuant to the provision of The
WAME AND address OF FIRM, INDUSTRY, PROD- J. H. Sportswear. Inc., 500 William sey; Apparel; Ladies' Underwear; 5 per-
an hour for every hour thereafter; CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD. Indiana General Corporation Act;
UCT. NUMBER or LEARNERS AND EXPIRA- Street,Pen Argyl, Pennsylvania; Apparel; cent (75% of the applicable hourly
effective July 1, 1941 and six months (d) On March 21. 1941. the Public
thereafter. TION DATE Men's ft Ladles' Sport Garments; 29 minimum wage) March 10. 1942.
(Docket No. 510)
Service Commission of the State of Indi-
learners (75% of the applicable hourly Roland Weinbaum. Inc.. 4 Brooks Ave- In THE Matter or the Application or
Porto Rlcan American Button Com- Atco Garment Company, 10 Atco Ave- ana entered an order authorizing and
pany, Inc.. Santurce. P. R.; Ocean Pearl minimum wage) January 12. 1942.
; nue. Massachusetts; Apparel;
Quincy. American Airlines, Inc. roR a CERTin-
nue. Atco. New Jersey; Apparel; Cotton approving the consolidation of the Public
Lancaster Garment Company. Inc., 241 Ladles' Cotton ti Rayon Housecoats; 5 cate or Public Convenience and Neces-
Button Industry in P. R.; 3 learners in House Dresses; 8 learners (75 7o of the Service Company of Indiana, the North-
Sorting and Classifying at \6<^ an hour for North Ann Street, Lancaster, Pennsyl- learners (75% of the applicable hourly sity Under Section 401 or the Civil
applicable hourly minimum wage) De- ern Indiana Power Company and other
320 hours: effective July 1, 1941, for three
vania; Apparel; Children's Cotton minimum wage) September 15. 1942.
AERONAtmcs Act or 1938, as Amended
cember 29. 1941. affiliated companies under and pursuant
Dresses; 17 learners (75% of the appli- Globe Feather and Novelty Company,
months thereafter. The H. A. Austin Company. 15 Union notice of hearing to the provisions of The Indiana Gen-
cable hourly minimum wage) January ; 42 West 36th Street. New York, New
Signed at Washington, D. C, this 15th Street, Worcester, Massachusetts; Ap- eral Corporation Act;
12. 1942. York; Artificial Flowers and Feathers; The above-entitled proceeding, being
day of September 1941. parel; Men's Belts and Garters, Panties, (e) On or about April 17, 1941, the
Lisle Mills. Race and Court Streets. 3 learners; October 27. 1941. the application of Amerlcsm Airlines.
Sanitary Belts. Bandos and Style Assists; Securities and Exchange Commission re-
Merle D. VnfcmT, Allentown. Pennsylvania; Apparel; In- Joseph N. Eisendrath Company. 2001 Inc.. for a certificate of public conven-
5 learners (75% of the applicable hourly leased a report and entered an order and
Authorized Representative fants' ti Children's Wear; 5 learners (75% Eston Avenue, Chicago. Illinois; Gloves; ience and necessity authorizing air trans-
minimum wage) September 15, 1942. opinion on the proposed plan of con-
of the applicable hourly minimum wage)
of the Adminixtrator. Knit Fabric Gloves; 25 learners; March portation between El Paso and /or Fort
William Bernstein and Sons. 110 Car- solidation and subsequent thereto the
September 15. 1942. 15. 1942. Worth-Dallas, Tex., and Mexico City,
IP. R. Doc. 41-fl906: Piled. 15, 1941; lisle Avenue, York. Pennsylvania; Ap- United States District Court for the Dis-
11:47 a. m.l Master Coat Front and Shoulder Pad Wells Lamont Smith
Corporation. Mexico, via Monterrey, is hereby as-
parel; Cotton Dresses; 34 learners (75% trict of Delaware in the matter of the
Company, 111-119 West 19th Street, New Aledo. Illinois; Gloves; Work Gloves; 50 signed for public hearing on November
of the applicable hourly minimum York. New York; Apparel; Coat Fronts
reorganization of the Midland United
learners; March 15. 1942. 17. 1941, 10 o'clock a. m. (Eastern Stand-
wage) ; January 12, 1942.
& Shoulder Pads; 5 learners (75% of the Company approved the said plan of con-
Noncx or Issxtancc or Specul CERTin- Ber W Bell Hosiery Corporation. Suffolk, Vir- ard Time) In Room 7057 Commerce
- e d Manufacturing Company, solidation;
applicable hourly minimum wage) De- ;
ginia; Hosiery; Seamless Hosiery; 5 per- Building. 14th Street and Constitution
CATBS rOR THE EMPLOYMENT Or LeARN- Inc., 729East Elizabeth Avenue, Linden. (f) Pursuant to the foregoing and to
cember 29. 1941. cent; March 10. 1942. Avenue NW.. Washington. D. C. before
Bts Under the Fair Labor Standards New Jersey; Apparel; Men's & Boys* Un- petitions filed by the Public Service Com-
Act or 1938
Maye Undergarment Company, Inc., 33 Lawler Hosiery
Mills, 53 Bradley Examiner Frank P. Mclntyre.
derwear; 5 learners (75% of the applica- pany of Indiana the Commission adopted
ble hourly minimum wage)
Wallace Street, New Haven.
Connecticut; Street. Carrollton. Georgia; Hosiery: Dated Washington. D. C, September orders on February 12, April 15 and June
Notice hereby given that Special September ;
is Apparel; Ladies' Underwear; 10 percent Seamless Hosiery; 30 learners; May 15, 11. 1941.
15, 1942. 20. 1941. postponing the date of hearing,
Certificates authorizing the employment (75% of the applicable hourly minimum 1942. By the Board.
Blue Ridge Overalls Company, Roan- the last of these orders postponing the
of learners at hourly wages lower than wage) September 15, 1942. (This cer- Lincoln Hosiery Company. Lincoln, Darwin Charles Brown.
oke Street, Christiansburg, Virginia; Ap-
[seal] hearing until September 15, 1941;
the minimum wage rate applicable under tificate replaces one Issued effective April Pennsylvania; Hosiery; Seamless Ho- Secretary.
parel; Overalls, Trousers; 5 percent (75% (g) On September 6. 1941. the consoli-
section 6 of the Act are issued under sec- 17. 1941.) May
of the applicable hourly minimum wage) siery; 10 learners; 15, 1942.
|P. R. Doc 41-6872; Filed. September 13. 1941; dation of the Public Service Company
tion 14 thereof. Part 622 of the Regula- Midland Garment Manufacturing Com- William Carter Company. 33 Morris
i| September 15. 1942. 9:33 a m.| of Indiana, the Northern Indiana Power
tions issued thereunder (August 16, 1940, pany. Inc., Central Avenue, Nebraska Street. Springfield, Massachusetts;
6 FJl. 2862 > and the Determination and
Boreva Sportswear Company. South Company and other affiliated comptanies
Water and Jefferson Streets, Stoughton, City, Nebraska; Apparel; Pants and Knitted Wear; Knitted Underwear; 5 Into anew corporation named "Public
Order or Regulation listed below and Shirts; 15 learners (75% of the applicable September
Wisconsin; Apparel; Skirts, Blouses, percent; 15. 1942. ServiceCompany of Indiana. Inc." was
pubUshed in the Federal Register as hourly minimum wage) December 15,
here stated.
Slacks. Jackets, Bobbie Suits. Jumpers; ; Hoosick Falls Undergarment Corpora- FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION. consummated under The Indiana Gen-
28 learners (75% of the applicable hourly
1941. tion. Hoosick Street. Hoosick Falls, New eral Corporation Act
(Docket No. 0-188]
Apparel Learner Regulations. Septem- minimum wage) December 29. 1941.
Reliance Manufacturing Company. York; Knitted Wear. Knitted Under- (h) On September 12. 1941. the Public
ber 7, 1940 (5 FJl. 3591). Church Street, Columbia. Mississippi; wear; 10 learners; September 15, 1942. In the Matter or Public Service Com- Company of Indiana. Inc., noti-
Bristol Frocks. Franklin Street, Bristol, Service
Artificial Flowers and Feathers Learner Apparel; Dress and Sport Shirts. Pa- Gabriel Uchtenstein. Inc.. 39 W. 37th
pany or Indiana
Rhode Island; Apparel; Cotton Dresses; fied the Commission that the consolida-
Regxilations, October 24, 1940 (5 F.R. 10 percent (75% of the applicable hourly Jamas; 10 percent (75% of the applicable Street. New York. New York; Millinery; ORDER terminating PROCEEDING AND CAN- tion aforesaid had been consummated,
4203). minimum wage) September 15, 1942.
hourly minimum wage) September 15, ; Popular-Priced Millinery; 1 learner; CELLING hearing and requested the withdrawal of the
Glove Findings and Determination of (This certificate replaces one issued ef- 1942. (This certificate replaces one issued March 15, 1942. aforesaid Public Service Company Rate
September 12. 1941.
February 20. 1940, as amended by Ad- fective November 28, 1940.) to you bearing the expiration date of Gem Hat Works.325 E. Central
Inc., Schedule FPC No. 4-G and dismissal of
ministrative Order of September 20, 1940 Ely and Walker Dress Factory, Van- December 23. 1941.) Parkway. Cincirmatl. Ohio; Millinery; It appearing to the Commission that: proceedings;
(5 F.R. 3748). dalia, Missouri; Apparel; E)resses; 100 Reliance Manufacturing Company, Popular-Priced Millinery; 2 learners; (a) On October 31. 1940. the Public (1) The aforementioned consolidation
Hosiery Learner Regulations, Septem- learners (75% of the applicable hourly Michigan City. Indiana; Apparel; Woven March 15. 1942. Service Company of Indiana filed with of the Public Service Company of Indiana
ber 4, 1940 (5 F.R. 3530). minimum wage) January ; 12, 1942. Underwear; 100 learners (757o of the The American Thread Company. Fifth the Commission a document dated Oc- with Northern Indiana Power Company
»nd Cedar Streets, Bristol, Tennessee; tober 29. 1940, designated in the files and other affiliates into the Public Serv-
FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 16, 1941 4749
4748 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 16,
of saidAct and subject to the terms and section 7 (d) of said Act. and with respect In New York, York, on August IS,
qualify for such an order should apply to
of Indiana, Inc. terminates
mate public consumption, which has been conditions prescribed in Rule U-24, that to said application under section 10 of 1941.
Company the Textile Branch, Office of Production
designated as United Gas Pipe LineCom- The order
Ice said Act that no adverse findings are for hearing recited that the
July the aforesaid declaration, as amended,
by operation of law the contract of Management. Washington, D. C.
pany Rate Schedule FPC No. M.bmA said necessary under section 10 (b) and sec- to the Commission
had reported In-

Public Service Com- be and hereby is permitted to become staff

3. 1940. between the Dated: September 13th, 1941. tion 10 (c) (1) of said Act, and that the formation obtained as a result of an
Company has requested that suim sched- effective forthwith. In-
pany of Indiana and the Northern In- Donald M. Nelson, transaction Involved has the tendency vestigation which tended to show that the
which ule be allowed to take eflect/€troactively By the Commission.
diana Power Company pursuant to Director of Priorities. required by section 10 (c) (2) of said Act: registrant is permanently enjoined by a
as of January 24. 1940; [SEAL] Francis P. Brassor,
the rate schedule designated in the
(d) The United Gas Pipe Line
Com- IF R Doc 41-8908; Filed. September 15, 1941; Secretary. It is ordered. Pursuant to said Rule decree of the Supreme Court of the State
of the Commission as PubUc Service
pany has not in this instance wiUfully 11:63 ft. U-23 and the applicable provisions of of New York, held in and for the County
Company of Indiana Rate Schedule FPC and knowingly violated the provisions of IF R. Doc. 41-«874; Piled. September 13, 1941; said Act that said declaration and appli- of Albany, entered on May 23. 1941. from
No. 4-G was filed, and renders moot
the 11:45 a. m.j
the Natural Gas Act or the
Provisional cation be. and the same hereby are, per- engaging in or continuing certain con-
subject of the instant proceeding;
Rules of Practice and Regulations there- mitted to become effective, and granted duct and practices in connection with the
The Commission orders that: The pro- under;
SECITRITIES AND EXCHANGE COM- forthwith, subject to terms and condi- sale of any security within and from the
No. 70-389 J State of New York.
ceeding herein initiated by the Commis- MISSION. tions prescribed in Rule U-24 and to the
I File
be and The Commission orders that: following additional terms and condi- The hearing was ofdered to determine
sion's order of November 26, 1940, [File No. 70-392] Ik the Matter of American k Foreign
the same is hereby terminated, and the (A) The proceeding herein initiated by Power Company Inc.. and Electric tions which have been expressly agreed whether the facts reported by the staff
In THI Matter of General Gas k Elec-
hearing scheduled to be held September the Commission's order of July 25. 1941. Bond and Share Company to by both companies: are true; and, If so. whether It is in the
tric Corporation
be and it Is hereby terminated, and
cancelled. the public Interest to suspend or revoke the
15. 1941. be and it is hereby become That the above mentioned declara-
held in ORDER PERMrrriNC declaration to 1.
By the Commission. hearing heretofore ordered to be order permitting declaration to become tion and application are permitted to be-
registrant's registration as a broker and
Lbow M. Puquay, this matter be and it Is hereby ef fecti ve dealer.
i IsiALl
Secretary. (B) United Gas Pipe Une
Rate Schedule FPC No. 48 be and it
is At a regular session of the Securities
At a regular session of the Securities
come effective and granted, respectively,
without prejudice to any future action
No representative of the registrant ap-
peared at the hearing, but the record
B Doc 41-6887; PUed. September 16. 1941; Jan- and Exchange Commission held at Its by the Commission with respect to the
IF hereby allowed to take effect as of
and Exchange Commission, held at Its contains a document entitled "Answer
office In the City of Washington. D. C, payment of all or any part of the prin-
9:43 ft. m.l on
uary 24, 1940;
the 12th day of September. A. D. 1941. office mthe City of Washington, D. C, cipal or Interest on the Indebtedness now
and Consent to Revocation of Registra-
(C) The aforesaid rate schedule shall on the 11th day of September, A. D. 1941. tion." signed for the registrant by a duly
General Gas k Electric Corporation, a owing or to be owing by American For-
be deemed to have been filed and pub- The above named persons having filed authorized agent, which acknowledges
[Docket No. O-aill Natural registered holding company, and a sub- eign to Bond and Share, which Is the
lished in compliance with the ft declaration and application pursuant receipt and service of adequate notice of
Line sidiary of Associated Gas and Electric subject matter of the aforementioned
In THi Mattir of United Gas Pipe Gas Act; to the Public Utility Holding Company declaration and application, or with re-
the proceeding, admits and acknowledges
Company Corporation, a registered holding com- the existence of the facts and the cause
(D) Nothing contained in this order Act of 1935, particularly sections 6 (a). spect to the position of such Indebted-
the pany, having filed a declaration pursuant of action set forth in the Commission's
shall be construed as a waiver of (1), 10, and 12 (c) thereof and
ORDER TERMINATING PROCEEDING, ALLOWING of the to the Public UtUity Holding Company
7, 9 (a)
ness In the security structure of American
order, and consents to the entry of an
requirements of section 7 (b) Rule U-42 thereunder regarding (1) the
RATE 8CHEDTJLE TO TAKE EPTECT. AND CAW- Act of 1935, particularly section 12 (c) Foreign.
Natural Gas Act; nor shall it be con- Issuance by American k Foreign Power order revoking Its registration as an
cellxng hearing thereof, and Rule U-46 thereunder re- 2. That the Commission reserves its
over-the-counter broker and dealer.
strued as constituting approval by
this Company Inc. ("American Foreign"), a
September 12, 1941. garding the following transaction; Jurisdiction generally over all aspects of
Commission of any service, rate, provi- registered holding company.' and a sub- The trial examiner found that the facts
General Gas k Electric Corporation all classes of indebtedness existing or to
It appearing to the Commission that: or condition contained in the said sidiary of Electric Bond and Share Com-
Bond and Share and
are as stated in the order for hearing;
proposes to pay out of capital or unearned be existing between that the registrant has been permanently
the rate schedule; pany ("Bond and Share"), also a reg-
(a) By order of July 25, 1941. surplus the regtilar quarterly dividend American Foreign.
to istered holding company, of $15,500,000 enjoined by a decree of the Supreme
Commission directed the United Gas (E) This order is without prejudice on the $5 Prior Preferred Stock of such 3. That American Foreign give at least
which may be aggregate principal amount
Notes, of 3% Court of the State of New York from
Pipe Line Company to show cause at
a any findings -or orders company. 60,000 shares of this stock 20 days notice in writing to the Commis-
engaging in or continuing certain con-
public hearing: made by the Commission in any pro- are outstanding, of which 27.889.1 shares
maturing serially to October 26, 1946, to
sion before making any prepajmient of
now pending or hereafter in- be exchanged for a like unpaid principal duct and practices in connection with
had failed to file a sched-
ceedings are held by Denis J. Driscoll and Willard principal on any of the notes to be Issued
the sale of any security within and from
(1) it
against the United Gas Pipe amount of Its presently outstanding notes
sale in
stituted L. Thorp. Trustees of Associated Gas and to Bond and Share pursuant to said
ule of rates and charges for the line Company. held by certain banks and by Bond and the State of New York; and that It Is in
to the Electric Corporation, and 32,110.9 shares declaration and application.
/ interstate commerce of natural gas
by the public. The amount of the divi-
Share, and (2) the acquisition of $3,100.- the public Interest to revoke registra-
Willmut Gas b Oil Company for resale By the Commission. 000 principal amount of such notes by By Commission. Commissioner
the tion. Upon an Independent review of
as re- Leon M. Puqttay, dend, due September 15, 1941, is $75 000.
for ultimate public consumption [seal] Bond and Share In exchange for a like Healy dissenting for the reasons set forth the record, we adopt these findings of the
4 of the Natural Secretary. Said Trustees of Associated Gas and memorandum of April 1940. trial examiner.
quired by section (c) unpaid principal amount of American in his 1.
Electric Corporation have waived their
Gas Act and Part 54 of the Provisional R Doc. 41-8888; FUed. September 16, 1941; Porelgn's notes held by Bond and Share; [SEAL] Francis P. Brassor, It is therefore ordered, Pursuant to
IF right to collect the share of such dividend
^ Rules of Practice and Regulations Under 9:43 a. m.| and Secretory. section 15 (b) of the Securities Exchange
which would otherwise be payable to
the Natural Gas Act; Said declaration and application hav- Act of 1934, that the registration of
(2) Why the Commission should
not them as holders of 27.889.1 shares, pend- IP R Doc 41-6875; Filed. September 13. 1941;
Saunders, MacKnight k Co., Inc., be and
ing been filed on August 21, 1941. and
against ing further order of this Commission. 11:45 a. m.]
Institute appropriate proceedings notice of said filing having been duly it hereby is revoked.
directors pursuant OFFICE OF PRODUCTION MANAGE- Said declaraton having been filed on
It its officers, and/or given in the form and manner prescribed By the Commission (Chairman Eicher,
Natural Gas Act MENT. August 28, and an amendment
to the provisions of the by Rule U-23 promulgated pursuant to Commissioners Healy. P u r c e 1 1 and
thereto having been filed on September

for its failure or refusal to comply Division of Priorities. having said Act, and the Commission not having In the Matter or Saunders, MacKnight Burke) Commissioner Pike being absent

Rules of 6. 1941. and notice of said filing

said Act and the provisional
and manner received a request for a hearing with re- k Co., Inc. 1 Bridge Street, Platts- and not participating.
thereunder; NOTICE TO Manufacturers of Parts for been duly given in the form New York
Practice and RegvJations spect to said application within the BURC, [seal] Francis P. Brassor.
prescribed by Rule U-23 promulgated
1941, the United Gas THE Maintenance and Repair of Tex- period specified In said notice, or other- Secretary.
(b) On August 6.
pursuant to said Act. and the Commis- findings and order revoking registration
tile Machinery and EQtnpMENT wise, and not having ordered a hearing
Pipe Line Company filed an answer to sion not having ordered a hearing September 13. 1941;
Indicated and At a regular session of the Securities [P. R. Doc. 41-6876; Piled.
said order to show cause which By virtue of the authority vested in thereon; and
thereon; 11:43 a. m.]
Company and Exchange Commission, held at Its
that the United Gas Pipe Line him by OPM Regulation
No. 3,' and pur-
The above-named declarant having The Commission deeming it appropri-
ofBce in the City of Washington, D. C, on
had been unable to negotiate an executed suant to § 944.4 of Regulation No. 1 of requested that the effective date of said
ate in the public Interest and In the In-
the 11th day of September., A. D. 1941.
contract with Willmut Gas b Oil Com- the Division of Priorities.' the Director of declaration, as amended, be accelerated
terests of Investors and consumers to
Appearances: George S. Parlin, of the In the Matter of James A. Overman,
pany and that United Gas Pipe Line Priorities wUl issue on and after Septem- in order to permit the dividend payment
permit said declaration pursuant to sec-
New York Regional OfBce of the Com- Doing Business as James A. Overman
Company was under the bona fide mis- ber 13th, 1941, Individual orders directed on September 15, 1941, and
tions 7 and 12 (c) of the Act and Rule
mission. Co.. 10 South Third Street, Yakima,
apprehension that schedules of rates and to manufacturers of parts for the main- The Commission deeming It appropri- U-42 of the Commission thereunder to
This proceeding was Instituted under Washington
charges required to be filed with the tenance and repair of textile machinery ate in the public Interest and in
the become effective and finding with respect
section 15 (b) of the Securities Exchange
Commission should be In the form of an and equipment assigning preference rat- interest of Investors and consumers to to said declaration under section 7 of findings and order revoking
executed contract with the purchaser; Act of 1934 to determine whether the
ings to material necessary for the pro- permit the said declaration, as amended.
the Act that the requirements of section registration
United 7 (c) of said Act are satisfied and that registration as a broker and dealer of
(c) On August 11. 1941, the duction of such parts, or which will be pursuant to section 12 (c) of the said
with the Qo adverse findings are necessary under Saunders, MacKnight & Co.. Inc. (former- At a regular session of the Securities
Gas Pipe Line Company filed physically Incorporated therein. Act and Rule U-46 thereunder to become ly known as Pullen k MacKnight, Inc.) and Exchange Commission, held at its
Commission a schedule of rates and Any manufacturer of parts for the effective, and being satisfied that
should be suspended or revoked. Pur- office in the City of Washington, D. C,
charges (in the ,form of an unexecuted maintenance and repair of textile ma- effective date of such declaration,
as 'By order dated December 20. 1939. Re-
the Commission exempted suant to an order of the Commission on the nth day of Sept., A. D. 1941.
contract which contains the rates and
lease No. 1847.
chinery and equipment who wishes to amended, should be advanced; American Foreign from certain sections of Appearances: Charles E. Wright and
dated July 18. 1941, and notice served
charges, terms and conditions of sale) It is hereby ordered. Pursuant
to said the Public tJtllity Holding Company Act of
upon the registrant, the hearing in this James E. Newton, of the Seattle Regional
for the sale of natural gas to the Willmut >6 TH. 1596.
Rule U-23 and the applicable provision! 1935 the exemption being only to the extent
• 6 F B. 4490. •et forth In that order. matter was held before a trial examiner Office of the CommissioiL
Gas ti Oil Company for resale for ulti-

FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September IS, 1941 4751

4750 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, September 16, 1941
The trial examiner reserved decision on U-44 promulgated thereimder, regarding [Pile No. 70-401)
section 5 (b) and 17 (a) of the Securities the Commission specified in the said for further continuance and
This proceeding was Instituted under the request the sale of certain of Its utility assets to
In the Matter of St. Louis County
Act and, on June 26, 1941. such an order Order of August 25. 1941. South Dakota Public Service Company, a
section 15 (b) of the Securities Exchange adjourned the hearing to the following
Water Company
was entered by the Court. By the Commission. day. July 29. and again to July 30. 1941. wholly-owned subsidiary of Sioux City
Act of 1934 to determine Whether the
registration as a broker and dealer of The registrant has not contested any of [seal] Francis P. Brassor, In the Interim, the examiner telephoned Gas and Electric Company which is a reg- notice regarding filing
James A. Overman, doing business as the allegations made in the order insti- Secretary. to registrant's residence and also sent istered holding company, for a cash con-
James A. Overman Co., should be sus- tuting this proceeding. The record con- lP.R.Doc.41-«»01; PUed. September 16.1941; a telegram to him requesting that he sideration of $45,000; and At a regular session of the Securities
pended or revoked. Pursiiant to an or- tains a document entitled "Answer and 11:36 a. m.] communicate with the examiner. The South Dakota Public Service Company and Exchange Commission held at its
der of the Commission dated July 24, Consent to Revocation of Registration" record indicates that this telegram was having filed an application under Section office in the City of Washington, D. C, on
1941, and notice served upon the regis- signed by the registrant, which acknowl- received by the registrant personally. 10 of said Act regarding its acquisition the 13th day of September, A. D. 1941.
edges receipt and service of adequate In the Matter op Walter P. Spielbercer, However, the registrant did not commu-
trant, the hearing In this matter was of said utility assets; and Notice hereby given that a declara-
notice of the proceeding, admits and ac- 10 East Jasper Street. Tulsa, Okla-
held before a trial examiner in Seattle, nicate with the examiner and did not Northern States Power Company (New tion or application (or both) has been
knowledges the existence of the cause of homa appear either at the hearing on July 29. Jersey) having filed a declaration pursu-
Washington, on August 11 and 13, 1941. filed with this Commission pursuant to
The order for hearing recited that the action for revocation set forth in the order FINDINGS and ORDER DENYING APPLICAnOH or at the hearing on July 30. On the ant to section 12 (f ) of said Act and Rule the Public Utility Holding Company Act
had reported the Commission
to instituting the proceeding, and consents FOR REGISTRATION latter date, the examiner denied the re- U-43 promulgated pursuant to said Act.
staff of 1935 by the above-named party; and
information obtained as a result of an to the entry of an order revoking its quest for further continuance and di- regarding the transfer of its remaining
At a regular session of the Securities Notice is further given that any in-
investigation of the registrant which registration as an over-the-counter broker rected that the hearing proceed. assets to Northern States Power Com-
and Exchange Commission, held at its terested person may, not later than
tended to show that and dealer.
the City of Washington, D. C, on
On the basis of the record made, we pany (Minnesota) in exchange for its
examiner found that the facts office in October 1. 1941, at 4:45 P. M.. E. S. T.,
The trial find that, by a decree of the District outstanding securities, and having also
(a) registrant is permanently en-
The the 12th day of September, A. D. 1941. request the Commission in writing that
are as stated in the order for hearing; Court of the United States for the West- filed a declaration pursuant to section 12
Joined by order of the United States Dis- Appearances: John W. Alexander of a hearing be held on such matter, stating
that the registrant is permanently en- ern District of Virginia entered on Au- (c) of said Act and Rule U-42 promul-
trict Court for the Western District of the Fort Worth Regional Office, for the the reasons for such Request and the
Joined by order of the United States Dis- gust 28, 1937, registrant was perma- gated pursuant to said Act regarding the
Washington. Northern Division, Issued trict Court for the Western District of
Trading and Exchange Division of the nature of his interest, or may request
nently enjoined from engaging in cer- acquisition and retirement of its securi-
on June 26. 1941, from engaging in cer- Washington, Northern Division, from en- Commission; Walter P. Splelberger, pro
tain fraudulent devices and practices in ties and the subsequent dissolution of
that he be notified if the Commission
tain acts and practices involving the gaging in certain acts and practices In- ae. should order a hearing thereon. At any
the sale to the public of fractional un- the company; and
purchase and sale of securities: volved in the purchase and sale of securi-
On May 22, 1941, Walter P. Splelberger
divided Interests in the Caprock Oil Northern States Power Company time thereafter such declaration or ap-
(b) During the period from October ties; that the registrant has wilfully vio-
filed an application for registration as an application plication, as filed or as amended, may
Company— R. B. Parks lease or units of (Minnesota) having filed
1940 to March1941. the registrant en- an over-the-counter broker-dealer. By become effective or may be granted, as
lated sections 5 (b) and 17 (a) of the beneficial interests in Cimarron Petro- under section 10 of said Act regarding its
gaged In the sale of conomon stock of an order dated June 19. 1941. this pro- provided in Rule U-23 of the Rules and
Securities Act of 1933 and section 15 (c) leum Trust. The record also shows that acquisition of the remaining assets of
Callahan Consolidated Mines, which
Inc., ceeding was instituted under section 15 Regulations promulgated pursuant to
(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of by an order dated August 24, 1939, regis- Northern States Power Company (New
stock was effectively registered under the 1934; and that It is in the public Interest
(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of
and said Act or the Commission may exempt
trant was Convicted in the United States Jersey) ;

Securities Act of 1933; in making such Upon an inde- 1934 to determine whether the registrant such transaction as provided in Rules
to revoke registration. District Court for the Western District Said applications and declarations
sales through the mails and in interstate pendent review of the record, we adopt is permanently enjoined by a decree of U-20 (a) and U-100 thereof. Any such
of Virginia of a felony based on the same having been filed July 11, 1941. and an
commerce, registrant made material mis- these findings of the trial examiner.
the United States District Coiurt for the
amendment thereto having been filed request should be addressed: Secretary,
transactions as those involved in the
representations to prospective customers It ii therefore ordered. Pursuant to sec-
Western District of Virginia from en-
August 30. 1941. and notice of said filing Securities and Exchange Commission,
order of injunction and was sentenced to
concerning the properties, operations, tion 15 (b) of the Securities Exchange Act
gaging In or continuing certain conduct
having been duly given In the form and Washington, D. C.
Imprisonment for a period of 18 months.
and management of Callahan Consoli- of 1934. that the registration of James A.
or practices in connection with the sale of
Upon the basis of the record before us. manner prescribed by Rule U-23 promul- All Interested persons are referred to
dated Mines, Inc.; securities, whether registrant was con-
Overman, doing business as James A. we find that it is In the public interest gated pursuant to said Act, and the Com- said declaration or application, which is
During the same period, registrant victed in the United States District Court
^ (c)
used the mails to transmit to his cus-
Overman Co., as a broker and dealer be,
for the Western District of Virginia of
to deny the application for registration. mission not having received a request for on file in the office of said Commission,

^ tomers letters offering the aforemen-

tioned securities for sale, which letters
were prospectuses under section 2 (10) of
and it hereby is, revoked.
By the Commission (Chairman Eicher,
Oonunissioners Healy. Purcell.
Burke) Commissioner Pike being absent
a felony Involving the purchase or sale
of securities, and. If so, whether It is in
the public Interest that his application
It is ordered. Pursuant to section 15

(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of

1934. that the application for registra-
a hearing with respect to said applica-
tions and declarations within the period
specified in said notice, or otherwise,
not having ordered a hearing thereon;
for a statement of the transaction there-
in proposed, which is summarized below:
St. Louis County Water Company, a
tion of Walter P. Splelberger as an over- subsidiary of Commonwealth Utilities
the SecurtUes Act of 1933, but did not and not participating. for registration as an over-the-counter
the-counter broker and dealer be, and and Corporation, a registered holding com-
contain the Information required by sec- broker-dealer should be denied and
The Commission deeming appro-
[seal! FRANas P. Brassor, It hereby Is. denied. it
pany and a subsidiary of The United Gas
tion 10 of the Act, and registrant trans- Secretary.
whether, pending final determination
priate In the public interest and in the
By the Commission (Chairman Eicher, Improvement Company, a registered
mitted these securities through the mails upon the question of denial, the effective
interest of investors and consumers to
for the purpose of sale and delivery after (P. R. Doc. 41-fl877; PUed. September 13, IMl; date of his application for registration Commissioners Healy. Purcell, and holding company and in turn a subsidi-
11:45 a. m] Burke), Commissioner Pike being absent permit the said declarations, as amended, ary of The United Corporation, also a
sale,although such seciirities were not should be postponed.
pursuant to Rules U-42. U-43. and U-44,
accompanied or preceded by a pro- Pursuant to the Commission's order and not participating. registered holding company, proposes to
promulgated pursuant to said Act, to issue a note or notes dated October 18.
spectus meeting the requirements of sec- and notice duly served upon the regis- I SEAL 1 Francis P. Brassor,
(Pile No. 4-40) Secretary.
become effective, and finding with respect 1941. and maturing July 18, 1942, in the
tion 10 of the Act. trant, the hearing In this matter was
thereto that the requirements of sections aggregate amount of $450,000, with in-
to determine In the Matter or Natural Gas Pipeline originally convened before a trial ei- R Doc. 41-6902; Piled. September 15, 1941;
The hearing was ordered |P
12 (c), 12 (d) and 12 (f) of said Act are terest at 2% per annum, payable to Mis-
whether the facts reported by the staff Company of America and Cities Serv- aminer at Port Worth. Texas, on June 11:36 a. m] satisfied, and finding with respect to said
The registrant appeared at sissippi Valley Trust Company, in re-
are true; whether these facts, if they are ice Company SO. 1941.
applications under section 10 of said Act
that time and requested a continuance newal of six notes aggregating $450,000,
true, require a finding that registrant order postponing date for hearing Pile No. 70-3491 that no adverse findings are necessary
to July 28, 1941. In connection with this I payable to said bank, maturing October
wilfully violated sections 5 (b) and 17 under sections 10 (b) and 10 (c) (1) of
At a regular session of the Securities request, registrant consented to the post- Ih THE Matter of Northern States 18, 1941. and bearing interest at 2% per
(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 and sec- said Act, and that the transactions in-
and Exchange Commission, held at Its ponement of the effective date of his Power Company (Minnesota), North- annum. The presently outstanding
tion 15 (c) (1) of the Securities Ex- volved have the tendency required by
office in the City of Washington. D. C, application for registration, pending ern States Power Company (New notes were issued to secure funds for the
change Act of 1934; and whether it is In section 10 (c) (2) of said Act;
on the 13th day of September. A. D. 1941. final determination of the proceeding. Jersey), and South Dakota Public payment in part of various construction
the public interest to revoke or suspend It is hereby ordered. Pursuant to Rule
The Commission having on August 25. By order of the Commission, the effec- Service Company projects from June 1, 1939 to July 31,
the registrant's registration as a broker U-23 of said Act and subject to the terms
1941 Issued a Notice and Order for Hear- tive date of registration was postponed.
and dealer. ORDER permitting DECLARATIONS TO BECOME and conditions prescribed In Rule U-24, 1941. The notes outstanding and to be
The record shows that on June 25. ing In the above-entitled proceeding di- pending the ultimate determination of EFFECTIVE AND GRANTING APPLICATIONS renewed represent 5.74% of the principal
that said declarations, as amended,- be
recting that a hearing be held on Sep- the question whether registration should
1941. the Commission filed a complaint At a regular session of the Securities and hereby are permitted to become effec- amount and par value of the company's
tember 5. 1941 at 10 o'clock A. M. in be denied, and the registrant's request
in the United States District Court for the and Exchange Commission, held at its tive forthwith and that said applications, other outstanding securities.
the offices of the Commission; and for a continuance to July 28. 1941 was
Western District of Washington. North- the City of Washington, D. C, on as amended, be and hereby are granted
It appearing to the Commission to be granted. office in The first sentence of section 6 (b) of
ern EWvlslon, alleging that James A. Over- forthwith.
In the public Interest that the date for The hearing was reconvened on July the 13th day of September, A. D. 1941. the Act is designated as applicable to
man, Individually and doing business as By the Commission, Conunissioner
hearing as above be postponed so as to 28, 1941, and at that time the trial ex- Northern States Power Company (Min- the proposed transaction.
James A. Overman Co., had engaged in nesota), a registered holding company. Healy dissenting for the reasons set forth
various transactions In the sale of the permit of a conference between repre- aminer was advised that a letter had By the Commission.
»nd wholly-owned subsidiary. North- In his memorandum of April 1, 1940.
common stock of Callahan Consolidated sentatives of Cities Service Company and been received from the registrant re- its
IsEALl Francis P. Brassor,
questing a further continuance. The ern .Slates Power Company (New Jersey), [ SEAL 1 Francis P. Brassor
Mines, Inc., in violation of sections 5 (b) the Commission; ,
examiner was also advised that, imme- ^ving jointly a declaration pursu- Secretary.
and 17 (a) of the Securities Act of 1933. It is ordered. That the hearing directed filed
diately upon receipt of this letter, coun- ant to section 12 (d) of the Public Utility (P. R. Doc. 41-6904; Filed. September 15. 1941;
The defendant made no attempt to reply to be held on September 5, 1941 be and [P. R. Doc. 41-6903; Piled, September 16, 1941;
sel for the Trading and Exchange Divi- Holding Company Act of 1935 and Rule 11:36 m.] 11:36 a. m.]
to the allegations of the complaint but the same Is hereby postponed until Mon- a.

filed a consent to the entry of an order day. September 29. 1941 at 10 o'clock In sion had Informed the registrant that he
enjoining him from further violation of the forenoon before the same officer of would object to any further continuance.
— ——


18 1|9«



Washington, Wednesday, September 17, 1941


Rules, Regulations, Orders
COMMISSION Title 14 Civil Aviation:
[Docket No. 4084] Civil Aeronautics Board:
CHAPTER I—CIVIL AERONAUTICS Part 3 Digest of Cease and Desist Air carriers, rules governing
BOARD Orders operation, etc
Title 16 Commercial Practices:
(Amendment No. 130 ol the ClvU Air in the matter of sanfcmid mills, et al.
Federal Trade Commission:
S 3.6 (n) 2) Advertising falsely or Cease and desist orders:
Pakt 61—Schedttlid Air Carrwh Rttlis — —
misleadingly Nature Product: § 3.6 (t) Continental Briar Pipe Co.,
(Interstati) Advertising falsely or misleadingly — I

Inc 4755
Qualities or properties of prodxict: I 3.55 G. & P. Sales Co 4754
Furnishing means and instrumentalities
of misrepresentation or deception: § 3.96
(a) 6) using misleading name Goods — — Sanford Mills, et al — 4753
In connection Stomar Mfg. Co__-^ 4755
At a session of the Civil Aeronautics Qualities or properties.
Board held at its office in Washington. with offer, etc., in commerce, of mohair Luggage and related products
upholstery fabrics, using the term "moth Industry, trade practice
D. C. on the 12th day of September 1941.
proof" to designate, describe or in any rules 4756
Acting pursuant to the authority Mineral Resources:
way refer to upholstery fabrics which are Title 30
vested In It by the Civil Aeronautics Act Bituminous Coal Division:
not in fact moth proof, or otherwise rep-
of 1938, as amended, particularly sec- District Board 7. et al.. mini-
resenting that upholstery fabrics which
tions 206 (a), 601 (a), and 604 of said mum price schedule, etc. 4761
are not permanently immune from at-
Act, and finding that its action is desir- tack or destruction by moths are moth Title 32 National Defense:
able In the public interest and is neces-
proof, prohibited. (Sec. 5. 38 Stat. 719. Office of Price Administration:
sary to carry out the provisions of, and as amended by sec. 3, 52 Stat. 112; 15 Ethyl alcohol, price schedule
to exercise and perform Its powers and Supp. IV. sec. 45b) [Cease and No. 28 4761
duties under, said Act, the Civil Aeronau- Sanford Mills, et
desist order. al., Docket Title 50 Wildlife:
tics Board amends the Civil Air Regula- 4084. August 27. 19411 Pish and Wildlife Service:
Alaska, Copper River Area
tions as follows:
In the MaUer of Sanford MUls, a Corpo- fisheries, salmon fishing,
Effective Immediately, Amendment No. ration, and L. C. Chase & Co., Inc.. a amendments 4763
129 of the Civil Air Regulations adopted Corporation SeneyNational
September 6, 1941, is hereby amended as Wildlife Refuge, hunting
At a regular session of the Federal 4762
follows: of d€er._
Trade Commission, held at its office in
Item 7 of Amendment No. 129 is hereby the City of Washington, D. C. on the NOTICES
amended to read as follows: 27th day of August, A. D. 1941. Board:
Civil Aerwiautics
7. By the addition of a new section,
This proceeding having been heard' Pan American Airways, Inc.,
§ 61.342. reading as follows: by the Federal Trade Commission upon et al.. hearing 4767
the complaint of the Commission, the Department of the Interior:
S Seat belt sion. An aircraft
61.342 answer of the respondents and a stipula- Bituminous Coal Division:
shall not be operated in scheduled air tion entered into by and between coun- District Board 14. petition dis-
transportation unless a. suitable means sel for the Commission and counsel for 4767
for warning passengers to fasten seat the resiwndents, wherein It was stipu- Kentucky Coal Agency, Inc.,
belts Is provided. lated arid agreed that a statement of hearing postponed 4766
Aeronautics Board. facts read into the record may be taken General Land Office:
By the Civil
as the facts in this laroceeding and in Colorado, recreational with-
[SEAL] Darwin Charles Brown,
heu of testimony in support of the drawal revoked 4767
charges stated in the complaint, or In New Mexico, stock driveway
IP. R. Doc. 41-6926; Piled. September 16. IMl; opposition thereto, and that the Com- withdrawals reduced, re-
mission may proceed upon such state-

9:36 a. m.] voked - 4767

TR. 2670.
(Continued on next page)
rs FJfl. 4691. » 6

4754 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 17» 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 17, 1941 4755

further ordered. That this pro- ployees, directly or through any corpo- In the Matter of Joseph H. Kevorkian.
Federal Trade Commission Act, do forth- the City of Washington. D. C, on the It is
ceeding be, and the same hereby Is, dis- rate or other device. In connection with Joseph D. Kevorkian, and Louis Stone,
/^S>. with cease and desist from: 27th day of August, A. D. 1941.
This proceeding having been heard' missed as to respondent Adolf Feitler the offering for sale, sale, and distribu- Individually and as Copartners Trad-
1. Using the term "moth proof" to tion in commerce, as "commerce" Is de- ing as Stomar Manufacturing Com-
FEDE REGISTER designate, describe or in any way refer
by the Federal Trade Commission upon due to his death on March 9, 1941.
It is further ordered. That the re- fined in the Federal Trade Commission pany
the complaint of the Commission, the
to upholstery fabrics which are not in spondents shall, within sixty (60) days Act, of fishing tackle, pipes, robes, cam- At a regular session of the Federal
answer of respondent Clara Feitler, in
fact moth proof, or otherwise represent- after service upon them of this ordier, any other merchandise, do forth-
eras, or
Trade Commission, held at its oflBce in
which answer such respondent admits
ing that upholstery fabrics which are with the Commission a report in writ- with cease and desist from: the City of Washington. D. C. on the
all the material allegations of fact set file
Published dally, except Sundays. Mondays, not permanently immune from attack or forth in said complaint and states that ing setting forth in detail the manner any mer- 28th day of August, A. D. 1941.
»nd days following legal holidays by the (1) Selling or distributing
destruction by moths are moth proof. she waives all intervening procedure and and form in which they have complied This proceeding having been heard'
Division of the Federal Register. The National chandise so packed or assembled that
Archives, pursuant to the authority con- It further ordered. That the re-
is further hearing as to said facts, and upon with this order. sales of such merchandise to the public by the Federal Trade Commission upon
tained m the Federal Register Act. approved
spondents shall, within sixty (60) days the Joint answer of respondents Lillian M. By the Commission. are to be made, or may be made, by the complaint of the Commission, the
July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500), under regula-
tions prescribed by the Administrative Com- after service upon them of this order, Granger, and L. H. Murray, and a stipu- [seal] Otis B. Johnson, means of a game of chance, gift enter- answer of respondents, testimony and
mittee, approved by the President. file with the Commission a report In lation as to the facts agreed upon be- Secretary. prise, or lottery scheme; other evidence taken before Arthur F.
The Administrative Committee consists of writing, setting forth in detail the man- tween counsel for the Commission and (2) Supplying to or placing in the Thomas, trial examiner of the Commis-
the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an ofBcer IF. R. Doc. 41-6936; Filed. September 16, 1941;
ner and form in which they have com- counsel for said respondents Lillian M. 11:38 a. m.] hands of others punch boards, push or sion theretofore duly designated by it, in
of the Department of Justice designated by
the Attorney General, and the Public Printer piled with this order. Granger and L. H. Murray, which stipu- pull cards, pull tabs, or other lottery de- support of and in opposition to the alle-
or Acting Public Printer. By the Commission. lation was read into the record herein, vices, either with assortments of mer- gations of the complaint, report of the
The dally issue of the Fedesal Bxaism and the Commission having made its chandise or separately, which said punch trial examiner upon the evidence, and
will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free [SIAI.1 Otis B. Johwson, (Docket No. 4253]
findings as to the facts and conclusion boards, push or pull cards, pull tabs, or brief in support of the complaint (no
of postage, for $1.25 per month or $12.50 per Secretary.
year; single copies 10 cents each; payable in that said respondents have violated the P/iRT 3 Digest c^ Cease and Desist other lottery devices are to be used, or brief having been filed by respondents
advance. Remit money order payable to the IF. R. Doc. 41-6835; Filed. September 16. 1941;
11:38 m.)
provisions of the Federal Trade Commis- Orders may be used, in selling or distributing and oral argument not having been re-
Superintendent of Documents directly to the a.
quested) and the Commission having
sion Act; said merchandise to the public:
the matter of HAMILTON, HARRIS & CO.
Government Printing OfBce, Washington, D. C. IN
It is ordered, That the respondents (3) Selling or otherwise disposing of made findings as to the facts and its

Clara Feitler, Lillian M. Granger and § 3.99 (b) Using or selling lottery de- any merchandise by meajj^ of a game of conclusion that the respondents have
[Docket No. 4155]
L. H. Murray, individually and trading as vices —In merchandising. In connection chance, gift enterprise, wlottery scheme. violated the provisions of the Federal
CONTENTS—Continued Part 3 Digest or Cease and Desist G. It F. Sales Company, or trading under with offer, etc., in commerce, of fishing Trade Commission Act;
It is further ordered. That the re-
Orders any other name, their agents, representa- tackle, robes, cameras, or any
pipes, It is ordered. That the respondents, Jo-
Department of Labor: spondent shall, within sixty (60) days
tives and employees. Jointly or severally, other merchandise, (1) selling, etc., any seph H. Kevorkian, Joseph D. Kevorkian,
Wage and Hour Administration: in the matter ot g. st t. sales company after serviceupon it of this order, file
Shoe manufacturing and al- directly or through any corporate or merchandise so packed or assembled and Louis Stone, individually and trad-
with the Commission a report In writing
minimum 5 3.99 (b) Using or selling lottery de- other device, in connection with the of- that sales thereof to the public are to ing as Stomar Manufacturing Company,
manner and
lied industries,
wage recommendation, vices In— merchandising. In connec- fering for sale, sale and distribution of be, or may be, made by means of a
setting forth in detail the
form in which it has complied with this
or trading under any other name, and
submit tion with offer, etc., in commerce, of radios, watches, clocks, knives, pen and game of chance, gift enterprise, or lottery their representatives, agents and em-
opportunity to order.
4767 radios, watches, clocks, knives, pen and pencil sets or other articles of merchan- scheme: <2) supplying, etc., others with ployees, directly or through any corpo-
briefs, etc By the Commission.
pencil sets or other articles of merchan- dise in commerce as "commerce" is de- punch boards, push or pull cards, pull rate or other device, in connection with
Federal Trade Commission: [SEAL] Otis B. Johnson,
dise. (1) selling, etc.. radios, watches, fined by the Federal Trade Commission tabs, or other lottery devices, either with the offering for sale, sale and distribution
Easterlin. D. J., etc.. complaint Secretary.
4768 clocks, knives, pen and pencil sets or any Act, do forthwith cease and desist from: assortments of merchandise or sepa- In commerce, as "commerce" is defined
other merchandise so packed and assem- rately, which said punch boards, push September In the Federal Trade Commission Act, of
Securities and Exchange Commis- (1) Selling or
distributing radios, [F. R. Doc. 41-6937; Filed, 16, 1941;

sion: bled that sales thereof are to be, or may or pull cards, pull tabs, or other lottery 11:38 a. m.] their kitchen utensils known as graters
watches, clocks, knives, pen and pencil
Capital Management Participat- be, made by means of a lottery, gaming devices are to be, or may be, used in and shredders, do forthwith cease and
sets or any other merchandise so packed
ing Fund, hearing 4768 device or gift enterprise: (2) supplying, selling or distributing said merchandise desist from:
and assembled that sales thereof are to
ap- etc.. others with assortments of such to the public; and <3) selling, etc., any [Docket No. 4272]
Kelley-Koett Mfg. Co.. Inc.. be made or may be made by means of a (1) Using the word "stainless" to desig-
plication granted 4769 merchandise together with push or pull merchandise by means of a game of nate or describe respondents' products,
lottery, gaming device or gift enterprise; Part 3 Digest of Cease and Desist
War Department: cards, punch boards or other devices, chance, gift enterprise, or lottery
Orders or otherwise representing that said prod-
(2) Supplying to or placing in the
Contract summaries: which said push or pull cards, punch scheme: prohibited. (Sec. 5, 38 Stat.
ucts are made from stainless steel or that
hands of others assortments of radios,
Diamond T Motor Car Co 4763 boards or other devices are to be, or may 719, as amended by sec. 3. 52 Stat. 112; in the matter of stomar manufacturing they are stainless in fact;
watches, clocks, knives, pen and pencil
J-M Service Corp 4764 be, used in selling or distributing said 15 U.S.C.. Supp. rv. sec. 45b) [Cease and COMPANY (2) Representing that respondents'
sets or any other merchandise together
McQuay-Norris Mfg. Co 4766 merchandise to the public by means of a desist order, Hamilton, Harris b Co., products will not rust, tarnish or corrode.
with push or pull cards, punch boards or S 3.6 (c) Advertisi7ig falsely or mis-
Kansas National Guard, induc- game of chance, gift enterprise or lot-
tery scheme: (3) selling, etc., to others,
other devices, which said push or pull
Docket 4253, August
26. 1941]
a regular session of the Federal
leadingly—Composition of goods: It is further ordered, That the respond-
tion of 127th Observation cards, punch boards or other devices are Advertising falsely or mis-
push or pull cards, punch boards or 5 3.6 (t) ents shall, within sixty (60) days after
leadingly—Qualities or properties
Squadron- 4763 Trade Commission, held at its office in
to be used or may be used in selling or of service upon them of this order, file with
other devices either with assortments of the City of Washington, D. C, on the
distributing said merchandise to the product: § 3.6 (x) Advertising falsely or the Commission a report in writing set-
such merchandise or separately, which 26th day of August, A. D. 1941.
public by means of a game of chance, gift misleadingly—Results: § 3.66 (a7) Mis- ting forth in detail the manner and form
This proceeding having been heard
ment of facts to make its report, stating
said push or pull cards, punch boards or
other devices are to be. or may be. used
enterprise or lottery scheme:
by the Federal Trade Commission upon branding or mislabeling Composition: — in which they have complied with this
Itsfindings as to the facts and its con- (3) Selling to or placing in the hands § 3.66 (h) Misbranding or mislabel- order.
in selling or distributing said merchan- the complaint of the Commission, the
clusion based thereon, and enter its order
dise to the public by means of a game of
of others, push or pull cards, punch answer of respondent, testimony and

ing Qualities or properties: I 3.66 (JIO) By the Commission.
disposing of the proceeding without the boards or other devices either with as- Misbranding or mislabeling Results: — Otis B. Johnson,
presentation of argument or the filing chance, gift enterprise or lottery scheme:
and (4) selling, etc., any merchandise sortments of radios, watches, clocks,
other evidence in support of the allega-
tions of said complaint and in opposi- § 3.96 (a) 1) Using misleading name — [seal]
of briefs, or any other intervening pro-
by means of a game of chance, gift en- knives, pen and pencil sets or other mer- tion thereto taken before an examiner Good —
Composition. I n connection
cedure, and the Commission having made chandise or separately, which said push with offer, etc.. in commerce, of re- (F. R. Doc. 41-6938; Filed. September 16, 1941;
terprise or lottery scheme: prohibited. of the Commission theretofore duly des- 11:39 a. m.J
Its findings as t6 the facts and its con- spondents' kitchen utensils known as
(Sec. 5. 38 Stat. 719. as amended by sec.
or pull cards, punch boards or other de- ignated by it, report of the trial examiner,
clusion that said respondents have vices are to be used or may be used In graters and shredders, (1) using the
violated the provisions of the Federal 3. 52 Stat. 112: 15 use.
Supp. IV, sec. and brief In support of the complaint
45b) t Cease and desist order. O. k F. selling or distributing said radios, (no brief having been filed by respondent word "stainless" to designate or de-
Trade Commission Act; watches, clocks, knives, pen and pencil scribe their products, or otherwise rep-
(Docket No. 4293]
Sales Company, Docket 4155. August 27. and oral argument not having been re-
It is ordered. That the respondents, resenting that said products are made ^Digest of Cease and Desist
19411 sets or other merchandise to the public quested), and the Commission having Part 3
Sanford Mills, a corporation, and L. C. by means of a game of chance, en- from stainless steel or that they are Orders
gift made its findings as to the facts and Its
Chase ti Co., Inc., a corporation, their In the Matter of M. Granger.
Lillian terprise or lottery scheme; stainless in fact; and (2) representing
conclusion that said respondent has IN the BJATTER of continental briar PlPl
oflBcers. representatives, agents and em- Murray, Clara Feitler, and Adolf that their products will not rust, tar-
L. H. (4) Selling or otherwise distributing violated the provisions of the Federal
ployees, directly or through any corpo-
Feitler, Individually and Trading as any merchandise by means of a game of Trade Commission Act: nish or corrode: prohibited. (Sec. 5, 38
rate or other device, in connection with G. A F. Sales Company Stat. 719, as amended by sec. 3, 62 Stat. i 3.99 (b) Using or selling lottery de-
It is ordered. That respondent Hamil-
the offering for sale, sale and distribu-
chance, gift enterprise or lottery scheme.
ton. Harris b Co.. a corporation, its ofla- 112; 15 use, Supp. IV, sec. 45b) vices —In merchandising. In connection
tion of mohair ui^olstery fabrics, in At a regular session of the Federal [Cease and desist order, Stomar Manu- with offer, etc., In commerce, of pipes or
cers. agents, representatives, and em-
commerce as commerce Is defined In the Trade Commission, held at Its office in * 6 F^. 661. facturing Company, Docket 4272, August
«6 FH. 677. 28, 1941] « 6 F Ji. 4880.
4756 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 17, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 17, 1941 4757

this Industry In 1939 amounted to around acter, or finish of leather, purported

any other merchandise. (1)
articles of used, or may be used, in selling or dis- the complaint of the Commission, the Sec.
1546 Plctltlous animal designations. $50,000,000. leather, canvas, fiber, fabric, wood, or
selling, etc.. pipes or any other merchan- tributing said merchandise to the public answer of respondent, testimony and False Invoicing.
154.7 The proceeding for the establishment other material of which the product is
dise so packed and assembled that sales by means of a game of chance, gift en- other evidence taken before William C. 1548 Substituting Inferior materials not
Reeves, trial examiner of the Commission conforming to specifications. of trade practice rules was instituted made In whole or In part, or with respect
thereof are to be. or may be. made by terprise or lottery scheme;
theretofore duly designated by it, in sup- 154S Commercial bribery. upon application from the Industry. to the stitching, lining, backing, hard-
means of a lottery, game device or gift (3) Selling to or placing in the hands competitors or dis-
154.10 Defarruktlon of During the course thereof a general trade ware, or fittings used therein; or (b)
enterprise; supplying, etc., others
(2) of others, push or pull cards, punch port of the allegations of the complaint paragement of their products.
(no testimony or other evidence having practice conference, under the auspices which is false, misleading, or deceptive
with assortments of pipes or any other boards or other devices, either with as- 154.11 Procvirement of competitors' confi-
Information by unfair of the Commission, was held in Atlantic in any other material respect or by rea-
merchandise together with push or pull sortments of pipes or other merchandise, been offered by respondent), report of dential
the trial examiner upon the evidence, means and wrongful use thereof. City, Jersey. At such conference
New son of the concealment of any material
cards, punch boards or other devices, or separately, which said push or pull Unfair threats of Infringement suits.
cards, punch boards or other devices are and briefs in support of the complaint
154.12 proposed rules were considered and were fact." [Rule 1]
which said push or pull cards, punch 154 13 Deceptive use of trade or corporate
thereupon submitted on behalf of the in-
and in opposition thereto (oral argu- •§5 154.1 to 154.29, inclusive, issued under
boards or other devices are to be, or may to be lised, or may be used, in selling or names, or trade-marks, etc.
distributing said pipes or other merchan- ment not having been requested) and 154.14 ImlUtlon of trade-marks, trade dustry to the Commission for its con- the authority contained In 38 Stat. 717, as
be, used in selling or distributing said

names, etc. sideration. Thereafter a complete draft amended, and pursuant to other provisions
merchandise to the public by means of dise to the public by means of a game of the Commission having made its findings Coercing purchase of one product as of law administered by the Commission.
154. 15
as to the facts and its conclusion that of proposed rules in appropriate form was
a game of chance, gift enterprise or lot- chance, gift enterprise or lottery scheme; a prerequisite to the purchase of
made available to all interested or af- S 154.2 Deception through conceal-
tery scheme; (3) selling, etc., to others (4) Selling or otherwise distributing the respondent has violated the provi- other products.
sions of the Federal Trade Commission 154.16 Inducing breach of contract. fected parties upon public notice whereby ment and nondisclosure of material facts.
push or pull cards, punch boards or other any merchandise by means of a game of Misrepresentation as to character of (a) To prevent deception of the purchas-
chance, gift enterprise or lottery scheme. Act;
154.17 they were afforded opportunity to pre-
devices, either with assortments of pipes business.
ing public, luggage, (namely, suitcases,
It is ordered. That the respondent. 164.18 Misuse of terms "special." "bargain." sent their views to the Commission, in-
or other merchandise, or separately, It is further ordered, That the respond- traveling bags, trunks, cases,
Haskelite Manufacturing Corporation, a "close-outs." "discontinued lines." cluding such pertinent information, sug- brief
which said push or pull cards, punch ent shaU, within sixty (60) days after sample casgs, instrument cases,
corporation, and its officers, representa-
etc. gestions or objections as they desired to satchels,
boards or other devices are to be, or may service upon it of this order, file with the 154.18 Deception In distribution of special and similar articles of luggage), made in
tives, agents and employees, directly or submit, and to be heard in the premises.
be. used in selling or distributing said Commission a report in writing setting lots.
whole or in part of the several types of
through any corporate or other device, 154.20 Misuse of word "free". Accordingly, public hearing pursuant to
pipes or other merchandise to the public forth in detail the manner and form in material mentioned below, shall be
in connection with the offering for sale, 154.21 Plctltlous prices. such notice was held In Washington,
by means of a game of chance, gift enter- which it has complied with this order. 164.22 Use of lottery schemes. marked by stamp, tag, or label clearly
sale and distribution of its serving trays D. C, and all matters there presented,
prise or lottery scheme; and (4) selling, By the Commission. 154.23 Unlawful Interference. and nondeceptively revealing the true
In commerce, as "commerce" is defined Selling below cost. or otherwise submitted, were duly re-
etc., any merchandise by means of a 154.24
character of such material, in accord-
[seal] Otis B. Johnson. in the Federal Trade Commission Act. 154.25 Dl£crlminatlon. ceived and considered.
game of chance, gift enterprise or lottery ance with the following provisions:
scheme; prohibited. (Sec. 5, 38 Stat.
Secretary. do forthwith cease and desist from: 154 26 Discriminatory return*. Upon consideration of the entire mat-
154 27 False or misleading price quotations.
Doc 41-6939; Piled. September 16, 1941; ter, final action has been taken by the (1) Where the article
Split leather.
719. as amended by sec. 3, 52 Stat. 112; (P. R. Consignment distribution.
Representing that trays made in
(1) 154 28
Commission whereby has approved and
11:39 m. m.| 154.29 Aiding or abetting use of unfair trade it is made
of or contains so-called split
15 U.S.C. Supp. rv. sec. 45b) [Cease part of paper are made entirely of wood practices. received, respectively, the following trade leather, or leather other than the top
and desist order. Continental Briar Pipe (2) Using the words "wood", "hard-
promulgation or trade practice rules/ practice rules appearing under Group I grain, the stamp, tag. or label shall show
Company. Inc., Docket 4293, August 27.
(Docket No. 4442] wood", "walnut", or "copomo". or any and Group II. that such leather Is split or cut from the
1941] other word descriptive of wood, to desig- At a regular session of the Federal
At a regular session of the Federal Past 3 Digest of Cease and Desist THE RULES under side of the hide and is not top
nate or describe trays having paper sur- Trade Commission held at its office in the
Trade Commission, held at its office in Orders grain leather, as for example:
faces, unless there appear in immediate City of Washington. D. C. on the 15th day
the City of Washington. D. C, on the These rules promulgated by the Com-
in the matter of haskelite bcamttac- connection or conjunction with such of September. A. D. 1941. "Split Cowhide."
27th day of August. A. D. 1941. mission are designed to foster and pro-
turikc corporation words other words clearly Indicating that Due proceedings having been held un-
This proceeding having been heard
* mote the maintenance of fair competitive Where the article is made in major pro-
the surfaces of such trays are made of der the trade practice conference pro-
§ 3.6 Advertising falsely or mis-
(c) conditions In the Interest of the industry portion of top grain leather with the ex-
by the Federal Trade Commission upon
complaint of the Commission and a

leadingly Composition of goods: S 3.71
(3) Selling or distributing trays hav-
cedure in pursuance of the Act of Con- and the public. Their operation is to be ception of certain recognizably distinct
gress approved September 26, 1914. as
stipulation as to the facts entered into (a) Neglecting, unfairly or deceptively, directed toward this end and Is not to sections or parts, such as partitions, gus-
ing surfaces of paper which simulates
by and between counsel for the Com- to make material disclosure Composi- — wood, without clearly disclosing by
amended (Federal Trade Commission
Act), and other provisions of law ad-
permit of the use of any practice which sets, etc., which are made of a different

mission and counsel for the respondent tion: 9 3.96 (a) 1) Using misleading suppresses competition, restrains trade, kind, type, or character of leather, the
wherein It was agreed that the material
— —
name Goods Composition. In con-
means of legends imprinted upon such
trays or otherwise securely attached
ministered by the Commission; fixes or controls price through combina- stamp, tag, or label may be marked under
It is now ordered. That the trade prac-
facts alleged in the Commission's com- nection with offer, etc.. in commerce, of tion or agreement, or which otherwise this rule in such manner as will truth-
thereto, that such surfaces are made of tice rules of Group I and Group II. as
respondent's serving trays. (1) repre- injures, destroys, or prevents competition. fully and nondeceptively show that the
plaint are true, and all intervening pro- paper. hereinafter set forth, which have been
cedure and further hearing as to said senting that trays made in part of paper leather in the product Is all top grain of
further ordered. That the re- approved and received, respectively, by Group I
facts were waived, and the Commission are made entirely of wood; (2) using It ia a designated kind with certain other
spondent shall, within sixty (60) days the Commission in this proceeding, be
having made its findings as to the facts the words "wood", "hardwood", "wal- The unfair trade practices embraced kind, type, or character of leather or
nut", or "copomo", or any other word after service upon it of this order, file promulgated as of September 17. 1941. material in designated parts, as for ex-
and conclusion that said respondent has In these Group I rules are considered to
violated the provisions of the Federal descriptive of wood, to designate or de- with the Commission a report In writ- STATEMENT BY THE COMIOSSION be unfair methods of competition, unfair ample :

Trade Commission Act; scribe trays having paper surfaces, un- ing setting forth In detail the manner or deceptive acts or practices, or other
Trade practice rules for the Luggage "Top Grain Cowhide
It is ordered. That the respondent, less there appear in Inmiediate con- and form in which it has compiled with Illegal practices, prohibited under laws
With Split Cowhide Gussets
and Related Products Industry, as here-
Continental Briar Pipe Company, Inc.. nection or conjunction with such words this order. administered by the Federal Trade Com- and Partitions."
inafter set forth, are promulgated by the
its officers, representatives, agents and other words clearly Indicating that the By the Commission. mission; and appropriate proceedings in
Federal Trade Commission under its (2) Embossed or
processed leather.
employees, directly or through any cor- surfaces of such trays are made of paper; [seal] Otis B. Johnson, the public interest will be taken by the
trade practice conference procedure. Where made
of or contains
the article is
porate or other device, in connection and (3) selling or distributing trays Secretary. Commission to prevent the use, by any
The rules are directed to the elimina- leather which has been embossed, dyed,
with the offering for sale, sale and dis- having surfaces of paper which simulates person, partnership, corporation, or other
P. R. Doc. 41-6940; PUed. September 16, 1941; tion and prevention of misrepresenta- grained, finished, or otherwise processed,
tribution of pipes or any other articles of wood, without clearly disclosing by I
11:39 ml organization subject to its jurisdiction,
a. tion, deceptive concealment, and various in such manner as to simulate or imitate
merchandise in commerce, as commerce means of legends imprinted upon such of such unlawful practices in commerce.
other unfair trade nractices, and are is- leather of a different kind, type, grade,
Is defined by the Federal Trade Commis- trays or otherwise securely attached 154.1 Deception in general. It is
sued in the Interest of protecting indus- §
quality, grain, or characteristic, the
sion Act, do forthwith cease and desist thereto, that such surfaces are made of an imfalr trade practice to use, or cause
(Pile No. 21-3591 try, trade, and the public from the harm- stamp, tag, or label shall show the true
from: paper; prohibited. (Sec. 5. 38 Stat. 719. or promote the use of, any advertise-
Part 154 Luggage and Related Prodttcts ful effects of such unfair methods or kind of leather used and reveal the fact
as amended by sec. 3. 52 Stat. 112; 15 ment, description, guarantee, warranty,
(1) Selling or distributing pipes or any Industry practices. The provisions of the rules that It Is not the kind or type of leather
U.S.C. Supp. IV, sec. 45b) [Cease and endorsement, illustration,
other merchandise so packed and assem- relate to the sale and distribution, by testimonial,
it purports to be or that it is only an
desist order. Haskelite Manufacturing Sec.
brand, mark, or label, or any other rep-
bled that sales thereof are to be made or 154.1 Deception In general. manufacturers, jobbers, distributors, Imitation or simulation thereof, as for
Corporation. Docket 4442, August 29, resentation or selling method, (a) which
may be made by means of a lottery, game 154.2 Deception through concealment and dealers, and other marketers, of the example:
1941] nondisclosure of material facts. has the capacity and tendency or effect
device or gift enterprise; products of the industry which consist
At a regular session of the Federal 1643 Deceptive practices as to animal destf?- of trunks, suitcases, traveling bags, brief of misleading or deceiving the purchas- "Split Cowhide
(2) Supplying to or placing in the aniline finish, graining
Trade Commission, held at its office In natlons. Embossed to Imitate Walrus."
hands of others, assortments of pipes or embossing. processing. buffing cases, satchels, sample cases, instrument ing or consuming public with respect to
the City of Washington, D. C, on the and similar articles; also, of so- the grade, quality, quantity, material
any other merchandise together with hardware, etc. cases, "Top Grain Cowhide
29th day of August, A. D. 1941. 154.4 Misuse of terms "genuine." "real." fancy leather goods such as bill- content, serviceability, nature, origin,
push or pull cards, punch boards or other "natural." "selected." "warranted,"
called Imitation Pig Grain."
This proceeding having been heard* folds, wallets, key cases, coin purses, card size, construction, manufacture, process-
devices,which said push or pull cards, etc. em-
by the Federal Trade Commission upon cases, etc. According to available sta- ing, or distribution of any product of the Where top grain leather has been
punch boards or other devices are to be 154.5 Misuse of the terms "waterproof."
"water repellent." "dustprooX," or tistics, the volume of business trans- Industry, or with respect to the kind, bossed, dyed, grained, finished, or proc-
>eFit. 1514. ••warp-proof." acted by the manufactiuring branch of grade, weight, thickness, durability, char- essed with a geometrical design or other
* e F Ji. 2804.

4758 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 17, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 17, 1941 4759

in the manufactiire of the article, to when such product or part thereof is or consuming public, is an unfair trade which has the capacity and tendency or products or articles of certain high qual-
design not simulating or imitating the
composed material other than [Rule 71 effect of misleading or deceiving the pur- ity, grade, or price, when no such prod-
natural grain or characteristics of any reduce by skiving to a thickness below of practice.*
the minimum, such as welting, edging, 154.8 Substituting inferior materUda chasing or consuming public as to the ucts or articles are contained in said lot
hide or leather, the mark designating leather. $

not conforming to specifications. The character, name, nature, or origin of any or quantity of merchandise or when only
such material may be limited to showing trimming, etc.. necessarily required to be (e) That any such product is com-
the kind of leather and the fact that it is skived when manufacturing the article. posed in whole or in ixEU-t of top grain practice of using or substituting ma- product of the industry, or any material a relatively small quantity or number
The information to be revealed, terials inferior in grade or quality to used therein, or in any other material thereof is contained in such merchandise
embossed or processed, as for example: (b) leather when such product or part there-
under the foregoing provisions of this of is In fact composed of split leather those specified in any contract or order, respect, is an unfair trade practice.* and said fact is not fully and nonde-
"Embossed Top Grain Cowhide." without the consent of the purchaser to [Rule 131 ceptively disclosed In the advertisements
nile. shall be set forth on the stamp, tag, or of material other than top grain V

"Split Cowhide or label conspicuously and nondecep- leather. For purposes of the rules here- such use or substitution, or with the S 154.14 Imitation of trade-marks, and representations, or when such ad-
Embossed Design." tlvely. Manufacturers, or those first in set forth, leather from which either capacity and tendency or effect of mis- trade names, etc. The^ imitation ot vertisements or representations other-
leading or deceiving the purchasing or simulation of the trade-marks, trade wise have the capacity and tendency or
(3) Backed material. Where the ar- placing the products in the channels of a layer of the top surface or grain, or
consuming public, is an unfair trade names, brands, or labels of competitors, effect of misleading or deceiving the pur-
ticle is made of
or contains leather which trade, in attaching such stamps, tag.^. a so-called buffing, has been removed,
practice.* [Rule 81 with the capacity and tendency or effect chasing or consuming public* [Rule
is backed with fabric, or with any mate-
or lalaels. shall cause the same to be shall not be considered top grain
affixed to the articles in such sufficiently leather. (See subparagraph (6) of Rule 5 154.9 Commercial bribery. It Is an of thereby misleading or deceiving the 19]
rial other than leather, or with split Misuse of word "free". The
secure manner as to remain on the ar- 2 (a) for requirement as to marking unfair trade practice for a member of the purchasing or consuming public, is an § 154.20
leather (such backing being glued or [Rule 141 use of the word "free," or the equivalent
ticles until they reach the ultimate pur- leather of substandard thickness.) industry, directly or indirectly, US give, unfair trade practice.*
laminated to the outer leather), the Coercing purchase of one thereof, where not properly or fairly qual-
chaser or consumer after having passed or offer to give, or permit or cause to be § 154.15
stamp, tag. or label shall disclose the fact (f) That the hardware or any item
given, money or anything of value to product as a prerequisite to the purchase ified when the article is \n fact not free,
that such leather is backed with fabric, through the ordinary channels of trade, thereof contained in any such product
agents, employees, or representatives of of other products. The practice of coer- with the capacity and tendency or effect
or with certain designated material other
thus avoiding the necessity of further is brass, solid brass, or some other des-
customers or prospective customers, or cing the purchase of one or more prod- of misleading or deceiving the purchas-
than leather, or with split leather of a marking as to matters required by this ignated metal, when such is not true in
to agents, employees, or representatives ucts as a prerequisite to the purchase of ing or consuming public, is an unfair
rule to be disclosed, so long as such orig- fact or when such hardware is only
certain kind, as the case may be. For trade practice.* [Rule 201
inal stamp, tag. or label is clear and of competitors' customers or prospective one or more other products, where the
example: plated or coated with the metal desig-
customers, without the knowledge of effect may be to substantially lessen com- § 154.21 Fictitious prices. It is an un-
truthful and remains upon the product. nated and the remaining metal therein
"Top Grain Cowhide their employers or principals, as an in- petition or tend to create a monopoly fair trade practice to sell or offer for
This shall not, however, relieve distrib- is of a different kind.* [Rule 31
Backed with Canvas." ducement to influence their employers or to tmreasonably restrain trade, is an sale industry products at prices pur-
utors, dealers, or other vendors of the
S 154.4 Misuse of the terms "genuine," or principals to purchase or contract to xmfair trade practice.* [Rule 151 ported to be reduced from what are in
"Top Grain Pig necessity of seeing to It that such ar-
"real." "natural," "selected," "war- purchase products manufactured or sold i 154.16 Inducing breach of contract. fact fictitious prices, or to sell or offer
Backed with Split Cowhide." ticles, when
being offered for sale, sold,
ranted," etc. It is an unfair trade prac- by such industry meml)er or the maker Inducing or attempting to induce the for sale such products at a purported re-
or distributedto their customers, are
(4) Products simulating or imitating tice to use the words "Genuine." "Real." of such gift or offer, or to influence such breach of existing lawful contracts l>e- duction in price when such purported re-
properly stamped, tagged, or labeled
leather. Where the article is made of with the information required by this "Natural." "Selected," "Warranted." or employers or principals to refrain from tween competitors and their customers or duction is in fact fictitious or is otherwise
or contains, on the exterior or to any rule to be disclosed thereon. any other term or representation of dealing In the products of competitors their suppliers by any false or deceptive misleading or deceptive.* [Rule 21]
substantial extent in the interior, mate- similar import. In any way as descrip- or from dealing or contracting to deal means whatsoever, or interfering with or §154.22 Use of lottery schemes. The
(c) The sale, resale, or distribution.
rial other than leather but which simu- tive (a) of split leather; or (b) of leather with competitors.* [Rule 91 obstructing the performance of any such offering or giving of prizes, premiums, or
by any manufacturers, distributors,
lates or imitates leather, the stamp, tag, which has l)een embossed or processed 5 154.10 Defamation of competitors or contractual duties or services by any such gifts in connection with the sale of in-
dealers, or other vendors, of any article
or label shall show that such material to simulate a different kind, grade, type, disparagement of their products. The means, with the purpose and effect of dustry products, or as an Inducement
covered by this rule without being prop-
is not leather but is of certain other or quality of leather; or (c) of any defamation of competitors by falsely im- unduly hampering, injuring, or prejudic- thereto, by any scheme which involves
erly stamped, tagged, or labeled to dis-
designated material, as for example: simulative. Imitative, or substitute ma- puting to them dishonorable conduct. ing competitors in their businesses, is an lottery or scheme of chance, is an unfair
close the Information herein specified,
terial, with the capacity and tendency Inability to perform contracts, question- unfair tr<de practice.* [Rule 161 trade practice.* (Rule 22]
"Buckram." with the capacity and tendency or effect
or effect of thereby misleading or de- able credit standing, or by other false { 154.17 Misrepresentation as to char- § 154.23 Unlawful interference. It is
of misleading or deceiving the purchas-
(5) Rayon, or linen lined. Where the
ing or consuming public. Is an unfair ceiving the purchasing or consuming representations, or the false disparage- acter of business. For any person, firm, an unfair trade practice for any member
article is lined with rayon fabric or public* [Rule 4] ment of the grade, quality, or manufac- or corporation to hold himself or Itself of the industry, by means of any monop-
trade practice.' [Rule 21
otherwise contains rayon in sut>stantial ture of the products of competitors, or out to the public as a manufacturer or olistic practices, or through combination,
S 154.3 Deceptive practices as to ani- S 154.5 Misuse of the terms "vxiter-
part, or where the article is lined with, of their business methods, selling prices, wholesaler when such is not the fact, or conspiracy, coercion, boycott, threats, or
mal designations, aniline finish, grain- proof." "water repellent." "dustproof."
or otherwise contains in substantial part,
ing, embossing, processing, buffing, hard- or "vyarp-proof ." It is an unfair trade values, credit terms, policies, or services, in any other manner to misrepresent the any other unlawful means, directly or in-
fabric which simulates or purports to be is an unfair trade practice.* [Rule 101 character, extent, or tsrpe of his or its directly, to interfere with a competitor's
ware, etc. In offering for sale, selling, practice to use the terms "Waterproof."
linen but is not In fact linen, the stamp,
"Water Repellent," "Dustproof." or 154.11 Procurement of competitor^ business, Ls an unfair trade practice.* right to purchase his materials and sup-
or distributing, or promoting or causing §
tag. or label shall disclose the fiber con- information by unfair means [Rule 17] plies from whomsoever he chooses, or to
the sale or distribution of, industry "Warp-proof." or any other word. term, co^i/idential
tent of such lining or other part by use and wrongful use thereof. It is an un- 154.18 Misuse of terms "special." sell to whomsoever he chooses.* [Rule
products through advertisements, expression, or representation of similar 9
of a truthful designation thereof, as for trade practice for any member of "bargain." "close-outs," "discontinued 23]
brands, labels, sales literature, or other- Import. In any way as descriptive of In- fair
example. "Rayon Lined." "Cotton Lined." the Industry to obtain information con- lines." etc. It Is an unfair trade practice § 154.24 Selling below cost. The prac-
wise. It Is an unfair trade practice to dustry products composed of canvas or
or "Rayon and Cotton Lining." as the cerning the business of a competitor by to advertise, describe, or otherwise rep- tice of selling industry products Ijelow
represent, directly or by Implication: other materials when such products are
case may be, with the fibers stated in the bribery of an employee or agent of such resent regtilar lines of merchandise as the seller's cost, when pursued with
not In fact waterproof, water repellent,
order of their predominance by weight, (a) That any such product made of
competitor by false or misleading state- "Special," "Bargain," "Close-outs," "Dis- wrongful intent of thereby injuring a
a certain kind or tsTie of leather when
dustproof. or warp-proof, respec-
l)eginning with the largest single con- ments or representations, by the imper- continued Lines," or by words or repre- competitor and where the effect of such
tively.* [Rule 5]
stituent, where the fabric is composed It In fact composed of leather of a
sentations of similar Import, when such practice is to unreasonably restrain
sonation of one in authority, or by any
of two or more fibers. (Where the ar- different kind or type: or that any § 154.6 FictitUms animal desigTiations. trade, tend to create a monopoly, or sub-
other unfair means, and to use the in- are not true in fact; or to so advertise,
ticle is of a type coming within the pro- leather in such product is from the hide It Is an unfair trade practice to use. stantially lessen competition. Is an unfair
formation so obtained in such a manner describe, or otherwise represent mer-
visions of the Wool Products Lal)eling or skin of a certain designated animal falsely or deceptively, in advertisements,
as to injure said competitor in his busi- chandise where the capacity and tend- trade practice.
Act of 1939. the mark shall be In accord- when In fact It Is from a different ani- labels, tags, brands, orother representa- This rule is not to be construed as pro-
ness or to suppress competition or un- ency or effect thereof is to lead the piu*-
mal; as for example, using the unquali- tions of Industry products, any depiction
ance with the requirements of said Act reasonably restrain trade.* [Rule 111 chasing and consuming public to believe hibiting all sales below cost, but only such
and the Rules and Regulations there- fied term "Walrus" or "Walrus Grained" or device, trade name, coined name, or
§ 154.12 Unfair threats of infringe- such merchandise is being offered for selling below the seller's cost as is re-
under.) as descriptive of leather which is not other name or words descriptive of such sorted to and pursued as a monopolistic
ment suits. The circulation of threats sale or sold at greatly reduced prices or
t6> Leather of substandard thickness. walrus, or the term "Calf Finish products as being made of leather from practice with the wrongful intent re-
of suit for infringement of patents or at so-called "bargain" prices when such
Where luggage is made wholly, or In any Leather" as descriptive of leather which the skin or hide of an animal which is ferred to and coupled with the effect of
trade-marks among customers or pros- is not the fact.* [Rule 181
exterior part, of leather whicli does not is not in fact calf. in fact non-existent.* [Rule 61 unreasonably restraining trade, tending
pective customers of competitors, not S 154.19 Deception in distribution of
exceed two ounces per square foot as (b) That any such product is colored, S 154.7 False invoicing. Withholding special lots. In the case of lots or quan- to create a monopoly, or substantially
made in good faith but for the purpose
measured by the Woburn gauge, the finished, or dyed with aniline dye when from or inserting in Invoices, bills of tities of luggage advertised or offered for lessening competition.
or with the effect of harassing or intimi-
stamp, tag. or lal)el shall disclose the such is not true in fact. lading, or other documents of title, any The costs referred to in the rule are
dating such customers or prospective cus- sale at so-called special or bargain sales
minimum weight of such leather per (c) That any such product or any statements or Information by reason of or reduced price sales or otherwise, it is actual costs of the respective seller anc'
tomers, or of unduly hampering. Injuring,
square foot and shall reveal the fact that part thereof Is dyed, embossed, grained, which omission or insertion a false record an unfair trade practice to use adver- not some other figure oc^erage costs in
or prejudicing competitors In their busi-
the same is substandard. Nothing In this processed, finished, or stitched in a cer* is made, wholly or in part, of the trans- the industry determined oy an industry
nesses, is an unfair trade practice.* tisements or representations thereof
paragraph, however, shall be construed tain manner when such is not true la actions represented on the face of such cost survey or otherwise.* (Rule 24]
which import or imply that such mer-
as requiring the marking of such leather fact. Invoices, bills of lading, or other docu-
[Rule 121
5 154.13 Deceptive use of trade or cor- chandise consists entirely or In substan- § 154.25

Discrimination (a) Prohib-
parts of the article as being of substand- (d) That any such product Is com- ments of title, with the effect of thereby tial or greater part of products or arti- ited discriminatory prices, or rebates,
porate rmmes, or trade-marks, etc. The
ard thickness which parts it Is necessary. posed In whole or in part of leather misleading or deceiving the purchasing well-known manufacturers or of refunds, discounts, credits, etc., which
use of any trade name, corporate name, cles of
trade-mark, or other trade designation well-known or reputable brands or of effect unlawful price discrimination. It
4760 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 17, 1941 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 17, 1941 4761

and 8 Groups
4 1 to gan, on the north by not less than the follow-
Isan unfair trade practice for any mem- (c)Prohibited advertising or promo- merce.* to discriminate in favor of one Aiding or abetting use of un-
154.20, Districts 7 in Size
S ing amounts per ton:
ber of the industry engaged in com- tional aliowances. etc. It is an unfair customer-purchaser against another cus- fair trade practices. It is an imf air trade and 6, and the high volatile coals of Dis- Cents
merce,' in the course of such commerce, trade practice for any member of the tomer-purchaser of the products of this practice for any person, firm, or corpora- trict 7 and coals of other districts In re- Size Groups 1-3 60
lated size groups for shiixnent as lake Size Groups 4, 6 26
to grant or allow, secretly or openly, di- industry engaged In commerce to pay ' industry, bought from such member of tion to aid, abet, coerce, or induce an-
rectly or indirectly, any rebate, refund, or contract for the payment of adver- the industry for resale, by contracting to other, directly or Indirectly, to use or cargo to all destinations along Lake Erie, Provided, hotoever. That
such prices,
discount, credit, or other form of price tising or promotional allowances or any furnish or furnishing in connection promote the use of any unfair trade Lake St. Claire, and the Detroit River when so Increased, may
be reduced for
differential, where such rebate, refund, other thing of value to or for the benefit therewith, upon terms not accorded to practice specified In these rules.* [Rule from Monroe or the south to and Includ- shipments during the following months
discount, credit, or other form of price of a customer of such member in the all customer-purchasers on proportion- 291 ing Mt. Clemens on the north; by not more than the following amounts
differential effects a discrimination In
, course of such commerce as compensa- ally equal terms, the service or facility Group II District Boards 1, 2, 4, and 6, the New In cents per ton:
price between different purchasers of tion or in consideration for any services whereby such favored purchaser is ac- River Company and the Carter Coal
Compliance with trade practice provi- Size groups
goods of like grade and quality, where or facilities furnished by or through such Company, code member producers in Dis-
sions embraced in Group n rules is con-
corded the privilege of returning indus- Date of shipment: 1.2,3 4.6
•either or any 6f the purchases involved customer in connection with the process- try products so purchased and receiving trict 7. and the Detroit All -Rail Coal April 50 25
sidered to be conducive to soimd busi- Merchants' Committee having filed peti- May 40 20
therein are in commerce,' and where the ing, handling, sale, or offering for sale, therefor credit or refund t)f purchase
ness methods and is to be encouraged Jime 30 15
effect thereof may be substantially to of any products or commodities manu- price: Provided, however. Nothing in any tions of Intervention; 10
and promoted individually or through July. 20
lessen competition or tend to create a factured, sold, or offered for sale by such of the rules herein shall prohibit or be A hearing In this matter having been August 10 5
voluntary cooperation exercised in ac- held before a duly designated Examiner
monopoly in any line of commerce.' or member, unless such payment or con- used to prevent the return of merchan-
cordance with existing law. Non observ- The date of shipment from the mine and
to Injure, destroy, or prevent competi- sideration is available on proportionally dise by purchaser, for credit or refund of the Division at hearing rooms of the
ance of such rules does not, per se. Division In Washington, D. C, at which
not the date of sale shall govern the
tion with any person who either grants equal terms to all other customers com- of purchase price, when and because such
constitute violation of law. Where, how- reduction applicable.
or knowingly receives the benefit of such peting in the distribution of such prod- merchandise has not been properly la- all Interested persons were afforded an
ever, the practice of not complying with It is further ordered. That the prayers
discrimination, or with customers of ucts or commodities. opporttmity to be present, swlduce evi-
either of them: Provided, hotoever — beled in accordance with the require-
ments of these rules, or has been other-
any such Group n
niles Is followed in
dence, cross-examine witnesses, and
for relief contained in the petition filed
(d)Prohibited discriminatory sertHces such manner as to result in unfair herein by District Board 7 should be
or facilities. It is an unfair trade prac- wise falsely or deceptively labeled or rep- otherwise be heard;
(1) That the goods involvedin any methods of competition, or unfair or de- Temporary relief pending final dispo- granted to the extent set forth above and
tice for any member of the industry en- resented, or when and because such mer-
such transaction are sold for use, con- ceptive acts or practices, corrective pro- in all other respects denied.
gaged in commerce' to discriminate in chandise is defective in material, work- sition of this proceeding having been
sumption, or resale within any place un- ceedings may be instituted by the Com- granted by Order of the Director; Dated: September 15, 1941.
favor of one purchaser against another manship, or in any other respect contrary
der the Jurisdiction of the United States; mission as In the case of violation of The preparation and filing of a report [sEALl H. A. Gray,
(2) That
nothing herein contained purchaser or purchasers of a commodity to warranty or purchase contract.* Group I rules.
by the Examiner having been waived and Director.
bought for resale, with or without proc- [Rule 261
shall prevent differentials which make Rule A. The Industry recommends the record having thereupon been sub-
essing, by contracting to furnish or fur- (P. R. Doc. 41-6929: Piled. September 16, 1941;
only due allowance for differences in the 154.27 False or misleading price
i that all contracts should embody spe- mitted to the undersigned; 9:55 a. m.|
cost of manufacture, sale, or delivery nishing, or by contributing to the fur- quotations. The publishing or circulat- cifically and in full detail the quality,
nishing of. any services or facilities con- ing by any member of the industry of
The imdersigned having made Find-
resulting from the differing methods or kind, and finish of any leather or substi- ings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and
quantities in which such commodities nected with the processing, handling, false or misleading price quotations, price tute therefor required to be furnished
sale, or offering for sale of such com-
having rendered an Opinion, which are
are to such purchasers sold or delivered: lists, or terms of sale, with the capacity under the terms of such contracts and TITLE 32— NATIONAL DEFENSE
filed herewith;
(3) That
nothing herein contained modity so purchased upon terms not ac- and tendency or effect of thereby mis- that all other materials to be used shall
Now. therefore, ordered. That
it is
shall prevent persons engaged in selling corded to all purchasers on proportion- leading or deceiving the purchasing or be specifically described in proper and (.General prices for low volatile
goods, wares, or merchandise in com- ally equal terms. consuming public, is an unfair trade customary form and wording.
coals) In the Schedule of Effective Mini-
merce' from selecting their own cus- (e) Inducing or receiving an illegal practice.* [Rule 271 A committee on trade practices Is Part 1335—Chemicals
discrimination in price. It is an unfair
mum Prices for District No. 7 for All
tomers in bona fide transactions and not Consignment hereby created by the Industry to co-
in restraint of trade; trade practice for any member of the
S 154.28 distribution. It
is an unfair trade practice for any mem- operate with the Federal Trade Com-
Shipments Except Truck be and It hereby
Is revised by adding the following note
price schedule no. 28 —ethyl alcohol
(4) That nothing herein contained industry engaged in commerce,' in the ber of the industry to employ the prac- mission and to perform such acts as may A sharp Increase In the demand for
course of such commerce, knowingly to NoTS 1: The above prices shall be In-
shall prevent price changes from time tice of shipping industry products on con- be legal and proper to put these rules creased for shipments to all jsolnts within ethyl alcohol has occurred In recent
to time where made in response to induce or receive a discrimination in signment or pretended consignment for into effect. the United States on Lake Erie. Lake St. months. Ethyl alcohol is not only essen-
changing conditions affecting either (a) price which is prohibited by the fore- the purpose and with the effect of arti- Claire or the Detroit River, and tributaries tial for the production of high explosives
going provisions of this section.
^Promulgated and issued by the Fed- thereof between Monroe, Michigan, on the
the market for the goods concerned, or clogging or closing trade outlets
ficially used by the armed forces, but is also
eralTrade Commission September 17, south to and including Mt. Clemens. Mich-
(b) the marketability of the goods, such (f) Purchases by schools, colleges, uni- and unduly restricting competitors' use igan, on the north by not lesp than the fol- used in the manufacture of many civilian
as. but not limited to. actual or immi- versities, public libraries,churches, hos- of said trade outlets in getting their lowing amounts per ton: products related to national defense.
Joi L. EviNS,
nent deterioration of perishable goods, pitals, and charitable institutions not op- products to consumers through regular
Acting Secretary. Cents Upon the price of ethyl alcohol depends
obsolescence of seasonal goods, distress erated for profit. The foregoing provi- channels of distribution, thereby injur- Size Groups 1-3 . _. 50 the price of many other essential chemi-
sales under court process, or in sales sions of this section relate to practices ing, destroying, or preventing competi- \T. r! Doc. 41-«942; Piled. September 16, 1941; Size Groups 4. 6 „ 25 cals. Investigation by the OfiBce of Price
tioner tending to create a monopoly or
11:40 a. ml
good faith in discontinuance of business within the purview of the Robinson- Provided, however. That such prices, Administration reveals that since the be-
in the goods concerned. Patman Antidiscrimination Act. which to unreasonably restrain trade. Nothing when so Increased, may be reduced for ginning of this year the tank car price
Act and the application thereimder of ing in this rule shall be construed as re- shipments during the following months of ethyl alcohol SD2B, the basic formula
(b) Prohibited brokerage and commis-
sions. It is an unfair trade practice for
this section are subject to the limitations stricting or preventing consignment TITLE 80— MINERAL RESOURCES by not more than the following amounts among those affected by this schedule,
expressed in the amendment "to such shipping or marketing of industry prod- has risen from 22 ',2 cents per gallon to
any member of the industry engaged in
commerce', in the course of such com- Robinson-P a t m
a n Antidiscrimination
ucts in good faith where suppression of CHAPTER m—BITUMINOUS COAL In cents per ton:
Size groups 24 Vi cents per gallon and is threatening
competition, restraint of trade, or undue DIVISION Date of shipment: 1.2,3 4,6 to rise even higher. The average price
merce, to pay or grant, or to receive or Act, which amendment was approved April 50 25
interference with competitors' use of the (Docket No. A-6501 May of the same formula in 1940 was 20 V2
accept, anything of value as a commis- May 26, 1938. and reads as follows: _ 40 20
usual channels of distribution, is not June — 30 15 cents per gallon. On August 30, 1941,
327 and 328—Minimum Price
sion, brokerage, or other compensation, Be enacted by the Senate and Houae of Parts
it effected.* [Rule 281 July 20 10 producers, dealers, and purchasers of in-
or any allowance or discount in lieu Representatives of the United States of Amer- ScHEDm.E, Districts Nos. 7 amd 8 August 10 5
ica in Congress assembled. That nothing In dustrial solvents were requested by the
thereof, except for services rendered in
the Act approved June 19. 1936 (Public. Num- • As here used, the
word "commerce" means ORDER ORAKTING RELIEF IN THE MATTER OF The date shipment from the mine
of Administrator of the Office of Price Ad-
connection with the sale or purchase of trade or commerce among the several Statea
bered 692. Seventy-Fourth Congre.9s. second THE PETITION OF DISTMCT BOARD NO. 7 and not the date of sale shall govern the ministration not to raise prices above the
goods, wares, or merchandise, either to session), known as the Robinson -Patman and with foreign nations, or between the Ds-
trlct of Columbia or any Territory of Uie FOR REVISION OF THE EFFECTIVE MINI- reduction applicable. July 29, 1941, level without prior con-
the other party to such transaction or Antidiscrimination Act. shall apply to pur-
chases of their supplies for their own use United States and any State, Territory, or MUM PRICES FOR DOMESTIC SIZE COALS It is further ordered. That i 328.22 sultation with his Office. Despite this
to an agent, representative, or other in-
by schools, colleges, universities, public li- foreign nation, or between any Insular pos- WHEN SHIfPED AS LAKE CARGO FROM DIS- (General prices for low volatile coals) in request and without prior consultation,
termediary therein where such inter- sessions or other places under the Jurisdiction
braries, churches, hospitals, and charitable TRICTS I tHROUGH 4 AND 6 THROUGH 8 the Schedule of Effective Minimum one of the largest manufacturers of ethyl
mediary is acting in fact for or in behalf, Institutions not operated for profit. (52 Stat. of the United States, or between any such
466: Supp. 4 U.S.C. Title 15. Sec. 13c) possession or place and -any State or Terri- TO CCRTAOf DESTINATIONS IK MARKET Prices for District No. 8 for All Ship- alcohol recently quoted a price of 49
or is subject to the direct or indirect
tory of the United States or the District of ARIA 21 ments Except Truck be and it hereby Is cents per gallon for SD2B with respect
control, of any party to such transaction • [Rule 25J Columbia or any foreign nation, or within
A petition having been filed with the revised by adding the following note: to a proposed order for defense pur-
other than the person by whom such the District of Columbia or any Territory or
154.26 Discriminatory returns. any insular possession or other place under Bituminous Coal Division, pursuant to Note The above prices shall be In- poses. Other increases in price have also
compensation is so granted or paid. S It 1:
isan unfair trade practice for any mem- the jurisdiction of the United States:
section 4 n (d) of the Bituminous Coal creased for shipments to all points within been noted, although the majority of the
Provided. That this shall not apply to the the United States on Lake Erie. Lake St. industry has shown cooperation in keep-
> Set footnote to I 154 26. ber of the industry, engaged in com- Philippine Islands. Act of 1937, by District Board 7 seeking Claire, or the Detroit River, and trlbutartes
increases in the effective minimum prices ing the price of SD2B at 24 1/2 cents.
thereof between Monroe. Michigan, on the
established for the low volatile coals of south to and Including Mt. Clemens, Michl- After a conference with members of the

No. 181 2
4762 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 17, 1941
FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 17, 1941 4763
Industry, the Office of Price Administra- ery, shall submit to the Office of Price wise indicated) of the formulae listed
tion has determined that, under existing Administration an affirmation of com- shall use such established routes of travel from 6 o'clock antemeridian September 1
below: 1940,' for the administration of national
circumstances, there Is no justifiable pliance on Form 128:1, contaimng a wildlife refuges, the following regulations as may be designated by suitable posting to 6 o'clock postmeridian September 9.
reason for raising the price above 24 Mi sworn statement that during such month (a) Tank cars in eastern territory:
permitting and governing the hunting of by the officer in charge and shall not (Sec. 1, 44 Stat. 752; 48 U.S.C. 221)
cents, and that further increases in price all such sales were made at prices in Per gallon otherwise enter upon the refuge.
deer within the Seney National Wildlife John J. Dempsey,
would therefore be inflationary in char- compliance with this Schedule or with CDia 90. 335 f o. b. shipping point

Refuge, Michigan, are made and pre- John J. DzacpsET. Acting Secretary of the Interior.
acter. CD13 .325 f. o. b. shipping point
any exception or modification thereof. CD14 .325 f. o b. shipping point scribed: Acting Secretary of the Interior.
Such an Inflationary in themovement Copies of Form 128:1 can be procured September 8, 1941.
SDl- 275 at works.
price of prime chemicals would tend to from the Office of Price Administration, SD3B 245 at works. § 26.825a Seney National Wildlife Date: September 3, 1941.
|P. R. Doc. 41-«922; Piled. September 16, 1941;
weaken the defense effort by causing dis- or, provided that no change is made in 8D3A 275 at works. Refuge, Michigan; hunting of deer. 9:35 a. m.1
SD12A (P. R. Doc. 41-«921; Piled, September 16. 1941;
locations, price spiraling, and prof- the style and content of the Form and
255 at works. Deer may be taken during the open sea- 9:34 a. m.)
8D23A 275 at works.
son prescribed therefor by the Commis-
iteering. that it is reproduced on 8 x 10 V2 paper, SD230 .305 at works.
Accordingly, under the authority vested they may be prepared by persons required 8D23H .280 at works. sion of Conservation of the State of
In me by Executive Order No. 8734," it is to submit affirmations of compliance Proprietary Michigan each year until further notice
name CDA.. 325
Part 212 Copper River Area Fisheries
hereby directed that: . f. o. b. shipping point. on lands of the United States within the
hereunder.* Proprietary
Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Michi- Section 212.4 hereby amended to read
1335.150 Maximum prices /or ethyl
§ 1335.155 Enforcement. In the event
S name sol-
vent .285 at works. gan, under the following special provi- as follows:
alcohol. On and after September 15, of refusal or failure to abide by the price (AG 325 (9-3-41) MT-C]
sions, conditions, restrictions, and re-
1941. regardless of the terms of any con- limitations, record requirements, or other (b) To determine the § 212.4 Closing date for salmon fish-
price for quan- quirements: Induction or the 127th Observation
tract of sale or purchase, or other com- provisions of this Schedule, or in the tities of less than tank cars, the following ing. fishing for salmon is
event of any evasion or attempt to evade (a) ilrea open to hunting of deer. The prohibited after 6 o'clock postmeridian Squadron, Kansas National Guard,
mitment, no manufacturer shall sell, offer differentials may be added to the maxi-
the price limitations or other provisions hunting of deer on the Seney National September 18 in each calendar year. Effective October 6, 1941
to sell, deliver or transfer ethyl alcohol mum tank car prices set forth In para-
In quantities of 500 gallons or more when of this Schedule, the Office of Price Ad- graph (a) above: Wildlife Refuge. Michigan, is permitted (Sec. 1. 44 Stat. 752; 48 U.S.C. 221) 1. Pursuant to and in compliance with
packaged in containers of 50 gallons or ministration will make every effort to on the lands described as follows: All
Section 212.7 is hereby amended to the provisions of Executive Older Num-
more, and no person shall buy, offer to assure (a) that the Congress and the the lands of the United States situated ber 8756,' May 17, 1941. amending Execu-
included read as follows:
buy. or accept deliveries of ethyl alcohol public are fully informed thereof, (b) Drums CL west of the Driggs River to its conflu- tive Order Number 8633, January 14,
in quantities of 500 gallons or more when that the powers of the Government are 19 drums LCL — #0.07
ence with the Manistlque River and ^§ 212.7 Salmon fishing limited to drift 1941, ordering certain units and memliers
so packaged, from any manufacturer, at fully exerted in order to protect the pub- 1-18 drums "
iia% thence west of the Manistlque River to gill nets. Commercial fishing for salmon of the National Guard of the United
Barrels CL Z"'-" shall be conducted solelyby drift gill nets
prices higher than the maximum prices lic interest and interests of those persons "* .11 the south boundary of the refuge in T. 44 States into the active military service of
19 barrels * '13
set forth in Appendix A incorporated who comply with this Schedule, and (c) 1-18 barrels " N.. Rs. 13 and 14 W., and In T. 45 N., R. without the attachment of anything to the United States, effective on dates to
herein as 5 1335.159.* that the procurement services of the 14 W.; all the lands of the United States obstruct their free movement through the be announced in War Department orders,
(c) To determine the maximum prices water at all times: Provided, That gill
•5 1335.150 to 1335.159
Government are requested to refrain situated in the following subdivisions: October 6, 1941, is hereby announced as
J mcluslve. Issued In the Pacific Territory. 4 cents per gal-
pursuant to authority contained In Executive from purchasing ethyl alcohol from Sees. 1 to 6. Inclusive. T. 44 N., R. 15 W.; nets attached to anchored boats or other the effective date of induction for the
Order No. 8734. those persons who fail to conform to this lon may be added to the maximum prices anchored fioating equipment may be used
all of T. 45 N., R. 15 W.; sees. 31 to 36, following organization:
established In paragraph (a) and (b' from 6 o'clock antemeridian August 10 to
5 1335.151 Less than maximum prices. Schedule. Persons who have evidence of inclusive, T. 46 N., R. 15 W.; sec. 1, T. 44 Unit State
the offer, receipt, or demand of payment above, as the case may be.
N, R. 16 W.; sees. 1. 12, 13, 24, 25. and 6 o'clock postmeridian September 18 in
Lower prices than those set forth in Ap-
(d) To determine the price of anhy- 127th Observation Squadron. .Kansas.
pendix A may be charged, demanded, of prices higher than the maximum 36. T. 45 N.. R. 16 W.; and sec. 36, T. each calendar year. (Sec. 1. 44 Stat. 752;
prices, or of any evasion or effort to evade
drous ethyl alcohol (200 proof). 3 cents 48 use. 221) 2. Separate instructions will be trans-
paid or offered.* 46 N.. R. 16 W.; Michigan Meridian.
the provisions hereof, or of speculation per gallon may be added to the maximum mitted for the troop movements to be
9 1335.152 Evasion. The price limi- (b) Compliance with State laws and Section 212.10 is hereby amended to
tations set forth in this Schedule shall or of manipulation of prices of ethyl al- prices established in paragraphs (a), (b»
regulations. Any person who hunts on made following induction.
or (c) above, as the case may be. read as follows: 3. The Governor and the Adjutant
not be evaded whether by direct or indi- cohol, or of the hoarding or accumula- the refuge shall have in his possession a
(e) For purposes of this Schedule the § 212.10 Waters closed to salmon fish- General of Kansas are being furnished
rect methods in connection with a pur- tion of unnecessary inventories thereof, valid hunting license issued by the State
are urged to communicate with the term "Eastern" territory shall be deemed ing. Commercial fishing for salmon is copies of this letter. (Sec. HI. 39 Stat.
chase, sale, delivery, or transfer of ethyl of Michigan authorizing him to hunt
to include all the states east of and in- prohibited within 500 yards of the Grass 211. sec. 49. 41 Stat. 784; 32 U.S.C. 81)
alcohol, or in connection with a purchase, Office of Price Administration.* deer,which said license shall serve as a
cluding New
Mexico. Colorado. Wyoming Banks, except that from 6 o'clock ante- Dated: September 10. 1941.
sale, delivery, or transfer of any other § 1335.156
Modification of the sched- and Montana and the term "Western Federal permit for hunting deer on the
material by way of any commission, serv- ule. Persons complaining of hardship or refuge. The license must be exhibited meridian August 10 to 6 o'clock post- I seal] E. S. Adams,
territory shall be deemed to Include all meridian September 18 in each calendar Major General,
ice, transportation, or other charge
or inequity in the operation of this Sched-
other states of the United States.* upon the request of any representative of
discount, premium, or other privilege, or ule may apply to the Office of Price the Michigan Commission of Conserva-
year such fishing is permitted within 500 The Adjutant General.
by tying-agreement. or other trade Administration for approval of any mod- Issued this 15th day of September 1941. tion authorized to enforce the State game yards of the Grass Banks by means of p. R. Doc. 41-e923; Filed. September 16. 1941;
gill nets not exceeding 200 fathoms each

understanding, or otherwise.* ification thereof, or exception there- laws or of any representative of the De- 9:35 a. m.l
LcoN Henderson.
In length attached to anchored boats or
: 1335.153 Records and reports. Ev- from.* Administrator. partment of the Interior. The licensee
ery person making purchases or sales of shall comply in every respect with the
other anchored floating equipment. All
§ 1335.157
Definitions. When used In
ethyl alcohol in quantities of 500 gallons this Schedule the term:
IP. R. Doc. 41-«918: Piled.
4:32 p. m.)
September 15. 1941
State laws and regulations governing the fishing is prohibited at all times within ((Contract No. W 398 qm-10140; O. I. No.
or more shall keep for inspection by the hunting of deer and must also upon re- the sloughs and within 500 yards of their 4322)
(a) "Person" means an individual, mouths. (Sec. 1, 44 Stat. 752; 48 U.S.C.
Office of Price Administration for a quest of any of the aforesaid representa- StJMMARY OF Contract for Supplies
partnership, association, corporation, or 221)
period of not less than one year complete tives exhibit forinspection all game killed
other business entity. contractor: diamond t motor car com-
and accurate records of each sale show- TITLE 50— WILDLIFE by him or in his possession. Failure of Part 226 Southeastern Alaska Area.
(b)"Manufacturer" means a person pany, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS
ing the date thereof, and the name and any person hunting upon the refuge to Sumner Strait District. Salmon Fish-
operating a factory, plant, or distillery,
address of the buyer, the prices received, CHAPTER I—FISH AND WILDLIFE comply with any of the conditions, re- ery Contract for: Trucks * • ••
which manufactures or produces ethyl Amount:
the specifications and quantity, including SERVICE strictions, or requirements of these reg-
Section 226.9 hereby amended to
alcohol. is
Place: Holabird Quartermaster Depot,
the size of the containers of the ethyl ulations will be sufficient cause for
(c) "Ethyl alcohol" means the formu- Part 26 East Central Region National read as follows:
alcohol sold.* removing such person from the refuge Baltimore, Maryland.
lae of ethyl alcohol listed In Appendix A Wildlife Refuges
§ 1335.154 Affirmations of compliance. and for refusing him further hunting § 226.9 Closed seasons; exceptions. This contract, entered Into this 5th day
On or before October 10. 1941. and on hereof and specified by or registered with SXNIY national WILDLIFE REFUGE, privileges on the refuge. Commercial fishing for salmon other of June 1941.
the United States Treasury Department, The contrac-
or before the 10th day of each month MICHIGAN Disorderly conduct, intoxication.
(c) than trolling is prohibited, except in Scope of this contract.
thereafter, every manufacturer who, dur- Bureau of Internal Revenue.* Ernest Sound, Zimovia Strait, and Brad- tor shall furnish and deliver • • •
Under authority of section 84 of the No person who Is visibly intoxicated will
ing the preceding calendar month, has § 1335.158 Effective date of the sched- act of March 4. 1909. as amended by be permitted to enter upon the refuge for field Canal, prior to 6 o'clock ante- Trucks • Total amount, $3,717,-

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